#present perfect exercise
mylinguaacademy · 11 months
Present Perfect Simple
Hi English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. We will be talking about the Present Perfect Simple Tense. Unless you are Swedish or Norwegian and you already have a similar tense in your language, you probably find present perfect a bit tricky and often use present simple or simple past in some situations that are typically present simple ones, such as I work here or I…
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wolfeyedwitch · 1 year
Some items are handmade with love. Some items are handmade with annoyance. I hope the feeling comes through in the final product.
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kieranczyzyk · 5 months
Elevate Your Cardio Workout: Explore the Diverse Cardio Equipment Collection at GymFitnessUK
Cardiovascular exercise forms the cornerstone of any fitness routine, and having the right equipment can make all the difference in achieving your fitness goals. GymFitnessUK proudly presents a diverse collection of cardio equipment designed to elevate your workouts and keep you on track toward a healthier lifestyle.
Discovering the Cardio Equipment Collection
GymFitnessUK's cardio equipment collection is a treasure trove for fitness enthusiasts, offering a wide array of options to cater to various workout preferences and fitness levels. From treadmills to rowing machines, their collection encompasses high-quality equipment designed to enhance endurance, promote cardiovascular health, and support weight management.
Variety That Fits Your Needs
Whether you prefer brisk walking, jogging, or high-intensity interval training, GymFitnessUK's range of treadmills provides the perfect platform for your cardio sessions. Featuring different speed settings, incline options, and user-friendly interfaces, these treadmills cater to beginners and seasoned runners alike.
Exercise Bikes
For a low-impact yet effective cardio workout, explore their selection of exercise bikes. From upright to recumbent bikes, these machines offer versatility and comfort, allowing users to pedal their way to improved cardiovascular health in the comfort of their homes or commercial gyms.
Ellipticals and Cross Trainers
Elliptical machines and cross trainers provide a full-body workout, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. GymFitnessUK's collection includes these machines with adjustable resistance levels, providing a challenging yet low-impact cardio experience.
Rowing Machines
Engage in a full-body workout with their range of rowing machines, designed to simulate the action of rowing on water. Perfect for building endurance and strength, these machines offer a unique cardio experience suitable for all fitness levels.
Why Choose GymFitnessUK?
GymFitnessUK stands out as a reputable provider of premium fitness equipment. Their commitment to quality, durability, and customer satisfaction ensures that each piece of cardio equipment is curated from trusted brands, guaranteeing a reliable and efficient workout experience.
Enhance your cardio workouts and take your fitness journey to new heights with GymFitnessUK's cardio equipment collection. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, there's something for everyone in their diverse range of machines.
Ready to step up your cardio game? Explore GymFitnessUK's cardio equipment collection here and start your journey towards improved cardiovascular health and fitness today!
#Cardiovascular exercise forms the cornerstone of any fitness routine#and having the right equipment can make all the difference in achieving your fitness goals. GymFitnessUK proudly presents a diverse collect#Discovering the Cardio Equipment Collection#GymFitnessUK's cardio equipment collection is a treasure trove for fitness enthusiasts#offering a wide array of options to cater to various workout preferences and fitness levels. From treadmills to rowing machines#their collection encompasses high-quality equipment designed to enhance endurance#promote cardiovascular health#and support weight management.#Variety That Fits Your Needs#Treadmills#Whether you prefer brisk walking#jogging#or high-intensity interval training#GymFitnessUK's range of treadmills provides the perfect platform for your cardio sessions. Featuring different speed settings#incline options#and user-friendly interfaces#these treadmills cater to beginners and seasoned runners alike.#Exercise Bikes#For a low-impact yet effective cardio workout#explore their selection of exercise bikes. From upright to recumbent bikes#these machines offer versatility and comfort#allowing users to pedal their way to improved cardiovascular health in the comfort of their homes or commercial gyms.#Ellipticals and Cross Trainers#Elliptical machines and cross trainers provide a full-body workout#targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. GymFitnessUK's collection includes these machines with adjustable resistance levels#providing a challenging yet low-impact cardio experience.#Rowing Machines#Engage in a full-body workout with their range of rowing machines#designed to simulate the action of rowing on water. Perfect for building endurance and strength#these machines offer a unique cardio experience suitable for all fitness levels.
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lovinterstellar · 5 months
this is a collab w the it girl @prettieinpink !!
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Movement (yoga, running, Pilates, walking, gym, etc. Anything that allows you to move your body 
Reflection- make a note of things you would like to improve on. This could be self-love, relationships, 
Consistency is key. Make sure to stick to your plan and keep working towards your goals every day. Even small steps are progress. Try to make your goal part of your daily routine. 
SCHEDULE- Setting schedules helps really well with consistency. Make a schedule for the tasks you need to do daily or weekly to achieve your goals. This can help you make your goals a part of your routine, making it easier to stay consistent.
STAY ORGANIZED- Keep track of your tasks and goals. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or apps to help you stay organized and remember what you need to do.
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF- Sometimes, you won't feel like working towards your goals, and that's okay. The key is to maintain discipline and do the task anyway. Remember, consistency is about doing the task regularly, not just when you feel like it.
START SMALL- Don't overwhelm yourself with huge tasks. Start small and gradually increase your workload as you build consistency.
DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF- If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Instead, acknowledge that it happened, understand why, and move on. Consistency is about long-term progress, not perfection.
Once you know what your goals are, create a step-by-step plan on how to achieve them. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This might involve creating a timeline, setting deadlines, or identifying resources or tools you might need.
In 2023, I’m sure everyone has had ups and downs, but not letting them define you as a person is something that has to be done in order for you to become a new person.
ACCEPTANCE-  Acknowledge the past and accept it as part of your life story. Understand that it's something that has shaped you but doesn't define you.
FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others. Holding onto resentment only harms you. Letting go of grudges can bring a sense of peace and open up space for healthier relationships.
LEARN FROM IT- Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on these experiences and use them as stepping stones to better decisions in the future.
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT- The past is unchangeable, but the present is in your control. Concentrate on what you can do now to create a positive future.
SET NEW GOALS- Create new objectives for yourself. This gives you something to work towards and helps shift your focus from the past to the future.
PRACTISE MINDFULNESS- Mindfulness is about staying focused on the present moment. Practices like meditation can help you stay grounded and prevent you from dwelling on the past.
It's okay if your initial plan doesn't work out exactly as you thought. Life happens, and it's important to be flexible and adapt your plan as needed. If you find that a certain approach isn't working, don't be afraid to try something different.
Remember to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and do things you enjoy. Don't forget that self-care is an important part of reaching your goals.
BALANCED DIET-  There is no need to restrict yourself from foods but eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for maintaining physical health. Try to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet.
EXERCISE REGULARLY- Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall health. This doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym - it could be anything from a brisk walk to a yoga class
GET ENOUGH SLEEP-  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.
STAY HYDRATED-  Drinking enough water each day is important for overall health. Try to aim for at least 8 glasses per day.
TAKE BREAKS- Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, especially if you're working or studying. This can help prevent burnout and improve productivity.
DO THINGS YOU ENJOY- Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. This could be anything from reading a book to playing a sport to painting. 
Don't wait until you've reached your big goal to celebrate. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep your motivation high. This could be treating yourself to something you enjoy, or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your achievement.
Think about how the past year went. Did you learn anything? Did you reach new goals? If you don't the answers to these questions, I recommend further examining your year!!
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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prettieinpink · 4 months
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HAVE A REASON. It is going to be hard to start inputting change in your life if you do not even have a reason why. That reason also has to come from within, not from any other externalities (friends, school, work, family). This reason has to make you strive to be better.
If you’re unsure about your reason, write down times when you feel your happiest and when you feel your lowest, then notice any common themes. 
BUILD DISCIPLINE. Discipline is the ability to be productive without hesitation or distractions. The only way to build it, is to practice it. Do the things you need/want to do, regardless of how you feel in the present.
Just remember, that you always feel better after committing to yourself.
MAKE YOUR PLAN SUSTAINABLE. Your routines and habits you want to implement, need to be at arm’s length for you. While I do believe in challenging yourself if your mind perceives that specific activity as ‘too hard’, it is going to make you avoid that task.
This is a reaction from your ego coming out of your comfort zone because it is so unfamiliar it wants to protect if anything ‘bad’ happens e.g. failure, loss of control and criticism. 
Reminder, that part of you is not bad at all nor is it holding you back. It is the part of you that wants to keep you safe. For your ego to allow you to do tasks out of your comfort zone, it needs to be simple and easy. Then from there, you can build it up to your ideal habit or routine. 
MAKE YOUR ENVIRONMENT INTENTIONAL. Your mind, space and the people around you need to be decluttered and serve a purpose. For your mind, avoid feeding it with an overload of information especially if you are not going to apply it. Minimise social media use and journaling instead of looking for a quick fix. 
Your space, specifically your bedroom has to be the best place for you to grow. Everything in your room needs to serve a purpose, it has to be kept clean to ensure mind clarity and place intentional items around to support your goals (mantras, workout mat, water bottle, instruments). 
The people around you have to support you and your journey. I don’t believe in the ‘value’ or ‘worth’ people have, but rather what you think of them. Someone could be the most overachieving and productive person ever, so they may inspire you, but what if they don’t wish the best for you? People who will support you regardless are the best resource ever.
BE FLEXIBLE. The ability to edit your habits or routine when needed so you can stick to a schedule or adapt to change is a powerful but underrated skill. Anything in life can happen, but if we want to stick to our goals, we need to develop flexibility. 
The best way to develop flexibility is to try everything. For example, meditation. Do 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes, try it in the morning, afternoon or evening, do a guided one or do it by yourself. To get flexible in a habit, you need to expand your capabilities in that habit. 
ALWAYS SOMETHING RATHER THAN NOTHING. Typically during the day, we procrastinate because we want the challenging task to be perfect or we believe there’s not enough time/resources to do it. 
However, just having that small progress each day is always better than nothing. One sentence is better than none, one healthy meal is better than none, 2 minutes of exercise is better than none etc. 
HAVE GOALS THAT YOU LIKE. The reason so many people dislike doing their habits or routines is because it’s not stuff that’s enjoyable for them. It’s habits and routines that they got online from someone completely different. 
Choose your favourite way of exercising, read your favourite books(even graphic ones!) and journal the way you want. If the steps to becoming your best self are steps that you dislike, then it is not your best self. 
IDENTIFY THE WAY YOU SELF-SABOTAGE. If you are struggling to implement change, chances are there are small self-destructive behaviours that are in your routines that hold you back. 
This could be major procrastination, doom-scrolling, an addiction or binge eating. You either have to completely extract these habits from your life or you can do these things in moderation. 
TAKE REGULAR BREAKS. If you are being productive back-to-back and not allowing yourself to cool down, your motivation will deplete quickly. Have around 1-2 hours in your day doing anything you like.
If needed, after each task, take 5-10 minutes for yourself. However, do avoid your phone for these periods and try to be present in whatever you do here. 
HAVE SOFT DAYS. Days in which you do not have to do anything hardcore or intense, and you’re just living. While yes, be somewhat productive but nothing too intense.
This can be your reset, detox or self care days, or all of them combined!
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theseyellowdays · 4 months
Telling people about aftg is the bane of my existence — not because they're bad, because how the fuck do you succinctly explain the nuance of this story; one that centers characters who aren't good people (and aren't meant to be).
Every characters moral code is fucked. Every last one of them are ready to fight at the drop of a hat. They're criminals and murders and assholes and abusers and victims — and that's what makes the story so good. I don't read these books to mirror myself after the characters. I read these books because they're an exercise in critical thinking. In the age of cancel culture, these books feel like an important reminder that the world isn't black and white, and just because your lines aren't someone else's doesn't mean they're wrong and you're right.
So many stories about the underdog follow that archetype that they're perfect and good to the core. Aftg flips this standard (and so many others) on its head and presents a story that I find more interesting: the underdogs win, but they do it by themselves and through unconventional and morally grey means.
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doumadono · 3 months
hope it's okay if i request a little something for sinful sunday (i'm 19)
would it be okay to ask for dumbification kink with aizawa?
thank you anyway!
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The room echoes with nothing but your sweet moans and Shota's heavy breaths, well, if you discount the occasional creaking of a wooden desk, wet noises and the enticing sound of skin slapping against skin.
The ceaseless clinking of his leather belt buckle coaxes forth a weighty sob from the depths of your throat, a blend of lust and despair intertwining. The anticipation in your belly unravels at a leisurely pace, and the looming orgasms skulk back into their corners, denied their moment of reckoning yet.
"Love, come on," your endeavor to pull Shota closer is abruptly thwarted. "H-Harder."
Aizawa's rhythmic thrusts into your dripping core momentarily erase any grasp on how limbs and words function. Instead, he intertwines his fingers with yours, directing your hands back beneath his grasp, once again pinning them above your head as they were just moments ago. "Apologies, love," his snicker drips with wicked delight, "but this time, you're not the one setting any rules here."
Even in your half-defunct state of senses, you sense the man leaning over you, your leg draped over his shoulder feeling the stretch of his movement – and then he pauses as he reaches his intended destination. A sharp nip to your earlobe clears the fog, and as his tongue glides over the tingling skin, a ragged mewl escapes you. "S-Shota!"
"You're familiar with the rules, baby," Shota purrs into your ear, his silky voice contrasting sharply with your disheveled state. He remains nestled in the crook of your neck, thrusting harder into your dripping core at a new angle. Pulling you into a fervent kiss, he licks into your mouth with unbridled lust. "I'm in charge. Your only job is to sing for me. Just the way I like it the most. That's it, kitten."
Aizawa gazes into your bewildered eyes, a smile so sweet and angelic that, for a moment, you almost buy into the idea that he's about to make things smoother for you, especially as he releases your arms.
Frantically, you search for something to grasp onto, an opportunity to seize control, to set the pace — but your autonomy is short-lived.
A hefty glob of saliva makes a precise landing on your swollen clitoris, followed by the nimble, skillful fingers of your husband working the drool around your sensitive bundle of nerves.
"O-Ooooo," your lips form a perfect "O" as you cast a gaze up at Shota with teary eyes; a solitary tear makes its way down your flushed cheek, landing on your naked breast.
"You brought this upon yourself, didn't you," Shota coos into the air, delivering a few playful slaps to your slicky folds, followed by an indulgent rubbing that elicits an arch in your back toward him. "My little, naive girl didn't think things through, hmmm? What did you expect when you sauntered in here in that skimpy skirt, tempting fate by presenting your beautiful ass while filing documents into a cabinet, hmm? I've had a taxing day, dealing with class 1-A for just an hour, and I needed a release for the accumulated stress. And what better way to do that than fucking with my stunning wife?" The black-haired man mused.
You're itching to protest, to inform him that he could exercise more self-control and that you didn't intentionally provoke this.
However, as he resumes relentlessly pounding your throbbing and drenched pussy, hoisting both your legs over his muscular shoulders, and murmuring about your brainlessness for him, your comebacks meet an untimely demise. All you can manage is to nod along with the intensity of his thrusts, fervently moaning, "m-more, mo-more, moooore, p-please, p-please, p-please, Shota."
Aizawa's momentum doesn't show any signs of slowing down, a primal rhythm that vividly illustrates the depth of his own arousal. Shota thrusts into you with precision, a raw hunger guiding every move. His robust arm envelops your thighs as you plant your heels atop his shoulders, and Shota tenderly glides his calloused hand up and down the plush, warm skin, squeezing wherever he pleases, urging your legs closer to his chest adorned with a long-sleeved, black shirt. With each forceful thrust, with every instance his rock-solid cock glides against your tender, spongy walls, his midnight-black, tousled locks cascade onto his forehead, a few damp strands clinging to his temples.
With a final cry, your orgasm crashes over you, a powerful force that brings forth unintentional tears. "O-Oh! Shota! Yes!"
Shota relentlessly pursues his own climax, the tight grip of your pussy on his member leaving him little room for endurance. He only relents when he's completely spent, his cum erupting deep in your warmth. Soon, the man's leaning forward to press a little kiss to your forehead.
You both are panting, and you're left undeniably senseless.
"I never asked for this, you little devil," you playfully scold the man, earning a small snort from him.
"Mhm, yeah, sure, I'll believe you, kitten. We both know well you're the one with the insatiable desires in our marriage."
Your mouth drops open with a loud gasp, a frown appearing on your forehead as he assists you off his desk, handing you your clothes. "Excuse me, Shota, you're just making things up now. You're the needy one. If you weren't, we wouldn't have… done that… now, in the teachers' lounge…"
He helps you get dressed and presentable again, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "It doesn't matter, kitten. Thank you for helping me ease the stress down."
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Teenage Dirtbag
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Teen!Reader
Summary: Ingrid just doesn't understand you
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Mapi had never met you before.
She's met the rest of the Engen family. She's met the family pets. But you'd never been around she visited with Ingrid, like your family had put you as far away as possible when she met them.
Like you were something to be ashamed of.
It's a bit of a bad first impression to make when you're shipped from your boarding school, back home and then straight over to Spain to live with her and Ingrid.
She doesn't even get to introduce herself before Ingrid's laying into you.
"Again?" She demands as soon as you're safely in the back seat of the car," Expelled...again?"
"It's not a big deal," You mutter, slouching in your seat and pulling your hood over your head.
"Not a big deal...Not a big deal?! You've been kicked out of school! You've been kicked out of the house! Oh, but it's not a big deal?!"
Mapi's never seen Ingrid so angry before but you're taking it like a champ, looking out the window and generally ignoring your sister even as she snaps at you.
"Are you done?" You ask in the most bored tone you can manage.
Ingrid takes a breath. "Ye-" She catches sight of you in the rear view mirror and whips around to face you. "Is that a hickey?!"
"Do we have to do this?" You groan," You ask me if I've got a hickey. I give you an answer you don't like. You yell. Can we just skip to the bit after you scold me?"
Ingrid's practically bubbling in rage sitting in the passenger seat and Mapi's left scrambling trying to diffuse the tension.
"So..." She says eventually," You like football?" It's a weak redirection but it gets an amused scoff out of Ingrid as she rolls her eyes.
"I'm not into exercising willingly," Is your answer," It's alright from a distance. Even better when a girl's doing it."
Ingrid groans louder now and swats at your knees but it's teasing and it's like all of her anger from earlier has melted away. "Don't," She says warningly though a hint of amusement is still present in her voice," There'll be none of that here. You're here to focus and to study and to better your grades."
You send her a lopsided smile. "How am I supposed to improve perfection?"
It's that evening after you've retreated to your room that Ingrid is left in a slump over your grades and your truancy records.
"I don't get it," She says to Mapi," She misses almost every class but she has perfect marks. It's like she doesn't even have to try."
Mapi shrugs. "Maybe she doesn't," Is her response," Some people just get school better than others. To be honest, if it's this easy then that's probably why she never turns up."
"And the hickies?"
"She's hormonal?" Mapi doesn't really have an answer to that as she's handed your transcript.
"And this?"
Ingrid slides Mapi a picture. It's of one of this out buildings that every school has that they swear is temporary but never go unused.
Mapi stares at the side of the building. She stares at the colours on the wall, at the way they weave expertly in and out of each other. She stares at the shading and the light.
"I know," Ingrid says, her face all scrunched up and Mapi gets the idea that they're not on the same page.
"It's brilliant."
"It's disrespectful."
They both spoke at the same time. They exchange a confused look with each other before turning their gazes back to study the picture.
It's clearly spray paint, the mural that you've done on the side of one of your school buildings. Usually, Mapi would see tags on railway lines out of spray paint. But, somehow, your mural is hyper realistic (Mapi would even go so far as to say photorealistic).
It's...Well Mapi doesn't quite have the words to explain it.
"I'd love to see what she could do with a pencil."
"Mapi!" Ingrid hisses," Don't encourage her!"
"No, no," Mapi backtracks quickly," I get it, totally. She shouldn't have done it there. It's wrong and it's bad but Ingrid! Look at it! People dream of having talent like that!"
For the entire night and the coming days after, Mapi thinks about the mural you did it on your school.
She ends up asking Ingrid for your Instagram during the lunch break at training. Ingrid gives it to her with a confused look.
"If you're going to use it to try and work out where this behaviour is coming from, it's useless," Ingrid says with a defeated sigh," I've already gone through it all."
That wasn't what Mapi was planning to do at all so she just offers Ingrid a little smile and a promise to see what she could find. To her disappointment, no more of your artwork has been posted on your main account.
She scrolls through your following list, all the way to the bottom, to find an account that she's positive is your secret one. Its username is a bunch of random letters followed by dot-art and its profile picture is the mural on the side of your school building.
Mapi feels like she's hit the jackpot as she scrolls through it (feeling pleased with herself when she notices a bunch of your school friends follow this account too so it must be you). You've got hundreds of posts up, detailing murals you've done around your hometown and your school. There's a few still life drawings and a huge oil paint piece on a massive canvas. There's an image of a drawing that's clearly done in pen on someone's arm.
It's photorealistic just like your spray paint piece and, if you were older, Mapi would probably beg you to be her tattoo artist.
When she and Ingrid get back to the house, you're napping at the kitchen table.
Ingrid swears under her breath, rousing you from your sleep. "I told you to do your school work," She says.
You shrug. "I did." You shove your notepad towards her. "It's not my fault that it's not difficult."
"You've done the bare minimum."
You shrug. "I'm not into doing more than I have to."
The tension in the air is practically electric as you both stare each other down.
"Lose the attitude," Ingrid says," I'm trying to help you here. Mum and Dad won't let you back home until you clean your act up."
You mutter something under your breath and Ingrid goes rigid.
"Don't say that!" She snaps," They want what's best for you! We want what's best for you!"
"They want what's best for them!" You snap back. In the few weeks that Mapi's known you, you're the most laidback teenager she's ever met. You've never once really bit back at Ingrid, no matter how hard she pushed you.
Ingrid's tough love had seemed to be working. You napped regularly, yes, but you got all of your schoolwork done. You don't come home with hickeys and no strange murals have appeared in Barcelona by your hands.
She must have hit a sore spot for you.
"You're smart," Ingrid says," You're so smart and I don't understand why you don't apply yourself more! If you worked properly, you could graduate early and be at university already!"
"There's nothing at university that interests me," You mutter," It's a waste of time."
"It's not a waste of time!" Ingrid retorts," What are you going to do when you finish school, huh? Do you even have a plan?!"
Mapi sees your eyes dart to where your sketchpad sits a few feet away. She can see the cogs turning in your head.
You stay silent.
Ingrid sighs, hands clenched into two shaking fists. "I love you," She says," But you need to get yourself together." She shoves your papers right back at you.
"I've already finished it!"
"You've done the bare minimum." She swipes your sketchbook off of the table. "Sit down. Do it properly."
"Give it back!"
Ingrid's tall and, even though she's your sister, she's still tall enough to hold your book over her head so you can't reach it. "You get it back when you do your work properly."
"Give it!"
"Ingrid, hand it over!"
"Do your work!"
"Urgh! I hate you!"
"Well, too bad. Because I love you!"
You slump into the seat with a scream that makes Mapi's ears ring a bit but you grab your pen and start on your schoolwork again.
"Come on," Mapi says softly, drawing Ingrid into their bedroom and shutting the door.
Ingrid throws your sketchbook onto the bed and paces, pulling at her hair in frustration.
"What-What did she say?" Mapi asks, her mind playing that moment when Ingrid went stiff over and over again.
"She said that she wished Mum and Dad got rid of her when they had the chance...you know...when she was..."
"Yeah, oh." Ingrid groans. "I-I just don't understand her! She's so smart! She has her pick of everywhere! Mum and Dad can get her into medical school! It's like she has no ambition!"
Mapi types into her phone. "Have you considered that, maybe, going to medical school and university isn't exactly for her? I mean, you went straight into football."
Ingrid sighs, the tension draining somewhat from her body. "Mapi...It's different. I had a passion for football even when I was younger. I practiced every day. I knew what I wanted."
"She practices something every day," Mapi replies," And she's so good at it. Honestly, Ingrid, it's a little annoying that you and your family haven't noticed."
She turns her phone around, to a post on your secret Instagram account. It's tagged as a city a few hours away from your old boarding school.
On the side of a crumbling house is a spray paint mural of Norway's women's team. It's got everyone on it, photorealistic like all of your other murals. Ingrid's in the middle though, beaming a smile that you can see reaches her eyes.
"What?" The real Ingrid asks, brow furrowed.
"Your sister did that," Mapi says," She's done a lot of them." She grabs your sketchbook and flicks though it. You'd shown her all of your pieces a few days ago when she asked to see them. "Ingrid, she's so good."
Ingrid flips through your book. There's pencil drawings in there. There's watercolour and acrylic and oil. There's a pastel study of your cat back home and an inked version of Bagheera. There's a stunning piece in charcoal of you and Ingrid when you were younger.
Her fingers hover over your squishy baby cheeks, like she could reach into the picture and touch them.
The next few pages have pictures of your own arm with tattoo designs wrapping around them.
"Ingrid, she's so talented," Mapi says," And, yeah, maybe she shouldn't skip class or leave her work to the last minute but she's found something she's passionate about and loves. How would you feel if your parents didn't support you in your football and made you go to medical school?"
Ingrid wipes the tears out of her eyes when she flicks to the last picture you've drawn. It was from last week, when she rewarded you for doing all your work before the weekend with ice cream. You had taken a picture with Mapi and Ingrid, tongue poking out and cheeks pressed together.
You've replicated it perfectly on the page and scrawled a little heart at the bottom along with your signature.
"Jona...Jona said they're looking for someone to do a mural on the back wall of the Johan Cruyff," She says eventually, flipping the book closed," We...Er...We..."
"I'll call Jona," Mapi assures her," Go and save your sister from work she's already finished."
Like Mapi said, you've already finished all of your work and you're sitting stubbornly at the kitchen table, rolling a piece of lint between your fingers.
You're taken completely off guard when Ingrid pulls you in for a hug. Usually, it takes an hour or two for her to calm down after yelling at you.
"I love you," She says as she pulls away, cradling your face as tears run down her face," I love you so much."
"Ingrid? What's going on?"
"I love you," She says," And I want what's best for you. If you promise me that you'll try just a bit harder in school then I swear, I'll make everything better."
"Seriously, you're freaking me out here. What's going on?"
Map appears over Ingrid's shoulder with a dopey smile. "You should thank your sister. She's just sorted you out with a job."
"A job? Ingrid, no offence, but you don't even like me out of your sight. I can barely get by in Spanish. You want me to get a job too?"
"The Estadi Johan Cruyff needs a mural done-"
"Several murals," Mapi cuts in.
"-And you're doing them."
You blink in shock before a grin splits your face wide open. "Seriously? Are you joking?"
"Keep trying hard," Ingrid says," And I'm sure me and Mapi can sort you out with so much more."
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slavonicrhapsody · 2 months
ok jokes aside… I’ve said this before but like the whole design of Volcano Manor is soooo symbolic of who Rykard is as a character… when you enter the manor through the front door, it’s grand and lavishly decorated and well maintained:
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but behind curtain it’s an absolute horror — sinister serpent-creatures, gruesome torture devices and cages, half-dead victims, piles of corpses.
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During the Shattering Rykard built up this persona as a “worthy sovereign,” someone who dared to stand up to an unjust order and to do the unthinkable in order to fight for a new world, someone whose ideals inspired his followers to fight for him. Then, he seemingly threw all these ideals away when he fed himself to the serpent god, descending into “mere greed” for power… but I don’t think Rykard ever really changed, I think his true motivations were always for the sake of power. It’s why he enforced the law of the Erdtree so brutally and turned his cloak so readily; I think he enjoys the feeling of exercising his power over others and despises being treated like a servant. His transformation into a grotesque monstrosity that is greed personified is just the natural conclusion of his greatest flaws.
Though Rykard during the Shattering and Tanith during the present day present their goals as noble despite their blasphemous nature, in reality, they are violent and grotesque… it matches our view of Volcano Manor as an initially noble and impressive estate that grows more and more sinister as we explore beyond the walls of the main hall. The way the setting is designed perfectly matches the character that looms at the heart of it... and that’s why I think it makes perfect sense for Rykard to have himself crafted both the manor’s noble facade and the horrors “behind the curtain.”
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gamarancianne · 3 months
Hi, how are you? I had an idea and I wanted to ask you if you could do an angst with Azriel x reader in which she is friends with Elain and has been in love with Az for some time, but has never told him because they hardly have any contact apart from the Valkyries and Elain's training. Then they get a little closer and she decides to tell Elain all about her feelings for Azriel and pushes the reader to confess her feelings and that's exactly what she does, but Azriel's reaction isn't the most pleasant and he lets out a "How can you fall in love with someone you hardly know? Only fools are like that. So she is devastated and disappears for a few days, until she returns and catches Azriel and Elain in a very intimate moment in the bedroom and realizes that they were already together even before she confessed her feelings to him and they end up drifting apart. So the reader begins to do everything she can to forget Az and concentrate on herself and, in the meantime, becomes friends with Lucien, to the point of braiding each other's hair. After a while, they break up and Az starts to notice the reader, but she's looser than ever and doesn't care much about him. And he chases after her a lot and in the meantime an obscenity occurs to her so that she ends up saying it was just a one-night stand. And the ending is up to you :)
Azriel x reader - In Between part 1
Part 2
Okay first of all thank you so much for this ask it is my first so its precious to me !! And I am really fine and you ?? I love the plotline and I am sucker for angst, especially with our little azzy so it's perfect !!
Warnings : angst, smut allusions, heartbreak, mean Az, mean Elain
Summary : You are in love with Azriel, but you don't know him, that's what he said when you confessed. Heartbroken yes, but you surely didn't think that he would end up being with your dear friend Elain.
Note : well this has gotten longer than I thought so it will part 2 and I am already working on it don't worry. Also I didn't know if Elain knew that it was Az or not so I improvised. I hope it fits your standards and you can all tell me what you think about it in the comments. And I am again sorry for my English 😭💗
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There he was, in all his glory, sweaty from his fight with Cassian, his shadows swirling around him and you had never been more attracted to someone.
Elain had finally convinced you to join her at training and you instantly regretted, looking at how hard the Valkyries were training but mostly feeling your cheeks heaten up at the sight of him. Of his naked torso full of black ink and fight scars. 'Gods, cauldron boil me why did I accept this' you thought. But Elain was quick enough to shove the thought away when she brought you to introduce you to her family. You had already seen them many times when you had picked her up after training for a walk or a tea party, thing that you both enjoyed a lot, but it was never a proper meeting like this one.
"Hey guys !" She exclaimed, full of joy "This is yn, a friend of mine and she's coming to training for the first time so I hope you are all gonna be nice to her. Especially you Az, don't scare her away" she chuckled looking a the main concerned. After quick presentations, she made sure you were okay and went with her sister, Cassian and the Valkyries for their already known exercises while you stayed there, blush creeping up to your face and ears, with Azriel. Because, with your luck, he was the one to train you today to show you the basic exercises in order to not hurt you during the first day.
"Follow me" Azriel ordered and you obeyed, walking to a smaller ring. He showed you some stretches before starting to teach you many combat basics. It was awkward, for both of you. Every time Azriel came behind you to correct your position, you would blush extremely hard and shiver at his touch. And you could tell he noticed it by the way he straightened and did everything to avoid this kind of situation. To ease the tension between us, you engaged the conversation. "they're really beautiful" you said pointing with your head the blue gems on his arms and torso now dressed with his leathers.
"Oh thanks..." he only responded. Elain did already tell you that he was a silent one but you didn't expect him to be that silent to be honest. But you were stubborn so you continued. "And.. where did you buy them ? I think it could be a nice present for my brother for next solstice". And then he froze, stared at you dead in the eye and laughed at your face. Despite the facts that you didn't understand and that you were even more embarrassed you couldn't stop yourself from enjoying the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. His beautiful laugh was clear and ran to the deepest parts of your soul.
"Wh-what is so funny about what I said?"
"They're siphons, I earned them by being a Carynthian, because I am an Illyrian soldier, you cannot buy them !" He bursted out of laughter a second time.
"Oh mother above, I am so sorry if I offended you by saying that, I don't know anything about Illyrians I am sorry. Really" you stuttered, feeling even more ridiculous than before.
He reassured you about it. You had made a fool of yourself but the air was lighter and the training went on with a more smiling and nice Azriel, with whom you had joked, laughed and exchanged soft innocent touches, until it was over. The bubble in which you and Az had been, exploded when Elain came checking on you two.
"How did it go ?" She asked excited.
"Really well" you answered quite proud of you.
Azriel nodded, and you felt his eyes linger on you when you left with your friend.
You came back the day after, and the day after and after... until it became a routine to train and laugh with Az very morning. Now you were also training with Elain and Nesta because of your quick improvements. But one thing was certain, you had fallen completely and utterly in love with Azriel. You didn't know what to do because he was always staring at you from afar when you were coming or leaving but you two never really talked about your life or anything.
While stretching with Elain, she asked about your love life and you decided that you would ask her opinion.
"Speaking of that, I need you to be brutally honest with me El' "
"What are you seeing someone ? Why didn't you tell me ?" She exclaimed.
"No I am not, don't worry I would've told you" she relaxed. "But you know there is this guy that I see almost everyday and I think we get along well. I feel like he is looking at me sometimes but we never really talk to eachother, like about our lives or anything. It's odd, but I really like him and I don't know what to do."
She smiled at your scrunched eyebrows and responded more calmly: "Follow you heart dear, you are so much beautiful and kind, there is no sane male in all Prythian who could resist you. Besides who is this man ? Isn't it the brown hair guy at the coffee shop you work at ? Because if it is he totally has a crush on you!"
"Haha no I won't tell you but thanks for the advice though, you are clearly the best! I love you Elain!"
"Me too yn, a lot. But now go get your lover before I kick you out myself for you to do it! Fly you fool!" She pushed you out the ring while you were laughing with her and you ran as fast as you could to get to the source of your desire, Azriel. He was almost shooting in the sky when you screamed his name. He turned around to see your exhausted figure running toward him.
"Hey are you okay ? What's going on ?"
"I'm fine thank you Az but I got something to tell you if you don't mind"
"Of course not go on", he responded almost too quickly and straightened hearing his nickname coming from your mouth. You always called him Azriel but never Az or Azzy. Never.
"Well, I meant to tell you for a while but I hadn't enough courage so here am I... I love you" you spoke in one breath your head down and your eyes shut.
You waited for an answer and waited again until you were almost shaking with fear and looked back at Azriel's face. What you saw made your eyes well up with tears. He was shocked, in a bad way, even disgusted at your confession.
"You don't want that yn" he finally answered.
"What ?" You asked your voice breaking.
"How can you fall in love with someone you hardly knows ? Only fools are like that". And with that he flew away, leaving you a crying mess on the floor of training.
Your body and heart were sore. You had been crying for hours. After training, well, more after your mean rejection by the love of your life, you had run away to your apartment and cried without stopping, you sometimes just changed the place: your bed, the couch, even the floor.  You felt broken, of course, but above all ashamed at your actions. Your bad thoughts were flooding in your head without stopping. Your anxiety, insecurity and doubts about yourself surfaced once again: he was right, how could you have fallen in love with him without even knowing him ? And then you cried again, this time at your window looking at the stars above you. Two of them were shining more than the others and you just hoped that one day the mother would give you a male, capable of loving you back so that you could both be like those stars, shining together amongst others.
It had been a few days now, and the same routine happened again everyday. You would wake up, your eyes sore from crying not remembering anything, and you would recall your conversation  with Azriel and start crying again all day, only eating ice cream or cookies. Elain had sent you many notes, asking what was happening to you and why you weren't at training. You still hadn't answered yet but, today, you decided that it was time for you to get up your feet and not cry about that lame excuse of a male anymore. You dressed up and went to Elain's apartment near the Sidra.
When you arrived, the door was already open, but when you called her, she didn't answer. The worst scenarios already came to your mind and you entered in her home, scared for her. You stopped in your tracks when you heard noises coming from her bedroom. It was voices, her and Azriel's voices. You didn't want to do anything involving Azriel so you walked back to the door but froze when you heard your name. You didn't want to be nosy, but you heard your name, so it was fair to listen right? You approached slowly and silently her bedroom in which you two had have countless sleepless girls nights, and listened to their conversation.
"What ? You are the one she confessed to ?" Elain then bursted out of laughter and you felt another knife stabbing your heart. Your dear friend, who encouraged you to confess the deepest parts of your heart was mocking you in front of your said love interest. But you weren't supposed to be there, so it was your fault. You deserved it for making a fool of yourself. That's what your thoughts were screaming at you in your head.
"Yeah, but stop it now, I don't wanna talk about another woman right now" Azriel said, his voice low.
You had enough now but still decided to take a look inside yhe room and instantly regretted when you saw them together, naked from their previous activities, tangled in the sheets, now making out with eachother. Your heart already broken in a million pieces, broke again when he said those words you will remember for life "Anyway you know I only love you Elain".
You ran as fast as you could, bumping in the table, and making a big noise in the living room but you couldn't care one bit. You just had to leave the damn place. Tears were streaming down your face knowing your face, and you didn't even noticed it, only focused on the worst pain you had ever felt. The pain of your heart: of a love and a friendship broken. It was too much, too much in just a short amount of time.
And then everything hit you : Azriel had never looked nor stared at you, he was looking at Elain all this time when you were both arriving at training. He was never interested in you, it was always Elain. How could you have been so stupid and think different : the first time you two had ever talked, you had made a fool of yourself and he was only nice to you because you were Elain's friend. For the past month, in need of affection, you had lived in complete delusion of a love that never existed.
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sinswithpleasure · 6 months
Bucket List Interlude—Workout Five.8
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You know you've made it when you're writing a chapter of the series you're a fan of. Collaboration between @co-reborn and me for a little side-piece of the Bucket List universe.
6 is still in draft hell.
[Im Squirtle has sent a message:]
Are you going to run tmr morning?
[Pervert has sent a message:]
Yea, why?
[Im Squirtle has sent a message:]
I don’t want to run tomorrow morning. Let’s go to the gym instead.
How does 6am sound?
You’re glad that the university gym is now open 24 hours since you can now head there earlier to avoid the morning crowd. Not a single soul is present, including the girl that called you there. 
While you’re satisfied with spending any time with the bubbly girl, you also have an inkling of what to expect with her—not that you don’t welcome it of course. When you initially saw her invitation the night before, your mind wandered off to the previous time when she joined you for the morning run, when she walked around the track topless and subsequently, naked, when she joined you in the men’s bathroom to fuck. 
You’re hyper focused on your workout that you don’t notice you’re no longer alone in the gym. Your earbud is plugged out and you’re met with a radiant Nayeon in her gym attire. It’s different from the white crop top and blue jogging pants from the running session. Instead, she’s in a white sports bra and tight running shorts. Her tits are pushed together perfectly that accentuates her cleavage and the shorts expose her luscious thighs for all to see. 
“Looking good, pervert.”
You're simply catching your breath from the exercises, definitely not speechless, definitely not spending a little too much time staring at Nayeon's perfect body. She smirks when she notices your gaze.
"Me too, I know."
She turns and walks away with a sway in her hips and gets to her own set of exercises, leaving you a flustered mess at the corner of the room. It takes a moment for you to regain your composure, and even then, your body doesn’t obey your thoughts. No longer able to concentrate, you find yourself half-assing your sets while you admire Nayeon’s ass from across the room through the mirror.
"Quit looking, pervert." Her grin promises she means no malice. "Either quit looking and focus, or you can come over and do something about it.
"Your call." She grins. "Daddy."
Your eyes peel away from the mirror and shift down at the dumbbells set on the floor. Your tank top joins them, then your gym shorts. You take a page off her book and strip down to your underwear, a visible tent forming already. However, your resistance doesn't crumple as easily as she thinks, and you pick up the dumbbells to do some curls.
Nayeon stares at your toned body before she attempts to return to working out. However, as much as she tries, she still can’t keep her eyes off you. Why couldn’t you just jump at the invitation, bend her over and take her there and then? It's now a test of discipline and endurance and who breaks who first. Her movements noticeably slows down and she’s barely getting any exercise done as she spends more effort resisting the urge to beg for you. 
"Are you alright, baby girl? You seem to be... struggling over there."
"O-Of course I am, pervert! I think it's you that isn't alright!" She says that, but her actions prove otherwise. Her fingers toy with the hem of her bra and the waistline of her shorts. "I-I'm not stripping for you! It's just a little hot in the gym, that's all!"
You watch her drop her shorts to the floor and openly display her panties for you to ogle. It’s surprising she even wore them to begin with. However, what isn't surprising is the visible soaked spot on the thin cloth—Nayeon's always been easy to arouse.
While you continue to work out in your underwear, the distance between you two grows shorter. Nayeon silently moves closer and closer towards you, the heat between her thighs beckoning her closer to her desires. It's clear she's going to be the first to crack, so you try to push her even further. You quietly rid yourself of your last article of clothing and your aching shaft is now exposed for Nayeon to see.
You hear an audible gasp from the other side of the gym moments later. A flustered Nayeon fanning herself and alternating between staring at your naked body and looking away greets your eyes. She’s unsure about her next actions—does she go closer to you, or does she continue working out? 
As the mind stumbles, the heart answers. Nayeon has already divested herself of her bra, and her panties are now ruined. Before she realises, the exercises stop and the only thing she’s working on is her sensitive taut nipples.
“What was that?”
The confident Queen of Seoul U is gone, now replaced with her more secretive persona. Nayeon pouts and pulls her panties just low enough down her thighs to reveal her dripping pussy.
“Please fuck me, Daddy.”
You tug onto her wrist and pull her close to you. Stepping backwards, you find a gym bench next to the mirror and sit yourself down. Nayeon lands squarely on your lap and you plant soft kisses on her neck. Your hands spread her thighs as wide as possible, exposing every bit of her for your hungry eyes to fully devour.
“Touch yourself, baby girl. I want to watch you stain the glass.”
She starts off slow, her mind still focused on your cock that’s resting against her back. Your hand leads hers closer to her soaked lips and upon the contact with her sex, Nayeon begins to finger herself, with the usual chorus of moans soon following after. You stare intensely at her through the mirror, watching her every action. Her digits gradually speed up and the heel of her palm rubs against her clit much more frequently. Her head falls back and rests on your shoulder and her body tenses up even more when you toy with her nipples.
“Look at me, baby girl.” Nayeon does as you say and peers at you through her half-lidded eyes. You lean your mouth closer to her ear and whisper, “I’m going to ruin your pussy, you hear me? I'm going to fuck you, and I'm going to destroy your fucking cunt."
That sets her off. Her eyes widen, pupils shaking, and as your words set in her mind, she gasps right before her orgasm crashes onto her hard, her loud cries filling the empty gym while the pleasure passes through her writhing body. Nayeon squirts through her panties, her cum gushing all over theher thighs as it sprays out of any gaps between cloth and skin, as well as through the cloth. Midway through her high, you push her now frozen hand aside and slide your hand between her thighs, prolonging her orgasm and making an even bigger mess on your lap and thighs, as well as the gym bench and floor before it.
However, you’re nowhere near done. Nayeon has no time to recover. As soon as her orgasm ends, you push her off you and position her on all fours. Kneeling behind her, a sudden surge of strength courses through you and you manage to rip off the pesky little panties off her thighs. After you further part her legs, you relish in the sight of Nayeon bent over before you, in the middle of the wet mess she made. Your cock presses against her pussy and immediately, your swollen tip gets coated with her cum. 
This is it. This is the culmination of the morning and is what you both expected since the initial invitation the night prior. She gasps at the contact and turns to look into your eyes, her eyes telling you all you need to know—she needs you in her badly.
"Put it in, please, Daddy."
"Of course, baby girl."
There is no point holding back and teasing the girl—you want to fuck her as badly as she wants to be fucked, so you plunge your cock deep into her pussy with one thrust. Nayeon cries echo across the empty gym, and you don’t hesitate to pound and use her just as she likes, just as you like. Tugging on her ponytail and directing her gaze to the mirror, you get a clear view of her deep in sinful pleasure. Stray strands of hair cover her forehead and her cheeks glows with a hue of red, a far cry from the cute and pretty girl the rest of the school knows her as.
"Look at yourself, Nayeon. Your prim and proper appearance is just a facade, isn't it? This is the true you. A slut that craves for a good fucking by your Daddy."
Her eyes barely focus on her reflection and she stares at her naked body rocking back and forth at the rhythm of your cock thrusting into her. Inner desires triumph one again as she tightens even more around you.
"Yes, Daddy, I'm just a slut..."
"It's getting late, I'm pretty sure people are going to start coming to the gym. You'd like that, won't you slut?"
"N-No, I... No."
"Don't lie. I bet you'd cum as soon as someone walks in through that door. You probably won't even try to hide yourself, right?"
"Nnngh—I... No, I… Only Daddy can..." Nayeon trails off, her words devolving into whines and whimpers.
"Only Daddy can what, baby?"
"Only Daddy can look at me like this."
"That's right, baby." You hug her waist and pull her body upright. "You're mine and mine only."
Your head rests on Nayeon’s shoulder and you watch her facial expressions contort in pleasure while her body is thoroughly used. Your hands freely roam Nayeon’s body. Starting at her tummy, a hand reaches down to find her clit while the other begins to fondle her breast. Upon contact with her clit, she tenses her body, her pussy contracting around your cock and you feel her getting wetter by the second. Her nipples are already hard from when she first stripped down to her panties and she tosses her head back onto your shoulder when you pinch them.
"Yes, please, Daddy, please—!"
Your fingers are already drenched from merely touching her pussy. You shove three fingers into Nayeon’s open mouth and she greedily licks her fluids up. 
“Cum for me, Nayeon.”
Another squeal, and Nayeon explodes on your cock. Gush after gush of squirt drenches your body, the equipment beneath you, as well as all over the floor. Your lust for her multiplies tenfold, but at the same time, so does your appreciation of her beauty—Nayeon is at her prettiest when she orgasms. Even if her eyes roll back, her tongue hangs out, and she literally comes undone, it will forever be your favourite sight.
When her orgasm is about to die down, you pull out of her, flip her onto her back and resume fucking her. With your erratic thrusts, her final squirts coat your abs and make a larger mess on your body. Even while she lays before you, basking in her post-orgasmic bliss, you continue fucking her tight pussy, chasing your own peak.
You can’t help but to caress her beautiful face and her cheeks turn even redder in response. You love the absolutely confident queen as well as the downright lustful slut in her, but something about Nayeon in her most vulnerable state with you tugs your heartstrings more than expected. 
However, before you can get too lost in your thoughts, Nayeon grounds you with her touch—she pulls you in and crashes her lips against yours in a fierce kiss. No words are needed—you know what she means when her legs tighten up around your waist, her legs locked right behind you to imprison you in her embrace. Locked between her arms and legs, you only thrust faster, harder, all to fulfil her unspoken wish.
‘Cum in me, Daddy.’
With a deep groan, you give Nayeon a final hard thrust and release inside her before burying yourself into the crook of her neck and sighing. With your chest pressed against hers, you’re sure she can feel your intense heartbeat just as you can feel hers. You’d love to remain in that position as long as possible, but you’re sure people are going to start flooding over to the gym soon.
When you withdraw from her body, a small stream of your cum leaks out and drips down her thighs. The dishevelled but gorgeous sight of Nayeon post-sex leaves you staring for a little too long and when you pull her back up to her feet, she notices the mess she made and she can’t help but chuckle.
How can she be so downright adorable immediately after engaging in hot public sex with you? You would never understand beyond it being the charm of Im Nayeon.
While you’re deep in your thoughts, Nayeon has already put her clothes back on, her bare skin stained with her own squirt. Anyone who sees her in this state wouldn’t have a clue about that fact, mistaking it as her sweat after an intense workout. 
She tosses you your discarded clothes. “Hurry up and dress, pervert. People might be coming soon.”
You quickly put on your underwear and gym shorts, opting not to wear your tank top. Just like Nayeon, you’re drenched in your sweat and her fluids and you swipe two fingers across your skin to collect it for a quick taste. While you definitely do taste your own sweat, you're well-acquainted with the unmistakable tang of Nayeon's cum.
“You taste just as good as always, Squirtle.”
The 'Squirtle' punches your shoulders and blushes, before she gathers her other belongings and heads out.  You're momentarily stunned by the sight—Im Nayeon is always beautiful, but even more so just now.
“Let’s grab food after we shower.”
You grab your top, tower and body wash not long after Nayeon leaves and hit the showers. You stand in the stall and let the water hit your face while you’re deep in your thoughts. 
You can’t deny looking forward to the time spent with Nayeon since last night. Sure, you knew what she was implying and you deeply loved every second of the hot sex with her, but you were perfectly happy to simply spend the morning in the quiet gym with her. It was just you and her, just like when you were on the rooftop with her. 
You scrub your body clean with soap while memories of your time together with her resurface. Nayeon has been occupying your mind a lot more often recently, the mere thought of her brings a smile to your face and brightens up your day. Every small action or item reminds you of her, any free time you have has your brain flashing  images of her. Your life has been thoroughly intertwined with hers from the day she approached you.
The water washes off the soap on your body and you hurriedly wipe yourself dry, not realising how long you took to shower. After you have put on your clothes, you rush out to meet Nayeon.
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Frozen in place, your jaw drops after you catch sight of Nayeon in a beautiful blue sweater and jeans. She truly knows how to dress herself up, even a simple outfit like this is enough to make every single man fall in love with her. 
“Quit staring and let’s go.” She snaps her fingers in front of your eyes to catch your attention. “What took you so long? Rubbing one out to me again?”
“What the hell? No. Had something to do.”
“Good. That’s one more load you could put in me.”
Nayeon flashes a cheeky smile and pulls you away from outside the showers before you could properly react. You give in to her and follow closely right behind.
The campus seems a lot emptier today, even though the sun is already up, the familiar sounds of students buzzing across the school field is missing. Perhaps it’s the winding down of the school term and that there’s less classes going on. You trail behind Nayeon as she enters the cafe and you easily find a table at the corner of the shop. It isn’t as packed as it always is, there’s plenty of empty space, which is surprising at this hour of the day, and the only people entering are professors ordering drinks before making their way out. At least her simping apes are unlikely to show up and disturb her this time.
The breakfast set you ordered comes fast and the two of you, hungry after an intense morning “workout”, devour the food quickly. However, Nayeon seems oddly distracted, constantly smiling while she scrolls through her phone even in the middle of a conversation with you. You’re puzzled but just brush it aside as something important. Finally, when she looks up to you, your phone lights up with a notification. 
“Check it out.” She’s beaming at you, obviously excited about it. 
[Im Squirtle has sent an image:]
It is a mirror selfie of herself from the bathroom. She’s still in her gym attire showing her eye smile and bunny teeth to you, wrecking your heart. She’s just so goddamn cute and adorable and you’re glad you’re one of the few people who can see this side of her up close. God, you’re obsessed with her. 
[Im Squirtle has sent a message:]
Done looking yet?
You look up to a giggling Nayeon and you turn red at being caught red handed. But when the giggles stop, you catch a teaseful glint in her eyes before receiving another notification. Your fingers shake while you open the message. Knowing her, you’re in for a treat.
[Im Squirtle has sent an image:]
This time, it’s a picture of her near naked body. You shut off your phone screen and whisper, “What the hell, Nayeon?”
She only laughs at your overreaction. “Relax. There’s no one around here. Besides, I chose the corner table for a reason. Just stare all you want.”
You hesitantly unlock your phone once again knowing that she’s right. No one else can possibly catch a glimpse of your screen. You look at the image again. Her bra is pulled just over her tits and her shorts are bunched around her knees, low enough to expose her pussy for the camera. Despite the lewd act, she’s still smiling and winking. The duality of Im Nayeon.
At this point, your pants have tightened uncomfortably and your attempt to shift your lower body doesn’t go unnoticed by the girl. Before you can get in another word, you hear her say, “Last one.”
[Im Squirtle has sent you a video:]
It’s not an image, it’s a video this time. From the thumbnail, you can tell that she has already shed her clothes. Her fingers are toying with her pussy and your cum leaks from the slit, a white trail dripping down her skin. Your heart pounds faster and you choke on your sandwich.
When you finally peel your eyes off the phone, you’re met with Nayeon’s face close to you as she leans across the table.
“I can still feel your cum in me, Daddy.”
You’re speechless and frozen in your seat. She gets off her seat and pulls you up after you finish your last bite of food. 
“We don't have classes today. Let’s go back to my place to study.” Nayeon flashes you her prettiest grin, and you find yourself following her blindly. Stepping out of the cafe, she hugs your arm tight and looks up to you. 
"Actually, I lied."
The shit-eating grin on her face promises nothing but trouble.
“I want you to strip me and fuck me when we get back, Daddy.
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bidisastersanji · 6 months
Thanks to everyone who screamed in the tags and asked for a part two of the Roronoa “I learned French just to overhear if my crush likes men” Zoro” story. 🤡 Part one here. And a million thanks to @inoreuct for the help 🙏 You can also read it on AO3 here if you prefer. Edit: Part three here, part four here
"Calm down, Roronoa. They’re not women, they’re just a feminine word."
Zoro digs the palm of his hands into his eyes, hunching over the big dinner table in this godforsaken mansion on this godforsaken island. How had it come to this? He was supposed to be training to become the world’s greatest swordsman … and here he was. Stuck learning inanimate objects’ stupid imaginary gender and whatever the hell kind of tense “ plus-que-parfait ” (more-than-perfect) is.  
Scattered around him are French grammar, spelling and exercise books, loose papers and empty glasses of wine. Sadly, not his own. His stupid dad mentor had decided that he was banned from drinking from his private cellars until daily lessons had ended.   
Dracule Mihawk. Hawkeye. Renowned monster powerhouse, the world’s greatest swordsman, a feared warlord…is sat in reading glasses, correcting his pronunciation and teaching him the most vexing language on the planet: French.  
“Are you quite finished making a scene? I’ve stopped talking exclusively French to you for many months now. Be grateful.”   
Zoro presses his lips together tightly to keep himself from saying something he’ll regret. It wouldn’t do him or his crew any good to lose this opportunity to learn from the best. After the salt-shaker incident, Mihawk, quickly followed by Perona-who only wishes misery upon him- only responded to him if he spoke his broken French to them and would only speak to him in that tongue in return. His already impossibly difficult swords lessons… challenges? Whatever one would call the hellish training regimens the warlord put him through became even more impossible now that he couldn’t even understand the instructions. After a few too many close calls and instances of French being shouted at him louder and louder (saying it louder won’t make him magically understand), Mihawk changed tactics and decided to teach him the academic way instead, in the evenings after supper. Suppers which definitely didn’t leave him longing for someone else’s cooking.   
Supposedly surprised at his silence (with this man, there’s no way to really tell for sure what could be going through his mind), Mihawk lowers his glasses and takes a long look at him. “And how is your reading coming along?”  
Seated across from him and eating her dessert, Perona gives a loud snort, choking a bit on her strawberry shortcake. Her ever-present floating ghosts laugh a little louder, covering her badly stifled laughter as she purses her lips.   
Zoro glares daggers at her, neck and ears flushing intensely. “It’s going… fine .”  
In reality, his reading isn’t going “fine”. The Manor’s entire west wing is filled to the brim with the most boring, coma-inducing, self-aggrandising books on philosophy, French cuisine, land management, architecture and theology, all written in chicken scratch, old timey French. Zoro had tried his hand at reading one that seemed perhaps less bad than the others, but on his tenth try at staying awake on reading the third page describing the gothic stone arches of a church- he gave up. It felt more painstaking to spend one more second looking at another page of that book than getting sliced open by Mihawk so many months ago.   
In the pits of his désespoir, his guard was down, and his alarm bells didn’t ring when Perona innocently approached him and handed him a book that looked markedly different from the rest of Mihawk’s collection. At a second glance, he realized that he’d seen that book on Sanji’s hammock-side barrel before, recognizing the distinctive lettering of “Harlequin editions” on the spine.  
“Here. I’m taking pity on you. Mihawk has a secret stash of these in his personal library. They’re easier to read and will get the job done. You need to meet a quota of one a week, right?”  
Out of options, Zoro silently accepted the book and retreated to his quarters. If it was good enough for the cook (and Perona?), it would be good enough for him.   
His suspicions should have risen from the moment he recognised it was a work of fiction- unlike every single book he’d come across here. But no , studious mindset activated and with a dictionary on hand for any word he might not know, it took him longer than he’d care to admit to realise this was a romance book. And not just any romance book- a ludicrously explicit book detailing many, many scandalous trysts between a dark, mysterious, broody vampire and his parade of beautiful, lithe and oh-so-flirtatious nobles of all genders. He had to stop and put the book down several times, too flustered from explicit descriptions of passionately taking people against cold stone walls, bending them over various pieces of antique furniture and even tying them to extravagant four poster beds. It was too much for the poor swordsman to handle.  
It was mainly the thought of the pervy cook reading this… it stirred something low within him, his thoughts running wild at the natural implication that the scenarios held within the worn pages- the rough, possessive, teasing, kinky and playful sexual acts- were all things that Sanji had read. And enjoyed. Multiple times if his memory served him right. Sanji owned this book, which meant that this was something that… aroused him. Face like a furnace and heart beating wildly, Zoro tugged at his hair, unable to cope with this new information nor the inappropriate thoughts and images his mind was conjuring involving a certain sharp-tongued blonde, his powerful thighs and unfairly biteable neck. He could almost see his fiery blue eye boring adversarially into his own, a cheeky smirk that was just begging to be kissed off-   
Zoro snapped the book shut.  
Fuck .  
After an uncomfortably sweaty night and a glacial shower, it was only at breakfast that further implications finally clicked for the rattled swordsman. The lewd book had come, as Perona had put it, from Mihawk’s secret stash .   
One: the book was Mihawk’s. That dawning realisation alone froze Zoro mid-chew, and he decided then and there that he would never be able to look the older man in the eye ever again. At least not in the same way.   
I know what you are   
It wasn’t difficult to make the connection between the book’s owner, a pale, recluse, wine drinking man in a manor and the book’s main vampire. Two: this was from a stash . Meaning there would be many, many more of these books in the manor. Three, because of the nature of his mentor’s “official” library (unreadable), he will de facto have to keep reading bodice-rippers for well over a year and inevitably assimilate the raunchiest, most useless lexicon known to man, in what some people call the language of love. Wonderful. Despite himself, Zoro knew he’d already memorized at least three different ways to refer to male genitalia, and that was just from reading one of those little fuckers.  
Weeks, months pass, and boy had Zoro been right. And annoyingly, so had Mihawk, on how reading would drastically improve his French. (If Robin could see him now…) The smutty books came and went, courtesy of Perona, and his reliance on his dictionary diminished. As the books’ premises plunged deeper and deeper into unspeakable domains, Zoro made the firm decision to stop asking questions. For the sake of his sanity. He never again wanted Perona to share her thoughts on the "thematic beauty of the monster fucker genre". He would never fully recover from the hour-long exposé she made him on ABO dynamics. Nor could he ever recover from the knowledge that all these novels came from Dracule Mihawk’s private library .   
He now knew way too much about Mihawk's kinks and sexual tastes in men, and he wished to believe in a god so he could pray to never have to address this with the man within his life. Ever.  
Which is why he's currently sweating bullets at Mihawk's inquiry into his latest reads, and why Perona is looking at him like the cat that ate the canary.   
Eyes darting between his two guests, the warlord's lips tug at their corners in something resembling a smile.   
"I take it you haven't found the sword fighting books yet then?"  
The what.   
Zoro promptly chokes on his saliva, coughing aggressively into his fist, his remaining eye bulging in surprise.  
"Yes, did Perona not tell you? All the baking books in the French cuisine section actually hold sword forms and techniques. My boy, what have you been reading?"   
Sanji had maybe had just a few too many drinks tonight. His face feels warm, his limbs are nice and relaxed- if still a bit sore from the battle- and his tongue is a little loose. He knows it's one too many when it takes him a couple of sentences to realise he and Robin are speaking French together, and he's grateful for the unconscious switch when he faintly registers that Zoro is sat not very far, by himself, just across the campfire.  
That was a close one.   
Robin prods him for more information on his one-night stands, and who is he to deny a lady, really? He feels the words spill from his mouth like boiling water overflowing from a pot. He hears his voice confess a truth he's not let himself face for years and blames the wine.  
"En vrai ce n'est pas qu'ils ne sont pas satisfaisants... c'est qu'ils ne sont jamais...assez. "   
The cook swims in half-forgotten memories of one night stands he sought out on lonely evenings at random ports. Of fumbling hands and desperate kisses, of leaving before the sun has even risen, of cold sheets and empty beds in the morning... Sanji doesn't like the bitter taste his admittance leaves in his mouth, nor the way his chest feels just a little tighter. He knows what his love-starved self really wants, what he craves most of all... is the stupidly perfect man sitting across the fire. Like a moth to a flame, he yearns to know what it would feel like. To matter . To be seen in all his flawed, weak existence, and not be thrown aside like the mistake he is. To be loved , cared for, cherished tenderly by someone as earnest and devoted as he knows the swordsman to be. It's with a bleeding heart that he finally voices his love, answering Robin on what would be enough.  
"Lui. "  
His finger taps the ash off his cigarette before taking another long, long drag. Forlorn, he tears his gaze away from Zoro and nearly startles at the sincere warmth he sees dancing in the archeologist's eyes.  
"Tu devrais lui dire ."  
(You should tell him.)  
Sanji laughs at that. "Mais bien sûr. J'vais me lever, me planter devant lui et tout lui avouer. "  
(But of course. I'll get up, walk right up to him and confess everything.)  
A beat. Robin impassively stares back at him. Sanji knows being a devil fruit eater isn't the only similarity between her and their captain. Their stubbornness is something he knows not to underestimate. He sighs and gulps the rest of his drink down. He must be out of his goddamn mind. And maybe a little drunker than he thought he was.   
"Je ne sais pas te dire non, ma chère Robin." She smiles. "Mais saches que tu n'as pas précisé dans quelle langue je devais lui parler. "  
(I don't know how to say no to you, my dear Robin. But please note that you didn't specify the language I should speak to him in.)  
Before she can charm him into switching to a language the Marimo understands, the cook is already skirting around the fire with slightly wobbly steps. If he can just keep his tone right, tinged with a bit of anger, then he can probably pull this off, he thinks.   
“You.” He points at Zoro accusingly.  
The mosshead turns to face him, an unreadable expression on his face. “Me?”   
Sanji doesn’t linger on it, all his mental capacity concentrating on making sure he uses French at the right moments.   
“Yes, you fucking ange tombé du ciel , I have some words for you. Some mots doux if you will, so just sit tight and listen. You owe me after I saved your ass earlier.”   
(Angel fallen from heaven; sweet words)  
Surprised that Zoro doesn’t contradict him on the “saving his ass” part, he doesn’t stop to think and squashes the little voice inside him that questions why he’s going through with this.  
Sanji fully planned on a heartfelt rant about all the idiot swordsman’s qualities- how unfair it is that he has it all. He really did. but he also feels a sudden shyness overtake him now that he’s standing in front of the idiot in question. To look Zoro in the eyes while saying such embarrassing, emotional shit won't do, and Sanji’s eyes make the mistake of looking down- only to be met with the tantalising sight of a broad, scarred chest and crossed arms that do nothing to hide the strong, corded muscle underneath. Oh, f uck me. His fake annoyance becomes partially real.  
"Enfoiré! comment jsuis supposé te résister, hein? "  He indignantly waves his cigarette around.  
(You bastard! How am I supposed to resist you, huh?)  
"Non mais vraiment- est ce que t’as la moindre idée de l’effet que t’as quand tu te balades torse nu sur le pont, tout dégoulinant de sueur? Ou de l’effet que les bruits que tu fait durant tes entraînements ont sur moi? J’ai qu’à fermer mes yeux et c’est- je…” he can feel his ears burning. Fuck it. Why not let it all out, he’ll feel better afterwards.  
( No, but really- do you have any idea of the effect you have when you walk shirtless on deck, dripping with sweat? Or how the noises you make during your workouts affect me? All I have to do is close my eyes and it's- I...)  
“Tu me rends fou. Après nos combats c’est si facile d’imaginer tes mains calleuses m’aggrippant possessivement, ta peau salée sur ma langue, ton torse haletant d’effort, ton regard enflammé -”   
( You drive me crazy. After our fights it's so easy to imagine your calloused hands gripping me possessively, your salty skin on my tongue, your torso panting with effort, your fiery gaze -)  
Still sat in front of Sanji, Zoro’s face is turning red and he’s shooting Sanji a heated look, no doubt irritated about being ranted at in French. Tough shit. Sanji wasn’t done.  
“T’es si favorisé par les dieux, je suis même sûr que ta bite est énorme. Et puis si tu savais ce que je te laisserais me faire- ” he rolls his eyes and snorts, hoping the exasperation part of his rant is convincingly coming through.  
(You're so favoured by the gods, I'm pretty sure you even have a huge dick. And if you knew what I'd let you do to me-)  
Zoro’s mouth parts in shock, and a small anxious thought crosses Sanji’s mind- but there’s absolutely no way in hell the shitty mosshead knows French. He would sooner know his left from his right.  
“Dis moi.” (Tell me.)  
“Tell you what, stupid marimo-” it takes a couple of seconds for the cook to comprehend what just happened, and a strangled noise crawls its way out of his throat. Everything comes to a halt, his world crumbles down. Oh no. Oh no .  
Zoro rises to his feet and steps into his space, a dangerously sinful grin across his face. At this point Sanji’s brain has fully stopped working, and it’s all he can do to gape stupidly back at him, face redder than it’s ever been.  
“Dis moi. ” he repeats, voice low and so foreign sounding as it tries to replicate the right intonation of Sanji’s mother tongue. “Ou si tu préfères je peux te dire ce que je voudrais bien te faire, moi.”   
( Tell me. Or if you prefer, I can tell you what I'd like to do to you.)  
Warm blood bursts forth from Sanji’s nose, and his world turns black. 
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Ways to Cultivate Self-Love
Practice self-compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would someone you love.
Practice self-care: Prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Take time for relaxation, get enough sleep, eat nutritious food, exercise, and pursuing hobbies or activities that make you happy.
Set healthy boundaries: Assert your needs, desires, and limits. Establish clear boundaries in your relationships and communicate them assertively. Saying no when necessary and honoring your boundaries helps protect your well-being.
Practice mindfulness: Be present in the current moment and non-judgmentally observe your thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness can help you develop self-awareness, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself.
Challenge self-limiting beliefs: Challenge negative thoughts and self-beliefs that hold you back from self-love and personal growth. Replace them with positive and empowering affirmations.
Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. Minimize contact with those who bring negativity or undermine your self-esteem.
Practice gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life, as well as your own strengths and achievements. Keeping a gratitude journal can help shift your focus toward self-appreciation and increase your overall sense of well-being.
Celebrate your wins: Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. Recognize your efforts, progress, and achievements, and take pride in them. Doing this reinforces a positive self-image and boosts self-confidence.
Practice self-acceptance: Embrace and accept yourself fully, including your flaws, imperfections, and past mistakes. Realize that no one is perfect, and that self-love involves accepting and embracing your whole self, including both your strengths and areas for growth.
Focus on self-care rituals: Engage in regular self-care rituals that make you feel nurtured and valued. Take long baths, practice yoga or meditation, journaling, creative activities, or spending time in nature. Find what activities make you happy and make them a priority.
Embrace self-expression: Explore ways to express yourself authentically. This could be, engaging in creative activities like art, writing, music, or dance.
Practice forgiveness: Forgive yourself for past mistakes and let go of any self-blame or guilt that may be holding you back. Making mistakes is a part of being human, use these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning.
Celebrate self-care milestones: Celebrate the progress you make in your self-love journey. Set small achievable goals for self-improvement and celebrate when you reach them. This helps build self-confidence.
Surround yourself with positive influences: Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Invest in relationships that support your growth, well-being, and self-love. Distance yourself from individuals or environments that consistently bring you down or undermine your self-worth.
Practice self-empowerment: Take control of your life and make choices that align with your values, desires, and aspirations. Set goals and take steps towards achieving them.
Engage in self-reflection: Reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Incorporate journaling, meditation or mindfulness exercises. Self-reflection helps you gain insight into yourself, your patterns, and your needs, enabling you to make intentional choices aligned with self-love.
Be your own advocate: Stand up for yourself and your needs. Speak up assertively when you feel disrespected or when your boundaries are crossed. Express your opinions, asserting your rights, and asking for what you need in various areas of your life.
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msbyzsz · 1 year
imagine aizawa helping shinsou get with you. i feel like he would use it as motivation for his training. i could see present mic getting intel on you then aizawa would be like “if you complete this with no issues, i’ll tell you what y/n’s favorite food is.” and shinsou would be so stunned, he would be like how’d you know? but let me tell you he tries so hard during that training exercise, and aizawa would be like damn why didn’t i do this sooner? then later when he does complete it and aizawa tells him your favorite food, he goes home and makes it immediately. making so many of it to get it perfect. he then gives it to you and your like omg your so sweet thank you. he’s so proud of himself. when you guys eventually go out he tells you all about it. and he’s really glad that they did do it, it was worth it.
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But what if it could?
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(This is the 3rd part in the 'What about me' series)
Asmodeus took a long time to get to sleep.
He usually had very little trouble in that department, though he usually had more than enough 'exercise' before sleeping, which remained absent this time round, that no doubt playing a part.
But having Nikos form curled up on his chest, his chest stained with tears, played the biggest.
He watched him lay there, one giant hand laid over the man, cupping the little Imp against his chest, Niko looking so small curled up on his broad chest.
The little Imp seeming so calm, memories of the night before flashing in his mind as the Imp nuzzled his chest fluff.
It was the polar opposite of how he'd been the night before. The man a sobbing mess as he all but passed out in his grasp.
In the present, the Sin moved his hand back, gently cupping the side of the Imps little face.
How could he be such an idiot?
How didn't he see Nikos affection? His love for him?
He'd completely neglected him and his wants. The man never asked for much, and was always so eager to serve. And as he gave so much Asmodeus just took and took never stopping to ask what he wanted.
But as bad as that was, how could he have treated him like he did? Saying he'd abandon him so easily, then after saying hed just abandon him for Fizz, he then let Fizz take care of a situation he'd caused.
He couldn't blame the Imp for thinking he didn't care, thinking about it, he hardly believed he cared himself.
After everything theyve been through together, all the things theyve done together? Everything hed done for him. How could he treat him so poorly?
With a gently sigh a soft smile crossed his face as the Imp nuzzled his hand, the Imp slowly starting to stir.
Niko unconsciously nuzzled his palm, the man humming softly as his eyes fluttered open, the Imp staring up at him.
The two stared at each other for a moment, man surprised at the warm grin that cross the Imp’s face, the man staring up at him with a warm, half lidded gaze as they stared at each other.
Asmodeus felt a deep warmth bubbling in his chest, a feeling he'd only ever found when looking at Fizzy. A feeling he'd never expected to feel towards Niko.
The Sin would scratch behind one of his horns, something he often did with Fizzy. His froggie, despite his sensitivity towards his horns, loved it as did Niko apparently.
He wondered if it was an Imp thing?
He'd have to look into that.
And sure enough Niko happily pressed into his hand, the Imp practically purring as he lazily stared up at him, seemingly in a state of bliss.
Asmodeus felt a deep joy bubble in his chest.
Fucking Hell.
He was an idiot.
It'd be as Niko predded down, nuzzled his face into Ozzies generous chest fluff, lower face covered as he stared up at him, that the entire moment felt amazing.
It was perfect.
The whole moment felt like it'd never end.
Then Fizz awoke.
The now former Clown had surrendered his spot on his chest in place of Niko, given the circumstances the Imp understood the need for him to remain where he was, the Imp finding a comfy little nook pressed to the Sins muscular side.
But as the two laid there, locked in their moment, the Imp slid up and out of the blanket.
The Imp popping his head out, first beaming at Ozzie, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before turning and giving the Imp an awkward little smile.
Niko froze.
His eyes slowly widening, expression growing sombre as his face seemed to lose colour, and before Asmodeus could even speak, the Imp cried, pushing himself out of his grasp the man furiously jumping up.
The Imp was in hysterics as he yelled and snarled, the Imp jumping up and furiously walking across the man's chiselled form.
"Of fucking course!" The man screamed as he walked down the man's chest. "One fucking good dream I have all week and it's NOT A FUCKING DREAM AT ALL!"
He screamed, looking for the shoes Asmodeus had taken off the night before but as he stepped on the man's leg, he'd trip, stumbling and rolling off the man's bed, hitting the floor with a thud.
"NIKO!" Asmodeus cried, the Sin yanking his blanket off and moving to Nikos aid.
Niko, who'd already gotten up, grumbled as he rubbed his neck.
"Niko, are you alright?" The sin asked, binding his robe tight.
The Imp huffed as he stood up, unable to find his shoes he scowled, waving him off.
"Oh fuck off, Ozzie, you don't get to act all buddy buddy, not after everything."
Ozzie swallowed the lump in his throat as he raised his hands. "Please, just... just listen!"
Niko stared at him before scowling. "Oh fuck this." He growled, getting up and storming out of the room.
Or... he would have. If Asmodeus hadn't grabbed his tail, the man walking in place for several moments before he'd turn, glaring at the man.
Ozzie just gave the man an unimpressed frown, cocking a brow.
Yanking the man back, he placed the Imp on his lap, the man sitting up straight as he turned the Imp towards him.
"Can you just listen, please?" He spoke sofly. "Look, you have every right to be upset, and I don't blame you for wanting to leave, but could you just... listen. Just for a minute. Please Niko."
Niko glared at him for a minute before looking to the large clock he kept above the kitchen counter.
"One minute Ozzie. Then I'm gone."
Ozzie sighed, happy he'd at least gotten a chance.
"Niko... I know you probably hate me, and you have every right too. I-I fucked up. I failed you a-as a boss and even more as a friend. You gave me your everything and I... I didn't even care enough to realise you were in love with me."
Ozzie's expression turned dower, the man looking to him softly, reaching up to cup Nikos cheek, the man hesitantly accepting the embrace.
"But you... you mean so much to me Niko." He spoke, voice straining ever so slightly. "This past week, I... I've missed you more then I ever though possible."
The man was getting emotional, seemingly on the brink of tears.
"Every day I woke up expecting you to be here but... every time you weren't I... I... I felt like I'd lost a part of me." He stared down at the Imp, his massive hands cupping his form as the Imp stared up at him in shock. "I missed seeing you... you giving me that look you always do when I make a terrible joke."
"I realised... I need you... Niko... I need you." He spoke tenderly, pulling him close, Ozzie bringing him in close before he kissed the Imp.
Fizz who'd been chowing on popcorn to the side, jaw dropped, the man holding his cheeks as he gasped.
After a minute the Sin pulled back, licking his lips as he peered down at the Imp.
Niko, to the Sins shock, had tears streaming down his face. The man shaking as he lowered his head, the little Imp collapsing against his chest, the man sobbing as he grasped at the man's robe.
"Please... please..." He sobbed, the man shaking against him.
Ozzie, shocked and concern gently reached down, trying to consol the man.
"Please don't leave me..." The Imp begged, looking up at him, the man the most pathetic he'd ever seen him.
"I can't do it without you Ozzie. I-I-I-I Just Can't!" The man sobbed, hands shaking as he clung to the man's robe. "This past weeks been Hell. Worse than Hell! I-I can't live without you..."
"I need you..." Niko sobbed, peering up at him, tears streaming down his face.
Ozzie immediately pulled the man close, holding him to his chest as the man broke down.
"Sssh, sssh." He shushed, holding him close. "I... I'm not going nowhere Niko."
The man held him for several minutes until he settled, the man suddenly pulling on his robe, the man pressing himself into the man's broad chest.
"Im sorry... Please don't leave me." The man begged softly, pressing his face into his chest.
Ozzie snorted softly leaning back and bringing his face up to his, the man smiling down at him.
"Oh Niko..." Ozzie cooed, Niko staring up at him with teary eyes.
Looking to Fizz, the Imp smiled warmly, nodding his head. The two sharing a loving stare before the sin turned back to the Imp in his grasp.
"I love you Niko." He spoke warmly, massive hand cupping his cheek.
Nikos eyes bulged as hot tears streamed down his face, the man breaking down as the Sin pulled him close. "Thank you!" He sobbed, the Sin nuzzling the Imps face as they held each other.
Ozzie teared up, a goofy smile crossing his face as he held the Imp to his chest. The two wrapped in a loving embrace.
Fizzarolli, whom was barely containing himself, squealed softly, mechanical hands over his mouth.
"Oh fuck it, I can't take it anymore!" The Imp cried, jumping up and wrapping the two of them in a long arm and legged hug. "Group hug!"
The three of them wrapped up in a loving hug. Ozzie laughing as he reached out pulling him close, planting a kiss on the Imps head.
Even Niko found himself smiling, Fizzarolli pulling his limbs back, falling into the Sins lap, the both of them looking to Niko.
The Imp smiled, sniffling as he wiped his eyes.
"Fuck, I'm totally fucking up this moment." He chuckled. "No doubt I look like shit."
Ozzie just chuckled, bringing a massive finger up to wipe a tear away.
"Baby, you've never looked more beautiful."
Niko stared up at him, Ozzie staring back the two sharing a loving moment before Niko snorted, shaking his head as he punched his gut.
"Oh don't give me that sappy shit. I look like shit." He smiled, sniffling as he leaned against the man.
Ozzie chuckled, cupping the man in his big ass hand. "Yeah well, you look beautiful to me, and that's all that matters."
The two shared another moment before Fizzarolli suddenly leapt into frame, the man beaming.
"So does that mean this is a three-way now?!" He cheered, laying between them.
Niko, clearly not as entertained by the man's antics, looked to Ozzie, the Sin chuckling softly the Imps antics.
"Mmmm, more or less, though let's take this slow." He hummed, picking them both up, giving the both of them hot and heavy kisses. "I have a feeling there'll be one Hell of a learning curb."
He smiled, seeing how Niko looked on at their clear dynamic with envy, the man snapping out of it as he looked at the sin.
"This'll take time, but well get there." He smiled, kissing them both just before their horns.
"All that matters is we love each other. Orrrr well, we all tolerate each other."
That getting a laugh from the Imps.
"And now?" Fizz asked, looking between the two of them.
"Now." Niko cut in. "Now I look at the books I've no doubt Ozzie's butchered the books in my absence." He smiled, tail coming up to curl under his chin, the Imp smiling as he stepped off, the lil Imp pitter pattering to his office.
Fizz slumped back, the two watching as the Imp left, Fizz curling up on his lap, Ozzie reaching out to twirl his tail on his finger.
"I like him~" Fizz purred, releasing a soft humm.
Ozzie just chuckled, nodding his head.
"Yeah... So do I. I think he'll be just what we need."
He smiled, to which Fizzarolli broke into giggles. "And here I was thinking all we needed was some extra lube."
"Oh dont you worry FizzyPop." The Sin laughed, bringing the Imp up, laying him over his shoulders as he got up to prepare breakfast. "With Niko around I'm sure we'll be needing even more lube."
This getting a laugh from the Imp, the both of them breaking into laughter, Ozzie feeling for the first time all week like everything would go their way.
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