#out of context this is a savage burn
msboutofcontext · 2 years
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crow-of-crochet · 6 months
Love getting to the part in dnd where my character is just like this
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magnetic-rose · 1 month
i guess my gripe with people who are just writing off the tv show as lore-breaking and bad without watching it is that the show itself actually addresses a lot of the complaints that fandom always makes and people are instead taking information out of context to rage bait about it.
"why isn't civilization advancing" it WAS advancing! shady sands was a beautiful city with thriving crops and a bus system. it got burned down because vault tech is not interested in letting civilization advance on their own terms.
"why can't fallout ever be hopeful" the season ends with infinite renewable energy being implemented into the world so that society can finally start healing and advancing. it's just currently at the hands of the wrong people.
"why does bethesda hate the NCR and have such a boner for the brotherhood" this one makes me laugh because the show portrays the NCR as ultimately the ones who are really trying to help the world in meaningful ways and it portrays the brotherhood as these big cultish losers who are obsessed with the past. the show even points out that their obsession with the past makes no sense.
"why was shady sands nuked in 2277" it wasn't. it started to DECLINE in 2277 and eventually it got nuked at a later date.
"why is everyone on the surface portrayed as savages" because lucy is the POV character and that's how she initially sees them. she was literally raised to be a colonizer and her view eventually gets challenged first with the inhabitants of vault 4 and then when moldaver explains to her the real history of shady sands and her father's involvement with the state of the world.
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fairuzfan · 3 months
(This got soo much longer than I meant for it to be omg... sorry about that!!)
American Holocaust by David Stannard is a flawed book with some dated language, but of everything I've read, I think I like its explanation/argument against this weird sort of... competitive genocide stuff. I'm gonna butcher it a little by cutting out a LOT in order to not nuke your inbox with a super long ask, but:
[…] To say this is not to say that the Jewish Holocaust-the inhuman destruction of 6,000,000 people-was not an abominably unique event. It was. So, too, for reasons of its own, was the mass murder of about 1,000,000 Armenians in Turkey a few decades prior to the Holocaust. So, too, was the deliberately caused "terror-famine" in Stalin's Soviet Union in the 1930s, which killed more than 14,000,000 people. So, too, have been each of the genocidal slaughters of many millions more, decades after the Holocaust, in Burundi, Bangladesh, Kampuchea, East Timor, the Brazilian Amazon, and elsewhere. Additionally, within the framework of the Holocaust itself, there were aspects that were unique in the campaign of genocide conducted by the Nazis against Europe's Romani people, which resulted in the mass murder of perhaps 1,500,000 men, women, and children. [...]
Each of these genocides was distinct and unique, for one reason or another, as were (and are) others that go unmentioned here. In one case the sheer numbers of people killed may make it unique. In another case, the percentage of people killed may make it unique. In still a different case, the greatly compressed time period in which the genocide took place may make it unique. In a further case, the greatly extended time period in which the genocide took place may make it unique. No doubt the targeting of a specific group or groups for extermination by a particular nation's official policy may mark a given genocide as unique. So too might another group's being unofficially (but unmistakably) targeted for elimination by the actions of a multinational phalanx bent on total extirpation. Certainly the chilling utilization of technological instruments of destruction, such as gas chambers, and its assembly-line, bureaucratic, systematic methods of destruction makes the Holocaust unique. On the other hand, the savage employment of non-technological instruments of destruction, such as the unleashing of trained and hungry dogs to devour infants, and the burning and crude hacking to death of the inhabitants of entire cities, also makes the Spanish anti-Indian genocide unique.
A secondary tragedy of all these genocides, moreover, is that partisan representatives among the survivors of particular afflicted groups not uncommonly hold up their peoples' experience as so fundamentally different from the others that not only is scholarly comparison rejected out of hand, but mere cross-referencing or discussion of other genocidal events within the context of their own flatly is prohibited. It is almost as though the preemptive conclusion that one's own group has suffered more than others is something of a horrible award of distinction that will be diminished if the true extent of another group's suffering is acknowledged.
Compounding this secondary tragedy is the fact that such insistence on the incomparability of one's own historical suffering, by means of what Irving Louis Horowitz calls "moral bookkeeping," invariably pits one terribly injured group against another […]
Denial of massive death counts is common--and even readily understandable, if contemptible--among those whose forefathers were the perpetrators of the genocide. Such denials have at least two motives: first, protection of the moral reputations of those people and that country responsible for the genocidal activity (which seems the primary motive of those scholars and politicians who deny that massive genocide campaigns were carried out against American Indians); and second, on occasion, the desire to continue carrying out virulent racist assaults upon those who were the victims of the genocide in question (as seems to be the major purpose of the anti-Semitic so-called historical revisionists who claim that the Jewish Holocaust never happened or that its magnitude has been exaggerated). But for those who have themselves been victims of extermination campaigns to proclaim uniqueness for their experiences only as a way of denying recognition to others who also have suffered massive genocidal brutalities is to play into the hands of the brutalizers. Rather, as Michael Berenbaum has wisely put it, "we should let our sufferings, however incommensurate, unite us in condemnation of inhumanity rather than divide us in a calculus of calamity."
The whole thing is available to read on the Internet Archive if you're interested. (This part starts on pg 149, if you'd just like to have the full context without the parts I chopped.)
Additionally, Carrol Kakel's book The American West and the Nazi East, while imperfect, too, is also very useful in getting at the core issue with these arguments and what makes them harmful--regardless of intent. I'm gonna spare you and not quote too much from this one, but the general gist of what it's about and argues in favor of is summed up like this in its conclusion:
In the case of the Holocaust and its contexts, the new ‘optics’ helps us see that – contrary to the prevailing image of ‘industrial genocide’ – many aspects of the Holocaust are akin to earlier ‘colonial genocide’. It is worth noting (and emphasizing) that the distinction I make between ‘colonial genocide’ and ‘industrial genocide’ is not to suggest some type of crude and arbitrary ‘partitioning’ of the Nazi Holocaust; it is, rather, to suggest and reassert the (settler) colonial roots, content, and context of the Nazi project in the ‘Wild East’ – a content and context linked, in Hitler’s and Himmler’s ‘spatial’ and ‘racial’ fantasies, to the ‘North American precedent’. And finally, the new ‘optics’ also allows us to understand that the ‘genocide and colonialism’ nexus holds the key to recognizing the Holocaust’s origins, content, and context; that the Nazi Holocaust is not a copy – but an extremely radicalized variant – of earlier ‘colonial genocide’; and that ‘holocaust’ is not a separate category from, but the most extreme variant of, the blight on human history we call ‘genocide’.
One of the more infamous examples of someone trying to argue against comparison (at least in the NDN circles I run in, anyway) was Deborah Lipstadt claiming that "[What the United States did to Native Americans] was not the same as the Holocaust" because, she says, "The Native Americans were seen as "competitors" for land and resources. There was, therefore, a certain logic-horrible and immoral as it was-to the campaign against the Native Americans."
Just for context, the full paragraph from her blog post:
What the United States did to Native Americans was horrendous. I have not studied it closely and it's not my area of expertise, however, it seems clear that the treatment of the various Native American tribes was revolting. However, it was not the same as the Holocaust. The Native Americans were seen as "competitors" for land and resources. There was, therefore, a certain logic-horrible and immoral as it was-to the campaign against the Native Americans. [Please note: I am NOT justifying the attacks.] The German campaign against the Jews had no logic and was often completely illogical. People who were "useful" to the Germans were murdered or exiled, e.g. slave laborers in factories producing goods for the Wehrmacht and scientists who were producing important technological advances for the Germans. In a prime example of illogic, in June 1944 at the time of the landing at Normandy, when the Germans were truly on the defensive, they used precious ships and men to go to the Island of Corfu and deport the 1200 Jews who lived there. They ended up in Auschwitz. Approximately 100 of this old Jewish community survived.
This is obviously a repulsive take, but the bizarre rationalization of abject evil isn't what I think makes this such a good example of the big issue at the heart of the constant emphasis on "uniqueness." There are plenty of people who hold these "exceptionalist" beliefs without taking it that much further and dismissing other genocides altogether. No, the thing that makes this such a perfect encapsulation imo is the very first sentence, where this historian, this professor of "Holocaust Studies," this woman who's ostensibly spent most of her entire life studying genocide openly admits she's never really bothered to look into what, exactly, happened to all those Indians way back when.
This is ultimately what I, personally, see as the main issue with this line of thinking. The harm doesn't necessarily come from holding the Holocaust up as "worse" than any other genocidal event, though that way of thinking definitely has its own problems, but from holding it up as fundamentally different.
It's the way this view holds it up as completely separate, in its own little bubble of history where we can study it and analyze it and teach about it all we want... all without ever having to broach the subject of colonialism. You can have entire classes where you study every single minute detail of this one specific genocide without ever having to mention or--god forbid--criticize the system that's driven pretty much every other instance of it.
Deborah Lipstadt has spent the better part of a century learning everything there is to know about the Holocaust, but in all that time, she's apparently never felt the need to look into the events that its perpetrators openly and repeatedly referred to as their inspiration.
This is what makes this sort of framing so dangerous imo. You can spend your entire life educating yourself about genocide, but if it's only in the context of one genocide and the belief in the uniqueness and incomparability of that single event is core to your understanding of both it and your worldview as a whole, you will still be completely incapable of recognizing the signs when it starts to happen again.
this is a really informative ask. thank you so much for sending this in (love the citations haha) i think it adds a lot to the overall discussion.
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vickyvicarious · 7 months
Hello! I was wondering what you make of Seward's phrase "is it possible that love is all subjective or all objective?" I've seen people allude to different meanings on the phrase but I can't quite figure out what it means
I wanted to wait until after 11 October to answer this ask, just so I didn't have to spoiler for the context of my reply. Which is that... my instinct is to oppose Jonathan and Seward's loves for this one. Specifically, in their reactions to the women they love becoming vampires. (I'm choosing Jack specifically to talk about because we get in his head more than we do for the other suitors, though by actions one could argue they fall more on the same side as he does.)
Firstly, let's take a brief moment to talk about the specific words used. Subjective generally means dictated by personal taste, and objective would be based on fact or truth. So, a love that is all one or the other could be very different depending on what the person you love is like. For example, an objective love would appreciate someone's virtues, while a subjective one might find things to love even in their flaws. Or on a larger scale, and much more relevant to how the phrase is used in the book... what would happen when the person you love is becoming a vampire, a creature that is factually and objectively evil and wrong? How would you react, how would you feel?
It depends on your type of love.
Jonathan's love is all subjective. Even though he absolutely hates and despises vampires, once he knows Mina is at risk of becoming one he resolves to join her if need be. He sees her rejected by God when the communion wafer burns her forehead, and he says 'actually no, I think the holiest kind of love is the one that would lead me to join her in her unholy state'. Even when Mina outright appeals to him to kill her if she is too far gone - an appeal to his objective understanding, for him to express his love in a way that confronts the truth of what she would become - Jonathan remains silent and in doing so refuses to make that promise. It's implied that he would be willing to fight the other men in order to protect her, even though they are his allies and friends. His beliefs warp around the shape of his love. He will destroy himself and others for the sake of his love, even if he knows through painful experience how objectively evil vampires are.
Jack's love meanwhile is all objective. Even though he didn't fully understand what a vampire was, he began to lose his love for Lucy as soon as he saw her acting in that way. In fact every time she was acting out of character to be more vampiric before her death, he seemed to notice and be a little put off by it, even though he didn't really seem to realize so much at the time. He outright says this quote when he is watching vampire!Lucy and realizing that he doesn't feel as horrible about mutilating the body of the woman he loved as he would have expected. When he learns Lucy has become a monster, he begins to feel repulsed by her - a process completed when he sees her up close and outright says his love for her is gone: "At that moment the remnant of my love passed into hate and loathing; had she then to be killed, I could have done it with savage delight." His determination to destroy the Thing she now is completely separates her in his mind from her living self. His love gives way to the objective facts. He will help to kill her, and gladly, because what she has become disgusts him... because what she has become is objectively evil.
Obviously, their experiences are different, and perhaps it's not quite such a true binary. Mina's gradual transformation, combined with Jonathan's pre-existing knowledge, is quite different from Jack's abrupt introduction to Lucy's vastly changed self and to the idea of the supernatural at all. But for the purposes of examining this quote, I think it works quite well to set them up at opposite ends of that scale.
It's also kind of curious because it calls back to another great line of Seward's: "(Mem., under what circumstances would I not avoid the pit of hell?)" The context of that line is Seward struggling to resist his dark impulses with regards to his treatment of Renfield. And he says this after having noticed himself actively doing something he says he'd normally avoid like the pit of hell, so that means he was approaching it until he caught himself. This is a struggle he repeatedly faces with Renfield, finding himself longing for a cause that he would consider it worthwhile abandoning his morals for, so that he could just give in to these urges.
But while Jack Seward is the person most drawn to the darkness, as we get introduced to the vampires are representatives of the ultimate darkness he backs firmly away. It's only in isolation that he feels so attracted to amoral experimentation; when together with his friends he pulls himself back to be more firmly opposed. His treatment of Renfield is a mess the entire time, don't get me wrong. He never really does right by him. But he doesn't seem to feel that same urge to push him in such a cruel way merely for his own interest/satisfaction. It becomes in the service of a greater goal, the objectively good idea of fighting Dracula. (Again, not saying his methods are good, but his motivation shifts.) He's always been conscious of an idea of what is right to do and he actively tries to follow that, with much greater success when not left to his own devices.
Meanwhile Jonathan has never felt such an intense draw to the darkness. He survived months alone surrounded by evil influences, and it only increased his determination to remain himself/human. He hates the vampires and he feels no true allure to the idea of being like them (outside the allure everyone feels when being hypnotized by them, etc.). He wanted nothing more than a normal happy life, he never longed for a cause that would be worth throwing his morals away. And yet, when Mina begins to turn we see Jonathan decide that this is the circumstance under which he will not avoid the pit of hell. This is the cause he can dedicate himself to as fully as any madman. Jonathan never felt the need to philosophize about trying to avoid such things before he was exposed to them by others, because he has no inherent urge to seek them out. But he also lacks that restrictive hold when a reason does come along.
(To visualize: if there's a pit, then Jack is the person who keeps wandering closer, desperately wanting to lean over the edge and see what's inside. Knowing this about himself, he's tied a rope around his waist to ensure he doesn't slip too far. Jonathan never even went near until he abruptly decides to sprint up and swan-dive straight into it when he thinks Mina's fallen in.)
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 2 months
i love your magic euphoria prompt so much, and i thought i’d share a little tidbit that won’t leave me alone. imagine whumpee trying to fight against losing themself in caretaker’s presence. tears are streaming, magic is whipping wildly around them as caretaker tries to talk them down, only for something to snap in their mind and they go quiet. no more struggles, no more emotion, just perfectly still against caretaker as euphoria pours in through the cracks.
(this is the post we're talking about for anyone wanting context)
I’m chewing on this idea like a savage dog. In love with it, I’m so glad I could be plagued with this idea of yours.
Yes! Yes! I’ve talked about how Caretaker has to respond to this role of handler, but not how Whumpee responds to it. The anxiety that comes with knowing you have to sacrifice your mind to tap into that power, knowing how it controls you. The terror of entering into a new battlefield, seeing your allies and Caretaker beside you, and wondering if they’re safe with you so close.
I imagine it’s like trying to fight against the pull of anesthesia. Trying to stay grounded in reality as their power runs through them, trying to remain calm as unwanted joy runs sends their heart pounding uncontrollably. Fighting against feelings they don’t want, the smile on their face both euphoric and pained as they try to keep themselves together.
The only thing keeping them grounded in Caretaker. I’m obsessed with this idea of yours. The imagine of them shattering, their magic shattering them, power swirling around like a storm as tears pour from their eyes. I imagine them stumbling forward on uncoordinated legs, falling into Caretaker and gripping them like a lifeline. Eyes wide, body shaking like a leaf, putting every bit of energy into trying to remain present.
Whumpee doesn’t notice that their grip is bruisingly tight, they don’t notice how the magic on their fingers is burning Caretaker. They only register Caretaker’s hold tightening on them and refusing to let go.
They try to hold onto the feeling, but they can’t. It’s all just too much.
The moment they snap must be terrifying. Everything simply stops. Their magic goes dead, their eyes go dead, glazing over. They go still in Caretaker’s arms all at once, and for a moment Caretaker thinks they passed out.
But Whumpee doesn’t crumble to the ground. They remain still, eyes blank.
Laughter and cheering fills the sudden silence as the terrified soldiers and generals realize the danger has passed. They’re overjoyed, singing Caretaker’s praises and celebrating.
Caretaker’s not listening to them. They can only stare into Whumpee’s eyes, search through that endless distant gaze and try to find the person they care about more than anyone. They only find an empty stare and tear stained cheeks. They feel more alone now than ever.
Caretaker carries Whumpee to the medical wing in silence, leaving the cheering crowd behind. Whumpee remains limp in their arms, eyes vacant. Like a puppet with their strings cut. Caretaker doesn’t leave Whumpee's side until a spark of awareness returns to their gaze.
The first thing Whumpee does upon seeing Caretaker is cry.
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robertoarts · 1 year
Semper Fi
I am not a writer by any means, but I just had this idea, and I couldn't get it out of my head.
This takes place after the end of Avatar 2 so expect spoilers. I am 100% just gonna make shit up here, hope that's ok. idk where this is going, I have covid and ItS 4:21 am, but here you GO I have NOT READ THIS SO IM SORRy FOR MISTAKES OK
This WILL be multiple parts if ya want
Also sorry for the info dump at the beginning but really am not a writer and wanted to provide some context ok
Na'vi Quaritch x Fem Na'vi Reader (former RDA)
(1,896 words)
Some tags ig
[slow burn, like the slowest of burns ok?, memory loss trope, i can fix him trope]
[warning - blood mention]
You have been sneaking through the forest, entertaining yourself, bounding from tree to tree, sent out on a hunting mission along with a few others. You split up a while earlier to spread the load more evenly. Hunting has never really been your strong suit, you preferred blades to bows, and you're larger than most na'vi women, leaving you a little less agile. You knew it had something to do with the human physiology you used to have. You took pride in your strength, and being in the military gave you a purpose...for a time at least. You mostly worked with scientists, working escorts and the like; you were basically a glorified chauffeur, and when the RDA came to Pandora with the promise of new life and new land, and you being a solid 20-year-old marine, you did what you do best. 
You were assigned a role on the AVTR team working on a separate subsection; you didn't fully understand what they were doing or why, but it had something to do with integrating the humans and the Avatars, removing the need for the linkbeds altogether. This idea was the beginning of something they called the Recom project. The work was a success and a small group of humans fully integrated into their Na'vi counterparts. You were one of the first ones they tried the experiment on. Being the muscle, the risk of you dying would have little effect on anyone. You were happy to oblige; you preferred being in your avatar body. 
Your time in Pandora was a complex one. While protecting the scientists, you fell in love with the planet, the culture, and the people. As you spent time in Pandora with the scientists, you lived among the Anurai Clan. Renowned for their artisans and craftsmen. It went against everything the RDA said, the people weren't savages, their planet was beautiful, and their connection to Eywa was sacred. You kept this to yourself for a while. Being the property of the RDA, you knew not everyone would share your sentiments, but as time passed, you knew you were not the only one. When the war with the sky people began, you and over half of the scientists took the side of the Na'vi, and the rest went back to continue their Recom research. 
The war with the sky people and the Omaticaya clan is well known, but the effect on the Anurai clan was severe, almost wiping them out. Few true Anurai remained after, and you, as a united people, moved away from your home, settling somewhere new to find peace, knowing the RDA would eventually react.
The 17 years since have been a mixed bag. You had become good with crafting, knives were your speciality, but you also carved small sculptures in your spare time, usually making Thanators for members of the Clan. With it being their totem animal, you had numerous requests. And while RDA did respond, your focus was on helping the Anurai clan breathe life back into what they once were, and slowly the Clan has begun rebuilding. You did anything they asked, hunting, gathering but mostly fishing. 
That is the quest you had been sent on this eve. Although you were more significant in size than most, you had a stillness about you in the water, making you a pro and capturing the river fish. The walk was extensive, but you still enjoyed the physical exertion—a soldier trait you couldn't kick. One leg in front of the other, repetitive motion to keep your mind still. The view was spectacular, too, you didn't connect with Eywa often, but you felt her all around you as you travelled. 
You picked some Nurra berries while walking the route to your favourite part of the river. There were places closer to the Clan, but you liked to take the time to walk to your favourite spot. A home away from home, a small waterfall with a cave hidden beyond the water, the fish were more relaxed, and you had set up a little space in the cave with some things you preferred to keep private. 
As you throw some Nurra berries into your pack, your ears prick up. The forest shifts. It feels quiet, almost unnatural. You immediately slow, bend low, a unsheathe your knife. You move slowly, down to the ground, and deliberately to make little noise. 
That is when you hear it, groans, almost inaudible. They sound pained? Close by, off the path ahead. You move towards it, holding your knife to your chest; it is bigger than the average, handcrafted by yourself, your personal initiation to your Clan. The groans get louder, and you prepare for anything as you follow. You slowly push some flora out of the way, and you see...a man?
Shock grips your soul. You see an RDA avatar wearing military gear, completely ripped to shreds, blood-staining his green tank top. His face is towards the ground, and you can see his typical Jarhead haircut and his kuru, the hair around it dishevelled, showing his skin in unprotected areas. Your ears roll back, and you hiss in his direction. What is an RDA soldier doing out here?? The sound of your hiss stuns the man into movement, desperately turning, pushing himself off the ground, mud covering his face, turning to look. Fear tugged at his face, ears submissive and mouth agape. 
You leap towards him, knife at the ready, "What are you doing out here, soldier!?" you shout in English. He tries to push himself away from you, confusion painting his face. "I... I " you hear a deep drawl. With menacing intent, you begin to move closer, standing taller to assert your dominance. You were wearing some traditional Anurai garbs but opted for leggings which one would usually wear for riding, another human perk you hadn't shaken yet; the feeling of pants made you feel safer. The sky above you opens up, and you feel the wet drips on your body as you stand. The sound is roaring, and rain begins belting down to Pandora with heavy ferocity.
The man looked pathetic below you, scared, wet, and bleeding. He was helpless; he had no weapon you could discern and seemed desperate to get away from you. He is pushing himself away, digging into the wet ground to find traction.
"Answer me, kalweyaveng!" your voice boomed out, causing him to flinch, his tail swinging recklessly behind him. "I don't know!" He shouted in response, "I don't know where I am, I don't...I don't know how I got here. I can't .." your head tilts at his answer.
"You can't....? What is your name, soldier?"
"I don't..." the man looks scared and confused; he looks around, pulling himself further away from you. Your eyes widen, you take the risk and take your eyes off the man, looking around for any sign of backup. Was this some trick? You can see in your peripheral that he is trying to stand, and you turn your head to look. He is holding his midsection, the rain accentuates the crimson colour leaking from his fingers. 
Guilt pangs at you, this man acts like he doesn't know who he is, where he is or why he is here. And now he will die alone, scared in a place that is not his home. You lift your knife, ready to move toward him and take his life. He isn't even looking at you anymore, he is pushing himself off the ground, standing. As he stretches out before you, you can see he is exceptionally tall, his body holds muscles in a similar way to yours, not of the Na'vi living at home, all limbs and grace. He is dejected, almost accepting of his coming fate. So much needless death, you think to yourself, reluctance seeping from your being as you inch your way forward. 
That's when you see it, atokirina, a seed of the tree of souls. Not one, but two. Floating their way over to this strange man, in this madness, seemingly missing every torrential raindrop divebombing their way towards them.
Doubt and reluctance combined with this sign from Eywa were enough to sway you. If Eywa could accept you, why could it accept this man? You slide your knife back into its tstalsena. You take a breath, cautious, and say, "Semper fi", moving towards him, grabbing his arm and placing it over your shoulder and sharing his weight with you, "Come on stranger, let's get you out of this rain, I know a place not to far from here we can take shelter.". He winces, letting himself relax a little, putting more weight onto you. He is far more strung out than he let on, which you didn't think possible.
The two of you make your way to your safe space, unsure of what to do with the avatar yet. Better to take him away from the Clan for now and figure out what to do later. 
Supporting his weight was beginning to grow tiresome, but you can see your waterfall ahead, the rain is relentless, and you can feel the man shivering around you. You have shared silence on your journey here; his tiny breaths seem to grow weaker, and worry begins to sit in your stomach. You pull more of his weight onto you and walk faster. 
You pull him into the cave, walking underneath the waterfall, the water warmer than the rain, and you pass through. You place the man down, leaning him against the back wall of your cove, in front of the small fire pit already prepared. You take out your knife and begin striking the hilt onto a rock, trying to create the spark you need to warm your new five-fingered friend. 
An orange glow and the following warmth emit from the pit, and you start throwing on logs to generate more heat. You move to a pack with some different medicinal poultices and bring them over to the stranger. He seems to have passed out since placing him on the ground, he is weak and injured. You take what you have and do what you can, lifting off the dark green tank top and seeing the damage to his muscular chest. You smear the goop onto the open wounds on his body, and they are not severe, he will not die from these just yet. Due to your walk through the rain, his face is no longer muddy, and you can finally get a good view. He looks young, younger than you, maybe in his 20's? He is handsome, his short hair suits him well; short hair is something you do not often see among the Na'vi people as their hair often tells stories. He is cute, you think as you examine the damage to his face. He also has a burn on his neck, which you treat the best you can. You are not a healer, it is not your strong suit, and you a very quickly using up what medicine you have stashed away, you will have to ask Euatx for more when you go back. Around his neck, you see tags, you peer at them, hoping to get a glimpse of his name; the tags look damaged, and you only see one name.
"Huh. Hello Miles." 
kalweyaveng - son of a bitch
atokirina - woodsprite
tstalsena - knife sheath
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thedemoninme141 · 10 months
Blade Of Miquella Chapter 4: Woe Is Mine.
Summary: Wednesday recalls the moments before disaster. Warnings: MoreEmotionallyConfusedWednesday! ANGST Previous Chapter 👉 HERE.
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After Wednesday left your room, You threw the glass of water away, You broke down. The demon inside you was winning, You knew you didn't have much time left before she takes full control of you. You knew no matter how many times you win a fight against her she return until she won the battle. You knew you were going to cause this world's demise.
No, you cannot give up, if you do, your brother's sacrifice will be for nothing. He will come back, you will wait until he comes back. He asked you to be brave, you will be brave. 
"Don’t worry, Edgar Allan. I see your sanctimonious smirk. But I will get the last laugh. Your penchant for riddles was legendary. And this might be your cleverest yet. Because it’s not a single riddle. Rather, each line is its own separate one.
“The opposite of moon.” Sun.
“A world between ours.” Nether.
“Two months before June.” April.
“A self-seeding flower.” Pansy.
“One more than one.” Two.
“Its leaves weep to the ground.” Willow. 
“It melts in the sun.” Ice.
“Its beginning and end never found.” Circle.
“Every rule has one.” Exception.
“The answer will give a sharp cracking sound.”
Snap Twice.
Secret societies. Hidden libraries. My mother staring at me in a judgmental way. These are all things I’ve come to expect.
Hundreds of books, which one was she looking for? Dust was everywhere, This place isn't very visited, so Wednesday looked where dust wasn't. Some dust was wiped away in front of one particular book, a subtle sign that someone had recently accessed it Possibly Rowan. She opened it and found the ripped edges of a page, where the page was missing, this is the one.
She sat in her room, matching the other piece of the ripped page with the book. It was clear,  She wasn't getting out of the school after burning it down, she was defending it from a pilgrim. But who? 
However, her curiosity was further piqued by the page that followed. A chilling sketch depicted a winged woman, her ethereal beauty contrasting sharply with her savage actions. The illustration showed her gripping the pilgrim by his neck, while the delicate petals of her wings tore into his flesh mercilessly. This enigmatic depiction added another piece to the puzzle, one that held no readily available information or context.
Birthdays aren't a thing for Wednesday, and she would rather swallow razor blades than celebrate her surprise party, But one good thing came from it, Her vision.
"Crackstone is coming."
Wednesday woke up in front of the gate of an abandoned mansion. She saw Goody right in front of her.
"You're the raven in my bloodline."
 In an instant, she stood beside her.
"Wednesday," she called.
"I was told you could teach me how to control my ability.
"There is no controlling a raging river. You must learn to navigate it without drowning. Time is not on our side. To stop Crackstone, this place you must seek. Not only the fate of nevermore rests in your hand, but the whole world's does."
"Do you always speak in riddles?"
"Do you always seek simple answers?"
"The path of a Raven is a solitary one. You end up alone, unable to trust others, only seeing the darkness within them."
"Is that supposed to scare me?"
"It should."
That is how she found herself and her friend Enid escaping for their lives from the Hyde. Tyler injured. And Xavier showing up at the exact time the monster was gone, She doesn't need any more proof. Whenever she witnessed the monster before twice and as soon as it was gone, Xavier appeared, perhaps you put your faith in the wrong friend. 
As the sheriff dropped her back to Nevermore and she was going up the stairs of Nevermore, she heard Weems's voice.
"You directly violated my explicit order and left campus during a lockdown. Not to mention putting your peers and yourself in danger." Weems admonished.
"Which is grounds for expulsion. I know. And you have every right to exercise that option."  Wednesday said. "I do believe it would be a great error on your part."
Weems let out a disbelieving scoff.
"I think contrition might be in order right now, Miss Addams. Not hubris."
"I’ll never apologize for trying to uncover a truth." Wednesday asserted, holding her ground. She took out the pages she took from the book and gave them to Weems.
"What is this?" Weems asked.
"It's a warning from Rowan," Wednesday explained. Weems's expression changed as she looked at the first page, which depicted Wednesday defending the burning school against the pilgrim. However, when she turned to the next page, her hands went numb, and the paper fell before Wednesday picked it up again. The winged woman, Does it scare her more than the school burning down? 
"Is this why he tried to kill you?" she asked.
"His mother drew them before she died. Said I was destined to destroy the school." She said. "But I think I’m meant to save it."
Weems was silent.
Wednesday wanted to ask about whoever the winged woman is, but right now, she needed to prolong her stay at Nevermore first.
"Now you know what’s at stake. Everything you vowed to protect, no less. I think I deserve another chance." She said
With all her willpower, she added one final word.
Weems let out an angry huff.
"One more infraction… One more step out of line and you will be expelled. No ifs, no buts."
"Enid and Xavier are spared as well." She said.
"And no more negotiation. Good night" Weems snapped before walking away. 
However, she didn't expect to see Enid packing her bags when she entered her room.
"Where are you going?" Wednesday inquired.
"Yoko’s room," Enid replied without even looking back at Wednesday, her voice missing the cheerfulness she always has.
"Thornhill said I could crash there for a few nights," she added.
"There’s no need. I spoke with Weems. You and Xavier won’t be punished."
"Am I supposed to thank you?" Enid turned around, her eyes revealing her disappointment and anger.
"I already apologized. It’s over."  Wednesday replied, trying to sound unbothered.
"Over? Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you couldn’t even be bothered to cut. You’ll use anyone to get what you want, even if it means putting them in danger. Even if it meant hurting them emotionally, and digging into their traumas. We could have died tonight because of your stupid obsession."
"But we didn’t," Wednesday replied emotionlessly. "And now I’m one step closer to solving this case. That is what is important." She said.
"I’ve tried really, really, really hard to be your friend. Always put myself out there. Thought of your feelings. Told people, “I know she gives off serial killer vibes, but she’s just shy." "
"I never asked you to do that."
"You didn’t have to because that’s what friends do! They don’t have to be asked. The fact that you don’t know that says everything. If you want to keep playing with lives for your investigation, Go ahead, You want to be alone, Wednesday? Be alone. " Thus she left.
And for the first time ever, Wednesday didn't feel good to be alone. Questions flooded her mind,  Was this the emotion you wrestled with every single day? Could it be the reason why anyone who encountered you was effortlessly embraced by your unwavering acceptance, devoid of any doubts?  And just as every new feeling she faces comes on because of you, this time she felt sorrow, for you. Why were you doing this? Why were you making her feel? 
Maybe that is why she found herself running away from you while being pulled towards you at the same time.
Maybe that is why she found herself outside of Dr Kinbott's office after she was butchered by the hyde. Making a promise to herself that she will put an end to this.
Maybe that is why she found herself inside Xavier's art shack confronting him about the murders, finally putting him in jail as the proof was right in his shack. However, her mind couldn't help but worry for you, knowing that you would be affected when you found out about your friend's arrest.
Maybe that is why found herself in her room looking at you outside her window, waiting for her on the balcony. All the ways, lead to you. She made her way over to the balcony making sure her footsteps were inaudible however as she was a few feet away from you, she couldn't help but be captivated by how divine you looked illuminated by the moonlight. 
"Are you happy now Wednesday?" You broke the silence without even looking back at her as if you could sense her presence. 
Wednesday didn't answer, voice seems to be an issue with you around these past few days. 
"You took whatever remained away from me. My love, my trust, my best friend,"  you whispered, your words cutting through the air like a knife. Wednesday's heart sank as she heard the hurt in your voice, realizing the impact of her actions on your life.
"I caught the killer, I made the school safer for everyone. Xavier might be your friend, but that doesn't give him the right to freely murder anyone, He also could've hurt you." she tried to reason with you, hoping you would understand her perspective.
"Xavier would never hurt me, he protected me, he was here when I needed him the most. And look what I gave him in return, I betrayed him for you." You finally looked into her eyes, as if your eyes could send death rays Wednesday blinked, but she never blinks. 
"Why can't you understand? You didn't betray him; you merely did what was necessary by providing me with the crucial evidence. You aided me in saving countless lives from a dark fate in the future. Look what he did to Eugene." Wednesday could see the tears in your eyes, she could see the pain of losing everyone right through your eyes. As if you were a magnet and she was metal, she felt drawn to you, she felt the urge to touch you, grab your hands, your shoulder, she felt the urge to do what she didn't let anyone do to her. She wanted to hug you. Maybe if she did you might feel what she feels for you, as you went out of your way for her, she finally was ready to go out of her's for you, 
But you didn't accept her.
As she tried to grab your shoulder, pulling you in for the so-called "hug", you pushed her away. You pushed her away and ran.
Wednesday doesn't have any right to feel hurt after what she did to you, yet she does.
Maybe that's why she found herself in  Weathervane Cafe. Kissing Tyler and having a vision of him murdering Dr Kinbott. Finally regretting her choices, and getting used as a pawn to frame Xavier.
Maybe that's why she found herself in the police station, after her attempt of torturing Tyler into confession failed horribly, as he stood before her,  "The sound of their screams, the panic in their eyes, and a fear so primal I could taste it. And it was delicious." He whispered in her years. "And I cannot wait to taste HER'S, You have no idea what’s coming." Tyler knew about what you mean to her, and he will use it against her. Maybe that's why she found herself in Weems's office, hoping she would trust her, trying to convince her that Tyler is the Hyde. But of course, she doesn't.  Maybe that's why she found herself in front of Xavier. To get any help, any proof to use against Tyler, "I’m… glad you were getting some action while I was falsely accused." He said, his voice filled with sarcasm. "I should’ve believed you," Wednesday said, wanting to make amends.  "But since you seem to have some psychic connection to the Hyde, I was curious if you’ve drawn anything that might shed light on this?" Wednesday was willing to beg for any help, any proof. Not because of the school, but because of you, your life was on the line. "You want my help? You ruined my life! No. I tried being your friend. Look where that got me. You used my friend against me." "It is about her too, if I can't stop whatever is coming, her life would be in danger too." She took out the pages to show him too, hurriedly, however, the winged woman's sketch fell from her hands in front of him. "Tyler warned me something bad was coming. I think…" "Where did you get that? You didn't show it to me last time." Tyler said pointing at the sketch. Wednesday picked up the sketch from the floor. She didn't expect Xavier to know anything about it as he didn't know much about the first sketch. "Who is it?" she asked. He couldn't say the truth to Wednesday, even if you helped her, he won't do the same, He doesn't trust Wednesday with you, if the way leads to you getting hurt, he won't do it.  "It doesn't matter, if you really think this is premonitions of the future, then the future is already doomed." He said. "I can stop this. I"  Xavier didn't let her finish, "No, you can't, All you ever do is make things worse. Do you want to stop this? Then leave. Go far away and never come back. Do you understand?"
Maybe that's why she found herself thinking if Xavier was right, maybe whatever she touches, Rots away. Whoever she comes in contact with, gets hurt. Maybe she would be sparing you, by getting away from you. Yet her heart couldn't bear thinking of not seeing you ever again for her entire life.
Maybe that's why she found herself falling for Thornhill's trap as she finally found out about who Tyler's master was through Eugene, yet she couldn't do anything as Thornhill cuts the palm of her hand and awakens the deceased pilgrim from his slumber.
Maybe that's why, even with a knife in her stomach, she only thought about getting up, using all her remaining strength to save you. Maybe that's what made her worthy enough in Goody's eyes to be saved and given a second chance. "Just know, once I do, you will never see me again. The school needs you, She needs you. Wednesday."
Maybe that's why she found herself between Crackstone and the school, fighting her last stand,  As she was defeated against Crackstone's power, being choked by his invisible force, she wondered about the one single piece of the puzzle she couldn't fit in any of this, who was the armored woman in Xavier's painting? who was the winged woman in the sketch?
"Get away from her." she heard the familiar voice.
Then she realized the answer was always with her, helping her from the start, making a permanent residence in her stone-cold heart, as she looked behind to see, in the elegant armor from the painting, a long sword attached to the right hand, She saw You.
Larissa's body trembled as she struggled to rise from the floor, her determination outweighing the weakness the poison had inflicted upon her. With every ounce of strength left, she willed her shapeshifting abilities to work in her favor, mending the damage the toxic substance had caused. The pain was excruciating, but she gritted her teeth and pressed on.
Using the table beside her as support, she managed to stand on her shaky legs. Her heart raced as she patted her pockets, the gun and the unalloyed gold bullet still securely tucked away. PART 5 👉 HERE
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eating-the-inedible · 8 months
What book that you had to read for school have you hated the most?
lord of the flies
because i just. dislike that book
it's just. i really dislike it
I first determined i disliked the lord of the flies before i read it
I read a book called Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman and in that book he talks about how there was a real lord of the flies situation and it did not, in fact, end in chaos and death
I didn't want to say i disliked it without having actually read it, so i read the book
then, a month later i had to read it for school
fast forward a few more months, i am writing an argumentative essay for the same class and I decide to write it on why humans are actually usually good deep down (mainly as a way to convince myself later on when i was in doubt)
here is an excerpt from the lord of the flies part of my essay, in case you were wondering what i meant about there being a real situation:
....This provides evidence for the idea that humans are born with a preference for good. Some skeptics, upon hearing this, will immediately reference one story, saying, “Well, if kids are supposed to be showing how innocent people really are, then how about the invidious children in the Lord of the Flies? They were savages the second that they were rid of adults. Their belligerence shows the true bellicose way of mankind.” This is simply not true. First-- the Lord of the Flies is a fictional book written by a bitter, devout alcoholic, a man who considered the book to be “a joke,” (Carey), and second-- Lord of the Flies happened in the late 60s, and the outcome is nothing like what Golding had thought would happen. Lord of the Flies is a book about a group of British school-boys, at the beginning of a fictitious world war. The boys are stranded on a deserted island, with no adults, after their plane is shot down. The boys agree that they will survive, have fun, and keep a signal fire burning until they are rescued. Eventually, the boys split into two “tribes” after the fire goes out and there are differing priorities. Three boys are dead, two murdered, and the forest is set on fire, before a British naval officer spots the smoke and comes to rescue the boys. After the officer’s comment about expecting more from the boys, Ralph, the leader of the pack, breaks down and starts to sob. “...Ralph wept for the end of innocence, [and] the darkness of man's heart…” (Golding 202). Lord of the Flies is meant to show that, without society, humans are infantile, savage beasts who will immediately resort to violence and brutality the second they have the chance. This, though, is a fictional book. While many people believe Golding’s work accurately depicts human nature, it has been proven to be wrong. In 1966, a group of six Tongan boys were found and rescued from an uninhabited island. They had left their boarding school with an agenda of escaping to Fiji on a fishing boat, when a storm hit; their sail was in tatters, and their rudder broken. For eight days the boat drifted, and the boys’ food supply depleted. They used coconut shells to gather rainwater, then split it evenly.  When the boys finally saw land, it was the uninhabited, rocky island of ‘Ata. They were stranded there for just over a year. By the time they were rescued, by Australian ship captain, Peter Warner, they had set up “a small commune with food garden, hollowed-out tree trunks to store rainwater, a gymnasium with curious weights, a badminton court, chicken pens, and a permanent fire, all from handiwork, an old knife blade and much determination.” (Warner 19). In Lord of the Flies, the boys could not keep their fire going and that became the start of the conflict. On the island of ‘Ata, the six boys kept a fire going from three months after they were stranded, to the day they were rescued. Any conflict that they had was resolved by having the feuding pair go to two respective parts of the island, and come back to apologize when they calmed down. There were no battles or extreme arguments, and the only injury was when one boy fell off a cliff, breaking his leg. The boys used sticks to set his leg and it healed with no permanent damage, confounding doctors who would later examine them. This was a real life example of boys being left to fend for themselves with no adults on a deserted island, and they behaved perfectly. This is still not enough to convince the cynics of the world....
lord of the flies
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funniest parts of inside job pt 2
mommy likey drinky
“santa is fake! but student debt is real!” “you had to learn sometime, brayden”
“this is gonna be the most globally damaging midlife crisis since elon musk” oh that is APT
“ok boomer”
“are you poland? because that german guy straight-up owned you”
reagan saying that alex jones “looks like an orangutan fucked a fire hydrant”
“i’m the only one left who will listen to me!”
spending the whole episode confused on why oprah is back and then seeing her yell “i’m not the first oprah!”
“our missions do feel suspiciously like b-stories”
“why is my wallet on a metal leash? where would it be trying to go?”
lights being mothman’s kryptonite is a very obvious joke but it still works every time
“MOTHERFUCKER!” “well, he is fucking reagan’s mother, so yes. motherfucker.”
*takes out a lotus* “i don’t put these in my pocket. they grow there spontaneously.”
“i’m feeling drained from staring meaningfully into the distance”
“after dating so many billionaires, his millionaire lifestyle keeps me grounded”
the pussy posse being amazed and confounded by brett’s respect women juice
the real reason leonardo dicaprio only dates women under 25
“someone on the internet found out margot robbie is cgi” FINALLY SOMEONE WHO AGREES WITH ME
reagan accidentally imitating owen wilson
“when i’m done with you, men will look at you the way they look at me: briefly!”
gigi’s reaction to her make-under: “i wanna cyberbully myself!”
tamiko’s reaction to rand turning into a literal manchild: “way to turn subtext into text, rand”
myc’s absolutely SAVAGE comebacks at the constitution heist
“how would the founding fathers feel about this?” “probably the same way your father feels about you”
“ok, give me the word and i’ll blow the hell out of this thing” “said your ex-wife to brett’s dick”
“aliens? a woman being in charge of a team? nobody’s gonna believe this!”
“it’s a psychic union where everyone thinks the same and acts the same like fucking marvel fans” HGFHJGSDHKJHSJGH
“the last time i saw a white guy that generic, he was on a don’t walk sign!”
“fresh dirt is brought to you by blue apron. do you only care about the environment when it’s super convenient?”
“how did he get that hoodie?”
“WE’VE BEEN FUCKED BY THE POPE!” “for the love of god, CONTEXT!”
saying “when in rome” is half the reason people come to rome
the gay dog weddings
“i now pronounce you two very good boys!”
“that’s me in the corner, losing my religion.”
reagan offending the italians (again)
“oh man, if god is real, i’m fucked”
“in the name of the father the son and the HOLY SHIT”
in a vow to make air travel as inconvenient as possible, the third wright brother invented sharing an armrest
“i deserve to be punished. i still quote borat sometimes”
“look! a woman’s ankle!”
*takes one look at hell* “those flamin’ hot cheetos commercials really nailed it.”
“i love cable news. it’s like watching the apocalypse in slow motion.”
gigi describing brett as “the comic sans of people”
andre reminding us how old millennials are now
“destroying your brother’s political legacy. what are you, a bush?”
the ayn rand tattoo
brett accidentally unionizing and legalizing sex work
“the solution just seemed so obvious”
“because faking your own death worked so well last time, reagan. redundant much?”
“maybe all conspiracies are real!” “oh, that’s not good.”
brett’s lil brett puppet
lil brett dying
lil brett going absolutely batshit crazy during the entire end credits of that episode
“you look like a white girl at burning man!”
the coughing and face-touching station
“the only way you’re associated with the number 300 is in pounds.” “you calling me fat?” “explicitly!”
“i literally have no idea what you’re going to say next!” “vagina egg.”
“i feel like we have the same interests. wanna start a podcast?” “no! this is like a siren song for straight white men!”
reagan once used cheetos as croutons
*route 96 turns into route 69* “haha, nice”
the fact that andre is just the original text of the “one fear” meme
“fun for ages six to six and a half!”
berenstain bears originally being berenstein makes SO MUCH SENSE
“and finally the rich white underdogs became the rich white ruling class. an inspirational story”
jr refusing to put his shirt back on
brett gives a tinfoil hat to the shazaam poster and it WORKS
“turns out i wasn’t pregnant, i just had way too much del taco” “i’ve been there”
“you said something nice, but it felt mean!”
mothman’s alternate timeline was a reverse of the fly
andre is canonically into tentacle hentai
lampshading the plot holes
“me? in charge of a whole workforce, like santa?”
“how many oscars is meryl streep supposed to have? three seems kinda low”
andre, just having shoved nixon back into his grave, now covered in blood and holding a shovel: “i don’t wanna talk about it”
air bud!!
“i could beat a dog in chess! probably.” same, brett, same
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
✨Out of context lines shitpost Pt. 3✨
Part 1 | Part 2
Quo: Do you want to put the sparkles in the title like we did in- Nogolsta: Of course. We're not savages.
@mispeltnostalgia and Quo bring forth more shit.
Hello, y'all enjoy the chaos cause i know i do :) -Nogolsta
The batfam but as things we said in public and in class:
Tim: I cleaned my floor, I washed the dishes, I did my h.w, I was productive.
Jason: Damn. The motivation demon possessed you.
Tim: Yeah it did!
Jason: Meanwhile… meanwhile…
Tim: What did you do?
Jason: *softy* torture
Tim: I love that
*high five*
Dick: *Starts sinking in his chair sliding under the table*
Also Dick: *Struggles to get up. Almost dies*
Steph: look if it's wrong you can blame me. I’ll even give you a crochet hook to stab me
Jason: I’d rather kill you with words
Steph: So I'd get on OC and you would brutally murder them?
Jason: Well, I do have an OC called Steph. Well its Christopher but I can shorten it
Bruce: What are you talking about?
Jason: Murder.
Steph: Specifically mine.
Special extracts from Tim’s essay about funeral rites in Egypt:
(Please note these are some extracts from Nogolsta’s essay outline. We don’t question it.)
The brain getting removed via nose with a crochet hook and the rest of the brain goop getting washed out with 💉drugs💉.
The flank (above the hips and below the booby area) is then cut open to scoop out the entire abdomen.
The cavity is then washed with palm wine and then with a ✨spicy blend✨.
Then it's filled with nice smelling things: pure myrrh(dur), cassia (another variation of cinnamon) but no frankincense (they don’t want the dead waking up now do they? Or else it’s gonna cause another Jason Todd). Then they sew the body up.
Body is chucked in natron (godly salt) for 70 days. No longer, no shorter (just like Dick) (Or Damian).
After this, the body is washed and wrapped in linen for that mummy look we all know and love.
Middle class funerals got less care (shockingly).
The body is injected with cedar oil through the butthole and is then plugged up like the hair in the sink.
(Note: Bruce got a call from the teacher about Tim being submitted to counseling.)
Dick: *walking backwards* I will make you hydrate
Tim: No you won’t 
Dick: you don’t have a choi- *walks into bookshelf and knocks books off*
Babs: and we could just sit and read fanfiction. I’m open to any Fandom as long as no romance or smut. I’m not comfortable with that. But I'm open to anything else. Especially ✨torture✨
Damian: Did you burn the paper I told you to burn?
Steph: Yeah!
Damian: Do you still have the ashes?
Steph: What? No, I burnt it in the fireplace, I’m not scooping it out.
Damian: *sigh* a pity. I was hoping to put it in a jar and look at it every day, reminding me of my dreams.
Wally: Oh no! We haven't been unpredictable enough today! Quick! Say something shitty!
Dick: I didn't bring a sandwich because we ran out of bread at home so Alfred made me a salad but I don't want a salad, I want a ham, cheese and tomato toastie. I mean, I love a salad, but I want a toastie *starts sobbing*
Wally: I have regrets.
Bruce: *crying* Please- I will get down on my knees. Please stop.
Jason: NNJsjeuewjjJQJS EBSIWOSUEHEHBWBD RJE sndjjdidiwiwje
Jason: You have to say the ones not in all-caps quieter.
Jason: jwjduruwhsbdjriwi aanwjeiisjd NSNWOWORIRBEBSJA
Jason:*whispers* i have a torture idea
Dick: *facepalms in disappointment*
Dick: Our father has become a pigeon!
Jason: What?
Dick: *swivels phone to show a snap from Tim of Bruce with a pigeon filter on*
4 yo Damian: *grabs onto someone's leg in a crowd*
Jason: "raises the foot holding Damian with disgust* what the fuck are you?
4 yo Damian: you're not my father
Jason: I sure hope not. I haven't got any fuckers like you running around.
4 yo Damian: If you were my dad, I’d be sad.
Jason: Let’s find your dad you little shit.
Note: Nogolsta as a child was precious and savage at the same time 
Part 4
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dg-outlaw · 7 months
Spoiler-Free commentary... I think... for Gotham War: Red Hood #2
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Jason likely would've made it out of that burning building without Bruce and Selina's help. So does that mean the fear juice/brain hack on Jason only kind of works? Will this be fixed or retconned? Honestly, I hope they go the magic route and the effects are temporary because Jason is part Homo Magi or something. He's already got the All Blades and taking him down a magical hero route could be interesting, especially since he's not the gun-wielding guy anymore. He also had those supernatural creature darts in the recent 'Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun' comic so it could allow for him to have supernatural guns.
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I get the tying of loose ends from this series and 'The Joker Who Stopped Laughing' run, but I feel like 90% of this issue was just a collage of deleted scenes or "Remember in that other comic? No? Okay, we'll show you." and then a few added scenes for context. Honestly, most of this could've been crammed into extra panels in other issues. If anything, this issue felt like those montage scenes in heist movies where they flashback and show you how the thief/thieves pulled it off.
With only one issue left will any of us be able to look back and call this a Gotham "War"? If anything this feels like Fox News' commentary every year about the "War" on Christmas.
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So, in the end (at least until the actual end) Selina had an idea. It kind of worked yet was a little half-baked, but Bruce no-likey. The kids, some of which aren't even in Gotham that much or in this at all, didn't mind or were on the fence. Bruce, no likey. Jason had his own reasons for siding with Selina, but they were personal and to be honest we all agree that Joker should die (plus, it seems like there are always spare Jokers somewhere), so are any of us mad about that? Again, Bruce no-likey. Bruce slept too long after a series of actual major comic events but also needs therapy. Instead, he's got a rogue personality in his head that may or may not be taking over and may or may not be responsible for him being super paranoid and severely trying to handicap his son who really hasn't been that "bad" in a long time much less some crazed mass murderer. Also, Bruce has not been afraid to pummel his other children because of the above mentioned things. Oh, and Vandal Savage is up to something because Vandal Savage reasons.
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player-1 · 4 months
Nexolord & co. shenanigans (Nexomon 1)
It's honestly been a long time coming, though mostly for the nostalgia and hype for Nexomon 3, but I figured I would look back in the story for any context clues to Nexolord/Metta's personality and abilities mentioned from his siblings, Overseers, or anyone unlucky enough to get on his bad side. Obviously it's going to be a massive list (with some spoilers for to Micromon and Extinction), but here goes!
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First off, there's no real timeline on how long Metta's been Nexolord or when he started his Omnicron revival plan into action, but I'll put in a generous estimate of 2-3 years before the main story since he already put way too much fear into people's hearts to go against his authority until MC went ham on his master plan. Same goes for him commissioning MC's parents to build the resurrection machine and revive Omnicron for real.
For Overseers, I would assume that ex-Nexolord Remus originally had Hilda, Khan, and Jack until Metta took the title (and adding five more to spread out his influence). But it's also funny to assume that Metta indirectly assigned his siblings/Champions to a certain Overseer that either complement or conflict their personalities...You know, for shits and giggles. -Fenrir/Fona -> Ivan & Ira (Fiery spirit and moderately irrational) -Nadine/Ventra -> Remus (Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object) -Merida/Arqua -> Hendrick (90% charm and 10% backstabber) -Zetta/Luxa -> Spencer (Snotty rich kid with inflated ego) -Ulrich/Grunda -> Jack (Reliable leader but goes against authority to protect his people (Mostly connected to Netherworld Ulrich)) Nexolord/Metta -> Glacia (Cold-blooded tactician with an extreme ego trip) -Deena/Nara -> Khan ("Subtly" associating the family traitor as a wild savage who only cares about the world and harmony over complete authority...Harsh, even for a kids game)
Metta's childhood in the Frozen Tundra was already going to be shrouded in mystery from the get-go (and obviously exclude flashbacks in-game to avoid spoiling his identity), but he left a pretty deep impact on the three people he interacted with in the past (Glacia, Juliet, and Malk). -First, Juliet's a fangirl for him, so much so that she'll completely ignore his plan to destroy humanity if it meant getting a sliver of attention from him or one-up Glacia as Overseer. She also believes that he's a vampire (either when they were kids or into adulthood) and regularly reads cheesy YA vampire novels that she "accidentally" leaves on her kitchen table for someone to notice. -Glacia is 110% loyal to Metta and will gladly brag to anyone she meets on how she's the most "true and loyal Overseer" there is. Also, she's the only Overseer who's aware that the Champions are Omnicron's children (minus Remus figuring it out through context clues), so she somehow earned Metta's trust to learn that fact as well (though whether she knew Metta's true form too is up for debate). -Finally Malk "I taught [the Nexolord] everything I know" Micromon is either the best/worst person to be Metta's tutor (re: legit father-figure) to make him become the little tyrant he is now. Whether it's to fuel Metta's already-burning hatred for humans (being a sentient AI that destroyed Project Pixekai in revenge of the programmers who created him), teaching him useful skills to gain control over others as a leader (master manipulator, master technician, and more!), or giving Metta the emotional support he never had from his siblings or dad (headcanons galore!). Also love the little gimmick that Malk's name isn't shown to the MC since he doesn't properly introduce himself to them; only Metta calls him by name once when they're the only ones in a room or during Malk's last hurrah speech before MC fights Omnicron and disappearing for good. Also, Malk mentions meeting a younger Nexolord/Metta sometime after busting out of Pixekai and adjusting to human life, so he might've tried disguising himself long before they teamed up. Now I want to know if Metta first learned that Malk wasn't human or vice versa, but I would love to know what babey Nexolord looked like before he went anime villain mode. :)
Metta definitely was the one who gave his siblings their fake Champion names, mostly on the joke of Fona/Fenrir being Metta's guard-dog for a good chunk of the story (even accompanying him to Grunda's grave and keep a eye on Overseer Jack for the excavation). Besides that, it makes sense for Metta to have every opportunity to make a jab at his siblings and put them in their place in the current hierarchy. -Fenrir: Marsh/Fen-dweller, Norse mythos wolf that would bring disaster during Ragnarok and was bound by a chain shaped like a silk ribbon. [Similar motif to Nexomon Fenrir to have giant prison cuffs on his wrists and collar-like design on his shirt.] -Nadine: Hope (French), messenger/admonitory or showerer of blessings (Arabic), "the courage of a bear" (Russian) [Latter fits cause of her assigned Overseer being Remus and her tendency to put combat first over talking.] -Merida: Pearl (Mairead, Celtic), "one who achieved a high place of honor" (Latin), "a chaste girl" or "like a mother" (Persian) [Persian seems more ironic since Merida's nice when she gets attention but throws a major hissy fit if embarrassed or mocked.] -Zetta: Inquiry or quest (Greek ztsis), "a person that is intellectually curious and has a thirst for knowledge" [Mostly ironic since Zetta's dumb as a brick and has a love for shiny things.] -Ulrich: Noble or regal ruler, noble/rich heritage (Old German) [Grunda never had the chance to get a Champion name (until Netherworld), but it's interesting how his Nightmare makes him the ruler/guardian of Solus Desert and protects his people from the big bad Nexolord Remus...At least he got his priorities straight?] -Deena: Valley, church leader, spear ruler (Hebrew/Old English/Old German); "compromising, passive, and more likely to stay in the background rather than front and center" (myfirstname.rocks) [Even if she was a major part of Ulzar's fame, Deena keeps herself as inconspicuous as possible to ensure the MC's success too. Definitely didn't want to be caught up in the family drama again, you know? :)]
It is somewhat confirmed in the Netherworld end-story that Nexonium/Nexomite is more commonly found in the literal afterlife than in the normal world (and stupidly expensive too), and it also has the ability to incapacitate any Nexomon in its vicinity (when powered by a NexoCore) or keep a Nightmare running without a Warden to guard it. So who's to say that Metta used Nexonium to create the Nexocore, easily violating Ziegler's rule of keeping the dead dead and creating a power source that won't get traced back to him (you know, since he commissioned MC's parents to make it?). And it also shows that Metta had Nexonium stowed away in his old house, most likely studying its components in there or in the bunker.
And last but not least, it's not exactly confirmed if Metta actually sacrificed himself to revive Omnicron like the rest of Champions; he doesn't have a personal Nightmare like the other four (+Grunda/Ulrich), and you only get to find Metta's true form after the Netherworld story (ie. Killing Omnicron for real, dooming the current Nexomon species to extinction, and making a bridge between the Netherworld and real world to finish loose ends). Speaking of bridge, it's also confirmed in Extinction that just after MC destroyed Omnicron's soul, Venefelis was unleashed with the single goal to kill Hilda; unintentionally serving as the bridge for the Nexomon War and the future to come in Nexomon: Extinction. ...Also the MC (The Ghost of Nexomon Past) gets Metta's jacket and was buried in it pre-Extinction, so I'm betting the madlad did the blanket dog trick and it somehow worked against the MC and Nara. I mean, Metta's about the size of a bowling ball (five-pin/duckpin maybe?) so he might've had a chance to pull it off when MC was distracted by Omnicron and he just assumed the guy was gone for good.
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Anywho, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed!
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nobodysprincess · 7 months
“This is how colonialism works. It convinces us that the fallout from resistance is entirely our fault, that the immoral choice is resistance itself rather than the circumstances that demanded it.” — R.F Kuang, Babel
Resistance does not happen in a vacuum.
Resistance, rebellion, protests, marches, demonstrations, and boycotts all happen in response to injustice.
When you know the context, your humanity should pull you to come out in full support of the Palestinians.
If, after reading this whole post, or even half of it, if you are not emotionally moved or heartbroken by the oppression … I don’t even know what to say.
When Native Americans fought for their land, the white people called them “savages” while the emigrating thieves were “civilized” and considered themselves “victims.”
Mandela’s ANC (African National Congress, a liberation movement known for its opposition to apartheid) was considered a terrorist organization by the oppressors.
The Philippines were colonized by the Spanish for 300 years, then by Americans and then the Japanese. Their historical liberation movement was called “terrorism.” (And the League of Filipino Students stand with Palestine.)
The Hawaiians’ land was stolen. It’s a resort. Whenever you see it in stories (movies, tv shows, books), it’s for when the characters go there on vacation; and their culture gets warped, exaggerated, mocked, purposefully misunderstood, and also sexualized. But in reality, even til this day, indigenous children are punished for speaking their native language in school. Their language and culture is nearly extinct. All Hawaiians should be able to speak their language, not just a percentage of them. Even if you can’t relate, at least you can dig and bring up your compassion and empathy to the surface. Is it wrong to be angry about this? Is it wrong to fight back against colonialism and imperialism and capitalism?
Korea had their own independence movement and liberation army. It lasted decades. Yes, they used violent attacks. You wouldn’t have all those beautiful K-dramas to watch on Netflix, if they didn’t literally fight for their freedom.
India, too.
When Palestinians fight back against the oppression, they’re called “terrorists.”
These people are subjugated. It permeates every waking moment of their life. The Israeli colonizers who would call themselves ‘victims’ are the same people who “control the most simple and basic elements” of Palestinian life.
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Read that again.
“We basically control the most simple and basic elements of life.” — Ori Givati, former Israeli soldier, speaking up about the occupation of Palestine.
With context, it’s a thousand times more chilling. But even without it, especially if you can relate to being controlled over everything by a bigger but terrible person while growing up, that sentence alone is heartbreaking.
But it shouldn’t take that sentence for people to realize that that’s what it’s been all along since 1948. You just need to open your eyes and see how they, the Palestinians, are treated.
The Palestinians’ water wells were cemented by Israeli soldiers, to stop them from getting clean water. So, forget the Israeli government turning on a simple switch to allow water from their pipes – ‘cause the Palestinians can’t even get fresh water on the only strip of land they have!
How can anyone defend or justify that?
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Also, the millions of olive trees that had lived through generations (and it takes years for a new olive tree to produce anything) were destroyed by the Israel occupation since 1948. Now why would Israel destroy olive trees? Olive trees have a very special significance throughout the Middle East. Olive trees are important to Palestinian culture and heritage.
But Israel still continues to burn or destroy agriculture (aside from the bombs destroying it), they never stopped.
Gazan fishermen cannot even fish freely, there have been limits to how far out in the water they could go.
From the words of a Palestinian woman who works in a border school affiliated with the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, established in 1949), translated to English:
“Fishermen are hunted at sea and they're falsely accused of getting close to the border. The fishing area keeps shrinking that they now have a tiny area from which they can make a living.”
Full post is here. For heaven’s sake, it takes a year to even get an item that they order from the Internet finally delivered, and even then it’s not a guarantee. The Israeli soldiers won’t give it to the purchaser if it’s dual-use.
Diving goggles are classified as dual-use, so the woman (who wrote the post I just linked) wasn’t able to get them. DIVING GOGGLES!
Where is your humanity?
If you are so desensitized to the gravity of this happening to 2 million people in the year 2023, and if you see all the deaths as just a number, and these numbers are just a statistic to you … I don’t know what I could say to make you understand.
How about the words of a Native American who visited Palestine in the past, and said it reminded him of his home in the U.S reservations? The United States government stole native land hundreds of years ago, and life in reservations are still so bad that this person felt at home in Palestine. THINK ABOUT THAT!
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Go ahead, try and tell me Israel isn’t an apartheid that’s even worse than Nazi Germany, or the U.S. genocide of Native Americans.
This occupation has been going on since 1948! Gazans need a permit to enter West Bank (which is often denied to them), and there are checkpoints on every street. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Even when you finish reading this post, it doesn’t showcase half of how much oppression there is.
The Israeli government “control the most simple and basic elements of life” there. That was a quote from one former Israeli soldier.
Here’s another former Israeli soldier, speaking up against the occupation, (Eran Efrati):
“I was broken. I felt like I was the terrorist. And my job was literally to scare people so they cannot think about acting against the Israeli settlers.”
“Very early on, I understood that the rights that the Jewish settlers have are not the rights that the Palestinians have.”
“I understood that I cannot touch a Jewish settler if he is attacking a Palestinian.”
“So (these) Jewish settlers that live in Hebron are living under the same rights that I live in, in Jerusalem. But the Palestinians next to them, next house over, next building over, or sometimes next apartment over, lives under my rule, my military rule.”
“And I can do whatever I want with him.”
By the way, this is Stage 3 of the 10 stages of genocide: Discrimination. The Stage 2 is Classification, and Palestinians are a separated group under Israeli law.
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Here’s the link to the video.
And a former Israeli Air Force pilot, Yonatan Shapira, said this:
“I was a captain in Israeli Air Force, I was a helicopter pilot and I realized during the 2nd Intifada what Israeli Air Force and Israeli military doing is war crime, terrorizing population of millions of Palestinians.”
“As a child in Israel, you are being brought up in very strong Zionist militaristic education. You don’t know almost anything about Palestine, you don’t know about the Nakba, 1948, you don’t know anything about ongoing oppression.”
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Here’s the link to the video.
As of October 30, 2023, Israel has wiped out 881 families. Lineages. Bloodlines. This means 30 to 80 persons in EACH FAMILY.
On October 17, that number was only 47 bloodlines.
« Gaza, Oct. 29 (Petra) - The death toll from the war on Gaza has reached 8,005, including 3,324 children, 2,062 women, 460 elderly people, while 1,870 people were reported missing, including 1,020 children, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.
The ministry spokesman said the Israeli occupation has carried out 56 massacres in the last several hours, killing 302 Palestinians. Most of the victims were moved to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip, which Israel claims are safe zones.
He added that 116 medical staff were killed, 25 ambulances were destroyed, and 57 health facilities were targeted, pointing out that 881 families were lost as a result of the occupation's purposeful targeting of them. »
And if you don’t believe these numbers, because you’d rather believe Israel – guess what? Israel is keeping score, and published it on their Channel 14 news channel with rising numbers. Israel are genocidal maniacs. It’s not my fault you refuse to believe what your eyes can see.
As of November 25 of 2023, the number of deaths reached 20,000. The number of children among them are 8,176.
“We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.” — Naomi Shulman
And along with Israel bombing the Palestinians using the internationally-banned white phosphorus—!
It is so violent in its destruction, and, I repeat, it is prohibited under international law! Of course, you’d think that violating the Geneva Convention would result in heavy consequences, but imperialist governments not caring and getting away with anything is a different topic.
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It is so wicked, I can’t—
Even if you don’t care about a massive loss of human life, the phosphorus effect on agricultural lands are devastating and lasts for years. It still makes people sick and nauseous with no apparent signs of injury on the plants.
And all the mushroom clouds after those CONSTANT bombs drop on Gaza!
Even if you don’t care about the loss of human life, do you have a speck of humanity in you to care about all the pollution? At the very least?
How many times does the Israeli government have to be caught lying or admit to lying, before you realize they can never be trusted because they’re liars? They have a long history of it, too!
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When the people had a funeral for American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, the Israeli police kicked and beat the mourners who were carrying the casket.
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Is it any wonder that there are former Israeli soldiers and pilots who stopped supporting their government because they felt like terrorists, and realized it is Israel who are the terrorists?
Look at this!
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It is also NEVER a normal time to say “I’m a little bit fascist,” whether it’s 2000 or 2023…but the video in the tweet below is from 2009. This is an Israeli woman saying, “I’m a little bit fascist.”
Imagine thinking this is normal to talk that way. Imagine thinking fascism is, in any way, good or beneficial.
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The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip do not have basic human rights.
If you value having your human rights, do not turn a blind eye to Palestine.
Their access to the outside world, via WiFi and the Internet, is the one and only way they can spread awareness of what’s going on.
No government should have the power to turn off water and cut electricity and telecommunications.
Collective punishment is a war crime under international law, a crime on humanity that could easily be done to you. You think you’re safe in your country? Every protest and demonstration or march (on any topic, really) is met with the same brutal police treatment. What’s to stop them from going all out, the moment they get the government’s green light? I remember military vehicles coming out in force during the BLM protests. Many people are permanently blind and/or disabled from the tear gassing and the rubber bullets.
You cannot justify indiscriminate bombing on a densely populated SMALL area. It’s never right, but think about this…
The Gaza Strip is 139 square miles.
Detroit, Michigan is also 139 square miles.
Detroit only has less than six hundred thousand people in their population. The Gaza Strip has two MILLION.
Religious buildings, universities, hospitals … bombed, all under the excuse that “terrorists” were hiding there.
The same exact excuse Israel used to justify bombing a school in Egypt in 1970, it is not new and not exclusive to Gaza. They always use the same tactics.
What I’m sharing here is pretty much everything I’ve shared (and then some) about the occupation and genocide against Palestinians. So, pardon me if it’s not cohesive, because it’s not really meant to be. I shared most of this just one time with somebody, and I still got hit back by that heartless lunatic threatening me to watch and “enjoy Israeli retribution.”
It’s bad enough seeing it in the comment sections on YouTube or Twitter; it’s even more mind-boggling to have it spoken in direct response to me in my attempt to appeal to what little speck of humanity they have left, so I don’t make a habit of speaking up.
Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs are Semites.
If, for some asinine reason, you support Israel on the genocide they’re committing right now against Gaza, and you still want to call me an anti-Semite … then you should know that a former Israeli minister of education said (nonchalantly) back in 2002 that they always use that label as a trick on anyone who criticizes the Israeli government.
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And a former Israeli Mossad agent, in 1995, said that labeling someone an anti-Semite is one of the ways he silenced critics. They know you’re not an anti-Semite, but they will label you as such to discredit you.
Victor Ostrovsky: « But I know what they do ‘cause I used to ask them to do it. When I was in the Mossad and we had a guy that gave us problems in the U.S., and he was speaking out and he was talking like people talk once and said, “Israel is bombing Lebanon with cluster bombs,” we say, “Hey, who’s that guy?” you know? ‘Pete Macockey,’ we used to call him. Yeah, which is Pete the Cockroach, ‘cause he makes a lot of noise and you can’t get rid of him. So, what you do is you get in touch with a guy in the station in New York or in the station in Washington and tell the guys in B’nai B’rith to label him. And, of course, the campaign starts, and before you know it, the guy is labeled. And he’s ‘an anti-Semite’ because that’s what we say he is. It shames me as a Jew to tell you that. But that’s the fact and it’s wrong. »
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It SHAMED him as a Jew to say that this is what his government does. This is what Israel does!
The same thing happened in Nazi Germany – it was illegal to even mock Adolf Hitler, or talk badly about the Nazi regime. It’s the same thing regarding CPC, Chinese citizens will have their online posts deleted if they criticize China. And it’s the same with North Korea, it’s actually worse than China – they cannot even consume foreign entertainment if it’s not sanctioned by their government.
If you criticize Israel, their government will silence you by slapping on the “anti-Semitic” label onto you.
As Shulamit Aloni said, “It’s a trick, we always use it.” Thank you for exposing yourselves!
If you’ve reached all the way down to this part of the post, and anything I’ve typed out hasn’t moved you emotionally at all, you should stop calling yourself pro-climate and pro-life.
And look!
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It’s there for all to see.
We don’t even have to expose Israel’s black hearts, they’re doing that all on their own.
We literally just have to point this out. The rest is up to you.
Imagine Russians doing this about Ukrainians!
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Is this who you want to defend? “God’s chosen people” mocking cultural attire, comparing Palestinians to dogs, dehumanizing them, degrading their deaths, laughing at mothers losing their children.
Is this the hill you want to die on? IS THIS YOU?!
The depravity!
“Words and terminology are crucial," said Hussam Zomlot, the Palestinian Head of Mission in the United Kingdom. "From the beginning, Israel wanted to link the Palestinian people to Hamas. And then they linked Hamas to ISIS. That’s linking ISIS to what? The Palestinians.”
Article by Lemma Shehadi • October 17, 2023
[A thread by Dr_MianUmair1 on Twitter]
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the distinction between Hamas and ISIS. It is important to clarify that these are two distinct entities with different goals, ideologies, and methods.
Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization that was established in 1987. Its primary objective is the liberation of Palestine, Hamas engages in political and social activities, as well as armed resistance against Israeli occupation.
On the other hand, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is a radical Islamist extremist group that emerged in the early 2000s. Their goal was to establish a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, imposing their version of Sharia law and carrying out acts of terrorism worldwide.
While both organizations have been classified as terrorist groups by various countries, it is crucial to note that their motivations, strategies, and geographical focuses are vastly different.
Hamas primarily operates in the Palestinian territories, with a particular focus on the Gaza Strip; while ISIS was primarily active in Iraq and Syria, although their influence has significantly diminished in recent years.
Hamas, despite being a designated terrorist organization by some countries, also has a political wing that participates in democratic processes and provides social services to the Palestinian people (A reason why they love Hamas)
In conclusion, Hamas and ISIS may share the label of "terrorist organization," but they are not the same. Understanding their distinctions is essential for informed discussions about the region. 🌍🤝
But, now, what if I told you that Israel (and the U.S., “indirectly and directly”) created Hamas?
U.S. Congressman, Ron Paul, in 2009:
“If you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yassir Arafat [chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO].”
“So, then, we as Americans say, ‘Well, we have such a good system, we’re going to impose this on the world, we’re gonna invade Iraq and teach people how to be democrats.’ We want free elections, so we encourage the Palestinians to have a free election, they do and they elect Hamas.”
“So, we [the United States] first indirectly and directly, through Israel, help establish Hamas, then we have election that Hamas becomes dominant, so we have to kill them.”
Hmm, so Israel-U.S help establish Hamas, playing them against each other until they get their dominance, just so Israel can justify killing Hamas and every single Palestinian? That, coupled with the former Israeli politician saying that they slap the ‘antisemitism’ label on critics to justify killing the Palestinians? Wow, Israel and the U.S. sure do sound like the evil villains here. It almost sounds like…they always planned to commit genocide! Look at my shocked face > ö
But anyway…
Painting Hamas with the ISIS brush has implications for how Israel is expected to fight its war with the Palestinian militant group, experts told The National.
“There is a danger in comparing Hamas to ISIS, which can indirectly legitimise disproportionate use of violence on civilians in Gaza, under the pretence of fighting terrorism,” Ms Khatib said.
Experts highlighted the US-led coalition’s war with ISIS in 2014, during which Iraqi and Syrian cities were razed, killing up to 11,000 civilians in Iraq alone and displacing hundreds of thousands more.
“The US government labelled its campaign in Syria and Iraq as 'a campaign of annihilation', so for Secretary Austin to be suggesting Hamas is the same or worse is doing little more than encouraging Israel to assume a similarly brutal approach in Gaza,” said Charles Lister, director of the US-based Middle East Institute’s Syria programme.
The 6,000 bombs dropped on Gaza in the first six days, as claimed by the Israeli air force, had already exceeded the rate of US bombing of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, which averaged 2,500 per month across 46,000 square miles," he added.
NOTE: This article is from October 17. There, Israel wiped out 47 bloodlines (which means 30 to 80 persons EACH family name.) As of October 30, 2023, that number has risen to 881 families taken off the civilian registry. Whole bloodlines, gone.
As of November 25? 20,000 were killed in total. And 8,176 of them are children.
Don’t talk to me if you support Israel, even after everything you’ve read in this post.
A focus on fighting terror would also obscure the “root causes” of the conflict.
“The narrative will be totally overwhelmed by terrorism and security. Whenever these things happen between Israel and Palestine, there is never a root discussion of settler colonialism, of occupation or dispossession,” said Chris Gunness, a former spokesman for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees.
This BBC documentary takes place in 1982, years before Hamas existed. What was Israel’s excuse, then, for their massacre of Palestinians and Lebanese Shias that took place after this?
Israel bombs Lebanon and Syria. Two completely different countries. There are no Hamas there. What’s the excuse?
They’ve committed all the stages of genocide, and all you have to do is open your eyes.
Israel are the terrorists!
A giant with all the advantages of their size (and a world power like the U.S, the biggest, backing them and funding them) is NOT the victim.
Israel isn’t even scared of the United Nations. Think about that! Nearly five dozen U.N staff members, as of October 30, were killed in Gaza because of Israel’s bombs. And all the U.N can do is hold a service for their colleagues??? Acting as if this is normal?
This is Palestine, BEFORE the Israeli occupation:
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Where is your humanity?
Resistance does not happen in a vacuum.
Support Palestinians. Save Gaza. Free Palestine!
You don’t need to be religious. You don’t need to be a Muslim, Christian, or Jew. You just have to be human.
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crispyjenkins · 2 months
the savage price of piety (wipwed 1)
desmond rivals obi-wan for blorbo status, so you can perhaps imagine how insane i feel about him. here's my silly little (very large) au where he's sort of an auditore except not really except he absolutely is except the borgia had him for a while except he's killed SO MANY people. y'all get no more context than that. (mostly gen but with a surprise rarepair, time travel/reincarnation, found/created family, william miles’ a+ parenting, accidental subterfuge, desmond goes by miles mostly, inspired by study of flight by @esamastation but with a twist!, only somewhat historically accurate swears and none of them come from des. he WILL use his future knowledge to mutter things that would absolutely get him burned at the stake)
  Was it the failure or the death that chased Cesare away and stopped him from doing more than removing the bodies? Was leaving it empty a reminder from Rodrigo of Cesare’s embarrassment?
  There are still bloodstains in the corridors, visible to the naked eye. Some valuables have been taken, but not all; he supposes looters still fear the rumours of haunting that Desmond put out while newly with the Borgia. Or maybe it was the fake satanic ritual he’d set up in the front hall, complete with animal sacrifices?
  He’s quite proud of that, actually, especially when he finds it barely disturbed just before the main staircase. He’d had to sneak away from his handlers to do it, very soon after he’d been dragged to Castel Sant’Angelo, and Cesare had threatened to take his hand off for it, but clearly Desmond’s work had been convincing enough to keep people from ransacking his... childhood home.
  To keep people from finding anything about the Assassins, or Desmond, that he hadn’t managed to destroy.
  Maybe he’s even morally obligated to burn the place down, if leaving it standing is such a potential risk, but two things stop him: 1) most of renaissance Rome is made of wood, and one of the few historical events unrelated to his ancestors that Desmond remembers is the Great Fire of London, and he can’t exactly guarantee that setting fire to the castello won’t set fire to the whole rione as well. And 2) despite hating every single person that resided there with him, this had still been Desmond’s home, in ways even the Farm hadn’t been. The latent grief of Ezio losing the Palazzo Auditore won’t let him be the hand that destroys the Castello Tarazed.
  Christ, he’d even left his room intact.
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deadcactuswalking · 1 month
Welp, as one would expect, she gets the double, the #1 album with COWBOY CARTER and “TEXAS HOLD ‘EM” is back up top. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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As always, we shall start with our notable dropouts - songs exiting the UK Top 75, which is what I cover, after five weeks in the chart or a peak in the top 40 - and this week, we bid adieu to some big deals: “FRI(END)S” by V (more BTS on the way), “BURN” by Hitler and Goebbels, “Coal” by Dylan Gossett, “Grey” by Yung Filly, “Selfish” by Justin Timberlake, “redrum” by 21 Savage, “Nothing Matters” by The Last Dinner Party, “Strangers” by Kenya Grace and finally, “Escapism.” by RAYE featuring 070 Shake.
As for our returns, we see “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus and “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi back to bottom-dwell at #75 and #74, alongside “vampire” by Olivia Rodrigo at #71, “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac, they’re basically all in the same boat. Notable gains on the other hand… we see boosts for “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift at #67, “if u think i’m pretty” by Artemas at #52, “FE!N” by Travis Scott featuring Playboi Carti at #50, “Never be Lonely” by Jax Jones and Zoe Wees at #41, sigh, “Been Like This” by Meghan Trainor and T-Pain at #40, SIGH, “Evergreen” by Richy Mitch & the Coal Miners at #38, “Slow it Down” by Benson Boone at #27 (likely even further next week thanks to the album), “Happier” by The Blessed Madonna and Clementine Douglas at #26, “Back on 74” by Jungle at #25 (what a great new run this is having), “Belong Together” by Mark Ambor at #22, and finally, Artemas gets his first top 10 with “i like the way you kiss me”. I mean, at least it’s interesting.
Now our top five should look pretty familiar: “we can’t be friends (wait for your love)” by Ariana Grande at #5, “Too Sweet” by Hozier at #4, “Lose Control” by Teddy Swims at #2 and of course Bey knocks Benjamin Boonerang off the #1 to #2 with “Beautiful Things”. Now to talk about - let’s be real - Beyoncé and some minor cameos.
New Entries
#64 - “NEURON” - j-hope, Gaeko and YOON MIRAE
Produced by Pdogg
So, j-hope of BTS released an album - or it seems more like a mixtape - that landed at #38 on the albums chart thanks to the classic BTS sales. Whilst there doesn’t appear to be a clear single on the project, especially considering j-hope was always more of a rapper in the group, but this got the video treatment and is very much what I expect from j-hope, at least from the very little I’ve heard of his solo work. It’s got a set of blissful pads against a vocoder sample and surprisingly heavy-hitting boom bap drums, as well as sing-songy rap flows in a nasal, almost J. Cole-like delivery that could be about love but keep it vaguer in the verse, it might be more conscious and spiritual, especially considering the focus on neuron activation. Gaeko is a lot more explicitly introspective, looking back on his life and how he’s not as aggressive as he used to be in his youth, finding more solace in playing ball with his son that “embracing the bomb” - some of the Genius translation could miss out some detail or context here. Now YOON MIRAE, a female rapper, really brings the heat here, as the intensity of the pianos ramp up, the beat gets a tad more minimal and she raps bilingually in a deeper yell than either of the guys here can cough up. She speaks somewhat generically of the rap game and motivation to grind, but her riffing on the final chorus is what convinces me, as well as her acknowledging that she’s granted the beat drop in the song, it shows an awareness of the structure of the song and not just being a guest rap verse, it’s clever and interesting, really puts the verse into perspective. So I ended up really liking this - it’s a bit fluffy, as K-pop often is, but it’s got grit and meaning to it this time around, and with the variety in flows, focused content, I can dig this.
#62 - “Jump” - Tyla, Gunna and Skillibeng
Produced by Sammy Sosa
I quite liked Tyla’s self-titled debut, currently at #33 on the albums chart. The South African singer brings a reassuring, youthful joy to detailed production and it’s all a light, feathery bliss that’s just a delight to sit through, even if the record is clearly not for sitting. I have a full first-impressions review on my RateYourMusic listening log (the account is exclusivelytopostown) if you want more thoughts on that, but my favourite moments on the album are when guest features with a little more smolder are brought in to balance the sweetness, like with Tems on “No. 1” and with Gunna and Jamaican deejay Skillibeng on this track, “Jump”, which has a subtle sprinkling of Afrobeats guitars and keys over the very unsubtle rhythm section, a great deep bass and busy drums that can counter the choir vocals in the verses as well as Tyla belting a tad on the chorus. There’s little substance to it - it’s just about being hot and having fun, with a hilariously repetitive post-chorus, but both Tyla and Gunna shout out her native Johannesburg and if you were expecting anything of further depth, you’re just listening to the wrong album. This is a lot of fun and I hope it catches on.
#61 - “I LUV IT” - Camila Cabello featuring Playboi Carti
Produced by El Guincho and Jasper Harris
Sometimes I wish this show was a video series. For this entry, I would probably just point and laugh at the calculated attempt to be interesting, for a demographic I’m a part of, and failing so catacylismically that no-one is buying it or bothering to listen more than once. I don’t mean to be harsh, and I’m not blaming the artists, more so the label and marketing teams: when releasing a pop single, you first have to consider - who is this for? Who can you appeal to and how? Here, Camila has her own fanbase already, so she’s going to try and appeal to them, naturally. Also, it has a very edgy, cinematic video for fans of say, The Weeknd or people who watch Euphoria. Sure, okay, that could work. Oh, and the song sounds like Charli XCX - though she recruited ROSALÍA’s producer - so she’s trying to appeal to her hyperpop crowd, that’s fine, you’re stretching yourself a bit thin there though, it could be a bit too camp for the edgy crowd if you do that, and a bit too dark for the hyperpop crowd if you get Playboi Carti on board, because I guess she needs a rap crossover audience… or at least an experimental rap crossover audience in this case. At least she’s not using a nostalgia-bait sample of a Gucci Mane song from… oh, she’s using a nostalgia-bait sample of a Gucci Mane song from 2009. Okay, so I guess the target demographic is everyone now, but hyperpop fans like authenticity, and this clearly doesn’t have it. Carti fans hate women, Camila’s own fans, if her old comments are anything to go by, hate… “rappers”, let’s say that. And really, what person who would be nostalgic for Gucci’s “Lemonade” - never charted here, by the way - would even be keeping an eye out for Camila Cabello? This is just a travesty of a lead single… and the song’s brilliant, all of that context just makes what the eventual end product is completely hilarious.
I’ve always been an advocate for mess in pop music - not necessarily the discourse, but the music itself and the rollout surrounding it - because it is exciting and part of the reason I do this show. There are more fascinating stories to be told with music when it reaches a mass audience, it’s just natural, and that’s especially interesting when the song is a Goddamn trainwreck that’s catchy as sin and does everything wrong. There are rage synths that don’t last the entire measure for no reason - and they don’t try and hide it - whilst the synths on the chorus play the role of a theremin. Cabello not being able to sing all that well means that her playing staccato, hyperpop robo-girl over a pretty rote Jersey club groove actually goes really well for her, even if she inexplicably decorates the song in breathy ad-libs as if she herself was Playboi Carti. Speaking of ad-libs, they leave in Gucci’s original “brr”s in the chorus, seemingly out of either laziness or refusal to re-record the choir hook, and given both hooks are just mantras, there are basically two choruses instead of an active chorus/post-chorus dynamic, especially since there is no considerable change sonically or tonally between the two. This lack of structure culminates in a “bridge” that is JUST multi-tracked ad-libs, and features Cabello saying “slow down, baby”… the tempo remains the same entirely and the drums don’t go into half-time like they probably should for a Playboi Carti feature. He goes for his deep, richer voice and the song just kind of… ends with his verse? Barely catching up to the beat, Carti rambles as usual, even less coherent in his mumbling than usual, and eventually, Cabello tries to insert herself into his orbit, it’s so painful. It’s telling that when I search for this song on Spotify, the artists recommended to me are Carti, Charli and then Ken Carson and Lancey Foux. Camila herself is nowhere to be seen in that list of artists and whether that’s because there’s none of her personality in this song or she didn’t have any to begin with is a question for another day. For now, this is garbage. I love it.
#60 - “Outside of Love” - Becky Hill
Produced by PARISI
Now Becky Hill kind of has something to prove to me now, she’s been on increasingly better production that fits the places she wants to go with her voice a lot more as of recent and it’s been pretty promising. Also promising are PARISI, a duo who I mostly connect with Fred again.. but have also worked extensively with Ed Sheeran, and particularly on some of his most interestingly layered songs vocally like “Afterglow” and “Visiting Hours” which may be a coincidence but had me really excited for what the boys could do with Ms. Hill. Turns out it probably was a coincidence, the vocal mixing is kind of mediocre actually, they don’t really contain her belting very well, not that it really needs containing given this is fully in festival mode. Everytrinkling synth pad, house kick, it feels like it’s a constant light fluttering under Hill’s desperate attempt to jigsaw this relationship back together. I know it’s an EDM-pop track so the lyrics are little to write home about but it should still be said that the description of herself as on the “outside of love” is interesting imagery, it makes me wonder what could be done with that concept by a more poetic writer who has a bit more time and, let’s be real, a fitting sonic palette for that kind of lyricism. Whilst this hasn’t immediately clicked with me as much as the past two, I feel I’ll appreciate this one for just being a maximalist bop with terribly-mixed gospel-like vocals on the final drop, it goes for an onslaught of everything in a very admirable way. It’s cute, it reminds me of when 2000s Eurodance hits would go way harder than they needed to simply to raise the dramatic stakes. So yeah, another Becky Hill song I like. World’s crumbling.
#9 - “II MOST WANTED” - Beyoncé and Miley Cyrus
Produced by Beyoncé, Shawn Everett, Michael Pollack, Miley Cyrus and Jonathan Rado
So, there’s a Beyoncé album, I think? It’s got a country and western tinge to it. Heard it’s long, heard it’s pretty good. Haven’t heard it. I probably will not listen to it and I’m not saying that to be “cool” or contrarian because if I were, I’d have listened to it and pretended to hate it. Realistically, I don’t have a dog in the Beyoncé does country argument. I’m not a country fan, or a country hater, I’m not a big Beyoncé fan, or Azealia Banks, so I have nothing valuable to contribute to the discourse as well as no reason to hear a damn near feature-length record. When Beyoncé did house, firstly, she did it well, and secondly, I’m a fan of house music! I know more about it than other genres, I’m quite educated in certain subgenres and I recognised a few of the samples and cultural references she was lifting from on RENAISSANCE. I feel like most of them may be lost on me or not fully resonate when discussing her pivot to country music, and I wish that wasn’t the case. Part of me just wants to say that I listen to Weezer and future bass so leave me alone. Thankfully, the British public has given me the easiest plate of two tracks from this album: a Dolly Parton cover and a mid Miley duet. It’s about being a ride-or-die, it’s got soaring guitars and both ladies have an audible rasp and grit to their voices, even if Miley ends up like a backing vocalist at times to Bey. They’re trading lyrics or in harmony nearly all the time, and Miley plays it a lot calmer than Bey, naturally, who probably wants and needs to prove herself in country pop more than the seasoned player. Hell, I actually think their chemistry here is awkward and not accentuated by the vague western-soundfont lyrics that don’t play into any notable angle, and in the bridge, just kind of give up on themselves. It’s a bit disappointing, to say the least.
#8 - “JOLENE” - Beyoncé
Produced by Beyoncé, Khirye Tyler, Jack Ro and NOVA WAV
Dolly Parton’s iconic 1973 jam “Jolene”, begging desperately for this beautiful woman not to cheat on her husband, is pretty undeniable, right? Well, I’ve never really liked it, sorry to say. My taste in country is pretty horrific, I’ll be the first to admit, but I’ve always found the instrumentation underwhelming and going for sinister when Dolly is selling it with a long of strength and desperacy, like she’s at her last tether. The sapphic elements are compelling of course, but they collapse in the third verse, then it fades out having sonically done nothing much at all. There’s always been something breezy about it to me that I never really understood, and that’s no disrespect to Dolly, she’s easily my favourite part. Regardless, this is one of those times where I have to give a chart history, so flashback to 1976, when “Jolene” first lands on the UK charts and peaks at #7, when “Combine Harvester” by the Wurzels was #1. I know that one because of my dad, if you haven’t heard that song… you know what, don’t.
“Jolene” was Dolly’s first top 10 over here and ended up re-entering a few times in the 2010s. Before that came many re-imaginings. First, in 1985, we had Glasgow’s Strawberry Switchblade cover the song, in a weird mix of new wave, freestyle and western elements that really show what performative country aesthetics can be, because this has more to do with darkwave than anything from the Deep South. It peaked at #53 and it is terrible. The 2000s is where the covers really ramped up, firstly in 2000 with the #100-peaking cover by London alt-rock outfit Queenadreena. Seemingly not on streaming, it came with their original, “Pretty Polly”, and fully goes into the dark cabaret aesthetic, especially in that... choice of a music video. I think I might prefer it to the original, it makes Jolene sound like an evil woman who I would like to step on me. We also saw a #99 peak for a song in 2007 by folk singer Ray LaMontagne also coincidentally called “Jolene” - it’s not a cover, but it’s a pretty great, tragic narrative ballad if you’re interested. Good accidental discovery to make. My favourite cover of “Jolene”, however, and the only version to get close to Dolly’s original peak until Queen Bey was the version recorded by the garage rock duo, The White Stripes, specifically a 2004 live version that peaked at #16. Now, am I biased because I love Jack White? Yes. Yes, I am, and so does Beyoncé, so shush. Everyone and their mother has covered Dolly, but out of all “Jolene” renditions I’ve heard, Jack just sounds the most devastated, and the eventual crash into distorted, hapless guitars and Meg White’s ugly-ass snares after that rushed, chaotic percussion panned exclusively to the left throughout, is incredibly cathartic. And that’s just the studio version - the live version that charted is even more dire and Jack is downright pathetic on it, worsened by the audience wooing, cheering and clapping on occasion, it eggs on Jolene in a way and publicises his angst “Jolene - Live Under Blackpool Lights” might honestly be one of the greatest cover songs of all time.
So how does Beyoncé fare? Well, she changes a lot of the lyrics to act more as a warning to people attempting to take JAY-Z instead of desperately begging Jolene not to get with JAY-Z, mostly because I don’t think Beyoncé could easily sell being helpless, especially in the context of her husband - we all heard Lemonade. I’m not sure how effectively you can sell the warning shot either considering, well, there was a Becky with some good hair who did all of this a few years ago. Sonically, I’m not head over heels for what sounds like a pretty rote rendition, even if Beyoncé’s vocals and some of the lyrics add a lot of character that simply isn’t in the instrumental. The backing vocal repeating “Jolene” at sporadic intervals, I can’t figure out exactly who it is, probably The-Dream, but he reminds me of Wyclef Jean on “Hips Don’t Lie”. That’s my intellectual observation. I just used a review of a song from the biggest black female country album ever to talk about a guy whose last name is literally White. When she releases a pop punk album, I’ll be more in tune, but for now, leave it to Azealia Banks and Spectrum Pulse, I’m sure if you combined the two, you’d create Frankenstein’s cultural critic.
Fascinatingly enough, this was a great week outside of Beyoncé, who takes away Worst of the Week for “II MOST WANTED” with Miley Cyrus and the Dishonourable Mention for her cover of “JOLENE”. Neither song are terrible, but I think I established in both reviews that my general disinterest for the album doesn’t entirely cover a lot of the flaws I believe are present in these tracks, I’m sorry. Again, I like Beyoncé, just not these particular records. As for the best… oh, God, it’s Camila Cabello’s “I LUV IT” featuring Playboi Carti, isn’t it? Honourable Mention goes to Tyla, Gunna and Skillibeng for “Jump” but I think I’ll have to spend a few days in rehab recovering from picking the other song as my Best of the Week. As for what’s on the horizon, more insufferable discourse as J. Cole drops a surprise diss record. Other than that, Charli XCX links with Gesaffelstein, Benson links with Boone and there’s new tracks from Bryson Tiller, Ava Max and the Imagine Dragons. All of it could chart, none of it could chart, we’ll see. For now, however, thank you for reading, long live Cola Boyy, and I’ll see you next week!
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