#great way to do a horror turn ONTO a being who has always been the source of horror in the past
metanarrates · 7 months
the adversary is such an interesting route because through most of the game routes, most actions you can take are not locked behind specific dialogue options, and the actions usually don't need to be "repeated" to achieve a specific path through the route. for example, the path to freeing the specter only requires that you tell her you want to free her, let her possess you, and that you not stab yourself with the knife, in order to achieve that.
but the adversary has a few unique and somewhat non-intuitive actions you can take with her (flipping her the bird and even having her allow you to stab her in order to prove she can't die) that are locked behind dialogue options, and those dialogue options don't even clearly point to you being able to unlock those actions. additionally, you have to repeatedly choose to fight her in the exact way she wants if you don't want her to evolve into the fury or the eye of the needle.
i guess it fits to have the route most defined by stubbornness and rivalry requring you to pick a course of action and stick to it, but the amount of unique actions allowed within this route (even leaving her in the basement can trigger some unique scenes!) makes me wonder if it was the first developed. most routes in video games have "convergence" points with very few subvariations in order to cut down on having to develop too many distinct outcomes. while it's true that slay the princess has an unusual amount of distinct variations in each route, it's still also got a lot of convergence points that reuse the same art pieces with just slightly different dialogue. it feels significant to me that the adversary has a lot of unique scenes and art compared to some of the other princesses
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prokopetz · 3 months
Something I love about The Far Roofs is how much of a swerve its premise is if you're coming to it uninitiated.
Okay, so there's these talking rats with a culture of swashbuckling heroism – basic Redwall/Reepicheep stuff.
Also, there's a magical realm called the Far Roofs which exists above every human community, and that's where the rats go adventuring; a little weird, but you can see the precedents in popular fiction. It's like wainscot fantasy taken to its logical-yet-absurd conclusion.
By default, the game wants you to play as a fictionalised version of your (presumably human!) self and go up onto the Far Roofs to have adventures with the rats. All right, now it's coming together: it's like isekai fantasy meets The Muppet Show, with you as the obligatory human character, right?
Then we get to the nature of those adventures: the rats have this whole culture built around questing against beings they call "the Mysteries" – beasties with names like Harpy and Goblin and Unicorn. So basically it's a bunch of muppety rats on the roofs fighting Dungeons & Dragons monsters, and you go up and help them do it. Great.
And then you get to what the Mysteries are actually like, and... well, I'm going to let the following excerpt carry the weight here. (This particular bit of text also appears in a previously published work by the same author, so I'm not giving anything away that's still under wraps.)
Unicorn, which is named Numinous, dwells three steps away and beyond the world, but most often in the Farthest Roofs, where the Steppes of the Sky come down to touch the Vast and Earthen Court. There it is stepping upwards from the world, as it has always been stepping upwards from the world, caught in a moment of transcendent glory that does not complete. It simply is. Melanthios heard the footsteps of Unicorn. Melanthios heard the ringing of Unicorn’s bells. So Melanthios chased Unicorn off to the Farthest Roofs, and Melanthios did not return. Anton and Karel, who were his sons, were wiser than their father. They heard the bells but they did not follow. Instead, they memorized the scent. They gathered swords, and ropes, and nets, and they went out. They brought food and water and all manner of gear. They clung to the roofs with all four feet wheresoever after Unicorn they went. It proved no good. Anton looked up, and Karel to his brother. The world came down— That’s what Karel said. He had time to look away. He had time to bury his head in his paws. He did not see the fullness of Unicorn’s presence. He only saw Anton his brother become unreal. In the light of the moment of the Unicorn, Anton became as a paper figure in the fire. His reality burned out. His shadow seared into the roofs behind him. Where he’d stood, for just a moment, the Steppes of the Sky came down to touch the Vast and Earthen Court; and Anton was gone away. So Karel ran and Karel ran and Karel ran from the Unicorn; and all his life, he envied but was more fortunate than his brother.
These are gods. You're going up there to kill God.
Like, it's still silly wainscot fantasy with funny talking rats, but there's that tension. It's like if Fraggle Rock occasionally took a hard turn to serious cosmic horror – Lord Dunsany by way of Jim Henson – and that tonal juxtaposition was treated as something unremarkable.
Basically what I'm saying is go back The Far Roofs.
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mrwavellswaps · 1 month
Swap, Hypno, TF
Henry Cavill, Ryan Gosling, Jake Gyllenhaal
Another great set of options here! But I think I already know who I’m swapping with.
Jake Gyllenhall. Like come on it’s gotta be. That man is just so fucking gorgeous. I’ll be honest though it’s a very close call between him and Ryan Gosling. I adore both of them and if Jake hadn’t been there I absolutely would’ve swapped with Ryan no question. It’s one of those that’s so close that my mind could change depending on the day but right now I’m dead set on Jake and his incredibly sexy looks.
That said I think I’ve just gotta go with another technology based swap for this. A special pair of headsets perhaps. How I’d get Jake to put it on is the tough part. I’d need to find a way to get close to him first. Maybe I use this device to switch bodies with multiple other people who are close to Jake. Every switch getting me closer to him until finally I’m in the body of someone he trusts deeply. Enough that can convince him to put the device on for a laugh when the two of us are alone. Slipping one headset onto him before slipping the other onto myself and without a second thought, activating the device.
Both my face and Jake’s going slack as the swapping device does its thing. Transferring everything that made us who we were through the currents flowing between the two helmets. Slowly flooding my consciousness into Jake’s mind and vice versa. And of course both of us getting massive erections in the process which seemed to be a common side effect when switching bodies with men.
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It would’ve been a long and tiring process to finally get this far but it’d be well worth it once I finally had Jake’s body. Immediately throwing off the headset as soon as the swap was complete and standing up to get a good look at the body I’d been striving towards. Meanwhile the real Jake would be too confused and dazed by what had just happened to even make sense of the situation. Only looking up at me in horror as I tested out my new voice and felt up the new body I had hidden underneath the suit he’d been wearing. The newfound bulge in my pants threatening to break out at any second as I reach down and rub a hand across the outline of Jake’s thick cock.
Of course I need to take care of the original Jake somehow but I don’t think that’d be too hard. Once he finally processes what’s happened, he’ll probably start to panic at the sight of his imposter feeling himself up and slowly undressing. By this point I’ll have already stamped on the headset to ensure it can’t be used again before letting him know that the swap can’t be undone now. Giving him the choice to either keep quiet and I’ll make sure he has an easy life from now on or I’ll find some other way to keep him quiet. And since I’d just stolen his body, I don’t think he’d doubt my threats.
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Moving on however I then need to hypnotise someone. And I think you all know who I’m going for. Ryan Gosling of course. And now that I’m in Jake’s body it shouldn’t be hard for me to get close to these other high end celebs like myself. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, I’ll lace a drink of his with a hypnotic potion that’s got my new body’s cum mixed into it. And as soon as he drinks it, he’ll become a complete hypno slave to me.
Can you imagine? Ryan Gosling kneeling at the feet of Jake Gyllenhall. Willing to do anything he’s told. A former straight man being turned into a gay slut. Always eager to let me ruin his tight and once virgin hole at any chance we got. Practically begging me to cum inside him every time as each load I bred into him with Jake’s cock only drove him further under my control.
With Ryan being so attached to me I doubt he’d ever want to leave my side for long. Telling the world that the two of us have decided to become a couple would be inevitable in the long game I imagine but that wouldn’t be all bad. The publicity would probably do wonders. I’d have to make sure Ryan acts as normal as possible when we’re in public though… but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to let a few of his new slutty elements shine through the cracks from time to time. Maybe with him telling a reporter that I really “opened him up” to a new world of possibilities with a quick wink.
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Lastly though a TF is in order and we still have Henry Cavill on our list. I’ll be honest I had no idea what to go for TF wise at first but I think I’ve finally figured it out.
Once again getting close to Henry at some point or another shouldn’t be too hard thanks to my new body. And as soon as no one is looking I’ll whip out an ancient spell. One that if performed correctly will immediately begin to transform Henry’s body. Or rather force it to shrink away into nothing. Or so you’d think at first glance.
As his body seems to vanish, his clothes would fall to the floor in a heap. But there would be something left underneath those clothes. I’d pull apart the heap and reach into Henry’s crumpled pants only to pull out Henry’s cock and balls!? It was the only thing left of his body though at first glance it would certainly be mistaken for a dildo. However upon closer inspection it looked and felt very real from the way the balls swayed to how the cock reacted to the slightest touch.
Now for the real test though.
Assuming I was alone where nobody could walk in on me, I’d slip the disembodied cock into my mouth and started sucking. Feeling as it swiftly began hardening in my mouth. Being sure to use every dick sucking trick in the book until Henry’s cock finally blew a load in my mouth. And as soon as it did, the suit I was wearing started to rip.
Henry’s body and soul essence had all been trapped inside this dlido-like form of his cock. However this meant that anyone who drank his cum would gain his strength and muscle mass albeit temporarily. Hence my suit tearing a fair bit after I swallowed thanks to my body bulking up quite a fair bit. And naturally I didn’t waste any time checking out the results. Loving the look of an even bigger and buffer Jake Gyllenhall staring back at me.
Needless to say I was gonna be using Henry’s cock a lot. Thankfully it replenishes itself endlessly as far as I know so there isn’t a real limit. I can drink from it as much as I want and bulk Jake’s body up whenever I please. Hell I might even let Ryan drink from it as well. Lord knows it’d be hot to see him hulk out with some extra muscle as well. Giving Ryan and even thicker muscle ass for me to dominate! But I think I can say for certain that I’ll be the one using it’s power most of the time. All the extra muscle is bound to feel addictive. And who know? Maybe my body will start to adapt and hold onto some of that extra size even after the effects wear off. Only one way to find out I guess.
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Now this one was fun to type up! Also wanted to give a quick shout out to an old story by @fantasyvessels called Trading Places With Gyllenhall which definitely inspired me a little here. Glad I was able to track down where they got those images from and make a hot gif outta it. Go check that story out as well if Jake is your thing!
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gglitch1dd · 2 years
5. Coming Home (Midoriya x Reader Week)
Reader is genderneutral BUT IS AFAB!!
Izuku’s had a rough day, but he realizes that no matter what, he has you and no matter how the future looks, it wouldn’t matter, since he has you by his side.
Alpha Izuku x Omega (GN) Reader
Warning: Omegaverse (duh), NSFW WARNING! SMUT WARNING!, Cunnilingus, oral receiving (m and f), presenting, breeding kink (Cause It's me writing this), mentions of pups in and out of smut (the horror), little degradation, some praise. And yah... Yall know. Oh yes! Biting.
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Midoriya opened the front door to his home, trudging his feet inside along with his body. He turned around closing and locking the door behind him. With a heavy sigh, he messily took off his shoes, trying his best not to fall on the floor. He gripped his hero bag, securing it to stay on one shoulder as he trudged down the hallway.
Midoriya couldn’t register the smell of dinner nor the warmness of the house quite yet. His mind was on auto pilot and would be till he found his way to you. Midoriya made his way to a door, he placed his forehead against it as he tiredly scratched the door with a chuft. Despite years of being together he still knocked before entering.
“Izuku!” You chirped out happily, letting him know he could come in.
He opened the door to find you sitting on the huge bed that was more of your personal nest than a bed. Midoriya didn’t mind however, he preferred sleeping in your nests than a bed. They smelled comforting. You and him mixed into one safe space. It smelled like home. And that’s what led him straight to you. He dropped his bag on the floor out of the way. Without a care in the world, he fell forward onto the bed and into your wide and waiting arms.
You let out an oof at the big green haired Alpha in your arms. He shuffled a bit to stuff his face in your chest as he released a huge sigh. He wrapped his arms around you and let out content rumble. You chuckled at his behaviour. “Oh Izuku.” You stated with a sad smile. You threaded your hand through his soft green curls making him hold you tighter. His shoulders relaxed and his body went slack with exhaustion. “Rough day, hun-bun?” He nodded his head, his face still buried in your chest, inhaling your scent that always made him feel better. You rubbed his back comfortingly. “I’m sorry my love.  Want to talk about it?” He shook his head. You frowned. It must have been real bad if he wasn’t talking. He was almost always talking about something in one way or another but with him being silent, you got worried. “How about we go eat dinner and then we can come back and cuddle? Hm? Is that okay?”
Midoriya lifted his head up, his chin resting over your sternum. He nodded his head. “Yah, that’s okay.”
You smiled down at him. “Great.” You started to push him off of you but there was a reason he was the number one Pro Hero. He’s heavy body weighed you down. “Time to get up, my big strong Alpha.” You grunted out, trying to get him to roll off of you. “We’ve got dinner to eat.” He buried his face back in your chest. He shook his head. You let out a laugh. “But you just said yes.” He made a negative sound. You looked down at him sternly. “Izuku, you have to eat dinner.” He let out a low growl annoyed at your words.
Your eyes shot wide open in surprise. Midoriya almost never growled or given you any negative alpha reaction unless he was really pissed, or it was in the heat of the moment (often followed or between passion and a good knotting). So him growling at you in annoyance was an odd thing.
“Izuku. You are going to get up and you are going to follow me to the kitchen or else I’ll…” You tried to think about something to threaten him with. How do you threaten the number one hero of Japan who had everything he could ever want or done for him? You thought for a moment and then got a bright idea. It might end up with you face down in the sheets later, but it would most definitely work. “Or else I’ll have to give all my amazing dinner to a certain Number Two explosive hero.” You spoke as if it wasn’t even a problem for you. Midoriya went stiff. You hummed. “Yup, maybe Dynamight would love my cooking and he wouldn’t waste it. A nice meal made by me, a sweet little Omega without an Alpha to feed.”
You felt the air around you shift the same way it would when Midoriya activated his quirk. The hairs at back of your neck would stand up and you could feel an energy in the air almost as though there was static in the air. Slowly Midoriya look up at you from his place on top of you. You swallowed hard as you looked into his jade green eyes. His pupils were big showing that he wasn’t in control at all.
He had fallen into a drop.
And you had most probably fucked up.
Midoriya looked at you with a hard gaze, something heated and primal in those eyes that made you freeze up but also instantly made your heart rate pick up. He let out a deep growl in annoyance and disapproval at your words. Long white canines gleaming at you. Before you could have any say, Midoriya had you pinned underneath him. He furiously went into scenting you, trying to get all thoughts of ProHero Dynamight out of his and your head. He wasn’t going to have it. You couldn’t possibly mean it and yet he was still not going to even entertain the thought.
You let out a giggle at the ticklish feeling of being scented. “Izu!” You squealed out with a laugh as he rubbed his cheek against your neck. He let out a grunt as he started to scent you down your body. He sniffed at your chest as he made his way down, rubbing his wrists at the side of your hips. He moved down your body, ticklish touches and warm lingering brushes making you smile down at the Alpha on top of you. That was until Midoriya found himself between your thighs. His face right over your clothed sex. He looked up at you with heated dark eyes and then back down at the shorts you wore.
Midoriya pushed them up even more, revealing your inner thighs more to him. He wanted the scent glands by your inner thighs. That’s what he wanted. But you couldn’t stop the tensing of your thighs nor the now longing feeling you wanted from him. With a little growl he moved lower, grabbing each thigh and sitting them on his shoulders. He placed his face into one of your thighs with a grunt, loving the soft skin and the smell of you. His eyes closed with a sigh. Then he smelled your slight arousal. His eyes slowly opened and flickered up to you. He moved his lips to one of your scent glands and licked your inner thigh.
You bit down on your bottom lip to stop the whimper that rippled out of you. Any and all of his actions on your body always left your heart beating quicker and your scent raging. Midoriya saw that as a sign to continue. He placed his mouth on it, sucking and nibbling on your skin. He groaned at the taste of your skin on his lips and tongue. You were heavenly to him and he never understood how somehow you couldn’t see that. But he was nevertheless going to attack your skin for all that he could.
You let out a quiet moan as you relaxed back against your nest. “Fuck…” You whispered. Then you felt his fingers start to prod near your entrance. You finally realized what that meant. You quickly sat up. “Oh no you don’t.” You pushed his face away from you with your foot, making him release a confused sound. Pushing him away from you with your legs adamantly, Midoriya looked up at you with wide green eyes, worried. “I did not work hard on making dinner for it to get cold and you to distract me, you mischievous green Alpha.” You pointed down at him sternly.
Midoriya gave you a pout as he looked up at you. “But honey…” He whined out.
You shook your head at your needy husband. “Nope.” You moved to get out of your nest. “Now get up or forget about your portion of food.” You told him sternly, climbing out of your nest.
Midoriya sighed as he lay down in your nest as you exited the room. He dragged his hands down his face as he grumbled. “Can’t an Alpha just rest?” He asked to himself annoyed.
“What did you say!”
He immediately sat up. “Nothing sweetheart!” He quickly said with a smile. Once he was sure you weren’t coming back to beat his ass with a wooden spoon he relaxed again. He shook his head exiting out of your nest. “Omegas.” He whispered more quietly this time. “You just want cuddles. They turn it horny.  You indorse it? They kick you in the face.” He sighed.
You were both back in your nest, Midoriya had his arms around you as you lay on his chest, purring up a storm to help ease him. He lay back in your nest, tiredly watching you text some of your friends. Midoriya had been pretty quiet, just being content in watching you. That’s all he wanted right now. Just to be near you and with you. You always made him feel so at ease and so much better, even when you did nothing. Just by your presence alone, Midoriya felt as though he was more than he could ever be.
His fingers traced your skin thoughtlessly as he watched you. “Honey?” He said quietly.
You looked back up at him, you pulled a smile on your face. “Yes?” You put down your phone as you looked up at him.
“Can… can I tell you something?” He asked you, not looking you in the eye but just watching the way his fingers traced your skin. You furrowed your brows concerned but you nodded your head affirmatively. He was silent for a moment, not saying anything for a while. He was thinking of how best he could say it to you. “So…” he started. “This afternoon I had a meeting with Shoto, Kacchan and the commission as you know.” You nodded your head. “but after that when it was just the three of us we decided to have lunch together… and then we started talking about how Momo’s expecting her first litter and uh…” Midoriya’s eyebrows furrowed as he swallowed down hard. Whatever it was he wanted to tell you it seemed difficult for him to say. “So Kacchan said him and Eijiro were thinking of getting a surrogate or adopting, whichever they decided, but he then, jokingly…” He closed his eyes. “He asked when we have pups would they be just like me?”
You tilted your head confused at his statement. You scrunched up your face. “Well, of course. I want them to have your pretty hair and sparkly eyes.” You smiled at the thought. “Our little broccoli sprouts. Wouldn’t they be just the cutes-”
“No, not like that honey.” He said opening his eyes and finally looking at you. Your smile dropped when you noticed there was still more to it. Midoriya let out a shaky breath. “What Kacchan meant was… me before All Might.” He specified. Your eyes widened in realization of the implications of the statement. Midoriya leaned back looking away from you. You could see by his tense shoulders and furrowed brows how much this was bothering him already. His face then twisted up almost in disgust. “I used to be nothing special. A quirkless beta kid with nothing but a dream. My life was hell growing up. I hated it.” He spoke with genuine loathing dripping off his tongue. “I never want any pup to grow up that way, let alone my own.”
“But Izuku that wasn’t your fault.” You told him with a stern look of your own. You noticed he wasn’t looking at you. You reached your hands up to move his head down to face you. You made sure he was looking at you this time. “That wasn’t your fault.” You spoke adamantly. “You were bullied. It was other pups- other people that saw you as inadequate.”
He closed his eyes. “I know, but Y/N don’t you see?” He placed his hands over your smaller ones. “Even though One for All gave me a quirk, turned me into an Alpha with a fancy big build and a fancy knot…” He rolled his eyes. “I still have that quirkless beta inside me. Would you really be willing to risk our pups having that?”
Your face fell as you looked at Midoriya with a blank expression. “Izuku, you are acting as if being quirkless and a beta is a disease.” You snap your fingers in front of his face catching him by surprise. “Grow up!” You frowned with a quiet sigh looking down. “Do you really think so little of me and the possibility of me being a good Dam?” You asked with furrowed eyebrows.
Midoriya’s eyes widened drastically, sitting up. “What! No honey, I would never think that way.” He said as the two of you sat up, with you sitting in his lap, legs wrapped around his waist.
You looked at him with an angry expression. “Then why the hell would you think I would care if my pup was like that?” You asked him loudly. He leaned his head back in surprise. You stared up at his face silent for a second. “Izuku, you are my mate.” You took his hands and joined them with your own. “You are my everything. Knot or not. Do you honestly think I chose you because you were some fancy Alpha with a great quirk? Because you were some prohero?” You asked with a scrunched-up face. “Izuku, the moment I let you court me, I knew that Deku would never be mine.” You shook your head. “Deku belonged to the people of Japan but Izuku? Izuku is all mine.” You told him. “I accepted him back when you introduced me to him with all of his past, and I accept him now just the same. When we have pups…” You told him, squeezing his hands with a soft smile. “I hope they end up just like their father. Heroic and beautiful. Quirks or no quirks. Betas or not. They’ll be ours and that’s all that matters.” You told him with a happy chirp.
Then you felt a drop fall onto your conjoined hands. You looked up and you saw your husband with his signature Midoriya tears in his eyes. Big, heavy flowing tears that you knew only came from one family. He bit down on his bottom lip trying to stop a sob from coming out. You chuckled, moving to pull him into a hug. “Aww my big Alpha. There’s no need to cry.” You assure him, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling his head down to rest in the crook of your neck. You rubbed his back affectionately as he held onto you. You hushed his crying form with a sweet smile. You released a calming scent to try and help ease the big ball of tears and green hair that was your husband. “It’s okay, darling. I understand your concerns, but you don’t have to worry. We’re together and we’re amazing. Our pack will be amazing too.” You assured him.
“I don’t deserve you.” You heard him utter out brokenly.
You shook your head. “You deserve the world Izuku. We’re here together. In it for the long haul.” You informed him.
Midoriya held you in his arms, the feeling of your warm embrace and loving hold on him reminded him all of how much he loved you. How much he felt so lost and conflicted without you. You were so amazing to him. You deserved everything he could give you and more. If he could find a way to give the world to you, he would give it to you over and over again. You made his life so much better, turned everything he had into a loving home.
He loves you.
He loves you so much it makes him cry more times than he would ever admit to you.
But as much as he loved you, you also made him incredibly horny. You were just that amazing.
He lifted his head slightly, still keeping his head against yours. He placed a kiss on your mating mark making you chirp happily. He loved your chirps. They were like music to his ears and made him know that he was doing something right. His hold on you turned possessive as he held you tighter. “Let’s make a pup.” He whispered into your ear making a shiver run down your spine.
“Whoa!” You let out with a chuckle, moving to look up at him. You had a raised eyebrow and a smirk on your face. “What on earth has gotten into you all of a sudden?” You asked. “My heat isn’t for another month.”
He put a hand around your neck unexpectedly pulling you closer towards him. His jade eyes were dark, covered in a vail of lust, but he was being serious. The utmost serious. So serious it made you want to melt as your inner Omega happily celebrated at their mate wanting them. “I don’t care.” He stated clearly.
“But Izuku what about-”
“I don’t care.”
“But we agreed that we would choose another house befor-”
“I don’t care.”
“Izu, I-” You were cut off as he pinned you down to the nest.
A rumble rippled through his body as he kissed at your scent glands on your neck. He groaned, as he rutted down against you. His hips grinding down against your humming body, aching and needing you. “I don’t care.” He mumbled against your skin.  He licked a long stripe over the mating mark he had placed on you, before biting down. You released a loud whimper, your sex now aching for friction. His reclaiming of you was harsher than he normally would but made all the more pleasure inducing. A wave of heat and pleasure blossomed from that scent gland, moving down your body to your aching sex. He removed his teeth from your scent gland, the taste of a hint of blood and your skin sitting on his lips. He licking over the mark. “I just want you.” He breathed out. “Please?” He asked stopping for a moment.
You couldn’t think, your thoughts already clouded. “Okay.” You nodded. “Okay, Izu. You can have me.”
He smiled and placed a peck to your lips. Midoriya slipped his shirt off easily before moving to rip your shorts off your body. You giggled at the way he pulled at your clothes with anger and determination. Deciding to just activate his quirk, Midoriya easily ripped everything below your waist, finding it a nuisance. He threw the remains away to who knows where and had his eyes trained down on your already glistening sex. Midoriya had this unexplainable way of always touching you in a way that you couldn’t explain. It lit a fire inside you. Made your body produce slick and your heart race.
He grabbed each one of your thighs as he lay down on the bed between your legs. Each thigh rested on his shoulder just like they did earlier that evening when he had just arrived from work. He squished his face between your thighs like earmuffs and licked straight up your slit. You released a whimper at the action. Midoriya began to eat you out, focusing on your clit trying to make you as wet as possible. You needed no help with that as you relaxed back into your nest, eyes closed in pleasure as you wiggled and writhed underneath him. Your heart started to pick up pace as you tensed your thighs.
Midoriya groaned at the taste of your slick on his tongue. You tasted even better than katsudon to him. If there was one way he preferred to die, he wanted to drown on your slick between your thighs. He knew he would die a happy man and often felt like he could see the gates of heaven whenever he was perched between your thighs focusing on bringing you pleasure. He couldn’t focus on anything else, not breathing, not his hands grasping and messaging your thighs and hips as he worked. Nothing, only you and your moans. Your tense thighs that started to quiver.
You keened pushing down against him harder, feeling the coil in your abdomen start to tighten. You whimpered out as you moved your hips against his face. “Izuku.” You moaned out. You bit down on your bottom lip but then a gasp was pulled out of you as he stuck a finger inside you. He started to scissor you open, his mouth now sucking your clit. Just like that you clamped your thighs around his head forcing him to stay there as you let out a loud moan. Midoriya didn’t fasten the pace nor slow down, he kept doing what he was doing, guiding you through your high.
You finally eased up releasing his head as you relaxed against your pillow, but unlucky/lucky for you, your man was a pussy-addict. Midoriya gasped out for air but still focused on working you open for him. He then curled his fingers. You gasped and that’s when he smirked. He found it. With a happy rumble from his chest he went back to focusing on your clit and your slicked up hole. You whimpered at the way he worked you open.
Midoriya noticed the way you were tightening around his fingers, feeling like being mean today, he forced himself to remove all contact from your sex. You let out a loud whine at the loss of pleasure. “Izu! That’s not nice.” You told him with a frown.
Midoriya chuckled as he moved up your body. “Sorry my love.” His body caged you underneath him. He bent down and placed a kiss on your lips, tasting yourself on him. He hummed moving back to stare down at you. “But I’ve got to pump my Omega full tonight,” he moved to rest on his knees, unbuckling his belt. He shrugged. “For practise.” He grinned down at you with a flawless grin, canines gleaming at you, as you chuckled.
“Can’t I just…” You sat up moving forward towards him as he tore his shirt off of him. You palmed at his restricted hard cock in his briefs. You looked up at him with wide eyes before looking back down. You kissed him over his briefs making him release a small breath. You moved closer, pulling his cock out of his briefs. Hard, heavy and flushed pink. You tapped a freckle just over where his knot was making him gasp slightly. You giggled. “Freckles.”
Midoriya rolled his eyes but smiled down at you. He moved his hand down to cup your chin, making you look up at him. His thumb moved to rest between your lips. You opened your mouth obediently, eyes always on him. His thumb pressed down into your mouth and onto your tongue forcing your mouth open and to hollow up. You relaxed your jaw knowing what was expected of you.
He smiled with a soft scoff. With his other hand he pat your head softly. “What a good Omega.” He praised you. “Look at what you do to me, honey. You make your Alpha always ready and aching for you.” He leaned down closer to your face. He held a patronizing smirk on his face. The dark glint in his eyes was apparent. His hands on you had grown to make your body pliant and at his mercy. “I really want my cock in your cunt, sweetheart. Is that what you want?” You nodded your head eagerly, his thumb still in your mouth, drool dribbling down your lower lip. “You want that? Then how come your eyes are telling me you want to suck my cock?” He asked you. Your Omega purred as you nodded your head just as eagerly. He chuckled, his one hand caressing your face. “What a greedy Omega. Always wanting so much from their Alpha, but that’s okay. That’s what Alphas are for. For you to have me as you wish right?” He glanced down at his cock and then back to you. “Go ahead. Suck this cock. Get it nice and wet for me.”
He finally removed his thumb from your mouth making you gasp. Your jaw ached slightly but you couldn’t care. You nodded your head, moving to hold his thick cock in your hands. “Yes, Alpha.” You told him bringing, the head of his cock to your lips.
Midoriya’s shoulders dropped as he released a sigh at the feeling of your warm mouth on his cock. It was almost as comforting as having it deep inside you. You went to swift work of licking and sucking his cock. You removed your mouth licking up his length. Midoriya let out a groan. He moved his hand so that he could hold your head steadily. You knew that as indication to ease up and loosen your throat for him. And just as you got comfortable, holding his thighs, Midoriya gripped you by the hair and started to softly fuck into your throat. The head of his cock nudged the back of your throat making you gag but you stayed in position letting him use you.
Midoriya used his other hand to caress your face and full cheeks. “Come on baby, drool all over this cock.” Your lower lip and chin glistened with saliva as he fucked into your throat. He looked down at you with adoring eyes. “Such a good Omega. You are so good for me.” He slowly removed your mouth from his cock. You whined. You could taste the precum that was dribbling from his cock and you wanted more of it. He tsked at your greediness forcing you down on the bed. He slapped your inner thigh making you gasp. “Stop whining and present.” He let out with a low growl.
You pouted but did as you were told. Midoriya knew he spoiled you sometimes, but it made seeing that wet pout of yours all worth it. You stuck your ass in the air, chest down in your nest. You looked back at him, eyes begging to be filled as you presented your sex to him. Midoriya let out a pleased rumble from his chest. He placed one hand on your ass while he held his cock to your entrance.
The moment he pushed in you both released shaky breaths. You gripped down on the base sheets of your nest as you felt him fill you up wit his cock. You whined at the pressure and stretch. Even after years of taking him in very similar situations like this, it never got any less amazing to you. Often than not it felt as though the two of you were made for each other. Sculpted and formed to be able to take one another perfectly. It was a suffocating feeling and it made your love for each other only grow even more. Once he was finally fully inside you, you relaxed down in your nest. Your Omega now more than happy with just having his cock inside you.
However, the Alpha who had said cock inside you was anything but relaxed. He was ravenous. Dark green eyes looking down at you with a need so great he wasn’t sure if just letting you cock warm him for a while would cut it. Your velvety walls were heavenly, and you squeezed around him so nicely he almost felt tempted to put his want aside and let you. But then he remembered just how much he loves you.
And because he loves you so much, he couldn’t do this half assed.
And besides, you’ll be knotted anyways.
It was a win-win situation in his mind.
Using your hips to move you with his hips, he moved back only leaving the tip inside you, before moving back in. You jolted forward a bit with a soft moan. You enjoyed the methodical and salivating movements of his cock inside you. You hummed looking back at him. Making sure you moved your ass to help him.
Midoriya let out a chuckle accompanied by a groan. The view of you moving your ass back against him was down-right sinful but it was addictive. “Y/N, you’re a vixen, you know that?” He asked you, with  a raised eyebrow.
You hummed as your answer. You thought for a moment a response. Then you got the bright idea on trying to get yourself pushed down into the sheets. It would probably mean you would have to call in sick tomorrow if executed right, but who doesn’t deserve a day off? You looked back at him with a sly look, a smirk on your face. “Come on Izu, I thought you said you were practicing. Is this how you’re going to put your pup inside me?” You asked him with a raised eyebrow of your own and a devilish smirk.
You knew instantly by the way he stopped moving his hips, you had struck a nerve. Your body started to slightly tremble at the heavy silence between you. You had definitely done something wrong. You didn’t even want to look back at him because of how nerve-wrecking the situation turned out to be. You opened your mouth to say something, but you felt a hand come down to the back of your neck. You were forced face first into the mattress.
With a harsh jolt of his hips from Midoriya you let out a cry in pain and pleasure. You were being pinned down forced to take him rapidly as his thrusts were now cruel and ruthless. Midoriya growled down at you, from your whining. From your pornographic moans, he knew you were just complaining. He held your ass harshly, letting his Alpha take control of his actions. “You damn fucking brat.” He let out with a growl. He then let out a chuckle shaking his head. He dragged a hand through his hair not stopping despite your whines. He let go of your ass moving to grab onto one of your shoulders, his other hand moving to grip your jaw, forcing two fingers into your mouth. He bent down closer to your ear. “How about you shut up and take this cock yah?” He whispered. “Let your Alpha do all the work. You just sit pretty and take what I give you.”
Gripping you hard, and forcing you up, Midoriya continued to pound into you. You couldn’t think of anything other than him. His cock bullied your cervix, making sure every thrust inside you had purpose. Your body tensed as you came around his cock. Your eyes rolled. “Alpha!” He didn’t stop bullying his way in and out of you, which only lengthened your orgasm. Your body went slack at the mind-numbing glow of an orgasm. Your body was slack as Midoriya stayed focused on his pursuit of his own orgasm. You stayed down letting him use you, a fucked-out smile on your face. “Izuku. Alpha~” You chanted his name like a poem, a song. One you couldn’t get out of your head, stuck on repeat.
Midoriya growled his thrusts growing harder as his knot grew, catching only to let go. His hands gripped you with bruising strength. He couldn’t think of anything other than your slicked up sex and you so pliant for him. Happily, ready to accept anything and everything he gave you. With a finally slam, his thick knot locked the two of you together. Midoriya’s body shivered briefly at the euphoric feeling of being stuck inside you. He ground his hips inside you, fucking all his cum deep inside you.
His hands caged you on either side, keeping his weight off of you. Midoriya released a shaky breath his eyes closed in bliss, before looking down at you. Your body warm and sweaty underneath him, but a satisfied smile on your face. Midoriya smiled. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your mating mark. The action made you smile with a purr from your chest. You leaned back into his show of affection, placing your head next to his. “Are you okay, my beautiful Tsubaki flower?” He asked softly.
You giggled and nodded. “Made for you, Izu.”
He laughed too. “I’m made for you, my love.” He placed a kiss on your cheek. “My home. My everything. I’m so glad I get to come home to you.”
A/N: Today is big man's birthday!! Izuku was a comfort character I never thought I would have because at first I was like… this man? The cry baby who just chooses endless self abuse? Then I realized that he is everything I wish I could be and everything I am. From middle school him who is strangely close to how I was in middle school (I was a cry baby. I cried at everything) till now. But Izuku is so much stronger. And even though he isn't perfect, he isn't the smartest or the strongest or the coolest or the richest, He's real. He loves his mother, his friends, he holds on to hope and helping others. Its odd cause there are many times I've given up and yet I'm sure if I was in his shoes I would have taken the next exit tbh. But he didn't. So… I love this man. He deserves the world. Okay. Sorry for the rant.
<Izuku Midoriya x Reader Week Masterlist>
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jienem · 9 months
The Vizier's Diamond in the Rough
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In which you transmigrate in time into the past after you receive an enchantment wrist bangle. But the thing is, it was also the era where the notorious schemer ruled the kingdom by hypnotizing the Sultan.
Warning: gn reader. Pharaoh's concubine reference but Aladdin setting (younger jafar and the sultan) Head taller Jamil. Different story plot soon after.
(Really recommend Pharaoh's concubine.)
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The wrist bangle was given to you by your brother as a gift. Your birthday was several days ahead, yet that didn't stop him from giving it to you early. Despite living in another country for work, he always makes sure to have time with you.
You opened it on the day of your birthday and carefully unwrapped the delicate ribbon under your hands. To your utter astonishment, your brother gifted you the most sought-after jewelry that was worth thousands at auction. You were perplexed by the precious gift your brother had given you and didn't know what to do. Your were greatful yet at the time, it felt overwhelming to receive it. You called your brother and was relief when he pick up after quite sometime.
"Happy birthday, dear sister. What brings your attention to call me? Shouldn't you be enjoying the time of your birthday?" You knew by the sound of his voice that he exactly knew why you called. "Oh, did you open mine? If so, was the jewelry to your liking?" he continued.
For a moment, you felt like you lived a millionaire's life despite being a middle-class citizen and a student at that.
"The jewelry was exquisite, it puts me beyond words for how much of an invaluable gift you have given me, dear brother. Not! How many times do I have to tell you I don't need expensive stuff." You huff as you admire the bangle snake design in hand despite your defiance short ago. It had diamonds on the side, and you didn't question their worth; what caught you more was the ruby that lay as the eyes of the golden snake.
In the middle of conversation, you place the dangle on your wrist, and to your surprise and horror, it glows brightly, making you turn your head away. Your wrist felt warmer, and even your closed eyes didn't help the brightness that surrounded you, and you blackened.
You woke up to the sensation of someone's hand shaking you. You didn't realize you were sleeping until someone who was unknown to you kept calling you. From your blurry eyes, you notice a woman with an unusual outfit, speaking a language that you knew you couldn't understand, but you did. Confused, you tried to speak, but the rasp in your voice stopped you. The lady brought out a glass of water and gave it to you. You mouthed a thank you and gulped down the remnants of the water.
"Young lady, what are you doing in the middle of the dessert?"
"I was?" You didn't know, the last memory you remember was your room. So how?
"Yes, I had help with a young man who was a gentleman who carried you here. He was quite a handsome man, young lady." You frowned and ignored her last words in favor of worrying for your brother, who was on the call when it happened. Has it already been a few days? Weeks?
"Can I ask, where am I?"
"You can. We are in the Kingdom of Agrabah, and Oh! My Apologies! Would you be alright if I leave you here whilst I work in the palace? You can stay here for as long as you wish." For a moment, you felt your world drop as she uttered her words and momentarily had a dilemma. You didn't know what to do; after all, how did you appear here?
Your eyes fell onto your wrist, and you saw you were still wearing the dangle. Remembering it shone before it took you here, you tried to take it off but to no avail. Taking one last look at the culprit, you turn your head towards her and remember you still haven't answered.
"Oh no, no, I couldn't do that. Let me join you, please. I could help you in some way, er-do you mind?" The kingdom existed hundreds of years ago and only made it into the history books. You couldn't stay at her abode for fear of potential danger because this town was filled with thieves according to history, and you also didn't want to stay longer than you should have. You also wanted to know someone in this era to help you adjust to this place for some time. With that in mind, you were determined to accompany her.
"I don't mind, but you should rest and stay the night. Tomorrow you can help, but for now, rest for all you need."
You sigh in relief, despite having to stay for the night, it was enough for you. You nodded before she left the room, and your expression dropped soon after she left. You looked out the window beside you with different emotions. Whatever shall you do?
The next day, entering the palace was an easy feat. Some guards didn't bat an eye as the two of you passed, and soon enough you were led to the kitchen, where people were tirelessly working. The workers were in sync as they passed the plates to each other while they moved side by side. You were confused as to what to do before the lady who accompanied you motioned for you to get closer and whispered something in your ear before tilting her head in another direction. You recognized the stack of white linens, and you knew you had to wash them judging from the stains that were hiding beneath.
She muttered a thank you and went along with her chores, as did you. It was quite heavier than it looks, yet you didn't give up and continued. You were glad the corridor leading to another side didn't have people passing by, but you wondered if you moved on the right way. You forgot to ask the lady, but you were too afraid to head back now. With a downcast expression, you didn't realize you bumped into someone until you took a step back from the force and almost fell down.
You quickly muttered an apology and moved to the side to get a clearer view. Your heart drops as you notice the garments that are often mentioned in the history of a certain royal vizier. Black clothing with a red cape, the snake design staff with red rubies, and black hair—you felt stupid for not thinking he couldn't appear before you.
Jamil Viper is the vizier of the kingdom of Agrabah and the right-hand man of Kalim al-Asim, the current sultan.
He brushes the dust off his shoulder, and much to your dismay, you had to crane your neck upward just to see his face as your height reaches just below his shoulder. He wore a neutral expression as his eyes fell over your form, and you felt uneasy under his stare. His silence was intimidating.
"If you were assigned to washing, the area was on another building."
"O-oh, I see. Thank you and my apologies."
You were honestly surprised and grateful at his advice, but you sensed something was wrong when he still didn't move and continued staring at you. You tried to call out for him, but he nodded at something before continuing on his stride, making you confused over his actions. For the few seconds he stared at you, you felt a faint sense of fuzziness, but it was gone the minute he walked away. You knew it was still in effect, but it was less than before and disappeared completely when he was nowhere to be seen. Did he try his sorcery?
Your eyes fell onto your wrist and saw the glow in its ruby. Without a second thought, you lifted your arm and tried to lay it under the sun for a clearer view, wondering what lies it beholds, ignoring what happened a few seconds earlier. A hand shot out and grasped your forearm, causing you to flinch back in shock. The hand was firm in their hold as they moved it to the side of their face. Jamil Viper, in all glory, stood before you as he assessed the dangle; his eyes were a glowing shade of red.
"Where did you get this?" His voice was low as he muttered his question, still looking at the dangle. You were alarm as he came out of nowhere, the white linens laid forgotten as you tried to move away but was unsuccessful.
"I-" Your words betray you, as you were under his hold. His eyes flicker towards you, and he grasps your forearm tighter and moves it closer.
"Let go!" You pulled your arm away, glaring at him while the force pulled you back. The familiar light shone from your wrist, and his expression flickered with anxiety, anger, and frustration.
Your vision turns black again, but this time you stay awake for a few minutes before passing out on the ground as soon as you notice you made it back home.
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@luciel1 @fluffle-bean @growingupnrealizing @worldussysblog @daruderuyoo @lucid-stories @ykiqlvr @savanaclaw1996 @yo4sblog @rosedasy @springdrop-701 @qmabailor @monoeve
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mightymizora · 5 months
What's your take on Ketheric's evilness? When I rank my Chosen on the shitty people ladder, I put Ketheric at the top.
Man I joke a lot about how I could fix Ketheric but yeah he's pretty terrible. I don't know if he quite beats Gortash for me for scale though. The wrap sheet for Gort is truly so heinous.
(Also worth noting that when I say "Orin didn't do anything wrong" I obviously don't mean that but I DO mean that I have a lot of sympathy for Orin because she beyond any of the others had basically no chance to turn out differently. She was conditioned to the point of actual madness. But anyway this isn't about Orin.)
The thing that gets me about Ketheric is the fact he weighs up what he does constantly and still does it. And unlike Gortash and Orin, it's not like he came from horror. He was a normal guy with a wife and kids (side note I still don't understand the Thorm family. I landed on Malus being his uncle, Gerringothe being a sister, and Thisobald being a bastard child born after Melodia died.) But grief just kept pushing him down and further into abject nihilism. I think that's where my sympathy with him does come in.
Ketheric just has this apathy to anything that isn't Isobel. He just put all the love and light of his whole world onto one person and that's so unhealthy and fucked up! I think that made her a target for Shar, who is always looking for ways to fell important Selunites. He thought it was Aylin's attention (and it might have been, partly) but I think Shar saw the opportunity in his obsession more than in the risk of their relationship. Even if it hadn't been though, how can one woman shoulder that much unhealthy devotion? It's not good parenting, it's not healthy, it's not right. But when he lost his wife, his only joy became her, and when he lost her he would do anything to assuage that grief. I think when you've experienced similar loss, he does become quite sympathetic there.
I think I understand why people follow Shar, from that reasoning. Shar isn't just evil, she is a nothing, she is emptiness, and when you are in the deepest throws of grief there is nothing you long for more than those tiny moments, for example when you first wake before your mind recalls, where you feel nothing.
It just feels like he carved away his humanity to starve off grief as much as he could like a man literally cutting off his own flesh to feed a rabid dog. He let EVERYTHING become a victim of his grief. And then he finally meets somebody who says to him hey, you don't have to do this, where EVERYBODY else has been enabling him for their own designs. He's the great general that Shar wants to use, that the Myrkulites want to use, that Gortash and The Dark Urge want to use and he is completely malleable to those needs. Which is a chilling kind of evil, really. He lets evil seep into him like a poison until it is too late.
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alohajun · 1 year
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bf!beomgyu x reader | wc : 0.6k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, comedy, fluff, proposal au, mentions of petnames | loki's lines : this is the one (of a couple) entries for the exchange event by @kflixnet. this one’s for @boba-beom ahh, smiles, i am sorry i didn’t reveal myself sagsrfhgd and i really hope you like this little drabble i wrote for beomgyu! have a great day, take care and stay safe &lt;3
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it was the perfect day to propose.
the sun was shining; the birds were chirping, and you were absolutely sure of your feelings for your boyfriend.
you and beomgyu had been dating for almost five years, and even though you knew you two were still young, you wanted to propose.
it was just a proposal, after all. you weren't asking to get married that second. maybe in a year, or two … or ten. 
"you've brought me to the woods," beomgyu claimed, smiling teasingly. "are you going to kill me?"
you laughed, shaking your head. beomgyu has always been the clueless one in your relationship, and it was no surprise how oblivious he was now, too.
you'd been hinting about proposals for the past few weeks, and he never caught on to the hints, always focusing on something else.
it was no surprise to you, really. 
this was the exact guy who was surprised when you asked him to be your boyfriend because he thought you guys were always dating.
yep, oblivious and clueless indeed.
"i wouldn't kill you now," you joked. "maybe after we are married, so i can claim your life insurance."
beomgyu chuckled. "ah, so i am being killed," he stated. "just not now." he intertwined your hands, swinging them as you two walked.
a massive hint, yet the man remained clueless.
the two of you finally got towards a clearing in the woods, overlooking the little town you two grew up in.
it was quite a sentimental moment for you as you took in the view, realizing you had come so far with beomgyu and were about to take the next biggest step in both your lives.
"gyu, the reason i brought you here today," you paused, taking a breath to calm yourself, "is because i wanted to ask you something."
beomgyu turned away from the view to look at you, an oblivious smile on his face. 
"the location and view seem romantic," he stated, “are you going to propose, y/n?"
you could tell he was trying to tease you with the way he smiled, but not getting a response from you gave away that it was indeed the reason you had brought him there.
"wait … you are not saying no."
"i am not."
"oh, fuck." beomgyu had a look of horror on his face as he realized he had just ruined the surprise for himself. "no, i ruined it! do it again!"
you chuckled, amused by your boyfriend's reactions. "babe, it's fine–" you tried to console him, but he was already pacing around.
"no, no, no." he shook his head, adamant. "you are gonna tell me you have to ask me something again, and i will not jump to conclusions and let you ask the question."
"gyu, it's–"
the brunet was already running away, hiding behind a tree as he attempted to fix the proposal he just messed up.
"babe, what are you doing?"
"restarting!" he yelled from behind the tree. "now, call me out, and let's start from the top."
you smiled, knowing then and there that you were making the best decision of your life. 
of course, you wanted to marry choi beomgyu. how could you not?
"hey, gyu. i wanted to ask you something." you played along, stifling your giggles as you watched him peek his head from behind the tree.
his cherry red ears didn't go unnoticed as he looked at you, making it harder for you not to laugh. "yeah, babe. what's up?" he asked, trying to be as nonchalant as he could.
just like you had planned, you held onto your boyfriend's hands before kneeling on the ground. smiling as you looked into his eyes, you asked the question he already knew was coming.
"would you do me the greatest honor and marry me, choi beomgyu?"
the brunet smiled brightly, tears glistening in his eyes as he nodded. "of course i will. you redid an entire proposal for me after all," he said, pulling you up towards him. "how could i ever say no?" 
yep, it was indeed the perfect day to propose.
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hi!! your blog is so wonderful omg. i was wondering if you could write about fem!reader being jealous of jon’s close relationship with dany and him just reassuring her and all that? thank you <3
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(Gif not mine)
Title: Young Hearts & Minds
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Pairing: Jon Snow x Fem!Reader
Warnings: light angst, tooth-rotting fluff, jealousy, sappy romance, childish crush/young love, etc.
Taglist: @gruffle1
Summary: Set during S7 and then onto S8, Y/n is about to be reunited with her first love, only for a dragon queen to appear to be a problem.
Author’s Note: Thank you for the wait, anon. I hope you enjoy!
(I do not consent to my works being reposted/copied)
Littlefinger likes to stick his fingers in every flavor of pie. When he told Sansa that there was a possibility that Jon wishes to marry Daenerys when he left for Dragonstone, Baelish knew that Sansa would eventually tell Lady Y/n.
And why wouldn’t she? Sansa has known Y/n since they were children and have just recently been reunited. Y/n was another ward of House Stark and was raised alongside Ned and Catelyn’s children ever since she was one and ten. Thankfully, she did not have to endure the horrors of the Starks' fates since she was sent back to her own family’s keep to spend time with her parents before winter began. When word spread of Ned Stark’s imprisonment and then further beheading, Y/n’s parents kept her at home, knowing it would be a death sentence for their daughter if she were sent back to Winterfell.
When she heard about Jon Snow reclaiming Winterfell from the Boltons, Y/n had to return to Winterfell years later. She had to see the great walls of the Stark castle for herself, along with the reclaimed owners. When she arrived, she was tearfully greeted by Sansa and reunited with Arya and Bran. When she questioned where Jon was, Y/n was told that he went South to Dragonstone. Sansa told her old friend everything that’s happened since they last parted, right down to the very smallest detail. When she spoke of the Northerners calling Jon their King of the North, Y/n smiled to herself, happy and proud for Ned Stark’s bastard son.
As children, Y/n often found herself in Jon’s company, despite their different stations in life. Sansa didn’t like Jon when they were younger, but Y/n had always been a kind and sweet young lady. She enjoyed Jon’s company and over time, as they got older, they both were beginning to realize that this friendship was turning into an infatuation with each other. Y/n could easily say that Jon Snow was her first love. Yes, she was young and childish, with butterflies in her stomach whenever Jon was around, but she never considered her attraction to him foolish.
When Littlefinger told Sansa that there was a possibility that Jon wishes to marry Daenerys when he left for Dragonstone, Baelish knew that Sansa would eventually tell Lady Y/n. He was no fool, and he saw the way Y/n smiled whenever Jon was mentioned. She even spoke of her excitement to see him again. However, when Y/n was told of the possibility of Jon and Daenerys forming a marriage alliance, her smile fell, and she even asked Sansa if she was certain. After that, Petyr watched as Y/n remained stoic and even ignorant on the topic right until his execution by Arya's hand.
Jon finally came back home after spending so much time in the South, and with him, he brought armies from all corners of the world. With Daenerys at his side and two dragons flying overhead, Sansa also took into account the armies of Unsullied and Dothraki. Once introductions had been made, she also recognized Varys and Tyrion Lannister at the Targaryen Queen’s side. The Lady of Winterfell had her guests settle in before supper and caught Jon up on everything he missed while he was away. When she recounted all the houses who had come to the North’s aid, she mentioned Y/n’s. Jon visibly stiffened, staring into the fireplace of his half-sister’s room.
“Is she well?”
Sansa was stunned for the moment, before breaking the news to him, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”
Jon spun to stare at Sansa, struck dumb as she continued, “She was feeling ill before you arrived so she went to lie down. She’s in her old room now, like she never left.”
He immediately excused himself and left Sansa’s room, only to swiftly walk down the hall to what he remembered used to be Y/n’s. He could walk the way there blindfolded if someone asked him. He knew the route all too well. When he was young, he snuck to Y/n’s chambers as often as he could. Being young and naive, nothing scandalous came of it, but Jon and Y/n knew the fit Lady Catelyn would have if she ever found them innocently holding each other and kissing in bed.
What felt like hours was only minutes before Jon found himself just outside Y/n’s door, out of breath and feeling the sense of déjà vu. He felt as though he was frozen in a lake of icy cold waters again, like when he had fallen beyond the Wall, barely able to move or catch his breath. Fear struck him like a chill down to his bones, staring at the door between him and what he both feared and longed for. Before he could give into cowardice, he raised his fist and knocked.
Shuffling is heard behind the door, until the light pattern of footsteps draws closer and the door itself swings open, revealing the woman inside. Jon’s lungs begin to burn from lack of breath, completely blown away by the face of the young love he had once known. She was radiant, a woman grown with her face as lovely as the Mother, evolved from the goofy smiles and rounded cheeks from his childhood.
Y/n stared back at him with equal shock, breathless, standing still in her chemise and robe, loose hair falling over her shoulder like a waterfall. Neither of them speaks, taking in the other’s appearance like a goblet of wine. Slowly, Y/n rolls her lips and hesitants before breathing out, “Jon?”
A raging fire ignites and burns within him. Jon steps forward with his hands on either side of her face before she could blink. The kiss was fierce and full of unquenchable need, as if ice and fire was fighting for dominance, sizzling when making contact with one another. Y/n leaned into Jon’s kiss and his embrace, guiding him further into her room with her grip around his torso. Jon kicks the door shut with his boot as he breaks away from the kiss, catching his breath, all the while his gaze scans over her face standing so close to his. Their air mixed in the close proximity, unable to move away other than to tilt their heads to get a better look of each other.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” Jon’s rapsy whisper sent chills down her spine, a fleeting smile etched onto her kiss bitten lips.
Y/n’s eyes were wet with unshed tears, lowering her gaze to watch her fingers play with a loose thread on his warm furs, “And I you. I’ve heard stories... but I didn’t wish to believe them.”
“What did you hear?”
“Your death, of course,” her full body shiver does not go unnoticed, Jon’s hands moving down her neck and steadily holding her shoulders, the warmth of his palms bleeding into the fabric of her sleeves, “Then your ressurection... then your war against the Boltons. My father said it was a fool’s errand, that no one could possibly win against them.”
“I wish I could say the stories were false,” Jon kept his voice low and soft, as if the fire lighting the shadows of her room could hear, “Apart from us not winning against the Boltons, that is.”
Y/n tilt her head at him, puzzled, “What do you mean?”
“I did die, Y/n, but I was brought back by Stannis Baratheon’s priestess.”
She searched his eyes, trying to scout out the lie, but she couldn’t find one. Unless he learned how to lie in all these years, Y/n couldn’t help but believe him, despite how impossible his words sounded, “And what of your titles? Are you Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch or are you King in the North?”
“Neither, or both, I suppose. My watch ended when I died... and I now serve a new queen.”
The reminder of Daenerys Targaryen felt like lead dragging her heart down to her stomach. Y/n swallowed down her nerves and tried her best to strengthen her posture, keeping her eyes on the direwolf symbol on his chest, “Then I can imagine you are now free to own lands, take a wife, and father children. You could take your queen’s hand, of course, since you are no longer a bastard.”
Jon, as always, doesn’t quite catch the meaning of her words, nodding solemnly once a thought dawned on him. His once relieved, heartfelt expression drains into his usual brooding self, “Aye. I’m not a bastard. I am so much more than that... I have to tell you something, but you have to swear that you won’t tell a soul. Not even Sansa.”
The weight of his voice worried Y/n, but she otherwise straightened her spine with curiousity, “... What is it?”
“My true parentage came into question recently. Bran sent me a letter along with my friend Sam’s confirmation. They found proof that I am not Ned Stark’s true bastard. I’m his nephew.”
“Nephew?” Y/n rapidly tries recalling history of the Stark family tree in her head, information spouting out of her lips all at once as she tried to make sense of this, “You are too young to be Brandon Stark’s son, and unless he broke his vows, you couldn’t be Benjen’s. And Lyanna-!”
Y/n caught the brief bloom of pain behind Jon’s eyes before it disappeared, then she was able to put the pieces together from there, remembering the last days of Robert’s Rebellion as the history books say. Her eyes soften into pity, feeling the sadness and lost grief radiating off her first love, “Lyanna...”
“Lyanna Stark wasn’t kidnapped. Sam found proof that Rhaegar Targaryen annulled his marriage to Elia Martell and married Lyanna in secret. They had a son... but both of them had died before they could meet him. Lyanna knew that Robert Baratheon would kill her son and so she tasked her brother, Ned Stark, to care for him as his bastard.”
Y/n’s hand trails up to Jon’s face as her bewildered eyes take in this new bit of information. Her fingers lightly trail over scars she didn’t recognize from their shared childhood. Jon closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, catching the rays of her warmth and intently listening to the soft sound of her voice, “Then you are not a bastard... you’re not even a lord,” she was in disbelief, huffing a small gust of air as she took in the details of the man’s face in front of her, “You’re the Heir to the Iron Throne.”
“I don’t want it, Y/n,” Jon’s eyes open and his grip slowly tightened around her frame, afraid she would disappear, “My goal was to only ever protect the North. Daenerys knows this.”
“You told her?”
“I had to. She’s family.”
The words sink in, before Y/n scoffed to herself, hope slowly peeking through, “I thought...”
“You thought what?”
Y/n looked back up at him, suddenly feeling shy and foolish, “Sansa and I heard that you might wed her for the alliance.”
Jon couldn’t help the small, breathy laugh that escaped him, shaking his head, “I do love her, but not like that.”
He inched closer to Y/n until their bodies were touching, taking her breath away as Jon’s hands traveled back up her shoulders to cup her face again, forcing her to look at him directly in the eyes. He looked so vulnerable, his heart practically bleeding out through his eyes and words, “I have only ever loved one woman... and I knew I could never have her as long as I was a bastard and she was a lady. So I left. I joined the Night’s Watch. If I couldn’t have her, then I would never want another woman.”
“Jon...” Touched, Y/n leaned up into his space, closing her eyes as she kissed him once more, softer and slower, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Their lips part again but neither pull out of the other’s space, noses brushing together as the lady gasped quietly, emotions quivering in her words, “I was afraid I had dreamt it all. When you left, I began to doubt you ever loved me.”
“I’m so sorry,” Jon tilt his head up and kissed her forehead, eyes squeezing shut with guilt and regret, “I knew I couldn’t say goodbye to you. It would be too much.”
She leans into his body more, feeling secured as his arms fully wrap around her. Grateful of this reunion, Y/n didn’t want to ever let go of him again, “So what happens now? Daenerys intends on taking the throne from Cersei. Will you help her?”
“Once we’ve defeated the Night King, yes.”
“And then what?”
“Then Daenerys rules. I have her written promise that the North will remain an independant kingdom, but we both have agreed that should she ever need aid, the North will answer the call.”
“So then you will still be King in the North?”
“If the Northerners allow it. I don’t think I made any of them happy by bringing two dragons, Dothraki hordes, a Targaryen Queen, and a Lannister here.”
Y/n laughs quietly, “They’ll forgive you once we survive the Long Night.”
“And... should we survive,” Y/n leaned her head back to stare into his knowing gaze, his eyebrows raised in silent question, “The King in the North will need a Queen?”
Warmth flooded her face and neck, a wide smile blooming. Y/n, feeling giddy and incredibly happy, felt a tease escaping her mouth as her eyes twinkle in mischief, “Oh? But you’re doing so well on your own!”
Jon smiled boyishly, a little bashful like he was when they were younger. His amused huff brushes her cheek as he leans close to her ear, “Not well enough. I could be so much more with you by my side. I would cherish the title of your husband far more than any title a kingdom could give me. Please, Y/n. I will not lose you again. When this is over... marry me.”
She closed her eyes, relishing in this moment, smiling even as she kissed the corner of his lips, “Of course, Jon... My Jon.”
A/N: It’s a little short, but I think it was sweet to write. Please support and leave a request in the ask box!
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
@freakyshibs prompt: Can you do one where they're childhood friends who liked each other but lost contact after touya's death. They meet each other again and confess their feelings to one another and you can decide what happens from there on! I want it to be smut but if u arent comfy writing that that's cool!
”touya!” you squealed as he tickled you; laughs filling the air as you both fell over onto the ground.
Touya was a bit older than you, only by a year, but he still was just as childish as you were. His favorite thing to talk about was growing up and marrying you, but even you knew as a kid it was just talk. Nonetheless, he still called you ‘baby girl’, regardless if it was a bit cringe or cheesy.
He would always ebb and flow; sometimes he would be at the park, sometimes not. Often times he would show up with scratches or bruises, but it didn’t stop him from being playful with you.
“where did you get this scratch from?” you would always ask, touching them softly as if he would break as he watched your intently. he would shrug it off and run away, laughing as he teased you.
But one day, he didn’t come to the park. You didn’t think anything of it until he didn’t come the next day, or the next, or the next. you began to worry, was he alright? You were 12 now, and you marched your way down the street like a big kid. this quickly faltered, however, when you saw the ruins of his house.
ash was scattered on the street, the air smelling musky like burning paper. the whole house was black, the occasional red flicker spurring up before dying back down. Fuyumi was standing out front alone, doubled over as she wept to herself.
You stopped in front of the house, eyes full of tears as you watched her cry into the burnt clothing of.. touya. he was no where to he seen, but based on the way the clothes looked, he was long gone.
“fuyumi.. what happened..?” you ask, meeting her pained eyes as she turned around, holding your small waist as she cried into your clothes. you sat down and hugged her back; she was just a child like you, but it still must have been even harder saying that this was her brother.
“he.. he’s gone! All For One took him.. h-he’s..” just explaining this pained you more as she started to cry even more, your grey shirt turning black from the amount of tears falling.
“He’ll bounce back, i just know it.” you say with a weak smile as you wiped your own tears, hugging her as more tears began to fall. you had no clue whether he actually could, you just had to hope.
11 years have passed now. 11. Touya still hadn’t left your memory in all of these years, but you learned to move on. Well, you didn’t want to, but the weeping led to your parents to get angry with you.
“Move on! Touya is dead for pete’s sake y/n!” your father yelled.
“no he’s not! I know he’s not. There’s no way-“
“forget him or get out.” your father said, pointing to the door with a scowl.
“dad, im 14 years old! I can’t-“
“then leave it alone.”
The words were drilled into your head, but you couldn’t help but choke back a sob when you saw on the news the uprising villian attack.
“and there are also new villians coming into the city. Dabi is who we believe is the new one, and he has already burned down several buildings. If you see him, our only advice is to run and let the heroes take care of him.”
The news reporter seemed scared himself, but come on, this ‘villian’ looked exactly like touya. He would never hurt someone without a purpose.
You rushed out of your room and out of the house, running towards the city as fast as you could. the video on the news showed him alone, maybe this would be your chance to see touya again?
You followed the scent of smoke; your great sense of smell really helped since it was faint. the fire must have burned out, but maybe he was still nearby. your turned a corner to go through an alley way as stopped in your path, almost running into dabi.
you toppled back as looked up in horror, expecting to find a scary villian instead.
“touya?” you asked, although it was more of a whisper, as you brushed the hair out of your eyes.
“hey baby.” the man says as he offers you a hand, pulling you up as you fell into his chest.
“you’re.. alive?” you ask as tears fall down your face and into his shirt, a small kiss being placed on the top of your head as a yes.
You looked up at his face and examined the purple-ish skin. Your hands ran along the line of skin and staples that attached the clear skin to the burnt skin.
“are you-“
“I’m fine. healed if you would.” he interrupts, lifting you over his shoulder with a grin.
“hey! put me down!” you yell, earning a slap on the ass as you yelped and quieted down.
“stop yelling. unless you want to take me right here?” he asks, peering over his shoulder to look at your flustered face.
“who says i want to fuck you at all?” you challenge, earning a deadpanned look from dabi as he shakes his head.
“it doesn’t take a quirk to see your eyes travel down to my zipper before shooting back up, darl’ “ he laughs as he takes off again, slipping a hand up your shorts to tease the corner of your pannies.
“you- ngh- fine. where are we going?” you stutter out as you claw at his back.
“the hq. they know a bit about you, don’t worry.” he explains as he takes another alley way, sighing when shigaraki shoots him a look.
“shig, meet the beautiful y/n.” dabi says as he pats your ass, signaling you to look around. you meet shigaraki’s eyes and shutter; they looked so sad.
“dabi, put me down for a sec.” you say as you hop down, walking over to the man. He begins to protest, but you take his hand into yours with a gentle smile.
“you can touch me, i have a resistance quirk.” you say as you run your hands through his hair. He acted like a cat; melting into your touch.
“alright alright, come onn, give me some of that in my room.” dabi says as he takes you away, sticking his tongue out teasingly towards shigaraki as he walks into the LOV headquarters.
It was nice inside, didn’t seem like a headquarters but rather a bar. Dabi took you past toga and drug you towards the back half of the bar, towards what you assumed was his bedroom. he kicked open the door and pulled you close, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
“you know, i missed you- ah fuck.” he starts, getting cut off when you palm him through his sweatpants. He rested his head on your shoulder as you unzipped his pants, slipping them down along with his boxers to gape at his size. How was that supposed to fit inside of you?
You gulped down as you bent down, taking his dick into your mouth. you were doing something right because this infamous ‘terrorist villian’ had his head thrown back and was releasing the most heavenly moans to ever be made. You wiggled on your thighs, trying to get any sort of friction possible, but it wasn’t doing anything to please you.
You released his dick with a ‘pop’ as you clawed at his thighs, bringing out of his haze to stare down at you with curiosity.
“want it.. now..” you mumble out, too embarrassed to hold eye contact with the man.
“feisty, eh?” he laughs as he pulls you up, throwing your shorts elsewhere and settling you on his lap. he got you ajusted and propped himself up with his hands behind him, opting to watch you do the work.
You looked away with a blush as you buried your face into his neck, only taking him half way before you almost busted in two.
“t…too big.” you moan out as he moves his hips just a little, pushing more and more in.
“come on now, just a little more, yeah? hang on.” he says with a grin as he gives one powerful thrust, shoving all of it into your plush, gummy walls with a loud groan. You screamed out a hearty moan as tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
You sat there with a whimper, waiting to ajust but not wanting him to pull out. It took a while, but you eventually got ajusted and began to move on your own. He places his hands on your hips to stabilize you as you bounced up and down, the grin never leaving his face as he watched your tits bounce.
“geez, you are gorgeous, just for me..”
@kelin-is-writing you might like this too lol
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Wild (3/4)
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Pairing: Lycanthrope!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: Very mild innuendos, Russian text (translations at the end)
Summary: Over the years, Y/N has found that in times of great need, a wolf appears to aid her. She relies on its presence until one day, her wolf is in need of her help instead.
A/N: This fic contains some brief phrases and one conversation in Russian. There are translations at the bottom of the fic, but for those who are curious, the conversation contains no information that has not already been explained in English, as it is mostly backstory being explained to Natasha. Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Previous Part | Miniseries Masterlist
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“You’ve already met all of the family I have,” you tell him. “Nat took care of me after you led me to that village. It’s always been the two of us against the world, and now I have you, too.”
“You both do. Natasha is part of your pack, so she’ll be part of mine, too, if she wishes.”
The front door slams open, bringing with it a gust of wind, a flurry of snowflakes, and a very cold Natasha. Her forearms are laden with grocery bags and there’s a mysterious mass of brown, snowflake-covered fluff tucked up against her side.
“Y/N? A little help?”
Bucky’s out of his seat before you can stop him, taking the bags from her without a second thought. You watch in horror from your spot at the table as he manhandles them away from her and heads into the kitchen without another word. The brown fuzzy thing falls to the floor, just out of reach of the quickly melting snow. Natasha stands in front of the open door, a million emotions crossing her features. She’s already spotted you and can tell that you’re safe and not on edge, which means she knows that Bucky’s not a threat, but you know that she’s definitely suspicious.
She’s probably already figured out the best ten ways to corner and kill him, you think in a panic.
Quickly, you get up from the chair and close the front door, then help her out of her coat. Melted snow drips onto the floor at your feet. Now that you’re closer, you realize that the brown lump of fluff beside you is a dog bed, and your comments from this morning pop back into your head.
“Who is he?” she whispers, glancing back towards the kitchen. Bucky’s putting the groceries away, no doubt in the correct spots after watching the two of you cook and clean for months now, and you can hear him humming to himself as he works. Something tells you that if you stopped to listen, it would be something you liked.
“His name is Bucky,” you quietly explain. “And he’s the wolf.”
She pauses to stare at you with one boot off. Nat’s standing with socked feet in a puddle of melted snow but doesn’t even seem to notice.
“You’re kidding.”
You shake your head. “No. He’s a lycanthrope. Er, a lycan. Apparently we both are, him and me.”
Natasha blinks. “You’re a lycanthrope?” she asks, and you nod. “I thought those were just a myth. Since when are—”
“I didn’t know. If I had, I would’ve told you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Синица,” she assures you, and instantly your nerves are soothed. She grabs your hands and squeezes them both between her own gloved fingers, smiling softly. Her nose and ears are pink from the cold and there are quickly melting snowflakes tucked into the fiery red of her hair. Natasha always looks right at home in the cold, and she wears it well. “I believe you, and I’m not angry with you. Now come, I want to interrogate your new wolf friend.”
“He’s not new,” you say, grinning. After prying off her second boot, she forces you to loop your arm with hers and practically drags you to the kitchen, where she continues to ignore her wet socks in favor of staring down Bucky.
He’s at the freezer, frowning hard as he rearranges it to make room for the new additions Natasha had picked up at the store. You watch in amused silence as he works, until finally he closes the door and turns to face the two of you.
“Natalia,” he greets, bowing his head slightly. “Меня зовут Джеймс Бьюкенен Барнс, и я не причиню вреда.”
She quirks an eyebrow at him. “Y/N говорит, что ты ликантроп и что ты им был еще до того, как спас ее. Ты помогал ей все эти годы только для того, чтобы залезть к ней в штаны?”
He shakes his head and you look between the two of them. You’ve been able to learn some Russian over the years, but they’re talking too quickly for you to do anything but pick out a few words and phrases. The ones you do know make you want to crawl into a hole.
“Я родился ликантропом и был узником ГИДРЫ в то же время, что и Т/И. Они ставили эксперименты на мне, и я почти уверен, что они использовали мою ДНК, чтобы мутировать ее. Мне жаль. Из-за этого мы связаны. Она попросила меня остаться, но если ты хочешь, чтобы я ушел, я уйду,” he says.
Bucky sounds good—gorgeous, even—when he’s speaking another language, and you could truly listen to him all day, but you’re also fed up.
“Enough!” You pull your arm from Natasha’s to cross them both over your chest, giving them an irritated look. “In English, please! Some of us are still learning!”
“Immersion is the best way to learn,” Bucky teases, and you narrow your eyes at him.
Natasha laughs. “I think I like him.”
Scowling, you stomp back into the living room and grab the dog bed from where Natasha had dropped it. They’re watching you from the kitchen doorway with matching satisfied smirks on their faces, and you shake the bed at Bucky.
“I’ll make you sleep on this,” you threaten. “Don’t think I won’t!”
He laughs, a deep, rolling laugh that echoes in the cabin and in your soul, and you tense slightly against the bolt of lightning that zips down your spine at the sound. Your smirk wavers.
“I was rather hoping we wouldn’t sleep tonight, Маленький,” Bucky says. “I’d like to take you for a run.”
Natasha chokes and ducks around him, heading back into the kitchen for a bottle of water. Your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
“Not like that!” you clarify, hoping you’re loud enough for her to hear over the hum of the ancient refrigerator. “He literally means running!”
The smug look on his face hasn’t faltered and you scoff, tossing the dog bed at him. Bucky easily catches it with one hand and grips the brown fluff until it’s completely squashed under his fingers.
“It will be a good experience for you. I promise to keep you safe.”
Though you’re thoroughly discombobulated after the day you’ve had, you nod. His face lights up with joy, which makes your own stomach flutter. The intensity of his emotions almost knocks you off your feet and you have the fleeting thought that if you can feel what he’s feeling, he can feel what you feel as well.
“If we’re going to be up all night, I’m going to go nap now,” you say, and he nods in agreement.
“I’ll probably join you.”
You freeze. He can’t be serious, you think. He didn’t mean that the way I think he means, right?
“Everything okay?” Bucky asks.
“You’re going to… join me?” you ask him, frowning. “As in…?”
He seems to catch on quickly and his eyes widen slightly. “Oh. No, I’m sorry, I’m not used to being in my human form. It’s been years since I’ve been human around other people. Um… I’ll take the couch.” 
Bucky steps further into the living room and nods at the couch pushed up against the wall. It faces the window and it’s entirely too small for him, and you immediately feel bad.
“There’s no way I’m letting you sleep on the couch. It’s way too small. Take my bed,” you say. When he goes to argue, you shake your head. “Bucky, the couch isn’t big enough for you. We’ll figure something out later, but for now, just sleep in my room. Okay?.”
Natasha pokes her head in from the kitchen. “Y/N can sleep in my bed for right now, I have some work I need to do in the living room anyway and it would just keep her up.”
You send her a grateful look before heading towards the hallway. Her room is the farthest, so when Bucky murmurs your name, you have to turn around to see if you’d actually heard him correctly.
“I know this is a lot,” he says, his voice soft. Natasha has good hearing, but not good enough that she’ll be able to hear any kind of quiet conversation the two of you have in the hallway. He’s smart enough to know that, and you know that he’s being this quiet on purpose.
“It is,” you confirm. You wrap your arms around yourself, watching him closely.
“For what it’s worth, you’re handling it well. There aren’t many of us around anymore. Most of my kind—our kind,” he corrects, “died off a long time ago, but I remember when I was little and my pack would come across a lycan that didn’t know their true self. It was always a big adjustment for them, and there’s not much any of us can do to help.”
Smiling just a little, you nod. “Thanks, Bucky. I’ll see you in a few hours?”
You grab the handle on Natasha’s room and wait until he nods, then enter. As you close the door behind you, you sigh in relief. You need some time to process, and Nat’s little sanctuary is one of the best places you can think of to do that. Her room is warm and cozy, filled with lots of blankets and stacks of books you know she’s read time and time again. You know that the atmosphere of the room is the exact opposite of what she had before she retired, and it’s an intentional change. She needed something that felt like home, you’d said, and after a year of living in the cabin, she’d started to agree with you. Since then, she’s read through most of the library in town, and every winter you notice that she adds at least one new blanket. It’s not unusual for her to have candles burning or soft lighting on as she relaxes, and there have been many nights where you’ve spread her blankets out of the floor and slept beside her after a nightmare. Her room is the pinnacle of safety, in your mind, though now Bucky has started to work his way into that picture.
It takes you a few minutes to make a comfortable nest in the center of her mattress, but once you’re settled under the covers, you close your eyes and will yourself to fall asleep. It doesn’t take you long, especially after your mind drifted to thoughts of Bucky’s face softened by moonlight.
You wake again to Natasha shaking you, a small smile on her lips. She’s holding a mug in one hand and has her hair clipped up, clueing you into the fact that she’s just begun her nighttime routine. You sit up in the bed and squint at the darkness outside the window.
“It’s just past ten, Синица,” she tells you. She sips her tea and sits in the plush chair she’d found at a thrift store months ago. It rocks a little as she settles and pulls a blanket over her lap, then sets the mug down on the small side table nearby. She grabs her book, completely nonplussed by your owlish stare.
“Ten?” you finally ask.
Natasha looks up at you over the top of the pages. “10:14, to be exact.”
“I slept until after ten?”
She sighs and closes the book again, using her finger to keep her place. “You clearly needed the rest,” she replies. “You had an exciting morning.”
You scoff at her and swing your legs over the side of the bed, shoving blankets off of you. “That’s putting it mildly.”
"How are you doing?”
“Fine, I guess,” you shrug. Standing, you adjust your clothes where they’ve twisted around you in your sleep, then glance over at her. “You don’t seem very surprised by all of this.”
“I’ve seen a lot of strange things in my life, Y/N,” Natasha tells you. There’s a hint of a smile on her face as she picks up her mug with her free hand to take a sip. “You turning into a wolf is hardly at the top of the list.”
“And you’re okay with me just running off in the middle of the night with the strange man who also happens to be a lycan?”
“Do you want me to object?” She’s teasing you, you know she is, and you can’t help but roll your eyes. You know that she wants you to admit that you’d love to run off with Bucky and that even her objecting wouldn’t stop you.
“Come on, Синица,” she sighs, setting her mug back on the side table. “You clearly have some kind of…” She waves her hand around. “Connection with him.”
You wrinkle your nose. “Don’t say it like that.”
“Let me finish.” She leans forward to smack the side of your thigh with the book and you swat at her. “He’s helped you through a lot of rough times in your life, and you’ve done the same for him. It’s only natural that you want to spend time together. Maybe that desire will fade, maybe not, but you can still learn a lot from him, right?”
“So learn,” she says, gesturing towards the door. It’s shut tight, but the light from the hallway shines in through the crack at the bottom. If you’re quiet, you can hear Bucky shuffling things around in the kitchen. “If you’re not going to think of him as a potential lover—”
She’s grinning. “—then think of him as a tutor, of sorts.”
"You’re disgusting.”
“Go have fun on your midnight run, Синица.” Nat draws out the nickname, teasing you as you hurry out of her room. 
Almost immediately after slamming the bedroom door shut behind you, you run into Bucky. He’s standing outside your room with a mug in one hand and a plate of food in the other. It smells heavenly.
“Good morning,” he says, a slow smile growing on his face.
Your cheeks burn under his gaze. “It’s technically night.”
That’s the best response you could’ve come up with? No wonder Nat’s teasing you, you scold yourself. Don’t act like some lovesick teenager.
Bucky’s eyes crinkle at the corners. “Well, goodnight then. I made you something to eat and some coffee. You’re going to need your strength tonight. Running as a wolf takes more energy than as a human, even more so because you’re not used to it.”
Nodding, you take the plate and the mug. The coffee is still hot, but a tentative sip tells you that he’s gotten your drink exactly right. You raise an eyebrow at him and surprisingly, Bucky looks sheepish.
“I caught on to what you like to eat and drink a few days after you saved me,” he admits. “Does it taste okay?”
You nod again and offer him a small smile now that you’re feeling a bit more grounded in his presence. “It does. Thank you, Bucky.”
He smiles back, then turns and heads back down the hallway. You follow him to the kitchen, where the two of you settle at the table in front of the sliding doors. It’s dark outside as he begins to eat his own plate of food. You can’t help but notice that the portions are much larger than you would’ve normally served anybody, but somehow it doesn’t feel like too much.
Carefully, you settle down in the seat across from him and begin to eat. Bucky’s a good cook, despite having spent so long in his wolf body, and soon your plate is clean. You hum approvingly and sip your coffee when you finish, relaxing back in your chair.
“Good?” he asks, and you nod in response. “My ma taught me how to make that recipe when I was first old enough to help her. It’s been a long time since I’ve made it.”
"It’s one of the best things I’ve ever eaten,” you tell him honestly. The kitchen falls silent as the two of you sip your coffee. You watch the snow that still falls outside for a few moments before looking back at him. “Were you close with your family?”
It takes a second, but Bucky nods. “I was,” he answers. His voice is soft and thick with emotion, and there’s an accent there that you hadn’t noticed before. Despite its familiarity, you can’t quite place it. “Ma was one of the greatest people I’ve ever known. She was beautiful and smart and she could make anything you could ever dream of in the kitchen. I had a little sister too—Becca.”
“How old is she?”
“She was 20 when I was taken. I was 26.” Bucky cradles his mug of coffee between his hands, staring down into it. His drink is almost as dark as the sky outside and you make a mental note that he drinks his coffee black. You want to be able to return the favor of making him something to eat and drink someday, hopefully soon.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, and he nods.
A few minutes pass in silence. You listen to Natasha shuffle around down the hall as she gets ready for bed, and then you hear the light click off in her room. Bucky stands and collects the dishes, leaving you with your half-empty mug of coffee while he starts to load the dishwasher.
“I can do that,” you offer. He shakes his head, not bothering with a verbal response, but you get the message. You’ve prodded him with enough personal questions today and he wants the silence. He wants to keep busy until the main event of your evening arrives.
Finally, Bucky places the last dish onto the top rack and closes the door. You meet his eyes and he nods.
“So how does this work?” you ask as you stand. 
He slides open the door to the backyard and you immediately shiver when a gust of frigid air pushes through into the kitchen. Snowflakes flutter inside and though every part of you is telling you that it’s not wise to go out without a coat, or even shoes, you follow him out and let him shut the door behind you. The tiny wooden deck attached to the back of the house is covered with snow and your feet are already stinging from the cold.
“Now all we have to do is shift. We’ll run until you get tired and then I’ll bring you back home. I’ll probably want to run longer after that, but you can come inside and sleep. You’ll sleep for a while, I’m sure. The first run is always the most exhilarating, but also the most exhausting. I can still remember mine clearly. I slept for fourteen hours when I finally returned home,” Bucky explains.
You gawk at him. “Fourteen hours?”
He nods, a hint of pride in his eyes. Even his chin lifts slightly and you have to hold back a chuckle. “But I ran for a full eight.”
Judging by his expression, you can tell that that’s a lot, even though you have nothing to base it on. You smile accordingly and hope you’re acting impressed enough as Bucky leads you to the edge of the forest. You’re practically wading through the snow and you start to wonder if you’ll even be able to run in this weather. Bucky doesn’t seem concerned, however, so you push the worry away.
“To shift into your wolf form, you’ll need to try and picture what you look like, or what it felt like to be a wolf. It’ll be easier if you can think of both those things at once,” he tells you.
The nervousness trickles back into your mind as your smile fades, and you nod. Swallowing thickly, you close your eyes and exhale slowly to try and calm your racing heart.
"Easy, Y/N,” Bucky soothes. You feel his hand on the back of your head, and then it traces over your body down to the small of your back. It should feel weird—nobody except Natasha has touched you so affectionately in so long—but instead, it feels natural. It soothes your ragged nerves and you feel your shoulders relax as his hand lingers. His warmth is noticeable through your shirt, even in the freezing winter air.
“You have that picture in your head now?” he murmurs, and you nod. “Good. Picture yourself as your wolf, and then reach for it.”
Confused, you hesitantly raise one hand and reach away from your body, grasping at nothing. Bucky chuckles, and then you feel his hand around yours. He laces your fingers together and you open your eyes. You turn your head to meet his gaze, and he’s smiling fondly at you.
“You’re funny, Маленький.”
Heat blossoms in your cheeks at his praise, and you silently preen under his doting stare. The next time you hear he speaks, his voice echoes in your head rather than in your ears.
“Good job, Y/N. How do you feel?”
You frown at him, confused by the question. Nothing has happened yet. “Fine, why?”
Bucky chuckles. “You shifted. How do you feel?”
It takes a second, but you realize after a second that he’s right. You have shifted, and you don’t feel that much different than before.
The world around you seems like a whole new world, though it’s just your backyard. You turn in a circle, taking in the different smells and sounds that you couldn’t sense before. It’s warmer now, too, and you attribute that to your thick gray coat. Everything is taller. Before, the dark muddled the trees and the snow clouded your vision, but now you can see clearly. Everything seems sharper and a lot easier to decipher.
When you turn back to Bucky, he’s shifted as well. The snowflakes disappear into his fur and he’s the picture of majesty standing in the moonlight amongst the dark evergreens. It’s breathtaking. You step forward, approaching him on impulse, but he ruins the picture and stops you in your tracks when he bows down like a dog ready to play, his tail wagging and tongue sticking out.
You snort. “Are you serious?”
“Maybe. Bet you can’t catch me,” he shoots back.
Narrowing your eyes, you huff. A puff of white rises in front of you when your breath hits the nighttime air. “And if I do?” you ask.
“I’ll cook you dinner every night for a week.”
“A month.”
“Two weeks.”
“On your mark—”
Bucky dashes into the forest before you can even finish the phrase and you bark, then leap into action. You’re panting as you chase him, dodging trees and jumping over fallen logs like you’d been doing it since birth. The snow does little to slow either of you down, and it’s not until you’re scrambling to the top of a pile of rocks that you realize just how far from the cottage you’ve gotten. You’re barely even winded, and the thought makes your heart soar.
You can see the cottage in the distance, just past the treeline. The windows are dark and if you didn’t trust Bucky as much, you would have been worried that you didn’t leave a light on to help you find your way home. Up above, the moon shines bright over the forest, illuminating the bare branches laden with thin lines of snow. There are no animals in sight, but you know that if you were to come to this very spot any other time of year, you’d be gifted with the sight of baby birds in their nests. There would be squirrels chasing each other and foxes slinking through the brush, and everything would be humming with the energy of new life. Now, however, it’s calm and still. You understand why Bucky likes to run at night.
Stars twinkle above you too, and you marvel at the sight. They’re clearer now that you’re a wolf. Somehow, though you’re not truly surprised, you can tell exactly which one points you north, and you can smell the smoke from another cabin’s fireplace coming from the east.
The view is distracting enough that you almost miss Bucky ducking for cover near a large snow bank. Silently, you drop down and crawl off the rocks, all the while trying to keep your approach quiet and emotions steady. You haven’t been a lycan for long, but you’ve learned enough to know that either one of those things could give you away. He could very easily pick up on your sense of victory or the soft crunch of snow beneath your paws.
Bucky has his back to you when you peek around the side of the bank. His ears are pricked, like he’s listening for you, but he doesn’t react until you’re practically on top of him. When you’re there, he flips onto his back and the two of you wrestle until he gives. You nip at his ear before giving him space, panting as you stand a few feet away.
“You’re a fast learner,” he finally says, and you can feel the warmth he feels for you in the center of your chest.
You’re almost bashful as you reply, “You’re a good teacher. And you were right, this is fun. Is it always like this when you have a pack?”
He starts walking and you come alongside him, matching your steps to his. “Sometimes,” Bucky replies. “We have fights, just like all families do, but our bonds with each other are deeper. When you’re part of a pair, your mate can feel what you feel. It’s part of what separates us from werewolves.”
His words make you pause, but you quickly right yourself. Mates? 
“Does that make us mates?” you ask.
Bucky stops and looks over at you. “What?”
“Are we mates?”
“We barely know each other, Y/N. How could we be mates?”
You hesitate. “Well, I can feel what you feel. Can’t you?”
He falls silent, staring at you. 
“Bucky?” you prompt. Your heart sinks to your stomach as he continues to stare at you in utter silence.
Have I done something wrong? Is that not something you’re supposed to talk about? Is there something wrong with me because I can sense his emotions? Does he already have a mate?
Finally, he answers, stopping your whirling thoughts in their tracks. “I didn’t think you’d catch on so quickly. I was hoping I had more time to figure it out.”
“Figure it out?” You glance around the woods. “Are we really mates? Is that true?”
He nods, cautious. His fear and apprehension slips in past your defenses, worming its way into your heart. You whine and shift uncomfortably. It’s hard to tell if it’s just his fear alone or if you’re feeling the same way.
“We are, yeah,” he murmurs. He steps forward, entering your personal space, and rests his head against yours for a moment. The proximity soothes your nerves and you exhale slowly as he steps away again.
“So… what does that mean, exactly?”
Bucky sits. His ears twitch slightly when an owl hoots and the wind blows through, swirling more snow into the air around you. You copy him and wait for him to speak again.
“It means that we have a deeper connection that you will with other lycans, like Steve. You won’t be able to sense them and you won’t feel at ease around them. Being someone’s mate doesn’t determine your relationship with that person though, like it does with animals. Some lycan mates don’t have any kind of romantic relationship. They’re simply partners, friends. They work well as a team and they’re always respected in their pack.”
“A lycan dream team,” you supply, and he chuckles.
“And what about the others? The ones that do have a romantic relationship?”
“Those lycans live together. They become a couple, and we even have a special marriage ceremony to seal a vow between them that makes their bond stronger,” he explains. “Sometimes they’ll have kids, but sometimes not. We’re not a lot different from humans in that respect.”
You stay silent and look towards the thicker part of the forest as you process his words. Though it’s dark, your heightened senses allow you to see farther than you normally would. The smoke from the cabin in the east has dissipated into the night air, leaving only the fresh smell of snow and Bucky. Even in what could be an incredibly awkward conversation or frightening experience, you’re immensely comforted by his presence. You don’t feel the need to shy away from the tough questions or new feelings he brings up.
“Then we don’t need to force anything? We can just be friends?” you ask him, and Bucky nods. You tilt your head, smiling at him as well as you can in your wolf form. “Okay. I’d like that. If something else develops, would you be okay with that? With me?”
His eyes soften. “Of course I would, Y/N. I’m always okay with you.”
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Russian Translations:
Меня зовут Джеймс Бьюкенен Барнс, и я не причиню вреда. = My name is James Buchanan Barnes and I mean no harm.
Y/N говорит, что ты ликантроп и что ты им был еще до того, как спас ее. Ты помогал ей все эти годы только для того, чтобы залезть к ней в штаны? = Y/N says that you’re a lycanthrope and that you were one even before you saved her. Have you been helping her all these years just to get in her pants?
Я родился ликантропом и был узником ГИДРЫ в то же время, что и Т/И. Они ставили эксперименты на мне, и я почти уверен, что они использовали мою ДНК, чтобы мутировать ее. Мне жаль. Из-за этого мы связаны. Она попросила меня остаться, но если ты хочешь, чтобы я ушел, я уйду. = I was born a lycanthrope and was a prisoner of HYDRA at the same time as Y/N. They experimented on me and I'm pretty sure they used my DNA to mutate hers. I'm sorry. Because of this, we are connected. She asked me to stay, but if you want me to leave, I will.
Маленький = little one
Синица = chickadee
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Bucky Barnes Tags: @lipstickandvibranium @valhalla-kristin @buckymcbuckbarnes​
 Wild Tags: @mylifeofcalculatedchaos​
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helpfandom · 8 months
ELLO ITS ME @yandere-plague
OK so like I've had this idea for a story for so long and-
Okay so handsome dad is your dad and Nisha is your mom.
BUT Nisha, realising she's pregnant she ditches you somewhere on Pandora.
Another BUT some people from Lynchwood take you in.
So you grow up in Lynchwood and for plot reasons Nisha recognises you. She doesn't kill you but you know she hates you (you have no idea who your parents are)
Randomly you wake up on Helios. Then the fucking hyperion ceo walks in with some doctor and there're like. "Yup they are your kid"
You and Jack just stare at eachother in shock (and horror)
You are obviously scared shitless because you know he will throw you out of an airlock if you do so much as breathe wrong.
But then surprisingly he acts like such a nice dad to you even though you are literally having a panic attack just seeing him in person.
Idk if you want to write for this or something but 🤷‍♀️
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I'm so happy I spent like 3 minutes stimming and jumping because it's you! I love your writing, and to have one of my favourite people ask me, ME? for something?
Fun Fact! My longest post in Borderlands is Zane Flynt. Something I wrote as a tribute. To YOU [with 1,049 words] Anyway-
Ask, and ye shall receive.
TW: for Handsome Jack shenanigans, mentions of S3X, Handsome Jack, Perhaps a OOC Nisha, because I didn't play Nisha in Presequel, nor did I know she was in BL2. Allusions to abortion or miscarriage.
It had been a great night between the two that, to be quite honest, they both enjoyed, but unfortunately, Jack happened to have gotten her pregnant.
She was quite disappointed, especially since she got herself roped into giving birth to you rather than trying other methods. So, she gave birth, and then promptly left you in the middle of the road, hoping perhaps a skag wouldn't go hungry that night, or maybe someone who could actually care for you would show up before the animals arrived.
And with that out of the way, onto the real headcanons.
There had been some rumblings of a bandit finding something of importance, something that could help, something they could train. Perhaps it was a new animal for Nisha to hunt, or maybe- She pauses, looking at you, you who had tears in your eyes, clearly scared out of your mind, and yet she still couldn't muster up enough sympathy to care for you. Not when she tried to get rid of you.
So you spend most of your life being trained by psychos and bandits and always wondering why Nisha hated you, why she would glare at you every time you dared to be around her, even with all that you put into being the best there is, the best in Lynchwood, maybe even the best shooter that you could possibly be, and yet the only reaction she will ever have to you is just anger, and disdain.
As you get older, you begin to notice that the worst tasks, the deadliest tasks are sent to you first. Is this because she wants to test you, or because she wants to kill you? You can see in her face the hatred she has at you coming back that it clearly wasn't to test you.
At some point in your teenager years, you begin to stop caring about what she wants from you, what you think she desires from you in order to be seen as something more.
And eventually, she just sells you off to Handsome Jack in order to have him postpone his attack on Lynchwood ever so slightly by giving up the best bandit they have.
So as you sit in a car, wondering where Nisha is sending you off when you arrive at a place with the name Hyperion? Does Nisha want you to take them down from the inside, perhaps?
And yet as you're escorted to a room with a doctor and someone- IS THAT THE REAL HANDSOME JACK? The doctor mumbles something to THE REAL HANDSOME JACK-HOLYSHITHOLYSHIT AM I GOING TO DIE HERE? He turns and faces you, looking at you head on, and then walking towards you with open arms, clearly he must mean to attack, right? He HUGS you?
All the while Nisha hates that she misses you, hates the fact that she kind of liked you? Even though you're a reminder of all that she hates in life, she likes the fact that you tried so hard.
Handsome Jack doesn't care about you at first, only thinking of how this could make him look better or how to use this against his Exes. He could gloat to Moxxi how he can take better care of his child[ren] or how much better it is with him to Nisha. All in all, he doesn't truly care about you till later.
As he notices that you flinch at every little thing, he finds it annoying, he wouldn't hit you unless you need it, and you're his kid, so why do you expect him to hurt you?
That's when he realizes that you don't know about Jack nor Nisha being your parent, so all that you've seen is the one person you look up to hate you, and his own reputation coming back to bite him in the ass.
So he drops the ball onto you.
Of course, this is such a surprising revelation that makes everything make sense, but you can't believe it, after all, would you really go as far as trying to kill your own child?
Yes. They both would.
Besides the fact, you then spend most of your days following the revelation staying alone, processing all that happened, becoming your own kind of therapist in a sense.
And because Jack wants to use you just as Nisha did, he drags you out, slowly becoming attached to you, because who wouldn't become attached to a hobby?
Needless to say, they both intend to use you for what they can, then drop you, but end up becoming attached to you.
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Hi Maven!! Same q to everyone this week: what are your top 3 wincest episodes, and why?
ok im gonna cheat and do this in 2 ways hehe
a) top 3 sam/dean episodes
3. A Very Supernatural Christmas: has the samulet (their engagement ring, obviously!), you can palpably feel the isolation, the neglect, it's very two-children-in-a-motel-esque. and of course, the final scene, where i think, if there was any point in the series aside from the barn scene in which they would have said "i love you," it would have been there. the deep long stare, the watery eyes, the fact that they both know dean will be gone within the year, and then... "do you feel like watching the game?" ahhhhhhh drives me nuts
2. Swan Song: their love literally!!!!! saves the world, i mean come on. it has the whole wincest montage that you could literally set a richard siken poem to, or a taylor swift song to (look i know those are vastly different things but. bear with me), and it would just feel right. dean finally lets sam do things on his own. he lives because sam tells him to. sam manages to revoke his possession consent because of how much he's in love with dean, even as his fist is smashing dean's face into a pulp. ok i have to stop or i'm going to start crying in this goddamn airport.
Playthings: obviously. gothic horror episode of all time. picture-perfect family in the outside, secret sibling hidden upstairs. the way sam and dean's codependency is paired with that of the grandmother and her ghostly sister. the face-stroking. the almost kiss. god i swear it always looks like they're gonna kiss. sam writhing on the bed. dean staring at him like that. the subtext was about to bust through the screen, what with the acting and the way the plot and the meta-plot fit together perfectly. catherine tosenberger said it much better than i can, go read her article in TWC about wincest if you haven't!
b) top 3 family-horror-what-the-incestuous-freudian-fuck-is-going-on-here episodes
2. Devil's Trap: azazel uses john's body in a sexual manner against both sam and dean--primarily the latter but sam gets it, too. it's a chilling scene and really cements that this is what spn is about: never being able to escape the family. sam learns partly of azazel's plot, dean gets his daddy issues flayed onto him, and all through the eyes of the father. it's so well done.
3. Skin: imo the most damning thing the shifter says is, "i will be sorry to lose this skin. your brother's got a lot of great qualities. you should appreciate him more than you do." uh...what? the way he ties up sam and plans on torturing him also aligns with the shifter's pattern of turning into the husband and beating up the wife. another HMM moment actually comes from dean himself, when he tells sam that none of his friends will ever understand him and that dean's the only one who can...it's very isolating, kind of abuser tactics, and just. whew. this was episode SIX!!
In the Beginning: come on you knew i was gonna say this. aside from the obvious moments of "mom is a babe" (and remember, dean invokes sam into this moment as well..."sammy, wherever you are..."), samuel!azazel leaning over dean and smelling him, and samuel!azazel kissing mary--passionately returned(?), may i add, the plot itself sets up the winchester family as this enclosed, inbred unit. mary's kiss with her possessed father seal's sam's fate as part of azazel's army. the sexuality she shares with her father makes her son's blood diseased and cursed. the family line is tainted by incest. her kiss is what allows sam and dean to grow up that way, to become so codependent, what allows the moments of avsc, swan song, and playthings to happen! in the beginning. this begins the cycle of selling and saving souls--mary for john, john for dean, dean for sam. it's literally THEE spn episode, perhaps even more than playthings. even though sam's barely in it, his fate hangs over the whole episode, and this is full house of wincest at its finest.
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lady-rose-moon · 2 years
I am his safe space || Loki || hurt/comfort ||
My main Masterlist can be found ~~here~~
Summary: Loki is locked in his cell on the Helicarrier and you come to save him but when you get to your safehouse, you find out something horrifying
A/N: well- I wrote this in 45 minutes and it's currently 1:25 am so I hope you enjoy it. I realise that I don't get a lot of reads on my stuff anymore so those who stick around to read, thank you, I love you all ❤
P.S:: yes, there's inspired scenes from Lore Olympus, see if you see it
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“I don’t like it,” Captain America muttered again, staring down at the surveillance cameras that were monitoring the God of Mischief’s movements in his glass confinement, “he came willingly, great, but why?”
Thor hummed and strode over to take a look at the cameras beside the Captain, “my brother has always been a good strategist, he has a backup plan for seven other plans. He’s a snake, he can escape easily if he truly tried, I wonder why he is staying.”
“I’ll go talk to him,” Natasha began, standing from her seat and making her way down to the holding cell where the God of Mischief was casually pacing the expanse of it.
The God ceased his movements and smirked as he turned to face Natasha, “there are not many that can sneak up on me.”
“But you figured I would come,” Natasha replied easily, crossing her arms as she glared at the God before her, “why are you here, Loki? What do you want with Earth?”
Loki chuckled and walked closer to where the agent was standing, “I am here because I was captured, is that not apparent?”
“You chose to be here, you look too calm about being in there to be here against your will, what are you planning?” the redhead sneered as Loki chuckled, his smile wide and threatening.
The God stepped back and tilted his head, his blue eyes shining maniacally as his smile spread wider. Suddenly, the ship lurched and the agent had to hold onto the rail to keep herself upright.
“What did you do?!” Natasha demanded before hearing the click of heels coming down the hall. The Widow immediately jumped into action, cocking her gun and striding over to the control panel to protect it. 
Loki remained silent even as the door opened and in walked a familiar figure. With a tilt of his head, Loki hummed and whispered, “Y/N.”
“Husband,” you acknowledged him with a soft smile before turning to Agent Romanoff, “you can go now, agent. My husband is in my care.”
The agent scoffed and held her gun up, pointing it at your head before it disappeared in a glow of forest green and she stared at you in surprise.
“Please,” you purred with a smirk so similar to your husband’s, “you don’t bring guns to a magic fight.”
You conjured a wave of magic and swept her away from the control panel as you walked over the railings to get to it, pressing the button that would open the door for Loki. As the God strode out, Thor slammed open the door and threw Mjolnir at you, hitting you square in the chest and sending you to the floor with an agonised scream.
“Stay down, sister,” Thor ordered before turning to his brother, “you drag her into this now?”
Loki chuckled and his magic summoned two daggers into his hands as he stood between Thor and you. “You hurt her,” he sneered, fury flaring in his eyes as he approached Thor, “you hurt my wife. As I promised in my vows to her, those who harm her shall know pain.”
You watched in horror as Thor and his brother began to fight. You knew Thor was at a disadvantage without Mjolnir while Loki benefitted with his magic. However, once Thor was thrown to the floor, his instincts took over and he summoned Mjolnir, sealing your chance of escape. Quickly, you got to your feet and disappeared in a flurry of green, taking Loki with you.
You appeared in Norway, in front of a quaint cabin that was covered in a beautiful sheet of white. You wove your arm around Loki’s waist and guided him inside, laying him down on the sofa before noticing a note on the coffee table. Curiously, you picked it up and read it. 
Hello, darling,
Welcome to your new home. In every universe, this cabin will be ours. You may know me, you may not, but the door is always open for you, for Haven and for me. I love you, sweet one, don’t give up on your search.
L.O? Ah, you thought with a smile, turning to look at your husband, Loki Odinson.
“Are you alright?” you whispered, setting down the note and walking over to him, kneeling beside him as the Prince groaned and covered his eyes with his arm, “Loki. Answer me.”
“No,” came Loki’s reply, broken and hoarse and scared. “I’m not alright,” he whispered, “I’ve had a terrible year, my darling.”
You frowned and held his free hand to your cheek, leaning into it and kissing his palm, “I’m always going to be here to listen, my love. Always.”
Loki shook his head and his thumb caressed your lip before he pulled back and gripped his hair, “I can’t. I can’t speak about it. I just can’t.”
You frowned and stood, pressing a gentle kiss to his soft forehead before stepping out onto the porch and beginning a difficult combination of spells so that no one would find out where the both of you were hidden; not even Heimdall.
Once you were finished, you walked back inside and closed the door behind you and found Loki staring out of the window solemnly. His ebony hair was matted and greasy, spiking up in places due to lack of care, bags were hung under his eyes and deep purple was easily seen beside his eyes. He looked slimmer too, he had a slightly shaky hand that he hadn’t had a year ago. YOu frowned as you wondered what had happened to him. 
You gently touched his shoulder and watched as he flinched before settling and melting into your comforting touch. “Tell me,” you whispered, tears forming in your eyes, “please. It’s alright. I’m right here.”
With a sigh, Loki turned to you and began to talk. The more he talked, the more the air tensed with your rage. He had been tortured, horribly so, torn apart and sewn back together as a puppet, as a replaceable toy. He was subjected to all sorts of abuse. He was shown your death countless times. The air was swarming with your built-up magic when he was done.
Once you were sure he was done, he looked at you brokenly and watched you storm out into the snow, uncaring of the dropping temperature. With a startled cry, Loki followed you.
“Y/N!” he yelled, following you into the forest desperately until he caught up to you and held your arms, “No! Y/N, please!”
“I’ll kill him,” you growled, tugging on his hands as your own glowed a sickly green and your eyes shone with power. Loki stared at you head on, appreciating that you would go to such lengths to protect him but he needed you.
“You can’t kill a titan,” he whispered brokenly, cradling your shaking arms with his hands, rubbing his thumbs on your tense muscles as tears surfaced in his eyes.
You growled and pulled the Prince closer to you, gently reaching up to cup his cheek, “you’re right. For you, I’d do so much worse.”
With a soft sigh, Loki cupped your cheek and recessed his forehead to yours, “Wait,” he whispered tenderly.
“There need to be repercussions,” you sneered, holding Loki tighter and only letting go slightly when the God winced in pain.
Loki shook his head and allowed tears to fall from his eyes, seeing how much it brought you back to him, “hurting him will not make me feel better, Y/N! If you want to help me then stay with me!”
Your eyes softened as Loki pulled you into a tight hug and your power dimmed to a halt when he whispered, “I am the one who needs you… I am the one who needs you.”
You felt him crumble in your arms as you both dropped to your knees in the snow as the God broke and cried in your arms. You frowned and held him tight, allowing him to cry as he processed his trauma. All that shit he went through with Thanos. The lot of it. Watching his children be murdered before his eyes in simulation along with you. The mental torment. You hated Thanos so much for ruining your husband but you could never hate Loki himself.
When Loki was calm, you helped him to his feet and guided him back to the cabin. He silently sat on the sofa and you brewed the kettle, pouring some tea for the both of you as you both processed what had happened.
“Loki,” you whispered, staring down into the mug of tea, “I’m sorry for losing my temper, for all of it, I just-”
“What?” you turned to look at him in confusion, watching him raise his teacup to his lips and take a long sip before sighing.
“I said no,” he replied simply, meeting your eyes with a sad smile, “you were justified in your wrath. Trust me, I know. But that wasn’t what I needed in that moment. I just needed you.”
You nodded and set your teacup down on the coffee table, along with his cup before you got onto his lap and held his face in your hands, “until you’re ready, I will just stay by your side and keep you safe from there.”
Loki smiled brokenly and nodded, “I think I would like that, my love,” he whispered. 
You leaned forward and sealed his lips with yours in a tender kiss, allowing him to whimper and cradle you closer, his eyes fluttering closed in relief. He had probably thought that you would never get to kiss him like this again. He loved you so much and missed you. 
Thanos would pay for ruining your prince.
Hope you enjoyed!
@lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @evelyn-kingsley @slpnbty2001 @jennyggggrrr @hahaha12123445 @ozymdias @holdmytesseract @itsybitchylittlewitchy @lovingchoices14 @xorpsbane @huntress-artemiss @muddyorbs @nerdy-fangirl-65
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divine-cricetinae · 10 months
Actually I'm obsessed with the eldritch abomination magical girl do you have like more on that story? Like a synopsis or doodles that didn't make it to the post cool if not it just seemed so up my alley
yes I do! I won’t be able to pack it all in one post but I still got some juicy deets :)
slight body horror warning for some images below
Our Heroine Briar frank is a hermit, like a major hermit. She’s a fan of the occult and macabre who has a not so great view of life. Sick of the monotony and not much going for her social wise she decides to follow a random ritual she found on a sketchy forum. It was probably bullshit but god she was hoping for at least a little zest in her cramped apartment
who knew it would actually work? And furthermore-
-who knew a simple misspelling causes a completely different entity to appear? The sparkle filled and cutefied Cthuwu! her entrance caused Briar’s room to distort into what simply could be described as a psychedelic nightmare, inflict her with momentary madness, and had an almost fatal misunderstanding in which she got thrown into a completely different dimension, afterwards she was eager to receive an explanation, to which they were very happy with giving one.
it turns out heaven has been planning a do over on humanity for a long time after witnessing our chaos below and is finally arriving down on earth to grant us with loving salvation, of course in its eyes the only ‘salvation’ that could possibly save us is…death. It doesn’t help that whatever their sending is causing mass insanity to those who live to witness it’s ‘mercy’.
Now most other powerful beings aren’t blinking an eye at this, as to them its like a colony of ants being exterminated after a few millennia of them making a very big hill. Cthuwu however, finds humanity charming and worthy of life enough to want to defend it against this extermination…The only problem is on the power scale of beings she is..definitely on the lower side of it. So her plan?
Recruit as many otherworldly creatures to her cause as possible! And she needs Briar as her conduit for that.
Of course Briar doesn’t have much of a choice in this matter considering this elder god could easily turn on a dime if refused. so reluctantly, she took up the mantle of ‘magical girl chu chu Cthulhu’ to bring any monster-of-the-week she can find on humanity’s side while dealing with heaven’s army.
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and even worse? She starts to yearn for connections, for people to be around her and like being around her…And It turns out those creatures might be a little bit of what she needs.
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-whenever she gains the support of one they’ll leave a piece of themselves with her that is grafted onto her body and grants a new ability, along with a promise of their support in any particularly dire battle.
of course if they’re less…complying..Theres always the old fashioned way.
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Yet she’ll need a lot of support if she wants to stop whats coming.
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thefleetsfinest · 9 months
✧˖° → Luna The Emotional Support Corgi
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When Leonard first joined Starfleet it had been his every intention to get an assignment in a starfleet hospital because it provided a new start for him but also there was a good chunk of hospitals that were not in space. Of course that all went right out the window when he met one James Tiberius Kirk. It was becoming friends with Jim that Leonard decided to follow that idiot into space to keep him alive so he could accomplish his dreams. There had always just been something about the way Jim babbled on about the wonders of Space that almost made it seem less scary than the damn thing actually was. 
So it wasn’t long before the man who was terrified of Space found himself on Starfleet’s newest ship as it’s Chief Medical Officer. However his fear of space and everything in it never went away. So Leonard began to look for ways to help himself cop with his phobia. He tried a number of different techniques, experimenting and finding what did and didn’t work. 
Eventually it was suggested by Chapel that Leonard look into a service animal, one with training in emotional support. At first Leonard turned down the idea, not wanting to subject a poor innocent animal to the horrors of life in space. 
However as the months began to pass his other methods he used to cope weren’t working as well as he would have liked, not to mention he had become rather lonely. As it turned out being in charge of medbay didn’t leave him with a whole love of time to socialize, not to mention his best friend was the Captain who was almost always busy with one thing or another. 
So he finally decided to look into a support animal, Leonard put a lot of time and thought into it all. He even made sure to do a fair amount of research, finding every bit of information he could possibly get his hands on because he wanted to make sure he made the right decision and picked out an animal that would actually help him. Eventually he decided on a dog, a corgi to be exact. 
When he got his service animal she was fresh out of training. The corgi was one year old and honestly one of the sweetest dogs Leonard has ever met. Leonard even got to rename her to a name of his choice. The name the foster family had given her was Lulu, so he decided to rename her to Luna. His reasoning being that if she had a space related name then it would help him associate one good and happy thing to Space instead of seeing everything involved with it as a giant death trap filled with disease. 
From the moment Leonard got Luna the two became downright inseparable. Luna went everywhere she possibly could with Leonard. She even had her own special doggy bed in Leonard’s office. Luna is trained to always stay in his officer during any and all major medical emergencies, or if there is just too much going on to have a small dog hovering around. The only time Luna isn’t at Leonard’s side is when he goes on any away mission, mostly because Leonard just doesn’t want to risk Luna’s life since more often than not they never know what exactly they are getting into when they go down onto a new planet. 
Though more often than not Luna can always be found tailing after Leonard while on the ship. Luna in turn has done wonders to help Leonard with his phobia. The corgi is honestly one of the best things that ever happened to Leonard after joining Starfleet. 
Thankfully when the Enterprise had stopped in Yorktown to resupply, Leonard had left his dog in the hands of Sulu’s daughter to help cheer her up since her father had to quickly run off on a rescue mission with the rest of the Enterprise Crew.
Of course it ended up being a great decision to leave his dog in the care of the little girl, because if he hadn’t there would have been a very good chance that Luna would probably not have survived the crash of the Enterprise. Luna did however survive Krall’s attack on Yorktown and was reunited with Leonard after all the danger had passed. Now with the ship rebuilt the corgi is once again happily at Leonard’s side.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 19 - Mike
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Series Masterlist
Part 18 -- Part 20
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Pairing: Mike x ofc
Summary: The guys throw a New Years Eve party at 179th Crescent Street...
Warnings: Drug use (alcohol, weed), minor violence (someone gets punched), a whole lot of ADHD, Mike being Mike, probably some mentions of some inappropriate things.
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: Yeeting some Mikey your way just because! (I love him, your honor...) God. This chapter has a special place in my heart because a) it's Mike and b) I loved writing this. I wrote most of it in a couple of hours, and I just completely let my ADHD take the lead on it. It was awesome! (Also: Sorry for not getting creative with titles here, that would just be confusing at this point 😂)
Let me know what you think! 🥰
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @summersong69 @peaches1958 @fvckinghenrycavill @keanureevesisbae @livisss @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos (hope you don't mind the random tag)
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I hate waiting. I hate it almost as much as I hate making phone calls to our internet provider, who always refuses to accept that I’ve already figured out what the problem is. Right now, I’m doing both. It’s infuriating. ‘Mike, the internet’s down. Can you take a look at that?’ Of course I fucking can, a two year old could do that! There’s usually not even a lot I can do about it, except call someone to fix it, and anyone else could do that, too. But no. It’s gotta be me. Why does it always have to be me? 
That being said; I’d rather do this than help downstairs, and since they’ve got no idea what exactly I’m doing anyway, I can just play a game while I’m on hold. And it’s not as if I don’t profit from a working internet connection. I’m running low on movies to watch and half the shit I wanted to see has disappeared off Netflix again. I can’t help it that sometimes I need to watch every Disney movie I can remember from my childhood before my brain lets me watch anything new. And it doesn’t help that Dani refuses to watch any horror movies I haven’t seen yet, because she needs me to tell when the jumpscares are. I don’t mind - it’s cute. The way she curls up next to me with a blanket, and holds onto me when she gets scared… Makes me want to show her every scary movie I’ve ever watched. 
Fuck, I’ve got it bad for this girl. But that’s okay, I like it. Even though it’s only been a few weeks since we first went out. And only two weeks since what she thinks is the first time we went out. She’s soft and nice and she’s not just okay with the fact that sometimes I just need to get stoned to shut my brain up, but she actually got stoned with me? She’s pretty great. It’s the insecurities that sometimes get me. Like when she doesn’t trust that I actually mean what I say. I’m a heart-on-sleeve kind of guy. Oh well. 
“Oh!” The phone, right. “Sorry. Hi…” As suspected; the guy on the phone doesn’t believe that what I say is wrong with my connection, is actually what’s wrong with my connection. Yes, I’ve tried turning it off and on again. Yes, everything’s plugged in where it should be plugged in. Yes, right passwords and whatnot. It’s really not one of those, dude, I ran basic diagnostics. Thanks. Why do I even still do that beforehand? Right, because if it is one of those, I won’t have to call to begin with, and I’ll do anything to avoid that.
“It can take a few min…”
“Dude, I’m so sorry to interrupt.” I really don’t have the patience for this. “I’ve tried all of this before I even picked up the phone…” Although I could have gotten everything done in the time I was on hold. “I’m telling you…” Finally, he agrees to put me through to someone who actually knows anything about the technical side of things. Great. 
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“Internet is up again,” I announce to the full - and excruciatingly busy - kitchen. I’m just in time to see Leon toss a bag of weed on the table. “Nice.” Wait, I was trying to think that… 
“I knew there was a reason we kept him around.” Charles. It hurts when he hits the bone in my shoulder, but I’m fairly sure it hurts him more, even though there’s nothing on his face that reveals that little grain of truth. 
“Yeah, it would be so awful if you couldn’t watch porn for one night.” Why is the word ‘porn’ so hot out of the mouth of my girlfriend? Wait. I’ve been saying ‘girlfriend’. Is it too soon to call her my girlfriend? Oh, what gives. She’s hugging me, I like it, and I’m going to be sad when she stops, that’s all that matters. Something Charles says about not needing any porn tonight registers vaguely, but I do catch the way he winks at Dani. What a dick. 
“Think you can still get laid with a broken nose and a black eye, Brandon?” It’s entirely unlikely I can take him on my own, but I feel I can count on some support from Geralt - or even better… Sol. She’s fierce - and she’s the only one who’s ever hit Charles in the nuts. We all applaud her for that a little. Dani’s arms tighten around me. I don’t look away from Charles, I just pull her closer to me. When I finally do look down at her. She’s biting her lip, looking adorable. I can’t help but kiss her. Maybe it’s a little much, considering we’re in public. Maybe I’m just shamelessly marking territory here. I can’t say I care much right now. 
“Where’s Sherlock?” Lucky bastard is upstairs, not getting mixed up in all of this. I was almost just as lucky, yet here I am. 
“In his room,” I say, “he wouldn’t last five minutes tonight if he had to deal with all of this, too.” Neither would I, so I’m glad I skipped most of it. But not enough. Dani puts her hands on the sides of my face. Fuck, I’m clenching my jaw - so hard she noticed, apparently. 
“Relax,” she whispers softly. I have no clue how long we’ve been standing there. I’d say it’s gotta be a while, but I’ve been wrong before. 
“We’ve got it from here,” Geralt says. He jerks his head in the direction of the door. That means ‘Mikey, get out’, but in the nice way. You can’t grow up as me and not pick up on these things, honestly. 
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Taking a walk with Dani beats taking a walk without Dani. Facts. There’s one little thing though. She’s slow… -er than me, I should say. I could walk circles around her, I really could. 
“I’m not fast enough for you, am I?” How does she always know? I smile apologetically. And I really do feel bad about it! I swear! My eyes flutter over her body - that always wreaks havoc on my brain. It goes: nice, nice, nice, nice, very nice, wish she’d turn around, nice, nice, she’s smiling, cute, mine, what was I thinking about? I was trying to get some form of… Right!
“Come here,” I say, “climb on.” 
“Mike, there’s no way you can carry me,” she laughs. I love to see her laugh. It’s fucking amazing, the way she laughs. That’s kinda what made me fall in love with her on pretty much the very first day of the year. And then it took me like fifteen weeks to ask her out. Which, honestly… not a great move. Ange actually had to stop me from deleting the text I wrote to ask her out for the thirteenth time - yes, I counted them. Come to think of it, I should probably thank her for that one of these days. Where was I? Right.
“Yeah, I can, come on!” I’m not gonna be much faster with her on my back, but I’m gonna be able to tire myself out, and that’s kinda the point. And I get to touch her. Definite bonus. You’d think - I know I did - that her touching me would be a bonus, too, but it’s very distracting. Because she’s trying very hard to distract me. 
She’s spent enough time in class with me, you’d think, to know that distracting me isn’t exactly an Olympic level sport. Anyone can do that. Squirrels can do that. Leaves can do that. Those little tiny bits of dust that you can see float through the air when it’s spring and there’s sunlight streaming in through a window, and it’s nice and warm and you’re inside, but you really don’t want to be inside, so you look at those little dust-thingies move and you’re really curious how it would feel to just float down, and you spend a little too much time breathing in their direction to make them move, until your teacher notices and asks what the fuck you are doing and you also don’t know the answer to the question they’re asking, so they tell you you’re not paying attention, but is it really your fault, because you’re just not made to sit still on a chair for hours on end, but no, it’s your problem and they tell you to leave the room because you’re disturbing the class when you were really just wondering what it would feel like to be dust and nothing was the matter and you weren’t disturbing anyone until they called you out on not paying attention for a tiny little bit? Mike, focus. Right. 
Oh no. Focus just takes me back to her hands. They aren’t the problem, but they kinda make me wish they were. The problem is the fact that she won’t stop kissing my neck, and every last one of those kisses is kinda altering the fit of my jeans, if you catch my drift. Fuck. 
“Babe, stop.” Of course she doesn’t. Cue adorable noise of sadness. Fine. She wants to play? I’ll play. There’s a few trees nearby, and I walk her straight across the grass to get to one. She thinks I can’t carry her? She’s gonna have to think again. I pull one of her legs to my other hip. 
“Mikey!” she shrieks, but she can’t help but let go of my neck. This is only going to be impressive if I don’t drop her - that would be kinda sad. “What are you doing, you idiot? Oh.” I’m a little proud of myself that I actually managed to do this, and a lot happy to see her pinned against this tree, with her legs wrapped around my waist. 
“Kiss?” I ask. I’d tell myself I have to stop grinning like an idiot, except, no I fucking don’t. She pulls me in - hell yeah! - and kisses me. It’s great when she does that. Her lips honestly feel so amazing. But the tip of her nose is cold against my cheek. Oh, fuck, she moves her hips, and they’re kinda directly over mine. Goddamn, feels good. No, no, why does she stop kissing me? That’s not good.
“Aw, baby.” She presses her lips to my neck again, and I feel her tongue on my skin. Every move makes me grind my hips into her, and she’s moaning softly against my skin every time I do. The sound makes my cock twitch, and that’s of no use to me, because I can’t exactly have her right now, which means this was - all things considered - a fairly terrible idea by yours truly. It really doesn’t help that I’m holding her up with two hands firmly on her ass, either. It’s so squeezable. Soft. I’m really not helping this whole pants-situation. Ehh, I’ll sort that out later. That’s what math is for, right? Right now, I just want to keep kissing my girl.
“Mikey,” she moans against my lips. I know she’s trying to speak, but her lips feel good and they’re soft and warm and I don’t want to stop… “Mikey, stop.” Ok. I freeze, and slowly move away. 
“That’s okay,” she says. Good, she’s still laughing. That makes me happy. “Let’s get back?” I like that idea. But she shouldn’t think I’m done with her, because I’m not. 
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“Listen.” That’s Marshall. He’s been dealing with something, and I don’t think any of us have bothered to ask what it is. Not that he’d have answered, we know him well enough by now. “You’re not the only people on the planet. Get a fucking room.” Okay. So it’s about a girl, otherwise he wouldn’t care. I’m not going to scream at him, because that would involve taking my mouth off… Hey! I have to glare at him now. A second ago, I was making out with Dani, now I’m not. This is a problem.
“Marshall,” she says, “go find yourself someone to suck your dick, and leave us alone.” Let me try not to laugh at that. Marshall seems plenty ticked off about it, which adds to how funny I find all of this, to be completely honest. I’m not gonna laugh, I’m not gonna laugh… I mean, at least he backs off? My thoughts are still all over the place. I was going to just pretend they aren’t, but Dani points it out. Not in a ‘Mike, stop being so fucking annoying’ kind of way, but in a sweet, caring ‘anything we need to take care of to make it better’ kind of way, and… I know it’s way too soon to say something way too affectionate, but I’m really having trouble keeping my mouth shut. 
“Herbal remedy?” she offers with a sly smile. Fucking marry me. Don’t say that out loud! We walk to the living room, looking for a place to sit down for a second. From the corner of my eye, I notice Dani makes some gesture at Marshall, who is talking to some girl - I don’t know her. Judging from the reflection in the window, she’s sticking her tongue in her cheek. I try not to laugh - again. This is a horrible night for me. I can’t laugh at anything, dammit. 
I sit down and pull Dani into my lap, but she gets up immediately. 
“My roommates are here,” she says. I’ve never met them, but I’ve heard some things about them. For one, I know Sloane is going to be majorly disappointed when she sees she’s already too late to get something going with Sy. I don’t know why she’s after him - possibly because Dani’s review was good. Is it insecure of me to question whether she thinks he’s better in bed than I am? I mean, she isn’t complaining, but we’re a long way from keeping the whole house awake like Geralt and Sol do on occasion. Oh well. 
“Mike!” Hand in front of eyes, waving. Hand. Waving. OH! My head snaps up, and I remember just in time the bag of stuff I’m holding isn’t closed. 
“Second,” I say, closing it before getting up. “Hi!” Sloane and Ariel don’t seem impressed, and honestly, who can blame them. I didn’t notice they were there for the first few seconds they were standing right in front of me. They introduce themselves, and Dani kinda quickly leads them away again to introduce them to the rest of the guys. It takes a while before she comes back, and she stands next to me while I roll a joint. I just keep working. I hope she knows I’m not ignoring her. When her hand brushes past my cheek, I lean into her touch. After some time, I hear a little bit of a tussle next to me, but if I look up now, this is never getting done. Just a few more seconds and... Done! I put everything back in my pockets and look up just in time to see Charles get real mad.   
“I think it’s time to get the fuck out of here,” he says before taking a swing at some guy I don’t recognize. Dani! Don’t ask me how, but I can hear her breathing, it stands out from all the other sounds all the other people are making, even though the room has gone eerily quiet due to this scuffle. I turn my head to her so fast my neck protests, but big fucking deal. 
“Hey…” I get up and pull her into my arms. She’s upset, but I didn’t see what happened. Fuck. “Come here.”
“Are you alright, Dani?” Charles asks without looking away from the guy, who seems to decide it’s probably for the best if he just fucks off. I can see Ariel standing across the room; she’s next to Leon, and she’s glaring at me. Fuck, I’m not making a great impression here. Sy calls for everyone to mind their own business, and the fact that everyone stops staring relaxes me a little. But only a little. 
“Wanna go outside?” Dani asks. I can tell she’s upset, and it’s fucked up that she’s taking care of me right now instead of the other way around. 
“You wanna tell me what happened?” I hope my eyes apologize enough for now, because I can’t bring myself to say ‘sorry I’m a terrible boyfriend’ out loud in a room filled with people I barely know. 
“Actually, I could really use some of that joint right now,” she says. Apparently, she doesn’t want to talk in a room full of people, either. 
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It’s quieter outside, and I feel like I can finally think straight. We’re not the only people there, but the ones who are there - August, Anjelica, Sol and Geralt - are good company. With the same idea I had, apparently. Except no one is smoking. 
“Did you guys step outside when you saw me leave the living room?” I ask. It’s not the first time they’ve done this, and they’re not too proud to just admit to it, either. “For fuck’s sake, I’ll roll another one, here.” I hand the joint in my pocket to Dani and sit down at the only slightly wonky table to get to work on the next one. 
“Thanks, Mikey.” Dear, sweet Angie. I love her to bits, we all do. Infinite bonus points to her for keeping August’s head level, too, there’s not a lot of people who can do that. 
“Are you almost done?” Dani’s voice is shaky - and so is the rest of her. It’s cold, but it’s not that kind of trembling, I can tell. I finish what I’m doing, hand the product of my hard work to Geralt and pull her into my lap. 
“What happened, Dani?” Ange again. She’s so sweet. If August ever breaks up with her, I’m fairly sure none of us will look at him for a while. 
“Just some guy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.” Fuck! That’s what I missed? Maybe I’m really not made for this relationship stuff, if I can’t even… Best I can do is hold her right now, I guess. 
“Shit, you took care of that?” August asks me, forcing me to tell him it was Charles who ended up kicking him out. No one says anything. No questions, no ‘why not you?’ They understand. But does she? Her friend Ariel clearly didn’t. Everyone stays quiet for a bit, which is kinda nice. 
“Anything I can do for you, baby?” No need to get creative in a situation like this one, right? She shakes her head and snuggles up closer. “Hold me,” she says to me, “and get me some of that.” August sees her pointing at him and he hands her the joint. It’s surprising, but he’s a lightweight when it comes to pot. He can drink like no tomorrow, though, and I can see he’s holding a glass of whatever. He hasn’t had enough to be all over Ange yet. Shame, they’re cute when they get all clingy. Geralt and Solveig haven’t had the courage to let go of each other just yet. Seeing Geralt like this sure beats seeing him the week after Sol leaves - or the week after he comes back from seeing her. Not that he gets particularly annoying or anything. Just sighs a lot. 
A few minutes go by, and we’re still not talking. Most of us came here for some peace and quiet, anyway. Ange is a chatterbox, but she’s had a bad week. August probably took care of the worst part before they even got here. I wonder if she can even sit comfortably. Alright, I can't make myself laugh right now, they're gonna ask what I'm thinking. Moving on… Sol prefers to be in quieter places, Geralt is going insane with all the chatter inside when he’s standing out here, let alone when he’s in the middle of it, and August just doesn’t like people. I can figure that out about these guys in a heartbeat, but I can’t tell when my own girlfriend is being harassed. Honestly, it feels pretty fucking terrible. 
My brain slows down unusually fast. It’s nice, finally some genuine quiet. Dani melts into me, which is awesome. She’s warm, she’s soft, she’s great. Oh, and she smells nice. August and Angie are getting inappropriately touchy, which just makes me laugh. I honestly couldn’t give a damn. They’re great together, and I love seeing people happy and in love. Same goes for Sol and Geralt. Like, who cares if they keep the whole house up all night every once in a while? Why the hell should I be mad that they’re having great sex? Little jealous, maybe… Dani puts her head on my shoulder, and I lean my cheek against her hair. Deep sigh. I used to think it wasn’t for me. I’m still not completely sure I can do it. But fuck, I’m gonna try. I want what they have. Love. Who knows, maybe I’ve already found it?
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