#on one hand i kinda want to just force myself to go tomorrow
theflyingfeeling · 10 months
so who else is looking forward to the Deadzone merch drop because they need the serotonin boost of spending money on something they don't need but desperately want as a completely healthy coping mechanism or is it just me 👍
edit. woops I did not realise the merch drop happened already lol anyway I was expecting a t-shirt??
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yourmidnightlover · 3 months
pairing: mob!bucky x reader
summary: after being forced into a marriage you didn’t want, you become very cautious of your new husband out of fear of what he’s capable of when one of his employees makes a move at a dinner meeting.
warnings: anxious reader, threat of domestic violence (reader is just worried abt it), groping, please let me know if i missed something or need to add anything!
a/n: reader is very timid in this. i know a lot of people like a reader who doesn’t take shit and stands up for herself, but i often find myself in situations where i just shut down and don’t know how to respond… so this is kinda inspired by that feeling
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two months out of forever.
two months of what seemed like wedded bliss from the outside.
in reality, that “bliss” included sleeping in separate rooms, never even seeing each other unless necessary to make appearances for either of your parents. 
the ones who arranged for this to happen in the first place. 
you were just glad you were able to have your time for yourself. you thought you would use the time to continue writing for your book, but you’ve hit a serious case of writers block. so lovely. 
on the bright side, he wasn’t as controlling as your few friends had made it seem he would be. 
they had painted this picture of a monster in your head. a man who would loom over your presence during every waking second. a man who was controlling and wouldn’t let you have a personal life or secrets.
so far, he’s been the opposite. 
for some reason, that still leaves you unsteady. 
because they also painted him in a very violent, angry, red light. 
but maybe he had a mistress. if that were the case, he truly didn’t respect you or your family. it didn’t seem like bucky to do that, though. he wouldn’t ruin a business deal that benefitted him so much. 
the reason you married him was because your father’s finance business was going under, drowned in debts while the only options were to sell to the barnes’ or the rumlow’s. the barnes’ seemed the lesser of two evils.
the only way to smoothly transition your father’s business to be under the barnes’ control without raising any question of your father’s capability was to marry. if any questions were asked about why your father sold his company, the not so good side of the finance industry would trample after your entire family. the barnes’ would get a new company and their many clients, while your family wouldn’t become entirely blacklisted by the entire country, would be putting your family under the barnes’ protection, and there would be less questions asked as to why the company had been merged.
you had a few months of “leaking” images of you and bucky together into the tabloids to prepare the public for the news of such a big marriage. some were photos of you and bucky holding hands while walking. a couple of you at a restaurant smiling. a few staged kissing photos… those may or may not have been your favorite.
those times spent with him, in all honesty, weren’t bad at all. going for walks together at sunset, dinner dates, feeling his lips against yours…
you had gotten to know more about his childhood that the tabloids didn’t feel was important to cover. his favorite subject in school and how he actually lost his arm so many years ago. you learned each others’ fears and worries in life. your favorite thing to learn about him, however, was what he truly wanted in life. 
a couple weeks after the wedding, a few photos of the reception were once again “leaked” in order to sell the “too in love to wait” bit that everyone had started assuming upon seeing the first few photos of you and bucky together. 
but all of your history with him flew to the back of your mind as bucky knocked on your office door. 
“come in,” you replied hesitantly, not sure what he wanted from you for the first time since your wedding. he stepped through the threshold and stood at the doorframe. 
“there’s a work meeting tomorrow,” his hand remained on the doorknob, so stiff you’d think he might rip it off the precious white wood in seconds. “the men are meeting at the house. i wanted to let you know. the men in this business, they expect marriages to be of the… traditional values.”
you nodded with understanding, turning to face him with a forced grin. “so i should play the part of the doting housewife, huh?” no smile in return, so you bit back your humor in turn for matching his serious tone. “what food should i prepare, then? and uh, how many guests will we be expecting?”
“whatever’s easiest for you,” he shrugged lightly. “there will be 9 of us there.” with one final look in your direction, he left the office and didn’t return to say goodnight. 
the next morning you got to work setting the house up for the 6pm meeting your loving husband was hosting. 
you had decided to set up a buffet-style table outside of the main dining room where the meeting would take place. for the menu, you settled on simple grilled chicken with quite a few side options. roast potatoes, asparagus, sauteed carrots, green beans, and rolls. 
you were putting the rolls in the oven when bucky got home, seemingly entranced by the smell of all the food, heading straight to the kitchen.
“it smells amazing in here,” bucky called from the archway of the kitchen. you jumped slightly from the surprise, but swallowed down the shock and another weak smile. 
“thanks,” you nodded to the edge of the island where a large chalkboard sat, your handwriting neatly displayed on the board that listed all the food to be had. “the menu. i figured a variety would be nice, and who doesn’t like chicken, right?”
“vegetarians,” if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was telling a joke. but you knew better than that. “the men are coming in a little less than an hour. do you maybe want to change before they get here?”
you looked down at what you were wearing, a pair of blue jeans and a loose t-shirt clearly not worthy of someone who had married a barnes man. “right, of course. i’m sorry,” you finished setting the timer on the oven and ran upstairs to get yourself put together before bucky saw the tears trying to seep past your waterline. 
you settled on a black cocktail dress you had worn to one of your dad’s company events before the downfall… quickly swiping some makeup on to cover the exhaustion in your eyes and pulling your hair up to a more respectable updo rather than your typical messy bun. 
luckily you had become an expert at quickly getting ready from your time in university, as you were back in time to pull the rolls from the oven, but not before pulling on your apron. you’d be dammed if you got this stunning dress dirty right before this prestigious meeting. 
t-5 minutes before the meeting was supposed to begin and you could already hear lots of rustling from the formal dining room. you knocked on the closed doors before bucky opened the door for you. 
the men went silent as their gaze rested on you in the doorway. 
“the foods ready. buffet style?” your eyes didn’t leave bucky’s pretty blues, too scared to do anything wrong in front of his men. 
“that’s perfect, my love,” his hands gravitated to your waist before pulling your body taut against his, one hand moving a stray hair behind your ear before leaning in to whisper. “you look ravishing…”
as he pulled back, you were sure your blush was evident across your cheeks. you tried to hide it behind a smile, shrugging with a shy ‘thanks’ leaving your lips. 
“what do you say to my stunning wife, boys?” his hand squeezed your waist once more before turning to the other men, ‘thank you’s being echoed throughout the room as they stood and made their way to the kitchen to make their plates. 
in a matter of minutes, all the food was gone. you figured it was best they liked the food, even if you didn’t get to try any of it yourself like you had planned. 
you got started on cleaning everything up with earbuds in your ears, starting with the dishes already in the sink from when you were cooking. then, you were sure to place the dishes that the food was in inside the sink for you to clean before starting on wiping the counters, then sweeping, then mopping, and then back to the dishes. 
you didn’t realize that bucky had called for a break in the meeting, however. you were in for quite the rude awakening when you felt a pair of hands on your waist, but not the ones you were semi-familiar with. 
you turned around with a gasp, shock evident on your face as you tried to piece together whoever this man was. blond hair, blue eyes… definitely not steve though. you knew steve well and had seen him often. 
you pulled your earbuds from your ears in attempt to better understand what was going on. his hands were still gripping your sides, but you couldn’t necessarily escape his touch. you were backed against the sink. even if you could fight him, you’d likely lose to his strong grip. 
“is the meeting-is it over already?” your voice was so much more cowardly than you’d ever expected yourself to be. 
“no, no,” he shook his head. “just a little break, some of the guys were getting antsy.” you leaned back further, trying to create some semblance of space between you. “i figured i’d say a special thank you, on behalf of all of us guys in there.” he let one hand cup the side of your face and neck, his other hand trailing down from your waist, firmly grasping your ass with a sqeeze before you jumped at the invasion.
“i don’t-i’ve got it…”
“john,” he smiled grossly, as if he could convince you to go to bed with him.
“no need for a thanks,” you tried to remind him. “i did this for bucky. for my husband.” your eyebrows rose, trying to emphasize that his boss was also your husband. 
“i’m sure he won’t mind you getting a little bit of extra special attention, don’t you?”
then, a growling voice cut through the fear running through your veins. 
“i think he might mind.”
you turned to face bucky with wide eyes before facing john, wishing the tears welling in your eyes would just go away. 
his hands slowly retracted, stepping back with a chuckle.
“sorry, sir,” he smiled before turning to face your husband. “she was just telling me how she wanted some extra attention, weren’t you, toots?” he tilted his head expectantly.
your mouth opened, nothing leaving in spite of your brain screaming at you. what would bucky do? would he take his side? would he believe you? would he hurt you? 
you’ve embarrassed him now… humiliated him in his own home. surely he’ll take action against you for this. 
your mind replayed stories your old friends had told you about him. how he would lash out at men that betrayed him. how he never took shit from anyone who showed him any disrespect. how he was the kind of man to shoot first and ask quesitons later.
and now, in a way, you’ve both betrayed and disrespected him. or at least, that’s what he’ll think. 
you didn’t even realize tears were flowing down your face until your sobs were interrupted. 
“enough!” you finally looked at bucky before his eyes softened for a second before walking closer to you. “go to the room.” he ordered sternly. 
“but the dish-”
“i’ll take care of it,” he interrupted gravely, “go. to. the. room.” 
“yes, sir,” you nodded and swiftly left the room entirely, collapsing against the door once you had shut it, sobs wracking your body. you held your knees against your chest before trying to regulate your breathing.
he won’t hurt you.
he has to protect his image.
you’ve embarrassed him.
you’re his wife.
you’re his business deal.
you’ve humiliated him.
he’ll hurt you.
you didn’t know how long it had been since the incident. 
your sobs had subsided. you had, at some point, moved to your bed. you were still rocking your body back and forth, trying to self sooth. 
and then there was a knock at the door. 
your body instinctively jumped at the sudden noise, although it wasn’t harsh in any manner, at least not one that you were expecting. 
he twisted the knob, slowly opening the door with slow movements. 
“i-i’m so sorry,” you began apologizing as soon as he stepped through the threshold into your room. “i swear-i swear i didn’t tell him that. i didn’t even realize he was there, i promise. i wouldn’t lie to you. i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry. please believe me.” your body was still rocking and you didn’t even notice he was as close to you as he was until you saw his hand moving by your head.
automatically, you assumed the absolute worst, your head ducking into your body like a fucking turtle, the meekest squeal leaving your lips mixed with a sob. your arms went over your head protectively, as if a bomb were about to go off.
“sweetheart,” his voice sounded so broken, so torn, so unexpectedly soft. 
you finally looked at him for the first time since he came in your room. his flesh hand was holding his metal one as if it were something that could kill. in ways, it was. 
“you-there’s no need to…” after looking at him for a second longer, you noticed that his eyes had tears that almost mirrored your own. “i would never, ever lay a hand on you. i’m so sorry for scaring you. i can’t…” he sighed. “i can’t believe i made you believe i’d ever hurt you.”
“i’m sorry,” you pleaded with him once again. 
“you have nothing to apologize for,” he hesitated to reach for your hands before settling on simply grabbing a spare pillow. “i came up here to apologize. for my tone earlier… i know john. he never knows his boundaries. i should’ve… you never should’ve been put in that situation. that’s my fault. that’s on me. and i will spend the rest of forever to make it up to you.” 
“you don’t have to-”
“no, my love,” he shook his head. “can i-can i hold your hands? please?” you, without hesitation, grabbed his hands yourself. “i need to make it up to you. you’re mine. you’re my wife. it’s my job to protect you, to keep you safe. and to have someone ruin that? to touch what’s mine in my own home? i’m so sorry.” he brought your hands to his lips, pressing at least ten kisses to each hand. he was so gentle and careful it was a good thing you knew better than to think it actually meant anything.
you were surprised, to say the least, at how tender he was being with you. 
how could you have ever thought he would hurt you? that he would raise his hand and swing? that he would cause you harm? he was here declaring that he would make up this incident for the rest of eternity when it wasn’t even his doing… 
“will you stay with me tonight?” his eyes lit up at the request.
“are you sure you want that?” he became a touch more reserved. “i don’t know if it’s a good idea since you were worried i would…” his voice trailed off.
“i’m sure,” you nodded before scooting over in the bed. 
sure, your marriage was arranged and didn’t stem from true love. you may not have talked outside of when absolutely necessary. you might have even been terrified of him at one point. 
but now, the thought of forever with bucky barnes didn’t seem half bad. 
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xcherricutie · 3 months
🌺 drift away 🌺
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Reader]
[Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three] [Part Four]
[Word Count - 1.4k]
[Tags: Angst, songfic (I can't help myself)]
[Notes: My first Hazbin Hotel one shot. Still new to Tumblr, and new to writing one shots, I'm used to writing longer form. Hope this post is up to the standard. It's like, 1 in the morning and I have work tomorrow morning, enjoy. I will hopefully get out a part that's kinda like a prequel, I wanna do Other Friends lol. Obvs inspired by Steven Universe.]
Let’s go in the garden, 
You’ll find something waiting, 
Right there where you left it, 
Lying upside down...
Excitement shot through your system, your feet dragging along the ground as a giggle bubbled from within you. You paused every few seconds as the man before you looked back, a single brow raised at your antics. He took a few steps forward, the sounds of your feet tapping as you followed along filling the air. He sighed, turning around. His eyes, golden sclera and deep red irises, landed on your own, though unfocused. Almost as if looking straight through you. 
He’d tried to keep you here, to stop you from following. He knew you were only doing what you were meant to do. You were made for him. An angel born purely to keep Lucifer in check, to keep him happy. You loved being by his side, you loved spending time with him on Earth, in the garden. You thought he loved it too. You thought he loved you. 
Taking a deep breath, Lucifer forced a smile for you. His wings softly flapped behind him, lifting him off the ground, raising him to be just above your face level. His finger tapped your nose, his enchanting voice coming through. “Here in the garden, let’s play a game, I’ll show you how it’s done.” 
“Here in the garden, stand very still,” His hands on your shoulders, you looked up at him with a beaming smile, happy to spend time with your love. 
“This’ll be so much fun,” Your voice, soft and delicate spoke, earning a smile from him. Your heart fluttered at his smile, his cheeks crinkling slightly as his eyes closed, appearing relaxed. At least to you. But appearances weren’t all what they seemed. 
“And then he smiled, that’s what I’m after,” You clenched a fist, pressing it to your chest, trying to calm your fast beating heart. You could feel the eyes of the demon behind you on you, the very demon that came from him. “The smile in his eyes, the sound of his laughter.” 
You could see the scene replaying before you all over again. You could even hear the soft chuckle that had once escaped his lips, his hands softly squeezing your shoulders. You knew she could see it too, but you didn’t want to acknowledge the memories that had begun to rush back to you, memories from long ago. Memories you’d wished you could forget. 
“Happy to listen, happy to play, happily watching him drift away...” 
Lucifer’s grip loosened on your shoulders, his wings flapping as he pulled away, leaving you to your little game. You watched him fly into the bright sky, disappearing in the light of the sun with another. But you didn’t think anything of it, because he loved you. He was playing with you, spending time with you. 
The girl behind you could only watch in silence, her throat squeezing closed as she tried to keep her inner turmoil to herself. She knew exactly where she was, exactly where you had taken her. The wilted bushes, the out-of-control bramble, the spiraling roots through the grass. This was the long-abandoned Garden of Eden. This was where it all began. Where Charlie’s father, Lucifer, had started humanity’s spiral into chaos, starting with you. 
“Happily waiting, all on my own, under the endless sky...” You glanced up to the stars dotting the night sky. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. You never wanted anyone to see this, you never even wanted to see it again yourself. Yet, here you were, sharing your vulnerability with the person you’d come down to Hell to kill. The princess of Hell herself, and Lucifer’s daughter, Charlie. You had let her in, showing her your memories. “Counting the seconds, standing alone, as thousands of years go by...” 
The roots had begun to cling to your still form, your body aching, your wings begging to be spread once more. Your hair, once something you had been proud of, now in shambles, grown out nearly to your feet. Deep bags had sunk into the skin under your eyes, a telling sign of your exhaustion. For how much longer must this game go on, you wondered, but never dared voice it. You were meant to make him happy, right? 
“Happily wondering, night after night, is this how it works? Am I doing it right?” Your fists clenched, unable to bear looking at your old self any longer, watching as your sickened form disappeared, turning into speckles of gold in the wind. You stepped forward into the place where you had once showed Charlie your older memories, resuming the familiar stance you had been in for over ten thousand years. “Happy to listen, happy to stay, happily watching him drift away...” 
A cool breeze blew through your hair, reminding you of the countless nights you took solace in the feeling, the only thing that reminded you that you were still alive, still conscious. Your eyes met Charlie’s, a faint smile on her face as you spotted the tears welling in her eyes. You turned away with the breeze, taking a step in the opposite direction of Charlie, startling her as she was quick to follow. 
“You keep on turning pages, for people who don’t care, people who don’t care about you,” 
You walked along the edge of a pond, legs brushing against the soft petals of the flowers surrounding the pond. The breeze pulled along the flowers, a long dead water lily being ripped from the ground. Grasping the weakened petals of the flower in your hand, you turned to Charlie with a soft smile, placing the flower in her blonde hair that felt just the same as his. Just as you pulled your hand away, turning your attention to the water, the flower crumpled in her hair, falling apart. 
“And still, it takes you ages, to see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, see that no one’s there, everyone’s gone on without you...” Your eyes drifted back to the spot you had become a part of for so long. The spot you thought would one day claim you and set you free from the pain that he’d left behind in you. Charlie’s eyes followed, her eyes widening to see more of your memories, more of what her father had caused. 
“Finally, something.” 
The two seraphims, Sera and Emily, stood before you, fear and sorrow written across their faces. Emily ripped roots that had grown to hold you down tightly off, while Sera ran her fingers through your broken hair, tears streaming down her face. 
“Finally, news, about how the story ends.” 
Sera rambled on and on about everything you had missed. About how humanity had progressed. About the angels that had replaced you in society. Everybody thought you were dead, at the hands of the Devil. You didn’t understand any of it, not until she explained just what had happened, why you were even standing here, playing this game. 
“He isn’t an angel anymore, fallen long ago, leaving you for Lilith, and his brand-new daughter...” 
“Isn’t that lovely?” 
Tears streamed down Charlie’s face as she watched your younger self burst into tears, sobbing violently into Sera’s chest as she hugged you tightly, muttering useless apologies over and over. You cried and screamed, telling her to stop lying and to bring you to Lucifer, to end this game already. You begged and pleaded, telling her that it wasn’t like that, that he loved you, he asked you to stay and play with him. He couldn’t abandon you. You were his angel, his love. 
“Isn’t that cool?” 
You ignored the pain that squeezed your heart, watching as your memories faded in those familiar golden glimmers, begging that this would be the final time you’d have to see them. You ignored the hot tears that dripped down your cheeks, your emotions leaking through, escaping the tight hold you’d kept them in for so many years. 
“And isn’t that cruel? And aren’t I a fool to have happily listened, happy to stay, happily watching him drift, drift...” 
You squeezed a fist to your chest, your heart slowing down finally as you sighed deeply. This was the end. This garden, where everything had begun, would finally see the end of the story. Where you would finally let go of the memories that haunted you for ten thousand years, and move on with your life, putting an end to his little game. 
“Drift away...” 
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mysterious-ocarina · 5 months
No Control
marauder!Sirius Black x fem!reader
(A/N 1, im american so i’ll prolly get alot of british slang wrong, or just call stuff by what americans say) ( A/N 2, this is kinda an au where Sirius doesn't move in with James and is stuck with the Black family. I had a lot of trouble figuring out what family to put the reader in that would fit my plot and I just ended up putting you in the nott family. I guess if you really wanna think about it (pls don't think too hard about it), your brother is the father of theo nott?) (A/N 3, check this out if anyone wants an explanation of why i've been gone from tumblr for so long)
Warnings: definitely angsty but with some sprinkles of fluff, lots of mentions of abuse (nothing graphic is shown, it's just described to have happened a lot in the past), this is an arranged marriage trope but not enemies to lovers trope, lots of misogyny (lately i've been feeling angry at the world and it's views of women so here is me trying to comfort myself. Sirius black is a woman lover fr). let me know if there is anything else i need to tag cuz this is my most serious fic yet
Main Masterlist HP Masterlist Requests AO3
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(5.6k words)
Sirius Black. A name that's known by the majority of the Hogwarts population. And a face that is known (maybe a little too personally) by many wizards and witches at Hogwarts. But not to you.
You've only ever heard about the notorious Sirius black and the gang of hooligans called the Marauders. You've never got to meet any of them personally. You occasionally would see some of them around, but never Sirius. As a Slytherin, you often ran into his brother, Regulus, but you've never really talked to him either, only ever exchanging pleasantries. 
It was actually kind of surprising that you've never talked to the Blacks before. You both came from pure blood, supremacist families and both you and Sirius were known to be a bit rebellious against your families (or just rebellious in general).
But none of that matters, when your parents force you to come home for the holidays and basically shatter your resolve. 
At Hogwarts, away from the prying eyes of your family, you were most like yourself. Rebellious, outgoing, funny, and even kind. But under the roof of your family's expensive manor, you were nothing more than a quiet, obedient little girl, who's value was determined by whichever man was in charge of her. The perfect, pureblood daughter.
Just as your mother was and is, you are basically a slave to your own blood, specifically your brother and father. And as soon as you're married (arranged to a pure blood. no doubt, without your consent) you'll have to be an obedient little wife for your husband. 
The perfect, doting, obedient, docile, pureblood wife. It was all a load of rubbish, you thought, but you would keep the facade up in order to keep the abuse at bay. You learned pretty early on that speaking up for yourself and speaking out of turn was not going to be tolerated.
You were silently eating dinner with your family. Your father and brother were quietly speaking about matters that even if you and your mother cared, neither of you would be allowed an opinion on.
“Honey, we’ll be having important guests for tomorrow's dinner. So make sure you look your absolute best,” your mother spoke to you. She gave you a sympathetic smile knowing the “show” you both would have to put on in front of guests.
“Okay. Am I allowed to know who these guests are?” you swallowed down your food. You were filled with nerves, thinking about what kind of important guests you were going to have.
Your mother bent down closer to your ear, “I’m not supposed to be telling you this-” she shot a quick look to your father to make sure he wasn’t listening, “but it’s the Black family. I’m not sure why they are coming. All I know is that it’s important business with one of their sons.”
You put your fork down on your plate, placing your hands down on your lap in front of you. You let your thoughts wander and only grew more worried. What kind of important business did one of the Black brothers have with your family? To help a little with your nerves, your mother placed a comforting hand on yours before going back to her meal.
The rest of your night was uneventful after that, until you went to bed. You stayed awake for longer than you should have, your mind way too loud to allow you to sleep. You ran through a list in your mind about the millions of different “important business” that the Black family could have with yours. But none of it made sense why they would eat dinner with us. Usually important business was settled in your father’s study, as it was improper for the ladies to be present.
Eventually, you were able to fall asleep and then the next day would start. You woke up late, which was extremely unappreciated by your brother, who was expecting his morning coffee like usual. You were promptly punished, not only by being woken up by him screaming at you, but also with a beating.
You spent the rest of the day trying to find an appropriate outfit for the dinner that would cover the red marks and newly forming bruises on your arms. Your mother lessened the pain of the marks a little during the day but there wasn’t much else that you could do.
Sometimes when you both sat and drank tea, you would often dream together about running away from all of this. The blood supremacy, controlling men, and just downright evil families. But those thoughts and dreams were quickly quelled when the sound of the men's voices could be heard, calling for the maids- I mean women.
Both you and your mom knew, these were only dreams. It was impossible for purebloods to leave the life that they were born into.
You and your mother waited in the foyer, waiting for the guests to arrive. Your dress was rubbing against the lashes on your skin, making you scratch your arms in irritation but soon stopped when your mothers hand landed on yours.
“You’ll only make it hurt worse. Plus, you know you can show any discomfort in front of the guests,” she said softly. She was trying her best to sound comforting but it only served to remind you of the show you both are forced to put on and the lives you’re stuck living.
A knock was heard and muscle memory forced wide, fake smiles onto both of your faces. Your mother opened the door and welcomed the Black family, “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Black. I hope you had safe travels here.”
As soon as they crossed the threshold, you were in front of them offering to take their coats. They handed them to you as Mrs. Black spoke, “Thank you for having us, Mrs. Nott.”
“My daughter will show you to the dining room while I finish up making dinner,” your mother informed before quickly making her way towards the kitchen.
After you finished hanging up Mr. and Mrs. Black’s coats, you finally had the chance to look at the two Black brothers. Being in his house, you immediately recognized Regulus, who gave you a tight smile. You then looked over to who you assumed was Sirius.
He certainly was as attractive as the girls at Hogwarts always seemed to make him seem. But he wouldn’t make eye contact with you. He was looking toward the ground, still keeping his posture ramrod straight. He had the same look and body language as someone who had just been beaten for disobedience. A look you were familiar with.
Before anyone could get angry with you, you spoke up, respectfully, “If you would follow me, please.”
With your head down, you brought the family to the dining room. Your father and brother both stood up to shake hands with the Blacks. You stood behind your seat, waiting for the men to sit down first. Your father and Mr. Black sat down and engaged in conversation. You watched Regulus take the chair next to his father and looked to see where Sirius was. You were surprised to find him right next to you.
You backed up, unsure why he was standing there. Of course, you would give up your seat if he asked you to. But all he did was pull the chair out and motion for you to sit down. You sat down and thanked him as he pushed the chair in, “Thank you, young master Black.”
In the corner of your eye, you saw your father give a nod at your use of the title. Salazar, you sounded like a damned house elf. But that was the proper way you were to address him.
Sirius scrunched his nose at the title but gave you an understanding smile, “You’re welcome.”
He surprised you once more by taking the seat directly next to yours. You kept your mouth shut, knowing it was best to keep your curious thoughts to yourself, but you did shoot him a kind smile.
Dinner started without a hitch, conversation mostly being between Mr. Black and your father, your mother and Mrs. Black conversing a little bit with each other too. You, your brother, and both Black brothers mostly stayed silent and ate the meal.
Throughout the entire dinner, when nobody was looking, you had been rubbing at your irritated arm in discomfort. You don’t know how long Sirius had noticed but he grabbed your hand under the table just as you were going to bring it back up again. He continued to eat his meal with his other hand, looking like he wasn’t holding your hand under the table at the moment.
At your confused glance, he leaned closer to your ear, whispering, “I know what you’re doing. It’s just going to make it hurt more, the more you keep messing with it. Just squeeze my hand instead.”
He went back to eating, glancing around to find that no one noticed him whispering to you. You squeezed his hand a bit hard as you went back to eating too. Instead of wincing or doing anything to show discomfort, all he did was rub his thumb soothingly on yours.
The butterflies Sirius stirred up in you was enough to distract you from your irritating arm for the rest of the dinner.
“Now,” your father started, rubbing his napkin on his mouth and setting it down on the table, (the universal sign for “stop eating and listen to me”). “Mr. Black and I have recently come to an agreement.”
Sirius squeezed your hand in comfort as his father spoke up, “Seeing as Ms. Nott is the same age as my Sirius, we have arranged for the two of you to be married. It will be after the both of you graduate from Hogwarts.”
Those words echoed in your head as you looked up to the two fathers in shock. Your silverware clattered as it fell from your hand onto your plate. You must have been breaking the bones in Sirius’ hand, holding it as tight as you were.
Despite the fact that you knew it was a bad idea, your adrenaline forced you to speak up, “You can’t do that, father. You can’t just force me to marry someone that I just met.”
The tears in your eyes didn’t fall, years of “training” keeping them from falling.
Your brother gave you a harsh glare at your disrespect. Suddenly your father stood up, slamming his hands on the table. Staring straight at you, his commanding voice not loud but still thundering all the same, “I can, and I will. Do not forget your place in this family and this world. You will do as I say until you are married. Then you will be your husband’s to command.”
In a haste, you let go of Sirius’ hand, placing your hands on the table to stand up. Sirius, thinking quickly, kept you from getting up by grabbing your legs under the table. That didn’t stop your mouth from speaking harshly, “I am nobody’s to command or control.”
Before you could say anything more, your father reached across the table and slapped you across the face. You held your cheek in shock. He’s hit you before but never in front of guests. The entire table sat in shocked silence.
You looked down at your lap, willing your tears not to fall. You noticed Sirius’ hands clenched in his lap, he looked like he was shaking in anger, but his face had a practiced neutral expression. Regulus’ eyes were wide as he looked at you but had no other reaction at the scene that just transpired. The both of them knew not to speak up.
Your brother had a satisfied smirk on his face. You could just hear the thoughts in his head right now. Thank Salazar, someone put her in her place, his face screamed.
Your father sat down and looked towards Mr. Black, “I’m sorry for my daughter’s behavior. I hope you can forgive me for her impudence.”
Mr. Black simply waved his hand in dismissal, “It’s alright. I understand how women are.”
Picking up his whiskey glass, your father sighed, “It’s a shame we can’t put off the marriage to fix her. Maybe your son will be able to crack her.”
Mr. Black took a swig of his whiskey too, “We can only hope. If not, I can think of a curse that surely helped to fix up my Sirius.”
Sirius tensed up next to you. Your father had never used the Cruciatus Curse on you, but it was clear what Mr. Black was referring to and your father seemed to quite enjoy the idea. The two men simply laughed as if that curse wasn’t named an Unforgivable Curse. They laughed, as if your pain was nothing more than entertainment to them.
The dinner went back to normal for the two men and your brother, not noticing the tension felt between the rest of the group. This time, you grabbed Sirius’ hand under the table and rubbed it soothingly. He let out a shaky breath and squeezed your hand.
Losing your appetite, you spent the rest of the meal sitting in silence, holding hands with Sirius. Your thoughts ran completely wild. You were going to be married to him, for the rest of your life, and you had only spoken once. You didn’t even speak. He whispered to you and you listened. Thinking more about it, there are worse boys that you could have been forced to marry.
At Hogwarts, Sirius was known for being rebellious and against his family's traits and values. Salazar, the boy was sorted into Gryffindor, the opposite of his entire family. But what if that was just in the public eye. You didn’t know anything about Sirius except for what you’ve heard from others. For all you knew, the moment you and he were alone, he would revert back to his family’s pureblood values and abuse you just as most pureblood husbands did to their wives.
No, you quickly thought, stop it. You tried to think about the entire situation with a rational head. Throughout the entire dinner, he did nothing harsh towards you. He offered comfort when your arm was bothering you. He kept you from standing when you argued with your father (who knows how much worse the situation could have escalated if you actually, physically stood up to him). He did his best to offer you comfort without your families knowing it.
He’s not an abuser, you rationalized with yourself. You felt the way he tensed up at the mention of the Cruciatus Curse. He would not be like your father or your brother.
After dinner, you were sent straight up to your room. Before you were separated, Sirius softly spoke to you, “Don’t worry, darling.”
His smile reassured you by a fraction, as you got ready for bed. Maybe all of it won’t be so bad.
You didn’t see Sirius, or his family, at all the rest of the holidays. The next time you did see him was on the train back to Hogwarts. You were simply looking for an empty carriage to settle in, when you noticed Sirius coming towards you.
He grabbed your suitcase and brought it to what you presumed was the carriage he was going to be in. You simply followed him, shrinking under the glare that some of his fangirls were throwing your way.
Once the door was shut and you were alone, he finally spoke up, “So, how are you?”
You sat in the seat opposite of him. You were unsure how to proceed, so you took the safe option and responded, “I’m fine, master Black.”
He opened his mouth in shock, before quickly wiping the look from his face, he basically pleaded, “Please don’t call me that.”
“But-” you went to protest, but he cut you off.
“At least, don’t call me that when we aren’t near our families,” he dismissed what you were going to say. All you could do was stare at him. It really did seem he wasn’t like his family.
Growing embarrassed under your stare, he shyly spoke back up, “I hope you know that you can act like you normally do when you’re around me.”
You looked away from him, face flushing, “This is how I normally act.”
He leveled you with a look, “We both know that’s not true. I don’t know you well but I’m sure you have a number of choice words to call me.”
Seeing the amused smirk on his face, your facade broke. You slightly smirked right back at him, “I don’t have any words to call you… Our fathers on the other hand…”
Sirius’ smirk turned into an almost awestruck smile. Before he could say anything back at you, a gaggle of boys had burst into the carriage.
“Pads, you’ll never guess who sent me a letter during break,” James Potter excitedly said. He went to sit across from his friend only to just now notice you. You gave him a sweet smile.
“Who’s this?” James asked, sitting next to Sirius and throwing his arm around him.
Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin followed James into the carriage, taking their seats. Everyone gave you curious but welcoming looks.
Sirius gave you a look, which you nodded to.
“Put up a silencing charm. I’ve got a story to tell you,” Sirius replied, causing the boys to perk up.
The next hour or so was spent with Sirius explaining your arranged marriage to his group of friends. You were relatively silent, not yet comfortable talking to his friends. He left out the parts where you were abused and berated but didn’t spare the details of his own abuse. It seemed he was comfortable sharing what he goes through to his friends. And evidently you too, since you were there listening too.
This was how you found out that he knew about the betrothal before you did. Apparently, he found out just moments before going to the dinner. He tried to refuse his father (the same way you had, you noticed) and received a beating for his insubordination. That would explain the look he had when you first saw him.
You cringed a little, hearing that he was hit but he gave you a reassuring smile. His friends were also really kind and sympathetic to the entire situation. No wonder he seemed comfortable sharing his familial trauma with them, they were extremely supportive.
“Can they really do that?” James questioned, from next to Sirius.
You sighed and crossed your arms, “Unfortunately, yes. There isn’t anything that we can do to avoid it.”
Remus looked up thoughtfully, “Is it possible for you guys to run away from your families?”
You thought about it, “Hypothetically, we could run away from our families and the blood supremacy world, but it would be extremely difficult.”
Sirius spoke up, “Trust me, I’ve debated it my entire life. If we ran away from our families, no doubt we would be financially cut off from them.”
You added, “Not only would we have to somehow have enough money for a place to live, but we would also need to find a job, to keep the place to live. And trust me, families like ours have a lot of power in the wizard world. One word from them, and no one would want or be able to hire us.”
Peter muttered, “That’s horrible.”
Sirius sighed and slouched in his seat, “You’re telling me.”
“Thinking about it, Sirius, you need to put your womanizing ways away. A married man shouldn’t be parading around with any woman that gives him attention,” you added with a teasing smirk.
“You make me sound like a cheap whore,” Sirius replied with a pout.
“You’re not?” James was quick to rebuttal, causing you to laugh at the offended face Sirius gave the both of you.  It didn’t take long for the entire group of you to dissolve into laughs and giggles.
Sirius smiled at you, teasingly, “Well how about you? I’m sure your long line of lovesick fools will end up sobbing at the news.”
You glared playfully at him, “I don’t know any lovesick fools. I actually swore off dating a long time ago so this doesn’t affect my love life at all.”
Remus looked at you in bewilderment, “Went from swearing off dating straight to marriage.”
“Quite the jump,” you simply offered in reply. “At least I’m stuck with Sirius and not some blood supremacist twat like my brother.”
“That is true,” Remus reasoned. “You could have been forced with someone who actually believes the rubbish their parents feed them.”
You felt comforted by Remus' words, confirming that Sirius wasn’t like both of your families.
The rest of the train ride was spent getting to know each other. It wasn’t hard to become friends with Sirius and his buddies. The longer you spent with them, the more comfortable you became with the idea of becoming Sirius’ wife. Don’t get me wrong. You still didn’t want to be forced to marry someone that you didn’t know or love, but you were comfortable knowing that he felt the exact same way.
Who knows? Maybe you could fall in love with Sirius the same way a plethora of other girls had.
The rest of your seventh year at Hogwarts went alright. It didn’t take long for rumors to spread that you and Sirius were to be married but for the most part, the gossip didn’t bother either of you that much. It’s not like the rumors were false, so what was the point in denying anything.
The only downside was the threats that a multitude of Sirius fangirls made in your direction. Nothing too serious has happened to you yet, but you knew soon enough that it would be too much for the wrong girl. Turns out, that time would come soon enough. 
You were eating breakfast in the Great Hall, Regulus sitting across from you. Since he was to be your brother-in-law, the both of you became friends. You would also find out that he wasn’t like his parents either. He just wasn’t as outward of this fact as Sirius was. Watching what Sirius has put up with, he knew that he wasn’t brave enough to rebel and deal with the consequences.
Earlier in the week, a parcel came by owl for you. In it was a Black family heirloom, a wedding ring. You were told that you had to wear it from now on, even though you guys were still only engaged and not married. Of course, you didn’t argue, though.
You sat staring at the ring. On one hand, you hate what it symbolized. It was your own sick image of slave shackles that tied you down. On the other hand, “It really is quite pretty. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought Sirius picked it out just for me.”
Regulus looked up at you as you spoke. He was confused for a moment until he noticed you glancing at the ring on your ring finger. He swallowed his toast and took a sip of his black coffee, “Well… I mean, it is charmed.”
You gave him a confused look, which only made him look back at you even more confused. His eyebrows raised, “You don’t know?”
“Know what?” you questioned. You looked at the ring and tried to think of what kind of charm it could have been.
Regulus smirked back at you, “Well, Mrs. Black-” you glared at him, only making him smile harder at you, “-When the ring was first made for our grandmother's grandmother, or some other old bat, it was put under some kind of spell. 
“It was always meant to be an heirloom and it was charmed to always look the way that the husband, the male with Black blood, wanted it to look. Hypothetically, it was supposed to be a symbol of great love because the husband should know what kind of ring their wife would like to wear. But with our family being the kind of family it is, it was mostly only ever worn as a symbol of possession.
“Rarely, did the husbands care enough about their wives to know what kind of ring they would like to wear,” Regulus finished his story. He was giving you an unreadable smile.
You stared back at him, your expression almost as unreadable as his, scoffing at him, “Well most jewelry is going to be pretty.”
“Yeah, but doesn’t that look like the perfect ring for you,” he smoothly replied.
You simply ignored him, finishing your breakfast. You did your best to ignore the fluttering feeling in your chest at the thought that Sirius knew what your perfect ring would look like.
The ring on your finger only served as a reminder to all the girls at Hogwarts that you were to be Sirius’ wife, a fact that was not very well received by the female population. Before you had the ring, the most that would be thrown your way was dirty looks and glares, something you could easily handle. But as more and more people noticed the ring on your finger over the next week, the more serious it became.
You started to receive so much hate mail, that you started to only ever open up letters if they had the official Nott or Black seal. Most of the letters only said foul things to you. Not many people were aware of the arranged part of the marriage, mostly only pureblood Slytherins and Black’s friends knew about that, so a lot of the letters consisted of them berating you and wondering how you got the notorious Sirius Black to fall in love with you (A love potion being the most common guess. Because why would the perfect Sirius Black want to be with a nobody girl like you).
People really are dense these days. How could people possibly jump to any sort of conclusions when no one has ever seen you guys kiss… or even hold hands for that matter. The both of you were friends by now, of course. But that’s it. You guys didn’t just magically fall in love now that you are betrothed.
Well… one of you wasn’t in love. Over the course of getting to know Sirius more for the past few months, feelings did start to stir within you. But you always tried to squash them down as soon as you felt them. Which only made you hurt more.
You were going to get married… without your consent… to a guy that you’ve started to truly care for… despite the fact that he could never care for you the same way. It was all kind of sad, when you really thought about it.
You thought about how you were probably, inadvertently, just a symbol of his slavery to his family and their beliefs. Just as he was inadvertently a symbol of your slavery to your family and their beliefs.
But you were able to look past that. So maybe he would be able to look past it too and see the silver-lining to this whole thing.
Breaking out of your thoughts, you muttered a quicked Incendio at the pile of hate mail in front of you, burning it to ash. Slipping your wand back into your robes, you continued to eat your dinner in relative peace.
If only it could’ve stayed in peace. Two girls, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff that you didn’t even recognize, sat down on both of your sides. Your confusion was apparent, only widening the smirk on the two girls' faces.
Understanding what was going on, you rolled your eyes, “Do you guys need something?”
“What’s your secret?” the Ravenclaw girl inquired.
You simply continued to eat your food, unaffected by their intimidation. Dryly, you responded, “Whatever could you mean?”
The girls looked at you in disgust, before the Hufflepuff spoke up, “We want to know how you got someone as amazing as Sirius Black to fall for you. I can’t think of anything good about you.”
With another roll of your eyes (if you had a galleon for everytime you rolled your eyes because of these kinds of girls, you would be rich) you cooly replied, “Have you tried, having a personality? I’ve heard it does wonders in making people like you.”
Both girls huffed at your attitude before standing up. The Ravenclaw haughtily informed you, “You better watch your back, Nott. Wouldn’t want anyone to damage Sirius’ goods.”
Using her wand, the Hufflepuff spilled sticky juice all over you, leaving you floundering in shock. You sat for a second seething in anger, only growing more furious as the gross liquid seeped more into your clothes.
By now, most of the great hall was already watching what had happened but at the glare you threw at everyone, people were quick to go back to minding their business.
You got up quickly, making your way out of the Great Hall. You heard footsteps behind you and someone calling your name but you were too blind with rage to bother turning around to find out what they wanted. You had had enough of the girls in this school looking down at you for something that wasn’t any of their business.
You were almost to the girls washroom, when Sirius grabbed ahold of your arm. You quickly whipped around, seething, “What the hell do you want, Black?”
He faltered, unsure how to handle what was happening, “I saw what happened. Are you okay?”
You glared harshly at him, “Do I look okay to you?”
Gobsmacked, he hesitantly replied, “Well, what can I do?”
“Oh gee, Black,” you spit at him. “Maybe you could fix your fanclub who seems to think that I’m Satan incarnate herself.”
Your anger in the moment kept you from thinking rationally, you mocked, “Oh perfect Sirius Black. He’s so hot and amazing. How could a slag like you end up with a man like him?”
Sirius stood, shocked at your outburst but kept silent and let you continue to tear at him, “I’ve heard it all, Black. Your little group of fangirls are so deep into their delusions that they can’t even see that we aren’t in love. The only thing that they are capable of seeing is that I’ll be your wife, consensual or not.
“Those girls don’t even realize the pain it brings me that I’m forced to do this. Those girls don’t see the pain my family has put me in, time and time again. Those girls don’t see the pain they cause me with their vitriolic jealousy,” You finished your rant off, poking at his chest with each sentence. Breathing deeply after explaining how this all made you feel, you watched as he processed everything you said.
He seemed unsure of how to continue, until anger and what looked like insecurity started to cover his face. He moved your hand away (very lightly, you noticed) and started to step towards you as he raised his voice back at you, “Well what do you expect me to do about literally anything about this situation. I’m sorry that having to marry me is the worst thing that ever happened to you.”
“Sirius,” you sighed, regretfully.
But he was quick to continue before you could, “No, you got to tear me out, so now it’s my turn. Trust me, this hurts me too. I know how horrible our families and their rubbish traditions are. You are just as familiar with the abuse as I am, meaning that you know just as well as I do, that there isn’t anything that either of us can do against this.”
He took a step back and a deep, calming breath. He looked at you with an expression that was unreadable, “I wish there was something, anything, that I could do to help us feel less trapped but there’s nothing to do.”
You took a step closer to him, “Nothing about you, is the worst thing to ever happen to me. Really, if anything, you’re the best thing to happen to me. It’s because of you, that I feel less alone.”
At your admission, Sirius let out a breath of relief, as if you just lifted the world off of his shoulders. Was he really that worried about being a burden to you? You spoke up again, “I’m sorry for yelling at you. None of this is your fault and I shouldn’t have let my anger out on you.”
Sirius sighed, muttering the scourgify charm. The sticky juice was instantly cleaned off you and you already felt a little bit better.
Sirius grabbed your hand, holding it in both of his, “It’s alright. I understand what you’re going through. But we can get through this together.”
“You’re right,” you responded with a soft cry. You fell into his chest and softly cried out your frustrations. Sirius stood there, soothing you as best as he could, unwilling to let you out of his embrace.
“How about tonight, you meet me in the astronomy tower? We can do whatever, it doesn’t matter what. We can just hang out and forget about our families for once,” Sirius offered. He still had his arms around you in comfort.
Once your sniffles subsided, you hugged him just a little bit tighter, “That sounds amazing, Sirius.”
(A/N, I was thinking of doing a part 2 if you guys are interested. I was thinking it would be after the marriage but you guys still dance around the feelings you have for eachother. maybe you guys find a way to run away together too. i dont really know, yall let me know what you think)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 months
Imagine…Dean Making You A Pie
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Pairing: Dean x reader
A/N: Happy belated Thanksgiving!
“Y/N!” called Dean. You popped your head up from your book on the back porch on the fall day, Dean stepping out the back door with a big smile. “Come on sweetheart.”
“What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“Nothing. I have a surprise,” he said. He grabbed your hand and pulled you inside the house, your jaw dropping.
“Dean! What happened to the kitchen!” It looked like most of the counter top was covered in flour and some kind of batter, a white dust stuck to the cabinets, something red splattered on the floor. There were dirty dishes, utensils and baking supplies everywhere but Dean left you be and went to the wire rack by the oven.
“I made a pie,” he said. He pointed at the counter, a big smile on his face. “By myself. I mean I followed your recipe but I did it on my own for once. What do you think? Want to try some?”
“I would love to and I love that you decided to try baking on your own,” you said. You looked up and saw something on the ceiling, cocking your head.
“Are you freaking out about the mess?” 
“Um.” You looked around, eyes landing on the pie. The room was an absolute disaster but he looked so proud of himself. You’d made him pies more times than you could count and more recently he started helping out when you did. “Actually no. I um, it’s just a little messy but we can deal with it later. Cut me a piece of pie.”
“Definitely. I want to see how it compares,” he said. You made a clear spot at the island and Dean brought over the pie, carving out a slice for the two of you. He hummed and set it down on a plate you got out, quickly getting a fork.
“Oh is this cherry?” you asked, breaking off a piece.
“Yup,” he said, smiling as you took a bite. You chewed once before you paused, bitter and salt and thick chewiness hitting you. 
“Good right?” he asked. You chewed again, forcing your face to stay neutral. He took the fork from you and dug in, his face freezing the second he chewed. “Y/N.”
You hummed, covering your mouth with your hand.
“You don’t have to eat this.”
“Thank you,” you said, going over to the trash can and spitting it out. He quickly joined you, shaking out his body. “Dean sweetie. How much salt did you put in?”
“It said 1 cup? Or one teaspoon?”
“Yeah definitely not a cup. But your filling was decent.”
“I forgot the sugar in it, didn’t I.”
“Yeah just a little,” you said. “Presentation is great though. I love the lattice work. You did really good.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Sorry about the mess.”
“It’s fine. It’s actually quite impressive,” you said as Sam walked in from the garage. “Sam it was your turn to clean the kitchen this week wasn’t it?”
“I’m going to Eileen’s,” he said, turning around.
“Nope. Not my problem. Screw the chore chart. I’ll see you guys at Eileen’s for dinner,” he said.
“Wait! Try my pie. I made it myself,” said Dean. He smiled and Sam sighed, taking the fork from Dean and grabbing a piece. He plopped it in his mouth and frowned, looking around before spitting it into the garbage. 
“I hate you,” said Sam, Dean chuckling as he left.
“So should we clean up?”
“Yes but then we can try making pie dough again and another filling and this time I guarantee it’ll be amazing.”
“Can we do it tomorrow? I’m kinda exhausted,” he said.
“Sure. You can sit with me on the porch and cuddle then after we clean up.”
“That sounds like a perfect afternoon to me sweetheart.”
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xo-cori · 8 months
hi um can i request smthn abt dina crushing readers head with her thighs while they eat her out <3 and reverse cowgirl with her. making her bounce on your lap. UGGGHHHNGH im so down bad for her.
hands on your knees, angelina jolie
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pairing: dina woodward x fem!reader
summary: you’ve become addicted to the feeling of her body beneath yours. more specifically, her unassumingly strong thighs.
warnings: smut (MDNI), reader is definitely a munch 😁
a/n: HEYY i only did the first part bc i’m not exactly comfy writing about straps/any dicklike thing in general BUT I HOPE U LIKE ANYWAYS!!!
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Her moans fill the dimly lit room, moonlight creeping in from the window that shines a ghostly light across her tan, freckled skin. It’s the middle of the night and she’s pliant underneath your touch. Her fingers make a mess of your hair, her bare chest rises and falls in rapid motion, and her thighs… well, you’d be content to die this way if she happened to break your jaw.
They clench down around the sides of your face, spasming and shivering. Her wetness soaks your chin and the wrinkled bedsheets below. You’ve been at it for well over an hour, yet have made no attempt to pull away or gasp for air. You simply don’t want to– and even if you did, Dina does too good a job of holding you in place until she’s had enough.
“Jus’ like that,” she purrs, looking down to see the way you’re bent down between her legs, ass up in the heavy air, giving her a proper show. “You’re so good to m-me… fuck!”
Your hands come down to her knees, encouraging her to fully close them behind your head as you hum in agreement. The vibrations cause her to throw her head back against the pillows behind her. Your tongue languidly licks up and down her petal-soft folds, jaw aching so badly you’re sure that it’ll be hard to chew the next day, but it’s all worth it when you feel her thighs tighten around your head once more and nearly pull the hair out of your head. Her back arches off of the bed while you open your clouded eyes to look up at her, watching intently as you lick another gentle orgasm out of her; her third one of the night. You sigh into her contently, scooping up all of her cum with your tongue so that you can savor the taste before she weakly pulls you off of her.
“Come here,” Dina breathes, not entirely sure her body even belongs to her anymore.
You crawl up to straddle her hips, leaning down to kiss her properly– she can taste herself on your lips, on your tongue, and she feels the slick that coats your chin. It takes all of her willpower to not jump your tired bones right then and there. Her arms limply wrap around your neck, all of that strength finally gone now that you’d drained all the energy she had. “Maybe one day you’ll actually crush my head.” You laugh against her lips, making her pull away with a gasp.
“Don’t even joke about that.” She demands, cheeks darkening with an obvious embarrassment.
“I’m not joking. You know how happy I’d be to die between your legs?” You sigh dreamily as you collapse on the bed beside her. Dina covers her eyes with her forearm and huffs.
“I’m already not gonna be able to walk tomorrow,” she groans, “so I don’t know where I’ll find the strength to do that.”
“Do what? Crush my skull like a watermelon?” You tease, laughing as she playfully smacks your arm. “It’s fine. I’ll just wait ‘til you’re back in one piece, then get back to hoping.”
Dina turns her head to look at you with a suggestive grin. “You know what? That’s awful, but still kinda turning me on.”
“Really?” You quickly prop yourself up on your arm, a hopeful tone in your voice. “We can go again, I just might have to use my fingers ‘cause my jaw is fucking done for–”
She cuts you off by moving to lay on her side and placing her arm around your waist, forcing you back down to lay with her. A soft smile graces her lips when she feels your hand come up to rub the soreness from her lower back. “You really tuckered me out, horn-dog.”
“Tuckered myself out, too. I’ll wash the sheets in the morning,” you say before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
For now, all you can do is doze off into a blissfully deep sleep and hope that you remembered to lock the front door.
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yeonjuns-girlfriend · 10 months
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💕Sleepover with Soobin 💕
Genre: smut / oneshot
WARNING ⚠️: childhood friend theme,unprotected sexual activity’s , dom soobin , fem Y/n,
Word count : 1.3k
Summary: soobin invites you over late night for a sleepover
Not proof read sorry for typos in advance lol enjoy :)
You were out of town for a few days . You got back yesterday and you didn't get a chance to see Soobin ,your childhood best friend. He invited you to a sleepover at his house. Going to his house was nothing new but you had not spent a night with him since you were little back at his parents house. Two adults  having a sleepover is kinda silly if they're not romantically involved  but you know you'll have a good time and you miss him so of course you say yes with no hesitation. It was a Last minute thing you guys were going to wait till tomorrow to see eachother since it's already late but he invited you on a wim. 
You pack your bag with a few necessities and brand new cute pink pajamas you didn't even get a chance to try on but you were in a rush so you didn't really care about it. You uber to his house when you get there he meets you at the front door. You greet each other with a hug and some small talk  
“y/n are you up for a movie?”
“Yeah i'll just get changed really quickly , you can put the movie on in the meantime ”
while changing you realize you messed up you should have made time to try on those pajamas before tossing them in your bag. The shorts are too short and the top is a little too small for your chest. Accentuating your cleavage making you feel embarrassed. He’ll definitely get the wrong impression and think your trying to Seduce him or something. while  you're deep in  thought about the situation Nearly freaking out about it you hear a knock at the bathroom door 
“Hey ,is everything ok ? i put the movie on “
“Yeah i'll be out in a sec”
You walk to the living room and sit on the couch you feel his eyes glued to you 
The lights are dim and the movie has started.your excitement overshadowed your embarrassment and you get carried away watching the movie. you're on the edge of your seat and your leg accidentally brushes up against soobin.You're so into the movie that you don't even realize When the action part is over you get a chance to look over at Soobin. his face was glowing red and he had an nervous look ,avoiding your eye contact
“Hey are you okay your face is really red is something wrong”
You notice he's holding a pillow on his lap
“What are you doing ”
“ i'm watching the movie just like you are”
“ ohh we forgot the popcorn do you mind getting it , i left it on the counter”
Soobin Stands up quickly tossing the pillow to the side when he returns with the popcorn he tries but fails to hide his boner when you see it you're a little taken aback by it . It makes you nervous but also turns you on. You can't deny how good looking he is,if your being honest you've always fantasized about what it would be like with him so …….You approach him “are you turned on right now”
“No ….what are you talking about”He tries to deny it but you've already seen it with your own eyes.You take the popcorn from him and place it back on the counter you stand in front of him and look him in the eyes putting one hand on his bulge he whimpers a little. 
“Does it make you Uncomfortable,seeing me like this?. I tried to Ignore it but I couldn't look away from you ,when your wearing that I couldn't resist thinking of you in a naughty way
“It's ok I understand ,I'm not uncomfortable with it , I can try to help you out. Would that be ok?” 
The moment is so romantic ,the way he just looks at you with lustful eyes. He holds your face brushing his thumb across your lips and you place your hand on his.
“Are you really ok with this?, i don't want to force myself on you”
You slip your other hand into his pants and begin stroking him “soobin,This is what i want” making him whimper a little more 
He looks away grabbing your hand guiding you to the couch . He sits down and gestures for you to sit next to him. You obey and when you're face to face he pulls you into a kiss.his soft lips making your heart pound and your body warms up welcoming his every touch . The air is hot and his sloppy kisses make your panties sopping  wet. You moan when he puts his hand on your upper thigh he begins touching you gently, when he feels how wet you are it turns him on even more making his cock drip pre cum. He wants to take you so badly but holds back because he doesn't want to hurt you. He pulls down your shorts and pulls your panties to the side before sliding one finger inside of you. Your arousal leaking out of you all over his long fingers. His pace picks up and he adds another finger .The room is filled with your soft shy moans as you lose yourself to the moment.
“Soobin i can't take much more of this i'm not gonna last” your words come out sloppy as you try to talk while his fingers are fucking you 
“y/n be good for me and just relax ” your walls squeeze together around his fingers after hearing him. And your body shakes from the orgasm that rushes over you. You loudly moan his name as he moves his fingers faster to carry you through your release.he slowly slips his fingers out of you 
“Y/n Clean it off for me” you open your mouth and he sticks his fingers in aggressively . you've never seen this side of him before. He's gone ferrell  .Before he could give you any more orders you get on your knees .When your head is between his legs you lay your face on his inner thigh rubbing your face against his cock through his pants . You pull them down just enough to let his cock come out. you look up at him while licking up his staff slowly from his base to his tip. You keep eye contact looking up at him as you deepthroat him, slobbering all over and gaining momentum he thrust his hips against you. Soobins moans get louder and hearing how sexy his moans are make you put in more effort . He's laid back on the couch all  out of breath. He puts a hand on the back of your neck to force his cock  deeper into your mouth. Your constant sucking  caused him to cum before he could warn you. He pulls it out of your mouth .It's still rock hard. He takes your hand again, caressing your body and positioning you so that you're bent over on the couch. He’s grabbing and slapping your ass. He finally takes off your panties and Immediately sticks it in. He's waited long enough he has to have you now he goes in so deep and so hard that you gasp for air. He took the air out of your lungs. Without giving you a second to get used to his size he fucks you with no breaks your ass stings from how hard he slams Against you. You try telling him it's too much for you but the only sounds you can make are cries of pleasure. His groans make it so much harder to form words. You think you might die from how hard he's taking you he grips your waist and thrust as hard as he can filling you up with his warm cum. He pulls out and enjoys watching his cream leak out of you.
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yourjughead · 4 months
Attack Dog pt. 4
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
A/N: I really like this part, finally some contact going on hehehe
Sweet Pea POV
“Sweeeeeeet peaaaaaaa, moove overrrr I'm coming in-'' he slurred and stumbled past. What the hell is going on? He crashed onto my makeshift bed and stretched.
“-I amm having a sleeeeeep over here, the Seniors haveeen comman-commaannnder-commandereeed fuck it, they took my housee” I looked out the front door and watched some very drunk, very big men crowd into his trailer and close it. I went to object to him but he was already passed out on my sofa.
“Sweet Pea what's going on?” YN said smaly from my room. I quietly rushed to her and into my room.
“Jones kinda stole my digs after the seniors took his….do you mind if I stay in here?”
“I mean it's your room sooo I can just make my way home”
“No no stay, I don't know who's still around outside and besides it's freezing” there was little to no space between the two of us. It was difficult to fight my urge to lean into her. I forced myself to take a step back from her, taking a pillow from the bed and throwing it on the floor.
“Just sleep in the bed with me Snake Brain, your old man back will break sleeping on the floor” she shuffled back to the bed and slipped under the covers on my side of the bed. My side. I slid in next to her trying not to completely freak out that I was legitimately sleeping with the enemy. Both our eyes were locked onto the ceiling. I should really paint up there.
“What happened with you and Jughead earlier?” I couldn't help myself, I had to say something to take the weird tension away from between us.
“He told me I abandoned him and it was my fault he had to join you guys” she exhaled the words out. Fault? As if we're the worst thing in the world to happen to anyone. I have all the right to kick his ass from my sofa.
“Just leave him sleep Sweet Pea, you won't get anything out of him now” was she inside my head? I moved gently in the bed at this thought.
“You're not exactly hard for me to read Sweet Pea, relax” she laughed a little but I didn't relax. How was I so easy to read? No one has ever said that before. She rolled onto her side to face me, hands tucked up under the side of her face.
“What else did he say?”
“That I should have fought harder to come home sooner….that I might have been able to save him from you guys…basically it's my fault I'm upset” save him from us? Save him from us?! I went to move from the bed, I was gonna kick him out I don't care. I was stopped by the feeling of YNs hand wrap into mine beneath the sheets.
“Just leave it Sweet Pea, defend your honour tomorrow after you sleep-” she yawned out.
“-besides it'll be a lot more fun to shout at him when he's fighting his hangover” she gave a mischievous smile as her eyes gently closed. She's still holding my hand….I'm still holding hers….why are we still holding hands and why don't I want to let go?
I laid awake for half an hour staring at the peeling paint of the roof. The pain in my shoulder growing from my unmoving hand was getting hard to ignore as YN slept peacefully next to me. Caught between my dying nerves and the dying want to not let go I quickly rolled towards her, releasing her hand and catching it with my other. I misjudged the distance between us and clocked her straight into the head with my own as I did. She dropped my hand to place it on her forehead. Damn it.
“You're such a freak” she laughed, rubbing her forehead and then rolled in closer to me, draping an arm across my waist and gently pulling herself into me, resting her head between the pillow and my chest. Great. This is great. This is also very confusing. Again, it was like she read my thoughts, even half asleep and she sat up, leaning on an elbow to look at me.
“Sorry I… I don't know why I did that”
“It's okay YN…it was actually comfortable…I'm okay with it if you're okay with it” she gave me a smile I never wanted to see leave her. She has to know that that was difficult for me to admit. She rolled to face out towards the wall and for a moment I thought Id left myself be vulnerable to the wrong person, that she'd laugh and reject me, call me the silly snake brain I was and leave. But no. She didn't. She instead shuffled down into the bed and laid her back flat against my chest. I cautiously moved my arm to cross her waist and she caught hold of it to move it faster and then held it there with her own. Am I asleep? Is this a dream? Am I being punked?
I nestled my chin against the top of her head, pulling her closer into me, tangling our legs. So close to me…..oh shit too close she's too close. I shuffled a little to try to hide the part of me that was betraying any sense of secrecy I had about my changing feelings to YN. She just moved back to where she was, no hiding from her. I could almost feel her whole body smirking as she gently rubbed little circles with her thumb on the back of my hand. Damn it she's winning.
“You're not…hard to read Sweet Pea” yup, she's definitely smirking at me. I tried to push the embarrassment out of my voice before speaking. She's not gonna win this one.
“Well I hardly think that's surprising, I already told you what I think needs to happen for you to relax” I barely whispered, it was her body's turn to…stiffen in the bed alongside me. Point Sweet Pea. I slowly moved my mouth to hover above her neck. We were both so still, I could almost see the hairs on her neck stand on their end. My lips met her neck almost painfully gently. I began to kiss her there until she rolled her head back slightly to allow me more access. I then started to nip her neck, sucking gently as I went. Her own body betrayed her then as she gave a small moan of approval. Point Sweet Pea.
She didn't let my point advantage last very long as she began to push herself into my growing length, a low growl escaping me before I reburied myself in her neck, more feverishly this time. Her hand wrapped tighter around mine on her chest as she grinded into me, encouraging me on. Electric, I was being electrified by her. She rolled more on to her back and I was hovering above her. I didn't really think then, I just leaned down and met her lips with mine. Truly electric. I'm kissing YN. This went further than I thought it would. This is going to go further than I thought it was. She must have had the same thought separating from me. Sex is one thing, kissing someone like that and feeling how we did while kissing during sex is another thing.
“I…didn't mean to….I shouldn't have…” I didn't know what I was saying, almost begging her with my eyes to say anything.
“I-” she was cut off by the sound of Jones sneezing from the sitting room, causing us both to jump. I had completely forgotten he was out there. We were about to…I don't know what we were about to do but we were gonna do it with him out there.
“Night Sweet Pea” was all YN said, rolling away from me again to face the wall, this time not taking my arm with her. Fuck.
I didn't sleep for the rest of the night, the thought of what could have been controlling me. I don't think she was asleep either but I didn't challenge her on it. Fuck.
I got up and got dressed, heading into the kitchen for coffee as the sun hit the inside of the trailer. Jones sat up extremely groggily and groaning. Karma.
“Morning” I smiled at him, only getting a huff in return.
“Sweet Pea I'm gonna go before Jughead wa-” YN whispered as she entered the living area. Not quiet enough. Jones' head shot to hers then to mine and back again. If he wasn't green before he certainly was now. I didn't know what to think or where to look. Karma? YN just looked down briefly at her feet, surely just trying to take any break from his giant eyes. Then she looked back, directly at him.
“Morning Jughead, I gotta say, I kinda get the Serpent thing” she beamed. Oh she's evil, she's really really evil, she would make a great Serpent. She then practically bounced out of the trailer, leaving me back to face the brunt of his darkened eyes. Point YN.
Part 5
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karolinevassalor · 10 months
Anything for you. Pantalone x Reader
Warning: Mention of cheating, false accusation, theft, imprisoment, starvation,preg!reader, cheater! Kaeya,
Ie: for the people who love Kaeya. I also love him, one of my favorite playable char, but i want to try him this kind of situation.
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It was a rainy night in Liyue. Everyone is either their home or one of the city inns. Just  a few, mostly homeless people who remained outside in the cold weather. One of them, a young woman silently cried and gently patted her stomach.
-I know love you hungry…so i…but don't worry…mother will get you food somehow…somehow…- her tears became in one with the raindrops what fell from the little rag what she managed to get from the back alleys. She collected a little water to drink in her free hand, but it just make her stomach grumble more.
-Im sorry baby…im sorry…- She sobbed and slowly stand up, stumbled over the road , but a moment later someone caught her and shortly after a heavy dark jacket landed on her back. She heard a  calm male voice. 
-Oh my…It's too cold out here darling. You’ll catch a cold if you…- She looked up to where the voice and the jacket came from. By the archons. It was a handsome man with luscious long black hair and glasses.
-I-im sorry sir. I did not want…- she tried to move away, but he gently grabbed her shoulder and with another hand he moved her face to front of his.
-My, you look really weak darlin’. You eat something today?- Maybe she just imagined but his voice was surprisingly concerned just as his eyes. After his question she started to cry even more. The young woman's trembling lips are not open for answer. He quickly pulled his hand from her face and lifted her in bridal style. 
You need to go to a doctor. Lets go.
Later, in the clinic.
“This cant be real. Why he helped me?” She thought as she slowly gulped the warm soup what the nurse gave her earlier.
The doctor and a man who brought her there  talked not far from her.
Thank you kind sir for bringing her in time. She was seriously malnourished and her fever almost get worse. It was deadly to both her and the baby.
…Understand. Thank you doctor. - The raven haired man looked at the woman. - May I ask for some minutes of privacy with her after you finish the necessary checks?
Of course. I just finished the papers.  Take your time. - And then he left the room. The other man grabbed a chair and sit next to bed.
I'm sorry for the vulgarity, i'm not even introduced myself to you. Name is Pantalone. May i ask yours? - She just put the empty bowl on the counter and bowed her head. She weakly told her name. Pantalone let out a worried sigh.
Beautiful name. So, you’re not from Liyue?
I'm from Mondstadt. I was from there.
And may i ask what happened to you in this condition?
…I did not know either. - She muttered and grabbed the  bedsheet. Pantalone raised a brow, but before he opened his mouth, she continued- Just one month ago I was in the middle of the preparation of my wedding with my fiance and the next moment i was accused for stealing relic from the temple.
You did that?
Of course not! - she cried out. - I would never do such a thing! And turn out…that said relic was not even stolen from.
Hooh? Then what happened? - She gripped the sheets with more force, he put his hand on hers to ease her a little bit.
My own fiance, who is one the knight of Favonius, came to arrest me. They put me in the jail without a trial.
Thats kinda suspicious.
At first i dod not understand either, but later i found out.
The two guards who  was on night patrol talked about how Kaeya already moved another woman in our house and tomorrow they will get me out of the town to ‘put another place’. They don't even cared about i heard them.
Now you safe darlin’.- Pantalone gently moved his hand toward hers.- They dont hurt you anymore.
But why? - she cried. - Why did he did this to me?! I was his fiance! With his child! He told me to get married earlier! 
He did not think about it seriously. He did not care about you and the baby at all. - He said the with a cold tone. She froze from his words. Then she let out a sigh and a weak smile toward Pantalone.
Thank you, for saying this…Maybe i …i just want to hear what i tought. - His face are softened after her sudden comment and start to caress her hands with this tumb.
Tomorrow i need to travel to Inazuma. Would you mind to accompany to me on this journey?
…Why did you care about me, Mr Pantalone? - She asked weakly.
Because i know the feeling when you been left all alone without any hope. I don't want you to feel that anymore.
…Thank you.
6 Years later, Mondstadt
Around noon, a big fancy carriage arrived to the town. Folks gathered around it, and when the door opened 3 young children jump out from it, all boys. After them a tall male with an expensive looking dress came out and reached his hand toward a woman, who also wore a beautiful dress but also covered her face with a silvery colored vail.
Boys, dont run so far. Wait for me and your mother.- He hold her hand and they start to go after the children. Everyone looked at confusion the faces, the knight, the restaurant owner and even Mondstadt  most wealthies man, Diluc came into their view. And he did not like what he saw at all. As they make a stroll over the stairs, one of the guard stop their way upstairs.
Im sorry sir, but this is way is restricted. Military personel only.
Oh, dont mind good sir - Pantalone smiled as the boys hid behind him and their mother. - I was just here to talk with lady Jean.
And may i know what interest?
It really nothing..- Now he slightly opened his eyes, showed a more menacing side of his - i wanted to talk about her how much this city cost? I want to buy it.
To be continue…
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fdelopera · 5 months
Moon Knight on Erev Rosh Hashanah
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I took part in the Moon Knight mystery swap, and I'm writing this fic for @enigmatist17 !
Since it is New Year's Eve (or New Year's Day depending on when you're reading this), I wanted to write a fic for the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.
This fic is based on the MacKay comic book series (Moon Knight 2021), and is set several issues before Issue 30.
I wanted to show MK System as an observant Jewish System, since that isn't often explored in depth in the comics. And you just know, Jake "For the People" Lockley is usually the one who schleps their tuchus to shul!
Happy New Year!
“We’re not going,” said Marc, shaking his head, trying to push back the emotions coming from Jake and Steven. “Absolutely not. I haven’t been in years. Not since … well, not since that time with dad. And Jake, I think it was mostly you around that time anyway. You always paid more attention in shul.”
Marc felt a familiar pulling sensation from where Jake usually hung around, when he was close to front. And then Jake’s familiar Brooklyn twang said, “Marc, bubbeleh, I could just knock ya out cold and take us there myself, you know. But I want you to be there. This is for you as much as it is for us.”
Marc felt Steven chime in with his nasally Long Island cadence, “We both want this. Jake and I do. Not for dad. Not for the family. For us. For you. We’re the only mishpocheh that matters here.”
“Well, I guess I’m just the odd man out. As per usual.” Marc shook his head, and absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair. Their hair was greasy and unkept from being shoved under the mask. What else was new. They needed a shower. That was usually Steven’s job, but Marc didn’t want to give Steven any chance to front and collude with Jake to drag them to shul. Not now.
Not with tomorrow being the 1st of Tishrei. The first day of Rosh Hashanah.
“I heard that,” said Steven. “And neither Jake nor I are going to force you to go to High Holiday services. But we bought the ticket, everything’s all set up. Central Synagogue has a beautiful service. It won’t be anything like dad’s shul. The music is more contemporary. The Rabbi and the Cantor are both women. They’ve got beautiful voices. You’ll find a way to pout about it, I’m sure, but I know deep down you’ll enjoy it. Trust us.”
“What about Reese and Soldier? What about Greer? Are we really going to leave them alone for days at a time? Just tell them, ‘See you later!’ What if they need me? What if Hunter’s Moon has to track down another one of Black Spectre’s goons?”
Marc felt Jake’s chuckle erupt from deep within, and he heard Jake’s words wash over him with yellow-colored mirth. “Marc, I think a couple of vampires and a cat woman are more than capable of taking care of themselves without you fucking everything up, don’t you think?”
“Marc…” Steven’s voice echoed softly within, a wash of blue concern pushing against the back of their eyes. “Marc, what is this really about.”
“It just feels like a complete waste of time, with everything we’ve got going on.”
“Hey!” Jake’s annoyance came quickly. “You might not take shul seriously, but I do. This is important for us. We’re Jewish, Marc. Whether you like it or not. And as Jews, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are our two most important days. Our holiest days. I know that probably doesn’t mean shit to you anymore…”
“No, no, I’m not saying that…”
“Well, you kinda are. You’re saying that our two holiest days don’t matter for shit. Meanwhile, you’re out on the street, doing the bidding of an Egyptian god.”
“That’s different. I don’t worship Khonshu. I still remember the Aseret Hadibrot, and I know that Number One and Number Two are very important.
“I am the L-rd your G‑d, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
“You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor any manner of likeness of anything that is in heaven above, that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them. For I the L‑rd your G‑d am a jealous G‑d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me; and showing mercy unto the thousandth generation of them that love Me and keep My commandments. (x)
“See? I still remember what dad taught us.”
“Nice, so you can recite the Ten Commandments,” sighed Jake from inside. “But you still don’t seem to understand why it’s important for us to go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.”
“What I do remember is something dad talked about once… This was a while ago. Before he got sick. He was preparing a d’var Torah for Yom Kippur, and there was something he said…” Marc stopped himself before he thought about it more.
“Marc, what is it? What did he tell you?” Steven’s voice was gentle, his blue concern washed over them again.
“You already know, Steven.”
“Well, why don’t you say it, then.”
“It’s silly. Just a stupid thing. Something I heard dad say once. It just, got me thinking. About us. About me.”
“If it’s silly, then why are you trembling now?”
“I dunno. Maybe I still worry that it’s true.”
“Well, why don’t you talk to us about it? We can work through it together.”
Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. “This is fucking ridiculous. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Marc, bubbeleh…” Jake’s thoughts were soft. “C’mon. Try us.”
“Fine. I have to find it.”
Marc grabbed his phone and searched Sefaria for the specific passage. “It was just this one commentary in the Talmud. About Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Here it is. You’ll see how dumb this is. Really.” He sighed dramatically, but he couldn’t quite keep the tremble from his voice.
“The Gemara goes back to discuss the Day of Judgment. Rabbi Kruspedai said that Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Napacha said: Three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah before the Holy One, Blessed be He: One of wholly wicked people, and one of wholly righteous people, and one of middling people whose good and bad deeds are equally balanced. Wholly righteous people are immediately written and sealed for life; wholly wicked people are immediately written and sealed for death; and middling people are left with their judgment suspended from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur, their fate remaining undecided. If they merit, through the good deeds and mitzvot that they perform during this period, they are written for life; if they do not so merit, they are written for death.” (x)
Marc sighed. “That’s it. You get it? That’s why I’m worried.”
“And what about this worries you, Marc?” Steven’s thoughts were patient, even as Marc’s emotions started to rise.
“I’m scared. I’m terrified that something awful is gonna happen. I’m fucking terrified that I’ll be inscribed as one of these ‘Wholly Wicked’ people. Steven, you’ll be fine. You’re one of the ‘Middling People’ after all.”
“Ha! Very funny Marc. And I guess that makes Jake one of the Righteous few.”
“Damn straight I am!” laughed Jake.
“You are, Jake. Jake ‘For the People’ Lockley, of course you’ll be among the Righteous. But me? I dunno. Somehow I’m convinced that if I go to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, I’m going to die.”
“Yeah, Steven?”
“Headmates can’t die, Marc. At least, not without the body dying. And so long as you’re not planning on jumping out of a third story window…”
“No, no. It’s not that. I don’t know what it is. I just feel. Overwhelmed. By something. Something is weighing me down. I know headmates can’t die, or at least, not like that. But I just feel like something is coming for me.”
“Marc, what you’re feeling is grief. And guilt. And shame,” said Jake, his voice softer now. “We need to practice Teshuvah. Repentance. Being wrong. Telling the people we’ve hurt that we know we’re wrong. Explaining why we’re wrong. Asking for their forgiveness. Asking three separate times. Being prepared for them to say no each time. Being prepared to walk away. For that to be the closure we get. But Marc, we gotta start somewhere.” (x)
“I'd rather get punched in the face. Actually, I’d rather take a thousand hits than go through that.”
“Yeah, buddy. I know you would. But we don’t got that choice. Not when it’s the thing that is keeping us from being a Jew. Not when you believe that you are literally going to die because of your feelings of guilt and shame. We need Teshuvah.”
Jake sighed deeply from within. “Marc, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are sacred. They have always been our holiest days. Our Ten Days of Repentance. The Days of Awe. But do you know why they are so important?”
“Probably. I’m sure dad told us.”
“Because of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai.” (x) (x)
“Wait, which one was he?”
“Ribaz. He’s the rabbi who pretty much saved Judaism.”
“Oh. Right. After the Temple…”
“Yes. The Temple. This is how dad used to tell it...
"After the Romans besieged Jerusalem. After they set fire to the Beit Hamikdash, our holy Temple. When we had no place left to offer up sacrifices to G-d. What would we do? Especially on Yom Kippur. Without the sacrifices at the Temple, how would the Jewish people be able to repent? How would we be forgiven of our sins each year? How would we continue to be Jews?
“Ribaz was a wise old rabbi. He stood and wept as he watched the Temple burn. The flames went higher and higher, late into the night, casting evil shadows upon the land. And he looked to the Tanakh for guidance. He turned to the Nevi’im. To Hoshea. And there he found the wisdom he sought.”
“For I desire lovingkindness, not sacrifice; devotion to God, rather than burnt offerings.” (x)
“I remember,” muttered Marc, his thoughts blending with Jake's, remembering their father’s voice. “Hoshea 6:6. And with that, he knew how we would carry on as Jews. We would offer up lovingkindness, prayer, and Torah study. That is how we show our devotion to G-d.”
“Yes!” thought Jake, nudging Marc from the headspace. “And that’s why we gotta go to shul tomorrow. Ribaz didn’t save Judaism just for us to be a slouch about it! So we gotta go to shul tomorrow to get our name in the Book of Life. So we can be sealed on Yom Kippur. So we can start the process of doing Teshuvah. We gotta reach out to Frenchie, Marc. And I miss Gena and Crawley so damn much. It’s gonna be really hard. But we gotta start somewhere. We gotta start repenting to them. And we gotta mean it this time. Let go of some of that ego you carry around your neck. It’s weighing all of us down.”
“Jake’s right,” thought Steven. “We don’t know what the future will bring, Marc. But we gotta start.”
Steven began humming a tune that pushed out in little breaths through Marc’s voice. It was a tune that Marc knew but couldn’t quite put his finger on.
“What is that?” thought Marc, directing the question at Steven. “That sounds like…”
Steven pushed closer to front, and continued humming, a little louder this time. Some words came through Marc’s lips in Steven’s voice.
“Who by fire? And who by water? … Hmmm hmmm hmmmm… and hmmmm hmmm hmmmmm…”
Marc coughed, cutting off Steven’s song for a minute. “Oh, it’s Leonard Cohen.”
Marc could feel Steven’s smile from inside the headspace. “That’s right, Marc. And you know what it is, right?”
“I do. Yeah. Yeah. Who shall live and who shall die. His version of the Unetaneh Tokef prayer.” Marc began to sing softly. (x) (x)
And who by fire?
Who by water?
Who in the sunshine?
Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal?
Who by common trial?
Who in your merry merry month of May?
Who by very slow decay?
And who shall I say is calling?
“But teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah shall avert the severe decree.” Marc took a deep breath. “I’ll go. I will. For Ribaz. And I’ll do it for you Jake… I’d do anything for you. You know that. And yeah, you too Steven. Even though you’re a pain in my ass. I’ll do it for you. We’re mishpocheh.”
“And for you, Marc?” asked Steven, whispering the words through their lips.
“Huh. Okay. Fine. For me too. I’ll go be a good Jew. Ha! Dad would be so proud.”
“We’re not doing it for him,” thought Jake.
“No. Okay, no. You’re right. We’re not. I’m not. We’re mishpocheh. We’re doing this for us.”
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neyswxrld · 1 month
Wrecker & Tech
summary: Wrecker and Tech meet in the afterlife.
warnings/vibe: it's not something that is all too sad i guess; there's an explosion, some clichés (the light in the darkness, force ghosts, you know the drill!)
words: ~1490
a/n: happy final bad batch eve! 🖤❤️🧡🖤
ok, hear me out - i don't want to fuel or believe in any theories before the final episode tomorrow. this is just for myself, for comforting and assuring myself that no matter what, everything will be okay eventually! of course, i absolutely hope nothing bad is going to happen, but for the case that wrecker dies ((and tech actually is dead)), i needed something to hold on to. and i'm sharing this because maybe someone finds some comfort in this one, too.
p.s.: english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for mistakes!
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The last thing he sees is a bright fireball.
The last thing he feels is that burning heat all over his body.
The last thing he hears are Crosshair's frantic screams for him.
And then there's nothing.
Everything is quiet, peaceful.
There aren't any aches, or pain.
He isn't hungry, thirsty, too hot or too cold.
Everything feels content and for a short moment he thinks he's flying.
Floating around, weightless. Which is funny, because due to his mutations, he's always been the biggest of his brothers. And the heaviest. But he didn't mind, as long as he was able to protect them. Keep them safe.
He almost feels comforted by the nothingness surrounding him.
Everything seems balanced. Okay.
For the first time in a long while, he doesn't even feel scared. Just... indifferent. Good indifferent.
But suddenly there's that small light in the distance.
It's almost sparkling, whirling around, and he almost feels like it's calling for him.
Slowly, he starts to float towards the light.
It seems to be warm and bright, a huge contrast to this foreign quietness surrounding him, but it's not unwelcome.
It kinda... feels like home. Like he needs to go to that light. He needs to touch it. Feel its warmth, its energy.
Carefully, he reaches for the light.
The warmth emitted from the ball suddenly swarms through his body, reaching every inch, every hair, every scar. Inside and outside.
It's so good... It feels so good. Like he has to be here.
The longer he touches the light, the brighter it gets, filling up all the surrounding space.
He has to close his eyes, the light is getting too much, and... and-
When Wrecker opens his eyes for the next time, he looks into the googled face of his brother.
This one looks down at him with a confused frown plastered across his face.
He looks... Just like on the day they lost him.
"Tech?" he asks, confused, worried.
Why is he here? Is he dreaming? Tech was... Tech is... Tech is dead. How could this be?
"Wrecker," Tech says, adjusting his goggles.
"What's goin' on?" he asks, groaning slightly as he sits up.
But it's more a reflex. Nothing... hurts. He feels fine.
"How long was I out? Has to be for a long time, I feel good, nothin' hurts. At all," he raises his arms over his head, stretching, "I- I dreamed you died. Stupid plan 99, should've never came up with that, you'd never leave us like that, right, Tech? Wouldn't just... do that," Wrecker rambles and scratches his neck with his hand, looking up to Tech.
His older brother looks at him with a weird look on his face.
"I indeed executed plan 99. It was the only way out for the majority of the squad. I kept you safe," Tech says, pulling his lips into a straight line.
"W-What?" Wrecker asks confused, before shaking his head.
For the first time, he looks around and sees some sort of space shuttle. Maybe Phees ship? Or was it the one Rex arrived with? He had no idea.
"What can you remember?" Tech asks next, shuffling on his feet a bit.
He stands in front of the bunk Wrecker lays in. The rest of the room was empty, quiet. He could hear some muffled voices outside the room, but he couldn't make out any words.
"We were going in on Tantiss. There was this massive animal kicking my ass. Hurt like hell... But I still made it. I'm not made of sugar, right? Then...," Wrecker stops for a second, thinking about everything. His memory starts to get sloppy.
"Just remember meeting Omega somewhere. She freed that zillo beast. It was huge! And then... There's something about an explosion. Crosshair almost got caught in it. I shielded him, I think," Wrecker murmurs and takes another deep breath as the memory of that burning pain around his body catches up with his brain.
But that's all - just a memory... Nothing hurts for real.
"Is he safe? Are the others? Where are they? Why are you here? Tech, I'm really confused right now," Wrecker shakes his head and looks up at his older brother again.
Tech swallows before nodding.
"They made it out fine, Wrecker," Tech assures him, before swallowing for a second time.
Why is he acting so weird?
"Great!" Wrecker exclaims, at the same as Tech says, "But you didn't."
They look at each other, keeping quiet for a while.
"I didn't?" He asks, "What do you mean by that?"
"You blew up, Wrecker. I think... you died," Tech states.
"I'm dead?" he echoes, before adding, "You think?"
"It appears that the explosion you shielded Crosshair from was a lot heavier than anticipated. While you saved Crosshair's life, you... you lost yours," Tech explains, breaking the news to him.
Wrecker looks at him for a few seconds, speechless.
That would explain why there isn't any pain. Or why he's able to talk to Tech.
They're both dead.
"I-I don't... Where are we? Why are we here?" is the next thing he wants to know, not fully able to understand how he should approach this new... situation. Everything's so strange.
"Currently, we are on a shuttle with the others. I dragged you up here. It appears that we are some kind of ghosts. At least we're in a state after life, which takes part in either some kind of parallel universe or in a temporal upheaval. I am not certain about that," Tech says, adjusting his goggles again.
Wrecker looks at him with raised brows, a huge question mark forming in his head. "You don't know?"
"In all that time I've been here, I wasn't able to fully conclude the whole extent of this... situation. But I've met some other clones, following their loved ones around in this state. So I assume it's a part of life, or, more precisely, the afterlife," his older brother sighs a little.
Wrecker pulls his feet over the edge of the bunk so he's fully sitting now, holding his head in his hands.
"Can the others see us?" Wrecker asks and Tech looks at him like he just lost his head.
"Of course not."
Wrecker feels like he just lost his head.
"It takes time getting used to. I'll leave you alone so you can think about it," Tech says.
Wrecker thinks he still acts a little odd. Not like the Tech he used to know. Not like the Tech that... was alive.
Tech seems to be honest about the fact that it takes some time to get used to the new situation. Wrecker isn't sure if his brother even got used to it by now. Not with how he's acting. And now... He's here, too.
"Tech," Wrecker starts and reaches for his brothers' wrist, gently laying his fingers around it and pulling him towards him.
"I-I don't want to be alone. Can you stay?" he says and moves to the side a little.
Tech nods and carefully sits down, unusually close to him.
"Have you been alone the whole time since..?" he wants to know, but Tech just shrugs.
"I was following the squad around," Tech murmurs and sinks into Wrecker's side as he lays an arm around him.
They haven't 'cuddled' like that in so, so many years.
"But now you have me," Wrecker whispers almost. He doesn't know if he's glad or sad about it.
Sure, he saved Crosshairs life. He helped his brothers. He had Tech again. But he'll miss the others. So, so much.
Tech has had to go through those first steps alone. He must have been so lost in the beginning. So lonely.
"Are we going to see the others again when they... When they die?" he wants to know after some time.
"That seems to be very likely," Tech answers, and Wrecker nods again.
That means he could still watch over them, be with them, and meet them again. And now, neither him or Tech, or the others will be alone for a while. Hopefully.
They freed Omega, they made a run for their lives.
They lost brothers, gained friends and family.
They settled down on a remote planet.
Quiet and peaceful.
They made a life for themselves, far, far away from the empire and all the evil in the world.
They saw Omega grow up.
They saw the others growing old.
They saw the others live the life they never had the chance to. And they were happy for them.
When Hunter joined them one day, they welcomed him with warm hugs and reassurances that everything would be fine.
As soon as Crosshair was with them, they almost felt complete once more.
When they followed Omega to Rex and his remaining brothers, they met Echo again.
Together, they kept watching over their baby sister, never forgetting their promises of staying with her.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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pettydollie · 8 months
I Was Made For Lovin' You, Baby (Billy Hargrove x wheeler!reader) ♡.。.:*
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a/n: so happy it's finally out!! i did the first chapter AGES ago but i never knew where i wanted to go with this story. still kinda figuring it out but i already have some ideas tehe. the first chapter is the only chapter that will be in first person. there were some things that Everleigh (the reader) does that i think would be weird if it were written in her pov. so the rest of the chapters will be in third person :) hope u enjoy!!
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C H A P T E R  O N E
“Okay, okay next one! Hurry up already!” My sister Nancy giggled as we sat on her bed. I was helping (definitely not forcing) her study for her upcoming test. Pop music lightly played from the radio while I shuffled through her flashcards. “Alright, alright!” I smiled. I repositioned myself sitting cross legged on her bed. “Which polymers occur naturally?” I asked, looking up from the card. Nancy was looking up towards the ceiling, chewing on her bottom lip which was a habit we’d both had since we were little.
“Starch and cellulose.” She answered somewhat confidently. “Mhm.” I hummed, picking another card. “In a molecule of CH4, the hydrogen atoms are spatially oriented towards the centers of--” Nancy sat up straighter, interrupting me. “Tetrahedrons.” I smiled again. “Way to go, Nance. I think you’ll ace that test.” I concluded, handing her back her flashcards. She grinned happily. Nancy and I got along quite well as sisters, surprisingly. We didn’t argue that much and when we did, it was over something silly. I’m the eldest child in the family, so I mostly take care of my siblings considering my dad is always asleep or watching the television and my mother is only really interested in Holly. Don’t get me wrong, they love us a lot. We just feel like strangers sometimes.
I was going to ask Nance about her luck with Steve Harrington, but her door suddenly slammed open, revealing Holly with syrup all over her face. “Mommy says breakfast is ready.” She announced and quickly took off back downstairs. I wasn’t even dressed yet, so I quickly exited Nancy’s room into my own where I changed into a cute but basic outfit. I added jewelry and my signature perfume and ran downstairs. Everyone was sitting at the table eating Eggos. I sat down, fixing my skirt. I grabbed a plate and started cutting my waffles. Mike was already about to finish, on the other hand. We all looked at him grossly. “Slow down, Mike. That’s disgusting.” Nancy mumbled, looking away. Mike rolled his eyes at her and continued to eat. 
I grabbed my backpack once we had all finished eating. I walked over to grab mom’s car keys which I borrowed while Nancy and Mike said goodbye to mom and Holly. I hugged mom and kissed her cheek softly. “Have a good day, guys!” She waved as we walked out the door. I drive all three of us to school every day since I was allowed to legally drive last year. Once we were all sat, Nancy pulled out her flashcards from her backpack and began studying quickly. I pulled into the parking lot in my usual spot, and we all got out, grabbing our stuff. Mike walked the other way to the middle school, greeting his friends while me and Nance walked to the high school. “Everleigh, what if I fail?” Nancy whined, gripping her books as we walked in. I rolled my eyes.
“You’ll do fine, Nance.” I waved goodbye and walked over to my locker, putting stuff away. “Hey, Ev!” I didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was. I turned my head, looking at one of my best friends. “Hi, T!” I smiled, giving her a small hug. Tina was the life of every party, her outgoing personality and beaming smile made people adore her. Many boys threw themselves at her, but who wouldn’t? She’s drop dead gorgeous. I loved gossiping with her, it’s always fun. But don’t get it twisted, we have a very deep and understanding relationship. I shut my locker and slung my bag back over my shoulder. “There’s a new boy coming tomorrow. I hope he’s cute.” We walked to our first period which we shared together. First period was always loud and fun to be in, which I loved. It’s all fun and games until Mr. Mundy calls the deans. “You want a piece of gum?” I offered, changing the subject. Tina grinned and nodded. I gave her a large strip of bubblegum and I opened mine. We blew bubbles and gossiped, the both of us strutting through the halls. It’s not that I didn’t like boys. Of course, there weren’t any boys that peaked my interest. I’ve had two boyfriends before and they both used me for popularity and my looks. I don’t mean to sound full of myself, but that’s just what happened. “Are you coming to practice today?” I questioned. Me and Tina were cheerleaders, which I forced her to do. I was a cheer captain along with the ginger Chrissy Cunningham. “Not today, sorry babes. My mom needs an extra pair of hands for the bake sale. She said if I help her, I can get a few bucks.” She boasted. I nodded in understanding, also smiling at a girl who waved. Everleigh Wheeler was one of the most well known names in Hawkins High School, much unlike Nancy who’s quiet and to herself. Within a month of joining the cheerleading squad, I was at the top of the pyramid and by the end of freshman year, I’d been promoted to captain. “Oh my god, did you hear about Brian cheating on Samantha?!” My face changed into a disgusted one. “Yes!! And with Tiff? She’s such a skank. I heard she’s slept with half of the soccer team.” Tina spat. We pushed open the classroom, smiling at others. We walked to our seats, getting settled in. Tina and I sat next to each other, thankfully. I sat next to the window so I wouldn’t really have to interact with anyone but her. Math was nowhere near the top of my list of subjects I enjoyed, but I tolerated it enough for an easy pass. The class’ attention was pulled by Mr. Mundy’s booming voice who took attendance while me and Tina continued talking, not really caring, only ever stopping to say “Here”. Mr. Mundy cleared his throat. “Valentina and Everleigh. Please quiet down.” We looked up and muttered “sorry”. And we did stop talking- for about five minutes. As soon as attendance finished, we continued talking again. We turned our bodies to face each other and chuckled loudly. Mr. Mundy’s attention turned back to us. “That’s it. Tina, your new seat is there.” He pointed to the seat on the right of the one she was seated in. “Wait no, we’ll stop talking! For real this time.” She pleaded. We stared at him with sad eyes. “I’ve had enough. Move NOW.” He scowled. Tina pouted and grabbed her stuff. She stood up, heads turned to face her and walked to the seat next to her. She sat down and folded her arms, angrily. I frowned. Now I’m alone. I changed my mind, math is my absolute LEAST favorite class.
C H A P T E R  T W O
The bell finally rang after what felt like years. Everleigh grabbed her stuff and walked out the door, happy to leave. Annoyed that she no longer had anyone to talk to in first period, she stomped through the halls; her happy demeanor slipping. Her soft glossy lips fell into a pout, and she pushed a strand of gorgeous silky hair out of her face with a manicured finger. Life was just so hard.
As soon as the bell rang for the end of the last class, Everleigh strutted to her locker to put stuff away. Sure, she had some homework, but most of it wasn’t due until Friday so she’d just put that on hold for now. One of her other best friends, Melanie, was leaning against the locker next to Everleigh’s, holding two books in her arms. “Carl’s picking me up tonight for a date. I’m so excited! I need you to help me pick out an outfit.” She squealed. Everleigh didn’t like her boyfriend, Carl. He was always weird whenever she was around. He also didn’t treat her right, which made Everleigh furious. But there wasn’t much she could do because Melanie was absolutely head over heels for him.
But Everleigh could never not be excited to help her friends get ready. “Okay, what time do you want me to be over?” She grinned, shutting her locker. The girls began to walk out into the school’s parking lot. “Maybe five thirty-ish?” Melanie suggested. Melanie was decently popular. She enjoyed roller skating, cheerleading, and fashion. She had beautiful lush blonde waves which complimented her oceanic eyes. “Sure! I’ll ask my mom when I get home.” Everleigh beamed. The girls separated into their cars. 
Everleigh walked to her car where Nancy and Mike waited impatiently. “Finally, why were you late this time?” Mike grumbled, getting into the car after it was unlocked. Nancy clicked her seatbelt in while Everleigh started the car. “Calm down, I was only like ten minutes late.” She hated having to defend herself to her idiotic brother. Normally, he’d continue to scold her about how he and Nancy could’ve been kidnapped or died, but this time, he let it go. While she was driving, she felt a tap on her arm which rested on the armrest in between her and Nancy. Everleigh looked over to the passenger seat where Nancy mouthed some words to her. She raised an eyebrow to say “Wait, say it again?” The brunette nodded. Then, Everleigh took in what she was trying to say. “We’re dating.” Nancy leaned back into the chair, waiting for a reaction.
“We” was Nancy and Steve Harrington. It seemed like the entire school knew who he was. Everleigh had wanted the two of them to date since Nancy mentioned he began talking to her, except it was different. He was kind around her. He listened to her and didn’t judge her for what she believes in. Everleigh grinned, satisfied. This was definitely coming up in girl chat when Mike wasn’t around.
As the siblings arrived at home, Everleigh pulled into her family’s driveway, being careful not to hit the mailbox. They all got out, grabbing their stuff. Everleigh unlocked the door where Holly was visible in the living room, playing with her toys. “Mom, we’re home!” Nancy yelled. Mike dashed upstairs into his room, slamming the door and locking it. “Micheal, stop slamming my doors!” Karen yelled from the kitchen. The sisters walked in, kissing their mom on the cheek. “Hey girls, how was school?” Everleigh walked behind her mom, with her arms folded, waiting for Nancy to respond first. “It was good. Same as always.” Nancy replied, shifting her body weight slightly. Everleigh wiggled her eyebrows from an angle so only Nancy could see, making the girl giggle slightly. Karen nodded, turning around. “What about you, Ev?”
She relaxed her face in time for her mom to face her. “It was alright. Mr. Mundy changed Tina’s seat because we were talking too much.” She rolled her eyes, hanging her coat up by the front door. Nancy had walked away to her room, probably to dream about Stevie poo. “I told you there were going to be consequences to you two chatting all the time.” Karen joked, smiling. Everleigh pouted, but then remembered about Melanie. “Can I go over Mel’s after dinner?” She asked, with begging eyes. Karen changed her position with her hand by tapping her chin above her arm. “What did you get on Mrs. Click’s assessment from yesterday?” Dang it. Of course she was going to ask this. Her lowest grade was in Mrs. Click’s class. History just wasn’t her thing. It was so boring and why did we need to know about The Great Depression anyways? “I got a B..” Everleigh muttered. Karen perked up at this.
“Well that’s much better than your last grade! A C- to a B? Good job, honey. Sure, you can go.” Everleigh stood up, proudly. “Thanks, mommy! Love you!” She ran upstairs into her room, shutting the door. She placed her backpack down next to her bed on the white carpet. She walked over to her pink telephone on her nightstand. She dialed Melanie’s number and waited. “Hello?” She heard. “Hey, Mel! Mom said I can come over after dinner.” Everleigh sat down on her bed. “Okay! Carl said he’s coming to pick me up at 7:00.” There was a loud knock at the door, interrupting the call. Everleigh covered the receiver with her free hand and took her ear off. “Yes?” She called. “Where’s my walkie?!” She heard Mike yell outside her door. “I don’t know, go away, Mike!” Everleigh snapped, rolling her eyes. “How am I supposed to know what you did with it..” She muttered. She took her hand off the receiver and put her ear back. “-and my parents don’t know about it so we have to keep it as chill as possible.” Melanie continued talking. 
Once the call was over, Everleigh put the phone back. She opened one of her drawers and pulled out a silky white hair tie, shutting the drawer. She held the tie with her teeth while she gathered her hair up with her hands and tied it into a bun. She walked out of her room into the bathroom to shower. When she finished, she dried off and changed into a simple white long sleeve shirt with a pink plaid dress over top. She put on lace socks and tiny black booties. By the time she was finished, it was time for dinner. 
She walked downstairs to sit at the table. Surprisingly, Mike didn’t come down for a few minutes. Karen looked at the stairs while everyone else ate. She sighed, picking up her fork. “Can one of you go get your brother, please?” She asked, waving her fork at Everleigh and Nancy. Everleigh nodded at Nancy and went upstairs. She knocked on the door. Once. Twice. No answer. “Mike! Come on, it’s dinner time!” Everleigh’s face scrunched up. She opened the door to reveal no one was there. He wasn’t in the bathroom either. Meaning he was in the basement. 
She ran downstairs past her family, opening the door to the basement. “Where’s Mike?” Karen called. “Hold on!” Everleigh replied. She walked in, seeing Mike under a blanket with his walkie talkie. He sat, frozen. He pushed the antenna down and cleared his throat. He looked… sad. “What are you doing? It’s dinner time. Don’t you hear us calling you?” Everleigh snapped, folding her arms. “Uhh.. well I was trying to talk to Dustin.” He lied. “Okay well tell him you guys will talk later, I’m starving.” She stomped back upstairs.
When dinner was finished, Everleigh cleaned her plate, rushing to grab the car keys. “I’m going now, bye mom! I’ll be back soon!” She waved, closing the door. She got inside the car, driving to Melanie’s house. When she arrived, she got out of the car and walked up to the porch. She rang the doorbell and stood politely waiting. Melanie’s father, who she’s seen a handful of times, opened the door. “Well, hello, Everleigh. How are you? Come inside. Melanie’s upstairs.” He moved over so she could enter the very homely household. “Thank you, Mr. Harris. I’m good, how are you?” She grinned with that candy sweet smile that almost everyone loved to see as she stepped inside. He nodded, smiling back and shutting the door.
Everleigh walked upstairs to Melanie’s room and knocked softly. The door opened revealing Mel in her pink nightgown with curlers in her hair. “Oh, come in!” The girls squealed, excitedly. Everleigh walked over to the girl’s divine wardrobe and began looking through. “Wait, where is he taking you?” She questioned, turning around. Melanie plopped down onto her queen sized bed, smiling dreamily. “He’s driving me to Enzo’s. How romantic, right?” Everleigh was happy for her friend. Happy that Carl wasn’t being such a punk and only taking her to his grandmother’s house. I mean, of course! Grandma’s cookies always scream “romance” to me, don’t you think so?
She turned back around, taking dresses out and handing them to Melanie. “Try all of those on! See which one you think fits.” The girls put on a mini fashion show, laughing and posing. Once they finally found a dress, Everleigh did Mel’s makeup. She sat down at a small vanity so Everleigh could stand over her. “One day, you have to teach me how to do more than just mascara, lipgloss, and blush.” Melanie half joked. Everleigh nodded, grinning. She spinned her chair around to face the mirror. “Like it?” She asked, hopefully. Melanie looked beautiful. “I feel stupid!” She laughed, staring at herself. “Well everyone feels stupid! Who cares?” Everleigh turned her chair back around, adding some finishing touches.
“Do you feel stupid?” Melanie asked, half smiling. Everleigh giggled. “Yeah I did, but then I chose not to feel stupid.” The girls smiled. They always had a strong bond together, feeling they could talk about anything and everything and never feel awkward. They took out Melanie’s curlers and waited for the phone to ring or a knock on her window, sitting on the bed. And they waited. And waited. And waited…
Everleigh started getting annoyed when it was already 8 and there was nothing. She scoffed. “That prick stood you up.” Everleigh’s face was disgusted. She stood up and kissed the top of Melanie’s head. Her mascara was ruined from her crying. Now she was just silent. Everleigh could tell the girl was thinking over her relationship and she didn’t want to interrupt it. She always knew Carl was a jerk, but this ends it. She was ready for her friend to find someone better. She knew she could stay and comfort her, but something was telling her it was time for her to be alone for a while with her thoughts. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out, babes.” Everleigh sympathized.
“I’m gonna go home. My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m out past 8:30 on a school night. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mel.” Melanie nodded. She walked towards the door blowing a kiss. She walked out and into her car. She took off home. “I’m going to kill him.”
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a/n: soo what do we think?? if u guys have any ideas or things u wanna see, please send me a request or a dm and if i write it, i will credit u for the suggestion! im actually really proud of this so far! and ik billy wasnt in these chapters, but hes coming in the next one ;)
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lemoncrushh · 2 months
The Entertainer - Track 04 - Pajamas & The Holiday Inn
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Summary: Set in the 70s, Sky Jones, a young woman from L.A., meets Harry Styles, an up-and-coming musician and frontman for the band Wildfire. Told in first person from Sky’s point of view, she shares her journey and what it’s like to fall for a rockstar.
Track 04 Word Count: 3.6k
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I wish I could say that Harry and I fell in love and everything was sunbeams and roses after that, but that’s just not how it happened. In fact, I didn’t even see him again for over a week when Wildfire had another gig. Both he and I ended up being busy and he didn’t show up with Mitch on the two occasions that he stayed over with Halo. I didn’t let it get to me. The rock and roll lifestyle is nothing if not spontaneous and fickle.
I liked him though. And that acknowledgement came to me tenfold when I saw him on stage again. He was the ultimate front man, a force to be reckoned with. I felt myself turned on by his mere presence, and when we’d make eye contact, it was like someone had poured syrup on my head and it ran down to the crevices between my toes.
Who the fuck was I kidding? I liked him a lot. And I found myself angry, at what exactly I didn’t know, when I followed Halo backstage. Like before, I stood off to the side, my eyes on the ground as Halo pounced on the leather worn out sofa, waiting for Mitch. I crossed my arms, almost wishing I hadn’t come at all. I felt stupid, like I’d crossed some line between fan and reality, or maybe…just maybe…I was afraid that Harry didn’t like me the way I liked him.
I heard him before I saw him. He and the rest of the band were making their way backstage, all of them enthusiastic about yet another fantastic performance. I saw Halo’s face light up when Mitch walked through the doorway. She squealed as he sat down beside her and they wrapped their arms around each other. Harry saw me and for a second he looked like he was coming towards me until Deacon called him.
“Harry, mate, I’m gonna pull the van around back so I can start loading the gear.”
“Yeah, sure man, I’ll be right there.”
“Mitch, you coming?” asked Deacon. “I don’t wanna be here until bloody sunup!”
“Yeah, yeah!” Mitch pried Halo’s arms off of him and kissed her on the forehead. “Gotta go, babe.”
Halo made a face and sat back down on the couch. It was then that I noticed Harry had walked over to me.
“Hi,” he said with a small grin.
“Haven’t heard from you.”
I blinked. “I’m sorry…was I supposed to call?”
I knew I sounded a bit snarky, and I caught the sting it left in Harry’s expression before it disappeared.
“No,” he replied. “Just missed you.”
My breath caught in my throat and in one split second my face softened. “Oh.”
“How are you?”
“I’m okay.”
Harry touched my hand gently, his thumb rubbing the back of it.
“Actually wanted to ring you myself, but it’s been a crazy week.”
“We’re um…going into the studio next week.”
“Really?” my eyes widened. “That’s great!”
“Yeah,” he smiled. “We’ve um…got another gig tomorrow night. It’s in Chula Vista, so Deacon wants to get the gear packed up so we can get home and get some sleep before we head out.”
“Oh. It’s not that far to Chula Vista, is it?”
“No. But Deacon lives in Long Beach and we’re all gonna stay at his place tonight so we can just ride together. We have to be there by three o’clock.”
Harry gave me a sweet smile and squeezed my hand. “I was hoping to spend some time with you. This kinda came up suddenly. Today, in fact.”
“It’s okay.”
Harry looked down at our hands, then back up at me.
“I’ll…be in the studio a lot…but maybe…we can get together sometime.”
I grinned. “I’d like that.”
“Harry! Can you give me a hand, please?” Deacon called.
“Yeah, sorry mate!” Harry yelled back. Then he turned to me. “Gotta go.”
I shrugged. “I can help too, if you like.”
“You sure?”
“Of course.”
I beckoned to a hesitant but ultimately willing Halo and with our assistance, the guys were able to load up their gear quicker than they’d anticipated. Deacon cranked up the van, the sound of Paul Simon coming through the speaker.
“When mama pajama rolled out of bed She ran to the police station…”
Harry shut the back door of the van and grinned at me.
“Thanks, Sky.”
“Anytime, you know? Just like my sofa.”
Harry chuckled. “Kinda wish I was sleeping on your sofa tonight. Lee already called Deacon’s and I don’t reckon his floor is very soft.”
“I can’t imagine my sofa is very comfortable.”
“I have no complaints,” he commented. “Plus I like those pajamas you wear.”
I glared at him, my mouth wide open. “What pajamas?”
“Those cute little yellow and white ones with the ribbon in the front.”
“When have you seen those?” I asked, my voice getting higher.
Harry smirked. “When you walk by to go to the bathroom. Then you check on me, but I pretend I’m asleep.”
If it hadn’t been for Deacon announcing he was ready to go, I would have eventually said a word or two. But at the moment I was speechless. Harry chuckled and pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.
“Goodbye, love,” he murmured in my hair.
I watched him as he walked up the side of the van and climbed in. Mitch sat in the passenger seat, Halo standing next to him and kissing him goodbye. I felt an empty somberness in my chest, like that feeling you get when you’ve finished a good book but you’re sad that it’s over.
“Sky!” I suddenly heard.
Harry had opened the side door to the van and was poking his head out, beckoning me.
“Yeah?” I asked, stepping up to him.
He climbed out of the van, took my face in his hands and kissed me. Really kissed me. So much that I felt my knees buckle and heard Deacon swear to Christ under his breath.
“Much better,” declared Harry, his face beaming.
Once again, my voice betrayed me and I had no words. None were needed though. Harry waved at me from the van as they pulled away and I waved back, my chest no longer feeling empty and somber. There was no way it possibly could. My heart was very much alive and happy.
“Goodbye to Rosie, the queen of Corona…”
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I woke up to music and the smell of bacon. The first thing was not unusual, but the latter was. I kicked off the covers and rubbed my eyes before walking into the living room. Halo was standing over the stove, scrabbling eggs and dancing to the radio.
“From where I stand It looks mighty strange How you let a woman like that Treat you like small change”
I giggled at the spectacle as I entered the kitchen. She eyed me, knowing I loved the Neil Sedaka song, so when the chorus began, she mimed handing me a mic so I’d sing the Elton John parts.
“Bad (bad) blood (blood) The bitch is in her smile The lie is on her lips Such an evil child”
“What are you doing in here?” I finally asked her.
“Cooking breakfast, what does it look like?”
“What’s the occasion though?”
I danced around her to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup.
“No real reason. I have to work today, so I thought I’d make something decent before I go.”
“I’m surprised you’re not on your way to Chula Vista,” I commented.
“Yeah, I would have gone, but it was too last minute. I can’t take off work.” Halo turned off the burner. “You should go though. Surprise Harry.”
I gave her a look. “I don’t think so.”
“Why not? He’d probably love it.”
“Eh. I don’t wanna be that girl.”
“What girl?”
“The one who follows a band around because she might or might not have something going with a member of that band.”
“Gee, thanks,” scoffed Halo.
“I didn’t mean that. I mean…you’re not…”
Halo continued to glare at me so I grabbed a plate and danced.
“Do run, do run, di di dit, do run run…”
“Sky!” she exclaimed, making me stop.
“What did you mean by that?”
“I mean…you’re you. And I’m…me. You and Mitch…you obviously have something. I don’t…know how Harry feels about me.”
Halo scooped up a large spoonful of eggs and dropped them onto a plate, avoiding my gaze.
“It’s just sex,” she muttered.
“Mitch and me. We don’t really have anything going on. It’s just sex.”
“Oh. Well, there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Halo shrugged and brought her plate to the table with a glass of juice.
“Are you saying you want more?”
“No,” she shook her head. “When you get too attached…that’s when you get hurt.”
I nodded. She’d told me those exact words before. It was kind of the mantra that Halo lived by. I understood what she meant. It’s one thing to be a fan of a band, and even hang out with them if you get the chance. But it’s completely another when feelings are involved. It’s common knowledge that musicians aren’t like regular guys. They don’t settle down and have relationships. It goes against everything they stand for.
I filled my own plate and joined Halo at the table. We sat through a whole other song before either of us said another word.
“He likes you.”
“What?” I swallowed.
“I told you already, but you just said you don’t know how Harry feels about you, so I’m telling you again. He likes you. As more than a pal.”
I dropped my fork on my plate. “Well, now you’re just contradicting yourself.”
“No, I’m not. I just know what works for me. Doesn’t mean I can’t still be a romantic.”
“Why does that work for you? Don’t you think you deserve romance?”
Halo took a sip of juice, pondering my question.
“I don’t know. Maybe. Someday. I just know how guys in bands are.”
I scoffed. “Harry and Mitch are in the same band.”
“Yeah…but Mitch doesn’t look at me the way Harry looks at you.”
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The man handed the key over to me, a kind smile on his chubby face.
“Room 202,” he said.
“Thank you.”
“Would you like a wake up call?”
“Oh, no thanks.”
“Enjoy your stay.”
I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder and made my way around the sidewalk and up the stairs. My room was the second one I came to. Locking the door behind me, I dropped my bag on the floor beside the bed, my keys on the table with the card that welcomed me to the Holiday Inn. Gazing around the room, I let out a deep breath. I couldn’t believe it. Just four hours ago, I’d told Halo she was being ridiculous - I was not going to drive all the way to Chula Vista. Yet there I was.
Mitch had told Halo where they were playing, but I had no idea where it was. I had no idea what I was going to do or say to Harry if he saw me. I had no plan. Just a credit card and an old Volkswagen. And a pair of yellow and white pajamas.
I took a shower, washing my hair and body with complimentary Holiday Inn toiletries. I shaved and scrubbed all the important parts, and even some of the not-so-important parts. I brushed my teeth and let my hair air dry like I usually did while I changed into my favorite bell bottoms and a plaid top that tied in the front. After applying a little bit of makeup, I flipped through the yellow pages to see if I could find the address to the bar where Wildfire was playing. Then I stopped back at the front desk to ask the man for directions. He was glad to be of service, and I figured he didn’t get that much business. Especially not from twenty-three year old girls.
I could already hear the music coming from inside the bar as I pulled into the parking lot. But as I walked to the front door, I noticed something was off. It was not rock n’ roll I heard. This place was a honky tonk.
“Hey there, darlin’,” I heard as soon as I walked into the smoke-filled room. I had to be in the wrong place.
I looked at the cowboy and gave him a weak smile before heading for the bar as some female sang about “feelin’ single and seein’ double”.
“Excuse me,” I said to the bartender. “Is there a band playing here tonight?”
“Yes ma’am, some new rock n’ roll outfit, I believe. Wildfire. Or Firewind. Somethin’.”
I tried to hide my amusement. “Thanks.”
I ordered a beer, and as soon as the bartender set it in front of me, the sound of an electric guitar cranked up behind me. I turned around on my barstool just as Harry walked out on stage. Without a greeting, the band went straight into their first song.
I looked around me at the crowd, which wasn’t really much of one. Most of the people were gathered at circular tables, talking amongst themselves, or at the bar. I felt a sourness in my gut, and I realized I felt sorry for the band, and a little embarrassed. This wasn’t their audience. No young girls up front bouncing up and down with glee, arms raised, singing along to every word. No fists in the air, no cheers from drunk young men full of piss and adrenaline.
For a moment I wished I hadn’t come at all. This wasn’t how I wanted to see Harry. But then something caught my eye. One cowboy sitting at a table near the stage was watching the band’s every move. He nodded his head to the beat, soon singing along to the chorus when it came round again. I looked up at Harry who was giving it his all, just as he had with a room full of people. He didn’t give a shit. It was about the music. And if he could make that one lone cowboy nod along to his music, it was worth it.
Soon I started to take note of more people reacting. The girl at the bar next to me swung her leg back and forth, her boot keeping to the rhythm. A table full of people who looked around my age stopped talking and started to acknowledge what was happening on stage. By the time the second song was over, people were cheering and clapping. I smiled when Mitch played the intro to the next song and a crowd started to form at the front of the stage.
I slid off my stool then and made my way closer to the crowd. I danced with them and sang along. When the song ended, the audience whistled, cheering for more.
“Sorry…um,” Harry said into the microphone. “I know you weren’t expecting this kind of music tonight, but I appreciate it that you stayed.”
The crowd hollered again.
“This is for all you honky tonk women,” he added, and the band went into a cover of the Stones tune.
“I met a gin-soaked, bar-room queen in Memphis She tried to take me upstairs for a ride She had to heave me right across shoulder Cause I just can’t seem to drink you off my mind”
I had the hugest smile on my face. I’d never seen Wildfire do a cover before. And that was about the best choice they could have ever made. The bar went nuts, and several couples started dancing around the room behind me. One cowboy even handed Harry his hat, which he gladly put on his own head for the duration of the song.
During the last chorus, Harry and I finally made eye contact. His eyes about popped out of his head, and he almost forgot the words he was singing. Then a smile grew across his face and he gave me a thumbs up.
I’d seen Wildfire perform many times by that point. But I have to say, that night, in that tiny little po-dunk country bar in Chula Vista, ten miles from the Holiday Inn, they gave their best show ever.
I stood and watched as several people crowded around him when he stepped off the stage, giving him their praise. He took it graciously, listening to every word they had to say. After a few minutes, I decided to let him have his moment, so I returned to my spot at the bar. The girl who was sitting next to me earlier was still there, licking her lips as she watched Harry make his way closer.
“Hey,” he beamed at me when he got to the bar. “What are you doing here?”
I shrugged nonchalantly. “Just thought I’d come out. Had nothing else to do.”
“You…” he shook his head in disbelief, “Wh- are you staying here? Or…are you driving back tonight?”
“Oh, I’m staying,” I grinned. “At the Holiday Inn up the road.”
“Hi there, cowboy,” I heard next to me.
I eyed the girl on her stool with her swinging leg and red lips.
“Hello,” smiled Harry, his accent oozing and giving away that he was definitely not a cowboy.
“You’re fantastic,” she commented.
“Thank you.”
“I’m Evelyn,” she said, holding out her hand.
“I’m Harry.”
“And I’m leaving,” I announced, sliding off my stool once again.
“No, wait, what?” Harry looked at me confused.
I chuckled. “It’s cool. This is your moment, Harry. Your fans await you,” I pointed at the stage. “Looks like your band is waiting too.”
“But where are you going?” he grabbed my hand.
“To my motel room.”
I hoped the look in my eyes relayed the message I wanted them to.
“The Holiday Inn?”
I nodded before placing a quick kiss on his cheek.
“See ya,” I whispered in his ear before slowly pulling my hand from his.
I was almost to the door when I turned around, catching Evelyn trying to do some major flirting.
He looked at me and smiled.
“Room 2-0-2,” I mimed the numbers with my hand.
He grinned wider and gave me a wink before I pushed open the door and climbed into my Volkswagen. My ears were still buzzing from the show, so instead of turning up the radio, I sang to myself, the Elton John song that had been in my head since I’d arrived.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ till you been In a motel, baby, like a Holiday Inn…”
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My stomach was in knots. Two hours later I just about resolved that he wasn’t coming. I was an idiot. He’d probably taken a liking to Evelyn, who no doubt was much more attractive and probably had her own ranch with cows and horses. But just when I was about to doze off, I heard a knock at the door.
Just like at the apartment, I left the chain on and cracked the door open.
“Sky,” he said softly.
“Hi,” I bit my lip.
I shut the door and removed the chain, but didn’t open the door all the way yet. Instead, I inched it open slowly until only my body was in-between the crack. Harry’s eyes wandered down, a twinge of excitement on his face when he noticed my pajamas.
“Jesus,” he shook his head and leaned his forearm against the door frame.
My chest lifted underneath the thin material of my top as I took in a breath and let it out.
“Um…are you gonna let me in?” Harry asked.
I giggled nervously. “Maybe.”
Harry raised a brow. “Maybe?”
“Well…I guess you can come in. There’s just one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“There’s no sofa.”
His dimples dipped in his cheeks and his eyes danced as I backed up and let him inside. He kicked the door closed with his boot, pulling me into his arms. He kissed me passionately, his fingers in my hair, backing me into the bed.
“You were great tonight,” I whispered when he hovered over me.
“I still can’t believe you came.”
“Me neither, actually.”
“I’m glad you did.”
His soft lips confirmed his statement, making my toes curl and my heart rate quicken. His hands roamed up my sides, stopping just under my breasts, my long hair nearly covering them.
“You’re gonna kill me with these pajamas, you know,” he groaned.
“Sorry,” I teased.
His expression softened as he let his thumbs run over my nipples, causing them to poke through the material. I blinked slowly, letting out a tiny moan of pleasure.
“You’re so pretty,” he declared.
I traced his lips with my fingertip. “So are you.”
We made love in my motel bed, but it could have been a palace as far as I was concerned. He was heaven, and more than I could have ever hoped for. I was really glad I’d changed my mind and drove to Chula Vista.
As we laid wrapped in the sheets, I looked up at his beautiful face, his lips still parted as his breathing slowed.
“So you never answered my question,” I said.
“What’s that, love?”
I fingered the cross that hung from his neck, very close from tapping against my chest.
“Why do you always wear this?”
Harry looked down at it, then back up at me.
“Same as you, I guess,” he spoke softly. “I don’t wanna forget.”
I thought about what Halo had said about his friend Simon. Perhaps he didn’t want to forget him. Or maybe he didn’t want to forget where he came from, or where he belonged. Either way, I understood.
I yanked gently on the chain, bringing Harry’s face closer to mine. His eyes grinned before he captured my lips with his.
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Eeek! This was probably my favorite chapter. I hope you could visualize it the way I did.
Songs mentioned:
Paul Simon - Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard
Neil Sedaka - Bad Blood
Emmylou Harris - Feelin' Single, Seein' Double
The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women
Elton John - Holiday Inn
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
The mademoiselle P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating smutty + Suggestive
I admit... I was excited.
Why wouldn't I be? 
The mademoiselle was to arrive today, there had been a few people loitering about the docks in the hope of seeing her, I had to admit. I was one of them. I wasn't planning to, but it had been a slow morning in the hospital and, who am I kidding I wanted to! I found myself a spot outside the warehouse leaning on the wooden post. A ship had come in this morning and people had been filling their way off it gradually, most sailors or the odd interesting passenger I was about to give up and head to work but -
There she was. the mademoiselle.
She stood on the deck wearing a floor-length blue gingham dress with long sleeves, a high neckline, buttons down her chest and a white belt around her waist. Her hair was pinned up under her little bonnet hat with a hatpin, she looked just like the postcards. 
She was... absolutely gorgeous.
She looked across the horizon with a smile, before heading down the jetty with her suitcases in her hands. 
I was frozen looking at her unable to think straight to see she was real, the woman I'd stared at in print for actual years was here in front of me, and I felt.... kinda weird. She looks so beautiful and admittedly the minute I saw her my dick may as well have attempted to jump out of my trousers. But I did feel kinda weird, I mean... I have jerked off to her more often than I can even recall, and now she's actually here. She hurried down and headed with someone helping her to take her things, she met with a few of the people there to meet her all of them begging her to do a show for them. She laughed and actually agreed, she hand a hand up onto one of her tunk cases and opened one of her bags revealing a white violin, she put it to her neck and began to perform for them wiggling her bustle for them and even unbuttoning her dress a little to reveal her underdress, but when she finished her song she fixed her dress of course and did a little bow. 
Everyone of course applauded even I had to just from her show, she took some tips men gave her and headed off into port with her bags to wherever she was going to be staying tonight.  
So I headed to work and got on with my day even if I had to admit I had to force the thoughts of the mademoiselle, I planned as soon as I could to get out of work and head into town to see if there was any chance to see her again. Once I got finished up I headed out into town to the cat and bagpipes and usual and by some miracle, I found her there. 
the mademoiselle sat on the bar with a tankard in hand, and her violin in the other, her dress unbuttoned and hung off her shoulders to reveal her corset, men crowed around her buying her drinks and watching her play while also egging her on to remove her clothes, it was good fun and I did stay for a good while. 
I wanted to go up and speak to her, but I didn't want to become one with the crowd of eager boys at her feet.  Even if It was tempting. I sat for a while drinking and watching her, utterly mesmerized by the woman I had so long desired. For a moment she glanced over at me and raised her tankard to me, I smiled and raised my own back. She seemed to giggle as she saw my smile and she blew me a sweet kiss. She then her het drink down and began to play a song, it was a very sweet song, beautiful and mysterious much like her, I could have listened to her song forever. But of course, most who knew who she was weren't interested in a beautiful song, they wanted something more playful a more common drinking song, so she did as they asked and began playing a more upbeat drinking song, many of course begging her to do her usual show, meaning to remove her dress but always she shook her head and plaid on. 
I finished my drink honestly about to head back I didn't want to go but I knew I should else I'd never be up tomorrow to get to work, when all of a sudden she slapped a man hard, throwing his drunk body across the pub, I didn't see why. Immediately a ruckus began and was broken up by the owner. The drunk man staggered out and the mademoiselle packed her violin and headed out fixing her dress as she did. I felt terrible so I grabbed my coat and left too but by the time I got outside, she was already gone. 
I got up as usual with a little bit of a hangover, not really in the mood to function today but, here we are. 
So I forced myself up and dressed not exactly excited about the day ahead. I headed down and did my usual rounds fighting the urge to go back to bed. Then I had to go out on some requested house calls nothing important, just the typical kids with ear infections, ladies with arching thighs, and issues men had so embarrassing they'd never dare come to the hospital. 
Until I got to the last house I needed to visit, knocking on the door as I checked my paperwork, hmm no name? that's strange. And I didn't know who lived here never visited this house before never had to. It soon opened to a young maid girl.
"Ah Good Afternoon, Dr Dawkins."
"Ohhh... yes Dr Sir." she nodded ushering me inside 
"The uhh the name is missing on the paperwork who am I here to see?"
"Ohhh The uhh the miss sir." She said urging me to follow her deeper into the house, until we arrived at a fairly impressive room sparsely decorated with a large canopy bed in the corner closed up for the day, the fire burning gently bags and trunks littered the room a large mirror in the corner "The Doctor miss." she said towards a grey changing screen. And out of it came the mademoiselle. In tall black lace boots and a thin light blue dress, it fell off her shoulder a little her hair loose and wild. 
I admit... I had to force down my sick perverted mind imagining, one of her postcards... that was not too unlike this situation. 
She nodded and the maid then left us alone. 
For a moment no words were exchanged between us, but she giggled fiddling with her fingers. 
"Tu es le garçon du pub, très beau si je puis le dire moi-même, et médecin en plus." she blushed (You're the boy from the pub, very handsome if I do say so myself, and a doctor too.)
I blushed hard for a moment, I don't think she expected me to understand her, 
"Docteur Dawkins, mademoiselle. et je dois dire que tu es très belle aussi." (Doctor Dawkins, mademoiselle. and I must say that you are very beautiful too.) I smiled and she seemed surprised her hand to her chest 
"toi ?" (You?)
"Oui." (Yes)
"mon, mon, beau et intelligent, docteur. Je dois dire que c'est impressionnant." (my, my, handsome and intelligent, doctor. I have to say it's impressive.)
I blushed a little more "Merci beaucoup mademoiselle, excusez-moi, mon français est un peu... rouillé" (Thank you very much mademoiselle, excuse me, my French is a little... rusty)
"Would English be easier?"
"If you don't mind mademoiselle"
"No, no. I am blessed to hear it. Thank you for even that." She smiled,
"You're very welcome, Now. How can I help?"
She seemed nervous checking the door, "Forgive me, it is not a simple thing to admit."
"Of course, take your time."
She sighed and sat herself down on the sofa by the fire, I went over setting my bag on the table a little worried what to expect. she took the hem of her dress in hand and moved it up to her thigh 
uuhhhhhhhhhh- ohhh fuck- ummmmm mademoiselle! 
When I shook my head out of a perverted fantasy she began unlacing her boot, once undone she slowly pulled it off her leg revealing her bare smooth skin all the way to her ankle or well...
What remained of it. 
She had an amputation that much was obvious but it had been done so badly it was hard to even see what was happening, her foot and ankle removed just above the joint. 
She settled her leg on the ottoman and set her boot down revealing the wooden prosthetic inside the boot that must have aided in her walking. 
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hello mara! i was wondering if you have a name that you call your faith? In my head ive been calling it Chirality but i was curious if you had anything youd prefer it be referred to.
ps, i am left handed, and after reading orsday programming march 15th ive decided to start practicing writing mirrored. im getting pretty good at it!
hey anonymous!
i appreciate the question (and the opportunity for me to link my substack and the post mentioned there); regarding the name: chirality is so vague it:d be lost in the definition of chirality--issue of naming itself is something i:d not seen much more than pride-from-me (the area of faith that comes from conjecture instead of communication), but sometimes blueprint of church depends both on the workmanship of conjecture and the guidance of communication hand-in-hand should the building ever be finished;
for this: i:d thought of it as addressing the faith either on the 'shared goal' (applicable to both hands, as both hands are needed for the separation of the hands): chiral christianity, chiral segregation -- the former is a bit odd because the left-hand is defined more as the empty rooms of herod and the earthy manse whereas the right-hand is more bespokenly (? am i even using this right? tailored, surely; the word bled out and made walking in many bodies yet shared of a righteous spirit) christly;
then focusing on the left-hand itself: qlifotism, qlifotic christianity;
an issue with both and either mention of word 'qlifot' and 'christ' is that the word comes dead-pregnant with heavy information and concept from either: qlifot attracts a big buzzing fly looking for death and esotericism and stinking of philosophical text and anime; mention of christ attracts the exact same thing but with some strange new conviction that reading the bible will be salve to some strange wound that could perhaps be better solved disconnecting and recentering on wilderness for a bit;
i think about all the odd little splinters of adventism (surely thanks to the age of prophesy still being alive enough for splintering sects to be birthed by claimants possessed by Holy Ghost yet not enough to be excommunicated over goofy new retellings of a word Ellen White perfected already--ye goofy prophet pretenders); 8th Days is a little more protected against 'dirty information' but is trapt as a little tumor-polyp on the body of Ellen White and her kin (but aren:t I just another one of them anyways? aren:t I also just every prior mentioned 'dirty person' here? the death seeking esotericist who thinks the bible a salve for some strange wound that could be better treated by going outside and think themselves pretender prophet of some word?);
i don:t really have an answer to your question, anonymous! it:s an answer i:ve wanted myself, almost thinking the question an inverse of the "build it they will come" saying: they will name it after it is built.
keep up your writing practice, anonymous; think not that it:ll be some miraculous super-power granted to you in doing so: but it is a first step to establishing a neat little culture and habit that were best suited your hand, and something that belongs to you (much in the same way forward writing belongs to the righteous). you keep it up for a few years and you:ll start thinking backwards, too.
take care! it:s my birthday tomorrow; some blogging: i forced myself out to go to culvers and try a burger there -- it was very ok; i like the lunches i cook for myself more, but it:s kinda fun to let-go of the food neuroses now-and-then and experience something new (plus i got to spend time with my mom--i value this!).
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dreamersdivine · 2 years
a blurb for prince!dream and royal!reader being betrothed to one another? it would be their first meeting and at first they dislike the idea of being forced to marry and therefore, dislike each other but when they do meet it’s kinda love/attraction at first sight
Of course ♡ a blurb just for you
Content Warnings: Gn!reader, mention of alcohol,
A/n: I'm a little rusty as I'm just now getting back into writing sfw
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Prince Dream. Your betrothed. More like your beloathed...It was an arranged marriage. One set up by your father and his mother. Oh they swooned over the idea of you two getting married and raising the next royals. But you were not for it much to your father's distaste.
After he had announced your awaited marriage ceremony in front of the kingdoms citizens dinners soon became- unpleasant.
Your father, the king, had spent all week buying lavish gifts to gain your forgiveness. Each one making you bitter and bitter by the day.
"I sent for that tavern band you so adore," the king said after finishing his drink. Wine; from the best around.
You frowned and set your utensils down. "I think I will excuse myself," you muttered standing up.
He sighed, your name leaving his lips sternly.
"No," you held up a hand. "You may try to win me over with such expensive tokens, but I will not forgive how you've promised me away to some- some dastardly prince I've never met," you seethed leaving the room.
Your marriage was a hot topic tonight because unknownst to you miles away a blonde prince was approaching via carriage reciting the same words to his mother. "I will not marry them," he hissed with distaste.
You wanted to just sleep the night away, but at the same time. You wanted to stay up and watch the stars eventually give way to the morning lights.
Tomorrow was the day he arrived.
The morning of his arrival the entire town was a buzz. People had flocked the streets in order to possibly catch a glimpse of the mysterious prince.
You yourself had snuck out of the castle in your disguise to hide amongst the crowds for a while.
"I've heard he wears a mask," you overheard some townsfolk nearby. Someone gasped. "You don't think its because-"
You couldn't help but intrude into the conversation. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear. Are you speaking about the prince," one of the women looked you up and down deeming you worthy of hearing the gossip.
"Yes I was, I was just about to say-"
Another woman interrupted. "A lie is what you were going to say. Any prince with the name of Dream must be good looking,"
The women around her groaned and argued immediately. You had heard all you needed to know however. Dream. What kind of a name is that?
You hurried back to the castle before uneager for his arrival.
"There you are," one of the servants violently grasped your arm. "I've been looking for you all morning," you rolled your eyes as you allowed them to lead you away for preparations.
Every stage of the way you had a complaint. "This is ridiculous," you stated glancing at the mirror in front of you. "I don't even know this man," you protested being dragged from your room. "I hate all of you," you groaned as you were being pushed into the throne room.
You could see the prince and the queen of the neighboring kingdom across the room. "I will run away from the kingdom," you hissed as someone shoved you forward.
They continued until you were face to face with the prince.
The unpleasant look upon his face melted once he saw you. Immediately he dropped into a bow. "Prince Dream," he glanced back up at you.
You had forgotten every harsh word that could come to mind. Green eyes stared back at you warmly almost amused that you couldn't even bring yourself to greet him properly. You stammered over your introduction making him smile.
You had forgotten how to breathe. A perfect smile and cheeks dusted with freckles was not what you expected to be greeted with.
Dream offered his hand to you. "Let's- Go somewhere a bit private, yes?"
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