#heat viper
gijoe-forever · 2 months
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hasbr0mniverse · 7 months
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero! 1993 - Code Name: H.E.A.T. Viper - High-Explosive Anti-Tank Trooper - Battle Corps - This new generation of Cobra anti-tank specialists are equipped with the latest in hyper-kinetic, high-speed, armor-piercing technology. When they spot a G.I. Joe vehicle (especially a nice Battle Wagon, Patriot or Mudbuster) they sit perfectly still, lining up the tracker sights on target to guide their projectile. Then they try to squeeze off one of their hand-held rockets knowing they've only got one shot because if they miss, there isn't a G.I. Joe worth his salt who'll let that poor fool try for seconds!
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ohsleepie · 8 months
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Designs for post-graduation jamikei au that i had. More ramblings under the cut☆
Cater works as a publicist for celebrities and influencers. Hes really good at his job but has a habit of overworking himself and taking on too much overtime. His coworkers worry abt him because he once slept at the office unnecessarily, but the reason he works to much is so he doesn't have to be home alone as much while Jamil's away.
Jamil is an accidental travel influencer, he roams the world, films interesting towns, food, and animals (no bugs, never bugs) for fun and to clear his mind. He and also records solo camping vlogs that Cater promote and are actually very popular. Hes away from home anywhere from 2 to 8 months outta the year and always in and out of a cold.
Its always a nice time when Jamil comes home because its usually while Cater's at work so he can come back to a home cooked meal. Usually Jamil tells Cater hes coming home a few days later than he actually is so Cater's always surprised when Jamil returns. Cater takes all the pleasure in having Jamil home and nursing his jetlag and inevitable post-travel cold.
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aluneposting · 6 months
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    ⸺    what is our heart's desire ?     ⸺    vengeance .
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mcmcntomorii-later · 2 years
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— the way mukuro would absolute be frozen with anxiety as soon as that intense heat wave happens lol
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vaporvipermedia · 2 years
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fazcinatingblog · 4 months
Okay so in HOFAS (hoe Faz), I really genuinely thought the viper queen would make ithan fight tharion. Wouldn't that have been neat, hey
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theostrophywife · 9 months
shut up kiss me.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader
song inspiration: shut up kiss me by angel olsen.
author's note: everyone say thank you to my love @writingsbychlo for fueling my delusions. constantly spamming her with my ideas because i have no self control when it comes to this man. there’s just something about theo fighting that makes me absolutely feral but i’ll hush now before i spoil it 🤭
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Theodore. Fucking. Nott. 
Those three words fueled your rampage as you marched across the quidditch pitch. The audacity of that cocky, arrogant, silver tongued Slytherin knew no bounds. For years, you tolerated the pompous prick and the rivalry between you, but today he had finally gone too far. 
You cleared the field in less than a minute, passing by confused players as you angrily seethed. You spotted a shock of familiar platinum blonde hair and walked right up to Draco Malfoy. 
“Where the hell is he?”
He chuckled, perfectly aware of your longstanding enmity with his closest friend. “What’s he done this time?”
“Where. Is. He?” you repeated through gritted teeth. “Don’t make me ask again, Malfoy.” 
The blonde paled several shades when he saw the fire burning in your gaze. “Locker rooms. I wouldn’t go in there, Y/N. They’re still shower—“ Draco sighed as you brushed past him. “Whatever, it’s your funeral.”
The locker rooms were steamy, the heat and humidity clinging to your school uniform as you stalked through the aisles. The Slytherin players startled when they spotted you amongst their midst. 
“Well, well, well,” Mattheo drawled as he leaned against the wall. A towel hung dangerously low on his hips and he smirked when your eyes flickered over his body. “What do we have here? A sweet little Hufflepuff marching straight into the viper’s den.”
“Where the fuck is he, Riddle?”
Mattheo grinned lazily. “You’re going to have to be more specific than that, sweetheart.” 
“You know exactly who I’m talking about. Your arrogant prick of a friend who sent my fucking date to the hospital wing!” 
Before you went to sleep last night, you had done so with a grin on your face after a wonderful date with Alec Stone at the Three Broomsticks, but then you arrived at breakfast this morning with no Alec in sight and the rumor mill rampant with talks of Theo pummeling some poor Ravenclaw in the courtyard. 
You were going to kill him. 
“Sorry, love. Doesn’t ring a bell.” 
You frowned, purposely bumping against Mattheo as you walked further down the dimly lit aisle. In your trail for vengeance, you ran into a very flustered looking Enzo who yelped as he sought to cover his very naked torso. 
“Y/N,” Enzo said, hastily wrapping a towel around his waist. “What are you doing in the locker rooms?”
Behind him, the sound of the shower running echoed against the marble tiles. “Is he in there?”
Berkshire’s face fell. “You heard about the fight?” 
“It wasn’t a fight,” you said angrily. “He pummeled Alec so badly that he’s currently in the hospital wing with a concussion and several broken bones.”
“Just hear him out, okay?” 
Your eyes nearly bugged out of your head. “Hear him out? Your precious Theodore beat the absolute shit out of my date and you want me to hear him out? For what? What reason could Theo possibly have for doing what he did to Alec? He couldn’t stand to see me have fun for two fucking seconds? This is low even for him and you know it, Enzo.”
“You don’t know the whole story, Y/N.” 
“Well then please point me in the right direction so I can hear from the arsehole himself.” 
“He’s in there,” Enzo said, pointing to the shower stalls. “But I’m warning you, Y/N. He’s in a proper foul mood.” 
You huffed. “That makes two of us.” 
The steam from the showers rose up like a malevolent fog, curling around your feet as you stormed through the stalls. You found him in the farthest corner, water trickling down his back as he faced the tiled wall. His body language was tense, like a serpent preparing to strike. A crimson trail swirled against the marble as blood dripped from Theo’s bruised knuckles. The sight of it incensed you. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” 
Theo whipped his head towards your direction, his dark curls plastered against his cheek. Those watercolor eyes were stormy, the blues and greens flickering with anger as he met your gaze. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” he said dismissively. 
“Bullshit!” You countered, stepping further into the stall. The steam barely covered Theo’s naked form, but you weren’t about to let that deter you from demanding answers. “You owe me a fucking explanation.”
“For what?” 
“For what?” you repeated incredulously. “You beat Alec within an inch of his life and that’s all you have to say for yourself? Honestly Theodore, have you gone absolutely mental?” 
“He deserved it.” 
“Why? Because he took me out on a date? Because you couldn’t stand to let me have this one thing? You absolutely loathe the idea of me being even remotely happy, don’t you?” 
Theo clenched his fists as his jaw twitched in anger. “No. I loathe the idea of that miserable excuse of a human being breathing the same air as you.” 
“So you beat him to a bloody pulp?” 
His voice was cold and icy, cutting through you like glass. “He’s lucky I didn’t do worse.”
“What do you have against Alec?” You moved closer to Theo, closing the gap as you poked his chest. The shower streamed over the both of you, blurring your vision. The water was hot against your skin, but it paled against the heat of your own anger. “What did he ever do to you, Theo?” 
Theo gripped your wrist. You were vaguely aware of his nakedness, but he made no move to hide it and you were too furious to even care. “Don’t say his name. I can’t bear to hear you say it after what he said about you this morning.” 
You stepped backward, flinching. “What—what are you talking about?” 
When you met his gaze, you startled. You’d never seen Theo this angry before. His eyes, which were usually dead and expressionless, burned with a cold sort of fury. 
“I heard him in the courtyard, bragging to his stupid friends. I thought he was just chatting shit, so I kept back. I only came down for a smoke, but then he said your name.” 
The pit in your stomach grew. “What did he say?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You weren’t sure you wanted to know. Not if he was this angry over it.
“The stupid fucking prick was talking about your date. The dress you wore. The smiles you gave him. The hand holding through Hogsmeade. Then one of his gormless mates asked if he got lucky.” 
You froze at his words as a horrible feeling washed over you. Theo loosened his grip on your wrist, but didn’t let go. 
“Do you know what that sodding idiot said? I will, soon enough. I can tell she’s raring to go.” 
Tears pricked at your eyes. You felt like you were going to be violently sick. 
“And his friends—those miserable fucking wankers started betting on how long it would take. Two dates. Three. A month.” Theo’s hands were shaking, violence spilling over into his veins. “That smug tosser smirked and said he could’ve had you out in the hallway. That’s how eager you were.”
“I barely even touched him!” you said angrily. “I kissed his cheek good night and that was it.” 
“I know,” Theo said, his voice low and rough. “I know you. I knew he was lying, so I fucking lost it. I walked over there and just punched and punched until my knuckles were bloody and bruised and all I could see was red. I wanted to wipe that stupid fucking smirk off his mouth.” 
You could picture Theo putting out his cigarette ever so calmly before walking over to throw the first punch. You’d seen him fight before. He was relentless. Where Mattheo was pure fire and rage, Theo was as cold as ice. There was nothing but lethal calm in those dead eyes as he delivered blow after blow in absolute silence. 
“Eventually, Blaise and Enzo pulled me off of that prick.” He averted his gaze as if remembering the moment. “When his idiot friends finally peeled him off the floor, I spit on the fucker. I told him to consider it a warning. That I’d do a lot worse if I ever heard your name come out of his mouth again. I promised him that a concussion would be the least of his worries if he didn’t stay the fuck away from you.”
The tears fell down your cheeks despite your efforts to keep them in. The anger all but faded from Theo’s eyes as soon as he realized that you were crying. You were so, so stupid. For thinking Alec was a nice guy. For being so giddy after your date only for him to turn around and spit vile lies about you. 
For crying in front of your worst enemy.
The color drained from Theo’s face as you cried into your hands. You felt him shift beside you, debating whether or not to come closer. 
“Don’t,” you said through a broken sob. “Don’t come near me.” 
Theo flinched at your words, looking visibly pained. His voice was soft and soothing when he spoke again. “Tell me how to fix it. Do you want to yell at me? Punch me? Go ahead, love. I can take it.” He sounded desperate. “Just please, please don’t cry.” 
You hugged your arms around your waist and glared at him. “Why do you even care?” 
He paused, fingers flexing at his side as he fought the urge to reach out and comfort you. 
“Because I care about you!” The exasperation in his voice made your chest tighten. “I care that you let that stupid idiot take you on a date to the Three Broomsticks. I care that you fucking smiled at him when he gave you roses even though I know you prefer sunflowers. I care that you kissed him on the cheek when he dropped you off at your dorm.”
You sniffled, utterly perplexed at his words. “I don’t understand. We hate each other!” 
Theo visibly softened, the tension leaving his body. “I could never hate you, Y/N.” He reached for your hand. Your first instinct was to pull away, but you let him trace soothing circles on your skin. “I may tease you. Prank you. Annoy you. But I’ve never hated you.” 
Theo wiped the dried up tears from your cheeks. No fresh tears, which he took as a good sign. “I don’t even think you remember this, but I tried asking you to the Yule Ball in fourth year.” 
The memory surfaced. You were reading by the Black Lake and Theo had asked if you had a date. You said no, to which he promptly asked if he could take you. You left in a huff, thinking that it was just another way to rile you up. 
“I thought you were just trying to get a rise out of me. If I would’ve known…” 
Theo paused. “How could you not know? How could you not see?” 
The rage crashed against you like an errant wave. You didn’t know if you were angry at Theo or yourself, but you exploded either way, unable to keep your emotions under control. 
“Because you never told me, you idiot!”
“I never told you, but I showed you.” He smiled crookedly. “I'm not good with words, obviously. Every time I open my mouth it’s like I say the perfect combination of words to piss you off. So I learned to tell you how I felt through my actions.” 
“Haven’t you ever wondered why your favorite study spot in the library is always free? That’s because I threatened anyone who came near it. Or how you never seem to run out of quills despite the fact that you manage to break one every day from how hard you write? I always replaced them when you weren’t looking.” Your heart clenched at his words. “I even bribed first years to bring you hot chocolate when I knew you were pulling all nighters.” 
You stood there, staring at him. This wasn’t the cocky, arrogant Theo that you knew. He was looking at you so earnestly that it physically hurt how endearing it all was. 
“Why would you let me think that you were an inconsiderate jerk this whole time?” 
Those hypnotizing eyes pierced right through you, filled with a sadness so heavy that you felt it weighing on your chest. 
“Because at least you were thinking of me.”
You swayed gently. The water had long seeped into your bones, making you shiver as all of your clothes stuck to your skin like paper. You were convinced that your body had gone into shock. The range of emotions you were currently experiencing was turbulent to say the least. You stood in stunned silence, just taking it all in. Then the impact of his words hit you all at once. 
Theo watched as your bottom lip trembled. Panic seized him as you began crying again, this time not bothering to hide it from him. “Fuck I’m sorry, Y/N. Please don’t cry.” 
He didn’t know what to do. Should he comfort you? Should he keep his distance? Theo felt like he was doing a rather exceptional job of mucking things up. 
“Why are you saying sorry?” You said between hiccups. “I’m the one who should be apologizing.”
Theo caressed your cheek. So gently. Like he half-expected you to recoil. That only set a fresh wave of tears to spill onto your cheeks. 
“You have nothing to apologize for, love.” 
“Of course I do!” you nearly wailed. “I’ve been horrible to you. I’ve thought the worst of you, but all this time you were doing all these sweet, considerate things and I never even noticed. You should’ve told me, Theo.” 
“I—I didn’t think you’d ever see me that way,” Theo said softly. “It was better to have you hate me and still be part of my life than risking not having you in it at all.” 
Because at least you were thinking of me. 
It was the saddest thing that you’ve ever heard. For years, Theo settled for being your enemy because he’d rather have your hatred and loathing than indifference. He sustained himself on the bare minimum because he thought that was all he deserved. 
“I’m sorry, Theo. I’m so so fucking sorry.” 
Theo was absolutely distressed. “Fuck, look Y/N. Let me just finish up here and get my towel and when I’m dry and slightly less naked then we can talk, okay?” 
You sniffled, wiping your tears away. There was no way you could wait. Not after everything Theo had just told you. Not after everything that he’s been telling you all these years. Theo had literally and figuratively laid himself bare before you. The least you could do was to even the playing field. 
So you unlaced the gold and black tie around your neck. Unbuttoned your blouse and threw it somewhere behind you. Stepped out of your skirt and stared at Theo head on. 
“Oh—Merlin’s beard, what in the hell are you doing, Y/N? Are you trying to send me into cardiac arrest?” 
You shook your head, smiling slightly. Theo was determined to look everywhere but at your very exposed body. You were still in your bra and panties, but the black lace really didn’t leave much to the imagination. Especially when the water clung to every inch of your skin. 
“You were vulnerable with me,” you said simply. “So I’m returning the favor.” 
Theo felt like he was definitely headed for an early grave. He tried to think of something—anything—other than the girl he’s been head over heels for since third year standing naked in front of him.
“Theo,” you said softly. His name had never sounded half as good coming out of anyone else’s mouth. He wanted to bottle the sound. “Can I—can I hug you?” 
He could’ve sworn that his heart had stopped beating. The air had all but left his lungs, deflating his entire body as though he’d fallen off his broom and plummeted through the sky at breakneck speed. 
Theo didn’t recognize his own voice as he said, “Of course you can, Y/N.”
The words were barely out of his mouth before you dashed into his arms, nearly toppling him over from the force of it. You were a tiny little thing, but you were stronger than you looked. He smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes as you hugged him. For a minute you and Theo just stood there under the trickling water, holding each other as though you were the only two people alive. 
If this was all the affection you were willing to give him, Theo would’ve been content to hold onto you until you grew tired of him. His slender fingers traced down your spine, drawing soothing circles against your skin as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. You felt safe. Like nothing bad could ever happen as long as you were with him.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d felt like this. There was just this spark between you. Perhaps that was part of the reason why you had been so angry this morning. 
It hadn’t just been because Theo sent Alec to the hospital wing, which you were now thankful for after hearing all the disgusting things he said about you. It was also because you thought that he had ruined your chance of feeling that rush with someone else. The same rush you got when the two of you were arguing. The same rush that was noticeably missing when you kissed Alec last night. 
Things with Theo had always been electric. You attributed it to mutual loathing, but that wasn’t the full story. Sure he made your blood boil sometimes, but he also made you feel alive. You were terrified to admit it to yourself, which is probably why you said yes to Alec in the first place. 
You sighed as Theo’s fingers tangled through your hair. He gently pulled your head back and looked at you in the most heartbreaking way. 
“Y/N,” he said hoarsely. Theo’s gaze dipped to your mouth as his arm snaked around your waist. “I think I might die if I go one more second without kissing you. Will you please put me out of my misery, love?” 
You couldn’t help but smile. “Gladly.”
Theo held his breath as you pulled him down to you, lips brushing shyly at first. Then you leaned in and kissed him. And he truly and honestly thought that he had died. 
Your lips were soft against his, tasting of strawberries and mint toothpaste. He cupped the back of your head and tilted your chin to deepen the kiss. Before, Theo thought he could’ve sustained himself from a simple hug, but right now, he couldn’t even control himself as he gorged himself on your taste. 
He chuckled when you tried and failed to get on your tiptoes to offset the height difference between you. Theo caressed your cheek and smiled against your mouth. 
“Need some help, love?” 
You nodded before pulling him back down again. This time, the tender kisses turned more heated as he locked your legs around his waist and pressed your back against the wall. You gasped as the cold tile made contact with your bare skin and Theo took the opportunity to slide his tongue against yours. 
Merlin’s beard. Theo kissed with his entire body. There wasn’t an inch of you that wasn’t touching him and the skin to skin contact set your body on fire. You’d kissed other boys before, but they paled in comparison. You couldn’t get enough of Theo. You ran your fingers through his hair. Wrapped your legs more tightly around his waist. Trailed kisses along his jaw and neck and throat. 
Then he fucking moaned. 
It was a low, rumbling sound that sent tremors over your body and shook every fiber of your being like a devastating earthquake. You wanted to hear him make that sound over and over again. 
“Y/N,” Theo said, his forehead dropping to yours. “Before I lose all sense of self, I want to—no—I need to tell you—”
“What is it, Theo?”
“If we do this, then you have to understand what it means to me,” Theo whispered. “I may be terrible with words, but it’s important for me that you hear me when I say this. I want you. Not just physically, but in every sense of the word. I wanted you in third year when you first told me off for being a dick to the first years and I want you now even though you came in here to defend a prick that definitely doesn’t deserve it.” 
“What are you saying, Theo?” 
“I want you to be mine, Y/N.” 
You beamed. “Like, your girlfriend?”
“I don’t think girlfriend is a strong enough word to express how I feel for you, but it’s a start.” He moved the hair out of your face and cradled your cheek. “So yes, I suppose I do want you to be my girlfriend. I want to hold hands with you in the hallways. I want to look up at the stands during my games and see you cheering me on. I want to take you up to the Astronomy Tower and kiss you under the stars.” 
“And you say you’re bad with words,” you teased. “I want to do all those things and more with you, Theodore Nott. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” 
“Good, cause you’re mine.” Theo said matter-of-factly, those adorable dimples making an appearance on each cheek. “You were mine even before you knew it.” 
He kissed you again, but this time it was soft and sweet and it filled your stomach with butterflies. Theo no longer felt the need to hoard as much of your affection as he could because you had just given him the ultimate reassurance that he would have plenty of you in the future. 
You sighed contently against him, toying with the curls at the nape of his neck. He shifted, pressing kisses against your neck. Your fingers froze when you felt him stir underneath you. 
“Theo,” you said slowly, biting back a smirk. “Is that what I think it is pressing against my leg?” 
He groaned. “We’re half naked, in the shower, heavily making out, and you just agreed to be my girlfriend. Of course I’m hard.” 
You stifled a laugh. “Theodore Nott, is emotional intimacy turning you on?” 
“Everything about you turns me on.” 
“That’s helpful to know,” you said with a little smirk. “Especially when we're dueling and I’m losing.” 
“Merlin’s beard. My girlfriend’s downright evil.” 
You grinned so hard that your cheeks ached. Theo peppered kisses all over your face before setting you down. 
“I suppose we should head to dinner soon. My teammates watched you march in here in a fit of rage. They might think you’ve murdered me.” 
“There’s only one problem,” you said as you finally turned off the shower. “I’m soaking wet.” 
“I bet you are, darling.” 
You rolled your eyes. “From the shower, you wanker.” 
He grinned and kissed the top of your head. “It’s alright. I’ve got some extra clothes in my locker.”
Ten minutes later, the two of you walked out in the quidditch pitch hand in hand. Theo’s sweater completely enveloped you and he smiled a little at the sight. You received a few interesting stares as you made your way through the castle halls, but one look from Theo and they all quickly found something else to gawk at. Having a scary boyfriend was already paying off. 
On the way to dinner, you ran into Enzo. The git had the biggest smile on his face when he saw that you and Theo were holding hands. “So you heard him out after all, huh?” 
“Yeah, we sorted out our differences,” you said with a smile. “Coincidentally, I gained a boyfriend out of the whole ordeal. Happy now, Berkshire?” 
“Absolutely chuffed,” Enzo said with a grin. “See you lovebirds at dinner.” 
Theo rolled his eyes as his friend disappeared into the Great Hall. He turned, squeezing your fingers. “I should warn you. My friends can be a bit…much.” 
“Don’t worry, I think we all got fairly acquainted in the locker rooms. If they tease us, well I’ve got a perfectly scary boyfriend to fend them off.” 
He chuckled. “A scary boyfriend with an even more terrifying girlfriend.” 
You winked, kissing his bruised knuckles. “This school won’t know what hit them.” 
“Neither did Alec,” he said with a satisfied smirk. You gave him a reprimanding glare, but it was half-hearted. You didn’t actually feel sorry for the prick. “Sorry. Too soon?” 
“You know you can’t punch everyone that says anything bad about me, right?”
“Of course not. I’m perfectly capable of kicking them too.”
You rolled your eyes fondly. “Shut up and kiss me, Theo.” 
“Yes ma'am.” 
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taglist: @annaisabookworm @marina468
please let me know if you'd like to be added.
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gijoe-forever · 8 months
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9kiite · 2 years
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alexisomnias · 9 months
—  "KITTIES" . . .
⤷ they can turn into cats!
angels notes: modernish au, a whisker away inspired
featuring the OVERBLOT BOYS
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—Riddle was pining bad for you, and it was no secret to anyone except you. Who he did all he could to make you remain oblivious. Though if you knew that the fluffy little creature you found following you around was him? then it would be clear as day.
—Riddle had the power to turn into a cat, and well… what did he use it for? to follow you, and be by your side. The first time you coddled him, oh he was so embarrassed, swatting at you with his chipped claws and meowing. But after a couple times of you insistently holding him, then… he got comfortable. (Look at what you’ve done, now he expects it!)
—These catty behaviours and dynamic now transfers over to your active relationship (the one you know about.) If you don’t praise him for things he tries to impress then he gets all pouty haha.
“hey Riddle, you should come by one day to meet my cat, he’s a smart one.”
“hah,,, im actually allergic.” ^^’’’’
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—that lazy cat you took in? yeah thats leona. He’s not much of a pining person, but nonetheless he still wants your attention. He’s pretty obvious of his affections, you even know about his habit of turning into a cat! (he’s done it right in front of you?!) so the relationship is pretty much established.
—though regardless as a cat or not when he’s in his human form he still craves your body heat, moving to position his head on your lap, like as he lays when in cat form.
—he’s a spoiled prince, if you move him at all out of his previous spot then he’s petty about it. he’s not going to sit back over near you until he forgives you.
“You’re so much cuter in your cat form when you do this.”
“well too bad, i don’t feel like moving.”
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—he’s such a fucking mess around you its kinda cute. he trips over his words (and sometimes his feet), he bluescreens when you so much as praise him. He tries so hard to keep up his business persona, and it seems everyone but you, can see through it and notice the puddle he is.
—azul is much more… alive when he’s in his cat form. he’s always been kind of insecure of it, but its like a shell for him to hide him. he can be himself freely since you know, he’s a cat. So the cute silver coated cat that follows you? and swats at your feet when he wants your attention or praise? yeah thats azul
—Azul is far more whiny in his cat form lmao, though,,, he can be himself and he knows you’ll love him. he’s cute right? (he doesn’t know you’ll love him unconditionally in both forms) he uses it as a way to interact with you, and not worry about messing up or making a fool of himself. he simply soaks up your attention.
“Azul, do you perhaps have any cat food in stock?”
“no. i don’t, why?”
“Well theres this cute cat that stops by and i want to ensure he eats properly.”
“oh.” ///////
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—jamil loves his cat form. its a freedom from the chains of duty he’s bound by. freedom to wander and travel the streets without having to worry for someone to ask him something or bother him. Its a way for him to love you without having to worry about rejection.
—everyones aware cats are cute, right? well he’s aware and he uses it. he uses his cute little fur coat to get away with stuff, and he uses it too get your attention. When your talking to someone? oh it seems as if your brown cat over here is picking at your shoe because he wants you to pick him up!
—jamil definitely is able to separate his cat form and human one. but sometimes, he wishes to let these habits slip and for you to love him to his face. nonetheless, he’d much rather you not hate him because he kept secrets for too long.
“Jamil, you remind me a lot of this cat that stops by often.”
“Do I now? is it cute?”
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—he doesn’t use his cat form a lot. if he has a problem or something he wants (you) he’s gonna confront it as himself. that doesn’t mean, that if you ask to see it he wouldn’t show you…
—vil, despite thinking otherwise does have catty habits that poke through. For example, he’ll straight up SCRATCH you with his long ass nails if you rub him the wrong way.
—he does actually get pretty flustered despite what you may think, if you coddle him in his cat form when he does transform. he’ll huff and flick you away, jumping off your lap and hiding on the window or something, but you can notice his ruffled fur (which means he’s flustered.)
“Vil, please show me your cat form, its so cute.” 🥺
“not right now, maybe later… i still have things to finish, that i can’t exactly do with paws.”
“fine.” 😔
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—idia LOVES his cat form. its such a shell from human interaction. he doesn’t need to speak, he doesn’t stutter, say the wrong thing, worry. its such a blessing. plus he’s so cute as a cat!!
—he definitely abuses this power, he uses it for almost every interaction you have. you don’t know that its idia of course. it shocks others that has seen the ‘stray’ cat in the halls that you’re the only one able to actually pet him, and hold him in his arms.
—when he gets home he absolutely crumbles, looking back at the day. and imagining it was him in his human form, rather then the mask of a cat… he can dream you love him forever right?
User101: hey idia i know you like cats! have you seen the stray at school at all?
Gloomysamurai: Ahah?! maybe, i don’t know depends on what it looks like haha??? WAIT YOU REMEMBERED?? DKDKDUEJNAL
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—you definitely know the black cat you find often around your home is malleus. he doesn’t even keep it a secret, i mean he doesn’t say it outright either but . he’s so painfully obvious about it.
—he’s pretty similar in both forms. he acts similar to a cat in his human form too. pining for your attention, and trailing behind you like a lost puppy (or cat in this case). Don’t blame him for getting addicted to your company. He likes you a lot, you know?
—malleus isn’t subtle with his affections. pouting/meowing when he doesn’t have your attention. he’s still clingy as he is a cat even looking as an adult man. Malmal definitely also seeks your praise as if he’s a cat still.
“Malleus, i have work to do.” ^^’’’’’
“Can we just cuddle for a couple minutes..?” 🥺
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faeryarchives · 4 months
don't lose me, not yet
summary: sometimes, getting into a heated argument with your lover can't be avoided, but things get a little too far, leading you to get up and leave - what would they do? recent works: stay with me (leona kingscholar x gn!reader) & little ball of sunshine (leona kingscholar x fem!reader) & you feel like home
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・❥・calm down, let's talk about this, okay?: they knew they should've stopped when he saw the look in your eyes change but one thing lead to another and he watch as you almost leave the room only for him to block the door sighing + placing their hands gently on your face / shoulders and look at you directly in the eye "calm down, let's talk about this, okay?" before pulling you towards their chest making you cry and let it all out while they whisper words of comfort and apologies with his hands running along you back in attempt to comfort you 🤍
— trey clover, leona kingscholar, jade leech, vil schoenheit, rook hunt, silver
・❥・walk five steps away and they are already hugging you from behind: you wouldn't actually leave in the middle of talking right? oh wait, why are you walking away? its not a prank? before you could even go and take another step - he will come running and hug you from behind 😭 they are so scared that if you walk out of that door, everything will be over and goes on apologizing for all the things that hurt you during the argument + expect to have them around you for a while because he really want to make it up to you (clingy bfs alert)
— ace trappola, floyd leech, epel felmier, idia shroud, sebek zigvolt
・❥・i'm sorry, please stay: they can be a little oblivious and to be honest it's because they don't now why you two are arguing in the first place but they sure know that it hurt you to the point of walking out mid-discussion so they proceed to holding your hand in his while saying "i'm sorry, please stay." + it will involve a lot of hand holding and assurance from both parties so please be patient they are not accustomed to this thing and they are a little confuse but will try to fix things that's why please don't leave yet 🥺
— riddle rosehearts, deuce spade, jack howl, kalim al asim, malleus draconia
・❥・decides to give you some time but after a few days, he couldn't resist: contemplating if he should go after you or let the two of you cool off before having another discussion + ends up giving your space but didn't expect that he would have to experience silent treatment and being avoided by you so expect him to appear on your doorstep late at night and immediately went to go and hug you 🫂 you have a lot of cuddling to catch up on after all
— cater diamond, ruggie bucchi, azul ashengrotto, jamil viper, lilia vanrouge
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
If the year is uncomfortable, I would like to make a request for your 1000 followers event, with Jamil viper prompt 19 (NSFW (if you don't want to do it, it can just be suggestive)) and the song Die For You (The Weeknd, “Starboy” )
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jamil viper x gn!reader [tags] - nsfw [wc} - 723 prompt 19: “Can I kiss you again? I promise I won't get carried away.” song: Die For You (The Weeknd, “Starboy”) note - mmm still a jamil hater, but i suppose i see the appeal (i jest); i slep now cause it's 3am. francesca (1k event)
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“I try to find a reason to pull us apart / It ain’t workin’ ‘cause you’re perfect / And I know that you’re worth it / I can’t walk away, oh”
“Ah~ Jamil!” You gasped, voice high-pitched as you let out breathless moans. Jamil was no better as he panted, hips still flushed to yours as he felt your walls pulsing, no doubt from you cumming.
He wasn't intending to escalate your make out session this far, especially since there was currently another one of Kalim’s parties happening. How you two managed to escape to his room without getting caught was a miracle.
“Fuck…we…”Jamil exhaled sharply as you moved your hips, his dick twitching at the overstimulation. “Fuck, we should go back. Kalim’s gonna be looking for me any second.”
“Noooo!” you whined, caressing one of the arms caging you to the bed, kissing his arm as you did. 
“Come on, or else we’ll get caught—”
“Is that the reason we’re going with?” A teasing lilt to your voice, you wrapped your arms around Jamil’s neck and soothingly rubbed a thumb against his pulse. “You didn’t seem to mind almost being caught the other day~”
“That was different…”
“Oh?” You let out a laugh, “How? You could’ve found a reason, I’m sure.”
“Mmm, you’re right, I could’ve. But you looked so perfect on your knees for me, it was so worth it.”
Jamil purred as you brought him down, his hair cascading over his shoulders like a waterfall, his lips hovering over yours.
“… Can I kiss you again?” you whispered, like you were telling a secret or asking for something forbidden. Maybe you were. “I promise I won’t get carried away this time.” 
Your lover snorted.
“Sure you won’t, that’s what you said earlier too.”
Despite his protests, Jamil eagerly met your lips with his own, parting as he entered your mouth with a gentle swipe of his tongue. A blissful sigh left your mouth as he shifted his hips, both of you moaning from the intoxicating heat growing again between your legs. You tilted your head to deepen the once chaste kiss, teeth grazing against tongues, wet sounds growing louder in the room as arms wrapped around each other. 
You let out a shuddering breath as you felt his member get hard, still in your heat. Jamil’s hands wandered along your body, sliding down your back to arch you into him and off the bed. Digging your nails into his back to steady yourself, Jamil took control of your hips with his own, hot pleasure spreading over your bodies as he ground into you. 
Gasping breaths and melding bodies, Jamil fervently pressed wet kisses into your forehead, cheeks, and down your neck. 
“Shit, I don’t care. Let them come in and see us.” Moving to sit up, bringing you up with him to hold you in an embrace as he bounced you even deeper on his dick. 
“Ah! Jamil! FUCK! Aaaaaaah~”
“That’s it, that’s perfect, say my name, let everyone know who you belong to.” You cried out as Jamil pulled your head back by your hair, neck now exposed as you felt warm, soft lips pressing kisses into your skin. 
“Look at me.”
Eyes that you didn’t realize were closed, opened to meet your lover’s own dark gray ones. They were looking at you with lust, longing, and fondness that made you melt even more into his embrace. A rough snap of his hips forced a keen to leave your lips, tears welling up as you froze and shuddered, mouth forming an 'o' as you clenched to Jamil like he was your lifeline. 
“That’s it, keep looking at me pretty, keep cumming for me.” His eyes wandered over your form as he kept your hips moving, despite your cries, looking at you like he was revering a deity. 
Jamil was sure that you were one, sent specifically for him to worship. And for you to bless, him, only him. His personal god, his divinity, and he, your personal devotee, worshiper, servant.
How he loathed being a servant. But for you? He'd do anything to keep you tied to him for all eternity, to keep your love for him and to serve only his whims. When you really think about it, who's really the servant when you both live solely for the other?
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comments and reblogs appreciated 🩷
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Hellloooo could you do Azul, Jamil, Kalim, and Deuce for the sitting on their shoulders series😚
I'll do two for now 🖤🖤🖤
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Sitting on Their Shoulders (3) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Deuce Spade
He’s always willing to help
Its his favorite thing to do
Especially when its his beloved obsession friend
So of course he’ll hold you up so you can reach up high
“Is…is…is…kind of hot in here?”
Between the heat from within your thighs and his blush heating his face up 
its enough to make him pass out
But he’s going to enjoy this and will be…less conservative when it comes to fighting his own rivals
“I’m going to make this quick I have to get back to (Y/n).”
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Jamil Viper
Its only natural he’s so helpful to you
Open your legs just for him, please
He’s only here to help 
Don’t mind the bruising grip he has
“N-no I’m fine (Y/n)!”
“It’s okay to admit! I’m giving you an out! Let me know if I’m too heavy!”
“You’re not! Just get the stupid ingredients!”
“Fine. “
On the contrary Jamil had practiced happened to include weights 
Which added up to you’re precise weight
What an inconspicuous coincidence 
But he knows he can take it you+
He just hopes you rely on him not to drop you 
Not to fail you
That and the way you push at his head to get some height makes this soo worth it
Hypnotism certainly has its benefits
Especially with an unusually tall student that likes to put the ingredients on his level
How convenient
“I got it Jamil. Now how am I getting down?”
“....Haven’t thought about that….at all.”
"Well why not?"
"...I'm a little distracted at the moment."
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cambion-companion · 6 months
A Marriage Contract
Eyo...I had an idea LOL what a world!
The scenario of Raphael x reader (gn) being forced into some sort of marriage agreement has been bugging me ALL day! Hopefully some of you lovely folks are as depraved as I am and enjoy this!
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“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”  
You were sitting opposite Raphael, the firelight flickering orange across his scarlet visage. You watched with bemused interest as, with a black quill, he scratched ink across a sheaf of yellowed parchment.
The cambion took little heed to your agitated words. His posture was relaxed, one long leg stretched out between your own, his tail tapping idly against your thigh where it rested.
“Raphael.”  You leaned forward, catching a glimpse of the words he now wrote in that elegant script of his. “…Hey, I did not agree to doing that every day with you.”
A peeved hiss escaped Raphael’s sharp teeth as he removed quill from paper and sat back, his yellow eyes finally moving to your tense face. “This arrangement is at the behest of one I cannot yet deny.” His long fingers drummed a pattern against the cherrywood table. “Don’t complain too much, pet.  I may begin to think you’re getting cold feet.”
“Not in this sweltering house.”  You quipped back.  Then you pointed again to the sentence he’d scrawled detailing what lurid acts he expected from you. “I will not be doing that.”
“Might I remind you, this is a contract of marriage.”  
“Believe me, I am well aware.”
“You would receive such pleasures in kind.”
This gave you pause, your brow arched in disbelief. “From you?”
Raphael chuckled dryly. “Yes, from me.  Master of the House, your doting husband.”
Your skin prickled. “There’d better be a clause in there for an annulment once all this is over.”
“It’s possible for such a loophole to be penned in.”  Raphael tilted his horned head diplomatically, though his eyes remained hard. “For you to take advantage of should the fires burn too hot.  However, you will always be mine.”
“How romantic.”  You deadpanned.
“I certainly try.”  Raphael rolled his broad shoulders and stretched his neck side to side.  “Now, shall I rescind these latest conditions or are you now more amenable?”
You hesitated, scooting your chair closer so you could better read the script without getting a crick in your neck. “Hmm…yes, alright. You can get rid of the ‘submits to my will in all infernal matters’ bit.”
With a smooth motion Raphael struck a line through the offending words. “Would ‘heeds my counsel in all the doings of my domain’ better suit your tender palate?”
“Rewording the same sentiment isn’t going to get passed me, love.”  You kissed his cheek, teasing.
Sharp claws pierced the flesh of your jaw as, quick as a viper, Raphael grabbed your face with one hand and held you very still.  His face turned and your noses brushed. You felt his warm breath and his hot skin.
The air between the two of you grew tense, riddled with the frustration at your situation and the desire you’d had for one another since meeting. The lust to dominate and own from him and your need to be wanted and no longer alone.
“This marriage contract is forever binding, little mouse. Much more so than those fragile slips of paper from your insipid mortal world. There is not a clause in your wildest imaginings that will free you from me once you sign yourself over.”
You felt a rush of heat flood your cheeks, his strong hand still holding your head firmly. “We have little choice.”
Raphael’s grip tightened and he brought his lips against yours, just enough to leave you craving more. “What a quaint notion, to believe I have no power to deny or evade.”
He did not elaborate, but his message was clear.  Raphael wanted this. The thought didn’t leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.
There was an evident dynamic here that you didn’t have the capacity to fully understand.  It gave you a sense of dread yet sent a thrill through your body.
You gave Raphael a smile bordering on playful. “Your signature mysterious and vaguely threatening answers won’t exactly breed a relationship of trust.”
“You and I have very different concepts of what a marriage should look like.”  Raphael released your jaw and took both your hands, pulling you with one strong movement onto his lap.  His tail wrapped around your waist, securing you against him. “Speaking of ‘breeding’, I have an excellent idea.”
Your retort was silenced as a long tongue and sharp teeth claimed your mouth and drank down your following noises.
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hisui-dreamer · 5 months
definitely not prophetic!
Character: Riddle Rosehearts, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover, Leona Kingscholar, Jack Howl, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge, Malleus Draconia
pick one of your favs from above when reading!
imagine having dreams of him every night, each time showcasing him with you, perfectly in love in different scenarios. sometimes you're on vacation and you're exploring some new place, sometimes you're waking up in his embrace as sunlight peeks through the window, and on the rare occasion, you hear bell-like laughter from children running up to you, dragging him along by pulling at his hand, the very picture of domestic bliss
you're not sure what to make of these dreams, you don't even know him that well, having met him just a few weeks ago, and now you're having these dreams about him? what if they were prophetic dreams? no, no, you shouldn't think that way, you don't even have any feelings towards him, so isn't saying they're prophetic dreams too much of a stretch? it almost sounds like you want it to become reality! there's no proof any of these visions are set to happen! you still want to go home after all!
home. that's right, you should be going home. that's your utmost priority, and if anything you should be avoiding the person who keeps appearing in your dreams, juust in case they are prophetic dreams which they are not because he'll keep you tied to twisted wonderland.
only if you keep avoiding a person who has never once interacted with you, you'll only intrigue them more. he didn't mind the fact at all, but as he's observing you from the window, joking around with all your other friends that you have obviously not avoided, he feels a smidge of hurt and maybe even jealously.
he's hearing all this praise about what a nice person you are, how willing you are to help others and talk to other people, meanwhile your attitude towards him is a complete 180; avoiding his gaze when he's trying to speak with you, running off with some random excuse of an errand, or even straight up turning away the moment you locked eyes with him! isn't this a little bit too cruel?
meanwhile, you can't say your feelings for him are entirely hostile. it'd be too difficult to hate a person who always smiles so endearingly at you, who holds you like you mean the entire world to them, whose laugh always washes away any trace of fatigue in you. you're cursing yourself for being so easily swayed by these dreams, but thankfully this motivates you to further limit your interactions with him.
this, of course, does not go unnoticed by him. and to say he's upset is the understatement of the century. what has he done to provoke you this time?! he's only tried to be nice to you, make good conversation, sevens, he's even tried to bribe you with your favourite food that he overheard you mention!
ok, he's having none of this avoiding, at the very least he demands an explanation as to why you act so strangely only around him.
he seizes the opportunity when it comes, a hand next to your head, pinning you against the stone wall in a silent hallway. his narrowed eyes peer into yours, and you can't help but get lost in the clarity that often eludes you in your dreams. his eyes glisten with a captivating sparkle, framed by delicate eyelashes, and you can almost imagine his voice murmuring sweet nothings to you as he showers you in affection...
no, no, no! this is exactly why you're avoiding him!!
you feel your face heat up so much so that it feels like a blazing furnace, radiating so intensely that it sparks a whirlwind of dizziness within you. you avert your gaze to the ground and you try to get out of this situation, but he's not having any of it.
he tilts your chin upwards so you'll face him once again, his touch gentle and familiar just like the ones in your dreams, and he's granted the sight of you, blushing and flustered and so so overwhelmed and-
did... did his heart just skip a beat?
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