#it also really highlights that. yea you really can lie without actually lying
orcelito · 2 years
listen as fun as writing is, im generally in complete control of the situation. i can set up a high-stakes scenario, but it's not tense for ME bc i know where things r gonna end up
which is why shit like dnd is so fun. it's 100% improv. me improv lying by omission thru a zone of truth to these people who can and have Already almost killed me, who would sic their legion of knights on me if they got even a Sniff of the fact that i took part in regicide. it wouldve been very very bad. it was TENSE. and it was so fun lfkjslkdfj
lying by omission and pointing at a dude i hate as the one at fault for it all. perfect scapegoat.
#speculation nation#d&d#it also really highlights that. yea you really can lie without actually lying#zone of truth is useful but not foolproof. i just managed to talk myself out of one.#i feel so ACCOMPLISHED and it makes me feel so good#and fang also talking up his very real discomfort to avoid them reading his mind#bc like. he's deeply uncomfortable with them for what they did b4. AND very pissed at the whole mind-stab thing#but ultimately if this was about anything else. he couldve sucked it up probably.#but he knew if they looked it'd be over. dear paladin managed to fake a memory during the brief bit of time we told her about what happened#i was THERE. i shot a fucking fireball at the prince. there's no way i could fabricate a believable memory to hide it#so i played it up. being pissed off about being mentally stabbed is perfectly reasonable for vehemently refusing to let them touch me#in order to avoid culpability though i couldnt just outright refuse an audience#so we had our convo. and i was very proactive with giving answers lol. but SPECIFICALLY for the narrative i was building#the ship blew up. idk why but we were teleported off (fang still doesnt know lmfao)#i know it was this big lion dude that did it tho. and i think he's the one that's responsible for the prince dying#i didnt see the prince die but i saw the lion man leaving. and lots of explosions.#he was stealing this thing that was making an awful loud noise that made my ears hurt.#'anyone else there?' oh yeah he had 3 people with him. 'anyone Else?' oh yea there was this random dude from the ship. he's dead tho#literally none of these are lies. but it builds the narrative that these dudes killed the prince & stole his body or some shit#(since they looked in the wreckage and couldnt find his body. lol.)#very carefully leaving out the fact that i had friends down there & they very much actively worked to kill the prince. me included.#i know who actually killed the prince. but THEY dont know that. and that's what matters.#man i feel so cool for this actually. it was so tense. but im so fuckin happy it worked#nat20 u are my life saver..................#ppl really do underestimate Fang a lot. and he lets them bc it's easier that way#but he really can be a crafty little shit if he wants to be. and i really love him for it#if you play up the dumb dog boy impression enough then ppl wont think too deeply on what you have to say for shit like this#that subtle spell message was also a really cool moment to avoid the wizard getting caught in questioning too#im literally the only person on the party that couldve done that. only one with message and only one with subtle spell.#but i did iiiiiit and we have somehow avoided the worst of it all. we'll see if our luck continues to hold out lol
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uyujeongin-blog · 5 years
o   hyunin
o fluff, humor if you squint your eyes
o   jeongin's first kiss
o   hyunjin teaches him how to kiss
o 1 744 words
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  You can say these two have been friends since forever and cause of that they share a lot of moments, happy and sad ones. A lot of laughter, tears, hugs, unslept nights when they studied together, funny video calls, friendly dates, stupid arguments and much more. Now there was another thing they shared, a memory that they'll put in their best memories collection.
They sat in Jeongin's car, more likely 'his mum's old one and since he only got his drivers licence she gave him this one as a present'. And honestly, he's not complaining since it's a three years old Volkswagen which is still in its best shape. The point is, they sat in Jeongin's car after his date was over, more likely drastically over as Jeongin would point out. He went on a date with a girl, okay cute stuff, right? But what's not cute is that when she leaned up to kiss him the boy ran. He literally panicked so bad that he dashed away, zoomed into the distance, yeeted away as his friend Felix would always say. So now he's seated in his car with his best friend sitting next to him whilst slurping on the bubble tea the boy had to buy for him since he dragged him out at literally 10pm to talk about what happened.
The younger was staring down at his hands still regretting what he did as Hyunjin is looking at him in silence before he voices. “Maybe you're gay” – Jeongin sighed at his comment. “I'm pan, hyung. For the thousand time.” – all he got in response was the slurping sound that came from his best friend so he continued. “The problem is, as I already told you, that she wanted to kiss me. It was literally our first date and I barely know the girl.” – “Also add the fact that you're inexperienced at kissing.” – “And that I only said yes to her when she asked me out cause she’s my only admirer and cause I felt pity for myself since I’ve never been on a date before and I’m already 18.” – they both sigh in sync. Silence filling the air before Hyunjin decides to break it. “Want me to teach you how to kiss?”
That question made the younger turn his head towards the boy with a surprised look. That question made Jeongin remember what was the other reason he went out with that girl. You see, Jeongin has a mini crush on his best friend, at least he hopes it’s a mini one. When he came to that realization he tried everything so he won’t think about it. He asked Seungmin on a date trying to convince himself to like the boy, which was a stupid move since Seungmin didn’t really see the boy as something more than friends. Then that girl came in, which was a good opportunity but turned out to be a flop since he even barely knows her—and the embarrassing part of the date of course.
The reason of him trying not to crush more on the boy is obvious. First thing being if they do end up together and if they break up it’ll ruin their friendship and Jeongin doesn’t really want that and the other thing is his low self-esteem, which is lower than his friend’s, Felix’s voice, telling him that Hyunjin probably doesn’t like him in that way.
Moving back to the situation Jeongin found himself in. He was still staring at Hyunjin like he saw a ghost which made the boy snap his fingers in front of Jeongin’s eyes to bring him back to reality. “Wait what?” – he asked dumbfounded. “If you don’t want to just say it.” – Hyunjin was too calm in this situation unlike Jeongin was inside. ‘kissing those plump, soft lips that came out of heaven, having them on his own, then feeling his tongue that came out of hell to make him sin—it’s a yes from me’ the frozen boy thought but he wasn’t able to say it out loud. Only thing that came out from him is a ‘uummm’ while his best friend on the other hand was sucking in the boba, that was left, with his straw. “Yea, sure” – the words came out of Jeongin without his will as he cussed in his head.
 Hyunjin smiled to himself a bit before speaking up “Then drive us to your place, I’m starting to get cold here and it won’t be practical doing it over this thingy.” – “Doing what?” – “Kissing, dumbass” – “Aha, yes yes” – without thinking twice he turned on the engine and started to drive to his studio apartment. Since he was a first-year college student with not much money and not wanting to live with his parents anymore, he decided to pay for a studio which he decorated pretty well with the ikea stuff and some of his plant pets so it looked cozy. And since he gets a lot of nice feedback from his friends when they come over it really makes him happy about it.
 When they came to his place Hyunjin took of his jacket and tossed it on the bed carelessly, placing the empty bubble tea away. Jeongin placed his coat neatly away and sighed softy when it hit him again on why they’re here. Hyunjin sat on the boy’s bed and looked at him with innocent eyes. The younger slowly made his way towards the seated boy, his mind running busy, his heart beating at a rapid speed and he even needed to check his pulse as how unreal this felt. Did he pass out after he proposed the idea, is he unconscious and actually imagining all of this? So many questions were running in his dizzy mind that when he actually stood in front of Hyunjin he didn’t register his voice calling for him and his soft touch on his hand. “If you feel like this is wrong we don’t have to do it, Innie.” – “No no, I want to! — I mean, you know, I want you to teach me—please, hyung.” – the last two words made Hyunjin lick his lips slowly while looking directly into the younger’s eyes. By placing his hands on Jeongin’s hips he made him come between his legs. The props of the bed being high enough and Jeongin’s short height required for the boy to lean down just a bit and he’ll manage to kiss him. Hyunjin’s hand’s rested on the younger’s hips as I.n’s hands were on Hyunjin’s shoulders.
 They were looking into each other’s eyes for a solid minute, and in that moment Jeongin actually felt like Hyunjin was admiring him? He couldn’t tear his eyes away no matter how shy he felt in this moment. He was memorising every little flawless feature on the boy’s face. The tiny mole under his right eye, his sparkly eyes that were looking at him with pureness, his big cute nose that fits him perfectly, the soft cheeks which he now slowly placed his fingertips on to remind himself how soft they actually are, his plump lips that always look wet and shiny cause of how many times he glazes his tongue over them. Those highlighted parts he admired the most. In the next second without thinking straight (since he thought gay), he leaned down a bit and placed his lips onto his, capturing his bottom one between his own two. It felt amazing to him, only the connection made him melt into his touch.
 After what felt too short, he felt Hyunjin start to move his lips, he started to kiss him all so gently like he was his fragile little flower. So of course, the younger started to do the same, he tried his best not wanting to do any mistakes. This was going to be placed into the moments he cherishes so much with him, he doesn’t care in this moment if this’ll affect on them in any kind of way he just wanted to continue to kiss him all day.
 When Jeongin got the grip on it their lips started to move naturally in a slow flow. The next thing the younger felt was Hyunjin’s tongue lick over his bottom lip, ‘which means he’s asking for entrance, right? He wants to take it to another level and actually make out with me?’ – he panicked a bit but tried to keep it cool. Parting his lips a bit made Hyunjin immediately push his tongue into the boy’s mouth which caused him to let out a breathy moan. ‘Why did I just do that? Did he hear it, fuck—he’s smirking, he heard it, fuck fuck fuck’ – the boy’s thoughts ran wild again but he couldn’t pull away now. Was it cause he enjoyed the taste of sinning or was it cause he was gonna feel stupid if he backs out now. Not wanting to know the reason himself, the kiss was actually starting to turn into a hot make out session. Hyunjin’s hands ran under Jeongin’s shirt as he caressed his back slowly, the action made the boy push his fingers into Hyunjin’s hair and lightly pull on it which made the boy release a deep moan. And he felt that, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a tingly feeling go down the pit of his stomach.
 After what felt like hours they finally parted to take a breath. Panting against each other’s swollen, red and shiny lips, Hyunjin made the boy sit on his lap as his hands laid on his waist. “Did you lie to me?” – “W- What?” – “You lied to me that you’re a bad kisser.” – the boy smiled shily and looked away. “Save those lips for me, would you?” – his statement made the boy look at him again with a raised brow. “Let me be the only one who will kiss you.” – he leaned in to leave small kisses on the boy’s neck, finding the sweet spot when Jeongin made a small breathy moan and started to gently suck on it. This escalated so quickly and the boy felt so lost in the pleasure he was giving him, closing his eyes automatically as his lips parted. Small shy moans started to leave his still-swollen-lips.
 “Be mine, Innie.” – he voiced against his skin that had a small redish mark by now.
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