#virgo lilith
astrostaydelulu Β· 1 month
Short astro notes
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Moon aspect Venus(negatively)/Neptune individuals are the heart of crystal with haze around it. Pure yet blurred, surrounded by distinct thoughts of their needs vs wants. They may try to find their love in people who aren't the one. Be prudent while making choices as you don't want to be wounded in the end.
Lilith in 10th/6th/Virgo/Capricorn or aspect with Midheaven people please be cautious in your work environment. Not only this people get bashed for no reason or for just putting their opinions in front, is so witless. People envy their success/ work and slur too. Authorities can be a big problem for them likewise.
Mercury/3rd house with the influence of Venus is such a beautiful aspect. These people are great at writing( relies on other aspects too). They are good at paring their words in a ravishing way that it's almost bliss to hear them. Also a placement for good writers/poets on the topic of love, beauty, art, appreciation, etc.
Moon's prominence on the midheaven constantly makes great chefs, hotel managers, caretakers/nannies, teachers, preschool administrators, Β etc. In general, they are promising in these fields with their ability to manage things.
No one can beat a Venus- Neptune/Pisces Venus/ Venus in 12th people when it comes to having the trope of " one-sided secret admirers". Well, not prefer one-sided but yeah when they fall in love they are the most adorable. They can be so in love with their crushes/lovers, that it is unexplainable.
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jkbabiey Β· 1 year
What your Lilith sign says about you
OBS: If you don't know what your lilith sign is, just use an online chart calculator (strongly recommend using the 'Extended Chart Selection' on astro.com - don't forget to add 'Lilith' in 'Additional Objects'). Also, this is an 18+ post so, if you're under that age, pls don't read it!!
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πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 π΄π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘’π‘ :
Lilith in Aries loves a good fight, as they embody the spirit of competition;
There is a particular need to completely dominate every fight they get into and every hater they come across;
There's a tendency in these natives to turn their anger into action, which can lead to a physical display of anger in the form of physical aggression, affecting everyone and everything in sight and spreading like wildfire (which will most likely be the case for those who don't have a suitable outlet for their fierce temper, like a sport);
These natives have a primal sex drive and can become restless in love, in the sense that they can get easily bored if there's no newness in the relationship;
Lilith in Aries craves rough, raw sex
To these natives, sex would, ideally, be quick, dirty, and aggressive
There's a significant correlation between sex and aggression to these natives - somehow, sex after fighting may be a huge turn-on to them;
They may have a thing for domination themes in sex (either being dominated or dominating someone)
As arise dominates the head, there may be a particular liking towards hair pulling, or oral sex.
They may find people who are rough around the edges attractive - their type is the bad boy (they may even find scars attractive).
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 π‘‡π‘Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘ :
Lilith in Taurus doesn't like to share. They hold onto their possessions tightly;
These natives may feel torn between wanting to embody the sense of lust they feel and enjoying the goods of all 5 senses (good food, good sex, good perfume, good music...), and feeling ashamed of wanting too much, which can lead to sudden emotional outbursts, emotional disorders or even eating disorders;
These natives appreciate comfort, and they can feel anxious whenever they are out of their comfort zone;
They can't handle change, which can lead to them staying in situations that no longer serve them, like toxic relationships, or unfulfilling jobs;
They are all about material security and stability, as they love luxury and fear poverty;
Undeveloped lilith in taurus can lead to someone who is egotistical, selfish, gets everything they want (not caring about what effect that may have on other people), and mocks people with financial needs
These people are prone to throw jealous fits;
Sex with these natives should involve all five senses: the room should smell amazing, there should be amazing quality bedding, an appetizer (like chocolate-covered strawberries, or something), and sensuous lighting. Bonus points if you use whipped cream during sex;
Taurus rules the neck area, so this has to be a focus for their partner;
Hickeys, neck kisses, neck biting, choking, or even leashes - may all be some of these natives' kinks
Also, vocalization is IMPORTANT - you moan, groan, say what you want and what you're gonna do (just express any sexual gratification).
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 πΊπ‘’π‘šπ‘–π‘›π‘–:
Lilith in Gemini is curious and that can be a blessing and a curse for them. These natives say no to nothing; they will try anything at least once. They want to experience it all, which may lead to them experiencing some stuff that they may hate;
These individuals are very prone to be misunderstood;
They can seem arrogant because they have a sharp tongue and they know how to use it - they can be wicked with what they say when angry;
Their strongest weapon is their mind - they can make excellent communicators, embodying the smooth-talker, but can also use that as a way to manipulate other people;
There's something seductive in the way these natives communicate and most of them may have an attractive voice
These natives are known for giving mixed signals, having a tendency to run hot or cold, and flipping switches on people without a second thought;
These natives are indecisive and may have some trouble knowing what they want in their love life, and most of the time they harbor adoration towards someone but when it gets serious they run away, which can be associated with theΒ non-committal energy associated with the sign of Gemini - and can lead to a deep frustration in these individuals
Β These natives need to be intellectually stimulated, being attracted to people who can keep up with their witty nature, and who can keep up a fluid conversation - dirty talk can be a huge turn-on to these individuals;
Gemini Lilith can appear one way, initially to prospective partners, and completely flip the switch in the bedroom ;
Gemini rules the shoulder, the arms, the hands, and the fingers, so these body parts are in focus during sex - they may like scratching or biting their partner's shoulders or arms during sex; Also, these natives may be attracted to someone who has muscular arms/shoulders and/or tatted arms/shoulders/hands...
The hands are ruled by gemini so they may have a kink for sucking their partner's fingers; They may also love it when their partner grabs them inappropriately in a public setting and may enjoy giving/receiving hand-jobs or being fingered/fingering their partner
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 πΆπ‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’π‘Ÿ:
Lilith in Cancer embodies the maternal feminine power;
These individuals have a particular need to feel needed which can lead to them over-giving and not receiving anything;
Undeveloped Lilith in Cancer may dismiss their own healthy limits, overextending themselves for the sake of someone else's comfort;
These natives suffer from separation anxiety, and their biggest fear is abandonment, which can lead to them being overly clingy and needy, invading their partner's personal space;
You may be unable to feel anything sexual towards your partner if there's no emotional connection beforehand;
These individuals have a calming, gentle, and soft energy to them, and they have an other-worldly ability to read other people - they can use these characteristics to emotionally manipulate their partners, using it to keep them from leaving
This soft energy is still present in the bedroom. These natives love to be taken care of during sex, but they can also read their partner easily, meaning they will know how to get their partner off by picking up on subtle hints and desires
Cancer rules the chest, the breast, and the stomach. They may like to sexualize their breast by using lingerie, accessories, and cologne/perfume. These natives may also be attracted to someone with a voluptuous breasts or a muscular chest;
Cancer Lilith may enjoy chest play, as well as licking and sucking the stomach area. Since cancer is ruled by the Moon, which is related to the motherly figure, there may also be a kink related to pregnancy
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 πΏπ‘’π‘œ:
Lilith in Leo isn't afraid of the spotlight. This placement exudes a golden aura of charm that mesmerizes the ones around them - which can be used as a way of manipulation;
These individuals have a captivating presence. They are very attractive and they know it, and this may lead to someone with a lot of self-respect, or to someone egocentric;
This level of physical attractiveness can lead to shallow relationships, and, as these individuals tend to seek other people's approval, they avoid digging deeper into their relationships, to keep their partner from seeing their ugly side;
These natives can't deal with criticism, be it constructive or not, as they have a strikingly strong egos;
These natives like drama - they are not afraid of starting drama just for the fun of it. Leo is a provocative sign, so in a relationship, a Leo Lilith won't be afraid of starting an argument just to see rile up their partner;
These individuals can be selfish in love, looking to be the center of attention in their relationship
These natives like dramatic sex. They are ferocious and passionate when it comes to sex.
Leo rules the back and shoulder, so scratching, biting, and even whipping these areas may be a turn-on for these natives;
They are also attracted to strong healthy hair, so hair pulling may be a big thing for them. They may also think that post-sex hair is attractive.
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 π‘‰π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘”π‘œ:
Lilith in Virgo knows what they want and knows how to get it;
These individuals are perfectionists to the extreme and this characteristic can be reflected in their romantic relationships, manifesting as control issues and over-the-top standards;
Undeveloped Virgo Lilith may have a tendency to suppress their sexual energy and some of them might be impotent or just unable to perform sex due to the fear of failure of sex;
Lilith in Virgo is a very problematic placement as Lilith is a sign that represents functionality and balance and Lilith is a provocative, empowering asteroid - the two energies conflict;
These natives are strategic and cunning. They like to move in silence, which keeps people guessing and gives them a mysterious look;
Virgo Lilith desires someone intelligent and communicative, with whom they can have logical continuous conversations. They are also attractive to people who, just like them, are healthy and hygienic;
Developed Virgo Lilith is the definition of "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets";
This is a placement that's willing to experiment in bed, not having a definitive list of kinks or turn-ons;
This is a very careful and clean placement when it comes to sex, prioritizing health, by utilizing birth control, getting tested regularly, and being sexually selective. These people tend to love shower sex, fantasizing about showering with their partner.
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 πΏπ‘–π‘π‘Ÿπ‘Ž:
Lilith in Libra embodies the struggle between being the perfect, mysterious, and independent individual, as they are very charming and elegant, or the perfect partner;
This placement looks for a perfectly beautiful partner and they tend to try to look flawless as well;
An undeveloped Libra Lilith may ridicule people who are not beautiful in their eyes;
Lilith in Libra fears loneliness so they would go to any level to make peace with their partner to avoid loneliness, most of the times blaming themselves in order to put an end to any potential disagreement;
Lilith in Libra tends to be shallow in the choice of the people around them, tending to choose elite, sophisticated, and refined people as their friends. They tend to judge people by how they seem on a superficial level or by what they have;
These people tend to avoid making hard decisions and most of the time avoid making them, pushing them onto their close ones, so they'll make those choices instead;
They like the chase and they are good at flirting, using flirtatious touches, longing gazes, and seductive words. Nothing makes them happier than winning over the unwinnable;
Libra rules the skin, butt, and lower back, these may all be a sexual focus - they may even have sexual fantasies about spanking, anal sex, and/or anal play. They tend to have attractive butts and/or be attracted to people with attractive butts;
They can also be attracted to people with beautiful skin (blemish-free and/or even-toned skin)
Touches on the butt or lower back may be a way of flirting to these individuals;
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 π‘†π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘π‘–π‘œ:
Lilith in Scorpio is magnetic, powerful, and intense, but highly secretive;
This is a very experimental placement, which is open to kinky sex, toys, taboo topics, and fetishizing themes in sex;
Their sexuality is very apparent and other people may have an overly sexual image of these natives.
They may have had other people interested in them purely based on sex because their sexual energy is a lot of times the first thing others notice; These individuals may have felt objectified most of their lives because of the common unjustified sexual interest coming from strangers;
These natives' feelings are either very intense or not at all - it's all or nothing for them, and when an undeveloped scorpio lilith feels it all, it may manifest in aggression, jealousy, obsession, control, and power;
To these natives sex may be an overwhelming experience because of the emotional bond that comes with it;
Scorpio is associated with the concept of power and control; In relationships, these natives can become controlling - they like to be on top, and in control; This also applies to sex (most scorpio Liliths like to be on top)
To these individuals life can be very much compared to a game - everything is about power;
Undeveloped Scorpio Liliths can find their most significant enemy in their own obsessive and jealous tendencies, these two can be quite the monster to deal with;
Scorpio rules the genitalia and the reproductive and excretory systems, so these natives may be drawn to the size and girth of sexual organs; Also, they may have an impregnation, breeding, or excretory kink.
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 π‘†π‘Žπ‘”π‘–π‘‘π‘‘π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘’π‘ :
Lilith in Sagittarius seeks abundance and luxury - they want it all and they want it big, be it the most exotic vacation destiny or the wildest party
They are born entertainers and they don't mind having all eyes on them; It's extremely hard to get these individuals to feel somewhat shy or embarrassed;
Sagittarius Liliths cannot deal with small, mundane, day-to-day experiences. Sagittarius is a placement that is known for the tendency to experiment, so lilith in this sign may lead to an excessive level of hedonism and to overindulging in "experiencing" without a limit;
Being open to new experiences, new food, new countries, and new people, these placement tends to attract dangerous people;
Being the epitome of a 'bon vivant', these people cannot handle it when other peoples' feelings get too deep or when others get upset with them, tending to ignore the issue, run away or get angry about it;
Nonetheless, Sagittarius Lilith is a fighter - they will be the first one to stand up for causes like gender equality and animal cruelty; Theoretically, they have the best philosophies and they stick to them - their biggest fear is meaninglessness;
This is the placement most likely to question the existential meaning of life and the paranormal world;
This is a highly promiscuous placement too, being too impulsive, brash, and bold when it comes to sex; This can manifest in them having multiple sexual partners or numerous wild sexual experiences;
Since Sagittarius rules the hips and legs, these individuals may like to highlight their legs with heels, thigh-high boots, fishnets, or garters, or they may like it when their partners wear these types of items;
This placement may also be curvier or be attracted to curvier people;
Due to the adventurous Sagittarius nature, lilith in Sagittarius may like to have sex in public settings - the idea of getting caught may be a turn-on.
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 πΆπ‘Žπ‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘›:
Lilith in Capricorn has a thirst for big achievements, success, and social status - they exude domineering energy
These natives may even become obsessed with the idea of power, feeling attracted to powerful people without really knowing who they are - they may fantasize about being part of a power couple
These natives understand the way the 3D world works perfectly and that's why they thrive while maneuvering in it - they know how to go where they want to go;
Capricorn is the archetype of 'the boss' so they may have a tendency to try and control everything and everyone around them and they may have a hard time understanding that you cannot just control people if you're not their superior in a professional environment;
This is a highly sensual placement, having a lot of sexual energy - even though they mask it very well; Their sexual energy is not provocative or over-the-top, it's rather sly and smooth;
Capricorn Liliths may be attracted to older or more mature people; They may also desire someone who’s in a position of power/control, or have a status about them
It's fairly common for these natives to have fantasies such as office sex, sex with their boss, using sex to gain notoriety in their professional environment, having sex with a highly prominent figure, or gaining the upper hand in a certain situation through sex;
They may also dream of living a secret office love affair;
Capricorn rules the teeth, joints, and skeletal system, so the idea of flexibility may be a turn-on for these individuals;
There may also be kinks such as bondage, being tied up, or bending the body in difficult positions;
These natives may like receiving and giving hickeys and bites;
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 π΄π‘žπ‘’π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘’π‘ :
Lilith in Aquarius is the visionary rebel and anything conventional bores them;
Their most valuable asset is their freedom and they use it to always do things their way, which can lead to them feeling like an outsider more often than not (a developed and empowered aquarius lilith will feel at home anywhere tho);
These individuals may tend to try and fit into already formed groups, but most often than not they will not be accepted and this may lead them to feel ashamed of their own characteristics;
Later on in their life, these individuals tend to find other people that will accept them and be as alien-like as them - they tend to become wildly unapologetic of their own uniqueness;
This placement is the embodiment of the quote 'my way or the highway' - they can be quite stubborn;
When it comes to sex, aquarius lilith is just as adventurous and liberal as Sagittarius or scorpio lilith - they are not afraid to explore out-of-the-box sexual fantasies or get freaky, on the other hand, they are utterly comfortable just exploring their own sexuality in its quirky, atypical kinks and fantasies;
There won't be one single sexual fantasy for these individuals, they are willing to try anything and everything their partner wants to try; there will be a whole bunch of different stuff that excites them;
The difference between sag and aqua lilith is that aquarius lilith likes to get freaky, but preferably with a long-standing sexual partner where there’s trust and history involved;
Since Aquarius rules the ankles and the calves, Aquarius Lilith may take a lot of pride in showing off its legs or maybe heavily attracted to someone with defined legs.
πΏπ‘–π‘™π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑖𝑛 𝑃𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑠:
Lilith in Pisces is the escapist daydreamer - they prefer a fantasy world to a real one;
These individuals want to be surrounded by beauty and they may try to escape the harshness of the real world through daydreams and an idealist and utopian mentality;
This placement has a hard time dealing with accountability so they may struggle with escapist tendencies such as excessive partying, excessive spending, excessive promiscuity, self-sabotaging, and even engaging in substance abuse;
Undeveloped pisces liliths are prone to addiction and may have a tendency to indulge in toxic substances like drugs to isolate themselves from the cruelness of the real world; There may also be a tendency to develop depressive habits (therapy is recommended for this placement);
A developed pisces lilith may develop into a healer, a poet, an empath, or an artist of some sort;
These individuals belong to the aesthetic of a coming-of-age movie and they tend to turn the simplest of things into dramatic experiences;
In sex, pisces lilith wants romance;
These individuals may idealize sexual experiences, turning sex into a tricky subject for them - nothing is perfect but pisces lilith will idealize everything from their sexual partners to their sexual escapades and relationships, giving sex an excessively unrealistic image in their own minds;
Pisces rules the feet and body fat so pisces lilith may have a foot fetish or be attracted to someone with a fuller curvier figure;
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malachiteclouds Β· 1 year
πŸ’‹(18+) natal astrology observations part 2
✫ I think that your descendant can indicate whether you attract submissive or dominant partners if you partake in those dynamics. (ex: a capricorn descendant would attract more dominant people, libra descendant may attract more submissive people) the planets that are in your 7th house can indicate this as well.
✫ 5th house moons and their breeding kinks lmfao i-
✫ scorpio/8th house venus and venus conjunct/sextile pluto can like the idea of ownership. there is something about giving themselves completely or having someone else give themselves completely that feels intensely gratifying. it comes from the desire for intimate and vulnerable sharing.
✫ moon conjunct venus and moon in 2H/7H/cancer could probably finish by their nipples being sucked or played with.
✫ leo/5th house venus can love collars. however, the emphasis is mainly on the PUBLIC indicator. they would like an OBVIOUS collar, the type to wear the big, bulky ones that have all the bells and lace and whatnot attached. they do not want it to be subtle.
✫ libra/taurus/2H/7H venus/lilith are the masters of sensual, purifying vanilla sex. these people know how to go back to the basics and just expand each fractal of the senses. they will make you feel like you are your most beautiful without any toys, spicy lingerie/outfit, or any play equipment.
✫ mars conjunct moon fuck like animals.
✫ virgo/6th house venus/lilith/mars are extremely resourceful in the bedroom. they can get things to feel like a damn fanfiction by their ability to piece together anything that is around them. is there a glass of iced water next to you? they will use an ice cube like 50 shades of grey. is there just a loose bedsheet on your bed? they will tie your hands with it. able to make something out of nothing.
✫ neptune/venus in 12th house/pisces are bulit for sensory deprevation i swear πŸ’€
✫ we all know aquarius/11th house venus loves their public sex, I mean come on. it's a cliche but it's a cliche for a reason. they love the experimentation and unconventionality of it. they are the ones that will try everything at least once, along with sagittarius venus.
✫ saturn conjunct/trine/sextile venus would love to be on money/have money thrown onto them while being fucked. they would also be hellaaa expensive strippers.
✫ super random but gemini venus would be most likely to fuck on a trampoline πŸ’€
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vampirae Β· 11 months
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Lilith in Aries represents a fiercely independent and assertive nature. There may be a tendency to rebel against authority and express raw, untamed energy. The individual may struggle with anger or impulsiveness but can also harness their inner fire to initiate change and champion their own desires. Lilith in Taurus embodies sensual and materialistic tendencies. There may be a strong connection to the physical world, with a desire for pleasure, stability, and comfort. However, there may also be challenges in embracing change and a tendency to resist letting go of possessions or habits. Lilith in Gemini reflects intellectual curiosity and a need for mental stimulation. These individuals may have a natural gift for communication but can also struggle with scattered energy or duplicity. They thrive in environments that allow for constant learning and variety. Lilith in Cancer signifies intense emotional depth and sensitivity. There may be a strong connection to ancestral and familial energies, leading to issues of nurturing and emotional boundaries. These individuals may have a powerful intuition and the ability to navigate complex emotional landscapes. Lilith in Leo represents a charismatic and dramatic expression. These individuals have a strong desire for recognition and may be fiercely protective of their individuality. They possess a natural magnetism and often shine when given opportunities to express their creativity and leadership. Lilith in Virgo reflects a strong need for order and perfection. These individuals may be highly critical, both of themselves and others, and can struggle with feelings of inadequacy. However, they also possess an acute attention to detail and excel in fields that require precision and analysis. Lilith in Libra seeks harmony and balance in relationships. These individuals may have a strong desire for justice and fairness and may struggle with finding their own voice within partnerships. They excel in diplomacy and have the ability to bring people together through understanding and compromise. Lilith in Scorpio embodies intense passion and depth. These individuals have a powerful presence and may experience transformative encounters. They may struggle with issues of power and control, but when harnessed positively, they have the potential for profound healing and personal growth. Lilith in Sagittarius represents a free-spirited and adventurous nature. These individuals may have a strong desire for exploration and a thirst for knowledge. They value their independence and may struggle with limitations or dogmatic beliefs, seeking spiritual or philosophical truth. Lilith in Capricorn signifies a strong drive for achievement and success. These individuals may have a powerful work ethic and strive for recognition in their chosen fields. They may struggle with rigid expectations and find it challenging to balance their professional and personal lives. Lilith in Aquarius embodies a rebellious and unconventional energy. These individuals may have a strong desire for freedom and may challenge societal norms. They possess a unique perspective and thrive in environments that allow for individuality and innovation. Lilith in Pisces represents heightened sensitivity and intuition. These individuals have a deep connection to the spiritual realm and may possess psychic or empathic abilities. They can struggle with boundaries and may need to learn to differentiate between their own emotions and those of others.
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astroismypassion Β· 2 years
Astrology observations β˜•οΈ β˜•οΈ β˜•οΈ
Credit goes to my astrology Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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β˜•οΈ Aries Rising is very β€œwhat you see, is what you get” person. Also, even when they get married they could just see it as just another day in their life. Also, they are just as adventurous and experimental as a Sagittarius Rising!
β˜•οΈ Virgo and Gemini Lilith might prefer online dating/chatting before meeting you in person, because they like to have control over their image, words, what you perceive them and take more time and thought to respond. They usually have β€œa curated image” going on with their behaviour.
β˜•οΈ Taurus Moon might really struggle with daily showering, shaving and other hygiene. They constantly postpone it or sometimes feel to lazy to do it. They would also buy expensive clothing and shoes, but are too cheap to get a haircut.
β˜•οΈ Taurus Moons also might marry their first love, very much the type β€œdate to marry”. Even if you break up with them, there’s a high chance they might run after you again in the future.
β˜•οΈ Aries Chiron or Chiron in the 1st house has a name that gets constantly mispronounced. Or there are several ways to say it.
β˜•οΈ Okay, so this one might get a bit controversial, but when people with 8th house synastry break up or break off the connection, those around them, who know them, react STRONGLY. And by that I mean other people can be heart-broken, really down or feel like they don’t believe in true love anymore. Whichever the option, it’s like people feel the heartbreak too. Just look at any major celebrity couple with 8th house: Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber and many more. These relationships STILL get talked about even years after people seem to be β€œheartbroken” along with them.
β˜•οΈ When Capricorn Moon woman doesn’t like someone’s mothering style, they won’t like their children as well. 😬
β˜•οΈ I still don’t know YET why, but honestly check guy’s Pallas Athene to see how (non)committal he is. I saw a pattern with Aquarius Pallas being highly individualistic and not wanting a relationship, Virgo Pallas men who are workaholics and might pull the β€œI’m focusing on my career, I don’t have time for a relationship” card and Aries Pallas who are just too selfish to even consider sharing something, so they shy away from any concept of a relationship. I would say much more positive would be Taurus or 2nd house Pallas, maybe even Libra Pallas (though he might be extra flirty or have multiple crushes😬).
β˜•οΈ You can learn SO MUCH from Solar Return charts. You want to know if you will be entering a long-term partnership? Search for Venus in the 7th house! You might hang out more with sign that fall into your 1st, 7th house. Which sign you might not really see much (if even) that year, it’s the sign over your 12th house. Who you will be talking to only on social media/online? Check 11th house sign, but also where your Mercury is. Also when you might decide AGAINST entering a partnership? Mercury, Uranus, Moon, Saturn and sometimes even Jupiter in the 7th house in Solar Return chart. If someone’s sign falls over your 4th house, you might be visiting their hometown or be in their home that year, or even live together.
So my point, if you are feeling someone and want to know if this is even going somewhere, my advice would be to check your Solar Returns for 2, 3 years ahead. If their Sun sign is the sign in the 7th house one year, they could be very romantic, charming to you that particular year. Next year, their sign is over your 12th house, you might not see that person much (if even). They could start living at a distance from you (like a different country even).
β˜•οΈ You could view people with the same Sun sign as your Juno sign as having your ideal partnership or ideal marriage. If you have Gemini Juno, you could think Gemini Suns know how to do relationships or even envy them their partnership.
β˜•οΈ I noticed a common correlation that you tend to marry or have a significant long-term relationship with the following Sun sign:
@astroismypassion β€˜s compatibility (birth number - Sun sign) theory
If you are born on the 1st of any month you could be in a significant relationship with the following Sun sign: Aries Sun or Libra Sun, even Capricorn Sun,
2nd, 8th, 17th, 20th, 26th: Taurus or Scorpio Sun,
3rd, 9th, 12th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, 30th: Gemini or Sagittarius Sun,
4th,13th, 31st: Cancer or Capricorn Sun,
5th, 14th, 23rd: Leo or Aquarius Sun,
6th, 15th: Virgo or Sagittarius Sun, even Gemini,
7th, 16th, 25th: Libra or Scorpio Sun, even Aries Sun,
10th, 28th: Capricorn Sun, Cancer Sun, also Aries Sun,
22nd: Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn Sun,
11th, 29th: Aquarius or Leo Sun, even Taurus Sun
β˜•οΈ Scorpio Moon men want a woman who will provide for their security, travels, other things they desire. They want someone to support them financially.
β˜•οΈ Pisces Venus dislikes games of seduction when talking to someone. They want other people to be more honest and upfront about it, because they dislike guessing. These are also the types to say that people β€œplay too many games”.
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Credit goes to my astrology Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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randomblack-girl Β· 1 year
I knew this guy with Uranus conjunct Mars in the 8th house and "it" was huge 😟
Siren in the 6th house have nice bodies
I feel like Jupiter in the first house wanna be thick so badly or they are but they usually have nice bodies
I might have already said this but chiron in the 6th house might have body insecurities or health issues the type to grow up fat then start eating healthy as they grow up or maybe they had bad skin and got into skincare
I hate to say it but it's true pisces placements do be lying especially ones related to the 3rd house/Mercury a friend of mine with Neptune in her first house admitted to lying for fun and an old friend of mine with Neptune in the 3rd house said she'd lie so people wouldn't know stuff about her (Scorpio rising) but I hate saying this because I have pisces/Neptune influence over my chart and I'm not a liar, but it is some of them.
There's definitely a connection between pisces/Neptune people and fishes, mermaids, etc my friend who has Neptune in the first house said she wants a little mermaid birthday party. They do look really good in a mermaid aesthetic, it's giving:
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As a Scorpio rising I keep attracting Scorpio moons!!! And I love Gemini risings as a gemini moon and idk bout y'all but I get along better with people with similar placements to mine bc yk people be saying opposites attract...
What's y'all experience with Saturn in the 8th house men? Like what's going on down there? I'm curious 😭😭 I keep meeting guys with that placement I also don't know how to read this placement really, a lot of them seem kinda traumatized and closed off
People with Venus badly aspecting their asc usually think they're unattractive, it's sad
Ok so I have pisces Venus conjunct Uranus in a composite chart with this guy and we like each other but we live in different countries but he literally set the standard for my future bf 😭
On the list of hot voices is mars in the 2nd house. This guy ik has Capricorn mars in the second house and he sounds so smart and like a gentleman but hot at the same time. I also noticed he talks really slowly? Idk but I like it πŸ˜‹. Sirene, Saturn, and Neptune also aspect his Mercury and neptune is in his 3rd house he has a pisces mercury too. I think pisces/neptune might make your voice nice, I have Neptune aspecting my Mercury and I've been told my voice is soothing. Ok I think Pluto makes a voice hot too because I'm noticing it's Venus, mars, and Neptune that keeps showing up in people's charts who have nice/attractive voices. Saturn can make them sound more mature and Jupiter can make them sound funny/be funny. Jupiter voices also sound deep and pisces/Neptune influence makes someone good with their words/poetic.
Idk if I'd say Scorpios look sexy/mysterious but I do try 😭😭 it's so hard though bc that's not who I am naturally I'm trying to just be myself though, I do notice I am just more reserved/quiet but that's when I'm not around friends or people I actually wanna talk to (Virgo 11th house) bc I don't really become friends with just anybody
I've noticed the connections I've had where the composite chart rising was Scorpio be deep/seem deep I love these relationships as a Scorpio/Pluto dom!!! I feel like we click and can talk about deep things like trauma easily
Idk the thing about tauruses and food is kinda right bc one thing about me...imma eat 😭 and I have a friend who's a Taurus moon who loves food
Let me tell you, having my Aphrodite and Lilith in Virgo and a pisces Venus the one thing I'm gonna do...is wear green, crystals, seashells, blue, etc ITS GONNA EAT EVERYTIME idc same with black but in terms of color? It's gonna be green, blue, and sometimes white (I'm still scared to wear white) but I love white too and omg don't get me started on grey and brown!!!! Or MATCHING SETS!? bye I want some juicy couture so bad!!! I love neutrals as much as I hate so say it bc it seems so basic but they're so easy to pair up and they look good together. But I'm trying to get into color and my favorites so far are green, orange, pink?, And blue also neutrals are easy because most likely it's gonna look good. Color can be complicated it's the same with patterns which is why I have a lot of basic tops now 😭.
Another thing I'm gonna do is wear tight clothes or crop tops πŸ˜‹ and I honestly find it hard to not wear that or shirts that show cleavage now that I got a sewing machine I make everything a lil bit lower πŸ’…πŸΎ and I love waist beads!! Emphasis on the stomach
And one time someone said "don't you think Tionna (me) looks good in comfy clothes" which is very interesting because taurus placements do look good in comfy clothes
Btw that picture came from Pinterest!
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agirlisdeath Β· 9 months
Her body is full of raw, unmatched power. There seems to be a reactor burning at the very core of her physical being, propelling forth magnetic forces that either burn right through you or drag you to her feet.
- Lilith in 10th house, Scorpio rising, Pluto in 1st house
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journalofanoldsoul Β· 10 months
Voulez-Vous Coucher Avec Moi Ce Soir ? (Lilith Edition)
Lilith represents a primal, instinctual energy in astrology, and understanding its influence on one's sexual style can provide insights into their desires and sensuality.
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Lilith in Aries: The primal desire with Lilith in Aries is for independence, excitement, and passion. Individuals with this placement have a strong and assertive sexual style, driven by their desire for conquest and adventure. They enjoy taking charge and initiating sexual encounters, embracing a fiery and impulsive sensuality.
Lilith in Taurus: The primal desire with Lilith in Taurus is for sensory pleasure, sensuality, and physical indulgence. Individuals with this placement have a grounded and earthy sexual style, appreciating the pleasures of touch, taste, and smell. They value intimacy, comfort, and may have a more languid and indulgent approach to sexuality.
Lilith in Gemini: The primal desire with Lilith in Gemini is for mental stimulation, variety, and intellectual connection. Individuals with this placement have a curious and communicative sexual style, driven by their desire for mental and verbal connection. They enjoy playful exploration, engaging in sexual banter, and seeking novelty in their encounters.
Lilith in Cancer: The primal desire with Lilith in Cancer is for emotional intimacy, nurturing, and vulnerability. Individuals with this placement have a deeply sensitive and nurturing sexual style, prioritizing emotional connection and creating a safe and secure environment. They seek comfort and emotional closeness in their sexual encounters.
Lilith in Leo: The primal desire with Lilith in Leo is for self-expression, creativity, and passionate experiences. Individuals with this placement have a bold and dramatic sexual style, seeking to be the center of attention and expressing their desires with confidence and flair. They enjoy playful and theatrical experiences that ignite their passions.
Lilith in Virgo: The primal desire with Lilith in Virgo is for perfection, detail, and exploration. Individuals with this placement have an analytical and meticulous sexual style, paying attention to every detail and seeking to perfect their technique. They appreciate cleanliness and hygiene, and may have a more reserved and controlled approach to sexuality.
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Lilith in Libra: The primal desire with Lilith in Libra is for harmony, balance, and aesthetic pleasure. Individuals with this placement have a sensual and elegant sexual style, valuing connection, beauty, and romance. They seek mutual pleasure and strive for equality and fairness in their sexual encounters.
Lilith in Scorpio: The primal desire with Lilith in Scorpio is for intensity, power, and deep emotional connection. Individuals with this placement have a passionate and transformative sexual style, embracing their primal instincts and delving into the depths of desire. They crave intense emotional and sexual experiences.
Lilith in Sagittarius: The primal desire with Lilith in Sagittarius is for adventure, freedom, and expansion. Individuals with this placement have an explorative and adventurous sexual style, seeking new experiences and embracing a sense of freedom in their sexuality. They enjoy spontaneity, variety, and may have a more casual approach to relationships.
Lilith in Capricorn: The primal desire with Lilith in Capricorn is for achievement, control, and structured experiences. Individuals with this placement have a disciplined and ambitious sexual style, valuing control and focusing on achieving their sexual goals. They may have a more reserved and practical approach to sexuality.
Lilith in Aquarius: The primal desire with Lilith in Aquarius is for individuality, experimentation, and intellectual connection. Individuals with this placement have an unconventional and open-minded sexual style, embracing their uniqueness and seeking out innovative and progressive experiences. They value mental stimulation and intellectual connection.
Lilith in Pisces: The primal desire with Lilith in Pisces is for transcendence, fantasy, and emotional connection. Individuals with this placement have a deeply emotional and dreamy sexual style, seeking to dissolve boundaries and connect on a spiritual level. They enjoy fantasy, sensuality, and may have a more fluid and intuitive approach to sexuality.
Please note that these descriptions provide general insights into the sexual style associated with each Lilith sign, but individuals' experiences may vary based on their complete birth chart and personal preferences.
Stay tune forΒ more astro posts.
xoxo J.
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daphnaea Β· 1 month
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zodiac moodboard: pisces sun | cancer moon | taurus rising | aries mercury | pisces venus | aquarius mars | virgo lilith for anonymous
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shyflowerbouquetposts Β· 1 year
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pisces sun / virgo lilith / cancer moon
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kryptoniteastrology Β· 1 year
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β€œI think i’ll read in the garden today, no fuss in getting dirty!” 
Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising, Libra Mercury, Scorpio Venus, Sagittarius Mars, Sagittarius Pluto, Virgo LilithΒ 
Requested by @raginglilith
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itsalibraswrld Β· 2 years
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Lilith in Virgo ♍️
Feels like they always need to be perfect but can’t be perfect enough.
May have many attempts to help but their way wasn’t good enough.
Learn to tap into their healing abilities to help others.
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eclecticqueer Β· 2 years
Hello Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening.
It's Me AgainπŸ˜‡ πŸ˜‡. I Hope You Are Doing Ok And Well. Thank You Very Much For Answering My Questions😊.
If You Are Not Busy, Can You Please Do An Asteroid Lilith in Virgo 6th House Square Moon And Pluto Culture???
Thank You Very Much And I Sincerely Appreciate Your ReplyπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡.
(Hello there!)
6H Virgo Lilith:
This placement can indicate someone whose been shamed/ restricted/ rejected in the realm of health and wellness, routine, and personal care, they may have struggled or been demeaned as a child for their natural body/ habits/ needs
Square Moon/ Pluto:
I'm assuming the Moon/ Pluto are conjunct
This placement could make for someone whose relationship with their mother-figure/ females/ feminine family figures may have been challenging, there may have been much pressure to perform equally to other feminine figures
To find their individual feminine expression could bring closure/ understanding in this area, how one shares compassion, beauty and intuition shouldn't be compared to others
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emotionalkryptonite Β· 1 year
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"I think i'll read in the garden today, no point in staying clean."
Libra sun, scorpio moon, Virgo Rising, Libra Mercury, Scorpio Venus, Sagittarius Mars, Sagittarius Pluto , Virgo Lilith
Requested by @raginglilith
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astroismypassion Β· 2 years
Astrology observations πŸ”­πŸ”­πŸ”­
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Credit goes to my astrology blog @astroismypassion check it out on Tumblr and Instagram
πŸ”­ It’s funny how Capricorn Lilith becomes such a teddy bear when in romantic partnership. They let go of their hardest thing to do and that is control. They control everyone else, but find it hard to have the same control for their partner since they like them too much. So it’s like they become soft around them, their partner IS their weak spot.
πŸ”­ I don’t know for you guys, but I’ve seen a lot of Sun conjunct Lilith and Sun conjunct Chiron relationships turn south. For example, if you are Taurus Sun and the other person is a Taurus Lilith. Or one is Scorpio Sun and the other has Scorpio Chiron. They always seem to start well and then completely turn, that you wonder if they even liked each other in the first place.
πŸ”­ If you have Pisces Moon, your mum probably bakes great desserts. πŸ‘ŒπŸ»
πŸ”­ I previously talked about 12th house shows what kind of shoes you like to wear:
Aries over the 12th house
- red shoes
- shiney shoes, shoes with glitters
- running shoes
- Timberland shoes
- chunky boots, biker boots
- wedge sneakers
- thigh high boots
Taurus over the 12th house
- tried and tested shoes, loafers, moccasins
- dance shoes
- espadrilles
- penny loafers
- Fred Perry
Gemini over the 12th house
- shoes from siblings
- oxford shoes
- Vans, Converse
- white sneakers
- plain black shoes
Cancer over the 12th house
- your mother’s shoes
- Keds, Vans, Converse shoes
- slip ons
Leo over the 12th house
- skate shoes
- flip flops
- Vans shoes
- orange, gold shoes, yellow shoes
- leopard prints
Virgo over the 12th house
- oxford shoes
- Jesus shoes aka Birkenstock πŸ˜‚
- minimalistic sneakers, either all black or all white
Libra over the 12th house
- sandals
- sneakers/trainers
- Balenciaga dad sneakers
- wedge sandals
- leopard print shoes
Scorpio over the 12th house
- shoes with snake pattern
- real leather shoes
- creeper shoes
- Uggs
- flats
- platform shoes
- thigh high boots
- black and red shoes
Sagittarius over the 12th house
- cowboy boots
- ankle boots
- desert boots
- chunky shoes
- gladiators
Capricorn over the 12th house
- golf shoes
- shoes one of your parents liked to wear or actually wore and were passed down to you
- boat shoes
- flats
- vintage shoes, thrifted ones
- velvet shoes, blue suede shoes
- matte, faux black leather shoes
- pointy shoes
- chelsea boots
- cowboy boots
- Wellington boots
Aquarius over the 12th house
- Camper shoes
- silver shoes
- cowboy boots
- Converse shoes
- clogs πŸ˜‚
- Clark shoes
- Dr. Martens shoes
- Crocs πŸ˜…
- silver shoes
Pisces over the 12th house
- ballerina flats, dance shoes
- flip flops
- wedge sandals
- purple shoes
πŸ”­ Neptune in the 2nd house: you best earn money when in isolation!
πŸ”­ People with many planets in 11th house will be highly impacted by a work association. Like you work in a tech company for example, right? You could belong to a computer science association, club, book club and will be hugely affected by that.
πŸ”­ All Earth Moons need steady daily routine that to others seems a bit repetitive, but it helps others. Because, if they don’t have that, they start disassociating.
πŸ”­ Neptune in the 2nd house: you attract partners and people with potential emotional problem.
πŸ”­ Leo Lilith, Lilith in the 5th house or Lilith at a Leo degree: people would react very strongly if you were to express that you do not wish to have children. Or on the contrary, you could have children young and later regret it that you didn’t go after all the other things you still wanted.
πŸ”­ A lot of Cancer Suns might feel like underachievers at times, because they understand that when you get sick, ill it is your friends and your family that will take care of you and NOT your job. And they really invest a lot in their friendgroup, it makes them also feel like they belong somewhere.
πŸ”­ Virgo Mars (especially if they also have Virgo Lilith) are so good with dirty talk, because not only they have big vocabulary that they can think of on the spot, but also because they know no shame. They are outspoken, because they are not that easily embarrassed by words.
πŸ”­ Virgo Lilith or Lilith in the 6th house: it will be hard for you to get work phone or a work computer and/or work from home
πŸ”­ I’ve talked about previously that 4th house shows your life after retirement.
Aries over the 4th house: you might be really physically active, like join a run club, be more active and DIY, work on your home, disputes with family members or close friends, a lot of cleaning around the house
Taurus over the 4th house: investing money from savings, indulging more with said money from savings
Gemini over the 4th house: reconnecting with siblings, buying more property or renting it, moving to another city, but within the same country, gardening
Cancer over the 4th house: cooking more, perfecting a craft, socializing with friends a lot
Leo over the 4th house: spending a lot of time with grandchildren, start an Instagram creative outlet, β€œthe fashionable grandma/grandpa”
Virgo over the 4th house: travelling a lot, learning, constantly reading, reading the morning paper, going to get coffee with friends, someone else comes and does chores for you
Libra over the 4th house: buying more clothes, marrying at a late age, like marrying for the first time or again at 45 or 65, falling in love and feeling like a teenager again, baking desserts, socializing, doing chores for other people, enjoying saved up money
Scorpio over the 4th house: issues with your mother, inheritance, investing money
Sagittarius over the 4th house: moving to another country, reading books, watching documentaries, socializing, having get togethers in your home, being a lunch host
Capricorn over the 4th house: spending more time with your parents, have a hobby that earns you money and doing it from your home
Aquarius over the 4th house: living abroad, finding a partner who is also your best (and probably only) friend too, spending more time with family, but online or talking to them through a videocall
Pisces over the 4th house: a lot of money issues, people you live with trying to throw you out of the home, potential support from other people, helping other people, you doing chores for others and them giving you food, having a lot of free time
Credit goes to my astrology blog @astroismypassion check it out on Tumblr and Instagram
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randomblack-girl Β· 2 years
I watched a video about lilith by The Crystal Girl on YouTube and I definitely suggest watching it. This is one of the best explanations of lilith. My lilith is virgo in the 11th house and before I didn't resonate with the virgo part that much until I watched the video. She talked about insecurities around the body and how lilith relates to the childhood and I started connecting the dots. I was the skinny one in the family and my body was talked about a lot not just by my family but kids at my school. I was different (11th house) because of my body (virgo) everyone in my family was bigger and I was skinny. I felt really insecure about it even though I was told to be happy I was skinny. I also felt different from my peers because of my mind/intelligence. I also have Uranus and aquarius in my 4th house so this makes so much sense. If you have these placements what's your experience?
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