#i learned that this is a challenge i can't face with my knowledge
kkyus · 1 year
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the smile after pushing his hair back
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emo-batboy · 7 months
Battinson Guest Starring on TV Shows
For someone who holds the title of Richest Man in the World, Bruce doesn’t do a lot of traveling.
Which is to say he does a LOT of traveling, but he always tries to find a way out of it.
(Are there bat-related reasons for this? Are there people-related reasons for this? Are there anxiety-related reasons for this? Who knows?)
But partners and sponsors aren’t always going to tolerate his hermit-like tendencies. So once every month or so, Alfred wrangles Bruce into a private jet and sends him off to who knows where so he can represent the company.
Usually, it’s somewhere close on the East Coast, maybe it’s across the pond, even Asia isn’t off the table, but the rarest place to spot Bruce Wayne is actually the West Coast of the US.
One day, it is announced that Bruce Wayne will be spending two (count ‘em, 2) consecutive weeks in California with his kids for some grand business convention.
The West Coast media goes feral with the news, ESPECIALLY interviewers. And because Bruce kicks up such a fuss this time, Alfred has the gall to sign him up for FOUR TV appearances.
Here are these appearances :)
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Drag Queens, especially Drag Race all-stars, contribute to a wide variety of charities
So on a new episode, the queens are challenged to design and shoot a promotional ad for their own charity
And who better to act as a guest judge for this episode than the show’s largest benefactor, CEO of the Wayne Foundation, Bruce Wayne?!
Physically? He’s older than half of the contestants. But spiritually? He screams Baby Gay.
Fifteen minutes into the episode, Bruce is welcomed into the werkroom where he gives them pointers on their campaign. He’s in his cute little three-piece suit (Alfred’s idea) with the intention of looking put-together and knowledgeable. But that’s not the only outcome.
They all flirt with him. Everyone, single or taken. The confessionals are so thirsty.
“He’s lucky the cameras are on. Otherwise, I’d eat him up faster than a bachelorette party in a buffet line.”
“My celebrity crush is talking to me, and all I can focus on are his gorgeous eyes. How am I supposed to know what he's saying?”
Of course, they shoot their shot, but most of it is joking since they don't know he's bi yet.
“Are you single, honey?” Bruce blushes. “It’s complicated.” “Well, I’ll make it simple for you.”
We all know this man can't handle being flirted with. We saw how he froze when Selina did it. It’s like he mentally bluescreens when someone calls him a pet name.
Only THEN do they learn he's bi
One of the queens jokingly asks him, “Ever been with a man before?” thinking it would be a firm no, but Bruce says, “Actually, yes.” “Oh shit, really?” And to Bruce’s embarrassment, the whole room hears him.
The flirting is thus taken up a notch.
On the main stage, Bruce has a lot of great constructive criticism. He talks about how to find the right audience, the importance of a good slogan, and even goes on a little rant about logo design.
(You cannot convince me that Bruce hasn’t hyperfixated on the business of charity work before. Or the science of marketing. They’re his favorite business topics.)
After about three minutes of him complimenting one contestant for their Drag Library pitch, he stops himself mid-sentence and says, “Oh sorry, am I talking too much?” “No, please! Keep talking, sweetheart.” Bruce covers his face to hide his blush. “Why is everyone flirting with me?” “Baby, have you seen yourself?”
While the judges deliberate, RuPaul mentions Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent. Bruce nods along for a while then suddenly just blurts out, “Wait, does it spell ****?”
The judges pause then burst out laughing. “Oh no, we’ve traumatized him!" Bruce is blushing up a storm. “I just never thought about it like that!” “Sweet, innocent Bruce. We’re so sorry.”
It’s later revealed that Bruce offered to help some of the queens launch their charity projects through the Wayne Foundation.
It’s v cute 🥰
Nailed It!
I love Nicole Byer.
She is Mother.
In all seriousness, she’s so fucking funny and she’s personable enough to pull Bruce out of his shell a bit.
The theme for this episode is Found Family. Three pairs of family members compete together—a gay father and his adopted son, an aunt who adopted her niece, and a stepfather and stepdaughter.
Because Bruce Wayne famously adopted two children, he is invited to guest judge.
So Nicole opens the episode with a zinger, the contestants are introduced, and Bruce is welcomed onto the judge’s panel beside Nicole and Jacques.
(Yes, Bruce does speak French. Yes, Nicole makes a joke about it being hot.)
Nicole: “We were surprised you accepted our invitation, Mr. Wayne. You’re notorious for staying on the East Coast. What brought you to the Nailed It! Studio?” Bruce: “My children love this show. They always tell me I should be on it since I’m so bad at baking.” Nicole: “Really? Maybe we should do a celebrity season of Nailed It! and have you compete.” Bruce: “No, you should not.”
Nicole: “So, Bruce, I know you have a butler at home who bakes for you. But what’s the grossest thing you’ve eaten? Escargot? Bad caviar?” Bruce: “I drank olive oil straight from the bottle once.” Nicole: “…What?”
The problem for Bruce is he can’t say anything bad. It just feels mean :(
(And he would rather jump into oncoming traffic than gamble with a social interaction)
For the first challenge, the contestants make cake pops. But when Bruce tries the first one, there is a sickening crunch. Bruce’s eyes widen for a second and he slowly chews.
Nicole: “What was that? Bruce, are you okay?” Bruce, clearly struggling: “It’s…good.”
“Bruce, you can spit it out. It’s okay.” “I already swallowed it.” “Oh, you poor thing.” Bruce chokes for a second, and Nicole pats his back. “Please don’t die. We can’t afford it.”
For the big challenge, production has a surprise in store for Bruce.
Dick (9) and Jason (7) run onto the set and smother Bruce with a hug.
It’s adorable. Bruce no longer cares about paying attention, okay? His kids are here :D
The two boys read from cue cards to announce the second challenge: a three-tiered Gotcha Day cake. And as per tradition, the winner of the first challenge gets a leg-up.
This time, it’s a Helping Hands Button. When they hit the button, Dick and Jason will run over and help them for three minutes. (While being supervised, of course.)
As the contestants bake, Nicole says hello to Dick and Jason, who are clambering all over Bruce like a jungle gym. They both shake her hand and talk about how they love the show.
Nicole looks pointedly at the two empty chairs beside Bruce. “You know, we brought these chairs for you two to sit in.” Dick, on Bruce’s shoulders: “We’re fine, Ms. Byer!” Nicole: “Ms. Byer? Oh, you’re a cutie, aren’t you?”
Just ten minutes before the challenge is over, the Helping Hands button is pressed, and Dick and Jason are given stools so they can help the aunt and niece stack their cake tiers.
Two minutes in, the aunt instructs them to let go of the cake. But the moment Jason pulls his hands away, the cake topples over and covers him in frosting. Jason, whispering: “Oh f*ck.” Bruce: “Jason!” Jason: “I didn’t say that! Dick did!” Nicole: *cackling as Bruce buried his face in his hands*
Jason gets cleaned up, and Dick helps them stack what can still be salvaged.
When Wes brings out the trophy, he’s dressed as Batman. Dick and Jason gets a kick out of that.
Celebrity Family Feud
Bruce was invited to the show after his SNL skit went viral a few months ago
This episode, the teams are split up by cities they grew up in. Gotham v. Star City. Naturally, his team is playing for the Wayne Foundation.
It’s a pretty odd cast of people, most of them having moved to LA or Hollywood. Bruce is the only one to still live in Gotham.
They have fun, though, despite their limited common ground. The audience has a few good laughs.
(Some at Bruce's expense)
Harvey: You're a very wealthy man, Mr. Wayne. What do you really do in that tower all day? Bruce: I, uh…business? Harvey: …You business. Bruce: ……Wait-
All in good fun. Bruce just vibes in his little corner until he needs to answer a question. It's pretty chill.
For exactly half of the episode.
Then it happens.
Steve Harvey takes two people from each team up to the buzzer and says, “We asked 100 people: Name something your parents always told you as a kid.”
What the production failed to consider is how this particular question might be a sensitive topic for some contestants.
Bruce’s team gets the question, and Steve saunters up to Bruce, completely oblivious.
“Alright, Bruce Wayne!” Bruce nods awkwardly. “Hi, Steve.” “Bruce, what’s wrong? You’re looking a bit uncomfortable.” “…I don’t like this question, Steve.” “Why not?” Bruce just gives him a desperate look, and it clicks. “Oh! Oh my gosh!”
Let’s be real. Bruce is awkward enough, but Steve Harvey cannot save an awkward moment for his life either.
But he tries his best anyway and asks, “Are you okay with answering this question, or would you like to pass?” Bruce nods frantically. “I can answer. ‘I love you.’” “I love you too, Mr. Wayne.” “No, uh, my answer is ‘I love you.’” “Oh! That’s a good one.”
Thankfully, the audience erupts in laughter. That little interaction cuts the tension, and Bruce’s answer ends up on the board.
And by god, the memes
“I love you too, Mr. Wayne” is the new “Enjoy your meal.” “You too.”
The audio clip of “I don’t like this question, Steve” goes viral on TikTok
Someone gets a pic of Bruce and Steve looking at each other with palpable fear in their eyes, and it makes its rounds all over Twitter
10/10 never again
Running Wild with Bear Grylls
Now this is the most challenging. Not because it’s difficult, of course. But because Bruce has to look stupid enough to maintain his Brucie Wayne persona but smart enough to keep himself safe.
For this episode, Bear takes Bruce to the California desert.
“How much do you know about survival, Bruce?” Bear asks. Bruce nods carefully. “I did some survival training once with a friend from boarding school.” “Oh really, how did you do?” “Fine, I think.”
This is, of course, his way of saying I trained with a league of assassins for years, but Bear can’t know that! And that’s how most of the episode goes.
Thank god Bruce's fear of being caught is mistaken for being scared of the physical challenge because every time Bear points out how well he’s doing, he breaks into a sweat.
Bear: For a businessman, you’re surprisingly fit. Bruce, sweating bullets: Oh, this is all just for show.
Bear: Wow, you’re a natural. Are you sure you’ve never set up a zip-line before? Bruce, gripping his equipment so tight he gets rope burn: I think it’s just the survival instincts.
Of course, he pretends to be out of breath a few times. The Drama.
Bruce, pretending to slip and fall: Ouch! Who knew the outdoors were so dangerous? Bear, you are crazy. Bruce, internally: How much longer are we doing this?
Bruce being a vegetarian is actually a point of contention. You see, Bear always makes their celebrity guests do something crazy for food like skin a snake or eat a mouse. Scavenging for berries just doesn’t grab the audience’s attention.
But do you know what is vegetarian?
Bear: Now, in extreme cases of survival, it’s not rare for humans to resort to drinking their own pee. That’s what we’ll be doing in a moment. Are you up for it? Bruce, visibly repulsed: I’ve had Gotham tap water. I’ll be fine.
How on God’s Green Earth did Alfred convince him to do this?
To get to the extraction point, Bear takes Bruce down a cliffside.
Bear shows Bruce the meticulous process of properly belaying from the top of a cliff, and Bruce, who has done this over 100 times is like, “Wow that’s so dangerous :( Will we be okay?”
He really tries to ramp up his acting skills this time.
(Little does he know that’s not necessary.)
Bruce goes down first as Bear belays with a cameraman filming from the top. Halfway down, Bruce hears a scuffle, and the cameraman yells, “F*ck!”
Bruce looks up, arms already out for protection, and he sees a small disk falling towards him. It’s the lens cap. He catches it on instinct.
For a second, he thinks, “Shit, was that too skilled? That’s not enough to make people think I’m Batman, right? I just caught it in midair while dangling from a cliff. That’s totally not weird and suspicious. Normal people do that—“
Then Bear yells, “Bruce, drop it!” Bruce looks up at Bear, confused. “Why?” “There's a scorpion!” That’s when Bruce looks at the lens cap and sees a black scorpion perched on top with its tail ready to strike.
They don’t have those in Gotham.
Bruce jumps in his harness and flings the cap at the rocky cliffside. He hears a crunch, and the scorpion and cap tumble to the ground. Bruce frowns. Can a scorpion survive that drop?
“You just killed a scorpion, mate!” Bear cries. Bruce looks up in horror. “I killed it?!” “Hell yeah!” Bruce’s face falls. “No!”
Because oh. shit.
Bruce just killed something. The sad, orphaned vegetarian just killed a scorpion.
Bruce has a meltdown.
He didn’t mean to kill it!!!! Oh no, he just killed an innocent little creature. Yeah, he punches people for fun sometimes, and he definitely put a few violent criminals in the hospital, but he’s never committed MURDER!!
This poor little scorpion died due to his own negligence, and he feels so so so bad about it.
Bruce is a mess as he climbs the rest of the way down.
Bruce, cradling the scorpion’s body: I don’t know how to perform CPR on a scorpion! Bear: Bruce, you took its head clean off. Bruce: *sad noises*
Legit inconsolable. To him, it’s like he just murdered a puppy
Once they're out, Bear is trying to cheer him up. Bless him.
Bear: We’ve conquered the wild! Haven’t we, Bruce? Bruce, head between his legs, still mourning the scorpion: I’m never going outside again.
Yeah, no one’s going to think he’s Batman after that.
And that's all four of Bruce's TV appearances from the West Coast :) Dick and Jason never let him live any of it down. Alfred is almost sorry. (He is not sorry.)
Let me know your thoughts! What other TV shows do you think Battinson would appear on as a guest?
Okie dokie :D Love y'all! Have a good day <3
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saturnsbabyboii · 9 months
🐸Astro Observations Since School is About to Start🐸
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🐸 Taurus and Leo are indistinguishable from one another. They both love the finer things in life and value self care and a hedonistic style of living. Besides they both have that regal star quality (Think of Audrey Hepburn and Lucille Ball). The only difference is that Taurus takes the slow and steady route to attain such lifestyle and Leo prefers to take risks and a gamble. Anyways ✨OPULENCE✨
🐸 4th house Aquarius/9th house Cancer people might be out of place within their immediate families but find themselves at home among strangers or while traveling.
🐸 Lilith (h12, h13, or h21) Conjunct Chiron are strong indications of sexual exploitation (and possibly abuse). These natives could be taken advantage of by people in powerful positions. Even after displaying their truth, they would be faulted and persecuted while their abuser get celebrated. They could very will be victims turned villains.
🐸 An unaspected Juno suggest a lack of desire for marriage or committed relationships.
🐸 Pluto in the 1st house might have a distinctive scar or birth mark.
🐸 Although people dunk on harsh aspects, I personally view them favorably. These aspect are strong indications of perseverance, resilience, power, intelligence and grace. People with more Squares and/or Oppositions in their chart are capable and self aware, all the challenges they face early on bring them a better and higher understanding of the world, and not to mention, many rewards down the line.
🐸 With that being said, people with Ceres Opposite Moon might be particularly hard on themselves. Believing that they would be a burden and that they hold responsibility to keep it together for others, they don't ask for help nor do they accept it when it's offered. It's important for them to practice gratitude and self appreciation.
🐸 Vesta aspecting few personal planets suggests a person with a one track mind, or a very narrow view of their own life and purpose. However, someone with multiple aspects made between Vesta and personal planets suggests someone with turbulent and changing prospects.
🐸 Conversely, someone with no (or only one) aspects made to their Vesta might not care about the meaning of life or simply take an easy going point of view towards things.
🐸 Moon in a harsh aspect to a harmoniously aspected Venus and/or Mars are people that have all the qualities of a good partner but can't seem to commit or make up their mind regarding their relationships. This could also be an indication of being happier when single.
🐸 During the last Full Moon in Pisces, my sister that has a Pisces Moon ended up having surgery.
🐸 Placements in Water degrees (4°,8°,12°,16°,20°,24°,28°) suggest karma and karmic debt or relations in the theme of the placement.
🐸 The degree of Venus can also suggest when will you feel comfortable dating authentically. The higher the degree the later in life it'll be.
🐸 Continuing on the theme of degrees, take note of the following degrees in the chart (especially for natal, synastry and solar return). The degrees are
Creation/New beginnings: 0°,4°,21°
Critical: 13°,17°,26°
Destruction: 15°,22°,23°
Completion: 29°
🐸 Check asteroid Bakker (27425) to know more about the circumstances of when you lose your virginity. Bakker means virgin in Arabic. Regardless of your stance or idea regrading the concept of virginity, you might find insight into either your first sexual experience.
🐸 Asteroid Egeria (13) represents the knowledge we learn by giving service or sacrificing in return. The sign it's in represent the kind of information, the house and aspects represent the method, purpose and teacher of this knowledge. For example, I have a friend with Egeria in Aries in the 2nd house, in aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. She learned about money, finance, self esteem, and asset flow through a mentor (Jupiter) and the internet (Uranus). She in return had to manage her money flow and expenses realistically (Aries in the 2nd house).
🐸 Another friend of mine had the asteroid in Sagittarius in the 10th house, in aspect to the ascendant. She learned how her career, image and aspiration are tied to her appearance and approach to things through mirroring (Ascendant). She had to in return manage her authenticity and be careful of who and how she express her opinion publicly (Sagittarius in the 10th house).
🐸 It is no surprise that the most common Sun sign among Popes is Pisces followed by Sagittarius. Capricorn is the most common Moon sign. Aquarius is the most common Mercury. Gemini is the most common Saturn, and Pisces, Gemini and Leo share the same spot as the most common sign in Jupiter.
🐸 Saturn in the mutable houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) might inherit hereditary illnesses. The 3rd and the 9th suggests developmental setbacks, and issues in attachment and communication. The 6th house suggests physical effects while the 12th suggests mental. Even though the 6th house manifests into physical ailments, the 12th house implies hospitalization and chronic illness from a young age.
🐸 The placement of Pisces and Neptune in the houses along with the state of the 12th house and placement of it's ruler can tell many things about someones' dreams. For example, my friend has Pisces in the 2nd house, Neptune in the 1st house, Capricorn in the 12th and Saturn in the 3rd. (Pisces in the 2nd and Ruler of the 12th is in the 3rd house) She dreams a lot about school, even though she is 25, driving, walking around, buying things, talking to people, listening to music and walking around our city. (Capricorn in the 12th) Her nightmares usually have a state of humiliation and shame. She also finds herself in dream where she is feeling helpless. (Neptune in the 1st) She receives messages through a state of 'Deja Vu' and channels it through the prediction of things.
🐸 Moon Conjunct Chiron 🤝 Mommy issues
🐸 The first impression a rising sign leaves is due to the MC than the rising sign alone. The MC rules public image and reputation, as such it influences the way we're seen by people, regardless of whether we know them or not. For example, an Aquarius rising uniqueness and reputation is supported and diversified by its MC. Although in the whole sign system the MC is in Scorpio, using the Placidus system the MC can also fall in Libra and Sagittarius. This showcases how an Aquarius rising can be perceived as a humanitarian in reputation and ethereal in appearance (Libra MC), or as a provoking trailblazer with an edgy and dark appearance (Scorpio MC), or as an enthusiastic advocate with an alienlike appearance (Sagittarius MC).
🐸 North Node in Fire signs have that "main character" energy.
-Thank you for reading. Hope you it resonates and you enjoyed it.
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doumadono · 19 days
Hii, i was wondering if you could write platonic Aizawa emergency request in which hr has a daughter ho has veen strugling with self harm and su1cidal thoughts, please.
I had been really low latly and i relapes after 7 months of not self harming.
Thanks love 🩷
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A/N: I'm so sorry to hear that you've been struggling lately, Nonnie. Remember, setbacks are a part of recovery, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it. You've made progress before, and you can do it again. Sending you love and support ♥
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Aizawa is incredibly protective and caring towards you, his precious daughter.
He always makes time for you, even with his busy schedule as a pro hero and teacher at U.A.
Aizawa is observant, noticing even the slightest changes in your behavior.
One day, he accidentally walks in on you wrapping your wrists in bandages after harming yourself, and he's filled with terror.
Despite his fear, he immediately approaches you, sitting down beside you on the bed. "What's going on?" he asks straightforwardly, his voice laced with concern. "Why are you doing this to yourself, sweetheart"
You look up at him, your Y/E/C eyes filled with pain and uncertainty. "I... I just can't handle it anymore," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. You explain that the pressure of hero studies and internships has been weighing heavily on you, and you don't know know how to cope anymore. "One day, I accidentally hurt my hand... and... it felt so good... like all my stress was relieved," you begin, tears streaming down your flushed face. "So I started doing this... from time to time... and... I couldn't stop... I was punishing myself for not being perfect, daddy," you say, your sobs becoming uncontrollable.
Aizawa listens attentively, his heart breaking at the thought of his daughter struggling alone. Without hesitation, he offers his unwavering support, reassuring you that you're not alone in this, his strong arms wrapping tightly around your trembling form as he offers you the tightest hug he can.
You hug him back tightly, whimpering, "I'm sorry, daddy, I'm so sorry!"
As you're held in his arms, you don't notice the tears streaming down Shota's face as he comforts you. He soothes you with gentle words and his presence, rocking you back and forth in his arms. "You're perfect just the way you are," he assures, clearing his throat to hide the hoarseness in his tone from the tears he shed for you. "We're in this together. You're not alone. We're a team. Always remember that you can come to me with all your problems, even the ones that seem small or irrelevant. Your problems are mine too. I'm your dad, and I'll do whatever I can to help you. Always."
You nod, listening to your dad's words. "I didn't want to bother you with..."
He interrupts you, shushing you, gently cupping your wet cheeks in his hands and making you meet his gaze. "You are never a bother. Never. You're my entire world, babygirl."
Aizawa makes sure to prioritize your well-being, adjusting his schedule to spend more time with you and offering words of encouragement whenever you need them.
He often says sweet little things like "I love you, sweetheart" or "you mean the world to me." He also praises your efforts, saying things like "you did very well on this test. I know you worked hard for a good grade, but even if it's not what you expected, remember that grades don't define your skills, knowledge, or spirit."
Through your journey, Aizawa learns to open up more to you, strengthening your bond and creating a safe space for you to express all of your feelings.
Even though Aizawa is hesitant at first, after realizing the seriousness of the situation, he doesn't hesitate to ask his friends for help.
And of course, they respond.
Hizashi visits Aizawa's apartment every day, bringing groceries and always having a little sweet snack for you that he knows you enjoy.
Despite the challenges you both face, Aizawa remains by your side, ready to support you through every step of your recovery journey.
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gjenkatarot · 1 year
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reminder: my readings are for entertainment purposes only! take a deep breath and choose a pic that you feel drawn to the most! remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. enjoy!
hello, pile one!
♡ your future spouse is so tough to please! in general, they have a pessimistic outlook on everything that happens to them. there is a possibility that they can suffer from depression as well, but obviously, take what resonates. their life may be filled with regrets and disappointments, always leaving them emotionally unsatisfied. your future spouse has a strong sense of confidence and charisma.
♡ they enjoy being in charge and in control. in addition, they are creative individuals and have many visions/plans for the future.
♡ they are very skilled at what they do on a daily basis. they are excellent multitaskers. due to their intelligence, they are able to impress with words. your future spouse is smart and knowledgeable. their decisions and pieces of advice are always sound. they possess self-control. they may refrain from many things.
♡ there is something very elegant, classy, and clever about your future spouse. they almost remind me of professors, if you know what i mean! they certainly enjoy living in luxury and spoiling themselves with lavish things. 
♡ they accomplished a lot! to be honest, i think they might be bored with their lives right now. their love life is not the most exciting thing ever. they prefer to be alone, giving off the vibe of an introvert. do not like being around people! honestly, they give me sexy vibes, so good luck pile one!
hello, pile two!
♡ he or she is very clever, intelligent, and quick-witted! it is common for them to talk a lot and to have strong opinions. competitive as well. there is always something they are doing, and they have an impatient personality. they enjoy communicating with others. your s/o is a fast thinker, a fast talker, and a fast walker.
♡ your person may overthink a lot and suffer from anxiety. there is just no way for their brain to shut off. possibly, insomniacs. they worry a lot, so please take good care of them! they seem like genuine people. your beloved one enjoys life. it is easy for them to get what they want and feel proud of themselves in the end.
♡ there is a certain charm about them. honestly, they sometimes seem arrogant. their dreams are big! they might have expressive faces or be expressive in general. socializing is not a problem for them and they are definitely a party person. they are very affectionate and fun. as i said, they love to party and be the center of attention.
♡ they can be part of large groups or communities. people definitely like your future spouse. they like to have a good time. social butterflies fr.
hello, pile three!
♡ your s/o enjoys learning and is interested in education. they are patient and slow. they like to study a lot though. clearly, this is someone who is disciplined and focused. self-care and appearance are important to them.
♡ practicable people. very down to earth. they are young at heart and loyal. they might be a bit stubborn and refuse to change their opinions or way. your fs may be challenged a lot, causing hardships and stress for them. no matter what they do, they can't find peace. sometimes they feel useless, so they tend to keep themselves busy a lot.
♡ in some cases, they can come across as cold and distant as well! there is a lot of boldness and toughness in your future spouse. they are determined to succeed. a very assertive person who insists on having it their way. it will be difficult for them to back down. they enjoy travelling especially with close ones. moreover, they are brave and controllable.
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The Masquerade.
fictober masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - this was actually one of my favourite concepts to write, i'm not sure why but i think it was because of all the angst that it's filled with...
word count - 10.5k (sheesh…)
in which, your friend drags you along to a high school reunion halloween party, which you one hundred percent do not feel in the mood to attend, but his nagging doesn't hold off, so being the good friend you are, you give into his nagging. a shocking revelation occurs when your ex walks through the door who you as well as everyone else didn’t expect to turn up leading to a confrontation that's nothing but emotional.
trope: exboyfriend!harry
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Teaching ten-year-old girls football has been your lifelong dream, a passion that ignited when you were just a child yourself. You remember the sheer joy and exhilaration the sport brought you, until that fateful day when you got tackled and broke your leg at the age of nineteen. That incident left you with an indelible fear of playing again, but it couldn't extinguish your love for the game. So, you decided to channel your passion into a different path - you pursued a degree in football coaching.
Now, as you stand on the field, overseeing a group of eager young girls, you can't help but smile. You see a reflection of your younger self in their bright eyes, full of curiosity and excitement. The thrill of imparting your knowledge and nurturing their love for the sport is immeasurable.
You've learned from your own experience that winning isn't everything. It's about fostering a love for the game and helping these girls develop both as players and as individuals. When they win, your heart swells with pride, knowing you've played a part in their success. But when they face defeat, you're not too harsh on them. Instead, you use those moments as opportunities for growth.
Your training sessions are carefully designed to balance skill-building with fun. You know that at this age, it's essential to keep them engaged and enthusiastic. So, you blend drills and exercises with playful activities that make learning enjoyable. You've seen firsthand how this approach helps the girls not only improve their football skills but also develop teamwork, discipline, and confidence.
As you watch them practice and play, you often reminisce about your own playing days, feeling a pang of nostalgia mixed with pride. Despite your personal setback, you've found a way to stay connected to the sport you love and make a meaningful impact on these young athletes' lives. It's not just about winning or losing; it's about nurturing their passion, teaching them resilience, and giving them the tools to succeed both on and off the field.
You're living your dream, not as a player but as a coach, and the smiles on those girls' faces when they score a goal or make a brilliant pass make every moment, every training session, and every challenge worth it.
As the final whistle blows, you gather the girls into a huddle at the centre of the field, the bright sunlight casting a warm glow around your circle. You can see a mixture of emotions on their faces, some tired but determined, others a bit disappointed, but all eager to hear your thoughts.
You begin with a smile, looking at each of them with pride.
"Alright, team, gather around!" you say, your voice filled with encouragement. "I want you to know how proud I am of each and every one of you out there today. You showed great spirit and determination, and that's what counts."
One of the girls, Sarah, raises her hand eagerly. "Coach, I scored my first goal today! I was so excited!"
You beam at her. "That's fantastic, Sarah! Your goal was brilliant. You showed excellent positioning and a great sense of timing. Keep it up!"
Mia chimes in, "Coach, I made some good passes, didn't I?"
You nod appreciatively. "Absolutely, Mia. Your passes were spot on. You demonstrated great vision on the field, and that's a crucial skill."
As you continue, you make sure to acknowledge the efforts of each player, whether it was a solid defensive play, a remarkable save by the goalkeeper, or simply the teamwork they displayed throughout the game. You want them all to feel valued and recognized for their contributions.
"Team," you say, "remember, winning is great, but it's not the only measure of success. We learn and grow from every game, whether we win or lose. Today, we saw incredible teamwork, and that's something we can always build on."
Sophie, one of the quieter girls, raises her hand tentatively. "Coach, what can we improve on?"
You smile at her eagerness to learn. "Sophie, that's an excellent question. We can work on our passing accuracy and defensive positioning. But remember, it's all part of the journey. We're here to improve together."
The huddle breaks with a round of applause for their efforts, and the girls leave the field with their heads held high.
You finish up with the girls' soccer practice, feeling a sense of fulfilment from a productive day on the field. However, you're also aware of the impending challenge of getting home, thanks to your recent leg injury. You remember that your best friend, Jamie, had promised you a ride, and that brings a sigh of relief.
You spot Jamie leaning against his car, a friendly grin on his face as he watches you approaching. His presence is like a beacon of support. As you get closer, you can't contain your excitement and rush over to him, throwing your arms around him in a bone-crushing hug.
"Jamie!" you exclaim, your voice filled with genuine joy. "It's so good to see you! How was your holiday?"
Jamie returns the hug with enthusiasm, his voice laced with excitement. "Oh, it was amazing! You wouldn't believe the places I got to explore and the food I got to try. But honestly, I've missed you so much!"
You step back from the hug, both of you wearing wide smiles. "I missed you too, buddy. And thanks a million for coming to pick me up. You're a lifesaver."
Jamie chuckles, giving you a playful nudge. "No problem at all, mate. That's what best friends are for, right? Let's get you home comfortably."
As you both hop into the car, the conversation flows effortlessly. You catch up on the latest news, sharing stories and laughter like you always do. The car ride feels like a warm reunion, and you can't help but be grateful for having such a dependable and caring friend like Jamie.
As the car ride continues, Jamie glances over at you with curiosity. "So, what are your plans for tonight?"
You lean back in the comfortable car seat, enjoying the familiarity of the conversation.
"Well," you start, "first things first, I need to head home and have a quick shower. I've been running around with the girls all afternoon, and I must be a bit of a mess."
Jamie chuckles, understanding the need for a post-practice refresh. "Sounds like a plan. And then?"
You smile, thinking about your precious daughter. "After the shower, it's time to drop Lilah off at her dad's place. She's with my sister right now."
Jamie nods, his eyes reflecting empathy. "How's she doing these days?"
You sigh, a mix of emotions flooding over you. "She's growing up so fast, Jamie. Four years old already, and she's as curious and energetic as ever. It's a bit tough juggling everything, but it's all worth it for her."
Delilah Rae (Y/L/N)-Cooper.
When you were twenty five, to celebrate the new year you had gone out with Jamie, his boyfriend as well as your sister, the four of you had gone up London to see the fireworks at the Thames.
That was where you met Levi Cooper.
The two of you spent the night together after both of you had a bit too much to drink at the club, you kept catching each other's eyes from across the rooms, his blue coloured eyes locking onto yours and the rest was history.
The two of you did keep in touch after your impromptu meeting, well you suppose you had to seeing as you were having his baby. The one night you spent together had given the two of you an eighteen year commitment.
He was shocked at first that you were pregnant, but he was nothing but supportive, every prenatal class he was by your side, every scan he was sat at the side of the bed and when your waters broke and you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl he sobbed.
The two of you did try to date, but it just seemed that the two of you were just better at being friends.
He was engaged now to a lovely women named Eloise.
Jamie gives you a supportive pat on the shoulder. "You're an amazing parent, you know that, right?"
You blush a little at the compliment. "Thanks, J. I'm just trying to do my best for her."
As the car ride with Jamie continues, he leans over with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Hey, guess what? The high school reunion is tonight!"
You immediately shake your head with a firm resolve. "No way, Jamie. I'm not going to that."
Jamie raises an eyebrow, feigning surprise. "Oh, come on! It could be a blast. We haven't seen some of those folks in ages!"
You let out a sigh, knowing that Jamie won't easily accept your refusal. "Jamie, there's really no reason for me to go. I've moved on from all that high school drama."
He grins, persistent in his efforts. "But it's a chance to catch up, see where everyone ended up, share stories..."
You shoot him a knowing look. "Jamie, we've got Facebook for that. Besides, I'm perfectly content with my life now."
Jamie continues to plead, "Think of the nostalgia, the old memories..."
You chuckle, shaking your head again. "Nostalgia isn't enough to make me want to relive those awkward teenage years, Jamie."
He's not giving up easily, leaning closer and trying a different approach. "What if I promise to be your wingman all night?"
You raise an eyebrow in mock disbelief. "And what, introduce me to every person there as 'the one who didn't want to come'?"
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You arrive home with Jamie, your key poised to open the door. You're eager to see your precious daughter, Delilah, who's been anxiously waiting for your return after her day with your sister. The door swings open, and before you can even step inside, you hear the pattering of little feet.
"Mommy!" Delilah exclaims, her face lighting up with pure joy as she runs straight into your open arms.
You scoop her up, her tiny arms wrapping tightly around your neck, and you pepper her face with a thousand kisses. "Oh, my sweet Lilah-bug, I missed you so much!"
Delilah giggles, her laughter filling the room. "I missed you too, Mommy!"
Jamie watches the heartwarming reunion with a smile, his eyes filled with warmth and happiness.
"Hey, Delilah," he says, crouching down to her level. "I missed you too."
Delilah looks at Jamie with curiosity, her innocent eyes studying him for a moment before breaking into a shy smile. "Hi, JJ!”
As you enjoy the family reunion with Delilah and Jamie, your sister Abigail walks into the room with a warm smile. "Hey, how was your day?"
You return her smile. "It was good, Abi. The footy practice went well, and now I'm just happy to be home."
Abigail looks at Jamie with a playful grin. "And what about you, Jamie? How have you been?"
Jamie chuckles, leaning back in his chair. "Well, it was a lot of travelling, but it's all worth it to spend time with these two."
You nods in agreement, then turns you attention to Delilah. "So, sweetheart, what did you and Auntie Abigail do today?"
Delilah's eyes light up with excitement. "We played in the park, and Auntie Abigail pushed me on the swings really high! It was so much fun!"
Abigail laughs, ruffling Delilah's hair affectionately. "That's right, we had a blast at the park. And afterward, we baked some delicious cookies, didn't we?"
Delilah nods vigorously. "Yep! I helped mix the dough, and we even had chocolate chips in them!"
You all gather in the cosy living room, Delilah on your lap, her blonde curly hair tickling your fingers as you brush through it. Abigail breaks the comfortable silence with a practical question, "So, what time does Lilah need to be at Levi's?"
You glance at your watch and reply, "Half past six should be good."
Jamie, ever the talkative one, chimes in enthusiastically, "Perfect! That works because the reunion starts at seven!"
Abigail's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. " reunion? What are you talking about?"
You roll your eyes playfully at Jamie, thinking he's just teasing. "He's talking rubbish, as usual."
But Jamie jumps in again, this time with a more serious tone. "No, seriously, there's a school reunion tonight."
Abigail looks genuinely surprised. "A school reunion? Why wasn't I informed?"
You sigh, not thrilled with the idea. "Honestly, I'd rather just sit at home and relax."
Abigail, ever the one to push you out of your comfort zone, raises an eyebrow. "Come on, it might be fun! You need a good night out."
You let out a reluctant sigh, knowing your sister's right. "Alright, fine, we'll think about it."
Abigail's eyes twinkle mischievously. "Who knows, you might even rekindle something with a certain someone."
You give her a knowing look, realising exactly who she's referring to. "Abigail, we broke up in high school. It's been ages."
Jamie joins in with a laugh. "You never know, sparks might fly."
In the midst of the bustling high school hallway, you stand at your locker, neatly organising your books for the next class. The sound of lockers slamming and laughter fills the air, creating a lively atmosphere.
Suddenly, you feel two warm arms wrap around your waist from behind, and the familiar scent of Harry Styles' aftershave instantly captures your senses.
With a playful giggle, you turn your head to the side, your eyes meeting his.
"Well, hello there, Mr. Styles," you tease, a hint of a smile playing on your lips.
Harry's emerald green eyes twinkle mischievously as he leans in closer. "Couldn't resist sneaking up on you, m’darlin’. Y’look t’cute sorting y’books."
You blush at the compliment, playfully batting your eyelashes. "Flattery will get you everywhere, you know."
Harry's lips brush against your earlobe as he whispers, "Everywhere, y’say? might have t’take advantage ‘f’that."
You can't help but laugh, your heart swelling with affection for the charming boy who has stolen your heart. "Harry Styles, you're incorrigible."
He grins, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Only when it comes to you, babe."
/ /
Harry stood in his cosy kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air as he watched the snow gently fall outside the window. It had been a while since he'd seen Ellis, his best mate from high school, and he was glad for the company on this chilly day.
They had grabbed coffee together in the morning, before deciding to have a little walk around the twin they both grew up in.
Ellis sipped her own coffee and leaned against the kitchen counter, looking thoughtful. "you remember the school reunion is tonight, right? What time is it starting?"
Harry stirred his coffee, a pensive expression on his face. "Ye’, m’remember. S’supposed t’be at seven, but m’not sure if m’gonna go."
Ellis raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Not going? Why not?"
Harry sighed, his gaze distant as he remembered the old days. "I don't know, El. S’been ages since I've seen those people. M’not sure I'll fit in anymore."
Ellis chuckled, taking another sip of her coffee. "Mate, you're Harry Styles. You could fit in anywhere."
Harry gave a small smile but still seemed uncertain. "S’not about fitting in, really. S’just... v’moved on from that time in m’life, y’know?"
Ellis nodded in understanding. "I get it, Haz. But it could be fun to catch up, see how everyone's doing."
Harry considered his friend's words. "Yeah, maybe. We'll see."
As the snow continued to fall outside, Harry contemplated the idea of attending the high school reunion. It was a chance to reconnect with old friends and revisit memories, but he couldn't help but wonder if he'd truly find his place in a world that had changed so much since those school days.
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You sit in your cozy bedroom, the soft glow of natural light filtering in through the curtains, as you prepare to apply your makeup. Your vanity mirror reflects your anticipation, and you're ready to transform your look for the day.
With a steady hand, you pick up your favorite foundation and begin to blend it evenly across your skin, creating a flawless canvas. As you work, you can't help but appreciate the therapeutic rhythm of the makeup application process.
Next, your eyes catch the eyeshadow palette you've chosen for today's look. With precision, you carefully sweep the hues across your eyelids, creating a captivating blend of colors that complements your style.
You reach for your mascara, preparing to enhance your lashes, making your eyes pop and adding a touch of allure to your gaze. Each stroke brings you one step closer to the final result you envision.
A hint of blush adds a healthy flush to your cheeks, while a sweep of your favorite lipstick completes your look. You can't help but smile as you admire the transformation you've achieved, feeling confident and ready to take on the day.
Your boyfriend at the time, is lounging on your bed, wearing nothing but his boxers. It's one of those mornings after he stayed over, and you're getting ready for school, sitting at your vanity and applying makeup.
As you focus on your makeup routine, you can't help but hear Harry huffing behind you. You ignore it at first, thinking it's just one of his playful quirks. But when he huffs again, you can't help but turn and ask, "What's your issue, Harry?"
He shifts on the bed, looking earnestly at you. "Y’don't need makeup, y’know. Y’already beautiful."
You smile, appreciating his sentiment. "Thanks, baby. But makeup just makes me feel better about myself."
He's not willing to let it go, and he comes up behind you, draping his arms over your shoulders and leaning down so both of you are in view of the vanity mirror. "Seriously, y’don't need it. Y’stunning without it."
You meet his gaze in the mirror, his green eyes filled with genuine affection.
He takes a makeup wipe from your vanity, turning your chair around so that you're facing him. With a slow, deliberate motion, he starts wiping away the makeup from your face. His touch is gentle, and his eyes never leave yours.
As the last traces of makeup disappear, he smiles softly. "See, there y’are, just as beautiful as I knew y’be."
You can't help but laugh, appreciating his effort to make you feel special.
He presses a loving kiss to your forehead, his arms still wrapped around you. "And that's why I love you."
Just as you're finishing up, your daughter, with her unruly curls and a cheeky smile that reminds you so much of her father, rushes into the room. She stands at your side, her eyes wide with curiosity.
You scoop her up and place her on your lap, where she traces the outline of your lipstick with her tiny finger before gently tracing the eyeliner around your eyes.
With a tilt of her head, Delilah grins mischievously. "Mummy, you don't need makeup."
Her words strike a chord deep within you, reminding you of a time long ago when a certain someone had said the same thing. A sense of déjà vu washes over you, and you can't help but smile at the memory.
You ask her, "Why do you say that, sweetheart?"
Delilah looks up at you with those big, innocent eyes. "Because you're beautiful."
As Delilah kisses your nose, you can't help but smile at her sweet gesture.
Levi, her father, may not be present at this moment, but you're grateful for the strong co-parenting relationship you have, which allows Delilah to feel loved and secure.
However, as Delilah's innocent words about your beauty echo in your mind, you can't shake the feeling of déjà vu, reminiscent of your first love, Harry Styles. Your heart aches at the memory of the deep connection you once shared with him, even though you're no longer together.
As you make your way down the stairs, Jamie is waiting for you, dressed in a sharp suit and a warm smile.
Jamie had offered to drive you to Levi's, knowing that your heels might not be the best for walking. He greets you with a friendly grin and says, "Looking stunning, as always."
The dress that Jamie had picked out of your closet was an emerald green one that hugged your body in all the right places. You didn’t exactly know what the colour theme for the Masquerade party was, but you trusted your best friend with his decisions.
You chuckle and adjust Delilah in your arms. "Thanks, J. And thanks for the lift. It's much appreciated."
Delilah, clutching her beloved bunny, looks up at Jamie with a bright smile. "Hi, JJ!"
Jamie leans in and ruffles her hair playfully. "Hey DD. Are you ready to have some fun with your dad?"
Delilah nods eagerly, her excitement contagious. You feel a pang of nostalgia thinking about the family dynamics that have evolved over the years.
The three of you leave the front door behind, the night sky gently illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. You carefully place Delilah in the car seat that Jamie has in his car, a familiar seat from their countless playdates together. Her eyes are droopy, the weight of a busy day finally catching up to her. You press a loving kiss to her forehead before making your way to the passenger front seat.
Jamie takes the wheel, and the car pulls out of the driveway, embarking on the journey to Levi's place. The cityscape passes by in a blur of lights, creating a serene backdrop to the silent drive. The gentle hum of the engine and the occasional soft lullaby playing on the radio are the only sounds that fill the car.
Delilah's eyelids grow heavier with each passing mile, her breathing steady as she drifts into a peaceful slumber. You glance over at her, a feeling of warmth and contentment washing over you as you watch your daughter sleep, knowing that you're on your way to reunite her with her father. The car moves steadily through the quiet night, a soothing rhythm that lulls you into your own thoughts
As Jamie pulls the car to a stop outside Levi's house, you turn to him and explain, "I'll just five minutes. I need to get her sorted."
Jamie nods in understanding, giving you an assuring smile. "Take your time. I'll wait right here."
You unbuckle your sleeping daughter from her car seat, noticing how her head has lulled to the side, and her tiny thumb has found its way to her mouth. Gently, you lift her into your arms, making sure not to jostle her. She snuggles closer to you, still lost in the embrace of a deep slumber.
Carefully, you shut the car door behind you as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb her peaceful rest. With Delilah cradled on your hip, you make your way towards Levi's house,
You stop outside Levi's front door, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. You wait patiently, giving it a minute and a half before the door finally swings open. Levi stands there, leaning against the door frame, a smile of genuine warmth spreading across his face as he sees the two of you.
His eyes light up when he notices Delilah fast asleep in your arms. He reaches out to take her gently, pressing a loving kiss to her forehead. Delilah instinctively snuggles in closer to his neck, her tiny thumb still in her mouth.
Levi, cradling her in his arms, starts to sway his hips back and forth, a nostalgic smile on his face as if she were a baby all over again. He whispers, "Hey, little one, how long have you been asleep?"
You reply with a soft chuckle, "She fell asleep on the car ride over."
Levi continues to sway, his voice filled with tenderness. "Oh, my sweet girl. I've missed you so much."
Levi smiles as he looks at you and compliments your dress, "You look beautiful in that dress. Are you heading somewhere nice tonight?"
You chuckle, knowing that he's well aware of your reluctance. "Jamie's dragging me to a school reunion."
Levi laughs in response. "Ah, I see. Well, you'll survive, I'm sure."
You smile and then turn your attention to Delilah, who's fussing in his arms, shifting her head from one side to the other. Leaning forward, you press a soft kiss to her nose and whisper, "I love you, sweetie."
Looking back at Levi, you speak with genuine concern, "If she needs me or anything happens, don't hesitate to call, okay?"
Levi nods with understanding. "Of course, you know I will. Have a good time tonight, and we'll see you on Sunday when you pick her up."
With that, you reluctantly leave Delilah in Levi's care, trusting that they will have a wonderful weekend together while you attend the reunion with Jamie.
You make your way over to Jamie's waiting car and get inside, letting out a deep sigh as you settle into the seat. You turn to him and say with a hint of resignation, "Let's just get this over with, Jamie. Drive, please."
As the engine revs to life, you brace yourself for the upcoming school reunion, knowing that it's not exactly your idea of a fun evening.
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Harry stands outside the school, his eyes fixed on the familiar building that holds a lifetime of memories. As he gazes at the entrance, a million images flood his mind, and they all seem to revolve around you.
He remembers the day he mustered up the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend, his heart pounding in his chest as he nervously stammered out the question. It was a moment of pure happiness when you said yes, and he couldn't stop grinning for days.
Then, there's that vivid memory of the night he finally confessed his love for you, the words tumbling out of his mouth in a rush, afraid he might lose you if he didn't say it right then. Your eyes had sparkled with joy, and you'd hugged him tightly, saying you loved him too.
But there's also the painful memory, the one he's tried to push to the back of his mind for so long. The day he didn't turn up, the day he walked out of your life, leaving you none the wiser about the future that awaited him. It had been the hardest decision he'd ever made, but he believed it was the only way to chase his dreams.
His best mate, Ellis, notices his distant demeanor and approaches him with concern. She furrows her brows and asks, "Haz, everything okay?"
He takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the weight of nostalgia that has settled upon him. "Do y’think she'll be ‘ere?"
Ellis studies him, her expression a mix of sympathy and uncertainty. "I'm not sure, Haz. She's hardly kept in touch with anyone since you left. She's started a whole new life."
Harry's heart aches at the reality of it all. The years that have passed, the choices he's made – they've all taken a toll on the life he once shared with you. It's a stark reminder of the chasm that has grown between them, and he can't help but feel a profound sense of regret.
As he stands there, Ellis places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Look, Haz, I know this is tough, but it's been years. People change, life moves on. Maybe it's time for both of you to see where you stand now."
Harry knows she's right, but the uncertainty gnaws at him. The thought of facing you after all this time, not knowing what to expect, fills him with anxiety. He's haunted by the memories of his past decisions – the day he walked away, the day he left you behind, oblivious to the superstar journey that awaited him.
His gaze remains fixed on the school's entrance, a mixture of hope and trepidation swirling within him. Deep down, he yearns for a chance to reconnect, to make amends for the pain he may have caused.
But as the minutes tick by, the fear that you've truly moved on and created a new life without him intensifies. Harry can't help but wonder if he's about to face the consequences of the choices he made long ago – choices that have left him with an overwhelming sense of longing and regret.
A sea of people surrounds him. The reunion is in full swing, and the familiar faces of former classmates and friends fill the courtyard. Laughter and chatter echo in the air, mingling with the strains of music playing softly in the background.
Groups of friends huddle together, sharing stories and reminiscing about their school days. Some are holding photographs, while others exchange yearbooks, a tangible link to their shared past.
Brightly lit string lights and decorations adorn the outdoor area, casting a warm and inviting glow over the gathering. Tables are set up with snacks and drinks, a makeshift bar where people gather to toast to old memories and new beginnings.
A live band plays a familiar tune, setting a nostalgic backdrop for the evening. Couples dance under the moonlit sky, their movements graceful and sentimental, lost in their own world of memories.
Ellis, sensing Harry's inner turmoil, gently asks, "Haz, should we go inside?"
He looks at her, his thoughts still heavy, and nods in agreement. With a deep breath, he reaches for the masquerade mask resting beside him and places it over his face. It's like a protective shield, concealing his emotions as he prepares to face the unknown.
Harry then links his arm with Ellis, who offers him a reassuring smile, and together, they enter the building. The vibrant sounds of the reunion wash over them as they step into the bustling venue, ready to confront the past and whatever it may hold.
The walk to the hall feels endless, each step stretching into an eternity. Harry's heart races in his chest, the rhythm of his breath quickening as his anticipation grows. He can feel a lump forming in his throat, threatening to choke him, but he refuses to let it deter him.
The closer he gets to the entrance, the more he becomes aware of the pounding in his chest, the deafening thud of every heartbeat echoing in his ears. His hands tremble slightly, and he can't shake the unease that courses through his veins.
As he finally steps inside the hall, he's met with a sudden hush that washes over the room like a wave. It feels as though time itself has slowed, and every eye in the room turns toward him. The weight of their collective gaze bears down on him, a silent judgement that's impossible to ignore.
He can sense the curiosity, the recognition in their faces as they try to place him in their memories. It's as if he's stepped into a world that he both longed for and feared, a world that has continued without him.
Harry takes a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage he has left. The room seems to spin around him, and he wonders if he's made a colossal mistake.
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You find yourself standing near the drinks table, a masquerade mask adorning your face, and Jamie by your side. Surprisingly, you're starting to actually enjoy yourself, despite your initial reluctance. The soft music in the background and the lively chatter of old friends create a pleasant ambiance.
You and Jamie are engaged in a friendly conversation, reminiscing about the past. You share a laugh as you recount the time you tried to get out of gym class by telling the teacher you had a sore throat.
"Remember that time I told the gym teacher I had a sore throat, and he said I didn't need my voice to play sports?" You chuckle, shaking your head at the memory.
Jamie grins and nods, "Oh, I remember. Classic move, but it didn't work out too well for you, did it?"
You laugh, taking a sip of your drink. "No, it didn't. Ended up running laps instead."
Amid the lighthearted conversation with Jamie, the hall suddenly falls into a profound silence, prompting you to turn your head and see what has captured everyone's attention. It's as if time stands still in that moment, and your eyes meet a sight that you never expected.
There, bathed in the soft, romantic glow of the hall's lighting, stands your ex-boyfriend, your one true love – Harry Styles.
He's dressed impeccably in a green suit, a masquerade mask adorning his face. The mask conceals his emotions, but his presence is unmistakable, sending a ripple through the room.
Of course the two of you were matching.
You were a vision of elegance in your light grey prom dress. The dress flowed gracefully as you descended the stairs, every step feeling like a small journey towards an unforgettable night.
The anticipation was palpable as you made your way down. You knew it was a night that marked a new chapter, a night of celebration and hope. Your heart was a mixture of excitement and nervousness, a beautiful cocktail of emotions that filled you to the brim.
And then you saw him. Harry, standing at the bottom of the stairs in a perfectly matching light grey suit. Time seemed to slow down as you took in the sight of him, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of joy at the coincidence.
It was as if the universe had conspired to ensure that you and Harry were in perfect harmony. Matching in not just attire but in your hearts as well. The smile that adorned his face when he saw you was a sight to behold, and your heart swelled with affection.
Lydia, your mother, couldn't resist commenting on the adorable match. Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she said, "Well, don't you two look adorable, matching in grey? It's like you were made for each other."
Harry's grin only grew wider as he extended his arm towards you, ready to escort you to the grand event.
"I guess we were," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and love.
As you took his arm, you shared a knowing look, an unspoken agreement that this night was not just about the dresses and suits, but the love that had brought you together.
Your heart leaps in your chest as memories flood back – the stolen glances in the hallways, the laughter shared in the cafeteria, the way he looked at you with that warmth in his eyes that made you feel like the most important person in the world.
You watch as he moves gracefully through the crowd, a confident stride that betrays none of the turmoil that might be lurking beneath the surface. People part to make way for him, their eyes following his every move.
As your eyes remain fixed on Harry's approaching figure, your heart races and your words catch in your throat. You turn to Jamie, your voice trembling as you confide in him, "I knew I shouldn't have come, Jamie. Seeing him… all these feelings have just rushed back, and I'm not sure I can handle being in the same room as him."
Jamie places a reassuring hand on your shoulder and offers a sympathetic smile. "Hey, it's okay. We can leave anytime you want. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."
You appreciate his understanding and support, but the turmoil within you is still palpable. The mix of emotions – the longing, the memories, the unresolved feelings – swirls around you, making it difficult to think clearly.
"I appreciate that, J," you reply, your voice steadier but still tinged with uncertainty. "I just need a moment to collect myself. Maybe this is an opportunity to finally confront the past."
With a deep breath, you turn your attention back to the reunion, knowing that you have a decision to make – to stay and face what lies ahead or to leave and continue the life you've built without Harry.
Harry makes his way through the crowd, exchanging pleasantries with a few familiar faces along the way. His heart races as he moves closer to the corner of the room where Ellis stands. Once there, he doesn't waste any time and leans in to speak softly to her, "Do y’see ‘er?"
Ellis follows his gaze, scanning the room before nodding and saying, "Yeah, she's over at the bar with that guy, Jamie, from chemistry."
Harry's breath catches in his throat as he locks eyes with you for a brief moment. The connection is electric, and he can't help but feel a rush of emotions flood back.
He turns his attention back to Ellis, his voice filled with uncertainty. "Do y’think I should go over there and talk t’er?"
Ellis places a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering her advice. "Maybe give it a little time, Harry. Let things settle for a bit. You'll know when the right moment comes."
Harry nods, torn between the desire to reconnect and the fear of making things awkward.
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Later in the evening, you find yourself engaged in a lively conversation with an old classmate named Roxy. The two of you are catching up on everything and anything that has happened in your lives since school.
Roxy animatedly shares stories of her career, her travels, and her recent adventures, and you reciprocate by telling her about your journey into football coaching and your beautiful daughter, Delilah.
The camaraderie and laughter flow freely as you reminisce about the antics you got up to during your school days, and you can't help but appreciate the sense of nostalgia that hangs in the air. It's moments like these that make you realize the value of rekindling old friendships and sharing the experiences that have shaped your lives.
You excuse yourself from the conversation with Roxy, telling her that you're just going to the toilet. Inside, the bathroom is a haven of solitude amidst the bustling reunion. You attend to your business, the silence offering a brief respite from the whirlwind of emotions outside.
As you step out of the bathroom and start to make your way back, lost in your thoughts, you collide with something firm and unyielding. Your heart leaps to your throat as you look up, only to be met with a pair of familiar green eyes that you've missed deeply yet haven't at all. It's the man who still owns your heart, Harry Styles.
The world seems to stop around you as you lock eyes with him, the years of separation and unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. It's an encounter that leaves you feeling both awkward and full of angst, a moment you never thought you'd have to confront, and one that could change everything.
And as you stand there, face to face with Harry, you can't help but wonder if this unexpected collision is a twist of fate, a chance to finally address the feelings that have remained unresolved for so long.
You shuffled past Harry, your heart pounding in your chest, the encounter outside the bathroom sending waves of uncertainty through you. It was as if time had reversed, and the emotions you had tried to tuck away came rushing back.
As you walked away from him, you couldn't bring yourself to look back. The weight of the past and the complexities of your emotions left you feeling conflicted and vulnerable. You knew that seeing Harry again was going to stir up old feelings, but you hadn't anticipated how intense it would be.
Harry stood there, watching you walk away, his heart heavy with disappointment. He had hoped for a warm greeting, a chance to talk and maybe find some closure, but the way you had avoided looking at him stung. It was as if he didn't even exist in your world, and that thought was more painful than he had imagined.
He let out a sigh, running a trembling hand through his hair as he tried to collect his thoughts. It was difficult for him to comprehend that you could just walk away without acknowledging him, without even a brief exchange of words. The reunion had been his chance to reconnect, to possibly mend what had been broken, but it seemed like that opportunity had slipped away.
In a mix of emotions and frustration, Harry decided to step into the men's bathroom, leaning against the sink for a moment. He tried to process the anguish he felt at your avoidance, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you might still want to talk and make sense of the unresolved feelings that lingered between you.
You hurriedly returned to the bar, your heart still racing from the encounter with Harry. The vodka you ordered was a lifeline, a familiar friend that would help you navigate the unexpected twists of the night.
The bartender, efficient and understanding, prepared your drink without a word. As he handed it to you, you offered a curt nod of gratitude and took a long, fortifying sip. The strong, bittersweet taste provided a momentary reprieve from the turmoil of emotions that had surged within you.
In the midst of your solitude at the bar, Ellis, a former classmate, approached with a soft, friendly smile. You acknowledged her with a tight-lipped expression, your eyes conveying a mixture of apprehension and fatigue. The reunion had thrust you into a whirlwind of nostalgia, and now, the complexity of your feelings threatened to overwhelm you.
Ellis, eager to bridge the gap, tried to initiate a conversation. "How have you been?" she asked, her voice gentle and empathetic.
You hesitated for a brief moment, the question prompting a whirlwind of thoughts. How could you summarize the years that had passed, the heartache, the joy, the transformation of your life, all in one sentence?
Finally, you responded, "Life's been alright." It was a carefully worded answer, a guarded response that didn't reveal the depths of emotion and experience you'd encountered.
The conversation seemed to stumble into an awkward silence, the weight of the past and the unresolved emotions hanging heavily between you. You took another sip of your vodka, the familiar warmth spreading through your body, offering a temporary refuge from the discomfort of the moment.
Ellis, perceptive and caring, couldn't help but sense the underlying bitterness in your tone. She leaned in closer, her expression filled with concern, and admitted, "I know Harry feels really guilty about leaving you."
Your response was laced with bitterness.
"Yeah, I bet he does," you sighed, the memories of the past and the heartache still very much alive in your mind.
Ellis tapped her nails lightly against the bar, deep in thought.
"Maybe you should talk to him, let him explain everything," she suggested, her words gentle yet persuasive. "You might find some closure, or who knows, even rekindle what once was."
You let out a sceptical chuckle, your eyes scanning the room, but your thoughts lingering on the man you'd tried so hard to forget.
"Why should I?" you questioned, the weight of years of unanswered questions heavy on your heart.
Ellis's voice was soothing and earnest as she continued, "Because, deep down, I know for a fact that the two of you still have feelings for each other. Sometimes, facing the past is the only way to move forward."
The idea of confronting Harry and revisiting the emotions you'd buried felt both daunting and enticing.
You were seated at your desk in math class. The room was filled with the usual chatter, but your focus was on something entirely different. Your crush, seated a few rows ahead, had a way of capturing your attention.
Every time you glanced in his direction, you seemed to catch his gaze, and your heart fluttered. You felt a rush of excitement mixed with a tinge of nervousness. Math class was suddenly a lot more interesting.
Beside you sat Ellis, who happened to be your crush's best friend. She observed your interactions with a knowing smile and a mischievous glint in her eyes. She leaned over and whispered, "You know, I don't get why the two of you just don't admit your feelings."
You blushed, surprised by her comment.
"What? I don't even think he likes me like that," you admitted, trying to downplay your infatuation.
Ellis shook her head with a chuckle. "Trust me, he does. I've seen the way he looks at you when you're not looking. You're both just too stubborn to admit it."
You finished the last of your vodka just as the DJ's voice filled the air, announcing the start of the slow dance. The music shifted into a gentle melody, setting a romantic ambiance that enveloped the room.
As you looked around, you noticed the eager faces of the reunion attendees, everyone seeking out a partner for the dance. Friends and acquaintances paired up, swaying to the music, but you couldn't help but notice that no one approached Harry. It was as if they were all a bit intimidated by his presence, the weight of his fame making him an enigma to most.
Harry stood in the corner, a lone figure amidst the couples on the dance floor. There was a vulnerability in his expression that was rarely seen, a hint of longing that was both endearing and bittersweet. It was clear that he was just as much a part of the reunion as anyone else, yet he remained untouched, like a distant star in the night sky.
With a deep sigh and a final adjustment of your clammy hands against your dress, you made a resolute decision. The pull toward Harry was undeniable, and you couldn't ignore the feeling any longer. It was time to face what had been left unresolved for far too long.
You began to navigate the room, and at first, he remained oblivious to your approach. It wasn't until you stopped right in front of him that he looked up, a bewildered expression in his eyes. In his gaze, you sensed surprise, almost disbelief, as if he had convinced himself that you didn't want to be near him.
You held your hand out, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of your lips, and said, "Want to be my dance partner? I think it's time we talked."
The words hung in the air, laden with unspoken emotions and the weight of the past. Harry's surprise slowly gave way to a flicker of hope, his eyes meeting yours as he contemplated your offer.
You took Harry's hand and gently guided him to the dance floor, the anticipation and uncertainty palpable in the air. As the music started to play, a soft, melodic tune that filled the room, you both hesitated before finally finding your place on the floor.
Hesitantly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingertips grazing the soft hairs at the nape. Harry reciprocated by placing his hands on your waist, his touch light and tentative. The proximity felt both foreign and familiar, and you started swaying to the music, finding a rhythm that was uniquely your own.
The silence between you was awkward, filled with words left unsaid, emotions unexpressed. It was as if the weight of the years apart, the unanswered questions, and the unspoken feelings had manifested in this dance.
You couldn't help but steal glances at each other, each fleeting look revealing a complex mix of emotions—nostalgia, longing, and a hint of uncertainty.
The two of you swayed to the music in the awkward embrace of the slow dance, caught in a moment that had been a decade in the making. As the silence grew more uncomfortable, Harry finally broke it, his voice carrying the weight of their shared history.
"How have you been?" he asked, his eyes locked onto yours, searching for a glimpse of the girl he used to know.
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal.
"Life's been fine," you replied, the words feeling both superficial and loaded with unspoken complexities.
Feeling the tension in the air, you decided to shift the focus.
"And how's it living the life of a rockstar?" you asked, trying to break through the awkwardness. It was a loaded question, but one that seemed safe enough.
Harry's expression tightened, as if he were choosing his words carefully. "S’a lot. Busy, y’know. But s’what I've always wanted."
As you pressed Harry for answers, the weight of the past seemed to hang in the air.
"Why did you leave, Harry?" you asked, your voice filled with a mix of curiosity and pain. "You didn't say anything. You just disappeared."
Harry sighed, and as he met your gaze, his eyes held a hint of regret.
"M’didn't want t��hurt ye’," he confessed, his voice low and sincere.
The words hit you with a mix of emotions.
"You didn't want to hurt me?" you repeated, the realisation sinking in.
Just as he seemed about to elaborate, your phone rang, displaying Levi's name on the screen.
The phone call from Levi seemed to have come at an inopportune moment, breaking the fragile conversation between you and Harry. With a sigh, you held up a finger as if to say, "I need to take this." You turned and walked away from the slow dance, your steps guided by the beckoning ring of your phone.
As you distanced yourself from Harry and the dance floor, you couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and disappointment. The unanswered questions and unspoken feelings lingered between you, a weight you had carried for far too long.
In the crowd, Harry caught Jamie's eyes, and their silent exchange was filled with unspoken understanding. Jamie nodded in the direction you had left, mouthing the words,
"Go after her." The silent encouragement was a reminder that some things were worth pursuing, even after a decade of silence and distance.
As you stepped outside the venue to take the call, your heart raced with concern. You quickly answered the phone, bringing it up to your ear, and without preamble, you asked, "Is everything okay with Delilah?"
Levi's voice came through the line, reassuring but tinged with understanding. "Yeah, she's fine. She woke up just now and started crying because she didn't get to speak to you before bed."
A sigh of relief escaped your lips, but you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. "I'm so sorry, Levi. Put her on the phone. I need to talk to her."
The phone was passed to Delilah, and her voice, small and tearful, reached your ear. "Mummy?"
Your heart ached as you replied, "Hey, sweetheart. I'm here. I'm sorry I missed our bedtime chat. I love you so much."
Delilah's voice was still laced with sleepiness and a touch of uncertainty. "Love you too, Mummy. When are you coming back?"
You glanced back at the venue, where the reunion was still in full swing, and then back to the dark knight beyond. The choice you were about to make felt significant, not just for yourself but for your daughter as well. "I'll be back soon, baby. I promise. You be good for daddy, okay?"
As you finished your conversation with Delilah, ending with an "I love you," you hung up the phone and took a deep breath, feeling the weight of your choices bearing down on you. The brisk night air provided a welcome contrast to the warm and crowded venue behind you.
Just then, Harry walked outside, and the timing was uncanny. He caught the tail end of your call, hearing your affectionate words to whoever was on the phone. A wave of mixed emotions washed over him. He thought he had missed his chance, that you had moved on with your life and no longer needed him.
Turning around, you were startled to find Harry standing there in the shadows. His sudden appearance caught you off guard, and you let out a little jump in surprise.
Harry, concern etched across his features, asked, "S’everything alright? Y’looked panicked when y’saw y’phone."
You quickly collected yourself, offering a reassuring smile. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just needed to answer it without the loud music," you explained, hoping to quell any worries.
Harry, seemingly relieved, asked, "Was that y’boyfriend?"
With a sigh, you shook your head. "No, not my boyfriend. It was my daughter."
The silence that followed was heavy, and Harry's eyes widened in realisation.
You were sprawled out in Harry's garden, a patchwork of the evening sky painted with shades of deep blue and a tapestry of stars, twinkling like a thousand distant dreams. The soft scent of flowers and freshly mowed grass wafted through the air, blending with the comforting scent of Harry's cologne.
As you lay in his arms, cocooned in the embrace of young love, the world beyond seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you and the vast expanse of the night. The grass cradled your bodies like a feathered mattress, a canvas for the dreams that flowed freely.
Amidst this tranquil backdrop, Harry's voice broke the tranquil silence.
"Do y’ever want t’ave kids?" he asked, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your arm. His words were like a gentle breeze, laden with curiosity and the promise of an uncertain future.
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes meeting him in the dim light. A smile graced your lips as you replied,
"Yeah, I'd love to have kids someday. Especially our kids." The words tumbled out with an ease that only young love could inspire, a declaration of your shared hopes and dreams.
Harry's heart skipped a beat, and he kissed your forehead, his warm breath mingling with the cool night air.
"Our kids," he repeated softly, his voice filled with promise and the intoxicating scent of first love. In that moment, under the canvas of a starlit sky, you both painted a picture of a future filled with shared adventures and laughter, not yet aware of the challenges and heartaches that lay ahead.
You lay there, sharing your dreams and aspirations, your hearts intertwined like the constellations above.
Harry looked at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and confusion.
"Y’ave a daughter?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.
You nodded, the weight of the past and present pressing heavily upon you.
"Yeah," you replied, your voice thick with emotion. "She's four."
The question hung in the air, heavy and unresolved. Harry's voice broke the silence, asking, "Are y’with the dad?"
Your eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and frustration. You looked at him with a hurt expression before saying, "Is that all you care about? Whether I'm with her dad or not?"
Harry, seemingly flustered, quickly responded, "No, f’course not."
The anger and hurt simmered beneath the surface as you shook your head, the words pouring out with the force of years of unspoken resentment. "You lost the right to care about who I'm with or my life a long time ago when you up and left. You didn't even deserve to know that I had a daughter."
Harry's face contorted with regret as your words hit him like a tidal wave. The argument had grown intense, and the emotions that had been suppressed for years were now surging to the surface.
He took a step closer to you, a deep sigh escaping his lips as he finally said, "M’sorry."
Your eyes met his, but the anger still smoldered within you.
"Sorry isn't going to change anything," you retorted, your voice laced with frustration and pain.
As he began to speak, his voice wavered with raw emotion.
"M’sorry that I left ye," he admitted, his words tinged with guilt and sorrow. "But I knew f’a fact that y’wouldn't want t’live the life with a rockstar, a life where y’hardly see me."
Your confusion and worry grew as you stood on Harry's doorstep, knocking anxiously.
When Harry's mother answered the door, her expression was sombre. You immediately asked, "Where's Harry? He was supposed to meet me today."
His mother hesitated for a moment before delivering the news that would shatter your world. "Harry didn't tell you? He's left, dear. He left early this morning to head to London."
You blinked, struggling to comprehend the reality of the situation.
"But when will he be back?" you implored, your voice trembling.
His mother's gaze remained sympathetic, but her words were final. "He won't be coming back, love. He's a part of One Direction now, and their tours are about to begin."
You knew he was part of the band, you had gone to a few live shows and even looked after him after the band finished in Third, when all he wanted was you.
He never told you about a tour, about anything, although you noticed that he was on his phone quite a lot, you just thought he was playing that stupid game.
But you must have been wrong.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing, and the initial shock gave way to a growing sense of despair.
"Why didn't he tell me?" you managed to stammer out, your voice cracking as you tried to understand.
You had thought your relationship was built on trust and communication.
His mother's sympathetic gaze only deepened the emotional turmoil you were experiencing.
"I think he didn't want to hurt you," she offered gently. "This opportunity means a lot to him."
Too late for that.
Your mind raced with a million questions. How had everything changed so suddenly? What would this mean for your future together? You couldn't imagine life without Harry by your side.
"He's been practising with the band for weeks now," Harry's mother continued, "and their tours are about to begin. It's a big chance for him, and he didn't want to hold himself back."
Tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of sorrow, confusion, and frustration. You had never expected this turn of events, and the sense of abandonment was overwhelming.
The weight of his confession hung heavy in the air. Harry continued, his gaze locked onto yours,
"T’band was just starting out, and I knew I'd be on the road, seeing y’less and less. I didn't want t’hurt ye."
The argument, once fueled by anger, seemed to transform into a tumultuous sea of emotions. Your heart ached as you listened to his words, realizing that he had walked away not out of indifference, but out of love—or what he had believed was love.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you heard Harry's confession, the raw emotion in his voice cutting through the anger and resentment that had fueled your argument. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your voice, and replied, "I didn't get to choose what life I wanted to live. I wanted to be with you, but you made that choice for me."
Harry's eyes glistened with remorse as he implored, "I wanted t’protect ye’ t’keep y’from a life that would hurt ye."
Your voice trembled as you spoke, the tears now flowing freely.
"The only life I wanted to live was one with you, but then you up and left me, our relationship," you said, your voice breaking as you confronted the years of pain that had been buried deep within.
Harry's response was a whisper of regret. "When I auditioned, y’had t’walk out halfway through because y’didn't do well in the crowd."
At this, your emotions spiraled, and you couldn't contain the rush of memories and feelings that overwhelmed you. You cried as you defended yourself and the relationship you had once cherished. "I was scared, Harry, scared of the expectations, of the distance, but I still loved you. I didn't want to let you down, but you walked out on us, on me."
The weight of all the years of heartache and misunderstandings became too much to bear, and you started to sob uncontrollably. The tears flowed freely, and your body shook with the intensity of your emotions.
Without hesitation, Harry wrapped his arms around you, drawing you close, his chest becoming a sanctuary for your broken heart. His voice, gentle and soothing, whispered into your ear, "M’so sorry, m’love. I'll spend the rest f’m’life making it up t’you."
Amidst the tears and the weight of unspoken words, your voice quivered as you finally found the strength to speak.
"Harry, you don't understand how hard it was...how hard it still is," you confessed, your words choked with emotion. "You were my everything, and you just left without even a word."
Harry's grip tightened, and his voice was filled with a deep sense of remorse. "I know, and I can't change the past, but I want t’make things right, t’be there f’ye."
You paused for a moment, looking up at him, your eyes red and swollen. "It's not just about me, Harry. I've moved on, and I have a daughter now. You just can't come back into my life like this."
His voice was filled with sincerity as he replied, "I understand. I'll do whatever it takes t’earn y’forgiveness and be a part f’y’life again."
The weight of the years hung heavy in the air, but as you held each other amidst the tears and the apologies, there was a glimmer of hope that perhaps, with time and effort, wounds could heal and a new chapter could begin.
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spiderfreedom · 5 months
women must learn about technology
one of the most common gender-limited roles across the world is the making of musical instruments. in the majority of cultures, men make musical instruments. flutes are almost exclusively made by men.
this may seem like a weird little curio - i certainly thought it was - until you read more. in many cultures, instruments are played by the people who make them. if women don't have the knowledge to make instruments, then they can't play the instrument, because instruments may not be made as gifts. instruments become gendered. men resent women entering on their space and refuse to share technical knowledge with them on how to play or make the instrument. women are limited to singing (if that) or simple instruments that they can make. there are very few instruments that "only" women are allowed to play/make.
in its extreme form, this results in taboo musical instruments (usually flutes for some reason) that women may not see or hear on pain of death.
"so what", i hear you say. "what do musical instruments have to do with anything?" well, it shows that one of the most common ways to limit women and raise up men is to prevent or discourage women from having technical knowledge.
even in our allegedly """superior""" western cultures, music production and engineering is almost entirely male-dominated. ask women in production and sound engineering, and you'll find that they face not just benign sexism/prejudice but downright hostility.
men become associated with technology. technology from tekhnos - art or craft. women become associated with spiritualism, the immaterial, the unprovable and ineffable ("we are reclaiming our feminine power through astrology!") or alternatively the body, the base, the mundane, the maintenance work, using machines and technology that they did not create.
knowledge is power. men have historically guarded certain kinds of knowledge/power from women. today, too many men continue this gatekeeping. "don't worry your pretty little head about how a car works, missy." too many women are happy to let them, afraid to challenge their learned helplessness. "I'm a passenger princess! i'm too dumb to know how a washing machine works!" (and i even see feminists say things like "thank god a butch woman was here to help me change my tires." why associate technological knowledge with a certain gender presentation?)
learning about technology can be scary. it's complicated and there's a large body of material to challenge. many of us have been conditioned into learned helplessness, and it's easier and more immediately rewarding to ask someone else to take care of our technological issues for us. there's the issue of stereotype threat where we're afraid to fail and confirm negative stereotypes of women. but if we're serious about empowerment, we must remember knowledge is power. women who know about carpentry don't need to rely on men. women who know how to fix their car can intelligently converse with male mechanics. knowledge is the thing they can't take away from you, you carry it with you where you go, and you can share it with other women. you don't need to learn about every field of technology - pick one that piques your interest (electronics? electricity? carpentry? HVAC? auto mechanics?) and begin reading about it. do beginner diy stuff. over time, you'll gain confidence and useful skills. then help fellow women.
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untoldreader · 1 month
A Storm of Emotions
Wandanat x Reader (Wanda & Natasha)
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Chapter 2
The news of our impending parenthood had settled within our hearts, filling us with a blend of joy, excitement, and trepidation. As the days turned into weeks, our emotions became entangled in a storm of uncertainty and angst.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting shadows across the room, the weight of our worries hung heavy in the air. Wanda, Natasha, and I sat together on the couch, a somber atmosphere enveloping us.
"I can't help but feel scared," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "Bringing a child into our world, our dangerous world... What if we can't protect them? What if they inherit powers that become a burden?"
Wanda's usually confident demeanor wavered as she took my hand in hers, her grip firm yet gentle. "I understand your fears, my love," she said softly. "But we'll face whatever challenges come our way together. We'll protect our child with everything we have."
Natasha, her eyes filled with empathy, leaned closer, her presence a grounding force. "We've seen darkness and fought against it," she assured me. "Our experiences have shaped us into strong individuals who can guide and protect our child. We won't let fear consume us."
Tears welled up in my eyes as their words wrapped around my heart like a comforting embrace. Their unwavering support was a balm to my anxious soul. Still, doubts lingered, clouding my thoughts like a persistent fog.
"What if I'm not cut out to be a parent?" I choked out, my voice laced with self-doubt. "What if I make mistakes? What if I can't give our child the love and care they deserve?"
Wanda's eyes softened, her gaze unwavering. "Y/N, you have a heart that overflows with love. You've shown it to us every day. Parenting is a learning experience, and mistakes are inevitable. But it's the love we give that shapes our children. And I have no doubt that you'll be an amazing parent."
Natasha's voice resonated with reassurance. "None of us are perfect, Y/N. We'll stumble, but we'll learn and grow with our child. Together, we'll create a nurturing environment filled with love, understanding, and support."
Their words washed over me, soothing the doubts that had plagued my mind. In their presence, I found solace and strength. Together, we would navigate the challenges that lay ahead, drawing on the bond we shared.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. The anticipation of our child's arrival grew, overshadowed only by the lingering shadows of our concerns. Yet, amidst the angst, moments of joy and hope managed to find their way into our lives.
Wanda, with her extraordinary powers, would gently cradle my growing belly, her touch imbued with a tender connection to our unborn child. Natasha, ever the protector, would research and ensure our home was safe, leaving no stone unturned.
Together, we would attend prenatal check-ups, listening to the rhythmic heartbeat that echoed through the room, a reminder of the life we had created. We would immerse ourselves in books, seeking knowledge, and preparing for the challenges ahead.
As the due date drew near, a mixture of excitement and nervousness filled our hearts once again. The storm of emotions that had consumed us for months now intensified, the anticipation almost palpable.
But amidst the turmoil, we held onto each other, finding solace and strength in our love and unwavering commitment. We knew that together, we would weather any storm, for the love we shared surpassed any obstacle that lay in our path.
And so, with bated breath and hearts entwined, we awaited the moment when our lives would be forever changed, and the miraculous arrival of our child would fill our world with a love more profound than we could ever fathom.
Masterlist Next>
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kaixserzz · 10 months
I'm just imagining akadmiya dottore and us being all romantic whilst on an expedition with other scholars. Like, dottore isn't being verbal with love confessions and acts that'd reek of adoration for you, but he'd most DEFINITELY be acting some type of way when ppl try communicating with you. Dude, he would be so BLATANT of his favoritism for you on this expedition, he's sharing his notes only with you, he's taking you out to see cool places in the mountains of sumeru, he'd go into that giant ruin guard and act all romantic with you (all while explaining the technology of the ruin guard and trying to operate its cabin like the nerd he is🥰)
The scholars who are travelling with you two are just confused on why dottore is so mean with them but so soft with you. Obviously, he's gonna try to make it seem like he holds some sort of grudge against you too, but it's so clear how much he likes you.
Dottore could have the nastiest scowl on his face, silently challenging his fellow classmates to an argument or a fight, but the minute you call for him to ask a question or something he's suddenly walking away with a now neutral expression on his face. HED JUST SPEAK TO YOU WITH THE SOFTEST VOICE WHIKE THE OTHER SCHOLARS ARE LIKE "bro wtf is going kn😭"
I KNOOOW RIGHT??? akademiya zandik is SUCH a cutie 😭😭
he's SO bad at showing he loves you, you just have to learn how he express himself you know?
AND EVERYTHING YOU SAID ANON IS SO TRUE IM LIKE GIGGLING AT THE IMAGE INSIDE MY HEAD... he really REALLY tries to be subtle, and he thinks he's slick but nah. almost EVERYONE knows what's up but they don't understand why YOU. you're not one of the top students, but you're nice and usually sociable. more sociable than your roommate, at least.
i like to think when he's called out about his behavior toward you, he'd immediately be like "wtf are you talking about" and ignores you for like, 10 minutes max before he's back sticking at your side and dragging you where ever he wants to go.
ADBSADSA AND WHEN HE NERDS OUT!! other scholars are trying to listen in to what he says so they can learn something, but one glare from him, and they just walk away in defeat. he wants to share his knowledge to YOU and YOU only!! others don't deserve it, they don't even treat him like he's human!
and he's so cute when he nerds out too 😭😭 his eyes are always twinkling when he starts ranting to you, and he gets so giddy and proud of himself whenever you look at him in awe as he maneuvers the ruin guard. if you look close enough, his neck and the tips of his eyes are completely red all the time when you listen to him so intently!!
i can just imagine if one of the scholars were talking down at you, he'd immediately jump in and obliterate whatever ego/pride they had. he'd point out how THEY'RE ultimately the very wrong one and how your theory is more accurate with the amount of proof you have.
zandik is so bad at hiding his affections for you DSAHDSAHDA he can't help it :( but at least others would know you're off limits !!
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dailyhelldorm · 17 days
2024 Spring New Profiles
Translation included new profiles, spring voice lines, and other things I can think of in this post.
New profiles
Translator's note: I based my translation on ENstars's profiles to make the comparison easily when you read them inside the EN game.
Other than that, I said f-ck it and ball.
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Messing up when singing is no good, I need to concentrate.
Shiratori Aira
CV: Amasaki Kohei
The lovely with thorns
Aira is an idol who is also a big fan of other idols. He is a quarter French because his mother is half French and half Japanese. Aira is amiable, outgoing, and brave. Although he thinks of himself as a plain person, Aira also has low self-esteem due to his past underachieving feelings. He has grown a lot, facing forward along with other people around him. Aira has a clear and pure singing voice, and his performance is filled with a lot of fanservice. Aira is a member of ALKALOID at STARMAKER PRODUCTION.
As an idol, he strives to grow more so he can someday be someone else's favorite idol. Aira intends to be more active with his involvement, like working on his unit’s live performance.
Blood type: B
Age: 16 (ES second year, on Apr 1st)
Birthday: Nov 27th
Hobbies: Studying Idols, Collecting idol goods, Updating SNS
Specialty: Knowledge about idols
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Since I was born anyway, won’t it be wasted to not enjoy my life?
Tenshouin Eichi
CV: Midorikawa Hikaru
The idol conductor performing dreams
Eichi is the Idol representative for STARMAKER PRODUCTION. He is calm and thoughtful. He also has a love for idols deeper than anyone else, thus, he often gives them harsh trials to overcome. He has a delicate and soft singing voice, and his performance is always elegant and classy. Eichi is the leader of fine at STARMAKER PRODUCTION.
He has raised idols to the global level, and Eichi himself also strikes to be the top idols like his beloved ones. He is currently holding in check his personal work, but thinking about his well-being makes Eichi reconsider increasing them.
Blood type: O
Age: 19 (ES second year, on Apr 1st)
Birthday: Jan 10th
Hobbies: Making black tea, playing piano
Specialty: Chess, Skill Imitation
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As long as everyone desires, may this radical, immoral, and sweet night ever lasting!
Sakuma Rei
CV: Masuda Toshiki
The demon king luring you into dark night
A self-proclaimed vampire who possesses a wealth of knowledge, but he is weak under the sun so he needs to try his best in the daytime. He is calm and thoughtful, holding the charisma that can attract other people. He dotes on his younger brother Sakuma Ritsu. His singing voice is mellow and refined, and his performance is majestic and powerful. A member of Rhythm Link, as well as UNDEAD's leader.
He challenges himself with new things, and strives to live on as a normal human and as an idol.
Blood type: B
Age: 20 (ES second year, on Apr 1st)
Birthday: Nov 2nd
Hobbies: Learning languages, drinking wine, reading, watching movies
Specialty: Playing instruments, discerning eye.
New 2024 Spring Voice Lines
To hear the lines, please view this thread on twitter.
Morning: “When you are being supported by your favorite idols, the moment the new season arrives, it also gives you the feeling to work harder right? Everyone, please do your best!”
Noon: “Have you had lunch yet? If not, how about we go together to a restaurant that serves seasonal spring vegetables?”
Evening: “When I was out shopping with Hiro-kun, we found a flower bed so pretty that I unconsciously took a photo of it. I got a really nice pic of it ♪”
Night: “When I was cleaning my bag, I found a petal inside it. Since when did it get inside huh?”
Morning: “When I look at the blooming street filled with flowers, I can't help but feel joy. I can feel the warm spring has come to visit.”
Noon: “Fhuwah… I have let you see my inappropriate side. But since it is spring, even I can feel a little bit sleepy.”
Evening: “Maybe I will go out for a short walk right now. Don't worry, I will return before my body gets cold.”
Night: “As a way to enjoy the spring’s night, everyone in ‘fine’ decided to hold a little tea party. Do you want to join?”
Morning: “If one stays up until dawn, they can see a beautiful sunrise. They often say spring is daybreak(*) after all ♪”
Noon: “When I look up at the beautiful spring sky, I can see Hibiki-kun’s air balloon. He looks like he has fun flying in the air.”
Evening: “I went and bought too many dangos… so I called Sakasaki-kun up and we enjoyed the treats together ♪”
Night: “Have you seen the released magazine the other day? What do you think, me and the night sakura tree in the background look quite picturesque, don't you think?
(*) Note: he means the most beautiful spring moment is at dawn. It's a reference to Sei Shonagon’s poem.
New Office Interactions
Currently moving to a new post because the amount of interactions is too much.
New Gacha Screenshots
Aira: Turning all the love and appreciation feelings into strength... I will show you, I will fly higher with my wings!
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Eichi: I will brighten this world, with the shining stars known as idols.
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Rei: The solemnity of the demon king reigning darkness... Shall you burn it deep into your eyes...
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Old lines (with audio) Aira: Sending all my love to the fans out there in the world, Aira~bu ♪ Eichi: I shall grant your wishes. Toward our dream we desire. Rei: Come, the late night is the time of mine...
New Bloomed lines
From this thread (with audio)
Aira: Little by little, I come closer to the idol vision I have dreamed of.
Eichi: With your hands and mine, we shall continue to perform our beautiful melody.
Rei: Always standing still in one place is no good, I attempt to advance forward as well.
Old lines Aira: I, I wonder can I become ‘a good idol’ too… ♪ Eichi: I work hard for instants like this, for moments when I can recall the feeling of happiness. Rei: A demon king shall not only reign the night but this whole world as well ♪
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nighttimeoracle · 2 years
𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎?
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𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟷 → 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟸 → 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟹
Disclaimer: please read this before you go choosing one pile as I don’t want triggered people raging on my replies🥴.
Everyone has their own definition of “hidden enemy”, but I will explain mine (according to the knowledge I’ve gathered. I’m not making anything up here) since this reading was not done with the intention to raise suspicion/fear on people. A hidden enemy is no other than the projection of your shadow. It’s not something/someone to be afraid of, but another chance life gives you to learn more about yourself. Your hidden enemy describes your worst traits and whatever you can't stand to look at. It could have the face of anyone like your mother’s, the letterman's or your own. 
I’m famous for not sugarcoating things in the readings I’ve provided so far, but I described things below how I saw/felt them and I can tell some of those scenarios are anything but pleasant and you might not like to hear about it. Don't force yourself to, please.
Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not.   
𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟷
Your hidden enemy is… 
Your crave for power and having absolute control over everything going around you. I sense you have turned greedy in a new sort of way, as if you couldn't get enough of something (money aside). You are abusing one of your resources, squeezing all the juice you can without realizing you’re getting close to shedding the last drop. Running out of the lemons that life provided you with last time is a problem… especially if you didn’t work wisely to cultivate your own citrics.
You’re so caught up with your current mindset that you are unable to listen to your worried loved ones, while you remain committed to an already lost cause. Some think you've lost your mind and that you are on the defensive, even though you are yet to bite someone’s head off. It’s your behavior or most recent course of action telling on you instead.
Your peers have decided to put a prudent distance between them and yourself since they have foreseen your downfall and they don’t know how you would react after your loss. They’re not being mean to you on purpose, it’s a matter of self-preservation plus they’re giving you the space you actually need to put the pieces together on this process. They will get back to you if you open up to them and let yourself be guided. 
If you have a professional partnership or you are the leader of a work group, this connection or project is falling apart and the others have decided to leave, but you continue to resist change. You are loyal to your beliefs and do not give up easily in the face of adversity, but even though you have the weapons and willpower of a champion, you are not fighting the right battle and that’s why you’re meant to lose. The real challenge is on hiatus, waiting to be noticed by you. It’s so small in comparison to what you’re putting up with now that no wonder you’ve overlooked it altogether. The Divine asks you to open your eyes and listen to what others have to tell you. Surrender to the plans the Universe has for you and to the change.
If you found these messages of any help, I’m offering a similar service here for this spooky reason.
Not on the mood to do anything similar to shadow work? I recently launched my Astrology services and you could find innovative themes and cheap prices here. 
𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟸
Your hidden enemy is… 
The amount of pressure you put on yourself in order to achieve your goals and the tendency to play the victim you have. I'll be honest with you, blows are coming from all directions. I see people demanding explanations or paybacks from you, the rate of inflation is messing with your business or your economy in general, and deadlines are around the corner. As if all I just mentioned wasn’t enough, you happen to be a bit of a masochist by picking up the first stick you spotted on the floor and now you’ve started beating yourself up. Please, stop!
This is not all your responsibility, pile 2. I see that you had the best intentions in mind when you wanted to carry a certain plan out, perhaps it was launching your business or moving to your dream place/country. But logistics can fail too and weeping as you self-loathe yourself won’t get you anywhere, but delay resolution for your personal conflicts.
For a group of this pile it has nothing to do with money, but timing. You gotta be patient and wait for things to detangle on their own. Do what you can to support yourself on the meantime or it’s your call to execute the B plan. You don’t have any? Then it is time for waking the magician that lives within you up and start designing a new strategy. Do justice to yourself! Please don't lose faith in your dreams.
If you found these messages of any help, I’m offering a similar service here for this spooky reason.
Not on the mood to do anything similar to shadow work? I recently launched my Astrology services and you might find innovative themes and cheap prices here. 
𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝟹
Dear pile 3, you’re not the best nor the worst among the three piles I channeled for this collective reading, but I see you’re going for some deep transformation that would allow you to heal your mind and spirit. I hope you can stop mistreating yourself soon, and please don’t take my words to heart as I’m saying this with much love.
Your hidden enemy is… 
YOURSELF and how poorly you think of your own skills. You’re feeling energetic and “balanced” some days but you’re an overthinker, pessimistic and overall mess the rest of the month. The only hell you’re living in is from your head. You lament the things you cannot have, when it is you who lacks the courage to go for them. Whatever you want is not far from reach, but you are afraid to stretch your hand and snatch it. You are terrified of your own success and being happy, for some it means being with the love of their life or achieving their goals.
You are like a still pendulum, in eternal waiting to be swung to some direction when you’re light enough to do it yourself. You’re a luminous being and prodigy as Jesus, but the moment you started looking down on your skills and dreams, you turned into Judas the traitor. I apologize once again if you find that my words are too strong, but these are the exact messages I am receiving. Sooner or later you will realize this or if you keep refusing “to see”, an external force could force you to face your fears.
Your mind became a labyrinth with each of your former ideas or projects tossed around. Although a bit confusing, this scenery simply shows how truly brilliant you are! Soon you will have the opportunity to pick up an idea or start over with a stable project. Good luck, darling.
If you found these messages of any help, I’m offering a similar service here for this spooky reason.
Not on the mood to do anything similar to shadow work? I recently launched my Astrology services and you might find innovative themes and cheap prices here. 
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reii-naa · 17 days
im so brain dead right now
angst , platonic , gn ! reader , student ! reader , one-sided relationship where ratio is readers fav teacher but ratio doesn't see the reader as a remarkable/eye-catching student , academic pressure , reader changes personality (mentioned)
my first angst so it might suck
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dr. ratio was hard to please. if one were to get a few mistakes in his subject exam, they're mere idiots to him. indeed he values knowledge, and wants his students to learn more rather than remain stagnant, but his words were rather harsh, hurting his students in the process, intentional or not.
the only time a person could be subjected to his praise is when they're 'perfect' high grades, high awards, obedient, never into trouble and doesn't view themselves higher than anyone. it's of no surprise that the scholar had such high standards.
the rest of the guild along with the students (under his teachings or not) were scared of veritas, not wanting to offend him. some try to earn his praise, but were met with harsh words when they weren't of his ideals, especially those who cheated to climb the ranks.
a particular student had grew a fond of this picky scholar, making the man their favorite teacher. [y.n] knew of how dr. ratio could be, but they try to gain his attention. they wanted to prove the mundanite that they're the one true student that can meet his standards. it was a challenge for them, a motivation to earn high praise and get good grades.
with their motivation, [y.n] slowly climbed the ranks but was never the top. for a long while now, they tried their best to gain the mans attention, to the point of pressuring themselves while doing so.
the student would have headaches, gained insomnia, grew fatigued, gradually got more anxious, and shaped themselves far from their original self all for the attention and praise of their favorite teacher. whenever [y.n] would come home, they would pass out in the couch. although, they realized ratio's ideal student wouldn't pass out once they entered their home. no- veritas ratio's ideal student wouldn't leave their house messy and uncleaned.
and thus, [y.n] took pills that prevented them from sleeping too much, along with some coffee even if it will heighten their anxiety. they forced themselves to clean their house sparkly clean, organizing everything and thus becoming akin to a perfectionist.
once they noticed they noticed bags under their eyes, they looked paler than before. this caused [y.n] to buy makeup to cover it up and add color to their face. they always felt uneasy whenever they thought they weren't of veritas' expectations, but force themself to study more as a distraction.
their hopes were crushed during class, when veritas gave their papers back. it was their recent test and he was disappointed.
"more than half of you failed! such imbeciles, can't you understand a simple lesson that i've been generously repeating over and over again?!" ratio yells. [y.n] quickly became anxious. one of the reasons why they wanted to gain his attention was to ease him and prevent yellings like this. they wanted to be his favorite student to avoid the man to stop teaching.
"i had simplified it, dumbed it down for easier understanding, gave all of you learning materials online and yet only few passed. are all of you even paying attention and willing to learn?!" the mundanite asks, not wearing his plaster head as his frustration that he has probably been building up for quite a while now could be seen clear in his sharp features. "it's to the point one if you nearly got a zero! disappointing.. is it even worth teaching all of you?"
[y.n] tried to keep their cool, but their hands were shaking, gripping their thighs as they listen their favorite teacher scold his class. they look down at the paper, their score being the passing score. 27.5 over 50.
"emilia, spencer and camillia were one of the few who managed to get the highest score. the rest are either doing the bare minimum or just aren't giving effort." veritas clicks his tongue. now that priced [y.n] in the heart. their name wasn't mentioned, and dr. ratio said that the rest, them included were either doing little effort or just didn't try to answer the test.
it hurt them, because they've been trying to hard to gain his attention but their name never rolled the scholars tongue even once. we're they not enough? the doctor leaves, disappointed. while [y.n]'s class whispered and chatted among themselves, they stood up and chased after their teacher.
"professor ratio! a word!" they exclaimed, approaching the tall man. the doctor turns around, head adorned with his plaster to block out the noises let out by the mediocrity. he turns around with a sigh. "now what is it that you want?" [y.n] stands in front of him, dr veritas ratio, his one and only favorite teacher, his motivation.
"i just.. want to inquire about my performance in class. how am i doing in my academics, are my grades okay.." they asks, resisting the urge to fidget. "i do see you trying your best.." the scholar mumbled, giving the student some hope.
"but it's not enough."
that one sentence tore [y.n] apart. not enough? but they have been trying and studying with sweat and tears for so long! what does he mean by 'not enough'?!
"p- professor, what do you mean by that?" they ask with a slight tremble in their voice. "i see changes in your grades and academics, though it isn't much. it's little. it would only go up by two or three points, but that's all." ratio answered, tone blunt. "it's not as high and impressive as spencer's or emilia's or.. camillia's.."
[y.n]'s heart wrenches at the mention of the three. "are.. they your favorite student?" they ask their teacher. "not exactly, but i'm pleased with their high grades. even if they're not my ideal students, they're quite close to it. but of course, they have flaws in their character."
all the poor student can do is to swallow the words their favorite teacher told them. the words ring in their ears, their breath stuck to their throat as their jaw tightens. they fight the urge to cry ugly, break down and sob uncontrollably right in front of veritas. it hurts their heart.
"i.. see.." was all [y.n] managed to mutter, balling his hands into a fist. "what? not pleased with my answers?" the man crosses his arms, tone harsh. "no, no- that's.. i'm not disappointed with your answers.. professor.." silence fills the hair, before [y.n] asks again. "am i.. a good student, professor?"
ratio hums, tapping the chin of his plaster head before he answers. "you are well-behaved and obedient in class. as much as you are a good student, you need to improve in your overall character and academic performance. there's more room for improvement."
[y.n] nods, lips pressed into a thin line as their eyes looked down unto the floor. even if veritas said such a small praise, it wouldn't change the fact that he tote the pride and hope of [y.n] into shreds. to them, it was worse than being called by numerous insults. were they not good enough? how much was enough? how much suffering, and how long would it take for ratio to recognize their skills? how long will they have to wait for the genius scholar to speak his name even once?
"if you have nothing else to say, then i'll take my leave." footsteps echo the halls, fading as the man left a shattered student. [y.n] lets out tears, unable to stop them. "professor.."
"how long will you torment me?"
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this was actually based in recent experience when my science tr compared my class with the other section, indirectly calling us stupid when she saw my class' test results (most of us failed, and yes someone nearly got 0)..rest is pure fiction and work of my mind
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eff-plays · 2 months
On these notes, can I umm ... have Tavs who are like ... their own people. With personal issues and hangups and conflicts and preferences. I need Tavs who have spines, who don't just exist to be soft and gentle for Astarion's sake, who don't exist to be therapists for him. Like I get it, it's self-care for writers to some extent, but it just makes for such boring reading when a Tav is always 100% understanding and pliable for Astarion. When they're head over heels instantly and understand him perfectly with minimal explanations. When they can somehow tell, feel his pain through nothing but his eyes. After knowing him for days, hours, seconds.
Need Tavs who don't let him drink from them and/or tell him to only bite enemies because it's more pragmatic. Tavs who don't get off to his bites and in fact find them painful and inconvenient. Tavs who disagree with him to his face. Tavs who call him out when he's being a cunt.
"I didn't tell anyone you're a vampire because it's not my secret to tell" but why? He never asked to keep it a secret, and he attacked you. In your sleep. You owe him nothing, and he could pose an active danger to the others if you don't tell them? How do you know he doesn't? He's done nothing to earn your trust, yet you offer it anyway. And you're not written to be stupid, just that you innately know he's important/damaged somehow, so what gives?
It annoys me that the only time meta knowledge is used it's in his favor. Like Tav just knows he's good deep down somehow. Despite him being a huge cunt constantly. Like, he kills Tav if they fail to make him stop. Without remorse. He even jokes about it later when they have the audacity to be upset about it. But that's never even a fear some Tavs have. When it makes far more sense to be suspicious he'd do that than trusting him instantly.
And another thing like ... So many Tavs are just orbiting Astarion. Just straight up fail to make connections of friendships with anyone else. They'll also have some sad backstory of course, but only Astarion is somehow aware of it, he's the only one who has any insight into their inner turmoil while everyone else doesn't give a shit, I guess. Which is just. He gets to both have the benefit of the doubt and special insight and understanding of Tav. He gets to have all the cards.
Where's the mess. Where's the conflict. Where's the intrigue and fun of two actual individual people learning to overcome their differences and/or finding comfort in their similarities?
Idk I realize I'm barking up the wrong tree because this is generally the state of most fic and the romance genre in general but it's extra evident in the Astarion fandom where he's elevated to the status of the ultimate victim and ultimate sex god so any conflict is untenable because he's soo vunlerable and sensitive and all situations must have him coming out on top or else it'll be ... idk, problematic? Abusive? Traumatic to him? What's the reason?
It ends up just doing him a disservice? Part of what makes the romance so compelling-in game (at least the Spawn route) is that Tav challenges him and his assumptions. That they push back. But in fic these Tavs "push back" by just accepting his bullshit with a smile and waiting for him to realize he's being a bitch on his own, I guess. He's also rarely allowed to be silly or cringefail, which he canonically is, and he's so coddled that it makes it look like this grown-ass man can't handle anyone disagreeing with him or teasing him, so he's always paired up with the most weaksauce spineless soft quirky manic pixie dream Tav imaginable.
Like. It's always "Uwu how can I make him happy? Anything to make him happy!" What about you hon? What do you get out of this relationship, babygirl?
And tbh this is headcanon of course but I just don't think he'd respect a doormat Tav very much. He needs to be sprayed with water every now and then. For his own good.
Whatevs. I mean write whatever you want. But. Man. I just want more cool Tavs. And less stunted and flattened Astarion who can't take a joke or a goof or a gaff, who's always too cool to fail or be wrong.
And before someone says "this is why Durge is better!" I have no interest in Durge and do not read Durge fic sorry. Also that wound't even be true.
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coolbeans32 · 10 days
Echoes of Destiny: The Serpent and the Phoenix
PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader (OC)
SYNOPSIS: After exploring Genevieve's memories, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are stunned to learn that her supposed death triggered Tom Riddle's descent into darkness. They grapple with feelings of disbelief and anger, particularly directed towards Dumbledore, whom they feel betrayed by for failing to save Genevieve. Genevieve reveals Dumbledore's manipulative nature and proposes an alternative to destroying the Horcruxes: a complex ritual to mend Riddle's fractured soul. Intrigued by the possibility of defeating Voldemort, they embark on a journey to locate the remaining Horcruxes, guided by Genevieve's knowledge and fueled by determination.
WARNINGS: This chapter involves themes of death, violence, dark magic, betrayal, themes of manipulation, and emotional turmoil which may be distressing for some readers.
Previous Part| Next Part
Chapter Nine
An Alliance
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As Harry, Ron, and Hermione reflected on Genevieve's memories, they were met with a shocking revelation. The truth behind Tom Riddle's descent into darkness, triggered by Genevieve's supposed death, left them reeling with disbelief and anger.
Harry's reaction was visceral, his anger simmering just beneath the surface as he struggled to come to terms with Dumbledore's apparent lack of action to save his own daughter. How could the man he had admired and trusted for so long stand by and allow such a tragedy to unfold? It felt like a betrayal, a harsh reminder that even those we idolize can have flaws and make grave mistakes.
"I can't believe this... Dumbledore knew all along? He let you... his own daughter... die?" Harry exclaimed in such disbelief.
Hermione's brow furrowed with concern, her mind racing as she tried to process the implications of Genevieve's revelations. The idea that Dumbledore might not be the paragon of goodness she had always believed in shook her to the core. It challenged everything she thought she knew about right and wrong, good and evil.
“Why would he do that? It doesn't make any sense. How could someone do something as terrible as letting your own family die in front of you!" Hermione exasperated.
Ron's expression mirrored the shock and disbelief etched on his friends' faces. He couldn't wrap his head around the idea that Dumbledore, the wise and compassionate headmaster of Hogwarts, could be capable of such callousness. It was a bitter pill to swallow, a harsh reality that shattered his faith in the authority figures he had looked up to for guidance.
"It's mad, isn't it? I mean, we always thought Dumbledore was this great, wise wizard, but... this changes everything." Ron said in a cold tone.
As they grappled with their emotions, Genevieve spoke up, her voice steady and resolute despite the weight of her words. "Because Dumbledore isn't who you think he is. He's not the benevolent old wizard you've been led to believe. He's a manipulator, a puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes." She reminded them that the Dumbledore they knew was not the same as the one she had known. Behind his facade of benevolence lay a cunning manipulator, someone willing to sacrifice lives to further his own agenda.
"But why? What does he gain from all of this?" Harry asked.
“Power, Harry. Control. He's always been obsessed with it. He'll do whatever it takes to gather those who will fight for his cause, even if it means sacrificing his own blood. Trust me for many years, I could never understand such a thing, especially so young. All I wanted was his approval and validation. I had ignored it for so long, until I could no longer…Let me tell you about the mission Dumbledore sent me on when I was just fourteen..."As she spoke, the memories flooded back, transporting them all to a time long before the darkness had engulfed their world.
"It was during my fourth year at Hogwarts," Genevieve began, her voice tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and sorrow. "Dumbledore approached me one day with a task - a mission that he said was of the utmost importance." Harry leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Genevieve, eager to hear her story.
"He told me that there was a powerful artifact hidden deep within an abandoned forest in Albania," Genevieve continued, her gaze distant as she recalled the events of that fateful day. "A relic of great significance, one that could tip the scales in the battle against darkness." Ron and Hermione exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by Genevieve's words.
"I was young and naive, eager to prove myself to Dumbledore and to prove that I was worthy of his trust," Genevieve admitted, a hint of regret coloring her voice. "So, without hesitation, I agreed to undertake the mission as I had so many before." As she spoke, the scene unfolded before them, the abandoned forest looming dark and foreboding in the distance.
"I ventured into the depths of the forest, guided only by the light of my wand and the whispers of the trees," Genevieve recounted, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "But as I drew closer to my destination, I realized that I was not alone." Harry's heart raced as he listened to Genevieve's tale, his mind conjuring images of the dangers that lurked within the forest.
"I encountered creatures of darkness, creatures that sought to thwart my mission at every turn," Genevieve continued, her voice growing more intense with each passing moment. "But I pressed on, driven by the belief that I was doing what was right." Ron and Hermione listened in rapt attention, their expressions reflecting a mixture of awe and concern.
"And then, finally, I reached the heart of the forest, where the artifact lay hidden," Genevieve said, her voice filled with a sense of awe and reverence. "But as I reached out to claim it, I realized the true cost of my actions." Harry's breath caught in his throat as he waited for Genevieve to reveal the outcome of her mission.
"The artifact was cursed, Harry," Genevieve whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "A curse so dark and powerful that it threatened to consume me whole." Ron and Hermione gasped in horror, their eyes wide with shock at the revelation.
"I barely managed to escape with my life," Genevieve admitted, her voice trembling with emotion. "But the experience changed me, Harry. It showed me that Dumbledore's quest for power knows no bounds, that he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals." Harry felt a surge of anger and determination coursing through his veins as he listened to Genevieve's words. 
Genevieve took a deep breath and said, “I fear he is doing the same thing again, with you three…I assume he gave you a task to complete to save the Wizarding World, did he not?”
Harry looked at her, puzzled at how she seemed to know everything, even without knowing anything of their current situation. “Yeah, well…he told me to hunt for Tom’s horcruxes to destroy them…I really don't know why aside from my connection with Vol-I mean Riddle.”
Genevieve looked at him with concern and anger at how her father could still make people, especially children, do his dirty work. “Hunt for Tom’s Horcruxes…is…is he mad?!” Genevieve exclaimed. “Don’t you know how dangerous that is? To destroy them on your own?”
Ron spoke up, “Well, technically…he already did second year without knowing with that snake- what’s it called?”
Hermione rolled her eyes and said, “It’s called a Basilisk, Ronald.” Hermione turned to Genevieve, “He destroyed the horcrux with the Basilisk's fang after he killed it.”
Genevieve’s eyes opened extremely wide, mouth agape, “You killed Seraphina? With what exactly?”
Harry, stuttering, said, “With umm…Gryffindor’s sword. In the chamber. Tom was really mad about it.”
Genevieve rolled her eyes, “Of course he was, he was practically glued to Seraphina.” She then asked, “Wait, Tom was there? How?”
Harry explained, “Well it was a memory of him to be exact, he said how he preserved his memory in his diary, the one engraved with his name. After I killed the Basilisk, I kind of realized that maybe destroying the diary could destroy him…It did, and it wasn’t til later I learned it was a horcrux…I was just trying to save a friend but he did say he wanted to meet me, loads of stuff happened that year…Well every year but that’s the jist.”
Genevieve, as she was learning more about what had occurred, couldn’t hold back on one certain detail. “That pompous arsehole…How dare he defile my GIFT into his stupid little dark magic obsession…Oh when I bring him back I’m going to hex his little arse!” She exclaimed angrily.
Ron snorted and Hermione jabbed him shoulder with her fist. Ron, stared rubbing his shoulder, “Bloody hell woman, why’d you have to keep hitting me.”
Hermione retaliated, “Maybe if you would be a little bit less dense, I wouldn’t need to.” 
Harry watched the two with Genevieve. Genevive, forgetting her anger at Tom, smiled and whispered to Harry, “You know, they remind me of when I was with Tom. Bickering and arguing like a married couple.”
Harry whispered back with a wry grin, “They can’t seem to admit that they’re in love with each other. Trust me, they’re both so stubborn about it.”
Genevieve quietly laughed as she continued to observe Ron and Hermione’s bickering. “I take it that Ron is the oblivious one. He kind of reminds me of Tom, but a really less serious version with the intellect of a bird, at least academically. Ron seems to be the type to know a lot about life rather than school, but without anyone really getting that impression from his behavior.”
Harry joins in on the laughter. “Yeah, he does. He’s a great friend…we’ve had our ups and downs but he knows more than he leads on.”
Genevieve grins. “I figured and I can definitely see myself in your friend Hermione. The stubborn one, trying to get Tom to realize I fancy him. Took him so long, but he eventually got there.” As Harry and Genvieve watch Ron and Hermione, it became evident to them that they were watching. Both Ron and Hermione blush and apologize for steering away from the stakes at hand.
“No worries dears,” Genevieve says. “I do have to ask. Why destroy the horcruxes?”
Harry turns to her, a little confused, “What do you mean by that? Isn’t that how we take care of them?”
Genevieve turns to Harry, “No, there is another way. It’s a bit more complex, but less dangerous.”
Hermione, interest piqued, “What do you mean by that?”
Genevieve turns to all of them and blows their mind with what she says. “Why instead of destroying them, fix them by stitching the soul back together? Kind of similar to reviving a person, but this time, a soul?”
Ron, eyes bugged out, “You can do that?”
Genevieve smiled mischievously, “We’re wizards and witches aren’t we?”
Harry, mind boggled as well, answers her hypothetical question, “Well…yeah…I guess.”
She laughs at his response, “Well, there is a ritual. Except, this ritual is quite advanced and requires for all the vessels to be aligned in a room by order of making, and the ritual will help us stitch back Tom’s soul and ultimately, we can bring him back to life, with a fully intact soul.”
Hermione asks with such curiosity, “Do you really think we can pull off such a thing?”
Genevieve replies seriously, “I think so. The only hard part about it is finding the Horcruxes and for those that were already destroyed, we may need to pull up more magical tricks up our sleeves to bring back the vessel to its undamaged state.” 
Harry, secretly excited of the adventure this journey might bring, asks, “So we have to find all seven horcruxes in order to do this?”
Genevieve turns and clarifies with an astonished face, “Seven…You mean he made seven fucking horcruxes.”
Harry nods, “Yeah, he made seven. And, that’s kind of what we’ve been doing. Trying to find them. The only ones we have are the diary and the Gaunt ring.”
She turns, trying to reduce the anger of hearing the extent of what Tom had done. “I…Alright, we’re going to need to figure out what the rest of the vessels are. We have two destroyed ones, in which we'll need to retrieve their intact counterparts. If I know Tom at all, he definitely created vessels in honor of either his bloodline or Hogwarts itself. Before me, Hogwarts was his only home. I wouldn’t be surprised if he chose to use relics symbolizing Hogwarts.”
Hermione pipes in, “We have a clue for finding the next Horcrux, but we need a bit of help to unravel it.”
Genevieve smiles at the trio and says, “Great, the faster we start, the quicker I can revive Tom, the faster I can beat his arse for being a complete idiot and say ‘I told you so’.” She moves to grab some books from the Black library, knowing that she would find some illegal texts to perform the ritual. Ron, Harry, and Hermione all look at each other, hoping to run high to end this war. 
Harry breaks the silence first, “Guess, we’re doing this huh? Never thought I’d see the day where I’m saving Riddle.” 
Hermione chimes in, slightly dazed at all the information she had just heard, “But if we save Riddle, he’d be back to who he originally was…He’d be the key to destroying his counterpart…Destroy Voldemort.”
Ron agrees, “Looks like we just made our first ally in this task.”
Harry nods and breathes before responding, “Looks like it.”
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Taglist: @wheenerrr @jillian2003
Tom Riddle Masterlist
© coolbeans32 2024
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doumadono · 4 months
Hello, I wanted to ask for an emergency request with Hitoshi or Denki from my hero academia. I struggle with epilepsy and I’ve recently had a grand mal seizure, and it’s caused some memory loss, and I still haven’t gotten out of the haze that lingers for days after. There’s a lot more to it than just that, but I’d like to request maybe one of them reassuring a friend or s/o that has had a grand mal or is just struggling with epilepsy and memory loss in general. Thank you 💜🧠
Shinso & Denki with s/o struggling with epilepsy
A/N: my heart goes out to you. I can't fully comprehend the challenges you're facing, but please know that your strength in sharing your struggles speaks volumes, and I'm here for you, ready to support you in any way you need. Take all the time you need to heal, and remember that brighter days await beyond the haze
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Hitoshi Shinso
Hitoshi begins to notice subtle changes in your behavior and health, sensing that something is amiss. He observes the small seizures you experience and grows increasingly worried about your well-being.
Despite your attempts to brush it off, he persisted, gently but persistently urging you to see a doctor. He even considered using his Quirk to make you comply, but he respected you enough to hold back.
Eventually, you relented and went for a medical checkup. The diagnosis revealed epilepsy, and the revelation was overwhelming. Hitoshi, however, remained by your side, offering unwavering support.
He researched extensively about epilepsy to understand what you were going through. Hitoshi learned about triggers, medications, and ways to support someone with epilepsy.
In a quiet and understanding tone, Hitoshi reassures you that you're not alone in this struggle. He expresses his concern and emphasizes the importance of being kind to your own self.
One day, after you had a particularly challenging moment, Hitoshi found you sitting alone, lost in your thoughts. He approached you quietly, his voice soothing and comforting, "I may not completely understand what you're going through, but I want you to know that I'm here for you."
Late at night, you find yourself restless, haunted by the fear of the unknown. Hitoshi, sensing your unease, enters the room, his presence a calming force. "Hey, mind if I join you?" "Sure," you tell him, trying to smile. Hitoshi sat down beside you. "I know this is tough, and I can't pretend to know exactly how you feel, but I want to be here for you. We'll figure this out together, okay?" You, with teary-eyed, replied, "It's just... it's a lot to take in for one person, you know, Shin? I'm super overwhelmed and tired. I feel useless.." "I get it. But you're not alone. And you're not useless. Don't you ever dare to say silly things like that. I've been doing some research, learning about epilepsy, and I want to understand how I can support you better." He wraps an arm around your shoulders, offering silent reassurance. "It's scary, I know. But we'll face this together. You're not alone."
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Denki Kaminari
Denki had known about your epilepsy since your time at UA. He never once treated you differently or made light of the situation. Instead, he took the initiative to educate himself about epilepsy and how to provide assistance during seizures.
His supportive nature shone through as he patiently learned the do's and don'ts, making sure he could be there for you whenever needed.
Denki, ever the optimist, always found a way to make you smile, even during challenging times.
Denki expresses his admiration for your strength, emphasizing that your epilepsy doesn't define you.
Unfortunately, there were instances where he had to put his knowledge into action, witnessing seizures and acting promptly to ensure your safety. Each time, he handled the situation with calm and grace.
After a particularly severe seizure, Denki stayed by your side. He understood the frustration and fear that came with memory loss and the aftermath of a grand mal seizure. His comforting presence was a constant, assuring you that you were not alone.
With a gentle smile, Denki would say, "Hey, we've been through this before, and we'll get through it again. You're stronger than you think, and I'm right here with you, Y/N."
In the aftermath of a particularly strong seizure, you find yourself disoriented and fatigued. Denki sits beside you, offering a bottle of water and a warm smile. "Tough one, huh?" You whispered weakly, "Yeah..." Denki smiled, squeezing your hand, "You know, you never cease to amaze me with your strength. This is just a bump in the road, and we'll navigate it together, yeah?" "It's just frustrating, losing pieces of my memory like this... I'm afraid I'll forget about you one day..." Denki lets out a sigh. "I get it. But remember, I'm here to help you fill in the gaps. And hey, you will never forget. It doesn't work that way, eh? We've got a ton of good memories ahead of us to create. This is just a detour, not the end of the journey." He leans in, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, a gesture filled with warmth and unwavering support.
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
↳ what the heart wants ↲
➘ summary : Neytiri finds herself falling in love with the caring scientist that works on her planet
➘ Neytiri x reader, avatar the way of water x reader
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Deep within the lush and vibrant world of Pandora, Neytiri, the fearless Na'vi warrior and leader of the Metkayina clan, found herself drawn to the human scientist (Y/N). As the days turned into nights, and the moments of interaction between them accumulated, a profound connection began to form.
(Y/N) had joined the research team on Pandora, driven by a deep love for nature and a burning curiosity about the planet's unique ecosystem. Her dedication and genuine respect for Pandora's natural beauty caught the attention of Neytiri and her people, who held the planet and its delicate balance in the highest regard.
In the heart of the dense jungle, Neytiri watched as (Y/N) immersed herself in learning the ways of the Na'vi. Her fascination with their customs, language, and spiritual beliefs endeared her to the clan. Neytiri admired (Y/N)'s open-hearted enthusiasm and desire to connect with the land and its inhabitants.
One evening, (Y/N) found herself alone in a serene glade, surrounded by the lush bioluminescent plants that painted the night with their ethereal glow. Unbeknownst to her, Neytiri had been silently observing from the shadows, captivated by (Y/N)'s presence.
Approaching with a quiet grace, Neytiri's voice was a melodic whisper in the tranquil air. "(Y/N), you honor us with your respect for our ways."
(Y/N) turned, her face lighting up with a warm smile as she recognized Neytiri. "Neytiri, I am grateful to be a guest on your planet. The beauty of Pandora and the spirit of your people have touched my heart."
Neytiri's eyes held a mixture of curiosity and something deeper. "You are not like other humans who come here seeking to exploit our resources. Your heart is connected to this world in a way that few understand."
(Y/N)'s cheeks flushed, humbled by Neytiri's words. "I can't deny my love for this planet. Its wonders are beyond compare, and the Na'vi's connection to nature is something I deeply admire."
Neytiri's gaze held a tenderness that went beyond words. "And I find myself drawn to your spirit, (Y/N). Your genuine love and respect awaken something within me."
The atmosphere between them seemed to shimmer, a delicate dance of understanding and emotion. (Y/N) felt a growing bond with Neytiri, a connection that transcended language and culture. Their conversations turned from sharing knowledge about Pandora to sharing stories of their own lives, hopes, and dreams.
As the weeks went by, (Y/N) joined the Na'vi in their efforts to protect Pandora from external threats, and her dedication did not go unnoticed. The respect and admiration Neytiri felt for (Y/N) deepened, and she found herself falling in love with the human scientist's compassionate heart and unwavering commitment.
One starlit night, as they stood at the edge of a sacred forest, (Y/N) turned to Neytiri, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "Neytiri, my heart is entwined with this world and with you. The love I feel for Pandora and your people is beyond words."
Neytiri's hand reached out to gently cup (Y/N)'s cheek, her touch tender and filled with longing. "And my heart is bound to yours, (Y/N). Your presence has brought a new light to my life, one I never thought possible."
In that moment, under the watchful gaze of Pandora's night sky, Neytiri and (Y/N) shared a kiss that held the promise of a love that would bridge two worlds. As they held each other, the stars above seemed to shine brighter, as if celebrating the union of two souls united by a shared reverence for the world around them.
Their love story was one that defied boundaries – a human scientist and a Na'vi warrior, brought together by their love for Pandora and a connection that could not be denied. And as they faced the challenges that lay ahead, their bond only grew stronger, a testament to the power of love that transcends differences and finds its home in the heart.
As (Y/N) continued her work on Pandora, the scientists around her began to notice something remarkable. It wasn't just her dedication to the research or her enthusiasm for understanding Pandora's ecosystem that caught their attention – it was the deep bond she shared with Neytiri, a love that transcended the boundaries of their respective species.
Dr. Grace Augustine, one of the lead researchers, observed (Y/N) and Neytiri interacting with a mixture of fascination and a knowing smile. She had seen love in many forms during her time on Pandora, but there was something extraordinary about the connection between these two individuals.
One evening, as the sun set over the horizon, Dr. Augustine approached (Y/N) in the research camp. "You and Neytiri have something truly special," she began, her voice soft and understanding.
(Y/N) looked up, her eyes meeting Dr. Augustine's. "Our love for each other is beyond words. She's changed my life in ways I never thought possible."
Dr. Augustine nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "And you've changed hers too, in your own unique way."
A silence hung in the air for a moment before Dr. Augustine continued, her tone carefully measured. "We've been working on a project – a way to bridge the gap between humans and the Na'vi, to create a true connection."
(Y/N)'s brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Dr. Augustine's gaze was steady as she explained. "We've developed a technology that allows a human consciousness to be transferred into a Na'vi body. It's a way for us to understand Pandora and its inhabitants on a deeper level."
(Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat, her mind racing with the possibilities. The idea of experiencing Pandora as a Na'vi, of being able to truly share in Neytiri's world, was both thrilling and overwhelming.
Dr. Augustine continued, her voice gentle. "I've seen the love between you and Neytiri, (Y/N). And I know that this technology could offer you a chance to be together in a way that was never possible before."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she looked at Dr. Augustine, her heart aching with longing. "You're saying I could be with Neytiri?"
Dr. Augustine nodded, a knowing smile tugging at her lips. "Yes, (Y/N). With this technology, your consciousness could inhabit a Na'vi body, and you could experience Pandora as she does."
The offer was both exhilarating and terrifying. The thought of sharing a life with Neytiri, of experiencing the world through her eyes, was a dream come true. But (Y/N) also understood the gravity of such a decision – to leave her human life behind, to immerse herself fully in a new identity.
As (Y/N) looked out at the landscape of Pandora, her heart torn between the life she knew and the life she could have, Dr. Augustine gave her a reassuring smile. "Take your time, (Y/N). This is a decision that only you can make."
The days that followed were filled with contemplation and conversation. Neytiri was supportive, understanding the weight of (Y/N)'s choice. Together, they discussed the possibilities, the challenges, and the depth of their love.
In the end, (Y/N) made her decision. With a mixture of excitement and determination, she stood before the team of scientists, ready to embark on a journey that would forever bind her to Pandora, to Neytiri, and to a love that defied boundaries.
As the technology hummed around her, as her consciousness merged with the Na'vi body that awaited her, (Y/N) felt a rush of emotions – anticipation, fear, and a profound sense of belonging. She closed her eyes, the world around her fading as her new reality took shape.
When (Y/N) opened her eyes once more, she saw the world of Pandora through Na'vi eyes, felt the breeze against her skin, and heard the song of the forest with newfound clarity. And as she turned to see Neytiri standing before her, their eyes meeting in a silent embrace, (Y/N) knew that she had made the right choice – to be with the one she loved, to share in a world that held endless wonder, and to embark on a journey that would forever unite her heart with the heart of Pandora.
As(Y/N) adjusted to her new life as a Na'vi, the world around her took on a vibrant and awe-inspiring quality. Every sensation was heightened, every color more vivid, and every sound a symphony of life. Neytiri was by her side every step of the way, guiding her through the intricacies of Na'vi culture and teaching her the ways of their people.
Their love story, once bound by the limitations of their respective species, had now transcended into a deeper and more profound connection. As (Y/N) moved through the dense forests and explored the bioluminescent wonders of Pandora, she felt a sense of unity with the land, the creatures, and the people who had become her new family.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/N) embraced her role as a member of the Na'vi tribe. She joined them in hunts, learned the ancient traditions of their society, and even found herself communicating with the spirits of the land. Every moment was a revelation, a testament to the beauty and magic that Pandora held.
Neytiri watched with a mixture of pride and tenderness as (Y/N) adapted to her new life. She was constantly amazed by (Y/N)'s open heart and willingness to learn. Their moments together were filled with shared laughter, deep conversations, and stolen glances that spoke volumes of their affection.
One evening, as they watched the sun set over the horizon, (Y/N) turned to Neytiri with a smile. "I never thought I could feel so connected to a place, to a people. It's like a dream come true."
Neytiri's hand found (Y/N)'s, their fingers entwining in a familiar embrace. "You are part of us now, (Y/N). Your spirit is intertwined with Pandora, and your presence enriches our world."
As the days passed, (Y/N) found herself falling even more in love with Neytiri and the beauty of Pandora. She marveled at the intricate ecosystems, learned to communicate with the flora and fauna, and developed a deep respect for the balance that the Na'vi maintained with their environment.
One day, as (Y/N) stood atop the floating mountains, Neytiri approached her with a knowing smile. "Do you remember the first time we met, when you were still a human?"
(Y/N) nodded, a fond smile on her lips. "Of course. It feels like a lifetime ago."
Neytiri's gaze was filled with emotion as she continued, "You chose to leave behind your human life, your identity, to be with me. That decision touched my heart in ways I cannot express."
(Y/N) reached out to cup Neytiri's cheek, her touch gentle and filled with affection. "And I would make that choice a thousand times over, Neytiri. Being here with you, sharing in this world, it's more than I ever could have imagined."
Neytiri's arms wrapped around (Y/N), pulling her close in a tender embrace. "Our love is a bridge between two worlds, (Y/N). It is a testament to the power of connection and the strength of the heart."
As they stood together, overlooking the vast expanse of Pandora, (Y/N) felt a profound sense of gratitude. She had chosen love, chosen a new life that brought her closer to the land, the people, and the person she loved most in the universe.
And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, (Y/N) knew that her journey was only beginning – a journey of love, discovery, and a bond that would forever connect her heart to the heart of Pandora.
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