rkhjs · 5 years
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theonlyhan 01.09 6 pm kst ... see u then
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rkhjs · 5 years
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hello friends! ♡ i know i’m a little behind on plotting and replying to messages and i’m really, really sorry! life’s been kicking my ass the past week, but i do plan on replying to everyone as soon as possible. that said, i do want to get some threads up, so i’d super appreciate it if y’all could help a girl out and comment your muse’s favourite dessert on this post for a starter! and since jisung works at a cafe, i’ll accept drinks as well. thanks in advance!!! ♡
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rkhjs · 5 years
anyone who knows jisung, knows october is his favourite month. as an avid horror fan, how could it not be? it’s to no one’s surprise that he’s the first to volunteer when the announcement is made that they’re decorating the cafe and making some spooky additions to the menu in the spirit of halloween, and his enthusiasm is met with laughter and a hand ruffling his hair. jisung puffs out his cheeks, but basks in the warmth of the attention he’s given. he’s no longer a child, but he is the youngest employee at current time, and there’s a silent agreement between the rest of them to look after him — and while he’d never admit it out loud, he actually quite enjoys the amount of affection that is offered to him.
to his disappointment, they don’t let him go all out with the decorations, but he takes satisfaction in the fact he manages to sneakily put down a couple more pumpkins and hang up an extra spiderweb here and there. ( he suspects everyone is onto him, but they’re too amused by his antics to scold him — because honestly, jisung has the entire staff wrapped around his finger and he knows it. ) he doesn’t have a hand in the creation of the new items on their menu, as the kitchen is off-limits to him, but it’s quickly forgotten when he’s tasked with the menu design. he loves everything about his job, but if he had to pick one thing, this has to be his favourite. 
whispers of something called ‘zombie night’ go around while they’re getting everything ready, and when he asks one of his co-workers about it, she hands him her phone and shows him the posts that have been spreading around the internet. it sounds vaguely familiar, and he quickly realizes he’s come across them before, but never paid much attention to it. unsurprisingly so — when he doesn’t have class, he has to work, and his late night adventures take up the little free time he has left. but taking another glance at the event details has him wondering if the trip is one worth making, even if zombies aren’t exactly his favourite monsters, and when his co-worker invites him to tag along with her and her friends, he makes up his mind. there are worse ways to spend his saturday.
and that is how he ends up in yongsan, dressed up in his costume, surrounded by people he barely knows. his co-worker’s friends are nice enough, but jisung gets separated from the group eventually when he wanders off on his own. ( she doesn’t notice until he’s already home and in bed, ready to go to sleep — or maybe she didn’t bother texting him until then. he doesn’t know, and he doesn’t bother asking, either. ) they’re more interested in the zombie walk, while he has his mind set on trying as much of the food as possible. it’s a pretty poor way of spending his hard-earned money, but he’s allowed to be a little irresponsible every now and then. 
he tells himself this once again when he sets down all the food he’s bought in front of him moments later. so maybe he went a bit overboard, and now that it’s all sitting in front of him, he realizes he probably won’t be able to finish all of it by himself. jisung silently curses himself for eating as much as he had during dinner that evening. he knows he could’ve bought less food as well, but all of it looked so good, and he didn’t want to pass up on the chance to try any of it. if he has to be honest, it looks better than what they’re selling at the cafe — and that isn’t to discredit all the hard work they had put into everything. if anything, he’s fascinated by the pieces of edible art in front of him. maybe they can learn from this for next year.
jisung pulls out his phone, taking pictures of every single piece of food in front of him, but instead of slapping a nice filter on them and uploading all of it to instagram, he saves them in a special folder and starts taking notes. he isn’t here for work, and yet that is exactly what he’s focusing on. it’s funny, really. a year ago he never thought the cafe would become this important to him. he doesn’t notice all the food is gone until his hand meets a flat surface and he finally looks up from his phone to see he’s finished everything. huh, that went down easier than he expected it to.
( his stomach disagrees. )
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rkhjs · 5 years
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hello friends! ♡ i know i’m a little behind on plotting and replying to messages and i’m really, really sorry! life’s been kicking my ass the past week, but i do plan on replying to everyone as soon as possible. that said, i do want to get some threads up, so i’d super appreciate it if y’all could help a girl out and comment your muse’s favourite dessert on this post for a starter! and since jisung works at a cafe, i’ll accept drinks as well. thanks in advance!!! ♡
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rkhjs · 5 years
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hi, hello! my name’s paige, and i’m here with my baby han jisung. he’s an art student with an adventurous streak and a little too much confidence. he lives with his grandparents and has two pet bunnies named kiki & ivy, but he’s slowly saving up money so he can afford to move out and rent his own apartment. he’s your friendly barista who has a lot of flirty banter, but gets flustered when someone asks if he’s going to make good on all that flirting. lastly, he’s a street artist and has a penchant for getting himself into trouble. there is more information under the cut for those who are interested, and if you’d like to plot, then you know what to do! i have discord (woojin love bot#0117) and i made a twitter (@woohannie) just for rp purposes, so feel free to add me on either. i’m excited to be here and i hope i get a chance to write a bunch of you lovely people!
jisung is a very confident and outgoing person. he’s very energetic and easily excitable, and he might be a bit too much to handle for some, but his heart’s in the right place - think of him as a puppy! 
he’s very much a live in the moment kind of person and a huge risk taker who doesn’t always stick to the rules, which tends to get him in trouble. that said, he’s pretty good at talking himself out of sticky situations, so he often gets away with more than he should. (not saying someone should kick his ass, but...)
he’s got a good sense of humour (witty, kind of sarcastic) and handles both criticism and conflict very well.
however, despite that his heart’s in the right place, he’s not naturally in tune with the feelings of others and can come off as insensitive at times. he’s also not very good at expressing his own feelings, preferring to keep things more light-hearted.
he tends to get bored easily and struggles with long-term commitments; he takes interest in a lot of things, but there’s very few of them that can actually hold his attention. he often makes a great start, but doesn’t know how to follow through.
he’s highly intelligent, but sees school as a chore.
jisung is born and raised in seoul.
him and his older brother are two completely different people; jiwoong knows exactly what he wants to do and who he wants to be, whereas jisung changes his mind every other week.
there’s one thing that stays consistent in his life: his love for art. his parents would prefer him taking an interest in something that offers more stable jobs, but they are supportive nonetheless.
his brother moves to la, and jisung wishes he could come along with him; despite their differences, jiwoong is one of his best friends and someone he can always rely on. they keep in contact through weekly video calls and visits during the summer and holidays.
his parents decide to move away as well, wanting to get away from the city and move somewhere quieter. jisung, who is in his senior year of high school at the time, opts to stay behind in seoul and now lives with his grandparents.
he loves his job! he spends a lot of his free time at the cafe as well, working on school assignments in his little corner by the window. the owner has sort of become his second mom, and she makes sure to keep him well fed.
he owns a guitar, but it’s currently gathering dust in the corner of his room. he knows how to play it - or, more accurately, he knows the basics and can play maybe a song or two. his grandparents own a piano as well and as with everything, he took a brief interest in learning to play, but that quickly fizzled out.
he has been a street artist for three years now and has never gotten caught, though he’s had a couple of close encounters. jisung’s fairly agile, and he’s convinced he could get away, if it ever came to that - we’ll find out if he’s right sooner or later.
(me, implying jisung might get arrested? perhaps!)
he loves��cuddles! even the most independent people need a hug sometimes, so someone please be his cuddle buddy. god knows the boy could use it.
he tends to try and befriend every cat he meets, which are mostly strays. a part of him wishes he could take one home, but his baby bunnies are already a handful, so he doesn’t.
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rkhjs · 5 years
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weekly idol :: han
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