#it’s like half annoying and half funny tbh
jiishwa · 5 months
bnha has truly ruined me. i can’t even hear the word “endeavor” without thinking of this motherfucker.
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cloudeling · 1 year
i made it almost the full way through duck tales being like wow this is a good comfy show i like it a lot! im pretty normal about it though and then the season three finale happened and i kinda sat there like. well fuck. no longer normal.
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thanat0sis · 2 years
[me looking at tboi music mods] i can fix this
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dreameasel · 9 months
me: i hate people being mean to and shitting on xavier. it's completely undeserved. also me in my brain 24/7:
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my5hiningstars · 1 year
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astroohoe · 1 month
Astro observations
Hi! I know its been a while since i posted ...was going through some thangs loll now let's get to itttt.
•Gemini women loves to gossip lol. They can literally be gossiping about you while youre literally there, they do not care if you hear or not . Honestly, i think the end goal was for you to hear theyre talking shit about you lol
•Gemini women have anger issues. They're really HOT TEMPERED and you can hear it from the top of their voice it's soooo bad😑
•Virgo women are mean 😑...most people dislike virgo women because they can criticize you, judge you all day and it might even seem like they bullying you lol...im a virgo myself and i don't even like most of the virgo women ive met ........they're personality is just 100% TRASH and they're sooo blunt eiiii😂😂😂
Ex:Beyonce in destinys's child...lol search for her old interviews with the...girl has been judging them all day😂 and the SHADE she used to give to them!! Guuuuuuuuurl was shady aslllll😂😂😂😂
•Taurus women are GOLDIGERS
•Aries sun men are selfish sometimes, they'll choose themselves first and you'll be soooo surprised😂
•Scorpio men are SENSITIVE! DRAMA KINGS ALL DAY...I swear I've never seen a man act sooooo petty and a bitch at the same time lol.
•Scorpio men are caring
•Scorpio men love love and loves the idea of love and a relationship lol they cant be single for oneday, always looking .
•Grown Capricorn men are 100% PREDATORY🙄
•Pieces men literally have a phase in their early 20's where they're just HOES and a menace in their relationships🤣😭😭😭 they could be dating three of four girls at the time and you wont even figure it out..that Neptune energy blurs all the lies..it makes them a GOOD LIAR and skilled at it....they can even gaslight you when you ask them if they are cheating on you...but when they grow in their 40's they actually STEP UP as MEN .they can literally reject girls to tell them im married and i love me wife..so be patient...They're also EXTREMELY LOVING AND SELF SACRIFICING 🥰🥰🥰🥰
.Pieces venus and mars knows how to give love, lol they're soooooo sweet. You're lucky to have a Pieces venus a bf or gf they know how to love.
•Virgo venuses are hoes100%
•Aquarius women are hypocrites but solo beautiful. They are shady friends and good at stealing peoples husbands and boyfriends....they're NOT that good of a people tbh.
•Sagitarrius women are thee most intelligent in the class followed by Capricorn women. They always get good grades . lol are you messing with a half horse half human and LITERALLY THE GOAT??😂😂😂 at you dumb??
•Capricorn men can insult you on every deeper level.
•Virgo women have a sharp tongue and they can literally plan on revenging you honestly...im even scared of earth signs they're not to be played with .
•Sagitarius women see LITERALLY every women as they're competion...why??? They are one of theee most jealous signs EVER...LIKE??
•Gemini women are annoying tbh😑
•Capricorn girls were the mean girls in school 100%
•Aquarius mercuries have a smart mouth and a sooooo intelligent.
•Cancer women are soooo feminine...and extremely funny ...my beauties>>>>>>
•LEOS are soooooo motherly😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 like, i love y'all
•Aries and Libra....why do y'all like each other sooooo much??...and most of the times , it is the libras who chases the Aries suns...The libra men are sooooo obsessed with the Aries woman, or Aries rising lol....
So thats it forrrrr meeeee ......hope you enjoyed? Byeeee
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reverie-starlight · 3 months
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I miss knb and I wanted to write something for aomine :’) I’ve never written for him and it’s been a while since I’ve watched the show, so forgive me if you feel that his characterization is a bit off. hello from late january cause that’s when I’m queuing this 👋🏻
gn!reader, no physical descriptions. lots and lots and lots of fluffy pet names bc that’s the focus of the drabble. he calls you shnookums once just to annoy you bc he’s a little shit. that’s a warning in itself tbh. mentions of alcohol/drunk character. characters written as adults, not high schoolers.
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aomine has specific nicknames for you depending on the situation you find yourselves in.
he reserves “babe” or some shortened variation of your name for when you’re in public.
it’s quick, it’s casual, and it doesn’t get him a lecture on why it’s not funny to very loudly address you as “shnookums” when you get separated at the grocery store.
(though in his defence, he thought it worked wonders. you were back at his side within seconds after straying too far on accident with a half embarrassed, half pissed off look on your face. he thought it was hilarious.)
he calls you “baby” when he greets you after a long day at work. when he’s picking you up from your classes. normally only in your presence, because he doesn’t need the teasing remarks about how soft he’s become from his teammates.
not that he really cares at the end of the day- he’ll call you what he wants to call you (provided you also like it, of course) but there’s something less casual about it that makes him want to keep it just for you.
that “something” being the time you got drunk and offhandedly mentioned loving the way it sounds in his voice. he now gets to enjoy the small, barely noticeable uptick of your lips whenever he opts for it. no one else gets to see that.
he’ll help you with your coat and press a kiss to your hairline, murmuring a soft “hey baby, missed you today”.
it’s probably the most common of the names he uses on you out of all the available options.
he saves the saccharine pet names for when he knows you’re not feeling your best. whether you’re mentally drained, physically exhausted or sick to any degree, there’s never not a time when hearing him be sickeningly sweet with you doesn’t ease the pain.
“need anything else, sweetheart?”
“how are you feeling, gorgeous?”
“yeah, we can cuddle, doll, c’mere.”
these are also the times he plays up the compliments (more than usual).
“even when you’re sick, you’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. don’t let it get to your head, though. or do- I know how to deal with that just fine, too.”
he doesn’t have one set nickname for you when you visit him at practice, but when you watch him play in an official game?
as long as you’ve known him, he’s never believed in luck- he got himself to where he is with his skills, luck had nothing to do with it.
so it surprises you the first time he refers to you as his good luck charm. it’s not said in some grand gesture, not brought up in those fluff promotional interviews when reporters ask him if he has one.
it’s whispered quietly into your ear before he jogs onto the court.
a murmured thank you against your lips as soon as he’s running off again, high on a win, straight to you.
you ask him about it one day and he just shrugs. “everything is different now. I play better when I know you’re watching, it’s energizing in a way I’ve never felt before. you’re right, I still don’t believe in luck, but somehow I was able to find you. and I don’t know if I would call that luck, either, but until I find a better way to explain it you’re just gonna have to put up with that title a bit longer.”
so you do, without complaints, because it’s cute trying to watch him convey his feelings honestly and still in a very aomine way.
your absolute favourite nickname that he’s given you, though? angel.
you’re his angel.
the title is first appointed when you pick him up one night from a bar after celebrating with his team. his usually brooding expression visibly lights up when he sees you and he makes his way over. it’s been a while since he’s been this drunk, so it makes you laugh when he stumbles over and throws an arm around your shoulders.
“what a sweetheart, you really came to pick me up?”
you scoff and try to get him into the car, waving at his teammates who were staying with him until you got there. “what, baby, you thought I wouldn’t?”
he shrugs with an absentminded grin. “it’s just nice to have a… battle angel or whatever that term is. I dunno what it is.”
you can’t help but laugh. “you mean a guardian angel?”
“same thing, you knew what I meant!” his words are slurred and he’s now leaning his entire body weight against you.
“oh you are so wasted, daiki, let’s get you home.”
and it’s whispered again at home as he’s falling asleep, “my angel… thank you for taking care of me tonight.”
your heart squeezes.
now it’s reserved for only the most intimate of moments with him- he doesn’t want to overuse the name and risk it losing its meaning.
because it does hold a deeper, unspoken meaning between the two of you.
after a long time apart because of his away games? after he wins an important match? loses a match and he’s thankful you’re there with him? you get a promotion at work? you pass a difficult class with flying colours? all situations where he’d call you angel.
he has a full arsenal of names for you, clearly, and you love every single one of them.
this feels a bit messy. even after editing, I feel like the quality went down a bit, so we’ll see if I end up posting it. but I love him a lot and I’ve been rewatching knb, so I needed to do something for him to keep the brainrot at bay.
tagging: @dira333
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"i thought you got possessed-" ft. luffy!
ft. luffy x fem!reader
set-up: you're pms-ing and he is such a dumbass. but that doesn't mean he isn't out here being the bestest boy ever. (please excuse his dumbassery, he was dropped on his head as a child)
warnings: none! very wholesome lol
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- please dont get confused, this man has no idea how periods work - like how is it humanly possible for you to bleed and then stay alive and kicking? seems made up tbh - one eventful evening (before you both started dating), you and nami had to sit him down and give him a long-ass biology lesson, explaining what the whole phenomenon is, what pms-ing is and yada-yada - before this, he firmly believed that every once a while a demon possessed you all (and he saw absolutely no issue with that, what a fucking icon) "ohhh" he's laughing, "so that's what it is? i thought you guys like got possessed" "excuse me?" nami's on the verge to hit him in the head again and you're wondering if the constant hits are the reason luffy's braincells are (half) dead "i see, i see. i get it now" - he lied, he still doesn't quite get it - but its fine - so, it is just another random tuesday and (post-dating) you know syou love luffy. but holy shit, if he yelled "YN DOLPHIN!! LOOK LOOK A DOLPHIN! SUGEEEEEE" and giggled again, you might yell at him. you really do love him but if he stole your food one more time, you're convinced you might smack him too. "luffy" your voice was unusually low, devoid of any warmth, "stop that." "whatt" he whined, grinning afterwards as he scooped up more food from your plate "luffy. i said STOP IT." your voice rose higher and silence hung uncomfortably over the dinner table - luffy just looks at you dumbfounded - the way you're fisting your hand on the table and looking at him has the crew afraid that youre gonna murder the captain in cold blood - well, i mean ur considering the possibility too, so, you mumble a half-ass apology and return back to your room to be alone - lying against the soft sheets, you can smell the citrus detergent and oh boy, now you feel guilty - i mean god, that's luffy, that was nothing out of the ordinary for him. why did you yell at him? fuck, are you a horrible girlfriend?? - oh boy, now the tears are welling up too - "yn?" luffy whispers as he slips into the room, closing the door behind him and now you're really crying - i mean look at him, why did you yell at him? - "im so sorry, i don't know why i yelled at you, that was so shitty of me-" "hey, it's okay" he's hugging you tight, "you did nothing wrong, i can be a little bit dumb sometimes. i should have not taken your food" "what? no, i am not mad about that. i, i dunno-" you sniff, "maybe i'm just pms-ing?" "huh??" - took a while for him to remember but now that you've jogged up his memory, he looks so guilty, so, he spends the entire evening apologizing and offering you food, he even promises that he wouldn't point out dolphins every time he sees them (you had to reassure him that he can continue doing that)
- but now onwards, this lovely himbo tries to keep in check what he's saying, often giving you a lingering look as if asking "this is fine right?"
- but now you've got your personal defender!! - ussop made a joke and you're not laughing (because it wasn't that funny tbh) and luffy is ready to smack ussop and tell him to "not annoy" you. zoro is being dumb and luffy can see it on your face that he's pissing you off lowkey, so, he will actually tell zoro to not be a dick - mf just starts picking up fights left and right for your sake and now you have to give him another long ass lesson to make it stop - ps: he does not stop. - this man turns into a chihuahua, anything bothering you must be struck down. - very, very observant from now on too. he needs to make sure you're feeling good - also asked sanji to make your favourite desert - he just loves you so much and wants you to be as comfortable as possible (still doesn't know how female anatomy works though-)
a/n: omg i luv him such a dumbass
zoro's link <3 sanji's link <3
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theerurishipper · 8 months
Part 2 of my Paris special commentary (Part 1 here) because Tumblr is an ass and has a word limit.
Disclaimer: This is long asf.
Marinette here playing 5D chess, queen shit.
The most important thing the special confirmed is that Gabe added the word "dark" to his transformation phrase on purpose cause he's a dramatic bitch.
I am here for Claw Noir mocking Gabe. Go off, king.
"Oh nO, iT WAs aN IlLusIon!" That giggle is adorable. She's so cute.
Ladyfly is an ass name, but she looks so great.
Not Gabe getting annoyed at Claw Noir's teasing. See, now this is why we stan Claw Noir on this blog.
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Gabe's plan isn't half bad, actually.
Symbolism? In my children's cartoon? It's more likely than you think.
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They're having a pun-off.
RIP Chat Noir's ear.
Gabe got feathered lmao
Monarch dipped like a little bitch.
A mirror, I called it. It'll make for some nice symbolism.
"Let alone a calm and gentle mom" I wonder what Sabine is like in their world to make Emonette feel like she's so alone.
I like how they handled the villains tbh. I wasn't a fan of making it seem like Marinette was one step away from becoming a supervillain at all times, but it seems less like that's the case and more like The Supreme took advantage of her suffering and vulnerability at her lowest moments.
It's also nice that they established that Shady and Claw weren't the actual big bads and are just hurt kids who got recruited into a fight they weren't ready for. Their motivation isn't some rehash of Gabriel's, they are literally trying to survive under the rule of someone who will kill them if they don't do his bidding, and because of whom they're dying. Their life is literally full of suffering and they're trying to find something that'll give them a way out. Shady wants Marinette's life, and Claw Noir wants his mother back.
Like, it doesn't excuse their actions, but it does add a more humane element to them that lends itself better to the kind of redemption Miraculous likes to do, which is to fix things with a speech. That's why this redemption works, and Gabe's doesn't.
The back and forth between Chat Noir and Claw Noir was pretty funny ngl.
And we discover that Claw Noir wants his mother back. Of course.
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When Marinette was talking about how she was also angry and hurt, but chose to love herself and the world around her and chose to try and fix it... that hit hard. Honestly, it did. It's everything I love about Marinette in one speech. I love it.
And then onto my personal favorite scene in the entire special, possibly in the entire show.
That whole conversation was powerful. "I'm as well as I can be anyway," that's so profound. Like, of course you aren't going to be 100% okay after losing someone you love, but Adrien wants to move on and be happy like his mother would have wanted him to. This scene really showcases Adrien's empathy and his strength, when he acknowledges that having no friends can make it harder for Claw Noir to move on, and then he tells him that only he can make the choice to stop being alone. And that's really true. This scene really showcases everything amazing about Adrien, his hope and optimism, his empathy and his strength. How he finds the strength to keep going by choosing to not be alone. It's beautiful.
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Like, it could have been so easy for both Marinette and Adrien to give into their darkest impulses, and Shadybug and Claw Noir really are just representations of how letting your hurt overpower you can lead you down a dark path, and it really highlights their strength, that they choose to make the right choices everyday, despite everything. It really highlights their characters and their arcs. And they're able to take everything they've learned, and look at what they could have been in the eyes and help them change too. It's so poetic.
It would have been a little more impactful if the show had spent more than 10 minutes out of 5 seasons focusing on Adrien's grief and how it has impacted him, but whatever.
Anyway, it also had some Adrien and Nino friendship crumbs, and I'll be darned if I didn't gobble it up like a starved animal. Also, we have confirmation that "Space Mutants vs. Ghost Shark" is Nino's favorite movie, so Nino stans please say "thank you Paris special."
And they are REDEEMED.
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Shadybug fixes everything with her Lucky Charm after spending the whole special making destructive ones. My heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir stop being evil and immediately go from hating each other's guts to flirting shamelessly. They just speedran enemies to lovers in a matter of seconds. They literally just defaulted to flirting. Truly, the natural state of Ladynoir in any universe. We stan.
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Gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the new designs. Wish they had kept the old ones. I'm one of those people whose toxic trait is liking Claw Noir's design, so I'm a little unhappy with it, but hey, it's a sweet scene.
Also, Claw Noir's hair went from the color of rotten bananas to ripe bananas. If that was intentional, I applaud the writers for being both profound and funny as hell.
Aaaaaaand Gabe is back, because we can't have nice things.
The montage going through different realities was great, it was small but I enjoyed it.
They're literally so cute omg. Couple behaviors fr. I'm so obsessed with them.
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They're holding hands... already... like they're in love... I'm so emotional... I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS
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And they're gone. But their adventures will continue forever in my mind and in my fanfics. And in other people's art that I will ravenously consume.
Cute Alya and Marinette scene. This is really sweet, I love the exploration of the impact Alya has had on Marinette's life.
And now, I'm not an Alyanette shipper, but I think they should kis- oh, wait, never mind, they did it.
And thus, the endless night comes to an end (it happened a while ago but that's just semantics).
Final thoughts
I really loved this so much. Sure, there were some exposition dumps that probably should have happened in the actual series, but that's not the fault of this special. This is probably my bias talking but this is the best special and it's literally perfect, no I will not take any constructive criticism on that. This, this special and everything in it, this is what Miraculous is all about. This is exactly what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. It's literally the best thing ever to come out of this entire show.
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marinerendevouz · 11 months
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enemies to lovers with fine + switch !
ft. eichi tenshouin, yuzuru fushimi, tori himemiya, wataru hibiki & natsume sakasaki, tsumugi aoba, sora harukawa
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eichi tenshouin
• listen. hear me out here. being the younger sibling of rei and ritsu.
• SO many opportunities for silly shenanigans to ensue
• i can imagine eichi being the one to attempt (keyword: attempt) to court you first
• which obviously, considering his history with rei, is honestly REALLY WEIRD?
• you’re just like . What the fuck are you doing while eichi like . Winks at you or something
• seriously so awkward. you hate his guts tbh and are planning on his downfall together with rei
• ritsu finds it so So stupid. probably gossips ? gossipED ? about you with eichi at tea club . eichi was kicking his feet and giggling the entire time
• part of him doesn’t believe his crush is genuine at first. he thinks that it’s amusing, obviously, but real feelings ? he is simply not allowed to feel those…
• until now that is !
• he thinks your snarky remarks and nonchalant gaze are enrapturing
• meanwhile, you: (ʘ言ʘ╬)
• you accompany rei and ritsu to ensemble square quite often, which means you are (unfortunately) greeted by the presence of eichi almost Daily. A Nightmare for sure
• as time goes on, you see how hardworking and charismatic eichi is while performing his duties as executive for starmaker productions and well. even You can’t deny it’s a little attractive. ONLY a little (a lot)
• once eichi catches on to you reciprocating his feelings, he is SO ANNOYING!!!
• teasing gets way wayyy worse. honestly it’s over for you, personally i would have kms by that point
• and once rei notices your banter with eichi turning into FLIRTING? it is joever for you
• half of him is extremely disgusted . he is clinging to his beloved ritsu to console him . the other half is impressed somehow
• “ah, of all people, it had to be him?” “listen i didn’t want this either, rei” - you
• to see your hatred of what eichi did turn into understanding… really even you’re impressed with yourself
• and eichi is Actively trying to be better . he is a little fucked up but it’s okay you can fix him (and also make him worse)
• also i think it’s so funny to imagine eichi’s pale ass figure visit the dark, brooding, gothic sakuma estate. Family dinner visit !
• rei does not give his approval. he almost throws a plate at eichi
• ritsu just gives you two a thumbs up
• a happy family for sure ❤️
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yuzuru fushimi
• as the best friend of tori, you have personal beef with his butler
• WHY is he always with tori. how are you two meant to get up to mischief with him constantly Watching. Always Watching.
• and yuzuru thinks you are a horrible influence on his young master
• an OUTRAGEOUS CLAIM which you are ready to fistfight him for . you exude nothing but purity, innocence and charm
• tori is somewhere between amused by your hatred for yuzuru and tired of hearing you talk about him ALL THE TIME
• “and why does he have to constantly be watching you? seriously, he should get a hobby. he’s an idol, too, right? actually i can kind of see why, he definitely has the looks to make it in the industry. anyway—” “OH MY GOD SHUT UP (Y/N)”
• tori doesn’t understand why you’re so Oblivious and so Dumb . he cries to eichi-sama about it who is too busy . idk watching wataru turn into a bird
• yuzuru just watches you with that type of . Evil and Scary closed eye smile that he is a pro at
• honestly? you’re quivering in your boots. but also admiring his smile. his smile is really pretty. Wait a minute.
• the complaining turns into swooning ! who would have guessed (tori) (he guessed) (he knew) (and now he has to listen to you talk about yuzuru 25/7)
• you clean up your act in order to impress him. No More late night snack runs with tori. you are a SAINT
• yuzuru finds it endearing and honestly quite entertaining
• soon enough, he finds himself completely charmed by your. erm. really strange(?) behaviour
• he, himself, is also a strange individual so there’s no surprise there
• tori sets up tea dates for the both of you as well awwww. What a good friend (he invites you over for tea with him then runs away when yuzuru comes to serve you tea. it is a Kind Of tea date)
• honestly you scored a 10/10 baddie GOOD FOR YOU
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tori himemiya
• ok i know i have done the sibling ones So often already but. tsukasa’s sibling. YOU being tsukasa’s sibling that is.
• you and tsukasa are constantly discussing how tori has Wronged you everyday
• tori just looks at you both and calls you a fugly pair of siblings
• “listen i’m not saying we bring a lighter to the next fine concert But”
• “that is not appropriate at all… that being said i am not discarding the idea”
• dw about tori he has his own personal bodyguard (yuzuru) to ward off predators (you and tsukasa)
• how is he so much cuter, more successful, prettier, funnier, cuter—
• you know that type of jealousy and hatred that you realise is actually. Much deeper feelings. Yeah. it’s that
• tori gets a lot busier with idol work and that’s when you realise you miss going to the student council office just to banter with him.
• it is so so lonely and so so cold… (2 hours no tori)
• head on the desk. you feel yourself drifting further and further away…
• “hey, what’s up loser”
• RAGE. tori himemiya.
• half play fighting half unbridled rage . its like a pair of kittens toppling over and hissing
• tori also (maybe) (kind of) missed you too. he complained. Loudly. to yuzuru who was like Alright we are going to see them then!
• eventually the teasing insults and fighting turns into the type of fighting that you do as a couple. idk it just KIND OF HAPPENS?
• tsukasa is like. Well i do not approve but at least it’ll be good for our family business
• a good end. a happy end. eichi and wataru have adopted the two of you as their own
• “AMAZING! when is the wedding” “NEVER SHUT UP”
• you buy matching, cutesey couple items and then fight over them
• really what’s a good relationship without a few death threats here and there
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wataru hibiki
• i really cannot imagine wataru having an enemy. SURE he has a lot of haters (tomoya) (hokuto) but even then it is done so in an affectionate manner. There is simply No hatred in his heart. only silliness
• so unfortunately your hatred of him is one-sided ! enemy to lovers part 2
• being a rival actor to THE wataru hibiki is certainly a predicament. i mean he has sentient hair is there anything he can’t do
• and it pisses you off. Majorly. who does this absolute clown think he is
• you try your hardest at Every show, you sing your heart out, put the most effort in
• and then there’s wataru. who is Equally as hardworking but somehow 10x more charismatic
• even eichi tenshouin is his biggest fan . he has capitalism on his side
• so you have a burning jealousy and hatred for this man . Well until he offers to do a show WITH you
• you just give him the blankest stare . What are you on about
• while he’s laughing to himself and monologuing on how you two would make the perfect lead roles
• that’s how you get roped into performing with him and a bunch of idols in dramatica . And well they are certainly an interesting bunch
• as you prepare for the (romantic btw) musical you convince yourself the warmth you feel in your cheeks at his love proclamations is just Method Acting
• IT IS NOT!!!! no one can resist his charm
• you also see how well respected he is as an actor and his true talent on stage
• like . He was one of the eccentrics for a reason. he is stupidly good at acting
• jealousy turns to admiration and well. yeah you guessed it ! admiration turns into an intolerable crush
• wataru, similarly, is impressed at your prowess for acting and shows no signs of being quiet about it. he is yelling how talented you are every 5 seconds and joking how he may Really fall for you
• spoiler warning: he does
• flash forward 6 months . Time for the play
• at the kiss scene it all really comes together . it is a sincerely romantic and genuine kiss
• the crowd is going WILD (except eichi) (he’s jealous) (“i wish that was me fr”)
• backstage, you may just pass out
• but of course wataru is there to lift you up and be a shoulder you can lean on
• And that’s how you scored a date with THE wataru hibiki . he is everyone’s wataru but especially yours
• absolute 10/10 power couple watch out hollywood (and eichi)
• tomoya is just hoping you can tame him or something
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natsume sakasaki
• i am so normal over him guys trust (lie) (such a lie)
• he is the perfect candidate for enemies to lovers . something about him just screams ‘i love you in a way that is so painful and so mean’
• anyways . being the apprentice of wataru after natsume stops being his apprentice
• obviously you were Not Really involved in the war so you’re pretty clueless as to natsume’s former relationship with wataru
• which makes you question why he is such an asshole to you. LIKE he does not take your magic seriously at all
• he thinks that you are not qualified which is . so stupid like you cannot gatekeep being an evil wizard okay that title is for anyone
• in reality… he is a tiny bit insecure that you’re good enough at magic to be wataru’s apprentice
• magic and alchemy has always been something that his character is largely based on and for someone to take over that role so quickly ?!?&:!
• so he Pretends that whenever wataru is telling him about your latest experiments and tricks that he is Not impressed .
• he's basically the yawns . sloppy. boring. lazy .
• he actually really wants to discuss magic with you but every time you meet he just scowls and acts like a bitch. in usual natsume ‘i hate being vulnerable or showing any feelings’ agenda
• so that means you’re going to have to make the first move. otherwise the enemies to lovers slowburn 100k words pining fic ends HERE
• if you ask him for help with magic he is going to be so smug
• like “hM, i figured the likes of you would need help from me afterALL”
• just try not to punch him in the face it will be WORTH IT OKAY!!!
• his hands are actually really shaky the whole time and he is trying his hardest not to mess up it’s actually So so cute
• and natsume gets to assess your magic prowess too (he’s impressed btw. he wouldn’t tell you that so i’m passing on the message. he's falling in love so quick but don’t tell him i told you ok)
• and so you meet up at his secret room regularly ! and with sora too who you become apprentice buddies with ^_^ so joyous
• listen i wasn’t going to include the love potion natsume trope in this but these headcanons are tropey enough let me have this
• you confess by making a love potion together with him PLEASE HEAR ME OUT
• anyways you are the best most magical couple in all of ensemble stars . you create tricky little spells to foil your enemies (eichi tenshouin) and then kiss wearing witch’s hats . the end
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tsumugi aoba
• another good enemies to lovers candidate but in a More pathetic way i think
• you’re the producer for past fine. please hear me out on this concept
• i think your beef would be similar to eichi and hiyori . like divorced couple type romance
• you are regretful of the war and find the memories to be bittersweet. then you talk to tsumugi and he’s like Yeah haha i would probably do it again
• and yet he’s still one of the only people who truly understands and unconditionally supports you… this is a sick and twisted world
• i think tsumugi is too moe kyaah anime girl to have any hatred towards you so the enemies to lovers will (once again) be one sided
• he brings up your time as second years and you feel the need to throttle him
• yet you know him so well too, especially how he overworks himself
• and as an ensemble square producer you have to take care of his soggy pathetic self. Sorry
• that one romance trope of the person bandaging the wounds of the love interest . that’s you two except it’s you dragging his ass to bed at 3am
• he will complain . so you have to compromise on letting him cuddle you
• everyone notices how close you two are btw . sora is that one image that’s like ‘hey why does senpai call you babygirl’ ‘how about we stop talking for a little while’
• you Deny all the outrageous claims that you CARE??? for him and say it is rather your past together that makes you feel obligated but it was like two? three? years ago mostly everyone has moved on. stop lying to yourself
• you two have healed Together… and that is what makes your love so raw and vulnerable and eughhsjk this is so sappy and cute. Throws up
• hiyori and nagisa are both so happy that you two are together and finally found peace (sort of)
• eichi is like Hm. interesting . this is awkward
• but it’s okay . because everything is fine (haha get it) now and you and tsumugi are (past) war criminals together ^_^
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sora harukawa
• sora is too full of JOY and HAPPINESS to be enemies with anyone . So we are going a bit off script you are rivals in this scenario
• video game rivals to be precise ! i feel like the 🤓 typing this but it’s CUTESEY I PROMISE
• mostly you two play multiplayer games together and get a teensy bit competitive . in the video game club of Course which means we get natsume to be the (totally unbiased) judge
• sora is realllyyy good at video games which means you frequently lose . this is why you have waged war on him
• you will not STOP until the ultimate gamer title becomes yours
• sora is just ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ he’s happy to indulge and play games with you because your colour is always so bright and vibrant when you do !
• little does he know you are plotting his Demise. his demise on little big planet or something
• days, nights, weeks, months you train to beat him. and you never do
• he keeps winning everytime and always acts so modest about it which is even WORSE!!! you can't even get mad when he’s so polite about beating you
• once sora notices your colour becoming more dull because of how demotivated you are he gets really worried (◞‸◟;) he loves playing games but loves spending time with you more…
• once you admit that you’re upset about being worse at games he thinks of a quick solution ! play games together instead of against each other and he can teach you all his tricks
• (natsume offers to help too but he's Not important and he is an asshole . Do not trust)
• so your weekly gaming tournaments basically turn into gaming dates ft thirdwheel natsume and sometimes tsumugi
• cutest CUTEST couple 10/10 i love
• natsume approves too btw . 10/10
• tsumugi is a Little confused but he has the spirit (he also rates 10/10)
• (rinne will not be Making an appearance in fear of shu finding out but he also rates 10/10. Save him from shu)
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i would have made a separate post for this but i feel like no one would read it so. i’m finally back after um. 10 months. i was super busy and kind of lost interest in enstars and other things so i pretty much abandoned this blog… BUT I HAVE RETURNED! i’m going to try posting every so often and interacting more with you guys on here ^_^ i cleared out my inbox (sorry to anyone who sent things in, it was cluttered and stressing me out haha) so feel free to send me any asks! i will NOT be opening specific requests, but you can feel free to send suggestions for prompts, scenarios or characters you want me to make headcanons for and i’ll try my best!! i also want to try out writing proper fics alongside the silly hc posts, but i might mostly post those on ao3, though i would like a nice balance between silly and serious(ish). i will also try writing for other fandoms like mhyk, twst and pjsekai since i am heavily in those as well but yeah!! my official comeback methinks. hope to chat more with everyone! ♡
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447 notes · View notes
I just imagine MC waking up and every dorm has broken into their house. They are annoyed at first but slowly come to accept Lilia hanging upside-down in the hallway and Cater hogging all the blankets from storage. Ace and Deuce are using towels on the ground. Jack hasn't slept since he's arrived. Leona's knocked out on the couch but he will reach his hand out to slap someone on the head whenever they get too loud.
And like Floyd is in MC's room already, not in their bed but definitely on the side of it. Either trying to play a prank or having fallen sleep in the midst of one. Jade is probably in there too, sleeping in the little rocking chair, most likely sent by the big boss downstairs whose a bit too shy to actually come into MC's bedroom.
Tbh they probably aren't even surprised by all these bodies just invading their space. It's a different story though when they walk in on someone using the dorm's small shower, or somebody getting dressed in one of the unfinished rooms.
This happens a lot with Kalim and Rook especially. One is more of an accident then the other though.
Half of them will leave in the morning to get ready, but the other half stay, and those that didn't spend the night will come BACK. It's a socially awkward MC's nightmare.
Idk this is just funny to me.
(Especially because Idia is the only sane one and doesn't leave his fucking dorm)
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing, just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 991
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by yourusername, bartyyy, bellatrixieb and 674,333 others
starmanblack mv leak?? 😱😱
tagged prongsyboy, rjlupin, pete__, maraudersofficial
prongsyboy last time i did that they threatened to fire me
starmanblack lol i wouldn't worry, i'm irreplaceable
prongsyboy OI NOT FUNNY
rjlupin you're bold af for tagging all of us
starmanblack it's so you can take half the blame
mmmckinnon looks cheap
starmanblack get out
marymacdonald my serotonin levels rose a bit
pete__ are we still your favourite band?
marymacdonald forever and always pete 😚
user728288 did y/n like his post or am i trippin?
user862945 i already cried to the album don't make me cry again
user001991 boyfriend
user446622 you signed my shirt yesterday
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❤ liked by starmanblack, vance_emm, cissy_blck and 689,672 others
yourusername studiocore
tagged mmmckinnon
starmanblack the amount of times i've tripped on those wires is bloody ridiculous
yourusername gotta love being a singer
starmanblack you're good at it
yourusername 😳
vance_emm seems like a cool aesthetic tbh
yourusername it's a lifestyle at this point
mmmckinnon we should write some songs together next time
prongsyboy and they can all be about how amazing sirius' hair is
yourusername i've got a few in the chamber already
starmanblack i'm blushing
user272720 does this mean y/n x marlene duet?
user327776 she's multitasking
user001911 are we all just gonna ignore y/n saying she's got songs about sirius' damn hair?
user133543 uhhhh new album? pls say yes
user382809 OMG???
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by starmanblack, lily_evans, vance_emm and 713,944 others
yourusername thank you for those three beautiful shows edinburgh! i shall be going home with lots of wonderful memories and a bag of gummy bears 💕 (special thanks to whoever gave those to my favourite security lady (alice ily 💓))
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack so when are you coming to london?
yourusername when are you free?
starmanblack can i slide into your dms?
yourusername you're free to try 😚
mmmckinnon my throat is so sore i can barely speak
casmeadowes i CAN'T speak
yourusername that means i was good 🤪
pete__ can i come for free next show?
yourusername we can negotiate
prongsyboy i volunteer to spectate from the first row
yourusername pay up prongsy boy
user055251 best experience of my life
user456268 can you fight?
user564400 i love him XHADJJAJSJA he's lowkey flirting
user919292 doesn't he have a gf though?
user444447 naw they broke up
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❤ liked by yourusername, r.a.black, pandorasbox and 701,232 others
starmanblack unmatched unspoken w rizz
tagged rjlupin
yourusername you look like you're about freestyle it
starmanblack rapping is my hidden talent
yourusername 😲😲😲😲
marymacdonald HOW did you make remus agree to that?
rjlupin i was bullied please come help me
xeno_lovegood is there context behind this?
ev.rosier there's never context with them
prongsyboy evan is right
user029390 someone make green screen edits i'm begging
user372919 are you and y/n dating?
user644211 ffs y'all are annoying af 💀
user747373 early halloween party?
user327372 HELP ME WHAT
user654553 sirius you're famous 😭
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celeb_gossip not long after his split with actress emma vanity, sirius black has been pulled into some unexpected dating rumours with fellow rockstar, y/n l/n. the two singers have been leaving some interesting comments under one another's posts recently, and fans claim to have seen them together at marlene mckinnon's shows and several other occasions. the alleged couple, however, has not been photographed together yet. what do you think? 🤔 is this just another senseless rumour? 🤨 or is there something more going on? 👀 drop a comment and let us know your thoughts 😘💋
user709111 never thought i'd see pictures of those two side by side
user900012 wouldn't be surprised if they were together actually
user915624 why does it even matter? 💀
user362625 they're just friends lmfao you all need to get a life
user422224 i thought y/n was dating evan 😭😭
user929397 honestly y/n should date me
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❤ liked by starmanblack, pete__, casmeadowes and 700,512 others
yourusername one day i'm gonna release a song about this little demon and you lot better make it my most streamed track
starmanblack ooo threats?
yourusername i need everyone to appreciate my pets
starmanblack i have a photo of him looking guilty after he peed on my carpet
yourusername use it as your profile picture
starmanblack done
pandorasbox put it on an album and include limited edition photocards of him
yourusername can i hire you?
r.a.black cats are better
marymacdonald as a cat mother, i agree
starmanblack wrong but okay
user939290 even your dog got to meet sirius before i did lmao i'm hurt
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❤ liked by ev.rosier, marymacdonald, lily_evans and 722,188 others
starmanblack dog
yourusername is this your only good angle?
starmanblack it's a representation of how you see me
yourusername i will be contacting my lawyers 😤
yourusername i'm telling him to bite you next time
starmanblack bold of you to assume he'll listen to you
yourusername we both know he likes me more
starmanblack let me be in denial for a bit
prongsyboy woof
starmanblack don't bark in my comment section
prongsyboy ☹
bartyyy has this one contaminated your carpet too?
starmanblack no i was 3 seconds faster this time
user999291 you own this angle
yourusername added to their story
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870 notes · View notes
deanswhiskey · 6 months
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 - 𝐬𝐚𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫
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summary; while stuck at home, you find some christmas decorations in a storage closet
wc; 1935
warnings; kissing, tooth-rotting christmas themed fluff, that’s really it
authors note; merry christmas and happy holidays!!
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christmas had always been your favorite holiday growing up. you hadn’t spent much time celebrating since you started hunting. your parents were hunters but they sent you to your uncle bobby’s whenever they’d hunt. you didn’t know what was happening, just excited to see your uncle.
when you started hunting, looking for whoever, or whatever, killed your parents, you didn’t get to celebrate much anymore. the days mushed together half the time.
after you met sam and dean, and eventually joined them, you tried to bring as much of the holidays as you could, seeing as they didn’t get to much.
you find little plastic decorations at the shitty gas stations you’d stop at in different cities and states. hanging christmas scented air fresheners from the mirror in deans car, even when he’d get annoyed, he couldn't say anything because he knew how much you loved it. you’d always buy funny little headbands for sam and dean to wear too, just so you could snap pictures of them on your camera.
it was midday in december when the boys were leaning up against baby while you were inside the gas station. “geez, what’s takin’ her so friggin long?” dean asked while checking his watch. he’d finished pumping gasoline what felt like a half hour ago.
you walked out of the gas station with a slightly full grocery bag and a huge smile on your face. they knew that smile. that ‘i-just-got-something-you-won’t-like-smile’.
you walked up to the boys and before you could even say anything, dean interrupted, “what did you get this time?”
you fake acted offended, “how dare you, dean!” you then giggled and pulled out two silly christmas headbands. one was reindeer antlers one had to little santa hats on springs that moved around.
they both gave you a look. they didn’t want to wear them but they were anyways. you ripped the little bit of packaging tbh eh had and held them out, silently telling them to pick one.
sam grabbed the one with the reindeer antlers and set them on his head. you continued to hold out the santa hat one. dean rolled his eyes and put them on. “don’t give me that, dean, you love it.” you chuckled at the dancing santa hats on his head.
you reached down into the backseat through the window to grab your camera out of your bag. “smile!” you said turning on your camera. and they did, they smiled for you. you snapped the picture of your two boys looking adorable in their christmas headbands.
when the three of you found the bunker, there were rooms upon rooms upon rooms to discover.
during a hunt, you got badly injured. one of the vamps had harshly shoved you and you fell down some old stairs, leading you to breaking your foot.
now the boys stopped hunting for a little less than a month so they could tend to you, even against your wishes not to.
sam spent most of the time right next to you; he didn’t want you out of his sight. he acted as if you were sick and could hardly stand.
“i’m not terminally ill, sam,” you said with a giggle as he picked you up to move you from the kitchen to the couch in the living room.
“i know, my love, i’m just being cautious,” he said stopping and giving your forehead a kiss.
once the doctor released you of your crutches, leaving you with just a boot, the boys finally went back to hunting. sam, reluctantly, agreed, with the exception that he’d call you multiple times to make sure you’re okay.
one of the days the boys were away, you decided to go through some of the storage closets you three had yet to go through.
you limped down the halls making your way to one of many. the room was lined with various boxes and cabinets that had a thin coat of dust.
you opened the first box which had nothing but spare bedding. thankful it was the first box you opened; definitely setting that aside to take out and put them in a closer storage closet.
the next box had old clothes, along with the next few boxes.
the next box you picked up and dusted off made a noise; a jingle sort of noise. you took your box cutter and quickly opened the box.
to your surprise, it was christmas decorations. the men of letters must’ve loved christmas. you couldn't find a tree in sight, nor any ornaments. that was okay, there were plenty of other decorations to do the trick.
you looked over at the pile the box was in to see if there were any more. you only found one more box which was full of string lights. you carried the boxes, one at a time, to the living room to start setting up what decorations you had.
your phone was set out on a table with a speaker connected to it and you had christmas music blaring through the bunker. you wanted to start with the lights. so that’s what you did. you grabbed the step ladder from a closet, the bag of push pins, and many extension cords and went to work. you wrapped the main staircase railing and many door frames and miscellaneous pieces of furniture with the yellow christmas lights.
next up was this little christmas village you found. there was a perfect table in the library for this. you grabbed the empty light box and put all the different pieces into it and carried that to the library. you meticulously placed each little building and extra pieces just the way you wanted.
the last of the decorations went up and there was only one left. the mistletoe. where could i put it, you thought to yourself.
it had to be somewhere where everyone could see but not in a doorway where everyone stands often. you decided to put it on the doorway to the living room. it was a simple and easy place to put it.
you grabbed a thumb tack and hung it up there, careful not to fall off the ladder with your boot. if sam knew that you were climbing on a ladder with a boot on your foot, he’d throw a fit, demand you sit on the couch and he do all the work.
not long after you hung the mistletoe, you made yourself some hot chocolate and cozied on up on the couch with the book you were currently reading. the christmas music was still playing but it was soft now.
sam had texted you he’d be home soon about 15 minutes ago and now you were just anticipating their arrival. you were so excited to show the boys the new and improved, and festive, bunker.
your ears perked up as you heard the best bunker door begin to open. you all but threw your blanket off of you and placed your book open face down and rushed to the door.
“holy shit,” you heard dean say in the distance. you fretted the boys as they were walking down the stairs. their eyes lit up and they scanned the room and beyond of the decorations.
“what’s all this, sweetheart?” sam said leaning to give you a kiss, half still distracted at all the decor.
“i was going through some closets and found a whole bunch of christmas decorations!” you beamed.
dean set his duffel bag on the table in the war room and went to go look around in the library and further.
sam set his duffel done too but stayed with you. you were admiring the joy on his face; you could tell he needed some holiday joy, especially since he never really got to have this.
“this is,” sam paused, speechless. he didn’t know how to describe this. “amazing. i can't believe you did all of this.” he smile wide as he looked at you.
you smiled back, impossibly harder since your smile was already big. sam interrupted you before you could get a word out. “wait,” you brows furrowed slightly. “did you climb up on a ladder to hang this stuff?” he questioned.
you simply nodded. you knew he was gonna be upset, he won’t be too upset with you, just concerned. “y/n, you could’ve hurt yourself further.”
“sam, baby, i’m okay. i promise i was extra extra careful. just for you.” you grabbed his hands, rubbing the back of them with your thumb to reassure him.
he just looked at you with worry in his eyes. “i’m okay, baby. why don’t you go take a shower,” you lean up closer to his face. “then meet me under the mistletoe.” you gave him a sweet kiss before patting his butt, the two of you giggling.
a little while later, you sat in the living room waiting for the love of your life. christmas music still softly filled the living room while you sipped on the last of your hot chocolate.
sam walked in, his sweatpants hanging low and his navy blue v-neck hugged him perfectly. his hair still wet but not dripping. he looked beautiful. he stood under the mistletoe and leaned against the door frame.
you looked up at him and smiled with adoration. you made your way over to your beautiful boyfriend.
standing in front of his tall frame you look up at him, “can we dance?” you ask.
“of course, my love.” he says contently taking your right hand in his left. his right went around your waist. your left rested on his chest.
the two of you just gazed into each others eyes while you rocked back and forth. elvis’ ‘blue christmas’ played softly in the background. it was one of your and sams favorite christmas songs.
occasionally, sam would spin you just to hear those melodic, beautiful giggles.
your head now resting on his chest; hearing his heartbeat was so relaxing to you.
“hey,” you look up at him. “we’re still under the mistletoe, you know.” sam smiled.
you look up and the mistletoe you hung up earlier, “huh, i guess so.”
the two of you kept your gaze before sam slowly dipped his head down. the two of you fit perfectly like a puzzle piece.
his lips soft against your as they moved in sync with yours. sams hands found theirs way to your thighs, lifting you up while your hands made their way around his neck, tangling in his hair; his lips never left yours.
sam blindly made his way to the couch, sitting down with you straddling him. the kiss didn’t last much longer. you pulled away and laid back against his chest, cuddling into him.
sam was the first to speak up, “this place looks amazing, baby, i’m proud of you.”
“thank you, sam.” you gave him a kiss on the cheek, laying back down against him.
the cinnamon candle you lit earlier was still burning and the christmas music still played as the two of you fell asleep on the couch.
the next morning, dean made his way to the kitchen and brewed himself a fresh cup of coffee. the coffee finished breeding and he added whatever he did necessary for the perfect cup. he took that cup and walked to the living room, unsuspecting of the two of you sleeping there.
he approached the living room and saw the two of you, you were in almost the exact same position as when you fell asleep. dean chuckled to himself, “those kids.” he said before sipping his coffee and walking back to the kitchen.
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webslingingslasher · 10 months
let 🥡 smash ethan keznek 2023
— 🥡
that moment when you hook peter's best friend up w someone -tbh this could be an intro to more ethan works. this was me testing the waters.
peter told you not to get involved; too bad you don’t need permission.
however, you didn’t want to get scolded before necessary, so, you creeped out of peter's bed one early morning, gently removing his arm from your waist, sending him to roll over on his stomach with a harsh snore.
walking on tip toes before slowly opening his bedroom door, closing it by turning the doorknob all the way for a silent latch. keeping the same stealth for ethan’s door.
he's still sleeping and doesn't falter for even a second after you click the door shut.
his room was much brighter than peter’s. you had no idea how he could sleep in it. for the third year, he’s refused to get curtains. “why would i waste my money? think about it, when you go to bed it’s dark, so what’s it matter?”
ethan’s nuzzled into a pillow, his mouth open as he breathes harshly. you look behind you, paranoid peter's followed you into the room, about to catch you with your hand in the cookie jar, but you’re shut in alone.
poking at his shoulder his body slumps more to the side, you poke again. he stops breathing for a second, then takes a large inhale, smacking his lips and raising the sheets up to his chin.
“pst.... ethan,” you poke several times.
“ethan!” a whisper means nothing, you shake his arm hard. it sends him flying up, nearly smacking your forehead with his, his eyes not caught up to who woke him, about to shout, you cover his mouth with your hand.
“we have to be quiet, peter can’t know.”
he's awake in a second, alarm bells ringing in his head.
his body flies backwards, his back hitting the wall his bed’s against. you wince at the collison, his voice pitched.
“no. no way, man. i’m not doing that to him. parker’s all about you, i can’t do that.”
you sit on the edge of his bed and crawl until your knees are brushing against his shins.
“shhh! don't worry about it, he doesn't have to find out, you know? we can keep it between us. just be quiet, okay?"
ethan's shaking his head in a fury, "no, i can't. we can't. this isn't you, if you leave now i'll... i'll keep it between us."
"c'mon it's not the first time i've kept a secret from peter."
his voice tilted, "you've done this before?"
"well... i try not to make it a habit or anything. but, he doesn't need to know everything does he?"
ethan looks away from you, his figure deflated. "ah, trouble. that's... that's not cool. he really, really loves you. like, more than he's loved anyone. this is gonna break his heart."
you furrow your eyebrows and reach out to pat his arm, he rips it away from you. "ethan, it's not that serious. he'll be annoyed but he's not gonna hate me."
"no, this is gonna fucking ruin him. you don't understand what he's done to become the person you deserve. or, i guess now it's the person he thought he deserved."
you want to throw a tantrum, "why are you being so mean? you're not mean to me, ever. that's why i like you."
ethan sits up, "mean? i'm being mean? you're the one trying to fuck your boyfriends best friend and i'm the one being targeted?"
it takes a second, but your eyes go wide and you gasp.
"oh no! no, no. that's not what's happening right now, ethan. i see-" you clear your throat and look away from him for a second, slightly embarrassed. "i see how you could think that, i was being a little cryptic."
"uh huh."
you feel offended, "woah, okay, don't act like i'm switching stories because you rejected me. cause that's not what's happening."
ethan narrows his eyes, "uh. huh."
"don't think so low of me, that hurts! i was trying to- alright fine, hold on, let me start over."
you shake your shoulders out and take a deep breath, "technically, you're like... half right. i am trying to get you laid, but like... not.. with me?"
he’s weary, “uh huh. and parker can’t know?”
you shake your head, “okay, see, the funny this is, i told him to tell you and he said no, so i said i’d tell you, and he told me not to get involved. but, i mean, i have a good feeling about this!”
it goes quiet for a moment, you can almost hear him thinking about your words. scratching at his head, hair sticking straight up. ethan rubs his nose before shaking his head with the new information.
“okay, hold on,” he hold his hand up, “you want me get me laid, but not with you, and also, parker can’t know you want to get me laid, but not with you?”
you nod, “yes, exactly.”
ethan hasn’t bought a word of your shit. too many excuses. he takes a deep inhale, then explodes, “parker! park-“ you dive bomb into him, laying halfway across him while you slap your hand over his mouth. he gives you wide eyes, holding his hands up, scared to touch you.
if peter were to catch him with you on him like this, especially if he's touching you, he'd be a dead man.
you're thrown over his lap, he's only in boxers and you're only in his best friends shirt, and he doesn't have a good feeling about you having super short pants underneath it.
you didn't even hear the door open, just breathing harshly down at his friend. you hiss at him, “shut up!” ethan looks petrified, “i told you, peter can’t know!”
your shirt is tugged from behind, it goes tight on your throat. a third voice is in the room. “off.” it’s stern, but not upset. it makes you turn politely, batting your eyelashes at your boyfriend innocently.
“it’s not what it looks like,” because given the position, you’re half straddling ethan while he’s ninety eight percent naked. peter nods, “i know it’s not. it’s worse, you got involved.”
deny, deny, deny.
“nope, actually, i’m laying it on thick. this entire thing has been a ploy to get to ethan the entire time."
your shirts tugged again, this time stricter, "off." you back up gently, trying not to brush against him too much, peter nodding apologetically at his best friend when he's untrapped.
"sorry, e. i told her to leave you alone."
"but, peter!" you struggle agaisnt his hold, "c'mon, ethan! just hear me out, i mean, aren't you just a little curious?"
now he knows you were being truthful and weren't trying to secretly hook up with him he's a tad interested, and if you're so sure about this why would peter keep some tail from him?
"well... since we're all up."
peter scoffs and pushes you towards his bed, "fuck this, i'm going back to sleep. keep your body off of his, alright, trouble?" you salute him, "okay! see you in a minute, love you," you hit him with a kissy face, he supplies, "uh huh, sure."
you clasp your hands and grin at ethan, "okay, so," you sit back down next to him on his bed, turning your body to face him better, "her name is taylor, and she's super into you."
"and she's your friend?" it would make sense why peter didn't want him to know. it's a dangerous road to tag-team them both.
"well... she kinda is now. we met at a party here, i was going to the bathroom and she walked into peter's room, cause she was also looking for the bathroom, and then we started talking cause she walked in on me mid piss, and she's actually so cool."
you talk with your hands, "like, i dunno, you guys just have a similar vibe and i can just feel like it's a good thing. and i told peter about it but he was just like, 'you guys were just drunk,' and 'this is a set up, i don't trust it.'"
ethan's doing his best to follow you but it's seven in the morning.
"a set up?"
"peter doesn't trust it because he thinks she asked me if i could help her out with you."
"she shares an economics class with you, and parties here a lot, and knows i'm dating peter so when we met it was like fate."
well, there's not much after that.
"i mean, that's kinda it. she likes you and she's really cool and you make her nervous so i figured i'd try and help her out."
ethan gives you a dumb face and pulls his blanket back over him, "you woke me up for that? get outta here, go back to parker."
you frown and pull at his arm, "no, no, no, hear me out. she's coming to the party tonight, just let me introduce you guys. and just so you know, she didn't ask for this. i just have a good feeling, you know, like how you did with peter and i?"
and ethan has to give you the benefit of the doubt, he clicks his tongue after he thought it over.
"alright, i'll meet her. but no promises."
you squeal and pull him in for a hug, which he shrugs off and wipes your touch off him. "gross."
peter's busy directing a pledge around but your thing is more important.
rushing up to him you rest your hands on his chest, he doesn't even spare you a glance. "just move it over there, no! not- can you understand directions?"
growing impatient you push against him, "peter," his hands wrap around you, pulling you in for a hug, eyes on the struggling teen, "yes, trouble?"
"do you-"
peter whispers a curse under his breath, his chest hums under your ear. "c'mon, pledge! you're not even trying, just put the fucking table to the right." furniture scrapes of the floor and makes a horrible sound, you wince until peter's hands cup your ears, muffling the movement.
when his hands pull away you have his undivided attention, "sorry, trouble. what did you need?"
"do you know what ethan's wearing tonight?"
an unimpressed glance, "no, i don't think it's come up." a frown settles on your face, "okay, can i go check with him then?" your boyfriend sighs, "if you must, but, hey, trouble? i think this is a terrible idea."
"she didn't even ask me to say anything, petee-e-e?" almost letting the name slip around his brothers. "nice save, sweetheart. correct, she didn't ask, but it sounds like she was suggesting it."
"if you love me, you'll trust me when i say i have a good feeling."
peter can't deny that logic. blowing a breath he kisses the top of your head, "alright, go figure out what ethan's wearing then." before you could pull away from his hold he talks over your head, his chest vibrating while he spoke.
"i swear to god, pledge, you'll be cut, i'll send you out of here right fucking now." you poke his ribs, "be nicer and maybe he'll do better. you're freaking him out."
"are you telling me how to run my house?" you shrug and nudge into him further, "give it a try, you never know."
peter snaps his fingers, "jensen," the pledge jumps, "take a five. you're doing great, alright?" and seeing the refreshed smile on the kids face was proof enough for you.
"see? i'm always right."
"yeah, yeah, yeah."
it took a few hours, but taylor showed up. the second you saw her you did a happy dance in peter's hold, pure adrenaline had you boosting yourself up to kiss his jawline.
"taylor's here, should i find ethan now?"
a gentle pat at your back, "give the girl a second, maybe some liquid courage?"
you whine, "but i'm so excited! they're gonna date, and fall in love and then we'll go on double dates all the time." peter winced at your daydream, "i know, that's why i tried to forbit it."
ignoring him, as you've grown accustomed to, you keep the thoughts spinning. ethan had agreed to letting you introduce them, and taylor doesn't know you asked ethan, and taylor knows ethan but he doesn't know her.
so, if you could get them together, without getting them together, it would be even better. it would be like fate aligned, then, after they meet, you could act shocked when you tell ethan that's the taylor you were talking about.
your plan just might work, if you had a little help. demanding the attention you already have, you repeatedly poke at peter's chest. "hear me out, we set them up but kinda do a meet cute. cause then they're more in control than just some friends introducing them."
your boyfriend shook his head, "we? since you became my girlfriend it's a lot of 'we', this time it's a you. i want no part of this, trouble."
you wave him off, "no, you're obsessed with me. so, i'm thinking we try and get them to play a game of pong together, i mean, you'll have to get ethan in the kitchen but-"
peter's adamant, "no, no me. peter's not involved." to solidify his point he grew an invisible cross over his body.
tugging on his arm, you pout, "no! you have to! you're my boyfriend now, you can't be mean peter again."
"i'm not being mean! i'm just telling you i want no involvement, don't start with me."
it was honestly so rude of him to do this to you, "you're going to make me do this all alone?" peter can't help but laugh, "baby, this is all because of you."
it's true but he's supposed to support you no matter what.
"peter, please?" you think the puppy dog eyes are working, because he softens up, "trouble," you smile, waiting for his agreement, "no."
instantly grumpy, you swipe his hands off you, "oh, hey, don't be like this." you shake your head, "no, you hate me."
"for the six billionth time, i don't hate you."
"no, you-" you stop dead in your tracks, at least some universal force would help you out. because, who other than ethan would walk into the room taylor's in? no one, that's who.
"peter, do you see this right now?"
your back is pulled into his chest, an arm slung around your waist. "i do."
"what do we do?"
"i knew you'd say..." you hold your breath when taylor takes a few timid steps in ethan's direction. he's careless, humming to the song blasting and moving liquor bottles around. right when she got close enough for him to notice she backed off, turning right back for her friends.
"swing and a miss, trouble."
spinning in your boyfriend's hold you nod towards the kitchen, "i have to intervene."
"no, no you don't."
"yes, i have to. so, tell me you love me."
"no, it always encourages you to be bad."
"if i know you love me then i know you won't dump me. so, tell me you love me."
"nope, not happening, i don't condone this."
"peter! tell me you love me or i'm going to cry and know you hate me."
a groan, "trouble, i love you very much," you cheer, that's all you needed.
peter's hand caught yours to stop you from your plan, "but i don't like this. make your own decisions, and know i love you while you make them, but the idea of what you're doing makes me want to eat rocks."
"i stopped listening after 'trouble, i love you very much.'"
"of course you did. alright, fine, go play matchmaker."
you have his permission, it sends you across the living room and into the kitchen, bumping hips with peter's best friend.
"hi, friend," ethan looks up, ripping a chewed straw from his mouth.
"hello, trouble. how can i be of service?"
buying time you gesture to the array of bottles, "wanna make me one?" ethan hands you his cup, "try this first." your eyes flicker to the door way, taylor's tucked against the wall nibbling on her bottom lip when she sees you drink from his cup.
"yummy, make me a double."
"aye aye, captain."
you hum and tap your fingers on the counter, "any plans for tonight?" as he answers your question you scratch at a stain on his hat, "didn't you want me to meet your friend?"
"ooh, and we're planning the night around it?"
"more like hoping to get it out the way," ethan hands you your own solo cup. twisting ever so slightly, you line it up so that taylor's right behind your left shoulder, hoping ethan would glance up at any moment.
"she almost walked up to you, but split halfway through."
ethan's frowning when he pulls his drink down, the straw he was chewing on going back in his mouth.
"i'm not that scary, am i?"
"c'mon, ethan. ever had a crush?" he moves his head around, "sure, but at least i always went after what i wanted."
his eyes flicker up, and you know he's locked eyes with taylor. you can tell when he slowly stops chewing, his focus bouncing back to you, then behind you.
"is your friend around here or can we meet up later?"
you won, peter's going to be so annoyed, but you won.
"she's around, but we'll catch up." you pat his arm, "thanks for the drink, double."
ethan winked, "no problem, trouble."
peter rolled his eyes the second you made his way to him, "they're talking, do you see them talking?"
"ethan looks like he's having fun, morgan looks like she's about to puke."
"her name is taylor, and she's nervous!"
peter nods and finishes his drink, "taylor looks like she's about to puke."
you move to push at peter's back, his feet glue themselves to the floor while trying to look back at you.
"what are yo-"
"go get a drink and tell me what they're talking about."
he scoffs, "and i'm supposed to casually go out of my way to hang out behind them, just to get a jist of awkward flirting?" you know how much he hates it, and detests it, but this time he may give in.
"that's not the only way to listen in..." you trail waiting for him to catch the hint, he shuts it down immediately. "no. not happening." you push against his back, "c'mon, you never let me use your hidden talents."
peter leans back into your hands, "because if i do it once you'll want me to do it all the time." it's unfair and you use the same argument, "you know how much i like him and you never let me play with him."
"you play with him plenty, just not with the tricks."
you pull back to rope around his front, you give him doe eyes.
"just one time, i promise i will never, ever ask again."
peter knows he's playing with fire, he's made a clear line in the sand when it comes to you and spider-man but something in him tells him you really need this.
"just this once, i mean it, trouble."
you grab onto his shoulders, "really, you will? for me?"
"this is your one time pass, you wanna waste it on this?" he knows, and you know, this isn't the last time, but if he pretends it is maybe you'd back out.
"i have a good feeling." peter sighs and moves you to the side, "i'll be right back," you feel giddy, it's the first time you'll see spider-man in action. you zone in on your boyfriend, he moves around like normal, gets a drink, cleans up the counter a little, and you feel a tad disappointed.
peter seems totally normal, it makes sense, he's gotten used to flying under the radar. you watch ethan and taylor, she seems nervous but excited. she's laughing, you think it's a good thing.
it doesn't even look like peter's listening, you wonder if he's just acting like he his. you look around and don't see anyone, you speak low, nothing above a mumble in the music.
"peter? can you hear me?" he's pouring a drink from one cup to another, you huff, "peter." no reaction, "you're the worst boyfriend ever."
in a second he turns his neck, his eyes narrowed on your face while you look down to your feet. he was listening, and it makes you feel all melty. "i didn't mean it, i love you."
his look says 'no you don't.'
you're talking for the both of you, "it looked like you weren't paying attention, you're good at it." he takes an extra minute, then heads back.
you're swaying on your feet, excited for the new update.
"it's going good."
"i swear to fucking god, peter, you give me more information right now or i'll dump you."
he holds his hand out, "alright, chill. your friend is smooth in an awkward way and ethan's eating it up. they've got some good banter going on, i'd be surprised if he didn't at least get her number tonight."
you squeal, "do you think he'll kiss her?" peter shrugs while he takes a sip from his solo cup. "probably."
"do you think he's made the connection that she's the taylor i was telling him about?"
he nods, "yeah."
"cool. what now?"
"nothing. you got what you wanted. just sit back and hang out."
"no! that can't be it! it doesn't feel satisfying. i need more!"
"this isn't a movie, trouble. you can't just skip to the good part."
"you're telling me you can't see the future?"
"that blows."
you shift around, it's driving you crazy. you had to walk away, otherwise you'd wonder over there or keep asking peter to listen in.
"i can't do this- give me a kiss, i'm finding my friends." you raise your chin and pucker, peter supplies a quick kiss. "tell you what, because i love you so much," you gasp, stars in your eyes at his confession. you'd never get annoyed at it, it's not often he says it first.
"i'll come grab you when they split up, just so you can bombard ethan."
"you're the best boyfriend ever."
"damn right i am, i'm making you eat your words, problem child.'
you squint at him and pucker again to silently ask for a kiss, "you're lucky you're cute."
an hour later and your groan into your boyfriend's shoulder, "this is torture. how are they still talking?"
"it's a good thing. i'll admit it, i hated it at first, but i've never seen ethan so invested in a girl before."
you may have a shot, "one more time?"
"you agr-"
"not happening. no way are you getting twice in one night."
"fuck, fine! jesus christ, give me a minute." you watch him close his eyes, slow deep breaths raised his chest. you poke his bicep gently, "peter-" he was gentle, "shhh."
you press your mouth into his shirt and breathe hot air into him, a minute later and he's shaking you off.
"i'll have you know, this is a very weird feeling. my senses are... different around you, and when you're around it's very distracting."
your head tilts, "really?"
he nods, "it's weird, but everything's going good over there. be happy!"
"weird how?"
"you take priority. when you're around and i try to focus on something else, you stay at the front of my mind. when you were calling my name earlier it tripped me the fuck up."
you hum, "i know why." peter's interested, "oh, really?" you nod, "yes, it's very simple. it's because you love me."
"you know what?" you shy away from his cheek kisses, "i think you are very right."
ethan spent the whole night with taylor, at some point they wondered from the kitchen to around the house. around the second hour you lost them entirely.
you shrugged it off and spent the rest of the night getting a little further than buzzed. finding peter in a swarm of friends, desperate for more than a hug.
"hi, trouble." peter tucks you under his arm, his thumb stroking your shoulder sent you wild. "hello," you nuzzle in closer, wrapping your arms around his middle.
you wait for a break in conversation, patiently nodding along and squeezing peter when he says something funny. when two brothers start to lightly bicker, you lean up, softly calling his name.
you motion for him to come closer, you hide your lips behind a cupped hand while you whispered.
"will you please come take care of me in the bedroom?"
peter's turn to whisper, "five minutes, meet you up there." before, you'd be a bit more sly, now that he's your boyfriend, you're proud of it. scrambling away to run up the stairs.
you take a moment to take your pants off, then bounce on the bed, because peter always lectured you when you did it around him. taking an extra minute to snoop around, not that there was a reason, and not that you couldn't do it with peter in the room. it just felt more sneaky.
you spread across your front and reached for his bedside table, nothing interesting on top. the drawer slid out, you peer at the contents and hum, condoms, lube, a couple 'dirty' poloroids he took of you. a few books, nothing you'd read, they seem more like textbooks than something fun to pass the time.
ripping a condom off the strip, you hold it up in the light and turn it. you invision the process of putting one on, you've never actually seen peter do it, one second he has it in his hand, the next,the wrappers on the ground and he's ready.
peter catches you in action, his eyebrows raised. "paranoid i'm poking holes?" you roll to your back and sit up, "do you think i could put this on you?"
"you wanna?"
"i've never done it before, is it hard?"
"i think the first couple times i used 'em i kinda fumbled. but hey, you got the expert guiding you."
you gasp, a smile takes over your face. "really, you'll let me?" your boyfriend let's out a soft laugh, "i don't see why not." peter walks to you and plucks the foil from your fingers, tossing it to the table. "hey! you said i could-"
"you can. but i need you to come on my tongue first, can you do that?"
you nod, wide eyed and sparkly, "yes, yes, i can do that."
still naked and blinking at your boyfriend you poke at his nose, "would it be weird if it waited for ethan in his room?"
peter's eyes stayed closed. "extremely."
"but i'm so curious! do you think they're gonna hook up tonight?"
he yawns, "no." you test him by scooching closer, not fully cuddling, but an arm thrown over his hips. "is that like, intuition?"peter tugs you to lay on his chest, you melt into him.
a hand drags up and down your back, "sure is, my best friend intuition." you groan, "we're going in there first thing in the morning and getting the details."
"shut up, i know you're just as desperate for information as me."
"... fine, but i'm only going as your moral support."
ethan was not home when you woke up and your disappointment was visible.
"my day has been ruined."
"trouble, no it hasn't. give the man a second, you're like a kid on christmas."
"i'm gonna go nuts and it's gonna be your problem, what then?"
"it usually is, so same thing i always do?"
"ugh! this super sucks, i know i should've walked in there. it's eating me alive, like, i'm the one that set this up and i get left in the dust? does ethan think it's his relationship? cause, it's our relationship. without me he'd still be alone."
"damn, trouble, tell me how you really feel."
you jump. peter's pointing with a spatula behind you.
"good fuckin luck, buddy."
the star of the show was home, you cheer and attack him with a hug. ethan supplies gentle pats to your lower back. "where were you, did you go home with taylor, how did you like her, was i right, is there something there, did you kiss her?"
"oh my god, parker, come get your girl."
"oh no, i just pawned her off."
ethan wheezes when you squeeze him, "c'mon, tell me, tell me!" peter calls for you, "trouble, stop bouncing on my friend." you step away, "sorry."
"okay, okay, ready?"
it's everything you've been hoping for, you jump to the counter peter's closest to and swing your feet. ethan has your full attention, "so, went up to her, we were chatting, had a good talk, and got her number."
"and then?"
"we went out for breakfast this morning."
you turn to look for peter's reaction, he's already looking at yours. you nod ethan along, waiting for him to add more.
"and then?"
"uh, that's all."
peter leans over the island to fist bump him, "nice, man. happy for you."
you look at their faces, they seem done with it. no more talk, you're missing the entire story. you panic and shout out, "and then?"
"i told you everything!"
you huff, "no the fuck you didn't, you left out the giant details of everything else." ethan shrugs, "not really. she's cool, we got some breakfast. oh, she gave me her toast. and uh... parker, you saw her, right?"
"i did."
"she's nice looking, right?"
"she is."
ethan gestures to your boyfriend with his chin, "see? all caught up."
you were losing your mind, "really, that's all? nothing on what you talked about, or how you feel about her, no mention of a second date?"
"yeah, yeah, second date happening for sure. i dunno, trouble, guys aren't really like that. but, uh, good pick?"
you spun to peter, pointing in his face, "ha! i knew it, i knew it, i knew it! i told you they would be good together!"
"oh i never doubted you, i just didn't want this,' gesturing to your body, 'happening."
you look back to ethan, "when's the double date?"
peter and ethan respond at the same time, "not anytime soon."
'hey, peter. did you know ethan and taylor have been together since their first date?'
'i did.'
'four months in and they're saying i love you.'
'they are.'
'and why couldn't that be us?'
'oh, i will not entertain this conversation again.'
bonus bonus:::
'you're cuter,'
'no, no, you're cuter.'
'well, you're the cutest!'
'no way, you're cuter than cute.'
'you're so cute you-'
you gag, 'peter, please make them stop.'
'oh no, trouble. this is what you wanted.'
314 notes · View notes
kirarifutari · 1 year
enhypen as fast food workers (enhypen ot7.)
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GENRE .. !? enhypen ot7 headcanons i guess... pureee crack, comedy
WARNINGS .. !? not proof read, swearing, for shits and giggles don't take anything to heart lol
WC ..?! approx 852
NOTES.. ?! okay pls blame @dazed-hee for putting this thought into my head and helping me w this... i cannot believe i sat my ass down and wrote this,, yes i just got off work ... anyway i hope u enjoy this goofy little piece pls like + reblog to support!!
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actually does his job properly LOLLL
he's so good at it asw he is never ever stressed 😭😭 he never complains either he just gets shit done ?? like you'll be on shift w him and magically you don't have to do anything ever bc somehow he has it under control…?
all the customers love him asw LMAO he's the type to remember regulars 🙏
god sent everyone needs a heeseung to work with, he's even nice to the rude customers but is not afraid to be a little passive aggressive bitch 🤧
he never talks badly about anyone so no one ever shit talks him?? but if you ask him ab drama he'd be like “not naming any names but…” 😭
he is exactly like heeseung except when is jay ever NOT stressed
he is internally crying every five seconds over something and every time a customer complains about something you can see the light in his eyes die little by little 💀💀
he doesn't even care what anyone else is doing he's just so caught up in doing his job he doesn't realise that he's doing everything himself…  more utc!
if you catch him on a good day tho you can hear him make fun of customer orders 😭 “who the fuck orders 3 hamburgers past the age of three years old…”
let's you do whatever you want bc hes too busy dealing w the emerging grey hairs 🙏
the best person to work your shift w for a good time hands downnn
he's so funny he will make you cackle every five seconds,, you'll be taking a drive thru order and you'd be trying so fucking hard not to laugh into the mic 😭 he will fr start SINGING in ur ear goodbye
super friendly w customers and will literally start a conversation ab the most random things ?? “bro did you just order this family box?? you eating that yourself? that's crazy, mad respect” 💀
dawg does everything all at once, making burgers, taking orders, handing out food, changing the bins ??? yet somehow he's the one goofing off the most ? 
doesn't know how he landed the job tbh… everyone expected him to be unemployed the rest of his life 🔥
HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO COUNT CHANGE W CASH 😭 bro tries his hardest but is always fumbling around fr,, our maths legend
the type to be like “hm? i can't hear you” “what did you say? “yeah just gimme a minute” he is TOO CHILL he's so unserious ab this job he clocks on and does nothing half the time 🙏 he'll say he'll do what you ask him too but... you both know he won't xoxox
somehow he's still one of the managers favourites and gets good shifts every week… 
if a customer yells at him he'd be like “yeah give me a second” and then just gets someone else to deal with it LMFAO 💀
THE BIGGEST SHIT TALKER having a shift w him is so good, he somehow knows everything that's going on w everyone ??? fills you in w all the gossip fr.
he's rly bubbly w all the nice customers and is one of the nicer employees to work with but if ur on his bad side … 💀💀💀
like if you annoy him as a customer he will hand you order wordlessly and look you up and down HE DOESNT CAREEE BROOO 😭
if anyone ever blames him for doing something wrong on shift he literally will just be like “that wasn't me tho 😄😄” biggest liar and everyone knows it but no one cares cus we all love him 🫶
sunoo will definitely be the type to buy you food on his break or give you free stuff when you clock off 😭
would be the biggest gas lighter LMFAO
“oh you ordered a double big mac and not a regular? yeah on our register it's gone through as regular so i don't know what you want me to do, you can pay for another one tho!” 💀💀💀💀
bro gives so much sass to rude customers he does NOT gaf, he does it all w a smile on his face too like “sorry about that but we can't do anything to fix it 😊” 
he’d be so chill w his co workers asw, he would really care if everyone's messing around but somehow w him on shift everything goes oddly smoothly… 
working w him is so fucking funny cus he will never take no for an answer w a customer he will keep pushing until they LEAVE 😭
LMFAOOO okay this kid fucking hates his job LOL
will spit in a customers drink because he can 🙏 he will not take shit from anyone and he knows no one will fire him bc they're understaffed 😚
plays the best music and always has kitchen speaker aux !!!
if you ask him to remake a burger or help you with something he'll either give you a blank stare or a “no, i won't.” and then do it for you anyway 👊👊 he is such a little menace but he doesn't care 
w annoying ass customers he will literally start arguing w them STOP
would go viral on tiktok cus some customer was filming him being rude but everyone would be siding w him bc niki is always in the right godbless.
566 notes · View notes
stealingpotatoes · 10 months
Skywalkers apart au! It's so precious that Anakin gets to be a dad, a rebellion general Dad but he gets to be there for at least one of them and Padme survives and gets to be a mom and maybe someday they get to meet and it's so good.
Also the concept of General Skywalker of the Rebellion feels like it has so much potential cause he was such a big figure in the Clone Wars, he was the Hero, the General, he could probably get the various splinter rebel cells (they were very divided in the early Rebellion) to follow him by sheer reputation and charisma. Imagine Anakin being at Hoth, like the attack is going along the usual Imperial imminent victory and suddenly an AT-AT has been thrown clear across the landscape and an announcement sounds out "General Skywalker has entered the field" cue Rebel Counterattack due to morale boost and Imperial Panic.
What happened to the 501st here? Did he go to the Venator's crash site where Ahsoka was during Order 66 what did he think when he saw all the dead folks?
Fun thought, Starkiller being the apprentice in this AU, means that Sidious has probably been comparing him to Anakin (in part because he's bitter he didn't fall, in other part cause it's great for fueling the darkside) for years so the first time they face off he's gonna be full of spiteful hatred (all going according to plan) before Starkiller gets styled on by the Skywalker, cause Anakin isn't crippled by the suit and that means he's still massively powerful in the force and skilled in the blade (Vader was too, but less than a whole Anakin), I could see Anakin pulling a Lightside version of the Rogue One Hallway scene against Stormtroopers (or even inquisitors).
Rebel General Anakin Skywalker would be an Imperial Boogeyman.
Leia would probably appreciate it for a while but also she'd get a bit annoyed about her dad's reputation and "Legend" and the fact that she's probably got that entire thing to measure up to, making her more reckless or foolhardy. That's a big shadow to live under.
Padme on the other hand is probably in a very different situation reputation wise, she was the senator for the new Emperor's home planet, she's the old queen of naboo from the Trade Federation attack, she's a founding member of one of the oldest discrete rebellion cells but that still leaves some stigma. She's probably so very worried about Imperial surveilance on her or Luke or the rest of her family, and it doesn't help that the Inquistorious has probably been sniffing around for a while.
ok this is a veeeeery long ask so i'm gonna have a veeeery long answer which is gonna go under this readmore:
YES!! yes absolutely! tbh i decided a while back he never gets an official promotion to general, everyone just calls him General Skywalker for so long that it sticks loll. BUT YEAH I mean working with a Jedi is rare and awe-inspiring enough for any rebellion cell but working with the hero with no fear??? half the rebels are wondering if they can interrupt this mission to ask for his autograph
its extra funny bc for the first few years of the empire he's lowkey depressed and like agh i failed the order republic AND my family i'm a terrible horrible no good jedi who nearly turned to the dark side and while he's having this spiral there's some rebel standing next to him pointing and pogging
and yeah he's SO useful in big battles like that!! he's half a legend, half a ghost story, given most ppl think he died in the Purge but here he is, enacting justice on the empire!! tho he does struggle on quieter missions (which happen a lot more at first bc gotta hide from the empire) that you cant just blaze into. its a difficult shift to go from clone wars general skywalker to rebel general skywalker
yeah 501st same as canon ): but OHHH MY GOD yes thats SUCH A PERFECT IDEA, Anakin going with Rex and Ahsoka to the site and mourning them all (and probably going into another depression spiral lbr)
youre so right lollll obvs leia loves the one up she has in an argument of "well my dad's general skywalker, beat that" but as u say she absolutely wants to live up to that (+ is a very independent/stubborn person and would like Leia Skywalker, not just "General Skywalker's daughter" lol)
AND YEAH ABSOLUTELY Padmé and Anakin's roles in this au are both so interesting (is that egotistical to say) bc they're these upside down versions of their clone wars roles, both very loud people forced to quieten down and be Discreet about how they go abt helping ppl. Padmé is really struggling hiding so much (luke's force sensitivity, her rebel activities, all relations to anakin) and trying to protect Luke while helping the Rebellion WHILE trying not to seem suspicious. a lot on her plate -- only made worse by palpatine keeping a close-ish eye on her, and she can't tell why (is it bc of luke? the rebellion? anakin? or is it just his old favouritism or patriotism being VERY inconvenient??)
on the inquisitors, obvs you don't see a lot of them on coruscant -- but padmé's SO scared abt ppl (MAINLY SIDIOUS WHO, YA KNOW, TRIED TO TURN LUKE'S DAD SITH) finding out abt him and she hates that she's making him repress this part of himself but what choice does she have???
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