#he was stealing this thing that was making an awful loud noise that made my ears hurt.
orcelito · 2 years
listen as fun as writing is, im generally in complete control of the situation. i can set up a high-stakes scenario, but it's not tense for ME bc i know where things r gonna end up
which is why shit like dnd is so fun. it's 100% improv. me improv lying by omission thru a zone of truth to these people who can and have Already almost killed me, who would sic their legion of knights on me if they got even a Sniff of the fact that i took part in regicide. it wouldve been very very bad. it was TENSE. and it was so fun lfkjslkdfj
lying by omission and pointing at a dude i hate as the one at fault for it all. perfect scapegoat.
#speculation nation#d&d#it also really highlights that. yea you really can lie without actually lying#zone of truth is useful but not foolproof. i just managed to talk myself out of one.#i feel so ACCOMPLISHED and it makes me feel so good#and fang also talking up his very real discomfort to avoid them reading his mind#bc like. he's deeply uncomfortable with them for what they did b4. AND very pissed at the whole mind-stab thing#but ultimately if this was about anything else. he couldve sucked it up probably.#but he knew if they looked it'd be over. dear paladin managed to fake a memory during the brief bit of time we told her about what happened#i was THERE. i shot a fucking fireball at the prince. there's no way i could fabricate a believable memory to hide it#so i played it up. being pissed off about being mentally stabbed is perfectly reasonable for vehemently refusing to let them touch me#in order to avoid culpability though i couldnt just outright refuse an audience#so we had our convo. and i was very proactive with giving answers lol. but SPECIFICALLY for the narrative i was building#the ship blew up. idk why but we were teleported off (fang still doesnt know lmfao)#i know it was this big lion dude that did it tho. and i think he's the one that's responsible for the prince dying#i didnt see the prince die but i saw the lion man leaving. and lots of explosions.#he was stealing this thing that was making an awful loud noise that made my ears hurt.#'anyone else there?' oh yeah he had 3 people with him. 'anyone Else?' oh yea there was this random dude from the ship. he's dead tho#literally none of these are lies. but it builds the narrative that these dudes killed the prince & stole his body or some shit#(since they looked in the wreckage and couldnt find his body. lol.)#very carefully leaving out the fact that i had friends down there & they very much actively worked to kill the prince. me included.#i know who actually killed the prince. but THEY dont know that. and that's what matters.#man i feel so cool for this actually. it was so tense. but im so fuckin happy it worked#nat20 u are my life saver..................#ppl really do underestimate Fang a lot. and he lets them bc it's easier that way#but he really can be a crafty little shit if he wants to be. and i really love him for it#if you play up the dumb dog boy impression enough then ppl wont think too deeply on what you have to say for shit like this#that subtle spell message was also a really cool moment to avoid the wizard getting caught in questioning too#im literally the only person on the party that couldve done that. only one with message and only one with subtle spell.#but i did iiiiiit and we have somehow avoided the worst of it all. we'll see if our luck continues to hold out lol
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Scream for Me - Rafe Cameron Ghostface! x reader PART 1
Warnings: none
Scream For Me Masterlist
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"I'm thinking about not letting her go to school tomorrow!" You could hear your parents, most likely talking about the recent serial murders occurring throughout the Outerbanks. Even though the killer seemed to be a bit of a slacker, the police had no leads on who it could be.
"Honey, we can't just keep her home! Besides, he's only killed at night, she'd be perfectly safe."
"How do you know it's a he?"
"I don't know honey, but there isn't anything we can do."
As you listened to your parents talk about the OBX killer, your nerves settled in your stomach. You didn't want to be out and about while there was a serial killer on the loose, but what could you do? Senior year of high school with only three weeks left of the year? That would not be ruined by some asshole with a knife and anger issues. You walked down the stairs, which silenced your parents, putting an end to the conversation.
"So who do we think it is." You were sitting at lunch with your friends, and the hot April weather called for more relaxed uniforms and unbuttoned shirts. Kenzie, your friend was fanning herself with her homework while sipping on her water. Her question made your face scrunch.
"Why do we have to talk about this?"
"C'mon, don't you have your theories?" She leaned closer to you. "I think it's one of the pogues. If he's only killing kooks, it has to be, right?" Your eyes roll in response.
"Kenz, I don't know." You continue eating your lunch.
"You're no fun."
Later that day you and Kenzie went to the country club to work on homework. It seems all she could talk about was the OBX Killer.
"The victims have all been rich guys who have done terrible things. Arnold Norris was stealing money from his company, Andrew Williams had several affairs, Thomas Carlson did-"
"Kenz, calm down! You're almost yelling!" Her face flushed as she glanced around the country club, meeting the eyes of a few curious patrons.
Including the OBX Killer himself, Rafe Cameron. He was lounging at the bar with his friends, acting like he was getting increasingly drunk along with them but had secretly been listening to your conversation for the past several minutes. He grinned to himself, your little friend was acting like such a sleuth and hadn't even thought that a kook could be the killer at school earlier either.
Yes, Rafe had been listening closely to that conversation as well. In fact, he was always keeping tabs on you. He shared many classes with you and had always been drawn to you, though he didn't know why.
But he didn't want to kill you.
He had his reasons for the murders. All of the men deserved it.
He wanted you for different reasons. Rafe decided he would make his first move tonight.
Your parents were working late and you were alone in your house. The music playing from your phone drowned out any noises from outside. The pasta cooking on the stove was almost finished when the music cut out and your phone started ringing.
The number was blocked but you thought nothing of it until you heard the distorted voice on the other side.
"Hello, sweetheart." As soon as you heard it, your heart stopped, the wooden spoon you were holding clattering to the floor. "Didn't mean to scare you." You were stunned.
Out of all the people in the Outerbanks, all of the big businessmen, why were you the next victim? Your hands were shaky as you glanced around your home. Searching through the night to see if you could see him. See anything.
"Trying to find me?" The laugh that rang out chilled you to the bone. "You're adorable." The condescending words did nothing to appease your fear. "Why are you so scared?"
"Why me?" The silence on the other end is loud. "All of your other victims have been men who've done awful things. So why-"
Rafe cuts you off.
"Who said you were my victim, sweetheart? You're my new friend."
It's your turn to be speechless.
The distorted voice begins again.
"Unless you tell the cops about our little conversation, then you'll be my victim. Do you understand, Y/N?" Something about him saying your name makes you agree right away.
"I understand."
The laugh rings out again before he speaks one more time.
"Talk to you tomorrow, sweetheart."
Then, the low beep of the line disconnecting fills your ears.
Rafe Taglist: @iameatingmyhair @cherrrywraith @lil2023 @lcvrsheart @sophiah2253 @mila1224 @iamlilykrav @emotionalldamage @earthruled @bluuuughh @sunsetargent @kingedmund007 @iluvbunnyhops @steveharie @rafelover @tarrenshayne @stcrkeyluvr @idktheusual @eddiemunson86 @taylorswiftloversera @wh0r3-for-klaus @housekeeperjjswife @wildwallflower24 @poge-life @fuckmelikestilesstilinski @user556677889900 @lonnielain @sachaa-ff @xhaliemax @kravitzwhore @coryisagee @multidimensionalslut @fratboyharrysgf0201 @iheartthe90s @settingmoxn @lewisroscoelove @hannahxhoney @iluvcatslolol @x2skyler @user36376373 @kkmstblog @kinokorii @pickingviolets @somebodys-enola
I'm so so sorry that this took so long, I've been going through it mentally and had no time to write. I'll roll these out as quickly as possible.
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rahonn · 6 months
A/N: Gobble up the angst my children
Pairing: Eustass Kid x reader (no pronouns mentioned!)
Word count: 3511
Trigger warning: mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, toxic relationship, a bit of crime
He never intended for anything to come out the way it did. Foul smell of burned meat invaded his nostrils, clinging to every inch of his exposed skin. And once again, alone and angry, he threw the plates against the wall. Mashed potatoes, looking more like a soup, ran down the ugly greyish paint, slab of overcooked beef slapped hard against the floor soon after. This was the drop of grease that started the fire. Low rumble started deep within his chest, making him vibrate all over. Soon, he was roaring like a hurt animal, throwing things all around, smashing plates, stomping on the utensils, throwing chairs. One of them smashed the window and fell out. Someone screamed right before wood broke into pieces against the concrete. Not even five minutes later someone started to bang on his front door, but he didn’t even hear them. Blue and red lights flashed outside accompanied by deafening sirens of two police cars and only then he stopped, suddenly feeling empty.
All that was left of Eustass Kidd were ashes and acrid smoke.
He was never the one to be interested in love. Not after they killed Victoria. They were young, sure, but the fact police never even bothered to open an investigation messed him up real good. Only other person he could count on whatever happened was Killer. With time, Wire and Heat joined their fucked up duo-turned-group. They caused a lot of ruckus around town, they were a violent bunch. Only thing they were really good at was producing noise and fixing or recycling electronics and car parts. So they leaned into it, putting their anger at the state of the world into making money from fixing whatever they could that they later spent on studio and crappy instruments.
They sounded awful at first, but that’s how they felt. Nothing made sense in this fucked up world, why should their music do?
By complete chance they found themselves in the middle of the woods, drinking. Being still underage, this was one of few places police wouldn’t catch them. The sound they never expected there suddenly appeared – raspy, sonorous voice boomed all around them. They listened awfully familiar lyrics, perfect rendition of one of the bands they drew inspiration from. Peeking out at the main trail from behind some bushes, they saw young human dressed in all black, with tattered leather jacket on, few sizes too big and bovvy boots not even tied up.
That was the day their group got a new member and Eustass Kidd felt something move in his chest the second mesmerizing eyes looked at him. The smile light up his world. Nothing got fixed, it didn’t work like that. But Kidd started to change, bit by bit.
He started showing off more, expecting a praise from their new member. And he often got it. Everyone, him included, saw they were smitten, just head over heels for Eustass. They looked at him like he was the best this world could produce and he liked it. He got addicted to this feeling of being needed so desperately. He became their air, their water, their food, hobby and job. He was their everything. They were his obsession, but he would never, ever, say it out loud.
And maybe that’s where he went wrong.
All the times they practiced, drank the night away, went out to vandalize something or just to walk around, they tried to glue themselves to his side. He made fun of them a lot for it, they laughed it off. They loved him unconditionally. He called in the middle of the night? They soon stood on his doorstep, all sweaty and barely able to breathe. He told them to get him something? They would move heaven and earth to get it, even if it meant stealing or committing fraud. Or robbing someone. He wanted a star? They would somehow get into spaceship, burn their hands and destroy themselves, just to bring it down to him even if it was the last thing they’d do.
It was unhealthy, their relationship. Kidd, basking in the power he held over them, often poked fun at them, made fun of them. They laughed at it too, even though Killer and the rest tried to stop Eustass from saying such things. They were part of their small army, it was them against the world after all.
But one day, they became distant. All of a sudden Kidd lost his sun, his moon and the stars. His heart shifted, but he was too prideful to reach out, to ask what was happening. How furious he became after he saw they interacted with the rest of their band like earlier, before they decided on the name. What he didn’t know was they also slowly withdrew from the rest as well. It started with ignoring their texts, missing few practices here and there. Then it became more frequent. And when Killer, most emotionally mature out of all of them, asked what was wrong, they told him only about wanting to leave the band. Once Kidd heard it, his heart turned to stone. He jumped on his bike and drove straight to their house, forgetting about speed limits or even his helmet. He was furious, but cold. And he didn’t scream at them when they opened the door. Coldly he asked if it was true, if they were betraying the band like that.
If they were betraying him like that, but that part stayed silent.
Once shining eyes sparkling whenever he came into room, now looked at him without much emotion, dull and bland. They confirmed, they were indeed thinking about leaving to pursue higher education.
“We can’t play around like that for much longer. We need to grow up, sooner or later. I’m choosing now as my time of change.”
He spit on their shoes and with pure disgust he told them to never show their face near him. And that was that. He was hurt, he was furious, he felt betrayed once again. For the second time in his life, human he loved died in his eyes. This wasn’t the rebellious, up to anything person he met all those years before.
And they disappeared from the face of the earth after that, leaving black hole where Kidd’s heart once has been. The echo of their voice haunted him, whole band was missing them. But all members respected their decision. Only one that badmouthed them was Eustass, who put even more energy into their music, for the first time in very long with empty space near microphone. He forbade all Victoria Punk’s members from even talking about getting a replacement.
“We’ll manage without another leech just waiting to betray us.”
But when they caught the eye of one of bigger alternative labels, Killer sat Kidd down and talked to him for hours. That this was their chance of making it big and getting their story out there, shining a light at fucked up sides of this world. That he really needed to let them go already. They chose different path in life and that’s fine. It didn’t mean Kidd should let it hold him back from excelling in life. Eustass, after long few minutes of silence, said he got it, he’d find the vocalist soon.
First truly big concert was just ahead of them and he would make sure it’d make them talk of the country, if not the world. Stacks of song lyrics piled up under his bed, almost spilling out from there and their new frontman would sing them. After first fifteen minutes, they were already sweaty, giving their all. With guitar pick between his fingers, Kidd grabbed the mic, looking out into the crowd for a second, before closing his eyes and letting his voice carry through the air. With each word he got out there, he felt shield, carefully placed over his heart, bend, twist a bit and crack. Every song healed him just a little bit more, leaving him in the pit full of only sadness.
He missed them, their laugh, their eyes, the way they put all their energy into whatever they were doing. For maybe the first time in his life, when panting, covered in sweat he looked at the mass of bodies jumping and obeying his every word, he looked at his band, his best friends and smiled sadly. He walked over to Killer, who thought that maybe he wanted to change the song they were about to play. But Kidd just grabbed his bicep and looked deep into his eyes.
“I love them, Killer. And I need them back.”
As if lightning struck, Victoria Punk got their second, third, fourth and fifth big show, propelling them forward faster than it was necessary. Suddenly, they were doing interviews, got their own merch, started selling VIP tickets, had meet-and-greets with fans who cried and screamed upon seeing them.
Kidd made it his mission to find them though. He took out the songs they wrote and along with the band he mastered them, refusing to let even one word in them change. He hoped that maybe if they made it big enough, if they started to use their lyrics, they’d come to one of the shows. Because frankly, Eustass didn’t even know where to start looking for them.
The only time he wasn’t thinking about them were times when he snorted some coke or fucked someone. And it became his comfort, cushioning yet another fall after failed attempt of finding his love. It became his new habit, his new addiction to get rid of his old one – them.
Kidd started taking more drugs any of the guys from Victoria Punk even saw in their whole life. He often caught him mumbling to himself, off in his own world, their name leaving his lips all too often. Kidd smiled softly, staring into the void while sitting on the couch and talked under his breath about ‘how good it was to have them back’. And it scared Killer to no end. Soon, only he was allowed to enter Eustass’ room so the others wouldn’t know the extend of the damage done. He tried to pick the pieces of his best friend and mend them together, he searched all over for them, thinking maybe it would help. He even hired private investigator when all leads came up dry. All to pull Kidd back from the edge on which he balanced for the longest time.
And when investigator produced fresh photo of them, Killer relayed this message onto sober Kidd, rare occurrence these days. But Eustass looked at him with empty, sunken eyes and just smiled, not believing a word he said. Killer slapped the photo down with number hastily scribbled on the back of it and ordered his best friend to call them, then and there. To amuse his partner, Kidd grabbed his phone in trembling hands and pressed few buttons.
Phone ringed for a long time. And finally someone picked up making both men freeze on the spot.
“Hello? Who is this?”
No doubt, it was their voice. But Kidd panicked, because what would he even say? That he wanted them back? After all those years of no contact?
The voice whispered softly on the other end: “Kidd? No, there’s no way, right?” they laughed to themselves and cut off the call, leaving Eustass Kidd curled up on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, already deciding he’d go completely sober, he’d return to his old self and call again.
And he did just that. He got clean, cut off contact with all prostitutes he got to know for all those years. The whole time he nervously scribbled down and erased lines of his confession. The only outlet ever to his emotions became writing songs and singing them with all his chest. Once lead guitarist, now vocalist, Kidd composed the best song his band ever produced.
All to convey his feelings to them, to get them back.
It was first concert of their tour celebrating 30th anniversary of creating Victoria Punk. They managed to pull of starting the tour in the town they lived now instead in their hometown. Killer sent them VIP ticket that included meet-and-greet. In the envelope there was also long letter, describing how whole band felt it was time to maybe reconcile, how they all regretted the day they parted ways. Everything now depended on whether or not they wanted to meet their old friends.
Eustass Kidd thought he would maybe make dinner just to heat it up when he’d inevitably would bring them back to the apartment rented just for the time being, until Victoria Punk stayed in town. He decided to make something simple, so it wouldn’t take a lot of time to heat up, but also would taste good.
Suddenly, after almost 20 years of playing all over the world, he became nervous. He prepared everything, this was about to be greatest show of all the time, ending with his confession.
They walked on the stage, immediately getting into their positions. Instruments were ready, their hearts were ready. The show began without any problems, they rocked the whole stadium like they always did. Whole hour he searched the rows closest to the stage, VIP places where people could still mosh, but were separated from the rest. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he spotted familiar sign. He saw that line over and over again, motive repeating in their songs, the handwriting that haunted him in his dreams.
You catch me when I fall, we sail off in the night
The last song Victoria Punk performed was a cover, most fitting to the title of their tour ‘For you’.
“I’m sure you’ll like our rendition of Starset’s song Die For You” Kidd smirked right into the microphone. He tried to convey his feelings the whole time he stood on this stage. Tearing his throat to shreds, he heard Killer slamming the drums with all his might. Wire broke guitar pick, Heat almost sobbed while delivering the bass line. And when the song ended, whole stadium erupted into cheers, believing this was the end of the show. They all let them believe it, walking backstage. But Kidd only waited for lights to be turned off. He grabbed acoustic guitar he held onto from the day all Victoria Punk’s members signed it, laughing about selling it once they’d be famous.
But Kidd grabbed it and walked back on stage. He sat on the edge with guitar close to his chest and struck a chord. Single reflector snapped on, finding him in a flash. Kidd found the sign he saw earlier and smiled.
“This last song is, and will be, unreleased one. I took a long time to try and convey my feelings since I’m shitty talker. The person this song is to knows who they are. And they are here tonight.” Murmur spread through the crowd, he could swear he saw their eyes light up just. Just like in the good, old days. Suddenly, people vanished, all that was left was Kidd, the guitar and them right there, clutching a sign to their chest.
I sleep on my dreams, living in a nightmare
It hurts, you see, when you’re not here
There’s no past and no future
So, tell me when, when to let go
When to let you go and keep living
Without air, without fire, without soul
So, tell me when, when to let go
When to let you go and keep living
He sang his heart out, holding an eye contact with the one that grabbed his heart and ran all those years ago. And when he was done, he thanked everyone and straight up ran backstage, preparing for meet-and-greet. He made sure security knew who with what ticket number to bring to the back where the table was set up with snacks and five chairs around it for original squad of Victoria Punk to talk in private.
They sped through meeting their fans, making sure they all knew how grateful all members were for them to be there. But Kidd could only think about them, probably already sitting at the table, all nervous, looking around, playing with their hands to let out some of their feelings just a bit. How confused he was when he walked to the back all smiley and happy just to find the table completely empty. There was no one there. Killer, Wire and Heat went around, asking the crew and security where was the person with this specific ticket number.
“Yeah, they were here, but all they wanted was for me to give this to you all” one of the guards said, holding out four envelopes, each with different name on it. Kidd, still in shock, couldn’t move. Killer grabbed two last envelopes from guy’s hand and smacked Eustass on the back.
“Let’s go, partner” he said, sadness tainting his voice. Kidd let him lead him all the way to the car. Whole drive to the apartment, he held onto the envelope with his name scribbled on tightly, as if it could fly away at any second. Killer helped him get out of the car and made Kidd give him all valuables. “Just to be sure you won’t have anything to buy drugs with” he whispered, explaining himself, but Eustass automatically just put everything onto outstretched hand. He even shrugged off custom-made leather jacket before marching up the stairs.
He closed the door, mechanically turning on the oven to heat up the dinner he made. And he sat down on the couch, envelope in hand. He stared at it for the longest time before carefully pulling out card from the inside.
Dear Kidd,
Words already started dancing and merging together, but somehow, he was able to read it. Slowly, line after line, he read about their feelings. How hurt they were, how he treated them like a dog, using their admiration to make himself make feel better, how they finally decided to cut him off because their mental health was lower than the floor back then. And how hopeful they were he’d maybe contact them once they heard about Victoria Punk’s first CD, how they spent fortune going to all shows they played in their country, how they saw him spiraling and then getting back up, how proud they were, how they wrote countless letters to him, but never sent anything in the end. And how happy they were to receive invitation to this show with VIP tickets and handwritten note from Killer, how they missed all members of their little rascal band from their past, how nice it was to know they still thought about them.
And I never told you this, but I’m sure you knew already. I loved you. All this time, I loved you like crazy. And honestly, I still love you. But I also know you better than everyone, Boss. I know you just miss having someone stuck to you like a velcro, staring up at you with limitless admiration. That’s all. You were honestly my everything. My world, my air, my water, my hobby, my job, my soul. But it’s too little too late.
I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say those things like that, but I know I would cave in if I saw you in person. I would fall to my knees and beg you to take me with you, make me a part of Victoria Punk once again. But I know I would never be loved by you. Not in the way Victoria was, not in the way I deserve to be loved. You would, at most, make me your mascot again, just like you did when we were kids.
I am happy now.
Kidd smashed the mirror in the bathroom, no longer able to look at himself.
I found a guy that loves me and treats me with respect.
Sink got ripped out of the wall and thrown on the floor, smashed to pieces.
I wish I could kiss you and tell you I love you one time.
He looked out the window, contemplating the jump.
But please, let’s leave it in the past.
But the door got kicked in, police swarmed the apartment.
I miss you terribly, wishing it was you who I slept by every night.
By the time they got to him, he blacked out from the blood loss, his left arm bent weird in four different places.
I love you, Kidd, like I never loved, love or will love anyone.
He woke up in the hospital, staring up at the ceiling, his heart of steel laying in the pool of tears.
Please, forget about me.
Killer, Wire and Heat stood by his side when he got the news – they had to amputate most of his left arm, which meant no more shows for a little while.
Forever yours.
But that didn’t matter anymore, since his heart that lived for music, slowly got eaten away by the rust.
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
‘The New Girl’
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Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x Koko (black reader :)
Warnings; much fluff, Jake always being such a cutie and boss man and Bob loving on his Koko every day more!!
Summary; So far the only aviators, Bob and Hangman, know Koko. But what happens when curious eyes from the dagger squad catch her bold self amongst their used to be ‘shy little Bob’? What will Jake say to defend the rumors?
Loud music blared in the Hard Deck, cheers over winning games and laughter over silly jokes filled around the corners and the ears of happy people. Koko and Bob currently found themselves amongst the noise as they chatted about their last exciting event at the Pride Parade. Koko had remembered how happy her both best men were, sharing something they all had together and the smiles they wore with true happiness.
When Bob was without Koko, he was usually quiet and kept to himself, but when he was with her, he was the loudest and most funny person. His confidence boosted like no other when she was around him. He smiles were all teeth and his laughter almost made him cry, he’d forget about being in a public area and not be shy about placing a sweet kiss on Koko’s cheek or stealing one on her lips. He’d even wrap his arm around her and make her feel seen and loved, as his touch never lingered off of left her. Warmth spread in her chest at how he could really be when he was comfortable, and she was glad to know he trusted her.
They both were there for a little get together with Jake, who was presumingly running late, but little did they know, that he was actually flattering himself as he chatted away to his curious dagger squad about you two lovers.
“Wait a minute? So that cutie over there is Bob’s girlfriend?”
Jake held a finger up at Coyote as he shook his head and tried to be all tough for Koko,
“Hey hey hey, only I get to call her ‘cutie’! She’s Koko to you unless she says different. But yes, that CUTIE over there is my- his girlfriend.”
Phoenix scrunched her eyebrows and scoffed,
“Did you almost say ‘my girlfriend’?”
Jake’s widened in embarrassment at his little words as he tried to play it off,
“Well yeah- but that’s because she is kinda like my girlfriend. She’s a girl and she’s my friend- equaling- girlfriend. Right?”
Fanboy let out a laugh and tried to give Jake the benefit of the doubt,
“Alright cowboy, whatever you say.”
Jake shook his head and took a sip of a beer he had,
“I’m saying the truth- I mean, why would I want to take Bob’s precious girl? She’s perfect for him- I mean look at how happy he is with her!?”
Phoenix, Payback, and Fanboy all looked at the two happy love birds at the bar, and they could truly see it, how in love the two were. They couldn’t stop giggling and chatting, touching one another somehow or stealing a kiss. Phoenix couldn’t help but smile and admire,
“She must be really special to Bob... I’ve never seen him so open like that.”
Fanboy nodded with agreement,
“You can say that again... I’m jealous.”
Payback mocked the two and promised,
“I’m sure you two will be a ‘Koko and Bob’ one day... along with a Jake too-“
Jake smacked his arm,
“HEY! That’s not funny Payback... but I’ll take it. Proudly.”
Jake smiled to himself knowing how proud he really was to be really close to them, having experienced good times and some things. More than anything he was happy and proud to be the one to share who Koko and Bob were. He then remembered that this is the exact place where it all started, he wrapped his arms around Fanboy and Phoenix as he added,
“I met her first.. here actually. Then I introduced Bob to her, and they fell in love immediately.”
Phoenix awed as she said,
“Ohhh that must be a bummer that she fell for him having met you first?”
Jake smiled and shook his head,
“Actually no, I know I have a very special place in her heart, I’m her best friend, and I’m happy for Bob too, he’s a great guy over all.”
While the dagger squad chatted, Koko had turned her head towards the door telling Bob,
“I wonder why Jake is so late, he’s usually here on time.”
Bob held Koko’s hand as he promised,
“He’ll be here soon, he never forgets the little dates he plans with us- oh.. there he is. He’s actually smiling at you.”
Koko then whipped her head towards where Bob pointed, and there Jake stood in all his glory and Texas charm. Koko waves at him as she told Bob,
“I wonder what he was doing over there?”
Bob knew exactly what that proud smile meant on Jake’s face, so he confidently told Koko,
“He was probably complimenting us as he usually does... or more than anything admiring you beautiful-“
“Aww Bobby.. you think so?”
With a sweet kiss to your cheek Bob replied,
“Of course.. I know so.”
For my sweet dearest : @entertainmentgal8
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cinema-wasps · 1 year
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phoenix moment.. my oldest [& probably favorite] dialtown oc is finally real. please love and appreciate him or i will cry so loud
more facts + bonus doodles under the cut [warning. it got kinda long im sorry :[]
phoenix is romance repulsed, so you don't get to actually Date date him in its route. you still get to spend some quality gay time together though :]
you unlock his route by asking gabby to take you to the funfair with a phone head. if your head is a typewriter, the interaction goes like in canon, but if it's a phone, she tells you that she can't take you, but might know someone who needs the company & calls phoenix over. after that, asking him out to the funfair locks you into his route
the route is about helping it navigate being romance repulsed on valentine's day and get over a heartbreak it recently experienced. also committing crimes and getting lost in the woods looking for unicorns. there's also a big scene of breaking into an abandoned building and having an emotional Talk on the roof to make phoenix open up about his emotions at least a Little. after that the two of you go steal a motorcycle and the route ends <3
phoenix is Really into diy, he made all the patches on his jacket & attached the spikes himself. also spray painted the baseball bat to make it Pink and added nails. it actually always keeps the bat in the trunk of its car because "you never know". he also always carries a pocket knife with him. though it mostly uses it to carve things on trees rather than stab people with it
phoenix considers himself a horse girl, but his actual knowledge of horses is very. debatable. in its route you visit the stables its friend works at and both the friend and the owner don't hide the fact that it internalized a lot of false information from watching too many horse movies and is too stubborn to unlearn it. and that's why no one actually trusts him with a horse
phoenix has like a gay thing going on with a couple of my friends' ocs and it's very silly. guy gets bitches i fucking guess. [said ocs are @transgingi 's jackson bc phoenix has awful taste and @mnyehlike 's ace because phoenix can sometimes have slightly less awful taste]
phoenix swears a lot but he's also polish so that's kind of a given. it first arrived to dialtown when it was 19 and just kind of. stayed there since then. never came back to europe and doesn't plan to
his head is a speaker and he can make noises and play music and imitate different voices with it. it can also turn up the volume really loud to yell at little billy when he screeches through his megaphone. when a child screams at you scream louder to assert dominance
phoenix has a cat named pablo [yes after the off cat] and he's the meanest most awful bitey little creature this earth has ever seen but phoenix loves him so so much. it's his ugly little child and he's only aggressive because he's just like his papa
good lord. ok im done rambling. feen time
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
Oh Molly, please give us a snippet of strip poker 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Anonymous asked: Can we get a little spicy sunday of “accidental sex”
Ahh Kate. Anthony. A deck of cards, a bottle of vodka and... some very platonic feelings
"Off, Take it off, Kitty Kat!" Anthony was grinning at her, his words slurring together just a little, his hands shaking as he threw his cards down. "Royal Flush!"
"You fucker." Kate sighed. Tugging her shirt over her head, Anthony's shirt in truth that she'd stolen from him when they'd been teenagers. Def Leppard printed across the front and she could still remember the day he'd bought it, grinning with the memory of all the afternoons they'd sat in her bedroom with the music blaring, windows rattling Anthony feeling the vibrations that had been all around him.
"Oh Come on, there's no way you thought you could beat me with two pair."
"You used to be a worse liar." She sighed, not even bothering to cover herself as they sat on the floor of Anthony's living room, their clothes strewn about the floor.
They'd both known, at least she had when they'd sat at that bar and she'd shaken her head at the man who'd been trying for at least forty five minutes to give her his phone number.
"Jesus fucking christ I cannot win!" Kate had groaned, letting her head fall to the bar with a thunk. "Everyone in here tonight was awful."
Anthony had chuckled, pushing his glasses up his nose before he responded, something in his smile making her heart pound in her chest. "I might take offence to that."
"Not you." She'd swatted at him. "You're still my guy."
Their eyes had caught together and their fingers had intertwined and there'd been something hot hanging in the air around them, charged just as it had been last time they'd fallen into her bed and their lips had crashed together, and her fingernails had bitten into his shoulders. And she'd ached for it. All over again.
"Come back to mine. I'll steal your money at cards."
She hadn't done anything but nod, holding out her hand as she'd slid off the stool, tugging him along to the cab outside. She'd let him wrap his arm around her shoulders the way he always did, his hand on her chest, the other on her thigh, tickling at the exposed skin left when the hem of her skirt had risen up.
He'd kept his hand on her hip as they'd made their way up in the lift, his hips pressing her into the door jam as he'd fiddled with his keys and her teeth had bitten at the corner of his jaw, in the way she didn't want to want.
His laughter had rumbled through his chest, just as loud as always as he'd tossed the pack of cards onto the coffee table. "Are we playing for money or-?"
"You don't want my money." She'd shaken her head. Sliding her coat from her shoulders before she'd pushed against his shoulders, sitting him down.
"I don't want your money." There'd been a little noise in the back of his throat, the kind Kate was sure he had no idea he made. One of the million things she loved about him but couldn't let herself.
"Deal." She'd let him do it as she stepped back into the kitchen, snatching a bottle of vodka off the counter, not bothering to get glasses, swigging from as she sat back down, their eyes burning together and now here they were.
Kate in her underwear, her head barely fuzzy. Anthony with only his socks missing, grinning stupidly at her, letting his eyes rake over her appreciatively, his tongue darting out to lick his lips.
"I've always been a good liar."
It hung in the air between them, the heat of the room stifling, her own eyes reflected back in Anthony's glasses. They never spoke about it. This thing between them. The heat that seemed to colour their interactions more and more every day since she'd run away from the question Tom had been desperately trying to ask her while she'd shaken her head Please Tom, Please Don't.
Kate clicked her tongue, leaning forward to collect their cards, Anthony's eyes burning into her hands as she shuffled the cards, setting them down. "New game."
"Kitty, you can't change the game just because I'm winning."
Kate rolled her eyes, Drawing a card, keeping eye contact with him. "If you can guess this card, I'll give you a blowjob."
Anthony's mouth fell open, his hands fluttering nervously. "Are you- What?"
"But if you get it wrong You have to take off the rest of your clothes."
His eyes narrowed, his tongue darting out again. "That seems like an unfair advantage."
She shrugged. "Seems like a win-win from where I'm sitting."
He let herself lean into the space between them, chuckled as his breath caught in his throat, their lips nearly touching.
"I- That's 52 possibilities."
"I'll drop the suit. What is it Anthony?"
The tension was palpable, Kate could almost taste it, every one of their heart beats pounding into the room all around them, her hands falling to Anthony's thighs as he squirmed a little under her gaze.
"It's the queen. Of hearts."
Kate let her lips brush his neck before she pulled back, looking at the card she'd abandoned behind her.
It was staring back at her. The queen of hearts, a little on the nose really given the circumstances.
Anthony was grinning back at her confidently, his hands ruffling his hair before he spoke. "Well. What a lucky boy I am this afternoon."
She could feel the heat burning her skin already as he leaned down to close the distance between them, his shirt already abandoned behind him. His lips were soft, they always were, had been from the first time they'd kissed, sixteen and ridiculous Just tell me if I'm a good kisser Kate! It doesn't mean anything!
His chest was warm under her hands, his shoulders rolling as his tongue tangled with hers, vodka on his tongue, his hands soft on her skin as he pulled back, a loud moan falling from his lips.
"You don't have to."
"Rules are rules."
Kate let her lips fall back to his neck, nipping a sucking at the soft skin, the stubble on his face scratching against her cheek as her hand fell to his belt buckle.
Anthony's head fell back as her hand slipped into his underwear, his hips bucking against her hand a little desperately already. His skin was hot under her lips, under her tongue as she let them trail down his chest, chuckling as he shuddered against the feel of her, against the feel of her.
His eyes were burning at her as Kate looked up at him, his breathing hitching in his chest. She took his hand slowly, lifting it to her hair, letting his fingers twist through the curls as she ducked her head.
A choked curse fell from Anthony's lips at the first touch of her tongue. The taste of him was heady, just the way she remembered from the times they'd promised they wouldn't talk about. Anthony's eyes rolled back in his head and his hips bucked roughly towards her, panic rising in his eyes, a desperate noise falling from his lips.
Sorry, Sorry!
It's okay. You're okay
Everything in her felt as though it was on fire at the sight of Anthony writhing above her, unable to hold back the desperate moans and gasps that fell from his chest, the voice he never used in public cracking into the room
His breathing was coming in sharp gasps, his thighs shaking as Kate worked over him, Anthony's body shaking underneath her pushing her forward, the taste of him and the feel of skin soft and warm against hers just as good as she remembered her own hips grinding in midair desperate for some kind of-
Anthony's hand on her cheek caught her attention with another stutter of her name, cracking through the air, his hands moving quickly as his eyes still burned at her.
"I just want you."
Tears almost pricked at her eyes as he darted forward, sealing their lips together again desperately, tongues tangling filthily as he leaned down, his weight pressing her back against the soft fabric of his rug. Kate felt her thighs fall open as Anthony settled into the cradle of her hips, his hand tugging at her underwear as she nodded desperately, encouraging his hips already grinding against her.
"Do you want me to stop?"
She knew what it meant, with her underwear torn on the floor and the heat from the fire burning into her skin as her entire body ached for him, his signs gentle, his eyes earnest. Neither of them could claim they were too drunk, neither could claim they got carried away. This was because they wanted it. Each other. Even if this was all he would want, all she could let herself want.
"Don't stop. Don't stop Anthony."
Their foreheads were pressed together as their hips rolled together and Kate wasn't sure which of them let out the rumbled curse as they joined together.
It felt as though his hands were everywhere, in her hair, on her hips, on her legs, on her breasts, the sweaty slide of their skin heady and desperate as they moved together, their eyes catching in the dim lighting.
Anthony's teeth were nipping at the skin of her neck, at her collarbone marking her skin as his again and again and again as the tension rippled through the air around them.
Every movement made her burn even hotter, the entire world on fire around them as Anthony's weight pressed her further and further into the rug, the burn of it a little delicious against her back. she could feel her fingernails biting into the skin of his shoulders drawing desperate gasps and moans from him that rumbled through their chests. She could feel her thighs squeezing around his waist as their lips met again, heat coiling tighter and tighter. Anthony's hips were moving erratically against hers, the relentless rhythm they'd found losing pace just a little as they clung to one another, pushing further and further and-
Everything exploded, her body shuddering against Anthony who let out a strangled shout, his entire body shaking before he collapsed against her.
Kate wasn't sure how long they stayed there. Anthony's head pressed against her chest, her hand in his hair, his glasses askew on the end of his nose a quiet reverie like a bubble around them. One Kate was terrified to break.
Anthony let out a groan, sitting up, his hands shaking a little, "Bed?"
Just like that it was over. They were back to being friends as Kate sighed, sitting up, tugging the T-shirt back over her head. Anthony's short. Hers and his.
She rose with the light streaming through Anthony's bedroom window, before his alarm could vibrate through the pillows, tugging her clothes back on, not looking at herself in the mirror, not wanting to see the makeup that she was sure would be smudged and stale. She didn't pay attention to the looks she was sure she was getting as she got off the tube, collapsing against Edwina's sofa.
"Jesus what happened to you?"
Josie tutted at her fiancée who'd nudged her sister away. "Be nice."
"She smells like Vodka and sin." Edwina grinned. "And jesus did an animal attack you?"
Kate swatted her sister's hand away from the neckline of her tshirt and the words she'd been fighting so hard to hold back tumbled out. "I slept with Anthony last night."
The knife Josie had been using to butter her crumpet fell from her hand as Edwina gasped in surprise. "Holy Shit I knew it! You must be so excited! Congratulations!"
And it felt even worse than she thought it would. "No we're not... together. This wasn't the first time."
"Okay you need to explain right bloody now."
And still, when she saw Anthony that night, she let herself be his friend again. Because that's all they were.
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Yippee!! Art! Now with more ocs hehehe :D See that melty Noise lookin goober? That's the Sound. A timid lil clone thing and I love him dearly <3 He helps Peppino out. Full story under cut since it's a long one heheh. Anyway, Brick is so fun to draw, they are cuddle buddies,,,,
Also Gustavo in the corner hehehe
(from my Discord message thing abt him)
"So, Sound (name still wip, open to ideas lol) was an experiment to see if the reason the Peppino clones were turning out so bad was due to sample or technology error. They randomly picked a member of the tower (Noise) and made a clone. Ta da! Sound was made. Except he was an awful Noise clone. Mute, timid, scared of loud Noises, tall, and cowardly. They just considered it a failure and tried disposing him via war. Well, he's a sneaky lil guy and escaped war and eventually stumbled upon Fake Peppino. They were a lot less hostile than the other clones so Sound ended up sticking with them. They would often explore the tower, stealing trinkets n stuff for itself and fake Peppino. Then they ran into Peppino on the first floor. After a rather loud first meeting were Peppino yelled at 'The Noise' for being there, he quickly realized A) they looked different and B) the Noise usually didn't cower away making whimpering sounds. So, after an awkward apology, he now has a little clingy nervous disaster Sound following and helping through the tower. :] They help him in the pizzeria along with fake Peppino post game" btw his pronouns are He/it/they
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hi! I would like a twisted wonderland platonic mash-up please!
Nickname: lala (my real name that isn't my "white name" as I like to call it is way too long)
Pronouns: he/they
Personality type: ENTP
Age: 17
Kinnie: Osamu dazai (more the writer than the character, I read the book and I love it)
Likings: Books, art, history (of art), writing, drawing, kids (I want to have kids in the future but I found out I can't have any today and I'm really sad about it), rain, basketball, making friends, hoodies, my job (I'm the head manager in a skate shop), my siblings, my bf (of course), the music band GORILLAZ (I'm going to see them October 8th), memes
Dislike: spiders. (These things are horrible), loud noises, summer, homeworks
Aesthetic: chaotic academia/grunge
(okay, first off, it's so fucking cool to me that you did a twst profile for this, I salute you. I'm also so pumped to do a platonic match up because oh my gosh friendship match ups are so fun and can get so much more chaotic. Also, I know it's been a little bit, but I'm sorry you got that news, I hope you're feeling better and I hope this brings a little levity if not 💙 also I'd love to hear how the concert went!)
I match you with Lilia Vanrouge.
Bat dad sees a kindred spirit in your music and fashion ways. In fact, if anything, it enables him to try a whole new set of fashion (were you the one that helped design his music club outfit? Who's to say?) On his free days, he's grabbing your hand and modeling looks for you, and then taking you to concerts.
Lilia likes to prank, he doesn't like to torture. So he won't use your fear of spiders against you. (This is a privilege awarded to very few) When he learns you aren't into loud noises, he makes sure to start training Sebek to keep it down around you.
I'm so happy you like history, literature, and art, because he is history. Mans can rattle off facts about stuff you've never even heard of. You like that painting? Lilia was there for the painter's tenth birthday. You need a book for a project? Lilia may or may not have written a couple of them, and will let you borrow a first edition. He also just likes to talk about the old days, so it's for the best if you just let him wear himself out.
Makes you buy matching oversized hoodies with him, and then use them to embarrass Silver and "all his cool friends". (Slappy hands. You two go around doing slappy hands with your hoodies. You both are absolute menaces.
Also... Lala....Lillia? The names just work.
It was raining today, but luckily that didn't bother either of you. You had promised to teach Lilia how to play basketball, and the rain was keeping the heat away.
"Hushed tones, Sebek," Lilia said as he floated up to the hoop again to dunk the ball, despite you repeatedly informing him this was an illegal move.
"Master Lilia," you could tell Sebek was "whispering" but it was just a regular inside voice. "You and Lala will catch your death of cold out here."
"Aw, you care," you giggled, stealing the ball from Lilia, and throwing a three pointer. You don't know if you missed or made it, because Lilia distracted you right at the last second by flipping upside down and blocking your view.
"Fu Fu, sorry Lala, all's fair in war and basketball."
"I've told you before, it really isn't," you said with a playful eye roll.
"Please, Master Lala and Master Lilia, please just come inside and warm up for a couple minutes," Sebek asked sadly.
"Fine," Lilia gave a fake groan, then grinned. "But I'm stealing the comfy hoodie." He ran off, you in tow both of you giggling like idiots as poor Sebek was left behind in the rain.
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cat3ch1sm · 2 years
not to be a como se dice L whore but….hear me out. task force based on how he acts does not think L gets bitches nor wants bitches. one day they come in and hear ✨noises✨ and a few minutes later L comes down completely nonchalant and then i dunno girlfriend comes down (they notice a certain pendant around her neck) just for like two seconds to steal his pastries then go back upstairs to the living abode and the task force is like 😀. as you can see here i can’t write for shit and i will literally pay if needed to see my thoughts come to life by you. now do i only have $6 to my name…maybe [bonus points if we get a quick lil cut scene of L just being a monster pussy eater]
🌱| LMFAOAOA bestie im broke too😭😭 no need to pay me all reqs r free<33 idk how good this is lol i will let u decide ಠ_ಠ
🐢| ANYWAYS let's get into the story because this request is a rollercoaster😭😭 idk if this was supposed to b x reader or not but i made it x reader bc it's what i usually write anyway lol, enjoy!!
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"Aw, man, I'm so sleepyyy!" Matsuda whined, eyelids drooping and gait sluggish as he trudged through the doors into the task force headquarters. "I wish L wouldn't insist we come here at four in the morning... and getting through the security is always such a process. I hope our rooms are ready soon so we don't have to come all the way from home to out here..."
Aizawa, trailing just behind Matsuda, was a little less vocal about his lethargy, but it was clear he was tired as well. "Well, the Kira investigation isn't to be taken lightly- we need all the time we can get," he stated firmly. "But to be honest, it would be nice to get a little more sleep- we don't get home until midnight, and then we have to get up and come right back four hours later."
"I'm sure our rooms will be ready at some point, and we won't lose so much sleep then. But that isn't what's important right now," Light reminded the men in an authoritative tone.
"My son is right. It may be draining, but this isn't something to be taken lightly. A few hours less of sleep isn't anything compared to the thousands of deaths that are still occurring," Soichiro asserted, moving past all of the other men and placing his briefcase down on the ground beside the swivel chair where L usually sat. Suddenly noticing its emptiness, he straightened up, looking around the room. "Ryuzaki isn't here?"
"Maybe he's asleep," Matsuda griped, "like we should be." Groggily, he went up to the chair and dropped down onto it, letting his whole body slouch as he shut his eyes.
Light glanced at Matsuda wearily. "Don't be ridiculous, Matsuda- Ryuzaki never sleeps. But I've really never seen him outside of this room, either... where could he be?"
The group's thoughts were interrupted when a very faint sound emitted from upstairs- so faint they almost missed it.
"Hey- maybe that's Ryuzaki now," Aizawa suggested, setting his own things down beside Soichiro's and moving toward the staircase to greet the detective.
But as the noises grew louder, it became increasingly apparent that they were not at all footsteps- and they grew more and more frequent and continued to increase in volume until the men downstairs were finally able to make out just what they were.
Sticky, clear liquid was spurting all over your thighs as they trembled, L's nose still buried in your sopping heat as he relentlessly licked your swollen clit, his warm tongue running rapidly over your soaking folds and tracing your entrance teasingly. Whimpering as you orgasmed violently, spraying your cum all over L's lips and hands, you made an attempt to close your legs, face burning as you drenched the man beneath you in your juices. However, your efforts were futile as L held your legs open, his grip like steel, and you were only met with a monotone "Stay still" as you struggled to keep your moans from getting too loud. You gripped the sides of the chair you were sitting on as roughly as you could, needing to focus on something, anything else but the consuming ecstasy exploding within your body. L's eyes lifted to meet yours, his pink tongue visible to you as you watched him continue to eat you out despite this being your second orgasm in the past twenty minutes. L had allowed you absolutely no recovery time after you first came, and now here you were, squirting like mad and almost in tears from your overstimulation.
"Ryu- Ryuzaki, there a-are people downstairs," you managed in between shaky moans, breathing ragged and chest heaving. "Don't you have w-ork- work to do?"
"Don't try and distract me, Y/N," L replied, swirling his tongue around your throbbing clit and making you cry out. "I'll be finished as soon as you're done messing up my hair." To emphasize, he removed his hand from your trembling thigh and twirled a strand of dark, damp hair in between his fingers, humiliating you more and making you drop your eyes, flustered.
Still, cum continued to drip from your entrance, your sex pulsating as you tried to bring your high down, wrenching your hips in the chair as his tongue tormented your already aching pussy. "L- L, please, I can't- I'm done, I pro-promise."
L lifted a brow at you. "Oh- you're done? Then what's this?" Without warning, he plunged a slender finger into you to point out the liquid still spilling out, and all you could manage was a strangled groan, your back arching. "Be patient... 'kay?"
Downstairs, the room had been silent for a while- disbelieving of what they'd just heard upstairs. Finally, his eyes narrowed into suspicious slits, Light demanded, "What the- hell?"
There was no response from the other three men. Matsuda now seemed fully awake, sitting at attention in his chair with his eyes wide. Soichiro had his head in his hand, his eyes closed in exasperation. Aizawa simply stood idle, shell-shocked. Everyone was silent, completely stunned.
The room was still frozen when the absent detective finally dragged himself down the stairs, hands in his jeans pockets and barefoot as usual. Nothing of the incident with you remained, his clothes, face, and hair as clean as they usually were. Not acknowledging the bewildered stares of the task force members that followed him to where he sat down, he cleared his throat and turned to face the men in the room. "Hello, everyone. There is much to be done- shall we begin?"
It was just after that greeting that more footsteps sounded on the stairs- but when the men all looked up again, still jilted from the prior incident, it was not someone they recognized. It was you, also having cleaned up, and nothing of the occurrence minutes prior remained in your physical appearance nor the way you carried yourself. Casually and as if you knew them, you nodded at the task force men as you passed by them, L not turning to greet you. You felt their eyes seem to zoom in on you when you made no attempt to hide the pendant around your neck- the single charm being L's signature initial inscribed in gothic font.
None of the men visibly returned your greeting, but you brushed it off, simply approaching L and leaning over his hunched-over body to pluck two miniature cupcakes from the arsenal of desserts he had laying across the surface of his desk. Your sweets acquired, you lifted your arm slightly in a small wave before disappearing back up the stairs.
L, although covertly, glanced up towards you and watched you vanish before turning back to his work.
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fischltao · 3 years
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request by: @multi-fandoms-stuff
"can I pretty request an imagine for aot eren, erwin, levi, connie, armin, jean, reiner, bertolt, ymir, and mikasa about them making there s/o squirt for the first time and there reaction, have the reader get all shy and trys to hide her face??"
notes: ahhh thank you so much for requesting, again im very sorry for the delay and late update, im back on writing now!
warnings: smut, squirting, overstimulation, bodily fluids
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Eren Jeager:
You and Eren have got it going on for a few hours with him and his titan stamina plunging into you without letting you rest for a minute. You haven't even kept track of how long it's been or how many times he's made you cum that night, only focusing on his cock stretching you open and the way he is holding your throat. It's not long until your next orgasm arrives but oh, this time it feels different and suddenly you're squirting all over him and his cock as he keeps fucking you deeper and harder.
"Eren, I need to clean up, Im so sorry I didn't know this would happen, oh my-" You wail while pushing your hands over your face but instead of him stopping he just snaps his hips against yours harder and says:
"No. You're doing it again" Needless to say, you do, indeed.
Erwin Smith:
On your break you had snuck inside Erwin's office to steal a couple of kisses which soon ended up with you laying on the table all over his paperwork and him taking out his emotions on your poor pussy, to the point where you swear someone's going to walk in with a noise complain- not just due to your loud moans- but also due to the fact that his unsteady table is repeatedly creaking on the wooden floor.
"Erwin, I'm so close, Erwin I-ERWIN" You scream as you realize what is actually happening and not being able to hold it in. Both of you are freaking the fuck out. On any other situation he would find this really hot and treat you so good for squirting on him but you just came all over important papers which needed to be delivered awfully soon and neither has zero idea of what the hell you're supposed to do now. You freaking out must have been even louder than your sex noises and now you're adamant that everyone heard.
This was a different walk of shame
Levi Ackerman:
He had just changed the sheets to your shared bedroom when you walked in half naked after your shower, instantly igniting something inside him. The past few weeks had been really tiring for both and the only way to take your exhaustion away was having you bounce on his cock until you were in tears and shaking.
"You're gonna cum baby? I'm so fucking close too" He whispered in your ear like a lullaby in-between heavy breaths as he moved your hair out of your face and locked his eyes with yours. His movements were so gentle and passionate until you both grew desperate for your release and soon he was guiding your hips faster and sloppier while smacking your ass. It wasn't long until you started shaking while he filled you up. After you both came down from your highs you gained awareness of your surroundings and immediately shrunk to yourself.
"What are you hiding away for?"
"You just changed the sheets"
"I can always put another ones" He said awkwardly as you tried to shift away from his lap, when he pulled you right back in "It would be a shame if i changed them while they're only this wet. We might as well just ruin them completely"
Connie Springer:
Sasha and Jean were sleeping on the couch next to you after a nice dinner and Connie was feeling really turned on, right from the start of the night when you felt his fingers creeping up inside your panties and circling over your clit before teasing their way inside.
"Can we at least go somewhere isolated? I feel bad for-" You choked trying not to make a sound as his finger where now dipping in and out of your cunt in a desperate need of feeling your walls clench around them "Connie-"
"It's too comfy here, try to be more quiet baby" He whispered back as he lifted your skirt and pushed his tip inside not letting it all in but rather slipping it in and then pulling out and rubbing on your clit until you felt yourself cumming. Hard.
You were trying so hard to not make a noise until you realized what actually happened and turned around to look at your boyfriend in shock with heat rising up your cheeks. This cheeky motherfucker was looking back at you with the biggest smirk before plunging his entire length inside. Definitely proud of himself... And you definetely have to clean up before a) Jean and/or Sasha wake up b) Captain Levi haunts your dreams.
Jean Kirschstein:
Jean and you had been sent on different expenditions for the week so it was safe to say that you really missed spending time with each other. And him inside you.
Once he closes his room's door he already has you pushed against the wall and taking you right there while standing up. Jean is the romantic type but missing you made him desperate for your touch. You were sure you were seeing stars at one point, the way he pressed against you was magnificent and it just kept getting better and better until you felt the bubble inside you burst and soon your juices were everywhere on the floor. Everywhere.
You instantly felt like hiding away and audibly apologized while he still fucked the shit out of you. Confused he started slowing down and voiced his concern over your sudden apology until he realized what went down and blushed. 'Thats it, its over' you thought. Suddenly the most unexpected thing happened. A huge smile crept on his face "I made you squirt! Oh my god you look so hot, I bet Eren would never be able to make a girl sq-" He exclaimed before you kicked his leg.
Armin Arlet:
Armin is such a sweet young man. He had you laid on the bed for him as he slowly fucked into you, gasping in between kisses and telling you just how much he loves you. Gaining more confidence in yourself your moans became louder and louder and soon his pace changed into sharp and quick thrusts.
Your orgasm hit you like a freight train and cherished the way he was the one to make you scream and breathe like that. He felt so blessed that you chose him as the man to have inside your velvet walls and-
Why is the bed wet? Did the rain get through the wooden roof? Why are you trying to hide away? Armin genuinely had no clue.
"Is everything okay baby? Do you feel uncomfortable with the waters?" He asked as more color rose up to your cheeks, refusing to look in his eyes as you awkwardly tried to explain what had happened was not a leak in the roof "What did you say?"
"I squirted"
"This is way more exciting than a leaking roof...Way more"
Reiner Braun:
Reiner is an emotional man and it shows when you get intimate with each other. One time he has you on all fours, with a finger deep in your asshole as he rails your guts.
"Noone else can fuck you like that fuck- what is it baby, is there anyone else that will fuck you this good? Have you crying from their cock? Use your words princess come on" He gasped as his own tears were threatening to fall, seeking emotional validation as well as pleasure as you tried to form a coherent sentence while sobbing "Didn't think so darling, you're such a whore for me"
And in the heat of the moment the offspring of his actions and words erupted from your throat as a loud scream and your juices squirted all over his lap for the first time. The sighting made Reiner cum in an instant and neither had the energy to talk about it, until he embraced you tightly from behind and thanked you for allowing him to be with you and sharing your most vulnerable moment with him.
Berthold Hoover:
His cock felt so good as you bounced on it . In a way it was therapeutic and for the past 7 minutes you've been in this position you've felt constantly on the edge and your thighs burned until sweet release washed you over and soon you were clasping poor Bert's shoulders as you screamed and squirted all over him while he pulled his dick out of your spent pussy and slapped its head on your clit as he watched more liquid come out.
After your orgasm died down a little, instant shame washed over you and you tried hopping away before he hugged you tightly and swayed you without realizing that hes accidentally rubbing you on his cock again and that you are about to pass out....
Ymir is a big tease. A really big one. Proof being her refusing to finally push her fingers inside your soaked slit, instead choosing to just rub up and down while slipping half an inch inside before you grew desperate and moved your own fingers to your clit and rubbing vigorously.
"Fuck" You heard her exclaim before plunging two of her fingers inside "Don't stop touching yourself baby, wanna make you cum like that" She commanded as her fingers dove in and out as fast as she could while you screamed under her touch. Your orgasm came fast and before you knew it, Ymir was soaking wet with your juices . "Never knew my girl could squirt, makes me wish I ate you out instead" She says before diving in.
Mikasa Ackerman:
It was a quiet night with Mika as you laid on your bed next to each other. Your conversation ended with your fingers in her pussy and hers in yours. Both struggled with the pace as you chased your release and her moans in your ear caused you to lose control and instantly let go and clench around her fingers as clear liquid soaked the sheets right beneath you and she turned her head to look at you in awe.
"I'm so sorry Mikasa I didn't know this would-"
"Do you think I can do this too?" She asked with flushed cheeks and an innocent look on her face.
"Eh? Squirt?" You asked and before she had the chance to nod you took out the dildo from your drawer and plunged it deep into her dripping pussy.
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randomrosewrites · 3 years
I would like to request Xiao getting sick and the reader has to take care of him! uwu thank you in advance <33
a/n: You can! Sick fics are my guilty pleasure, I hope I did Xiao justice <3
Under the weather
Pairing: Xiao x GN reader Summary: Xiao falls sick, and tries very hard to not let a certain someone help him out. Words: 1.5K Tags: Sickfic, fluff, comfort, Xiao acting tough when he's really a huge softie <3
Xiao is a person who rarely gets sick. Him being an adeptus contributes to that greatly.
…key word being rarely.
There are times, where despite eons of fighting and surviving the worst wounds, his immune system fails him, and he falls sick. He detests it. It makes him feel weak. His body feels miserable and his senses are dulled for a couple of weeks afterwards. Worst of all, it brings out that sympathetic, woeful look from others, which he despises. The last thing Xiao wants is for mortals to take pity on him.
So, when he wakes up with a sore throat and a persistent cough that refuses to go away, he continues with his day as normal, refusing to let some minor bug affect his job. He eats a quick breakfast, grunts a good morning to Ver Goldet at the front, and heads to the balcony to get to work.
The rain that pours from the sky stops him dead in his tracks. Of all the days to rain, when he’s feeling bad enough as is. He glares at the sky, dark clouds showing no sign of stopping. The last thing he wants to do today is to spend the day fighting monsters in the torrent, but duty calls.
Sighing deeply, he tightens his grip on his jade polearm, grits his teeth, and steps out onto the marsh.
Eight hours later, when he returns, dripping water, shivering, and exhausted, he knows he’s overdone it.
He barely makes it past the threshold of the inn and into his room, collapsing onto his bed wet clothes and all. He feels awful and his cough is so bad that it steals all the breath from his lungs.
He knows he should get up, at least to strip himself of his clothes, but he just can’t find the strength to do so. It’s like his limbs are made of stone, weighed down and heavy.
Rain continues pattering against the roof, and below, Xiao can almost make out the sounds of guests talking. It’s comforting. Background noise that puts him at ease. He’s never been fond of complete silence, nor an excessive amount of noise. Xiao closes his eyes, curling himself up in a ball on his bed. Sleep pulls at his mind, making his ragged breathing steady.
He’s so out of it, he doesn’t notice another presence in his room until he feels a pressure on his head.
Terror shoots through his veins and Xiao leaps up, clumsily drawing his polearm into his hands. Too slow. He hisses to himself. He’s right. A hand wraps around his wrists, easily twisting the weapon out of harm's way. He’s considering kicking the intruder in the chest when a familiar voice grounds him to a halt.
“Woah! It’s just me, Xiao,” your eyes are wide with shock, maybe even a hint of fear.
He blinks up at you. There are no enemies. His weapon disappears in a flash of light. “What the hell. You shouldn’t sneak into other people’s rooms.”
“The door was open,” you defend, letting go of his wrists after a moment. “And the carpet was soaked all the way from outside. What happened? You sound awful.”
“I got wet.” He coughs, squeezing his eyes shut. “Agh – do you need anything? Or can I be alone?”
You frown, starting at him so intently that he averts his gaze. “You’re sick.”
“And what if I am? That’s not your concern-”
You’re already turning away before he’s finished his sentence. He wonders if you’re just going to go out the front door and leave, until you turn into the bathroom, your voice calling from inside, “I’ll run you a bath.”
“What?” he asks. “Why?”
“Because you’re sick. Just stay right there, it’ll be ready in a second.”
“I don’t need you to run me a bath like I’m some…” his skin heats with anger. (Or maybe that’s just his fever.) “Child.”
“You’re not. I don’t think you are. I’m just helping you out,” you say simply.
Xiao releases a breath, clinging to his stubbornness. “I don’t need your help,” With his nose plugged, it doesn’t sound half as intimidating as he wants to be.
Your response is light and tender, almost understanding. It makes Xiao’s throat tighten. “I know, Xiao.”
He doesn’t know how to respond to that, so he sits on the edge of his bed, listening to your shuffling. The water runs and after a few minutes, you exit, sleeves rolled up to your elbows.
“It’s all set, go in whenever you feel ready.”
Xiao gets up, clearing his throat. “Alright.”
He probably should say something else, but he doesn’t know what else to say. So, he awkwardly shuffles into the bathroom, feeling his cheeks burn as he closes the door behind him. The bath is fancier than anything he’s ever taken. A few bubbles foam in the water, and if his nose weren’t plugged, he’d be able to smell the fresh scent of Fontaine bath salts.
He strips quickly and carefully lowers himself into the water, sighing as the knots in his muscles unravel. He lets himself soak for a bit longer than necessary, slowly scrubbing his skin, only getting out once the bath starts to lose its heat. The steam does wonders for his breathing. By the time he dries himself with a towel and changes into a fresh set of clothes, he can breathe through one nostril again.
When he exits, you’ve gotten the blankets changed and are sitting in a chair by the side of the bed. A magazine is open on your lap, one of the ones that came with the room that he’s never read. You close it when you see him.
“Why are you still here?”
“Because you’re sick and need someone to care for you,” you turn, digging around in your bag by your feet. “I also want to take your temperature.”
He folds his arms and does his best to seem imposing. “I’ve survived for eons without the need for anyone else, what makes you think I’ll let you take care of me now?”
“I’m not asking,” you sit up, and with all the patience (or stubbornness) Xiao’s ever seen, pat the bed. “Come here, Xiao.”
He hesitates a minute more before ultimately giving in, planting himself in front of you. A thermometer is placed in his mouth, which he begrudgingly accepts. The chills start to return, so he picks up one of the blankets carefully folded at the edge of the bed and wraps himself in it.
His nose isn’t working, so it comes to a shock when he sees the steaming bowl of miso soup on his bedside dresser, boiled bits of soft tofu floating in the broth.
“Is that…mine…?” It sounds silly the moment he says it out loud, and curses himself for it.
“Mhm. I had the staff bring it up when you were in the bathroom. It’s plain, so it won’t upset your stomach, but I want to get some medicine in you before you have any.”
A bath…food…medicine…he almost feels sick with how much care you’re treating him with.
“This is stupid…” he murmurs as you pour a vile of red liquid into a small medicine cup. He has half the mind to tell you mortal medicine won’t work but knowing your stubbornness, he wouldn’t doubt that you’d gone ahead and purchased special medicine from the pharmacy in Liyue Harbor.
“Stupid is going out into the rain and catching a cold,” you quip back. There’s no aggression to your words, he almost feels bad when he responds with a snarky comment.
“I was already sick before I went out.”
You stop to stare at him, narrowing your eyes in a way that makes Xiao’s insides turn, before sighing. “Stupid is going out into the rain when you were already sick. Give me the thermometer, please.”
His temperature is high, by both mortal and adeptal standards. You force him to swallow two tablespoons of medicine that tastes like ashes and he manages a few spoonfuls of the soup before his stomach protests. He wraps the blankets around him, frowning when you get up and tuck the sheets around his body.
“I didn’t need your help.”
You brush the bangs from his forehead. Xiao’s eyes flutter for a brief moment. He doesn’t push you away. “Whatever you say, Xiao.”
“Let me finish,” he snaps, before collecting himself. He really needs to stop doing that. “I didn’t need your help, but…I appreciate it.”
Your eyes widen a smidge before a small smile spreads across your face, making Xiao’s temperature rise even more.
“You’re welcome, Xiao. Sweet dreams.”
You sit by his bedside until he falls asleep, feeling the safest and more comfortable than he’s ever been in a while. Xiao doesn’t dream anymore, but if he did, he knows it would have been a peaceful one.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Sometimes I forget that Leo is 19 and can’t drink in the states. I think he would get away with stealing drinks from the boys or having someone on the team order for him in public for a while but once the season’s started and people are actively watching the games, the bartenders and wait staff start to figure out who he is and catch him being sneaky
I only write drunkenness on a case-to-case basis because it squicks me out sometimes, but something about this ask really stuck with me. To @lalalasocks, I hope your sinuses feel better! Have some outside perspective of Coops to soothe the soul <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for a drunken rookie (no explicit alcohol)
“Pots and I are going to take it up the left,” Sirius said, never taking his eyes off his whiteboard as he drew out the lines of the play. iPads were generally the more conventional tool, but he had a thing for tradition and Sirius Black’s flair for the dramatic never ceased to amaze. “Knutty?”
Leo nodded and leaned forward, swiping a drop of sweat off his temple with a glance toward the game as Talker flew past. “I’ll be in for the rest of the period as soon as Coach calls it.”
“Bien.” He tapped Remus’ shoulder pad with the end of his pen and marked a path up the other side. “Loops, the puck is coming to you fast, so you need to keep eyes on us. Once you get it, turn on the jets and get it in. Good?”
“Good,” Remus confirmed, bumping fists with James. Leo watched them with no small amount of surprise—even though Remus had only been a player for six months, their line was rock-solid. James was the powerhouse while Remus flashed down the ice; Sirius counterbalanced them both in the middle. He was grateful he wasn’t the one to see them coming at him on plays.
“1, 6, 7, 12!” Coach barked. Leo clenched his teeth around his mouthguard and got ready to hop the boards. A swish of skates, a bump of Kasey’s shoulder, and it was game time.
“I love you,” Leo hiccupped, plopping himself down in Logan’s lap and tangling a hand in his dark curls. He went to kiss his cheek, then frowned. “Oh.”
“Hi,” Sirius laughed with a gentle pat his side. “Good night so far, Knutty?”
Leo made a face. “Where’s my Canadian?”
“I have no idea.”
His lip slid out even further into a pout. “He told me I could sit on his lap,” he whined plaintively, resting his head in the crook of Sirius’ shoulder with a heavy sigh. The bar was warm—a little too warm, actually—but it felt nice to be sitting on something soft rather than feeling the sticky floor under his sneakers. And there was one more reason he needed to find Logan, one other highly important thing… “An’ I gotta give him a kiss.”
“Do you want to go look for him?”
Leo made a noncommittal noise and swung his leg under the table absently, letting the alcohol in his system lift all his post-game tiredness away. His head hurt a little from being awake so long. “How ‘bout I stay here and wait?”
“I think it’s about time to get you home.”
Leo sighed again, picking at a string on the knee of his ripped jeans. “Am I squishing you?”
“Mmkay.” A bright square of light half blinded him and he squinted. “Who’re you texting?”
“So that he can pick you up and get you home before you fall asleep on me,” Sirius said, quite amused for some reason. “Comfy, rookie?”
He shifted even closer into the warmth and closed his eyes. Usually he got horny when he drank, but that feeling had already passed and a nap was sounding awful nice. “I like it when you call me that. Hate when other people do it, but it’s different with you.”
Sirius gave his upper arm a light squeeze. “Glad to hear it.”
“Used to drive me nuts,” he snorted. “Those first couple’a weeks on the team were rough.”
“Cause I had a huge crush on you.”
Cozy silence fell between them until Sirius moved to look at him. Leo blinked sleepily. “You what?”
“Well, Kasey was my first crush, right? I had his jersey an’ his poster an’ he’s fucking hot, but you’re the captain.” Sirius was so nice to him. Not everyone would have let a 6’4” hockey player sit on their lap and wait for their boyfriends. At the moment, though, Sirius looked a bit like Leo had thrown ice water in his face. “And obviouslyFinn and Logan are my boys and I love them so much and they were sopretty when I met them but, y’know, it’s the thrill of the captain vibe.”
“Am I interrupting something?” a new voice asked through poorly-suppressed laughter.
Leo turned his head to look up with a smile. “Hey, Loops, how’re you?”
“Pretty good.” Remus shared a look with Sirius, grinning, before taking the seat next to them. “You two look…content.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Sirius said immediately, though Leo felt his chest hitch with a laugh; he tapped Leo lightly on the elbow a moment later. “Finn’s heading over, d’accord?”
“But I just got here,” he mumbled.
“You’re in my spot,” Remus teased, sliding a glass over. “Drink up, bud.”
Leo narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”
He thought for a second—he wasn’t thirsty, but his mouth was getting dry—and yawned, sitting up enough to stretch before grabbing it. In two gulps, it was gone. “Aw.”
Remus bit his lip and passed a different glass over. “You can have mine too, it’s okay.”
“How are both of you so nice?” he asked, looking between them in something like distress. The music was getting too loud, but they were both watching him intently. “It’s not even fair, man. Can’t you just be an asshole for once so the rest of us don’t look bad?”
Sirius shook his head and pressed the water cup into his hand. “Been there, done that. Do not recommend. Besides, the designated drivers don’t get to be mean.”
Leo felt a little better once the water was gone; he blinked slowly, scanning the crowds for any signs of Finn’s hair or Logan’s ass. Both were identifying features he would never get tired of. “Loops?”
“Why is your hair soft?”
“I—” He tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Have you ever touched my hair?”
He leaned back against Sirius, stretching his legs out until his knees popped. “No, but it looks soft. Like Finn’s, if Finn was blonder and had curls. Fluffy.”
“It’s very fluffy,” Sirius confirmed, pulling him up a little more.
“Hey!” Leo protested. “Watch the hands, your boyfriend is right there!”
Sirius rolled his eyes with a huff. “I was making sure you didn’t slide off the bench.”
“Sure,” Leo said with a suspicious glare. “Just ‘cause I won MVP for this game—”
“Okay,” Sirius groaned, standing and detangling his limbs to transfer Leo’s weight onto Remus. “I’m going to go get your boyfriends from wherever they got distracted, and then you’re going to go home and sleep so you’re not dying at practice tomorrow. Oui?”
He disappeared into the mass of people without giving Leo time to respond, wiping his hands on the thighs of his jeans as he craned his neck to see over people’s heads. “Rude,” Leo sulked, cuddling up into Remus’ side instead.
“I know, right?” He took a sip of something lemony and Leo pulled a face. “What?”
“Aren’t you DD?”
“Last I checked, DD’s are allowed to drink lemonade,” he laughed, patting the top of his head. “That was an awesome save in the third, by the way. You could’ve got the hat from that one alone.”
“Which one?” Leo yawned again, licking his lips to rid them of the stickiness he could feel forming.
“The splits one.”
“Mmm, yeah, that was pretty badass.” More people darkened his periphery and he scooted over to make room. “Hey, mes amours.”
“I hear you were bothering our dear captain?” Finn asked, kissing his cheek with a grin. There was no alcohol on his breath, only the mint from the peppermint candies he always stole from the little container by the bar. “Come on, baby, time to go.”
“But Loops and I were talking,” he whined, though it only took a small tug on Finn’s part to get him to snuggle up into his soft shirt. “He was telling me how good I did in the game.”
A warm hand stroked his hair out of his eyes; warmer lips brushed his forehead, and he felt Logan’s hand on his knee. “Bedtime, love,” he said in a quiet voice, almost too soft for Leo to hear over the noisy bar. “Wanna be in the middle?”
Leo looked up in hope. “Really?”
“Ouais. C’mon, Knutty, up you go.”
He wobbled a little as he stood, but got his feet under him within a few moments with the help of Finn’s arm around his waist and waved off everyone else’s offered help. “Gonna be fine for practice,” he promised, patting Sirius’ hand with a nod. “Totally fine, don’t worry. Go—hic—go grind on your boyfriend, ‘kay? You both need it.”
“Sweet Jesus,” Sirius muttered. “I pity your head in the morning.”
“I’m fine,” Leo scoffed. He was already sleepy—there was no way he would have a headache, not after he had two whole glasses of water. “G’night.”
“Drive safe,” Sirius and Remus chorused as Logan fit himself under Leo’s other arm to kiss his neck twice, sending butterflies through his stomach. The outside world was nice and quiet; Leo barely got himself buckled into his seat before dozing off with his head against the cool passenger window.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hi do you think you do the 4 lords reaction to finding out their GN s/o has a shadow demon that goes wherever they go and some time find the 2 of them playing board games
Hiii!! okay important note here! i decided to go a little off topic (sorry) for the purpose of a part 2 where the lord’s s/o will be an angel!! of course still gender neutral and there will be a shadow demon but the s/o will be a demon that hasn’t fully formed yet!
i’ve been really uninspired lately so this probably isn’t my best! i apologise :((
Devil or Angel? Pt.1
General HC’s
It was strange how quickly your life had changed. One morning you were just a normal villager in some godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere Romania and the next day you woke up from the cold dirty ground with a pair of huge dark wings and sharp nails.
You had been exploring some of the woodlands surrounding the village, looking for a water source which was running low when a dark figure came barrelling towards you. It felt like hours, when really it was only a few seconds of sharp searing pain. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave the village alone.
You didn’t die however, or maybe you did? You weren’t quite sure what was happening to your body. All you knew was it must have been something supernatural to make the huge black wings appear.
“Looks like you finally woke up! Do you know how fucking boring it is just waiting for you to wake up?”
You screamed in terror at the large demonic creature floating above you. It was surrounded by a cloud of black mist with red eyes that pierced through its silhouette. It had a large wicked smile aligned with sharp teeth and a set of wings that matched your own.
Behind those eyes was something much more human however, in fact it looked rather bored.
“Who, or what are you?! And mind that language!”
The creature only laughed at you, amused by the whole situation which bothered you beyond compare.
“Well I’m a demon, if I didn’t swear you’d probably think me an angel with these playful charms I posses! And to be more specific I’m your demon, it seems you fell prey to one of the other demons condemned to this world it’s quite the tragedy really.”
You were shocked at just how easily this creature, this demon talked to you. As if it was a completely normal morning and life in the village had not changed at all.
“Oh don’t act so shocked, you medieval villagers have been worshiping my kind for a lot longer than that Mother Miranda. You’re one of us now!”
Surprisingly over time the creature, who’d you’d nicknamed “red” for their glowing eyes, was slowly growing on you. You might even call them a friend.
Sure Red was cocky as all hell and didn’t hesitate to cause trouble amongst the village but they became very protective over you and showed you the ropes on life as a demon.
Life can get kinda boring when you’re practically immortal and so you and red pass the time playing old Romanian board games and solitaire. When village life got really boring you even stooped so low to play go fish together.
A lot of the time you cause mischief in and around the village while Red was practically the devil on your shoulder, egging you on to stir the pot. The lycans were particularly enjoyable to taunt.
Regardless of everything, you couldn’t see yourself without Red and to lose them would crush you. There had been one too many nights when you’d chat about everything and nothing until you fell asleep curled up underneath your wings.
That was when you felt a protective wing curl around you, one that wasn’t your own.
“Always gotta fall asleep on me don’t you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll have you partying all night before you know it kiddo.”
Alcina Dimitrescu
It started out as a stupid dare when Red dared you to sneak into Castle Dimitrescu and steal the Lady’s lipstick after hearing the village gossip that it was expensive.
You did not expect however to get caught in the hallway, starting straight up into the eyes of Alcina Dimitrescu, a stuttering and blushing mess. It was something that Red would tease you for until eternity ended.
After winning her favour, both you and Red were invited to stay in the Castle with Alcina and her daughters. She thought you were much better company than her brother and her affluent but gothic lifestyle totally appealed to you.
As it turns out you and Alcina had a lot more in common, both being creatures of a supernatural nature. You enjoyed the lazy afternoons curled up on the couch, a glass of maidens blood in your hand as she gentle stroked the back of her hand against your wings.
You had the finest outfits that matched your black wings perfectly and everything was tailor made so you were comfortable.
Red taught you how to fly so you were able to use your wings to be at eye level with Alcina which was perfect for hugs and kisses.
It turns out that Red is a great babysitter for the girls and keeps them entertained with hunting maidens and chasing them around the Castle while you and Alcina can spend some time together.
Donna Beneveinto
At first, Donna is truly scared of you and Red much like how you were in the beginning. But eventually, with the help of Angie she saw that you were not going to harm her.
You loved to spend time with Donna and watch her make her dolls or sew her dresses. Sometimes Red will come back with Angie from a day of causing trouble to find you reading to her another encyclopaedia of plants. Her head is resting on your chest and your wings are wrapped around her protectively while you read.
Your favourite thing to do together is to take Donna into your arms and fly to the top of the mountain where the waterfall begins and watch the sunset together. She’ll always have a deathly grip on your hand the whole time even though you’ve reassured her that you’d never drop her.
One time when you leaned in and gave her a kiss, a rather loud noise was heard from the corner and interrupted you.
“EWWW you guys are too cute!! All that lovey-dovey stuff makes me sick!”
Red is standing to the side with Angie on their shoulder who is sitting there making her own dramatic faces. One of Angie’s wooden hands covers Red’s eyes while the other is held on her forehead as if the kiss was enough to kill her.
Besides from their comment both Angie and Red act like your wing man for your relationship with Donna. They absolutely love you two together and have set up many dates for the two of you.
Salvatore Moreau
You meet Salvatore Moreau one day when you’re at the reservoir playing hide and seek in the near by mines with Red.
As it’s your turn to hide you end up ducking between some planks to find a tv set up and a small couch. Sitting in the middle of it happens to be someone you now know as Sal.
He thought you were going to kill him at first, hiding his face in his hands but very slowly after some months he saw that you weren’t a threat.
Over this time trying to convince Sal that you weren’t going to hurt him and trying to spend more time with him, Red took the opportunity to tease you for your crush.
“I think someone’s in got a little crush hmm??”
Eventually you become very close with Sal and the two of you will playfully chase each other at the reservoir. Sal will swim just below the surface while you fly just above it and your fingers brush together just where the water meets the air.
One time when you were chasing Red around the rooftops of the old village, you slipped and fell into the water, something that your large feathery wings did not enjoy and Red had to pull you out.
You ended up bundled on the couch with Sal, a bunch of blankets around you as your wings dried out. It took forever and you ended up a giant bundle of fluffy feathers but Sal thought you looked adorable.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl caught you and Red taunting the lycans when he went to check on them at their den one day. At the site of you two he raised an eyebrow and proceeded to light a cigar.
“I think you two may be lost, don’t you know it’s dangerous out here?”
You can hear the sarcasm in his voice and you spread your wings out to be intimidating, Red’s black mist behind you adding to it.
“Indeed it is very dangerous out here, I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
It was then when the three of you burst into a fit of laughter knowing that you were the strongest creatures in these woods and nothing could really hurt either of you.
Both you and Karl had a mischievous side and spent a lot of time causing trouble for his sister in her Castle.
It was fun to spend time with Karl and you both grew rather close. He even trusted you enough to let you help him on some of his plans and designs.
Red was particularly fond of the idea of killing Mother Miranda.
“Ooh when she’s gone can I have my picture put back up?! Pretty please!”
Karl designed his soldats with a red glowing chest plate that reminded him of your red glowing eyes which now matched Red’s.
While Karl will deny it forever, he’s completely in awe of you and finds you absolutely breathtaking. He can’t get over how soft your wings are and always cuddles up to you complaining that it’s cold even though it’s sweltering hot in the factory.
One day Karl took you by surprise and kissed you gently but with a degree of confidence which took him months to find. You melted into him and wrapped your arms around him securely, completely forgetting Red who’s hovering in the room.
“Guys I hate to break it to you but I’m kinda third wheeling here…”
Needless to say, Red third wheeled a lot and ended up befriend Sturm as an alternative to watching you guys make out.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Legendary Cousins
So... I promised @peachy-scars that I would write them this a while back when they posted this, and after consulting y’all (I think it was @attllhak and several anons who helped the most) I finally had enough to just go ham and write this beautiful piece of garbage.
Hope you like it, Peaches!
 They had landed in a new Hyrule, and Legend’s instant reaction was to blink and stare about with a conflicted expression on his face while the others had stared in confusion at their surroundings.
 “Why’s this look so weird?” Wind demanded eloquently as he pulled himself out from beneath a giggling Hyrule, who always laughed nervously when they landed in a new Hyrule and seemed particularly giddy today.
 “Wind, manners.” Time chided softly, pulling himself back up and working with Wild to pull his protégé back up, Twilight looking around dizzily as he leaned on his mentor for balance. “You don’t know whose home this might be.”
 “I do.” Legend hissed softly, hooded eyes staring towards a nearby path while a slight smile touched his lips. “New Hero everyone.”
 Glances were exchanged before shooting to the vet in confusion. “How...”
 “You knew there were more heroes?” Warriors sputtered, staring at the vet in surprise while the hero in question pulled himself to his feet and shook out his limbs, knuckles crackling painfully and making the others wince.
 “Time travel mixed with world hopping and the occasional visit to other countries.” Legend answered in a low voice, stretching towards the sky and standing on the tips of his toes (eyes turned away as the vet’s already short tunic rode higher). “I’ve met plenty of other heroes. Five- maybe six? Not sure.” He shrugged, arms falling back to his sides as he moved further into the forest. “Come along, if we want to check up on things we’d best get headed to the castle. Monsters out here are brutal, even if they are bloody crazy.”
 Glances were exchanged again, Wind’s wide eyes growing wider as he mouthed the words ‘six other heroes’ to his brothers.
 “Who met Legend before all this went down?” The captain hissed, pulling Four up onto his back. “Because it sure as heck wasn’t me.”
 No one answered, and they didn’t have much of a chance to as the Vet’s voice broke through the forest, a harsh hiss for them to hurry. “You stay there all day the ‘blins’ll eat you!”
 Eight heroes pulled themselves along, following after as Legend trailed silently through the forest.
 Each stumble or loud noise earned a glare from the vet, and if it didn’t come from them, it made him freeze, steps stopping immediately as his ears would prick towards the sound. More than once, Twilight or Sky had to muffle a laugh in their respective wraps as the image of a bunny starting to alert entered their minds.
 Maybe it’s the laughter. Maybe it’s just their dang Hero of Courage luck, or maybe it’s just because Hylia thinks it funny, but even with all Legend’s glaring and stopping and sneaking, they are attacked just as they reach the edge of the forest.
 The monsters are... horrifying. Nothing most of them have ever even seen, and the only thing they can do as they fight is to take the vet’s advice. “Aim for the eyes! And if you can’t reach them, the ankles!” The vet shouts as he kicks into a spin attack. The other heroes follow suit, ripping into the beasts as Wild pulls back from the group, setting off volleys of arrows as best he can do by himself, and successfully blinding a few of the monsters.
 They’re thick into the song of battle when an unknown voice rings out. “Good golly! Hang on there, sirs!”
 It’s hard to see past the swarms of monsters (seriously, they’ve never been this thick!) but blonde hair and a swinging sword assure them that whomever it is, is likely the hero Legend had told them about. Enemies fall as bombs explode and various weapons pierce through hearts and heads.  
 Once the dust has cleared, they take careful stock of their injuries and weapons (Wild’s shattered another sword and Four is sighing wearily) before turning their attention to their unexpected help.
 Legend and the other hero stand over a dead bokoblin, shaking hands in a friendly manner while the one chatters to the other, the vet smiling thinly but genuinely as he listens.
 “Vet, who’s this?”
 “Ah! You have friends!” A bright smile is turned their way as the swordsman releases Legend’s hand. “Greetings! I’m Link.”
 “The Hero of Koridai.” Legend adds on, rolling his eyes.
 “Aw, come on, Other-Link!” The newcomer grins, jabbing Legend playfully in the side and effectively stealing his breath. “I’m just Link is all.”
 “That’s all of their names too.” Legend wheezes, glaring up at the other.
 The chain of heroes takes in the newcomer, who, much to the captain’s dismay, seems to share Legend’s opinion of pants, as well as a preference for pegasus boots. Bright brown eyes stare back at them, a dopey grin on the hero’s face, but beneath the welcoming grin there's a glint of something sharp and dangerous that has Warriors shuffling back warily.
 “What adventure is this? Finish meeting up with your lovely cousins?”
 The vet huffs a breath, clearing his throat as he straightens up again. “Thereabouts, this’ll be adventure seven.”
 “Ooh, seven. Ouch.” Bright brown turn towards the vet with a sympathetic wince. “Sorry about that.”
 “You had your own quests.” Legend dismisses, as if his words don’t confuse the others. “How’s Zelly by the way? We haven’t heard from her.”
 Link, for lack of a better current name, smiles cheerily. “Half a minute yet there.” Turning to the others he offers yet another impossibly wide smile, it’s very nearly uncomfortable to look at, and Legend is the only one who seems unaffected by doing so (he has seen far, far worse from this world). “We should skedaddle over to the castle.” A halting motion is made towards the castle just in front of them as the newest hero laughs nervously. “As long as you’re there, you won’t be attacked.”
 And for lack of anything else to do, they agree, following after as Legend and the new Link chat in the front, Legend with an amount of patience that has never in their memory presented itself and the new Link with an almost irritating amount of pep and cheer. “Zelly’s doing great, and we’re hoping to visit all of you soon too! Or, we were, but the monsters started getting real bad an’ Zel figured we’d better stay behind to make sure they didn’t cause too much trouble.”
 “How bad?” The vet’s brows quirk with concern and Warriors nearly stumbles at the gentle expression on Legend’s face.
 “Just a bit stronger.” The new Link shrugs, but smiles brightly up at Legend. “It’s not as bad as last time though, so don’t worry your pink head about it.”
 And Legend... Legend actually laughs, reaching up to tug the cap of the other Link as they cross into the shadow of Hyrule Castle’s walls.  
 “What the-” Warriors is cut off with a blaring ‘Beep!’ from Wind, who looks up at him cheekily when the captain looks down at him.
 “Censoring.” Wind chirrups.
 ”Soooo...” Twilight drawls, a smile pulling at his features as he looks between the duo, the heroes all relaxing as they enter the castle gates. “How do you two know each other?”
 “We’re cousins!” Link chirrups happily, shooting another smile over his shoulder that’s just a bit too wide and a bit too sharp.”
 “Third Cousins or...” Legend waves his hand vaguely. “Somethin’. Their father is my second cousin or some sort of thing, it’s unclear honestly, all we know is that Zelda is my cousin somewhere down the line and with those two dating-” The other Link flushes at the statement, face as dopey as Sky’s gets. “He’s bound to be thrown in there somewhere too.”
 “Wait!” Four looks from one of the cousins to the other (there is a bit of resemblance, uncannily enough, even though Link smiles far more than Legend). “Whose time is this?”
 The two share a look, nodding firmly before turning to the others and speaking together. “Both.”
 “Two heroes? In one time?” Time cocks a brow.
 Legend throws his hands up. “You can talk to Hylia about that!”
 “Oh!” Link’s grin widens further as he bounces in place. “And how is Aunt Hylia? Golly, I haven’t seen her in ages!”
 “Aunt Hylia...” Sky blinks slowly.
 The vet huffs. “Fine. She’s letting Fable back into the fighting ring this weekend, figured since the Master didn’t mess things up that it’d be okay to let Hylians head back out there. Hide the evidence if they send me an invite, yeah?”
 “Will do!” Comes the chipper reply, but the other heroes aren’t done.
 “Wait, wait, wait, how many heroes are there in this time?” Warriors looks from one to the other with panic building in his gaze.
 Link frowns in what seems an over-the-top expression of thought. “Do the colors count?”  
 Four chokes.
 Legend flushes. “They count.” His voice is strained and nearly wheezing as swirling hazel stares a hole in his head.
 “And then there’s the Hytopian wannabe, who might very well actually be one.” Link continues. “And the two of us. Does Great-Grandfather Raven count?”
 “Not in this time, he just traveled here briefly when Nayru became corrupted.” Legend drawls with a head tilt, as if talking about meeting your ancestors and de-corrupting a goddess was normal for this world, and with the way Link just nods along, they are all beginning to worry that that is the norm here.
 “Right, so five heroes.” Link nods slowly. “And then we have great-gramps Raven, and whoever- wait.” The new Link’s eyes fly wide open as he motions to Time. “Isn’t that Great-Gramps?”
 Legend and Time both splutter as the vet hurries to correct the other hero. “No! He’s...” Legend looks from the startled Time to his cousin. “That’s the Hero of Time.” He whispers gravely, and Link’s eyes blow even wider as he looks to Time, who winces. They’ve all heard of what happened to the Hero of Time in this world.
 “Oh!” Link breathes, before another smile stretches over his face. “Great-Great-Gramma Lon’s husband!”
 Legend just facepalms while Time stands with his mouth flapping and fingers twitching, the old man now trying to calculate exactly how many children are now officially his while Warriors proceeded to have all the color drain out of his face.
 “How are there two heroes of Courage here!!!!” The Captain hisses, and Link and Legend both look at each other. “And for the love of Hylia! Stop looking at each other all the time, what, can you read minds?!?!”
 And both stare at the captain with the deadest of dead expressions, which actually makes Link all the more unnerving and Legend all the more intimidating. “Yes.”
 It takes a while, but once they meet Zelda, she takes the time to explain.
 “Our fathers are cousins.” She says, smiling at the heroes as they all sit and have lunch in the courtyard, motioning to Legend as she speaks. The vet is currently pulling his hat back off of his face after having it tugged down in vengeance for earlier. “Once both had married into the royal family, there was contention in the kingdom so Auntie Hylia sent Mapa and Papa out here to take care of this part of the kingdom while she handled things in central Hyrule.
 “Most folks call Papa a king because they forget that it’s one country, but what with the high borders and all, it may as well be its own country.” She shrugs as she pops another piece of food in her mouth. “And there aren’t two Courage Wielders, technically. I mean, there are, but Link isn’t one of them.” She smiles in a sly sort of way, too wide, too knowing, too creepy for many of the heroes to be comfortable. “He just happens to care a lot and does what he can.”
 “Oh yeah,” Hyrule nods knowingly, chewing slowly on his own meal. “My brother is like that too.”
 The others, even Legend and Link, turn to Hyrule in shock. “Your what???”
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Don’t hide Loki’s things
Marvel fanfic | Loki x Reader
Summary: Reader is sassing Loki and hides his stuff, prompting a chase where Loki ends up tickling reader to reveal the location of his things
Author’s Note: Prompt that won first place in the poll (Option: Loki 2). Second place (GOTG 6) will come shortly, and I’m still deciding how I want to go about a tie breaker for 3rd place lol. Based off prompt from @delightfulfics
Word Count: 1,336
“Go away.” Loki said in frustration, rolling his eyes after the second paper ball hit him in the back of the head. He was being a sour puss lately, largely due to boredom of not being trusted to join the other Avengers on missions, and you thought maybe if you could convince him to do an activity that he might start being a little cheerier, or at least a little less sour.
You moved to stand in front of him and put on your best ‘cute and innocent’ face as you lowered the book he was reading. “Aw, you know you'd be bored without me.”
“Boredom would be a most welcome friend compared to your presence at the moment.” Loki said, pulling back his book and turning so his back was facing you again.
You turned with him, grinning. “Well that’s not nice. Why don’t you put down the book and we can do something. We could watch a movie?”
“I’m not interested in your moving pictures. One can only watch the reptilian movie so many times.”
“Hey, Jurassic Park is a classic, Lucky Charms.” You grinned, trying to provoke him, knowing Loki hated it when you called him by that name.
Loki looked up at you with dark eyes. You finally got his attention. Putting down his book his stood, towering over you. “Well if you insist on bothering me, then I suppose I’ll go for a walk.”
“Cool! Let’s go to-”
The words came from his voice, but the man in front of you did not move his mouth at all. You heard the door shut behind you and watched in confusion as his form shimmered away before your eyes.
Realizing you had been tricked you didn’t bother to chase him down, instead you turned your attention to the book he had been reading, and you got an idea.
About an hour later, you heard Loki return. From your place on the couch you could hear his footsteps walking to his room, some shuffling noises, and then slightly angrier footsteps exiting his room and walking in your direction as his called out your name.
His eyes were narrowed as he asked if you had seen his book anywhere.
“What book? Can you be more specific?” you grinned, mostly from nerves than from anything else. You knew you sucked at lying.
He stepped toward you, prompting you to get up from the couch and pretend you needed something from the other side of the room.
“You know very well what book, and I’m not going to entertain the notion that you didn’t take it, now where did you put it?”
You reached the other side of the room and you wasted no time opening the door, hearing him already approaching you. You quickly made your way through it without a word and shut it behind you and took off running, nervous giggles bubbling up your throat as you heard him rip open the door and sternly call your name.
You rounded a corner and ducked into a stairwell. You could hear Loki calling your name as you descended the stairs. You considered camping out there for a little bit until you heard the door above you open just as you reached the bottom of the flight. Startled, you looked up to see Loki, almost surprised that he had such a close tail on you, but you supposed that’s what you got for not looking behind you as you ran. With a squeak you ripped open the door and bolted, nearly knocking into Happy as you did so. 
“Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Where’s the fire?” He called.
“No fire,” you panted. Just then Loki shot out of the stairwell, a playful look of murder in eyes. You squeaked out, “Loki!” as the rest of your answer to Happy and took off again.
You know you couldn’t outrun the god, so you ducked into the nearest room, not sticking around long enough to see what happened to Happy, knowing that he’d probably be dumb enough to try and stop Loki. You knew Loki wouldn’t hurt him, but you also knew he wasn’t going to let him stand in the way of his target either. 
[Little did you know, Loki just calmly walked up to Happy, who looked at him suspiciously, but after Loki explained that you two “were playing a simple game of tag” and he was “it” Happy simply let him pass. Oh, gullible Happy...]
You didn’t waste time. You were grateful to see that you had ducked into a room with another door, and even luckier, it wasn’t a closet. Before you ran out into the hall, you thought better. Surely Loki saw you run into this room. He’d be there any second. Instead, you left the door wide open and went instead to crouch behind the large drink bar on the right side of the room, suddenly grateful for Tony’s over-abundance of rooms for parties.
Just as you thought, Loki entered the room not long after. Not peeking, as you didn’t want to accidentally be seen, you still heard him chuckle as he no doubt fell for your plan for him to think you ran on through, before he ran though the door himself. 
You waited just a bit to make sure he was gone before you quickly got up to walk back out the door you had entered in, intent to run back up to the stairs to gain a larger head start on Loki, maybe hide away in Steve or Nat’s rooms, somewhere Loki might not think to look. 
However, the moment you walked out the door and softly closed it behind you, you were startled by a loud “Boo!” shouted behind you. Clutching your heart, your eyes widened in horror as you spun around to find Loki standing there.
Damn! He hadn’t fallen for your trick, you had fallen for his trick! 
Before you could take off, Loki caught you by the arm, a mischievous gleam in his eye. “I’ll give you one chance, my dear. Where’s my book?”
Nervous giggles poured from your mouth as you said, “Uh... What book?”
Loki tutted, “That was a mistake.” and before you had a chance to think his fingers flew to your ribs, tickling them mercilessly.
You squealed, backing into the door you had just closed, and now very much wishing you hadn’t and foolishly thinking you might have been able to escape your torment if you had left it open. You grasped at his wrists, trying in vain to smack him away as you shrieked for him to stop. 
“You had a chance, now you’re learning why it’s not wise to steal from the God of Mischief.” There was laughter in his voice. You apparently had succeeded in your goal to cure him of his sourness, but by god, at what cost?
You slid down to the floor and he only followed you down, laughing with you as you laughed your head off and begged for mercy when his fingers began to attack your stomach. 
“You better tell me where you hid my book, and give me an apology for taking it in the first place, otherwise I can just stay here and find all your most sensitive areas to make you laugh and squeal for hours.” 
He may have been the god of lies but you had no doubt he’d keep true to his word this time. Breathlessly you cried out, “OKAY! Okay! I give up! Second floor! Coat closet! I’m sorry! Please! I’m sorry!”
Loki stopped with a grin, looking down at you as you gasped for air. “Thank you,” he said, but you noticed he didn’t get up, he was still straddling you, looking down at you and grinning that grin of his that he wore when he was up to no good. 
He spoke again, “But, to make sure you’ve fully learned your lesson...”
Your eyes widened as he grinned wider. “WAIT-”
But of course, he didn’t.
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internalsealpanic · 3 years
Sealing the Deal part 2
Summary:  Dick has a perfectly reasonable idea.
a/n: There will probably be more parts to this since you people gave me so many ideas but for now here is some soft smut. Did I finish this just in time for the end of mermay? Yes.
warning: Attempt at soft smut
Main Masterlist
Part 1
"Let's get married."
 It takes around a minute for you to even register the fact that Dick had even said anything at all and another to parse out the meaning behind his words. You look up from the piece you've been slaving over for hours while Dick dozed on your lap. 
 "Let's get married." He repeats earnestly. 
 You narrow your eyes at him. You... clearly missed at least 2 diatribes and 40% of this conversation. "Uh Dickie, my love, did I miss the part where you divorced me or did I sleep through it like I did when Wally was preaching about raw fish?" You set your tools down and pull his pelt more tightly around you, feeling oddly protective of it. 
 Seeing you wrapped up in his pelt never failed to make Dick's chest flutter; unfortunately, he had to focus on the matter at hand. "As I was saying, we're married but not in the human way. "
 "Ah- Yeah, I see that but.. that seems entirely unnecessary." 
 "There's no harm in it." Dick says, looking at you with big hopeful eyes. No matter whether it’s his liquid seal eyes or his bright baby blues, you’re still a sucker. 
 He is definitely up to something. Dick always uses that look when he really wants something and you can already feel yourself falling for it. Who thought giving this man the cutest face in the world was a good idea? Who?! You sigh. Spousal homicide is a bad idea, you tell yourself. 
 "You're so lucky you're terribly cute," you huff, "you're also lucky that there's a ferry coming tomorrow."
 You mentally calculate how much time the whole trip would take but you know all that arithmetic is useless when you hazard a look at your husband.  Dick beams, dimples appear at the corners of his mouth, and makes the happiest little noises.
  You lean over the railing, watching the sea and feeling the wind comb through your hair. A pair of arms wraps around you making you squeak. 
 Dick buries his face in your hair and he sweeps you into his arms. "How's the most beautiful creature in the world?"
 "Dunno Dick, how are you?" You smile.
 Dick sniffles. "You're not allowed to be this cute."
 "Hypocrite." You laugh wrapping your arms around him. 
 He nudges his face against yours. 
 "Are you liking your first boat ride?"
 "I could still swim faster." Dick hums.
 You roll your eyes. "Sadly for us, I can't."
 "It's ok," he says, brushing his lips against the shell of your ear," it just means you can't escape me on this boat."
 "You're saying that now but look who I have in my hold." He chuckles, lips brushing against your neck.
 "We're in public you dork!" You squeal.
 You sigh."You just like embarrassing me."
 "Yup. Just ask Jaso- What's that?!" Dick says pointing to a statue on the shore. It was tall and proud with hair cascading down like a waterfall with a visage as hard as the rock it's carved on. You narrow your eyes trying to recall what the local told your father when you were younger.
 "Oh, it's... It's a sea goddess I believe or maybe a selkie." You shrug at Dick who looks at it in awe. You supposed this is the first time he's seen a statue that big.
 "I thought you said the people on the mainland didn't believe in selkies?"
 "Er... ok, so there are mainlanders who are more inland where I come from and there's people near the sea. No, there are more divisions than that but- Ok, so the place where I came from the sea wasn't as important but here it is so they probably have more folk tales."
 "I guess that makes sense," Dick says burying his face in your hair. "Did you have any folk tales?"
 "Some but it was mostly cautionary about maidens being stolen away."
 "Guess you didn't listen to them, huh?" he says, "did they say anything about stealing hearts?" Dick winks one of those winks that only he could make cute. 
 You huff into your scarf.  "More about eating them, I think."
 "I can do that if you want." He smirks cheekily.
You pat his cheek, trying to be as irritatingly condescending as possible.  "You're still not scary."
 Dick takes your hand in his and brings it closer to his lips. He pretends to bite at your fingers, his sharp canines dragging along the skin and nipping at the joints.  "It’s because I love you so much."
 Dick alternates between gawking at perfectly common sights like large cargo ships and flocks of sheep on the cliff and teasing the life out of you for the rest of the ferry ride. 
 You are the tiniest bit mortified that several passengers have seen your husband drag his teeth over your skin and toss you in the air for the fun of it. Dick was horrible at keeping a low profile. Not that acting reserved would have mattered anyway given how everyone's eyes were always drawn to him. 
 You can't blame them, his laughter is infectious and his smile was enough to make the gloomy morning look like a bright summer afternoon.  You really really don't blame them for gawking but you just wish they wouldn't.
Not even fifteen minutes onshore and you're reminded why you only ever went into town with your father. Being meek by nature, you're often the target for unruly sailors. It never got too bad, not enough for you to call the cops at least. You would be lying if you wish it wasn't such a common occurrence to have some random guy shove his hand down your back pocket and squeezes your ass. 
 You jump, nearly dropping the little map of shops your father had drawn for you a while ago. A man passes behind you snickering quietly and yeah, knocking his teeth in would be amazing.
 "Hey buddy, do you mind apologizing?" Dick asks, his voice dangerously pleasant. 
 There's a gnawing sense of foreboding forming in your stomach. It squirms in your gut until you grab Dick's sleeve. "Dick," you hiss, "it's not worth it."
 You'd looked at the man and sadly, it really wasn't worth getting Dick's face punched in on his first visit to the mainland. You don't think anything worth getting Dick hurt.
 The men turn back to your and the dread in your stomach solidifies. Even your dad was never dumb enough to piss off sailors especially ones built like I train would be dented when hitting them. 
 "I don't see the problem, pretty boy," the man spits like he'd said the word fungus, "The lass doesn't have a problem with it, do you?" He leers at you. It makes your skin crawl.  He steps closer, invading your space, and places a hand on your shoulder. "This lassy here and I go waaaay back." He says, sliding his hand down your arm. You have absolutely no doubt that this man is sloshed because you have never seen him before in your life. You are pretty plain, so that makes sense but yeah, this is the first time you've seen his mug.
 "A lass like you shouldn't be dressing like that if you know what's good for you."You open your mouth to protest but only manage to tighten your grip on Dick's sleeve.
 There's a split second between Dick flickering his eyes to you and the satisfying sound of a fist making contact with a jaw. The man falls to the ground narrowly avoiding smashing his head into the cobblestones.
 "Get up and apologize to her." Dick growls, teeth bared.  He pushes forward. You're about as stunned as the man on the ground. Dick's poised for a fight and you have no doubt he'll have no problem getting into a row. You need to stop Dick from doing anything stupid. You wrap your arms around his waist, squeezing your eyes shut.  You bury your face into his coat.  You want to tell him that it's fine, that you're used to things like this, that you don't want him to get hurt. This whole thing isn't worth him getting hurt. You're not worth him getting hurt.  But the only thing you can manage is a weak "It's not worth it."
 Dick squeezes your hand. You're trembling and Dick feels awful for scaring you but he doesn't stop glaring at the man. He guesses he's made his point loud and clear. He softens a fraction, maneuvering you to his side and wrapping an arm around you. There's still a snarl caught in the back of his throat but contrary to popular belief, Dick isn't hot-headed enough to ignore you. All he wants to do now is get you to safety. 
 You squeeze him with your arms, your face still scrunched as if bracing for impact. "Let's go shopping for those rings, yeah?"
 Dick sighs with an indulgent smile. "Ok, honey."  He kisses the crown of your head. "I love you, I’m sorry."
 "Don’t be sorry," you say, snuggling tighter into him. "You know I only want you and--” That wasn’t even the point. You are really bad at this. “--and you really should be more careful. What if you got hurt?"
 "Did you miss that killer right hook? He sure didn't."
 A small smile shapes your lips. "Moron."
 "Still love me though." He says, bringing your knuckle to his lips.
 You shake your head. "It's unfortunate really."
 "You know the more time I spend here the less I believe the fact that you didn't know what selkies were," Dick says holding up another seal necklace.
 You look at him, wince at the bruise blooming on his knuckle but continue. "My dad and I went into town twice a year and they were only ever day trips." You say, setting down a cheap shot glass with a blubbering seal. It wasn't strictly a lie. It was more of a guesstimate. You look away from him and mumble a "I thought they were called Setties."
 Dick snorts loudly and you have a heart attack thinking he reverted back to his seal form. "Setties?" He snorts again and you think he's gonna suck in all the dust from the store. 
 "Yes, Setties." You repeat grumpily, "I was 7. Cut me some slack!"
 "When have I ever cut you some slack?"
 "Mhm, exactly."
 "Why do I love you again?" 
 "Because I'm the cutest person, you know?" 
 "I dunno, Dickie." You drawl, picking up a couple of little seal stuffed toys. They were cute with their round faces and distended bodies. Their black eyes didn't quite do justice to your favorite trouble maker but they're close enough in huggableness."These little guys could give you a run for your money."
 Dick makes an affronted squawk. You hold them to Dick's face for inspection and ask: "Should we buy the black one or the white one?" Truly, a matter of life and death. 
 Dick scrunches his face in thought. "The black one obviously."
 "But the white one looks cute too." You whine. 
 Dick gives you a grumpy pout. You ignore him.  "Why don’t we get both?"
 Dick crosses his arms. "Why-"
 "Yanno... A pair like us..." You say, pulling them closer to your chest and looking up at him hopefully. 
 Dick looks at you wearily. "How could I argue against such a solid argument?"  Dick says, tousling your already windswept locks.
 "What do you think I’d look like as a seal?" You ask absently as you exit the store. You'd managed to drive the price down with a little haggling and a bit of distraction from Dick.
 You grin at him.  "Again buttering me up won't make me buy you more sweets."
 "I can think of other things to eat." Dick says, his pink tongue darting over his lips as he looks at you. 
 You swallow, mouth feeling dry. Dick is horrible to you today.
The old antique shop was dustier than you remembered. Part of you suspects that the particles sprinkled on all the shelves is in fact just the old owner's cremated remains but you don't really wanna find out if it's true.
 You comb through the shelves, feeling like a pirate in search of treasure. The expensive rings with their big rind stones were stowed away on a shelf behind the shopkeeper but everyone one knows that if you want the good stuff you have to search for it yourself. 
 Dick seems to be happy looking through all the strange knickknacks, so you carry on. 
 You nearly squeal with glee when you find a ring. It was a band of silver carved into the shape of a seal curling in on itself as it slumbers. You smile holding it close to your chest.  "Give me your finger." 
 "That... is a very strange way to put it."
 "Just give me your hand." You say holding out your own.  Dick, still incredulous, puts his hand in yours. You bite back a smile as you put the ring on his ring finger. Your lips stretch even as you dig your teeth in. It was a good fit. You're embarrassed to say you were bouncing on your heel with excitement.The silver looks lovely against his tanned skin. 
 Dick inspects it.  "And you said subtlety wasn't my element."
 "It really isn't," you say, smiling down at his hand. "But I never did say it was mine either." You could easily find another ring if he doesn't like it but you're quietly hoping he does. You try not to watch his face, not read too deeply into his expressions. 
 "I like it. Let's try to find a matching one."
Much to your amusement, you did find something but it's.... You snort as you put it on. 
 "It kind of matches." Dick says wearily. 
 "It's a fish." You laugh.
 "Um... it's a pretty silver fish."
 "Absolutely ravishing, huh?"
 "Exactly like my wife." Dick says, nipping at your ear. 
 Your ear burns and you cover it hastily.  
 "Let's just go pay for them." You say, shoving at him lightly.
 "So you do like it?" He asks, peaking through your fingers. 
 "Yes, you dork. Now, stop being cute." You say, shoving him again. 
 "Never." He chuckles.
"Is this the statue from the harbor?" Dick asks, poking at the little replica on the shopkeep's counter. 
 "Aye lad, the natives worshiped the sea before we came along. Kooky fellows but they knew a thing or two about the sea. They even talked about the selkie. Those blood-thirsty women folk of the sea. "
 Dick scrunches his nose. You press the heel of your palm to your lips holding back a laugh.
 "Well, I’ve heard some different of stories." Dick says, leaning into the counter, his eyes shining mischievously. 
 The old shopkeep leans in, looking around. "Like what?"
 Dick leans in a bit more, his voice hushed and conspiratorial.  "I hear they try to trap fair maidens into marriage to bear children for them."
 Dick winks unabashedly. You flush. "What?!"
 "C'mon lad," the shopkeeper snorted like a walrus, "we all know that all selkies are women folk."
 "That’s the thing," Dick says, resting his hands on his intertwined fingers. He grins. "I’ve been out at sea a while, my whole family has aaaaand," he drawls in his other voice. The shopkeep looks entranced.  "We've heard of different tales." 
 "Do tell."
 "My family have heard tales of male selkies, those who seek women to carry on the selkie way." Dick pushes off the counter, spinning around on his heel theatrically. "We heard of old lore when they used to kidnap unsuspecting women by the sea shore." You vaguely recall this version but it seemed like ages ago.  "But now," he says, stepping closer to you. "Now, they are much more persuasive." Dick winks at you and you resist the urge to elbow him.
 "I also heard they're quite persistent." You say, leaning against him. 
 "Quite." Dick says a little too fondly. 
 "Hnnn, never heard that one." The shopkeep says tilting his head. "Do you have anymore?"
 "Oh, I have a ton of seafaring stories if you'd like. I’ve heard stories about the Cthulhu."
 "The great horror of the deep."
 "The only horror here is the lack of treasure chests." The shopkeep huffs. You would be inclined to agree if Tim and Damian weren't so good at finding them.
 "Oh this is no tall-tale my friend," Dick says, wrapping an arm around the man's shoulders, "we heard that he awakes once every 10 years to roam the deep seas. Why do you think boats go missing with no trace?"
 Monsoons, you think.
 "Like that submarine last summer!" 
 Dick nods sagely "Exactly."
 You want to slap your palm against your forehead. There is no way he can believe that hokey, right? ... You are literally married to a selkie. Do you really have any room for skepticism? You sigh. You suppose not. 
"The sea is a mysterious maiden just like those sires. A tricky bunch, slippery and smart not like mermaids."
 "Have you ever heard one?!" The shopkeep nearly folds over the counter.
 "Once when I’d been at sea for 4 months, I heard the most beautiful song in my life, kind of like a mirage but it was a misty night at sea."
 The shopkeeper gasps. 
 You blink. This is news to you.
 "Luckily, my father pulled me from the towboat before I set off towards it."  You try to imagine it and somehow it's funnier than the idea of Dick being bloodthirsty.
 Dick regails Bruce's spat with a sea witch and Alfred's horrifying tale with a kraken. Even you were enthralled by all his tales. Having the shopkeep thoroughly wrapped around his finger. He leans in close again. "Sorry, I got so lost. How much were these rings again?"
 The man blinks as if resurfacing from a trance. "A sea-loving man like you? You can keep it for five coffers."
 You gape at him, eyes blown wide.  That’s less than what you pay for bread. 
 The man turns to you. "Lass, you better keep an eye on him. This one belongs to the sea."
 He's... not wrong. 
 "You really are too kind," Dick says handing the money over. 
 "Anytime lad. Feel free to come back with more of your stories!" He calls out as you two walk out the door.
“Since when were you a sailor?” You ask, nudging your shoulder against his.
 “Since Jay told me stories.” He answers, nudging back. 
 “So they were all made up?” You ask, shaking his arm.
 Dick hums noncommittally.
  You frown at him. “C’mon fess up, pup.” 
 “Not *all* of them. I just spiced up the truth, that’s all.”
 “The sirens?”
Dick freezes. 
“Wait, are sirens real?” You gape, pounding your hand on his chest. 
 “Well, kinda.”
 Dick walks ahead of you trying to avoid your question. He does the mature thing and plugs his ears with his fingers. You continue to pester him all the way down the street. 
 The scent from the bakery wafted in the air calling to both of you as you two continue to bicker. Your stomachs cry out in a chorus. You look at your watch. You knew you'd forgotten something. 
 "I'll get us something to eat," Dick says, clearly staring at the cupcakes. Getting cupcakes wouldn't hurt. It would be better than getting an actual wedding cake. 
 You shake your head. "I might sit for a bit." You say handing him your purse and wrenching the bags from his grip. He huffs but doesn't complain. 
 You park yourself on a bench just outside the bakery. Going to town is just as exhausting as you remember it being. You lull your head back, looking to the sky. What are the odds that it's safe to just doze off here on the bench? Probably pretty low.
 Dick watches you from a window, snickering. You were so cute when you're nodding off.  He should probably ask if they sell coffee too because you look like you're going to need the entire pot.
 He lets a woman go in front of him because Alfred taught him manners and not because he was delighted to see you nearly fold into your shopping bags. You startle and yelp then straighten up. Great seas, you're so cute.
 "Hey handsome, can I get a name?"
 Dick turns to the woman with an amicable smile. "Oh, the name's Dick."
"I'm ..." Dick is barely paying attention when he sees you take out one of the rings you'd bought with a stupidly happy smile on your face as you try it on. You look up at your hand and Dick can't help the twitch of his mouth. 
 You wave to him, feeling his eyes on you. He waves back with a thousand-watt smile. 
 There's a hand sprawled on his chest. "I've never seen you here before." The woman purrs. Dick steps back, feeling a bit uncomfortable. 
 "I'm from out of town-"
 "That explains it." She says, batting her eyes. 
 Dick's not too concerned, not when you've just disappeared from his sight. Dick's about to run outside when he feels a familiar pair of arms wrap around his waist. 
 "My husband and I are just here for a day trip to run some errands." You huff glaring at the woman.
 Dick wraps an arm around you, chuckling at the priceless expression on your face. 
 "Dickie, did you want to introduce me?" You ask sweetly.
 "Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name." Dick says, feeling genuinely bad because he really wasn't paying attention.  In his defense, you were distracting him. 
 "I'm Mia."
 "I'm (Y/n)." You say trying not to puff your cheeks. You clearly just want the woman to go away.
 Dick wants to pinch you for being so cute. The disgustingly sweet aura you two radiate was enough to make the woman go away. Much to your relief and Dick's amusement.  Dick lets himself sink into your embrace.
 Dick pinches your cheek as you get the bread from the counter. You swat his hand away with a loaf of slightly stale bread you were gonna rework later. "What?!"
 "Nothing, you're just so damn cute, honey." Dick laughs, pinching your cheek again.
 "Says the dork who punched someone." You say, pecking him on the lips. 
 Dick rolls his eyes. "He totally deserved it." 
 "Sure, sure."
 Ok, he did.
 Dick pecks your lips. "Let's go find you a bouquet and a minister so you can keep that ring on."
 You flush not noticing that you haven't taken the ring off. Dick looks down at you like he's the luckiest man in the world.
“Will it still make you happy?” Dick asks, fidgeting in front of the courthouse. 
 You raise a brow at him prompting him to elaborate. 
 “Getting married without a proper ceremony, I mean.”
 Ah. You clutch the bouquet of cornflowers to your chest, twining your finger with his. “As long as I have you it’ll be perfect.”
 Dick sniffles. “Stop saying things like that.”
 “You started~”
 Dick presses his forehead against your, letting out a low trill. “I can’t wait to sign on the paper and make you my wife. Officially.”
 You nudge your nose against his. “I can’t wait either.”
The minister looks between the two of you suspiciously, probably looking for signs of which one of you suggested eloping. “You may now say your vows.” 
 Dick takes out a crumpled sheet of paper with yellowing edges. In a cool crisp voice, he begins to speak:
 “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”
 The wind rises in your chest, tears welling up in your eyes. You try to keep yourself together.
 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hope, always perseveres.”
 You cup your hand over your mouth, your father’s words coming to life through Dick’s voice.  
 “Love never fails.”
 Dick reaches out to you, wiping the tears running down your face. You don’t know if Dick knows how much that meant to you but you’re endlessly thankful. 
 You feel flush. You’re not really sure you could follow that up. God, you really should have prepared more. You take a deep breath and will yourself not to turn tail and run. 
 Set me as a seal upon your heart,
as a seal upon your arm;
for love is strong as death,
passion fierce as the grave.
Its flashes are flashes of fire,
a raging flame.
Many waters cannot quench love,
neither can floods drown it.
If one offered for love
all the wealth of one’s house,
it would be utterly scorned.
 Dick looks at you, fondness curving his lips. You smile back at him sheepishly. 
The minister clears his throat. “You may now kiss the bride.”
 Dick picks you up and spins you around then brings you close to kiss you. You giggle at his theatrics. In the corner of your vision, you could see the minister just looking extremely tired. 
 “Give me the bouquet.”
 You don’t mainly because you have a policy of making people explain things before you do anything and also because you were hoping to throw the bouquet yourself. 
 Dick tilts his head. “Uh, give me two.” He pauses. “Please?” “Will you promise me this won’t curse anyone?”
 “Just because my dad’s girlfriend is a sea witch does not mean I curse people.”
 “And you feel absolutely no need to unpack that, huh?”
 “Sweetie, pleeeeeease.” He gives you the big eyes and you silently wonder how selkie divorce works. 
 You hand him two flowers. He pinches off the stems and says: “Hold out your hands.”
 “Can I at least know what kind of ungodly ritual my husband is suckering me into?” You huff as he puts one of the cornflowers in your palms. 
 “It’s more superstition really. My mom used to say that if you tell a flower about your love for someone and let the sea carry it away, then your love will be able to weather storms.”
 You want to tell him that based on the stories the sea had nothing to do with the ferocity of his parent’s love  but when you look back into the glitter of nostalgia in his eyes you know that there is nothing for it. 
 You hold the cornflower close, whispering promises to it, an endless litany of devotions that you hope only the sea will hear. Dick beside you does much the same with regular pauses and additions to his. When you’re both finished, you let the flowers fall harmlessly into the water and watch them, despite all odds, drift together in the ocean.  
  Dick nuzzles you into the floor. You lay flat on his pelt as Dick hovers over you. He kisses you, nipping at your bottom lip. You hum and slide your hands up his back and part your lips to give him access. Dick pulls away, dragging his lips down your face. His teeth graze on the skin of your neck. Feeling ticklish, you giggle. He smiles pressing another wet kiss to your skin before pulling back. You whine already missing the close contact. 
 "I think we forgot something." Dick says, gently grasping your wrist and kissing it. 
 You furrow your brow. You play with his hair as you try to think. "Pretty sure we did everything," you mumble. You shiver when you feel Dick's teeth catch on your pulse, his luminescent eyes staring at you intently. "I'm telling you, sweetheart, you're forgetting something."
 You groan. It would be easier to think if Dick's lips weren't on your skin. "We've gotten the rings, thrown the rice, and hit Wally in the head with the bouquet..." You bite back a squeak when Dick sucks a hickey onto your wrist. 
 "Getting warmer, darling."
 You flush. You try to control your breathing but your skin feels so hot against his. You and Dick have met with a minister and he's also carried you over the threshold... All that's left is...
 You can feel Dick's hand slide up your shirt, his hand warm against your chilly skin. "Consummation." You whisper, swallowing thickly. 
 Dick's eyes are bright and mischievous in the firelight.  "Bingo." He lets go of your wrist and lowers himself to press a hungry kiss on your lips; it was all tongue and teeth as his hips move against yours. He pinches your nipples between his fingers drawing out a gasp from you. Dick takes this chance to deepen the kiss. He groans into the kiss when you tug at his hair.You moan against him, wrapping your legs around his waist trying to pull him closer.  Your movements are clumsy, speaking to your inexperience. Dick is going to take his time with you. 
 Dick kisses your nose and pulls away. He can’t resist. Dick drags the shirt slowly over his body. He hears your breath hitch and a vain sort of pride fuels Dick’s ego. It was one thing for other people to tell him he was pretty. It was an entirely different thing to have you look at him with so much awe and reverence. That look in your eyes always makes his skin prickle with delight. 
 You trace the shape of his muscles with your fingers, your mouth parted slightly as you drink in the sight of him. Dick is no less awe-inspiring than the first time you saw him. You marvel over the scars crisscrossing his chest and arms. None of the imperfections on his skin ever managed to dull his beauty. Unfairly, they only enhanced it and took your breath away every time you noticed a new detail about him. Your hand drifts down to the V of his abs; the tough makes him tremble as it dips closer to the hem of his pants. Dick takes in a sharp breath before kissing you again. It was partly because he could never get enough of your lips and partially to get your attention.  
 “Honey, I want to see you too.” He whispers into your lips. 
 Your body locks up at his words and a heat spreads across your chest, your neck, and up to your ears. Your mouth feels so dry all of a sudden and your feet turn into blocks of ice. What if Dick finds you repulsive? What if he sees you naked and he can’t stand what he sees? Will he leave or will he smile through it all the while gritting his teeth through it? You’re not pretty, not the way Dick is and you certainly can’t measure up to the other Selkies you’ve met. How the flying fuck were you supposed to compte with Babs or Kori? You seriously consider running away and hiding in your room until you feel Dick’s teeth graze against the column of your neck. 
 “Please.” He breathes and his voice is so thick with want that it’s enough for you to forget the desire to melt into the baseboards even for just a moment. You don’t want him to be disappointed, to know that he’s traded down. You’re scared. You don’t want to be but you’re fucking terrified.
 “It’s ok,” he whispers. “I know you’re nervous.” He kisses your forehead. Dick knows he needs to be patient. He’s waited to feel all of you for this long. He’s willing just to wait a bit more if it means you’re comfortable. 
 You close your eyes, grabbing the hem of your shirt. Dick kisses your eyelid. He bites his lip, resisting the urge to sink his teeth into your flesh. It’s so supple and hot against his. Instead, he busies himself by helping you out of your bra but his fingers are clumsy with his brain too full of your skin. You giggle as you both fumble for the clasps. 
     Dick wastes no time peppering your chest with kisses once you’re completely bare. “So pretty.” Dick purrs against your chest. He nuzzles into the valley of your breasts as he feels your breaths even out. Sliding his hands up and down your sides reverently, he makes certain that you know just how beautiful you are with every bite, every kiss, and every touch.
 His attention goes to your breasts. You arch your back as Dick begins rolling your nipples between his teeth. He savors all the little gasps and mewls you make. "Dick." You sigh out his name happily. Dick groans, hips gyrating against yours. "Dick." You repeat, tugging at his hair. You rock your hips in time with his.
 Your voice is driving him insane. The way his name rolls off your tongue like silk fries his nerves. All he wants to do is make you scream it over and over while he takes care of you and lets you know just how good you feel against him. 
 "That's it baby, let me make you feel good."Dick says, giving your nipple one last lick before taking care of the other. "I wanna make you feel so good, sweetheart."
 The husky quality of his voice makes you shiver. Your fingers travel down his back, fingernails lightly scraping against his skin. He trembles against your as you slide your hand down his chest and down his pants. Your fingertips brush against the head of his member. You wrap your hand around his cock, teasing his head with your thumb. Your thumb is wet with his precum as Dick pants softly into your skin. Dick can't help but move against your hand.
 "Sweetheart," he grunts, " I can't... I-"
 Dick grasps your wrist, pressing a kiss to it before pulling it over your head. You whine. Dick's breaths tickle your ear as he tries to steady them. He kisses your cheek and nibbles on your ear. Dick grabs your other arm and pins it down next to the other, pinning both hands with one hand.  You squirm underneath him, trying to break his hold.
 "Let me take care of you." He says, trying to level his voice but you're making it so hard. 
 You drag your leg up his calf. Dick brushes his lips down your neck, sucking a hickey into every available surface of your skin on the way down your hips and murmuring ‘I love you’ as he does.  
 "Dick, please." You moan.
 "Sweetheart," Dick says, biting the soft flesh of your hip.
 You wriggle in his grip causing the hand wound around them to tighten. Dick watches you intently as he bites another hickey into the flesh or your hip. You gasp out his name and Dick can feel his cock twitch. He needs more. 
 “Shhhh, I know, Honey. Shhhhhh.” Dick says, kissing along the hem of your pants before his teeth catch on the fabric. Dick tugs the button free and pulls the zipper down with his teeth. You think your heart stops.  Every little thing he does drives you up the wall.  He hooks his fingers to the top of your pants and pulls them down slowly. You can feel the fabric drag against your skin as Dick presses I love yous up your leg. 
 Dick bites lightly at your ankle as he tosses your pants over his shoulder. Dick licks his lips, they’re plush and glossy from the saliva. He’s looking at you with so much love and adoration that you feel yourself melt. You’re suddenly painfully aware of your nakedness. You snap your legs shut shyly, withdrawing your ankle from his hold.  You curl in on yourself, muttering an apology.
 He shakes his head, chuckling softly. Dick pushes the hair out of your face. He presses his forehead against yours, kissing you softly and running his hands up and down your sides. Your legs slowly open to let his body closer to yours. You just want to feel his skin against yours. 
 "I love how your body reacts to me, honey." Dick winks. 
 You wrap your arms around him, your muscles relaxing a fraction. He can feel the ring on your finger dig into the back of his neck. You are his and he is yours. Dick trills at the thought. You laugh, the vibrations from his lips tickling you. 
 "I love you. You know that, don't you?" Dick asks, nibbling your lip.
 "The whole world knows," you snort, "especially after that fiasco at the town square."
 "I had to protect my wifey's honor." He says with a cheeky smile that takes over his face.
 "Somehow, I feel like knocking his teeth in was a bit much." You say, pulling him into another kiss because... well, your husband is awfully adorable even if he is a disaster.
 "Only seems fair," he says, his hand travelling down your body, kissing your clavicle, "he was being rude to my wife." Dick's fingers dip between your soaking folds. You were dripping just for him. Dick would be lying if he said that didn't inflate his ego. With his fingers curled inside you as he drags them in and out, you arch into him. You thread your finger through his hair and pull. 
 "Dickie, I want you," you whisper, rubbing your knee against his crotch. "I want you so much."
 Dick ruts against your leg, breath ragged and desperate. Dick's body is so sensitive to your touch; it's ridiculous.
 "I want you too." He manages barely above a whisper. 
 "Then fuck me, " you look away from his, biting your lip, "please?"
 "Honey," he groans. God, why did you have to say it like that? "You're going to make me cum." 
 "Isn't that the point?" You ask, your nails dragging on his back as you try and fuck yourself on his fingers. 
 What did Dick do to deserve you?
 "It is," he says, taking his hand out of your folds. "But not before I can make you cum first." He licks his fingers in front of you never breaking eye contact as he does. 
 You cover your face and squeak because damn it Dick you can't just- Who does that?!
 Dick hastily shimmies out of his pants, his cock springing free. You hear a pap as his cock slap against the toned muscles of his stomach. You squeak, peaking through your fingers, the slap ringing sinfully in your mind. Dick lets out an amused breath as he hovers over you. Stroking his length, he smears the precum along your inner thigh, whispering how much you turn him on and how he can't get enough of you. 
 "Sweetheart, I want you to look at me while I fuck you." He grunts and the air in your lungs evaporate. You think you'll follow suit in a few seconds. "Sweetheart, don't make me beg you."He says into your neck.
 Dick, you're not helping, you think to yourself but the saccharine way he always says your pet names has you giving into the request. Dick is smiling down at you and your heart melts. He kisses you deeply. You wrap your limbs around him, your heels digging into the small of his back and your fingers tangled in his locks as he slowly enters you. 
 He moans into your lips and you moan into his. There's a burning stretch inside you that has you begging for more. He bottoms out and your walls flutter around his cock trying to accommodate his girth.  A shiver travels up his spine feeling your velvet walls trying to milk his cock. Dick pulls away from the kiss to whisper: "I love you." 
 "I love you too, hubby. Please move."
 "Aye aye, wifey." He says slowly, pulling his length out. You can feel the long drag of his cock against your walls. You mewl for a lack of anything intelligent to say.
 The sound is enough to egg him on. He pushes in and out of you in long strokes, enjoying how your body rocks against his chasing your own pleasure. You pepper kisses to his chest and leave your own marks. Dick would be embarrassed by the lewd noises he makes as you do so but he's too caught up in you to really care. He doesn't even care if the whole world can hear him right now, all he cares about is that you're his and that you're loving this as much as he is. 
 "Baby, you feel so good. Your pussy was made for me. Ah!" Dick says, his hips stuttering when he feels you clench at those words. He kisses your shoulder. He loves the way his name falls from your lips as if it's the only thing you know how to say. "That's it baby. You're so pretty moaning and gasping and begging for my cock."
 All Dick can focus on is the sound of your skin slapping against his. You kiss up his neck, nibbling at his Adam's apple as he swallows. "Dickie, I want more."
  Dick's mind comes crashing to a halt. 
 "Dick, please. I want to feel you more. Please, go faster." You say, voice husky with want. It makes Dick feel like his body has turned to gelatin. 
 He kisses your forehead, a blush spreading across his skin. "Sweetheart, I can't."
 "Please Dick." You breathe, pouting at him. 
 Fuck, you can't look this cute while begging him to fuck you... twice. That's just not fair. 
 "Sweetheart, if I go any faster, I'm going to cum." The embarrassment is hard to hide.
 You drag your nails across his back and lick a stripe up his neck." Dick, I want you to fill me up. Dick, please, I'm so close." You beg, teeth catching on his collarbone, looking at him with watery eyes. 
 Dick is a sucker and he can never say no to a pretty face. He kisses one of your eyelids before slamming his hips into yours. His balls slap against your skin as he thrusts in and out with wild abandon. He thrusts deeper at an angle that was sure to hit your g spot every time. 
 You sing his name sweetly as you pull him closer. Your nipples rub against his chest as you bounce on his cock. Your walls constrict around him making it harder to pull out every time. All he wants to do is to stay inside you and revel in your warmth but he wants to bring you over the edge and fuck you stupid. He rolls your clit between his fingers as you whimper into his neck. 
 You both cum crying each other's name. Dick kisses you as he fucks you through your orgasm, painting your walls with his hot seed. 
 Dick rests his weight on top of you as he pulls out with some of his seed painting your inner thigh. "I love you." He pants. 
 "I love you too, you heavy lug." You grouse, trying to push him off of you.
 Dick has mercy on you and rolls you two over with you resting on top of him, perfect for cuddling you.
 Dick whispers "I love you" and other praises every time he opens his mouth and you return the sentiment by kissing a different part of his face.
 After a few moments of basking in the afterglow, Dick flushes seeing just how many hickeys he's left you and he flushes even harder seeing his own chest marked up. 
 "Sorry about that," He says kissing one of the marks. "I just can't help myself-" Kiss "-You look so pretty covered in love bites-" Kiss "-Sweetheart, you gotta stop sounding cute. I'll get hard again- Fuck." 
 Your hand wraps around his shaft, fingers brushing against his skin experimentally. "But I want you." You say bluntly. 
 Dick is going to combust. "I want you to. I've wanted you like this for so long."
 You stop. Your thumb brushes against the tip of his already leaking cock.  Your lips curl into a smile. "Is that why you were so adamant on getting married?" You snicker, booping his nose with yours. 
 "No, yes, maybe... partially." He stammers out. 
 You snort. "You know that wasn't necessary for us to..." The flush creeps back on your lips. You somehow have the audacity to look shy while still stroking his shaft. Dick is going to burst. 
 "I didn't want you to miss out on it," Dick says steadying his breath, feeling himself get harder as he talks or attempts to, "I wanted you to experience it since you told me you dreamt about it as a kid."
 You stop and Dick bucks to urge you to keep going.
 "You remembered that?" You ask, the expression on your face is complicated. 
 Dick sits up, brushing a finger against your cheek. "Of course, I did."
 "Dork." You sniffle, kissing his cheek. 
 "Only for you," He laughs but it's cut off by the movement of your hand. "Sweetheart, are you trying to kill me?" He gasps, biting into his knuckle. 
 "I'm only thanking you for being so sweet." You tease, spreading your mixed juices all over his cock. "and I just love my hubby that's all."
Thanks for reading!!!!!!
Tag list:  @batarella​, @anothertimdrakestan, @lucy-roo, @multifandomgirl-us, @idkmanicantenglish , @birdy-bat-writes​,  @boosyboo9206, @americasmarauders , @l-inkage, @arestorationofbalance , @cloudie-skay, @wunderstell   @hyp-oh-critical @glorified-red @ marshmallow12435 @vvipgot7be​ @jadedhillon
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