#leaving it at. just magnets. is funny but the rest of it really got me
dennisboobs · 1 year
i will say i am extremely glad we got the ghouls vs goblins back and forth in this podcast ep because it's SUCH a good look inside glenn and charlie's ideas/writing process, and it was. silly 😋
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whateveriwant · 8 months
Simon was the perfect boyfriend, until he wasn't.
~1.2k words. Angst, mention of alcohol, mention of sex/18+. This is just a little something that was plunking around my mind.
Simon Riley, who met his younger, civilian girlfriend at a rundown pub one night. 
You noticed him the moment you entered your local dive, not just because he was a new, handsome face in the crowd, but because of an inherent magnetism that seemed to pull your gaze to him. Though he was a bit older than you were used to chatting with, that didn't stop you from accepting his offer of drinks when he approached you at the bar. And after sharing a few friendly pints and a few more-than-friendly touches, he ended up heading back with you to yours for the evening, and the rest, well, was history.
Now, it's been over eight months since you first got together, and you couldn't be happier. Simon is probably the best guy you've ever been with. He's kind, smart, funny as hell, and fucks you like no man ever has before. He really is the perfect guy for you, just with one small caveat: how rarely you get to see him.
Because of his job in the military, he's gone more often than he's in town. When he's not jetting off to God knows where, on average, you spend about a week with him each month; maybe a week and a half if you're lucky, though you rarely are. Hell, he's away so much that he doesn't even bother holding a permanent residence anywhere. His home is his little corner bunk on the base across town – the one you've still yet to visit, despite your asking. 
Naturally, you've tried floating the idea of having him move in with you permanently, but he's always assured you that he's content as is, that it'd be more stress than sense to relocate so far away from his work. 
And you understand, or at least, you try to see it from his point of view. Simon's always been a private guy – a man with no family or friends to speak of, apart from a few colleagues he's forced to interact with semi-regularly. His choice to not want to cohabitate is not an indicator of his feelings towards you. He simply likes having a little space purely to himself, that's all it is.
But even knowing that doesn't make it any easier of a pill for you to swallow. There's only so much that late night calls from private numbers can do or so many pretty gifts in the post that can fill the void Simon leaves whenever he's not around. He's there for you as much as he can be, you know that he is, but you just can't help that you still want more.
It's one night, about five weeks since you've last seen your boyfriend, that you decide to treat yourself to a little pick-me-up. You're at a store that's a bit out of the way compared to where you normally shop, but they have that cheese spread you really like, so it's worth the drive.
As you're mindlessly perusing the shelves, looking at everything and nothing in particular, a noise coming from the aisle over has your ears instantly perking up. That sound. You know that sound. The deep, rumbling timbre that almost has your knees buckling in the middle of the shop.
You follow the noise, sure your ears are mistaking you, but pause mid-step the moment you round the corner. There he is. Your boyfriend. In all his tall, strapping glory. You'd thought that was his voice seeping through the cracks between the shelves, but couldn't quite believe it since you didn't think he'd returned home yet.
You grin, overjoyed to see him, and take a step forward to approach. But just as soon as you move, you stop dead in your tracks, suddenly confused as you take in the scene ahead.
Simon's standing directly beside an overflowing trolley. But not just any trolley. One that holds two little boys, both looking not even old enough to attend school yet.
The sight has you stunned, the smile on your face faltering. Who are these children? And why is your boyfriend watching so closely over them? 
You're trying to decipher the situation from afar when another figure quickly grabs your attention. A woman, a few years older than yourself, walks up beside the trolley your boyfriend guards. Simon turns to look at the woman as she places something in the cart, a warm smile curving her mouth when he notices her. The children seem happy to see her return, and upon inspection, they appear to be her sons – the same hair, same eyes, same smile as they gaze up at her.
But the boys’ reaction is not what concerns you, what has your stomach twisting itself in tight knots. It's the way Simon reacts that leaves you stunned, that has you dumbstruck beyond all hope for redemption.
Simon, your boyfriend, smiles just as happily back at this woman. Simon, your boyfriend, gives her that look you’d only ever seen reserved for you. Simon, your boyfriend, reaches out to softly caress her cheek. And Simon, your boyfriend, leans forward, closing his eyes, until he's connecting his lips with hers.
A second passes, maybe five or six, where you just stand there, watching, unable to comprehend what you're seeing. Your mind feels like it’s firing at a million miles an hour, but it has nothing on how fast your heart is beating, threatening to bruise against your ribcage. 
After a moment, the two of them pull back, looking like a picture ripped right out of a catalog. The woman reaches up to brush some hair off Simon's forehead, a ring glinting on her fourth finger catching your eye with the movement. The oval cut diamond is especially blinding as she then drops her hand down to her middle. Your pupils pinpoint as she rubs her swollen belly, which can't be more than four months along, you'd wager.
As you look between them – the woman, the children, the man you've been with for months – slowly, so slowly you think your brain is made of wet cement, the pieces of the puzzle finally click together in your mind.
The realization makes you feel instantly lightheaded, thinking you're seconds away from emptying your stomach all over the shop’s freshly swept floor. Your throat slowly constricts, your hands beginning to shake, and before you can register what's happening, your basket of groceries falls to the ground with a clatter. 
The resounding noise draws the attention of all the nearby shoppers, including a pair of familiar brown eyes that immediately snap to yours. You lock eyes with Simon for just a second, before you're turning on your heel, abandoning your supplies in a scattered mess. 
Tears flood your vision as you flee the store, your body on autopilot as all you can think about is getting out of there. You're trembling as you fumble with your keys, dropping them twice as you bolt through the car park. When you finally reverse out of the lot, you don't even notice how a car or two honks their horn in warning. You hear nothing but the blood rushing through your ears, the static buzzing loudly around your skull. The voice in your head is shouting, absolutely screaming at the top of its lungs.
My God. My God. What have you done?
A/N: Just so we’re clear, Simon Riley would never ever cheat. But for angsty fanfiction purposes, let’s pretend like he would, okay? Okay, cool. Anyway, I’d love to know what you thought! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!
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backwzzds · 10 months
ೃ⁀➷ love yours, roronoa zoro (nsfw)
zoro’s feelings gets stronger for you after you give life to his child.
for the brilliant @noawithlove
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you finally managed to put kuina down for the night. with a heavy sigh, you hold your hands on your hips and look down at your sleeping child, swaddled in her pink blanket as she rested in her bassinet. you can’t help but fall asleep standing up, only to jolt back awake when you feel a broad chin rest on your shoulder.
“oh,” you let out a breath once you turn and see zoro. he could physically feel the tense tendons in your body briefly relax, but go back to defensive mode quickly. you were just exhausted, and he could see the effects of motherhood all over you.
“come on,” he mutters in your ear, slowly running his hands along the curves of your waist before disappearing right after. “come shower with me.” you turn around to see his reflection in a piece of the bathroom mirror.
the water is hot. steaming enough to soften the muscles in your back just a bit. you’ve been out of it the past few months, zoro could see it. the glimmer in your eyes he’d been so used to was slowly dimming away, even when you held kuina in your arms.
he knew how much child birth took out of you. all the nutrients and energy you’ve lost in the past four months, he could see it all in the paling of your normally colored skin, the dark circles forming around your eyes, and even something as small as the slight tremble in your body every time you moved. giving birth took a lot out of you.
you allow zoro to grab your wash cloth and soap it before briefly running over the terrain of your body. he spends longer time than usual going over your chest, and you don’t miss the way his fingers take their time across the pebbles of your nipples.
“you’re staring awfully hard?” you can’t help but tease him with a lazy smile. you were glad to have him home. you weren’t alone anymore. “you got a crush on me or somethin’, marimo?”
zoro’s face immediately turns red at you catching him in the act of staring and he kisses his teeth, finishing his work against your body. he leans down and begins on your legs with a quick, “shut up.” leaving his lips. “just look pretty is all.” he loved how quick he was able to get you to be yourself again. your funny self that played entirely too much with him.
you didn’t mean to sound so shocked, but you did anyway. your round eyes go big as you look down at the top of his head, one so close to between your legs. “really? you think so?”
this causes zoro to stand back on his feet and scoff. “course you are. couldn’t stop staring at your fine ass since i got home.” his frame so easily towers over you as he pulls your naked body close to his. “gimme kiss,” his voice is low and smooth.
your body draws over to his like a natural magnetic forcefield. when your lips press against his, zoro takes his time feeling all over your body, leaving no part of you untouched or unloved. “want me to prove it to you?”
you playfully roll your eyes and hold your hand up to him. “i think the little gremlin sleeping in the bassinet outside is enough proof you’ve given me.”
zoro grabs your hand and moves it out his way to kiss your lips. “you keep being smart and i’ll make you a mommy again,” zoro mutters against you. “open your legs and turn around.”
a gasp leaves you as zoro grows impatient and presses you against the cold wall himself. snaking his hand around to your front, he effortlessly plays with your clit while pestering small kisses to the nape of your neck. the little hairs at the back of your head lay flat as you feel his tongue run against them, licking you all over.
you didn’t understand how much this man loved you. he’d live in your fucking skin if he could. zoro takes his time licking down your body, and before you knew it, you were wet enough for him to easily slide himself between your folds.
you’re taken aback by how big he is. you’ve been used to his size for years, but you can’t remember the last time you’ve actively felt such a stretch in your cunt, and one this good at that. a small yelp escapes from your lips as zoro finally moves back and forward against you.
“zoro,” you whisper, eyes shutting from the immense pleasure. “faster, please.”
“sure your walls can handle that, baby?” zoro teases, but obeys your wish anyway. a smirk curls on his lips as he grips your fat tit in his hand, giving it a tight squeeze while his pace increased. “not still sore are you?”
you immediately shake your head at his question, wanting him to do nothing but slut you out for tonight. you only got a few hours before kuina woke up, and if you had to use it to get dick, then so be it!
“not gonna go easy on you,” zoro egged. “you’re gonna stay against this wall and take every inch of dick i give you like the good girl i know you are. got that?” you groan at the warm sensation of his tip hitting your cervix. words are barely able to leave your mouth as zoro speeds up his pace. you didn’t even have to do anything; he practically held your body up against the wall while he did all the work.
the swordsman wanted nothing than to be close to you, and that much showed in the way his chest was practically glued to your back. at this angle, zoro was able to hit places in your walls that you didn’t think he could ever touch. but nothing was impossible when it came to pleasuring you. he was gripping you all over, by your hair, keeping his arm around your neck in a slight chokehold, even down to your waist that he refused to let go of.
you feel yourself about to cum with the intense pressure of the hot water falling on your sides and zoro’s masculine grunts singing like music to your ears. it was amazing how everything in the outside world; outside of you and zoro were able to overstimulate you so fast. but with the steam of the bathroom heating up and the knotting feeling forming between your legs, you didn’t know where to keep your attention.
you can’t help but smile contently against the cold tile wall as you let zoro do whatever he wanted to you. over the sound of your man’s strained grunts, you softly let out, “know what i said earlier, but don’t you get me pregnant again, marimo. cuz this one’s going upstairs if you do.”
zoro can’t help but let out a humorous chuckle at your comment. this doesn’t slow his possessive thrusts though. “can’t promise it, mama.”
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73647e · 1 year
neil moved out of his childhood home as soon as he graduated highschool. he’d had enough of his father, and enough of everything his father wanted him to do. he’d started working at the age of 14, just so he could save up for himself, and it finally payed off. the apartment he got was really nice. actually nicer than he expected for the small amount of money he payed for it, relatively speaking. however, the first thing he noticed about his new apartment when he moved in was the fact that it was pretty cold, and that no amount of blankets could warm him up. that, along with the fact that he swore things moved about, neil figured he had a poltergeist. he was a bit freaked at first, looking over his shoulder whenever getting himself some water in the night, but after a while, he got used to the feeling of someone…being there. he figured that if the ghost wanted to hurt him, he would’ve done so already. plus, the rent was pretty low, and the apartment pretty big for the cost, and he couldn’t be assed to move out for something that didn’t really end up bothering him at the end of the day. one time, just before leaving for an audition, neil thought he’d leave a note out, just to see what would happen.
hello! please don’t watch me shower, and we’ll be fine.
it was a little weird, a little corny, and he felt completely stupid doing it as he didn’t even know if there was a ghost, but he figured if there wasn’t, no one would know, and if there was, and he got a response, then he would know for sure. that audition was nerve absolutely racking. and when he got home, the paper had new writing under his own scribbling.
i wodnt
neil hoped it said “i wouldn’t”. and he felt glad he knew for sure that he wouldn’t get ax murdered at night.
then one time, charlie brought some alphabet magnets over, just as a joke. he stuck them all over neil’s fridge, giggling his ass off while making funny words. he left them on neil’s fridge, with the excuse that it was a house warming present, despite the fact neil had been living there for upwards of 7 months at that point. and when neil woke up the next morning, he saw something new written there.
i wouldn’t.
fully, clearly, no mistakes, punctuation and everything. and neil, seeing this, smiled and wrote out his own message before starting his day.
hello! i’m neil, and thank you for not watching me shower. he ran out of letters by the end, and simply stuck a piece of paper with the rest of the message written out. when neil returned, the letters were scrambled in a new message.
hello. your welcome.
neil chuckled, and fixed the message to be have the right you’re briefly before changing the letters to spell out:
who are you?
neil watched the letters move before his eyes.
he was less freaked out than he probably should’ve been.
hello todd
hello neil
how did you get here?
no magnets. I can hear you.
neil watched the messages form before his eyes.
"wait, you can hear me?"
"oh. sorry, I didn't know"
it's okay. you're the first person to know I exist
no one suspects a ghost living in their house, and if they do, they leave
the word leave was put together a tag aggressively, the magnet scratching just a little more, as if todd were putting emphasis on it.
"they're probably scared?"
neil apologized, before starting dinner. he spoke out loud to todd, and he found that he liked it. he liked the feeling of not being alone. and if he leaned over toward his fridge, there would always be a witty response, or a question for him. and neil found out that he really liked todd. quite a lot actually. he was nice, funny, and caring. neil would wake and find his favorite mug set out for him, fresh brewed coffee in the pot. whenever he lost his keys and started to scramble to look for them, they would appear on the table by his front door. todd was the sweetest person neil interacted with on a regular basis. the only issue was that he was a ghost.
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emeorin · 1 year
Warm (A one shot Harry Choi × Reader fic)
Warning: none;
Not proofread
Something she loved about Harry’s house was that it was always warm. The heater was on since the moment a coat was required to go outside and boots made their appearance on the doorway.
It wasn’t like she hated being cold­­— she actually preferred it over the unavoidable hot weather of warmer seasons— but the feeling of entering his house with a slightly runny nose, feet aching after a long day, and being invested by the coziness of the warm temperature was just unbeatable.
It was like sitting by yourself in one of those small cafés that seemed carved out of a movie, slow jazz music playing softly on the speakers and a fuming cappuccino just waiting to be savored, while the sun was taking his time to set in the distance.
So, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as another hard day came to an end, slipping quietly through the door into the comfort of that warmth. She removed her shoes and lazily hanged her coat on the clothes hanger. She stepped into the open space living room and smiled by herself, happy to finally be there. Harry’s house was big and neat, the total opposite of the little apartment she had lived in for the past few years, but since she started going over it started to fill with little things that really made it feel like home. The photos of the two of them messily placed on the shelves, the little magnets in the shape of every animal possible resting on the grey fridge, the plants and flower adorning the wide window. She breathed in and let escape a chuckle. It was funny that the owner of that house was everything but warm, at least with people that weren’t her.
«Harry? »
She peeked into the bedroom and there he was, already under the soft blanket, gently resting on the headboard with his phone in his hands. He looked up and a small smile formed on his lips as he gestured her to come closer.
She walked to his side of the bed and sat on the comfortable mattress.
«You seem tired. » He said, his low voice music to her ears.
«Mh-mh. It was a long day. But I’m fine now that I’m here, he he. » She smiled as he cupped her face with his hand and she leant in, leaving a small peck on his lips.
«Have you already eaten? We still have those rice cakes Malong brought the other day. »  He said almost in a whisper, his eyes lingering on her lips as she shook her head.
«Don’t worry, I’ve eaten something on the way. Is it Rachel? » She asked, nodding towards his phone.
«Yeah. Her and Tain are coming tomorrow. I’ve tried to ignore them but… such nuisances. »
She smiled at his grumpiness as he shook his head.
She then got up, stretching her arms up in the air and moving to the walk-in closet.
«I’m gonna take a shower. Keep the bed warm for me, mh? »
She quickly picked her pajamas and underwear before disappearing in the bathroom. The water was warm but she still felt chills going down her spine as she stepped out the shower. At least the whole room smelt like Harry’s cologne.
She soon came back to the bedroom while massaging her damp hair with a towel, her body wrapped in her deep green pajamas that she bought to match with Harry’s. A stupid idea really, since he still hadn’t agreed to match with her, but she was sure she was going to change his mind.
«You should dry your hair properly before you catch a cold. » He told her as she slipped under the blanket.
«Don’t start to nag me. You’re the one who never dries his hair after you go swimming. They always smell like chlorine. » He let out a deep chuckle as she combed his hair with her hand, snuggling closer to him.
«Ack, your feet are cold! » He exclaimed, but without moving an inch away from her.
«I’m all cold, see? » She said, grinning mischievously as she placed her cold hands on his face.
He quickly squirmed away, his cheek flushed. «Ya!»
She burst out laughing, her hearth full of content. He was cute.
That didn’t last long tough, as he quickly composed himself and pinned her down to the bed, his hands gently squeezing her wrists. He could smell the flowery fragrance of her shampoo, and he could taste the mint of her toothpaste in her mouth as he kissed her deeply, one of his warm hand travelling down to the hem of her shirt just as his lips moved to her exposed collarbone.
He was the one now grinning as he looked down at her, her blushing cheeks and the shy smile she was wearing so beautifully on her swollen lips.
«Then… isn’t it my job to warm you up?»
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growling · 2 months
I recently remembered your au where Yuma quits being a detective after the train and Yomi is caught for his crimes much earlier and they meet
They'd have such a fascinating dynamic... plus with Shinigami in the mix it'd be so funny. Yuma's a magnet for trouble and I can imagine Yomi just continually flabbergasted over just how much trouble Yuma brings to the table accidentally. Not to mention how much Yomi himself brings, being on the run in a city he can't leave
zkajsdhkwadiadkj this ask made me stim for minutes before I could coherently answer.. omg people think about my older stuff still....
I've used to like have. Very. A Lot of those Yuma + Yomi forced to interact aus, most notably
Prrrreetty much same premise as this one, except Yomi doesn't get booted out the company and it's just Yuma wandering around (alone) (fucking loser) until he accidentially ends up somewhat benefiting the peacekeepers with his instakill torment labirynth powers when he uses it once after arriving in KW in front of them and now he's stuck working for the guys if he wants to keep his spleen. Nobody has any fucking idea about him having a pact with a shinigami of course (most of them thinks its some extremely op forte. they do have other theories though. some of them scarily close), but all Yomi has to know from his Polite Interrogation is that if Yuma can stop time to solve any mystery and if he succeeds the culprit drops dead. He has lost his only hitman so far just a few days ago (F.Zilch/Aide rip in fucking rest) so Yuma sounds like a great deal and a decent replacement, especially with his killings being instant leaving zero marks -- while he won't ever truly replace Aide as one of his closest advisors and the person he was to him, (and Yomi will never hesistate to scream at him about it every single day) (but he still simultaneously treats him like one, why couldn't you act more like that dead guy that really liked me that you will never be like no matter what you do, you know his death matches what you did to that other guy right when we first found you? if you really did kill him too which I already made up my mind about you must really make up for that sin by filling in the hole he left which you can never do by the way, and by acting like you can would be insulting his memory (and me) almost as much as it would if you didn't even try, anyway here's your paycheck for this week *hands him 30000 shien which makes Yuma feel slightly better*), as long as he can keep killing people and being such a pleasure to have at meetings (but be careful!). Yuma's main "job" is to find out the identities of people (or just the exact intricacies of their actions) who are actively wronging or interfering with Amaterasu corp and then make them go poof. Though Yomi never sics him on Huesca despite complaining about him so much, for some reason. Yuma is so stressed the whole terrible, no good, very bad time he's at KW, his health starts rapidly declining, and due to being extra irritable from being tired/in pain constantly he turns into a really unpleasant person to be around which makes most people avoid him except for a few select people (that are fucking unhinged btw. which makes him feel even worse), that coupled with regularly being exposed to Yomi's radioactive miasma and slowly getting desensitized to death via being a hitman, he starts thinking hey maybe murder is ok actually sometimes like you know theres nuance yknow... That doesn't mean he doesn't still retain some of game Yuma's overall kindness he had even if he wishes he could stop caring (ugh why do i have morals this sucks), he's not like, a terrible person per se the way Huesca or Yomi (admittedly, sighing emoji) are, he's just. Yeagh. Sometimes he's got a good day and he decides today he's gonna try and mediate between Makoto and Yomi again so his shit boss would get himself together and stop yapping to him about his shit boss every day because he doesn't have the patience for this this is so stupid I do not care who started it now go hold hands and apologize to each other or let me disengage from this situation please. I don't know how much aware Yuma is of Makoto wanting him obliterated too, but it sure must be interesting at the headquarters with this homoerotic hatred triangle. I had way more to say originally but this is getting *scrolls up for a brief moment before starting to sweat* Long I've got the paragraph text limit and had to delete it lmaoo
The Yomigami au I also posted about earlier where essentially Yomi is Shinigami and you will never ever in a million years guess who the director is instead. Originally a joke but then I started thinking and as you know this is usually where it all descends downhill into the madness. Anyaway canon Shinigami was morbid already and had a morality far removed from humans, Yomi/gami is just cranked up to 100 with all this and sprinkle some sadism on top. He purposefully drags Yuma out every day to get involved in as many cases as possible until he just has no choice but to enter that labirynth (fun bonding activity). Yomi/gami is also EXTRA against Yuma working for the resistance in that one chapter, he really really really hates criminals and poor people and especially poor criminals dohya's so scary guys let's go Kokohead let's leave this pit :(((((( anyway putting all the funky labirynth details I got aside as to not make this too long, canon Shinigami already was pretty lonely (in that book (gay baby jail) for an ambiguous amount of years) before but in her own way focused on what's best for Yuma's growth as a detective even if they'll have to part ways eventually. Yomi/gami is not like this even if he doesn't act like he cares abt Yuma he's not just gonna let him leave so he can rot in the book in total isolation again just a few weeks after he got out of it. He does everything in his power to impede on Yuma's progress and get him as far away from the reason he came there for so their contract will last longer he's latching on he's a parasite he's lonely. He would NEVER suggest to Yuma that he can stay in the labirynth in chapter 5, he HAS to reap Makoto's soul there is no other option. And if Yuma did by any chance choose to do so anyway, Yomi/gami is absolutely not letting him take the emergency exit he'd rather let him die in there than to let him leave and just move on without him and forget he existed at all lmao. You could go anywhere you want to see others like you and have anyone you could desire I only have you do you really hate me so much you can't stand to know me any longer is that why you're so eager to abandon me the first chance you get. That is so cruel of you and makes you even more of a terrible person you already are for killing so many people for your own selfish pursuit of the truth but it's okay because I'm the only one who could ever understand you and why you've done all this and forgive you even if you don't deserve it because we're bestiessssss foreverrrrrrr <33333 in short: it's a trashfire. Vivia and Makoto both wish they were never exposed to whatever this is and that they remained oblivious for the rest of their lives. Having a lot of trouble with the ending though since I cannot decide between whether 1) Yuma Fucking Dies if I can't have you no one can *compresses you into a cube and yeets it directly at Makoto's skull 2) Yuma has to epic battle his 1000+ yr old weird shinigami buddy on creative mode so he'll let him get his memories back (yomigami voice that you willingly gave to me you knew the terms very well why are you suddenly going back on your word huh. huh??) and Yomi/gami just kinda accepts any relationship he forms with anyone is never gonna last and just goes back to sleep until somebody else wants a temporary pact with him again 3) secret third option where nobody's depressed and Yomi/gami gets to have some kind of way to avoid being isolated forever and start forming longer lasting connections with people that doesn't require Yuma to set himself on fire to make him warm but I'll be honest chief I have no idea how they could possibly do it. So that's that. And before anyone asks: Yes this is yaoi to me
A lot of other smaller yumayomi/kokohell AUs where they mildly enjoy each other's presence, widely ranging between "actually somewhat surprisingly healthy" and "good lord somebody stop them from fucking killing each other or dragging anybody else into this shitshow they got"
And this one of course. the one who started the yuma + yomi madness <333333333 One detail about it that managed to actually stick (so much about it im just. continuouslyc changing ksdhgyrsjsg) is that Yuma gets much more involved with the resistance after being in Dohya for that long before just kinda stopping or avoiding them because uh, *gestures at the hellsmile he's currently in close proximity with* you know. And yes the dynamic would be unparalleled Yuma has no normal friends. They never get a moment of peace before bringing another disaster onto themselves it's always fucking something... Id say something else but i used up all my energy now brain not work anymore defeated looking emoji. A glimpse into my fucked up yomi/yuma mind I will milk them forever
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had a really fun dream where i think i was a new Young Justice member??
Nightwing was still the leader, though he looked a little younger, maybe early twenties? the dream focused a lot on him. and my dream self felt younger too. aaand yeah there was flirting.
now, i don't know if i was an "official" member of the team, bc i was still very much disabled. but Nightwing still worked with me to build my strength while minding my limits. at one point he was helping me use this, i guess, exercise equipment that was supposed to gently increase my balance and stability? my brain couldn't get a solid grasp on what it was, but Nightwing spotted me the whole time.
the rest of the team was there too, though they certainly weren't any YJ members i recognized. a couple of them hung around me and Nightwing just chilling until there was an alert, and Nightwing had to bounce with the rest of the team. he apologized, bc i wasn't ready to be deployed and had to stay behind. and he looked like he actually felt bad.
so i... reached for his face, pulled him down a little and kissed him on the forehead??? and told him not to feel guilty. so he smiled, squeezed my shoulder and took off.
one dream shift later, i was doing training drills with the team. at this point, i was somewhat stronger, though still not a deployable member. i can't remember all the details but we kinda failed the drill, even though i was apparently doing much better than previously.
the team goes off to take a break and i chat with Nightwing. though the rest of the team have become kinda friends with me, anytime Nightwing is around i just kinda end up where he is, like he's a magnet or something.
he shows me and another teammate a new hero suit that can apparently multiply itself for several people to use, and each "copy" adjusts to suit the wearer. i think he'd nicknamed the suit "Darkwing"?? it looked like a smaller, compact version of Batman's suit tbh.
he lets us try it on. my suit stays black but purple accents appear on the cape and chest piece and i'm stoked
then there's another alert, and Nightwing has to leave again with the rest of the team again. i'm still not ready, but i'm less happy about it.
as the others leave the hideout, Nightwing pulls me aside and tells me something like "your time will come, i promise". and he holds my face and kisses my forehead before taking off.
i think i briefly woke up at this point, bc i remember reflecting on how real that kiss felt. but luckily, my brain was more than happy to dump me back into the dream once i fell back asleep.
there were more training sessions, one of them being a game similar to "capture the flag" or something? i ended up being the one to win for the team, surprising everyone, but apparently overextended myself to the point that i told them i needed a doctor bc of the pain. some teammates weren't aware of my chronic pain and had a moment of "oh shit, for real?" (not Nightwing though, he was aware of my whole situation from the get go)
the doctor ended up being more like a physical therapist but she arrived at the facility, didn't even take me to a private area, just sat down on a set of bleachers with other teammates and told me to sit in front of her.
i did as asked, and Nightwing sat close by. i blew raspberries at him, bc that's what i do to my friends irl, and he blew some right back, it was cute.
the doctor got to work on my neck, kinda manipulating it and kinda striking it with something like a reflex hammer to release the tension?? i'm gonna guess it was less medical procedure and more of a special ability of hers. it hurt like a bitch at first, but Nightwing kept talking me through it, even letting me grip his hand if something hurt too much. but eventually the pain faded and my muscles relaxed to the point i was almost falling asleep sitting up, which Nightwing found pretty funny.
there was a lot more to the dream, like at one point i think our base got raided and i actually had to fight. i barely managed, but it helped that Nightwing was yelling out encouragement to me every so often. i helped them clear out the base, even taking an enemy's shotgun and beating them with it like a club.
i even helped rescue some other heroes who'd been "frozen" somehow, bc i was the only one mobile and not occupied in combat, so i sprayed everyone with something i'm guessing was a comic book special "de-frost" solution that accelerated the thawing process.
it was a long and crazy dream. i never kissed Nightwing on the mouth but it honestly hadn't occurred to me, maybe bc mouth kissing isn't a big deal to me. i was just happy he was focusing on me at all.
but damn it was fun, i was so sad to wake up and know i couldn't go back to it (⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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its-deputy-caleb · 2 years
*shaking empty change cup* any soft headcannons for Talía and a female S/O or even Talía. Paolo and female S/O up to you :,))
Talía x Reader x Paolo — Fluff HC's
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i am sooo sorry these took forever :'((( uni really caught up with me and these are not my finest but i hope i did them justice and that you still enjoy em <3333
Getting together with Talía and Paolo was like adding the last puzzle piece to your wildly chaotic but enjoyable lives. All three of you were close and it made taking a step towards a relationship just that much easier.
The three of you met in the early days of Máximas Matanzas in Esperanza. Paolo came to join the two of you after leaving the military to come and perform and protest, even when the city fell into chaos.
You took one of their hands each and dragged them over to the rooftops of Esperanza once Castillo set the military on the crowds of people and neither one of them let your hand go afterwards.
These days, your time and energy is directed into keeping Máximas up and running but that doesn’t mean you don’t get to spend time with the people you love most.
Between running Gurrellia supply drops, organising the destruction of Maria Marquessa studios and targeting propaganda trucks you’ll find two sets of arms wrapping around your shoulders to drag you away for some much needed stress relief.
The two of them want you to relax as much as possible so they take you to the surrounding caves of the camp. Together you explore the ponds of water and the Oluwa Idols which rest underneath rooted trees.
Talía always breaks the peaceful silence by sneaking up on the two of you from behind as she yells “surprise!” at the top of her lungs. Of course, that just means you get to cuddle a very flustered Paolo who’s in constant denial of screaming.
Surprisingly, living at Camp Máximas is very domestic. All three of you are constantly sharing clothes, cooking each other food, cuddling to watch the few working television channels or just curled up to sleep for the night.
Your favourite moment of domestic bliss though, is when Paolo is draped over the couch, Talía is pacing back and forth and you’re strewn out on the floor as the three of you brainstorm upcoming albums and singles.
The fridge has numerous photos of the three of you together, all taken by your dear friend Paz. One photo is simply the three of you sound asleep after a massive raid on Maria’s press conference whilst another shows you covered in mud and dirt with your arms around each other. That was the day you nearly got eaten by crocodiles but boy was it worth it for an amazing day with your loves.
Of course, the star photo— the one in the centre of the fridge with the biggest magnet happens to be after a massive party. Everyone was drunkenly dancing and you’re wearing Paolo’s hat at a funny angle with a cerveza in hand.
Talía and you stood on either side of a blushing and smiling Paolo as the two of you kissed his cheeks with Dani photobombing you all in the back.
Now being the busy guerrilla leaders that you are, there’s not a lot of time to do things all together but that doesn’t stop you from spending quality time with both of them.
When it’s just you and Talía, you’ll often escape up to the hideouts in the cliffs of Noventarmas to watch the sun slip away. Your head will rest in her lap as she idly plays with your hair and sings softly. Occasionally you’ll have your guitar with you as well, and the two of you just hum soft melodies and give each other soft kisses for hours.
Paolo has a tendency to get too stressed about camp activities just like you, so together you’ll go and sit down at the docks of Fort Santa Maria. Your legs will be resting in the water as your arms are thrown around each other and the two of you just relax and shake the stress of the day off each other.
Naturally, your favourite time is with both of them and you always want to make a day out of it so you always plan surprise picnics and activities to enjoy. Paz helps you prepare some Yaran style sandwiches, snacks and even some sweeter desserts for Paolo’s sweet tooth.  
On your dates, the three of you are constantly laughing and on a high from being around each other. And of course, you’re all collapsing on top of each other after eating all the amazing foods and watching the clouds drift over you.
It’s not all romantic and cute like this however and more often than not you’re worried sick as you patch each other up from too many close calls and failed operations.
Whenever you’re hurt Paolo gets very cuddly, he constantly wants to hold you— to make sure you’re safe whilst Talía gets verbal and needs to reassure all three of you that everyone is okay and protected. 
It’s those nights where they snuggle up to you extra close, mindful of your injuries. Talía keeps her arms around your waist and her face tucked into your collarbones as Paolo holds you flush to his chest and litters kisses on your neck till you fall asleep. 
Even with the near death experiences and the chaos of living in Yara, you wouldn’t trade it for the world as you get to be with the two people you care about most in this world.
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I had mixed feelings about today. I wanted to get more done. I sort of fell apart. I was frustrated. But it wasn't a completely terrible day. I just wish I slept better.
I was just uncomfy last night. And couldn't get comfortable. James said I was tossing and turning a lot. I was very restless.
I don't remember leaving for work. But I woke up at 9 and felt down. I didn't get out of bed until almost 10. I just felt like. What's the point. I just wasn't in a good head space.
I got out of bed eventually though and got dressed. I felt a little better. My hair is being very weird. It's like almost all my curls fell out. Like I know that half of my hair is natural from my head now but I'm surprised that it seems it happened over night. I am not sure what to do about my hair right now.
I did not eat well or take care of myself well today. I had a donut for breakfast. And I went to start working on my examples for my workshop this weekend. I was not getting the images I wanted in the clay but I was having fun making tyedye beads and I think the kids will like it too.
I made some beads and I read you should put them on pins to keep the holes from deforming. So I did that and put them in the oven. And I decided that I would work on cleaning the fridge while I waited. This time it was the outside of the fridge. I took all the magnets and pictures off the fridge and cleaned the whole thing. One magnet got stuck and disintegrated which was very frustrating. But it was fun organizing it.
I was having trouble with the oven and it wouldn't heat up so my pieces weren't baking. So I was getting more and more frustrated. I stopped to have a soda and a snack and messed up making the soda on the SodaStream. I put the flavor in before I put the carbonation in. And I wasn't thinking and tried to put the carbonation in and it exploded. Went everywhere. It was horrible. It was everywhere. I had to laugh. But man. That was fun to clean up.
Once I was done cleaning that I finished putting the magnets on the fridge. Kept trying to bake my pieces but it wasn't working. I just put a timer on and laid on the couch.
After it still didn't work after a half hour of trying. I turned off the oven (that wasn't even hot) and went and laid down.
At 2 I got up and decided to shake it off. I finally got the oven to turn on. I did my knitting for the day. I changed my phone a bit. And once the beads were out of the oven I put my shoes on and went for a walk.
This wasn't as long of a walk. Like a half hour. The weather was weird today. It was a brisk but nice. I had my jacket and boots on but I also had bare legs. I am sure I looked funny.
I had a fun little drink. And a podcast. And I went a different way this time. Not so hilly. But once my thighs started to hurt I went home.
When I got back here I put some stuff away and got started on a square since I hadn't done any today.
James would get home soon. And I felt really happy. Well I actually felt a little low still but I was happy that they were back with me.
James would make us a new tortilla soup that was so good. They did a great job. And it made me feel a lot better.
I would keep working on squares. James had their podcast to record. I watched videos and poked around for the rest of the evening.
And now it's time to get a shower and get some sleep. I hope tonight is easier. I have a busy day at work tomorrow. And I am looking forward to it for the most part.
I hope you all have a good night. Take care of each other. Sleep well!!
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sesamestreet47 · 2 years
Can you write a camilo with a clingy girlfriend like the Isabella one you did
Camilo with a clingy girlfriend
!english isn’t my first language, so there can be some grammar mistakes that I am sorry for in advance!
Camilo Madrigal x fem!reader
thank you for the request <3
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"Dude, I swear, your ruana is better than most blankets," Y/N said, studying the yellow material in her hands.
Camilo smirked. "Because it comes in a set with me?"
"Sure, that too," she responded mindlessly. She didn't even look up.
Y/N tightened her grip on the ruana, she pulled the boy wearing it closer. She wrapped her hands around his waist. Climbing onto his lap, she snuggled her head against his chest. Feeling the softness of his yellow piece of clothing, she let out a hum of satisfaction.
Camilo chuckled and hugged her just as tight. "Would you still cuddle with me if I stopped wearing it?"
"I don't think so, no,"
Camilo poked her side harshly.
there was something about Camilo that made you want to hug the heck out of him
you weren't normally a cuddly person, only for him
did he cast a spell on you?
maybe the candle blessed the Madrigals with this magnetic force that just made them so huggable?
whatever it was, it made you cling onto your boyfriend far more often than you intended to
sometimes you did it without thinking
you two would just be hanging out in his room, talking and next thing you know, your head is hidden in the crook of his neck, your arms are loosely wrapped around his middle and he's holding you, still talking about whatever gossip his sister introduced him to today
it's like your brain shuts down for a moment and turns back on when you're holding him and he's holding you just as close
you decide not to question it
maybe it was just girlfriend instincts kicking in? was that even a thing?
"Is this absolutely necessary?"
"No," Camilo responded. "But it's fun."
"It feels funky,"
Y/N and Camilo sat on his bed. The boy's legs sprawled just enough to fit the girl in between them. She sat cross-legged as Camilo put more of the slimey stuff on her face. He claimed this was the absolutely most efficient face mask ever. Y/N agreed to try it. But only because he promised her cuddles later.
Y/N felt shivers on her spine as the stuff on her face started leaving funny-feeling tingles on her cheeks and forehead.
"Don't move, mi vida," Camilo whispered.
Y/N rolled her eyes and decided to distract herself from the slime on her face. She scooted a little bit closer. She straightened her legs, placing them on top of Camilo's. She grabbed his ruana. Her fingers started playing mindlessly with a loose thread.
She had to satisfy herself somehow. And for now that would do, although she really wanted to lay down and use her boyfriend's chest as her pillow while feeling his hand stroking her hair.
"Done, now you gotta wait fifteen minutes,"
Y/N groaned. "Dios, what if I lack patience?"
Camilo shrugged. He wiped his hand with a small towel and lifted her legs up to get out. Y/N frowned.
But not for long.
Camilo turned away from Y/N and leaned back, resting his back against his girlfriend's stomach. She let out a muffled oof.
"Will that help?" he asked, looking up at her. He grabbed her hand and put it on his head.
Y/N scrunched her nose seeing that it was Camilo, who got to live her little cuddling fantasy but started stroking his hair nevertheless.
"A little," Y/N responded. "God, your hair is soft."
you were a grumpy cuddler, if that makes sense
like the idea of being clingy made you cringe a bit, but Camilo liked your approach to cuddles
it was funny to him because your hugs or kisses were soft and loving and they made him melt, but your face was almost identical to a face his mom made before there was a stormy cloud above her head
Camilo loved hugs too, but what he loved more was attention
so he didn't even try to hide the smug smile when you'd kiss him or hug him
his favorite were the things you did mindlessly
like grabbing his hand and rubbing his palm with your thumb when walking
like softly placing your hands on both sides of his face when he talked to count his freckles
like resting your back against his side when you read
like kissing him sweetly when you two would pass each other in town before going back to chores
yeah, he loved your approach to cuddles and affection
it made him feel superior and irresistible, but also loved and adored
"Wait, wait, wait," Camilo broke off the kiss.
Y/N looked at him with furrowed brows. "What?"
The boy licked his lips and smiled. He tucked her hair behind her ear. If she wasn't already close, he'd pull her to his chest. But Y/N loved the feeling of resting her hands on his hips while going in for a kiss, so he never really managed to pull her in as it was always her who beat him to it. He didn't complain.
"Nothing," he said. Y/N looked at him unamused. "You're just- I think I have a crush on you,"
"Camilo, if you ever break off a kiss for such a stupid joke again, I'll make Isabela hit you with a cacti,"
"Okay, got it,"
He spared no time in placing his lips back on hers.
sometimes you held his ruana when in a crowd
Mirabel joked it looked like you were on a leash
you actually found it funny, because she was right
Camilo wasn't the only Madrigal that got to enjoy your cuddles
his siblings got to experience your hugs as well
Antonio loves your piggyback rides
Dolores likes it when you do her hair
and Pepa absolutely adores giving you forehead kisses
but you're still clingy for Camilo and Camilo only
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introloves · 4 years
anon: okay so i just went through (the entirety) of your bokuto tag and lemme just say, boxer! bokuto??? yeah top tier. you just KNOW that every time he wins he wraps that medal round your neck and makes you watch in the mirror as he uses it to choke you and keep your head up and eyes on his while he absolutely rails you. shit after fights you’d look just as bruised as him.
— boxer! bokuto + marking + choking + pain + possessive! bokuto + overstimulation + size kink + bokuto calls reader ‘puppy’ + cream pie + f! reader
— word count; 2k
— boxerverse! bokuto: one shot no. 2
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he’s trembling, high strung with the adrenaline that still hasn’t left him. it’s funny seeing him whine for your attention, someone so big and muscular like him looking absolutely destroyed when you give him a stern look against his kisses.
it’s so very apparent in the way he handles you that hes looking at you to help him come down.
“bo, calm down.” you pant, trying to push his hands away, its a futile attempt to keep his wandering fingers away from your pants. its like he’s magnetized to the waistband of them, digits twitch when you slap them down.
he’s big, strong, a finely tuned machine built for taking hits and giving them back like a bullet but your rejection makes him pout.
there’s a twist of pain in your chest when he gets like this, but he needs to rest.
despite everything, he acts like its just been another day, but it hasn’t even been two hours since his last fight. theres a bruise painting his lip, another one against his brow, red splotches litter his sides and stomach but he shakes your prying hands off thick wrists, fingers hooking into your waistband and pulling them down to your thighs. he looks up at you with the biggest puppy dog eyes ever. waiting for the okay he knows is inevitably going to come.
“fine, but if i see you wince, we’re stopping.” you sigh, smiling at the absolute beam of teeth and curled lips he gives you.
he’s so fast, peeling off every bit of clothing you had worn tonight. he had to have you, needed it like he needed that win.
a win that he already has, now he just needs you.
you cant deny that his excitement isn’t making you wet, he’s like a god above you, vying for your attention and body. he was truly glorious tonight, muscles taut and coiled as he bounced along the white canvas. biceps curled and ready for his opening to land one of his signature right hooks. he takes every hit against his body like it’s nothing, completely unfazed by his opponent. at one point during the match he taunted them, dropping his arms and baring his teeth, just waiting for the fight to truly get good. it makes you squirm, he could be so intimidating, watching like a predator for any opening, any hole in the opponents defense.
your body flushes in memory of watching him land that final hit, he sees the way your thighs squish together. groaning at the thought that your body was responding to his advances, surely knowing by memory how good he fucks you.
your bo always looks so strong and powerful. no matter where he is, whether he’s fighting or when he’s trapping you against those strong arms.
it makes you sigh at the pure determination he’s dripping in, rolling your eyes as he gives you a once over, wiggling his eyebrows at you, torso stretching to reach something from the bedside table, canines flashing as he shows you his newest trophy. its a devious look, proud eyes glinting down at you.
you feel that you can read his mind, about to tell him that, no you won’t fuck him while he’s wearing it, but he lowers it over your head, giving you a bigger smile as the heavy and cold metal lands right between your tits.
“that looks real good on you.” he finally says, abs contracting with the pangs of arousal crawling up his neck. he flinches just a bit at the soreness there, he’s a little more beat up than usual, but hides it well. if there’s anything he needs other than rest, its to fuck you dizzy.
he thinks he might be a total meat head with just how much he likes the image of you wearing something he worked so hard to win, a primal heat licking at the arousal also flaring inside him. you’re really truly his, bokuto can see it in your eyes, regarding him like hes strung the moon up in the sky.
you belong to him, just as he does you. just like that shiny medal you’re wearing.
the bed creaks under his weight when he leans down to kiss you, hand grabbing your face, keeping you right where he wants you. tongue immediately slipping past your lips, pulling a cute whine. he’s sloppy with it, teeth bumping against your own, spit trailing down the corner of both your mouths. when he pulls away, your eyes cross to watch the string of spit connecting the both of you.
he swipes his tongue out and catches it, mumbling something when he sees you reach for him.
“sit back.” you realize he says a little late, snapped out of the haze by the gentle tap of his index finger against your cheek.
koutarou makes a show to peel the rash guard he was wearing under his shorts off. his creamy, muscled thighs finally grace your vision. it makes your body temperature rise several degrees at once, the hot flash only encouraged when you see his dick lying pretty against his thigh. you reach for him, but the advance is stopped by his hands, he doesnt say anything but grips your wrists a little tighter.
your gaze moves from his purpled knuckles up to his eyes, the amber there looks just a tad bit cooler and you immediately know it’s going to be a bad day for you tomorrow.
“want you on your tummy.” bokuto states, and you listen.
waiting for his hands to grip your hips, but he lags just a little. turning your head to look at him you ask if everything’s okay,
“you remember our safe word?” he inquires, and you nod, blanching just a little. his words send a prickle of fear down your spine, you suddenly feel very vulnerable and exposed.
“well, what is it?”
bokutos hand comes down to grip your shoulder, huffing against your ear. theres a small pull there, bringing your shoulders back to meet him halfway.
he’s right there, waiting for the last syllable to leave your lips, poking the head of his dick against your cunt. it leaves you breathless, smooth, velvet skin leaving a wet trail of precum right on your clit.
it makes you exhale out a high pitched keen, unable to stop it from tumbling out a little louder than expected.
the whine has him purring, humming out a, “good girl.”
there’s nothing in the world that you can compare the way he splits you open. the first stroke is always careful, makes sure youre nice and relaxed, wet enough to take him. you always are of course, how could you not with the way he holds you, pulling you back by your shoulders, making your back bend as much as it can, the twist of your body like that makes for a real tight squeeze, feels like the already limited room inside your cunt is cut back to an absolute zero.
it should hurt, but you’ve taken him enough that hes practically carved the shape of him into your pussy.
he has you nice and compliant under his hands, head thrown back to leave the most fucked out sounds of pure ecstasy rattle through your lungs and into the room.
he can feel the chemistry, something akin to electricity, between the two of you. if he could form into words what its like when you lean agasint him, completely trusting him to take care of you, to make you feel good, he’d fill a book up- and pocket it to reread over and over.
bokuto releases you, letting your shoulders fall forward gently before reaching around and pulling the, now, warm metal from between your body and the bed.
it catches you by surprise when he gives it a tug, the silk cutting into your prominent veins, making you go weak and dizzy.
if you couldn’t think or talk before he was doing this, you definitely weren’t going to be able to while he was.
your hands find the pillows above you for leverage, biting down onto your lip when he begins a brutal pace against your hips. hes pinned you down onto the bed with his mass, not even letting you arch your hips to give him better access to your cunt.
“ghh, kou- kou feels good.” you cry, taking an index finger into your mouth to bite, theres not a spot on your body where you dont feel him, so big above you, you can feel the press of his dick in your throat.
“i know it does puppy.” he grits out, still biting back the pain that each brutal contact against your body brings him. hes got the stamina, the sweat hes broken out thus far isnt too bad, but the position and the way hes taking you- hand still holding onto that precious medal- is taking a toll on him.
he knows he needs to make you cum fast.
and knowing his sweet baby, the way to do that is to rough you up just a bit. it’s real endearing.
the silk burns just a little when he shifts behind you, making sure to keep a good grip on it- you dont connect the dots of what hes preparing to do, not until he pulls back.
you’re mid scream before he cuts you off, tears forming in your eyes against the rasp and wheeze of your breathing. the tension around your throat isnt forceful enough to cut your oxygen off completely, it just leaves you wheezing and gives you a nice haze to your vision.
you’ve tensed up completely, knees locking, hands gripping the pillow above you for dear life.
the reaction from you makes him shake, you can feel the stutter of his hips, hearing the high whine leave his throat, he powers through it. he clashes his teeth together and snarls, blinking back stars when he speeds up.
“c’mon, cum. cum for me, puppy.” bokuto grunts.
its not like you to not listen, as soon as his words leave his mouth, you’re closing your eyes.
you’ve gone limp for a second, and bokuto truly fears that hes overdone it, he drops the grip he has on his trophy, about to stop everything, but then your tremors start.
your legs, still pinned down between his own, shake. he sees your cute little hands slap the pillow and swallows deeply. you’re silent- but he can hear the echoes of moans that want to leave your throat thanks to your open mouth and head that’s thrown back. it takes you two seconds before you seem to flicker back to life,
“ghhhh, hhhh! koutarou, kou!” his name is the first coherent thing that leaves your mouth, and he swears there’s nothing better. he cant compare you to winning a match, knocking out his opponent in a KO- because seeing you like this, hearing you scream his name like that would win every time.
he’d like to comment on how eagerly you’re milking his cock, but the pulsing of your cunt around his fat, big dick does him in.
there’s no time to pull out, wasn’t planning on it anyways, but the squeezing of you againts him, leaking your cum down to the base of him, wetting his pubes with you, also leaves no room for it.
it’s obscene, the squelching sounds of his pistoning, cumming cock, creaming your insides white, all the while pushing it out of your cunt with every thrust.
it splatters against your ass and his thighs, white globs of it stick against the two of you while he rides out the throbbing. there’s nothing more satisfying than filling you up, a deep tingle nipping at the base of his skull when he thinks about his cum kept warm in your cunt.
this is what finally tires him out. the tremor and twitching of his strong arms visible when he reaches down and pulls his limp dick from you, he saves you the pain of his weight crushing against your already fragile body by plopping down beside you, you jump up on the bed with the force of his weight collapsing beside you.
the sticky heat is no match for his eagerness to hold you after it all. you slot against his front easily, almost completely dwarfed by his frame.
“‘re you proud ‘fme.” he slurs against your neck, trapping his thigh between your legs. he shivers when he feels the mess of his own cum smear absolutely everywhere.
your hand comes down to rest over his arms, protectively secured around your torso.
“always. i love you so much.” you whisper back, voice just a tiny bit raspy and sore.
“mm, loveyoumore.”
he’s out before you can count to ten, hearing you say that puts a smile on his face while his breathing evens out behind you.
you take the lightest of touches to the bruises on his knuckles, your koutarou truly was something else. while he sought out your validation, you basked in the glory and security of someone as grand as him holding you tight.
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sobsicles · 3 years
claire's not expecting them to be at the door. she blinks at the sight of four men all huddled on the stoop with flowers and what appears to be bags of food flowing from their arms. jack is peeking above a bouquet, beaming at her.
"who's at the door?!" jody calls from the kitchen, her voice muffled by the sound of grease popping and the clanking of pans and spatulas meeting over and over.
"god," claire calls back, because she likes to think she's funny.
there's a beat of silence, and then jody's sticking her head out the kitchen. the moment she sees them, she breaks out into a grin and saunters over, shoving the spatula in claire's hand as she chatters away.
"what's going on out there?" donna asks as claire escapes back to the kitchen to poke at food jody is apparently willing to burn just because the winchesters decided to show their faces today of all days.
"judgement day," claire says dryly.
donna shares a look with patience. "haven't we dealt with that already a few times?"
"only by association," claire admits, "but i wouldn't put it past them to bring it along with 'em now. the boys are here."
"oh, isn't that nice?" donna chirps, already popping up from her chair. "i didn't know they were stopping by today."
"wonder how sam's doing," patience agrees, wandering out the kitchen right along with donna. claire can hear everyone cracking up and talking in the living room.
trust the winchesters to shake things up just by showing up. can't have one goddamn day, can they? well, that's not true. in their case, as far as claire is concerned, they're shitty for showing up and shitty for not. someone has to knock 'em all down a peg or two, so she might as well be the one.
"what did that chicken ever do to you?" kaia asks teasingly as she sidles into the kitchen and stops by the stove, hip-checking claire out of the way to take over.
"the boys are here," claire informs her.
kaia raises her eyebrows. "like, the boys as in the winchesters, or is this a milkshake pun?"
"i can only be so gay, sweetheart," claire says, shooting her a flat look.
"raise the bar a little. could be gayer. you can always be gayer," kaia teases, reaching out to sneak her hand around claire's hip, her eyes bright with amusement.
"you know what? you're right," claire agrees and immediately tries to cop a feel while kaia laughs and dances out of range.
jack appears in the doorway. "hello," he says, whispering for some reason. "claire, i need your help."
"no," claire says, not even glancing at him. she continues to try and put her hand up kaia's shirt, just to see her laugh.
"can i borrow twenty dollars?" jack asks.
"no. aren't you god?"
"yes, but i don't get paid to be."
"well, sucks for you. borrow money from cas," claire mutters, settling in behind kaia as she focuses on the food on the stove, swatting lazily at claire's roaming hands.
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from sam."
"he'll just borrow money from dean."
"borrow from—wait, why does it matter if it's from dean? just borrow from him."
jack huffs. "i can't. i need the money for dean. i have a card, and i read online it's customary to give money with a card. also, will you sign it?"
"you got dean a card?" claire asks, craning her head around to stare at jack skeptically.
"don't tell me it's for what i think it is."
"mother's day," jack confirms unironically.
claire wheezes out a laugh. "oh my god."
"there's a pen in the catty on the fridge," kaia says, clearly amused.
"yeah. yeah, this is—yeah." claire chokes on more laughter and stumbles towards the group of pens in the magnet container on the fridge. she waggles her fingers at jack, clearing her throat, lips twitching. "hand it over, beanstalk. you're a fucking genius."
"oh! thank you," jack declares cheerfully, passing over the card. "so, can i borrow twenty dollars?"
"hell no," claire says. she braces the card against the fridge and swallows down a laugh. sam has already signed it. this just gets better and better. happy mother's day, old man, aka the secondary source of my mommy and daddy issues. you're going for gold with this double-whammy, she writes.
"but i need it," jack insists, staring at her with wide eyes.
claire shrugs. "tough break, kid. what, cas doesn't give you an allowance? is it just me, or are dads getting stricter these days?"
"i didn't think about it in advance," jack admits sadly. "i want to do it right for the holiday. it's mother's day, claire."
"i'm well aware. sorry to break it to you, kid, but last I checked, your mom's as dead as mine," claire tells him, her voice flat. he frowns and she forces herself not to feel bad. everything that sucks for him sucked for her first, so her sympathy levels are a little drained. "father's day will roll around eventually, and you've got a long line of those, so wait your turn."
"i've already done something for my mother today," jack says slowly, his eyebrows furrowed. "i visited her in heaven."
claire snorts derisively and passes the card back over. "must be nice."
"it was," jack agrees, completely missing the point. "i really can't borrow twenty dollars? i'll pay you back."
"nah," claire says. "who cares anyway? wait, why is dean the mom?"
"well, castiel is my father."
"ah, so it's about them having the hots for each other, then? really, kid, you coulda just made dean your step-dad."
jack blinks. "they have the...hots for each other? you mean sex. they have sex?"
"you know what?" claire points at him with her free hand. "i'm not gonna burst your bubble on that one. you've got enough issues on your own without wondering if mommy and daddy still have a spark, so I'm gonna leave that alone. i've got five dollars. take it or leave it."
"deal," jack says immediately.
money is exchanged, and jack looks like he's on cloud nine. claire's just stoked to see the expression on dean's face when he gets the card. it's a homemade card and everything, nothing like the two claire, kaia, patience, and alex got for jody and donna.
claire helps kaia finish up the chicken, which promptly gets set aside to wait on the rest of the food in the oven. sam wanders in at some point to drop off the food they brought. dessert, by the looks of it. pies and cakes that go in the fridge. it's kind of them, but claire would shoot herself in the foot before she ever admits it.
she lets kaia tug her into the living room where everyone is already at, rolling her eyes at how cheered everyone seems just because the winchesters happened to grace their doorstep. really, they all suck.
but also—and claire will never admit this, not even to save her own life—it's nice to see 'em again. it's nice that they've come to celebrate the day in jody and donna's name, giving them flowers and such. it's nice that they hang around for a bit and don't bring the world crashing down on everyone for the duration of their stay.
and, well, it's nice to see cas, too.
he perches up next to the couch that claire is squeezed on with alex, donna, kaia, and jack. kaia is practically in her lap, but claire is secretly glad for the excuse. while everyone talks and has conversations across one another, cas focuses entirely on her.
another thing claire will never admit is how reluctantly pleased by that she is. it warms her. stupidly, it turns soft and gooey in her chest that he automatically gives her his undivided attention over everyone else, even jack. but, then again, it's not cas' day, so she doesn't have to look too close to that feeling. it's mother's day, so it's not about him.
when the food is ready, they reconvene in the kitchen, and that's when they crack out the cards and gifts. claire is practically vibrating with laughter before jack has even brought his card out. before that, though, she smiles softly and strokes kaia's thigh under the table as jody and donna read their cards and chuckle at the messages, their gazes warm and their smiles sweet. they look happy. they deserve to be.
"okay, last one," claire announces, grinning at jack. she's starting to think she likes this kid if he's an agent of chaos like this.
and okay, maybe she hates him a little in abstract, but in detail, she finds that she does actually like him. you kinda just wanna put him in your pocket without meaning to, she's learned. there's too much to explore with the whole psuedo sibling thing and parents that aren't parents, as well as parents that are but didn't choose to be, only he did choose one of them, and it wasn't her. it's complicated, but underneath it all, there's a vibrant love there that she can't look directly at. sometimes, she despises that she's included in it; yet, just the same, she's thankful that she is.
"oh hell," dean mutters, swinging his gaze between alex and patience. "one of you...ya know? did we miss something?"
claire snorts.
"what? no," alex replies, grimacing. "i have no idea what claire's talking about. claire, what the hell are you talking about?"
"jack?" claire prompts in a wheeze.
"here you go," jack chirps, holding out the card to dean, beaming. "happy mother's day."
the expression on dean's face is somehow even better than claire imagined. she howls with laughter while sam buries his face in his hands, his shoulders jerking. cas squints at jack, and jody's eyebrows fly up at the same exact time that donna grins.
"is this a joke?" dean sputters.
"no, no, nope," claire chokes out, nearly fucking crying with laughter. "happy mother's day, dean."
"you gotta take it, man," sam agrees, clearing his throat and biting back a smile as he bobs his head dutifully towards the card.
dean fixes sam with a flat look and snatches the card. "you're all so fucking—sam, you signed it?!"
"happy mother's day," sam says, his mouth pinched, visibly trying not to laugh.
"do you like it?" jack asks earnestly. "i made the card, sam signed it first, and claire provided the money."
"i—" dean stares down at the card, then heaves a sigh and looks up at jack. it's clear to him that—out of everyone—jack is clearly taking this very seriously. he offers him a weak smile, then swallows. "yeah, s'great, kid. thank you. sam, you are dead to me. claire, i will be spending this on something you hate. cas, this is somehow your fault."
"yup, sounds like a mother to me," jody declares, holding up her beer with a smile.
"welcome to the club," donna agrees, holding hers up as well. "everyone else annoys the shit out of you, but you love 'em anyway."
dean sighs and clinks his beer to theirs.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
An Impostor In Love
Sequel to ‘Love For The Faceless’ (’Body Reveal’)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing (maybe)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Rae can’t stay mad at her best friends forever. Them being absolutely adorable doesn’t help her ‘pissed off’ act either. Y/N’s outing Corpse like she’s a human lie detector. Corpse is gushing about her every second word that comes out of his mouth. And the rest of the lobby are getting one hell of a kick out of the Among Us romantic comedy - An Impostor In Love
Requested but, once again, not in a typical way. I honestly wasn’t expecting all the positive feedback I got for Love For The Faceless (Body Reveal). I was star-struck! You guys are so amazing I have no words to describe just how much I love you all! Thank you for everything! This story is for all of you 🥰🥰🥰
“Mr. and Mrs. ‘Totally not dating’ have entered the call!“ Sean announces when I hop into the Discord call to play Among Us with the usual gang. I hear Corpse’s laugh from down the hall, bringing a smile to my face.
We’ve gotten used to playing in this arrangement, a few rooms away from each other, ever since we moved in together - Corpse is in his recording room and I am in our shared bedroom. When one dies, they go in the other’s room to troll them. I’m usually the one dead, but that’s besides the point.
“Hi everyone!“ I say in my typical cheery tone before kicking it done a few notches, making it an octave deeper just to say: “Hi Rae.”
The whole lobby laughs, they all know what I’m trying to do here. Everyone’s aware this is the first time Rae is in the same call and lobby as Corpse and I after you-know-which incident. Sure, I’ve been poking sticks at her, waving a white flag and admitting I was wrong several times by now. Who knew my sweetheart best friend could act so cold? I know it’s a front. I know she’s fighting to stay mad. There’s a ton of pressure on her to finally forgive us, but she’s been holding up better than I would be if I were in her situation.
I honestly felt, and still feel, slightly guilty. I know best friends are supposed to tell each other everything. They are supposed to be the first ones to know whatever’s going on in each other’s lives. And I know I broke one of the main rules of friendships, but the decision wasn’t only mine to make. I’m sure she understands where I’m coming from, she’s just giving me and Corpse a hard time.
“Hello, Y/N.” She replies, her tone strictly formal.
“Progress, people! Progress!“ I say joyously, the smile turning into a grin 
“Don’t worry, babe. We’ll get her eventually.“ Corpse reassures me as he’s done for the past week or two. He knew I wasn’t as unbothered by Rae’s anger towards me as I tried to appear - a pro and simultaneously a con of living with someone: they pick up on everything about you. You become as familiar to them as the back of their hand.
“I know, I know.“ I giggle, “She’ll cave.“
“Yeah, good luck with that.“ Rae has dropped the formal tone, now sounding like a stubborn child which is something I’m way more familiar with. I’ve dealt with her tantrums and childish outbursts - I don’t know which number it is, but it’s somewhere in the rule book of friendships - and I at least the approximate meaning behind it. 
Ken puts an end to our friendly, stick-poking, sorta one-sided banter, ushering us to start the game. We all oblige, muting our mics and getting our heads in the game as though we’re about to enter an actual warzone with upmost stealth.
To my dismay, the screen flashes ‘Crewmate’. I head out of cafeteria to do my task in Weapons, staying weary of anyone within my proximity. Once I’m done, I head on down to Shields and complete my task there as well. I cringe when I’m done, knowing my last three tasks are in Electrical. Like, the fuck kind of luck do I have?
I make my way through the halls, running into Sykkuno and we circle around each other a few times to show we’re safe before we each continue our own way. I enter Electrical and.....oh Felix is dead. And oh lookie who’s right there...
I report the body before the impostor can and we all unmute our mics.
“Found him in Electrical.“ I say nonchalantly, “Didn’t see anyone in there though.“ 
“Anyone sus?“ Sean asks
We say our ‘no’s and ‘I don’t know’s and skip the vote. I’m smirking to myself as I head back down to Electrical. Walking in, I see the same person as before - Rae. I stop dead in my tracks and we just stare at each other for a few seconds before she comes towards me, circling me twice, bumping visors with me and venting out of the room.
“You’re welcome.“ I mumble, smiling widely.
I finish my tasks and leave Electrical just as Corpse enters our bedroom, giving me this tired-parent look like he’s half disappointed and half amused. “You just threw the game, didn’t you? Don’t lie.” He raises his eyebrows, fully adopting his parent role.
I giggle, shaking my head, sending him the briefest of glances before my eyes fixate on the screen in utter shock - Sean just killed me. Oh, for fuck’s sake...
“I was gonna come clean eventually, but I guess they won’t hear it from me now.“ I shrug, lifting my laptop and setting it aside so Corpse can join me on the bed. I snuggle up to him immediately, drawn to him as though he’s a human magnet.
“Who was it?“ He asks me, running his hands through my hair in a soothing manner.
I frown, pulling away from his chest to look him in the eyes, “Wait, how did you know I threw the game if you don’t know who I threw it for?”
He smirks, shrugging, “I didn’t know. You were smiling downright evilly when I came in so I just assumed.” He boops my nose. “And you ratted yourself out.”
I narrow my eyes at him, blowing some air out my nose - a gesture that has become my only way of showing anger towards him. I literally can’t even voice when I’m upset with him cause the grudge lasts like .5 seconds. I let him get away with more than he should.
Seeing as how I can’t argue to his statement, I lean back into his chest and pull out my phone to pass the time while I pretend to give him the silent treatment. Among my notifications is one for Rae’s stream. I smile and tap it, being taken to her YouTube channel and her live stream.
Just when the stream loads, Rae finds my dead body in Storage.
“Oh, nooooooo! Y/N!“ She wines as she goes over to it, “Sean must’ve killed her.” She reports the body and unmutes herself in game, “The body’s in Storage. I was on my way to call an emergency meeting cause I saw Sean vent in Security.”
“WHAT?!“ Sean exclaims in shock, “I didn’t! Rae’s lying. I swear I didn’t! I wasn’t even in Security!“
“Sean has been following me around this whole time. Just saying.“ Ken joins the discussion, throwing even more suspicion on Sean.
“We gotta vote someone.“ Charlie says, “Might as well be the most sus person at the moment.“
The voting results show all the little astronaut icons on Sean except his which is on Rae. Sean gets launched into space and the game continues. Having muted her mic in-game, Rae speaks up: “Y/N has been avenged. No one kills my best friend.”
I’m staring at my phone screen, eyes wide, eyebrows raised, a huge smile on my face. I take a glance at Corpse out of the corner of my eye and see he’s just as pleasantly surprised as I am.
“For those of you asking if I’m still mad at her and Corpse, the answer’s no. Actually, I think I was never mad. I was just in shock and a little hurt that I wasn’t made aware sooner.“ Rae says as she keeps wandering around the map, “Then I realized not talking to my best friend hurt more than the betrayal, you know. The only reason I still pretend is because it’s really funny to see her trying to soften me up.“ She laughs, “But yeah. I don’t know what I’d do without her or Corpse in my life. I love them both and love them even more together. My best friends are dating, I still can’t wrap my brain around that! They are sooo cute, you guys! I wish they posted more content of them together. I’m literally simping over their relationship! But shh, don’t tell em I said that.”
I laugh, overjoyed by what I just heard. I knew she couldn’t still be mad at us. I know she has every right to be, but she’s too sweet to actually hold a grudge against anyone ever.
I suddenly want nothing more than to give her an enormous hug and hold onto her for as long as she’d let me. I just now realize how lonely it feels to have never hugged your best friend because you haven’t hung out together in person. The only reason Rae now knows what I look like is because I sent her a full body picture of myself as one of my sad attempts to get her to start talking to us again. We have never met in person, and that thought kills me. It makes me impatient for this pandemic to end even more than before. 
“Told you there was nothing to worry about.“ Corpse’s arms tighten their hold on my body, pulling me even closer which I didn’t know was possible. The most fulfilling and endearing feeling - being in the arms of a loved one. Being held so close and so tightly that you feel like you’re untouchable. Like you two can’t be hurt by anything in the world as long as you have each other.
“Yeah, you were right.“ I sigh in content, putting my phone down and covering his hands with mine, our rings clinking quietly when they touch.
“As usual...“ he whispers theatrically with his lips against my hair.
I playfully roll my eyes, catching glimpse of the screen showing Rae’s demise. 
“Oh no, they caught her.“ I say, a bit disappointed she didn’t win and more than a bit responsible for her defeat.
I somehow manage to convince myself to get untangled from Corpse’s embrace and join the new round. I hear him groan as I settle my computer in my lap, unmuting my mic.
“See ya, kitten.“ Corpse kisses my temple, standing up.
“Oh my God, you two are too cute.“ Poki says sweetly, having heard what Corpse said to me.
“SIMP!“ Sean and Felix shout in unison causing the whole lobby to laugh. Corpse is as red as Rae’s avatar as he exists our room, running down the hallway.
“Ok, ok, ok. Hold on. I have to address this. I really hadn’t stepped foot in Security, let alone vented in there. Rae why were you lying?“ Sean’s voice cuts through the teasing directed towards Corpse and I.
“While we’re on that topic...“ Felix speaks up as well, making me break out in a nervous sweat, “Y/N, you literally saw Rae kill me, but you said you didn’t see anyone.“ He laughs, “Not gonna lie, I was a bit pissed.“
The call falls silent for about five seconds until Rae and I speak simultaneously.
“I was avenging Y/N.“
“I was helping Rae.“
Silence follows our statements, not for long though, as our friends break out in amused laughter.
“Fuck’s sake, you two make a good team.“ Sean says through genuine laughter which Rae and I soon join him in.
Felix and Sean and the rest of the lobby forgive us for throwing the game from both the crewmate and impostor’s side and we move onto another round. This time I have only one task in Electrical which I leave for last as always. I don’t feel like dying right from the get-go. I start by doing the card swipe in Admin and then the fuel task in Storage. As I make my way to Upper Engine, Corpse leaves Electrical, falling in step with me. I immediately get nervous, but still make my way to where I’m supposed to go, hoping he’d go his own way eventually. 
I stay wary of my boyfriend as I do my task, praying he won’t take my head off. When the task is finished, I find I’m trapped in the room with the doors shut. And Corpse right there. With every right and opportunity to kill me and vent. No one would know. No one saw us. 
That nervous sweat is back. 
I’m counting my last seconds of being alive.
And it happens...
A body is reported
“Oh than you so so so much! Corpse was gonna kill me in Upper Engine!“ I don’t let the person who reported the body speak, thanking them for my survival. “I was sure I was a goner.“
“Babe, come on now. You know I wouldn’t kill you even if I was an impostor. I love you too much.“ Corpse hurries to defend himself, “I’m following you around to keep you safe.“
I can tell he’s capping, but I have no concrete proof. He knows I’m onto him. His best bet is having me killed by the other impostor. He might have been capping the majority of his defense, but I know he won’t kill me.
“I’ll vote for myself because of that one.“ I mumble
The vote is skipped except the one vote I placed on myself and the round continues. I follow Corpse around the whole time, making sure he’s completing tasks - not that I can be 100% certain he’s actually completing them.
All is well until we walk into Admin and find Felix there, uploading data. Corpse, dead-ass, goes up to him and kills him, reporting the body right afterwards.
“IT’S CORPSE!“ I don’t give him a chance to start his brainwashing of the rest of the players. “Felix, this is my redemption for leaving your death unavenged last round.“
“Yeah, it’s me.“ Corpse laughs, that adorable laugh of his melting me despite the need to stay strong and carry out my argument, “Just vote me out so I can go troll Y/N.“
“Sounds like a plan to me.“ Ken says, the remainder of the crewmates, and the impostor probably, agreeing with him.
The votes are put in, all on Corpse obviously, and he is sent off into space. Not even five seconds later I hear his footsteps approaching. 
I look up when he pops his head in the room and says, “I have come to annoy you to death with my love for you.”
I can’t help but laugh, shaking my head. The things this man does to me are insane. It’s insane that I let him. 
It’s amazing, really. We’re amazing.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I pat the spot on the bed next to me, “I’ll allow it. But only cause I love you too.”
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis
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reidsnose · 3 years
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overview: reader accidentally falls out of a window while having a late night talk with spencer (loosely based on the song: home by edward shapre and the magnetic zeros)
genre: angst? FLUFF
warning: blood, head injury, hospital visit, overdramatic reader thinks shes dying
a/n: i really really dont know if yall will like this but i do and i think its cute so please lmk what u think ab it :)
Spencer knew it wasn't the safest thing in the world. you did too. but something about sitting on the outside window ledge together, talking and laughing, was far too tempting of an offer to pass up. and besides, it was just over 6 feet off of the ground! whats the worst that could happen?
and so you sat, shoulders smushed together so you could both fit. a blanket wrapped around you both, keeping the cool night air locked out. however, you were so close together (and so flushed) that even without the blanket you'd both still be warm.
you adored nights like this with him, thinking to yourself how you got lucky enough to call him your best friend. to anyone else, it was obvious you two were deeply yet obliviously, painfully in love. you watched as he retold a memory he had of the two of you, eyes widening and hands peeking through the blanket to gesture wildly with each sentence. though you were listening to the story, growing more and more fond of the memory now that it was being told from his perspective, you couldn't help but be distracted by him. his essence. his being. he was...intoxicating.
and then he cut to the punch line and looked to you for a reaction, watching beauty radiate from you as you threw your head back and laughed. he didn't even realize how funny it was until he saw how hard you were laughing. and then you snorted, which of course caused you to laugh more. with tears nearly coming out of your eyes, you wrapped your hands around your aching stomach, trying to control your laughter and completely forgetting that you needed your hands to keep you balanced on the window.
he took you in, a tranquility like no other filling his heart.
and then it happen.
in slow motion he watched you lose your balance, unable to catch his grasp as you fell towards the ground outside. fear coursed through his veins as he tried to calculate every possible out come. and then suddenly time was back to normal, and you were on the floor, a fresh cut on your head.
without missing a beat he jumped out after you, landing far more gracefully than you had.
you felt him lift your head into his lap, barely hearing his muffled words. you nodded when he asked if you could hear him for the fourth time. and then you felt some blood trickle down your face. and you did not do well with seeing your own blood.
that was it. you were gonna die. you never told him how you felt and you were going to die. you could even feel death pulling on your eyelids.
in reality, you had landed on your hip and your head hit a pointy rock. it felt like hell but medically you would be just fine. it looked a lot worse than it actually was, head injuries produce far more blood than other body parts.
spencer knew this as he peeled the cardigan off of his shoulders, bunching it up and applying pressure to your wound.
he picked you up bridal style, trying hard to cradle your head at the same time. he was beyond relieved at how relatively minor this was going to be. you would heal, and you would be ok. he got to his car and gently placed you in the passenger seat before running to the drivers side and taking off as fast as he possible could.
"Spencer," you rasped.
"don't talk very much right now. don't worry i'm going to get you to the hospital just stay awake for me you've probably got a concussion." he explained, looking over worriedly.
"im going to die." you told him, your brain feeling foggy from seeing your own blood.
"no you wont. i promise you wont die."
you went on telling him again and again how you would die and how the team shouldn't cry for you. and he patiently explained every time that you would be ok. and as he carried you into the ER you took one look at the cardigan that had rested against your forehead and convinced yourself 110% that you were on your death bed.
so it was now or never.
"Spencer before i die i want you to know that i love you. i always have. i just had to get it off my chest before i left this world with you still in it." you blurted as the doctors began to take you away.
he stood there, mouth agape at your confession.
"she is not going to die." one of the doctors reassured Spencer before turning on his heels and jogging to catch up with the rest of them.
it had to have been the loss of blood. or maybe a concussion fogged your thinking. or maybe he's in shock and he's hearing things. because there is no possible way that that just happened.
and so he sat in the waiting room for nearly an hour while they stitched up your head, nervously tapping his foot to match the pace of his racing thoughts.
he was thinking through every single moment the two of you had ever shared, wondering if-hoping that there was some truth to your confession, when they called out your name. he shot up faster than he ever had before, even getting a little light headed at the sudden quick stance.
he walked in to see you sitting up, drinking some apple juice that the nurses had brought you. and even then, in a hospital bed with half a dozen stitches in your forehead, you looked more beautiful than ever. he was astonished. absolutely astonished at just how radiant you were. your eyes twinkles as you smiled at him.
"so false alarm.. i didnt die." you joked, trying to hide your embarrassment, handing him a hospital issued jello.
"im so glad youre ok. you know i told you from the start we shouldnt have sat on the window," he chuckled, eyes feeling teary for a reason unknown to him.
"i know i know, you're always right." you giggled a little before wincing in pain from it.
his hand came up and lightly brushed your hair back, soothing you so much your eyes immediately fluttered closed. he had to bring it up, he had to know.
"did you mean it?" he asked.
you tried to control your heart rate while you played it dumb, "well yeah i really did think i was going to die."
"thats not what i meant."
"i know." you admitted. "yes. i meant it. i still mean it and if thats weird for you and you want to leave i completely understand-"
he cut you off by pressing his lips to your own, soft but passionate, tasting of jello.
it was a better profession of love than any speech he could try to make. because regardless of how many big words he used, it wouldn't be enough. not to mention that being around you makes his brain turn into mush, rendering it completely useless.
your heart rate monitor started going absolutely wild, beeping quickly and erratically. you both started laughing into the kiss, reluctantly pulling away. euphoria coursed through your veins, two lovesick bozos in the hospital.
you two talked for a little, buzzed from the kiss., smiling like a couple of idiots. but you were happy. sitting in the hospital with a cracked open head and you were still happy. because Spencer was there. and he makes you happy.
after talking to the doctor and a phone call with hotch, you were told to take two weeks off of work. spencer insisted that he go home early every day so he can come over and take care of you. and that was fiinnneee by you.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic
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A Fool of Me
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A/N: Hey guys! This one’s a request from @peachylemasters​. I hope I did it justice, I had to tweak some details to fit the plot but I think I hit all the notes. If you like this and wanna read some more of my stuff check out my Masterlist, or my series, I’m On Fire.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Spencer runs into a toxic ex-girlfriend at an event a kind receptionist saves him from himself.
Category: Equal doses of smut, angst, and fluff
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, unprotected sex, semi-rough sex, spanking, alcohol consumption, brief descriptions of panic/stress, please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
Word count: 4.7k 
Request: “Hey good morning or afternoon I heard you were taking requests. I thought of an idea we're Spencer Reid goes to a party and meets his ex. Things start off smooth and knows if he goes back to her, he will revisited bad and the good moments he had with her. Until a hostess see's Spencer going insane because he's talking to his ex. She helps him out and they start to know each other. Things get out of hands between them. So that was an idea. Don't know if I made it confusing. Have a great day✨❤”
   Spencer had had enough socializing for one day. It was enough that he had to attend panels all day, which really, he didn’t mind that part. He just hated having all the conversations afterward.
So his battery was really draining by the time the post-convention event was supposed to take place in the hotel’s ballroom. It was supposed to be a time for all of the people who’d spent the whole weekend working to finally blow off some steam. Have some non-work related conversations.
But Spencer hated parties. He didn’t like being surrounded by so many people, or having to have the same little nothing conversations over and over all evening. At least he was put up in a hotel this time around so he could retreat to the quiet of his room for a little while in the middle of the day, but that could only last so long.
She’s the very first thing he notices as he walks through the doors to the ballroom. Rachel. Perched on a high stool at the bar, hair cascading down her back, in perfect contrast to her dress. It was red and hugged her perfectly, like it always did. He’d seen her in it before a few times, he knew it made her feel confident.
He has no idea if he wants to talk to her, part of him wants to race over and give her his room key without a word. The other wants to turn on his heel immediately and bolt out of there. But he doesn't get to make the decision, she’s spotted him in the doorway and is more sure of herself. Beckoning him over with a wave.
He takes the stool next to her, and already he doesn’t feel great about it. She had this way of bewitching him, over and over he’d end up lying next to her in bed and waking up to an empty space in the morning. They couldn’t seem to keep their distance for very long.
When he sits she’s already ordered him a drink, and it’s his usual, and he hates that she remembered it. Or he hates that he likes the way it makes him feel warm inside. That it wasn’t just him who held onto some of their shared memories. So he takes a sip.
It’s been a slow night on the reception desk, so when Y/N sees him walking down the staircase into the lobby she can’t help but gawk. His suit is navy and impeccable, it fits him so snug on the shoulders that it must’ve been made for him. Which is a funny juxtaposition next to his hair which looks like he ran his fingers through it at best, curly, and unruly on top of his head. But it suits him.
She follows him with her eyes from her perch at the desk, watching him until he stops abruptly at the doorway to the ballroom. There’s a swarm of people gathered inside so maybe he was just the kind of person who was nervous around crowds. But that doesn’t feel right, the look on his face is all together terrified until it softens and he walks inside.
She has to move along the desk a little so she can see where he ends up once he makes it inside. And of course he’s next to a woman, a beautiful one too, in a tight dress. So that solves the mystery of why he looked so nervous. But that does little to actually satiate her desire to keep her eyes on him. On them.
Something doesn’t feel right about it, as thought it might not even be a date, like maybe this guy really didn’t want to be there. It must’ve been the way he looked at her, or the way he sat so awkwardly in his seat, his body language betraying him.
Spencer lets himself take her in for a moment, his eyes raking up and down her figure as she takes a prolonged sip from her wine glass. She might actually look better than the last time he’d seen her.
It had been a whole year. And they’d already been broken up, and back together, and broken up a few times over at that point. So it really was his fault that it happened again, they’d slept together, and she’d promised him more, and left him again. Like always.
He knew, he really did, deep down he knew she was bad for him. But she was magnetic.
“Do you like my dress Spence?” she asks, sultry and smooth. And she already knows he does, he’s told her before.
“You look very nice” he tries not to give too much away.
“I seem to recall you thinking I looked a hell of a lot more than nice in this dress?” she leans in a little as she speaks and it makes his heart flutter in his chest. But it somehow makes his stomach drop in the same instant. She turns her body towards his completely. Leaning in even closer now, and she puts her hand on his fucking thigh, and for a second he forgets how to breathe entirely.
“As a matter of fact” she coos, “I think I remember you telling me to keep it on while you fucked me, what was it, a year ago now?”
“372 days” is all he can force out. And he wants to lean into her touch, he wants to melt into her, let her do whatever she wants with him for as long as she wants to. But he knows it’ll just break him all over again. He wants to pull away but he just can’t, and he’s absolutely transfixed on her fingers squeezing his leg when they’re interrupted.
“Sorry, are you Dr. Spencer Reid?” the woman enquires, glancing at his little hand written name tag. He just forces a meek nod, “There’s a call for you if you want to follow me?” she motions for him to stand up and so he does, pulling himself from Rachel’s grip.
His immediate feeling is of overwhelming relief. He knew he was out of his depth from the moment he’d sat down. He was silently thankful for whatever case was about to whisk him away from this stupid convention.
He followed behind the woman, she led him out of the ballroom and down a quiet hotel hallway until she just stopped in her tracks in the middle of it, leaning against the wall. He could only look at her confused.
“The uh? The phone?” he tries to ask.
“Sorry,” she forces out a deep breath, “there actually wasn’t any call, I could tell— you looked like you needed some help?” she chances, “I’m really sorry if I overstepped, or misread that”
He lets out a huge sigh of relief, “Oh thank god”
“So I read it right?” she asks, relaxing against the wall now.
“So so right, you’ve got no idea” the relief only lasts for another moment before his eyes blow wide and he starts to pace frantically in the hallway.
“Dr. Reid? Are you okay? What’s going on?” she asks, trying to decipher his sharp change in mood. He starts to breathe in short panicked bursts and he seems like he’s really about to freak out again. She ushers him to take a seat in one of the plush armchairs that litters the hallway. So he does, and he immediately braces his head between his knees.
“Can I ask what’s wrong? Do you want me to get you some water?” He just shakes his head, his breathing unsteady and ragged, she recognizes it well.
“Spencer” She says it firm and commanding to get his attention, but soft enough not to startle him, “I want you to breathe in through your nose for me, we’re gonna do that for 4 seconds” she counts down for him, “now hold that breath for 7 seconds” she counts again, soft and slow, “then I want you to breathe all of that out through your mouth this time, and we’re gonna do that for 8 seconds.” He sits up straight and nods at her.
She counts out the cycle for him again and again until Spencer can feel his heart rate fall, settling into a steady rhythm of breathing until he feels calm again. And in this state he can finally take a good look at this girl. She’s crouched down next to him as he sits, with one of her hands resting against his knee. And instead of earlier, her hand feels comforting, grounding. It feels nice in an entirely different way than Rachel’s hand.
He looks down at the little gold name tag pinned to the lapel of her dress.
“Thank you Y/N” he says softly, and she smiles up at him.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” she tries again, gentle, not prying, just hoping.
“I left my jacket in there” he rubs his eyes with his hands like he’s in pain, “It’s got my phone and my wallet, but I can’t go back in there. If I go back she’ll suck me in again and I don’t want— I can’t!” she tries to soothe him, gently moving her hand along his leg.
“Don’t worry about that” she encourages, “Have you got your room key?” He quickly fumbles and pulls it out of the pocket of his slacks, and nods, awaiting further instruction.
“What room are you in?”
“Great, you go on up, splash some cold water on your face and relax. I’m going to go get your stuff. I’ll tell that woman that you had an emergency and had to leave. Then I can can bring your jacket up to you. No problem” she says it like it’s obvious, and Spencer can barely contain his relief, all of the tension leaving his shoulders.
“Are you sure?” he asks,
“Positive” she confirms with a soft smile and a pat on his shoulder as she stands up.
Once Y/N’s confident he’s making his way back up stairs she heads straight to the ballroom. Now that she’s actually about to talk to this woman she’s nervous.
“Sorry ma’am” she starts, and the woman turns to look at her, and she’s so intimidatingly beautiful up this close, “your friend had an emergency and he’s got to leave. He asked me to send you his apologies.” her perfect face falls, unable to hide her disappointment. Y/N takes his jacket off the back of the chair and drapes it over her arm.
“Can you give him a message for me?” the woman asks, gripping Y/N by the elbow just as she makes her move to leave, she nods politely.
“Just tell him that I’ll get him next time” she says it like it’s some inside joke he’ll understand, but Y/N knows what she means and it honestly makes her feel a little sick. As she walks away she’s already decided she’s not going to tell Spencer anything.
Spencer’s been pacing around his room for the last 17 minutes. Y/N shouldn’t be taking this long, he wasn’t entirely sure why but he was getting himself worried again, working himself up over nothing. But his body relaxed when he heard a soft knock against the door, he all but sprinted over to open it. To her standing right there, his jacket draped over one arm and a room service platter gripped in her hands.
“Thank you” he exhales, pulling open the door so that she can could walk inside and leave both items down on the bed. He points to the platter, its contents covered by a large silver dome. “What’s…” he’s not really sure what to ask.
“I hope you don’t mind, I stopped by the kitchen on my way up, thought you might like some comfort food?” as she explains she pulls the dome off the tray, showing him the plethora of desert she’d taken from the kitchen.
“There was no need” he starts but she cuts him off.
“Nonsense! The guys in the kitchen don’t mind. If there’s nothing you like here I can have something else sent up?” she says it in a polished ‘customer service voice’, sickly sweet. And all of a sudden he feels a little silly that he hadn’t noticed it sooner. She was just a good employee, going the extra mile for a customer. This wasn’t about him.
“No, god no. You’ve done plenty already, and besides, I’m sure you’ve got to get back to work?” he tries to give her an out as they stand awkwardly looking at each other.
“Actually I’m good, I wont be missed” she begins but stops her train of thought, of course this was overstepping, she was probably freaking him out, “But you probably want to relax, I’ll get out of your hair” she nods politely and starts to make her way back to the door.
“Unless” it rushes out of him and he's not sure where it really came from, “When your shift’s over would you maybe want to— This is an awful lot of food—“ he just gives up on his original sentence and tries it all over again, “When’s your shift over?” her asks plainly and it startles her. But she can’t really do much to contain the grin that spreads across her cheeks.
“What time is it now?” she asks, pointing to the watch on his wrist.
“Uh, 11:43pm?” he offers.
“So 43 minutes ago” she feels silly saying it out loud now. That she’d gotten carried away watching him while she waited for her co-worker to take over the desk, and she just couldn’t stop herself from intervening the second her shift was over. But he doesn’t look freaked out by her admission, he looks genuinely happy for the first time since she’d laid eyes on him.
“You— You’ve been off this whole time?”
She gives him a little nod, bashful, “You looked like you needed help” she shrugs, trying to play it off.
“But I— You should’ve gone home, I would’ve been okay” no sooner does he get the words out than he realizes they’re a blatant lie, “That’s not true” he confesses, “If you’d’ve gone home I’d probably have already made so many stupid decisions by now and I’d be having my heart broken as we speak”
“Would you maybe want me to stay with you for a bit? Just to make sure you don’t go doing anything stupid?” she asks sultry, and it’s the first time she’s overtly flirted all night. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise as he nods wholeheartedly.
Admittedly he knows that if Y/N stays he’ll probably just make a different kind of stupid mistake, but he can allow himself this one.
“I’d like that a lot”
They sit cross legged on his bed for a while, sharing a slice of chocolate cake. Spencer had started trying to explain what his relationship with Rachel had been like but decided against it. She wasn't going to get to ruin any more of this night than she already had. Instead he changes focus in the only way he knows how.
“Did you know that chocolate can actually affect your mood significantly?” he says as she scoops a forkful of cake off the plate between them, “A key chemical in cacao stimulates the brains level of naturally occurring endorphins and increases the production of serotonin?”
She chews thoughtfully for a moment, “So that’s why cake makes me feel so good?” and he giggles, nodding enthusiastically, “Got any more genius?” she asks with a grin.
“Did you know that chocolate contains the amino acid L-arginine which can be an effective natural sex enhancer for both men and women?” he can already feel his face start to flush, why did he start saying this, “It increases nitric oxide and promotes blood flow to the sexual organs” he finishes the thought and feels like crawling in a hole.
She’s got no idea if he’s just passionate about facts and chocolate, or if this is just his version of putting on the moves, but what has she really go to lose here. So she takes the opening.
“You got me.” she says with a coy smile, “That was actually my plan all along, to ply you with chocolate” she scoops some of the chocolate icing from the top of the cake with her fingertip, popping it in-between her lips and sucking it off slowly, deliberately. She looks over at him and his eyes are fixed on her lips and the finger caught between them. When she removes it to talk she feels confident that she’s got his attention now.
“Did it work?” she almost moans it and his breathing pretty much stops.
Working on instinct he moves his body so that he’s right next to her, leaning right in, and he presses his lips to hers. She opens them right away and he can taste the chocolate that’s lingering on her tongue and it’s perfect.
It doesn’t last for long, but when they break apart she picks up the plate between them and places it safely on the nightstand. With the bed clear she sits up on her knees so she can move closer to Spencer, throwing her legs either side of his and straddling his lap. The skirt of her dress hiking up in the process to expose the smooth skin of her thighs.
Spencer’s hands fly straight down to them automatically, digging his nails in and pulling her closer, further up his lap. Her hands end up tangled in that perfectly messy hair of his, making it worse, but even more perfect at the same time.
They stay tangled like that for a while, grinding against one another, mouths moving frantically, hands squeezing, pulling. Desperately seeking contact.
It’s when she can feel him start to get hard beneath her that his mood seems to shift, changing his position so that he can flip her over completely. Laying her flat on her back on the bed, one of his hands pinning both of hers above her head as his other hand moves up the hem of her skirt. Inching further and further until he reached her panties, grazing the damp patch between her thighs.
“Fuck Spencer” she moans out at the contact, encouraging him, and he seems to appreciate it. His mouth attaching to her neck, sucking and biting in an attempt to leave his mark on her.
He lets up a few moments later, releasing her hands mostly so that he could begin to undo the buttons along the front of her dress, taking his time to unfasten each and every one of them so that it would fall open, exposing her to him.
“You’re so beautiful” he moans out, his hands starting to roam along all bare skin he could see. And she could feel every little touch, but she needed to see him, to touch him too. So she sat up as best as she could and began to undo the buttons of Spencer’s dress shirt. With his help they were both lying on the bed together in nothing but their underwear. Lips ferociously working against one another yet again.
“What do you like Spencer?” it comes out as a breathy moan when she can finally remove her lips from his for a second, “What do you want?”
He’s caught of guard by the question, Rachel never cared what he wanted. He looks down at her, the erratic rise and fall of her chest, the way her lips were slick and a little swollen, and the pure kindness behind her eyes. For a second he thought he might be in love already, but he knew that was silly. He had to think for a moment before he found the answer.
“Control” it escapes him before he realizes why. He’s never had it before, not in his love life, not in his sex life. But now, now he feels safe enough to ask.
“You want to be in charge?” she asks and he nods his head in confirmation.
“Okay” she smiles, “So tell me what to do” her eyes lock on his and he swears he can feel his heartbeat all over his entire body.
“Turn over” is the first thing he thinks of, and so she does.
Flipping over beneath him, her face tilted sideways so he can still see her as she lays on her front on top of the crisp white linen. He plants a soft kiss at the base of her neck and slowly snakes down along her spine, coming to a stop around her hips. He places his hands either side of her, gripping her hips with probably more force than necessary.
“Up” it’s just shy of a growl, and she complies, lifting her hips up off the bed, bending her knees beneath her. “No” he breathes out against her ear, “Just your hips” she adjusts her position a little and can hold it just long enough for him to slide one of the fluffy hotel pillows into the gap between her and the bed. Tilting her hips ever so slightly. “Perfect” he groans right against her ear.
He continues to move back down her body, once he reaches the swell of her ass this time though he grabs it roughly, his nails scratching the delicate skin as he paws at her. She can’t keep her moan contained as it rushes out of her.
“You like that?” he asks, his voice absolutely dripping with lust.
“Uh huh” she whines into the pillows. He takes that as a sign of encouragement, taking his hand off her before coming down swiftly on her ass cheek, she could feel the heat of it right away, the sharp sting of pain it left behind felt way better than it had any right to.
“Ah fuck” her moan rips through her without warning, so he does it again, a little harsher this time. And the noise echos throughout the room, followed by the filthiest moan Spencer’s ever heard in his life. It gets a little muffled in the pillows but he can still hear it.
“Harder” she lets out, and it’s such a small little voice.
“What was that Y/N?” he teases, leaning over her grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her face out of the pillows with it.
“Ah, harder, please” she begs this time and it makes him feel so, so good.
He returns to his position behind her again, raising his palm and letting it come down again in the exact same place where a raised handprint was starting to form already. The noises that escape her are pornographic and he had no idea his cock could even be this hard.
He takes some time to remove her panties, hooking his fingers into them on either side and peeling them down along her legs. The first thing he sees is how incredibly wet she is, dripping down the inside of her legs already.
“Oh you really liked that” he teases, “You’re fucking soaking wet from just a little spanking” she whines beneath him.
“Want you so bad” is all she can manage to say. He moves her legs a little further apart fully opening her up to him and he bites his lip at the picture in front of him. Taking two of his fingers he brings them right to her entrance, sinking them in slowly, curving them against her walls as he works in and out of her at an agonizing pace.
“Fuck, Spencer, oh my god” her breathing is frantic already as she squirms from the stimulation.
“Good girl, you think you’re ready to take my cock?” he asks, pushing in a third finger as deep at they’ll go, her back arches into his touch, forcing her ass further up against him.
“Yes, Spencer! Please!” she rasps as he drifts his thumb over her swollen clit.
“Okay baby” he pulls his fingers out of her, leaning forward again he brings his fingers up to her, and hooks them into her mouth, pulling her face up out of the pillows so he can hear her little whines. She sucks on the fingers in her mouth, tasting herself on them and at the same time she can feel Spencer’s cock pressed up against her ass.
Once she lets his fingers go he’s bracing himself above her, an arm either side of her torso, and his legs between hers. He takes some time to line up properly, before teasing at her entrance. When she’s practically begging beneath him he sinks in slowly.
“Spencer” she moans out uncontrollably. He’s not even fully inside of her yet and already she feels full.
“So fucking tight, so wet for me Y/N” he gasps, the feeling of her warm and clenching around him is almost too much. After she’s gotten used to the feeling of him he starts to pick up the pace, each thrust deep and deliberate, hitting right against her walls every single time.
She’s nearly crying at the stimulation, getting fucked into the bed, his cock pushing into her impossibly deep each time, hitting spots she didn’t even know she had. And there’s the added pleasure of the way his hips slam right up against her bruised ass each time he thrusts into her that just makes it all the sweeter.
She can tell he’s getting close now, by the way his movements are growing faster and a little less controlled by the second. But she wasn’t far off either, she couldn’t take much more.
“So close Spencer, feels so fucking good” she mumbles out.
And then the does the unexpected he changes his position, leaning down closer, so he was nearly flush against her back, almost pinning her down with his weight but not quite. The angle he hits her from now is definitely something new, she’s pretty sure he’s hitting right against her g-spot with every motion and she can’t contain herself now.
“Fuck! Spencer! Gonna cum” she’s pretty much screaming into the pillows and he continues to fuck into her. He’s releasing himself a moment later, his head coming to rest on her shoulder as he spills inside of her. Riding it out for another moment to two.
They stay like that for a little while, collapsed in a heap on top of one another, completely spent. When he does pull out he’s so careful, making sure she’s comfortable, racing to the bathroom to grab a washcloth and whatever lotion the hotel had.
He takes some time to clean her up before any of the mess they’ve made can dry between her legs. Then he takes some of the lotion and smooths it gently on the skin of her backside, taking care not to irritate it. He puts on a fresh pair of briefs and grabs her a t-shirt from his suitcase for her to sleep in, and her heart softens at the gesture.
When they both snuggle up under the covers, completely exhausted, she takes him in her arms, cuddling up to his back and spooning him. He needed to feel in control earlier, but she could tell what he needed now was comfort, safety, and reassurance that she wouldn’t be gone in the morning.
“Spencer?” she whispers against his ear,
“Y/N?” he responds in kind.
“Are you free for breakfast tomorrow?” she asks, and he knows she can’t see it with his back turned but he can’t contain the sleepy smile that he breaks out in. He’s only known this girl for a few hours and she was able to read him like a book.
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gemma-collins-ily · 3 years
Jesper with s/o who really knows how to kick ass (aka sis was trained by someone)
Jesper with a Trained S/O
a/n - I love the pairing of Jesper and the pet name honey too much aaah. Also this was written over two nights when I was half asleep so forgive me if it isn't top notch xoxo 💗💝
Warnings: fighting, poison, bruises/cuts but no real mentions of blood or anything
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Kaz obviously employed you because of how amazing you are at any type of combat
but when asked the specific reason, he had only responded with a cryptic answer that gave the Crows nothing
"They're an asset to the team. Just as all of you are."
you would train at extremely early hours of the morning, often seen jogging back up the stairs to your room drenched in sweat right when others first awoke
but no one knew what you were actually doing
until Inej caught you in the training room in the Slat, practically beating a punching bag
the funny thing was, you didn't look as though you were a street fighter, one who had developed their own adapted technique that would get them by in a scrap
your punches were calculated, muscles flexing in just the right way and stature perfect
it was the ideal stance for a real fight in a ring
she didn't say anything and instead decided to get up just a little earlier each day in order to observe you
she was caught when she let the door creak accidentally, but instead of kicking her out of the room you only offered to leave so she could use it
she refused and said she'd rather watch you
and she did from then on, you having no protest or apparent problem with it
sometimes, you'd go up against Inej and circle each other warily, not daring to underestimate the other
you had only been on a few low level heists with the Crows at that point, Kaz mercifully easing you into the work
but it was noticed by Nina that whenever it was necessary to run and hide, you could sprint with full stamina and hardly break a sweat unless it was done for a long amount of time
she also noticed your heart rate barely raised
she brought it up once
"Ugh, (Y/N), I'm so jealous, you literally must be super-human, how are you so energised?"
this was said through panting breaths as she bent to rest her hands on her knees, much like the others were doing
this meant in turn it wasn't really registered by anyone
only you
you didn't really mind people knowing you were trained in combat, but didn't flaunt it or let anyone know without them finding out
you would act casually when found out, downplaying your skills
everything was a threat in the Barrel, and saying one wrong thing near one wrong person could cost you your head
you hadn't stiffened when Nina said that, only nodding and grinning, leaning against the wall with your hands in your pockets yet not saying anything verbally
you knew how to play the game and in order to do that, you had to let them subconsciously dismiss the very idea itself
Albert Einstein iq I'm telling you
psychology at its very core
you know
it's all forgotten until they see your skills put to use on a heist
if you've watched now you see me 2 and watched the spectacular card sequence, the next part is basically that
your tactful hand at cards could beat Kaz Brekker himself
on the heist, you know one of Kaz's sacred backup plans
only one, mind you
so, it's like the card sequence
you're all going in as guests but you and Kaz will shoot the card with the information between you and your separate searches
"Hands the other way, ma'am."
Your hands flew the opposite way, palms now facing the guard as the card was quickly flipped between your fingers, and with a single, efficient flick of the wrist Kaz had it in his possession.
"Alright, on your way you go."
Jesper had only seen because he was stationed behind you, otherwise he never would have known it was so seamless
Nina told them later that kind of thing seemed to be a regular occurrence as your heart rate had been completely average
showing how confident you are, go bestie
it was true
you and Kaz had trained for that heist often however barely for any length of time at all
the best part for you was that you had been checking how noticeable it was and flipping the card back and forth between you in meetings
Jesper's eyes had widened comically when he observed the whole thing and his jaw dropped
you laughed as you stepped past and kissed his jaw, making it close promptly as he chased after you, desperate for answers
your cards can also be poisoned
and in another heist they doubted you
because they had seen you help pull something off but not use any as a weapon
you were motioned by Kaz to appear innocent until another signal was given, one of which only you and Inej had been paying attention to and so understood
but after you hissed at Jesper out of the corner of your mouth, he stayed subdued too
you remained eerily silent as they pushed you against the wall and searched your pockets
the cards were brought out and ridiculed, even if you had cleverly concealed knives, now you knew how you would kill these men
after the go ahead was given, you burst into action, swooping downward and catching the man holding you off guard
you collected the cards and grinned as you stepped back, now the front most Crow in your little pyramid formation at the end of the street
"And what are they gonna do?"
A malicious glint appeared in your eye as Jesper tapped your shoulder, thinking you had backed yourself into a corner here.
but then, your hand flew out and struck one clean in the eye, making them wail and drop to their knees as you flung another card, swiping a man's cheek
they did not fall until a minute later, that minute consisting of you whipping cards at them and Jesper tugging on your sleeve
he'd do that a lot, before he knew of your training and maybe after too
it wasn't that he thought you couldn't handle yourself, just that he wanted to protect you in any way possible
so pulling you behind him was a knee jerk reaction, desiring to save his loved one from any possible threat or danger
he would do anything for you, let a bullet pierce his chest, a dagger land in his throat, as long as you emerged okay
it was only later, when you got Kaz to pick up the cards, saying it would be easier to wash them with a cloth than learn how to balance the slightly differing weight of a new pack
you made Kaz do it because he had leather protection and knew of the poison darkening the edges of the cards to an inky black
they were kept in a special and specific packet so there was no possible way of you being hurt unless you were completely careless
that was completely unable to happen because you were wary enough to know what to do and what not to
but Jesper still insisted you left them in his coat after he found out, wanting you to be totally risk free
"What if you're not with me? How will I use my weapons?"
"Well, my darling, that will not be the case," he paused to snicker at his unintentional joke about the container then continued, "because Kaz will absolutely keep us together at all times."
You hummed thoughtfully, "How do you know that?"
There was an immediate answer, no moment of hesitation from your sharpshooter, "He simply can't handle how fantastically amazing I am on his own, knowing I am far superior and so will continue to pair us together to avoid having to face that foe."
"Jes, honey, he could partner you with Inej or Nina or Matthias, you know that, right?"
He was stumped and his mouth opened before closing once more.
the cards were still not handed back though
don't worry, new ones were purchased after Jesper insisted on 'clinging' to the other pack like a lifeline, according to Kaz
he did find out about this after you saved his ass in a fight with them
he was so mad, not that you'd defied him but that you had put yourself in danger with the cards
but after Inej pointed out he had to trust you at some moment in time, he softened
because how could you think he didn't trust you?
he didn't ever want you to have to answer that question and set about trying to rectify the situation
you received breakfast in bed and apology cuddles
"I trust you."
It was the mantra he had been repeating for days and you smiled as your hand came to rest upon his jawline.
"I know, darling. I know."
You were met with a soft kiss to your collarbone as his head dipped to fall into the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist in a tight but gentle hug.
He hummed before continuing, "Just wanted to make sure, honey."
the cards were left wordlessly on your bedside table, drawing a small sated smile from your lips
after he came to terms with the fact that you were a Dreg, a Crow, someone who would be targeted because you were entwined with him, he became just a little overprotective
not that you minded
just reassuring him often you were okay and he was too
after Wylan came along, you politely requested to know if he could make some kind of thing that would make the cards easier to collect
he came up with the idea of a magnetic substance that could be brushed over the centre of the cards, meaning if you kept one in your hand and waved it over the others, there would be no time delay in which you would have to pick them up
the added weight, even such a small increment, affected the momentum needed and angle necessary
for days, you were flinging your cards at a wall, barely stopping to eat, wanting to be useful
Jesper dragged you back to bed several times in the early mornings with coaxing syllables and sweet words, promises on how you would get it right tomorrow
"Sweetheart, just come back to bed. Wait a few hours and try again. You're so close to getting this. I just know it."
As you wrapped yourself in the comforter his hand came to stroke your cheek, "There you go, see, you were looking half asleep on your feet, doing yourself no good anyway, lovely. Or those cards."
when witnessing your physical combat skills, Jesper would let a surprised chuckle fall, not fully in control of himself
watching you flip an enemy who had underestimated you over your shoulder never got old
neither did seeing your boot swivel slightly on their chest as you proved just how skilled you were
awww such pure and innocent love
"Don't think I won't beat you in a fight again, Lion. Or there won't be another opportunity for you to."
"That's my partner!"
"Alright Jes, bit much but thanks for hyping me up."
Just as you turned and both of you were about to walk away, a cold and clammy hand clamped over your ankle and you instantaneously recoiled.
Then, before Jesper or the Dime Lion knew what was happening, your fist connected with his stomach, hand coming up to cover your false and exaggerated yawn.
"So cool." Was whispered from your sharpshooter as you stalked off, boots clicking on the gravel pavement.
he had forced you into a chair, begging you to let him take care of your now bruising knuckles and you begrudgingly agreed
"Wasn't so bad, huh?"
"Don't push it." Was the joking response as his arm slung over your waist, and his thumbs brushed over the bandage he had applied so carefully as his hand covered the one you had let hang at your hip.
"Wouldn't dream of it, darling. Don't have the foggiest why you would assume such of me."
if you ever couldn't handle the entire situation and obtained an injury, Jesper would stay by your side
when a minor one, like a small gash on your forehead appeared, he would insist on personally caring for it
and if major, he would hold your hand, allowing you to squeeze it as hard as you wanted when the pain became too much
the same went for the other way round, you giggling at bandages wrapped all around his head like a bandana
but only after you knew he was alright
if tears filled your eyes, caused by relief, his thumb would come up to brush them away and slightly pull the corners of your mouth into a weak and wavering smile
"I'm alright. I'm okay, honey, you just remember that."
the both of you would press gentle goodnight kisses to each others foreheads or lips, forgetting a bruise or cut
this would end in frantic apologies and inevitable laughter when you kept speaking over one another
basically, Jesper thinks you're so badass, amazing and fantastic, reminding you just how highly he regards you everyday
you will protect him and he will protect you, no matter what
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