lemoncrushh · 7 hours
Wild Horses - One
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
A/N: Please note all portions in italics are meant to be flashbacks :).
Chapter One Word Count: 4.3k+
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“Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired…” - Daughtry; Witness
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“Are you sure this is what you wanna do?” Pauline asked, lifting her coffee mug to her lips.
Amber let out a breath and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, Mom, it is.”
Pauline swallowed as she looked out the window to the backyard. The swing set was old and rusted, the sandbox her children had once played in now overgrown with weeds. Her daughter was nearing twenty. It was time to let her go and earn her wings.
“Then I think you should go for it,” she said with a sweet smile.
Relief spread over Amber as she rose from her chair to give her mother a hug.
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll make you proud, I promise.”
“You already do, sweetheart,” whispered Pauline as she patted Amber’s hand, a tear trickling out of the corner of her eye. “Now you go follow your dream. Laci and I will be just fine.”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. She’s a wild one, keeps me on my toes. Just like you.”
Amber caught the loving admiration underneath Pauline’s joking tone.
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too. Now stop making me teary-eyed and go pack.”
Amber grinned as she bound for her bedroom. She was gonna be okay. She could feel it.
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The restaurant was freezing. Actually, to say it was a restaurant was like calling that motel they’d stayed in the night before the Ritz. It was a dang Waffle House, but at least it was cheap. Amber had managed to save up some money on this short road tour, but she wasn’t about to splurge on a real restaurant, even if that sign she’d seen for that Mexican place had looked appealing. Still, it was so freaking cold in this joint, her nipples could’ve broken glass.
“And what can I get you, hon?” asked the blond middle-aged waitress.
Amber faked a smile as she rubbed her arms. “Eggs over easy with grits and bacon please.”
The waitress nodded and penciled in her order before addressing Carter who sat beside her. He ordered his usual - three waffles. Nothing else. Of course he would smother them later with butter and maple syrup. Amber watched him sip on his Coke when the waitress walked away and wondered how on earth he was able to carry all the band equipment day after day when he was loaded up on so much sugar. She never once saw him come down from his high and fall flat on his ass, but she waited for the day she would.
“How many more miles til Nashville?” groaned Brendan, running his palm down his face, his eyes weary.
“About eighty or so,” replied Johnny, smoothing out the road map in front of him. “Not much longer.”
“Good, cause I need a real bed. Alone.”
Amber smiled meekly at her bass player. Brendan had taken the wheel early that morning after they’d left Charlotte. The boys were getting a bit restless and annoyed with having to share a motel room, one of them usually opting for the floor or the van so they wouldn’t have to share a bed. Occasionally if Amber got a double room, Carter would convince her to let him take the other bed. Sometimes in the beginning he’d even slip himself into her single bed, and she wouldn’t kick him out if she was drunk enough. But those days were over, she’d told him.
Nashville would be a different situation. The band was scheduled to play a festival, billed as one of the opening acts. It would be excellent exposure for them, and in return they got free accomodations at the Hilton. It was a sacrifice Amber was willing to make to get the recognition. She’d just decided not to tell the boys until after the show that they weren’t getting paid.
The waitress brought their food and other than the sounds of chewing and swallowing, the occasional burp, the four sat in silence. Amber continued to rub her arms when she could, the coffee doing little to warm her up. She’d wished she’d brought her hoodie, but since it was damn near a hundred degrees outside, she hadn’t even bothered to pull it out of her duffle bag. Suddenly, she felt another set of hands on her skin, and she looked up to see Carter, a small grin on his face as he rubbed her naked arms.
“Cold?” he raised a brow.
“Yeah,” she sighed, allowing his long arms to envelop her as she scooted closer to him.
Her stomach did one of those flip-floppy things that she didn’t like. Okay, maybe she liked it, but she didn’t want to. She’d been firm with Carter that they were not a couple, and he wasn’t supposed to act like they were. He’d reluctantly agreed, what with being in a band together and all. But sometimes he could be really sweet. Sometimes he…
“Can I get you anything else, hon?” the waitress asked.
“I don’t think so,” replied Carter, giving her his best smile as he squeezed Amber tighter with one hand and patted his stomach with the other. “That was great.”
The blond winked at him and set the check beside him before twisting her hips and strutting to the next table. Johnny and Brendan began to pull out their wallets until Amber stopped them.
“I got this one, guys,” she explained, giving Carter a nudge so he’d slide out of the booth.
Brendan shrugged, returning his wallet to his back pocket. Johnny dropped a few ones on the table and folded up the road map. As Amber paid the bill at the counter, Carter slid a hand across her butt and whispered in her ear.
“Meet you in the van.”
Amber nodded. “Be there in a minute. I gotta use the bathroom.”
“Ooh, honey, he’s a cutie,” Amber heard the waitress say when the boys were out of ear-shot. She scoffed.
“He your boyfriend?” the blond continued.
“No,” Amber shook her head as she took her change. “Just my drummer.”
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“Yes!” exclaimed Brendan when he opened his hotel room door. “At last! My own room!”
Amber chuckled in the hallway, her duffle bag over her shoulder as she made her way to her room. The door clicked shut behind Brendan, but she could still hear him shouting something about ‘getting used to this’. Johnny’s room was across from Brendan’s, Amber’s next to it.
“I’m so ready for a nap,” she remarked, her card key in the door.
“Now? I thought...maybe we could hang out for a while. In mine.” Carter pointed across the hall.
“I’m exhausted, Carter.”
“I know, but…” he paused, his lips quivering into a suggestive grin, “can’t you be exhausted in here? With me?”
“Ugh...Carter…” Amber groaned. Here we go again, she thought.
“I give great back rubs.”
“I know you do,” she nodded with disinterest. “But I’m not feeling that great. I don’t think that Waffle House agreed with me.”
Amber heard the click of the lock and pushed her door open.
“Carter,” she rolled her eyes, dropping her bag on the floor next to the bathroom. “I’m going to sleep. See you at dinner.”
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Pauline held up the phone so Amber could see Laci dance around the living room in her tutu. Amber beamed and giggled as Laci did the same, twirling like a ballerina.
“Yay!” Amber clapped when Laci was finished. “Good job!”
Laci continued to giggle, her brown curls bouncing as she fell over on the couch, her head in Pauline’s lap.
“She’s been practicing,” Amber’s mom announced.
“I can tell! How’s school?”
“It’s going great. Her teacher says she’s always excited to come and never wants to leave.”
“Aw, I’m glad,” said Amber.
A knock sounded on her door so she rose from the bed to answer it. Carter stood on the other side, his hands in his pockets. Amber lifted a finger and pointed to her cell phone to indicate she was talking on it. Carter nodded and followed her into the room, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey, Mom, I gotta go. We’re about to go to dinner.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” Pauline nodded. “Have fun in Nashville!”
“I will. Bye Laci!” she waved into the phone. The little girl’s head popped into the screen she blew kisses.
“Love youuuuu!”
“I love you too, baby girl.”
Hanging up the call, Amber shoved her phone into her back pocket and looked up at Carter. He’d apparently had a shower, his caramel hair combed back, his clean t-shirt stretching across his broad shoulders.
“Ready?” she breathed, hoping he hadn’t noticed how it caught in her throat.
“Yeah, Johnny and Brendan are downstairs.”
“Okay.” Amber stepped into her sandals and walked around him to the door.
“Yeah?” she stopped.
Carter scratched his stubbled chin before shoving his hand back in his pocket.
“Sorry about...before,” he offered.
Amber chewed her cheek and shrugged. “You didn’t do anything.”
“I know but…” he hesitated, then looked down at his feet. “Hey, I know how you feel about us-”
Amber held up a hand. “There is no us, Carter. We’re friends. Bandmates. That’s all.”
His jaw set so hard he could cut through steel, Carter nodded. “Got it.”
Amber sighed. “Carter…”
Stepping closer to her, he put his hands on her waist.
“We got something, Amber. You might not see it yet, but I do. All those times you cried on my shoulder til four in the morning. Those nights in your bed-”
“It’s over, Carter,” she pushed his hands away.
“But I don’t want it to be.”
Amber swallowed hard as she looked down. “It needs to be,” she whispered.
“But why?”
“Because...that was the old me.”
Amber felt Carter sigh more than heard it. She watched his feet as he stepped around her to open the door.
“You’ll want me again, Amber. Maybe not tonight. But one day you will.”
Amber glared at him as he held the door. Maybe he was right.
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Harry didn’t usually stay with his band. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, and it wasn’t an ego thing. It was more of a safety thing. If fans got wind of where Mitch, Sarah, Adam or Clare were, nine times out of ten they figured Harry was somewhere near. They would bombard the hotel just to get a glimpse of him, and sometimes things could get out of hand. And Harry didn’t want his band to feel like they couldn’t get out and see the city if they wanted to. So early on Jeffrey Azoff, his friend and manager, had talked him into staying at a different hotel from theirs. And so far it had worked.
Today, however, Harry decided to join his band in the hotel restaurant - the Hilton where the rest of the band members were staying. He reckoned no one would suspect he would be there, so he could slip in and take a seat with the gang and enjoy a private meal. But he’d thought wrong.
He wasn’t sure if it was the girl who nearly fainted in the lobby, or if there had been paps or someone else outside who’d recognized him, but by the time he made it around the corner near the elevators, just outside the restaurant, he was surrounded. Cursing under his breath, he put on a brave face and greeted the mob of fans.
Fans. That was actually too kind of a word. He knew who his true fans were. They were the ones who bought his album and tickets to his shows. They were outside waiting in a queue for hours so they’d get a good spot in the general admission section. They had websites and blogs and wrote fanfiction and made their own merch. They weren’t waiting outside of hotel restaurants hoping to get a selfie with someone they may or may not actually had heard of, let alone sang along to in the car. But being the Harry Styles that he was, he knew it wasn’t fair to pick and choose. Treat people with kindness, that was his motto. He lived by the golden rule, even when all he wanted to do was get a bloody meal with his friends.
When the last girl had left, a squeak in her voice as she snapped one last photo, Harry strolled into the restaurant, waving at his bandmates who sat in the corner of the nearly empty room. Immediately a waiter came by, setting a glass of water in front of him.
“Evening,” nodded the waiter in a monotone.
“We already ordered for you,” said Clare.
“Oh. Thanks,” Harry grinned, setting his napkin in his lap.
“Guess, this isn’t happening again,” remarked Mitch.
“What isn’t?”
“This,” Mitch gestured. “Dinner at our hotel. You were mobbed.”
Harry shrugged with a sigh. “Yeah. It wasn’t too bad. Coulda been worse.”
Sarah and Mitch glared at him before lifting their glasses simultaneously. The waiter came with their food then, and the mood was lightened with idle chatter. Halfway through his salad, however, Harry could feel eyes upon him. He had a gift, he did. He could always tell when he was being watched. Usually it involved a camera, but when he lifted his gaze to browse the room, he only found a pair of pretty blue eyes. They belonged to a young woman sat at the table across the room, one of only two others occupied in the restaurant presently. She was joined by three other lads, who all seemed to be doing their best to pay attention to themselves and each other, and certainly not to her.
He had no idea how or why. She was cute. She had pouty red lips and a heart-shaped face. And there was no way he could ignore the way she tried to look away when he caught her looking at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Yeah, he would definitely be paying attention to her.
Actually, come to think of it, she looked right familiar to him. Biting his lip, he tried to place her.
A burst of laughter broke his thoughts and he turned his head to see Adam showing the other three a video of his kid on his phone.
“How adorable!” exclaimed Clare.
As Adam scrolled to find another funny video, Harry leaned toward Mitch.
“Hey mate, who’s that?” he pointed to the girl across the room. “Do you know her?”
Mitch shrugged just as Sarah said, “That’s Amber Crosby.”
“Who?” Mitch and Harry asked in unison.
“Amber Crosby? She’s part of the festival tomorrow?” Sarah rolled her eyes. “That’s her and her band.”
“Ohh,” sounded Harry. Amber Crosby, that’s right. He’d heard her single a few times. She was good.
“How do you know this?” inquired Mitch.
“Because I make it a point to keep up with what’s going on,” remarked Sarah, pursing her lips. Mitch mocked her with a face which earned him a pinch.
Harry watched Amber sit with her band, though she might as well had been sat there alone. She reached for her glass of water, taking a sip through a straw before her eyes wandered up and locked with Harry’s again. He caught the slight blush in her cheeks as she quickly averted her gaze and set her glass back down.
“Hey, Harry, are y-” he heard Mitch begin, but he didn’t stay to listen to the rest of the sentence. Instead, he rose from his chair and crossed the room to where Amber sat.
“Hello,” he greeted when he reached her table. “Amber Crosby, right?”
Once again, he didn’t miss the rosiness of her cheeks as she lifted her head.
“Yes,” she smiled up at him.
“I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Harry Styles.”
Amber beamed wider, taking Harry’s outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”
“I saw that you’re playing tomorrow,” he half lied.
“Yeah,” Amber made a face. Harry wasn’t sure if it was one of embarrassment or annoyance. But either way, he liked how her nose crinkled when she did it. “I think we’re like second or third. So we’ll be out of here by sundown.”
Harry feigned shock, placing his hand on his chest. “And miss my set?”
Amber giggled. “Well, I don’t want to, but you know…”
“Hey, man,” uttered the straight-nosed guy sat next to Amber. If he hadn’t extended his hand, Harry might have thought he was about to threaten him.
“Oh, sorry!” Amber sat up, addressing the three men at the table. “Harry, this is Carter, Brendan and Johnny. My band. Guys, this is Ha-”
“Harry Styles, man, nice to meet ya!” Carter nearly slapped his hand against Harry’s, making Amber grimace. But Harry was gracious, shaking each man’s hand and making them feel important.
“I’ve heard your song,” said Harry, “it’s really good.”
It was Amber’s turn to cover her heart. “Oh, thank you.”
“Yeah, I’m anxious to hear more.”
His eyes met Amber’s then, making her smile. He didn’t miss Carter’s arm, however, that suddenly stretched across the back of her chair.
“Will you be there tomorrow?” asked Amber. “I mean, as early as we’ll be playing?”
“Yeah, I should be. I’ll be popping in off and on throughout the day.”
“What time are you on?” piped up one of the other lads. Damn, Harry had forgotten their names. Brandon? Brennan?
“We’re on at eight,” replied Harry.
“Oh. We might be gone by then,” Carter declared, his fingers playing on Amber’s shoulder. “We have another gig to get to the next day.”
“Oh, too bad,” Harry frowned, not missing the maneuver Amber pulled to get her shoulder out of Carter’s reach. “Well, just wanted to say hello, and um...best of luck tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Amber and her band sang.
Harry gave a small wave as he turned back for his table, rejoining his own band.
“What d’you think?” Sarah raised a brow.
“She seems lovely.”
Just then Amber and her band rose from their table, heading for the exit.
“I think I’ll try to introduce myself tomorrow,” said Sarah. “I definitely wanna catch their set.”
But Harry was barely listening. He watched Amber follow the men out of the restaurant, turning around once to wave at him. He smiled and waved back.
He definitely wanted to catch their set too.
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Carter thought he heard something. It was a cheap motel, and the walls were very thin. But did he detect the sound of someone crying? Amber’s room was next door. Could it be…
He waited a few more minutes, just to be sure. Then swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he sat up and walked to the door, hesitating only for a split second before stepping outside.
He knocked gently at first, then thought that was ridiculous and knocked louder. She didn’t answer right away, though that didn’t surprise him. Again, he knocked, this time calling her name.
“Amber! Amber, are you in there?” He knew his question was pointless; of course she was in there. And she was hurting.
He heard the click of the lock before the door opened, just enough to reveal half of her tear-stained face.
“Are you okay?” Another stupid question. Of course she wasn’t okay.
She shook her head, her hair falling over her eyes. Carter let out a deep breath.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Amber looked down and shook her head again. “Not really.”
Carter nodded. He wasn’t going to push her.
“Can I...come in?”
Swallowing hard, Amber stepped back, her head still bowed. When Carter shut the door behind him, she finally looked up at him.
It was only then that it dawned on Carter that he was shirtless. He’d been lying on his bed after returning to his room, still in his jeans, his sweaty t-shirt and shoes discarded across the room in a pile. His mind on getting to Amber, he hadn’t bothered to put on a clean shirt.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
With a sharp turn, Amber ran to the bed, planting herself on it face down.
“Hey,” Carter whispered as he sat down next to her. He watched her back tremble and shake as she cried into her pillow. “Amber…”
When she didn’t reply, he looked around the tiny room. On the nightstand sat a half-empty bottle of whisky. It wasn’t open, but he picked up the empty glass next to it and sniffed it. He made a face as he wondered if she’d already drunk that much tonight.
“Amber,” he said again.
Just as he reached for her, she sat up and wrapped her arms around him. He’d let her cry as much as she wanted; he was willing to wait all night if he needed to. Finally, she lifted her head, wiped her eyes and sniffled.
“I hate my life,” she admitted.
“I’m so tired, Carter,” she cried. “So very tired. Of everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sick of trying so hard...when it doesn’t get me anywhere.”
Pushing a strand of her brown hair from her wet, sticky cheek, Carter assumed she meant the band, her music. But then she dropped the bomb.
“I just want someone to love me,” she whined, her big brown eyes searching his face. “Why is that so hard?”
“Am I unlovable?” she asked.
“What? No!” Carter knew that wasn’t true. Okay, maybe he wasn’t in love with her. But he’d definitely had feelings since they’d met. He knew she’d had a hard life and kept her guard up, but he’d never gotten the whole story. He’d always hoped one day she’d tell him.
“Sometimes…” she hesitated, “sometimes I just wanna end it.”
“End what?” Damn, he was full of dumb questions tonight. He knew the answer. He just hoped he was wrong.
“My life.”
He took her face in his hands then. He wanted to yell at her, shake her into reality. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying, Amber,” he said firmly.
“Don’t I?” she rolled her eyes. “No one gives a shit about me.”
“I do. I care.”
“You do?” Though her eyelids were heavy, she fluttered her lashes.
Carter could smell the liquor on her breath before he kissed her. He didn’t care. He wanted her to know she was wanted.
She hadn’t asked him to stay that night, but he had anyway. He wanted to make sure she was okay. And when she’d gotten up to puke, he’d held back her hair.
Carter sort of made a habit of staying in Amber’s room after that. About a month or so later, after they shared an entire bottle of whisky, she told him her story.
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“Ten minutes,” the stage assistant announced, sending nervous tingles down Amber’s spine.
“Okay, okay,” she breathed, shaking her limbs and fingers. “Let’s do this.”
Just then she heard a voice behind her, one that she recognized from the night before. She turned to see Harry Styles chatting with Brendan along with his bandmates Sarah and Mitch whom she’d met an hour ago. When their eyes met, he smiled widely and stepped toward her.
“Hi, Amber,” he greeted. “Promised I’d make it to see you, and here I am.”
Amber returned his smile, her insides giggling with glee. He hadn’t actually promised that, not in so many words, but she thought it was a nice gesture.
“Good to see you, Harry,” she said, hoping her voice didn’t crack before she even made it to the stage.
“You’ve met Sarah and Mitch,” he confirmed in part question.
“Yes, I did. They’re so nice.”
“I have a great band,” Harry nodded.
“You definitely do. They all seem very fond of you. As they should.”
“Five minutes!”
“I’m on next,” Amber voiced with wide eyes.
“Best of luck to you,” Harry grinned. “You’ll be great.”
“Hope so,” she breathed. She looked around to see her band members coming toward her. For some reason she got more nervous when she made eye contact with Carter.
“Hey, man,” he said as he approached Harry, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, good luck, mate,” Harry reached out his hand to tap Carter’s arm.
“Places people!” the stage hand called.
Amber shrieked, trying to let her body release the last of its nerves. She caught the tiny giggle coming from Harry and gave him a shrug.
“Always nervous,” she muttered.
She hadn’t expected Harry to take her hand then. And she hadn’t expected to feel the electricity that charged through her skin from his touch. And she hadn’t expected the look in his eyes to take all her nerves away and make her feel calm.
“Let’s go!” Carter shouted, his hand on her back as he pushed her onto the stage.
Harry watched Amber Crosby’s short set from backstage. She was good. Better than good, she was fantastic. He loved the tone of her voice, both warm and clear. She had a youthful quality about her while also being very sensual, like some of the classic country females whom he enjoyed. Though he was familiar with the radio hit, he liked her other songs just as much, if not more. He wondered if she wrote them all, and he made it a point to ask her when he got the chance. If he got the chance. He was disappointed that she and her band would be leaving after their set. There was something about her… he didn’t know what exactly, but he wanted to find out.
The crowd cheered after their last song, making Harry smile. He hardly knew this girl, but he was already feeling a sense of pride for her. His own hands clapping eagerly, he watched as the band took a bow together and turned to exit the stage. He felt the presence of two bodies stepping to either side of him, joining him in his applause.
“So what do you think?” asked Sarah.
“I think I just found my new opening act,” Harry replied.
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As always feedback is appreciated (even if it is an old fic lol).
6 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 14 hours
Wild Horses - Story Page
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn't end up with the life she'd expected, but that didn't keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn't until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
Warnings: Sexual content, teen pregnancy, physical abuse and violence, heavy drinking, talks of suicide. YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO READ.
A/N: This fic was started way back in 2019 (I think lol). I'd had high hopes for it back then, but as usual I abandoned it. This time I plan to finish it. I think it's a great story that needs to be told. I hope you enjoy :).
Links will be updated as I post.
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15 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 15 hours
Wild Horses - One
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn’t end up with the life she’d expected, but that didn’t keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn’t until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
A/N: Please note all portions in italics are meant to be flashbacks :).
Chapter One Word Count: 4.3k+
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“Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired…” - Daughtry; Witness
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“Are you sure this is what you wanna do?” Pauline asked, lifting her coffee mug to her lips.
Amber let out a breath and nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, Mom, it is.”
Pauline swallowed as she looked out the window to the backyard. The swing set was old and rusted, the sandbox her children had once played in now overgrown with weeds. Her daughter was nearing twenty. It was time to let her go and earn her wings.
“Then I think you should go for it,” she said with a sweet smile.
Relief spread over Amber as she rose from her chair to give her mother a hug.
“Thanks, Mom. I’ll make you proud, I promise.”
“You already do, sweetheart,” whispered Pauline as she patted Amber’s hand, a tear trickling out of the corner of her eye. “Now you go follow your dream. Laci and I will be just fine.”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely. She’s a wild one, keeps me on my toes. Just like you.”
Amber caught the loving admiration underneath Pauline’s joking tone.
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you, too. Now stop making me teary-eyed and go pack.”
Amber grinned as she bound for her bedroom. She was gonna be okay. She could feel it.
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The restaurant was freezing. Actually, to say it was a restaurant was like calling that motel they’d stayed in the night before the Ritz. It was a dang Waffle House, but at least it was cheap. Amber had managed to save up some money on this short road tour, but she wasn’t about to splurge on a real restaurant, even if that sign she’d seen for that Mexican place had looked appealing. Still, it was so freaking cold in this joint, her nipples could’ve broken glass.
“And what can I get you, hon?” asked the blond middle-aged waitress.
Amber faked a smile as she rubbed her arms. “Eggs over easy with grits and bacon please.”
The waitress nodded and penciled in her order before addressing Carter who sat beside her. He ordered his usual - three waffles. Nothing else. Of course he would smother them later with butter and maple syrup. Amber watched him sip on his Coke when the waitress walked away and wondered how on earth he was able to carry all the band equipment day after day when he was loaded up on so much sugar. She never once saw him come down from his high and fall flat on his ass, but she waited for the day she would.
“How many more miles til Nashville?” groaned Brendan, running his palm down his face, his eyes weary.
“About eighty or so,” replied Johnny, smoothing out the road map in front of him. “Not much longer.”
“Good, cause I need a real bed. Alone.”
Amber smiled meekly at her bass player. Brendan had taken the wheel early that morning after they’d left Charlotte. The boys were getting a bit restless and annoyed with having to share a motel room, one of them usually opting for the floor or the van so they wouldn’t have to share a bed. Occasionally if Amber got a double room, Carter would convince her to let him take the other bed. Sometimes in the beginning he’d even slip himself into her single bed, and she wouldn’t kick him out if she was drunk enough. But those days were over, she’d told him.
Nashville would be a different situation. The band was scheduled to play a festival, billed as one of the opening acts. It would be excellent exposure for them, and in return they got free accomodations at the Hilton. It was a sacrifice Amber was willing to make to get the recognition. She’d just decided not to tell the boys until after the show that they weren’t getting paid.
The waitress brought their food and other than the sounds of chewing and swallowing, the occasional burp, the four sat in silence. Amber continued to rub her arms when she could, the coffee doing little to warm her up. She’d wished she’d brought her hoodie, but since it was damn near a hundred degrees outside, she hadn’t even bothered to pull it out of her duffle bag. Suddenly, she felt another set of hands on her skin, and she looked up to see Carter, a small grin on his face as he rubbed her naked arms.
“Cold?” he raised a brow.
“Yeah,” she sighed, allowing his long arms to envelop her as she scooted closer to him.
Her stomach did one of those flip-floppy things that she didn’t like. Okay, maybe she liked it, but she didn’t want to. She’d been firm with Carter that they were not a couple, and he wasn’t supposed to act like they were. He’d reluctantly agreed, what with being in a band together and all. But sometimes he could be really sweet. Sometimes he…
“Can I get you anything else, hon?” the waitress asked.
“I don’t think so,” replied Carter, giving her his best smile as he squeezed Amber tighter with one hand and patted his stomach with the other. “That was great.”
The blond winked at him and set the check beside him before twisting her hips and strutting to the next table. Johnny and Brendan began to pull out their wallets until Amber stopped them.
“I got this one, guys,” she explained, giving Carter a nudge so he’d slide out of the booth.
Brendan shrugged, returning his wallet to his back pocket. Johnny dropped a few ones on the table and folded up the road map. As Amber paid the bill at the counter, Carter slid a hand across her butt and whispered in her ear.
“Meet you in the van.”
Amber nodded. “Be there in a minute. I gotta use the bathroom.”
“Ooh, honey, he’s a cutie,” Amber heard the waitress say when the boys were out of ear-shot. She scoffed.
“He your boyfriend?” the blond continued.
“No,” Amber shook her head as she took her change. “Just my drummer.”
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“Yes!” exclaimed Brendan when he opened his hotel room door. “At last! My own room!”
Amber chuckled in the hallway, her duffle bag over her shoulder as she made her way to her room. The door clicked shut behind Brendan, but she could still hear him shouting something about ‘getting used to this’. Johnny’s room was across from Brendan’s, Amber’s next to it.
“I’m so ready for a nap,” she remarked, her card key in the door.
“Now? I thought...maybe we could hang out for a while. In mine.” Carter pointed across the hall.
“I’m exhausted, Carter.”
“I know, but…” he paused, his lips quivering into a suggestive grin, “can’t you be exhausted in here? With me?”
“Ugh...Carter…” Amber groaned. Here we go again, she thought.
“I give great back rubs.”
“I know you do,” she nodded with disinterest. “But I’m not feeling that great. I don’t think that Waffle House agreed with me.”
Amber heard the click of the lock and pushed her door open.
“Carter,” she rolled her eyes, dropping her bag on the floor next to the bathroom. “I’m going to sleep. See you at dinner.”
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Pauline held up the phone so Amber could see Laci dance around the living room in her tutu. Amber beamed and giggled as Laci did the same, twirling like a ballerina.
“Yay!” Amber clapped when Laci was finished. “Good job!”
Laci continued to giggle, her brown curls bouncing as she fell over on the couch, her head in Pauline’s lap.
“She’s been practicing,” Amber’s mom announced.
“I can tell! How’s school?”
“It’s going great. Her teacher says she’s always excited to come and never wants to leave.”
“Aw, I’m glad,” said Amber.
A knock sounded on her door so she rose from the bed to answer it. Carter stood on the other side, his hands in his pockets. Amber lifted a finger and pointed to her cell phone to indicate she was talking on it. Carter nodded and followed her into the room, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey, Mom, I gotta go. We’re about to go to dinner.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” Pauline nodded. “Have fun in Nashville!”
“I will. Bye Laci!” she waved into the phone. The little girl’s head popped into the screen she blew kisses.
“Love youuuuu!”
“I love you too, baby girl.”
Hanging up the call, Amber shoved her phone into her back pocket and looked up at Carter. He’d apparently had a shower, his caramel hair combed back, his clean t-shirt stretching across his broad shoulders.
“Ready?” she breathed, hoping he hadn’t noticed how it caught in her throat.
“Yeah, Johnny and Brendan are downstairs.”
“Okay.” Amber stepped into her sandals and walked around him to the door.
“Yeah?” she stopped.
Carter scratched his stubbled chin before shoving his hand back in his pocket.
“Sorry about...before,” he offered.
Amber chewed her cheek and shrugged. “You didn’t do anything.”
“I know but…” he hesitated, then looked down at his feet. “Hey, I know how you feel about us-”
Amber held up a hand. “There is no us, Carter. We’re friends. Bandmates. That’s all.”
His jaw set so hard he could cut through steel, Carter nodded. “Got it.”
Amber sighed. “Carter…”
Stepping closer to her, he put his hands on her waist.
“We got something, Amber. You might not see it yet, but I do. All those times you cried on my shoulder til four in the morning. Those nights in your bed-”
“It’s over, Carter,” she pushed his hands away.
“But I don’t want it to be.”
Amber swallowed hard as she looked down. “It needs to be,” she whispered.
“But why?”
“Because...that was the old me.”
Amber felt Carter sigh more than heard it. She watched his feet as he stepped around her to open the door.
“You’ll want me again, Amber. Maybe not tonight. But one day you will.”
Amber glared at him as he held the door. Maybe he was right.
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Harry didn’t usually stay with his band. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, and it wasn’t an ego thing. It was more of a safety thing. If fans got wind of where Mitch, Sarah, Adam or Clare were, nine times out of ten they figured Harry was somewhere near. They would bombard the hotel just to get a glimpse of him, and sometimes things could get out of hand. And Harry didn’t want his band to feel like they couldn’t get out and see the city if they wanted to. So early on Jeffrey Azoff, his friend and manager, had talked him into staying at a different hotel from theirs. And so far it had worked.
Today, however, Harry decided to join his band in the hotel restaurant - the Hilton where the rest of the band members were staying. He reckoned no one would suspect he would be there, so he could slip in and take a seat with the gang and enjoy a private meal. But he’d thought wrong.
He wasn’t sure if it was the girl who nearly fainted in the lobby, or if there had been paps or someone else outside who’d recognized him, but by the time he made it around the corner near the elevators, just outside the restaurant, he was surrounded. Cursing under his breath, he put on a brave face and greeted the mob of fans.
Fans. That was actually too kind of a word. He knew who his true fans were. They were the ones who bought his album and tickets to his shows. They were outside waiting in a queue for hours so they’d get a good spot in the general admission section. They had websites and blogs and wrote fanfiction and made their own merch. They weren’t waiting outside of hotel restaurants hoping to get a selfie with someone they may or may not actually had heard of, let alone sang along to in the car. But being the Harry Styles that he was, he knew it wasn’t fair to pick and choose. Treat people with kindness, that was his motto. He lived by the golden rule, even when all he wanted to do was get a bloody meal with his friends.
When the last girl had left, a squeak in her voice as she snapped one last photo, Harry strolled into the restaurant, waving at his bandmates who sat in the corner of the nearly empty room. Immediately a waiter came by, setting a glass of water in front of him.
“Evening,” nodded the waiter in a monotone.
“We already ordered for you,” said Clare.
“Oh. Thanks,” Harry grinned, setting his napkin in his lap.
“Guess, this isn’t happening again,” remarked Mitch.
“What isn’t?”
“This,” Mitch gestured. “Dinner at our hotel. You were mobbed.”
Harry shrugged with a sigh. “Yeah. It wasn’t too bad. Coulda been worse.”
Sarah and Mitch glared at him before lifting their glasses simultaneously. The waiter came with their food then, and the mood was lightened with idle chatter. Halfway through his salad, however, Harry could feel eyes upon him. He had a gift, he did. He could always tell when he was being watched. Usually it involved a camera, but when he lifted his gaze to browse the room, he only found a pair of pretty blue eyes. They belonged to a young woman sat at the table across the room, one of only two others occupied in the restaurant presently. She was joined by three other lads, who all seemed to be doing their best to pay attention to themselves and each other, and certainly not to her.
He had no idea how or why. She was cute. She had pouty red lips and a heart-shaped face. And there was no way he could ignore the way she tried to look away when he caught her looking at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Yeah, he would definitely be paying attention to her.
Actually, come to think of it, she looked right familiar to him. Biting his lip, he tried to place her.
A burst of laughter broke his thoughts and he turned his head to see Adam showing the other three a video of his kid on his phone.
“How adorable!” exclaimed Clare.
As Adam scrolled to find another funny video, Harry leaned toward Mitch.
“Hey mate, who’s that?” he pointed to the girl across the room. “Do you know her?”
Mitch shrugged just as Sarah said, “That’s Amber Crosby.”
“Who?” Mitch and Harry asked in unison.
“Amber Crosby? She’s part of the festival tomorrow?” Sarah rolled her eyes. “That’s her and her band.”
“Ohh,” sounded Harry. Amber Crosby, that’s right. He’d heard her single a few times. She was good.
“How do you know this?” inquired Mitch.
“Because I make it a point to keep up with what’s going on,” remarked Sarah, pursing her lips. Mitch mocked her with a face which earned him a pinch.
Harry watched Amber sit with her band, though she might as well had been sat there alone. She reached for her glass of water, taking a sip through a straw before her eyes wandered up and locked with Harry’s again. He caught the slight blush in her cheeks as she quickly averted her gaze and set her glass back down.
“Hey, Harry, are y-” he heard Mitch begin, but he didn’t stay to listen to the rest of the sentence. Instead, he rose from his chair and crossed the room to where Amber sat.
“Hello,” he greeted when he reached her table. “Amber Crosby, right?”
Once again, he didn’t miss the rosiness of her cheeks as she lifted her head.
“Yes,” she smiled up at him.
“I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Harry Styles.”
Amber beamed wider, taking Harry’s outstretched hand. “Nice to meet you, Harry.”
“I saw that you’re playing tomorrow,” he half lied.
“Yeah,” Amber made a face. Harry wasn’t sure if it was one of embarrassment or annoyance. But either way, he liked how her nose crinkled when she did it. “I think we’re like second or third. So we’ll be out of here by sundown.”
Harry feigned shock, placing his hand on his chest. “And miss my set?”
Amber giggled. “Well, I don’t want to, but you know…”
“Hey, man,” uttered the straight-nosed guy sat next to Amber. If he hadn’t extended his hand, Harry might have thought he was about to threaten him.
“Oh, sorry!” Amber sat up, addressing the three men at the table. “Harry, this is Carter, Brendan and Johnny. My band. Guys, this is Ha-”
“Harry Styles, man, nice to meet ya!” Carter nearly slapped his hand against Harry’s, making Amber grimace. But Harry was gracious, shaking each man’s hand and making them feel important.
“I’ve heard your song,” said Harry, “it’s really good.”
It was Amber’s turn to cover her heart. “Oh, thank you.”
“Yeah, I’m anxious to hear more.”
His eyes met Amber’s then, making her smile. He didn’t miss Carter’s arm, however, that suddenly stretched across the back of her chair.
“Will you be there tomorrow?” asked Amber. “I mean, as early as we’ll be playing?”
“Yeah, I should be. I’ll be popping in off and on throughout the day.”
“What time are you on?” piped up one of the other lads. Damn, Harry had forgotten their names. Brandon? Brennan?
“We’re on at eight,” replied Harry.
“Oh. We might be gone by then,” Carter declared, his fingers playing on Amber’s shoulder. “We have another gig to get to the next day.”
“Oh, too bad,” Harry frowned, not missing the maneuver Amber pulled to get her shoulder out of Carter’s reach. “Well, just wanted to say hello, and um...best of luck tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Amber and her band sang.
Harry gave a small wave as he turned back for his table, rejoining his own band.
“What d’you think?” Sarah raised a brow.
“She seems lovely.”
Just then Amber and her band rose from their table, heading for the exit.
“I think I’ll try to introduce myself tomorrow,” said Sarah. “I definitely wanna catch their set.”
But Harry was barely listening. He watched Amber follow the men out of the restaurant, turning around once to wave at him. He smiled and waved back.
He definitely wanted to catch their set too.
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Carter thought he heard something. It was a cheap motel, and the walls were very thin. But did he detect the sound of someone crying? Amber’s room was next door. Could it be…
He waited a few more minutes, just to be sure. Then swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he sat up and walked to the door, hesitating only for a split second before stepping outside.
He knocked gently at first, then thought that was ridiculous and knocked louder. She didn’t answer right away, though that didn’t surprise him. Again, he knocked, this time calling her name.
“Amber! Amber, are you in there?” He knew his question was pointless; of course she was in there. And she was hurting.
He heard the click of the lock before the door opened, just enough to reveal half of her tear-stained face.
“Are you okay?” Another stupid question. Of course she wasn’t okay.
She shook her head, her hair falling over her eyes. Carter let out a deep breath.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Amber looked down and shook her head again. “Not really.”
Carter nodded. He wasn’t going to push her.
“Can I...come in?”
Swallowing hard, Amber stepped back, her head still bowed. When Carter shut the door behind him, she finally looked up at him.
It was only then that it dawned on Carter that he was shirtless. He’d been lying on his bed after returning to his room, still in his jeans, his sweaty t-shirt and shoes discarded across the room in a pile. His mind on getting to Amber, he hadn’t bothered to put on a clean shirt.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
With a sharp turn, Amber ran to the bed, planting herself on it face down.
“Hey,” Carter whispered as he sat down next to her. He watched her back tremble and shake as she cried into her pillow. “Amber…”
When she didn’t reply, he looked around the tiny room. On the nightstand sat a half-empty bottle of whisky. It wasn’t open, but he picked up the empty glass next to it and sniffed it. He made a face as he wondered if she’d already drunk that much tonight.
“Amber,” he said again.
Just as he reached for her, she sat up and wrapped her arms around him. He’d let her cry as much as she wanted; he was willing to wait all night if he needed to. Finally, she lifted her head, wiped her eyes and sniffled.
“I hate my life,” she admitted.
“I’m so tired, Carter,” she cried. “So very tired. Of everything.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sick of trying so hard...when it doesn’t get me anywhere.”
Pushing a strand of her brown hair from her wet, sticky cheek, Carter assumed she meant the band, her music. But then she dropped the bomb.
“I just want someone to love me,” she whined, her big brown eyes searching his face. “Why is that so hard?”
“Am I unlovable?” she asked.
“What? No!” Carter knew that wasn’t true. Okay, maybe he wasn’t in love with her. But he’d definitely had feelings since they’d met. He knew she’d had a hard life and kept her guard up, but he’d never gotten the whole story. He’d always hoped one day she’d tell him.
“Sometimes…” she hesitated, “sometimes I just wanna end it.”
“End what?” Damn, he was full of dumb questions tonight. He knew the answer. He just hoped he was wrong.
“My life.”
He took her face in his hands then. He wanted to yell at her, shake her into reality. 
“You don’t know what you’re saying, Amber,” he said firmly.
“Don’t I?” she rolled her eyes. “No one gives a shit about me.”
“I do. I care.”
“You do?” Though her eyelids were heavy, she fluttered her lashes.
Carter could smell the liquor on her breath before he kissed her. He didn’t care. He wanted her to know she was wanted.
She hadn’t asked him to stay that night, but he had anyway. He wanted to make sure she was okay. And when she’d gotten up to puke, he’d held back her hair.
Carter sort of made a habit of staying in Amber’s room after that. About a month or so later, after they shared an entire bottle of whisky, she told him her story.
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“Ten minutes,” the stage assistant announced, sending nervous tingles down Amber’s spine.
“Okay, okay,” she breathed, shaking her limbs and fingers. “Let’s do this.”
Just then she heard a voice behind her, one that she recognized from the night before. She turned to see Harry Styles chatting with Brendan along with his bandmates Sarah and Mitch whom she’d met an hour ago. When their eyes met, he smiled widely and stepped toward her.
“Hi, Amber,” he greeted. “Promised I’d make it to see you, and here I am.”
Amber returned his smile, her insides giggling with glee. He hadn’t actually promised that, not in so many words, but she thought it was a nice gesture.
“Good to see you, Harry,” she said, hoping her voice didn’t crack before she even made it to the stage.
“You’ve met Sarah and Mitch,” he confirmed in part question.
“Yes, I did. They’re so nice.”
“I have a great band,” Harry nodded.
“You definitely do. They all seem very fond of you. As they should.”
“Five minutes!”
“I’m on next,” Amber voiced with wide eyes.
“Best of luck to you,” Harry grinned. “You’ll be great.”
“Hope so,” she breathed. She looked around to see her band members coming toward her. For some reason she got more nervous when she made eye contact with Carter.
“Hey, man,” he said as he approached Harry, giving him a friendly slap on the shoulder. “Glad you could make it.”
“Yeah, good luck, mate,” Harry reached out his hand to tap Carter’s arm.
“Places people!” the stage hand called.
Amber shrieked, trying to let her body release the last of its nerves. She caught the tiny giggle coming from Harry and gave him a shrug.
“Always nervous,” she muttered.
She hadn’t expected Harry to take her hand then. And she hadn’t expected to feel the electricity that charged through her skin from his touch. And she hadn’t expected the look in his eyes to take all her nerves away and make her feel calm.
“Let’s go!” Carter shouted, his hand on her back as he pushed her onto the stage.
Harry watched Amber Crosby’s short set from backstage. She was good. Better than good, she was fantastic. He loved the tone of her voice, both warm and clear. She had a youthful quality about her while also being very sensual, like some of the classic country females whom he enjoyed. Though he was familiar with the radio hit, he liked her other songs just as much, if not more. He wondered if she wrote them all, and he made it a point to ask her when he got the chance. If he got the chance. He was disappointed that she and her band would be leaving after their set. There was something about her… he didn’t know what exactly, but he wanted to find out.
The crowd cheered after their last song, making Harry smile. He hardly knew this girl, but he was already feeling a sense of pride for her. His own hands clapping eagerly, he watched as the band took a bow together and turned to exit the stage. He felt the presence of two bodies stepping to either side of him, joining him in his applause.
“So what do you think?” asked Sarah.
“I think I just found my new opening act,” Harry replied.
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As always feedback is appreciated (even if it is an old fic lol).
6 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 15 hours
Wild Horses - Story Page
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Summary: Amber Crosby didn't end up with the life she'd expected, but that didn't keep her from following her dream. A young, up and coming country recording artist, she and her band set out to do just that. Trying to leave her past behind, it wasn't until meeting Harry Styles that she realized just how her life could take a turn and alter her future forever.
Warnings: Sexual content, teen pregnancy, physical abuse and violence, heavy drinking, talks of suicide. YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO READ.
A/N: This fic was started way back in 2019 (I think lol). I'd had high hopes for it back then, but as usual I abandoned it. This time I plan to finish it. I think it's a great story that needs to be told. I hope you enjoy :).
Links will be updated as I post.
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15 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 16 hours
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3K notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 16 hours
2 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 1 day
Man, why is he such an asshole?? I would have slapped him. How dare he?? I'm dying to know what his deal is!
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“Chapter One”
Word Count: 6.7k
(Chapter one to “Cherry Bomb” - please make sure to read the TW on the “Cherry Bomb” masterlist before proceeding.)
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Sitting in my makeup chair, I stare at myself in the vanity mirror. The bright bulbs surrounding it are causing me to squint a bit. My usual hair stylist wasn't able to make it out to LA for this show, and I wasn't upset about that. She had a family emergency, and for me, friends and family came before anything for those around me. The woman behind me, whose name I learned was Lisa, was just finishing up the curls she was putting into my hair. She was middle aged from what I could see, and she could style the hell out of some hair. I had just gotten my wolf cut shaped for this specific show since it was the last one of my current tour, and she couldn't stop complimenting me on how much it suited me.
After this, I will be taking a break to work on a new album here in LA. I've purchased a house and had a recording installed so that I'll be able to work there instead of traveling around. Although my parents didn't live here anymore, this was still the place I considered home. I left almost two years ago when I got signed to my record label, and it's been almost three years since I've actually been back.
As much as I had tried to deny it, there was a part of me that had avoided LA on the two other tours I've gone on before this one. I wasn't ready to face the people here who knew me, and most of all, I don't know how I would act if I were to see him.
I went through a few years of therapy to get over the emotional turmoil I went through after Harry and I's friendship ended. It was necessary. I avoided human contact with anyone but my parents for almost a whole year because of it, and I finally took the step at finding a therapist - forcing myself to make the appointments for a few months until I actually started to look forward to it.
It's been almost a year since the last appointment with my therapist, the both of us deciding that I no longer needed to be seen on a monthly basis as I had been. We agreed that I could reach out to her when needed, and she assured me that she would be available any day and any time.
"Alright, since I'm finished with your hair, I'm gonna go grab your girl to finish up your makeup, okay?" Lisa asks, and I give her a nod.
"Yes, thank you so much for doing this last minute. I really appreciate you."
"Of course, sweetheart."
She gives me a squeeze to my shoulder as she exits the room, and I sigh as I grab my pack of cigarettes off the vanity. I slip one between my lips, lighting it up as I stare at myself in the mirror once again. It looks like the only things I have left for my makeup is eyeshadow, lashes and lips, and I know those won't take too long since the base of everything is already set.
I take a drag of my cigarette, flicking the ash into the tray in front of me. Pulling my bottom lip through my teeth, I keep the stick between my fingers as I rub the tip of my thumb over one of my brows out of stress.
There were going to be people here tonight that I haven't seen in years. I knew that by keeping my real name instead of choosing a stage name that as soon as I decided to come home that it would bring attention. I wasn't famous on a large scale by any means, but I did have a decent following, and this current tour has opened a lot of new doors for me.
I had invited Mikey and Kailey considering I'd kept up with them pretty regularly over the years, but they both were busy tonight with their jobs. I've actually flown the both of them out to a few shows, and at first I was worried that the both of them would be offended that I got a whole new band to back me up instead of them, but they understood why I didn't. That would feel too much like having the band without him, and that was just something I couldn't ever bring myself to do.
I've only ever brought him up once, and it was to Kailey after the third show I flew her out to. She said she wanted to talk to me about it as well, but she didn't know how to bring it up. He was still in the area, that was for sure from things that Kailey had heard, but she had only ever seen him twice since everything happened.
The first time was at a gas station and he was grabbing a pack of cigarettes, however, he didn't see her. The second time was at a house party she was invited to, and Harry was just showing up as she was leaving. She told me that he was already pretty drunk from what she could tell, and they made eye contact, but he immediately looked away and kept making his way into the party. She told me that Mikey hasn't heard or seen him at all.
"Sorry, sorry, I was finishing my dinner."
I'm brought out of my thoughts as I see Christy, my makeup artist, come rounding in front of me. "Okay, so just a few things left, Marls," she says, eyes scanning over my face before giving herself a nod.
I take a few more quick drags of my cigarette before snuffing it out.
Christy begins to apply some primer to my lids before shuffling through some of the palettes she brought with her. "Since your outfit is a dark creme and black color scheme, I think I'm going to go with a darker lid, what do you think?"
"Yeah, yeah," I nod, clearing my throat before looking back at myself in the mirror. "That sounds good to me. I trust you, you always take care of me."
Christy stands back in front of me and sends me a smile as I close my eyes, allowing her to work her magic. My hands were slightly clutching to the arms of the makeup chair as I felt the bristles of the makeup brush on my lids.
It's quiet between the two of us for a while before Christy speaks up. "You're a little more nervous than I'm used to seeing," she comments. "Are you nervous about potentially seeing..."
Christy has been my makeup artist for the last two and half years, and within that time, I've opened up to her a lot about things in my personal life. Other than my manager, she's probably the person I confide in the most while on the road, and sometimes even off of it. I try my best not to bother either of them when we're taking a break from touring, and they're back at home with their families, but both of them have assured me time and time again that I'm not doing that when I reach out.
"A little bit, yeah," I confess, licking over my bottom lip. "But I also don't think that he'll come. He probably doesn't even remember at this point."
I can hear Christy sigh, and I feel the brush fall from my skin for a moment. My eyes flutter open to see her staring down at me - head tilted to the side.
"Now you and I both know that you don't actually believe that for a second."
Scowling slightly, I cross my arms and slouch in my chair. "No, I don't. You have to understand that it's easier for me to think that way though than to think he does remember me, and that he hasn't reached out at all."
"Trust me, I definitely get that," Christy says with a nod, and I close my eyes again to let her continue. "But I also don't think it's completely fair to yourself to just say he's forgotten you. I highly doubt that he has."
"Who knows at this point though? Literally no one I still speak to has actually talked to him. I have nothing to go on."
Christy remains silent as she finishes my eye makeup, and she continues to not speak as she applies my lashes. I'm sure she's stopped speaking on the subject to keep me from getting even more nervous than I already am.
As she starts to work on my red lips, I see the door open in the mirror.
"You have fifteen minutes before you're on, Marlowe," Lys, my manager, says as she pokes her head into my dressing room. "Do you need any help getting into your dress?"
I shake my head once Christy pulls the lip product she was using away for a moment to give me a chance to respond. "No, I've got it. Thank you though."
Lys nods, but instead of stepping out, she makes her way into the room, standing behind me as Christy finishes up on my lips. She places her hands on my shoulders, massaging them softly as we make eye contact through the mirror.
"You've got this. I know this is your first hometown show, and that it probably feels extremely stressful for you right now, but just remember what you always say before each and every show - you won't be able to see past at least the fourth row because of the lights, these people are here to see you because they already love your music, and you wouldn't be up on that stage to begin with if you weren't immensely talented."
Christy moves away for a moment, before she stands back in front of me with some setting spray. I close my eyes and feel the product misting my skin, and then I feel air fanning against it as Christy dries it by waving her hands in front of my face.
"All done, and looking as beautiful as ever," she says, reaching down to grab my hands.
With the both of them making contact with me, it does help me ground myself a little bit. I shut my eyes and take in a deep breath as I give Christy's hands a squeeze.
"Thank you guys so much, seriously," I tell them, blinking my eyes back open. I shift in my chair a bit so I can look at the both of them, Lys moving both of her hands to drape over one of my shoulders. "I don't know what I would do without the both of you."
"Crash and burn, probably is what I'd say, " Lys says with a shrug, looking over to Christy. "What do you think?"
"Oh absolutely," Christy agrees with a nod.
I roll my eyes before popping up out of my chair, walking over to my dressing room door. Gripping the doorknob on my hand, I gesture my other hand through the door frame.
"Now, if you lovely ladies would be so kind, I have to get changed," I tell them.
Lys sticks her tongue out at me playfully as Christy gathers her makeup supplies, and they both file out of the room. I strip off the robe I had been wearing, leaving me in just my bra and underwear underneath.
Making my way over to the hanger on the rack, I pull off the fishnets that were hanging through the middle of it and pull them onto my legs with a pair of black cheeky shorts over them - just in case my dress flies up for any reason on stage. I slip on my dress after that, thankful that the zipper was on the side so I could actually manage this myself.
It wasn't that I didn't want the help, but I just needed some silence before going out on that stage. Things never end well for me if it tends to get too loud, and I had a fear of that happening if I didn't give myself some alone time tonight.
After I sit down on the couch, I pull on the shoes that have multiple buckles that go up my legs - which stop right underneath my knees. I shove my hands into my half pleather gloves, clenching and unclenching my fingers to get a good feel of how much mobility I had in them. I stand up and walk over to the full length mirror in my room - giving myself a good once over.
I slip my eyes shut after a moment, rolling my head from side to side on my shoulders while shaking out my arms a bit.
Beginning to pace around my room, I start my vocal exercises - tapping my fingers slightly to the beat that I was pacing myself at. My eyes meet the clock on the wall, and I know that it's time.
I make my way over the door, and I open it before making my way towards the stage.
"Oh! I was just coming to get you," Lys says cheerfully as she begins to walk beside me, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together. "I'm so proud of you, Marlowe, you have no idea."
We make our way to the steps that lead to where I'm needed next, and she stops us. I look down at her, and I can see tears glazing over her eyes.
"I mean that," she says, speaking over the cheers that are flooding through from the crowd. "I know how much it took for you to get here to be able to play this show, and I hope you're just as proud of yourself as I am of you. You're remarkable, and now you get to show the city where you came from just how remarkable you are as well."
Pursing my lips to the side, I do my best not to cry as I quickly wrap my arms around Lys, pulling her in for a hug. "Fuck you for almost making me cry before I go out there," I joke with a laugh, and I hear her give one back to me as her hands run up and down my back.
We pull away after a moment, and she begins to wipe under her eyes.
"Go, go! I'll be right off to the side if you need me, but I know you won't. You're going to be so wonderful."
Smiling, I give her a nod before making my way to the steps, encasing one of the rails in my hand. I watch as my band enters in from the steps on the other side of the stage, and they take their positions. They begin to play my intro song, and I nod my head to beat to try and get myself into the zone.
On stage, I'm more than just Marlowe Finch. On stage, I'm Marlowe Finch, the singer.
Once a certain beat hits, I race up the steps and onto the stage, the volume from the crowd increasing entirely as I walk the front of the surface. This was a smaller venue, so it was easy for the sound to fill the place, but I was honestly surprised at just how many people were here. I could tell there were people lined up from wall to wall, and the crowd extended all the way into the back towards the front door.
I can feel the large smile taking over my features as I make my way back into the middle of the stage towards my mic stand.
"LA, how are we feeling?" I call out, and the crowd begins to go wild again after just starting to calm down. "Well, you beautiful fucking people, I hope you came here to have a good time because that's what I intend on giving you. Did you guys come here to have a good time?"
I can hear the crowd yell back 'yeah' to me, and I laugh outside of the microphone before letting it meet my lips again. "I said, did you guys come here to have a good time?"
They yell back again even louder than before, and I nod. "Well let's start this damn party, shall we?"
My chest heaves as I finish my second to the last song. I turn to face my band, sending them all a huge smile, and they're sending me one right back. I turn back to the crowd, and I can feel a lump growing in my throat.
"You guys have been so incredible. I can't thank you enough," I tell them genuinely as I rest my hand against my chest. "I haven't played a hometown show in my time as an artist for various reasons, but I've finally found the strength within myself to do it, and you guys have given me a show even greater than I ever hoped. So thank you, to each and every one of you for making this night so special."
"I'm going to be taking a bit of a break to work on my first full album - not just an EP. Can you all believe that?" I ask, and the crowd cheers. "And it wouldn't be possible without all of you, truly. For this last song I'm going to sing, it's the only completed song I have so far for the new album. It's extremely personal to me, and I didn't know if I was going to play it tonight, but you guys have been so great to me. This is my gift to you. Thank you guys again."
Once more I turn to my band, and my guitarist, Garrett, lifts his eyebrows at me. I know that they all have to be surprised that I'm choosing to sing this song, but it feels right tonight. I give him a nod, and he begins to strum the chords for the introduction of the song.
After a while, the drums start as well, and I close my eyes tight as I keep my back to the audience. I listen to the music surrounding me and I tell myself that this is the moment for me to finally sing this - the most personal song I've written so far. I can hear that it's almost time for me to start singing, and I turn back to the crowd as I cup the microphone on the stand in both of my hands.
"Down to you. You're pushin' and pullin' me down to you, But I don't know what I-"
The song immediately goes into the chorus, and I find myself shutting my eyes again - shying away from the crowd for the first time tonight.
"Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself from saying something that I should've never thought. Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself from saying something that I should've never thought of you."
I hesitantly open my eyes, and I can see the crowd nodding their heads and swaying to the sound of the beat. That gives me a little more reassurance, and I feel a small smile twitch onto my lips as I watch them.
"Of you - you're pushin' and pullin' me down to you. But I don't know what I want. No, I don't know what I want."
Taking the microphone off the stand, I walk towards the front of the crowd and lean down, making eye contact with a few people as I sing the next verse.
"You got it, you got it - some kind of magic. Hypnotic, hypnotic - you're leaving me breathless I hate this. I hate this. You're not the one I believe in - with God as my witness."
The band leads me into the next chorus which then fades into the slower bridge, and I stop in the middle of the stage. I extend one of my hands over my head as I feel the music, and I begin to snake my body around while I sing out the next words.
"Don't know what I want, but I know it's not you. Keep pushin' and pullin' me down - when I know, in my heart, it's not you."
The song remains slower until the band kicks in heavy once again for the last chorus, and I quickly grab the microphone out of the middle of the stage, tossing it to the side, as myself, Garrett, and my bassist, Alice, begin to head bang.
"Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself from saying something that I should've never thought. Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself from saying something that-"
I slam down onto my knees on the stage, my dress long enough to cover me as it sit back slightly on my heels, and I press the palm of my hand not holding the microphone down onto the stage between my thighs as I belt out the last few lines of the song.
"I should've never thought of you. I knew. I know, in my heart, it's not you. I knew. But now, I know what I want, I want, I want. Oh, no, I should've never thought!"
Sucking in air to catch my breath, I keep myself in the position for a while. I didn't even realize that I had tears streaming down my cheeks, my eyes now burning from the sensation as my bottom lip trembles. I know my hair is covering me from the audience so they're not able to see how emotional I've become.
In order to distract the crowd a bit, the band begins to play the beginning of the song again, and I know they're doing it to stall - to help me recuperate, and give a proper end to my set.
Only a few more seconds go by before I push myself off the ground, and I lift my other hand to move my curls out of my face as I hold the microphone to my lips.
"You've been truly magical, LA," I compliment them, and I know that my tears are gone from my cheeks. I just hope that it hasn't been obvious that I've been crying. "Hopefully I'll be seeing you again really soon. Thank you again, get home safely, and have a good night!"
I begin to blow kisses to them and wave as I start towards the steps I had entered on, and I quickly feel an arm wrap around mine.
"Believe me when I say that was your best performance yet!" Lys squeals, leaning over to press her lips against my cheek, her hold tightening on my right arm as she does so. "I can't believe you played the song. They loved it, Marlowe."
Lys has set it up for me to sign a few things against a side barricade before heading back tonight, and I was more than okay with that. They start leading me towards backstage again, and the way the stage was set up, I have to walk a bit onto the main floor before entering the backstage door. There's a railing blocking me from everyone, and I move a bit closer to Lys as fans start screaming my name - extending copies of my EP for me to sign.
My eyes widen, and I stop to greet them. I sign the items and give them back, all while thanking each person for coming tonight, and for supporting me. Once I reach the end of the line, the main floor is practically cleared out, and we start towards the door.
"Marlowe," I hear my name, and I feel a hand brush against the top of my left arm.
I immediately flinch away and look over at the individual as the security behind us begins to block me from them. Looking away, I start towards the door again before I freeze - realizing the set of ivy colored eyes my blue ones had just been met with.
"Honey, come on," I know Lys is speaking to me, but her voice sounds far away as I turn to look at the person who is calling my name once again.
All the air gets pushed from my lungs when I see who it is, and my knees just about give out on me. He's dressed in a pair of tight black jeans with a pastel floral button-up. The top few buttons are undone to reveal the swallows I knew so well in addition to the antennas of the butterfly that adorns the top of his stomach.
"Harry," I breathe, and he gives me a nod.
It's then that I realize his hair is longer - much longer than the last time I've seen him. He lifts a hand to run through the front of it, pushing it out of his face, but he never averts his gaze from mine.
"No fucking way," I hear Lys whisper behind me, and she quickly gives my arm another squeeze. "Let's go, Marlowe. I'll have security see him out."
Shaking my head, I pull my arm away from her, and now I'm completely turning to face him.
"What do you want?" I ask him - my tone coming out more aggressive than I thought, and I've even surprised myself with that.
"Can we talk?"
Every fiber of my being tells me that I should tell him no. That I should just send him away, and that I don't owe him a thing for the years of turmoil he's put me through. But now that he's here in front of me, and I know he hasn't actually forgotten who I am, I want nothing more than to hear his voice for more than just a few seconds.
"You want to talk?" My eyebrows narrow, and I can feel one of my hands clenching into a fist by my side.
"That's what I asked, isn't it?"
"Alright, that's enough," Lys' voice cuts in, and I feel her wrap her arm around my chest as she starts to steer me towards the backstage area again. "Come on, let's get you changed and home."
"No," I tell her, and we stop again as I tilt my head towards the door - eyes still on Harry. "If you wanna talk, let's talk."
Harry peers at the security guard that just slightly towers over him as he makes his way around the barricade that was completely separating him from us. I swallow harshly as we start towards my dressing room, and Lys opens the door - following me inside.
"Marlowe, I don't know if this is such a good-"
"Look, Lys, I appreciate it, I do, and I understand why you would be hesitant to let me do this, but with the progress I've made - I feel like I need to," I explain, and I watch her nibble on the inside of her cheek before looking over her shoulder at Harry who was now also entering the room. "I have my phone on me, okay? If I need you, I'll call."
"Okay," she sighs, shaking her head in defeat when she knows that I'm going through with this. "Do you want me to leave one of the security guys outside of the door?"
I can't help but smirk softly at her proposition. "I'm okay, but thank you for offering."
Nodding, she starts out of the room, but she stops and looks at Harry. "I swear to god, if I get a phone call from her in the next five minutes and she's crying, I'll find out where you live, and I'll make sure that-"
"Lys!" I say, and she quickly makes eye contact with me as I raise my eyebrows.
"Right, sorry," she mumbles before heading out of the room.
Silence takes over, and I keep my eyes off of Harry as I walk over to my vanity. I grab the ashtray off the surface, as well as my pack of cigarettes, before I head over to the couch - plopping myself down on it. I stick a cigarette between my teeth to hold it stable as I lean down and begin to undo the buckles of my shoes. Once I have them undone, I toss both of them to the side, and I pluck the lighter out of my pack.
I quickly light the cigarette before leaning back into the couch a bit, one leg crossed over the other. In the time that I had taken my shoes off, I didn't notice that Harry had grabbed one of the fold up metal chairs that had been leaning up against the wall. He set it up right across from me, only the coffee table really separating the two of us.
Unfortunately, I find myself in a bit of a trance as I see him fish his own pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of his jeans. He flips the lid and brings it up to his mouth, pulling one of the sticks out with his teeth. His eyes flip up to meet mine as he grabs his lighter and sparks it - heart shaped lips immediately closing down around the filter, and I watch the end glow orange.
We both pull the cigarettes from our mouths at the same time, and I tilt my head up to blow the smoke towards the ceiling, but his head remains level with his sight still set on me.
It only takes a few more seconds before we let our eyes journey down each other's bodies, and although I had taken him in out on the main floor, it was like I was doing it for the first time all over again. My head could hardly wrap around the fact that he no longer had some sort of bandana trapped inside his curls, and I could tell with the way his sleeves were rolled up to the creases of his elbows that he had gotten more tattoos over the years.
I'm sure I looked different to him too. My hair was now dark brown, almost black, instead of blonde. My body had truly formed into a woman, causing me to have thicker thighs and a fuller bust. Although my dress covered all of my chest, I knew he could still see the curve to my breasts. He cleared his throat once his eyes made it down to my legs that were still crossed, and he leaned forward to ash his cigarette into the tray.
"So you made it, huh?" He asks, licking over his bottom lip before taking another drag. "You did the whole music thing?"
I scoff slightly, and I can't help but roll my eyes at his statement. "Well, yeah, it was always my dream - my end goal. Just wish that..."
Trailing off, I decide not to finish my sentence as I shake my head. "Doesn't matter," I mumble softly. "What about you? Do you play anymore?
"Well, it would be hard to play considering your parents sold my drumset when they moved out of their home, but even then I wouldn't have wanted it. I still listen to music, but I could never see myself playing again like I did."
Frowning, I ash my own cigarette, leaning forward a bit to rest my wrist on top of my knee - tilting my head to the side. "That's a shame, Harry, you were talented," I tell him honestly, and for the first time I feel my stomach knot up from my nerves. "And my parents assured me that they put the check for the set in your mailbox."
"Oh they did," Harry laughs, running his tongue along the inside of his cheek. "Just another act of charity from them, just like all those years before."
I try to swallow down my anger with his comment, but I can feel my jaw tense. "They never saw you that way, and you know that I never did either. You bought that set with the money you earned from working at the record store. It was yours."
"Yeah, whatever," he shrugs me off with a wave of his hand as he takes an especially long drag.
It grows quiet again, and I finish off my cigarette - putting the butt out in the tray. Leaning back on the couch, I drape my arms across the top of it, and I watch as Harry pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Why are you here, Harry?" I ask, needing him to be straight up with me. I need to know why he chose me coming home to finally acknowledge my existence again.
"Saw your name on the marquee," he said, bringing his hand up to toy with his bottom lip instead, rolling it between the pad of his thumb and his index finger. "Had to make sure that it was you."
"Okay, I guess I'm just a little confused? It's been almost five years. I'm just not understanding how me coming home all of a sudden-"
"What? Do you think there's more to this than me just wanting to confirm that it's you? I'm not here from some type of emotional reunion, Marlowe. Jesus Christ," Harry shakes his head, snuffing his own cigarette out before reaching to grab his pack again.
"Oh, because there's just so many Marlowe Finch's in the world, right?" I ask him, feeling my hands begin to tremble as I drop them down onto the cushions beside me to cup the edge of the couch. "You just had to confirm it was me?"
"I don't know what kind of answer you're looking for here, but whatever it is, you're not getting it from me," Harry laughs darkly, his eyes completely avoiding me now.
Gritting my teeth, I stand from the couch and reach out to snatch his pack of cigarettes from his hand. "You owe me a fucking explanation," I seethe, tears beginning to burn in my eyes from how furious I'm feeling. "Do you understand what you've put me through?"
Harry rolls his eyes and I see a smirk take over his expression as he looks at the wall over my shoulder instead of looking at me. His lips roll, and I can tell that he's slightly sucking his teeth.
"Is something funny?" I lean down to block his view of the wall, and for the first time ever, I see a darkness in his green eyes.
It almost knocks the wind out of me as he's never looked at me with such a gaze, and he sits up from his slightly slouched position in his chair.
"Yeah, there is," he states, standing up, and he takes the pack back from me. "The fact that you think that I owe you anything. Whatever you went through after I told you I didn't want to be friends with you anymore is on you. I should've done it years prior, but you were clinging to me so hard and-"
"Don't you dare fucking finish that sentence," I grit at him, tugging the pleather gloves off my hands as they were growing too clammy for my liking. I toss them onto the couch behind me, and I walk forward so my chest is flush with his. "I was clinging to you? Harry, we only had each other until we found Kailey and Mikey, and then after that you found Sierra. But Sierra didn't really matter either, right? You were sick of her too from what you said. I just don't understand why you completely erased me from your life like you did. I tried to go to your house a month after you left and-"
"You know I never liked you going to my house," Harry's voice lowers, and I feel him buck his chest up against mine a little more. "My mum told me that you stopped by like you did, and that was stupid."
"I didn't have any other choice! You made me feel like I was losing my mind! Fuck - I feel like I'm losing it again right now. Even after five years, you still find a way to mess with my fucking head just by being in my presence for ten minutes," I gasp, moving away from him as my hands tangle into my hair. I begin to pace my dressing room, heart thumping in its cavity.
"I told you I wanted to see if it was you, and that's that. There's nothing more to it, and once I leave here tonight it'll be just like it has been. We won't see each other, we still won't be friends. Eventually you'll forget that you ever saw me again."
Tears wet my cheeks as I look back over to him, and I shake my head. "That's the thing, Harry, I won't. There's hardly been any time that I haven't thought of you over these years, and there's no way that this isn't going to stick just like all the other memories."
Harry steps towards me again, and I look up as his eyes bounce all over my face. "Then wake the fuck up, Marlowe, and learn to properly forget about me."
I open my mouth to speak again, but Harry's already turned around - making his way out of the dressing room. He slams the door behind him, and I quickly clamp a hand over my mouth to keep myself from sobbing out. I don't want anyone to hear me like this. I don't know if Lys is still here, but if she is, I know she'll find some way to have Harry's head if she hears me. I'm also really not in the mood to have someone comforting me.
Maybe I really had been fooling myself after all these years, thinking that he was missing me just as much as I was missing him. I couldn't blame him for coming tonight if his true reason was just to confirm that it was me - I'd probably do the same if the situations were reversed.
But what I didn't expect from Harry was the darkness that was surrounding him. That definitely wasn't the same person I knew, and at this point he was truly unrecognizable to me. The moment those green eyes turned into nothing but flourishing ivy I once held so dear - I knew he was never going to come back to me as the same old Harry. He doesn't want to come back at all.
Part of me thinks this is what I needed. I needed to see him as a stranger in order to completely move on from the past, and to actually let him go. But I know that as much as I try to convince myself of that, there is always going to be a small sliver inside that still wishes to hold him close, and to be able to call him my friend.
My therapist told me that your mind and your emotions work closely together in the most mysterious ways, and even though you may not even notice, they fight each other for dominance more than you think. I was told that my emotions usually end up winning, and that's what can cause me to go days without leaving my bed, or what can have me shutting myself away in the studio for weeks on end. She provided me with proper exercises to try and help clear things up when these struggles start to happen, and I know that when I get home tonight I'm going to have to dive into several of them to help overcome the way I'm currently feeling.
Once I collect myself, I slip out of my dress and accessories before pulling on a pair of leggings and some Doc Martens with an oversized black hoodie. I gathered everything that was mine in the dressing room, and walked out to my car, piling it all into the trunk. I've been in LA for a few days now, and yesterday I went ahead and purchased a car since I knew I was going to be here for several months at the very least.
I slide into the driver's seat, and I grasp the wheel as I start towards my new home.
During the car ride, it's like I've resorted back to those days right after Harry left. I don't play any music as I drive, and I feel like I'm just going through the motions until I can curl up under the covers of my bed and try to block out the thoughts bouncing back and forth in my mind.
If my mind was making one thing extremely clear though, it was that LA was going to be even more different than I thought when I left those years ago, and I'm not entirely sure if i'm prepared for that.
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
Oh man this hurts! But it speaks my language. Excited to read more!
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Word Count: 4k
(Prologue to “Cherry Bomb” - please make sure to read the TW on the “Cherry Bomb” masterlist before proceeding.)
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Marlowe walked around the garage of her parents house, beginning to set up everything that was needed for band practice. Harry's drum set stayed there permanently - something he requested due to the fact his mom wasn't super ecstatic about the noise that came with it. He was fearful that she would get drunk and destroy it if she got too irritated about it. When Harry hesitantly asked Marlowe two years ago if he could keep it here, she said 'yes' before he even finished asking his question entirely.
Harry and his mom had moved to LA when he was fourteen, and Marlowe was thirteen. It was the start of a new school year, and Marlowe built up the courage to finally compliment the My Chemical Romance sticker on Harry's binder. After that, they hit it off almost immediately. The two of them connected over music mostly, making each other mix CDs and exchanging them at their lockers in between classes. Once technology advanced a bit, they took the time to exchange playlists instead, and they were both grateful they had someone in their life that appreciated artists and bands as much as the other did.
As interesting as Marlowe found it that Harry and his mom just up and moved from Holmes Chapel, she didn't pry. It wasn't until after they had known each other for almost a year that Harry revealed his mom was catfished by this guy online, and now they were stuck in LA with no other way home. She learned that Harry didn't know who his father was, and he didn't care to. He also told her that his mom sometimes drank a lot, probably more than she should from what he said, but things were okay when she was sober.
Marlowe couldn't relate completely, her parents were there, but they weren't entirely present.
Once he had opened up to her, Marlowe and Harry were practically inseparable. It wasn't that much later in their friendship that they discovered they both had the potential to actually make music. Marlowe picked up the guitar easily, whereas Harry was drawn to the drums.
The first time they sang in front of each other was a bit comical. Both in Marlowe's bedroom - opposite corners of the room while staring at the wall. "If It Means A Lot to You" by A Day to Remember bounced off the walls, and Marlowe had to brace herself against the plaster when she heard Harry's voice. The cadence he carried throughout his vocals had her knees buckling.
Little did Marlowe know that as soon as she opened her mouth to sing, goosebumps covered Harry's skin. They had each heard each other humming carelessly before, Harry himself would whistle quite often as well, but never had they heard the other sing.
Once the song played out, they slowly turned to face each other. Their eyes met, and they both started to laugh. They had no idea that the other felt something in Marlowe's bedroom that day, but they were young. They avoided it out of fear of destroying the friendship they currently had as they didn't know if the other felt the same way.
Marlowe plugged her guitar into the amp, placing it on the stand before setting up the amps that both Kailey, their bassist would need, as well as Mikey, their lead guitarist. Harry and Marlowe were grateful that they ended up connecting with the two of them their senior year of highschool, as they loved music just as much as they did.
With Marlowe now being twenty and Harry being twenty-one, they were preparing for an upcoming gig they had at a local venue. Music had become their entire lives these past two years, and this gig was going to have a lot of talent scouts from record labels at it. The two best friends had decided to forgo college - Harry because he couldn't afford it, and Marlowe just wasn't sure what she wanted to go to school for. Her parents didn't really mind, but Harry's mom could sometimes use his lack of education against him during heated arguments.
He wanted to act like it didn't bother him all that much, but Marlowe could tell that it did. She did her best to always get his mind off it when he'd come over after those situations, and that usually meant just laying on the floor in her room - listening to vinyls, and smoking cigarettes.
Marlowe turned her attention to the large garage door as she heard it opening, and she looked over to see Kailey and Mikey standing underneath it once it was raised enough.
"Hey guys," she said, having just finished setting everything up.
"Hey, Harry not here yet?" Mikey asked as he kneeled down with his guitar case, getting the instrument out.
"Uh no, not yet," Marlowe responded after clearing her throat.
Harry had been acting a little off this past month or so, and at first she thought that he was just feeling the pressure of their upcoming performance, but it was really unlike him to be late to practice like this - although it had started to happen more often than not. He was also practically shutting her out, and he hadn't done that at all in their years of friendship. He had just turned twenty one last month, and it seemed like once he did - he didn't really have time to see Marlowe outside of band practice anymore.
She tried not to think anything of it at first, but she was starting to feel the emptiness of not having him around like she used to. There was a girl, Sierra, that he had been seeing, and it didn't bother Marlowe, but he had never even introduced the two of them. She would tell Harry to invite her to band practice, or to hang out at her house, but her invitations went ignored.
It hurt her, but she knew that Harry wasn't going to be hers forever. She knew eventually he'd start dating, and Sierra was actually the first girl he had ever really been with in the time they had been friends. She wasn't sure if Harry was ashamed of her, and that's why he didn't want to bring Sierra around, or if he was just trying to separate himself from her completely.
"Really?" Kailey questioned with a raised eyebrow as she plugged her bass into the amp. "Have you tried to text him?
"Mhmm," Marlowe hummed, averting her eyes from her two friends. Harry hadn't responded to her texts in two days now.
She didn't want them to see just how much this was affecting her.
Her reassurance was that they'd always have music. That was something that they'd always get along over - something to keep them connected forever.
Marlowe just shook her head, her blonde hair framing around her face as she looked down at her guitar. She picked it up before flicking on the amp - giving the instrument a few strums. As she approached her microphone, she spoke into it to test it while tuning her guitar.
As the three of them were preparing their instruments, it was only a few minutes later that Harry came bursting through the side door of the garage, slightly stumbling over his own feet. The noise caused Marlowe to jump, and she looked over to see Harry kicking a stray paint can out of his way.
"Sorry I'm late," he mumbled, not even making eye contact with any of his friends as he started towards his drum set.
Marlowe followed him with her gaze, watching as he sat down on the stool behind his set - adjusting the bandana that was pushing his unruly curls back. He pulled his drumsticks out of the holder, tapping them against a few of the drumheads before finally looking to Marlowe.
"So, are we gonna start or what? I have things to do after this," Harry commented, and Marlowe's lips parted at the tone he was using with her.
This wasn't her Harry.
"Uhm, yeah, sure, sorry," Marlowe responded with a nod.
The setup in the garage was that everyone was in a circle so that they could see each other while practicing. It was an exercise they had learned during a band workshop, and it actually helped them round out their sound more than they could've imagined.
Marlowe looked between the three others before nodding her head, strumming her guitar once and letting the noise drown out as Harry lightly tapped on one of his cymbals - the sound growing as it went on. As they got into the grit of the song, Marlowe let off her guitar, cupping her microphone in her hand.
"Hello again, friend of a friend, I knew you when -
Our common goal was waiting for the world to end."
She made sure to strum her guitar when needed, making eye contact with Mikey who gave her a small smile. This was the best this song has sounded so far when just starting it out - their confidence was growing.
"Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend.
You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again."
As the song went into the chorus, Marlowe slipped her eyes shut, feeling the music rattling in her chest - her fingertips tingling against her guitar strings as goosebumps covered her arms.
"I'll send you my love on a wire.
Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh, from you."
The song flowed into the measures between the first chorus and the second verse, and that's when Marlowe started to notice Harry missing beats. She looked over to him to see that his eyebrows were narrowed - as if he was focusing so hard on getting it right, but he just couldn't. His eyes eventually closed and he titled his head up towards the ceiling, still trying to play but missing even more beats as time went on.
"Got balls of steel, got an automobile,
for a minimum wage.
Got real estate, I'm buying it all up in outer space."
Marlowe let go of her guitar, clapping into the microphone as she sang while Mikey took over the guitar entirely for this verse. Harry seemed to get a little back on track now that the tempo had slowed back down, and she hoped that he could get it together by the time the next chorus started.
"Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend.
You crack the whip, shape-shift and trick the past again."
The band went into the second chorus, Marlowe gripping her guitar once more to start up her playing again - swaying her hips to the beat of the song.
"I'll send you my love on a wire
Lift you up, every time, everyone, ooh, pulls away, ooh."
It was noticeable that Harry was now completely off beat - stumbling his way through the chorus, and Marlowe looked over in his direction again. Her eyes locked with his, and she shook her head - eyebrows knitting together as if to ask what the hell was going on.
"It's a mechanical bull, the number one
You'll take a ride from anyone
Everyone wants a ride, pulls -"
Before they could even finish the song, Harry stood up from his drum set, throwing his drumsticks across the garage. Mikey and Kailey quickly ducked out of the way to avoid getting hit as Harry made his way around the instrument and towards the side door he had just entered through only a few minutes prior.
"I can't fucking do this anymore," he grumbled, throwing the door open.
Marlowe's eyes widened, and she immediately set her guitar down - racing after him. He was already halfway down the street, and she realized that she didn't see his car.
Had he walked here?
They didn't live too far from each other, maybe a five minute drive or so, but she still couldn't understand why he wouldn't have called her for a ride.
"Harry!" She called out after him, chest heaving as she tried to catch up with his long strides.
Harry kept staring in front of him, hands tucked securely into the front pockets of his jeans as he completely ignored the girl coming up behind him. He could hear the rocks crunching underneath her feet, and he knew that she was getting closer.
"Please, just wait," Marlowe panted, reaching a hand out to grab him.
Her hand landed on his bicep, and he was quick to rip it away from her. Marlowe stopped walking, completely stunned by Harry's actions.
"Don't fucking touch me, Marlowe."
Tears pricked at her waterline, as she continued to watch him walk away.
She hadn't heard him call her just Marlowe in several years. He always called her by her nickname, and he had never snapped at her like this before.
Quickly coming to again, Marlowe scurried to match Harry's steps so that she could keep up with him.
"You're not even going to talk to me?" She asked, bottom lip trembling as she stared at the side of his face.
Harry's expression remained stoic as he kept his eyes ahead, doing his best not to pay attention to Marlowe at all. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his hoodie, tucking one between his lips as he fiddled in his front pocket for his lighter.
Marlowe grimaced at the fact he was just completely avoiding her, and she snatched the stick from between his lips.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She gasped, trying her best not to get overcome with emotion, but she didn't even recognize the person next to her.
Her best friend for the past seven years was acting like someone she had never even met.
"Give that back," Harry demanded through clenched teeth, and Marlowe shook her head as they stopped walking.
"I need you to talk to me, Harry. What is going on?"
They both stood there staring at each other, and Marlowe's face contorted as she looked away from him - pressing the back of her hand against her mouth. Tears of both anger and confusion began to stream down her face, and she swallowed down the whimper that wanted to leave her.
"Just go back home," Harry muttered, looking down at his feet.
Marlowe continued to look away, dropping her hand as she pursed her lips to the side. She shut her eyes, dropping Harry's cigarette to the ground to dig her nails into her palms - leaving crescent shaped marks across her skin.
"I feel like I'm losing you," she whispered, nausea swirling her stomach at the thought. "You don't even talk to me anymore. Y-you're my best friend, and I don't know what to do with how I'm feeling."
It grew quiet between them, the cooler March air whipping across their faces as they stood facing each other, but not looking in each other's direction.
"Well, I don't think we should be friends anymore."
Heart plummeting, Marlowe's head snapped to look over at Harry who was still keeping his eyes on the ground.
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore...or Kailey and Mikey," Harry stated, his voice more firm now.
His piercing green eyes met Marlowe's blue ones, and she didn't see any emotion behind his.
"What did I do?" Marlowe grasped to her chest, tightness taking over. "H-how can I fix this? Please tell me, and I'll do it, Harry, I can fix it. Is it Sierra? Does she not want you to be-"
"Fuck, Marlowe!" Harry's voice boomed, echoing against the houses near them, causing her to immediately clamp her mouth shut. "This isn't anything that can be fixed because nothing is broken. We're adults now. We've grown up, and I don't want the same things anymore. I don't want the band, and I don't want a music career - I don't even want Sierra anymore, and....and I don't want to be friends with you."
It was so quiet that Marlowe was surprised that she couldn't hear the cracking of her heart in her own chest. Her knees began to shake, and she was having to will herself to remain upright with the weight that was starting to press down upon her.
"What did I do?" Marlowe whimpered out again, dropping her chin to her chest.
Her ears began to ring as she realized Harry really meant this, and that this is what he wanted. Her best friend had already been fading away from her for some time now, but she never thought that he would allow himself to completely disappear after everything they had been through. Their connection was something Marlowe felt she could never find again.
"Go home.”
Marlowe remained frozen as she heard Harry's footsteps moving away from her, and she tried to will herself to open her mouth and call out for him again, but she couldn't. Her mind was reeling, trying her hardest to grasp onto what was actually happening.
By the time she was able to ground herself, her head lifting to look around her neighborhood again for any sign of Harry, he was gone.
A month had passed since Marlowe last saw Harry. Her calls and her texts went unanswered, and eventually she just assumed that he had blocked her number. Marlowe was devastated. She had never felt this type of emptiness in her entire life, and that was saying something considering her parents had a habit of missing almost every important event that came up for her.
She barely left her room, burying herself under her covers as she stared blankly at the wall her bed was pressed up against. No vinyls turned on her record player. There weren't two cigarettes resting and burning on her ashtray, and Harry's cackles didn't fill her room.
Marlowe hadn't listened to a single note of music since that day. She apologized to both Kailey and Mikey, but she told them she couldn't continue the band on without Harry. It didn't feel right.
That band was theirs, something they had created together, and it was nothing without him. No one would be able to play the drums like he could, and no other voice would blend with hers as perfectly as his did. Thankfully Kailey and Mikey understood, and they both had tried their best to console Marlowe due to Harry's absence, but she explained that she just needed to be alone for a while to process everything.
Her parents noticed that something was off, but they didn't try to get to the root of it, and she was honestly grateful for that. They didn't have anything against Harry by any means, but Marlowe knew they wouldn't understand the weight of what had happened.
Rain pelted down against her window, the first rain LA had seen in a while, while Marlowe hung her legs over the side of her bed - cupping her mattress in her hands.
She needed to see him. She needed to force him to see her. This wasn't how their friendship was going to end.
Popping up quickly, Marlowe pulled on a pair of leggings and her Doc Martens while throwing a hoodie over her head. She grabbed her wallet and her keys off her dresser before heading down the stairs and out of her house. After slipping into her car, she started off down the road towards Harry's mom's house.
She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her palms feeling like pins and needles from the adrenaline that was coursing through her. Deep down she knew that this was probably really stupid, and that the end result could end up just hurting her worse, but she needed more closure than he had given her. She deserved that from him.
After pulling into the driveway, she sat in her car for a moment - staring blankly at her steering wheel. She contemplated just turning around and going home, but she wasn't going to move on without this happening.
Marlowe made her way up to the front door with her hood over her head, quickly knocking on the door before tucking her hands into the front pocket of her hoodie. She shivered slightly, looking around a bit before the door opened. It revealed Harry's mom, and Marlowe sent her a soft smile.
"Hi Tamara, is Harry-"
"Nope," she cut Marlowe off quickly, and as much as she wanted to roll her eyes, she didn't.
"Please, I just want to talk to him. I only need few minutes and then I'll go, but I really need to-"
"Look, Marley," Tamara slurred, raising her hand to interrupt her once more.
His mom never called her by her actual name, and Marlowe wasn't sure if it was just because she couldn't remember it when intoxicated, or if she never actually cared to learn it. Her and Harry never really spent a lot of time here. She could probably count on one hand how many times they hung out here instead of Marlowe's house.
"Harry hasn't been here in probably...three weeks now. He left a note saying that he was gonna be gone for a while, and that's the last I've heard from him. I don't know if he'll come home, I don't really care at this point, but don't come around here bothering me anymore, alright?"
Marlowe opened her mouth to attempt to speak again, but Tamara slammed the door right in her face. She swallowed harshly as she stepped backwards off the porch, still keeping her eyes on the door for a while before she turned around and hurried back to her car.
Hands clutching the wheel, she began to sob with her chest jumping up and down with every large breath she tried to take. All of this just didn't feel real - this past month without Harry, the last time she had seen him, and even right now with her sitting outside of her house crying in her car. It all felt like a terrible dream that she couldn't wake herself up from.
She allowed herself a few minutes to calm down, pulling the cuffs of her hoodie over her hands to wipe her cheeks before pulling out onto the road to head back to her house.
It was so difficult for Marlowe to picture what her life was going to be like next week, next month or even next year without Harry. Every vision she had of her future up until now had him there right beside her, and now that wasn't a possibility anymore. All she had were her memories with him.
Once she got home, she raced back upstairs - stripping out of her clothes to dive back into her covers in just her bra and underwear. Her hands gripped at her comforter as she smothered her face in it. She didn't know when she'd be able to stop crying.
Marlowe loved Harry. She knew she had loved him for a while now, and she knew it was more than platonic on her end, but it was obvious that she was foolish for ever letting her feelings get that far. She only had herself to blame for him not knowing the extent of them - as she could never bring herself to tell him. There were times here and there, especially through the last four years or so, that she had thought that maybe he felt the same way, but there was no way that could be true to what he had done to her.
Even though she was so angry and hurt by him, she just hoped that he was okay, and that he was safe. She hoped that he was taking care of himself, that he wasn't getting into any trouble, and that he was with someone, or surrounded by people, who loved and cared for him as much as she did. She could only hope that he felt the comfort she felt in him in someone else.
Her Harry was gone, and it was evident that he was never coming back.
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
if anyone wants to donate to help me afford my medicine:
Venmo and PayPal are both sawyersmommy720
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
The Entertainer II - Story Page
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Summary: What if it wasn't the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky's story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Author's Note: This was originally going to just be a few chapters, like "bonus tracks", but it ended up being a full fic, even longer than the original. Hard to let these characters go; they're such a part of me now. As always, you must be 18+ to read.
I am the entertainer And I know just where I stand Another serenader And another long haired band Today I am your champion I may have won your hearts But I know the game, you’ll forget my name And I won’t be here in another year If I don’t stay on the charts
Reposting weekly, Mondays at 4:00PM CST! Links will be updated as I post.
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Track 01 - It's Good to See You
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
Dressing For Revenge 2
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I had a few requests for a continuation of this story, so here it is!
Summary: A week after your night with Harry, he calls and invites you to a work-related event which his ex also attends.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, oral (male receiving), all the good stuff. MUST BE 18+ TO READ.
Word Count: 7.6k+
Read part 1 here
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The microwave beeped offensively loud as you changed into your favorite pajamas. Slipping into a pair of fuzzy socks, you sauntered into the kitchen and grabbed a large bowl from the cabinet. Movies and popcorn sounded like a great plan for a night in. After the debacle the previous weekend, you’d scheduled this Friday evening for yourself. No parties, no nightclubs, no friends. Just you and a chick flick. And maybe some wine.
Deciding to pour a glass, you grabbed it and the popcorn and made yourself comfortable on the sofa. While laughing at Jennifer Lopez hiding from Matthew McConaughey, you felt your phone buzz. Expecting it to be Kelsie or one of your friends from work texting you, you were surprised to see a different name on the screen.
Hi Y/N. How are you?
Your stomach unexpectedly flipped just seeing your name in print underneath his. You hadn’t heard from Harry since he’d called you that night to make sure you’d gotten home okay. Not that you’d expected to. It had only been a week after all. And of course it was a two-way street. You could have texted him. But you hadn’t. But that didn’t mean you hadn’t thought of him.
Hi, Harry. You texted back. I’m fine. You?
Oh hey. I didn’t expect you to reply right away. Are you at home?
You bit your lip. Was he fishing for an invite? Shaking your head, you typed, Yes.
Mind if I call?
With a half squeal, half groan, you replied, Not at all.
Although you had literally just been texting with him, feeling the vibration in your hand and seeing his name again on the screen as your phone rang sent a new rush through your veins.
“Hi,” you answered nonchalantly.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?”
You chuckled. “You asked me that already.”
“Right. So I did. Um…didn’t expect you to be home on a Friday night,” said Harry.
“That’s because I have a date.”
“With myself,” you finished, reaching for your glass and taking another sip of wine.
“Oh,” he let out a breathy laugh. He sounded relieved, which only made your heart beat faster. “And how’s that going so far?”
“Not bad. I figure at this rate I’ll be taking myself to bed by midnight.”
Harry snickered harder at your joke. You smiled, happy that you could make him laugh.
“What are you up to tonight, Harry?” you asked.
“Pretty much the same thing, although I’m not sure I’m quite as compatible.”
“Mmm,” he sounded. “Am I allowed to say I’m a little jealous?”
You chuckled, though you didn’t really give an answer.
“Which brings me to the reason I called,” Harry continued. “I have something to ask you. A favor, if you will.”
“You can say no, and I’ll completely understand if you do. I know I said you could call me if you wanted to get together again…”
“Harry, what is it?” you persisted.
You half expected him to say he was horny and lonely, that he wanted you to come over for a quick fix. But you were surprised when he had a different proposition.
“I have a…a thing tomorrow night. A real estate thing. It’s like a corporate dinner where we meet up with the management companies and investors, announce the top brokers and give awards and such. And I was…wondering if you’d come as my date.”
“Oh…” you mused. “You’re allowed to bring a date?”
“Of course. In fact, it’s almost mandatory.” You heard Harry do the breathy laugh again and wondered if he made that part up, or if it was meant to be a joke.
“I see. And…you’re inviting me?”
“I am. I know we don’t know each other well. And you’ll probably be bored out of your mind, and I wouldn’t blame you one bit. It’s just…”
“Just what?” you asked when his words trailed off.
“I didn’t tell you this before because there was no reason to. But my ex is in real estate as well. That’s how we…you know…met.”
“Ah, so she’ll be there.”
“Correct,” Harry sighed.
“And you want me to make her jealous,” I added in a half question.
“Not jealous, really,” replied Harry. “More like revenge. To show her I’m better off without her. Like we did to your ex last weekend.”
“I see,” you said again.
You heard Harry sigh again, then groan. “I’m sorry, Y/N. It sounded better in my head.”
“I didn’t say no.”
“Well, no, but you’re probably thinking it. I swear, I don’t want this to seem like I’m using you. I genuinely like you, Y/N. And I’m very much attracted to you.”
You started to giggle, setting your glass back down on the coffee table.
“What’s so funny?” Harry asked solemnly.
“I used you, Harry. Last weekend. In fact, you wanted me to. And now you’re saying you’re not wanting to use me? For the exact same reason?”
“I reckon you’re right.”
“Of course I am. Now. Let’s just call a spade a spade. What time is this event tomorrow?”
“So you’re going?”
“Of course, I am. You did me a solid, and now I can do one back. Besides, it might be a little fun.”
“Alright,” said Harry, a smile in his voice. “It starts at eight. I can pick you up around seven thirty, if that’s okay.”
“That’s perfect. How formal is this, like black tie, or business casual?”
“Somewhere in between. A cocktail dress should be fine.”
“Sounds good. I look forward to it, Harry,” you announced honestly.
“Good. Me too. Thanks for doing this, love.”
After hanging up the phone, you rushed to your closet to pick out something to wear for the event. Even though you hadn’t wanted to let on over the phone, you were beyond excited to see Harry again. This time, you got to be his arm candy and not Luke’s. And unlike with Luke, you had a feeling Harry would only have eyes for you.
As long as his heart didn’t still belong to his ex.
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You’d just dabbed on some lipgloss when you heard the buzzer. Pressing the intercom button, you instructed Harry to come on up to your apartment. But when the knock sounded and you swung the door open, you nearly had to hold on to the knob to keep your balance.
“Shit,” you muttered at the same time Harry exclaimed “God damn!”
With a nervous laugh, you caught the twinkle in Harry’s eyes as he leaned against the door jam, his gaze raking over your body.
He looked delicious. Similar to the previous weekend, he wore a silk shirt, unbuttoned plenty to catch peeks at his tattoos and pecks. Over it was a black suit with the jacket open, the slacks fitting him well in all the right places.
“Fuck me, kitten, you look stunning,” said Harry, expressing your thoughts before your mouth could.
You blushed, your hands self-consciously running down your waist and hips. You must have chosen the right dress for the evening. It was a short, fitted, black lace dress with a high neck and long sleeves. You felt like it was tasteful, yet sexy. Harry seemed to agree as he stepped over the threshold and reached for your waist, pulling you to him.
“Wow,” he breathed in your ear. “How lucky am I?”
“Hmm, I guess we’ll see,” you teased, inhaling his intoxicating cologne.
Harry chuckled low. “Is that how it’s gonna be, then, kitten?” You felt his hands travel down to your butt. And you didn’t stop him when he lowered his mouth to your neck.
“Yes,” you whispered as he sucked on your delicate flesh.
“Maybe we should just ditch this party all together and stay here instead.”
“Now, Harry,” you tsked, pushing his shoulders away. “I thought this was important.”
His laugh vibrated in his chest as he nodded. “Indeed. Thanks so much again for doing this.”
Pursing your lips, you winked at him. Then grabbing your clutch, you followed him out the door and downstairs to his car. When he opened it for you, you immediately got a whiff of the expensive leather, an aroma you’d found pleasant and comforting the last time. It reminded you of the smell of his bedroom, and you quickly clamped your thighs together when you climbed into the front seat, the memory of that night in his bed arousing you.
The drive to the venue was quick, for which you were grateful since you couldn’t manage to keep your eyes off of Harry’s hands on the wheel and gear shift, and the way his thighs looked in those pants. He made some small talk, but your mind was elsewhere, almost wishing you’d taken him up on the offer to stay at your place.
When he parked the car in front of a fancy hotel, you gasped. “It’s in here?”
You recognized the place. Well, obviously anyone would. But you’d been there before. Luke had taken you there once when you-
“Well, it only seemed natural,” replied Harry as he turned off the engine, “seeing as the company owns this property.”
Jerking your head, you stared at Harry with wide eyes, astonished. “Oh my God! I knew you were rich, but…oh my God!”
With a chuckle and a gleam in his eye, Harry opened his car door and rounded to your side where you still sat with your mouth agape. You eventually smiled, taking Harry’s awaiting hand and letting him lead you to the entrance and through the hotel lobby to the elevators. A cluster of people were gathered nearby and Harry slowed and whispered in your ear.
“Some of my colleagues,” he explained. “Shall I introduce you?”
“Of course,” you grinned. “As long as you’re not ashamed to be seen with me.”
“Are you kidding?” he smirked, giving your butt a pat before quickly guiding you toward the men.
“Gentlemen!” he greeted boisterously.
“Harry, my good man, how are you?” one of the men broke from the pack to offer his hand.
“Can’t complain,” Harry replied, shaking hands. “How about yourself?”
“Same here,” the man nodded, though his eyes seemed to wander to you eagerly. “And who is this gorgeous angel you brought with you?”
You felt Harry’s hand glide down your back. “Greg, I’d like you to meet Y/N, Y/N this is Greg Hawthorne, Chairman of the Board.”
“How do you do, sweetheart,” said Greg.
“Lovely to meet you,” you smiled, taking his hand though you had no idea what a Chairman of the Board was.
Just then, you were saved by the ding that the awaiting elevator announced, and you and Harry followed the rest of the group up to another floor. More groups of people were gathered there, and down the hall. Harry stopped a couple more times to introduce you to more colleagues. You knew for certain you would never be able to remember their names, but you figured that wasn’t the reason for the pleasantries.
When you came to a large, open, double doorway, you were greeted by another man and woman who welcomed you both to the event. Stepping inside the massive room, you took in the view of what appeared to be a ballroom, filled with cloth-covered tables with fancy centerpieces. At the far end was a stage, a podium erected in the center and a large screen next to it. The chandeliers were enough to take your breath away, and when Harry guided you toward one of the tables, you noticed the gold-leafed placards.
“This is nicer than most weddings I’ve been to,” you whispered to Harry, lifting the placard in front of you that held his name.
Your date only grinned, but you quickly felt a hand on your knee underneath the table. He gave it a nice squeeze, and you giggled.
“None of that, Mr. Styles,” you warned. “We’re in public.”
“Oh, so I can’t even touch you?”
“I didn’t say that. Just be careful. I’m very ticklish. People may get the wrong idea.”
“I see,” he smirked with sexy eyes. “I’ll try to be discreet, then.”
The room started to fill up, and Harry was greeted so many times that you just remained standing. You had to admit, it felt good to be the companion of someone so popular. Luke’s popularity was nothing compared to this. And everyone seemed to be very fond of Harry.
However, after a quick chat with one of Harry’s friends, you felt his hand twist the back of your dress. Taking a step back to keep your balance, you looked at him and noticed how much the expression on his face had instantly changed.
“What happened?” you inquired. “Is something wrong?”
“She’s here,” he said, his voice low but clear.
“Oh,” you whispered. “Where?”
Harry loosened his jaw, then cleared his throat, looked down and scratched his nose. “Right there. Blue dress.”
Scanning the entrance, you picked out the woman. While she was attractive, she was not what you had pictured. Not that you had any point of reference, but she just didn’t seem like someone you would have thought Harry would have been in a relationship with.
“Oh, I see,” you commented, unsure of what else to say.
A waiter came around with a tray of champagne, blocking your view of Harry’s ex. You graciously accepted a glass, and Harry suggested you both take a seat.
“Hello, Harry,” you heard behind you just as you’d turned.
Harry exhaled through his nose before addressing her. “Good evening, Toni. You’re looking well.”
Toni flipped her hair from her shoulder and grinned triumphantly. Then her eyes fell on you.
“Antoinette Bloom, how do you do?” she said, offering her hand to you.
“Y/N Y/LN, nice to meet you.” You tried your best to give the most nonchalant, yet genuine greeting, hoping Harry was pleased. The corners of your mouth began to curve upwards when you felt his hand on your back once again.
“I hear you closed on the MacHouser deal, Harry,” Toni turned her attention back to her ex. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” he half-bowed, “it was a team effort.”
“Of course.”
Just then, another tall man appeared, his hand on Toni’s shoulder. “Darling, I found our table over there. I think it’s about to get started.”
“Oh, yes,” she grinned. “Good to see you, Harry.” She merely nodded at you, and didn’t even bother introducing the man who was already guiding her to the right side of the ballroom. You felt Harry let out a long breath.
“That wasn’t so bad,” you assured with a smile.
“Wasn’t so great either,” he frowned.
You slid your hand up his arm, squeezing his bicep. “Could have been worse.”
Finally looking at you, Harry’s frown turned into a grin. Your insides flipped when his dimples appeared and he pulled you close to him.
“She’s got nothing on you, you know.”
“Except history,” you remarked.
Harry chuckled. “C’mon, love. Let’s sit and enjoy this evening. Together.”
“Sounds good,” you agreed as Harry helped push in your chair. “By the way, did you know him?”
“The man she was with. She didn’t introduce him.”
“Oh. Yeah. He’s the uh…”
When Harry paused, your eyes widened in astonishment. “Him? She left you for that guy?”
“Well, no, she didn’t leave me, I kicked her out.”
“Because she was cheating on you. With him!”
Harry covered your hand with his. “Let’s not get into it, babe. Not now.”
With a huff, you sat back in your chair, crossing your arms. What an idiot this woman was! Fucking moron!
Harry chuckled low, making you look over at him. “What?”
“You look like a defiant child sat there like that, kitten.”
With a snort, you sat up straight. “Sorry. I just don’t think she knew how good she had it.”
“And how good is that?” Harry leaned closer, his hand sliding up your thigh under the table.
“Harry…” you mouthed, barely able to get out a breath as his fingers played with the hem of your dress.
“Oh, good evening Harry!” a plump man announced, grabbing the chair on the other side of him. “Looks like Marla and I are at your table.”
“Hi, Tom, how are things?” Harry quickly rose from his chair to shake hands with the man, then with the woman he was with.
“Well, as they say…same shit, different day!” Tom cackled.
Harry laughed, “Yes, indeed.” Then he introduced you to Tom and his wife, Marla, who both already seemed like very nice people.
Two more couples arrived shortly after, rounding out your table. Soon enough, the waiters came around with plates of food. You gawked at the presentation of the scrumptious looking chicken dish in front of you.
“I’m sorry,” Harry whispered in your ear. “I forgot to tell you I ordered the food weeks ago. I hope chicken is okay.”
“Of course, no problem,” you replied.
“Obviously I knew I wouldn’t be here with Toni, but I reckoned chicken was a safe bet.”
“It’s perfectly fine,” you insisted.
“So, how did you two meet?” Marla asked after Tom had made a toast.
Harry looked over at you and you felt your face flush.
“Um…the traditional way,” replied Harry. “At a nightclub.”
“Oh!” Marla giggled when Harry winked, putting you at ease.
Once again, you felt Harry’s hand on you underneath the table. Instead of squeezing your knee, he slid his palm up dangerously, allowing his fingers to rest just inside your thigh. You gasped out a breath, swiftly grabbing your champagne, hoping no one noticed.
Chatter and small talk filled the room until the lights dimmed slightly and the man from the elevator stepped up to the podium. He announced himself as Greg Hawthorne and welcomed you all to tonight’s gala. Then the television monitor came to life and displayed a quick introduction to the firm. While most of it was over your head, you were once again impressed by the company and what real estate it owned. After another quick spiel, Greg introduced the CEO who joined him at the podium, gave a short speech and sat back down at his table. Then Greg proceeded with the awards ceremony, starting with one for another man you’d met earlier.
Having finished your delicious chicken, you placed your fork down on your plate, and dabbed your lips with a napkin. When everyone clapped, you joined in.
Harry leaned over and whispered in your ear. “Bored yet?”
“No,” you smiled. “I’m having a lovely time.”
“No, I’m not,” you insisted with a laugh.
You reached for his hand then, pulling it underneath the tablecloth, setting it in your lap. You covered it with your other hand for reassurance. Harry beamed at you, then kissed your temple.
Just then, a name you hadn’t wished to hear was announced. Antoinette Bloom stepped up on stage to receive her award, though you’d missed what she’d earned it for. You felt Harry’s body go still next to you.
“You okay?” you whispered.
“Um, yeah. Yeah,” he sighed. “I’m fine.”
“It’s still hard to see her, isn’t it?”
“No, no…it’s…it’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Harry, it’s okay,” you said, squeezing his hand. “I get it. Remember?”
His green eyes stared at you and you thought you saw them water, but he blinked quickly. Then he pulled his hand from your grasp and reached for his champagne, gulping it down. You looked around your table and saw more sets of eyes, either on Harry or trying to divert their gaze. They all knew. They had probably known them when they were a couple. Suddenly, you felt like a duck out of water, and just as Toni was finishing her speech, you excused yourself to the ladies’ room.
When you made it to the stall, and took several deep breaths, you started talking to yourself. Reminding yourself that you were doing Harry a favor. You were his plus one because he wanted some sort of revenge, or proof for his ex to see he didn’t need her anymore - just as Harry had done for you the weekend before with Luke.
This isn’t about you, you stupid bitch. After tonight you’ll probably never see him again.
After washing up and touching up your lip gloss, you opened the door to see Harry standing in the hallway.
“Hey. What are you doing out here?” you asked.
“Checking on you. You rushed out so quickly.”
“Sorry. Must have been the champagne.”
Harry took two steps closer, enough to reach out and finger a curl on your shoulder. “Liar,” he muttered.
With a sigh, you shook your head. “Harry…”
“Y/N. I’m the one who should apologize. I made a fool of myself, trying to act like I didn’t care she was here. You were right.”
“I was?” you gulped.
“It’s still hard,” he nodded. “I mean…it’s not like I want her back. I don’t really want anything to do with her. Just…seeing her reminds me, you know?”
“I’m sorry, darling. I really am.” Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, and you took that as your cue.
“It’s okay. Shall I get an Uber, or…”
“What?” Harry’s eyes widened. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
“Well…um…,” you stumbled. “Don’t you want me to?”
“Oh, God, honey, no! No! I didn’t mean to imply that at all!”
You fiddled with the clutch in your hands as you stared at him incredulously. “I’m confused.”
Reaching for your waist, Harry pulled you even closer. “Baby, I want you to stay. Please. I enjoy your company. And even though this is probably boring you to tears, you look so fucking sexy, I want...”
“What?” you asked when his words trailed off.
“I…” Harry searched down either end of the hallway, making sure no one was within earshot. Then he guided you backwards against the wall. “I wanna eat you up,” he growled.
“Oh!” you squeaked just before his mouth collided with yours.
His kisses were rough and urgent. His stubble scratched against your delicate skin. And you loved it. Gasping for a breath, you grabbed hold of his jacket lapels.
“I want you so bad, kitten,” he whined. God, that sounded hot. “Been thinking about you all fucking week. Took everything I had in me not to call sooner.”
Just then, two other women started down the hall toward you. Harry straightened up and you pretended to be looking for something in your bag. When they passed and entered the restroom, you raised your head. Harry was staring at you like a tiger about to pounce its prey. When he blinked slowly, you could hear him swallow hard.
“I got a room,” he finally said.
Your jaw dropped. “A roo-, here?”
“Yeah. I know it’s presumptuous of me. But I was hoping…you might…wanna stay with me tonight.”
As he said those words, he moved closer to you, slowly like a dream. Chills erupted down your body, and you found yourself eagerly allowing him into your embrace. His lips met yours again, this time sweet and wet.
“I-I thought…” you breathed between kisses, “when you froze next to me…when she got her award…that you…”
“Shh,” Harry sounded, silencing you with more kisses. “Baby girl…let me make it clear. I don’t want her. I want you.”
You thought you saw the shadows of the women returning from the bathroom, but neither you nor Harry moved an inch. His gaze pierced through you, you melted, and you may have even let out a moan.
“I want you, too. So bad.”
“Good,” he growled, sliding his hand around your neck. Then kissing you one more time, he stood up straight and said, “Let’s get out of here.”
Taking your hand, you were halfway down the hall when Tom emerged from the ballroom.
“Harry!,” he said. “They need you in here!”
“What for?”
“Your award!”
Harry cursed under his breath, and you chuckled as he tugged on your hand and led you back into the ballroom.
“There he is!” shouted Greg from the podium. “C’mon Harry, everyone who’s awarded has to get up here.”
Harry snorted, then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before heading up to the stage. With a cheesy grin on your face, you made it back to your table and joined everyone in clapping as Harry accepted his award. You hadn’t even heard what it was for, but it didn’t matter. You were proud of him regardless, and you planned on showing him just how proud you were later in the room he’d said he’d gotten.
You watched your handsome date as he gave his acceptance speech, the glow on his face. When he was finished, he gave a quick nod and thank you, then began to make his way between the tables. You noticed Toni staring at him, but your grin spread when Harry paid her no mind, and instead beamed at you with his dimpled smile.
“Congrats, Harry!” exclaimed Tom when Harry reached your table. “I was worried you’d either gone or didn’t care about receiving an award. But I see I was wrong on both accounts. Well-deserved, my friend.”
“Thanks, Tom.”
Although Harry’s words were addressed to the man on his left, his eyes hadn’t left yours.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
“Now?” you half-chuckled, half-gasped.
“Yes,” he replied, his voice suddenly an octave lower.
“Oh, don’t leave yet, you two!” Marla whisper-shouted. “You’ll miss the best part!”
“Best part?” you inquired, eyeing both Marla and Harry.
Harry smirked. “There’s usually some sort of dessert, and they serve more cocktails.”
“Oh. I think I can pass.”
Not missing the tone in your confession, Harry rose from his chair and held his hand out for you. You eagerly took it, giving hasty goodbyes to your table mates, then you followed him back into the hallway just as Greg was giving his final speech, announcing the imminent dessert.
“I have my own sweet, tasty treat,” remarked Harry, patting your ass.
You were mid-giggle, starting to get handsy yourself when you heard a female voice behind you.
“Congratulations, Harry.”
Oh, goddammit, what did she want?
“Thank you,” Harry turned and nodded sharply.
“I always knew you’d make top broker,” Toni continued. “I know I voiced it many times.”
Her tone was sultry as she stepped closer to Harry. Then she placed her hand on his bicep and gave an adoring smile. Your stomach turned and your mouth felt sour as you watched her try to seduce her ex right in front of you.
“Um, no, actually you didn’t,” said Harry.
“Pardon me?”
“You never said that to me, Antoinette. Not once. In fact, if I remember correctly, you used to provoke and torment me by claiming you’d beat me.”
“Oh, that,” Toni dismissed Harry’s accusation with a wave of her hand. “That was just a little game. You enjoyed it, didn’t you baby? You liked trying to rival me. It only made you better.”
Your eyes wide, you nearly smacked her, but you held back your hands and your tongue.
“No, I didn’t enjoy it. And it didn’t make me better. I’m better now because you’re out of my life, Toni.”
Turning away from her, Harry grabbed your hand again and began walking faster. You tried your best to keep up as he led you to the elevators.
“Aw, little Harry is heartbroken so he needed to find a little trollop to mend his ego,” Toni mocked with a sneer.
At that you turned around swiftly. “You’re a horrible person! No wonder he kicked you out!”
“Y/N, please baby-”
“What the hell do you know?” Toni rolled her eyes.
“I know that this man is amazing and sweet and sexy as hell, and you lost out.”
Toni’s jaw dropped open as Harry pulled you toward the open elevator doors.
“I also know that nobody has used the word trollop since the sixties,” you called out just before the doors closed. “The term is slut now, honey.”
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When the elevator stopped, and the doors opened, you followed Harry down the hall, your hand still in his until he stopped at the end of the hallway. Then he pulled a key card out of his jacket pocket and slipped it into the lock.
He had been quiet on the lift, his jaw set. You knew he was angry, and maybe even a little embarrassed. You felt for him, seeing just how vile his ex was. You wanted to make him feel better, but only if he wanted the same.
Stepping into the room, however, you nearly forgot what had just happened when you saw the exquisite view.
“Wow…” you breathed as Harry headed for the bar.
“Nice, yeah?” he wiggled his brows. When he poured two glasses of brandy, however, his expression returned solemn.
“Harry…” you began, walking toward him. “We don’t have to do this.”
“If you’re not feeling up to it.”
“Who says I’m not?” he asked, handing you a glass.
“Well, I can tell you’re upset.”
“I’m not. I mean…yeah, she’s…a piece of work,” Harry half-chuckled, shaking his head. Then he looked at you. “But she has nothing to do with us.”
“Mm-mm,” he sounded, reaching for your waist with his other hand. “I’m just sorry you had to see that. Cheers?”
You clinked your glass against Harry’s and took a sip, setting your clutch on the bar. He looked over his glass at you and winked. Slowly lowering yours, you grinned.
“So your award was for top broker? What does that mean, you sold the most houses?”
Harry chuckled low. “Houses, hotels, commercial properties...”
“Wow,” you said. “I’m proud of you, Harry.”
“Are you?” he smiled wider.
“Of course, I am. And I wanna show you.”
“Oh. You do.” Taking your glass, Harry set it on the bar next to his. “And how do you wanna do that?”
“Like this…” you said, reaching for his jacket and tugging it off his shoulders.
With a smirk, he shook his arms out of it and tossed it on a nearby chair. Then his eyes sparkled as you ran your hands down his chest and began to unfasten the remaining buttons of his shirt.
Slipping his fingers underneath your jaw, he pulled you into a deep kiss. You moaned against him, letting him know just how badly you wanted to please him. When your own fingers met his waistband, you felt him shudder, a sexy tremble of anticipation as he threw off his shirt. You played with him a bit, letting your fingertips linger along his tattoos after you’d unbuttoned his trousers. Then with a loud sounding of the zipper, you dropped to your knees along with his pants. You heard him gasp out a breath, a tiny one, but audible nonetheless.
You kissed his inner thighs, sweet, tender kisses. Moving up slowly, you reached for his underwear. A low, sexy exhale escaped his throat then, followed by a chuckle.
“Oh, kitten.”
“Is this what you want?”
You nodded and licked your lips as his erection sprung from his briefs, meeting you in the face. Harry’s breath hitched in his throat when you took hold of it and wet the tip with your tongue. You looked up at him long enough to see his jaw drop as you enveloped your lips around his hard cock. Then he quickly shut his eyes and inhaled through his nose.
He was big. You knew this already, of course, but having him in your mouth for the first time took a little extra work and finesse. You didn’t think you’d be able to deep throat him, so you did your best with what you had to work with. Lubricating him up with your own saliva, you moaned against his cock while your hand met your lips halfway. Harry’s fingers raked through your hair until they had a good grip. His breaths quickened as he bucked his hips against you, urging you to suck him deeper and harder, your hand to move faster. You obliged to his physical requests until you felt him quiver, then tug harder on your hair.
“Easy, kitten,” he gasped. “Fuck, you’re so good, but I don’t wanna come so fast.”
Clipping your chin with his finger, he gazed down at you.
“Jesus, baby, look at you. So eager and willing to please.”
You nodded, running your hands up his thighs. “Yes, Harry. I wanna please you so bad. Wanna make you feel good.”
Stepping out of his shoes and pants, Harry lifted you from the floor. With his hands cradling your face he pulled you into a deep, wet kiss that nearly sent you back into a pool at his feet. Then slipping his fingers behind your neck, he found the zipper of your dress and tugged it open. Stepping out of it, you let him lead you to the bed, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I wanna make you feel good too, kitten,” Harry promised as he removed your black lacy bra.
“But it’s my turn, Harry,” you argued, climbing onto the bed and sitting on your knees. “You made me feel better last time.”
“Did I? Is that why you left in such a hurry?”
“I told you why I left,” you frowned.
“I know. I’m sorry.” His hands cupped your breasts as he snuck a kiss onto your collarbone.
“Anyway, tonight is about you,” you continued. “And I wanna show you how proud I am of you. How worthy you are.”
“Yeah?” he smirked, sliding his hand down the front of your panties. “Am I worthy of this sweet pussy?”
“Fuck yes,” you hissed.
Harry laughed, “God, you’re so wet already, kitten. I haven’t hardly touched you.”
“That’s the effect you have on me.”
“Good to know. I am lucky.”
He continued to stroke you, his fingertip pressing gently on your already throbbing clit. Still on your knees, they began to give out just from his touch. You grabbed hold of his arms to keep your balance, a tiny cry escaping your lips.
“Oh, sweetheart, you sure this is about me?” Harry raised a brow, teasing you.
“Yes, Harry. I promise. You just…get me worked up.”
“What do you think you do to me, hmm? Sat there next to me in that tiny little dress, your thighs begging to be stroked underneath the table. Your fuckable ass just waiting to be grabbed by my hands. Your fuck-me eyes batting their lashes at me as if I don’t know what that means.”
“I didn’t know they do that,” you mewled as you continued to ride his fingers.
“Oh, yes you do. And you love it. Just like you love how you’re dripping on me right now.”
“But you love it, too,” you said, trying to turn the tables. “You love how hot and wet I am for you.”
“Goddammit, yes I do. C’mere, kitten.”
The air suddenly felt cooler when he removed his hand from your panties. But the warmth was returned quickly as you watched him lay down on the bed and stroke himself.
“Harry,” you pouted. “I’m supposed to do that.”
“Well then hurry up, baby. We may have all night, but I get impatient too.”
You gave him a smirk, knowing he was mocking your impatience from last weekend.
“Just for that, I may just take my time,” you teased, slowly sliding your panties down your hips.
“Please don’t.”
“What would you do if I did?”
“Make myself come,” he replied cheekily, his hand still on his cock.
“Aw, c’mon Harry, play nice.”
He chuckled low, sending another thrill down your spine. Kicking your panties off of your ankle, you let them hit the floor as you crawled cat-like over his naked body.
“Kitten, you are,” he grinned, reaching for your hips. “Looks like I picked the right pet name.”
“Yes,” you agreed. “And now kitty wants a ride.”
Harry growled as you nibbled on his neck. “Condom’s in my jacket, babe,” he whispered. “Forgot to grab it.”
With a tiny pout, you slid off the bed and retrieved his jacket from the chair, and found the condom in the inside picket. Opening it swiftly, you returned to the bed where you eagerly slipped it on his awaiting cock. Lifting your hips, you eased yourself down slowly with a high-pitched groan.
“Gently, kitten,” instructed Harry. “You sure you’re wet enough?”
“Yes,” you sighed. “You just fill me so well.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Go slowly though, alright. Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I can handle it, baby. Question is, can you handle me?”
Harry’s chest shook as he laughed, and you slowly began to ride him. When you began to pick up a little speed, however, Harry started to blink, his head tilting back into the pillow.
“Fuck, kitten, you feel so good.”
“I do? You like how my cunt feels dripping on you?”
“Mmm yeah. So fucking warm and wet.”
“You deserve to feel this good, baby. Every night,” you moaned.
“Yeah? You would fuck me like this every night?” he asked, his hips bucking up against you.
“Mmhmm. Anything you want. You’re such a fucking hot and sexy man. You deserve to be fucked any way you want.”
“Ah yes, fuck me, kitten.”
“She didn’t fuck you like this, did she?” you purred as you rode him faster.
Harry shook his head and gulped. “No.”
“You deserve so much better, baby. You deserve a woman who knows your needs. Who worships your cock.”
Though Harry moaned and let out an expletive, he grabbed your waist and tried to hold you still. “Wait…baby…wait, stop,” he gasped.
“What’s wrong?” you blinked.
“I don’t wanna fuck like this.”
“Like what?”
“Revenge sex, angry sex, whatever this is. I’m done with that, aren’t you?”
You stared at him, confused. “But, I thought-”
“I know, babe,” he interrupted with a nod. “But I don’t want this to be about her. Or him. Just us.”
“Don’t you?”
“I…yeah, I guess so.”
Harry’s green eyes stared at you, and though they were still filled with lust, a softer look in them also appeared that you hadn’t seen before. “Just you and me, yeah? I think it could be great.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“Good girl,” he grinned. “Now fuck me.”
You slowly resumed your thrusts, your eyes still locked with his. While you tried to continue the little game you’d been playing, the point seemed moot. Something came over you that you couldn’t describe, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say you were feeling emotional, overwhelmed. But you couldn’t, could you? This was just a hookup, a mutual agreement. There were no feelings involved. Finally, you stopped all movement.
“What’s wrong, babe?” asked Harry, a bewildered look on his face. “You tired?”
“No. It just…it feels different now.”
You shook your head, unable to find the words. “I don’t know. I just…I feel vulnerable.”
Harry’s face softened as he sat up and ran his hands up your back. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. I’m here, yeah? I’ll make you feel good.”
“But I wanted to make you feel good,” you said.
“Then we’ll make each other feel good,” Harry smirked. “C’mon love, it’s alright. We don’t need revenge sex. Those two other people…they mean nothing. We don’t have to use each other anymore. Let’s just…live in the moment.”
Taking in a deep breath, you let it out slowly. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? His arms around you, Harry kissed your lips softly. Then he continued down your jaw and to your neck. Inch by inch, you let the tension fall until his soft, pillowy lips lightly touched your shoulder.
“Mmm, that feels nice,” you breathed before you realized it.
“Doesn’t it?” Harry murmured before looking into your eyes. “I want you, Y/N. I wouldn’t have invited you here if I didn’t. I wouldn’t have gotten this room. For us. You and me, honey. You’re the one I wanna be with.”
Though he didn’t finish the sentence with tonight, you took it as implied.
“Let’s make each other feel good, yeah?” he continued, pecking your mouth again. “I wanna make you come so hard.”
A low moan sounded from deep within your throat before you started to giggle.
“Does that sound good?” Harry wiggled his brows.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Sounds amazing.”
“Then get that ass up, baby, and turn around for me,” he demanded, patting your behind.
Once on your knees facing away from him, you braced yourself for a quick thrust. But Harry seemed to have other ideas. Instead, he grabbed your hips and pulled you back so that you sat on his lap. Pushing your hair off your shoulder, he kissed your neck just underneath your ear. Then his other hand found your right breast, cupping it and pinching the nipple between his fingertips.
“That feel good, kitten?” he whispered, his breath tickling your flesh.
“Mmm, yes.”
“Good. Now lift up just a bit and bounce on me.”
Doing as you were told had Harry slipping inside you easily just before you bounced back onto his lap, his cock filling you completely.
“Ohhhh,” you gasped. “Fuck.”
“Mmm yeah, babe, do that again.”
With a deep breath, you exhaled as you lifted up to your knees again. This time, however, Harry met you halfway, thrusting up against you as you came down. When you let out another gasp, Harry groaned in your ear.
“Fuck, princess, just like that. Keep going.”
Though your knees were already starting to shake, it was nothing like the nearly exploding feeling in your core. You could feel him fully, all of him in your pussy. And you couldn’t get enough.
You repeated the movements over and over, each time making your toes curl more and more. Finally, you noticed the thrusts weren’t quite as long, as Harry was practically holding you against him, his arm around your waist as he panted in your ear, giving you continuous words of encouragement.
“Oh, kitten you feel so good,” he whined, sliding his free hand down your belly. “I’m so close already. But I want you to come first, alright?”
“Are you close, too?”
His fingertips slipped through your folds and pinched your clit. Your knees buckled and you almost fell forward until Harry pulled you up. You could feel his wet, sticky chest against your back as he guided you to your climax.
“Easy, kitten,” he cooed. “I got you. Come for me, sweetheart. I wanna feel that sweet little cunt dripping all over me.”
“Aaaaaa…” you exclaimed, though it was far from an actual word. “Oh, God! Ohhh Haaarrryy….baaaabyyyyy!!!!”
“That’s it, kitten,” he urged, his finger still circling your swollen nub as he continued his thrusts. “Such a good girl. I love making you feel good, baby.”
With a few more whines and pants, you came down from your high, taking deep breaths and hard swallows.
“Mmm,” Harry growled, then kissed your neck. “It’s not over yet, love.”
You chuckled, placing your hand on his thigh. “I know. Shall I stay here, or you want me somewhere else?”
“I’ll let you pick,” he replied.
“Really?” Lifting yourself up, you turned around to face him. “Cause I’d really like to watch you when you come.”
“You got it, babe,” he grinned. Taking your face in his hands, he kissed you with fervor. Then he rolled you onto your back.
“Are you sore, love?” he asked as he resumed his thrusts.
“Not really,” you gulped. “Only in a good way.”
Harry chuckled, “Alright, good. Cause I want you legs up here.” Grabbing hold of your thighs, he lifted them over his shoulders. “That’s it, kitten. Now, keep your pretty eyes on me.”
You had no problem with that request. His arms around you with your knees next to your ears, you couldn’t do much more than stare at him. And he was a sight to behold. A curl had fallen from his forehead, and he already looked fucked out of his mind. Your entire body was on fire, inside and out. You couldn’t look away if you tried.
Because of his close proximity, his thrusts were short and quick, his cock hitting you in just the right spot every time. You tried your best to keep breathing, though you could already feel yourself teetering close to the edge. And Harry’s grunts didn’t help. He was so sexy, and it turned you on knowing you felt good around him.
“So fucking wet baby, god damn,” he panted. “Can I fuck you like this every night?”
You blinked in surprise until you remembered your words from earlier. With a gentle smile, you nodded. “Yes.”
“Promise? Cause I don’t think I can go another week, sweetheart.”
“Yes,” you swore to him, and as you wrapped your arms around his neck, you knew that it wasn’t a lie.
Harry’s breaths quickened, and with a deep groan, he shut his eyes tight. Then with two more thrusts, his body trembled and he gasped in your ear.
“Fuck. Oh, kitten, you’re amazing.”
Your fingers played in his hair as he laid on your chest. You listened to his breaths for a moment until he looked up at you.
“Please don’t leave,” he said.
“Tonight. Don’t leave like last time, please. Stay with me.”
After a pause, you allowed your fingertips to draw shapes across his back. Then with a sigh you said his name.
“Hmm?” he sounded, rolling onto his side next to you.
You turned and looked at him, giving him a smile. “I have no intention of leaving.”
With a grin of his own, Harry pulled you close and kissed you, no other words needed.
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Hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog and comment (or even better send me a message) if you did.
tagging: @kathb59, @kahluamystery97, @triski73, @lovebittenbyevans, @chibijusstuff, @angywritesstuff, @indierockgirrl, @i-dont-want-your-sympathy (you are all ones who commented on part 1 so I hope that's okay.)
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
i know this is gonna take a while, but i'm actually excited and proud of myself that i'm able to say i'm on a weight loss journey. feels good.
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lemoncrushh · 2 days
Dressing For Revenge 2
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I had a few requests for a continuation of this story, so here it is!
Summary: A week after your night with Harry, he calls and invites you to a work-related event which his ex also attends.
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, oral (male receiving), all the good stuff. MUST BE 18+ TO READ.
Word Count: 7.6k+
Read part 1 here
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The microwave beeped offensively loud as you changed into your favorite pajamas. Slipping into a pair of fuzzy socks, you sauntered into the kitchen and grabbed a large bowl from the cabinet. Movies and popcorn sounded like a great plan for a night in. After the debacle the previous weekend, you’d scheduled this Friday evening for yourself. No parties, no nightclubs, no friends. Just you and a chick flick. And maybe some wine.
Deciding to pour a glass, you grabbed it and the popcorn and made yourself comfortable on the sofa. While laughing at Jennifer Lopez hiding from Matthew McConaughey, you felt your phone buzz. Expecting it to be Kelsie or one of your friends from work texting you, you were surprised to see a different name on the screen.
Hi Y/N. How are you?
Your stomach unexpectedly flipped just seeing your name in print underneath his. You hadn’t heard from Harry since he’d called you that night to make sure you’d gotten home okay. Not that you’d expected to. It had only been a week after all. And of course it was a two-way street. You could have texted him. But you hadn’t. But that didn’t mean you hadn’t thought of him.
Hi, Harry. You texted back. I’m fine. You?
Oh hey. I didn’t expect you to reply right away. Are you at home?
You bit your lip. Was he fishing for an invite? Shaking your head, you typed, Yes.
Mind if I call?
With a half squeal, half groan, you replied, Not at all.
Although you had literally just been texting with him, feeling the vibration in your hand and seeing his name again on the screen as your phone rang sent a new rush through your veins.
“Hi,” you answered nonchalantly.
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?”
You chuckled. “You asked me that already.”
“Right. So I did. Um…didn’t expect you to be home on a Friday night,” said Harry.
“That’s because I have a date.”
“With myself,” you finished, reaching for your glass and taking another sip of wine.
“Oh,” he let out a breathy laugh. He sounded relieved, which only made your heart beat faster. “And how’s that going so far?”
“Not bad. I figure at this rate I’ll be taking myself to bed by midnight.”
Harry snickered harder at your joke. You smiled, happy that you could make him laugh.
“What are you up to tonight, Harry?” you asked.
“Pretty much the same thing, although I’m not sure I’m quite as compatible.”
“Mmm,” he sounded. “Am I allowed to say I’m a little jealous?”
You chuckled, though you didn’t really give an answer.
“Which brings me to the reason I called,” Harry continued. “I have something to ask you. A favor, if you will.”
“You can say no, and I’ll completely understand if you do. I know I said you could call me if you wanted to get together again…”
“Harry, what is it?” you persisted.
You half expected him to say he was horny and lonely, that he wanted you to come over for a quick fix. But you were surprised when he had a different proposition.
“I have a…a thing tomorrow night. A real estate thing. It’s like a corporate dinner where we meet up with the management companies and investors, announce the top brokers and give awards and such. And I was…wondering if you’d come as my date.”
“Oh…” you mused. “You’re allowed to bring a date?”
“Of course. In fact, it’s almost mandatory.” You heard Harry do the breathy laugh again and wondered if he made that part up, or if it was meant to be a joke.
“I see. And…you’re inviting me?”
“I am. I know we don’t know each other well. And you’ll probably be bored out of your mind, and I wouldn’t blame you one bit. It’s just…”
“Just what?” you asked when his words trailed off.
“I didn’t tell you this before because there was no reason to. But my ex is in real estate as well. That’s how we…you know…met.”
“Ah, so she’ll be there.”
“Correct,” Harry sighed.
“And you want me to make her jealous,” I added in a half question.
“Not jealous, really,” replied Harry. “More like revenge. To show her I’m better off without her. Like we did to your ex last weekend.”
“I see,” you said again.
You heard Harry sigh again, then groan. “I’m sorry, Y/N. It sounded better in my head.”
“I didn’t say no.”
“Well, no, but you’re probably thinking it. I swear, I don’t want this to seem like I’m using you. I genuinely like you, Y/N. And I’m very much attracted to you.”
You started to giggle, setting your glass back down on the coffee table.
“What’s so funny?” Harry asked solemnly.
“I used you, Harry. Last weekend. In fact, you wanted me to. And now you’re saying you’re not wanting to use me? For the exact same reason?”
“I reckon you’re right.”
“Of course I am. Now. Let’s just call a spade a spade. What time is this event tomorrow?”
“So you’re going?”
“Of course, I am. You did me a solid, and now I can do one back. Besides, it might be a little fun.”
“Alright,” said Harry, a smile in his voice. “It starts at eight. I can pick you up around seven thirty, if that’s okay.”
“That’s perfect. How formal is this, like black tie, or business casual?”
“Somewhere in between. A cocktail dress should be fine.”
“Sounds good. I look forward to it, Harry,” you announced honestly.
“Good. Me too. Thanks for doing this, love.”
After hanging up the phone, you rushed to your closet to pick out something to wear for the event. Even though you hadn’t wanted to let on over the phone, you were beyond excited to see Harry again. This time, you got to be his arm candy and not Luke’s. And unlike with Luke, you had a feeling Harry would only have eyes for you.
As long as his heart didn’t still belong to his ex.
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You’d just dabbed on some lipgloss when you heard the buzzer. Pressing the intercom button, you instructed Harry to come on up to your apartment. But when the knock sounded and you swung the door open, you nearly had to hold on to the knob to keep your balance.
“Shit,” you muttered at the same time Harry exclaimed “God damn!”
With a nervous laugh, you caught the twinkle in Harry’s eyes as he leaned against the door jam, his gaze raking over your body.
He looked delicious. Similar to the previous weekend, he wore a silk shirt, unbuttoned plenty to catch peeks at his tattoos and pecks. Over it was a black suit with the jacket open, the slacks fitting him well in all the right places.
“Fuck me, kitten, you look stunning,” said Harry, expressing your thoughts before your mouth could.
You blushed, your hands self-consciously running down your waist and hips. You must have chosen the right dress for the evening. It was a short, fitted, black lace dress with a high neck and long sleeves. You felt like it was tasteful, yet sexy. Harry seemed to agree as he stepped over the threshold and reached for your waist, pulling you to him.
“Wow,” he breathed in your ear. “How lucky am I?”
“Hmm, I guess we’ll see,” you teased, inhaling his intoxicating cologne.
Harry chuckled low. “Is that how it’s gonna be, then, kitten?” You felt his hands travel down to your butt. And you didn’t stop him when he lowered his mouth to your neck.
“Yes,” you whispered as he sucked on your delicate flesh.
“Maybe we should just ditch this party all together and stay here instead.”
“Now, Harry,” you tsked, pushing his shoulders away. “I thought this was important.”
His laugh vibrated in his chest as he nodded. “Indeed. Thanks so much again for doing this.”
Pursing your lips, you winked at him. Then grabbing your clutch, you followed him out the door and downstairs to his car. When he opened it for you, you immediately got a whiff of the expensive leather, an aroma you’d found pleasant and comforting the last time. It reminded you of the smell of his bedroom, and you quickly clamped your thighs together when you climbed into the front seat, the memory of that night in his bed arousing you.
The drive to the venue was quick, for which you were grateful since you couldn’t manage to keep your eyes off of Harry’s hands on the wheel and gear shift, and the way his thighs looked in those pants. He made some small talk, but your mind was elsewhere, almost wishing you’d taken him up on the offer to stay at your place.
When he parked the car in front of a fancy hotel, you gasped. “It’s in here?”
You recognized the place. Well, obviously anyone would. But you’d been there before. Luke had taken you there once when you-
“Well, it only seemed natural,” replied Harry as he turned off the engine, “seeing as the company owns this property.”
Jerking your head, you stared at Harry with wide eyes, astonished. “Oh my God! I knew you were rich, but…oh my God!”
With a chuckle and a gleam in his eye, Harry opened his car door and rounded to your side where you still sat with your mouth agape. You eventually smiled, taking Harry’s awaiting hand and letting him lead you to the entrance and through the hotel lobby to the elevators. A cluster of people were gathered nearby and Harry slowed and whispered in your ear.
“Some of my colleagues,” he explained. “Shall I introduce you?”
“Of course,” you grinned. “As long as you’re not ashamed to be seen with me.”
“Are you kidding?” he smirked, giving your butt a pat before quickly guiding you toward the men.
“Gentlemen!” he greeted boisterously.
“Harry, my good man, how are you?” one of the men broke from the pack to offer his hand.
“Can’t complain,” Harry replied, shaking hands. “How about yourself?”
“Same here,” the man nodded, though his eyes seemed to wander to you eagerly. “And who is this gorgeous angel you brought with you?”
You felt Harry’s hand glide down your back. “Greg, I’d like you to meet Y/N, Y/N this is Greg Hawthorne, Chairman of the Board.”
“How do you do, sweetheart,” said Greg.
“Lovely to meet you,” you smiled, taking his hand though you had no idea what a Chairman of the Board was.
Just then, you were saved by the ding that the awaiting elevator announced, and you and Harry followed the rest of the group up to another floor. More groups of people were gathered there, and down the hall. Harry stopped a couple more times to introduce you to more colleagues. You knew for certain you would never be able to remember their names, but you figured that wasn’t the reason for the pleasantries.
When you came to a large, open, double doorway, you were greeted by another man and woman who welcomed you both to the event. Stepping inside the massive room, you took in the view of what appeared to be a ballroom, filled with cloth-covered tables with fancy centerpieces. At the far end was a stage, a podium erected in the center and a large screen next to it. The chandeliers were enough to take your breath away, and when Harry guided you toward one of the tables, you noticed the gold-leafed placards.
“This is nicer than most weddings I’ve been to,” you whispered to Harry, lifting the placard in front of you that held his name.
Your date only grinned, but you quickly felt a hand on your knee underneath the table. He gave it a nice squeeze, and you giggled.
“None of that, Mr. Styles,” you warned. “We’re in public.”
“Oh, so I can’t even touch you?”
“I didn’t say that. Just be careful. I’m very ticklish. People may get the wrong idea.”
“I see,” he smirked with sexy eyes. “I’ll try to be discreet, then.”
The room started to fill up, and Harry was greeted so many times that you just remained standing. You had to admit, it felt good to be the companion of someone so popular. Luke’s popularity was nothing compared to this. And everyone seemed to be very fond of Harry.
However, after a quick chat with one of Harry’s friends, you felt his hand twist the back of your dress. Taking a step back to keep your balance, you looked at him and noticed how much the expression on his face had instantly changed.
“What happened?” you inquired. “Is something wrong?”
“She’s here,” he said, his voice low but clear.
“Oh,” you whispered. “Where?”
Harry loosened his jaw, then cleared his throat, looked down and scratched his nose. “Right there. Blue dress.”
Scanning the entrance, you picked out the woman. While she was attractive, she was not what you had pictured. Not that you had any point of reference, but she just didn’t seem like someone you would have thought Harry would have been in a relationship with.
“Oh, I see,” you commented, unsure of what else to say.
A waiter came around with a tray of champagne, blocking your view of Harry’s ex. You graciously accepted a glass, and Harry suggested you both take a seat.
“Hello, Harry,” you heard behind you just as you’d turned.
Harry exhaled through his nose before addressing her. “Good evening, Toni. You’re looking well.”
Toni flipped her hair from her shoulder and grinned triumphantly. Then her eyes fell on you.
“Antoinette Bloom, how do you do?” she said, offering her hand to you.
“Y/N Y/LN, nice to meet you.” You tried your best to give the most nonchalant, yet genuine greeting, hoping Harry was pleased. The corners of your mouth began to curve upwards when you felt his hand on your back once again.
“I hear you closed on the MacHouser deal, Harry,” Toni turned her attention back to her ex. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” he half-bowed, “it was a team effort.”
“Of course.”
Just then, another tall man appeared, his hand on Toni’s shoulder. “Darling, I found our table over there. I think it’s about to get started.”
“Oh, yes,” she grinned. “Good to see you, Harry.” She merely nodded at you, and didn’t even bother introducing the man who was already guiding her to the right side of the ballroom. You felt Harry let out a long breath.
“That wasn’t so bad,” you assured with a smile.
“Wasn’t so great either,” he frowned.
You slid your hand up his arm, squeezing his bicep. “Could have been worse.”
Finally looking at you, Harry’s frown turned into a grin. Your insides flipped when his dimples appeared and he pulled you close to him.
“She’s got nothing on you, you know.”
“Except history,” you remarked.
Harry chuckled. “C’mon, love. Let’s sit and enjoy this evening. Together.”
“Sounds good,” you agreed as Harry helped push in your chair. “By the way, did you know him?”
“The man she was with. She didn’t introduce him.”
“Oh. Yeah. He’s the uh…”
When Harry paused, your eyes widened in astonishment. “Him? She left you for that guy?”
“Well, no, she didn’t leave me, I kicked her out.”
“Because she was cheating on you. With him!”
Harry covered your hand with his. “Let’s not get into it, babe. Not now.”
With a huff, you sat back in your chair, crossing your arms. What an idiot this woman was! Fucking moron!
Harry chuckled low, making you look over at him. “What?”
“You look like a defiant child sat there like that, kitten.”
With a snort, you sat up straight. “Sorry. I just don’t think she knew how good she had it.”
“And how good is that?” Harry leaned closer, his hand sliding up your thigh under the table.
“Harry…” you mouthed, barely able to get out a breath as his fingers played with the hem of your dress.
“Oh, good evening Harry!” a plump man announced, grabbing the chair on the other side of him. “Looks like Marla and I are at your table.”
“Hi, Tom, how are things?” Harry quickly rose from his chair to shake hands with the man, then with the woman he was with.
“Well, as they say…same shit, different day!” Tom cackled.
Harry laughed, “Yes, indeed.” Then he introduced you to Tom and his wife, Marla, who both already seemed like very nice people.
Two more couples arrived shortly after, rounding out your table. Soon enough, the waiters came around with plates of food. You gawked at the presentation of the scrumptious looking chicken dish in front of you.
“I’m sorry,” Harry whispered in your ear. “I forgot to tell you I ordered the food weeks ago. I hope chicken is okay.”
“Of course, no problem,” you replied.
“Obviously I knew I wouldn’t be here with Toni, but I reckoned chicken was a safe bet.”
“It’s perfectly fine,” you insisted.
“So, how did you two meet?” Marla asked after Tom had made a toast.
Harry looked over at you and you felt your face flush.
“Um…the traditional way,” replied Harry. “At a nightclub.”
“Oh!” Marla giggled when Harry winked, putting you at ease.
Once again, you felt Harry’s hand on you underneath the table. Instead of squeezing your knee, he slid his palm up dangerously, allowing his fingers to rest just inside your thigh. You gasped out a breath, swiftly grabbing your champagne, hoping no one noticed.
Chatter and small talk filled the room until the lights dimmed slightly and the man from the elevator stepped up to the podium. He announced himself as Greg Hawthorne and welcomed you all to tonight’s gala. Then the television monitor came to life and displayed a quick introduction to the firm. While most of it was over your head, you were once again impressed by the company and what real estate it owned. After another quick spiel, Greg introduced the CEO who joined him at the podium, gave a short speech and sat back down at his table. Then Greg proceeded with the awards ceremony, starting with one for another man you’d met earlier.
Having finished your delicious chicken, you placed your fork down on your plate, and dabbed your lips with a napkin. When everyone clapped, you joined in.
Harry leaned over and whispered in your ear. “Bored yet?”
“No,” you smiled. “I’m having a lovely time.”
“No, I’m not,” you insisted with a laugh.
You reached for his hand then, pulling it underneath the tablecloth, setting it in your lap. You covered it with your other hand for reassurance. Harry beamed at you, then kissed your temple.
Just then, a name you hadn’t wished to hear was announced. Antoinette Bloom stepped up on stage to receive her award, though you’d missed what she’d earned it for. You felt Harry’s body go still next to you.
“You okay?” you whispered.
“Um, yeah. Yeah,” he sighed. “I’m fine.”
“It’s still hard to see her, isn’t it?”
“No, no…it’s…it’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Harry, it’s okay,” you said, squeezing his hand. “I get it. Remember?”
His green eyes stared at you and you thought you saw them water, but he blinked quickly. Then he pulled his hand from your grasp and reached for his champagne, gulping it down. You looked around your table and saw more sets of eyes, either on Harry or trying to divert their gaze. They all knew. They had probably known them when they were a couple. Suddenly, you felt like a duck out of water, and just as Toni was finishing her speech, you excused yourself to the ladies’ room.
When you made it to the stall, and took several deep breaths, you started talking to yourself. Reminding yourself that you were doing Harry a favor. You were his plus one because he wanted some sort of revenge, or proof for his ex to see he didn’t need her anymore - just as Harry had done for you the weekend before with Luke.
This isn’t about you, you stupid bitch. After tonight you’ll probably never see him again.
After washing up and touching up your lip gloss, you opened the door to see Harry standing in the hallway.
“Hey. What are you doing out here?” you asked.
“Checking on you. You rushed out so quickly.”
“Sorry. Must have been the champagne.”
Harry took two steps closer, enough to reach out and finger a curl on your shoulder. “Liar,” he muttered.
With a sigh, you shook your head. “Harry…”
“Y/N. I’m the one who should apologize. I made a fool of myself, trying to act like I didn’t care she was here. You were right.”
“I was?” you gulped.
“It’s still hard,” he nodded. “I mean…it’s not like I want her back. I don’t really want anything to do with her. Just…seeing her reminds me, you know?”
“I’m sorry, darling. I really am.” Harry shoved his hands in his pockets, and you took that as your cue.
“It’s okay. Shall I get an Uber, or…”
“What?” Harry’s eyes widened. “You’re not leaving, are you?”
“Well…um…,” you stumbled. “Don’t you want me to?”
“Oh, God, honey, no! No! I didn’t mean to imply that at all!”
You fiddled with the clutch in your hands as you stared at him incredulously. “I’m confused.”
Reaching for your waist, Harry pulled you even closer. “Baby, I want you to stay. Please. I enjoy your company. And even though this is probably boring you to tears, you look so fucking sexy, I want...”
“What?” you asked when his words trailed off.
“I…” Harry searched down either end of the hallway, making sure no one was within earshot. Then he guided you backwards against the wall. “I wanna eat you up,” he growled.
“Oh!” you squeaked just before his mouth collided with yours.
His kisses were rough and urgent. His stubble scratched against your delicate skin. And you loved it. Gasping for a breath, you grabbed hold of his jacket lapels.
“I want you so bad, kitten,” he whined. God, that sounded hot. “Been thinking about you all fucking week. Took everything I had in me not to call sooner.”
Just then, two other women started down the hall toward you. Harry straightened up and you pretended to be looking for something in your bag. When they passed and entered the restroom, you raised your head. Harry was staring at you like a tiger about to pounce its prey. When he blinked slowly, you could hear him swallow hard.
“I got a room,” he finally said.
Your jaw dropped. “A roo-, here?”
“Yeah. I know it’s presumptuous of me. But I was hoping…you might…wanna stay with me tonight.”
As he said those words, he moved closer to you, slowly like a dream. Chills erupted down your body, and you found yourself eagerly allowing him into your embrace. His lips met yours again, this time sweet and wet.
“I-I thought…” you breathed between kisses, “when you froze next to me…when she got her award…that you…”
“Shh,” Harry sounded, silencing you with more kisses. “Baby girl…let me make it clear. I don’t want her. I want you.”
You thought you saw the shadows of the women returning from the bathroom, but neither you nor Harry moved an inch. His gaze pierced through you, you melted, and you may have even let out a moan.
“I want you, too. So bad.”
“Good,” he growled, sliding his hand around your neck. Then kissing you one more time, he stood up straight and said, “Let’s get out of here.”
Taking your hand, you were halfway down the hall when Tom emerged from the ballroom.
“Harry!,” he said. “They need you in here!”
“What for?”
“Your award!”
Harry cursed under his breath, and you chuckled as he tugged on your hand and led you back into the ballroom.
“There he is!” shouted Greg from the podium. “C’mon Harry, everyone who’s awarded has to get up here.”
Harry snorted, then gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before heading up to the stage. With a cheesy grin on your face, you made it back to your table and joined everyone in clapping as Harry accepted his award. You hadn’t even heard what it was for, but it didn’t matter. You were proud of him regardless, and you planned on showing him just how proud you were later in the room he’d said he’d gotten.
You watched your handsome date as he gave his acceptance speech, the glow on his face. When he was finished, he gave a quick nod and thank you, then began to make his way between the tables. You noticed Toni staring at him, but your grin spread when Harry paid her no mind, and instead beamed at you with his dimpled smile.
“Congrats, Harry!” exclaimed Tom when Harry reached your table. “I was worried you’d either gone or didn’t care about receiving an award. But I see I was wrong on both accounts. Well-deserved, my friend.”
“Thanks, Tom.”
Although Harry’s words were addressed to the man on his left, his eyes hadn’t left yours.
“Ready to go?” he asked.
“Now?” you half-chuckled, half-gasped.
“Yes,” he replied, his voice suddenly an octave lower.
“Oh, don’t leave yet, you two!” Marla whisper-shouted. “You’ll miss the best part!”
“Best part?” you inquired, eyeing both Marla and Harry.
Harry smirked. “There’s usually some sort of dessert, and they serve more cocktails.”
“Oh. I think I can pass.”
Not missing the tone in your confession, Harry rose from his chair and held his hand out for you. You eagerly took it, giving hasty goodbyes to your table mates, then you followed him back into the hallway just as Greg was giving his final speech, announcing the imminent dessert.
“I have my own sweet, tasty treat,” remarked Harry, patting your ass.
You were mid-giggle, starting to get handsy yourself when you heard a female voice behind you.
“Congratulations, Harry.”
Oh, goddammit, what did she want?
“Thank you,” Harry turned and nodded sharply.
“I always knew you’d make top broker,” Toni continued. “I know I voiced it many times.”
Her tone was sultry as she stepped closer to Harry. Then she placed her hand on his bicep and gave an adoring smile. Your stomach turned and your mouth felt sour as you watched her try to seduce her ex right in front of you.
“Um, no, actually you didn’t,” said Harry.
“Pardon me?”
“You never said that to me, Antoinette. Not once. In fact, if I remember correctly, you used to provoke and torment me by claiming you’d beat me.”
“Oh, that,” Toni dismissed Harry’s accusation with a wave of her hand. “That was just a little game. You enjoyed it, didn’t you baby? You liked trying to rival me. It only made you better.”
Your eyes wide, you nearly smacked her, but you held back your hands and your tongue.
“No, I didn’t enjoy it. And it didn’t make me better. I’m better now because you’re out of my life, Toni.”
Turning away from her, Harry grabbed your hand again and began walking faster. You tried your best to keep up as he led you to the elevators.
“Aw, little Harry is heartbroken so he needed to find a little trollop to mend his ego,” Toni mocked with a sneer.
At that you turned around swiftly. “You’re a horrible person! No wonder he kicked you out!”
“Y/N, please baby-”
“What the hell do you know?” Toni rolled her eyes.
“I know that this man is amazing and sweet and sexy as hell, and you lost out.”
Toni’s jaw dropped open as Harry pulled you toward the open elevator doors.
“I also know that nobody has used the word trollop since the sixties,” you called out just before the doors closed. “The term is slut now, honey.”
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When the elevator stopped, and the doors opened, you followed Harry down the hall, your hand still in his until he stopped at the end of the hallway. Then he pulled a key card out of his jacket pocket and slipped it into the lock.
He had been quiet on the lift, his jaw set. You knew he was angry, and maybe even a little embarrassed. You felt for him, seeing just how vile his ex was. You wanted to make him feel better, but only if he wanted the same.
Stepping into the room, however, you nearly forgot what had just happened when you saw the exquisite view.
“Wow…” you breathed as Harry headed for the bar.
“Nice, yeah?” he wiggled his brows. When he poured two glasses of brandy, however, his expression returned solemn.
“Harry…” you began, walking toward him. “We don’t have to do this.”
“If you’re not feeling up to it.”
“Who says I’m not?” he asked, handing you a glass.
“Well, I can tell you’re upset.”
“I’m not. I mean…yeah, she’s…a piece of work,” Harry half-chuckled, shaking his head. Then he looked at you. “But she has nothing to do with us.”
“Mm-mm,” he sounded, reaching for your waist with his other hand. “I’m just sorry you had to see that. Cheers?”
You clinked your glass against Harry’s and took a sip, setting your clutch on the bar. He looked over his glass at you and winked. Slowly lowering yours, you grinned.
“So your award was for top broker? What does that mean, you sold the most houses?”
Harry chuckled low. “Houses, hotels, commercial properties...”
“Wow,” you said. “I’m proud of you, Harry.”
“Are you?” he smiled wider.
“Of course, I am. And I wanna show you.”
“Oh. You do.” Taking your glass, Harry set it on the bar next to his. “And how do you wanna do that?”
“Like this…” you said, reaching for his jacket and tugging it off his shoulders.
With a smirk, he shook his arms out of it and tossed it on a nearby chair. Then his eyes sparkled as you ran your hands down his chest and began to unfasten the remaining buttons of his shirt.
Slipping his fingers underneath your jaw, he pulled you into a deep kiss. You moaned against him, letting him know just how badly you wanted to please him. When your own fingers met his waistband, you felt him shudder, a sexy tremble of anticipation as he threw off his shirt. You played with him a bit, letting your fingertips linger along his tattoos after you’d unbuttoned his trousers. Then with a loud sounding of the zipper, you dropped to your knees along with his pants. You heard him gasp out a breath, a tiny one, but audible nonetheless.
You kissed his inner thighs, sweet, tender kisses. Moving up slowly, you reached for his underwear. A low, sexy exhale escaped his throat then, followed by a chuckle.
“Oh, kitten.”
“Is this what you want?”
You nodded and licked your lips as his erection sprung from his briefs, meeting you in the face. Harry’s breath hitched in his throat when you took hold of it and wet the tip with your tongue. You looked up at him long enough to see his jaw drop as you enveloped your lips around his hard cock. Then he quickly shut his eyes and inhaled through his nose.
He was big. You knew this already, of course, but having him in your mouth for the first time took a little extra work and finesse. You didn’t think you’d be able to deep throat him, so you did your best with what you had to work with. Lubricating him up with your own saliva, you moaned against his cock while your hand met your lips halfway. Harry’s fingers raked through your hair until they had a good grip. His breaths quickened as he bucked his hips against you, urging you to suck him deeper and harder, your hand to move faster. You obliged to his physical requests until you felt him quiver, then tug harder on your hair.
“Easy, kitten,” he gasped. “Fuck, you’re so good, but I don’t wanna come so fast.”
Clipping your chin with his finger, he gazed down at you.
“Jesus, baby, look at you. So eager and willing to please.”
You nodded, running your hands up his thighs. “Yes, Harry. I wanna please you so bad. Wanna make you feel good.”
Stepping out of his shoes and pants, Harry lifted you from the floor. With his hands cradling your face he pulled you into a deep, wet kiss that nearly sent you back into a pool at his feet. Then slipping his fingers behind your neck, he found the zipper of your dress and tugged it open. Stepping out of it, you let him lead you to the bed, his eyes never leaving yours.
“I wanna make you feel good too, kitten,” Harry promised as he removed your black lacy bra.
“But it’s my turn, Harry,” you argued, climbing onto the bed and sitting on your knees. “You made me feel better last time.”
“Did I? Is that why you left in such a hurry?”
“I told you why I left,” you frowned.
“I know. I’m sorry.” His hands cupped your breasts as he snuck a kiss onto your collarbone.
“Anyway, tonight is about you,” you continued. “And I wanna show you how proud I am of you. How worthy you are.”
“Yeah?” he smirked, sliding his hand down the front of your panties. “Am I worthy of this sweet pussy?”
“Fuck yes,” you hissed.
Harry laughed, “God, you’re so wet already, kitten. I haven’t hardly touched you.”
“That’s the effect you have on me.”
“Good to know. I am lucky.”
He continued to stroke you, his fingertip pressing gently on your already throbbing clit. Still on your knees, they began to give out just from his touch. You grabbed hold of his arms to keep your balance, a tiny cry escaping your lips.
“Oh, sweetheart, you sure this is about me?” Harry raised a brow, teasing you.
“Yes, Harry. I promise. You just…get me worked up.”
“What do you think you do to me, hmm? Sat there next to me in that tiny little dress, your thighs begging to be stroked underneath the table. Your fuckable ass just waiting to be grabbed by my hands. Your fuck-me eyes batting their lashes at me as if I don’t know what that means.”
“I didn’t know they do that,” you mewled as you continued to ride his fingers.
“Oh, yes you do. And you love it. Just like you love how you’re dripping on me right now.”
“But you love it, too,” you said, trying to turn the tables. “You love how hot and wet I am for you.”
“Goddammit, yes I do. C’mere, kitten.”
The air suddenly felt cooler when he removed his hand from your panties. But the warmth was returned quickly as you watched him lay down on the bed and stroke himself.
“Harry,” you pouted. “I’m supposed to do that.”
“Well then hurry up, baby. We may have all night, but I get impatient too.”
You gave him a smirk, knowing he was mocking your impatience from last weekend.
“Just for that, I may just take my time,” you teased, slowly sliding your panties down your hips.
“Please don’t.”
“What would you do if I did?”
“Make myself come,” he replied cheekily, his hand still on his cock.
“Aw, c’mon Harry, play nice.”
He chuckled low, sending another thrill down your spine. Kicking your panties off of your ankle, you let them hit the floor as you crawled cat-like over his naked body.
“Kitten, you are,” he grinned, reaching for your hips. “Looks like I picked the right pet name.”
“Yes,” you agreed. “And now kitty wants a ride.”
Harry growled as you nibbled on his neck. “Condom’s in my jacket, babe,” he whispered. “Forgot to grab it.”
With a tiny pout, you slid off the bed and retrieved his jacket from the chair, and found the condom in the inside picket. Opening it swiftly, you returned to the bed where you eagerly slipped it on his awaiting cock. Lifting your hips, you eased yourself down slowly with a high-pitched groan.
“Gently, kitten,” instructed Harry. “You sure you’re wet enough?”
“Yes,” you sighed. “You just fill me so well.”
“Yeah,” he grinned. “Go slowly though, alright. Don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I can handle it, baby. Question is, can you handle me?”
Harry’s chest shook as he laughed, and you slowly began to ride him. When you began to pick up a little speed, however, Harry started to blink, his head tilting back into the pillow.
“Fuck, kitten, you feel so good.”
“I do? You like how my cunt feels dripping on you?”
“Mmm yeah. So fucking warm and wet.”
“You deserve to feel this good, baby. Every night,” you moaned.
“Yeah? You would fuck me like this every night?” he asked, his hips bucking up against you.
“Mmhmm. Anything you want. You’re such a fucking hot and sexy man. You deserve to be fucked any way you want.”
“Ah yes, fuck me, kitten.”
“She didn’t fuck you like this, did she?” you purred as you rode him faster.
Harry shook his head and gulped. “No.”
“You deserve so much better, baby. You deserve a woman who knows your needs. Who worships your cock.”
Though Harry moaned and let out an expletive, he grabbed your waist and tried to hold you still. “Wait…baby…wait, stop,” he gasped.
“What’s wrong?” you blinked.
“I don’t wanna fuck like this.”
“Like what?”
“Revenge sex, angry sex, whatever this is. I’m done with that, aren’t you?”
You stared at him, confused. “But, I thought-”
“I know, babe,” he interrupted with a nod. “But I don’t want this to be about her. Or him. Just us.”
“Don’t you?”
“I…yeah, I guess so.”
Harry’s green eyes stared at you, and though they were still filled with lust, a softer look in them also appeared that you hadn’t seen before. “Just you and me, yeah? I think it could be great.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“Good girl,” he grinned. “Now fuck me.”
You slowly resumed your thrusts, your eyes still locked with his. While you tried to continue the little game you’d been playing, the point seemed moot. Something came over you that you couldn’t describe, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say you were feeling emotional, overwhelmed. But you couldn’t, could you? This was just a hookup, a mutual agreement. There were no feelings involved. Finally, you stopped all movement.
“What’s wrong, babe?” asked Harry, a bewildered look on his face. “You tired?”
“No. It just…it feels different now.”
You shook your head, unable to find the words. “I don’t know. I just…I feel vulnerable.”
Harry’s face softened as he sat up and ran his hands up your back. “I know, baby. But it’s okay. I’m here, yeah? I’ll make you feel good.”
“But I wanted to make you feel good,” you said.
“Then we’ll make each other feel good,” Harry smirked. “C’mon love, it’s alright. We don’t need revenge sex. Those two other people…they mean nothing. We don’t have to use each other anymore. Let’s just…live in the moment.”
Taking in a deep breath, you let it out slowly. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? His arms around you, Harry kissed your lips softly. Then he continued down your jaw and to your neck. Inch by inch, you let the tension fall until his soft, pillowy lips lightly touched your shoulder.
“Mmm, that feels nice,” you breathed before you realized it.
“Doesn’t it?” Harry murmured before looking into your eyes. “I want you, Y/N. I wouldn’t have invited you here if I didn’t. I wouldn’t have gotten this room. For us. You and me, honey. You’re the one I wanna be with.”
Though he didn’t finish the sentence with tonight, you took it as implied.
“Let’s make each other feel good, yeah?” he continued, pecking your mouth again. “I wanna make you come so hard.”
A low moan sounded from deep within your throat before you started to giggle.
“Does that sound good?” Harry wiggled his brows.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “Sounds amazing.”
“Then get that ass up, baby, and turn around for me,” he demanded, patting your behind.
Once on your knees facing away from him, you braced yourself for a quick thrust. But Harry seemed to have other ideas. Instead, he grabbed your hips and pulled you back so that you sat on his lap. Pushing your hair off your shoulder, he kissed your neck just underneath your ear. Then his other hand found your right breast, cupping it and pinching the nipple between his fingertips.
“That feel good, kitten?” he whispered, his breath tickling your flesh.
“Mmm, yes.”
“Good. Now lift up just a bit and bounce on me.”
Doing as you were told had Harry slipping inside you easily just before you bounced back onto his lap, his cock filling you completely.
“Ohhhh,” you gasped. “Fuck.”
“Mmm yeah, babe, do that again.”
With a deep breath, you exhaled as you lifted up to your knees again. This time, however, Harry met you halfway, thrusting up against you as you came down. When you let out another gasp, Harry groaned in your ear.
“Fuck, princess, just like that. Keep going.”
Though your knees were already starting to shake, it was nothing like the nearly exploding feeling in your core. You could feel him fully, all of him in your pussy. And you couldn’t get enough.
You repeated the movements over and over, each time making your toes curl more and more. Finally, you noticed the thrusts weren’t quite as long, as Harry was practically holding you against him, his arm around your waist as he panted in your ear, giving you continuous words of encouragement.
“Oh, kitten you feel so good,” he whined, sliding his free hand down your belly. “I’m so close already. But I want you to come first, alright?”
“Are you close, too?”
His fingertips slipped through your folds and pinched your clit. Your knees buckled and you almost fell forward until Harry pulled you up. You could feel his wet, sticky chest against your back as he guided you to your climax.
“Easy, kitten,” he cooed. “I got you. Come for me, sweetheart. I wanna feel that sweet little cunt dripping all over me.”
“Aaaaaa…” you exclaimed, though it was far from an actual word. “Oh, God! Ohhh Haaarrryy….baaaabyyyyy!!!!”
“That’s it, kitten,” he urged, his finger still circling your swollen nub as he continued his thrusts. “Such a good girl. I love making you feel good, baby.”
With a few more whines and pants, you came down from your high, taking deep breaths and hard swallows.
“Mmm,” Harry growled, then kissed your neck. “It’s not over yet, love.”
You chuckled, placing your hand on his thigh. “I know. Shall I stay here, or you want me somewhere else?”
“I’ll let you pick,” he replied.
“Really?” Lifting yourself up, you turned around to face him. “Cause I’d really like to watch you when you come.”
“You got it, babe,” he grinned. Taking your face in his hands, he kissed you with fervor. Then he rolled you onto your back.
“Are you sore, love?” he asked as he resumed his thrusts.
“Not really,” you gulped. “Only in a good way.”
Harry chuckled, “Alright, good. Cause I want you legs up here.” Grabbing hold of your thighs, he lifted them over his shoulders. “That’s it, kitten. Now, keep your pretty eyes on me.”
You had no problem with that request. His arms around you with your knees next to your ears, you couldn’t do much more than stare at him. And he was a sight to behold. A curl had fallen from his forehead, and he already looked fucked out of his mind. Your entire body was on fire, inside and out. You couldn’t look away if you tried.
Because of his close proximity, his thrusts were short and quick, his cock hitting you in just the right spot every time. You tried your best to keep breathing, though you could already feel yourself teetering close to the edge. And Harry’s grunts didn’t help. He was so sexy, and it turned you on knowing you felt good around him.
“So fucking wet baby, god damn,” he panted. “Can I fuck you like this every night?”
You blinked in surprise until you remembered your words from earlier. With a gentle smile, you nodded. “Yes.”
“Promise? Cause I don’t think I can go another week, sweetheart.”
“Yes,” you swore to him, and as you wrapped your arms around his neck, you knew that it wasn’t a lie.
Harry’s breaths quickened, and with a deep groan, he shut his eyes tight. Then with two more thrusts, his body trembled and he gasped in your ear.
“Fuck. Oh, kitten, you’re amazing.”
Your fingers played in his hair as he laid on your chest. You listened to his breaths for a moment until he looked up at you.
“Please don’t leave,” he said.
“Tonight. Don’t leave like last time, please. Stay with me.”
After a pause, you allowed your fingertips to draw shapes across his back. Then with a sigh you said his name.
“Hmm?” he sounded, rolling onto his side next to you.
You turned and looked at him, giving him a smile. “I have no intention of leaving.”
With a grin of his own, Harry pulled you close and kissed you, no other words needed.
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Hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog and comment (or even better send me a message) if you did.
tagging: @kathb59, @kahluamystery97, @triski73, @lovebittenbyevans, @chibijusstuff, @angywritesstuff, @indierockgirrl, @i-dont-want-your-sympathy (you are all ones who commented on part 1 so I hope that's okay.)
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lemoncrushh · 3 days
Alright, reblog with your top 3 tracks from TTPD as of rn
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lemoncrushh · 3 days
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would put post 2020 fans in an early grave
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lemoncrushh · 3 days
Dressing For Revenge
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Summary: Still heartbroken from finding your ex cheating on you, you go to a nightclub with your friend Kelsie, where not only do you run into your ex, but also a handsome gentleman who's willing to help you get over him.
Warnings: dirty talk, oral sex (female receiving), angry sex (consensual), MUST BE 18+ TO READ
Word Count: 8.6k
Based on this request.
A/N: This is my first new fic of my rebrand. I hope you enjoy! Please be kind. FEEDBACK IS LOVE.
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“God, you look hot, Y/N.”
You smirked at your reflection in the mirror and at your friend Kelsie who sat on your bed behind you.
“Not bad, huh?” you wiggled your brows as your hands swept down your hips, accentuating the slim shape of the dress and your hourglass silhouette.
“I mean, I’d fuck you.”
You chuckled. “Thanks, Kelse.”
“That is the look you’re going for, right?” your friend asked. “The get me drunk and fuck me senseless look? Or is it the look but you can’t touch idea?”
“Hmm, I guess we’ll see,” you smirked.
“Huh?” Kelsie rose from the bed as you grabbed your handbag and strutted towards the front door. “What does that mean?”
“It means…it depends on who I run into.”
“Not Luke.”
You grimaced at the mention of his name. “Fuck no!” you yelled before quickly masking your disdain for your ex with a sweet smile. “But who knows who else will be there tonight.”
“There’s the Y/N I know,” Kelsie beamed, following you out to the awaiting Uber.
Nightclubs weren't really your scene. At least they hadn't been until you'd met Luke. He was rich and liked to flaunt it. His mission was always to see and be seen. So whether it was a Hollywood party or the loudest disco, he knew where the action was and always made an appearance. When he started taking you to clubs and parties, you weren't sure it was your thing. While you liked the personal attention he gave you and the money he spent on you, you didn't much enjoy watching other girls falling all over him. Especially drunk girls.
But you had to admit, even now, you had gotten used to jetset the lifestyle a bit. You'd come to know some great people, Kelsie included, because of the nightlife you'd shared with your ex.
Which unfortunately was the exact reason he was now your ex. Because of his lifestyle.
You could still smell the weed and whiskey that hung in the air that night you'd found him in the guest room at that party in Malibu with that little tramp. She'd barely been legal, for fuck sake, but that was beside the point. Up until then, you’d had your suspicions that Luke was cheating on you. Hell, he’d flirt with girls right in front of you. But every night he’d take you home and make you feel like the Queen of the World, and all your doubts managed to fizzle away like the bubbles in the champagne he’d paid for earlier.
That dreadful night, however, your suspicions had been confirmed in plain sight, the harsh reality stinging your eyes with the tears that it brought. Luke had begged for forgiveness later, swearing on his grandmother’s grave (who was still alive, by the way) that he would never do it again and that he loved only you. You’d told him you needed time to think about it, but it only took two days to find out from a mutual friend that he’d been out with another woman at yet another nightclub.
So stepping past security into this club was already starting to make you have second thoughts and leave a bitter taste in your mouth. But when Kelsie grabbed your arm and pulled you to the bar, you remembered the reason why you came.
Confiding in Kelsie, you promised you were ready to move on and have a nice girls’ night out. You let her believe it was her idea to get as dolled up as you had. And you did appreciate the little persuasion she’d provided. But truth be told, you would have gone out tonight with or without her. Perhaps moving on wasn’t the correct term for it, but one thing was for certain. You needed to get laid…badly.
Kelsie ordered you both cocktails from the bar while you kept your eyes peeled for contenders. You locked eyes with a handsome Latino who gave you a smile. You smiled back.
Possibly… you thought to yourself.
“Here you go, Y/N,” you heard Kelsie say as she handed you a glass.
“Thanks,” you muttered, quickly taking a long sip through the little straw.
“So how’s the turn out?” she grinned, turning to face the rest of the club alongside you.
“Not bad,” you chuckled. “Not great either. But the night is still young.”
“Hmm, someone’s eyeing you at two o’clock.”
Gazing over the crowd, you caught sight of the guy Kelsie was referring to. Eh. He was okay, but nothing to flip over. He definitely fell into the look but you can’t touch category. If he came by the bar, you’d let him buy you a drink, but that was it.
“Good evening ladies,” you heard a voice say from the other side of Kelsie. It was the Latin Lover. “What are we drinking tonight?”
“Nothing fancy,” Kelsie grinned, crossing one leg over the other as she batted her lashes. “Just rum and Coke.”
“Ah, a Cuba Libra!” the handsome man beamed, placing his hand on his chest. “You know, that’s where I’m from.”
“Cuba? No way!”
“Okay…it’s where my father’s from,” he held up his free hand and nodded sheepishly. “But I am still proud of my heritage.”
Kelsie giggled as the man leaned against the bar and introduced himself to her. You took this as your cue. The unspoken word to back off and let your friend take the lead. No harm done. You hadn’t begun to make the rounds yet.
“Going to the ladies’,” you leaned over and whispered to Kelsie. She gave a nod of acknowledgement as you slid off your stool.
As you made your way toward the back of the club, a handful of men caught your eye. You held your head high and winked when needed, flipping your hair off your bare shoulder.
And that’s when you saw him. He wore the jacket you’d bought him for Christmas, his ever present whiskey glass in his hand, a long legged twig of a girl attached to his hip as he chatted with a group of people.
Stopping in your tracks, you felt your hands form fists at your sides, the bile rising in your throat. Then taking a deep breath, you tried to think of the best way to get around Luke and his group in order to get to the bathroom without him seeing you.
Zig-zagging through the crowd, you just about made it to the other side of Luke’s clique when you heard your name and felt a hand around your wrist. Your automatic reaction was to turn toward him, your brain instantly cursing you for it. With your lips pursed, you scowled at him.
“You look amazing,” he said. As if you didn’t know.
“Hmph,” you grunted.
“How are you?” he asked as he stepped closer, his other hand grazing your hip. But you quickly stepped back, realizing he was trying to pull you in. Releasing your arm from his hold, you rolled your eyes. The nerve of this guy!
“As if you care.”
“What do you mean, Y/N?” he pleaded, his blue eyes giving you the look that used to make you melt. But you knew all his tricks now. “Of course I care. I’ve always cared about you.”
You were ready to slap him when the woman next to him turned around, sliding her bony hand up his arm.
“Baby, who is this?” she cooed.
“Oh, this is-”
“Nobody,” you interrupted, standing up straight. Then you turned swiftly, heading for the restrooms with determination.
Tears threatened to fall from your eyes, blurring your vision as you scrambled to get to your destination, ready to hide in a stall until your composure was contained. Suddenly, you felt a body slam into your chest, nearly knocking the air out of your lungs.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” you heard a voice declare as two hands grabbed hold of your upper arms to steady you. “Are you okay?”
“Huh? Fuck,” you stumbled, shaking your head. Getting a clearer image of the man who ran into you, you didn’t bother to exchange niceties. “Yeah. Watch where the fuck you’re going, asshole!”
You only stayed long enough to see the shocked look on his face before running toward the ladies’ room. Slamming into the door with your palms, you found an empty stall and locked yourself inside. Taking deep breaths, you counted to ten like your therapist had taught you to do.
Motherfucking Luke! Why did he have to be here? Of all the clubs in L.A. You’d known there had been a slight chance he would be at this club. You had gone to it a couple times with him before. But he also frequented others. Why this club? Why tonight?
Inhaling a jagged breath, you shook your head. No! You were not going to let one stupid prick ruin your night just because you happened to run into him. No matter how rich or good looking he was. No matter how good in bed he was.
Ugh…you sighed as you slid down the wall. You missed it. The sex. It had been amazing, delicious. Luke could make you come like…
Shut up, Y/N!
There’s other men who could make you feel just as good, if not better. And you had already taken a gander at some prospects tonight.
Washing your hands at the sink and doing your best to touch up your face, you took another deep breath and made your way back to the club. The loud music hit you in the face as your heels clicked along the floor, setting the tone for the rest of the evening. You spotted Kelsie on the dance floor with Mr. Cuba Libra and decided it was time to find yourself someone to dance with, or at least buy you a drink. You didn’t even bother to look in Luke’s direction, and instead decided to head back to the bar.
You saw his back first, a dark maroon jacket covering his broad shoulders. But it was the curls on the nape of his neck that caught your attention, the way they whispered against his collar so delicately. And when he turned his head slightly to talk to the person next to him, you knew for certain it was the man you’d bumped into earlier.
You watched him lift a highball glass to his lips, taking a swig. The rings on his fingers made you swoon inwardly, a secret turn-on of yours. When he turned away again, you decided it was time to bite the bullet. With your tail between your legs, you sauntered up to the stranger and poked him in the back. He turned inquisitively, immediately raising his eyebrows when he noticed it was you.
“I believe…” you paused to clear your throat. “I owe you an apology.”
You watched the man’s face soften, his full lips making a perfect circle before he said, “Oh.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you and called you an asshole.”
Giving a shrug, he slid off his stool and stood to face you.
“It’s alright. Sometimes I am one.”
You caught the corner of his mouth twitching before it grew into a smirk, pushing his cheek until a deep dimple appeared. Automatically, you smiled, feeling a weakness in your knees. Holy shit.
Getting your bearings, you blinked. “Anyway, just wanted to say I’m sorry. I wasn’t…feeling well.”
“I reckoned it was something like that. I saw you run for the toilets.”
Sheepishly looking down at your hands, you nodded. “Yeah. I was…in a hurry, and you ran into me. But I shouldn’t have been so rude.”
“Apology accepted,” he grinned wider, holding out his hand. “I’m Harry.”
“Y/N,” you replied, shaking his warm, ringed hand.
Then the jerk had the nerve to cover your hand with his other one as he leaned forward and looked you in the eyes. “Are you feeling better now, Y/N?”
You immediately felt like syrup was oozing down your body at the way he said your name.
“Kinda,” you teased. “But I’d feel much better with a drink.”
If you hadn’t already, the moment Harry smiled the biggest smile yet, his eyes twinkling as he guided you back to the bar, you decided you’d let him do more than buy you a drink. You’d let him try to make you come tonight.
The music was loud enough to send each pulse and vibration running through your veins. And the liquor Harry had offered you added to the sensation, making you feel weightless and on top of the world. But most of all, the feeling of his body against your back as you both swayed and grinded sent you to a hypnotic state of bliss.
“Who’s that?” you suddenly heard Harry whisper in your ear.
“Huh? Who?”
“That bloke you’ve had your eye on since we stepped onto the dance floor.”
“I don’t-” you choked, “know what you’re talking about.”
“Y/N,” Harry said, turning you around to face him. Clipping your chin with his finger, he forced you to look at him. “I’m pretty observant. You may be dancing with me but your gaze is glued to that man in the grey jacket over there. Now, either you really fancy him, or it’s someone you know.”
“I’m sorry,” you lowered your eyes, embarrassed and a little ashamed that he noticed. “It’s my ex.”
“I’m not…I mean…I don’t want him back or anything. If that’s what you’re thinking. I didn’t know he was going to be here,” you confessed.
“That wasn’t what I was thinking,” said Harry. “But thanks for telling me.”
“I’m sorry I was looking over at him,” you continued, pressing your hands against his chest. You felt relief when he didn’t object. “It’s over between us…it’s just…”
“Still a little raw?” Harry finished.
“I get it. I just got over a breakup, too.”
“Well, it’s been a couple months, but yeah.”
“I’m sorry,” you frowned.
Harry’s mouth curved into a smile. “Stop saying that. You didn’t do anything. I was just curious.”
“Still…it was rude of me,” you returned the smile. “Here I am dancing with this incredibly attractive guy…”
“Who?” Harry playfully feigned stupidity, looking around him. When you giggled, he grinned wider, his dimples dipping in his cheeks. You blushed. “Oh, you mean me?”
“Who’s also a charmer,” you added.
“C’mere,” he instructed, pulling you against his body again, his hands sliding down your hips. “I know you don’t know me, Y/N. But I can show you a good time and make you forget about whatshisname. Even if just for one night.”
Your eyes twinkled with lust as you gazed into his green ones. You imagined kissing his full lips, his mustache tickling you, his stubble scratching deliciously against your skin. In a moment of excitement, you lifted your hand to touch it, your fingers grazing across his jaw.
“I’d like that. Very much,” you purred.
Slowly, Harry leaned down, and with his fingertips digging deeper into your hips, he covered your mouth with his. He tasted of whiskey, but not like Luke used to. This was sweeter, with a hint of cherries. Wanting to explore his mouth further, you slid your hands up his shoulders and fingered the wisps of hair on his neck as he allowed you access to his tongue. You swore you felt him groan as he pulled you even closer. 
While the beat still pulsed around you, you found a particular pulse of your own, racing through your veins like a newly lit fire that you’d thought had long died out. As Harry continued to seduce your mouth with his tongue, your fingertips found his chest once again where you slid your palm inside his shirt and ran it across his bare chest. The touch seemed to ignite something in Harry too, and you felt him chuckle against your lips before he pulled away, grabbing your wrists.
“You’re gonna make me strip you right here and have my way with you, baby,” he growled.
His hungry eyes told you he could very well do just that. Lifting his gaze, however, his smirk fell as he looked past you.
“Hmm, looks like the tables have turned.”
“What?” you asked.
Cocking his head, he gestured behind you. Turning slightly, you caught Luke glaring at you. His jaw was set, his eyes narrowed. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he didn’t approve of your sexy little display with Harry, or might even feel a tinge of jealousy.
Hmmph, you shrugged off the notion. Luke had never shown any sign of jealousy as long as you’d known him. Still, it made you a little excited to know he was keeping tabs on you.
“I’ll be damned,” you heard Harry chuckle. “I’d say he’s a wee bit unhappy, Y/N.”
“Serves him right,” you let the words slip.
“I’m gonna guess he was the possessive type.”
“Actually, no,” you replied. “In public he barely acted like he knew me. I’d find him flirting with every other woman in the room.”
“But he still expected you to be with him, right?” Harry asked.
“While he could do whatever he wanted.”
You furrowed your brows, finally understanding Harry’s point. “Yeah!”
“He didn’t deserve you,” Harry said, his voice low but loud enough for you to hear. “Didn’t appreciate you.”
“Probably not,” you sighed, your hips still swaying as Harry held you close.
“Definitely not,” he retorted, lifting his right hand to slide it under your ear. "Come home with me, Y/N. Make him really jealous. Make him realize what he's missing."
You snorted in disbelief as your fingertips tickled the back of his hand. “I doubt he’d even notice if I left with you.”
“I beg to differ,” said Harry. “The way his eyes are shooting daggers at me right now says otherwise.”
“I don’t like to use people, Harry,” you claimed.
He threw his head back laughing, and you could feel the vibration in his chest against your own.
“Seriously, Y/N? Isn’t that why you’re here? Why we’re all here? Regardless of whether or not your ex had shown up at this club tonight, wasn’t your intention to get back at him? To find someone to help you forget?”
“Well…yeah…kinda,” you stammered.
“And wouldn’t I just be perfect to help in that regard?”
You felt your face flush as you looked into his eyes. He was absolutely right. Your goal had been to get back at Luke tonight, if only to prove to yourself that you didn’t need him. And Harry was so sexy and willing…
“Yes,” you heard yourself say.
You followed Harry to the bar where he paid his tab, walking right past Luke and his group. Though you dared not turn your head to look at him, you could somehow feel his gaze on you.
“Ready?” Harry asked, stuffing his wallet into his pocket.
“You have no idea how ready I am,” you teased.
Harry didn’t miss your tone. He pulled you close once again, planting a wet kiss on your lips, right there for everyone, especially Luke, to see. When your mouths separated, you licked your lips seductively.
“And you have no idea how badly I want to touch you right here, right now,” Harry murmured in your ear. “Let’s go.”
As soon as Harry grabbed your hand, you heard your name being called. You turned to see Luke incredulously glaring at you.
“You can’t be serious!” he shouted.
“Excuse me?”
“This prick? You’re leaving with him?”
“What’s it to you?” you shouted back. “I don’t belong to you anymore, remember?”
“I fucked up, Y/N! I thought you were forgiving me!”
“You thought wrong!” you chuckled. Then you looked over at the woman you had assumed he was with. “Does she know you’re a cheater? Or have you been lying to her like you did to me?”
“Y/N,” you heard Harry say, tugging on your hand. “He’s not worth your time, baby.”
“Naw, see…” Luke yelled, clenching his jaw as he stepped forward. “You don’t get to call her that. She’s not yours!”
“She is tonight, mate.”
While the idea of being anyone’s possession was usually appalling, the way Harry said that made your legs weak. And the fact that he hadn’t let go of your hand yet made you feel safe.
“You fucking-”
“Luke, man!” someone called out. You watched as two of his friends held him back and told him to calm down.
“C’mon, Y/N,” whispered Harry before he pulled you through the crowd and out the front door to the valet where he stopped and looked at you. “Are you okay?”
“No, but I will be,” you replied as he pushed your hair from your face.
“I can just take you home if you’d like. We don’t have to-”
“No. I want to.”
“You sure?”
You merely nodded before grabbing his jacket and pulling him into another deep kiss. You felt him moan against your lips, reigniting the fire in your core. A black car pulled up to the curb then as you released him.
“I need to feel you tonight, Harry,” you whined. “Please.”
“Anything you want, baby,” he sighed before guiding you to his car.
You felt a little sleazy and a twinge of guilt for leaving Kelsie at the club. But when you texted her in Harry’s car, she swore she was fine and having the time of her life with her Cuban guy. She also gave both you and Harry kudos for not falling into Luke’s trap and letting a full fight break out. Though she hadn’t seen exactly what happened, she had heard a commotion and then caught the seething look on Luke’s face when she headed for the bathroom.
“Everything alright?” Harry asked when he stopped at a red light.
“Um…yeah…” You turned off your phone and looked up at him. “Just fine.”
“Good,” he grinned, gently placing his hand on your knee. “My place is just up here.”
You tried your best to not gawk at the stately home as Harry turned into the circular driveway. Shit, even Luke’s house wasn’t this extravagant. You smiled over at Harry as he killed the engine and stared at you.
“Still wanna come in?” he smirked.
“Mmhmm,” you nodded, biting your lip and squeezing your thighs together at his choice of words.
Harry chuckled low, shaking his head. You thought he was going to add to the spice that sizzled in the air, but instead he opened his car door. He was already at your side before you barely had your legs out. He helped you out of the car, sliding his arm around your waist, and he stared into your eyes as he slammed the door shut behind you.
Harry’s house was gorgeous to say the least. When you stepped into the foyer, you immediately noticed the grand staircase, a large statue and a painting above the mantel that was no doubt an original.
“Can I get you a drink?” he offered. “Scotch or a glass of wine?”
“Actually…” you blushed, “I could really go for some water. My throat feels dry.”
“No problem,” he grinned. “Kitchen’s this way.”
You followed Harry through the living room where he peeled off his jacket and laid it across the back of a chair. As he rolled up a shirt sleeve with one hand, you saw him grab a remote with the other which set the fireplace aglow. Damn!
Turning the corner into the kitchen, you watched as Harry opened what looked like a large pantry but turned out to be the refrigerator.
“Well!” you gasped, unable to hold in your amazement any longer. “Looks like you’re doing pretty well for yourself.”
That low chuckle that you’d already come to adore rose from his chest and dimples appeared in his cheeks as he set two bottles of sparkling water on the counter. Then he surprised you further by not only getting down two glasses from the cabinet, but then filling them with ice and pouring the water over it.
“I do alright, I reckon.”
He handed you a glass and you took a generous sip before lowering it. “So what do you do?”
“I’m in real estate.”
“Okayyyy… No surprise there,” you commented as you gestured around the area. “I suppose that’s how you scored this gorgeous mansion?”
Harry laughed, nearly spitting his water. “It’s not a mansion.”
“Yeah, it is. Fuck, you are rich if you can’t tell that.”
“Does that bother you?”
“No! Why would it? Unless…oh my God, you’re not married, are you?”
“No,” Harry snorted.
“Engaged? Separated? Newly divorced with an ex wife you owe a ton of alimony to?”
“No,” Harry laughed harder. Then he set his glass on the counter and placed his hands on your arms. “Y/N, I promise, I’m none of those things.”
“Then…how? Why?”
“Why am I still single?”
You nodded first before managing to squeak out a yes.
“Same reason you are,” he replied softly, his hands sliding up your shoulders and finding your jaw.
“What do you mean?”
“I was with the wrong person. And it took me a long time to realize.”
Harry’s words hung in the air as you tried to conjure up your own, to no avail. Instead you stared at his lips, now hydrated from the water, as his thumbs ran across your cheeks.
“Was she a cheater, too?” you finally asked.
Harry blinked his eyes softly. “Yeah.”
Who the hell would cheat on you? is what you wanted to say. Instead, you said, “Fuck them.”
Tilting his head, Harry captured your lips with his, sending a wave of desire down to your toes. Your fingers found the buttons of his shirt, and you hastily began to unfasten them. When you reached the waistband of his trousers, Harry tugged the hem of his shirt and removed it completely, tossing it on the floor. Then with your mouths still intertwined, he lifted you up and set you on the kitchen counter. Sliding his hands up your thighs, he grinned against your lips.
“I’ve been dying to get this fucking little dress off of you all night.”
“Yeah? How do you wanna do it?” you purred, leaning back and sticking your tits out.
“Hmm. Part of me wants to just tear it off right here,” he said, his sultry eyes burning into yours. “But the other part of me wants to take you upstairs and do it slowly. So slowly you can hardly stand it. Taking my time with you, kissing you, licking you, peeling your dress off inch by inch until you’re writhing and whimpering my name.”
“Mmm, I like the second one,” you breathed.
“Who says you get a vote, hmm?” Harry raised a brow.
Your mouth remained in the O shape as Harry continued to run his hands up your legs and under your dress. You scooted closer to him on the counter, as much as you possibly could without slipping off. Harry quickly understood your intent, pushing himself between your legs, his hands finding their way to your ass where he squeezed.
“So what’s it gonna be?” you inquired, just before Harry lowered his head and kissed the exposed skin at the top of your breast. You gasped at the sudden touch, his lips moist and cool from the iced water.
Allowing Harry to take his time answering, you watched his sensual mouth caress your chest as you felt yourself get wetter and wetter. His fingertips pinched your sensitive skin on your rear until he found the waistband of your thong.
“You’re so fucking hot, Y/N,” he murmured as he pulled the elastic and made it pop against your hip. “You smell like cherry vanilla, and you taste like it too.”
You grinned at him, sliding a perfectly manicured nail down his chest and grabbing hold of his cross necklace.
“You like?”
“Mmm, yes. I wanna taste some more. But I wanna do it upstairs.”
“Lead the way, honey,” you beamed.
Seven thousand tiny nerves in your body were set afire as you took Harry’s hand and followed him up the enormous staircase. You stole tiny glimpses into each room as he led you to the end of the hall, stopping at a set of double doors that were opened to a stunning master suite.
“I’d show you the rest of the house, but I’d rather get down to business if it’s okay with you,” Harry smirked.
“Of course,” you agreed.
Stepping into the bedroom, you caught sight of the California King sized bed covered in luxurious linens. The entire room had the most intoxicating, manly aroma, like tobacco and patchouli.
“Wow, you certainly don’t scrimp,” you commented.
“I like to think I have good taste,” he said, grabbing your waist.
You chuckled as he pulled you close, goosebumps erupting all over your flesh. You ran your fingers down his chest, tracing his tattoos.
“I like these birds,” you said. “They don’t represent you and your ex do they?”
“No,” Harry shook his head. “I had these long before I ever…y’know. Met her.”
“Ah okay. Good.” And with that, you leaned forward and softly kissed each bird. When you lifted your head, Harry was grinning at you.
“I thought I was the one who was getting a taste.”
“You also said you wanted to take your time. Maybe I’m a little impatient, Harry.”
With a low, sexy laugh, Harry guided you backwards toward the bed. When your back hit the silk duvet, you watched him hover over you, the dim light creating a glow around his chestnut hair. A cluster of clunks sounded as you both kicked off your shoes. You smiled up at Harry, the excitement and anticipation both alluring.
“I am gonna take my time, darling,” he confirmed. “So slow that you’ll be begging me, your sweet pussy throbbing in agony.”
“Oh my God,” you gulped. This was going to be either torture or heaven. Maybe both.
Starting with a soft, sweet kiss, Harry let you get comfortable on the bed. The second kiss was deeper, his tongue sliding into your mouth like a warm, wet snake, eager to meet its mate. You kissed him back, one hand on his neck, the other tangling in his curls. You sighed as you felt his body relax and situate on top of yours, his legs between yours and his hands cradling your head.
You could still taste a twinge of whiskey on his tongue, and that mixed with the incredible fragrance in the room made you light headed. As Harry continued to kiss you, you felt the urge to feel him. Pushing your hips up, you could feel his erection between your legs. But when you slid your hand down his side to get a touch, Harry grabbed your wrist and pinned it down on the bed next to you. You whined in protest, but Harry only resumed his assault on your mouth.
You wondered if you’d ever been kissed this way. Luke certainly never did this. He wasn’t one to skip foreplay, but he definitely liked to move things along. And even in high school when you were still a virgin, guys never concentrated so thoroughly on the kissing part. This was…different. But also incredibly satisfying. Harry was an excellent kisser, to put it mildly.
When he seemed to be content with your lips, Harry moved on to your neck, then your shoulder. Reaching the skinny strap of your dress, he looped his fingers through and pulled it aside. You hitched a breath when he’d pulled both sides down your shoulders and kissed the tops of your breasts again. He held onto your waist as he slid his tongue across your skin. You felt yourself hike your hips up again, needing the friction.
“It zips in the back,” you heard yourself say.
“What, baby?” Harry asked, lifting his head to look at you. One strand of hair had fallen on his forehead. God, he was gorgeous.
“My dress,” you breathed. “There’s a zipper in the back.”
“I know,” he smirked.
You whimpered low, squirming underneath him. “Aren’t you…please?”
“Oh, you’re begging already? I’m not even halfway there yet, love.”
“Jesus,” you gasped.
“What do you need, baby? Tell me.”
“I need you to touch me, Harry.”
“I am touching you.”
“You know what I mean!” you cried.
Harry shook his head and tsked. “I told you I’m taking my time. We’ll get there, babe. Okay?”
You sighed through your nose. “Fine.”
“Are you gonna behave? Or do I need to punish you?” he teased.
“Fuck! Punish me, please! I need to feel you.”
“Ohh!” Harry sat back on his knees and looked at you, one eyebrow raised. “I didn’t know you were a naughty girl.”
“Well, now you do,” you said flatly.
Harry chuckled that sexy way again, making your wetness pool even more in what was left of your pitiful panties.
“I thought you wanted revenge,” Harry stated.
“Revenge for what?”
“Your ex. To prove you’re better off without him.”
“I am,” you agreed.
“Did he kiss you like that?” Harry asked.
You shook your head. “No.”
“Did you like it when I did it?”
Smiling gently, you nodded. “Very much.”
“Don’t you think you deserve to be kissed like that?”
“What about touched like this?”
Harry continued, running his palms up your thighs until he reached the hem of your dress. You stared at him when he paused, then slid them further to your panties. You felt him glide his thumb across the center, so softly you almost whined at the lack of friction. But then he repeated the motion, pressing little by little each time.
Your breaths became faster, quickened by each press of his thumb. He didn’t remove his eyes from yours, watching you as you started to shift your hips and let out tiny moans.
“Is that where you wanted to be touched?” Harry inquired.
“Mmm, yes,” you managed to sound between breaths.
“You’re fucking soaked, baby. Perhaps I was wrong with taking my time.”
“I told you.”
The cackle that came from Harry was unexpected, but at least he now understood how ready you were.
“Here I thought I was trying to prove to you what I think you deserve, when what you really need is a good fuck.”
“God yes, please!” you cried.
When Harry chuckled a little more, you suddenly rose up onto your elbows.
“I’m sorry, that didn’t sound right,” you said.
“What do you mean?”
“It sounded selfish. I don’t mean to imply I didn’t like all the other stuff.”
“No, I get it,” Harry shook his head. “And you’re definitely not selfish.”
“Not at all. You deserve a good fuck, too.”
You bit your lip. “So do you.”
“Yeah?” Harry crawled up your body, resuming his previous position. This time his cock was even harder, poking you in just the right place.
“Mmmhmm,” you moaned.
Sliding his hands around your waist, Harry reached for the zipper on the back of your dress and pulled it down. A loud breath escaped your throat when he finally slipped it down and over your hips.
“Fuck me!” he exclaimed with a sigh. “Look at you, you gorgeous thing.”
Before you could reply, Harry’s mouth was on your breast, sucking on your nipple. You moaned explicitly at the instant and much needed contact. When he’d given both nipples equal attention, he changed course to your belly, slithering down your body until he situated himself between your thighs.
“I think, kitten…” he cooed, grabbing hold of the sides of your thong, “that these need to go. They’re much too wet to keep wearing.”
You groaned in agreement, letting Harry remove your panties completely.
“I reckon I can help with that too,” he added, placing his palm on your inner thigh before sticking out his tongue and lapping your skin there.
Holy shit! He hadn’t even touched your clit yet and you were already about to explode.
Harry repeated the action on your other thigh before finally…finally centering himself at your pussy. He opened you gently, then so delicately pressed his tongue to your clit. You almost came unglued as he started to move it in various lines and shapes, adding a bit more pressure to each lick.
“God damn, kitten, you do taste good. So delicious.”
As he resumed his oral pleasure on you, you began to pant and moan, grabbing hold of his hair and curling your toes. Fuck, what this man could do with his mouth!
Just when you started to feel the burn in your core and thought you might go over the edge, a finger joined in on the fun, slipping past your juices with ease. You felt an extra tightness in your stomach, your legs trembling next to Harry’s head.
“Oh God! Harry! Baby! So….so good!”
You heard him hum against your pussy, his tongue flickering in the best rhythm, and a second finger slid in with the first.
“Aaaaaaahhhhh!” you cried, grabbing fists of his hair.
Your orgasm thundered through your entire body with Harry still transfixed on your pleasure. It seemed to last for ages, like you couldn’t stop.
“Harry! Oh shit!”
You finally came down after a couple more seconds, your body limp. Harry lifted his head finally, a cheeky grin on his face as he wiped away your juices from his chin. Then he crawled up the bed again to face you. When he leaned in for a kiss, you backed away.
“What…what are you doing?” you asked.
“Um…was gonna kiss you?”
“Do you not like to taste yourself?”
Biting your lip, you shrugged. “Luke never liked to do that. So I got used to it.”
“Never liked to do what? Eat your pussy or kiss you after?” Harry asked.
“Kiss after. He always made me wash myself off before we kissed or…did anything else.”
Harry frowned and narrowed his eyes. “Fuck that guy. He wouldn’t do that and he was shagging other women?”
“Babe,” said Harry as he laid on his side next to you. “I think it’s time you got over him.”
“I am over him,” you declared.
“Really? Seems to me like you’re still pretty scarred from him.”
“Well, I am,” you agreed. “That’s gonna take some time. But I don’t love him anymore. He cheated on me. Do you still love your ex?”
Harry stared at you a moment before saying, “No. But I’m still a little bitter and angry, I admit.”
“Yeah,” you nodded with a scowl. “That’s what I am. I’m so fucking angry.”
“Then that’s what you need to do, Y/N. Let it all out. On me.”
You stared incredulously at Harry. Though his expression was serious, his eyes had a certain softness to them, as though he was silently willing you to let go.
“Come ‘ere,” he whispered, pulling you close against his body.
His mouth covered yours once again, a tender kiss of vulnerability, this time allowing you to take the lead. When your tongues met, you felt him sigh. You cupped his face with your hands, his scruffy jaw sending yet another spark through your veins. This man was so incredibly sexy, and he was wanting you to take advantage of the situation. Let out all of your emotions in a single roll in the hay. Who were you to resist?
“Let me help you with that,” he murmured when your fingers glided down his belly to his belt.
Rising from the bed, Harry hurriedly unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants. You sheepishly examined the massive bulge in his briefs before he removed them as well, stepping out of them and returning to the bed.
“I’m all yours, baby,” he offered. “Show me what you want.”
“Harry…” you breathed, unable to take your eyes off of his beautiful physique and his long, thick cock.
The dimples returned as Harry smirked with a nod, placing his arm behind his head. “That’s the idea.”
Words escaping you - not to mention air - you couldn’t decide if you wanted to take him in your mouth or straddle him. You’d never had this much control before. You watched as Harry began to stroke himself, and your mouth began to water. But your pussy began to twitch, too. Damn it.
“This is about you, babe,” Harry voiced. “But don’t take too long to decide.”
As his thumb ran over the tip of his cock, you finally made your decision. Throwing your leg over his waist, you could already feel yourself dripping.
“You wanna ride me, darling?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“Okay, hold on. Lemme get a condom.”
When Harry retrieved the protection from the bedside drawer, you offered to put it on. Harry watched you, an easy grin on his face. Then you aimed his hard cock at our entrance, taking a deep breath before sliding down slowly.
“Oh, Jesus babe,” Harry groaned, his eyelids fluttering. “Fuck, that feels so good already.”
With a smirk of your own, you began to ride him, taking it easy at first to adjust to his size. He definitely filled you more than Luke had.
You concentrated on Harry’s face as you moved, letting your pussy wetten with each thrust. He reached for your tits, cupping them and then grabbing your nipples. You threw your head back, feeling a moan escape your throat from deep down.
“Fuck, baby,” growled Harry. “You’re a fucking dream, you know that? I can’t believe your man didn’t want this.”
With a jagged breath, you looked back at him, his gorgeous face watching you in awe. It made you feel amazing.
“How dare he cheat on you?,” Harry added. “What was he thinking? Look at you. Riding my cock, taking me so deep and so well.”
“Yeah,” you whined.
“How dare he bury his cock in someone else's pussy when he has this little kitten ready to please his every whim. His every need. You do that, don’t you baby? You like to please your man, hmm?”
“Yes. I do.”
“You like to watch him become captive of your tight, warm pussy til he can’t get enough.”
You moaned, nodding your head.
“It’s not fair, is it kitten?”
“No,” you whimpered.
“You give so much, aiming to please. Only for a man who doesn’t know how good he’s got it.”
“I know, baby. Tell me how unfair it is. Tell me how angry you are.”
Furrowing your brows, you groaned and sped up the pace, riding Harry faster.
“Fuck yeah, babe. Take it all out on me. All your anger. Fuck me like you hate me.”
“I do.”
“Say it.”
“I hate you.”
The words burned your throat because although they weren’t meant for Harry, you definitely hated Luke. Harry was right. You’d given your ex everything and he hadn’t appreciated it. You let him hurt your feelings in public and then pretended it didn’t matter anymore when his dick was inside you. Fuck that. Fuck him!
As your thrusts quickened, so did your breaths. You moaned louder, though the tiny cries and whimpers were not near enough. Watching Harry as his chest and throat started to get red, his eyelids fluttering from pleasure, you wanted so badly to make him come. But your fury was taking over as well. Your head was spinning with so many thoughts, emotions and desires.
Harry squeezed your ass as he lifted you higher and bucked his hips hard. You cried out in pleasure and pain, reaching for the headboard that was too far away.
“Get up, baby,” Harry suddenly commanded, slapping your ass. “I want you on your knees.”
When you obliged, you made sure you scooted closer to the headboard this time in case you needed to hold on. You felt Harry run his hands up the back of your thighs, his rings chilling your flesh right before he reached underneath and pinched your clit. You cursed again, unable to see straight.
“I know, kitten,” he said. “You’re dripping all over me and my sheets. Do I need to make you come again?”
“Yes. Please.”
Slipping two fingers inside your pussy, Harry quickly pulled them out and put them in his mouth.
“So fucking good, baby.”
Before you could respond, Harry slapped your ass, taking you by surprise. You squealed and looked over your shoulder where he was knelt behind you with a dirty smirk. Shithead.
“Now, my kitten,” he said firmly, “I’m gonna bury my cock in that tight cunt again. And you’re gonna take it just like before. Alright?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“Only this time I wanna hear everything. Tell me how much you hate me. How fucking good my cock feels, but you can’t stand me. I wanna hear you seething with anger. Got it?”
You nodded again, although you were unsure exactly what he meant. Surely he didn’t want you to pretend he was Luke. Perhaps he wanted you to use the anger to fuel the orgasm. 
Before you could think about it further, Harry did as he promised and slammed into your pussy over and over. The sting was so good, you nearly lost your balance, but Harry had a good grip on your waist.
“God, this ass,” he growled, slapping it again.
“Fuck you,” you cried, barely enough for Harry to hear. But he did.
“What was that, love?”
When you didn’t reply, he thrust harder. “Tell me!”
“Fuck you!”
“That’s it,” he acknowledged. “It’s so good, innit?”
“So good, Harry…I can’t…”
“Yes you can. Babe. Tell me you hate me.”
“I hate you,” you muttered.
“No, no. That won’t do,” he argued. You felt him lean forward, his stomach on our back. “I need to hear it. Louder.”
While it did feel so fucking good, your hatred was at its peak. You thought of all the shit you put up with from Luke…why did he hurt you like that? Why had he thought it was okay? What kind of fool did he think you were?
“I hate you!” you shouted, staring ahead at the headboard.
“I know you do,” said Harry, his voice even lower than usual.
Then he moaned, a deep, low, sexy moan that filled your senses. You could tell he was nearing his own climax. Your eyes began to burn as he reached for your clit again. You were so close, the orgasm sitting on the edge of the precipice. Oh God!
“Say it it again!”
With his finger on your cunt and his cock deep, the dam broke and you cried out in both pleasure and pain.
“I hate you! I fucking hate you, Luke!”
Time seemed to freeze as you glared straight ahead. Harry paused his thrusts, but his body still laid on top of yours.
“S’okay, babe.”
“No, I- I didn’t mean to say that,” you croaked, tears spilling from your eyes.
“Hey. It’s okay. I told you to let out all your anger.”
You were silent for a bit, your body trembling as you felt his breaths on your shoulder. You wondered if he was going to move, figured he would after hearing you scream someone else’s name…even if it was tagged with hate.
“I’m…I’m really, sorry, Harry.”
“Baby. Please don’t be sorry. You released what you needed to. It’s okay.”
“O-okay…” you breathed, your throat sore.
“Do you need me to stop?”
“No,” you replied hastily. “You didn’t come yet, did you?”
“No, but it’s alright, I-”
“Harry. Don’t be silly. Keep fucking me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. It…feels amazing. You’re so good.”
You felt his body rise from yours, a slight sweaty stickiness as his chest separated from your back. When he ran his hands down your hips, you heard him moan again.
“You’re amazing too, babe,” he said, breathing heavily with each thrust. “Shit, I’m so close.”
When you felt his balls hit your pussy, you reached underneath and grabbed them, earning a loud groan from Harry.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna come,” he proclaimed.
Letting out a deep, guttural moan, Harry thrust a few more times until his body trembled and he let out long, slow breaths onto your back. Cursing again, he fell onto the bed beside you, pulling you against his chest.
Perhaps it was the memories flooding back, perhaps it was the way Harry held you with his sweaty arms that made you unable to breathe, or maybe it was because you’d fucking said your ex’s name as you came, but your eyes darted around the room, trying to decide your escape.
“I um…need to use the restroom,” you declared.
“Oh, sure babe.”
When he released you, you sped for the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. While washing up, you wondered why the hell you’d let this happen. You’d barely gotten over Luke’s hurt only for it to return again. You should have just stayed home tonight.
When you opened the door, Harry was still lying on the bed, naked, his head propped in his hand. Damn it.
“I should go,” you said, grabbing your discarded dress and panties from the floor.
“It’s late.”
“You can stay if you like.”
“No, I…should get home,” you declined.
“Oh. Well, let me get dressed and I’ll drive you,” Harry offered as he rose from the bed.
“Please. It’s fine. I’ll order an Uber.”
“Y/N, that’s ridiculous,” argued Harry. “I can take you.”
He slipped back into his pants, forgoing the briefs, but you were already at the door.
“It’s okay, really,” you insisted, pausing at the top of the stairs. “I just…I’m embarrassed, Harry. I’d really just like to be alone. I hope you understand.”
Making it to the living room where you’d left your bag, you noticed Harry had followed you. You quickly ordered an Uber on the app. When you turned, Harry wore a deep frown.
“Please don’t be embarrassed, Y/N. That was never my intention.”
“I know,” you confirmed, placing a hand on his chest for reassurance. Then you handed him your phone. “Here. Put your number in.”
Harry did as you asked, and when he handed it back, your fingers brushed.
“There, now you have mine,” you gave a tight smile after sending his number a text. When your phone pinged, you jumped. “Oh! There must have been a driver nearby. Goodnight, Harry.”
“It’s here already?”
“Just down the road. I’ll wait outside.”
“Babe,” he sighed.
You gave him a quick kiss, then a second.
“You’re lovely,” you whispered before leaving him standing in the middle of his luxurious living room.
If it had been a cab, you might have cried the whole way home. But seeing as it was an Uber and you were just sitting in the back of some guy’s car, you held the tears in. Stumbling up the stairs as if you were drunk, you tossed your bag on your nightstand and stepped out of your shoes. You’d just pulled on an oversized tee to sleep in when your phone rang in your purse. Seeing Harry’s number shouldn’t have startled you, but it did.
“Just wanted to make sure you got home okay,” he said when you answered.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks.”
“Good. I know you wanna be alone, but I just wanted to say I um…I had a really good time with you, Y/N.”
“Me too.”
“I’m sorry I embarrassed you, love. I really am. I was hoping we could both just-”
“Harry,” you interrupted. “It’s okay. You didn’t embarrass me. I did it to myself.”
After a long sigh, Harry spoke again. “Um…listen, if you ever wanna do this again….if you need to get your anger out or you’re stressed or…” he paused with a sigh, “just wanna talk. Whatever…give me a ring.”
“Of course.”
“Take care, Y/N.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I know.”
“That was just…”
“I know, baby.”
You gave a soft hum of contentment. “Okay then. Goodnight, Harry.”
“Goodnight, kitten.
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*dramatic music* What did you think?? Do we need more them? Don't be shy, leave all the comments you want :).
tagging: @kathb59 since you asked :)
320 notes · View notes
lemoncrushh · 3 days
The Entertainer II - Track 01 - It's Good to See You
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Summary: What if it wasn't the end? What if Sky did actually see Harry at the Forum in the early 80s, and he saw her too? What if fate took hold of them both, and they realized their journey was not over? Set in 1981, Harry and Sky's story continues with more music, more romance, and a few more twists and turns.
Track 01 Word Count: 4.1k+
Read The Entertainer
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November 25, 1981
“Ooh the wheel in the sky keeps on turning I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow”
I felt my heart race as I turned my focus back to Steve Perry singing on the stage. My mouth suddenly felt dry, my palms clammy.
It can’t be him, I thought to myself. No. No, it’s not. Just someone who sort of looks like…
I hadn’t seen him in five years. Sure, I’d seen his face - on the television, in all the rock magazines I bought, on the back cover of all three of Wildfire’s albums...and sometimes in my dreams. But I hadn’t seen him in person since that day at the airport when I’d hugged him goodbye and wished him well.
When I’d told him I loved him.
I tried to pay attention to the band in front of me, the one I’d come to see. Journey’s newest album Escape was my current favorite, so when I received a raise at my job, I rewarded myself with a concert ticket to their fourth sold-out show at The Forum, the night before Thanksgiving. Halo had been disappointed she couldn’t make it, but she’d already promised her family she’d visit them for the entire week, so I was attending alone.
I wished Halo was with me right then however, so she could be an extra set of eyes and let me know if that cute guy a couple of sections over was who I thought it was. Instead, I snuck another peek of my own. It was dark in the arena, so I couldn’t get a good look, but his hair and profile fit the memory I had in my head.
Who was I kidding? It couldn’t be him. He was probably overseas in London or some exotic place I’d never heard of. I’d learned that Wildfire broke up earlier that year, so most likely he was resting somewhere - anywhere but Los Angeles. Still…
One more sneaky look out of the corner of my eye, but someone was blocking my view. With a sigh, I listened to Steve finish the song before the band gave their fake goodbyes, and I waited with the rest of the crowd for their encore.
The audience went wild during Journey’s last two songs, and their enthusiasm returned my focus to the reason I’d come. By the time the lights came on in the arena, I’d just about forgotten about him, or whomever the mystery man had been.
That is, until I turned the corner in the hallway after leaving the restroom.
The sound of my nickname in a crowd full of strangers was odd enough, but the familiar voice threw me for a loop and back in time five years. Turning slowly, I wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me again, but when his handsome face came into view, my thoughts were confirmed.
It was him. And he was standing right in front of me.
“Harry,” I barely breathed.
His chest rose and fell with his own breath as his lips grew into a smile.
“It is you,” he declared with what sounded like relief. “I thought it was and...it is.”
I shrugged shyly. “It’s me.”
Those two seconds were enough to make me forget about the commotion around us, but when someone nearly knocked me into Harry, with barely an “excuse me”, he suggested we step to the side.
“You look wonderful,” he remarked when I took my place against the wall, his gaze leaving my eyes momentarily to shift down my body and back up again.
“Thanks. So do you.”
And he did. He hadn’t changed at all. Maybe...a tiny bit. His hair was still long, if only an inch or so shorter than before. The chocolate curls still brushed his shoulders the way they had five years ago, though they appeared a bit fuller. His jaw lines seemed to be a little more defined, the sharp edges peeking from behind his stubble. The only real difference was probably his choice of clothing, though it didn’t stray too far from the style I’d known him to wear. His long legs were clad in jeans, and boots adorned his feet like before, but he wore a more conservative tan v-neck sweater underneath a brown leather bomber jacket, both of which I decided were very sexy on him. I caught sight of the familiar cross that lay in the center of his chest just before my eyes locked with his once again.
He seemed to stare at me for a few seconds, his dimples slowly disappearing from his cheeks as his lips relaxed until he finally opened his arms and stepped forward, surprising me with an embrace.
“It’s good to see you,” I heard him murmur in my hair.
“You, too,” I replied, his old, familiar scent suddenly overwhelming my senses. I bit my lip to keep the emotions at bay.
“How’ve you been?” he asked, stepping back to look at me again, his hands still grazing my elbows.
“Not bad, I-” I began when I finally noticed the man standing a few feet behind him. He was leaning against a post, probably trying to look inconspicuous, but I figured quickly that he must have been security. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Harry Styles had been a successful front man for the last several years. He was practically a household name.
“Did you come alone?” I heard him ask before I could finish my previous answer.
“Sorry?” I blinked, catching his gaze again.
“To the show? Are you here alone...or did Halo come with?”
“Oh,” I grinned, pleased that he remembered my best friend’s name as well. “No, I’m flying solo tonight.”
A gentle smile spread across his face again, and I thought he was about to ask me something else when I heard a loud gasp behind me.
“Oh my God. You’re Harry Styles!” a woman’s voice squealed.
“Yes, I am,” he nodded.
A tall, slim figure with fiery red hair and the tightest Jordache jeans I’d ever seen walked around me and stood between us as though I wasn’t even there. 
“I have to get your autograph!” she exclaimed.
As she rummaged through her small, yet obviously filled pocketbook, Harry eyed me over her head.
“Don’t leave yet, okay?” he mouthed.
With a nod, I felt my insides flip. He wanted me to stay. While my heart was bursting with the joy of seeing him again, it was all so sudden; I hadn’t really had a chance to process it yet. I caught the twinkle in Harry’s eye as he shrugged at me while he waited for the woman to retrieve a pen from her purse.
“Sorry, honey, I know I have some paper in here somewhere,” she announced
“Take your time,” Harry said genuinely.
I wondered how he could remain so calm and patient. I was already keen on dumping out the contents of her bag onto the dirty floor, and it had barely been twenty seconds.
“Aha!” she called, holding up a mini notepad with a kitten on the front. “Here it is!”
Giving her another winning smile, Harry took the pen and pad from her.
“What’s your name, love?” he asked her, and immediately I saw her beam at him as she jutted her tits out.
Damn him. Why did he have to be so charming?
“Kitty,” the woman replied. I nearly choked.
“Seriously?” Harry chuckled.
“Mmhm,” nodded the redhead. “Like a kitty cat. Meow.”
I covered my mouth with the sleeve of my sweater to keep from laughing as I watched Harry sign Kitty’s little kitten notebook, his eyebrows raised to the ceiling and a goofy look on his face.
“What are you doing after this?” I heard Kitty inquire. “Maybe we could grab a drink or something.”
Although I thought I might vomit, Harry didn’t miss a beat.
“Sorry love, can’t tonight. I’m headed out after this.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Kitty pouted.
“Here you go,” Harry offered, returning the woman’s pen and notebook. “Nice to meet you, Kitty. Have a lovely evening.”
I had to hand it to him. He was definitely a pro at this.
“You too, handsome,” Kitty winked before strutting off with a wave. “Bye bye.”
I noticed the man behind Harry stood up straight from the post he’d been leaning on to watch Ms. Tight Jeans walk away, though it was unclear if it was for security or personal reasons. Before I could ask, Harry stepped closer to me.
“Sorry about that,” he said. “It happens from time to time.”
“I’m sure it does,” I grinned.
Just then, the man tapped Harry on the shoulder. “Harry, sorry man, but we gotta get goin’.”
“Shit,” Harry groaned. “Just...a gimme a sec, Stu, she’s...an old friend. And I got sidetracked by a fan.”
Stu narrowed his eyes before he nodded and held up two fingers like he was giving a peace sign. “Two minutes.”
Harry grimaced as he turned back to me. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I muttered.
“No, it’s not,” he replied hurriedly. “I didn’t expect to run into you, and...I wasn’t thinking straight, and now I’ve got two bloody minutes to talk to you after…”
“The ginger catwoman?” I offered.
Harry giggled, adorable crinkles forming next to his eyes. “Yeah.”
With a feeling of warmth inside down to my toes, I smiled. “How are you, Harry?”
“I’m...doing well, thanks. How about you?”
“You already asked me. It’s your turn. With probably closer to a minute left now.”
With a sigh, Harry tilted his head. “I’ve missed you. You might not believe it, but I have.”
I wasn’t exactly sure if I believed it; he had millions of adoring fans, girls flocking to him at any given moment. He probably hadn’t given me much of a thought. But it was still nice to hear.
“Hey, what am I thinking?” Harry shook his head. “I’m in town for a few weeks. Let’s get together and catch up!”
“Oh. Okay,” I replied, the butterflies resuming their dance in my tummy.
“Do you still live in the same place?”
I chuckled. Five years might not have been an extremely long stretch of time, but a lot had happened. Remembering that apartment I’d shared with Halo felt like eons ago.
“No,” I shook my head. “Halo and I each have our own apartments now. In fact, we’ve both moved a couple of times since then.”
“Oh,” Harry grinned as he scratched his head. “Yeah, I reckon it has been a while.”
“I’ll give you my new number,” I said.
Unfortunately, unlike Kitty, I didn’t carry around my own notepad. But I did have a pen and my ticket stub. Gesturing for Harry to turn around, I used his back for a surface to write on. When I handed him the stub, he glared at me questioningly.
“You could have just written it on my hand,” he smirked. “You might wanna keep this.”
I shrugged, both of us beginning to laugh as we noticed the song that had begun to play in the hallway.
“Call me, on the line Call me, call me any, anytime”
“That’s so funny,” I giggled.
“It’s like it was meant to be,” Harry agreed, his smile sending shivers down my spine.
Stu returned sternly then, his hand slapping Harry’s shoulder and ending our reunion as sharply as the breaking of a mirror.
“Gotta go, buddy,” he said.
“I’ll call you, Sky,” Harry promised. “We definitely need to catch up.”
“Okay,” I nodded, grasping the strap of my shoulder bag, unable to think of anything else to say.
Just as he was about to turn to leave with Stu, Harry stopped and looked at me for a split second. Then erasing the space between us, he pulled me into another hug. And just as quickly, he let go and was gone.
“Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any day...”
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Locking the door behind me and hooking the latch, I shrugged out of my jacket with a sigh, dropping it across the back of a chair. It had been a long, fulfilling Thanksgiving with my parents, but I was glad to be home. Turning on the radio, I made my way to the bathroom where I prepared a much-needed bubble bath for myself. Stepping into the suds, I sang along to Smokey Robinson.
“You’re gonna fly away, glad you’re goin’ my way I love it when we’re cruisin’ together”
Shutting my eyes, I let the melody, Smokey’s voice and the aroma of the bubble bath soothe me into complete bliss. The sudden abrasive ringing of the telephone startled me, however, and I sat up in the tub, wondering if I had enough time to get up and answer it. But I was so comfortable where I was, and I figured the caller would just call again if it was urgent. When the rings stopped after number four, I sat back and shut my eyes again.
“Let the music take your mind…”
My mind wandered to the night before when I’d run into Harry. I wondered if it had been him calling, and for a second I felt disappointed. But I told myself it probably wasn’t him. He’d said he’d call, but I hadn’t expected him to call me so soon. If I was being honest with myself, I didn’t really expect to hear from him at all.
I only hoped I would.
After listening to a couple more songs, I washed up and drained the tub. Quickly drying off, I headed for my bedroom, grabbed my robe from behind the closet door and slipped into it. Rick Springfield began to serenade me then, confessing his desire to have Jessie’s Girl as I padded into the kitchen for a glass of water. The phone rang again as I swallowed, the liquid suddenly feeling like a rock going down my throat. What if it was him? I stared at the receiver hanging on the wall as it rang a second time, and I slowly set my glass on the counter and reached for the radio knob, lowering the volume. Finally answering on the third ring, I felt fourteen-year-old jitters, like a girl getting her first phone call from a boy.
“Hello?” It came out more like a squeak than I’d wanted it to.
“Hi.” Only one, short word was spoken for his greeting, but it didn’t matter. I knew who it was.
“Hi,” I echoed as I slowly sat down in the kitchen chair.
“Sorry it’s so late. Hope I didn’t wake you.”
“No, not at all,” I said. “I just got home a little while ago. How are you?”
“Oh, I’m fine. Happy Thanksgiving.”
I giggled, grateful for the good wishes of an American holiday. “Thanks. Did you do anything today?”
“I did, actually,” Harry replied. “Had a lovely dinner with the Azoffs. Turkey and everything.”
“Oh, Mr. Irving!” I exclaimed. “I miss him. How is he?”
“He’s great,” Harry chuckled. “Same ol’ Irving. What about you? How was your day?”
“Good,” I sighed. “Dinner with my parents as usual. Ate too much. As usual.”
“Isn’t that what Thanksgiving is for though?”
“I suppose so,” I grinned. “Especially if it includes my mom’s sweet potatoes.”
“Ah, with the marshmallows on top?”
“You bet.”
Harry laughed again, and I felt that familiar tingle on my skin, giving me goosebumps.
“So, I promised I’d ring you…”
“And you did,” I finished.
“Are you surprised?”
“A little.”
“Why’s that?”
Letting a breath out of my nose, I let the phone cord wrap around my finger. “Well...Harry...it’s been five years. It’s not like we’ve been in touch the whole time, or even at all. Not…” I swallowed hard, “not even one phone call.”
“I’m deeply sorry about that.”
“It’s not that I expected you to keep in touch, you know,” I continued. “When you left, I knew it was probably forever. I wanted you to go be whoever you wanted to be. And you did, and...I’m still very proud of you.”
“I appreciate that, Sky. But I do apologize for not keeping in touch. It’s been...a crazy ride.”
“I understand,” I said, though I didn’t really. “But enough about that. You said you wanted to catch up, so…”
“Yeah, I definitely do,” remarked Harry. “There’s a lot to talk about, though, and I don’t wanna keep you up.”
“It’s okay. I’m off tomorrow and I have no plans but to sleep in. So where should we start? I heard about the band. Are you...doing okay?”
I didn’t know the details of the break up, so I didn’t want to pry too much.
“Oh yeah, it’s fine,” said Harry. “Great even.”
“Are you guys still talking, or is there some animosity?”
“There wasn’t a big fight or anything,” Harry replied. “But yeah, maybe a little bit of tension. We just decided to go our separate ways. Deacon moved back to London. Lee’s girlfriend is having a baby and they’re getting married. So it’s basically just Mitch and me now. He’s with family for the holidays, and I’m just hanging out in L.A. for a bit. Irving and I are talking about a solo project.”
“Solo? Wow, Harry, that’s exciting! Will Mitch still be in your band?”
“I dunno for sure yet, but probably. I haven’t had much of a chance to discuss it with him. It’s still in the beginning stages, so I can’t say too much about it yet.”
“Of course, I understand,” I acknowledged. “Well, whatever you do, I know it will be fantastic.”
“Thanks, Sky,” he said with a grin in his voice.
I chuckled. “It’s so funny to hear you call me that.”
“Why? Are you not Sky anymore?”
“Only to Halo,” I replied. “No one else calls me Sky nowadays.”
“Oh. So you reclaimed Mary Lou, did you?”
“Nope. Just Mary to most people. That’s what I go by at work anyway. Only my mom calls me Mary Lou when she thinks she’s scolding me.”
Harry’s laugh rang through the phone, the sound making me feel nostalgic and lonely at the same time. I’d missed him more that I’d been willing to admit.
“Well, am I allowed to call you Sky?” he asked.
“Sure. If you want to.”
“Yeah. You’ll always be Sky to me. ‘Like the colour of the sky just before the rain.’”
My throat made an involuntary gulping sound as I realized I was holding back emotions. “I...can’t believe you remember that.”
“Of course I do, love. I remember a lot of things.”
Trying my best to push down the feelings rising in my chest, I gave a short chuckle. “Like what?”
“Like...the Joni Mitchell song you sang for me. Sleeping on your sofa. The night at the Holiday Inn.”
Goosebumps erupted all over my skin, even on my scalp, and I felt like I was floating. He remembered. Which meant...he’d probably thought about me before.
“And there’s my guitar, of course,” he added. “The acoustic Martin that I play sometimes. You were with me when I bought it.”
“I’m so glad you still have it,” I smiled.
“Well, it’s a great guitar,” Harry declared with a laugh. Then I heard him sigh before he spoke again. “So tell me about you, Sky. What has...Mary Jones been doing the last five years?”
I bit my lip as I rose from my chair, deciding to make a cup of cocoa. The radio still played low, like the background soundtrack from a movie scene. As if on cue, I heard the beginning chords of a familiar song, one from Wildfire’s second album. It had been one of my favorites and one of their biggest hits. I felt a ping of disappointment that I hadn’t been in touch with Harry at that time, and a bit of regret that I hadn’t made a point to see him on tour when he’d come to L.A. that year. But I just couldn’t. I hadn’t really known why, and despite Halo telling me I wasn’t over him yet, I’d sworn that I was.
But maybe I wasn’t. Maybe I was afraid that he wouldn’t want to talk to me, the way he was talking to me now. Or worse, that he wouldn’t remember me at all.
“I um...I work for an insurance company,” I explained, grabbing a mug from the cupboard. “In an office. Nothing fancy or exciting.”
“Well, that’s great. And you have your own place?”
“Yeah. It’s nothing fancy either, but it’s mine.”
“Wonderful. Do you still play guitar and sing?”
“I do,” I replied. “But not as much as I’d like to. Work gets in the way, you know? Life.”
Harry chuckled low. “That’s too bad. I really hope you stick with it. You have a beautiful voice.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, grateful that he couldn’t see the red on my face.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
His question rang in my ears for several seconds as I waited for the water to boil. I thought fleetingly of Bill, a man one of my co-workers, Donna, had set me up with the weekend before last. While he’d been nice enough, there’d been no chemistry. That had seemed to be the normal pattern for most of my dating history. With the exception of Alan, whom I’d seen for a few months in 1980, I hadn’t had any serious relationships.
“No,” I finally replied, pouring the water into the mug.
“Oh. Well good, I reckoned I’d make sure before I asked you to dinner tomorrow night.”
I couldn’t stop the smile on my face. “You were gonna ask me out?”
“Yeah, well...if you want to. I know it’s getting late and...I’d really like to see you again. I still have loads to tell you, but I’d like to do it in person. We could catch up some more. And I’d love to see your place...if that’s okay.”
“I think...that’s more than okay,” I managed to say, somewhat surprising myself.
I actually heard him sigh like he was relieved before he said, “Great.”
After giving him my address, we chatted lightly until saying our goodbyes.
“See you tomorrow, Sky. I’m really looking forward to it.”
“Me too. Goodnight, Harry.”
My cheeks felt pinched from smiling, my face warm as I returned the phone to the wall. Time was a funny thing, I thought. It had taken me a long time to get over Harry Styles. Even when I’d thought I was, the memory of him had always lingered. Not hate or bitterness, just...longing. And then out of the blue, seeing and talking to him again...it was as though time had erased everything in between. The feelings I’d had for him all those years ago had returned in just a short telephone conversation.
I heard a slow song begin to play on the radio, and I turned up the volume as I grabbed my mug and sat back down at the table. The words hit me hard like a thunderclap through my chest.
“Hello again, hello Just called to say hello…”
Staring at the wall, every single memory of Harry replayed in my mind as tears streamed down my face. I remembered everything he’d mentioned earlier and more. I remembered dancing in my room to the old Buddy Holly record, and the way his lips felt when he’d first kissed me. I remembered the way my heart broke in two when I’d thought he was in his room with Pippa, and the way his green eyes silently spoke to me when we’d made love. I recalled the way his arms felt around me, the sound of his voice saying my real name, his laugh when I’d said something funny, the look on his face when I’d told him I loved him. I remembered the way he owned the stage in that honky tonk in Chula Vista, the way he’d cried the night he told me about Simon, his ecstatic voice when he’d called me to tell me Wildfire’s album had gone gold, and the photos that I hadn’t realized until later he’d taken of me with my camera - the same ones that still laid in the bottom of my nightstand. I hadn’t actually forgotten any of it. I’d only stored it all in the back of my brain for safe keeping.
“And I know it’s late But I couldn’t wait...hello”
By the end of the song, my cocoa was cold, and I cursed Neil Diamond for making me bawl. But it was what I’d needed. I hadn’t cried over Harry in years.
“I missed you so much,” I whispered to no one.
Then rising from the table, I poured the cold cocoa down the drain and turned off the radio. Perhaps tomorrow I could tell him in person.
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Songs mentioned:
Journey - Wheel in the Sky
Blondie - Call Me
Smokey Robinson - Cruisin'
Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl
Neil Diamond - Hello Again
How did you like this little reunion? Let's chat!
As always, feedback and reblogs are appreciated :).
tagging: @daphnesutton, @fkinavocado
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