#i will commit arson for anyone who makes fun of this family-
secondstar-acorn · 5 months
Can you imagine what the average Teen High student probably thinks of Scary?
First, this girl and her band release an (admittedly banger) song fucking ripping into school darling Holly Smith, that girl who got crushed by a vending machine. And she makes FUN of her death in the song???? AND calls the song “Dead and Gone”????? It’s so Not Okay?????
Then, a few months later, other school darling Erica Drippins reveals on her true crime podcast that Scary Marlowe straight-up murdered the principal???
And THEN, you hear that that weird mascot kid’s house caught on fire and, oh yeah, Scary fucking Marlowe was seen at the crime??? And barely two hours later she’s posing with the creepy eldritch mayor she yelled at weeks ago, getting paid a shit ton of money for an “ice cream fundraiser” that the school definitely isn’t running????
It goes quiet for a bit, UNTIL Scary Marlowe gets sponsored by RED BULL for….doing the ice bucket challenge and a backflip. While acting really, REALLY weird. Oh, and she mentions that the weird mascot kid is her husband??? It’s unclear if she’s joking
Oh yeah and then she fUCKING GOES TO SPACE WITH WEIRD MASCOT KID AND GUMTOUCHER PISSFOOT AND JOKER KID AND the incredibly cool and popular anime teen!!!!!
So at this point, she’s definitely killed at least one person, maybe two, possibly committed arson, gone to space, and entered a polyamorous marriage with the weirdest amalgamation of people in school.
It dies down for a bit. UNTIL. She and her husbands (?) and a bunch of adults show up at the career fair and the FBI AND THE MAYOR COME OUT OF NOWHERE AND ATTACK THEM???? And then the Family Guy cast is there??? And a giant dog flies in and starts wailing on people??? And the dog. The dog bites off the Mayor’s arm, and some random old guy fucking PUNCHES HER HEAD OFF OF HER BODY. And then they all fly out on the dog!!!!!
And that’s the last time anyone sees Scary for an unspecified amount of time, so. Scary is a polyamorous murderer/arsonist/astronaut wanted by the FBI???
I mean the gossip at Teen High must be off the charts
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fruitdragon · 2 years
So I haven't slept properly in the past 3 days. Have had way too much coffee today and I'm currently eating a box of alcoholic chocolates.
I have many ideas for fanfiction right now.
Idea 1: White Collar x DC. Fucking A/B/O universe. Tim is Neal, he is an Omega. His scent blockers make it appear as if he is a Beta. One day Jason in full Red Hood gear, come storming into the building smelling like an Omega nesting mother. In this universe Jason basically adopted Tim the minute he saw him. Everyone is freaking out. "Neal" stands slowly and reaches for his neck to remove his scent patches. His scent calms Jay down and and while the office is still confused they slip away. Nesting heat I would like some ABO without it being sexual.
Idea 2: White Collar x Disney descendants. Yeah I know. So the core for managed to sort of universe hop/dimension travel, it was one of Carlos's inventions and they can go back and forth. And Carlos ends up becoming Neal. In this universe Mal and Evie are Hades kids, Maleficent and Cruella had Carlos together (expand how you wish) and Jay is desperately in love with Carlos. One day Mal visits the office, to check if Neal is ready for "family weekend" Peter Burke is an ass, and is very demanding of what family weekend is because "Neal doesn't have any family, I would know." Mal tears down a bunch of assumptions. Like "why don't you have any records of him before he's 18?" (Dimension hopping but they don't say that) "What's his actual eye color not just the contacts?" (Chocolate brown) "Do you know he has to dye his hair to keep it looking like that?" (In universe the black and white hair is natural) "What's the name of his first boyfriend?"(Harry Hook, but he's with Jay now) "Do you know how many siblings he technically has" (Mal is a half sibling and Evie is her half siblings, other family? Is Oscar his younger brother in this universe.) "At what age did he try chocolate for the first time? No at what age did any of us have actual food for the first time?" (14 for Carlos, 15 for Mal, Evie was 16- I HC Evie as the oldest) "what were his mother's charges in her first arrest her second arrest and her third arrest?" (First arrest animal abuse, kidnapping, property theft. Second arrest conspiracy to commit murder, attempted murder, arson, and animal cruelty. 3rd arrest child abuse, animal cruelty, assault, sexual abuse of a minor, and second degree attempted murder of said minor). Diana and Jones are actually great. "So you wear the hat too?" (If you make this world have at least minimal amounts of magic it becomes even more fun, when abilities could be revealed)
Alt: Jay comes in and most the same information gets out but in a wildly different way
Idea 3: alternate universe where all of Batman's kids turned into villains of some sort. Dick Grayson as Renegade, Jason Todd as Red X or Red Hood, Tim Drake as jester after being Joker Jr, Damian is still a prince of the League of Assassin's, Cassandra is still Orphan only she's a terrifyingly silent assassin, Stephanie as spoiler becomes a better version of The Riddler as Clue. There are still found family vibes maybe the rest of Young Justice is also villainous of some sort. That universe comes in contact with a semi-normal DC universe, it's very disconcerting. Everyone is confused Renegade almost stabs someone, Jester is giggling hysterically, and whenever anyone asks about Batman they all flinch. In their Universe, Batman is a terrible dad (F-), in the semi-normal one he gets a solid B+
Idea 4: Danny Phantom x DC Universe. Bruce Wayne is a clone of Danny Phantom and he knows it. Danny can't really properly raise him since he is not really got a human life anymore and Bruce is still half human, but he still sticks around like the weird uncle figure or whatnot until the Waynes are killed. After that he kind of becomes more of a father figure along with Alfred who is definitely Clockwork in this universe. Yes that means that Damian Wayne is technically an Eldritch abomination of some sort. The rest of the surviving clones kind of act like aunts and uncles to the rest of Bruce's kids and it's great. Yes this is a trans Danny and trans Bruce universe because I stan (also I'm Trans and really appreciate it). Yes that means that Damian technically does have to be cloned unless Talia has a dick or Ra's al Ghul is the father. Maybe that means that all of Bruce's kids gradually become more Eldritch due to Eco- contamination. Jason is one of the most outfits because he died and came back, Bruce is more supportive in this universe, Danny is crying hysterically like I'm a grandfather of many Eldritch children. In universe that means as soon as Kon-El is revealed and Superman reacts badly, Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne have a very public falling out. Also Conner is adopted into the family because why not.
"Hello Superboy, my code name is Batman. I am the clone of a hero known as Phantom. Would you like to come with me? I have several brothers and sisters you could meet." Robin pipes up in the Background
"Does this mean we're getting a cousin B? I'm totally feeling the Aster." All Robins are with Bruce at the same time
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cheemken · 8 months
what are the next gen champions dynamics with each other be? would Iris and Hau miss the old champions?
Yeah ofc Iris and Hau misses the old champs during meetings hahah but hey, y'know, they already know it's bound to happen soon enough, and hey not like they don't contact each other anymore, the old champs still message them and such, checking in to see if they're doing okay with the new champs
As for dynamics
•It's honestly just Calem being the next gen champs' last braincell
Iris just goes "okay, there's a threat in Ransei and they're asking for our help, how can we stop this new evil organization and make sure they won't do a Neo Plasma"
May goes "murder"
Silver nods, "yeah murder"
Calem looks at them. Then Dawn spoke, "I third that, murder."
Nemona exclaims, "arson!"
Hilbert goes "yeah that's good for plan B."
Gloria pouts at that, "why not arson for plan A?"
Calem looks at Florian, hoping he at least have some sense in him, but Florian just nods all "yeah, arson would be great for plan A."
Calem looks at Hau, hoping at least the most chill champ would not agree, then he just "can we at least have snacks before we go?"
Calem just fucking gives up lmfao
•Silver and May and Hilbert would be at each other's throats I just know it. Like, their pride is smth else man, unlike Nemona and Dawn who still know good sportsmanship, these three would play dirty if allowed. May would call out Rayquaza, Hilbert would call out Reshiram, Silver doesn't need no legendary, he believes he could beat them without one, even taunts them saying they rely on legendaries to win, that triggered an actual fist fight between them lmao. Dawn placed bets. Florian lost, his bet was on Silver.
•Hau once said that Iris looked like Lance especially with the cape and how she's like the pseudo leader of the champs now. Homegirl did not emotionally recover from it lmfaooo
•okay was no one gonna fucking tell me Dawn has a slight lisp in Pokemon Masters???? I had to find that shit out myself, like really found out just now cause I need to hear their voices for my hcs
-which now means Dawn has a lisp in my hcs bc it's adorable and technically it's canon in PokeMas
-i know homegirl is a bit insecure by it when she first started meeting w the others, but y'know, no one made fun of her, and she started talking more and more
-if any of the other Champions finds out abt anyone making fun of Dawn's lisp it's on fucking sight
•ik it's not like, stated where Calem was from before they moved in to Kalos, so in my hcs he's from Galar
-no cause, they all genuinely thought he's Kalosian, when Iris met him for the first time back then, she was caught off guard by that Galarian accent
-he does know and speak Kalosian tho so he can cover it up well
•Hau and Florian gets along well, they're both pretty chill, they're both down to murder, they both try to reassure Calem that no they really won't commit murder, Calem still doesn't believe them
•Gloria is the youngest between them, so that means Iris looks after her even tho she knows Gloria is a capable trainer
-idk man, but y'know big sis Iris watching after her new lil sis, like how Cynthia was w her back then
-Iris did become a role model for Gloria tho fr, these two would always train together
-w that tho, Silver is the oldest between them
•watch me make them a found family too
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strdstwanderer · 2 years
I am mentally ill.
No one in my family gives a shit.
I am so close to either ending myself, running away, or committing arson.
Literally broke down in front of my mom, she just scrolled on her phone and waited for me to stop. Then acted like nothing happened.
I just ruined my 5-year long relationship
I literally had a melt down and yelled at my mom about how I am mentally ill and that I don't have outbursts for fun. I legitimately cannot control them. She just told me to relax.
Came to my mom with a problem. She just scoffed and shrugged it off.
I don't think I will find love ever again.
I live every day looking for attention because my family never gave me any, and that has led to a string of terrible decisions.
No one in my family has ever said they were proud of me. So I've been chasing for people's pride all my life.
My mom forced me to move to another country with her. I had to leave my job and couldn't find one for 3 year. I was stuck in the house. We lived with her bigoted boyfriend who treated us more as house helps than family. Man throws homophobicb slurs at me for wearing pink. We literally had to be moved out of the house in the middle of the night because he had an outburst, lashed out at my mom, over chicken nuggets and loud noise. My mom stayed with him while she keeps us away from her and her boyfriend.
When I finally got a job, all she could say was how low the salary was. I make 3000usd a month. I don't know if that's low or not. I was just happy to get a job.
My mom promised to pay for my law school tuition. She has since stopped and I've been paying for myself. I am not going to graduate because I can't make the amount by the deadline.
The only time anyone was proud of me was when my angry abusive grandpa was close to death, and he mellowed out, and showed affection for me, shortly before dying.
I am addicted to "touching myself" because I physically can't drink alcohol or smoke. That has led to a series of terrible and risky behavior that has led to the ruin of my life.
I am dead inside. It's no longer a joke.
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Hotch, Morgan & Reid x Fem!Felon! Reader Headcanons
Request: If you're not too busy, can I please request headcanons for Hotch, Derek, and Reid falling in love with a female convicted felon who did time in prison and is fighting for prison/justice reform as well as trying to prevent people from going to prison to begin with?
A/N: Literally had so much fun writing these, I don't get to write for this comfort show enough. Hope they're close to what you wanted, also just forewarning, none of the opinions in this are specifically mine and I tried to keep it broad and focused on what the request wanted. Timeline for each set of headcanons; after season 12 for Spencer's, Hotch sometime before he leaves the BAU in season 12/13 and Morgan's I'd say could work any season. Enjoy!
Spencer Reid
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Spencer falls hard and fast for you, which is a surprise to everyone even himself considering his past with women.
You don't tell him you're a convicted felon, it's not something you mention on a first date after all and after that, after finding out he was an FBI profiler... well, let's just say you weren't bending over backwards to offer the information
You didn't even commit the crime (arson), but you had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and whoever had committed the crime got away, leaving you to deal with the consequences.
After serving the time, you were released but there was nothing you could really do. You couldn't live on your own with no money and because nowhere really wanted to hire a convicted felon, you moved in with family and began research into making the prison system more fair (and based around reformation).
But you couldn't keep the secret from Spencer for very long. He is exceptionally good at his job of being a profiler, and he notices the way you discuss the rallies and work you do.
It's then that you learn he also spent time in prison for a crime he didn't commit, although the criminal who framed him has been since dealt with and his rights have been restored.
He offers to help you catch the person who framed you and get your life back and the two of you, having seen the horror prison really is from behind the bars, both work on speaking out about prison reform
And sure, change isn't immediate. But the two of you move in together, giving you slightly more freedom
When he's not working on cases for work, he's working on your case. He even stays up late nights, trying to piece together things the investigators missed.
Usually, this results in you prying him away and pulling him to bed, reminding him that he's no use to anyone if he's tired
It's a long uphill battle but at least you're not fighting it alone
Derek Morgan
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Derek has a lot of opinions on prison. He feels that it's a necessary evil to keep the bad guys off the streets where they can't hurt anyone anymore, but he also understands that the world isn't black and white. He knows that people get wrongly accused and that the system doesn't allow for actual reform
He's a little surprised to find out he's dating a convicted felon, sure, he had suspicions that you weren't telling him everything but he assumed it was something small, like maybe you didn't get along with your parents or something.
However, the fact that you've committed a crime in the past (and served the time for it) does little to dissuade his love for you. He cares about you either way.
He watches you struggle and crumble trying to find a job and eventually, he helps you find one working for some friends of his. He knows a lot of people and has a lot of different connections, it's no surprise he's able to find someone willing to give you a chance and hire you.
Still, he knows even with a job you struggle with the stigma. Everyone around you knows and even though they don't think less of you for it, you can't help but think less of yourself. Sometimes, you even go as far as thinking you don't deserve Derek. After all, his job is to put away criminals not date them. But he loves you and he reminds you of this all the time.
It's his idea to begin fighting for prison reform and to start making a difference in the world. He sees how much you're hurting and he tells you that you should get involved, make your voice heard. At first, it's really scary. Getting up there and voicing your opinion, but he's always got your back 100% and knowing that inspires you to continue to push forward.
The change you do sometimes feels little but at the end of the day, when you're laying next to Derek and he's sound asleep, you feel so much better knowing you're at least fighting to make a difference for people like you.
Aaron Hotchner
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Hotch is arguably one of the best at what he does. And he knows how to do background checks. Basically, he knows from almost the get go that you choose to keep your felony to yourself, and yet, he doesn't force it out of you.
It's your choice to tell him when you're ready on your own terms and he respects that. He doesn't see you as a dangerous person, how can you be when you're so kind and gentle with his son.
A lot of people, however, would beg to differ. Even though they've never met you, they would flip if they knew what you had done. But he dealt with dangerous people everyday, you were far from anything near them.
Before you met him, even before you'd ever been to prison, you'd been a stark believer in prison reform. Being in prison, however, made that belief stronger. How could they just throw people to the dogs basically and make them fend for themselves, especially those who committed crimes out of necessity? It made you sick to your stomach thinking about all the innocent people or people who wanted to change, stuck fending for their lives
You weren't expecting Hotch to really understand. He spent his whole career putting people in prison. He got paid to do it, he didn't care what happened to them after that.
But to your surprise, he took an interest in your activism. He wasn't super involved but he would often ask you questions and offer to help you work on research.
He spends a lot of time away at work, but even during those times he would call and talk things over with you during breaks in the cases.
He doesn't understand what it's like in prison, not first hand, but he listens to all your stories and he agrees that there are better ways to handle people who commit crimes. Hopefully, one day, because of you, the world will come to see that as well.
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delilahfairchild · 3 years
found family banter prompts and dialogue please + LOVE UR PAGE
warning: this prompts list gets progressively worse
situation prompts
let's talk about slow-burn family, the kind enemies-to-allies-to-friends-to-family. they have la crème de la crème when it comes to banter. fun arguments over food portions, the place next to the window in the car, or the television remote control are part of their daily life
like, imagine a race between the members to see who will get the window seat every morning and the debate about who had arrived first
one of the members is crying in their room, and the others are in the kitchen arguing about how to comfort their sibling. the parent watching from the distance is like yall just give them a hug we will worry about snacks later??
when that sibling gets out of their room and all of the family starts gathering to make funny remarks to make their siblings feel better
and oh boy they are planning the murder of that person who has hurt their sibling
the "kids" placing bets in secret because their "parents" have undeniable chemistry and they just want them to kiss each other already
when nobody can cook to save their life and they burn the house down (take it as you want)
dialogue prompts
1. A: i arrived first
B: no i arrived first you idiot
A: everyone knew that i had arrived first!!
B: D has been recording the race. let me show you that i get to sit by the window today
*the camera shows C in the first position*
2. A: i made some soup for [name] can i bring it in
B: they will probably spill it. bring some cakes instead
A: but they will have a stomachache eating sweets like that
C: goddamn it you two just give them a hug first. then we will talk about snacks and murder later. if they need something shout for me
3. *D gets out of their room*
D: uh hey guys
A: oh my god your cheeks are so wet all the salt from tears will ruin your skin
B: and your eyes are so puffy you won't be able to put on eyeliners. you know, you can try to commit arson. at least burning that motherfucker's house won't ruin your beautiful face
4. "no i suggest we burn his house down" "no i think decapitating him with a machete would feel really good" "i suggest poison. it's tidier" "why are you guys doing that when we have a LITERAL ATOMIC BOMB???"
5. "welcome to [family's names] betting night. do we have a first bet on 'where would our parents have their first kiss?" "i put 50$ on next week cinema night" "50$ on cinema night does anyone has more?" "80$ on central park" "a new bet 80$ on central park. anyone? "200$ on night at the pub." "wow 200$ dollars are you sure [name]" "as sure as i can"
spoilers alert: the parents did, in fact, have their first kiss at the pub
i am sorry this is such a mess if you want other prompts please tell me i will retry 😭😭
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teaboot · 4 years
What are your favorite and most despised ship dynamics in literature
Ooooooooooooh this is gonna be a long list
1. We were both part of enemy factions and from the moment we met we absolutely hated each other, until by some circumstance we were forced to make a temporary truce, and now that we've worked together we've developed a sort of grudging mutual respect, but oh shit now the truce is over and I like you too much to kill you
2. I am significantly younger than you and have a MASSIVE hero-worship sort of crush on you, and you've noticed but keep acting like you haven't, and over time my crush has faded and now you're basically a parent/older sibling and oh my GOD it's embarrassing to think I ever liked you like that, ew ew ew ew ew, please nobody ever mention it again
3. You're a dumb punk idiot and I'm your parent now. Stop being a dumbass. Now let's cry, talk about your feelings, and develop a healthy found family dynamic that helps build you into an emotionally stable and happy adult that only sometimes commits crimes
4. You're a batshit crazy lunatic with the IQ of a coked-up MENSA genius, but you forgot to sleep three days in a row and ran into traffic, so I'm going to teach you some basic life skills and you're going to help me be more adventurous and together with our one collective brain cell we're going to pass as functional adults
5. My humongous and powerful significant other may appear to be a kind dumb bag of rocks, but they are full of gentle wisdom, and between the two of us it is I, the small one who appears very clever, who has to be held back from doing dumb impulsive bullshit 
6. We've had sex before and decided it wasn't our thing, so now we mostly just meet up in each other's apartments to eat snacks in our underwear and watch bad reality TV. Some of our new romantic partners have been possessive dicks about it, but those ones don't last. I wish you'd stop peeing with the door open, you fucking degenerate, I don't care that we've seen each other naked. Do you still have your key to my place?
7. Everyone keeps assuming we're dating, but we're basically siblings at this point. Who wants to commit arson?
8. We met in jail. We were there for very different reasons.
9. I'm a wild card with a sketchy past who secretly just wants to settle down with someone special. You're a play-it-by-the-books turbo nerd with a mile of repressed crazy just itching for an excuse to go feral. We're going to get married in Vegas
1. You're a gigantic asshole who keeps negging me and somehow it's working because you're pretty and I have no self esteem, and this would be an interesting plotline if it wasn't framed like it was a good thing.
2.  I am a man with important man things to do and you, a woman, have no greater dream than to have children and take care of me. If only I would settle down and be a father before you fall inexplicably I'll or are killed by my enemies irvine of my experiments. I'll remember you by a secret photo I hold onto and nothing else, because you had no independant hobbies or interests.
3. You're famous and you noticed me and now you're dating me after 5 minutes and you're perfect in every way and think I'm flawless, this is the author's cathartic fantasy and that's totally fine, it's just not my personal cup of tea
4. I'm a virginal waif who's never done a thing wrong in my life, nobody values me and I am bullied and mistreated by all, except you, handsome stranger, who's going to swoop in, fight all my battles for me, and whisk me away to a fantasy romance away from my horrible and wretched jealous family and snide, spiteful friends. This is still a totally valid fantasy, again, it's just not mine
5. You constantly mistreat me but I forgive you because I know deep down you mean well.
6. I'm in love with you forever but won't tell you till I'm literal seconds from death, and you'll forget me almost immediately.
7. We're kind and sweet and perfect for each other but we're going to die in about 5 seconds for shock value.
8. I'm in love with a blood relative and it's played out as sweet instead of super, super gross
9. We're both actively cheating on perfectly decent people, and it doesn't matter because of how in love we are
10. Isn't it fun how we both don't give a shit about goddamned anyone?
11. I was a cheerleader and you were the quarterback and we got married right after highschool and now we live in the suburbs with 2 kids and a labrador retriever, you work as a dentist and I'm a soccer mom with a book club and we're always happy and perfect and straight A school union bake sale vanilla bean store-bought icing sugar cupcakes and I'm actively vomiting
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straw-of-the-hat · 3 years
I love Kit's and Izuku's friendship. They're my BROTP. So could I bother you to write some headcanons based on their friendship and the shenanigans they get into?
Kit and Izuku shenanigans
These headcanons belong to this story!
✨ Let me just start out by saying they've definitely committed arson.
✨ Kit is the only reason Izuku had any confidence and if anything ever happens to him Izuku is probably going to shrivel up like a piece of month old broccoli and never move again.
✨Tenya is deathly afraid of leaving Kit and Izuku alone together but can't do much considering how close they live to each other. He's never considered himself religious, but by god does that boy pray everytime he sends those two off on their own.
✨Kit somehow managed to get into a fist fight at least once a week on their way home but Izuku has learned to just sit back and watch it go down rather than try and intervene.
✨They both chill at the Midoriya apartment all the time and talk about theoretical plans to overthrow the hero commission and revamp it from the inside.
✨Izuku has written "adopted by All Might" fanfiction and yes Kit knows and will forever hold it over his head. He's printed out four copies and has sent it to fifteen different emails.
✨They try to start a quirkless mafia but it's literally not working and Kit is irrationally angry because most of Japan's quirkless population is made up of old people. Old people with knee problems. As the mafia, they should be the ones causing the knee problems, not experiencing them!
✨Izuku is inspired and decides he absolutely must know how to seduce people. Kit forces Tenya into his demonstration and Izuku has like, half a notebook worth of notes.
✨He practices on Katsuki, naturally. Kit is all for it because Katsuki always comes home looking like he just got blasted in the face with a stream of ice water: shivering, flushed cheeks, wide eyes. It's fucking hilarious.
✨ They're low-key constantly insulting each other. Like all the time. And yet their self-esteem never stops growing? How can they be putting each other down and lifting each other up at he same time it doesn't make sense. Quirkless unity?
✨Kit tried—really, honest to fuck tried—to get Izuku into anything other than one of his weird shirts labeled "pants" or "flannel". He made a gargantuan effort and it just didn't work. Izuku could be a fashion icon if he just let the shirts go. He could be on the runway, and Kit is in agony.
✨They DIYed their own Tenya shirts to irritate him because what else are they supposed to do if not annoy him? They also run an Iida family Stan account on Twitter and worship Tensei like he's some sort of saint. Which I mean, he may as well be.
✨Izuku has never had alcohol so they dressed Denise up in their stolen Endeavor costume and sent him in to go illegally purchase them whatever the nomu could get his hands on. It was white claw but they made do.
✨Izuku starts a blog about Kit and Tenya's relationship and Kit knows this yet can't find a way to permanently delete it. It just pops back up and Izuku rags on them publicly for their PDA. It's brutal. The commenters are so cutthroat.
✨They stole a minivan once because Izuku used his pay to buy a rare, life-sized All Might statue off of eBay and they had no way to transport it. Where did Izuku even learn how to hotwire?
✨Denise does have a crush on the statue and they're not going to tell All Might this nor are they going to do anything about it. It's comedic relief at it's finest. Plus Inko really enjoys setting up fake dates for the statue and Denise because it makes the Nomu so impossibly happy. Who are they to get in the way of that?
✨They make a Chad shrine in every public bathroom they find and there's sort of a thing about it on Reddit that's slowly growing in size. I.E., they accidentally made Chad his own cult. They're both too afraid to tell Tenya.
✨They bully Katsuki on purpose and it's so fun. He gets so scared. Kit is already teaching Izuku how to take him down in a one on one fight without a quirk and by the time Izuku gets to UA he will be unstoppable.
✨They like to dress Luis the Chihuahua up in little outfits and post them on the Instagram he made for them. They're both way too invested in it. It's a miracle that dog isn't dead with own old and decrepit it is, honestly.
✨They have six different secret handshakes and they all mean different things.
✨Kit is GOING to give Izuku a haircut one day soon, even if he has to knock him out to get it done.
✨Why does Kit literally make Izuku livid what the fuck. Izuku used to be fine. Docile, if you will. Now he's just irritated and drenched in sarcasm that he can't stop from pouring out. Yet he also adores him. Where is the line and when did they cross it?
✨ Izuku's still too afraid to ask for ketchup at a restaurant. That's what Kit is for, Izuku supposes.
✨Izuku writes down any kink Kit alludes to ever for the sole purpose of later shaming him. Oh, and giving Tenya a heads up. Poor guy has no idea what's going on.
✨ They kill it at dance dance revolution
✨Kit is always trying to hook Izuku up with anyone hot they come across. He just knows Izuku would thrive in a relationship.
✨ He's sort of eyeing Shoto Todoroki for the role, actually. He and Izuku would be cute, right?
✨Izuku knows all of Kits passwords and sometimes breaks into his Instagram just to screenshot all the thirst messages the other boy gets and sends them to Tenya. Tenya gets so offended and Kit is left to deal with the aftermath. Absolutely hilarious.
✨Izuku knows how to disarm pretty much any type of bomb you can think of and teaches Kit all he knows. In return, Kit takes him to a casino and shows him the ways of poker
✨Kit is really good at poker and that makes people made and yes they are now running for their lives
✨Izuku always carries a pair of emergency shoes for Kit even though he knows they'll just be lost. Better safe than sorry.
✨Kit, in parallel, has a variety of fidget toys hidden on his person at any given time in case Izuku finds himself feeling anxious
✨Kit once sat on Izuku's shoulders and they wore a really longe trench coat to break into Best Jeanist's main fashion department building to steal his runway plans so they could know what they were up against
✨They outclassed him in every imaginable way
✨Izuku literally dissociates anytime Kit opens his mouth to talk about Tenya. He doesn't want to know. TMI. Time out. No.
✨Kit dared Izuku to go up to Endeavor in disguise during his patrol and pretend to ask for an autograph and instead knee him in the balls.
✨Izuku's chosen disguise was a full sonic the hedgehog costume and he did in fact knee endeavor in the crotch. And yes, it's a meme now
✨ They have an Endeavor hate chant
✨Izuku really wants to add All Might merch to the Suzuko line and Kit just thinks he's a nerd and a suck up. All might is already his teacher and now he wants designer clothes with his face on it? Too far, man. Too far.
✨They have matching jeans that they definitely didn't steal when they broke into Jeanist's fashion depot.
✨Overall they're an unstoppable and rather irritating force to be reckoned with and will stop at nothing to wreck havoc, much to Tenya's disdain.
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equizona · 3 years
random fnaf 1 gang hcs?
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Note: Finally my time has come– IF I MISUNDERSTOOD YOUR ASK THEN JUST SEND ANOTHER ONE EXPLAINING A BIT MORE– Anyway, I just did general HC for them as a group <3 tell me if it was anything else you wanted(It also says in my rules to explain a bit, so this was a bit non-detailed so if I did get it wrong add some more details next time please)
Scenario: General/random headcanons for the OG FNAF gang.
Fandom(s): FNAF
Character(s): Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Golden Freddy.
Warning(s): Swearing, violence, death, gore, blood, torture,
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All of them are a band together, right? Freddy does the vocals, Bonnie is the guitarist, while Chica is on the drums.
Foxy probably worked with a bass or synthesizer, but then he got thrown into the pirates cove and labeled out of order.
Freddy, Bonnie and Chica were all ready to commit arson when that happened because how fucking dare they that's their friend–
Golden Freddy is the biggest introvert and interacts with NO ONE. Like, ever, it just doesn't happen, they stay away from everyone and everything.
Even Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy don't know where Golden Freddy goes when not attacking the security guard.
Bonnie, unlike Toy Bonnie, sounds like a dying fucking chicken everything he sings and it's hilarious–
Chica has quite the temper, and she will blow up so quickly, so don't test her.
Foxy loves teasing people, and he teases Chica constantly, which often leads to him getting his ass kicked by her.
Chica loves cooking and spends a lot of her free-time in the kitchen, Bonnie joins her in there sometimes as well.
Foxy and Freddy just kind of stay away from that.
Whenever Bonnie and Chica are in the kitchen Foxy and Freddy tend to indulge in playing pirates.
Foxy is open about his pirate obsession but Freddy will take his to the grave if it's the last thing he does—
When Freddy wasn't, you know, dead, he took singing lessons so he had the easiest time out of all of them when getting adjusted to being an animatronic.
Golden Freddy comes out to hang with them like once a year, and even then they don't talk much, they just kind of sit there silently.
Golden Freddy does have a heavenly voice though, and it's the best out of all the animatronics but nobody will ever know because they will never talk with anyone–
Once Chica and Bonnie made a golden cake for Golden Freddy and it was just the cutest event ever–
Whenever the security guard isn't there they like to play games, and if Golden Freddy is there they get invited to join.
Golden Freddy makes this static sounds wherever they go and they can't control it so deal with it–
Chica is literally the funniest person ever and you'll never have a boring moment with her trust me.
Bonnie and Chica are 100% bestest of friends
Whenever any of them feel sad the others will do their best to make them feel better.
Sometimes all of them will let their emotions get the best of them, which may cause fights, so sometimes the staff are confused to show up with lots of items being broken and thrown around with the animatronics all dirty
This is why they have a security guard even if they always die–
The owner knows that they are alive, and knows that the bodies are in the suits, he just refuses to acknowledge that, so the group all hates him.
They would NEVER hurt children, it doesn't matter what happens, children are off limits.
If anyone ever hurts a child they get it form everyone else.
They are a family so nothing too bad happens but it's not fun I can promise you that.
One time Freddy was in a really bad fucking mood so when he got his hands on the security guard he ended up torturing him for three hours straight.
It was bloody and messy and none of the others wanted to get involved because they were scared so they just stayed away
Golden Freddy was the only one who was brave enough to get involved, so they dragged Freddy away causing a fight to break out between them
Foxy is the fastest out of all of them
Golden Freddy can teleport though, so does it matter? Speed can't beat teleportation
In terms of physical strength Golden Freddy is the strongest, then Freddy, then Chica, then Foxy, then Bonnie
Bonnie is really observant though.
Foxy, Freddy and Chica are all more hot-headed and won't think things through much, but Golden Freddy, Freddy and Bonnie both use their brains more.
Freddy comes off as the calm collected one but he has a temper that is quick to blow up
Bonnie and Golden Freddy get along really well
Foxy likes to tease Bonnie, calling him 'shy'
He's really not, he just doesn't talk much
Honestly it instantly perfect but they all love each other and do their best to get through things together
Their just children after all, they are learning as it goes.
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softluci · 3 years
family friendly dialogue prompts ^_^
[ i just wanted to make a list of all the fun things that bounce around in my head, in the form of dialogue/action prompts/lines that i can (and probs will) draw from whenever. it can (and probably would) be mc saying these things, or it can be a man of your choice, but anyone can use these if they so choose, but if you do, just tag me so i can see what you’ve done with the chaos of my brain. or, if you wanna send me a number, i can write a small thing for you ^_^ ]
1. “if i have to—shut the fuck up—if i have to open this fridge again and find that we have no juice, i swear—”
2. “woke up today. never wanna hear jesus loves me ever again.”
3. “it is time for the immense power of violence.”
4. “no because if vivaldi ‘didn’t intend’ for me to shake my ass to his music then why do i feel such an inclination to do so?”
5. [holding a can of lysol and a lighter] “do you wanna see a magic trick?”
6. “and then i said, ‘because god don’t like ugly, and you’re not cute,’ and i got in so much trouble.”
7. “i can’t tell you what we do in there, it’s a total violation of the bro code.” [i was absolutely, 100% thinking of beel and his teammates.]
8. [“are you ticklish?”] “are you willing to die to find out?” 
9. “i think if barbatos appeared even a little bit annoyed with me, i would just have to die.”
10. “i’m not saying i’m attracted to him or anything, i’m just saying, given the chance—”
11. “if you guys see me, like, shaking my ass to big time rush, just don’t say anything.” [“what?”] “i said if—you—see—”
12. “and i was like ‘you have to die,’ even though, at the time, i didn’t even know what death was, but i meant it—”
13. “one time i was babysitting this little girl, and we were making bracelets together. i see she’s making two, so i ask who the other one is for—she fucking goes, ‘oh, it’s for the man in my closet!’ my heart very swiftly falls out of my ass.”
14. “some of you bitches are very odd.”
15. “me, personally, i think i’m pretty neat, but lucifer seems to think i’m a public enemy.”
16. “stop that.” [“stop what?”]
17. “bye, squidward, bye, mr. krabs! byeeee, squidwaaaard.” [but it’s two obm men. it is barbatos and dia, in that order, don’t ask questions.] 
18. “i am formally apologizing in advance for the person i am going to become if i ever see [man] with his hair pushed back.” [barbatos. this is about b—] 
19. “did i commit arson? technically.” [“‘technically’?”] 
20. “if i were to bite you, like, a little bit—”
21. “all everyone does is stare at me from afar and whisper, like, bitch, if you don’t give me a fucking kiss—”
22. “everyone is like, ‘are you okay?’ i eat breakfast at four in the afternoon, don’t ask silly questions.” 
23. “one time, one of the boys walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek while lucifer was talking to me— i have never seen someone look so murderous and confused.” [again, was absolutely thinking of beel and his teammates.] 
24. “i think my parents tried so hard to make me religious because they could tell from my eyes that i thoroughly believed god was dead.” 
25. “and he was like, ‘you like me?’ and when i tell you i almost fell over.” 
26. “you know, under normal circumstances, i am pretty laid back, but i was in the middle of my second nap for today, and you have just committed a felony.”
27. “in theory, it was my fault. in actuality, it was also my fault, but what we should be focusing on is why none of you made any efforts to hide that trap door.” [“it was hidden.”] “then how and why was it so easily found by my dead little eyes?” 
28. “what was i supposed to do, let it go?” [“yes.”] “well, i’ll tell you what, i was never known for my virtue.” 
29. “and then he ate my poptart, so i had no choice but to show him that actions have consequences.” [“what’d you do?”] “i threw a desk at him.” 
30. “embarrassing mammon is my favorite pastime.” [“you know you’re not actually embarrassing him, right?”] 
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caseoftheblues · 3 years
i will fight you on this but jason can definitely play guitar. fuck you.
he has an old acoustic that his mom used to play before the drugs, and it's one of his only keepsakes from her. he takes it with him everywhere. he also has a shiny electric that bruce bought him a year after arriving at the wayne household that jason now refuses to play because the sheer principle of the thing.
(he totally plays it all the time, and bruce totally knows. he sounds wonderful.)
so he writes songs sometimes, sue him! its, dare he say it, therapeutic. and kinda fun. (not that he's willing to admit it.)
and then there's damian, who's an absolute god on the violin and piano. they're seriously so good. dick totally cries when they win a competition or two at school.
and they've been trying to get along better with their brothers, even if they're total assholes sometimes. (damian's an asshole back, they suppose, so it all evens out.) so when damian hears jason playing guitar in one of the manors libraries, they quickly grab their violin and join in.
it's quiet at first, and damian's pretty sure that this song is one that jason wrote, so they kinda nightwing it, but it works, surprisingly. and then duke passes by, and starts making a simple beat on the table, and- beatboxing? some a capella thing that damian doesn't know the name of and- holy shit. they all sound good.
and as the music slowly peters out in a harmonious cacaphony, jason says we should start a band, only half joking, when damian-
"that is not the worst idea you've ever had, todd."
and if damian shows interest in something, no matter how well (not) they cover it up, well. you have to do it.
jason sighs. "you in, goldie?"
"sure, why not," duke shrugs. "making music with you guys isn't the worst thing that i could do."
and if duke's agreeing? jason's really in for it now.
and so they make a small album, maybe five, ten songs, under the band name-
("we are not calling it the dead robin's club, todd. one, it is way two obvious, and two-"
"i haven't even died yet!"
"thomas hasn't even died. plus, brown would be upset, and her singing voice is atrocious. you know how she gets."
"fine, jesus! what do you want to call it, then, demon spawn?"
"war on songbirds?")
-war on songbirds, as decided by duke. (they call the album robin war, in refrence to when they really got to know eachother. and they totally have a song called the dead robins club. it was too good to pass up.)
it's an eclectic mix for sure, a strange combination of classical, pop punk and something not unlike rap, but it's pretty good. they alternate who sings the songs, based on who wrote them or feels the most kinship with it.
(damian writes/sings songs based in fiction, as their emotional outlet is art. they have only one song that they sing on the album, which is a beautiful classical folksy song about a bird committing arson. it's weird, and beautiful, and so fucking damian that jason and duke laugh good heartedly when they hear it. it's a wonderful, if morbid, song. they also drew the album cover with duke, which is a beautiful mix of hyperrealism and street art, perfectly reflecting the theme of the album.)
(duke is a mix of the two. his songs are more punkish rap, based heavily on his parents; accepting their death and still loving them as well as the other family he was blessed with. he wrote and sang two of the songs, the other being a wonderful piece about found family, as well as the album cover i mentioned above. his songs are favorites of orphans and other like people struggling to love their parents and not let that undermine the people who are helping them.)
(jason, predictably, went the pop punk/rock route. his songs are heavy, but have a strangely- almost peppy melody, reflecting the masks he wore. the lyrics are based on all the trials he went through. there is emphasis on betryal, trust issues, and manipulation so subtle you don't know it's happening until you're too far gone. (this is of course about talia and his time with the league) that song is a particular favorite of harley quinn. there's also a happy song about reconciliation with family, which he loves.)
but let's be honest for a second. they didn't expect it go go anywhere. they didn't expect it to get famous. it was such a weird and unprecedented style with heavy, morbid lyrics and they didn't think anyone would like it.
but of course, this is gotham. it would be an understatement to say that it caught on.
it exploded.
but the absolute the worst thing about this whole business? (that isn't to say that they weren't excited that they got popular. they were. it's nice to have people validate your trauma via song) was their family.
the bats loved it.
how could they not? it's got trauma, found family, dead parents, and a little bit of morbid fun to distract from it all. just like them. even bruce listened to it, and he hardly ever likes music.
it was mortifying. if they were found out? they would never live it down. thankfully, no one seemed to notice, despite the lyrics being fairly obvious to those in-the-know. ("greatest detectives my ass.")
but they didn't think about cass. no one did, in these situations. until, of course, it was too late.
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rivetwrites · 4 years
Kokichi for the fluff alphabet?
//my boy!!
Kokichi Oma Fluff Alphabet
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Kokichi is very energetic and chaotic, so he needs to be doing something active as to not get bored. Playing video games is a great way to keep him occupied! Especially if you both play a competitive game like Overwatch, or Mario Kart!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
The way you’ve never took his shit, or his lies. He admired that you always told him off for lying, or for teasing Gonta or Kiibo. He couldn’t help to fall a bit more each time. Sure, it makes him do it a bit more, but he just can’t help himself when you look so cute while you’re frustrated.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jokes. Though sometimes they can hurt, which then that’s when he starts getting a bit serious. He’s not the best at comforting people, as he’s never really had anyone to comfort besides his DICE members. He would give you a bunch of sweets, and even his sacred Panta!! Once you start feeling better, he’ll slowly turn back to himself and make more lighthearted jokes to you.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Kokichi dreams about you officially becoming his second in command in DICE with him. His members love you, he loves you, so it’s perfect! Though, if you’re not that kind of person, he’ll understand and leave it alone. He hates forcing you to do things when you don’t want to do them.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You’re probably going to be the dominate one in the relationship. This man has a diet of a seven year old, and the maturity of one as well. He needs a little help trying to get his life together as an adult, so he would be grateful for your help. Even if he purposely doesn’t do what you ask, just so you can pay more attention to him.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Kokichi is a shithead, through and through. Most likely, he’d be the one upsetting you. The best way to get back at him is the silent treatment. He despises the silent treatment, since he thrives off of attention, both negative and positive. He can’t even last a whole day, apologizing to you with those rare tears in his big eyes. 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s extremely grateful for you. You keep him grounded, you keep him in check, and you keep him from committing arson the first chance he gets. He’s extremely aware of everything around him, so you taking care of him will make his little liar heart grow a bit more. He repays you by leaving small candies in your pockets while you’re not looking. They’re his favourites!! So you know you mean a lot to him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
This is Kokichi we’re talking about. He’s a liar, no matter who you are. The best way to get him to tell him the truth, is when he’s extremely tired. But once you truly get to know him, his actions and expressions always contradict his lies. You would always be able to tell when he’s upset. If you call him out over and over again about it, his wall will break and he’d tell you the truth. Another reason why he loves you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Kokichi is always going to be Kokichi, though he would get slightly softer to people. He’s still a liar, of course, but his teasing and jokes will become more lighthearted when you’re around. Dating Kokichi is the closest thing to....babysitting. He’s taught you a lot of patience, since you’d need so much to deal with him.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’d lie about this to his grave, but again, his expressions and actions say otherwise. His grip will tighten on your hand, his expression darkening at the person you’re talking to. God forbid the person lay a hand on you, they would be the main target for his pranks for weeks. Once you’re alone, you’d have to comfort him and tell him that he’s the one for you, and not anyone else will change that. His attitude will pop back to normal in no time.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Kissing isn’t something he took for account when he went into a relationship with you. Though he would have a big grin when he’s ready to do so. You’re probably going to be his first kiss. He’d climb you like a tree, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as his feet dangle from the ground. He’s pepper your cheeks and lips with small kisses as he giggles. His face would be slightly red, clinging to you for the rest of the night.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He would be the one to confess, but try to convince you that it was a lie. You know better, of course. He’d start to panic slightly, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he tries to convince you more. Once you accept him, his mood will return back to carefree. “Of course! I knew you liked me! Who wouldn’t like a Supreme Leader?” He didn’t know, so he’s extremely relieved.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Kokichi never really had a set decision on marriage. He wouldn’t care if you two didn’t get married, but he also didn’t care if you both did. Ultimately, it’ll all be up to you, so you would be the one to propose to him. He’d be extremely smug about it, “I mean, I am pretty cool, right? I would marry myself too!!” That’s his way of saying yes.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
The dumbest nicknames. “Second in command,” “little sausage,” “mom/dad/parent.” Though, it he’s feeling a bit more affectionate, “love,” would be his go-to.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s a very physical person, so he would climb into your lap as you’re reading, doing homework, or simply watching TV, and wrap his arms around your waist. He wouldn’t speak much, nuzzling his face into your chest as he absorbs your warmth and love.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Again, Kokichi is a very physical person, so he’d be constantly holding your hand, calling you his love. Gloats all the time about you. He’s not shy in the slightest, even less by you, so he would tell all his friends, especially Kaito on how amazing you are and how no one can get someone as great as you. Which is not a lie!
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He brings fun into your life. He brings a slight sunshine as he acts like himself. He loves you very much, and just his presence makes the room light up a bit more. Even if he’s teasing someone, he’d always look over at you with a genuine smile.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s not romantic in the slightest. Your dates are dumb and...oddly very fun. Video game nights with take out, snuggling while watching some dumb, low budget horror movie. Kokichi prefers to spend time with you rather than going somewhere extravagant. Though, he would love to go to a carnival with you. He loves playing the games, going on rides (sometimes he’s too short to go on it, so he gets pouty), and get junk food!
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’d tease you about your goals, but he makes note on them. He and his DICE members will help you achieve anything you want, no matter how impossible they may seem. Kokichi doesn’t have any big life goals, but he adores yours. You look so happy when you do reach them, so he thrives for your smile every time.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Kokichi never ever has a plan for anything, everything is spontaneous and exciting. Your relationship is never boring with him, whether its running away with you in tow from an angry person he just pranked, or just having a lazy day in, its never an in-between. 
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He has a hard time expressing himself, but he knows you by the back of his hand. You don’t even have to be looking at him for him to know you’re sad. Just by the slight slouched posture, he knows he has to go get your favourite sweets to comfort you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You and his DICE members are his family, so you guys are very important to him. Sure, he seems selfish, but on the inside, he’d give himself up in a heartbeat for his family.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He likes to sneak things he thinks you may like into your pockets. He could find a little shiny coin, and slip it into your shirt while you’re not looking. You have a small collection of small, shiny things that Kokichi has found on your dresser.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He prefers to show affection alone with you, since he gets a bit blushy from your touches. He’s very slim and small, so just scoop him up into your arms and carry him to bed and he’ll be yours. He prefers small, butterfly kisses rather than proper, long kisses. He wants to show his love to every inch of you.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Kokichi gets very, very pouty when you’re gone, amping up his pranks and jokes to his friends. Since you’re not with him, he has to make up for the lost pranks. Once you return, he’s clinging onto your leg as he cries crocodile tears as he begs you not to leave again. 
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Kokichi will give and much as you give. He believes in equality, so if you go great lengths, so will he. 
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Brothers anon, im gonna start combing the two separate submissions again cause its getting too short to have them separate I think?
1: His possession messed with memories Ranbob had before, so memories of school friends or playing with Ran were distant to erased. Though after Dreams possession it was also harder to make and keep memories. But thankfully as Ranbob was recovering from Dream and got futher away making memories came eaiser to him, though he'll never get back the memories he lost. 
3: Oh he would very quickly grow to regret his decision, but it would be funny. And Benjamin would later admit that while it was annoying and stressful, it was also fun and he was very happy to have his two families meet and generally get along. 
8: Everyone is just in shocked silence before Cletus just goes "YEAHHHHHHHHHH!" Oddly happy that Ranboo committed so much arson. Oh definitely, after all the outcasts of society where put there. Of course people would make such negative rumors about Mizu and treat the people as the scum of the earth. Though this also means, people don't know what happened in Mizu, and anyone who knows, view it in a more happy and a "Their finally gone" type of way, then viewing it as the tragedy it was. 
Spoons is a card game technically. A group of people sit in a group and everyone gets 4 cards, and you keep discarding at least 1 card of yours to the person on your left, who then does the same to their person on their left, the last person in the group puts a card into a discard pile. The goal is to get 4 of the same cards, and once someone gets 4 of the same cards, that person goes and grabs a spoon in a pile in front of them (let's say there's 5 players, theres only going to be 4 spoons cause there's always a spoon less than the people playing), once they grab one anyone can grab a spoon. And the person who doesn't get a spoon gets a S added to them, once Spoons is spelled the person gets out of the game, and a spoon gets removed to continue the game. Basically for flowers its played the exact same way but with flowers in the middle expect for spoons.
11: I just imagine Dream sulking in a corner as you yell at him and him going like "well I didn't know…" as he kicks a stone. And he wasnt sure what it was, but quickly jumped on the idea that maybe it was the fact that Ran was still alive somewhere, and that that's causing Ranbob to willingly let himself become weak and defy him. Causing Dream to become angrier at Ran and punish Ranbob harder. 
3: During the brothers fight in the storm, and after everyone runs off to find Ranbob, Ran is left alone. And he decides to just wander off into the storm, not protecting himself from the rain so he does get burnt. The whole time he's lost deep in thought and isn't really paying attention. He continues to wander for a whole day unfollowed (because after the Gladiators and Fishermen came back to the cave after finding Ranbob they are in no rush to find Ran and decide to look for him after the storm passes, which takes a full day) and at some point Raq finds him wandering. Which Raq then uses Rans distraction to his advantage and attacks him. At first only really the gladiators where concerned when they found Ran gone. But once they found him blinded and terrified everyone felt awful and a looming sense of guilt. And everyone continued to feel that way, even after they got the antidote and Ran started to see again.
4: They would just leave Ranbob alone and check in on him every now and again. But generally let him deal with it himself. They'd feel guilty leaving him alone, but they also know that they can't really do anything for him as their not prepared or briefed on how to help him in this situation. 
10: Oh definitely, even with Ran blinded they would've been kicked out immediately for fighting, without even a second glance. Dont forget, Ran still cares for his brother. And maybe, losing his sight made him face the side of him that wanted to become family again with Ranbob, maybe it brought enough to light that he just can't ignore it anymore. Mostly only negative potions can be permanent, like posion, blinding, wither, and nausea (I know the last like 3/2 are effects but they've also found a way to make effects into potions.). You already know what a antidote for blindness would be. A antidote for wither would be, a ghast tear (actually a basic ingredient for almost every antidote), blaze powder, and glistening melon to make a overpowered healing potion. Antidote for posion would be ghast tear, swiftness (so it acts fast to get rid of the posion), and the 3rd ingredient depends on what kind of posion it  was (posion that has a side effect of constricting or filling the lungs with water? Pufferfish and Turtle shell for last ingredients. Posion that has weakness? Blaze powder, and glistening melon) And antidote for nausea would be ghast tear, and potion of slowness to allow the person to slowly feel better, so their nausea doesn't hit them all at once before disappearing, which can cause them to throw up or have side effects. 
13: Thats exactly what they did. 
14: Jackie will 100% attempt to fight God and no one can stop him. :) (to be honest im not sure yet, I know I want to do more with Raq and have the idea that maybe he could be the person that finds Dream and gets him out of Mizu, but that's pretty often used in stories and I want to try to think of something more unique. Maybe I'll have it so Raq actually manages to capture the brothers or at least one of them and uses them as blackmail?)
15: When Ranbob was a child and Ran was just a baby Ranbob would often take Ran out of his crib and take him to go watch the fish swim by. When Ran was old enough he'd follow Ranbob everywhere, even a few times he managed to sneak into Ranbobs class room and almost wasn't caught. Ran got extremely clingy one day and managed to gather his haunting all up into his arms and carried them around, even though he was obviously struggling. And Ranbob used to complain about his teachers and idiotic classmates whenever he got home, which is funny when you consider Ran was very impressiable at the time and Ran started mimicking Ranbob, leading to him cursing, much to Ranbobs dismay. 
And im curious, do you have any questions that I havent answered? Or do you have any ideas for anything? I'd love to hear whatever you have to say about anything honestly!
Course! I dont have much lore wise other than they go to Kelalen and when they hear Dream is still around they decide to stay back to help fight him. But the idea I have is that Karl is just kinda hanging with everyone I listed, talking about allies or treaties when his time traveling clock/watch starts to go off, and he panics, but sadly in his haste to stop it he makes it worse and it grabs everyone, where they end up in the future. After hours of confusion and explaining they calm down. When 2 days later they find the Gladiator and Fishermen group, at first Karl is strongly against going to then for help, but everyone basically ignores him and go to ask for help. Hours of explanation and proof giving later the GF (Gladiator and Fishermen, got tired of writing it out) group sadly tells them that they cant really help. Until Ran (who was previously gone searching the surrounding area and making sure it was safe) appears high up on a tree (cause I just can't get the image of Ran on a tree and looking comfortable and confident as hell out of my head), and says that maybe Kelalen can help, if not going to Foolish may be a good alternative. Isaac, and Grievous are extremely against going back (at this time a 2 months have past since they left Kelalen)n saying it could be dangerous but Ran just aboustely shoots them down, along with Watson and Jackie agreeing with Ran, and Karls group agreeing to it. They head off to Kelalen. And Jackie is extremely excited at the potential of going to see Foolish finally. And it'd probably be like a sub au where the brothers au is the main backbone for it but at a certain point it separates from the au and becomes its own.
1: Okay, ouch. Can you imagine if Ran brought one of those memories up, and just had Ranbob look confused, or horrified, depending on how quick he realizes what happened? How would Ran react to that realization, both before and after he forgives Ranbob?
3: If nothing else, everyone got some laughs from it-even Benjamin, once his friends were far, far away from his family and not able to teach them more chaos. 
8: Cletus, why are you so happy? Do you just enjoy knowing chaos existed back then? Are you an arsonist? What’s up with you? 
Also, wow. Not cool, other city people, that’s very mean.
Spoons sounds like it’s interesting, I might try it sometime. Did the group just have those cards on them? What other games did they have?
11: Good, put Dream back in the corner, I’m gonna be yelling more. Because, seriously dude? I know you probably exist solely out of spite, but c’mon. Admittedly, from a certain point of view, it could be considered amusing that your first thought was that Ranbob was making himself weaker out of defiance/spite but like. From a more responsible and mature viewpoint, that’s incredibly stupid, and I-just. Buddy, hate to tell you, but I’m pretty sure that’d just be a you thing. Besides you were in Ranbob’s head, didn’t he think Ran was dead? It doesn’t even make sense. Good lord, I’m half-tempted to get the broom and chase you around like you’re a particularly unruly barn cat. 
3: First of all, that sounds really scary for Ran. Second of all, are we getting an overprotective arc?
4: Kind of sad, but understandable, they’re dealing with the situation as best they can.
10: Even if the group was provoked by the townspeople? Potions sound really cool, wish I could make those in real life, tbh.
13: W-what do you mean ‘that’s exactly what they did’? Anon, is your friend, like, a legit gremlin? I’m spooked. 
14: Foolish takes one look at Jackie, wearing a smile that exactly matched Tubbo’s when he was about to cause chaos, and immediately nopes out of that. He knows that face, and he will not be getting tangled into a fight with a goblin child today, no sir. I’m sure Jackie tries regardless though. (Also, that sounds like that goes horribly, do we get an overprotective ender-sibling, for whoever gets captured or used as blackmail, if that’s what you do?)
15: I love all of these so much, oh my gosh. Baby Ran seeing the fishes and following his big brother around. Poor Ranbob’s face when his baby brother cursed one day, Ran trying to carry all of his haunting. I’m in tears, honestly. 
Umm...I can’t think of anything right now, to be honest. If I ever do have a question or idea though, I’ll through it on the Brothers AU tag for you to check out, I guess. 
Oh, this sounds really cool. The part about them just ignoring their local time traveler when they’ve just time traveled particularly amuses me, as does Jackie wanting to see Foolish-I feel like Foolish may be a little more than terrified to see both Tubbo and Jackie back, honestly. Why was Ran willing to help them so much? What did they do to offer proof? How did Ranbob react once they proved who they were? How does all the group get along? Are they Ranboo’s haunting, and if so, if Ranboo gets close with his descendants, does he merge his hauntings with theirs? How does the time group feel about the Brothers fighting, and Ranbob’s possession?
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jezkier · 3 years
Hansa Wolfpack Daemon AU
this au has lived rent-free in my head for months. The worldbuilding has been fun and I wanted to put it somewhere. It's just a pile of silly headcanons without an actual narrative
The concept is this:
the entire hansa has wolf daemons. all of them. they are the strangest, most ragtag little pack anyone has ever seen.
This is mostly the product of me imagining a pile of wolf daemons asleep on top of each other. a whole dang pack. and Geralt's daemon is at the bottom of the pile so she and Geralt can't slink off in the middle of the night bc Geralt got too broody and wanted to be Noble and Self-Sacrificing and Not Endanger His Pals
I also think it's really funny to imagine Cahir staring into a campfire, thinking about things, and then out of the blue he says something like "Does anyone else think it's a little strange we all have wolf-shaped daemons? That seems... weirdly serendipitous." and the rest of the hansa looks at each other for a moment. and then they're all simultaneously like "uh. no? not even a little, wtf are you on about" and he drops the subject forever
Geralt's daemon is this beautiful, gloriously fluffy white wolf, BUT she is very much the smallest of their patchwork pack. She is always brushed and clean and groomed and her ears are small and kind of rounded. She's dangerously close to adorably cute. which drives both her and Geralt nuts because they're supposed to be Big Fierce Scary Monster Hunters. But it also means that sometimes kids' daemons will approach her out of curiosity in villages where they don't get visitors very often and then skitter back, terrified, when they realize she's a witcher's daemon
the rest of the hansa's daemons joke among themselves on the reg that they have to Protect The Sweet Leetle Baby At All Costs, which makes Geralt want to commit arson
Dandelion's daemon is a gangly, rangy, feral-looking, patchy brown she-wolf that he absolutely adores. He loves her so fucking much and won't hear a word said against her. Just think she hangs the moon or whatever. It drives him batshit insane whenever people confuse his perfect beautiful goddess of a daemon for Geralt's. (Because lbr, it's very easy for the average person to assume that the scruffy, flea-bitten wolf daemon belongs to the scruffy, flea-bitten witcher) In this universe, Dandelion starts up the whole White Wolf schtick bc he's sick and tired of random townspeople confusing his beautiful sweet perfect darling with Geralt's daemon when they travel together
Milva's daemon has no problem going after Geralt's daemon when she and Geralt are in a Mood. He doesn't hesitate to nip at her, or lick at her, or straight up sit on her, mostly because his tolerance for sulky brooding is much lower than Milva's. And her tolerance for that type of nonsense is already pretty damn low. Her daemon would rather get the pity parties over with ASAP and doesn't mind speeding the process along however he sees fit
He kind of freaks Geralt & his daemon out at first, bc no one's daemons (with a precious few exceptions, like Dandelion/maybe the other wolf witchers/Yen) have any interest in getting close to a witcher's daemon.
Angoulême's daemon is the biggest of the bunch. He's a scary-looking boy. All big muscle and coarse fur and gravely growling. He radiates "no NOT fuck with me." But he's also a huge goof and extremely playful in a very wolfy way when he and Angoulême let their guard down. A literal giant puppy. He takes to the little pack immediately. The first night Angouleme was with the rest of the hansa, he dropped his fat ass on top of the daemon cuddle puddle without asking and made himself comfortable. He snores when he sleeps on his back. Angouleme's pack of boyfriends in Toussaint think he's hot shit. He and Angoulême bicker pretty frequently and have a whole array of rude names they call each other. But for as often and as publicly as they fight, they rarely don't make up within a day. (He settled at a much younger age than most people)
Higher vampires didn't have daemons until after the Conjunction, and even then not all higher vampires wound up with daemons at all. Regis and his daemon don't know what to do with each other at first. Regis misses being able to fly sometimes, but he's v fond of his daemon and wouldn't trade her for anything. But she's terrifying to regular humans, and has been mistaken for a shuck or a grim when they weren't careful. She can kinda sorta change her shape a little to make herself less scary, but if she does it for too long, it gets uncomfortable for both her and Regis in an itchy sort of way
Geralt learns first hand that the idea you can identify a higher vampire by all their canon traits AND their lack of a daemon is wrong in about 95% of cases
Other daemons don't think she looks scary for some reason. They get kind of confused when their humans get freaked out by her. it's a vampire thing
Cahir's daemon is officially recorded as being "high percentage wolfdog." wolf daemons are outright banned from miliatary service bc of "a high incidence of unpredictable, disloyal conduct." It cost Cahir's family a boatload of money for the seal on that document, but the worse part is that anyone who looks at his daemon for more than 3 seconds can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that there's no dog anywhere in her. No one seriously questions it though (at first)
Yen's raven daemon tends to be a bit standoffish, but that has more to do with the fact he's a raven and ravens aren't usually interested in slobbery roughhousing. He will admit this to exactly no one, not even Yen herself, but he likes to privately imagine Geralt's daemon's long winter coat is feathers so he can pretend he's grooming her properly
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 8 "Mommie Dearest"
We have to figure out who that woman was.
You work fast.
We are murderers hell-bent on revenge.
Tell me what happened to the baby.
Come to my office, alone.
You scheduled this meeting; that means you talk first and I do my best to try to pretend to listen.
You know why I'm here.
I mean, look, I was probably high on Klonopin at the time, so you can't really hold me to anything I might have said.
I saw that movie 50 times!
If you need a ride to the store or McDonald's got your order wrong, please hang up.
Doesn't seem fair, does it?
I taught him everything I knew about making love.
The homosexual lifestyle is not destructive to the fabric of American society! The Voting Rights Act should be authorized in every state! And the Affordable Care Act does not require people to eat broccoli!
I need them convicted, fried in the electric chair, and I want it now.
I need to know what you found out. Go.
All of these clues are terrible.
If you want something done right, pay someone a lot of money to do it for you.
Haven't you heard? I moved in.
So, I'll sleep in the dead girl's room and do my best to not dwell on the fact that there's a big old bloodstain on the floor.
I've always wanted to try this recipe for a smoothie called a Hormone Helper.
I am frying up some mozzarella sticks.
I question why this house even has a kitchen.
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?
My mother used to say that smugness gives you wrinkles.
Oh. Was I being smug? Sorry, I thought I was just being right.
I just figured that eventually someone would shoot the bastard.
Now it's different, because they came after you.
Cover-ups like this only work if everyone has tiny bits of info.
This name is all I have. The rest, as they say, Sherlock, is up to you.
I want to stop these murders!
The less we know about ourselves, the better.
Rummaging around in your life, it's like digging through a landfill. Sure, you may happen upon something interesting, but you're gonna get filthy.
I'm gonna kill that dumb bitch.
I definitely know what it feels like to not be one of the cool kids.
They spent the whole time making fun of my outfit, talking about how cheap my clothes were.
I'm getting real tired of your nonsense.
You make me wish I was a serial killer
If you want to accuse me of something, walk your ass down to the police station and get yourself a warrant.
My investigation has been lacking in the financial resources department.
Right now, this whole thing has been funded out of my pocket.
So I was wondering if I could get a little advance.
Let's say ten percent of that three million?
You got a hot mouth.
That mouth would look even better if it was kissing all over my rippling pecs and my rock-hard abs.
That outfit---amazing.
What is that smell? Does anyone else smell something burning?
No. This cannot be another dead end!
The madness needs to end.
This is an outrage!
My whole life is ruined!
You have to fix this.
First of all, I'm an American, I don't have to understand anything.
I'm rich. Stupid rich. And I'm prepared to pay handsomely to get what I want.
I don't care what you toothless inbreds have to do to make that happen, just make it happen!
Is this real?
It does kind of look like me.
What's with the two babies though?
She remembers you being there with two babies.
Honey, have you been smoking ayahuasca?
I want some of whatever it is you're smoking.
It's all happening way too fast.
Beautiful, no?
Someone has, in fact, contemplated killing you, if not attempted it outright.
Will you please stop peppering your speech with "indeed"?
Looks like the bitch apple doesn't fall far from the bitch tree.
How could you get engaged?
Who am I, Hugh Hefner?
You're not Hugh Hefner.
I didn't want to bum her out, so I figured if I played along with it, you know, it would lead to some mind-blowing sex, which I was totally right about.
What, you think I have something to do with these murders now?
We need to discuss the manner in which you intend to turn yourself in to the authorities.
You look all sweet and cuddly, but I know for a fact you're the killer.
There's a couple of blind dogs down at the pound we're gonna read the newspaper to.
Since when are you in charge?
Why are you wearing my clothes?!
What in God's name are you wearing?
I don't know what you're attempting here, but I call the shots.
We're gonna step into the nearest bathroom and have a nice little heart-to-heart, just me and you.
You can't go around insulting somebody's mama.
Everybody had a terrible mama.
What am I supposed to do, apologize?
Over my rich, hot, dead body.
I burned it down to cover up any evidence you might find.
I committed arson. For you.
I was trying to protect you!
I've always done nothing but try to protect you.
You can't protect me from who I really am.
I would stay far away from me if you want to protect yourself.
That's how little I trust you.
Are you wearing a wire to try to get me to admit I'm the killer?
I have an awful mother, too. Even worse than yours.
Mommy said I was a prodigy at firing nannies and top of my class at destroying people's self-confidence, although they don't out grades for that for some dumb reason.
She said my deformity would embarrass the family.
We all have mommy issues.
I'm a work in progress, okay?
All I do is work out and kill people.
What do you think, I'm an idiot?
Look, I'm totally incognito, I'm blending right in.
I mean, who shows up in a Justice Scalia costume?
We take her out, and then we finish what we set out to do.
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muertawrites · 4 years
Hey! I absolutely loved your Zuko x reader one host you wrote, and I was wondering if you could do one where Zuko and the reader barely talk, but she’s part of Azula’s friend group. At the beach some stuff happens, and Zuko finds out she’s not as crazy as he thought she was. Kind of angst. I totally understand if you can’t, or don’t feel like it! I hope you’re safe and healthy, and everything is going well. Thank you!
From Eden (Zuko x Reader)
Word Count: 1,776 (FUHREEDOM MOTHERFUCKERS 🎆🦅🦅🦅 🎆 )
Author’s Note: Ok this request is P E R F E C T. I don’t think I need to tell anyone I love the psychology of this show, but I love the psychology of this show - especially with Zuko and his relationship with himself and others. And this episode??? Ohhhhhh I have some THINGS. TO. SAY. about this episode. I have been in this boy’s place and I feel 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 him 👏🏻 he 👏🏻 deserves 👏🏻 better 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I went in a sliiiiiiightly different direction, but I didn’t drastically change it (it turned out cute I think). Also, I named this “From Eden” because as I was writing it reminded me of the Hozier song. I’m such a sucker for a Broken Babe™, especially when the babe in question has a lot of personal growth and learns to love because of it. Thank you so much for this, anon, you’re absolutely gorgeous and I hope you’re keeping safe and healthy as well ❤ 
~ Muerta 
(Also, if you’d like to request something, I have a list of prompts tagged! Feel free to ask for anything from fics to headcanons to imagines - I’m also open to new character suggestions!) 
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Zuko sat on the porch of his family’s old vacation home, his mind miles away. Your greeting made him snap his head towards you, glowering down at where you stood at the base of the front steps. You crossed your arms, responding to his gaze with a defiant glare. 
“What do you want?” he growled. 
“To have normal friends,” you spat in reply. “Seems I’m stuck with you instead.” 
A few hours ago, Zuko almost made a crater in the beach from the campfire you, his sister Azula, and your friends Mai and Ty Lee had started a screaming match around. Insults were flung, tears were shed, and skeletons were evicted from closets, all resulting in your realization that maybe political survival wasn’t worth the dysfunction of constantly being surrounded by a sociopath and her cronies. Pretending to have a super fun sleepover with them back at the guest house was proving to be too much for your fragile sense of self-containment, and you weren’t quite friendly enough with your newfound death wish to tell Azula how you really felt about her, so you went where you knew it would be quiet. You didn’t expect to find Zuko and his anger issues there a second time, but he honestly didn’t scare you - you’d take his obvious rage over Azula’s subtle calculations any day. 
“I don’t know why you’re complaining,” Zuko jeered. “You’re just as emotionally fucked as the rest of them.” 
“Ty Lee’s got herself pretty much under control, despite her gullibility,” you answered cooly. “Also, if you really wanna talk about emotionally fucked, I’m not the one who almost roasted my ex-girlfriend alive earlier.” 
Zuko furrowed his brow at you, leaning forward as if to challenge you. You stayed exactly as you were, regarding him with a hard, unimpressed expression that revealed just how little he intimidated you. You couldn’t bend and weren’t a trained fighter - you knew he knew this, and that he wouldn’t actually attack you, despite how convincing he tried to make his empty threat appear. After a long, intense moment of wrinkled foreheads and competitive frowning, he backed off with a sigh, leaning back against the pillar behind him. 
“So, what, you want to come and make peace? Talk it out or something?” 
You shook your head, climbing the steps and lowering yourself onto the second highest; just below him, with a few feet between you as a courtesy. 
“The last thing I want to do is talk about that dumpster fire on the beach,” you told him. “I just needed some time alone. But, since I found you, I guess it’s a good time to ask if you’re okay.”  
Zuko looked you up and down, a confused and partially concerned look on his face. You half expected him to raise the back of his hand to your forehead to check for fever. 
“What do you care if I’m okay or not?” he asked bitterly. “We’re not friends.” 
“Zuko, I’ve known you since I was a toddler,” you said. “I’d say we’re friends. It’s not like anyone else really is.” 
“Mai is my girlfriend,” Zuko snapped at you. “She’s the best friend I have!” 
“Mai dumped you for being a possessive asshole,” you deadpanned, “then she let her best friend convince you to commit arson. Friends don’t let their friends’ sisters manipulate them into felonies.” 
Zuko huffed, slumping back defeatedly. 
“You can’t act like Azula’s never made you do anything you didn’t want to,” he grumbled. 
“I don’t,” you replied shortly. “I’ve just stopped caring about making her like me, since she really doesn’t like anyone. She doesn't get under my skin like she used to when we were kids.” 
You noticed Zuko’s lips curl upwards into the ghost of a smile. You mirrored him, leaning your arms atop your upright knees. 
“What?” you asked. 
Zuko chuckled faintly, shaking his head. 
“Nothing,” he responded. “You just… Do you remember when you were eight, and Azula teased Ty Lee about being too slow climbing the trees in our courtyard?” 
Your eyes widened in realization, your mouth parting into a wide smile as you let out a gasp of hysterical laughter. 
“Oh, that was awful!” you cried, though the memory only brought more fits of giggles to your gut. “I was such a little brat!” 
Zuko was laughing with you too now, arms wrapped over his stomach as he tried to speak between breaths. 
“It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!” he exclaimed. “Watching her fall out of the tree like that, the shock on her face, and then I caught you with the knife and saw where you cut the branch... She deserved it. You should give her a taste of her own medicine like that more often.” 
You blushed, looking away from him as your laughter died down. 
“Now she could kill me if she wanted,” you said. “I try not to say or do anything around her if I can help it.” 
“... Is that why you’ve been so quiet since then?” 
You nodded. 
“She beat me up when she found out what I did,” you explained. 
You stood, pulling down the waist of your sarong to reveal the burn scar on your right hip. Zuko’s eyes burst with shock at first, wondering exactly why you’d be disrobing in front of him, his expression softening when he saw the mark Azula left. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured. “Most brothers feel like they should protect their little sisters. I always felt like I should’ve protected all of you from her.” 
“You did,” you assured him. You sat back down beside him, closer this time, so that your hips almost touched. “I remember you jumped in front of her once when she threatened us. And that time…” 
Your voice faded, the memory almost bringing tears to your eyes. You couldn’t figure out why. 
“You hid from her,” Zuko finished your thought. 
You nodded. 
“You let me hide in your room,” you recalled. “Remember? Azula punched me. I ran to the first quiet place I could find and accidentally went to your room.” 
Zuko hummed. 
“You were crying,” he added, “and your eye was all red and swollen.” 
“You held me.” 
Zuko’s eyes fixed on you. He didn’t say anything, though he remembered; you burst through his half open door, sniffling, tears and spittle running down your cheeks and chin. It was the first time Azula had actually, physically hurt you, and you were terrified and confused. He asked if you were okay, and you shook your head. Being so young, the only thing he could think to do was hug you, since that’s what his mother did to make him feel better, and you clung to him, sobbing into his shirt and using his much bigger body for protection. After that day, he let you use his bedroom as a hiding place whenever Azula got to be too much - until she found out about it and started teasing you about wedding dresses and baby names. 
“We were friends,” you breathed. “I wish we still were.” 
There was a long silence in which the two of you stared out at the horizon, down the steep hill leading to the vacation house and into the ocean. The moon hung in a small sliver, barely flickering across the calm waters that rocked below; you could hear the gentle rush of waves as they crawled over the sand and shrunk back into themselves, creating a calming din that echoed up to where you sat. 
“... I still remember your favorite game to play with me,” Zuko said into the warm air between you. “Those times you hid in my room. You used to pretend to be a Kyoshi warrior. My mom gave you one of her old fans and we’d jump on and off my bed, trying to catch each other.” 
You grinned. 
“I would wrap myself around your legs to keep you from walking,” you recalled. 
Zuko laughed. 
“I loved that,” he admitted. “It used to make me laugh so hard when we were kids.” 
He looked over to you, and you turned to face him as well. The anger in his eyes was gone completely, in its place a warm, steady sadness that made you ache. 
“I miss you,” he whispered. 
You reached cautiously for his hand, relieved when he slid his fingers between yours and gripped your palm tightly. 
“I miss you, too,” you replied. “I’m sorry I let Azula drive me away from you.” 
Zuko wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tender embrace. Your hands latched together on either side of his back, gripping into his shirt a little bit as you buried your face in his shoulder. He felt and smelled the same as he did when you were little; hard like the walls of a sturdy house and sweet like the last embers in a fireplace.
You didn’t know how long you held each other, but when you broke apart, you sat together for ages, existing in silence on the steps of his childhood house and beside one another. You felt small again, but in the best way - you felt like the girl who was brave enough to cut through the branches of a maple tree so your tormenter would fall out of them. 
“I want to run away,” you blurted. “I could be someone totally different if I weren’t stuck here.” 
“If you do, I’ll go with you,” Zuko said. “We can be different people together.” 
You grinned, leaning your shoulder against his. 
“We could move to Kyoshi Island,” you suggested. “I’m too old to start warrior training now, but we could start a business. Open an inn or something.” 
Zuko chuckled at the thought. 
“I’ll call myself Lee,” he mused, “and you can go by Izumi.” 
“Maybe we could be married. And we could adopt orphan children and cats.” 
“Just cats. You can’t emotionally destroy a cat like you can with a kid.” 
You glanced over at him, noticing the hard gleam in his eye. You wrapped your arms around his bicep, holding him close to you. 
“You’re not your father, Zuko,” you whispered. “You don’t want to be.” 
Zuko nodded. He reached for one of your hands, curling his own around it. 
“... I feel like I am going to leave,” he said, “at some point. When I do… will you stay? So that I have at least one friendly face to come home to someday?” 
You nodded, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 
“I will,” you promised. “And when you do, I’ll give you Azula’s severed head as a homecoming present.” 
Zuko laughed at that. 
{ epilogue }
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