#he'd definitely have her last name lol
penkura · 1 month
OP Men and Their Kids
Note: Hey, this is something I wrote randomly one day instead of paper I needed to work on. :) Don't worry, the paper was finished and turned in. I will also fully admit I have baby fever at this point in my life, I just gotta get a man lol. These are just some headcanon blurbs about a couple OP men and their kids, how many they'd have, the genders, that's all! Hope you like it!
Part Two Here!
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Ace has a daughter, then another three years later. He's happy with just those two, he's a great girl dad and his oldest keeps his last name even if she gets married; he cries when his babies get married. If you can convince him to have one more, it'd be a third girl, you wouldn't even complain about it. Ace would cry again, holding her after she's born and happily introducing her to her big sisters. He sees himself, Sabo, and Luffy in the dynamics between his daughters. Your youngest daughter might be a crybaby, but she's the more adventurous of the three and her sisters are her biggest protectors. You're all his girls and Ace couldn't be happier.
Law has a son first, then five or six years later a daughter, both fully planned and prepared for. Then surprise, there's another little boy two years after your daughter, totally unplanned but welcomed all the same. All three are beyond loved, the daughter is definitely named Cora. Your daughter might be a little bit spoiled, but Law tries to even it out amongst the three, that pirate captain side of him coming out as he tries to make sure they're all even. On nights when the five of you settle in your living room, Law still can't believe how lucky and blessed he is to have such a loving family again.
Penguin has two daughters within four years of each other! Girl dad all the way, until the third child comes along and it's a boy, a total surprise, he'd fully expect another little girl. He finds it even more fun to have all three of them, the girls are protective of their baby brother, it almost reminds him of he and Shachi with Law when they were still teens. It's even more apparent how your children parallel that relationship, when your youngest daughter, at six years old, brings your two year old son to you when he's crying from a nightmare, you're both able to comfort and quell his tears. Penguin feels lucky to have all of you, and wants nothing more than for you to all be safe and happy.
Sanji! Has a son AND daughter first, a cute little set of twins! He dotes on them and gives them all the attention they need. Eventually another little girl comes along, then one more boy a couple years after her. Sanji loves them all, but his girls do get just a tad more attention at times, especially once they realize that giving him puppy dog eyes net them whatever they want. Your youngest son attaches to him like glue, wanting to be with Sanji all the time, and he can see the similarities in how alike the two are, minus the abuse of course, and it makes him want to protect your youngest son from the world at times. 
Zoro has a son, one that isn't planned at all. He hadn't even expected to have kids until this little baby boy that looks just like him comes along. After that, he expects that to be it. No more kids, just the one, just your son, until not even three years later you're pregnant again, with a little girl that's just as unplanned. Everyone is shocked, but when she's born, Zoro is instantly wrapped around her tiny finger and she's spoiled rotten by him. Your kids are both loved beyond belief though, both learning how to use a sword as soon as they're big enough to do so. Zoro is the one to convince you to have one more when your daughter is about five, and its a set of twin boys that make you swear off more kids in the end. They also start learning to use the sword one day, your third child falling into the three sword style that just inflates Zoro's pride even more. And yes, his daughter would be named Kuina.
Note 2: I would absolutely marry Zoro and have his babies in a heartbeat. I'm sorry Penguin, I still love you.
Note 3: If you saw this briefly yesterday, no you didn't shut up 😆
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eddiethehunted · 6 months
hey y'all here's yet another "i'll probably never finish this" snippet — this one's considerably longer (near 3k words!) so maybe it's okay <3
post-vecna, fwb, idiot4idiot, you know how it is. trans eddie but it’s not really relevant to this piece lol
18+ for sexual themes and also one usage of the f slur
Eddie knows he's acting weird—or, weirder than usual—but he can't muster up the energy to care.
He's not really talking, sitting off to the side and kind of just listening in. It’s not that he doesn’t want to hang out with anyone, or whatever—it’s that he doesn’t think he can handle hanging out with Steve.
He's successfully avoided Steve all night and he plans on keeping it that way. That is, of course, until Robin, tipsy and warm and happy from the beers she's been crushing all night, gets up and pulls Steve over to the swing chair with them.
Eddie considers fleeing while she’s not sitting on his knee forcing him to stay there, but he’s not quick enough. She flops back down and brings Steve with her, giggling as he stumbles and bitches and complains about it, making the chair swing back and forth and jostle them all together in a way that would normally have Eddie laughing with her.
Instead, all he can do is stare beyond Nancy’s head, rolling his beer between his hands distractedly and wishing the alcohol would hit him even half as hard as it’s hitting Robin. Maybe then he wouldn’t want to fucking bash his head into the wall right now.
He can see Nancy giving him a weird, curious stare, and look, he likes Nancy, really. She’s cool and badass and he’s kind of scared of her, which is awesome. But he’s not about to talk to Steve’s ex about this fucked up friends-with-benefits to maybe-not-even-friends-anymore-and-definitely-without-benefits trainwreck he’s gotten himself into.
Robin sandwiches herself in between them, a sharp elbow digging uncomfortably into Eddie's ribs. Eddie is being absolutely assaulted by Steve's cologne and presence and warmth and he's not okay. His heart feels like it's going to explode and he wants to leave so fucking bad.
Robin starts rambling about graduation and college to Nancy. Eddie tunes out quick, because Steve's arm is flung over the back of the chair and he's rubbing these distracting little circles on Eddie's shoulder, through his shirt. He can feel Steve's eyes burning holes into the side of his face, over Robin's head.
Steve's touch is distracting normally, but even more so now because it's been almost three weeks since Eddie has seen him, and even longer since he's touched him. The last time they were this close, he'd had Steve climbing into his lap, panting and grinding on him and kissing him like he was trying to steal the air out of his lungs. Whispering Eddie’s name like a prayer between breathy little whines as if it fucking meant something.
The painful throbbing in his chest is nearly as bad as the uncomfortable ache between his legs, and he almost forgets that he's trying to distance himself when he feels Steve shift closer. Robin's leaning forward to talk to Nancy, and that leaves plenty of room behind her for Steve's hand to move, to curl into the hair at the nape of Eddie's neck. Plenty of room for Steve to lean into his space and god, Eddie is having a really hard time keeping a grip on his self-control because all he wants to do right now is pull Steve into the bathroom and fucking get on his knees and make it so that he's the only one Steve will ever want.
“Been a while,” Steve says conversationally. Casually. Eddie wants to fucking kick him.
“Uh-huh,” he replies, not willing to give Steve more than that. It earns him a huff, and Eddie doesn’t have to look to see that Steve’s rolling his eyes at him.
His voice is quiet and trickles down Eddie's spine when he says, "You've been avoiding me."
Eddie can't think of a good response, his voice sticking in his throat, his brain full of static. He finally swallows and vaguely says, "You think so?"
Steve's hand squeezes the back of his neck and every single nerve in Eddie's body lights up. Robin is right there. Like, she's half-sitting on Eddie's thigh. This is—its a really bad fucking time for Steve to be touching him.
"Why?" Steve asks him. He sounds hurt, but also a bit angry, and that shouldn't turn Eddie on but it really, really does.
He likes that Steve's hurting. No, really, he does. Because at least it's not just him. (He's never claimed to be a nice fucking person, okay? He knows he's a bit of a selfish asshole, and he's fine with that.)
He's not having this conversation while Robin is sitting on top of both of them, so he jerks away from Steve and gets up, not paying any attention to Robin's indignant shout as he storms into her house. He's been here enough times that he knows the way to the bathroom even with all the lights off, but he doesn't have the chance to shut the door before there's a foot blocking it.
Steve pushes in, looking pissed, and so, so hot. Eddie's knees feel like jelly and his stomach squirms like he's going to be sick. Emotional confrontation is like, the actual fucking worst, and there's Steve, angry and hurt and crowding him against the counter in Robin's bathroom, looking him dead in the eyes.
"Why are you avoiding me?"
His hands are on either side of Eddie's hips and their faces are so close Eddie could count his eyelashes if he tried hard enough. His cheeks are burning, his voice stuck in his throat, and he's annoyed because Steve knows that being pinned like this gets Eddie hot, and that's not fucking fair.
"I'm not," Eddie lies through his teeth. "I've just been busy—"
Steve snorts, cutting him off with a mean laugh. "Yeah, real busy, I bet. Must be hard work pretending I don't fucking exist."
Eddie is like, five seconds away from either punching Steve or kissing him. He hates that this is doing something for him right now, hates how hot Steve is when he's mad.
"Get off of me," he snaps, but it doesn't sound convincing. Steve's gaze drops to his mouth, just for a second, before it flicks back up.
"Did I do something?" he asks desperately, looks at Eddie with those big, dark eyes. Eddie presses his lips together firmly, biting the insides of them, because if Steve keeps looking at him like that Eddie's gonna let him bend him over this goddamn countertop. Steve seems to take his silence as confirmation, and makes a quiet, sad sound.
"You can tell me, Eddie," he says, a bit softer, like some of the anger has evaporated out of him. "I miss you."
That hurts.
Eddie wants to throw up. "Don't say that to me."
Steve frowns. "Why not? What, I can't miss you? Can't wonder what the fuck I did to piss you off so bad that you won't even look at me?" He backs off, a bit, enough for Eddie to breathe, crossing his arms tight across his chest. "One day you're shoving my dick down your throat and the next you're acting like you hate me. Kinda makes a guy wonder what happened."
"I don't—hate you," Eddie manages, nearly choking on his words because he doesn't want to say them, but the sad, hurt eyes Steve's giving him pull them from out of his chest. "I'm not even—I'm not even fucking mad at you, Steve. I'm not—this is so stupid." He rubs a hand over his face. “I just… I can't keep doing this shit. This—whatever it is.” He gestures vaguely between them. “Hooking up. Whatever."
Steve's shoulders slump forward. He moves back, until they're not touching at all and there's a few feet between them. He sounds exasperated and frustrated when he says, "Okay, so don't! You could've just told me you didn't want to fuck around anymore. I’m not gonna be mad or something. Jesus, Eddie, you can like, talk to me. I give a shit about being friends more than, like, getting some ass or whatever.”
Steve's not getting it, which is maybe for the best, but the distance between them makes Eddie want to pull his hair out. "No, I mean—" He can't help but reach out, tugging Steve a little closer by the loop of his jeans, which makes him flush so pretty. “I don't wanna stop."
"So...don't?" Steve says slowly, warily. One warm hand wraps around Eddie's arm, like he’s not sure if he’s allowed. "We can keep... I dunno, doing whatever. Whatever you want. Even just… hanging out. Or watching a movie, or—uh, yeah, whatever.” He swallows, glances down at Eddie’s mouth, and Eddie’s sure he knows just what Steve’s thinking about.
He can't help but laugh, because he's sure that what he really wants is not within the realm of what Steve is okay with. Sex is fun, but—god, Eddie wants to be allowed to love him. He’s already opened himself up more to Steve than anyone else. Steve already knows things about him that nobody else does, except his uncle. It’d been so easy to fall in love with him.
"That's the thing. I don't think we're on the same page."
Steve looks so confused that it would be funny if Eddie wasn’t on the verge of spilling his guts, of throwing up his heart all over Steve right now.
“I need you to elaborate, man,” Steve says. “‘Cause you’re giving some crazy mixed signals right now.”
“I don’t want to just keep hooking up with you. I know this all started just as fun and it is fun, but it’s driving me crazy,” Eddie lets out a frantic little laugh, feels like he’s going to start hyperventilating, but he’s started now and can’t stop, “I’m so into you it’s insane, Steve. Like, I like you. So fucking much. So much it makes me want to rip my hair out or something. I can’t keep doing this knowing it doesn’t mean the same thing to you and I can’t keep pretending that the thought of you with someone else doesn’t make me want to die. Okay? I can’t. It—it hurts and it fucking sucks and I can't do it anymore.”
His voice is shaking by the end of it, and he knows by the burning feeling in his eyes and nose that he’s about to start crying. Because this is it—this is what he’s been dreading, all this time: the moment that the other shoe drops, the moment that Steve rejects him. He’s a nice guy, he’ll do it kindly, let Eddie down gently, but that’ll hurt more. Eddie needs Steve to like, punch him in the face and call him a fag, or something. He can’t handle a sweet, gentle, let’s stay friends forever, it’ll all be okay rejection.
Instead of the bright snap of pain he’s hoping for, he feels Steve’s hands slide up the sides of his neck, almost like he does when Eddie’s down on his knees for him. It’s much softer, now, Steve’s thumbs stroking just under his eyes to wipe away the tears that he can’t stop from falling.
It’s too much. 
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut tight, shaking his head in frantic, jerky movements as his tears just keep coming. He wants to yell at Steve, to tell him to leave and let him lick his wounds in fucking peace, but he can’t make the words come out. All he can do is suck in another sticky, wet breath.
It tears out of his chest as a sob and Steve swears under his breath.
“Hey,” he breathes. He moves Eddie’s hair out of his face gently, tucking it behind his ears. Any traces of anger are gone from his voice now, and it’s soft, quiet, like he's talking to a frightened animal. “Eddie, hey. Shit, I’m sorry. Can you look at me?” 
Eddie doesn’t want to, but he’s never been good at saying no to Steve. He forces his eyes open, blinking away the tears that blur Steve’s pretty face. 
“If you’re gonna reject me just do it,” he says miserably. His voice feels thick as it comes up his throat. “I can take it, man.” 
Actually, he’s pretty sure he’ll collapse to the ground sobbing and maybe even dry heave or throw up the second he’s alone, but Steve doesn’t have to know that. 
“I’m not—”  Steve huffs out a breath, something like a laugh, like he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Eddie, I’m not rejecting you. I’m—I’m just kind of in shock.” 
Eddie stares at Steve with watery eyes. “In shock?” he bites out. “Yeah, dude, that kinda happens when your friend confesses he has big disgusting gay feelings for you.” 
“No! Not like—not in a bad way,” Steve clarifies. He has the most adorable pink flush on his cheeks, a frustrated little crease between his brows as he tries to find the words for what he’s so clearly hurting to say. “I’ve been into you for months. I honestly thought you were avoiding me these past few weeks ‘cause you could tell. I’m not, like,” he heaves a sigh, runs a nervous hand through his hair, “good at being subtle, man. I thought you were rejecting me.”
Eddie has no clue what kind of face he’s making right now, but he feels a little bit like he’s floating suddenly. Like he’s just missed the last step at the bottom of a staircase, a heavy, stony pang in his chest, his breath kind of stuck somewhere around his diaphragm. It’s almost like how it felt to flip upside down, weightless, as he climbed through the gate last spring, but only slightly less terrifying.
“I haven’t been with anyone else since the first time we hooked up,” Steve admits, and Eddie's mouth falls open, because that was nearly a year ago. “I know we were supposed to be casual, but it… was never casual for me.” His face is a little redder now, but he doesn't break eye contact. It makes Eddie want to squirm. “I shouldn’t have lied and said I didn’t want more. I wanted you. When we—”  He swallows and Eddie can't help but glance down to watch the way his throat bobs, wants to sink his teeth into it. "When we’re together, you know, it’s… it’s all I ever think about. Fuck, I think about you all the time. I feel like I'm going insane.” He groans, letting his forehead fall forward onto Eddie’s shoulder. “I feel like I’m not doing a great job here.”
Steve thinks about him. Steve fucking wants him. Eddie is literally going to pass out or something.
“No,” he breathes, because this can’t be real, he has to be hallucinating or something, “no, you’re—this is really good. Keep going.”  
Steve sighs like he’s frustrated with himself, his breath warm against Eddie’s shirt. “What I’m trying to say is that I like you too, Eddie. A lot. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t, I’m just—kind of not great at this shit.”
Eddie really, really wants to pinch himself, but he can’t fucking move as Steve’s words sink into his bones. 
“You like me,” he croaks out. His hands curl into fists in the front of Steve’s shirt. He probably looks a fucking mess right now with tears and maybe snot all over his face but he can’t think about that, not when Steve is so close. “You actually like me? Like, not—not just fucking me?”  
“I mean, I do like doing that,” Steve says, lifting his head with a ridiculous grin and eyebrow waggle that makes Eddie feel hot all over. He groans and shoves Steve’s face away half-heartedly, and Steve laughs, turns his head to press a kiss to Eddie’s palm.
Eddie just about melts into a puddle on the floor. God, the Steve Harrington charm. Steve’s smile turns a little soft.
“But yeah,” he says, leaning into Eddie’s hand. “I’m kinda crazy about you, man.”
Eddie needs to make sure he's not insane. "Like, you wanna cuddle me and shit? Fuckin’… bake me a cake?”
Oh god, what do people in relationships even do? Is that even what Steve’s gunning for here?
Steve's clearly trying not to laugh. "I mean, I can make you a cake if you want, but I'm not that great at baking. I always put too much flour and it turns out so bad, and this one time I accidentally put salt instead of sugar and Robin still doesn't shut up about it. I can make a pretty solid lasagna, though, if you want—”
"Oh my god," Eddie says, because he's definitely insane, and also because the idea of Steve in the kitchen making him a lasagna like some kind of little housewife is going to make him act fucking stupid, "shut up."
He really does pinch himself, then, and all it does is hurt. Steve’s lips quirk up again, and he steps a little closer, until it would be so easy for Eddie to tilt his head a bit and move in for a kiss. He goes a little cross-eyed trying to keep looking at Steve, trying to make sure this is still real, that this isn’t some Vecna shit and Steve’s about to turn into some kind of fucked up monster and start, like, eating him or something. 
“Did you just pinch yourself?” Steve asks, grinning so wide Eddie can almost taste it.
“No,” Eddie lies.
“That’s so cute."
Eddie makes a weird, strangled sound, and it’s the most humiliating little noise, one he didn’t even know he was capable of making. He doesn’t have a chance to be embarrassed about it, though, because Steve moves so their lips are just barely apart. 
“Can I kiss you now? I really want to.” Their noses touch. “I know it’s not the first time, but… I wanna kiss you.”
“Like in a gay way?” Eddie blurts, like an idiot.
Steve’s eyes crinkle up a bit when he laughs. “Yeah, dude. In a gay way. I mean, I kinda feel like me licking my jizz out of your mouth that one time was already pretty gay, but yeah. I wanna kiss you for real. If that’s okay.”
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19burstraat · 4 months
Random SOC Trivia I Gathered On My Reread
I'll be using this for fics, but it's fun just to read!
Jesper does not hold alcohol well (though this is according to Kaz, who is not exactly impartial)
Wijnstraat, Nemstraat, Havenstraat, Ammberstraat are all street names if you want em
Van Eck has been involved in trying to clean up the Barrel; pious. (Allegedly pious, I doubt he really is)
1/5 Van Eck (or general Kerch trading?) vessels are lost at sea
Kaz arrested three times at ten, twice at eleven, once at fourteen. Does stints in jail but it does not say prison (ppl assume he's been to Hellgate / another prison but I don't think so. He'd never have shut the fuck up about it if he had; I assume the Stadhall Jail)
Kaz's cane is lead-lined. I wasn't sure if this was canon or fanon
Kaz runs book on prize fights, horses, and chance games. Floor boss at crow club since fifteen-ish. Youngest to run a betting shop and has doubled the profits.
Gambling halls: Treasure Chest, Golden Bend, Weddell's Riverboat, Silver Garter
West Stave brothels: The Blue Iris, The Forge, The Obscura, the Willow Switch, the House of Snow
Van Aakster is the widow mercher who sees Nina to ease his grief
Inej likes orange cakes in white paper
Black Tips tattoo is a hand with first and second fingers cut at the knuckle, Razorgulls is 5 birds in wedge formation
Nina Jesper and Kaz definitely all have the crow and cup; the others don't
Jordie seems to like books
ridderspel and spijker are arcade games
Bilge, clams, and wet stone smell in the Barrel (per Retvenko)
Kaz definitely is partial to dogs; Smeet's hounds and the grey dog the Hertzoon household had, the windup dogs, the metaphors. He loves a dog metaphor sorry ur not real babycakes you'd have loved thematic web weaving posts
Geldspin is the cotton mill in Zierfoort, Firma Allerbest is a cannery. Both in Alys' name
Wylan was 8 when Marya 'died'
the black veil tomb is carved like an ancient cargo ship
3 flying fish on a grave: government. Palm trees and snakes: spices.
Inej's mother braids her hair with orange ribbons (colour of persimmons)
University a series of buildings built around the Boekcanal and joined by Speaker's Bridge (where people debate and/or drink). Boeksplein four libraries built around a central courtyard and the Scholar's Fountain
Shipping container at third harbour is a Liddie hideout; Jam Tart House is an old hotel near the slat that the Razorgulls use
Long scar across Kaz's right knuckle
Violating contracts and interfering with the market can get you hanged in Kerch; same sentences as for murder (this is. Insane)
Haskell holds court with his mates at the Fair Weather Inn every week
Belendt is the second oldest Kerch city and sits on the Droombeld River
Jesper was 7 when Aditi died
Inej has an uncle (who seems to have some sort of ringmaster role) and cousins; Hanzi and Asha
Kaz convinced a locksmith in Klokstraat that he was the son of a wealthy merchant who highly valued his collection of priceless snuffboxes, and that's how he knows what locks the rich are using
Hubrecht Mohren, Master Thief of Pijl, who Kaz doesn't appear to think much of; one of Haskell's old cronies
Martin Van Eck, Wylan's great great grandfather, was a ship's captain, brought back a big shipment of spices from Eames Chin and started the Van Eck fortune
Kaz and Jesper (+ other Dregs boys) taught Inej to fight
Kaz and Jordie are from a town near Lij, as per the 'Johannus Rietveld' exposition, but Lij is seemingly the closest major city/county so it's easier to just say they're from Lij lol
The last time the Council of Tides appeared in public was 25 years prior to CK
Kaz found Filip running a monte game on Kelstraat; he also got the clerks who turned over fake info, the fake attorney, the man who gave them free hot chocolate
The spelling of Zentzbridge lapses to Zentsbridge, not sure which is right or if they're actually separate bridges or if there's a lot of wrong quotes floating around lol
Dryden house symbol is the golden wheat sheaf bound with a blue ribbon; Van Eck is the red laurel but we knew that
Kaz taught himself finance and gambling hall rules
Church of Barter roof is copper and long has turned green
Church of Barter built around the First Forge / The Mortar, which is a flat lump of rock that's supposedly Ghezen's altar
Ghezendaal Hospital is. Idk. a hospital. Just thought ppl might want the name
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scorpioriesling · 1 month
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Guilty as Sin? (pt. 2)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Pairing(s): Azriel x reader
Warnings: not as angsty as the first one, some Lucien x reader mentioned as they did discover they were mates in part 1
Summary: The day has finally come, and Y/N has made a choice. It turns out, you do know what you want, and how to go for it. Decisions can be hard, but... if you're willing to do what it takes to get what you desire...
SR’s Note: This is part 2 to Guilty as Sin? I would definitely read part 1 first so you have context. I hate leaving things on a low note, and part 2 was requested! So, here are solutions to both. Don't hate me. Lol. Tags: @deeshag @lilah-asteria @peachcontour-blog @going-through-shit @fxckmiup @sidthedollface2
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
"And the flowers have been placed?"
"Yes ma'am."
"And, what of the seating chart? All of the name cards are on the actual chairs, are they not? I can't have anyone causing any chaos-"
"Y/N." Feyre lays a comforting hand on your upper arm, and you halt your rambling. She takes a deep breath in, motioning for you to do the same, and maintains eye contact as you both release it. She nods her head and gives you a comforting smile.
"We have been planning this ceremony for over a year now, dear -- I promise, everything is as you have asked. I wouldn't allow for any less." She says. You nod, you know she is telling the truth. As one of your closest friends, she's helped you plan your mating ceremony down to the most minute of details. Having gone through all of this herself already, she was one you trusted most with something so special and so important.
"Feyre, I can't thank you enough." You say, pulling her close for a hug.
"No need for gratitude -- I am happy to help," she says. When you pull away, you see tears gathering in her waterline. Stinging begins behind your eyes, and you look to the ceiling and laugh, her loosing a chuckle as she swipes at her lashline.
"Feyre you can't be tearing up yet -- I haven't even gone down the aisle!" You say, laughing again and steadying your breath. She smiles at you, taking your hands in hers.
"I know, I know. I just... I am so happy for you. I know you're going to be happy, and I am so proud of you for doing the best thing for yourself, and making a choice on your own that you find will geniunely bring you the most peace." She grins at you, and you return the sentiment. It had been a wild feat of mixed emotions with your best friend, Azriel, when you'd found out he had a mate. The two of you were inseparable; best friends for years; you didn't understand why he'd ever want anyone other than you. You could only thank the Cauldron for bringing him back to you, for leading him back to talk things out, and find a just solution for this huge problem that only you seemed to be the one noticing.
Feyre hugged you one last time, and pulled back to fix a few loose strands of hair framing your face. She shook her head slowly, a small smile still gracing her face.
"Whattt?" You whined, and she chuckled, stepping back to fluff out the long white tulle train flowing behind you.
"Nothing! I just... I can't believe two people I am so close with have been brought together in such a way like this." She says, standing and facing you once more. "And, you look beautiful. He's going not going to know what to do with himself when he sees-"
"Ohhh hush, now," You say, a giggle erupting from her throat. She stills when a soft, whimsical melody begins, and her round eyes focus on you.
She looses a breath, taking a hand in yours. You can't help but feel a little nervous; it was your mating ceremony, after all. "Are you ready to do this?" She asks. You let out a calming breath, and give her a solid nod of your chin.
Feyre's reassuring hand never leaves yours as you approach the end of the aisle; the warm, late-afternoon sun illuminating every crystal and glimmer embedded into your gown. You round the corner, and step into view as all of the attendees at your private ceremony rise in unison. Your eyes meet your awaiting betrothed's; and Feyre was right, he looks as though he has no idea what to do with himself. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, and you can't help but chuckle, silently praising Feyre for persuading you do choose this mermaid gown instead of the one that made you "look like a cupcake".
"I told ya," she whispers, and you chuckle, pulling her close as she continues to lead you past the rows of your closest friends and family. Cassian's eyes meet yours, giving you one of the biggest golden-retriever smiles as he tries to hold back his tears. The sight of it alone has your eyes burning again, the love your found family is always ready to offer you. You pass Nesta, who smiles at you politely, and Rhysand, holding little Nyx who is not crying, but staring wide-eyed at you. You offer him a little wave, and he grins at you, and you realize you've finally made it to the first row of chairs. Your awaiting husband stretches his hand out to you, hands you've come to know oh-so well; hands that have gently traced circles on your back, brushed yours and sent sparks through you many a time. Your eyes meet his and Feyre kisses your cheek softly, letting go of your arm and returning to her empty chair next to Rhys. You slide your fingers into his awaiting palm, and he all but pulls you into him right then and there. You face him, admiring his beauty as he grinned boyishly at you, his thumbs running over your knuckles as he held your hands in his. He leaned in close, pressing a small kiss to your cheek.
"You look... breathtaking." He whispers against your ear. You giggle, his breath tickling your skin and he pulls back to oogle at you once more.
"HEY, THAT'S CHEATING!" Cassian's voice bellows from a few rows back, and the crowd erupts with small laughs. You can't help but chuckle as well, meeting your fiance's eyes and sharing the sentiment. The only one not finding it hilarious is Nesta, who swats his shoulder and mouths you an I'm Sorry. You meet her eyes in the crowd, waving a hand in an It's Okay motion. As your eyes sweep back toward the front, you meet Elain's gaze in the front row. She offers you a kind nod, and you reciprocate the sentiment. It feels as if everything that had happened, all of the upset and hurt feelings over the initial bond her and Azriel had; it was all ancient history now. Especially now. You catch sight of the male to her right, those familiar fiery, golden-red locks so hard to miss. He offers you a charming grin, and you understand so, so well why everyone is so attracted to the Vanserra's; they practically exude charm. It isn't until you look to Elain's left that your heart warms, just a little. You meet the familiar stare that you'd come to know so well, and cared for so deeply, now looking back at you from the front row with nothing but joy across his face for the journey he knew you'd chosen to embark on.
Your attention is turned back to your fiance when Gwyn begins her speech, standing behind the two of you under the archway of blossoming Marigolds; courtesy of the season, of course. Just like Feyre promised.
"We've come together this lovely Autumn afternoon, to celebrate the mating ceremony of Lucien Vanserra and Y/N..."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
Your face was beginning to strain from how long you'd spent smiling. It didn't take long for Lucien to notice -- it didn't take long for Lucien to ever notice anything was amiss with you -- as he pulled you close and tenderly grazed his fingers over your cheek.
"What is wrong, my love?" He asks. You sigh, peering up into his amber and golden eyes. The frown you'd had fades in an instant, as you find it hard to be in any kind of foul mood around Lucien. Around your mate.
"Well... if you just... keep doing that..." You nuzzle into his touch, and he smirks down at you, his other hand reaching around to lightly scratch the back of your scalp. You let out a soft moan, and he chuckles.
"I can see it's working then," he states. You nod, eyes fluttering closed.
"You always know just..." You move close, wrapping your arms around his slim torso. "Just what I need, Lucie." He retreats his fingers after a few moments, and you open your eyes to meet his gaze once more. He leans down to press a kiss to your lips once more, this one just as warm and loving as the one offerred in front of everyone at the end of the aisle hours before. You'd danced, ate, drank, and celebrated for the better part of the night, but as the moon rose higher and higher in the sky, you began to feel more inclined to retreating back to your shared flat and spending the rest of your night beside your mate.
"That's because I'm just-" He took one hand in yours, twirling you around once before pulling you close to him again. "...So, so in love with you my dear." You can't help but giggle at his cheesiness.
"Ughhhh, man, you guys really need a room or something," Eris' playfully dramatic tone draws closer, and you turn to face him. He approaches you with a smile, offerring a hand to his brother. He pulls him close, patting a hand on his back and hugging him tight. You can't help the wave of emotion that washes over you; in the time you spend getting to know your mate, falling in love with your mate, you'd learned so much that haunted him -- but one of those things would not be his oldest brother, not anymore. You couldn't help the joy you felt knowing how happy it made Lucien to finally have that relationship rekindled with his closest sibling.
When they pulled apart, Eris took your hand gentle hand in his, kissing the top lightly and looking between the two of you.
"Seriously, though, congradulations. Truly, I am happy for you brother." You glance at Lucien, heart swelling to see the happiness in his eyes. "Y/N, I couldn't be happier to welcome you to the family." He offers you a small bow, and you smile in response.
"Thank you for coming today, Eris -- I know it means a lot to Lucien, and I was happy you could make it." Eris chuckles, turning to head out.
"I wouldn't have missed it!"
You peer at your husband once more, only to see him already looking to you. His expression softens when he notices your watery gaze.
"Heyy, hey hey, love bug. Whatever is the matter?" He asks. You smile at him, wishing you could put it all into words so simply, but you just... couldn't.
"Am I allowed to cry?" You ask. "I'm just... I'm so happy Lucien. Today couldn't have gone any better, were officially mated... I truly couldn't have it any better." You say. Lucien pulls you in, kissing the top of your head. When you've collected yourself, you both decide to mingle for a bit longer before retiring to your flat. Lucien had found Jurian and is laughing heartily over something, when you feel shadows lingering close by.
"You really are in love, are you Y/N?" Azriel's question comes from your left, and you tilt your head to see him. He sips from a crystal glass full of amber liquid, and you sigh, gazing back toward the only male you deemed truly perfect.
"Yes... I think I truly, truly am." You say. Azriel throws his head back, draining the glass and setting it on a nearby table. You glance around for Elain, figuring she would still be here if he was, but there was no sign of her.
"I'm so happy for you, ya know." He says quietly, gazing sidelong at you through his thick lashes. You offer him a knowing smile, rolling your eyes. Your best friend's relationship with you wasn't usually so sentimental like this, but it was a welcome change.
"Yeahhhh, yeah." You waved a dismissive hand, but Azriel's scarred fingers caught it midair and held firm.
"I'm serious, Y/N -- you're my best friend. You mean a lot to me. Your happiness, means a lot to me." He gazed into your eyes solemnly, and you dropped your eyes to where the two of you touched. His forearm still bore the black ink you'd once stanciled on him, looking almlost as fresh as the day he'd had it imprinted there. You thought after his ceremony those years ago he would have gotten it removed; but, he promised he wouldn't. He didn't care that he had a mate, "I still have a best friend too", he'd told you.
"Well," you began, unlacing your fingers from his as his gaze held on your eyes. Never would you have thought you'd pull away from him; but that was before. That was before the Cauldron had blessed you with such a perfect mate. A perfect male you didn't think you'd ever deserve; one you didn't know you needed.
"Well..." He repeated. You only smiled at him. All of those feelings you'd had, Gods... they hurt. They hurt so bad. But, as you looked at your best friend now, all you saw was just that; your best friend. You no longer had wished for messy top lip kisses with Azriel; there was no more longing for your trysts. You could kick yourself for ever feeling that way to begin with. But that was before Lucien. That was when you were still wasting your time, denying yourself the satisfaction of getting to know your mate and instead, pining over someone who already had one.
"Well... you can consider me happy." You say, and Azriel flashes you an award winning smile. You smile back, and he pulls you into a sincere embrace.
"And you can still consider me your best friend. Of all the friendships I have, I'd still choose you and me. Because you're my best friend, Y/N," Azriel mumbles into your hair. You sigh in contentment, releasing any last small piece of you clinging to him as more than a friend. You smile to yourself, secure with your choices in who you choose to love; whether that be as a best friend, or as a mate.
"And you're mine."
*✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *
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upslapmeal · 6 months
Notes from the Taskmaster 16x10 recording
The last two episode recordings I went to, I meant to make comprehensive notes when I got home afterwards that I would be able to look back at and post when the episode aired. I did not, in fact, end up doing that. So this time I was determined to have lots of notes, and made them on the go in the breaks in recording. However. They were made in a rush and I never went back through them to pad them out (you'd really think I would have learned by now). So instead of just having to rely on my memory, I ended up with an almost coded list of words and phrases that it's taken me pretty much 2 weeks to sit down and decipher lol. So with that said:
the pre-episode Greg-Alex entertainment was Greg getting Alex to sing a song about a recent news story to the tune of a song suggested by the audience - in this case it was Trump's lawsuit (the one in May 2023 since there are...a few) to the tune of Wuthering Heights
Alex really went for the whole live thing, and was constantly referring to it throughout the episode
when the contestants came onstage, I obviously first saw Sam in his bright colours and blond hair
we were right on the back balcony and my first impression from that distance was that he kinda looked like Jamie Laing lol
Greg made a passing comment about how he's been dressing in grey but I was completely taken by surprise when the vt rolled and he looked completely different!
I had assumed he'd actually buzzed his hair and didn't realise it was a wig until the ep aired
Sue made comments throughout the episode about how Sam looked like Dahmer
Lucy's prize task story, unsurprisingly, went on for ages and included a whole story about the holiday they went on that I tragically cannot remember
I was so glad they didn't cut 'untaffled' because I looked through my notes before again before watching the episode and couldn't for the life of me remember what she'd said
Greg's said that his immediate response to naked Alex in the prize task was that he was 'smooth like an eel'
After Julian's prize task there was a discussion about how people wanted to be buried, and at one point (I wish I could remember the conversation leading up to this) either Greg or Alex said they would be buried 'together forever in the Victoria monument'
There was a whole long debate about whether Sam intended to use nature as part of his doughnut task, and whether the bird toppling Ms Doughnut to her death should be counted
Greg told Sam to 'convince me to give you 3 points'
Sam went on talking about how amazing nature is and how we're all connected and at one point said 'consider the statistics.....3000' (I'm 99% sure this is what he said and I didn't just forget the rest of the quote)
Julian's exercise name was absolutely not a one-off, to the point they started running a 'cunt count' for the episode
Sue talked about how she had recently had an ADHD diagnosis, and that she kept viewing tasks holistically rather than paying attention to the details. This was specifically in relation to the exercise where she just did the same thing 4 times
I'm not sure if we saw the full extended version of Hotel Taskmaster, but we definitely saw a cut that included more than the aired version (though tbh I think they do that for most tasks and I just noticed this one bc we got the extended version)
We got an 'I put it to you' from Greg that Alex-as-Qrs looked genuinely cool
Lucy described Alex as having 'tight metallic buns' which Greg later referred to as his 'robot arse'
I cannot stress how much of a breakdown Susan had in the studio about the forks and marbles - you get a glimpse in the episode but that was nothing!
Susan also took AGES to do her throw in the live task - she kept on being about to throw before being interrupted, or saying her arms were too short, or that she needed a wee, or having a fit of giggles, and the longer it went the worse it got lol
Greg and Alex also had a go at it, and Sue wanted another go without the pressure. Greg and Sue got the ball in but Alex didn't
Don't ask me to remember the context, but at one point during the record, Greg told a story about someone he knew (whose name he said he would tell the others backstage) who would have sex in a cow mask and would demand 'LOOK AT ME!!!'. Anyway that was referred back to a few times in the ep
When Sam was given the trophy he just stood near-motionless with it for what felt like ages before we got to the hugs and everything
And now we enter the magical world of ~what on earth was this note referring to~ where I just hope someone else who was there (@politicalprocrastinator how's your memory?) sees this and can fill me in on what I've forgotten:
At some point around the prize / first task I wrote 'correct dog guess'. Whose dog? What was being guessed? Absolutely no idea
At some point there was a joke about the 'former Prime Minister', I think the idea being that by the time the episode aired we'd inevitably have a new PM? but I honestly can't remember
Someone called someone else submissive in a way notable enough for me to have written 'submissive' as a one-word bullet point, but not notable enough for me to actually remember
And now three bullet points which I will present in their original form:
Bum hole in back
Get in bath
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hailuchiha · 2 months
Unhappy Accident
!! 18 + NSFW CONTENT!!
!! ALL characters involved are ADULTS ; NO minor characters!!
Summary: Sasuke returned home early from a mission and overheard strange sounds. He saw something that he can never forget.
prompt filled for this anon ask
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incest; sibling incest; some drama; accidental voyeurism; smut; surprise/shock; funny/notfunny; can be read as a comedy of sorts lol; if you like seeing sasuke suffer; only all uchiha 'kids' are suffering 1st hand embarrassment;
Unhappy Accident
Sasuke was eager to get home and get all the grime and dirt off of himself. While he'd finished the mission earlier than expected, it didn't mean it had been a walk in the park.
After giving mission report to the Hokage, he quickly made his way home. It didn't surprise him to come to an empty house and not even having his mother around. His father was busy as the head of the police chief, and his mother also kept herself busy with various activities or local missions. As for his older siblings, they were probably off on their own missions or relaxing with somewhere in the village if they had a day off.
Sasuke had just placed his shoes on the stand near the entrance and exchanged them for house slippers when he heard a muffled crash from above. His immediate reaction wasn't to go on alert mode, as he figured one of his siblings was up in their room and had simply knocked something over. Although, he did think it was weird, as both of them weren't the careless type...
After a moment, he heard a faint groan- definitely big sister- before some weird shuffling came through. Then there was another thud and he could tell something fell to the floor, followed by a pained whine from her.
Till now, Sasuke had frozen in place as he heard the sounds. But curiosity and fear made him rush soundlessly up the stairs. Big sister may not usually be careless, but whatever she was doing now could get her hurt. What if she already was hurt and just had nobody to come to her aid?
To his surprise the sounds were coming from Itachi's room. What was she doing in there?
Ignoring the warning signals in his head telling him to slow down, he rushed in, calling out her name. After all, this was his sister. If there was an intruder, Sasuke was more than capable of dealing with him or her.
"Big sister are you-!"
Only, once he stormed into the room, he couldn't really figure out what was going on.
Or, more accurately, his mind didn't immediately want to comprehend what he was seeing.
For one, he'd been wrong. Big sister wasn't the only one home- big brother was too.
They were both sprawled on Itachi's futon, the sheets messed about around them, and vase lay broken where it had crashed down from the low table near their feet.
Oh, and they were also completely naked.
They all stared at each other- Sasuke from Itachi to their sister, and them both looking at him- in silent horror for a long moment.
Then, without breaking eye contact, Itachi resumed thrusting, as if daring Sasuke to say something. Sasuke caught a glimpse of panic on his sister's face, before she bit her lip and hid her face against Itachi's shoulder, who was blanketing her with his body, her hands rested on his broad shoulders.
"Close the door on your way out, Sasuke," Itachi's voice sounded calm if not for the slight strain.
Without a word and unable to even blink, Sasuke slowly backed out of the room, remembering only at the last moment to reach out with a trembling hand and shut the door behind him.
A few minutes later, he was stood under the hot stream of the shower, staring blankly at the wall, trying to ignore his aching cock which refused to go down since the moment his mind had caught up with what his eyes had seen his siblings doing.
"Fucking hell," he muttered, turning the knob all the way to cold. He shuddered violently, felt his teeth begin to chatter, but it was worth it. He really didn't wanna touch himself to images of them doing it of all people.
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kalims · 1 year
⊹ㅤasking you to be their valentines | first years
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note. happy (late) valentines guys, not proofread
cw. reader implied to be around ace's height (in his part only) sorry I just can't keep the throwing an arm around your shoulder hc off 😢 aghhh but other than that I tried my best to not describe any features. (just imagine you tp to his height for one paragraph then your mc can go back to your height after LOL)
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deuce spade ── has everything planned out but most of it doesn't go to plan
deuce sweats.
never in his life has he even considered doing something for someone in valentines day.
correction; he did not make a move to his old crushes so he could very well be compared to that of a kid with no knowledge about the area whatsoever which is embarrassing cause he knows kids younger who had somehow managed to score a lover.
he had always thought nothing of it and wondered about them being too young to even be 'in love' but damn was it humiliating to get humbled now!
the bouquet of flowers seem to be shaking in his grip every second and cater had commented that he should loosen his grip—lest he actually breaks it with his nervous strength alone, and that's the last thing deuce wants. the madol he spent for it was a hefty amount and his mother would strangle him if he broke the only thing he gave to someone in a romantic sense.
there's clear traces of gel in his hair. slicked back, shiny and unmoving. he looks a little weird standing in the middle of the field looking like he was plucked straight out of a private school which is ironic considering his delinquency.
deuce looks back at the hasty morning he spent. waking up, realizing he just slept past the 5 alarms he set up, clumsily finishing his routine before sparing a good moment to stand in his mirror and recite the paragraph he'd been constructing for days.
ace had caught him there once, talking to a mirror like it was someone; you. and snorted so loudly that deuce wondered if anything about it was wrong.
'everything is wrong with it' ace had told him with a dead kind of look, disgusted but amused nonetheless. deuce never took his word for it, his mother had said something similar to his father and look where they were!
he is practically choking the round, white plush in his other hand the more he tightens his jaw out of anticipation. eleanor smiles at him cutely, pink round blush stitched below her eyelids. eleanor, or so he'd named the egg plush. deuce would have went with the signature bear plush but the moment he set his eyes on eleanor he just fell in love.
... with the exception of you of course.
like a puppy brightening up when it sees it's favorite person deuce perks up and does a quick run over.
he'd practically begged trey to bake some of your favorite delicacy and trusted to leave it bravely within the confines of the heartslabyul fridge. of course sticking a sticky note on the container with a threat and an angry face.
if you accept he'll take you right over there for a little date.. (if he's being too presumption that it is that is)
flowers, got it. he misses the wilted petals from his previous vice grip.
"prefect!" he yells from across the field. successfully making you pause in the middle of your traversing towards the gate. your eyes land on deuce spade, looking a little different than you remember—clad in a suit that definitely isn't nrc's, slicked back hair and decked in the 'will you be my prom date' set.
you sweatdrop. but raise your hand in a friendly wave despite it. "hi deuce," you greet sweetly and deuce swoons from his spot. his cheeks erupt to fire as he shyly looks away.
is he okay? you think.
deuce gestures you to come over.
so that's exactly what you did. I can spare a few, you glance at the time and make your way over to the boy certainly acting strange.
once you do his arms reaches up to show a bouquet of.. flowers in it. you stare at it in confusion, then at the several parts that had stared falling off. deuce curses under his breath but keeps a twitching smile. ".. for you," he says.
you smile, unable to stop the laugh that had emerged. "are you sick deucey? what's the occasion?" you tease lightheartedly. nudging him and taking a whiff.
you sneeze.
then blink. oh that's kind of... strong?
deuce grimaces from beside you.
"uh.. nevermind those, you can have this instead," he presents you a plushie in the shape of an egg. once again, perhaps deuce really is sick. you can't help but laugh again at the endearing silliness.
"can I name it?"
"sure..?" he doesn't look too sure. it's name is eleanor he bites it back.
"(plushie name)." I was gonna name it ash but coughs
he forces a smile. "wow. what a nice name,"
deuce suffers in the silence that follows after, and he's a little bothered by the new name of his favorite egg plushie. you will be missed eleanor, he thinks. midst the loss of his friend he supposes the fact that his favorite person ever makes up for it.
you do a quick do over deuce, blinking slowly at the attire that seems foreign. "what's the occasion? you look fancy," that's right. deuce almost forgot the reason why he was standing in the middle of the field in the first place, he doesn't wanna blame the fact that you practically knock the words out of his throat but.. it is you.
and, momentarily he forgot what nerves were in that very moment.
he can feel it come back, to the cold sweat on his neck, the clammy fingers, and the tightening sensation in his throat. deuce unconsciously nips at the skin of his lips as he exhales—then he straightens his top to prolong his question.
"you.. know that valentines is coming up right..?" he asks nervously.
you nod. "yep, about a week from now," you pause. "why?"
he looks down. "do you,,, wanna be my valentine?"
deuce slumps at the non verbal response of rejection as the shame fully descends on him. how could he do this? now he's ruined the friendship he's glad he'd built with you.
"what's with the gloomy face? I haven't said no, you know,"
a laugh and instantly it shines down a new hope at his darkness, like light upon an enclosed room. sparkling eyes full of suprise stare at you and you resist the urge to pinch his cheeks and simply wrap him up in a burrito blanket. strange, you know but it fits him.
"you mean?" right. he'd burst into tears when he gets home if you're just playing a joke on him.
you smile at him fondly. "there's like, a gala that the school is hosting. let's go as each others valentines date," you laugh and close the space between you two. a hug, deuce recognizes and it's almost the warmest he's ever had.
albeit awkwardly arms wrap around your body and return your love fully.
ace trapolla ── is 'going with the flow' but 'forgets'
"you're totally down bad!"
ace huffs. what could cater know about romance? people would totally run away from him before he could even ask someone out! meanwhile he; the classic boy everyone's after. he claimed, but cater just laughed at refused to believe him.
whatever some people just don't have good taste. ace rolls his eyes and takes out his cellphone. besides, I'm not down bad at all! he groans. the chime of a notification has him looking down, sparing the air from his annoyed glare.
'a user has commented to your post'
at the sight of it his cheeks turn ablaze and he shoves the screen to his chest, obscuring the view of anyone who dares to peer.
(said 'anyone' is just the air, there's no one besides him and a group of students far away)
ace inhales sharply. he's not crazy he was just,, curious. a man's gotta have his secrets! even if he was gonna drown himself if anyone find out.
he spares one more look at the non existent crowd before swiping up. the big letters read: 'how do I ask someone out as valentines' he most definitely didn't run to google, googling things like 'why is the idiot no longer annoying' 'why do I feel like this I like it but I hate it' which would be cringe worthy if cater ever found out.
I am not down bad. he thinks as he clicks on the comment icons then reads the latest one.
monsieur d'amour_ : there is no better way than to speak from your heart! 💖 n'ayez pas peur ~
( n'ayez pas peur — do not be afraid )
this guy has screws loose. speak from his heart? what a bunch of stupid shit.. and he's not afraid! ace is no coward. he stares silently but he can't deny that it was just a tad, bit inspirational. how could he ever do that? his mouth basically runs on auto pilot to protect his pride and his pride certainly doesn't correlate with his feelings.
yes.. he's not scared.
do it pussy. a second conscious voice seems to taunt him, he sighs. sometimes he hates the attitude that his thoughts,, think.
as if the seven really wants to laugh at him for entertainment the object of his affections silhouette keeps getting larger and larger.
you; the prefect of ramshackle. the same person that had him up for a punishment on the first day of school, he can say that you're the reason he was almost expelled but you're also partially the reason why he wasn't. crazy isn't it? his best friend (other), the same person he just had to fall for.
you're coming closer, ace concludes and he squares up his shoulders and presents the most natural grin he can.
ace saunters up to you and throws a casual arm around your shoulders. it's been habit at this point, perhaps ace just does it because you're his friend or maybe he's just finding another reason to keep you close. (he does the same with deuce but there's an almost guaranteed wrestle and ruffling of the head aggressively affectionate right after)
"what's my favorite prefect doing around here?" ace grins. you roll your eyes at his words but mirror his smile. "favorite prefect? are you serious?" you push him with your shoulder lightly but never enough to shove him off and decline the skin to skin contact he gives. technically it is true though. he doesn't like nearly all the dorm leaders, perhaps with the exception of scarabia's but he can't say they're close.
he smirks. "who else?" then the raw confidence he doesn't have a problem excluding dims when he remembers the whole,, valentines thing.
his smile drops for a second before he repairs it back up.
okay ace, go with the flow. speak with your heart. he can't believe he's actually heeding that random idiots advice. "soooo... you must be date-less on valentines, I mean who would want to go with you?" cruel words seem to spout out of his mouth as a habit. it was like that the first time you met but you practically shoved it all back up his ass.
you were used to it so you didn't mind. maybe that's why ace likes you. you aren't as weak hearted, and sensitive like the other people. a little selfish and strange on his part but he always wanted someone who'd joke with him, not minding his rather dark humor.
"no actually. I'm going with someone," you say. all smiley and all and ace feels like barfing his breakfast in the toilet. his smile immediately falls into a deadpan that he could not hide from you. in turn, you smile mischievously at the new revelation. this idiot is so easy to read. you think.
likable, lovable idiot on your part.
ace grimaces and ignores the tight fist he has curled up on his other, free hand. "... someone actually wanted to go with you? suprising," he comments dryly. a little colder than you expected so you still spare a raised brow to his quick, words. you shove him playfully. "I am completely—perfectly date material,"
I'd like to be the judge of that. ace sighs quietly. that kind of thought seems way out of reach in reality now though, whoever got you first is one lucky bastard.
"yeah I just hope grim doesn't get us kicked out of the venue,"
incredulously, he turns to you with barely contained shock. "grim? you're going with grim?"
you tilt your head. "who else? we are each others platonic soul mate," you claim with a grin. grim might be a headache most of the time but you can't deny that you've grown fond of the chaos he brought into your life.
if he's your platonic soulmate then what is he? ace gulps. "I must be your, other kind of soulmate then?" he says in a joking manner. your romantic sense of soulmate? you side eye him.
"I think so,"
he blinks. are we flirting right now? he'd like to ask.
ace is great at changing topics.
kind of.
"you can't bring a cat as the one you go with. riddle will literally behead you with his bare hands," moments ago ace had let go of your shoulders and let his hands settle behind the back of his head. act casual, he thinks.
at some point he's been telling himself what to do several times in the middle of the conversation with you, taking in the points he constructs an appropriate action. he's completely gone off track from going with the flow.
you snort. "no way dude. with his tiny little hands?" obviously joking you shiver at the thought of riddle listening to your conversation and comment. you'd be beheaded on spot. he is true though, if you brought grim the rules technically wouldn't account him as a guest so basically you're listed alone.
I refuse to be single in valentines day. you think in determination. but alas.. no one really had ask you. you cast an inquisitive look at ace, you certainly wouldn't mind him..
you clear your throat and look away, I am not down bad!
but if I don't ask now would I be able to spend a valentines with the person I'd like to be mine at all? you both think.
"hey do you—"
"I've been thinking—"
you both pause at each other running over the others words. you point at him then nod, but he shakes his head and nudges you. "you first,"
"I've been thinking.. you said I can't go with grim, how about you?" you say quietly. embarassment coating your features and ace's heart actually started racing. is this really happening right now? is this real?
but.. "I'm gonna pretend you didn't beat me to that," he deadpans. and you smirk once you realize what he's talking about. ace does not like being one upped at all.
he fakes a cough and clears his throat. "wanna be my valentines?" you're lucky if you are my valentines. ace tells himself. but I might be even luckier.
jack howl ── actually asked crewel at first (since it seems like that man practically adopted you) before asking you.
"so puppy," in an empty classroom—his, empty classroom crewel sits on his velvety cushioned chair. over the table jack howl sits tensely, ears stiffed up high. his tail in a similar dilemma, listening to even a single sound of displeasure on crewel's face.
jack has never felt so nervous in the face of his professor, but he doubts crewel is even his professor right now. the 'technically' only family you consider right now would be the best word to describe him. even he wasn't this nervous the first time he was let on the field. his first magishift game.
he doubted crewel would even spare him the time. but when he mentioned something about you, the man's face shifted into something blank and frankly the way he peered down at him was terrifying. jack realized you were something precious to the man and had gotten a look deeper into his fatherly protectiveness.
of course crewel assumed something worse. and demanded, that he spit out whatever he has to say about you before he makes him. jack thought no one would find anything if he were to miraculously disappear right now.
he does understand, rather than thinking it was cruel jack emphasized. he would do anything for his pack too, his family.
"let's continue with that conversation we had shall we? now in particular," crewel hums. "I'd like it for you to spit it out, if anything happened to the prefect I assure you. the following events, you will not like,"
jack shivers at the underlying fury beneath his words and hell. he completely forgot to tell crewel the reason why he's in front of a noticeably worried parent. and perhaps if he did about a while ago? maybe he would be facing something more bearable, and less.. scary..
"I,,, I apologize sir. nothing bad happened to the prefect," jack clears his throat and breathes in the air in relief when crewel's sharp stare softens—he breathes a similar sigh to his. "why didn't you start with that? I can't say I like puppies who beat around the bush,"
he is not a puppy. jack would like to add but he doesn't think he'd like to see another sharp stare for the sake of his pride.
this one is fidgety. crewel notes, noticing his tense shoulders and averting gaze. he wonders what kind of business he has with him when the boy practically had done everything to 'discuss something' with him. maybe a failing grade? he is quite strict with academics. if he mentioned you then are you the one failing?
crewel huffs. impossible, you can't have a failing grade! he tutors you after class!
the man crosses his arms. "what is it then?"
the moment of truth. jack wills the anxiety to evaporate out of his body as he faces the man whose answer will depend on his answers. "I would like to ask if I could ask the prefect out this week—" jack feigns a cough. "—as my valentines as well,," not entirely consensual on his part but his voice trails off weakly at the end.
(okay I might be writing this too seriously. jack treats this seriously it's kinda comedic lol)
crewel blinks, huffs and barks out a laugh. a little out of disbelief but it's quite entertaining to him to see this puppy on his knees figuratively asking him? for the prefect? on a date? how funny.
maybe he would have said a simple; 'absolutely not' because no one could ever have someone as good as you. but he's seen enough, clearly this boy's love for you might even be beyond his imagination. if he says yes it will only continue to grow and surpass even his own.
the thought of someone loving you more than him is preposterous! maybe he feels a little old for this time to happen so soon. and no way he's letting some,,, boy take you away from him!
but it would do the both of you some good. he concludes.
jack stares at him in confusion. was it so ridiculous that he had to laugh?
crewel plays a rare smile, small but one nonetheless. "you must be jack," the prefect has told a lot about you. it seems like your love is returned in full. he thinks.
the door opens and jack jolts. speak of the devil. crewel smirks. this will make up for good entertainment.
what an unlikely pair, jack and crewel? you raise your brows in suprise. your eyes slide to the former, he looks kinda scared wonder what happened here. you wondered.
the smirk on crewel's face has jack internally praying. "has anyone asked you for valentines, honey?"
you deadpan. that is quite concerning, the first thing crewel would've done if that was the cause was hunt whoever that was down. "... no, why?"
crewel stands up and saunters over to the other side of the table—where jack sits and the boy tensed up quickly when he felt the skin of crewel's gloves on his shoulder. crewel was gripping his broad shoulders, menacingly but yet managing to smile at you.
"how about this one?" he grins.
in all fairness—you gaped, and stared at the two like they had grown three heads. "w-what?" you gulped. a little embarrassed by the stammer but can you blame yourself? you had gone in the room you know whose crewel's to unwind and maybe have a chat with him not.. this strange predicament.
you know full well what he's implying and if it were any other person you'd have no problem saying no.
but it's jack!
you scratch your head. awkward silence drifts over the atmosphere when you and jack both meet eyes. crewel's hands finally leave the former's shoulders but not without an aspirated sigh. he thought this would be amusing to watch, not... overbearing.
"oh for seven's sake. why don't both of you go to the gala as each other's valentines?" crewel smiles thinly, and it seems like there's no room for arguments. "any objections,"
you stare at jack's silence. he's alright with this? you nervously think before frowning. "that's.. unfair, jack would want to have a valentines that's his own choice," you shake your head. willing he strange pressure around your throat as you do so. hell you're practically already jealous on the person he'd choose.
"no." jack denies. "I'm glad, you're the only person I'd like to be mine," you assume he's referring to you as his valentines but honestly? the way he said 'mine' had you feeling kinda warm.
finally. crewel is pleased with his work.
he scowls. "good. now get out," enough of this teenage romance. crewel's had enough for the day.
epel felmier ── tried to ask you several times in a planned day but ended up chickening out. that is, until the situation just called for it
"what did they say?"
epel blinks away from his haze at the sound of vil's questioning voice. "what?" he dumbly mumbles out. besides heartslabyul famous rose maze, pomefiore has a rather beautiful garden. more variety of flowers and wildlife. exclusively only accessible to the dorm's students.
even epel can say that despite his hate for the dorm itself it's very nice to be around this particular spot—epel would have stayed, and used it as his hiding spot if vil didn't like it as well. unfortunately for him it meant that the garden is still under the scrutinizing gaze or the dorm leader.
which meant that he basically gets no break. epel would like to climb over the dorm's walls.
right now the field isn't housing people other than him and vil. he assumes rook had shoo'd them away, given how vil is currently using it. the latter sets down his tea cup on it's tray before raising a brow at epel. "... the prefect? you were going on all about how you were gonna ask them to be your valentines earlier," vil says.
epel curses in his mind and hoped that the distraught look was something vil didn't catch. though he doubts it he still hopes.
vil stays silent but keeps the raised brow for a second longer. he shakes his head after dropping it entirely. "don't tell me you failed," something as simple as that? come on. vil is sure that you wouldn't even deny the apple of pomefiore. anyone could see how reciprocated epel's feelings are.
his stare hardens in disappointment. "epel,"
epel keeps his mouth shut and replies in his mind. what? he told me to not tell him. epel resists to roll his eyes..
vil crosses his arms over his chest just as rook chimes from the entrance. "what a shame. I thought it was a perfect time to strike!" he grins.
epel blanches. "what the—rook you were there?" that, he did not know. epel points an accusing gaze at vil whom pretends to not notice, sipping on his tea and all. the smile on rook's face does not waver as he tips his hat as a greeting. "fufu.. we simply could not leave our precious apple without guidance,"
"I don't need your guidance, imma a grown man!" epel snaps. letting his accent accent slip past for a second before deflating once he realizes. vil stares at him silently, though rook spares him a look of pity. which is not really helping!
"I mean.. thanks?" as some kind of last effort to lessen the fury epel clears his throat.
fortunately vil was in a good mood so he let it slide.
"we were speaking about the prefect?"
vil urges epel to explain whatever happened and the boy's face twists into awkwardness. probably having war flashbacks hours ago, it was embarrassing because all the things he had planned went to waste. epel does not want to talk about it.
"prefect? oh they were looking as magnifique as ever~ they are on the way here as we speak now,"
epel completely freezes as he practically was on the road to breaking his neck with how fast it snapped over to rook. did he hear that right? if he did epel hoped he was deaf in that moment. he looks down and hastily pats the crumbs of crackers out of his uniform.
oh seven no! he looked atrocious right now, his hair still had twigs from the mishap with you earlier and the literal reason he ran away was because he definitely did not want you to see him like he just crawled out of a jungle.
vil shoots him a look. I told you so. he should have taken up his suggestion of taking a bath to clear out the dirt. he didn't even have time to change, epel slumps. it's a miracle vil let him walk around like that which epel actually hoped he didn't for once.
maybe this is vil's influence. epel suddenly caring about appearance and all but he does admit he had grown a little self conscious when you were in his case.
he doesn't get a chance to ponder about it any longer since your head popped in to peer into the garden, suprised at the three guys looking right at you. all varying faces of happiness, indifferent and grief?
vil clears his throat even though it feels completely all right. "ahem.. rook why don't we finish our plans for the annual magishift?" the man is already walking to which the other follows. his words catches your attention.
your brows raise. strange "magishift? i thought you guys didn't like that," true. comes vil's blank face but his dorm isn't a loser. after all, their performance reflects on the evil queen and vil would hate it to be a bad light.
"hmph. we are not just beauty you know," he smirks and continues on towards the path, rook trailing behind him nodding along.
on their way out he can still hear the duo. vil's huff; "it's painful to watch them," and rook's response; "I am merely pleased i could bear witness to the fruits of love,"
you take in his messy appearance and epel winces, placing a carefully practiced 'cute' smile on his face. "don't say anything about it," please. epel has an abnormally softer voice compared to that of he shows you.
this boy is trying to manipulate me? you wonder in amusement. he does look quite messy though, it's a wonder vil acted so casual with him a few minutes ago. since you were the one who scared him to tripping on that poor bush you suppose the least you could do was help him clean up.
epel recoils away from your outstretched hand the moment it touched his hair. heat soars through his face as he nearly screeches. "what are you doing?!" calming down the slightest at your bewildered expression.
"there's twigs in your hair,"
reluctantly he sits back down in his chair, squirming at the sensation of your fingers digging in for the sticks and twigs he had forgotten to shake off. epel feels awfully flustered by a simple thing.
the time passes. the sky gets darker, and epel gets more comfortable. the tense in his shoulders eventually deteriorates into a relaxed posture. he's never felt so comfortably before. I hope there's more stuff in there so you don't have to go. epel thinks.
"all done,"
yes, epel will do anything to get you to stay longer.
"what if you were my valentines tomorrow..?" he blurts out.
you movements stutter in response. well that was forward. you think, you'd expect nothing less from epel, plans weren't his forte anyways. with vil's absence he has no problem saying his mind. then again, the reason he probably failed before was because of the presence of rook.
"I mean,, it's just a what if,," he trails off looking unsure.
you sigh and shake your head. unable to keep the smile off your face. "sure. let's ditch the gala tomorrow, yeah?"
the grin on epel's face is practically shining. "yeah!" he perks up in excitement before pausing. "I mean,, yeah," to pretend he's cool. you suppose.
sebek zigvolt ── ITS ALL LILIAS WORK
"you! where is the human prefect?"
the student at the end of sebek's finger pretty much all but froze up. staring stupidly at it (admittedly looking a bit scared) only igniting the impatience within sebek since he scowled and the scared silence and shook his head. what else did he expect from a human?
the intense sharp stare from sebek probably ran off the shock and fear from the student because finally, they started speaking. "u-uh... who are you looking for?" they quietly ask.
sebek's eye twitches.
did they not hear him? "hmph. if you were listening to what I was saying, you'd know," maybe a mouth he just kind of got from the early years of his father, maybe he did actually get that from lilia.
the student cowers. I want to go home. they knew they shouldn't have rolled off their comfortable bed... far better than this predicament. they definitely don't deserve this anger. but there's like,,, 4 human prefects, they'd like to add to defend themselves but the word just dies up in their mouth when sebek huffed—and turned like he didn't figure it would be wise to waste his time here.
they sigh.
further down fhe hallway sebek marches. quickly, quietly—back stiff yet proper, just as he'd been trained to do. proper manners. something you don't seem to have. you're always cooped up in the center of chaos somewhere, in the back of sebek's mind a voice reminds that you weren't given the same treatment and training as him but he needed a reason.
a reason to hate you, and love you less he supposed.
it doesn't seem to be working though, given as he's literally about to turn the school upside down to look for you.
he has no idea why he'd even asked his father in the first place. attempting to 'court' a human! it seemed preposterous when you're just about every trait he dislikes. ahem, the fact that you aren't a fae is enough for him to consider it horribly.
what if you were taken? someone delusional tells him in his mind.
why should you care? another chips in.
yeah why should he care? he grumbled incoherent words. currently he has the brain to stop in his tracks, not waste his time here—but not the heart.
because his heart speaks the feelings his mouth won't let him, because it beats for you, and is just about to leap out when you do anything that he'd really like to keep the withering smile out of his face.
he doesn't smile. soliders do not, a great one like his father had learned to control his emotions but the one they call 'love' is something he can't get the hang of.
sebek thinks back to the occurrence that had went by a while ago.
"I don't get it father. I don't need to calm down I need a doctor!" sebek explained loudly. trailing after the much shorter boy like a puppy. lilia can tell that his very jolly dear son is taking hid 'disease' very seriously by the exaggerated hand motions that he pairs with his equally flabbergasted words.
lilia chuckles, silly yet so endearing. "go again by your symptoms dear," he strolls in the kitchen, completely missing sebek's mortified face.
should he run right now? but he must not ignore lilia's request!
some things need sacrifices. he concludes. "well! my chest is beating very fast, it's like I am going to have a heart attack. which is why I need a healer, father!" he argues before pausing. "—also I've been very warm lately, I think I have a fever as well," he adds.
my dear little sebek is oblivious, lilia giggles to himself. but in the face of his son he merely raises his brow in feign suprise. "and,,, all of this is with the prefect around?"
sebek nods.
lilia's giggles intensify.
"I know just the thing!"
the younger boy perks up. he knew going to lilia was a spectacular idea! lilia seriously beckoned sebek to bend down to his height a little. "you have to proclaim your feelings to the prefect themselves so it would go away,"
lilia added, "and to seal the deal you have to ask them to be your valentines,"
he grinned.
though sebek blinks in confusion.
sebek thought his advice was strange but if lilia thought it was the right thing to do then he'd do it.
after a period of just questioning people around the halls. he found you himself—and all by himself. hm, if he knew the humans wouldn't serve any purpose he would have did this in the first place. to think he had conversed with them for nothing after all.
you remove one earbud from your ear at the light flooding into the room. you stretch your arms and yawn lightly. "sebek? what's up?" you greet shortly. the green haired boy shutting the door behind him with no regard to his strength as it lead to a loud sound of impact.
atleast it closed?
sebek scours the room with disinterest but answers you. "the ceiling, I'm suprised you don't know,"
you deadpan. "i- whatever, I meant to ask if you needed something from me," you gesture to him. "seeing as you entered my humble abode without knocking,"
he crosses his arms over his chest. "I thought ramshackle is your abode," less humble. sebek thought, watching you shrug and flop down on a cushion comfortably. the music still plays in your other ear, so it was kind of hard to hear him fully.
you hum along the melody. "it's quite far so I set up my little corner in the school," you snort. so this is where you probably disappear to. sebek thinks. he can't bring himself to insult anything.
"anyways. why're you here?"
"you've made me sick and father told me to tell you some things," he explained. surprising you with the lack of intensity and volume in his voice. sebek would very much like to flop down next to you right now but that wouldn't be proper at all..
and, he doesn't know if he can ever control that feeling if he does.
you raise your brow. "uh? go on?" am I going to be told a briar valley secret then executed for knowing? you wonder.
he exhales slowly. "I've told father about my symptoms you've infected me with," sebek huffs. his first words both concerning and confusing you. "the heart attacks, and warmth so I've come here to tell you to get rid of them,"
I have no idea what he's talking about. you think, other than a flu a month ago you're pretty alright in terms of health..
"to seal the deal i would like to ask you to be my valentine!" he proudly says.
you stifle a laugh. lilia, that bastard. poor sebek doesn't have an idea of what he's asking. with the whole valentine deal you can see what kind of 'symptoms' he's talking about. "um,, I'm not sure you're aware of what you're asking right now," you say. as much as you'd like to take him as your valentine you wouldn't be too happy if you knew it's not because he wanted you to be.
"how about I tell you what lilia's talking about then I'll ask you again if you want me to be your valentines?"
you smile at his nod then pat the spot next to you.
sebek is no fool.
he understood what lilia was doing. but to him it's a clear opportunity to take you for valentines without you knowing that,, he is. he feels kind of horrible for using lilia to cover it up but..
the time you spent together is enjoyable enough to let it slide.
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rainyamidala · 1 year
authors note; if you dont like the "has kids and is pregnant" trope, this is not for you !!!! this is basically a headcanon explaining why jake is so tough on his sons in atwow !!
d/n = daughters name
s/n = sons name.
i didn't want to make up names in case readers would like to do that on their own. personally i imagined the kids in way of water lol
theme; you tell jake he's being too hard on your kids - he tells you why.
pairing; dilf jake sully x reader
warnings; bad ending !! clearly what i need to work on the most. mentions of death and war. intentional lower caps
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"Jake." I began, looking at him with that look on my face as he finished lecturing our son. This conversation we were about to have must not be had in front of the kids, as that might make it seem like i don't respect jake when he sets a boundary or makes a decision. if thats what it looked like to our kids they could start not listening to him - which is the last thing i'd want.
but it was getting out of hand, and it made me uncomfortable.
we had three kids, one on the way. two boys, one girl.
i always thought him being much more strict with our sons was because they were older and needed to take more responsibility than our daughter had to - because i agreed with that. he did lecture d/n when he had to (so she wouldn't get a suffocating attitude and behavior as a grown up. parenting !) but with our boys it was very different. he'd lecture them about everything, and being very harsh and closed minded when he did so.
jake caught on, nodding.
"you guys go ahead, your mother and I will be right behind you." he said, patting our oldest sons back twice before they went off, mumbling to each other.
"i told you he'd freak out!"
"shut up, jerk. it was your idea."
"oh, yeah? you're the one who started it!"
i waited until they were out of hearing distance before i began again, turning from their direction and to my mates.
"you are very hard on them." i said as i turned around, gaining a sigh from jake in response.
"we've been over this, y/n. they're teenagers. they can't grow and mature with kisses and hugs."
"but it is more than that. you cannot expect them to make no mistakes." it is hard enough already for them with their father being who he was. but like every other na'vi they wanting to make their father and anyone with his name proud - that wouldn't be such a fight if he didn't have so high and unrealistic expectations.
"i don't." Jake responded fast, sounding over it already. he hated having to explain his reasoning - having to explain and defend himself.
"they think you do. that's whats important - they think you have expectations they will never be able to fulfill."
"they said that?"
"once. but they do not have to. i see it - i feel it." i felt very close to all of my children, like if they were physically hurt, I was too.
"I'm their father - its my job to be hard on them. toughen them up for the real world."
"your daughter is growing up in the same world - you don't treat her the same and they see it, jake." the absolute last thing id ever wish for is for jake to be so tough that it creates a wedge between two sons and a father.
"what do you want me to do, hm? let them run off and break every rule we set for them? that is not the kind of example i want to set for the youngest; that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want with no consequences." as he said the word youngest, he placed a hand on my stomach. ever since i got pregnant, he had gotten even more strict. i thought it was because he didn't want to stress me out with our kids (specifically boys) being wild, doing things they shouldn't be doing, but i'd never asked.
"talk to me, ma jake. why are you like this?" before we had our oldest, s/n, jake was very fun. definitely the wildest man i had ever met, always doing something he shouldn't. he was still like that, but less than before. i knew it was because he had matured massively since then, but i wish he'd seen himself in our sons before being so quick to judge their excitement for the world around them.
"because that's how my father raised me and my brother - i think i turned out alright. that's what i want for them. to turn out alright. more than alright - i want them to be the men they were born to be." he explained, struggling a little to keep the eye contact between us.
Jake was not one to talk about his family or his life before Pandora. i knew about his brother and his warrior background, but his parents weren't a subject he'd heavily touch on unless heavily forced.
"when i was a marine, i could be careless. it's more to the story but in the end, i lost my legs because i wasn' thinking two steps ahead. i didn't have my father to correct and lecture me, so i'm giving it to my kids." Jake was very grateful for this chapter in his life, more thankful for this than anything. being able to wiggle his toes and run in the forest was a gift he did not recognize until it was lost. not being able to do so as a human threw him to the wolves of depression - same affect as losing his brother.
he'd hate for one of his sons to get badly injured or even worse: one losing the other like he had lost his brother many years ago.
i opened my mouth to respond, but he quickly shut me off by continuing.
"my father raised me like this and I will continue raising my sons like this. you might not agree with me on everything, but i know i'm doing the right thing."
In response, i just nodded, looking down. i felt slightly bad for bringing it up, seeing the direction it had gone in. Jake had lost his brother and didn't want our kids to fall in his footsteps of fate.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
how do you think cove would have reacted the moment mc told him they had a crush on his dad or mom at some point like
I can imagine him trying to keep it cool and going "oh, okay" but it really depends on which step it is cause i fwel like little kid cove would be like "ewww my dad is old" or something.
Like i wish there was like a scene in game where you can just tell cove about that and you can see his reaction because them briefly mentioning it in the baxter dlc feels like a tease tbh.
Well the thing is that I was replaying Step 1 some last night got to the part where Cove asks you what your favorite flower is, and I didn't realize it but I picked a different one and MC says something about how it's their mom's favorite flower, and Cove goes "that makes sense, it's pretty like her and you." I don't remember the exact phrasing, but he definitely calls one of MC's moms pretty and he did it first, so he can deal with you talking about his hot parents.
I love how you can name all the parents in the scene with Baxter, but I also love how at the end of Step 2 when Derek asks you if you like any boys you can be like "Cove's dad" and he's like "Haha, they didn't understand what I meant," like yes I did understand you Derek and I meant what I said.
-- Step 1 Cove would judge you and not be afraid to tell you about it.
You: My favorite flower is peonies, my mom likes them.
Cove: That makes sense, they're pretty like her and you.
You: (in awkward 8-year-old) Thanks, you're dad is pretty too.
Cove: Why would you ever say that to me.
-- That's the only way I imagine it coming up in Step 1, because 8-year-olds just say stuff lol, but in Step 2 when Kyra comes, MC has the choice to think that she's very pretty too.
You: Both of your parents are so pretty.
Cove: I ... what ... don't ... huh?
-- Step 2 Cove can't handle life and he certainly can't handle that. He's going to be giving you that side-eye for the foreseeable future. He might even get mad, but he can't stay mad at you for too long!
-- Really this is the only option for Step 2 Cove, he would just feel so awkward and embarrassed and want to crawl in a hole and die. But if he has a crush on you, he might one day be able to work up enough nerve to be like "Some people have said I look like my mom ..." and then you stare at you trying to make you understand that that means he wants you to think he's pretty too.
-- Step 3 Cove and beyond would laugh I think. He's more comfortable with his parents and more comfortable with himself. But that also means that he'd tease you about it/threaten to tell them.
Cove while you're planning your wedding: My dad is going to be wearing a tux, do you think you can contain yourself?
You: *endless suffering*
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morningstarwrites · 24 days
I have realized that my awkwardness allergy comment the other day may have come off the wrong way, so in an attempt to remedy that I'm gonna list everything that was SO GOOD about the last chapter.
Niffty getting a "disguise". What little description you gave I imagine her twirling in an Alice-style pinafore. Now I wanna draw American McGee Niffty, blue dress and bloody knife. Also the Cherub being so accepting and nice to her? Great.
Emily. Just everything about Emily, I love her. Especially with Lucifer. I adore her being super chill about him fucking up her name and I need more of that in this fandom. EMILY & LUCIFER BONDING!!! And her genuinely calling him beautiful and him not getting it? Ow my fucking heart. Even more when Alastor seems to notice Lucifer doesn't get it and I just imagine him being struck by a hint of jealousy at the compliment, and then immense frustration that Lulu is so clearly oblivious to how lovely he is. Delicious.
Alastor having boosted Lulu's confidence in his wings? Alastor KEEPING THE FEATHER? T^T Also I lose my shit every time you bring something back from previous chapters. Not enough people do that shit in their writing and it is wonderful.
Alastor being absolutely haunted by Angel's little comment lol. All while knowing that Lucifer, while likely aware of the implication, was not at all thinking about it when he did it. This being of Pure Temptation having the most innocent thoughts behind a perceived lewd act is amazing and adorable and I fucking love it.
Them bickering over ice cream because Alastor is a little shit I love how dumb they are.
Angel's FUCKING ACRONYM lmao because he would.
Alastor being comfortable enough overall with Lucifer to be willing to pretend to make out with him in public despite wanting to crawl out of his skin at the concept? iofhihisifoishuoisdh
How goddamn smooth Lucifer is when putting on a performance of seduction. He is THE Original Temptation and I love it. And him still being mindful of Alastor's comfort and not actually kissing him? AAAAAAAAA 1000% better than if he'd actually kissed him this gives me life. Beauty incarnate in words.
Lucifer finding Alastor's anxious-unxperienced-yet-smooth flirtation incredibly hot and then being startled by the thought despite, y'know, everything else that's happened. XD Can't blame him since the number of relationships he's had can be counted on one hand if not one finger, but he's so internally oblivious I cannot.
"Have you been doing this with other people?" Alastor actually being somehow surprised that this millennia-old, gorgeous, adorable eldritch being, known for THE first temptation into sin, fucks? Despite the blatant evidence in Charlie's existence? And being upset about it? And additionally feeling like he needs to know about Lucifer's sexual history for...reasons? Possessive much? XDDDD
And then being stunned silent at the suggestion and likely realization that he is, in fact, jealous, and probably still not knowing why? And Lucifer's oblivious teasing and then absolute confusion and awkwardness when Alastor DOESN'T DENY IT UGH had me kicking and screaming like a teenage girl.
And again, I'm hyper-sensitive to awkward so me being uncomfy isn't unexpected when Lucifer is by nature an awkward little bean. It can be a sign he's being written well! And your writing is so good that I keep coming back and I'm hoping I'm building up a tolerance. That would be good for me. ^^; I look forward to every Friday for this!
Anyway, hope you're having a marvelous day and you know your worth, that worth being AMAZING. okaybai
Aw were you worried? Thank you so much, I appreciate you clarifying your thoughts!
I love Emily, definitely want more of her! And THANK YOU, I have a million references to previous chapters - as I was trying to compile them into my Fun Facts section it just got too long so I couldn't include them all haha.
I'm a romantic so I want their first kiss to be really beautiful and meaningful!! Super thankful for your message. Very sweet of you 🥰
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Some random modern HotD headcanons :)
Hey y’all! So I kept thinking of some funny, and very specific headcanons for the HotD characters, so I decided to just make it a whole post. This will actually be my first “legit” post on here, lol! Anyways, this will include some headcanons about Aemond, Aegon II, Luke, Jace, Daemon, Rhaenyra, Helaena, etc. But hope y’all enjoy lol! :)
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Ok, I am convinced that Aemond has a secret stash of tea hidden somewhere. He's even put them all in a very nice ornate, antique box. It's his guilty pleasure. He probably would have some Earl Gray, English Breakfast, maybe even some lavender mint for the evenings. He'd keep it secret because all the teas he's gotten are way too expensive, and special.
Luke is an avid Minecraft gamer. Like he's basically built Dragonstone, and the Red Keep in his server. He'll play sometimes with Jace, or maybe even Aegon. But he doesn't let them into that world. Aegon would probably blow it all up with TnT.
Speaking of gaming, I think some people are on the same page that Aegon would be some kind of gamer. He'd be up to date on all the new systems and gadgets. He'd be one of the firsts to have the PS5 when it came out. He probably plays a lot of Call of Duty. Maybe even some Valorant when he doesn't wanna fire up the PS. He'd definitely be cursing and yelling at the game, to the point where Alicent threatens to take it away.
While Rhaenyra watches her shows, House Wives, Rupaul's Drag Race, etc. Daemon pretends to be not interested, but really he's super invested. He'd be leaning against the couch, or the wall totally sucked in. And when Rhaenyra tells him to just sit down and watch with her, he's all like, "no no I don't even like this show". But then he'd say things like, "Well maybe if her gown was better made she wouldn't have been eliminated last episode".
Aegon gives me frat boy energy. And I know I'm not the first to say that lol. You already know he's planning all the parties, and picking the themes. I like to think he'd be very invested into picking the themes. They would be things like, dragon night, wear your fave dragon scale colors. Or something like, Dragonstone beach night, wear your swim suits and flip flops.
Alicent likes to knit. Or maybe crochet? It's her stress reliever activity after dealing with Aegon, and the rest of the boys. Helaena is always giving her new patterns or designs to try.
I think Alicent also likes to take the occasional Buzzfeed quiz. "If you were a cake flavor, here's what you'd be based on your star sign".
Helaena runs a very successful tik tok account. She'd post her outfits, and maybe some art or cool bugs she's found.
Aegon listens to a lot of Megan Thee Stallion and Kim Petras. He's blasting Kim Petras' Treat me like a Slut at least 5 times a day. He gets ready to it in the morning.
Aemond will get down to some Amy Winehouse.
Jace works at the local animal shelter as his summer job. He only got the job cause Rhaenyra said he needed to get out of the house. Plus Helaena also works there, so she helped him get hired.
Aemond would be a great bartender. Not with like actually interacting with customers, but he can make some great drinks. Like he's over here coming up with all these crazy cocktails. Although, like his tea obsession he keeps this on the low. He doesn't want Aegon asking him to make drinks all the time. Gods forbid he asks Aemond to bartend at one of the frat parties.
Helaena was a Monster High girl growing up.
Aemond has a motorcycle. It was his one rebellious purchase. Alicent hates it.
Luke can kick Aegon's ass in any game, video or otherwise. You name it, Call of Duty, UNO, Valorent, Go fish...
Rhaenyra has a bit of a sweet tooth, but she has to hide her candy stash, cause the boys will steal it in a heartbeat. Who would have thought Daemon would love lemon drops so much.
I really could go on forever, these are just too fun to write. But I'll leave it here for now lol.
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laufire · 1 month
You’re so right about Jason being way too into a cat and mouse with Oracle. There would be so much picking and prodding at her to get her to come out and play until she finally catches him. If you were writing them would you include her past relationship with Grayson? Would she be older than Jason or would you retcon her age? Would they know who the other was or is their identity a secret to each other until it is revealed?
if I go with my idea of setting it during the last year or so of the lost days era, barbara is still dating dick, albeit seemingly in the last throes of their relationship which. is definitely an interesting set-up lol. also barbara as oracle can get really flirty with whoever she's communicating with; it often doesn't mean anything buuuuuut. with her relationship falling apart... aldskafsjdf xD
I definitely would keep her older than jason. I'm less fixated on her age than I am with other characters, especially since she apparently graduates early and that gives her life experience above her other partners, but I usually like her to be at least a few years older than dick. around talia's age, ironically lol. like, if we go with a dick that's, say, 4 years older than jason, barbara is at least 6, maybe 8 years older. so during that time I picture jason as 19-20, and barbara as 26-28.
I only have the vaguest details of an idea, but what I have could significantly alter the last issue of lost days, in terms of changing and even cancelling any plans jason could have about returning to gotham and confronting bruce. among other things this might translate to jason NOT having A Persona, not like does in the comics, albeit barbara would have no idea about who he is (because why would that be the conclusion where she immediately jumps? eventually she'd figure it out, but at first she wouldn't know there's something to figure out beyond "guy must have a name" and jason's identity, fingerprints etc. was completely scrubbed by the bats). at first jason would have no clue about hers either, though I kind of like the idea of jason finding out first, maybe due to some comment that reminds him of something barbara said in the past? it's a complete accident and a shock to his system.
I think this would happen circa/before lost days #6 (and precipitate those alterations regarding it), and he'd need to completely disengage for at least a few months, maybe up to a year. I'm talking full radio silence while barbara is chasing after hints of this anti-hero frenemy of hers because she needs to know what he's up to, like she needs to know what everyone's up to lol. AFTER jason has dealt with some of his shit (not all, he's full of it <3), the cat and mouse games can continue, and here, knowing who's at the other side, he would up his jerry-ness (it's just how he flirts).
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riddleymethis · 1 year
Another night another inside job brainrot
Inside job characters and pets they'd get with reader!
(Hcs for Brett, Reagan, Andre, and Gigi)
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- This feels pretty predictable but you guys would get a dog.
- Honestly at this point it just feels like there's two dogs in the house bc they have the same exact energy levels
- you have no complaints though! You love your bf and you love your dog so you're more than willing to deal with the energy levels
- you guys can take the dog on walks together which has led to a lot of nice moments of just. Peacefulness together.
- Alternatively: I think he'd love any bird in the parrot family? Maybe a cockatiel bc of the hair LOL
- Brett's urge to laugh at you teaching the bird cuss words vs telling you to not teach the bird to greet everyone with "What the fuck?!"
- you want to name your pet smth actually normal bur he talks you into naming it after some stupid animal pun based off a movie character
- idk honestly I think he'd really like to take care of any kind of pet that likes lots of engagement with you♡ leafs to lots of stuff together!
- Also pretty self explanatory, but a cat
- it takes awhile to convince her. She already shoulders a lot of work, plus the last pets she had were the turtles from her childhood which didn't. Go Well.
- but eventually you're able to convince her by the power of Being Annoying On Purpose
- she's basically the "I don't want a cat" vs walking into the room to see her baby talking the cat kinda energy
- it's not that she doesn't like cats at all, just the energy required to own one is what put her off initially, but now that the furball is in the home she is so in love with the small creature
- she just honestly likes the semi-independence of it. She likes that she can get any leftover work done at home whole the cat will entertain itself.
- plus have u ever had a cat sleep on your chest after a stressful day? God's work 🙏
- meanwhile you are the opposite. You will hug that cat all day. ITS NOT YOUR FUALT ITS SO FLUFFY AND CUTE
- cue lots of distant "MeooOW??" in another room that Reagan hears everytime you pick it up
- "Stop picking the fucking cat up like a baby!" "Tell it to stop being baby shaped then, idiot."
- You guys spend hours thinking of a good name and then just decide on something really stupid like "fishstick"
- Honestly? Seems like a reptile kinda guy?? You'd guys probably get anything from something as small as a leopard gecko to a fucking python snake
- ok but. Snake.
- u both decide to name it smth dumb as hell like "Noodle"
- Andre is actually? Surprisingly very well educated in snake care.
- Like, he actually has made sure that everything from cage size to temperature to food is right. He's really been interested in them for a long time.
- meanwhile u just like the fact that the front of a snake face looks like ":]"
- people can just walk by you two working on something in your lab and there's just. A huge fucking snake slithering over your guys' arms and back.
- I can't explain this one. It's a fucking ferret. Is fluffy. Is noodle. Are you jokester?
- you let Gigi take full liberty of naming it because you trust her to come up with something fitting
- you will both drop whatever your doing to just watch your ferret in silence as the run up and down one of those little play tube tunnels.
- the ferret definitely picks favorites and it's Gigi. Everytime you walk into a room, it's wrapped over Gigi's shoulders
- getting it the most obnoxious colored harness and walking it.
- people give you guys strange looks, but you don't mind. You're just happy to have your gf and your demon child of a ferret♡
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Hi Muffin 😀 Your last post about Tom Riddle in Arrakis is so interesting! I love the way you think. Going on a similar note what if Tom was reborn as Paul's sister? Either as Alia or a random oc let's say. I'm not too familiar with the Dune books but I remember seeing post about how if Paul was born a girl he'd be betrothed to Feyd (I think his name was? Correct me if I'm wrong lol) so would that make Tom in a arranged marriage with him?? (Going the oc route) That would be hilarious 😭🙏 And! There's the possibility of him having magic or no magic which I think can be really interesting!
Anyways I just wanted to know your thoughts if you have any because your post definitely made me curious. If I ever in the future read the dune books maybe I shall write the fic hehehe
That Thing About the Paul/Feyd Ruatha Marriage
I mean.
That bit about Paul as a girl being married off to Feyd Ruatha is explicitly in the books and gets a sort of mention if you squint and pay very close attention in Dune Part 1. It's what the Bene Gesserit had had planned as they wanted one last mix of the gene pool of Harkonen and Atreides and then the next generation would be the Kwisatz Haderach. Jessica fucked that up by giving Leto the heir he wanted and thus unwittingly producing the Kwisatz Hadearach a generation before the Bene Gesserit expected him and causing them to lose control over him.
When Jessica does get pregnant with Alia initially it's in an attempt to appease her Bene Gesserit minders by producing the girl they had wanted from her but at that point, things have gone too sour between the Atreides and the Harkonens and the emperor was already conspiring to eliminate the Atreides family. It was too little too late, essentially, which was basically what the head Bene Gesserit Reverand Mother tells Jessica.
By the time Alia comes around, not the least because Paul and Jessica have now figured out all of the above where Jessica had been kept in the dark as a typical Bene Gesserit member/pawn, that marriage was never never never going to happen. (And also because Feyd Ruatha soon after dies around when Alia's only four so what are you going to do.)
Basically, it's not a fan theory, it is very clearly, explicitly, brought up several times in the book.
Would Paul's Sister Be Married Off to a Harkonen?
If Jessica had bit the bullet earlier to finally give the Bene Gesserit what they wanted?
But probably not.
Which was part of the reason the Bene Gesserit gave their whole "Fuck you" response to Jessica when she noted that she's finally having a girl like they asked.
The thing is that House Atreides, because of bitter centuries of conflict entirely off screen that precede the main novels as well as just general House Harkonnen policies, hates House Harkonnen. And the feeling goes both ways.
Now, if Paul had been a girl, the reason that this alliance could have worked is a few things. We would have one of two scenarios.
The first, House Atreides would not have a male heir, Leto would remain staunchly unmarried and deeply devoted to Jessica, and would thus have to merge his house with another. He'd really really really really really hate to do it with the Harkonens but it'd make the Atreides very rich (because of Arrakis), Feyd Ruatha's of a similar age, and it'd give the Atreides political capital to survive the emperor getting increasingly nervous about their popularity.
The second, Leto is very sad and has to get married and produce a male heir. He also really really really really really canonically did not want to do this, never did, despite everyone wanting him to do this. In this case, he can use his bastard daughter as a bargaining chip in negotiations and while he would loathe to marry her off to any Harkonnen that sweet sweet spice. They'd have to offer him a very good deal but there is a world where he takes it.
Though there's also a world I can see where Jessica does make a girl as asked and Leto goes "I hate the Harkonens and love Jessica more than I love the patriarchy" and chooses to make fem!Paul his female heir anyway because fuck the idea of having to get married and fuck having to merge his house with another. Fem!Paul is fine! Fuck you all.
All this to say though, that if House Atreides has this male heir through Jessica, the whole game changes and it becomes increasingly less likely that either Leto or Vladimir will ever accept the match no matter what underhanded negotiating the Bene Gesserit try to pull. At that point it's a "Now, Paul's sister, as a loyal Bene Gesserit acolyte what you're going to do is get Feyd Ruatha very very drunk and have an illegitimate child with him" (which to be fair is also the Bene Gesserit way).
But again, that's the reason they're so pissed at Jessica at the start of the novels and have been for over a decade. She really fucked up their plans here because her lover whined to her about having a son.
Which is ultimately to say I don't think Paul's sister would be married off to them.
Would Reincarnated Tom Have Magic?
Almost certainly yes.
Or at least, it's the right mix of genes to produce the Kwisatz Haderach. That's the whole thing, after thousands of years of careful eugenics, the Bene Gesserit were certain they were one generation off from the payoff.
And not to get so much into what magic is or isn't--if there is an equivalent in Dune it's in these bloodlines that the Bene Gesserit have very carefully cultivated. The difference is there's no wand/no system of magic that people have to rely upon/just precognitive and other abilities.
There isn't really an option in which this does not occur because the gene pool's so loaded. Now, because fem!Tom is a sister, she's out of the running for becoming what Paul ends up being, that's just the genetic breaks, but she'd be one hell of a talented Bene Gesserit with the right training.
And of course, going to Arrakis sets this stuff in hyperdrive as that spice accelerates all these abilities/makes them even possible in the Dune universe.
All of this has been a hypothetical younger sister who is older than Alia. If it's Tom himself reborn into this? That's a fic question as it deals with a lot of 'what's Tom's mindspace at the time', 'what does he want to do', 'what is he going to sit by and let happen', and so on.
It's not really a great tumblr post.
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vidavalor · 9 months
'Thy cocoa doth grow cold'... Agnes Nutter's prophecies are still in play in S2?!
Agnes Nutter could see visions of the world through the end times, correct? Maybe even longer but her book of prophecies was written to cover through the end of the world. In all likelihood, she wrote an entire second book for Anathema to burn, knowing already that she would but giving her descendent that bit of free will to set her free, right? The second book is irrelevant-- it was written to be destroyed and really contained no legitimate prophecies. The only relevant book of Agnes' prophecies-- which lead up to the end times-- is her first book, yes? So, if we are back in the end times again, surely Agnes foresaw that, too, and does that mean her last prophecies-- the curiously undated ones lol-- might actually be relevant again, with different meaning this time? Are they all in play all over again?
This is relevant to S2 and S3 because when Adam reset reality at the end of S1, he made it so that what had happened definitely did *matter* and that the prophecies Agnes wrote were definitely about what had all just happened... but, well... if Armageddon 2.0 is coming up and Agnes wrote prophecies that lead to the end of the world... shouldn't it be then that Agnes' first book actually contains all the prophecies relevant to the end of the world *again*... like, the same prophecies apply this time around, too, just maybe with different context? And then you realize that they actually, um, do, in S2...
The first prophecy related to the end times nearing that related to Aziraphale is the one he reads when he first has Agnes' book, right? Paraphrased, it tells him to 'read' and to 'look, for [his] cocoa doth grow cold', right?
Gabriel's "I was getting cold, then I got this neato blanket", which he says while drinking hot cocoa out of the same mug Aziraphale was in S1. But it gets better lol...
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...when Muriel arrives a little later, Aziraphale offers her a cupperty, his standard drink for guests in the bookshop as he's an English-presenting being, yes? Why didn't he offer Gabriel one? Well, Gabriel's reaction when Aziraphale offered him tea in the sushi restaurant in S1:
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So, Aziraphale, not really understanding yet what was going on with Gabriel as he'd only just arrived, thought it best to try out some hot cocoa instead, right? But the best part about this is that if this scene in S1 hadn't happened, the prophecy wouldn't hold. Aziraphale would have given Gabriel tea-- and then Gabriel wouldn't have been the hot cocoa who was getting cold.
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So in keeping with the idea that Agnes' prophecies are still in play in S2 (and with tossing in a bit of Team Agnes & God or Agnes = God or whatever variety of that you like), what of the 'read' part of the hot cocoa doth grow cold prophecy? In S1, it was to literally read her book of prophecies and see how accurate they were because they were describing Aziraphale's actions in that very moment, right? To make him understand that they should be followed. So what is the 'read' where it pertains to S2's once-chilly cocoa, Gabriel?
How about the moment that Gabriel (whose name means "messenger", btw) suddenly remembers for the first time and what comes out of his mouth is what God said to Job... and *we hear God* speaking alongside him? As if speaking *through* him? And only we do, just as only us heard her narration in S1? And what does that do? It causes Crowley to recall that it's what God said to Job and to ask Aziraphale if he remembers and he says yes he does and pulls out *the story to read*, while he remembers for us the events of it. It's God via Agnes via Gabriel saying "the Job minisode is VERY IMPORTANT TO THE STORY HERE" and wanting to make sure that Crowley and Aziraphale remember it during what's to come.
So then what of the other Agnes prophecy relating to Aziraphale? Her very last one, the one that ended her book of prophecies relating to the end times? In S1, this prophecy drops on Aziraphale in the moment *after* they've stopped Armageddon, right? The last prophecy seems to be one designed to save Crowley and Aziraphale and it does. But looked at against S2's plot and there's a whole other angle to it...
The prophecy tells Aziraphale that "when all is said and done"-- so, when a war is averted, which was the Armageddon of S1 and the almost-war he caused with Hell and Heaven in S2/the whole Battle of the Bookshop thing was over-- that Aziraphale must "choose ye faces wisely for soon, ye will be playing with fyre," right? In S1, this was the body swap plot. The prophecy foretold that Aziraphale would be threatened by a fire that could harm him-- hellfire-- and that he must 'choose his faces wisely' to avoid it. Realizing the danger, Crowley and Aziraphale switch bodies-- wear one another's faces-- to avoid Aziraphale dying by hellfire. What's weird about the prophecy is that it doesn't also state that Crowley is threatened by holy water. They work out that he will be and he was and they did the right thing with the body swap but a prophecy about threats to both Crowley & Aziraphale is written in such a way that only the threat to Aziraphale is specified, right? But... doesn't that make a lot of sense if the same prophecy is part of S2?
Not a body swap this time. Though, one face did swap out his usual appearance *for* a body... Choose ye faces wisely...
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I mean... The Metatron is quite literally *a face* lol... so 'choose ye faces wisely', Aziraphale-- Crowley or The Metatron...
...for soon enough, ye be playin' with fyre.
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See? He called it himself back in S1.
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Raichiii your writing is so gooodd!!! You're talented hehehe. Anyway I have a sudden funny idea that i'll be very grateful if you can turn into fic. I'm thinking the league of villain kidnap bakugou (just like in the anime), to persuade bakugou to join the LOV. Luckily the pro hero hawks is there (in disguise just like in the anime also)! Because hawks scared that LOV will use persuasion method that will harm bakugou, hawks adviced & suggested tickling instead because it's harmless lol Lee bakugou, lers hawks & LOV (platonic & no foot tickling if possible), have a nice dayy!!
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My Hero Academia: An alternative solution.
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You lot just loooove seeing him suffer, don't ya? XD Same 0-0 Sorry for the lack of some lov characters, I'm not sure about writing for those guys just yet 🫣
Summary: Tiggle fic. Bakugo has once again been captured by the LOV, now under the name Paranormal Liberation Front. Things look dire for the teen until a certain familiar bird-looking hero shows up to subtly aid the kidnapped victim.
Lee Bakugo, Lers Hawks, Dabi, Toga, Twice.
Tw: Mild swearing, possible spoilers, mentions of knifes, restraints, over-stimulation
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"I say we drain him dry~ After losing a couple of pints I'm sure he'd be more willing to cooperate." Himiko grinned, pressing the flat of her knife against Bakugos chin, lifting his head towards the light. He was still a little groggy from whatever they'd managed to shoot him with. It could have been another quirk, but that didn't matter right now.
"Naaah, after the trouble he caused last time, we should burn the message into him. Make sure it leaves a lasting reminder of who he's up against if he doesn't want to join." Dabi chuckled, raising a small ember to the side of the ash blonde's face. The heat just licking his skin.
Bakugo just glared back, unable to move. They had the poor boy strapped into a different kind of chair this time. The seat part was normal, but the upper half of the chair was 'T' shaped, with his arms stretched out to the sides along the frame. Buckles along his upper arms, elbows and wrists held him firmly in place, with his hands trapped inside some kind of quirk nullifying blocks. They must've gotten this tech from ReDestro. He felt exposed. Only wearing his black tee, pyjama shorts and sneakers.
There were more straps, one across his chest, one on each thigh and another one holding each ankle. He was stuck good. They definitely had more painful plans for the boy this time.
"No!" Twice joined. "Let's just break every bone! Start with his toes- No this is far too cruel- He has it coming!"
"Woooah, woooah, everyone just take a breather, hey?" A cool voice interrupted, Dabi giving an irritated huff as he turned towards the voice. "The fuck are you doing here, Hawks?"
Hawks? Bakugos eyes snapped wide open, staring in disbelief. It's Hawks. He's really here. With the PLF. Why? What's he up to?
Hawks stepped in, smiling casually at the boy. "Long time no see, Bakugo." He waved.
"Hawks... The hell are you doing with-"
"All will be explained later, kid. Now, this is quite the tricky situation you've found yourself in, ain't it?" He chuckled, circling the chair in which Bakugo was bound. "Naww, look, they really did a number on you didn't they? All sleepy. Bless." He placed a hand on Bakugos back, pressing gently in a pattern, using code to let him know he was safe.
Toga frowned, pointing her knife again. "We just wanna convert him. He should be on our side! He's not as cute as Deku, but he is strong."
"Convert and befriend him by.... hurting him?" Hawks questioned with a raised brow. Bakugo gave him a side glance, wondering what he was up to.
"Uh, yeah? How else are we supposed to make him join us?" Twice hummed.
Hawks chuckled, ruffling Bakugos hair. "Well, what's one thing 99% of teen boys have in common that we could use?"
"No fire resistance."
"They need most of their blood?"
"Lack of oxygen will turn them blue!"
"All correct, but I was thinking something a little more, harmless." Hawks smiled, circling the blonde again, stopping behind him this time.
"Something, to reeeally make him regret not joining~" Two gloved hands flexed by Bakugos exposed sides, making him tense up.
"Hawks? What the fuck are you- Ghk!" He flinched, immediately trying to hold his breath as he felt the awful sensation of fingers skittering up and down his sides. He pulled on the restraints, desperately trying to stifle his giggling.
Dabi tilted his head. "Tickling? Are you serious?"
"Ah-hah~" Hawks nodded, resting his chin on Bakugos shoulder, casually continuing to lightly tickle the boy. "Think about it, you want him to join you, right? So, instead of using pain that will just make him sour towards us and our goals, why not use something that will, instead, make him smile?"
Toga crouched between Bakugos legs, leaning in to see his flustered expression as he tried to hide. "Hmmm... Good point." She nodded, a small grin growing on her cheeks. "I do like watching him wriggle like this. It must be humiliating." She rested her head on his knee, starting to drag her nails up and down the inside of his bare thigh, making his leg shudder.
Bakugo couldn't believe what was happening. This wasn't real. It had to be a dream. He shook his head, scrunching his eyes shut, still desperate not to laugh. "Rh- S-Stop it-!"
"What was that? You're gonna have to speak up a little buddy." Hawks cooed, blowing into the blonde's ear, making him yelp as he bundled his shoulders up. "You're so dead!" He threatened, biting his lip again.
Toga smirked, bringing her other set of nails to his exposed knees, reverse pinching on the caps. "You look silly~" She grinned.
"The sooner you give up, the sooner this will stop." Hawks nodded.
"Lemme try!- I'll kill the brat, with laughter!" Twice hopped over, standing by the side and started to poke at Bakugos tummy, enjoying the muffled giggling that followed.
He won't break. He won't! Not now. Not ever-!
"Coochie, coochie, coooo~ C'mon buddy, we're all friends here." Hawks jeered, holding two of his longer feathers, slipping them into the short sleeves of Bakugos shirt, ever so lightly brushing and swirling against his vulnerable underarms.
"Gh-! Shihit! Ah- Mmh! No! Rh! Noho! HahAH!" He was on the edge. Right on the brink of bursting.
"You guys are so bad at this." Dabi smirked, standing over Toga, leaning in and starting to claw at Bakugos ribs. He wasn't starting soft like the others. He wanted to crush this UA student.
"AAAAH! Nahaha! Aha-! No! Nohohoho! AHAHA!"
"There she blows~!" Hawks teased, continuing his underarm torment.
"Ahahaha! S-Stahap! Hawks! God danm ihihit! HAHA!"
Toga switched up her tickling, matching Dabis ruthless energy as she pressed her thumbs on his inner thighs, feeling the muscles tense and wobble in panic. "Hmmm, not as cute as Dekus thighs. But this is still fun~"
"Gehet off! Get off my thihighs! StAHAHA!" This wasn't like any tickling he had experienced before. All these spots being attacked at once, it was crazy. Maybe a little enjoyable for the time being. But crazy. Twice rolled up Bakugos shirt, tucking it under the chest strap, leaving his belly and ribs exposed.
"Wow, he's buff!- And all ours." The two-bit man smiled, starting to shake his fingers into the exposed tummy, earning a bout of boyish giggling before the hysterics descended again. "Stahap! I-I'll never-! AHAHAHA! NEHEHEVER!"
"Oh yes you wiiiill~ Or we're just going to tickle you pink!" Hawks smiled, glad that he'd managed to make sure they at least didn't hurt the boy. He looked at Bakugos face, red as a tomato, tears pooling in the corners of his tightly shut eyes and a big smile on his face.
"Move your hands, Twice!" Toga suddenly yelled, licking her lips as she took a deep breath, plunging against Bakugos belly, blowing a round of short, fuzzy raspberries.
Bakugo all but melted, unable to do anything but flinch and squirm, his entire body filled with a flurry of tingles. "Stop, stop, stop! Stahap! STAHAHAHAP!"
Hawks sent out a few smaller feathers, all starting to tickle around Bakugos ears, neck and collarbone, freeing his hands for other places. "Let's seeeee. A little birdy, not me another bird, told me that there's a little secret spot. Bakugos off button. Where oh where was it?" He teased, knowing exactly where it was.
"Don't! Hawks, Hawks plehease! I can't tahAHAHA! AAAAAH-!"
"Bingo~" Hawks chuckled, drilling his fingers into the so-called off button. Just above his ribs, below his underarms. It did indeed turn the poor boy off. His laughter fell silent, only growing loud again when he needed to inhale.
The tickling went on like this for a while. Tears dripped onto Bakugos rolled-up shirt as he cried with laughter, his body drenched in sweat. With Hawks taking care of his vulnerable spot, Twice on his tummy, Dabi wrecking his ribs and Toga squeezing at his thighs and knees, along with Hawks damned feathers. He wasn't sure he could take much more.
"Okay-.... Ahaha! O-Okahay! Stahap! Hawks! Please! Plehehease! Please stahap! AHA! MEHERCY!" He cried out, feeling himself start to panic. His hair sticking to his forehead, getting in his eyes. They weren't stopping. They really weren't stopping.
"Fuhuhuck! AHAHA! PLEHEASE! STAHAhahap!" His throat became hoarse, his mind filling with fog.
Finally, after almost an hour, the tickling finally stopped. Bakugo's head slumped forward as he gasped for air. Exhausted. Hawks stayed with him after the other members left. He gently brushed the hair from Bakugos eyes. "You did great kid, you just rest, we'll talk later."
Bakugo was too tired to argue, he just gave hawks a glare before closing his eyes, still trying to catch his breath.
What happened after that was a mystery, next thing Bakugo knew, he was waking up back in his bed at the dorms. He didn't care what Hawks was up to, he knew there was a reason he was with the villains that night. And he was still too tired to think about it right now. He sighed, curling up underneath his warm blankets, drifting off to sleep again.
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