#he wanted to look all cool and majestic and mysterious
sigyns-drafts · 6 months
Hey there, can I request for ROR anubis x modern reader where the reader is bored and try to summon anubis for fun and think it wouldn't work, but it end up working and now there a random Anubis in her room feel free to add what after this ~ thank you
A/N: Gladly anon! I'd love to write about silly little nubby. Hope it's what you wanted ♡
The unlikely jackal-headed companion 🐺🎃
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Ror!Anubis x fem!reader
➩ A modern day girl who's favourite interest had always been Egyptian mythology, especially the god Anubis.
Found her adult life to be rather boring, so when she stumbled upon a website that could help her summon these ancient gods.
For fun she tries it, not expecting it to work until she is proven wrong and now Anubis himself has entered the mortal realm, as well as her home.
➩ Reader type: fem!reader.
⚠: Platonic & Romantic Fluff!!
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In a small suburban town, nestled between towering buildings and grey streets, lived a young lonesome woman named y/n.
She was currently seated in her room adorned with posters of ancient Egyptian art and books, filled with its fascinating mythology, gods and history.
Something y/n had been fond of ever since she was a child.
But life as an adult was rather boring now, with work and other tasks keeping her away from her interests and hobbies.
Until y/n felt that sudden urge of curiosity again, rushing through her mind and body.
Soon enough y/n found herself engrossed scrolling online, stumbling upon an online tutorial on summoning the ancient Egyptian gods.
Half out of scepticism and half out of sheer boredom, y/n decided to try the summoning ritual for Anubis.
After all, Anubis was one of her favourite deities. Y/n chuckled at the stupidity and the fact this wasn't going to work.
Because it wouldn't, right?
She gathered the necessary items - candles, incense, and a makeshift altar adorned with skulls and other trinkets she found around the house.
Thinking to herself:
"If Anubis really does exist he would definitely like these, hah!"
As y/n chanted the ancient words she had gotten from the website, with a hint of amusement, she never expected anything to happen.
But to her surprise, a sudden wind and glow enveloped the room, and a mysterious figure materialised before her.
Anubis, the god of the afterlife with his jackal head, stood before her in all his majestic glory.
Y/n eyes widened in disbelief as she stumbled backward, tripping and falling to the ground. Her heart was racing in her chest, more than ever before.
"W-What..?! That wasn't supposed to-"
Y/n stutters to herself, trying to keep her cool as she shakes uncontrollably at Anubis's presence.
Anubis, as he looked around the room slowly, taking in his new surroundings was still barely visible to really make out. Because of the sudden glow to have hit the room.
While trying to adjust her sight, y/n was certain Anubis was here to collect her soul or at least judge her heart for having called upon him as a joke.
However, to her shock when the god spoke, he sounded rather thrilled to be there.
"Well, this was unexpected and delightful!" he exclaimed, his voice resonating through the room.
It wasn't as deep and booming as y/n had imagined it sounding like.
In fact, he sounded like an excited puppy who somehow knew how to talk.
Did she hit her head when she fell and was now dreaming, or perhaps even worse had she gone mad?
Unused to being summoned in the modern world, Anubis continues to look around with childlike wonder, his dark eyes sparkling.
Y/n was almost left with her mouth wide open when she finally got to see and admire the god before her.
His head wasn't actually the head of a jackal, but instead it was his headwear!
Underneath all that he was a handsome man, with dark tanned skin, sharp teeth and piercings on his chin, but also tongue.
Y/n had to gulp and blush slightly to herself, for some reason feeling embarrassed about this humanoid form of his.
Noticing y/n's bewilderment, Anubis approached her closer with a grin, offering his hand to help the woman up.
"Greetings, mortal! I am Anubis, the guardian of the afterlife. What brings you to summon me today?"
Stammering, y/n managed to grab a hold of the gods hand reluctantly while replying, she was scared his sharp nails or claws would touch her at first.
"I... I didn't really think this would work, please forgive me my lord!"
Anubis chuckled lightly, his soft laughter was admittedly very cute making y/n's heart skip a little beat.
"The whims of mortals! Fear not, if this wasn't a part of your plan I totally understand! But if you don't mind me asking, what assistance can I be to you then?"
With a nervous expression, y/n took a deep breath and the chance to think about it.
What could she possibly come up with to make Anubis, a literal god's time, be worth the while in the mortals realm?
"I suppose..somehow entertain me? If that isn't too much to ask for of course!! It's just that, these days are quite uneventful.."
Y/n to ease her nerves starts twirling some of her hair using her index finger.
A common habit she did whenever she needed a distraction.
Anubis, realising the woman was still tense, smirks to himself and thinks about a way to help her.
"Then I am here to make your mundane day more thrilling, my lady! I see your room is decorated with quite a few familiar things."
He happily pointed out, already seeing y/n's eyes light up at his comment and sharp eye.
"Oh really?! I'm so glad you find them familiar, I was afraid it would look weird to you somehow, considering I'm not from ancient Egypt!"
"Hey, don't worry about it, I love seeing people appreciate my culture."
"Phew, what a relief..!"
"But a particular reason why I am your favourite~?" Anubis without warning teased y/n, raising his eyebrow as his face leaned in close to hers.
It felt like her whole body was about to explode and her face turned red.
Damn it! She should have prepared herself for this question considering the jackal headed gods depiction was included almost everywhere!
"W-Well, you are my favourite..!"
Y/n responded in a panic, was he seriously playing with her right now?
Was this a way to catch her off guard or to test her in some way or another?
Before y/n could say anything any further, Anubis, ever the playful deity, leaped into the air out of pure happiness.
"Yippee~!!" The god exclaimed as he accidentally landed near her.
The sudden weight caused y/n to lose her balance, and she tumbled onto the bed alongside the ancient god.
"Oh uh..that was an accident, I didn't mean to scare or get that excited!"
Anubis pleaded, genuinely upset about his actions. He quickly got off y/n but all the woman could do was sigh as she had accepted her new fate.
"Honestly, this is already keeping me entertained enough."
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
could you do mantis, tigress, viper, po, shen, tai lung, kai x a white peacock reader that can manipulate all forms of physics? For reference, the White Peacock Reader has the ability to manipulate all forms of physics regardless of laws. Other have sent you this type of question, so I am sending you this type of question. And I love your stuff too.
mantis,tigress,viper,po,shen,tai lung and kai x white peacock reader who can manipulate all forms of physics
I'm glad you like my stuff! And of course I can
Not been proof read yet I just wanted to post it 😭
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He finds you beauty and grace very admirable
You fight with such ferocity and grace it's almost unbelievable
He thinks that your powers are really cool but also really scary since they dont abide to any of the laws
Meaning you can do things that shouldn't physically be possible
Thinks that your some kind of God or something,maybe you've just been blessed by the gods
Not to much sparing,he fears that hell be crushed before he can even move
He asks to trace the patterns on your feathers(if you have any patterns)
He wonders if your tail can get in the way when fighting
Your fighting style is literally drop dead gorgeous
Saw you phase through a wall once,cant unsee it
Scary for in battle but very useful as an ally
He asks if you know why your white instead of the usually colours
Very curious about you
Your very mysterious
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She finds your beauty breath taking but remembers during battle not to be distracted
Shes curious of how you got your powers,did you learn them?,if so who was your master?,were you born with them?,does it run in your family?
Lots of questions
Training constantly
You've bested her more times then she cares to admit
She'll say that you cheated
Shes not saying that because she thinks you incapable,shes just saying that to try and mend her wounded pride
Her leg has phased through you and she lost the match because her brain practically stopped working for a minute or so
She likes to stay on your good side,mainly because she genuinely fears your powers
She believes that you can control them well but the things you can do,shouldn't be humanly/animaly possible
She likes to help clean your tail if you allow her
She wonders how you can fight with such a big tail
She fears fears what people will say when she tells them she lost a match to you,so you tell her that she can say you lost sometimes
She finds it scary and impressiv how much you can do,you can control things like the weather,solid matter etc.
She asks about your origins and if there may have been a particular reason as to why you were born as a white peacock with such immense power
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brought to you by the same gif,again
As a previous ribbon dancer she likes to see the art in different peopls kung fu/fighting style,which meand she loved the way you fight
Such precision and beauty
She thinks your way to overpowerd
Like if you wanted to you could legit just walk on water
Dont like cold noodles?,ok lemme just,heat that up for u rq
She likes to stay relatively on your good side
She will ask to put flowers in your feathers,if you allow her to she will be ecstatic
Such a sweet heart
If you give her a feather as a gift of luck she may just pass out
If you have any patterns on your feathers she likes to trance them with her tail or just look at it
Shes scared to get priced by your sharp talons in battle/sparing
Loves your feathers
Shes curious to your feather colour being white but wont dig or think to deep about it
She just puts it down as being an unique quality of yours
Your tail can get annoying every so often
She likes how you input your tail into your fighting style
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Your white feathers give him a tad bit of PTSD
He find the way you fight majestical,almost as if hes watching a play
He likes your feather and asks how you keep them so clean
He would be very hesitant with you sometimes due to the fact you remind him of someone
He thinks white suits you
Hes very surprised,fascinated and intrigued apon finding out about your powers
Your powers are like nothing hes ever seen before and he loves it
He likes to have long training sessions with you to try find a weakspot
He wants you to try teach him
Even if you tell him it's your genes and not taught he will still ask,there no hurt in trying
Liked your tail but it is very big
He likes making noodles for you both and sitting under a tree on a rainy day,knowing that your the reason your both not drenched in water
He wonders how you obtained such power and wonders what It would be like going all on out dragon warrior against you
He gets distracted by your feather alot
If you were to ever give him a feather hed treat it like a treasure that needs to be protected at any cost
Likes to watch your methods of fighting because he wants to try doing it himself
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Hes rather shocked apon learning that there another white peacock
And your very powerful
In some ways hes happy that theres another peacock since he wont feel as lonely being the only white one but then again he in some ways feels like that was a huge part of his character
Apon first meeting you he gets extremely defensive and accuses you of being an imposter,even though you never said a single thing
Has alot of curiosity about your powers
Shen will try test your limits and see if you just unleash your powers out of pure emotion,he has morbid curiosity
He likes to spar ALOT
He likes to talk to you about how he created the cannons aswell as what he did to get the result
Hes very clingy and will often hang around you
Should anyone speak bad about you if you dont handle it,he will gladly
He finds a sick kind of pleasure from having so powerfull by his side
He throws firework shows for you
If you are good with close combat he will get a custom commissioned weapon of your choice for you
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Tai lung
Although he finds your white feathers beautiful he also feels threatened
The pure reason for this is power
Hes been a star student for so long,the best of the best and you show up and have more power than him
Hes very stand off ish at first
He warms up to you eventually,its just a case of him getting there
He comes to find the brutality and accuracy of your fighting method
He trains with you at any given chance,hes not afraid to fight someone stronger than him and he will most likely go in blind,refusing to learn anything from his opponent
He asks if your methods can be taught and is a bit sulky if it cant
Hes not going to underestimate you by a long shot,hes more likely to overestimate you
He finds you feathers pretty and can momentarily find himself losing focus in training
If you gave him a feather he'd treat it as if it were his life sorce
He believes that when he achieves the dragon scroll you two will finally be even
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Other than oogway he hasnt seen such powerful chi before
Nor has he seen the types of power you weild
Your a mystery at first,a mysterious white peacock shows up one day and has practically limitless power?
Hes going to be after your chi,no doubts
After awhile it's much like having a frenemy
"Still havnt given up your chi,(name)?""still havnt defeated oogway,kai?"
Its can go back and forth like this for a very long time,which it usually ends with you slipping through solid matter to escape
It gets to the point whether hes unsure if he still wants to take your chi
It would give him so much raw power but hes grown...fond of you
Which he hates to admit and probally wont
Once you become acquaintances tho it will turn into sparring seasons often
He brings his jombies out every so often to spice things up
He likes how smoothly you execute your kung fu moves/attacks
However in the end he still technically got what he wanted,just differently
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sakurapika · 8 months
Some ideas for Twisted Wonderland events
(*Mild spoilers for some JP server events and Chapter 6)
-A Mulan-themed event: In one of the Halloween events, Silver mentioned knowing the story of Mulan, and Lilia has mentioned having been to "the East" before (not to mention Diasomnia's Halloween costumes are longs). It would be lovely to see Lilia return to the TWST-equivalent of China with some of his friends and meeting new characters--bonus points if someone is twisted from Mushu. A story about a girl who makes a sacrifice for her aging father by enlisting in the military on his behalf fits well with Silver and Lilia, so now would be the perfect opportunity to give them duo magic! Also, Chinese xianxia/martial arts fantasy novels are very popular in Japan and abroad nowadays (if you know, you know :) ), and I would love to see the boys wearing hanfu--they'd look so majestic and cool!
-Sam's hometown event: A Princess and the Frog event where the boys go to the TWST version of New Orleans, chaperoned by Sam. It would be a great opportunity to explore the jazz and culinary scene, and, of course, wear 1920s-inspired clothing. Someone in Octavinelle gets an SSR.
-A pajama-party event: Night Raven College hosts an all-night pillow fight tournament, and everyone gets extremely competitive, kind of like Beanfest. Everyone wears pajamas--I'm not sure if they'd have their own outfits, or if the dorms would match and have PJ sets with their logo on it (kind of like the pajamas they sell at the JP Disney Store). In battle, the chibis throw pillows at each other.
-Octavinelle hometown event: We are introduced to the Tweels' parents and/or Azul's mother. Given how Jamil and Kalim's hometown event carried out, it is likely that only one of the three will actually get an event card, but we'll see. In the Halloween event, Riddle mentioned that he's never seen the sea before. Even though he's had a chance in the Lost in the Book with Stitch event (and the developers probably want to give the spotlight to different characters), I'm afraid he doesn't remember it. Anyway, he deserves to go again. Alternatively, there's an event where the boys go to the Sunshine Lands and meet Prince Rielle. In this case, Riddle and Azul must go together--it would be nice to see after the events of Chapter 6.
-Riddle and Trey hometown event/Black Butler crossover: We've already had a Heartslabyul-themed hometown event with Deuce, but this time, we get to meet Trey's family and Riddle's mother. The likelihood that we get a canon Black Butler crossover as well is very close to zero, but it would be really fun to make a few jokes/hints about Riddle having a younger cousin who wears an eyepatch and solves mysteries with his enigmatic butler. Bonus points if Riddle and Jade have duo magic and dress up in Victorian/ouji clothing.
-J-fashion event: Speaking of ouji clothing, it would be amazing if there was an event inspired by Japanese fashions and subcultures. I think there was a part in one of the anthology mangas where Vil gave the Pop Music Club a visual kei makeover. I know the Pop Music Club has their own SSRs already, but I wouldn't mind seeing more outfits in this style.
-An orchestra-themed event: Some of the NRC students form a classical orchestra. Malleus is there, of course--I imagine him playing the cello this time. The Octavinelle trio is there as well with their respective instruments, as is Idia and Riddle both playing violins. I can see Jamil playing a woodwind instrument--maybe a flute, a clarinet, or an oboe?
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le-trash-prince · 5 months
The Pit Babe cast as Pokémon trainers
Just some meaningless AU fun because I can :3
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Klefki: Look, he’s not gonna not have the damn car keys pokemon okay
Arcanine: Growlithe was Babe’s first Pokemon, gifted to him by Tony, who wanted him to be a fire trainer. Despite this, Babe considers it a friend still, and it’s been by his side through everything.
Hitmonchan: Babe’s boxing partner!
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Ditto: This one should be obvious but for those who don’t know the franchise, Ditto can copy the form and moves of any Pokemon
Poochyena: a puppy pokemon for a puppy trainer
Oddish: I just think Charlie would have a cute Pokemon with a drain type attack
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Aipom: It helps Alan out in the garage by passing tools around 🥹
Magneton: Another garage helper who spends a lot of time with Jeff’s Magneton
Squirtle: Absolute dad vibes. Chills out with Alan in his pool. They have matching sunglasses.
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Absol: Absol is rumored to be able to foresee disaster, and who is that perfect for?
Magnemite: Magnemite just seemed really cute for an engineer like Jeff to have.
Metapod: A Pokemon with a shell as tough as its trainer’s. Jeff never pushes his Metapod to evolve because he loves it just the way it is.
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Alakazam: I figure Way would specialize in psychic Pokemon!
Meowstic: A pretty little psychic blue kitty for a pretty little psychic man
Hypno: I don’t have to explain this one right okay moving on
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Unown: Just as mysterious and enigmatic as its trainer
Suicune: Like Suicune, Pete has a tendency to show up, look cool, and then leave. Iconic.
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Rapidash: Well Kim has gotta have the fire type that loves racing. It’s the law.
Pyeroar: I’ll be honest I just think they would be majestic and badass together
Raichu: Kim’s Raichu is a beast who will fuck you up
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Houndoom: Kenta’s job is to look pretty and lurk in the background with his ciggy and his Houndoom and he is very good at it
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Inceneroar: Look they are best friends okay. Even if Winner pushed it to evolve too early because he’s dumb like that.
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Farfetch’d: I just know in my heart of hearts that Dean has a Farfetch’d
Jigglypuff: Dean demands to be taken as seriously as his Jigglypuff does
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North & Sonic: They co-parent a Rotom who helps them with vlogging and it’s the cutest shit in the world. They focus more on vlogging than Pokemon training or racing.
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Tony: Of course the wealthy evil head of an organization that deals in kidnapping is gonna have a Persian. This is not even a question
And that’s it! Of course there’s a lot more Pokemon all of them could have but these are just my thoughts! If you read this far, thank you for your time! And thank you to my bestie for brainstorming with me. ☺️ I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts
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yanfeisty · 2 years
That SAGAU ask for a reader that is like Double from skullgirls makes me wanna ask for a SAGAU reader that’s like Bayonetta. If you don’t know who that is then she’s a badass umbra witch with many pacts that she can summon, uses a plethora of weapons, has torture attacks (you can look those up if you want) and is usually pretty flirty her main outfit is also made of partially, if not entirely of her hair. She can also transform into some animals like a panther, a bird, and a serpent (though the upcoming version of her can turn into lesser forms of her pacts) If you wanna know more then you can look her up on like anything. You don’t have to answer this ofc if you don’t wanna then delete this pls. But if so then can you pls do HC with the archons and the adepti and harbingers reaction to readers fighting and summoning pls?
Genshin sagau Hcs | Bayonetta!Reader
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Childe, Ei, La Signora, Xiao x Bayonetta!Creator!Reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : You're a playful witch/wizard with mysterious powers, let's see how your acolytes act with you and your powers.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : Religious theme.
𝐀/𝐍 : I do in fact know her! While I don't play her games, I find her so cool and her in sagau is interesting. Thx for requesting that, hope you'll enjoy!
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⠀‣ Childe
. He's beyond grateful that you were guiding him during battles, but that now that he can actually fight by your side, he's all the more excited. Especially when he learns that you have cool and unique abilities. You have guns as shoes and use your hair for fighting? That's interesting...He'll applause the originality.
. He really wants to fight but most of the time he ends up admiring you, and can you blame him? He finally gets a chance to see you in action, and he isn't disappointed to say the least, watching you summon deadly weapons while mocking the enemy, is a truly fascinating performance.
. Since you're the flirty type, he isn't afraid to do it back. In the middle of battle, kicking butts, unashamed to throw random flirts and tease each other, while the enemy is either mad or disgusted by you, but you'll both shut them down with a combo. You make a terrifying duo, as you synchronize perfectly.
. You'll absolutely have competition of who will have the highest body count, or who is the coolest while doing it, you may impress him and he may not have such unique abilities like yours, but don't underestimate him, he dedicated all his life to battles, and he also got some sass in him. He also made a challenge to try to beat you, defeating a witch god was now is ultimate life goal. he's still trying to this day.
⠀‣ Ei
. An umbra witch? How interesting, she never heard of them and their powers before, of course in this world you're one of a kind, so please tell her more about you, from how do your powers work or how did you learn them, if you don't know, she'll be glad if you showed her.
. And whe she's finally seeing you fight, well, she couldn't expect less from you, transforming into majestic and demonic creatures, punishing those for blasphemy with torture devices directly from hell they'll soon meet. All with graceful and perfectly controlled movements, she admires your quick reflexes the most, as it's also one of her strength that she's glad she shares it with you, you're surely one of the best fighter in Teyvat and maybe she could learn from you, so she can satisfy you with her technique, though she knows she could never compare.
. She is the type to be serious, and especially when she fights, but when it comes to your flirty personality, she may respond awkwardly, flustered by your behavior towards her, but she doesn't let her guard down, shutting down the enemy who dared to mock her rosy cheeks. Please, don't embarrass her further, and keep the flirts for moments when you're only together.
⠀‣ La Signora
. You're terrifying together, both a dominant type, loving the same kind of outfit and sometimes, around a cup of hot tea, shaming others that annoy you. You get along very well and no one wants to be the next subject of your discussion.
. She's very interested in your kind, you're more powerful than the Tsarista herself, and have powers coming from another world. Don't think she just wants to flatter you, having you at her side and the Fatui would really benefits them, but as someone she worships, she's proud to say she's in your good grace, she doesn't hesitate to brag about it with vanity to the others Harbingers and enjoy their jealousy.
. Whoever ask for a fight with you both, ask for a painful death, they're no match. She likes your sense of mockery, witty remark and dramatic dances, leaving people no chances but also humiliated, plus, with your back and forth teasing between each other, which make them unsettled and easier to distract.
⠀‣ Xiao
. He's questioning the usefulness of having guns on your shoes and hair as your combat outfit and powers, isn't it unconfortable? And if you use your hair to summon, what about your outf-. But, seeing you in action, makes him loose all of his doubts, you're able to control your movements and technique perfectly. It puts him in relief to see you can protect yourself if somehow he isn't here.
. He isn't so sure about the source of your powers coming from demons, you aren't being manipulated are you? And what do they want in return. He'll stay silent but go reassure him about this, because he can't help but worry a bit.
. Like Ei, he is a bit embarrassed by how you act, let's say, you're very confident with yourself, maybe a bit too much in his opinion, but he's just saying this because he is all blushy, and he doesn't like to show that part of himself, he'll scold you a bit on how you should take this more seriously. And if you respond with another flirt, you can call his name all you want, he'll stay hidden and give you the silent treatment.
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yunarim · 1 year
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⭑ ★ " THE SECOND STAR TO THE RIGHT shines in the night for you to tell you that the dreams you plan really can come true " – peter pan
silver meets you in his dreams but can't talk to you and when he finally enters your dream there's only...
✎﹒for @briarvalleyarchives 'anthems of old' event — — TAGS : silver x gn reader, angst to hope, not really angst but rather melancholy, open ending — WORD COUNT : 2.1k
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Gentle moonlight cradles rough trunks of majestic trees surrounded by sparse cobwebs. Bluish reflections make their way through the coniferous edges resembling sunlight breaking through stained glass, settling on forest flowers in random splashes of aquarelle. Ephemeral forest lullaby lives in a faraway wind howl, tenderly embracing flowers almost elusively, and a faintly distant river melody plays somewhere afar. 
Silver feels as if his mind flows, whirling around every dismal leaf and escaping further away. It’s cold. 
A blue fluorescent butterfly gently lands on his nose, its wings tremble slightly, causing Silver to chuckle and finally open his eyes. 
Enchanted forest looms before him, welcoming in a mysterious yet somehow oddly familiar ambience. It’s hard to define if he’s dreaming or not until he sees a little mischief-maker, flying around him as if dancing to its own melody. His own skin feels frozen though not unpleasantly. He rests his hand on a tree, sliding along it and getting up from the spot he’s been sleeping at. 
A little smile blossoms on his face when the butterfly taps on his nose and then flies to the right. He wonders if it’s trying to lead him somewhere and decides to play along, making one step towards, not realizing his legs feel numb. 
He tries to step on the dry knots of trees, lined as canvas on the damp ground, bending down so as not to disturb the tranquility of the sweeping coniferous branches with pine needles, and at the same time greeting the mischievous fireflies with a complaisant gaze. He stops for a moment, exposing his face to the cool ozonized air and enjoying the charming calmness of this place.
He realizes the butterfly dissolved in a mysterious forest haze, shuddering for a mere moment before bating his breath. 
A voice. Gentle, loving voice echoes in the forest, ricocheting from tree trunks and sedimenting on flower petals. Silver can’t define words right at the moment but he realizes that this beautiful river of yet unbeknown words resembles a song.
The sound of a river becomes clear, and the voice Silver heard moments ago trembles a little, as if portraying swaying swamp plant bushes, flickering and following its rhythm. 
 “The second star to the right,”
Silver sees your figure enfolded in a bright moonlight, your reflection on the water surface glitters and flutters when the butterfly lands on a glass of the water. Your voice sounds like gentle bells jingling.
“Shines in the night for you…”
Suddenly you turn to where he stands, making him freeze. He didn’t want to disturb you and yet… Somehow there’s something oddly enchanting in you. 
Your song tails away as Silver makes one step towards you but you return your gaze to the butterfly playing around the water. Silver wonders if you saw him at all.
“Good evening…?” He asks more of himself than you. The stars sparkle like a scattering of gilded grains of sand on your cheeks.
You don’t answer.
He comes closer, as if bewitched. It is enough just to reach out your hand, and he will touch your shoulder. And yet… you don’t answer still.
You chuckle, exhaling cold thorny air, and part your lips again, gently tapping on flower petals surrounding you.
“To tell you that the dreams you plan,”
Silver watches you carefully, his steps fade in an ephemeral plume before he appears right in front of you, daring to look into your eyes. 
He sees Elysium blossoming in your iris. Silver can’t resist the urge to touch you at least once, and once his fingertips brush over your skin, you fade in bright sparkles of gold.
“Really can come true.”
He wakes up.
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Week after Silver thinks it isn’t right. Normally he would see someone in his dream only once, or maybe more if he was personally acquainted with the one who appeared. 
But it wasn’t the most paradoxical thing. People in his dreams never acted like he was a transparent being, lifeless and glassy. He wanted to believe you ignored him willingly the first night you met once upon a dream, and yet you were singing the very same song every night as if Silver was a mere floating cloud, a mist dissolving while you were shining on the firmament. 
Night Raven College isn’t the place where someone could worry about your well-being, let alone being in general, but Silver gets some concerned glances, sliding down his spine when he furrows his brows and almost makes the wrong potion during the classes.
Lilia asks him about your presence within his dreams, and Silver finds himself at a loss of words. Lilia also warns him that he should stop trying to approach you, even if he already memorized your vague image as tempting. So distant and mysterious, yet not intimidating and even rather warm. 
Sun rays rest on his cheeks when his eyelashes flatter a little and realizes it won’t be sunny in his dream. You’ll be there again, resembling an outer-world apparition that dances in the woods, enjoying the little song with a meaning he hasn’t grasped yet.
Morpheus takes him in a gentle embrace and Silver falls deeper in the sleep, wishing to see you soon.
Familiar scenery welcomes him with you somewhere further, he has learnt it by now. There’s your apparently favorite spot surrounded by luminescent flowers, their glow shining on you, so everlastingly joyful. 
“Good evening,” he welcomes you again out of habit. 
Lilia once showed him a music box. Its doors parted like waves on the shore, and revealed two tiny birds singing their uncomplicated melody. He imagined you of one of them, its white wings trembling slightly. 
“I wonder,” he sits before you as he used to do. “How was your day...”
You don’t look at him, your gaze concentrated on a water surface. 
Silver feels he doesn’t mind.
“The second star to the right,” you start, your bare feet touching cold ground. It’s nothing new, Silver tried to stop you once, give him his coat he always happens to wear to cover your figure enveloped in a thin nightgown. You disappeared in gilded ashes.
“Shines in a light so rare…”
Silver finds an ephemeral calmness while you sing, closing his eyes and revealing his face to the forest’s mist and enjoying the feeling of sedimented clouds brushing his skin.
“It’s peaceful here,” he admits, knowing you won’t answer.
“And if it’s Neverland you need,”
You won’t.
“Neverland, you say?”
“Its light will lead you there.”
And it hurts.
“I wish… it will.”
You smile brighter than you normally do.
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A viscous, squeezing light sensation in his chest pierces him like a thorny rose. It's not enough to break him even for a fraction of an unfortunate second, it's not enough to shamelessly force him to bow under your ghostly charms.
But still, it is enough for the heart to wail sadly to your presence, and the desire to touch you filled his mind, splashing overwhelmingly. 
He looks at you, pure adoration at the bottom of his eyes aimed right at yours, so doll-like yet beautiful and cheerful. 
Silver wonders why haven’t you started your song yet. Your movements are static and even if not lifeless, they’re relatively slow, any glimpse of interest left you ever so sudden. Even your loyal little companion, the blue butterfly that danced, following the rhythm you created yourself, and somehow even stars don’t shine so brightly as they always were.
“I hope,” he says, not minding hair locks tickling his nose when he tilts his head. “You would show me the Neverland you’ve mentioned.”
Your expression remains frozen in time.
“If its light won’t lead me there, then…” 
Silver stands up, taking off his coat and covering you with it. Your precious figure, always so close yet so distant, doesn’t dissolve in gold sparkles right away.
“I will find it myself.”
His hand lands on yours before you finally look right into his eyes, shimmering in delight when you giggle with a hint of sadness. You fade in smoldering glowing ashes.
Silver feels nothing. Life seemed to freeze in its most beautiful moment, curdled in a serene oasis, covering all living things with a flawlessly woven veil. Silver puts his hand on his chest, checking if it rises in time with his breathing, and calms down, listening to the even melody of his breaths.
Anthracite darkness clouded the space, shrouding Silver himself, plunging his mind into a suspiciously tranquil sleep. He rubbed his eyelids in an attempt to separate reality from dream, and sighed painfully as an unpleasant realization invaded his mind, coming uninvited.
It is a dream. Not his.
But yours.
He feels it in the void before him. He feels it in the absence of forest scents, usually gently tickling his skin. He knows that this is your dream when he does not feel the damp soil under his feet, and the tips of his fingers do not touch the thorny branches of trees. He is sure of it when the sweet sound of an overflowing river does not reach his ears.
He knows you’re here, and yet you’re not. An eternal paradox of your dimension, he thinks. He thought of you as an extraterrestrial being, and you proved to be one the very moment he realized it’s your dream. Your dimension his mind can’t reach.
“Are you here?” He asks, feeling you somewhere near.
But the only answer is the void.
It feels like decades pass when he runs, crying out for you, not even knowing your name. Only when he falls on his knees on something he believes is glass, he chuckles.
“Is this the Neverland you intended to show me?”
How cruel of you.
“Twinkle, twinkle, little star,”
Silver rises up instantly, hearing your voice somewhere far away. It’s fading slowly with every second he tries to approach it, as if morning haze dissolving. 
“So I’ll know where you are…”
His legs feel numb and it feels he’s running in circles, but your voice guides him. 
“Gleaming in the skies above,” 
Silver looks up, stopping at once, and sees two little stars, sensing how a sudden calmness fills up his mind.
“Lead me to the one who loves me.”
He wakes up with tears running down his cheeks and leaving transparent glassy traces, the only reminder of your dream he entered.
You no longer appear in his dreams.
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A year passed since he last encountered you in his dreams. 
Silver misses you. People don't yearn for their loved ones the way he wants to see you again and melt within the calmness of your gentle voice. 
There’s a commotion happening at the ceremony. He sees Azul and Riddle chasing after a cat-looking creature, but somehow that’s not the thing that makes him feel uneasy. 
Doesn't anyone feel the freshness of the forest after a sudden rain that has dipped the blades of grass in cold dew?
Lilia suggests coming back to the dorm but Silver smiles reassuringly, saying he’ll catch up a bit later after checking something. Lilia knows he shouldn’t.
“As I’ve already mentioned!..”
A voice, so dear and dreamy, breaks even through the noises filled with genuine confusion. 
Silvers turns to the headmaster and a figure in front of him. 
“I’m not from here. I don’t know what is here anyway...”
You don’t sing. It is your natural casual voice when you talk to other people. It is filled with strong emotions intertwining with a familiar tranquility and even care, and it is most definitely yours.
“Excuse me, may I disturb you for a moment?”
You turn, and Silver almost jolts at the sudden little noise you make when your hand automatically draws to your chest, clutching black coat you wear. 
You don’t hear the headmaster asking if Silver knows you. You don’t even recall the name itself before finding it absolutely lovely. 
Silver is all that — lovely and dreamy. And nevertheless… There’s something aching within you, pounding painfully right in your chest and making tears appear in the corners of your eyes. You avoid his gaze, almost sobbing in realization: you can’t look at him.
“I’m sorry,” he smiles reassuringly, slightly bowing his head. “It seems I’ve mistaken you for someone else. Pardon my rudeness if my presence makes you uncomfortable.”
“Ah, it’s not… like that…” You answer intermittently. You can’t deny that but still… 
“I hope,” he says, exhaling deeply as if trying to combine all the words he wished to say in one sentence at once. “The dreams you plan… Really can come true.”
You shudder, as if permeated with a myriad of vague memories, but only one of them breaks through the foggy veil.
“And when you bring him my way,” 
Silver abruptly turns around to face you, hearing familiar musical notes.
“Each time we say ‘Goodnight’,” He continues, smiling bitterly.
Maybe there’s still a way for you to remember him.
And for him to see the Neverland with you.
⭑ ★ We’ll thank the little star that shines
The second from the right. ★ ⭑
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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omegothic · 2 months
opinion on ffxv after 75 hours of playing (and one hour of running in circles to level gladio's skill up) (still haven't played any of the dlcs but i'm gonna take a break or something for a few days because i severely neglected my university stuff and spent most of the last week obsessively playing this game)
i love this game. am i tired? hell yeah. would i want all these hours back? hell no.
the game is a mystery to me.
the sidequests are genshin impact open world quests level (which means that if i hear anyone talking, i'm pressing the skip button because i don't give a fuck). you listen to someone yapping about unimportant stuff and they make you collect the same shit over and over again. peak game design.
the main quests are good but the ending made me age 10 years in a week. there's NO NEED for these tragedies. boy you literally have the power of gods on your side and they tell you the only way to get rid of the big bad villain is to kill yourself? sounds like bullshit to me. also why even bother if there's only a few thousands people left in the world. you already lost, all this stuff had to be done 10 years ago to have any meaning. and there's no way the world didn't just implode or something when the sun stopped rising. the true ending is noctis getting spat out of the crystal and realising everyone is long gone because there's no sunlight.
the mentally ill hobo could have been more cooperative too geez. i'll be honest i like him much more than the six. and everyone's like "oh gods are helping you" no they hate me and want me to die for no reason. i'd rather join forces with ardyn and try to take them down. even if he did a lot of questionable stuff (cough- killed my bride -cough-cough- and her brother -cough- also kidnapped my friend and tortured him-)
the hunts are kinda fun when it's a big monster but when it's a bunch of goblins i'm like,,, why did you call me here? ngl i thought all hunts would be like the first one, it was truly cool. there was some kind of plot, some interactions with my friends, some stealth, the monster seemed really tough (meanwhile me, fighting the lvl 99 adamantoise 65 hours later: the ring of lucii go brrr-)
the dungeons are ass. i thought nothing could be as disorienting as daggerfall's randomly generated dungeons but they really managed to do a miracle with ffxv. although the dungeons in ffxv are not scary at all, that's the difference.
the open world is okay. there're some interesting places (when you first see the big mysterious creature in the lake you're like do i have to fight it?? can i get closer to it?? what is this??) and the nature is beautiful. altissia looks majestic but sadly there's not much to do. i appreciate the hard work tho.
using regalia was a delight. when you want to take a break and just look at the landscape you can just sit still with a controller in your hands and enjoy the ride. really therapeutic. don't drive at night when you're low level though... listen to ignis. ignis is always right.
the camp life is by far the best out of all games i've had an experience with. there's so many little details everywhere that you cannot help but adore your companions. it's the way every time you make camp you get a bunch of photos prompto took since the last break. it's the way your companions talk to you almost all the time and you truly feel like you are on a road trip with your friends. it's the way gladio calls you out on your bullshit and afterwards you want to bite his head off each time you talk to him. it's the way ignis cooks for the entire party and makes you help him sometimes. i just love the way friendship is portrayed here.
what was not as good is luna and noct's relationship. there was not enough of luna. yes she loves noct but why? yes noct loves luna but why? luna literally appeared in the plot for two minutes and then tragically died. i think it's really bad. also imagine not seeing your bride for 12 years, when you finally meet her again she immediately dies, then you spend 10 years trapped in a crystal, fucking die and then get to marry your bride. honey it's been 22 years since i last talked to you in person. i'm NOT marrying a random woman in the afterlife (no hate for luna, just this love story didn't seem convincing enough). hopefully i'm gonna see what they wrote in the dawn of the future soon (please pray so that my amazon package doesn't get lost 🙏)
the music is incredible. the woman who wrote the soundtrack is my goddess and i am a devout worshipper 🙏🙏🙏
so, why is the game a mystery to me? because no other game could make me endure 75 hours of boring side quests. i managed to play hogwarts legacy for 44 hours and i despised that game when i finished it. i despised it long before i finished it. but not ffxv. they could make me do all this boring stuff again and i would do it (not for free tho because i've got better things to do with my time 🤣)
i enjoyed ffxv a lot. it also made me depressed for a week because ending a game like that should be a crime. i think i'm gonna do a few last quests after that but there's not much left (and i'm not looking for more because if i think i am done then i am done). not sure how long episodes gladiolus, prompto and ignis are gonna take, but they're also in my plans (no ardyn tho, gotta go watch some playthrough). there's also anime and a film so plenty of content for me. and i am waiting for the arrival of my book 🫡
(noticed that there's nothing about the combat. well it's because i don't care. i don't like combat. i don't like it in any game. i prefer to flee)
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modelbus · 1 year
May I please request a MTommyinnit x M reader? (TOMMYINNIT; CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS; SOULMATES?)
Where Tommy distinctly remembers meeting a foreign Mreader as a child during one of his family's camping trip, but he can't really be too sure because he was so young and he doesn't have any pictures with said Mreader. Meanwhile, Mreader doesn't understand why he's so attached to the framed picture of him and a young blonde kid from a camping trip he went on years ago. Flashforward to now, they go back to the camping grounds from their childhood to maybe try to find each other again? Except when they arrive with their respective families, a goose literally attacks them (Tommy and Mreader) and chases them until they run into each other.
P.S yes the geese are soulmate geese who bother their person until they run into their soulmate lmao
PPS I love your works so much, I look forward to your updates all the time :')) Keep up the amazing work fr
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Also, I find soulmate geese so funny, definitely one of the best soulmate AU’s
Pairing: CC!Tommy x Male!Reader
Childhood Friends to Lovers - Soulmate AU
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“Well, is it like you remembered?” Your mom asks, but you don’t respond.
You’re too busy looking around the campground, searching for a certain boy. The last time your family came here, years ago, you made an instant best friend with a boy named Tommy. Your mom must’ve taken a photo of you two because the framed photo has sat on your desk ever since.
But now you were here, ten years to the day, for another camping trip. You were absolutely determined to find this kid and figure out why kid you was so damn attached.
Obviously your plan had a few flaws. The biggest one? You have no fucking clue what he looks like. In the photo he was blond and tall, taller than you, but that was ten years ago. For all you know he could’ve dyed his hair and stopped growing!
“Why don’t you walk around? There’s a lake you could probably get some cool photos at for your friends or something.” Your mom suggests. She lowers her voice. “Your dad’s struggling with the tent, just give him a bit.”
You turn around to see the entire tent collapse on your dad. Anything is better than being roped into that mess, even trying to hunt down the mystery guy.
“Yeah, alright. Text me if you need me!” With that, you make your escape.
The campground is actually really full. It is prime vacation time though, so it makes sense. You aren't quite sure if that makes your job easier or harder. It meant a higher likelihood of the guy being here but made it harder to actually find him.
Somehow you instinctively make your way down near the water, where a few geese are scattered around. Cute, but you know they can and will bite you if you get any closer. Luckily you aren't seeing any goslings. You raise your phone, opening the camera app to take a photo. Who doesn't appreciate photos of geese?
Of course, the second your eyes are off the geese, one decides it fucking hates you. The goose charges at you, all fluffed up feathers and angry honking noises.
"Woah, hey!" You exclaim, backing away slowly.
It doesn't seem to be slowing down though, still advancing. You actually like not having to get a rabies shot--can geese get rabies? You don't want to find out--so you turn tail and run. Apparently that was also the wrong move, as it chases you.
There's just no winning with this stupid goose.
"I'm dead, I'm so fucking dead." You pant, racing through unfamiliar tents.
As you disrupt everyone's camping experience, they stop to stare at you. You must look like a madman, running from a goose like this. But they bite! And you have a will to live!
Risking a glance back, you stare at the goose. You'd think it looked almost majestic if it wasn't actively trying to kill you. Wings spread wide, it was showcasing its beauty. Unfortunately, it was still chasing you.
"Leave me alone, you fucker!" Someone shouts.
You turn your head away from the goose and to the noise, still running, only to crash into something. You barely see a flash of red before you land hard on your ass. The goose is definitely going to kill you.
"Oh God, I'm going to die to a fucking goose." You groan.
"My friends are never letting me live it down if I die to one of these fuckers."
Whipping your head around, you realize the thing you crashed into wasn't actually a "thing." It was a person. A blond boy was also sprawled out on the grass next to you, in a red shirt. He looks strangely familiar, but you don't really have time to think about that right now.
There're two geese now, both honking at you two. At least they seem to be getting some amusement out of your inevitable death.
"You were getting chased by one too?" The boy guesses.
"Yeah, thing just charged at me!"
"Me too!"
He grins at you, and for a second you forget about the geese. There was something so agonizingly familiar about that smile.
"I think they're not angry anymore?" He stands up, and you realize the geese stopped making noises. Now they're just staring at you two. If you didn't know better, you would've thought they seemed impatient.
He offers you a hand to help you up, and you take it.
"Now that we survived a goose attack together, I feel like we're practically best friends." You joke.
"Those who fight off savage geese together stay together, as I always say." He agrees, nodding. "I'm Tommy, by the way."
The name strikes something in you, and you suddenly realize why he seems so familiar. Blond hair, tall as fuck. You had completely forgotten the name Tommy, but hearing it now you remember. What were the chances a random goose actually chased you into meeting the kid you met ten years ago?
"Weird question, but you wouldn't have happened to come here ten years ago, would you?"
Tommy's face changes from amusement to shock, jaw dropping. The expression change tells you everything you need to know, the answer to your question.
"No fucking way." He gasps.
"Fucking way."
One of the geese lets out a honk, making you both jump and turn toward it. The geese waddle away, considerably calmer than when they were trying to attack you both.
"This is fucking crazy." Tommy laughs, running a hand through his hair.
"You're telling me! A goose chased me from the other side of the campground to here!" You exclaim. "It's like it knew what it was doing!"
"They were conspiring against us!"
You laugh at his words, and he almost seems to glow at it.
"Hey, could I get your number? So I don't have to go ten years wondering about you again." He asks, forming it into another joke.
"Of course." He hands you his phone, and you quickly put in your number and save your contact. "There. This time we can't disappear on each other."
"Hey! That was your fault!"
"How was it my fault?! You were the one who left!"
"You're the one who isn't English! Who the fuck isn't English?!"
As you joke with each other like no time has passed, something weird happens. It's like a piece of you has slotted into place, a piece you didn't even know was missing.
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justinvis · 11 months
Theseus-Newly Recruited Villain (DSMP fanfic)
(Supervillain/hero au)
Prompt:  The villain gives their customary "join me and we can be great" speech. The hero accepts.
“Do you like what you see, Theseus?” Icarus smiled menacingly, looking down upon the so-called ‘beloved’ hero, watching them writhing on the ground, while the chaos around them grew, to what looked like no end.
Theseus watched in helpless horror, as the city, the city in which he had dedicated his entire life to protect, in which he grew up and cared for, was engulfed in hungry flames. His city, his home, was gone. Only rubble and ashes remained: the now only proof that this city had ever existed in the first place. The former citizens watched from a distance, knowing they could do nothing, had nothing, and were nothing against the infamous Syndicates: Icarus, the mind manipulator. Zephryrus, the crow father. and Protesilaus, the blood god.
“Are you happy? Do you see what you’ve done?” Theseus cried in anger, sorrow and grief, for the place that he once called home, and the place that was now no more, “Are you PROUD of what you have done?”
“I mean, yeah mate. I mean, that’s been the whole point of this, we ARE anarchists after all,” Zephryrus responded, while flying towards his direction with his signature majestic crow wings on his back. It was a forever mystery to all of the people whether those wings were real and biological, or if they were simply just another part of his villain attire.
“And isn’t it truly a work of art? I mean, you can’t see THAT and say it isn’t beautiful!” Icarus exclaimed. 
And call Theseus insane, but no matter how much he could deny in, it truly was. There was something, SOMETHING about the chaotic mess that made it look so tragically mesmerising is a way. In a messed up and wicked way. Maybe it way the way the flames danced so gracefully, as it were alive and free of reign, so childish and playful. Or maybe it was the comforting glow from the fire seemed console, as if it filled the warmth missing from Theseus’s childhood: being hugged or embraced, the passion and smothering he never got.
Finally, Protesilaus joined the scene, snapping Theseus from his spiralling, guilty thoughts.
“You know, Theseus, it didn’t have to be this way.” Protesilaus stated in his monotone voice. And he was right.
Theseus glanced at the citizens that were once a part of this city, and can’t help but feel a sinking sensation in his stomach, that HE had let them down, and it was all his fault. The shame returned to him.
Protesilaus continued: “You truly want to be a hero? Then learn how to die like one.”
Silence, as Theseus let those words sink in.
“Dude, you can’t just say that!’ Icarus whispered, not so discreetly, “That totally contradicts my cool villain speech!”
“Not sorry. You have to admit, that line sounded awesome.” Protesilaus smirked
“I hate you,” Icarus replied
“You love me,” Protesilaus contradicted
“You’re lucky you’re my brother,” Icarus gritted his teeth in frustration. Then, switching to normal voice volume, he then looked directly at Theseus.
“Or, you could join us! It’s your choice!”
“…what?” Theseus looked at Icarus as if he were insane, because let’s be honest, he probably is.
“Think about it! Join us, and you’ll possess all this power! Think about all the great havoc you could wreck, and the shenanigans you could create! Why spend your life attending to the poor? Overrated! You could accomplish so more by joining the dark side.” Icarus exclaimed “You’ve failed! Failed to help all these citizens? What’s the point in anything anymore? YOU care so much about them, but do they care about you?”
Icarus had touched a nerve. Because he was right, wasn’t he? All his life Theseus had spent his time protecting the peoples. He had sacrificed so, so much. And no one cared. No one appreciated him.
Icarus continued. “Join us, Theseus! Together, we could rule the world! With your intelligence, Protesilaus’s strength, Zephrurus’s knowledge and my-“
“Okay.” Theseus agreed.
The world seemed to have stopped. The citizens watching gasped in terrified shock. The Syndicates stared at him in jaw-dropping suprisement.
“…I’m…sorry?” Icarus finally asked, having finally found the ability to speak once again.
Theseus look a bated breath. “You heard what I said.”
Icarus took a couple seconds to process those words. “Wait, wait, wait! What? That’s not what happens! You’re supposed to say no, and go on this huge heroic speech about how no matter what happens, you’re never giving up, and pull out that last sly move, like, I’ve watched movies! I’m not stupid!”
“…do you WANT me to reject you?” Theseus questioned, with genuine curiosity.
“I mean, no! BUT-“ Icarus began
“Then okay then, I accept your offer.” Theseus stated, as if he were merely saying 1+1 equaled 2.
Everyone stared at Theseus with a dumbfounded look.
Theseus sighed. “Look man, like, I’m never appreciated. No one really cares and just takes me for granted. And have you seen those memes? I’m so done! Plus, your costumes look way cooler, and having a GROUP of supers is so much more fun that just being a super of one! It also doesn’t help that all those photos of me on media suck so much, like hello? Get some better photographers.”
“Well…um…okay then mate. Do you want to, like, come with us then?” Zephrurus asked, seeming to be the only human who had at least semi-recovered from the shock.
“You kidding?” Theseus asked, “heck yeah! Let’s do this!”
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anywaymurder · 4 months
No Rest for the Wicked
Chapter 56
On their way back to the Majestic Mare, Raiden suddenly stops in his tracks and curses. ‘I… may have fucked up. I need to see the Fable, right away.’ Annori asks whether he can tell them what this is about, or if it’s another secret. Reluctantly, Raiden explains as they walk: several weeks ago, after the witch in the woods had granted Annori the knowledge that her mother was currently in Osta Asari, she was struggling with the decision whether to go find her immediately or continue the investigation and risk arriving too late to meet her there. Feeling bad for her, Raiden had sent a letter to Osta Asari asking his contacts to keep an eye out for Annori’s mother so that they would know if she had left the city. Contacts within the Copper Syndicate — where, according to the Fable, there very well may be Masked Ones hiding among their ranks. N: ‘So, wait, you told the bad guys about my mom??’ ‘I didn’t know,’ the rogue says, desperately, ‘I thought I was helping, but now I realize I may have made a grave mistake.’ Annori pales and she quickens her pace. After banging on the door together feverishly, the resident of the Fable’s hideout opens the door groggily. Recognizing them from earlier, he lets them into the Fable’s chambers. She’s in bed, but quickly gets on her feet when she senses the urgency the group exudes. Hurriedly, Raiden explains the situation once more, and asks her if there is anything she can do. The Fable admits it’s not ideal, but she suspects Annori’s mom to be safe. After all, the possible moles within the Syndicate have no way of knowing Raiden is onto them, and as long as they don’t feel threatened they have no reason to threaten the group. Retracting the message now will likely only bring their attention to it, worsening their odds. Annori asks if the Fable can send someone she trusts to check on her. The Fable admits she currently doesn’t really trust anyone. (N: no one except for us?? Wow that’s dire.) Her insistence that Annori’s mom is probably not in any danger from the cultists is at least slightly reassuring, though Raiden remarks that being unable to do anything to set it right still makes him feel uneasy. They agree they must travel to Osta Asari as quickly as they can once the gala and the heist in Anamdael are completed, which will be little over a week from now. The Fable confirms she can likely make arrangements for the use of a teleportation circle. (N: yes we have experienced just how much faster that is if someone wants to get away. R: alright look, how about this time you all take the teleportation circle and I’ll take the boat, will that even the scores? A: you wouldn’t survive that boat trip.)
Stepping back into the cool night air, Raiden apologizes to Annori. ‘I mean,’ she says, ‘it was pretty stupid, but I appreciate you trying to do something nice. You are coming to Osta Asari with us, right? Because we really need you for all that investigation work.’ R: ‘Hey, it sounds like you booked more results in that department without me! But yeah, of course I’m coming.’ N: ‘How about we make a deal. We help you save your mom, and you help me find mine.’ She spits in her hand and extends it. Raiden gives his own palm a good lick and shakes on it. ‘I’ll take that deal, Sneezeweed.’
That night, meditation doesn’t come easily to Ara. Raiden is snoring and no amount of slapping him or pinching his nose seems to fix it. It doesn’t seem to wake him either, though, so Ara cautiously sits in a corner and takes out his toad plushie. A familiar sensation of warmth and comfort spreads through him. ‘I did miss this,’ sighs Ara. Then, barely audibly, he adds: ‘Can you hear me?’ There is no response from the plushie, but the warmth persists. Ara remains there cradling the plushie until dawn. (This is where Dy was asked to make a mysterious charisma saving throw that we are not at all freaked out over.) Come morning, Raiden sees Ara sitting there with his plushie. He makes a mental note of it, but doesn’t say anything. Instead he gets up and gets dressed, with his back turned to pretend he didn’t see it and allow Ara some grace. 
Over breakfast Annori takes out her trusty art supplies and makes a drawing of Bree based on Marcius’ description. She gets all the relevant detail in there, but somehow it is still a stick figure. The group decides that asking Marcius for Godobald Brockhouse’s address is likely the best place to start their new investigation. They find Marcius in his dorm — yet another person they have rudely awakened with their presence. Together they go through some of Bree’s project notes, whose handwriting and shorthands are not always easy to decipher, but eventually Kevin finds an address in the western area at the outer edge of the Sludge. The street that is mentioned no longer exists under the same name today, but they should still be able to track it down. Annori asks Marcius if he has an object that has Bree’s scent on it, and he produces a sweater he had left here.  When they arrive in the Sludge, Annori wildshapes into a dog (startling Raiden), takes a good sniff of the sweater to determine Bree’s scent, and quickly finds a trail of it she can follow. The scent path is quite erratic, meandering through the streets. It seems like this person was looking for something but was unfamiliar with this area. Eventually, dog!Annori finds a spot where the scent lingers for a while longer and sits down, looking at the group expectantly. There is a house nearby, and Raiden peeks in through a small window to see if anyone’s home. Suddenly, the front door opens, and a woman steps into the doorway. ‘Who are you? Why are you looking into my house?’ Raiden explains that they’re looking for a missing person, and asks if she’s seen anyone that matches Bree’s description. She has, a couple of days ago — Bree had come to her house, but simply stood there for a while and then left. She points in the direction, and dog!Annori confirms with a bark (startling Raiden) that it matches the scent trail. Ara whispers to Raiden: ‘Ask her if she’s related to the soldier.’ Raiden: ‘Are you by chance related to the Brockhouse family?’ The woman explains that her parents bought the house from the Brockhouse family. Apparently they moved out of town. With no further questions to ask her and a clear trail to follow, Raiden thanks the woman for her help and tosses her a silverpiece. (Here I wrote ‘Dy has resting sus face’ but I don’t remember what it pertains to lol) The scent trail continues in its chaotic pattern, and ends in a small alley, where the scents of the nearby tannery and dyeing stations become too mixed in with Bree’s scent for dog!Annori to reliably follow it any longer. Here, however, she suddenly picks up the smell of blood. Raiden clocks this alley as the perfect place for a mugging, so he quickly checks the rooftops and around the corners to make sure they’re alone. Ara, being an experienced tracker, eventually manages to spot tiny dried drops of blood on the ground. They’re few and far between, but they do form a trail, which they follow until they find the entrance to the sewers. (N, to A: wet and stinky, you must feel right at home there!)
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x0401x · 2 years
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Tsurune: Points to Pay Attention by Director Yamamura!
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Episode 1: “The Boy Instanty”
This is the first episode, in which the story of the boy named Narumiya Minato begins.
The sound that stole Minato’s heart is...
The way that Kuma comes jumping at him.
The way that Takehaya Seiya, his sharp and level-headed bespectacled childhood friend, tells lies lightheartedly.
The way they have an unprecedented reunion with a friend.
What was the boy feeling when he fired those arrows during the briefing session that he stepped into at Kazemai High’s archery dojo?
One should also pay attention to a certain mysterious, beautiful man.
Please watch the first episode, “The Boy Instantly”, where everything is set into motion!
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Episode 2: “Unable to Stay Still”
The Yata-no-Mori archery dojo under the moonlight.
The mystery man, Masaki, kindly welcomes Minato, who had drawn the bow thinking that “maybe it’s gone away”, but realized once again that he is still plagued by target panic. A ray of light shone through Minato’s heart after he witnessed Masa-san’s beautiful shots. Masa-san’s coolness under the moonlight is irresistible.
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Episode 3: “Meeting Point”
Resolving to face the bow once again, Minato decides to join the archery club. A club member with a mean look on his eyes, Kaito, severely reprimands Minato for this. As the club’s atmosphere grows awkward, snack lover Ryouhei makes a move to solve the situation!
Please enjoy the third episode, where the intentions of each character intertwine!
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Episode 4: “Shouldn’t Be a Match”
All of a sudden, Takigawa Masaki (nicknamed “Masa-san”) waltzes into Kazemai High School’s archery club as coach. His presence changes the club’s mood completely. The club members are confused.
During a mock competition suggested by Masa-san, shots are fired by the “demon archer” (what does “demon” mean in this context...?).
Be sure to watch the fourth episode, where the feelings of the five boys clash with each other!
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Episode 5: “On Urgent Errands”
The training camp for the prefectural tournament begins. The five who lost in the mock competition are forced to wear shining, white “servant T-shirts” and devote themselves to supporting the training camp as servants. Their frustration piles up. On the other hand, Minato begins to see the depth of Nanao as a person and learn about Kaito’s temperament through their activities as servants. Here, we depicted the importance of knowing each other and doing something together!
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Episode 6: “Reason to Draw the Bow”
The distance between Minato and the others has been shortening. While practicing for the preliminary rounds of the prefectural tournament, Kaito, man amongst men through and through, seeks Masa-san’s guidance, saying he “wants to make the bow turn”. However, he’s unable to make it turn and Masa-san’s feelings spill out of him...
In contrast, at the powerhouse Kirisaki High School, Shuu was displaying majestic shots. What lies in the direction his eyes are looking is...
Finally, a rival school appears!
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Episode 7: “Meet, Again”
The preliminaries of the prefectural tournament begin. The first day is individual competitions. Minato’s heart is drastically shaken by the reunion with his middle school teammate, Fujiwara Shuu. Moreover, Kaito becomes concerned about Kirisaki High School on his own accord. The conflict between archery and the heart interweaves inside and outside the archery club. Will their arrows hit the target!?
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Episode 8: “Aiming the Arrow”
First official match for the team in the team competitions. Kaito’s stump drags on from the day before. Ryouhei is restless from the excess of unease. Seeing that Shuu’s shooting had improved even more, Minato ends up comparing him to his spineless self. These fixations that sprout out of nowhere become chains that bind them. Nanao reaches out to Kaito, who begins to lose sight of himself, but Kaito rejects it...
A turbulent turn in the story! One can feel Nanao’s masculinity here.
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Episode 9: “Intentions that Can’t be Revealed”
After discovering the reason for his “target panic”, Minato begins to show signs of recovery.
On the other hand, after Shuu’s bitter words and witnessing the smile of his best friend, which he hadn’t been the one to bring back, a memory is revived in Seiya’s head. The friend that he had first met when he was little and lived together with, someone he could consider an equal, creates a disturbance in his heart.
This is an episode where Seiya’s feelings for Minato, which could even be called twisted, are revealed.
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Episode 10: “Feelings One Can’t Let Go”
On top of taking his anger out on Masa-san, Seiya ends up catching a cold. His weak body weakened his thoughts as well, making him lose sight of the even value of his own existence.
On the other hand, at Kazemai High School’s archery club, practice continues with one person missing, and so, the team’s sense of unity begins to crumble. As Minato and the others keep going on like this, Masa-san makes a proposal to them.
I love the sharp face Kuma on the screen.
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Episode 11: “Empty Pain”
Seiya’s spirit has lifted. The chains are broken and his original personality starts coming back. In the midst of this, Minato is shaken by the words of the mentor he so admires. The thoughts that Takigawa Masaki had put into his 10,000 shots are now revealed. Please pay attention to Masa-san’s expression, which oozes grief.
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Episode 12: “Five Arrows”
The main tournament of the prefectural tournament begins without the boys being able to get ahold of the situation regarding the object of their emotional support. They don’t feel like themselves. The female members, who couldn’t stand bearing witness to this, take action.
With their master’s teachings in mind, the Kazemai High School archery club members stand in front of the target. It’s because they had been practicing together that those words resonated with them.
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Episode 13: “Irreplaceable”
Minato and the others find an answer. There is also no hesitation in their hearts as they take on the competition. Now all left to do is face the targets. The path lying beyond the struggle and suffering makes Minato’s tsurune resound!
Please watch over the beautiful shots of Kaito, Ryouhei, Seiya, Nanao and Minato!
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Halloween Binge: Day 17 👿 🍪
In honor of this glorious holiday and all the delicious treats that come with it, I've decided to rank the villains' outfits from the game Cookie Run!
Note: This list is solely based on my opinion, and honestly, this list was really hard because I love each and every one of their designs so much.
This is also coming from a purely design standpoint, their personalities are a completely different story.
Starting this time from #10 all the way to #1, without further adieu, let's bake to it!
10) Toothpaste Cookie
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His name alone isn't winning him any favors.
Just the thought: a cookie made of toothpaste. Shudder
For real though, he mostly loses points for originality, since he's just a re-skin of Mint Choco Cookie. I know that that's the point, since he's an alternate version, but still.
His violin looks cool though! I'll give him that. But with way he's holding it, makes it look more like a guitar than a violin.
I really have nothing else to say, he's just bad boy Mint Choco. Nothing more, nothing less.
9) Mushroom Cookie
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Look! I love my stoned-out little menace, but their outfit is just purple robes and a hat. That's it!
I like the droopy mushroom cap though. And I could be wrong, but their robes look similar to a mushroom's stem. I like details like that.
However, despite them looking adorable, and exuding the tired, energy, I must place them here.
Sorry, Shroomy. Love that shade of purple btw.
8) Pitaya Dragon Cookie
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Not gonna lie: The helmet, the wings, the tail, that shade of red, the majestic flowing hair, is all just 💋👌.
We've seen many other cookies in armor like that.
That's not to say that the design is boring or anything, it's just that we've seen this version of an outfit many times before.
Also, the sword looks kinda silly. Which I know, is a ridiculous thing to point out since this a game about cookies at war, but maybe if it was a bit sharper, it would look more menacing.
7) Licorice Cookie
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I love his grim reaper aesthetic.
His design is very simple, but it works very well to his advantage.
The skulls around his neck, his scythe made out of bones and a lollipop, his dark gray robes, the little splash of purple around his waist so that the colors don't look too bland, everything works perfectly.
But I do wonder, with characters who have one eye covered with hair, unless it's to cover up a scar or something, isn't covering an eye functionally useless?
Look, I know it's to look cool and Licorice wants to go for that mysterious gothic vibe, but isn't his hair really thick?
Usually characters who cover up one eye can still see out of it since their hair is so thin, but his hair is made out of candy. Does it have the same logic as normal anime hair? The questions I ponder...
Anyway, he's cool. Next!
6) Twizzly Gummy Cookie
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The colors do this one for me.
The blue and magenta colors are really satisfying to look at.
For a wild and crazy looking character, her colors are still uniformed, which I appreciate.
The punk rock aesthetic is also really cool, and I normally don't pick these kinds of characters.
I'm not sure why the eye that has a scar doesn't have the eyepatch on it. Now I'm curious about what she has under the patch.
But that's it. The colors are the best part.
5) Dark Enchantress Cookie
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The Maleficent vibe. We love to see it.
From the horns, to the staff (I adore that staff), to the long dress, the cape, it's all here baby!
Overall, her design's also pretty simplistic, but I love the use of different shades of reds. Even the "black" isn't actually black, it's just a really dark red. I love that!
Sigh. But.
The moment I found her Chaos Incarnate outfit and other alternative concept designs for that out, I fell in love with them. And now her normal outfit looks so stale to me.
Sorry, my queen. I just can't bring myself to bring you higher than this.
4) Red Velvet Cookie
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To be honest, with his color scheme, he really should be named "Candy Cane Cookie." But, oh well. I don't make the rules.
His outfit is really cool, even though he looks more like a prince than a royal guard for the Enchantress. But that comes mostly from the puffy sleeves and fur shoulder pads.
Love those flowing locks. Excellent! Even if they look like they'd reach down to the ground and get dirty.
The sword looks really cool too! It looks like a bedazzled, sharpened butter knife that people use at fancy restaurants.
His eyes are interesting. The blue really helps bring the black, white, and shades reds together.
And finally, the claw. Yes, the claw. Helping to solidify his badassery. You would never know this servant of darkness loves puppies.
3) Pomegranate Cookie
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You really should be honored, Pomegranate. You rank hire than the woman you worship. Hope you're happy.
I'm a sucker for red jewels on characters, and her seeds? Whatever they are, look very shiny.
It's funny that despite have lighter shades of red that the Enchantress, she still comes across as menacing.
I also really like the bun bun hairstyle, so she gets extra points for that. Plus the fact that her head is shaped like a pomegranate.
I think what I love the most about her outfit, is how shiny it is. She's really ostentatious, despite being a servant. It's interesting.
2) Affogoto Cookie
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This man's got style! He looks like an emperor!
The robe, that beautiful staff with sphere in the middle, the fur, the circular hair wrap (Idk what it's called), the braid on the side, the eyeshadow.
All of it. GLORIOUS!
He looks like a cat staring me down.
Beautiful! 💋
1) Black Pearl Cookie
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As you can see, I never quite grew out of that mermaid phase. I couldn't help it. She's beautiful!
I'm a big fan of the hair, it looks like a cloud, and it suits her design so well!
Her shimmering...uh...scales? I think? Glitter maybe? I don't know. But they look nice with that shade of blue on her tail and the see though dress she's wearing.
The crown and the triton-looking staff are really pretty too. The crown reminds me of Ariel's father and older sister's crowns from The Little Mermaid movies.
And of course, the black pearl itself on the center of her forehead tops it off. I have no idea how the witches baked pearls into the cookies, but I love the result.
And that is it for my list! Sorry that it took so long to post today. I'm having wifi issues and Tumblr was acting up and not saving anything, so I had to rewrite stuff multiple times.
I hope that you found this entertaining. Let me know who you have listed as your favorite evil cookie.
With that all said, I'll will see you guys later!
Bad dreams, darlings! 🖤
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pokemon-in-omori · 1 year
Pokémon in: Omori
Chapter 4
Everyone quickly chimed down the ladder.
"Don't worry Kel, I'm sure he's around here some." Hero said. Kel was frantically searching for the fallen Pokéball, but to no avail. Aubrey smacked Kel.
"How could you lose your Pokémon?!" She yelled.
"Hey. Hey. Calm down. Kel, don't worry, maybe we'll find him while looking for Basil?" Hero suggested. Kel nodded and everyone started climbing again. The ladder was long. There was an Ekans with a space helmet. Omori reflected. During the search for Hector, the feeling of Deja Vu, was gone. It's back now, but still. The climb was long. Very long. Eventually, they ended up in an underground area, before finally ending up above ground. Kel planted a flag.
"That's one small step for Kel, one giant leap for Kelkind!" He said, throwing out Spinda's Pokéball, releasing the Pokémon. Aubrey then noticed what the flag was as she finished climbing.
"Is that my Butt Certificate?!" She yelled. Omori and the three Pokémon reached the top now as well. Aubrey sends out Bun Bun, who tries to take the certificate, but Spinda stops it.
"Kel! Take it down!" Aubrey yelled.
"But look at it! So majestic…so beautiful…" Kel says, a single tear falling down his face. Spinda salutes. Hero finally reaches the top of the ladder, panting and exhausted.
"Hero! Make him take it down!" Aubrey yelled. Hero, who collapsed into the ground, puts a hand up.
"Hold…hold on a minute…I need to…catch my breath…" Hero said. Dolliv left its Pokéball.
"Alright. I guess it can stay…" Aubrey said. She felt a little bad for Kel because of the Hector thing. Omori helps Hero to his feet. They look around and see purple trees all around, and only two paths to go down. They go down one of the paths and reach a Campsite. There were some cars, a path, and Mari!
Everyone ran over to Mari, who was eating with her Pokémon. In the area was a floating mirror, a mailbox, a water trowel, a wanted poster, and some hay bales. Mari's Pokémon were also there. Mewo was on her lap. Vaporeon was relaxing in the water trowel, completely at peace. Flittle was in the nearby treed gathering berries. Pawmi and Illumise were playing in the hay. Krikitot was bothering the guy in the mailbox.
"Oh, hey guys! Isn't this place cool? Tourists from all over the galaxy come here for rest and relaxation. I also hear that the leader of the Space Pirates lives here!" Mari said. Everyone went to the picnic blanket and sent out their Pokémon. The Pokémon immediately began to take in their surroundings. Mari did notice one Pokémon was missing.
"Hey Kel, where's Hector?" Mari asked. Kel's face fell.
"I dropped his Pokéball and now I can't find it!" Kel cried. He ran up and hugged Mari, causing Mewo to run out of the way.
"There there, Kel. I'm sure you'll find Hector!" Mari said, comforting him. Kel cried for a few more seconds before letting go of Mari. He wiped away his tears.
"You're right. I need to stay strong. For Hector!" Kel said, dramatically. Hero chuckled a bit. The group ate some space-tube food. Then, they went up the stairs nearby. There was a draconic house, another set of stairs, a present shaped house, a path somewhere, some cars, and a mysterious stranger trying to hide behind a tree.
They disturbed him.
The Mysterious guy sent out Roggenrola, Kantonian Graveler, Carbink, and Amoura. The guy flexed and felt his best!
Hero sent out Dolliv.
Kel sent out Spinda.
Aubrey sent out Bun Bun
Omori sent out Ralts.
Roggenrola used Stone Edge, hitting Ralts. Spinda used Tackle on Carbink. It doesn't do much. Aubrey cheers on Omori. Omori feels happy? The right arm punches Kel. The left arm annoys Aubrey. Aubrey became Angry. Ralts used Pychic. It lifts Amaura into the air and launches it at the round guy. Amaura gives a death glare. Ralts is a little nervous. Kel's Ball flies everywhere, hitting the guy and his arms. Hero smiles. Amaura used Avalanche! Dolliv fainted.
"Oh no! Dolliv!" Hero yelled, returning it to its Pokéball. He sent out Sinistea. Bun Bun was badly hurt. Spinda was hurt bad, but Ralts managed to dodge! Bun Bun used Water Gun, spraying all opponents. It's Super Effective! Spinda gets lifted by Ralts before using Dizzy Punch on Graveler. Graveler used Rollout. Ralts dodged, but the others weren't so lucky. Meanwhile, the trainers were also fighting. Omori slashed wildly! The opponent stopped.
"Impressive. Let's see how you handle this!" He said, and he expanded. Then, he pushed Kel, turning the boy into toast! Everyone looked shocked. Hero grabbed the little toast, and held it protectively. Before also being attacked and turned Toast.
"Hero! Kel!" Aubrey yelled. The Pokémon saw this. Even more determined, they dodged Roggenrola's Earthquake thanks to Ralts. These Pokémon may be stronger, but they had numbers and friendship! Ralts levitated Graveler, slamming it fullforce into Roggenrola! Roggenrola fainted. Graveler used Rollout, fainting Bun Bun! Aubrey sent out Nidoran ♀️. Nidoran ♀️ charged at Amaura and used Headbutt! Carbink used Rock Tomb. Ralts fainted. Mawile entered the battle. Everyone was losing. Omori was holding the two pieces of toast, trying to protect them. The Pokémon knew they needed to win! Mawile used Bite! Amaura fainted. Carbink used Rock Tomb, before it was countered by poison Sting. Spinda used Dizzy Punch! Carbink became confused, fainting itself in confusion. Sinistea used Shadow Ball, defeating Graveler. Meanwhile, Aubrey and Omori were dodging Attack after attack. The enemy was about to hit Omori, when Aubrey shoved him out of the way! She turned to toast. Omori cradled the toast. Omori became Angry! Omori stabbed the enemy! Mawile bit the enemy! Nidoran ♀️ fired out Poison Stings. Sinistea launched a Shadow Ball! At the same time their opponents used his ultimate attack! Mawile fainted. Sinistea fainted. Spinda fainted Nidoran ♀️ fainted. Omori
Omori did not succumb! The enemy was finally beaten!
He flew off. Omori grabbed the toast and ran to Mari.
"Oh no! Your friends became toast!" She said.
"Don't worry, I can fix it!" She said, Omori saw white and his friends were better, as were the Pokémon. Omori hugged his friends tightly.
"Omori, are you alright?" Hero asked. Omori just kept hugging.
"Man…that was a tough fight, but it looks like you won!" Aubrey said. Omori finally let go. He looked to his Pokémon. Mawile and Ralts were kinda confused, but it's a dream world soooo.
Ralts sensed a lot from Omori. Fear, relief, happiness. All so muted. It was almost as if the cliff-faced boy wasn't used to emotions. He was originally a coping mechanism, right? That's what they saw when he was created. But, he has sentience, and has had it for a long time. Why were these feelings seemingly so new to him? Ralts shrugged it off. The group headed up to the Anchor shaped house.
Author's note
Fight scenes are so hard to write. This chapter probably sucks. And I know I promised Spaceboy's team, but this chapter was getting long. So next chapter. Please! Please please please please send in asks. You can ask me stuff, ask the characters stuff, whatever. And please reblog with some constructive criticism and feedback. Until next time
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malikcars · 2 months
The Art of Darkness: Design Philosophy Behind Tata #Dark Editions
Ever notice how some things just look cooler in black?  Maybe it’s your favourite band’s concert t-shirt, a sleek pair of shades, or even a stealthy black cat prowling the night.  This love for all things dark extends to the world of cars too, and Tata Motors is catering to it in a big way with their #Dark Editions!
But the #Dark treatment isn’t just a simple paint job. It’s a whole design philosophy, and Malik Cars, is here to break it down for you.  Imagine your favourite superhero – Batman, maybe?  He doesn’t just wear black because it hides in the shadows (although that’s pretty cool too).  His suit is designed to be sleek, intimidating, and powerful.  That’s exactly the vibe Tata is going for with the #Dark Editions.
Let's take a closer look:
Mysterious Appeal: Picture a dark chrome finish replacing the usual shiny bits.  Add some smoked-out headlamps and taillights.  Instantly, the car transforms from an everyday ride to something a little more mysterious and edgy.  It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m not your average car. There’s more to me than meets the eye.”
Sporty Accents:  The #Dark Editions don’t stop at just looking mysterious.  They also get sporty accents like blacked-out alloy wheels and maybe even a spoiler (think of it like a mini wing on the back for extra stability).  These touches scream performance and make you want to hit the open road for an adventure.
Premium Interiors: Step inside a #Dark Edition and you’ll find a whole new world.  Think black leather seats with contrasting stitching, maybe even some dark metal accents on the dashboard.  It’s like a luxurious cocoon that makes you feel like you’re in control.
So, if you’re looking for a car that’s not afraid to stand out, that’s equal parts sporty and sophisticated, then a Tata #Dark Edition might be your perfect match.  Whether you’re checking out the fierce Nexon #DARK, the bold Harrier #DARK, the majestic Safari #DARK, or even the electric revolution of the Nexon EV #Dark – all available at Malik Cars – these cars are designed to turn heads and make a statement.
Remember, a car is more than just a way to get from point A to point B. It’s an extension of your personality.  So, if you’re someone who embraces the darkness, who likes to be a little different, then a Tata #Dark Edition is waiting to unleash your inner darkness… in the coolest way possible!
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theartofjournalling · 3 months
My friend wrote this about me
First of all you’re like the only person I’m closer who’s basically on his way to become a known influencer haha, how cool is that. An actual influencer, doing what he loves and influencing and moving people and masses
When we first met I remember thinking that this guy seems so mysterious and cool and I really wanted to get to know him just in general. And I loved that you had a musical side to you and you told us you played piano (From one muso to another I was impressed, now that you know that I too like to play music lol). I wanted to see it unfold and you INFLUENCED me into getting back into music. Like imagine otherwise all my potential would’ve been wasted. So like you literally did that by showing people how to feel and love through music. How cool is that ahahah
At your best you’ve literally got the most gentle and sweetest soul. It’s such a beautiful thing really i just wanna protect it at all costs cos it’s so precious. The sensitive side of reminds me so much of an innocent child but in the best way possible as they do say children are the purest because they aren’t tainted by the pressures and realities of life.
I know you know this but you’re obvious a handsome man too. Bro is literally majestic standing at 6’1”, like goddamn imagine having that physique while being that tall.
You’re also so clever and smart and I’m absolutely in awe by how creative you can be. The world is definitely unfair because why do people who a smart attractive sensitive talented exist in the one body like leave some of those traits for the rest of us yeah? You absorb everything that you study so well and it’s so nice to see how much your face lights when you build on epiphany and create the next best thing.
I sincerely hope you find peace in every single battle that you’re facing rn and you have me to confide anything in. Just remember you are not alone and that not only I too am struggle, but I’m also willing to help however way possible. You’re genuinely so beautifull inside and out and it makes me so warm to realise that I can now hype you up and support you and love you without any desire to be with you or attracted. We both were worried that it wouldn’t be like that once the feeling fade away but hey I’m still here and look at us now.
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therealpussybangs · 3 years
When you find out the Haikyuu boys cheated.. Pt. 2
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
Starring:    Timeskip!Aone, Goshiki, Kita, Lev                                                          
A/N- Tw: Cheating, crying, yelling, fighting, mentions of sexual-    intercourse, swearing, please let me know if i missed anything!!  
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
                Today was supposed to be your 4th year anniversary with your amazing boyfriend Aone. However, that date idea had quickly turned to shit when you see your boyfriend at a booth with some other chick.
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, because you were exceptionally early to this date, so you walk over, hoping it was a sister or some other relative. 
But when you finally made it over to the table, your boyfriend looked like he had seen a ghost. Pale, scared, and he looked sick. The thing that hurt the most was the guilt swimming in his eyes. Eyes that were once only for you. Eyes that were always warm and welcoming, the eyes that felt like home. His once beautiful and bright eyes were now dulled, guilty and scared.
Aone felt like he couldn’t move. He was stuck in his chair when he saw you. 
‘Our date isn’t for another 20 minutes... how could this happen...?’ He thinks to himself. Then he remembers what you had said earlier about being early for the special today. He curses under his breath and opens his mouth to make excuses, but that’s when he hears a sniffle.
He reluctantly looks up to see you crying, and swiping at your eyes wildly. His heart shatters and sinks to the floor and he immediately knows he shouldn’t lie, it’ll only make it worse.
“Baby i’m so sorry....” He looks down, not ready to hear your reply.                     “Was i not good enough..? What should I have done differently..?” You say in a small, hurt voice.
“No! I-” He was cut off by the other girl sitting in front of him.
“Bubs who’s this ugly little girl? She a friend of yours? Or what..she kinda smells a little..” She says in a squeaky, bratty voice.
“Oh, haha; i’m actually his soon to be ex-girlfriend! So nice to meet you!! And so nice to leave you ‘bubs’!” You say with a fake smile, and filled with sarcasm. 
“Babe- do-” Aone started quietly, he always was so quiet and reserved. But he seemed so talkative with this new girl....
“By Aone! Bye bitch I don’t know!” You say oh so confidently, until you go to itch your eyes. ‘oh... tears..’ You began to cry harder as you realize you just left the one thing you loved most.
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
 You and Tsutomu had been pretty distant after a fight you two had, and you wanted to go over and apologize to him because you realized you were in the wrong. 
However, what you did not expect was to see another car parked outside of your shared home.
This fight you both had was because of some silly coworker jokingly hitting on you. You had known this person since you were little, so it was nothing new. They were also fully aware of the fact that you were in a committed relationship with Tsutomu. 
So, who could be at his house? Was he really hurt enough to call a friend or relative for help/advice? Now you felt really bad, so you quickly make your way up the steps to your shared home and push past the door. 
What you did not expect to hear, were muffled whimpers and Goshiki’s smooth, calming voice. ‘Wh-what?’ You think maybe it was something else, maybe it was Goshiki whimpering and sniffling and someone else sweet talking him. But once you walk into your bedroom....you shut down.
“B..baby,,?” You ask, voice small. You were shaking and trying your best to keep your cool and hold back the tears threatening to spill. “Whats going on..?”
Goshiki immediately whips his head around from where it was buried between someone elses thighs. But when he sees your hurt eyes and sad features guilt pools at the bottom of his stomach. He was with someone else, on your shared bed, in your shared home. This realization suddenly hit him like a brick, and he immediately shot straight up. “I-I can explain!!” 
“Explain what? The fact you were pleasuring some random whore on our bed?? What else is there to explain Tsut- Goshiki?” You yell back, the tears from before finally breaking the barrier and streaming down your face.
Goshiki just stood there, shaken up and regretful, not daring to say a word, knowing it will make things worse. But you persisted and asked him again why he did it and he started to get annoyed with your yelling. “I was angry with your stupid fucking co-worker for flirting with you and smacking your ass and always eating lunch with you!! I wanted you to know how it felt!!” He yelled back, without thinking. Bad idea.
You were speechless to say the least. He did not just compare cheating to harmless banter between friends...did he? He didn’t just call your absolute bestfriend stupid...did he?
“Get out. Both of you.” You say, your tone stone cold.
“What..” Your ex says, his voice small and shaky, almost as if it was any louder it would shatter you.
“GET OUT!! NOW!!” You say, now yelling as warm, fat tears stream down your face. You were furious, deflated, tired, and so, so done. You thought you were going to be sick. You had trusted him, and here he was, with a beautiful woman, probably 10x better than you. And to think you were going to apologize to him.
“Baby... we can fix this! right? Move forward!” He says, not so confident or angry this time.
“What, so you can go off with some other bitch as soon as the going gets tough again? No. We’re over. Goodbye Goshiki, please don’t try to contact me, i’ll have someone come get my stuff.”
And with that, you slammed the door and walked out of the place you one called home. 
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
Kita was a simple man. He wanted 2 things in life: A family with you, and his rice fields to do well.
However he did not take it very well when you said you were not ready for a family, and he stormed out on you. That night you cried yourself to sleep, thinking about how you could be better.
The past month and a half, you and Kita have been pretty distant, and you have been preparing yourself for a family in any way you can. For example: Finishing the last of your extra studies, learning how to make extra delicious meals, even though Kita wasn’t ever there to try them, and you even started looking into parenting books. You just wanted to be the perfect wife for him.
So one day you waited for him to come home, ready to tell him the big news; you were ready to start a family. So when he finally got back, you told him!
“Babe! I think i’m ready for a family! With you!” You said happily and confidently. But when you saw his eyes widen in surprise, you didn’t expect them to also be oh so regretful.
“Y-you are..?” He asks, suddenly shaking. His stomach drops to the floor while his heart breaks simultaneously. You... you prepared yourself all on your own, just for him. And he knows he fucked up, getting some other girl pregnant, but he was so angry and sad he just.... it just... happened.
Just then, he gets a call, from the one person he really did not want to talk to. The other woman he got pregnant. He was so scared to pick up the phone, so you did. He froze. ‘No..! You cant pick that up...it will ruin us..’
“Hey! Shin! The baby just kicked! I hope its a girl.... Shin..?” The girl says on the other end, happy and excited.
“wh..what?” You say, confused. “Who are you..?”
“I’m his girlfriend! Who are you silly?” She says, still bubbly.
“I-” You start, and then hang up. It could not be. He did not get another woman pregnant, he was your baby, no one else...right? You slowly look over to Kita, hoping you didn’t just hear what you think you did.
He looks down, guilt and shame washing over his built figure.
“I’m so sorry... it wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did and I can’t just leave her by herself..” He says, voice gradually getting louder.
“So.. you couldn’t just wait a little longer huh...it’s okay, I hope you two will be happy.” You walked away after that, and just then was when Kita realized he was loosing you. He panicked, and reached out for your hand, but you were already gone, into the bedroom you both shared, presumably packing.
But it’s when he sees you walk out the door, tears streaming down your face, and sobs wracking you body, that reality finally shifted. You were leaving, and he was now responsible for a child that wasn’t yours. He was mortified to say  the least.
“Bye Shin, i’ll always love you y’know.. I hope your child is as beautiful as you.”
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
Today was your birthday! And you were so excited to spend it with your beanpole boyfriend! But he hadn’t answered your texts yet, and your calls either. You understood he had a photo-shoot, but it was over hours ago, even his manager didn’t know where he was. So you decided to check his snapmap because you were genuinely worried??
But when you saw his bitmoji at an unrecognized address, you freaked out and drove there immediately.
When you got there, his car was parked in the driveway, and the lights were on inside. You could also hear the faint hum of soft music. 
Lev was always so gentle with you, and he never raised hid voice or got angry with you. You loved that about him, how soft he was. When you guys first met, he was willing to take things slow, and wait until you were both comfortable with eachother. 
He was always so patient, or so you thought. You weren’t ready for anything intimate other than kissing, and he said he was okay with that. But horny men will be horny men. 
But you at least thought he could wait a little longer for you, his girlfriend of 11 months. At least those were the thoughts that flew through your head as you walked into the mystery house.
It was Lev, laid out on a bed with silk sheets, rose petals scattered everywhere, and Champaign on the nightstand next to him. 
Well, more like next to the other woman in bed with him, dressed in red lacy lingerie and pretty makeup. The candle-light makes them both look so majestic, well they would if they both didn’t have shocked/guilty expressions on their faces. 
Lev got up immediately and tried to grab your arm, but you shrugged him off.
“I trusted you, and I loved you, I still love you! But here you are, with another woman, on my birthday. Happy fucking birthday to me i guess.”
He stood there dumbfounded as you walked out, your confident facade breaking as tears slip down your rosy cheeks. Then, you drive away, knowing things will never be the same...
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
Annnnnd it’s finally out! Not proofread i’m sorry </3 Kita’s hurt the most smh
ALSOOOO don’t forget you are fucking gorgeous and ilysm pls take care of your gorgeous self!
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
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