#kaeya: oh g o d
bitbrumal · 1 year
                                                                   QUESTION               @galactia​​​    ↤    accepting    ::    ¥ RATINGS    ↩ ¥ - Zhongli would like to be rated by Kaeya
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Put ¥ in my ask and my muse will rate your muse on:
Looks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Personality: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Attraction: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Would they date them: YES LMFAO WTF | No. How dare. Definitely not. Who are you & why have you broken into his house-
Favorite thing about them:  Buried in his forearms, Kaeya frees one to gesture faintly ... at all of Zhongli. Least favorite thing about them:  Frustration in this littlest of growls / forehead ground into forearms---this next gesture is sharper. “Shut up.”
My Boyfriend Is A God & I’m His Heathen - The Struggles Of A Medieval Millennial. Should I Be This Happy, IDK.
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ceciliablossoms · 3 years
Okay bro dumb idea I've seen around but here me out, Diluc, Childe, Xiao, Kaeya, and Zhongli with a s/o thats super loopy on meds. The boys try to get to them to bed but theyre like "sorey in sure your lovely but I have a boyfriend" and fust sleep on the floor
God me dude
i get loopy outta my mind when I take specifically cold medicine
Tumblr formatting his fucking this :')
Is briefly caught off guard when he first sees you like this
He'd never expect you to become THIS loopy when you took your medication
However, the more he was around you, the more used to it he became
He always makes it a point to make sure you don't hurt yourself when you stumble or fall
The man's gentleman, he's not gonna leave you on the floor either
He'll help you to your shared bedroom and attempts to cover you
But when you lazily roll out of bed and onto the floor
He goes to put you in the bed again
You swat his hands away lightly
Causing him to cock a brow at you
When you tell him you have a boyfriend and try to "let him down easy"
He gives a little sigh but nonetheless hoists you into bed again
"I'm sure he's lovely, however, you need to rest now."
Finds it hilarious
Especially when you stumble everywhere
Will laugh when you fall on your ass
He'll help you up though and carry you to bed
Even when you writhe in his arms until you fall onto the floor
He clicks his tongue and reaches to pick you up again
But when you roll away from him and say you're taken
He raises an eyebrow but smugly asks you to describe said boyfriend
As you complement him to his face he grows more and more smug
"Is that so? I'll be sure to keep that in mind ~"
He finally gets you into bed and exits your room soon after
Will tease the shit out of you later
Very confused
Why are you acting so strange
Very wary until he gets used to it
You'd probably have to explain when you're not tripping balls
Stays close by your side when it's time for your to take your meds
The moment you start to stumble, he piggybacks you to your room
Your squirming doesn't phase him
When you slide out of bed onto the floor though
He gets worried and tries to help
Your whining about not touching you because you have a boyfriend makes him pull away
Even more confused now
"I am aware. Now let me help you to rest"
Will probably never understand tbh
Heavily amused
Always down for dinner and a show
And the show is you
Expect to be teased both during and after
Will never let you live it down, especially if you complement him
Despite it seeming like he doesn't take it seriously, he takes good care of you
Keeps you hydrated and supervised so you don't hurt yourself
As he helps you to bed and you push him away he chuckles and makes a flirty remark
When you tell him to stop because you have a boyfriend
He chuckles
"Oh? He must be quite the charmer, hm?"
When you nod and being to ramble about him
He listens intently, thoroughly amused
Knows that it's just your medication
But he can't help but worry
After all you're so out of it, you don't recognize him
He coddles you tbh
Stays with you at all times to monitor you in case something happens
Sticks to your side like glue and makes sure nothing bad happens
When he helps you to bed, and you tell him that he reminds you of your boyfriend
He smiles at that
When you begin to talk about how your perceive him it makes him happy
Though he doesn't go along with it like some of the others
"Now, now dearest. It would be best if you lied down."
At the nickname you reach out to him and make grabby hands
He lies down next to you
Tbh cutest shit he's ever seen
Tag List: @kurokuroshit @clouds-rambles @mika-zuko @yoimimi @tempehlust @duhsies @dilucs-claymore @dai-tsukki-desu @seiiblue @nagatorou @youaskedfurret @fictionalcharactersthatsit @reina-dragoness-aka-rei
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bluexiao · 2 years
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#6k milestone masterlist
link for the event (requests are closed!)
Kazuha — G & Z
Xiao — D & N
Albedo — F & J
Zhongli & Kaeya — N
Kaeya — W & X
Xiao & Kaeya — Q
Scaramouche — C & K
Scaramouche & Venti — R
Xiao — E & J
Scaramouche — F & W
Albedo & Xiao — J
Venti — G & R
Zhongli — C & H
Aether — K & L
Xiao — C & K
Scaramouche — Z & N
Childe — J & S
Kazuha — Z
Albedo — I & Z
Kaeya — Q & N
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A= Attitude (Will they behave how they are with other people? How will they act with you?)
B= Breakfast (How do they like their eggs in the morning? Do they even eat breakfast?)
C= Cuddles (How do they cuddle? Would they cuddle?)
D= Deep Talks (Do they indulge in deep talks? How often?)
E= Endearment (Do they have a nickname for you? What will it be?)
F= Fiancé (How will they propose? What do they feel about commitments?)
G= Goodnight (How are the nights spent with them?)
H= Hugs (How often would they hug you? Are they fond of them?)
I= I love you (How often would they say "I love you"? Do they like to receive them more or give them?)
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous? How do they get jealous?)
K= Kisses (How do they kiss? How often? Do they like receiving them?)
L= Love Language (What is their love language? How will they show affection?)
M= Marriage (How fast would they want to settle in?)
N= No (What are their pet peeves? What do they don't like in general or in a partner?)
O= Oh! (What surprises them? Do they like surprises? Do they like giving them?)
P= Passion (How passionate are they with showing their love to you?)
Q= Quit (Do they quit easily in someone or a relationship?)
R= Recall (What do they recall as their best memory with you?)
S= Safeguard (Are they protective? How so?)
T= Time (How much time will they make for you?)
U= Upset (What are the things that upsets them?)
V= Valentine's (Do they remember events? Valentine's? Anniversaries?)
W= Wish (What is that one thing they wish they could give you?)
X= X-ray (What will be that one thing they will have a problem in saying to you?)
Y= Yours (How do they feel about commitment?)
Z= Zzzz (Do they have sleeping habits?)
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outivv · 3 years
h e h e b i g b w a i n- The Boys, but they did something really stupid, like I'm talking its facepalm worthy stupid. Their crush/ s/o ends up finding out and they take in a deep breath, proceeds to tell them they have 30 seconds to run, before either grabbing a spray bottle or rolls up a newspaper, then literally starts to chase them with said object, and tries to hit them with the newspaper or tries to spray them with the spray bottle. (you can add anyone else btw! take care♡)
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Synopsis: I’m not even sure how to explain this... but crack fluff with the tall boys :’)
Warnings: none!
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: Diluc, kaeya, childe. Zhongli, and Dainsleif
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: I literally snorted when I read this, and it’s mostly because I started imagining how zhongli would react. Omfg this is so funny, and a lot of fun to write, so I hope you like it, cause I really enjoyed writing this! Take care of yourself! (Also im so sorry this took me so long schools kicking my ass right now 🥲)
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— zhongli —
Zhongli went to go buy some groceries for a special dinner you were making tonight, but once again forgot his wallet. It’s hard getting used to not being able to make more out of thin air alright! But he came home feeling rather defeated. When you asked him what was wrong and where the groceries are, he just sighed. You knew, but wanted him to explain.
You got up and grabbed a rolled up news paper saying, “zhongli. I love you. But. You have 10 seconds to run.” Zhongli couldn’t help but hold back a chuckle. What were you gonna do hit him with the newspaper? Really? He’s not some sort of animal???
“Did you not hear me?” You said after he didn’t move. Really? You were serious? Haha, yeah ok. He still refused to move smiling amusingly at your words. “Hope you can plan your own funeral when you’re dead. Er... again.” You said jokingly. Then you started running from your place in front of the couch towards him. So then he opened the door swiftly and just started to book it. Running down the streets of liyue, at least he remembered his wallet before he left.
— childe —
Fun fact! The thing that childe did that was facepalm worthy stupid in this is something that I’ve done myself! :D
Childe called cows horses. He called... cows... horses. Yeah so you laughed at him, and then got the spray bottle. “Why are you getting that?! It’s not like I did something wrong?! Just... called cows horses.” He questioned. You only laughed and said, “doesn’t matter. You have 30 seconds to run”
He didn’t take you seriously at first, but then when you started counting, and getting closer to 1... he started running. He ran so fast, that he forgot what he did that made you get the spray bottle. But that doesn’t matter, you caught up to him eventually.
— kaeya —
Oh kaeya... I’m my opinion one of the smartest characters in all of genshin. Left cupcakes in the oven when he was making them to surprise you. Well... it certainly was a surprise. Just... not a good one.
He really wanted to try his hand at baking, but forgot one crucial detail... he can’t bake. He can cook very very well, but bake? No. He almost burnt the house down! So what did you do? Got the spray bottle. “Kaeya. I love you, and I’m appreciative that you tried to bake cupcakes for me. But. Never do it again. And you have 20 seconds to run.” You said with a sly smile.
Kaeya turned around quickly to face you. “Haha... what do you mean love?” He said nervously. “You know exactly what I mean. And now you’re at 10 seconds.” He never ran so fast in his life. Not even during knights training!
— Diluc —
Diluc had a good head on his shoulders, and rarely does anything too stupid. That being said, he almost gave klee wine instead of grape juice. You were watching over her one day, due to albedo being away, and the knights being too busy. So... Jean had asked you to watch over her. And Diluc mistook the new wine that he was gonna sell tonight at angels share... for grape juice.
“Diluc what the hell?!” You said snatching the glass out of klee’s hands much to her confusion. “I am so sorry!” He shouted panicking deeply on the inside. You sighed knowing it was an honest mistake and said, “it’s alright Diluc, but.” You grabbed the spray bottle “how about it klee why not teach Diluc a lesson?” Klees eyes lit up with excitement understanding what you were hinting at, while Diluc started getting confused and still slightly panicking.
Klee nodded, and you picked her up putting her on your back. “You have 30, no! 10 seconds to start running!” Klee shouted from over your shoulder. Diluc chuckled calming down, and smiled saying, “do I now?” Your gaze turned to one of mischief and playfulness. “You heard her, and if I were you I’d start running.” You said smiling. Oh you were serious?! In a few minutes Diluc was soaked, while you and Klee laughed triumphantly.
— Dainsleif —
Dainsleif has had some embarrassing moments in his long life, but the most unfortunate one was when he forgot your traveling packs in the Oceanids lair. “Oh crap...” he said remembering your packs. “What? Where... where are the packs...” you said. He was supposed to grab them before you left. Looking over your shoulder you could make out the packs... sinking in the water. you groaned and panicked. Nothing was salvageable.
You turned to Dainsleif anger in your eyes. Then you got an idea. “Dain, love, you have 3 seconds to run.” You said the warm reassurance in your voice turned serious. “Wha... what?!” He said worried, and lowkey scared. “You heard me.” You said. He ran so far away from you, but you managed to catch up and tackle him. I imagine if you could carry him you’d throw him in a pond or lake for some sort of revenge.
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kaeyasmilf · 3 years
nsfw alphabet ft kaeya
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
kaeya would be very breathless, his chest rising and falling as he tries to chase the much needed oxygen into his lungs. he seems well out of it but he has enough sense to clean the both of you with warm towels. surprisingly, kaeya is also the type to change the sheets after sex. as much as kaeya enjoys sex, he despises sleeping in a dirty bed.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
kaeya is very confident in his thighs. you didn't hear it from me but he would intentionally wear the tightest pair of pants that accentuates the curve of his ass and shows off how thick his thighs are.
kaeya's favorite body part of his partner is their stomach. chubby, flat, toned, you name it! kaeya loves them all! he just loves to rest his head on his partner's stomach while they'd run their fingers through his hair after a long day at work. often times he would fall asleep to the soothing motion, that's his most vulnerable state.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
kaeya is into cream pie. at the beginning of your relationship, he'd ask you for your permission if it's okay to do it but now he does it without even having to ask because it became a habit of his and it's pretty useless to ask at this point. however, he wouldn't do it if you asked him.
his favorite part is when he sees his cum oozing from your filled hole and he collects it with his index finger and shoves it into your mouth for you to lick clean and then swallow.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
kaeya doesn't have a secret he's pretty much open about everything.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
kaeya is VERY experienced to the point where it could come of as intimidating but he's actually very considerate and he can match your pace if you asked him to.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
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kaeya's a sub you can't and won't change my mind
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I wouldn't say he's goofy but he would be giggling most of the time, drunk by the euphoria of being sexual with him.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
kaeya mostly prefers being bald down there but he has been hairy a few times, depending on his partner's preference. but in general, he is well maintained when he grows his hair out.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
despite his cocky nature, kaeya can be intimate and romantic during sex. he'd often make eye contact with you and would hold your hands. he's very caring.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
oh kaeya definitely masturbates. it's a natural and human thing to do, especially when's frustrated or lonely while away on a mission.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
kaeya is into every kink there is except for the disturbing ones. his personal favorite would be being blind folded, gagged and bound.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
his bedroom because he has everything there; lube, wet towels, toys, extra pair of clothes, condom, you name it.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
honestly kaeya is easy to rile up, you just have to push the right buttons.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything that he believes to be harmful or abusive.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
kaeya likes to give and receive. he is a fair man and he would make sure that both he and his partner are equally satisfied. though, he's not going to lie when he says that his favorite is when you push him on his back and suck his soul dry, turning him into a withering moaning mess under you.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
it really depends on how kaeya and his partner are feeling at the moment. sometimes they start up in a specific pace and end with a completely different one.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
kaeya doesn't mind being frisky if it's somewhere that isn't at his workplace. he has to remain professional after all.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
kaeya is open to everything. he rarely says no.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
kaeya can go on all night pleasuring you but there are quite a few times where he could only muster enough energy for a single round. that usually happens when he comes home tired.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
kaeya has a mini closet full of toys that organized by category.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
kaeya is a fucking tease.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
kaeya is loud and very whiney, isn't shy about being vocal even if his neighbors could hear it. the sounds he makes are music to your ears.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
kaeya loves getting pegged and being praised for being such a good boy.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
he isn't intimidatingly big but he's big enough to make you feel full.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
kaeya's sex drive is pretty high most of the time.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he can stay up for twenty more minutes to clean the both of you up and change the sheets. after that he's out like a light.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Playing Genshin (TWST Octatrio)
Jade Leech
This smug heathen
He is smug as hell-
Honestly I cannot understand myself-
Why I think his gacha pull luck is insane-
He pulls three 5 STARS ON THE FIRST PULL
“Oya oya? I gotten Zhongli, Diluc and...oh! Perfect! A C5 Qiqi! Hmhm~”
Stop flexing-
We get it-
U so lucky
Ok but seriously though-
his team set up is   L E G E N D A R Y
It’s made up of the best 5 stars (and one 4 star) you could think of.
He uses Hu Tao as his Main DPS, Zhongli as his support, Qiqi as his healer and Xingqiu as his sub dps.
I want to believe that Xingqiu was his first ever 4 star that led him to become oh so frickin lucky at every other pull-
And he got attached to him, so-
Co op with him on a date to defeat a Pyro Regisvine while he sits with you on a couch with his head on top of yours,
he slings his arms in front of you and holds his phone, while looking at yours.
He thinks it’s so funny when you pout and complain or just straight up feral rage quit when you lose it about how stupid the pyro regisvines are.
This is now his favorite thing to do after a long day of  chasing idiots down work.
Just relaxing and playing Genshin with his s/o.
So wholesome.
Floyd Leech
He frickin loves this game.
He loves everything about it.
And he wants you to play!
If you already have the app, then he’ll ask you to co op with him!
If you don’t, he’ll ask you to install, and he’ll go into your world to co op with you!
Either way you still play with him-
And I like to think his first 5 star was Klee,
because she’s a cute child that destroys everything
Super fun and chaotic!
And he also uses her as his main dps like Jade does,
just that it doesn’t matter who is good for what role.
So long he likes the character, he puts em on his team
Cmon now Floyd bby
C’ m o n-
Klee is his main dps, Venti is his support (he took his time to grind up primos for this, if he didn’t get Venti, he would rage quit during Venti’s banner-) (he also like Venti cuz he makes him laugh all the time-), Xiangling as his sub dps (Xiangling cooks, she’s cute, but not as cute as you obviously, and he totally gets her weird nature-) and he uses Xinyan as his other support.
No healer
*inhales* FLOYD-
Ok but he stills manages to be pretty good and survive well in the game.
He have you lie on your stomach, while he’s beside you lying on his back on his bed just playing Genshin for hours.
Bonus he brings in the s n a c k s
Super fun playing with him and he doesn’t really get all rage quit mode when you’re beside him.
cuz he’s more happy playing when you’re around <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Sorry man
Ironically and unironically has the worse luck amongst the three.
4 stars EVERYTIME-
Watch him go into a rage quit in his office chair so fcking abruptly.
Ok but we love wholesome Noelle-
He does too, but-
he just salty
He wants Jade’s luck-
his first 5 star was Zhongli-
And the only 5 star he’ll ever get
He tried getting Xiao but only got a shit ton of Beidous and Noelles.
He tried getting Hu Tao but got a shit ton on Xingqius and Chongyuns
He has to REALLY put thought into his team set up.
Benette is his only healer, he got no other healer character which sucks-
Couldn’t even get Jean our boy is sad-
Zhongli is his support, the only thing he’s proud of, Yanfei as his main dps because he likes Yanfei and Xingqiu and literally just completed his constellation for the number of godamn times he gets him.
Sticks with this team, sometimes he uses the actual main team: Traveller (Anemo), Kaeya, Lisa and Amber for the fun of it.
24 hour grind is real my dude-
When he wants to have genshin dates with you, co op with him, expect to see him ask you to roll for him when his desired banner comes out-
He saved up a shit ton of primogems-
he. will. get. the . 5. star. exclusive. 
Co op with him to raid Geovishap, Oceanid, Stormterror and Childe to hear this man rage quit on his bed with you probably laughing your ass off.
ok but jk he thinks Childe is cool-
And he really likes Liyue
Aesthetic and “pay your taxes”
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xlbrh · 3 years
Mondstadt Genshin Boys with a short s/o
notes : okay okay this one hits quite close to home for my 5′ self, with slight albedo favouritism since he’s drawn me in
also i have an exam tomorrow but i couldn’t sleep without writing this soooo .-.
Genshin Masterlist
Liyue Boys with a short s/o is here!
warnings : none
format : bulleted, headcanons, fluff
pairings : diluc x f!reader, kaeya x f!reader, albedo x f!reader
word count : 720
everything under the cut-
now diluc
before you become his s/o-
honestly he probably wouldn’t have even noticed how much shorter than him you were
after all he would usually see you either sitting at the bar while he’s bartending or fighting hilichurls and abyss mages
and of course in the latter scenario he wouldn’t care
he’d just be trying to make sure you don’t get hurt
but once you beCOME his s/o
uh oh
now he definitely notices
his favourite thing would be how your head fits underneath his chin when he gives you a hug
he likes being able to have one arm round your back/waist while the other strokes your hair
okay i’m sorry in advance but I imagine him being with either a hydro or cryo vision holder?
just because-
when they get cold from using their vision a lot
he would definitely give them his coat to wear for a while
and his heart would mELT at how it completely submerges you
but either way whenever you get cold he would definitely pull you into his arms to warm you up
this man is a sucker for forehead kisses
and your height makes it all the more easier for him
diluc has and always will be a sweetheart, but even moreso with a tiny s/o <3
okay we all know that kaeya is a behEMOTH of a man
like he could very easily step on people of a normal height
so him having a s/o that is on the smaller side?
means nothing to him
you think kaeya’s going to let that get in the way of anything? think again
he would honestly find the quite large height difference to be endearing
and since we all know kaeya is an absolute tease
there is no doubt he would love to tease you with kisses
because of course this man would need to lean down
he finds your want for them to be adorable
especially when you look up at him all ready
but teasing doesn’t end there
you can’t reach something? kaeya gets it for you, but not before a little comment about how you couldn’t possibly have got it without his help
he would hug you from behind afterwards and whisper how he loves you into your ear though
so it’s a win win
ahhh yes I almost forgot to mention
b a c k  h u g s
no matter what sort of task you’d be doing, this man is hovering behind you
definitely leans down to kiss your neck
what can he say? it’s the perfect opportunity
overall he’d just be a little shit about it
but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you all the same <3
this man would love his s/o to be shorter than him
i mean he’s not that tall himself sO
albedo prefers to be subtle with his affection
so expect  h e a d  p a t s
a n d
f o r e h e a d  k i s s e s
especially while he is working away at his desk
most likely he would also be holding one of your hands with his free one, stroking over the top of it to remind you that he knows you’re still there
he also loves that like-
when you go to hug him
your head fits perfectly at his neck
makes it a lot easier for him to be able to kiss your face when he wants to
expect this especially when you greet him in the morning, or are leaving for the night
bonus points if it’s in bed hehe
even before you became his s/o
he would feel he has a duty to protect you
and although he knows you can deFINITELY hold your own in a battle
your small stature would add to his feelings of protectiveness
which is why if you ever go exploring with him to find things for his alchemy experiment (especially up to dragonspine)
he wants to hold your hand
albedo tells himself it’s so he knows where you are and so you don’t get lost
but it’s just because he likes the feeling of your hands being covered by his own
all in all he absolutely adores you, and wouldn’t change you for the world <3
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mozak-hh · 3 years
Genshin impact A-Z smut alphabet:
As Requested! hope u enjoy xx 
NSFW- You have been warned~
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after):
This man can’t get enough of your body, even after sex. He’ll let you rest your head on his chest, and will slowly run his hands through your hair while you tangle yourselves in bedsheets. He’ll give you hazy looks of love and affection, tell you how this will definitely put a spring in his step at work tomorrow.  “hopefully this becomes a common occurrence~”
B = Body part (They’re favourite body part as well as their partners):
On him, his mouth. There’s nothing more erotic to him that love bites. Grasping your small neck in his hands and softly biting down. leaving little nips on your thighs and hips. he’ll even look up at you as he bites the lower parts of your body, gliding his tongue over the teeth marks. 
On you, your breasts. Soft skin great for moulding in his hands. Especially when doing doggy style. Kaeya has a pretty big build (its canon that he’s the tallest out of all the genshin boys), so he’ll mould his body into yours from behinds as he hungrily thrusts into you, grabbing your breasts and kneading them slowly. 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum):
Kaeya loves your cum. When he goes down on you, he’ll make sure to drink your juices after you orgasm. This man likes cumming himself, and he’ll cum as many times as he possibly can. His seed spilling out of you as he continues to ram you into the early hours of the morning. Without question, always inside. Unless you’d like to drink it instead~
D = Dirty secret (Dirty Secret of theirs):
He’ll never tell you, but when Kaeya spends those lonely night doing night shift at the night’s headquarters, he’ll stroke himself beneath his desk while looking at pictures of you. Why not? there’s no one he and he misses you dearly. More importantly, he needs his throbbing heat inside you folds. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they):
Very Experienced. He’s probably slept with every single women in Mondstadt. So he knows how to please his woman.
F = Favorite position (Basically says it in the title):
The duo. He wants to make sure your comfortable, and not in too much pain. This also gives him great access to touching your breasts and thighs.
G = Goofy (How serious are they? Do they prefer joking?):
Hmmmm.. I wouldn’t call it particularly “goofy,” but he’s not afraid to laugh and joke during the zone. He’ll snicker if you make cute expressions and stuff, and if he messes up or does something stupid he’ll laugh it off.
H = Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes? Are they groomed?):
Indeed it does. He would keep it well trimmed too. I’m not sure if he’d take it all off, there is a chance that he probably has. Just cus he doesn’t like the feel of it. He’s bedded enough women to know how to keep it clean.
I = Intimacy (How they are during the moment):
He gets worried about you easily. If you’ve gone for quite a while or haven’t talked to him that day he’ll get a bit scared. So when he finally sees you he wants to please you so you don’t go away again. If you want him to go rough hell definitely go rough, but most times it’ll be very intimate.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon):
Yes. Before you, he would just pick up some random girl from the tavern, so he wouldn’t need to fulfill he’s needs himself. However, After you caught his interest he couldn’t sleep each night without letting off steam. When you two decide to become a couple, he’s finally able to quench his terribly high sex drive. Those pathetic months of stroking himself were horrible.
K = Kink (One of their kinks):
So, so many
Orgasm denial
Hair pulling
Face sitting
That’s just the basics really. Pull his hair and he’ll groan. He’ll tie you to the bed and blindfold you as he goes down on you, edging you until he slams his big cock inside. And when you grow tired. He’ll place you on top of his face and eat you up till you start rocking against his tongue
L = Location (Favorite place):
Any place in his house. Kitchen, lounge room, bedroom, shower. He’ll fuck you just about anywhere. Just as long as it’s not in front of anybody.
M = Motivation (What turns them on):
What wouldn’t get this man going? You being horny is probably the biggest turn on for him though. Grab his collar and bring his in for a kiss. Moan when he rests his hand on your back. Pull his hair and whine. Call him daddy... he’s going to give you what you want.
N = No (Something they won’t do):
No side hoes, public sex, knife play, blood play, or anything that’s going to hurt you. If you really wanted to, he’d probably be down for a threesome, just depends on who *cough cough diluc*
O = Oral (Giving or receiving):
Omg you would not regret it if you gave this man head. He looks so hot when his cock is in your mouth. Moaning and biting the back of his hand, the other hand wrapped around the back of your head. Thrusting into you in a rhythmic pace.
P = Pace (Are they fast or slow):
Unless he’s reading you or trying to savour the moment, he’s probably gonna go fast.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies):
How else is he going to get his daily fix of you? There’s multiple times where he’s fucked you in the supplies closet in the Favonius headquarters just because he couldn’t wait to get home.
R = Risk (Will they be down to experiment in risky locations):
Yes yes yes yes. In the headquarters, behind the tavern, secret halls in the church. Just about anywhere private.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go):
Oh many, many rounds. Till the sweat soaks the sheets and tears run down your face. If he has the chance, he won’t stop till he knows you can’t stand up.
T = Toy (Do they own toys and if they do, will they use them):
Probs not in the genshin world girlie- besides, he’s all you really need.
U = Unfair (How much will they tease):
Why of course he’ll tease. If you’ve been a naughty girl, he’s gonna get you on your knees begging for him.
V = Volume (How loud are they if they even are):
He can be loud if he lets go. But he only really does low moans and heavy breathing. The type of moans that rumble the throat. He’ll press his mouth to your ear so you can here them too.
W = Wild card (Headcanon of choice):
One time he had to stay late at his office so he could get all his work done. You wanted to surprise him by stripping in front of his desk. Safe to say he was a very happy man in the morning, and you couldn’t look at Jean without getting embarrassed over what you two had done.
X = X-Ray (What’s going on down there):
8.5 inches . Any bigger and he’s gonna break you. He’s got a bit of an upward curve too. Some veins as well.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive):
He’s sex drive is off the charts. Probably the highest out of everyone in Mondstadt. This mans got stamina, so he will fuck you when he gets a chance.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep):
He’ll always stay up till you fall asleep since he thinks it would be impolite to ignore you afterwards. But after you’re out, he’s out.
Thanks for reading! x comment who you’d like to see next ;))
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glazelilyy · 3 years
kaeya alberich’s guide to love is my absolute favourite. knowing what will happen to his beloved makes seeing him have his euphoric highs even more painful, knowing the devastation that’ll follow its in wake. him having this ONE and ONLY good thing in his life ripped away from him so bitterly made me go oh gee,,,
o,,, o ma ; n,,,, i gotta,,, i g /o tta sit down for a second,, oh,,,, oh dear,,, oh my,,, man,,,,
and then i proceeded to sob with my head in my hands. kudos to you!!!! your writing is so so good ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
AAAA nonnie i kid you not, i was the one writing it (and had the bare bones plot planned out on a sticky note) and there were just some parts that i couldn't bring myself to write in one go because i felt so bad AAAHGHGH i really didn't wanna hurt him but gotta obey the plot that lives rent free in my mind :'))
writing the pining and romantic parts were definitely my favorite! he's such a sweet character, morally gray yes, but he deserves love too!!!
awww you're the second person to tell me that "kaeya alberich's guide to love" is your fav story of mine!! /)\\\\(\ it's the fic i'm most proud of alongside "redamancy" with zhongli so AAA IDK IT JUST MAKES ME SO HAPPY HAHA THANK YOU!!! :D <3
tell me which one of my stories is your favorite!
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OH MY G o d
The power??? THE POWER??? THE P O W E R she chould have to STEAL any man who looks at her
oh my god
Que god is a woman- NOW
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
Ok someone requested for spicy Modern!Uni!AU Chaeya content so here we gO
Modern!Uni!AU Ch💙ya breeding kink
I really like the concept of things just starting as a joke between them
They don't negotiate kinks they just see smth they're interested in and they just g o at it
So Kaeya comes across breeding kink on the Internet and he's mind is like "oh"
He thought it'd be funny to spring it on Childe one day? Since they're always looking to spice things up
He goes over to Childe one fine day while they're chilling in their dorm and sits on his lap
Childe immediately puts his arms on his waist and starts kissing his neck cuz they're cute like that
Kaeya's like "hey i gotta ask you smth" and Childe slows down his kisses and hums "what is it"
Kaeya using his sexiest voice and pulls back a little, looking Childe in the eye and tells him to fuck babies into him
Childe does not hesitate 😩
He picks Kaeya up w ease and slams him into the desk he was on
Kaeya, ever the slut for being manhandled lets out a tiny moan and it just drives Childe w i l d
Childe doesn't know why he's so turned on rn but the way Kaeya is grinding on his hardening cock and begging so readily 💦
Childe lowkey doesn't know why he's so turned on like he can't actually fuck babies into Kaeya but the idea of it is so fucking hot???
Kaeya is no help just dirty talks some more to rile Childe up
"you really want to fuck babies into me, huh? I've barely done anything and you're already so hah-hard" "how long have you been thinking about us like this? How about it? Want some rowdy mini yous?"
Childe has to audacity to roughly trace up Kaeya half hard cock over his pants and then put his hand under Kaeya's shirt and scratch him lightly on his stomach "how bout some mini yous too?"
Honestly, Kaeya thinks he could lose it right there but he acts composed and bucks up urging Childe
I really want Kaeya to call Childe daddy so we're gonna go w that because i dO whAT i wANt
Kaeya pulls Childe down and licks his lips sultrily moans out daddy and Childe just snaps
He straight up tears Kaeya's clothes and- oh god, the fucking minx planned this
Kaeya's in light grey lingerie and his shape is highlighted by a maroon harness and it's honestly so cute because it's all of Childe's favourite colours
"did you get dressed up for me?"
"of course, anything to have daddy come deep inside me. I want to remember the feeling of being full of daddy's baby seed"
Childe bursts out laughing because what the fuck baby seed???? Leave
Kaeya's like come on don't be like that i wanted to try smth dumb
Childe doesn't mind bends down to kiss Kaeya tenderly
He's never quite thought about settling yet? I mean he's still in uni and in his prime but the thought of being w Kaeya for the rest of his life and maybe watch proudly as his future kids play? He could get used to the idea uwu
Kinda nuzzles Kaeya while he thinks cute thoughts but Kaeya starts up again HAHAH
"dadddyyyy, pleease, i want your cum inside me so bad. I want to your breeding bitch, daddy, pleease"
Childe is kinda turned on but also thinks about how Kaeya can be so shameless
Doesn't stop Childe tho gets on to fucking Kaeya
Soils the lingerie like the stains aren't gonna come out, Childe promises to buy more
Snaps the harness to stimulate Kaeya too? Hey, he pulled it out, he's not going to just toss it aside to fuck putting that shit on takes time and effort
If Kaeya continues to say ridiculous things Childe will return the favour too, he can be shameless too
Sucks on Kaeya's nipples while pumping his cock "when you're pregnant with our baby, what do you think your milk will taste like? Do you think you'd lactate while getting fucked, baby? You'll feel so full too, won't you, stuffed full of our baby and my cum"
Kaeya's doesn't want to emit the way his hole clench up on Childe's cock was because of the dirty talk. No, it's just Childe was sucking on his nipple so earnestly and he was stroking his cock exactly how he liked it
They go for like hours whenever they try a new kink because they're discovering smth about the kink and stuff about themselves
It's also like smth new? So they kinda fixate on it the entire session just to see how their partners are fairing w it and if they can do it again
100% they're gonna do this again
Kaeya thinks its so hot when Childe earnestly fucks and pumps him with so many loads with his cum. His sex crazed mind for a few minutes genuinely thinks he might get pregnant
Childe thinks the way his cum is flooding Kaeya's hole is so cute. Maybe getting called daddy is kinda hot too. Also the prospect of having a family with Kaeya is so cute?? He's soft
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softzhongli · 2 years
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summary: a closer look at the most exclusive group chat in all teyvat. we have two oblivious idiots in love, two horny bastards afraid of their feelings, a grumpy cat and his sunshine boyfriend and one very single and tired girl... among many many others warnings: swearing, probably some angst info: crack fic, multi-chaptered, social media au, not much difference they just have phones lmao pairings: childe x kaeya // xiao x venti // zhongli x diluc + lumine and other characters requests: open posted: 01/03/2022 a/n: me: i prefer to write the drama from kaeya’s pov also me: *writes childe’s pov* LISTEN i’m a stereotypical bisexual! i clearly can’t choose asdflasdfghjk
ANYWAY! scara to the rescue! ahaha honestly? scara is probably my favourite character to write in this fic lmao idk i can just completely let loose when i write him and i just love how he’s an asshole but like a helpful asshole, y’know? if there weren’t as many characters in the “main” chat already he’d def be the one i’d add to make it more chaotic and unhinged lmao, and i know this is basically just stroking my own ego but the childe and scara dynamic? *chef’s kiss*
also! i’ll let you know later too but from friday to sunday there probably won’t be a new chapter bc i’m moving and i won’t have time to write anything T^T 
CHAT:  # B L O C K E D ⮡  members: childe / scaramouche
scara: okay
scara: wtf is wrong with you this time
childe: ???
scara: don’t “???” me
scara: answer the question
childe: nothing?
scara: try again
childe: why are you texting me? i though i’m blocked?
scara: you are... most of the time
scara: but i can’t look at you anymore
scara: so spill
scara: before i block you again
scara: who made your face look like that?
childe: what? what’s wrong with my face??? T^T
scara: oh boy do you want a list in an alphabetical order or...
childe: -_-
scara: you’re sulking all the time and it’s more annoying than the normal annoying thing you have going on
childe: i think i should be offended right now
childe: but i’m too weirded out by you willingly wanting to help me out
childe: i don’t like it
scara: i’m regretting all my life choices right now
scara: this was clearly a mistake
childe: NO!
childe: WAIT!
childe: PLS!
childe: scara? T^T
scara: i’m still here
scara: unfortunately
scara: so what’s going on?
scara: troubles in paradise with that chick you were talking about last time?
childe: HE’S A GUY ffs
scara: 🙄
childe: but yes T^T
childe: i’m more than sure he hates me and is disgusted by me
scara: isn’t everyone?
childe: #ScaraStopBullyingChildeChallange
scara: no, thank you, i’m not subscribed to that
childe: 😑
scara: sigh, okay
scara: why do you think that?
childe: well
childe: we celebrated lumine’s birthday some time ago and we were all drunk and i’m like ninety percent sure i confessed to him but i don’t remember his reaction and i got spooked the next day and run away before he woke up and we haven’t spoken since then so yeah, it’s obvious he’s disgusted by my feelings and don’t want to speak to me ever again
scara: lmaoooo
childe: 😑
scara: oh you’re ACTUALLY SERIOUS?
scara: so you really are that stupid, huh?
scara: i mean i knew that but still lol
scara: your last braincell truly said ‘bye bitch i’m retired now’
scara: lmaooooo
childe: is there a point to that?
scara: ohohohhahaha this is priceless
scara: you know what? i changed my mind
scara: i’m so glad i decided o ask
childe: hmpf
scara: listen, you can’t be THIS stupid and expect me not to laugh
childe: maybe i wouldn’t
scara: lol
childe: oh baby morax pls give me strength
scara: okay, okay
scara: i will gladly share with you one of the (many, many) reasons i think you’re dumb
childe: how noble of you
scara: did you think for even a second that the guy might actually be in the same situation?
childe: what now?
scara: it’s truly too late to help you
scara: R.I.P. childe’s brain
childe: SCARA
scara: S I G H 
scara: you said you were both drunk in the moment, correct?
childe: yes
scara: and you don’t remember his reaction, correct?
childe: yes
scara: and you run away before talking to him, correct?
childe: yes
scara: and neither of you reached out since then, correct?
childe: yes
scara: so...
scara: you want to tell me that you never thought that he might’ve said the same thing to you and JUST LIKE YOU don’t remember what you said? since BOTH OF YOU were drunk?
childe: ...yes?
scara: i really feel bad for him if he’s in love with you
childe: T^T
childe: but then why didn’t he say anything? asdfghjkl
scara: WHY DIDN’T YOU?
childe: ...
scara: you know what, i take it back, you probably deserve each other
scara: if you’re both this stupid
childe: wait, you really think that happened?
scara: that was literally the first thing that came to my mind
childe: oh nooo
childe: scaraaaa
childe: scara, i fucked upppp
scara: ye
childe: nooooo
childe: nonononononono
childe: if you’re right...
childe: then i really am THAT™ stooopid
scara: you won’t hear me arguing with that
scara: like ever
childe: T^T
scara: if that makes you feel better
scara: i think you’re both equally stupid
childe: no, don’t say that about kaeya
childe: you can make fun of me all you want
childe: but kaeya slander is illegal
scara: 🤡
scara: welp
scara: good luck with fixing your situation
childe: that was uncharacteristically nice
scara: let me know if you fail :)
childe: 😑
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Late Night Talks with Empanada ft. Genshin
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So... guess who finally got sucked into genshin, yap this girl right here.
So funny story, I downloaded genshin purely out of the fact that I saw Zonghli on tiktok and I instantly simped for him. I downloaded the game and...
I abandoned it.
But I remained to have a passive interest in it and was eventually going to play it once my simping for Zhongli became strong enough thanks to tiktok.
So... guess who saw Childe's trailer?
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OMFG LOOK AT HIM HE'S THE PRIME DEFINITION OF MY TYPE (ಥ﹏ಥ) oh god someone take away my phone from me or else I'm gonna cry
So... I played the game all for him, ALL TO GET HIS CHARACTER
1st Roll for Childe's Banner: I got a weapon...
Not a surprise but damn, genshin's 10-pulls are expensive, after that I decided to focus more on the game to grind for Primogems
1st Novice Roll: I got Jean, Noelle, and Beidou
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*weeps* I wanted Diluc but oh well, having a healer on my team isn't bad too. Plus I have another roll that'll guarantee a 4+ star item on my next roll!
2nd Roll after a few hours of playing: I got Ningguang and a bunch of weapons...
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*weeps* GIVE ME A MALE CHARA GODDAMIT *has been maining Kaeya since he's the only Male she has*
She's aight I guess, probs not gonna use her tho..
Here's my first impressions on the Characters I've met so far!
Paimon: e m e r g e n c y f o o d. Ngl really cute! She'd probs get on my nerves after a while but so far I can tolerate her!
Amber: aww she's really cute and energetic! She'd probs fill in the roll of the protagonist if Genshin ever becomes an anime
Kaeya: 👀👀 why do I sense theater nerd in this man? He gives me the vibe of being overdramtic (probs because of the voice, ngl I like his voice). Also been maining him and damn I really like his voice, just any chara that speaks like that makes me weak
Lisa: ma'am can you step on me? PLEASE. But seriously she gives me ara ara vibes. Can I also say I am WEAK towards her💕💞💕 the way she refers to us as 'cuties'💕💞 her voice💗💕💞💗. Ma'am I am a straight woman but goddamn can she turn me gay
Jean: not much to say other than I like her and I like her style!
Venti: he gives me gremlin vibes idk, probs a lil shiet (judging from the prologue in the manga and promotional stories on yt he looks like it)
Diluc: 👀👀👀 hello dark edgy man (another one of my type I see) his voice... HIS VOICE. I LOVE IT. UwU sir can you be my ✨sugar daddy✨
That's all for now, I haven't met that many charas yet since I'm not done with the main story yet. But so far those have been my reactions to everything
*cough* drew Em in what she would probs look like if she was in Genshin *cough*
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She'd take the roll of Lumine while Louis would be Aesther, nothing would really change other than her weapon would be a bow, would probs double wield like Childe and be able to weild a sword too, idk just an idea.
If any of yall are interested in a Genshin Au with my Ocs I'm trying to think about what they would look like and what their elements and weapons would be, they're welcome for questions too 👀👀
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rosies-pastimes · 3 years
I'm assuming you're talking about vanitas no carte there? if so, enjoy ~ (and yeah why would you just share spoilers like that ;-;)
I have! :D
shiny fishy ✨
ooh luckyy hopefully it'll work for his banner too *hands you a four-leaf clover* hehe well I'll ask you now: did you work on your teapot?
yeah I'm planning too! got to save up on primogems for the next few weeks :P (also looking forward to the liyue event coming up!)
ooh venti! he was a fun trial character! is childe fun to play with? :o qiqi is so cute ~ I'm working on building her after I've gotten kaeya leveled up more! yoimiya was so fun with the trial and her story quest!! I didn't manage to reach pity on her banner whyy
noé is a country bumpkin after all... (yes she is!! wait I just realised I haven't actually seen her in colour yet I'm going to be blown away)
have fun watching the last few episodes ~ that other half of the season is coming out in january ahhh
I see I see! well take your time :) I will too! enjoy it at your own pace ~ (I've seen one too many time-skip spoilers but am still very excited to actually get to that point in the manga!!)
anyways, I hope it's been alright for you these few weeks rosie! remember to take breaks from studying and keep hydrated ^-^
- 🎮
i meant for obey me kNsia i thankfully havent seen as much spoilers for vanitas save the hot edits or whateva THANKFULLY but my social media has magical powers that tell them what fandoms i am obsessed with rn so im expecting the spoilers to start rolling in eventually-
BESTAY IT SAYS ID CANT BE FOUND WHEN I TRIED SEARCHING IT 😭😭 maybe try mine? it's 936925096 with the asmo chibi icon and username rosie jzjanaj
*gives you a four-leaf clover too* tohma pls you have one job ಥ‿ಥ two actually, and the second one is to be real but we cant do anything about that djsbhaba
no i didnt (◕ᴗ◕✿), BUT i was just gonna go play genshin rn 👁️👄👁️
i always feel strangely overwhelmed when a big event or updates happen in the game. IDK WHY, MY GUT JUST FEELS BUTTERFLIES AONJANA I CANT WAIT FOR IT EITHERRRR, just 2 more days!
venti makes me float literally, he's amazing.
CHILDE IS FUN TO PLAY WITH THERE ARE SO MANY NUMBERS WHEN HE WHACKS PEOPLE WITH HIS WATER SWORDS :)) i only recently put him on my main team, it's pretty dope, im working on levelling him up already.
QIQI IS ADORABLE 😭 MY SWEET CHILD 😭 GIVE HER THE COCOGOAT MILK PLS 😭 i might also start building her properly to form my secondary team so i can do the spiral abyss.
yoimiya is such a sunshine child 🥲 protecc at all costs-
noe wouldnt know what love is if it slapped him across the face- *cough* vanitas *cough cough* domi *cough* I SWEAR THERE ARE NOE - VANITAS SCENES THAT HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO HETERO EXPLANATION POSSIBLE- why yes, i do casually ship people until i forget that i was casually shipping them-
pretty sure i had to pause and get a hold of myself when she walked in 😌 she is s t u n n i n g
yup, if its still gonna be january, ill be reading it soon, please dont haunt my nightmares vanitas, my dreams are wonky as they are-
my brother uses his knowledge of the end of haikyuu against me 🥲 to be fair i do ask him about the jobs but thats about it, everyrhing else, i have learned to warningless social media posts, but oh well 🤷‍♀️ yes, i am upset about it *stomps foot and light up shoes start lighting up* like i know how the next match ends, and i think i know how the final highschool match ends and it wont be the same reading it anymore cuz i know what happens :(
i have been holding down the fort, thank you 🥺
i hope all is well with you too! if someone fights you, tell me and we can poke them with sticks together 😌
*frantically drinks water because my lips are chapped*
0 notes
daemmerungsritter · 4 years
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❝You’re the one who’s been staring daggers ever since we arrived.❞ asked by @thresholds​   | The Witcher Meme.  (accepting.)
AS SO VERY OFTEN THE AIR HAD GROWN THIN in the mostly empty halls, filled with naught but painful MEMORIES of a long distant past. It threatened to suffocate him each night, in each horrid NIGHTMARE full of  c r i m s o n   r e d  – and more so by feeling the other man’s presence, his particular aura, the moment he strutted through the gates as if the time, the memories, had not long withered into this absurd, grotesque THEATRE full of lies and corruption. And midst all of this mess was Kaeya, standing on the opposite side of the ABYSS to make him feel the invisible hand on his throat even more than he already did. Too many unspoken words lingered around them for years – ignoring and neglecting the circumstances of their BROTHERHOOD once; no longer recognizing each other’s soul and actions as compatible.
OH NO DILUC WOULD NOT FORGET – not a single moment which had happened so many years ago. And he was quite certain that the other man would not as well – blaming his very core, his EXISTENCE for failing, for being too weak and  i r r e s p o n s i b l e. Yet unlike him the crimson haired was far from  p r e t e n d i n g  at least polite and civilized interest in another; knowing full well that every FIBER of his body felt  d i s g u s t e d  by his sight in the place he called home. Alas its remaining residents meant scarcely more to him than Mondstadt’s everlasting breeze as well– it was simply a NECESSITY. He merely sheltered those who had no home, no purpose otherwise – but their footsteps, their soft chatter or their presence never truly warmed his heart. Even if they once had. Kaeya could not compare to them, however – he was a brutal AVALANCHE at this doorstep whenever he visited.
BRUTAL IN REMINDING HIM OF THE PAST he still could not forget, painful in his so very obvious MOCKERY and velvety voice which would merely add to his own regrets. When he saw him he was reminded – reminded of the very day when the crimson STAINS on his hand and pristine white coat had almost dried when their gazes met for the first time in hours on that fateful day. The shock, the cold icey knives he had given to him as silent tears slowly ran down his cheeks. Anger. Hatred. Confusion. SORROW. Diluc still could not fathom all emotions he had felt on this very day – and it had taken him far too long to conceal and bury most of them in the furthest corner of his very heart – so it was not surprised that meeting his own past was always a SLAP across his face.
AND KAEYA’S PRESENCE WAS JUST THAT – a NUISANCE. How much longer had he bear his visits, his played worried for his former brother who meant  n a u g h t  to him deep in his core? The other certainly enjoyed every moment of his fortunately by now rare visits – always causing him distress and also quite an  a c h i n g  HEADACHE which would last for hours. Nothing he could afford, of course. It was POISON for his mind, stole his concentration on the many tasks at hand which had naught to do with the Winery of his late father. And, perchance, the other was aware of this. No, he had given up to please the Knights and their affairs a long time ago, and that included  h i m. There was no polite smile he could ever offer any of them, let alone Kaeya.
FULL LIPS WERE PRESSED TO A THIN AND HARD LINE, crimson brows lightly furrowed whilst his stoic expression told very little – if it were not for his eyes showing the  r a g i n g  FIRE burning inside them. Scorching, f u m i n g. If there were playing this silent and hidden chess game over the CONTROL of this moment, he would  n o t lose. No matter how much the cold WAVE of his own darkness swept over him right now.
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             ❝Hmph. Last time I checked I could not find                a n y   Hilichurl camps close to the WINERY.                So I ask of you to take your KNIGHTS and leave again.                Oh, and don’t trample upon the grapes when you leave.                I would  h a t e  to fill a LETTER OF COMPLAINT.❞
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tartagliad · 3 years
Hi dear <3 I read “falling out of love for you” and was wondering if you could do a second part where a while after the reader leaves the characters realize they miss her and really love her and try to reconcile but find her happy (whether with another person or single). You can choose whether the reader would return with them or not :) tysm, have a nice day!!
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Aight there you two and anyone who secretly wants a part 2 to this but too shy to say it.. ehe, this will be a part 2 to the first part and I hope you enjoy it and if you have any suggestions, let me know :D
Falling Out of Love pt.2
Summary: the genshin boys regretting on leaving S/O (basically a part 2 to this part)
Characters: Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, and Zhongli
Genre: angst with fluff in some part
G/N reader!
Warnings: There will be 2 characters that have to deal the fact that the reader wouldn't get back with him, light swearing, mentions of alcohol
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Since you left, Diluc kinda felt a little ease at first
Everything he does is completely fine and smooth
He tries to ignore the fact that he missed you by working
When he isn't working, he usually felt kinda lonely
Sometimes he takes a light stroll around the town and have a look around
Diluc felt something was missing from him, and so he decided to go home
He kinda admit that he wants to be with you again...
He missed your hugs, presence, and your little jokes that you always told him
And so tomorrow, he wanted to go look for you in the city
It didn't took him long enough to find you, he saw you strolling around the city by yourself
But.. he saw you looked really happy, basically you already had move on
You walk around and maybe waved at the people with a bright and soft smile
At this point, Diluc doesn't know if he wants to go back with you since you looked happy without him
Well he was completely caught off guard by you and you approached him
"Hey Diluc, what are you doing here?" you asked him
Finally he's out of his thoughts, "Oh uh.. I was just having a light stroll around the city..." he responded
There was an awkward silence between both of you since both of haven't talk in a while
"Uh... y/n, can I ask you a question...?" he asked you
"Sure Diluc, you can ask me anything", you said
He took a deep breath to calm himself down and then he started to speak, "I.. I know this sounds kinda reckless.. to be honest.. these last few days I felt kinda lonely.. then, I realised that I wanted to be with you.. but seeing you so happy now makes me really uncomfortable if I came back to you again..." he said
You felt silent when he said that, "So.. can we start this all over again..? it's alright and understand if you don't want to.." he adds
You don't know that this was gonna happen and to be honest you do kinda miss him
But you wanted to think about it first, "Diluc.. can I think about it first..?" you asked him
He nods and you can told him whenever you're ready
When you got home and started to think about it, ngl you do kinda miss him and you wanted to start over with him
After some time thinking, you decided to tell him
Diluc said if you're ready, just meet him at the lake near Dawn Winery and so you did
Once you got there, you see Diluc sitting near the lake
You sat next to him and started to talk, "I already have the answer. I would love to get back with you and start over, I'll try my best to do everything much better than before" you said
Diluc sounded so happy and he kissed you gently, "I'm so glad that we are finally together" he said
You moved back with him in a few days
Both of you try to keep an open mind about each other and respect one and other's privacy
And both of you try to fix things up by discuss it together
Overall, both of you try to make things easier for each other
"Thank you for giving me a second chance to make things up. I'll try my best to keep an open mind about the situation and talk to you whenever I have things in my mind."
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At first, Zhongli feels fine ngl
His heart felt more at ease these days especially when he's at work
He could go anywhere he wants now since you two broke up
Zhongli always love spending his time alone actually, just feel the light brushing of the wind and the sun shines really nice
One thing he wasn't aware was the fact that there was something in his chest that was bothering him
He still didn't understand human emotions, so he thinks the feels in his chest is was going away in a few days... it didn't
The more he goes to places alone, the feeling was much stronger than he anticipated
One time actually, he tried to go somewhere with his co-workers and Hu Tao (they invited him), well.. let's just say the feeling was this close to going away but it came back again :/
When he got back home, he tries to find something to put the feeling to an ease
Zhongli was looking for a book to read when something from the book fall out
It was a picture of the both of you on your first date
He looked at it and started to remember things he have done with you
The memories actually the feeling in his chest a bit stronger than before
Now he started to think whether he wants to came back to you or not
Zhongli lies in his bed and try to think through about how he felt
Come to think of it.. he actually wants to see you, he misses your presence
But, do you really wanna go back with him? Surely you're happy now
So tomorrow, Zhongli goes out to take a stroll, and maybe go look for you if he sees you
When he was strolling for about an hour, he saw you near the harbor.. looking at the sea
It takes a bit of courage for him to go and walk up to you, when he's ready, he approaches you
"Good afternoon, y/n.." he greets, you turn around and face him, "Oh, good afternoon Zhongli, what brings you here?" you asked him
Zhongli didn't expect that you ask him why he's here, "Oh.. uh, I was just taking a stroll around the harbor and saw you.." he said, he kinda lies because he was nervous..
You knew he was lying actually, I mean he's your previous partner and the longest one you have been in, "Zhongli I know you, you're lying, if there's something you want to say, just say it.."
Finally, he took a deep breath and tells you, "I've been thinking about it lately actually, I.. wanted to get back with you.. I just really missed you and I regret leaving you like that, I'm sorry..."
You couldn't look him in the eyes, you weren't expect him to say this.. but truth to be told... "Zhongli, I don't know how to say it, but.. I'm so sorry, I don't wanna get back with you." you told him
"I already moved on from the past, and I'm happy now.. so I don't think I'm gonna get back with you, I hope you understand what I mean." you add
Zhongli's heart literally shattered into pieces, he desperately wanted to go back with you, tears started to form in his eyes but he tries to hide it
"I get it, I can't really force you to be with me and my wish is to make you happy. If being single is what you are happy with, then I respect your choice." he said, his tone was a bit sad
By that he waved you a goodbye and give you a smile
When he got back home he burst into tears knowing that you wouldn't be with him again, he was ashamed of himself and all this happen because of what he felt..
Zhongli wish that there's something that could turn back time so he could fix everything, but for now he have to deal with the reality that you're happy without him :")
"If you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me. I'll be here waiting for you.. just know that I still love you and I'm sorry for what I've done in the past. I hope you're happy."
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Where do I have to begin with..
Childe's relationship with his current partner was going downhill
Arguing everyday and instead of talking about it, they shout at each other
Like dude c'mon, they almost throw a table at a window...
One night as usual, Childe came home and the house was empty.. ngl he didn't even want to look for them..
But as their partner, he had to find them.. -_-
When he arrived at the harbor, he saw his partner kissing another man..
Well, he was devastated but at the same time.. he wanna leave that bastard, and so he laughed to himself and left
He finished packing and left a note that says "I'm leaving you for good, hope you are happy with them.."
It was short but who cares, so he left and go find an apartment to stay for a few weeks before buying a home
He was still stressed that he have to see everything like that
Until.. he suddenly think of you..
Childe finally realized how you felt when you saw him with another person, this completely backfired him
He wanted to hold you and talk to you about how he feels, he felt so lonely rn :(
Now he was completely drowned in guilt at the point he's crying
He wants to go find you tomorrow, but he doesn't know if he's ready or not to see you
And so Childe thinks that he will just go and see you, but not talk to you yet since he just wanted to see you from afar and how've you been
The next day.. well he woke up pretty late since he got a few days off from his duties as a harbinger
He eat some breakfast and get ready to go find you, so he now went down to the streets
It was quite challenging to find you since the streets were filled with people, what the hell made the streets so crowded today
He ask one of the people around him, they told him that the lantern rite festival is starting tomorrow night
Now he remembers that these things existed... lol
After he knows about everything, he continues to look for you
He found you in one of the shops, buying some items
You left the shop and he follows you, making sure that you didn't notice he was there
When he follows you, he realized that you were happy, that smile on your face was stunning
It feels like you have already moved on from him, but truth to be hold you still feel kinda lonely..
And so Childe decided to go back home and stop 'stalking' you
He didn't know if coming back to you was a great idea
But his heart was determined to fight to get you back with him, so he plans to confess to you at the lantern rite tomorrow night
He prepares some flowers and a tiny gift before he could met you again, then he goes to look for you
He was so happy that you were there and the scenery he wanted to be at was perfect
You were looking at the harbor and stare at the stars in the sky, today was beautiful
Childe hide the flowers behind his back and began to approach you, praying that everything went fine
"Hey y/n, I didn't expect to meet you here" he said, "Oh hi Childe, what a pleasant surprise, how things are lately?" you suddenly asked him
He wanted to tell you the truth but he decided to hide it, "Oh everything is fine.." he said
"Ah, that's good to hear, where's your partner?" you asked again
At this point, Childe just wanted to tell you everything, "y/n there's something I wanted to tell you.." he spit out, "go on, I'm all ears" you said
He took a deep breath and began talking, "My relationship with them was.. recently over, if you ask me how.. well they cheated on me, from that point I realized how you felt when you saw me like that and I'm so sorry. I wanted to come back with you and fix everything that I've done in the past. But seeing you happy makes me feel guilty for asking you to come back with me."
You were stunned by him.. you didn't know what to say and you stare at the ground
"Listen, this is your choice if you wanted to go back with me or not, I wouldn't force you to come back with me.. just, tell me-" you suddenly put a finger on his lips and his eyes widened
"Childe.. I would love to come back with you, the truth is.. I still wanted to be with you and start all over again.." you said to him..
He was so happy and so he hugged you, "Thank you for giving me a second chance, I promise I'll make it up to you.." he add
You break the hug and he gives you the flowers and the gift that he bought before hand, "always prepared as usual" you said :)
Both of you laughed and see the lantern was about to fly to the sky
Childe made a gesture that he wanted to kiss you and without hesitant.. both of you kissed
The scenery was perfect, the lanterns are in the sky and the colorful fireworks just... wow
Both of you are now back together and moved to a new home...
"I hope that we could do things much better than before, I'm so sorry for what I did in the past. I promise from now on, I'll try to talk about anything that I feel to you so things like this could never happen again."
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A WHOLE different story from the other three
One word, LONELY
Well, Kaeya is already familiar with the feeling of loneliness, but when you left him.. it's a whole different story
He just misses you, your hugs, presence, and caring figure
Kaeya always trying to distract himself with work, but it didn't work
Even Jean knows that he feels lonely than usual
Jean wanted to help him, but.. it's quite private so she decided not disturbed him and kinda 'prepares' if Kaeya needs anything
Personally, Kaeya really appreciate that Jean was trying to help him, even though he still feels a bit lonely
Well, he usually drown all of it with some drinks.. a bit too much than usual
He could only think of you now, especially what after what he did before you left him
Kaeya really regrets it
How can he be so dumb like that, he knows that you're there to help him
He's just a mess now.. :(
One day he thought of looking for you and maybe reconciliate with you so both of you can get back together
He think this through day and night
Kaeya even re-thinks his reason for getting back to you, it will be reckless if he only wants you there for the sake of his happiness
He wanted to make sure if you both did came back together, he would make you happy again with him
So he decided to look for you in the morning
Morning came and he go out and look for you
Lucky for him, he found you at Good Hunter, buying some food
Kaeya was a bit nervous, but he approached you anyway..
"Hey y/n," he said, you were surprised and greet him, "Oh, Kaeya, I didn't see you there, hii," you said
"How are things going lately?" he asked you, using his usual smile
"Everything is going well, how about you?" you ask him, "The same as usual," he said..
"Hey y/n... there's something I wanted to tell you..'' Kaeya speaks, "Oh? what is it?" you ask
" Well, lately I've been thinking that.. I wanted to get back with you.. I was wrong leaving you in the first place, I should've talk to you about I feel back at the day. You're the only person that I could trust my feelings with.. so, will you start this over with me? It's okay if you need time," Kaeya finally says
You were shocked by what he says.. "Kaeya, I don't know how to say this... I.. I already found another person, I'm sorry.. I already moved on from you.. I hope you could understand that.." you tell him
Kaeya is really devastated, now the person that he loved the most has gone with another person..
"I do really am sorry Kaeya, but if you want to, we can always be friends.." you add
"It's alright, it's not your fault. These are actually your choice and of course I wanted to be your friend," he said
You waved him a goodbye because you had a commission to do and left him
Well, he's now have to deal the reality that he will never be with you again
Even though you two are friends now, it doesn't feel the same..
"Even though we're just friends, I still do wish that we can do more and be more together. I'm happy if you're happy.. I wish for the best for your relationship.''
(A/N: Ahh finally posting again.. sorry it took so long to make, I've just finished my exam and I already record a video for my contest so I'm kinda tired.. but ANYWAYS- I hope you enjoy it, sorry if it's underwhelming.. I'm trying my best rn ^^'', stay safe and bye bye!!)
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