#finn ohara
fruitcoops · 4 months
can you write something with this quote I found? It’s so fitting for coops !
“I hope the most beautiful thing you ever see if another human”
In honor of final exams, here's some Harvard FinnLo fluff to share in the suffering--or, you're in a library with a beautiful boy...
Character credit goes to @lumosinlove , who shattered me into a thousand pieces with the new art and will be receiving a UPS box containing my entire heart soon. It's just easier that way.
(and to my friends, who do not know this blog exists but have spent their night/ early morning sitting across from me while we work, I love you v much)
“I’m gonna die.”
“I’m going to fail out of Harvard.”
Logan’s eyes flicked up over the edge of the wooden table divider and narrowed, the green made bright by the black band of his chunky headphones. “You’re not failing out.”
“Might.” Finn slumped further into the palm of his hand. Another half-inch of Logan disappeared on the opposite side of their table. They had been here for hours. His body ached. His mind fizzled softly, like bacon fried so long it crumbled at the first touch.
Huh. Maybe he could use that in his paper. Reformation-era literary techniques had to fit somewhere in there.
A sigh gusted out of Logan; Finn straightened just enough to peek over the mahogany separating them. Blunt fingertips pressed against the inner corners of his eyes and turned the skin white, then dragged along the first hints of exhausted shadows before pulling down until Logan had to blink. He caught Finn watching and the almost of a smile shimmered across his face before he pointedly pulled his headphones back over his ears and bent his head to his notebook.
They had learned their lesson from midterms season—any tables where they could see each other only led to hours upon hours of talking instead of studying. But working alone was not an option (not that Finn had ever suggested it), so. Dividers. They had blinders on the sides, too. Finn sort of felt like he had been put in a filing box when they worked here.
“Lo,” he hissed. The scratch of a mechanical pencil answered. “Logan.”
A girl at the table next to them shot him an unamused look. Finn hoped his smile seemed apologetic, or at least sincere.
The toe of a worn-out sneaker found his ankle. Solid, but gentle.
“Fucker,” Finn whispered, hiding his grin behind their divider.
A puff of air would have rustled his notes if they had been studying at their usual place at the dining room table. He listened to Logan scribble; always stilted when his hands got tired. Their room would smell like Tiger Balm tonight. He’d get to see the funny little wrinkle of Logan’s nose, too. Warm light from the swirling green lamps beside them made his hair glow chestnut and maple. It curled at the ends from his shower after practice, now far enough gone that each thick lock was mostly dry. He hated going to bed damp.
A faint ripping noise made the girl next to them glance over. Something gave a faint plastic rattle.  Finn had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep his laugh back when Logan’s hand appeared over the divider and haphazardly taped a torn corner of notebook paper to Finn’s side.
Reformation literature could wait.
Finn’s pen smudged blue streaks across the side of his palm. He took Logan’s note and carefully peeled the tape off, then smoothed the curling edge over the section he had torn from his own notes.
On what?????
The sliver of Logan’s back he could see heaved.
Finn waited for a long moment.
The tape came free with a nigh-imperceptible snick.
Econ. Logan’s fingernails were ragged at the edges from biting.
The crumpled-up note came sailing back over without a response—he caught it half an inch from his forehead and tucked it into the waterbottle pouch of his backpack before carefully sliding his chair back and leaning forward, far enough to rest his chin on top of the divider.
Logan’s work station was a disaster. Hurricane Tremblay has entered the building, he thought as Logan’s marking of a demand curve slowed to a stop. Highlighters of three different sizes were scattered among half a dozen pens and dull pencils. A thin layer of used-eraser confetti littered every page and worksheet.
Logan had switched to a blue pen—one of Finn’s, he realized. Likely borrowed during their last study session. Finn pressed his chin harder to the wooden edge and waited. Always patient. Logan would crack soon.
Ever so slowly, Logan looked up at him from under his lashes. His hands flattened over his notes. He would have looked immensely unimpressed if Finn didn’t know better.
The cold press of a ballpoint to the tip of his nose was…not unwelcome, but not unexpected. Finn scrunched his face up and heard a short, amused exhale. The pen retreated. Logan was really smiling now, tiny and mischievous. “There.” He was always better at whispering than Finn. “Rudolph’s fucked-up cousin.”
Finn had to duck into his sweater at that, shoulders shaking with the force of a contained bark of laughter. The girl next to them made a show of turning up her music in her earbuds. God, he should feel bad, shouldn’t he? They should go home—go to their room and try one more time to be productive without the laws of Harvard’s libraries looming over them. Percy had been trying to convince him to bring one of the library lamps home for ages.
Logan finally looked away from his notebook, grinning wildly as he shook his head and gave Finn’s forehead a light push. The chair creaked when Finn sat again and scooted forward. He didn’t even want to think about how old these things were, or he’d start getting philosophical. It was much more fun to wax poetic about the importance of Harvard history regarding antique chairs when he was drunk and in Will’s care for the evening.
Logan would listen, Finn thought as he woke his computer up and flexed his hands over the keyboard. Some of the letters were worn nearly bare from his fingers. Logan would laugh at him, but he would listen. He could hear it now. Okay, Harz. Uh-huh. Oh, really? Should I leave you and the chairs alone for a while?
No, no, he would say. I gotta show you. You gotta know.
Logan would shake his head again. Finn figured he’d have a fifty-fifty chance of getting Logan to come with him on a late-night library run versus letting him wrangle him back to bed. He’d be happy either way.
For now, Microsoft Word was waiting with a heading, six sources, and an impatient cursor tapping its foot over his bolded [TITLE!!!!] notation.
Midnight came and went between paragraphs four and five. The girl next to them packed her things five minutes later, slinging her satchel over her shoulder as if it weighed eight hundred pounds.
Logan dropped a pen—black, this time—just after one o’clock.
The library lights flickered when the clock hit 1:30. They gathered their things, not bothering to pack their bags, and relocated to the first floor’s 24-hour room with the rest of the pitiful souls relinquishing their night to the altar of academia.
Finn’s eyes began to burn at 2:37.
The first soft snore sounded at 2:51.
He had been so good. So good. He hadn’t bothered Logan at all, not counting the friendly slap to the back of his head when he came back from the bathroom. Nine glorious pages of semi-decent analysis were finally in existence.
The next snore was a touch louder, like Logan had breathed away whatever muffled it before. Finn leaned up on his elbows to see over the edge and smiled to himself at the curls pressed flat to spiraled aluminum. Logan’s lips were parted on the paper. His pencil—back to the pencil? Finn would never understand him—hung limp in the valley of his thumb. His other hand rested on the back of his neck, like he had been supporting himself on it before sleep made him slump right over.
“Tremz. Logan. Hey, number ten.”
Logan’s finger twitched.
Finn sat back, stretched his leg out, and landed a light kick on Logan’s shin. He heard a snort before Logan’s jolt reached his foot. “Calice de crisse—”
“Good morning.”
Logan was blinking hard and slow when Finn leaned up again, both hands wrapped around the table edge and maybe, maybe, one foot on earth. “When time?”
“It’s three o’clock.”
“In the morning.”
Logan nodded, slothlike, eyelids drooping. Graphite stamped the round part of his cheek; he scratched at it, yawned, and stretched both arms out in front of himself in an Oscar-worthy performance of someone who was any kind of awake.
“We should go back,” Finn suggested.
“Non. All-nighter.”
“It’s officially morning.”
Logan exhaled through his nose for several seconds. He was staring into the middle distance again, right along the seam of their barrier. “I have another chapter.”
I ‘ave anuzzer shapter. Soft, and low, and raspy. So close to his morning voice, but not quite. Finn nudged him with his toe. His heart gave a flip at Logan’s light frown. “I’m going to run through my paper one more time,” he offered. “We can head out after that.”
Logan looked up at him, the picture of confusion. “You’re going running?”
“Oh.” He nodded. “Okay.”
“Finish your chapter.”
He cracked his knuckles twice before bending over his notes. One hand rubbed through the back of his hair, left long for the end of the season. He’d probably get it cut over winter break. Finn sort of didn’t want him to.
There was a throbbing behind Finn’s eye that had started somewhere around his first attempt at a concluding paragraph. His fingertips were numb and his wrists were sure to hurt as soon as he stopped writing. He wasn’t sure when exactly his mouth had gone so dry, but it had, and he spared a moment’s thought toward the drink station in the lobby. They always had coffee around finals—it was decent, if a little burnt. He wondered if they’d have mint tea.
Logan’s pencil moved audibly slower than before. Loops and swirls and scratches, a language Finn would never understand. Words were his place: endless white pages and safe letters to curl up in. But numbers and statistics, the things with straight answers, were all for Logan’s clever mind.
Those same words echoed in his head and blurred as he scrolled through a halfhearted read-through. It wasn’t long before he shut his dying laptop and finally let it rest, sagging low in his chair. He turned his face to the ceiling and closed his eyes. It would be easy to fall asleep here, with Logan’s foot against his and the gentle sounds of the library wrapping him up.
“ ‘m awake.”
“I’m not.” Something tapped the back of Finn’s hand. “Allez, or I’m leaving without you.”
As if. Finn took the proffered hand without opening his eyes and let Logan pull him up, groaning at the pinch in his legs. The crinkle of paper as he shoved it into his bag made him wince, but that was a problem for the morning. It looked like Logan hadn’t bothered to organize, either.
“Zipper,” Logan reminded him, not looking up from his phone. “I don’t want to hear you complain about more lost pens.”
“That’s why you have me.”
How Finn wished that was true.
“You know, I read something kind of neat earlier,” he said as they left the study room. At Logan’s hum of mild interest, he turned to walk backward for a few steps. “I hope the most beautiful thing you ever see is another human. Kinda nice to think about, huh?”
“I dunno.” Logan tapped them out of the library with his ID. Finn hadn’t bothered to reach for his own in a long time. He smiled to himself as December bit their cheeks, jostling Logan’s shoulder at the first scrape of brick below their feet. “I like it.”
“You would.”
“Shut up.”
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under-theweirwood · 11 months
thinking about harvard-era finnlo: 
logan coming back during the first chilly night of the fall to the warm amber light of finn’s lamp while he reads in bed, their shared room soft and safe and home. bleary mornings before early practices stumbling out the door in each other's sweatshirts, stopping at dunkin’ on the way to the rink and eating donuts in hazy golden silence. the first time finn falls asleep in logan’s bed, watching a movie on a too-small laptop screen squished together on the twin-sized regulation mattress smelling like snow and deodorant and coffee. knees knocking together in the library late at night, and logan letting his legs linger there a little longer to feel the sure steady weight of finn pressed back against him.
anyway this is the only thing in my head these days, all credit for everything to @lumosinlove :)
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floralflorence · 8 months
POV: Leo and Reg sneak off during a party. (Purely self-indulgent smut - sorry not sorry.)
Minors DNI :)
"Hey, handsome." Leo jumped slightly at the arms suddenly wrapping around his waist, almost spilling the coke he was adding to Logan's drink. He put the bottle down, deftly screwing the lid back on before turning, leaning his lower back against the counter.
"You scared me," Leo laughed, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead.
"Désole, Peanut. Could I maybe...make it up to you?" Reg drawled in a low whisper, pushing up onto his tiptoes to kiss him slowly, balancing using a hand on Leo's torso. With a surprised hum at the intensity, Leo cupped Reg's cheek to pull him in closer, another hand coming to support the small of his back.
"Knutty, if we could remember that's my little brother, that'd be great," Sirius called from the doorway of the kitchen, his voice carrying over the noise of the team party in the Cubs' living room. Leo just stuck a thumb up behind Reg's back before slipping his hand around to the back of his head, tugging him in as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. They pulled away with a wet sound, Leo stroking a thumb across Reg's bottom lip.
"You're forgiven," he mumbled, surprised, grinning when Reg laughed loudly.
"You're banned from wearing these shirts when you're party hosting," Reg replied indignantly, wrapping his arms around Leo's neck.
After glancing down at his shirt, which really would have just been a normal shirt if it wasn't for the obscenely tight fit. "Oh really? Why's that, hm?"
"Because you're a good host and won't agree to disappear upstairs with me," he pouted back.
Leo debated for a minute before leaning down and pressing a kiss just below Reg's ear, whispering into it softly.
"You know, there are two more hosts. No one would miss us if we slipped into the bathroom for a few minutes."
Reg pulled back to look him in the eyes for a moment. "You better be serious about that," he mumbled, sliding his hand slowly down Leo's torso after a quick look back at the doorway. Leo's eyes fluttered when Reg cupped him through his jeans, adding slight amounts of pressure as he groaned.
"Bathroom. Allez."
Doing a terrible job of not looking too proud of himself, Reg tangled his fingers with Leo's, tugging him along behind him. "Shit - one sec," Leo said, grabbing Logan's cup from the counter and sprinting into the living room to give it to him, that being the whole reason he was in the kitchen in the first place. Reg hovered by the door to the downstairs bathroom, trying to look inconspicuous. He had to stifle a laugh behind his hand as he watched Kasey desperately try and focus on the conversation he was having with Celeste and Logan. His main distraction came in the form of Alex, stood next to him talking with Finn and Dumo, tracing and raking his nails up and down Kasey's arm mindlessly.
"Hey, change your mind?" Leo swam into view suddenly, a smirk playing on his features.
"With you looking like that? I don't think so." They slipped silently into the bathroom, Reg rising up onto his toes to cup both sides of his neck and pull him down to kiss him.
"Tu es si joli," Leo breathed between kisses, his hands running down the strong planes of Reg's back to his ass, kneading the flesh roughly in his palms.
"Show me then." Leo slipped his grip slightly lower, holding the backs of his thighs and lifting him, pressing his back up against the door of the bathroom as his kisses trailed down to his neck. Reg's fingers tangled in his hair, tugging harshly as Leo's teeth nipped and marked along his skin. "Fuck me, baby."
He felt Leo grin wolfishly against his neck before he paused. "Fuck. We don't have lube in here."
"Don't need it."
Leo pulled away, looking up at Reg with a faux-annoyed look. "Fucking knew you and Tremz took too long to get ready."
"You try being in the same room as Lo while he's half-naked and see if you're not bending him over the nearest flat surface," Reg rebutted, giving him a knowing look.
"I'm guessing it didn't take much persuading for you to let him bend you over either," Leo whispered.
Reg hummed, shrugging noncommittally before tightening his legs around Leo's waist. "You three can be very persuasive when you want to be. Lucky for you there's no persuasion necessary today, I'm in the mood to be railed in a bathroom." Reg leaned forwards and sucked Leo's bottom lip into his mouth, laving his tongue along it and digging his teeth in before letting it spring back. Seemingly the last straw for Leo, he dropped his grip on the back of Reg's legs, lowering him gently to the floor before placing a palm between his shoulder blades pushing until he got the message and bent over the marble counter of the sink.
The coolness of it made Reg's breath catch before a moan slipped from his lips as Leo tugged down his waistband until it hooked under his ass. Leo groaned softly when his hard cock finally slipped from the tight confines of his jeans, slicking himself up slightly with spit, checking in with Reg quickly then pressing his tip against the still lube-slick ring of muscle.
''Dieu, how are you still so tight after taking Lo.''
'''S that a complaint I hear there, Knut?''
Leo huffed out a laugh that trailed into a moan when he bottomed out in him, his hips stilling as his eyes fluttered. The only thing stopping them from closing entirely was Reg's reflection in the mirror, his cheek pressed against the marble but tilted up to the mirror still as his brows pinched in the centre.
''I thought I specified that I was in the mood to be railed, non?'' Reg's voice sassed even as his grip was tight on the edge of the surface. Always one to give his boys whatever they asked him for, Leo took that idea and rolled with it. He pulled out and pushed back in once, making sure Reg's expression didn't waver with pain. It didn't.
His hand, that had moved back to rest between Reg's shoulder blades slid up to wrap over top of his shoulder, holding him there as he began pumping his hips furiously, biting his lip, well aware there was family right on the other side of the door. After pushing up to rest his elbows on the counter, Reg made eye contact with him in the mirror, cheeks flushed, eyes hooded as he already looked fucked out. He seemed to be struggling with this despite trying his hardest to keep his noises down. Moving quickly, Leo moved his hand again to wrap around and cover his mouth, surprised when Reg's eyes rolled back and he moaned loudly into his hand. Not being able to help being proud of himself, Leo went harder, hoping the sounds of their hips meeting weren't too loud but honestly not really overly caring when his boyfriend was moaning like that because of him.
When Leo's hips shifted as he shuffled his feet so he was more stable, he grinned and focused his thrusts more when Reg's hand shot out for something to grab but didn't find anything that wasn't flat surface; meaning his ended up with one hand gripping Leo's wrist tightly, the other pressed palm-flat against the mirror, his legs trembling. His moans were getting more and more discernible the more Leo's tip pounded against his prostate, making Leo lean down to mumble in his ear, his lips brushing the shell of it, his voice deep and hoarse while he made dead eye contact with him in mirrored surface.
''Gotta be quiet, remember? Can't have Cap knowing his baby brother's too needy for cock to wait a few hours.'' Leo broke off with a deep groan as Reg's walls tightened around him. ''Such a little slut, turning me on in the kitchen where everyone can see. Did you want me to just bend you over the counter right there? Hold my hand over your mouth to keep you quiet for me and fuck you in the corner of the room where anyone could walk in, hm? Voudrais-tu ça, mon coeur?'' Reg nodded as best he could, whimpering while a tear slowly slid down his cheek, Leo's thumb unconsciously swiping it away.
'''M gonna cum,'' Reg's muffled voice came from behind his hand.
''I know - I can feel you fucking milking me, sweetheart,'' Leo teased him, a cocky smirk on his face.
Reg resisted the urge to roll his eyes - this man and his fucking ego sometimes. Although, he supposed it was only annoying because he was right. Leo had a lot of skills but he had a few things he was an outright expert at (this being one of them) and Leo knew exactly what they were.
He could tell that Leo was getting close too, the hand that had been gripping the counter to keep himself steady moving to hold desperately onto Reg's hip.
''Shit, you take it so well. Take me just like that for me, darlin'. Cum for me, baby, c'mon,'' Leo encouraged when Reg mumbled senselessly, his eyes fighting not to roll back. With his grip on Leo's wrist tightening almost painfully, Reg came with a shudder and high-pitched whine, breathy moans slipping through Leo's fingers as he rode it out with Leo's still-moving hips. His walls flexing around him made Leo groan, deep and long in his ear. ''You're gonna make me cum. God, I love you,'' he mumbled, tucking his face into Reg's neck, hips stilling as he went completely silent.
They caught their breaths for a minute, Leo staying with his forehead in his neck, Reg leaning heavily on his elbows. ''You think people have noticed we disappeared yet?'' Reg spoke; his tone was joking and tired.
With an equally exhausted laugh, Leo propped his chin on his shoulder and smiled at him in the mirror. ''I really fucking hope not.'' He gently cleaned up the cum that had dripped down Reg's thighs and tugged his boxers and trousers back up his legs with a small pat to his hips before doing the same to himself. ''Bon?''
''Parfait,'' Reg smiled, turning to wrap his arms around Leo's neck, leaning his body weight against his chest. ''Kiss.''
Complying, Leo scattered soft kisses to his lips. ''D'accord, allez.'' Reg slipped out before him, the two desperately trying to look like they hadn't just fucked. Leo met Logan's eye where he was leant back against Finn's chest, the pair talking with Alex and Nat - Kasey was there too, just not talking, more than content in his quite tipsy state to just remained tucked under Alex's arm with Nat stroking mindless circles on his lower back. Logan's greeting smile quickly turned into a look of mock-betrayal as he nudged Finn and nodded over to them. ''I think we've been discovered,'' Reg whispered to him.
Leo's arms snaked around his waist, his nose brushing the hair that curled above Reg's ear. ''Feel like teasing them?''
''Always,'' he answered immediately. He let Leo turn him in his arms, smiling when he slid his hands down to grip handfuls of his ass and pull him into him. Capturing Reg's lips in a sensual kiss full of tongue, Leo flicked his eyes over Reg's shoulder and looked at Logan first, then at Finn. He closed his eyes and slipped a hand up the prominent line of Reg's spine to cup the back of his head, guiding him to tilt it to deepen the kiss.
''Nutty! My brother!'' Sirius' voice echoed, trying to sound mad but breaking out into laughs when everyone else did too at his bantering.
He pulled away, heading over to join their boyfriends.
''Remind me to use the upstairs bathroom,'' Alex faux-whispered to Nat, a teasing smile playing on his lips. Leo tried sputtering an excuse before he gave up, seeing even Reg look up at him with a grin that told him there was no chance they'd believe him.
In the end, Leo just shrugged. ''He's hot.'' The small group burst out laughing at the relatable statement before falling back to whatever they were talking about before.
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noxnights · 10 months
Harvard FinnLo Thoughts
I’ve been thinking a lot about Logan alone at Harvard after Finn went to Gryffindor, and so this is just a little snippet of how I imagine that angst. Credit to @lumosinlove for the characters.
Logan always came back to this image, as if it was the only permanent thing in his life. Whether he was out with the team or lying awake staring at the ceiling he couldn’t help but return to the same painful picture: him, alone in his bed, a dark room and rumpled sheets. 
Logan could practically feel the exhaustion seep over the edges of that scene and into his body. Finn joining the NHL had only made it worse. Logan was so happy for him, but it still served as a reminder of what he’d long since known, this was the only future he was allowed. At least there was some comfort in it, in knowing exactly what his path held and how powerless he was to change it. 
Even if someone did eventually want him, he would never subject them to who he was, his complicated life and the way his brain worked; he didn’t want to be a burden. More than that, he knew it wouldn’t be fair to them, some part of him would always be thinking Finn Finn Finn. 
He turned over and pulled the covers higher, letting his back face Finn’s empty bed. He was alone, he was meant to be alone. This was best for everyone, he just had to keep reminding himself of that. He just had to stop thinking about Finn.
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blingywitch · 4 months
Finn O’Hara is so Lana Del Rey
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ajanonsworld · 1 year
Just thinking about how after wc 2022 there were a bunch of messi x Taylor swift edits and now after finishing Sweather weather by lumosinlove all I can think about is someone making the same edit of Sirius to your on your own kid 🥲
Imagine young Sirius at the start and by the end it's full of pride flags, Sirius being more open and friendly in interviews and ending the edit with Sirius and Remus on the ice after they won the cup 😭😭 wish an edit like this existed low-key!
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bi-bi-marie · 1 year
all my brain came up with was Finn O'Hara and his brother from Sweater Weather by lumosinlove on ao3 (it also has a wip sequel, but i haven't caught up)
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juicyc0utur3 · 4 months
hii!^^ so nice to meet you!
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request rules(now open!):
diaper k1nks❌
piss k1nks❌
r4pe k1nks❌
major bdsm❌
three+ somes❌
👆you guys are weird imo but don’t mind me live your life
smutfics ✔︎
fluff fics✔︎
size k1nk✔︎
who i write for:
* = sfw white txt = please give me a break frm requesting them i will literally pay you to request smone else
• johnnie guilbert
• jake webber
• finn wolfhard
• timothee chalamet
• jacob elordi
• bruce banner
diary of a wimpy kid:
• rodrick heffley
ms peregrine’s home for peculiar children:
• enoch o connor
ouran hs host club:
• takashi morinozuka
• kyoya ootori
• tamaki suoh*
monster high:
• deuce gorgon
• kieran valentine
death note:
• light yagami
• l lawliet
• nate river/near
• mihael keelh/mello
• misa amane
disastrous life of saiki k:
• kusuo saiki
• kokomi teruhashi
• aren kuboyasu*
• shun kaidou*
• miguel ohara
• hobie brown
• miles morales
• miles morales 42
• peter b parker
2000s sonic the hedgehog:
• shadow the hedgehog
• amy rose*
• cream and cheese*
also don’t be a weirdo and post my work without crediting me and if you do you have a small weewee and a loose kitty
feel free to like and reblog tho!
byee B)
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peanut-in-the-goal · 3 years
characters belong to @lumosinlove
Logan and Finn had been together for years. Still, neither of them were happy. Not as happy as they used to be. Some nights it felt like old times, when everything was new and fresh, that honeymoon period of their relationship back at Harvard.
The soft smiles and quiet laughter. The way their hands brushed together when they walked. They went on car rides, one of their favorite pastimes from when they wore the crimson colors that they had grown to love. Finn remembers what it was like those days. He and Logan were young and immature, in for it for the fun, only serious about the game.
They had a good rhythm about it. Any drama or arguments they left off the ice. The ice was their home, it always had been since they were young, at different rinks, in different cities. It was familiar, smooth, something that was reliable to not change too much.
The lines on the ice were recognizable anywhere, marking their territory. There was something about the adrenaline that raced through them when they stood on the ice, that feeling of carrying the puck at your stick and gliding along the ice.
It was magical. Something that you couldn’t forget no matter how long it’s been.
But Harvard was a long time ago, years ago. Some days it felt like they were treading on thin ice around each other, doing everything they could so the other wouldn’t just leave.
The love was still there, but it was fraying between them, like a blanket that was being ripped apart at the seams. It ripped slowly but they were never complete without the other half. No matter how hard they wanted it, this relationship wouldn’t save itself, the two of them were willing to put in the work, but even that couldn’t save them. They were losing each other.
Everything was tense and stressful, Finn couldn’t take it. He loved Logan, he knew he always would, but he couldn’t do this anymore. They couldn’t play this game anymore, acting like everything was fine when it so clearly wasn’t. He couldn’t bear to watch Logan slip away without trying to pull him back in.
But he had tried that already, hadn’t he? He wasn’t willing to go along with this anymore and work and work and work to fix things when Logan didn’t seem to care.
He wanted out. So he was going to call it off. He couldn’t put himself through this anymore, waking up and seeing Logan curled up on the other side of the bed when he used to be so close.
He was so tired of saying things were alright when they so clearly weren’t. So as much as it pained him to say it, it was over. It hurt to love someone who made no show of loving him back.
That plan didn’t last very long.
Finn had been trying to find the right time to tell Logan, the days seemed to just drag on. Soon days were becoming weeks. He was starting to second guess himself, so either do it now or do it never.
He chose the former.
Finn decided to just tell him, choke down his nerves and tell Logan that this wasn’t working out. He swallowed, clearing his throat to get Logan’s attention.
“Logan, um. I—” He stammered, before inwardly groaning at being cut off. That might’ve been a good thing.
The door swung open, coach walked in with this tall blonde following behind him. Finn inwardly made a mental note to befriend this dude. Sirius walked forward immediately, shaking his hand. The two exchanged words, but Finn wasn’t listening, too busy looking him over.
Coach’s hand was resting on his shoulder protectively as the kid got his first look at his teammates. His eyes brightened up when they landed on Finn and Logan. Finn noticed his hand go to his left wrist, tugging at his sleeve there a little, pulling it further down to cover his wrists. The outline of a bracelet was visible through the cuffed sleeves.
Finn tried to gather his words and think of a more private place to talk to Logan but had to shake the thoughts from his head when Dumo steered the blue-eyed kid towards them. When had Dumo taken the coach's spot in showing the new rookie around?
He throws on a smile, extending his hand before he can even reach them.
“Mon fils,” Dumo smiles, clapping the kid—who Finn has realized is really fucking tall— on the shoulder. “This is Leo,” he pronounces proudly.
Leo’s shy at first, he shares a timid little smile where his dimples make an appearance. Finn thinks that it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
He catches the fond look that’s already gleaming in Logan’s eyes. Maybe, just maybe, things were knitting back together slowly.
Maybe Leo would help them in more ways than one.
Leo was around more in the weeks that passed. The weeks quickly turned into months, and the three were practically inseparable on and off the ice.
The rest of the team saw it too. Finn and Logan were obviously happier than they’ve been in a long time. Logan laughed more, his guarded eyes that they were used to seeing all the time were finally coming down. Finn smiled again, he hadn’t done that in such a long time. Sure, he smiled for the camera and the team, but something was always off about it, forced even.
Now it wasn’t. Now his smile was the way it was when he first joined. Free. He wasn’t worried about anything or anyone, it was just him, Logan, and the team.
But now it wasn’t just them. Now there was Leo. With his baby blue eyes that could light up anyone’s day just looking at him. The boy seemed so innocent from the moment they met him. He had looked around the locker room in awe like he couldn’t believe that he had actually made it here.
That one of the dreams he worked so hard to achieve was actually successful in the end.
Dumo had practically adopted Leo as he had with Cap. Like he would have with Logan had he lived with the Dumais’ and not Finn. Although Pascal has practically adopted everyone on the team as one of his own didn’t he?
There was still tension between Finn and Logan, especially when they lived alone in the same apartment. They had Leo over as much as they could, but he could only be there so long before going back to Dumo’s.
The peace couldn’t hold forever, something was bound to happen and one of them was bound to snap.
Leo just wished he wasn’t there to hear it.
On his way to their small apartment, he heard the yelling. It was loud, it was mean. It was hurtful.
Leo knew that Logan and Finn didn’t have the best relationship when he joined the team. That was easy to pick up immediately. He just never thought that he would be the reason for their misery.
When he heard the yelling he didn’t expect his voice to come out of their mouths, his name was spoken like it was acid on their tongues. He wasn’t even there, he didn’t do anything, so why was he the one who was being blamed.
The yelling didn’t silence when he turned the key in the lock. If anything Logan and Finn didn’t even spare him a glance, like he wasn’t even there. They probably didn’t even notice he was there to be honest.
It was like the fraying thread finally snapped.
Logan was red in the face, yellingand hurling insults that he’d regret a few hours from now. But at the moment he was too driven by rage and insecurity to protect, protect, protect. Anything hurtful thrown at him, he’d have to throw back something worse.
Finn’s face was blotchy, tears of frustration rolling down his cheeks. His hands waved around in front of him, trying to convey the words he was too choked up to say.
The room was full of nothing but harsh breathing for a moment, neither having anything to say to the other. Their eyes bored into each other across the room.
Leo let the door slam shut behind him.
Logan and Finn both startled, turning to stare at him standing in the entryway.
The fight seemed to drain out of both of them at once. Logan’s shoulders drooped and he turned to look away from both of them. Finn stubbornly rubbed the tears from his eyes with the palms of his hands.
“What the fuck?”
There was a beat of silence, no one said anything and Leo didn’t think he was going to receive a response. He was going to follow up on his question, asking what happened, why his name was getting thrown around and-
“I’m sorry…” Logan sounded small, like he was the one crying and not Finn.
Any questions Leo had were stored away for later.
“It was bound to happen.”
Suddenly Leo felt like he was intruding. They invited him over but he wasn't sure if he should be there, not when they were having a moment. Not when it looked like they may be finally healing.
“It’s not going to work out,” Finn continued. “This,” he gestures between the three of them, “isn’t going to work if me and you didnt work, Lo.”
Maybe not, Leo thought.
“I know.”
It was true, Leo knew. The two of them had had a rocky relationship since he joined the team.
But Leo thought he could make a difference, he thought he was enough to try and save their relationship.
He also loved them, he wanted this, he wanted to fight for them. He wanted them to stay.
But he also can’t be the only one who wants this to work, they all need to put in work for this relationship. He can’t be the only one pulling his weight.
Sometimes it’s better to save your breath. That’s what his father told him when he was younger and had just lost a friend dude to a silly argument. Some people are better to let go, they’ll hold you back and won’t make you happy. Always choose to be happy Leo, make the decision of fighting and giving up. Because giving up does not make you weak, some of the strongest people I know are the strongest because they gave up.
Leo really hoped he was right.
“I guess I should be going then.”
Finn and Logan nodded sadly, and Leo felt something in him break a little more. He turned and walked back out the door he came from.
Leo remembers crying on the way home. He hadn’t driven to their house, so the walk home felt like it took forever and no time at all.
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leonardodvnc · 3 years
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already posted this on insta but i thought i’d throw it here for haz to see👀
yes i am obsessed w them don’t @ me 
logan tremblay, leo knut and finn o’hara are characters by @lumosinlove​ 💕💕💕
insta: @/tortunia_
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queen-of-thunder · 3 years
For you, @deli-is-rogue​
Thank you @lumosinlove for the characters!
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So happy to included Regulus, Dima and Remus as Lion’s players now! Didn’t have enough drawings to fill that last slot but that’s okay
Credit for the original alignment chart goes to @zimtchai​!
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fruitcoops · 6 months
Hey! I hope all is well. I really enjoy your account and I want to thank you for all your hard work to run it, it doesn't go unnoticed.
I also had a fic rec if you wanted to think about it. I'm craving a good harvard finnlo story, where they are being very obviously in love with each other but won't admit it. I know you have something like it, but I just love every different take on this
I hope you have a wonderful week:)
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Fic O'Ween Day 5: Ritual, with our favorite silly little lovebirds to put in Situations. Mega love to @noots-fic-fests for the fest and @lumosinlove for the Harvard boys :)
The impulses seemed to catch him when he least expected it. Frenetic, nearly frantic energy—pale hands flexing and teeth worrying marks into a thin lower lip. Fingers fidgeting, ripping at essay edges, tapping pens like Morse. It surged in him and filled his face with blossom-pink. Turned his ears red. It was as if the urge forced itself free and wrested control of every bit of him. That, Logan could relate to. Urges had never been gentle with him, either.
“What do you mean?”
Finn fixed him with a quizzical look. “New York? The city?”
“No, I—yes, I know.” The glorious blip of attention was gone, focused once again on a haphazard backpack. “Why?”
Paper rustled as Finn waved a vacant hand. “Just needed to.”
Logan frowned. “Is Alex okay?”
“What?” Confusion deepened the crease by his mouth; Finn didn’t bother looking up. “Far as I know.”
“So you’re going all the way to New York for a weekend, and you’re not driving—”
“Gas is expensive.”
“—and not even going to a game?” And you’re not taking me? It coated his tongue like the caramel from Finn’s Dunkin runs. He stomped the thought down before it could threaten his teeth. “Don’t you have an exam next week?”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s fine, man,” Finn repeated, shooing him gently aside to dig around in the dresser for socks.
Logan pushed himself up on the edge of Finn’s desk and watched him rummage. He was tight around the shoulders and jaw; his hoodie sleeves were pulled all the way to the heels of his hands. The redness in his cheeks lingered in a soft arc. Maybe overheating, from the radiator. Maybe he was just frustrated. Knowing Finn, eight different emotions and a million thoughts were on rotisserie. Logan bit the inside of his cheek. “Is it…is it your mom, or…?”
He fell quiet when Finn straightened, socks in-hand and brows pinched in the middle. “Logan, what are you talking about?”
You’re leaving on one of our only free weekends and being cryptic about it. Also, I can’t come, and I’m going to think about that for the next several days whenever I wake up and your bed is still made. “You’re being weird. Stop it.”
“Why am I being weird?” Finn half-laughed, resting his hip against the dresser.
“You’re spending eight hours on a train to visit home when you have a car, an exam, and a free weekend to just hang out.” Logan shrugged. “It’s weird. There’s a party tonight. Don’t you have a fanclub to look after?”
Finn’s brow arched with amusement. “Who, you?”
“Non—fuck off, god,” Logan grumbled, kicking at him when he passed. Finn’s laughter lit up the sunset shadows in the corners of their room.
“I’m literally fine, just missing home.” Finn tossed the socks into his bag blindly, already reaching for something else. “I guess Alex just had a buddy get traded and he’s kinda down, so we’ll probably just hang out. Video games, movies. The usual. It’ll only be an hour or so to the station if I take the subway. And I’m not worried about my exam, anyway.”
The tension in his neck told a different story, but Logan wouldn’t press. A stressed Finn was a distracted Finn, and he was allowed to be selfish for every bit of focus when he was about to leave. “Do you need a ride?”
Deodorant, toothpaste, and a third paperback made their way into the duffel. “I’m taking the train.”
“A ride to the train station, dumbass.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
Logan tossed a wool cap at him. “That’s why I offered.”
Finn finally paused for more than a breath; his forehead pinched, and Logan watched him draw his lip back between his front teeth. “Isn’t there a party tonight?”
“Ouais.” Finn was looking at him like that meant something. “Quoi?”
“Don’t you want to go?”
“Do you need a ride?” Logan countered.
“Do you want a ride?”
Finn glanced out the window. His nose scrunched on one side. “Kinda.”
Logan spread his hands. “Then I’ll take you. Easy.”
“Okay.” Finn looked at him for a long moment, then smiled, almost to himself. “Cool. Thanks.”
“This is why you have a roommate.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He still seemed pleased, despite his huff. Logan would never understand. It was delightfully entertaining all the same. He swung his feet while Finn finished up—like this, he could practically follow the path of Finn’s disorganized mental checklist.
“I don’t suppose I’ll be allowed to actually drive you there,” he joked when Finn slung his (full to bursting) duffel over his arm.
That got him a snort of laughter. “There will never be a day you’re allowed to drive my car while I’m in it, Tremblamalay, unless it’s a fucking hearse.”
“I’m a good driver!”
“I didn’t say you weren’t!” Finn propped their door open with a foot and snagged his keys off the hook. “Don’t yell at me.”
“I’m not yelling.”
“You basically are.”
“You want me to yell? Because I can yell at you. Ah—”
Logan broke off with a curse as a pool noodle swung from the open door to their left. “Oh, hey,” Percy said, shock falling to a smile in an instant. “Where are you two off to?”
“Train station,” Finn answered. He cocked his head. “What’s with the shit?”
“Party, duh. Heading home?”
“Just for the weekend. Lo’s driving me.” Something in Logan’s stomach gave a giddy whirl at the jerk of Finn’s chin. It fizzled into a puddle of goo when he cracked a half-smile. “Well, he’s driving back.”
“Oh.” Percy nodded. “Damn, we’ll miss you guys tonight.”
Logan frowned. “I’ll be here.”
“I thought…”
“I’m driving back,” he repeated. “Back from the train station.”
Understanding dawned on Percy’s face, then bemused surprise. “You finally did that separation ritual, huh? Something slashed the sutures sticking you two together? You might keel over the second you cross the state line, you know.”
“Wow, Marsh, you’re so funny,” Finn parroted with a loud and brash HA HA that made Logan grin, but Percy just snickered to himself and let them through with gentle smacks to the backs of their heads.
“Go forth, young men!”
“It’s West!” Finn corrected.
“Go West, then! Or—northeast, I guess.”
Finn let Logan through the front door first (what a fucking gentleman, god, Logan was not going to survive him) before closing it with a pointed slam. “I’ll get the—”
“Passenger seat,” Finn interrupted. He swooped his bag out of reach when Logan went to take it from him. “Nuh-uh. Go sit.”
“I’m being helpful.”
“You’re going to break my trunk.” Finn shook his head. “She doesn’t need to be closed that hard, Tremz. She’s a lady.”
Logan wrinkled his nose. “Please never refer to your car as a lady ever again.”
A theatrical demonstration of proper trunk-handling was the only response Finn gave. Logan watched him come around the side of the car while he buckled in, running a hand through his hair and twirling his keyring around one finger. Logan knew what that hair felt like. Mink-soft and thick. A little wavy, when he let it grow out. It had pressed against his cheek on the bus oh-so-many times, when Finn nodded off ten miles from the nearest gas station and the roads were too bumpy for Logan to sleep.
He wondered what Finn would do if he reached out and touched it now, while he adjusted the radio and hummed to himself. The energy vibrating under his skin had calmed to a low current. If Logan could tap into it, maybe he could be brave enough to find out.
Logan jumped. “Quoi?”
“Oh, it does work,” Finn said, seemingly pleased. “Logan, sit!”
“Get fucked.”
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under-theweirwood · 9 months
/ snip of smth for #oknutzyweek2023 /
The off-season suited him, the sun made him glow and his hair was longer than ever, made curlier too by the salt water and ocean air. He was a little softer around the middle, too, still as strong and solid as ever but with an added hint of a squish that Leo couldn’t get enough of. It made him think about life without hockey, about what it might be like getting older, changing together.
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floralflorence · 3 months
ofc when I get everything ready to post my ao3 doesn't work (my dumbass didn't check that it would be down for maintenance for the next hour and a bit :/)
I WILL BE UPDATING WITHIN THE NEXT 2 HOURS I PROMISE. as soon as ao3 is back, it'll be up <33
EDIT: it's up - hope you enjoy, flo xx
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The last of the O’Knutzy trio, here’s Logan! I know I’m not supposed to pick favorites, but I just relate to Logan so much. Once again, credit to @lumosinlove for the character!
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blingywitch · 2 years
I wish I could get to know those characters for the first time again.
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