#im at that man's feet like a damn dog
thistuesdaynight · 7 months
God it's so hot when Regulus Black
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bountydroid · 2 months
Darlin' pt 5
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pt 1 / pt 2 / pt 3 / pt 4 / pt6
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x f!reader (Slowburn romance)
Description: Cooper starts to soften up.
Notes: This one is a bit longer! I might be a little slower between parts from now on as it is finals season and I'll be graduating with my bachelor's degree (yay!) plus I work full time. As always, any critiques are welcome!
The air between us after the hug attempt was thick with tension. We walked in silence as we made our way into the wasteland, clear tracks in the sand making the target easy to follow. I was sure that the look on my face was pathetic, like a kicked puppy. I tried to hide my hurt at first, but it didn't seem like he cared much since he had hardly even glanced at me since we left Ma June's shop anyway. At least I had Whilzig's dog. I knew he was just there to help us track his master, but his presence felt comforting. Without him, I think the tension between Cooper and I would be too much to handle. 
I glanced over at the ghoul every so often. I was hoping I would catch him glancing back, a sign that he did in fact, give a damn about me. I felt deflated. Any hope I had about his feelings for me had vanished. 
I let a quiet sigh escape my lips as I looked down at my feet. 
This seemed to get his attention as he stopped in his tracks and whipped around to face me. "Stop it." He said sternly, a look of annoyance on his face.
I was sure that my face did little to hide the horror I felt at his reaction. "I am just tired." I tried to lie.
"Sure." He said back, crossing his arms. He clearly knew I was lying.
I felt anger prickle up inside me. "Why are you looking at me like I did something wrong? I didn't." I exclaimed. "I hugged my friend. At least I thought I did."
He didn't respond to this, instead opting to look out into the never-ending sand.
"Let's just keep going," I mumbled as I stomped past him.
Growing up I loved the sun. I loved to feel its warm rays on my skin as it shined through the window. Now? Now I hated it. We had barely been in the Wasteland that long, and I already felt like the heat was suffocating me. It didn't seem to bother Cooper though. He showed no sign of tiring or discomfort. "One of the perks of being a ghoul I guess." I thought to myself bitterly.
After what felt like ages, our furry companion barked and started running towards a large piece of metal. Cooper and I exchanged looks before picking up our pace to catch up to him. 
"What the hell?" I mumbled as I pinched my nose and looked away from the headless body.
Cooper crouched down next to Whilzig, a look of mild confusion on his face before looking out into the wasteland. One of his coughing fits started as he took his pack off of his shoulder and put it on the ground, rummaging through it. He found what he was looking for quickly, a metal tin with a couple of vials of Jet inside. Despite being angry with him, I looked down at him, concern evident on my face. Almost like he could sense it, he looked up at me as he put the vial into his inhaler. His eyes closed and a look of relief washed over his face as he breathed it in. He let out one more soft wheeze as he collected himself. 
"Cooper?" I asked softly. 
"Yeah, Darlin'?" He replied while getting up from the ground.
"I'm sorry." I started. "I am sorry for huggin' you. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
His eyes bore into me while he contemplated his response. "You're okay Darlin'." He said quietly. "I am just an ill-tempered old man."
I let out a small giggle. "I would've said cranky, but ill-tempered is a nicer way to put it."
He let out a loud bark of a laugh in response. "Come on let's go find the rest of im'." He said as he patted my shoulder.
As we started to walk away from the body, Cooper let out a clicking noise, getting the dog's attention. The dog barked in response as he chased after us.
"How old are you anyway?" I ask curiously.
He hummed in response, "Old."
I decided not to press it further, his short response suggesting it wasn't something he wanted to discuss. This time, our silent march was much more pleasant. The tension from earlier was gone. I was exceeding grateful for this change. As the sun started to set, I felt relieved. The heat didn't feel quite as terrible as the sun started to fade behind the horizon.
"Good a spot as any," Cooper said as he peaked inside a half-crumbled building. 
I sighed in relief. "God my feet are killing me. I think I've done more walkin' with you than I have in my entire life."
He let out a breathy laugh, "And you are gonna do a lot more, sugar."
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep in the sand curled up next to Whilzig's dog.
I slowly peeled my eyes open as I felt someone gently shaking me. My bleary eyes peered up to see the face of my traveling companion.
"Mornin' Darlin'." He smirked at my dazed and exhausted face. "Sleep well?"
I just grumbled in response. I slowly raised to my feet, wincing as the pressure on them began to build. I felt his eyes on me as he raised his bag to his shoulder. I sighed as I reached down to pick up my bag as well. 
"When we get this bounty, I am gonna sleep for a week." I say with a soft groan.
"Gimme that." He said as he ripped my bag from my hands and threw it over his empty shoulder. He chuckled at the surprised look on my face. "Can't have your pretty ass slowin' me down."
I stood there for a moment and replayed our exchange in my head before finally running after him. "He keeps calling me pretty." I think to myself while a blush creeps over my cheeks.
"You know," I started, feeling bold. "I think we are a great team."
He glanced over at me, an amused look on his face. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." I hummed happily. "I am really glad I met you." 
An unrecognizable look washed over his face. Hesitation? Confusion? Fear? It looked like all of those emotions, all at once.
I gave him a weary smile, "Even if you won't let me hug you." I admit.
He hesitated, almost looking like he was going to say something before he stopped himself. 
"Hey, Dog Meat!" He yelled up at the dog, "Don't go far."
"Dog Meat?" I mused, "Really?"
"That's what he is, ain't he?" he replied, smirking.
I knew he was trying to change the subject. He was uncomfortable again. So, I decided to let him as I let out a small giggle. "Sure, Cooper."
We continued along, getting closer and closer to the derelict city. The silence was only interrupted by the occasional bark from Dog Meat. We happened upon an oasis, the water inviting, almost trying to trick me into taking a dip. I knew better than that. We could hear a commotion in front of us as we started to slow down, quieting our footsteps. Cooper turned to me and put a finger to his lips, silently shushing me. Someone else was there. The bounty?
 No, it was the vaultie. I stayed behind as Cooper snuck up behind her. She only noticed his presence once she heard the cock of his gun.
"Hello again." She said, her eyes filled with fear.
He greeted her by hitting her over the head with the butt of his gun. I grimaced as she fell to the ground. 
"Where is it?" He snarled. "The head."
She whimpered on the ground quietly while Cooper picked up her bag and emptied the contents into the dirt.
Cooper got angry as he realized the head wasn't there. He cocked his gun again, ready to shoot her. 
"Okay, okay, I don't know where it is. Okay? I lost it." The vaultie begged. "I lost it."
Cooper let out a soft hum as he looked around, it seemed like he already knew what he was looking for when he put his boot in a pile of dung. I made a disgusted face.
"Did you seriously have to do that?" I mumbled. This brought the vaultie's attention to me. She was so caught up in her fear of Cooper she didn't even realize I was there.
"A gulper got it, huh?" He said as he turned back to the vaultie before grabbing her by the hair. 
She cried as she begged for mercy as he dragged her to the dock. Once there, he tied a rope with an anchor on the end around her body as well as bound her feet. I just watched from afar, feeling slightly bad for the girl. Dog Meat was barking so loudly I could hardly hear them.
"Stop! Please!" She begged as she wiggled, trying to break free. "My dad, he's an overseer. He got taken by Raiders and I need that head to get him back. If you help me find him, he'll do whatever you want!"
Instead of responding, Cooper just pushed her into the water. The rope she was bound with was connected to a piece of metal I did not recognize, but it kept her from sinking to the bottom. She splashed around as she panicked. 
"Stop! Stop! Torture is wrong!" She cried out when he brought her back up out of the water.
Cooper let out a scoff. "You know, they used to do these things called studies. Why, you couldn't open a newspaper without reading about one study or another. Anyways, one particular study came out and it said torturing a person, don't do shit." He replied as he dropped her back into the water briefly before bringing her up again. "It made sense. I mean a man hurts me? I wouldn't want to do him any favors. And yet the practice of torture failed to vanish from this earth. In fact, as time marches on, I've personally noticed a decided uptick in the amount of torture being doled out across the board." He continued as he picked off a small creature from her back and fed it to Dog Meat.
"Sir, please. I need the head. It's the only way I can get my father back." The vaultie begged again. I admired her spirit. I debated asking Cooper to stop, but I bit my tongue instead.
"My point is," Cooper replied, ignoring her pleas. "If you ask me, them studies, they were right. Torturing a person don't do shit."
"Then why are you doing this?" She asked, exasperated. 
"Well, I ain't torturing you, sweetheart. I'm using you as bait." He explained before dunking her in the water again. I hated to admit it, but I felt a tiny bit of jealousy in my chest at the nickname. I knew I shouldn't be jealous, he obviously held little love for her.
Cooper started to whistle as he got closer to the edge of the dock like he was beckoning something near. It was at this point that I realized I had been slowly inching closer to them this whole time as my feet finally met the dock.
"What is a gulper?" I asked Cooper curiously.
"A monster, darlin'. Careful." He said, realizing how close I was getting to the water. He grabbed his knife off the wooden box he put it on earlier and tied a rope around it. He clearly had a plan.
The vaultie started crying out in the water and flailing around even more than usual. This caused Cooper to try and lift her out of the water again, but the machine he was using was stuck. 
"Cooper!" I cried out, realizing she was going to drown.
He sprang into action as he grabbed a hook, moving the entire machine to pull her out. As she was pulled onto the dock, a giant pink creature followed her. He was right. That was a monster. I ran up to the vaultie and grabbed her shoulders as I tried to pull her away, but the anchor tied around her was stuck in the gulper's mouth. She kicked at the creature violently as Cooper stuck it with his knife. The gulper got ahold of her leg and swung her around, pushing me into the water. I thrashed around as I tried to find something to hold onto. 
"Cooper!" I yelled before I finally was able to grasp ahold of the dock. I could hear the tussle above me and the gulper finally cry out and fall back into the water. 
I could hear Cooper gasping for air as he crawled over to me. "Give me your hand, sugar."
I quickly did as I was told. He pulled me out of the water and onto the dock with ease. He got up and looked out into the water, wincing as he realized the head was gone once again.
"Cooper," I said softly. "Your bag."
He moved swiftly, going straight for his tin of Jet. At the realization that it was completely crushed he pointed his gun back at the vaultie.
"Motherfucker!" He shouted angrily.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've just let you use me as bait in a poison river!" The vaultie yelled back.
Cooper lowered his gun before turning back around to the water. "Fuck!" He screamed.
I finally stood up and waddled my way over to him. My clothes were soaked, uncomfortably sticking to my skin. This caught his attention, he put his hand on my cheek as he briefly scanned my body, looking for injuries. "I am fine." I hummed, my heart squeezing in my chest at his show of affection. It wasn't much, but it showed how much he cared.
"You can't treat people like this!" The vaultie interrupted.
"Yeah, why's that?" Cooper asked, his mind obviously elsewhere. 
"Because of the golden rule." She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."
I gave her an amused look as I let out a small laugh. "The golden rule, huh? I don't think he follows that."
"Those gulpers digest real slow. You got time." Cooper said to himself.
I put the hand on his shoulder reassuringly, pulling him from his thoughts. He looked at me for a second before hurrying over to pick up our bags. "We gotta go." He pulled out his lasso and made his way to the vaultie.
"No. no, no, no, no." She begged as he put it around her neck. "Where are we going? What about the head? I need the head to get my dad back."
"Yeah, well, the wasteland's got its own golden rule," Cooper replied, dragging her along.
"Yeah, what's that?" She asked.
"Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time." Cooper sighed.
"What about the dog?" I asked, scurrying after him.
"He ain't ours." He responded curtly.
I frowned at him. I had gotten attached to Dog Meat, but the determined expression on Cooper's face kept me quiet. Wherever we were going, it was important.
Tag list: @msrawog @valdemarismynonbinarylove @topiramateagreeable @whizbang-cap @sitkafay @lightan117 @eykismyfav @ajeff855 @madelinealexandra @justme12200 @sihlaryn @raviolisenpai @ellabellabunny123 @impossessedbyjeongyeon @leviathanleva @v3lv3tf0x @judgementdays-girl
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vigil-antes · 4 months
*During a particularly slow patrol or stakeout*
Steph: Soo, if you were to have a song as your theme, what song would you choose? Personally i think id be 'Applause' by Lady Gaga.
Damian: This is ridiculous, brown, i will not be part to such a foolish activity.
Steph: Dont be such a debby downer, brat. Have some fun once in your life.
Damian: *Scoffs*
Dick: I like this game! i-
Bruce: We're on an important mission, everyone. Keep the talk work related.
Steph: C'mon big guy, nothing's happening, and we're all close to falling asleep. If anything, this ensures we're attentive if anything happens.
Bruce: ...Very well. But keep your eyes on the target.
Dick: Will do! Anyways, as i was saying, i think id be 'Royals' by 'Lorde'!
Steph: Dick, i mean this in the nicest way possible but you are quite literally the closest thing there can be to modern-society royalty.
Dick: Yeah, thats why i like the song!
Tim: So you just never listen to the words?
Dick: I mean i never really close attention but is it really that much of a problem??
Duke: I mean, you are like, all of the things she mention she's never going to be.
Dick: Oh :(
Steph: *Snorts* Yeah, if anything youd be 'Candy' by Robbie Williams.
Tim: Hah, yeah.
Dick: Ok, i like the song but now im getting the feeling that its not a compliment.
Cass: Dumb but nice big brother :)
Damian: You do act quite like an empty headed buffoon at times, Richard.
Dick: What! No! Ok wait let me choose another song... ok, ill be 'Killer Queen' by Queen, ok?
Steph: Yeah i guess i can accept that. What about you, tim?
Tim, in a completely dead voice: 'What is love' by TWICE.
Duke: Uh...
Tim: I said what i said.
Duke: Ok... well, i like 'sunflower' by Post Malone.
Dick: Aaw, you are like a sunflower, thats so nice
Cass: You are very bright and warm, yes. Like sunshine
Duke: Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
Cass: I like 'The dog days are over' by Florence and The Machine
Tim: Thats... pretty much perfect for you.
Dick: Yeah, agreed.
Tim: So, baby brat, what about you?
Damian: I told you, i wont lower myself to such childish games!
Dick: Come on, little bat, for me?
Damian: I am not one to be swayed so easily, you fool!
Cass: Dont be mean, baby brother, and have fun. Please?
Damian: Fine. I choose 'You should see me in a crown' by Billie Eilish. I would look very good in a crown.
Steph: Yeah, i dont know what i expected
Dick: What about you, Bruce?
Bruce: I dont listen to music.
Tim: Damn man, that sounds depressing, you must know a song or two
Bruce: I really dont know that many songs, Tim. Maybe you can choose for me
Dick: No! That defeats the purpose of the game, B, come on, just think about it for a second
Bruce: Mmm... I guess if i were to choose, 'Viva la vida' by Coldplay woul-
Jason, who has the comms frequency but never uses and isnt even on the same mission: Personally I'd be 'Fireworks' by Katy Perry
Dick: Jay! its so nice to hear you parteci-
Jason: Specifically the part that goes 'do you ever feel already buried deep, six feet underground but no one seems to hear a thing'
Dick: *softly* Jay, no.
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gummyfang · 1 year
♡♡♡ |   ˗ˏˋ TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT  ´ˎ˗
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➳ 【 S i m o n ‘G h o s t’ R i l e y x Reader 】
❧ Warnings: 𝟏𝟖+, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭, 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛 / 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤
[ 𝟑.𝟒𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ]
[ REQUEST BY ANON ] On my knees and requesting respectfully a jealous Ghost fic cos I just wanna be manhandled by that giant behemoth of a man. Just throw me against the wall and break my back daddy 💦😭 
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: sneef sneef i actually interp him as a v soft dom or sub but i cant say im not a rough ghost enjoyer on occasion. also this is not a canon-compliant fic don’t come at me im just here for a good time. ft keegan bc i wanted to add him. this kinda sucks lol.
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 ♡
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It wasn’t like you ever purposely set out to make Simon envious of the men you spoke with.
It was just that, as you’d learned, your Lieutenant was a lot more prone to envy than anyone could have predicted.
When the two of you had spent your first night together and officially gotten together, you and Simon had made the mutual decision to keep your relationship on the down low. Considering Simon was technically your superior at work, you two didn’t want to get into problems with your jobs due to a lack of professionalism. 
That, and Simon was not a man who enjoyed attracting much social attention to himself anyways. He loathed the potential buzz that a new relationship on base would spark, and decided it would be better to announce somewhere later along the line.
This, however, came with one very obvious problem.
You were attractive.
Your good looks were not the issue by themselves. Simon could not deny he reveled in how handsome you were when you gave him one of your loving stares, and how pretty you looked beneath him when he fucked you stupid.
No, the problem was that your attractiveness did not go unnoticed to other men either.
All Simon could do was let the simmering sting of jealousy stew in his chest as he watched you talk to Keegan. You seemed to be blissfully unaware of the ways in which Keegan’s gaze lurked over your form, like a dog salivating at the sight of a steak. But Simon noticed. He sure as fucking hell noticed.
“Good job during training today. Your form is getting better.” 
The flirtatious undertone of the compliment clearly went over your head, as you just chuckled and thanked him. Simon’s grip on his own crossed arms hardened considerably, earning him some nervous looks.
He was leering at the two of you with a thunderous gaze, the atmosphere practically rumbling with tension. It was starting to become apparent how much this bothered him, some of the soldiers sitting near him sharing concerned but equally confused glances. 
If Simon was being honest with himself, he’d probably realize Keegan’s attraction wasn’t as predatory as he was making it out to be in his mind. You’d been friends with the man for months, and you’d been getting along with him very well long before you entered your relationship with Simon.
But the Lieutenant was not being honest with himself, and he couldn’t give less of a damn whether Keegan wanted to propose to you with flowers or just herd you into his bed. His attraction to you was clear as fucking day, and there was nothing Simon could do to stop it without drawing attention to your relationship status.
Lieutenant Ghost was a man of terrifyingly strong control.
And yet, he felt all that control slip from his iron grasp as he watched Keegan extend his hand as he laughed, his fingers intently tracing over your hip.
With that, his patience snapped like a tightly-strung rope. He rose to his feet with an aura so threatening it would make any hostile think twice before approaching him.
Keegan’s steel gaze turned icy as it moved from you to the Lieutenant’s hulking figure behind you. The corners of your mouth dropped slightly as you noticed the abrupt change in Keegan’s demeanor, before feeling the cold zipper of an open jacket brush against your neck. You turned around, faced with your boyfriend’s chest that was practically in your face right now.
“You are needed in my office.”
For a moment, you thought Ghost was talking to Keegan. It was only because he placed his hand firmly on your shoulder that you knew he was talking to you. The two men were locked in what appeared to be a staring match. You swallowed thickly as the tense, uncomfortable atmosphere became more noticeable to you, prickling at your skin.
Finally, it was Keegan who relented, his gaze moving down. “See you later then.” he said, voice devoid of the playful edge it was filled with earlier. He gave you and Ghost one last wary glance, before heading off to a group of people in the corner.
You watched him leave, slightly baffled, before feeling Simon’s iron grip pull you away.
You eyed him with confusion and slight annoyance. Simon, on the other hand, was staring straight ahead, refusing to look at you as he pushed you along. You had never seen him act like this.
“What’s all this about?!” you hissed in a hushed tone. “We’re being stared at!”
You didn’t receive a response. Whatever he had on his mind, he was too focused on it to pay you any mind right now.
Things became even more confusing when he headed straight past the door to his shared office, your brow furrowing even deeper now. “Lieutenant?” you tried, a hint of concern laced in your voice. 
Suddenly, the grip on your shoulder moved down to grasp at your wrist instead, large hands clamping down around your flesh. It didn’t hurt, Simon always had the wits not to hurt you, but his grip was still unrelentingly tight. With his other hand, he unlocked the door to his private room, dragging you in with him. 
Before you could question him any further, he’d ripped off his mask and hungrily sunken his lips against yours.
Your hands froze at your sides, too shocked to respond as his tongue aggressively pushed at your lips. Sighing out a quiet moan, you opened your mouth, met with the overwhelming feeling of Simon wrapping his tongue around yours. 
Simon rumbled out a low groan as you finally started to regain control of your senses, your hands finding their way to the back of his neck. You held onto fistfuls of his hair, tugging at it lightly as his tongue danced with yours feverishly.
You managed to break away after a few minutes of his hurried and rough kisses, only for him to possessively start teething at your neck. 
“Simon…” you mewled, head tipping back to grant him more access. You were so confused but god, you didn’t mind this. Simon was usually incredibly careful and gentle with you. This was new. 
You grabbed onto his shoulders shakily, stabilizing yourself as Simon continued his merciless onslaught on your skin. You sucked in a breath when you felt him teeth at your neck, switching between feverish licks, harsh sucks and bites. You definitely knew that was going to bruise.
“Si, they’re- fuck- people are gonna see that!” you breathed out, tapping him on his side. “Good.” his deep voice rumbled in response, the first word he’d uttered to you since you left with him. His voice had an uncharacteristically dark edge to it, at least when it came to you. “Maybe that’ll keep those fuckers off of ya next time.”
Your eyes widened slightly. Oh.
It was only then that the quarter fell in your mind. Not once in the short month you’d been together had it occurred to you that Ghost was capable of jealousy, much less one to act on it. 
Honestly, you felt a little bad for him. Not that you really could have done anything about it, the idea to keep your relationship hidden was Simon’s idea and mutually agreed upon. But you honestly hadn’t considered how it was possibly affecting him. 
Still, you were pretty sure you knew how to make that up to him right now.
Besides, it wasn’t like you hadn’t imagined what it would be like if Simon fucked the living hell out of you before.
You hiked up one of your legs intently, hooking it around his as you hung off his body. You’d hike it up to his hip if you could, and you sure as hell tried, but God, were you reminded of how Simon easily towered above you in moments like this.
Nonetheless, he seemed pleasantly responsive to your advance. His hand found its way to the small of your back, fingers digging into your skin so harshly you were sure they would leave light flushed marks.
You could feel his prominent, rock-hard erection prod against your belly. Your hands slid down, fingers circling around his belt slowly and gently. Your fingernails dug themselves against his toned stomach, crescent-shaped marks glaring right above the place he wanted your hands most. Simon did not seem to reciprocate the slow, patient teasing you were trying to coax him into. You sucked in a sharp breath as you felt his thick thumbs roughly force their way past the waist of your pants, roughly tugging at the material. Then it stopped. You blinked, looking up at Simon, realizing he was staring straight back at you. He was a damn sight to behold. His balaclava had been roughly tugged down to pool around his neck, revealing those pretty swollen lips and that sexy stubble he usually kept obscured. You could see a dimly glistening trail of spit trailing down from the corner of his lip, undoubtedly due to the tilted angle he’d been ravaging your neck at. He didn’t move his hands, his head instead inching a little closer. “You can tell me to stop.” he responded in that gruff tone, lust dragging his voice down by at least an octave. 
“You can tell me to stop, or that you don’t want this, and we can stop. But if you don’t-” His grip tightened on your trousers, the pull of the fabric drawing you in closer. “-I will have my way with you.” Fuck. Even when he wanted to do nothing but jump you and rail you until your legs gave out, he still waited for your word without fail. You felt a wave of arousal pool between your legs intensely, your clit throbbing gently at the dark promise rumbling in your ear. Your eyes were almost glazed over as you just stared back at him for a moment, puffy breaths seeping out through parted lips. “You may, please-” Your plea had only barely tumbled off your lips when Simon crashed his own on them again. Wasting no time getting down to business, those thumbs hooked around the waist of your pants were yanked down, taking the fabric down with them. Your underwear soon followed, all while his tongue was still firmly pressed against yours. 
Simon wasn’t kidding when he said he’d have his way with you. You felt his large hands clamp around your sides like a vice, bending and molding you to his liking as if you were clay. His mouth began its second onslaught on your sensitive neck and shoulders, this time biting from the back.
You felt him twist you around, effortlessly as if you were a doll, his left hand leaving your waist to clamp around your wrists instead. You were at his mercy, and the thought made the slick sensation between your folds even more apparent. 
It was as if Simon read your mind. The hand that had momentarily remained on your waist trailed down quickly, your shirt curling under his fingers as he kept them pressed tightly against your body. 
Simon was a man who enjoyed taking his time with you, most of the times he’d have sex with you being preceded by extensive foreplay, but he was in no such mood right now. 
His index and middle finger dipped down smoothly, squeezing your clit between them just perfectly. Your mouth opened in a quiet gasp as you instinctively pressed your body into his chest, though the grasp on your wrists ultimately held you in place firmly. 
The pressure on your clit was rough, deliciously so. His movements were swift and controlled as he rubbed up and down just perfectly, fingers occasionally dipping down to prod at your entrance before sliding back up. “Simon, oh God, mmmf…”
You whimpered, your head leaning against his shoulder for any semblance of support. “‘S that good?” The bass of his voice rumbling in your ear made you shudder, swallowing thickly.
“Yeah, mm… Simon… Simon-” His name drifted off your lips in broken moans and whines, and the Lieutenant absolutely reveled in it. He was the only one who would ever get to hear you moan his name like this, only his name.
“Could anyone else touch you like this? God, you’re so fucking wet for me. All for me.” He growled possessively. This time when his hand slid down, they encircled your hole before plunging in fully without warning.
You whined quietly as you felt his thick digits curl against your g-spot expertly, filling you up nicely and leaving no room for small casual pleasantries. He plunged in harshly with a grunt, and you let out a loud moan. “Speak up.”
“Jus’ you. Only you, Si- God.” Your boyfriend kept ramming his digits into your cunt at a merciless rate, as your breaths started to come out in high-pitched whines and pants. He peered at you through the holes of his skull-shape mask still resting on his face. Simon reveled in watching you lose your composure and whimper like a bitch in heat for all the ways in which he could make you feel good.
“I can’t understand you when you sound like that.” Your glazed eyes snapped open, looking up at him as he looked at you darkly. Fuck, he was enjoying toying with you.
“You’re th’ only one. The only one. Nobody else. Nhh… Si… only one who can make me feel s’good…” 
You were struggling to think straight, struggling to form a cohesive sentence as the loud squelching of Simon’s fingers abusing your pussy echoed off the walls. Your head lurched forwards with a loud breathy moan as he changed his angle, somehow hitting your G-spot even more precisely.
You looked back at him, lust clouding your vision as your voice lowered to a more devious tone.
“Keegan could never… make me feel like this…” Instantly, the movements inside you stopped, his fingers stilling inside of you and his other hand finally releasing your wrists. For a second, you thought you fucked up royally and actually hit a nerve. 
This was not the case. Quite the opposite, in fact. 
You heard aggressive rustling and the rumble of a zipper being undone. You tried looking back at him but gasped when you felt his hand clamp down on the back of your neck, torso pressed firmly against the wall. 
His other hand quickly pulled out of you, instead roughly realigning your hips to be further back. The whimper humming softly in your throat suddenly burst out as a loud squeak as the feeling was soon replaced with that of his weeping tip prodding at your cunt, his erect cock pushing its way between your folds.
Simon roughly shoved his way inside, hand roughly keeping you from instinctively lurching forwards. His warm breath puffed against your ear with rumbling grunts as he pushed himself in deeper, until his pelvis was pressed snugly against your ass.
The man did not give you much time to adjust to his girth before starting to move. Not that you needed much time after the rough way in which he had prepared you with his fingers. 
By now, the slick was generously coating your walls, lubricating your hot cunt enough for Simon’s cock to slip in and out effortlessly.
Your mouth fell agape, your cheeks flushed as you struggled to keep your wobbly legs from collapsing, Simon’s rough and fast thrusts throwing you off balance. But nothing slipped past Ghost, you soon remembered, as you felt his tattooed muscular arm clamp around your middle harshly to keep you stable.
You quickly lost control over your volume, whines and whimpers steadily turning into loud and broken. This was usually where Simon would shush you, shove his fingers into your mouth or kiss you. But not this time. “You’re so fucking loud… Fuck, you love this, don’t you?” he growled into your ear, adjusting his pace until he was brutally pistoning his dick into your cunt, his balls audibly smacking against your skin.
“God… you fit so fucking perfectly around this cock. Your pussy was made for this cock.” Simon was usually not one for dirty talk, the words leaving an odd and cringeworthy taste in his mouth after he’d say them. But he couldn’t stop himself, his brain just rolling out the word vomit to subject you to like an assembly line.
You sure as hell weren’t going to complain.
“Simon, fuck- Fuck! Please, just like that. I need- I need you.”
The consistency of his thrusts faltered at that, something that almost sounded like a whimper erupting from his throat. 
A drop of sweat rolled down your forehead as your eyebrows scrunched together, starting to feel the familiar knot in your stomach tightening. Your boyfriend fingering you had already gotten you halfway there, and with the pace at which he was drilling into you you weren’t going to last much longer.
“C’mon, love. My name- let them know. They can all fucking know. Please. I need them to know who’s fucking you. Please…”
He groaned loudly as his hips stuttered, unable to resist you. Goddamn you. You could metaphorically get him to his knees even when he was fucking you against a wall like he wanted to wreck you.
You whimpered, tongue swiping over your lips before obliging him. “Simon- mmm, Simon…” You were hesitant, your boyfriend’s wishes upon establishing your relationship ringing in your mind. But the rough smack you got to your hip told you he couldn’t give less of a fuck right now. “Simon, fuck- God, Simon! Simon!” His name continued to tumble off your lips like a mantra, each thrust into your spongy cunt leaving you less able to think. He was the only thing on your mind, just Simon, only he could fuck you like this. Finally, the coil that had been building came undone accompanied by a loud scream of his name. Your pussy clenched harshly around him as you came on his cock. You were goddamn grateful Simon was holding you up right about now, as you were sure you would have sunken to the floor had it not been for his arm keeping you secure.
The feeling of you clenching around his dick finally sent Simon over the edge too. He let out the most delicious guttural groan as his movements stuttered for one final time, cock quivering before shooting his seed deep inside of you. 
He continued to sloppily fuck his cum into you a few more times before his movements stilled completely, stabilizing himself against the wall with his hand. A silence fell over the two of you as you just took a moment to catch your breaths, Simon’s other hand rubbing over your stomach almost apologetically. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence by any means, but it was also one filled with the realization that there was no way nobody had heard you. 
It wasn’t going to be long before everyone knew who the Lieutenant had been fucking in his room.
“Si, I gotta- I gotta sit.” you finally broke the silence. He responded quickly, pulling out of you with a shaky breath before guiding you to his bed, helping you sit down as he took off his mask and placed it on his nightstand. He eyed your cunt, gently reaching down to half-heartedly shove some of his oozing cum back into your pussy. You whined softly, but didn’t have the energy to do anything else, instead just leaning against his chest. “You sure you don’t mind?” you whispered, fingers tracing the dark lines of his tattoo gently. Simon just grunted.
“It was bound to come out sooner or later.” he said gruffly. “I was growing real sick of it anyway. About time those shitbirds learned you’re spoken for.” You chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around his waist to sleepily tug him into a hug. “You found one hell of a way for them to find out, though. Fucking hell, Si.”
That earned you a gruff chuckle from your boyfriend, who started to guide you to lie down with him on the bed and pulled you tighter against his chest. His lips gently pressed to your forehead as you closed your eyes, the finger drawing figures on his arm slowly coming to a halt as you dozed off in his arms.
You’d both deal with the consequences of this in the morning.
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@rahmown​ (ty for being the first and only one so far <33)
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spikedhe4rt · 7 months
you just did a soda with a mommy kink… now i want dally 🙏 doesn’t even have to be mommy i’m just CRAVING submissive dally! maybe reader and him could be out and dal’s all tough until they get home 🤭🤭
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Word Count: 1364
A/N: Hey pookies. Im back!!! Hope yall enjoy this chapter. it came out longer than I usually write so I hope you enjoy <3 Requests always open and I love you guys!
✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
The party music only seemed to get louder as I sipped my drink. I had no intention of getting drunk. It was a party at bucks right below Dallas's room and it was keeping me up. Dally was already down here, drinking his ass off and probably gambling. There was only a matter of time before I had to reel him in. One thing about him is that he got ballsy when he was tipsy
I checked the time and it was 2:00 am already. Cigarette and alcohol lingered in the air, probably getting everyone if not already, slightly high. My eyes scanned the room before situating them on Dally, at a pool table. I started at his hard expression that was clearly pissed off. Its time. I rose to my feet and shuffled through the packed party to get to him. "Dal, its time to go up." I spoke, touching his arm slightly.
Dallas's arm shook off my hand before looking at me with a challenging look. "I'll come up when I come up" My eyebrows knitted closely together as my face twisted with annoyance. "Dallas-" I spoke his name again with more confidence. "Can you just let me enjoy my time down here-fuckin suffocating me all the time." I looked at him with a sarcastic smile before leaning into his neck.
I pressed my lips to his pale skin, sucking ever so slightly before biting down harshly to make a bruise. I pull away and search his face for a expression. His eyes find mine in pure desperation, mercy, and begging. My lips tugged in both corners as my hand found its way to his neck, my thumb rubbing the bruise forming. "You like when I mark you up? Don't you?"
His adams apple bobbed as he gulped, supplying me with my answer. "You're definitely not leaving the bed tonight so get ready." My hand resting on his neck, slowly raked down his chest before I turned on my heel to make my way upstairs. Liquid courage always bites him in the ass.
His footsteps pattered behind me quickly, as I continued to walk. Once we got into our room I pulled Dallas into me, his toned stomach flush against mine. Our lips connect and I start to tease the waistband of his underwear. He sighed, thinking that he would get rewarded for his behavior. Stupid "Get on your knees, pretty boy"
Dallas complied and looked up at me. "You're so pathetic, baby. Acting like you're such a man but turning into a whore when you come here with me. " I tutted. Dallas let out a muffled grunt as he shifted on the floor. "Please help me. I need you" his voice was low and desperate. It sounded like he was almost on the verge of tears honestly.
I smiled at him before grabbing his chin and making him look at me in the eyes. "Prove it." Dallas nodded. His lips captured the skin of my shin, they slowly moved till they reach my upper thigh. "Can I take them off, sweetheart. Please?" Begging.
"Do you think you deserve that?" I feigned confusion. He lifted his head with furrowed brows.
"Please, don't make me beg. Im sorry, I need it."
Satisfaction painted my expression. He relaxed a bit, knowing what the look meant. I was gonna give him something...anything. It was like throwing a dog a bone. "Go ahead"
The metal of the button of my buttons clinked as urged to get them open. He tugged them down roughly, damn near giving me fucking friction burns. Dallas's mouth immediately founds it way to me, tonguing me over my underwear. "Fuck. Thats good, baby" I moaned.
The tip of his tongue hit my clit perfectly through the cloth, making me groan. I threw back my head against the door. A hand snaked between me and the door, bringing down on his mouth further. Praise spill from my mouth as I felt hypnotized by his wet muscle. His other hand came to my aching clit, starting to rub fast circle.
He ate me out like his life depended on it, only coming up to take quick breaths. My moans only encouraged him to go faster.
"Shit, Dally, yes, such a good boy."
I pulled him back by his hair to look at him. He looked completely pussy-drunk, eyes dazed and my arousal shining off the lower half of his face. "You're such a pretty boy, Dally. Its a shame you're not a good boy most of the time." I feigned a fake sympathy face before pushing his face back between my thighs.
I looked down at him and his eyes met mine. His tongue wrapped around my clit and sucked as his fingers came to my entrance, teasing me. "Don't tease." His middle finger entered me almost immediately, making me groan loudly. My moans spewed him on, another finger pushing into me.
"You love eating my pussy, don't you? Say it for me."
He pulled back himself this time, "I love eating your pussy. I want you to cum. I need it, sweetheart"
I felt my peak get closer hearing his pleas. My hand founds its way to his hair pushing him closer to me. My hips bucked into his face, grinding harder and harder. My orgasm crash over me soon after, making me cry out.
I released his hair after pulling him away. "Get up. Dallas got up quickly. My lips found his immediately, my tongue slipping into his mouth to deepen it quickly. We both pulled away breathless. "Take off your clothes for me" I whispered against his lips.
Dally stepped back and hurriedly pulled off his shirt, pants and lastly underwear. I pushed him on the bed and straddled him, connecting our lips once again. "What do you want? Be a good boy and use your words. He groaned softly at my  choice of words
"I need to be inside of you, Please."
I told him to flip us over till I was on my back. "Always feels so good. Can I move, please?" He whispered into my ear as he pushed in. "Mhm." His hands grasped my hips as he pulled them flush against him. He let out a content sigh. "Fuck."
Dallas rocks into me, making me feel every part of his cock. "Go faster for me, baby" I told him. He whimpered and complied. "Shit, you feel so good." I pull him down to press my lips to his neck, giving him new marks. "You like that? I didn't forget about earlier, you're not coming yet.
His blissful expression dropped quickly as my words sunk in.
I could tell that he was close by the way his cock throb inside of me. The room was filled of sounds of slapping skin and moans. It almost feels addictive the way Im just taking him in. I felt him thrust particularly harder, making moan out. "You're so handsome when you're desperate, Dally"
He groaned. "Please say my name like that again. Can I cum?"  I shook my head and gave him a sarcastic pout. "Aw poor baby. All pent up. Well you should've thought about that before" His mouth came down to my chest, starting to kiss down the valley of my breasts. My orgasm approached as my moans got raspier and breathless.
I brought my hand down to me clit, rubbing fast circle on the aching bundle of nerves. "Gonna cum. You're doing so good" It only took a couple more thrust before I came, make me grip his biceps. "I need to-" he tried to get out before I interrupted. "Beg"
His thrusts don't halt as he repeats the word "please" to me in a effort. "Not good enough, baby. Cmon I know you can do it." I brought him back down to kiss down his jaw once again. "I love you. Im sorry, I won't do it again. I s-swear. oh fuck. I wont-"
"Cum for me." I whispered.
He buried himself into me at a hilt before shooting thick ribbons of cum into me. " Thank you! Thank you!"
Such good manners.
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scarletevening · 4 months
j a teaser/ test for the enxt chapter in my ghost x medic! reader.
please give me some insight/ critique cause im really in a ditch rn.
simon riley x medic! reader, chap 3 teaser, simons perspective.
Apparently, medical files were just as easily tricked by pretty brown eyes as you were. Because last time you checked, which was definitely not two or three minutes ago, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley was not stated to have any tattoos. 
Blinking in surprise, you watched as the hunk of muscle dashed at the other figure across the sand, white mask reflecting the light of the sun as he moves. 
Eyes sharp, shoulders relaxed, lunging forward, I meet Johnny’s eyes as I grapple his shoulders and shove him to the ground, a laugh sounding from the man below me,
“Unfair, L.T.!”
My lips tease a smile, growling back,
“Don’t think so, Sargent,”
He laughs when I release him, helping him back up to his feet. Usually, I wasn’t one to skimp out on training, but I’d much rather waste my time listening to Johnny ramble on about the dog he’s been thinking of getting than doing any more combative training. 
His eyes fall behind my face, his elbow coming to nudge my arm as he grins, 
“Y’know L.T. I think me and that medic—”
“Quiet, Johnny.” 
I warn, watching as his eyes go wide, the devil’s smile gracing his lips as he raises his arm and waves at her. I take a sharp breath, groaning as my hand tightens into a fist.
“Hi Soap, Ghost.”
She smiles. I can feel it, even though my back was facing her. I sigh, hopefully she didn’t take it the wrong way as I glance over my shoulder, turning slowly,
“Mornin’, Doc.”
“Heya, Bonnie.”
Johnny grins, standing closer than he needs to before you. He knows, he just won’t say it. I glare to my side, staring down at his half-shaved head. It was impossible to keep my eyes away from her, her damn brilliant smile, eyes curving into half crescents as they look up to meet mine. 
My eyes shift back to hers, my stomach turning at the way she giggles and smiles at Johnny, at fucking Soap. How her hands rest on her hips, her hair springing out from around her face, she was clearly mid-shift. He didn’t notice.
I did.
uhm.... thats all so lmk if i should keep it like this or burn it!! taglist: @141trash, @thriving-n-jiving, @agorophobicreader, @murder-hobo @strawberrygato idk if this is something taglist worthy, sorry if it isnt.
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dabislittlemouse · 10 months
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When Dabi climbed through the window of your apartment, he was quiet so as to not disturb you. He needn’t have bothered as you weren’t even in the room. He glanced around and then tilted his head when he heard the distant sound of water running. His mouth twisted into a small grin; a little late for a shower but he wasn’t complaining as he made his way quietly out of your bedroom. He made sure to kick off his boots by the bedroom door as he approached the bathroom.
He made it just as the water stopped and he decided to simply open the door quietly until it was cracked. He watched through a narrow opening as you stepped out of the shower. His cock immediately hardening in his pants at the sight of your beautiful, pale soft skin. Water still running in valleys between your tits and legs and he couldn’t stop the small moan. Fuck you were gorgeous. And only grew more so each time he saw you. He was fucking addicted.
Dabi couldn’t resist anymore. He shoved the door open just as you were hiking a leg up on the toilet to start rubbing lotion into your legs. He thoroughly enjoyed the way you let out a startled shriek as he pounced. “D-Dabi!” You cried out as he gripped your arms, twisted you around and shoved you over the bathroom sink. His feet kicking your legs apart as one hand pushed your head straight into the mirror. “Fuck doll- missed ya so damn much. Been gone only a fuckin week and I come back to see you like this?!” His voice was low and raspy and you let out a lewd moan when he ground his clothed cock against your bare ass.
Dabi moved, leaving his hand on the back of your head, to lick and suck and bite at the back of your neck and your back as he dropped to his knees. He had no choice but to release your head to grip the meat of your cute little ass. “Oh fuck doll look at you~” his voice was slightly breathless as he used his thumbs to pull you apart for him to stare at. You were wet already, your pretty pink cunt just glistening for him, and he couldn’t wait any more. He shoved his face straight against your leaking hole and held you tight at the hips and ass as your body jerked.
“D-Dabi!” You cried out and threw your head back as he shoved his tongue straight into you. Lewd, slurping noises filled the bathroom and the hallway as he ate you like a man starved. He only stopped when you cried out and creamed so hard over his face that it ran down his chin and neck. He let out a chuckle and stood up, quickly undoing his belt and pants, to let his throbbing cock free. Your eyes met his and then you slid your gaze to his pierced cock with a lewd moan as you gripped the sink.
“P-please Dabs…!” You moved one hand to place it over his own to pull your ass apart again and the sight had him grunting. Dabi gripped your hips again, shot you a wicked smirk, and wasted no time shoving his cock into you until you were gasping for air and begging for him to go harder, faster, deeper. “Fuuuuckin’ filthy little thing…! That’s right baby take it! Take my cock” he hissed as he bent over you and slammed his hips mercilessly against you.
You would have deep burns and bruises later but… Who the fuck would complain when he had your eyes rolling back and your tongue rolling out of your mouth like a dog? Certainly not you. And Dabi laughed at your fucked out face as he continued to move against you violently~
I read this at work and it already made me feel way better (I hurt myself with Dabi angst earlier dont mind me) but YES NOW IM FERAL AGAIN GRHHTJGNGN
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little-blurry-stars5 · 5 months
editing this as i go--
so started right off at crusty's, and heres the thing- they walked right in and instantly took him down. the thing im a bit disappointed about is that in the books, its percy that thinks quickly on his feet to rescue his friends, and im sad they weren't able to portray that in the show, because too many times hes percived as dumb or slow when in reality hes actully really smart
grovers stress toy 😭 someone give this man (satyr?) a BREAK
ohhhhh i know percy's finna break a pearl and demolish new reader's hopes and dreams
HOLY FRIGGIN HELL THATS A BIG DOG (love that they kept the rottweiler detail tho)
GROVER GROVER R U OK PLEASE BE OKAY OH MY GODS oh wait annabeth has the ball itll b ok
shes. shes petting it
awww hes just a doggy just a very very big doggy oh hello grover thats. thats really gross but atleast ur ok
annabeth HOLD ON GIRL
shoes didnt do the the thing. huh
THERE THEY GO. awww theyre playing with him <3 glad they kept that. grovers in awe i would be too
why is his palace upsidedown...???
oh aw no.... poor sally. she didnt deserve everything that sucks. also poor percy
FUCK THATS CREEPY. oh theres more. wonderful. oh theyre in asphodel. why are they so creepy........... stop
annabeth?? girl whats goin on?? WHY IS SHE TIED UP ohh she regrets thalia doesnt she... how is she going to get out of there oh the pearl.. AIGHT GO GO GET OUTTA THERE i know it must break his heart to leave her but atleast shes safe
OOP THE SHOES. THEYRE THEY GO hes going to fall into that hole in five years oh my gods. and they were red converse too... damn. oh theres the bolt. wait he was supossed to figure it out himself why did it just. appear. what are they going to do... i thought they were supossed to meet hades??? oh there they go. HADES ISNT INVOLVED GUYS... OH HES FINNA GO FOR HIS MOM THATS HOW HADES IS INVOLVED
stop youre breaking my heart. stop stop thiS MADNESS [cries and sobs]
the underworld is weirddd but lowk cool?? its diff from wut i had in mind but still
is that.... hades??? THAT IS HUH.
cilp clack clip clack clip clack clip clack oh i could listen to that all day
WHY IS SHE A STATUE?? true hades... true... he looks way diff than i imagined. love the big speech.. hun... but he doesnt want the bolt
hades just minding his own buisness 😭
HES FIGIURING IT OUT HE FIGURED IT OUT woooooooo there he goessss
hes protecting them omg. hes such a good guy. ok we wiat why does ohhhh hes actully smart?? hes actully practical. hades is js trying to live his life man...
STOPP POISEDION?? he cares he cares so much- is he british?? im crying stop SALLY DESERVES BETTER SHE JS WANTS HER SON TO BE SAFE IM CRYING aww sally and poisiodon <333 hes here for here - at least now. oh wiat thats THATS SO GOOD STOP THIS SHOW IS AMAZING ADKLAJFKLDAJSFKL;SAJFKLAS;
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euijoosorangeslice · 7 months
Turned into the Mafia's Maid (part one)
warnings: kidnapping, cursing
You were in a new city, being originally from a place farther from where you are now: a distant, desolate, hole in the wall. You had your occasional event, but there was already a built community. You always felt like an outsider.
Though, you have noticed one thing. This mysterious looking, cat like boy has been staring at you awfully hard. You went to the corner store (almost every day, you can barely cook), grabbing all the snacks you wanted from the shelves as your makeshift dinner. You put your phone and your apartment key down on the counter, grabbing a hot dog and a frozen dessert.
When you went to check out, grabbing your phone and heading to the counter, you noticed there was a guy staring at you. You didn’t think much of it, since you were a foreigner to the area. “23.56, ma'am.” The cashier spoke in his usual monotone voice. Damn, you really just spent over twenty bucks at a corner store. Either way, you handed the cashier your cash, turning to stuff your money into your pocket. Then and there you noticed that the boy’s eyes were locked in onto your figure.
When he noticed that you’d seen him, he immediately disappeared into the aisles. Weird, but okay. Still, you’re new to the area, he’s probably just a little confused since this city doesn’t get much traffic. You grabbed your bags and left, walking slowly down the street while listening to rock music. Your music paused due to the city’s shitty connection, and that’s when you heard hurried footsteps behind you.
On instinct, you turned around quickly. But no one was there. Starting to freak out, you clutched your taser in your hand tightly, speeding up your pace. The music continue, making your heart beat faster. Should you run? What if they chase you? Is there even anything there?
So your pace turned into a light jog. Your apartment is only a few minutes away, just turn the corner and full send. You hit the corner, looking behind you before you started running like a maniac. Sure enough, you saw a tall man in a hood and all black behind you. Fuck. You quickly turned on your heel, running as fast as you can. You ripped your earbuds out of your ears, heavily breathing as you snapped your body around the corner of the pillar outside your apartment.
You lurched forward, slipping and scraping your exposed knee against the gravel. Hissing in pain, you hobbled up and kept running. You heard rocks kick up as you ran, your brain clicking. He was chasing you, only a few feet behind you. Shit.
You ran into the dim corridor, the place unlit and run down. Elevator or stairs? Fuck, no time to think! You took a sharp right turn, your shoes clicking up the cement steps. You heard the door open behind you, going up to the third floor. By the time you reached your room, you heard the stair door open. Oh god, your keys. In your purse or in your bag, maybe your pockets? “There you are, my dear.” A condescending voice started from down the hall. You fumbled with your pockets, before it hit you.
You left your key at the store.
“Looking for this, sweetheart?”
His voice was angelic, smooth like a creamy spread over toast. “No need to run. Just tryna give you your keys back.” You still maintained a distance between the man, who removed his hood. “I’m Nicholas, nice to meet you. You are?”
“Y/n. Give me my fucking keys you perv.” You shouted, Nicholas taking careful steps toward you. “Got it. Here.” He reached out, placing the key in your palm. You turned to go into your apartment, feeling him tug your body backwards as a rag was pressed against your face, doused with chemicals. “Sorry princess, you were just being so difficult."
yeahh soo.... im in my wattpad era rn but atleast itll get good soon.
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latenightshoww · 5 months
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a/n: got bored, hope they never see this cause ill sob; warnings: uses she/her pronouns, like the tiniest bit of angst, I DO NOT CLAIM THAT THEY ACT LIKE THIS IN REAL LIFE! synopsis: you and chris have been broken up for three months now but when he sees you again at a party, he can’t help the feelings that rush back to him
chris looked over himself in the mirror, fiddling around with the silver chain around his neck. he really did want to go this party tonight, he was just….
he hated this. he hated moping around his house like a scolded dog. he hated missing out. he hated not showing up. and he ESPECIALLY hated—
“CHRIS HURRY THE FUCK UP BEFORE WE LEAVE WITHOUT YOU,” his brother’s grating voice screamed for him.
chris let out a sigh before shouting, “IM COMING NICK!”
chris screamed along with the music, he was glad he made himself come out tonight.
he leaned over to his brother, having to shout over the pounding music “HEY! IM GOING TO GET A DRINK BE RIGHT BACK!”
“WHAT,” his brother screamed back.
chris just rolled his eyes, and walked away from the dance floor.
he wanted around the unfamiliar halls of the house, trying to find a cooler or someone he knew so that he could ask them if they knew where the cooler was.
suddenly he felt something splash all over him.
“oh shit! my bad, man,” this unfamiliar dude said with a smirk.
chris was mad, he had just bought this damn shirt two weeks ago and normally he would’ve let it slide cause let’s be real it’s a shirt, he could’ve washed it. but it was the way this “apologized”, like he thought it was funny.
“nah it’s fine man,” chris said through gritted teeth.
the dude gave him a nod and wandered off.
“WHERE’D YOU GO,” matt shouted.
matt started to laugh, but suddenly stopped. his face went slack.
chris looked behind him and suddenly felt himself go pale because right behind him standing in the crowd was you.
you looked gorgeous, hair styled just right, your makeup was beautiful, even from where he was he could see the way your lipgloss shined. the dress you had on was one chris had bought you, and it was hugging you in all the right place, he felt his heart leap into his throat when he saw you still had on the bracelet he had bought you for your six month anniversary.
suddenly he felt his feet move on their own, he was walking over towards you when he suddenly felt his brothers hand on his shoulder.
“chris, don’t.”
chris but his lip, he looked back over to you. and suddenly he felt himself boil over with rage. because in the minute he took his eyes off you, the asshat that managed to spill his drink all over him, suddenly had appeared right next to you.
and you did not look happy about it.
chris broke free of his brothers grasp and instantly appeared by your side.
“hey babe,” he said, casually wrapping a hand around your waist, “who’s your friend?”
“you know this guy,” douche bag uttered in disbelief.
“yup,” you replied without hesitation. “he’s my boyfriend.”
chris felt himself smirk at that. it felt good to hear you say that after so long.
the douchebag just raided his hands in defeat, and walked away, clearly over his pathetic attempt of trying to flirt with you.
chris felt you slip away from his grasp, he watched as you attempted to disappear in the crowd.
except he wasn’t going to let you go this time.
“thought id find you out here.”
you whipped your head towards chris. you had been sitting on the curb, trying to calm yourself down.
“can i sit down,” chris asked, hand shoved deep into his jean pockets.
you shrugged, trying hard not to look at him.
you heard shuffling as chris sat down next to you. you both sat in awkward silence, not exactly knowing what to say.
“y/n, i—“
“what chris,” you let out with a huff, “what do you possibly have to say to me?!”
chris felt his mouth go dry, he didn’t think his through.
“exactly,” you said rolling your eyes, you got up from the curb completely over this conversation.
suddenly chris hand was clenched around your wrist.
“y/n wait! i just wanted to say—“
“what?! that you’re sorry?! chris do you really think one measly apology is going to make up for what you did?!”
“no but—“
“chris you left me! with no word of warning, you just left without a word! that’s not how breaks ups work! usually someone has to tell you if they’re not interested anymore! but you just gave me radio silence!”
“i didn’t mean for it to happen that way!”
“oh really?! cause that’s not what it looked like to me?!”
you felt your breath hitch.
“we were starting to get serious and it scared me a lot, ok? and i know that’s not an excuse but i was terrified of getting that close to you.”
“why,” you said looking down at your shoes.
you felt chris get closer to you, lifting up your face to look at him.
“because i don’t ever want to lose you, ok? i care about you too much and i wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t in my life. you’re one of the best things that ever happened to me and i want you to stick around for a really long time. these past three months without you have been really hard, i wake up and it hurts, i eat and it hurts, i drink and it—“
“chris,” you softly uttered, interrupting him.
“shut up.”
you closed the gap in between you, kissing him. you felt his arms slink around you drawing you in closer, and you brought your arms up entangling your fingers in his hair.
soon you had to pull apart for air, and you were left entangled in each others arms.
“will you be my girlfriend again?”
you smiled softly, “ok. but if you ever try to ghost me again, im hitting you with a car.”
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b-ritney · 1 year
My Favorites Fics
This is going to be an ever expanding list that I will edit from time to time, I have almost 400 liked stories though so it will take me a while to get through everything!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't be offended if a story you wrote doesn't come up on the list I promise I don't mean to leave anyone out I LOVE all the stories I've liked and the writers, and I tell my IRL friends about your writing ALL the time!
I will write next to each thing what it is :)
Take The Edge Off by @ohcaptainstains : SMUT
This is soooo good it's one of the first fics I read when I got really into this community and I was immediately hooked.
Aftercare by @dazed-nymphsss : FLUFF but mentions smut
Another really sweet one I read at the beginning of my obsession, I read it while I was overnight dog-sitting for my grandma's neighbor and I just remember the dog giving me the weirdest looks when I was giggling and kicking my feet.
Gentle With Me by @swingsuckerswing: SMUT
Reminds me of a movie I just can't figure out which one though.... I just love how Eddie is so sweet about the whole first-time thing.
he's gentle when he wants to be by @munsonussy: SMUT
LITERALLY, I DIED "Is it okay if I touch you baby, or not yet?" SUCH A GENTLEMAN AHHHHH
something extra by @luveline: SMUT
It's the way he so sexily explains what he's gonna do to the reader and asks if it's ok and everything, we love a respectful man UGH actually though it is so so so so good.
Eddie loves on anxious reader drabble by @bambimunson: FLUFF
As someone who struggles with an anxiety disorder this type of love and affection would make me want to hold onto that person and never let them go sooooo sweet!
Shy! reader joins hellfire by @luveline: FLUFF
THE ENDING BRUH I kid you not I cried, having a friend like Eddie would be so special. Who gave him the right to be this charming and adorable!
Aftercare w/ Eddie by @silkscream: FLUFF with mentions of smut
I'm a fool for the giggly, loving afterglow when nothing else matters but the 2 of you. This is *chefs kiss*
Right Here by @upsidedownwithsteve: Fluff but with *sMuTtY sPicE*
Shit you not I probably come back and read this at least once a week... I think I'm jealous of the reader lmao, The shotgunning is... *bites knuckle* so so so so sexy.
Eddie holds your hand while he eats you out by @manicpixiedreamcurl: SMUT
If one day someone ever loves me for real, they better hold my hand like this.
Systematic Oppression by @fierce-writer Guns n Roses Meme
They would absolutely do that, also LOVE your profile pic Myles and Slash kick ASS!
Period Sex w/ Eddie by @ddejavvu: SMUT
Some people are just lucky I guess UGH we love a bf how doesn't mind getting a little messy haha seriously though Im in love with this lmao
Size kink with Billy Hargrove by @tommydarlings: SMUT
I love the whole thing but the NSFW part *bites knuckles again* my intimidation kink is really making itself known rn lmao
Bi-Billy I'm Nervous by @smolkiwi98 : SMUT
I resonated with this one so much, my virgin ass still goes crazy re-reading this all the damn time. The reader just sounded so much like me lmao but LIKE when he's still a little mean when she tenses up HEHEHEHE I'm a SLUT for that shit.
FACESITTING W/ EDDIE by @forourmoons: SMUT
I'm what society considers plus size sooo I've always been hesitant to even indulge myself in this topic, but HOLY SHIT, this fic is so cute and encouraging, while also being nasty af. Like me LMAO JK JK
Baby, Kiss Me Quick by @upsidedownwithsteve: SMUT
Call me sweetheart again I dare you! ..... no seriously like call me sweetheart again hehehehehehe (Have you ever heard sponge bob say "I loOOVVEE ITTTT" bc that's what I sound like rn.)
Ice Cube request by @sunflowersteves: SMUT
Listen.... don't knock it till you try it, that's all I'm gonna say. LMAO seriously though this is again *chefs kiss* (PLZ DON'T TRY THIS UNLESS YOU'VE TALKED TO LIKE A DOCTOR OR SOMETHING, just keep the ice on the outside unless you know what your doing...)
Stick & Poke by @idkmanijustwannawrite SMUT
I'm just jealous of the reader honestly, I'm a whore for that shit, also is it weird that I like the feeling of being tattooed... the whole experience is like a challenge to see if you can take it or not... OMG I just learned something about myself LMAO
camera shy by @bowerquinn SMUT
excuse me while I *swallow my whole fist* it stayed up until 2am reading this one a while back.
Babysitter x Steve by @mypoisonedvine: SMUT
This was like a gateway drug for me into the universe of STEDDIE X BABYSITTER fics which is currently my all-time favorite trope. It's so good omfg.
Angst writer Meme by @thedialup
Lol the cheeky little smile on the stick figures face is accurate as hell too, they know they are channeling all that internal rage and turmoil into a masterpiece lmao.
The "Yes" Policy by @pinkrelish Mix of Fluff/SMUT/angst kind of
This series has 7 PARTS as of right now, when I tell you it's good it's fucking GOOD, the way the tension slowly builds between the reader and Eddie is so... for lack of a better term *tAntAliZinG* I LOVE IT.
Boys On Film by @corrodedcorpses SMUT
This writer... y'all this writer, she is F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C this is also a series that is so FUCKING good.
June Baby by @luveline Mix fluff/angst/ idk about smut I haven't finished the series yet.
Ok, so this series consistently made me cry in the best way. Something about Eddie just being so good to this young single mom made me emotional, so so amazing.
Soft Sex with Eddie by @wroteclassicaly SMUT
This makes me involuntarily shake.. like a constant state of anticipation the intimacy is OFF THE CHARTS. I loVe iT
Rumour by @msgexymunson SMUT
This..... I don't even know where to start.. not only has this series been giving me actual life the last few weeks but I JUST KEEP COMING BACK TO IT... listen, the dick piercing? masterstroke my friend, well done. take a bow honestly. *clap* *clap* *clap*
Love Me Deep by @tastefulstars SMUT
These men have a choke hold on me right now... why is it that the idea of being helpless between them turns me on so much lmao. Maybe it's like the unintentionally filthy, dirty talk they do, idk lol.
The Sheep by @newlips SMUT
It's the tattoo's for me *drooling*
Shy reader x Rockstar Eddie! by @lucasnclair FLUFF
The cutest... this is basically what I want from my future rockstar husband. I will come back and thank this writer when I print this story and hand it to my husband as a BLUEPRINT lmao (don't worry I'll make sure I credit you haha)
Paparazzi by @tiannasfanfic FLUFF/ SMUT/ ANGST
I apologize for the language but good FUCKING god this fic made me feel all the emotions. This writer's talent is unbelievable! I will say I love how you made Eddie's publicity wife the actual baddest bitch ever, we love a powerful woman who helps those in need.
How They Comfort You by @dazed-nymphsss FLUFF with some innuendo
Taking Steve and Eddie At The Same Time... by @indulgentlyinclined SMUT
The way this kept me up at night for 3 days straight. I- am drooling
Steddie X babysitter by @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint SMUT
I could go on for FUCKING WEEKS about this currently 2 PART series.... It is my current obsession and the topic of every conversation I have with my irl friend I read fics with... I almost stayed awake through the night when I stumbled on this one... like I was giggling so much I had to keep stopping and starting lol... literally so good.
Pretty Sounds by @eddiethefreakkmunson SMUT
Can you imagine if this was reality though... Axl Rose is on his fucking knees, Eddie would be his god.
Sitting on Eddie's Amp by @corrodedcherry SMUT
Thank you for giving yet another reason to love dirty ass rockstars... I've been perched on top of a live amp before lmao.... listen... like I said before, DONT KNOCK IT TILL YOU TRY IT
Eddie's rings while he eats you out by @niceboyeds and @munsonology SMUT
But can you imagine though UGH
Inked Eddie x reader x steve by @muertawrites SMUT
Again with the tattoo thing, I LOVE the feeling of being tattooed so I don't relate to the reader's physical pain BUT BUT BUT I can relate to wanting to be in her exact position every time I read this fic, AHHH the jealousy is TOO REAL lol
Approved by @writingdumpster SMUT
I can't wait to make my parents this angry lmao, this is soooo *spIcY*
As You Wish by @corroded-hellfire SMUT
I'm biting my knuckles again seriously like this is sooo damn hot. Thank you for giving me life with another Babysitter fic UGH
weekend storm by @wroteclassicaly SMUT
You're a wizard Harry, seriously this is *MaGic*
Enjolras eats mad revolutionary pussy by @ceriseheaven SMUT
When I tell you I showed this to everyone... *bites knuckles* the part with the corset... you're a GENIUS! also..... THE FRENCH
I'm In Control by @justmeinadaze SMUT SMUT SMUT
Every time you update I giggle with excitement. This series blows my mind in the best way ugh
Helping Hands by @daddyreid SMUT
The way this has invaded my thoughts every day since the first time I read it... round of applause for this author.
Easy Like A Sunday Afternoon by @newlips SMUT
My friend and I read this together during the intermissions of a hockey game and we both screamed at the part where he protects her head WE LOVE A THOUGHTFUL CARING MAN!
Baby, as if by @carolmunson SMUT SMUT SMUT
OK be warned if you are not into dark toxic mean Eddie then you might want to be very cautious, but FOR ME.... my panties evaporated LMAO are we okay?! hahaha
Perv Eddie Eats Your Puss while you sleep by @corrodedcherry SMUT
... imagine having like a sexy dream and then waking up and it's for real happening ummmm.... hehehehe (consensual of course)
Eddie spits on your pussy by @ceriseheaven
Take a bow queen bc this is a masterpiece, when he, "need another taste baby, you'll give it to me?" LMAO my mom goes "Why the fuck are you screaming." This is absolutely one I'll come back too, I'm sending this to the girly group chat as we speak.
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catchyhuh · 8 months
I KNOW IT’S TOUGH DECIDING! handled by the usual stereotypical view of dogs and cats in movies combined with the brief stint i had working at an animal shelter
lupin: lover of all animals. except that one he doesnt like. and that other one. and thYknow what let's just say lover of most animals. he likes both for wildly different reasons. cats are more selfsustaining, so he doesnt have to worry about them as much, but dogs match his playful upbeat energy better, so... if he had to OWN one he'd pick a cat, if he had to spend time with one for a few hours, dog
jigen: you know he might initially strike you as a cat person because. look at him. but he's big on dogs, specifically old, sighs all the time exasperated dogs. who knows why right. epitome of "we can get a dog but im not gonna like the damn thing" (falls asleep with the dog on his chest) casual enjoyer of cats. grumbles when they get under his feet and almost trip him but that’s just life man!!
fujiko: AGAIN YOU'D THINK A CAT PERSON but as evidenced by. certain things in her life she LOVES unthinking loyalty. and nothing says unthinking loyalty like a big, fluffy, happy dog. iirc when she got a shit ton of cash at one point in part 2 one of the first things she did was get a huge ass saint bernard. that said she's human and loves how pretty and soft some cat breeds are, and like. mentally connects with their style of showing affection as compared to the way most dogs do
goemon: he had no fucking idea what to do in that one episode and you know it!!! cat person, hands down. quieter (unless food is involved) content to lay in a spot for hours undisturbed, simply just watches the world go by, eyes go enormous when crazy bullshit happens but otherwise doesn't say shit in response. familiar, isn't it! hell he could just get a cat and not tell anyone and they wouldn’t realize for like a month because of how damn content and quiet the thing was. he just keeps it tucked under his shirt with their little head poking out and one day it sneezes and lupin goes “oh my god its real”
zenigata: controversial but i know it to be true. cat person. he likes dogs too, but he just LOVES cats. it's a reverse of fujiko-- the standard adult cat isn't going to immediately trust you with its life, you need to earn that! so when some aloof stray he passes every morning starts purring and leaning against his legs it's all over for him. he'd probably accidentally take in like four strays if not for the job. but also would make a killer dogsitter let’s be honest
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crushedsweets · 9 months
back w more of my song analysis bs cause im studying music performance and it’s all I think about 😍 sorry this is so long. i have so many Thoughts
the chain by fleetwood mac is such a brian song. no big beat drop, just constant driving bass - shows determination, relentlessness. specifically the line “if you don’t love me now, you will never love me again” which i take to mean “after i do what im about to do i will become unlovable, so you if you don’t love me now then you will never be able to because i’ll be such an irredeemable person”
geyser by mitski is a really good song to describe nina’s relationship with Jeff. the way that the song starts off so slow, so quiet and thin, but then swells to a grand and full sound like how nina’s obsession started off so small but then grew to control her entire life. love the line “and hear the harmony only when it’s harming me”
a pearl by mitski and LJ (another mitski song cause she’s my fav artist ever) about his abandonment mmm. plus the slightly sinister sounding chords showing his evilification(?? yk what i mean. when he turned emo) ugh “you’re growing tired of me” and “i fell in love with a war and nobody told me it ended” so him
tongues and teeth by the cranes wives and EJ. this is SO his song. ALL of the lyrics r so incredibly him,, “my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear” plus the slightly manic instrumental, highlighting the panic he feels at potentially harming people he loves HLGKFJJDS.
also, for ur consideration, miss nothing by the pretty reckless x nat.
- anon 🌙
anon im kicking my feet. AGGHHGHG. ohh my god. yhou are using musical word that i do not comprehendn in the same way you may but wow do i love the way you describe it. very poetic i think. ill talk abt these.. and then mention a liil extra smth abt toby i thought when driving yesterday
the chain is yes very brian.... ugh... yeyah. yeah. 'after i do what im about to do' is so real. like being so very aware and conscious of your awful decisions and still going through with them. quite brian-like even under the whole complexities with hoody persona etc etc....
AND YEAH GEYSER TOO . the start of the song feels very like... idk if scary is right but its just very deep and could be quite unsettling.... nina longs for love. "i've turned down every hand thats beckoned for me to come" very pretty, fun, easy-going girl that could have plenty of suitors and yet she's still crawling towards this fucking beast of a man who is nothing good for her. "i will be the one you need" constantly warping herself for this man that wouldn't do shit for her, and she doesn't mind because she loves him in every single which way he is, and she loves how awful it is . and FUCKKKKK SHE NEEDS TO GET BETTER SHE NEEDS TO GET AWAY. she gets away dont worry. she gets over him. lots of crying and sobbing and screaming but she gets over it. its very hard to get over something awful when you crave awful
im not a huge lj fan (SCARED OF CLOWNS IM SORRY GUYS IK I KEEP HARPING ON ABOUT IT) but i loooove a pearl. "i fell in love with a war / nobody told me it ended" wow. ok. yeah. wow. jesus. rolling the pearl around looking for anything and everything that could soothe the ache of literal fucking abandonment while all you can do is wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and then its all too much and damn . :( damn ok.
IVE GORWN A MOUTH SO SHARP AND CRUEL IS LITERALLY SO PERFFECTLY EJ. FUCK. "I am not a vessel for your good intents" oh but he is sure a vessel for something demonic .... "abonded all your stupid dreams / about the girl i couldve been" HE HAD SOOO MANY FUCKING DREAAAMSSSS he wants to be a doctor he wanted to save lives he wanted a family he wanted a dog he wanted to see his little siblings grow up he wanted to take care of his elderly parents. and now all he can do is sit and be miserable because he is a monster and there is only so much he can do about it. damn. wow.
also yeah to the nat thing wow.
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wow. yeah. goddamn.
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shit show by peter mcpoland i just keep thinking about toby. tbh ill find a way to twist any song into toby cuz i like him but yea. this is leaning more into the found family thing after losing his own and just seeing the way different people reflect his past and its gut wrenching but you know how he is. just a guy of sorts. he spends a lot of his time angry and wanting to isolate and self destruct and ruin everything around him . but he also spends a lot of his time desperate for normalcy, for respect, to be seen as a human fucking being and ah fugugh. im just imagining brian pulling him out to meet the owner of the farm near slenders forest and making him stand straight and telling the farmer 'he's a good kid, hard worker, strong. keep him around" (the hardworking strong part is true, at least) and toby's about to die cuz he's so stressed (this is shortly after all the fucking murder) but brian lightly slaps him on the back and he stands up straight and the farmer just shakes his hand and says smth nice abt 'got a good grip there' and and and guyyyyssss..... and holidays..are so hard for hhim.. and "i swear i'd see your faces staring up at me" ohh my goddd.... "I don't wanna drink alone today" man................... guys...... man......
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fxreflyes · 5 months
ahhh I just saw you already answered, damn these time zones!! can u please tell me about the fic your most excited to write in that case???
hi bel!!!!! <333333 (i am so sorry for the v late reply, the brain fog today has been v real) the time zones are truly horrid, im so sad to be 8 hrs behind u :'(
i think i have talked abt all of my fics so far, which is making me feel like I need more wips HAHA (I do not need more) so i will talk once more abt the one i currently have my word doc open to!! (i think you already saw a post abt it im sorry!!) (summary ask here) (snippet ask here) but it's called hand in hand with the living dead and it is basically all angst. it is sirius suicide fic & he becomes a ghost & meets remus who is also a ghost!
a snippet for u!!
After a few minutes of fevered hacking, his hair lay around him in clumps. The razor clattered to the tile and Sirius was left shivering.
It was a long moment before he got to his feet.
When he met his gaze in the mirror of the motel bathroom, the hollows of his eyes carved two large shadows where his eyes should be, blood trickling from the nicks on his skull. He wiped away the blood on his cheek, and it smeared. He tried a smile, but it was all teeth, like a dog with his fangs bared.
If James could see him now.
im honestly hyperfixating on this one rn, but probably the 2 im ACTUALLY most excited about in general are my marauders clue au poor boy youre bound to die set in 1954 which i have rambled to u abt sorry 🙈 (summary ask here) and then the spinoff bloodlands which takes place in 1944 on the eastern front w reg, remus, evan & barty!! (summary ask here)
so here is a snippet from the next ch of poor boy you're bound to die under the cut!!
He would have been dead too, if not for a former Soviet guard by the name of Ivan Rosanov. Or, as he later became known, after absconding to France and assuming a new name and identity, Evan Rosier.
With a jaw that could take a punch and hair that could have rivalled the snow for pallor, Evan Rosier had had a comportment as icy as the tundra itself. It was only by the grace of some unfathomable higher entity, that Regulus happened to have fostered an odd friendship of sorts with the one man and one man alone who appeared able to crack that façade like a stick of dynamite colliding with a lake in midwinter.
It was for this reason that Regulus supposed he owed just as much credit to the incessant and unabashed flirting that his cell mate had engaged in as to the guard himself. If it hadn’t been for Barty Crouch Jr.’s dirty mouth and unflinching ability to suffer a beating, Regulus would have long since been a feast for the worms. That was if worms could survive the frigid conditions they had been in. He might have simply slowly decomposed on the ice without even serving the worthwhile purpose of being some critters tea-time snack. He supposed he was lucky that Evan had taken a shine to the way the blood looked smeared on Barty’s lips as he panted, in what even Regulus had to admit was an obscene way, as he was restrained in a chair as he was disciplined for some petty quip. The whole affair was rather sensual, and Regulus was amused and only a little surprised at Evan’s face coloring the faintest bit of red as Barty had turned to him and cooed “Do you like what you see, pretty boy?” right before getting smashed in the face by one of the Death Eaters for mouthing off, his blood and spit splattering through air.
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linpunny · 9 months
Same dessy sameeee!!!!! When he took off his coat in the church, I was having a whole ass moment of silence while inside I'm having the loudest horniest reaction until it leaks out and I sound like "tag yourself in this moment". Bitches. I'm Bitches that are on their hands and knees. When he threw that church bench, I screamed WHY CAN'T THAT BE ME?!?! THROW ME NEXT!!! ME NEXT!!! I WANT A TURN!!!
When he lifted up Takemichi, I said you lucky pussy, that should be me!!!!!! I want him to tousle my hair like that!!!! I want those crazy eyes on meeeeee!!!! I was crying and having the biggest fuckin tantrum. Then he's on his hands and knees on the steps outside the church after the fight... his pride wouldn't allow me to, but I damn sure would ask if I could hit it from the back. Just once. Pleassssssee 🥺🥺🥺 then he's by himself on the steps after his "subordinates" leave him behind, Hakkai basically gave him the verbal 2 week notice of resignation and left to be a man, Yuzuha gives her piece before she runs off after Hakkai. I wanted to sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder so fucking much!!! I wanted to cryyyyyy!!!!!!! Every moment was just give me give me give me give me. Then the fucking meeting with Mitsuya was the worst moment for me. I'm yelling for him to put his feet away and get them off the table but also wanting to unbuckle his pants and get to work on my knees if you know what I mean 😏😏😏😏
I was fucking rabid inside and out every time his big ass was on screen, lord help me because I will make him see Jesus 🙏🙏🙏🙏😩😩😩😩💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💦💦💦💦💦💦
I can’t even begin to tell you but it was the moment his big fucking beefy ass stepped on the screen, when he walked into the neighborhood humming my whole damn thighs clenched and I legit had to pause the screen cause I was about to literally go insane. LIKE SIR? WHO THE FUCK GAVE YOU THAT MUCH RIZZ RIGHT OFF THE BAT??? HMMM? WHO SAID YOU COULD LOOK LIKE THAT?
Really I paused the screen and sat and stared at him for a good five minutes and then went to my bestie and cried cause i was feeling some type of way about him and I was strictly a Draken girly even after reading the manga. Taiju didn’t do anything to me until he was animated and I absolutely s(creamed) myself. Every single episode I was shaking violently bleeding at the mouth foaming howling at the moon like a dog in heat.
He closed lined takamitchi I drooled I have never wanted to be closed lined before im my life but if taiju is doing it sign me the the fuck up 😭😭😭😭
WHEN HE YANKED MITCHI I WANTED TO BE HIM, WHEN HE WAS THROWING HIM AROUND IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME/US. WHEN HIS DAMN BIG ASS FEET WERE ON THE TABLE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TABLE!!!! HUMAN FURNITURE TYPE SHIT MEANT FOR MY KING 😩😩 I wanted to be in his lab riding when he was all laid out with his legs crossed while Mitsuya was talking. Ride him, ride his damn butter roll looking abs till I can’t no more
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HE DIDNT HAVE TO THROW THAT CHURCH PEW IT WAS SO SEXY AND I WANTED TO BE THE PEW TOO. SLAM ME LIKE THAT DADDY PLEASE. BREAK ME MAKE MY BONES SHATTER 😩😩😩😩😩 I was behind a pew hiding the entire fight secretly cheering on my man. I literally struggled the entire church fight cause like “oh no Taiju don’t hit your siblings and kill takamitchi” but also “fuck me up like that with those big hands and fists” I was in my bestie’s DMs having a full on attack every week for taiju and trying to actively deny I didn’t want him.
HE throw off his jacket and I frow upped. I wanted to be on my knees licking up the blood off his back. Kissing his back tattoos, giving him a reach around in the church idc idc.
I cried when he fell to his hands and knees outside the church I want to tackle his big ass to the floor and lay on him and run my fingers over his tattoos and snuggle in the snow until it melted underneath his warmth. He’s he’s- he’s gotta be like a damn heater right? He was walking in the snow with just his trench coat on??? No shirt, just buttoned up. Man makes his own heat. But also when he fell to his knees I wanted to collar his ass and sit on his back 😌
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
(this is just some stupid idea I had where Dude is Beats Dad 💀 this is my first time putting a fic anywhere and it’s not done bc idk if it’s even good/worth continuing. Please don’t be too mean!! I know it sucks)
There are a few things Beat prides himself on; his ability to problem solve, think fast on his feet and his can-do attitude but somehow, right now as he skates through the small town named Paradise, as a few odd stares are thrown his way, it just now occurred to him he really should have called first.
During all the chaos and last minute planning back in Tokyo-to, he’d managed to forget his father is a bit of a traveler and or is always on the move. Whenever if he just didn’t like to stay in one place for long like he’d said in the past or for other reasons…couldn’t, Beat didn’t really know and wouldn’t dig for a answer. They don’t talk as much as it was already, their last call being maybe a year or two ago, which also happened to be around the same time Dude had told him he finally left his ‘bitch’ of a ex wife. Damn it- now Beat was even more willing to bet Dude might not be here not having that ‘anchor’ with him anymore. Who the hell knows where he left to or is doing right now. Either way, he came all this way and was here now so he had to at least check through that old trailer park Dude had lived in for years upon years now and plan accordingly after.
Walking up to the small era of trailers on the side of town, a wave of relief washed over as the old beat up trailer house and crudely thrown together dog house and shed came into view. While it wasn’t the most sightly view- it did make him grin a bit to see not much has changed and pretty much everything was how he remembered it. He couldn’t talk about the living area himself that much anyways- having been living in a old garage that had only been renovated somewhat himself. Just another way they are similar he supposed- but no matter that right now, Beat still wasn’t used to the usual heat in this town yet and today in particular seemed worse than he remembered it getting ever. So with only just a bit of nervousness slowly developing as he walked up to the door, he breathed out before knocking.
Expecting he’d have to wait a moment for any reply, he was taken aback when as soon as he knocked a loud yell came from within. “I ALREADY SAID IM FUCKING SORRY MAN- I DONT-” followed by the sound of shuffling and something knocking over. Before Beat had the time to perhaps slowly walk backwards or decide this would be the last time he’d ever come back to Paradise, the door opened revealing who else but his slightly disheveled and irritated looking father, stood there huffing.
Though he was wearing his sunglasses as usual, Beat could tell when Dudes huffing stopped- and he froze that he definitely was trying to decide if he is actually seeing things or was his 17 year old son, who hadn’t called or visited in forever, standing in front of him. Even despite what had just happened a minute ago, a smile couldn’t help but tug it’s way to Beats face seeing his old man trying to process what the hell was going on- perhaps the good ol’ usual smile Dude was used to seeing in those old photos he got sent or took way back when helped him finally get a grip. “I- kiddo..is that you- what the fuck are you…” before he could go on anymore Dude suddenly got huge grin himself before hugging the little twerp a lot stronger than he needed to while a chuckle broke out. Beat couldn’t help from chuckling too with a “Hey dad” even though man…it really wouldn’t have hurt Dude to go take a shower. He couldn’t even pin point the smell or maybe it was coming from inside, from what he saw for a split second, the inside of the trailer looked rough though again, he did show up unannounced.
Once Dude finally let up some. Beat stood up straight, still grinning but looking away when explaining. “Well uhm…back home- well ‘home home’ me and my..pals kinda ran into some trouble.. and I was maybe wondering if I could just lay low here with you for a bit. Not for long if that’s a problem”. He knew his father doesn’t have a exactly clean record or is perfect himself either so it was his best bet coming to seek help here…he knew if he went to ask his mom for help he’d be ratted out in a second. And like he expected, Dude only kept smiling to himself before shaking his head in ‘disbelief’. “Still just like your old man huh?” He asked before moving some to the side to invite him in. In reality, Dude only knew a few things about Beats day to day life. The most he knew was spray paint and a ‘gang’ of teens of some sort was involved. He wouldn’t dig for answers like Beat didn’t either. Sure he was worried for his kid, who wouldn’t be? But he didn’t have much room to talk about life choices and vice versa. He supposed the most each other could hope for was that the other was alive and in some variation of ‘okay’.
“I guess. But what was going on with you?” Beat asked as he finally walked into the trashed up house and sat his bag on a spot not littered with trash or clothes. It seemed like Dude only realized how bad of a condition his place was in when he had watched Beat try to find a spot to set it. “Ah shit-” he began once he saw his ‘health’ pipes were just laying around..for anyone to see. He started to put those away first. “Well some douche bag I owe something to won’t stop showing up. You’d think people would keep work and home life separate.” He joked as he slid some pipes back into a drawer near by. Beat only watched for a minute before laughing a little. “Dad I’m 17. You don’t have to hide that shit. I’ve kinda seen it all anyways..”
“You have have ya? Well I hope it’s only the healthy stuff you’re getting into..otherwise..” Dude couldn’t really think of a otherwise. He could threaten to kick him out as a joke but yknow, other than that. A father you’ve only remember being around like maybe four times while not being a baby doesn’t have much power over you but a man can worry over his kid. It’s natural. Beat chuckled again while walking over to the old sofa that sat in the middle of the room and plopped down. “I’m good I’m good. I’ve got too much going on to mess with anything crazy nowadays anyways.” He explained, once again taking a look around the place from where he was. That’s when he finally noticed a dog food bowl with half the food ate on the table. “Hey where’s Champ by the way?”
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