#hinata shoyou oneshot
Wrong Number (Hinata x Reader)
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You had a shit day, like a, got caught in the pouring rain, lectured for turning in your literature paper 5 minutes late, missed the bus, and had to walk home in the freezing cold, kind of day.
That’s why you cracked open the nearest bottle of alcohol in your home. It was a bottle of wine that Kiyoko had given you for your birthday a few months ago. You weren’t much of a drinker, but you figured now was as good a time as any to put it to use. 
You climbed the stairs sluggishly, clumsily changing clothes before you collapsed onto your bed, burrowing under the blankets. The more you drank, the more you began to think. It didn’t take long for your aimless thoughts to drift to a certain tangerine haired boy. 
Hinata Shoyou was many things to you, the boy you grew up with, your best friend, the sun on your dark days, your first crush, the love of your life, and the current bane of your existence.
Falling in love was such an easy thing. It was everything after that that was so fucking difficult. You see, confessing to someone you’ve only known for a short time is a lot easier than risking an 18 year bond with your best friend that you were stupid enough to fall in love with. 
Hinata Shoyou meant the world to you, and the thought of losing him was like having your heart ripped out.
You fumbled for your phone under the blankets, searching for Kiyoko’s number. 
Hinata had just gotten out of practice when his phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and glanced at the screen.
Y/n is calling…
He swiped his thumb across the screen and held it to his ear. He opened his mouth to say hello, but you cut him off.
Kiyoko? Hinata pulled the phone away from his ear. No, it was definitely you. He put the phone back to his ear. He was about to tell you that you had called the wrong number when you started to talk.
“Sometimes, I scare myself.” You smiled lazily despite your darkening thoughts. “Some days, I feel so much that it becomes unbearable, like the weight of all my emotions are a boulder on my chest, slowly crushing me.” You breathed in sharply. Something inside your heart ached painfully. “Other days, I feel like I’m drowning, being asphyxiated by this awful numbness that leaves me with only my darkest thoughts.” 
You let out the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. “I’m so scared, Kiyoko.” You whispered shakily. “Shoyou is so bright and warm, and I don’t want to drag him down with me, but-” Your voice cracked harshly as you choked back the sob threatening to rip itself from your throat. “I love him so fucking much.” You laughed brokenly. “I’m such a shitty person. I know I’m being selfish, but I can’t…” You swallowed thickly. “I can’t let him go.”
Hinata blinked.
“You love me?”
For a second, it felt like your heart had stopped beating. You pulled the phone away from your ear, dreading the name you would see on the screen.
Ongoing call with ‘Sunshine’
You hung up on him.
You stared at the screen until it went dark, nearly flinging it across the bed in shock when it began to ring again. 
Hinata is calling…
You turned your phone off. 
“I’m never drinking again.” You groaned, burying your face in your pillow. 
~1 Hour Later~
You blinked your eyes open, silently cursing whoever was knocking on your door. You threw the covers back, nearly tripping on them as you tried to stand. You stumbled down the hallway and out into the living room. When you reached the front door, you glanced through the peephole. 
Hinata was standing at your door.
You debated going back to bed and suffocating yourself with your pillow, but you knew you would have to face him eventually. You took a deep breath and opened the door. It didn’t help you feel prepared at all. 
Your breath still caught in your throat when you looked at him. Hinata seemed almost as startled as you when the door opened. 
He stuttered incoherently, shaky hands holding out a small, white box to you. Inside it was your favorite pastry from the bakery downtown. 
“Thank y-”
“I LIKE YOU TOO!” Hinata blurted out loudly. 
You stared at him, eyes as wide as saucers. “What?”
Hinata rubbed the back of his neck, red slowly painting his cheeks. “I like, no, I love you. I have since high school, but I was always too scared to tell you because you’re so smart and funny and, like, crazy cool, and I thought I had no chance with you, but then, you called me and told me you loved me. Well, I know you didn’t mean to call me, but you did, and I didn’t know what to say because I was so surprised. I mean, wow, like, the person I’ve been in love with for six years actually loves me too. It’s insane, but then, you hung up before I could say anything, and I-”
“Can I kiss you?”
A grin slowly spread across his face, his eyes squeezing shut under the weight of his smile. “Yes!”
He really is like the sun.
You kissed him tenderly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You sealed the confession with another kiss.
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sylphid187 · 11 months
*for some reason in some cases the hyperlinks are now being redirected? So you may see an error screen when you click.
All of them still work, but you have to open them in a browser and remove the " https://href.li/ " that's automatically added to the link to open it. Last I checked, it seems to be working now.*
Haikyuu! Fanfiction Masterlist
Compiled list of all my Haikyuu written works. Please do not repost/translate my works in other sites - especially without letting me know. ><
- All works are Rated: T unless stated otherwise.
Hinata Centric Stories
Coming Home, Taking Flight (Postimeskip fic about Hinata's homecoming)
Status: Main Story Complete. Chapters: 13
A Little Sunshine (Self indulgent fluff feat. Small Shoyou)
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: 5
Miya Twins Centric Stories
To Try Another Day (A look into the journey of Osamu's culinary career and his relationship with Atsumu)
Status: Complete, Oneshot
KuroKen Stories
That's What They Said (Oneshot)
Rest, Relaxation, Reveal (Oneshot)
Always Together, Never Alone (Oneshot)
The One with the Girlfriend (Oneshot)
How I Wanted You to Know (Oneshot)
Of Dates and Drinks (Oneshot)
A Story of Paper Flowers (Oneshot)
The Lines Between (KuroKen BB 2021, Complete)
Time Doesn't Wait (Nekoma BB 2021, Complete)
BokuAka Stories
The World and It's Star (Oneshot)
Parts of Their Story (BokuAka Exchange 2021, Oneshot)
Other Pairing Stories
Shooting Your Shot (DaiSuga Oneshot)
Winds of Change (SakuAtsu Oneshot)
Tsukki's Five Steps [to Deal with Feelings] (TsukiYama Oneshot)
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ao3feed-birdflash · 7 months
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svnaslove · 3 years
femboy hooters.
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 ; y/n going to femboy hooters and finding hinata working there for a summer job
[all characters are aged up to timeskip]
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“ohh c’monnn i wanna gooo” you best friend pleaded.
“ugh, fine but just really quick, we’re not going to just stay there for hours right?” you asked.
your best friend, mika [not daishou’s mika, i just liked the name jksdf], was bouncing in excitement, “yes! yes i promised we’ll just get some fries or something really quick im just really curious, thank you y/n!!” 
to be quite honest you were pretty curious yourself. a femboy hooters? in all honesty it was kinda hot. a place where all of the nasty toxic masculinity was squashed like a bug. all kinds of guys worked there, straight, gay, bi, pan, black, white, hispanic, asian, latino. you couldn’t help but get a little excited yourself. 
you bit back your bottom lip as you pulled your car up to a parking spot and turned off your car.
“we’re here,” you smiled watching your best friends expression. this was going to be hilarious, mika was already boy crazy enough, you were making a mental note to take pictures of her facial expressions for teasing her with later on.
you walked in to be greeted by a tall guy with short shorts, he. was. gorgeous. his dark, melanin skin was illuminated by the near setting sun making him dazzling to look at, his teeth were so perfect and white, his muscles were so strong, his smile was so-
“hi welcome to femboy hooters, im devon. is this all in your party today? you girls are gorgeous, let me take you to your table, im getting off my shift just now so i’ll get someone to come get you some drinks in just a few, byee!” he finished as he sat you two down.
“thank you!” you both called out.
mika turned to you and mouthed the words ‘oh my god’
“i know.” you replied watching the man leave.
“he’s so gorgeous, what was his name again? devon? ohhhh devon, take me away with you.” she dramatically sighed throwing her hands to her forehead.
you laughed and turned to your phone, already taking the first ridiculous picture of her today.
“hi girls, welcome to femboy hooters, im hinat- oH Y/N HI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?” your eyes widened as you recognized the voice just in front of you. 
“oh my god hi sho.” you laughed, your eyes traced down to his legs and his muscles basically ripping through his crop top. his skin had been newly tanned, after all, he did just come back from brazil a month ago.
“i didn’t know you worked at a femboy hooters” you laughed, his cheeks coated pink.
“well, i thought it might be fun to give it a try.” he blushed, his grip on his little notebook tightened slightly and loosed again to your smile, “you look really good sho.” you smiled.
he laughed nervously, “thank you, uhm, y-you look good too. i mean you always look good, no matter what you could be wearing like a dinosaur costu- sORRY IM RAMBLING.”
you laughed softly again, allowing your head to rest on your hand, proped up on the table. “it’s okay.”
“isthereanydrinksyouguyswant.” he asked, the speed that he spoke them at jumbled them together.
“we’ll be good with just some waters, what do you think mika?”
your best friend was broken from her daze of surprise from witnessing the turn of events.
she nodded.
“okayi’llberightback.” hinata pipped before running away.
mika started laughing, “ho ho OH MY GOD, Y/NNN”
your trance of watching hinata walking away broke, “hu- huh what?” you asked.
“i-” you stopped short and stood up, “wait here.” you walked away to the back rooms where the kitchens were, standing outside of the door to the kitchen.
as soon as you saw his bright orange hair you grabbed him to you and pushed him into the wall.
the two waters saved by his reflexes but yet some water still fell on you.
on your white shirt.
how classy.
his gaze fell on how the water made your white shirt nearly transparent to your skin, causing your chest and cleavage  to be exposed.
“yes, i’m okay sho.”
hinata swallowed and looked up into your eyes.
“when do you get out of your shift?” you ask, tracing his bicep.
hinata swallowed again, “uhhh in 20 minutes i think?”
“good,” you said, pausing your trace and looking in his eyes, “i’ll be waiting for you, okay?”
“okay.” hinata nodded, a smirk growing on his face, “y/n, are you trying to make a move on me?” he laughed, biting his bottom lip.
this was not the hinata you knew.
did this new found flirty confidence of his grow when he was in brazil?
you hummed, “maybe i am.” you walked away before a hand grabbed your hip and pulled you back.
“come here, i got a new number and i want to make sure you have it.” he said pulling out his phone.
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jxbsbokuto · 2 years
gatinha | hinata shoyou
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pairing: hinata x fem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: manga spoilers!
words: 0.6k
haikyuu masterlist
a/n: i’ve been having brasil hinata brainrot for three days now and it’s far from done🥴
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“Ei, Gatinha.” Is what Hinata Shoyou says when he comes up to you at a bar in Rio.
From his accent you know he’s a foreigner, and instead of being annoyed by the pet name you find the way it falls out of his lips rather adorable.
He asks what you do for a living as a conversation starter and without realizing you’re falling under the spell of the Japanese boy.
“Fala, Gatinha.” Is what he says when he meets you at the beach a few days later, accompanied by a soft kiss on your cheek.
He told you to stop by someday so you could play beach volleyball together, which would be more like him teaching you how to play.
You two spent the whole afternoon at Ipanema, talking, playing, running around, swimming at the sea. You felt like a teenager all over again, with red cheeks and a gobbly smile on your face.
“Fica a vontade, Gatinha.” Is what he says after your fourth date when he invites you over to his and Pedro’s apartment.
Neither of you wanted the day to end, so you agreed to go over and watch a movie with him.
Needless to say the movie was long forgotten when you climbed into his lap. Your hands tugging on his orange strands, his on your waist and a breathtaking kiss.
Then the “Gatinha.” turned into “Minha Gatinha.”
“Fica mais um pouco, Minha Gatinha.” Is what he mumbles onto your shoulder on a Sunday morning.
Your limbs were intertwined and his arm thrown over your torso, pulling you closer to give him warmth.
You couldn’t help but smile at how beautiful he looked under the soft sunshine that peaked out of his bedroom curtains. The sight was enough for you to ignore the brunch you were supposed to have with your parents, even if it meant hearing a handful because of it.
“Minha Gatinha, eu te a-” Is what he tries to say before bidding his goodbye at the airport, but you cut him off with a kiss instead.
“Fala quando você voltar, Shô.” You respond with teary eyes and a fondly smile.
In his eyes there was a promise. That he would come back. That he would be in your arms again.
“Tô com saudade, Minha Gatinha :(” Is what he texts you when he’s in Japan.
You two agreed to not be in a long distance relationship, but that agreement was the same as nothing as you two kept texting each other every day and facetiming at unholy hours.
“Vencemos, Gatinha!” Is what he texts you after his game against the Adlers.
You already knew, of course. You had pulled an all-nighter just to watch your Shô playing against his high school rival and best friend.
His first game as a professional player. You couldn’t be prouder.
“Gatinha…” Is what he says over the phone when the image of you crying pops up on his screen.
It didn’t take long for him to start tearing too. He missed you like crazy, he loved you like he never loved anyone before, and being miles and miles away from you made his heart clench.
“Tô em casa, Gatinha.” Is what he whispers to your ear as he hugs you from behind.
You jumped in your place because of the scare, but quickly turned around once his voice got registered in your brain.
“Shô? Shô!” Is what you say when you jump into his arms, legs locked around his waist in a koala hug.
“Eu te amo, Shô.” Is what you say before kissing him deeply.
“Eu também te amo, Minha Gatinha.”
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likes and reblogs are more than appreciated!
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llamakenma · 3 years
a ‘let me go’ fanfic
request: Hinata angst? where he’s choosing volleyball over his s/o by missing dates and stuff constantly saying volleyball is more important that his s/o. so when he realizes, he’s too late. She’s already in love with tsukishima. The complete opposite of hinata :( - @shoyosbitchh
note: hiii @shoyosbitchh!!! i hope you will love this!! I'm really sorry for the delay tho, I've been bombarded with assignments TT. stay safe and take care!
summary: where hinata can’t let (y/n) go
your phone lit up with the newly arrived message, your ears recognizing the distinct ringtone you had set for him and only him. a smile painted your face as you reached out to check the message- he was probably nearing the place he promised would be present at tonight.
“i’ll be late”
it didn’t take you a second to even figure out that he had forgotten about your date night with him, on the day you were looking forward to spending even a bit of time with him. you knew his career was at it’s peak and you truly were glad for him as he got to pursue his only passion. you knew even you couldn't rival the passion he had for volleyball yet were you not even worth a tiny bit of his attention? you had let him pass, when he had missed dates in the past, you paid no mind to it even though it had bothered you quite a bit, yet now, on your third anniversary with him, really?
you stood up from the chair you had seated on for the past hour, hoping with every inch of you that he would at least show up and tell you that he remembered- a text indicating that he had forgotten was the last thing you were looking towards to. 
the rain showered your dress the moment you had stepped out of the building, guess you weren't the one that was only shedding tears tonight. you could feel the anger of the clouds matching yours as they spilled every emotion they had held back, every thing they did not say. you could hear every sniffle as they recalled every scene in which they were told to be not important compared to that of a volleyball- in which they stayed up every night just to end up with him not coming back home at all. you knew everything they felt were on par with what you endure. 
the door creaked open as you walked into the shared apartment, your mind in a state of mess that kept pounding you down- your limbs felt too light, your feet too heavy, as you stumbled around not noticing the presence that sat on the couch. it was only when he spoke with such concern in his voice did you become aware of him.
“where were you (y/n)? it’s so late at night, do you know how worried i was about you?”
you ignored him. concern? yeah, right. if he really did care about you perhaps he would’ve at least remember what the day was, or even the plans you had made with him- the day he had promised he would be present for the whole day- the day he never even showed his face until now. to say that you were irritated was an understatement, the fact that you were not even irritated was what was making you annoyed- it was almost you were used to it. you were so used to him forgetting every single plan you had arranged with him, you were so used to him not being there for you when you come back every night, you were so used to waking up alone in the bed and going to sleep alone at night. you were so used to eating alone every day that the schedule you had developed contained no trace of him. it was just about you, he was not a part of your schedule no more and you were certain that you were not a part of his too.
“hey sho, i think we should end this...”
hinata shoyo has always been complimented for his skills: whether it be volleyball or even social- yet now as he stood with your back against him, he knew he did not have the skill to solve the upcoming matter. he could feel his breath being taken away with every word you had just spoke as nausea befriended him- he had always believed you would be the one he would marry, that you would be the one he would always wake up to. nevertheless, he pondered on where he went wrong. 
“why-y (y/n), i thought we were happy.”
“yes sho, we were. but not now- not when we don’t even have the time to meet each other even once a week. not when you are the only one content with our relationship sho- i’m not content with it. it might be good for you to wake up beside me every morning and go to sleep with me, but i don’t feel that way- i never get to see you anymore, you might get to go to sleep with me beside you but i don’t, i have to go to sleep along and wake up to an empty bed, an empty apartment. i eat at an empty table and come back to an empty home. it’s always just me in here, you are never even home anymore- do you know how lonely that feels in a relationship sho? do you even know how this feels so one-sided, and lonely, do you? no. hell, just try telling me in which part of your schedule am i consisted of, it’s always volleyball for you isn’t it? it’s always this and this all over again. am i just a toy to you?”
hinata was sure that was the final conversation you had with him, he was sure he did not miss the glistening tears that tainted the rims of your eyes- he was sure he did not miss the distress in your voice as you let of every single emotion that had been barricaded by his actions. he was so sure that you were happy and content with the smile you held on his face whenever you were with him- or so he thought. as he watched your eye-blinding smile that you gave to tsukishima, he knew how much pain he had caused you. he knew how much you going through yet he never paid attention- he never aided you on your bad days nor did he remember any of the dates unless you told him. 
as he watched the gleam in your eyes every time you glanced at the tall blonde, he was sure- oh he was, that he no longer had a place in your heart and it was only fair to let you go.
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genesisrose74 · 3 years
Taking on Tokyo
A/n: Hinata brainrot go brrrrrr — my heart has especially burned for timeskip! Shoyo recently, as the anime gets ever closer to that time, so be forewarned that there’s some manga spoilers concerning the post-timeskip situation (duh) in here since I’ll be focusing on the Tokyo Olympics Arc 😌 God I love this man so much — hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Olympian! Reader
Words: 2785
The moments after one of the most significant events of your life was, quite literally, a blur. It only occurred to you that your earlier pass to the eighteen yard box of Yokohama stadium was successful after a horde of bodies swarmed your space, cheering and yelling words that could just barely be heard over the sound of screaming stadium fans.
The U.S. National Soccer team managed to take the lead against Canada, as one of the team’s star forwards volleyed a crossed ball into the back corner of the net. What more, it happened with just three minutes left into the game. And it was your cross that helped clinch the opportunity.
You had unceremoniously tripped over your own two feet after sending the ball sailing parallel to the end line, hence the initial uncertainty as to the outcome. But as ecstatic faces that glimmered with sweat commended you in a dog pile, you had soon come to your senses, ones screaming that winning the Olympic finals was at last in your team’s clutches.
For those last six minutes of the match (three more excruciating minutes added in extra time), your mind and body had buzzed with excited adrenaline that was eventually expended, until that final whistle blew loud in your ears and a gold medal fell proudly around your neck. It was a blur of cheering, crying, and a hell of a lot of random singing on the way back to the Village - overall a crazy exciting way to spend your first Olympic Games.
Yet, it felt as if nothing in that series of events compared to the nerves that sparked throughout your body at the thought of getting to see a familiar face soon thereafter.
Shoyo Hinata hadn’t called or texted you a single time after acquiring that gold medal, one that now sat contentedly on the nightstand of your room. It had been over 20 hours since you’d collapsed into the comfortable embrace of your temporary bed, simply exhausted from the previous day’s events and the celebrations that ensued.
It had been much, much longer since you’d seen the man in question in person. Nearly coming up on two and a half years at this point, if your incessant counting proved correct.
Scarce visits to Brazil and Japan, paired with an insurmountable number of phone calls, facetimes, and texts, had been the only threads connecting yourself and Shoyo for some time. While you were both set on maintaining each others’ company in any way possible, sustaining a relationship had not been the easiest considering your vastly different environments. After your adoring boyfriend of two years left for Rio, you were soon thereafter offered the ability to study and train in the U.S., where your birth country provided a route to join their Olympic soccer team.
In many ways, the opportunity was simultaneously the greatest blessing and a looming obligation. Japan was your home after all, and Shoyo was due to return there in time. But the promising volleyball athlete knew you’d been yearning for an opportunity as big as the international stage (similar to his own dreams), and he quickly assured that he could wait for you as long as needed.
And now, after years of training and being away from the other half of your heart, you’d finally made it back home with all your aspirations secured. Home, in both the literal and figurative sense, was within your reach.
Yet the tangerine-haired dummy that earned the latter definition of the word had yet to contact you, even after that spectacular win you’d been working towards for the last few years apart. Knowing him, he’d probably gotten too hyper for his own game in the following days and the thought slipped his mind, but you still couldn’t help the childish pout that settled on your features.
“You dork,” came your lighthearted sigh, checking your phone for any last minute notifications as the hotel elevator opened to the first floor. Tucking away the device after finding nothing new, you waved to a few teammates in the Village lounge as they chatted with other athletes - many of whom offered friendly nods of greeting as you walked by.
A number of your building’s residents sat spread around the large space of the bottom floor, splayed on couch cushions and sitting on stools as they waited for the evening shuttles - just world-class athletes wanting to get their hands on dinner as quickly as possible, with yourself among them. It should have been laughable with how casual it all was.
The situation would have spurred a lighthearted chuckle from your throat if you weren’t so caught up in your daydreams, ones that were soon to come true within the next day.
You shook your head with a smile as you opened the front doors, letting the calming breeze of Tokyo’s air wash over you. A small handful of fellow athletes had the same appreciation for the beautiful night, it seemed, as they leaned against the building’s walls in wait for the shuttles’ arrival. You took up a spacious spot against one of the large windows and crouched down on the sidewalk, taking a deep breath of atmosphere in a lame attempt to settle your nervous excitement.
‘You’re so enamored that Christine Sinclair could start a conversation with you and you’d not even bat an eye,’ one of your teammates had claimed the previous night, watching with amused eyes as you’d intently scanned your message notifications on the ride back to the Village. You had blushed profusely and nestled your face against your hands in a flustered response. ‘Is it really that noticeable?’
It was most definitely that noticeable — a fact that you came to terms with after mentally determining how many minutes longer it’d be before you could see Hinata in person again. His next volleyball game of the Olympic tournament was set for Ariake Arena at 2:00 pm the next afternoon, and it was there that you’d finally be reunited.
Was it a little cheesy that you’d been planning out the moment as if it were a blockbuster romance movie scene? Maybe, but you couldn’t help yourself.
It was out of unconscious instinct that you unlocked your phone to open social media, looking for something to pass the time before the dinner shuttles arrived. A congratulatory hashtag glowed atop your trending page, and you felt a surge of pride with the knowledge that it was in commendation of your team’s gold medal win from yesterday. You took a moment to silently scroll through the numerous tweets from notable celebrities, sports channels, and other fans, all of which highlighted the dreamlike moment you’d experienced firsthand.
A familiar username caught your eye as you flicked through the hashtag, face softening as Bokuto’s most recent tweet popped up on the screen. It was a retweet of a professionally taken picture, with you surrounded by some of your teammates, all adorning face-splitting grins as golden confetti rained from the air.
“See #15?? That’s one of my best friends right there!!! Congrats on gold 🥳💛 well deserved!”
You smiled at the sweet message and liked the tweet, opting to comment an assortment of hearts and well wishes for his performance the next day in the responses. Even on Team Japan, Bokuto couldn’t help but unabashedly support your achievements whenever they arose.
“Looking at the trending page for your win?”
You nodded, still gazing down at your screen. “It’s pretty surreal to look at, but really sweet to see the messages.”
“I would hope they’re all nice messages, since you all put so much time and effort into getting that medal.”
The air was silent again for a second, the only noise being your hum of agreement and the sound of cars from the nearby road.
And then the familiarity of his voice registered, hitting you smack in the face like an avalanche.
Your head whipped to the left to find a standing figure, dressed in athletic sweats and a Team Japan windbreaker that suited him well. His hands were large and tanned, as one sat perched on his hip in a teasingly expectant manner, and tangerine-colored hair appeared mussed and fluffy in your peripheral vision like you’d always remembered. As if to top it all off, a blinding smile reflected the male’s clear amusement with the situation as you took him in with shocked eyes.
“Come here often?” he inquired, tone airy.
Shoyo opened his arms wide as you scrambled up to greet him, a surprised laugh leaving his lips when you jumped into them without hesitation. Strong, toned limbs easily wrapped around the back of your waist and held you tightly to his body, one that radiated warmth and the uncanny smell of citrus fruit when you breathed in. Despite the happiness that exploded within you at his sudden appearance, you fought an urge to start crying on the spot.
“I missed you so much, Shoyo,” you murmured against his chest, and he simply held you taught in response. “So, so much.”
“I missed you too, angel,” he replied, trailing a hand through your hair with tenderness, and the words felt so perfect in your ears.
The male gave a gorgeous smile when you moved your head back to take him in again, and his overjoyed expression practically melted your heart in an instant. Before even realizing it yourself, you’d grabbed Hinata by the jacket collar and brought his lips to yours, which your boyfriend answered with passionate enthusiasm as he cupped the side of your face. A satisfied grin painted his expression clear as day when you tried to bring him impossibly closer by the back of his neck, the athlete evidently bemused by your boldness in the moment.
God, you’d missed kissing him and his beautiful face so damn bad.
“Congratulations on getting gold, by the way,” he managed to sputter against your lips after a moment, at which your face warmed significantly.
“Thank you,” you chuckled, “and hopefully I can say the same for you pretty soon.”
“I’m looking forward to seeing you cheer me on.”
“And I’m very excited to watch you in action.”
You both laughed, still holding onto one another as if the other would disappear if they let go - and slowly becoming aware that the current scene was likely being observed by other athletes as they stood outside. The latter bit of information didn’t hold much weight, though, and Hinata placed a soft kiss to your nose through his giggles like the blossoming romantic he was.
“You headed to dinner soon?” he asked, at which you nodded affirmatively.
“Come with me to eat?” came your subtle plea, yearning to spend a bit more time with him.
Hinata let out a small sigh. “I would, but we’ve got a team meeting pretty soon for tomorrow’s match. I just went out for a jog beforehand.”
A half-frown befell your expression for a split second, before it was quickly and easily dissipated by a flurry of fleeting kisses to your jawline that prompted a fit of your own giggling.
“Hey now, I’m all yours as soon as the tournament ends tomorrow evening,” Shoyo assured, and it was clear from his earnest tone that he was completely serious. “Anything you want, we’ll do.”
The thought of getting to spend a full day with him again made your mind buzz, grasp on his windbreaker’s fabric tightening in the midst of your giddy excitement. “And the next day?”
“And as many days after that, if you’d allow me to take some of your time.”
“Well if you say that, I’m going to get greedy.”
His chest reverberated with laughter, a sound you noticed to be slightly deeper than the last time you’d heard it in person. The change was subtle, but you found yourself quite fond of the fact for no real reason.
“I don’t mind if you get a little selfish,” he offered back, and the smile that lit up your face was starting to hurt with how long it had been there. The whole scene had you feeling like a high schooler all over again.
“I’ll hold you up on that tomorrow, then.”
With one last hug of the night, one that may or may not have stolen the breath from your lungs, Shoyo mumbled a sweet declaration of ‘I love you’ into the crook of your neck that sent your face alight with heat. You returned the phrase with full sincerity, squeezing him just a bit tighter before having to let go completely.
He gave an enthusiastic wave goodbye as he turned back to the direction of his team’s resident building, which you happily reciprocated before he jogged off.
That stupidly hazy smile of yours didn’t go away for the rest of the night, and your teammates amusedly questioned what could’ve possibly happened to cause such a heightening in your mood.
The outside entrance of Ariake Arena prickled with energy in the middle of the afternoon, crowds packing around the large stadium in hopes of witnessing some of volleyball’s best and brightest players. Of course, Japan was among the few who’d made it past preliminary rounds and their first few elimination matches, a “Monster Generation” of starters living up to their name in practically every aspect. Your athletic beast of a boyfriend ranking among them without a doubt.
You’d already settled into your stadium seat quite early on, placed right beside Shoyo’s similarly skilled younger sister Natsu, who’d yet to arrive due to traffic. You were excited to see her again, as a blossoming volleyball player and quite the matured girl herself. Yet in the time before her appearance, you couldn’t help but get caught up watching warmups from the stadium’s closest row of seats.
Along with the familiar reappearance of the well known Black Jackals teammates, a few other players had surprised you upon walking into the main venue. It was a sight for sore eyes to find Iwaizumi Hajime at the corner of the court as he set up; his aspirations as an athletic trainer landing himself a very fitting spot in helping Team Japan’s very own athletes. Nekoma’s formerly resilient libero, Yaku Morisuke, only added to your astonishment when you noted him warming up on the sidelines. Shoyo hadn’t mentioned every one of the team members you would have recognized, it seemed.
What really grabbed your attention, however, was none other than said player who donned a very reminiscent number ten on his jersey. Atsumu and Kageyama had been switching off setting to the hitting lineup every handful of rounds, yet it seemed like the difference in setter didn’t impact the accurate powers put behind Hinata’s attacks.
Your infatuation was only fueled by the fact that the ginger had spotted you earlier when stretching, and each time he got back in line after a successful hit, he would offer you a teasingly loving gesture in one way or another.
And damn, was he cute.
After a brief warmup prior to the main crowd’s entrance into the massive space, Hinata couldn’t help but find himself gravitating towards your seat. You stifled a laugh when he finally made his way over, water bottle in hand and only a couple meters’ distance from your place in the stands as he sported an awfully smug smile.
“How did I look out there?” he inquired. “Was it a nice view?”
Despite the flustered embarrassment that flooded through your veins with his less-than-subtle flirtations, you retorted in a similar tone. “You looked really hot to me.”
The poor guy nearly choked on his water with your words, prompting you to bark out a laugh. “W-what?”
“You seemed to be on fire, I mean,” you joked. “Definitely game ready.”
Shoyo spluttered for a moment before regaining his composure, locking eyes with you as amber irises gleamed with his usual pre-game determination once more.
“You’re a minx,” he stated, mouth quirking into a lazy smile as he leaned forward. “Still down for dinner tonight though?”
You rolled your eyes jokingly. “Of course.”
Shoyo emphatically blew a kiss in your direction, which you pretended to catch and press against your heart. “Good luck, baby!” You called out. “I love you!”
“Love you too!” he grinned, turning towards the rest of his team as they began to form a huddle. You couldn’t help but shake your head with a smile at the giddy excitement that bubbled in your chest, all because of that ginger haired, elite volleyball Olympian standing over on the other side of the court. Your Shoyo, who seemed to shine brighter than a new gold medal in your eyes.
The joyous welcome back in more ways than one was a fantastic way to kick off your return to Japan, that was for sure.
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minishoyo · 3 years
Stressful day again, wasn’t?
HINATA SHOYOU . . . fluffs, fluffies, fluffy!! requested by: @svnbaezz​!! i’m sorry it took too long huhu
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You entered the house with grocery bags on your arms, a heavy laptop bag placed on your shoulder, and a large milk carton which you hug near your chest. It was a stressful day indeed on work. But you’re already short on necessities at home that’s why you decided to drop by on the nearest supermarket.
As expected, you had to fall in a very long line.
“I’m home,” You said, almost a whisper.
No one answered back. Is your husband isn’t home yet? You looked at the wall clock. It’s already 7:37 in the evening. When you looked at the dining table, there’s still no food prepared. He was usually home at 6. You bit your lip, trying to calm yourself down. It’s bad when you get mad, it’s always become messy.
“I’m home,” You repeated. “Shoyou?” 
Still. No one answered.
You accidentally peeked at your baby’s room door, which was a little bit opened, and you saw your husband sleeping soundly beside your the little bundle of sunshine...Shin. You started contemplating if you should wake him up or not. But you’re already hungry, you don’t think you can still cook. But it would be too bad too if you wake Hinata. What if he’s tired at work and—
“Welcome home.”
You immediately snapped out of your thoughts when you felt your husband’s strong pair of arms around your waist, his head buried on the crook of your neck.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I wasn’t able to greet you immediately, I suddenly fell asleep with our baby and—”
You sighed. “I-It’s okay, Shoyou. Let’s have dinner, shall we? I also bought groceries on my way back here.”
There’s no hint of energy on your voice. Unlike his.
“There was a sale so I decided if I...” you trailed off when you grabbed the frying pan. “...should buy—”
But Hinata was too quick when he stole it from you.
“Move, baby,” He sweetly commanded.
“I’ll prepare dinner.”
He looked back at you with a reassuring smile and a thumbs-up. 
“I got this, okay? Sit back on the couch, watch TV, while I prepare our food, okay? Why don’t you check Shin too? He misses you a lot.”
You smiled. Finally.
“Fine. Fine. I’ll check our baby.
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“Y/N-chan,” Your husband cooed as soon as he lie down on the bed beside you. He snuggled at you immediately, his breath hitting your right cheek.
“Shoyou, not today.”
“I just miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
You wore off your glasses before attempting to close the lamp beside you but Hinata caught your wrist.
“Tell me what happened on work today.”
You just looked at him as he studied your face. Dark circles appearing under your eyes, your skin looking paler as ever, untamed hair, acne starting to spread out again—everything because of stress. You stayed silent. You can’t sort your feelings out.
“Another stressing day, wasn’t?”
You nodded. 
“Come here, baby.”
Hinata immediately enveloped you with his warm embrace as you cuddled him close. It was so cold outside, especially that winter is coming, but his heat was enough to warm you up. You don’t want to let go anymore.
“It was so stressful today,” You said, half-crying. “I don’t want to work anymore. With that boss who just kept placing mountains of paper works on my desks, my demanding managers, noisy co-workers, everything! I just...want to sleep all day and spend time with you and Shin.”
He patted your back. “Shh, shh...”
“We can do that, right?” You looked at him. “I can spend time with you again, right? I want to be the one who takes care of our baby. I want to see you practice volleyball. I want to watch your games. I want to—”
You were cut off by a kiss, a soft and loving one. A tear escaped your eye but Hinata wiped it with his thumb.
It lasted for a minute...
No, 2—3 minutes.   
You tugged his shirt for air. “I-I’m sorry, honey. For ranting at time like this. I know you’re busy too with your games, with our baby, and now—”
“You want to go to the park this coming Saturday?” He energetically asked. There’s this shining smile plastered on his face.
“Yes! We’ll have a picnic! And we can play and teach Shin volleyball! How do that sound? Are you in?”
With you shaking lips, you smiled, before tackling Hinata on your bed.
“Of course, I would love to!”
He caressed your hair, laughing. “I love you, Y/N-chan!”
“I love you too, Shoyou!”
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A/N: Requests are still open! Feel free to drop by on my inbox, sweeties!
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nkogneatho · 3 years
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[𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞.]
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💚Hie I am Pasi and this is my 3rd open collab event.💚
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The theme is pretty simple. Fucking under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc. Cause yes, a lot of us love the feeling of cumming with an euphoric pleasure.
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Send me an ask or dm if you want to participate.
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Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Boku no hero academia, Bungou stray dogs, Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Revengers, Kimetsu no Yaiba, Dr. Stone, Free!
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This is an ONLY NSFW COLLAB. Your age should be in your bio before you participate or even interact with this content.
You can write Headcanons, Fics, Drabbles, Oneshot, Thirts, etc as long as it is minimum 500 words. You can write more than 1k, 2k and so on.
A character can only be taken twice. MENTION THE DRUG OR ALCOHOL ETC. so the second person can use a different one.
Dark content is welcomed but MUST BE TAGGED PROPERLY.
Artists and writers both can participate.
The deadline is 1st January, 2022  but I don’t mind if it’s late. Life happens
Please tag me in the finished piece. Use the #🍸.noxious to tag your work for this event.
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🍸𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬🍸
Hanamaki Takahiro x fem!reader + Acid + Molly by @nishiannoya
Hinata Shoyou x fem!reader + Alcohol + Weed by @cozykozume
Miya Atsumu x fem!reader + roofies + alcohol by @bakuu-baee
Sakusa x fem!reader x Ushijima +Alcohol + drug by @haikyutiehoe
Suna Rintarou x fem!reader + drugs by @nkogneatho
Tendou Satori x fem!reader + edibles/weed by @rosesandtoshi
Ushijuma Wakatoshi x fem!reader + aphrodisiac by @anju-writes
Fushiguro Megumi × fem!reader + ecstasy by @hisgoodpuppy
Gojo Satoru x fem!reader + ecstasy by @your-nerd-is-showing
Naoya Zenin x fem!reader + alcohol + roofies by @kentosovertime
Sukuna Ryomen x fem!reader + weed by @severelytalentless
Fushiguro Toji x fem!reader + alcohol by @smoothy-ve
Eren Yeager x fem! reader + shrooms + weed by @saccharine-darling
Jean Kirstein x fem!reader + Alcohol (whiskey) by @suguruswaifu
Miche Zacharias x fem!reader + Wine by @chaotic-nick
Zeke yeager x fem!reader + alcohol (whiskey) by @pennylanewrites
Aizawa Shota x fem!reader + Alcohol by @ajaviary
Aizawa Shota x fem!reader + drugs + alcohol by @writewithmarites
Dabi x reader + Weed + Alcohol by @thranif
Sanzu Haruchiyo x fem!reader + drug (molly) by @anthenais
Baji x fem!reader x Hanma + coke + molly by @xo-lynx
Kisaki Tetta x fem!reader + alcohol by @jthebeauty
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greyfix · 2 years
Release Schedule
Heres a release schedule for the next few weeks! 
This is the link to the Masterlist so you can find them as they come out!
June 3- Final Chapter of KuroKen Drabble Collection "Graduation"
June 10- Pretty Boy: Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto Oneshot
June 17- Let Me Care For You: Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki Oneshot
June 24- The Family: Kirishima Eijirou Oneshot (the ship is a side piece to the original plot but it is Kirishima Eijirou/Amajiki Tamaki)
July 1- Honey I'm Home: Yamaguchi Tadashi & Kageyama Tobio & Tsukishima Kei & Hinata Shoyou Oneshot (background Kageyama Tobio/Tsukishima Kei)
July 8- This Is Definitely What You Think It Is: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru Drabble
July 15- Let's Kiss And See Where It Takes Us: Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou Drabble
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Requests are always open 💕
Wanna request or leave a tip? Buy me a Kofi!
My Wattpad: Lori
Started: 6/10/2020
Last Updated: 5/17/2023
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When Yall First Met
Dating Legoshi 🐺 
Dating Gouhin 🐼
Dating Haru 🐰
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Dating Headcanons: 
Izuku Midoriya💕
Shouta Aizawa🥺
Shoto Todoroki😌
Katsuki Bakugou💥
Eijiro Kirishima🤘🏼
Stain 🩸
Toshinori Yagi😋 
Hizashi Yamada🎶 
Kaminari Denki 🌩️
Gang Orca 🐋
Dating Twice🌚
Text Message Headcanons:
 Breakup Prank
Regular Headcanons &Preferences:
When They Get A Nosebleed
Gif Series:
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Dating Headcanons:
🌟Hinata Shoyou🌟 
😝Dating Lev Haiba😝
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Dating Headcanons:
Daryl Dixon🥺
Rick Grimes🥰
Merle Dixon❤️ 
✨Your Kids✨ 
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon
Daryl Dixon 
Daryl Dixon:
I Still Love You (Oneshot)
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Dating Headcanons:
Bucky Barnes💘
Tony Stark😏
Erik Killmonger 🥺
Steve Rogers✨
Bucky Barnes
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Turning Human Headcanons: 
Breakdown, Knockout, and Megatron😉
Optimus, Bumblebee, & Ratchet🥰
Soundwave & Wheeljack 🥺
Predaking 🥰 
Regular Headcanons &Preferences:
 How He Kisses You (Rescue Bots)
Dating The Tfp Wreckers🤣🥵
Cute Moments In Bed 💋🥺(Random Bayverse Autobots)
Argument Headcanons Pt.1 (Autobots)
How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Jazz)
Dating Headcanons (MTMTE Drift)
Baby Preferences 🥰 (Select Autobots) 
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Ironhide)
Dating Headcanons (Tfp Wheeljack)
Hearing Their S/O Sing (Requested Bots)
Depressed S/O Headcanons (MTMTE Swerve)
Dating Bumblebee and Charlie Would Include
Dating Headcanons (Tfp Ratchet) 
How He Kisses You (Requested Bots)
Friendship Headcanons (Optimus Prime x Reader)
Baby Preferences 💖(Select Decepticons)
Dating Headcanons (Bayverse Ratchet)
Bayverse Barricade x Black Fem!Y/N Headcanons
Dating/Friendship/Random Headcanons (Bayverse Crosshairs)
Dating Headcanons (G1 Prowl)
Baby Preferences❤️(Requested Bots)
Baby Preference🥺 (Requested Decepticon)
Late Night Drive Headcanons (Bayverse Crosshairs)
Dating Headcanons (Armada Red Alert)
The Wrecker Crew Headcanons
Sneaking Out Shortcanon (Bayverse Ironhide)
Be Safe (Bayverse Optimus x Reader)
Nice And Clean (Bayverse Bumblebee x Reader)
Surprise Surprise (Bayverse Bumblebee x Reader) 
Pregnant (Bayverse Optimus x Oc Reader)
Bumblebee Gifs [1]
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Marcel Gerard 
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Dating Headcanons:
Paul Lahote🤤
Edward Cullen🥰
Jacob Black 🐺
Regular Headcanons and Preferences:
Imagine Being Sam Uley's Little Sister
The Pack Headcanons (African American Fem Headcanons👑)
Getting Hurt (Jacob Black x Black Reader) 
Pregnancy Headcanons🤪 (Sam Uley x Fem! Reader)
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Say No To This 💋
Elijah Mikaelson 😘
Donatello 🤓
El Diablo 🔥
Damon Salvator😙
Joker 😉
Harley Quinn 🤪
Smutty Shouta Aizawa
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The Hearts Choice Masterlist 
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Swagger Jagger Masterlist
298 notes · View notes
kazuhasluv · 4 years
𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚... 𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙣!
𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓂𝑒: 
Hello! I’m churoonoya but you may refer to me as Dani or Danielle ^^
My pronouns are she/her ^^
I’m currently having online classes so forgive me if I don’t do your request on time ^^’ 
I can do all genres except for Smut and Angst. - I am inexperienced in writing those two genres (considering I did have a couple of angst fics before, but that doesn’t matter now does it?)
No pedophilia or incest - No just no half/all of them are m i n o r s
I will not write for character x character and oc x character - I think this is self explanatory isn’t it?
Please be kind in requesting. - In some blogs, I’ve seen that there are rather... Disrespectful anons and such. I will not do your request if you become disrespectful.
I only write headcanons and oneshots. - As I am in PC most of the time now, I cannot edit that much because I am poor and editing takes up half of my time considering I’ll probably be writing your request while in online class.
I’ll generally use female for my writing unless stated otherwise.
English isn’t my first language, so I am deeply sorry if there are errors
Sadly I only write for JSHK and Haikyuu, so please bear with me qwq
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙄❜𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧:
- Note: I haven’t finished the manga nor anime so please don’t come @ me - Note #2: I am deeply sorry if I mess up their characteristics and such TwT
Hinata Shoyou
Kageyama Tobio
Daichi Sawamura
Sugawara Koushi
Asahi Azumane
Nishinoya Yuu
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Kiyoko Shimizu
Yachi Hitoka
Chikara Ennoshita
Hisashi Kinosita
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Tsukishima Kei
Kazuhiko Narita
Kuroo Tetsurou
Kozume Kenma
Lev Haiba
Yaku Morisuke
Taketora Yamamoto
Aoba Johsai:
Tooru Oikawa
Iwaizumi Hajime
Issei Matsuwaka
Akira Kunimi
Shigeru Yahaba
Date Tech
Kosuke Sakunami
Aone Takanobu
Akaashi Keiji
Bokuto Koutarou
Akinori Konoha
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Tendou Satori
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirou Shirabu
Eita Semi
ᴊɪʙᴀᴋᴜ ꜱʜᴏᴜɴᴇɴ ʜᴀɴᴀᴋᴏ-ᴋᴜɴ
Students (Exorcists, Broadcasting Club and such):
Yashiro Nene
Kou Minamoto
Teru Minamoto
Akane Aoi (Boy)
Aoi Akane (Girl)
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
Nanamine Sakura
Apparitions (School Wonders and Rumors):
Mitsuba Sousuke
Tsukasa Yugi
Shijima Mei
Tsuchigomori (For Tsuchigomori, I will age up the reader)
𝙊𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧:
I will only write 3-4 characters for a headcanon
Specify the request. - Don’t just say “can I request a tsukasa x reader”; Specify it so I will not have a hard time doing your request.
I’ll only write one character for a fanfiction.
That’s all! I hope you took your time and reading this and if you did, hey, send a request probably hmmmm?
“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” ~ Richard Bach
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
🌸 oneshots
✨ headcanons
Yuu nishinoya
An essay
Senpai 🌸
Having a delinquent S/O✨
Gifts they would give you ✨
Random Headcanons✨
Online class✨
Tsukkishima Kei
Gifts they would give✨
Townperson C (Tsukki x yams)🌸
Online class✨
Museum 🌸
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Gifts they would give you✨
Townperson C (Tsukki x yams)🌸
Online class✨
Planetarium 🌸
Kageyama Tobio
Gifts they would give you✨
Online class✨
Hershey’s kisses 🌸
Hinata Shoyou
Otome Game
Gifts they would give you✨
Having a Delinquent S/O✨
Online class✨
Orange slices 🌸
Asahi Azumane
Having a delinquent S/O✨
Gifts they would give you✨
Online class✨
Peach candy🌸
Daichi Sawamura
Gifts they would give you✨
You’re Limping✨
Having a delinquent S/O✨
Online class✨
Sugawara Koushi
Gifts they would give you✨
Having a Delinquent S/O✨
Online class✨
Tanaka Ryuunouske
Gifts they would give you ✨
Online class✨
Ennoshita Chikara
Gifts they would give you ✨
Tanaka’s baby sister✨
Online class✨
Kyouko Shimizu
Gifts they would give you✨
Yachi Hitoka
Gifts they would give you✨
Confessing 🌸
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ao3feed-birdflash · 7 months
0 notes
svnaslove · 4 years
kisses and pinky promises.
fluff | gn!reader x hinata | pure serotonin if im to be honest
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his kisses are so sweet 
like you can just tell how much he loves you from his kisses, doesn’t matter where he’s kissing, your cheek, your lips, your body, your head, you can just tell
he smiles in his kisses sometimes and it’s so cute
so blushy afterwards, someone pls hold this baby because you make him so happy that he can’t contain it and all comes out in this huge blush
You two sat on the bench, hands intertwined at the park watching the sight of the sunset together. The sun illuminating and gracing the flowers before leaving for the moon to shower them with its light as night approached.
“y/n?” Hinata called out to you.
“mm” you responded raising your head from his shoulder to look at him.
“you make me really happy” he smiled, you’re foreheads pressed against each other, the small pinkish hue on his cheeks making it’s appearance with the grace of the last rays of sunlight for the day, you felt your own pinkish hue rise.
“you make me really happy too” you giggled and pushed your lips on his.
His soft and warm lips meeting yours, you felt the smile raise in his lips and you started smiling yourself, making it rather difficult to kiss. You two pulled away and simply looked at each other.
“stay with me forever mkay?” he said, giving you another kiss on your forehead. “mkay, pinky promise” you replied, returning the favor and holding out your pinky. Hinata gave a small giggle and pulled out his pinky to intertwine it with yours, “pinky promise.” he smiled, already pulling you closer again to hold you just a little tighter to watch the sunset.
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this is a repost from a while back from a request
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jxbsbokuto · 2 years
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^- less than 1k words
* - more than 1k words
note: if you click: on the character name it’ll take you to everything i have on them; on the writing format, it’ll take you to everything i have on them in that format. ! read tag guide to understand better !
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𓏬 characters
iwaizumi hajime !
— fics
it’s a pleasure to meet you: one. two.*
— drabbles
taking pictures^
but i love you so^
my pretty boy^
bokuto koutarou !
— fics
our story
— drabbles
early mornings with a cuddly bokuto koutarou ^
movie kiss^
c’mon baby^
my good girl^
kuroo tetsurou !
— one shots
ruined christmas
bad reputation*
miya atsumu !
— one shots
lovely desire*
miya osamu !
— one shots
untitled | comfort
i wanna*
kita shinsuke !
— drabbles
his underwear^
suna rintarou !
— drabbles
stay with me, please^
ushijima wakatoshi !
— one shots
the prince and the servant*
tsukishima kei !
— one shots
proposing to you after a ldr
matsukawa issei !
— drabbles
semi eita !
— drabbles
hinata shoyou !
— oneshots
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𓏬 multi
— taking your first kiss: one
— their kid getting a valentine
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𓏬 smau
— “did you know you were my first love?”: one. two. three
— seeing you naked for the first time
bokuto, iwaizumi, kita, osamu, kuroo, hinata, tendou and aone
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