#jax celebrates 5k!
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✯ welcome to Murphy’s 5k Celebration ✯
I hit 5 thousand followers, so I thought I’d have a little celebration!! find the rules below <3
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✯ choose what you’d like to request - a blurb, headcanons, or a playlist.
✯ pick a character - the list of characters I write for can be found here.
✯ choose a line of text, prompt, scenario etc. I made some prompts a long time ago for my 500 followers celebration, which can be found here, but feel free to go rogue and send your own ideas!! other examples -
✵ can I request a blurb for jax teller with a choking kink and only one bed?
✵ i’d like to ask for headcanons with husband matt murdock, please!
✵ i’d love to request a blurb with jake seresin and the line “take off your clothes and don’t say another word.”
✯ send your request!! my inbox can be found here. also, let me know if you want it to be smut, fluff, angst, etc.
✯ i’ll start writing as soon as I start receiving requests. I won’t put a time frame on it - we’ll just go with the flow!! <3
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I love doing these!! if you’ve ever wanted me to write a specific kink/scenario/line of dialogue with a certain character, now’s your chance <3
5k celebration masterlist here.
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introloves · 4 years
I don’t think you’ve answered this yet but which boys love it when you sit on their face🥺
oh this one is so easy :) this ones w nishinoya nd hinata!
— nishinoya, hes the type to get some second hand pleasure from being pressed against the bed. its a sight, not only does he want u to sit on his face, he wants to be suffocated, eyes rolling to the back of his head, face going red, he wants that. its not enough until youre basically tugging yourself off him, tapping the arms that have steeled you down onto himself. his eyes are lidded, heavy breathing, wet down to his neck with your cum and everything else.
“whathappened.” nishinoya slurs, blinking, trying to regain some semblance of sanity when he finally lets go. arms thumping heavily against either side of him.
you’re shaky too, legs weak and like jelly as you plop down next to his head, he pulls himself up with effort to lay his head against your wet thighs, sighing in contentment.
— hinata, eats u out/makes you ride his face like hes trying to prove something. so messy!
makes you grind yourself down onto him, gripping your hips to encourage the grinding. if youre scared of hurting him, lowkey makes him go even harder, wants to prove to you that he can take it and that he wants it just as much, if not more, than you do. by the time youre finished, trying to regain your breathing and the feeling inbetween your legs, he begins again.
“h-haaah, shōyō please!” you whine, trying to lift off his face. but hinata just grumbles out a,
“no.” before placing you back down.
hes not even looking at you, eyes closed in total concentration.
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Worlds Away | Jax Teller
Fic for the wonderful @hotdamnhunnam and her 1k follower celebration 🎊. I’m very late to this and I know you’re closer to 2k followers by now but congratulations my lovely ❤️, you deserve all this love!!! 18+ content ahead. For this super fun challenge my prompts are Jax Teller + really rough sex + intense possessive/jealousy + breeding kink.  I’m firmly a reader of Charlie smut as opposed to a writer, but this awesome celebration and kink prompts had me in the mood to write a fic (and I’m super scared to put this out here 🙈). This was supposed to be around 1k of a smut scene but when I started writing this, I’m also on an SoA rewatch which gave me an idea for a plot and I thought it would work well with these prompts … so 1k turned into 5k 🙃
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader (no y/n)
Fic summary: Set in a post 7x12 world: Tara’s gone, Gemma’s gone. Jax stays as President of SAMCRO. Reader’s job brings her to Charming from time to time where she meets Jax. Unable to resist the mutual attraction, they fall into a just-sex arrangement. But she’s become more than just sex for him, and the main premise of this fic is Jax battling with his deepening feelings for her and with his decision to either finally leave MC life or to stay
Author’s note: In this fic reader is a doctor. This isn’t supposed to bear any similarities to Tara or Jara. I made her a doctor because I felt like this gave a natural way for her to meet Jax whilst also playing into her having her own world that’s very different to his. Also, I don’t live in America so some hospital vocab might be different but I’ve tried to use the same terms since this fic is based where Jax Teller’s stunning 🍑 lives 😅
Themes: Angst, smut 
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, unprotected p in v, breeding kink, lil lactation kink, car sex, swearing, angst
Word count: 5.1k
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He can’t stand anything these days. Not the reflection of the soulless man staring back at him in the mirror, not the kutte of the club that’s taken so much of what he’s loved from him, not the ruthless actions of his brothers and most of all himself.
He can’t stand anything at all. Guess that makes sense since you bring him to his knees. The first time he laid eyes on you, your clean white coat and shiny stethoscope, skilful hands stitching up one of the prospects scratched up from a brawl, for the first time in years he felt something other than hate.
A couple years had passed since he had lost the only woman he’s ever loved. Since his mother had lost her life at the hands of her own son. His father, mother, best friend and wife all taken from him, he has only his sons to live for. The voice inside his head screams at him every day that those boys would be better off without him. Safer. There’s an aching part of him that thinks it’s probably true.
But this life is the only thing he’s ever known. He’s been cladding himself in the kutte and diving head first into club business for as long as he can remember. So he continues waking up every day and living this way. Lawless, violence, merciless.
He tries. Every second he tries. Runs around the town making connections in desperate attempts to rid his club of all illegitimate business. But he fails. Every bid to dig his club out of the lawless hole has only ever buried them deeper into the blood stained ground. He hates it here. Hates it at church. Hates it on the road. Hates it all around the town all day long because he just can’t escape it all. It was the only thing he felt until he caught glimpse of you that first day.
You heard all about him before you ever saw him. SAMCRO and their notoriety. Your first time called into St Thomas Hospital, Charming. Your usual place of work as an emergency medicine doctor is the major trauma centre based in the big city an hour and half away. Since St Thomas is a smaller hospital, it’s partnered with your usual hospital as it’s the closest trauma centre and you pick up some extra shifts here whenever they’re running short on staff.
Your first shift here you heard the talking. Your colleagues whispering about which poor Charming native got caught in cross fire between SAMCRO and their rivals and took a few bullets or cuts to end up in the ED. Some nurses and doctors gossiping about wanting this man called Jax Teller to whisk them out of the hospital so they can “ride him like he rides his Harley”.
Couple minutes in and you already knew these men are dangerous. Going to keep your distance. You’ll treat them as you would any other patient of course, but outside of needing to interact with them, you don’t ever want to. Why would you when they seem to only bring danger and death like everyone is recounting them bringing?
Towards the end of your shift you opened the cubicle curtains to one of them, bearing “prospect” on his back, on the hospital bed. He wasn’t alone. Accompanied by another man, bearing “president” on his broad chest. Standing tall he smiled softly at you. 
So this is him. Jax Teller. The man of the town. And oh god did your body react to him. Lips parted, breath caught and heart felt like it stopped in that very moment your eyes set on his unbelievably handsome features, rugged and chiselled.
The subtle shine of the black leather covering his torso caught the cubicle light and the corner of your eye, reminding you that he leads a life you knew from talk to stay away from. 
So you shifted your focus onto your actual patient, who only came to the ED because his injuries couldn’t be tied back to any of the club’s illegal activities, and worked away stitching him up. 
Once your work on him was done, you saw off the two men and the clock had run down on your day’s shift so you headed to the staff locker room to change out of the hospital scrubs and pack your belongings to make the 90 minute drive back home.
When you walked to your car parked in the hospital’s parking lot you noticed the prospect and the president still there, finishing a conversation before the prospect drove away on his motorbike.
You couldn’t get to your car without walking passed him so you shot him a polite smile thinking it would be returned and then you’d both be on your ways back to your respective homes.
But he didn’t just flash a smile your way.
He called out your professional title of “Dr” followed by your last name. At that, your limbs instantly felt slack, lungs inhaling a sharp breath.
Having already made small talk earlier at the hospital, you were acquainted with his name.
“Jax,” you began with a smile, pausing to allow him to finish walking closer to you. You then insisted he calls you by your first name, since you’re off the clock and he’s not a patient of yours.
You’d never know as he would never tell you but that bright smile of yours warms him. Weakens and breaks down the hardened barriers he’s built around his heart and soul in attempts to prevent anything else this life of his may continue to throw at him from hurting him.
From the conversation in the hospital, Jax knew that your life is miles away in the city, working wonders in one the continent’s best hospitals. In that first second of meeting, your beauty was the most stunning he had ever seen and it had already made him fall that little bit for you. But that was just at a superficial level.
Now knowing that you have a happy life away from this town drew him even more to you because it had him wondering about joining you in that life. He knew it was foolish to think about something so far out of reach, especially when he had given up hope of living in any other way than he does now, but he let himself with you.
Standing in front of you, he placed a hand on the top of your shoulder, grip firm yet gentle as he gave your shoulder a squeeze.
“Thank you for taking care of my guy back there,” he spoke staring softly down into your eyes.
“It’s no problem at all,” you could barely reply feeling nothing but his touch on you.
Jax knew he should leave you to get back on your way. That you’re a person just trying to do their job and get on with their day peacefully, and that he should steer clear of you, not get you involved in anything to do with the club, including himself. But having you so close to him stood right there in front of him, in that moment he couldn’t stop himself.
His eyes travelled down to your lips before drifting back up to your eyes as he leaned his face closer to yours. Every fibre of your being wanted to dive straight into him. But you heard the talk. So before anything else could happen you took steps back and away from his hold.
As you left his hand he stood still shocked for a moment before clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair, eyes breaking away from you in embarrassment.
You let a few moments pass to cool off the initial awkwardness. “Good night Jax. I’ll see you around,” you finally broke the silence.
“Uh yeah, yeah, good night. See you,” he replied looking back to you.
You gave him half a smile before making your way to your car. You wished you were in his arms lips smashed against his right now, but knew that the sensible option was to turn in the opposite direction. So you followed your head instead of your heart and drove away from him.
A month had passed since your first shift at St Thomas and this night you were called in again. A mass casualty. Open gun fire on the busy streets left dozens with serious gunshot wounds, many more with severe injuries, and an overwhelmed emergency department with beds and staff running thin. The cause of it all, a long shoot out between SAMCRO and a rival MC on the streets of Charming.
You and your colleagues did your best. But even that wasn’t enough to prevent the loss of one too many lives. Another end of your shift and you ran out of the hospital, away from the horrid memories of bloodshed and helplessness, to your car as you wanted nothing more than to drive as far away from this damned town.
But he was waiting. Standing in front of your car, look of despair painted across his face. Your eyes locked when you first spotted him, but in the sheer shame he felt, his gaze dropped.
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Anger coursed through you at the wreckage his club had caused. All the lives lost at their hands. You bit your tongue and fought the urge to scream as you walked passed him and opened the door to your car. But you needed answers. So you shut the door again and walked to face him.
Your eyes scanned his face and kutte.
“What is SAMCRO?” you asked desperately, voice barely above a whisper at the pain of all the lives you couldn’t save today.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen,” his voice breaking, and eyes dull with pain and shame as he referred to the collateral damage of those lives lost.
“But it did,” your fingers limply tugged at his kutte. “Jax what is this?”
He went on to tell you it all. From the beginning of what his father set out the club to be to its slip into illegal territory and current struggles with legality. He spared you the knowledge of their illegal actions, just enough for you to know the background but he told you enough so that you now know he’s not a monster. Sees himself as one. But you can see that he knows right from wrong, and his hand has been forced to do the wrong for so long now that he can’t see any good in himself any longer.
But you see the good in him. You believe there’s good in him. Holding onto that thought is the only thing that eases your conscious when you pulled onto the collar of his kutte and let him take you in his arms and into the back seat of your car. You immediately slipped the kutte off of him because you just can’t stand what it means. With your lips dancing together, your hands unbuttoned and unzipped the clothes off each other before your bodies locked in a hard slow pace.
This is the summary of you and Jax. Hot heavy sessions in your car’s back seat the once or twice a month you happen to be in town. He meets you in the parking lot kutte-less because he knows you resent any sight or mention of the club. Always a soft yet pained smile upon his face when he greets you, before ravaging you in the most heavenly way you’ve never known until him.
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You know the history of the ghosts that haunt them. You’re many things for Jax. He’ll never tell you this but you’ve become his only ray of hope in his bleak world. You and him both know you’re his slut. His filthy whore. Hell you even let him call you his bitch when he’s inside you ruthlessly tearing apart your holes. But the one thing you swear never to become is his collateral damage. Promise to never get yourself so far involved to be yet another woman’s life lost as expense for her man’s status as SAMCRO. That’s why it’s just sex between you and him. No feelings to talk about, no future, just fucking. Yeah no feelings to talk about, but that doesn’t mean there were no feelings felt.
It’s a few months into your arrangement with Jax and he’s leaning against his Harley in the hospital parking lot waiting for you to finish your shift.
He feels his jeans tugging taut as his stiffness rages at the thoughts of the ways he’s planning on tossing and bending your body and gaping your holes.
But a sight pulls him out of those fantasies. He sees you chatting and smiling with another doctor, a close colleague. One who’s standing too close and making you smile a little too wide for Jax’s liking. He grits his teeth and slings his kutte back on him, striding towards you and your colleague. He knows it’s extremely petty but he’s hoping the sight of his patch sends that doctor running away.
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As he reaches you and the other, he wraps an arm around your waist and rests his hand on your abdomen, a show of your unavailability to your colleague. Upon seeing Jax’s kutte, the other doctor knew trouble when he saw it and couldn’t excuse himself fast enough. They exchange swift "hey”s before you and Jax are left alone.
“What was that?” you turn to ask him confused at his public display of affection, or as you’ve come to know Jax very well, display of possession. You and him had agreed that whilst this arrangement is mutually exclusive, it’s also on a no one-else-needs-to-know basis. It’s not a secret, but it’s not going to last long so there’s no need to gush to friends and family about it.
Jax is still seeing red from the other doctor’s fondness towards you. He knows there was nothing in it from your side, but insecurity pours into him at the thought that you could abandon him for a man living a life so much more compatible to your own than his. 
“Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt you and Dr Squeaky Clean?” his sarcasm takes you aback as you wonder why he’s in a bothered state. “Did I interrupt the start of a fairy tale love story between you and him?” he pauses to clench his jaw. “Mr and Mrs Doctor, of course you would run to him for a white picket fence, two kids and a dog,” his exasperation isn’t directed towards you, but at himself as it pains him knowing there’s no way of achieving that future with you.
Realising it’s jealousy that’s seeping through him, you place your hands on the sides of his biceps holding him reassuringly.
“Jax,” the simple word of his name spoken softly from your lips and the pleading look on your face tells him there’s no one else but him. He's it for you.
He hears you. But he needs to feel how much you’re his right now.
His body’s fired up and he channels that energy into running riot on yours. He takes your face in his hands and crashes his lips against yours, pressing hard and relentlessly draws the breath out of your lungs, biting your lower lip in between strokes of your tongue with his.
You can only get seconds of gasps out as Jax doesn’t let up the siege on your lips. One of his hands slide down your cheek and holds your neck firmly whilst the other tangles through your hair and wraps your locks in his hand until they’re balled around his fist.
He breaks the seal between your lips and stares down at you, pure heat radiating off of him as he mercifully gives you a moment to catch your breath. When your breathing evens out he lowers his head to rest his forehead on yours.
He knows he shouldn’t be doing this. He knows it’s going to end at some point and that he should set you free of his hold. But he’s fallen. Not just for your face and body. These past few months he seeks comfort and escape in you. When you’re both laid on the backseats of your car in the after glow, your arms hugging his neck and his cradling your waist, the conversations of everything and anything but his club make him feel like he’s living in a whole other world there with you in those hours before he’s pulled back to his reality when he clambers out your car and onto his town’s streets. You’re the one pure light in his sorry ass life. He should let you go. But he doesn’t want to. He’ll never want to. But he has to, so he will. Just not yet.
“You’re mine,” he spews out those words, starving eyes burning an inferno into your soul. It’s a reminder to himself more than anything. It’s a desperate bid that saying those words will make them permanently true. 
Keeping the hold on your neck and hair, he guides you to your car. His hand releases your hair to dig into your pocket until he finds your keys and unlocks your car. Once he’s opened the back door, he grabs your hips and throws you down onto the seats before climbing in himself and closing the door.
You prop yourself up on your elbows and he balances himself over you by kneeling in between your legs. He grips your hips again pulling you towards him, causing you to fall from your elbows onto your back.
Jax’s hands make quick work stripping your belt off their buckles and onto the floor, and to tug your trousers down your legs before he tosses them to the front seat.
His hands grip your knees to spread them further apart, before his palms stroke up the length of your inner thighs, his strong touch drawing shallow breaths from your open mouth.
He smirks when he sees the dampness pooling in the centre of your panties and further adds fuel to the fire when he uses one hand to press down on your inner thigh and the other to rub his palm hard up and down your lace covered cunt.
“Aaah J… Jax,” you can feel the heat building rapidly through your core at the intense pleasure he’s piling onto you.
The throbbing in your clit intensifies with his motions before he removes his hand and swiftly pulls your panties to the side. Two fingers slide the length of your soaking slit, your juices falling over the tips of his digits. 
“Mmmm, so fucking wet already,” Jax coos, before leaning forward to grip your hair in his fist again and ensure your gaze remains fixed on him as he then takes his fingers that were so achingly close to your entrance a few seconds ago into his mouth. He smiles and groans at the warm taste of your arousal all the whilst staring into your star-struck eyes. 
He takes a few more seconds to lap up your flavour before moving his hand to grope your tit with his face just millimetres away from yours. 
You moan against his lips as he continues kneading your breast firmly and tugging on your hair. He lets you bask like that for a moment before moving his face and hands to your chest and you soon hear a loud sharp tear.
You can only pant and stare as Jax hastily pulls the shreds of your shirt off your arms followed by him unclasping your bra and tossing it to the floor. Your panties follow the same fate as your shirt, the torn piece flung off of you and away.
He bites his lips staring down at your exposed bare body spread out for him, the sweet sight causing his cock to throb ever harder and he can feel the precum oozing through his boxers. 
He’s looking like a masterpiece that has every right to be framed in gold and hung up in some Italian museum amongst the other sculpted gods for all the world to rightfully admire. Just the scene of him kneeling in between your legs has your body weak and his touch has only left you even more limp in lust. 
You reach up to slide his kutte and top over him, your hands moving to his belt but he cups your breasts in his hands and presses you back down on the seats. He gropes and squeezes your tits, before moving his fingers to pinch and twirl away at your nipples, whilst his mouth bites and sucks at the soft skin of your chest leaving deep red marks and him proud of his brand on you. Moans and gasps pour out your mouth as you grind your dripping pussy against his jean covered crotch as Jax matches the slow rhythm of your hips. 
Your fingers grip his gelled locks and his mouth moves from your chest to your nipple where he sucks hard whilst his fingers tweak your other nipple. His sucking turns to swirling before he nibbles down, and a deep gasp escapes your lips at the sharp feeling but you soon melt into the blissful pleasure, eyes rolling and head flopping back as you arch your back and sink your tit even further into his mouth. 
You can feel his hard cock pressed through his jeans and the grinding just won’t do anymore. 
“Jax please, please fuck me,” you breathlessly plead. Your hands release his belt and zipper before diving into his jeans. You swipe the drops of precum from his tip and your hands travel further down to palm his stiff length, pussy getting even wetter eagerly waiting to be ripped wide. 
You didn’t have to ask twice as Jax pulls his jeans and boxers down his mid-thigh before gripping your hair and holding his erection with his other hand to align it in between your slick folds. He slides his cock up and down your slit, cruelly teasing you. All you can do is whine as the feeling of his huge width between your legs leaves you lost for words.
“You want this?!” he taunts against your lips, dealing quick hard slaps to your swollen clit with his firm tip.
“Mmmmh,” you helplessly nod trying but failing to answer him. 
“Say it!” he snaps at the exact second his cock deals another slap to your clit. You’re about to cum from this alone if he continues for even just a few slaps more.
“Yy.. y... yes Jax please,” it���s all you have the strength to say and all he needs to hear as he slams his entire raging length deep inside your cunt.
“Aahhhh yes!” you cry out as your tight wet walls clinch around him. 
He keeps his cock buried the whole way inside you for the few seconds it takes him to handle your thighs from around his waist to around his biceps, the wider angle opening you further up to his length and girth. 
“Fuuuck Jax yeah,” you whine in ecstasy.
At that he grips your hip and hair, holding you in the place he wants you and ploughs hard with significant speed.
“Oohhh fuuuck,” you gasp at his pace. 
All the other times you’ve fucked you both set a hard yet slow pace. They’ve all been dirty yet tender fucks. 
Nothing about this is tender. It’s all heat, relentless, feral. 
“Such a perfect pussy,” Jax grunts as he continues railing you into the seats. He’s got the strength and stamina to keep up the ferocious pace as he spews pure filth into your mouth.
“So tight, you take this cock so well.”
Your breathing’s shallow and fast and stops altogether when he leans down to kiss you. His taste of smoke and whiskey burns the back of your throat as you swallow his heavy heated breaths, moaning in bliss as you melt into his hold. 
You break apart from his lips when you can’t hold back the sigh forced out of you by the sensation of your pussy being mercilessly stretched by his unfaltering pace.
His walls fall apart at the sight of you underneath him, lips parted, mouth breathing only his name, glistening eyes staring up longingly at him. He just can’t hold it in any longer. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna put a ring on you one day,” he pants. “Diamonds and gold, everything that your perfect ass is worth,” his heart laid bare to you. 
Your eyes widen in sheer shock at his words. You know he doesn’t mean it. He can’t possibly mean it. You both know you’re not going to be in each other’s lives for many months more. So you guess he’s just caught up in the moment. You figure all the sparks set off when he’s getting his dick wet inside his latest slut must be causing him to spout some shit about a future love. But dammit you’re caught up in the moment too. It’s not just your pussy willingly taking him in, your heart is all ready and set to too. So you play along. 
“Then I’m gonna put a baby inside you,” he can’t stop where his mind is daring to dream to. “A little girl, fuck you’re gonna give me such a beautiful daughter.”  
“Jaaax,” you whimper, tears in your eyes pooling at how much you want for all that to be true. 
“You’re gonna look so stunning, belly swollen carrying my child. I’d fuck you so good too knowing my baby’s growing inside you. Fill you up with my cock and cum whilst your belly’s filling up with my child. Suck on your sweet tits filled with milk all ready to feed our baby. I’d take such good care of you and our family,” his eyes never once leave yours and fierce pace never once let up as he declared his wish. 
He wants that all. Wants to beg you to not leave him once this latest round of car sex has finished. Better yet wishes you’d take him with you. Away from the cursed club, away from the god forsaken town, to a happy ever after at peace and safety in your polished city. But that’s just some bullshit pipe dream and he knows it. A life with you so far out of reach, he hates himself for even having the nerve to think about it.
So he doesn’t say another word. Just groans and grunts as he continues driving his cock into you, balls slapping hard against the inner cheeks of your ass. You take his lead and put aside all he had just said, try to drown them out with your cries and whines. 
His cock hits your squishy spot again and again and again, the tension in your core builds until you release yourself with screams of euphoria around his length, legs frantically shaking around him, his entire cock milked with your cum. He holds you tightly in his arms as you catch your breath and recover from your high. Your soft moans only encourage him further.
The delicate sight and feel of you wrapped around him pushes him over the edge. His thick hot ropes of cum erupt inside of you, filling you up with his cream as you both cry out in pleasure. 
He collapses onto you, a deep kiss blessing your lips before he buries his face into the crook of your neck. Your arms and his desperately gripping onto each other. 
Later that night you sit him up and bounce on his cock, then he spins you around and fucks you from behind, both diving in between each others legs with your mouths in between those rounds. 
The pleasure turns to sorrow like every other night you and him meet, as you drive away and he rides away. 
He visits you one day. Doesn’t give a damn that he’s broken a previously agreed upon rule to never meet at each other’s homes. It’s just too sweet for what is supposed to be a back-seat-fuck arrangement. But he couldn't wait the extra week to see you, feel you, taste you again. 
On his bike. 8pm. The hills of green and beige fade to floors of concrete, which then build into glass skyscrapers. Bright lights of the big city, busy buzz. Education from world-class institutions, jobs at world-leading establishments. All the good you achieve with your work here and all the bad that goes down over there, your world and his world so far disconnected.
You don’t question how he came to know your address. You don’t fight anything when you let him in. There you stand in your hallway. He makes light work ripping in half the thin layer of silk that you wear as a flimsy excuse for a night dress. You fumble on his many buttons and zips, but when you strip him bare you always effortlessly fall into each other. 
He should’ve left when the rounds were done and your body couldn’t bear to take another orgasm. But you insist he stays. 
“It’s late, really dark,” is your excuse. “Easier if you stay the night.”
So he stays. Wrapped up in each other on the hard wood floors of your hallway, because your bedroom is just too intimate for this thing between you and him. 
The next morning he wakes you up with the tickle of his stubble against your inner thighs and you see him off on your knees, mouth and throat stuffed. 
He's on his bike on the street outside of your apartment complex. 8am rush hour starts to simmer. Can’t ever see himself as part of the sea of sharp suits and pencil skirts rushing to their offices stacked on top of the other.
But he can see himself in this city. He imagines himself turning screws and fixing up vehicles as a mechanic in a decent motor shop. Earning honest money not stained with anyone’s blood or misery. No kutte to work. Just overalls covered in machine oil. And then he sees himself coming home to you. Your apartment in the sky. Maybe someday a home in a green leafy neighbourhood. Garden big enough for Abel and Thomas, and the possibility of other children you and him may bring into the world, to play in.
A life he’s begun to dare dream about. He shakes his head knowing that’s over a thousand miles away from where he is right now. Drags his kutte back on him and secures his helmet and sunglasses before riding back to his world.
Only time will tell what becomes of you and Jax. He doesn’t bring himself to put anything into action, not yet anyway. Right now all he has the heart to do is continue working away in his club and hold out hope for even just a sliver of peace in this life of chaos he’s tangled himself in. Maybe he can take himself and his boys away from it all one day. And maybe you’ll choose to stick around for long enough to be there waiting for him if he ever were to reach this other life.
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The End ✨
One final author’s note 😋: So I know the ending is ambiguous as to what happens between Jax and reader, but I wanted to leave it that way because that SoA rewatch has me thinking about an AU where Jax lives on and if in this AU he’d be able to claw the club out of all illegitimate business and if he’d choose to stay at the MC or if he’d leave to live an MC-free life elsewhere. It also has me wondering if he would fall in love with another woman. I have absolutely no idea what I think would happen in this AU so I left the ending of this fic open to everybody’s interpretation of what y’all would think Jax would do 😄✌️
The End End ✨
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locitarose · 6 years
I decided to post another few sneak peeks. This one I started a couple hours ago and now I’m 5K in and, honestly, this all started with wanting something specific to happen in Turncoat and instead of just writing that scene, I went a bit crazy and went all the way back to Destiny. Because of course I did. So here’s the first thousand words or so:
           After the Oculus, he’d opened his eyes to find himself staring at the ceiling in his room on the Waverider. The fact that he was around to open his eyes at all had been a surprise but it wasn’t one Leonard was going to argue with.
           Except then he’d walked up to the door of his room and tried to open it and nothing had happened. He’d asked Gideon to open the door and nothing had happened. He’d shouted at Gideon and demanded the door be opened.
           And then he’d turned to grab something to throw at the door, hoping that it would trigger the door somehow, and his hand had gone through the book that had been there. Through the deck of cards. Through the notebook he’d been using to write down various plans.
           To stave off the panic building in him, he’d taken a deep breath (and wasn’t that strange, taking a deep breath when he didn’t need to breathe since he was apparently a ghost) and decided to see if he could leave the room by walking through the door instead of opening it.
           It had worked and part of him had wanted to celebrate. The other part of him was a mix of anger and grief because, damn it, for just a few minutes he’d had hope that the team had pulled off a last minute rescue at the Oculus and gotten him out. Instead, he was dead and a ghost and back on the Waverider rather than whatever happened to a person in the afterlife. Sara had never told him what that was like, only what she had felt like when she died.
            “You know, it’s funny. I mean, you’d expect it to be terrifying, just panic and fear.”
            “What’d you feel?”
            “I guess...lonely. Yeah. Like everybody I loved was a million miles away.”
            She hadn’t been wrong on that. He wondered what the afterlife had been like for her. She’d admitted during one of their talks that her sister and their ex had gone in to the underworld to get her soul back after she’d been brought back. Which meant she hadn’t been wandering around her city as a ghost.
            So why was he wandering around the ship instead of the underworld or wherever?
            He frowned as he headed for the bridge, lost in thought. Most likely, he decided, it was because of where he’d died. He didn’t know though.
            Leonard hated not knowing.
            He paused when he got to the bridge. Mick was leaning against the console, his expression blank as he stared forward. Jax was in one of the seats, looking down, while Stein stood behind him, staring ahead at the wall. Ray was standing there, still in his suit. Leonard looked passed Mick to find Sara sitting with her mouth pressed against her clasped hands, eyes brimming with tears and jaw clenched in an effort to keep them from spilling. Rip was nowhere to be seen.
            Leonard let out a breath as he looked between Mick and Sara.
            This...they’d barely left the Oculus if he was reading them right. But judging by the expressions on everyone’s face, it was long enough to know what had happened with him and he was honestly a bit surprised by their reactions. Mick he could have predicted. And he had known Sara had felt something for him even if they’d danced around the subject with innuendo and challenges most of the time. Maybe even Jax since they’d warmed up to each other after he’d saved the kid’s life. But he was surprised by the sadness he could see on Stein’s face and the mixture of emotions on Ray’s. Maybe, he thought as he remembered Stein calling him heroic (ugh), he shouldn’t have been.
            “He traded his life for ours. He was a hero,” Ray said suddenly, voice choked. His lips quirked up in a sad smile. “Which I’m pretty sure is the last thing he wanted to be remembered as.”
            “But that’s what he was,” Sara said quietly. Leonard turned just in time to see the tears finally spill over and his fingers curled with the need to do something as he watched her hastily swipe a hand under her eyes.
            “I’m not,” he objected softly. It didn’t matter that they couldn’t hear him. He couldn’t bring himself to speak any louder than Sara had. He let out a breath and figured he might as well say it. It wasn’t like anyone could hear him talking about his feelings. “I’m not, Sara. All I wanted was to save Mick. I didn’t want to let him down again. I wanted to save you. I wanted the two of you to get out of there. I didn’t want to deal with a world where either of you were gone. I wanted Lisa to be free. I’m not a hero, Sara. I was just being selfish.”
            He watched as the team split up, going their separate ways. He was tempted to follow Mick or Sara but he turned towards the cargo bay instead. Rip hadn’t been on the bridge or in his office or anywhere that Leonard could see. If he was planning something though, he was probably off on his own and even if Leonard couldn’t contribute to the plan, he wanted to know what it was.
            It didn’t take long to find the man. Rip was sprawled at the bottom of the steps where Leonard and Sara liked to sit when playing cards. He looked...defeated. Resigned. Like he’d known that something was going to go wrong.
            “Gideon?” Rip said, staring at the floor.
            “Yes, Captain?”
            “Would you please review the timeline for me?” he asked quietly.
            “There is no timeline data due to the destruction of the Oculus.”
            “Yeah,” Leonard drawled from the step above Rip. “Sorry about that.”
            “We’re sailing without a map,” Rip realized. “Would you please...review news accounts from 2166 then?” He let out a shaky breath. “You know what I need to find out.”
            There was a pause and then, “I’m sorry, Captain. News accounts from 2166 confirm that Vandal Savage has already succeeded in murdering Miranda and Jonas.”
            “I’m sorry,” Leonard repeated, more sincerely than he had before as Rip’s eyes closed. He stared at Rip for a few moments and then stood, leaving the man to grieve alone.
            Leonard hadn’t gotten very far down the hallway when he saw Sara. He swallowed and took in the way she seemed to be bracing herself as she stood outside the door that led to Leonard’s room.
            “Gideon?” she asked. “Could you...” She trailed off and closed her eyes.
            “Of course, Ms. Lance.”
            Leonard followed Sara in to his room and watched, leaning against the wall, as she trailed her fingers over the things on his desk before she turned to look at his bed. They’d spent many a night on either his or her bed, playing cards together.
            She let out a shaky breath and turned back to the desk, her fingers tracing the edges of the cards for a few moments before she closed a hand around the deck, picking it up and staring at it. Turning, she leaned against the desk and lifted her eyes towards the bed again, automatically turning her gaze to Leonard’s usual spot.
            Sara closed her eyes against the tears that welled up for the second time that night. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry for leaving you behind.”
            Leonard raised a hand, stopping just before he normally would have been able to touch her cheek. “Didn’t give you much of a choice.”
            Her lips pressed together and he wondered if she was thinking of those last moments together before she’d gotten Mick back to the ship.
            “I’m sorry I didn’t just tell you I’d been thinking about a future with you too.” Her voice broke on the last word and she covered her mouth with her free hand, her fingers curling in to a fist as her shoulders shook.
            Leonard closed his eyes at that and shook his head. They’d wasted so much time. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner,” he told her. He opened his eyes seconds before she did and watched as she took a few deep breaths before lowering her fist, fingers straightening as she did so. He could practically see her trying to build up her walls again.
            She took one last shaky breath and walked out of the room, heading straight for her own.
            Leonard debated following her for a few moments before he shook his head and turned to go find Mick. He needed to check on his partner.
            It didn’t take him long to find Mick. He’d known exactly where the man was going when he’d seen the direction Mick had gone in earlier and he headed there now, not bothering to pause to see what Ray was looking at on the console. Leonard leaned against the wall next to the door that led in to the kitchen and watched as Mick stared at the ring he’d managed to slip in Mick’s pocket.
            “Was wondering how quickly you’d find that,” he admitted. “Figured you were the best person to give it to, all things considered.” He glanced over when he heard footsteps and sighed as Ray appeared.
            Mick didn’t even look up. “Get out. I want to be alone.”
            Ray ignored him. “Gideon has confirmed that the Oculus has been destroyed,” he said, rounding the counter and moving to stand across from Mick. “From here on out, it’s tabula rasa.”
            “Pretend, for a minute, that I don’t speak Greek,” Mick said.
            “Latin,” Ray corrected automatically. He paused at the look Mick gave him. “Sorry. From this point forward, our actions are our own. We have free will.”
            Mick glared at him. “That supposed to make me feel better?”
            Leonard raised an eyebrow in surprise when Ray refused to back down and, instead, stared right back at Mick, crossing his arms. “Yes. It means that Leonard didn’t die for nothing,” he said.
            “Good. I’d have been pissed if it hadn’t worked and I was a ghost for no reason,” Leonard muttered. He tensed when Mick gestured at the ring.
            “He planted that on me before it happened,” Mick explained when he caught Ray looking at it.
            “I’m sorry, Mick.”
            Mick shook his head. “I killed Declan, Druce is dead. The Time Masters have nothing now that their ship was completely destroyed.” He curled his hand in to a fist and he stared down at it. “Yet I still feel a need to kill someone for Snart.”
           Ray studied Mick for a few moments before speaking. “Savage still has Carter and Kendra.”
           Mick’s jaw ticked and he looked up at Ray, a sharp smile on his face. “He’ll do nicely.”
           Leonard watched in approval as Mick tossed his beer bottle in the trash and stood up. He smirked. “Give him hell, partner.”
           “Mr. Rory, Dr. Palmer,” Gideon said. “Captain Hunter has asked that the team report to the bridge for a time jump.”
           Mick and Ray exchanged a surprised look. “I didn’t think he’d figure out Savage’s next move so quickly,” Ray said.
           “Neither did I,” Mick agreed. “But I ain’t complaining. Let’s go, Haircut.”
           Leonard frowned as he watched them go.
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superfitfoods-blog · 5 years
My 10 Week Sprint Triathlon Prep
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By no means is this the perfect preparation to doing a sprint triathlon. This is just what I did. What I think is special about this program design is that I ran my 2 businesses, celebrated a few fun holidays, enjoyed plenty of “cheat meals”, traveled a bit, strength trained regularly and even switched from a traditional gym to a CrossFit gym 2 weeks out – without going crazy, getting too stressed out, or stressing anyone else out in the process.
A healthy life is about balancing your goals with your priorities.
All that being said, I still got an “advanced triathlete” timing, finishing at 1:22:59 for my first one. It’s not elite, but that swim was waaaaaay freaking harder than we expected (and back to the pool I go).
So, I would recommend doing more swimming training than I did if you want to excel at that portion, but for the rest, we crushed it!
Here is some info on me to give you context and help with comparison for your prep:
185 lbs
9% body fat
Absolutely horrible swimmer that sinks and didn’t learn until we started training for this
Exceptional biker because my leg strength but I never got on a road bike until this program
Experienced runner that suffers with chronic distal plantar fasciitis in both feet – with a 7:45 to 8-minute mile averages for single 5K’s
Step 1: Find a few triathlon’s about 10 weeks from now and commit to doing one of them mentally
Step 2: Find a buddy crazy enough to do it with you that is about your fitness level that you can train with most of the time (but if you can’t, move onto Step 3 either way)
Step 3: Choose a race, pay for it, and tell people about it so you are verbally and publicly committed. Shoot, make an Instagram post about it
Step 4: Begin training
Side note: I take all 1st Phorm supplements and 90% of what I eat is Superfit Foods (about 4 meals per day), the rest of the time – I am eating pizza, burgers, tacos or sushi. Message me for more information on my diet and/or supplement plan!
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Training start date: Monday, March 4, 2019 Triathlon date: Saturday, May 11, 2019
Week 1: March 4 to March 10
Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
Tuesday – BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup and Pushup 10-1 latter
Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
Saturday – Faith and Fitness beach workout / Bike 12 miles
Sunday – REST
Week 2: March 11 to March 17
Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
Thursday – Swim 500M in the AM / SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
Saturday – Bike 6 miles / run 2 miles
Sunday – REST
Week 3: March 18 to March 24
Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
Saturday – REST
Sunday – We did a Spartan Race in North Florida
Week 4: March 25 to March 31
Monday – CHEST DAY
Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY / Bike 10 miles
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
Thursday – Swim 250M in the PM / SHOULDERS for 1 hour
Friday – LEGS / Bike 8 miles
Saturday – REST
Sunday – Bike 12 miles
Week 5: April 1 to April 7
Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
Wednesday – CHURCH/REST
Thursday – SHOULDERS, ARMS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
Friday – LEGS for 1 hours
Saturday – Bike 15 miles
Sunday – REST
Week 6: April 8 to April 14
Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 8 miles
Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
Friday – LEGS for 1 hour
Saturday – We ran a 5K on the beach (called Never Quit)
Sunday – REST
Week 7: April 15 to April 21
Monday – CHEST DAY for 1 hour / Bike 6 miles
Tuesday – Swim 500M in the AM / BACK DAY for 1 hour / 20 Minutes HIIT
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / Run 2 miles
Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / Pullup & Pushup 10-1 latter
Friday – LEGS for 1 hour / run 1 mile
Saturday – Faith and Fitness beach work out / 6 mile bike
Sunday – REST
Week 8: April 22 to April 28
Monday – CHEST for 1 hour / 10 min HIIT work out
Tuesday – BACK for 1 hour / bike 8 miles at 15-18 mph
Wednesday – ARMS for 1 hour / 10 min HIIT work out
Thursday – SHOULDERS for 1 hour / swim for 500M at LA Fitness
Friday – REST DAY while I was in Atlanta with friends
Saturday – REST DAY while I was in Atlanta with friends
Sunday – REST DAY while I was in Atlanta with friends
Week 9: May 29 to May 5
Monday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Tuesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Wednesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Thursday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Friday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Saturday – Faith & Fitness group beach workout (30 minute HIIT)
Sunday – REST DAY until Game of Thrones, then we made tacos, drank a few cervezas and watched history get made (I would have gone out and celebrated Cinco if it wasn’t raining all day)
Week 10: May 6 to May 12
Monday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Tuesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Wednesday – Crossfit WOD / 3-mile bike
Thursday – 6-mile leisure ride at 15-18 mph
Friday – OFF DAY
Saturday – CRUSHED THE TRI! Then napped and celebrated in the streets of Savannah, GA with good food and great drinks
Sunday – Church in Savannah, traveled back to jax
0 notes
avaliveradio · 4 years
How to get 10k Streams on Spotify
If you are new to the music biz or even if you have been at this for a while, getting music fans to play you is not easy. Sometimes I’m sure it feels like people are anti-music listeners, especially when you ask them to listen to you.
Take heart, I’ve been working with musicians for over 10 years and I’ve helped to break thousands of songs into the media. What I do know for sure is this doesn’t happen overnight for anyone and you should never give up on an awesome song.
Growing your music streams is not an easy task but it’s worth the effort. If you are an artist who is releasing music consistently, then your efforts will grow in layers. Just never give up on it or you will lose momentum and someone else will slide right into your place with your fans.
Something else you need to know is that quality content matters. If you want to get ahead more quickly, you’ve got to master taking great images that can map your journey on social media and to the press.
Press can only do great things for you if you learn to tell a great story using images, video and text. Our editing team here at AVA Live Radio can help you get all that together and create amazing feature stories for press releasing to an already built following.
I’ve also loved the power of anticipation. Campaigns perform so much better when the artist understands the power of telling the story in the moment. You end up with details that you never remember later documented and wonderful timelines of content that we press agents can pull from.
I think you’ll find that if you get in the habit of documenting what’s happening with you daily to your fans, your relationships get strong quickly and when you do have a music release ready for streaming, people will be ready to hear it.
Apply to playlist curators you know.
Inclusion into some advertised applicable Spotify Playlists can break an artist or a song in front of new music fans. It’s one of the keys to promote your music and have a stronger presence. Our curation team is always looking for new music to update our Spotify Playlists. If you have a track, a new release or an EP that’s perfect for one of them, please submit to your desired Playlist on our Submission page.
To be considered make sure you have followed our playlist, follow us on Spotify and share our playlist with a tag to @AVALiveRadio at least once. Only artists sharing our playlist will be reviewed. We get hundreds of new submissions daily, so be sure to execute this step religiously and make sure we see it if you want your application considered.
Create your own playlist
When you create your own playlist, make sure you add at least 10 qualifying songs that support your track by genre, mood and fan base. A music fan that hears your playlist wants to discover fresh music so take care in curating a solid list. You only get one chance to make a great impression so if the playlist is awesome, that fan will listen to your future recommendations as well.
Be active with your playlist on social media. Remind people when you add something fresh, celebrate the music you add to it. Be creative and manage your own personal playlists around your releases so fans can support you but also learn about music you love and that influences you.  Most importantly, it allows you to trade your tracks with other musicians, share your music and increase your presence : it’s a win-win situation for everyone and best if the musicians share similar fan bases.
Music success is more about brand building than anything else. It’s not enough to have one track take off, you’ve got to have an inventory to back that up or you won’t see any real traction for your hard work and advertising dollars. This includes professional looking photography and video content. Take care in all the content released from your music brand and don’t rush your posting schedule. If you don’t have anything great to share, wait until you do. Your BRAND is only as strong as your latest release.
Having a strong “Brand” image is essential, on your website, streaming sites like Spotify and especially on social media. Everything should match and look cohesive across all your pages. Remember, everything public is considered a showcase for your music and part of your brand identity.
You should also work towards getting verified on Spotify as an Artist.
Most popular music blogs are completely inaccessible to new artists who haven’t paid their dues yet. Serious music blogs need to feed their audience qualified music news and risk liquidating their reputation if they send out something from a band that doesn’t have their identity in place nor any follow up inventory. I recommend launching several releases and promoting them to music fans on social media before trying to get the attention of all the top curators.
When you do have your brand in order and an Ep or Album launched with some good fan reviews, package that up and apply for Indie Music Spin and AVA Live Radio.
A release on Indie Music Spin will gain a good track anywhere from 5k-25k streams just be posting to their website and newsletter. Typically they work with management teams and labels but you can also submit as an indie artist through the AVA Live Radio Submission page.
A featured page also on the AVA Live Radio website and newsletter can help a track spread quickly from rotation on our broadcasts and social media shares. We also have several playlists that will help you gain notice on the Spotify Algorithm. Posting through the New Music Release Radar program will gain you 10k-25k initial streams over 3 weeks and often 40k-100k streams over 8 weeks if the track is excellent and gets the attention of the other curators in our network.
Radio rotation can be applied for using our New Release Radar page. All applications must be paid in full to get on the network but we guarantee the results if your track is accepted and if you are not accepted, your credit card will not be charged. Apply here:
Prior to your release coming out, gather your best pictures and start telling people what you are up to on social media. When you start capturing anyone’s interest ask them to get on your email list to be the first to hear your new release. Be sure to talk about your plan for the release and any milestone goals you are trying to reach. Don’t expect people to jump on board right away if they don’t know you, the average person needs to experience a new musician around 4-8 times before they decide to get on board with you. The key is to be consistent and think about what you stand for. Express your message and offer value to your subscribers. The value and personal content would be things they may miss or can’t get any other way like free downloads, video messages and perhaps Behind the scenes photos with a narrated blog post to go with it.
Find a way to reward new subscribers publicly without revealing their private emails publicly. This could be done on your newsletter or on the social media pages.
Your email list is like gold if you nurture the best and most active fans to it. It can guarantee your views, streams and sales in the future. It just takes time to build.
Don’t be shy once your spotify stream is live. Share it everywhere. Add the link to your descriptions on social, share it on your newsletter, and in messages. It takes time to gain traction so mix it up on social media. Make sure everyone knows about your launch and alternate your posts so they don’t seem repetitive. You’ve got to get creative and appreciate the fact that people need to see variety. Repetitive posts are boring and get ignored so try to get creative with the way you share your posts.
Just look at some of your favorite main stream artist and subtract out the advertising banners for the real content that gets the highest engagement with their fans.
Take a look at how Alicia Keys posts on instagram. There’s a nice mix of professional pictures, music and behind the scenes images. https://www.instagram.com/aliciakeys/
Post Malone also have a terrific social media profile filled with his personality on and off the stage. https://www.instagram.com/postmalone/
This takes time so it’s important that you look past just one month on your promotions. Building a fan base and having a hit record takes consistency and time. People need time to learn about you and they need to see you more often. Stay focused on your content production and watch for what resonates with those around you.
WORK WITH A GREAT TEAM If you apply and get invited to work with the AVA Live Radio Network, you’ll be working closely with your own media advisor who will guide you to improving all of the things I’ve listed for you on this guide. You’ll receive a full Pre-release template and release strategy that you can follow to make this easy and efficient. 
You’ll also receive updated information on all results as we proceed through your promotions. This includes tracking how many thousands of streams to your spotify page that our promotions have brought to you. 
PR takes time and effort to execute well but as you know, our team creates professional promotions daily for artists, management and labels all over the world. We look forward to helping you achieve great results.
We have been promoting artists for 10 years, You can Read the FEEDBACK here: https://www.avaliveradio.info/feedback
You can read through our marketing guide for some useful tips and to get to know how we work on these releases in the international press.  More tips for you here.
Jacqueline Jax
Entertainment branding and marketing speciality
0 notes
tlcrescuepa · 7 years
New Post has been published on To Love a Canine Rescue
New Post has been published on https://tlcrescuepa.com/week-end-update-the-kick-off-to-fall-festival-season/
Week-End Update: The Kick-Off To Fall Festival Season
It certainly was a lovely week-end to kick off Fall festival season – yes, we know the first day of Fall isn’t until the 22nd and we know it’s not October but that didn’t stop us from having a grand time at Malvern’s Oktoberfest & Bark in the Park & Coldwell Banker’s Homes For Dogs event today. We also spent some quality time with kids getting their back-to-school cuts at Cookie Cutters yesterday so, all in all, it was a nice week-end.
After losing her home after her people decided that having a dog was something they no longer had time for with a baby on the way, Gemma is enjoying that proverbial lemonade she made by basking in the love of her new furever family. Cookie, Dean, Dreamer (now Angel), Kalvin, Kurt & Maybell are also happy to announce that they were adopted this week as well!
#gallery-1 margin: auto; #gallery-1 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; #gallery-1 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-1 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Dreamer now Angel
  Speaking of Gemma, we received a nice pupdate about the other pup that came from her original home:
Jack FKA Jax
“As you can see, I changed Jax’s name slightly …now he is “Jack!” He visited my vet last Friday; has been insured by Petplan; received his new PA dog license; and I have registered his microchip with both the Chester County Treasurer and HomeAgain – where all his owner and vet info have been updated.
Jack is a wonderful dog – very responsive to training and anxious to please. He will improve his manners with time and positive reinforcement. We have been enjoying long walks, meeting a few dogs and neighbors along the way. I feel very lucky to have found Jack after losing my 91/2 year old lab 6 months ago. Jack has truly filled a hole in my heart.
Thank you for your help in bringing us together.”
  We also have some other fun updates to share
  Ziggy FKA Theodore (Chipmunk pup litter)
#gallery-2 margin: auto; #gallery-2 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-2 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-2 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
“Zach and I are happy to report that it has been a wonderful year with Ziggy (fka Theodore of the Chipmunk pups) in our life. We celebrated Ziggy’s Gotcha Day at the beach where he loved to run and play with all the pups. Speaking of running, Ziggy is finally ready to compete at Miles for Mutts in October! He trained all summer and finished his first 5k practice run last week. 
  One last thing, I wanted to put in a good word for my friend, David Torres, who just applied to adopt a puppy. He is a wonderful parent to his kitty and considered adopting a Chihuahua for some time. I forwarded him the Facebook post introducing Dean and he instantly fell in love. Not sure if he listed me as a reference but thought I would put in a good word. Plus Ziggy will have a new friend who lives a couple blocks away!
Anyway, hope you are all well. Looking forward to seeing some of you in October. Take care. “
  Addy FKA Joplin
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“I thought you and the gang at TLC would enjoy a couple pictures of Addie and my dad! 🙂  She is slowly getting more and more comfortable each day…What a sweet dog!  Dad just adores her and she is so spoiled. :)”
  Bear FKA Copper
Bear FKA Copper
“Best ever study buddies!!! Bear (aka Copper) still thinks he’s a lap dog. I don’t have the heart to tell him he’s not! We love him more than words can express and we’re so grateful for TLC!”
        Triscuit FKA Bartles
Triscuit FKA Bartles
“Bartles is doing well here.  We have changed his name to Triscuit!  He has his first puppy class tonight, and will let you know how he does.”
        Winnie Lou FKA Fancy
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“wanted to tell you Fancy (now Winnie Lou) is a lovely pup!  She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, no bad behaviors in the home, is a snuggler and a real sweetheart!! She adores her ‘big brother’ and he does her as well. She is a joy, thank you and keep up the important, gratifying work you do!!”
  Charli FKA Wayla (Willow FKA Winnie’s pup)
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“ Charli, (previously Wayla) is great! She’s so smart and loves learning new things. She’s about 55 pounds now and 9 months old. We can’t believe how fast she’s grown. We are currently thinking about signing her up for doggie day care or the dog park so that she can socialize with other dogs more because she absolutely loves playing with other dogs. I know she had at least one brother Walter, i would love to see a picture of him now if available. I have attached some of Charli as well! “
  Rylie FKA Mary
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“We made Rylie’s gotcha day her Birthday since we didn’t know it, so made sure to celebrate with her! Here are a few updated pictures for her foster mom! “
  Xander FKA Ferris
Xander FKA Ferris
“I decided to change Ferris to Xander. He is adjusting so well with minimal accidents. He also sleeps through the whole night which is amazing.
Thanks for everything!”
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“So great to hear from you! Benson has filled out (went from 49 to 57 pounds, just where he should be), and his beautiful coat has grown back in – you might remember that he had patchy fur when we adopted him. He’s a happy dog and we love having having him with us”
“Parker is doing amazing! He is in level 2 obedience training classes and is also in scent training to fulfill the hound in him. He is still attending physical therapy from his FHO surgery. Parker could not be a happier dog and couldn’t fit in more with my family. He loves his housemates.” 
  Speaking of graduating Chewy FKA Armani (Guess’s pup) and  Ranger FKA Duke (aka Clooney) graduated from their training class with our own Jeri Wagner last month! We also had a chance to catch up with some alumni at the Coldwell Banker Homes For Dogs event today too.
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Chewy FKA Armani & Ranger FKA Duke
Bodhi FKA Washington
Dixie FKA Peaches
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introloves · 4 years
Hi beautiful! I hope you’ve smiled at least once today 🌷 May I request Daddy Kyoutani fucking his little muffin after telling her twice to stop studying because she’s been studying for hours with no end? So he helps her destress while also putting her in her place for being stubborn, and then cuddles her and gives her some encouragement and sweet kisses as he says that he’s proud of her.
hihihihi!! tysm!!! i definitely did! today was a fun day <3 no penetration for this one (sorry ;-;) but we do get a rly nice dom! kyou taking care of his baby
— daddy! kyoutani + punishment + praise + fluff
your back pops horribly when you straighten it, arms stretching up to the roof in order to get a good stretch in. kyoutani hears your grumbling immediately, pushing off the bed to make his way to you.
“get up.” he huffs, frowning at your absolutely red eyes, bloodshot and strained from all the work you’ve been doing. he’s come to stop you multiple times now, but he looks serious with this one.
“kyou, i cant.”
he dismisses your whine with a quick kiss to your temple.
“you have tomorrow.” is all he says, picking your hand up from the desk and tugging you towards the bed. you’d usually be complacent to his advances, you want nothing more than to cuddle the rest of the night away, but finals were approaching and you didn’t want to spend any of his free day studying.
“no, i cant.” you repeat, tugging his hand off yours. you look so crestfallen, sad and just plain tired.
kentarō would have stopped his advances right then and there, but he knew you’d just work yourself to the ground.
“no?” he echoes, standing upright.
the sudden change to his voice made you stop, mouth shutting closed because its the same tone he uses when he commands you to listen.
“no? is that what you said?” he steps forward pressing himself flush against your body, index finger curling under your chin, tilting it up to look at him dead in the eyes. your hearts already pumping at twice the speed it’s supposed to, legs going numb with what might happen next.
hes challenging you, well, asking you to challenge him.
and like always, youre such a good girl you dont say a thing. wide eyes just staring up at him, waiting for him to say something, to make you do anything.
“good, now get on your knees.” your silence now doesn’t negate the fact that you didnt listen the first handful of times to take a break. he was patient all evening, he couldnt see you lifelessly stare at your screen and textbooks any longer.
he knew what you needed, you needed to not think, rest your head and let him take the reigns.
with no sound, or noise of complaint you did just that, hands patiently waiting on your lap.
he takes his time to pet you, palm soothing over your cheek before reaching into his pants and pulling his dick out.
hes soft, wasnt really expecting to take you like this, or tonight at all. he had been perfectly happy with keeping you close, holding your body tight agaisnt his own through the night.
but with the way your mouth pops open, tongue slipping out to wait for him, he can feel the blood rush south.
“hm, you look real pretty like that.” he growls, placing the head of him against your tongue, shivering as he fucks his fist, watching you rock back and forth on the floor, trying to get off and he lets that slide, you’ve been through enough.
he doesn’t last long, using your mouth to dispose a heavy load.
your jaw hurts from keeping the same position, but god is the soreness worth watching his stomach tense, knees opening slightly to brace against the dizzying speed he orgasm at, and tasting his cum land hotly against it.
“fuck, fuck. so good, youre such a good girl.” kentarō groans, throwing his head back, hand running over his short hair to gather all the perspiration thats formed at the crown of his head.
he can hear you whine, whimper at the way he looks. once the throbbing in his dick dies down, he comes back to you.
he wouldn’t miss seeing you swallow his cum for anything, you make sure to clean your lips of it, humming and sitting back with a content smile.
he all but growls while grabbing your body, hugging you tightly against him.
“love you so much.” he exhales, relaxing as your arms wrap around him as well. he stands there, swaying you back and forth, tracing his name against your back.
“c’mon, its your turn dont you think?”
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introloves · 4 years
it’s sitting pretty w a wc @ 2k ;-; i stayed up late to write it nd i love how it turned out, now i gotta figure out what time to post it nd have everyone see it 🥺
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introloves · 4 years
also i uhm uh 😳
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I HIT 5k!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!
tysm for following me !!!! it means a lot nd i hope you all continue liking my works 🥺👉👈
in celebration i’ll get that boxer! bokuto thng i have planned out to you guys today and that demon! ushi no promises for that one but once i’m done w bo’s i’ll zoom nd do his 🥰
i’ll also spit out some shorter drabbels throughout the remainder of the day w the tag: jax celebrates 5k!
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introloves · 4 years
jax omg congrats on 5k!!!!!!! im still thinking very deeply about ur werewolf!bo fic. i cant get it out of my head!!!!!! kith kitht kithhh —mous
also it’s a medical condition i’m sure, too much werewolf!bo in the brain might be terminal :T
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introloves · 4 years
im so proud of you jax!!!! please keep up the excellent work :D -🧽
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introloves · 4 years
AAAA hi love !! CONGRATS ON 5K HSJHSJS YOU DESERVE IT SM !! your works are *chef kiss* 🥺💞
HI HI!!!! thank u SM !!!!! i’m *heart eyes* @ u 🥺🥺🥺
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