#manga headcanon
d1sc01nf3rn0 · 9 months
So I have a big theory and I don't know where to put it, so here it goes:
The thing that's gonna incarnate in Yuri's stomach isn't Aono. Is the patron god of the village, Kubinashi sama. The dark Aono is the real Aono.
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Based on the whole thing with Sota and the school inventory, we know the ghost always come back, because you're not supposed to offer them anything, and as soon as you do they're turned into evil spirits. We also know from the Sota situation, that every time someone comes back, a part of the patron god, with them. In Sota's case, his "friend". The part where Aono says that it isn't Yotsukubi sama, nor a ghost, but at the same it is, shows that the existence of Kubinashi is not something that's fixed. Furthermore, my theory is that Kubinashi sama is feigning being Aono (the "good" one) due to Yuri's agreement.
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Think about it. Yuri and Aono were only dating for two weeks, yet Aono seems to be the perfect boyfriend, despite Fujimoto knowing that he only dated Yuri because he felt bad for her, and that he didn't really knew her. My theory is that this Aono is the part of the agreement of Kubinashi with Yuri: it gave her her perfect vision of Aono, so that she would be satisfied with it and never taking back her agreement. This is why this Aono doesn't have complete memories of how he died, or his childhood. Is an incomplete version of Aono. This Aono also evolves with the time. Every time Yuri changes, Aono also changes to satisfy her desires. This is why the normal Aono didn't know about what happened in the aquarium, but as soon as Yuri learned about it, he suddenly was able to.
Dark Aono is the real Aono, which is why he only comes when certain steps are taken. As the boyfriend of Yuri he doesn't want to hurt her and he is technically part of the deal with Kubinashi. Similar to Sota, who is part of the deal, and is seemingly the perfect brother, that is also part of the deal; Kubinashi only brings back the parts of the deceased the one making the contract remembers. The "dark versions" that appear are the real ones that have grudges and can't pass on. This also explains why he wanted her to eat food of the other world, that way if she gets stuck there, her agreement with Kubinashi will be void.
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Dark Sota holds a grudge to his mother for "forgetting him", and to his brother for "causing his death". Dark Aono does not hold a grudge to Yuri, but as a dark spirit, both of them have the desire to grow stronger by getting offerings and sacrifices. The reasoning of this is that those things are different; offerings are usually made directly to the deceased, normally on their tombstones or the family altars, sacrifices are made to deities, and can be done anywhere. So far all the offerings have been made directly to Aono (the food, the eyes) which is why only the dark Aono, the real Aono takes them. The normal Aono can't take them, cause he's not real one, thus they aren't his to take. This explains why the normal Aono couldn't enter the storage room, but dark Aono could. This also gives a possibility: normal Aono can't afford to let Yuri know that he's not the real Aono, cause otherwise that would void the agreement. In agreements, the spirit cannot lie, but they can hide things. This is also shown on the agreement to bring back Sota, Hiroto wasn't told that he was gonna come back as an evil spirit. In the same, Yuri wasn't told that Aono was gonna come back as Dark Aono, and to make her less suspicious, Kubinashi decided to disguise itself as the perfect Aono. If Kubinashi has control over all the spirits in the village, then he could keep dark Aono at bay, except when Aono is called directly, cause that's part of the rules. That's also why normal Aono remembers everything Dark Aono does, cause technically, spirits are part of Kubinashi's domain; not enough to control what they do, but enough to know what they do.
So, Yuri sacrificed herself, offered her life in exchange of Aono. Now based on the Kubinashi ritual, we know that every ghost agreement isn't made with the ghosts, but with Kubinashi sama; the ghosts are only part of the exchange. And Kubinashi sama makes use of the sacrifices however they seem fit or convenient. In the kids case it involved a game, but in Yuri's case it involved being reincarnated. We also know ghosts can't really come back, except as well.. ghosts. So that further solidifies that argument.
Part of this theory is that Nozomi's family is a family of ommyoujis. But that due to the times changing, and the lack of sacrifices, they probably left that tradition behind, and thus Nozomi was never really talked about her heritage. This part comes from the fact that Nozomi's grandma seems to know a lot about the village story with Kubinashi, and despite being a ghost she has powers that ghosts otherwise don't have, like taking over Nozomi without her permission, entering her dream, or taking control of the snake in Nozomi's dream. This also comes from her clothing, which are clothes people wear to funerals (the visitors are the ones that wear it, the deceased usually wears white clothes), but black clothes are also associated with the highest rank of Shinto priests.
Furthermore, Nozomi's grandma is effectively Nozomi's shikigami as of now, one out of devotion and not sacrifice. This is why she helping her during her dream was accepted, she is technically an extension of Nozomi.
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Another part of why the agreement with Yuri is different, is because they're kids. Yuri is a virgin who's in age of conceiving (the chapter showing her having her period wasn't a coincidence). Ghosts cannot come back, but deities can, given they have a vessel. In this case, Yuri's stomach. The fact that Yuri's family has a history with Kubinashi isn't out of the question, neither. It's is possible that like Nozomi's family, Yuri's family must have a tie to the Kubinashi ritual in some way. If the Kariya family has a tie to sacrifices, it could even possibly explain what happened to Yuri's older brother. Let's not forget that in some traditions you're supposed to sacrifice your first born. This could also explain the situation behind her older brother.
Now I know this is wild but, my theory is that Yuri's parents had to sacrifice his older child, and had Midori hoping she could be sacrifices instead. As per the rules, only the first child was accepted, and they grow to hate Midori because of this. They had Yuri either as an unplanned pregnancy, or in hopes of having a second boy to replace the first one, but it failed. This is also why the first child is never really talked about.
So, not only the Kariya family has something to do with sacrifices, and abnormal virgin pregnancies related to deities; Yuri would inherently be sacrificing her first born by making her birth a god.
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So, the theory is this: the village where Yuri lives is controlled by Kubinashi, and her family has a tie to it by doing sacrifices, and Nozomi's family by being priests. Yuri didn't make an agreement with Aono, she made an agreement with Kubinashi to bring back Aono, and now she has to birth Kubinashi, while Aono returned as just a dark spirit.
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brokenquillpen · 1 year
Imagining Silva giving young Illumi driving lessons is so funny!
Especially when you see how Illumi drives; Silva would never drive with his son ever again!
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ellilyre · 1 year
I'm begging you all
Do not hc kids as aroace. Aroace is not a phase everyone go through before puberty. Kids does not need queer hc (or maybe "she haves a gf to whom she gives her best drawings" but don't use labels for little kids. For pre teen and big children just say if they ever got a crush or thoughts a specific friend is pretty).
Do not hc traumatized characters as aro/ace. Ofc they can but do not make their traumas turn them aro/ace. You can be repulsed/avoid sex/love as a traumas response (and many others reasons) without being aro/ace
It's the same as hc a woman as lesbian bc a man hurted her. Aro/ace coming from (lack of) puberty/traumas are some of the biggest stereotypes we have to face. If you want to be a safe place and ally, do not repeat it
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painterswan · 8 months
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they love halloween!!! its a family affair
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zyannsworld · 7 months
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A gift from Momoiro island ladies to Zoro. Of course, to help motivate Zoro during his timeskip training. Hee hee 😝 💚💛 (Part 1/2)
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callie-the-creator · 7 months
sfw. warnings: obsessive behavior, slight stalking, jealousy, saiki uses his powers for selfish reasons, etc.
author’s note: oh, don’t mind me, just writing some headcanons if saiki was ever a yandere.
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• you and saiki first met in chūgakkō, junior high, but he didn’t fall in love with you until a few years later when you two were already in pk academy. maybe it’s all the accidentally bumping into him, dropping your papers and saiki being the one to help you pick them up, making awkward eye contact in class, hanging out with one another outside of school, or touching on the same snack you both are aiming for at either the vending machine or at the store... all the things somehow have you involved these recent days and saiki is less than impressed at first
• saiki has always stated time and time again that he personally does not think he will not fall in love, so he always watches others who are in love and help them if he can, but here he is…completely captivated by you of all people. he didn’t know why though, was the author just really that bored?
• good grief
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦
• let it be known that he does possess the power to alter your perception of him. saiki could always just make you fall in love with him just like that…but…what’s the fun in that? no, no, he wouldn’t dream of doing that to you
— however, since saiki was born with the uncontrollable ability to read the minds of all living creatures in a multiple-mile radius…he can read your mind, he knows all of your favorite things, what you dislike, your hobbies, and your address. he didn’t mean to at first, but he did find your thoughts and imagination fascinating. he even finds himself listening to you during class like you’re his favorite podcast
• saiki is crazily protective over you.
— there was a time where you nearly got mugged! and when i say ‘nearly’, well, let’s just say you should be grateful saiki was there to protect you. can’t you see that he’ll always be here for you in a time of need? he’ll keep you safe, but only if you see that for yourself…
• saiki doesn’t think he’s the jealous type, but he will stop any other man who has a crush on you by any means necessary by either relentlessly embarrassing them for the rest of the day or wiping you from their memory because only saiki can have you. no one else. he doesn’t care how many people he has to make forget you to become your boyfriend
• what’s that? you wish it was a sunny day in japan instead of a rainy one? don’t you worry about a thing! saiki will handle that for you!
• stalking you is almost child’s play to saiki since he has so many powers to ensure you don’t spot him — shapeshifting, teleportation, you name it! but this is a good thing because you don’t have to worry about him being an aggressive type of yandere
— if he is following behind you when you’re walking home, i do think saiki would change to his female self, so you would be less scared
• once the author made you bring coffee jelly to school and willingly give it up to saiki after seeing him light up at the sight of it, saiki knew that he just had to marry you
• he could, quite literally, turn the world upside down for you if it meant that you’ll be with him.
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frostlineprince · 11 days
it was funnier in my head
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yndrgrl · 3 months
you + katsuki bakugo's relationship dynamic <3
fluff. cute lil drabble. established relationship. ooc! bakugo. any au you want ig haha. gn! reader.
warnings: innuendos but nothing crazy
a/n: another drabble before i drop a long, hardcore mafia boss! dabi x spy! reader smut 👀
before bakugo found you, his friends pictured him dating someone dainty, soft-spoken, & just all around quiet. however, when you came into the picture, your dynamic just made so much sense.
the two of you clicked & meshed so well together. you were outgoing, kind yet snappy, & you were just glowing whenever you were with katsuki.
your friends were worried when you first got with katsuki, knowing you. you were the type to take no bullshit from anyone, not afraid of conflict, & you were just so headstrong.
what shocked everyone the most is how katsuki change when with you. we all know katsuki; if you look at the guy wrong, he'd punch the look off your face before you could even blink. he was always yelling profanity at someone with a seemingly permanent scowl on his face. the nicknames he gave people were less than savory.
but with you? you could say whatever you wanted, you could act like a princess brat & he would just dote on you. it was your way, or the highway. katsuki would go to the ends of the universe for you-- even if you just wanted a cup of tea. no mean names for you (unless under the shirts), you were his darling, his love. how could he not worship you? you're just so perfect.
he's just so happy to be in your presence, it was as clear as day. he would never say it out loud (unless you batted your pretty eyes at him, of course), but he just relished in your beauty.
loving katsuki is the easiest you've ever gotten the pleasure to experience. people say that he would start fights then never back down. it was quite the opposite, though. he would tease you because you were just so cute all huffy & puffy, but once you started to get actually upset, he would immediately deescalate the situation. profuse apologizes would flow out of his mouth, butterfly kisses up your arm, & if you were truly mad, he would look so hurt.
your fights were rare & far in between. honestly, there wasn't much to fight about because he would avoid them like the plague. you didn't like when he did something? he literally unlearns it on the spot. you didn't like he wasn't doing something? he would immediately jump into action, mentally burning it into his brain.
he didn't want to lose you. you were an angel amongst a dirty sea of sinners, & he was your ever-so-willing worshipper.
he loves that he gets the privilege of seeing your sweet side. you give the world your rough exterior with glimpses into your true self. however, when with him, you can let go of the facade. there was a never ending flow of compliments coming out of his mouth.
"darlin', you're just too sweet for me." "god, i can't believe i'm the lucky one who gets to praise you." "(y/n), you're just so mmm."
life with him got comfortable, never boring. you had your routines. on monday, you'd call at 9 p.m. until midnight. on fridays, you'd get off of work at 6 p.m., & he'd already be outside of your house, waiting to pick you up for a date.
"oh, how i adore you, (y/n)."
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pbart86 · 1 month
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Quick and hot drops (Comic by me)
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rayroseu · 2 months
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Thank you Koono Sumire-sensei(the manga artist) for believing in the "Malleus chubby cheeks" agenda 🙏🏻🙏🏻✨💖💞💖 eternally grateful how round than usual his faces are here,,, he's so cute 😭💞(usually Malleus' faces are drawn like he's Sebastian (rough and very masculine lol) ilysm artist who draws Malleus like a cutiepie 😔🙏🏻💖💚💚)
in my world, Yuuta already eats ramen with Malleus at this point lol THAT is a very healthy and beautiful dragon 💚💚💚💖💖
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IM SENSING A PATTERN.... thank you MalleYuu for inventing height difference with your partner trope ✨✨🙏🏻🙏🏻‼️‼️🥺🥺🥺
ALSO this makes me squeal, the Yuu's really look like at Malleus like he's an interesting specimen🤣🤣🤣 LIKE DO YOU SEE HOW SCRUTINIZED YUUKA WAS WITH HIM AOHDKHAKJDKA THEM YUUS KNOWS NO FEAR 😭😭😭‼️‼️
ALSO there really was GARGOYLES AT RAMSHACKLE!!! 😭😭😭 I'VE ALWAYS BEEN CURIOUS HOW THEY LOOK LIKE but we never got a view of it until now(?) bcs Ramshackle s pictures are usually not that detailed or the mansion is so far away lol
Yuu's scrimblo gargoyle who protected us all this time so that the roof wouldn't crumble even if theres ceiling leaks....🙏🏻🙏🏻✨✨💞 THANKS TSUNOTARO‼️‼️✨✨✨
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and now this makes me sad, he's at this dialogue where he's explaining that gargoyles are scary and modelled after monsters but they're also useful and protects infrastructures KNOWING BOOK 7,,,, NSKDNKSD 💔💔💔💔
on another thought, i appreciate the writing of Malleus interpretating gargoyles like this,,, its like so emotionally empathetic 😭 which is in contrast to the interpretation that he's selfish and unable to connect with feelings lol I guess he really only emphatize something when it has a relation to him?
I love that Ramshackle gargoyles looks like a dragon with no wings, its like the Eastern dragon decorations from Diasomnia's Halloween 😭💚✨ no wonder Malleus is attached to Ramshackle lol maybe he has preference over dragon gargoyles lol
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myblorbojunao · 1 year
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Every mikey hairstyle shown in anime😍😍 HE LOOKS SO GOOD!
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lullamiine · 9 months
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random headcanons (but I haven't finished reading the light novel yet ono)
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brokenquillpen · 1 year
Hisoka's childhood is always haunting my brain.
From the canon of his childhood, one sentence always haunted me.
"He was found black and blue all over, laying face down by the side of the road"
That's all we know from his early childhood.
After that we know roughly know what happened.
We can estimate he was found btw the ages of 11-13? by his looks.
Wtf happened to him? Wtf happened to his family?
wtf happened after he left the circus??
I can't stop thinking about it.
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gojoshooter · 3 months
His Omega’s Heat: Gojo Satoru
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Alpha!Husband Gojo who crawls into your messy little nest in an attempt to comfort you, only for his approach to make you tense and scoot way as you sit up.
Omega!Wife who is usually much of a ball of affection, so Gojo knows it's just her hormones overwhelming her. Though he couldn't help his protective alpha instincts to push him into making you feel at ease immediately.
Alpha!Husband Gojo would roll over gently, laying on his back half inside your nest while offering his head and a warm bare neck in your lap; trying to come off less intimating.
Omega!Wife who brings up a hand hesitantly, burying her dainty fingers in his soft snowy locks. It's true indeed—contact with your alpha helps the heat. You blush.
Alpha!Husband Gojo who has a smile tucked on his lips, finding that you're getting more comfortable around him as the heat passes.
Omega!Wife who leaves little bite marks which could only be justified with her bad pain or need for affection. Your husband doesn't mind—rather adores it. Those short canines could hardly break skin anyway.
Alpha!Husband Gojo who scoops up the omega and spins her in the air to sooth her sulky mood, listening to her giggles. He loves her cute little smile that only gets bigger.
Omega!Wife who has a hint of sweetness in her scent whenever in heat, and the effect it has on Gojo is pathetic. It gets him clingy and stubbornly possessive.
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an. a softie alpha gojo craving 🧘 likes & rbs r appreciated <3
tags. @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @ruins-posts @4sat0ruu @pupkashi
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aleapple1216 · 7 months
Ran's bad eyesight
So it happens that on the board at the last Tokyo Revengers exhibition where the dynamics of ToMan, Tenjiku, and Black Dragons are explained there are little notes with random facts about the characters; the only one that has been leaked closely so far is Ran's, and it reads as follows:
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Ran tends to get very close to people when they talk to him; everyone thinks he is being flirtatious or trying to intimidate, but in reality Ran does this because he has bad eyesight.
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zyannsworld · 8 months
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“I’m sorry Hiyori-Chan.” 🤭
Normally Sanji would never do this, but when it comes to Zoro, it’s complicated 💚💛
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