#love how they manipulated people into spreading that post by making it seem like a cishet vs gay thing
tippenfunkaport · 3 months
That viral post that's going around about how people who write "book quality" mlm fic are too "normal" to publish and have real jobs so only "weird" people publish their "shitty" fanfic is so completely out of touch with reality and I am giving a massive side eye to everyone reblogging it.
Not only is it completely, easily verifiably untrue (you cannot enter any professional writing space without tripping over a dozen grizzled scifi writers who got their start by filing off the serial numbers and publishing their Star Trek fanfic even going back decades ago??? it's a whole thing?? plus how can you look at the mlm category on Amazon right now and say with a straight face that people aren't publishing shitty Spirk and Stucky fanfic??? Oh, honey...) it's also the perfect example of this kind of sneering elitism that true artists would never sully themselves by seeking profit, they do it only for the purity of the thing that always somehow leads back to, "no one should be paid to make art, actually."
The only reason you're seeing more published fanfic right now has nothing to do with the idealistic purity of your hypothetical government employee written smut of the past vs the debased scribbles of those awful straights of today and everything to do with the fact that a) self-publishing has created a voracious readership that wants a ton of content so it's become a viable, flexible income stream for many, especially disabled people b) anyone can publish now with self-publishing tools so there are less gatekeepers and c) lockdown got a lot of people into fandom and therefore writing who never tried it before.
And if you really think there's no "shitty" published mlm and no "book-quality" m/f writing out there that started as fanfic, then you are clearly not a reader so why are you even talking about this?
#love how they manipulated people into spreading that post by making it seem like a cishet vs gay thing#when the real message is OP thinks trying to sell your writing is cringe and 'weird' and 'normal people' with jobs would never#which would of course never have flown on the fandom website#so they played into the queer shipping is purer than cishet shipping puriteen thing#and it worked!#because my god people are gullible#this is the direct pipeline that leads to AI thievery#''normal' people write for the joy of it anyway so why do you need pay? you are just greedy and 'weird'!'#'oh no this isn't about who we get to call cringe and who gets to profit from art it's about um...#(quick what's a hated m/f ship?).. oh uh 'shitty' REYLO#and not our super pure uh... (spirk is still popular right? lets throw in that avengers one too to make it seem timely) stucky!'#I'm sorry if I have no sense of humor about this but the year is 2024 and people are still way too ready to sneer#about writers trying to earn a fucking living in the shittiest timeline#and i need you to look deep into yourself and ask you why it's so important to you to tell yourself that only people writing what you like#are 'normal' with real jobs and to vilify everyone else as 'weird' and 'shitty'#for trying to make an income during a financial fucking crisis#i would say sorry for ranting about this but I'm not sorry because wtf#write whatever you want#publish whatever you want#there is no moral fucking purity in what the content is#and one thing certainly doesn't make you more 'weird' or 'normal' than the other#like there is soooo much shitty mlm that started as fanfic???#that post is 100% OP made up some guys to get mad about and called them relyos for the clicks#writing#publishing#writblr#writeblr#i wasn't going to tag this anything but you know what fuck it I'm mad#i had like 5 more tags but tumblr cut me off which is fair 😅#fan fiction
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jkbabiey · 1 year
What your Lilith sign says about you
OBS: If you don't know what your lilith sign is, just use an online chart calculator (strongly recommend using the 'Extended Chart Selection' on astro.com - don't forget to add 'Lilith' in 'Additional Objects'). Also, this is an 18+ post so, if you're under that age, pls don't read it!!
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𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠:
Lilith in Aries loves a good fight, as they embody the spirit of competition;
There is a particular need to completely dominate every fight they get into and every hater they come across;
There's a tendency in these natives to turn their anger into action, which can lead to a physical display of anger in the form of physical aggression, affecting everyone and everything in sight and spreading like wildfire (which will most likely be the case for those who don't have a suitable outlet for their fierce temper, like a sport);
These natives have a primal sex drive and can become restless in love, in the sense that they can get easily bored if there's no newness in the relationship;
Lilith in Aries craves rough, raw sex
To these natives, sex would, ideally, be quick, dirty, and aggressive
There's a significant correlation between sex and aggression to these natives - somehow, sex after fighting may be a huge turn-on to them;
They may have a thing for domination themes in sex (either being dominated or dominating someone)
As arise dominates the head, there may be a particular liking towards hair pulling, or oral sex.
They may find people who are rough around the edges attractive - their type is the bad boy (they may even find scars attractive).
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑇𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑢𝑠:
Lilith in Taurus doesn't like to share. They hold onto their possessions tightly;
These natives may feel torn between wanting to embody the sense of lust they feel and enjoying the goods of all 5 senses (good food, good sex, good perfume, good music...), and feeling ashamed of wanting too much, which can lead to sudden emotional outbursts, emotional disorders or even eating disorders;
These natives appreciate comfort, and they can feel anxious whenever they are out of their comfort zone;
They can't handle change, which can lead to them staying in situations that no longer serve them, like toxic relationships, or unfulfilling jobs;
They are all about material security and stability, as they love luxury and fear poverty;
Undeveloped lilith in taurus can lead to someone who is egotistical, selfish, gets everything they want (not caring about what effect that may have on other people), and mocks people with financial needs
These people are prone to throw jealous fits;
Sex with these natives should involve all five senses: the room should smell amazing, there should be amazing quality bedding, an appetizer (like chocolate-covered strawberries, or something), and sensuous lighting. Bonus points if you use whipped cream during sex;
Taurus rules the neck area, so this has to be a focus for their partner;
Hickeys, neck kisses, neck biting, choking, or even leashes - may all be some of these natives' kinks
Also, vocalization is IMPORTANT - you moan, groan, say what you want and what you're gonna do (just express any sexual gratification).
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐺𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖:
Lilith in Gemini is curious and that can be a blessing and a curse for them. These natives say no to nothing; they will try anything at least once. They want to experience it all, which may lead to them experiencing some stuff that they may hate;
These individuals are very prone to be misunderstood;
They can seem arrogant because they have a sharp tongue and they know how to use it - they can be wicked with what they say when angry;
Their strongest weapon is their mind - they can make excellent communicators, embodying the smooth-talker, but can also use that as a way to manipulate other people;
There's something seductive in the way these natives communicate and most of them may have an attractive voice
These natives are known for giving mixed signals, having a tendency to run hot or cold, and flipping switches on people without a second thought;
These natives are indecisive and may have some trouble knowing what they want in their love life, and most of the time they harbor adoration towards someone but when it gets serious they run away, which can be associated with the non-committal energy associated with the sign of Gemini - and can lead to a deep frustration in these individuals
 These natives need to be intellectually stimulated, being attracted to people who can keep up with their witty nature, and who can keep up a fluid conversation - dirty talk can be a huge turn-on to these individuals;
Gemini Lilith can appear one way, initially to prospective partners, and completely flip the switch in the bedroom ;
Gemini rules the shoulder, the arms, the hands, and the fingers, so these body parts are in focus during sex - they may like scratching or biting their partner's shoulders or arms during sex; Also, these natives may be attracted to someone who has muscular arms/shoulders and/or tatted arms/shoulders/hands...
The hands are ruled by gemini so they may have a kink for sucking their partner's fingers; They may also love it when their partner grabs them inappropriately in a public setting and may enjoy giving/receiving hand-jobs or being fingered/fingering their partner
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟:
Lilith in Cancer embodies the maternal feminine power;
These individuals have a particular need to feel needed which can lead to them over-giving and not receiving anything;
Undeveloped Lilith in Cancer may dismiss their own healthy limits, overextending themselves for the sake of someone else's comfort;
These natives suffer from separation anxiety, and their biggest fear is abandonment, which can lead to them being overly clingy and needy, invading their partner's personal space;
You may be unable to feel anything sexual towards your partner if there's no emotional connection beforehand;
These individuals have a calming, gentle, and soft energy to them, and they have an other-worldly ability to read other people - they can use these characteristics to emotionally manipulate their partners, using it to keep them from leaving
This soft energy is still present in the bedroom. These natives love to be taken care of during sex, but they can also read their partner easily, meaning they will know how to get their partner off by picking up on subtle hints and desires
Cancer rules the chest, the breast, and the stomach. They may like to sexualize their breast by using lingerie, accessories, and cologne/perfume. These natives may also be attracted to someone with a voluptuous breasts or a muscular chest;
Cancer Lilith may enjoy chest play, as well as licking and sucking the stomach area. Since cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is related to the motherly figure, there may also be a kink related to pregnancy
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑒𝑜:
Lilith in Leo isn't afraid of the spotlight. This placement exudes a golden aura of charm that mesmerizes the ones around them - which can be used as a way of manipulation;
These individuals have a captivating presence. They are very attractive and they know it, and this may lead to someone with a lot of self-respect, or to someone egocentric;
This level of physical attractiveness can lead to shallow relationships, and, as these individuals tend to seek other people's approval, they avoid digging deeper into their relationships, to keep their partner from seeing their ugly side;
These natives can't deal with criticism, be it constructive or not, as they have a strikingly strong egos;
These natives like drama - they are not afraid of starting drama just for the fun of it. Leo is a provocative sign, so in a relationship, a Leo Lilith won't be afraid of starting an argument just to see rile up their partner;
These individuals can be selfish in love, looking to be the center of attention in their relationship
These natives like dramatic sex. They are ferocious and passionate when it comes to sex.
Leo rules the back and shoulder, so scratching, biting, and even whipping these areas may be a turn-on for these natives;
They are also attracted to strong healthy hair, so hair pulling may be a big thing for them. They may also think that post-sex hair is attractive.
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑉𝑖𝑟𝑔𝑜:
Lilith in Virgo knows what they want and knows how to get it;
These individuals are perfectionists to the extreme and this characteristic can be reflected in their romantic relationships, manifesting as control issues and over-the-top standards;
Undeveloped Virgo Lilith may have a tendency to suppress their sexual energy and some of them might be impotent or just unable to perform sex due to the fear of failure of sex;
Lilith in Virgo is a very problematic placement as Lilith is a sign that represents functionality and balance and Lilith is a provocative, empowering asteroid - the two energies conflict;
These natives are strategic and cunning. They like to move in silence, which keeps people guessing and gives them a mysterious look;
Virgo Lilith desires someone intelligent and communicative, with whom they can have logical continuous conversations. They are also attractive to people who, just like them, are healthy and hygienic;
Developed Virgo Lilith is the definition of "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets";
This is a placement that's willing to experiment in bed, not having a definitive list of kinks or turn-ons;
This is a very careful and clean placement when it comes to sex, prioritizing health, by utilizing birth control, getting tested regularly, and being sexually selective. These people tend to love shower sex, fantasizing about showering with their partner.
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎:
Lilith in Libra embodies the struggle between being the perfect, mysterious, and independent individual, as they are very charming and elegant, or the perfect partner;
This placement looks for a perfectly beautiful partner and they tend to try to look flawless as well;
An undeveloped Libra Lilith may ridicule people who are not beautiful in their eyes;
Lilith in Libra fears loneliness so they would go to any level to make peace with their partner to avoid loneliness, most of the times blaming themselves in order to put an end to any potential disagreement;
Lilith in Libra tends to be shallow in the choice of the people around them, tending to choose elite, sophisticated, and refined people as their friends. They tend to judge people by how they seem on a superficial level or by what they have;
These people tend to avoid making hard decisions and most of the time avoid making them, pushing them onto their close ones, so they'll make those choices instead;
They like the chase and they are good at flirting, using flirtatious touches, longing gazes, and seductive words. Nothing makes them happier than winning over the unwinnable;
Libra rules the skin, butt, and lower back, these may all be a sexual focus - they may even have sexual fantasies about spanking, anal sex, and/or anal play. They tend to have attractive butts and/or be attracted to people with attractive butts;
They can also be attracted to people with beautiful skin (blemish-free and/or even-toned skin)
Touches on the butt or lower back may be a way of flirting to these individuals;
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑖𝑜:
Lilith in Scorpio is magnetic, powerful, and intense, but highly secretive;
This is a very experimental placement, which is open to kinky sex, toys, taboo topics, and fetishizing themes in sex;
Their sexuality is very apparent and other people may have an overly sexual image of these natives.
They may have had other people interested in them purely based on sex because their sexual energy is a lot of times the first thing others notice; These individuals may have felt objectified most of their lives because of the common unjustified sexual interest coming from strangers;
These natives' feelings are either very intense or not at all - it's all or nothing for them, and when an undeveloped scorpio lilith feels it all, it may manifest in aggression, jealousy, obsession, control, and power;
To these natives sex may be an overwhelming experience because of the emotional bond that comes with it;
Scorpio is associated with the concept of power and control; In relationships, these natives can become controlling - they like to be on top, and in control; This also applies to sex (most scorpio Liliths like to be on top)
To these individuals life can be very much compared to a game - everything is about power;
Undeveloped Scorpio Liliths can find their most significant enemy in their own obsessive and jealous tendencies, these two can be quite the monster to deal with;
Scorpio rules the genitalia and the reproductive and excretory systems, so these natives may be drawn to the size and girth of sexual organs; Also, they may have an impregnation, breeding, or excretory kink.
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑢𝑠:
Lilith in Sagittarius seeks abundance and luxury - they want it all and they want it big, be it the most exotic vacation destiny or the wildest party
They are born entertainers and they don't mind having all eyes on them; It's extremely hard to get these individuals to feel somewhat shy or embarrassed;
Sagittarius Liliths cannot deal with small, mundane, day-to-day experiences. Sagittarius is a placement that is known for the tendency to experiment, so lilith in this sign may lead to an excessive level of hedonism and to overindulging in "experiencing" without a limit;
Being open to new experiences, new food, new countries, and new people, these placement tends to attract dangerous people;
Being the epitome of a 'bon vivant', these people cannot handle it when other peoples' feelings get too deep or when others get upset with them, tending to ignore the issue, run away or get angry about it;
Nonetheless, Sagittarius Lilith is a fighter - they will be the first one to stand up for causes like gender equality and animal cruelty; Theoretically, they have the best philosophies and they stick to them - their biggest fear is meaninglessness;
This is the placement most likely to question the existential meaning of life and the paranormal world;
This is a highly promiscuous placement too, being too impulsive, brash, and bold when it comes to sex; This can manifest in them having multiple sexual partners or numerous wild sexual experiences;
Since Sagittarius rules the hips and legs, these individuals may like to highlight their legs with heels, thigh-high boots, fishnets, or garters, or they may like it when their partners wear these types of items;
This placement may also be curvier or be attracted to curvier people;
Due to the adventurous Sagittarius nature, lilith in Sagittarius may like to have sex in public settings - the idea of getting caught may be a turn-on.
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑛:
Lilith in Capricorn has a thirst for big achievements, success, and social status - they exude domineering energy
These natives may even become obsessed with the idea of power, feeling attracted to powerful people without really knowing who they are - they may fantasize about being part of a power couple
These natives understand the way the 3D world works perfectly and that's why they thrive while maneuvering in it - they know how to go where they want to go;
Capricorn is the archetype of 'the boss' so they may have a tendency to try and control everything and everyone around them and they may have a hard time understanding that you cannot just control people if you're not their superior in a professional environment;
This is a highly sensual placement, having a lot of sexual energy - even though they mask it very well; Their sexual energy is not provocative or over-the-top, it's rather sly and smooth;
Capricorn Liliths may be attracted to older or more mature people; They may also desire someone who’s in a position of power/control, or have a status about them
It's fairly common for these natives to have fantasies such as office sex, sex with their boss, using sex to gain notoriety in their professional environment, having sex with a highly prominent figure, or gaining the upper hand in a certain situation through sex;
They may also dream of living a secret office love affair;
Capricorn rules the teeth, joints, and skeletal system, so the idea of flexibility may be a turn-on for these individuals;
There may also be kinks such as bondage, being tied up, or bending the body in difficult positions;
These natives may like receiving and giving hickeys and bites;
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑢𝑠:
Lilith in Aquarius is the visionary rebel and anything conventional bores them;
Their most valuable asset is their freedom and they use it to always do things their way, which can lead to them feeling like an outsider more often than not (a developed and empowered aquarius lilith will feel at home anywhere tho);
These individuals may tend to try and fit into already formed groups, but most often than not they will not be accepted and this may lead them to feel ashamed of their own characteristics;
Later on in their life, these individuals tend to find other people that will accept them and be as alien-like as them - they tend to become wildly unapologetic of their own uniqueness;
This placement is the embodiment of the quote 'my way or the highway' - they can be quite stubborn;
When it comes to sex, aquarius lilith is just as adventurous and liberal as Sagittarius or scorpio lilith - they are not afraid to explore out-of-the-box sexual fantasies or get freaky, on the other hand, they are utterly comfortable just exploring their own sexuality in its quirky, atypical kinks and fantasies;
There won't be one single sexual fantasy for these individuals, they are willing to try anything and everything their partner wants to try; there will be a whole bunch of different stuff that excites them;
The difference between sag and aqua lilith is that aquarius lilith likes to get freaky, but preferably with a long-standing sexual partner where there’s trust and history involved;
Since Aquarius rules the ankles and the calves, Aquarius Lilith may take a lot of pride in showing off its legs or maybe heavily attracted to someone with defined legs.
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑖𝑛 𝑃𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑠:
Lilith in Pisces is the escapist daydreamer - they prefer a fantasy world to a real one;
These individuals want to be surrounded by beauty and they may try to escape the harshness of the real world through daydreams and an idealist and utopian mentality;
This placement has a hard time dealing with accountability so they may struggle with escapist tendencies such as excessive partying, excessive spending, excessive promiscuity, self-sabotaging, and even engaging in substance abuse;
Undeveloped pisces liliths are prone to addiction and may have a tendency to indulge in toxic substances like drugs to isolate themselves from the cruelness of the real world; There may also be a tendency to develop depressive habits (therapy is recommended for this placement);
A developed pisces lilith may develop into a healer, a poet, an empath, or an artist of some sort;
These individuals belong to the aesthetic of a coming-of-age movie and they tend to turn the simplest of things into dramatic experiences;
In sex, pisces lilith wants romance;
These individuals may idealize sexual experiences, turning sex into a tricky subject for them - nothing is perfect but pisces lilith will idealize everything from their sexual partners to their sexual escapades and relationships, giving sex an excessively unrealistic image in their own minds;
Pisces rules the feet and body fat so pisces lilith may have a foot fetish or be attracted to someone with a fuller curvier figure;
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hp-hcs · 3 months
i see your theo and mattheo are bottoms post so i ask of you BOTTOM 👏🏻 YANDERE 👏🏻 FICS 👏🏻 i'd go feral if you dropped any plsplspls 😭‼️
• smut • hook up boyfriend — yandere! switch! theodore nott x male! switch! toxic! reader
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look at this little bottom bitch he’s mine back off
so, my boyfriend proofreads most of my works on here, and i gave him my rough draft for this ask. he then said, and i quote, "jesus christ, [hp-hcs]. you write smut like a nun." and then he took my phone from me. so basically, this is a long winded way of saying that my boyfriend helped me write all the smexy stuff. tell me if I should let him keep helping me or if he's a god awful smut writer who should not be allowed within a hundred feet of my tumblr, mkay?
WARNINGS: SMUT MDNI, amab reader, switch reader, implied unprotected sex w/ multiple sexual partners (you’re not magic irl. wrap it before you tap it.), lot of power dynamic changes—traditional top dom/bottom sub but also some top sub/bottom dom stuff as well, toxic shit in general, lot of manipulation, pretty mild yandere from theo, degradation, praise
i’m of the opinion that theo would be a bottom/dom just so that he could save face for posterity
“What do you mean I can’t hook up with him?”
“Because you’re already hooking up with me!”
“So? We’re not exclusive, Theodore.”
“Yeah, but-”
“Friends with benefits. That’s it. I’m not beholden to give you my loyalty and undivided attention, dipshit.”
Theo growls and runs a hand through his hair while he paces around his dorm. You lay back on his bed, watching him with a bored expression.
“But he’s my best friend, Y/n!”
“Mhm. He’s also a damn good fuck.”
“I don’t need to know that!”
“Why not? You seem to enjoy fucking your friends, no?” You shrug, stretching out across his bed without a single care. “Maybe you ought to add Matty to your hook up rotation.”
“Yeah? I’ve got nicknames for all my partners, Teddy-Bear.”
“All?!” Theo splutters. “Well- well, tell me this. Does he even satisfy you? Do you ever think of me when he’s fucking you?”
“He’s the bottom, actually.”
“Wh- huh?”
“He’s the bottom,” you repeat. “Why are you shocked? You’re well aware I’m a switch, Theo. And everyone knows that Mattheo is a Bottom-with-a-capital-B.”
A flame of white-hot jealousy heats up Theo’s skin. He grits his teeth in barely-restrained anger; it’s as if just saying the wrong thing right now would cause him to snap and go hunt down Riddle to put his head on a pike.
“I could be your Bottom-with-a-capital-B. You don’t need Riddle. You’re mine, and I’m yours. Got that?”
You snort. “No offense, Teddy, but I couldn’t see you bottoming in a million years. You’re my top hook up. I’ve got bottom hook ups so that you don’t have to do that.”
He stubbornly crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, maybe it’s high time you teach me how to bottom then. I don’t want you seeing other people. Especially if it’s just because they give you something I’m too chicken to.”
You blink. “Huh. That’s some weirdly endearing possessive dedication, love.”
“I aim to please,” he says dryly, those unnervingly dead eyes of his seeming like they could see inside your soul when he stares at you.
You consider the offer before a wicked grin slowly spreads across your face. “I bet you do, darling.”
"Sh-shit! Fuck! Y-Y/n, I-"
“You gonna cum, pretty boy? Hm? Already?” He whimpers and nods frantically, his fingers scrabbling for hold on your shoulders and leaving stinging nail-bitten marks across your back.
Your teasing relents a bit at the sight of his blissed-out expression. Theo’s mouth hangs open in ecstasy, his eyes shut tightly and his back arching up from the mattress.
You groan at the sight of him splayed out under you. You grip his cock, reveling in his whimpers, and quickly start jacking him off in time to your thrusts. “C’mon, baby. You can do it. Be a good boy for me.”
His entire body stiffens as he cums with a moan that would make even a Muggle porn star blush.
You groan and start to slow down, but before you can fully pull out, he locks his knees around your hips to keep you in place.
"D-don't you fucking dare. More.”
“More?” You tease gently, hesitant to continue despite his request. “What a fucking slut you are, Teddy-Bear. Insatiable.”
He growls at your hesitance, far too impatient for that kind of bullshit.
He grips your shoulders, his knees tightening around your hips again as he uses all of that hot boy quidditch strength to roll you both over.
You let out a tiny yelp of surprise as he flips you onto your back. He whimpers loudly and moans at the shift in position, having to tuck his face into your neck for a moment while he collects himself.
Your hand moves up to comb your fingers through his hair, but he knocks it away before you can.
He sits up, supporting his weight with his hands flat on your chest, and takes a shaky breath at the shift of positions. “Want you t’ cum too.”
Your hands find his hips and grip them firmly, your breath becoming uneven as he starts to grind back and forth.
You help him raise himself up then lower his body again, listening to his sweet moans. As he finds a steady rhythm, you watch as his thighs begin to tremble.
“Merlin- I’ll never complain about you getting tired while riding me ever again. This is a fucking workout.”
“You’ll be fine. You’re not on the quidditch team for nothing.”
That was apparently the wrong thing to say.
His face darkens.
Maybe he just doesn’t like me bringing up his teammates while we’re literally fucking, you consider. Maybe he-
“How good of a fuck is Riddle anyways, huh? Could he ever ride you like this?”
Mattheo’s on the quidditch team as well.
Theo starts moving with passion, roughly slamming down on you. “I asked you a question.”
“G-god- Theo!” You gasp, caught off guard by the sudden influx of sensations.
“Answer me.”
You whine and scratch your short fingernails over his abs, marveling at the pink and red lines that bloom at the surface a half-second later. “C-could never be as good as you, love. Shit- you’re perfect.”
He shivers at the sensation and grins slyly. “Perfect, huh?”
“Perfect,” you repeat, cupping the back of his neck and pulling him in for a slow kiss.
He sighs against your lips, returning the kiss. The sweet moment is cut off by you suddenly jerking your hips up into him and cursing loudly.
“Fuck- you feel so fucking good, babe-”
He gasps and his fingers claw frantically at your shoulders for any kind of support. “Merlin- I’m gonna-”
You watch as Theo’s second orgasm hits him and he goes practically boneless, slumping over on top of you.
He’s spasming around you like mad, and you can’t help but moan loudly when you cum just seconds later.
You both lay there in silence for a moment, trying to catch your breaths. Theo slowly eases himself off of your dick and rolls over to lay beside you.
“What‘s the final verdict?” You grin cheekily after a moment. “You a pillow prince now or nah?”
“Mmm…nah. I think I can settle for the label of switch though.”
“Aha! Welcome to the dark side!”
“Yeah, yeah. Shush. Now, roll over, I’m on top this time.”
“I heard you’re going steady with someone now.”
“Mm…mhm,” Theo hums an affirmative around the cigarette in his mouth, one hand cupped around the flame of his lighter as he lit it.
“Who’s the lucky fella?”
“Your ex-fuckbuddy.”
“Which one?”
Mattheo’s brow furrows. “Y/n? Y/n and I have never slept together.”
Theo suddenly launches into a coughing fit as he chokes on his lungful of smoke. “What?”
“Now, don’t get me wrong. I’d hit that in a heartbeat if he offered. But, I’m also like ninety percent sure that you’d kill me if I did that, and I rather enjoy being not-murdered, believe it or not. He is incredibly hot though.”
Theo just stared, his mouth hanging open.
You never slept with Mattheo?
• standalone!! •
i will not be writing a part two!!
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chaosandstardust · 2 months
First off, I really hope James Somerton is OK. And I fully intend for this to be my last post about him, at least until we hear news.
The conversation around this is around Hbomberguy's 'responsibility' over this. Which, he has none. If James chooses to take his own life, that is his decision at the end of the day. That is not hbomb's fault. I know that sounds harsh, but as a person who used to have a 'friend' who would constantly tell me that they were going to kill themselves if I didn't talk them out of it, I maintain that it's not his fault.
The narrative around it being his fault really just screams to me: how dare you call out a creator for causing harm? Don't you understand that you're causing harm? You need to be more responsible with your platform.
But I just rewatched the video today, and Hbomb is absolutely fair in his criticism. Harsh? Yes, extremely. But he's fair. He also goes out of his way to say that we should not be harassing James and nobody should go after him. And I've been in the Hbomb subreddit, there are very clear rules about posting about James (and they had died down before the second apology happened).
When people bring up larger creators responsibility, it always just seems to this abstract concept that nobody can really pin down. But what about James's responsibility for his behaviour? James was called out multiple times, not only by members of his audience but also by the writers he stole from. Clearly he wasn't going to stop unless it became impossible to ignore.
"Well, hbomb knows how the internet works! People were going to harrass him!" Well, so does James Somerton. He knew the risk he was taking, he knew that people were noticing the plagiarism, and yet he continued to do it. Plus being misogynistic and spreading misinformation on top. (And as pointed out by a lovely person in the replies, he regularly sent harassment campaigns against people who called him out.)
In his patreon post about making his video, Todd in the Shadows describes how this was basically an open secret among a lot of video essayists. If this was just going to remain an open secret among creators, isn't that also an irresponsible use of their platform? Shouldn't the audience of a creator be made aware of their bad behavior? Shouldn't creators hold each other accountable?
Again. I hope James is okay. I hope he logs off the internet for good. But it is not Hbomb's fault, and the answer of "well Hbomb shouldn't have done it because now James may kill himself" just feels manipulative to me. Like did y'all want him to just continue letting James steal from other creators?
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astaroth1357 · 11 months
We Gotta Talk About Barbatos (And Kinda Solomon But This Ain't About Him)
SPOILERS for up to Chapter 16 of NB
These recent chapters have been giving us breadcrumbs about the pasts of both Barbatos and Solomon, the two of which seem to be deeply entwined. I have yet to make a post about Solomon's past (which gets twistier and twistier by the minute btw), but right now I just want to touch on my questions about Barbatos and... well. The hell is he up to?? I have one question that has been eating away at me the longer NB goes on and I think its answer could solve everything:
Is there only one Barbatos?
What I mean by this question is something along the lines of my Timeless!Barbatos idea from a while ago. Is there only Barbatos, i.e. is Barbatos a being that exists outside of the constraints of time? Is he like the controller/arbiter of time, but not subject to things like continuity himself? When he exists in a certain timeline, is that mirrored through every other timeline (i.e. multiple Barbatos that are spread throughout multiple branches) or is there ever only ONE. Just him. And he selects which timeline to inhabit?
I have this question because there are things about the Barbatos we interact with and hints dropped by others that Barbatos is, potentially, far, far older and far more powerful than I think we can actually grasp.
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Thirteen's last point is the one that really makes me wonder, because if Barbatos really has such a broad ability to transcend time and space, then it would be a bit of a nightmare if there were a billion of him running around. Any random change makes a new timeline that makes a new Barbatos with those same godlike abilities until you're completely swamped in the man. Plus, Barbatos never gives us any indication that he speaks to or witnesses his past or future selves, even when he's manipulating things from sidelines...
If there is only one Barbatos, then 1. Little Dia managed to convince, like, the singularly most powerful being in the universe to play House with him, which is such a power move. And 2. That also means any interactions we have with Barbatos in this (or any) timeline cannot be replicated elsewhere. No matter how funky our time adventures get, that Barbatos remains a constant. Thus, NB Barbatos IS OM Barbatos. Probably just hijacked by Solomon to go to past. A past he was no longer present in, because he exists in a continuous state of "present" (his presence is instantly erased from past and he doesn't appear in the future).
And for a being THAT powerful, you really have to wonder...
How much has he changed...?
In Chapter 16, we learn why Beel went berserk and destroyed the Castle. He was triggered by Lucifer explaining a banshee's scream. In OM canon, two kinds of people can hear these screams: those who will die or have a loved one who will die soon and those who have heard it before.
Beel heard a banshee scream in the human world before the War and internalized it as the warning that Lilith was going to die. Naturally, he thinks that if he had told Lucifer then he may have changed his mind but Satan drops this bombshell on us.
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A baneshee's warning is supposed to predetermine time. According to Satan, Lilith was alway going to die. But we have a problem here...
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Lilith just. Is not dead. Like. Canonically in both the OG title and in NB, Lilith survives the War. So... what gives??
Beel can hear a banshee scream and nobody else can. There's no question that someone was supposed to die. Which only leaves three options:
1. Lilith is dead. Even as a human, she perished.
2. Lilith was never made human... Someone lied to Lucifer and she's actually dead.
3. Barbatos fucked with time to save Lilith.
Option 1 would be pretty lackluster, all things considered. Though it would be a little darkly humorous if Lilith fought and survived in a Celestial War, then got hit by a car one year later or something.
Option 2 would be... so fucked up. But could also shed some light onto Diavolo's guilt about taking in the brothers. Like, imagine if he knew that nothing could be done for Lilith and still tricked Lucifer into eternal service anyway knowing that he could never check his bluff. That would be downright diabolical... and out of character, so I don't think that's the case. (Though, I could see Barbatos lying about it if it gave Diavolo Lucifer's loyalty in the end.)
But Option 3... I think that's actually spine-chilling. Imagine if Diavolo ordered Barbatos to find some way to twist time to save Lilith. And not just spare her life, but to somehow turn her human. That means that we're already playing the events of an altered timeline.
Now combine this idea with our Singular Barbatos theory. If there is one Barbatos, then this is the only timeline where he currently resides. If Barbatos wasn't in THIS timeline, Lilith would be dead. In every other timeline, Lilith is dead. And if OM keeps the detail about MC's lineage, then MC NEVER GETS TO EXIST. They can only be alive in THIS BRANCH OF TIME. There are no other MCs. Just the one (and the corpse that got phased out of being, but we don't talk about them). And this could explain why MC's very existence would be so important to a time-travel being like Nightbringer. There's only one MC to use.
Now, since MC is so powerful (possibly as being that is an aberration in time) it makes me wonder a whole lot more about where someone as powerful Solomon actually came from... How much meddling as Barbatos really done here? If... it was even Barbatos at all. 👀 (Speculation for another day)
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dnalt-d2 · 18 days
I wasn't able to watch Quackity's stream just now but from what I'm getting, it's a really unfortunate development
Basically that Quackity is stepping away from the QSMP for a bit and leaving the Administration of it to other people due to fear for his personal safety, and this next part might be slightly unrelated, but it's something I've been kinda wanting to say for a bit, and this gives me a good chance to do it
I remember a lot of people wondering why Admins had to stay anonymous to the public and this sort of thing is why. If experienced streamers, who are used to dealing with this sort of thing, are going through this, imagine what could have happened to the Admins if people found out who they were
Like imagine we knew exactly who was behind the Code attacks that killed Bobby, Tallulah, or Dapper. You really think people wouldn't have dog-piled on them because they killed their favorite Egg?? Imagine people knew who Leo or Sunny's admins were during all their "drama." People were already crossing boundaries before they knew who the admins were, and I don't think it would have gone well if that information were out in the open at the time
To me, it didn't seem like a good idea to throw people who were inexperienced with this into the spotlight like that. And THIS is why. People are still dog-piling on anyone they think is the problem, and that isn't okay. Quackity just talked about how scared he was for his actual personal safety, and that's not okay. People get the smallest scrap of information and latch onto it like it's gospel, and things like this happen. It's why I haven't even made a post about some recent developments, because I know a lot of what's being spread is speculation, and I don't like to spread around things I don't have concrete information on. Maybe if CERTAIN things were more open, this all wouldn't have been as big a problem, but the fact that this is the end result kinda makes their privacy more understandable
Because this is the kind of thing it leads to. Everyone demands every bit of information, pressuring people to the point that they just want to do SOMETHING to get people off their backs even a little bit. As far as I know, Lea DID NOT mean to leak that kind of information, but she was being bombarded for information, and just tried to provide some evidence for what she was saying, and probably didn't realize that it could lead to this (That's if the information I have on that is correct, that she basically leaked a payment document that had Quackity's full legal name, and that's how people managed to track down his information. If this isn't correct, please let me know, I haven't seen enough information on it to verify 100%)
(And I wanna say that this isn't me excusing the fact that the Admins couldn't talk to each other or the CCs when it was relevant to the server. That sort of thing is a textbook manipulation tactic from bosses who want to take advantage of their workers and using the lack of information as a weapon to that end)
I said before that I NEVER expected concrete updates about everything, just hoped for acknowledgements that things were still happening at all. Because the fact that streamers are in the public eye doesn't mean everything they do needs to be public knowledge. People online love to criticize paparazzi for constantly bombarding celebrities and invading their personal lives, but this is starting to feel startlingly similar, and I don't like that. Yes, the people involved should have that information, but we should not
I really hope people manage to stay safe through all this, including Quackity and each and every Admin/Ex-Admin that's been at the center of this. There are some things going around them that I don't agree with, but that doesn't mean I wish harm on them for it. That's the magical thing about the internet. You can just not interact with people you don't agree with, and I really wish some people would remember that. Especially over on Twitter. Because Holy Shit
Anyways, that's about all I have for now, probably won't be too active for a bit still because of IRL stuff, but I'm still here. Watching
**Okay Edit I didn't know this but
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I actually didn't know Leo's admin was public at the time, but considering that, I guess it's not too widespread. So while it seemed to be alright, it could've gone a lot worse if that Admin was more well-known. Or if Sunny's was known at all. Either way, thanks for the clarification!!
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The Ineffable Detective Agency presents: Hidden Audio in Gabriel's Returning Memory
Ok everyone, I found a big mystery and I need your help! Are there any sound engineers in the Good Omens fandom? Please spread our search for them by reblogging this!
Remember when I posted the slowed-down video of Gabriel's memory returning and we all analyzed the scenes as they flashed by?
Eventually I realized that if you play the "memory tunnels" at different speeds, there's hidden audio. Mostly it's people talking, heavily masked by lots of extra sound effects which I've done my best to minimize unless they seemed meaningful, but realistically there are probably multiple layers of meaningful audio to decode, because that seems to be how things are with Good Omens!
There are also parts of the audio I can't decipher, and I'm hoping a skilled sound engineer will be able to do a better job manipulating this than I was able to do. (Plus, if you'd like to help, there's more hidden audio in other places, but that'll be the subject of another post 👀)
And … we're all Ineffable Detectives in this fandom, right?! The audio clips aren't anything we recognize from either season of Good Omens so far. Maybe some part of this will be familiar to you, from somewhere?? Sit down someplace quiet, pop in headphones if you have them, and listen to this (the first few seconds are silent):
Before we've influenced you, what do YOU hear??
I know a lot of people just hear noise at first, so if that's what you heard, you aren't alone! Now, here it is a second time, with captions for what we THINK we're hearing, and with gratitude for input from the @ineffable-detective-agency featuring @noneorother, @thebluestgreen and @eybefioro:
And here are the video captions again, with their timestamps: 0:03 oops... oops 0:05 you say you're a musician 0:08 it helps a lot as well 0:14 pssst, musician 0:16 crying or gasping 0:17, 0:19 musician 0:23 {music} 0:27 {singing} how good it feels (to pray?) 0:33 ? 0:41 ? 0:49 …what do you think… 0:50 glass crashing 1:03 ? 1:10 things look... things look super… 1:14 you say that the musician is negotiating his business …?… 1:24 things look super… super...
Do you recognize any of these clips from any other media? If not, my assumption is it's audio that was pre recorded for season 3, and left here as a hint about SOMETHING. But what?? As always, we'd love to hear your ideas!
Also, please reblog!
And if you have the skill/knowledge/interest to make this easier to understand, please let me know. We can collaborate, or you can just run with it, whatever suits you.
See more of our posts plus a link to a Google doc with metas and clues from all over the fandom, here!
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Ok I am in rant mode again, sorry, this blog just happens to be a place where I dump all my thoughts negative and positive both, unfortunately for all who follow me. But I have seen some bad and incorrect takes from anti darkling/darklinas. So here’s just a few things I want to say.
Firstly LB has never stated that she based the darkling on her ab*sive ex. This is misinformation that was spread by antis. The only thing she has ever said about an ab*sive relationship was that she wrote the first book, Shadow and Bone, at a dark time in her life right after she had got out of a bad relationship. She has said in the past that the darkling was inspired by every bad boy she’s had a crush on in fiction including david bowie’s the goblin king. 
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So it seems from these comments like the character was supposed to emulate those types of characters that woman find attractive, the ones you would fall for. 
I’ve also seen the argument that LB clearly wrote the darkling as a villain, well LB might disagree with you there as she herself has said on multiple occasions that she doesn’t write villains: 
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LB says that the darkling believes he is doing the right thing and that ‘you can make a case for most of the choices he makes, even the despicable ones.’ So if LB says that she doesn’t write villains and that you can make a case for his actions you can’t really blame darkling fans for doing the same. 
The truth is LB promoted the heck out of both the darkling and darklina (or as it was known back then Darlina and Alarkling) when she was writing the og trilogy, even admitting to ‘fanning the flames’ when talking about people shipping m*lina and darklina and was clearly encouraging the shipping of both ships: 
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She also put out teases for the darkling and darklina:
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And promoted darklina fan edits even using the ship tags: 
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It was only post the release of book three that she changed her tune, likely because of all the backlash she got about the ending of the books. So no LB wasn’t always against fans shipping darklina or liking the darkling. All of this information is easily found with a simple google search, I wasn’t even in the fandom back then being a show watcher first and yet I was still able to learn all of this with minimal difficulty. 
Which brings me to the whole darklina being an allegory for a older man manipulating a younger girl and how the darklina fans ‘missed this’. Well if they did miss it then it was for a very good reason, but the truth is darklina’s didn’t miss it, we just didn’t think it made sense within the narrative, the darklina fandom have talked about it, myself included, in fact I’ve already posted a whole pretty much essay on the topic. But let me explain why some people may have ‘missed it’ and why it doesn’t work in the story or with darklina as the allegory. The first is because LB chose to use an immortal/immortal couple for this allegory. The thing with immortality in fiction, especially as love interests, is it makes age pretty much meaningless. The whole point of immortals is that they are ageless. Immortal ships have always been accepted within fiction and this whole age gap issue has never come up before. Nobody was going omg but the age gap yuck with Bella and Edward when twilight came out, or when Magnus and Alec got together in Shadowhunters or with any of the ships in Vampire Diaries. Yet now anti’s are trying to use the argument that the darkling is 100s of years older than Alina and that’s creepy all of a sudden. Sorry but not in my book, an immortal is always going to be significantly older than anyone else what’s the alternative they spend eternity alone, never knowing love? At least with darklina they are both immortal. Another reason why it doesn’t work is because of how the darkling is described in the book, he is said to not look much older than Alina, so in the books he looks like a teenager. So of course people weren’t going to pick up on the older guy/younger girl allegory because the darkling isn’t presented in the books as an older guy. He’s described the same way every other immortal being in every YA book at that time was. It’s also worth noting that I am not sure if LB ever actually said that darklina were supposed to represent a older guy with a younger girl or whether that was something the fandom came up with. I’m not saying she didn’t just that I myself have never seen a direct quote from her that I recall and I wasn’t able to find one. I think the first time I heard of it was when someone sent me an ask about the topic. I know that she has said it was meant to serve as a warning of attractive and charismatic men being able to manipulate young girls but I don’t know that she herself has ever talked about an age gap or specifically mentioned older men? 
Another thing that I have been seeing alot of are comments like darkling/darklina fans only like him because he is hot. What bothers me about this is firstly even if that were true and the only reason people liked him was because he is hot, so what? There’s nothing wrong with that, its fiction and fiction is used to escape for a bit, its for enjoyment and entertainment, so if that enjoyment and entertainment comes in the form of staring at the hot guy irregardless of whether they are the hero or villain, let them be. Why are you criticising the way someone enjoys fiction? Sometimes a gal just wants to look at the hot guy. Secondly its just a really irrelevant argument because the darkling is not the only hot, charismatic character in the books or show. M*l is also described as being attractive and charismatic with no shortage of friends and girls, Nikolai is another character that fits that description, so by this argument the only reason M*l fans like him is because he is hot, and the only reason Nikolai fans like him is because he is hot. Thirdly its just plainly not true, whilst I am sure there may be some fans who only like him because he is hot, again nothing wrong with that, most fans like him for a variety of different reasons because he is an interesting and complicated character. As someone who spends a fair bit of time in the darkling/darklina tags the most common reason I have seen for fans liking him is because of his dedication to the grisha, his willingness to fight for the grisha something that he has dedicated 100′s of years of his life too. Personally I like Aleksander/the darkling because he has a sympathetic backstory, because he is fighting for the grisha and when seeing that they had no place to go where they could be free from fear he vowed to make them a safe place, a sanctuary, of course I am going to root for that goal too. I like him because he is complicated and complex and despite being an immortal being who has become deeply effected by past traumas there is still something beautifully human about him, particularly in the show. I also like the connection he has with Alina, the whole yin/yang of it and them being each others balance. I love the complexity and angst of them having this deep connection and pull to each other but also having this anger and sense of betrayal, how they have to try and navigate around having different points of view and seeing the world in a different ways, it makes for a very compelling story and their chemistry in the show is electric. The fact that he is hot is merely a bonus, but even if he wasn’t a conventionally attractive person I would still like his character because of those complexities, because of that connection he has with Alina. But one thing this rant has done is make me curious as to what my other fellow darkling/darklina fans like about the darkling? What drew you to the character? Anyway that’s enough ranting for one day, again my apologies, I am going to go and rewatch season 1 of shadow and bone in preparation for season 2′s release tomorrow...sheepishly shuffles off my soapbox, waving awkwardly.   
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 9 months
Hi! This is my first time requesting so if you're not up for writing this please just ignore it.
Dragon reader whose species is almost completely extinct , Dragons are always known as big and dangerous creatures so when the murders start happening (canon murders.) Ironically during the same time she enrolls in the school everyone immediately starts blaming the reader (Because dragon bad blah blah blah.) This includes Wednesday and Enid who posts on her blog about how dangerous and murderous the reader is and how everyone should shun them. (The police don't have enough evidence to even hold the reader in a cell.) The reader is constantly beaten and considers taking her life at this point until she meets Marilyn who sees a chance to have a servant bigger , smarter and faster than the hide. So she manipulates the reader into being her lover/servant and tells the reader that actually she and Tyler are behind the murders but the reader is so deep in subspace by this point that they don't care. So Marilyn who now has no need for Tyler outs him (But doesn't out herself.) And Tyler goes to jail.
But now that everyone knows Tyler was the murderer they also know that the reader is innocent and are constantly harassing her about forgiving them and telling her that she's being Dramatic, they end up doing this so much that the reader snaps and tells everyone about how she almost ended her life and also snaps on principal Weems about how the reader reported everything to her and how nothing was ever done about it and how their racism almost cost her her life. Marilyn steps in and clams the reader down who was 2 seconds away from transforming into dragon form and afterwards a smut where Marilyn tells the reader that they are all gonna be dead soon anyways so there's no point in wasting energy on them.
That is all.
Yesss!!! Here it is!!! Sorry about the delay!!! Maybe it's too long, but no one can stop me when I'm inspired ;) I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))))
Scales of hate
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates x Fem, Student, Dragon! Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of suicide, implied slightly smut, dark themes, bad choices, bullying, depression…
Word count: 10,054
Summary: You were one of the last dragons, and when your family sent you to Nevermore, things got worse to your dangerous depression…
N/A: Requests are open!!! Sorry about the delays, I’m working hard on your requests. I love you all!!!
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When you crossed the common patio, what your new classmates called "the quad", the eyes turned towards you, all of them.
You arrived at what would be your new home, Nevermore, the most important school for outcasts in the country. You knew that in a school like that, going unnoticed was complicated, but the news seemed to spread like wildfire.
“So it's true?” A blonde girl asked, touching your shoulder. She seemed cheerful, but her face also had a certain wary feeling. Next to her was another girl, more serious and dressed in black, like one of those old movies you enjoyed so much.
“What is true?” You asked, not wanting to be too abrupt. Socializing wasn't your strong suit, but you also didn't want to make a bad first impression.
“Well, that… That you are…” The blonde girl said, avoiding contact with your red eyes.
“A dragon,” the other girl finished. She seemed like she had no problem looking into your eyes, her appearance was perhaps a little arrogant.
You sighed and, seeing the zero need to lie, you nodded, crossing your arms.
“Well, yes I am, but people usually call me, (Y/N),” you responded ironically.
“Wow… You know? We had never had dragons in Nevermore, the teachers told us that they had been extinct for years,” the girl Said, sighing with some relief. Everyone acted that way when they knew your nature, with the passage of time, you stopped giving it importance.
Comically and with some sarcasm you looked at yourself, shaking your head.
“Well, here I am,” you said dryly. You looked at the other young woman, who seemed to be studying you thoroughly with her eyes.
“I see… I'm Enid, by the way,” she said, extending her hand towards you. You hesitated, but your senses immediately identified the particular scent of a werewolf, so you shook her hand briefly.
“Principal Weems puts a lot of things at risk in this school,” the other girl said, arms crossed, narrowing her eyes at you. You were used to hearing worse things.
“Wednesday…” Enid whispered, nudging her. “You shouldn't make her angry the first day… You know, teeth, claws… An enormous size…”
You smiled wryly, with the same defiant look with which she looked at you.
“That I'm here bothers you?” You asked with a soft tone. It was not easy for you to lose your temper, the consequences were terrifying.
“I don't know, it depends,” Wednesday said, tilting her head. “I have read many books about dragons, and none of them said good things.”
“Oh, the books, of course. Literature never did us justice,” you said, wanting to escape as quickly as possible.
“30 books that say the same thing can't be wrong.”
You frowned and noticed how your breathing began to quicken. Luckily at that moment the principal appeared, with a smile faker than a $15 bill.
“(Y/N), how lucky you are here…”She said, sighing with a strange relief. You could see prejudice everywhere, your life was always like this, people used to be nice, but only because they thought that at some point you would transform and slaughter everything in your path.
“Principal Weems…” Your two companions sighed.
You didn't say anything, you just took one last look at that dark, distrustful young woman and let yourself be guided by Weems, who seemed to almost push you offstage.
“I'm glad you're starting to get to know your classmates,” Larissa said, as you went up some stairs.
“They looked very enthusiastic about having me here,” you said ironically. The woman didn't say anything, she just gave you a fake smile while she handed you a set of keys in front of a door that was different from the others.
“This is your room,” she said. You nodded and looked at the three keys and then at the door. Three locks, of course.
“What about my roommate?” You asked, when Larissa told you which key went in which lock. “Shouldn't you introduce her to me?”
“Oh, well, I thought that perhaps you would be a little more comfortable if you were alone, your uncle told us that you didn't like the company too much,” she explained. You nodded passively and listlessly.
“And the thing about the armored bedroom is for my privacy, right?” You asked sarcastically as you opened the locks.
“It's a new system that we're testing, you know, to prevent students from "breaking the rules," you know what I mean,” she said, winking at you.
You widened your eyes at that pathetic excuse and made a sour face for the woman to get out of there.
“All your stuff is here, put things to your liking, tomorrow you'll start classes oh, and one last thing…” She said, making you look again through the door that you were already closing. “Put your uniform.”
You didn't say anything and frowned, giving that draconic look that you knew scared people, thus putting your theories to the test. Larissa stepped back and put on a bigger and more fake smile.
“Well, if, if you want to, of course,” She said with a broken voice. You rolled your eyes and closed the door in the middle of a standard formal parting sentence.
You took a look at your room. It was dark, with a small window. It was no longer just that the door had three locks, or that you were at the top of the school, cut off from the rest of the world. It seemed like you were in some kind of jail. You drew the curtains to find the next surprise.
“Bars? Really?” You asked to yourself, when you opened the window. “There is nothing like feeling at home...”
Sighing, you fell back on the bed and reflected on the last events of your life.
You didn't know much about your family, about your parents. They died when you were just a baby. You've lived with your father's brother since that. He told you lies about losing your parents, until one day, in one of your usual tantrums as a little girl, you wreaked havoc on your uncle's little farm. Then the truth came out.
You were a dragon, one of the last, if not the last. Your parents were too, but unfortunately in small towns people didn't have an open mind.
Centuries and centuries of bad fame, of series and movies where the dragon was the enemy, the terrifying being that came to end humanity, had made a dent in the population, causing them, after an incident that occurred in the town, to blame your parents.
The police did not have enough evidence, they were innocent. But people wanted revenge instead of a rational explanation. They died after a mob of people with pitchforks and torches. You survived thanks to being hidden.
The rest of your life was a concert of prejudices, prohibitions and punishments. Looks of fear and hatred from everyone, cruel advances from your former colleagues. Basically hell. Nevermore didn't seem like the solution and you didn't have to see it for yourself. You knew it well days before you arrived.
You were mired in a very serious depression and your problems did not seem to go away, not even with the treatments of the well-paid psychiatrist who used to treat you, or rather, prescribe you a bottle of painkillers every two weeks.
You left that bottle of pills on the table and you stared at it, as you did every day for a while. You always thought horrible things, give up, stop living in misery, stop living indeed.
You were a coward, you never dared to do it. You were also delusional, thinking that the next day would be better, that there was still some hope. Day after day, you were wrong.
Nevermore seemed to be a refuge for all the outcasts. It was sold as the only opportunity for those who had been rejected by society. Lies. You couldn't leave your room without seeing terrified looks towards you, without comments and stupid questions about how many cities you had razed, if you had ever killed, or if you were dangerous.
They were partly right. You had strength greater than any creature that resided there, you could outrun anyone, you could fly, you could spit fire. You were a terrifying creature, but harmless. Years of self-control by your family forced you to contain your abilities, not to respond to ridicule, to pretend to be a weak girl, without a soul, without the desire to defend yourself, without the desire to exist.
Being on your uncle's farm at least you were allowed to transform from time to time, fly around, feel free. You couldn't do it in Nevermore, Larissa made it very clear to you when you arrived.
Although apparently that girl Enid seemed somewhat closer than the others, she didn't usually get close to you either. In your first classes there was a great void around you, as if you were a carrier of some infectious disease. You could smell the fear, the hate, the rejection.
At least you had the woods. Every afternoon, you went out to vent among the trees. Roaring in rage, pulling out your claws and knocking down a tree along the way. No one saw you there, it was the closest thing to being free, the only thing that made you not look with desire at that bottle of pills.
“Twelve seconds, a new record…” You sighed, panting, stopping your watch.
It was a rainy afternoon, the perfect weather to run and unleash your destructive instincts. You leaned against a tree and looked up at the gray sky, while the raindrops fell on your face.
“Sheriff, honestly, I doubt it was a bear,” a voice that caught your attention said, making you automatically turn your head towards the source of the sound.
Stealthily, you approached what looked like a crime scene. There was a police car and two people examining something in the rain.
“Where is the right arm?” the man asked, who looked like the sheriff of the town.
“It's the only thing that's missing,” the woman who was next to him replied.
You hid behind a tree and had to hold back a scream when you saw what looked like body parts scattered around the area.
“Oh shit,” you whispered, listening carefully to the conversation.
“It's already the third, Donovan, what are we going to tell the press?”
 “What do I know…” The man replied, looking in your direction. “Tell them the bear is back.
“But sheriff…”
“I know, I know. I'm pretty sure this all has to do with that bloody school, but until I find out the truth, it's going to be a fucking bear.”
You listened carefully, trying not to be discovered, because they were looking around. Immediately all your alarms turned on. Several heinous crimes, a dragon, Nevermore. You just had to connect concepts.
You escaped from the place as fast as you could, being a bit unsettled by that information. It could be you, but you were sure it wasn't, it had been more than ten years since you lost control of your actions enough to forget about something like that, besides, the victim looked like a hiker, not a student of Nevermore, which would be your most likely target.
“Well, in today's class, we will talk about one of the most fearsome creatures that exist,” the teacher of "dangerous creatures" began to explain “Dragons.”
You looked up, noticing how the eyes of your companions immediately settled on you. You ignored them and frowned at the teacher.
“Well, for centuries, humanity has feared these monstrous creatures, responsible for destroying several cities and killing and devouring millions of people.”
A raised hand caught your attention. It was Wednesday, the sinister girl who questioned you the day you arrived.
“Mrs. Frampton, what drives a dragon to destroy? Is its nature?” She asked, looking at you out of the corner of her eye.
You knew how scared they were of you at school, but that question seemed a bit strange to you, but just to you. Everyone else was looking at the teacher curious to hear the answer.
“Very good question, Wednesday. Well, many experts have come to the conclusion that, regardless of having a human form or not, these creatures always have the instinct to kill, to destroy. It is said that every time a dragon is born, humanity loses a century of life expectancy. Fortunately, these specimens are practically a rarity.”
“Rarity? What about me?” You said, drawing the attention of the whole class.
“Ms. (Y/N), raise your hand to speak...” the teacher said, without looking at you.
“Excuse me, but I think I have the right to speak,” you said, getting up from the chair. “What you are telling is a pack of lies.”
“Sit down, (Y/N), don't make me have to call Weems,” the teacher said, taking several steps back, since you always sat in the front row.
“What you are saying is false,” you said, doing mental exercises as your uncle taught you. If you didn't, things could get ugly. “Dragons don't have destructive instincts, that's what petulant writers with their ass glued to their chairs who have no idea what they're talking about say.”
“Oh, and I suppose you have more information, don't you?” Frampton asked, her voice shaking.
“Dragons have always been defenders of peace and nature until some lords with spears and bows decided that they should slaughter them to the point of extinguishing them.”
“Of course, and those guardians of nature defended it by killing innocent people…” Wednesday said, from the back of the class.
“You have no idea what you're talking about…” You sighed, starting to feel too nervous.
A few knocks on the door interrupted this tense confrontation. Principal Weems peeked out sheepishly.
“Excuse me, Cynthia, can I take (Y/N) with me for a moment?” She asked. You looked at her scared, you didn't have a good feeling.
“Yes, please…” The unpleasant teacher sighed. You clenched your fists and walked through the aisle of desks, while you listened to how your classmates moved their chairs away from you as far as they could.
“What's wrong?” You asked when you left the class. Larissa shook her head, but she didn't answer, simply motioning for you to follow her to your office.
When you entered the eccentric office, you noticed something disturbing. The sheriff and his deputy were there.
“Is that her?” The man asked, looking at you suspiciously. You didn't say anything, looking at Larissa, who nodded with that fake smile that got on your nerves.
“Please, (Y/N), sit down,” Larissa told you kindly. “This is Sheriff Galpin and his deputy, Agent Santiago. They want to ask you some questions.”
“Me? Why?” You asked, while you sat down.
“Relax, it will only be a moment,” the assistant answered you, with a tone of false kindness.
“Well, (Y/N), your file is amazing…” The sheriff said, flipping through some papers. “I must admit that when they told me you were a dragon, I expected something more… Terrifying…”
You didn't respond to that comment and you noticed how your hands began to sweat, slightly showing your scales, something that embarrassed you.
“Well... tell me, miss, where were you yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon approximately?” He asked, turning on a recorder. You immediately widened your eyes and looked everywhere, feeling cornered.
“This is an interrogation?” You asked annoyed, confused.
“It's just a few questions, (Y/N), it's okay,” Larissa told you, resting a trembling hand on your shoulder.
You snorted and after blinking several times, you cleared your throat.
“I was in the woods,” you said sincerely.
“What were you doing in the woods?”
“Running. I go running every afternoon,” you answered again. You had nothing to hide, although the image of that torn apart body was still very present in your head. That interrogation had something to do with it, you were convinced.
“Yesterday was a rainy day…” the sheriff said, with a suspicious look.
“I like the rain,” you answered.
“And this boy? Do you like him?” He asked you, handing you the photograph of a young boy. You looked at it well. You've seen it before, at least his head. It was the murdered boy. You shook your head, handing the photo back.
“I don't know who he is,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Are you sure?” Galpin insisted. “Because by chance this poor boy was seen entering the woods at 4 in the afternoon and half an hour later he was found dead. What a coincidence.”
“What are you insinuating?” You asked, noticing the sweat falling from your forehead.
“I'm insinuating that you were in the woods at the same time, and, well, given your nature, it's not unusual to think that…”
“Oh no, please…” You sighed, almost laughing. “You're not thinking that I was the one who…”
“The body was found brutally dismembered, obviously in a way impossible for a human being, but that fits a creature of your characteristics,” the sheriff interrupted. You shook your head, unable to properly respond to those accusations. You looked at Larissa, asking for help, some support, a presumption of innocence. You only found more prejudice in her look, concern.
You had heard how Weems seemed to want to defend Nevermore at all costs, but you saw how those rumors seemed not to be true, rather it seemed that she thought you were guilty. It would be useless to want to defend yourself. You were there, at the scene of the crime, you were a monster.
The only thing that could save you at that moment was the advice of your uncle, a lawyer before he became a farmer. They not were comfortable with your presence on the farm, but he respected family above all else, and he helped you whenever he could.
“I have not done anything. I was only there by chance,” you said, trying to appear sure, firm.
“We'll see about that, for now, come with me to the police station…” Galpin said, gesturing for you to get up. You looked back at Weems, who seemed to indicate with her eyes that you do as you were told.
The whole school saw you walk out with the sheriff, enough humiliation for that day.
There they took your fingerprints, a more official statement, but they let you go, they had no real evidence for their misfortune, but they warned you that they would be after you.
You walked around the quad, ready to go back to your room and sink into bed, crying. But the gazes of all the students were strangely riveted on their mobile phones and glanced at you from time to time.
You didn't understand anything, but you knew that something very bad was happening. Larissa told you that one of the students had a blog in which she shared things about Nevermore and other gossip things. As if by a premonition, thanks to the extraordinary abilities of your ancestors, you picked up your phone and took a look at the blog.
Your suspicions were fulfilled. There was a new article in it, talking about you, how dangerous you are, with information that the stupid Frampton must have told them, about your species, the danger people are in with you and how avoiding you could save their lives.
You were burning with rage and the scales were beginning to show on your skin. With your eyes, you looked for the author of that infamous blog, Enid, the cheerful and gossipy werewolf from Nevermore. You soon located her, chatting with her friends at one of the tables. Puffing, blowing smoke out of your nose, you moved closer to her.
“Hey, what are you up to? What the hell does this mean?” You asked abruptly, showing the phone to the young woman, who seemed scared when she saw you.
“Don't talk to Enid that way, you monster,” a girl with sunglasses said unpleasantly.
“Well, then she shouldn't talk like that about me,” you said. “Hey, why did you write that?” You asked the young woman, who seemed to be trembling with terror.
“Enid only does a public service,” Wednesday answered, appearing behind you. You shook your head with a desperate smile on your face.
“Look, you have fed me,” you said, taking a step closer to the blonde, who had hidden behind the vampire.
“Hey, don't come any closer.” A boy approached you. He was wearing a ridiculous wool cap for what you assumed was one of those disturbing gorgons. He was not alone, a gang of what looked like bodyguards accompanied him.
 “Ajax…” The blonde murmured.
You didn't understand what that attitude was about. You never hurt anyone, ever. Now you were seeing how a whole school of people who were supposed to be just as mistreated as you were terrified by your presence.
“I'm not going to do anything to her, I just want her to delete her last blog entry…” You explained, fed up.
“You shouldn't exist,” a boy said, hidden behind the gorgon boy.
Some murmurs proved that he was right and they began to approach you, you did not know with what intention.
“Leave me alone,” you said when everyone started pushing you. Your self-control exercises were not enough for such a threatening situation. It was absurd to think that any of them had any chance of scratching you, but getting angry was not the best of their options. You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the words that accused you of being a murderer while those who thought they were the bravest shoved you.
Your body was relaxed and in the end you were knocked to the ground. In your head you imagined calm hills, a sky full of clouds, while you felt the feet of your companions on your back. Your heart was beating fast and you were unable to concentrate. Anger began to rise through your body, your hands began to shake and you opened your eyes, screaming loudly.
All the people who were hitting you immediately shot away. Some came back for you, this time with the humiliation of having exposed their ridiculous strength. You got rid of them one by one, throwing them against the wooden tables.
When you realized what you had done, it was already too late. No one had proof that you were the one who murdered that boy in the woods, but now you just gave it to them. The bullies no longer approached and looked at you in terror.
“I'm sorry, I…” You stammered, looking at the girls that were still at the table, hallucinating. All except Wednesday, who looked at you with satisfaction.
“My God, (Y/N)…” A voice interrupted that tense moment of silence. One of your teachers, Marilyn Thornhill, came up to you with wide eyes.
She was not like the rest. It's not that she had a special attitude towards you or anything like that, but at least she didn't seem to act like the other teachers and she treated you well. You liked her from the first time you saw her, but your depression and the trouble you started to get into had made you to forget your feelings. Now she had seen you hit your mates and that would lead to Weems, and Weems, to the sheriff.
“I…” You said, watching all the guys you hit get up.
It was too much. There was no longer any doubt that you were the murderer. You had just demonstrated your outrageous strength in front of them and a teacher. It was only a matter of time before they came for you, that they took you to the police station, that they sent you to jail or a mental hospital for lack of a better guilty. It was a small town, and you knew how small towns worked.
You were cornered and you had no other options. You had to run away, run away forever. You escaped from the courtyard and quickly went up the stairs. Luckily no one seemed interested in chasing you. You closed the door from the inside and after several minutes crying non-stop you got up and took your hand to the bottle of pills.
Live a miserable life or end it all. At that time you were looking at the pills with trembling hands. A creature like you couldn't be locked up in a jail or a mental institution. You would die slowly.
“Better now…” You sighed, opening the bottle.
The minutes pass and with them, the hours. You were not brave. Not even in the horrible situation you were in you could act. There was no light in your room anymore, it was night. It was weird that no one had come looking for you by then. You didn't think about that anymore, you just debated between life and death with a lost look and your thoughts wandering, as if your own mind was trying to distract you so you wouldn't make that horrible decision.
Just when you finally seemed determined to end it all, someone knocked at your door. Too late, they were already coming for you. You could transform, break the bars and run out the window, it would be easy. But your body stopped. You did not move from your position and the knocks on the door were repeated.
“(Y/N)? Open the door, please, It’s Miss Thornhill…” It was heard behind the armored door. You didn't expect that. It wasn't Larissa, it wasn't the sheriff, it was your botany teacher. You shook your head and put the bottle down on the table again, while hesitatingly you went to the door, turning the keys.
The redhead surprisingly seemed to be alone. She was holding a tray like the ones in the dining room and on her face there was a smile with a tenderness that you had never seen in that school.
“Hi honey, can I come in?” She said softly. You still suspected it was a trap and hesitated, leaning on the door.
“What do you want? Are you coming alone?” You asked, getting nervous again. She looked at you pityingly and shook her head, still smiling.
“I come alone, (Y/N). I was thinking that you would be hungry...” She said, moving the tray.
Your stomach rumbled at the sight of the dinner you had forgotten about and you seriously meditated for a few seconds. Marilyn hadn't acted like the rest of the people in Nevermore, she didn't seem like someone to run away from. After a few seconds, you decided to open the door all the way and let her in.
The redhead walked into your room and she gestured for you to sit on the bed. She sat next to you and put the food on your lap.
“Tell me the truth. Weems sends you to take me with her, right?” You said, starting to eat dinner. “I’m arrested, punished, or both…” She laughed.
“No, honey, you're not arrested…” She said, staring at you as you wolfed down your dinner. You stopped eating and frowned. You were a bit confused. It is true that she was different, but in the time you had been in Nevermore, she did nothing to get close to you.
“I don't believe it, you were there when I hit those boys…” You whispered, setting the tray aside. Marilyn agreed.
“Yes, I saw everything, that's precisely why you're not punished,” she replied.
“Sorry, but I don't understand…” You murmured, shaking your head.
“I've seen how they messed with you, (Y/N), I can't say that this was the right action, but surely anyone in your place would have defended themselves. Don't worry, Weems knows it and she's not going to do anything.”
“What? Why not? Everyone here thinks I'm a dangerous killing machine,” you said, surprised. Marilyn laughed again. Her attitude was one of the strangest for you, but her tone of voice reassured you, she gave you peace.
“Not all of them, (Y/N), I don't think so,” she said tenderly, caressing your cheek. Your body began to burn at the strange sensation of her hand against your skin. Surely your cheeks would have already given you away and would be red.
“Do you... Do you think I'm innocent?” You asked, astonished. You knew that she was normi, that she had no power. If there was anyone with real reason to fear you, it was her, someone who was completely unaware of this world of outcasts in which you lived. But quite the opposite, she seemed like she was the only one who believed you. Little by little the idea of the bottle of pills faded away.
“I don't think so, (Y/N), I'm sure,” the redhead said, removing her hand from your cheek and looking at you now with a melancholic air. “You will find it incredible, but I know what you feel, despite not being a creature as magnificent as you.”
You couldn't help but smile. No one had ever told you that dragons were magnificent. You were so moved that even tears came back to your eyes.
“Wow, you're the first to think that way,” you said in a whisper. She smiled again, but she took a breath to continue speaking.
“I know what it's like to feel alone, (Y/N). I lost my family when I was very young, and I have always lived between two worlds. I was always too odd for normies and not odd enough for outcasts. I have lived all my life in an isolated limbo.”
You listened to her story carefully. It had quite a few things in common with yours, even if it wasn't a scaly, fiery creature.
“I, I'm sorry,” you said feeling sorry for that woman, who seemed like the kindest person in Nevermore.
“Don't worry, I've gotten used to it. Listen to me, (Y/N), don't waste time with those wretches,” she told you, now looking at you fixedly, with a slightly darker tone. “They don't deserve your attention.”
“I don't want their attention, I want them to leave me alone, I haven't done anything to them…” You said, crossing her arms. Marilyn sighed and nodded.
“They, their nature is to hate the different ones and make an excuse that they are the ones who suffer hate. They are like that, honey.”
“So why am I not like that? Well, I mean, I'm one of them too,” you said, thinking of those words. You couldn't find a way to not agree with her.
“You have nothing to do with them. You are unique, they are hundreds. They are cowards, arrogant... But you shouldn't worry about them, do you hear me? They don't deserve you to cry for them... “ Marilyn said, a little closer, almost in a whisper.
You agreed. Perhaps you expected another type of speech, someone who told you that you were all the same or something like that. However, she also seemed to have been teased by Nevemore. How such a kind and innocent woman could feel this way made you realize that she was right. They were arrogant, they did not share they world, they did not let anyone who was different enter it, a different outcast and a normi seemed to be the cause of their problems. Old stories that your uncle used to tell came to your mind. How hate was able to transform people.
“In any case, (Y/N), even if it doesn't help, maybe you could stop by the conservatory some afternoon, and so you can talk to me about your problems and I'll talk to you about mine, is that okay with you?”
You smiled at the proposition. You were no longer alone and you were beginning to realize it. You could not fix everything, at least you could escape the black hole in which you lived for a moment.
The following weeks were somewhat different. Everyone in Nevemore continued to hate you, but little by little you began to ignore them, to contain your rage when someone pushed you or insulted you. It was partly thanks to Marilyn. You listened to her and after classes you began to visit her in the conservatory. You both talked, you laughed... It was a somewhat strange relationship, but it was a relationship. She wasn't afraid of you, she always told you so.
The small attraction you felt towards her intensified. You didn't know if it was because of the pity she showed you, out of pity, but she treated you well, she caressed you from time to time, she listened to you, she understood you...
“Blue moon?” You asked, while you watered the plants.
“Yes, it happens every many years and it sure is a sight worth seeing, don't you think?” Marilyn said, leaning on her desk.
“Maybe it is…” You said joking. She smiled.
“So? Shall we meet tonight in the woods? I promise you won't regret it,” the redhead said, getting a little closer to you.
You turned red, a night meeting, in the middle of nowhere. You knew there was chemistry between you, but your fantasies always stayed inside your room, they never came out. At that time many images were going through your head. Did she feel the same way about you? Or were you just two outcasts in a outcasts’ school? If you wanted to resolve those doubts, you should go to the woods that night.
“Um, okay… Tonight in the woods…” You said with a smile. She laughed and without expecting it, she gently kissed your cheek, leaving you paralyzed.
You left school when the moon shone with all its splendor. Somewhere howling was heard. Your stomach turned at the thought of your companions. Having someone to talk to, managed to bring out some hatred that you had generated towards all your classmates. You might think that hate was wrong, that it's the opposite of love, but Marilyn never said that. She always agreed with you. At first you found the way she talked about them shocking, but soon you enjoyed her cruel comments, always with that innocent smile.
There was no need for light in the woods, the moon was more than enough. You hadn't seen Marilyn, but you were very confident, you were convinced that she would show up.
The lake reflected the moon while you waited for… Your date? You had left early, so you were not in a hurry, you dedicated yourself to throwing stones and making them bounce in the water. Time passed little by little and your nerves began to send you warning signs. There was no sign of the redhead.
You sat on the cool grass, looking at your phone from time to time. No one showed up for an hour. Perhaps something had happened, but it seemed unlikely to you. That she would consider meeting you alone for the night as inappropriate was much more likely.
Sighing with great disappointment, you got up and brushed the grass off your clothes, heading back. A creak behind you stopped your steps. You looked up at the trees, which swayed in the wind.
“Marilyn?” You asked the air, without getting an answer. You weren't scared, you were always the one who scared others, but a chill ran down your back and your senses focused on a dark figure that, thanks to your vision, you could distinguish between the trees.
The wind sent signals to your fine ears. Unfamiliar growls could be made out in that same direction. You had no reason to run, but curiosity made you go closer to the trees. A black shadow pounced on you.
It was a monster. A monster with disproportionate claws and eyes. You fell to the ground in fright, looking at how that creature roared with satisfaction, raising its claws to attack you. Your reflexes acted in your favor, causing you to roll on the ground, escaping the claw.
“Shit!” You yelled, leaping to your feet as the monster roared at having missed. You became defensive, surrounding that creature, which kept stalking you, hitting you with claws from which you could miraculously escape.
Failing to attack you, the monster went into a rage, rushing back at you. This time you were able to get your claws out, grabbing his, sinking into the grass by the force that that dark being did. You couldn't think straight, the fury of that thing was inexhaustible. The image of that devastated hiker passed through your mind. You didn't take long to relate concepts. Surely that would be the monster responsible for those crimes.
Now it was clear to you, if you managed to defeat him, you could clear your name and put the constant visits from the sheriff and the blatant interrogations behind you.
“Okay, you horrible thing, you're going to do me a big favor…” You sighed when you felt how one of his claws scratched your skin, making a wound and tearing your clothes. “You wanted it.”
You took off the trench coat you always wore and began to gasp, your eyes beginning to glow dangerously. It was a clear, lonely place. You could see the lights of the academy, but no one would notice.
The monster stopped mugging you, it just looked at you curiously, while your clothes were torn. Your teeth grew, the scales on your skin turned red, and your body grew and grew. With a roar, you jumped, when, under the blue moon, a majestic red dragon appeared. Feeling like this was a relief for you. It had been too long since you felt that way. Your wings moved, keeping you in the air.
Like a wolf howling at the moon, you roared. You looked down, seeing the monster now as if it were a mere puppy.
With just one claw, you knocked that creature down, smashing it against a tree, which snapped, causing an even more sinister rumble that night.
The monster didn't seem to want to give up, and he stood up, snarling in fury. You went down to the ground, approaching that strange being with a roar, ready to do justice. His claws reached your chest, but immediately after, you grabbed that monster by the neck, lifting it off the ground. The creature roared in fury, digging its claws into your arm. You were going to squeeze that thing until it burst, but before you could, a voice appeared in the woods.
“Tyler, stop it!” It was Marilyn, who appeared among the trees. The monster stopped moving, stopped resisting.
You looked at the woman, surprised. The situation had turned absurd in a matter of a second. Marilyn was talking to that monster, while she was looking at you with admiration.
“(Y/N), do you hear me?” She asked, looking at you curiously. The shock made you paralyze, but you soon nodded, implying that you understood her. You were unable to speak while transformed, but you still had full consciousness.
“Please, let it go,” she said to you, with a somewhat fearful voice, and it was not for less, she was talking to a dragon.
You looked at that monster, which was hanging from your claws. Now it seemed harmless and questions began to appear in your mind from all possible places. Wanting a million answers, you set the monster down gently and began to relax, shrinking in size, gradually returning to your human form.
When you were in your normal form, you ran for your trench coat and quickly covered yourself with it, your gaze fixed on that creature, who was waiting patiently next to the redhead.
“What's going on? What... What is that thing?” You said, shivering with cold. Marilyn didn't seem nervous being around that monster and that was very disturbing.
“Calm down, (Y/N), it's harmless,” she told you, not answering any of your questions. You looked at that creature and then at the redhead, who looked at you satisfied. “You are incredible, (Y/N), a magnificent creature, just as I thought…”
After those words you shook your head, feeling dizzy from the transformation, but above all from the confusion.
“I... I don't understand anything...” You said again, with a hand over your eyes, making an effort to understand.
“Soon you'll understand, honey. Tyler, become human again,” she told the monster, which agreed immediately, reducing its size and transforming into a boy, more or less your age. He was staring at you with a half smile. “Please go get dressed right now.”
The boy looked at Marilyn and nodded again and went into the trees. The fact that he was naked went completely unnoticed by you. Marilyn looked at you curiously and moved closer to you, placing a hand on the wound that protruded from your chest.
“Are you okay, honey?” She asked with a tender but disturbing voice.
“It's just a scratch…” You said nervously, moving away from her touch.
“Well, scratch or not, it has to be healed…” She said, ignoring your desire to back off.
The boy appeared again, now dressed. You, who were waiting for the redhead's caresses on your chest, looked over her shoulder, keeping an eye on that mysterious boy.
“Oh, don't worry about Tyler…” Marilyn said, covering yourself well with your trench coat. “He does what I tell him.”
“I... I don't understand anything...” You said, overwhelmed by the circumstances.
“It's very simple, (Y/N). Tyler, come here,” Marilyn said. The boy moved automatically, like he was some kind of robot, getting right in front of you. “Shake hands with (Y/N), she has been a formidable rival for you, don't you think?”
Tyler reached out his hand for yours. You were suspicious, you had seen what that boy was, despite his angelic face. You shyly shook his hand and he smiled.
“I've never seen anything like this, you're very strong, (Y/N),” he told you with a soft, innocent voice.
You shook your head, speechless. You winced as your wounds began to demand your attention.
“Come with me, honey… Let's heal you to a place where we can talk. Tyler, you drive.”
You got into a car with the boy and Marilyn and after five minutes of traveling in complete silence, you arrived at an apparently abandoned house.
You didn't understand anything, but you followed the redhead into the building. It was a dilapidated house, but well preserved, especially one of the bedrooms on the upper floor. Marilyn sat you on the bed and caressed your cheek, studying your reactions. You were almost in shock, with a lost look. Tyler was also standing there, expressionless, looking at you.
“What are you doing there like an idiot? Go get the first-aid kit,” Marilyn ordered, pointing to the door.
“Yes, Laurel.”
You blinked at the way the boy called your teacher and you were finally able to react.
“Laurel?” You asked. She looked at you with a mischievous smile and nodded, sitting down next to you.
“It's a long story, (Y/N), but don't worry, I'm going to tell you…” She said, uncovering your wounded chest. You instinctively covered yourself and she smiled amused.
“Are you ashamed?” She asked jokingly. You nodded, realizing there was nothing under that coat. “You mustn't honey, you can trust me… The question is… Can I trust you?”
You were going to babble nonsense, but Tyler came back into the room with a white box.
“Wait outside,” Marilyn told him. He nodded, and giving you a strange smile, he left the room.
When it was just her and you, avoiding your defensive movements, she managed to take off your coat, slipping it off your shoulders.
“Be nice, will you?” The redhead said, pulling your hands away. You stopped fighting. That was so strange that not even your shame was able to outshine it.
“I don't understand anything…” You whispered, hissing in pain as Marilyn began to heal your wounds.
“Tyler is a Hyde,” she said dryly, glancing at you briefly. “A powerful creature that obeys the commands of a master.”
“A Hyde? Mrs. Frampton never told us about…”
“Oh, of course,” Marilyn said, laughing. “Those idiots never see beyond themselves. There are more Hyde in the world than dragons, but they prefer to mess with you, typical of the outcasts, harass the weakest.”
“You… You say that he obeys a master… You….”
“Yes, it's me. I managed to unlock it shortly after arriving at Nevermore. It's easy to do it if you know how,” she said without giving importance to the fact that she had a terrible monster under her orders.
You thought of each of the revelations. Monster, hiker, deaths. Soon some dark areas began to lighten in your mind.
“The hiker… So it was Tyler who…”
She nodded impassively, while she passed some bandages over your chest, wrapping the wound well. When she finished, she sighed and unexpectedly placed a brief kiss on your lips. If you hadn't been so confused and scared, you would have trembled at that unexpected act. You opened your mouth to say something, but found no words. It was all so surreal that you thought it was a dream, or a nightmare, a nightmare-dream, or something like that.
“Why?” You asked. Not even you were able to know if you were asking about the monster or about the kiss.
“Because I like you…” She said, amused, putting your coat back on. “You are beautiful and very strong...”
You blushed, but before falling captivated by her words, you shook your head.
“No, I don't mean… I mean… why a Hyde? What do you want it for?”
“Oh, my sweet girl... You're so innocent... I need it to get rid of all those Nevermore outcasts. You see, my name is not Marilyn Thornhill. My name is Laurel Gates,” you nodded with wide eyes, ignoring the first part of her words.
“Laurel Gates…” You repeated with a small voice. The name was not at all familiar to you.
“Yes. I’m the daughter of what was the most important family in Jericho, I descend directly from Joseph Crackstone, the founder of the town and well... This is my house, by the way.”
“Um…” You stammered, desperate because that information seemed irrelevant to you.
“My family had been fighting for centuries to end this scourge of outcasts, to purify the place where their children grew up, but unfortunately, those soulless beasts ended their lives. Nevermore and all his spawns killed my family, I was left alone.”
You now began to understand, not only what had happened that night, but also all the strange phrases that she said from time to time in your talks in the conservatory. Things about how bad your peers were, about the supremacist nature of outcasts.
“Them?” You asked. She nodded, her expression hardening for a moment, before smirking.
“But, it will soon be over, (Y/N),” she said, patting your legs. “My family was always one step behind them, I have… Another way of doing things, a little more… Supernatural one… Tyler is just a pathetic simple tool to get everything I need. And now is when my proposal comes, (Y/N).”
You nodded, understanding where the conversation was going.
“Tyler is a good slave, but when I saw you giving those wretches what they deserved… When I saw what you were capable of, I realized that I was completely wrong. You are stronger, smarter, faster, more powerful... And above all, you also want them to pay for everything they have done to you, I see it in your eyes, you hate them, (Y/N), just like me.”
“I… Well…” You stammered. You were suffering contempt, plunged into a depression that your new companions only made worse.
“They do that, (Y/N), they steal the little happiness you have, they leave you alone, isolated, without hope. It's their specialty, (Y/N),” Laurel said, with a sweet voice, trying to convince you that this crusade was the right thing to do, that they should disappear.
You remembered that fateful afternoon, the one you said goodbye to your family with the bottle of pills in your hand, about to do something crazy precisely because your colleagues refused to give you a chance, to see you as if you weren't someone dangerous, a murderer.
You had no reason to think that they deserved to live, that if you had done what you wanted, they would have won, they would have claimed your life and they would not have cared. In your murky thoughts, you imagined some kind of banquet or celebration after your death, like those medieval songs in which the monster was defeated and the village held an ostentatious banquet together with the defeated beast.
You didn't want that, now you could change history, be the one who won. It was a tempting idea, revenge, make everyone pay for their prejudices. You weren't a bad person, you would never hurt anyone. Throughout your life you had suffered because of the people around you, your parents died because of those people, like Marilyn's, or Laurel's.
“I… I don't know…” You said stammering. “I have never wanted to hurt anyone...”
“I know, my love, you are a good girl, you are not like them, but tell me, what did they for you? Only to suffer at the hands of those monsters...” Laurel said, approaching you, sitting down next to you again.
“I… It's probably just that…” You said, getting very nervous, looking for some excuse to prevent the idea from sounding better and better in your head.
“What, my precious girl? Do you think they deserve to live longer than you? Wouldn't they do the same with another person?” Laurel said, pouting. You had no answer for that. You were good, you knew it, just imaging a person with hope, with a little more joy in living, suffer the same contempt, the same sinking, the same descent into hell made you burn with rage.
“You, you're right…” You said, raising your head. Laurel smiled at you, but she didn't say anything, she just kissed you again, like she was somehow sealing some kind of contract.
“My love… Of course. Together you and me, we will be invincible... Good will triumph, you'll see...”
You nodded, growing disturbingly sure of what you were doing. You could taste revenge, you could take pleasure imagining all these outcasts paying for what they did to you, what they did to Laurel. You secretly loved her, she secretly loved you. Still not sure she wasn't using you, you hugged her, crying uncontrollably into her shoulder.
“Shhh, don't cry my love… Calm down,” she told you, caressing your head gently.
“I don't know if I should…” You sobbed. “Everyone believes that I killed the hikers…”
“That's okay, calm down...” She told you, sounding a little impatient. “Calm down, (Y/N),” she said more roughly, shaking you.
You were scared by that almost aggressive attitude, but you made an effort to remain calm.
“What…? What are we going to do?” You asked, controlling your crying. Laurel smiled, seeing how you finally relaxed.
“To begin with, we are going to get rid of two problems at once. As you know, Tyler has been doing me… favors…”
You stood pensive, thinking about how the monster certainly looked like the mysterious hiker killer.
“He is the murderer… You, you ordered him to…” You said in a very low voice, beginning to being scared.
“My love, everything I do, I do it for the greater good, I hope you understand that…” The redhead told you, cupping your face in her hands.
“Why do you have to kill people?” You asked, looking into those dark eyes that didn't look like your sweet teacher's.
“That doesn't matter, darling, they're just pawns in a bigger game…” She whispered, very close to your lips. You nodded, somewhat puzzled. “For now, let's get rid of that suspicion, Tyler!” She yelled, making the boy appear in the room instantly.
He looked at you and nodded, waiting for his mistress's command.
“Tyler, my good Hyde, are you willing to do your mistress a big favor?” The redhead asked, with a childish voice.
“Of course, whatever you want…” Tyler murmured, puffing out his chest, feeling proud of what he did.
“Well, I like it that way,” the redhead said, getting up and lightly caressing Tyler's cheek, which made you feel a little angry. “Listen carefully, because this will be my last order. You're going to confess to everything you've done, of course, without mentioning me. You will go to your father's police station, drenched in blood and say how much you enjoy murdering poor hikers.”
You listened carefully to those words. The real culprit would finally confess, freeing you from suspicion.
“Okay, what do I do next?” Tyler asked, with that disturbing angelic look on his face.
“Oh, well, nothing, just spending a few decades locked up in jail.”
You looked at her immediately. You only knew about Hyde's nature from what Laurel told you. It seemed to you that such a request was crazy, that no matter how slave he was, it couldn't seem like a good idea. You were wrong, the boy smiled and nodded, leaving the mansion.
“Now, honey, you must return to Nevermore before they miss you. Tomorrow will be a new day, the beginning of our new life, together.”
You obeyed, a little dizzy. Everything had happened very quickly, you had made too important and dangerous decisions, but a smile marked your face, your eyes shone with a different, evil shine. The end of your suffering was finally approaching, and that made you happy.
That night you didn't need medicine, you slept calmly, in peace. In the morning you noticed the first consequences of what happened the night before.
The looks of hatred and fear that your companions directed at you changed. Now they seemed to avoid looking you in the eye. A hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Um… (Y/N)…” It was Enid Sinclair, the gossip who advised everyone to stay away from you. You looked at her with a frown. Her face was embarrassed, apologetic. “I, I would like to apologize for… Well, for all the blog stuff…”
You crossed your arms. You thought about everything they had said about you, students and teachers. You thought about that afternoon when you were about to end your life, you remembered why you wanted to do it.
“Perfect,” you said, turning. She grabbed your wrist, preventing you from escaping from her.
“Uh, seriously, (Y/N), everyone here was shocked when the sheriff's son confessed… No one knows what to tell you, but everyone is very sorry.”
You laughed cheekily, a mocking laugh. Yes, they were sorry, just as if you had decided the path of surrender. Surely they would cry, they would wonder if they were really the culprits. It was ridiculous, an apology that, if you hadn't met Marilyn, you wouldn't have been able to hear. An uncontrolled rage seized you, imagining what it would be like to have left this life knowing that in the end, the real culprit was not you, how they would have won.
“Come on, don't be so dramatic…” Enid said, pretending to be joking. “Everything is cleared up now.”
Those words completely unhinged you.
“I’m dramatic? You are the ones who made life miserable for me. Did it amuse you to see me suffer? No Enid, I do not accept your apologies, neither yours, nor those of any of you. You think that making value judgments is your strong point, that you are the victims, that the rest of us are the executioners, but you are wrong, you are only an elite of weirdos pretending to be the masters of the universe,” you said, breathing with increasing difficulty .
“Eh, don't go too far,” Wednesday said, who was next to her.
“I'll do whatever I want!” You yelled, drawing the attention of the entire school, including Principal Weems, who hurried over to where you were.
“Ms. (Y / N), is something wrong?” She asked with a softer tone than usual.
“No, nothing's wrong,” you muttered, looking at her with hatred.
“(Y/N), I am very sorry for everything that has happened these last few weeks. All your classmates are looking forward to apologizing to you, and you should be nice and accept their apology.”
You laughed again, feeling how your scales were beginning to appear on your skin. There were only two ways to transform yourself: by wishing, or in a very important stressful situation, like that one.
“I don't have to accept apologies from the people who almost made me end my life…” You growled, with an increasingly guttural and deep voice. Larissa looked at you, shaking her head, and she started to freak out. “And you are the worst of all, looking at things with your own magnifying glass, pretending to be the destroyer of walls and barriers, the principal who pretends to be the liberator, the unifier of normies and outcasts. But it really doesn't give a shit to you. You just care about continuing to put money into your checking account without worrying about the welfare of the students or staff.
!(Y/N), you're playing with fire, calm down right now or…”
“Or what? Hey? What are you going to do to me? Lock myself in a room with electrified bars, call my uncle and say that even the great Larissa Weems couldn't beat me? You are just another outcast, arrogant and petulant like the rest of the people who live here.”
Your voice was already practically unrecognizable, you felt how the clothes imprisoned you, they felt much tighter. You knew what would happen in just 10 seconds, but the anger you felt didn't matter to you. Al hands until two warm hands landed on your shoulders. You recognized that perfume. Laurel.
“Hey, (Y/N), calm down…” she told you softly. You looked at her and closed your eyes. You knew what was going to happen but thanks to that interruption, you were able to stop yourself in time. The clothes stopped squeezing you and the scales disappeared. You blinked and shook your head, looking around the huddle of students that had formed.
“(Y/N)…” A terrified Larissa said.
“Don't worry, Larissa, I'll make sure she calms down…” Laurel said, with her Marilyn tone. The principal narrowed her eyes, but seeing that she somehow acted as a relaxing balm for you, she let you go with her.
Once in her room, she sat you on her bed and sighed.
“Are you okay? She asked her affectionately. You shook your head and started to sob.
“No, I'm not feeling well. Now they pretend to apologize to me, to pretend that they haven't done anything to me... It's... It's unbearable...”
She growled affectionately, pulling you into a tender, understanding hug. You hung on to her clothes, letting off steam.
“Calm down, darling, you shouldn't waste time and strength with those people... It's not worth it... It's only you and me that matters, remember? You and me.”
“I, I know but…” You said, being interrupted by a passionate kiss from the redhead.
“Do not fear for them, soon they will disappear and you will not have to worry anymore, honey... It's a matter of time... In the meantime, the only thing we can do... Is to love each other...”
After those disconcerting words, the kisses returned, this time wilder. Little by little you left, forgetting about your little crisis and giving yourself over to everything Laurel tried to offer you. Kisses, caresses, gasps that turned into moans, in the rubbing of your naked bodies, in words of love and victory, in a new dawn.
Every time she caresses you, your skin burned. When her fingers entered you, you seemed to freeze, forgetting your problems, regretting wanting to leave this world without feeling what it was like to be loved. The decision you made was difficult, it wasn't morally correct, but you knew you couldn't live without it, that little act of unbridled passion proved it to you. You could be much better than Tyler, you would be her lover, her slave, without the need for forced servitude, knowing that the only thing she had to dominate you was your heart in her hands.
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jestbee · 8 months
So Dream was up at 4 am to call a guy who posted lies about him and twisted a woman’s experience to fit the narrative that Dream is creepy when nothing bad happened and she never gave permission for him to talk about her. And in the end Dream gave him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t trying to spread lies about him on purpose but this is the same guy who openly threatened Dream’s life a few months ago. And he couldn’t even talk to Dream yesterday because he was too drunk (while tweeting lies) (and he’s 18 years old) but now he’s saying Dream is evil for “allowing” an 18 year old to possibly drink when they were all just playing board games and he never even personally invited her over and he doesn’t even know her and she was with an entire group of her own friends and he isn’t her damn father. And even right now said guy is calling Dream a manipulative loser and people are praising him for it even though he’s the one who lied and manipulated the situation. And suddenly everyone loves and follows “the law” but only if it means they can use it against some dude they dislike. When it’s not even illegal in California for an 18 year old to drink at a private location if they’re with people who are 21+. And the girl in question literally had to ask this guy to delete his tweets but he’s still keeping it open-ended it to victimize her against her will and make himself look like some kind of savior of women. Also the fact that Dream knows content creators spread rumors about him behind his back. Yeah if I’M tired of this shit I can’t even imagine how Dream feels. It happens every time he interacts with a woman, even women that are his friends, and people refuse to call it misogyny. I’m going back to bed
You basically summed up the situation, yeah.
I wish Dream could catch a break, and I wish these ccs would take his name out of their mouths. Whatever came before, Dream is very much staying in his lane these days, he is literally in no one's business but his own and so beyond clout hunting I don't see what justification anyone has for coming at him so hard. They make up bullshit reasons based on nothing but rumours, and Dream once again has to defend himself. It's pathetic.
They should work on making their own content better instead of trying to spread lies to their measly 10k followers in an attempt to seem relevant for five minutes.
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belphiesreverie · 2 years
hhhh i’m sorry for liking a bunch of your posts in a row but they’re just so good i can’t pause 😭 i just recently got to your genshin masterlist and saw you made a post asking for some more requests :3
if it’s not too late, would you be open to doing yandere hcs of albedo, kazuha and any others that you want where darling kinda finds out about what they’re like and what they’ve been doing so they go on to confront them—would they just admit to it or just lie and be like “no you’re crazy i’m not doing that 😐”? (bonus: darling confronting albedo but it’s fakebedo who’s there instead 😳)
if i missed a post or something explaining that requests were closed then feel free to delete/ignore, i don’t mean to overwhelm you or anything with this!! ^^)
Aaaa tysm, you’re too kind 😭💕💕
I also did Childe, Scara and Ayato bc I loved this prompt for them!
TW: yandere, gaslighting, manipulation
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Immediately admits to it but doesn’t seem regretful in the slightest. Although he may try to feign it if it means you’ll forgive him
In all honesty, he probably wasn’t even trying that hard to hide most of what he was doing behind the scenes
He’s always intrigued by any and all reactions you make, and seeing how you’d react to being followed and having close friends disappear was a very interesting pool of information for him
Of course, he hadn’t expected you’d be able to trace them back to him, but your intelligence is something he adores you for
Confronting him about it will get him to stop; he’s gathered all the data he wanted from this little endeavour. But he’ll definitely be replacing this experiment with a new one to gather even more data on you
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Immediately admits to it and is apologising profusely before you even finish your accusations
He’d managed to justify his actions to himself throughout the whole ordeal, insisting that he was just protecting you
He needed to walk you home every night, even if you weren’t aware he was there for most of them, just to make sure you got home safely. He needed to threaten those people to stay away from you, they were just going to use and hurt you
But when you confront him yourself, he can’t keep lying to himself about his actions being harmless to you. They caused you stress and paranoia, and it’s all his fault
In the end, his sincere and heartfelt apology will most likely convince you to forgive him and to propose that you put this situation behind you, which he is more than thankful for
Although, you can help but feel that his apology may have been a little less sincere than you’d originally thought…
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Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
Let’s not get this wrong, he’s by no means trying to be convincing. No, he knows that he’s been found out and that there’s no convincing you he’s innocent
But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t extremely entertaining to watch you scramble to justify your accusations to him
Besides, no matter if he admits to it or not, there’s nothing you can do about it. He’s a harbinger, nobody is going to voluntarily interfere, especially not against him
So he’s much rather keep this entertaining game of cat and mouse going by denying every accusation you throw at him, all with that cheeky little grin spread across his face
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Absolutely refuses to admit it, if only because he’s embarrassed but he’d also refuse to admit to that
You really think that him of all people is so interested in you that he’d go out of his way to personally find out everything about you and follow you around? How narcissistic can you be?
The whole situation turns into a massive argument, with you consistently providing tangible evidence and Scara adamantly refusing every bit of it
Eventually it ends when Scara asks what you’d even be able to do about it. He’s still not admitting guilt, but also lording his status and power over you now. So you drop the topic and leave by asking him to stop
Will he though? Absolutely not. You’ve wounded his pride so much by showing how badly he hid that now he’s going to openly do all the things you’ve accused him of just to remind you who holds the power in this situation
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Gaslight gatekeep girlboss 2: electric boogaloo
Unlike Childe though, Ayato is extremely convincing in this situation. He has you doubting all your evidence the moment he starts to respond
It took a lot to build up the courage to accuse the head of the Kamisato clan of stalking you and using his power to get rid of those close to you, but all that courage leaves your body when you see how saddened he is that you’d bring these accusations against him
Of course it wasn’t him. He barely has any time to rest, how could he be following you around every second of the day. He’s a reputable and kindhearted man, he’d never dream of doing anything like that. He doesn’t even need to refute more than one of your claims before you’re the one apologising to him
But he’s so kind, and he understands that you’re clearly shaken by these incidents. Ayato is more than happy to allow you to stay in his estate until you feel safer. He’ll even stay by your side when you want to go out to help ease your worry
— — —
Want to read more? Here’s my masterlist!
Join the discord! We don’t bite 💕
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ellmaii · 1 year
I’d like to make something very clear. I do NOT have a problem with Byler. You might disagree and that’s fine but I think the ship is one sided attraction. That’s MY opinion.
My problem is with everyone who is trying to manipulate and twist events in the show to feed their own Byler fancies. It’s not only annoying and ignorant but sometimes harmful.
Tumblr is a place that seems to attract people who have difficulties in their personal lives. That doesn’t apply to everyone but for a lot of people it does.
-people throwing accusations of homophobia. I don’t need to explain this one, It doesn’t go amiss
-People being ebleist (not always intentionally). Eleven has disability. You can say she’s ‘just’ traumatised and uneducated but it’s clearly had a profound impact on many areas in life. Trauma itself can cause that. ‘A disability is any condition of the body or mind (impairment) that makes it more difficult for the person with the condition to do certain activities (activity limitation) and interact with the world around them (participation restrictions).’
-Disregarding and invalidating trauma and grief. “She lies to him because she doesn’t feel like she can be herself around him” “he can’t say he loves her because he actually loves Will” “she didn’t look happy when he confessed his feeling to her because she realised she didn’t love him like that” “Mike didn’t look happy when she said I love you too” Not everything is related directly to their relationships, Im sorry but it’s not. How people behave and respond to situations often goes deeper than what they’re actually arguing over that minute and these characters and their past go wayyy deeper than that. You can disagree but you don’t have to twist everything and anything to make it about Byler.
-No platforming. It’s dangerous. Don’t refuse to engage in a balanced debate because it crushes your Byler fantasies (same goes for Mileven). Sharing opinions and debating them is how we learn, but do them in a way that is respectful and sticks to facts. Not made up facts, if it’s not confirmed then ‘I think’ or ‘from my opinion’ are appropriate to use before sharing. Those are opinions, fell free to share opinions but don’t state them as fact.
-Open lack of compassion. Some of you love to criticise Eleven because she gets in the way of Byler. You can dislike her but at least try to understand her feelings and behaviour. Again, stop invalidating. She’s been severely abused and neglected her entire life, Im sorry if you find her “annoying” or “a bad girlfriend” but grow up
If you haven’t realised by now this post itself goes deeper than Byler and Mileven. It’s about respect. People like to use their fandoms as an escape and a coping strategy. Don’t call people homophobic for sharing an opposing opinion. How do you think child abuse victims or people with autism or learning difficulty or dealing with grief feel when coming across anti-Mileven post that invalidate Elevens issues or use them against her to further their own ideology. The lack of compassion and understanding then the refusal to educate themselves. All for what, to promote a freaking Tv show couple??
We grow attachments to fictional characters often because we can relate to them on a personal level. What you say about a fictional character can make someone feel bad about themselves. It can cause offence to people who love somebody who they think are similar to the fictional character.
We all have different opinions and fell free to share them, it’s how we learn and grow as people, but be considerate and educate yourselves first instead of spreading ignorance. And most importantly, STOP using these things for the purpose of promoting a freaking relationship between fictional characters. For example, saying El can’t understand romantic relationships and isn’t ready for one. If you believe that that’s fine and I respect it. However, it is completely irrelevant to Byler so don’t use it and point it out solely to feed your own fancies.
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cornonation · 9 months
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Lps popular doodles! I really loved this show when I was little! I still do! When I watched I would imagine that Brooke and Savannah and all there friends were super fashionable (which is kinda alluded to in the show but not fleshed out to much). So I thought it would be fun to design and explore there style!
I personally though Brookes would fashion would be inspired by Regina George from mean girls and Coquette aesthetic because she gives off Regina vibes and I thought coquette clothing because it’s soft and girly which Brooke is but also some of the pieces can feel very business casual to me in a way. Like she’s put together and a bad bitch but she got the fun pink to go with it! Also the innocent nature that goose with the coquette style can help Brooke seem more helpless and can manipulate people better. Because one thing Brooke is she is calculated! When it comes to manipulation she will think things through and use everything in her power to get what she want like her outfit!!!
Now with Savanna I think she would have a mix of Genny (who I see as a downtown girl aesthetic/clothing) and Brookes style! At the beginning of the series we see Savannah isn’t well dressed or “pretty” as the others and so when she gets her make over her friends influence her style hence her borrowing Genny style but also copying Brooke to in ways because they use to be friends and also because in a way she still chasing her acceptance and she is the most influential person in her life. So she’ll mix pieces from both of the styles to make her own unique outfits but also sometimes sticks to one style. Also added bonus when Savy start dating Tom I think she would sometimes she would wear his letterman jacket because 1. He’s a football player so it shows off her poplar girl status like “yeah I’m dating a football player you wish you were me”, 2. To shove it in Brookes face that she is as popular and getting even more popular then her, 3. Rub it in Sages face and “ show him what he’s missing” and 4. Tom is the kind of boyfriend to give her the jacket he’s sweet like that. ( I don’t like Sage as her boyfriend… like obviously Brooke and Savy are like exs and I could go on how there so sapphic coded and there that horrible awful first sapphic situationship break up but this is not what this post is about today. Umm anyways wall this to say about of the two boys for me it’s Tom over Sage.)
Also side note the reason I don’t mention Savannah not borrowing her style from Lina because I don’t see her to be as fashionable as Genny because it’s been mentioned before in the series she not as into popularity as Savvy and Jenny are so I feel like Savanna didn’t look to her as much. I still do think she got influence of outfits from her but I see her as more laid back with her fashion. Like she has a good style and has really good outfits it isn’t as calculated while at times I feel Genny and Savy will really think there outfits throughout to try and get things and have certain influences like Brooke dose. ( now that I think about this I feel like I got this wrong because Lina is the one that has the idea to take her shopping but I don’t I feel like Savvy has more of a fashion connection with Jenny for some reason.)
Anyway can you tell I like LPS popular and still have so much to say about years later 😭 Also sorry if you see any spelling mistakes with the characters names I wrote this all out and then realized Savy and Gens names are spelt different then how I spelt them and I attempted to fix them but idk if I got it all oh well. Btw sketchbook spread pictures version here:
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If you read all of that gold star for you ⭐️! Your a a real one!
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solntepyok · 2 years
Lord X' and Xenophanes' Smut Shorts (🔞+)
A/N: In fact, it all started with this post. I found the idea interesting enough (from a writer's point of view), so I decided to reproduce it in reality. Before that, I decided to write a little backstory about how Lord X and Xenophanes decided to do it and what motivated them to do it. I was inspired, by the way, by a song by the German rock band Rammstein "Du Riechst So Gut" ("You smell so good"). And yes, dear minors, please do not read this. It contains violent scenes, which I do not recommend you to read. Everything here (I mean the scenes of violence, rape, torture and etc.) I in no way support in real life. Thank you for your understanding!
Word Count: 4.8k (for two in general)
Warnings: manipulation, intimidation, kidnapping, gaslighing, detailed descriptions of rape scenes and psychological/physical violence and drowing scene, suffering, fingering, tentacles, blood play
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Lord X
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GIF was taken from Sonic PC Port.
Lord would not be himself if he did not love to mock his victims. He was mad about hearing their cries and pathetic pleas to leave them alone, he was mad about watching their pathetic attempts to escape or fight him back. All bugs were defenceless against the black raven, and that was certainly something everyone knew. The demon simply loved playing all sorts of horrible games with humans, which he considered nothing more than his own amusement. He laughed uncontrollably while his victim wept and bled their own blood. He burst into an eerie, cold laugh at the sight of the empty human eyes and the breathless, mutilated body. He laughed sickeningly, pulling out the poor human's internal organs, while they wept and howled in pain. He felt triumphant as he looked at his blood-stained gloves.
However, he soon became bored with it all. He played the same games with all his victims every time, and frankly, he was fed up with it all. He could already predict in advance how this or that person... No, no, no, not a person, a toy would behave in this or that situation. He knew in advance all the hidden fears of his victims, and as a rule, human phobias and people themselves were very often alike. People are so predictable. And it was certainly very boring. Bloody boring.
Among all the featureless faces and unremarkable eyes, he soon spotted you. How glad he was to have found you, to have drawn you into his world of endless amusement. He was interested in you, for even though slaves, most of the time, bore him immediately after he had played with them only a few times, he was always interested in a new toy in his magnificent collection of puppets. What amused him most about you was that he was never bored with you. Though he could predict your behaviour, he was amazed by you every time he played with you. Your character was totally different from the rest of his victims, for you never gave up. You never gave up hope of escaping from this horrible place, even though it is unfortunately impossible in principle. You resisted him like all his other victims, but you held on much longer than any of them. You had a strong spirit, a core strength, you could not be broken. Lord was looking for your fears and triggers that he could press to make you break, and he seems to have found something against which you would be powerless.
One of his favourite games was catch-up. He did not know why he so often played this game with his victims, but he could tell for sure that chasing after his prey gave rise to a vicious predator chasing his prey. He hovered with his sharp claws spread like a black raven, ready to seize with his sharp beak a butterfly that flew away pitifully. A couple of flaps of his black wings are enough to catch the silly butterfly, but the raven is in no hurry. He waits until the butterfly can tire themselves out, and then the crow will be there. One has to be able to wait, because patience is the key to success and easy gain.
You ran as fast as you could. The cold air was hitting your face in a jet, spreading painfully all over your skin. Little salty droplets froze in your eyes, you were ready to cry. But you can't. You must not show your weakness to your tyrant, for then he would torture you even more fiercely. Tears can't help grief, it takes fortitude. So you ran as hard as you could in spite of your fatigue, though your strength was at its lowest. The evil spirit soared, swiftly flying after you, intending to seize you. You remember well what happened the last time you were playing catch-up with him. He caught you, and with one swipe of his clawed paw ripped your belly open. It was simply horrible and disgusting, you will always remember his merciless, chilling laugh and his cruel eyes. He has no compassion, it seems he would have been happy to do this to you all the time, and you didn't want him to. You couldn't let him get the upper hand and win over you. This fucker just doesn't deserve to win.
As you turned the corner, you suddenly heard someone screaming. You listened while you kept running and saw a little yellow fox drowning to your left in your path. He was holding on to the bank with one hand, but you could see that he was nearing the end of his strength and he would soon be swept into the whirlpool and simply drowned.
"Help, please! Help! Somebody!" The fox cub shouted loudly, holding on to the bank with his last hand. When he saw you, hope gleamed in his eyes and he cried out again, addressing you. Without thinking, you ran up to him, kneeling down and extending your hand to him. He grasped it, and you pulled the wet fox out of the bloody river. He was breathing heavily, he was shivering from the cold, he hugged himself to warm himself somehow. You put your arm around him to help keep him warm and nervously told him:
"Come quickly. He's getting close."
But it was as if the little fox was in no hurry. He looked at you innocently and wondered earnestly:
"Who is he?"
You were taken aback. Doesn't the little fox know who's behind this whole rotten world? Has the little fox not yet met this bastard who hates all living things? You were at first taken aback and then filled with hatred, for your tormentor may well have dragged even small children into his world, torturing them in the same way he did the adults. It was simply horrible. The demon seemed to spare no one, as if all humans were there only for his own amusement. You frowned and gritted your teeth.
"You don't need to know that. But he's very bad. Come on." You said, nudging the little fox. However, he walked leisurely, as if he wasn't afraid of anything.
"Why try to hide…" Suddenly the little fox wheezed, his gaze became serious and mocking and his eyes filled with cruelty. You flinched. "… if he's standing right in front of you?"
Your eyes widened in horror as the little yellow fox cub turned into a dark blue demonic hedgehog in an instant. There he was, your tyrant, in all his glory. Still the same vile grin, still the same unfeeling eyes. Still the same bloody scar on his chest, still the same businesslike look. It was as if he was deliberately taunting you, testing you. Seeing your genuine bewilderment, he laughed.
"What a performance… Every time a trick like that never upsets me." He scoffed at you. "Most of the people just run through. But not you."
He stepped close to you, gazing into your startled and perplexed eyes. He was enjoying your confused look, because at last something had managed to get a hold of you so much. Even then he could see that you were weak in the face of other people's suffering. He played on your feelings, lured you in and you fell into his trap. The butterfly flew straight to the black crow, and now he can feed on it properly. The cunning black crow has earned his victory.
"What a prick you are!" You hissed with all hatred, gritting your teeth hard and clenching your fists. There was no limit to your indignation. He took advantage of you, he toyed with you and threw you away as if you were junk. It was as if he had taken from you what was most precious to you — your honor. And in response, he would burst out laughing.
"Oh, what are you going to do to me? Will you kill me? Oh no, help me, help me! I'm being killed! Help!" Lord pressed his hands pitifully to his chest and mimicked a frightened grimace, parodying the deathbed behaviour of his victims begging him not to hurt them. You frowned even more, and he laughed again, this time the nasty smirk was on his face. He put his hands behind his back and lazily propped his knees up, hunched over a little.
You took a swing, hoping to slap him. But he immediately intercepted your hand and squeezed your wrist tightly. You hissed grudgingly.
"You know, that was stupid. Just like you worrying about others who are, in fact, nobody to you." He remarked, still keeping one hand behind his back and the other clutching your wrist. One second and he throws you into the bloody water.
Once you were completely submerged in the river, you surfaced again, but you were still hitting the water with your hands, unable to get out. The river was carrying you swiftly in the opposite direction; you couldn't physically get out, even if you really wanted to. Meanwhile, Lord was lazily following you. He snapped his fingers and the river stopped, and now you were just floundering in place. Your tyrant came up to you and sat down beside you, scrutinizing you.
"Oh, you're drowning. Can I help you? Ah yes, you hate me. And one doesn't usually get help from enemies." He grinned cheekily. And you, holding on with the last of your strength, tried to grab hold of the shore with your hand. But it didn't work, you were only able to grasp it with your fingertips for a second, but you immediately snapped, and so you prepared to die again. The water rapidly filled your lungs, you found it hard to breathe with each dive into the water. Death by drowning, fucking nice. However, you felt your arm being intercepted. The next second you were roughly thrown onto the shore. You began coughing and pounding your chest with your fist, trying to catch your breath.
"You may consider that I have had mercy on you. It's too soon for you to die. I want to try something with you." He said cryptically, his eyes filled with an incomprehensible gleam. Your head was down, you couldn't see his face, and so he walked over to you and grabbed your chin, making you look at him. You looked at him with disgust and anger and he continued just as nonchalantly. "You don't mind, do you? Although who am I kidding... You just don't have a choice."
He shoved you roughly, and involuntarily you fell on your back. As he grabbed your wrists, he shackled them with something like barbed wire, you couldn't see what exactly was there, but your wrists burned horribly as you tried to tear it off. With a hiss of pain, you began to kick as your tyrant leaned over you, placing his hands on the inside of both your legs, forcing them wide apart.
"What the fuck are you doing, you bastard?" You shrieked as he squeezed your skin on your legs with his hands. He replied with a nonchalant smirk on his face:
"If you resist, you're going back in the river."
You fell silent. You did not want to die again, for even the strongest give up and stop fighting. You were tired of being in this perpetual cycle of suffering. At least now, he's not going to do something completely terrible to you, is he?
It was truly a whole new kind of domination for him, while it was a whole new kind of suffering for you. To be honest, he wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but seeing you wriggling and sobbing at his actions didn't stop him. He was moving his fingers into your body, adding one at a time and moving them inside you. Fuck, it was just awful. Your whole body was burning, you were twitching, and your wrists were bleeding profusely, while you yourself cried out and moaned at times. These were very different moans, different from those moans when Lord pulled out your insides or did any other bloody thing to you. They were moans of killing pleasure, it was bloody intense, but it was undoubtedly slowly killing you. Your mind was clouded, Lord stared into your eyes and saw the emptiness there. You didn't understand what was happening, it all seemed unreal to you, just a nightmare.
You cried out loudly as your tyrant wrapped his fingers around your nipple, squeezing it painfully. You arched back, and he unclenched his fingers slightly, leaving a slight redness on your nipple. It's just amazing how fragile and delicate the human body is. Why hadn't he done something like this to his victims before?
Now he was no longer bored seeing his fingers go in and out of you at a frantic pace. Now he was no longer bored when he saw you screaming loudly and moaning pitifully and wriggling desperately. Your face red with shame and horrible pleasure, your crystal clear eyes filled with tears, and your flawless, tender body drove the Lord into an unbelievable rapture. Such a brave and resilient human, it would seem, and right now they were wriggling beneath him and moaning sweetly at his every touch. He used to think that he fully understood the human body, but as it turned out, a human, such a miserable mortal being, is very versatile. Amazing indeed.
His fingers were terribly huge. To tell you the truth, his palm itself was monstrous in size, so what about the fingers themselves? His fingers slid much faster with gloves on, and it just drove you crazy. You felt the heat fill your entire body and a violent surge of emotion took you instantly into its net. You cried out loudly — that was your edge. And he too received an incredible amount of emotion for the day. It was all new to him.
"Did you like it?" He whispered slyly to you, burning your ear with his hot breath. "We'll continue again soon, my dear friend…"
You were exhausted. Your eyes were closed and your breathing was ragged. Dear Lord, what was all this for?
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Sonic.exe (Xenophanes)
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GIF and some Xenophanes' quotes were taken from Sonic.exe Game (Version 7) by MY5TCrimson.
Xenophanes loved to play with you. He loved to try all kinds of his cunning and cruel games with you, he wanted to test you, he wanted to see how long you could withstand his rounds. Humans are not known for their high stamina. Absolutely anything can kill a human. And most importantly, a human is suddenly mortal, for they can never know exactly where Death might wait for them. And even now, in his realm of endless suffering and torture, when absolutely everything he does brings you incredible pain, you will never be able to predict exactly when you will be brutally murdered. Simply because it is his world, with its own unpredictable rules.
One thing you do know, however, is that he will not rest until you are broken. He won't rest until he sees you on your knees begging him to stop hurting you. He will not rest until he is convinced that you are exhausted enough to continue his game. He didn't like it when people got tired, because then they wouldn't be able to experience all the fun he had in store for them. What kind of game was it where there were no players? That was why he controlled the mind and body of his victim when he realised they were no longer able to cope on their own. After all, it is much more fun to play when you know that the players themselves are interested, isn't that right?
You hated him. You hated him so much that you never missed an opportunity to hurt him, even if you were terribly exhausted. You didn't need his pathetic support, his bloody help, which he only gave you for his own amusement to mock his victims. He killed you time after time, and time after time you tried to resist him. And every time he laughed and laughed and laughed… After all, it is so hilarious to watch how a defenseless and innocent lamb pretends to threaten an angry and hungry wolf who can tear his prey to pieces in an instant. The strong will never intimidate, for they already know that no one can overpower them. He was inviting you to join him, to finally stop resisting him and rule this rotten world together. He was prepared to make you his favourite, he was prepared to give you as much time as he saw fit, but you didn't want it. He was prepared to make you the leader of his Cult, his right hand, for he felt that your steadfastness and hatred would serve as a great linchpin to be in such a high position. You certainly had the makings of a leader. At least, he thought so himself. However, you did not even want to listen to him, each time his proposal was rudely rejected. Well, for the time being he will approve of your decision so he can continue playing with his favourite toy. The opinion of slaves is not law for him, but he has certainly heard yours.
"Oh, playing with you is so much fun. You still resist me every time, even when you know there's no way out, and I like that." He bullied you. He trampled you into the dirt, made you believe that you were just his plaything. You're just a puppet, moving only at his puppeteer's beck and call.
"I'll kill you, you bastard!" You screamed in despair, you burst into tears, and rage and hatred burned in your eyes. How tired you are. When will you finally be able to defeat him, to do to him what he did to you? When will you finally be rid of that filthy creature, out of your misery? He burst into an eerie and cold laugh, tipping his muzzle back. How silly it is. How ridiculous it is.
You swing your fist in the hope of hitting his face. But your hand clears the air, and you can't see him in front of you. You're taken aback. Turning around, you see him there, behind you, smirking viciously and smugly, his arms crossed over his chest. His look was not one of importance, rather it was more of a relaxed one, for your tormentor was interested in how you would behave next. Seeing your puzzled face, he laughed.
"Surprised? Did you really think I was going to stand still?" He chuckled, beckoning you with his index finger. It was a challenge, a provocation for a fierce fight, and you didn't want to hold back any longer. He was asking for it himself.
With even greater fierceness you swing a second time, now filled with determination, adrenaline and hatred. And again he evaporates, being behind you. Once again you turn and run at him, preparing to strike again. Finally, after a few more times, you are exhausted, falling to your knees and breathing heavily. Again you're tired, and once again you can't overpower him. How pathetic that is.
He's never laughed like that before. His cold and eerie laugh chilled you to the bone as he laughed at your repeated futile attempts to fight him back. No doubt it turned him on, otherwise why would he let you do it time after time? He valued his victims' helplessness and innocence, because it was much more fun to play with them. Such people have a heightened sense of fear, and fear was what made Xenophanes tremendously fascinated.
But then he stopped laughing as abruptly as he had started. His fine mood suddenly changed to something else. He stopped smiling and immediately frowned, taking on a serious look. Approaching you, he immediately grabbed you by the throat. Wrapping two hands around his paw, you began to wiggle your legs and gasped instantly.
"Enough games. You had a chance to comply… But now you've come too far." He said coldly, as if to sizzle you with his gaze. He seemed upset that you had turned him down last time. You knew perfectly well that he gets terribly aggressive when he doesn't get what he wants. Last time it was you. He was incredibly furious that in his own world he couldn't get you to take his side, even though he could control people's minds, and it was incredibly frustrating for him. He needed to teach you a lesson for your bad behaviour.
He unclawed, and you fell to the ground. Greedily gulping for air, you touch your horribly flushed neck. But the luck didn't last long. One second and it was pitch-black. You screamed hysterically, touching your face. A scarlet liquid dripped from his long, sharp claws onto the cold ground. It seemed to have just slashed his claws across your face. You crouched low to the ground, writhing in pain. It was bloody unbearable.
And in the meantime, he was staring at you. He wasn't angry, he wasn't upset, but there seemed to be an intense resentment against you in his gaze. It was as if he was resentful of you, like a little child who didn't get a cherished toy. He wanted to get you, and when he wants something, he will stop at nothing until he gets it.
He kicked you roughly with his foot and you fell backwards. Through the tears and the blood, you saw him looming over you, peering at you curiously. There was a twinkle in his cruel eyes, a kind of vulgar spark, and you didn't like it at all. He regarded you as if for the very first time, passing his gaze from your head to your heels. He smiled wickedly, but not at all like he usually does. There was something entirely different about his smirk, and it startled you.
You froze. From the fear that pelted you from head to toe and generally from the events that occurred in those couple of seconds, minutes, maybe even hours, you simply couldn't think straight. You were so terrified and exhausted that you couldn't even utter a single word. But the look of your tormentor, which inspired absolutely no confidence, made you ask exhaustedly:
"What are you going to do to me?"
Xenophanes only grinned at this. He leaned even lower towards you, bringing his face close to yours. His hot breath burned you, and you twitched reflexively at the strange sensation.
"You'll find out…" He licked, extending his bloody long purple tongue. It was simply disgusting, you could see the roughness on it. Wild terror froze on your face, you suddenly realised what was about to happen to you. You wanted to jump up and run away, but in time you did, for in the same second he piled his whole body on top of you. Your chest made contact with his, the frantic pounding of your heart gave a rhythmic beat to the demon's body, you were very scared.
You squeezed in fear, and felt him lick your cheek, on which your own blood was dripping rapidly. Your blood tasted incredibly pretty delicious; you were to your tyrant like a sweet candy that he wanted to taste completely. His yellowish fangs turned scarlet, he couldn't stop licking your blood from your face. Immediately aversion filled you, you were disgusted by what this fucker was doing to you. You wanted to break free, to run away, to call for help, but you couldn't. It was as if he was controlling your body and would not let you interrupt his disgusting game. You huddled in the cold ground with the fright that pelted you. You trembled before your tyrant like a lamb to the slaughter.
One second and he came to your lips, you and he merged in a passionate kiss. You widened your eyes in horror and surprise; his tongue wandered in search of yours, but you resisted him. In a wild and passionate dance, his tongue wandered across your palate, intent on capturing your tongue as well, but you shook your face and didn't give in to him. You were ready to swear you would have thrown up if he hadn't immediately stopped doing that to you. He pulled away from your lips and grabbed your shoulders roughly, his claws digging into your skin, leaving bleeding scratches on it. You cried out and he looked at you angrily and fiercely, baring his sharp fangs.
"Stop fighting back, why are you doing this?" He growled dreadfully, clacking his teeth. "You'll never escape from here, so why are you resisting me?"
He was furious. To tell you the truth, he had tolerated your reckless and daring escapades for quite some time, he turned a blind eye to your feeble-minded courage, for your daring would never help you escape your Destiny anyway. He was incredibly angry that he couldn't control your mind fully, because if he had, you wouldn't be resisting him now. You wouldn't have attacked him then, why would you have done that? He wanted to make you his, completely his, so that he could fully dispose of you as he wished. Well, if he's incapable of subduing your mind, then he'll use your body and there's nothing you can do to stop him.
The next second you watched in horror as the glove on his right hand suddenly tore sharply. His hand seemed to swell and then in an instant it turned into a dozen tentacles. The tentacles encircled your body: they bound your arms, lifting them above your head, they encircled your waist along with your legs, forcing your legs wide apart. With a wild scream you wriggled, hoping to break free, but alas, the tentacles' grip was too tight. Your tyrant grinned reproachfully.
"It's too late to resist, you should have thought sooner." He whispered vilely, licking your ear. You cringed and looked into his empty and cold eyes with all hatred and fear. "You should have thought sooner… When you had the chance. Now just enjoy."
Without any ceremony, one of the tentacles sharply entered your body. You cried out loudly: your sobs were filled with horror and sheer misery. Tears welled up from your eyes as you wriggled and squirmed. And he, savoring every second, greedily stared at you. Oh yes, finally you belonged to him now. Finally he felt that close connection and intimacy with you. In most cases, people have sex because that is how they want to show each other their strong affection and love. Xenophanes did not love you, but he wanted to put you in your place by his cruel act. He wanted to get back at you for rejecting him that time. He is very jealous and vindictive, and would not spare even his most favourite plaything. You did not want to submit to him willingly, so he simply left you no choice — if you don't want to do it yourself, he will make you submit to him by force.
With each thrust your body was literally burning, you were very hot and in pain. You screamed, begged him to stop, but with each thrust he moved harder and harder, more intense and more intense. Your eyes were blurred, you seemed to have lost the essence of your existence. Your body was burning, as if a thousand needles were digging into it, tearing the flesh from within. It was a slow poison, it drove you mad. Xenophanes felt no physical pleasure, but he was incredibly proud that he could break you, for now you were in complete submission to him.
With a final thrust you felt a strange warmth fill your lower body along with your chest. Tilting your head back, you bit your lower lip and began to wriggle. No, no, no. That's so dirty, gross, disgusting. You're not supposed to enjoy it. It's terribly wrong, it's terribly shameful. Your face reddened with shame and heat, for now you no longer resisted your tyrant. He had caught you up in this human pleasure and finally took complete control of you.
"You are mine." He roared, digging deep into your flesh with his claws. You were ecstatic, you were on the verge of coming, and the next moment you snapped into a scream. Your heart was beating frantically in your chest, it wanted to jump out.
You were raped and slaughtered angrily. 
You were raped until all your strength had disappeared. 
And yet he rose to torture you
Die in the only fun for the Devil. 
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My dears, this is special for you! @uglysonicsimp @tabbesiscool
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It is time for requests again and I Gummy W. Anon am back at it again a Krispy Kreme
May I request Yandere teen Slender with his ghost s/o as the years progress? Would the ghost s/o still be in love with him after an eternity?
The original post this is based on may be found by clicking here
Of course, you're still in love with him, or at least, you think you are. As a pair of teens, once Slender had you back in his arms, his manipulation over you was immediately kicked in. He was aware of it, how dark his feelings were, how unhealthy and unnatural they were, but that didn't stop him from trapping you in his spider web of lies and manipulations, so deeply wound that you'll never be able to pry yourself free from it. 
Of course, his family tried. They could all see it, the changes he was making, how controlled and manipulated you seemed to be, and they tried to help you, but all attempts were either blocked by Slender or dismissed by you as you couldn't see anything wrong. As the two of you continued growing up together, you only became more and more dependent upon him. He moved you into a special house eventually, using the money from his growing business, one that just the two of you could reside in with no interruption, no other people to bother you or try and take your attention away from him. Slender wouldn't have any of that. It's so easy for him to spread manipulative lies to you to keep you wrapped up tight in his embrace.
He gives you everything you could ever need, except for freedom. A huge variety of nice, high quality clothing, endless supplies for any hobbies or activities you might want to fulfill or partake in, the most delicious foods that you could ever feast upon, a gorgeous, beautiful house just for yourself, with the finest furniture, and gorgeous spanning windows, windows that are caged on the outside, doors that have locks that only he can use, surveillance of your every move that you're unaware of. You're so unaware, so manipulated, you don't notice how abusive it all is, how controlling and unhealthy. He's wired himself so deep into your brain that you aren't quite sure what is or isn't right anymore. It's like you're a shell of your former self. You'd broken when you died, and he picked up all your pieces and molded them back together how he saw fit. Not necessarily in the correct spaces, but in the spaces he needed to make sure you'd never be able to leave his side ever again.
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ladyluscinia · 2 years
I've made my opinion on the whole "Edward's true self is a soft marshmallow center" / "Izzy is in love with a fake persona and hates the real Ed" take pretty clear (put simply: Absolutely Not) but it's still pretty popular and I tend to read meta even when I disagree. Which means I've noticed a very specific argument that I want to comment on.
So, generally, the process of justifying woobie Ed going Kraken places blame firmly on Izzy due to the whole cabin confrontation. Some people weave this into an elaborate manipulative scheme / straight up forcing him via threats, while others are more generous (?) and just classify Izzy's explosion as Ed buckling under an atmosphere of social pressure. (I disagree pretty firmly with both.) Either way, there is one detail / accusation that I see repeated a lot:
Apparently, Izzy makes his opinion of who he really wants clear by shoving the horrible caricature picture from episode 4 - the picture that Edward was clearly distressed by - in Edward's face in an act of intimidation / deliberate re-traumatizing.
Except.... he doesn't?
This is the picture from 1x04 and accompanying quote:
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"God... Is this what they think I look like? Hm? Fucking viking vampire clown with - Look at that. There's one, two, three, four... nine guns all over him. Nine guns?! I have - I, I have one gun, and one knife. Just like everyone else."
And here is the image that Izzy confronts Edward with in 1x10 (and Edward pins to the wall during his makeover):
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That's no Mad Devil Pyrate with nine guns and a head of demonic smoke. That's a guy with one gun and one knife.
Self-indulgent meta-ish thoughts under the cut
Honestly, I noticed the difference in images immediately on my first watch, which meant I did not draw this (questionably) implied connection at all. When Izzy was spitting about how "This is Blackbeard!" I was pretty much shrugging and conceding his point. Because, like, he's not wrong. That is a picture of Blackbeard pretty much as we met him in 1x04, symbolic skull aside symbolic skull included because the man keeps one on his office desk for kicks that I forgot about briefly.
There's something very interesting about the fact that Izzy goes for such a plain image. There's no fancy title. No horror. Hell, on inspection I think that image shows Edward's tattoos and single sleeve outfit??? I was wondering if the show made that art themselves and now I think they must have.
(I think they made both images, because the first one is harder to tell but might also have the sleeve / tattoos thing - just less accurate. However it's also clearly based on the A General History of the Pyrates illustrations from the 1700s where he has like six guns on his chest, while the second one is more show specific.)
And what does that say about Izzy??? A whole library of books on pirate legends and he gravitates to the image of Edward that seems to have been drawn by someone who actually met him? That's based on the guy he actually served under / loves, not the myth they spread around the ocean together???
Like holy fuck, when Izzy says "This is Blackbeard" he means it wholly literally. The guy in that image is the man he knew for years, while the guy standing in front of him is a complete fucking stranger in a pink robe, and he's been waiting for however many days for the depression fog to clear enough to see if there's even a trace of his boss / friend / love left post-Stede. Instead "Ed" makes his first appearance on the deck after the breakup and sings a song about his feelings and then earnestly asks why they are being pirates.
I still think Izzy started that conversation with intent to resign. He'd completely given up - not on the "Blackbeard" persona, but on the Edward he knew that had earned the title (and his respect and devotion alongside it). Not for being some kind of horrible devil, but for being brilliant, and the greatest sailor he'd ever known, and the Captain he was loyal to above all else. Izzy is lost at sea, and there's sure as fuck nothing keeping him on this particular boat anymore.
And then, pretty much purely by accident, he pisses Edward off just enough that his "Ed" mask slips and...
"There he is."
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