#maybe someone will stumble across my blog soon
ica-contractconcepts · 11 months
Contract Type: Elusive Target
Target Type: Elusive Target Concept
Location: The Final Test (Greenland)
Diana's Briefing: "47, this is urgent. ICA has been compromised. A private investigator working for the shadow client's private militia has breached one of our facilities. Our training grounds, specifically the recreation of the Jasper Knight operation, have been infiltrated by the PI. His name is Valentyn Yuko, an Eastern European master of his craft.
He is wanted in Belarus and Russia for attempting to leak state secrets, having spent his early adulthood in the military. He has jumped from nation to nation, working for less than scrupulous clients wanting even less scrupulous information.
Jason Portman, Kronstadt, Ether, and even Erich Soders have all requested his services. Now, his most recent client is the militia, who plan to reveal the ICA's existence to the world.
The ICA has sanctioned this contract. The guards are still using live rounds and another potential operative's training is underway. Valentyn will be in disguise, so keep an eye out for anyone acting unusually as we have no physical descriptions or available information other than the fact that he entered from the hangar. Perhaps that point of entry could help you track him.
Nobody can know we've been compromised, least of all the militia. A select few people know of the breach, so guards will shoot if they believe you do not belong. Be careful 47, this is a delicate operation. I'll leave you to prepare..."
Target Intel: Despite not knowing what he looks like, Mr Yuko has left quite the digital footprint. Born in Belarus some time in the 80's, he joined the military relatively early in his life. On a joint-training operation between Belarus and Russia, he attempted to steal the Russian state and military secrets in the office of the general watching over the operation. It is believed he was aiming to sell them to the late Sergei Zavorotko, whom I'm sure you know well. Sergei's crimes were only uncovered upon his death, though Valentyn's were discovered immediately. He was arrested but escaped custody and became wanted across several nations over the years. He has worked for countless clients and backstabbed half of them, freely switching sides to whoever pays him more (Though, the ICA would rather not take their chances with that). He almost never takes a small job, presumably because of his pride as it has been noted that he has refused jobs from high-profile clients simply because they were "too small". He has made stops in Turkey, Poland, Kazakhstan, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, though his last stop will be Greenland, where the footprints end and ours never appear.
Target routes and behaviors: Valentyn Yuko is initially disguised as an airplane technician and inspects the whole room, ending with Valentyn snapping a photo of the jet. He finds a guard disguise and patrols the rest of the compound, frequently looking over his shoulder. If the player gets too close behind him when he looks over his shoulder, he'll take the most efficient route to the nearest disguise. If the player keeps following him, he becomes an enforcer for the player's current disguise. He'll photograph Jasper Knight, the KGB officer, the vodka, the model escape car, and force himself into what were originally mission story conversations.
If the alarms are sounded, or the target is alerted, he'll attempt to flee the map. If he escapes, the mission will fail.
If the player photographs him taking pictures, then talks to the KGB officer, the officer will interrogate Valentyn in the isolated radio room, allowing for an easy elimination if the player can slip in during the brief window of opportunity while the KGB steps out of the room. If not, the KGB officer lets Valentyn go.
If the player finds the agent-in-training, he can watch him set his mission details down and forget them. This is Agent Davenport pre-Berlin. You can swap out his papers and make him believe Valentyn is his target when Davenport returns. He will find a drink and put emetic poison in it and Valentyn will get sick when he drinks it. Davenport will lose track of Valentyn, meaning it's up to the player to find and eliminate him while he's still sick.
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inkblot22 · 2 months
(PS I don’t actually know the source material for idia I just stumbled upon one of your fics while looking at FFXIV Yandere fics so sorry if this sounds OOC)
I’m not super creative but what do you think might actually be Idia’ routine with his darling? Does he fall into any routine, does it change a lot?
Have a wonderful day (and happy late bunny day!) 🫶
I actually am of the opinion that this is a very creative thought! You should give yourself more credit. I like to idealize the day to day life, but it never occurred to me that writing it down might be a good idea. On that sentiment, I think maybe Vil or even Leona would have a better day to day routine. Dividers by @/cafekitsune
Also, wow, what a pipeline, FFXIV to twst?? You've got good taste lmao welcome to my blog.
I'll put this under the cut, and I'm also not promising that this will be very good. I use the 24 hour clock. I am constantly getting told irl that American people don't do that, but I'm evil, so I'm putting the times in 24 hour clock format.
TW for mentions of noncon, coercion, captivity, someone keeping someone else awake, a hint of Idia being an asshole
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+ Idia doesn't really seem like he has much of a set schedule, but Ortho absolutely does and Ortho is lowkey kind of bossy, so...
+ Yeah uh, Idia's partner is absolutely out of luck. Idia likes night gaming a lot, and he gets loud, so good luck sleeping. Idia himself goes to bed late and wakes up whenever the heck he wakes up. He could go to bed at 0300 in the morning and wake up again at 0700.
+ As his kept partner, the schedule is a little more normal, like I said. Ortho doesn't really need to sleep from what I understand, (I haven't read all of book 6, no spoilers or else I WILL temporarily block you) but it's silly to imagine that he doesn't wake up or attempt to wake up everyone else around him as early as 0600.
+ After waking up, Idia will eat breakfast. I think it'd be delivered usually since Idia and his partner are basement dwellers, one by nature and the other by force. After breakfast begins work...
+ Or procrastination. Idia flip flops between extreme focus on what he should be doing and what he should not be doing. He manages to get his schoolwork done, but more often than not, he's asking his partner to cuddle up and watch a movie, drama, or his fingers flying across the keyboard. Idia will not ask them to cuddle if he is doing schoolwork or virtually attending classes.
+ I like to think that he smells smoky, on account of the flaming hair, and he runs hot, so prepare to SWEAT. In the case his partner doesn't really want to hang out with him, he will usually sulk and only occasionally get upset to the point of doing something about it.
+ I don't think he showers every day. I think he's an every other day type of showerer, based solely on him not being particularly active. This means that his partner doesn't have to run on his showering schedule and gets extra hot water on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
+ By the way, in the case that Idia's darling ever gets peckish, Idia has a snack stash that he proudly pulled out and showed them as soon as they were allowed to wander a bit. I figure they get hungry some time around 1400, especially if Idia is also eating at that time.
+ I think his metabolism is fast, but also a bit odd. He is a young person, and therefore he strikes me as the type to get randomly hungry. If asked very nicely (and with the promise of physical affection in some form) he'd be incredibly willing to make his partner something to munch on when he makes his own.
+ Despite Idia's partner being literally held captive in his room, with all his suspicious items and, worst of all, himself, Idia is about as respectful as a kidnapper can be about demanding sex. He doesn't like to be physically forceful about it, and he often will just jerk off in the bathroom.
+ The reason for this is very simple: If Ortho ever saw Idia having sex with ANYONE, Idia would spontaneously combust. Well, obviously he doesn't know that for certain, but it's a theory that he is not willing to test. He won't even talk about his preferences around his little brother.
+ As far as I'm aware, most people in captive situations do not tend to ask their kidnapper to fuck them unless they're being threatened in some way, but Idia's partner isn't typically being threatened (ignore the shock collar,) so they never ask Idia to have sex.
+ This does not stop Idia from being a whiny bitch about not having sex enough as soon as Ortho is gone for a few hours. The close quarters and sudden advent of a human being who he doesn't mind touching him is a big thing for Idia.
+ Ortho goes on "walks" in a sort of unusual schedule. That is to say that he doesn't have a schedule. If something needs to be picked up, he's tired of Idia not listening to him, he has his own stuff to do, or he just feels like it, Ortho will go out, sharing his location with Idia. From there, Idia will typically calculate how long it'd take Ortho to get back paired with whatever Ortho said he was going to do before he left, and see if he can squeeze in some coerced touching.
+ So. Good luck, Idia's partner. Idia will make a big stink until he gets bored or his partner gives in. His partner usually gives in, based on fear of what he might do alone.
+ Bedtime is somewhat randomized. If Ortho was out, when he comes back and it's any time after 2000, he will very subtly try to get Idia and his partner to start winding down. If both or one ignores him, he'll start getting upset.
+ Like I said, Ortho is kinda bossy. He will nag someone, and the worst part is that he's usually got their best interest in mind.
+On the off chance that Idia decides to go to bed at a decent time, he curls up behind his partner. He runs hot and smells smoky, and at some times it's not the worst thing. Some times.
+ By the way, a lot of this flies out the window in the event that Idia decides to attend classes in person. This is rare, so don't expect it to happen often, but it's not as good as it could be. Ortho goes with him and he locks up any way to reach the outside world, so all his partner has to entertain themselves is his manga collection, or the fun pastime of destruction of property. (This is a very bad idea, and I can expand on punishments later.)
+ In Idia's partner's case, every day is much of the same but just a little different, which makes it hard to keep track of time. The fact that Idia prefers low lighting and no natural light doesn't help this whatsoever.
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aanoia · 1 year
"Just friends"
James Potter x reader
Summary; truth or dare leads to drunken confessions leads to sweet kisses
Warnings; alcohol, mentions of weed
Words; 1175
Requests are welcome and encouraged! I have an anon submission box and you can ask in comments!
Welcome to my blog Harry Potter fans, please get along with the obx and Avatar fans who also reside here
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“Mk, my turn, Lils, truth or dare?” Marlene asked, taking a sip from her firewhiskey.
“Mmm, dare.” Lily said with a smile.
“Okay, I dare you…” She put her finger to her chin in thought. “To kiss Y/n. On the lips.” She decided.
Lily looked at me and giggled. I leaned in and placed a fat kiss on her lips. I pulled away with a smile and took a gulp of my drink.
“I know who you pretended she was!” Dorcas said in a singsong voice.
“Jamesie!” Marlene sang with her.
I threw a pillow at the couple, “Shut up. He doesn’t like me like that. James and I are just friends.” I was thankful that when I drank I became flushed, or the girls would tease me for the heat rising to my cheeks.
Lily laughed loudly, “Friends?” She asked incredulously. “Babe, I’ve seen that boy almost snap his neck because he heard your laugh and wanted to know why you were laughing. But yes, keep telling yourself you’re just friends.”
I took another drink from my bottle.
“Yeah. I’ve talked to Siri and he complains about how annoying James is when all he can talk about is how perfect you are, about how he just wishes you loved him back.” Marlene added to which Dorcas nodded.
“Mhm, and not to mention the fact that he changed all of his classes to be in your classes. Or that he always watches you as you pass by as if you’re an angel from heaven. Or when he looks at you over his books and turns beat red when someone catched him. Or how about-”
“Okay, okay, I understand.”
“Okay, my turn.” Lily announced. “Y/n, truth or dare?”
“Dare, duh. I’m no pussy.” I said confidently, straightening my posture.
“Okay then, I dare you to go tell James you’re madly in love with him.”
If it wasn’t for the whiskey coursing through my veins I would’ve immediately shot down the idea, however, I was drunk as fuck. And maybe the fact that they just told me about all the things he supposedly does that showed he loved me as I do him gave me an extra burst of confidence. I stood up, a determined look on my face.
“No way.” Marlene muttered and I downed the last of my drink and made my way to the door of the dorm.
I opened the door and turned around with a grin, waving to the girls, “I’ll see you later.” I said, quieter this time so as to not wake anyone. I stumbled down the stairs, giggling slightly at how out of it I was.
I walked up the stairs to the boys dormitory, thankful for the lack of enchantment on their stairs. Eventually I reached the boys dorm, which was lively with noise. The group was talking and laughing loudly as music played. I wonder how their neighbors feel about how loud they are. I admired the carving the boys had made in their door as I waited for the liquid courage to kick in. The messy carving had read “The Marauders” with a little wonky smile next to it. I smiled as I remembered carving in the smile while James carefully carved the eyes. I closed my eyes as I remembered the heat of his body behind mine, and the feeling of his breath hovering across my neck.
I took a deep breath, “Here goes nothing.” I knocked loudly and the talking stopped, a moment later the music ceased as well. After there was no answer I knocked again and soon after heard quiet footsteps nearing the door.
The door opened to reveal a slightly sweaty, high out of his mind, Sirius Black.
“Ah, my favorite girl. What brings you here, love?” Sirius asked.
“Pads? Who is it?” Remus asked from behind the door.
“I need James.” I told him, a slight slur to my words.
Sirius’ eyes widened slightly. Of course he knew how his best girl friend was in love with his best boy friend. He had known from the beginning. He had tried to get them together so many times but neither of them could get it through their thick skulls that they both loved each other.
“Prongs, you have a visitor.” Sirius called back with a grin on his face, not breaking eye contact with me. Sirius stepped to the side and a confused James stepped into view. Suddenly, all the alcohol left my system and fear filled my body as I sobered up.
“Y/n?” He asked quietly and my heart fluttered.
“Can we talk?” I asked, almost in a whisper.
James looked at Sirius for a second before he nodded and stepped out. I gently grabbed his hand as the door closed and led him down the stairs. I sat on the couch and pulled my hand away. James sat next to me as I watched the neverending fire.
“Y/n? What did you want to talk abo-” James asked softly.
“I love you.” I interrupted him. I shook my head, “I’m in love with you. And I totally get it if you don’t like me- or love me back.”
“Y/n.” James tried.
“And I also understand if I just ruined our friendship, and I’m really sorry but I love you.”
I looked over to him. “No, James, let me talk.” He closed his mouth. “James, from the day I first saw you I’ve been drawn to you. And it was different from the way I was drawn to Sirius, or Remus, or Lily, or any of them. I didn’t figure out how it was different until third year and ever since then you won’t leave my mind. Everything about you entrances me, your voice, your laugh, your personality, your eyes, and your hair, oh my Godric your hair-” James laughed and I flashed him a smile. “I love you, James. Way more than I’ve loved anyone. I get it if you don’t love me back, but I just thought you’d want to know. And I was dared to tell you how I felt. And I’m really drunk.”
James scooted closer to me and lifted his hand to my cheek, “Can I kiss you?” He asked and I closed my eyes.
“Please.” I whispered and in a moment his lips were on mine. He pulled away after a second and looked into my eyes. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before leaning back in with a soft smile. My hand found its way to the nape of his neck and I gently pulled him closer to me. He laughed into my mouth and stroked my cheek before he pulled away. I kept my eyes closed, wanting to savor the moment. A soft smile came across my face as he gently kissed my eyelids and I opened my eyes. He rested his forehead against mine, keeping his hand on my cheek.
He placed a final kiss on my lips, “I love you too.”
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The silence after the storm (2)
All parts of this and the first days are on my blog and under the tag Ninjago: elemental wizard of Fire. I will start posting them on A03 soon as well. Enjoy....;)
After everything was done and said, they finally, together with Cole and Zane, all returned to the monastery.
With some weird wizard lady, but Lloyd didn't ask. She seemed to be friends with Cole and Zane, so it was fine.
They all returned to the monastery.
Nya was maybe exceptionally quite, Wyldfyre as well, but it didn't mean anything.
Cole had tears in his face, and Zane a very sorrowful expression, after talking to Nya, but it didn't mean anything.
There was no one ruffling his hair after the fight ended, but it didn't mean anything.
A silent voice in his head was bugging him, that something was wrong. He should open his eyes, and ears and his heart. He should stop denying things.
It didn't mean anything.
Lloyd fell into his bed. His eyes fell shut. And for the first time in maybe weeks, he was able to get a proper sleep. One without any dreams whatsoever. But when he woke up, at least twelve hours later according to his clock, he finally realized what that voice in the back of his head was nagging him about.
Kai was gone. Thrown through the portal. Used as a sacrifice.
Stuck in the never space. Probably forever. Unless they could find another, a sacrifice free, way than the bloodmoon to open another portal and get him back.
If he could even survive that long, stuck with four of the forbidden five.
Lloyd realized.
Kai was gone.
If Cole learned one thing in his life, than it was how fast things could change.
At first they thought that things must have ended good. The bloodmoon was over, they stopped the cloud kingdom from crashing and the world didn't seem to immediately end.
Then Galandalaria came up to them, talking something about how she "couldn't feel Bonzles presence like she did before" and Cole started to panick.
Then Lloyd and the others joined him and Zane on the Cloud kingdom, and the panick went down. But just for a moment, because Nya came up to him and Zane, with tears in her eyes, with Wyldfyre cornering behind her. He didn't really knew any of the younger kids that well, especially Wyldfyre, but that was clearly not her usual expression.
Nya talked to them, something about the bloodmoon , and yeah yeah, they knew about the bloodmoon and the ritual and stuff, when Cole noticed something was missing.
A certain someone was missing.
Nya kept talking about the events of the latest fight, while Cole looked into the rest of the round. Next to him Zane seemed to be doing something similar, while Galandalaria was still trying to somehow find Bonzles presence with her cristall ball and various spells as it seemed.
Nya and Wyldfyre were there, obviously. Lloyd was talking to one of the monks with Arin just a few steps behind him, both facing him with their backs. Sora was standing with Rayu a bit aside from the group, a sort of troubled and confused expression on her face.
It pained him a bit, that he wasn't even thinking to look for Jay, but even after all his travles he didn't stumble across a single sign of his brown haired freckled friend.
However, Kai was supposed to be here, wasn't he? Zane told him, that he was with Lloyds group.
Kai was very much supposed to be here, but he wasn't.
Was he....
"Ras pushed Kai through the portal as a sacrifice.", Nya said through clenched teath. When Cole looked back to her, he saw her white knuckled fists. He couldn't look into her eyes. "And he was still in there when the portal closed."
Cole wanted to punch something. Anything. Anyone. Preferably that Ras by the love of the FSM.
But he couldn't. He was Cole. The earth Ninja. The stable one. He had to keep it under control.
If not for himself, then for Nya. Nya who probably wouldn't take long before braking down herself.
He would have to keep it together.
Zane was in the kitchen of the monastery, a few days after the bloodmoon, trying to focus on his cooking. Though 'trying' was the correct word for sure.
It shouldn't be so difficult for him to cook. It was a task he had done millions of times before. He had the recipe memorized in his data drive.
It shouldn't be difficult for a robot to repeat a pretty much programmed task, right?
Ok, maybe the words from those administration agents did hurt him more than he let on at first. But that wasn't the point now.
The recipe was one he made often. A way to make Kai promise them to stay in bed when he had another broken bone or so, which has happened a bit to often for Zanes and everyone's else's preference probably.
Why was he in the middle of making Kais favorite noodles again?
Shouldn't he be searching his data banks for anything about magic?
Shouldn't he be researching portal and dimension magic?
Shouldn't he be... looking for clues. Looking for ways, hints, anything.
Maybe he should just switch off his emotions again. Personally, he thought it worked quite well in matters of productivity, but everyone else on the team told him it was a terrible thing. And the point of eventually switching them back on was honestly terrible.
And he didn't wanted to become that emotionless robot the agents said he was after all. Even if it meant feeling painful emotions after all.
Maybe he should rather make Nyas favorite instead. To cheer her up, at least a little bit before they could on to defeat Ras.
And after that they would find a way to get Kai back for sure. They did so many impossible things in the past, this was just another hurdle to overcome for them.
But for now he was going to cook.
The bloodmoon made Agent Walker feel pretty weird. Weirder than he already did, from his interaction with the skeleton and what happened afterwards.
The bloodmoon was over almost as soon as it came, and with it most of the weird feeling went away.
His heart stung as if something, or rather more than before, was suddenly missing.
Eh. Probably just the stress of all this forsaken bureaucracy, he thought, while remembering the pile of papers waiting for him on his desk back at the administration.
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silversapphire5691 · 6 days
welcome beaaaaack to another episode of silver’s merch mysteries: the two part season finale (just kidding, but this post will be in 2 parts)
today we have a very interesting case: the hoops and yoyo top secret journal.
so if you follow my blog, you’ll know i’ve been a fan of the greeting card characters hoops and yoyo since before i could read and write. im always on the hunt for interesting things about them or lost media i can archive/help in finding.
well the other day, ebay notifies me that my saved “hoops and yoyo” search has a new listing. i click it, expecting it to not be much, but it turns out to be a listing for a diy journal kind of book.
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these kinds of books were all the rage in the late 2000s, i knew a lot of people who had the diary of a wimpy kid one and i had a junie b. jones diary too (shout out to junie b. jones fans). but i had never seen a hoops and yoyo book like this.
i save the listing and i do some research to see if this has been mentioned or archived anywhere. i try searching the title. nothing. i try searching the isbn number. nothing (although it is pretty blurry, i could have typed it wrong). there are absolutely no images or listings for this book that i can find. i even check worthpoint to see if maybe someone else sold it at some point. absolutely nothing.
by this point i knew i had found something interesting so i immediately buy the book. at the time of me writing this i have not received it, but i will post pictures and updates once i do. i think i have found some real lost media here!
some things i think are interesting: the back of the book says “this edition is only available for distribution through the school market.”
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you’ll also notice that the book was published by scholastic. so that led me to a theory…
was this book only sold through the scholastic book fair?
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i mean, that would explain the rarity. hoops and yoyo weren’t exactly the most popular characters even in their heyday, so i can’t imagine many kids bought this book anyway.
while im waiting for my order to arrive, i’ve been trying to find old catalogs from book fairs of old, but i haven’t found much. i’ll keep looking and see if i can find any other mention of this book anywhere online.
i wanted to hold off on making this post until i actually got the book but i got impatient. once i get the book i’ll post a follow up and any other findings i stumbled across while i was waiting!
see yall soon!
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simpforduckgrayson · 2 years
18+ Blog, Minors DNI
Luke Castellan x Daughter of Zeus!OC
OC reveals her fear of storms to Luke, to which he comforts her and reveals a fear of his own
Warnings: Mentions of death and fears, also storms and cows
Disclaimer: We support cow phobias in this household. Not being afraid of cows, I hope anyone that’s afraid of them gets better with it, just that we support you. And by we I mean me, I’m just one person. Also please someone tell me the name for a cow phobia. Also this is barely proofread and edited <3
“Rosie? You finally come to join the real world babe?” Luke called as she walked in the door.
“Don’t call me that, ass,” she replied, a small laugh leaving her mouth as she trailed across the room, her blanket hanging from her shoulders as she walked up behind him.
“What exactly do you want me to call you then? Your name is Rosetta and last time I checked you preferred Rosie.” The words slipped from his mouth as he slammed his head back into her shoulder, laughing when he heard her stumble backwards onto his bed.
She lightly huffed, pushing her now stray hairs from her face before speaking again, “You know what I meant Luke. Don’t call me that shit, someone’s gonna get the wrong impression.” He paused his game and stood up, walking over to stand in front of her, his frame towering over her as she looked up at him, a look on her face he couldn’t put a name on but something about it made his heart hurt a little.
“What are you here for Rosie?” he asked, his voice softer this time as he reached forward to push another fallen strand away from her face.
“There’s a storm outside and I,” she trailed off, looking down at her shoes, before letting out a shaky breath and finishing her sentence, “I have- a fear- of, storms- ” He let out a laugh before stopping abruptly when he realized she was serious.
“You’re scared of storms? But you’re-“ he started, but he was cut off by her curt reply.
“Yeah, I know, it’s- it’s complicated, Luke. You know it’s complicated. I just”, another huff, “I just was wondering if maybe I could hang out with you until it’s over.”
Luke stepped over and sat down on the bed to her right. “I hate to break it to you princess, but that storm doesn’t look like it’s letting up any time soon, so if you’re here for the storm, you’re staying the night.”
She looked up at him again, trying not to spill her thoughts while she let out a whisper, “That’s kind of the point. I don’t wanna be alone. Not right now. Please?”
His only response came in the form of him grabbing her by the waist and swinging his body to the left, pulling her up beside him and shoving her face first into the pillows on his bed. She lifted her head up and laughed, shoving him slightly back as she got comfortable beside him. Just as she got settled she felt his arm wrap around her neck, yanking her up against his chest and holding her there. For a second he thought she was going to push him away but he tensed when he felt her wrap her arms tighter around his stomach.
His grip around her neck relaxed as he tucked his head down next to hers, “You’re really freaked out aren’t you?”
She nuzzled in closer to his chest. “You have no idea.” He let out a sigh before pulling her close to him again.
“You know, I actually have this, honestly stupid phobia.”
“Oh really? What’s that?” she hummed against him.
“I’m afraid of cows. I have been for years,” he said, lightly stroking a strand of her hair that fell into his hands.
“Really? Cows? I didn’t think you were afraid of anything.”
He frowned slightly as he stopped stroking her hair. “When Thalia, Annabeth and I were on our way to camp we ran into a Minotaur. He was so mad, he was trying to kill us, I’ve never been so scared in my life, not even when Thalia,” he paused, “even when Thalia died. I guess, something about it probably turned into some weird fear of cows, I don’t know.”
“Hey asshole, being scared of cows isn’t weird, plenty of people are scared of cows,” she replied, jabbing him in the chest with her finger to emphasize her point.
“I guess you’re right. Not super weird, but to be fair most people with cow phobias can’t say they got it from a Minotaur can they?” His laugh echoed through the room while he resumed playing with her hair.
Several beats of silence spread through the room, the only sound coming from rain beating down on the windows and thunder in the distance.
“It’s always there when they die. The thunder, I mean. It’s like he doesn’t want me to be happy even for a moment. So much that he’d kill over it, you know? So much that he did kill for it I guess,” she whispered, and he tensed once again when he felt her hand clutching the back of his shirt as tight as she could. He looked down to see her eyes shut, her eyebrows creased hard as she tried to repress the memories flooding back to her.
“You’re safe Rosie. Nothing will hurt you here.”
He heard a quiet noise from her he couldn’t quite decipher before she replied, “He can still get here, Luke. I’m not safe anywhere.”
“I meant ‘here’ as in with me, stupid. You’re safe here, with me. I’m not letting anyone touch you,” he said, waiting for a reply but nothing came, “you should probably sleep princess. I heard Mr.D wants to talk to you tomorrow so you should probably get as much rest as you can.”
With that she snuggled in closer to his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat drumming in her ear lull her to sleep. Once he was sure she was asleep he gently kissed the top of her head, whispering into her hair, “Love you princess, sweet dreams.” before untangling himself from her and climbing out of bed.
Knowing what he knew now, he realized he was afraid of some storms too. Her storms were nothing, they soothed him and calmed him on days he couldn’t stand the weather the gods threw at him, but those other storms? He knew he wasn’t afraid of the rain, or the thunder, or even the man who made them. He was afraid that, just like she lost the people she loved, maybe one day he’d lose her to one of those storms too. So that night he sat, waiting out the storm, because Tartarus itself would freeze over before he let anyone take her away.
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Would you be opened to writing a whump prompt for me? I'm writing a story about a Whumpee returning after having been missing for 4 months.
If so: Could you write the scene in which caretaker (who looks for missing Whumpee every single night) stumbles across a very sick Whumpee (it's been raining, probably pneumonia) and sorry I don't know if this is too much for you but anywhoo
Caretaker takes Whumpee to their home, Whumpee who is just so feverish but caretaker can tell that Whumpee is different, the way they flinch at slight touch
Maybe during caretaking, caretaker decides that they don't care about Whumpee's flinching, and they just hug them. Whumpee is so painfully touch-starved they just start crying in caretaker's arms.
This is a bonus but only if you have time to do it or even care: caretaker's mother is a doctor, she comes down as soon as the door opens, and helps somehow
thanks if so!
I’m sorry, but based on your ask, I assume you mean you’d love for me to write a scene for you, as in a scene that isn’t various prompts written in bullet points? and I’m afraid I’m really not comfortable doing this, because
1.) I only take fic requests on my main blog for characters I normally write about (not OCs), as in “I write the entire fic from start to finish, and the entire fic will be completely mine; so I’m the one publishing it on my AO3 account and no one, not even the requester, is allowed to repost it whether it be on AO3, Tumblr, or any other platform. you are more than welcome to read it, but that’s it.”
2.) if I did write that scene for you, it would make that part of your work mine. and I don’t know your writing style, it could be very different from mine and I don’t think it’ll be a good idea for one story to be inconsistent in terms of, you know, writing style. also I’m not looking for a collaboration with other writers right now. but if I were to collaborate with someone, it’d be someone I know/someone whose writing style I’ve read and am familiar with.
so in my humble opinion, you’re looking for a collaborator. and I really think you should do this with someone you know and someone whose writing style you’re familiar with.
that being said, what I do here is that I write prompts — as in suggestions/ideas for a potential story — they are written in bullet points that are not necessary connected to each other. anyone can use or edit those prompts in their story however they like (although credit would be highly appreciated). I only offer writers some ideas and inspiration. I’m not writing a part of people’s work for them.
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teegeeteegee · 8 months
Answering Questions No One Asked For (Part II)
Continuation of this post. Also, I just learned I can't edit previous posts to add titles. 😂
Mario Fan Creations: Thus far, I have written ten Mario based fanfictions on AO3. They are linked on my pinned post in this blog. I have ideas for other fics I would like to write, and they will be linked once I post them on AO3. Right now, I'm sticking to fanfiction because I have zero artistic talent. 😂
Favorite Fanfiction Written So Far: Although Burning Desire is my most popular fic, my personal favorite right now is Unclogging Love. I just loved the idea of Mario and Luigi sharing their thoughts about Peach and Daisy with the latter two eavesdropping on them. 🙂
Writing Style: I'm more of a pantser, meaning I write what comes to mind without an outline. I'm trying to balance between being a pantser and plotter. I like the freedom of writing the story as it plays in my mind. However, at the same time I'm trying to be better at outlining my stories and giving them more structure. As far as the stories I write, I try to write the stories I would like to read myself. I try to keep them to where anyone can enjoy them, and I want most if not all of my stories have happy endings for my favorite characters.
Favorite Fics To Read: I love reading positive fics centered around my favorite characters and ships, especially if they're Mareach and/or Luaisy-centric. I try to avoid reading fics that place my favorite characters in a negative light. The character I am the most sensitive about is Peach. If I stumble across a fic that depicts her negatively, I bail out as soon as I can. I also try to avoid fics with bad/negative endings.
Other Favorite Gaming Series:
Final Fantasy (although I haven't played one since FFX)
Seiken Densetsu (especially Trials of Mana, I may write fanfiction about that game next)
Chrono games (Trigger, Cross)
Legend of Zelda (though the last one I played was Wind Waker 😬)
Biggest Pet Peeves in Fandoms: I have two major ones:
Gatekeeping - I mean, what's the point? Just because someone doesn't know every single detail about a series doesn't mean they aren't true fans. 🙄 I don't know everything about the things I enjoy and even if I did, I wouldn't act superior to others. If anything, that could turn people away from fandom. I, for one, love to see new people in the fandoms I enjoy.
Bashing Characters To Build Up Favorites - This one drives me nuts. It's one thing to prefer some characters over others. However, there's no need to take shots at or talk negatively about the characters that aren't favored as much. Let's take the Mario fandom, for example. The prime examples I see are Luigi being praised while Mario is dragged through the mud, and the other Mario girls being celebrated while Peach is criticized. Maybe it's just me, but I'd rather support my favorites than criticizing others.
Another one that is sort of an extension of #2 is people taking shots at characters while they're being praised. Someone can create a positive topic about a character, yet some who dislike the character come in and say something negative about the character and/or insulting those who do. It's something I could never understand. For me, if I don't care about certain characters or ships, I don't even look at the topic. I scroll past it and go on about my day. I just think it's a waste of time and energy to do something like this.
Well, I think I will stop here for now. If I can come up with anything else, I'll create another post. Also, I'll do my best to answer any questions others may have. For anyone who took the time to read all of this, thank you, and I hope whoever read this enjoyed getting to know me a little better. 😁
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euphoricfilter · 11 months
aaa see you get it. tysm for taking the time out to read my rambling. i’m head huncho jm defense squad lmao and i’m so happy to see someone else respect him as all that he is, because he truly is one of the sexiest men ive ever seen. i think 30,000 views of every serendipity and like crazy performance is from me lmaoo. like are you kidding, he looks like a disney prince. your writing is amazing and you have a new follower and fan babe ! hopefully we can both stumble across some written gems regarding jimin soon and if not, i think i can stir some stuff together for him.. lol. i’m actually a writer as well but this blog is for appreciating other writers haha. looking forward to more of your work !! <3 my writing page also started off as a joke but it seems that we always have the best takes on writing and characterization and such regarding the sexuality of whoever they’re writing about lol
have an amazing day gorgeous ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。 ˚
candy anon !
thank you for even sending it in!! i had some fun thinking about how to word my answers and properly form what i wanted to say!! it’s hard to articulate certain thoughts sometimes, especially when you could talk about a topic for a while or it’s a subject that you can go really deep into because there’s a lot to cover !!
FR jimin is so yummy!! i think kitty gang jimin is like the perfect imagine to encapsulate his identity sometimes. the fun pink hair and rhinestone jacket and the skinny jeans!!! he’s so ARG just wanna give him a smooch and then maybe ask him to boss me around a little bit 🚶‍♀️
the amount of times i’ve watched like crazy is stupid but like he has me giggling and kicking my legs. and omg when filter came out it was a hyperfixation song for me so i had it on repeat for at least 2 hours a day OH and then when the choreo came out i lost a piece of my soul and descended into a new form of evolved human. the girly and the guy mannequins?? i was clawing at the walls
ahhh thank you!! i never know what to say when people say nice things about my writing LMAO i feel like i’m always repeating myself with all the thank yous, and then just thank you doesn’t feel like enough but i can’t give kisses to everyone and that kinda sucks
omg new fan too!! i’ll become your devoted fan in return then 💪
manifesting we both find some yummy jimin fics!!
a writer as well?? you’re so cool 😭 and i’m glad you could at least express your opinion here!! it was really fun to think about so if you have any other topics ever then my inbox is all yours!!
you have an amazing day too!! and remember to take care of yourself, and keep hydrated 💞
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onewingedsparrow · 9 months
Small moments, not to be forgotten
Went to pick up a part for something. Grabbed one that wasn't ideal, not having used it before. Instead of talking down at me for my ignorance, the people at the counter said, "Hey, just so you know, that one didn't really work for me and I didn't think it was worth the money. Here, try this one instead. It's an improvement over the other one because of x, y and z. And I'll give you a discount so it's the same price as the other one." They were so respectful, it caught me off guard! And on top of that, they didn't need to give me a discount, but they did because they were kind. I was so thankful ❤️
Shoutout to the random little kid (maybe younger than 5?) who saw me across the parking lot at my work and yelled at the top of his lungs, "HI!" for absolutely no reason. Made me smile. ❤️
Someone I admire told me, "I think you'll really like HTTYD 3!" ✨ because I hadn't seen it yet. I watched it and laughed so much...and it made me cry, too. It was so good. A few days later, I got to tell her, "You were right! I loved it!" 💖
Was talking to my brother about how he really needed to eat lunch, and then, soon after, just so happened to stumble upon Simu Liu's tweet saying "Do you ever just forget to eat lunch" 😂 I sent that to my brother and we both had a good laugh ❤️
Someone liked one of my posts on one of my sideblogs and I got a blast from the past because I recognized their username from years ago. They would be oblivious to this, but way back when, I appreciated their past creations, and now, here in the future, they somehow found my blog and they appreciate mine. It was such a wild experience. ❤️
A Camaro parked near me today ❤️
The neighbor's very fluffy cat stopped by to spy on me, lol
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craftypentacle · 2 years
Hello, tumblr.
So we meet again...
I believe this is my seventh tumblr account, most of which were created before the age of 16. Not this one. This is my brand new account with my fairly brand new email.
I've been wanting a way to document my life for myself that's not just me journaling on my google docs. I guess I'm more likely to turn to an app to rant than to pull out my laptop and open my journal google doc.
So yes, I am here for me, but I am hoping that maybe I can make some friends along the way. I had started a tumblr attached to the same email as some of my old ones, but it didn't feel right. Whenever I opened my dashboard, I was bombarded with things that represented my teenage self. I wasn't that person anymore. I am not that person anymore... and yet I am...
I am also hoping that this can be an outlet that I use to try and make sense of the world, spark conversation, or help someone else figure out their place or beliefs. I like to think I'm spiritual because I care about being a good person and I do it in a way that acknowledges that there is more to me than this physical body.
I want to use this as a reflection of myself. I want to look into her and see them stare back.
Although sitting here, I think about all the ways that that could end up not happening. I can see myself perhaps being in the wrong in a situation and not acknowledging it. I don't know for what, because normally when I'm in the wrong I don't realize it until days later and so I don't have many examples of times when I do know I'm in the wrong in the moment.
But if I lie in any blog post, anyone who stumbles across it would not know. This is one way I could hold myself accountable.
Having tangible evidence of my current self, which will later become cringey as all hell.
I don't think I am making any sense any more. I'm a little stoned- probably a lotta stoned- and letting myself just think theoretical thoughts. That can be fun, but if I am not writing out every single thought connection, then I will not be making sense.
And if you've made it this far, I guess you get to read a little bit about me :)
You can call me Taro
I am 21, almost 22.
Sun sign: Virgo
Moon sign: Libra
Rising sign: Leo
I don't think I have a favorite color... that's a lie, it's blue. As soon as I started typing anything else, it was just wrong. And no one would've known but me.
I hate lying. The fact that I'm bringing up lying so much is so questionable - I didn't mention that this is likely a chance to psychoanalyze myself, did I?
I am a proud stoner - I think I smoked weed before I drank. Still was only 20 when I started smoking but still lmao
I am currently a student working on my first year certification for my major, although this is the third college I've been to since graduating high school.
I am spiritual in the sense that I am working on being a good person (1. I just wanna be... yk, bc it's a good thing to be and 2. my major requires strong ethics and morals in the field and I don't want to worry that I am making the wrong decision as far as being equal or equitable - depending on the scenario) and I am doing so by acknowledging that there is more to me than just my physical body.
I have been studying tarot on and off for two years now, although my primary use of it has been for self reflection and growth. Only recently have I started trying to read for friends.
In my free time, I like to walk for an hour at the gym. My favorite form of exercise is pole dancing.
I live with my legal guardian since I was 3, I am working towards government assistance to leave with a place to go.
My favorite game is minecraft. Second favorite is snake.
anyway, yeah...uhhh that's some of me :)
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cinnaspicepie · 1 month
Greetings mortals,
This is an introduction to whatever lies ahead.
The date is currently 4/25/2024 and I am a hot mess.
Currently I am crazy behind in school. However, if I am able to get myself together I will still graduate with my bachelor’s in history by June 2024. There is a slight problem, this has got to be the worst off period of my life. No motivation, lost my fitness routine, and nothing but the urge to just lay in bed all day. I’m tired of this. Soon, if all goes well, I’ll be free from school and my life will be a whole lot simpler. To do that I need to get my life together, for me.
Something I have always struggled with is doing things for me and only for me. If I truly desire to get better I have to put myself first, none of this “I need to graduate to make Mom and Dad proud,” or “If I get my life together, maybe she’ll love me the way I love her.” It has never worked when I put my self image in the hands of others as a way to measure my worth or progress. The only time I was able to change my life for the better was when I put myself first, measured my progress to how I felt, and wanted to be better for the sake of me and not solely to make my loved ones proud. I miss that mindset and hopefully this blog will reflect my efforts to live for myself.
While it may seem odd to anyone reading this, seeing that I want to live for myself but I want to post about that journey online for others to see. Let it be clear, whatever following I get (though I expect few will stumble across this blog and actively follow updates) is not my motivation. They have no idea who I am and honestly, the only reason I am doing this is because journaling has stopped working. I mostly want this as an archive and Tumblr has a unique way of keeping your online presence separate from real life, I would be shocked if anyone in my life found this blog. Plus, archiving my efforts anonymously on the internet to a crowd that only will view it if they want to is a good way to get out of my head and remind me that there is a world outside of my front door. Besides, I’m a bartender, in my eyes I’m not doing anything to weird considering how many strangers of all walks of life have came up to my rail and dumped their troubles over a drink only for me to watch them walk out the door and never see them again. Sometimes you just need to get things off your chest to whoever is willing to listen.
So, here’s what the nitty gritty of what I have planned on this god forsaken blog:
Fitness journey. I was in amazing shape at this time last year. I am still healthy by all means, but I miss the strength and endurance I had. As someone who was overweight and out of shape for most of high school and then was able to turn my life around and get into the best shape of my life, this point hits hard. Eating healthy and getting daily exercise did wonders for my mental health, it was like taking drugs without taking drugs. I really miss the process of trying to get stronger, it was fun and addictive in the best of ways. So, I’m going to actively work on creating that habit again.
Writing. I would like to post some creative writing on here, I love to write so I think it would be fun to share quick little prompts even if they’re just a few sentences long. I have a story in mind and I think it would be fun to keep track of ideas for it here.
Study/school. Despite being horribly behind in school, I love the process of learning. In the beginning of this blog I know whatever I post will be about catching up on missing assignments and then focusing on graduating, but there is a deep love I have in the process of learning. I’ve been out of touch from that love, but maybe if I share how I go about my studies it will have the same effect as mirroring does on me.
Enjoying life without screens. I believe everyone misses that awe for everything we had as children. I remember a time when my life wasn’t stimulated by scrolling for hours on a screen. I would get lost in books, take shity pictures, stare at bugs, dance to songs in the living room with my mom, and so much more. While it may seem counterintuitive to post about these experiences on a blog, that you will see on a blue light screen, I need to reiterate that this blog is in place of journaling. It’s a space for myself before anyone else, the major difference between this blog and my many journals is that people can see it, which is actually a good thing because I need to be reminded that I’m not alone.
Thoughts on life. This is where the blog will really come in place of my journal. I want to post quick questions, frustrations, and reflections I have on life. I would like to do so creatively so maybe it will come in the form of creative writing. Maybe it will come in the form of vent posts? Who knows.
So yes, this is the start of something I’ve never done before. Hopefully having a place to dump everything will help with my mental health, it will be fun to look back on everything that I post if all goes well. I’m going to take a quick nap since I wrote this at 5:00 am, then I’ll hop out of bed and try to get my life together. I’ll workout, I’ll shower, I’ll turn in at least one assignment. I just need to actively try creating the life I want or else I’m going to stay stuck in my head for the rest of my life.
Despite being in the dumps for a while now, I think I’ll have fun with this blog.
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jesters-art-arena · 9 months
Welcome to the blog lameos. This is the place ill put my art. Some of my art is shit, i know, im very aware. However, i will post it anyways because maybe someone wants some really shitty art.
I will take requests. Please send requests if you like my shit. Ill draw anything as long as its a fandom im in. [Currently Newsies, but i will still do homestuck]
proper intro in the form of a carrd coming soon, with information about requests, commissions, and where i post other stuff.
Have a nice day to anyone who stumbles across this wretched art hole.
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probablystroking · 1 year
I don't know what this blog is. I thought I'd reblog beautiful women's nudes and post some fantasies, but largely I'm just pining after the one that got away.
Sometimes I think about her stumbling across this blog, and reading the posts and thinking, "I wish someone felt that way about me" and eventually she'd figure out that it's me and, I don't know... And she'd want me? It seems stupid.
I'm posting stuff though. In the past when I've written things like this it's never been for public viewing. Maybe I just want it out there.
Everyone else I've been with, I'd been with long enough to tell them I love you. We never got there. It was too brief, and too soon after your ex for you. I knew you still loved him when you were with me, but I know there was something between us, too.
I remember, about two weeks before we got together, we went dancing. You were still with him, and you came back to mine afterwards. You slept on the sofa. Weeks later you'd tell me that was the first time you wanted to fuck me. You came back to mine to test yourself. To see if your desire for me would outweigh your love or loyalty or whatever. Not a great test, since you were practically falling asleep the moment you sat down.
I remember how giddy I felt that it was that night, the dancing, that made you want me. There must have been something in the air. I was so drunk I barely remember being in that bar with you, but there was a moment I do recall. I remember dipping you, and you went so far back. I was fully supporting your body with my right hand. I remember the way your back felt, through your t-shirt. The firmness of your body and the suppleness of your skin. I remember thinking, "remember this moment, because this might be the closest you ever get to holding her as a lover."
I remember entering that bar as someone with a crush on you. I remember one beautiful moment, dancing with you. I remember leaving that bar as someone in love with you.
Two weeks later in that same bar we shared our first kiss, and on that night you came back to mine afterwards. You slept in my bed with me.
I guess I just want it noted down. Maybe I'll look back in years to come, and I'll remember our brief time together fondly. Maybe I'll be showing you this, having told you I love you, and wanting to share with you the moment I knew. I hope so. Hi. I love you.
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
Missed you
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Pairing: Ari Levinson x female!reader
Summary: after a month away from you, Ari doesn't plan on stopping until you pass out.
Warnings: pet names (baby), smut; overstimulation, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, squirting. THIS BLOG IS 18+ ONLY. MINORS DNI.
Author's note: I wrote this at work and I don't regret it! I just wanna pass out at the hands of this man, it's really not asking a lot! (word count: 1.5k)
Kinktober 2021 masterlist
It had been one month since you'd last seen Ari. A whole 30 days since you'd been able to see him, touch him, taste him, and it was driving you crazy.
He was only supposed to be gone a week, which would have been bad enough, but unsuspected issues had kept him away longer.
All you'd had to get you through was the odd phone call whenever he had signal and it just wasn't enough.
As soon as he walked through the door to your shared apartment you were on him. Jumping straight into his arms, almost knocking the wind out of him as he stumbled back into the door.
His larger arms surround you, holding you impossibly tight to his body as he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
"Hey baby, you miss me?" he smirks, pulling back slightly to get a look at you.
"Maybe a little," you smile, leaning in to give him a soft kiss.
When your lips meet a huge need takes over the two of you, Ari deepens the kiss, one large hand cradling the back of your head, his other lifting you from under your ass until your legs are around his waist.
"You've got no idea how much I missed you, baby," Ari murmurs, his lips descending down your neck as he moves you both towards your bedroom.
A giggle escapes you as he drops you on the bed and he can't help but smile as he looks down at you.
"Missed that laugh," he purrs, reaching for your ankles and pulling you to the edge of the bed, "missed your gorgeous face," he leans down so he's hovering over you, lips ghosting yours, "missed this perfect body," his hand trails delicately over the skin of your thigh pushing your skirt up and you can't stop the whimper that escapes you, "missed the pretty noises you make," his nose brushes down your throat, his beard a delightful burn against your skin, "missed my tight little pussy," his fingers connect with the damp spot on your panties and you keen into his touch, "missed ruining you."
He brings his face back up, crashing his lips onto yours in a kiss that devours you. Your fingers tangle in his long hair, tugging when you feel him move your panties to the side, his fingers collecting your arousal before rubbing soft circles against your clit.
You whimper against Ari's lips as he pulls back to look at you. He takes in the way your lips are parted, eyes scrunched shut in pleasure - he's never seen someone so beautiful.
He chuckles at the way your eyes snap open when he removes his fingers, "so needy for me already, baby?"
"Ari it's been a month, of course I'm needy," you pout.
"Where's this attitude coming from, huh? I'd hate not to give you what you want," he smirks, knowing he's got you exactly where he wants.
You throw your head back with a whine knowing he's trying to push your buttons because he knows just how desperate you are for him.
You hear Ari's soft laughter as you feel him pull your skirt and panties down as you quickly discard your top.
"Fuck, baby," he whispers, once you're naked, a large rough palm caressing your cheek.
You think he's about to lean in for a kiss but he goes further to whisper in your ear, "I'm going to absolutely ruin you."
Before you get a chance to respond he pushes two thick fingers into your soaked pussy, your head tilting back in pleasure.
"Missed you like this, fuck, pussy's so tight around my fingers," Ari growls, fingers curling deliciously causing your back to arch.
His fingers continue to move inside of you as he plants kisses across your jaw and down your neck, biting and sucking his way across your skin, only moving on when he's satisfied with a blooming bruise.
When his thumb starts circling your clit you lose it. Back arching, toes curling, thighs trembling as his fingers work you through a shattering orgasm.
"Fuck, Ari," you breathe, a small smile on your face. Your eyes are closed so you don't see him move down your body.
Your eyes shoot open when you feel his tongue circle your sensitive clit, his fingers once again moving inside of you.
"Shit," you moan, fingers tangling in his hair tightly as you feel another orgasm approaching.
The growl he lets out when you pull on his hair vibrates against your sensitive core and you cum for a second time.
"Missed the taste of you, baby," he hums, lifting his head to rest on your thigh as you try and catch your breath.
You can't help the whimper that leaves your lips when you look at him. His full beard is covered with your release, his hair all over the place from your fingers and a look of lust in his eyes that has you clenching around him.
"Missed it that much," he continues, giving kitten licks to your clit that has you jolting each time, "I think I want another taste."
You're about to protest, the sensation almost too much, but he's diving back in and the words get caught in your throat.
"Ari, oh my god," you whine, your hips bucking in an attempt to get some reprieve.
He doesn't let you get far though, his spare hand coming round to pin your hips to the bed.
"Ari," you pant, fingers gripping the sheet next to you, toes curling against his broad back, "I can't, please."
He doesn't respond, too lost in the way you taste. You try to push his head away but he's quick to lace his fingers with yours to keep your hand resting on your stomach. His eyes meet yours and he winks before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking hard as his fingers continue to curl against your g-spot.
Pathetic whimpers of "fuck" and "yes" and "please" fall from your lips as you come again, your arousal coating Ari's face as he laps up all you have to offer.
You can feel tears in your eyes at the overwhelming pleasure, your limbs feeling like jelly as you lay there panting.
"God damn, can't get enough of you, baby," Ari praises, kissing your thighs as he removes his fingers.
You're too busy basking in the afterglow of three orgasms to notice Ari has moved away and undressed himself.
It's not until he's laying his body over you that you open your eyes, blessed with the view of Ari's teasing smirk, "you didn't think we were done did you?"
He chuckles at the way your eyes widen, distracting you with his lips as he grasps his hard cock and lines it up with your entrance.
You moan loudly against Ari's lips as he pushes into you, your hands coming up to grasp his biceps.
"Jesus christ, baby, will never get over how tight you are, squeezing the life out of me," Ari grunts as he pulls back leisurely before setting a deep and slow pace. His hips grinding into you each time.
You're so sensitive from your previous orgasms that it takes no time at all for you to reach the edge again.
With a tight grip on Ari's shoulders, nails biting into his skin, you cum with a cry around his cock.
"That's it baby, so gorgeous when you come for me," you hear Ari murmur in your hazy state.
You whimper when he sits up slightly, his large hands grabbing your thighs and pushing them up to your chest. The new angle has you clenching hard around him, the pleasure teetering on the edge of pain.
"Ari," you cry, "I don't think I can."
"Well let's see shall we?" Ari winks, his fingers finding purchase on your thighs before he's pounding into your relentlessly.
You don't even have time to process your last orgasm before another one is careening through you. And when Ari's fingers find your clit you know you're fucked.
Ari continues to play your body like his favourite instrument, pulling out sounds from you that should have you hiding your face in embarrassment but you're far too gone to care.
You feel the pressure begin to build again, but stronger than the other times.
"Ari, fuck, fuck," you pant, your hands pushing at his stomach.
He pulls out of you almost all the way just as you squirt all over him. Your body convulses at the strength of your orgasm. Both yours and Ari's thighs covered in your release along with his stomach.
The sight sends Ari feral as he pushes back into you, hands gripping your hips tightly as he chases his own release.
You don't realise you've come again, you don't even realise he's come, until you feel a warm cloth between your legs.
Peering your eyes open you see Ari cleaning you up, a pair of grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
He looks up once he's cleaned you up, a soft smile gracing his lips, "welcome back, baby. Lost you for a moment there."
"I don't think I can survive you going away again," you chuckle breathlessly, still feeling light.
Ari throws the cloth to the side before crawling into bed with you, covering you both with the sheet and wrapping his arms around you.
"Well, now I know you can squirt, you're going to have to get used to that."
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Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed ❤️ as always comments and reblogs are super appreciated ✨🖤
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seroh · 3 years
iwaizumi, oikawa, matsukawa, hananaki.
› part one: all i wanted was you.
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— the one where they want you back, but you've moved on.
› angst.
notes — repost from my old blog.
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Ever since you left, there’s been an uncomfortable feeling bubbling inside of Iwaizumi. He wakes up every morning hoping to see you next to him, only to be disappointed when he finds his new lover instead. He gets home and your name almost falls from his lips, before he sees them sitting on his couch. Guilt eats him up inside, specially when they smile at him so bright and loving.
It takes his new lover leaving him, saying he keeps calling your name in his sleep and professing his love for you, for him to realize how much he truly misses you. How bad he really fucked up.
Iwaizumi finds himself alone again, the echo of the door shutting closed still ringing in his ears, and he can’t take it. He needs to see you again.
When the bell rings at 2 a.m., the last thing you expect to see is Iwaizumi. It’s been months, after all, almost a year. And yet there he is, eyes puffy and red and tired. There’s a pained expression in his face, but he still lights up when you open the door and face him.
It takes him one look to realize you’re wearing someone else’s shirt, and as soon as he does his mind starts running wild. Is it his? Did he forget it at your place? Does this mean you miss him? Does he still have a chance? A small, flickering flame of hope ignites inside of him.
Then a second voice talks from somewhere in your apartment, asking who’s at the door, and soon a man emerges behind you. Iwaizumi’s eyes go directly to his hand resting on your hip.
“Who is this, babe?” The question is like a raging wind, killing the little flame in his heart.
“No one,” you reply, eyes cold in his direction as you close the door on his face, and all of the memories that accompany him..
Iwaizumi spends the next few moments standing in front of your door, trying to process the pain in his heart. It’s over. It’s over, he knows it is, and yet he can’t help the urge to knock on your door again and beg for you to take him back.
But it’s over, and there’s nothing he can do to fix what he so carelessly broke.
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It’s easy for Oikawa to forget about what he lost while he’s all the way across the world. His new lover’s company proves to be a great distraction, one that consumes his nights and brightens his days. One that drowns the pain in his heart and makes it all disappear.
But then he finds himself back in his homeland, and he can’t do anything to prevent the surge of memories that hit him as soon as he sets foot in Japan. Everywhere he looks, everywhere he goes, the remnants of your love haunt him. Something as simple as an ad for that the brand of chocolate you loved has him wondering if you still like it as much as you used to. Does it still bring warmth to your heart when you’re feeling down? Should he buy some for you in case he sees you?
Except, he’s sure he won’t see you. Ever again. He repeats that over and over again, trying to resist the temptation to find you. In spite of the growing hope filling his heart, he’s still not prepared to see you again.
Oikawa spots you on the court, talking to someone his eyes don’t even register. He takes a step forward, like in a trance. Eyes locked on your smiling, laughing face. Fingers twitching with the need to touch you, hug you. Heart overflowing with all of the feelings he tried so hard to bury. He truly feels like his teenage self all over again, holding your favorite chocolate as he pours his heart out for you.
He’s a few steps away when you notice him. Your eyes widen in surprise before settling into a resentful kind of pain that makes his heart ache. Still, he puts on a smile, as wide and bright as he can muster, and puts on the whole “It’s been so long! I didn’t expect to see you here” act.
“Well, of course I am.” You say, looking as uncomfortable as he’s ever seen you. “My boyfriend’s in Japan’s team.” The words bring an end to Oikawa’s smile. Almost in slow motion, he sees you gesture to the person next to you, and only then does the man register in his visual camp. Begrudgingly, he shakes the hand the man offers him before making up an excuse to go back to his team.
His hand shoots up to his chest, right above his heart, and he can almost feel it break into a million pieces.
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Matsukawa thinks it’s odd, how much he seems to miss your company after you’re gone. He used to think familiarity was dull, boring; but now finds himself missing it whenever his new lover asks what he wants from the coffee shop, when you always knew his order by heart, or when they sleep on his side of the bed, or when they don’t even bat an eye at the same jokes you used to love.
Not even the fire of a new love can calm the restless feeling.
He first realizes how much he truly misses you when he sees you in that coffee shop he knows you love. He’d gone there under the pretense of it being the nearest one, secretly hoping to find you already sitting at one of the tables. Maybe he’d talk to you, ask how you’ve been and if you’d mind it if he joined you. Maybe you wouldn't mind, and you would smile at him as you gestured to the seat in front of you.
Maybe you would want to see him again afterwards.
By luck or fate, he does see you; and his heart starts racing after his eyes land on you. However, things don't the way he expects them to happen. There’s no spark in your eyes when they look his way, no warm smile greeting him, nothing. And it hurts to be met with such disregard, but what makes it worse, what marks the final stab to his heart, is the man sitting next to you. He has his arm resting on the back of your seat, thumb darting out to collect the crumbs clinging to your lips. And you’re laughing and smiling so much, a sweet and adoring spark in your eyes he recognizes immediately. It’s the same way you used to look at him before he broke your heart.
Then your eyes meet his, and there’s such indifference behind them. There’s not even hate or resentment in your expression, just plain indifference, and he knows he’s lost you for ever.
Matsukawa freezes. Can’t even move a finger as he watches the gentle exchange. The other man throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. Your form presses snugly against his, a soft laugh escaping your lips. Only the barista’s calling of his name manages to snap him out of it, after several attempts.
He reaches for his coffee with a numb feeling spreading throughout his body. Leaves the shop without sparing you a second glance, too scared he’d start crying if he has to see you with him again, if he has to see how happy he makes you.
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He stumbles upon you while he’s out at a club with Matsukawa. He’s been unreasonably irritable lately, upset, tired, agitated. His friend, as the caring man he is, decided to take him out for the night, thinking some stranger’s love might help improve his mood.
But Hanamaki isn’t interested. He isn’t interested in the pretty ones wearing next to nothing, nor the attractive ones sending him burning looks. He just isn’t interested, hasn’t been for months now, and he can’t figure out why.
He’s finally free, free of you and your nagging and the grip you had around him. Can finally go out and lose himself in alcohol and strangers’ love without a trace of guilt coming back to bite him.
He’s free, so why can’t he enjoy this newfound freedom?
The answer hits him when his eyes wander to the bar, landing on you like they’re being pulled in your direction. Hanamaki’s blood starts to boil as he sees the way you’re dressed, the way you shamelessly flirt with a man he’s never seen before. A man who’s too close to you, so much he doubts there’s any space left in between your bodies.
The man leans to press a kiss to your lips, and you seem to curl and melt around him with such ease. Hanamaki can’t bear to look any longer, can’t tear his eyes away either. Something seems to click in his head, and he’s taking the first step before he even realizes what he’s doing. But once he does, he can’t stop himself. His heart burns and stings and bleeds hurt.
Why does it hurt?
A hand falls on his shoulder when he’s nothing but a few meters away from you, fist ready to start a fight with that stranger that dared to touch you. When he looks back, Hanamaki’s furious eyes meet Matsukawa’s serious ones. “Haven’t you done enough?” The question is harsh and venomous, not a trace of friendliness in it. He looks back from your smiling face to his friend’s stern expression.
The heavy weight of realization finally hits him. He loves you. He loves you and fucked it all up because he couldn’t handle it. Tears begin to pool behind his eyes, a scream threatens to tear his throat apart. Matsukawa gives a relieved, sympathetic sigh before pulling him out of the club and into his car. Hanamaki sobs and cries and laments everything he ever did to you, and Matsukawa can’t do anything but listen to his friend drown in his own mistakes.
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