#he touched my neck to ask me if i was wearing a choker (i was) and i'm like. bro you could've asked without invading my space????
genderqueer-karma · 2 years
went out with someone yesterday (the reason i made the fake s/o post lmao) and he fucking???? touched my neck???? without asking me if it was okay????
like bro. what in the goddamn is in the water these days that makes people act like this
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sanakimohara · 5 months
DDLG with seungmin....sounds like a god send🥰🥴
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Forgive me for the late response to you, love. 🖤 and of course DDLG Seungmin is going to get a spotlight. It’s only fair. 🖤
[ MDNI ]
Dom Seungmin is a silent hard Dom. He doesn’t impose verbal control often which leads to you relying on nonverbal communication. When he pats his lap, an empty space beside him, or a perfectly vacant spot near his feet on the floor you don’t hesitate to sit/kneel. No words needed. With a tap of his fingers under your chin Seungmin instructs you to open your mouth wide for him -readying you to suck on his fingers or wrap around his cock. Every action he imposes is a way to instill mindless submission in you. He takes pride in your obedience, rubbing the top of your head lovingly when you listen without having to be told, and you welcome the praise with a tender smile. “Good pup/kitten.”
Dom Seungmin thrives off reading your expressions, can tell when you’re slipping into subspace, and attends to you accordingly. You don’t have to say anything to get his attention because it’s already drifting towards you. What kind of owner doesn’t watch over his pet at all times?… Not him. That for certain.
Dom Seungmin prefers you wear a collar/choker as a sign of his ownership. Out in public you have a charm/tag attached to it with his name engraved on one side but in private a little bell takes it place. Seungmin thoroughly enjoys the soft jingles your collar/choker makes, signaling when you’re near him, or showing off what he knows to be his. He’ll hook a finger under the dainty jewelry, using it to pull you close for a kiss, or hold your gaze when he’s speaking to you. It’s an automatic reflex he can’t seem to shake and you don’t pull away when he does. He owns you. There’s no doubt about that and the smile on your face every-time he admires his brand around your neck makes him fall in love with you all over again.
Dom Seungmin will make you walk around with a vibrator nestled in your cunt all day. You’re not allowed to remove it, touch yourself, or come without his elicit permission. It’s pure torture, a literal hell on earth for you, and um pooling in your panties and inner thighs keeps you fidgeting for hours. You text and call him non stop after the fourth time he’s edged you, wanting to cry as you beg him to stop, or at least be merciful enough to let you come. Your attempts are in vain because Seungmin amps up the intensity of the toy just to hear you swallow desperate whines, and broken whimpers purely for his entertainment. All while mocking your lack of restraint and sulky behavior. “You’ll be fine, pup. Keep it in for a few more hours and I’ll help when you get home…” “Stop? But it sounds like you’re enjoying it, sweetheart..” “What was that? I should set it higher…?” “You’re so cute when you beg, little one.”
Dom Seungmin sends you borderline threatening texts if you’re out in public together and another person so much as looks your way a little too long for his liking. He gets jealous easily and isn’t afraid to show it either. Although, you find it funny to some degree, he’s completely serious about his warnings.
“Get away from him.”
“Come here. Now.”
“Stop fucking with my patience, Y/n.”
“I should fuck that smile right off your face. His joke won’t be funny then will it?…”
“Don’t look so scared now, pup. You obviously wanted my attention and now you have it…”
Dom Seungmin doesn’t mind that you call him ‘daddy’ or ‘sir’ casually. He’s listening to you either way and prefers you call him such things in private. The one time you did slip up and asked him a question while using his title in public the smuggest smirk was plastered on his face for the entire day. “Should I get the green tea or mocha twist, daddy- ah erm….I mean s-sir….fuck, I mean- Min stop looking at me like that!” You whine while glaring at him, face on fire with embarrassment, and your heart thundering so loud you couldn’t even hear what was going on around you two anymore. He shook his head, quieting his laughter as best as possible before squeezing your hand that was intertwined with his, “The green tea sounds better, pup…”
Dom Seungmin will make you rut against his foot as a punishment. He doesn’t care if you beg to ride his thigh instead or plead for a less strenuous and humiliating reprimand. Whatever you’ve done deserves no leniency and Seungmin isn’t the type to crumble so easily under the influence of round and tearful puppy eyes. Seeing you struggle, writhing around like a bitch in heat excites him more than you realize, and he’ll make you carry on like that until he’s satisfied with the mess you make of yourself. “M’ tired,” you huff through building tears, legs on fire with pain, and your panties soaked through completely, but he makes no move to help you. “Did I tell you to stop?” His voice is low, barely bouncing off the darkened walls surrounding you two, and a shiver runs down your spine as the depth in his tone becomes evident. “No…” you reply meekly, unconsciously rolling your hips to resume your task. Seungmin grins, petting your head appreciatively, and gingerly lifting the top of his boot to press harder on your quivering cunt. You whimper at the added pressure, letting tears fall as another climax curls in your tummy, “Sir…please…n-no more….i wanna rest!” The pitch of your voice rises as the hand in your hair twists and tugs at the strands roughly, forcing your head up to look him in the eyes as he responds in an unnervingly calm whisper, “Good puppies don’t talk back to their master. When you learn that maybe I’ll let you stop. Maybe…”
Dom Seungmin allocates aftercare through discreet gestures. Drawing a bath for you, stocking up on your favorite snacks/drinks so you can indulge in a treat after, and leaving his clothes out for you to wear are common examples. He’s capable of giving you words of affirmation but firmly believes acts of service speak much louder than words. Your obedience to him is matched perfectly with his ability to provide whatever you need/want. It’s a fair transaction of effort on both parts. Seungmin never asks more of you than necessary and you don’t except him to overdo his gratitude. A wholesome midnight walk to get ice cream makes you happier than finding a dozen roses wrapped in silk. That isn’t to say he skips out on gifting you expensive rewards.
“Every pet needs a well earned treat…”
So, I’m officially back, and I’m currently going through my inbox to answer requests. I apologize for taking so long to get to them but life is currently giving me lemons and I’m not the best at making lemonade… (that was funny so you better laugh or else…. :/ 🖤) Anyway, I hope you Min Stan’s liked this one… 🖤
This hairstyle on him was insanely attractive for no apparent reason. Whoever’s idea it was to style him like this during that era should get a raise, extra paid time off, and a Medal of Honor from Stay. 🖤 Credit to the creator 🖤
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miirohs · 5 months
piercing [y.j.i]
pairing: Tattoo Artist!Yang Jeongin x Reader wc: 0.8k cw: n/a an: the choker pics bro.... the way these choker pics have a grip on my fucking psyche is insanity. yang jeongin stop please. for my sanity.
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“You ready for this?” Jeongin asked, back to you as he rearranged his materials. 
The lights above you shone brightly, illuminating the surroundings of the little room, little stickers and doodles slapped all over the blue-gray and beige walls. 
You observed him from your seat on the examination table, eyes flitting over his neck, tracing the flowers down his back until they disappeared under his white tank top. 
The jacket he had been wearing sat abandoned next to you, shrugged off as soon as you were in the room alone. When he turned around, you averted your eyes, pretending to be looking at the worn fabric.
Watching you, he spoke again, slower this time as you hadn't responded to him the first time.
“Are you sure you wanna go through with this baby? I can’t promise it won’t hurt,” He warned, pulling his gloves on and ripping a packet open with his teeth, “and it’ll be pretty sore for the first couple hours.”
“It’ll be fine,” you answered, looking down at your scuffed up sneakers. You were already slightly regretting it, and you weren’t even 10 minutes in.
“Hey- hey look at me? You’re doing great, just hold still for me, yeah?” He deftly grabbed your chin with his hand, forcing you to make awkward eye contact with him as he moved your head side to side. You watched him, tapping his pen against his dimples.
“What kind of piercing did you want again babe?” Pen in hand, he paused to look at you, expectant.
“A- uh, a helix, I think?” 
He nodded in response, messing with his lip piercing as he tried to mark down the area on your right ear. He always did that. Fiddled with his lip ring when he was nervous.
“Did that hurt when you got it?” You pointed to the lip ring.
“A little. I’d say recovery was worse in my opinion,” he stated matter-of-factly, letting go and handing you a mirror. “Does the placement look okay to you?”
“Yeah, it looks great-“ You said, giving it a small glance before turning back to his ring, reaching out to run a finger over it. It wasn’t cold, surprisingly.
“You didn’t even look at it,” He groaned, flustered as he grabbed your face again to double check.
“Hey! I’m not the professional here,” You mumbled, trying to pull down his hand from your ear, “but I think it’s fine right where it is!”
“Okay then,” He said, a little flustered, turning away from you to grab whatever was on the cart, “if you’re sure, I can start right now.”
Your stomach dropped as he held a packet, inching closer to you. It was almost as if he was treating an injured animal.
“Can you please hurry up, you’re making me nervous,” you peeped, shaking slightly.
“Just stop moving,” he said nonchalantly, needle tip pressing against your helix.
As it pushed through, the pain flared, earning a whimper from you. It was very brief, fading into a dull yet prominent throbbing in your upper ear as he inserted the cool metal.
“Looks like you did it,” he whispered, running a finger over your knuckles as he held you, “good job.”
“Y-yeah,” you winced, watching as he discarded the needles, running you through basic procedures as you reached up to grab the piercing spot.
“and if anything happens- hey, are you even listening?” You blinked, finding him looking at you quizzically. His hand was wrapped around your wrist, pulling it down.
“I just told you no touch! You’re supposed to keep that area clean while it heals!” He whined, pinning your hand to the table as he brought something to your ear.
You grinned, pulling him in by his choker, lips smashing into each other.
The metal was warm, tasting of something artificially sweet as you caught your teeth on it, tugging on it.
He hissed into the kiss, yet pressed even deeper.
“Yeah, I’ll just check to see if one of our piercers other than Felix is available- Oh!” Chan had the door wide open, foot halfway in as he stared at the both of you.
“What. Are. You. Doing?” Chan yelped, hands over his eyes as if you had done something offensive in front of him.
“Hey, I was just giving him the kiss i owed him!” You giggled, earning another whine from Jeongin as Chan stepped out, obviously embarrassed.
Through the crack of the door, you could make out him whispering: “please hurry up and finish if you will.”
“I think we have to go now,” You whispered, and he trapped you in between his arms, leaning against your ear.
“This isn’t over.”
“I doubt it is,” You smirked, tracing his arm as you let go, prancing out of his room, “I’ll see you later Innie.”
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cosmicstarlatte · 6 months
Can I share this silly scenario that's been rotating in my mind?
So, MC has a sort of signal when they're up for free use in the HoL, they wear a black choker around their neck, and usually wear their hair up so the brothers can see it. So the brothers have kinda been Pavlovian conditioned into getting excited whenever MC has that combination of choker and hair up.
Somehow, Diavolo learns about this. He trolls the brothers by giving MC a fancy choker to wear at the next fancy event at the demon lord's castle. The brothers spend the entire event completely frustrated, and only get more frustrated when Diavolo insists MC spends the night at the castle.
nsfw mdni // mc gets called 'little one' once
You know damn well Diavolo would do some shit like that, I particularly feel he does it most to see Lucifer get riled up; the rest of the brothers are just a bonus to the shenanigans.
Dia would probably point out the beautiful jewelry in front of other guests, even go as far to touch the beautiful choker around your neck, noticing how each of the brothers just grit their teeth. /screaming
The brothers do spend the entire night frustrated, not only have they been conditioned, they now feel like everyone else might jump at you at any second!
That being said, I feel like Mammon would be the one who whines the most, asking you to take it off. </3 😭
Omg at the end of the event you and the brothers are finally excited to go home but Dia stops you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"MC are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" His hand gives you a small squeeze before lightly massaging your shoulder. "You look like you could use some rest little one. Dont worry Lucifer, I'll take good care of them."
At this point Lucifer isn't even hiding his annoyed face he's just DONE lmaooo
"No, we shouldn't impose on you Lord Diavolo, c'mon MC—" Lucifer takes your hand but you reluctantly hold back.
"Well actually Lucifer I am pretty tired—"
LUCIFER EYES JUST BULGE OUT AHAHAHA (along with the rest of the brothers)
Mammon snaps out of it quick, sweeping you off your feet and going, "Nope. We're going home, cya!"
And Lucifer just smirks and shrugs at Dia, "Looks like we can take care of MC, thank you."
pls this ask was so funny tysm for sharing akskdfkkg
anyway if it were me I'm a hoe and I'd let a few of the brothers hit through out the night anyway, we'd escape for a few minutes when no one's watching 😌
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danikamariewrites · 9 months
Can I ask for some more Azriel content 💙
Where reader really likes hickeys/marks on them but hasn't told him , Az realizes how reader always shows off marks on them like wearing revealing clothing,/wearing their hair up so people can see and gives them some more marks to show off.
Possessive Azriel 🥵
Mark Me
Azriel x reader
A/n: at first this was a headcanon but then it was better like this. I’m very sorry for cutting y’all off from smut I’ll make it up to you I swear 😭
Warnings: hickeys, suggestive
You loved when Azriel left marks on you after making out or sex. When ever you and Az make out you straddle him, run your fingers through his hair and when he finally reaches your neck you use all your power to keep him there. His lips felt like heaven traveling across your heated skin.
Another reason you love the marks. It’s a way to let people know that he’s yours and you’re happily taken. Whenever your neck is littered with love bites from him you wear your hair up in a ponytail and something with a low neckline.
At first Azriel was a little nervous when he noticed you were showing them off. “Baby are you sure you’re ok with how much I left?” He asked one morning while you were making breakfast for you both. His scarred fingers trailing down your neck, gently touching the sensitive purple marks he left the night before. “Yeah Az. I wouldn’t show them off if I didn’t like them.” You said with a smirk as you gently grabbed his hand twining your fingers with his.
You loved them on your neck, but you wanted more. Wanted Azriel to leave those special marks in places only you and him would know about. You wanted to feel his mouth all over your body, feel his fingers squeeze you all over.
You wanted to tell Azriel about your wants but were unsure how he would take it. You didn’t want him to think you were being hurt. And you’d hate to see him become quite and shy again. Your big fear was that he’d think he was bringing his job home to you.
Azriel noticed how quite you were one night as you both relaxed in bed. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Nothing,” your voice coming out extra high pitched to cover up your lie. Azriel gave you a pointed look. You couldn’t hide anything from the Spymaster. “Please tell me my love.”
“You know when we make out? And I keep you on my neck?” Azriel nodded telling you to keep going. “I really like when you leave hickeys or marks on me. And I want more but I didn’t want you to think you were hurting me.”
You watched as Azriel’s pupils dilated taking over the soft hazel of his unreadable eyes. Azriel quickly had you pinned under him. His face inches from yours. You instinctively wrap your legs around Azriel’s hips grounding your core into his hardening cock. Azriel let go of your wrists to grip your hair to pull your head to the side, exposing your neck to him.
Azriel leaned down brushing his nose and lips against your sensitive skin. A shiver runs down your spine as you push yourself into his face. He lightly nips at you and tuts, “Patience baby. Let me take my time. I’ve dreamed about marking you up like this. To have me all over you. It drives me wild when you show them off.” A small whimper leaves your lips.
After an insufferable amount of teasing kisses down your neck and chest, Azriel finally started sucking and biting your neck. Making a choker of love bites around your neck. Azriel made sure to be extra hard when it came to biting you so that the marks would last.
Once he was done with your newest piece of jewelry Azriel moved down to your chest and collar bones. Licking and sucking your most sensitive spots. You lazily had your arms draped around his shoulders, lightly running your nails across his upper back. Just skirting over where his wings grew from his back. You moaned his name and he chuckled darkly against your skin.
Azriel brought his head up slowly to meet your blissed out gaze. The scent of both your arousal mixing in the room. You were desperate for him. To feel his lips touch the most intimate parts of you. You felt Azriel’s hand trace shapes on your thigh, pushing your nightgown up your thigh.
“Shall I keep going?” His voice dark and smooth. You nod, letting a pathetic sounding whine fall from your lips as he moves down your body.
When the two of you joined the rest of the Inner Circle for breakfast the next morning it was quite interesting. You and Azriel were going about the meal like nothing was out of the ordinary. Like you weren’t wearing an off the shoulder dress to display the intense hickeys Azriel left on you last night.
Cassian kept looking between you and your mate, giggling like a child. Nesta had given up on trying to get him to stop just rolling her eyes. Rhys was doing his best not to make it too obvious that he was looking. And Feyre and Mor were giggling like little girls smirking along with you.
After an awkward silence Rhys cleared his throat, “So, Azriel. Are you ready for-“ “Oh come on!” Cassian interrupted. “We’re going to ignore his smugness and the whole situation!” He gestured at the two of you.
You made eye contact with Feyre, immediately feeling the familiar caress of her mental talons on your mind. “You are going to give us the details later, right?” “Oh, obviously. You are going to lose it.” You subtly wink at her going back to the commotion of the three brothers semi-fighting with each other.
Under the table you rest a hand on Azriel’s thigh. Lightly scratching your nails against his leathers like you did to his back last night. He gently placed a scarred hand on top of yours.
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blueberryarchive · 9 months
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Birthday Cake ˖ ࣪⭑ (18+)
tw; toxic relationship, smut
"Stay there," whispered Jungkook to Bam in a drunken chuckle while you took his hand. You knew that house better than himself, and even though it reminded you of bitter times, the sparkling wine in your veins was so sweet. Daring.
"Hurry up, idiot," you hushed him looking for the door to his home studio. His friends were calling him, the candles from the cake melting downstairs waiting for the birthday boy to appear. You were opening doors, God only knows why. "God, you're still a mess. Why the fuck don't you get a maid to clean your room?"
Ah, there it is still. You and your fucking complaining.
"Ok, sugar. Would you be my maid?" With an iced hand, silver and diamonds clashing with your barely covered ass. His fingers went up your skirt without asking, he was so needy for you and he didn't care if he looked desperate. If you two almost trip over the rug, hell, he would fuck you just there if he could.
His friends told him not to invite you to his 26th birthday party. He didn't care. You were his ex, yes. You ended on bad terms, kind of. But your fucking eyes were inviting him to sin again, all night, with only two glances and you were already taking his hand to steal him from Jimin and the girl he was trying to present to him. He didn't even apologize or fight. And the girl, she was lovely, but Jeon knew it took more than pretty to get to him.
More. More daring and dangerous, something to make his heart race and his lips bruising red. More of taking his tipsy ass to his home studio and close the door while everyone was looking for him. Kiss the edge of his jaw and play with the silver choker around his neck.
"Oh, fuck you," he whined playing with your hair, hand trembling with emotion. He hated you so much for knowing every little piece of him, where to touch him without him asking. "Why do you always do this to me?"
"Why did you invite me, then?" your cheeky smile looking up at his frown.
With a sudden move he was carrying you to his desk, you laughed so hard his heart ached. Remembering sleepless nights walking around the park, the only sound being your voice telling stories to his tired ears.
You took the microphone that was next to you and looked at him with hooded eyes. "Happy birthday," you started singing and he rolled his eyes, the smell of your perfume was intoxicating, lethal, a fucking weapon.
He knew you knew it was his favorite.
A spark lit on his head. "Wait," he smirked and took a step back lifting your dress. A sigh came out of his nose, and he moved his head from side to side while pursing his lips. "You never change, do you?"
"I mean it's your birthday, dear." you purred in his ear, you were wearing a baby blue set. How dare you.
"So you were planning on fucking me?"
"I was planning on fucking." your eyes were dancing around the room, blushed.
"Right." And with that, the rush was no longer going to his dick.
"Oh, Kook. You knew I came because I needed some."
He sat on his desk chair, legs wide open just like his dark shirt. Sleek, black hair covering his dangling earrings and the new piercing on his lower lip you were ready to taste. But you fucked up. His eyes were lost, going to the past, knowing that things could have worked out between you two. It was late, though.
"Undress, love. We didn't come to talk." His voice was deep and hurt, anxiously biting the silver of his lip.
You indeed didn't say a thing and obeyed.
"Slower, baby. I got time," without taking his eyes off of you he went to his desk looking for music. The song was slow, and inviting. He started to move his head to the beat. He walked right past you taking a good look at your body, he was pleased and you knew by the smile carved in his gaze.
He went back to the chair and nodded so you could come to his open lap. "You were not planning on fucking anyone else." He said, you chuckled. He was so cocky. "You came with my favorite perfume." True. "And one of my favorite pieces on you." That didn't mean...something. " So you came to please the birthday boy, showing off your cute ass around, looking so good, smelling better than the cake. And now you don't want me to eat my piece? How selfish."
Your eyebrows raised. Oh, he was angry. 
You sat down and he took control, gripping your ass so hard that it might leave bruises.
"C'mon, ride me like you did Jimin on that club," he whispered, and your heart sank. How did he know? Your chest felt heavy, guilt sipping through your veins. It was only a dance but, 
"Don't worry," he smiled. "I already took your friend on a date, I might fuck her on the second one."
As he was talking, you were unconsciously moving on top of him. He was guiding you, moving slowly from the tip to the zipper of his pants. 
"You came to get some, baby?" his lips were brushing against yours, the cold from the hoop sending shivers to your core. How much you missed that chill. You nodded at his question. "Then you will get some."
With both hands behind your ass, he carried you to the desk opening your legs, your back against the furniture. The light from the computer made his face blue, and the diamonds around his neck made him look so pretty. 
The back of your legs were on his chest while he took his dick out. He was hard and already leaking. You hummed at the sight.
"Say it," he caressed your leg with his hand. Tip already teasing your entrance.
"Say what?" you dared to say. You were stubborn even in the worst times. 
Jungkook didn't warn you when he already was inside you, filling you with a scorching pleasure. 
"Say it, baby."
"Yes, I came to fuck you." you cried when he started moving. He smiled. 
He pushed his body near yours, making your knees touch your chest. His forehead with yours while the slapping sound echoed with his own music in the background. 
The in-and-out was heavenly, wet, and nasty. Just how he liked. 
"God, you're so fucking bad for me. But that pussy, baby," you kissed him with so much love he couldn't keep the bad boy act. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck when the rhythm started to get sloppy, he began to lose balance, one hand gripping the edge of the desk for support. That kiss killed him. 
"Oh, Kookie!" you purred, messing his hairstyle with your trembling fingers.
"Fuck you," he groaned, searching for your lips again to shut you up. 
With one hug and a grunt, he came painting your creamy walls. "God, I love you." he sighed and blushed. He fucked up. 
Your stare softened, and you smiled, reassuring him that you didn't feel fear for something you both knew it was not easy to throw away.
"Happy birthday, Kookie boy." You gave him a peck, fixing his hair. 
Late as fuck but here i am :))) -🫐
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gold-rhine · 1 year
hm.. kaeya, albedo, and childe for mirror sex, begging, and exhibitionism? tried to avoid the ones I've already seen asked with Albedo, since a couple of my first ideas were (if one of these is accidentally repetitive... your choice I guess??)
warnings nsfw
don't worry about making it repetitive, as long as there are other characters, the whole point of this game is mix and matching :)
actually i think each of them can be fun with each prompt, so instead of usual process of elimination, i'm just gonna go in order of hotness, and since i'm biased, it starts with the prettiest and the only character in genshin impact. fucking kaeya in front of a mirror would be insanely delicious. this is the shit devils are tempting saints with. tying him up wearing nothing but his choker, gorgeous and lithe in half-shadows and slanted moonlight, highlights in his hair turning silver where the light touches them. meeting his eyes in the mirror while fucking him and he smiles, a slow lop-sided smirk, filthy and pleased. making him fuck himself on your cock\strap, and he's shameless, in fact, he's posing, arching to look more seductive, but sometimes, when it suddenly gets too real, teeth scraping on the side of his exposed neck, cock hitting just the right spot, fingers digging into his thighs, when his composure wavers, he meets his own eyes in the mirror both to check that he let nothing show and to make sure he's being the same perfect fantasy. imma stop here bc i plan to sometime write an actual piece on kaeya's relationship with sex as the performance and watching himself in the mirror both to evaluate his own performance and make sure partner enjoys it, the struggle with being watched, but not seen.
albedo is breathless, overwhelmed, so used to feel in control that he doesn't know how to handle so much desire, so he reaches to you, almost as for help, despite you being the one who inflicted this on him. "please" as if "i don't know what do with myself, but i trust you to know", bright blue eyes wide open. "please what?", stroking the tender inner sides of his open thighs, and he swallows, but doesn't look away, doesn't blush, bites his lip with a concentrated little frown "Please fuck me. What do you want me to say that you don't already know? You know I want this badly enough to say anything, you've brought me to this on purpose. What would exact words matter?"
childe is so into exhibitionism, like have you met this whore. what the fuck is that half-open jacket on the naked torso. his shirt is like literally closed on only one button up top. that's ridiculous. tartag, wear some fucking undershirt. and this is not the same as geo men's straightforward sluttiness with crop tops or just being shirtless, no, childe wants to have some intrigue, to pretend it's a tease. except he doesn't have patience or self-control to be a tease, so he's like one step above the flashers. oh i'm srs business fatui, i'm wearing a srs bsns suit, it just happened to be dangling on a single clasp and showing off my abs wink wink. shut up, you whore, no one is buying that shit. if i met him in public and he introduced himself as "toy salesman", i'd think he's gonna try to sell me some vibrators by demonstrating them on himself right there. hold still girlie, im taking a dick pic. ok this somehow derailed into tartag slutshaming, but to be fair, if you made him undress somewhere where there's a chance he could be seen and then just kept telling him what a pathetic whore he is, he'd come untouched in ten minutes flat, which would be too soon bc i didn't even get to the fact that he's 11th harbringer and after signora and scara are out, there are only like 9 ppl left in harbringers AT ALL, what kind of LOSER do u have to be, so he'll have to keep standing on his knees, covered in cum, like a cringeslut failwhore he is
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dark-night-hero · 22 days
Can I ask Kayden Break in a scenario "How do I politely request him to slam me against a wall and make out with me?" Smut please🥹. THANK YOU, LOVE YOU!
: you asked, I deliver. In which this has blown in a full pledged smut lmao. SMUT UNDER THE CUT.
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One thing about Kayden Break is that he was very gentle with you. It was very and so much unlikely of him but that was the truth. Same thing could be said when it comes to the bedroom. He was gentle, very unlikely of him and his persona. But that is just how he was with you and only you. And it was not like you hated it. In fact you love it, being the only one he was indifferent of. It was something like an honor. Kayden, the one known for his nasty and arrogance is very much well behave and gentle when it comes to you.
It seems like he treats you like a glass that would shattered in one rough touch. But then again, there were times were you wanted to held roughly. One you are more familiar with before the events that lead him into thinking one rough touch would harm you. You like him a lot more when he was being himself, the one you have seen from afar. Rough, nasty and with overflowing arrogance. But then again, you love him the way he is right now. But seriously, nowadays, you've been dreaming- wondering how can you politely ask him to slam you against the wall without thinking it would not break you, at the same time make out with you?
It turns out all you have to do is pretty simple. All you have to do is to ask nicely. Ask nicely while wearing nothing but his long sleeves polo shirt, a white choker and chain leash on your neck with its handle on the open palm of your hands offering it to him. "... what's the occasion, doll?" He stride towards you as soon as he set his eyes on you welcoming him by the door of your house. He then gently place a hand on your cheek, eyes were now half lidded as he awaits for your answer in anticipation. "Well, would you be mad if ask- request you of something?" You asked, shyly meeting his eyes as he kept caressing your cheek. "Baby doll.." You felt a shiver down your spine. "You know I would do everything within my power for everything you ask for... do you want me to kill someone, hmm? Does it have something to do wit-" "...wall and make out?" "What was that doll?" You did not fail not notice the way his mood shifted. "Again?" "Can you small me into the wall and make out with me, please?"
And he did, no questions asked. He lift you up underneath your bare tights, making you warp your legs around his waist and just as you were about to be comfortable, about to warp your arms around his neck. You gasp as you were slammed against the wall. And Kayden, without a single moment wasted, pressed his lips upon yours and quickly invaded your open mouth. Leaving him to swallow your gasp and moans. It seemed to you like he was hungry. The way his tongue wanders your mouth leaving no place untouched. The way he would entangled his tongue with yours before sucking it swallowing your saliva like he was thirsty. And when you try to pull away, short of breath as you try to distance yourself into him, hands of his shoulder as you try to put some distance between the two of you.
"No no no, doll. You asked for this. Just where are you going?" With your hands right above your head being held by your lover. His other hand caressing with holding your thighs as you remained between him and the wall. You felt your legs giving up despite the fact that he was literally carrying you. Then his voice soften as he careses your wrist underneath his hold. "Are you okay doll?" "Yeah I'm okay, just a little bit caught off guard but I'm okay." You chuckle, looking at him dead in eyes before trusting your hips forward earning a grunt from the man "You can be rougher, I won't break, you know." "Oh what a dangerous little game are you playing, doll."
True to your expectations, Kayden did not hold back. It was as if a string snapped and he stopped holding back. So there you are, face pressed upon the floor, his long sleeves polo shirt long discarded within the room as he towered behind you, one hand with his nails digging on your hips keeping you in place with the other cupping your hair, keeping it from getting in the way of him currently nibbling your neck all the way from your shoulder causing you to squirm and moan underneath his touch knowing well it will leave a damn mark. But you would not mind, and you knew very well it was his thing.
"Wa-wait." He did not answer, instead, he looked up to you as he remained their kneeling underneath you, fingers still moving inside you as you let out a moan, what more when he licked his lips stained by your juices as he gulped loudly as if he had just swallowed a delicious meal. If he was not holding you by your legs, it would have long given out given the fact that this was not your first orgasm. "Please... please Kayden, put it in already." "Ahhh seriously, you're so demanding. It seems like I have really gone soft on you doll." Nevertheless, with the sound of his zipper unzipping, you knew he too was going impatient.
Kayden was... surprisingly quiet in bed in contrast to his usual attitude. With mostly groaning, panting, grunting and an occasional low moan coming out of his lips. And it was not because he was bored or simple faking it. It was because he was focused. He was so focused in one few things. Thrusting and keep you in place. As you lean on the wall with your arms, back arched as you moan in pleasure as you kept meeting his trust. One of hands on your hips and ass, pulling you back and forth and he keep his pace. This other hand on the back of your neck, keeping you pressed on your arms against the wall. There he pant, lips slightly parted as sweat roll down his chin into his neck then all the way into his chest and then eventually, as his eyes focused on your back, on the place where the two of you were connected. Then his eyes twitch, looking away where the two of you were united as one only to meet you, face turn to the side as you moan, tears rolling down your cheeks that makes him lean down to you. And upon seeing him closed in, you close your eyes and true to your expectations, he lick your tears. About to say something to him as you smile only to let out another moan when his pace went even faster.
Kayden whom upon hearing that you wanted to face him while making love, was quick to gently slam your back into the wall just like what you have requested. Was quick to pressed his lips upon yours are your tongue once again dances upon each other all while once again settling himself inside your hot and tight walls which causes him to groan in pleasure in your mouth. Your nails scratching and wounding his back as he kept pounding on you mercilessly, different from the night in which he treated you with outmost care. But you love this, you love this even more. You love it even more than even when he was not holding back, when he was doing what he want, when he use you as he wants. In a split second his hand were on your neck as a string of saliva connects the two of you. "You're going to be- ngh! the death of me- haa doll." You smile as you felt his hand squeeze around your neck. "Ahh- and you're goind to break me, Kayden." "If only you'll allow me to."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
: to be honest, I think this is the first time I actually wrote a such smut chap. So yeah, hope I did alright haha. Inaantok na ko bye. I did the best that I can so yeah. See yah after finals.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
I've been flooded with sub!Eddie ideas all day (I'm sure most of us have lmao). But one that's really stuck out is Eddie would 100% want to wear something of yours. Not quite a collar (though a choker would fit his vibe), but just like a scrunchie, or a bracelet, or a necklace. Doesn't matter, just just wants something to remind him that he's yours. Especially when Corred Coffin goes big and he's on tour and away from his girl for months? How else is he supposed to survive?
🧎‍♀️the way sub Eddie has me on my knees
I made this into a small blurb of every thing I think he'd steal and what he'd do.
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First he'd start small, just a tiny scrunchie she wouldn't notice missing.
She was studying for an upcoming exam. A headache growing as each minute passed. Yanking out her scrunchie and throwing it across the room. Rubbing her head
"you okay baby?" He asked
She nodded, "horrible headache" she whined.
Eddie eyed the scrunchie on the floor, picking it up fast when she went to grab water. Shoving it in his pocket.
She noticed it was gone but never said a thing.
"is that Y/N's?" Gareth asked as he touched Eddie's bun. The band was practicing for an upcoming gig.
Eddie blushed, remembering he put his hair in a bun with his girlfriend's scrunchie this morning. He missed her a little more than usual. Wanting something to make her feel close.
Then it moved on to her bracelet
She slipped it off when she jumped in the shower. Eddie stayed in her room, the scrunchie still in his hair.
Once he heard the door closed, he raced to snatch it off of her dresser. Slipping it on his wrist. Smiling at the pinks and purples. Her initials rested in the center.
She noticed that it went missing too, but never said a thing.
Eddie was washing dishes when Wayne saw the bracelet.
"Y/N make that for you?" He asked. Noticing her initials on the beads.
Eddie lied and nodded.
He liked that this was something he could always see.
He could feel the scrunchie and now he could see the bracelet.
Next was a necklace
She knew how to play guitar herself. She even taught Eddie new songs. She played the acoustic guitar, loving the realness of the sound.
She placed the black pick between her teeth as she tuned the guitar. Groaning slightly when she couldn't get it just right.
"hold on babe" she said, placing down the pick and guitar, standing up and looking through her case.
With her back fully turned he snatched the pick, admiring the little paint marks she added to it.
She sat back down and took the pick out of his hands. Going back to showing him the new song.
After they practiced for a few hours she went to grab them a snack. Eddie bounced off the bed and searched through her guitar case. Finding a dark red pick, the texture was smooth and looked like it was marble. It was attached to a metal beaded chain, almost like a necklace. He smiled to himself and shoved it in his pocket.
She watched from the door as he shoved it in his pocket. The smile on his face warmed her heart so she never said a thing.
He put that necklace on the second he got home. His bare neck is now decorated with her touch. It was the only pick he used from now on.
He used it at home, in practice and during gigs. The second he finished, he slipped it back on his neck.
His neck never was bare again.
Once he packed up for his first tour, he cried the whole time. She cried as she helped fold his clothes.
"I don't even think I want to go anymore"
"Eddie stop. This is your dream! Go play for all your fans and I'll be right here once you get back" she kissed his wet lips over and over.
Every single night he performed he had the same routine.
Tie his hair up in the same scrunchie
Make sure the bracelet was still on his wrist
The necklace hanging on his chest, taking it off for when he played the guitar
On his first night when he made it back to his hotel room and unpacked, he noticed a note
He opened it and blushed, noticing it was her handwriting
Since you like to steal my things, I figured maybe you'd want something more personal to keep very close to your body ;)
He blushed harder when he saw a pair of red laced panties. The same ones she wore when they had sex for the first time.
That was one item he didn't shove in his pocket......
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance@magnificantmermaid
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m-ayo-o · 10 months
25+ Megumi // you discover a new toy together wc 620 bonus chapter for this: extended fic next
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“Baby,” you hear Megumi’s deep voice, his hands on your waist, “oh, you were sleeping again?” He asks softly. “Sorry… so comfy…” you rub your eyes and yawn.
“Don't worry, princess. It's my fault you're so tired, use me as your bed whenever you need. But we’re going out tonight, remember?” he says with a sigh, sitting you up on his lap.
“I totally forgot…” you mumble and snuggle into him, not wanting to get up just yet. “Shall we get ready?” He asks, stroking your cheeks as you moan and bury your head further into his chest.
“You're just like me really, aren't you?” He prods you. “Grumpy and mean?” You tease and smile up at him. He tickles you in return then picks you up and carries you to his room.
Megumi gets dressed in dark grey jeans, a black belt, and a well fitting shirt. He puts on his black boots and picks you up again.
“Upstairs?” He asks, you nod and he takes you up, carrying you into your apartment and through to your room. He places you gently on your bed and asks what you want to wear. 
“Maybe you should decide,” you reply. “Uh, this might be a bad idea.” He admits, scratching the back of his head.
He picks out an outfit for you, choosing the sexiest underwear he can find. You slip into your lacy black lingerie set as Megumi helps you pull up your thigh high socks. “Perfect,” he utters, taking your hands and holding you still.
You pull over the skimpy halter neck dress that hugs your figure and just about covers your ass, selecting your own shoes as Megumi hands you a necklace and some rings.
The necklace he chose is a black choker with a thin metal ring in the middle. You put on your jewellery and shoes as he slowly gazes up and down your body, reaching for your slender neck.
He curls a long finger through the metal ring on your choker, gently pulling you towards him.
“This… is hot,” he breathes over your lips, looking down at your neck.
“It's part of a set,” you explain, unwrapping his finger. 
You reach into your wardrobe and pull out the matching item, passing it to Megumi. 
He looks down in disbelief, “It's a…”
He pulls it through his hands, feeling the soft leather, noticing the metal clip at one end and loop at the other, “it's a lead…?” He mutters, looking up at you.
You nod and stroke the material around your neck, “This is my collar,” finding the hoop in the centre, clipping on the line, “this is my lead,”
You place the looped end in his hand, looking up at him as he freezes, holding the leather.
“and this…” you poke his chest, “is my owner.”
His eyes widen and he swallows hard, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.
“Think I just found a new kink…” he grips the lead tightly and traces over the collar, goosebumps prickling up on his wrists and neck.
“Shall I wear my collar out tonight?” You smile sweetly and unclip the lead.
“Uh,” he gets a little flustered, a blush dusting his high cheekbones, “y-yes… if that's ok with you?”
“If you can handle it, Megumi,” you give him a cheeky smile.
He swallows again and touches your neck gently, blinking to pull himself out of his gaze, “Yes… fuck, yes.”
You're in a rush now since you two got really distracted, so you quickly put on a little makeup and head out. Your collar covers your hickeys partly and having your hair down helps.
Megumi’s eyes are glued to your neck during your journey into the city centre.
keep reading: night out bonus chapter m.list masterlist
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batztrangem · 2 years
Billy Lenz With A Reader Who Wears Chained Jewelry
Author's Note: I got another cute request BUT I accidentally deleted the request in my inbox! So if you’re the person who requested this, I apologize.
Not a lot of people request for Billy Lenz so I always get excited when someone wants me to write about him. I hope you all enjoy!
Rating: T
Warnings/extra notes: Gender Neutral reader, Billy is just being himself, slight innuendo, headcanons & small oneshot included
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• Billy loves your jewelry.
• Honestly, he might like it a little too much.
• He can’t help but touch your necklaces. Whether you’re wearing them or not, he gets hooked on them. He likes playing with the chains especially.
• Sometimes you’ll turn around and catch him reaching for the metal rings on your chokers. He likes grabbing them. He can’t help it.
• He likes to give you rings as gifts.
• At this point, you have an entire collection of rings thanks to Billy.
• The first time he saw you wear a choker, he was actually a little surprised.
• But nevertheless, he thinks your taste in jewelry is rather cool.
"Hmm, whatcha got there?" Billy asked.
You had taken out one of your favorite chokers. You thought your outfit could use some accessories. You sat in front of a mirror, holding the chained choker up to your neck.
"A necklace. Can you help me put it on?" You asked.
Billy smiled and made his way to you. He hooked the latch on the necklace and made sure the choker wasn't too tight on your neck.
"I didn't know you liked jewelry like this," he said.
"Yeah, I think it's cute. What do you think?" You said as you turned around to face him.
His finger looped around one of the metal rings. He paused, tilting his head a bit.
"I like it," he said.
He tugged a tiny bit on the ring and then let go.
"I like it a lot," he said.
Knowing Billy, you couldn't help but feel like he was a little too into the necklace.
"Ok, don't get any funny ideas," you said with a laugh.
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milkypompon · 2 years
Unexpected Company
summary: diluc’s new outfit meets pride and prejudice ch. XI
genre: diluc x reader, lisa as your supportive bff, slight nsfw, y/n down bad asf for master diluc’s new skin
wc: 1.1k+
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The setting sun casted a golden glow over your face. It was a welcoming warmth as you trekked the dirt path from Mondstadt to Dawn Winery. Typically, using a waypoint was more appropriate to cover land at a quicker pace. But your companion, Miss Lisa, was a romantic at heart.
“If I didn’t love books as much as I do, I’d be an adventurer like you, my dear y/n.” Lisa tilted her head to catch your eyes.
You picked the stray sweet flower petal from her hat, earning you a hum of gratitude. “I’d hardly say running errands for the Adventurer’s Guild would grant me that title.”
Lisa let out a breathy chuckle. “Semantics.”
You let your free hand graze the smooth stone as you rounded the corner near the manor. The other was gripping a letter from the Cavalry Captain given to you earlier this morning.
Kaeya tossed a dark parchment neatly rolled. “Deliver this to Master Diluc, will you?”
“Why not submit a request at the Adventurer’s Guild?” You huffed.
“I’ll pay you under the table.” He smiled cheekily. “Your boots are a little worse for wear.”
You shoved his shoulder. “Fine, you big oaf.”
“Oh– One last thing,” Kaeya leaned into you, his minty breath tickling your nose. “These words aren’t meant for your eyes.”
Now here you were standing next to one of the most intelligent women you know. Lisa's knowledge spanned from lessons privately taught in the Sumeru Academia to your infatuation for the pyro vision-holder residing in the manor.
You fidgeted with your belt. “Go ahead and knock.”
“I’m not your maid!” Lisa stifled a laugh. “I came here as moral support for your single ass because we both know how you act in front of–”
The wooden doors groaned open.
Diluc’s fiery hair was tied up higher than usual, stray strands licking his jaw. “Welcome Miss Mince and y/n.” He brought a hand over his chest and took a reverent bow.
Your eyes savored his different choice of clothing. A welcome change. Soon drifting to the chains deliciously wrapped around his gloved fingers.
“Good afternoon, Master Ragnvindr.” You nodded in return.
A tinge of pink dusted his cheeks. “No need to call me such a title. My first name will suffice.”
An interesting reaction. Now, it was your turn to flush into all shades of red from your obscene thoughts.
Lisa replied with vigor as if reading your mind, “Wouldn’t that be inappropriate to not properly address a well-respected figure like you, Master Diluc?”
If you hadn’t known Diluc, or more so, watched him from afar at Angel’s Share as you drank with his brother and the librarian, then you’d think he was devoid of emotions.
But a fraction of a slight smirk in front of you was more than you could ask for.
“You may settle inside. I suppose you’re here regarding a commission.” He  followed behind you, pressing his hand to the curve of your back.
Gooseflesh pricked your neck as you let yourself lean into the touch as Diluc guided you near the fireplace flickering brightly. His warmth differed from the flames. It was inviting, luring you into being enveloped into his everything.
A ferocity of need singed your body. You were forced to pull away and cross your arms to subtly massage the ache of your breasts.
Lisa crossed her ankles as she settled on the plush chair and simply smiled behind the teacup Adelinde prepared.
You jutted out the hand holding the dark parchment. “A letter from the Cavalry Captain.”
Diluc grasped it and tore open the wax seal.
A secret admirer of yours is running amok in Mondstadt.
Your focus was trained on his gloves gripping the paper. Your mouth went dry at the thought of how the rough leather would feel on your skin. Or the chill of the chains grazing your thigh.
Diluc ran a hand down his contorted face before tugging on the black leather choker as if he was loosening a tie.
You swallowed thickly and leaned into the wooden table, sparse save for a few loose leaf parchment and writing utensils.
“My archons-damned brother,” He grunted and turned Kaeya’s message into blistering heat and ash before you could sneak a peek.
“W– Well, if there’s nothing else to be said, then I’d say our business is done.”
“As the recipient of the commission, I say when it’s concluded.”Diluc dusted off the ash and gripped your waist. “Sit down.”
His smooth voice did nothing short of easing your racing mind. If anything, it resurfaced the thoughts you had last night with your nimble fingers coated in saliva scouring under the blanket and between your legs to catch the arousal.
But Master Diluc wasn’t any better.
After his nightly escapades as the Darknight Hero, adrenaline would course through his veins only to land on the growing bulge that made him ache. As he palmed himself through the tight pants, he wondered how your delicate hands would struggle to wrap around his cock. Or better yet, your puffy lips— the one on your flushed face or southern bits. Either one would suffice.
You glided the back of your palm against Diluc’s chest, slightly exposed, but enough to tempt you to touch it.
Diluc pulled back a chair before his desk. “I must reply to this and you may send it to Kaeya.”
“Alright,” You breathed out.
You settled next to Lisa who had a glint in her eyes.
After a few moments of silence the librarian cried, “Oh, what poor etiquette you have to keep your guests waiting.” She stood up and stretched her back dramatically.
“Y/n, let me persuade you to follow my example, and take a turn about the room. I assure you it is very refreshing after sitting so long.”
You were surprised, but agreed to it immediately. Lisa could sense the growing anxiousness and embarrassingly enough, the throbbing need in your core. It didn’t help that you felt the familiar stickiness between your legs as you stood up.
You hooked your arm into hers and murmured, “It seems that he won’t be joining us. Even if it’s much needed after reading the letter.”
“Trust me when I say I’m level-headed enough to reply to my dear brother,” Diluc continued, “You either choose this method of passing the evening because you have secret affairs to discuss, or…”
He set down his quill and caught your eyes. “You are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage in walking.”
You looked away and stared at your boots.
“If the first, I would be completely in your way, and if the second. I can admire you much better as I sit by the fire.”
You gripped Lisa’s arm. “You’re quite bold, aren't you, Master Diluc?” 
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roohuh · 1 year
Only one way to find out!
Part 28 of year Seven in Obliviate
Ominis X MC
Summary: You settle into your life at the mansion. Anne moves in with Ominis
Warnings: secretive themes 18+
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Waking up with a start you whip your head around scanning the room you are in, memories of the night before flood your mind. You touch the necklace still tightly secured around your neck. Enveloped in your plush bed you let a satisfied yawn escape your lips. How long has it been since you last slept in a bed? Quietly you pad over and try the door, to your amazement it is unlocked. Dressed only in your nightgown you slip out of the room hurriedly making your way down the hall. The sound of Gaunt’s voice freezes you in your steps.
“Good morning Little Beauty. You are up early. And walking around in just your sleep shirt? Very indecent.” He shakes his head in disapproval, then pats his leg motioning for you to sit. As you sit in his lap Gaunt plants a tender kiss on your neck, running a hand up your thigh. You shudder at the sensation wanting to pull away but his other arm holds you close. He lets out a hungry growl in your ear his grip on your thigh tightens painfully.
“Coming out here dressed like that one would think you are just begging for me.” Inwardly cursing your stupidity you remain silent trying not to shift in his lap. His hands explore your body before pushing you off his lap and giving your back side a hard smack.
“Why don’t you go get decent and I will have breakfast made for us.” He adjusts his tie regaining composure. Sheepishly you turn back to your room feeling like a scolded child. Finding a large wardrobe filled with pretty things to wear you put on the least revealing dress you can find and fix your hair to go down to breakfast. In the dining room you find Gaunt sitting at the end of the large table reading the paper. As you sit he looks up smiling warmly,
“How did you sleep dearest?”
“Well thank you. It was nice to sleep in a bed.” You reply as you butter a slice of toast. Staring at the bread you can not help but ask,
“Is Ominis… alright” Gaunt’s eyes meet yours, obviously displeased at the mention of his younger brother. Shifting in your chair you fight the urge to tug at the choker still fastened around your neck.
“I know he is not coming. But I just… he is still alive and well right?” Your eyes plead with the man as your voice wavers trying to fight your emotions.
“Yes he is alive and doing well. He is excelling at his classes at Hogwarts. I fear he took your death rather hard at first but seems to have recovered now. He spends quite a bit of time with a girl from Racenclaw I have noticed, I suspect they will be official soon.” He lies watching your face closely. The news sends a wave of pain through your body; biting your lip hard you try and conquer your rising emotions.
“So soon…”
“Young love is fleeting. And the boy does think you are dead. Best we keep it that way, don’t want to go upsetting the poor fellow right as he has started to smile again.” The man says seemingly apologetically. Nodding as hot tears roll down your cheeks you lose all sense of appetite. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket Gaunt dabs at your tears.
“Do not cry MC. This pain will pass and I think you will enjoy your new life with me. Maybe after a while we can even go and get you a new wand.” Nodding you try and calm yourself knowing crying will do you no good. This is your life now, you took his hand, you accepted his offer. Finishing his breakfast Gaunt kisses your hand before rising from the table.
“I have to go to Hogwarts now and teach my lessons. The house and gardens are yours to explore but do not get any funny ideas. The perimeter of the property is still charmed and you will still not be able to leave.”
Wandering around the massive house you eventually find the library. Starved for reading you fill your arms with books settling down in a large arm chair. Hours pass as you read a massive tomb about different forms of wandless magic attempting very successfully to perform a variety of spells, you are pleased all of the practice you did in the courtyard is paying off and with the added knowledge you have found in this book you feel the proficiency you have reached. Starting to grow hungry you wander back in the direction of the dining room stopping before a large painting which hangs on the wall, depicting Ominis’ mother, father, brother, and who you can only guess is a very young Ominis. Standing transfixed you gaze upon his likeness unable to look away from the milky gaze. Trying to resign yourself to a life without him you force yourself to turn, wiping away the tears which prick at the back of your eyes. A window offers a welcome distraction as you watch the birds fly overhead wondering if there was a way to escape this place. If you did escape, where would you go now? Ominis has moved on, more than likely everyone in your life has moved on. What would anyone say if you suddenly appeared again? Would anyone even want to see you? No one came looking for you, even in such an obvious place. You sigh resting your chin on the windowsill. Hand reaching to the jewelry on your neck you consider a life here. Would it really be all that bad? He said you could get a wand again and in time you would surely be allowed to leave the house. Creating a tiny flame in your palm you roll the fire around in your hand completely lost in thought.
Anne had come to live with Ominis. Her presence went a long way to cheering him up the first night she was there. Sebastian also stayed the night and it felt like things were before MCs death. Anne made herself busy cooking a big lunch for the group. Ominis sat at the table listening intently as Sebastian filled him in on the going ons of Hogwarts.
“Where is that bag Sebastian brought last week? I had sent some spices for you to use, which you obviously ignored.” Anne called from the kitchen. Grabbing the bag from the floor Sebastian dumped the contents on the table shifting through the pile looking for the small bag of spices. Eyes landing on the plain letter he raised a brow.
“What is this? You never opened your mail? I was curious about this one; it almost looked like MCs handwriting.” He said, handing the letter to Ominis. Puzzled he lets his hands trace over the simple “Ominis” on the front before opening the letter. He holds his wand inside scanning the hastily written words. Wand dropping to the floor Ominis sinks to his knees in shock. Alarmed Sebastian picks up the letter.
“Is it real?” Ominis shaky voice is barely above a whisper. Eyes burning Sebastian grabs his friend pulling him to his feet.
“Only one way to find out!”
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joshslater · 2 years
Spy Games
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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"Aaaah," Sam shouted as he entered his hotel room and saw the young man lounging in the armchair by the window. The man, boy really, was shirtless, exposing tight muscles wrapped in smooth, tanned skin. He wore white, knee-length shorts with red stripes, like Sam's high school team used to wear.
Sam swayed a bit in the doorframe and looked down at the floor. Someone at the dinner had undoubtedly drugged him, probably the woman to his right at the table. But then that was a bit too obvious. It didn't help that he'd had plenty to drink before that.
Sam looked back at the boy, who quickly had gotten on his feet. He had a UFC cap on his head, which given his body could mean more than just being a fan, and a black bead choker around his neck. "Who sent you? MI6? KGB?" He knew it was FSB now, but somehow KGB was equally true. Had he been given truth serum?
"What?! No, man, someone just told me you needed some fun," the boy answered while keeping his distance. His sweatshirt was thrown over the back of the armchair and he was holding his phone with the game he had been playing to pass the time still on the screen.
The woman to his right had looked like his wife did when they got married, and while she didn't outright ask any questions about his work, and certainly not anything about security, she was fishing around for something. Clearly an agent specifically picked for him. Not that it would make any difference. All systems used the security trinity. Something you know, something you have, and something you are. She might have been able to get the pin code out of him through some hypnotic suggestions or something, but the key chip was on the chain around his neck, and unlike in the movies they couldn't just take the eyeball and put it on a stick. The eye scanner actually looked at the pulsing veins in the white of the eye to verify that the person opening the vault was alive.
"Look, I'm sorry. I'm tired, I'm drunk, and I'm married. To a woman." There was something about him that Sam couldn't shake. Perhaps it was the shorts, but the boy resembled Carter, the football jock from high school that Sam had had some confusing emotions about. He hadn't exactly been stalking him, but he sat where he could see him in the cafeteria and spent many afternoons watching the team practice on the field while doing homework.
"Hey man, it doesn't have to be like that. I can just, like, help you relax."
Carter obviously would be Sam's age still, and this boy was half that, but the resemblance was uncanny. Though this "Carter" was some years older than the last time Sam saw Carter, and quite a bit more stacked.
"It's... Hmfff..." Sam started. "You're... paid to be here." "Everyone is paid by someone. If we were friends hanging out someone would still pay me."
Sam closed the door behind him, still not sure, but there was this feeling of finally trying something he wished he'd had dared try out long ago. It wasn't sexual, really. Just to be with Carter. Hug him perhaps.
"I'm Sam," the boy continued. "Why don't you get on the bed and I can work out your tension? I know both Thai and Swedish massage."
"I... Your name is Sam? What a coincidence. Mine as well," he said, thinking there was no way it was a coincidence. None of this was. "Relax and massage do sound nice," he continued and started to move past Carter-looking Sam. He knew it was a bad idea, though no idea how it would be, and that it was the drugs making decisions for him.
He stepped past the stud almost as if he wasn't there, but froze as he felt two hands stroking him from behind. He'd been away from home for too long, he realized. Too long since someone touched him. Really touched him. He just stood there, letting Carter-Sam caress him from behind, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, and finally helping him take it off.
"Lie down for me," Carter-Sam said softly in his ear, while the brim of his UFC cap poked the side of his head. Carefully Sam climbed the hotel bed and lay down across it with his head hanging over the side. Carter-Sam moved just as deliberately as he climbed on top of Sam, and positioned himself on his lower back. It was like a mutual understanding of grace and silence, as the boy started to kneed Sam's upper back.
He was good, Sam immediately recognized, balancing that fine line between soothing and hurting. When he heard the snap of a small plastic bottle and felt the cool glob of something on his back his first thought it was alcogel, but it must have been some sort of massage oil. He could feel a slight warmth from it as it was rubbed into him. The heat, the pressure, the deep tissue's silent groaning, and the rocking motion made Sam blissful. Not just sleepy from the alcohol and whatever else was in it, but the kind of bliss where you would just go along with anything to keep in that state. Blissful and erect.
When he felt his khakis being unbuttoned and removed he just lay there, going along. Then he could feel his boxers being removed as well. In his cloudy mind he wondered if he would mind the boy sticking his dick into him. He realized that he didn't mind. He didn't want it to happen perhaps, but if that was what other Sam wanted he wouldn't resist. Instead the boy slid up along and against his body, slowly and deliberately as only someone as muscular could. He stopped just next to his ear, radiating heat against Sam's back, and softly said "Roll over for me."
Sam did, still under a bridge of boy flesh. He could feel the key chip sliding across his chest, dragging the chain with it, before it settled. It shook him every so slightly from his trance for a split second, but realized it would look just like any other necklace to the other Sam. He for his part was moving back down the body again.
Having his head off the edge of the bed wasn't as comfortable as when on his back. Instead of looking down he was now looking up into the wall, but before he got the chance to reposition himself further in he felt a pair of lips around his penis. It started slowly with a few flicks of tongue against his exposed glans, but even just that made him relax fully and close his eyes. He'd never felt such pleasure before in his life. Whatever he was on he was sad he couldn't get more of it. The boy knew his shit too. He was moving his lips up and down the shaft rhythmically, but also moving one finger along the penis making for the most amazing sensation ever. Did the drug make everything feel better, or did it make you forget how good sex had been before? Then he was back to working the penis with his tongue. As he started stroking the inside of Sam's thigh Sam drifted away again, no longer caring to keep track of the sources of all his sensations. There was a warmth spreading from his groin, almost as if he was peeing his pants. But different. He didn't care.
The bedside ringtone was loud and cheap. While mobile phones had been steadily improved over decades with better speakers, better audio chips, and carefully crafted sound files, bedside hotel phones were just two dull alternating tones. Sam felt drained. His body felt like he had been to a gym session with a new PT who wanted to prove his worth, and his head felt like he had been boozing at a party with drug-laced drinks. The night curtains were drawn so there was no telling what time it was in the dark hotel room.
The phone rang again, and he picked it up mid-signal. "Sam," he said, startling himself with his voice. It was different. "Sir, it is past the checkout time. Would you like to extend your stay with us?" A sense of dread filled Sam as he fumbled to find the key chip on the chain around his neck, only to find a bead choker necklace, and below that, two filled-out pecs.
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klaustozier · 1 year
kerosene ; arisu, chishiya
SUMMARY: ryohei arisu and shuntaro chishiya are drug lords in japan and always like to cool down after work.
 warnings: arisu x chishiya x fem!reader, ownership kink, anal, degradation kink, spanking and slapping, praise kink, breeding kink, threeway, petnames, aftercare, begging, titty fuck, using a leash, big dick!chirisu and are a lot older ♡.♡
word count: 2,5k
english is not my first language, so i’m sorry for any mistakes.
this was a request that got to me.
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The bedroom door opened and both men smiled seeing you kneeling on the floor in front of the bed. Wearing a black choker with a leash between your naked breasts, wearing only black panties and black pantyhose.
"How cute", whispered Arisu approaching, running his fingers through your hair, making you look at him and blink your adorable little eyes.
 "It's already late, baby girl", said Chishiya, getting closer and staying beside the brunette, "you shouldn't be waiting for us to come back."
"I thought you might be tired, and I thought I might humor you a little", you explained, "and I missed you too."
The two men laughed. Chishiya leaned towards you, his hand grabbing the leash you were wearing, "So you've been waiting, pet?", he asked, pulling the leash to lift you on your knees and bring your face closer. You nodded, making him smile, "Were you good while waiting?"
"I was, mister Shuntaro", you nodded, "I watched 'Scream' and I was waiting for you to arrive."
The two smiled, "Watching a horror movie, baby?", asked Arisu.
You nodded, "Yes, mister Ryohei."
"So cute", smiled Shuntaro, pulling you closer, his lips almost touching yours, "Today was such a difficult day, princess."
"Was it, sir?", you asked worriedly.
"It was, baby girl", agreed Arisu standing behind you, looking at the black panties fitted into your ass, "So fucking hot."
"Thank you, mister Ryohei."
Chishiya smiled and gave you a light peck, "What's the safe word, princess?", he asked.
"'Vanilla', mister Shuntaro", you whispered.
"Good girl", he smiled.
And he finally kissed you, your lips being devoured by the blonde. Ryohei's hands went down your back, slapping your ass, making you moan.
"Stop being selfish, she's mine too", said Arisu pulling you by the hair, separating their kiss so he could kiss you himself.
Ryohei was more gentle with his kiss, but he pulled your hair hard, making your scalp tingle.
"Take off our clothes, baby girl", Chishiya asked.
Arisu let go of your lips, helped you to stand up holding one of your hands and gave you a peck as you approached opening his black button up blouse, while Chishiya stood behind you, his hands sliding over your thighs, while his lips sucked the skin of the delicate neck, rolling his hips against your ass without any shame.
"Mister Shuntaro", you whispered, trying hard to take off the black dress pants that the older one was wearing, "I'm trying to take off mister Ryohei's clothes and you are in the way."
Chishiya laughed, turning you to look at you since Arisu was already naked, "Am I disturbing the princess?", he asked.
"Yes, sir", you replied.
The blonde grabbed your face tightly, giving you a peck, "I'm sorry, my baby", he smirked, "Be a good girl and take my clothes off."
The blonde smiled when Arisu grabbed you from behind just like he was doing, biting your earlobe as he massaged your breasts passionately, making you moan as he pinched your nipples.
With the two men naked, you were shared some more, each taking their time to kiss and touch you, gently caressing your waist and pinching your delicate nipples. You moaned adorably, your hands stroking their hair, only switching from one to the other when you felt your leash being pulled.
Soon you were on your knees, your mouth being punished as one of their cocks, heavy and thick, slid across her tongue, one after the other, stretching your lips, making your delicate eyes water, but that's what they liked, they liked when you looked into his eyes begging for more, the little eyes tearing up from the effort you made.
Chishiya's long fingers held on to the leash, the black leather wrapped around them, just holding on.
"Can you kiss for me?", you asked softly, your fucked up voice, saliva glistening on your lips and chin, soon going back to sucking Arisu, one of your hands caressing his balls while the other massaged Chishiya's cock.
The blonde chuckled, "Want to see us kiss, princess?", you nodded, sinking Ryohei's cock into your mouth.
"And why?", asked the brunette, stroking your hair.
You released the brunette's cock and took a deep breath, "Because I think it's cute when you kiss…"
Ryohei chuckled, an accurate slap landing on your cheek, "Don't lie."
"Turns me on, mister Ryohei."
He smiled, stroking where he had hit, "See how hard it isn't to speak the truth?"
"It isn't, sir", you agreed.
Chishiya pulled the leash and forced you to sink his cock into your mouth, pulling the leather hard, forcing you to choke, your eyes watering as you watched them kiss. After being tapped on the hip bone, taking your warning, he loosened his grip on the leash, allowing you to take the cock out of your mouth, taking a deep breath, stroking it with your hand, using all the saliva on the skin to ease your movements, as you sat on your legs and watched your owners kiss.
A small moan escaped your lips as Chishiya pulled Arisu's bottom lip between his teeth, making them smile.
"Stupid slut", laughed the brunette taking the leash from Chishiya's hand and forcing you to stand up, "To the bed."
You nodded and were handed your own leash, climbing onto the bed on all fours, your ass turning towards them crawling to the center of the mattress, rolling your hips towards them. Ryohei reached over and pulled you by the ankle, forcing you to lie down on the bed, only to be flipped onto your back and have your legs spread wide, big hands squeezing your thighs.
The brunette sank his mouth into your pussy, still covered by your panties, just teasing, gently licking, getting soft sighs from you.
Chishiya approached you, giving you a peck and smiled at your whining, "Why that little face, baby girl? Do you want him to really eat you out?"
"Yes, mister Shuntaro", you nodded, pouting.
"So be a good girl and ask."
You leaned on your elbows, your eyes met the brunette's, who was now kissing your clitoris still hidden by your panties, "Please, mister Ryohei, eat me out, leave me all drooling so I can be stretched by you. "
Arisu smiled grimly, his fingers touching the edge of your panties near the crotch and pulled them out of the way, "Good girl", he praised sinking his lips into your wet pussy, licking up and down, sighing contentedly as he did his job.
"You know how to beg, don't you?", you nodded, moaning, looking at Chishiya with all the adoration in the world, "Such a good girl", and he kissed you.
You moaned desperately while your lips were devoured by the older one, your hair being caressed by one of his hands while the other pinched your nipples.
As Arisu sucked you so eagerly, Chishiya sat on your belly, let spit slide from his lips to his cock and spread briefly before pressing his cock between your breasts, thrusting into the soft skin, moaning low, throwing his head back.
You whimpered as you stroked the man's thighs. You were completely lost in your thoughts. A desperate moan left your lips when you felt Arisu's cock invade you, thick and strong, entering unceremoniously, in a single thrust.
A slap landed on your cheek causing you to look at Chishiya as he groaned, "What a fucking bitch."
"So good…", you whispered, "Arisu…"
"Fuck, no matter how much I fuck this fucking pussy, it's always going to be all tight for me", he growled, low and dark, your legs braced against his chest, your little feet on his shoulders, they received a soft kiss as he thrusted without any mercy.
The blonde rolled off of you, his cock drooling and throbbing, wanting to allow you and Arisu a moment. The brunette leaned towards you, going as far as your legs would take, the skin-to-skin slap sounds completely unrhythmic, in complete desperation.
"I'm going to fill you up with cum, my baby girl", he whispered, "Get you so full that you're dripping wet all night."
"Please", you nodded in desperation, your body moving incessantly, "that's all I want the most, mister Ryohei."
He smiled grimly, "You really know how to beg, little slut."
The thrusts didn't stop, you moaned stroking Chishiya's blonde hair who had his face buried in your breast, sucking them while your pussy was punished. A louder moan escaped your lips, heavy gasps and whimpers left you when you finally felt all the cum fill you, your body shaking softly as the orgasm hit you.
A whimper escaped your lips as Arisu's cock abandoned you, leaving you feeling empty. You barely had time to breathe when your body was abruptly flipped over on the bed anyway, like you were just a toy.
"On all fours", ordered Chishiya, "I want to fuck that little ass."
As best you could, you stayed on all fours, only having the position changed by Arisu who took your arms, passing them around his neck, giving a kiss while Chishiya took your panties off you.
The blonde smirked seeing the plug you were wearing, with a black stone in the shape of a heart at the base, he bit his bottom lip, grabbed your ass and slapped, "You already had a plug in before I arrived, princess?"
You let go of the brunette's lips, turning your face back, trying to look at him, "I wanted to be ready to please you, mister Shuntaro, so you can just fuck me without any preparation."
Another snapping slap was delivered on your delicate ass, making you moan, "What a nice little slut… you're going to get stretched out so good for being so nice to me like that."
"Please, mister Shuntaro, do whatever you want with me", you purred.
Chishiya leaned over your body, his fingers gripping the plug, moving it gently to tease you, making you whine. His face moved closer to yours, leaving you with your face between his and Arisu's, "You are our little plaything, aren't you, baby girl?"
"I am, mister Shuntaro, I belong to you two", you agreed, your mouth completely dry as the toy fucked you gently.
"Just our good little slut, aren't you?", asked Arisu, receiving a desperate nod.
"Only you and no one else", you agreed once more, groaning shamefully when the plug was finally pulled from you.
"I'm glad you know, baby girl", said Shuntaro.
Your mouth only opened to let a whine escape when the man sank his cock inside you, without any mercy, "Fuck", you cursed, panting.
Arisu grabbed your chin so that both of them could kiss you at the same time, while Chishiya's hips began its movements, making you moan, letting yourself be kissed, the three's tongues tangling and licking each other as you tried to concentrate, keeping your arms supporting your body weight.
When Chishiya straightened up again, his hand grabbing your ass as he fucked you mercilessly, you hugged Arisu tighter, your face buried in his neck.
"You like it when he fucks your ass, don't you, my sweet girl?", asked Arisu, his hands going to your ass, squeezing and slapping, letting the blonde squeeze and slap your ass at will.
"I like it very much, mister Ryohei", you agreed, responding completely on automatic, your brain all foggy with the pleasure you felt.
"Do you prefer him to fuck your ass? Or do you like it better when I fuck your ass?", he asked knowing that you would answer everything he asked.
"I prefer him, mister Ryohei."
Your hair was pulled for a slap to be delivered across your face, "Fucking bitch."
A slap was given to you on the ass by Chishiya, who smiled victoriously, "That's  my good little slut", he praised caressing the area he hit.
"But I prefer it when you eat me out, mister Ryohei", you confessed, eyes lowered, completely surrendered.
Arisu smiled victoriously and showed the blonde his middle finger, "Do you like it, baby?"
You nodded biting your lip, "Yeah, I prefer the way you eat my pussy because you make more of a mess."
The brunette chuckled and kissed you, "Cute."
"Do you know what we should do, Arisu?", asked Chishiya, looking at the other, who was still holding you by the hair, the blonde's big hands squeezing the flesh of your ass tightly, "We should exchange knowledge, you know? We could tie her on the bed and you could give me a lesson in how to eat out that little pussy, and obviously I wouldn't learn the first time."
Arisu nodded, "I'd have to eat her pussy out until you learned it, or until she was crying begging me to stop, whichever comes first", you whined knowing you were going to fuck yourself.
"Exactly", Chishiya paused his reasoning to moan and roll his eyes, accelerating his movements, feeling that you were close, "I'll teach you how I fuck your ass later."
Arisu bit your lip, looking at you, "It's going to be stretched out for days, isn't it, princess?"
You could only moan feeling the blonde's right hand slide around your waist to your pussy, caressing it with precision, he knew perfectly well how you liked to be masturbated. It didn't take long for him to feel the inside of you squeezing him and you came, wetting his fingers, hot and delicate. A moment later he was cumming, his hips pressed against your ass, squeezing it, his cock pushed deep as he came inside you.
You shivered hugging Arisu when Chishiya got out of you and put the plug back in place to lock his cum inside you.
Gently, Chishiya took you by the waist, placing you on Arisu's lap, your little face resting on his shoulder while you panted with your eyes closed. The blonde adjusted the duvet so that the other could lie down with you in his arms, gently placing you on the bed, covering you.
You were held for a brief moment by Chishiya, who sat on the bed and placed your back on his chest to stay seated, "Drink water", he asked offering you the glass, which he had taken from the dresser in the corner of the room, while Arisu took the collar off your neck so you could sleep better.
"Thank you, Chishiya", you thanked him, receiving a kiss on your forehead and one on the cheek from Arisu while drinking your water.
"You were so good to us today, baby girl", praised Ryohei.
"Thanks, Arisu", you smiled, "I wanted to make my owners happy when they got home from work, I know it's stressful owning the city."
Arisu smiled, giving you another peck on the cheek, "That's right, now finish your water."
"You have to sleep", completed Chishiya.
And soon you were asleep, between the two men, your back to Chishiya, as you were gently caressed and kissed until you were rocked to sleep.
permanent tags: @laylasbunbunny @saiewithakatana @hopelezzromanticsblog @mrs-sherlock-holmes
please reblog and leave a like if you enjoyed it! and leave a comment with your thoughts, i would love to know!
see ya next time.
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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bazthefirstborn · 2 years
could u do jealous scaramouche? 😭
like male reader was being around childe too much and being slightly touchy so he got jealous, then reader finds out and makes it up to him by fucking him?<3
OMG HI ANON !!!! yes I would be delighted hehe :D ily and your brain sm omloml skfjwadflj keyboard smash
MDNI you know the drill
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Scaramouche wouldn't call himself... possessive. He was, in a way, but he wasn't direct about it. He wanted everyone to know what was his, but not in a "grrrr nobody touches my s/o mine" way, just like a "I belong to them and only them" way. He now wears the collar you got for him around on the daily, it's a beautiful red silk, with an o-ring in the front and a cute little golden bell. If Y/N didn't know any better, they'd think it was just a choker that went with his outfit, because, well, his hat literally jingled. But both of them knew that was not the case.
Y/N had to attend a Harbinger debrief meeting, (Harbinger reader <333) because it was to decide how a group of soldiers would carry on. These soldiers were working under Childe, who managed to rope Y/N in with his charming words. Scaramouche hated this. They were always sat together, because they were teammates now, They went out to lunches, they had outings to the Fatui outposts together, and even the soldiers under their command thought they were together. There was only so much Scara could do. He couldn't just go kill off the whole hoard of the soldiers. He tried that once, and he was almost discharged. He didn't know what else to do, so he followed them to a dinner that Childe and Y/N had planned.
About half an hour into the insufferable dinner (for Scara at least) Childe, sitting on the opposite side of the table as Y/N, touched their hand. Their hand. Scara was furious. How DARE he touch his love's hand??? Who does he think he is???
Scara decided to walk up to the table and say, "Y/N. We need to go."
Smirking, like they knew exactly what was happening, they said "Of course, darling. We have so much to do at home."
"Can I at least walk you out, Comrade?" Childe asked, who, apparently, had picked up on nothing that was happening.
"I've got it. Thank you, Tartaglia." Scara sneered.
He grabbed Y/N's hand and got them out of there as fast as he could. He was grumpy the whole way home, refusing to look at his partner.
As they stepped inside, Scaramouche was about to turn and leave, when:
"Scara, what's wrong?"
"Nothing." He was clearly upset, it was written all over his face.
"Was it Childe? We're just work partners, baby, you have nothing to worry about."
He broke down crying, laying over the couch. "He just... *sniff* He was flirting with you- and I- do you like him more than *sniff* me?"
"Scaramouche! I could never! Childe and I are just friends, I promise." Y/N said, sliding next to Scara on the couch, their legs intertwining with his. "I love you so so so much, Kuni... I could never leave you, especially not for someone like him."
They gave him a peck, but Scaramouche held onto their neck and pulled them in for another kiss, whining when he felt their tongue against his. When they pulled back, he immediately chased their lips, but they opted to kiss his neck instead. He moaned, clearly needy, and sat in their lap.
"Scara... are you sure?" They asked, concern etched on their face.
"Fuck! Yes! Please, daddy, make me yours!
That did it. They flipped Scaramouche so he was laying on his back, and took his shorts off. Staring in between his legs, Scaramouche turned beet red.
"My, my, Kuni~ Your panties are soaked! Were you this needy for me all day~"
"Yes, yes! I need you so bad, please!"
They couldn't resist when he asked so nicely, pulling his panties off his legs and diving straight into his core. They started by giving slow kitten licks to his clit, humming when he started grinding on their face. "Now, now, baby, don't get greedy on me." He whined, pushing their head into his pussy, now glistening with his slick and Y/N's spit.
"Please, Daddy, fuck me with your tongue~ I need it so bad- AHN!" He moaned when they let their tongue push through his folds and into his hole. "God, please! I need it!"
Y/N hummed again, sending waves of pleasure through his cute little cunt. They pulled their mouth away from Scara's hole, and he whined, trying to hold their hair. "Don't be bratty, baby boy. Take what I give you, slut." Y/N said, pushing their cock (or strap, whatever) into his hole, barely getting the head in before he screamed. "Shit! PLease, daddy! Please fill me up!"
They decided to oblige him, slowly sliding in. "Fuck, baby, you're so tight- shit!" When their hips met his, they both moaned, Y/N giving Scara a minute to adjust. They waited for that little noise and-
"Y- you can move, daddy."
With that, they slowly took their cock out to the head, and slammed it back in. "Fuck! Daddy please! Fuck me hard!" His voice kept getting higher and higher, and, as Y/N started pounding into him, he shrieked. "Daddy! I'm- ahg! I'm so cl- close!" They went into overdrive, pounding into Scara with their free hand rubbing his clit. "Shit! You feel so good, baby~ I'm close too."
"Yes! Cum with me daddy! I want you to fill me up~"
And with a cry, Scara squirted all over Y/N's cock. Y/N didn't even notice, only focusing on their own high. They kept pounding, Scaramouche wriggling around in oversensitivity. With a few more thrusts, Scara came again, clenching hard on Y/N's cock. This forced Y/N to cum inside Scara, with both of their cum falling down around Y/N's cock, still inside their little boyfiend's cunt.
They were both breathing heavy before Y/N was getting up, but Scaamouche stopped them. "Daddy... Stay. Please."
"Okay, love, I'm here."
They laid there, Y/N still inside Scara, and were about to fall asleep when:
"Yes, baby?"
"I... love you. So much."
"I love you too darling."
the end
end note: this got so fluffy at the end baz w/ emotions???? weird
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