#like maybe a better writer than me could have both of those things be addressed at once but for me i was like... I want Riku to comfort him
candyriku · 28 days
finally getting a chance to work on chapter 15 today :-)
#shout out AS ALWAYS to people leaving comments!!!! you are keeping me motivated you are keeping the dream alive#for some behind the scenes: in the last few weeks i've been barely sleeping and it makes it very hard to write or even be in a good mood#i usually need 11+ hours to function and so like. 2-3 hours a night is putting me in a bad place both mentally and physically#and yes i realize 11 or more hours is like a silly amount of sleep but idk. it's just how i am. i go to bed early AND sleep in ahaha.#i've been falling behind in all my classes due to the sleep thing so writing for fun has totally been off the table lol#ANYWAYS#typing typing typing (this chapter will be a lighthearted one)#we all need some fluff and levity i think (and i need to give time for Riku to care for Sora even more and be like. wow. i love you)#I was struggling earlier bc i wanted to write both about how Sora has been hiding darkness from loved ones and needs to let them in#but also with the idea of sora feeling that he needs friends to have strength or value. and i kind of realized i needed to pick one#like maybe a better writer than me could have both of those things be addressed at once but for me i was like... I want Riku to comfort him#which goes against him learning that he's fine on his own. we can address that in a different fic. rn he is just sad and needs to know#that he can share that with the people around him. and that he's still loveable despite it all#also shout out to my gf for teaching me “love isn't something you deserve that's not what love is” like. i did not know that b4 her#so I asked her lots of questions for chapter 14 actually cause I was like. i want Riku to support Sora in the way you'd support me#cuz IDK SHIT ABOUT THAT i have always felt unworthy of love and like i had to beg people to stay with me until i got into this relationship#so i was like. judy. what is your wisdom. how do you care for me when i feel like my pain makes me unloveable. what would you say#So yeah shout out to her! I am off on a tangent now hehe sorry. thanks for reading if you read this at all!! have a good day :)#jtsys fic#updates
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rphelperblog · 1 year
Truly Devious Book Quote Rp Meme
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book by Maureen Johnson- feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they're supposed to be.”
“There is nothing so serious as a game.”
“But I’m usually right. The people who worry are always right. That’s how that works.”
“I’m a strong believer in truth in advertising.”
“When you have enough power and money, you can dictate the meanings of words.”
“As a writer, are those really the words you want to use?”
“You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they’re supposed to be.”
“I like to look nice when I go to see His Majesty, the Burger King.”
“Panic attacks are mean little freaks.”
“Why was she so anxious? Because she had anxiety.”
“I always wanted stories to be real, so I started writing my own.”
“Anything is better than doing what I'm supposed to be doing.”
“Where her books were, she was. Get the books right and the rest will follow. Now she could address the rest of the room.”
"I'll drink the living blood of trees,- maple syrup.”
“Few words are more chilling when put together than make friends.”
"Believe me. I'm aware. It's an effective way to communicate if you don't have any other options. If you can't get in through the door, throw a rock through the window. And I think maybe you're the same way.”
Their idea of what constituted interesting was so limited. They were never going to have as much fun as she did.”
“His voice was deep and smooth and rich, like what gravy might sound like if gravy could talk.”
“What serves on either side, and if you wish to hide, may protect you from your foe, or show him where to go?”
“Sometimes you have to leave the fucking Shire, Frodo.”
“Games are not fun when you don't know you're playing.”
“How could she be anxious when everything was so cheerful? Very easily, as it happens. Brain chemistry doesn’t care about how pretty things are.”
“Meet my dead dad,"
“Money should never stand in the way of learning.”
“We have a limited emotional vocabulary. We’re indoor kids.”
“The whole thing smelled like a thrift shop that had been baked in a low oven and felt like a too-tight and too-long hug by a rejected Muppet.”
“He had a smile like a hammock—just get in, go to sleep, forget your troubles and cares.”
“The moon was thin like a hook, and the owls were calling. The smell of fall leaves blew on the wind and he was dead.”
“The thing about looking just a little bit means it’s really easy to look a little bit more.”
“There is something about early mornings that changes your perceptions subtly. The light is new; no one has put on the defenses of the day. All is reset and not quite real yet.”
"It's not bad or good. It just is. That's something you'll find out if you decide to go into this line of work. You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they're supposed to be.
“There is something about early mornings that changes your perceptions subtly. The light is new; no one has put on the defences of the day. All is reset and not quite real yet.”
"I liked you from the first moment I saw you, when you looked like you wanted to punch me in the face for just being alive. That probably says something dark about me. And I think you like me because I annoy you. Both of us have real problems, but maybe we should make our weird personalities work for us.”
“People say depression lies. Anxiety is just stupid. It’s unable to tell the difference between things that are actually scary (being buried alive, for example) and things that are not scary at all (being in bed under the covers). It hits all the same buttons. Stop. Go. Up. Down. It’s all the same to anxiety.”
“How did everyone else know how to do yoga?
The one advantage to all of this was that it cleared Stevie's mind of everything. She heard exercise did that. Was this what they meant? You were so busy being confused and trying to stop your sweaty hands from slipping on a mat that you couldn't think anymore?”
“There is a mistaken notion that wealth makes people content. It does the opposite, generally. It stirs a hunger in many - and no matter what they eat, they will never be full.”
"How would I know? Do I look like I go to a lot of dances?"
“That was something they taught you in anxiety therapy- the thoughts may come, but you don't have to chase them all. It was sort of the opposite of good detective work, in which you had to follow every lead.”
“Shock is a funny thing. Things get both sharp and fuzzy. Time stretches and distorts. Things come rushing into focus and seem larger than they are. Other things vanish to a single point.”
“Last things were so strange. Most people had no control over of what their last acts would be.”
“Sherlock said, “I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.”
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matan4il · 1 year
Hi! I've just read your meta (and loved it♥️) and I wanted to ask you your thoughts about it being filmed as an actual series finale
I know some people have been saying (about buck's and Eddie's resolutions) that they feel rushed because they had to wrapped it quickly in case it was the end, but if it were that way, why didn't they just not introduce the plot about Eddie being lonely? Because I feel like, for a series finale, it would have work way way better if they'd show us Eddie being happy and excited about life in general, not tied to some random girl (specially after season 5) And for Buck, is obvious that him picking his own damn couch would have been a more satisfying conclusion to his arc
And I mean, I don't think the writers are stupid, they know what they're doing tying buck's couch to some random love interest. So I don't think (personally) that they approached this ep as a series finale. My guess is that they knew there was a pretty good chance they were gonna get picked up, so they left some threads open on purpose. There were better ways to do that, sure. But I truly cannot conceive the writers thinking 6x18 works as a series finale (what they did in 5x18 works so much better, imo)
And I know Oliver said they didn't know about the move until two hours before the article dropped, but the rumors (and therefore the negotiations) started way earlier, so TPTB could still have been pretty positive they were gonna move to abc, no?
Anyway I just wanted to ask your thoughts about it being conceived as a series finale or no, and about the theories about rewriting and reshooting stuff that have been going around, if you have seen them
I'm sorry about the long rambling!!! But you always have great takes so I wanted to hear your thoughts on this
Thank you so much!!! Have a great day ♥️♥️
Hi Nonnie! First, thank you so much for reading and liking my 618 meta, and for letting me know you did!
Second, I detailed here the three scenarios I see as possible for how the drama around 911 being canceled/moved might have affected the end of s6. I'll tell you honestly, if I were in charge and I thought my show is being canceled, I would wanna go out with a big. Pull no punches back in the show finale, and leave people with a taste of what made the show great. Maybe even try to give a twist that would help the show go down in TV history. Whichever scenario actually took place, that's NOT what they did with this finale. It was lukewarm at best. It had good parts, but even those IMO suffered from how rushed everything felt.
I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding Eddie and Buck's resolutions. For both of them, they deserved something deeper and more meaningful than "resolving" everything by shoving them into yet another random hetero r/s with an underdeveloped LI.
I agree, while I believe Oliver that they didn't know until 2 hours before the finale aired, there is no way they didn't know BTS that there were talks about possibly moving 911 to ABC. The showrunners? For sure knew before the finale aired that this was at the very least a possibility, though when did they find out about the possible move, I have no idea.
I guess that's a part of why I feel clueless regarding which of the 3 scenarios is the one that actually happened: IDK what the timeline BTS was, and the finale itself on the one hand felt very much as if it tried hard to tie everything up neatly, on the other hand, it wasn't going for the epicness that I think a show finale deserves. So I could see it being a poorly conceived show finale, a well conceived (originally) but poorly executed show finale, or a poorly conceived last moment change from a show finale into a season finale to leave some things only seemingly resolved, but actually meant to be re-opened and addressed in the next season... I guess because in whichever scenario I look at, something wasn't done right, I find it hard to tell in which direction exactly did they fuck up. Does that makes sense?
Thank YOU again for the incredibly lovely and kind words! I hope I managed to somehow help. Have a great day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hi hope you're having a nice day than yesterday xx What you wrote earlier was interesting to me, that Louis withholding him saying I love you to Lestat was because of Paul. I was thinking to myself past couple of days why he hadn't said it yet. And yeah I guess its because he does love Lestat, it's just because he doesn't want to tell him I love you and then lose them :(
Anyway I hope you don't get annoying anons jumping on this ask but yeah it just made sense what I read that you wrote :)
All good, thank you for asking. 💕 (As a side note: I think my day and the other anon's (or one of those anons at least) day could have been much better, if they had been both a bit more precise... I only saw much later how some people weaponized Louis withholding the "I love you" - so if I may: other nonny if you see this: please don't assume I know everything^^ - tell me what exactly aggravates you, please, so I can react. The asks yesterday were too vague and escalated quite a lot.) Ok, sorry, now back to "you".
For show!Louis his last "I love you" is always and tightly connected to Paul killing himself. AND he has the nagging suspicion that Lestat has something to do with it! AND he doesn't want to repeat the feeling of saying it and then losing him, yes.
That in and by itself is... something, right. 😅 It would stay his tongue on the words, no matter what his feelings are - and these feelings are powerful indeed, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is, despite that suspicion.
Now, book!Louis does withhold and punish with silence. That is a canon character trait. The writers are also aware of that. The show has given us hints of that during the laying-low era, too. Louis is fully aware of the fact that Lestat cannot stand being ignored - and he does use that knowledge.
BUT - ignoring, deliberately riling Lestat up (as we have also been shown) has not that much to do with the "I love you". Or lack of it. Imho.
Because, again: In the show, Louis accepts Lestat's offer despite the suspicion that has something to do with Paul's death. And they don't talk about it.
Only AFTER the fight/DV does this get addressed (and no, I do not see any of this as any justification just to be clear. The whole thing is a huge, difficult mess with layers upon layers). Anne made it very clear that Lestat had nothing to do with Paul's death (that theory has been around), and though it may seem logical... Lestat probably was only an ass with his comment in episode 1. Like, he can be that, right^^.
And because they only address it after the assault, an "I love you" is totally out of the question then. For a long time.
That is also why the "my love" comments both hurt so viciously in the final scene of episode 7, because they're both using the words as weapons then. Louis to deceive, and Lestat to wound. And they hurt themselves with them, too.
As I said in another post, all this is only one more indication, imho, that the writers have done their homework in regards to characterization, because this is Louis in "Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis":
“I know what you need,” he said. “You need one person who is always on your side. Well, I’m ready to be that one now. I don’t know why I tormented you, made you pay for asking, made you come all this way. I always knew I was going to come. Maybe I thought you’d lose interest because I never really understood why you wanted me in the first place. But you’re not losing interest, not even with the whole Court, and so I’ll come. And when you tire of me and want me gone, I’ll hate you, of course.”
This is Louis, shortly before he and Lestat get back together - this time for good.
Note the actual words here: "I don't know why I tormented you, made you pay for asking"
Not being able to say something, and not knowing (or not daring to realize, to really get to the bottom of it because you know it will hurt) why one doesn't say something and being aware of the fact that it hurts your s/o can exist in parallel, unfortunately.
You can hurt your partner while at the same time desperately trying to protect yourself. I believe that is the case with the "I love you".
Jacob so fittingly said it: "Go to therapy, mon cher."
Find the "why".
(Hope that makes sense to you?^^)
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reina-royale · 9 months
Bonnie wasn’t supportive of Ron she was enabling his worst traits (traits that were born out of insecurity ) Kim keeps Ron grounded and acts as the voice of reason or as an inspiration to come out of his shell when he lets his fears consume him.
She has moments where she is harsh and even unfair but a few of them are intentional and outright shown how she is decidedly in the wrong and at the end of the episode Kim and Ron always come to a mutual understanding.
I feel like many of your issues aren’t with Kim’s herself, but rather with the way the narrative treated each of the characters.
Ron was stuck with the comedic relief role even though that no longer fit him, Kim had to be written as a role model so her flaws were never taken seriously nor addressed.
I think this is the issue, the way the narrative treated them both. Technically Kim’s character is as muchof a victim to the narrative as Ron was.
So, I guess we have different opinions on this. But if those were Ron's worst traits, then he's a Saint.
Or whatever the Jewish equivalent would be, if there is one.
Because the things Ron's done in "Ron Millionaire" are:
Literally gives money to classmates and Barkin. Not seeing anything wrong with that. Maybe not smart to advertise how much money he has, but not a bad thing to do.
Complains about getting adult lettuce instead of baby lettuce. He definitely could have been nicer, I'll give you that.
Kind of goes over the top with insisting on being called "The Ron" but, again, it's not bad, just a little annoying.
Forgets to put Kim on the guest list, but this was probably unintentional. We don't even know Ron made the list, and he certainly didn't seem like he was trying to avoid Kim.
Tries to buy gaudy jewelry. Maybe not what I'd do, but it's not harming anyone, so I'd keep my mouth shut.
Buys a private jet, with auto-pilot, and a special forces team for missions. At least Kim appreciates that.
So, his "worst traits" are not bad.
And they're still way better than Kim's worst traits.
Kim doesn't need to dismiss Ron's feelings to keep him grounded.
She's not inspiring Ron to step out of his shell by forcing him to do things he's uncomfortable with.
It is entirely possible for someone to keep their friend grounded, inspire them to step out of their shell, and be kind and supportive, even for a high schooler.
Kim and Ron may come to an understanding by the end of some episodes, but it doesn't seem to be enough for her to actually treat him better.
I am perfectly capable of acknowledging Kim as a victim of the narrative and as a horrible person.
From A Writer's POV: Kim is a victim of a narrative that refuses to let her be vulnerable, even if it means she can't be kind, either.
In-Universe: Kim is majorly controlling, hypocritical, possessive, uncaring, condescending, and judgmental.
I can have both POVs at once. They're not actually contradictory.
But my acknowledgement of Kim as a victim of the narrative doesn't negate the fact that, in-universe, she treats Ron horribly.
So, for me at least, it's not just that Ron's a victim of the narrative, it's also that Ron's a victim of Kim.
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natsubeatsrock · 2 years
CBR Fairy Tail Ships Tier Lists
Happy Fairy Tail Month!  Yes, I'm late. It's still in the month, so it doesn't count!
I know that I have several unpopular opinions about ships over the past seven years. But...
CBR exists!
If you think that intro was a bad idea, just wait until you see some of the ship ideas their writers have come up with. For the uninitiated, CBR is an interesting website that shares “news” for comics, manga, anime, and the like. The good folks of CBR have given a number of suggestions for alternate ships to the popular ones for Fairy Tail, among other ships. I’ve decided to rank them.
Before we start, a couple of disclaimers.
First, I'm only dealing with ships involving characters for the series I know of. That sounds like an obvious disclaimer to add. However, there are several popular series that I'm not into for one reason or another.  
Second, all of these ships are straight ships. Let's give credit where credit is due. Some of the other relationships CBR has for similar lists have same-sex ideas. However, none of the ones I've seen for Fairy Tail, including ones I've left off this tier list, fit that bill. I don't necessarily have an issue with these except for one especially egregious idea. Still, I know that will upset some people. (Or not because you've been spared some really stupid ships.)
And finally, I'm not ignoring the reasoning given for the ships. However, the explanations don't make or break the idea of a ship for me. This goes without saying, but this is my personal assessment of each ship.
With that out of the way, let's do this, worst to best.
Bottom Tier
These are ideas that are... just the worst.
Erza x Elfman 
One of two pure Fairy Tail ships CBR advocates for. This isn't necessarily a bad suggestion. It's just that the author had to look at the Strauss kids and think Elfman was the correct one to ship Erza with. That's outright unacceptable.
Virgo x Brock (Pokemon)
I don't think that Brock is incapable of finding someone who might gel with him. It's even happened a couple of times in the Pokemon anime. Virgo just isn't the one.
Mirajane x Naoya Nifuji (Wotakoi)
I can appreciate that both serve drinks to people. That's all I got. Why would anyone have thought this was a good idea?
Low Tier
This happens to be the biggest tier. These are ships that aren't absolutely horrible, but I still question the people who'd genuinely support them.
Erza x Haru (Avatar)
I wish I disliked this more. Though to address the elephant in the room, I'm not necessarily of the opinion that Avatar is anime. However, that might change as anime becomes less associated with Japan.
Mirajane x Neji Hyuga (Naruto)
The real thing that kills me is that there are ships that someone thought are worse ideas than this one. I'd like to know what those ships might have been.
Lucy x Sai (Naruto)
This is a joke, right? Like, we all collectively hallucinated that someone thought this was a good idea. Right?
Natsu x Kyoka Jiro (My Hero Academia)
Earphone Jack arguably could do better than Kaminari. (Note: I like the ship.) Natsu absolutely has a better pairing than Nalu. This ain't it.
Lucy x Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Is this better than that OTHER Lucy x Male MC ship? Yes. That's not saying much...
Mirajane x Miyuki Shirogane (Kaguya-sama: Love is War)
If Shirogane was normal, this would be higher ranked. His series is literally about how he's not willing to admit his obvious feelings for someone because that would be a blow to his ego.
Laxus x Ino Yamanaka (Naruto)
When I think of Naruto characters to ship Laxus with, I do think of an under-appreciated blonde. Her name is Tsunade. Maybe Laxus and Sakura if I'm willing to overlook Sasuke.
Natsu x Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)
Do you expect me to believe that Asuna would go for anyone not named Kazuto Kirigaya? Good luck.
Gray x Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)
[Remember to copy-paste the previous entry before posting.]
Erza x Zuko (Avatar)
CBR almost stumbled on the perfect idea for Erza and someone with fire powers. They just happened to trip and fall. Before the race started. In the locker room. 
Gray x Rukia Kuchiki (Bleach)
They use ice powers and have black hair. I'd rather ship them with the redheads in their series. (To be clear, I mean Renji.)
Erza x Chad (Bleach)
I could theoretically be argued up to liking this. I just don't like it as a potential ship for Erza. Though, I don't have a Chad ship, so who knows?
Lucy x Ryuji Takasu (Toradora!)
The person who suggested this thinks Lucy would be able to see past Ryuji's rough exterior. I highly disagree with this sentiment. Toradora is my second favorite anime.
Gray x Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)
I can't say that this is the worst idea I've heard for Fairy Tail x Fullmetal Alchemist. But that's not saying much.
Mirajane x Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
I have to dock this one a couple points for referring to Satan Soul as a Quirk. Even so, this ship doesn't have as much to it as I'd hope for Mira.
Lower-Mid Tier
These are ships that I don't think are bad. But they aren't necessarily good ship ideas.
Natsu x Kyoko Hori (HoriMiya)
It's not that I don't like the idea of this as a ship. There are just better ideas for both of these two.
Natsu x Rangiku Matsumoto (Bleach)
This would almost be what I wish people would write Nali as. I'd just also have to ignore everything that I think makes Nali such a compelling ship.
Lucy x Shinra Kusakabe (Fire Force)
Is this better than that OTHER Lucy x Fire-powered MC ship? Yes. But, again, that's not saying much.
Gray x Kyoka Jiro (My Hero Academia)
I imagine Gray as being more into music than Natsu. That's about the only reason I'd put this ship a tier higher.
Upper-Mid Tier
Now it's getting interesting. These are ideas that I see have some legs but are missing that extra something.
Erza x Laxus
Honestly, I'm not sure I've seen a lot of people do stuff with this ship, even for all the Erza and Laxus ships. If only someone wrote a story for that Laxus Rarepair Week last year...
Laxus x Hanako Koyanagi (Wotakoi) 
To be honest, I don't see Laxus as being too far from Koyanagi's canon love interest. This might be higher if her series wasn't about her relationship. Or if I could see Laxus dating a fujoshi.
Cana x Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
I could see this put higher on this tier, considering I'm a huge fan of Sokka. The issue is we don't know how Sokka handles his liquor and that's not insignificant. No, cactus juice doesn't count.
Erza x Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Honestly, this would be interesting because both are sticklers for order and structure. They just go about it in two different ways. A bit too different.
Erza x Izumi Miyamura (HoriMiya)
To be honest, Miyamura feels a bit too close to a "normal" version of Jellal to be lower than this tier. There are better ships for these characters.
Mirajane x Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Great idea for both characters. It would be higher if it weren't for certain things happening.
High Tier
These are ships that would be great to see happen one way or another. 
Natsu x Chitoge Kirisaki (Nisekoi)
I can't say that Chitoge is my pick for best girl. (It’s Tsugumi.) However, the idea of her and Natsu together is amazing. I'd love to see Natsu swapped out with Raku.
Gray x Kyoko Hori (HoriMiya)
Another Gray ship that's better than the Natsu counterpart on this list. Honestly, I just think Gray's close enough to Miyamura that this could work.
Gray x Maki Oze (Fire Force)
The best Gray ship I've seen from CBR. A lot of that is just that I love Maki, but it could definitely work. I have to dock a few points for acknowledging the potential fire/ice dynamic and ignoring Gratsu. 
Laxus x Mirko (My Hero Academia)
Not the best Laxus ship I've seen, but another pair between characters I like. Side note, I'd love to see Nana Shimura get the same love Mirko does. Or is that because of the circles that I'm in...
Natsu x Ty Lee (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
As a notorious Natsu multi-shipper, it's good to see CBR come up with ONE good ship for him. They also did pick up on the connection both have to fire. Then again, it's not like I'm taking this ship over my FT ships for him.
And, finally...
Top Tier
These are the kinds of ships that I just might have to make happen one way or another. A broken clock is right twice a day, right?
Erza x Son Gohan (Dragon Ball)
If Toriyama was behind this one, it would probably be a tier or two down. But, I could definitely see this done justice otherwise. This would be higher if I wasn't a fan of Videl and her relationship with Gohan.
Lucy x Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
This one's here mostly because of Alphonse. I'm not big on most of the Lucy ships, but I'd be willing to hear arguments shipping Alphonse with anyone. This would also rank higher if it didn't imply breaking up Al with Mei.
Mirajane x Akitaru Obi (Fire Force)
Up to this point, I've given a bunch of reasons for some of my picks. These next two are mostly based on feelings. As an anime-only, I don't know if Captain Obi ends up with anyone. Either way, I love this idea so much and it’s almost my favorite, but... 
Laxus x Olivier Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
I need this. I need twenty of these. I don't even have an idea of how I would write this in a reasonable sense. I just NEED these two to meet, fall in love, and do all kinds of romance stuff. If you can make this work, message me and we'll see what we can do.
And that’s my first ranking for the month. Expect more between now and the 2nd. See you!
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postgraduate · 2 years
my centralmost sam/diane thoughts:
i tend to see canon! sam and diane as a modern romantic tragedy. they’re set up as social opposites, but to just say That is disingenuous imo, and skips over the intricacies. because it’s more so that the characters are written as being at odds / in conflict with what regulates them socially. they are often posturing to meet expectations of gender and class. and then this interferes in their relationship with each other, while it stifles them as individuals.
and the thing with sam and diane is they learn to recognize this through each other. they -- whether they intend to or not; both apply -- encourage each other to reflect on where they could personally better themselves, or be more of themselves. they do unmask with each other. and this is the core of their tragedy, because this productivity/unmasking can flip if they instead allow themselves (allow is the operative word, and accountability here is important) to be regulated by social constructs, customs, etc. which can lead to an emotional repression or denial -- and it’s this very emotional repression that ultimately brings their relationship to its end by manifesting as failures to communicate, and not taking accountability over that or challenging it that, i would suggest, leads them to lose each other. and what's painful is, they are on the cusp of addressing this multiple times throughout s4. they're almost there, almost, almost -- and then they fall short.
and, yes, shelley left cheers (which i, again!, support) and so that’s a variable in why it played out this way, but it isn't the only one. the writers, in anticipation of shelley’s departure, didn’t have to write s5 the way they unfortunately, ooc-ly wrote it after the emotional development we see in s4 (this is another essay) -- but, god. i think what comes from all this, at least in my read of sam/diane, is that they’re a compelling study of particular relationships in society, how relationships can be affected by society -- and why they may fail in society. (penny for every time i say ‘society’)
so i have this complicated appreciation for the fact they aren’t endgame. for the honesty and realism. but the cheers fix-it writer that i am, who is so compelled by these characterizations, is constantly, also considering, well, if they HAD been challenged. if they communicated productively, like s4 hinted they were heading toward. if, if, if. to quote avclub’s analysis of them, 'maybe this time.' because it's so apparent that they were written as the big loves of each other's lives.
of course anything written in the 1980′s will feel of its time in places, so there’s execution that could stand to be updated. especially in order for them, in a fix-it, to feel like they can continue on. that’s why fandom-ers are here! ;o) and cheers was groundbreaking for its time because it was the first sitcom to introduce long-time plots/character arcs. however! it was still limited by the sitcom genre, where (s/o to a friend much more versed in sitcom theory than i am who taught me this:) inflexibility is a characteristic of the genre. so -- breaking those characters out of the conventions of the sitcom (which requires them to be static to a degree) is also where i am ~permitted~ to diverge from canon
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astromechs · 1 year
Hello. Hope it's okay to step my foot in the vol 3 commentary. I'm more of a casual mcu fan. I have watched the gotg movies but haven't kept up with any background information. All of the asks you've received have me curious if there's more about what went into vol 3 than I'm aware of? I ask because I saw the movie and while I liked it a lot I felt it had some holes and characterization issues that I have seen comparable movies both in the mcu and out get more constructive criticism over. With vol 3 it seems most people either don't find the weak spots an issue or I'm seeing a lot of 'James Gunn did the best he could with what he had'. I guess I'm not getting it because I was under the impression he had more creative control on the movie than a lot of other directors. At least that's what I had read.
I do want to be clear I'm not saying the movie is bad. It's not at all. I'm mostly thinking about how representation gets talked about and fans critiquing plots. I think there were some problems in vol 3 that mostly get glossed over. I won't go into too much detail but on the representation topic while Gamora has garnered some discussion I actually think in general Drax, Mantis and Gamora all got the short end of the stick at the end compared to the other main characters. With Drax facing Thanos was a huge part of his arc that didn't seem to get any payoff or emotional follow up. I would think the events of Infinity War would be a big topic in vol 3 not just because of Gamora but for him as well. For the most part Infinity War was treated like a non issue. I did love where he ended up at the conclusion of the movie but I think his character kind of stagnated after vol 1. With Mantis she had been with the team for several years prior to the snap. She's also an empath and can read people during difficult situations. The holiday special showed her to be more confident in herself and her abilities. It really looked as if she would get more focus in vol 3 and maybe take on leadership responsibilities. She seemed to get sidelined on this end for Nebula to have more prominence on the team and be more of a leader. This is not me saying Nebula shouldn't have been on the team. I'm mainly speaking about how Nebula wasn't on the team before the snap and didn't participate in the day to day interactions. After the snap it was Rocket she had a closer relationship with but the rest of the team had been snapped and would predominantly be familiar with pre snap dynamics. I think Mantis stepping up would have made more sense and allowed the audience to have a better grasp of her arc. There's also Gamora who as I mentioned before has had lots of discussion. But the biggest thing I felt was odd is the team was built on the back of her purpose and sense of duty. Her morality if you will. I get that she would need a different story in vol 3 but I still feel this needed more emphasis and closure. She also was a pretty equal lead to Peter who had a lot of her own plot. That got sidelined which seems like a really big problem and blow for the female lead.
I guess I'm mostly pointing this out because I have seen fans quick to call out undermining of female characters or underutilized minority characters as well as holes in writing. In a couple of mcu movies that took place after Endgame i have seen fans complain if they didn't address what happened in Infinity War or Endgame enough. Vol 3 seems to mostly get handwaved around all of this and I thought maybe I'm missing something or don't understand if there are outside influences that factored into the writing.
i think a lot of "he did the best he could, given the circumstances" comes from gunn, generally speaking, being a more skilled writer than many of the creatives who work on the mcu, and infinity war/endgame creating seismic changes for the state of the fictional world that weren't entirely within his control. i do think both of those things are true, especially when you compare the more cohesive arcs for more characters in vol 1/vol 2 than we saw in vol 3. but —
i have also found the arcs of drax and mantis, and, yes, nebula too, disjointed. it's one of the reasons why, personally, the end of vol 3 didn't feel entirely earned to me? because we didn't really see the development for these characters that we should have in order for the ending to really be a climactic resolution. so i think they were absolutely shortchanged, along with gamora.
gamora's case is most egregious, imo, because she was established as a principal character of the narrative and then subsequently sidelined, but those other characters didn't really get fully realized arcs either.
i didn't work on these movies, so i don't know what happened behind the scenes. but i think you can tell the parts of vol 3 that were there from the beginning of the story, and the parts that were cobbled around infinity war/endgame — and then subsequently didn't really address them.
vol 3 wasn't a bad movie by any means, and had a lot of good in it, but it did have some pretty glaring issues.
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emerysaks · 2 years
I hope you don't mind this ask, but I was hoping for some advice regarding a Master's degree in writing.
I feel like I could give a lengthy background for this, but basically a friend recommended the master's program she went through during one of our numerous discussions/rant sessions that we would have to create the specific queer content we wanted to see.
My major hang up is that I'm not really a hardcore writer. I've written a handful of fanfics, but I dont have any original ideas for a story. Since I doubt I will become a fullblown writer, I worry that I won't use the skills/knowledge and have just another piece of paper and probable debt.
But it also feels important to write these queer stories and get them out there. Especially in the cluster fuck of US politics right now :/ A younger me would have benefitted from queer stories growing up. And today, well what better way to say "I'm here and I'm queer. I won't let you erase me."
Hi! I don't mind, and I'm flattered that you asked me. Please understand I'm giving you my opinion and that it's based on my life experiences. Your mileage may vary.
My undergrad degree is a BA in Print Journalism. I have always loved writing and thought that would be a great career to pursue. During university, I worked as a news reporter, features reporter, entertainment reporter, and served as an entertainment editor for a few years. I loved writing for my university paper, and they paid me. I got a job at a local business journal as an assistant editor when I graduated. The pay was subpar, and I couldn't live off it. I ended up leaving that job and working as a retail store manager until I fell into supply chain procurement. 
I got lucky that I was pretty good at that job. My starting job paid more than double what I made as an assistant editor. Over the years, I've found my niche in IT procurement (I love tech). I enjoy analysis, negotiating contracts, solving problems for my clients, tight deadlines, etc. 
I am thankful for my undergrad degree in journalism because it has allowed me to communicate well in my current role. I'm able to talk to people with confidence. It even gave me a four-year stint as a communications project manager with my current company before I slid back into procurement.
Being able to write and communicate complements any job you take in life. However, unless you're planning on being a commercial or self-published writer, I don't know that a Master's in writing will be beneficial - especially for the cost involved. 
I got my MBA two years ago, and it was not cheap. Also, I made a point to get an MBA for my graduate degree because I wanted something that was both applicable in my day-to-day work and made me more marketable within my organization and on the outside (if I ever want to leave).
I can't tell you if a Master's in writing is right for you. But from what you're telling me, you don't want to be the next Lee Winter. Maybe look around at some other degrees that interest you and consider how those will result in a good financial ROI for your future endeavors versus a degree in writing. Then, do what makes the most sense - financially and career-wise - and do what will ultimately make you happy without starving.
But remember this, too: You don't have to have a degree to be a writer. If you think about writing when you wake up, when you're working, when you're chilling, when you're sleeping - you're a writer. If you're passionate about telling queer stories, write them! If you want your stories to address what's happening in modern politics/society, do so. You don't need a degree to do that.
Read books about writing, do workshops, join a writers' group, talk to authors... you can also learn that way. Gail Carriger - a lovely author who has written some queer stories - has a good book about writing, and I believe she's working on another one about writing and self-publishing. 
Main takeaway - you can be a writer without a degree. Will the things you learn from the degree help you? Of course. But, I think my dear beta reader/editor, @likea-black-widow-baby, would be the first to tell you that I, even with a degree, am a most sloppy writer. I depend on them to bloody up my work and make it better before I put it out in the universe.
Ultimately, you must do what you think will bring you happiness and success while realizing your financial boundaries. If that's a masters in writing, excellent. If not, that's okay, too. You're going to write regardless, yes? :)
I hope some of this has helped! Best of luck to you with your decision! 
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septembercfawkes · 3 years
Scene vs. Summary & When to Use Which
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When I was a young writer, I didn't fully understand what a scene was and what a summary was. Later, when I understood the difference, I wasn't always sure when to use which. These days, I occasionally help writers with the same things. They may use summary for what should have been a scene, or they may write a whole scene for what really should have been summary. Understanding the difference and when to use which can be key when writing a successful novel.
Sure, some of it is subjective.
But what might be surprising to some, is that most of the time, one is more . . . "correct" than the other.  
A scene is a structural unit that tends to have these qualities:
- Happens in Real Time
A scene will largely happen in real time. This means we "watch" the characters move, act, and talk, as if it were happening in real life.
- Dramatizes (Shows > Tells)
A scene dramatizes. It uses showing more than telling. If a character is angry with a friend, we see that anger in action and conversation. We may witness her yell or kick a rock, for example. It's like watching a stage play.
- Concrete
Because it is dramatized, a scene will usually be more concrete. It will more likely appeal to our senses and the physical world and experience.
- Characters Acting in a Specific Location
A scene will have characters in a location (in some very rare cases, the setting or society may act as characters). They might be talking on a train ride, or exploring a cave, or dueling in the snow.
Scene Examples
(Because a full scene often lasts pages, these examples are passages from specific scenes.)
"This won't take long, Andrew," said the doctor. Ender nodded. "It's designed to be removed. Without infection, without damage. But there'll be some tickling, and some people say they have a feeling of something missing. You'll keep looking around for something, something you were looking for, but you can't find it, and you can't remember what it was. So I'll tell you. It's the monitor you're looking for, and it isn't there. In a few days that feeling will pass." The doctor was twisting something at the back of Ender's head. Suddenly a pain stabbed through him like a needle from his neck to his groin. Ender felt his back spasm, and his body arched violently backward; his head struck the bed. He could feel his legs thrashing, and his hands were clenching each other, wringing each other so tightly that they arched. "Deedee!" shouted the doctor. "I need you!" The nurse ran in, gasped. "Got to relax these muscles. Get it to me, now! What are you waiting for!" Something changed hands; Ender could not see. He lurched to one side and fell off the examining table. "Catch him!" cried the nurse. "Just hold him steady--" "You hold him, doctor, he's too strong for me--" "Not the whole thing! You'll stop his heart--" Ender felt a needle enter his back just above the neck of his shirt. It burned, but wherever in him the fire spread, his muscles gradually un-clenched. Now he could cry for the fear and pain of it. "Are you all right, Andrew?" the nurse asked.
- Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Mrs. Reed occupied her usual seat by the fireside; she made a signal to me to approach; I did so, and she introduced me to the stony stranger with the words: “This is the little girl respecting whom I applied to you.” He, for it was a man, turned his head slowly towards where I stood, and having examined me with the two inquisitive-looking grey eyes which twinkled under a pair of bushy brows, said solemnly, and in a bass voice, “Her size is small: what is her age?” “Ten years.” “So much?” was the doubtful answer; and he prolonged his scrutiny for some minutes. Presently he addressed me—“Your name, little girl?” “Jane Eyre, sir.” In uttering these words I looked up: he seemed to me a tall gentleman; but then I was very little; his features were large, and they and all the lines of his frame were equally harsh and prim. “Well, Jane Eyre, and are you a good child?”
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
A summary has these qualities:
- Condensed Time
Summaries condense time. They may cover a month in a single sentence. They may talk about recurring events over a time period, within one paragraph. They may relay a past event (or in some cases, a future event) within a brief moment. They don't happen in real time.
- Explains through Telling
Since the moment isn't happening in real time, the audience is told more than shown what happened. This gives summary a stronger, guiding, narrative hand. Rather than experiencing the passage like the character, it's more like the audience is being guided by a storyteller (generally speaking).
- More Abstract
For those reasons, telling is more abstract. It's more likely to express ideas and concepts, rather than specific experiences.
- Characters and/or Setting may Change Swiftly (or Maybe Not Even Be Present In Some Cases)
A summary may not focus on a specific character or stay in the same setting. It may move quickly through settings or may not even mention a specific setting.
Summary Examples
Mother came home and commiserated with Ender about the monitor. Father came home and kept saying it was such a wonderful surprise, they had such fantastic children that the government told them to have three, and now the government didn't want to take any of them after all, so here they were with three, they still had a Third . . . until Ender wanted to scream at him, I know I'm a Third, I know it, if you want I'll go away so you don't have to be embarrassed in front of everybody. - Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
John had not much affection for his mother and sisters, and an antipathy to me. He bullied and punished me; not two or three times in the week, nor once or twice in the day, but continually: every nerve I had feared him, and every morsel of flesh in my bones shrank when he came near. There were moments when I was bewildered by the terror he inspired, because I had no appeal whatever against either his menaces or his inflictions; the servants did not like to offend their young master by taking my part against him, and Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject: she never saw him strike or heard him abuse me, though he did both now and then in her very presence, more frequently, however, behind her back.
- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
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When to Use Which
Most novels are better written with more scene than summary. Scenes dramatize the story, so that the audience feels like they are experiencing and participating in it. Scenes are more impactful. Scenes are more likely to stir emotions. Because they are more concrete, they are more likely to stick in the reader's memory.
However, this is not to say all novels are better with more scene than summary. You can indeed find successful books with more summary. This can be particularly useful in books with huge casts and many viewpoint characters, books that take place over a long period of time (such as a character's entire life), or books with powerful, present omniscient narrators. Not all books that rely on summary more than scene are bad.
But most books are better told largely through scene than summary.
And pretty much all novels need some of both.
So when do we use which?
Sometimes I edit passages that are weakened because they are summarized instead of dramatized. Other times I read scenes that offer very little dramatic value and should have been summarized.
A good rule of thumb is the more significant the moment, the more likely it needs to be rendered as a scene.
Big turning points and climactic moments should almost always be a scene--whether that turning point relates to character arc, plot, or theme.
This means that the climactic moments of the beginning, middle, and end, should almost always be a scene.
Anything we've been building up to in the primary plotline related to the arc, events, or theme, should probably be a scene.
If you are following a story structure, key moments in that structure should likely be a scene. The inciting incident should likely be a scene, the midpoint should likely be a scene, Plot Point 2 should likely be a scene . . .
Now, in a novel, there may be many plotlines besides the primary. The less important the plotline, the less likely you need all its turning points in scenes (or even on page).
Impactful moments should usually be scenes. If they are summary, sometimes the audience feels cheated. Imagine building up to the climax of a novel, only to have the author summarize it. It's almost always a letdown.
Sometimes newer writers do this sort of thing, because they are intimidated by trying to write the scene. They may feel unsure that they can write it well. Remember, you can edit, and edit, and re-edit the scene to make it better. Daring to write a poor scene and then edit it, will get you further in the long run than avoiding it altogether.
In many genres, you will have what are called "obligatory scenes." These are what they sound like. They need to happen. In a scene.
So in romance, you almost always need to have a first kiss scene. In a murder mystery, you almost always need to have an opening scene where a body is discovered. Obligatory scenes should be scenes, not summary, most of the time.
On the other side of the spectrum, we have summary. If an entire novel were written with scenes, it would probably be long and boring. Not everything is important enough to be a scene. And if you make it a scene, it's a flat scene without any real turning point or change. This kills pacing.
Use summary when the audience needs to know the fact that something happened, but it's not important for them to experience it.
For example, the fact that Jacob didn't get much sleep the prior night probably isn't important enough for a full scene, but it might be important for the audience to know for the next scene. It might influence what happens in the next scene. That is a good time to use summary.
Use summary when you need to cover a broader length of time in a shorter amount of space. For example, you may have characters who need to trek to a distant land, which may take months. But the story isn't about the trek itself. Use summary to tell us about the trek, without making the story only about the trek. (Not to mention if the trek was all in scenes, it'd be overly detailed and likely boring.)
Along the same line, summary can sometimes be great for scene transitions--usually when what happened between the scenes is worth mentioning, but not worth dramatizing.
Summary is also important in providing context for the reader. Summary may be used to set up a situation or to provide additional background information that the reader needs in order to interpret what is happening in the story, accurately.  
For example, you may summarize a short backstory to explain a character's current behavior.
Scene vs. Showing; Summary vs. Telling
Scene is mostly like showing, and summary is mostly like telling. However, the concepts are slightly different. For example, I may write in a scene "Emily was tired," which would be "telling" but I wouldn't consider it "summary." Just as I wouldn't necessarily consider "I felt angry" summary, so much as I would consider it to be telling.
Likewise, you may have a scene that is largely introspection, which may be showing a character's thought process as he summarizes events through telling sentences.
Yeah, if we get deep, it turns into splitting hairs.
Even between showing and telling, if you want to make yourself really crazy, sometimes you can use summary and telling on a small scale to show something on a big scale. For example, to show that a character has a habit of being late, you may use summary that includes some telling about his morning routine, to cover several such instances. However, one could easily argue that you could simply do a scene that shows him showing up late, and have another character use dialogue that implies this is a common occurrence.
But let's not induce headaches today! My point is, that the boundaries do blur, and things aren't always as clear cut as we make them sound.
Nonetheless, because summary and telling overlap, you can use many of the same technique that we use to write great telling, to write great summary. And rather than rewrite all those techniques, I have them in my article "10 Cheats to Tell Well."
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Mixing Scene and Summary
In order to write a great novel, many scenes will include some summary within them. Like I mentioned above, you may need to slip in some backstory information through summary. Or perhaps in the scene, the characters are having dinner, but you want half the scene to be the cooking and the other half to happen while they are eating. Depending on how long the food takes to make, you may need some summarizing: "Don finished putting the toppings on the pizza and then put it in the oven for 30 minutes."
Similarly, if you are going to have a lengthy passage of summary, it's often effective to include scene-like moments--perhaps a paragraph that captures part of a conversation in real time, before going back to summary. Or maybe the summary includes a significant action that would be rendered better with a little more detail, like a half-scene.
In any case, we want to make sure we are using both scene and summary, and perhaps just as important, that we are using them at the right moments.
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rendevousz · 3 years
req: i was wondering if i could request a natasha x teen daughter reader where the reader has really bad social anxiety please? maybe where the reader was in the red room with natasha but given to hydra once the red room was taken down and natasha has been looking for her ever since she left the red room. on a mission to take down a hydra base natasha finally finds reader, and it's super emotional for the both of them and they're just happy to have each other back. natasha knows about readers social anxiety from when she was younger and sees that it's only gotten worse now, so she's super sweet and understanding. she saves the reader from the base and comforts her the whole way home because she's scared of all of the new people also on the jet (the other avengers). the reader lives with natasha at the compound with everyone else and natasha is just great about her social anxiety and never pushes her out of her comfort zone and comforts her when she has panic attacks. sorry if that's a lot, but thank you so much! i love your fics sooo much, you're such an amazing writer!!! 💖💖💖
mother figure!nat x fem!teen!reader
summary: nat finally finds you after years of looking.
word count: 4083
notes: i didn't make them peers in the red room because then they'd have to be around the same ages but i made them meet at the red room. also i didn't know how to write about her having social anxiety so i hope you don't mind that i didn't 😓 hope you like this <33
"stop," madame b's authoritative voice commanded and all of you stopped dancing. all of your peers seemed to be struggling to stand still on their battered feet, some breathing heavily but who could blame them? you had all been instructed to dance for hours now. you had to dance until you couldn't anymore.
your head faced madame b but your eyes landed on your best friend, veronika, for a split second. she seemed in pain and you vowed to check on her after whatever announcement your supervisor had for you. you stood tall, clenching your jaw in order to not show that you were in pain or out of breath.
madame b's gaze flickered to you for a second, her lip lifting up on one side for a brief moment before her face hardened once again.
"i have someone special here today. she's here to observe your training and if necessary, teach what you girls lack. she has long graduated this academy, please welcome miss natasha romanova."
you jolted awake, panting hard at the memory that just played in your dreams. you looked around you, seeing the same cell wall you had been put in for the past three years. after the fall of the red room academy where you were from, another organisation came and swooped you in, not wanting to waste your skills. you were the only one they took, having heard much about your abilities and reputation in the red room.
the girls stood all around you and veronika, watching the two of you spar tirelessly after hours of endless ballet. natasha and madame b watched the match closely, eyes trained on your techniques and movements.
after natasha had introduced herself to all of you, madame b had instructed her supposedly two best students—you and veronika— to demonstrate a true spar between skilled assassins.
while you were reluctant to attack your best friend, she had other plans, one that included impressing her idol who stood mere metres away from her. you were shocked when she started attacking you. never had she obeyed a command against you so quick.
you had to put away your initial shock to start attacking back in order to not get hurt by the hands of your own best friend. the look in her eyes was different, almost animalistic. it wasn't like the one she had when you two were laid in your beds side to side at night, handcuffed to it while you talked about your deepest struggles being in the academy. it wasn't the same one she had when you reassured her that she was doing okay whenever she said she would never be as good as you were at this whole assassin thing. it wasn't the same innocently surprised one she had just moments ago when she was addressed as one of madame b's best students.
this wasn't your best friend. this was a girl blinded by her desire to impress. she wanted to show natasha that she was the better one out of you two. your heart broke when you saw her desperation. it was obvious in the way she fought you.
it wasn't long before you had her in a chokehold, the girl struggling to get your grip off of her. your face visibly faltered, eyes tearing up slightly when you heard her whimpers. natasha took notice of this.
your lips were quivering when you turned to madame b. a simple nod from your trainer had you whispering a strained 'i'm sorry, i love you' in her ear before you broke her neck. the girl fell limp in your arms, dropping down to the mat, dead. you panted heavily as you stepped away from her body.
"good. this is what i expect of all of you," madame b turns to your peers, the stone cold look back on her face. "one thing you need to perfect though, y/n, is your emotions. don't get emotional over things that don't matter. i saw your inner conflict. veronika would have no reluctancy to end you if you were the one in the chokehold. she was more mentally prepared to be a ruthless assassin. you're lucky you're more skilful than she is. she would have no hesitation to kill you, close companion or not."
you swallowed that lump in your throat, biting the insides of your cheeks to prevent crying right then and there. "you have a lot of potential, y/n. don't let your emotions ruin it. i have high hopes for you." she spoke once again, before dismissing everyone.
you left the room with a heavy heart, turning to look at veronika's body one last time before leaving quickly so you could break down where no one else could witness.
you rushed to the staircase where you and veronika would sneak away all the time when you were supposed to be having lunch. you two would always sit under those stairs, talk about anything and everything you could. your tears were now freely rolling down your face.
"hey," you heard a voice say and you quickly wiped your tears away. you looked up and saw that it was none other than natasha. "miss romanova," you breathed out, scrambling to get up before she placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, the woman seating herself next to you on the floor, under the staircase.
"that must've been hard for you," she spoke after a few seconds of silence. "i remember my first time killing an actual person in training. they had me shoot targets and i consistently got the bullseye every time. then they switched out the targets to an actual person and i had a hard time doing that. i can't imagine how it must've been for you. i heard you and veronika were quite the inseparable duo."
you didn't move to show that you were shattered over the current events but the millions of tears silently streaming down your face said otherwise. natasha turned to you, reaching to wipe your tears away before gently caressing your cheek.
"you're a strong one, y/n. you remind me of myself when i was still in training. i can see myself in you." she told you truthfully. she had no idea why but she felt a strong connection towards you. she felt that you and her had so much in common. she had a strange inclination to protect you even though she knew damn well you were capable of doing so yourself.
since then, she always dropped by to help train all of you but you and her developed a relationship so strong that she even told you of her plans to get you out of that hellhole. at that point, it had been a few months since she'd turned good but she kept coming to the academy for your sake. she felt a sense of responsibility over you, like a mother would over her daughter.
she would with the other girls too if they had shown at least a bit of humanity but it seemed that the red room had ruined them beyond fixing. despite being the best student of the academy, you still weren't inhumane like the rest. you would hesitate to hurt others, only doing so when threatened and even that, you still weren't as heartless or cruel.
madame b would always berate you over this but natasha would pick up the pieces every single time. you loved her. she was the best thing in your life after veronika and your heart broke when the red room fell and you were taken away. away from the mother you never had.
you awoke with a jolt again. it was the second night in a row you were reliving your past memories. you touched your face and you felt the tears on it, wiping them with your sleeve as you sat up in your cold, uncomfortable bed in your cell. you sighed, bringing your knees up to your chest and hugging them.
you couldn't help but think of nat again. what could've happened if she managed to get you out before you were taken away? could you have a nice life with her? would you never have to hide under the stairs to have emotional exchanges with the woman? would you finally have been able to be who you were, not influenced by the evil around you?
you never knew what it was like having a mother but you imagined it was what nat had been towards you during the times you spent together at the academy. you two were more mother and daughter rather than trainer and student.
all of a sudden, alarms blared through the building and red warning lights flickered in your cell. you stood up, peeking through the small glass of your cell door to see guards rushing through the hallways in a frenzy.
you assumed that the facility was under attack and no one was coming to save you. you didn't even try, walking back to your bed to return to your position of hugging your knees tightly to your chest.
you could hear the chaos outside but opted not to pay attention to it. it didn't involve you and if no one was coming to save you from whatever was attacking the place—not that anyone in that place would, you were merely an asset to them—you wouldn't bother worrying about whether you were going to live by the end of the night.
a loud bang interrupted your thoughts and you looked up to see your cell door had been forcefully thrown open by a large man in stripes, holding a circular shield. you immediately stood up, getting ready to attack him when he spoke.
"i'm not here to hurt you." he said, holding out a hand as if to tell you to stop whatever you were about to do. "we're here to save you. you can finally leave this place now." he says gently. you frown at him, still in a stance ready to attack him.
"cap, is there someone in this room?" a familiar voice spoke and your head immediately turned to the door, where the owner of the voice stood, mouth dropping open at the sight of you. your face softened and a tiny gasp left your lips at the sight of her.
"y/n...is that you?" she breathed out, walking towards you and not stopping when she saw that you weren't alarmed or anything. "nat.." you choked out, tears starting to form. how crazy was it that you had been having flashbacks of her for the past two nights and suddenly she was here to come save you?
"y/n!" she exclaimed, pulling you into a tight hug. you knees buckled but she held onto you tightly, sniffling as she caressed your head gently. you buried your face in her shoulder as you took in the familiar feeling of being in her arms once again.
more tears started to form in your eyes now. never had you thought you were actually going to see her again. you lost the hope of seeing her again two years ago. but here she was, standing in your cell and hugging you like there would be no tomorrow.
your hugging session was cut short when steve sheepishly spoke up. "sorry to uh, interrupt this reunion but more guards are coming, i think it's best if we leave now." he picked up his shield, leading the three of you out of the facility safely and back to their quinjet. the whole time, nat held onto your hand tightly, as if letting go would lead to another few years of being apart once again.
once you reached the quinjet, nat led you to the seats in the back where you two would have more privacy. the team watched the two of you in confusion before turning back to steve for an explanation as he was the one who was partnered with nat for this mission. all the captain could tell them was that you two knew each other way before this and that all of them would have to wait for an explanation from nat herself if they wanted to know what was going on.
when you reached the compound, nat led you to her room where she lent you her clothes and let you shower before tucking you into her bed. when she was sure you were comfortably asleep, she left the room quietly to go grab a glass of water only to find the whole team sat in the common room instead of back in their own rooms.
she looked at them, confused. "guys, it's like almost the crack ass of dawn and we just got back from a mission, why aren't you asleep? or were you debriefing? in the common room? did i miss it?"
"no, you know debriefings for late night missions are the next morning. we were waiting for you actually," steve spoke on behalf of the whole team. "me? for what?"
"nat, c'mon, don't act stupid. you know what we're talking about," clint makes an unimpressed face at his best friend. nat sighs, taking a seat next to him and the team look at her expectantly. she cleared her throat, preparing for a whole story time.
"you know how i was from the red room?" she asked them and they all nodded, urging her to continue her story. "well, after i graduated, i was asked to come help train the younger ones in the programme. during that time, i met this girl. she reminded me a lot of my younger self and she didn't seem completely brainwashed to the point where she lacked emotions. i grew close to her and after i met clint and joined SHIELD, i vowed to get her out of there because she went through a lot in that hellhole and i could tell she didn't want to do any of the things that the other girls were fine doing.
"she had a good heart and i didn't want it to be wasted. she was the best in the academy and i knew they had big plans for her. but i didn't want her to be programmed to kill. she was much more than that. so i made this whole plan for her escape. i kept going back to the academy to come see her and share my plan with her. clint, you always asked me where i kept disappearing to when we first started becoming friends. it was her. the people there didn't know i was already under SHIELD at that time—nobody did—so it was safe for me to keep visiting and keep planning an escape for her.
"but three years ago, the red room fell. i rushed over because i thought i could finally leave with her without anyone knowing. but apparently she'd been taken away. she was the only one of the girls who was taken. by who, i didn't know at that time. but i knew it was because of her skills and abilities. if the red room had big plans for her, i knew other organisations must've already heard of her too.
"i never stopped looking for her. i don't know why i never thought of HYDRA. but it doesn't matter anymore. i finally found her and i'm never letting her go. i hope you guys don't mind that she lives here now. if not, i'll move out and find somewhere for us."
the team seemed surprised that nat told them her story. they were very much expecting her to, well, not tell them because this seemed like a very personal story.
"no, no, of course she can stay. i'll even set up another room for her." tony says and nat nods gratefully. "what's her name?" wanda asks.
"y/n," nat tells her, smiling at the thought of you as she stands up. "alright, i have to go back to her. see you guys in the morning. maybe you'll get to see her then."
she bids them goodnight, leaving after grabbing a glass of water for you in case you woke up in the middle of the night, in need of it. she wasn't wrong because when she got back to her room, you were up, hugging your knees as you cried.
"hey, hey, hey, what's wrong, sugar?" she quickly puts the glass of water on the bedside table, sitting on the bed and pulling you close to her. you look up at her all teary-eyed and she feels her heart break.
"i–i thought i lost you again," you croaked out, burying your face in her shoulder. "oh, sugar, you'll never lose me ever again. i'll never let that happen. you're safe here with me. now sleep, i'll be here when you wake up." she stroked your hair gently, laying down next to you on the bed before you two fell into a blissful slumber in each other's arms.
true to her words, she was right next to you when you woke up the next time. she seemed wide awake and you felt bad because she probably had been up hours before but didn't leave you because you were scared.
"how'd you sleep, sugar?" she asked as you sat up, stretching. "the best i have in years. thanks to you, nat." you smiled at her, still not believing all of this is real. that you're finally reunited with the woman you thought of as your mother.
"do you want to meet my friends? they're dying to meet you," she tells you and you bite your lips nervously. "do you think they'll like me?"
"are you crazy? of course they will. and if they don't, i'll make them." she threatens playfully and you laugh, missing how protective of you she is. you smile, agreeing to her suggestions to meet her friends after you got ready for the day.
"hi, sweetie, you're y/n?" a man with fancy silk pyjamas greeted as you entered the common room with natasha. you nodded timidly, scooting closer to natasha. it was weird for natasha to see you this nervous. after all, you were the best student of your batch in the red room. but she understood that years with no actual social interaction does that to people.
"i hope you'll like staying here, i already have your room setting up as of right now. when you move in, you can tell me if you don't like anything and i'll change it for you. oh, i forgot, i'm tony," he extends a hand towards you and with an encouraging nod from nat, you hesitantly shake his hand. he smiles at you before telling you both he has projects to finish down in his lab and to tell him if you needed anything.
"hey, nat, not gonna introduce your friend to us?" you heard a voice from behind you and you two turned around to see two men and a woman. you recognised both men—one of them was the one who broke into your cell last night and the other one you had seen him a lot from pictures nat would show you during your secret meetings in your red room days. he was her best friend. you didn't know the woman but the kind smile on her face was enough to reassure you that these people weren't bad.
"y/n, meet clint, the idiot who i call best friend," she points to the shorter man. the name nat called him must've offended him because the face he made was hilarious that you let out a little giggle. nat smiles at this before proceeding to introduce the other two.
"this one's steve, he's an old man stuck in a young body—literally— so if he says things you don't understand, just smile and nod." you nod at nat and steve gives her an incredulous look, as if not believing the audacity she had to introduce him like that.
"this one's wanda, she's the least annoying person in this whole place and she can cook whatever you want so i think you two will get along really well." wanda smiles at you and you return it shyly. you smile at the other two before nat drags you away, telling them she still had others to introduce you to.
when you entered the kitchen, you saw a man reading a newspaper on the kitchen island while another man, whose skin was red, stood beside him. they seemed to be discussing something very intelligent because you didn't understand a single word they spoke.
"bruce, vision, i want you to meet someone." they turned their attentions towards you and nat and you immediately felt like hiding once again. "oh hello, steve told us you brought back someone from the mission. is this her? hello, i'm bruce," the man sitting down introduced himself.
"wait, is this the bruce?" you asked nat, smirking teasingly at her and she smacks you gently on the shoulder. the man seemed flustered at what you're insinuating, scratching his neck awkwardly.
"bruce, vision, this is y/n, i've known her for a long time and i finally found her after years so i hope you two won't mind that she'll be staying here from now on," nat tells them. the two of them didn't come on the mission last night so they were the only two who didn't actually see you until today.
"it's nice to meet you, y/n. i'm vision, i hope you'll enjoy your stay here." the man with the red skin greets formally and you turn to nat with a confused expression. "he's an android, he does things a bit weird here so don't mind him." she whispers to you and you nod understandingly.
"it's nice to meet you two, i hope we'll be good friends." you say awkwardly, hoping to get this whole introduction thing over with. how many people do you have left to meet?
speaking of the devil—or should you say, devils—, two annoying voices rang through the kitchen, interrupting the peacefulness that it was before they came in.
"i'm just saying that if you hadn't eaten my last bag of chips last week, i wouldn't have taken your cookies last night. it's all about fair play, man."
"and i keep telling you that it wasn't me! i don't even like those stupid salty ass chips from that brand,"
"stop lying, i saw you eating that brand the other day! just admit you stole my chips and go,"
"guys, are you really having another one of your stupid arguments now?" nat cuts them off and they immediately turned to you, finally noticing all of you.
"oh hey! y/n, right? it's nice to meet you, i'm sam. if you wanna survive in this place, you better hide your snacks because if you don't, this winter warrior here will snatch 'em all before you can even stash them in the cupboards. don't ever trust this guy here when it comes to your snacks. you heard what happened to mine," the man fakes a cry and you held back a laugh at his long introduction. you only wanted a name to match the face but he gave you much more. you didn't mind though, he seemed like a fun person.
"hi, doll, i'm bucky. don't listen to eagle right here, i do not steal snacks. i simply let people have a taste of their own medicine. you steal my snacks, wilson, i steal 'em back. you think i don't know you stole my oreos too last month? that's why i stole your damn chips last week,"
"so you did steal them!"
"so what if i did?! you stole my oreos first!"
"oh my god, guys, you're really embarrassing me in front of y/n. these are really the people i was excited to introduce her to," nat face-palmed and you couldn't help but laugh. "don't worry nat, these people seem amazing. i can't wait to get to know them better." you assured her and she smiles, pulling you close to her. "buckle up, sugar, because living with the avengers is gonna be a wild ride."
you were excited for what was about to come. it seemed like everything was finally falling into place. you finally got nat back and you didn't have to worry about losing her again because you had a feeling these people weren't going to let that happen.
taglist <3
@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg @andreasworlsboring101 @cay-writes-fan-fiction514 @teenwonder @sevenmorningstars @fleurlovesbucky @marauvdersfate @bestillmystuckyheart
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Truly Devious  Quote Rp Meme
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book by Maureen Johnson- feel free to edit or change pronouns for rp purposes
“You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they're supposed to be.” 
“There is nothing so serious as a game.” 
“But I’m usually right. The people who worry are always right. That’s how that works.” 
“I’m a strong believer in truth in advertising.”
“When you have enough power and money, you can dictate the meanings of words.”
“As a writer, are those really the words you want to use?” 
“You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they’re supposed to be.” 
“I like to look nice when I go to see His Majesty, the Burger King.” 
“Panic attacks are mean little freaks.” 
“Why was she so anxious? Because she had anxiety.” 
“I always wanted stories to be real, so I started writing my own.” 
“Anything is better than doing what I'm supposed to be doing.” 
“Where her books were, she was. Get the books right and the rest will follow. Now she could address the rest of the room.” 
"I'll drink the living blood of trees,- maple syrup.”
“Few words are more chilling when put together than make friends.” 
"Believe me. I'm aware. It's an effective way to communicate if you don't have any other options. If you can't get in through the door, throw a rock through the window. And I think maybe you're the same way.”
Their idea of what constituted interesting was so limited. They were never going to have as much fun as she did.” 
“His voice was deep and smooth and rich, like what gravy might sound like if gravy could talk.” 
“What serves on either side, and if you wish to hide, may protect you from your foe, or show him where to go?” 
“Sometimes you have to leave the fucking Shire, Frodo.” 
“Games are not fun when you don't know you're playing.” 
“How could she be anxious when everything was so cheerful? Very easily, as it happens. Brain chemistry doesn’t care about how pretty things are.” 
“Meet my dead dad,"
“Money should never stand in the way of learning.” 
“We have a limited emotional vocabulary. We’re indoor kids.” 
“The whole thing smelled like a thrift shop that had been baked in a low oven and felt like a too-tight and too-long hug by a rejected Muppet.” 
“He had a smile like a hammock—just get in, go to sleep, forget your troubles and cares.” 
“The moon was thin like a hook, and the owls were calling. The smell of fall leaves blew on the wind and he was dead.” 
“The thing about looking just a little bit means it’s really easy to look a little bit more.” 
“There is something about early mornings that changes your perceptions subtly. The light is new; no one has put on the defenses of the day. All is reset and not quite real yet.”
"It's not bad or good. It just is. That's something you'll find out if you decide to go into this line of work. You have to take things as they are, not how you hear they're supposed to be.
“There is something about early mornings that changes your perceptions subtly. The light is new; no one has put on the defences of the day. All is reset and not quite real yet.” 
"I liked you from the first moment I saw you, when you looked like you wanted to punch me in the face for just being alive. That probably says something dark about me. And I think you like me because I annoy you. Both of us have real problems, but maybe we should make our weird personalities work for us.” 
“People say depression lies. Anxiety is just stupid. It’s unable to tell the difference between things that are actually scary (being buried alive, for example) and things that are not scary at all (being in bed under the covers). It hits all the same buttons. Stop. Go. Up. Down. It’s all the same to anxiety.” 
“How did everyone else know how to do yoga? The one advantage to all of this was that it cleared Stevie's mind of everything. She heard exercise did that. Was this what they meant? You were so busy being confused and trying to stop your sweaty hands from slipping on a mat that you couldn't think anymore?”
“There is a mistaken notion that wealth makes people content. It does the opposite, generally. It stirs a hunger in many - and no matter what they eat, they will never be full.” 
"How would I know? Do I look like I go to a lot of dances?"
“That was something they taught you in anxiety therapy- the thoughts may come, but you don't have to chase them all. It was sort of the opposite of good detective work, in which you had to follow every lead.”
“Shock is a funny thing. Things get both sharp and fuzzy. Time stretches and distorts. Things come rushing into focus and seem larger than they are. Other things vanish to a single point.” 
“Last things were so strange. Most people had no control over of what their last acts would be.” 
“Sherlock said, “I consider that a man’s brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose.” 
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— You’re an avid listener to NSFW ASMR artist Hawks. It’s just your luck that he’s offered to have phone sex with you.
pairing: takami keigo (hawks) x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, slight abuse of power/influence, phone sex, masturbation, degradation, praise, nsfw asmr artist!hawks
word count: 5,018
a/n: my keyboard is broken and i could actually cry. but hey, hawks do be sexy even tho I would never trust him with my life. also LOL this might be a call out to a lot of us, do not be offended or I will cry.
kinktober day 14 main kink: phone sex | kinktober masterlist
Fantasizing about being in relationships with fictional characters was entirely healthy and normal.
That was something you believed to the core. It was fictional; thus, no one but you were to be hurt at the end of the day. The character, being fake, could never have an opinion because you must be real in order to have an opinion. So when you were between boyfriends, you discovered a new anime, and before you could stop yourself, you fell hard for a character.
It started as a mild obsession.
You had looked up fanart via google images, your heart warming when you saw the plethora of different fanart. The anime itself had been in circulation for a few years now, the manga for much longer, so the content was endless. Then google images wasn’t enough, and you began crossing into Twitter and Tumblr.
The fanart became better, more engrossing, and definitely much more NSFW. And then, one night during your endless rabbit hole down Tumblr after your daily search on Twitter, you stilled when seeing a new type of content.
⇒ grey fullbuster x reader
The obsession grew worse.
So much so that you had followed nearly five hundred self insert writers and artists on Tumblr, and maybe seven hundred artists, meta writers, and thread makers on twitter. But three months into consuming all the content you could find, you came across a new name that made you tilt your head.
Hawks Fierce Wings
It was a name that was being repeated and heavily talked about on both sites. It was an ASMR artist, apparently, and you frowned at the thought. You didn’t have anything against ASMR videos, but you weren’t exactly sure how to handle an anime ASMR artist. Were they cosplaying while making all those weird ASMR sounds? You really didn’t have any idea, but due to the immense boredom of your lazy day in, you decided to hell with it and tried out his most popular video.
It was simply entitled: Hawks is Jealous.
Did you have any idea as to who Hawks was? God, no, you didn’t. But if it was just some random cosplay he was going to do, you didn’t think it was going to matter. So as the only slightly educated ASMR listener, you never truly became invested when it was a thing; you slipped on your earbuds and pressed play.
The introduction screen faded into an illustrated picture of a slightly handsome man, and some calming yet tense music played in the background. You shifted, eyebrows drew as you waited for the ASMR session to begin, and when it did, you were not ready.
“I saw you walking around with that asshole today,” a voice practically growled in your ear, and you froze.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, no!
For almost an entire hour, you sat glued to your sofa, your fingers digging into your lap as the jealous, spiteful words of this man named Hawks poured bitterly in your ear. His words were a near aggravated assault on you and definitely something you were beyond uncomfortable hearing from a stranger, but there was something about his voice that kept you there. Maybe it was the tenor of his tone or the way there was this sly, cunning scent to his words that he seemed to hide deep within his throat, but there was something that kept you there.
The second the passionate, heated kissing noises and heavy moans began to spill from his lips, you screeched, slamming your laptop closed as your cheeks pounded heavily.
Oh my god?!
It took a bit, but eventually, you were able to finish the audio and quickly figured out why he was an NSFW artist. You had never, ever heard a man eat a pussy fake or real as eagerly or vigorously as he did. Your hands were gripping the pants of your leggings, and your chest heaved.
Oh, motherfucking shit.
Finding out there were almost seventy other videos for you to still experience sent you scrambling for more, and eventually, you had to confess you were obsessed. Despite the anime fandoms you had discovered him for, Hawks seemed to be more famous for the content he created as himself. His real name was unknown by the looks of it, and he was only addressed as Hawks by his audience, something you caught on to quickly. So only after creating a new profile for his Youtube account, you made quick work of liking and commenting on every single of his already published seventy-eight nearly one hour and thirty-minute videos. 
Each one was different.
Each one filled with various roadmaps on how Hawks' scenarios would play out for you — the listener. When he used his own persona, he called the listener his little dove or his chicken nugget, sometimes his KFC thigh, or his shish kabob. 
You were glad at the very least he didn’t call you by any of those nicknames when pretending to fuck you at a speed only a “porn-is-my-only-education-on-porn” virgin teenage boy. You knew it wasn’t ideal, usually, but for some reason, it just worked. You commented on everything, read his summaries and thoughts on each video. Eventually, when you found yourself on his final, most recent video, you were ready to go a step further.
The Patreon app on your phone seemed jarringly out of place as you opened the app and subscribed yourself to Hawks' highest tiered option for the price of twenty USD.
And when you got your access to his page, you were immersed in more heavier, better content.
It was a goldmine in a sea of fools gold, and you absolutely went insane.
You weren’t sure if you were insane, needy, or just straight-up idiotic for scrolling to the very first Patreon post and indulging in the content Hawks created. 
There was a stark difference between the warnings alone between the Youtube videos and the Patreon posts. While the porn was readily accessible on Youtube, the kinkiest thing that ever happened in a video was a slight implication that Hawks had left the listener on a vibrator and fuckmachine as he went to go talk to the visiting neighbors.
It was a slight, tiny zone out and miss a detail, but one you had clung onto like an obsessed psycho and even commented on in your comment on the post. Of course, Hawks hadn’t responded, not that you had ever expected him to because all things considered, a video that was eight months old and hadn’t done that well, to begin with, didn’t seem like anything he would remember: notifications and all. 
But Patreon? Oh good, sweet, ravishing Patreon.
The very first video was of the following:
Stepbrother!Hawks fucks Stepsister!Listener in the stairwell during Christmas Dinner.
After praying and swearing to all the deities of the world that you were merely a person with a voice kink for this man and not, in fact, a perverted pseudo-incest worshiper, you clicked on it and began. It was downright sinful.
There were active voices whispered in the background as Hawks laughed about how fucking slutty you were for letting your brother fuck you like this. In the hallway, like a dog, where anyone in your joint family could walk out into. He laughed that you probably wanted it, how your wet ass pussy was greedily sucking him in, so how could you even begin to deny your lust for your brother.
You had to take a break five times during that audio.
Eventually, you do end up catching up.
Each video he had ever posted to your disposal, and most likely due to the different tier levels, you always commented on the videos. Even if it made you feel awkward for lusting over things months old, even if there were no other comments on the videos, which was much more common than you thought, you always commented and liked. It wasn’t anything ever crazy, you had seen the rarest comments bring a whole essay of analysis on why they loved it or the hating words, but you kept it simple.
Just something to keep Hawks spirits high without draining you even further of energy.
A simple: holy shit, that was hot as fucking hell!!!! you never disappoint me!!!
You never expected anything out of it; as a matter of fact, you had merely thought that you were doing the least by merely appreciating his creations when, one night, a few hours after you had gotten home. Your phone chimed with an alert.
Your mouth formed an ‘o’ in surprise; you hadn’t realized there was going to be a new release after he had just updated four days ago. Still, you popped in your earbuds and began the audio with a simple title.
i fuk ur stupid lil pus until u cri
He wasn’t precisely putting much effort into his titles these days, but his tags were definitely accurate and entirely explicit in what was to come. And in this newest video, the prominent tag was degradation.
You weren’t entirely into degradation, but still, you did what you had to do because you weren’t turned off by it. With the beginning sounds of the music playing in the background, you warped into the situation Hawks carefully carved.
But, oh?
Your face simmered with heat as Hawks dirty words dripped from the earbuds, the wet, squelching noise of your cunt and throat being fucked like some inanimate object made you soak through your panties as his disparaging words burned against your spine like a hot brand. After the thirty-minute audio was finished. Your body trembling with the aftershocks of an orgasm that had come despite the lack of actual stimulation of your clit, and you panted on your bed.
Opening your phone once again, you quickly liked the new audio and typed out your comment.
listen, i know i always comment about how fucking hot this shit is, but i have /never/ fucking soaked through my panties… you just did that and i expect a full refund for these panties 💦
You pressed send and, without so much of a second thought, continued your night. You had dinner, talked with friends, and ended the night curled back on the couch with a wine glass in your hand and a simple sit-com playing on the TV. The familiar sound of the Patreon alert rang in your ear, and you frowned, confused.
Grabbing your phone, you opened up the device and nearly shrieked at the sight of the information the notification that said:
Hawks F.W.: lets see those panties before i refund anything
A chill ran down your spine as you quickly put together the indications of this message, and you smirked, despite your quivering hands. 
Me: I have a seven inch dick requirement before seeing any of the goods — yes, that includes my panties
And from that very moment, you began a strange arrangement between you and the NSFW ASMR artist Hawks.
Working was the worst part of your life, you would say.
At work, you would sit in your small 4x4 cubicle, your shelves stacked with plenty of papers and items you needed, not to mention the computer that took up the majority of your desk. You weren’t quite sure what your job here was, you sort of sat at your desk and did meaningless assignments when assigned, but you did nothing for the most part. 
Before becoming an active Hawks stan, you would spend your time doing nothing playing video games. You had somehow managed to install a VPN onto your hard drive so that your employers wouldn’t be able to see what was on your screen outside of the home screen. They couldn’t trace what you did all day, but they could care less, given you got all your work completed on time and done in an over exceptional way.
But lately, since you had dropped into this… engrossed whore like relationship with Hawks, things changed. 
To be honest, it still shocks you to no end when he tells you that he had always been aware of you. Well, with your consistent, ever appearing comments on his posts and overall enthusiasm for everything he posted, it was hard to not be aware. The mental image of your soaked through panties after a long day at his own work had sent him over the edge, and he finally messaged you.
Through the DM’s in Patreon, the two of you grew to become quite the friends with benefits. He would send you countless personalized audio files because you had quickly confessed to your voice kink and how his voice sent your stomach into hormonal knots. In return, you’d send the picture of an occasional soaked panty, and if he was lucky, an audio clip of your pathetic whines back to his audios.
You couldn’t complain about this arrangement.
But as the number of his patrons doubled, and he wanted to entice his subscribers with paying him even more money, Hawks began to offer a bimonthly personalized five minute audios for his $20 tier. The fans poured into that spot, and Hawks and proudly sent you the new number of adoring fans he was getting. On account of growing platforms such as Tiktok, the number of new listeners he got was nearly exponential, as he currently passed one million followers last week. 
The cheeky bastard was also making enough money to stop working his regular work hours anymore. Choosing to transition slowly into his Patreon career while recording.
Hawks, however, seemed to have other ideas for your eventual personalized voice audio.
Hawks had simply asked if, by any chance, you were going to be working tomorrow the night before. Groaning loudly in recognition of your work schedule, you had texted him back that you were going to be working. Snidely including the fact that you weren’t rich like him, you needed the tedious old nine to five job.
Hawks: how utterly boring anyway u can b free around 2?
Me: Eh… probably not. Busy girl w busy schedule, ill be back from lunch so no break Why?
Hawks: well, u knw tht uve been amzing & th bst follower so i wanted 2 give u smthing better then the personalized audio
Me: Oh? Well, what is it?’
Hawks: pick up tmrw n find out
He had changed the subject immediately afterward by dodging all of your questions with ease. So you dropped it, and the two of you resumed a night of flirting. But now, sitting in your small cubicle, your eyes flashing to the clock that read 1:57 p.m., sweat began to build on your palm.
You peered down to your phone as you waited for something, anything from Hawks to show up. The fucker was too cheeky, evasive, and quick for his own good. You felt like pouting as you glared at the phone, waiting for the screen to light up.
And you stilled when finally, at precisely 1:59 p.m., your phone gleamed with light. You couldn’t abandon your computer mouse quicker than you did as you grabbed your phone, unlocking it, and reading the message from Hawks.
Hawks: do u have earbuds?
Me: Yes?
Hawks: good put them on n pick up
The moment you had read the first message, you were already pulling out your earbuds, synching them up to your phone, and placing them into your ear. But your jaw dropped when, for the first time, the call feature highlighted onto the screen, the time immediately changing to that of 2:00 p.m. The decline or accept button had never looked as daunting as it did right now.
Despite the call trying to go through, you still saw his follow up.
Hawks: if u dont pick up u wont get shit
You felt your heart hammering in your chest as both fear, apprehension, and excitement boiled through your veins, the hammering blood pounding in your ears as you waited for some sort of noise on the opposite side of the line.
“Little dove?” Hawks' voices filled your ears, and despite yourself, you smiled softly. The naturalness of his voice sends warm thumps down your spine.
“Hi, Hawks,” you whisper breathlessly, your head already checking to make sure your neighboring cubicle mates didn’t try to look over the divisions to stare at you. For the most part, the office building was quiet except for the phone calls, the clanking of computer keys, and the monotonous music playing softly on the speaker's head. 
“Whatcha doing?” he drawled, and you felt your skin heat up when you heard the all too familiar sound of his shoes hitting the top of his desk, the soft whine of his chair as he leaned back onto it. “Are you really at work?”
“What do you mean, am I really at work?” you squeaked, half horrified at the way the lazy, warm heat of lust was infiltrating your body at the sound of his voice, and the annoyance that he thought you had been lying? “Of course I am; it’s two p.m. on a Wednesday!”
“Ah, so little dove-chan is a raging pervert who engages in phone sex to bypass her long hours at work?” Hawks sighed his tone that of understanding and dismissal. You splutter. “You never fail to surprise me.”
“I do not do… that!” you stammer, your face feeling like hot cinders, your fingers and eyes double-checking to make sure that the audio was going to your earbuds and your earbuds only. You also couldn’t help the way your eyes swept around you, trying to make sure you hadn’t accidentally invited unwanted attention. “I said I was busy!”
“But, you picked up my call?”
“You said, or else!”
“Mmm, okay, I think I see,” Hawks tutted, and although you had never seen what you supposed to be his handsome face, you could imagine a lazy, toothy smirk on his face. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind using your little cubicle to talk you into fucking yourself good for me.”
Your jaw drops.
It hits the desk, and the muffled shriek of utter humiliation is only silenced because you bit onto your tongue like a rabid animal.
“Aw, you sound so excited for me already, little dove. I bet you want to know what I’m going to do to you, don’t you? I just know that I’m going to make you feel so... good…”
“Hawks!” you plea in a hushed whisper, your heart hammering where you sat frozen like a deer in headlights. Sure, you had definitely played his audios before to pass the time, but never before in your existence had you had actual phone sex. This was riskier than just listening to his audios; his audios always had a pattern, a way to escape from the madness of his voice when people were closer than you’d like. But this? No, there was no escape. “I’m at work! I c-can’t!”
“But, fuck, I want you so bad,” Hawks' voice dipped into a gravely tone, his voice just perfectly scratchy enough that your shoulders trembled in unspoken, untouched want. “I want to feel your cunt around my cock, baby, your pussy is so hot and I want to be the fucking lucky bastard that gets to fuck you through your bed.”
“O-Oh my god…”
“I’ve been thinking of what your tits look like,” Hawks continues on, his voice continuing in the style you liked the most. It was raw, heavy, and deep. No character impersonations, just him, pure Hawks. “I hope they bounce the way they do when I imagine you riding me. I want to see you moan when I kiss the underside of your tit, I want to see your face when you realize that you’re my girl, nobody's else's, but mine.”
Heat floods your panties at his words, your shallow breaths making him chuckle on the other end. 
“You’d be so lucky to be just mine, wouldn’t you, little dove?” Hawks snaps, his voice demanding a response, and you heave.
You look around, no one is near, and you croak out: “I’d be so lucky.”
“I’d be so lucky.”
“Mm, there we go,” Hawks laughs, and your ears prickle for any noise that may indicate that someone was listening in. “What? Are you getting nervous that your needy ass will be heard by your coworkers right now? Answer me.”
“Mhmm,” you hum loudly, your cunt pulsing with more incredible heat and your hands shaking with a slight fear of being caught.
“Aww, don’t worry, little dove. I’m sure your boss will understand that you’re my newest fucktoy and will let me continue. Maybe they’ll want to join in?”
You whimper softly, shifting in your seat at that thought. You didn’t really want your boss coming anywhere near you, he was old and gross for one, and nothing could take the place of this beautiful man's voice in your ear right now.
“Oh, was that a no? You don’t want other people fucking you, do you, y/n? I bet you only want to have my cock in your tight little pussy, bet you want to watch the way that greedy little thing sucks me in, begging for my seed. Would you want me to cum deep inside you? You would like that little dove; you’d like to be full of my cum.”
“H-Hawks,” you keen as quietly as you can, your hips shifting uncomfortably in your seat, your heart hammering in your throat. The pressing heat in your cunt is growing, your panties growing with wet slick as Hawks' voice whispers down your ear, filling every empty and void space in your brain until you were having trouble focusing on the very much public spot you were in.
Hawks let out a soft, guttural moan, and you froze, face entirely combusting into an inferno as the familiar slick slapping of his fapping cock filled your ear. Immediately, you forgot everything.
“A-Are you—?!” you splutter, unable to find the words or the energy to come up with a way to ask if he was masturbating right now. Your eyes spun, your mind in a complete haze as soft, raunchy moans spilled from his lips, striking against your nerves and soul with each successive sound.
“I’m only trying to help you out here, dove,” Hawks growled, undoubtedly in effect to a rather loud smack of his fist colliding with his thrusting hip. “You’re the little office slut who picked up a phone call to entice in phone sex. I bet you knew exactly what I was going to do, and your pathetic, needy whore self caved to my instructions.”
Your fingers curled into the armrest of your chair.
“I bet this makes your boring ass job tolerable, the perfect distraction to a shit job, then imagining a few minutes of fucking yourself against my hard cock.”
“That’s not true!”
“No?” Hawks laughed, not believing you any more than you did. “So you wouldn’t hate it if I showed up and fucked you into the wall of your cubicle? You wouldn’t mind if I claimed your sweet-smelling pussy against your desk for everyone to hear? I know you can scream like a bitch in heat. I know that pretty little cunt of yours would milk my cock dry. Oh, I just know you would look so fucking sexy with your back arched, eyes closed, and you begging for hours just to cum. You wouldn’t cum without my permission, right?”
You gasped, heart fluttering, hammering in your chest as you shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak.
“I need a verbal answer, little dove.”
The heat in your core was blistering, your thighs shaking with your unadulterated lust and need as you ground into the cushion of your chair. All logic and moral long gone as he snarled and moaned your name in your ear, the slick of his fapping cock echoing like a great bell in your ear. You wanted to hear him cum, wanted to listen to the pithering sound of his echoing moans as he spilled the contents of his balls onto his hand — and how you wished it was your womb.
“I won’t cum w-without your permission!” you whispered, your skin shivering with your fear of being caught. 
“God, you sound like such a dirty fucking bitch. I bet your pussy is fucking soaked already. Bet you really want to run that slutty embarrassed finger against your clit but don’t want to be caught by your perverted coworkers,” Hawks hissed, his breaths turning into steady, heavy hot pants. You mewl softly, confirming his spoken thoughts, and he huffs out a laugh. “How many fingers do you normally shove up that pretty cunt of yours, little dove?”
“T-Three!” you gasp, your forehead pressing to the cool of your desk, your eyes glazed over and looking at the entrance of your cubicle, fervently wishing that no one tries to check on you as you grind against your stable chair. “O-Only three fit.”
“Fuck, you really do have a tight cunt, don’t you,” Hawks snaps, the wet sounds of his fisting hand around his cock a beautiful melody in your ear that makes you whine at the back of your throat. “Bet you can’t even fit cocks up your cunt without lube, huh. You gotta stay on top, or else you’ll get hurt with how thick and long my cock will be up that baby pussy of yours.”
“H-Hawks!” you grit out, the friction of grinding on the seat no longer working.
“Go to the bathroom, now,” Hawks commands, the small gasps on his voice from his approaching orgasm more than enough ammo for you to do as told.
You sprint to the bathroom, the slick of your cunt hot, and evident to you as you sped to the bathroom. Your phone clenched in your hand as you locked the door behind you, glad the room was empty. Barely managing to get yourself into the stall, the toilet paper placed on the seat as you raised your legs up, already prepared. The skirt you wore was bunched above your ass, and the panties you wore, stretching out around your knees.
“Sounds like you’re ready to start fucking that pussy for me,” Hawks laughs, but there's no humor, just bite. “Put in three fingers, now.”
Without even arguing or caring, three fingers slip into your cunt, and you cry at the feeling of your fingers completely stretching you out. The smell of sex and slick filling your nose as your fingers slick up, fucking your tight cunt as you moan louder and louder for Hawks. 
“God, your fucking pussy is so fucking wet, I can hear it from here!” Hawks moans, the frantic sound of his drilling hips gaining speed and momentum. 
“I want it to be you!” you moan, your face burning in your humiliation. “I want it to be you fucking my pussy, claiming me in this bathroom. I need you, Hawks, I want your cock so badly!”
“Fuck,” Hawks gasps, something tumbling in the background. “Such sweet words for a fucking dirty ass cumslut,” he growls, and your legs shake, your clit and cunt thrumming with your increasing arousal and pit of tightness in your core. 
“HAWKS, FUCK!” you sob as your hips try to start a merciless speed against your fingers, your body trying to match the speed in which Hawks was fucking his own hand.
“Keep screaming my name, whore.” Hawks gasps, his noises of pleasure beginning to grow louder and louder, your eyes crossing in satisfaction. “Screaming my name like the fucking slutty mess you are. All this shit just to get me to fuck you? God, you’re so fucking pathetic y/n. Begging for me, begging for more? I think you’re my favorite little dove ever, gonna make you mine whenever I get to fuck that pussy.”
“Hawks!” you wail his name again, your arms and pussy throbbing with the energy it takes to keep up with his inhumane speeds. Your vision seeing stars as you tremble more and more, your legs slipping from the toilet seat, yet. “I am your whore, your little dove. Please let me come, please! You fuck me so well, fucking hell, please, I needa cum, I needa cum!”
“Cum with me,” he snaps, his voice so deep, so dangerously smooth. It was precisely what you needed, the voice kink you had for his tenor exactly fulfilled entirely with that simple, last command. And just like that, your jaw slackens, head slamming backward, and pleasurable waves crash through you.
Your fingers still rock at your clit, and your vice gripped walls, your toes curling within your shoes as you soundlessly scream. Hawks, on the other end, is practically snarling, voice deep and altogether dangerous as grunt after grunt leaves him, and you can imagine the milk-white cum splattered all over his chest and hand. A beautiful, perfect sight that you wish you could see for yourself.
Exhaustion settles in your bones as you sit on the toilet, still entirely exhausted as you heave for air. 
“I think that was the best fucking orgasm I ever had,” you mumble, your eyes closed, not ready to stand up and move. “Thank you.”
“I’m good at what I… at what I do,” Hawks stumbles, husky exhaustion ringing in his own voice. “Now, little dove, finish up work, and I promise there’ll be a surprise waiting for you when you’re done.”
Not entirely agreeing, but not disagreeing with his command to go finish you last… two and a half hours at work, you begrudgingly said goodbye to Hawks before washing your hands and exiting the bathroom.
When five o’clock came, you watched as your phone screen lit up, and your face flushed as you read the DM from Hawks.
Hawks: this is my fav audio now ↳ hawks_littledove.mp3 but you surprised me today, so in case u ever want to have more fun sometime  call me 03-9183-2495 ;)
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Chaotic reactions why I really frickin like “Zachary Ying & the Dragon Emperor” so far in the first 10 chapters:
- Humanizes a Chinese ethnic minority. Also disapora issues that I found relatable being a Chinese American. - Chinese history! Including historical figures & mythology that is not taught in the US. - Proudly age-appropriate political criticism of BOTH US and China (and European colonizers). Xiran Jay Zhao- never let yourself get censored! Ever! I personally think everything mentioned is totally fine for middle schoolers to find out about. The younger the age that kids know their country’s dirty history, the better. - I frickin LOVE the banter. And the world building has been very easy to pick up on. - So many video game references i LOVE it. “Ready Player One”, move aside. - It makes a big difference, but I like third person POV narration significantly more than 1st person. - I love me some Percy Jackson, but most of my problems with it… literally squashed within these first 10 chapters of Zachary Ying (see below cut).
-Surprise age appropriate queer rep! Zack clearly likes boys and he doesn’t know it yet (in the first 10 chapters). And its not a 1 line sentence type thing- oh no its everywhere in the subtext so much that you’d be blind to not realize it. One thing white writers, even queer writers, forget is that a queer BIPOC person is not gonna experience queerness the same way- any stigma against their cultural background & physical appearance is irreplaceable in their experience. -Speaking of which, I am very very very happy that Xiran does not market any possible queerness the same way as Iron Widow. I think this should be one of those series that are casual rep.  - Also even if you’re not Chinese, I feel like queer kids could realize “hang on. Maybe there’s nothing wrong with me and these ‘different’ feelings i had as a kid are not bad.” -Melissa is feminine power?!? No “not like other girls” and can still kick ass. -I like Wu Zetian in Zachary Ying more than in Iron Widow. -Nice way of sneaking in history lessons- between bantery conversations, Mythrealm “cards” (ie Pokemon/Yugioh cards), and dreams/flashbacks/visions. That one card that was like “Americans stole these horses. BRING THEM BACK TO CHINA.” A+ chefs kiss.
Ok now my problems with Percy Jackson that this book does better in the first 10 chapters: - Diversity! But like well-rounded and researched diversity thats also seems to be based on personal experiences, rather than checkbox diversity. It also addresses stereotypes. Some of which I can relate to myself. - Unsupervisored 12year olds running around: They kind of have a brainwashed adult chaperone. Kind of. They still do dangerous magic things that no 12yearolds should be doing, Chinese or western lol. - Mist inconsistency: instead it’s a active spray of soup that erases people’s memories. I like Harry Potter’s version of muggle view blinding best though. I can see this soup becoming a bit of an issue if they ever run out. Who makes the soup anyways?  -Cell phones & tech: Part of the premise is that there’s tech eeeverywhere and I’m always worried about a writer not being able to balance hiding supernatural stuff amidst tons of surveillance. PJO doesn’t make sense bc somehow the kids are able to keep up with pop culture, even the ones that live year round a camp with no technology that we see. Due to the video game premise, ZY is full of it and it balances it well so far. I’m awaiting for a truly chaotic event that goes viral/problematic on the internet tho xD Also THANK YOU for introducing non-US internet!  - Pop culture references: Riordan’s references were reeeally cringey, especially in Trials of Apollo. I like the references here, even though I’m sure they’ll be outdated in 10 years. (Unless ATLA references manage to stick around!) - “Being different.” Ok Zack and Percy have very different personalities. Some people may like Percy’s personality. I kind of like Zack’s approach to “being different” bc he’s more subtle about it- Zack’s internal “I’m different” thoughts are not in your face. It’s more assimilation, although I can predict that by the end of his character arc, he’s gonna accept his differences. (And I like it better than Iron Widow’s “I’M DIFFERENT!!!” thing). - The historical/supernatural beings are not good: The gods in PJO start out being black&white good and bad, and we don’t start seeing the bad sides to the “good” gods until later. Here, we get the “that historical figure possessing you is terrible” right away in the first 10 chapters. - We all know Riordan’s various plotholes- heck he literally admitted to it publicly: There’s only 1 Zachary Ying book so far, but the world building seems consistent and like it makes sense. Xiran’s still a newly published writer tho, and hopefully they don’t accidentally retcon/make plotholes in sequels. - Multiple cultures/pantheons co-existing: MCGA & Trials of Apollo kinda made things muddy. However, Xiran addresses multiple pantheons early on in a way that is culturally sensitive. - The gods & DNA: OH BOY. I’m just bring this up cause none of the mortal human main characters are biologically related so if any romances happen, not gonna run into that weird “Gods dont got DNA” problem lol. I do look forward to see if any slowburn romances happen eventually. - Prose: This is only a personal preference. Original PJO was written in first person so everything sounded like a childish 12-15 year old boy because he is a child. Zack is in 3rd person and that allows the prose to be eloquent, even for a 12yo. It’ll be enjoyable for a teen/young adult/adult to read. I’m not sure a really young kid would be able to read it, but if a really young kid can read Harry Potter, they’ll be more than fine with this.
My favorite use of historical figures in modern day fiction is still Secrets of Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. But I still find this enjoy and look forward to finish Zachary Ying and
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zeldas-cigarrette · 3 years
⊱┊𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬. ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃
— pairing; ⚢donna sheridan x fem!reader
— word count; 3.3k
— summary; Sophie organised an afternoon of speed dating for her mother. You happened to be a customer at the certain restaurant it took place, and it seemed as if Donna was more interested in you than in all the guys that came for her. (lots of fluff because I can’t bring myself to write smut atm. ) xx
— fluff 🍰₊˚.༄ ೃ -
—❥ author’s note; My obsession with Meryl Streep keeps me sane during all those exams I have atm… Again, I’m so sorry for not posting my requests but I tried finishing them all but when I read them again they were so insanely bad, I can’t upload them… I will rewrite them probably next weekend (if I have enough time). But thanks for sticking around although I’m not as active (which will change in a few weeks, when I’ve finished my finals).
..⃗.🕊•̩̩͙⁺⤾·˚ ༘ ◡̈ ꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ✧˖*°࿐
🏷 tag list; @paulawand , @pearplate
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The sun was already burning down when Donna found out about her daughter's plans for the afternoon. Apparently, Sophie decided to host a speed dating for her mother in some restaurant on the island. She wasn’t interested in the first place but for the sake of her daughter, Donna decided to give it a try - maybe she’ll find the love of her life? It wasn’t until both mother and daughter arrived at the chosen restaurant when the older woman started worrying about what’s to come behind those doors. The few birds that gathered on the windowsill started chirping as if they were trying to warn her, „don’t go in!” but it seemed too late for that. „I don’t know if this is the right thing Soph,” Donna lurked through the window, seeing a couple of older guys waiting eagerly for someone to entertain them. „It’s gonna be fun Mum, just let it happen,” and with the huge smile spread over the young girl's face, she pushed the door open. Quickly the smell of food surrounded both women.
Only a couple of women were interested in dating as well, everyone was already sat on separate tables only waiting for the main host to start the thing. On the first look, none of these men caught her eye, none of them looked attractive. However, who was she to judge? Said and done, Donna took a seat opposite of a man with full fair hair and glasses. The two minutes started in which they were supposed to get to know each other.
You were sat in the corner of the restaurant, observing the show you were offered from afar. The people, including the owner, were making a fuss about the speed dating someone had arranged. You had moved to the island just a couple of months ago and though such things as speed dating were a pretty common thing in England, it seemed to be hardly a thing around here. Chewing on a shrimp, you wanted to hold back the laughter when you saw the angelic-looking woman’s face when one of the guys seemingly told her an interesting fact about him. She didn’t look very happy with the selection of men. Luckily you had an amazing view of the ocean and you could watch the sun gleaming on the water.
For every passing minute, Donna regretted the decision she made. The first guy was as dull as his name, Tom had 15 cats. He told her a story of when a few of his cats got sick and vomited in his flat. It was a full-on ramble for two minutes not letting his opponent get to word for once. Donna wasn’t sure if she had control of her face, but if she wasn’t at least the guy knew how horrible he was. The next one - didn’t even introduce himself - was shy. So shy that he only stared down on his fingers. Therefore when Donna made the first move and told him a little about her life, he could only nod and blankly stare a hole into the hotel owner.
Sunken in a daydream, you scribbled something in your notebook hoping the words would turn into poems. When you first came to the island you had hoped to overcome the ongoing writer's block, but until now not even the alluring landscape could change that. It ever so often occurred that your eyes landed on the woman with the golden locks not sure if it’s because of how dissatisfied she looked or if it’s her that captured you. Often you came to this restaurant to get the words flowing or to talk to the owners. They have been welcoming from the first moment, so you decided to go there again and again until it became the only restaurant you’d go to.
Meanwhile, Donna was meeting the fourth guy that wanted to meet her. It seemed to be a better start than the rest of the guys, he wasn’t perfect but neither was he as self-centered as the ones before. Their conversation was good until he dropped the 'women belong in the kitchen’ bomb. It ruined everything for her. „Alright people, we’re gonna take a short break so everyone can let the impressions sink in,” Sophie quickly interrupted when she saw how uncomfortable her mother felt. Each of the participants got up and walked out on the terrace or ordered drinks from the bar. Donna scoffed and buried her head in her hands. „This is awful,” it was only a whisper but audible to her daughter. „I’m sorry, I really thought that you’re gonna have fun,” the girl replied. Without another word the woman got up and wanted to walk a few steps to stretch the tense muscles in her leg when she spotted you sitting in the corner of the room.
She took small steps to reach your table, she was curious about what you were doing there all alone scribbling in your notebook. At first, you didn’t notice her coming towards you, but when you did she seemed as if a halo would enlighten her. The notebook was closed in an instant when you realized that you were the aim she was about to reach. „Hi” you greeted her with a wide smile. „Hello, I noticed you sitting all alone,” it was obvious that Donna searched for an opportunity to escape the dating hell her daughter had organised. You saw in how deep of misery the woman was. „Would you like to sit with me for a while?” you requested and pointed at the chair opposite of you. The noise in the overfilled restaurant was deafening so the blonde woman didn’t bother using words and just pulled out a chair. „You don’t know in how many ways you just saved me,” she smirked and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. You blushed but tried to hide it while leaning your face in both of your hands.
„I saw you’ve been busy over there, isn’t speed dating fun?” you teased not knowing if it was alright to overstep this line. „They’re all abhorrently boring and irritating,” the woman huffed and throws a disapproving look at the crowd of men. You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, you’ve never had the problem with weird men. „I’m Y/n by the way,” you reached out your hand which she gladly shook. „Nice to meet you, my name’s Donna.” Even her name sounded angelic. The woman’s company brought you joy and even ideas for new poems came to your mind. „You could stay here until it’s over, I don’t mind,” you suggested avoiding eye contact, fearing rejection. „I’d love to,” it sounded like heaven to you. Therefore she stayed and every time you looked at her, you hated to avert your gaze the next second. Although Donna seemed to enjoy herself, the men on the other side of the room looked as if they were disappointed that she left. „One of their cats vomited in their flat,” she told you rolling her eyes. „Aww, I love cats but without the vomiting,” you giggled and tried to find out who it was by just scanning them. „It’s the blond one,” she pointed at a tall, skinny guy. „Oh yes, he absolutely looks like a cat guy,” you remarked dryly not averting your gaze from the giraffe-like man.
Sophie saw her mother sitting with you, smiling and giggling sometimes. She didn’t dare to make her comeback and go through another round.
„Would you like something to eat while you’re waiting for this to be over?” you asked shyly. „Actually, yes! I’ve been starving since we’ve come here and the conversations I’ve had didn’t make it go away,” Donna explained and bit down her lip. You waved for Elias, a waiter, for her to order. You’ve been exploring the island with him a couple of times and learned that he would rather like to work on the mainland as a teacher than work at his parent's restaurant. The food was served in less than ten minutes and she hummed while eating. „This has to be the best one I’ve eaten yet,” Donna declared while putting the cutlery on her plate.
Donna admired you for your kindness of letting her stay with you, she was lost in the eyes of yours and how your y/h/c hair was blown from the wind from time to time. The opened window offered her a marvellous view on the deep blue ocean. She felt safe in your company and the stories you’d told her about your future plans captured her. „Then why have you decided to come to Kalokairi when you plan on becoming a writer?” the older woman curiously asked. „Well, I had a very severe writers block and wanted to be surrounded by nature and I’ve a lot about this place in tourist guides so I decided to come here to get my writing flowing,” you explained. „Oh I’m sorry, I hope you’ve overcome it by now.” „I think I just did,” you cheekily replied. Unknowingly that your time was up by now, Sophie strutted over to the both of you.
„Mum, I’m sorry to interrupt but we’re done,” the young girl smiled while looking at you. „I’d really like to do this again,” Donna circled with her finger on the table, „I’ll just give you my address and you can come over some time.” Donna scribbled something on a napkin and handed it to you. You tried to hide the huge smile that was about to form on your lips. „Thanks, I’d also love to repeat this,” your whisper was barely audible. Donna just winked before leaving with her daughter, she was gone and left you with butterflies in your stomach. That day you’re writers block seemed to be gone and you were finally able to bring some words on paper.
»As I sat and looked at her and the rolling hills she sat upon I thought, what amazing luck I have that the world had created such beautiful things and given me the eyes to see them.« *
At first, you’ve been too afraid to drop that little poem off at her house, but when you gathered enough courage you just went for it. It was only when you arrived that you realised she was managing a hotel. You quickly dropped it off with your phone number written on it, not brave enough to give it to her in person. The following hours consisted of you having almost a nervous breakdown not wanting to receive rejection again. You had enough of that for a lifetime. Was she even interested in that way or was she just being nice? It took her until the next morning to get back to you, but when she did, it brought your heart to quiver.
She invited you over for a walk along the coastline by sunset. Whenever Donna laughed, it felt as if the world was changing for the better, and she smiled like a goddess. When the sun was almost gone and barely visible, it made the whole island shimmer in a shade of magenta. The older woman seemed as if she took a liking to you, that’s when you realised the arm sneaked around you. It was that day when you never wanted to leave Kalokairi or the high you’ve been on since you first saw her.
Over the weeks you two had somehow developed an unspoken romantic relationship, none of you were brave enough to talk about the strong feelings in between. When Donna wasn’t busy working in the Hotel, you did almost everything together, sat by the beach while you used her as your muse for writing or you two cuddled on the couch.
You had sent your work to a publisher in New York when you had gathered a few more poems and one night you received an email. They actually wanted you in New York, the head of the company wanted to meet you first and if everything goes well he wanted to offer you a contract and an apartment in which you could get your words flowing. Although that sounded like a dream to you, so surreal and perfect to be true, your true new home was the island and the mere thought about leaving was too much. That’s why you didn’t tell Donna. You weren’t sure if this was the right time or if she’d even care.
„Why did they have to leave her out, just because she couldn’t pay for the country club?” the thing you loved about her, was that she always commented on the movies you watched. „It seems unfair to me,” you added and snuggled closer. You were partly on your laptop to check your mails for a confirmation on an order you placed. She was holding you close while her head was resting on yours. It was the smell of the ocean that comforted you and made your eyelids heavy. You had never stayed overnight at her house because you didn’t know if that was alright for her, so you fought against tiredness. Few strands of her hair slightly covered your eyes which only caused you to give in to your exhaustion more.
The steady sound of the movie and her beating heart made you even more tired until you couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. A comforting wave of sleep hit you and soon you were comforted in a dream. It wasn’t until the woman you’d fallen asleep on moved abruptly, that you woke up. „Ouch,” you murmured and your head jolted in an upward direction. „I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” Donna sounded weird but you brushed it off due to the late hour. „Don’t worry, is everything alright?” you then asked while straightening your back. Only a light hum was a response to your question, she then focused on the movie again. Minutes passed and your eyelids started to feel like cement. „Okay, you know what? It’s not okay. I know going through your things wasn’t right, but your laptop was open and I’ve seen the email from the publisher and internally I’m going mad and-“
„Stop,” it was a short but loud enough interruption of her rambling. Donna's eyes grew wide. „I don’t mind if you’re going through my things, but before you assume something you could’ve asked me, because I wasn’t planning on going,” you didn’t want to snap in that way. Only a regretful „Oh..” broke the uncomfortable silence. You felt bad for speaking to her in that tone. „I’m sorry but I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, I just found you.” A small but proud smile formed on your lips, maybe the feelings were mutual. „I’m not going anywhere,” you quietly replied. Both of you started staring at the screen of the tv again, wordlessly. „Y/n?”
You hummed in response. „I think I love you.” „You think?” you laughed, „because I might love you too.” Her hands quickly found your face and pulled you in her direction, „Is that alright?” A slight nod confirmed and Donna’s lips found yours. They moved against yours in sync and that’s when you first noticed how soft they were, she tasted like peach and lavender. „Your hair’s so soft,” she mumbled when she stopped for air, after that Donna quickly found your lips again. „And your cute when you’re all worried,” you added when you gasped for air.
That night you stayed with Donna and fell asleep cuddling her. She wore a blue pyjama with puppies all over it, you were gushing over how adorable she looked.
„Come on we’re going to be late for the ferry if you don’t hurry up,” Donna rushed past you to turn off the kitchen lights. „Yeah yeah don’t rush me or I’m never gonna finish,” you replied and closed your suitcase. You were going home for your father's birthday and they wanted to meet the woman that you couldn’t stop talking about. „Ready?” „Yes.” Donna stretched out her hand for you and pulled you after her. „I hope they’ll like me,” she pondered while loading the suitcases in the trunk. „They will absolutely love you, trust me,” you said and helped her closing up.
The ferry was crowded as usual and you two barely had enough space so Donna demanded you to sit on her lap. „I hope we’re gonna catch our flight,” the woman mumbled and nervously checked her wristwatch. „Don’t sweat it, we’re gonna make it on time it’s still early,” you cackled, knowing that she was nervous. The ferry sailed over the water just as gracefully as a bull in a china shop. When the ferry reached the mainland, Donna and you quickly rushed to a cab and drove to the nearest airport. The sky was flawlessly blue, not a cloud could be seen.
Not a lot of people decided to fly to England on that day, you could count 17 people at the checkpoint. In the meantime Donna was a nervous wreck, the woman constantly fidgeted with the keychains. „Ew your hands are sweaty,” you joked when you took hers in yours, „don’t be afraid, I’m with you the whole time.” Donna forced a smile on her face then followed you on the airplane. It wasn’t a long flight, maybe four or five hours. The start was a rough patch, Donna’s anxiety of flying was at its highest and she was seemingly about to throw up. Luckily you could talk her down and she soon fell asleep.
Arriving in London Southend, which was close to your parent's house, your girlfriend's nerves seemed to be calmed and you almost thought she’d taken something. „Let’s get out of here, my brother’s gonna pick us up,” you declared as both of you got your luggage. „He’s very much into cars and all that stuff, so if he’s annoying you just tell him to shut up, I do this every time.” „Oh I hope it’s not getting too complicated so that I can keep up,” she stifled a laugh and cheerily followed you along to the exit. As usual, your brother couldn’t shut up about the new cars he is about to tune, but luckily the ride was only about 40 minutes.
Your father was fascinated by Donna, the two of them got along quite well and even your mother seemed to approve of your choice this time. There have been a few women she wasn’t fond of, almost hated them and in retrospect, she was right about them. As it got darker outside, your father's guests said their goodbyes and left one by one until only the five of you were left at the table. „We’re gonna go to bed, it’s getting late and I’ve got work tomorrow,” your father declared and clapped his hands on both of his legs before getting up. „Yeah me too,” your brother said.
„Wanna sit in front of the fireplace for a while?” you asked as all of them were gone. „Absolutely.” „Thanks for coming, I was afraid you wouldn’t like my family because of how crazy they are sometimes,” you whispered when you draped a blanket over the both of you. „They’re all lovely people, I’m happy they don’t seem to hate me,” Donna joked. „They don’t, they love you but maybe not as much as I do,” you sweet-talked. Her finger booped your nose before she planted a quick kiss on your forehead. „Can I hold your hand?” she quietly asked. You nodded, feeling her soft palms against yours was enough to make you feel safe. While you sat there watching the fire die out, the grip around Donna got tighter, fearing she’d be gone as soon as the sun rises. But she wasn’t, she was still there in the morning and the morning after and so on. You were happy with her, happier than you would’ve imagined.
* used a poem from atticus
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sparkledfirecracker · 3 years
Wrong Encounter
Synth’s 5K Follower Challenge / How it started – How’s it going?
@syntheticavenger , Congrats on reaching 5K and thank you for hosting this magnificent celebratory challenge.
Title: Wrong Encounter
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Female Reader
Challenge: Any character but arguing over being charged for something you didn’t order at a restaurant and the owner comes to assist.
Warning: 18+ only, dark content, explicit language, explicit sexual content, vaginal play/teasing?, sex/human trafficking?, sexwork, forced prostitution, forced sexwork, smut, unprotected sex, NonCon
A/N: I can’t say this enough; Synth thank you for inspiring me to write again!  I could have gone any direction yet this came out and fought me along the way, so I whipped out the old skool pen and paper. Maybe a little too save on the warnings, but at least they’re there. Don’t think it is dark enough, so enjoy this masterpiece of crappiness, because editing is not making it any better with this beer I’m consuming. Also as a non-native tongue here, so ALL mistakes are my own. Only lightly proofread, so don’t come for me.
Pictures for moodboard inspo found on pinterest, so all the credit goes to the respectful owners. The quote inspired the final part to this.
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How it started
The red ambiance of the room mixed well with the black shining floor and hanging chandeliers, it was slick and well set up. Looking around the room had you wondering what the parties must be like at night. A colleague had recommended this new place – an exquisite night – as they had described it. Yours ending miserably having a disagreement with your waiter.
The waiter had a way of pissing you off tonight and irritation was clearly bubbling “I’ve only had the steak with sides and a fucking bottle of rose, not the entire fish tank and three bottles of your most expensive champagne” your white knuckles balling around his collar as you practically screamed in his face.
 “There was another table that said you would pay for them.” It sounded like a plea of trying to settle the rage that was coursing through your body.
 “OUTRAGEOUS -- you don’t fact check with your customers?” You seethed “Listen up you little shit. I want to speak to your manager” throwing him out of your grasp, making him stumble backwards bumping into someone.
 “He’s already here and you have his undivided attention” your waiter stands in front of the large man awkwardly “Get back to work Jensen, I’ll deal with this fiery kitten” he nods and practically runs off.
 Annoyance rising at his degrading comment. “Perfect, an insult to go with the wrongly charges to my bill”
 “Ma’am please calm down, I’m sure there’s a way to resolve this mishap” his stance intimidates you
 Your eyes wandered to his silver nametag “Why should I calm down, mister Drysdale? Or should I say, entitled prick?” there was pride in your comeback, no-one should ever call you a fiery little kitten.
 “Ma’am, Ransom, please and watch your mouth, because we have places for woman like you.” It almost sounds like a threat and you’re willing to fight him on it.
 He’s a dark enigma, you can feel it radiate from his body. You’re too caught in taking in his enchanting features and wonder what kind of sorcery this man is using on you to make you feel so small.
 “Why don’t we settle this in my office” A charming smile thrown your way, but you’re too caught up in observing the blue-eyed man in front of you “Ma’am?”
 “Sorry, yeah, the idiot waiting on me charged more to my bill than I even consumed.” You explained without him asking for any of it.
 “Unfortunate, but it happens, please follow me to my office so we can resolve this. Can I offer you a coffee or something else for the inconvenience?”
 “No – No, your waiter overcharged me. No need to sit down somewhere private for this idiotic mishap” words falling firmly from your tongue “Just fix my bill so I can be on my way and never come back.”
 “Please, let us sort this out, if you just come with me to my office -- we can talk this over” His calming persistence had you hooked and you took a deep breath in.
 “Great, thank you – Jensen, we’ll be in my office, don’t fuck up more than you already have” You roll your eyes at the barked order, he felt superior to his employees.
 You had followed him into his office, the golden name plate beaming on the door. The dark aesthetic of his office fitted well with the ambiance he’d created in his restaurant and nightclub, it felt luxurious and exclusive, sprinkled with a bit of mystery.
 Ransom stood by his bar cart filled with expensive liquors while your eyes lingered on the well-stocked bookshelves. Ransom Drysdale didn’t look like much of a reader to you.
 “My grandfathers, well most of it anyway, he’s a writer and owns Blood Like Wine Publishing” Ransom explained looking at your admiring gaze. You look back at him noticing his motioning gesture to the chairs “Please sit, can I offer you a drink?”
 “No thank you” shaking your head at his offer, he poured his poison of choice, even though you had refused he handed you a glass. It would be rude to decline again, you accepted the tumbler letting your fingers trace the outlines of the crystal glass in your hand.
 “I won’t keep you for long. What happened?”
 “Tonight I celebrated my promotion and a colleague recommended this place. To find out that – Jensen, I believe his name is – added the entire fish menu and three bottles of your exclusive champagne to my bill. Only to justify it with -- the other customers told me that you would pay for them – kinda bullshit” anger returning you gulped down the strong spirit.
 “I apologize for the experience. How about we forget this night? I want you to come back somewhere next week. Let us wine and dine you, give you the experience you deserved to have had tonight.” He took a sip from his own glass looking at you with darkened yet hopeful eyes.
 It had been a tempting offer, was it going to be worth your time or would you be left disappointed again? “You know what, fine. I’ll be here next week, same time, same day.”
 How’s it going?
One week later
Everything in you had screamed not to continue the night in Ransom’s office. Yet here you we, having had that hard liquor burning down your throat. He’d explained how you owed him now and that his interest in your aggression -- a week prior -- had sparked his desire. There was no going back, there was no way out.
 Ransom’s looking forward to what is to come. For now, he’s cherishing this moment, he loves the switch being pulled, when the terror fills your eyes and start to physically fight him. They always did and he knows you will too, within the soundproof walls screaming when there is still fight left.
 Your mind still trying to comprehend his plans for you. You weren’t sure what to say, instead you settled on staring back at him. Your optic view taking in his well-build frame. You licked your lips unknowingly when he flexed his pecks under the crisp white button down. Your body betraying you by your crossed legs clenching together.
 “Like what you see, precious?” your wandering gaze shot up to meet his eyes, your cheeks blushed as you got caught in the act “-I am certainly liking what I’m seeing”
 “Don’t flatter yourself, Mister Drysdale” you roll your eyes, leaning forward to set the empty tumbler on his desk. He’d taken a step sideways having his crotch right in your face. “Is this really how you want to settle this?”
 “Ransom, I insist -- and funny you should ask.” He looks amused by your question “This is exactly how we’re going to finish this extravaganza I offered you”
 He was on you before you could even make a comeback. His strong arms had lifted you from the chair, kissing you roughly. A strong – almost painful – hold on your neck, other on your hip pushing you into him feeling his stiff shaft probing against your lower belly.
 You felt the shame rising as you let out a moan. His free hand hiking up your skirt, ripping your panties with his calloused hands. The sound snapped you back to reality of what was happening. You tried to push him off, but struggled in his strong grasp. Grabbing his wrist digging your nails in into his flesh.
 “You evil spawn.” He roared crushing the grip on your neck, making you squirm “I was going to make this a pleasant thing, but now I’ll take what’s mine.”
 “Rail me daddy.” You taunted, you knew you shouldn’t, but there was nothing left to loose.
 “That mouth on you little minx. Not one to deny requests though, so the pleasure will be all mine -- Until.That.Cunt.Is.All.Fucked.Out.” with each word spoken he had rubbed himself on you, the heat in your pussy rising unwillingly.
 “I just didn’t know you were running a brothel.”
 “This is not a brothel, there are no prostitutes at this address. Just woman with disrespecting mouths like yours solicited for exclusive places like mine” Ransom muses “Because you’re staying right here – with me” He forces your neck to bend uncomfortably forcing you to look into his darkened orbs.
 Trying to fight him, but failed under his strength. Your body surrendering to his brutal force pressing you into the mahogany wood. The chime of his belt and zip being undone echoing through the room.
 “Don’t please.” You begged trying to get out of this horrible nightmare. A wrong encounter because of being wrongly charged for items you didn’t consume.
 “Let’s play a little game first; if those panties aren’t drenched - I’ll let you go” Keening at the cool air hitting your clit when Ransom’s hands opened your wet lips. “But – if that sweet little honey pot of yours is soaked for me, I’ll fuck you open with just my cock and you’ll stay right here -- forever.”
 “No.” you protested.
 His whispered confession only proved his twisted game. “I think you and I both know what it will be.” His fingers played with your clit and prodded your entrance. A soft wail escaped at his given attention. “I think you’ll be a nice addition to my selection of ladies.” Ransom couldn’t help but smirk at your powerless expression. His confession only added to the unwavering pain of realization that you were stuck in this newfound imprisonment.
 Thumbs pressing into your ass, his other fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He slams into your fluttering cunt, the air leaving your body from his unforgiving pace. You scream loudly at the unwanted pleasure.
 You’re fully trapped underneath Ransom’s body, impaling you from behind continuously. “Scream for me!” It’s an order you won’t obey and you squeak when he balls your hair in his fist “Fierce little minxes like yourself are made for places like mine” Ransom growls into your ear. “Let me hear those gorgeous sounds, precious. Scream while you still can before it vanishes. No-one can hear you, scream for ME.”
 Ransom’s arm finds its way around your neck jerking you into his toned chest, your hips being bruised from the impact of the wood. Your hands grip his arm trying to loosen the chokehold, fighting for air into your lungs only to have it escape with every rut inwards. His free hand rubbing circles on your pulsating bead, his pleasured grunts making your stomach churn.
 Pleasure taken from your - desperate, powerless and giving - body in his arms. He ravishes your body, like you’re his personal favourite fucktoy. Your legs start to tremble and your orgasm builds rapidly under the abuse, little whimpers escaping you. Tears streaming down your cheeks at the realisation of being solicited for a brothel.
 Only seconds later your body surrendered to the fire within you, screaming out to Ransom while your body shook heavily in his hold. His arms let you go, your quivering body dropping on the desk, panting from the intense build orgasm. The lost air stings with every inhale, you’re too tired to fight him.
 Ransom sat down in his leather chair and picked up the phone. You tried to look away from him, but he is fast to grab your hair and keep the intense stare. Ransom’s pride beams, he’s a heartless beast. He’s always gotten what he wanted and you’re just a new addition to his elite gentlemen’s club.
 “Barber? Yes! She’s definitely the one. How I know? She’s fucked out on my desk, tight little cunt on her. Perfect for the job, draw up the contract will you” A snarled order followed by a darkened smile and filthy wink thrown your way. “Her mouth looks exquisite; I’ll make sure to reserve it for your cock. So she can suck it as a thank you!”
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