#ciaras tag
jiishwa · 6 months
ayoooo guess who spent christmas eve in bed with a 101.8 feverrrrrrrr 🤟🏻
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ciaraloves · 3 months
it has been over a year since my last one but i have finally created another silly little uquiz!!!
y’all know i love my extreme specifics, and this quiz is no different! there’s memes, always poetry, a scenarioTM and one timed q (it’s not tense though don’t worry)
as always please enjoy <3 I LOVE YOU MWAH!
p.s. if you get the tea one, i’m sorry there’s no picture uquiz refuses to let me add one :( i’ll see if i can troubleshoot when it’s not 2am o_0
edit ^^^ I have finally fixed the tea one <3
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fandxmslxt69 · 8 months
Hehe saw this and thought of you
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im giggling and blushing that you saw him and thought of ME immediately like OKAY. propose already or whatever .
im kidding (not)
mmmmmmm i wanna bite him. my friend says he's scrumptious and i agree a lot actually.
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httpiastri · 8 months
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daughterofsarenrae · 2 days
Listen. 1) theyre mostly saved urls only like 7 of them have ever had content. 2) my roommate @hopefulqueer has 139 sideblogs, so when you think about it 36 isn't even that many!!!!!!!!
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runa-falls · 7 months
Can I be queen of the monster fucking now pretty pls 🥺
I even have proof of registration. Let me find my card real quick here, officer! I swear I have it, haha!
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partiallypearl · 2 months
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happy birthday @ciara-knightly i'm so glad that i've gotten to know you because of tiara thief, so here's a knight squad gifset!
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s1utspeare · 2 months
brigid I have a confession….every time I stalk your blog and I’m met with The William Posts I get more confused about who this mythical creature is. you interact with Him as if he is your feral drunken child that you want to keep in your pocket and I’m like? I am not even sure he’s a real person. he might just be someone brigid made up (*insert good for you cupcake meme*). but like? what does he even do? is he an actor? singer? just some guy? real?
brigid I have so many questions and your brainrot blog does absolutely nothing to answer them😭you’re my hero for real
he’s my wife he’s my babygirl he’s uniquely special and mysterious in that he is so shaped and has no braincells he’s my jenna ortega he’s my bagel with cream cheese he’s a lost member of nsync he’s never been to college he lives in my walls and steals my left shoes he’s the only man ever he’s been to space he played a gay prostitute he would be the first to die in an apocalypse he invented serving cunt in every single picture of him with a child he looks like he will pick them up and throw them he’s so fucking coded coded with what? everything, babygirl, everything this man’s never seen a piñata he didn’t like he’s been in every film ever he can’t cook to save his life his best friend is his dog he owns a gym he lives in your walls he’s the queen of my world he’s the queen of my heart he wrote his own theme song for himself it’s named after his birthday he’s a singer and a dancer and an actor only he’s not good at any of them but just believes in himself so hard that people just let him do whatever he wants he’s never had a coherent thought in his life we are getting married in a distant spring he makes the worst clothes you’ve ever seen in your life and he’s never going to die
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jiishwa · 1 year
alright lads i’m finally doing it. i’m finally reading death note.
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awritingcaitlin · 4 months
🧪Find the Word🧪
@theprissythumbelina tagged me not too long ago for the words: Jinx, Call, Inch, and Flex
I'll tag: @oh-no-another-idea, @baroquesse, @tananaphone, @saphoblin, and @sentfromwolves for the words: quiet, bring, short, button, safe
Snippets from CTQ under the cut!
“This leg of the trip certainly seems quieter,” Lubbock mused.
“I’m going to pretend this is about us no longer traveling with Ashora and not you almost jinxing the rest of our trip,” Killian said.
Lubbock flushed. “Sure, Sir.”
“Bring it in here,” Kaniel ordered. “I’ll take the call myself.”
A brief look of surprise crossed Schwab’s face before he nodded and went back out to grab the stone.
If Kaniel was going to be dealing with an assassin, even by proxy, it was best he do it himself for the initial set up. Then he could send someone else to do further contact if necessary.
“Hello little brother,” Ciara said, smiling.
“It doesn’t make me any shorter,” Alistair said.
He was a whole two inches taller than Ciara. But she was two years older than him, which she felt counted for more.
Mica grinned and clicked a button.
Taryn reflexively covered her ears anyway, though the spell the mage had put around the blast area did its job. With only a muffled wumph, the door blasted almost in on itself before collapsing off to one side.
The shield Fiddler had put up did not block out the sound of the alarms however. Taryn saw Killian mouth the word “Move!” Perhaps he said it and she just couldn’t hear. She clicked the safety off on her gun.
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ciaraloves · 5 months
> be me
> is bored and just finished a probably terrible natural language processing assignment for stats
> realises that even if it’s bad i had fun doing wordclouds and sentiment analyses
> decides to keep the fun going and wonders what else i can rope into nlp hellscape
> gets dangerous glint in my eye as my tumblr blog shines at me
> decides to make a word cloud out of my tumblr tags
> starts the coding process but realises i need an API to access my blog through code
> tries to get API
> tumblr wants me to register an app that states why i want to access tumblr interface
> don’t know how to explain i just want to make a dumb colourful word graph of stupid shit i said on my tumblr in ‘23
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bisexualboysbroadcast · 9 months
real life footage of ji-oh during the entirety of episode 7
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forgottenarthur · 3 months
OOC | Arthur & His Line of Succession
idk what to entitle this but!!! my brain at 5am was like 'here have this' so now you get to hear abt it too lksdjfkljsdfjl
ok so!! arthur's faction, even objectively speaking (like in an au where every single varmont really and truly is the disgusting vile monster that ronan thinks they all are, this is STILL an advantage for arthur), has a v big advantage over the others, and that is @forgottensebastian!! while sebastian just being the amazing person he is, is a total win for arthur, like i said, even if he were actually leck quasar born again (SCREAM), his v existence would still be a huge advantage to the Arthurian faction bc he's a designated and direct heir and historically!!!!! that is a huuuuge asset in getting ppl to fight/vote for you!! so i wanted to sort of explore this a bit!
so, when ur abt to embark on a civil war for 'who should rule us next' ur hoping ur not gonna have to turn around and do it all again once ur chosen leader kicks the bucket, and arthur having a clear, designated heir from the get-go is a a part of that! bc w edmund or guin, say they get crowned etc, well great! but they're just one person right so what happens if/when they die before having kids! ur back to square one -- if guin's crowned, well, whose her heir? edmund? arthur? ur back at it again!
this is (one of) the reasons @forgottengodfrey is so keen to get edmund hitched (also gaining the stafford/astairan alliance etc but yeah), so edmund can start making heirs of his own, pronto!
ironically, its also one of the reasons @forgottenroderick is so reluctant to let his kids marry bc then ppl might start wanting one of his kids to rule more than they want ~him too!!!! its also the reason he was so desperate to have kids in the first place and took three wives to do it </3
but annnnyway, as a result, i do think arthur's sort of...thought abt this a lil bit frankly (he's so much more introspective than i ever thought it throws me every time i swearrrr) now, obv, idk how this will all go down but, if roderick were to die, and arthur to begin his gambit to seize the throne, i think he'd make his line of succession basically the sons of roderick in order of age; the sons of roderick's father in order of age (aka alaric), the sons of roderick's grandfather in order of age (aka bartholomew) and then their male line descendants in order of age (aka eoin). if all these men were to die, then it would follow the same structure but w women so:
now, in his ideal world alaric and the other male varmonts would inherit before edmund like so:
but he def recognizes that obv edmund has a way better claim to the imperial throne (not necessarily the kingly one of the og country tho depending on how ~those inheritance laws are written, but in that roderick apparently reopened old laws from ther abt multiple wives, im assuming its still true that edmund would have a better claim to ~that throne as well?) than alaric, bartholomew, or eoin so yeah! the top one is what he's currently thinking! HOWEVER i do think the more he talks to @forgottenarias the more he rethinks his position and so i think he may potentially end up considering heirs in order not just male heirs so:
now this would actually be a mistake for his faction, really, bc it'd mess up his ability to claim that ~he should be king since guinevere is, in fact, older, so i do think he'd at best do some handwave abt how roderick's male heirs come first bc that was the intention of the founder or whatever, and THEN roderick's female heirs and then everybody else hahaha but i do think he'd still want to be like CASSANDRA OVER EDMUND but yeahhhh idk if he could reasonably pull that off so i do think it'd result in a lot of confusion abt who has precedence between those two were he ever to actually realize his claim (unlikely!!) but yeah!! sldkjfalksdlfjdslkfj
anyway, he might potentially handwave abt his mother's line being the true imperial one (and thus cassandra still having precedence over edmund despite her sex) as marian became ~his mother and thus cassandra having precedence over edmund or smth but idk -- if they're still at war w edmund when this comes down the line he'd def be like 'yeah that's how that's happening' but if somehow arthur's in power and edmund's cool w it or whatever then he'd probs feel edmund would be a better fit for the crown than cassandra tbqh and have him as the third
anyway!! ngl none of this will probably EVER matter bc even if we do kill off roderick and start our war w/o that one big revelation etc, we uhhhh know that lil smth abt arthur that he don't know so yeah!! (and lbr even if he did manage to seize power as soon as he and edmund made peace, amira would just poison him soooo) but anyway here we are i thought of it so i thought id share it hahaha
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partiallypearl · 11 months
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“Thanks for helping.” 
“I know you’d do the same for me.” 
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s1utspeare · 5 months
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hi hi hi! sorry to storm into your inbox like an excited toddler on a sugar high but I was already insane about the ji chang wook post and then I saw this and I hit that follow button so hard YOU ARE MAGIC! this is a top tier song choice😩
anyway happy new year and I hope it’s as gorgeously insane as this song is!
OMG HIIIIIII u are so welcome here on my blog and tbh did I go on ur blog and scroll the ji chang wook tag??? Maybe so YOULL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE
(Also I laughed so hard when I saw ur tags on that post u truly Get It)
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jiishwa · 4 months
gripping the bathroom sink, staring myself down in the mirror, repeating the words "there is no righteousness in suffering" over and over until i finally get it.
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