#relationship boundaries
ravenousnightwind · 11 months
I think my partner is now at a point where he realizes that yeah, I just have issues. He seems to be making less if not zero off hand comments. When I ask him to turn stuff down cuz it bothers me, or out headphones on for the same reason, he doesn't really get upset anymore he just does it in some kind of way.
We have this whole setup in the bedroom now because he has adhd too, but since he's different than me and doesn't really have sound sensitivities, but he does have a sense of needing to be busy or occupied with stuff? He can just watch TV and play games there than have the TV full blast right next to me in the living room.
Sometimes he'll come in and just visit me, or I'll do the same, but it's a way we've found that allows us to be in our own space and be comfortable with eachorher at the same time without real problems conflicting between us.
I think while he may not always understand why things bother me, he tries to respect those things as something that is just inherently problems for me even if I can't explain it. I feel like that all this is good progress towards his understanding of me.
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milowithani · 11 months
You will save so much of your time and emotional energy when you make your boundaries known.
I was talking to someone from a dating app for a few weeks, and they started started talking a lot about their trauma without warning. I sent this in response.
"I'm still open to chatting, but can you please send me a heads-up or ask before going into more serious topics? I appreciate that you want to share this with me, but we're still getting to know each other."
They completely stopped talking to me. That's their choice.
What I can't believe is that it took me 2 years into a 4 year-long relationship to express similar boundaries with a partner who would trauma dump during conversations on a daily basis.
It became a pretty big issue and caused arguments for the next two years. I constantly felt guilty for asking my partner to consider my mental health sometimes. I felt guilty when I didn't know how to help. I felt guilty when I tried to help, but it wasn't enough. I felt guilty for asking if they had someone else they could talk to because I was in a bad head space that day. I felt guilty for not being able to be the 24-hour support my partner demanded from me.
The most important thing I learned from that relationship was how to say, "I can't be that person. I can't be this idea you have of me."
But I still feel guilty for saying it, and every time I've said it since. But I think I potentially saved myself a lot of grief by expressing my boundaries after a few weeks instead of a few years.
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silver-raiyne · 2 years
There always seems to be so much discourse around boundaries, agreements, rules, and ultimatums in polyamory - most of it coming down to simple semantics.
Sometimes you've just gotta find the humor and learn to laugh at aspects of yourself and your relationship style.
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I'll never get why some people try and say that dressing in revealing clothing is inappropriate when you have an SO. I put on something slutty and my bf is just like "fuck yeah this is great" and grabs my ass or smthn.
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
Feb Relationship Boundaries and Self-Love monthly Theme review
Week 4: Feb 26 Monthly Theme Review
-Which of our Challenge or Discussion prompts for this month was your favorite? Why?
-What did you learn from this month's theme and challenges/discussions?
-Was there anything on this theme you wanted to learn more about or discuss but wasn’t covered?
Let us know in the thread!
Didn’t get to all the challenges you wanted? Don’t worry, you can still do them. All previous posts/challenges stay up, all you have to do is scroll up.
Please remember to keep all answers SFW, age appropriate, and keep the server rules in mind.
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thepeacefulgarden · 9 months
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smorgasbordinvitation · 10 months
Smorgasbord Blog Magazine - Weekly Round Up - July 10th- 16th 2023 - TV interviews, Reviews, Big Band Era, Leontyne Price, Relationship Boundaries, PR for authors, Podcast, Pre-operative preparation, Book Reviews and Funnies
Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed this week on Smorgasbord. I hope your weekend has been going well and thanks for dropping today. It has been a mixed week of weather but have managed to get both my walks in and some sunshine in the garden. I went to have my hair done on Friday and I have a five minute walk from undercover parking to the salon and back. There were 40 mile an…
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howdoesone · 10 months
How does one subtly hint to their significant other that they're not interested in a romantic couples massage?
When on vacation with a significant other, it’s common to want to share experiences and indulge in romantic activities. However, not everyone is comfortable with the idea of a couples massage, and it can be challenging to communicate this to your partner without hurting their feelings. Here are some tips on how to subtly hint to your significant other that you’re not interested in a romantic…
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Don't tell people your boundaries. Show them.
If you tell someone they can't talk to you a certain way or do certain things, those are not boundaries. Boundaries are things we show. If you tell someone "if you do that again I am not going to speak to you" and you stay and continue to speak to them, that's not a boundary. Just words. Words that they now know means absolutely nothing and they can take advantage of.
You show people how to treat you.
You reinforce your boundaries with your actions. Unless you show someone with your actions that what they are doing is not okay, and you do not continue to allow it, they will keep doing it.
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moonlit-positivity · 5 months
Here is my controversial mental health take of the day: your negative emotions are not the problem, its the way you handle them that becomes the problem. You being jealous that your friend hung out with someone else and didn't tell you, is actually not the problem. It's when you choose to get angry with them, yell & lash out, or passive aggressively do something they hate to get revenge, or when you ignore them and isolate and self harm, those are all harmful ways to cope with your feelings. Rather than react, take the time to validate yourself, because it's normal to feel jealous or left out and chances are that there are deeper abandonment wounds that are triggered here, probably from your childhood. Take a moment to pause before you react. Then try a direct and open communication to your friend instead. Because I guarantee you they'll respond so much better to you opening up a conversation with, "hey, I felt left out when you hung out with so-and-so without me, can we talk about that? And maybe hang out soon?" Rather than the now laborious and torturous emotional work of having to feel guilty for your rage when you lash out or get revenge. Splitting is normal, because who doesn't get pissed off at someone you're close with? Your switching emotions from highly affectionate to devaluation are not the problem. Everyone gets disgusted & hurt by someone they love at some point in our lives, especially small offenses, I guarantee you chances are that person isn't doing it on purpose and would gladly like to know how you feel, these emotions and conversations are normal and necessary for humans to have. But the inability to clearly and directly communicate your feelings and needs to that person when you are hurt is what makes it toxic. You can absolutely learn how to handle your reactions in a safer manner, how to identify when you're feeling hurt, and how to communicate and ask for clarity and resolution rather than react and escalate. Communication is the backbone of every relationship you will ever have. This is what the emotional work of most personality disorders looks like.
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xianta · 1 year
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So I ended up making a second part to this Craig POV comic lmao
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femmefatalevibe · 7 months
Femme Fatale Guide: 15 Essential Business Skills Everyone Should Master
Articulate, confident communication
Crafting effective, compelling pitches
Operating and communicating through a solution-oriented framework
Research of all types (Google, market research, studies, polls, interpersonal conversations, etc.)
Learning how to streamline, edit, and organize information in a clear and logical way
Accumulating high-level working knowledge/proficiency in all tools and programs directly related to your type of work/industry
Budgeting and financial optimization (investment, tax benefits, etc.)
Reading and interpreting legal contracts/documents
Setting rates, boundaries, and learning when/how to delegate
Good posture, direct eye contact, and a firm handshake
Building streamlined systems for onboarding, different repeat project scopes/workflows, and KPI measuring
The art of following up, listening to (potential) clients' needs, asking thoughtful questions, and benefit-oriented salesmanship
Consistently reading, learning, and studying current events/cultural platforms/industry and field-related knowledge
How to spot customer/client/business partner red flags
Self-management, task/project prioritization, and optimization of your personal energy clock + levels
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iqmatrix · 2 years
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NEW IQ MATRIX: Relationship Boundaries [#0494]
The Relationship Boundaries IQ Matrix explores how to establish healthy boundaries that form the bedrock of a supportive intimate relationship. Boundaries protect an individual’s identity and the choices they are able to make within the relationship. This, subsequently, helps the relationship function more effectively. On the other hand, when boundaries are unclear, it can lead to disappointment, friction, and resentment over the long run.
This map takes you through what it truly means to set healthy and supportive boundaries within your relationship. It highlights how to identify boundary gaps, walks you through how to set personal boundaries, explores how to inform your partner, and guides you on how to build mutual relationship boundaries for the benefit of the relationship.
You can read a more detailed outline of this map at https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/relationship-boundaries
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Stinky Bear motivation. Extra rolls for Initiative
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desultory-suggestions · 2 months
If you see someone behaving in a way that’s reminiscent of a person who has harmed you before you have every right to be cautious. You can give them some room to show they’re different or you can trust your gut and go separate ways. Just don’t be afraid to draw a line when it comes to how you will allow yourself to be treated.
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kokocarescommunity · 2 months
Feb W3 Challenges
Week 3 Feb 19 Challenges:
Activity- Make two lists, one of all of your accomplishments (big or small) and the other of compliments you’ve received over your life (whether you believe them true or not). Keep these lists, add to them over time, and look at them when you need a pick-me-up. 
Build- Create a list of your top relationships and write out what your boundaries are for each of them. What boundaries do you need to add? Which do you need to strengthen? Can you tell what the other person’s boundaries are?
Calendar- schedule/plan times to reach out to or hang out with friends and family you don’t feel you see enough. Maybe meeting up for an activity or meal, zoom chatting, watch parties, etc. Especially if you are both generally busy, taking the time to schedule ensures you actually meet up and shows you are both committed and taking the time to work on/continue the relationship. 
Thread- which challenge(s) are you going to do/have you done? How did it go? Why did you choose that/those one(s)?
Please remember to keep all answers SFW, age appropriate, and keep the server rules in mind. 
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