#i just like the symbolism of Bucky cutting his hair man
buckys-metal-arm · 1 month
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Memorial post for Bucky's FATWS look it may not be a popular take but I loved the stubble and short hair
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To Stop Winter
Bucky had never been the chattiest Avenger, and if Y/N was being honest, he scared her a little bit. He was tall, brooding, and had a super-strong metal arm for goodness’ sake! Steve would always assure her that Bucky was quite friendly when you got to know him, but Y/N wasn’t entirely convinced. Nevertheless, she supposed she ought to try to socialize with him a little bit, at least so she wouldn’t be on his bad side.
It was on one of these trips to make conversation with the super soldier that Y/N got the feeling that she was being watched. She shrugged it off and approached him. Bucky was on the couch, reading The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien. Oh. Y/N probably shouldn’t bother him; after all, she didn’t like to be bothered when she was reading, and who knew how cranky he might get if she stopped him during a good part-
Y/N stiffened, not realizing she had been staring at him.
“Uh, hi,” Y/N said.
“Something you needed?” Bucky asked.
“Nope, nothing,” Y/N said quickly, “just uh, just looking for Steve. Yeah.”
Bucky paused, his expression unreadable.
“He’s in the training room,” he said.
‘R-right, thanks,” Y/N said, quickly scurrying off.
Bucky watched Y/N leave, careful to keep his confusion to himself. Y/N was so flighty, it worried him.
Y/N stopped outside the training room. She didn’t want to bother Steve either. Not that he would mind, but still. Y/N turned to go back to her room, but stopped when she realized she’d have to pass through the living room again. That could be awkward…Y/N was just about to open the door when she felt a sudden pinch in her neck. Y/N blinked, puzzled, reaching up to her neck and pulling out a small, black dart.
Y/N’s eyes went wide. She went to call out for Steve when a hand clamped over her mouth and an arm around her middle, pinning her arms to her sides. Her shout was quite muffled, and her struggles quickly became feeble. She heard someone speaking in a foreign accent before her eyes fluttered shut and her consciousness faded.
Y/N stirred to the sound of voices nearby. She opened bleary eyes and saw two men in dark uniforms with a red symbol embroidered on the shoulder.
“HYDRA?” she mumbled.
The men turned, seeing that their captive was awake. One of them approached her, ruffling her hair.
“Welcome little soldier,” he said, his Russian accent quite thick, “you should be honored to be here.”
Y/N yanked her head away, discovering that she was strapped to an operating chair.
“Wha- what is this?” she asked groggily.
The men ignored her, continuing to speak to each other in Russian. Some scientists entered the room, dressed in white lab coats and immediately going to control panels, flipping switches and pressing buttons.
“Hey- stop- what’s going on!?”
“Ah, how rude of me,” the first man said, “Y/N Y/L/N, you are about to become the first of cryogenically enhanced super soldiers-”
Wait- Y/N already was cryogenically enhanced! Why didn’t she try something sooner? Y/N summoned ice crystals to cut through the straps holding her in place… they melted as soon as they formed.
The man stopped speaking when he saw Y/N’s frankly pathetic escape attempt. He laughed, the sound echoing in the room.
“Little soldier,” he said, “did you think we would not take precautions? We have injected a serum that has temporarily disabled your abilities. After all, this operation was risky enough as it is, we will not let you spoil things by leaving. The world needs a Winter Solider, and since the last one is no longer useable, we will take a younger, stronger specimen to enhance.”
The reality of the situation finally sunk in. Y/N’s eyes went wide, and she started to thrash and struggle in her restraints. The scientists continued to work at the control panels, and one of them approached Y/N with a small block of wood.
“I think you will want that,” the HYDRA agent said, “this won’t be a pleasant experience for you.”
The scientist put the block of wood in between Y/N’s teeth. Tears brimmed in her eyes and her breaths came in short and fast. An electric panel was positioned over her left eye. Y/N screwed her eyes shut when she heard the sound of metal ripping apart.
She opened her eyes when no pain came. Scientists and the two agents rushed to the door, but they each fell to the ground as bullets flew through them. Bucky burst through the shredded doorway, automatic rifle in hand.
Y/N spat out the block of wood.
Bucky mowed through the rest of the scientists and agents, making a beeline for Y/N. He hoisted the gun over his shoulder and started working on the straps restraining her.
“Can you walk?” Bucky asked.
Y/N nodded. She stood up…and her knees buckled. Bucky caught her before she could hit the ground.
“I-I’m sorry-I don’t know why-“
“You’ve been drugged with who knows what,” he said, “hold on.”
Bucky easily lifted Y/N into a bridal carry. Y/N squeaked, putting her arms around his neck. Bucky rushed Y/N out of the HYDRA base and into the Quin-Jet outside. He laid her down on a padded bench and got in the pilot’s seat, flying them both back to Avengers Tower.
Once the Quin-Jet had been cloaked and was on autopilot, Bucky approached Y/N, crouching down next to her.
“You okay, kid?” he asked gently.
Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, Y/N felt absolutely exhausted.
“They-” she gulped, “they were gonna- I was gonna- how did you find me?”
Bucky smiled.
“I keep a pretty close eye on you, Y/N,” he said, “even HYDRA can’t keep you out of my sight for long.”
The tears started falling freely now. Y/N suddenly reached up and hugged Bucky as tight as she could manage.
Bucky, stunned at first, slowly hugged Y/N back. He’d have to take her to the med bay when they got back to Avengers Tower, who knew what else the HYDRA agents had pumped into her system before waking up.
Bucky didn’t let go until he noticed Y/N had gone limp in his arms. He pulled away to see that she was out cold. Yep, definitely going to the med bay when they got back. He laid her back down and covered her with a blanket, then went back to the cockpit to radio in and let Steve know they were coming.
Y/N woke up in the med bay, an IV in her arm and steady beeping filling the silence. She turned her head to the side and saw Bucky, still reading The Return of the King. He looked up, and noticing she was awake, set the book off to the side.
“Hey kid,” he said, “how’re you feeling?”
“Like I slept way too much and not enough at the same time,” Y/N admitted.
“Yeah… they had you on a power-suppressing serum, an analgesic, and a sedative. I’m honestly surprised you woke up when you did.”
The two didn’t say anything for several moments.
“Well, uh,” Bucky started, “I should probably let Dr. Cho know you’re awake.”
Bucky stood up to leave, but Y/N grabbed his hand weakly. He looked down at her.
“Thank you, Bucky,” she said, “for saving me.”
Bucky smiled again, squeezing her hand a little before letting go and heading to the door.
“I’d do it for you anytime, Y/N,” he said.
Y/N wasn’t afraid of Bucky anymore after that day.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @thepenultimateword
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cosmicbucky · 1 year
with charcoal hands and spoken dreams, we escaped together
summary: a story in which a rainstorm causes your world to collide with that of a bookshop owner's, and the two of you make plans to escape reality together. why read about fantasies and fairytales when you can live out your own? pairings: bucky barnes x female reader word count: 2300
warnings: none, unless you count awkward first meeting
part: one/?
《《《《 ♡ 》》》》
The water splattered around your shoes as your feet pounded the pavement, the rain starting to soak through your clothes, chilling you to the bone. The street was lined with cars, the sounds of honking and tires driving through puddles drowning out your chattering teeth. You shoved passed people on the sidewalk, those who were smart enough to plan ahead and bring an umbrella with them for the evening. You mentally cursed at yourself for once again being unprepared, despite the promise you made yourself to get your shit together for longer than five minutes. Mentally groaning and grumbling, the raindrops became fatter and harder as the wind picked up. Finally getting sick and tired of being stuck out here, you ducked into the first building you came upon that looked like it had life inside. You all but fell through the door as you stumbled inside, gasping and shivering, yet another embodiment of the absolute mess your life was. You scoffed towards yourself, taking in how drenched you were, lost in thoughts about how you hoped you wouldn’t ruin the floor you were standing on. 
“Um, hi” A soft voice suddenly cut through the silence. 
Your head snapped up, staring ahead in the direction the sound came from. You gasped at the sight, and were glad that you were already gasping for breath when you entered, as it was easy to play it off as being winded, instead of being completely shocked by the man standing in front of you. He was tall - quite taller than you, with a large frame; yet despite his towering build he seemed..soft? His hair -  long, dark, and slick - was tucked behind his ears and fell just below his jaw - which was covered in a light stubble. Your heart rate picked up a few paces as you drank in his appearance, the delicate features of his face making him the most beautiful man you had ever seen in all your years so far. What really got you, though, was his eyes. They were piercing, glacial. Yet despite the coldness of the colour they made your whole body feel warm as you stared back into them. 
“Are you, um, alright?” He spoke again, an eyebrow quirking up at you, a small smirk creeping across his pretty pink lips as he mused at your staring. 
“What?” you asked, momentarily dazed. A loud crack of thunder outside seemed to wake you up, and you were brought back to reality; the reality in which you were standing in front of a beautiful stranger, soaking wet, leaving a small puddle on the floor of what would most likely be his very own shop. “Oh, um, yeah. Yes, sorry. You were just about to close, weren’t you?”
You noticed for the first time that he had one hand in his pocket, and the other was holding out a set of keys, the only thing between him and the door being your drenched body. 
“What?” He asked, seemingly dazed himself for a moment. You assumed he was just flabbergasted by the scene that abruptly unfolded in front of him, a symbolic hurricane trampling into his peaceful store. You were right, of course, but what you didn’t know was that he was also just as stunned about your beauty as you were his. He blinked as he came back to his senses, clearing his throat and shoving his keys back in his pocket. “Oh, no. No, I wasn’t, it’s alright.” 
He was, though. He was on his way to lock the door when he got the shock of his life, watching you burst in huffing and puffing; a shivering, beautiful surprise that the world had given him. He didn’t mind though, he didn’t know why but he suddenly felt like he wouldn’t care if he stayed open all night, if only it meant gazing at your opulent face, soft and round. 
You looked at him skeptically for a moment, but you weren’t about to argue with a man you didn’t know, as you stood before him looking like a pathetic mess. Besides, if he did close then would be shoved back onto the street, the very place you just escaped from. 
“Okay,” you said slowly, “Well, um, I’m sorry if I end up ruining the floor or anything  - I didn’t really think before coming in,” you admitted sheepishly, head darting down to your feet for a moment as you spoke. 
He chuckled, and it was suddenly your new life mission to get him to make that sound again. “Don’t worry about it. This place has been around for a few decades, it’s been through much worse.”
The sound of his voice left you feeling the same way a warm summer breeze does. It was low, dark and smokey, but it was also soft and silky, smooth like whiskey. Greed suddenly took hold of you, and you wanted more of it. You wanted to stand here all night and listen to him talk.
“A few decades?” you found yourself asking, finally looking at your surroundings. The shop was quaint, not too big yet not too small. Four plush brown chairs were positioned behind him, looking soft and inviting, a lush and green potted plant beside each one. Beyond them were rows of tall shelves, packed full of old books. The whole shop had books and plants littered everywhere, and as if you needed the visual cue to experience it, your nose was then suddenly filled with the scent of old pages and damp soil, the two things mixing together for the most unusually pleasant aroma. 
“Welcome to The Planted Pages,” he said warmly, an amused smile on his face as you looked around. Your eyes followed him as he turned to his left to head towards the cash, the counter scattered with art history books and disregarded sketches. He scooped it all into a haphazard pile and leapt up, his black boots skirting around the light wooden panels, the store name splashed across in black cursive signage, backlit ever so slightly with a golden hue. “Almost as old as everything in here,” he added, folding his hands over his lap - which didn’t do anything but draw your attention to how thick his thighs were, large and muscular in his black jeans.
You cleared your throat and tore your gaze away from him, feeling slightly ashamed for how you were so blissfully captivated by this complete stranger. You didn’t notice how captivated he was, too, his eyes trailing over you as yours found themselves staring at the bay window between you two, tucked away by a bench littered with even more plants, peeling gold letters blossomed in an arch against the glass; and though it was backwards it was clear to see it read The Planted Pages. 
“It’s wonderful,” you found yourself admitting shyly, honestly. You wondered how you had never been here before, knowing you would have passed by it every day, yet never saw it. Had he seen you? Watched as you marched along the sidewalk, entangled in your own world? You were shaken from your thoughts when he spoke again. 
“Thank you,” he said, a coy smile resting on his face. 
You wanted to know if this place was his, but you knew it would be a personal thing to ask. Though as if the universe wanted you to know, a fluffy white cat gracefully jumped from behind the counter and plopped down beside him, tail swaying as it looked at you serenely. 
The man smiled and scooped up the cat, placing it in his lap. "This is Alpine," he began to explain when noticing your curious gaze. "She kinda came with the shop," he finished, petting the cat as she sprawled across his legs. 
"Family business?" you found yourself asking, a grin dancing on your lips as you watched him cooing over Alpine. 
He nodded, looking back at you as Alpine leapt away, slinking into the depths of the shop. "Something like that, yeah." 
Silence fell between you, both feeling the enticing pull of the other, but neither of you wanting to succumb to your curiosities - it would be weird, you thought. 
He broke the silence, cautious and tender, as though the air would shatter around you if he spoke too loudly. "Do you need me to call you a cab or anything?"
"Oh, right!" you exclaimed, so enthralled with this man and his cozy little shop that you forgot: you were only here to escape the storm that ensnared you on your way home. "No. No, that's okay, thank you. I can handle that." 
He nodded and hopped down from the counter. "Of course," he said, walking around to the other side and picking up one of the sketches he tossed aside earlier. He began scribbling away at it, and you took that as your clue to step back and contact one of your friends - no way were you going to pay for a cab. You had to physically force yourself to stop staring at him as you did so. He leaned on the counter with his left arm, his body relaxed, face set in concentration as a few pieces of hair fell to frame his features. His hand worked effortlessly against the paper, and you were so captivated by him that you felt if you didn't grab onto something, you would gravitate towards him.  
"I, um, have someone coming," you announced, not really sure why. 
He looked up and flashed a smile - and you weren't positive, but you would've sworn the whole shop illuminated when he did. “I’m glad to hear it, you’re more than welcome to wait in here for them.”
You weren’t surprised, per se, but the invitation was a warm welcome nonetheless. “I couldn’t - I don’t want to put you out,” you explained. 
He stared at you, bemused. “It’s really not a problem. I couldn’t possibly kick out a pretty girl to make her stand in the rain.” He looked down at the cat who reappeared, encircling your legs. “Besides, Alpine likes you.”
Your mind raced to catch up to his words, and you hoped he didn’t notice the rosiness as it blossomed across your cheeks. He did, but he’d never let you know. He’d also never let you know how much he wanted to see you blush again. 
“I, uh, well.. thank you - for letting me stay. I know you were just closing up, so I appreciate it,” you muttered nervously. 
“Like I said, it’s not a problem,” he reassured with a soft grin, going back to his sketch. 
You watched in silence, mesmerized by the strokes his hand made. The only sounds to be heard were the pittering of rain, the soft purrs of Alpine trying to get your attention, and the scratching of the charcoal pencil as it danced across the page. 
"So, what had you out at this hour?" he questioned nonchalantly, his focus split between you and his art. 
You flushed again, feeling a bit embarrassed to admit where you were. “It, uh, was an open mic thing, over at The Ivy.” 
He looked back up at you with an amused smile. “Musician or poet?” he inquired, glancing you over once more.
“Poet - kind of,” you told him. “I was dragged there by a musician, though. If that counts.”
He laughed, and you knew now that it was your new favourite sound. “Is that what artists do for dates?” 
“You tell me,” you replied playfully, gesturing to what he was working on. 
“Oh, no,” he began to say with a shake of his head. “I’m not an artist, it’s just a hobby.”
You opened your mouth to reply, but before you could get anything out your phone went off, signaling you that your ride was here - a ride you once again forgot you were waiting for, too wrapped up in the company you had. 
“Well…. that’s my cue,” you said awkwardly, knowing you didn’t necessarily need to say goodbye, but needing to say something. 
His face fell for the briefest of moments before he covered it up with a smile. “Go on then, I’m sure you wanna get home.”
I wouldn’t be so sure, you thought. “Yeah. Well, again, thank you. I definitely would have been kicked out if I landed anywhere else.”
The smile remained on his face, and it reached his eyes this time. “Trust me, it was my pleasure.” 
You smiled in return, giving him an awkward wave as you wandered back towards the door. “Have a good night,” you told him softly as you stepped through the door. 
“Already did,” you heard him reply quietly as the door closed behind you. 
You would have stood there for a few moments, completely bewildered by the turn your night took, if it wasn’t for the blanket of rain that soaked you once more, waking you from your mild stupor. 
You cursed to yourself and ran across the street, making your way to the car that was waiting for you, warm and dry with your friend sitting behind the wheel. 
He stood inside, gazing out the window and trying not to stare as you made your way across the street; but he found it hard to look away. He was half wishing you would turn around and come back for just a little bit longer. The shop suddenly felt strange - dark, quiet, boring - and he trudged over to finally lock the door for the night. 
The door to The Planted Pages locked just as you closed the car door behind you, plopping down on the heated seat. The two of you both took a moment to reflect on the interaction, and the same thought came to both your minds with a slight jolt. 
I never got their name. 
part two ⇢
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stark---contrast · 11 months
Come What May
@stevetonygames fill for team Future | Square "Laughing" | For @amysnotdeadyet Rated G | 1.2k words | ao3 link
"I never thought I'd be here," Steve confessed. "As a scrawny, sickly kid, nobody would even look at me twice—and that's if a flu didn't wipe me out before I even had the chance to go on a date at all."
That earned some murmurs of sympathy from the small crowd gathered: familiar faces of friends and colleagues Steve had met in the years after the ice.
Steve cleared his throat and looked down at the card in his hands, with words written in a cursive that hadn't been taught in schools in decades. He’d memorized the contents days ago, but he needed something to do with his hands or he'd end up either standing at parade rest or reaching for a shield that wasn't there.
"The war took a lot from me,” Steve continued. “Even if Rebirth gave me the ability to do what I’d always wanted to, it also made me into something different. Because of the serum, I lost my old life and all my friends—or at least I thought I did."
Steve glanced over his shoulder and Bucky gave a small smirk in encouragement: having Steve's back, like he'd always done.
"I woke up in a place where I had nothing but powers that weren't mine to begin with, thinking I'd missed my chance at a normal life and that being Cap had cost me my humanity," Steve said. Then he smiled, finally looking up to meet the eyes of the man in front of him. “But you've always reminded me of who I really am."
Tony was listening curiously and giving Steve all the time he needed to say his piece, even if he'd teased Steve with 'Jesus, how many cards do you have? I'm blaming you if the guests start snoring' the day before. He was dressed in a three-piece suit that he'd had custom-made, the cut matching Steve's suit and their vests and pocket squares color-coded to create one cohesive unit instead of two separate outfits.
Steve appreciated the symbolism in that.
"Ever since I met you, I've never been just Captain America to you,” Steve told Tony. “Whenever we talked or fought together or, hell, even when we argued—especially when we argued—I was allowed to just be Steve. Even if I didn't get your references, even if I was too stubborn to see things your way, you saw past the shield and treated me like an equal. I’m just a kid from Brooklyn and you're a genius, but you still let me lead the team and came to me for advice even when we didn't get along. Well, a murderbot or two notwithstanding."
Steve smiled and Tony mirrored the action, the corners of his eyes crinkling with lines and wrinkles that had become more pronounced for each year that passed.
"You always said I was too good for a world like this. But coming from one of the most compassionate, generous souls I've ever met, that’s the biggest compliment I could ask for," Steve said. "You're my hero, Tony Stark, and there's no greater honor I can think of than getting to spend the rest of my life with you."
Tony cleared his throat and averted his eyes. "Well, if I didn’t possess even less emotional range than Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible, you can be assured I'd be bawling my eyes out right about now."
The crowd chuckled and Steve could see Nat roll her eyes in the front row.
"I've got my own vows right here, but…" Tony frowned at the cards in his hands. "You know what!" He tossed the cards over his shoulder in a dramatic flourish. "I've always been much better at speeches when I'm improvising. Right, Rhodey-bear?"
Tony glanced at Rhodes by his side, who was looking more like an exasperated parent instead of a best man.
“Twenty years and you still won’t read the goddamn cards,” Rhodes deadpanned, yet didn’t look the least bit surprised.
“I'm living in the moment!" Tony protested.
Steve could distinctly make out strawberry blonde hair in the front row being buried between well-manicured fingers as Pepper, their self-appointed wedding planner, had yet another Tony-related silent meltdown.
Steve would probably end up giving her half of their wedding presents out of guilt. Organizing a superhero wedding was no small feat.
"Anyway, what I wanted to say was…" Tony turned back to face Steve. "That I wake up every day knowing I don't deserve you."
Steve's stomach dropped. "Tony—"
"But!" Tony held up his finger. "You've somehow managed to convince me that maybe, just maybe, I can occasionally be wrong about things."
Someone—who Steve was pretty sure was Clint—gasped theatrically and Tony quickly gestured to the guests. "Now don't get any ideas! I'm still a genius, and everything I've been wrong about is strictly Steve-related."
Steve huffed a quiet chuckle. Tony turned back to face him, a somewhat manic smile on his face as he kept talking.
"From things like 'he doesn't want me on the team', 'he hates the mod I made to his suit', 'he's a self-righteous asshole'...Okay, that one's partly true—"
Bucky snorted behind Steve and Steve shot a betrayed look his way, though wasn't able to hide his own smile.
"—To things like 'he's not into men', 'okay he is but he'd never want me', 'he says he's serious about us but I give it two months, tops', and…"
Tony paused, then looked at Steve: really looked at him, as if he couldn't quite believe that Steve was actually here.
"...And most recently, 'he'd never marry someone like me'," Tony said.
Steve's expression softened, as did Tony's smile and, God, Steve really couldn't think of anything better than getting to be with him for the rest of their lives.
"...We are getting married, right?" Tony gave a lopsided grin. "Because otherwise, uh, awkward," he stage-whispered to Rhodes.
Rhodes sighed. "Barnes, get the rings before he jet repulsors out of here."
As Bucky scrambled for the rings with a muttered curse, Steve couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Even in the middle of their carefully planned wedding ceremony—they'd really hear it from Pepper later—Tony had the ability to change the atmosphere into something much more relaxed with just a few words.
It was one of the first quirks that had gone from 'annoying' to 'endearing' the more Steve got to know him.
The glint of the rings drew Steve back to the present. He accepted the tiny box of satin carrying red and blue and gold from a metal hand and exchanged smiles with Bucky.
Tony's attention was back on Steve and he peered curiously at the rings, like he wasn’t the one who had been poring hours and hours in his workshop into them, all the while teaching smithing to a clueless Steve.
The officiant—who thankfully didn't seem to mind the vows getting derailed—cleared her throat and proceeded with the ceremony.
It wasn't long before Steve had a perfect ring on his finger and was slipping a slightly more clumsily-made one onto Tony's. Tony smiled brighter than the sun and Steve's vision blurred from tears, his cheeks aching from smiling so much.
Once they were declared husband and husband, Tony didn't bother waiting for permission before stepping close to Steve and leaning up for a kiss.
And as their friends cheered and Tony's grinning mouth was meeting Steve's in an eager kiss, Steve couldn't think of anywhere else he would rather be than right here:
Surrounded by laughter and their friends, kissing the man he loved who he now had the privilege of calling his husband.
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Don’t- Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
When yours and Natasha’s relationship fails you find yourself with someone new but will you really stay with them or will the redhead earn your heart back?
For the sake of everything, this is an AU where Tony’s parents died in a plane crash. (Bucky doesn’t kill them.)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Bucky x Reader
Warnings: none
Italics symbolize flashback.
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As you stood looking at yourself in the mirror, everything became so surreal to you. You had never imagined having a huge wedding, let alone having one with James Buchanan Barnes.
Marriage was something you had always wanted but the thought of a wedding didn’t excite you as much. Your father, Tony, would always fantasize about walking you down the aisle and then throwing you and whoever you married a huge party. You wanted to marry someone someday but big gestures were just never your thing. So, having this wedding just didn’t seem like something that was for you, except something to please everyone else.
Your maid of honor, Wanda, stood behind you. Your reflections staring back at the two of you. She smiled, “you look beautiful.” You returned the gesture and breathed out a simple, “thanks.”
Wanda furrowed her brows at your lack of enthusiasm, “what’s wrong?”
You pondered the question, I mean what was wrong? Bucky is a great man, he loves you unconditionally. His love is safe but your mind ponders to a certain red head. The feelings her touch used to arise in you. The way her words would make you feel like the only girl on earth. Her love was different from Bucky’s, it was unpredictable.
You and Natasha had been in a rocky relationship. The former assassin was new to love so when you begged for more she couldn’t seem to give it to you.
Your mind wandered to three years ago. The memories of the night it ended still fresh in your mind as if it happened just yesterday.
Natasha took you to dinner as a way to apologize for not being present as much. You had tried to be affectionate towards her with a simple thing of holding hands but she pushed your hand away.
It really shouldn’t have angered you so much but it did. She didn’t seem to notice and the two of you had a civil meal but the car ride completely changed the mood.
She started to catch on that something was wrong when you started to reply sarcastically and abruptly pushing yourself away from her touches. She decided to ignore it, hoping it would pass but when you two entered the compound, she knew it wasn’t going to blow over.
She tried to grab your hand to pull you into a hug but you pulled away before she could. “Okay, what’s going on? That’s like the fiftieth time you push yourself away from me.”
You chuckled lowly and crossed your arms, “oh! So now you want to hold my hand? It’s convenient to you now?”
She furrowed her eyebrows, “what are you talking about?”
“Oh please Natalia!” The use of her real name took her back a bit, now she knew how angry you really were. “I tried to hold your hand and you pulled away! I try to show my affection for you but you always reject it, so what? I’s only supposed to be when it’s convenient to you, right?”
Natasha ran a hand through her hair, “so you’re so mad at me because I didn’t hold your hand?”
You knew it wasn’t that, you knew it was way more than that. “No. No, I’m so mad because it doesn’t seem like you love me. You pick and choose when to show that you do!”
She sighed, “that’s not true Y/N.”
You scoffed, “yeah, of course it’s true. Who knows, today you at least addressed me as your girlfriend but maybe tomorrow you’ll just call me a roommate.” She went to say something but you cut her off, “oh but in order to be a roommate we actually have to live together!”
“That’s what this is about? Me not wanting to move in together?”
“Yeah, yeah Natasha. So what if it is,” you were angry. Angry that it didn’t seem like she was in it as much as you were. “We have been together for a year and a half Natasha and you have never even said you love me! Which was fine at first, I understood why but now? How long am I supposed to wait?”
“I have tried Y/N! Just because I didn’t want to move in or haven’t said it doesn’t mean I want you any less,” she lowered her head and slumped her shoulders.
The truth was she did want to move in. She did want to say those words to you. She did want to give you commitment but she couldn’t risk giving herself completely to you and losing you. Being with you was a liability, you would be a target to all of her enemies. She couldn’t risk anything happening to you.
But she would never admit that.
You sniffled trying to keep your composure, “no you’re right. You’re right, just because you take me to dinner every once a month, have me sleep in your room, and fuck me I should be so grateful!”
She slammed her hand on the couch, “what more do you want from me! I’m trying my best to be with you the way I know how to!”
“I want more commitment Natasha. I want a stable future with the person that I love!”
“And what if I can’t give you that?” Her jaw was clenched, scared of the words that may leave your mouth.
A few tears made their way down your face, Natasha had to compose everything to not run and hold you. You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath, “then there’s no reason to go on with this.”
Natasha crossed her arms, “fine. Whatever.”
You let out a watery laugh, “wow, so you’re just fine with it? That’s all you have to say!”
She wasn’t fine with it, she wanted to be with you. She needed you but she couldn’t admit that. She couldn’t allow herself to be anything else but the tough, emotionless black widow she was accustomed to being.
“Nice to know this didn’t mean as much as it did to me.” With that, you walked out and slammed the door.
You had thought you wanted something safe and secure but now you couldn’t help but long for unpredictable, long for Natasha Romanoff.
But, you could never go back to that.
You cleared your throat and straightened your posture, “I’m great Wands, everything is just becoming so real.”
Wanda hummed, “well, is there anything you need?”
You licked your lips, “my mouth is really dry, can you bring me some water?”
Wanda nodded and went out the door.
A minute later a knock at the door was heard. You walked towards it and opened it while saying, “wow Wands, did you sprint to get it or some-.”
Your breath was caught in your throat when you saw who was on the other side of it. Your mind grew cloudy while your eyes grew wide and the only thing you could breath out was, “Natasha.”
She was wearing black formal pants and a white button down shirt with a black leather jacket and black boots. She was completely breathtaking.
You met her eyes and they looked red, like she had been crying for hours. Her nose was a slight pink and her cheeks were flushed. She looked broken. The sight made your stomach drop.
She lowly said, “can I come in.”
Her voice brought you back to your senses. You were getting married in less than 30 minutes. You were marrying Bucky Barnes.
“Natasha I don’t think that’s a good-“
She slumped her shoulders, “please.”
You looked into those eyes, those green emerald eyes that you would always get lost in. The ones you could never deny. You dropped your head and opened the door more to allow her to come in. You then closed it with a quiet click.
You turned around to see her looking around the room, almost as if she were studying it. That was another thing you loved about her, she was always so observant of everything around her.
She turned to meet your gaze and the two of you stared into each other’s eyes. Her gaze wandered down to your dress then back up to you. She cleared her throat, “you look beautiful Y/N.”
You smiled and held your hands in front of you, “thank you Nat.”
You two fell into another silence and there was that look in her eye again. The look she had when she would observe you, when she would be planning something. With your time together you grew to learn the different looks she gave and how to read her body language.
After a while you started to grow frustrated, “Nat, what is all this? I know you didn’t come in here just to compliment me on my dress.” The statement came out harsher that you intended but you had a right to be confused and a little angry at her. Right?
She kept a straight face and put her hands in her pockets, “no, no I didn’t.”
Silence. Silence was what you were greeted with again.
You shook your head and crossed your arms, “Natasha this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have let you in here.”
You started to go to open the door for her to leave until she said, “don’t.”
The statement made you stop in your tracks. You turned back to her and furrowed your eyebrows, “what?”
She dropped her shoulders and placed her hands to her sides, “don’t do this. Don’t marry him.”
You dropped your shoulders. You would be lying to yourself if you hadn’t wished for her say that to you. But you wished it would’ve happened that day you told the team about the engagement or any time before now. You hadn’t expected it on your wedding day.
“Natasha please don’t make this harder. Please just leave.”
She took a hesitant step closer to you still keeping a cautious distance. “Do you love him?” The question came out so small, as if she were to say it any louder you would disappear from her again.
You dropped your gaze to the floor, “yes.” That was the truth you did love Bucky but there was something about your feelings towards Natasha that made you confused. It made you question the type of love you had for him.
You could feel her stare down at you, “look me in the eyes and tell me that. I’ll be happy for you. I’ll put everything I feel for you aside if you look me in the eye and say that.”
You mentally cursed yourself for letting her in. For letting her have this much power over you. For letting her make you doubt your love for your fiancé. You used all the power in yourself to look up at her. Before you could form a thought the words came spilling off your tongue, “I can’t. I can’t do that.”
You hadn’t expected to say that. It was like your brain, no your heart, was working before you could even determine what you were saying.
Light filled her eyes and she hesitantly grabbed your hands in hers, “don’t marry him.”
Her touch sent a shock through your body. You wanted to give into her, you wanted this, you needed it. As you were about to answer her a knock at the door brought you back to reality. Natasha sent you a frantic look, you pulled your hands away and walked towards it.
When you opened it, Wanda held out her hand with an unopened water bottle, “here you go. Everything is almost ready for you to walk.”
She tried to walk in, catching a glimpse of the ex- assassin but before she could enter you blocked her, “can you- um- can you just give me a second.”
Wanda was no stranger to what you and Natasha had. She was as surprised as you were with how real everything with Bucky was becoming. She sent you a small smile and nodded her head, “of course. Let me know if you need anything.”
With that you closed the door and turned back to Natasha. This time, it was your turn to study her. You cleared your throat, “this is so unfair.”
She furrowed her brows at you confused at your words. She went to say something but was cut off by you, “it is my wedding day. I am marrying Bucky and you’re here telling me not to and it’s- it’s unfair because I’m not going to lie. I had wished for this. I wanted for you to fight for me but not on my damn wedding day Natasha!”
She could see the frustration. She could see the hurt and she hated it. She hated how she did this to you. She couldn’t stand having you marry him. She was losing you again and she needed to stop it.
She decided to lose her pride and do just that, fight for you. “I love you,” she saw the way your body tensed and breath hitched.
You had always wanted her to say it. You had always wondered how the words would sound. You had always wondered how they would make you feel.
“I love you so much Y/N and I’m sorry. I know I have no right to say this now but I’m so sorry I couldn’t give you what you wanted before. I was so stupid and naive for letting you go and if it were any different I would’ve been the one on one knee, hell I would be the one waiting for you at that alter,” she took a step towards you and held your hands with a bright smile on her face and glossy eyes, “but that’s not you. A wedding is not something you want so this is what I would give you. We would give up the Avenger life just like you always wanted, I would buy an acre of land just like Clint’s. I would build the big two story house with lots of windows just like you sketched out on the night of our 1 year anniversary. We would definitely have a dog and cat so our two kids, Natalie and Pietro would never feel alone. Don’t. Marry. Him.”
By now tears had started to flow on your cheeks and a couple giggles had gone through your throat. Every time you would talk about the future you had wanted, Natasha had never seem to be interested in it nor pay much attention but you were wrong. A silence fell between you causing Nat to lose hope.
She became worried that you would reject her until you said, “can we have a mini farm with lots of chickens?”
Her eyes lit up again, she laughed and said, “anything you want my love.”
You couldn’t contain the smile that erupted on your face. You wrapped your arms around Natasha’s neck causing her to bring your body against her and wrap her arms around your waist. Your faces were inches apart and you whispered, “I’m not marrying him.”
She smirked at you and slowly leaned in to kiss your lips. When you two pulled away, laughter filled the both of you. You placed your forehead against hers and said, “I love you too.”
Natasha smiled and placed a kiss on your nose before pulling away and taking your hand in hers to lead you out of the room. When she opened the door, Wanda was on the other side sending the both of you a knowing look.
She placed her hands to her hips and smirked, “there’s not going to be a wedding huh?”
You and Natasha looked at each other and smiled before turning your glances back to Wanda and shook your heads.
She chuckled and crossed her arms, “and I’m going to be the one to deliver the very awkward news to everyone out there, aren’t I?”
Natasha looked at you once again and you sent her a nod in confirmation. She squeezed your hand and looked back at Wanda, “if you don’t mind, we would greatly appreciate if you did.”
Wanda couldn’t contain the laugh that escaped her throat. She pulled you in a hug, “congratulations but I got to say, I’m not surprised.”
You rolled your eyes and quietly thanked Wanda while laughing. She pulled Natasha in a hug as well. When she pulled back she held onto the sides of Nat’s arms and sent her a glare with her eyes slightly red, “if you hurt her again, I’ll kill you.”
Nat chuckled, “I promise you, I’ll make it my mission to make her happy each and everyday of my life.”
Wanda smiled at the both of you and waved her hand for you guys to leave, “leave before your dad comes in to walk you.”
“Did someone say my name?” A proud Tony made his way towards the three of you. Natasha and you shared a frantic look before turning back to your dad. As he approached, he looked down to see Natasha and you holding hands.
He looked back up to meet your gazes. While painting a finger between the two of you and eyes wide he sent a look of ‘is this really happening?’
You smiled and said, “I’m not marrying Bucky dad. I’m sorry I know how you always wanted me to have a huge wedding but I just- I just can’t live in a life that I don’t want.”
He nodded his head and took you in a hug, “you look beautiful.” When he pulled back you sent him a confused face. He placed a hand on Natasha’s shoulder and sent her a nod of approval. He then checked his watch and said, “better sneak out through the back, a lot of guests are already here.”
With that you both nodded your head and snuck out through the back to walk hand in hand to Natasha’s black Corvette.
Nat held the door open for you before running around to the drivers side. When she got situated in her seat she turned and couldn’t help but stare at you.
When you caught her gaze you smiled and blushed. Yes, this woman could still make you blush like a teenager in high school.
Natasha smirked at you and leaned in to send a quick peck to your lips. She put the car in drive and said, “check the glove compartment.”
You furrowed your brows and did so, you rummaged through it until you saw a black jewelry box. Natasha saw out of her peripheral and said, “open it.”
You quickly glanced at her and opened the box. What was revealed was a ring with a small diamond. It was something simple but so perfect in your eyes.
You looked at Natasha again with a questioning look. She tore her eyes from the road sending you a quick smile then placed her gaze back, “I bought it a week after you announced your engagement. I don’t know what I was thinking when I did but here we are.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “like I said, weddings aren’t your thing. Nor are huge gestures. So, I won’t get on my knee and give you a huge grand proposal instead I’ll give you this. By taking that ring, it shows my commitment and love for you and vice versa. As long as you have it, we are completely committed to each other through anything. So, Y/N Stark will you marry me?”
Tears had started to form and you looked back at the box. You slowly took it out and placed it on your wedding ring finger. You examined how it looked and said, “you really did listen to everything I said.”
Keeping her gaze to the road she smiled, “of course I did. I was just too scared to show you but now I’m not.”
“I’ll marry you,” you said while placing a kiss to her lips. “Also where are we going?”
She snorted and placed her hand on your thigh, “to our newly owned acre of land darling.”
You placed your hand on Natasha’s and squeezed it gently. She really meant everything. This is what you wanted. This is the future you had always wished for.
A future with Natasha Romanoff.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
Hey guys! As you can tell, I am a new writer. I’m open to taking requests about mainly anything and anyone (mainly females) in the MCU. I hope you have enjoyed my stories so far and please don’t be afraid to give me advice on what to improve on! Also, I am currently working on a book called ‘A White Rose’ that will have Natasha as the love interest so please keep a lookout for it!
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Traumatized | Bucky Barnes x reader
Requested by anon / Summary: You get kidnapped and when Bucky finds you, you’re traumatized from being abused the entire time. 
A/N: Hope you like it! xx I started this a while back and finally finished it today. 
Usually I’m all for the bad ass reader, but I’m gonna change it up to a completely terrified/innocent reader. She’s technically not an avenger but is a part of the team working with Bruce and Tony on some high tech inventions.
!! Warning: mention of blood, cuts, torture, ptsd 
Also, I am not into technology at all. So, if there’s some misinformation in there, please just move along and continue reading :)
! Warning: talk of abuse/torture, blood, traumatized reader 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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!! Warning: mention of blood, cuts, torture, ptsd
“Hey has anyone spoke to y/n today?” Bucky enters the shared common space of the Avenger’s tower where Nat, Steve, Wanda, & Vision were, “She said she was going out to grab a coffee and a quick walk around the park, but she’s not back yet and I haven’t heard from her.” 
“She’s probably still at the park.” Wanda answers, moving a chess piece. Her and Vision were currently enticed in a game of chess. 
“You know how she is. She probably found some ducks to feed.” Steve chuckles. 
“yeah, maybe.” Bucky mutters, not completely convinced. You’d left earlier this morning and it was now entering the early afternoon hours. So, you should have been back by now. 
“Where’s Tony and Bruce?” Nat asks, shifting the subject. 
“Working on some new high tech.” Steve shrugs, “I didn’t understand a word after that.” 
“Wasn’t y/n supposed to be working on that with them?” Bucky takes the seat next to Steve at the table. 
Nat furrows her eyebrows, “Yeah.. Maybe she’s down there with them? She probably went straight to work with them after she got back from her walk.” 
Bucky nods, Nat’s probably right, “Yeah she probably did. She was all excited last night talking about the new tech her, Tony and Bruce had been working on. She said it’s almost done.” He finally lets the worry of not talking to you go. You were most likely in the zone with Tony and Bruce and usually the outside world disappeared. 
incoming video chat, Mr. Stark do you accept? F.R.I.D.A.Y asks. 
“I accept.” Tony continues his work with Bruce, not thinking much of it. Probably something to do with Stark Industries, “Yeah try that-” 
“Ah Mr. Stark, it’s been a while.” 
When he turns his attention to large computer screen, he’s met with a man who looks vaguely familiar but can’t picture where he’s seen him. “And who are you?” 
“It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t remember me.” The man sighs and steps back from the camera, showing the full view of the room. You were practically hanging from the ceiling, your hands pulled tightly together above your head and your feet barely touching the concrete floor below you. There were 5 other men standing near you, large guns in their hands and what looked to be masks over their face. 
Tony drops the tool in his hand, “What the hell is this?” 
“Oh now you want to pay attention!” The man comes to your side and a whimper escapes your lips as he holds the gun to your cheek, dragging it along your face and using it to push your hair out of the way, “I knew she would catch your attention.” 
Tony and Bruce exchange a look, “You realize you’ve just kidnapped someone very close to the Avenger’s and that means it isn’t going to end well for you,” He rounds the table to get a closer look at the screen, “So why would you be so stupid to kidnap her?” 
“Because she got what I didn’t.” He yanks your neck back by your hair, causing you to yelp.
“Who? Bucky? I don’t think he is into men.” He sarcastically replies. Deep down he’s actually very worried for your safety but choosing to be sarcastic in a time of danger is a way he copes. 
“Not Bucky.” The man seethes, “She got that position with you at the Avenger’s Tower. You three are working on something very high tech and I want it. I deserve it! And I’m going to get it.” 
“Then you probably should have tried to walk into the Avenger’s tower to take it. Not kidnapped one of our assistants!” 
“Oh I plan to get it out of her.” He taps your head with the gun, “She knows everything, everything about the tech you’re working on and she’s going to tell me. Even if I have to torture it out of her.” He smirks. 
You try to speak to beg tony, to beg someone to save you from this, “Tony please-” You were terrified. You weren’t trained to take torture and you knew this wasn’t going to end well for anyone, especially you. You were only an assistant to Bruce and Tony and Bucky’s girl, but you knew things about the avenger’s and about all the tech Bruce and Tony were working on. You could be the person to bring down the Avenger’s and the man knew that. He knew exactly which person would get him what he wanted. 
He ended the video chat. F.R.I.D.A.Y informs.
"Where’s the location of the video coming from?” Tony asks F.R.I.D.A.Y and Bruce who had been trying to pinpoint the location as well. 
There’s no clear location. 
“It’s bouncing off different wifi connections, there is no one location.” Bruce looks to Tony, “We’re blind. We have no idea where they have her.” 
Tony calls the team in for a meeting, calmly. He doesn’t want to panic them, especially Bucky because his judgment will be clouded by his love and attachment to you. He probably would destroy the city trying to find you. 
“What’s this about Tony?” Steve asks as the avengers fall into the room and settle in their seats. 
Tony clears his throat, “We have a problem.” 
As Bucky looked around the room there was one person missing, you. “Where’s y/n? I thought she was working with you two.” 
“That’s what I’ve called this meeting about.” Tony turns on the screen and there is a screenshot from the video chat of you and the men. 
“Oh my god.” Wanda gasps. 
“Is that-” Nat asks. 
Bucky swallows the lump forming in his throat, “Y/n.” 
“We received a video chat from this man here earlier. It’s unclear what the hell he even wants,” Bruce begins, “First it was anger for y/n getting the position he didn’t, then it was wanting the high tech we were working on. Y/n is close to the Avenger’s and she knows a lot of things; important information that could be used to bring all of us down. She also knows all information on that new high tech device we were working on. He’s planning to use her to get what he wants.” 
“She’s not.. She’s only a civilian.” Wanda says, “She’s not trained to hide information. To endure that kind of torture.” 
“Which is why we have to find her asap.” Tony says, glancing at Bucky. 
Bucky clinched his hands in anger. He knew how torture worked and to think of you in that position... “You mean you two don’t know where he has her?” 
“We have no idea.” Tony nods, “The man was good. He’s using different wifi signals which means there’s no pinpointing one location.” 
“We’re looking for her blind.” Bruce says.
Another video request, Mr. Stark. 
“Accept it, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony turns to the screen to see the same man, but this time you’re in worse shape. Your clothes are dirty and torn; your shirt wasn’t covering anything; There was blood dripping down your cheek. 
“Ah all the avenger’s are here this time! What a treat.” The man smiles, “Including Bucky. Aww.. if you should know your little girlfriend here has been begging for you.” 
Bucky stands quickly, the chair screeching along the floor, “I’ll kill you. Don’t you fucking touch her!” He gets closer to the screen. 
“Oh we already have.” he chuckles, glancing at you, “You want to see your little boyfriend? He seems very worried.” Pulling the video closer, you can see the avenger’s staring back. 
“Bucky.” You whimper, “Please..” 
“Shh.. doll it’s okay. We’re going to get you out of there, okay? Just stay strong for me.” His heart breaks to see you like this and there’s absolutely nothing he can do, “I love you, y/n.” 
The video pans back to the man, “how adorable. Not!” He chuckles, “I just wanted to show you what she looks like one more time. Once we’re done with her, she won’t look the same.” He smooths out your hair, “This girl here is very tough but she’s given us some valuable information.” He sighs, “But it’s just not enough yet,” His hand grips your hair and yanks your head back earning a yelp of pain from you. And with that he ended the call once more. 
It took Steve, Nat, Sam, and Tony to hold Bucky back from leaving the room. He didn’t know where he would be heading, but that didn’t matter. He was going to tear the city apart to find them, to find you. 
“Let me go!” Bucky thrashes against Steve’s tight grip. 
“Buck, we have to be smart about this!” Steve reasons, “We don’t know where she is!” 
A screenshot from the video is put on the screen, “This is the only thing I could capture.” It’s blurry and you can only see half of the symbol but all the Avenger’s recognize it, especially Bucky. 
Bucky calms as he stares at half of the symbol, “That’s.. That’s an old HYDRA base.” It was one step closer to finding you. 
“Do we know which one?” Wanda asks. She was on standby near Bucky in case they couldn’t contain him. 
“Shield took care of all the bases.” Tony says, “Or at least they thought they did. However, it was hard to determine if the ones destroyed were the only ones.”
Bucky’s gears are shifting as he tries to remember his time at Hydra. He tries to think of anything that could have been said to give off some kind of clue. “It had never been used but there was talk about a base on an island north of Russia. It was a backup in case HYRDA was compromised.” 
“That has to be where they are keeping her.” Nat speaks up from beside Steve, “Where else would there be a HYDRA symbol on a wall? Unless someone painted it but..” 
“It’s worth checking out.” Sam says, “There are only a handful of islands north of russia that a HYRDA base could be built.” 
The last island the avengers check turns out to be the correct one. Using Stark tech, they find out there is 10 guys inside and then another body in a room that they assume is you. They find a place to land the quinjet without the men noticing. 
“We can’t go in there guns blazing.” Sam grabs Bucky’s arm as he’s about to storm out of the quinjet. 
“Sam’s right.” Nat says, “We have the element of surprise and we need to use that to our advantage so that y/n doesn’t end up getting killed in the crossfire.” 
Bucky knows they’re right, but you’re right there in that building. He sighs and nods, “What’s the plan?” 
The plan goes right and within minutes the men are taken out. Bucky was the one to kill the leader for what he’d done to you. Bucky takes off toward the room and when he enters, you’re curled in a ball on the bed.
You look up at your eyes go wide, pushing yourself back against the wall to put as much distance between you and Bucky. You couldn’t even recognize your Bucky. “Please.. please no more.” You whimper, “I’ve told you everything!” 
“It’s me... it’s bucky.” He takes another step closer to you, but it results in a scream from you.
“Please! I can’t take anymore.. I can’t!” You sob with a shake of your head. Your whole body starts to shake with fright. You couldn’t take anymore torture, anymore pain. You were passed your breaking point and you’d already came clean about everything, but that didn’t stop the torture. 
It’s like you don’t even recognize him and his shoulders slump with defeat, “Y/n.. please..” He starts toward you once more and that’s when Nat grabs his shoulder, “she doesn’t recognize you.” She motions to Wanda who uses her power to practically put you to sleep in a calming state. 
It’s then that Bucky can see the damage they did to you. Blood, cuts and bruises all over your body. You’re filthy with dirt and your hair is a mess. You’re only in a ripped t shirt and undergarments. He’s gentle as he picks up your body. 
“She’s asleep.. she can’t feel anything.” Wanda tells Bucky after seeing his careful hands.
“She’s.. covered in these marks..” He holds you against his chest and Nat takes another look at you, “Electric shock. They electrocuted her.” 
He follows behind the rest of the avengers toward the quinjet. He kisses your head, “You’re safe now, doll... I’m here.” 
It had been almost a month and you hadn’t spoken a word. You wouldn’t speak to anyone, not even Bucky. The doctor’s informed the avengers you’d been traumatized and that it might take you a while to get comfortable again and that it was best to give you time. You’d gone through a lot and you needed time. 
But it was hurting Bucky not to be able to hold you, to comfort or kiss you during this horrible time. He wanted to be there for you, but the closest he could get is watching you through the window on the door. You would start start screaming when anyone from the Avenger’s team came in. Recently you let Nat inside without screaming, but you didn’t say a word to her. 
He could hear your screams from the nightmares and it pained him not be able to hold you in his arms. It was something you did with him when the nightmares would return in the night and you were the only thing that could calm him. He just wanted to be that for you. 
However, one night he couldn’t help himself. You just continued to scream and cry out like you were in pain and he decided that was it. He needed to see if you were okay. He needed to be there for you.
He ran into your room to find you thrashing around in your bed having a nightmare. He rounded the bed to your side, “hey hey, it’s okay.” He shook you awake and your wide eyes met his. “It’s okay...” He waited for the screams to start once you saw him, but they didn’t come. Maybe this was a good sign. He started to back up toward the door in case this turned bad with you. He didn’t want to push it with you. 
Your eyes filled with tears and you didn’t move. The two of you stared at each other for the longest before you spoke the first words in a month, “Don’t go.” 
Relief flooded Bucky’s body and he had to hold back tears, “I’m not going anywhere, doll.” 
You made yourself comfortable in bed once more, turning on your side. Bucky didn’t want to push his luck and decided the chair by your bed would be a good place for him. 
You made sure he wasn’t going anywhere and then let your eyes close. He stayed there in that uncomfortable chair the rest of the night while you slept. You didn’t have another nightmare that night. It was like your mind knew you were safe and you could finally let yourself go. You were safe and he wasn’t going to let anything happen to you again and when you finally realized that, you let Bucky back in. 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
Marvel tag list: @hommoturttle​ , @iheartsebastianstan , @5jacobm5 , @lovely-geek , @fangirl-swagg , @1-800-thanos , @jessyballet , @katiaw2 , @yaskna , @dpaccione​
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oreosmilkshakes · 3 years
Not All Roses have Thorns
Summary: The Winter Soldier meets the local florist. What could go wrong?
Pairing: Female Reader x FATWS!Bucky Barnes
Word count: 1.6K
Warnings: None, just pure fluff
A/N: Well, this is my new fanfic blog after a big revamp. This is my first fanfic too! Do comment on how it is! Beta’d by the amazing @thebestdecoder
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“Thank you, Mrs. Zhang. And don’t forget to water those orchids every once a week!” Y/N smiled kindly at the elderly woman, waving at her as she left your store. Another ordinary day for Brooklyn’s sweetest florist. Y/N hummed to herself and picked up a water spray, tending to the yellow Begonia situated in front of the large display window of her little store.
Y/N loved everything about her store. The arrangement of flowers indicated how passionate she was in caring for them and each morning, the perfect amount of sunlight would shine down on the row of flowers. It always made Y/N smile, the morning glow never failed to lift Y/N’s morning blues. She continued humming to herself, in her own little world until the familiar bunch of bells chimed. Y/N was too deep into her little world to realize she had a customer. She swayed to the tune, moving on to the Carnations.
Bucky Barnes didn't think he would ever need to step into a flower shop, ever, but here he was, searching for a bouquet for his newest date. This was his first successful online date, and he was not going to mess it up by arriving empty-handed, especially after Yori commented about 'upping his game'. Bucky didn't even know why he bothered going on dates like this. They usually end after one date, which didn't surprise Bucky. The man was practically an awkward mess, but despite all that, he still has his charms. Bucky's eyes fell on the swaying figure, amusement grew in his chest. He cleared his throat, attempting to catch Y/N's attention.
And it worked.
Y/N jumped in shock from the noise behind her, turning around. Cerulean eyes met with chocolate ones. Y/N mentally smacked herself for not noticing she had a customer earlier. "Good morning! I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in. I was…," Y/N laughed nervously, gesturing to her flowers with red cheeks. Bucky kindly waved her off. "It's alright. I saw you were busy and chose to wait," He approached the Tulips arrangements. "These are beautiful," Bucky murmured, leaning in to closely examine the flowers.
Meanwhile, Y/N was drooling over her new customer. He was tall, his hair was short and stubble covered his sharp jaw. Holy Daffodils, who is this man? Her eyes fell onto his gloved hands. It was spring and Y/N was sure gloves weren't used during this time of the season but oh well, she wasn't the one to judge. "Oh, those are Red Tulips. I arranged them myself," Y/N smiled to herself, setting down the water spray, and approached Bucky. The closer she got to the Adonis, the more she realized how attractive the man is. Y/N forced herself to snap out of her little imagination and cleared her throat.
"Did you know Tulips symbolize love and the arrival of spring?"
Bucky hummed, turning to face Y/N with a small smile. "Is that so? I'll take a bouquet," Y/N smiled her brightest smile. "Of course, mister. Let me get them for you!"
Bucky has never met a woman this cheery about flowers before, especially one that was adorable as Y/N. His eyes fixated on her figure as Y/N got to work on the bouquet.
For once, Bucky feels peace among the flowers and the beautiful florist. He approached the Sunflowers, leaning down to take a whiff of it. He glanced over his shoulder, watching Y/N work.
"I'm Bucky," He blurted. Y/N turned to Bucky with a smile. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you. Here, I'm almost done with your bouquet," Y/N gathered the Tulips and brought them over to wrap them up into a bouquet. "So... If you don't mind me asking... Who's the lucky lady?" Y/N looked up at Bucky. Bucky slipped his hands into his jean pockets, walking over to the florist. "Just some date I found online. A friend advised me to 'up my game'," Y/N laughed at Bucky's words. "Is that so?" Bucky hummed in response, leaning a hip against the counter.
"One final touch and… Done!" Y/N tied the ribbon around the stem of the bouquet before handing it over to Bucky. "That'll be $40 but for you, 25,"
"Y/N, you know I can't do that," Bucky placed a full payment and made his way to the entrance. Y/N's heart fluttered at Bucky's gesture, her cheeks growing red once again.
"Thank you, Bucky. I hope your date goes well,"
Bucky turned, eyes meeting with Y/N's. "I hope so too, doll,"
Since that fateful day, Y/N has never stopped thinking about the tall hunk of meat that stepped into her little flower shop. She wondered every day what he was up to and hoped that each chime of the bell hanging from the door, it was him that entered her little shop. However, none of them were him and Y/N grew a little sadder each day.
It was a day like any other. Y/N was seated behind the counter, chin resting on her palm with her glasses on her nose and book in her free hand. The familiar chime of the bell pulled Y/N's attention away from her book to the door.
"Welc-Bucky?" Y/N could have sworn her heart skipped a beat at the sight of the handsome man. It had been a week since he bought a bouquet from her. Y/N wondered how his date went.
Bucky's lips spread into a grin. "Hey, Y/N. How's it going?" Y/N inhaled deeply. "Good! I've been good! Keeping my flowers company and all that. How was your date?"
Now it was Bucky's turn to inhale. "It went alright. She loved the flowers, by the way, so thank you. But she said it was going to be a one-time thing," Bucky shrugged, approaching the cashier and leaned on it.
Y/N looked at the Super Soldier with a pitiful expression. "I'm sorry, Bucky. But hey! I'm glad she enjoyed the flowers at least," She chuckled softly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Y/N's eyes drifted away but when it met with Bucky's again, she immediately took notice that he was staring at her.
Bucky cleared his throat, looking away. Damn, he got caught staring.
"So, how-," The Super Soldier got cut off by the bell. Y/N perked up, greeting her customers with a smile. "I'm sorry, Bucky, I have to attend to them,"
"No problem, doll. I gotta go," Bucky smiled, waving to Y/N once before leaving.
Y/N was a little disappointed Bucky didn't stay but he seemed like a busy man anyway.
Ever since Bucky's second visit, the man never stopped coming back every day to have a chat with Y/N. Of course, Bucky couldn't exactly tell Y/N a lot about him considering his dark past. He didn't need to tell. Y/N's curious nature got the best of her.
On Bucky's fifth visit to the flower shop, Y/N finally decided to ask the big question. "Bucky, what's with the gloves? Why do you wear them each time? It's Spring, you know?" Y/N laughed slightly. Bucky tensed a little from the question. He could lie about it like how he does each time but Bucky trusted Y/N. He liked her.
Bucky sighed softly and moved to say something when Y/N cut him off, moving to stand in front of the man.
"Oh, you don't have to tell me.."
"No, no. I'll tell you," Bucky pinched his left glove and pulled it out.
Y/N's eyes widened in shock, jaws slacked. The metal shone brightly under the afternoon sun.
"Bucky..," Y/N reached forward, taking his Vibranium hand in hers. The metal was cool against Y/N's fingers.
"What happened?"
Bucky hesitated a little but eventually spilled what happened to his arm and of course, leaving out the time when he's all Winter Soldier.
Turns out, Y/N found out Bucky was one of them superheros. The big smile never left her lips as she moved to hug the Super Soldier. "Thank you for telling me..," Y/N's arms tightened around Bucky's neck in the tight hug. Bucky leaned into the hug, his hands held Y/N's waist in a soft grip. Now that the cat was out of the bag, Bucky decided that his next course of action would be appropriate.
The Super Soldier pulled away slightly from the hug. "Doll, I was wondering if you'd like to have some coffee with me,"
Y/N blushed, looking up at the clock on the wall. "Well, I'd love that, Bucky. In fact, lunch is right now," Y/N pulled away from the hug, removing her apron, and grabbed her keys and jacket.
As soon as Y/N stepped out that door with Bucky, both knew that this was the start of something beautiful. Bucky had found his anchor of peace in the form of the local florist.
Sam peered over Bucky's shoulder, reading the texts Bucky was sending quickly to this 'Y/N'.
"Damn, Bucky. I didn't know you had it in you,"
Bucky sighed, turning his phone off and turned to Sam.
"Who is she?" Sam crossed his arms, a smirk on his lips.
"My girlfriend, okay? Now, focus on the mission,"
Sam laughed lightly and Bucky knew he'd never hear the end of this.
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Hue and Cry IX
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), mild violence, male-iinduced anxiety
This is dark!medieval!Bucky Barnes x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: The first day of the tournament arrives.
Note: My pupper had surgery yesterday and it was my longer day of work for the week so lots going on. Also had some bad Chinese but managed to get this out before it came back up. Feel better now and I'll have a shorter day today.
Thanks to everyone and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Lord Barnes’ mood did not improve in the days leading up to the first of the tournament. It grew colder in the capital and many feared the events would be cut short by an early winter. You didn’t care much either way. You had no interest in the sport or much of anything. You just abided the duke and in those times he left you alone, you laid in a void.
His want of you didn’t wane nor did your despair or the disgust you felt when he touched you. It was one thing to be a servant, to be a tool, a means to an end, but what he used you for now seemed little more than torture. He delighted in what he did, in how he made you suffer. Those times you remained unmoving and unfeeling angered him the most.
You dressed in yellow that morning. The horns announced the beginning of the tournament as you made your way to the stand amid the sea of guests. The wives, daughters, sons, mothers and fathers of those who would compete. You were out of place as you climbed the wooden steps between the benches and a green sleeve shot up to wave to you.
“Dearie!” May brushed past her husband to stop you at the end of their seat, “here, with us,” she insisted, “we did save you a place.”
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” you said quietly. You hadn’t seen her or her family since the night of the feast. Since Barnes had…
“I can’t have you sitting alone,” she trilled as she pulled you along with her and sat beside Lord Benjamin who bowed his head and issued a gentle greeting. “And I always longed for a daughter, you know? Peter’s a good boy but so troublesome. I did try to persuade him not to enter the lists but he just never stops.”
“The boy’s old enough,” Benjamin said, “when I was his age--”
“You married me,” May cut in, “a foolish decision indeed. He is on the roster for today. Sparring. I fear he might not make it past the early rounds but so long as he is not hurt.”
You nodded and covered your hands in your sleeves. Even with the fur-trimmed cloak Barnes allotted you, it was crisp. Your matching cap barely kept the cool air from your cheeks. Your leg shook from more than the cold as you recalled that Barnes was set to compete with the sword as well.
“A fine cape,” May commented as she touched the edge of your cloak, “with sleeves even.”
You looked down at the fawn-coloured garment that only allowed a peek of the canary yellow beneath. You fidgeted and kept your eyes on the field, “a gift,” you lied, well, maybe it wasn’t a lie, or maybe you’d bought it in sweat and tears.
Another horn blew and she quieted and clapped as all looked to the center of the arena. The wooden stands were hung in all shades of silk, the banners of each house, high and low, covered the rafters. By the end of the day, only one would remain. Lord Barnes’ blue and ivory flapped opposite your side and Benjamin pointed out his family's slender red and black crest amidst the panoply.
You were thankful for the distraction, not for you but for them. You didn’t know how many lies you could conjure or if you could keep the false smile on your lips. You clamped your hands together and watched a man in gold stroll out to the centre of the stadium with a cone to project his voice. You stood with May and Benjamin and the rest of the onlookers
“Fine ladies and gentlemen, princes, paupers, and everything in between, we welcome you in name of King Samuel to the Games of Goblets. For each competition, the victor is to be prized a goblet to bear as a symbol of his prestige. For the ax-throwing, bronze inlaid with amber, for the bow-and-arrow, silver set with citrine, for the melee, gold set with sapphire, and for the joust, a fine piece in gold set with opal and ruby.”
The crowd applauded and shouted. The man waited for them to quiet again, “This day, we begin with the melee, on the morrow, the axe, the next day, the arrow, and on the final day, we ride!”
Again, the audience grew rowdy and you were deafened by the cheers. The man laughed at the excitement and held up his hand for a final lull.
“Without further delay, let us begin. In our first round, the lower lords and the untested, before the second where they shall meet our season veterans, and so on…” he gauged the fervent tension of the people, “you will see me again upon the finale and perhaps you will be surprised by whoever stands with me.”
Again, the stand quaked with the energy of the people. You would have liked to sit but you stayed on your feet, afraid to draw unwanted attention. The first pair was announced but you didn’t watch. You stared at the sky or a rippling banner but had no interest in the games.
You only stopped to look as Peter’s name was called out and May grabbed your arm. She squealed as her nephew came out decked in his used armor, beaten out from its former user’s wear, and he unsheathed his sword to face his opponent. When the handkerchief was dropped, you were as stunned as his fellow competitor and the crowd by his swiftness. You’d never seen anyone move so fast, and in at least twenty pounds of armor.
The crowd awoke from their awe and cheered as his sword beat against the other man’s suit with tinks and tunks. It was like a bell, ding, ding, ding. It wasn’t until the other man was on his knees that the spar was ceased. Peter was declared the plain winner and sent on to wait for his next engagement. May wiped away tears of joy and Benjamin grumbled his approval.
You smiled, just a little. You were happy for Peter. You’d seen how joyful he was, he was likely dancing behind the curtain right now.
It wasn’t until the second round that Lord Barnes was introduced. He walked out fully armoured like any other combatant but his left arm was permanently bent, a shield strapped to it as he gripped his pommel in his right hand. He showed his steel and faced his match. He dealt hard and heavy blows until his opponent was on his back.
You shuddered at his unboasting victory as he wasn’t even patient enough to hear himself declared the winner. You touched your cold cheeks and puffed into the bitter air. The bodies around you warmed the stands but you were chilled to the core.
Peter appeared again in the second, then the third, fourth, and to his aunt and uncle’s delight, he soldiered onto the final. To your fear, he was to meet Lord Barnes. You tried not to squirm, not to show how nervous you were for Peter. You thought of running down and begging him to withdraw but what could you say? If anything, you’d both be worse for it.
As the last two banners were presented to the crowd, you sensed movement to your right. A familiar head of blond hair approached and the tall duke pushed past the row of people along the bench. Lord Rogers smirked as he came close, his sweaty hair drooping down his forehead from his last bout, the one he’d lost to his closest friend.
“Ah, I found you,” he said, “lady.”
You felt May peek past you and you gave a meek “my lord” as he stood close. He looked around you at the older couple.
“You have friends,” he stated, “please, do introduce us.”
You looked down and chewed your lip. You turned slowly to May and Benjamin, the latter peering past her only as he was torn from his fixation on the field.
“Lord Benjamin and Lady May Parker, baron and baroness,” you rubbed your hands together nervously, “Lord Steven Rogers, duke of Astrens.”
“Oh, we’ve heard of him,” May chirped, “my lord, it is an honour.”
“Indeed,” Benjamin agreed, “my lady, you did not inform of us of your lofty friends.”
“She is modest,” Rogers intoned, “we met by chance, really, through a common acquaintance.”
“You were skillful on the field, it is a pity you were bested,” May said.
“Very pitiful, I did put some gold on you, Lord Rogers,” Benjamin added, “alas it was a fine showing.”
“Wasn’t it?” he turned to stand with his arm pressed to yours, much too close for your liking, “however this one should be intriguing.”
“It’s our boy,” Benjamin said, “and your friend, my lord.”
“Perhaps you’d take another bet?” Rogers countered.
“I’ve lost enough this day,” Benjamin snorted, “I’d rather watch and be pleasantly surprised than paupered.”
“Prudence is wise but always so boring,” Rogers mused.
As the lower of the lords, Parker was announced first and you were saved from more uncomfortable banter by the man in grey. Rogers nudged you and bent as the introductions went long as the man with cone went into detail about the day’s fights all the way to the present match.
“I did look fine out there, didn’t I?” he whispered, “good form, even if I did lose. Barnes is in a mood and we both know that makes him… unpredictable.”
You lowered your head, “my lord.”
“You are quiet since last we met,” he remarked, “perhaps your thoughts linger on how else to use your mouth?”
You squirmed and stared at the competitors as they awaited their signal. Rogers laughed and stood straight as he focused on the field in kind. He played with your sleeve and tugged your arm down. He caressed the back of your hand and stepped even closer.
“When he wins, he might just be cheerful enough to share in his celebrations, hmm?” he said under his breath.
The gold cloth was dropped and the two men circled each other, eyeing their opponent cautiously. Barnes was the first to act but was evaded by the younger man. He didn’t not falter however as he swung again. Peter rolled under the strike and met it with his own steel, batting it away so that it nearly struck its holder.
Barnes dodged that time, then the boy spun again. They danced around each other, both swift, both calculating, both determined. Steel met steel but never that which clothed the fighters. May grabbed your other wrist as she held her breath.
Barnes laid a hit across Peter’s chestplate that made him stagger but he turned it into another lithe evasion. He snaked around the higher lord and hammered his false arm. The shield cracked in half and Peter ducked again.
Barnes was angry as he stabbed out. His blade was shoved away again and Peter jumped over the foot that tried to trip him up, a true achievement in armor.
You realised as Barnes laid a flurry of blows at the air that he was angry. The crowd silenced as the realisation fell over them and they watched as time seemed to slow. The duke was losing and he was enraged.
Peter jabbed the other man’s chest plated with his sword then hit his true arm. The sword bobbled in Barnes’ grip but he regained his hold on it. Too slow as Parker struck over and over, throwing him off balance, and sweeping him off his feet with a low lunge.
As Barnes clattered onto his back, the breath went out of him and every other person in the stadium. The man in grey shook away his shock and finally stepped forward.
“Our victor!” he grabbed Peter’s arm and raised it, “the Lord Parker!”
May hopped up and down and hugged her husband. Steve tutted and shook his head. Your eyes clung to Barnes as he sat up, forgotten in the dirt. His left arm was stuck at an angle away from his body and he reached up to force it back down.
Peter offered him his hand and was ignored. Barnes sheathed his sword and offered a curt bow before he exited. Rogers’ hand crawled up your arm and he gripped you. “Well, looks like we both will suffer his loss.”
For once, he spoke the truth.
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Tech problems (bucky x reader)
Summary: bucky doesn’t know how to work the TV, his new phone, anything. After getting made fun if he wants to quit but the reader helps him out.
Pairing: bucky barns x reader
Warning: mentions of death near the end, but it’s mostly fluff
Bucky stood at the counter in the kitchen, full weight leaning on the concrete slab that most people ate off of. His eyebrows were basically touching as he fiddled with his phone that Tony just gave him, he just couldn’t figure it out for the life of him.
“Hey, old guy!” Tony walked in, “whatcha doing?” He walked over and peered over Bucky’s shoulder.
“Trying to…” his brain wasn’t focused on completing the sentence, more on creating an e-mail.
“I see,” Tony snatched the phone from Bucky’s hands and turned his back to him, Bucky tried to see what he was doing but Tony kept walking around. A little bit of anger grew inside him because Tony seemed just fine at working with tech- everyone did.
Steve had walked in, “Tony, what are you doing?” His voice was tired and annoyed, he already knew what was happening simply from the way Bucky looked longingly at Steve. “Tony-“
“Ah-ta-ta, let me help him.” Tony smirked, his voice dripping in sarcasm. “I’m doing it all for him, aaaand- done!” He turned and slapped the phone in the table, it looked like everyone else’s.
“What did you do to it?” Bucky asked, his anger coming through in his tone.
“Nothing, tin man- old man- silver hair, just nothing.” He seemed like he was telling the truth, “i just did it so you wouldn’t keep annoying me and asking so many god damn questions, jeez.” Tony scoffed and walked away, Bucky didn’t pick up the phone, rather stare at it.
“How stupid am I?” Bucky asked, “really, like you got this figured out in less than a week, Tony told me when I asked for the Bluetooth password.”
“Wifi.” Steve corrected.
“What?” Bucky looked over, “same thing, who cares…” Bucky waved him off, his head snapped up at Steve suppressing a laugh, his stomach sank, “what?” His voice light and almost a whisper.
“It’s not the same thing, very much not the same thing.” He laughed, Bucky sighed, he’d had enough of this. Bucky picked up the phone and walked down the hall, “oh, come on! I’m having fun with you!” Steve laughed.
You wiped the sweat from your forehead, training with Nat had just ended and you were heading back to your shared room with Bucky. As you walked past the kitchen you saw Steve looking at nothing, he hand kept his head up.
“Why the long face?” You panted, still needing to catch your breath.
“I made fun of Bucky, he’s mad now.” His mouth barley moved, the sentence was muffled.
“About what?” You asked softly but you were still mad, he made fun of your boyfriend.
“Him not knowing how to use tech,” Steve looked up and saw your jaw drop, “what?”
“Literally last night he was so upset because he called me when I was training and he used the emergency signal, so I came running to our room and he had no idea.” You looked towards the bedrooms, “he was so upset with himself that he made me scared, he was all in his head. I need to go check up on him,” you sighed and turned to go to your room; that hot shower had to wait.
Once you made it to your room you softly knocked on the door, “Bucky?” You called, when you heard a hum you opened the door a jar, seeing him slumped over with his phone in his hands. “Hey, babe.” He seemed to break out of his thoughts when you placed a hand on his back.
“Hi, doll face.” He tried to smile, “how’s training?” He looked over to you as you sat beside him.
“Very long and very tiring,” you chuckled, you knew if you asked how he was doing he might get mad or breakdown, “Steve told me what happened, he seemed sad when I was in the kitchen.” Your hand started to rub his upper back, making sure you didn’t hit any scars through the shirt. “You wanna talk about it?” His phone was still on the home page, all the apps were downloaded but you knew he didn’t do that himself.
“I don’t know anything,” he sighed, “i don’t know how to work my phone, the microwave, the TV…I don’t know how to use the system thing in here properly, I can barley understand cars these days, that’s why I use the motorcycle because they didn’t change much but-… y/n, everyone thinks it so funny, the old guy who doesn’t know jack shit about tech.” He slumped forward.
“I don’t think it’s funny,” you moved up to the back of his neck, knowing he likes when you get under into his scalp.
“You’re different.” He stated.
“How so?”
“Because you’ve never been mean to anyone, you’re this shining star, you’re a light and you’re never mean.” His eyes left his phone and he looked at your leg, not wanting to make eye contact after saying that.
Your heart melted, his lips turned up at the quickly kiss to his cheek. He looked over and kissed you back, your hands wrapped around his neck and his pulled your waist in. After pulling away your foreheads rested on one another’s.
“Let me teach you, yeah?” You whispered, “no jokes. No funny business. As long as you need, I’ll go through it all.” You leaned back and waiting for his response.
“I don’t wanna make you go through-“
“Nope. Final rule, no self-doubt.” You smiled, his lip pouted out and he tried to cover his face and blush.
“Okay,” he nodded, “teach me.”
“Not right now,” you laughed, Bucky quirked a brow, “I’m tired and sweaty and I feel gross, also, I would like some cuddles.” You stood and grabbed your towel and a change of comfy clothes, “tomorrow.”
It was the next day, Bucky sat on the bed as you walked around the TV in your shared room, deep down he wanted to take some notes but he knew if anyone found them, he’d never hear the end of it.
“So let’s start basic,” you stood in front of the blank TV, “let’s say you’ve lost he remote, this is how you control it. Right here,” you pointed to the circle with a line through the top symbol, “that is the universal signal for on and off, look for that. Then, once you’ve pressed it here is the little notches for the volume and then the channel notches.” You pointed as you went along the bottom of the screen.
“Sounds easy,” Bucky muttered more to himself.
“But we have a remote, here, same little symbol, on and off. There, that’s the volume, and the big circle can help navigate up and down, side to side.” You showed him up close, “lots of these buttons will never be used, so I won’t really go through them.” You waved it off. “Okay, test number one, turn of the tv.” You passed the remote.
“Okay…” bucky clicked the button with the symbol he now knew and the screen lit up, some random cartoon played, “yes!” He shit up and jumped, quickly catching himself he sat back down.
“Can you change the channel for me?” You asked, a smirk on your face from his reaction before, he clicked the channel button and it went to the news. “And turn it up, please.”
“Easy,” he smiled and clicked, no sound came out. “What?” He clicked again and the sound came back, but not louder.
“You hit the mute button, use the long button here,” you pointed, he clicked up and it went up one level, after catching on and holding it the volume kept going up, “Bucky-“ you tried to warn but the volume cut out completely.
“Shit.” He stood up, Bucky fiddled with the notches on the actual TV but nothing happened. “What did I do?” His face i genuine terror, “did I break it, oh god, Tony’s gonna get some mad.”
“You blew out the speakers,” after observing the smoke coming out from the side of the TV that was the only possible answer.
“I knew i’d mess it up, I get so cocky, I really thought I had it.” He paced around, tugging his hair.
“Don’t worry, it’ll all be fine,” you calmed him and sat him in the bed, “it’s hard at first but it will only get easier.” You smiled before pulling him into a hug, you could feel his sigh of defeat as he hugged back.
You both headed out to the kitchen, Bucky still in a mood from breaking the TV a couple minutes ago. You both had some coffee, yours with a little milk.
“Hello, lovebirds.” Tony walked in, Bucky looked right at his feet and tried not to look awkward. “What’s up with cyborg over here?” Tony giggled.
“Nothing,” you dipped your coffee, Bucky just nodded along.
“I got a notification that the speakers in your room were blown out,” Tony teased, Bucky stiffened and inches closer to you, “what happened?”
Bucky looked up, his mouth open and about to talk. You gently placed a hand on his chest and looked him in the eye, a way of saying ‘I got this’.
“I sat in the remote, turns out my ass poked it right at the volume and I couldn’t figure it out in time.” You laughed, Bucky looked at you crazy before forcing one out.
Tony hunched over, “I can picture that, oh wow- I wish I was there!” He cackled before turning away and walking down the hall, “it’ll be fixed by tomorrow!” He called over his shoulder.
It was lonely without you, it was very rare you’d go in missions without Bucky but also rare you’d go alone. It was a simple infiltrate, you were more on the espionage rather than Captain America side of powers. 
Bucky had tired to talk to Steve about letting someone go with you, this mission would involve zero contact with the base. But no one listened, it was always going to be you.
It had been a month, three quarters done with the they needed. The tech lesions had to be halted, you weren’t there to teach and Bucky refused to let anyone tell him anything about the tech in his room.
“If only you could see me, babe…” he whispered as he worked the TV, that was the only thing he knew, and he was great at it. Last week he recorded a show, he was never going to watch it, but it as recorded. He almost had a heart attack when the remote stopped working, but it just ran out of batteries.
After doing all the cool tricks he knew he looked over to your side of the bed, it was neatly made and seemed untouched. Whenever you’d be fine for even a night he’d sleep on the ground, but he promised he’d sleep on the bed, but he never rolled over or even sat on your side.
The one thing he missed was the way your shampoo stunk up the whole bed in a good way, when he’d wake up the morning after you’d showered he’d could smell your lavender shampoo right away, it almost puts him back to sleep. But as the days went on, it faded.
Bucky looked around before gently placing his face your pillow, almost like an afterthought of your sent came through; just barley there. His face hovered before he gave in and relaxed on it, he knew if he’d roll around the sent would fade quicker, he didn’t really care.
There was a hard spot on your pillow, he reached under and found a green spiral notebook. It didn’t have anything in the cover, once he opened it a gasp fell from his lips.
It was a notebook, for every piece of tech in the house. From his phone to how F.R.I.D.A.Y. works, it was all there. Intricate diagrams that where labeled, one page had everything he needed to know.
Bucky’s phone sat face down in his bedside table, he flipped the that page and looked it over. He picked up his phone and read through it all, slightly muttering then words that were written to himself like he was being taught.
“Okay, you got this,” he said as he pressed the on button, as he navigated around he learned how to add a contact, send and text, google, the a picture, send an email. Everything.
You walked into the compound completely exhausted, one black eye layer, the base had been infiltrated. You went to your mission report computer and Tony was there, he gave you your phone.
“Connect back to the wifi,” he nodded before leaving you to connect.
Once you were fully back online your phone began to buzz, over and over. Tons of notifications rolled in. You went to emails first.
From: bucky
To: y/n
Subject: test?
Hellooooooo this is a test, don’t worry about it!
You laughed and scrolled through the other emails, finding out they were all kind of the same, then you went to text messages.
There was a selfie of him holding the green book, his smile couldn’t have been wider. He sent three, probably by accident. But they were still cute.
So I figured hit text!
Kinda cool
I found the book, it was like Christmas
Anyway, I know you won’t read this but I think I’ll try the oven next, I’ll ask wanda about it.
As the texts went on, your heart started to drop and your stomach swirled. They had been getting progressively sadder.
Hey doll face, I hope you’re well, miss you
I miss you
I love you
I wanna marry you one day, maybe live on farm and have a few kids
If you want
Sent: two months ago
I finished your book, I think I know it all now, I’ve been going over those tests you put in the back sleeve, they’re really good
You’re very thoughtful
I know you can’t see this
I don’t know what to do with myself, this is very hard.
Sent: one month ago
Are you dead?
I had a dream you died in my arms, and I can’t tell if it was a flashback or a dream
I hope you’re not
I love you too much
Please come home
I really need you
I wish I never learn how to use this shit, honestly, I can’t seem to put my phone down because this is all I have if you right now. I keep checking it to see if you’ve responded but I know you haven’t, but part of me wants you to respond so I know you’re alive.
I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet.
Sent: 24 hours ago
You slammed the phone down and raced down the hall, you passed the kitchen and everyone who smiled at you because they hadn’t seen you in three months, they probably also thought you were dead.
You stopped right before the door, you could hear soft whimpers coming from inside.
“I miss you,” the voice was muffled.
You opened the door silently, you saw Bucky lying right next to your side of the bed, it was still perfectly made. You also saw what looked like glass shattered by the wall, a closer look and it was his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked.
His head shot up and he sat up straight, after wiping his face he ran right over to you. His hug pushed you back on the floor, he just stayed there.
“Don’t ever do that again, please.” His voice was still shaken, “I can’t go through that again.”
“Never again, i was so worried when I saw your text a minuet ago.” You whispered and ran your fingers through his hair.
“Your name in my phone, your the only one.” He sniffled, “it was like it was taunting me, I got really mad and I threw it.” He hugged you tighter, “you were supposed to come home two days ago.” He cried.
“I know,” you housed him and sat up, as he pulled away he saw your bruised face, his thumb gently traced the purple mark.
“I don’t want a phone, I like knowing about it, but I’ll only ever borrow yours.” He seemed like he was pledging something, like an oath.
“Done deal,” you pulled him in for a long kiss, hoping it would never end.
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Shield (one-shot)
Synopsis: To the new Captain America she might just be a human shield. But Bucky can see there’s more to it. What he can’t understand is why she stays.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, lil bit of fluff
Warnings: mentions of blood and guns, swearing, torture, low mental state etc.
Word count: 3591
I am going absolutely feral about the fact that a portion of the series takes place in Latvia as I am Latvian :D Just seeing the signs and streets (which are not really ours cause they filmed in Prague, but are similar enough I can envision it), especially because we’re such a small country is amazeballs, so to be in such a huge show with my MCU faves is insane. Had the same kind of reaction to Brooklyn Nine-Nine with Nikolaj and the Captain Latvia episode. Riga hammer for the win :D 
P.S. John Walker is not Captain America cause he does not posses America’s ass. Also Zemo is one hundred percent Bucky’s and Sam’s sugar daddy. I won’t accept any dispute over this.
P.S.S. please also remember - John Walker is a character not a real person. John Walker is played by an actor who is doing his job the same way the actor who played Joffrey did. Do not harass him etc. but rather appreciate the insane talent he has. This place is a Wyatt Russell stan place.
P.S.S.S. Kinda spoilers for the show so if you haven’t seen it, don’t read this.
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He hated him. Bucky genuinely hates him. He never thought he had despised something or someone so much, not even HYDRA, as much as he hated John Walker – the new Captain America. He wanted to scream at that, at the fact that this arrogant asshole was carrying Steve’s shield, the symbol of freedom and everything good, while in reality, he embodied none of what it stood for.
           Walker and what he’d learned his sidekick was Battlestar, had swooped in from a helicopter while Sam and he had been following the Flag-Smasher vehicles, and, well, they hadn’t been a lot of help, which he shouldn’t be too surprised about. But what he had been surprised about was when they’d all been thrown off of the semi-trucks and scattered all around a field, someone else had been in the mix as well. 
A young woman with Y/H/C hair and determined Y/E/C eyes was rushing towards them, screaming for them to stay on the ground. When Bucky looked behind, he could see why given how one of the radicalised people had jumped from the trucks and was barreling at them with an automatic cocked at them
           But it wasn’t Walker who jumped up running past her, shield at the ready to take on the fire. No. He just remained sitting as the stranger kept her pace. She leapt at the two with a grace of a cat, pushing him and Sam back to the ground and immediately got blown back by the received ammunition, gasps leaving her mouth as the bullets entered her body.
           Sam’s wings extended and created a body length shield as Bucky snatched one of the knives strapped to the man’s side and flung it with deadly accuracy into the Flag-Smasher’s neck, dropping him to the ground. 
           There was blood when he looked back. There was so much blood, and once again it was all over Bucky’s hands, and he couldn’t breathe properly, pressing down on her abdomen and shoulder and side, and. oh god, there were too many bullet wounds...
           Two wide Y/E/C eyes stared back up at him, mouth gasping down shallow breaths as he held down on her wounds trying to stop the blood from pouring out. God, there was so much of it.
           “Don’t close your eyes,” he gritted, his body trembling. “Well get you help. You’ll be alright.”
           But then Walker spoke up, and Bucky saw read because of a different reason. “She’s fine, just leave it.”
           His head snapped to see that arrogant bastard cross his arms as he hissed. “Leave it? She’s fucking bleeding out! She took those bullets for you, and you just want to leave it?!”
           Walker just smirked, nudging his chin towards her body. “You’ll see.”
           “You let her use herself as a shield while you did nothing!”
           “Yeah,” he scoffed. “Because that’s her whole point.”
           And that’s when Bucky felt her skin shift underneath his hands. Slowly the blood stopped pouring out, Y/N’s breathing evened, and her eyes closed not because death was calling, but because of relief as the regenerative cells kicked into high gear.
           Bucky gazed in wonder as the wounds closed up, and when only scar tissue remained he snapped his blue eyes to her, Y/E/C ones already staring back at him.
           “Who are you?” he whispered
           “A human shield that’s what,” Walker answered in her stead, but Bucky just sneered.
           “I asked who, not a what. She’s a fucking person.”
           Once more he looked back down and saw a strange look in her eyes. It was as if she was trying to decipher what those words meant, but once the shock from such a huge assault had ended, she gulped down a breath and gave him a crooked smile. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
           A lopsided one came to grace his own face. “I’m James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky.”
           “Bucky.” Her eyebrow rose. “Well, it’s very nice to finally meet you.”
           He smiled at her, and not the painful smile he’d given the senator before her arrest, but a real genuine smile, one that made the skin around his eyes crinkle. 
           “And it’s very nice you didn’t decide to die on us.”
           “Yeah, yeah, can we cut this meet and greet shorter?” Walker interrupted them, and if Bucky hadn’t been holding onto Y/N’s shoulder as she tried to rise from the ground, he would’ve punched the guy. 
           “I told you she was going to be fine.”
           Bucky threw him his best murder glare but stopped when he felt Y/N squeeze his hand as if saying ‘don’t bother.' His brows furrowed in confusion. She just shook her head.
           “We should still find you a hospital.” He talked to Y/N directly, ignoring what the new Captain was saying. “It doesn’t matter that you can survive something like that, I’d rather make sure you’re checked out by professionals.
           “It won’t be necessary.” Walker slipped the shield on his arm and nudged his partner to start walking with him, pretty much expecting the rest to follow. “It was her choice anyway to take the hits.”
           “It doesn’t mean she should!” Bucky pretty much hollered, startling even Sam.
           At that, he saw Y/N’s eyes widen and her head snap up to look at him. All the breath got knocked out from Bucky at the emotion in her face. It was like she didn’t believe what he was saying like she didn’t know it was a possibility to not put her own life before someone else’s, that maybe someone is supposed to do it for her, someone could protect her.
           “She absorbs fucking bullets and infuses them in her body.” John mocked. “I’d say it’s a win-win on both sides. Everyone else stays safe, and she gets stronger, right? The whole bleeding thing is a hitch in the system, but our guys say with enough scuffles that should stop as well.”
Walker looked at her. Y/N just gulped, staring back down at the ground between her knees. 
           When he looked back at everything the moment he’d seen Zemo in the cell and the asshole had said something still remained in him from the Winter Soldier, came back to connect with the scene. He’d hated that sentence because Bucky knew it was true. The Soldier would always be a part of him, but that was what therapy was for – to accept it and let go. But in that minute, he wouldn’t have cared one bit if the ruthless assassin came to the surface if it meant snapping Walker’s neck like a stick. 
           He treated the woman as if she was below him, as if Steve’s shield somehow made him better than her, better than anyone, and yet, even when he’d been given the privilege to carry it, he’d rather use a human person, no matter if they had powers, as a shield.
           A soft hand touched his side, and Bucky looked at Y/N, his breathing heavy at Walker’s words. 
           “I’m alright.” Her voice was softer than he thought it would be. Maybe it was because she was trying to stay out of John’s earshot, but even the gentle whisper made something in Bucky’s chest stir. “Thank you,” she said. “For checking up on me.”
           Bucky stiffly nodded, standing up and offering both his hands for her to take, but even with that, it took Sam holding her by the waist to be able to stand. The Falcon had to catch her, in fact, when she took her first steps, an awkward chuckle escaping her mouth. 
           “It’s been a while since a hit like this.”
           Sam quirked a brow and smirked. “You always have a tendency to do stupid shit like that?”
           Y/N’s whole body relaxed as he said so, and a sting went through Bucky’s own. How bad were they treating her if basic kindness and a little bit of joking made her feel so safe?
           Just as he was about to ask her more, to offer to take her with them, Walker spoke up again. That conversation was an absolute disaster, and the fact that Walker thought Sam and him would actually ever consider working with him on this mission was idiotic. 
           It ended with the two Avengers watching how Walker threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, making her knees buckle with the weight, her from still regaining strength, but he didn’t care, just dragged her along with him and Battlestar.
           “Are we just gonna let ‘em do that to her?” Bucky sneered, arms crossed watching their retreating forms over the field.
           He felt Sam glower next to him. “There’s not much we can do.”
           He hated that he was right.
           Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. One meeting had left him shaken to the core not just about her, but about how there was something deeply off with the new Captain America, that if they didn’t take action something horrible would happen, not just because of his arrogance, but because of some seed he could feel had rooted itself in the other man’s heart.
           But by that point they’d been in Madripoor, had met Sharon who’d been on the run from the US government ever since the dismantlement of the Avengers, and had now followed a lead to where the Flag-Smashers had settled in Latvia.
           Zemo seemed to not only have a billion cars, but a billion apartments scattered around the world, this one being in the heart of the Old Town. 
           Bucky was on the roof looking over the twinkling lights of the city. His bed had been too soft as it always was, and even the floor wasn’t it for him, not a wink of sleep coming his way as his thoughts were flooded by Y/N.
           Well, the sleep part wasn’t true. He had been able to drift off, only to dream of how the woman didn’t get better, didn’t absorb those bullets and had died right in his arms. That’s when he decided he needed a breath of fresh air.
           The sound of shuffling feet made him whip around from the scenic view only to be greeted by a form he’d now recognise in a full-on ski-suit in pitch-black darkness.
           “What are you doing here?” Bucky stood up wanting to stride over and check her for any wounds she might’ve gotten while around Walker. Any new scar on her body would mean the same number of teeth he’d knock from that Walmart-version-Captain-America’s mouth.
           “Came to warn you.” She shrugged, soft winds making her coat flutter. “John and Lemar are resting, but come morning they’ll be on your ass, so you might wanna make a move now.”
           Bucky shook his head. “I don’t get you. You’re nothing like them, I can see that you know how wrong it is, for him to be carrying that shield, that he’s making a mockery out of the name and legacy Steve built, and yet…”
           Y/N hung her head lifting her shoulders, hands in her pockets. “I gotta do what I gotta do.”
           “He’s an asshole,” Bucky hissed. 
           Y/N gave him a painful look. “I know. But I don’t have anywhere to go. Besides… you have your own way of making amends. Well, this is mine.”
           Dark brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
           She let out a painful chuckle, not because of the memories now plaguing her waking thoughts, but because her wounds were still healing, and instantly Bucky came closer and took her hand, running a soothing thumb over her palm. Wounds he was sure were new.
           Y/N froze at his touch, and Bucky was about to pull away when she put her own thumb over his. He had to bite back tears at how tenderly she was looking down at his palm. Like no one had ever comforted her when it hurt. 
           “When the Blip happened,” she started, voice low and quiet. “I watched how my sister and mom disappeared right in front of my eyes. We were driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, and there was a truck before us. It was carrying loads of metal scraps. The driver of the truck got blipped as well.” She swallowed harshly. “I can still feel how the beam went through my shoulder, how it broke the bone and skin, and how I just wanted to disappear like they had just to make the pain stop. But I didn’t. It hurt so bad.” Y/N looked at Bucky, tears running down her face. “It was burning and tearing, and so much pain… and all I could do was scream, but no one heard me because everyone else was screaming, and I was just one of the thousands doing it.”
           Y/N shook her head, and when Bucky leaned closer to wipe away the tears, she sighed at the feeling. “I passed out sometime later. From the pain the… well, everything. And when I woke up, I heard people outside the door, trying to rip it open, I could see red lights flashing, but where I expected that beam to be was nothing. When I looked down at myself there was a hole in my shirt, but instead of a hole in my shoulder, a round scar was the only thing left from that moment.”
           “They took me to the hospital, and when they tried to put an IV in, my body just swallowed up the needle.” She took a shaky breath, and Bucky squeezed her side. ‘Go on’ he tried to convey with the touch. ‘I’m here.’
           “That’s when the tests started. They were fine at first. Blood samples when they managed to get any, saliva and all that good jazz… but then they started poking. And poking turned into slicing which turned into stabbing until I was their personal pincushion, as they tried to see what my body would and wouldn’t take.”
           Y/N was shaking by that point, but not because of the wind that had picked up, but because of anger, of the horror, she’d had to go through. It took everything in Bucky to remain calm and let her continue.
           “Two years they did that. And then one time they went a bit too far. Someone had stolen a vibranium spear from the Dora Milaje.”
           Bucky’s breath got caught in his throat. He wasn’t moving a muscle.
           “They wanted to know if I could absorb the strongest metal on Earth, so slowly…” Her hands went to her front, to the white blouse she was wearing and started popping open the buttons. Bucky was just about to protest when he understood.
           “They pushed the spear too far.” Her finger ran over a rhomb shaped scar right in the centre of her chest. Right over her heart. “Pushed it right through.”
           “How did you survive?” Bucky was appalled, but in awe at the same time. 
            Y/N shook her head. “I didn’t. I died then and there on the table. They took my body and dumped it in some ditch. From my own calculations, it took me about a day to heal. They’d sown in a scalpel in my stomach a few hours before, so I’m assuming it used that as the binding material for the cells.”
“I was so angry.” She looked at him. “At everyone, at myself, that I couldn’t help my family, that I allowed them to just use me like that, I just went off the deep end. I did so many bad things…” A tear slipped down her cheek. “I read about the Winter Soldier, y’know. His whole thing was efficiency, quickness. I – “ She choked on her words. “I wasn’t. I wanted to drag it out. Wanted to find each and every one of the bastards who laid their hands on me and make them suffer as I did.”
           Bucky’s hand settled on her waist as he pulled her closer, feeling her body keen at the motion as she looked for reassurance. “I’m not a good person, Bucky. This.” She motioned with her head to her body. “This is my repentance for what I did.”
           “What he’s doing is not right. What they’re making you do is not right.” Bucky shook his head. “Just because it might not kill you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. No one had any right to touch you.”
           “It’s the price I pay for what I did.”
           Y/N nodded. “Eye for an eye. Pain for the pain I caused.”
           Bucky shook his head. “That’s not right.”
           “How else am I supposed to do this?”
           “By getting help yourself first.”
           Y/N’s eyes widened, and Bucky sighed. He understood how impossible that thought seemed, that someone who’s done so much bad could deserve help from others, but he understood her situation better than anyone. “Being here,” he said, “being able to say these things… I can only do that because I got help. It was mandated by the state, but nevertheless…” Both chuckled at that, and Bucky’s heart lightened at the sound, at the genuine sound of joy from her. “But the therapy… I hate to say this, but it helped. It’s not easy. I sometimes detest going to the sessions, and I might be failing them quite miserably right now, especially with rule number two –“
           “What’s rule number two?”
           “Don’t hurt anyone,” Bucky mumbled. “And I’ve broken it quite a lot recently, I know that which will either make me end up behind bars or will add more therapy sessions to the list, but I’m not afraid anymore.”
           Y/N gulped, gazing just as intensely at Bucky as he was at her. “Of what?”
           “Of reaching out.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Of asking for help. Of understanding that I deserve help, and I deserve to receive it.”
           “Yeah, but the thing is I’m not like you.” Y/N looked away from him. “No one forced me to do this, no one brainwashed me. I did everything out of my own volition. Me. No one else. You deserve that help because HYDRA did all those things to you. You are a victim of war. I’m not. All those horrible things I did… I did them. Not some alias of mine.”
           Bucky’s heart hurt at the fact that Y/N couldn’t see she was a victim of her own circumstance, and how now the government was punishing her for it. And that’s when another brick hit him – it was exactly like Isaiah’s situation. Both came from marginalised groups, parts of society where the ones in power have been trying to oppress and control them for as long as he could remember, he just couldn’t see it. He could see Sam’s point of view now. Maybe not as clearly as he should, but he was starting to wipe away the fog.
           “They used you just as much as HYDRA used me.” He asserted, and Y/N’s eyes widened at his sure statement. “Just because a pile of shit has a bowtie on now, doesn’t mean it’s no longer a pile of shit… Come with us.” Bucky’s forehead pressed to hers. “Let’s do this the right way.”
           “It’s mandated by the US government that I stay by John’s side and help him.”
           Bucky smirked at that, nudging his nose against Y/N’s. “Well, it’s a good thing we’re in Latvia then. Besides Captain America has no pull here.”
           She laughed, warm breath slipping over Bucky’s skin, and he had to close his eyes as the thought of her breathless and underneath him invaded his mind. “Unfortunately, this deal stands whether I’m inside the borders of USA or outside.”
           Y/N looked over the skyline to where the country’s national monument stood. A woman, hands up in the air outstretched with three stars in her palms, with words she couldn’t understand when she'd arrived etched on the granite at the bottom. Some local had translated them for her. For the Fatherland and Freedom.
           After the blip and the experiments, she didn’t feel like she had a home. She’d been imprisoned and prodded like some lab bunny to see what her body could do. What her body could be used for.
           Bucky followed her gaze as she kept looking at the statue. Different stars, different saying, but still with the same meaning of what he saw when he looked at the Captain America shield. Freedom. Justice. For the love of their home.
Something deep started to burn in her chest, and even Bucky could feel the shift. 
           A ferocious look appeared in her eyes as she looked at him. “Let’s get that shield.” She wasn’t going to let Walker taint that star, she knew would happen if he had it for much longer.
           They’d had a single meeting beforehand, and during that half-hour, he’d been terrified for more than two-thirds of the time about how Y/N might die in his arms, die because she’d taken bullets meant for him. 
           He was so glad she hadn’t, not because it would be another life lost because of him, but because he felt like he’d found a twin flame – someone who’d understand him and his troubles. Someone he could help.
           Maybe that could be the true way he could make amends – help someone in the same situation.
           Bucky smiled.
           Y/N did so too, and his heart skipped a beat looking at the woman.
           Her body might be able to absorb the metals piercing it, Walker might call her a human shield, but he knew she was so much more than that. And he’d spend however long it took him to prove so to her. Maybe even in more ways than one.
Please reblog if you like this. For whatever reason my Bucky fics aren’t appearing in the tags :(
Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​  @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​  @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​ @strangersstranger​
Bucky tag list: @who-cares-rn @projectxhappiness @callmebucky-doll @coal000 @courtneychicken @sophiealiice @watch-out-for-thorns @potentially-kinetic @thatonegirljessy99 @mrsalh32611 @horrorx570ximagines @the-nargles-made-me-do-it @pooslie @httpmcrvel @purplebananatragedy @pxrrishly @parker-barnes-af @skulliebythesea @california-grown​ @belongsto-prachi​ @hello-i-am-insane​ @hopeinahotbox​
Marvel tags: @nerissa98 @happyseagrill @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @crazybutconfidentaf @wishingforahome @pizzarollpatrol @desir-ae​
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Summary: Soulmates are connected on a deeper level emotionally and physically. They can feel what the other needs and wants. As hints, the universe grants tattoos on your skin to help you find your soulmate. When Bucky’s soulmate tattoo appears out of the blue, he knows that she is about to come into his life, but the way she does is not what he was expecting.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Small bit of violence, swearing, little bit of drinking.
All Writings Masterlist
Note: This is a potential series so if you would like more, let me know! 10 points to anybody who knows what Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Children is from as well as Weasel (;
As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated❤️
*gifs not mine
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Chapter One - Tattoos
Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Children, the place where the bad and ugly went to escape. It had been turned into a bar years ago after the actual school got shut down for child abuse, and this was the main spot mercenaries-for-hire went to get jobs.
At the end of the bar quietly sat Y/N, drinking a bottle of beer. She wore black leggings with a grey guns-n-roses shirt with cut off sleeves, showing off her left tattooed arm. The tattoo had appeared one day out of the blue, stretching from her shoulder down to her fingertips. It covered every inch of skin on her arm and hand, even the palm. It was mostly black and white swirls that looked like smoke with pictures of dog tags, a freight car and some Russian words as well as the numbers seventeen, nine, and one. On her shoulder laid the only color the tattoo had, a maroon star. This was the tattoo that symbolized Y/N’s soulmate, though that didn’t matter to her. She had other things to focus on than finding someone to spend her life with.
Y/N had been hired by an unknown source to steal information from the Avengers, something to do with a James Buchanan Barnes, whoever the hell that is. They were paying her a lot of money to get the information and Y/N couldn’t pass up the amount they offered. Things had been slow for her lately, the world must’ve been running out of scumbags to take care of.
“You want another?”
The bartender known as Weasel broke Y/N’s concentration with the question, making her eyes snap to his face, “Sure. I’m going to need to be a little tipsy to fit in at Stark’s gala. I don’t think walking in there looking like a raging bitch is going to work.” She muttered out to him, sliding her empty beer bottle towards him and caught the filled one that was slid back to her.
“You got invited to the Stark gala?” Weasel asked curiously with wide eyes.
“God no, do I look like a prissy pants woman who’d be invited to something like that?” Y/N replied then took a large gulp of the beer, “I’m sneaking in, got a job to steal some information.”
Weasel shook his head, “Wait. So, you’re going to just walk into the billionaire’s gala full of super persons and just expect to steal information from them?”
Y/N shrugged at him, “Well, yeah. What? You think it’ll be hard?” She asks with a tilt of her head.
Weasel blinked at her, trying to decide if she was being serious, “Nah, should be a cake walk.” He said sarcastically, “All you have to do is get past the billionaire robot man,”
“I think he calls himself Iron Man.” Y/N corrected with a scrunch of her nose
“Iron Man, two super soldiers, some bird dude, two assassins, and whoever else decides to show up. Shouldn’t be hard at all.” Weasel said with a roll of his eyes before walking away, “I’m putting your name on the dead pool!” He called behind his shoulder as he walked.
Y/N rolled her eyes at him, “You must be a groupie to know the whole squad!” She yelled towards him before finishing chugging the rest of the beer. She checks her phone, almost time for the gala. She would have to change into something nice and find someone man’s arm to hang onto so she could sneak in.
The soulmate tattoo had appeared on Bucky’s right forearm a days ago. He thought he didn’t have a soulmate since one had never shown up, but then he woke up to a burning on his right arm as the tattoo slowly appeared. It was the queen of hearts playing card with a knife stuck through it surrounded by Marigolds. He stared at his forearm for a moment, wondering why it had shown up now instead of sooner. Something must’ve changed in his and his soulmate’s path that would bring them together. Buck reluctantly pulled on his long sleeved black jacket, having to look nice for Tony’s party. He hated these events, but had just cleaned things up with Stark and wanted to keep on the right path with making his amends and becoming a better person. He walks out of his room with a slight scowl on his face, walking to the elevator and heading down to the main floor where the party was. He quickly found a spot at the end of the bar where he could hide for the rest of the night to drink whiskey and not be bothered.
Y/N had changed into a long, tight black dress and some black heels. The dress had her arms covered so only her hands showed, the left one heavily tattooed. The back of her hand had the number seventeen tattooed on it while the inside of of her palm was just tattooed with what looked like smoke dancing up to her fingertips. She was hanging onto the arm of some man she had just learned the name of, flirting her way to get inside the gala with him. She quickly lost him in the crowed, losing her smile when she departed from him. Y/N scanned the room before spying what she would figure would be an easy target at the bar to take her upstairs. She pulled out lipstick from the small hand held purse she was holding, putting some on her lips careful not to ingest it. It had a paralyzing agent in it that would help her get to the information she needed. She approached the handsome man and introduced herself under a fake name, “I’m Michelle.” She said with a smile to him. Y/N learned his name was Sam and after a little bit of flirting, she was walking to the elevator with him giggling and holding his hand.
Bucky had watched the mystery girl named Michelle approach. He narrowed his eyes at her, something about her was different. Something drew him to her and he couldn’t figure out what. He couldn’t help but feel a slight disappointment and jealousy watching Sam take the woman to the elevator. His stomach turned slightly thinking of Sam touching such a woman and he couldn’t figure out why. He usually didn’t care about who his friends bedded but something was pulling him towards her.
Y/N waiting until the elevator doors shut, turning to Sam and pushing him up against the wall. She slowly pulled on his tie to make him lean towards her and kissed him, smiling slightly as she felt his body slump against her in a paralyzed state before falling to the ground, “Sorry, sweetness. You seemed like a good time.” She told the now paralyzed man on the floor. She quickly slid the dress off, revealing black shorts and a matching black tank top. She had a gun strapped to one thigh and throwing knives on the other. Her heels followed, being kicked to the corner of the elevator. Barefoot was going to have to work, she despised heels. Y/N pulled a queen of hearts playing card out of her bra and placed it on Sam’s shoulder with a smile towards his brown eyes that stared at her widely. When the elevator doors open, Y/N waltzed out of the elevator and towards the nearest lab she could find.
Bucky had enough whiskey that was never enough to get him drunk and watching the guests mingle. Plus he was still irritated that he couldn’t figure out why it bothered him so much that Sam had taken some woman he had never seen before up to his bedroom. He walked to the elevator doors, clicking the button. He froze when he saw Sam on the floor just staring at him with wide eyes and tying to form words from his paralyzed lips. Bucky went in and leaned down, the doors closing behind him, “What happened to you, bird brain?” He muttered out before noticing the red lipstick and the queen of hearts playing card, quickly thinking back to the woman. He picks up the card, freezing as it looked just like the one of his soulmate tattoo before seeing the dress the mystery woman had been wearing on the floor. Returning to his senses when Sam was able to mumble ‘floor three, buck,’ he quickly hit the floor three button, dropping the card to the floor before exiting.
Y/N stood in front of the computer, typing codes to shut down Jarvis’s security system and rerouting the AI whenever it tried to reprogram. She quickly searched through all personnel files, finding the one labeled ‘James Buchanan Barnes- Winter Soldier.’ Y/N pulled a flash drive out of her pocket and plugged it in, downloading the information. Hearing the door behind her open, she grabs a throwing knife from the strap on her right thigh, throwing it with her tattooed hand towards the tall dark haired man that had entered.
Bucky caught the knife with ease, leaning his head back away as the blade passed before he caught it. He kept his eyes on the woman in front of him, studying her. His eyes snaked up the tattooed covered left arm, his eyes widening at the pictures, numbers, and Russian words that painted across her smooth skin in bold black. They were his words, things that were significant to him. Then he saw the red star on her shoulder, staring intently.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at the man, watching him study every inch of her tattoo. She rolled her eyes slightly, grabbing the flash drive and tucking it back in her pocket. Based on the file she just went through, this was James Barnes. Her eyes quickly moved to red hair walking up from behind the man, a smile flashing across Y/N’s features, “Ah, Natalia. I heard you were part of the super squad now. How’d graduation go?” Y/N asked the redheaded woman, her eyebrow twitching upwards for a moment. Y/N knew the woman who now went by Natasha, they trained at the Red Room Academy together. However, Y/N had left before the graduation ceremony, becoming a free-agent assassin and spy for hire.
Natasha rolled her shoulders, ready for a fight, “I was having a nice time at the party, then I find Sam and your card in the elevator.” She said, stepping closer to Y/N until the space had closed to a few feet, “What are you doing here, Y/N? Who are you working for?”
Y/N shrugs slightly at the question, “Don’t know. But they pay really well.” She smiled again before throwing out a punch towards the redhead which was blocked immediately.
Bucky watched the two women throw punches and kicks at each other. Both of them had the same fighting style which made them a pretty even match when it came to fighting. Neither were making good progress in stopping the other. It wasn’t until the rest of the team came up to stand behind Bucky, watching the two fight. Jarvis had alerted them after the flash drive had been unplugged and Y/N had stopped typing in codes to reprogram the AI. Clint and Steve rush passed the frozen figure of Bucky who was just watching Y/N, his eyes locked on her tattooed sleeve. Clint grabbed onto one of Y/N’s arms before being kicked away. Steve was able to wrap his arms behind Y/N, pinning her arms down while Natasha quickly put magnetized cuffs on Y/N’s wrist, pinning her to the closest metal table. Y/N managed to kick Natasha and Steve away, but hadn’t noticed Clint get up. He stuck her in the neck with one of Natasha’s shocking spheres, causing Y/N’s body to seize before going into unconscious.
Natasha took a deep breath and looked over towards Bucky after Y/N was unconscious, “Thanks for the help, Barnes. You were super helpful.”
Steve looked at the unconscious woman, his eyes sliding along the tattoos. He looked to Bucky then back to Y/N, “Oh my god…” He trailed off, knowing immediately what this meant.
Bucky watched Steve observe Y/N’s tattoos before walking closer his eyes locked on the face of Y/N, studying everything about her. It was like colors were brighter when he looked at her and worry melted away from his core. Everything drew him to her, “She’s my soulmate.”
“Her name is Y/N Y/L/N.” Natasha began as the whole team stood outside the cell Y/N was in, watching her through the mirrored glass, “She was at The Red Room Academy with me. She was the top of her class, a year older than me. Y/N adopted the name ‘Queen of Hearts,’ a name I helped come up with. I thought it was ironic given that it didn’t seem like she had one. Y/L/N left the academy before she graduated, refusing to kill an innocent man. Last I heard she was doing mercenary work.”
Steve nodded at the information, looking towards Bucky who was just observing Y/N through the mirror, “What was she trying to steal?”
Natasha pulled out the flash drive she had obtained when Y/N was unconscious, “She was stealing information from us. Information of Barnes.” She said, her eyes flickering towards Bucky, “Whoever paid her, wanted to know everything about you, including all the information we know of how you became the Winter Soldier.”
next part>
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epicstuckyficrecs · 3 years
Weekly Recap | March 29 - April 4 2021
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This week, I started my Epic Stucky Fic Download of 2021 (I'm somewhere in 2015 at the moment, 2014 and before are done), which means I re-read some oldies... I hope you enjoy!
Heaven and Hell were words to me by this_wayward_life (Post-Endgame, PWP, BDSM | 3K | Explicit): Bucky usually prides himself in being a relatively observant person. He was back in Brooklyn when he and Steve were cramped together in that tiny one-bedroom apartment, he was during his time as the Asset, and he was during that strange period between his defection from Hydra and Steve finding him. So, he's more than a little surprised when Steve manages to keep a secret from him. So it comes as a bit of a shock when Bucky comes home one day after a mission for Steve to take his hands and whisper that he's got a surprise for him. (Part 3 of No grave can hold my body down)
💙 Diving In The Deep End by musette22/ @musette22​ (Evanstan RPF | 19K | Explicit): Scarlett raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow. “You’re telling me that you never once in your entire life, not even during theater school, locked lips with another guy?”
💙 you know I'd quench that thirst by napricot (Canon, Bucky/Steve/Peggy | 38K | Explicit): Steve Rogers is very much not a virgin. Not before the serum, and sure as hell not after it, when the serum ramps up his libido along with everything else. Too bad everyone thinks Captain America is a sexless historical symbol. Or: the tragicomic sexual odyssey of Steve Rogers, and how it begins, and then much later ends, with Bucky Barnes.
i got it bad for you by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (Evanstan RPF, PWP, Daddy kink | 4K | Explicit): “Yeah? Older?” “Yeah yeah, just…I don’t know, the beard? This fucking hair? Just…I don’t know— older,” he manages to chuckle nervously, gasping into Chris’ mouth when their squirming leads their dicks into lining up beautifully. Seb aches, yearns, mouth watering as he mewls, both hands in Chris’ hair as he licks into Sebastian’s mouth. And then Chris pulls back, breathes hot on Sebastian’s cheek, his bottom lip, croons, “Like your Daddy?”
💙 The Wedding Planner(’s Assistant) by crinklefries/ @spacerenegades (Shrinkyclinks | 40K | Teen): Bucky Barnes is in a bit of a conundrum. For example, on the one hand, he’s the former extremely polished, brutally efficient, and impressively ruthless brainwashed weapon of mass murder for the secret Nazi arm of the United States government. On the other hand, he has an uncontrollable crush on the cute blond wedding planner who lives next door.
Accidental husbands... by darter_blue/ @darter-blue​ (Shrunkyclunks, Accidental Marriage | 2K | Mature): Or the one where Bucky finds himself accidentally married to a superhero. And he definitely isn't mad about it.
💙 and the river flows beneath your skin by Deisderium/ @deisderium​ (Boarding School AU, Soulmates | 9/? | 70K | Mature): In which Steve and Bucky are forced to room together their senior year at boarding school, and accidentally soul bond to each other even though they kind of hate each other. All they have to do to get out of it is not kiss each other for a year so the accidental bond will fade. How hard could it be?
💙 (760): I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. by relenafanel/ @relenafanel​ (Modern AU | 6K | Mature): Hey friend of Sam’s can I get an opinion on this outfit? Bucky texted, attaching the selfie taken in Sam’s bathroom mirror. He received an answer almost immediately. Bucky was almost expecting a lecture, or at least a concerned question about who had stolen Sam’s phone. He got neither. Or: Bucky strikes up a flirtation with a stranger over text message in the month leading up to Valentine's Day.
💙 Bucky Barnes and his Big Beefy Blonde by Kellyscams/ @thebestpersonherelovesbucky​ (Shrunkyclunks, PWP | 6K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes loves Big, Beefy, Blondes. What he loves most about Big, Beefy, Blondes is having no string attached sex with them. Until he meets a Big, Beefy, Blonde that just happens to be Steve Rogers -- Captain America who's only been declared alive a few months ago. This is one that could go down as Bucky's fuck of a lifetime. That's if he can avoid these pesky feelings that start showing up out of nowhere.
💙 Bucky Barnes and his Big Beefy Blonde Part 2 by Kellyscams/ @thebestpersonherelovesbucky​ (Shrunkyclunks, Strangers to Lovers | 16K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes once spent eight glorious, sex-filled days with the Big, Beefy, Blonde fuck of a lifetime -- the recently defrosted Steve "Captain America" Rogers. Three months later, things aren't exactly the way Bucky imagined they'd be. This Big, Beefy, Blonde, really may have changed him forever.
💙 Series: You Make Me Feel Like I Am Home Again by Taste_is_Sweet/ @taste-is-sweet​ (Canon, Post-Winter Soldier | 19 works | 127K | Teen): Connected stories about Bucky and Steve: the world's most adorable relics.
if ye be worthy by hitlikehammers (Post-AOU | 2K | Teen): “Do you know what that is?” Bruce asks, voice low, but that’s not really new, for him. “It’s Thor’s hammer-thingy,” Bucky shrugs. “Look, man, I know it was shitty to give it a swing without him knowing, I’m sor—” “You swung it?”
💙 For Words to Say it Right by Squeaky, Taste_is_Sweet/ @taste-is-sweet​ (Modern AU, Soulmates | 25K | Teen): Turns out when you're missing an arm, everyone asks are you okay? all the damn time. And when your soulmark is one of the most common questions in English, it's even worse. Generic soulmarks are a bitch.
💙 Just Hold Me by shanology/ @shanology (Post-Winter Soldier | 10K | Explicit): Bucky Barnes is living in Avengers Tower, and all he wants in the world is to be cuddled. He sets out to get his new friends to give him the snuggling he needs, because it's not something he can ask of Steve yet. Steve doesn't see it in quite the same way. Also, there are Avengers movie nights, possibly with a showing of The Covenant. Just saying.
💙 Imprint by hetrez (Post-Avengers | 7K | General): "The next day, Steve and the other Avengers are just settling into a meeting on the flight deck when there's a muffled yell, and Alvarez falls out of the ceiling." -- Or, Steve builds a training program, a team, and new life for himself. (Part 1 of Make Way For Ducklings)
💙 Awakenings by hetrez (Canon divergent - Winter Soldier | 19K | Explicit): Bucky says, "Do you know, after you leave -- every time you leave, after the doctors have taken my mask off, I walk around this place and try to find everywhere you've been. Was your hand on the toaster? Did you lean against the doorway? Where were you on the couch? I haven't seen your face in seventy-five years, not really." (Part 2 of Make Way For Ducklings)
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Superstitions and Curses
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Pairing: mummy!Bucky Barnes x archaeologist!Reader
Warnings: slight dubcon, obsessive and soft!dark!Bucky, mentions of torture and being buried alive.
Words: 2163.
Summary: It wasn't your first expedition, but pretty much the first time when you had helped to bring an ancient being back from the dead.
P.S. Huge thanks to dear @navegandoaciegas who helped me get inspired again <3
"Please, let me in."
You clenched the amulet in your hands, nervously staring at the door of a hotel room and hoping he wouldn't enter. Despite the fact that you were an archeologist, a woman who believed in nothing but science, you were ready to pray to all the gods if it would help to keep this creature away.
"I mean no harm to you." His husky, dangerously low voice made you lick your lips as you thought of all the things he whispered in your ear the other night. "Didn't you like the way I treat you, love?"
"It was a spell you put on me!" You furrowed your brows, making a step away from the door and bumping into a nightstand with a loud thud - the bottle of water in top of it fell down to the floor.
"A spell?" The man behind the door chuckled, and you could hear him breathing out loudly as he peered through the crack in the door, his hands pressed against the dark wood. "You know I haven't done anything of this kind. What you felt was the chemistry between us, don't deny it."
It was true. That night when all you wanted was to forget the events of the last couple of days, forget all about the whole reason why you came to this ancient country, you rushed to a bar to get drunk like a fish, hoping the next morning once you'd wake up, it would all be a bad dream and nothing more. That's where you met him, the man who you had seen laying in his grave just a couple of hours before. Of course, you didn't know it was him - he looked like any other man, enough flesh on his bones not to cause any suspicion.
Oh, but it was him. He had followed you in that bar, pretending to be a stranger eager to know you; fooling you, he soon slipped into your room where he made love to you, completely drunk and fallen under his charms. How stupid you were, trusting a complete stranger after what had happened that day.
It was several hours after when you woke up in the night, and the moonlight coming from the window lit the room a little: as you stared at the man sleeping soundly next to you, you saw the ancient symbols on his chest.
The next minute you were out of your room, hoping he wouldn't wake up in the next hour. It would give you enough time to reach the railway station.
Why was he following you? You could understand his reasons since you had pretty much broken his tomb and opened his grave, but why on Earth did he sleep with you? Why didn't he kill you? Was it some kind of a ritual? Despite the fact that you were specializing on local customs and traditions, you have never heard of anything of that kind.
"You can't get rid of me." He murmured behind the door, and you sensed something wicked, resentful in his voice.
"Why can't I? What do you want from me?" You asked on the verge of tears, your arms trembling - you very much doubted the amulet you were holding was of any use to you.
"Shhhh." He cooed softly, feeling you fear and somewhat content with it. "I promise I won't hurt you. Let me in, love. Let me in."
For a couple of seconds you froze, listening to the man breathing softly behind the door. Strangely, you could almost hear his heart beating in his chest as if he really were human, not a rotten corpse you saw in the coffin a couple of days ago. The night you spent together you felt like he was the most tender and affectionate man you had ever met. Why did he do it? What was his purpose? Why were you opening the door for him when he ordered you to do it with that hypnotic voice of his?
You realized he had entered your room once he touched your cheek with his hand, rough fingers brushing against your wet skin. Oh, apparently, you were crying.
"I know it is beyond your comprehension, but please trust me, My Immortal Beloved." He made a step forward as you shriveled and slinked back, staring at his perfectly blue eyes adorned with black kohl. "Do not be scared. Even though it seems horrifyingly wrong to you, things are exactly as they were meant to be."
Despite the fact you had a thousand questions inside your head, the words were stuck in your throat. You couldn't even scream, asking for help. Besides, it would be pretty worthless, wouldn't it? No one could protect you from someone who rose from the dead.
"You were meant to open my tomb and set me free. You were meant to resurrect my body and let my soul return to it."
When you reached the wall, your back pressed to it as if you wanted to slip through the stone, the man had inched closer to you and lowered his hand on your chest, the other one right in front of your face as he moved his hand, drawing a circle in the air with his palm. I see you. You are important to me, a sign of both trust and affection - you had seen it so many times on ancient drawings it was imprinted on your brain.
What? Why was he doing it? Why it was you who set him free? You were just one of a whole team of archaeologists and wage earners. You did nothing special, nothing that differentiated you from others - you weren't the one who physically opened it nor did you read any ancient spells locals were so superstitious about. You were as much in shock as all others when the mummy had suddenly disappeared from the tomb.
At first, even though most of you were people of science, all of you thought of ancient curses and all those archaeologists who had supposedly died from it. Then, when you came to your senses, you thought of the thieves who might had taken the mummy. But then again, although it were the remains of someone very, very important, no treasures were buried with him - apparently, this person had done something terrible when he was alive, especially remembering the curses written on the walls. So why steal just the corpse, then? Without decent care, the bones would crack within minutes of carrying them. Why would thieves want the mummy?
"I want to come back home." You whispered, shivering and averting your eyes.
"I will bring you whenever you want once you swear loyalty to me, love."
You blinked as you stared at his tanned face, symbols painted with gold shining on his temples. It was getting more and more insane with every passing minute.
"Why would I swear loyalty to you?"
"Because I am your Sun, Moon and the Stars in between."
The silence felt heavy, suffocating as you kept looking at the man, not knowing what to say. He was right - you didn't understand a thing. You didn't even know who he was and why you swearing loyalty to him seemed so important so this stranger. The only thing you knew for sure was that he was dangerous, far more dangerous than any other human being - you felt it in your bones.
"Before I d-do that, may I know your name?" You wanted to add something like "Your Majesty", but you had no idea what kind of title the man once had - that is, if he had any at all.
He chuckled, "It would be hard for you to pronounce. But you can call me James, it is the closest you can get."
A part of you was offended - for heaven's sake, you were specializing on this exact area and surely knew how to pronounce ancient names - but the other part of you now wondered how come this being knew a real English name and could actually speak modern language. Surely, he was at least a thousand years old. How come?..
"Why were you buried so disrespectfully?" You started questioning him out loud, furrowing your brows. "This is not my first expedition, but I have never seen a tomb like yours before. No treasures, no name, nothing that could identify you at all."
"The Witch-king, that's how they called me." His handsome face darkened, and the man took a step away, turning his back to you. "The one who had surpassed his high priest and could read the Book of the Dead. Once my chancellors learnt about me practicing the magic of the ancient, they made my priests spread the word to my people, and I have been overthrown. They have tortured me, blinded me, cut off my limbs, and then sealed me away in the tomb when I was still alive. Because of their fear of me and my powers, they condemned me to the worst of fates, and broke the line of kings."
As he kept speaking, his dark long robe fell down to the floor, opening his half-naked tan body to you: you saw two deep scars on his shoulders that still looked raw, horrifying you - the man was telling you the truth. He had been dismembered.
"They have cursed me to stay neither truly dead nor alive till one day somebody would open my tomb and set me free. They have kept the location of my grave a secret, thinking no one would ever discover it in the sand, but they all were wrong. I will suffer no more in that place where not a single ray of light had shone over two thousands of years."
Your head was spinning from all this, and you quietly slid to the floor, your hands in your hair as you tugged on the roots in frustration and fear. For the love of God, was it all true? Did you help resurrect the ancient being that could use some scary black magic and probably kill lots of innocent people? Did he want to drag you along with him once you swear loyalty to him? If you didn't, would he actually murder you?
"But this is of no importance now." The man turned back to you and, suddenly seeing you on the floor, hurried to gently pick you up and place you on a spacious bed, watching you with worry. "I am sorry for I have frightened you, love. I swear this was not my intention."
You had troubles understanding what his intention was, but you kept silent, too scaried to say something to him. You had a dozen thoughts what a creature like him would want to do to people for all his suffering.
You should have left that damn tomb alone when your team found twice more death traps than in any other grave. You read the curses left on the walls, but they only fueled your interest. Of course, you had never been superstitious in your entire life, so you simply disregarded all the signs that now seemed so clear you were ready to slap yourself.
"Why am I important?" You asked in a shaky voice, your eyes trailing down his chest with ancient symbols tattooed on it. "Why spending a night with me? I am just a woman. I have opened the tomb, but I was one of many."
"No, you are special. You won't understand now, not yet, but think of it as your destiny. Your fate is bound to mine."
As he inched closer to you, you finally realized you were almost in bed with a half-naked handsome man resurrected from the dead. Immediately crawling back, your stared at him wide-eyed. No, no, no, whoever he was and whatever he thought your fate was, you didn't want him in your bed the second time! Well, almost. Maybe you wanted a little bit. Just a little.
"S-so, are you going to destroy the country and claim your kingdom again?"
Your words made him laugh as he bared his perfectly white teeth while touching the side of your face.
"Two thousand years were enough to change my priorities. Ruling the world of humans who know nothing of magic isn't interesting to me anymore."
"I see. That's a relief." You murmured, still very uncomfortable with him being so close to you. "Please, can I just leave? There are millions of women, I'm sure you'll find someone more attractive to be your... your concubine."
"Concubine? I did not have a concubine, and neither did my ancestors." The man tilted his head to the side, looking at you surprised as you were ready to bite yourself for your own stupidity: of course, the rulers of these lands only started having concubines in the fourth dynasty and onwards, James was definitely either from the first or second one. "I can't let you leave, love. You will have to come with me."
Part 2
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @iheartsebastianstan @ninefuckingoneone
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amonrawya · 3 years
The Greatest Gift of All
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(Inspired by^ for the people who asked :D hope it was worth the wait!)
Long before the war, before Captain America or the Winter Soldier, there was simply Bucky and Steve. At least, that's what history says. But they missed out one very important person, a girl called Y/N.
Women in those times often found themselves with little opportunity, and only two easily attainable pathways in life: wife and mother. But Y/N carved out a life for herself that defied all expectations, and it all started in Brooklyn.
She dived headlong into scuffles, usually next to Bucky in defence of Steve. Regardless of the opponent, Y/N stood by them both, and often held her own quite impressively.
Her dress style borrowed from more masculine cuts, and Y/N was never seen without her cap. A lot of people had a problem with this, but she shut them up fairly swiftly.
Everything about this girl drew Bucky in, a battle he fought with little effort. They reveled in each other, flaunting their love at every opportunity. More than a few were jealous that the rough and tumble girl got the best looking boy in town. 
In a way, before even coming of age, they started an adult life together. The three of them moved into a flat. Y/N and Bucky took hard labour jobs, or anything they could get. They had little room to be picky. 
Both managed to hook steady summer jobs at the local docks. They used most of their money to keep a roof over their heads, buy food, and pay for Steve's medical needs. He attended art school, and sold his work every now and then; but physically, he was in no condition to work.
The war appeared on the horizon, just as they started to pull themselves an inch above the poverty line. Y/N saw it coming, the inevitable. She treasured every second they spent together, and dreaded the day when the draft came.
A lot of the older women she worked with were disrespectful, looking down on her pre-marital relationship with Bucky. They claimed she couldn't possibly understand their grief, despite the fact Y/N had seen Bucky off at the docks that very morning. 
In truth, they already planned on being married, but at the time, they simply didn't have the funds. Bucky promised, once the war ended, that ring would be on her finger.
Except, he never came home. Not properly. The person Hydra gave back to Y/N was damaged and jaded, angry at the world, angrier than she ever saw. But still, they loved each other. Though she never forgave them for stealing away his innocence, for trying to snuff out the light in his soul. A part of him would always belong to them, and she hated it.
Refusing to stay home while they risked their lives, never knowing, Y/N trained as an army nurse, working specially with the Howling Commandos unit.
Then one day, she went out to welcome them back from a mission. Every face looked devastated, but none more so than Steve. His eyes, red-raw and streaming, seemed incapable of rising from the ground. At first, the realisation didn't process, the idea simply incomprehensible. He promised.
Dugan was the one to finally break through and catch Y/N as she fell, holding her as the tears poured. Once he shook off his daze, Steve took his place, sharing in her grief.
Her world fell apart so quickly, with no warning and no mercy. Their commanders celebrated the capture of Arnim Zola, while Y/N and Steve sat, staring at an empty place at their side.
Everyone mourned Bucky, and swiftly after, began to mourn Y/N, too. The loss took a part of her...the sparkle, the happiness, the laugh that lit up her face. It all vanished. She worked hard, looked after them all, but only Steve was able to make her smile. Even then, it looked pained.
So when Steve went down with the plane, the very last shred of Y/N died with him. No tears left her eyes, no screams ripped up her throat. A cold numbness took over, freezing the woman from the inside out. 
V-Day came and went. The Commandos stood and drank to their lost comrades, and Dugan silently drank another...for the loss of a bright, fiery girl who had virtually nothing to lose, and still lost everything.
She spent her days as a robot, doing nothing but going through the motions of badly imitating life. The flat was empty and quiet, yet somehow, bursting with the ghosts of her loved ones. Nightmares plagued her, terrible images of Bucky's body, forever trapped in a freezing hell, nothing but food for the birds. And Steve, his body...was it cast adrift in the ocean? Or destroyed, burnt to ash in the belly of a metal beast. 
They were simple folk before the war turned them into soldiers, into weapons. Before symbols and flags stole away their names, driving them to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause.
Y/N knew their fight against Hydra was important...knew the honour behind their sacrifice. But when it's you left sitting at an empty dinner table, it's much easier to be angry and bitter.
She never married, never settled, bouncing around countries working as an army nurse. The Commandos slowly died around her, each one fading to grey as the curtain drew the show to a close. Each death, each funeral ripped open her wounds, bigger and deeper each time. Until eventually, Y/N let the blood flow freely.
Or at least, that's what would have happened. But one choice, one decision, made by a boy she thought dead in the far future, changed it all.
Bucky Barnes struggled to find himself again. His memories were mostly all returned, if a bit hazy and fragmented. He had Steve there to right any wrong recollections, and connect with on their shared experiences. But something always seemed to be missing, a piece of the jigsaw that hadn't been found.
He remembered Y/N. He remembered her clearer than anything. She was glowing like honey in the sun when Bucky closed his eyes and brought her back to mind.
Face covered in muck, hair tousled and streaked with grease from the boats, soot on the very tip of her nose and a cap perched jauntily on her head; wearing the deepest expression of concentration as she aimed a hanful of rotten fish guts at the sleezy Connell boy from Fifth, who decided his opinion on her backside mattered. The image shone crystal clear. Her laughter, rolling out from between curved lips, beautiful and full of mischief. 
It never failed to make him smile. Or cry. Or sometimes, both. He missed Y/N than he thought possible for a human being. 
Bucky often wondered about her life, whether she went on to marry, or maybe even have children. Was she happy? Did she bury him and move on? If they met today, would Y/N even recognise the man he was now? 
More importantly, in his mind, something he both feared and longed to know: would she still love him?
Unbeknownst to Bucky, Steve saw all this. Understood, to a degree, his pain. But he and Peggy never got the chance to bond so strongly. He knew Bucky needed him, but Steve also knew he needed Y/N more.
So once his goodbyes were said, he looked one last time at Bucky, and smiled beneath his suit as he vanished into time.
The living room looked exactly the same as he remembered. Bucky's coat, slung over the back of the chair, his sketchbooks strewn around the desk. Every rip and chip. His heart swelled with nostalgia, and pain, thinking of the life they were supposed to have.
What must have been in their heads...running off to fight, so eager to throw everything away. And who was left to stare at empty beds and eat breakfast alone every morning? Y/N.
His chest constricted, hearing the keys in the door, the lock rattling three times before letting her in. His nerve faltered for the briefest second, wondering if he was ready to see her again.
"Who the hell are you?!"
Time's up.
Slowly, he turned, and watched as Y/N's eyes widened, all the bags in her hands falling to the floor with a crash.
"...Stevie?" The name came out as a whisper, nearly inaudible.
He grinned, laughing as tears stung his eyes. "Hey, spitfire. Long time no see."
"Steve!" She launched herself at him, arms wrapping around his neck and clinging on for dear life. 
Catching her by the waist, he swung Y/N around, burying his face in her hair. They held onto one another as if they might vanish if they let go. But after a minute, Steve gently pushed her back.
"How? How are you here? What are you wearing? I don't understand, Steve, they said you died! Your plane went down in the ocean," she stammered, hand on his forearm with a grip like a vice.
"I survived. The serum kept me alive in the ice for seventy years," he said, questioning his own sanity momentarily; standing in the flat again made everything that happened seem like a distant dream.
Y/N frowned, brows knitting together. "What? Did you hit your head? Steve, this is 1945."
"I know, I came from 2023. I'm alive," he said, and saw her mentally backing away, so added, "I'm alive, and so is Bucky."
Her head snapped up, eyes immediately filling with tears. A dozen emotions whizzed through them in a second; disbelief, pain, hope. It shone clearly in her face as she stepped closer.
What did you say?" She asked, voice choked as she brought her shaking hands up to her mouth.
"Bucky's alive," he repeated softly, "and I can send you to him, in the future. But we don't have a lot of time. You need to listen to me, carefully, and do what I say."
She spluttered, struggling for words. "I, but...what about you?"
"I've made my decision," Steve said, and gently took her hands in his, "now, please, listen."
Bucky watched the machine, feeling a wave of numbness wash over his insides. Nothing was a better deal than the pain, the cruel sting of betrayal fighting to be felt. But he beat it back, unable to allow those thoughts validation.
Steve gave up so much for him, he fought for years to get him here. Steve deserved this. And no matter how wrong those words sounded in his head, he resolutely stood by them. 
The seconds ticked by, noted by Bruce's countdown. A flash of guilt almost made Bucky explain what was going to happen, explain that Steve left them. Left him. But he possessed no energy to speak, they'd see in a second, when no one appeared-
Zap. A blinding flash of light.
There's someone there.
Bucky frowned, hands falling from his pockets. Did Steve change his mind? Did he...
All the thoughts in his head stopped as the figure stepped down. Too small, too lithe for it to be Steve. Bucky's heart rate quickened, something in his unconscious already registering his recognition. 
The suit fell away, and if he weren't frozen in place, Bucky wouldn't have been standing. A quiver shot through him, nearly buckling his knees. Shock, fear and pure disbelief all delayed his reaction.
Y/N looked around, amazed, but turned to stone as she set eyes on him. Her face went utterly blank, a strangled sound leaving her lips.
Wearing her yard slacks, with a small bag on her shoulder, her face covered in dirt, hair streaked with grease, cap perched on-top, slanted to one side...she was everything he remembered, and his heart tried to leave his chest to go to her. To be whole again.
But fear held him back. She didn't know the things he'd done, the person he became after the train accident. What if-
"Who is she?" Sam asked, glaring as he stalked towards her, an accusation rising on his lips.
Bucky answered without hesitation, or thinking; the question had been asked countless times over the years. It always recieved the same reply. "My doll."
Sam stopped short, glancing between them, the way neither took their eyes off the other. He nodded, brows still closely knit, and backed off.
Slowly, Y/N approached, encouraged by the sound of his voice. She reached out carefully, when she got close enough. Trembling fingers brushed his cheek, and a shudder ran through her. 
"My Bucky..." She said quietly, eyes roaming over his face, a small smile tugging at her lips, "...you're here, in front of me. Alive."
He swallowed dryly, heart thundering away beneath his skin. "I'm different...you don't know..."
No sooner had the words left his mouth that her eyes found the cold metal where his flesh used to be. In reaching to hold it, she'd been taken by surprise.
Gently, Y/N took the hand in her own, examing the limb with a careful gaze. Moments passed, and she met his eyes again. Bucky steeled himself for rejection, for the disgust and horror.
Her hand went back to his cheek, and he involuntairly leaned into it. The warmth seeped into his blood. She stood on her tip toes, the smile on her lips blossoming into a bright beam of sunlight. "You've always been my Bucky, and always will be. Metal appendages and all."
He fell apart and dove down to capture her lips, clutching her to him with the hunger of a starving man. She pulled herself in, hands tangling in his brown locks, and both tasted salt on the others' lips.
So filled with joy his heart could burst, Bucky revelled in the feeling of holding his girl again. Laughing through the tears, he buried his face in her neck.
Thank you, Steve, for the greatest gift of all.
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poedamneron01 · 3 years
TW: mentions of blood, g^ns, k!dnapping, bucky sadness
part one , part three , part four
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Normalcy never lasts forever.
Bucky awoke hours later, the moon high in the sky by now, shining down on him through the broken windows, a cool breeze running through the now trashed apartment. He sat up with a groan, his right hand going to the ache at the back of his head as his eyes scaled the apartment, where broken shards of glass, plaster and wood littered the floor, a large pool of blood on the floor a few metres away from him and that was when he remembered.
Bucky pushed himself up off the ground, glass crunching under his bare feet, the small shards cutting into his feet, but he could care less right now. “Y/N?” He called as fear slowly sunk into him and he stumbled into his and Y/N’s shared bedroom, everything was untouched, and he fell onto the bed as he panted.
Bucky’s head snapped up as he heard two sets of footsteps out in the hallway, he pushed himself off of the bed, reaching under the bed frame for his hidden handgun, before slowly walking out into the kitchen, arms raised and finger on the trigger as the footsteps slowed down outside the open front door.
“Buck?” A voice called, and he sighed, dropping his arms as Steve poked his head around the corner, along with Natasha who too held a handgun. “Steve?” Bucky responded, his voice breaking as he dropped the gun on the floor, sinking down next to the pool of blood with an arm over his ribs.
“What the hell happened?” Natasha asked, glass crunching under her boot clad feet as she walked over too the windows, peering outside before shutting the blinds and turning the lights on. Bucky’s eyes stared over at the pool of blood, his mind flicking back to her body laying there, dying on their apartment floor.
“Buck?” Steve asked gently, sinking to his knees in front of his best friend, following the man’s eyes too the pool of blood. “Where’s Y/N?” Natasha asked as she continued to check the apartment and Bucky’s eyes fluttered shut for a moment “She was taken.”
He finally replied and Steve reached out, clasping Bucky’s shoulder “T-These women,” Bucky began as his mind reeled back to hours before “they were dressed in all black, they had like a red hour glass looking symbol on their belts.” He finished with a sigh and Natasha froze in the doorway to Bucky and Y/N’s shared bedroom.
“How many of them were there?” Steve asked as he reached out, helping his friend up and onto the bar stool that sat at the kitchen bench, the same one Y/N had been sitting at, causing Bucky to flinch slightly “At least ten of them.” He responded in a small voice.
“I know where she might be, but it is impossible.” Natasha added as her mind went to the Red Room, to Dreykov. Steve and Bucky both looked over at the red headed woman with confused faces “The Red Room, it sounds like them, but it’s impossible.” Nat repeated, running a frustrated hand through her hair “Barton and I killed Dreykov years ago, the Red Room should be finished, dead.”
Nat tried to explain, though she knew it couldn’t be anyone else, it had to be them. That was when it clicked, why the women were so alike to his fighting style, where the Red Room and the Winter Soldier program worked together to try and create more like him, to teach them to be just like him.
“They shot her.” Bucky added, looking over at Nat, a solemn look on his face as tears pooled into his eyes “S-She told me to stop fighting,” he clasped his hands together and his head fell, eyes tightly shut “that I’d die if I kept fighting them.” He stated through gritted teeth and Natasha’s head fell too.
“She did it because she knew we would find her, or at least try to.” Steve spoke softly too his friend, and Bucky looked up with an incredulous look “No, no, we will find her Steve, not try, we will.” Bucky exclaimed and Steve finally understood in that moment how much Y/N meant to Bucky. “I’ll ring Tony, get him to cover surveillance all over the city and abroad, we will find her Bucky, I promise.” Natasha reached out, squeezing Bucky’s hand tightly.
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mysticgoblinwriter · 3 years
Driving In A Cold Sweat; There Is No One On This Highway
Warnings- Murder, infidelity, swearing, food imagery, shitty parents, i made Steve the villain who’s in the HOA and a politician, adult content, dark!reader, cheating, a bit of flirting, mental health joke (mental health is NOT a joke, y’all), religion symbolism, dark!steve, peggy x bucky,
Word Count- 1.9k
kudos to @blackberrybucky for being my soundboard, and @fandomsandxfiles for being my beta reader. Love y'all
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a/n- This is inspired by Hypothermic by Goodnight Texas.  Its really dark, and I surprised myself writing this but I like it. I also changed the landscape to desert. Leave comments if you want! As many as you like, I fangirl over my work too. All writers should, its selfcare.
Bucky looks you up and down, taking you in like you are the gods own ambrosia.  “So, doll.  What brings you to this shit hole?”
You laugh to yourself.  “I murdered somebody.”- was the sentence that also inspired this but its not in the actual story.
The radio gave out miles ago.  It was emitting nothing except for crackling and static.  Every now and then it would cut back to a sermon, funnily enough it’d been the same one that was on when you started your trip.  Sunset was a little ways off.  If you looked hard enough you could see coyotes just off the asphalt.  Alive, yes.  But just how long had their souls been gone?  Someone was screaming.
A man.  You’d heard that scream before.  Seared into you memory like that steak you had for your 15th birthday. It was right next to you.  Oozing blood and raw-red.  You could hear the clink of the knife as it scraped against the plate.  Shaking your head to clear it, you notice an exit with a gas station.  “Now’s a time as good as any to stop.”  Gravel crunches as you slide up next to the pump. The neon beer lights from the bar across the road are calling.  But you can’t answer. The gas handle is slick and grimy, you’ve felt something like that before, but you can’t remember what.  A fuzzy noise in the back of your ears gets your attention.  Another truck has pulled in.  Right in the spot next to yours, never mind the dozen others that are free.  A bulky man steps down, his face hidden by a rangers hat.
You could tell he worked out though.  And had hair in need of a washing.  Clunk.  The tank was full.  You thought it best to leave before anyone could place you, but your stomach needed something other than greasy two-bit fast food.  You glance around, looking for any sign that promised a hot meal.
“Looking for something, doll?” You let out a small gasp.  He was staring straight at you now.
“Does this shithole have a place to eat?  I might have to start eating the cactus.”
He lets out a soft laugh, “Yeah, there’s a diner about half mile down the road.”
His face brightens like he just thought of something.  “You wanna meet me there?  I’ll buy dinner?”  You weigh the options.  You can’t have anybody recognize you; but your cash is getting low and however you can stretch it, you must.  You nod once.  “Sure.”
The diner is every trope you’d seen in the movies your pops watched when he got off work.  Flies buzzing, neon sign flickering, checkered tile.  It even had the shiny red leather booths.  What a dream.  “Getcha a seat anywhere, honey.  I’ll be right over,” came a perky voice from the back.  Presumably a waitress. You choose the booth near the back exit.  Its always good to have a backup plan.
The man said he needed to get something at the mini-mart, that you could go ahead and he’d catch up.  Somebody screamed right next to you, causing you to jump out of your seat.  You whip your head around.  No one was even in the dining area.  It sounded so real.  Like you could reach out and grasp the shattering inky blackness.  You take a couple of deep breaths.  Try to remember your happy place.  Tahiti, its a magical place.  Or so you’ve been told  You just picked it from a magazine that was open on the coffee table the night your mother set fire to the curtains in the living room.  The flames had licked up the page, burning the island resort into ash.  Boots thudded as they made way to where you were.  He slides in across from you.
“Um, the waitress’ll be right out,” you said softly.  He barely heard it over the rickety air conditioning.  He nods to show he heard.  He’s sitting close.  Closer than you’d thought another human would ever sit next to you again.  His hands are rough and calloused.  The sleeve cuffs of his hoodie are frayed; as if someone clawed at them.  Eyes traveling up his body, you take in more details.  The hoodie isn’t faded, its brand new.  He wears a bracelet of leather on his right hand, with a charm you can’t quite see.  His necklace is corded hemp, plain and understated.
A light stubble that’s maybe three days old covers his jaw.  His eyes... are piercing right through you. You take in a quick breath, not being able to look away.  You’d never seen that shade of blue before.   He’d been watching you watching him.  Quirking an eyebrow, ”See anything ya like, doll?” You start to sputter an answer but the waitress comes over.  “Sorry about the wait.  Here’s your-”  Blue eyes interrupts her, “We don’t need those.  I’ll have the special and she’ll have the ‘Its Impossible To Go Away Hungry’ plate”  “Okay, then.  I’ll get that right out to ya folks.”
You glare at him, he mirrors it with dicky nonchalance. “Why did you order for me?”  He leans forward, tilts his head the right the tiniest fraction.  “You’re starved.  I really don’t give a damn what kept you from eating but I ain’t gonna let you go without giving you a meal.  The steak plate is the biggest meal they have.  You can take a to go box, that is if you don’t eat the whole thing.”
“Oh.”  You cast out a huff, “Well, thank you.”  He flashes a killer smile. Pearly white teeth in a straight line.  Not an imperfection to be found anywhere.  A silence falls between the two of you.  You can’t decide whether its comfortable of not.
“My name is Bucky.  I thought you wouldn’t like eating with a stranger.  I like to doodle in the margins of my books sometimes.”  “Please tell me not library books.”  He scoffs as if you suggested the impossible, “Never.  Do you think I’m crazy?”
“Jury’s out on that, Bucky.”  He looks at you more intently now.  “Really?  Same could be said about you.  When I first spoke to you it was like a deer in headlights.  Ya running from something, sugar?”  He’d said it jokingly but you didn’t laugh.
“No.  Nothing like that.”
Shirley came back with your plates, and two root beers.  She left the check at the end of the table and Bucky swooped it up.  The meal passed by in the comfortable sounds of silverware clinking and ice clacking in the cups.  You both ate in record time.
You were careful to save enough for a second meal. That went into the to go container.  Now both cups were drained and plates scraped clean.  You start to slide out of your seat, mumbling a thanks but Bucky stops you.  “Wait, won’t you sit here a while longer?  I’d be kinda sad sitting here alone.”  After a moments hesitation, you resume your position.  “What do you wanna talk about?  It can’t be the weather.  Its been dry as bones for weeks.”   He ponders for a moment, “You.”  He shifts a little, resting one ankle on the opposite knee.
“I want to know what you’re running from, and see if I can offer...a distraction.”  That shocks you.  “Life?  Aren’t we all running away in some form or another?  I just happened to take the mobile route.”  You shrug, “What do you want me to say?  It was all shitty so I left it behind.  And as for the distraction part, I got a whore last night, so don’t bother.”  He is silent.  Just sits there and gazes at you.  You cock your head, getting impatient.  “Am I allowed to leave now?  Or do you want to talk about our feelings?”
“I slept with my best friends wife.”
“I-I’m sorry you what??”
“I slept with my best friends wife.  He owns half the town, what with him being mayor and all.  I couldn’t take it anymore, he’s always been the golden boy.  Always been the beacon of light.  I just wanted a slice of what he had.”  He looks up, his eyes are dead.  “She was willing, and I just... took her.  There on his desk.  He’d been out for lunch with some bigwig, and I made her cum twice on my cock.”  He chuckles darkly.  “That’d been the first time.  All the other times don’t matter, he doesn’t know about those.  But he does know about the time in the craft shed.  Peggy did pottery.
Had a nice little workshop, it was connected to the mansion they had.  I wanted to bring her pleasure in the place where she gets frustrated often, so she’d have something else to think about.  Steve caught us on the floor.  A big bunch of daffodils in hand.  Stupid, those weren’t even her favorites.”  He was gone now, lost in memories, not even knowing he was talking.  “Said he had come by to take her to lunch.  That was always like Steve.  Expected her to clear her schedule at the drop of a hat but never doing the same for anybody. He didn’t even get mad.  He just walked away, muttering something about his office.
Peggy said she could talk some sense into him.  The next day I found her in the garbage when I took out my trash.”  Your sharp inhale and big eyes do nothing to catch his attention.  “Steve comes strolling out of nowhere, said that she was a threat to his image.  Said that I need to leave or face the same.  I asked why he left me alive and he said ‘So you can remember the pain until you lay down in the ground and the mice and carrion drag your body up from its silk cocoon to feast.”
But that’s not all.”  He said the last bit so quietly, it was as if he said nothing.
“What?”  He’s crying now, tears are forming rivers in his eyes.  “She knew.  She knew  he was going to be there and that’s how she wanted to go out.”  Your puzzled expression makes him laugh.  “Don’t know many politicians, do you?  Good.  Keep it that way.  That day when the mail came I got a letter.  From her.  It said how she wanted to divorce Steve ever since he became the HOA president.  But she couldn’t.  He had threatened her once, just once and what he said was so blisteringly awful.  And he did it.  He is a man of his word, after all.  He kept his damn word.”
“So...she used you as an out?”  He winces.  You hadn’t meant to sound like that.
Out in the diners parking lot you say goodbye to James.  Wait.  No, no.  His name is Bucky.  He’s got a green  Chevy and blue eyes.  Or was it red?  It doesn’t matter anyway.  You back out and head for the next state, ignoring the blood leaking from the tarp in your trunk.  The screams have stopped.  And the moon is bright.
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