#let em be groovy
galaxy-bri · 5 months
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sets this down
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pluto-sims · 1 year
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Groovy - A Wallpaper
breaking news! eli uploads more wallpaper! ground-breaking! unprecedented! listen sometimes you just get an urge to make some mid mod wallpaper, blink, and suddenly have 32 swatches. what can i say! It's simple, but I had a lot of fun doing all the colour variations, and hopefully some of you will like 'em too!
@maxismatchccworld @emilyccfinds @mmfinds @mmoutfitters
details and download under the cut >:)
BGC Wallpaper
All three wall heights
16 different colour variations, each with white and brown panelling options for a total of 32 swatches
Custom thumbnail, correct colour tags
aaaaaaaaand thats it lmao. i KNOW its super basic but honestly i really enjoyed it ashgfds, i always forget how much i like making wallpapers until i do it again and am like, oh shit this slaps. so i might do some more 60s-ish patterned wallpapers in these colour palettes :O
And ofc thank you to all the creators of the cc items used in the preview pics! If anyone has any wcif pls don't be afraid to ask!
anyway, as always, please let me know if there's any issues at all, and if not, i hope you enjoy!
Download: curseforge / patreon (both 100% free to everyone, always.)
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mysteryshoptls · 1 month
SSR Leona Kingscholar - Club Wear Voice Lines
Club Wear Leona does not have a vignette.
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When Summoned: Do as I say and I'll give you your just reward: A little thing I know you all love called victory.
Summon Line: 'Kay then, let's get this match started already. Y'know, and be all "sportsmanship-like".
Groooovy!!: There's no such thing as a miraculous win. The strongest, smartest team comes out on top... That's all it is.
Home: Guess I'll go an make light work of 'em.
Home Idle 1: Ruggie's always finding ways to slack off during practice, but he actually does okay during matches. But that's 'cause he just really wants to win.
Home Idle 2: Booing? Wrong, that's just more cheering. It's great hearing all those noisy people shriek just 'cause they're scared by how strong we are.
Home Idle 3: Epel's got the drive and spirit. Sure, he's got potential, 'cept he's just not that good at remembering the more complicated strategies... Geez.
Home Idle - Login: There's a lot to learn even from losing a match...? What fanciful crud. Results are what matter. There's no point in not winning.
Home Idle - Groovy: You can watch if you want, but... I ain't gonna listen to any complaining if you get hit by a disc or some stray magic bolt.
Home Tap 1: Flying ain't hard at all. All 'cause some fussy hoity-toity chamberlain forced onto me everything he knew.
Home Tap 2: Magical Shift is a sport that requires a ton of strategic thinking. Sometimes tactics need to be switched up on the fly based on the current state of the game... And coming up with those maneuvers are what makes this fun.
Home Tap 3: Only the team captain wears this longer-style jacket. Makes it easier for everyone to know who the boss is, don't it?
Home Tap 4: My brother considers Magical Shift to just be a national pastime. Even though I think it'd make a great resource for tourism if we could put together an elite team for the world league.
Home Tap 5: Shouldn't I go watch the team practice? Listen, our regimen prizes each team member's initiative for self-improvement above all else. Yaaaaawn...
Home Tap - Groovy: Don't bother cheering during the game. It'd be better if you could just keep a tight hold on Grim. He's an eyesore, always jumping around.
Duo: [LEONA]: Epel, just do what I tell you. [EPEL]: Leave it all to me, Leona-san!
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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boopshoops · 18 hours
I've... never really ever been to somethin' as fancy as this before. Oh? You want to dance? ...Pfff, sure. Why not?
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Set to home screen: Aight, let's get going.
Home Transition 1: You should've seen how excited Neige was to see Vil here too. But the more I hear about Vil... really makes me wish Neige would take the hint. Don't get me wrong, Neige is sweet as candy, I know, but it's obvious Vil needs some space.
Home Transition 2: I feel like if I make one wrong step, people are gonna look at me like I'm crazy or something. I'm not used to all this etiquette. Welp, not like that's anything new anyway. Let's go have some fun.
Home Transition 3: Yuu's been... huh? Haaa, I swear to Sevens, one moment I think she's missing forever and at the next she's doing whatever the fuck she wants. Just get that cat-thing to distract her for a bit, I'll be over soon enough.
Home Transition 4: If I see one more pinch of glitter getting anywhere near my face, it's on sight. Seriously, I'm gonna be finding this shit everywhere for the rest of my life.
Home, after login: The more time I spent trying to get this whole outfit sorted out, the more I felt conflicted about RSA being invited to this party... but now that I'm here, it's not so bad.
Tap Home 1: I kept having to try on all these uncomfortable dresses before we FINALLY landed on something that suited me. Pants are so much more comfortable anyway. "Who's we?" Ah. Yuu and Neige helped me out a bit.
Tap Home 2: ...Pfff, I've watched Chenya sneak up on like, five different people now. It gets funnier every time. What a dork. That short red head looks so mad-
Tap Home 3: I...uh... think I might've saw someone crying when I came in. Should I... tell someone? I feel bad just leaving 'em be.
Tap Home 4: Hey, look, if you think you're struggling with dancing along, you can come stand on my feet. I know how to lead with this kinda thing... I mean, if you wanna. Not that you're doing bad, I- fuck. You know what I mean.
Tap Home 5: ...You've been hiding under my cape for a good while now. I know it's all shiny and big and whatnot. But do you need something? I'm sure there are other places you could go. Oh? Nah. You're not botherin' me. I just thought you might be getting bored.
Groovification: Hahaha! You shoulda seen their faces when I finally started dancing. Let's out-prince these princes....... man that sounded cheesy. Pfff-
Tap Home Groovy: Whew... I think I'm gonna take a break outside for a bit. Maybe explore NRC campus while I have the chance. Crowley always gets on my case when I sneak in here with the cat boy.
Home Transition Groovy: Ya know, I'd be down to do something like this again. Maybe with more casual clothes, but still. I liked seeing all the shocked looks on peoples faces when they see I actually know how to work this kinda look.
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Art tags!!! 🫂💕
@thehollowwriter @skriblee-ksk @distant-velleity @justm3di0cr3 @kitwasnothere
@lowcallyfruity @techno-danger @scint1llat3 @cecilebutcher
The lovely fan event is by @starry-night-rose !!! 💕
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silverskye13 · 2 months
wait silver if renbob visits hels has he met the red king? and if so are they disastrous or iconic together
"Deliiiiivery! :D" Renbob calls in a sing-song voice, holding a stack of boxes in his arms. "RK, where you at my brother?"
He stands in the empty loading dock at the back of the Colosseum, smiling expectantly at the vacant bay. He likes hels. It's warm, and the people are interesting. It could stand to be a little more colorful, but not all pretty places are colorful. Like the beach for example! It's mostly just yellow and blue and hot, and it's still pretty.
(That's perfect actually! Hels makes him think of the beach: hot and monocolor, but somehow still interesting once you get past all the sand. Hah! Imagine a beach in hels! It'd be like a sauna, all steam and rocks.)
"RK I know you can hear me," Renbob calls again. "I can't hold these boxes all day! Well I can, but I will get bored you know?"
There is a grumbling, growling sound that comes from everywhere, but mostly the back of his head. It starts as several whispered and snarled words, and slowly coalesces into a string of coherent thought, "I don't answer to the name RK here, lad."
"My bad, must've gotten you mixed up with someone," Renbob chuckles. "Do you want your delivery?"
"Loading bay?"
"They won't let me park the van anywhere else, my brother. Oh! Please bring your favorite sword, if you don't mind? :)"
There is a cacophony of barks and growls as Red's presence slips out of the back of Renbob's mind. He wonders if Red knows that's the sound his thoughts make: an angry pack of wolves. They aren't kind wolves. They whisper a lot of unkind things when they trail after Red's thoughts. He wonders if that's why Red is always so nice to people: he's keeping the wolves from the door, so to speak.
Red strides into the loading bay, one hand on the wall as a guide until it ends in the open room. He steps confidently even when the wall is gone. The iron crown, sunk down low over his eyes, either doesn't hinder his sight, or he's memorized enough of the Colosseum that it doesn't bother him anymore.
"What sound do my thoughts make :O ?" Renbob asks. Red, who'd been walking a little too far to the left of him, twitches his big, wolf-like ears and realigns his path, meeting Renbob where he stands in front of his camper van.
"What sound do ye... Thoughts make?"
"Yeah, do they make like, sound? I always figured you'd hear a pleasant background of guitar and ukulele music."
Red tilted his in an expression that probably meant he was raising his eyebrows. It was hard to tell with the crown in the way. "Ye thoughts sound like yer voice. Though there do be a slight... Birdsong type noise."
"Is it chillaxin?"
"Aye sure."
"Groovy! :D" Renbob laughed. "I'll take it then! And like, you can take these."
He passes the stack of boxes to Red, who struggles a bit with their weight.
"What all have ye brought for me lad?" Red grunts, giving up on holding them all and setting them down. "All I asked for were some of those hot chips, and ye lemon squares."
"Oh it's just some bits and bobs, mostly," Renbob hums brightly, counting on his fingers. "There's a shulker of emerald and lapis (you said you were looking for a new color to go with all the red? :V those are opposite on the color wheel might be a good place to start! :) ), a shulker of flowers for dyes (all labeled. Are you color blind? I can't remember. Anyway I labeled the dye colors they make ^_^), three boxes of lemon squares (for you and your hand and a box for your Colosseum buddies! I'm sure they'd love some :D), two bags of spicy chippies, and I got you two bolts of fabric (your cloak is getting so torn up :( you've gotta take better care of your stuff brother!). Oh, and there's a few diamonds in there I nicked from Ren. (He won't miss 'em I promise ;) )."
Red tilted his head to the side, "How...? In the world...?"
"Hmm? :)"
"How do ye make...? With your voice...? Ye know what, it be unimportant," Red chuckled, a growling noise that fractured on the edges, a hint of the wolf-thoughts that leaked into real life. "Alas lad, I did not know ye would bring so much, else I would have had payment ready for such finery."
"Oh perish the thought, RK!" Renbob grinned, waving a dismissive hand. "You know you don't have to pay me!"
"Er... Red."
"That's what I said. :3"
"I see, ye be jesting?"
"Jest so!"
"Ah," Red smirked and leaned against the tower of boxes. "Ye said ye visited Ren. How fares our little brother?"
"He's older than both of us Red!"
"Aye, but he also be shorter than both of us."
Renbob laughed, bright and hearty, and for a moment, sunshine flickered in the Colosseum. Flowers bloomed around Renbob's feet. "Right you are, brother! Though I think he might be taller than me if I took my platforms off."
"Aye, but I see no universe where ye be making that particular wardrobe choice."
"I dunno. I was thinking about going to the beach after this. Do you guys have beaches in hels?"
"Aye, if you fancy soul sand by the lava lake."
"Oh man, I haven't taken a good lava bath in awhile!"
"Ye do love those an uncanny amount."
"It's exfoliating!"
"Makes me smell like burning hair."
"Well, to like, really enjoy it you have to get past the-- wait! You asked me a question?"
"Our little brother."
"Right! Ren's doing well! Gave him a ride over to his new season with his boyfriend."
Red, who had found one of the boxes of lemon squares during the conversation, coughed out a bite of lemon. "Begging your pardon?"
"You know, those go down a lot better with milk. I think hels dries them out a little. :("
"Ren has a boyfriend?!"
"Oh! Yeah, mister Docm77," Renbob beamed. "I don't think they've made it like, Facebook official yet, but they sure were making a lot of plans together for next season!"
Red sighed out a breath of relief, holding a hand to his chest. "Ye be jesting again."
"Mostly. :)"
"Well, when this great Book of Faces writes their names side by side, ye let me know."
"Certainly!" Renbob crossed his arms behind his back. "Oh, hey, before I go, like, could I ask you a huge favor?"
"Aye, lad?"
"I need a sword. Gonna be hopping to some dangerous orbits soon I think, and like, I'm real peace love and plants and all, so I can't make my own. But I can accept a gift, if you catch my drift?"
"Ah, suddenly all the gifts make sense," Red hums. He reaches down to his sword belt and unbuckles it, passing it off to Renbob, sword, scabbard and all. "Must ye take my most precious one?"
"You know how I work, Red. Only gifts given with love," Renbob grinned. It was a little sharper than it needed to be. Red couldn't see all the teeth. But it was nice to smile wide sometimes. "I do really appreciate it, my brother."
"Of course." Red smiled back, also showing a few too many teeth. Renbob felt a swelling of fondness for Ren's helsmet.
(It really was nice to be with kin sometimes, the people you could really be yourself with. Red didn't think he was unsettling, or fae-like. Red didn't go making a big deal about how widely he smiled, or how much he changed when his whims stretched him around. Red didn't begrudge the odd little pacts and rules he had to follow.)
"Well I'll like, catch you on the flipside brother!" Renbob said cheerfully. "Don't die while I'm gone, ya dig? :)"
"Don't go being any stranger," Red returned, picking up a box to carry back to his rooms. He would need help carrying them all.
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hello! I really liked your character analysis, especially Hobie and the interactions with Diane (she´s very groovy and beautiful n.n) so, I wanted to ask you if you think Hobie could make good friends with someone with a symbiote and the symbiote itself, my spidersona (symbiotesona?) is one of those. I know there´s some story between Hobie and symbiotes in his universe but I couldn't find the comics where it is explained.
You're amazing and keep going!
Oh absolutely!
Especially for Hobie - He has a symbiote dog!
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Hobie is accepting of everyone (he's the best I love him) even symbiotes!!
In his universe, V.E.N.O.M was used in his universe as a weapon for President Osborn's police force - but I think Hobie would see the underlying greed and cruelty of the cops as the problem, and not the symbiote.
If anything I think he'd really respect your sona -
Cause that takes a lot of mental fortitude, and moral and strength in general so he'd be like 'That's fucking metal.'
If there's side effects, or conflict between your sona and the symbiote - I think he'd always want to help, and would like, speak to them as separate people lol
He knows that sharing the same body doesn't make them the same person, and that your sona was full person before the symbiote, so he would see them as a Duo - like two partners in crime.
He'd be really careful about his music playing and volume cause he wouldn't want to hurt your sona, so he would always give a heads-up.
Diane would be SO interested - and she'd probably have to think about SO MUCH, get prepared for a lot of questions!
Diane is pretty clever - but a little naive, so she'd be solidly in the 'All Aliens Come in Peace.' Star Trek started in 1966 - so Diane basically grew up with it around.
A symbiote is something alien, so it can't be murderous and evil - even if it eats people. It's not from here!! Don't be mean to them!!!
If your symbiote eats people, or needs meat, Diane would..honestly not be that freaked out. She'd have to think about it.
"So, Do you eat people on your planet?"
"Well, I guess that's not too bad. I mean..some people have a pet pig, some people eat pig, some do both. So it's like..the same, right? Not that you see humans as pets, you know -"
If humans can not snap and eat their pets and stuff, maybe this symbiote knows food from friends like them! If anything, Diane would be upset if people rushed to judge your sona OR the symbiote.
Her defense : "They didn't ask to come to this planet!" or Hobie's favorite -
"Why are you shaming them! They're not the only immoral ones. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism!!"
Hobie knows she is just repeating something she heard him say one time - and that is NOT what that phrase means, but he thinks its funny, so he lets her say it.
The three (four - actually) could have so much fun!
Hobie would probably get them hearing protectors so they can hang out backstage without getting hurt.
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And y'all can deck it out with cool stickers and punk marker graffiti!
And although beef and stuff probably doesn't compare, Diane would still try making stuff like beef tartare, koi soi, or other raw meat dishes, just to see if they like 'em!
She LOVES sushi, so sashimi is a must to try - She'd want everyone to feel included at the potluck - it's only right, nobody leaves hungry!!!!
[Also thank you so much for the sweet words!!! I know I take literally forever to go through my inbox (it takes me very very long and im gonna point at adhd) but these things really brighten my day and give me the inspiration to keep sharing. It means a lot, thank you!!]
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shimmerwindow · 3 months
I Never Really
Part Fifteen
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Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Alcohol use, smut (18+)
Sexual Content: Semi-public sex, fingering, cum eating <3, some weird sweat-related stuff idk i was super horny i hope you guys get it
Tag List: @jazzyfigz @dont-go-home-without-me @poochiesworld @stardustcatcher @83rkblogs @jaketsguitar @dannys-dream @gretavanfan @do-it-jakey-baby @gvfpal @ignite-my-fire @gardensgatekeeper @torniturntomyarrow
Playlist | Masterlist
When the morning sun filtered in through your window, you were awoken to immediate thoughts of Sam. Per usual, at this point. You took the morning slow, reminiscing on your dream as you made yourself a coffee. It was one you’d had before, of yourself braiding his hair and putting wild flowers in it, but this time it felt different. There was something so sweet and special about how, if you wanted to, you could do that exact thing right now. You pulled out your phone, greeted by a good morning! he'd already sent you an hour earlier.
morning :) you replied.
me and the guys are playing at a bar downtown next week, wanna go?
You didn’t even need to think twice about it.
i’d love to!!
That feeling washed over you again, the kind where you wanted to scream and kick your feet. And you actually did this time, burying your face in your pillow and letting out an excited wail. It was nearly embarrassing, how much of an effect he had on you. The way he could leave you a blushing mess even when he wasn’t anywhere near you.
Next week couldn’t come soon enough. Through the days between, you filled the time with idle work, trying to keep your hands busy and your mind occupied. On one of your nightly walks, you found yourself walking the route you’d been avoiding lately. The one past the old lot where you’d seen his car. It still stung a bit, but it was reduced to more of a dull ache than anything.
When the day finally came, you found yourself nervous in a strange way. It was a feeling you’d had before, though you couldn’t quite find the words for it. It was something like being a kid again, having a crush and no longer needing to hide it. You began the short walk over to the bar to meet him before the show started, shielding your eyes against the snow that seemed to always be falling these days.
You walked hesitantly into the bar, looking around at the rather large crowd of people gathered there. It seemed to be a full house, though the building was small. You always felt awkward in scenarios like this, and you could never get yourself to feel wholly welcome. Bars were not a place you frequented, and the environment intimidated you a bit at times. Thankfully, Sam was there to greet you as you sidled up to the bar for a drink. He called out your name, squeezing in beside you to wrap an arm around your shoulders in something like a hug.
“So you actually showed!” He shouted over the commotion.
“Of course I did,” you replied sheepishly. “I told you I’d be here.”
“Sorry. Didn’t mean to imply you’re a flake. Just didn’t think this was really your scene.”
“It’s not.” You paid for your drink, taking a tentative sip. “I’ll need a few of these before I’ll be having any fun.”
“Well, you’d better suck ‘em down quick. I’ll be up there in a few.”
You took a comically large gulp, filling your cheeks with your drink, to which Sam let out a hearty laugh. “Don’t choke to death. I’ll see you after the show.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, and wove his way through the crowd, disappearing through a hallway next to the bar.
You tried to make yourself as small as possible when they made their way onto the stage. It was interesting, seeing Sam in this mindset. He looked different, more focused, a thousand miles away yet rooted in the present. He held his bass a bit gingerly, not exactly the picture of confidence, a half-smile on his face and his eyes turned away when the patrons clapped and cheered.
When the music began, you were utterly captivated. The volume in the space was deafening, but you still strained to pick out every note Sam played. They sounded incredible together, like nothing else you’d heard before. It was a feeling you could not describe, like you’d been here a thousand times before in a thousand other lifetimes. Like your soul had waited for so long for this moment, where you stood watching Sam’s fingers fly across the strings, struck with the weight of the fact that he was yours. You had to force your body to dance along; your mind wanted you to stay rooted, motionless, watching.
Their set ended earlier than you’d expected, as the patrons started to filter out. Not a big enough crowd to warrant a longer show, it seemed. You waited patiently, sipping at whatever drink the bartender had concocted after clearly mishearing your request for a vodka cran, please. There was some commotion, and then a hand grabbed yours off of the bar.
It was Sam. He pulled at your wrist a bit, urging you to your feet. You dragged your gaze up from his shoes to his eyes, taking in every inch of him.
He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear. “Something you want?”
You hadn't even noticed it yourself, but you were aching for him. Your fingers found their way to his shoulder, your nails scratching along his scalp as you ran a hand through his hair. Watching him had felt so intimate, that feeling of him being yours rushing over you in waves, sending jolts straight down your spine. You wondered if any of the other girls in the bar looked at him the way you did, if they dreamed of having him the way you had him. It drove you a bit crazy, in the best way, to ponder it.
"You," you replied. "I want you."
You barely had time to grab your coat as he was dragging you away, down a hallway it didn’t look like you were supposed to be in. He opened an unmarked door, threw you inside, and quickly locked it behind him. From the singular glimpse of it you managed to get before the room was enveloped in darkness, it was a bathroom.
“Need you. Now. Can I?”
Just a few words and he already had you dripping, clenching around nothing for him. He had you pinned up against the back of the door, his hand still in yours, braced above your head.
“Yes, please, but–”
He didn’t even give you a chance to finish your sentence before his lips were on yours.
“Sammy, you gasped. “It’s dark, let me see you–”
Without pausing, you heard his hand fumble in the dark for the lights, flipping the switch to bathe the room in harsh fluorescent light. You put your hands on his shoulders, pushing him back a bit, needing a moment of silence to take him in.
“Fuck,” he breathed. “You look so good.”
“I was gonna say the same about you.”
He was coated with a sheen of sweat, little droplets having made lines along his cheeks and his neck. His skin was flushed, a thing you rarely saw. His fingers plunged beneath the hem of your pants, immediately drawing rough circles against your clit.
You let out a shocked yelp, to which he quickly covered your mouth. “Quiet.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled out, the sound muffled against his palm.
“Unless you want the whole bar to hear you,” he said, his voice low and gravelly in your ear. He was unforgiving, almost rough, as he sunk a finger into you. But You grabbed at his shoulders, fighting not to make a sound.
“How’s that feel?” He growled, burying his face in your neck and leaving gentle bites across your skin.
“Really– fuck, really good.”
He moved quick, much rougher than the last time, like he couldn’t wait. And you supposed the both of you really didn’t have time for being delicate. Any second, a fellow bar patron could come knocking at the door.
He had you worked up quickly, already teetering on the edge of an orgasm when he withdrew his hand. “Get these off,” he ordered, snapping the hem of your pants against your waist.
You complied, both of you a flurry of hands and fabric as he shoved his pants down just far enough to pull his cock out. It was just as stunning as the first time, you noticed, staring at him. Even in the midst of your hurried movements, you paused for a moment to drink him in.
But the moment passed, and he was lifting you by your waist onto the tiny countertop next to the sink. You hissed at the feeling of the cold plastic on your bare thighs, the rough edge digging into your sensitive skin. You barely felt it, though, the feeling soon replaced by the sensation of him dragging his cock over your folds.
“Ready?” He asked, barely waiting for an answer before he sunk the tip in.
You nodded, bracing yourself for the challenge of taking him in complete silence. You failed almost instantly, when he shoved himself against you, burying into you right to the base. This angle was different, deeper. A moan tore itself out of your chest, embarrassingly loud.
“Baby,” he laughed, just above a whisper. “Quiet.”
“Sorry,” you hissed, flinging your arms around his neck. You had to sink your teeth into his shoulder when he started up a rhythm, completely unable to contain the groans he was so skilled at pulling from you.
“Is that good?” He asked, his breathing picking up to the pace of quick panting in your ear. “Is that what my baby needed?”
My baby. “Exactly what I needed, yes, thank you, Sammy.” The words fell from your lips with no filter, you were focusing too hard on being quiet to put any energy into being demure.
He pulled away from you a bit and cradled the side of your face with his palm, running his thumb over your lips. Almost involuntarily, you sucked it into your mouth, raking your teeth over his skin.
He breathed out a fuck, his hips picking up a bit of speed, and replaced his thumb with two fingers. He ran his fingers over your teeth, and you had to fight like hell to keep a moan from rising out of your throat. His fingers tasted salty from sweat, and a bit metallic, from plucking away at his bass.
You watched the thin trail of saliva chase his fingers when he pulled them from your mouth. It was quick, and dirty, and rough. But there was still such love and care even behind the brutal snap of his hips, in the way he lifted the bottoms of your thighs a bit to make you a little more comfortable. And the way he rested his forehead against yours, so you could still hear every little sound that came from him.
What you were doing here, it was so wrong. You’d never been the type to do anything of the sort. But there was such a thrill behind it, the way you kept glancing at the door to make sure the lock was still latched, the way you both listened closely to pick out any sounds of discovery of your debauchery outside the door.
You were losing yourself in him, slowly losing your ability to be rational. You threw yourself at him, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist and pulling him closer by his neck. His skin was still coated in a sheen of sweat, the scent of it driving you some kind of insane. You couldn’t stop yourself – your tongue darted out, licking against the side of his neck. It was filthy, but so unbearably intoxicating, and the taste of the salt on his skin was, to your own surprise, delicious.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he whispered, pulling away a bit. “Don’t. I’m all sweaty.”
“I know.” You latched your teeth onto his neck, sucking at him until you were certain a bruise would be left there. “Tastes good.”
“Oh?” His hips faltered a bit, and from the way he was digging his fingers into your thighs hard enough to bruise, you knew he was getting close. “Didn’t know you were so filthy.”
“Me neither,” you giggled, each laugh making you squeeze around him a bit harder.
He dropped a hand between your bodies, making quick circles around your clit. You’d already been closer to your peak than you thought, the extra contact rushing you there at a speed that made it incredibly hard to stay quiet.
“You want it inside?” He asked, his voice a bit too loud.
You nodded against the crook of his neck, holding on to him for dear life, your still-healing hand throbbing in response to how hard you gripped at his shirt.
“You first,” he hissed, circling his fingers a bit quicker, positioned just right to leave you a gasping mess. It only took a moment before you were clamping down on him, biting into his shoulder to quiet the moans that rattled from your chest. It was like fire sweeping through you, a burning heat that radiated out from your core to the edges of your body. You shook, trembling in his arms with the force of it, and your attempts to stay silent.
You could feel him twitching in you, his movements slowing to quick, deep snaps of his hips that made you feel breathless. You felt impossibly full, your eyes fluttering closed as he let out small groans through gritted teeth. Everything slowed to a stop, the sounds of music and chatter outside the door beginning to register to your ears once again.
"Fuck,” he breathed against your ear. “That was good.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
He lifted you just slightly, slipping out of you, one of his hands darting under you to catch the combination of your mutual releases that trickled out of you. Your fingers dug into his shoulders a bit harder when he ran a hand through your folds, coating his fingers.
You barely had time to register what he was doing as two fingers slipped into your mouth. “Don’t we taste good, my love?” He tilted his head a bit, watching the way you greedily licked his fingers clean. Somehow, it tasted incredibly good to you. Through the slight bitterness, you could once again taste the metallic tang of his fingers.
“I need to get back out there.” He pulled back a bit, resting his forehead against yours. “They’re probably wondering where I went.”
The two of you hastily pulled yourselves together, gazing at your reflections in the mirror and trying to make yourselves look slightly less disheveled. You caught his eye in the mirror, admiring the slight grin stuck on his face. He was so utterly perfect.
You managed to slip out of the bathroom unnoticed, going about the rest of the night as if nothing had happened. Though the slick feeling between your thighs was a constant reminder of your debauchery. Drinks were shared, the boys and you sharing a toast to a performance well-done. As the patrons began to leave, so did you, giving Sam a discreet kiss as you said your goodbyes.
You didn't notice Jake’s eyes burning a hole in the back of your head as you walked back to your dorm. And you certainly hadn’t noticed him running his gaze over you as you'd walked out of the bathroom, hand in hand with Sam earlier. If you’d have known, you would be mortified. Though the remainder of your night was filled with dreamless sleep and blissful ignorance.
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chimachapterbooks · 2 months
A Web of Wood
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“This place is crazy," said Gorzan as the group walked down a shadowy jungle path. "I've never seen plants like this before."
"Well, it gives me the creeps," said Worriz. "In case you didn't notice, we're boxed in on every side. We couldn't get off this road if we wanted to."
Worriz was right. Thick tangles of vines surrounded the warriors with broad leaves and dozens of long, sharp thorns on each strand.
The only one who seemed to be enjoying this part of the journey was Rogon's Rhinoceros Legend Beast. He happily trudged along, sniffing leaves as they went.
The friends had saved the Rhinoceros Legend Beast from the Outland Tribes a few days before. Now, the Beast was joining them on their journey. As the heroes continued through the jungle, the great Rhino discovered that the green leaves on the vines tasted really good. So he kept lagging behind to munch on them.
Suddenly, Eris swooped down from above. She had been scouting the path ahead for danger. "Oh, Laval, we've got trouble!" she called.
"What now?" groaned Cragger. "Bats? Scorpions? Pits of flame? Toxic mud creatures forty feet high?"
"I think you have to see it to believe it," said Eris. "Go around the bend. You can't miss it."
Laval and the group did as she said. When they rounded the corner, they stopped and stared. A few of them rubbed their eyes to make sure they weren't seeing things.
Looming in front of them was an enormous Spider Web unlike anything they had ever seen. It was as wide as the jungle path and rose at least sixty feet into the air. But it wasn't made out of Spider silk-it was made out of wood!
The Spiders had meticulously constructed the towering web out of thick tree trunks, locking them together to form an impassable blockade.
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"It's a barrier," said Laval, "and I'm not sure how we can get through it."
"Why go through when we can go over?" asked Razar.
"He's right," said Eris. "Razar and I can fly above it. Maybe together we can carry the rest of you, one by one." Laval took a few steps back and peered up at the web.
Yes, it wasn't so high that the Eagle and Raven couldn't make it over. The top part did look kind of strange, though.
In the upper sections of the web, there were rows and rows of smaller tree limbs with sharpened ends. All of them were lined up so that their points faced the sky.
"What do you think, Worriz?" asked Laval.
The Wolf frowned. He didn't know much about Spiders or their webs, but he did know a lot about traps. This thing gave him a bad feeling.
"I think it can't be that easy," Worriz replied. "But if those two want to try it, let 'em. I don't have any better ideas."
Laval looked at Eris and nodded once. She immediately shot up into the sky, soaring toward the top of the web.
Just as she started to pass over it, one of the sharpened tree limbs shot out at her! Eris screeched in surprise and just barely managed to dodge it.
A second one grazed her wing and almost knocked her out of the sky. Shaken, she flew back to the ground.
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"Wow," Eris said, shaking her head. "That thing is dangerous!"
Bladvic the Bear opened his sleepy eyes. "Knock it down," he said through a yawn.
"Right, and how do we do that without bringing it down on our heads?" asked Laval.
But the Bear had fallen back to sleep again. Laval didn't bother to wake him. The answer was obvious:
There was no way to bring the web down without risking everyone being crushed. Even trying to carefully take it apart would be risky-one wrong move and the whole thing could crash to the ground.
"Maybe we could dig a tunnel and go underneath it?" suggested Eris.
"It would have to be an awfully huge tunnel," said Cragger. "Rogon's Legend Beast isn't exactly slim... and with the way he's eating those leaves, he's just going to get bigger."
"How about climbing it?" asked Gorzan. "I could go first, since I'm the best climber. Might be a groovy experience."
"Or your last," said Worriz. "What we need is someone who knows all about Spiders and their webs."
"Ha! The thing is simplicity itself!"
Everybody turned around at once. The words had come from Rogon. His whole expression had changed from dull and friendly to confident and brilliant. His eyes gleamed and his mouth curled into a knowing smile.
"Oh, here we go again," sighed Worriz.
Ever since they had freed Rogon's Legend Beast, something odd had been happening. Whenever the Legend Beast got close to Rogon, the young Rhino suddenly went from not too bright to incredibly smart.
But if the Legend Beast wandered away, Rogon would go back to his old self.
"Hey, if he has an idea, I want to hear it," said Laval,
"An idea?" said Rogon. "Why, it's so easy a calf could figure it out."
"Great," said Worriz. "Let's find a calf and ask him, then."
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"No, let's give him a chance," said Laval. "Rogon, do you know a way to take the web apart?"
"Naturally," said Rogon. "You can take it apart quite easily... from the other side."
"Well, that's a lot of help," grumbled Worriz. "Got any more good news?"
Rogon chuckled. "Oh, my Wolfish friend, how amusing.
The answer to our problem is obvious to anyone who understands Spider methods of construction. It's all about safe strands, you see."
"Safe strands?" asked Cragger. "What are those?"
Rogon looked over his shoulder, then back at the Crocodile. "Um, I don't know. Is this a test? I didn't know we were having a test today."
"The Legend Beast wandered away again," growled Laval. "Somebody go get him back."
"I'll go," said Worriz.
The Wolf ran off. Most of the leaves near where the team was standing had been eaten, so Worriz guessed the Legend Beast had gone back down the path looking for any he had missed. Sure enough, that was where he found the great creature. It only took a little gentle persuasion to get him heading in the right direction.
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Once the Legend Beast was back with the group, Rogon's manner abruptly changed.
"Now, where was I? Oh, yes, safe strands ... When a Spider builds a web, he can't very well make it so that he himself will get stuck when walking on it, right?"
"That makes sense," agreed Laval.
"So, some strands are not sticky," explained Rogon. "They are safe for the Spider to walk on."
"Hey, I see it now," said Gorzan. "There must be some pieces of that web that are safe for us to climb on. Those are the ones the Spiders used when they were building it. If we can figure out which ones they are, we can make it through."
"What about the Legend Beast?" asked Eris. "He can't climb."
"Never fear, my avian ally," said Rogon. "I have ideas about that, too. But first..."
Rogon stood very still and stared at the web for a few minutes. Then he nodded. "Yes. Oh, how interesting, a fine piece of work indeed. There is a precise mathematical pattern to the placement of the pieces. Using that knowledge, I can safely chart our course through the web. Follow me!"
One by one, the travelers started to climb up the giant wooden structure. Rogon patiently led them, moving carefully from tree trunk to tree trunk. Everyone had been warned to do exactly what he did.
“A single misstep," Rogon reminded them, "and we will end up at the bottom of a very large woodpile."
They had made it about halfway through the web when Rogon stopped. "Hmmmm," he said.
"Hmmmm, what?" asked Laval. "Is that a good hmmmm or a bad hmmmm?"
"The pattern has been altered," said Rogon. "They changed something ... let me see ... oh, yes, I see it now, it's ... it's.."
"What?" Laval asked loudly.
"Wow, it's cool up here," Rogon answered. "But how do we get down?"
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Laval slapped a hand to his forehead. Cragger would have beaten his head against one of the tree trunks if he knew which ones were safe. Instead, Laval said, "Worriz. Legend Beast. Now."
Grumbling, the Wolf retraced his path and went to find the Legend Beast. Meanwhile, the wait had made Bladvic doze off again. His head started to droop, and he slumped against one of the pieces of the web. Eris spotted what was happening and lunged at him, struggling to lift his head off the tree trunk.
"He hit the wrong piece!" she shouted as the others nearby helped her prop up the Bear.
But it was too late. The web was already starting to teeter. High above, pieces were rocking with enough force to disconnect from one another.
"Let's go!" said Cragger. "What difference does it make how we get over now as long as we make it over?"
"Wait, there's still a chance, if Worriz brings back the Legend Beast," said Laval. "Hang on!"
They could see Worriz in the distance. But the huge Rhino behind him kept stopping to snack on the few leaves he could spot. Worriz looked back in frustration.
Too bad that web doesn't have leaves, the Wolf thought. Hey, wait a minute...
Moving as fast as he could, Worriz raced back and forth down the trail, gathering as many leaves as he could.
Once he had a large armful, he ran back toward the web.
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The Legend Beast picked up the scent of his new favorite food and followed.
By the time Worriz reached the web the Legend Beast was close enough for Rogon to become smart again.
"Drop the leaves and get up here," Razar yelled.
"He'll eat them all in a couple of seconds and wander off again," Worriz replied. "We need to keep him close to Rogon."
Arms full of leaves, Worriz somehow managed to climb back up to where he had been. Fortunately, being a Wolf, his nose was sensitive enough to follow the scent of his companions across the right pieces of the web.
"See? It's working!" said Worriz. "He's not wandering away!"
"Indeed," said Rogon. "But it is perhaps too successful of a plan. Look!"
Worriz glanced down. The hungry Legend Beast really wanted the leaves Worriz was carrying and was trying to climb the web himself!
"Go! Go! Go!" Laval yelled at Rogon.
Rogon climbed as fast as he could, his amazing brain able to spot every change in the pattern that the Spiders had built into the web. The others raced along behind him, being careful to step where he stepped even as the web shook all around them.
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"Success!" yelled Rogon as he made it safely over to the other side of the web. He climbed down about halfway and then jumped toward the ground, rolling for a long way before coming to a stop. Laval and the rest followed after him, but there was no time to celebrate.
The web was still in danger of collapsing on the Legend Beast.
"Rogon," said Laval, "we need to take this thing down! Can you do it?"
The Rhino nodded and said, "Yes, I see the key. There had to be a way the Spiders could dismantle this, and what they can do, we can do! But we'd better do it fast."
"I know!" cried Laval as one of the tree limbs tumbled off the web, crashing beside him. "Tell us what to do!"
Rogon explained, "Our resident masters of aviation must help us disassemble the ingenious contraption from an elevated level while we un-winged companions assist from our terrestrial positions."
The others looked at him in complete confusion.
"What?!" they cried together.
Rogon smiled. "The spikes at the top only point the other way. They are no longer a threat to our winged allies. Eris and Razar must fly up and drop us the logs one by one."
Quickly, the Eagle and Raven shot up into the sky. But on the other side, the Rhino Legend Beast was becoming very frustrated that he couldn't get to the leaves Worriz was holding. He started to grunt and snort, nudging at the web with his giant horn. The entire web teetered.
"He's going to collapse itl" cried Laval.
Razar called down to Worriz. "My friend, you must keep the Beast distracted while we do our part, or we are all doomed."
"He's right!" exclaimed Eris. "Worriz, run back and forth so the Legend Beast chases after you instead of trying to break through the web. That will give us time to take it apart."
"You want me to do what?" exclaimed Worriz. "Uggh. Fine. But just watch where you're dropping those logs. Remember, I'm the only thing keeping that Beast from bringing down the whole web on top of us all."
Grumbling loudly, Worriz began running back and forth on his side of the web. He held out the leaves in plain sight for the Legend Beast to see.
The plan worked. The Legend Beast chased after him to the right edge of the web ... then to the left... then back again. The ground trembled with its thundering footsteps. But at least it wasn't trying to collapse the web.
Swiftly, Razar and Eris dismantled the tottering contraption piece by piece from the top. Each time they pulled off a new log they would drop it down to their friends below. They followed Rogon's instructions exactly on which pieces to pull out next.
Soon, the heroes were surrounded by piles and piles of wood. But there was no more web.
The Legend Beast happily lumbered over the dismantled branches and began munching on the leaves Worriz was holding.
"That was a close one." Laval breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Rogon. Without you, we would have been goners."
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"Hey, what about me?" complained Worriz. "I was the one who got that Legend Beast close enough to keep Rogon smart, and I'm the one who distracted it while you took that giant web apart. Where's my thanks?"
Just then, the Legend Beast sniffed Worriz. The tasty scent of leaves still lingered on the Wolf's fur. The Legend Beast gave Worriz a great big lick.
"It seems you have your thanks, my friend," said Razar.
"Yeah." Laval chuckled. "As long as you smell like those leaves, that Legend Beast won't be wandering away from us anymore."
Worriz groaned as the Legend Beast licked him again. "Some thanks."
Everyone laughed.
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twsthc · 11 months
twst character playlists 🎧☆
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⚠️ warnings: i have bad music taste. also a lot of nightcore. sorry.
last updated: october 10, 2023
🌹 🎼
Riddle: Bôa - Twilight , Laufey - Let You Break My Heart Again , Nakaniwano Shoujyotachi - SHISHAMO
i was thinking about putting in regal classical music or something, but its like, the whole point of riddle is hes a KID and that was taken from him
this is what he sounds like on the inside; a sad teenager lmao
Ace: Estelle - American Boy , Pharrell williams - Hug me , Bruno Mars & Cardi B - Finesse
teenage boy pilled
Deuce: Beastie Boys - Fight for Your Right , Childish Gambino - Girls Look Better , ROAR - Christmas Kids , Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
2 people simultaneously agreed hed listen to the Beastie Boys in my discord so here we are!!
Cater: Azelia Banks - ANNA WINTOUR , Magdalena Bay - How to Get Physical , Katy Perry - California Gurls , Mitski - Washing Machine Heart
Azelia and Beyonce are in there cuz pop culture and cater and blah blah blah
i personally think hes a nightcore avril lavigne kid
Trey: BTS - 134340 , Sion - lies , Hyeln Joo - Hair Cut (미장원)
i would give you some super deep and understandable reason for these but.
idk!!! it just sounds like trey. this is what he sounds like.
Leona: A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation , MF DOOM - Hoe Cakes , Sade - Smooth Operator , Kendrick Lamar - We Cry Together
i had to consult the african council (my dad) for this one
ATCQ of course, and Sade because my dad asked politely
Ruggie: GROOVY - Jersey Luv , Tay-K I <3 My Choppa , Lil Gnar - Sticky Rice , Odetari x 9lives - I LOVE YOU HOE
i dont have to explain myself to you
(hes african american boy coded)
Jack: Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day , Micheal Jackson - Rock With You , Bell Biv Devoe - Poison , De La Soul - Me Myself and I
i think he would be into oldies and ruggie would tease him for it
micheal jackson stan
Azul: ABBA - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! , Dalida - Love In Portofino , Caravan Palace - Lone Digger , Caro Emerald - Tangled Up (Lokee Remix)
old sounding music for the "nostalgia" (he wasn't even born during these eras)
the songs that play at the lounge and it kinda got stuck in his head
he fantasizes about preforming these songs in drag btw
Jade: Antonia Carlos Jobim - Girl From Ipanema , Laufey - From the Start , CAPSULE - TICTAC
songs he listens to on long hikes while thinking about violence
Floyd: 41 minutes of Roblox music , Megurine Luka - Tako Luka Maguro Fever , Euday L. Bowman - Twelfth Street Rag , ₳С₴łĐ₳ - PRIVET PRIVET 2009 ST
haha get it spongebob music because hes a fish
(gets booed off stage)
Kalim: Serani Poji -Pipo Pipo , 레드벨벳 - Day 1 , takeshi abo - LEASE , MAXIMUM THE HORMONE - ChuChu Lovely...
cutie patootie happy-go-lucky songs
i feel like Takeshi Abo - LEASE is what goes through his head on loop 24/7
Jamil: Paramore - Renegade , Bôa - Duvet , beabadoobee - the perfect pair , LeTigreWorld - Deceptacon , Mitski - Washing Machine Heart
Paramore - Renegade was actually a recommendation! thank you yorick :3
otherwise i think rock/soft heartbroken songs go well with him
Vil: Lana Del Rey - Doin' Time , Magdalena Bay - Killshot , Kitty Kallen - It's Been a Long, Long Time , Mitski - Liquid Smooth
queen. flawless. stilettos. category: bad bitch.
too classy for this world, forever that girl
Epel: KYLE - Don't Wanna Fall In Love , Ram Jam - Black Betty , WHAM! - Everything She Wants , Hot Freaks - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
a mix of older and newer songs i guess
i hc he works on a family farm (for fun and allowance). hed be blasting Black Betty in his left airpod while wrestling a sheep in the mud
music taste slightly influenced by deuce and jack methinks
Rook: Vendredi sur Mer - Écoute chérie , Camille - Le Festin , ラムのラブソング , Shelly Duvall - He Needs Me
you know i had to do it to em
okay but these songs unironically fit rook to me idk
Idia: 【らき☆すた】スーパーアハアハデラックス , 初音PV新作くるみ☆ぽんちお.flv , Caramella Girls - Caramelldansen , 6arelyhuman - Hands up!
the first one represents how i hc he listens to those 16 year old anime tohou remixes on a daily. he injects them into his veins.
nico nico douga war veteran. u u uma uma...
Ortho: Nanoray - DesktopBuddy , METAROOM - S.N.U.F.F.Y
cute and electronic sounding songs!!
Malleus: Malice Mizer - Ma Chérie , this entire playlist , Yoko Kanno - Green Bird , NASTYONA - My September ,
being honest idk much about malleus
all i know is he would listen to malice mizer and he is gay
Silver: The Smiths - Heaven Knows I'm Miserable now , Burn The Ballroom - Kiss Me You Animal , Wienners - GOD SAVE THE MUSIC
lilia influenced his music taste a lot
Sebek: deaf, doesn't listen to music
Lilia: Mothy - ヴェノマニア公の狂気 , MASA WORKS DESIGN - 狐の嫁入り , Kenshi Yonezu - KICK BACK
trying to stay true to his war general roots while also remembering hes a gamer otaku thing now...
also hes in the "light" music club so
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tomsmusictaste · 6 months
I think what the pop-punk scene is missing is a true Bisexual Loser Anthem
With that in mind, here is my own original song, Best Of Both Worlds, which is just that:
Best Of Both Worlds (Bisexual Loser Anthem)
They say ‘If you like boys like you like girls Then you’re living the best of both worlds’ But they don’t see the reality I’m a strikeout either way Nothing’s gonna change that part There’s just twice as many people out there Who could break my heart
I never had the best of luck When it came to matters of love Always found some way to screw it up Didn’t matter who, didn’t matter what
And now I’m on my knees Begging darling please Won’t you give me another chance? Or at least just a first glance?
‘Cause I’m a beggar Not a chooser I’m not a lover I’m a loser
They say ‘If you like boys like you like girls Then you’re living the best of both worlds’ But they don’t see the reality I’m a strikeout either way Nothing’s gonna change that part There’s just twice as many people out there Who could break my heart
I’ve fallen for both girls and guys And fallen on my face whenever I’ve tried To let ‘em know just how I felt Guess I fumbled every card I was ever dealt
I’m just not meant to be A romantic lead Disaster movie better suits me Ash, I ain’t feeling too groovy
I’m a beggar Not a chooser I’m not a lover I’m a loser
They say ‘If you like boys like you like girls Then you’re living the best of both worlds’ But they don’t see the reality I’m a strikeout either way Nothing’s gonna change that part There’s just twice as many people out there Who could break my heart Who could break!
And I’m not straight but I’m not gay Still I’m a strikeout either way So hey They say
‘If you like girls like you like boys Then you’re gonna be spoilt for choice’ But they don’t know the real way it goes I’m a strikeout either way I’m a strikeout either way!
They say ‘If you like boys like you like girls Then you’re living the best of both worlds’ But they don’t see the reality I’m a strikeout either way Nothing’s gonna change that part There’s just twice as many people out there Who could break my heart
Lyrics by Tom H. Jordan - I do have a tune in mind for this, generally very upbeat, lots of fast-paced guitars and a breakdown in the bridge - and hey, maybe if I'm feeling bold one day I'll record it, but until then have fun imagining it in whatever style you like!
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mysteryshoptls · 8 months
SSR Grim - Platinum Jacket Voice Lines
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When Summoned: Happy 100th Anniversary~! ...So, uh, what's a 100th Anniversary!?
Summon Line: Hey, they're doing some kinda 100th Anniversary celebration thingie at the art museum! But they can't get started without the star of the show there! Let's hurry~!
Groooovy!!: I'll still be going wild 100 years down the road! And you'd still be with me too, obviously! Nyahaha!
Home: Howzzat? Lookin' sharp, ain't I?
Home Idle 1: A painting of the Queen of Hearts... Oh yeah, the first statue we came across when we first started class was hers. Brings back memories, yanno.
Home Idle 2: The King of Beasts' mane is so cool! Actually, I'm workin' on growing my fur out so I can have a mane just as awesome!
Home Idle 3: If you could ask the Sea Witch to grant any wish, what'd it be? Me, I'd... I'd ask her to make me taller than you!
Home Idle - Login: Look at my getup! Me 'n Mickey match! We're gonna celebrate this 100th Anniversary with him!
Home Idle - Groovy: Hehen, what now, huh? Even Ace didn't have a sarcastic thing to say. He even complemented me, sayin' that I look good in this outfit!
Home Tap 1: Maan~ I'm so jealous of the Sorcerer of the Sands... His staff and hat are way too cool! I want something like 'em too~!
Home Tap 2: Don'tcha think my fur could give even the Fairest Queen a run for her money today? I made sure to give it a good brushin' in front of a mirror!
Home Tap 3: Woah, it's a painting of the Lord of the Underworld! I couldn't tell from the statue, but the flames on his head was blue, huh! We're two peas in a pod, nyahaha!
Home Tap 4: The Thorn Fairy when she transforms into a dragon is crazy awesome~! I wanna get as big as her someday...!
Home Tap 5: Malleus was sayin' that even to him, 100 years feels much longer than a year. He's really some guy!
Home Tap - Groovy: Me 'n Deuce were talking 'bout what we'd be doing 100 years down the road, but... Yeah, guess you wouldn't have any idea either, huh!
Duo: [GRIM]: Malleus! Follow me! [MALLEUS]: I shall allow you to take the lead here, Grim.
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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Hey just so you know theres an art theif called Azulnadiasstuff thats traced utmv art and put it in their gacha mod (i dont think they would trace your art since its too recognizable but still) I know for now theyve only stolen from GroovyGladiatorsheep but still. Keep your eyes out for em. Im gonna attach some screenshots of their mod showcase and stolen art from Groovy. The flower crown and the hat are identical
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thanks for letting me know!!!!!! i hope that issue gets resolved with the artist
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thelazyhermits · 3 months
kittymaotif replied to your post:Since it’s been a while since I last did
Bean fest
Yuu would definitely be an SSR for Beanfest since she goes all out for that event lol 😂
The original image for the SSR would be Yuu getting ready to snipe someone while her groovy image would be her with a wilder look like is shown here since it's after she has done a lot of running around, but despite her worn out appearance, Yuu is smirking because her plan to deal with her much more powerful opponent ends up being sucessful.
Summon line: Beanfest is here at last! I've been counting down the days ever since I first heard about it. I'm gonna go all out today and show everyone I'm the dark horse of this race!
Groovification line: "When someone wrongs you, get them back twice as hard." I'm gonna be the epitome of that parable's moral today, so you better not make an enemy outta me. Hehe~
Her DUO would be with Jade.
Yuu: Let's teach 'em a lesson, Jade-senpai!
Jade: Fufu. Understood. I shall follow your lead, Yuu-san.
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rocknroll7575 · 1 year
JNPR abridged pt.3
Bane-Saw: *Spotting Nora* Hey there missy, where do you think you're going?
Nora: *Kicks him in the Balls*
Bane-Saw: My balls! My only weakness! How did you know!?
Little Miss Malachite: *Falls through the roof* Alright boys, my fat ass fell through the floorboards again
*Swords stab through the walls and barly miss Ren's head*
Ren: Oh shit Jaune! They're everywhere!
Little Miss Malachite: They don't make 'em like they use to
Ren: You're a fat bitch you are!
*Atlas Military surrounds the building*
Jaune: Oh no! they found me!
Oscar: What did you do that was so terrible!?
Jaune: I've been making tumbler memes!
Oscar: Oh my god, you're the worst kind of criminal
Nora: *Atop a wall* Oh my god Ren! You'll never guess what I'm looking at! they're animating Velma season 2!
Ren: Oh yeah, how is it?
Nora: *Eyes on fire* It's just like the 1st season!
*Blake sneaks past Jaune and Oscar, much to their shock that they didn't notice her*
Jaune: Good god how did we not notice her before!? She snuck up on us like a- like a-
Oscar: Like a ninja?
Jaune: OSCAR! Don't you ever say that word again!
Oscar: What? Why?
Jaune: EVER!!!
Whitely: Daddy someone hit me!
Jacques: We're you wearing the purple suit?
Whitely: Ye-
Jacques: Then you deserved it!
Jaune: 'This place is built like Ms. Goodwitch's miniskirt!'
Jaune: *looks at you, the reader*
Jaune: 'The fuck are you looking at?'
Roman: *Burst in while holding a large empty sack* That's right assholes! 2nd Christmas is here! Now everyone gets their shit and put it in this bag!
Jaune: Wait, he's robbing us!?
Mercury: Yes asshole, he does it every year! I just explained that!
Sun: Why are you being such Jerk!?
Ren: I think he thinks my name is kirk
Jaune: His name's not kirk!
Sun: No, why are you being such a jerk!?
Ren: No... his name is kirk
Jaune: Kirk! Come down to us!
Ron Stoppable: Big bread makes sandwiches, you know what I'm saying?
Shego: I have yet to understand a word out of your mouth
Ron: Yeah groovy!
Jaune: *crashing through the roof* HAHA!
Ron: It's raining men!
Jaune: *Stand up* Well that could have gone better!
Ron: No freaking way! Jaune Arc! How are ya you banana-haired dumbass?
Jaune: Ron Stoppable!
Ron: I can't believe they let you in here!
Jaune: They didn't! I snuck in through the roof!
Ron: And yet the nights only getting started!
Ren: *screams as he also falls through the roof* OH GOD!
Ron: Ren what the hell!? You don't see Jaune complaining!
Ren: That's because he has a lot of Aura!
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flwersgarden · 2 years
Hey!! I would like to request a yandere Elvis with a reader who is in a group? Who like dances and sings and stuff like that. Where like Elvis saw their group performance, but he can't take his eyes off them? Please do this if you want to or not! Also, take care of yourself, please! Love you, darling! <3
note: I LOVE THIS!!! i love when yan elvis is so in love he doesn't care about anyone else but the reader <//3 and also take care, i love you too, my love! hope you like it ♡
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“ do you know how dazzling you are? ”
elvis' voice interrupted your singing, turning to look at him who was just watching you with the biggest heart eyes anyone could have.
“ do you know how tacky you are? ”
elvis giggled.
“ only for my best girl. ” he whispered, his hand coming to cup your cheek. “ my best, best girl. ” he then leaned to kiss you but was interrupted by some knocks in the door.
“ y/n? we gotta go, girl, come on! ” some giggles followers after.
“ coming! ” you screamed back, rolling your eyes before standing up. elvis still sitting as he watched you get ready for your performance.
“ will you be in the audience tonight? ” you asked, buttoning your dress before fixing your hair and checking your makeup.
“ of course. i wouldn't miss it in the world. ”
everyone knew better than to keep elvis from watching your shows.
last time he missed one ended up with the colonel having a black eye and half of the memphis mafia holding elvis back from almost killing him.
but you didn't knew that, of course, so everytime you innocently asked him the same question. just to be sure.
“ i love you. ” you said, crouching down a bit to kiss his lips which he returned.
“ 'love you too. ”
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elvis could explain the feeling of watching you in stage as euphoria.
you were incredible, simple as that. he loved to shower you in compliments every show.
“ you were fantastic, darling, you gotta teach me your moves. ” — “ elvis, i just sway to the music. it's not a big deal. ”
“ whoo, mama, let me take you to dinner! ” — “ my boyfriend, ladies and gents. ”
but now that he was this big thing, he just had to endure it until the end.
knowing elvis was watching have you a confidence boost, your voice was louder, your body moved slightly and your smile shined.
you didn't danced like elvis did but you did some moves like swaying your arms to the music, your feet moving your body side to side and your head shaking a bit when the music was more upbeat.
your bandmates always told you how hypnotizing you could be because they saw how the audience went quiet the moment you step the stage, your white long dress flowing like a princess gown and your hair loose enough to catch their attention.
you were the opposite of elvis in some ways. you mostly sang ballads, sometimes groovy stuff if you felt like it, but you were more experienced in that area. and elvis loved it.
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the first time elvis saw you and your band performed was in one of those shows he finds while being a curious cat.
sitting on one of the few chairs that remained he waited to discover new music.
but what he discovered, were new feelings.
he sensed the feeling of protection over you as soon as you walked into the small stage with a soft yellow dress. looking like the sunshine that greets you after a storm.
a sigh left his lips when you started to sing, his mind was transported to another dimension, he swears. no one ever made him feel that way with their music.
to say he was surprised is an understatement, he was enchanted, in love, calm and at peace.
how did he never heard from you?
he asked b.b king about it once.
“ man, i don't know them, you gotta be in some weird places to find such an amazing band lemme tell you that! ” b.b king chuckled as he dusted off his suit. “ those are gems, presley, if you let 'em go... ” he turned away fron the mirror in front of him, the sight of a blushy elvis presley made him believe in love at first sight. “ you are stupid. ”
so, with that advice, elvis looked for you. finding you in some dinner he, also, didn't knew about.
“ he- ” he cleared his throat, shaking his body as if that would shake his nerves off.
he was practicing his lines outside the dinner, some people looking at him weird when they passed by him.
“ hello, i'm elvis presley. ” he winked while extending his hand. grimacing at the single thought of how he looked like he retrieved his hand.
he entered the dinner, repeating to himself what he was going to say.
' hi, i'm elvis presley, i saw your show the other night. i think you're really beautiful and i'd like to invite you for a dinner somewhere. '
simple as that!
“ hi. ”
he turned to the sound of a voice, his smile falling as the sight of your gorgeous face drowning his thoughts.
you raised your eyebrows. elvis kept his silence.
“ um, well. i-. ” you looked at your bandmates, who were just encouraging you. “ i wanted to ask you for your autograph, for my friend. over there. ” you pointed at the giggling friend that was at your table but when you returned your gaze to him, you noticed he didn't stop gazing at you like if you were an alien or something. “ hello? ”
he blinked. ok, now you were scared.
“ uh... i'll just go... ” you whispered.
you turned abruptly to him, the whole dinner going silent.
“ what? ”
“ i-.. i want to, y'know, go o-out with y-you. ” he closed his eyes, waiting for the rejection to come.
he sure didn't expected for you to laugh.
“ oh, you are adorable! ” you said while laughing, your friends following with some chuckles.
elvis smiled a bit. “ is that a yes? ” his confidence level suddenly upgrading.
you stopped laughing for a few minutes, a smile in your face as you nodded. “ it's definitely a yes. ”
️️ ️️️️️️️️️
in yours and elvis first anniversary, he sang a ballad 'can't help falling in love' while you slowly danced with him.
“ wise men, say... ” he softly said next to your ear, his cheek pressing against yours. “ only fools fall. ” he kissed your cheek, making you giggle.
he smiled at the memory, noticing how people started to clap when they mentioned your band name which made him clap too, even whistle a bit.
jerry slapped his arm. “ man, shut up, they gonna see ya'! ”
elvis just laughed.
“ thank you! ” you raised your hand, the audience growing quiet. “ thank you so much. we are so honored to be here and to perform in front of you, lovely people. ”
the audience looked at each other, clearly smitten with the shy intro you did.
“ i... uh, really don't have anything else to say, so. ” you chuckled, the audience and elvis following your lead. “ here's the first song! ”
the audience clapped before going silent as your bandmate started playing the acoustic guitar.
elvis always noticed little things you did on stage that no one could. like the way you close your eyes as the first seconds of any song starts sounding through the place, how your fingers twitch with the need of touching the microphone in a way to feel closer to the music you loved to sing. you were the calmer version of the passion you and elvis shared for music.
elvis was outspoken, moving as the music made him feel, passionate with it, hard with the connection he wants to pass with the audience making them cheer up and scream.
you were timid, swaying to the instruments that the music was composed by, your hands touching the microphone stand with the same softness the music made you feel; as if you were floating in a big cloud, your voice connecting the audience to heaven making them want to close their eyes and imagine themselves in a big cottage, baking some pie and listening to the birds chirping.
like the ying and yang, like bonnie and clyde, like love and adoration, like obsession and admiration, you both were the perfect combination.
the audience was focused on the music but elvis was focused on you.
how your lip gloss he bought for you made your lips shine right, how your eye makeup that he helped you in made your eyes feel like an angel guiding the sinner to the right path, how your dress made you look like a divine sight, how your whole presence was something he would never get tired of.
he was elvis presley, the boy parents feared theor daughters would marry, the man that made it to the top. and he found the one to he with him forever.
the songs went in a blur, the audience clapping for every time one of them ended, elvis gifting you smiles whenever you looked over at him. and when the performance ended, elvis didn't lost time.
he got up from his seat, jerry following behind to confirm no one spotted them before leaving him alone with you backstage.
“ baby! ” elvis screamed at you, who were chatting with a bandmate.
as soon as you heard him you turned to look at him, a big smile in your face.
“ elvis! ”
you ran to him, thanking god you weren't wearing any heels, hugging him when you reached him.
“ how did i do? ”
“beautiful, amazing, astounding- my darling, you are truly an angel sent from heaven just for me. ”
you grew shy at the compliments, even if you were looking for them, hiding your neck in his chest catching the smell of his expensive cologne and that smell that characterizes him. that smell of peace, of safety, of home.
“ thank you, my love. ” you kissed his chin.
oh, how happy you were of being with him.
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blogofloathing · 4 months
A loud, cheesy anthem plays as an awful stylilized OCWE appears on a black and white TV screen
"Good belated myorning folks, I am your esteemed host! Gillian Barlows Jr! And you are watching the Ocean City Watcher Éire! Hyere to bring you the latest scyoop on the people of our great city! who are they? Why are they? When are they? How do they peel their y'apples? Let's find out nyow!"
A new fangled transition effect plays as Gillian gives an overly exaggerated shocked expression.
Approaching our first interviewee, Gygan Clarks of the Ocean City Watchful Eye, but it seems he isn't particularly excited to see us haha, wonder why.
Our trusty boom man sticks the mic in his face, at which Gygan looks visibly annoyed, sheesh you'd think we killed this guys business or something.
"What do you want Gillian" he spat, frankly I'm offended he would be so rude to a reporter!
My cameraman delivers the question after a discreet go ahead sign waved in his direction
"Look unless you think apples can make coffee taste better I'm not interested," Gygan hisses, and after a short pause mutters "with a pocket knife"
And indeed if the bulge in his pocket isn't due to seeing me, he carries said weapon on him.
Let's move on from this wannabe newsman before he gets violent! You know how those types are.
Grumbling to himself, something about "fuckin' trend hopping fast news pieces of-" haha anyway!
An apple shaped transition plays, and due to formatting issues doesn't properly disappear
Our next guest went up to us herself upon hearing there was a survey, so give it up for.. Simone Chekhov! Of the S.I.T Robotics department—
Somehow interrupting this audio added in post, the girl fires up a seemingly long held rant.
"Well actually it's Robotechtronics there's a very subtle but important difference in the two fields but anyway I made a machine that peels them so precisely the skin dissolves in contact with the air due to being sliced at such a thin micromascopic level that their mololcules are-" a thin homeless girl sticks a thumbs up wildly behind Simone.
The video is suddenly stopped here due to space, a cartoonish image of sad Gillian giving a thumbs down is shown onscreen for a few seconds.
we're sorry to cut this short but our camera ran plumb out of juice trying to record it all haha!
Though this did little to falter her one sided rant, even as we turned our attention away from her
Moving onto the aforementioned hobo (it's good to get a perspective from the less than fortunate.)
"OOO OOO you're gonna ask me a question! Give it here!" She jumps excitedly, the words slamming into our crew much in the same way she physically rammed into my mic man in her overzealousness
The dusty girl, who we made sure didn't touch any of our equipment, had been chittering something inane at Simone when we asked, somehow able to properly talk between each other rather than over.
"I dunno I just chomp em, see?" taking a playful bite out of her sour face, leaving a toothy mark.
... the sounds of crickets chirping has been added
"Agh! Victoria!" She expleted, wiping her face off with her sleeve, "that's gross- you're gross!"
Though Victoria didn't seem too bothered, a sly little grin making its home on her spotted face.
"Hey don't pretend ya didn't like it" she slithered, at which Simone gave her a rather hard smack on the head "and there's more where that came from!" The bespectacled girl tittered haughtily.
A tinny and muffled laugh track plays, as Gillian audibly clicks a tape recorder to start and stop
Moving on from those, shall we say interesting, characters, our boom operator caught wind of some music playing a few blocks down.
And we followed the groovy tunes to their source, coming upon quite the cello fellow!
Who is contentedly playing his instrument, my team having to remind him of the question, "oh I just slice em up with my trusty pocketknife!" Holding it up for a second before going back to ringing out the tunes.
Looks to be the same kinda knife as that.. eh I forgot his name already.
I say someone should definitely toss that guy a quarter, not me though.
Really if he can afford a cello is he actually that poor I mean cmon- ah, I've been instructed by my cameraman to stop here.
A bubble and wave crashing sound effect plays too loudly, with a chintzy fade to black transition
Taking a dip per sé, we find.. someone else to ask.
Attempting to avoid being seen, the oddly slimy fellow is hiding against a wall, but seeing as his clothes aren't the exact shade and texture of bricks, "I, I don't know what an apple is? please leave me alone.." he croaks out in a froggy tone.
"Would you like to try one?" My boom operator chipperly inquires, at which the still unnamed weirdo looks even more terrified of us than before
"N-no I'm good really I.." it trailed off, guess they make hobos different these days, I can't get a read on what this guy might be on the street to beg for.
"Cmon I'll get ya a fresh one" he says again, taking a step closer to it, making the thing jump loudly.
Before running away from my team in a lurch, leaving weird wet slappy footprints in his wake.
Well that was certainly productive, why don't we heed this guys words and move on to another!
A hexagon transition with a splat sound effect, it doesn't even fully segue, cutting halfway through
At the urging of my team, we reluctantly almer over to a goblin for questioning, she seemed to be dancing animatedly.. or maybe boxing with the air?
"Hi! Yes yes Hello! To apples slicing? No no, Gabby is practicing see?" It said, nearly assaulting one of my cameramen, "Gabby is champion of the box!"
a goofy swirl sound effect and then a laugh track
We don't speak creature so I have no idea what any of that meant, I'd say we get out of here before that thing gets aggressive, I've heard the stories of these kinds of monsters being dangerous!
They're lucky they don't have rights or else we'd totally sue them for emotional damages.
a spooky transition effect plays, bats flying across the screen and a very poorly done witches laugh
As we were making our way back to the studio, my mic man caught eye of some kinda hobo living in the alley, I insisted we don't interview something like that but who listens to me around here?
Walking up to her, I'm already less than enthused about her appearance, something in her eyes wasn't like it should be, they seemed to stare directly inside of us unlike anything.
"Hello ma'am how would you say you peel-" my other cameraman began, being cut off by her wheezily trilling poem, "peel? Peeling, skin peeling wallpaper off the wall, apples falling trees cutting"
I.. wow! Okay! That is not at all what any of us were expecting, all our hairs stood violently on end.
Like looking into the den of a wounded predator about to make a strike, protecting its wounds.
She stepped closer to us, gazing through us, it felt as though she saw more than just my skin.
"Apples and oranges" it felt as though she wasn't even talking to us, despite facing our direction.
No one bothered putting a transition effect here, the camera simply cuts right to the next scene
aaaaand one last questioneer today folks! As we were wrapping up and dutifully wiping down and sanitizing our stuff to get all the filth off them, a distracted old guy bumped into us, and sooooo!
"Oh! Eh uh, I mostly just eat cheese" the weirdo said emphatically before forcing us to look at a horrible mass of aged milk madness, before reassuring us that "it's Käse Brezel! The finest in the city! If ya see me come and buy so-" yeah no
Sorry sir I don't even know what language you just spoke there but I can tell it ain't somethin I'm gonna be eating, especially from someone like you
Though my crew seems oddly interested in it, I'll have to show them what real food is like I guess,
gives me an excuse to hang out with those mooks.
anywho, our final stop of the day was a nice little cheese pretzel shop, the finest in the city!
An equally loud and somehow even cheesier little outro theme plays as we fade back onto Gillian
"Well thyank you all for tyuning in this fine after nyoon, we hope we could answer all of your deep byurning questions! As always I am your esteemed host; Gillian Barlows Jr! And you have been watching the Ocean City Watcher Éire, where we catch up the scyoop and throw it to your hyoop! See y'all nyext week with our next Q: how good is the government doing right now? ( A: pyerfect!)"
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