#I was eager to read this issue but was left disappointed
dg-outlaw · 7 months
Spoiler-Free commentary... I think... for Gotham War: Red Hood #2
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Jason likely would've made it out of that burning building without Bruce and Selina's help. So does that mean the fear juice/brain hack on Jason only kind of works? Will this be fixed or retconned? Honestly, I hope they go the magic route and the effects are temporary because Jason is part Homo Magi or something. He's already got the All Blades and taking him down a magical hero route could be interesting, especially since he's not the gun-wielding guy anymore. He also had those supernatural creature darts in the recent 'Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun' comic so it could allow for him to have supernatural guns.
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I get the tying of loose ends from this series and 'The Joker Who Stopped Laughing' run, but I feel like 90% of this issue was just a collage of deleted scenes or "Remember in that other comic? No? Okay, we'll show you." and then a few added scenes for context. Honestly, most of this could've been crammed into extra panels in other issues. If anything, this issue felt like those montage scenes in heist movies where they flashback and show you how the thief/thieves pulled it off.
With only one issue left will any of us be able to look back and call this a Gotham "War"? If anything this feels like Fox News' commentary every year about the "War" on Christmas.
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So, in the end (at least until the actual end) Selina had an idea. It kind of worked yet was a little half-baked, but Bruce no-likey. The kids, some of which aren't even in Gotham that much or in this at all, didn't mind or were on the fence. Bruce, no likey. Jason had his own reasons for siding with Selina, but they were personal and to be honest we all agree that Joker should die (plus, it seems like there are always spare Jokers somewhere), so are any of us mad about that? Again, Bruce no-likey. Bruce slept too long after a series of actual major comic events but also needs therapy. Instead, he's got a rogue personality in his head that may or may not be taking over and may or may not be responsible for him being super paranoid and severely trying to handicap his son who really hasn't been that "bad" in a long time much less some crazed mass murderer. Also, Bruce has not been afraid to pummel his other children because of the above mentioned things. Oh, and Vandal Savage is up to something because Vandal Savage reasons.
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killxz · 1 month
Was on tiktok and I found the funniest thing! The audio is called -4things a man does when he starts to lose feelings- but with jason x reader?
i didn't know if you wanted it to be angtsy or fluffy so I kind of just went with the flow
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
trigger warning(s): hurt no comfort
a/n: this was left in my inbox for a little too long... but I'm back and ready to start writing again!!
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You and Jason have been drifting apart lately.
You don't know if you were just imagining it, but there definitely was a bridge between you two. An uncrossable gap. An empty feeling.
"Baby, I'm home." You closed the door of your shared apartment. Unlike the times that seemed so long ago, no eager boyfriend was waiting for you at the front door. No sweet, soft, kisses on your temple, his chocolate voice insisting on taking your bags for you.
Now, he was just sitting on the couch, reading his book. He didn't even look up when you walked past him, just giving a muttered 'hello'. Your heart sank as you observed Jason's distant demeanor. It wasn't just today; it had been building up for weeks. The warmth that once enveloped your relationship seemed to have dissipated into the cool, icy air of indifference. What was going on?
After a shower, you made your way to the living room, taking a seat at the furthest side of the couch from Jason, nervously fidgeting with your hands. The tension in the air was so thick you could hardly breathe in it. "Um, Jay?" You mumbled nervously.
"Yeah?" Came an indifferent reply.
"Are we...still on for tomorrow? We are supposed to go for a picnic at the park tomorrow." There was a spark of hope in your voice. Maybe this was what you and Jason needed to fix things. Perhaps you were just imagining things. Maybe-
"I can't, I got that case to work on with Bruce."
You froze. "But Jason, you said-"
"I know, and I'm sorry, baby," There's no feeling now when he says the word. That word used to come with affection and tender love, now, his voice was just robotic. "You know I can't hold this case up any longer."
Your heart sank further as Jason's response echoed in your mind. It was yet another missed opportunity to spend quality time together, another sign of the growing distance between you. You struggled to find the right words, the ones that could somehow bridge the gap that seemed to widen with each passing day.
"I understand," you replied, trying to keep the disappointment from seeping into your voice. "Work is important. More important than me, I guess." You muttered the last part under your breath.
But deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling of hurt and disappointment. It wasn't just about missing the picnic; it was about the underlying issue that had been festering between you two. The lack of communication, and the growing sense of disconnect — they were all symptoms of a much deeper problem.
Jason glanced at you briefly before returning his attention to his book, the distance between you feeling more pronounced than ever. You wanted to reach out, to break through the walls that had been set up between you, but you didn't know where to begin.
After a moment of silence, you gathered your courage and spoke again. "Jason, can we talk?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly.
He looked up, his expression guarded. "About what?"
"About us," you said softly, your heart pounding in your chest. "I-I feel like we've been drifting apart lately, and I don't want to lose what we have."
For a moment, Jason's facade wavered, a flicker of vulnerability shining through his stoic exterior. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by a mask of indifference.
"There's nothing to talk about," he said curtly, his tone final.
You felt a lump form in your throat, the weight of his words crushing any hope you had left. You realized then that the bridge between you two wasn't just uncrossable — it had crumbled beneath the weight of unspoken words and unresolved issues.
"Oh, okay." That was all that you said.
As the silence stretched between you, you couldn't help but wonder if this was the beginning of the end, if the distance that had grown between you was now too vast to overcome. "I-I'm heading to bed," You announced, not waiting for a reply as you practically ran to your shared bedroom and closed the door, feeling Jason's eyes on you as you retreated.
What had gone wrong? Where had the love and affection that once filled your days disappeared to? The questions swirled in your mind, taunting you with their lack of answers.
As the hours passed, sleep eluded you, your thoughts consumed by the uncertainty of the future. Could you salvage what was left of your relationship, or was it too late to mend the broken pieces?
The sound of footsteps outside the bedroom door snapped you out of your reverie, and you tensed, unsure of what to expect. Was Jason coming to talk, to offer reassurance and comfort? Or was he retreating further into his own world, leaving you to navigate the storm alone?
The door creaked open, and you held your breath, waiting for his presence to fill the room. But instead of Jason, there was only silence, punctuated by the hollow echo of your own heartbeat.
"It's me," came his reply. He pushed through the door, sliding underneath the covers in his place on the bed.
Silence ensued.
"Do you...want to talk about it?" You quietly asked.
"Not right now, please," Jason sighed, turning away from you. As he stayed awake beside you, you can't help but think that you have really lost him.
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
Synopsis: Tiriel has body image issues after giving birth, and Astarion is just too eager on having sex with his beautiful wife once again.
Thanks @tragedybunny for beta-reading!
Tags: smut, vaginal sex, praise kink, post-partum body image
Read on AO3
Astarion puts away the book and looks in the cradle. His baby girl is sound asleep, her pointy ears twitching like the ones of a kitten.
He still can’t believe it’s all real, though, he’s had  three months to accept it. A tiny newborn who he still hopes won’t be a dhampir requires all the time he and Tiriel have.
Astarion doesn’t mind. If anything, he enjoys being a father.
He touches Alethaine’s digits. One day, she will grow up and become a beautiful Elven woman. What voice will she have? What face features? Will she look more like him or more like her mother? Or maybe he will see some unfamiliar features in her - Tiriel’s Elven ancestors or his own?
The vampire hears soft steps from the bathroom - Tiriel finished washing herself. Astarion would have loved to join, but someone has had to keep an eye on the baby.
He leaves the nursery and leaves the door half open.
“Our little princess can fall asleep only if I read her Elven fairy tales. She definitely has standards!”
Tiriel doesn’t respond. She is naked, drops of water still on her body.
And the Half-Elven warrior is absolutely stunning.
Her breasts got bigger during pregnancy, and Astarion hopes they will stay like that even when she stops breastfeeding. Freckles dance all over her skin, a gift from her ancestors, the human clans of the Sunset Mountains.
Her stomach is no longer flat, and he feels an unstoppable desire to touch those soft folds of skin. There are stretch marks in the lower part and on her thighs, long white lines resembling lighting.
Astarion feels like his trousers tighten between his legs.
Well, one year of celibacy is a form of torture.
“Tell me the truth. Do I look disgusting?” Tiriel asks. That’s when he realizes she looks miserable. Many years ago, at the beginning of their relationship, she had this same facial expression when people pointed at her mixed ancestry. Both elves and humans.
“What are you talking about?”
“I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself. While I was pregnant, it was one thing, but now... Fuck. It’s just as if my body is all distorted.”
“Your body is a fucking miracle that gave me my precious treasure of a child. Don’t you dare speak ill of it.”
“Just look at me!”
“I am looking at you.”
Drops of milk drip from her swollen nipples.
The tightness in his pants becomes unbearable.
Gods, if he doesn’t put his cock inside Tiriel, he will cum in his pants
Astarion pushes Tiriel to the bed, and, before she manages to object, he gets rid of his shirt and unlaces the front of his trousers.
He hovers above his wife and presses his lips against hers, kissing  her desperately, hungrily. Tiriel grabs his shoulders, pulling him closer to her - she is strong, his fierce wife.
He pulls away a bit and there is a thin strand of saliva connecting them. Astarion recognizes the fire in Tiriel’s eyes -  all too familiar. Desire. Pure and honest, the desire of a woman who was never ashamed of her nature.
Astarion goes down to her breasts. He sucks her left nipple, tasting the essence with his tongue. Then, the other. Tiriel moans and grabs his hair which makes him groan.
He keeps tracing his kisses -her  stomach feels so warm and so soft, like a pillow. So much better than it used to be.
Astarion gets on his knees and grabs Tiriel’s hips to put her bottom on his lap. Now when her legs are spread he can see the vulva in all its glorious details.
“Did it change?” Tiriel asks.
He touches her clit making Tiriel whimper. Her whole body, busy with growing a child inside, was missing Astarion.
“It did. A bit” he says, studying her womanhood.
“I knew it” Tiriel sounds disappointed.
Astarion sticks his finger inside, feeling the familiar wetness.
“Your pussy is a fucking temple which is fit for both lovemaking and birthing children. Don’t desecrate it with your curses.”
He finally manages to get rid of his trousers and with no further hesitation sticks his cock inside.
“F-fuck” he groans feeling the walls tightening around him.
Tiriel pulls him to her and kisses him. Her legs wrap around his torso pressing his lower part to her.
“Does it feel the same?” she asks, her eyes half-lidded,
“It feels better. Much… better…”
He thrusts harder and harder, making Tiriel whimper helplessly. Her nipples drool with milk and her clean body is sticky with sweat.
Tiriel presses him to herself, piercing his back with her nails. Her breath is as hot as the campfire, and her kisses make him insane.
Astarion wishes to prolong this pleasure but his body doesn’t obey. He cums with a low groan, feeling his release coating his cock.
Tiriel grabs a handful of his hair and makes him kiss her.
Afterwards, he lies beside her, wrapping his hands around her chest.
“You know” she pants. “If you were drunk on blood right now, I would already be pregnant. My cycle has been restored recently.”
“Hm, give me time to go to the woods. I will return and fuck another child into you.”
She laughs. “No, let’s wait another twenty years. Once Alethaine is an adult, you can fuck her brother inside me.”
“A sister. Another girl,” he corrects.
“I thought the second baby must be a boy?”
“Nah, I want to have daughters. Sons are boring.”
“I think most of the men in this world would disagree.”
“Most of the men are morons,” he kisses the crown of her head.
Suddenly Tiriel elbows up and he realizes she sits on him, her breasts swaying in anticipation.
“What are you doing, love?”
“I haven’t had sex for a year, too, and meanwhile you could, at least, pleasure yourself with your hand, I definitely didn’t have the time of my life.”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Did you think one round would satisfy me?”
Astarion feels his erection growing again, and he places his hands on Tiriel’s wide hips.
“I hoped it wouldn’t.”
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary
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zqmbiescorpse · 1 year
kaitlyn ka x female reader
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a/n: i've been dying for kaitlyn fics, and just the quarry fics in general, because there's hardly any and that makes me want to cry. anyways, first thing i'm hopefully posting so no bullying pls. no werewolves! also sorry if the ending feels like it could be improved, i just really wanted to be finished with this <3
warnings: nothing serious, some making out
word count: 2.4k
The joyous, fun atmosphere surrounding the gentle flicker of the campfire quickly disappeared, leaving the mood somewhat awkward as everyone who had remained (being Dylan, Ryan and yourself) turned towards Kaitlyn with a disappointed look.
"What?" questioned the small ravenette, sensing the glares from the three of you while she feigned innocence at the situation she, may have, intentionally, created.
"You totally ruined the party man," Dylan absentmindedly responded, taking a sip of whatever beer was left. All of you were a little tipsy, sober enough that thinking clearly wasn't an issue but drunk enough to feel a warm woozy sensation floating around your bodies.
In all truth, you weren't bothered in the slightest by the absence of Jacob, Abi, Emma or Nick. You did like them, sure, though being with them throughout the summer was often challenging - you typically found yourself enjoying the company of the others instead.
The four of you had stuck together for a large portion of the time, and you felt you'd become pretty close; so close that, naturally, you formed a humongous crush on the confident, very attractive, super cool dark-haired girl that was sometimes a little mean to you.
With Kaitlyn, you could never be quite sure about how she felt about you, there had been a few occasions where you doubted if she even liked as a friend. She was hard to read and you were a bit sensitive so, as you can imagine, things got tricky - having a ton of feelings for her only made you suffer greatly.
Then again, when these times occurred where you were miserable, Kaitlyn would periodically open up to you and let you know that, yes, she did appreciate you. Small moments of affirmation after so much doubt made you feel so unbelievably fuzzy inside. Unfortunately, the pair of you were tremendously insecure, because of this, there was a lot of dancing around each other the entire summer, similarly to Nick and Abi.
Suddenly desperate to relish in what could be the last evening with her, a rapid demand to continue the entertainment of 'truth or dare' came spilling from your mouth.
'Someone's...eager," Ryan chuckled slowly, glancing over at you and then at Dylan with a knowing glint in his eye.
Following this, Dylan offered, "Y/N's just disappointed she didn't get to smooch anyone this evening."
"You and me both, Y/N."
It was such a quiet array of words yet everyone heard Kaitlyn mutter them - nobody said anything back.
You were so hopelessly in love with her, that you couldn't help but hang onto anything Kaitlyn said that remotely resembled a reciprocation of feelings.
Shyly, you lifted your gaze from the muddy floor to your friends around you, careful not to stare directly at her gorgeous face. Whatever you were about to say next needed to be calm, one hundred percent normal and definitely not suggestive of anything.
With a brief amount of consideration and overthinking, you said, "Well, I don't know, what else is there to do right now? We can keep playing without the others."
You needed to stop working yourself up over such minuscule things; with Kaitlyn anywhere near you, you couldn't control yourself. Not being a fumbling mess was incredibly difficult.
"Yeah sure, why the fuck not?" Dylan chimed back in with a sense of glee, intrigued to see what would happen next.
"Cool alright, Kaitlyn?"
Deep down, it was clear to you that she would join back in, but part of you still inwardly thanked Ryan for ensuring that she was interested in continuing.
"I'm in, of course," A short pause. "You're a bit far away from us Y/N, you should get a bit closer, come here..."
Watching as Kaitlyn patted the empty space on the rough log impatiently, indicating you join her, an eruption of warmth covered your cheeks at her attention being on you; her wanting you next to her.
"Yeah, come on over here Y/N!"
Obviously, it didn't feel as special when Dylan said it, though, you appreciated how it got rid of some of the tension.
"Okay okay, yes, I'm coming," You spoke up, giggling, absolutely infected with giddiness that was bursting to show. You're sure it did, a big goofy smile plastered to your face as you made your way to the opposite side of the campfire. Apparently, the delight spread to Kaitlyn since you could've sworn she was attempting to mask an excited grin too.
Immediately, a soft scent of honey mixed with something floral was all you could smell, each and every time you inhaled. It made you feel very comfortable.
"Who wants to start it off this time?" inquired Ryan, yet your attention was instantly torn away from him due to the sensation of a soft, smaller hand brushing over your slightly sweaty one.
There was not a doubt in your mind. You had already jumped to the conclusion that it was intentional. From doing an action so small as turning away from you to face Ryan, how could Kaitlyn's hand touch yours in the process if it were on accident? There was no time to think rationally, you were already freaking out like mad. And she loved it.
"I'll go."
Leaving no room for arguments, Kaitlyn's head whipped back round to face you once more, this time with a playful theme prominent within her features.
"Y/N. Truth or dare," she asked, intently, her pretty eyes trained on your very nervous self.
You couldn't pick a place to focus your line of sight, eyes darting from her straight to the floor and back at your two shaky hands resting in your lap. Not in a million years were you prepared to answer 'dare'. In what world did you have the confidence.
Telling yourself it was the sensible response, you requested 'truth' like the jittery coward you are - to nobody's surprise but to Kaitlyn's disappointment.
"Tryna play it safe, are we, Y/N? I'm not letting you off that easily," was all she said as you sat there, patiently awaiting for whatever abomination that was heading your way.
Finally, you observed as her eyes lit up with a sudden delight; her full attention, once again, solely focused on you, not quite prepared for what was coming next.
"Out of everyone here, meaning me, Dylan or Ryan, who would you be the most interested in dating...and you have to answer otherwise it's no fun."
The situation wouldn't have felt awfully suffocating if it weren't for your stupid crush, which you were starting to suspect Kaitlyn was fully aware of. Her plump lips contorted mischievously into something smug - a perfectly arched eyebrow raised while she continued staring you down.
Because of the intense stare and immense amount of pressure you felt you were under, you missed a faint flash of worry flicker in her eye at your hesitation; uncertain whether or not her question had backfired on her.
Words couldn't describe the newfound urge tugging at your stomach to let her know that you so badly wanted to date her, to be with her, to kiss her. You couldn't handle rejection in the slightest but also couldn't bare the thought of letting this go on much longer - missing your chance when you had it.
You felt yourself tearing apart because of a silly crush on a girl who was way too good for you; evidently taking this unimportant game way too seriously. This time, you locked eyes with Kaitlyn, your heart racing, making an effort to bring any remnants of confidence together to prepare an answer.
"Uhhhh, I'd probably wanna date you, Kaitlyn?"
You had never experienced something simultaneously this underwhelming and overwhelming. Really, your response was very simple, basic, and not that huge. If, by chance, the beautiful ravenette was utterly disgusted by your answer it could be put down to merely a game and everyone would move on. You would be devastated but you'd get over it.
Having said that, repulsion was the last thing Kaitlyn felt regarding your answer, instead, a frantic fuel ignited within her. For a moment, she kind of just gawked at you, a bashful awkwardness radiating from your features.
"Truth or dare," she asked once more, this time the question coming across as more demanding, and a slight shake was apparent in her voice. Desperation spurred over her yet she seemed to be concealing it quite well, aside from the little chew on her lip while she awaited your answer, the nervous habit being the only indication of how Kaitlyn felt.
"Hey, what!" Dylan interjected, "Why are you going again, Kaitlyn? It's Y/N's turn."
Though you had to admit that Dylan's disapproval was amusing, you were too engulfed in whatever was happening between you and her. Nothing but you and her. Bathing in her alluring nature, you really did not mean to take this long to respond, you shouldn't be keeping someone that exquisite waiting.
To outsiders, the atmosphere didn't appear tense at all. The luminous blaze of the golden camp, flickered and your chest tightened by the second.
"I dare you," Kaitlyn breathed out, her words trailing off implying a wane in confidence. Again, she was doubting herself, even when, at this point, the both of you had been as open as you could about your intense romantic interest for each other without explicitly saying anything.
You observed her complexion closely, each insecurity conveyed on her face made your heart rate increase consequently. You yearned for her to give in and do something to relieve all the built up anxiety, yet couldn't blame her too much since you found yourself incapable of initiating the first move.
An abrupt change conjured. Kaitlyn ostensibly bolder.
"I dare you to kiss me."
Silence. You inched forward but couldn't quite make it all the way. You didn't know what it was, something was holding you back. Also, with the audience of the two boys, you couldn't help your sheepish nature.
As though she couldn't handle it anymore, impatient because of your hesitancy, Kaitlyn took matters into her own hands and closed the gap, her soft lips meeting yours. Certain she would tease you about your failure to for fill the dare, you decided it was best to concern yourself with it later - a highly insignificant worry, really.
The kiss didn't last too long. The bliss you felt quickly overpowered by insecurity, and maybe disappointment too. You had hoped the moment you had been chasing for months would at least be longer than a few seconds. Grateful you got to kiss her, yet, you needed more.
"That was...terrible. I'm sorry," You mumbled bashfully, barely audible for Dylan and Ryan.
"Nu-uh baby, it was good," She whispered back, then tugging your face toward her once more.
Whereas the first peck was delicate, shy and over in a few seconds, in this instance, the kiss was deepened almost immediately. Her gentle hands cupped your flushed cheeks, promoting you to tightly grasp at her clothes. It took all of your power to not let any whimpers or whines escape you, making out with someone while other people were around was embarrassing enough as is.
"Okay...guys..." Ryan, being the first to speak up, broke the immersion, the two of you reluctantly pulling away from each other.
"Totally digging how happy you are right now, but, you know, lodge is empty..." Dylan chimed in, somewhat less awkward than Ryan.
You shared a look with Kaitlyn, your shortness of breath mirrored after your lips had been pressed against one another's for an extended period of time.
"Sounds great, thanks Dylan," Kaitlyn rose from her place seated on the log, enthusiasm oozing from her. "Let's get going huh, Y/N?" She proposed, laced with sultry.
You stayed seated, a little dumbfounded about the kiss and relishing in the electric sensation circulating in your body. Kaitlyn gripped your wrist, gaining your attention as her request caught up with you.
"Uh, yeah...yes we should go," Stumbling over your words, you got up, waved to Dylan and Ryan and began your journey back to the lodge. Incoherent mumbling could be heard from the pair left behind. You ignored it, giggling slightly and walked beside Kaitlyn.
When you arrived, you opened up the wooden door and stepped inside, Kaitlyn not giving you an opportunity to voice your opinion on anything; her mouth soon latched onto yours.
It was hungry, and you returned the passion. Although she may have been smaller than you, she still forced you up against one of the aging walls of the building; her tongue buried in your mouth. There was no fight for dominance, Kaitlyn was in control, not that you minded. It was such a rush, her lips all over your cool skin, your trembling hands in her dark hair, the occasional raspy chuckles from her, and the whines from you. Anything either one of you did spurred the other on wildly.
Eventually, distances had to be created since you couldn't keep going without catching your breath.
"I can't believe it took us that long to do this. We could've been having hot make-out sessions all summer" Kaitlyn beamed with genuine delight, her hands retreating from being all over you to placed on her hips, taking her usual sassy stance.
"I know," You agreed, laughing," I was so scared about being rejected"
"It's okay, I was equally terrified. Better late than never I suppose. At least we know now." The ravenette smirked, gazing into your eyes, entertained by how dishevelled you looked, encouraging her to admit, "I seriously am so fucking attracted to you."
Again, you let out a giggle, a noise that Kaitlyn thought was endearing. "Well, I've been fawning over you for like ages now." You blushed, the confession sparking a wave of heat to pass over you. Even though your actions had already said enough, disclosing the information made your shoulders feel externally lighter.
"It does really suck that it's the end of camp, going our separate ways and all" You continued, dejectedly. You were overjoyed that you were finally sharing these movements with Kaitlyn but hated yourself for holding off this long.
She examined your rapidly declining mood, likewise, she was regretful for waiting, however, not an ounce of uncertainty clouded her mind.
"What is there to worry about? Of course, we can stay in touch, I'm serious about this and...I do want to be with you." She reassured you, offering a loving smile filled with comfort. "Just give me your number, baby."
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writerpeach · 2 years
『Classroom Copulation』
Oh My Girl Arin x m!reader
word count - 4k
thanks to @praeluxius for helping with editing
Read on AFF
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“Choi Yewon, please stay after class.” 
One by one, students grabbed their belongings and cleared out. With bowed heads, they gave farewells as they exited the room until only one student was left. Once a straight A student at the top of the class, Arin’s grades plummeted faster than a stock market crash, for no discernible reason. 
When she leisurely approached your desk, you could tell Arin was unlike the rest of the students in her class, especially with how she dressed. One look at her and you could see about a dozen broken dress codes—her standard-issued uniform top had its lower-half missing, exposing her bare midriff, while the gray pleated skirt seated on her hips was considerably shorter, several inches above the knee. 
“Miss Choi.” 
Arin took each step as if she had all the time in the world and moved like molasses. “It’s so good to see you. Am I in trouble?” 
With folded hands, you looked up at her with hesitation, but the wide smile and cuteness on her face didn’t help ease your concerns.
“Well…that all depends on you.” 
An innocent, doe-eyed look stayed etched on a pretty face while she leaned over your desk enough for you to catch a glimpse of her poorly covered body. You had no qualms about staring.
“You’re not in trouble, Yewon. But I’d like to have a chat about your grades.” 
“My grades?” Arin asked, with a tilt of her head to the right. “Didn’t I pass last week’s exam?”   
“You did, but just barely. One more question wrong and you would have failed, which would put a burden on your already struggling grades.”
“Well, passing is passing, isn’t it?” Arin nonchalantly asked. 
“Miss Choi, you were once my star student, top of the class, and now your grades have slipped every single week. Aren’t you disappointed?” 
Her eyes looked in the distance, with a blank stare on her features. “Not really. What can I say, professor? Things change. People change.” 
You rubbed your temple, blinking several times before speaking up. “Are you saying my class isn’t a priority? I expected more from you.”
“And what do you expect out of me, professor?” Arin asked. 
“For starters, your panties on my desk.” 
“Of course, professor,” she responded, with a shy smile. She reached under her skirt and tugged down a pair of pink panties that she tossed on your desk. 
“All yours.”
The set of lacy panties looked familiar, a skimpy thong that you had taken off her before, with a noticeable damp spot in the center. 
“Anything else you expect, professor?” 
The expectations that you held were a mile high, but only one thing in particular was your focus. “I expect you to be on your knees for me, Yewon.” 
“It would be my pleasure,” Arin said, while she scurried over to the side of your desk and promptly dropped to her knees. With rich anticipation in her eyes, she fondled your crotch before you could even finish getting out of your chair. 
“Give me that cock, professor,” Arin pleaded, as she unwrapped you like a present, zipper undone before your next breath, with your pants and boxers piled down to your ankles soon after. Her eyes widened at the reveal of your member that sprung out, like it was the first time getting to undress you, but the same movements all became muscle memory by this point. Kissing up your bare thighs, Arin wrapped fingers around your stiff cock, and stroked with a firm grip, each pump sending little spikes of pleasure up your spine.
“Hold on, I need to lock the door, Yewon.” 
“No, you need to stay here while I suck your fucking cock.” 
“Someone could walk in at any moment.” 
“Am I supposed to care?” Arin asked, while she planted a deep, wet kiss on the very tip of your swollen cockhead. She stared up at you with those gorgeous eyes, filled with equal parts lust, greed, and an eager need to pleasure you while she stroked your cock, almost waiting for permission. Like always, Arin never waited, wrapped her soft lips around your throbbing shaft, and took your length down her warm throat. In just a handful of strokes, she swallowed up your entire cock, releasing hungry slurps like there was no tomorrow. 
You nearly collapsed from pleasure and put a hand on the back of Arin’s pretty head while she worked her magic. Frantic bobbing started things off, and while her silky lips swallowed your length whole, her wet, talented tongue moved in tandem to create a perfect pair of pleasure.  
Much better than grading papers after school, you took a mental picture of the sight of Arin on her knees, with her erotic gaze held while she sucked you off in your unlocked classroom. 
You almost wished one of your students, or even a faculty member, would barge in to see her sloppy warm mouth doing what it did best. After all, that pretty mouth slobbering on your cock became one of Arin’s signature traits, and mere seconds after her lips sealed around your shaft, the corners of her greedy mouth filled with spit that stained the top of her uniform. Not that she gave a damn what a mess she made. It wouldn’t be unusual for her to leave your classroom or office without having her makeup ruined, her skirt torn, or her panties ripped. 
Maybe it was worth Arin throwing her grades away if this was what you got in return. Every time you met, she made every private oral session feel familiar, yet always mixed it up a bit, trying a new technique, an experiment to find the best way possible to pleasure you. 
Today, it was a little more tongue, just enough to add that little dash of stimulation, and it worked flawlessly. Even as you were hypnotized by the rhythmic nature of her head bobs, Arin never stopped the soft licks against the underside of your cock, and used the same teasing patterns on your sensitive balls. She never left them out and sucked each with equal attention. In fact, Arin gave more attention to your tender sack than spent on studies, but much preferred to swallow your length and massage your balls, than open a dusty old book.
Perhaps you’d alter your curriculum just for her. There was no need for tests when she gave head this good, because a weekly oral exam would fit Arin’s skill set much better, and she’d pass with flying colors. 
“Goddamn, Yewon. You give the best head. You really do. Such a good girl.” 
Stopping like a record scratch, Arin looked up without even wiping the drool from her chin. “No, professor. I’m not.” 
She wasn’t offended, but the mere idea of her being good was laughable. Being on her knees sucking you off before the school day was even over was a prime example of why Arin wasn’t a prime student. Your dick became an addiction to her, one that you enabled on the regular as she kept it down her throat, her hand playing with your balls. Any respite she gave was just to kiss your shaft, lick your length, or compliment how much she loved sucking it. 
For all intents and purposes, you’d consider this an extracurricular activity, and would make sure Arin stayed after hours every day. If anything, you’d end class early just to get extra time with that warm fucking mouth drooling on your shaft. 
But the way she looked at you with a mouth full of cock, those gorgeous eyes that stared in adoration, there was a temptation to grab her head and fuck her face until her makeup was a mess. That temptation clashed with a similar one to tear clothes off from her tight fucking body, one you planned to absolutely feast on. 
So, against your better judgment, you pulled her up to her feet, then lifted her petite body onto your desk, tossing whatever useless paperwork aside so you could place her flat on her back.
“Yewon, I need to fucking devour you,” you said, and Arin giggled in response as you took a seat back in your office chair. With her body ripe for the taking, you lowered your head and kissed her sexy midriff right above her belly button, then licked every inch of pristine skin you could find. Her belly made such a perfect target for your lips, so you marked it with an assortment of kisses and long playful licks that drew a gasp from her lips. 
That would do for now. There would be a time and place to lick her from head to toe. Craving Arin like an expensive cut of meat, you flipped up her short little skirt, then parted her legs like you had dozens of times before, granting access to one of your favorite parts of her body—her luscious, creamy thick thighs. 
You didn’t go into full teasing mode here; a few licks on each of her inner thighs here, a few bites there, because you wanted to get straight down to business, and pulled her a few inches closer, while you licked your lips at what was yours to claim—Arin’s delicious, sweet dripping pussy. 
“You know this outfit isn’t school regulation, Yewon.” 
“Oh? You mean I’m not allowed to dress like a slut for you, professor?” she asked, with a playful smile. After a few teasing licks against Arin’s wet slit, you slid your tongue inside her folds, exploring her like a roadmap. 
“I didn’t say that, but it’s getting harder for me to make excuses to satisfy the other faculty members.” 
“Ah fuck! Maybe I should dress skimpier then. Or maybe I should stop wearing panties, and wear even shorter skirts.” 
You wouldn’t give a damn if Arin showed up to your classes fully naked, but sadly, the other students and staff members might have an issue with that. 
Even with your tongue now inside her, Arin couldn’t help but taunt you, but you already held the advantage, and pressed it while teasing her swollen little clit with soft licks. She couldn’t help but squirm at your touch, escalating her moans while your tongue traced her pink folds.
"It seems like you're no longer interested in my class,” you said, as you went for the killing blow and latched your lips on her clit, slurping harshly away at the sensitive little bud. For several moments, the only response from Arin was a series of elongated moans, as her warm milky thighs squeezed around your head—the perfect place for you to be. 
"Not particularly, but it's mostly not your fault.” Her answer was blunt, but you were grateful for her honesty, even while she was writhing on your desk, helplessly at your mercy. 
“There's only so much I can learn about dead presidents before I'm bored out of my mind. The only thing these days I have an interest in is being the professor’s pretty little fuckdoll.”
If only you could grade her on that, she would be back to being the top student in the class. 
But you were more than content to have her sprawled on your desk, your tongue cleaning her messy folds, the taste of her sweet nectar more satisfying than anything put in your mouth. Her needy clit didn’t stay untouched for long, and you took careful swipes against the hardened nub before you returned to the steady, relentless slurps. 
“Professor, oh my god! You’re driving me so crazy—oh my god, you’re so damn good at eating my pussy.” 
“It helps that you’re so fucking delicious. Does anyone know your professor goes down on you like this? That you’re such a dripping mess every time you see me?” 
“No, of course not, professor. Not that I would care. I’ll let the entire study body watch you pound me.” 
A very tempting offer, but you liked your job, the pay, and the generous benefits. Plus, you enjoyed your meetings with Arin, your little study sessions, and the thrill of getting caught was always a fun part of that. 
For Arin, time felt like it had stalled, as you kept the pressure up, lips sealed shut around her throbbing clit, while you worked your tongue into her warm hole, earning sounds of deep satisfaction from your favorite student’s lips. The squeeze of her heavenly thighs wrapped around your head only intensified, which made you double your efforts, and before you knew it, Arin turned into a whimpering, moaning mess of juices. 
“P-professor! You’re gonna—gonna make me cum!” 
Music to your fucking ears. Soft, but persistent gasps filled the empty classroom, as you kept eye contact with Arin, suckling her clit and lapping up her nectar while her smooth, long legs tossed over your shoulders, thighs threatening to suffocate your face. Not that you would have complained with your face buried in the sweet aroma of her heavenly cunt. 
“Oh god, oh my fucking god! Professor!”
Arin’s voice cracked on the last syllable, hips jerking upwards, body arching off the desk. A loud, desperate moan escaped her mouth as she reached sweet nirvana, and while her fingers dug into your scalp, her quivering thighs took every ounce of breath left in your lungs. Her eyes shut tight just before she came, trembling at your touch, with her messy juices covering your lips that you greedily lapped up as she let out a cry of pure ecstasy. 
You felt her wetness drip down your chin as she let out a contented sigh, and you licked your lips to savor the sweet, tangy nectar while her body kept convulsing, thighs mercifully loosening their grip to allow you to take in air again. As soon as you could breathe properly, you pulled away from her dripping cunt and cleaned up her juices, not letting a single drop go to waste.
Her cheeks grew flushed red, with sweat misted on her forehead as she came down from her high, eyes feeling like lead. Only the sounds of heavy breathing filled the room, but you didn’t give Arin much time to recover.
“Professor, that was—”
You stopped her mid-sentence with a few licks at her sensitive core, then peeled her off the desk and stood her upright. Her legs wobbled as she tried to keep steady, so you moved Arin over to the side of your desk, bending her over as she assumed the position and placed her hands on the wooden surface, still in a cloudy haze from her orgasm. 
“I’m going to fucking ruin you, Yewon.” 
“Please do, professor. I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” 
With that said, you lifted her skirt up enough past her slender waist, and stared at her plentiful round ass, equipped with plump and juicy cheeks that made Arin’s delicious backside the definition of perfection. Your fingertips grazed against the soft skin, unable to focus your eyes elsewhere, and you gave one of her buttcheeks a firm smack that made it ripple beautifully, drawing out a new set of moans. 
Arin had such a perfect body, a blessed work of art, that it seemed almost criminal that you were the only one able to see every last inch of it. Regardless, you took pride in being selfish as you stroked yourself, then lined up your throbbing shaft against her inviting heat. Even while your cock kissed her slick folds, you could feel the prominent warmth of her pussy waiting for you, begging for your touch. 
As much as you enjoyed teasing Arin’s entrance, you had no patience for it. You needed to be inside her without delay. So, wasting no more time, you slid into her warmth with a powerful plunge, and let out a gasp at how tight she was. 
You moved slowly at first, rocking your hips, then steadily increased your pace, and pumped into the wet heat that clenched around your cock like a vice. 
When she slammed her hips back, you held on tighter, pumping your entire length into her, then made each movement deeper, much rougher than before. With every stroke, you felt Arin tighten around your shaft, desperately urging you to continue. 
“Fuck me, professor! You feel so good—so big inside me. Don’t be gentle, just pound me!” 
With every thrust you sank yourself even deeper into Arin’s cunt, your cock being squeezed by spasming walls that demanded you wouldn’t leave. You gave into her desires and grabbed a rough handful of hair, pulling her head back. Meanwhile, your other hand reached down and teased her puckered hole, before sliding the entirety of your thumb inside. 
“One of these days, I’ll fuck both your holes at once. And maybe I’ll make you wear a cute little butt plug all day before.” 
She’d love that; you knew she would. You already had proof of how much she loved your cock in both her pussy and her asshole during your so-called office hours. It was necessary to take things to the next level. 
Arin moaned loudly as you fingered her tight asshole with your thumb, making small circles along the rim. “Oh god, professor, please, don’t stop. Please fuck me harder…”
Another wish granted with ease. You loosened the grip on her hair, then spanked her ass hard enough to see the red outline of your hand, which made Arin gasp. One more time, and her breath hitched in her throat when you gave repeated smacks, but she didn’t say a word, and just cried out after every hit. 
Smack after smack, Arin’s pussy tightened around your cock, and she moaned even louder with every addicting sting. The ripe, delicious flesh of her ass rippled while you continued, until the milky skin was bright red and tears ran freely from the corners of her eyes. She could handle more, much more, even with the pain and pleasure that brought a brand new high, but you focused your attention on drilling her cunt instead. You leaned forward and bit into her shoulder, sucking harshly before releasing your teeth, then began pistoning your hips.
“Fuck me, professor! Just like that, fuck my little hole, fuck me, fuck me!” Arin said, a mindless chant of profanity that surely someone outside would hear—either the screams of pleasure made, or the harsh, satisfying smack of your hips against hers. Either way, it didn’t matter. All that did was make good on your promise to ruin Arin, and you did so with your hand wrapped tightly around her throat, a delicate squeeze while you kept pounding her. 
Nobody let you fuck her like Arin did, especially not in the comfort of your classroom. Thankfully, she lived up to expectations, and you hoped she never waned interest in being your fuckdoll, because you could pound her like this until the end of days. 
The only thing missing was the ability to see the orgasmic look in Arin’s wanton eyes. You’d make a mental note to keep a mirror in your drawer so you could both watch her get fucked. 
So, for now, you kept a tight hold on her throat, and watched your cock impale her to the hilt, a series of recurring thrusts so rough you swore you’d break her—not that she would ever mind. 
She never minded anything; not how hard you choked her, or pulled her hair, nor how many times you spanked her ass until it would hurt to sit, and certainly not how rough you pounded her, either in your classroom, the teacher’s lounge bathroom in the early morning before classes started, or your favorite janitor’s closet down right by the principal's office. 
It wasn’t like you were discrete about it, and Arin absolutely didn’t know the meaning of keeping quiet, so you’re pretty sure the entire school knew exactly what you did behind closed doors. And that made it all more exciting. Getting caught was just a game, with boundaries to be tested every week. Hell, you’d both welcome a new set of eyes watching you fuck Arin senseless. 
Even as you were rearranging her guts, you didn’t feel like you were hitting deep enough, or fast enough, but certainly not for lack of trying, given how goddamn drenched she was. Only one way you could fix that, so you lifted her off the desk and pulled her arms behind her back, ramming harshly into her with zero intentions of holding back until her tight body shook with each thrust. 
Her breathy moans evolved into shuddering screams, as you held onto her wrists harder and relentlessly slammed into her again and again, over and over, fueled by the throbbing ache of her wet pussy gripping around you. Sweat profusely dripped off both your bodies, with your hands seizing her arms, Arin begged for more; she pleaded to be taken harder until you would have to carry her out of there. 
“More, professor! More, more, more!” Arin became a broken record, a rally of sobs, a chorus of whimpering moans that turned your animalistic urges into overdrive. The way you fucked her had never been so raw, or utterly uncontrollable, that even as your legs were on fire, you felt no tinge of self-control left. 
“Professor—why isn’t my pussy filled with cum yet?” Arin asked, with strings of spit dripping out down the corners of her lips, her throat almost raw from screaming in pleasure. A very good question, one that would have soon have an answer as you felt the pressure boiling in your core, pounding into her wet, constricting heat so hard that you sent Arin over the edge, not once, but twice, threatening a third climax when she suffocated the life out of your cock. 
You let go of her wrists, then dropped her limp body on to the desk, and returned your grip to her delicious hips. For one final series of thrusts, you used whatever scrap of energy that was left with intentions to ravage her. 
“Please, professor—you know what I need. Fill me, use my warm little hole to cum, let my pussy milk your cock. I need your cum inside me right now, need that hot thick load as deep as it will go. Cum in me, professor.”  
Whatever you had left in the tank was depleted, and now you were a train with no brakes, a car running off the ravine. Every ripple her buttcheeks made, the sweat that dripped down her back, the tight wetness between her thighs that drowned your cock, it set off a meteoric explosion of lust that couldn’t be contained. With a forceful grunt, you made one more powerful slam, and firmly buried inside her warm, welcoming cunt, erupting in violent spasms and twitches, spilling your thick seed into her depths. 
Almost delirious from bliss, you collapsed onto her exhausted body, hips finally faltering, while you tried to catch your breath. Once you could find the strength to move again, you withdrew inch by inch, until your cock that still throbbed exited her sticky folds, unplugging a torrent of hot, creamy semen that leaked out and stained her sweaty, glistening thighs. 
Arin rolled over on her back, then pushed herself off the desk so she could stand face to face for the first time since you had inserted yourself inside her. Eyes still clouded with lust, she grabbed your cock that had yet to soften, and took careful strokes that made sure she hadn’t wasted a drop of your load before she licked her fingers clean.
“Did that live up to your expectations, professor?” she asked with a tired smirk, moving away strands of sweaty hair that had clung to her forehead. 
Looking into her glazed over eyes, you licked several beads of sweat from her neck, the salty taste like an after-dinner treat. “Absolutely, Miss Choi. That’ll bring your grade up at least a few letters. Excellent performance.” 
“Thank you, professor. You can keep those panties, by the way.”  
"I wasn't planning on giving them back. Consider them extra credit.” 
Yewon giggled, and tried to make her disheveled self as presentable as one could after being railed. With every step, your cum dripped down her thighs, and her hip sway was still as unmistakable as ever.
“See you on Monday, professor.” 
Note: Please read my post about tumblr's new label system, and make sure that you've enabled mature content on your dashboard. I've left labels off for this post so that it doesn't get lost.
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
A Slice of Morioh: "A Not So Quiet Day"
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Synopsis: A not so ordinary man with a penchant for hands fails to live through a normal quiet day when an attempt of finding a new "lover" goes downhill upon meeting a married woman who should not be trifled with.
Another day. Just another quiet day.
Was what Kira Yoshikage thought about getting out of bed and starting his morning routine of fix, bathe, dress, and eat. All done with the company of a delicate, pale, decapitated hand with a ring near him at all times.
This hand in particular was one he got a week ago from a rich woman who had lost her way one empty afternoon. It lasted quite a while compared to the other females he managed to put a ring on. Just the other night, he had kissed the slim hand as a lover would, saying she was his favorite so far.
But at last, as the man donned on his suit and tie and done his hair the way he always does it, he reached for “her” and caught scent of the decay from its flesh. Kira clicked his tongue in shame and slight disappointment.
Though he wasn’t surprised by the slightest. He figured it was time the second his fingers twitched and his nails grew faster than usual much like previous cases of pre-murder.
“Ah good things always have to come to an end,” he lifted the hand to his face with a blank look. “It appears I have to leave you now. Your time is up and I’m afraid I’ve lost all my love for you.”
Just like that, all it took was one trash bin in the corner of the street and one paper bag for him to dispose of the body part as if it was ordinary garbage and continue on with his perfectly ordinary day. 48… That would make her 48 now.  
Today he would find a new bride to own.
And on a sunny afternoon, he set his sights on “the one”.
See… sitting on a simple bench parallel to Morioh-cho’s most popular café underneath the shade of a tree had its advantages- allowing him to watch and observe its patrons. It just so happens that just as 3 high school students- a pompadour kid with his loud and short friends- left the building, she stepped out.
And Kira gaped.
The woman appeared to be in her late 20s with a doll-like face riddled with a scar, impeccable fashion choice, and my goodness her hands- fair, slender, poised, and elegant with that shining silver band around that ring finger.
Kira loosened his tie and gulped, his nails growing faster than the rate it went from the morning hours prior. “A perfect candidate.”
Initially, he planned to approach her right then and there when she stood at the café’s entrance by herself, looking around as if she was waiting for something or someone. He hummed. She’s waiting and that’s a big factor to consider. I can’t ask her out directly like the others before her or else people will get curious about who I am, Kira Yoshikage.
There was time and he was a patient man so he could wait until the right time dawns on him. He remained in his seat and continued reading his book, using his peripherals to monitor the woman by the street.
In a few minutes, a blue car came into view and parked in space not too far from the entrance. From in it stepped out two people- an eager little girl with space buns for hair and a tall adult man dressed in white following suit. 
Kira clicked in mild disappointment at the sight of all 3 persons bonding together. She has family. One that’s close to her as well. It’s nothing new. He has dealt with women being wives and mothers before. Thanks to his spirit companion, he is able to dispose of their immediate loved ones, reduce evidence leading to his identity, and earn their hand in marriage all at one.
He eyed the woman’s child and spouse with cocked brows. I can dispose of the husband easily enough. As for the child… orphanages can deal with the issue.
He let the family leave in peace for now. The next time he is able to get in contact with the lady… he’ll have her hand.
The perfect opportunity arose, served on a silver platter for him when on the way to buy his favorite sandwich, she was there in front of the shop deep in conversation with the owner most likely.
Kira sighed, adjusting his tie a bit to appear formal. Putting on a charming face, he took his time walking towards her, patiently waiting until the owner returned inside and she turned to leave.
“Excuse me?”
The woman paused to look over her shoulder with an acknowledging hum and widened eyes. “Yes?”
He offered a low bow and spoke. “I’m relatively new in town and I was wondering if you could show me directions to a local tailor in the area.”
“Ah I’m also new to the place sir. That’s why I’m out here right now,” she smiled though Kira couldn’t care when his vision was met with the smooth micro movements of her hands. “I’m exploring around so I could familiarize myself with the town.”
“I see,” he stood upright and reciprocated her smile. “You didn’t happen to bypass by any tailor shops, did you?”
She gave it some thought and shook her head. “I’m afraid not.”
“Then would you mind if I join with you on your little sightseeing venture?” Kira asked, looking at her with patient eyes. She seems accommodating. “Just until we reach a tailor.”
The woman contemplated for a second, her brows furrowing for a moment and her body language stiff. “Well… it’s quite sunny right now, people are having fun near us and all… so I don’t see why not.”
Kira smiled, placing his hands behind his back to hide the eager twitching of his fingers. “Thank you very much.” He stretched out his hand for you to shake, and when you held it, he forced himself to not thrive in the overall feel of your skin on his palm. Such soft hands. “Shall we?”
Excellent. Things are going according to plan. Kira pretended to listen to her mindless chatter about the different locations and turned all his attention on how to get the woman into a closed-off or private location for him to fulfill his goal.
But he did admit that he also focused on how she moved her hands around to highlight her words.
And so, he started his attempt of persuasion. He indulged in her conversations a bit longer as to not make him suspicious, waiting for the perfect time to butt in and hasten the process. Far off down the pavement, an alleyway that led to the tailor shop presented itself to his luck.
Now. “Sorry for intervening but I am quite in a hurry to get a suit done for a meeting held tomorrow. Could we take the alleyway? I’ve heard it’s the quickest route to get to a tailor.”
She looked in the path of his choosing and contemplated the second time this day. “Hmm in a hurry? If so, then I guess a shortcut wouldn’t hurt,” she turned on her heels and went into the alley. “Let’s go and get that suit made sir.”
Kira bowed his head in faux gratitude. How naïve of you, you sweet little thing. “Agreed.”
She led him in his preferred route and with your back still facing him, he made his move. Quietly reaching into his inner pocket, he held onto his wallet, enabling Killer Queen’s ability to latch onto the cloth, and drop it onto the concrete below them, bills spilling out.
“Oh dear,” Kira said purposely, bending down to pick up belongings with slow movements.
The woman turned and let out an “oh” of her own, reaching down to help him with his minor inconvenience. “Here let me help.”
And Kira waited, baiting his hands more as he anticipated for the explosion of her body as her delicate hand inched its way closer to the bomb-infused wallet and bills.
“By the way,” she spoke out of nowhere, her hand stopping above one 10 000-yen bill. “Would you mind telling me your name?”
He stilled, heart racing in fear of his identity being exposed, but he realized that there was no point feeling this way if she were to die at this moment. “Kira Yoshikage.”
“Kira… Yoshikage.” His eyes kept a close watch on her fingers barely grazing the money. “What a nice name, however it seems fair for me to introduce myself too, right?”
“No need to de-“
His words got caught in his throat at the sight of his cash in her hand. Unharmed. Kira couldn’t hold his look of disbelief back and that anxiety grew yet again. Impossible. Killer Queen’s bombs never missed its targets.
He stared at her and her smile, now laced with something else other than one indicating friendliness. One that was more condescending and lethal. “Are you gonna take your money or am I paid for my services Mr. Yoshikage?”
Kira’s chest clamped in a vice grip, his palms sweaty, his breaths coming in short intervals, and his lower right abdomen aching out of the blue. His knees buckled and he fell to his knees. All while she stood in contrast- poised and patient as she looked down at him. Eventually, he took the cash off her hand.
There he noticed a brief gleam on her hand. At closer look, it appeared as if a second layer of silk surfaced through the skin to cover the entirety of her hand’s underside.
“You know,” she said. “You’ve been staring at my hands pretty frequently. Noticed something you like? Or,” she waggled her fingers in front of his face. “Did you see something else? Perhaps… a layer of silk overlaying my hand?”
Kira couldn’t respond, still reeling from the fact this was the first instance of his bombs not working, combined with the growing sharp pain emanating from his guts. “Indestructible fabric. Immune to Stand attacks and abilities.”
She has one too?! The woman exhaled a deep sigh. “You’ve got some audacity in thinking I forgot the basics of stranger danger just because I was being friendly.” She cooed at him clutching his stomach in agony. “Based from how shocked you were, I guess this is the first time of your many intentions not going your way.”
“Intentions like… I don’t know,” the woman beamed. “1st-degree murder?”
“How’d… you know?” He gritted through his pain, glaring as she sat on her heels to face him at eye level.
“First off, people don’t normally ask to tag along with strangers. Commonly, they ask for directions and be on their merry way. Second, you said you were new here and yet you somehow knew a shortcut leading to a tailor. How inconsistent sir,” she shook her head. “You looked like a great liar too considering you likely convinced those before me. What happened?”
“Was it because I purposely fancied your apparent hand fetish with all my flagrant hand gestures while we went on our mini tour?”
The woman clicked her tongue. “Lastly, if you were talking about the money thing, I put two-and-two together the moment you suggested going through some shady alleyway and then randomly dropping your stuff on the ground. I figured there was something suspicious about that.”
Kira groaned, doubling over as the stabbing pain gradually worsened each second. Damnit, was I that sloppy? Did my eagerness blind me from this woman’s hidden intuition? But- “What the hell’s happening to me?”
She hummed, standing. “I don’t know. You tell me.” He cursed, his body quivering as all his possible vitals went haywire out of the blue. “Though, I might recommend visiting the nearby hospital to get your organs checked out. Might lead to lethal complications, you know?”
“Damn… you…,” He struggled to get up, his free hand finding itself bracing on the wall beside him to aid him in standing, only to fail miserably. He wanted to send this ungrateful lady a warning, but looking at her now- the soulless gaze, the downward look, the utter unfiltered disgust.
She was delivering the same message.
“You’re lucky I’m sparing you now. Mainly because I don’t kill people and thus getting my hands dirty tampering around with a corpse in the middle of a good afternoon. It’s just not my thing.”
“Who… are you for you to be saying all these condescending words at me woman?” Kira spat. He could send out Killer Queen to dispatch of this problem immediately, if it weren’t for the pain in his stomach making him lose focus and the fact his bomb ploy didn’t work.
That she has a Stand she hadn’t revealed in full form.
And the woman knew that and so she cocked her head and smiled tauntingly. “Ah right! Kira Yoshikage, wasn’t it? Seems fair for me to introduce myself as well, even though it’s unlikely we’ll meet again.” She bowed.
“Kujo,” she bowed. “Y/N Kujo. It’s been nice acquainting with you but I’m afraid my husband will be the one dealing with your shit-rotten ass for everyone in Morioh.”
“Hide all you want but keep in mind this one simple thing,” the woman tipped Kira’s chin to her and said, “You’ve earned yourself a witness you won’t be able to dispose that easy and you only have yourself to blame.”
With that, she let him be and walked out of the alleyway unscathed as Kira Yoshikage writhed in pain in the place he’s supposed to feel victorious.
Damn it all. Now he had so much to do to get him back on the track of his desired life. The moment he is treated of his internal wounds, Kira swore to get back at the woman who dealt this. He will rid of everything that comes his way no matter what.
Another day will come. Another quiet day will soon be in his grasp once again.
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baldurs-gape · 8 days
Can I just say your story “Wish’n’bone” is literally such a comfort read to me, I go back and read it over again frequently! Your characterization of them both is so sweet in all your work but in that one it’s my favorite. I’d love there to be a follow up of sorts some day but gosh all your BW stuff is fabulous! :3
Nonnie, your kind words fill me with such warmth. Wish'n'Bone was my first foray into a longer Bloodweave fic and I was terrified about getting the characterisations wrong. To be honest, I still worry but that's beside the point XD What kind of follow-up of sorts did you have in mind? I can't promise it will happen but I'm always over the moon to hear ideas anyone has.
Meanwhile, I've finished writing Shores so my mind has now been wandering to other things. Please accept this NSFW ficlet because apparently that's where the brain gremlins are sailing today.
No Big Deal
The Weave was magical, Gale thought. Well, it obviously was magic but he meant it in the less literal way. He had been able to use it to make up for so many of his shortcomings. When he was with Mystra, his body wasn't a concern, wasn't even something to think about. All the pleasures they explored together were beyond the physical. In a way it was a relief, a blessing. Gale knew that by human standards he wasn't exactly a catch. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't putting himself down, far from it, he had a lot to offer in terms of knowledge, power, even looks if he was being less than humble. But when things came to a more intimate connection, he wasn't well versed, no was he exceptional. Quite the opposite in fact. It hadn't mattered though, Mystra had rather literally swept him off his feet and those aspects of him weren't of any import what so ever.
Until his fall. While not objectively true, it still felt like everything had been stripped away until the only thing left was Gale himself with all his human shortcomings. Things only got worse with the whole mindflayer tadpole issue. He had so badly wanted to run to Tara and make the joke "I got worms" just to hear her express amused disdain. Instead he had a group of strangers, all of them infected and pulling in different directions. One person caught Gale's attention though, Astarion didn't seem eager to be going anywhere, wasn't all that bothered by the unexpected lodger in his brain. The only other one who seemed as relaxed was Wyll but he still had the optimism of youth and Gale knew he could so easily crush that. It was why Gale hovered near Astarion, set his tent up nearby. Even when the whole vampire spawn truth came tumbling out, he was more reassured than put off. Immortal beings were much easier to understand than humans in his experience.
Of course, not everything could be simple. As soon as emotions Gale thought were long dead in his chest started to turn from ashes to ember, he knew trouble was brewing. Even worse, Astarion was way ahead of him in that department. By the time Gale was approached by Astarion late one night, he should have known what was coming. It still took him by surprise and Gale had to think fast.
"Let me make you feel good," he breathed into the gap between their lips. "Teach me what you like."
"You get off on learning, don't you?"
It was better that way, Astarion wouldn't have to know the disappointing truth about Gale. And Gale was good at giving, he had given Mystra his all. Though he'd rather not think about how even that hadn't been enough. Instead, Gale turned his attention to Astarion, how he felt in his mouth. Every a quick study, Gale was determined to learn how to best please Astarion. He shouldn't have found it easy but there he was, on his knees and pulling the loveliest sounds from Astarion. What's more, he adored how physical it all was, the hands in his hair, sharp nails against his scalp, the mess, the loss of control, the sheer rawness of it all. In the Weave everything was but a thought away, pleasure was vast and eternal until it became a state of constant. This though, visceral and passing as it was, it burned through Gale. By the time he was catching his breath, beard sticky from what he couldn't swallow, he knew he was in love. The euphoria faded and with it came the crippling reality of his own shortcomings.
At first it was all too easy to distract, Gale took every opportunity to make Astarion feel good with zero expectation of reciprocation. If only he was as gallant as he'd made out, wanting to spoil Astarion in a small effort to prove he wasn't like all the others before him. To a small degree it was true. But mostly, Gale was desperately hiding reality. It was why he tried to entice Astarion into the Weave, to share the pleasure without having to reveal his secret. Sadly, it didn't work that way. Only so many times could he claim to have gotten himself off before Astarion grew more insistent. As much as Astarion claimed to love being the focus of attention, there was no missing that the imbalance between them was slowly getting to him.
"Let me see you."
They were in Gale's tent and Astarion was pushing. The problem was, Gale was out of excuses. Maybe half the truth would suffice.
"I'm not- It's-" All the words in the world and none of them came even close to the tip of his tongue.
Smiling coyly, Astarion stepped closer. "For a man who was a goddess' lover, you do seem incredibly shy."
"In the Weave it was all different."
It was the wrong thing to say because Astarion's brows scrunched and Gale found himself on the receiving end of a scrutinising look.
"Darling, are you saying you've never partaken in the earthly side of such pleasure?"
Head shaking, Gale couldn't look him in the eyes. Hands went to his trousers all the same and Gale startled. "It's not just that. It's, well, in the Weave I could be however I wanted."
"Is my darling wizard body-shy?" Astarion grinned. "My dear, let me assure you that you're perfect as you are."
Gale's trousers and underwear were pushed down and Astarion's eyes focused on his goal.
Silence stretched and Gale covered himself up, cheeks flaming. He should have known. Shouldn't have even hoped. Once again, hands reached for him, tugging his hands away.
"Darling, you're gorgeous." Two fingers easily lifted Gale's cock and Astarion's thumb fondly stroked over it. "I don't know why you were wanting to hide."
"It's small." Even when aroused, it was maybe three inches at best and Gale was all too aware of how much of a disappointment that could be, not to mention that he was a grower and not a shower which made his mortifyingly below average in that moment.
"It's perfect." Astarion had never said anything more honest in his life. Truly enamoured with Gale, he smiled and leaned in. "Let me show you how perfect."
No further warning, he dropped to his knees and took Gale's soft cock gently between his lips. He hadn't been lying, it was perfect. A mouthful that gave him scope to lavish it with his tongue, even his fangs weren't such an issue. Hands found their way into his curls, unsteady and uncertain. Usually, Astarion hated it when someone did that but with Gale it felt right. Bobbing lightly, he listened to the soft gasps and smiled around the perfect cock between his lips.
As he sucked, Astarion couldn't help but let his mind drift. Gale was gentle, even if he didn't need to be. There was no risk of him pushing down into his throat, no threat of any kind of discomfort. Astarion was man enough to admit that he was falling in love with Gale's body all over again. He flattened his tongue against the underside of Gale's cock, gave him something to rut against and swallowed eagerly as it spilled unexpectedly quickly. Pulling back with a pleased hum and a show of licking his lips, Astarion grinned.
However, Gale beat him to speaking. "Thank you."
"You're thanking me for...?"
"Not laughing at me. Getting me off. Being my first."
Heart softening, Astarion pressed one last kiss to the red tip of Gale's cock before standing up once more.
"If you'll let me, I'll prove to you how I love you exactly as you are. All I need is as much time as you'll give me."
"Forever sounds good," Astarion purred.
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
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Series: Boundless
Word Count: 2,832
Pairing: Hyunjin x Female Reader
Genre/Warnings: Fantasy AU, Non Idol Au, harsh words (swearing) Dom!Hyunjin, degradation, mentions of anxiety, sex as a dare, self esteem issues, mentions names of other idols. (Anything else I have missed just let me know and will be added in, more warnings will be added with each chapter update)
A/N: this is my first attempt at writing a proper fic with smut included. I hope you enjoy🖤
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The world can be so beautiful. Simple things like the changing of the seasons, to the way the clouds look on a particularly sunny day, how the flowers bloom vibrantly after a beautiful white winter. But the key word for you, was can. To you the world was dull and these days seemed more dull than ever. You had been trapped in your home for two years, during the pandemic and now that it’s finally over the world felt as if it had only gotten worse. People had forgotten how to properly socialize without staring deep into their phones, and due to this people had forgotten what basic human decency was. All your life you had felt the overbearing negativity of this world. Elementary school was certainly the easiest. You had a small group of friends which you played with everyday, but when middle school hit; one by one those friends disappeared. And by the time you were in highschool you had learned that you didn’t need a big group of people around you. You were much more interested in reading, and focusing on yourself and so that's exactly what you did. You had friends in highschool, but not ones you considered close. And as they say, people come and go. This was life. Now that you’ve been accepted to your choice college, you figured maybe this could be a new start, a new school in a new state. Living on your own (with a roommate) of course on campus. Maybe you could reinvent yourself. But in a world of impossible beauty standards and expectations of how to act and be noticed, your attempts to fit in never worked out. Because you are no supermodel, or an extraordinarily social person, you are unbelievably. Ordinary. 
Your roommate would often spend nights away from the dorm, and you found yourself feeling more homesick with each passing day. You didn’t make many friends, as your anxiety would get in the way of talking to new people. You got lonely very quickly, and thus drew back to your favorite form of comfort. Reading. People suck, and often never offer the same type of comfort a good book would. You read anything that caught your eye with a good plot, sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction, even the occasional romance. You got attached to characters, laughed with them, cried with them and grew with them. And that was more than what you could say for the so called ‘friends’ you had made throughout your life. “Ah he’s such a red flag!” you mutter to yourself, as you sat cozily in your dorm room. “He's just going to hurt you, walk away! Go to Wooyoung! He loves you!” you turn the page eager to read the next chapter, but unfortunately for you, your timer goes off notifying you, it was time to start walking over to your class. You picked yourself up and groaned, disappointed you couldn't continue the next chapter, where the characters would definitely fight for the main protagonist's hand in marriage. You wanted to know if she’d really choose Yeonjun the (in your opinion) selfish prince over Wooyoung, the (in your very biased opinion) wonderful bookkeeper. “Ugh, fuck it” you say as you snatch the book from off your bed, opening it up to where you left off, reading as you walked to class. “I hate to admit it Tzuyu, Yeonjun isn’t that bad,” you say as you flip the page, “But the cute bookkeeper treated you better”. You didn't realize you were speaking aloud until someone behind you whispered to their friend. 
“How strange.” she giggled, 
“See this is why I don’t go back to my dorm often,” the other whispers back, maybe they didn’t know you could hear them, or maybe they intended for you to hear them but still it stung to know they were there literally talking behind your back. The two girls pick up their pace and walk past you laughing as they do. You look to your roommate, who ignores you. You were used to this. Either you were ignored like some sort of ghost that no one noticed. Or they spoke about you with little regard towards your feelings. It didn’t bother you as much as it used to throughout highschool but now you’d have to deal with occasionally seeing your roommate in the dorm knowing how she actually felt about you. 
“Ignore them,” a voice sounds from behind you, you look up to see Changbin walking towards you, “They’re just bitchess with nothing better to do,” he smiles warmly at you, Changbin was someone you met your first year of college during orientation. He was a well built man, with incredibly gorgeous features. Toned muscles from going to the gym often and a beautiful smile. How can anyone be so incredibly good looking you thought to yourself, “So Y/N, are you going to the party tonight?” your heart races as he says your name, you didn’t even know that he knew it. You’ve barely spoken to him, only in passing during class. But that didn’t stop you from having the biggest crush on him. You often wondered what it would be like to have him pick you up and pin you against the wall as he kissed you harshly, a curiosity you would never satisfy. 
“Party?” you say, 
“The one Jisungs throwing.” he smiles, 
“Oh,” you hadn’t been invited but you didn’t want to admit that to him, “No, I have to study for a test.” you force a weak smile at him, 
“Oh come on Y/N come it’ll be fun, I haven’t seen you at any of the other parties so you have to come to this one.” Did he have to make that comment? Of course you hadn’t gone to the others, how could you go somewhere when you weren’t even invited?
“I don’t really like big crowds of people, and I don’t have anyone to go with on such short notice.”  
“You don’t need a date for a party you know?” 
“I don’t know a lot of people, the way you and Jisung do. It’s not really about a date, it’s more less wanting someone familiar with me so I don’t get nervous” you laugh, the two of you continue walking towards the lecture hall with an awkward silence, you sneak a look at Changbin who looks like he’s in deep thought. 
“Okay I got it then!” He says as the two of you walk into the building, Jisung who stood waiting by a vending machine yells for Changbin's attention and he waves to him, then looks back at you “So” you look up at him confused, “you’d go if someone you knew would be there right?” he asks, you nod in response, “Perfect, I’ll pick you up at seven.” he smiles, but before you could tell him that wasn’t what you meant he waves back to you as he runs off to catch up with Jisung and his other friends he turns back to you, and yells “Seven be outside your dorm!” you nod. Changbin invited me to a party, you think to yourself, your heart fluttering. Your crush wanted you to go so badly, he offered to be your date. You smile at the thought.
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After popping out of the shower, you carefully do your makeup, and pick out a short black dress from your closet. And once you’re ready you head downstairs to wait for Changbin. As you walk out the doors you see he’s already standing there looking at his phone, he looks back up when he hears you approach him. “Damn Y/N I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in anything other than jeans and a hoodie.” he smiles, 
“Is that a good or bad thing?” 
“Well you look good in your hoodies, but you look good like this too, I could get used to it,” he smirks, your heart pounding. He thinks I look good in my usual outfits.. Does that mean he’s looked at you the way you have him? The two of you leave walking off campus and towards Jisungs home which was fairly close. The music booms through speakers, and large crowds of  people who are already visibly drunk dance and talk all around. Changbin guides you through the doors and greets everyone who comes up to him. He doesn’t leave your side until he offers to get you a drink. 
“Y/N?” Jisung says as he walks up to you, “No way Bin actually got you to come!” he says, “You look hot, didn't expect that out of you” he laughs, 
“Thanks?” you say questioning what he meant by that, 
“Fuck off Jisung,” Changbin says as he returns with two drinks, 
“Oh come on I’m just fucking around,” Jisung laughs, as Changbin hands you your drink, “anyways Y/N I need to borrow Bin, I gotta talk to him about this thing we had planned.” he smiles at you cheerfully as he grabs Changbins arm and drags him away. Half an hour passes and Changbin hasn’t returned. Your anxiety begins to get to you as you stand alone in a room full of people. You make your way to the kitchen and stop when you hear a familiar voice, “If you can’t do it Bin you lose the bet, and you know what that means bro” Jisung laughs, 
“The girls never been to a party Ji” Changbin sighs, “It took me giving her no option to come how the fuck am I gonna get her to-” 
“She's probably drunk by now, little miss bookworm probably hasn’t ever drank either so it should be easy,” a girl laughs, 
“Nah thats fucked up if shes drunk im not going through with it,” Changbin says, staringcoldly at the girl,
“Awe don’t tell me you’re starting to rethink the dare Binnie” your roommates voice sounds from another area in the kitchen that you can’t see. 
“I’m not rethinking shit, I’m just not gonna fucking do it if shes drunk. Thats beyond fucked up” 
“I agree with Bin, if she's drunk that's not cool.” Jisung says with a serious face. 
“It’s a little late for fucked up dont you think? You accepted a dare to literally fuck the loser on campus for a measly fifty bucks. Whats fucked up is how far your rep is gonna drop when people find out” the girl laughs, your heart stings hearing her words. He was dared to fuck you. 
“Common Binnie it’s easy poor girls got it bad for you, she’d probably jump at the chance, think of how funny it would be” Because of course how funny would it be if the boy the loser has a crush on fucks her for a dare, wow what a great joke. With that Changbin notices you standing there, you’ve heard everything. You turn around and walk straight out of the party, your chest stings, and tears stream down your cheek. Because who was I to think he’d actually be interested in me. He chases you down the street as you continue to walk faster, wanting nothing more than to get away from him, 
“Y/N! Wait” he yells out, as he grabs onto your wrist, 
“Get away from me.” you hiss, your face heating up with anger and hurt, 
“Y/N please let me explain,” you jerk your hand away from him, he looks hurt and confused by your action how fucking dare he look at me like that. Did he think because you had a crush on him you’d melt to his touch? That you’d let him explain his stupid fucking dare? No.
“Seo Changbin, don’t you ever come near me again,” you turn around walking away from him, you walk back towards your dorm, in tears. Everything that happened tonight was straight out of a drama and you couldn’t believe these things actually happened in real life. As you walk back on to campus you see the light from the library still on, the one place you know you can find exactly what you need. Comfort. You make your way inside where the librarian sits peacefully reading a book, 
“Y/N!” he yells, knowing the library is currently empty, 
“What are you doing here so late Mr. Lee?” 
“I was going to ask you the same question, miss Y/LN, is everything alright?” he asks, 
“Just a bit of heartbreak,” you whisper, his face showing signs of concern, “That book you gave me really tore me apart you know!” you force a laugh, you really weren't ready to explain this situation to anyone let alone, the only person who ever spoke to you as an equal. 
“Oh!” he laughs, “I had the same reaction! Well I’m glad you're here,” he says, “What kind of book are you looking for tonight?” he says, 
“Something that will take me far away from here,” you smile, 
“Well, I may be able to help with that,” he gets up and opens the door to his office, walking out with a small bag, “I was going to save this one for your birthday next week but it seems I’ve broken your heart with my last gift so consider this one to be the one that mends it” he smiles, 
“You didn’t have to mr. Lee,” you say as you take the bag from him, 
“Well I was out with one of your teachers and it caught my eye and I thought to myself, Lee Taemin if you do not bring this book back to your favorite reader you will regret it,” he laughs, “I kid you not, it called out to me as if begging me to bring it back for you” 
“Maybe it was calling out for you!” you laugh, 
“No, it was definitely calling for you,” he smiles, “Now go on, get home.” he smiles, you thank him once again for the gift and begin to leave, “Oh and Y/N” you turn back around to see what he called you for, “The boy who made you cry tonight, never deserved to be blessed with the gift of your heart. Write the story your heart deserves.” he smiles at you, like a brother trying to comfort his heartbroken younger sister. 
“Thank you,” you say weakly smiling at him as you exit the library. 
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You wash the makeup off and change into a comfortable pair of leggings and a large hoodie, sliding into bed and laying down to stare at the ceiling. The events of that night are still eating away at your heart. You turn to your side and stare at the gift from Mr. Lee. you sit back up, turning the lamp on your side table on, opening the bag and staring at the large book that lay within it. The beautifully decorated leather cover that you could tell was handmade, a reddish brown with gorgeous gold details, the pages with gold trimming shone brightly under the light. It was magnificent, and by far the most beautiful book to be added to your collection. Almost like mr. Lee said, you felt a pull from it begging to be opened, to be read. It called out to you. You trace your fingers over the golden indented title, Boundless. You open the book carefully, turning the first page, from its title page, only to find it completely empty. There is no table of contents, you turn to the next page, once again empty. You flip through the whole book and there's nothing. You sit the book down, thinking of how strange it is for a book of this size to be empty, maybe it was sold by mistake? Just then the alarm on your clock on the nightstand goes off, you panic trying to shut it down. Did you accidentally set an alarm? No. You never would’ve set one for eleven pm, nor am. The light on your desk flickers and the room falls into a deep darkness, your heart begins to beat out of your chest and fear sinks in, just then the whispering starts, “Am i going crazy?” you say out loud, the whispers grow louder, and louder until light shines again, but not from your lamp, the book itself glows vibrantly illuminating the dark room around you. “Y/N…Y/N… Y/N!” the whispers chant, the book flies open landing on a page directly in the middle of the book, in a panicked state you jump off your bed wondering what could possibly be going on, but your head spins, or is the room spinning? You couldn't tell, the whispers growing into loud shouting, you drop down into a ball covering your ears, squeezing your eyes shut. You feel something pulling at you, you let out a scream as your body finally gives way and you’re being dragged back onto your bed, “Help!” was the last thing anyone would have heard coming from your dorm.
Tags: @thvjnm @chanlixiiee @channiesbub @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @mimi-sierra04
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alyjojo · 8 months
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Next Major Life Change 🐛 September 2023 - Sagittarius
What It Is: Protected By Angels 😇, Miracles 🌟, The Sun & Ace of Swords
This could be regarding a work situation or a family/home conflict, both apply with this energy. Your next life change is illumination, waking up to something or realizing the truth of a situation that may not be exactly how you thought or assumed it was. There has been conflict, competition, and you’ve given up on the matter entirely because it’s sucked the confidence right out of you and left you feeling sad, left out, and disappointed in how things have played out vs. how you wish they would have. You and someone else both seem to feel that the other person is uncooperative, which is what has caused this difficult situation. You’re realizing all of the details & specifics that I can’t see, and it’s ultimately a positive thing.
Why It’s Happening: 5 Cups, King of Cups, 4 Cups
Sadness, disappointment, feelings of not being chosen, respected, prioritized, there are a lot of sad feelings that this King of Cups holds inside and doesn’t share openly. This could be you regarding work or family, or someone else at work or in your family towards you, both of your oracle cards show you as being safe, protected, divinely guided, on the right path, and for some of you - as a healing source or a living guide/mentor of some kind for someone else. They call Temperance “the Earth Angel”, it’s your energy, and for some of you, where this is someone else, that’s what you’re being called to embody. Consciously, purposefully, Ace of Swords is clarity & truth, and The Sun is illumination.
Someone either feels you haven’t been cooperative with them, they don’t feel important in your life or they think you don’t care, essentially they feel let down. Or you do. There are a lot of emotions in this King, but the strongest one is love, over everything. You could be seeing a softer side of a typical hardass. Or all of that can be switched too, and you feel like everyone is against you, you haven’t had help and haven’t understood why.
Advice: 6 Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Temperance
Communication is the strongest message in this whole reading, and the advice for you is to “temper your temper” and eagerness to get your points and messages across. Page of Wands & 8 Wands clarifying, both Sag energy, very passionate (anger is passion too) messages flying at the speed of light, one after another after another *pew pew pew* blasting people with what you have to say. Knight of Swords shows an extremely blunt and sometimes harsh way of doing so. So not only are your messages flying out like crazy, they sting, burn, and wound, like gunshots. Aka, watch your mouth, you want people to hear you. 6 Pentacles is equal exchange, you say how you feel, they say how they feel, things are accomplished. Temperance exists to combine different elements in a peaceful & harmonious way, they have one foot on land keeping them stable, one foot in the water (emotions) keeping them connected, and they’re an alchemist pouring one cup of love from two, mixing elements and differences. Calm, balanced & peaceful. Be careful how you say what you need to say, and focus on the outcome being teamwork, not just proving points for the sake of getting digs in or being right. Others have viewpoints too, and everyone has something to say or offer towards the same long term goals. It’s not you vs. your coworkers/teammates/family, it’s all of you vs. the problems and how to solve them. Oracles show you have a whole spiritual team on your side, rooting for you, and helping you to get there 💚
Whether the problem is you or someone else, communication and how you approach or talk to others is still the illumination you’re seeing as the answer to your issue. It’s possible this King of Cups or a particular person says this to you bluntly too, or you/they could be disciplined in some way for being uncooperative or acting like everything is a WAR.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
Am I correct in assuming a chunk of VC fans left tumblr during the 2018 purge and then a bunch when Anne passed? It seems like the vast majority of VC accounts I’m finding are paused at Dec 2018 or Dec 2021 exactly. Like the last posts are the news of her death. (I’m new here and this place is like a ghost town but then there’s tons of old VC art to found)
Hello anon! Good question.
I would say that yes, there was a reduction in fan engagement/accounts at those times. It was also because of:
The news about the AMC adaptation of Interview with the Vampire, which has divided the fandom to some extent, and people have been hesitant to post about it for reasons I'll dig into a bit more below the cut. News about the adaptation has dropped periodically, but probably the biggest news was around Aug 25, 2021, when actor Jacob Anderson was cast to play Louis. For the next few months, the fandom reacted, and it intensified up to and through Dec 2021.
There have also been an avalanche of anonhate/mean-spirited comments on some of VC fandom's fics on AO3. It seems to have calmed down by now, but I'm out of date on that.
TL;DR: Anyway, this is all to say that there were several "events" that led to a quieter fandom, but if you go into the #vampire chronicles tag, or search for character names, you'll see content! We still have fanartists producing fanart, people doing meta analysis posts, and writers posting fanfic.
We did have a vibrant gift exchange in Dec 2021, too, you might want to check that out, and find some active VC ppl through that: @vcsecretgifts 😊
A bit longer response:
Yes, there was a purge, particularly of our more nsfw fanartists in 2018 😥
Yes, I think news of Anne's death divided fandom, too. There was a wave of "joke" posts about how we could now post VC fanfic, and the fandom found that somewhat distasteful (to varying degrees) bc we had been posting the fanfic for years; Anne had long since given up that battle. She had gained an understanding, if not support, of VC fanfic, years ago:
In 2012, Metro reported that Rice developed a milder stance on the issue. "I got upset about 20 years ago because I thought it would block me," she said. "However, it's been very easy to avoid reading any, so live and let live. If I were a young writer, I'd want to own my own ideas. But maybe fan fiction is a transitional phase: whatever gets you there, gets you there."[136]
Anyway. Hit the jump for more, cut bc the AMC series is still a contentious topic, and I am providing a way for ppl to scroll past, if they prefer to do so.
A major thing that divided the fandom was the incoming information about AMC's adaptation of Interview with the Vampire into a TV series, and the changes to canon that they have announced. On August 25, 2021, Deadline.com announced one of the major changes in the casting of Jacob Anderson:
There were/are a lot of accusations of racism thrown at people who were/are disappointed about this, causing a split in the fandom. Several other updates on the series increased this divide. I have some info about that in #IWTV AMC tag, and I think this post sums up my feelings that, in general, some people want a faithful adaptation with as little change to canon as possible, to see the story that they fell in love with; other people want to see the story updated and are eager to fall in love with a new version that breathes new life into it. The arguments over which approach is better led to a friction where it felt like no one could talk about their reasons without the conversation escalating into fights, so I think a lot of people chose to withdraw from the conversation. Fair enough, no one is obligated to engage in a discussion that they don't want to.
As I mentioned, there was also an avalanche of anonhate/mean-spirited comments on some of VC fandom's fics on AO3, which if I recall correctly, was right around that time, as well. Again, I'm not up to date on that, but it seems to have calmed down.
I'm hopeful that we're at a point now where people can see that there's plenty of space in a fandom, some people can be thrilled about the adaptation, and other people can be not thrilled, and everything in between. I'm going to watch the show, I'm curious about it as an AU, it'll be interesting to see how the showrunners handle the changes they made.
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1200w Solar Generator Review by Tatoonly
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With a promising range of features, I was eager to see how this portable power station would perform. Upon receiving the solar generator, I found it to be quite bulky and heavy, but its performance did not disappoint. After encountering initial charging issues, which seemed to be due to dampness, the generator worked efficiently once left overnight. 1200w Solar Generator: Portability Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Boasting impressive portability, the 1200w Solar Generator from Tatoonly is an ideal companion for various outdoor activities such as camping trips, garden use, and other outdoor adventures. With its compact design and manageable weight, users can easily transport the generator to different locations without much hassle. Whether you're setting up base camp for a weekend getaway or need a reliable power source for your outdoor projects, this solar generator's portability ensures convenience and ease of use. 1200w Solar Generator: Power Output Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Providing ample power to charge multiple devices simultaneously, this solar generator is equipped with a powerful 1200w capacity and a peak power of 2400W. The inclusion of a 200W portable solar panel further enhances its power capabilities, allowing users to harness renewable energy efficiently. Whether you need to charge electronic devices, run small appliances, or power lighting systems, this generator offers reliable performance to meet your energy needs in various outdoor settings. 1200w Solar Generator: User-Friendly Design Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Simplifying the power supply process for users of all experience levels, the 1200w Solar Generator features a user-friendly design. The LCD display provides real-time information on power levels, ensuring users can monitor and manage energy usage effectively. Additionally, the generator's intuitive interface and easy-to-access ports make it convenient to connect devices and utilize the power supply without complications. With a focus on user convenience, this solar generator offers a seamless and hassle-free experience for powering outdoor activities. Performance and Reliability Credit - Amazon.com   In diverse outdoor environments, users can rely on the 1200w Solar Generator for consistent performance and reliable power supply. The generator's 306600 mAh power station ensures long-lasting energy storage capacity, allowing users to power their devices and equipment for extended periods without interruptions. Whether you're camping off the grid or working on outdoor projects, this solar generator delivers dependable performance to support your power needs and keep your activities running smoothly. 1200w Solar Generator: Customer Feedback Credit - Amazon.com   Highlighting its positive attributes, customer reviews of the 1200w Solar Generator praise its performance and functionality. Some users appreciate the generator's reliable power output and portability, making it a valuable asset for outdoor adventures. However, there are also instances of dissatisfaction, such as receiving faulty units or encountering challenges with customer service. While the majority of reviews are positive, it's essential for potential buyers to consider all feedback to make an informed decision about purchasing this solar generator. Read also: - VTOMAN Jump 1500X Power Station: Your Reliable Portable Solar Generator - CTECHi Portable Power Station - Reliable and Versatile Outdoor Solar Generator - Fmooostore Portable Solar Power Bank Solution - POWEROAK 400Wh - A Reliable and Versatile Portable Solar Power Generator for Emergencies and Camping Conclusion Overall, the 1200w Solar Generator from Tatoonly proved to be a reliable power source once past the initial charging hiccup. Its portability and performance make it a valuable asset for outdoor activities. However, the negative experience of a faulty product and unhelpful customer service is concerning and something to be wary of when considering this purchase. Questions & Answers: Question: Is the solar generator easy to carry around? Answer: Yes, the solar generator is portable and designed for easy transportation. Question: What is the power capacity of the solar generator? Answer: The solar generator has a high power capacity of 1200W, making it suitable for various devices and appliances. Question: How was the customer service experience for some users? Answer: Some users reported receiving faulty units and facing challenges with the seller's customer service, leading to a negative experience. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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mysmashplaythroughs · 3 months
Waiting with high spirits.
I figured I'd do an off-topic post once I finished all the entries for Gen1 (well I figured I might after doing Gens1-7 but now I realise how long that probably will be.) I've managed to get every single Pokemon on my list now with a lot of help from various people. I plan on crediting each person who's helped me in the entries for the Pokemon they helped me with so for now I'll just say if you happen to see this thank you once again. As for me, since I last posted off-topic, well firstly I spent a long time focusing on getting all the Pokemon I needed, to the point the only games I was playing for about three or four months were Pokemon. I enjoyed it quite a bit gathering every Pokemon I needed although I got very lucky finding help for the final three or so I needed. 2023 was probably the year I completed the least games and my backlog has grown a fair bit with games such as Pikmin 4 and Warioware Get it Together. This whole Pokemon thing however did finally make me focus more on my list again after mostly playing new releases. I will say now I have all the Pokemon I need and after also playing through all the DLC of Pokemon Violet I am already making a lot more progress with my list having played through more than half the amount of games I completed in 2023 already this year.
Speaking of games like Pokemon Violet, I definitely wasn't expecting to be adding new games to my list but in a surprise move four new spirit events have been announced. The first event was what I was hoping for with various recent Nintendo games represented which I want to play/have played anyway so I'm glad I can implement them directly into my list now, however the second was a big surprise with Hades, 13 Sentinels and WBSC eBaseball being added to my list. I'll admit the third was a bit disappointing, I was fine with Pokemon SV getting represented (especially as I've just played through it so was eager to add a couple of new things relevant to my list) but I wish it had been alongside other games such as Fire Emblem Engage and Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I'm curious at this point what the fourth and final one will be, especially as they seem to be putting it off a lot longer than the previous 3 were (which seemed to be biweekly).
I've also made a few changes recently, one thing is I'm currently between jobs which, is something I really need to sort out, I don't want to go on too much about it but I've left a field I've been in for 10 years so I have a lot to think about with regards to what to do next. In more positive news I've finally gotten a new PC, my old one which I'd had for maybe 11 years or so at this point was getting unusable with various issues it kept having so I decided to finally get a new one, it seems this new PC runs a lot better and allows me to possibly play some games I wouldn't dream of playing on my previous one, so it's definitely been a good investment so far. I've managed to transfer everything important over I believe to this new PC although until I'm certain on that I'm still keeping the previous one around, still eventually I'm hoping to give that one to my Mother as she's needed a new one for a while and hopefully the issues I had won't be as much of an issue for her.
That's mostly it, as you may have seen I've just finished every post for Gen 1 of the Pokemon on my list, I'm debating currently whether I want to go straight into Gen 2 or try doing another Fighter post next, if anyone actually reads this blog and has a preference feel free to say so in the comments. As for games, I'm planning on finally after all this time getting back to Tales of Symphonia, I have a bit more of a drive now to play through it following all my time playing Pokemon so I'm hoping this will be like Dragon Quest 6 was for me where my second attempt I get really into it. For games coming up, there's not a lot on the horizon I'm particularly excited for, Peach's Showtime is something I'm looking forward to and I'm sure will be interesting, Fantasy Life i is a pleasant surprise I'm hopeful for but admittedly have a couple of concerns about. I am however very very excited for Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door getting a remake, not only is it joint my second favourite game of all time alongside the original Paper Mario, but after how the series has gone I am so glad to see it getting another release, especially as this means I'll be able to far more easily get screenshots for this blog as I had a fair few things from that game for my list (including things such as the Putrid Pirahna and Mario's Wario and Waluigi colour options.) I'm also looking forward to seeing if there's going to be any additions given a Toad in the trailer who looks unique from any characters in the original game.
Really though, beyond that I'm mostly just hoping for various games, despite what people keep saying about 'too many remasters/ports', honestly some of my most wanted things are ports and remasters, I'm hoping for a remake of Fire Emblem Geneology of the Holy War (along with Thracia possibly as DLC), a port/remaster of Punch-out Wii with Doc Louis's Punch-out included (another of my favourite games of all time and something if it was on Switch I'd be throwing on whenever I want something to just mindlessly play) and finally I want to see Kid Icarus Uprising get a full on remaster with improved controls. I realise I'm asking a lot here, but I'd be ecstatic to just get one of these happen.
Finally, I suppose this will be the last month of the Wii U and 3DS online before it shuts down. Pokemon was the only thing I felt I really needed to get done before the shutdown, however I think I should have a look into anything else, I can play Federation Force and Triforce Heroes in single player, however if I can play online with others before the shutdown I would like to so I'll have to see if I can organise something.
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casualmovies · 6 months
I grew up on Disney. The first movie I ever saw in theaters was The Little Mermaid. In the 4th grade I sat at my VCR playing and pausing The Lion King to transcribe every word of dialogue despite having the movie basically memorized. I've continued to watch Disney well into adulthood. So it broke my heart when I finally saw Encanto.
The animation is absolutely stunning. The music is great. The cast is phenomenal. The character design is delightful. The writing.......was disappointing.
The first thing I found strange was the names of the the main character and her two sisters. Mirabel, Isabel, and Luisa. One of them is supposed to be notably different than the other two. They could have swapped Mirabel and Luisa's names and it would have made a lot more sense.
There was a whole lot of telling and not a lot of showing. Disney movies usually have very tightly crafted plots because they have the resources to properly develop them. The plot of Encanto felt more like what a webcomic would produce. That isn't shade to webcomics, they just have a tendency towards less polish due to a lack of editorial assistance.
For example, the tensions between the sisters isn't really shown all that much. In fact, during the song introducing the family, it seems the issue stems from Mirabel resenting Isabel rather than the other way around. We don't know Luisa is having any problems until Delores says she heard Luisa's eye twitching. In fact neither Luisa or Isabel shows an ounce of doubt in themselves until Mirabel confronts them.
Everything I read about this movie touted Mirabel's intelligence as her "secret gift". But her confrontations with her sisters have nothing to do with any observations of her own, but rather things other people told her. Then she just pressures and badgers them until they crack. Which goes in direct contrast with the theme the movie tries to present later, that she loves her family and will do anything to protect it.
Then there's the issue around Bruno. It almost feels like they came up with the song first and found a plot reason to include it. Up until Mirabel has to go into Bruno's room, there's almost no hint about him. And until the actual song about him, there isn't even a hint about people resenting Bruno. But then there's the reason they resented him.
As presented, his gift is at the very least a conscious activation type of deal. The implication was that people were coming to him and asking for him to look into their future, yet they act like he was a madman running around and telling them ominous thing, behaving as if Bruno were making those things happen. It would be one thing if people talked about him before the song or something, but all of the fear mongering about him comes out then and not a moment sooner." He sees your dreams, and he feasts on your screams!" Really? Those were Camilo's lines. If he was old enough to have a solid memory of what Bruno looked like, he'd know that wasn't true.
They make Bruno leaving out to be this epic thing. But we never see it. Knowing nothing about what went down, the implication with the shattered vision glass thing was that it was some big blow up. That something major happened and the family had to force him out for everyone's safety or something. But no, he just "disappeared" one day. And they show later that he'll just casually cast aside and break the vision glass like it's no big deal.
But then there's the gigantic plot hole of Delores knowing he never actually left. She's eager to tell everyone about Maribel going into Bruno's room, but never once uttered that she knew all along that Bruno was still in the house?! The "We don't talk about Bruno" rule feels about as effective at keeping Delores from talking as Mirabel was at hiding the vision glass from her father.
Then there's the glaring fact that everyone treats Mirabel as being lesser than everyone else for not having a gift, while Alma herself never actually got one, yet she got her own door and everything. And the fact that Mirabel has to stay in the nursery because she didn't get a gift. It would have been just as impactful if the door just stopped glowing and turned into a normal door and behind the door was just a plain bedroom instead of a magical space. Like there could have been scenes of younger Mirabel trying to make her room feel magical with trying to decorate it or something. But nope. To the baby room with you, even when you're a grown adult!
Then there's the candle. Shouldn't the ever burning candle started to melt when the magic started to fade? It could have become a ticking clock, marking how little time they had left to figure it out. But instead it goes from just fine to the wax being almost completely gone in an instant. And yeah, yeah, magical candle and all that. But it lacks an impact when there was no sign before that other than a flicker or two. The house cracking isn't the candle dwindling. Hell, it could have been something like Mirabel saw it half melted suddenly then it was back to normal when the cracks faded.
Even Mirabel finally snapping at Alma didn't feel fully earned. Yes, Alma treated Mirabel like trash. But the other reasons just aren't there. Alma didn't come across as pushing Luisa to always be stronger or Isabel to be more perfect. In fact, it seemed like she was proud of her two granddaughters who had gifts. They never expressed wanting anything different and happily went along with their roles. It would have been vastly different if there was even a hint that Alma was pressuring them into these things. When things change, she's not disappointed in the one who did something different, she just blames Mirabel. Especially with the Isabel situation, it makes sense that someone would assume Mirabel did something instead of assuming Isabel, who'd always rubbed it in everyone's face how perfect she was, had suddenly decided to not be perfect.
Hell, the whole "I never wanted to marry him, I was doing it for the family" thing comes out left field. There's zero sign of there being anything wrong with the guy, or his family, or of Isabel wanting literally anything else. In fact, he's so great that Delores had been pining for him. So why didn't Isabel want to marry him? Zero reason given. And zero hint about her feelings before she suddenly blurts it out.
Overall it just feels like the had plot points they wanted to hit but just hastily strung them together with no thought to building those moments properly. Which is so disappointing given how gorgeous the movie is.
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pastafossa · 3 years
Flufftober 2021, Day 22 - Flirting at Work
You can track my progress here on my Flufftober list, and you can find the official flufftober tumblr here!
Ship: Matt Murdock x Reader       Rating: SFW       Wordcount: 451 Warnings: you two being all touchy and flirty and affectionate
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“I know you can’t read braille, but if you run your fingers over this line right here,” he murmured into your ear, using his warm hand to gently glide your fingers across the array of tiny bumps, “this section of your contract is very clear about involving third parties.”
You sighed as if in disappointment, tilting your head ever so slightly until your cheek brushed his. He had his head over your shoulder, the heat of him radiant against your back like the roar of a bonfire, so you didn’t have all that far to go for you to touch him. “That’s unfortunate. Nothing you can do on that clause? You are my lawyer, and you’re… quite charming. I was hoping you could talk your way around it.”
“Mm, I’m afraid you’re backed into a corner on this one,” he breathed, leaning in until his chest was pressed to your back, all hard muscle and burning warmth, faintly scented like cinnamon and copper. He only got closer when you reached back to hook his tie, slowly pulling him in closer until he’d slotted up against your back fully, doing the best he could with the chair’s back  between you. His voice warmed to a purr. “At present, there are no exceptions contractually, even for someone as beautiful-sounding as you.”
“You guys realize I’m still here, right?” Foggy said loudly, rolling his eyes and tapping your contract, which was also in front of him. “Cause I am. Been here the whole time. For an hour. We solved your contractual issue forty minutes ago, in fact, before you two started dragging this review out, line-by-line, like some kind of weird legal foreplay.”
“It doesn’t hurt to be thorough, and we have at least thirty minutes left.” Matt’s voice was nothing but innocence, his brows arching in almost comical disbelief that did nothing to distract from his widening grin. “We wouldn’t want a clause to slip past us, and certainly not for our best client. We have a reputation to maintain, Foggy.”
“And after all,” you told Foggy solemnly, tugging on Matt’s tie again until he leaned down to nuzzle against your neck with an eager hum, “Mr. Murdock told me that Nelson and Murdock takes every case… very personally.”
“So personally that one of them marries a client and then they become my nightmare,” Foggy scoffed, rolling his eyes again when Matt dragged his cheek across your neck, blatantly scent-marking you without making any effort to pretend otherwise. 
“I think he’s insinuating something, Mr. Murdock,” you told Matt with a theatrical frown.
He chuckled against your skin, winding one arm around your waist and rocking you a little. “I assure you, Mrs. Murdock, he would never. We’re fine, upstanding citizens here.” 
“I’m about to up-stand and leave this room,” Foggy groaned. “Newlyweds. God.”
Tagging 🔥The Church of Saint Murdock🔥 taglist (to be added, click here): @thenerdlordparade @nurisiliel @psychedelic-star @weeb-verine @acrabbybish @nostalgicslumbers @shadows-echoes @the-bluest-hour @tashas-cauldron-of-tomato-soup @coolhairdocroissantpickle @andthewishingwell​@juniebugg. @starry-ocean-floor.@strawb3rrydr3ss​@bohemianrhapsody86​@moonyinthestars​ @caswinchester2000​@thequeenofthefallen @elementec​ @phantomkindalikejaiden​@greatmoonchild​ @lov3vivian​ @mackycat11​ @ownerofthehighground​ @melodicmel​ @vx-vexedvixen​ @bellamy-barnes​ @junipermurdock​ @claire-of-asgard​ @tripletstephaniescp​ @fanfictionreblogs​ @smemento @coldwetbasementnoodles @fuckingcams @pantaeudaimonia @janesofia7​ @catsnow14​@navs-bhat​ @hopplessdreamer​ @onemarvelouscleric @fulloffeels​ @belladonichaze39 @theheartshaker​ @lady-loves-a-lot​ @somanyyumypeoplejustletmehave1​ @janesofia7​ @aquamarinerose​ @youcandalekmyballs​ @shen-hongzi​ @pastamomma​ @lykaiosmedia​ @glxwingrxse​ @inaretuza​ @scorpiowidow @theoneonly-huntress​ @elizabeth-or-lily​ @untraveled-road​ @lavenderluna10​ @shoppingcartlover69 @stardust-galaxies​
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finelinevogue · 3 years
could you do some angsty smut please??
oh hell yeah we can. this is going to be 70srockstar!harry with roadie!y/n eekkkk! okay have fun;
Being the girlfriend of the most famous, golden boy rockstar was the craziest rollercoaster you’d ever ride.
For the past 6 months you’ve been touring with the one and only Harry Styles, living your life between helping on tour, drinking endless amounts of wine and smoking a hell of a lot of weed. The job had come past you at the perfect moment. Your dad happened to be best friends with the tour manager, Jeff Azoff, who’d spoken of their being a job opening for a roadie. You were employed to help set up the musical equipment and test out the instruments before the act went on at night, falling in love for the man you roadied for was just an add on. A beautiful bonus.
It was a lot more pressure being Harry’s girlfriend than people thought though. There was so much pressure to act a certain way and present yourself another way. Harry was so idolised and craved by millions and it put pressure on you to be a certain person for him. You loved him so much and you were so scared that he might one day realise that there was so much better than you - at least in your eyes. Someone extroverted. Someone musically talented. Someone who wasn’t a virgin.
Harry had never pressured you into anything sexual unless you were ready. Of course he was notorious for being an above star rating, when it came fo sex - thanks to all the articles published by the many men and women, sometimes both together, he had slept with. The sex reputation went hand-in-hand with his rock-n-roll aesthetic, so that part of him would never change. You’d only been with Harry for 4 of those 6 months, managing to fall for him very quickly, so you wondered just how he was coping without having had sex for that long. He usually had a different person each night to take backstage after his concert to play with how he wanted, hence how he built his reputation, but since you there had been no one.
Sex was such a big thing for Harry though, so you couldn’t help but feel like you were letting him down.
Currently, you were sat on his bed on the tour bus reading an article that had been published about your boyfriend last week. Your heart strings tugged as you read one section of the interview.
Interviewer: The new album, tell me about it.
Harry: It’s coming on slowly yeah. Just want this one to be perfect so, taking my time.
Interviewer: What would you say your biggest inspiration is for writing?
Harry: Changed on every project, to be honest man. Sometimes it’s about past relationships. Sometimes it’s about issues i’m going through. A lot of the time it’s about sex!
Interviewer: Yeah, dude, I have noticed that like every other song is about sex. Is that something you’re quite open about?
Harry: I think sex can be either something so beautiful or so passionate. Don’t believe in sad sex! But, um, yeah i’m always really honest lyrically when it comes to the songs about sex and I hope others see it as that too.
Interviewer: No it definitely does! Thanks Harry for your time and, um, keep on having sex so that third album breaks even more records!
Harry: Will do man!
It was easy to understand why you were upset. Harry’s biggest inspiration wasn’t possible for this album, because you were too nervous to let him have you. All of you. You felt a burden, as if you were holding him back from living his life and creating something so amazing. His past two albums had been such hits for songs such as ‘She’ and ‘Only Angel’, which were inspired by the intimate times with past lovers. There would only be sad songs if he wrote an album without any spice.
That’s why as soon as Harry came back on the bus, dressed in shorts and a shirt that was unbuttoned to see his toned chest, you jumped him and kissed him like your life depended on him. He was taken back by surprise, but welcomed your lips nevertheless.
Pulling back he mumbled some words against your lips, “Well this is a nice welcome back gift.” He chuckled at the eagerness of your lips and let his hands roam over your body - from your neck to your waist and over your ass. This man knew what he was doing.
“Harry?” You whispered, stopping your kiss and looking at his beautiful swollen red lips. He was a sight for sore eyes.
“Yeah baby?” He kept himself close to you and you could feel the stiffie that he’d developed pressing against your front.
“Can we… I’m.. If you…”
“What baby? Can tell me anything, y’know that.”
“Wanna have sex with you.” You told him the most simple virgin way ever, your face heating up when you saw him smirking down at you. You’d screwed yourself over here and were getting all shy and embarrassed about it.
“Hey, no. Don’t hide from me,” He drew your face back to his and kept his eyes on yours to provide you some familiar comfort, “you sure?”
“Mhm, yes.” You nodded affirmatively.
“It might hurt a little, okay? First time means that your cute little pussy is going to be really tight. Don’t even know whether you’ll be able to take me.” He taunted you, cupping his hands to your cheeks and brushing his thumbs carefully over your skin to ease your tension.
“I w-will.” You moused out, wanting to be this person for him.
“‘Course you can. You’re my best girl and I know you’ll fit perfectly for me, yeah?” He rhetorically asked pushing you back to the bed and letting you flop there. You watched him as he discarded his clothes, following his lead, until you were both naked in front of each other. You’d been this far before, but this time it felt different. It felt more lustful and exposed and nerve-wracking.
Harry bent down and started to kiss you from your belly upwards, leaving kisses everywhere until he reached your jaw where he bit more than he kisses. He loved seeing his marks being left behind on your skin, proving to everyone that you were his and his alone. His hands found comfort ins kneading and squeezing your breasts like dough, loving the way they were so soft and yet so hard beneath his warm hands. As he found your lips and divulged in your sweet tastes, you slunk your hand down and grabbed ahold of his cock, pumping him a few times to get him primed. You felt the trickles of pre-cum drip from his tip and it only excited you even more.
Taking your lead, Harry pushed one of his hands in between your bodies and started playing with your wet cunt, paying extra attention to your needy clit. He knew you loved it when his fingers got rough, so that’s exactly how he played. His tongue was battling against yours, whilst you both stimulated pleasure to one another. The wet and beautiful sounds filled the room, heightening your arousal - Harry could feel it too, his fingers becoming wetter with every circle and pump of his fingers.
“You ready, baby?” He asked carefully, plucking his lips away from yours with a wet sounding smack. You already looked fucked out and he had barely done anything to you yet.
“Y-yes.” You stumbled, so excited yet so nervous. You were finally going to give Harry what he had been missing for so long and you were also going to let yourself go, and divulge in something new and potentially life-changing.
He leant back and rubbed his own cock for a few strokes, before lining the tip of it with your opening. He teased your entrance, making you bite your lip in anticipation. He smiled down at you and mouthed the words ‘I love you’ without any sounds leaving his lips, before you did the same. The head of his cock started to push in, but you didn’t expect it to hurt as much as it did.
“Shit fuck, y’so tight baby. Need you to relax for me, okay?” He asked, pulling away so he could watch your body relax. You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe, reminding yourself that the best way to relax is not to think about the problem itself but oh how you’d feel when the problem’s fixed. You smiled and once Harry could see your shoulders un-tense, he, once again, pushed his cock into your opening. He hissed at the contact, obviously finding it so pleasurable even if it was only minimal contact, but you, you felt so much pain and soreness from absolutely nothing.
You couldn’t do this.
“It should just…” Harry tried a different angle, but your smile had disappeared and your whole range of emotions had resumed to flat and disappointed in yourself. “Maybe if I just..” Harry tried to hold your legs a little wider and guide his cock more firmly into your opening, but each time he couldn’t push past a certain point without your body rejecting him or your facial expressions telling him he should stop.
“St-stop Harry please.” You cried, bringing your hands up to cover your face as you let the tears flow freely. “Please stop.”
“O-okay. Just gonna…” And he slid out as much as he’d managed to get in, which was probably less than an inch. It hurt when he pulled away and your cunt felt like it was on fire. It stung and it didn’t feel right. You felt like a failure and an embarrassment.
You cried into your arms, letting harsh sobs take over your body. You chest felt tight and your eyes stung worse than your cunt did. God, you couldn’t even do one thing for him. You were the reason why he was having a hard time writing at the moment. You were the reason people would be disappointed to hear no sex inspired songs on the album. He might even have to use past experiences as inspiration, which made your heart curl with jealousy. You didn’t feel like you were enough for him, like you would ever be enough for him.
“I’m so sorry Harry,” You sat up from the bed, not wanting to look at him and his disappointed expression as he stay knelt on the bed - cock looking painfully hard still. You scrambled for your t-shirt and your joggers and then walked out of the room, across the bus’ narrow corridor, and into the bathroom.
You looked at yourself in then mirror and were disappointed at what, or who, you saw. Looking back at you was the person who couldn’t even have sex. You couldn’t give Harry what he deserved. You were a failure and it was stamped all over your body. You cried as you looked at yourself, until you couldn’t and you just slid down the wall and onto the floor. You wished for the Earth to just swallow you whole. You couldn’t stand being here when you were clearly broken and useless.
Harry would surely leave you for this. Why would he want to stay with someone who couldn’t even get their boyfriends dick in their pussy? Couldn’t give each other that pleasure? Harry had so many people in the past and surely with you gone he’d have so many people in the future. It would be selfish of you to stay. Harry had needs you completely appreciated that, but it would be just so difficult to let him go when he means so much to you.
There was a quiet knock at the door, which broke you from your cries and self-deprecating. “Y/N? Baby honey? Can I come in, please?”
“S-sorry. Yes of c-course.” You stood up quickly, thinking that he was wanting to be let in to go to the toilet or to have a cold shower go get rid of the hard-on that you’d put there. Too bad you couldn’t have taken it away.
You unlocked the door and shuffled past him, only for him to stop you. He shut the bathroom door behind him, leaving you both infinitely pressed together in the pathway on the bus. He had you pressed you up against the side of the wall and kept his arms at either side of you.
“Harry, please don’t say anything. I-I know what you’re thinking and—”
“Yeah? And what am I thinking?” He asked, not moving away from you. You held your cries the best you could and took a deep breathe to continue.
“I’m a disappointment. I-I i’m not good enough. I’m broken.” You choked out, knocking your head back against the wall from frustration.
“Stop it.” Harry ordered firmly, gripping your cheeks in his hands and forcing you to look at him. The look in his eyes was so hard to read, but he looked desperate and worried and hurt. You hated to think that you were the cause of any of those emotions. “Just stop.” Harry’s own eyes were starting to fill with tears too and you brought your own hand up to catch a few of them before they could fall.
“Don’t cry, please.” You begged, keeping your hand pressed to his cheek which he absolutely adored. He loved the feeling of your skin against his. He never wanted to not have it.
“Then don’t say things that hurt me, okay? Hearing you say those things about yourself absolutely breaks m’heart flower. Just because you were a bit too tight to take me today does not mean that you’re a disappointment or you’re a failure or that you’re not good enough. It hurts to think that you’d ever think I would think that, because - fuck -,” Harry pressed his forehead tight against yours and fanned his lips lips over yours. His closeness was everything. “I love you so much it scares me. My feelings for you are so strong and so real. I want your forever and something as trivial as sex is never going to make me want otherwise. Do you get that?”
“B-but the album?” You asked.
“What about the album?”
“I-in the recent magazine interview you said that sex is your biggest i-inspiration. I can’t be that for you.”
“Is that what this is all about? Because you think that my album isn’t coming together because i’m not having sex? Did you miss the part where I said I wanted this one to be perfect and I was taking m’time with it?”
“Well I did say that, because it’s for you baby. The whole thing is going to be for you. Every melody. Every lyric. Every song. Just and all for you.” Both of you were silently crying now, absorbed in each others love and adoration for one another.
“I-I didn’t know.”
“Now you do. This album isn’t really for the charts or the awards. It’s for you, m’heart. I love you for a lot more than your body and its’ pleasures.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, taking all his words in and realising how irrationally you’d acted out afterwards.
“For what, sweetheart?”
“For even thinking that you’d be so shallow and cold-hearted.”
“You didn’t think that though, baby. I know you and so I know you didn’t. Your thoughts were based around your own insecurities, not to do with your small-thinking over me.” He explained to you, making you nod and kick your lips.
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Well then we don’t deserve each other.”
“But i’ll keep you forever if you’d let me.”
“Looks like we’re together forever then, baby honey.”
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thatbritishactor · 3 years
In Between Breaths (part 6) 
Pairing: Benjamin Greene x Reader
Summary : Literature College Professor Benjamin Greene moves to the US after his divorce with Julia.  Heartbroken, he’s given up on the idea of love. Everything changes when he meets you.
Warnings: None for now, except for some cursing. I have no idea if this fic will be smutty or not.
Type: Slow Burn, Dark Academia, Professor/TA.
Words: 3,100
In Between Breaths Playlist
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3    Part 4   Part 5
Special thanks to the lovely @duchessoftheheart who made this beautiful cover for me ❤️ thank you babe, you're amazing.
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It’s a chilly Tuesday morning, and the trees on campus wear their bright yellow and burgundy colors. The alleys are paved with crimson and ochre leaves, blowing in the cold wind. Sometimes it feels like it rains leaves, and students run among the featherlight touch of the orange foliage, laughing like children. You’ve been blessed by sunlight, and the air is crisp. This morning, people left their homes wearing thick woolen coats, long scarves, and stroking their mittens covered palms together.
You’re spending the morning with Benjamin, who has suggested a trip to the best library in town, to browse for a few books. You’ve accepted under the promise that you’d stop for a scorching hot coffee after, and Benjamin’s agreed to your conditions.
You walk across the library, your steps echoing against the black and white marble floor. The east and west walls are lined with oak shelves up to the windowsills. Each bay has a raised wooden floor, and above the bays the walls are decorated with pilasters and large windows that allow natural light into the room. You’re caught in another fierce debate about literature, this time centered about the relationships of the authors themselves. He is upholding that Musset and Sand’s burning passion through their heated correspondence is the sexiest thing he’s ever read; you’re defending Rimbaud and Verlaine’s poems about each other.
“He cheated on her!” you exclaim, revolted that he called their affair “the most romantic event of the 19th century”.
“They had issues, sure, but they lost and found each other over time. Reading his passionate love letters sent shivers down my spine.” He says, putting his hands down the pockets of his dark grey coat.
You roll your eyes before giving him an incredulous look.
“And what’s so great about an older man falling in love with a youngling?” he adds, scoffing, and it sucks the air out your lungs. You stare at him, a bit stunned.
“They only had a ten-year difference” you breathe before looking away from him to conceal your disappointment. You’re saddened that he thinks like this. Is it the way he sees you? Like a youngling? You don’t exactly know how old he is, but you imagine that he’s in early thirties. You just turned 25, and you can’t imagine that he thinks of you as a child. You feel something falling inside your stomach, like a heavy stone filled with self-doubt.
Benjamin seems to notice your discomfort; he lets out a small exhale and his hand softly reaches for you shoulder. You look back up in his direction, instantly transfixed by black eyes.
“I’m sorry” he whispers, and you can sense that he means it, “I didn’t think of it that way”, he adds. You spot remorse and guilt in his soft charcoal gaze, but it doesn’t appease the dismay that just crushed you.
“It’s alright” you reply, trying to seem detached. You shake your shoulder out of his grasp and step away from him. His hand slowly brushes off your shoulder, and it tingles where he touched you through the thick fabric of your winter jacket. You resume walking among the shelves, trying to gather your senses, a bit out of breath. Benjamin follows you slowly, walking a few steps behind you.
“So, what are you looking for precisely?” you ask, eager to break the awkward silence that’s settled between the two of you.
“Jane Austen” Benjamin simply replies from behind you. You glance at him above your shoulder and throw him a surprised look.
“Really?” you ask, perplexed. “Don’t you own them already?”.
A shadow crosses Benjamin’s eyes and he looks down. You sense that the air is heavy with secrets, and his demeanor has never been more enigmatic. It’s one of the things you love about him; how mysterious he can be. He reminds you think of an ancient, beautiful vault, and your desire of unlocking it grows stronger each time you’re in his presence.
What treasure hides behind the thick walls that Benjamin builds around him? He conceals parts of himself to you, and you can sense that underneath these calm waters, a deep darkness lurks, but rather than throwing you off, it’s pulling you further in.
“Not anymore” he declares, and the tone of his voice dissuades you from asking further questions. You walk towards the classical literature area and start looking for Austen’s work.
“Which one first?” you taunt, playfully sliding your fingers over the covers. Benjamin steps next to you, and his hand softly brushes yours. You repress a shudder and focus back on the books, browsing the titles.
“That’s a loaded question” he drawls, and you refrain from chuckling.
“Is that so?” you ask with a smirk. You turn your head to look at him and find his black irises already appraising you.
“I’m not ready for another debate about literature” Benjamin answers, and he looks down to you, looking smug.
“Are you saying that I’m quarrelsome?” you question ingenuously.
“Not quite” he replies, a smile tugging at his lips.
“What am I then?” you ask, putting a lock of hair behind your ear.
“Stubborn, passionate, argumentative”. His words send shivers down your spine. You let out a shaky breath before speaking again.
“Another word for bitchy” you joke, and Benjamin lets out a small laugh.
“I’d never say that!” He protests, raising his two hands in defense.
You raise your eyebrows and walk past him, heading for the letter B on the bookshelves.
“I’m more of a Brontë girl myself” you proclaim, picking up Jane Eyre and showing it to him.
“Not Wuthering Heights?” he questions, pretending to be shocked.
“What can I say?” you shrug “I prefer love stories that end well.”
Benjamin smiles before grabbing copies of Emma, Pride and Prejudice, and Sense of Sensibility.
“You should have told me that we were looking for the basics” you say, turning over to put back the Brontë you had taken. “There was no need to go all the way across town for those”. You turn over and find that Benjamin’s stepped much closer, standing a few feet near you.
“Now, that’s where you’re wrong” he states in a silky, low voice, almost a growl. He leans in, trapping your body against his and the bookshelf, and reaches for a book right next to your head. “I need an atmosphere when I go book shopping” he explains, staring intently into your eyes.
Time stands still, and you lose yourself in his dark gaze, holding your breath. His chest touches yours, and you can smell his perfume, catching subtle fragrances of bergamot, warm jasmine, and a hint of cinnamon. You’ve never been this close to him, and your eyes roam over his face, detailing the sharpness of his jaw, stopping on the beauty spot under his eye, before lingering on the shape of his lips. You lick your own, before thickly swallowing, your heart pounding in your chest. His nose almost brushes against yours, and his burning gaze stays fixed on yours.
“There it is” he whispers, and he catches the book and steps away from you in a smooth move.
You blink a few times to regain some composure, your heart beating in your ears.
“My library wouldn’t be complete without this one” he says, showing you John Keats’s Endymion. You barely register the information, still shaken up by the sensations his close proximity has triggered in you.
Benjamin weighs the books in his hands before glancing back at you.
“Did you need anything?” he asks innocently. You bite your lower lip, narrowing your eyes. Is he doing this on purpose? Does he notice how flustered you get? You hold your head high, staring back into his eyes.
“Actually, I think it might be time for coffee now” you respond before tearing your body off the shelf and leaving the Classics Department in quick strands. You don’t even check if Benjamin’s following you, walking towards the exist. You hear his rushed steps behind you and smirk to yourself, before stopping by the register so he can purchase his books.
You exit the library moments later, greeted by the sharpness of the fresh air, and you tighten your scarf around your neck.
“Where to?” Benjamin asks, shivering.
“Follow me” you order him, and you grab his hand to lead him down the street. He does as he’s told, and you drag him across town, walking as fast as you can to escape the scathing cold. You hold hands during the whole time, both shuddering and giggling like children, burying your heads in your shoulders in an attempt to warm yourselves up. After a relatively short walk, you enter a café, relieved to be back indoors.
“What’s your order?” Benjamin asks, letting your hand go and removing his brown scarf.
“Large latté please” you respond, your cheeks burning from the cold.
“Go find us seats” he suggests, and you nod, climbing up the stairs. You find two large leather armchairs and a small table close to a window in the back of the room and discard your coat and scarf. You exhale loudly and sit, sliding a hand through your hair, wondering if you look like a mess or not. You try and tame your giddiness, still recovering from the moment you just shared in the library. Did he almost kiss you? Did he want to? Or were you just friends? Just as you’re about to grab your phone to tell your roommate, Benjamin climbs the stairs and joins you with a tray. He’s purchased two coffees and scones, and you smirk.
“Thank you” you praise, grabbing the tray and settling it on the table while he takes off his coat and scarf. You try not to stare at him: he’s wearing a light grey cardigan that’s close to his chest, and you’re burning to detail his body. You bite your lower lip instead and remove the lid from your drink, looking for sugar.
“You’re welcome” he replies, sitting down, and he reaches for the pastry.
“Do you think that we’ll ever be able to see each other without eating?” you ask, half serious.
Benjamin lets out a chuckle. “Do you mean that we’ve conditioned ourselves to eat sugary sweets every time we hang out?” he answers, and you shake your head.
“Is it weird if my mouth waters every time I see you?” you answer without thinking. You immediately regret your choice of words, and your cheeks rapidly burn. You close your eyes and wince, admonishing yourself, because you might be the stupidest human on earth.
Benjamin looks shocked at first, then he lets out a big laugh. “You can only blame yourself” he says “You’re the one who’s brought pastries into my office” he remarks.
You nod “That’s true, but the place looked so empty and sad, I felt like sugar might warm our hearts” you comment. It was true, you had always found his desk a bit depressing, clustered, and devoid of any life, hence the food and rescuing the plants. Besides, food’s always a good way to bond.
“You’re saying that about my office” he replies, seeming deep in his thoughts “You haven’t even seen my apartment”.
You blink a few times, surprised that he brings something private up: it’s a rare occurrence. Benjamin never talks about himself. He’s a mystery, and blank slate. You know nothing about his personal life.
“How is your apartment?” you ask, taking the first sip of your latté. The hot beverage soothes your nerves and warms you up, you revel in the glorious feeling.
Benjamin’s eyes flicker back to yours, and he looks hesitant. You offer him a smile to encourage him.
“It’s um… quite empty” he says “I haven’t quite settled in yet, hence the books. I figured buying books would be an incentive to buy more furniture. Is that weird?”
You shake your head “Not at all”, you reply “What are you missing?”
Benjamin raises his eyebrows and sighs “Pretty much everything” he accounts, and his tone is weary.
“You know” you start, playing with the edges of your drink “I actually wanted to become an interior designer. My dad being him… and my mom being a college professor… They pressured me into studying literature instead. But I’ve always loved decoration and interior design, and I could help you out if you need an outside look.”
Benjamin greets your offer with a stiff smile, his eyes seeming to contemplate something far away.
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you” he says, looking back to you. “I just think I need some time.”
“Of course,” you nod, feeling stupid. You take your coffee back to your lips, shaking your head. “I didn’t mean to overstep, I’m sorry” you stammer, and Benjamin’s hand suddenly covers yours, and you delicately gasp.
“It’s very kind of you to offer your help” he says in a soft tone, and you look up to him.
He’s staring into your eyes, and you lose yourself in them again. A small silence settles, his hand warm on top of yours. You resist the impulse to reach for him above the table, grab him by the collar and press your lips against his, crushed by an overwhelming desire for him. It’d be so easy to lean in and show him how you really feel. You blink a few times, feeling suddenly intensely warm, and a small smile graces his lips.
“I’m so grateful for your friendship” he says, and the words sink into your core. You feel like you’ve been slapped, and you try and tame your expression to hide your distress.
“Of course, Benjamin” you reply, smiling back at him.
* * * * * * * * * *
You come back on campus two hours later. Benjamin had to teach undergraduates, and you had to make progress on your dissertation. You head towards your dorm, climbing the stairs in short breaths, trying to adapt to the changes of temperature. You open the door to your room, enter it and immediately crash headfirst into your bed, still fully dressed. You let out a long, frustrated moan into your pillow before hearing the voice of your roommate.
“How did the date with Hot Professor go?” Marie asks, and you lift your head off your pillow to look at her. She’s sitting at her desk, her legs folded under her, wearing her headphones in front of her laptop.
You moan again.
“So, not good huh?” she laughs before discarding her headset to the side and shifting in her chair to see you better.
“First of all, it wasn’t a date” you state, lifting yourself up on your elbow and resting your head on your hand. “Second of all, how is that any of your business?”
Marie shakes her head, her pretty blond hair waving around her fair face.
“Please, don’t take me for an idiot” she playfully scolds you, and you release a sigh.
“He called me his friend” you whine, before putting your head in the pillow again.
You hear Marie leaving her seat, and she sits on the bed next to you, stroking your hair. “I’m sorry” she offers, and you shift your head so you can look at her. Her blue eyes are filled with compassion and care, and it makes you feel slightly better.
“I mean, we shared a moment in the library…” you start, feeling like a fool again.
“Tell me”, she says, looking curious.
“It was so weird… He just leaned in… My back was against the bookshelf… he was so close to me, I thought that he was going to kiss me” you confess, before shutting your eyes. “I feel so fucking stupid.”
“Come on!” Marie shouts, throwing her hands in the air “The guy asks you out to the movies, to the library… You spend all your free time together; this is definitely more than a professor-TA relationship!”
“You think?” you hate the hope coming from your voice.
“Maybe he’s just shy” she shrugs.
“Maybe…” you repeat after her, feeling despair overwhelm you.
“Perhaps it’s the fact that he’s your dad’s friend?” she suggests, and you blink a few times, perplexed. It’s true that it’d make sense, but you don’t consider as Benjamin your father’s friend. He’s so much more to you now.
“Shit, you might be right” you groan, sitting up and taking your coat off before throwing it across the room.
“Hey!” Marie exclaims “You better tidy this later”.
“Yes, Marie Condo” you joke, and she jokingly slaps your arm.
“Maybe it’s the age difference” you suddenly state, slowly taking your scarf off and putting it away.
“What makes you say that?” she asks, getting up from your bed and taking your coat off the floor to put it in the dresser. You smirk at her tidiness before answering.
“Something he said… About Rimbaud and Verlaine…”
Marie snorts: “Jesus fuck the two of you are literature nerds” she says, and you throw a pillow at her.
She laughs and throws it back to you before settling back on her chair. You lie on your back, staring at the ceiling and contemplating how the morning had gone.
“What are you doing?” you ask, looking back at your her.
“Writing a paper on witch hunts in the 15th century in Scotland” she replies while typing on her computer.
You scrub your eyes “That sounds better than my dissertation” you comment.
“Interesting, how’s that going anyway?” she teases, looking away from her screen and back to you.
You put a hand over your eyes and release another dramatic sigh.
“Don’t even at me…” is all you reply.
“Listen, I know you’ve been distracted lately” she says, and her voice is soft. “But you know that you can always ask me for help, right?”
You move your hand from your face and look at her. How could anyone resist this exquisite person?
“I know Marie, thank you” you answer. “I just figured I’d pull all-nighters and finish in a few days”.
She sighs “Whatever works for you”.
You put your hands over your stomach, deep lost in thoughts. It’s true that you haven’t been able to focus on much else than Benjamin or his classes lately, and you hate yourself for it. You’re running late on your papers, and it brings you a lot of anxiety, but you can’t help but need to escape. You get up from your bed and retrieve your laptop from your satchel, opening the word document, and staring at the blank page. All you can think about is the feeling of Benjamin’s hand brushing against yours, of his perfume, his lips and his dark eyes. You angrily shut your laptop and throw it across the bed, retrieving your earphones and plugging them into your ears. You grab the book you’re currently reading and curl into a ball in your bed. You’ll study later.
Part 7
* * * * * * * * * * *
Hiiii what’s up???
 So I got high, listened to “Let it go” by Peter Broderick and started writing this chapter!!! Btw, did you check the In Between Breaths Playlist ??? You can listen to the songs that inspire me while I write!
 Did you like it?? tell me your thoughts and feelings!! Thank you for reading <3
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