#is a separate question that i'm not sure how to answer
jeankluv · 1 day
Jujutsu Kaisen manga spoilers
I was bored and did a theory of what I think it might happen in jjk, please be nice.
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So one of the big questions that were raised in the story, was the one that Geto asked Gojo about whether he was the strongest because he was Satoru Gojo or he was Satoru Gojo because he was the strongest. I think that with the scenario we find ourselves in right now that question will be answered. Yuta will not be able to defeat Sukuna and those five minutes he has will run out, leaving us to wonder if Yuta lives or not (I think he will live thanks to Rika).
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Well when Yuta loses five minutes of him I think we will see Gojo at the airport, deciding whether to go north or south, he will go north and he will return to his body. Remember that during the story there has been a lot of talk about the union of the soul and the body, and we have seen how deceased characters returned (the best example is Toji). I think Utahime’s ct might help with this, she hasn’t been around and wasn’t also there when they talked about plan B.
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Gojo will return to his body and win. In the last chapter Gojo repeats that he will win so he is not worried, Gege has put it in the story too many times for it not to end up happening. And this way Gojo will prove that he is the strongest because he is Satoru Gojo.
There is also that Gojo sketch Gege draw of him in what it looks like he is waking up and he is lying on the floor (suspicious).
“But what about Yuji he is the main character”
Yuji will be the one to bring Megumi back, separate him from Sukuna, but Gojo will be the one to defeat him. But for me Sukuna’s death is not the end.
Remember that Kenjaku before dying authorized Megumi to activate the fusion of humanity with Tengen. Megumi will come out from Sukuna in a bad state, he has seen his sister die, he has also been hit several times by Gojo's domain and his will to live has completely disappeared, so it is not unreasonable to think that Megumi after being separated from Sukuna summons the merger due to his bad state of mind. Gege has already drawn it and dropped it in the story, it would be foolish to think it won't happen.
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And here I think where Yuji will be the key and where he will also die.
I hold to the theory of “1 will die, the rest will survive”, the one dying being Yuji. And he will probably die surrounded by his friends, just like his grandfather asked him to.
“But nobara is death” is she? Because her state has always been a bit uncertain, I don’t think Gege would drop a quote like “she might survive” for noting.
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I'm sure that thanks to Yuji, Megumi will regain consciousness and the desire to live. And that Yuji will be the one to end the merger but dying in the process.
As far as we know jjk is not on it’s final arc, so it’s not completely insane to think this could happen.
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peridotglimmer · 10 months
Inspired by @myth-blossom 💕 Their post is here!
Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
Tagging: @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels @princess-of-prose @issytheamateurnerd @abschaumno1 @sharo-maneru -- if you feel like it, of course!
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer - My English teacher hated me (and openly admitted she did) but when she recommended this book for me to read for my list, I did, and surprisingly loved it.
Tanglewreck by Jeanette Winterson - This children's book is insane in the absolute best way. I will never forget the scene in the black hole.
Tikkop by Adriaan van Dis - I had to read three of Van Dis' books in the 6th year of high school, and I hated the first two with a burning passion. It was a huge surprise when I turned out to actually like Tikkop.
No et Moi by Delphine de Vigan - Lent to me by my French teacher Mrs Loeff to read during grammar lessons, it completely enraptured me at 15. I refuse to watch the movie because I'd rather keep my own mental images.
Het Grote Boek van Sebastiaan by Mieke van Hooft - My grandmother would read this to me and my brother whenever we'd spend the night there (followed by lullabies that I now sing to our son).
Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques - Honestly, I could have put the entire Redwall series here, but this is the book that 7-year-old Belle read in one go and stayed up all night for to finish, and that made me want to change my name to Rose.
The entire Junie B. Jones series by Barbara Park - When we emigrated to the U.S. when I was six, Junie B. Jones basically taught me English. My mum and I would struggle through four pages a night. I learnt what a school bus was, and a rubber ducky. Later, I'd save my pocket money every week to be able to buy more of them when we went to Barnes & Nobles.
The Twins by Tessa De Loo - The book that nearly made me fail my Dutch oral final. I had a complete blackout, and couldn't answer the question 'what are the main characters' names?' I'm never, ever forgetting their names are Anna and Lotte ever again.
The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich - These books aren't particularly amazing. The plot isn't brilliant; the humour is just fine, but they transported me to a different world as a teen, one where abusive family members didn't exist.
The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie by Jaclyn Moriarty - As a teen, the plot blew me away. It also took me thirty minutes this morning to figure out the title of this book because I read it in Dutch, where they decided for some godforsaken reason to rename her Scarlett instead of Bindy.
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shima-draws · 1 year
for some reason, i remember someone (maybe the person who coined the shipname) saying lakehouse was a reference to some sort of song or show???? don't remember the exact details but like... not everyone is gonna know the reference
Yeah somebody said it's from a movie that I've literally never heard of before aklsdnsakdn
Just stick to smth that makes sense within the confines of Pokemon. Knowing the reference of a movie from 2006 isn't a universal experience
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technoxenoholic · 1 year
i am actually considering buying cheap paper envelopes in bulk to store my custom patterns in
mostly because it would be a giant pain in the ass to actually make envelopes out of the plain paper i already have. gluing the flaps by hand in a tidy way without gluing the whole inside together just seems like a nightmare
(and also i'm absolutely not paying the inflated non-bulk prices for paper envelopes are you serious)
#stfu blue#reborking is prohibited#the question is. if i do this. how many do i actually Need.#they come in 25 packs on this one site i'm looking at#i'd rather have some extra if i'm not sure but like. i don't want to buy 4x 25-packs or smth & THEN realize i only need 19 envelopes u kno?#i completely do not know how i want to do this#i have only just realized Today that oh. fuck. i'm gonna need envelopes to store my patterns in huh#if i just shove them all in a drawer all the pieces will get intermixed & damaged and that is just not happening okay. i am not doing that#but do i want to store two 'sibling' versions of a block in one envelope or two?#how many blocks am i even planning to make? how many garments can i get out of how many blocks? how many variants does each block need?#do i want to store different design element patterns together with the blocks they're made for... or separately?#these are the kinds of questions i need to work out the answers to in order to know how many envelopes i need#i need at least... knit shirt/dress block (has 2 major variants). button-up shirt/dress block (has 2 major variants/lots of sub-variation).#jeans block. soft knit pants block. non-stretch slacks block. circle skirt blocks maybe? definitely a jacket block... waistcoat block too#do i need a separate sweater block or can i just up-size my knit shirt block slightly when i make sweaters?#i'll need a separate block for overcoats... does that include the raincoat i'm planning to do? should a raincoat just get A Solo Pattern?#good grief. okay. i'm seriously gonna have to like. sit down and have A Proper Think. make a List. all that.
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blagueofchaos · 2 years
You like historical Viking shit too!?🥹
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Heck yeah!!!
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(Fun fact I searched "bro hug" to find that lol)
Yeah I'm 1/4 Norwegian and I was pretty into Norwegian history stuff growing up, and the viking era is an especially fun part of that :) We were having a viking day at work, and someday I will have one of those proper historically accurate viking dresses like the ones I was reblogging, but for now I'm pretty pleased with my loosely viking-y tunic look:
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The tunic's from like a larp/renn faire type clothing store and it's just sort of generally Nordic, but I am quite fond of it. Also if I wanted to be more historical-looking I know I should've worn like boots, but the tennies are much more comfy for a long day of work. I also have a braided leather bracelet that really would've completed the look but I could not find it for the life of me this morning and I was late already so. But, I did have my viking sword necklace from the York viking museum and some other jewelry I felt like fit the Norse beadwork aesthetic decently. Also speaking of viking swords...
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You can't just tell me it's a viking theme day and *not* expect me to bring my viking (foam larp) swords! Like, yes I know that swords were comparatively rare and only for the wealthy who devoted a significant amount of their attention to fighting vs the much more common ax which had multiple farm applications... but swords are cool. And I can be a rich warrior viking ;)
Also, "sword*s* as in plural?" you may ask... Heck yes, I reply.
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I actually left them in my car all day but I just had to have them with me, and it worked out for photoshoot purposes. This longsword is the one I use more often when I swordfight my boyfriend because having a longer sword is definitely important in combat I've learned, but both are very fun to do battle with and also both bring me great joy when I look upon them :) I do think the short sword is a touch prettier though, and the hilt is fancier:
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Plus the handle is actually leather-wrapped versus the longsword which just has a black foam grip, though I know you can't really see either very well under my hands.
So, yeah. You encounter me in the museum restroom, wyd? ;)
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There's a viral video circulating from the Fort Worth Zoo, of two keepers who ended up in a habitat at the same time as a silverback gorilla. Spoiler for good news: neither the humans nor the gorilla got hurt. It's a bad situation that ended extremely well, and that's why I want to talk about it.
The audio for this video is mostly someone praying loudly, so if you need to turn the audio off to watch it, you won't miss anything relevant. If you don't want to watch it, here's the summary: it starts with a keeper running around the corner into the main exhibit, pursued by a large male gorilla. She is quickly able to get into a doorway at the back of the exhibit, but does not completely close the door because the gorilla is standing across from her, watching. He eventually moves off to the right hand side of the exhibit, where we can see a keeper is trapped in the corner at the front. She was trying to move towards the exit as he moved to the right, and she stops, standing very still behind a tree, while he stays along the far right wall. They stay like that for a minute, and then the gorilla runs to the front right corner, and the keeper is able to run to the door in the back of the exhibit and get to safety.
Let's start with basic information. Even though it's just going viral now, this video is from October of 2023. It was taken not by a guest, but by the zoo security officer responding to the situation. Hmmm, seems like he maybe should have been doing something else during that situation, instead of than taking a phone video. It's going viral now because the guy (who is no longer employed at the zoo) decided to post it on TikTok for his five minutes of fame. This guy immediately started giving all sorts of media interviews, answering questions like "why no tranquilizers" inappropriately, making memes out of his own video, generally distasteful shit.
Zoo spokesperson Avery Elander gave a public statement that "thankfully, there was no physical contact between keepers and gorilla, and all staff and animals are safe." A comment from the zoo has also indicated that the incident was due to keeper error. (As opposed to, for instance, something in the fencing breaking.) According to the guy who posted the video, a lock was left unsecured and the gorilla was able to open the door to the habitat. I don't know if I buy it, and again, this just... is probably why he doesn't have a job anymore. By sharing that detail - real or not - he places a ton of public scrutiny and blame on that keeper team. (If that's what happened, I can promise you it will have been dealt with internally.) He also was nice enough to say he wouldn't name the women in the video... but verified they're still staffers at the zoo... which means they're eminently identifiable! Excuse me while I ragequit for a second.
So there's two reasons I wanted to talk about this. The first is to make sure it is well known that this guy is purposefully and intentionally exploiting the worst day of someone's life for media attention. Their lives were in danger, and he's using it for fame. His name is in the media articles - I'm not going to share it because he doesn't deserve that attention. The second reason, though, is because this video is a masterclass on how to survive if you end up sharing space with a gorilla. Every zoo person I've spoken to or seen comment on the video is so, so impressed with how the keepers handled themselves.
The gorilla in this video is 34-year-old Elmo. All apes in AZA zoos are managed in protected contact, so keepers are supposed to be separated from them by a barrier at all times. The zookeepers were in the habitat putting out a mid-day meal when he got out. Watching the video, you can see he's not actively being aggressive towards them - he's not making threat displays or trying to approach them. Mostly, Elmo seems like he doesn't know what is going on and he's kinda freaked out about it. (This is confirmed in the zoo's press statement, too). The staff stayed calm, and importantly, watched and waited to see how he'd move and act.
The zoo did say one thing, though, that's a bit misleading. In one article, their press person I quote as saying “In general, gorillas are considered the “gentle giants” of the great ape species.” Just because this may be true in comparison to other great ape species doesn't meant gorilla aren't still incredibly dangerous. This type of messaging always worries me, because I think it leads people to misunderstand the risks of being close to megafauna. Gorilla are extremely strong animals, and their social norms/behaviors are very different from that of humans. That's why it's such a big deal any time people end up in gorilla habitats, and why sometimes in those circumstances lethal measures have to be taken to protect human life.
These keepers are incredibly lucky to be unharmed. These women stayed safe specifically because they're trained professionals who knew how to act around gorilla, they knew this particular animal well, and they'd learned the escapes from the exhibit just in case this ever happened. We should applaud them for their cool heads and quick thinking.
As for the guy who posted the video? As a colleague put it, may he always step on a Lego.
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deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt. 5
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.6][Pt.7]
“So you’re that dead kid everyone’s talking about.”
Danny smacked a trash bag into the purple clad vigilante. “You can pick up the glass.”
“Wait, I’m just here to-”
“Bother me when I’m working? At least the litterer brings me cash. You can help clean or you can leave. Plastics go over there.”
Danny pointed at a pile of plastics, ignoring Spoiler’s bemused look. Hard to tell, really, considering her mask.
“I’ll help clean if you answer some questions!” Spoiler chirped, already moving to pick out the glass in the general trash pile Danny’s managed to gather. He nodded.
“Alright. At least you’re helping. The other one just bothers me and leaves his stuff on the beach.”
Spoiler snorted. “I’m Spoiler. Is the litterer Batman?”
“Sure. I don’t really care what his name is,” which was a complete lie, Danny was a fan. It’s just that messing with Batman (especially after he couldn’t clean up after himself, honestly!) overrode his fan behavior. “But if I catch him leaving shit in the waters again…”
Danny frowned, eyes glowing. He could feel- even with his partial tangibility, the muck of Gotham's waters seeping into his boots. It was not giving 'Live, Laugh, Love' to Danny, and he needed it gone.
“Whatever. They dropped a lot of guns down here. You can deal with those too, yeah?”
“I'm pretty sure that's evidence?!”
“If you could call it that.” Danny plucked away the Styrofoam and the hazardous (more than regular, anyways) materials away from the trash pile so Spoiler could dig through with her gloves without contracting sixteen different sorts of illnesses.
“So, what brings you to Gotham?”
Danny pointed at the water. “Came for school. Stayed because you losers polluted the water with dead bodies and gross chemicals.”
“You go to school?”
“Hey, that’s discriminatory.”
“Oops! No, sorry! I meant-”
Danny waved her off, irritably separating a bottle cap from the crushed bottle. Seriously, what’s the point of putting the cap back on if you were going to throw it in the bay anyways?
“It’s fine. How else am I supposed to learn about the advancements made in the scientific industry otherwise?”
Even if Danny wasn’t too sure that science could sure stupidity, but a halfa could dream, right?
"So... do you just... listen in on lectures?"
Danny stared at her. "What else would I do in a class??"
"Oh. I just thought since you're dead and all, you'd do something more... fun?"
"I mean, I could terrorize the local villains for kicks, if that's what you meant."
Spoiler brightened. "Actually, yeah! That would be helpful! If Mr. Freeze keeps bringing the cold during my latte Thursdays, I'm gonna snap and wring his cold little chicken neck."
Danny snorted. "Alright. I will keep an eye out for this Mr. Freeze." Danny paused. "Hey, tell your friend to come down and help us."
"What- oh. Black Bat!" Stephanie waved her partner down. Black Bat gracefully slipped down towards the bay, casually knocking out two goons gunning for Spoiler.
'Careful,' Black Bat signed.
"Thanks!" Spoiler bounced on the heels of her feet. She swept an arm out. "Wanna help?"
Black Bat tilted her head and, after placing Danny under quick but thorough scrutiny, nodded.
'You can get the salvageable stuff. Anything you can't lift, leave to me.' Danny signed clumsily, placing emphasis on can't.
"You know sign language?"
"I'm not too good at it, I just learned this version."
He knew ghost-sign first, after all.
"Chop, chop. I don't have all night."
Danny learned that Black Bat had the skill to knock cans into their designated piles if he threw them in the air so she could kick at them.
"You two can come back anytime."
Spoiler whooped while Black Bat leaned back, smug.
"Wait, tell the litterer he owes me $200. He was short last time."
"...Are you telling me Batman owes you money?"
"Yeah. He might be in financial straights, so I gave him some lee-way."
Black Bat and Spoiler looked at each other.
"Hey, so guess what I learned about sea boy!"
Bruce's head swiveled to her with startling intensity. The rest of the clan tuned in.
"He knows sign language! Maybe he even knows ancient sign language! And goes to school, but since he's like, dead, he could only listen to the lectures."
"Bruce, Bruce, do not start a ghost-education plan. Stop. We don't even know if he even-" Dick tackled Bruce, who was already writing a petition as Bruce Wayne to give partial credit to students that diligently goes to class.
"Oh, yeah!" Stephanie shouted over the unraveling chaos. "He promised to fuck with our Rogues for a bit so we can get a break! And we also got a bunch of guns!"
"Where? Gimme!" Jason demanded.
"Do not give Todd more firearms!" Damian cut in.
"Also!" Stephanie grinned as Cass shook with laughter. "Batman's a debtor! He owes Phantom $200!"
"Ain't no fucking way." Tim cackled. "Hear that Bruce? That's karma! For not defending me when he called me broke!"
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remi-thirsts · 15 days
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pairing: gojo, geto, choso, and toji x fem!reader (separate) summary: celeb!au where the boys are interviewed and asked a pretty personal question ! (I took nanami out bc I don't think he would want to share your business with the world) content: kinda suggestive, established relationships, allusions to sexual themes, mentions of dacryphyilia in toji's, pet names, cursing, celebrity!au (model, singer, actor, etc) wc: 1.4k
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"Yes, yes! Thank you for joining us today, Gojo-san. All of your fans are excited to see you play the new lead role in this upcoming movie!" For the past hour Gojo has been answering questions many of his fans have with an interviewer who has gathered some of the most asked questions.
"Next question!" The women exclaims excitedly, when she reads the card she pauses in shock, "Um.. who put this card in there...?" Now the white haired actor was curious.
"Well, what does it say? I'm sure it can't be that bad." His cocky attitude is showing, but a huge percentage of his fans like when he's like this. It makes fantasizing him all the more creative and exciting; or so you hear.
"Uh...uh. Um-" She remembers the camera is rolling, and this is live TV. "Many fans know you have a girlfriend and a lot of them want to ask,
"What is your favorite position?"
Gojo knew his PR team would probably get on his ass for answering this question instead of moving on to a different one but he doesn't care- at all.
"This is a tough one... hm. I guess if I had to choose I'd say cowgirl. I love the way she rides," he pauses for a second before continuing with excitement, "She's hella good at it too! Every time I watch her bounce on it my eyes about roll to the back of my-"
"OKAY. Thank you, Mr. Gojo!" She interrupts, quickly turning to the camera with a very forced smile.
"There you have it! We'll be back after a brief commercial break!"
Your boyfriend, Suguru, started a podcast about his music life with his band mates two years ago. Since his group already had quite a huge fan base, it was no surprise they took to their podcast with excitement.
Usually the group would talk about funny backstage stories or moments where their performances were almost ruined. Today they're doing a Q&A, the questions that are most asked will be answered first, while less popular questions will be answered later.
"Oh shit, people wanna know Suguru." He quirks an eyebrow, the raven haired male leans his mic towards his lips so the people can hear his voice.
"Know what?" A sly smirk forms on his face because he knows there could be at least a million things 'the people wanna know.'
"They wanna know what's your favorite position to have your girl in." The lead singer snickers whilst asking the question. Suguru clicks his tongue and taps on the desk a few times.
"I really like to have her legs behind her head cuz I can reach really deep that way."
"Sooo, mating press?" Their lead singer is just as nosy as their fans so of course he's gonna press on.
"Hell yeah, man." Some of them clap and others laugh at Suguru's openness.
You were really busy but you decided to tune into your boyfriend's podcast after a bunch of people tagged you on twitter to go listen to today's episode.
When you hear Suguru tell all 2 million of his podcast listeners what position he likes to fuck you in, you scream into your pillow and turn into a giggling mess.
He never knows how to keep his mouth shut, and you love it.
You're laying on your boyfriend's bed listening to him play his game. Choso's a big time streamer at this point. Four years ago when he started his fan base was quite small and he just enjoyed the few who would join his gaming streams. Now, Choso streams as work and he still loves it just as much as he had long ago.
"Thank you for the tip 'prettyem0b0y22'," Usually Choso reads aloud whatever message they leave with their tips but he hesitates this time.
"Uh- you don't really expect me to answer that, right? She's laying on the bed right now."
That statement immediately grabs your attention, you glance at his monitor screens, trying to get a peek at whatever his fan was asking of him.
It seems plenty of others want to know the answer to this question too because the chat starts speeding up, meaning that they're spamming.
"Guys come on, I'll turn chat off if you guys don't stop." Choso is as scary as a cute little kitten, so they just keep at it, and now you're curious too. What could possibly be that bad that he didn't want to answer it and to be fair he has answered some pretty crazy questions before.
"Indulge me Cho, what did 'prettyem0b0y22' wanna know?" His head swings so fast he could have gotten whiplash from it. His cheeks are burning pink and his brows furrow in confusion.
"I promise it wasn't anything crazy, don't worry about it." Oh, you're worrying about it alright. His strange behavior prompts you to spring up off the bed and walk your way over to his desk.
Instead of just taking a quick look at the chat, you make yourself comfortable in your boyfriend's lap. Obviously the chat goes absolutely crazy when they see you make this gesture. Choso is no doubt embarrassed but he slings an arm around your waist anyway.
"So what was the question he couldn't answer in front of me?" Prettyem0b0y22 wastes no time sending another hefty tip.
"I asked him what's his fav postion with you." When you read the whole thing aloud some giggles leave your lips.
"He likes when I ride him while facing him. For what reason? He's a titty man." Choso gasps as you expose both of you. The risks are high, anyone, literally anyone could see this clip and think something about you, but you don't care. It's your body and his, people don't have power over how you two interact with each other.
The chat explodes with all kinds of things, most are shocked emojis, while others are spamming the cherry emoji. Luckily, Choso's moderator team puts slow chat on and does a few other precautions to settle the situation.
"Baby- I- what if your family sees this? Or worse your boss?!" His concern is absolutely adorable.
"Well I guess I'd have to start a streaming channel of my own?" Everyone in his chat is totally on board with that idea. They've seen you play for Choso before and they think your commentary on games is quite funny.
"I don't want you to lose your job though." This time he whines in pure worry.
"I won't, baby. It'll be alright. Don't overthink it."
Toji's got what people want to see in model catalogs and magazines. The slutty waist, the well defined but not too defined muscles, his beautiful eyes and long lashes. Toji is a picture perfect model, which is what landed him his modeling gig and even a whole career a few years later.
A journalist, who's particularly interested in his dating life more than his modeling career asks him a bunch of dating related questions.
Some have speculated that Toji was dating, but he neither confirmed nor denied those allegations. You and Toji agreed to keep your relationship on the down low, because having a bunch of strangers in your personal business was not desirable.
The journalist woman words the questions in a way of inference.
"Assuming you had a girlfriend, Fushiguro-sama. What would your favorite position in bed be?" At first Toji groans but then when he registers the question he decides he'll answer it hypothetically when in reality it is something he likes to do with you.
"Hypothetically speaking, if I had a girlfriend my favorite position with her would be missionary, because I'd want to look at her pretty face when she's cryin' on my cock." The journalist writes that down, Toji knows everything he says will be censored but the people will still be able to figure it out.
"Missionary, really? Many people online have guessed you were a doggy-style kind of guy. Based off of your twitter statement that said and I quote 'Love it when her ass is phat. Love squeezing that thing.' End quote"
Toji lets out a deep laugh before answering the woman, "Doggy-style is for people I don't care about, people I don't want to look at, my girl- if I had a girl, she wouldn't be just any fuck."
More theories start to surface after Toji's slip up of words, and that's okay, because they don't know you and you don't know them.
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divider: @/plutism
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
Asmo: In every seduction exam we had, MC would ace them without a problem~.
Azul, Jamil, and Leona: ...
Azul: Interesting. Do you have any photos to prove that?
Asmo: Photos? We don't have those, dear~.
Leona: *looks a bit disappointed*
Jamil: *gives Leona a side eye*
Asmo: But we have videos~.
Azul: My! How convenient!
MC: *walks into the room, carrying some boxes* What's convenient?
Asmo: Darling~ Can I watch with your besties in my room~?
MC: Sure. But for the love of the whole Devildom, Asmo, don't make them watch anything questionable.
Leona: We're not kids.
Azul: Indeed!
MC: ...
MC: Azul, that face-
Jamil: Mr. Asmodeus wants to show the videos of the seduction exams you took.
MC: ...
MC: Asmo-
Asmo: You have already given your permission, darling~
MC: Why you-
Lucifer: MC, you need to check on Levi and Idia.
MC: Huh? Why?
Lucifer: Levi is on the verge of summoning Lotan.
MC: *facepalm* I'll be there in a second. Asmo-
*Asmo, Azul, Leona, and Jamil have already left.*
MC: ...
Lucifer: MC.
MC: Yes, yes. I will go there now. Luci, keep an eye on Malleus for me, okay?
Lucifer: Oh. Don't worry about him. He's doing well with Beel and Belphie now.
Belphie: I see.
Beel: So you're not a threat at all.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: What does that mean?
Lilia: Yes. He's only said that he's a prince and an heir to the throne.
Belphie: Yeah. I mean, we have a prince too back in Devildom.
Beel: Lord Diavolo is his name.
Belphie: He's MC's lover too.
Beel: But he could barely spend time with them.
Belphie: He was too busy.
Lilia: That sounds tough.
Malleus: Even so... How did they become lovers?
Beel and Belphie: ...
Belphie: Because of Lucifer.
Beel: Yes. Because of Lucifer.
Lilia: *understanding it immediately*
Lilia: I didn't know MC also works that way.
Malleus: Huh?
Vil: I don't like how we are separated by sins.
Riddle: Yes. Why was I grouped with Mr. Satan, Grim, and Cater?
MC: ...
MC: I'm not gonna answer that.
MC: Anyway, has anyone seen Mammon and the others-
MC: *received a call from him*
MC: Hello?
Mammon: Yo, MC. Uh. Is it okay if we do a separate party?
MC: ...
MC: What do you mean?
Mammon: I'm jamming with your buddies.
MC: Hmm. Yeah. It's okay-
Ace, Deuce, and Epel: I'M JUST CRAZY FOR YOU!
Kalim: *the sound of him and the others cheering*
MC: ...
MC: Call me again if you need some food or something.
Mammon: Okay~. *hangs up*
Vil: Was that Epel and the other two potatoes?
MC: Yes. How about we enjoy this party too?
Riddle: I walked past Mr. Asmodeus's room earlier.
MC: Right. I almost forgot about THAT.
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Kinktober (3)- Age Difference
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Wanda X Reader 18+
Summary: Separated from the rest of the group, you and Wanda find the perfect opportunity in the kitchen to have some alone time.
Warnings/Tags: SMUT MDNI, Mommy Kink, Oral and fingering (W receiving), Power Bottom Wanda, Implied cheating
Kinktober Masterlist
"Uh I don't think so young lady," your aunt, Natasha, says teasingly, taking the glass of wine you just picked up out of your hand. She simply raised her eyebrow at you, taking a sip herself of the drink as she watched with fake glare.
"Oh come on Nat," you grumbled, leaning back into your seat as your aunt chuckled at you, Wanda also laughing at the display. "Surely I can have one drink ," you stare at her with your best puppy eyes, hoping that even though you're an adult she'll give into the oldest trick in the book.
"You can have a drink when you're twenty one," she says with no room for challenge in her tone, yet you decide to try anyway, what's the worst she can do? Pour it on you?
"Please, everyone else is drinking," you motion to Wanda and Vision who sit together on the couch, Maria who sits in an arm chair and to Yelena who is casually sipping her beer while on her phone, most likely texting her girlfriend Kate. "And I'm basically twenty one, It's only two months."
"Well if it's only two months, I'm sure you can wait," she takes another large sip to taunt you, smirking over the rim of the glass as you groan in annoyance at her. "Also everyone else here is at least over twenty one."
"More like over thirty," you grumble, earning a real glare this time. "Fine," pushing yourself to your feet, you start heading towards the kitchen, "I'll go get myself a drink suitable for a twenty year old." You hear a chorus of laughter and shake your head while making your way through the house.
When you arrive at the kitchen you head straight to the fridge hoping to find something to drink and take back to the group. You frown when all you can see are juice boxes and groan when you remember this is Wanda and Visions house so everything is catered for children. Mumbling a small, "Fuck it," you grab two blackcurrant juice boxes and place one on the counter top while stabbing the straw through the other. You got lost in your thoughts as you moodily drank one of the twins drinks, jumping when a pair of arms wrapped around your middle.
"Hey Detka," she whispers into your ear, body flush against your back. "Enjoying the drink?" she teases making you groan once again, turning in her hold to face her. You stare up at the older woman, admiring her features as she smiles softly at you. Your mouth opens to make a snarky remark but your voice dies down when you feel her hands drift towards your ass and face lower, her lips now ghosting yours. "How about I give you something that tastes a lot better than any drink you can have?" she rasps out, accent delicately wrapping around her words.
"What about Vision?" you murmur, losing yourself in her darkening green eyes.
"He's too busy telling the others a work story," she slowly turns the two of you around, her now leaning against the marble countertop of her kitchen. "So?" one hand cups your jaw, tilting your face upwards to look at her better, "Do you want to make Mommy feel good?"
You lean forward to capture her lips, groaning at the lingering taste of alcohol on her lips and move your hands to hold her waist. You feel her tongue slide over your bottom lip, not hesitating to part your lips to allow her tongue to slide in and dominate your mouth. You groan into the kiss when her hands move up your body, one resting casually on your neck.
"We don't have time to play Detka," she murmurs between kisses before pulling back, "Be a good girl for Mommy and kneel." You practically drop to your knees at her sultry voice, staring up at her with lust-filled eyes as your hands slowly creep up her legs. When you reach the hem of her skirt you stop, the silent question in your eyes answered when she nods and threads a hand through your hair. Swiftly, you lift the skirt so your head can meet her core and groan quietly to yourself when you see she's not wearing any panties, her arousal dripping from her.
"Fuck Mommy, you're so beautiful," you mutter while place a few kisses on her thighs before leaning forwards to lick a stripe up her core.
"Shit Detka," she moans quietly, hands gripping the countertop till her knuckles start to bleed white. "Do you know how turned on Mommy was when she saw you earlier?" her voice breathy as she tries to control her volume, your tongue swirling over her clit not helping her stay quiet. "I was so tempted to drag you into the bathroom and have you on your knees like now, fucking me with that perfect little mouth of yours." You groan into her pussy at her words, one of your hands raising to her core so you could tease her entrance with your fingers. At the same time, you suck hard on her clit and thrust a finger into her, one of her hands clamping over her mouth to muffle the moan that erupted from the back of her throat. "That's it Detka, you're making Mommy feel so good," she praises quickly before placing her hand back over her mouth as you curl your finger inside her.
Your tongue continues to swirl around her clit as you add another finger into her, thrusting both digits into her mercilessly as you're addicted to the sound of the muffled moans echoing around the room.
"You taste so good Mommy," you murmur before pulling your fingers out, earning a low groan in response before a choked moan when you thrust your tongue into her. You relentlessly thrust it into her while your fingers go to her clit, circling it in time with the way you curl your tongue inside her to have her legs shake slightly as she supports herself with the countertop.
" God Detka, " she groans out, "Right there, fuck I'm gonna come." You feel her clench around your tongue, legs trembling by your head as her orgasm washes over her. You moan into her when you feel her cum coat your tongue and help her ride out her aftershocks by slowly circling her clit. Her hands gently push you away when she gets too sensitive, you sitting back on your feet as you look up at her with a dazed smile, her arousal all over your mouth. She pulls you up by the collar of your shirt and crashes her lips to yours, moaning into your mouth at the taste of herself. "Good girl," she praises one last time before she lets you clean your face off with a washcloth and tidies her appearance up.
"How's the drink coming along?" Natasha says while Maria wraps her arm around her middle, both of them holding empty wine glasses as they stroll into the kitchen. They pause in their tracks when they see you with a straw in your mouth, your hand holding the other juice box as you finished the first, while your cheeks seemingly flushed with embarrassment.
"Oh my god!" Maria exclaimed while Natasha burst out into laughter, placing down her glass so she wouldn't drop it. You scowled as they started to tease you for drinking a child's drink, defending yourself as best you could but to no avail. You grumbled under your breath before turning your gaze to Wanda who had a soft smile that lessened your bad mood.
You made your way out of the kitchen to avoid any more teasing but stopped at the door of the living room when Wanda grabbed your hand.
"Meet me later for your reward, you were such a good girl for Mommy."
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pomefioredove · 25 days
heyyy! i really love your writing🥹🥹 btw can i request a hc with riddle and jamil (separated) with gn!reader who’s very lazy and they have a test and only study the morning before the test? but somehow pass?? i wanna see their reaction
anyway sorry if i made any mistakes, this is my very first request and english is not my first language😔 it’s fine if you can’t do it!!
no worries! this is a great request, their reactions would be very funny
summary: reader miraculously passes a test they last-minute studied for type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, jamil additional info: platonic or romantic, reader is not specified to be yuu, reader is gender neutral, not proofread
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Jamil knew that it wasn't his place to judge
after all, being raised with the al-Asims, he'd been taught to keep his bitter thoughts to himself
but something about your carelessness reminded him all too much of Kalim
...okay... maybe you weren't exactly partying, or spacing out, but your complete lack of conviction is almost identical
and, so, Jamil decides to give you a word of advice the day before the big exam
"Worried about tomorrow's History of Magic test?"
he even gives you a big smile, trying to play it off as a casual question
you shrug. "Eh, not really,"
"If I were you, I'd be a little more concerned. The grading system is very strict at NRC,"
and with that, he's gone
his sly remark, spoken as if in friendly conversation, leaves him feeling a little more satisfied with himself
he doesn't even feel irked when Kalim nearly sleeps through the test, or when he forgets his notes, or when he absent-mindedly reads the questions aloud during...
in fact, Jamil is quite confident that in any case, you'll do much worse than Kalim, which saves the both of them
after the exam scores are posted in the hall, you find him
"What did you get?"
Jamil hates answering these kinds of questions, especially knowing that he could be in the top of the class if he was allowed to try. "Passing. And you?"
"Well..." you smile. "I really thought about what you said, so I studied this morning."
Jamil's sour mood at his own score seems to lighten
you studied the morning of the exam? oh, this was going to be rich
"...And I got full marks!"
you show him the paper and it takes all his strength to keep his usual poker face
otherwise, his jaw would drop
"How did... how?"
you shrug. "Good study plan, I guess,"
"Hmph," he crosses his arms. "Well, then... you'll have to come tutor Kalim sometime. What works for you must work for him,"
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Riddle spends the entire week pestering you about studying
"I just don't feel like it," you groan
goodness. you sound just like that terrible Floyd...
"It's not a matter of want, it's a matter of need. This exam counts for a significant amount of your grade!"
"Eh... I'll just wing it,"
wing it?! oh, now you've really done it
"Consider yourself lucky for not being a part of Heartslabyul. I would have your head for that!"
and then he storms out. how graceful!
when he sees you the following afternoon, that calm, unbothered look of yours is still on your face. it drives him mad
"If I were you, I'd be praying," he says. he's almost smug about it
Riddle earns full points on every exam- it's just a given. he's sure that the two of you will be on polar opposites of the grade spectrum once the results are posted
you shrug. "Yeah, about that... I thought about what you said, and decided that I don't want to have to retake this class. So I studied this morning,"
he almost smirks. "One last-minute cram won't be enough to raise your grade above failing, I'm afraid. But perhaps this will serve as a lesson, next time you-"
Riddle stops dead in his tracks as Trein posts the exam results on the wall behind you
his eyes widen
"Full... full marks?! We're in the same percent!? How is that possible?!"
You chuckle as his face goes all red, both frustrated and flustered
"Hey, you should count this as a victory for yourself. You give great advice,"
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allfearstofallto · 3 months
Prying Eyes
Yandere Scaramouche x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Synopsis: Such things as privacy don't exist when you're married to Scaramouche
TW: yandere, obsessive themes, violence, oral (m. receiving), non-con, very harsh words (just Scara talking)
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You always appreciated the fact that Scaramouche let you have a separate bedroom. When you asked for it, head bowed and hands trembling in fear of how he'd respond, you remember thinking that he'd punish you for not wanting to be in his presence every hour of the day.
But much to your surprise, he merely thought on it for a second, then nodded, “Yes, that would be fine.”
Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. You wholly went into this expecting him to say no, and you thought he was going to. There was no harm in asking, you told yourself, but there was harm. Scaramouche had the most ruthless punishments for you, his “doting wife,” and you were subjecting yourself to the idea of one, just for the opportunity, the opportunity that you actually got.
“Are-are you sure, my lord?” You stuttered, you weren't sure if he'd heard you correctly and your mouth went dry knowing that he could take this back away from you thinking it as a misunderstanding.
“Must you constantly ask questions?” He sighed in annoyance, “I agreed upon it so it will be done. Go and bring me a maid.”
You turned on your heels quickly while also trying not to seem to excited. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest, you were sure it would lurch out of your throat.
Your hand was nearly on the sliding door when he spoke again, “Wait,” he ordered. And you did. Still as a board and stuck in place. His word was law. He said jumpand you'd ask how high. He said wait and you didn't dare ask how long. If you were waiting for him, you were expected to be enthusiastic about it.
You looked back to face his, his expression still as unreadable as usual, “Yes, my lord?”
“You've forgotten something,” his finger was gently patting his delicate cheek.
A kiss was pressed against his face, something he seemed to enjoy from you. But there was a little more emotion pit into it this time, a bit of a more expressive kiss on his cheek, showing how happy this made you. And the slight blush on his face told you that he was happy too.
Your room was at the very end of the hall. It wasn't your room just yet. There were no empty spaces in the balladeer's home, a former supply closet was to be cleaned out for you. But anything was better than nothing.
Of course, nothing was without it's rules and Scaramouche had a few. If he requested you spend the night in his bed, you would, no ifs ands or buts. Your room was also to stay open to him, if he wanted entry, he'd have it, no matter the time of day. And lastly, he didn't want you to spend all day in your room. You were still expected to come out and wander the house, and most specifically, greet him throughout the day.
All of those rules sounded like nothing to you, easy feats considering how strict Scara typically was with you.
“I'm doing this for you because I want to trust you. Do you understand?” he said the day your room was completed. His words fell on deaf ears as you looked over the area in awe. Scaramouche spared no expenses when it came to you and it showed in the expensive, handcrafted furniture that was given to you as well.
His eyebrow twitched in annoyance at your lack of a response and to get your attention back, he grabbed you by the cheeks and made you look at him, “Just as easily as this was given to you, it can be taken away. This is a privilege, not a right,”
“Yes, my lord, I apologize,”
Your answer was enough to suffice and he released you, but not without swiping a finger across your lips first, a sign that he was going to want more than a kiss on the cheek later.
Much to your surprise, he left you to your own vices. Saying he'd see you at dinner and to enjoy your room. Those words were by far the best thing he could ever say to you, that and “I'm sorry for thinking that I was in love with you, you're free to go.” But that would never happen.
You sat at the desk you were gifted, the chair was possibly the most comfy place you'd sat your butt. Thick and soft enough to sleep in if you truly wanted to. And you did want to. You wanted to do whatever you wanted to, because he wasn't there to stop you.
Your journal was pulled from where you'd hidden it on your body. For the longest time, your journal was your solace. It was a little booklet that you'd found in Scaramouche's office and it was where you stored your thoughts, your escape plans, where you screamed into the void and didn't let the void scream back. It was your only comfort.
The book was flipped open and placed on the desk and you began to write in it. All your thoughts, all your feelings, everything was in this book. You were never truly one for writing before you got in this situation, but after, words were all you had.
There was a gentle knock at your door. The fact that someone was knocking at all told you that it wasn't Scaramouche. Your book was placed into a drawer, the first place you could think to hide it, and you told the person to come in.
“Good evening, my lady,” a maid bowed to you. All the maids in the manor looked the same. That's because that's what Scara wanted. They had the same haircut and they wore the same clothes and shoes. When they moved around, they kept their heads lowered to obscure their faces and they all spoke in a whispery tone, it was like he'd managed to hire the exact same woman thirty times.
“Good evening,” you replied back. You didn't bow to her in return. No matter how much your husband berated and scolded you, he insisted that you were better than the employees, and that you were not to lower your head to them.
“The Lord requests your presence in the dining room,” she said in a hushed tone, “He would like to eat dinner now.”
You looked out the window, by the way the sun hung in the sky, it didn't even seem close to dinner time, “Now?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“The Lord will be leaving for a trip before nightfall, he wants to partake in his dinner early and he wants you there with him,”
Of course his selfishness would force you to have to eat your dinner early as well. But you didn't complain, it was not like there was anything the maid could do anyways. You stepped up from your chair and walked past her. In your disappointment and anger at having to leave your little safe space, you didn't notice that she'd lingered behind.
Scaramouche left that night after dinner, another one of those many trips he took that you weren't allowed to join him on. Fifteen nights of peace, as you called it, fifteen nights of your own thoughts and feelings.
But all good things had to come to an end, and he returned home on the sixteenth day, bearing his usual gift of a flower from whatever nation he visited and a new tea for you to drink.
“Did you miss me?” He asked with an arm around your waist and you resisted the urge to gag in his face.
“Always, my lord,” was your answer instead.
You watched as he walked up the stairs and to his office, then you went back to your own room. The whole time you were gone, that's where you tried to stay as much as possible. Between your mandatory lessons that Scaramouche made you take in etiquette and skills, there was time to sit and enjoy the peace of your room. To bask in a sunlight that felt like your own, to write in your journal without the fear of him peeking over your shoulder.
Another knock at your door and a maid stepped into your room, “Good evening, my lady. The Lord requests that you bed with him tonight.”
You sighed. That was all you could do. Just sigh and take it. In order to keep the “luxury” of your own bedroom, you had to do what he ordered. And what he ordered was his night of bedding together.
If it wasn't for his piss poor personality, stalkerish tendencies, and jealousy to the point of obsession, the indigo haired man would actually be rather attractive. That's what you thought as you stepped into his bedroom and saw him sitting on the bed, his kimono open, and his eyes on you hungrily. Skin like porcelain and sharp eyes that practically shone in moonlight.
“Come. Sit with me,” he patted the bed beside him. Your steps were with purpose, head held high while you made your way across the room. You sat next to him as he ordered, then wrapped your arms around his thin waist and rested your head on his lap, facing away from him. He didn't ask for that, but he always loved when you went above and beyond for him.
“That room of yours must be rather pleasant, you've been agreeable lately,” he spoke while patting your head.
“I enjoy it, my lord,”
He merely hummed and continued to pat you. Against your cheek, you could feel him hardening in his pants, the last sign you needed that this would not turn into a night of just sleeping until sunrise.
“Am I…satisfying you tonight, my lord,” you asked quietly and hoped that the answer would be no.
“You wish to taste the cum that makes you wish that you could slice your own tongue off?”
His words were spoken so casually, so calm and collected, that you almost didn't register what he'd said. But sure enough, he'd said it. Said a sentence that sounded familiar to you. Said something that you'd written.
“i-i apologize, my lord, but I believe I misheard you?” You began to raise your head from his lap, but his hand on the back of your head changed from loving pets to firmly gripping your hair, and your face was pushed back down.
“Misheard? No. I think I read every word correctly,” you opened your mouth to speak, but he continued talking, “Sex with me makes you disgusted, you couldn't get aroused if you tried.”
Every word made his grip on your hair get tighter and tighter, until it felt like he was going to rip your scalp from your skulls. Tears welled in your eyes. From the pain, from the fear, from the shock. He truly knew everything you'd written, even if he wasn't around.
“W-wait! Please! My lord!” You sobbed, but he didn't falter. Tears soaked the fabric of his hakama, yet his erection was still hard and twitching, your face being pushed even closer to it.
He continued to speak as he opened his pants, freeing his cock and rubbing it against your trembling lips, “But your disgust with me isn't all that's there, is it?” You whimpered as the salty precum forced its way into your mouth, mixing with your tears until you couldn't tell the taste of the two apart anymore, “Answer me!”
“N-no-” there wasn't even an opportunity to finish what you were saying, the second your mouth was open for more than crying, he forced his way into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat immediately.
“You were going to leave me weren't you. You were going to try to,” he spoke between pants as he fucked your mouth, still gripping your hair so tightly it was giving you a headache, “I'll give you credit, some of those ideas were thought on for a long time. Seducing a guard? My, aren't you a minx?”
You gagged and choked on his dick, sobbing between every thrust, but trying not to black out at the same time. Every time he fucked into the back of your throat, you saw stars behind your eyes, all you could do was breathlessly beg around his cock for him to stop, to forgive you.
Your head was held down, keeping his length all the way down your throat. The way you sputtered didn't deter him, his grip didn't loosen, even when you hit and scratched his thighs.
A tear was wiped from your eyes. A gesture that would've been considered tender, but his other actions made it seem meaningless, “You really are a stupid little thing,” he degraded you in such a sweet, but vicious tone. With your head still pressed flush against his lap, he started a slower pace of thrusting his hips up into your mouth, “You truly think that you can get away from me? That you can pretend to hate me? I'm merciful to only you, yet you don't appreciate it.”
His cock twitched inside your mouth a few times, followed by a loud groan from him. He threw his head back, gasping as his body twitched through an orgasm. His cum shot out of his cock too quickly for you to even attempt to swallow it down and there was so much, it spilled from your lips.
You could only imagine what you looked like when your head was pulled from his cock, your face covered in tears, drool, and cum. You were panting and sobbing, still trying to beg for his forgiveness.
“Your room will be locked and your little diary destroyed,” he used his still firm grip on your head to make you look at you, “You'll burn the book yourself and I want you to be the one to lock the door, it's only fair.”
Through little hics and sobs, you could only ask one question, “H-how…?” How did he know? How did he find out?
“I'll have eyes on you, always on you, for as long as you live,”
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c-nstantine · 3 months
The Key to Marriage With Bruce and Y/N Wayne
Description: Interview with Mr. & Mrs. Wayne
Warnings: allusions to sex
Word Count: 0.9k
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Q: How do you guys spice up your marriage?
"I don't think we should say," Bruce said, looking at his wife with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"We could not name names," Y/N suggested with a shrug before looking at her husband. She always loved these kinds
"Alright, go ahead," Bruce nodded. That should be good enough.
"Sometimes we invite others into the bedroo- Oh, shit, are the kids watching this one?" Y/N realized as she slapped her manicured hand across her mouth.
"Dick and Jason, please make sure all of your siblings are asleep," Bruce spoke, looking directly into the camera. However, somewhere some woman's ovaries collapsed because she felt as if Bruce Wayne's eyes were piercing through whatever device she was watching the interview on.
"But, yeah. We invite others. Not in an open relationship way but in a community effort way," Y/N tried to specify.
"It's usually our friends. We have invited a few of our exes, though," He spoke fondly as he remembered the time they shared a bed with Clark and Lois or the other time with Oliver and Dinah.
"Do you remember your fiftieth?" For Bruce's 50th birthday, Y/N had arranged for a fivesome between her, Diana, Selina, Talia, and Bruce. At certain times, it felt like she enjoyed it more than he did but he was more than happy by the end of the night. Well three nights, considering that Y/N booked it on their private island.
"We had a time that night, as the kids would say." Bruce chuckled to himself. To him, it was one of the greatest presents ever.
Q: Y/N, why did you take Bruce back after finding out about Damian?
"That's a great question. I'm not going to pretend I wasn't hurt by his actions. We were separated for a little bit," She started to tear up when she remembered how betrayed she initially felt. She got over it eventually but it took some time.
"It was the worst five months of my life. I didn't deserve to be forgiven but she forgave me anyway. She never held it against Damian either. Even when she wasn't talking to me, she made sure he was okay with being in a new environment." Bruce reached for her hand and linked their pinkies. He never wanted her to feel that way again.
"Oh, don't worry. I had my fun during those five months but I do love my husband and he loves me," She nodded while looking into his eyes.
Q: When did you two know you were in love?
"The moment I saw her," Bruce lacked hesitation as he answered. He never had a doubt in his mind about Y/N. He loved her so much that it pained him to leave her.
"Bruce?" She questioned. She never knew that was when he fell in love with her. He didn't say 'I love you' until after eight months of dating and their first time having sex.
"What? It's true. The first time I saw you was in a coffee shop, and I knew then that one day, somehow, I'd be with you," He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Mine is a little less poetic. It was the first time we had showered together. It was just so perfect, intimate, and he wasn't afraid to be vulnerable with me," She said softly and began to twiddle with a knotless braid that framed her face.
Q: Do you guys have celebrity crushes or hall passes?
"Mine is Wonder Woman," Y/N said immediately. It was no big secret that both of the Waynes had a huge crush on Diana. Bruce was simply better at denying it.
"I don't have one," He lied but Y/N decided not to press him on it. His real celebrity crush was probably Zatanna and that's why Y/N was arranging that threesome next.
"You do know I would leave you for her, right?" She egged on.
"Oh I am well aware," Bruce admitted with a slight smirk playing on his lips.
Q: Do you have favorite kids?
"I don't think we do. I think the kids think we do, but we don't," Y/N looked to her husband for confirmation and nodded in agreement.
"They only really accuse us when they are trying to get out of trouble," Bruce admitted.
"Dick is somehow always around when someone is about to be punished and he's like 'You'd never let me get away with that'," She said mimicking her oldest son.
Q: Do the kids prefer a parent?
"I do think the kids have a favorite parent," Y/N said tilting her head while looking at her husband. Bruce snorted, before raising an eyebrow.
"Y/N is the favorite parent," Bruce said with a teasing smile.
"Maybe but Martha and Cass are total Daddy's girls," She rolled her eyes.
"They do have me wrapped around their finger just like their mother," Bruce gestured to his wife before ending the interview.
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Taglist: @flyestvenustrap @megamindsecretlair @blxckdesire @prettyvintageafternoon @lilbanas @certifiedloverwoman @melissa-ashe @hoyoooo
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robin374 · 4 months
*throws u silly HCS ideas yet again aggressively*
Adam x Sweet angel reader
basically reader is the most sweet person u can encounter, like always complementing Adam, giving him hand made gifts and etc, and then theres Adam.
wanna know how this dynamic will go
luv ya
Character: Adam x reader (Romantic)
Notes: I'M BACK, I've finally finished my exams YIPPIE
Summary: Reader is a sweetheart and Adam somehow falls in love with them.
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I'm pretty sure that he's always trying to make you angry in some way. For example, he will be trying to annoy you all the time, and you will answer him with a sweet smile asking him if he's happy that day because he seems more enegertic.
We all know that he sometimes says really morally questionable things, so whenever you hear him say those things you will hit the back of his head and scold him.
At first he thought that your kind and sweet nature was a sign of weakness, because well, he's always around Lute and the Exorcist angels. However, when he saw you ruining someone's day with just a smile and two sarcastic but bold phrases, all those negative thoughts about you dissapeared. Now you have a supportive angel behind you everytime you argue with someone. And with supportive I mean that he's flipping the other angel off while saying "That's right, bitch!" or "You tell ém, sugar tits!"
Yeah, he's pretty obvious with his crush on you, and he's not ashamed. He told Lute about it, she was bit confused at first, like... She's sure that your blood is pure sugar, how could he fall in love with you? You're the total opposite. But, she was happy that Adam found someone after the events with Lillith and Eve...
He's a bit insecure of those events, I mean, he's afraid that Lucifer goes to heaven and steal you away from him. Then, he realizes that you don't even know about the exterminations. He won't tell you, and if you were at the council when Charlie tried to talk to Heaven's leaders. He will be very afraid that you turn against him, that you see him as a monster. Of course, you don't want to accpet that he's been killing souls, even if they are in Hell, they don't desever to die permanentely.
He tried to apologize telling you that those souls desever it, they were in hell for a reason, right? You told him that as long as he didn't kill any children or people who didn't really deseve it, you would let him go down to Hell. If not, you would tell Sera and even God about it and forbid him to go to Hell.
Before the extermination he wanted to talk to you in private. "I want to tell you something, sweetcheeks." You looked at him with a smile. "I... Sorry, you..." For the first time in centuries he was at a loss of words. So, he decided to kiss your lips. It was a bit aggressive at first, but when you softly put your hands in his cheeks his tensed up body loosened a bit. When you separated, you looked at golden eyes, which were looking at you softly. You caressed his cheek, you knew that Hell was going to fight back in that extermination, you knew that he was in danger. "Just don't die, please." You whispered. "I won't die, sugar. I'm Adam, the Adam, the original dick! They can't kill me." He said while hugging you. The, he put his helmet on and flew off to Hell. You gave Lute a gaze that asked her to protect him.
What you didn't expect was to see Lute without an arm. You rapidly rushed to her and started to treat her wounds. While you were stitching up her arm, she took something from a bag. It was a halo similar to Adam's. Suddenly you felt a knot in your throat, was he dead? The look that Lute gave you told you everything. "I tried... But... I'm so sorry..."
You took his halo and put it next to your heart. Tears were falling from your eyes, Lute didn't know what to do, should she comfort you? Should she walk away? Call someone? She just decided to stand behind you waiting for you to say something Now, you had mixed feeling about Hell, you were sure that souls could be redeemed and that extermination was wrong. But how could you fully believe them when they killed your lover?
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thelargefrye · 4 months
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ATEEZ AS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS ... bullet - point fic ( 17+ )
pairing : teacher!ateez x teacher!f!reader (separately)
genre : teacher au, fluff, comedy, workplace romance, bulletpoint headcanons, implied co-workers to lovers (for all of them), secret relationships (for a lot of them)
word count : 4.1k
warnings : middle schoolers (yes this is needed), mentions of students shipping their teachers, mentions of a past make-out from college (mingi's section)
note : inspired by these prompts and my own job lol
honorary tag : @sanjoongie
what i think it would be like working with ateez in a middle school and perhaps being something more than co-workers with them.
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he's a math teacher – seventh grade and also head of the math department at the school
when he's teaching, he's in his element and he's very passionate about teaching his student and the content
he was terrible at math when he was a student and often tells his own students in order to motivate them...
sometimes it works but most times it doesn't
he's definitely one of the more stricter teachers at the beginning of the year, but lets up near the end of the year
students love him, like there's not one kid who hates him
some students do wonder how he manages to get away with his funky hair colors, but no one really questions it anymore
he's also very stylish and is known for his fashionable looks that make him look like he just came off the runway
the two of you met when you started teaching at the same school, he's been teaching for two years longer than you have
you also teach seventh grade and immediately clicked as friends on your first day
he answers any questions you have that isn't content related and is kind of seen as the head of the seventh grade as well
he gets along well with the older teachers who have been doing this for 20+ years, those teachers either go to you or him when they need help with the new programs that admin is making them use in class
a lot of the students ask him if you two are dating because you're the younger teachers in the grade-level and are always hanging out
"dating? why are you worried about who i'm dating? we have equations to worry about," he would say and always brush them off
most of the students drop, not really wanting to make hongjoong upset but that doesn't mean the question won't come up again later on
your students will also ask you the same question and like hongjoong, you brush them off and not really answering them
the students would often go back and forth on if you two were dating or not with some even trying to provide "evidence" that you were dating
and some students gave up on thinking that their literature and math teacher were dating
until one day you showed up to school wearing a cardigan
and not just any cardigan
a cardigan that hongjoong wore a month ago, one that students knew was custom made by their teacher himself
and the whole seventh grade lost their minds because holy cow, their literature teacher and math teacher WERE in fact dating
the evidence of you wearing hongjoong's cardigan was enough to convince all the students it was true
so then some of them decided to confront you both
"teacher kim, teacher l/n we know your secret."
you and hongjoong were of course confused because of course your students had to be cryptic about everything... seventh graders 😒
"we know you guys are dating! teacher l/n, you're wearing teacher kim's custom cardigan!"
hongjoong had never turned his head so fast in his life and he immediately looked at the cardigan and sure enough
it was his
and you two were busted because now all your students knew you both were at least something, if not more than friends
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seonghwa teaches eighth grade reading / literature, he also has his masters in special education and administration
he is also the teacher that heads student council – like he built it from the ground up after the teacher before him let it crash and burn allowed it to be ruined
but seonghwa rebuilt the student council club and now its flourishes thanks to his leadership skills and teaching the students those same leadership skills
being a teacher is like a family job, his mother was a teacher and taught at the same school that he now teaches at
he wanted to become one to continue her legacy
students think he's way too handsome to be a teacher
he's also way too nice to be a teacher but like... none of the students ever give him issues
like even the behavior students don't disrespect him like they would other teachers – its kind of crazy
you had always admired seonghwa because of how good he was at his job and honestly... you were kind of jealous of him too
but you wouldn't dare tell him
you can't help but be amazed when you watch him speak at department meetings and how he always voices his thoughts so elegantly
seonghwa is also never afraid to help you if he sees you struggling or to ask for your opinion during meetings when he notices you haven't spoken
and he'll always back you up which surprises you because you aren't friends or even in the same grade
you kind of developed a crush on him but again you would never tell him or anybody for that matter
which to be honest, your crush and admiration is probably what lead you to volunteering to help out with the student council overnight trip to a student council convention
it was you, seonghwa, plus the ten student council students that qualified to go
you really never knew who exhausting planning a field trip was and seonghwa amazed you once again with how well-planned out the trip was
it kind of made you feel guilty because of how little you did to help out with the planning
"don't feel bad y/n! i'm glad you volunteered to come, i usually struggle with finding someone to come with me to help chaperone."
well... that did make you feel a little better
and of course since you two were the only chaperones, that meant the two of you got to room together
the students were pretty sure they almost saw you pass out in the hotel lobby when seonghwa told you that
"teacher l/n, are you okay! you don't look so good!"
"i'm fine..."
"you're fine with sharing a room together right?" seonghwa asks once the two of you are alone in the hotel room
the students were also in their own hotel rooms and winding down after the long trip, you could feel yourself sink into the bed once you got into the room
"its fine, i don't mind," you tell him and seonghwa gives you a warm smile as he settles down on the bed next to yours "are field trips always this exhausting?"
"only the overnight ones"
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eighth grade history teacher but he's also taught sixth grade history in the past as well
yunho is very serious about teaching and strict when it comes to listening, doing work, being respectful, etc.
especially in the beginning of the year, but does let up a little bit near the end and after exams and stuff
he has a strict schedule that he follows when teaching his content and knows his content like the back of his hand
he has a routine and the students are quick to learn it and make sure the others are at least doing what they are suppose to be doing when the bell rings
but despite how strict and stuff he is, yunho loves teaching and the kids love his class
even if they don't like it at the beginning, the class and yunho will grow on them before the year is over
even the other teachers respect yunho and will ask him on how he teaches certain events and whatnot, always going to him for tips on where to find good materials
yunho is like the jack-of-all-materials
even has his own tpt page because of how much stuff he has made for his own class and co-workers
you will also always find him and san hanging out together in each other's room during their planning time
usually gossiping about students or other teachers
students have learned that when san walks into yunho's room, then its serious because san never leaves his room during class time
also no one ever really bothers yunho because of how strict he is with teaching and getting everything he needs done, to get done
however, students are shocked when you walk into yunho's room one day WHILE he's teaching to ask him a question
like their jaws drop when yunho stops teaching in order to help you with something and laughing with you as he brushes your apology off
it was like they just watched a mean dog turned into the friendliest puppy when you walked in
some of them questioned if they were transported to a different reality because there is no way this is happening
you and yunho are like night and day, yunho with dark button-ups and you with your funky colored pants
"you're seeing this to right?" one of them would whisper to the other students around them
the students were too stunned to speak
"hey! get to work, i expect you to have these notes written down by the time i'm done," yunho would say and immediately the students would get to work
"thank you teacher jeong, i appreciate the help with this new program"
"sure, its no problem," he says as he walks you to the door. "choi came to me during planning asking about it plus some other teachers as well"
"ah, well glad i'm not the only one struggling!" you let out a laugh and yunho returns it and laughs with you, "i'll see you after school, yeah?"
"of course"
you wave as you close the door behind you and yunho immediately goes back into his teaching mode
once again leaving his students shocked and with whiplash from how fast his attitude changed
"we really were in just another reality"
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seventh grade history but wants to one day be a librarian
yeosang loves history but is also certified to teach reading/literature
a lot of the students and teachers love him for how nice he is to everyone
he really connects well with the behavior students, like a lot of them will always say he's there favorite teacher
even the ones who never come to class, go to yeosang's class because who in their right mind who skip teacher kang's class?
no one that's who
students will always go to him when there's an issue because they know he will help them
that's why a lot of them are surprised when they find out him and wooyoung are best friends since high school
"you and teacher jung are best friends!?"
"yep! have been for years!" and yeosang is proud to say that him and wooyoung are best friends and can teach together at the same school
none of the students can get over how handsome he is as well and a lot of sixth graders can only hope to get him in seventh grade
"teacher kang, you're so handsome you could be an actor!"
yeosang can only smile at the comments, not really saying anything as he's use to those comments by now
well coming from his students or other adults that is
however, hearing those comments (or reading them) from you is a different story
he doesn't know how you manage to time it whenever his students are doing independent work but you do
he'll be at his desk or walking around, when you come in and some the students will immediately greet you
you simply smile and wave at them before walking over to hand yeosang something
"i got the stuff from your mailbox while i was at mine," you told him
yeosang thanks you and you smile at him before turning and leaving
you usually go to the mailbox when you need a break from your class and there's already someone in there to help
yeosang looks at the stuff in his hands, and notices the folded piece of paper that had his name written nicely in your handwriting
he opens it as he walks to his desk and immediately feels a warmth overtake his face
'you look really pretty today, yeo ;) can't wait to hangout after school in our usual place! miss you already!'
yeosang quickly stored the note in his desk, before quickly going back to teaching and trying to hide the excitement of seeing you later to the back of his mind
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eighth grade reading/literature teacher along with seonghwa and school's volleyball coach
he played volleyball when he was in school and so he's very passionate about the sport and his athletes
a tough coach and an even tougher teacher, but only because he knows all his students can do better than what they showing him
like seonghwa with student council, san managed to help the volleyball team go to nationals thanks to his coaching and the his girls' effort and teamwork
a lot of students are scared of him because of how he coaches, especially his athletes – like even just the mention of san gets them scared
but really san just wants the best for all his students and just like volleyball, he's also passionate about his teaching
very writing focused versus seonghwa who is more reading based, but they work really well together to make sure all their students are getting the same knowledge and material
san's not afraid to speak his mind during department meetings and the other teachers know this – like he will straight up call something out if he knows it won't work
seonghwa usually has to cut him off because of this, they are a very funny duo and students love watching them interact
"teacher choi is like a dark cloud and teacher park is like a sunny day"
like the kids, you are also intimidated by him because of how much just pure authority he gives off
like you would think he's a principal from how students act around him
he actually does step up as an admin when the actual principals are out of the building because he does have his masters in administration, so he could very well one day become a principal
but going back to you being intimidated by him 💀
you never really dared to approach him, always sitting on the opposite side of the room during department meetings
mainly because you didn't want to get on his bad side
"please teacher l/n, can you help us start this club?"
"sure, girls!" you were more than happy to help sponsor their club "who's the other teacher?"
you watched as the girls' faces deflated at the question, of course you don't blame them for not knowing that clubs needed two teachers to become official, not just one
"i have a teacher in mind!"
"who?" "tell us!"
"coach choi, can help! especially since volleyball is over!"
you felt the color drain from your face at the thought of san and you running a club together
"teacher l/n will you ask coach choi if he can help us?"
"sure... i'll ask."
"a club?"
"yeah, some of your volleyball girls recommended you and wanted to see if you could be the second teacher sponsor."
"ah, that's right. the school has that stupid two teacher club sponsor rule. always did think that was dumb."
san thought for a minute which felt like a lifetime the longer you stood in his classroom
"sure, why not. i'm sure it'll be fun to run a club together."
"i'm sure the girls will also appreciate it. i'll send you the information when i hear back from the principal about the club."
"of course, if you have any issues let me know."
"will do, thanks!"
that was definitely a lot less nerve-racking then you thought it would be...
maybe running a club san won't be so bad after all
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mingi is THE ms. frizzle aka the best science teacher you will ever have
he teaches sixth grade science and is always having some sort of fun with testing experiments and theories with the students
science class will forever be ruined after you have him as a teacher because no one is doing it like mingi
literally older students will come by to see either him or wooyoung and they will always ask mingi what he is currently doing in that class
and while he's an amazing teacher – he's also hella clumsy
like students learn fast not to leave their things in the floor if they don't want this 6ft tall man tripping over and possible destroying their things
someone save this man from all those decorative pencil pouches and metal water bottles pls 💀
anyways, a lot of students love mingi because of his fun personality and not because he almost below up the science lab because a experiment gone wrong
very much into team building and having all the students work together towards a goal because he knows how important teamwork is in life and wants students to have it
a lot of students are actually intimidated by him when they first see him because of his tall stature and harsh look
but he's really cool once him and the students build that rapport
so a lot of students were surprised when they found out that you and mingi were best friends
it never really clicked for most of them since you both taught different grades AND subjects
but then during school assemblies and such, you and mingi would always be sitting next to each other
whispering and laughing to each other and it would leave students bewildered when they saw the two of you
like "what in the world are they laughing about?"
"you know... the kiddos asked me the other day about us," you said, leaning over and whispering into his ear
"they asked me how long we've been friends"
"w-what did you tell them?"
"since college, i left out the part where you made out with my best friend before tripping over her bag and landed into my lap."
you could tell mingi was blushing, his ears turning red at your words
"i-it wasn't like that!"
"i know, no need to feel embarrassed. i agreed to go out with you didn't i?"
you couldn't help the smirk on your face while mingi had a pout on his own, completely forgetting that the two of you were suppose to be watching the talent show and not flirting
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teaches sixth grade math and is an on-going menace to his students
you either love or hate him because of how he teaches and runs his classroom
always changing the seating desk arrangement in his room which keeps students on their toes
he's always a complete 180 from hongjoong who is the head of the math department
like students get whiplash when they go from wooyoung to hongjoong because of how different they are
but that's not to say wooyoung is bad at his job, on the contrary wooyoung is fantastic at his job
always has a math pun ready to whip out when needed and is always dishing out savage remarks to his students when they try to be a smart-ass to him
they learn quick that they won't be able make smart comments with him around
wooyoung is just very blunt with how he's feeling – like if a student makes him mad you'll know he's mad
does a lot of bootcamp punishments (i.e makes them do exercises when they don't listen to him like: jumping jacks, squats, nothing too extreme) this makes kids not want to disrespect him because they know what will happen if they do
some parents have thought it was "extreme" but he simply told them "well it got your child to listen for once in their life" – that shut the parent up real quick
but wooyoung rarely gets serious because he has the respect from students and so those bootcamp punishments are rare and few in-between
most of the time he's fun and playful which also travels over to how he acts with his fellow teachers
including you
wooyoung always visits you when he's on his planning period
like your class can always expect him to stop by at least once during their class
which none of them mind cause that means they can see their favorite math teacher again but don't tell hongjoong that
however with his constant visits, it makes students question if you guys are dating
especially when wooyoung is always complimenting you when you're at your desk and you both think that the students can't hear you
"you look very lovely today, teacher l/n."
"watch yourself, jung."
you eventually have to run wooyoung off so you can get back to teaching
"oh they are totally dating" students would whisper to each other watching the two of you interact
students really really ship you guys together and are always questioning you about your ideal type and stuff
but you always brush off their questions and comments about how you and teacher jung would look great together
and eventually the students had moved on to something else and you were thankfully left alone about your love life by your students
until one day when you and wooyoung were spotted by some students outside of school
you and him had went to the store together, not really thinking about school as you both spent time together
however that peace between the two of you was set ablaze when heard a familiar "teacher l/n! teacher jung!" and snapping the two of you out of your daze
wooyoung was quick to greet the students who approached you both, a smile on his face and arm around his shoulder
and you knew your secret was out because of how the students' zoned in on wooyoung's arm around your shoulder
you couldn't help but dread what would happen when you arrive at school tomorrow
"i didn't like keeping it a secret anyways," he would making you smack the back of his head in response before pushing the shopping cart and walking away from your boyfriend
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eighth grade math who got roped into teaching seventh grade science as well
jongho is really in his element when it comes to math
and is really hanging by a thread when it comes to science
like he's the opposite of mingi and HATES science – like who thought it was a good idea to have this man teach it?
oh, they did a budget cut and so they were down a science teacher? makes sense.
the kids either love or hate him because of how he teaches
his eighth graders and seventh graders are like night and day when it comes to literally everything
it might also have something to do with the content but just let him complain about his seventh graders
you actually found him one day in the workroom stressing over his science while eating his ramen
you remember some of your kids talking about jongho and you've seen him at faculty meetings
but never had a one-on-one conversation with him mainly because he was in a totally different content and grade from you (he was still an eighth grade teacher at the end of the day)
you know hongjoong really likes him and praises him for learning how to adapt so well to a new content era that he never studied in
you think that for a first-year teacher he's doing a lot better than you had when you were in his shoes
and you figure what's the harm in talking to him and seeing how he's doing
"everything going okay, teacher choi?"
he's caught off guard by your voice, jumping and looking up at you as you walk over to get your copies from the copier
"oh, um, i'm fine. just thinking about what i'm gonna do for my science class"
"ahh, that's fair, i still can't believe they have you teaching science and math for your first year"
jongho lets out a laugh which is followed by a small "yeah... i can't either"
"but hongjoong says that you're doing a good job for your first year, so you should be proud! hongjoong never compliments anyone"
"really. and just know that if you ever need help just reach out. i know you're not a seventh grade teacher but us who teach seventh grade needs to stick together. its a tough group."
"oh my god, i'm so glad you think that as well! i thought it was just me!"
"oh no, everyone knows seventh grade is always the worse year, we all struggle with them at some point"
"that really makes me feel better about doing my job"
"jongho, you're doing a great job. the kids love you and there will always be those kids that make you feel like you are terrible at your job. but all you have to do is teach to the ones who want to be there, and worry about them."
you tell him the exact same words you were told when you were a first year and thinking the same thing
"thank you, y/n"
you can't help but smile as you nod your head, taking your copies and heading back to your room while jongho finishes his ramen
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina @lemineso
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
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sports-on-sundays · 6 months
people change / CL16 / Part 1
Summary: dad!Charles x French!ex!reader - You wish you could just forget about the relationship. It's hard when you had a son together.
Warnings: 'Y/s/n' means 'your son's name', you are free to imagine the son as whatever age he acts because I leave that unspecified, mention of breaking up/divorce, broken family, censored cussing, getting drunk, toxic relationship, me sucking at writing kids (how do they even act???)
Requested?: No.
Author's Note: This was heavily inspired by the song People Change by for KING & COUNTRY at the end there especially. I listened to it while writing. So you're free to look that up and have a listen. Link to part 2 / Link to part 3
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"Hey, sweetie," you say as you buckle your son into the car. "How was your day at school?"
"Fun... But Mama, I didn't know what to do."
"Hm? When didn't you know what to, love?" you ask, concerned.
"Well, we did papers and pictures about our mommies and daddies and our houses and stuff and I didn't know, Mama..."
You stop after he says this, pulling your hands away as they tremble. Your heart, at those words from your son, feels like it's being wrenched out of your chest, and you cough into your arm. "O- Oh, sweetheart..." you clear your throat. "Well, why don't you first draw pictures and write about me and my house, and then you write and draw about your daddy and his house..."
Your son does a pouting face at this. "Mama..." he complains. "Why can't you and Daddy be like other kids' mommies and daddies?"
"Love, I don't think this is the time to be talking about this. Let's just get driving home now." You hate to shut him down, but he's asking too many questions that you just can't answer.
He's asking too many questions that are making you feel too confused and guilty.
"Hey, buddy. What's up?" you smile as you get out of the car to help your son pack his bags into the trunk, and then get in the backseat. You're doing this right outside Charles' house. You're picking him up from his weekend with his dad.
The little boy shrugs as you buckle him in. "I want my grey bag, Mama! Daddy gave me some food for the ride."
"What do you say?"
"Please!" he pouts.
You nod, and give him his bag. Charles is always sure to equip Y/s/n with a bagful of healthy snacks for the hour and forty-five minute drive back home.
The whole ride, Y/s/n is unusually quiet. Even when you try talking to him, he gives short answers and makes no effort to continue the conversation. Which is very unusual from the usually frisky and excitable little boy.
When you get home and go inside, he immediately goes to his room, still not saying anything.
You sigh, feeling worried.
Did Charles do something?
Even though the two of you separated for big reasons, you've never felt too worried about Y/s/n going to see him every other weekend, except for maybe at the beginning. Over the years, you're pretty sure that Charles has gotten more responsible than how he once was.
"Dinnertime, love!"
"I'm not hungry!"
You sigh, the worry sinking deeper. "You should have saved some of your dad's snack for later, then! I made dinner for you!"
Silence. Again.
You walk down the hall and knock on his bedroom door, before gently pushing it open. The little boy is sitting on his red bed. In his hand is his Ferrari hat. He's blankly staring at it.
Oh God no. What did Charles do? What did Charles say? Doesn't he understand the unspoken boundaries about this?
"Y/s/n?" you say gently, sitting down next to him. "What's wrong, sweetie? You know you can tell me. I'm listening."
The boy looks older than he is right now. You feel a sharp pang in your chest as he murmurs, "Why do you and daddy live in different countries? How come I have two houses, two bedrooms... two everything? How come, Mama?"
It takes all you have to not tear up. You wrap your arms tightly around him at this. He leans against you, hugging you back.
"Andre and Alex have a mommy and daddy who live in the same house. How come you and Daddy don't?"
"Y/s/n, it's really complicated, love. But, can I ask... What has got you thinking of all of this, love? What has got this on your mind?" You speak in a very gentle tone, rubbing his back. Obviously, this is upsetting him. Really, though, what kid wouldn't be upset?
Your son looks at you in hesitation. "I'm not allowed to say..."
You feel another pang of worry. "Love, it's okay. You can tell your mama anything."
"But Daddy told me not to."
You swallow nervously. "You're not doing anything wrong by telling me. I'm giving you permission. I can't have you feeling this upset, love. You can tell me anything that's bothering you, even if your father told you not to." Y/s/n is too much of a good kid. You don't know where he gets it from.
You wipe your son's watering eyes, trying to reassure him. He sniffs, before saying, "You won't tell Daddy?"
"Tell Daddy what?"
"What I'm gonna tell you."
You bite your lip. "Of course not, love. I won't tell your daddy."
He nods, before saying, as he starts to really cry, "Daddy cried, Mommy... I wasn't allowed to know but I couldn't sleep because Daddy forgot to read me my story. So I was going in to tell him to snuggle me... because I couldn't sleep. But Daddy was crying..." Y/s/n sniffs, and continues blubbering, "Daddy was talking to someone on the phone and he was really sad... I don't know why Daddy was crying, Mama. He said he was sad because he missed you and me to the person on the phone. Daddy was so sad so I don't know why we don't make Daddy happy and why can't my mommy and daddy be like my friends' mommies and daddies?" He lets out a sob, snuggling into you. You're speechless as your son continues, "I went and gave Daddy a hug because he was sad. He said he missed you. He asked me why I was up and said I was in trouble and said I wasn't allowed to tell you he was sad and crying. He said even daddies cry sometimes," he sniffs and lets out another sob. You hold him tight, eyes wide. "I asked him how come he was sad and he said he didn't know and he loved me and then we went to bed. I don't get it, Mama."
You try not to tremble.
Fighting off tears, because the last thing Y/s/n needs is to see his mom cry on top of it all. Not sad tears, though. Angry tears.
Why can't Charles just let go? He's so possessive and obsessive. F*ck him and his Monaco flat and his boat and his Ferrari and everything f*cking else. Why would he let his son see him so vulnerable. Doesn't he care? F*ck him.
Why can't he just let go?
You walk down the hall of the mall, your son's little hand in yours, heading to the food court because eventually, Y/s/n's complaining about how 'I'm hungryyyyy!' got too annoying, and you gave in.
Suddenly, though, his little hand slips out of yours. You look down at him in confusion, starting to say his name. He starts running away. You're about to go after him, but suddenly freeze when the little boy shouts, "Look, Mama, look! It's Daddy! Daddy! Hi, Daddy! Hiiiii!"
And sure enough, Charles Leclerc stops as soon as he sees his son, a grin spreading across his face. He adjusted his cap to be lower on his forehead, clearly trying to go incognito here. But he bends down, and the moment little Y/s/n reaches Charles, his father scoops him up into his arms, standing up with an, "Auwgh," noise, as if it were really hard for the strong man to pick up his light son. Charles holds him tight, in an embrace, before saying, "What's up, buddy? Where's your mama?" Y/s/n points, and Charles looks up.
Your eyes meet. And everything stops. The voices, the music, the whir of the escalators, the lights, heating, and air conditioning all making their own sounds, the people walking past- everyone else living their own lives disappear.
And it's just you and Charles, eyes locked, staring at each other.
Heartbeats or seconds or minutes, you don't know. You feel a certain electricity that hurts. Shocks you. Maybe Charles likes how it feels though. Maybe he loves that, with his adrenaline seeking lifestyle. Because, after all, he doesn't look away.
But in the same way, you don't either.
Finally, it's your son that breaks the trance you seemed to go into with your ex-husband, by saying suddenly words that stress you out and tear you apart at the same time: "See, Daddy?" He pats his father's cheek, which has a little bit of facial hair. "You don't have to cry anymore... You don't..." Suddenly, he looks a little scared, realizing he wasn't supposed to say that, but finishes softly with, "You don't have to miss Mama anymore, Daddy, because she's right here..."
There's almost a pleading in your son's eyes. A longing. You feel yourself start to tear up, but you strive to hold them back. Y/s/n. He loves us. He loves his parents so much. He just wishes they would love each other.
Charles shakes his head in surprise, stroking Y/s/n's hair, "Buddy, it's okay. Don't worry. I'm okay. I don't-" he falters for just a moment before finishing quickly, glancing to you nervously, "I don't miss Mama anymore. Don't worry."
"But I miss Mama." At this, both of you look at your son in confusion.
"But Y/s/n, Mama is right here," Charles says carefully, taking more steps closer to you. "See? Do you want to go with M-"
"No!" your son suddenly snaps, and says as if it is the most obviously thing on earth, "When I'm with Daddy, I miss Mama. When I'm with Mama, I miss Daddy. I don't wanna miss you guys!"
All the sudden, it's too much for you. All of it. Before Charles can do anything else you say quickly, your voice obviously cracking and your breath shaky, "Charles, can you take him home today? I'm sorry-"
"Of course, Y/n. I-"
You turns, jogging away. You need to get out of there.
But as you run out, you hear Charles call after you, "Y/n! Y/n, wait! Y/n, we're going to talk on the phone tonight, okay? There's things we still need to go over!"
At around 3:00 A.M., Charles calls. While you're worried to answer, you're also relieved. The fact that you're still awake at 3:00 A.M. shows how much anxiety you've been feeling about getting this call from Charles.
When you pick up, you murmur softly, "Hey, Charles."
"Sorry I'm calling at this hour. God. I just had to make sure Y/s/n was sound asleep. I'm, uhm," he pauses to clear his throat awkwardly, and continues in a softer, more delicate voice, "I'm sure Y/s/n told you about the phone call the other weekend..."
"Y- Yeah, he did. What did you do? Did you scare him into not telling me? He was crying," you say, your voice becoming harder and harder as you speak.
"What?! No! I just asked him please not to tell you. That was it. Maybe he was crying because..." Charles trails off.
"Because why?" you snap, although the sinking feeling within tells you exactly why.
"Y/n..." he sighs loudly. "Because our son loves us and doesn't get why... w- we... don't- don't, uhm.... love each other." The facts that he falters so much on that last phrase, that it's so hard for him to get out, sends a pit in your stomach. Of dread, and anger.
And without another hesitation, you just say it. "Charles... you still love me, don't you?"
There's silence over the phone. Sickly, disgusting, terrible silence. The anger rises up in you higher and higher, like a pressure, trying to push you on your tipping point. So finally you snap, probably way too loud, "Charles, what the hell! F*ck you. I hate you, you f*cking asshole. You're too much of a f*cking coward to even say it! Just like you've always been!" Your voice gets louder and louder. "Just like you've always been! Too much of a f*cking coward to admit anything! You tricked me! You had me thinking everything was peaches and cream, but it wasn't! You were being a terrible person and played innocent, and whenever I asked you anything, you did the same exact thing you still do. You just keep silent. Charles, I know you'll never grow, I hate that my son has to see your sorry ass every other weekend, and if I knew it wouldn't break his sweet little heart, I would wish your pathetic silent self would just fall off the face of the earth so I didn't have to ever have to listen to your stupid, pathetic silence ever again."
"Y/n, I-" You hang up. Charles doesn't try to call back.
Years ago.
Charles came in and stumbled into your arms, as if you were the one that needed to take care of him. You were tired, having stayed up with your fussy baby boy nearly all night, with no help, and you wanted to cry. You didn't want Charles to stumble in, drunk, right into your arms, as if he was the one who needed help. No. He was the one causing the problem. He had reeked of alcohol. He didn't get drunk this often, and you knew exactly why he was doing it now, although he'd been too scared while sober to admit it to you. It was the argument you'd had, and his way of coping was going out, getting drunk, and coming home to his wife and baby at three in the morning, wasted. Now, while drunk out of his mind, he was able to murmur, his words slurred tremendously, "Y/n... I'm sorry, love... You should've come with me tonight. I had fun... We could... make up for that argument..." He had a sickly seductive tone in his voice.
You felt rage fill up in you. Did you forget about your son? The son that you and I created together? Did you forget about that? Instead of letting any of that rage escape you, you just brought him to the bedroom and helped him into bed. You left him, walked to the living room, sat down on the couch, and held your aching, tired head, pulling at your hair, as tears escaped your closed eyelids.
Your world was spinning. Everything was wrong.
The argument. You had started it. And yelled at him. About how he was a coward and never told the truth. Even though you loved him. You thought. You must've. You... You had a son together. You yelled at him for telling you he was working when he wasn't. You yelled at him that he wasn't helping you at all and that you were going out of your mind. You said you felt like a single mom because he was never around, never helped, and never tried to. He lied and told you that an event he had mentioned that you were excited for was cancelled because he had found out more things about the event that he didn't want to deal with himself. He was becoming more and more selfish, showing who he really was more and more every single day. It just made you think- what is he doing when he gets drunk? What else is he being dishonest about?
Eventually you stopped loving him. You loved your son much more, so you broke it off. The final tipping point was when you suspected he had cheated, although nothing had ever proved that. But that was when you finally broke it off.
He was heartbroken. He held onto you. No, Y/n, please don't do this. I'll try better. I'll try better. You had told him that he had been saying he'd try better for the past year.
He had cried. Maybe even sobbed. You only saw him sob twice. Once was one time when he was drunk out of his mind, and the other one was that night when you told him you were breaking it off. I guess Y/s/n has seen him sob a third time, though.
He had said to you that he still loved you. You had said if you loved me, you wouldn't have done this. And that was the end of it.
Or so you thought.
You can't believe you're here. You can't believe he convinced you. You set up for your mother to watch Y/s/n while you drive into Monaco and.
Well, yeah. Go to Charles' God-forsaken house. To meet with him. 'Have a talk' as he put it. 'In real life.' So he can 'see your face and expressions.' And 'understand better.'
Charles opens the door. He's wearing a black t-shirt, grey jeans, and has his usual assortment of different bracelets on his wrists. And a disgustingly expensive watch. As you walk into his (beautiful) flat, you see that it hasn't changed much since you left and moved a couple hours closer to home, back in France. Just a little cleaner. But just like how it was when you lived here, there's still a stray toy on the floor here and there. As if reading your mind, he bends down, picking up a few of them, before putting them in a basket in the corner of the room. He runs his hand through his messy, wavy brown hair, looking a little awkward. "Why don't you sit down?" he asks softly, gesturing to the couch by a nod of his head. "Make yourself... comfortable... Uh... I made some cookies. Consider it a peace offering. And I... I really tried to make them good, too. I'm just going to go grab them." And before you can think or react, he's walking out of the room to grab them.
When he returns with the cookies, he sits down next to you, holding the little plate out to you. You hesitantly take one, nibbling off a little bite, nervously glancing to Charles. "It's fine..." you say. In your taste, too sweet (and slightly gooey) but besides that, alright. "But I just want to get this over with, okay? Charles can we just... have this talk? So I can go?"
Your ex husband stared down, before nodding slowly. "Yeah... Of course." He falters, before murmuring, "I love our son just as much as you do. And it hurts me to see him-"
"My God, Charles, shut up. I know what this is about. It's about you being selfish," the bitterness in your voice surprised even yourself, "You're being selfish because for some twisted reason, you still want to be with me, and you're using my son's pain as an excuse. You're just as you've always been- selfish, lying, and making excuses."
"Y/n, no it's not!" he snaps, his eyes pleading. "I- I- I want the best for our son."
"Charles, do you still love me?"
He stares at you. Hesitates. Falters. He inhales a shaky breath, before looking down at his hands in his lap. "All these years I've never dated another woman. All these years the guilt has crushed me."
"Shut up!" you spit. "It's not guilt, Charles, of hurting me your or son. It's guilt because you wouldn't wanted to be with me longer. It's selfish. You're f*cking selfish!"
He practically begs, "Please, babe, just listen-"
"What did you just call me?"
He stares in surprise at what he just said. He swallows. "I'm sorry- It- It just came out..."
You glare, and shout, "You still love me, you dick! I hate you! You- You cheated on me!"
He cuts you off by grabbing your arm suddenly. There's a desperate look in his eyes. "Y/n... No, I didn't... I swear it on my life.. On my job, on everything I love... I would..." You're shocked to watch as a singular tear gently rolls down one of his cheeks. He's holding back more. The salty, warm tear drops right onto your palm. You wipe it off. Charles eyes plead with you as he murmurs, his voice cracking, "I would never cheat on you..."
You stare, trying to form more words, not knowing what to say.
But Charles continues, "I don't know where you got the idea I cheated on you... I know it was hard and I was being..." Suddenly there is guilt and grief openly painted all across his face. "I was being a terrible person... Giving up the most lovely, sweet wife and baby I could've ever asked for... I was young and stupid, Y/n...Y/n... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I swear I mean it...
"I would do anything for this to work."
Another tear falls.
"Y/n... just listen... I need you to hear me out..."
He sniffs. He seems so broken. Vulnerable. Honest.
"It's all my fault, Y/n. I know. I know. I'm sorry. And I get if you're afraid... I would be, too... but, Y/n... I wish you could just understand that... that...
"Y/n, people change."
Author's Note- Just wanted to say if you guys liked this and want a part two, I'm totally open to writing that! Let me know if you want a part two, and if you have any ideas, shoot! Like should I end this happy? Or not...? And in what way? If no one gives me ideas, I'll just come up with it, but you guys are extremely welcome to let me know!!! Thank you! <3
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