#once again... just relaxing yesterday and today... I had some really weird dreams last night though!
mothram · 7 months
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
all the things i believed
pairing: xiao x reader
summary: you've only seen the boy who lives in the apartment one over from yours a few times, but you knew the look of someone who wanted to seem intimidating when you saw one. so, why was his music taste so adorable?
alternatively, xiao thinks that the apartment walls are a lot thicker than they actually are and accidentally exposes the fact that he's not nearly as angsty as he wants everyone to believe.
note: soft xiao makes me way too happy. also, here is xiao's playlist! i recommend listening while you read :) if you guys like it, i'll make playlists for my fics more often!
"I'll miss you!" Your roommate had her arms wound tightly around your torso and it didn't seem like she planned on letting go any time soon. She was also squeezing just a tad too hard and it was starting to hurt.
Gingerly, you patted her on the shoulder, subtly attempting to pry her off of you with your other hand. "I'll miss you too... But remember, it's only two weeks and then you're back!"
That only served to make her pout even more as she finally pulled away "Two weeks is so long though! How am I going to survive without you and your brownies?"
"Hah, so you're really only worried about not having brownies huh?"
"You know that's not what I meant!" she whined, causing you to giggle slightly. Honestly though, there was no way anyone watching could possibly think that she would only be gone for two weeks. Your roommate had decided that she needed three full suitcases and the world's largest carry-on purse for her little trip, and you were honestly a little worried about it.
"Ahem..." Your bonding moment was promptly interrupted by a soft but very present voice directly behind you. Whirling around, you came face to face with a vaguely familiar figure.
It was the golden eyes that caught your attention first. Even in the strange fluorescent light of the hallway, they almost seemed to have a light of their own, a hypnotizing sort of gleam that you couldn't bring yourself to look away from. Of course, the rest of him was no less than stunning either. Dressed head to toe in black with his angular features and lean build, he was striking.
His eyes widened slightly as you turned towards him though they settled fairly quickly back into what you could only assume was his trademark glare.
"Just... trying to get through." His voice was gruff, but much softer than you had anticipated. Perhaps even gentle?
Oh yeah, that was how you knew him! Your schedules must have been somewhat similar since you were sure you passed him at least a few times a week. You had never talked but you were pretty sure you had seen him going into the unit one over from yours quite a few times.
So this was your neighbor huh? He was cute, if a little intimidating.
"Oh sorry!" your roommate chimed in. "We were just leaving, we'll get out of your way!" She began to scoot her bags to the side and you quickly joined in, wheeling one of the suitcases to the side, though you couldn't seem to keep your eyes off of the guy. Every time you looked away, it was as though your gaze was drawn back towards him by some unnatural force.
It helped that he seemed just as awkward with the whole thing as you did, alternating glancing between the you and your roommate, the floor, and his phone. As soon as there was enough space for him to squeeze by, he did, mumbling a quick thanks as he made his way down the hall, unlocking his door and disappearing into his apartment in what felt like a second.
After a moment of silence, your roommate piped up again. "He's cute!"
"He can probably still hear you!" you whacked her across the shoulder, causing her to pout in your direction again, though the teasing look never left her eyes.
"He's kind of your type too isn't he?" she all-but waggled her eyebrows in your direction to which you rolled your eyes.
"Aren't you already late for your flight"
"Oh shit!"
The apartment felt so strange when you were alone. Usually around this time of night, your roommate would have come banging on your door to join her for her late night rom-com marathon or to help her chose an outfit or the party she was going to. Tonight however, everything was quiet.
With a sigh, you slumped over onto your bed, scrolling aimlessly through your phone in hopes of finding some sort of entertainment.
That was when you heard it. The soft sound of an instrumental through the wall, slowly building in volume as you assumed whoever lived in that room turned up the volume.
"40 days and 40 nights... I waited for a girl like you to come and save my life..."
Aww cute, love songs! Had you been busy or doing literally anything else, you might have been annoyed, or at least a little worried about exactly how loud they had to be playing their music for you to be able to hear it. As things stood though, it was a welcome distraction.
"You were out of my league, all the things I believed, you were just the right kind yeah you were more than just a dream..."
Oh yeah, you knew this song too! There was a sort of second timbre to the sound and you wondered if the person playing the music was singing along as well.
Wait, who was playing that music. Judging by the sound, it was likely the unit one to your left where their wall joined with yours. The unit one to your left...
Multi-colored hair and golden eyes... The cute guy? Pulling yourself immediately up into a sitting position, you pressed yourself to the wall before immediately realizing how crazy you were acting.
He was just playing music, that wasn't anything weird.
"Romeo take me, somewhere we can be alone..."
Taylor Swift. He was playing Taylor Swift. At that, you started laughing. Wow, appearances really could be deceiving huh? You sighed as you leaned with your back against the wall, letting the vibrations from the music soak into your very being.
You were sure that you'd heard music coming from that unit before but he wasn't usually loud at all. Maybe something was different today? Maybe you'd ask him when you next saw him. And maybe, he'd actually want to talk to you when you did.
Or maybe not.
So for now, you let your head rest against the wall, letting the music and soft singing lull you into relaxation.
That was it, you despised public transportation. All you wanted was to get out of your apartment for one day and take your work to a nearby cafe. So of course, when you ran outside to catch the bus that came once every hour, the bus driver looked you straight in the eye as he closed the door right in front of you and drove off. And then for good measure, it started raining.
You sighed, burying your face in the backpack on your lap. If the bus app was right, which it rarely was, there was another bus you could take arriving in the next few minutes, so maybe this wouldn't be as awful as you thought.
The sound of footsteps entering the little bus stop booth got your mind off of your moping as you raised your head just enough to peer over at who it was that had just joined you.
Oh. Standing there, hood pulled up over his multi-toned hair and seemingly permanent scowl fixed on his lips, was your hot neighbor. Your hot neighbor with very interesting music taste if last night told you anything.
Since nothing could go right for you, the moment that you looked at him, he looked at you, meaning the two of you got to share a few agonizing seconds of awkward eye contact before he pointedly turned away with a soft "tsk". That being said, you were sure that you weren't imagining the slight tinge of shock you had seen in his gaze for a moment.
"You've got good timing, there's one coming in like 5 minutes." You had no idea how you had managed to get the words out without stuttering or blushing the moment he turned back to look at you.
"That's good..." Yup, that was an expected response, and yet, you really just wanted him to keep talking. So this was the end of your story with the gorgeous emo boy next door. Relegated to exchanging conversation about public transportation and nothing more. It was really the wasted potential here that was killing you. So many cute interactions that would just never happen. Ah if only the bus would come so that you wouldn't have to wallow in your despair any longer.
"I... thought you were leaving yesterday?"
Oh? You whirled around way too quickly to face the man, causing his eyes to widen as he shifted away instinctually.
"Oh, I was just helping my roommate move all of her stuff," you managed to get out, summoning what you hoped was a non-nervous smile to your lips.
"Those were all her bags?" he seemed horrified, enough so that you couldn't hold back your laughter.
"I said the same thing! She's kind of insane sometimes but I love her..." Well, it was no or never. "I'm [name] by the way!" You smiled and extended a hand out towards the boy.
He regarded you for a moment with a look you couldn't put into words. After what felt like an eternity however, he gently took your hand in his own, holding it for barely a moment before pulling back again. "Xiao."
Xiao. There was a strange sense of relief that came with this new knowledge. Know that you knew his name, was it couth to ask him what his favorite Taylor Swift song was? Probably not. But there was a chance that you might literally never be able to talk to him again... Meh, it was as you were thinking before right? Now or never.
"Hi Xiao. I liked your playlist last night by the way." The words came out more effortlessly than you had thought they would, carefree and teasing.
You were a little bit surprised though when you glanced back over at Xiao, only to find him eyes blown wide as a deep red spread quickly across his cheeks. "Y-You!"
"Honestly a pretty good curation! If a little unexpected..." You had no idea what it was about this guy but he really brought the snarky, teasing part of you out. Maybe it was the fact that while he usually looked cold and intimidating, blushing, embarrassed Xiao was strangely adorable.
"I thought you left!" Xiao blurted out. "I mean... There were so many bags... And your roommate said that you guys were leaving..."
You stared blankly at him for a moment before immediately dissolving into peals of laughter. Xiao had the gall to pretend to be offended for a moment before he looked away with a soft huff. "What..."
"You know, I kind of thought you were scary at first," you managed between giggles. "I guess not though!"
"Ugh, you're insufferable." Xiao rolled his eyes though you were sure that you saw the slightest hint of a smile as he did. "Why were you listening through the walls anyway?"
"Xiao, it was literally so loud."
"It wasn't that bad!"
"And I think I heard some singing too! Say, you in a band? Do you guys usually just write love songs?"
"I was not singing!"
There was a strange warmth in your chest as the two of you went back and forth. So things could go right for you after all?
Sadly, you and Xiao hadn't been going the same way, so when his bus came - before yours you might add - the two of you had parted ways. The sun had been going down when you made your way back home, satisfied with a productive day, though the memory of your conversation with Xiao was still taking up a lot more headspace than you would have liked.
So this is what it was like to simp for a guy? You weren't sure you liked it.
Setting down the takeout you had picked up on the counter, you crashed onto your living room couch with a low groan. Sleep would be nice right about now, but also, you had to eat and shower and clean...
"I wonder what Xiao's doing?" The thought appeared in your head suddenly and you almost smacked yourself right then and there. Why were you always thinking about him? You'd literally spoken to the guy once, and it wasn't anything special! Just some teasing and his little retorts... And his cute blush... And his little smile... And the way he pretended to be annoyed when he was clearly enjoying it... Wow, this was worse than you thought.
You yelped, jumping up in your seat at the sudden noise, coming once again from the wall separating you and Xiao's units. You paused for a moment but before you could stop yourself, you were back up on your feet, making your way over and banging against the wall.
"You're not fooling anyone Xiao!" you yelled, not sure if he could even hear you. Apparently he could since the music stopped as quickly as it had started. There was a moment of silence as you pressed your ear to the wall, waiting for his next move. What you did not expect was to hear sound in the other direction. A knock on your door.
Confused, you made your way over, unlocking the door and pulling it open to reveal, Xiao? He was still wearing his giant black hoodie, though the glare was missing.
"Did you run out of sugar or something? Or fake angsty songs to play?" you questioned with a grin.
As expected, he let out a soft huff, turning his head away in fake exasperation. "You're a menace."
"So what I'm hearing is that you want me to send in a noise complaint!"
"You idiot... I'm just here to-" For whatever reason, he was blushing again.
"Here to?" you prompted, wondering if you should invite him in or offer him water or something. He was tugging at the collar of his hoodie too...
"J-Just here to say that if you're going to sit there listening through the walls, you might as well just come over..."
Did you hear that right? You stared at him for a moment longer, blinking slowly. This was probably a dream right? You were so tired when you got home that you fell asleep and now you were dreaming.
"I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to..." Or maybe not.
"You know, normal people just invite people over without pretending to be edgy right?"
"Shut it, are you coming or not?"
"Yeah yeah I'm coming. Oh yeah, I got takeout, I'll bring it. It's from that new place down the street, Wangshu Inn. Have you ever had Almond Tofu before?"
"... you're unbelievable."
note: i want a hot neighbor like xiao... i did have a hot neighbor who i did hit on, but then i found out that he had a girlfriend so i stopped... but xiao would be better.
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
impossible love | j. changmin
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🍞 pairing: tailor son!Changmin x baker!fem! reader 🍞 word count: 3.9k 🍞 genre: angst, fluff, sort of crush-to-lovers, Middle Ages!au 🍞 tw: swear words, jealousy 🍞 synopsis: your relationship with your sister has never been good, and you completely lose it when you see her flirt with your crush. 🍞 a/n: everytime I write for Changmin i have to tag you @sainthwngs 🤍🤍🤍 i hope you will enjoy this "small" work of him!! 🍞 requested: nope!
“Y/N, darling! Make some more bread after serving the Gatsby family, please!” your mother exclaimed from outside the shop as you actively kneaded the dough at the back, wiping your hands on your off-white apron before offering a smile to your customers.
The stretch on your face immediately disappeared as a sight on the other side of the street caught your attention. Sweat rose to your face, and shivers erupted in your body, resulting in you almost dropping the two loaves of bread you had subconsciously grabbed for the middle-class family. They didn’t even spare you a glance as you messily placed their order in the jute bag the servant was holding out to you, hands shaky as thoughts clouded your brain.
The woman threw a few crowns on the wooden counter with disdain before walking away, the servant hastily grabbing the bag and the son’s hand as the family walked out. You leaned your elbows on the counter and rested your hands against your forehead, biting your lower lip to prevent your tears from spilling out as your heart started hurting.
The tailor’s son Changmin was leaning against the shop doorway, a playful smirk painted on his face as he talked to your sister. While the man was completely oblivious of your feelings, your sister took the advantage of it. Much to your dismay, she knew that you liked him.
You didn’t want her to know at first, but you were a little too obvious of your attraction for the man when you stammered as you talked to him. He was really handsome, all the women wanted to marry their daughters to him, but he wasn’t interested at all. Changmin was nice to you, cracking a few polite jokes when he came to the bakery to buy some bread for his mother, making you feel like you could potentially have your chances with him. But you were wrong, oh so wrong. So naive and innocent to think that your sister wouldn’t seize the opportunity to plant you a knife in the back at this marvellous occasion.
You were trembling in rage as they were clearly flirting, and there was nothing more infuriating at the moment. You scoffed when she had the audacity to quickly turned around to check if you were in the shop, purposefully leaning closer to him with the same seducing smile she offered to every single of her conquests.
The relationship between you and your sister had always been difficult, her constantly accusing you to be your parents’ favourite child since you were born, and the time didn’t help at all. Many fights broke between you two for various reasons, but the most recurrent ones were about money. You were the most hard-working child, spending days and nights at the bakery to help your parents and make everything ready for each following day. Your sister, on the other hand, was busy roaming the streets, flirting and spending all the money you and your parents had given up hours of sleep to earn it in alcohol or street bets. You couldn’t even remember the last time you saw money in the clutch bag your grandmother sewed for your 18th birthday a few years ago, one of the many items your sister had the bad habit of stealing.
Anger boiled through your veins, letting the tears spill out of your eyes in rage. Stomping your ankle boots on the floor, you almost tripped on the pans of your dress as you went in the back office, slamming your fists on the table before crouching down while letting all the sorrow in your body come out in choked sobs. The smell of freshly baked bread gave you a small wave of warmth and comfort as you desperately tried to get this image of Changmin and your sister swooning over him out of your head, but it was to no avail.
And again, she had won. She was prettier, more confident than you, and there was nothing you could do against it. No matter how hard you fought, she’d always have the upper hand and take the slightest opportunity to ruin and humiliate you.
You don’t know how you found it, but you managed to gather some strength and get back to work as if nothing had happened. You were a bundle of nerves, kneading the dough angrily, imagining that it was your sister’s face instead of a pile of flour mixed with milk and eggs. Since you were the only bakery in town, you didn’t necessarily need to be nice, but you didn’t want any rumours to start about you. Some people got twisted brains and were ready to say some blatant lies to hear gossip and witness street drama.
Once you closed the bakery from inside, you walked upstairs and locked yourself in your bedroom without sparing your parents a glance. They asked you if you wanted to eat, but you just paid no attention to them, slamming the heavy wooden door behind you as an answer.
Without freshening up or eating, you drew the curtains and went to bed, head facing the wall. A few choked sobs escaped your pursed lips as you tried to control your emotions, but it was to no avail. You cried a major part of the night, your body fuelling with rage again when you heard your sister walking through the main door, shutting it like it was the middle of the afternoon, visibly drunk and in desperate need of attention. You almost went crazy when she stopped at your door and snickered, loving the way you had reacted to her provocations the same afternoon.
Chest heaving up and down heavily, you clutched your teeth to control your anger, not wanting to give her the satisfaction to get what she wanted. You heard your father scolding her for coming home so late and being so loud, and she immediately changed her tone, apologising to your dad profusely before going into your room. Your dad tried opening your door, but it was locked, whispering a few sweet words in case you weren’t asleep.
When you woke up a few hours later, the sun still hadn’t risen, but it was time for you to go to work. You felt sick to the stomach and dizzy, your lack of sleep and your self-inflicted fast from yesterday were not helping you to feel any better.
“Y/N, dear, come and eat something,” your father said as you got out of your bedroom, ready to start your day. His face saddened when he saw your tired state, resting a kind-hearted hand on your shoulder. You offered him a brief smile before shaking your head.
“I’ll eat some bread downstairs, don’t worry about me,” you mumbled, eyes flickering as you just wanted to go back to bed.
“Promise?” he said, raising his forefinger towards you. You nodded and offered him a tired smile before exiting your home.
Since you promised your father, you half-heartedly munched on some bread, watching the closed tailor shop in disgust. Your brain made you imagining again Changmin and your sister flirting together, your teeth angrily ripping apart a piece of bread from the small loaf.
“Woah, easy there Y/N, who came in your dreams and turned you into a beast? What’s gotten you so angry?” a deep voice got you out of your trans, mouth filled with bread as you noticed Eric, your childhood friend but also the farmer, holding a wooden crate filled with all the ingredients you needed to make bread.
“Sorry Eric, it’s just my sister again. Thank you for all of this,” you said as you walked around the counter and guided him in your workplace, putting everything in its place. “Your relationship between you two will never get better, will it?” Eric sighed while helping you in your task, only to see you half-shrug as an answer. “As long as she won’t behave, no, nothing will change. But it’s better like that, it’d be weird to have her being nice to me,” you said, and Eric shook his head. “I saw murder in your eyes when I arrived, I highly doubt it’s better like that,” he smirked, and you sullenly chuckled through your nose, walking with him outside the bakery, where his horses and his dog were waiting for him.
Eric’s hand landed on the side of your neck, his thumb caressing the edge of your jaw. His friendly gesture helped your muscles to relax, offering a small smile as a thank you, paying his products by sliding a few crowns in his pouch.
“Hey! That’s way too much, you’re not buying me a donkey! No please Y/N, take it back,” he said as he gave you back half of the coins you gave him, but you shook your head. “Take it as my way to thank you for being there for me since day one,” you sadly said, wrapping your hand around his to close his palm and pushed it back towards his pouch. “I don’t need your money to prove that you are my friend, I love you for what you are,” you rolled your eyes at his words and petted his dog’s head, who happily yapped at the display of affection.
You waved at him with a tired smile as he rode his horse further into the village, going back into the bakery once he was out of sight. This little encounter with your childhood best friend helped to clear your mind, reducing your anger close to zero. Of course, it was still there, but you will manage to tame it down for a moment.
However, this peaceful moment got interrupted when the bakery door creaked open, head peeking from your workplace, hands kneading the dough. Your heart skipped a bit out of anger as you rubbed your hands together to get rid of the flour before going behind the counter.
“If you’re looking for my sister, she’s still sleeping,” you spat as you stared at Changmin, who was surprised by your aggressiveness. “Well good morning to you too, Y/N,” he said, and you huffed, your hands gripping the edge of the wooden counter. “Well hello Changmin, welcome to the bakery. What can I serve you today?” you imitated the fake nice, high-pitched tone and body movements of your sister, your face falling back to neutral a few seconds later.
The tailor’s son was completely taken aback by your actions, not expecting this type of behaviour from you, who had always been sweet and helpful to him and his family. You placed the loaf of bread he usually asks for on the counter between the two of you, Changmin not moving an inch, still gazing at you with questioning eyes. His gaze fixated on you, and he was surprised when you didn’t blush and look away like you used to, your orbs boring into his with boredom.
“Anything else?” you dryly asked, and Changmin shook his head, extending a few crowns towards you. When you were to grab it, his other hand seized your wrist, your eyes widening. “What’s gotten you today? You didn’t look this mad when the farmer came here before me,” he said, and you raised your eyebrows. “Now you’re spying on me? Is everything alright in your head?” you frowned and freed your wrist from his grip, taking the crowns before turning your back to him. “It was hard for anyone to miss your little flirty moment in the street,” he bitterly snickered, and you scoffed loudly, feeling the anger boil back into your veins. All the hard work Eric had put into calming you just flew out the window in a millisecond.
You turned around to face the tailor’s son, your head shaking side to side at the boldness of his remarks. Changmin looked kind of angry, but it was nothing compared to your fury when you slammed your palms against the counter.
“The fucking cheek of it! You dare to accuse me of flirting in the street with my childhood best friend, when you and my sister were the ones making a spectacle of yourselves just yesterday, swooning and courting her like Romeo and Juliet!” you spat at him, feeling the tears rise in your throat. You swallowed them, as well as your pride, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you hurt by his words. Moreover, you never knew when your sister could appear, and you were not giving her the opportunity to humiliate you again in front of him.
“What on Earth are you talking about? I am not courting your sister!” he retorted, eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t try to act all innocent, it’s not gonna work with me, I saw yours and my sister’s little game. Don’t take me for a fool Changmin,” you said through gritted teeth and went back to your workplace, kneading the dough as a way to reduce your anger.
Once the front door closed, you fell onto your knees, tears flooding your cheeks. You felt so remorseful for talking to him that way, you were never this impolite and aggressive, but your anger spoke before your reason and values. But at least something was clear, your chances with him were reduced to zero. With the way you behaved this morning, there was no way for you to win against your sister. It’s not as if you had the slightest chance, but it’s always good to keep dreaming.
Later in the day, your mother asked you to go and get her and your dad’s shoes repaired to the cobbler down the main street. You sent a death glare to your sister as you noticed her smoking tobacco in front of the tavern with the innkeeper, who was around the same age as your dad, sometimes extremely inappropriate and shameful for your family reputation. She discreetly raised her middle finger to you, and you ignored her, her fake laugh sending chills of anger down your spine as you walked past her.
Despite being the richest man in town, the cobbler had always been humble and sweet with you. Maybe the fact that he was Eric’s uncle helped, but you always appreciated going there. The dim atmosphere and the smell of the different types of leather always made you think of the bakery, feeling like you shared something for your respective jobs with the old man. He loved making and repairing shoes as much as you loved making bread, so you understood the other when you enthusiastically talked about your passions.
“How’s your sister doing? I heard she got a job at the flower shop,” the cobbler chuckled at your flabbergasted state as he finished his sentence, readjusting himself in his seat. “My sister is jobless, flirting with every man she encounters and spending all the family savings in street bets and alcohol, I highly doubt she hit upon a job by Mr. Kim,” you said as he handed you your mother’s pair of shoes, thanking him with a nod. “This is what she told me last week when she came. She had this wonderful pair of black heels that got stuck in the pavement,” you nodded, clicking your tongue as you found out that she stole something from you, again.
“Hey, hey,” the cobbler shook your shoulder across the counter, trying to prevent you from crying as he noticed the tears of exhaustion filling your eyes. You nodded your head as if to convince him and yourself that you won’t break, smiling through your glossy eyes. “Thank you, Sir. I’ll deliver your bread tomorrow as usual,” you mumbled and he offered you a reassuring smile, almost seeing some similar features with your best friend, knowing that you could always go back to the Sohn family if you weren’t doing well. “Take care, Y/N, take care,” he said as you walked through the door, waving at him before wiping your eyes and walk back to your home.
For once, your sister was at the bakery, swooning excitedly over a flower bouquet resting on the counter in a clay vase. Your eyes widened at the sight of the bouquet, your sister swatting your hand away as you were about to touch a yellow rose.
“Stop it! You’re gonna ruin it with your ugly fingers. Plus they’re not for you, so you’re not allowed to touch them,” she spat, and you walked past her, purposefully bumping your shoulder against hers, making her whine like a child and take a few steps back to take in the shock. Your mother was cooking lunch in the kitchen on the higher floor, and she asked you who was making this much noise downstairs.
“Your daughter, Mother,” you dryly said, clearing your throat before continuing. “She apparently received a bouquet from a special someone, and she feels the need to let the entire neighbourhood know about it, just like when she has a man over. Here are your and Father’s shoes,” you said as you placed them down next to yours, your mother thanking you as she reflected on your words.
“Sometimes I wish she was more like you,” she said as she stirred the liquid in the cauldron, her words making you bitterly chuckle. “I don’t think that will ever happen, Mother, she despises me too much to even consider me as a family member. Anyway, I’m going back to work,” you stated and walked back to the entrance, hearing your mother disagree. “Y/N, dear, what do you mean? Y/N!” She yelled, but her words fell on deaf ears, closing the door behind you before going back down in the bakery.
Your sister and the bouquet had vanished, much to your delight. You breathed in deeply as you started working hard again, focusing on your tasks to forget everything that happened today that scarred your heart. The afternoon went by in the blink of an eye, but it seemed like your faith had prepared still more trouble to come.
Just as you were about to finish your last loaf of bread of the day the front door opened again, this time you didn’t even bother to look.
“I’ll be there in two minutes!” you yelled from the furnaces as you pulled out freshly baked loaves with your big, wooden spatula, letting them rest on the side. You quickly checked if they were baked all around and nodded, inwardly praising yourself for your nice job.
Once you arrived behind the counter, you huffed heavily as you noticed who is standing in front of you.
“You know that the door to our home is on the left side of the house, you can go and knock there if you wanna see my sister,” you stated, lazily showing him the wall. “Stop thinking I’m here to see your sister,” Changmin said, looking annoyed at your words, “I’m here for you.”
You snorted and immediately apologised, letting out a true laugh as you thought he was joking. The tailor’s son frowned at your reaction, making him look ridiculous. His tongue poked his inner cheek and waited for you to calm down, his serious expression making you frown.
“Why did you want to see me, then? You had to come back to humiliate me again since doing it this morning was not enough?” you said, a sarcastic smile on your face. “I don’t know who planted this idea in your head, but I am not in love with your sister. She does not interest me. At all!” he exclaimed, and you had to laugh again. “Of course, you want me to believe that. That’s why you delivered flowers here this morning, right?” you said, and Changmin’s face decomposed in front of your eyes, his shock state making you raise your brows.
“No. No, she bloody didn’t,” he said and swiftly turned around to look outside, a hand pressed on his mouth. He quickly turned back to you and leant over the counter, resting his palms on it. “It was a bouquet of white tulips and yellow roses, right?” “Yes, in a white clay vase,” you confirmed, “those are not her favourite flowers by the way. She prefers purple hydrangea,” you added.
“Is nothing ticking inside your brain right now? Your mind is so clouded by hatred towards your sister that you don’t understand where I wanna get at?” he said, his face nearing yours closer and closer at each word. “Mh, who do you think those flowers were for? Why would I be gifting your mother some, my mother did that for her birthday a few weeks ago. Then if it’s not for your mother nor your sister, who’s left?” You thought in silence for a second before opening your eyes wide.
“They were for me?” you whispered, suddenly feeling all the pressure and anger reducing in your body as you pointed at yourself. Changmin was so close that his breath fanned against your face as he sighed deeply, his eyes searching for yours as you took in this confession. “Of course they were for you, Y/N. Sunwoo’s father told me that yellow roses were gifted as a form of apology. I was asking for forgiveness with those. But of course, I now understand your reactions if you believed they were for her,” he said, and you glanced at him.
“I don’t know what you imagined or saw yesterday, but I was only polite with your sister. I don’t want to be one of her conquests or just a one-night stand, this doesn’t interest me at all. I wanna mean something for someone. All the times that I came here, your sister was working, except for this morning. I was happy that you were the one behind the counter, I wanted to have a nice chat with you, but everything became so confusing to me when you were this dry and rude to me. But now I understand, I understand everything,” he quietly explained, and you felt like an utter idiot, looking at his large hands resting on the wooden counter.
“I should be the one apologising. I shouldn’t have treated you like that, but I was just… close to exploding,” you said, head hanging low as you realised you behaved like a temperamental child.
“Y/N, I’m responsible too. I shouldn’t have assumed you and your childhood best friend were a thing. I guess I was... jealous and upset that you gave another man attention and probably scared to see you slip through my fingers,” you looked up at him, and he smiled, your heart skipping a beat as you feel like breathing again.
He was interested in you. Not in your sister, in you.
And that simple thought just stretched a smile on your face, your breath mixing with Changmin’s as you were staring in each other’s eyes, so close to the other. A delicious shiver ran down your spine as your nose bumped into his, smiling as he rubbed them together. You closed your eyes, still smiling, millions of butterflies erupting in your stomach as you felt his lips locking with yours in a sweet kiss. It felt even more magical than you had always imagined in your dreams, and a groan got stuck at the back of your throat when he cupped your cheeks with his slender hands to deepen the kiss over the counter.
And for once, you were the one winning. Your sister had better watch out, because you were already excited to rub your relationship with Changmin in her face, a feeling of sweet revenge creeping up in your stomach as you kept kissing your crush.
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islesnucks · 3 years
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here is the hughesy angst i promised, i cannot believe i wrote it that quickly
likes and reblogs are always appreciated, hope you like it!
Word count: 2.5 k
Warnings: just a bunch of angst and then fluff
Summary: a month after a huge fight that ended your relationship you find out from Brock that Quinn hasn’t been able to move on too
Add yourself to the taglist!
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Today marked a full month since the fight that ended it all. You’d like to say you couldn't remember how it happened, how things got so out of proportion you ended up breaking up, but you did. You still remembered every painful detail.
It had been a long day, those that just drain you physically and emotionally to the point you want to get home and sleep so it's finally over. But you didn’t do that because the canucks were playing that night and you thought maybe watching the game at your boyfriend’s apartment and waiting for him to get back after it ended would make you feel better. You were wrong.
The canucks lost that night, it wasn’t a huge loss, just by one goal, a power play goal made by the other team after Quinn had taken a penalty. He obviously put the blame on himself and when he got home things got worse.
With both of you in bad moods things were meant to get nasty, but you never thought it would have reached the point it did. It started as a small fight but quickly things escalated. You knew you didn’t mean the things you were saying, but you weren’t thinking clearly. Suddenly all the little stuff that bothered you about each other started to accumulate and when he said you didn’t support him enough that was the last straw.
How could he say that when you were standing right in front of him in his apartment after having watched his game and waited for him? Even when all you wanted was to go to sleep and forget that day had even happened.
“I can’t believe you just said that. Seriously Quinn I do so much for you and this is how you pay me?”
“Then maybe if I’m such a bad boyfriend we should break up.” He knew that’s not what he wanted, but anger took over and he wanted to hurt you as much as you had hurt him seconds ago.
“Maybe we should.” you quickly replied and the room went silent. You looked at him, internally begging him to say he didn’t mean it, but nothing happened. The silence was deafening.
“Ok then. It’s over.” you finally said, already gathering your purse and leaving his apartment. Not having enough strength to give him a final look as you shut the door behind you and rushed out of the building.
You didn’t cry as you walked to your car or in the drive home, it was like you were on automatic mode, you just drove to your place in silence without a thought in your head.
But once you were inside your apartment it all dawned on you. Your vision got blurry and you let out a suffocated breath. Your legs stumbled and you fell down on the floor with your back against the wall, unable to take in everything that had happened. It was over.
That happened a month ago. You hadn’t talked to Quinn ever since that night. It had been the hardest month of your life. You didn’t realize he was such a huge part of your life till he wasn’t there at night to hold you as you sleep, making you a cup of tea while you studied, pointing at you in the crowd after a goal, rushing out of the lockers straight to your arms after a game, stroking your hair as you lied on his chest to help you relax after a stressful day. He wasn’t there anymore and you missed him with every bone in your body; but he never reached and you were too afraid to see him only to discover he was doing completely fine without you.
Focusing on your studies and work made it easier, you discovered if you had your head occupied the whole day you didn’t think of him. But nights were the hardest, lying alone in your bed with only your thoughts would make your mind go back to that dreadful night and you’d end up crying yourself to sleep. That empty feeling would turn from sadness to anger and vice versa, but no matter how hard you tried to get over him you couldn’t.
That’s why after weeks of pure silence it surprised you when you received a call from Brock. You debated on whether to answer or not, but figured if he called after all this time it was important.
“Hey Y/N” he answered. “How are you?” You could tell he was hesitant.
“I’m … good I guess.” you replied followed by a long silence. “Why are you calling Brock?” you finally asked, wanting the exchange to be over.
Brock didn’t know how to phrase it, he knew why he was calling and what needed to be said, but he simply didn’t know how to say it without you immediately ending the call after hearing his name.
“It’s about Quinn- please don’t hang up!” he was quick to add.
“What about Quinn?” you asked. It felt weird to talk about him out loud, something you hadn’t even done with your friends.
“He 's bad Y/N. Really bad. He won’t come out of his apartment, only for practices and games, and then he rushes back home and we don’t see him again. We’re really worried about him, all the team and his friends, even his family. He hasn’t been calling them like he used to and Jack had to basically convince their mom not to take the first plane here to check up on him. Even Brady hasn’t been able to get to him. Plus he’s been shit on the ice lately, taking stupid penalties and getting into fights, he’s one bad game away from getting benched.”
“I get it Brock but I don’t know what you want me to do. It’s not my job to fix him.” you told him. The thought of Quinn suffering alone in his apartment broke your heart but after all he was the one who decided to end things and never reached you after it. You knew it was your pride talking, but he had put himself in this position.
“I know, I know. I’m not asking you to forgive him for whatever it is he did. Honestly we’re kind of out of the loop here because he won’t tell us what happened between you two. But please I’m begging you, talk to him. You don’t have to get back together, but I think he needs some type of closure or something. He can’t keep doing like this Y/N.”
You could tell by his voice he was genuinely worried, and you were sure this is something he had talked about with the rest of the team and friends. You hated to admit it but Quinn still had a place in your heart and right now it ached at the thought of him drifting away from his family and friends and even failing at the job of his dreams when maybe a simple talk could help him. So you decided to push your grudge aside, but not completely.
“I have a box with his things, tell him I’ll go by his place to return them and then we can talk.” you said, thinking that the box of his belongings you had packed some days ago and sited by the door waiting for the moment you were strong enough to give them back to him would be a good enough excuse. That was not the answer Brock expected but he knew it was the best he would get.
“Thank you Y/N. I know this isn’t easy for you, but thank you so much.” You hanged up.
You stood on the hallway in front of his door after knocking, waiting for him to answer. You kept repeating to yourself everything would be fine, that seeing him again after a month wouldn't be as hard as you thought, but the moment the door opened and your eyes connected with his, your heart stopped.
He looked like shit. Tired eyes, heavy dark circles around them, messy hair and you’d bet he had been wearing that old shirt and sweatpants for at least three days. You were also surprised to see that he was shocked you were standing on his doorway.
“I told Brock I’d stop by today.” you explained.
“You spoke with Brock?” he asked and then you understood his friend hadn’t informed him of everything.
“Yeah he called me yesterday to talk about … well about you.” you said, unsure if telling him you talked about him was the right thing to do. He nodded, still a bit confused but didn’t say anything. “Can I …” you said, gesturing to the inside of the apartment.
“Oh yeah sure.” He moved to the side to let you in. “Sorry about the mess.”
You walked into the all too familiar apartment where you had spent many days and nights, but now it didn’t feel like home anymore. The curtains were almost shut completely allowing little to no natural light at all inside, there were some clothes on the sofa and dirty dishes piling up in the sink. 
“So I’m guessing Brock forgot to tell you I’d stop by to drop this.” you said putting down the box on his coffee table.
“He probably did it on purpose. If I knew he was going to call you I’d have stopped him.” he simply said, like it wouldn’t be a dagger to your heart to hear he didn’t want to see you. Maybe after all he wasn’t doing so bad, or maybe it wasn’t because of you.
“If you didn’t want to see me I can go-” You started to turn around, ready to once again leave his apartment brokenhearted like many days ago, but his hand on your wrist stopped you.
“No! It’s not that I don’t want to, it's just that … it’s hard.”
“Yeah Y/N, hard. I haven’t seen you for like a month. After that fight you just left and I never saw you again.”
“Well you never reached out Quinn.”
“You didn’t either.”
“Yeah but you were the one that decided to break up. You want me to process my boyfriend breaking up with me and then also call to check up on him?”
His hand was still on your arm, making you stand close to each other, so close that you could tell how his posture changed after hearing what you had said.
“I’m sorry about that, about the break up and about every other stupid thing I said that night. You were the best girlfriend I could have asked for.” he said looking into your eyes. You could tell he was being sincere and that softened something inside of you.
“I also said some stupid stuff I didn’t mean. We were too caught up fighting to actually think what we were saying.”
“I’m sorry.” he almost whispered before letting go of your arm and quickly wrapping his arms around your body.
You were surprised at first but didn’t hesitate to hug him back. By the way you were hugging, with his head low into your neck and your arms around his frame, it looked more like you were consoling him, and in a way that’s what was happening. At one point you noticed he was crying, you couldn’t see him but you felt the warm tears against your skin and the way his chest shook between your arms as he tried to hold it in but failed.
“If I could take it all back I would, I really would.” he mumbled against your neck in between sobs. You started crying too, unable to keep on pretending you were fine anymore, unable to keep on pretending you didn’t care.
“I miss you so much Y/N.”
“You do?” you asked, genuinely surprised to hear him say it.
“Are you kidding me?” He pulled away from you to look you in the face, but your arms stayed on each other. “Look at me, look at my apartment. I’m a mess without you. I miss you every second of the day, there isn’t a moment when I’m not thinking about you Y/N. I mean I’m doing so horribly I’ve got everyone worrying about me: my friends, my family, my team.”
“You never called so I thought you had moved on.”
“I didn’t. I can’t move on from you and even if I could I don’t think I want to”
You looked at the mess of a man standing in front of you, crying in your arms, telling you he regretted everything, he missed you. It was clear to see he had suffered as much as you had for the past month. There was no doubt in your mind you still loved him, you tried to push it away but there it was, strong as ever, beating deep in your heart. So you decided to go for it, let yourself be weak one more time and if it didn’t work out then that’s something you’d have to deal with later; but if it did you knew it would be extraordinary.
“Then don’t.” you said and he looked down at you with furrowed brows. “Don’t move on.”
“Is that what I think it is?” he asked, eyes getting bright with hope at the thought maybe it wasn’t all lost.
“I’m willing to try again if you are. I still love-” you started to say but he cut you off mid sentence moving his hands to your face and your words died in his lips.
It felt familiar, like coming back home after a long trip. Both your eyes were closed, enjoying the kiss, savoring every second of it. Tears started rolling down your faces and you could taste them on each other's lips. Tears of joy because neither of you could believe this was actually happening.
“I love you.” he said once you pulled away to breathe, foreheads touching and lips millimeters away. “I love you, I love you, I love you!” he kept on repeating with the brightest smile on his face. You giggled before connecting your lips once again for another kiss, something you could never get tired of.
This time his hands moved to your sides, lifting you up in his arms as you wrapped your legs around him and let out a surprised squeal between the kisses. He walked over to the couch, threw away the clothes that were there with one hand holding you close to him with the other, to then swiftly lay on it with you on top of him.
“I’m never letting you go again.” he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head as you nestled yourself between his arms with your head on his chest.
“That’s fine by me.” you replied, earning a sweet laugh from him.
tagging those who asked or seemed interested:
@lovingbrock @mellany1997​ @timothyjimothy74 @itoldmycatsaboutyou @stlbluesbrat @dermybaby​ 
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anotheranimestan · 4 years
Heyooo I legit just found u bc of the bakugo series, and then I went on a spree reading your account- ugh I’m in love!!! Do you think you could tag me when part 3 comes out?
Ahhh! Thank you so much! ❤️ You guys have no idea how much a few words of encouragement means to writers 😭.
No need to tag tho because here it is!!!!! 😃
Sorry it took so long. I wanted to write it as best as I could! I don’t want disappoint anyone who’s been enjoying so far. ☺️
All Bark No Bite (pt. 3)
(Final part)
Bakugo angst + ~sexual tensionnn~
Please, children avert your eyes. Things get a LITTLE inappropriate here 😳
Read part 1 and part 2
wc: 2.4k
He’s an asshole...but he’s a HOT asshole 🤤
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You’d never seen his room before. It was much different than you’d imagined. You’d expected burn marks all over the walls or blown up debris of things scattered about. Maybe a bunch of mirrors so he could look at his self-confident, conceited ass all night. But actually it was kinda of nice. Pretty neat. He had some posters hung up and some books laying around. Black sheets and blankets. And it smelled oddly sweet in here, sort of pleasant believe it or not.
You’re so used to him yelling and exploding so it was weird seeing him so relaxed, in his natural habitat. Doing normal things. Like eating a snack, tapping his pencil in concentration, fidgeting with his hair. He even spun around in his rolling chair a few times mindlessly. He was acting sort of...cute? It was unnerving being attracted to him like this.
But as soon as he noticed you watching him it was all over. You were making him self conscious. He didn’t even realize he’d let his guard down like that.
“That makes absolutely no sense, dumbass.” His voice was bored and over it.
“What are you talking about!? I’ve explained it three times!” You retorted indignantly.
“Exactly. I thought you were smarter than this...” He jabbed before turning around and flipping his notebook shut.
You’d spent twenty minutes attempting to teach him what he’d missed in class earlier today but he was insufferable. Easily the worst student on the planet. Every time you explained something he’d tell you how to teach it better. Who does that!?
“Whatever moron. I didn’t come up here to try and teach your pea brain. I—“ The words were harder to say than you’d expected. Painful actually. They really didn’t want to come out. “I just wanted to say sorry for getting you—“
He whipped a pencil and it hit you directly in the forehead.
“Ouch, what the fuck?” You hissed, rubbing the sore spot. How’d he get so much damn power behind that thing?
“Don’t apologize. It’s weird.”
“What!?” You threw the pencil back but only managed to hit his shoulder.
“Anyways...” He ignored you, completely unfazed by your assault.
“You’re easily the most—“
“Anyways...” You swore if he cut you off one more time you were going to smack the shit out of him. “Aizawa thinks you’ve lost your mind.”
The unexpected information took you aback.
“He saw you try and get yourself blown up in class yesterday... No sane person is stupid enough to pull a move like you did.”
Ah yes... he meant the time you wrapped the man’s hand around your neck, tauntingly, in front of like 20 classmates and two teachers. You’d been trying to avoid asking yourself the question of why you did that. You claimed it was the best way to shut him up....but there were other ways to do that. More reasonable ones. You wouldn’t admit you’d daydreamed of doing it before and subconsciously took the opportunity. Red embarrassment flashed through your body again. God knows what they were all thinking when they witnessed that. You desperately wished people would stop reminding you.
Suddenly the need to defend yourself bubbled up. “I—I only did that because I knew you wouldn’t do anything.”
He scoffed. But didn’t deny it. “If you’re going to try something stupid. At least do it right.” He chastised.
Your body froze as he stood up and walked over, crouching down directly in front of you.
“If I wanted to choke you. I’d do it like this.”
He wrapped his hand around your neck. Demonstrating the best way to actually cut off someone’s air flow. But he did it so gently you barely even heard his explanation. You were just flashing back to last night. Instantly your entire body lit on fire. Replaying this scene in your head was strong enough. But reenacting had you completely out of sorts. Kissing him again but this time going full out. You wanted to bite him, just to hear him make that deep moan into your mouth again. Just imagining it was making you flutter. Aching to have him pressed up against you like that, relieving some of this pressure that was building up in your body. You felt yourself unraveling. About to pounce.
But he interjected with something that stunned you once again. “The way you did it would be better for...other forms of choking.”
Dear god. Surely he knew what he was doing to you. If he kept this up any longer your heart or your lungs were definitely going to give out.
But you mustered up your last two brain cells that weren’t absolutely losing their shit over him and carried on with your normal banter.
“Yea yea, I get it. You can stop now.”
He didn’t budge. His hand still snug around your throat. You obviously didn’t mind it there but it was incapacitating your brain function.
You gently pushed it away and he didn’t resist. But where he put it next was no better.
He traced the side of your cheek and along the outline of your lips. Just staring at them, eyes lost like he was thinking deeply about something. He wasn’t giving you a moment of a break. No room to breathe.
Your nerves were through the roof, your heart was beating so loud you could hear it in your ears. Desperately you tried to change the topic. “So is this your attempt at being nice? Advice on how to murder someone?” It’s amazing how your mouth just spewed shit out even though your brain was actually dead.
“Sure.” Now he was tugging at your bottom lip. Completely unbothered by you baiting him.
“Ah. A nice Bakugo? I must be having a dream. I guess now that you’ve lost to me your whole tough guy persona has been killed.”
That snapped him out of it. But now he was looking just as intensely, directly into your eyes.
“Don’t push it.”
“Or what?” Faking composure was coming so easily much to your relief.
“Do you want to find out?” He growled.
“You’re not scary.” You said rolling your eyes as hard as possible.
Something snapped in him. He couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Within a moment he had you on your back. Your body didn’t even have time to process. Even if it did, would you have stopped him? He trapped both your wrists on either side of your head and your feet under his ankles. His arms looked glorious as he held up is body weight.
“How about now?” His voice was deep and savory.
There he went. Invading your mind again. His scent. That lust-filled look in his eyes. The way he was thoroughly enjoying being on top of you. The adrenaline was coiling through your body. He had you right where he wanted you. He could do anything he wanted to you. But that “annoying little mouth of yours” wasn’t done quite yet.
“Whatever. You always do this. But you won’t actually try anything.”
“You think I wouldn’t hurt you at all? I literally want to kill you sometimes.” He had a smug little grin on his face. But his eyes couldn’t pull themselves from your lips. After experiencing them once he could barely stop thinking about them.
“You’re telling me? I fucking hate you.” You lied.
It made his smirk form into that wicked, shit-eating grin he always wore. The one that gets deep under your skin and makes you want to punch him in the throat and yank him onto you at the same time.
“Kissing someone is a weird way to tell them you hate them.” He was really cutting into you now.
You hissed. “Hey. You kissed me.”
“You kissed me back.” He raised an annoying little eyebrow.
Your brain wanted to choke him (the murder kind) but your body was screaming something completely different. The emotions swirling around in your chest was so overwhelming. Finally you burst.
You trapped one of his arms and corresponding leg and threw your weight to roll on top of him. One of your favorite moves from self-defense class that you knew would come in handy. Now you straddled him and using every ounce of your weight tried to pin his wrists down.
You expected him to fight you like the vicious little monster he is. But instead when you looked down he was just staring back at you. You were stunned at how good he looked at this angle. Did he have any bad angles?
“Finally. You made a move.” He said pretending to sound impressed. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Yea well...” You scoffed proudly. “you think you’re so fucking tough. Now looo—“
The words flew out of your mouth and you were tumbling again. This time he just grabbed your waist and tugged you with brute force. No technique needed. He easily overpowered you.
“Yea, that wasn’t going to work out. It was a cute try though, Little Bite.”
He laid directly on top of you now. Your legs spread as he rested his hips between them. His full weight pressed into you making it flutter. Your arms had somehow wrapped themselves around his neck and rested on his back.
The tension in the air made it difficult to breathe. But you were fully unconcerned with getting oxygen right now.
Nose to nose now he said “We’ll just count this as my rematch. Clearly I won.”
“You suck at flirting.”
Flirting? Where’d that come from?
“Seems like it’s working pretty good to me.”
That smug fucking face again.
“You’re such an ass.”
He bit his lip.
“Fuck...I love when you insult me like that.”
A beat passed and that was all it took. You smashed his lips onto yours. Wrapping your legs around him and squeezing. Too close wasn’t close enough.
He kissed you like he wanted you bad. Like you were his favorite meal and he was absolutely famished. It was so intense and passionate that neither of you could catch any air. Every insult, all the bickering, every jab had built up to this moment and was fueling it like gas to a forest fire.
His warmth was overtaking you. His body was so heavy, crushing you just liked you’d been daydreaming about all this time.
Your mind shut down all functions except desperately trying to use all five senses to their max capacity and commit every bit of him to memory.
He felt you pawing at the edge of his shirt and sat up. He peeled it off slowly. Letting your eyes adjust to every inch of him.
Your hands were instantly stroking every one of his muscles starting at his shoulders and trailing down his soft skin slowly...slowly to the edge of his jeans. Your index finger sat teasingly on the front button as you admired his perfectly toned body.
But before you even had time to think about what you wanted to do next he took your wrist and secured it down above your head again.
He dipped down and went straight for your neck.
Greeting it with a warm wet kiss from his tongue, his lips wrapped around your skin and sucked gently. You felt the blood pooled with pleasure rushing to the area. His other hand started exploring your body. Finally he was getting to put his hands on you the way he really wanted all along.
After you started tugging on his hair, desperately trying to avoid any scandalous hickeys he rolled you around again.
Letting you on top to straddle his hips. Giving you only a little bit of freedom though, as he locked one arm around your waist and the other started caressing your thighs slowly working his way north.
After squeezing your ass until his heart was content he clamped down both hands on your hips. You couldn’t bare it anymore. Your hips started gently grinding against him and you bit down on his neck all at once. You felt the angle of his pelvis rubbing into you creating little rumbles of pleasure.
“Fuck y/n..” he muttered under his breath.
You both were getting more and more bothered and aroused. His hands never stopped grabbing and tugging at you. His moans growing more fervent as he whispered into your ear.
He was just toying with the idea of peeling off your shirt when...
Your soul practically rose out of your body as a loud bang almost broke the door down. Bakugo’s hand slapped over your mouth. You’d screamed without realizing it.
Kaminari’s laugh sounded through the door. “Oh my god Bakugo! You scream like a girl!”
Mina shrieked. “No, stupid! Y/n are you in there!?”
Your life was ending.
“Get the fuck out of here before I come out there and break your skulls!” Bakugo barked at them.
They didn’t say anything but you heard their quick footsteps as they ran down the hall still shrieking like banshees.
“Oh god..” you groaned as you tried to roll away from him, using his bare chest to push off.
But he wouldn’t let you go. “Where are you going?”
“Aren’t you going to go hunt them down and threaten them or something.” Typical Bakugo behavior.
“No, I’m busy.”
You had to stop your mouth from falling open.
“They’re probably going to tell everyone.” You prodded. Expecting his temper any second now. Like he was a bomb about to go off. You pulled away again in preparation, sitting fully upright now.
“I’ll deal with them tomorrow. I’m dealing with you tonight. Now get back over here before I get mad.”
You shrieked as he muscled you back into his arms. He bent you back around him as snugly as he could. Moving your chin to the side, he kissed your neck, sweeter this time. Instinctively your hands ran through his hair. Fuck the rest of them. You could get lost in this hot head all night. And you were as he started gently sucking on your soft spots again.
But he pulled away abruptly. Like he’d just realized something. “How are you gonna become a pro hero if a moron like Denki can scare you like that?”
You smacked the back of your idiot’s head lightly. “Don’t fucking ruin it.” You groaned.
“Fine.” He grinned as he went in for the kiss that started the rest your next piping hot and sticky couple of hours together.
TADAAA! What did you guys think?? What was your favorite part overall?
I’d love hearing your thoughts and opinions 😃 makes me a better writer
Also special shout-out to @jennammaee ! Pt. 2 of this series has been my most successful post yet, so thanks for encouraging me to write it!!
Tags: @sweetsailor000 @yumxmii @fullsundear @frosted-flakes @marloalmore @aprilbouz01 @deneuves @softestparker @davidbowiehotashell-blog @mocha-focha @piii-chan @v0dkadaddy @xxjosiexx
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scribblingfangirl · 3 years
WRITTEN WORDS & WHISPERED WISHES | Julie and The Phantoms - Luke Patterson
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Author’s Note: I wrote this fic for an old fandom of mine and thought I could re-write/re-use it to finally get started on my JaTP bingo card (because my creativity and originality are nowhere to be found) - I hope you enjoy, yet I’m still sorry in advance? (song’s Poet by Bastille but slightly adapted by me)
word count: 1.9k
prompt: ‘Song Fic’ on my @jatpbingo​ bingo card
summary: It took several sleepless nights, days of throwing up and feeling bad and the pressure of cuddling with Luke to finally discover that you were pregnant. 
warnings: teen pregnancy, character death, a very hastly scribbeled down fic idea (this was not beta read (or read over in general) so typos, inconsistent grammar and other faboulous little annoyances (if anyone loves to read my fanfics and would like to volunteer as my beta reader I’ll kiss your feet))
It had been a few weeks since you, well... since you had seen another room rather than your classrooms and your own four walls. You even missed your kitchen and living room. But especially, you missed the boys' studio. 
Today, however, has been a good day. You had managed to eat properly without feeling sick and were starting to catch up on some shortly due essays, papers and homework assignments, so you wouldn’t need to do them when feeling utterly sick again. 
Luke had come to visit you (or tried to) a few times, needing to use his charm at your door, as you told your parents that you didn’t want him to see you. Your hair was a mess and unkempt, it pained you to stand for a long period of time (so you reduced the times you washed it to a minimum), your eyes had dark circles under them and you were exhausted even if you didn’t do anything the whole day long.
“I brought you food. I know that your fridge only knows like three meals”, he had said once quietly, putting the tray with the steaming meal on your bed, gesturing for you to move a little, so he could sit beside you.
“You mean to say that I and/or my parents only know three meals”, you had coughed laughing and refused to move. You didn’t want him to get sick too. 
“No don’t,” you had muttered when he started to push you to the side, “I think I might have a bad bug and Sunset Curve can’t function without its lead vocalist and guitarist. And I can’t eat anyway.”
He had looked at you, confused and concerned. “Still? Alex told me you were able to keep your breakfast in, and I thought that meant you were on your way of improvement.”
“Some illnesses take longer to go away. I just didn’t want you to check on me because things like a normal cold or a little stomach bug can pass without unnecessary medications even if it takes longer.”
That had been two weeks ago. But today, when you were finally looking presentable again and were even able to open the door yourself, it wasn’t Luke that was visiting you.
“Oh… it’s you guys.”
“Geez, thanks Y/N. No need to kill us with all this kindness,” Reggie said laughing and sniffed, “Uh! Smells amazing. Pizza?” Without any hesitation or warning, he entered your house and vanished into the kitchen. 
“Pizza? Wow, you must really be feeling better. I remember you throwing up on me a week ago when I tried to feed you chicken soup,” Alex smiled, hands in his pockets and not moving until you invited him in. 
“Oh no,” hiding your face in your hands after you closed the door behind you both and groaned. “I’m so sorry about that. Again. Tell me how much the cleaning bill was and I-”
“Chill Y/N, relax. You’ve seen me at my worst and now I’ve seen you at your worst. Sure, I was still way more elegant and not as weak as you, but you just gave me a reason to finally get rid of those shoes.”
“No Alex! You loved those sneakers!” you said horrified.
“Just kidding. Give me 50 bucks and we’re even. Or, you know, better yet, come back to the studio and help us get rid of an overly clingy Luke. Now that you’re better, pleeeease, give him some cuddles!”
You giggled. “You know you have two perfectly fine arms to hug him with as well, right?”
“Yeah!” He said, raising his voice. “But not ALL the time. And I want to be appreciated for myself once too! Not just because I am the only one available to give hugs as an ‘emergency solution’!”
“You make it sound like you actually let us hug you dude, don’t lie,” Reggie muttered through a mouthful of Pizza, throwing himself on your couch.
Throwing Reggie a stink eye Alex turned to you again. “Anyway… You and I will go to the studio now. Yeah?”
“Well”, you stocked, not sure if you could talk to them about it. You had hoped for a few more days to think it over. “You know… It might actually not have been a bad bug, but rather a big bug that I caught.”  
At their confused faces, you sighed. “I’m a few days, or even weeks... late”, you mumbled the last part so quietly, you weren’t even sure if they had heard you (if they even knew what you meant).
You were definitely not expecting Reggie to be the one to answer. “Do you want me to drive you to the hospital or do you just want a pregnancy test first?”
You didn’t know who of them had told Luke, or when, but after a few minutes of waiting in the hospital’s waiting room he came barreling in, beanie askew on his head and guitar case on his back. His searching eyes found yours in a haze and you could basically hear the question in his gaze ‘Are you?’. Silently you shook your head, averting your eyes. 
Alex offered him his place beside you and Luke grabbed your hand while you waited. A few moments later your name was called and the nurse brought you and Luke to an empty room and told you to wait again. She came back a few minutes later and Luke moved to the side of the bed and held your hand again.
You didn’t feel the cold gel on your belly. Didn’t feel the way Luke was almost crushing your hand in his. Didn’t hear the words the nurse said. You only heard the faint heartbeat of your baby. You were pregnant. 
Luke was beaming, looking at the screen where you could see the ultrasound of your baby, but he also looked at you with a little bit of fear in his eyes. 
I can't say the words out loud So in a rhyme, I wrote you down Now you'll live through the ages I can feel your pulse in the pages
Even though you were only in your eighth week and not really showing yet, Luke wouldn’t allow you to wear anything else than his oversized hoodies, sweaters, pullovers and flannels (the ones that still had sleeves. And okay, fair enough, it might also have been because he absolutely loved to see you in his clothes.)
He was like an eagle watching over you, flying down as soon as you were doing or were going to do something he didn’t approve of. He even almost convinced his and your parents to move into your room so he could reach you faster in case of an emergency. (It was a clear no from both parents and he even got grounded for that idea - though later on, you learned from Alex that it was because he had said ‘Why not? It’s not like I can impregnate her again!’)
Of course, your parents weren’t happy about the situation, but they weren’t about to throw you out on the street. They both loved you and Luke (after all, they did fall for his charms one to many times), but they never really spoke the words out loud, never really talked about the fact that you two were going to be parents, a family at such a young age.
And Luke and you? While he was acting like an overprotective husband you both weren’t really talking about it either. You both were terrified about the fact that you were going to raise a child while Sunset Curve was trying to make it big, while you were still in High School and it still seemed more like a dream to you both, a dream from which neither of you wanted to wake up and face reality.
That’s why you started to write the letters. Or in Luke’s case - lyrics. Letters to future you’s, letters to your unborn child telling them about your adventures, your experiences and feelings. It was a way to tell yourself all the reasons why it was okay that you were going to be having sleepless nights filled with the cries of a baby, telling you that it was all going to be worth it.
And for the first time, while writing those letters and lyrics, it was as if both you could feel your baby.
Your body lies upon the sheets Of paper in words so sweet I can't say the words So I wrote you into my verse Now you'll live through the ages I can feel your pulse in the pages
Time went by fast. You remembered the first time you felt the little kick very well, as if it was yesterday, but at that time you still could somewhat see your feet and now you couldn’t even stand up anymore without somebody’s help.
School was weird, but you had the boys to help you through it.
You started to draw little babies beside your letters, trying to imagine the different looks it could have. Would it have your hair or Luke’s? His eyes and your nose? Your eyes and his smile? 
And then you started to write your letters and lyrics around the baby, making it look like it was cradled by your warm words, hoping that whenever you wouldn’t be able to hold your child, it would be able to read your letters and feel the love, because you surely did. 
How could you have known that in just a few weeks these lyrics would be the only words your child would ever ‘hear’ from their father?
I have read you with these eyes I've read you with these eyes I have held you in these hands
You had never seen your parents looking so fragile and broken like the night they came into your room to tell you the boys died. 
And then, the next thing you knew was that your son was born. The doctors and nurses said that it was the stress, the emotional overload of being told that your friends, your loves, the father of your child died that caused your water to break.
That’s why it was Bobby and not Luke that was by your side that night and held your hand. It was Bobby, the normally strong and grumpy teenager, that was smiling like a little kid that just got told it would get to eat as much candy as it wanted. 
His eyes were glistening with tears as the nurse handed him the little bundle of joy and he started to sway him - Luke - slowly back and forth, knowing that you were too tired to hold him at the moment. 
“He is beautiful”, you murmured as he took a seat beside you, his gaze still fixed on his nephew, because obviously, he would be Uncle Bobby (though not for a very long time), “Just like his father.”
You didn’t hear Bobby’s answer as you fell asleep and dreamed of Luke, tucking you in and kissing your forehead before he dedicated himself entirely to the new tiny human in his arms, singing a sweet lullaby. 
“We have written you down. Now you will live forever and all the world will hear you and you will live forever. In eyes not yet created, on tongues that are not born, in ears not yet listening. I have written you down, now you will live forever and Sunset Curve will sing about you.”
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local-cry-baby · 3 years
It's A Promise (Barry x Reader)
so sinnoh remakes (and premakes?!) has been confirmed and of course the first thing I had to do was write a short fic on one of my favorite rival of all time
Sorry but I had to ten year old me had a massive crush on this character lol
writing; short story
word count; 2781
genre; friendship & hurt/comfort (very subtle romance)
reader; gender neutral
au; takes place after the events of DPPt (also Barry has freckles if that counts)
summary; your plans for summer has been hijacked by a certain hyperactive boy
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Half asleep you heard the Starlys chirp and trill and the Kricketots chime in harmony with one another, announcing the arrival of morning. You shifted slightly in bed, pulling the covers closer to you and yawned. The best feeling in the world you believe was hearing the sound of the world rousing to the start of a new day and knowing you didn't have to wake up along with it. With a content sigh you roll on your side, slowly drifting off to sleep...
Tap! Tap! Tap!
You furrow your brows slightly at the sound but quickly relaxed, smiling softly to yourself...
You assume it was just a Starly or two messing outside your window so you chose to ignore it, opting to pull the covers over your head. You sighed again, this time in annoyance, as you try to fall asleep...
Click! Scree!
"Psst! (Y/N), are you sleeping?"
Your eyes open in disbelief as you immediately recognize the voice and just process the fact that he happen to somehow open your bedroom window to ask the obvious. 'Say it ain't so.’ You turned to face your window to see Barry there, arms resting on top of the sill as he watched you with a curious expression which was soon beaming with excitement once he saw you. "Oh good, you're awake!" Like you weren't sleeping to begin with.
"Wha? Barry what are you doing here?" You asked groggily. "Aren't you suppose to be at Pastoria City with Wake?"
"It's summer, duh! Crasher Wake gave me the week off and since your school is closed for vacation I thought it was perfect to catch up and hang out together this week!" Barry had this lively vibe around him that practically made him glow like a ray of sun leaving you dizzy with exhaustion. You plop back in bed with a groan knowing your plans to sleep in till afternoon for the whole week was ruined. "So at first I was thinking of going to the Great Marsh like we use to for old time sake" Barry began as he climbed right in sitting at your windowsill. "But I heard today would reach the hottest temperature ever in Sinnoh history!"
"Really now?" You asked in a monotonous voice. How hot can it possibly be in the coldest region in the world.
"Get this, 72 degrees! Can you believe it?!" As someone who was born and raised in Hoenn, a region where temperatures can reach up to the high 90s during the late summer you weren't exactly impressed. "So change of plans! We're going to spend the day at Sandgem Beach so pack your things!"
You glanced at the digital clock on your bedside. It read 6:22AM. "Barry it's too early! Can't we go like at 10 or something?"
"No way! We have to go now otherwise it'll be full if we go any later!"
"When is Sandgem Beach ever full!? You can barely even call it a beach!" You turned away from your friend, wrapping yourself up in your blanket. You were not getting out of this bed.
"Come on (Y/N)!" Barry whined. "We haven't hung out in so long! I literally spent all night planning this week out and you're just going to turn me down?! If Lucas and Dawn were here they would've agreed in going!" You can hear the irritation in his voice but underneath it was a hint of dejection. Shortly after your journey with the trio came to an end things changed. Dawn moved to the Kalos region a year ago to continue her study on Pokemon and just a few months afterwards Lucas left to Unova for reasons unknown though you had a hunch that it had something to do with that officer Looker. Barry spend most of his days at Pastoria’s gym, training intensely with Crasher Wake. As for you your parents never supported your dreams of becoming a Pokemon Trainer and your battling skills were left to be desired so you dropped it to continue your studies and follow a more reasonable career.
Although you didn't look at him you can feel him gazing at you, presumably with a pout or with Lillipup eyes. You groaned in defeat. "Fine."
Barry barely let you finish your sentence as he responded, "Really? Awesome! Don't forget to bring your Pokemon along with you, alright? And don't show up late otherwise I'll fine you!" With that he jump out your window and let out a yelp. "Don't worry! I'm alright!"
You sighed, wondering how anyone could have so much energy so early in the morning as you practically dragged yourself out of bed to start the day.
Sandgem Town was quiet, the majority of the residents still asleep or just starting their day. You haven’t been in Sandgem in quite a while yet walking down the somewhat familiar road invoked a nostalgic feeling. You paused, looking at the houses on the street till you spot the familiar lab down the road. Professor Rowan’s lab. It almost felt like yesterday when you took your first step through Route 201 alongside your friends Lucas and Barry (although the latter practically raced his way there) to get here with your first Pokemon, Riolu. You couldn't help but smile at the memory before going on your way to Sandgem Beach. And, as you predicted, it was empty saved for Barry.
He stood at the edge of the boardwalk, his back facing you as he perform some stretching exercise. His team was already out of their Pokeballs, enjoying themselves. Infernape was meditating, Roserade, Snorlax, and Staraptor were sunbathing, Floatzel was swimming, and Heracross was attempting to bury itself in the sand, seeking warmth. Taking out three Pokeballs from your belt you released your team: Lucario, Lopunny, and Vaporeon. Your Pokemon looked around their surroundings before glancing up at you in surprise. When was the last time you actually brought them somewhere that wasn't home or your school’s campus? “Go on you guys. Have fun!” With that said your Pokemon went off to do their own thing.
Lucario sat beside Inferape, joining it in meditation and Lopunny bounded excitedly over to its long time crush, Roserade, the Bouquet Pokemon vastly annoyed that its peace was disrupted as it escaped from its crushing grip. Lastly, Vaporeon decided to take a swim, dipping into the ocean and blending itself into its surroundings, disappearing from sight.
The commotion between Lopunny and Roserade caught Barry's attention as he looked over to notice you. "Too slow!" He yelled running over to you. Not even giving you a chance to say something he grabs your arm and drags you over to the boardwalk. Once he lets go he begins to take off his shirt.
"Ready for what?" You asked.
“Barry!” You never saw your friend shirtless before so you couldn't help but feel flustered. Though he didn’t seem to care as he carried on anyways. As you assumed, Barry had a lean figure, what you didn't expect however was the amount of freckles he had. Although Barry had freckles dusting his cheeks and nose they were barely noticeable compared to the ones on his back and shoulders which were far more prominent. Realizing you were staring longer then normal you quickly turned away, trying to hide the awkward blush.
Luckily, Barry didn't notice. "Ready?"
"To swim!"
You look down at the blue water before dipping a bare foot in. It was ice cold. "It's freezing!" You exclaimed.
"It's not that bad!"
"Thanks but I pass" you said, waving a hand dismissively.
Barry pouted but it was soon replaced with a mischievous smile. "Alright then, suit yourself." He said, surprising you. Barry wasn't one to easily let things go without trying to convince you first. He's up to something, you know it. You were about to ask but he had already left your side as he jump right into the water, splashing you head to toe causing a sharp gasp to escape your lips from the sudden shock of being doused in icy water. Barry pop back up to the surface with a triumphant smirk, his bright eyes gleaming with playfulness.
"You suck!" You yelled causing him to laugh as he dived back underwater. Soaked to the bone there really was no point in staying out of the water in hopes of drying off soon, not with this cold breeze that made it impossible to warm up. You remove your hoodie and shorts revealing your (color) swimsuit before setting them down on the boardwalk and slipping into the water. Since you were already cold the frigid water didn't get to you, feeling more welcoming then before.
You looked around for your rival, trying to spot the blonde in the murky water but only saw his Floatzel which was lazily floating around. "Barry?” Something suddenly grabbed onto your ankle causing you to scream in surprise and flailing to get away, kicking away whatever touched you.
Barry appeared right beside you, clutching his left cheek. "Ow! Seriously?! You just kicked my face!"
"Well you shouldn't have grabbed me like that!" You said. He only stick his tongue out at you before swimming over to the boardwalk, crossing his arms and resting his head atop of it. You watched him as he stared up at the blue sky with a content expression, droplets of water clinging on to his hair as it shined in the morning light. Seeing him like this gave you the same flustered feeling from before. You couldn't quite wrap your head around as to why though. You’ve known him since kindergarten. So why all of a sudden you felt awkward around him?
"What’s up?" You didn’t even realize that he had stopped gazing up at the sky in favor of looking at you.
“What do you mean?” You said, turning elsewhere though it was in vain since he already caught you this time around.
“You were staring at me just now. It was pretty weird.” You try to think of something to say, mainly to defend yourself but to your relief he changed the subject. “So how’s school?”
You shrugged. “It’s alright. Senior year isn’t difficult compared to the other years since we’re more focused on applying for college.”
“Do you know where you want to go?” You noticed his words were a bit quiet and reserved unlike his usual chipper and noisy self.
“Well I was hoping to go to University of Unova since it’s known for having the best (career) course” you explained. “Though my parents aren’t too keen on me going that far so I might just stick to Goldenrod University.”
“I know that but...” He trailed off for a moment, thinking of what to say. “Can’t you just go to Canalave College instead?”
“Goldenrod!?” Barry’s sudden sharp tone made you flinch. “Why so far?” He was looking at you with a hurt expression that made you feel guilty despite the fact you didn’t do anything wrong. At least, you felt like you did nothing wrong.
“Well compared to Unova which is practically halfway across the world. Johto is just south of Sinnoh.”
“Barry, Canalave College doesn’t even have programs on what I’m going for.”
“Ugh, this is why I’ve always hated school” Barry grumbled, letting go of the boardwalk just to sink further into the water leaving just his eyes visible to you, glaring down at nothing in particular. He almost resembled that of a pouting child.
You didn’t understand why he was so upset about your plans or why he was trying to make you change your college decisions. Unless… “You don’t want me to leave?”
Barry barely let you finish your sentence as he quickly got up. “It’s not that!”
“Then what’s the problem?” You pressured.
At this point Barry wasn’t even looking at you, opting to just randomly glance around the area. “There is no problem! It’s just...” With a sigh he finally looked at you. Honey colored eyes stared at your (e/c) ones, his cheeks gaining a bright shade of pink. “I thought even though Lucas and Dawn left at least I still have you around.”
You couldn’t help but frown. You didn’t realize just how attached Barry was to you and the others until now. Naturally you felt bad but you certainly couldn’t change your plans for him either as much as it hurts you to see him like this. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think you would be this upset about it but it’s just how it is. Eventually we have to go our own way to live our lives. Right now you’re training with Crasher Wake to become one of the best Pokemon Trainer ever. At some point you’re going to leave Sinnoh to follow that dream, right?” He remained silent but nodded in response. “Just because we’re not going to be together like old times doesn’t mean we’re no longer friends. You’ll always be my best friend no matter what.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I guess I was being over dramatic.” You couldn’t help but smile when you saw his expression brighten. That was until he started giggling leaving you perplexed.
“Huh? What’s so funny?” You asked
“Sorry I just found the whole ‘you’ll always be my best friend’ bit kind of cheesy.”
“I was trying to cheer you up you douche!” You snapped unable to control your blush of embarrassment as Barry continued laughing. Seeking petty revenge you bought your fingers to your lips and let out a sharp whistle. Without warning your Vaporeon splashed out between you both before spouting water right in his face. He sputtered in surprise as he attempted to shield himself.
“So that’s how it’s going to be huh?” He challenged before calling for his Floatzel who immediately appeared by his side. Already getting the cue of what was going on the Pokemon retaliated by spraying sea water over you by spinning its propeller-like tails. Oh, it’s on now. Barry however was already a step ahead of you as he mounted onto his Pokemon’s back. “Good luck trying to catch me Slowpoke!” He taunted with a smirk before promptly swimming away from you. You knew Vaporeon was nowhere near as fast as Floatzel but you sure as hell weren’t going to let him get away so easily. You got on Vaporeon’s back and began swimming after the two, unable to contain the childlike excitement and determination you were getting from the chase.
For the first time since you moved to the chilly region you truly felt the warmth of summer in Sinnoh. You and Barry sat on a bench right outside Sandgem Beach, not bothering to change out of your swimsuits as you ate popsicles and watch the afternoon go by. Residents glance at you both with odd looks since beachgoers rarely, if ever, visit their town but neither of you mind at all. After having that impromptu water fight you both decided to have a Pokemon battle, for old time sake. Of course you lost but you didn’t mind. Its been so long since you felt the fun and adrenaline that battles gave you that you completely forgot why you enjoyed them so much in the first place.
“Hey (Y/N)?” You looked at Barry who took a small bite from his orange creamsicle. “I know I said it was cheesy but is it true? I’ll always be your best friend no matter what?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.” You had just finished your (flavor) popsicle, dumping the stick in the trash can beside you. He remained silent and although he said he was fine you notice still a hint of sadness in his expression as he stared off in the distance. Placing a hand on his shoulder you diverted his attention to you as you beamed at him. “It’s a promise.”
There was a sudden shimmer in his eyes and you wonder if he was tearing up when he quickly rub at them. “It better be otherwise I’ll fine you ten million PokeDollars if you replace me!” You couldn’t help but giggle, Barry joining in.
“So what’s the plan tomorrow?” You asked.
“Well I was thinking the Great Marsh maybe. If you’re fine with that.”
You nodded. “I bet I can catch more Pokemon then you.” You smirked when his smile faded into an annoyed expression.
“As if! I’m totally going to kick your ass!” He said swatting away your hand when you attempted to ruffle his hair just to irk him.
Needless to say, you were pretty glad he woke you up this morning.
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It Was You All Along (Part 4)
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Summary: After Jaskier breaks (Y/N)’s heart unknowingly, she continues to come to terms with her feelings. However, an attack at their camp makes it a bit harder. 
Warnings: None! Just general angst.
Pairings: Jaskier x female reader
Square Filled: “Don’t leave me, please.”
Word Count: 2,019
A/N: @thewitcherbingo Here is my first submission to the 2021 Witcher Bingo! Sorry it’s a bit short, I promise the next part will be much longer. I couldn’t help but end this one on a cliffhanger! 
Tags: @ayyyyitswednesdaymydoods​ @blackjay04​
Thankfully, I did not have any dreams last night. But I might as well have not slept at all. My eyes burned to their very cores, the cold morning air only making it worse. I sat in bed for quite a few minutes upon waking up, just simply sitting. Not really thinking about anything. Really, I just sat still and stared straight ahead of me at the wall. I couldn’t help but wonder what today had in store for us. For me. For my shattered heart and frayed nerves. 
I begrudgingly changed clothes, forcing myself into a fresh outfit. It made me feel a bit better. But not much. 
After I finished changing, I glanced around at the room to make sure it was in good enough condition to leave. That was when I noticed bits and pieces of the flower crown spread about my bed and all over the covers. I vaguely remember holding onto it with such desperation as I fell asleep. I wanted so badly to cling to all the good feelings from yesterday, determined to keep my mind off the bad ones. I thought maybe if I held it hard enough, or long enough, that it would make me feel better. I don’t think it worked. 
With what felt like anger, I swept the wilted, brown bits of flowers and grass into the trash bin in the corner. So much for keeping them pressed between the pages of a book to remember the day by. 
I packed up what little I brought with me, and once again sat down on my bed. I only just now heard the boys start to stir next door. Or maybe I just hadn’t heard them over my thoughts before. They were quite loud, after all. They always were. No matter how hard I tried to drown them out. 
I’m not sure how much time passed, but I soon heard a knock on my door. I had no idea who it was, and I wasn’t in the mood to find out. So I just let them knock. And knock. And knock. There was only one person who would be that utterly incessant about his actions. 
“I’m not in the mood for talking, Jaskier,” I yelled across the room and through the door to make the knocking stop. Thankfully, it did. But then his equally annoying words followed. 
“Well someone is a bit grumpy this morning,” Jaskier huffed dramatically. I could see the exact position his hands were in on his hips, even with the door closed. I just knew. Normally the thought would have made me smile. But not this time. 
“Besides, how did you even know it was me? I didn’t even say anything.”
I rolled my eyes, and almost smiled. Almost. 
“I just knew.” 
The three of us trudged out of the tavern and over to the stables. Jaskier had the bags, as usual. Today I wasn’t very concerned about it, though. I was kind of mad at myself for feeling this way. It’s not like Jaskier knew of my new found feelings, and even if he did, the chances that he would feel the same back are so low. So I guess I don’t even really have the right to feel this way. But I can’t help it. Something inside me yesterday just snapped in two, or clicked into place. I haven’t decided which one yet. 
Geralt got onto Roach and I followed suit with Lily. I think she could sense my bad mood- she felt incredibly stiff underneath me. Not at all like her normal, relaxed self. As I adjusted myself on her back, she turned and looked at me with an odd look in her eye. She definitely knew. Good thing she couldn’t talk. 
I set Lily in motion even before Geralt started to move with Roach. Even without turning around, I could sense the confusion behind me. It was palpable beyond belief. But I kept going. I was afraid of what I would do or what I might feel if I turned around and saw the expression I knew to be on Jaskier’s face. 
One of them started talking, but I wasn’t sure which one because I was drowning them out. It didn’t really matter to me though, because I kept going. Was I hurt? Obviously. Was I being dramatic? Possibly. Did I care? Kind of. I had never felt this combination of emotions before, and I couldn’t help but act out, and act like someone who wasn’t me. 
After a few minutes of riding, I heard the sounds of another horse approach me. I turned and saw Roach carrying Geralt behind me. Jaskier lagged a few feet behind them. 
“You know we aren’t going the right way, (Y/N),” Geralt said quietly from behind me. 
I pulled Lily to an abrupt stop. I hadn’t even thought of that before. I just wanted to move somewhere. 
“Oh,” I choked out stupidly. No more words seemed to be able to form after that. 
Geralt looked at me with a weird look in his eye. He almost looked sad. Was it sympathy? 
“Come on, Roach,” he murmured to her quietly. He then steered her to go back the way we came, and took a turn that I had missed before. 
Almost immediately, I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. How embarrassing. I followed along behind Geralt, but soon I could hear the sound of someone walking behind me with unsure footsteps. I began to feel bad, so I turned to look over my shoulder to apologize to Jaskier. But then I was overwhelmed by hurt and anger all over again when I saw the purple marks peeking out from underneath the collar of his doublet. 
I scoffed quietly, alerting Jaskier to me looking at him. Before he had been absentmindedly strumming at his lute. When he saw me, he perked up a bit. Like a puppy who’s master had come home. That made my chest hurt thinking about it. 
I began to turn away, but then he started to speak. 
“Have I done something wrong, (Y/N)? If I have, please tell me and I’ll fix it.”
My eyebrows knit together and my chest continued to hurt. I felt incredibly guilty at his words. Turning back to him, I gave him a small smile and a pretty little white lie through my shaking lips. 
“No, not at all. I just...I don’t feel well. I haven’t felt like myself this morning.” 
It wasn’t quite a lie. So I didn’t really feel too bad about it. And he seemed to believe me, because his eyes got a bit bigger and he gripped his lute all of a sudden. 
“Would you like me to play you something to keep your mind off of it? I know you like hearing me play your favorite songs when you’re ill.” 
I drew a sharp breath in as I began to feel the familiar prick of tears in my eyes. It was then that I realized that I was being ridiculous. I was allowed to feel hurt, sure. But I shouldn’t be this way towards him when he didn’t do anything to hurt me on purpose. And even if he never loved me back in the same way, he would always be my friend. I wanted him to stay by my side, in whatever capacity that may be. 
“I would love that.”
My eyes began to glaze over watching the fire. I hadn’t realized I had been staring so long. I wasn’t even really thinking about anything. Just staring. 
We had decided to take a break and make a small camp for the time being, since we had been riding for hours. Eventually, I decided to let Jaskier on Lily again. I couldn’t bear watching him stumble along with all our things any longer. So now we sat on a fallen log, Geralt scavenging around a few feet away for some berries or something to eat. 
Jaskier was strumming at his lute, stopping every few seconds to jot something down in his notebook. 
“Working on that new song?”
He shot me a crooked smile, and I had to force the butterflies in my stomach to go away. 
“You know it. I can’t wait for you to hear it when it’s finished. It might be my greatest ballad yet!” 
I smiled to myself. Things felt normal again and I was grateful. Maybe I could just forget about the past couple of days, and finally focus on the good. 
Nearby, Geralt suddenly froze, and then shot straight up, his eyes scanning around the wooded area we sat in. 
So much for good things. Because him acting like this was never good. 
Jaskier’s lute suddenly came to a screeching stop, and an icy pain shot through my chest in fear as we looked at Geralt simultaneously. What could possibly be happening? 
“Geralt,” Jaskier whispered, tensing up while he set his lute on his back, “What’s wrong?”
It was eerily quiet now. In the dimming evening light, I saw both Roach and Lily stir where they were standing. They were spooked as well. Not good. 
A twig snapped not too far from where we sat, and both Jaskier and I shot up in response to the sound. My hand instinctively flew to his arm, gripping it forcefully until my knuckles hurt. 
“We need to go. Now,” Geralt growled, immediately untying Roach from the nearby tree. 
Jaskier pulled my hand from his arm and held it in his own. The clammy feeling of his hand matched my own. 
“(Y/N), let’s go,” he whisper-shouted. 
My legs felt stuck. Like I couldn’t move. I was terrified. Jaskier pulled me by the hand over to Lily and hastily untied her from her tree. 
“Get on, we have to go,” Jaskier said shakily.
“What’s happening?” I whispered, throwing myself onto Lily and looking around in a panic. 
“Frankly, I have no idea. But it doesn’t feel right. And when Geralt says we need to leave, then we need to leave.”
The sudden and very loud sound of metal on metal rang through the trees. Lily reared, nearly throwing me off. I saw Geralt fighting with someone, a flash of silver hair and the gleam of two metal swords the only hints at what was happening.
“(Y/N), go!” Jaskier yelled at me. 
“But what about you?! Don’t leave me, please!” I yelled back at him, sounding as terrified as I felt. 
“I’ll be right behind you, just go now, please!” 
Before I could say anything, he slapped Lily’s rear to make her go, and she took off with a piercing whinny in whatever direction was in front of us. I couldn’t tell which was louder- her hooves hitting the ground or my heartbeat which was now in my eardrums. I had no idea what happened and I had no idea where I was going. All I knew was that I left Geralt, Jaskier, and Roach behind to deal with whatever it was back there. 
My eyes stung terribly from the force of the air as we rode viciously through the woods. Branches and leaves slapped at my face faster than I could duck, causing my face to sting as well. I felt something run down my cheek after a particularly painful tree branch cut into my face. I assumed it was blood. Great. 
Lily didn’t seem to want to slow down. And if she did, she didn’t make it obvious. I grasped for the reins desperately since I couldn’t fully see them. She had to slow down before she gave out completely. 
“Lily!” I yelled over all the noise and commotion. “You have to slow down, please!” 
I held up one hand in front of my face to help deflect some of the wind that was tearing at my eyes. With the other, I continued to try and find the reins. Finally, I got a hold of them and for a split second I had hope that we would be okay. 
Then something really hard hit my head, and everything went dark. 
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nachohypno · 3 years
Pine’s Football Jocks (Rewritten) - Ch. 2
Little heads up: This one is a weird thing. It’s a rewritten version of the original Pine’s Football Jocks, but it contains spoilers for the college series, so it should still be read after reading the other ones (Original included) first, like a sequel.
Present Pine's POV 
I had an awful day. Nothing bad really happened, just a lot of stuff to do and me not being capable of doing it all. Skipping today's football practice, I had to take a bus to the sports club and check out that everything was working out (Hah, see what I did there?) with the coaches that were working today. I needed more employees? Yes. But keeping up with the maintenance while still having to do my college essays during my free times was actual hell.
I think I'm smart enough to keep being one of the best of my class (Spot that I'm afraid I'll lose soon), but I don't have enough energy to do all of this at once.
I'm not going to lie, these many responsibilities are *burning me out*. I'm heavily considering giving up the football team back to Peter (Of course, keeping him under control and checked), or set a new manager for the sports club. It's a hard choice, but I'm not going to stop studying to keep track of those two little jobs I got for myself. I also love those jocks way too much to let them go.
Have you spent an evening with them? The revamped football team is lovely! They're always joking around and being nice whenever they're not on the field or studying. Gotta spread the jock love around the campus, right?
Taking care of Mike wasn't an easy task either. The big guy was heavily expecting news to know if he would be able to play again without any risks, or if he'd have to focus completely on getting his college degree.
Mikey wasn't used to being restricted before, he's the physical kind of guy and likes to spend a good amount of time working out or playing sports, or chilling in a physical kind of way. Videogames could keep him entertained, but only so much.
So, he went back to his other favorite hobby...
I sat on the couch, leaving my laptop on my lap readying myself to check out some documents, and suddenly heard an awfully loud fart. Jumping up again, I realized I had sat on Mike's whoopee cushion. A loud laugh could be heard from the couch. 
"Never gets old! I was wondering how much you would take to sit on that one spot, because filling the couch with whoopee cushions would be quite expensive!" He said while walking into the room, as I took the cushion and threw it at him, but the shot failed awfully.
The guy was wearing a football jersey that looked like a pajama shirt without the armor underneath it. It still managed to make his pecs stand out a bit, which made me take the work off my mind for a bit and I was thankful for that.
I tried to be comprehensive, it was either that or watch his football team play without him while he's on the bench. Or study, but that was always slow and boring for him when he’s not ordered to do so. 'Nothing better than being stuck in here, with an amazing boyfriend, and just being able to read books about biology' He'd say, jokefully, trying to take a bright look at his situation.
I thought about hiring him as one of the club's trainers, since he has a good amount of knowledge on the matter, already helps anyone who'd ask him nicely, and he wouldn't need to make a lot of effort with his bad arm!
...Better than having him prank me all day, I guess. Or laying around while groaning ‘I’m boreeeeeeeed…’
Loud steps and he jumped over the couch to sit down beside me. “Hey there, bro. How was your day? Went to my classes and did all my homework already. Need help with anything?”
“Not really, just gotta finish examining these documents Peter forwarded me and I’ll be done for the day” Just a bit longer and I would be free from work!
“Did coach Peter mention something about me? Maybe he can pull some strings and allow me to… I dunno, take a magic drug that’ll heal my arm and make me into a super soldier?” I can see he has been watching movies lately.
“You know what the doctor said. Just a few more weeks and-”
He rolled his eyes. "C'moooon, just a few more weeks could be enough for that temporary quarterback to steal my spot!" He's so paranoid about that.
"Who's the coach?" I asked him, pushing my glasses back into place.
"You are, bro, but-"
"Thus, who has the final choice about who plays and who doesn't?" I didn't try to sound dominant, but it kind of came out like that on its own.
"You do, sir." Mike answered, sounding a bit defeated. I motioned him to come closer, and he did, then I grabbed his hand and pulled him in to lay on my lap (Being careful and leaving the laptop beside me to make room for him).
"Just relax, let your arm get better, then you'll be back on the field in no time, alright?" I whispered to him, trying to sound confident. A little kiss on his lips, and he nodded.
"Sure, whatever you say." He sighed.
I ruffled his hair. "Good boy, now... Want to hear the rest of the story? You fell asleep yesterday" Maybe that would get his mind off things again. It seemed to make wonders yesterday.
"Really? Oh, fuck. Where were we?" Mike asked, scratching the back of his head nervously. "I remember the outing, I went to change, then we resumed with some time later on?"
"Before I got my powers, yeah." I finished, turning around from him and looking for the doc file on my laptop. "Well, take a seat. I have some time so we can continue the story where we left it..."
As I grabbed my laptop, Mike got up and positioned himself belly down on the couch, occupying the rest of available space while getting comfortable (He kind of didn’t fit while doing that, so he had to keep his legs up to actually fit his whole torso on the couch).
I chuckled, before leaving the laptop on my lap again and looking over for the spot I left it at yesterday...
Past Pine's POV
Nighttime already. My arm was still hurting, but quite less than earlier today.
My family was nice. Mom and dad are nice, and my big brother Dwight sometimes comes to visit after a big exam. He's not a jock, but he's not a nerd either. You learn to differentiate them after a while. Just those two sides of the spectrum exist for me: Nice guys, and not so nice guys. He's nice, but loves to bug me from time to time. ‘Middle point’ is how I describe him.
It's understandable though, I'm easy to bug.
I honestly just wanted to go to sleep, and silently count the days until my graduation. Then, I'd be able to enter some random college, hopefully a great one, and be done with this.
After dinner, I went up to the bathroom and checked out my arm. It didn’t look bad, nor it had any sign of me having been shoved. Just a little pain, but nothing else. I could cope with that.
Going back to my room afterwards, I dropped to bed and just reminded myself it would all be over soon. A nice career waiting for me after college if I worked hard enough, then the good life!
A little smile formed on my face as I fell asleep.
Okay, I'm not a big dreamer. Like, I never have dreams, and if I do they're weird things where I get run over by cars out of nowhere or medieval-like settings. Like my mind is setting up these weird scenarios to keep myself entertained even when I sleep, but I often forget about them quickly so no point on that either.
This time, it was like I was awake, but at the same time I kind of knew I was asleep.
A lullaby was being hummed, I was on my bed covered by my sheets, the ones that protect me from monsters!
The lullaby was nice and relaxing, but it felt like... it came from inside my head? Imagine being in your bed all comfy and suddenly Zelda's Lullaby starts playing on your head and makes you feel like everything is alright but nothing is alright because there are still months of bullying waiting for you at school but those thoughts are also getting muffled by the nice lullaby, which made not want to move at all.
The thing kept going for a few minutes, which developed into a nice sleep for the night as I forgot about my worries. Like I was a bit more 'in control' of my anxieties.
One thing was for certain, that was the best sleep I had in a goooood while.
The relaxation didn't last long.
I felt sick. I really didn't want to go to school today. One thing was for certain, that was one hell of a weird dream, but also quite amazing.
I had a really bad headache, but it didn't feel fever-ish. I could move myself without any pain, so I thought it was just a lack of sleep. 'Maybe a coffee will help me out...' I thought, as I got up from bed and lazily walked out. According to my phone, I woke up way sooner than I should have to. But maybe that'd give me time to enjoy a nice breakfast. Believe me, I'm not in a hurry to go to school anymore.
'Ugh... Can't see...' I thought. I liked to wash my face before putting my glasses on. Helps me wake up faster, maybe it'd help with the headache too.
Walking out of my room in my pajamas, with my glasses in hand.
I yawned, rubbing my eyes.
"Watch it!" I heard my brother saying. He had come out of his own room and we almost crashed into each other. He didn't sound mad, just a bit annoyed. "Rough night?"
"Uh... kinda," I mumbled, trying to process all the stuff he just said.
My older brother patted my back "Don't stay up studying for too long, you'll forget half of it once you graduate anyways." He said in a funny voice. As I mentioned, he's nice. Loves to bug me and my love for disconnecting from the world by just... reading books, but he's still a good brother.
"Never, heheh." I tried to seem cool, finger gunning at him, but Dwight just laughed at me. "Hey, you're heading downstairs, right?" He nodded. He was wearing some joggins and a sweatshirt, so I guessed he was going to jog for a while. "Turn the coffee machine on, please. I wouldn’t mind a good breakfast today…” I said, holding my stomach with my empty hand. I was hungry, not going to lie.
I didn't get an answer from him, but instead noticed him walking away without a single word. Quite rude I thought, but decided to shrug the thought off and go to the bathroom.
After washing my face, I placed my hand on my forehead. It was normal, no fever, but the pain was still there. I could ask mom if I should take some medicine, but she may still be asleep.
A little part of me wanted to use this as an excuse to miss school today. Imagine getting through the whoooole day, with Garrett and his army of neanderthals following your ass all day, and not in the good way.
Walking downstairs, still in my pajamas, I noticed Dwight walking out of the kitchen and heading outside already. I opened my mouth to ask if he did my coffee, but he faced me as soon as he noticed my presence.
“Hey, made you some quick breakfast. Enjoy, Piney! Gonna jog for a while, alright?” I nodded, kind of wondering what got to him. It’s like, he’s not really a bad brother, but he wouldn’t make me breakfast even if I asked reeaaaally nicely.
I stood there as I watched him leave the house. I went to the kitchen afterwards, and noticed Dwight prepared me a mug of coffee and left a cereal bar next to it. Hey, he tried! That’s what counts.
I enjoyed my quick breakfast as I watched a bit of TV, trying to make time before going to school, but I figured I wouldn’t be able to do that. Even if I tried to take it slow, I felt compelled to finish quickly and go back to my room to change.
Sucks being such a responsible asshole! But whatever, my mug was empty and I finished my cereal bar.
Just had to get ready, head to school and… try to be a ninja around there, because this headache wasn’t going off.
Hours later, it had been a good day so far!
I mean, as good as a school day can be, of course, but I still really enjoyed my classes! No jocks nearby either, so that’s another plus!
My headache wasn’t there anymore, luckily. It’s like the world was turning brighter for me each moment I thought about it. I had fun in math and literature, Garrett and a few of his teammates were there, but either they didn’t notice me or my ninja skills (Aka lowering my head to the point of seeming stuck to the table) helped a lot!
And now, I just had to head to my locker, leave last class’s book in there and grab the next one, and keep doing as well as-
“Oh hey, it’s faggot!”
Spoke too soon.
I didn’t look back, I tried to pick up my pace as soon as I heard the familiar voice, but it seemed to be quite pointless.
Garrett grabbed me by the shoulders, and dragged me into an empty classroom. My attempt to make a stealthy escape failed miserably and I was now getting one of my weekly’s beat ups. The sad part was that nobody in the corridor seemed to notice or care.
Closing the door after throwing me in, I started walking away from him. Maybe I could loop him around some tables, I saw that working in a video game!
“What’s up, faggot? Scared of a real man like me?” He slapped his chest, asserting his dominance or something? Fuck, and I thought this was going to be a good day.
The guy chuckled at his comment, before charging against me. I avoided him, and started walking around a desk, trying to avoid him by keeping a good chunk of distance and going towards the opposite direction he tried to go. I knew he was getting mad quite fast, but I didn’t care. If I could slow him down enough for the bell to ring, I’d be happy and safe!
Good thing that this was a biology/chemistry classroom. The desks were long enough for me to keep distance from the big mean guy, and if he tried to attack me I could maybe grab something from the desk and get him off me…
Fuck, my thoughts about self-defense using chemistry instruments distracted, and Garrett was now a few feet away from me now. He enjoyed this little cat and mouse game, it got him in the mood for ‘a good beating’. I wonder if he’s mentally sick or something like that, because he enjoys this a lot.
“Fuck, you’re really putting on a show today, ain’t ya?” He mumbled, grabbing me by the wrist and twisting it to make me move closer to him.
“Let… go!” I told him, covering my face with my free hand just in case he tried to hit me.
And surprisingly, he did.
Of course, I didn’t stop covering my face. But I did notice the jock was standing there, his face still showing off that proud asshole-ish grin. “Wait… you’re letting me go?” I asked, with some hope in my voice. Maybe Garrett wasn’t so bad after all!
“Uh… yeah… no need to hold you to beat you up!” He resumed. After that little ‘realization’, the linebacker tried to charge at me without a single doubt on his face. He was really enjoying this
After that, the guy walked closer and held his fist up preparing his first strike. Before that would happen, I yelled “Stop!”. What, you thought I’d stand there waiting for the blow? I’m not an idiot! Hopefully, someone would hear me and rush inside the classroom!
Once again, I was surprised to realize Garrett did as I said. Or sort of. He froze in place, still smiling with his fist high. I kept walking away but my bully didn’t move at all. By this point, I knew something wrong was going on. I mean, I’m not saying I would have preferred for him to beat me up, but I was pretty curious about what was happening.
“Man, can’t wait to freaking beat you up today. Had an awful morning and I need my favorite punching bag to get off” But he still wouldn’t move.
“Then… what are you waiting for?” I was tempting him now. What if this was just a very elaborated joke and he would just break my glasses with a single punch?
“I dunno. Just wanna prolong it to scare you a bit more, I guess” He shrugged. He freaking shrugged, like we were chatting about a normal subject, not beating me up.
I loved that last ‘I guess�� though. It kind of gave me a little push to try out if this was really happening or I was just going crazy while Garrett played around with me like a spider.
“Can you put your arms down?” I asked him, and he did so. He still retained his cocky smile, but he just seemed alright with doing what I just asked him to do for me. “Uhm… Flex now?” And he did as I asked.
Okay, I’m not going to say I lust after this piece of poop, but these biceps oh lord. I wondered if he was on steroids or something. Can a senior student really be that muscled?
He’s 18, like most of my class and his whole team, but I think he’s one of the biggest ones I’ve seen in there. “Can tell you’re really thirsty, nerd. No wonder why, always knew you had a crush on me. Sick pervert…” He mumbled.
“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t mind being as far from you as possible.” I was cocky and I shouldn’t act like that. “But now that you mention it, I’d like to examine you closer and I’m sure you won’t try to harm me in any way.”
Uh… his eyes seemed weird, but before I could check them out, they returned to normal as he started speaking again. “Of course I won’t. Why would I waste my energy in a lil’ faggot like you?” Was his answer, before I walked closer to him. He was still flexing his arms, pecs noticeable under his shirt. Baby stepping towards him, I reached out and started touching his arms first.
“Not going to lie… you do have some nice muscles…” I mumbled, bringing my other arm to feel him up too. I was shaking, my heart was beating like crazy, but I couldn’t help myself. Garrett was exposing himself to me like it was a normal thing to do.
“I know I do. Chicks love ‘em, but you don’t know about that, huh faggot? You look skinny as a twig.” Ouch. I mean, it wasn’t really something hurtful, especially since he told me worse things before.
It was a good chance to try out if this was an elaborate joke or not. “Hey, that wasn’t nice at all. You should apologize, Garrett. Pretty sure you just want to be a nice guy to me, don’t you?” I took a step back again, because there was a 50% chance it would actually be a big joke and he was just playing along until this point.
“Y’know what? You’re right, nerd. I’m sorry. Would hate if someone body-shamed me too… Uh…” I was really surprised. Jaw-dropping surprise. Here was Garrett, the king of the football team, the big meanie, the superior asshole, apologizing to me after I suggested him to do so. I think I noticed his eyes getting glazed as he spoke? I couldn’t tell, there was a few inches of distance and my glasses weren’t helping now.
“Thank… you?” I didn’t know how to take what was going on. Maybe I was still dreaming! Hmm… No, dreams aren’t this long. Something definitely happened, and Garrett is doing what I tell him to do.
I looked up at him, as he stared around, probably trying to avoid looking at me or I just wasn’t worth his attention anymore.
My bully didn’t seem so menacing anymore, he just looked like a normal guy. It doesn’t erase the fact that he brought me so much pain before but… he was just exploring the area with his gaze now, like he just got bored of me and wanted something else to focus on.
I still don’t know if I’m doing something or if he just decided to be less of an asshole suddenly, but it seems that he’s reacting quite obediently to what I’m saying. Remembering that we are in an empty classroom that may not stay empty for too long, I decided we may just leave the scene and try out more stuff later, for testing purposes.
“So… I’m going to my next class now…” I started to say, and Garrett looked at me again.
The jock nodded. “Yeah… I should do the same, nerd. Uh…” Again, he seemed confused. Scratching the back of his head, he turned around and started walking towards the classroom’s door.
“But… Uhm… I think you should invite me over to your place after school…” I had to find the words for this to not sound weird, but it was almost impossible. How do you suggest someone to invite them to your place? I’m not a very social guy either, so that added a bit of doubt if what I was saying was normal or not. “You know, for a good study session with your favorite nerd?”
I tried to appeal to the nickname he gave me. It was better than ‘faggot’ at least. Garrett stared at me, like waiting for me to finish talking, before flashing a smile. “Yeah, of course we’re going to my place. I’ll take ya after school, I guess?” His confusion was still notorious, but he seemed to try and take the best out of this. It was quite nice from him.
After he walked out of the classroom, I did a little celebration dance. I got Garrett to not only not beat me up, but also treat me nice! I still wasn’t sure what was going on, but I’m going to enjoy this evening after school!
As you may have guessed, I was kind of dying inside. Not literally, but I like to be dramatic sometimes.
Garrett waited for me after school in his car. I sat on the co-driver’s seat and just… stood there silent. He didn’t seem like a chatter box either, so it was just a nice silent moment between bully and random gay guy.
After a few moments of staring straight ahead, the jock turned the car on and drove off. His face didn’t seem confused anymore, but it was clear he wasn’t happy either. I wasn’t a blissful flower either, I knew what I was doing.
I wanted to try out this apparent new “ability” of mine, and it got me to Garrett’s house. Now I was walking into the wolf’s mouth, but he wouldn’t be as dumb as to beat me up in his own house, right?
“So… Garrett… Uh… Tell me what do you think about like… us, hanging out today?” I asked him, still nervous but trying to get the hang of whatever that was going on with me. “Oh, and uh… be honest about it, speak your mind and all that”
He eyed me, probably a bit weirded out by my choice of words, but still answered “It’s weird. I never thought I’d be driving you home, much less having a study session with you. You being, y’know, a nerdy fag and all that. It’s weird that we’re hanging out at all, we never hung out before”
Then he focuses back on the road. I did the same, not knowing what to answer. But he gave me a little push, returning the question. “What about you? Uh… Have you ever tutored someone before? I know my mates need some help”
“I used to help Mikey- Ehem, Mike, with his homework. And I find learning exciting, so helping others with it just comes naturally, you know?”
“Y’sound like a nerd. Sorry, had to point that out” He turned the wheel, and I noticed the houses looked a bit more luxurious on this side of town. Not that my house is awful or anything, but these look like really cozy places to be. I knew Garrett was wealthy, but didn’t know he lived in a mansion!
“What’s the deal with Mike anyway? I used to think you two were lovers or some shit like that, never got what he found in you.” The jock continued, without taking his eyes off the road.
I got a glimpse of his big arms as they held the steering wheel. They seemed to be holding the thing really aggressively, before letting go slowly. Like he was struggling, but it made his muscles and veins stand out a bit more.
“That’s kind of personal, so… I wouldn’t like to go there, if you don’t mind.” I tried to avoid the topic, especially because he was one of the reasons I stopped hanging out with Mike, but I don’t think he cared about it. Garrett wasn’t a nice guy.
He shrugged, “Whatever, keep the love story for yourself then. We… just arrived.” He took a moment for those last few words because he tried to park on the big driveway. The house was reaaaally nice looking. Like, not huge, but at the same time not your normal suburban house. I loved it, not going to lie.
I was in awe, as I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the car. The place was beautiful! And Garrett stopped at the front door waiting for me. He was waiting for me!
I picked up the pace and followed him in. The ‘lobby’ was good looking too. Kind of empty, but still gave that welcoming feeling you expect when you enter a house.
“So, do you prefer studying in the dining room, or my room? You’re the… teacher…? here, I guess” It didn’t feel natural for him to say that, I could tell. He was still kind of struggling, as his hands were closed and seemed to be clenching into fists, but at the same time he offered me a gentle smile.
“Your room would be perfect. We could use some extra privacy for… studying. Yeah, just studying.” I replied, as I kept looking around. I’m not going to get tired to say that this place is huge-
My little expedition was interrupted by Garrett’s pair of big hands. Taking me on a tour apparently wasn’t his goal, he just made sure I walked faster towards our destination: His bedroom, while not getting distracted by the place.
My bully only let go of me once we arrived at his room. He let me go in first, before dropping himself on his desk chair. The door was wide open, and I was tempted to close it but maybe I should make a bit of chit chat first.
Garrett’s room… It was alright. In comparison to the rest I’ve seen so far in this house, this one room looked kind of small, but still wide enough to contain Garrett’s interests. A computer, a console with a pair of joysticks, and a big bed against the wall.
“What are we going to study, by the way?” He looked at me. I took a good moment to examine his face now. No more confusion, one of his eyebrows raised, as he stared at me with friendly eyes.
His arms were still kind of twitching, but he was apparently trying to contain them by playing with one of his cord bracelets.
Now, time to keep testing my ‘power’.
“Well…” It was difficult to put it into words. He seemed to believe and/or do whatever I suggested him to do, and find out a way to make it his own idea. That’s what I theorized so far. So… “Garrett… You trust me completely.” I tried to avoid making it sound like a question, and more like an order. It was weird, but I just wanted to put more ‘power’ into my words, if that makes sense?
Now that I could see him clearly, I noticed his eyes definitely glazed over before he spoke again “I trust you completely.” After the words were said, emotion had returned to his face already. He sat down on his bed, still staring at me.
That’s great! I actually do seem to have powers! And Garrett was doing everything I said! Fuuuuuuck. This opened so many possibilities. I wanted to jump with excitement but I didn’t want Garrett to think I was weird.
“And also, we weren’t going to study,” Okay, this seems like I’m pulling his dick now. Studying was the whole reason he ‘invited’ me over, so if I pulled that out of the question, his reaction could change completely, right? Don’t mind me, just investigating here. “You asked me to come because you wanted to talk with me”
As I thought, he seemed confused again. Poor guy may be having the weirdest day of his life. But he didn’t fight me on that, he just nodded before agreeing. “Uh… Yeah…” Then he shook his head for a bit “Sorry, nerd. I’m a bit lost today. I can’t even remember what I wanted to talk about, fuck.”
The bigger guy tapped his head a few times, apparently trying to remember. Better help him ‘remember’ what he had to say, hehehe.
“It’s okay, you actually told me what you wanted to say and everything. You want to apologize for being such a dick to me” I don’t usually speak like this, but if I got him to apologize, then getting him to do anything else may be a piece of cake. And if I’m going way too far, then at least hearing that apologize would be really great on its own.
His eyes went glassy again. Great! A few seconds afterwards, he replied with a “Yeah. I’m really sorry for being such a dick to you.” And after shaking his head again, his blank face changing to a sad expression “Can’t believe I did all those awful things to you, I’m so fucking sorry, man.”
No more glazed eyes, but he didn’t seem to be tearing up exactly. I’m not a sadistic guy though, I just wanted a bit of payback after these few months. I could use the dick card and be like ‘I don’t accept that, you’ll have to do so much better for me to forgive you’.
But… I’m smarter than that.
“Okay, apology accepted, I guess.” I tried to sound uninterested, but the apology thing was enough for me to internally freak out again. Couldn’t show mercy, though! “I’ll have to think it through, but in the meantime we could… make a deal?”
Garrett raised his eyebrow, but before he could reply something or tell me to fuck off, I decided to interrupt his train of thoughts with another command. “You’re curious about what I’m talking about and you’ll accept the deal no matter what it is”
That should be explicit enough. Eyes glazed over again, as he nodded slowly.
“Yeah… I’m really curious. What do you have in mind, nerd-o?” That ‘nerd’ thing would be nice to change, but it’s not as bad as it felt before, at least!
I tried to think about exactly what I wanted to say to him, because I didn’t know if I could control this ‘persuasion’ or ‘make him obey whatever I say’ thing. So better be careful, even if he deserved an accident.
“This is the deal: You will obey everything I say and will love to do so, no questions asked. You’ll start to recognize me as your absolute superior, like… your master? Yeah, that sounds good, you will call me ‘Master’ when we’re alone.”
Garrett remained silent as I talked, which was good. No unwanted interruptions as I explained the terms of our ‘deal’! “You will treat me like your best- No, that spot is sort of still taken… You will treat me like a good friend. Understood?”
No reaction at all, until a few seconds passed. Then a smile appeared on his face. “That’s it? Of course, bro! Sounds like a great deal!”
“Wait, I’m not done.” I wanted this to be the *perfect* moment for us. Like, here was my bully, and I was about to take complete control over him. I didn’t want this to go wrong by any means. “Uh… One last thing, for now. You will start feeling attracted towards me, if that makes sense…” Would I be able to also manipulate his feelings? Only time will tell, I guess.
He didn’t freeze this time; the reaction came way faster than before. Garrett turned around to see if his door was closed, which wasn’t, so he got up to close it before answering a very proud “Yes, master! We got a deal!”
Great! It worked! Now, some testing was needed to ensure the orders I just gave him worked perfectly. First things first… “Do you mind if I call you Gary? Bit less of a mouthful than ‘Garrett’”
“No problem, Master. My bros call me Gary all the time” He stated, smiling like an idiot.
“Right, great. Uhm, stand up now Gary. And, uh… Lift your shirt up so I can check you out” I ordered. The jock in front of me didn’t hesitate, getting up from his bed and moving his hand to the bottom of his shirt, slowly lifting it up.
His abs seemed rock hard, his pecs were great looking. Was this a high school linebacker or a bodybuilder on steroids? Maybe he takes steroids for football? I don’t know, but I loved it. I moved closer and caressed his abs up and down. He just smiled at me as I admired his torso. It was weird, but also quite fun.
“What do you think about this whole… situation, Gary?” I asked, as I moved my hand up to his pecs and played with them for a bit.
“Honestly, I never thought I’d be doing this. But it’s what you want, Master, so I’m happy to do it” ‘Smart answer’ I thought.
“Uh Huh... Say, have you ever… done something with another guy?” I asked him, without taking my eyes off the pecs. “As in sexual stuff, I mean…”
“Nah, Master. I’m straight as an arrow, never done something with another guy. Prefer them chicks with big… personalities, know what I mean?” He sounded gross again for a bit, but as soon as he shut up and went back to smiling like an idiot, I was happy.
“Funny, neither did I,” I said, looking up at his face again. “And you will help me with that, don’t you?”
His smile faded. “Yes, Master.” Gary said, as I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. And he was kissing back.
My first kiss was happening with my bully jock ‘slave’. Huh, that’s weird to say. Guess I’ll have to get used to it.
I didn’t know the difference between ‘good kiss’ and ‘bad kiss’. But it felt amazing, and magical, and just… it was turning me on so much. Maybe I can say that he’s an amazing kisser?
We stood like that, taking little breaks from time to time to breath, where he would smile at me and I would just blush. I don’t romantically like Garrett, he caused me so much pain, but I wanted to enjoy this. I’m not going to cause pain to him, because I’m not evil. I’m nicer than him. Better, I would say.
I found it funny that he would still hold his shirt up. I could have told him to take it off, but there was something about it that made me choose not to. I wanted to see his body, but let’s leave the full naked stuff for later.
We stopped kissing.
“So, uh… I’ve heard rumors about your… ‘thing’, down there.” I mumbled, as I groped his crotch. I wanted to sound confident, but it felt really weird after so much time of keeping myself ‘hidden’. Gary didn’t answer, he was still smiling at me. “Can I see, Gary?”
“Of course, Master. Anything you want!” He accepted, and I looked down to undo his belt and lower his jeans. Huh… It was semi-hard.
A bit veiny, 4/5’ inches semi-hard? I’m not a cock measurer, but I think that’s quite good. 
I slowly went down until I faced Gary’s cock. I wasn’t sure if I should do this. This wasn’t going to bring me any pleasure. But maybe…
“Gary, I’m going to give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had. And as I do, I want you to feel the orders and the deal we made today cemented on your mind, understood?” It could be of use for our control thing.
“Understood, Master” I dove in the cock after that. Slowly taking the tip in first and giving some gentle licks before starting to get more of Garrett’s cock inside my mouth. It wasn’t hard to do, getting it inside. And then I just had to take it in and out, being careful with the teeth and trying my best with my tongue.
“You like that?” I asked him as I rested for a few seconds, before getting it back in my mouth. It felt naughty, and awesome! Like, the adrenaline of doing the dirty stuff with another guy… Huh, and I haven’t lost my cherry yet!
“Yeah, feels great… Keep going, Master… Please…” He moaned, arms behind his head as he sported a relaxed face. I loved hearing him calling me master, not going to lie!
Although, after thinking about it for a bit, it would be better if I didn’t let him cum. Maybe I could get him to record a video of himself jerking off or something for later. Anyway…
I took the cock out of my mouth and got up. “I want you to listen carefully, okay?” Gary nodded, not seeming to care about me not finishing the job. “When in public, you will still act somewhat attached to me, like we are good friends. And if someone suspects about it you will explain that I’ve been tutoring you and that I’m an amazing teacher, understood?”
“We’re good friends, you’re helping me with tutoring, and you’re an amazing teacher. Gotcha, Master” He repeated, eyes a bit unfocused again, but still a degree of emotion on his voice.
I ruffled his hair. He would have beaten me up in the past for that, now he just smiled even more than before.
“Good… boy.” Felt amazing to say that! “Could you give me a ride home now?”
Present Pine’s POV
“What’s up now?” I stopped reading after noticing Mike was frowning. Like when you see that one character you don’t like in a TV show on-screen, that type of frown. “I thought you and Gary made up with each other already?” I assumed that was the problem, the big guy may have felt a bit jealous of his former football mate.
It killed me not reading his thoughts whenever I wonder if something is wrong, but I respected my best friend and boyfriend’s mental privacy. And if Leo or any other mind controller (Assuming there are more) discovered about this, they would laugh at my face.
“I know, he’s my bro and all but you gotta admit that he was such a dick before. I’m pretty chilled but I don’t think I could have just… given a turn to his personality and called it a day” He chuckled, as I closed the laptop. “Probably would have been way unforgiving, but you’re the lead here, bro”
“Well anyway, enough story for today. Any thoughts you’d like to share? This one was one of my favorite moments of the first plan I had” I mentioned, leaving the laptop on the coffee table before setting my attention to the jockboy beside me.
“It was great, got me hooked already. It’s also a nice throwback, ‘cuz I barely remember senior year other than ‘playing lots of football’ and doing awesome pranks” Mikey said, leaning in quickly to kiss my cheek. “By the way, which guy comes next? Is it me?”
He seemed excited to know the answer. It was Brent, Garrett’s friend, but I wasn’t going to give it away. Gotta keep my public engaged!
“Sorry big guy, got to keep the mystery, hehe.” Mike looked disappointed at my answer, but I just ruffled his hair. “But hey, all this reading about mind control got me in the mood. Wanna do something?”
“Huh… my thoughts exactly” I don’t know if he intended to make a pun on me being able to read his thoughts, but I wasn’t going to put much thought into it. I had to put thoughts into his head already.
It was like flipping a switch via the mind link, and then Mike’s eyes were glassy, and he had a dumb smile that curiously reminded to that of Gary back when I first enslaved him.
“Who’s a good jock boy?” I asked, pulling Mikey closer to me.
“I am, bruh… I’m a good jock boy, huhuhuh” was his answer, before going back to smiling like a big dummy.
Doing hot stuff with Mikey while his arm was casted wasn’t all that different from before. Now he just had to use his bad arm less than before, but you can still do plenty with one arm. Like have the jock take off his shirt, revealing his nice, muscular torso.
If I weren’t careful, I would be the one drooling here. I leaned in for a kiss, and Mike kissed back.
It was just a nice little moment between the two of us. Making out without a care in the world. Certainly a good way to forget about my responsibilities, no complaints there!
Author’s note:
Thanks for reading! I hoped to publish this here a few weeks ago, but writing the next chapter took me more than intended, so the public release also got pushed back a bit. Sorry for that 💦. 
But, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And thanks again for reading! <3
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Imagine going hiking and Dean accidently hearing you sing to the mountains, and he's desperate to find an owner to such beautiful voice.
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“If you ask me, it's rather obvious what we're dealing here with and it won't take much time. But it's always to be better safe than sorry, so I'm thinking we should head once more to-” Sam's rambling was cut short as he looked up from his small notebook only to realize his brother wasn't paying the slightest attention to him “Dean?” he asked without really expecting, or getting, a reaction.
And as if that wasn't enough, he didn't seem to be willing to hide it in the least bit, his eyes trained on his food with a deep frown set on his face as he played around with it. It was that exact fact, and the one that most of his plate was still full which was very concerning if Sam took into consideration that this was his brother that wasn't eating, besides the lack of concentration or talking from his part that prevented Sam from teasing him or even trying to act angry at his brother's clear lack of interest in the case, or anything else if he really thought about it.
“Dean?” he tried to insist once more without much result.
“Dean!” this time it got his brother to blink his eyes several times and get back to reality and Sam didn't know whether it was the tone in his voice or the fact that he had to snap his finger's in front of Dean's face. So long as it got the job done.
“Wh- huh what?” Dean frowned at his brother, voice more gruff than it should be and Sam assumed that the lack of sleep was showing on both his face and voice now.
“I-” he parted his lips but stopped himself from saying anything for a couple seconds “Are you ok, Dean? You've been a little off almost ever since last night. You got... lost in the woods and after I found you, you've been acting... weird.”
“Look-” Dean sighed a little agitated “If you wanna test me, I'm right here, do your thing. But as I told you last night and this morning, at least three times, I have not been abducted or possessed or enchanted or anything. Not in a supernatural way at least.” again another sigh as he looked away “Don't give me that look, ok? It's annoying. Besides, I told you, I got a little distracted yesterday but that's al-”
“Distracted?” Sam raised an eyebrow “You got distracted in the freaking mountains? By what? The shape of the rocks?”
“I mean-” he paused, shrugging almost childishly and definitely unconvincingly in a way he did more often than not when there was something that he was hiding Sam, something not life threatening or dangerous, and that made Sam relax a bit more “Rocks are pretty interesting dude.” and that, they both knew, was his lamest excuse that Sam found himself relaxing a lot more to the point he chuckled.
“Wow that's-” Sam blinked several times “That's too much, even for you. No, seriously, are you going to tell me what it was? Because I know real well I was the only one looking for our monster on that mountain but you had not been busy admiring rocks.”
“What are you gonna start judging my hobbies now? It's so bad, all of a sudden, that I find new interests but you can have any nerdy hobby you want in this family?” Dean fended himself weakly, apparently, because of the loo Sam gave him. That made Dean sigh and roll his eyes. “Look, it was nothing dude. It's hard to explain, yes, but I'm completely fine and I am completely me. Just drop it, alright? Get back on the case and rambling, I'll try to keep up and get back on track soon.” hard to explain didn't even begin to cover it in his mind, mostly because it wasn't all easy to explain with logic and therefore his mind wasn't the only player in this game; it was his heart too.
How could he even begin to explain to Sam that he had gotten so distracted by someone singing? How could he even begin to describe that he had really been that enchanted, that mystified, but it was really not in a supernatural way? He couldn't say that he had gotten carried away listening to the woman, it was clearly a female voice, sing so beautifully he had almost forgotten his name, not to mention the reason why he was in the mountains to begin with. He couldn't say that he had even dreamed of said voice, singing to him the same song he had heard yesterday in the mountains and could clearly remember the lyrics to even now. Maybe also because he had looked for it up, though he would never admit to it, just like he wouldn't admit that he hadn't fund any of the singers (covers or not) to be able to match up to the voice he heard.
All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll Never be enough Never be enough
It was his favorite part and he couldn't even believe he had a favorite part.
He couldn't admit that he had been trying to put a face to that voice so bad, he couldn't admit that he had been wondering and needing and aching to hear more of the singing, more of the voice, in the same and different songs. He couldn't admit that he had felt all the things he did just by hearing a song, he couldn't admit that the emotion put in the lyrics by the singer had also affected him this much. He couldn't admit that the reason he had been late and that had made Sam look for him, thinking he had been lost or worse, was because Dean had spent all that time looking for the person behind the voice. He could feel the heat of the blush down to his neck at the thought that it looked like something out of the cheesiest fairytale but it had been true, more true than he too could believe, and so were his feelings so he could defend them if need be. But he wasn't looking for an excuse for that.
Besides, he felt moody enough – and disappointed – this morning that he didn't feel up to explaining everything to his brother.
“Right now, I'm just sleepy that's all.” he mumbled, slightly as an afterthought but mostly to try to keep himself focused “Seems I-” he paused briefly, looking around the cafe and pursing his lips in a way that showed his displeasure “Haven't had my coffee yet. Or enough of it.”
Big mistake, because the moment his stopped their path around the small cafe and landed back on his brother, he saw the realization dawn on him. His eyebrows raise slightly and if it wasn't for the knowing quirk of his lips and the relaxed expression on both his body and face he might have thought for just a second that he was off the hook. Clearly, he wasn't.
“So that's what it is huh?” Sam asked before shaking his head with a laugh. He didn't know, of course, but that was no better yet. Because he didn't know the one reason out of the two to his lack of focus. “You like her that much huh?”
“What?” he said it through a mouthful that he took a little too fast to avoid looking at his brother but oh well. His brother figured one of the two reasons in 0.5 seconds so any effort would be in vain.
As long as he didn't know how saddened he was by
“You know what.” the smile on Sam's lips only got bigger “That waitress we met two days ago, the one that works here and the reason why you're here for everyday ever since. And don't try to deny it, you're terrible at it today.” he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at him despite Dean's best (read: worst) effort to avoid eye-contact and give anything away by eating as much as he could.
“I really don't get what you're trying to say, Sam. I mean-” he laughed, nervously, as he tried to swallow over his food because of the look his brother gave him “I haven't even managed to look up from my plate. How could I have noticed (Y/n)'s not here this morning even though her shift has supposedly started half an hour ago? I haven't-” but Dean paused when he noticed the surprise on Sam's face and realized his mistake.
“Honestly?” Sam tried to keep himself from laughing but as expected failed “It's really best if you eat instead of speak. Wow.” he blinked, shaking his head “Well, at least that explains it.”
Dean's lips parted as he prepared to speak back and defend at least what was left of his dignity but then all words died out in his lips when he heard the small laugh next to him that he knew all-too-well and that he would have been too embarrassed to hear in such a situation so close, especially after what had been said, but he was too relieved to care about that. Besides, he was going to make Sam pay for it by, oh let's say, ask him to stay a day or two or ten after the case was over as a favor for all this.
“Honestly if I had known I'd be this sought after I might have asked for a raise sooner.” he heard your voice and noticed you filling up his cup before he looked up to see you there and felt his smile become ten times bigger when he saw you looking at him with a soft smile of yours “Hey Dean.” he took great pleasure in the few seconds of you just focusing on him until Sam cleared his throat and you snapped out of it and smiled, albeit a little apologetically, at Sam “Hello Sam.”
“Good morning, (Y/n). Seems like you've been running a bit late today according to my brother here, everything alright?”
“Oh absolutely fine, it's just that some mornings I tend to help in the kitchen when the cook's running late you see.” you explained “I hope everything is to your liking so far?” you asked but your eyes once more trailed to Dean and with a smile on his face Sam nodded his head with a hum.
“Just great, though I think the company is not to someone's preference today. I might have to leave early, visit the library and all, you think you can keep Dean some company?” he asked so innocently, yet not to Dean who knew him, which only made the older Winchester's head snap in his direction faster than ever before; eyes wide in horror.
“Oh I'm sure I could spend my break with him, no problem, though it might be quick. We have the weekly karaoke night tonight so I might have some extra work to do. If that's alright?” you asked hopefully.
“Karaoke night? Didn't know you had that.” Dean blinked and you nodded your head.
“Yeah, the cafe obviously works at night and we make sure to organize karaokes and parties at least three times a week. This month boss is more busy so we're down to once a week but that doesn't stop me or any of the customers from taking over the stage till the early morning. You could-” you paused to glance at a couple who asked to pay at a table nearby and gave them a nod “You could always come by then too? If you're free.” you suggested softly and Dean didn't even hesitate to give a nod which made you beam at him.
“Lovely.” you said “If you'll excuse me for a second, I got work to do but I'll be right back. And if you need anything else just ask.”
“Well that went better than you could have expected or achieved on your own to be honest. So-” Sam paused to give his brother a smile “Your welcome.”
“Better? Oh really? Why didn't you tell her 'Hey (Y/n) my brother's an idiot and too much of a coward to ask you out, why don't you do it yourself?' huh? That would have been less desperate.” Dean only glared.
“Alright, I'll try that next time.” Sam simply shrugged, focusing back on his noted before Dean had the chance to say anything else. The older Winchester only rolled his eyes and with a shake of his head and feeling much more light went to actually eating an enjoying his food.
Without the distraction of his thoughts and worries about your absence he could admit it was much easier. Certainly, there was always the mystery girl in his mind and her signing that he couldn't get over much as he tried but it wasn't as if he could do anything about it anymore. Miracles didn't happen and it was already very close to that that you had agreed to spend your break with him like in a date, alright he hoped it was like that and that was maybe an even greater miracle than finding the owner of the voice. He couldn't just walk around the town looking for her nor could sit here and expect her to start singing out of nowh-
His thoughts – and he was pretty sure, breathing and entire fuctioning-like-a-human-being – came to a startling halt when he heard it. First a very low murmur but then sure some words, a tune, lyrics to a song with a voice and tone he recognized all too well... he realized like a fool from two places. The mountain and this very cafe.
Slowly but also with a sort of giddiness he couldn't explain, he turned in his seat to look behind him in the direction from which the singing was coming from and he wasn't surprised, only because he really felt in shock anymore, to realize that it was coming from your direction and even more specifically from you. You were singing and you were singing that very same song in the very same way as you were cleaning the table after the couple had left.
“Never enough”
Well, maybe miracles did happen.
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jaehyunsuh · 3 years
hey, I’m back
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credits to the rightful pic owners
—pairing: Jeno x reader
—genre: father! au/ romance/ idol! jeno/ dad! jeno/ angst (really slightly)/ ex to lovers?/secret relationship
—words count: 5.1k
—warnings: mentios of abortion/single parent
author’s note: Jeno’s reaction at the beginning of this is obviously fictional, this is just for entertainment, not saying that he would react likes this in real life. Enjoy!
please go to the ask box to send your requests, opinion or questions♡ you can interact as much as you want, i love talking lol
Jeno and you have been in a secret relationship for two years now. At the beginning it felt crazy and unreal for you to even go on a date with and idol, Jeno is really well known and people can recognize him everywhere anytime, even though of that your love was so strong and beautiful that you wouldn’t choose anyone else to be in love with and to experience this.
Jeno is one the most amazing people that you’ve met in your life, he is so loving, caring, he makes you feel safe, he knows how to take care of you, he makes you happy, he makes you feel safe, you can’t imagine your life without him, he is the best that has happened to you.
Of course dating an idol in secret wasn’t a complete fairytale, but you don’t regret anything and you don’t get tired because you have him, and he is the best.
Two weeks ago you started feeling sick, your stomach felt like it was going in circles, you felt constantly nauseous, you couldn’t eat or smell a lot of things because it felt weird, you would feel dizzy out of nowhere, you really didn’t know what was going on. At the begging you thought it was the flu but after a week you started to get worried.
You decide to go to the doctor and see if you are having some problems with your digestive system or something. He starts with an echocardiogram that let’s him see if there’s anything wrong.
“Miss, I think I can see what’s going on.” He says while looking at the machine.
“Really? great! Tell me, I really want to get better.” You say kinda excited because you just want to get back to normal.
“Miss Y/L/N, congratulations, you are pregnant.” He says excited.
You stare at him with a blank shocked expression in your face. You don’t even know what you are feeling right, what are you supposed to do? how should you react? you have never been a mother, what is happening?
“Well, everything looks good, you and the baby are really healthy. Everything that you are feeling is completely normal either way I will recommend you to go see a gynecologist and they will help you with anything. Once again, congrats.” He says all of that like in 10 seconds and everything is happening so fast that you brain can assimilate how to react at all.
You get out of the doctor’s office and drive straight at home. During the whole ride and while staring at the ceiling in bed all you could think about was ‘how were you going to tell Jeno?’, wow you really messed up. Jeno is an idol, everyone knows that whatever an idol does becomes an scandal, and an young idol, from a big company, super popular, in a secret relationship of two years, is not married and his girlfriend is pregnant is definitely something that would affect him hard!
You aren’t sure if you should cry or what, genuinely you wanted to have this baby, yes, you are going to collage, you are young, but wouldn’t feel bad about being a mother right now, also the thought of having a baby with Jeno doesn’t sound wrong for you. You have thought about having a family with him countless times, Jeno is the kindest and most caring people, he would be an amazing dad and also he loves kids.
It would be a dream to have a family with someone who you love as much a Jeno, but everything depends on how is he going to react, you believe in him and you believe that he would do anything to make you happy.
You sit and look at him in the eyes. “Jeno, I need to tell you something.” You say with a serious tone, trying to contain yourself.
You sit and look at him in the eyes. “Jeno, I need to tell you something.” You say with a serious tone, trying to contain yourself.
You sit and look at him in the eyes. “Jeno, I need to tell you something.” You say with a serious tone, trying to contain yourself.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Jeno sounds worried.
“I’m pregnant.” You finally let this let out, feeling better and much relaxed.
“What? Are you kidding.” Jeno says with a confused yet frustrated look on his face.
“No, I was feeling bad for two weeks so I decided to go to the doctor, and he checked me and turns out I was pregnant, but I didn’t knew how to tell you, but know i’m here telling.” You say this so fast, with a mix of emotions, most of these being fear and excitement. You let smirk out of your lips, because you were actually feeling happy of telling this to your boyfriend.
“Y/n, no, we can’t.” Jeno says looking away from you with a serious tone.
“W-what do you mean?” You feel the tears form in your eyes.
“Y/n, you can’t have this baby, you know how much this would affect me and my job? what if they make me leave the group and the company!?” Jeno sounds so frustrated, you have never seen him like this and it’s starting to break your heart.
“Jeno, but we can find a solution, maybe we can get married and have it in secret until a couple of years pass, people have done it before so can we.” You say while getting up and trying to reach him.
“NO!” He says as soon as you finish talking. “Y/n, I’m 24 and you are 22; we just simply can, that isn’t gonna work.” He says placing his hands in his hips and having a serious look on his face.
“Jeno, but please, let’s try.” You are now crying, feeling so much pain by what you are hearing him say.
“Y/n, we need to get rid of this baby.” He finally says looking down.
You start crying, you feel you knees getting weaker and you sit on the couch again letting all the sadness get out through your tears.
“I’m not going to. I’m sorry Jeno but this is my baby too and I want to have it!.” You say firm drying your tears.
Jeno looks at you with disappointment. “Y/n, but please understand.” He sits next to you and holds your hands.
“You know I love you but we can’t do this now.” He stares at your eyes, while you avoid eye contact.
“Okay, i’ll think about it, I just need to calm down.” You fake to agree, but you already made your decision, you were going to have this baby with or without Jeno, even if it hurt you so much.
Jeno leaves your place and you acted normal, but right after that all you did was cry the while night. You packed your bags, quickly called your parents and explained all to them, same with your best friend Rina, they ended up supporting you and told you they would help as much a they could.
You booked your flight to England that night, you had a couple of friends there who offered to move multiple times and you were finally agreeing, you were leaving at 6am the next day. You deactivated every social media that Jeno had of yours for now, until you felt like coming back. It was really hard for you to do this but there wasn’t going to be other way to do it, if you stayed and had the baby it was gonna a big issue to Jeno and you loved, you didn’t want him to go through that, he broke your heart tonight, but you still lived him and that wasn’t gonna change.
Jeno’s pov
It was already 6pm and he hasn’t heard anything from y/n, she usually gets out of work around 4pm and it’s constantly texting Jeno but, what happened today?. ‘Was it because of what happened last night?’ Jeno thought, yesterday was really stressing for him, it would be crazy if he has a baby right now right on the highest of his career.
He starts panicking and calls Y/n multiple times but it doesn’t even ring saying that the number is out of service, he checks and you are gone from every social media. He proceeds to call your friend Rina who finally tells him that you are gone, that she doesn’t know where you went. He hangs up immediately at feels frustrated at himself, for being so stupid and letting you go, he could have find a solution and have you here but he choose wrong and now he lost you.
He thought about Y/n every time, everyday, wondering how you looked, how you felt, how you were doing, and how lost he felt without you. He wasn’t able to start going on dates after two years passed, but she was still going through his mind frequently. He had to accept that you left and that you weren’t going to comeback but it’s hard.
5 years later...
Jeno went to the park for a rum, he usually comes a couple times a week at 8am, it’s the perfect timing because this early in the morning the only people around are elders, people with dogs and people training, every other person it’s at school or working, so no one would focus on if he is an idol or not. After 30 mins running he decides to sit on a bench to rest before walking back to bis car and go back home. While in here he can admire the plants, trees and flowers that are in the park, the view to the Han River and breath the fresh air.
He keep enjoying the view when he sees a ball flying right next to the bench he is sitting, he get startled and starts looking everywhere to see who could be looking for the ball. While he keeps watching this little kid around 4-5? years old comes running towards him.
“Hi sir, have you seen my ball?” The little kids saya in a broken korean and keeping the word ‘ball’ in english.
He faces the kid and gets completely shocked, feeling shivers running all around his body. The kid standing in front of him looks exactly like him, all he sees is the 5 year old Jeno that filmed all of those commercials and did all of those publicity campaigns. He keeps blinking, trying to go back to reality and figure out if he is dreaming or not.
“Oh, here it is.” The kid says pick up the ball located next to Jeno’s bench.
“Daniel, I told you to stay next to me!” A familiar voice Jeno hears, and he sees a hand holding the kid.
He looks up and looks at the owner of the voice, and it’s her, it’s y/n, the only girl that he has considered the love of his life, probably the best woman he has ever dated, also the one that he let go and didn’t treat right that one night.
“Y/n?” Jeno says confused, with a knot forming on his throat.
You hear his voice and immediately recognize it, you feel you heart pounding really fast, you feel your hands sweet, and feel like you are about to throw up, also controlling your eyes so they won’t form any tears.
“Uhm, hi, jeno.” You say in the calmest tone you can, looking at the man that you have loved the most and that also hurt you the most, but was never able to erase from your memory, and your heart.
Jeno stands up quickly with his eyes wide open. “So, how have you been, what are you doing here?” You could feel the nervous in his voice.
“Oh, I decided to come back, Rina’s family offered me a really good job here and I couldn’t say no.” You have never felt so uncomfortable ever, while in a conversation. You try to avoid eye contact and pray that you can leave soon.
“Mommy, who is he?” Your 5 year old asks in a innocent way.
‘Mommy’!? Jeno thinks, is this his baby? is this his child? the one that he told you not to have?. Jeno could feel his heart flinch, and go all over the place, his knees get weaker and some way he feels dizzy too. He tries to recover and get back on his senses.
“Yes baby, he is an old friend.” You smile at your son and pat his head. “Oh, okay.” Your son answers and thank god that he didn’t do more questions because he tends to talk a lot.
“Y/n, I think we need to talk.” Jeno says in a serious tone. You swallow and take a deep breath.
“Talk about what?” You say trying to sound calm. Jeno looks at you with a intense gaze and points at your child with his head.
“What? why? I have nothing to tell you.”You start getting frustrated but try not to take ir further.
“Y/n, this child looks exactly like me, I think we definitely need to talk.” Jeno says almost whispering, so your son can’t hear him.
“Jeno no, I don’t want to. Don’t you remember when you told me not to have him, you made it really clear, we won’t bother you.” You say in a low tone but still mad because obviously what Jeno made you feel is something that you’re never going to forget.
“Daniel, let’s go.” Your kid looks at you and you gran his hand but Jeno holds your arm and stops you.
“Y/n please, it’s been years, I really want to talk and clear things up, please.” You can feel the sincerity in his eyes that are staring directly at you.
“You can come to my apartment, he can order something to eat and we can talk in peace.” He says. You look at him and sigh.
“Okay, it’s okay.” You tell him
“Great, give me your number and i’ll text you.” You hand him your phone and saves his numbers.
“We will be free tomorrow around 4pm, does that work for you?” You ask him.
“Yes perfect, i’ll see you them.” He smiles, and for the first time in 5 years you finally see again that smile that used to make your day better ams your heart flutter.
“Bye.” You say giving a soft smile.
“Bye, sir.” Your son says while holding your hand and leaving that spot.
Y/n’s pov
When you saw Jeno at time, out of nowhere, never wondering you would find him there. When you saw that your son was standing next to him you were about to faint right there, but a bigger force gave you the strength not to. You fought so hard not to think about Jeno and to get over him for years, but you just simply couldn’t, also the fact that your baby looked just like him, the same eye shale, the same eye smile, laugh, face, everything was just like him, didn’t help either
you definitely didn’t knew how to react when Jeno said he wanted to talk to you, that’s when you remembered everything that happened and how you literally ran away to raise this baby by yourself, your mother instinct came out, you are definitely not ready to have this conversation, you don’t even know if you are ready to let Jeno get into Daniel’s life, but when Jeno asked you, you could see the sincerity in his eyes and you had no option but to say yes.
You think about how are you gonna be able to have this conversation with Jeno once you get to his apartment, the feelings for him haven’t disappeared and the thoughts of him being a dad makes you even happier but you don’t want to dream to much and just wait until you finally met.
Jeno’s pov
Seeing y/n after years and knowing that things didn’t ens up well, just makes him so upset and frustrated. His mind and his heart are a mess right now, when he saw this kid that looked exactly like him and them finding out his mother was y/n, how was he supposed feel. Then coming back to his apartment and realizing that from the time that y/n was pregnant until now everything fits, that kid is his son, a son that he didn’t wanted to have years.
He lays in bed and tries to organize himself, after seeing that small child, so pretty, with the same face features that him, made him feel so touch, also the fact that it has a part of him and a part of y/n, isn’t that kid the best thing ever? He keeps thinking about that one night and how much he regrets everything he said and letting y/n go, but was so young back then, he didn’t knew what to do or how to react, but now he feels like doing the right thing.
Y/n is finally back in the city and back in his life, with his son, he definitely wants to be part of his life, everyone knows that growing up without a parent is hard, and Jeno really wants the best for him, Jeno really loves kids, and always loved the idea of having a family but right when y/n told him she was pregnant he didn’t knew what to do, he wasn’t ready. Now he is ready to fix things up, for the love of his life and his son.
He spent the rest of the day, noon and even the middle of the night thinking about all, he wasn’t able to sleep even a bit at night.
the next day...
Jeno’s pov
He went to the gym to release some stress, he was feeling so nervous about today. He wasn’t even able to eat well, watch tv, or do anything, he would just stare at his phone every 2 minutes to see what time it was.
He cleaned the apartment, went to the grocery store and got of all your favorite drinks and snacks, and things that probably a kid would like, he even went to to a toy shop to get a couple of gifts for his son? ‘is that how i should call him?’ he thought. He studied menus from restaurants so when you were hungry he would already know what to order.
He was planning for everything to be perfect and be able to spend a nice evening.
Y/n’s pov
You woke up really tired, you could barely sleep last night so now your head and your whole body hurts. The day passed and all you felt were constant nauseas, you still loved Jeno so much but you have to accept what happened and move on, you don’t even know if he is even dating someone.
You tried to calm down but now you find yourself pulling out your whole closet to figure out what to wear, it’s crazy to see yourself like this, you are always so cool, but today is different.
You call Jeno and let him know that you were almost there. You inhale and exhale multiple times to calm yourself down. Finally you arrive at find you and your son in front of Jeno’s apartment door. You knock and a seconds the door opens showing the guy with the beautiful eye smile, you felt like your eyes were transforming into heart shapes.
“Hi, welcome to my house.” He says smiling brightly hiding his nerves with his smile.
You smile back and proceed to enter with your cute son. A couple of hours passed and you’ve just have chatted about the most boring things ever, constantly trying to avoid eye contact and feeling the big awkwardness between you two.
“You know? I’m actually hungry, we should order now.” You say
“Oh yeah, sure. I found this chicken restaurant and it also has a menu for kids, is that okay.” He says while standing up and looking for the phone.
“Yes, perfect.” You give him a soft smile. You feel you heart pound fast, the fact that he looked for a place that has a kids menu already made you happy, you really need to calm down, you came to have a serious talk and we don’t even know if it’s gonna end up well.
The food arrives and you eat in silence, just making comments about the food and looking at Daniel who is really enjoying watching tv while eating chicken, which was one of his favorite food.
“Daniel! I actually have a couple of gifts for you.” Jeno leaves to his room and comes back revealing the items behind his back.
“Cha chan!” He shows a big car toy and a really big dog teddy.
Daniel’s eyes open in shook and smiles, he runs to the toys and hugs them.
“Thank you Sir Jeno.” He says with a big smile.
You are all done eating and after a while of playing with his toys Daniel starts yawning.
“Honey, are you sleepy?” You say caressing your son’s cheek.
“Yeah, I want to sleep.”He says yawning again.
“Maybe we should go.” You look at Jeno.
“Oh no, but he can sleep in my room. You know? so we can talk.” Jeno says with a little of nerves in his voice.
“Well, Umh, yes. Let’s do that.” You don’t try to go against it because you know you need to have this talk. You walk your som to Jeno’s room and a couple of minutes later he is already asleep.
You go back to the living room and sit in the couch, next to Jeno.
“So, why are you back in town?” Jeno takes a sip of his drinks.
“Well, like I told you before Rina’s family actually have been insisting me to come back and now they offered me a job here, and honestly I wanted to come back, I had lot of friends here and I missed them, also I love the city, so I thought it was time to come back.” You give him a soft smile.
“Oh that’s great, and how’s the job?” He asks.
“It’s great, i’m actually one of the managers, and they let me take some work home so I don’t have to go to the office everyday, and I can spend more time with Daniel.” You smile remembering how much you love your little boy.
“So now, where were you living?” He says with a more serious tone.
“I was living in England, I met a couple of friends from there in high school and they always told me to move and talked to me about the scholarships, so I went there.” You leave a sigh.
“And how did you manage to study and take care of the baby?” He asks.
“I studied until I gave birth, then I took a break for 6 months and maintained us with money I saved, what my friends helped me with and the money that my parents sent me.” You take a sip of your drink.
“And who helped you take of the baby?”He looks at you.
“My mom stayed for a couple of months, later my friend’s mom offered me to take care of him and she ended up doing for all of these years.” You smile remembering how grateful you were with all the people who helped you so much.
“Wow you really went through a lot.” He looks at the floor and touches his head.
“Yep.” You say in an awkward way.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry that you had to go through all of that by yourself. I was such an idiot for not taking care of you and the baby, knowing that I was capable of keeping comfortable and safe. Y/n, I’m really really sorry for everything. I know I told you to get rid of the baby but I was stupid.” Jeno closes his eyes and takes his head im between his hands.
“Jeno, I know.” You say trying to make him feel calm.
“No, Y/n, I was so blind and I was scared. I didn’t even try to help you and the find a solution I didn’t do anything.” You hear Jeno’s voice break and your heart starts to beat fast.
“Hey, I know that you are being honest, I forgive you. I’m not gonna tell you I didn’t felt bad, you broke my heart and made me sad, and of course, the whole pregnancy and those 5 years haven’t been easy at all. But I appreciate that you are now talking about this with me, really.” You pat his back while smiling.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He stares at your eyes.
“It’s okay.” You smile.
“Now, I wanted to tell you something else.” He says.
“Yeah, tell me.” You say positioning yourself on the couch.
“You are Daniel’s mom, and you are the only parental figure he’s had and I have to respect that. I was really thinking hard about this and I want to be part of his life, I want to be his dad, I’m here, I’m present, I can help you with all the expenses I don’t care. I can take care of him, I’ll anything I should do as a dad if you let me be part of his life.” He says practically begging.
This really made you think, you’ve never had anyone to be part of Daniel’s life like this. You are the only one he had since day one, it was so delicate for you to take a decision like this. You don’t care about anything in the world but your son, you would end up sad if Jeno ever leaves him, so this wasn’t a easy choice to make.
“Wow, that was unexpected.” You give an awkward laugh.
“Yeah, I know, I know it’s hard but believes me, i’ll do anything.” Jeno takes your hands and stares right into your eyes.
“Okay.” You say
“Okay? like it’s okay? are you gonna let me?” He sounds excited.
“Yes, but please promise you’ll be with him no matter what, this isn’t a game, if you make him sad and gonna be furious.” You say in a serious tone.
“No, no, of course i’ll do the best for him.” He smiles.
“But wait, how are you gonna say in public that you have a 5 year old son?” You say nervous.
“Y/n, I’m 29, i’ll find the way and I don’t care what people have to say, this is my child not theirs.” You heart jumps everywhere when you hear him say that, making you flutter.
You spend the rest of the night chatting and catching up.
“And are you dating anyone?” Jeno says shy.
“A young mom, with a kid? I’ve just gone on dates, maybe some kissing and something else but nothing more, it doesn’t even happen that much. Men won’t commit to raising a child.” You take a sip of your drink. Jeno realizes how every aspect of your life has been so hard.
“What about you?” You look at the tv.
“Oh, not much either. After you left I didn’t go on dates for two years, after that just datings but nothing serious.” He says.
“Oh cool, so we are the same.” You laugh.
“Yes, I guess.” He laughs back
“But tell me.” He says taking your attention.
“Yes?” You answer.
“What’s gonna happen between you and I, aren’t mommy and daddy supposed to be together?” He leans closer to your face and you look at him in shook.
“Because I have never stopped thinking about you.” He stare at your eyes.
“Yes, I guess we could try.” You say playfully.
He grabs your waist and connects your lips together. His lips feel so soft and warm, you taste heaven when you kiss him. You have been waiting for this moment for so long and it’s finally happening. You are so thankful that Jeno decided to talk to you, you have always love him so much and now you know it’s the same for him too.
1 year later
It’s been a year since you let Jeno enter Daniel’s and you life’s. Honestly it’s the beat decision you’ve ever made, he is the most caring, loving and supportive dad ever. He surprises you everyday on how great of a dad he is to Daniel, and when it comes to Daniel, it just took him a week to start trusting Jeno fully and after a mont he was already calling him daddy. You are so thankful for having the two boys the you love the most in your life together.
“Mommy! Daddy! let’s go to the playground.” Your son says.
“Okay honey, but don’t run so fast.” You tell him.
You sit on a bench and look at your kid who is playing happily.
“He has grown a lot in just a year hasn’t he?” Jeno says placing his arm around your shoulder.
“Yes, he is so big now.” You say feeling nostalgic.
“And as beautiful as his dad.” Jeno says while winking.
“Idiot.” You laugh and give him a peck on the lips.
“I can’t wait until we make another one.” He giggles his eyebrows and laughs. You laugh back and give him another kiss.
“Daddy! stop kissing, come play with me.” You cute 6 year old says while standing his hand to his dad.
“I’m coming champ.” He gets up and kiss your lips once again again, to what your so makes a disgusting face. You both laugh and you watch him hold your son’s hand.
They start playing with the ball and you look at them filled with joy and loved, you look at you hand and admire the beautiful engagement ring that Jeno gave you 3 months ago. The proposal was simple but beautiful, you were walking around Jeju Island when out of nowhere he asked you to marry him and you obviously said yes. The plans for the wedding have been going well, you are taking things slow so you can have time. Daniel is the most excited about the wedding and always wants to be involved in everything. You are so thankful that everything has been going
so well, Jeno and Daniel have the most beautiful bond ever and you are lucky to have the most caring dad to your kid and future husband on your side.
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ahopelessromantic · 4 years
Love in the Time of Corona ➳ S. Reid
Pairing: Spencer x Reader
Warnings: Some mentions of anxiety, Spencer is in love and forgets how to act like a person
Word count: 2,5k 
Prompts: 23, ‘You love me?’
Getting locked in a hotel with your colleague hadn’t exactly been in your plans. But maybe spending quarantine with Spencer wasn’t even that bad of a thing.
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“Are you sure?” Chewing on the insides of your cheeks, you watched Spencer talk to Hotch on the phone. “Alright, call us if anything changes.” With a sigh, he hung up and turned to look at you. “Hotch is trying to pull some strings to get us back home, but for now we’re stuck here.” You nodded, your gaze darting around the hotel lobby. “I need to call Garcia, she needs to know where my spare key is so she can get in and feed Goblin, and shit, I probably don’t have enough food for him for two weeks at home, someone needs to-“ Spencer calmed you down with a hand on your shoulder. “Hotch said Garcia already went to your apartment and fed him, she knew where the key was from when she watered your plants last time you visited your parents. Goblin is well taken care of.” You exhaled and looked into his eyes, scanning them for any form of anxiousness. But there was only kindness in them, and you relaxed. If Spencer wasn’t freaking out, then why should you?
“Come on.” He said, a light smile on his lips. “Let’s go check out how badly assorted the hotel library is.”
Goblin was your cat back home in Quantico, a spoiled diva you loved unconditionally and worried about endlessly. You hadn’t exactly expected the state you were in to go into corona lockdown so suddenly and the whole ordeal made your whole body buzz with anxiety. Of course you wanted to protect as many people as possible from getting sick, and under normal circumstances you would have gone into quarantine without a word of complaint, but you just really wanted to go home. You normally didn’t have a problem with the middle-class hotels your employer booked for you when you were away on cases, but then again you also normally didn’t have to spend long amounts of time in them. Spencer and you had been sent ahead to go check out a possible serial killer case, and the rest of the team would have followed once you had confirmed there were lives at stake. But now, instead of investigating, all you could do was aimlessly roam the hotel’s dull hallways, wishing for a change of scenery or at least, your own four walls. The only distraction and good thing in all of this was Spencer, who was doing an amazing job at keeping you sane. Being alone with your thoughts so much wasn’t exactly the best for your mental health, and if anyone in the world could understand that it was Spencer. He knew what it was like when your own thoughts became a weapon sharp enough to destroy you.
“Look at this idiot.” You chuckled and turned your phone so Spencer could see the picture Penelope had sent you. “He knows exactly that he’s not allowed on the kitchen counter.” Spencer smiled, zooming on the picture of your cat passed out in the sink. “Looks like you raised him well.” He teased, causing you to throw your napkin at him. “Hey! I’ll have you know that I am a very devoted cat mother.” You both laughed, only to be interrupted by the maid that was on breakfast duty. She sighed and sent you both a dreamy look before pulling out her notepad. “Such a sweet couple you two are, makes me miss my younger days. Can I bring you anything else?” Instead of telling her about the second tea you had been meaning to order you just blinked at her in shock. Spencer across from you seemed just as frozen, the two of you probably looking utterly stupid to the hotel’s staff member. She just rolled her eyes and started loading your plates onto her tray. “Not there yet? Okay, I’ll leave you to it.” Once she was gone you both erupted into baffled laughter. It had been eight days in the hotel already, and you were slowly starting to make friends with the staff, but so far you hadn’t really been that close with them. Each day was a mere repetition of the one before, and you were barely clinging to the last shreds of normalcy and sanity anymore. Spencer and you met up for breakfast in the mornings, tried to work on the case for a bit just for the sake of feeling like you still had something meaningful to do, went to lunch, sought shelter in the tiny library that was mostly there for show, had dinner and then, sometimes, you went for a drink in the hotel lobby bar. The two of you were growing closer by the day. It was slowly beginning to feel like Spencer was just an extension of your own limbs instead of a whole different person. You had learned long ago that once Spencer felt comfortable around someone he latched onto them, but now it felt like your souls were truly melting together.
“There you are.” He spoke softly, sitting down across from you. You just acknowledged him with a smile, playing with the coaster of your drink. “I went ahead and ordered your favourite.” You mumbled and watched him nod. Spencer could tell something was off, feeling slightly helpless over how to help you. “You look awfully lost in thought today.” Surprised at his words you looked him in the eyes, not yet used to him being so tuned into your emotions. “I just-“ You stopped yourself to sigh heavily. “I feel like I’m slowly losing my mind. I can’t sleep properly and when I do, I have these really vivid, weird dreams, I miss my apartment and my cat… this just isn’t exactly how I expected this case to go.” Spencer nodded in understanding. “According to a research centre in France, there has been a 35% increase in dream recall, and participants of the study are reporting 15% more negative dreams than usual. Dream experts believe that the withdrawal from our usual environments and daily stimuli forces our subconscious minds to transform the invisible virus into a lot of different things in our dreams. Actually, it’s perfectly normal to be having weird dreams right now. I have them too.” You felt a warm feeling bloom in your chest. Whenever your mind got the best of you these days Spencer was there to bring you back to reality again. He was the ratio to your emotio. “Thank you.”, you mumbled shyly. He smiled. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. You need to get your mind off things.” Conveniently, your hotel rooms were right next to each other, so even after you parted ways for the night you didn’t feel too far from him. For some reason though, that specific night was the worst one for you since being quarantined in the hotel. Even after two hours of shifting you couldn’t find into the realms of sleep, despite feeling exhausted and drained from doing nothing all day. You finally decided to get up and make yourself a cup of tea, loudly stumbling over one of your shoes on the way to the electric kettle. You groaned when your behind met with the floor, not even the carpet properly cushioning your fall. Great. You had quite literally arrived at the bottom of things. A knock at the door ripped you out of your thoughts and, limping slightly, you made your way to your room’s entrance. When you opened the door your face was met with none other’s than Spencer’s, a worried look on his face. “Are you okay? I’ve been hearing you shift around for ages and then I heard a loud thump.” You smiled sheepishly. “I’m good. I just couldn’t sleep again and tripped on my way to make myself some tea.” He looked at you, something like worry in his eyes. And then, suddenly, he hugged you tightly. “Spence, what are you doing?” You asked with wide eyes, face smushed against his chest. “Did you know that hugging releases oxytocin? It’s a powerful hormone that works as an antidote for depressive feelings and anxiety. It also underlies individual and social trust. Hugs even affect our physical well being, for example by lowering our blood pressure. Scientifically-“ “Spencer, I love you, but for the love of god please shut up now.” You murmured, long having closed your eyes and leaned into his warm embrace. It was only then you realised what exactly you had just said. You felt him tense up. “You…” His hand on your back suddenly felt like it was going to burn through your skin. “You love me?” You leaned slightly away from him to look him in the face, surprised about your own words. “I think I do.” You spoke in wonder. Apparently, your subconscious had already known about your feelings for Spencer for way longer than your conscious self. But instead of answering, Spencer stepped away from you, a frazzled look on his face. “I… excuse me.” Helplessly, you watched him disappear back into his room, fear speeding up your heartbeat. What had just happened? Had the lockdown madness finally gotten to you? With trembling fingers, you closed your door behind you. That night you didn’t catch a minute of sleep.
The whole next day you couldn’t find Spencer anywhere. It seemed like he was actively hiding from you, and it made your chest hurt from rejection. He was smart and most of all he was your friend, you had really expected him to at least talk it out with you. But no, rather than that it seemed like he had never stepped foot into that damned hotel. It wasn’t until the late evening hours, when you had already gotten ready for bed, that you saw him again. He had knocked on your door, standing in front of you with an apologetic look on his face and three flowers clutched in one hand. They seemed oddly familiar to you, and at second glance you realised that he had stolen them from the hotel lobby. Before you could even begin to ask, he sent you a pleading look “Please, please don’t say anything right now. I want you to know exactly how I feel, and I practised it in the mirror but quite frankly I have never been this nervous in my life and I might forget something if you start speaking.” His voice was shaky, he was stumbling over his words like you had never seen him do before. “I’m sorry. For running off yesterday. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to tell you this for the longest time and then you just said it so casually and for a moment all my fuses burnt through. I’m so in love with you and I am so terrified because I’ve never felt like this, and I know that once I tell you this it will be real, and my life will change forever. I didn’t think there was a person out there like you, a person for me. There is no scientific proof for soulmates but you just… fit with me. I love you too, (Y/N). I love you.” His words had rendered you speechless. You felt tears run down your cheeks, and it was only when you felt Spencer’s hand wipe them away that you returned to reality. You placed your hand on his, further leaning into his touch, and sobbed. “I didn’t mean to make you cry, I’m sorry. This isn’t really my strong suit.” You laughed and pressed a kiss to his hand. “It’s not mine either. And don’t worry Spence, you were perfect. Thank you for having the courage to tell me. Just please, never run off on me like that again.” He leaned his forehead against yours and closed his eyes, a serene smile on his lips. “I promise.”
From there on, the rest of quarantine passed by incredibly quick. Now, you were actually glad you were locked in with Spencer. It gave the two of you the perfect time and opportunity to explore the very nature of your relationship. You started sleeping over in each other’s rooms, wearing each other’s clothes, at night Spencer lulled you to sleep by reading to you. When Hotch called once the two weeks were over to tell you that you would be able to return home with the jet you were almost disappointed. But at least this you could board the jet holding each other’s hands without worrying about anyone seeing. And it wasn’t too bad either that you had had your first time with each other and joined the mile-high club at the same time. You were never going to be able to look at those leather couches the same way again. Touched down back home in Quantico you had the orders to return straight home and quarantine for another fourteen days. Stood in front of your car you could tell that the two of you were trying to prolong your time together, rambling on about the most random things just to avoid having to say goodbye for two weeks. But watching him walk away after one last, long kiss filled your heart with such aching that you called out for him to stop. “Wait, Spence!” He turned around, an almost relieved look on his face. “Yeah?” He walked back to you, gripping the strap of his bag. “I know this is crazy, and maybe it’s too much considering we haven’t even officially talked about whether or not we’re dating now but… I just… hate the thought of suddenly not seeing you for two weeks straight after seeing your cute face every day for what feels like so long. So… do you want to quarantine at my apartment? We can get some of your clothes on the way there, and I promise I’ll cook whatever you want. I just don’t want to miss your morning cuddles anymore.” A wide smile had spread across his features while you had talked, and before you had even fully finished he had already nodded enthusiastically. “Thank god you asked, I didn’t know how to.” Both laughing, you got into your car.
“Oh, you gotta be kidding me.” Morgan groaned when he saw you and Spencer enter the BAU together once quarantine was over. You didn’t even have to hold hands for everyone to see that you were a couple now. “When did they start dating??” Emily looked at you with a grin, crossing her arms. “Technically, it doesn’t look like they started dating. They were just locked in together for so long that they fell in love.” Hotch joined your little group, the usual frown on his face. “Enough about the lovebirds, we have a case to get to. But-“ He turned to look at you and suddenly there was a teasing grin on his face as well. “Looks like quarantine treated you well, right?” You just rolled your eyes, burying your face in your hands. “Not you too, Hotch, not you too!”
Spencer actually didn’t even end up leaving your apartment once quarantine was over. In fact, he had gotten so comfortable that after two months, he terminated the contract for his own flat. Now, every Sunday morning, it wasn’t just you spread out on your couch with your cat anymore. It was the two of you.
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destiniesfic · 3 years
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132 Hours, Chapter 10
It is not better in the morning.
Read chapter 10 on AO3 or read below (but be warned, there’s mature content in this one):
Once again, it’s hard to sleep. I dream of kissing Cardan, who is actually Locke, and I am wearing Taryn’s pink prom dress. And that’s the tamest of them; I have more graphic nightmares that I won’t recount here, except to say that they are awful. Every time I wake up I am either too hot or too cold. I eventually decide I am most comfortable with one leg pushed outside of the blankets and fall into a light doze.
About two hours into my botched attempt at sleeping, I awaken to some odd noises and realize that Cardan is also awake. A moment later, I realize he must think I am still asleep, because when I look over at him there can be no other explanation for what he is doing.
As before, he is in slightly sharper focus than everything else in the room. I thought I’d find him lying down, but he is sitting up with his back against the wall, and his head is bowed forward. He is definitely trying to be quiet, but it is very clear to me from his weird breathing and the sound of skin on skin and the movement of his hand what is going on.
I shouldn’t watch. I know I shouldn’t. But I woke up turned on my side toward him and I can’t turn over or he might realize I’m awake. I can’t even imagine what would happen then. Would he stop? Would he come over? Would I invite him over? I don’t know which possibility terrifies me more.
His breathing grows more labored and he brings his free hand up to his mouth to muffle the sounds that fall out of it. I hate the way my heartbeat skips at every one, the way every muscle in my body clenches with want, with need. I stay quiet, though, watching with hungry curiosity as he curls over himself and makes a strangled sound, almost but not entirely swallowed up by his palm. His shoulders shake.
When it’s over—and I am marveling at how I just watched him jerk off—he sighs, a long, exhausted sigh that somehow really endears him to me. I want to crawl over to him and nuzzle at his neck. I want to drape my body over his body so we can keep each other warm. I want to lick his hand clean, a thought that I recoil from even as I have it. That can’t possibly taste good, and yet—
“Ah, shit,” he whispers. He’s looking down at his hand, and my delusional omega brain wonders if I should go offer to lick it. But then he pulls off one of his already dirty socks and uses that. He got a shower today, but being stuck in a dirty room the size of my stepmother’s walk-in closet negates that fast. Honestly, after being stuck down here for days, I’m not sure we’ll ever be clean again.
Cardan’s head falls back against the wall. His clean hand grabs for something at his side, and when he presses it to his face, I realize it’s my sweatshirt. He exhales again, and it must be my imagination, but it sounds suspiciously like my name. He takes a few, deep breaths, then puts it back down and curls up on his side, using it as a pillow.
I feel like I have been holding my breath this entire time, but I keep holding it a little longer, just in case. There is a pulsing, demanding heat in me, concentrated between my thighs, but, as I always do, I push it to the side. I curl my knees to my chest, and hope it will be better in the morning.
It is not better in the morning.
When I open my eyes, it is to the migraine that threatened me yesterday finally breaking, like someone’s jammed a railroad spike into my left eye. The fever is roaring, too, and I pull my leg back inside the blankets and wrap myself up tight, but my shivering doesn’t stop. My muscles have acquired a dull ache that makes me think they’d be bruised if I could peel my skin back and look.
I think I half-expected to find that Cardan had crawled on top of me in his sleep. Then I would wake up, then he would do it, and it would be an awkward thing to work around while kidnapped but at least the worst of my symptoms would abate. But Cardan is still by his corner where I’d seen him fall asleep last night, except now he’s curled up in a ball around my sweatshirt. So there would be no morning hump session, which is good, because I am not yet at the point where that seems more alluring than scary, awkward, intimidating.
My mouth is dry, and I turn over to reach for the water bottle, but it is empty. When had it emptied? Did I empty it?
“Cardan,” I whisper. That’s all it takes to jolt him out of sleep. He sits up, and rubs his eyes, which then widen when he looks at me so I must look really terrible.
“Shit,” he says again, which brings back echoes of him saying it in the night, which just makes my entire body seize up because he’d been jerking off—over me? or over the situation?—and there was an increasingly urgent part of my brain wondering why he’d had his dick in his hand when he could have put it in me. And then, ow, a cramp on top of everything else. As if everything else weren’t enough.
I paw for the pills the Bomb left me and swallow them dry, hoping for some relief from the headache, even though it won’t be immediate. Then I start to push up to my hands and knees.
“No, no,” says Cardan, shoving out a hand but not coming any closer. “No, you just— just wait, I’ll get them. I’ll get you more water.”
“I can do it,” I insist, but it’s taken so much effort just to get this far up and I’m trembling holding myself in place.
“Jude, you look—” He trails off and shakes his head. It must really be that bad. I want to tell him he doesn’t look much better. The circles under Cardan’s eyes have deepened, and he’s already sweating so much that his curls cling to his forehead. But he just sets his mouth in a line and says, “Let me do it.”
In almost any other circumstance I would hate being bossed around by him, but I just flop onto my belly and groan, “Fine.”
Cardan, however, is wired. He must feel as jagged and sleep-deprived as I do, but I can see the extra jittery energy in his every step. I did make that joke about thrusting, but what happens when you box an alpha in rut in a basement with no outlet? Where does that energy go?
Apparently into his fist, because when he pounds on the door it’s so loud that I nearly jump off the mattress. My head throbs. “Hey!” he calls. “Jude needs water!”
There is no answer for a solid thirty seconds. When Cardan glances at me, I am frowning. “They’re usually right outside,” I say, and my stomach plummets at the thought that we’ve been locked in here and just left with no food or water.
“They’re coming,” Cardan replies, probably to reassure himself. He bangs on the door again, this time with even more urgency. “Hey!”
A few seconds later the door opens, and it is not the Bomb standing there, but the Ghost, dressed in black, his face an inscrutable mask. “Alright, I heard you.”
Cardan takes a half-step back from the door, toward me. I pull the blankets tighter around myself and flatten my back against the wall. This was the outcome we had worried about. Everything Cardan had said and done yesterday was to keep our captors out, and especially to keep the Ghost away from me.
“You need to leave,” Cardan snarls, his hands balling into fists at his sides. I am surprised at the ferocity in his voice. I’ve seen him angry. I’ve seen him hurt people with a shove or a cruel word. I have never seen him like this.
But the Ghost is unimpressed. Probably because if it came down to a fight between the two of them, he would definitely win, even though Cardan has more muscle. “You can relax,” the Ghost says. “I’m a beta.”
Cardan blinks, and so do I. But then his eyes narrow. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
The Ghost sighs. “Ask your girlfriend if I smell like anything. Her receptors are on overdrive. Even maskers wouldn’t help.”
I expect Cardan to protest that I’m not his girlfriend, and I’m about to open my mouth to say he isn’t my boyfriend, when he looks at me and asks, softly, “Jude?”
The urge to deny anything is knocked right out of me, and I inhale, concentrating. It’s difficult to get anything beyond Cardan’s scent and mine, both of which hang heavy in the stagnant air, but I do pick out something. I look up at Cardan. “Just hand soap. He smells like hand soap.”
Cardan looks skeptical.
“I’m less of a danger to her than you are in this state,” the Ghost says. “I can help her out of the room. Let me.”
In this state. He has to know, then. Uneasily, Cardan moves aside to let the Ghost into the room, tracking him as he walks over and crouches at my side. The Ghost presses a cool hand to my forehead while looking at my sweaty, tangled hair.
“Why didn’t you say you’re a beta?” I ask, shivering.
“Wasn’t relevant. When did you last take medicine?”
“A few minutes ago. What about the Roach and the Bomb?”
“Do you introduce yourself to people by telling them you’re an omega?” It’s a rhetorical question, because he then says, “We have to get you into the shower. I’ll help you up.”
I nod. I know what I look like and what I smell like, and I am not so proud that I won’t accept his help.
“Hey,” Cardan begins, when the Ghost reaches out to put an arm around my shoulder, but I give him a look and he doesn’t say anything else, although the set of his jaw tells me he’s unhappy. He crosses his arms.
“Cardan,” the Ghost says, “can you go turn the water on for her? The old heater takes a while to get started. Make it warm to start, not hot. She can turn it up if she needs to.”
“Right,” Cardan says, and over the Ghost’s shoulder I see him nod and leave.
“He listened to you,” I marvel as the Ghost peels the blankets from my body and helps me to my feet. I should feel more self-conscious that I’m wearing only a tank top and underwear and my thighs are definitely crusty with residue, but he isn’t making a big deal of it, so neither am I. Besides, between my shaky legs and my bad ankle, I am a little distracted by the effort of not toppling over.
“Alphas. Temperamental, but they like to feel like they’re doing something.” It seems like a joke, but he doesn’t smile when he says it. He supports my weight easily, and with his help I hobble out of the room.
“You really don’t smell like much,” I inform him. “It’s weird.”
“I’m used to it.”
“Right.” Mentally, I kick myself. And the Ghost doesn’t say anything else, so I don’t either.
As he helps me across the little room, I am very conscious of my body pressed against his and his arm around my shoulder. My hormonal brain, ecstatic that I am being touched, is swimming, trying to tell me I am attracted to him. Am I attracted to him? I mean, I think he’s handsome, objectively. Should I have sex with the Ghost? I probably shouldn’t have sex with the Ghost.
But, of course, those images are provided to me unbidden because the omega part of me is ecstatic that I am willing to actually entertain my horniness. What if the Ghost helped me into the shower and he stayed there with me? And Cardan also stayed? And then what? My rational brain scolds. I don’t know anything about the logistics of having a threesome in a shower. It seems like an easy way to get more injured than I already am.
And while having sex with the Ghost would be simpler from an emotional standpoint because I barely know him, he is a beta, so it would not actually solve any of my current, heat-related problems. Also, Cardan would be sad.
Do I care that Cardan would be sad? That’s an uncomfortable thought.
“Oh, thank god,” I say, when we finally reach the bathroom and I see Cardan pacing back and forth in the little hallway and hear the shower stream hitting the old yellow tile in the bathroom. I can’t wait to be clean. I can’t wait for these heat-induced intrusive thoughts to go away either, but unfortunately that’ll take a little longer.
“Do you need any help getting undressed?” the Ghost asks, in a tone so dispassionate that even my omega hindbrain wilts at how obviously uninterested he is.
“I think I can manage,” I say, mostly because I can, but also because Cardan looks like he’s on the verge of tearing the Ghost’s throat out, and I still think the Ghost would win that fight but I’m suddenly not sure. We’ll all be glad when this is over.
So I limp into the bathroom, close and lock the door behind me, and tear off my sweat-soaked tank top and my underwear. Instead of standing in the shower, I grab the soap and sit right down, not caring if the floor is gross. I nearly start crying when the water hits my skin, and am almost surprised it doesn’t start steaming around me. It feels cool, so I turn it up a little until I’m comfortable. Then I begin scrubbing myself all over.
It takes a long time before I feel clean. My body still reacts to the lingering traces of Cardan’s scent that cling to my skin and hair. But I discover that someone’s stocked the shower with a set of floral shampoo and conditioner that claims to be “scent-dampening.” Small text on the back advises that they “may have diminished effect during periods of heat or rut,” but I pour a good third of the bottles out into my hands and wash and condition my hair, detangling it with my fingers. I wash my pubic hair, too, just in case it’ll help.
When I step out of the shower, feeling much better, I eye my gross clothes and dread putting them back on. But on the closed toilet, neatly folded, someone has left me an alternative: one of those loose maxi dresses you can find hanging on a rack in the back of a Walgreens, for cheap. I pull it over my head; it’s olive green, and too long, but it fits okay otherwise. There are also some soft black shorts, which I put on under the dress. There’s no replacement for my underwear, so I wash it in the sink, wringing it out as best I can, and leave it to hang dry on the towel bar.
When I step out, Cardan, who has now taken to pacing the main area with his head bowed sulkily forward, perks up. “Hey,” he says. “You look… wow, a lot better. Your scent’s— you’re better.” His nose wrinkles. “The shampoo’s a little weird, though.”
“Not a fan of lavender?”
“It just doesn’t really…” He gestures vaguely. “...like, go with you. It’s the opposite of what you are.”
I limp over to an empty chair and ease myself into it. Because I am so tired that my filter is totally worn away, I ask, “What do I smell like to you, anyway?”
“It’s…” He stuffs his hands in his pockets and fidgets. I notice his feet are still bare, and nearly blush, remembering what had happened to his sock. “It’s hard to explain. I mean, I probably smell like a lot of things at once to you, too, right?”
I nod. “But if you had to choose,” I press, and brace myself, trying to anticipate the worst thing he could say. Methane gas, rotten fish, a dump?
“Cinnamon, I guess,” Cardan admits.
“What?” I sit forward in my chair. “You hate the smell of cinnamon?”
“No, I.” He looks flustered, but tries to channel it back into haughty and irritable. “Don’t be stupid. I’m going to go shower.”
“But—” I begin, perplexed, but Cardan has already disappeared.
The Ghost, who had been leaning silently against the wall, pushes off of it to approach me. “I should change your bandages,” he says, crouching down to expect them. I open my mouth, but he anticipates me and looks up, adding, “I know you have questions, but I’m only going through this once. Better wait until Cardan gets back.”
I press my lips into a thin line. I can be patient when it’s important, but I am feeling frayed right now. As he is re-wrapping my leg, I blurt out, “How do you know what to do if you’re a beta?”
“What, with your leg?”
“No, with—” I look down at him and find him raising his eyebrows. He had been joking. I sit back in my chair, pouting.
“My dad was an omega,” he explains. “My mom was an alpha. I saw all sides of it growing up, even if I didn’t go through it. Three days every few months I’d be on my own.”
“Was that hard?”
“It was what it was.” He gives me another look. “Now wait.”
I scowl at him. “Can I have a mandarin?”
Maybe happy not to be talking, he gets up to get one from a bag slumped on top of the mini-fridge. I catch it when he tosses it to me, and alternate between picking at it and taking sips from a fresh water bottle until Cardan emerges from the shower, damp and cleansed of sweat. He sits down across from me, and I scrunch up my nose. Lavender doesn’t really suit him either.
“I told Jude I’d only go through this once,” says the Ghost, who seems happier to remain standing. “But I think I can guess your first question. Yes, we all knew what was going on. Pretty much from the get-go. We didn’t say anything because you guys were being cagey for some reason, but we figured we could get you the supplies you needed anyway, no harm done. I only said something because I’m the only one here, and Cardan wasn’t going to give me access otherwise.”
Cardan shifts. I ask, “Why are you the only one here?”
The Ghost blinks at me. That wasn’t the follow-up he was expecting. “The Bomb and the Roach were called away.” He shrugs. “Might be good news, might be bad. Hard to say. They figured I could handle things alone while you were in heat. It’s not like either of you are in a state to go anywhere.”
“So, what, you’re all betas?” Cardan asks, cutting me off before I can follow up.
He frowns. “We thought you were using maskers.”
“It wasn’t a bad assumption,” the Ghost says. “People in our line of work often do, so we can’t be traced by scent. Betas make good spies, too. Any profession that requires stealth.”
I hadn’t thought about that, but it makes sense. “So were you recruited because you were a beta, or…” My stomach sinks as I consider another possibility. “You were all, like, born… nobody made you this way, right?”
The Ghost hesitates, then says, “I was, yes. The others’ stories aren’t mine to tell.”
Cardan gawps at me. “You’re thinking they were… what, de-designated? Why? To make them better at… crime?”
I shudder. Forcible de-designations were categorized as human rights violations by the United Nations in the early 1970s after certain unethical human experiments came to light. Sure, there are de-designation therapies out there for people whose designations cause extreme dysphoria or health complications, but they take months. The forcible de-designations are quick, and brutal, and painful, and if the subject survives the physical complications, they might not survive the psychological.
“I hope not,” I say, quietly, telling myself that my discomfort is brought around by the idea of anyone suffering such a painful ordeal, not because I like our abductors. I change the subject. “But you were recruited?”
Man of few words. I hug my arms around my stomach. “Must be nice.”
“The job opportunities or being a beta?”
“Not having to deal with…” I peel one hand away from my abdomen and gesture vaguely.
“No, I don’t envy that.” The Ghost looks between us. “Although I do sometimes wonder what I’m missing out on.”
I glance at Cardan, who, to my surprise, actually looks angry. “If you had fresh clothes for Jude the whole time, why didn’t you give them to her?” he demands. “Why didn’t anybody stay with her? She was stuck in her gross clothes and she was alone, all day.”
Again, the Ghost looks slightly taken aback, although he smooths his face into his usual inscrutable mask in an instant. “The Bomb got these for her yesterday, but she was curled up in her nest and we didn’t know if she’d want to move or be bothered.”
“My nest?” I frown. “No, that’s not right. I don’t have a—”
“It’s a sad nest, but you did pile all the bedding in the room up in one corner.”
“No, that wasn’t—I mean, I didn’t—” I look at Cardan in horror, as he is the one who put all the blankets and pillows on me, but he is looking away from me. I shake my head, and some wet hair falls into my face. “It’s okay that I was alone. I think it was better. Don’t worry about it.”
I feel the Ghost watching me closely, and shift in my seat. “It’s not shameful, what’s happening to you,” he says at last. “Plenty of people go through it all the time.”
“Not you,” I retort.
“Maybe not, but I’ve been around long enough and seen enough to know there are upsides to being an omega.”
“Oh, yeah?” I ask. “Like what?”
The Ghost’s eyebrows shoot up. “You want me to tell you?”
“Yeah.” I glance at Cardan, who’s slouching in his chair and pretending to ignore both of us. “Tell me how my life doesn’t totally suck right now.”
He looks at me, then at Cardan, then says, “I guess I don’t have anything better to do.”
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worldwidesonyeondan · 4 years
Canvas// Jeon Jungkook (m)
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(Part of the “Dream Career” Series)
In which Jeon Jungkook is a soft tattoo artist, and you are a very clumsy girl.
⤿ Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Jungkook x Reader
⤿ Word Count: 5,086
⤿ Genre: Fluff, Smut
⤿ Warnings: Oral (F Receiving), Fingering, Unprotected Sex
⤿ A/N: Aaahh! Finally the first part of this series! I hope you guys enjoy this ^.^
You stood at the door of the tattoo parlor, its presence was so familiar to you, yet so curious all at once. It looked the same as it always had since you were young. The windows were adorned with what you could only presume to be tattoo designs done by various artists in the shop, and the building itself was illuminated by the soft glow of the LED sign atop its roof. However, it certainly put off the unmistakable threatening aura and stench of regret that you always got from tattoo shops.
Walking through these doors and getting a tattoo was a decision you couldn’t reverse, and you knew this very well. Nights of staying up late with your friends in your younger years and laughing at the “top ten biggest tattoo mistakes” were enough to teach you this. However, you also knew you weren’t the type to back down from a dare, and a dare this was, so you couldn’t go back on it. 
With a heavy heart and shaking hands, you pushed open the door of the shop. You had half a mind enough to tell you to turn around and get out of there, dare is damned, but you knew you were too late when you heard the ting of the bell that would signify to the workers a customer had walked in.
Your brain barely had time to process before it felt like you had walked into a different world; you could’ve sworn you were having a sensory overload. The shop itself was relatively clean, and they had their licenses on display above the check-in desk, validating that you would, in fact, not go home with any weird skin rashes. It had the nauseating smell of disinfectant, which in this case you presumed to be a good thing. Several books were open for looking at on top of the desk, labeled by older works to newer ones. 
You knew that this shop had quite the reputation in your little old town, knew that ever since Woo-Jin passed away it had been struggling with business. Woo-Jin was the heart and soul of this whole business, the sweetest old man with a love for his job. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago due to a fishing boat accident. His death left not only a hole in the heart of the community, but a lingering feeling of something missing in the shop. Spread of word in the town told you that his grandson had taken over the shop, and spread of rumor told you that he was struggling. A lot of Woo-Jin’s loyal customers stopped coming in, saying that the boy was sweet but it just wasn’t the same. 
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you realized you had no clue what you wanted to get. You simply came in here for a dare. You took tentative steps closer to the check-in desk and reached out for the binders scattered on top, hoping to see some design of interest or just anything to give you an idea really. However, it seemed that luck was not on your side as you didn’t even get a chance to look at the designs before you knocked over the stack of binders that had previously been by your elbow. Heads turned your way as you bend down shakily to clean up your mess. 
It seemed you had scattered some papers everywhere, with no clue of the order that they belonged in. The longer you took the more your embarrassment grew. You couldn’t help but feel like everyone was watching. You were in such a panicked state, you barely noticed the hands that had come beside you in assistance to pick up the papers. As the last paper was taken from beneath you and put in its rightful place on the desk, you lifted your head with a beating heart and a cherry red face. 
“Hey now,” the person’s voice chuckled, “No need to be embarrassed.” The voice belonged to a man. It was soft and warm, the type of voice that could make you feel peaceful and calm, make everything seem like it’s okay. Slowly, you tilted your head up to meet eyes with quite possibly the most beautiful man you had ever seen. His appearance was very soft, innocence is a prominent feature, but he also had an edge to him that you couldn't quite describe. He was almost god-like. Some sort of mythical being that you would learn about from Greek mythology. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, wondering if he had frightened you, a safe assumption based on your speechless nature. 
You suddenly remembered what was happening and felt even more embarrassed. “Yes, I’m sorry. I was going to clean it up, I just didn’t know where anything went.” You bowed in apology. “I’m sorry to burden you.”
The man smiled at you and you could’ve sworn you physically felt your breath leave your lungs. “It really is okay. It’s not the first time this has happened. I do it myself more than you would think.”
When your breathing had calmed down a bit, you looked up to meet the man in the eyes properly, ditching the red face and sweaty palms. This didn’t make him any less ethereal. You almost wanted to pinch yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Before you could thank him or even get his name, there was a yell from behind the curtain where tattoos are done. He groaned and rolled his eyes before setting the binders down and taking off to go deal with the situation.
You stood at the desk for a few moments longer, before the lingering anxiety finally got to you. You would not be getting a tattoo today. Making your way back to your home, you couldn’t help but think maybe you had made a mistake. Your friends would never let you live this one down, and besides, if you had gotten the tattoo maybe you could’ve had the chance to have an actual conversation with the cute worker. 
Once you entered your home, you threw off your shoes and flung them up against the entrance that connected the living room to the dining room. You went to your bedroom and changed into more comfortable clothes and flung yourself down on the bed. Soon, you slipped into unconsciousness, the last thing on your mind for the night is the sweet voice of the young man you met today.
When you woke up the next morning, the sun was shining through your windows in contrast to the somewhat cloudy weather of yesterday. It seemed what was supposed to be a short nap had turned into your night’s sleep. You didn’t even get to eat dinner. You sat up and stretched, giving your eyes time to adjust to the light. Slipping out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen. You weren’t in the mood to cook, so you settled for a banana laying out on the counter.
As you sat on your couch eating your breakfast, you couldn’t help but think about the events of yesterday. You wondered if the man had noticed you left, or if he cared. As you ate, your mind drifted off somewhere else when you noticed something missing. On your finger was always a golden ring with a little heart, just a plastic one, nothing of real value but rich in sentimental value as it was a gift from your father from before he went off to the military. Today it was missing. You began to rack your brain about what could have happened with it before going off to your bedroom to see if you had taken it off last night. 
Your eyes scanned the tops of your dresser and your floor, hoping to find a trace of your ring. You knew it was highly probable that you dropped it outside, but you pushed that thought to the back of your mind and kept looking. As you searched your carpet on your hands and knees, you remembered a crucial detail from yesterday. This is exactly what you were doing when you dropped all the papers. The ring must have slipped off of your finger in your haste. 
Cursing under your breath you got up and checked your phone, seeing that the time was only nine in the morning. You hoped the little shop was open this early. You made your way back to the very place you had been yesterday, only to find the doors locked. Getting frustrated at yourself for losing the ring in the first place, you turned around to walk away, before being stopped by a familiar voice. The voice was smoky and silvery, and as soon as you heard the honey-laced tone, you knew it was the man from yesterday. As you turned back around to face him, his gaze met yours and your breath hitched in your throat. You thought yesterday’s anxiety was because of your embarrassment, turns out he just took your breath away at any given time. He was just as pretty as when you first saw him.
“You know we are closed right?” He asked with a small chuckle. He must have noticed your attempt at opening the door and you must have not noticed the LED “closed” sign flashing bright on the door. 
You flushed red with embarrassment. “Sorry. Guess I didn’t see the sign…” You professed sheepishly. 
He shook his head with a small smile. “You’re okay. I’m assuming you’re here for your ring.”
“Ah, yes, actually.” You breathed out a sigh of relief. So you did drop it here. He smiled and pulled it out of his pocket. 
“You know, you’re really lucky I’m the one that found this. There can be some not-so-nice people that walk through those doors.” 
“Thank you, again...where did you find this anyways?” 
His gaze never seemed to leave yours as he spoke. He nodded his head at the shop’s door. “On the floor by the front desk. You must have dropped it when you knocked all of the papers over.” You lifted up your head to quickly apologize again, but a glance of the smirk on his face let you know he was joking. Your body relaxed.
“I’m uh...sorry about that...again.” You twisted your lips in a train of thought. “Why did you keep my ring? You said to yourself that most people would have taken it home and pawned it for some cash. But you didn’t.”
“I guess I’m just not that kind of guy. Besides, Pops would’ve killed me if he found out I was doing something like that.” A little chuckle escaped him. You figured by Pops he was referring to Woo-Jin, the previous owner of the establishment and his grandfather. You figured it would be a sore spot to bring up, and as you looked at his face you could see that even if he didn’t show it, his joke had hurt him a little. 
“Would you like to go get a cup of coffee with me? If not for anything to at least let me thank you.” The offer flew out of your mouth before you could even think about it. Maybe it was the hurt expression on his face you knew all too well, or maybe it really was just you wanting to thank him for finding your ring, but you wanted to spend more time with him. Though he was surrounded by people everyday in his line of work, something about him seemed so… lonely. 
His gaze met yours and his eyes lit up. He gave you a nod and the slightest smile. You let him follow you to the coffee shop; he seemed to stay close but not too close, as if he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. 
When you arrived at the shop, you grabbed the door and held it open for him. “After you.” You smiled brightly, gesturing with your hand for him to go inside. He stepped in with a grumble, something about how it was his job to open the door for you, being a man and all. You giggled at his little comment. “It’s the twenty-first century, women can hold the door for men too. It’s called being nice.”  He blushed a bit, not realizing you had heard his comment. “Now. What would you like to drink?”
After ordering your drinks, you two went to find a table while they were being prepared. You made small talk for a while, but you couldn’t help but notice him staring at your ring, which had taken back its rightful place on your finger the instant he had given it back. 
“My grandmother gave it to me.” You commented, scaring him a bit since he didn’t seem to know you realized his staring. 
He nodded in understanding. “Were you close to her?”
“I think we were pretty close. She was like my mother in a way.” You smiled softly. Most people would be hurt from talking about a loved one that had passed, but talking about your grandmother just made you happy, sort of a sense of comfort.
“I’m sure she was a lovely woman...to raise someone like you.” 
“What do you mean?” 
A light shade of red dusted across his cheeks. “Oh… well, I just mean that you have a very kind soul… I guess.” He gave you a sheepish smile and looked away, too embarrassed to maintain eye contact. 
Before long, the coffee had arrived, and you both continued to make small talk over your cups. About mid-way through, something you hadn’t noticed before caught your attention. His coffee. It was black. Bitter, tasteless, black coffee. You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Who willingly drinks coffee like that?
“You like your coffee black?” you asked, a sort of bewildered tone to your voice. 
He nodded shyly. “I’ve never been into sweeter drinks. It seems like every time I try to order one with something in it, it’s just overbearing, and it gives me a headache.”
You clicked your tongue. “Then you, my friend, have been drinking the wrong coffee.” You picked up your own cup, tilting it towards him. “Try this. It’s cappuccino. There isn’t much sugar in it and the way this place makes it is,” You stopped and brought your fingers to your mouth, making a kissing sound, “chef’s kiss.”
He just chuckled, taking your cup and taking a small sip from it. A delighted noise conjured up in his throat and you giggled. He looked up at you after hearing your giggle, a soft smile appearing on his face. “You weren’t wrong. This is pretty good. Has nothing on black coffee though.”
You just shook your head and made a disgusted sound. “You don’t deserve my coffee dates if that’s your opinion.” You stared at him for a moment, before realizing you two had not yet exchanged some very important details. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“I’m Jungkook.” He offered with a smile.
“Jungkook…” You said softly, trying to engrain the name into your memory. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Jungkook.” You grinned at him and he gave you a grin back.
“You too, Y/N.,” he said softly as if the name coming off of his lips was pure joy to him, and you couldn’t deny that your name sounded a lot nicer coming from him. It was strange how you felt a connection to him, only having known him for maybe an hour at most. 
You ended up spending the rest of your day talking to Jungkook about pretty much everything that comes to your mind. The coffee had been finished long ago, but the conversation never ended. Before you knew it, Jungkook was looking out the window at a setting sun. You looked out the window yourself with a sigh. “It’s gonna be dark soon.”
The sound of your voice caught his attention, and he nodded somewhat sadly at you, having had as much fun talking to you as you did with him. You both stood up, making your way to the door. He halted his movements for a moment, as if deciding whether or not he should say what he was thinking. Ultimately, he decided on speaking. “Thank you for this Y/N. You’re welcome back at the shop anytime.”
You shook your head and waved him off. “Nonsense. You’re the one that held my ring for me. I should be thanking you.” You smiled warmly at him. “But...I’ll be sure to stop by sometime.” He looked up at you, seemingly taken aback by your answer. He bowed his head and opened the door for both of you. 
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” He said, giving you one last shy smile before you two went your separate ways. 
Days seemed to turn into weeks with your budding new friendship, and before long you and Jungkook had been attached at the hip for a number of weeks.
He had come over to your house once or twice. You two would have dinner together and he would help you clean up afterwards, which sometimes resulted in a sleepover as you would both be too tired to even think about him driving home. If you weren’t sharing a nice meal together, you were deep into a game of Mario Kart or watching some crazy nature documentary, which would soon both be abandoned by your long conversations that lasted well into the night. 
Slowly but surely, he had become a part of your daily routine, like you could no longer imagine a day without seeing him. He fit right in. You also took up his offer of coming into the shop every once in a while, where he showed you that the idea of a tattoo wasn’t so bad after all. You still remembered a conversation you two had after a particularly busy day at the shop. He was stressing over something or the other and you asked him why he kept the job if it did nothing but stress him. He told you he loves to listen.
At the time, you didn’t understand it, so you just left it at that, but after coming around for a while, you began to take notice of things. The shop was filled with a variety of stories and people from all walks of life, wanting to tell their stories through the ink on their skin. Of course, there was the occasional drunk college kid that would more than likely regret everything in the morning, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t heard stories that brought you to tears. Tattoos for passed loved ones and promises of love for newly established family members written in ink on the skin. Symbols of strength for those that had just been through too much, and symbols of happiness and joy for those that felt better than they ever have. Customers would talk and talk while Jungkook drew what he heard on their skin, and that’s when you understood. You knew then how important this shop was to Jungkook and why, it went deeper than just his story, so many others were written on those walls. 
You confronted him about it that night at your house and he just smiled at you. That was the first night you experienced what it felt like to fall in love with someone. Maybe you weren’t deep in love yet, maybe you hadn’t known him long enough, but at that moment you would have fought against anyone who tried to tell you any different.
The second time you felt yourself falling in love was when you saw him cry for the first time. That night was the anniversary of his grandfather’s death. You two were sitting in silence, eyes on the Animal Planet documentary currently playing on your TV, when you heard soft sniffles. Slowly, you brought your eyes over to the other end of the couch where Jungkook sat. His eyes were red, and tears slipped slowly down his cheeks, which were also red, indicating that he was trying to hold it back. It killed you to see those usually bright eyes that you had come to love in so much pain. 
Without saying a word, you scooted closer to him. His eyes made contact with yours and you almost broke. You reached out your arms to wrap them around him, and as soon as he was engulfed by you, the dam broke. You could feel him shaking in your arms, and you began to draw little circles on his back with your thumb. “It’s okay.” You cooed softly. “I’m here Jungkook. I’m here.” 
You held him there for what seemed like hours, before you heard his gentle snores in your ear. You laid him down on the couch, covered him up, and went to bed. Neither of you spoke of it the next morning. 
The third time you felt yourself falling in love was different. You were far past falling, at this point you had already crashed. Touches and smiles that you once would’ve returned and left it at that were now keeping you awake at night. The only decent sleeps you got were on the nights he was in your living room, snoring away. He made you feel at home, and you were afraid of it. 
You didn’t know how he felt about you, and you were sure it could never be the same way you felt about him. You couldn’t risk losing your friendship, so you kept your feelings locked away, in a part of you that only you had access to. 
However, Jungkook didn’t make this easy on you. He was the same as he had always been: touchy. Yet it didn’t feel the same. It was different and it drove you crazy. And then one day you couldn’t hold it in anymore. 
The shop had closed up and you and Jungkook were the only two still in there, in the months that you had known each other closing shop with him and heading to your house was part of the routine. But not tonight. As Jungkook was cleaning up the counter, a thought crossed your mind. “Jungkook, what about your tattoos?”
He stopped wiping and turned to you, rag still in his hand. “What do you mean?”
“I mean... “, you fidgeted with the edge of your sundress. “Your story. The reasons behind your tattoos.”
He smiled softly and placed the rag down. “Well…” he started, walking over to where you were. “This one.” He pointed to a small butterfly on his neck. “Symbolizes change. A promise to myself to be a better me every day. This one.” He trails his fingers down to a key on his collarbone. “Loyalty. I’ll protect what’s closest to me.” He pulls the collar of his shirt down a little, revealing a semicolon somewhat to the right and below the key. “This was one of my first ones. After I overcame my depression. A symbol to stay strong.” 
Almost as if you couldn’t control yourself, you reached out to him, tracing your finger softly over the shape of the semicolon. His breath hitched in his throat, the feeling of being that close to you more than he could handle. Hearing his breath catch, you looked up at him, fingers still in the place they were previously tracing. 
“Y/N…” He let out in a breathy whisper. “Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” You almost begged, though you barely had enough time to get it out before his lips crashed against yours. At that moment, you didn’t care if he would hate you after this, maybe he regretted everything, but you needed to feel him. You craved his touch. The kiss deepened, the fiery passion that had been growing deep inside both of you for so long now exploding into fireworks. He wrapped his hands around your waist, lifting you up around him and setting you down on the edge of the counter, to which you did not object. 
He pulled away, breathing heavily. “Should we get you out of these clothes?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. You nodded almost too quickly and he reached down to pull off your dress. He tugged it up and you helped him pull it off, the only material separating you two now being your lace bra and panties. He stared at you hungrily, as if he were a predator and you were the prey. He dropped your dress to the floor and went back to giving you attention with his lips, trailing them around your neck and lower and lower down your body, sending a shiver down your spine. 
His hands made their way to your thighs, causing goosebumps to appear on your skin. He parted your legs, beginning to grind himself closer to you. God, that feeling alone was enough to drive you mad. “God Y/N, You’re so fucking beautiful.” He growled. “You drive me crazy, you know that?” You let out a sigh of intense pleasure, tangling your fingers into his hair and trying to pull him closer. You wanted to feel all of him. You let your hands slip down his body, coming to the hem of his t-shirt and raising your hands under it, feeling over his bare chest. 
“Y/N…” He moaned out breathlessly, the tight feeling in his pants making it hard for him to think. He wanted to ravage your body. He was so desperate to feel himself inside of you, to feel you around him. He wanted you in every which way. You felt the same, evident from your increasingly soaking panties. 
You faltered at the sound of him saying your name. “My name...say it again.”
He leaned in close to your neck. “Y/N.” He muttered, attaching his lips to the spot right below your ear. He kissed you again, this time lower. “Y/N.” He started to nibble on your collar bone and you felt like you were losing your mind. “Y/N. My beautiful princess, Y/N…” His hands slowly pushed you down, his lips never losing contact with your neck, until he had you laid on top of the counter, not caring about the binders and papers to be lost underneath you. He yanked his shirt off over his head, revealing the rest of his toned ink-filled skin. Your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer, tighter against you. 
His hands found their way to your bra, wasting no time removing the lacey material. He threw it on the floor with your dress, eager to give his attention back to you. Jungkook couldn’t believe the sight before him. You were so beautiful to him, and he couldn’t wait to show you. After all, actions speak louder than words. 
He lowered his mouth to your chest, letting his tongue explore around the new area. The feeling of his tongue on you had caused your nipples to harden, and Jungkook had no intentions to neglect this fact, immediately swirling his tongue around the perky buds. He traced his tongue relentlessly around, leaving no room for any untasted spots. 
“Jungkook.” You moaned out his name softly. This encouraged him more, his mouth now capturing your whole breast, making you mewl and squirm beneath him, mixing with his grinding against your center. You whined, eager for him to touch you, and he trailed his fingers down to your heat, rubbing the inside of your thighs in a circular motion, teasing you. You rutted against his fingers, causing him to slip two digits inside, a desperate whine erupting from the back of your throat.
He pushed them in deeper, swirling them around inside of you,stretching your walls and making you weak in the knees. You thrusted upwards, shoving him deeper inside of you, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to be closer to you. He pulled his fingers away, to which you were about to object before he sunk down to his knees in front of you. He put his head in between your thighs, trailing kisses all around the inside. He looked up at you and you could unraveled right there, his lust filled eyes looking at you like you were a treasure to him, the only thing that mattered. Your thoughts were cut off as he placed his tongue over your slit, giving it one good lick. Your fingers found their way to his hair, pulling on it lately, making him let out a whimper and dive into you deeper. It felt euphoric, better than anything you had ever had before, and you could feel yourself edging closer to your orgasm. “Jungkook please..” You whimpered, and he let out a soft groan. You tugged on his hair again. “This feels amazing but please just get inside of me already.” When you told him like that, he couldn’t deny you.
He removed his belt buckled, sliding his pants down and positioning himself in between your legs, wasting no time pushing himself inside of you. He sighed at the feeling of your wet walls wrapping around him. You could feel him deep inside of you, and your back arched in pleasure, his hands going to hold your waist, giving him a better angle. He pounded into you mercilessly, and you let him take you over. No one could tell where you began and he ended, as your bodies molded together and your voices mixed to create the perfect song. One for only you two. As his pace quickened, you could feel your whole body getting tighter. Your walls clenched around him and your legs shook, your body wanted more of him, but it could only take so much. You let out one last yell and you swear you saw fireworks as Jungkook spilled the evidence of his pleasure inside of you. As you both came down from your high, Jungkook gave you one last kiss and pulled himself out of you. “I love you.” He whispered after he pulled away. 
You couldn’t believe what you had just heard. Jeon Jungkook, someone you didn’t think anyone could ever deserve, just told you he loved you. You loved him and he loved you. You smiled. 
“I love you too Jungkook. I have for a while now.”
He kissed you once more, but it wasn’t the last time. It was only the first of many. 
Tag List: @hazeljrz  @goldenwidow3  
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Clothing Is Custom, No Labels: Part One
“No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. No name, no other alias.”
Summary: You’re one of the last bespoke tailors in town, making suits and custom clothing for Gotham’s elite. Business men and women, well known lawyers, the Wayne family, and... the Joker?
Genre: Self-insert
Pairing: Ledger!Joker x fem reader 
Warnings: Some cursing
Word count: 1,667
Authors Note: Here comes part one! I recommend reading the Introduction first if you haven’t 💜
Inspirational Music: Beat the Devil’s Tattoo by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
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                                    - Part One -
Sleep did not come easily to you last night. You tossed and turned, worry about this cryptic meeting flooding your dreams and stirring you awake throughout the night. The lack of good sleep left you feeling hazy and distracted. So hazy that you didn’t see the uneven patch of sidewalk beneath your feet. Your hands shot out in front of you to catch yourself, the rough pavement scraping your palms.
You huffed as you stood up and brushed off your sore hands on your pants. Fucking sidewalk. You pass that patch of sidewalk every day and every day, you walk around it. But not today. Today has decided to be different.
Your keys jingled as you unlocked the back door to the shop, yawning with coffee in hand. It was going to be rough, staying here late tonight. After you opened the front curtains and switched on the lights, you reached behind the desk to turn the news on in the background while you readied the shop to open.
“Several Gotham city banks have been robbed within the last week. This string of robberies has left many dead on the scene at each location, all of whom are assumed to be accomplices, as reported by eye witnesses. If that wasn’t strange enough, all of them have been wearing clown masks,” you heard the GCN anchor say from your little tv.
What did he just say? You left the mannequin you were preparing to dress in the window and took long strides back to the desk.
“It is estimated that over sixty million dollars has been stolen thus far. Police have had few leads as their investigation continues but one man appears to be the driving force behind the robberies. Gotham PD has released this photo, captured by security cameras at Gotham National Bank just yesterday,” the anchor continued before an image flashed on the screen.
Your eyes widened and your breath hitched in your throat at the sight of a man in ghostly white makeup with black around his eyes, a blood red smile over his lips and two jagged scars curling up from both corners of his mouth, staring straight at the camera.
“Nothing else is known about this man other than that he goes by the alias, ‘the Joker’, leaving a Joker playing card behind at many of the crime scenes. If you have any information on the man pictured, please contact the anonymous tip line listed at the bottom of your screen.”
You switched the tv off, a shiver running down your spine. That image was burned into your eyes, as clear as it was on the screen moments ago. You blinked a few times but it was still there, staring at you. The Joker. Those eyes just gazed straight through the screen and locked with yours. It was unsettling but you couldn’t help but feel something else. Overwhelming curiosity. Who was this guy? Why did he paint his face? Where did he even come from? This was the first you’d heard of him. Not to mention those scars. Flesh viciously sliced apart, torn clean through, leaving behind a macabre permanent smile. A strange feeling tugged at your stomach as you thought about the pain he must have felt. They were so… terrifying.
The sound of the door opening jolted you out of your trance as you jumped and whipped around to face the door.
“Oh, sorry about that. Didn’t mean to scare you. Where do you want me to leave these?”
A delivery guy stood just inside the doorway with a handcart stacked with boxes. You shook your head and answered with an embarrassed smile, “It’s ok, I guess I’m a little jumpy today. You can leave them anywhere back there, thanks.”
You pointed toward the back room and he nodded on his way to drop them off. Shit, maybe you shouldn’t drink that coffee.
The afternoon crawled by at a frustratingly sluggish pace. The ticking of time made you impatient for the day to be done but simultaneously anxious about the very same idea. A particularly needy woman with perfume that burned your nose picked up an altered dress and a man looking to get his pants hemmed to fit his unfortunately short stature took up some of your time but it was still an hour before closing time. Your stomach fluttered for a second. Tonight it wasn’t really closing time. You decided to preoccupy yourself with a book you’d meaning to read, sitting down and leaning back in your chair, getting comfortable at the desk. Maybe you’d run out to grab a bite to eat soon.
Your eyelids flew open as you suddenly awoke with a start. The shop was dark. You scrambled from your chair to find the clock, grabbing it from the counter and turning it around. 9:40 pm.
Your heart started pounding in your chest, the meeting with your new mystery client was dangerously close. You cursed under your breath and rushed to close the front curtains, hoping to avoid anyone else trying to come in. It was a miracle you weren’t robbed in the first place.
Reality rushed over you and your hands started to shake with unease. Why were you so nervous? Well, this has never happened to you before. Men bringing you that much money ahead of time, in cash no less. Asking, no, telling you to stay open late for them. It was just weird. Weird in a way that made the little hairs on the back of your neck stand up. And now it was here.
A few deep breaths did something to calm your nerves a bit, at least until the hands on the clock reached 9:58. 
Headlights illuminated the maroon velvet curtains over the windows, sending your heart rate soaring once again. He’s here.
Suddenly, an urge to hide made your legs twitch as you stood in front of the desk but you resisted it, fighting to keep yourself from running to the back room. Your heart continued to pound and was joined by a shudder down your spine as you caught sight of two silhouettes, figures cast in shadow over the curtains that were moving toward the door.
You held your breath when the door opened. It was the bald man from yesterday. He made eye contact with you and blinked. You tensed up, waiting for him to say something, but instead he let go of the door to disappear back outside.
Before you could react, the door opened again and a different man stepped into the shop.
You halted in place, staring at him. His hair was stringy and tinted green. His face. His face was covered with a layer of white paint, black smeared around his eyes, that devilish red smile that had been floating around in the back of your mind all day. It was him.
You couldn’t move. You willed your body to do something, anything other than stare at the man with the Glasgow smile in front of you. But that’s all you could do. Blood rushed in your ears as you stood there, trapped in your own body, for what felt like far too long.
He took a few steps toward you, thawing your muscles instantly for you to back up and bump into the desk, your eyes still on him.
“What’s the matter, hm? You look nervous. Is it the scars?” he spoke as he gestured toward his face.
His voice was peculiar. Somewhat high and nasally but deep and gravelly at the same time.
Your mouth opened to speak before you had any words in mind to say. “Uh, um. N-no. I, um, I just recognized you from the, the news,” you sputtered, trying not to visibly tremble.
His eyebrows shot up and he grinned as he replied, “Ahhh, little old me? Well I’m, uh, flatter-ed.”
The only thing you could do was nod as you continued to gaze wide-eyed at him, your hands gripping the edge of the desk behind you like a vice. The way he pronounced words was hypnotizing. They were spoken so deliberately, so carefully chosen.
“Well, as much as I’d love to continue with this, uh, ban-ter of ours, I believe you can make me a suit, yes?” he continued.
You suddenly stiffened to attention after his statement registered in your mind, your already hammering heart flipping uncomfortably in your chest.
“Oh, um, yes. Y-yes I can,” you managed to stutter.
He clapped his hands together, making you jump slightly. “Fan-tastic! Shall we?” he said enthusiastically, extending his arm out toward the mirrored area of the shop.
He waited a moment for you to move, only to watch you continue to stare like an antelope caught in a  lion’s gaze before flicking his tongue out over his scarred lip and sauntering over on his own.
Deep breaths. You took deep breaths, so quickly that they were making you nauseous. You had to try to relax. What if you made him angry? He’s killed people. What would he do if you messed up? It’s too late to back out. You swallowed hard against the lump growing in your throat. You can do this, you can do this, you can do this…
He started thumbing through the books of fabric swatches on the nearby table, scrutinizing each with his eyes and occasionally raising an eyebrow as you slowly approached with pins and needles buzzing in your hands. He suddenly flicked one of the books shut and raised his eyes to meet yours once again, making you stop in your tracks and hold back a gasp.
“Now, what do I call you, doll?” he asked, his dark eyes fixed on yours.
Your words tumbled out, responding all on their own, “Y/N.”
His gaze had captured you again and this time it was drawing you in. The room around you seemed to dissolve and all you could focus on were his spellbinding eyes.
“Y/N, call me Joker,” he purred.
                    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@amethystmoonprincess @call-me-harley-quinn @paev 💜
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ragnarachael · 4 years
To Sleep, Perchance To Dream
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 1,490
Summary: You didn’t need your famous celebrity boyfriend to spoil you all the time. Though, there are certainly times where you wish you weren’t so stubborn and stayed determined to keep your job in retail.
Author’s Ramblings: i’ve been doing a lot of writing rather than reading, idk if we could tell by the EVERYTHING about my blog lately. (also, i’ll be tagging my loki taglist here! if you don’t want to be tagged in hiddleston content i post on here, just message me!)
LOKI/HIDDLESTON TAGLIST: @myraiswack​ @bellesque​ (once again belle, sorry i forgot to tag u in my other loki things, consider this my apology letter to u)
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You didn’t plan on joining Tom for his nap. You really didn’t. But it was one of those rare days where you both were just out of energy, willing to let the exhaustion take over and sleep for an unspecified amount of time. 
And besides, Tom had an open schedule, and you finally had a handful of days off at your standard retail job. You weren't scheduled to work again until the end of the week. 
You carefully climbed into bed when you surrendered after weighing your pros and cons, still dressed in your pajamas from the morning when you woke up just like Tom. You eyed him carefully as you shimmied onto the mattress next to him as he was laying on his side. He was facing your designated side of the bed that you both shared with light snores while his arm that wasn’t under the pillow supporting his head was out and seemingly already reaching for you. 
What kind of girlfriend would you be to turn down such an invite?
Tom was a heavy sleeper when he wanted to be if he was overworked, and today was no exception. In a matter of minutes you had your face buried in his chest, his free arm wrapped around your waist loosely as you started to get comfortable with using him as your pillow for the most part. 
And within a few minutes, you were asleep. Warm, protected by your lover’s arm that was slowly starting to curl around your middle as his sleeping brain registered that you were finally in his grasp. It seemed like Tom was awake when that happened, but you knew he wasn’t due to the soft snores that were still being pulled from his throat. It was nice to know that even in his sleep he wanted you close as possible. 
You were asleep. Happy, almost clinging to Tom like a lifeline as you let yourself check out and relax. 
Until your phone started to ring about two hours later. 
At first, you didn’t know what the ringing was. You thought it was your alarm at first, but you stayed still until the irritating repetition of the tone completely pulled you from unconsciousness. It kicked your brain into high gear which caused you to jerk up suddenly only to realize it was your ringtone rather than your alarm tone. 
And there could only be one other contact that could break through your Do Not Disturb function other than Tom, who was now starting to show signs of waking up as well. 
You groaned and let your head fall back onto what you could only assume was Tom’s chest, tightening your grip on him instantly as you kept your eyes shut tight. You didn’t want to be awake right now. You wanted to stay in your dream, in comfort and keep relaxing and not worry about the work call you were getting. You just worked for almost a week straight, what the hell could they possibly want from you now?
Tom seemed to groan with you, both of his arms wrapping around you as he squeezed his eyes shut. 
“‘M sorry,” you mumbled loudly, curling your leg around his hips a bit more as if that would stop your phone from ringing. “I knew I should have shut the damn thing off.”
“Mm,” Tom hummed groggily as he breathed in before releasing that breath in a soft sigh. “‘S alright. D’you know what they want?”
You took a deep breath, slowly peeling yourself from the comfort of Tom’s chest, keeping your eyes closed so you didn’t lose any of the sleepiness you still felt. 
“Could be asking for me to pick up some shifts. Could be calling to say that I’m fired.”
“Oh, stop it,” Tom said breathlessly, chuckling as his hand found some of your smooth skin under the hem of your shirt that was riding up your stomach as you sat up in your weird position. 
You were almost sitting completely on top of him, you realized. 
“I’m not wrong.”
“You’re a damn good worker, darling. They wouldn’t fire you over a phone call.”
“You’d be surprised,” you mused, finally letting your hands move up to rub the sleep out of your eyes as the ringing finally came to an end. Both you and Tom breathed out a sigh of relief, the assault on your ears done for the time being. 
Tom’s hand took its time slowly trailing up and down the expanse of your bare back under your shirt as you tried to wake up enough to get the courage to look at your phone. 
“I don’t want to be awake,” you complained lightly, almost like a child. Your face was pulled into the pout and everything as you opened your eyes to match the look you were giving Tom. Yesterday’s shift was your final straw - you were tired, pissed off, and just wanted the few days you were given to relax at home with your boyfriend and not think about going back to work for a bit. Maybe take care of your neglected laundry.
Anything to avoid going out into the public eye for a few days.
“I know,” Tom replied gently, almost as if he was talking to one of his nieces—it was a gentle, kind voice. One that was designed to calm them down and not have them go into another tantrum. “I know. I wish we were still asleep too, love.”
You let another groan rip out of your throat as you decided to fall back on the bed dramatically, Tom’s hand being forcefully taken away from its spot under your sleep shirt. He let out a rough laugh before his hand found another spot on your thigh that was still over his hips. 
“You should see what they want. I don’t want you fired, even if I’m more than sure you don’t need to keep that job—“
“I’m not going to let you spoil me like that, Thomas.” You tried not to push your leg up into his touch. “I don’t need my celebrity boyfriend paying for everything. I can do it.”
“I’m just telling you the offer still stands,” Tom retaliated gently, finally starting to sit up now with a grunt. Your eyes were quick to find his bed head in the dimly lit room. You assumed from the sunlight that was barely filtering in from the window that it was about late afternoon. “Whenever you want it, it’s yours.”
You lifted your head up from the mattress slightly, trying not to seem phased by the fond, caring look he was giving you at the moment. 
“Can I have a kiss?” You questioned suddenly, brushing off the previous topic completely. Your sleep riddled brain did nothing to hide your sudden needs for Tom, as per usual.
“When you’ve looked at your phone, certainly.”
“You truly hate me,” you whined, pulling your thigh from his hand before slowly rolling over onto your stomach to drag yourself up the mattress to grab at your phone on the nightstand.
Tom’s laughter continued to make you feel warm and tingly all over, all while you heard a soft thud as your fingers finally curled over the plastic edge of your phone case. You realized that Tom probably decided to lay back on the bed. You wouldn’t blame him. You’re not ready to leave this mattress at any cost. 
Once your phone was in your hand, you were quick to unlock it and go to your phone widget to see the voicemail in your inbox that was left. Tom watched you with his arms placed behind his head lazily as you pressed your phone to your ear, shifting around on the bed so you had your phone propped up with the pillow against the side of your head rather than hold it with your hand.
“Just as I thought,” you mumbled as you listened to the audio. “They want me to pick up a shift either tonight or tomorrow night.”
Tom didn’t hold back his groan of irritation as you pulled your phone away from your ear to lock it and toss it face down onto the bed.
“They just had you work five days straight! You’re part-time, the last time I checked.” 
“I’m aware,” you sighed, rubbing one of your eyes again as you rolled over and into Tom’s side to place your head on his chest again. “It’s a closing shift though. It should be fine. I’ll have to call back and tell them I’ll take it.”
“You know you don’t have to—“
“I know, I know,” you chastised. “Extra money in the paycheck. I want to see if I can break into the next hundreds with this one.”
Tom snorted as he extended an arm to wrap around your shoulders. “Need I mention the offer again?”
“No, Thomas. Now cuddle me before I call my manager back.”
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