#got some cleaning to do but hopefully I'll be on to do some stuff after ✌️
piplupod · 2 months
my brain is so nonsensical, i will see omens in the most mundane shit but then when a dead blackbird appears a little ways away from outside the house i don't even blink
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byanyan · 9 months
one of the most satisfying feelings in the world to byan is kicking the asses of grown men while wearing a skirt
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TWST Cast Mid-Effort Snacks They Make
Listen I'm no wizard in the kitchen but I think I can make some half decent snacks. That being said, this post is long, does not have accurate measurements for half of it, bc why the hell would I actually write stuff down I Totally Don't Forget Things All The Time.
Also like. mid-effort snacks. You know, you're not just Opening a bag of chips but you are going to need. At least a microwave. (also, using minimal dishes possible nobody wants to clean up). This is all stuff I've made or at least eaten, myself, lmk if you try it or if I missed a vital detail LMAO
ANYWAYS if this post is popular enough I'll share some like. Actual recipes as well, the Culinary Crucible thingy finally came in and I feel INSPIRED, some of these have little uhh like 'justification' or story behind them some don't bc I feel like it's obvious. GTAT refers to the section at the end, I got tired of writing it out over and over again sldkjhklsjdf ---------------------------------------------------
Riddle - (Dark) Chocolate Strawberry Bark
Materials and Ingredients: - Parchment paper - Cutting board/cookie tray - Microwave-safe bowl - Knife - Strawberries (it's okay if they're overripe, as long as you can still cut them safely) - (Dark) Chocolate chips or Nutella, your choice - Peanut butter - Sweetened condensed milk (scm) - Plastic container - Freezer
Cut your parchment paper to about the size of a cookie sheet, but really it depends on how many strawberries you're using (I do not remember how many I used, I think it was like 8, you do not need many, especially if you cut them really thin) and put on top of cutting board/cookie sheet. A flexible cutting board is best, but it's whatever fits in your freezer.
Destem your strawberries and slice them thinly while they're standing upright. Like the part you destemmed is against the parchment paper. (or cutting board but y'know. Why Dirty It). Place them laying down on the parchment paper as close to each other as possible. I found like. Fitting the triangle shapes together like teeth was the easiest way but something else might work better for you. Dice one or two strawberries and set aside.
In a bowl, measure out about a cup of chocolate. If it seems like too much, you can just. eat it ig or dip leftover strawberries into it like I did. If it's not enough, babe just add more it's okay lmao. If you're using chocolate chips, add some sort of fat before you microwave (any oil, lard/Crisco, butter, margarine, etc.) in fifteen second intervals. (if you don't have a microwave, there are instructions under 'General tips and tricks' to hopefully help!). If you're using Nutella, just pop that bad boy in there for fifteen second intervals. In both cases, mix in between intervals until it's kind of runny.
Pour chocolate evenly over the strawberries, at least enough to cover them completely from the top/fill any gaps that are present. Wash the bowl, and repeat the process with peanut butter.
This is optional I really like chocolate and think it's more aesthetically pleasing than peanut butter, but peanut butter doesn't harden as well as chocolate does to bind the strawberry layer together so I couldn't put it first. I did another layer of chocolate on top, but it was thinner than the original one.
Sprinkle diced strawberries on top, and drizzle SCM to your hearts content. (Any leftover SCM needs to be put into a separate container and can stay in your fridge for up to 3 weeks).
Freeze it. It's just faster this way and helps the peanut butter out. I left mine in there for a day, but I think it's okay after like an hour, idk, you decide.
Snap/cut your bark into smaller pieces, use the parchment paper to help line whatever container you're going to use and store your treat in there. I enjoyed these treats best frozen or on top of vanilla ice cream, but they do need to be kept at least refrigerated. Fair warning, if you're a slow eater, these will get messy if you wait too long slkdjfhlkjsdfsdf recommend you eat with a fork.
THE REST ARE UNDER THE CUT WOOT WOOT (Riddle's is easily one of the higher effort ones, so do not be dismayed! There are some on this list with only 2 ingredients, I just talk a lot LMAO)
Trey - Tanghulu No baking required, still satisfies his sweet tooth.
Materials and Ingredients: - Stove (someone said you can use a microwave, IIIIII don't Like That for this, but I'm sure you can) - Fruit (doesn't really matter what kind. I used kiwis, strawberries, and grapefruit.) - White sugar - Water - Bowl of ice water - Fork (skewers are better but I didn't have any, and toothpicks...don't fw toothpicks for this okay??) - Parchment paper\Plate (you just need to make sure it's hardened BEFORE you put the fruit on it kdfjhsfjkd)
Ensure your fruit is washed/dried, peeled or otherwise "ready to eat" before starting
Use a 2:1 sugar to water ratio and put it in a pot. (So 2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of water, or a more likely amount you'll actually use up is 1 cup of sugar to 1/2 cup of water)
Heat on medium and watch closely, it's not suggested you mix it, I did, just by swirling the pot to make sure all the sugar was in the water, but then I left it alone. You'll see it starting to change colour to yellow-y rather than clear. Use a spoon/fork to dip into the sugar mixture and then immediately into the bowl of ice water. If it appears stringy or is still soft and sticky to touch, it's not ready yet. Keep boiling until your test drop solidifies on contact/within seconds of being in the ice water.
Turn the heat down slightly and use your fork or skewer to poke your fruit, and dip carefully into sugar mixture. Immediately, (but carefully) place your sugar covered fruit into the ice bowl. Once you take it out, it should only take a moment to harden before you place it on a plate/parchment paper.
Intended to be eaten immediately, does not store very well. Check 'general tips and tricks' for how to clean the pot/fork
Cater - Spicy Garlic Cheese Bread
Materials and Ingredients: - French Bread (works the best, but you can use whatever bread you have on hand) or premade garlic bread - Butter/Margarine - Salad herbs (like the premade mix or whatever, other seasonings optional) - (Shredded) Cheese - Jalapenos - Other toppings + hot sauce (optional) - Bowl - Spoon - Microwave - Oven
If using premade garlic bread, skip to step 3. Otherwise, get your bowl and chunk of butter (if using french bread, I would say about a half cup) and pop it in the microwave just long enough to get it soft, but not melted. Measure salad herbs with your heart and mix with a spoon.
Cut your bread in half and slather that son of a bitch in butter, having worked in a bakery I know that premade garlic bread literally gets a Handful of "butter" (it's margarine) that just gets. Slathered onto half of a day-old French bread loaf. (Safeway. Looking at you.) If you want to try putting on some BBQ sauce or tomato sauce now would be your time to add it. If you are adding sauce, a little less butter is recommended otherwise it will get Soggy
Put on as much cheese as you want. Whatever cheese you want. I'm not the boss of you.
Throw on jalapenos and any other toppings you want. (red onions, bell peppers, make it a meal with some chicken or something idk)
Broil on high until It Looks Right, as in the cheese is melted and golden brown in some areas (assuming it's marble cheese), or wrap in aluminum foil (risky with The Cheese) and bake at 350 F for like 10 minutes (I still recommend baking over broiling but it's your choice bestie)
Drizzle with hot sauce if you want/any other condiments.
French bread is pretty big, so cut into smaller pieces and share with friends/family/your neighbour/ whatever or full send it or you can try to store it, I think once it's cooled, a plastic bag would be the best bet for storage, and only for a day or two before your bread gets Sad.
Deuce - Ants on a Log He used to love it when his mom would send him to school with these.
Materials and Ingredients: - Cutting board (unless you would like to be a heathen like me) - Knife - Celery - Peanut butter - Raisins/Chocolate chips/Cereal/whatever you want
Decide if you even want to bother cutting your celery, you can leave it whole if you really want.
If you want to cut your celery, cut it according to taste or break that motherfucker with your bare hands just to hear it snap and get that little bit of Emotion and satisfaction out of it. Not recommended if you want bite sized pieces. Generally only cut in a way that keeps the 'sides' of the celery in tact, like you should have a little 'dip' to put peanut butter in, but its ok if its not comfortable to eat it that way and you need to cut it vertically as well, nbd, BUT DON'T CUT IT THAT WAY YET it's so much harder to get the peanut butter on.
Use a butter knife to add peanut butter to your celery. It should fill the little valley in between the sides of the stalk. **Now would be the time to cut again if you want Planks if you know what I mean
Add your toppings, be it raisins, chocolate chips, etc. along the peanut butter to represent the ants slkdjhflksjdf
Ace - Oreo Mug Cake His brother showed him once and he didn't stop since.
Materials and Ingredients: - Oreos - Milk - Fork - Microwave safe mug - Microwave - Whipped Cream (optional)
Get your mug.
Throw 4-6 Oreos in. (4 for an 8 ounce mug, more for a bigger one) and soak in 1 less tablespoon of milk than the amount of cookies you put in. (so 3 tbs for an 8 ounce mug)
The longer you soak them, the easier it is to crush them and break them up, it should become kind of cakey texture already
Pop that bad boy in the microwave for a minute, and in 20 second intervals after that as necessary. Its not like it matters if it's 'raw' though.
Let it cool until you can handle the mug comfortably, add whipped cream or other toppings and enjoy!
Leona - Bacon Wrapped Sausages
Materials and Ingredients: - Baking dish (should have some depth to it) - Parchment paper - Cocktail sausages - Bacon - Scissors/Knife - Toothpicks - Brown sugar (optional) - Oven
Cut your bacon in half
Preheat your oven to 350 F. Roll up cocktail sausage in half a rasher of bacon and secure in place with a toothpick.
Place parchment paper in/on baking dish and place the rolls inside
Once you've prepared as many as you'd like, you can sprinkle brown sugar on top.
Bake for about an hour
Ruggie - Elote Loco (Mexican street corn/ 'crazy corn')
Materials and Ingredients: - Canned corn - Mayo - Lemon/Lime - Salt - Pepper - Cayenne - Bowl
Drain your corn can, then add corn to your bowl
Literally. Add everything else according to taste. Heat if you want to, or put in the fridge to eat cold. (I like it cold).
Jack - Fruit Leather (this is a higher-effort, more time-consuming recipe)
Materials and Ingredients - Cutting board (not optional this time :/) - Knife/Corer (if applicable) - Stove - Large saucepan - Water - Blender/Potato Masher - Lemon/Sugar/Cinnamon/Nutmeg, Etc. (optional, but recommended) - Parchment paper - Baking tray - Oven - Pizza cutter (makes things easier, not necessary)
Prepare your fruit. (Wash, peel, destem, core them, remove pits, etc.)
Chop into chunks, and simmer in 1/2 cup of water for every 4 cups of fruit while covered for 10-20 minutes, or until fruit is cooked. You can mash by hand or just go ahead and transfer everything to a blender, but you will have to transfer back into the pot after.
Taste, and add sugar/lemon/spices according to your preference.
Simmer and stir until everything is mixed in completely and the puree has thickened. (5-10 minutes)
Preheat oven to 140 F (check GTAT at the end for troubleshooting). Puree thoroughly in a blender/food processor.
Line baking tray and pour puree evenly onto it, it should be about 1/4 inch thick. Bake for 8-12 hours.
Use pizza cutter to cut into smaller pieces. You can cut the parchment paper underneath and roll the pieces accordingly to store.
This is a more labour intensive snack, BUT it keeps for sooo long. It can keep at room temp in ziploc bag for a month. In the fridge for 6 months. In the freezer for a year. Also a really good way to use overripe fruit.
Azul - Funnel Cakes >:D (I had to look up a recipe to base the measurements off of, I did not memorize this, but I changed a few things when I Actually Made them)
Materials and Ingredients: - Stove - Large pan - Oil (Vegetable oil, but I think coconut or sunflower oil should work too if you have certain restrictions) - 1/4 cup Milk - 1 Egg - 1 tbsp Water - Splash of Vanilla extract (splash is generally between a 1/4 tsp and 1 tsp To Me) - White sugar (to taste) - 3/4 tsp Baking powder - Pinch of Salt - 1/2 cup Flour - Powdered sugar (to taste) - Cinnamon (to taste) - Plate - Paper towel - Large measuring cup - Fork or tongs - Other toppings (optional)
Throw all the Wet ingredients into the large measuring cup and whisk
Add sugar, cinnamon, salt, and baking powder, whisk until combined
Add oil to pan and start heating on medium, it should be about an inch deep to deep fry. Add flour to measuring cup and whisk until smooth.
(Refer to GTAT at the end to know when oil is hot enough). Use the measuring cup to drizzle the batter in a line around the pan and overlap as desired. Honestly, the thicker the lines the better imo. Cook for 2 minutes until golden brown, then flip and repeat.
Once cooked, move carefully to plate with paper towel to soak up the oil, and add powdered sugar on top. Add other toppings as desired.
Jade - Roasted Chickpeas Easy protein to bring on a hike
Materials and Ingredients: - Can of chickpeas - Baking tray - Parchment paper - Olive oil - Seasoning as you wish (Personal recommendation: garlic powder, salt, paprika, pepper and a little cayenne) - Oven
Line a baking tray with parchment paper and preheat your oven to 400 F.
Drain your can of chickpeas, rinse, then drain again. Try and dry them out a bit before you season them, either leaving them in a colinder or letting them sit out on paper towels or a cloth...or on the tray if you've got time to kill. **If you don't like the feeling of oil on your hands, you might have an extra dish to wash but thats okay. Add your chickpeas to a glass bowl before the next step.
Transfer chickpeas to the tray (if you're not using the bowl) and coat with a generous amount of oil. Add seasonings as you wish, then mix with your hands (or a spoon if you're using the bowl, then transfer to the tray.)
Bake for 20-30 minutes, shaking the pan gently about every 10 minutes to help rotate the chickpeas. Once they're golden brown and crunchy, they're done.
Best eaten straight away, but you can keep them in container for a few days.
Floyd - Trail Mix (AKA the ADHD snack Ever imo)
Materials and Ingredients - Anything you got in your pantry that already kinda qualifies as a snack food - Something to put it in (bag or bowl/container with a lid is preferable) - My favourite mix to make is granola, cranberries, raisins, and chocolate chips
Grab your materials
If you're using something that should probably cut up, (like fruit by the foot or something idk) just rip it and throw it in the Container.
Mix everything in a bowl or bag. Use more of your Favourite Ingredient than everything else, then close your storage thing.
Shake that motherfucker
Put everything back (or do this As You Add it so you're left with nothing to clean up at the end)
Kalim - The Forbidden (I made this when I was like 6 for a week straight after school, I DO NOT recommend) He came up with this as a midnight snack and didn't want to bother Jamil.
Materials and Ingredients - Microwave - Microwave safe bowl - Chocolate chips - Mini marshmallows - Fork - A very high tolerance for Texture and Sweetness
Put chocolate chips and marshmallows in the bowl
Microwave for 15 second intervals, mixing with your fork in between.
When it becomes a sticky amalgamation from hell and looks like a dung beetle would be proud of it, it's done.
Jamil - Fattoush He saves the leftovers of the dishes he makes for Kalim throughout the day in order to make some version of Fattoush
Materials and Ingredients: - Cutting board - Knife + Pizza cutter (not necessary, but fun) - Lettuce - Tomato - Cucumber - Radishes - Pita bread - Pan - Stove - Olive oil - Salt + pepper - Bowl x 2 - Glass measuring cup - Lemon juice - Garlic powder, dried mint, and sumac (you don't have to use these) - (I like adding Granny smith apples and goat or feta cheese, but it's not traditional)
Cut up your veggies like you would for any salad and throw em in a bowl
Use the pizza cutter to slice pita bread into smaller, bite sized pieces.
Fry the pieces with a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, then set aside in a different bowl so they stay Crunchy
In the glass measuring cup use about 2 tbsp of lemon juice, add some garlic powder, dried mint, salt, pepper, sumac, and whisk.
Slowly stream in about 3 tbsp of olive oil and whisk continuously until it combines. (this might take a while to emulsify, yes you can use a hand mixer on low if you want)
Drizzle dressing over your salad portion, and add pita chips as you wish
Vil - Parfait He let the French man into his life, also this is bougie parfait, you don't have to follow this exactly lmao, this is just how I used to make it for my mom
Materials and Ingredients - Cutting board + knife - Grapes, red and green if possible - Granola - Blueberries (they can be frozen) - Cherries, cored/halved except one (can also be frozen) - Yogurt (I prefer vanilla for this stuff, Vil probably uses plain Greek yogurt and some honey for sweetness) - A wine glass, otherwise just a clear glass makes it look best, but it doesnt really matter - Spoon
Dice those grapes as small or large as you like, mine are generally the size of like. The eraser end of a pencil. Set aside.
Get your glass and gently spoon yogurt into the bottom, up by about 2 inches. If you have the patience, gently arrange the blueberries into a 1 berry layer. If not, just grab less than a handful of blueberries and put them on top of the yogurt.
Add another inch of yogurt to completely cover the berry layer, and add a thin layer of granola. Cover completely with yogurt again, using another inch-2 inches to do so
Again, if you have the patience, you can arrange your cherry halves into a nice circle to completely cover the yogurt layer. If not, do the same thing as the blueberries.
Cover with another inch-two inches of yogurt. Add a thicker band of granola this time, and top with yogurt once more, to nearly the top of the glass.
Add your whole cherry to the middle of the parfait, and add the mix of diced grapes around it. ** if you used frozen fruit, let it thaw for a couple minutes so you can see the colour bleed into the yogurt a bit bc it looks cool. I'm the boss of you for this one rule because I'm right about it sdlkjfhsldjkf
Rook - Maakouda A guilty pleasure of his. He remembers them fondly from home. Works best with leftover mashed potatoes.
Materials and Ingredients: - Mashed potatoes (if you don't have left overs, just boil chunked potatoes in lightly salted water. Once they're soft, drain them, use a handmixer to mix, add some butter/whipping cream, season as you wish (garlic powder, salad herbs, salt, pepper), add shredded cheese if you want idc. Once everything is mixed you got yourself. Mashies.) - Egg - Garlic, Parsley, Cumin, Tumeric, Salt, Pepper - Flour in a bowl - Oil - Pan - Stove** - you can use an air-fryer for this if you want - Slotted spoon/tongs/fork - Plate w/ paper towel
For every 2 cups of mashed potatoes, you will add one egg, but don't do it yet. Add seasoning to your mashed potatoes first so you can taste and adjust the flavour as necessary, THEN add your egg(s).
Start heating oil, (about 2 inches) in a pan at medium heat. While you wait for it to get to temperature, (Look at GTAT to know when the oil is hot enough) roll your potato mixture into small balls and roll in flour
Fry until golden. Remove from oil using your utensil of choice and let it drain on the paper towel
Repeat until all the "batter" is used up
Epel - Dulce de Leche + Apple Slices Ruggie showed it to him
Materials and Ingredients - Sweetened Condensed Milk (if you don't just have dulce de leche on hand) - Apples (Granny Smith recommended) - Two glass baking pans, one larger than the other - Water - Oven
Preheat oven to 425 F
Pour SCM into smaller glass pan, cover with foil
Place smaller glass pan into larger glass pan. Fill the larger glass pan with as much water as necessary to cover the level of SCM in the smaller pan
Throw it in the oven for like 2 hours and monitor periodically to refill with water if necessary. Keep cooking until it's the colour golden brown you want
Once it's to colour, remove from oven carefully, remove foil, and remove from larger glass pan carefully.
Once cool enough, store in glass jar if possible, or wait longer and store it in a plastic container.
Cut up apple and whatever is left in the pan, scrape it out with the apple and eat it lmaooo unless you have a silicone spatula ain't no way you getting all that caramel out of the pan. Serve yourself more as necessary lmao
Idia - Worms and Dirt Baybeeeeeeee The far less healthy version of a parfait
Materials and Ingredients: - Crushed Oreos (Oreos + double bagged ziploc bags and you Gamer Rage sldfhlskdjfhlsj) - Whipped Cream - (If making from scratch, you'll need whipping cream, vanilla, and powdered sugar + hand mixer. Just throw ingredients in to taste and mix) - Chocolate pudding - Gummy worms - Rolling pin (optional) - Mixing bowl (glass or metal preferable) - Spatula - (Clear) Glass
Crush the Oreo's by any means necessary. Obliterate them.
Pack the Oreo remains into the bottom of your cup
Mix your whipped cream with the chocolate pudding using the spatula to fold it into each other until it Tastes Right. That is subjective, so if you Like it and it's Brown you Did It.
Spoon/plap how much of your chocolate mousse you'd like into your cup. Throw in a couple gummy worms, add more oreo corpse if you want then fill to the top with chocolate mousse.
Top with more oreo ashes and more gummy worms
Leftover mousse is pretty versatile if you have it with fruit or make more worms and dirt, but it only keeps for a day or two in the fridge
Ortho - :(
Malleus - "Snow Cone"
Materials and Ingredients: - Rage - Double or triple ziploc bags - Ice - Hot water - Grenadine, Maple syrup, Lime and salt, something else (Choose ONE per serving or embrace Lilia's energy and regret it) - A bowl + spoon
Double/triple bag ice
Run bags under hot water for a few minutes to help melt the ice a little bit (assuming you don't have already very small pieces of ice)
Crush the ice via brute force (its a good work out) OR I GUESS you could use a BLENDER but where's the fun in that
Get rid of any extra water and serve very finely crushed ice in a bowl
Top with your desired flavouring to taste
Lilia -
Silver - Refried Beans Another Ruggie special lmao I love him so much
Materials and Ingredients: - Canned black beans - Salsa (optional) - Chicken bouillon - Oil - Pan/Stove - Wooden spoon/potato masher - Chips or some sort of bread
Drain a little more than half of the Bean Juice
Over medium heat, add a little bit of oil to the pan, (enough to cover the bottom), and add the Beans
As it heats up and the remaining Bean Juice starts to bubble, add chicken bouillon and salsa to taste.
Mash the beans while they cook to mix in flavouring and to get beans to the right consistency. They'll be done when there's no liquid left sloshing around, but you can decide how Dry you want your beans
Add beans on top of tortilla chips, sprinkle cheese on top and call it done, throw some in a burrito or on top of salad, lightly toast some bread, put some mayo on it and add the beans, do what you want <3
Sebek - Salmon Croquettes
Materials and Ingredients: - Canned salmon - Diced bell peppers (choose your favourite colours)**go to GTAT for other substitutions and notes - Diced red onion - Egg (if you don't have any just add more mayo) - Worcestershire sauce - Mayo - Garlic powder, salt, pepper, paprika, other seasonings (your choice) -Bowl - Flour - Panko (optional, or substitute bread crumbs) - Oil - Stove/Pan - Tongs (you can try to use a fork but it won't always work lol) - Plate w/paper towel
Prepare your veggies, and drain salmon
Mix in with canned salmon, and add mayo, Worcestershire, and seasonings to taste. Add just a tiny bit more than you think you should in regards to spices because when you throw the flour in, it'll 'dilute' the flavour a bit
Lightly beat 1 egg for every 5 ounces of salmon (should be on the can) and add to mixture, using hands or wooden spoon to mix.
Add just enough flour and breadcrumbs to the mixture that it doesn't stick to your hands.
Set up your pan with oil, (just enough to cover the bottom), over medium heat and make little 'patties' out of your mix.
Fry your patties until golden brown (2-3 minutes) on both sides.
Remove from heat and place on plate to drain.
Crowley - Fuckit Fudge (AKA Rocky Road Fudge)
Materials and Ingredients: - Parchment paper - Cake pan - 2 cups Chocolate chips - SCM (14 oz = 1 3/4 cups, should be on the can) - 1/4 cup Butter - Vanilla - Marshmallows - Almonds - Anything else you want (just be aware you'll have to add more chocolate and you'll likely have to cut down on the other fillings as well) - Glass bowl - Spatula - Microwave/Double boiler (GTAT tells you how to make one) - Patience
Melt chocolate chips, SCM, and butter (about 90 seconds in the microwave)
While it's melting, set up your cake pan with parchment paper
Add a splash of vanilla extract and mix with spatula until smooth
Stir add-ins into mixture, and pour into cake pan carefully
Make sure mixture is spread evenly, and refrigerate until it solidifies (depends on how deep you made the fudge)
Cut into chunks and serve. Stores well in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
Trein - Raspberry Cordial Not a 'snack' but like if the Shaftlands are known for ruby berries I feel like this is close enough. It's from Anne of Green Gables, shhh its soooo good
Materials and Ingredients - Raspberries (GASP can you believe it) - Lemon/lemon juice - White sugar - Water - Sparkling water/Ginger Ale works too. Sprite is a stretch. - Pot/Stove - Fine mesh strainer - Pitcher - Ladle - Glass measuring cup
We're making a raspberry syrup, so you can use fresh, overripe or frozen raspberries. For every cup of raspberries, use just under a half cup of sugar, (3 cups of raspberries = 1 1/4 cups of sugar), and put both into a pot/saucepan.
Cook on medium/high heat and mash with like. the bottom of a ladle or something. It'll take like 20 minutes to have it cooked down to a liquid.
Strain into the measuring cup. If there are still seeds or pulp, strain again. Squeeze lemon into it in small amounts and taste as you go until you get the flavour You Want. This is your syrup. At this point, if you want to save some to use for other recipes or something, set some aside.
Boil the water (Use one cup more of water than you did of raspberries) and add it to the pitcher with your raspberry syrup. Mix, then let it chill in the fridge. ** if you would like to use sparkling water/lemonade or ginger ale instead, you'll just have to mix for longer is all, don't heat those
Serve and garnish with lemon or mint.
Crewel - Carrot Salad idk man I'm running out of steam and ideas lmaoooo
Materials and Ingredients: - Carrots, peeled - Grater - Bowl - Lemon, salt, cayenne - Fork
Grate your carrots into the bowl you're gonna eat out of
Squeeze your shredded carrots to get rid of the extra Juice (look at GTAT)
Add lemon/lime, salt and cayenne according to taste, and mix with fork
Tastes best chilled, eat immediately
Vargas - Deviled Eggs
Materials and Ingredients: - Saucepan/pot + Stove - Water - Eggs - Mayo - Salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne - Bowl + fork - Lime juice (optional) - Knife and cutting board - Bowl with ice water
Choose how many eggs you're gonna want to make, idk, maybe 6? Put them in the pot and gently fill with just enough water to cover them. Add salt and lemon juice (GTAT) to the water and heat on medium
Prepare your bowl with ice water. Let your eggs boil for about 8 minutes before draining the water and running them under cold water until they're cool enough to handle for a few seconds to put in the ice bath
Wait until your eggs are cold enough to handle for you to crack the egg shells off. I love using my hands but if it's easier to put it in a container with a lid and shake it gently, go ahead, just shake it enough to break the shell in a way you can remove it.
Once all your eggs are shelled, cut them in half the long way, (be careful they are Slippery)
Remove the yolks gently without ripping the egg white. Generally, you can just use your fingers or turn the egg upside down orrr very gently push the yolk out from behind into the bowl.
Add mayo and seasonings at your discretion. (if it feels like it's missing something, you can try adding diced pickles/pickle juice, bacon bits, dill, or mustard.) Mash together with the fork until smooth, or if you're using a lot of eggs you can use a hand mixer. Mixture should be creamy.
Gently spoon the mixture back into the egg whites. Any leftover mixture will be great on sandwiches!
Sam - Sausage Bites
Materials and Ingredients: - 1 Pillsbury OG Crescent Roll dough - Sausage of your choice, cut into 1 inch pieces (unless it's cocktail sausages, leave them as is) - 1 Egg + 1tbsp for an egg wash - Baking sheet + parchment paper (oven) - Flour - Pizza cutter (more fun than a knife) - Plate w/ paper towel - Sauce: 1/2 cup Mayo, 1 tbsp mustard, 1 tbsp ketchup + Cajun seasoning to your hearts content or a simple chipotle mayo works too
Make your sauce, throw it in the fridge to cool, set your oven to 350 F.
Lightly flour your counter and spread out the Pillsbury dough. Cut each triangle into 3 smaller triangles. Place sausage on wide end of the triangle and wrap it to make kind of like. A donut around it.
Place on baking sheet and add egg wash. I don't have a basting brush so I kinda wing it with whatever bright idea strikes me first. Usually I just end up using my fingers lol
Bake for 15 minutes, until pastry is golden brown
Once done, place on plate and allow to cool. Add toothpicks if you'd like, and serve with your dip.
Others (BONUS, come on guys I'm pretending like this is something people actually want to read LMAO)
Jack T. - Vanilla Latte Bars
Materials and Ingredients: - Coffee beans - Vanilla - Pitted dates - Rolled oats - Food processor - Cake pan + parchment paper
For every cup of oats, match with pitted dates + 1/2 a cup. (2 cups oats = 2 1/2 cups of dates). For every cup of oats, add a 1/8 cup of coffee beans. (2 cups oats = 1/4 cup coffee beans). Add vanilla with your heart. Everything goes in the food processor and gets blended.
Pinch the 'dough' between your fingers. If it doesn't crumble, it's ready. If it does, add a splash of warm water, blend again, and repeat until the dough holds it's shape.
Press mixture into cake pan evenly and refrigerate
Cut and serve once hardened
Che'nya - Cheez-whiz, pickle and mini-marshmallow sandwich Oh, context? Yeah my dad said this was his childhood snack and I wanted to be like him when I was like 5. Do not recommend. But I also don't like processed cheese.
Materials and Ingredients - White bread, Wonder bread is ideal - Cheez-whiz - Sweet pickles, sliced - Multi coloured mini marshmallows - A psych assessment
You don't get help with this. You know what you're doing.
Falena - Chicharrones (Like. Pork bites.)
Materials and Ingredients: - Cutting board + knife - Pork cutlet (I only need to feed myself, so a huge cut of meat isn't necessary - Salt - Baking tray + parchment paper (oven)
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Cut your pork cut into ~1 inch cubes, or smaller. Place on baking sheet and use a generous amount of salt to season. Mix with your hands.
Cook until you can easily pull the pork apart
I like to use a little lemon, a little homemade tortilla and some crema to eat them, but just lemon or using them to top nachos works too
Cheka - Poor Man's Horchata He just likes it more because he can set it up mostly by himself, and he can share it without worrying about nut allergies.
Materials and Ingredients - Pitcher - Water - White sugar - Oats - Vanilla - Cinnamon - Ice - Wooden spoon
For every cup of oats, add half a cup of sugar into pitcher (or cup for a personal serving)
Bring 3/4 full with water and add ice to bring it as high as you are comfortable stirring.
Add remaining ingredients to taste, and add sugar/water/oats as necessary
Najma - Mango with Tajin
Materials and Ingredients - Cutting board and knife - Mango - Tajin - Bowl
Cut your mango however you like. I typically cube my Haden mangoes, but Ataulfo I do the grid thing and pop it up
Add Tajin to your preference. If you don't have Tajin, use lime, salt and cayenne.
Neige (and the dwarves) - Tarte Soleil (higher effort snack) It's easy to share and 'sun tart' feels fitting
Materials and Ingredients: - 2 puff pastries, cut into equal size circles - Egg for wash, like Sam's - Black and white sesame seeds, (Optional) - Garlic butter (softened butter w/ garlic powder, salt, lemon and parsley to taste) - Baking sheet + parchment paper (oven) - Water - Cup/Glass - Knife
Cut your puff pastry so it's just small enough to fit on your baking sheet. Leave one on the sheet and put the other in the fridge for now. Preheat your oven to 350 F.
Spread the garlic butter on the circle, leaving about a half inch untouched all the way around the circle. Place in the fridge for 5 minutes to set.
Dab the edges of the crust with water and set the other puff pastry on top, gently pressing the edges together (not squishing)
Put the glass smack dab in the middle, or at least best you can, and upside down. (Do not Press.) Use your knife to cut away from the glass and make a bunch of 'rays' (easiest way is to quarter the dough, then cut each quarter into sixths.)
Remove the glass and gently press where your 'ray' meets the circle the glass made to prevent it from ripping as you twist it. Repeat for every 'ray'
Egg wash, (just like Sam's), sprinkle sesame seeds and bake until golden brown (30-35 minutes)
Let it cool, transfer to serving plate, and rip off the rays to eat.
If you need to melt chocolate and don't have a microwave (been there love, I know), you can use a small pot with water in it, I would say about a third of the pot is good, and a glass bowl big enough to sit on top of it. Boil that motherfucker and melt chocolate in the glass bowl, this is basically a poor man's double boiler
To clean melted sugar from the pot, there's a couple ways to go about it. I can't relax when I know there are dishes still waiting for me, so I used my kettle to boil more water, poured it into the pot, mixed it around with the fork I used, and most of it dissolved. I poured it down the sink, then used a sponge, soap and brute force to get the rest of it out. The other option is similar, where you just add fresh water to what's left of the sugar mixture, let it sit overnight, boil it again, and then dump it. (don't use cold water it will harden against the pot and be even more difficult to clean)
Some oven's don't go that low, I think the other common lowest temp is 170 F. That's okay! You can use a pair of metal tongs to keep your oven slightly ajar, just check in on it every once in a while. I use the same trick when I make meringue cookies and it works perfectly. Makes it wonderful during winter, but in summer make sure you don't overheat love <3.
You'll know the oil is hot enough to deep fry if you 1. put the back end of a wooden spoon in the oil and bubbles form around it, or 2. drop a small bit of the batter/flour in and it starts bubbling.
If you don't like bell peppers, you can shred carrots or zucchini, just make sure you squeeze and drain out the water first. You can do this with a cheese cloth or just your hands and pouring the water/juice out of the bowl over the sink. The dryer you can get it the better.
Adding lemon juice to the water helps separate the shell from the egg
I did this shit in like 8 hours gooooooooooooooooooooooooood I hope it doesn't flop. But if it does, I hope whoever it does reach, enjoys it, I had fun making it.
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marmorafarms · 1 year
hi! can i request a sebastian x gn reader soft smut where theyre already together? like reader comes back from the mine at like midnight and they’re decently hurt w/ a limp and they pass behind sebastian’s house as he’s returning home so he sees them and freaks out (in the anxiety-ridden, introverted fashion, naturally), so he goes back to the readers farm with them and helps them get patched up which leads to deep convos and soft touchies! :D i know you said in your rules that you don’t write gore so if this counts as that then feel free to ignore :) ty!! <3
Yes I can!!! This sounded so nice to me! I really should've asked before hand about the wording you wanted for the smutty part. I tried to keep it as neutral as possible!
Also, if you'd like to see other fics with a gn reader, just let me know! Totally down for that!
As always, I gotta specify that this is...
18+ ONLY!!!
It's very soft and sweet. I hope you enjoy!
"What time is it, Papa?"
"It's time for YOU to go to bed!"
"But it's still light out!"
You chuckled to yourself at the memory. Your dad always used to say that, even if it was morning. But if he was here now...he'd be so right.
Wait, why were you even thinking about that?
Your vision was fuzzy around the edges, and honestly, you'd been having some weird thoughts after climbing out of the mines. Those crazy cave flies had really done a number on you. Usually you took care of them no problem, but you forgot to bring supplies this time.
You could feel blood trickling down your face. Vaguely, you realized you must have a head injury. Probably from when you fell off the ladder and right onto a rock crab.
What you needed to do was get to Harvey's. What you were going to do was find the path to your house and collapse on your bed. Hopefully you'd feel somewhat better on the morning.
Suddenly, your leg gave out, and you tumbled to the ground. You cried out in pain, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. Your ankle was definitely twisted, and you supposed the gash on your knee wasn't helping.
There was a voice, but you didn't register it. You weren't even really sure where you were. The voice got closer and you wondered why it sounded familiar. Before you could place it, you slumped over, and everything went black.
"Shit shit shit!"
Not the most beautiful or comforting words to wake up to, but you still felt a sense of calm wash over you. Pacing nearby was your boyfriend Sebastian. Just seeing him put you at ease.
"Seb...Sebastian?" you croaked out. His head whipped around, and there was clear panic in his eyes. In seconds, he was kneeling by your side.
"Are you okay?" he blurted out. "No of course you're not. That was a stupid thing to say. Um...fuck. I don't...what do I do?" He was actually tugging at his hair with both hands.
"I have first aid stuff at home," you muttered.
"I'll bring you there," Sebastian said. "I'll clean you up. Okay. Okay, we have a plan." He seemed calmer now that he had some sort of idea of what to do.
You were about to struggle to your feet, but your beautiful boyfriend got to you faster. He scooped you up bridal style, and began to carry you towards the path leading to your farmhouse. It was easy to forget how strong he was, muscles built from having helped his mother chop wood and break stone.
Sebastian managed to get your front door slightly ajar, and kicked it open once he was able. He didn't let go of you until you were in the bathroom.
"Sebby...why are we in here?" you mumbled. He set you down gently on the floor and started up a bath.
"You're covered in dirt and blood," Sebastian said, voice shaking slightly. "You need to get cleaned up."
You suddenly blushed when you realized you needed to get undressed. It wasn't as though you hadn't been naked around him before. But for some reason, you felt nervous every time.
"Let me help," Sebastian said. He carefully undressed your top half, and shimmied you out of your pants and underwear. It felt strange to be completely naked and have him clothed, but you tried to ignore that.
Sebastian lifted you again, and placed you into the warm water. You hissed as the water touched your cuts and scrapes, and Sebastian whispered gentle apologies.
There was a rag by the tub, and he slowly ran it over you, getting the grime off. He was trying to be clinical about it, but you could see his eyes lingering in certain places.
"You gotta stop doing this," he said, dabbing at your head wound. It was bleeding the most, and the rag he was using was now soaked in blood. Head wounds always bled like crazy.
"Doing what?" You asked as he helped you out of the tub. He leveled you with a look and you sighed.
"If you mean going in the mines..."
"You never come out of there in one piece!" Sebastian scolded, gently patting you dry. "Every time, you're covered in cuts and bruises. I never say anything, but this time is too far!"
You blinked at him as he handed you a fluffy robe. Anger wasn't an emotion you had ever seen from him before. Irritation, yes, but anger?
"I have to go down there," you said calmly, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Says who?" Sebastian said. "Tell me!"
"I need the ore. Gold ore is 750 G a pop at Clint's. I'm not made of money! Mining is way more cost efficient!" You said. Sebastian stared at you.
"Cost efficient? You should've seen how you looked when I found you! You could've died! I love you so much, I don't know what the hell I would do without you!" he wailed.
"You...love me?" you said softly. Those were words you hadn't spoken yet.
"Yeah. I do," Sebastian said, tearing up. "You're my partner. The only person I ever want to be with."
"Sebby..." you said, wobbling over to him. He gave you a tiny smile and sighed.
"Let's put some bandages on you, yeah?"
It took a while, but soon you were patched up and lying in bed. Sebastian was at your side, and gently kissed your cheek
"You know..." you said, looking over at him, "I feel the same. I love you Seb. I...you and me forever," you ended awkwardly.
"You and me forever," he repeated before softly kissing you. His hands explored your chest before tweaking a nipple. You gasped, and his hand traveled downwards, gently brushing between your legs. Your eyes fluttered closed and he moved his hand your inner thigh.
"Why'd you stop?" you said, looking up at him. His expression was soft, and he gave the tip of your nose a quick kiss.
"Want more?" he asked.
"Mmhmm," you said.
"You sure? You're hurt," he said, biting his lip. "I don't want to make it worse."
"I'm not hurt there," you pouted. He chuckled, and gently pulled his clothes off.
He was still careful, moving inside you gently. It felt nice, loving. Sebastian touched as he moved, giving you as much pleasure as possible. You came with a soft moan of his name. This sent him over the edge, and his lips pressed against yours as he released inside you.
"I love you," you murmured, and he smiled.
"I love you too."
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drawing-prompt-s · 6 months
Promphet update
Hey, I'll be gone for a little while longer but I wanted to give you guys an update because I know some of you have been concerned.
I moved out of the apartment and into a new unit today. This has a win and some losses.
The win is of course I am not at least no longer living with my roommate and basically her friends since those mfers should have paid rent for how nightly they're over. I live diagonal from her, but I will take what I can get. It also made the move easier.
Downside, she stole or destroyed basically everything of mine in the common areas that she could. What items she didn't just steal or use and never replace (and this goes for her friends/gusests as well), are thoroughly unusable. Aside from the most expensive at least - but I could have had her head on a spike for it.
But this damages ranges from now missing every cleaning product I owned (fabulosos, bleach, detergent, etc - so many etcs), to missing personal items or finding them in worse condition than they were left (my room was tiny, I only had so much room), to straight up just destroying my cookware or stealing it. She stole most of it and damaged pretty much all the rest - cookware less than a year old is now rusted beyond repair and had to be thrown out. I have one pot and 1 pan now everything else is missing. This coming from the girl who threw a whole fit in mediations about not wanting her things touched and separating our stuff out, only to help herself to using and destroying mine, of course).
On top of that she blatantly ignored mediation compromises and was just a general dick - even the maintenance men helping me move were commenting on it. After I realized she had stolen my things I didn't even want to both getting the food, but they told me to sit tight and they got what they could. She stole and kept most of my food as well, of course, because she got full dictation over what could and could not go.
The office provided me a $50 card to Walmart - which is nice because they're not technically responsible for anything of mine lost or stolen. But after the both the leasing and property managers came to talk to her the latter realized that this was going to go south quickly and decided to at least try and help cover some of my missing items. it wont be much of a dent considering Walmart prices, but it's a nicer gesture than I expected, and they got first hand experience with even a tip of her behavior that I have endured for the last 4 months.
4 months of this. I am so, so, so tired. I am certainly rambling but her and her friends did not let me get any sleep the night before. Which only made today worse - besides living off saltines and unsweetened apple sauce for more than a week (I ran out of the saltines 3 days ago - I splurged on take out with how hungry I was today though, and so I didn't pass out).
I am still made about the cookware though. Cookware is so expensive and most all of mine was gifted.
I can't sleep yet because I have to work, but god I want to. I am so tired. I have been so tired. I'm just crashing on the couch for the next few days.
2. Because I moved units today I was able to take Jolene to the vet and get her treated. She's doing good. A little mad at me for taking her and she got car sick, but she's cuddled up with me as I work and write this post. Looking sweet as can be and stealing my heart.
3. I feel like there was supposed to be a third part to this, and I started writing it, but for the last 4 months my mind has been fuzzy. Especially right now with the lack of sleep. So it just vanished from my head immediately. Sorry ya'll.
Give me a few more days and hopefully I'll be back good as new.
Your local, mostly friendly, eldritch Prompt Prophet
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id-element0 · 3 months
More Ramblings on the Infinite Saving Bug
Alright folks, this is, hopefully, my last post regarding the 'saving bug' and I have some news. I've been dealing with this issue for the last three weeks with two weeks of it spent in testing hell. Let me say this: It doesn't get any simpler as I look into it more and more.
Still, I've concluded that the saving-bug is a form of save corruption. Once your save is affected, my condolences, it's practically game-over. The save still can be played safely, though, as long as you don't go into Buy/Build Mode - which is practically impossible. This is the really bad news, especially for builders like myself. But there is more to it! So go ahead, if you're curious. *Long Post Warning* Scroll to this part for a possible fix! -> 'here's my desperate move'
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There are many threads on the internet (e.g. 1, 2, 3) regarding the issue but none of them gives a reason or a meaningful solution. What is this bug then? From the links I provided, my understanding is that it has started around Seasons release, most likely after an update and, not surprisingly never been solved. I really wanted to believe that it's CC related but even vanilla players claim to have it; so CC is not the reason. My tests also came up with the same result so that's a bummer.
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It seems to be triggered by going into Buy/Build Mode on certain lots; but my experiences also showed that it can spread to other lots. That's why I think it's a save/world corruption. But it also appears on different saves in the same Sims 3 folder. I have found a way to uncorrupt the building to be used in other worlds but the empty lot even after the building is bulldozed remains corrupt.
Meaning, you cannot build anything on that lot without triggering the bug. The so-called saving bug also affects the process of saving the lots to your library. So once you start getting it you can't even send the building into your library. There is a way to do it using Nraas Debug Enabler but it only worked for me once.
To save you the trouble, I have a list of things I've tried and now know that don't work at all against the saving bug.
Resetting everything via Nraas MC.
Resetting lot via Nraas MC.
Bulldozing the building and resetting the lot; using hammer tool to delete every visible or invisible object on the lot.
Saving lot to the bin; adding it to another world or a clean save of the same world and editing it there.
Starting a clean save of the world and build something in a lot seems to be fine at first; but saving bug returns eventually as stated in the threads I linked.
Creating a new Sims 3 folder doesn't work, either, as long as you use the same save.
So, what does work? Well, this is where the mystery lies. My conclusion is that it's a save corruption affecting the Sims 3 folder, as a whole, which doesn't make sense; and can be spread by installing corrupt buildings. I'll summarise my testing process:
I had a separate Sims 3 folder that I use to test stuff. This folder had a slightly different mods setup and any save I have in this folder could be saved successfully no matter how long I have stayed in the Buy/Build.
Then I moved the fresh save that eventually got the saving bug (mentioned in the 5th point above), into this bug-free Sims 3 folder and guess what? I could save without a problem. That made me think this is actually a CC thing. So I carried the ingredients of my Mods folder one by one and continue testing and each time I could save, like, in 2 seconds.
The world is a small world with no population and no buildings other than my test building, an empty house and the corrupt bar that started this all. And each time it saved until I finished with the building and moved everything from my Mods folder. I was really tired and confused at that moment. If it's not CC or the save folder, then what is it?
Then I entered the corrupt bar and bam! The saving bug returns. What I did after that was a desperate move. As I stated earlier, once the saving bug begins you cannot even save the building to your library. But one can click on any venue/house map tag, Door, Window, Wall, Ground > Nraas > Debug Enabler > DEBUG: Move Lot To Game Bin. The building will disappear. Then you need to switch to Edit Town Mode wait for a minute or so. The lot will appear at upper left corner of the screen (as evicted families do) from there you can save it to your library.
Unfortunately, this method only worked once for me. If it doesn't work at first try, quit the game, restart and do this first upon loading your world. This is how I moved my corrupt building to another save and initiate the saving bug there. But I also found a way to uncorrupt the said building.
And here's my desperate move: In game select the corrupt building in your library and choose pack as a Sims3pack or whatever the option is. You wouldn't miss it, it's there. I believe you can also do it with the building still in your world, so you may not even need it in your library. Game packs it successfully and tells you so, even if the lot/building is corrupt. Because this is EA and you should share your corruption.
Ahem. Quit your game. Go to your Exports folder. Move the file to some work folder, it doesn't matter where. You need to extract it. Since Sims3pack files are nothing but containers like zip files that can hold multiple package files, they are nothing special and should be avoided normally. To unpack/extract you need either s3ce or Delphy's Sims 3 Pack multi-extractor. Or any other tool that you know of except the Launcher.
After that you will open your newly extracted package file in s3pe and delete resources that normally belong to objets. Best way to be sure is to open another lot package in your library and examine the contents. But let me help you here: Delete EVERYTHING BUT 2ARY, COMP, ICON, LDES, RFES, TXTC, TXTF, UNKN. These are the lot resources. Be patient and carefully delete everything else.
Well, this was the good news! Now you can rescue your beloved building and use it in a new save. I don't know why it works, it just does. The really bad news is like I said, your world is most likely corrupt and not only the buildings in problem lots but the empty lots themselves are corrupt. You get the saving bug again when you place your cleaned-up building in the same lot in your affected save.
OK. I think I've managed to clean the empty lot itself as well. So, it's all good. I don't know if it's a fluke but I did this and my game saved without an issue after editing the problem building:
Bulldoze the building and reset the lot via MC. Go to Edit Town and change lot type to Residential>Regular (or vice versa if it's a Residential Lot). Return to Game reset lot via MC again. Save & Quit to Desktop. Not to Main Menu.
Go to The Sims 3/WorldCaches Folder and delete the cache files belonging to your world.
Start the game & load your save. Go to Edit Town and change lot type to Community>Whatever you like or whatever the lot type was before. Go back to game and reset lot via MC again. Save and Quit to Desktop.
Go to WorldCaches and delete your world's cache files again.
Start the game & load your save. Put the building that you've cleaned up as described above in this wall of text. Go into Build Mode, do something, stay there for a while. Go back to Live mode and try to save. If it works do this with every corrupt lot in combination with uncorrupting buildings method. And you're good.
Some steps may be unnecessary like constant resetting or deleting world caches but I exactly did this so take it as you like. If nothing works, your other options are:
Use Nraas Porter and move your town to a new save. Use the method above to make sure your buildings are safe from corruption. And use a newly created Sims 3 folder.
Bulldoze both the building and the empty lot. Do this to every problem lot. Then maybe you can save your game after wandering in Buy/Build Mode. But I wouldn't hold my breath for this one. Another issue with this method is that you will most likely not be able put another lot in place of the one you bulldozed. Because Sims 3.
Or make a copy of your save and enter Buy/Build Mode on every community lot one by one. Try to save once on each lot. If it saves, the lot is safe; if it doesn't lot is corrupt. Quit, load your game and do this for every lot one by one. Make a list of every corrupt building. Either bulldoze them all or never go into Build Mode on them. This way, in theory, you can play your save until another bug hits you in the face! 👍🏻 That's my plan. 👌🏼
I tried to be as clear as possible, keeping it simple, omitting some details but the issue is very complex and confusing. Also heartbreaking 💔 and rage inducing. 🤬 Well, this is it. Wish me luck and good luck to you all trying to play this cursed, borked bugfest of a game.
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arvensimp · 2 months
YFSK Preview, pt. 4.1
I know i've been super duper quiet, but I promise there's a good reason. Please forgive me and accept this teaser for part 4.
“Hey! I dunno if you’ve been keeping track on your end, but Kiki is gonna be graduating from Blueberry, and I know it would mean the absolute world to him if you were able to attend the ceremony.” Carmine called, nearly out of the blue one day to inform you. Her brother had apparently been a part of a trial class that not only earned a high school diploma but also continued on for a few more years as part of a pilot Bachelor’s degree program in pokemon battling. From what you understood, it was basically like a feeder system to train new gym leaders and Elite Four hopefuls.
You look down at your ballooning tummy,
"Congratulations to him! When is it exactly though…?"
You wince and resist the urge to suck your teeth when Carmine gives you the date.
"Ahhh... I'm so sorry, I've got something at that time."
"For real? You can't just ask for time away from your league for even a weekend? This would REALLY mean the world to Kiki..."
"I'm sorry, but…I won't actually be allowed to fly by that point."
"Allowed? What kinda terrorism have you gotten into?"
You snort a laugh. "Pssh, nah. It's... It's medical actually. Here. Lemme, uh..." Without hanging up, you send over the most recent ultrasound photos. Your baby still kinda looks like a Munna in there, but she should get the point. Or, at least you assume she does when you hear the sound of crashing and fumbling on her end.
"You're having a BABY?????"
"Uh...haha, yeah. The due date is, like, a week after Kieran's graduation, so... I, y'know, can't fly. I'm really sorry. I'll be sure to send a gift though!"
"Yup. I can hardly believe it myself, most days."
"I didn't even know you were seeing anyone! Who is this guy? Why didn't you let your incredible Unovan friends suss him out for you?"
Another wince. "...About that. Yeah... He's not...um. In the picture."
"What? How? Why? Whomst would even dare? Do I need to kick some ass?"
"It's...." You still haven’t gotten used to talking about the subject. "It's a lot. Don't. ...Don't worry! Really! I have tons of support! It's fine. For real."
Carmine absolutely isn't buying it. "Mm. Fine. I guess I get why you can't make it to the graduation. Could we come visit afterwards though? Like I get you probably wouldn't want us there immediately after he graduates. But...maybe like a few months later? Give the thing a chance to develop an immune system?"
"I can't promise I'll be a great host, but... Well, it would be nice."
"Don't worry yourself none! I've changed diapers and stuff before if you end up needing a nap while we're around!"
So around the time Basil is 3 months old, the Kitakami pair head to Paldea.
Of course, Basil is having a rough time of it, screaming his little lungs out as they're knocking on the door, so you can only hope that you don’t look as frazzled as you feel when you welcome them in.
"Hey! Hello! Please, come in, come in. Make yourselves at home.” You give the pair a hug at the same time, barely able to register them beyond the fog of ‘TAKE CARE OF BASIL, TAKE CARE OF CRYING PROGENY, TAKE CARE OF BABY’ that alarms through your brain. “I'm really sorry, but I just need to feed Basil real fast. That should hopefully get him sleeping and happy again."
You usher them in and invite them to sit on the sofa, the TV is theirs, and you hide away in the bedroom to nurse. A few minutes later, Carmine gently knocks on the door and asks if she can be of any help. You joke through the wood that the dishes need doing when she presses past the feeble ‘it’s fine!’ that you offer.
"Kiki! Take care of the dishes, yeah?"
"On it!" You hear, softer.
"Okay, what else?" She continues.
"No! Just. Just relax, please."
"Nah, I'm gonna tidy up. Kay? You just keep feeding the chonklet there, and we can catch up when you're done."
You come back out to the room, and it's not Clean, but it's definitely more put together. You also hear the hum of the dishwasher from the kitchen.
"You guys...." You start tearing up, and both siblings immediately swoop in to hold you. Carmine strokes your hair, shushing you. Now that you’ve got your child content, you have a moment to comprehend your guests.
Kieran is. Bigger.
"I... I promise I'm not this pathetic! I can handle this. Plus, I... I have folks here who can help... It's just hard..." You snivel, sounding way more pathetic than you mean to sound.
"It's okay that it's hard..." Kieran finally pipes up and his voice is definitely deeper since you last heard him. Not a bass or something, but there's been a change there. "This is more or less the hardest thing in the world, right? And we all know you're the strongest person there is, so...ya know. It's okay. You...you can do this. And you can feel overwhelmed."
They end up staying for about a week or so, and on the night before they're due to fly back, Kieran pulls you aside while Carmine is grabbing takeaway for dinner. He's fidgeting with his hair a bit, tapping his foot, but he's doing his best to meet your eye.
"I'm staying." He declares.
"What? Like you're gonna look for a job here?"
"Yeah! I know I'm not as strong as you, but I'm certain I could get a job in your league or...or maybe even at your alma mater, maybe. I... I'd need to do a teaching cert in Paldea for that, probably, but..."
"Wow! So you liked it that much here? That's great, Kieran. I can help you learn the language if you want. I can also see if Nemona has any real estate connections. We'll try to find you a place when you're ready to get back, and hopefully by then you'll have a job, and you can get started wi--"
"No! I mean... I'm. I'm not going back to Kitakami." One of his hands grabs yours and the other rests gently on Basil, sleeping soundly in your arms. "He needs...a...a father figure, y'know? I..." Kieran swallows thickly. "I can do that. I'm... I'm a man now."
"Kieran..." You shift slightly, freeing a hand from your bundle while keeping him balanced in your arms. You trace a palm along the older boy--no, man's cheek, your callouses having grown softer in recent months. You can feel where he's begun to grow consistent stubble. Wow... He really did grow up.
"I... I'm not going to keep you from reaching your fullest potential out there. You're welcome, more than welcome, to come visit any time, but... You're not thinking clearly about this. About what you think you're signing up for."
"I AM though!" He raises his voice, showing some hints of the anger he holds onto. "I'm READY for this! God, why can't anyone TRUST me?!"
All the yelling wakes up Basil, who cries, startled. Kieran quickly scoops him up and out of your arms, attempting to soothe the baby.
"Aw, geez... I'm sorry, little guy... I didn't mean to make you upset... Shh, shh... It'll be okay..."
The momentary flare of anger you felt at having your son torn from your grip is placated as you watch Kieran hold him so tenderly. Your heart melts... You lose all affection you may have secretly held onto in your heart for Arven, that loser.
Kieran is here. Kieran is capable. Kieran... Kieran can do this.
"Okay..." You softly tell him once Basil has calmed, the single word hanging in the quiet between you for a moment.
"...Okay?" He parrots.
"You... You can stay. You... You'll be his father."
Then y'all DO IT.
april fools :)
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tbnrpotato · 2 months
Our Own Choices
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Chapter 1
When I first opened my eyes, everyone around me looked the same. We were all clones of Jango Fett. But for some reason, everyone avoided me. I didn't know why until I looked into the mirror for the first time.
I never looked like the others. I was a girl. The rest were all guys. I always ate alone in the cafeteria, and sometimes I talked to this clone called 99, who was defective, just like me. 
I've seen these clones who don't look like the others before, but I never really got the chance to talk to them, I was mostly put with the regular clones. 
The regs said that I was a mistake, that I shouldn't have been created, but I didn't really care much. I was gonna be a soldier and serve the Republic, just like them, right?
A few days ago, I saw 99 on cleaning duty, so I went to help him out a bit.
"Y'know what they do to defective clones like us?" 99 asked. I shook my head, I probably didn't wanna know the answer either way.
"They make us do jobs like this, transporting weapons and stuff, cleaning up after the others."
"Mhm. And soon enough they're gonna make me do that as well, aren't they?" I asked. 
I could understand why, though. I was also physically weaker than the other clones, which would be a disadvantage on the battlefield. 
If the Kaminoans were gonna make me do that kind of shit for the rest of my life, I was gonna have to make my own path.
Jango and Boba Fett were living on Kamino, and I knew for a fact they had a ship. So when a Jedi ship landed on Kamino, I snuck onto Jango's ship and hid there. Wasn't really hard, cause no one seemed to care about (biologically) 14 year-old me anyways.
Soon enough, the ship took off and we landed on Geonosis after a totally calm ride through an asteroid field.
I mostly stayed in the ship during that time, not wanting to get noticed. It was only when the blaster fire died down that I ran to a hangar, stole a random ship and flew off to a place in the outer rim, where hopefully no one could find me.
I mainly survived on cantina leftovers, and found a knife on the floor which I always kept with me in case I needed to defend myself.
That definitely came in handy when the Separatists took over the planet where I was. I hid in the alleys when battle droids patrolled the streets, and whenever they came into my territory, let's just say they didn't come back out.
I remembered when the clones came to clear this planet of the Separatists, I remembered the blaster fire, and I was covering my ears hiding in an alley, curled up into a ball when battle droids came in.
Instinctively, I reached for my knife and sliced the head off of one battle droid, and the others pointed their blasters at me, about to fire.
I managed to stab another in the head before one of them shot me in the shoulder. It felt like that area where I got shot was being burned, and I winced, holding my shoulder and backing up against a wall, the battle droids still pointing their blasters at me.
Suddenly, the battle droids were shot from behind, and I saw a clone in white and blue armour standing there, pistols raised.
"You alright kid?" he asked.
I nodded, still holding my shoulder. 
The clone examined me for a moment. I could feel my heart pounding in my head.
Please don't recognize me as a clone, please don't recognize me as a clone-
"Are you a clone?"
Ah shit.
There was something different about this clone though. I felt like I could trust him, I didn't think he would turn me in to the Kaminoans.
I nodded silently.
"You're a...female clone?" he asked.
I nodded again.
"Cmon. We should get you patched up. That wound on your shoulder looks nasty."
The clone held out his hand, and I hesitantly took it, following him to a republic ship.
"Now just stay here, the medic will come in a while, I'll come back in a while."
I watched as the clone ran off to the battlefield, rubbing my shoulder.
When the medic came, I asked him,"Who's that clone in the white and blue armour?"
"That's Captain Rex," the medic said as he bandaged up my shoulder. "He's a good soldier. Why'd he bring you here?" 
"Just lucky, I guess," I replied.
The medic chuckled a bit under his helmet. "Name's Kix, what's yours?"
My voice was quiet. "I...don't have one. Back on Kamino, I was just assigned a number."
"You're a clone?" Kix asked.
"Mhm, female clone, I was never meant to exist but, here I am. And I swear if you bring me back to Kamino I'm gonna make sure you're gonna have an injury that you can't fix." I said, motioning to the knife on my belt.
Kix laughed. "I won't turn you in, we're not snitches."
"Good for you."
A few hours later, Rex and the others returned. The other clones all gave me this "who tf is this dude" look, and Rex motioned for me to follow him, which I did. He led me to a room and sat me down on a bed, and took off his helmet.
"How're you feeling kid?" he asked.
I just nodded as a response.
"Clones your age should be on Kamino, not out here."
"Don't bring me back, I don't wanna be on cleaning duty for the rest of my life," I said quietly.
"Why would they make you do that? You're a clone, just like all of us are. We were bred to be soldiers."
"I'm physically weaker than the others, you could say I'm a defective clone." 
"That doesn't make you any less valuable than us." Rex put a hand on my good shoulder.
I shrugged my shoulders. "The Kaminoans gave me basic military training but not much else, I'm quite alright with a knife but I don't mind using a sniper either."
"I could train you myself..."
I immediately jumped up from the bed. "HELL YEA LES GOOOOOO"
"But it's not gonna be easy, and you can't just back out halfway through."
I sat back down on the bed, nodding.
Rex smiled. "Do you have a name?"
I shook my head. "I was only assigned a number on Kamino."
"Well, there was this jedi general who was really good at her melee skills, used swords and everything when she was transported to another realm and found her way back here. Her name's Aris, leader of the 504th Legion and general Skywalker's sister. So let's just call you Aris for now, how does that sound?"
"That sounds like a cool name," I replied, nodding.
"Okay then, Aris. Welcome to the Grand Army of The Republic."
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allemantheias · 8 months
Repaying them for saving you. Part 2.
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Status: finished. 03-12-2023. Part 1. [Part 2.] Part 3. Part 4.
Read this on AO3. ~ ~ Masterlist. ~ ~ Word count: 893.
"Did they hurt you in other ways?" The bearded man, Alejandro, who sat you down in the medic's office, puts a wet gauze against your wound, making it sting badly from the alcohol it's soaked with. You pull away your face, resulting in the man keeping your head still with his other hand on your neck. The skin-to-skin contact sends electricity through your cheeks. His touch feels so nice and soft, make you crave much more.
"No, only this cut. I don't know what they would have done if they didn't run into the roadblock. I wouldn't have made it out alive."
"Probably not, indeed. It's a good thing we took them out." Him talking about the cartel members being dead makes you feel uncomfortable. You've never been confronted with death like this before, or been this close to recently killed people who got shot while you were only mere centimetres away. The bad guys died, that's good, but you didn't want to be part of them being taken out. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Killing is.. well.. part of the job, unfortunately."
"It's okay. I'm glad you got out alive." You hate yourself for blurting the words out like that, wish the ground underneath your feet would swallow you from embarrassment. Your cheeks must be fire red! "I mean-" Alejandro smiles while he removes the wet gauze from your cut and replaces it with a dry one that he sticks to your skin with silicone tape.
"Do you know if they targeted you?" He throws away the opened packaging and puts the rest of the stuff back where he took it from.
"I don't think so, I was just on my way home from hanging out with friends. Probably just an easy target for them because I was alone this late in the evening."
"I'll look into it after you're home safe and sound tomorrow." He already knows where you live, they asked you some questions on the drive here. Your name, age, where you live, and the rest was small talk to keep you from thinking back to the events at the roadblock. Your house is too far to take you home this late, so they got you a bed on base. You both look up from a knock on the door and the other guy peeks his head around the corner.
"Found some clothes that hopefully fit." He puts a pile of clothes next to you on the examination bed. "Anything else I can do? Some food maybe?"
"That would be amazing, I'm starving."
The guy smiles. "There's leftover burritos, if you like?"
"Oh, absolutely!"
"Let's get you cleaned up first." Alejandro turns on the faucet with hot water and puts the plug in the sink so it fills up. "You can take a shower after you've eaten." He holds his hand under the stream, waits for it to get to a good temperature. When the sink is filled up to the holes that prevent it from spilling over, he dunks in a cloth and wrings out most of the excess water. With the steaming fabric, he sits back down next to the bed. You remove your blood-stained shirt, which makes him swallow noticeably. He quickly regains his composure and softly rubs the very hot, wet cloth on the skin of your throat, below the gauze, cleaning off the dried-up blood. The cloth burns your skin slightly, but the heat of it feels great. You sigh from pleasure. "Sorry, is that too hot?" He pulls his hand back in case he is hurting you with the temperature of it.
"No, it's fine. It's hot, but not too bad. I like it like this." You smile at him to show him it really is okay and he presses the small towel on your collarbone again. Soon the cloth is drenched with your blood and Alejandro soaks it in the hot water again to rinse it from the red liquid. This process is repeated until there's no more blood visible on you. "Thank you." While you get dressed into the clean clothes, you feel Alejandro's eyes burning in your back.
"It's no problem, pretty. Get your wound checked out by the medic tomorrow morning. After that I'll take you home." He leads you to the mess hall, where the other guy is ready with a heap of burritos.
"Great timing, Rudy." The other guy smiles and distributes the food over three plates. So his name is Rudy. That suits him.
"Always." He takes the plates to the closest table and you take a seat after they do. You're not sure if you should sit next to them, so you leave one chair in between Rudy and yourself, opposite of Alejandro. "Food's hot. Don't burn your mouth." Steam is rising from the burrito and you blow on it to cool it down a bit quicker.
You don't have the patience to wait for it to cool down to an edible temperature and take a bite. It's still too hot and you regret not waiting a few more minutes. "Fuck, it's hot!" You breathe out with a full mouth in discomfort. Rudy and Alejandro laugh at the sight of you not listening to the warning. You're lucky that it wasn't hot enough anymore to burn the inside of your mouth.
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Hawks/F!Darling: Breaking Silence
TW: noncon
He'd dealt with people giving him the silent treatment before: suspects, wary targets, even colleagues who disliked him for his cocky pretty boy persona. He couldn't really blame them, but it never lasted forever. As long as he talked "out loud, totally to himself without anyone else in the room to hear or respond" and said just the right things to wear down their walls, he could tease a word or two out of them. And once that crack appeared, it would grow into a flood without them realizing it was too late.
All those other times though, they didn't hurt the same way it did with ____. He knew she'd be upset by him taking her, but he'd prepared for that. All her favorite things were already moved in while she was unconscious, her employer had been told she was putting in her two weeks, and he'd been a perfect gentleman while she was asleep. Minimize the damage as much as possible when you're confronted. Do what you can to turn distrust into self-doubt, and turn THAT into trust.
Not exactly relationship advice, but his training was all he'd had to go on when it came to how to deal with events in his life after he'd been recruited by the Safet Commission.
He'd spoken gently to her, insisted that she had every right to be angry at him, let her scream and try to escape before realizing it was impossible on all fronts. And when she'd collapsed onto the floor and started to cry, he'd been there to slowly inch closer and closer until he had his arms around her; he'd been so subtle and inviting that she hadn't even flinched until he spoke up and she heard his voice so close to her ear.
____ hadn't spoken to him for the past two days in some attempt to defy him. He could practically hear her thoughts though, with the way she glared at him with contempt. I hate you. You know this is wrong and you're going to try and make me feel like I'M the crazy one for thinking that. You ruined my life.
But despite her efforts, he didn't falter. He'd simply smiled and playfully reached out to poke her chin after he'd taken her empty breakfast plate away (a plastic one, given her propensity for throwing things at him in frustration). "Cat got your tongue again today?"
____ continued to glower at him.
He brushed her cheek with his fingers. "That's okay," he replied. "I'll just do enough talking for both of us again. It's actually kinda fun, being the super friendly and chatty guy people make me out to be." The smile on his lips twitched and seemed a little more downcast as he moved to make sure she'd eaten all of her food; hopefully she knew better by now than to try and spit it out so she didn't have to ingest the crushed-up "relaxers" he'd mix into her eggs.
He smiled when he saw that her plate was clean and she had no way of hiding that much food under her tongue or in her cheeks. "Enjoyed it? You ate every bite this time. Guess I'm getting better at cooking."
He set the tray down in the corner of the room and crawled into bed to cuddle with ____ while the drugs started to take effect. ____ turned away from him and stared defiantly at the opposite wall; Hawks simply put his arms around her and held her from behind, rubbing circles into her shoulders and enjoying the way her hair tickled his face. "I'm actually a better cook than most people think," he continued. "I'm not the kinda celebrity who's always had chefs and butlers and personal assistants, y'know?" He moved his hips closer to her as he recalled the kitchen in his parents' apartment: filthy, usually bare with the exception of rice, clearance vegetables a day away from rotting, some eggs, dried fish, and a bit of soy sauce.
"Granted, I'm making way better stuff for us now, but I can still make a mean bowl of okayu. I mean...it's just rice porridge, but still!"
He left a small beat of silence to try and read her body language from behind as he rubbed against her. She'd stiffened up, but hadn't made any effort to move away. "Even if I was still starving and barely scraping by though, I'd do my best to give you something good. I'd find a way to take care of you." He moved his head up to kiss ____'s cheek, and he noticed her eyes were already starting to droop.
"I'll always take care of you."
The stars in his eyes were met with a hazy, barely-there gaze from her as he looked down at her. His hands wandered under the covers as he kissed her face and neck, and not once did she move away or fight back. His sweet words to her were punctuated with quick kisses. "I...love you...so much," he sighed. "You can hate me for as long as you want, you don't ever have to love me back. Just be loved by me, and I'll do the rest, ok?"
He pulled her panties aside and slowly ground against her backside, slipping his precum-slicked cock up and down her slit. ____ made a small noise of protest, but kept her lips pressed together. "Still trying to stay silent? Baby, you don't have to hide how good you feel just because you're mad at me." He circled his index finger around her clit and heard her gasp through her nose.
As he continued to toy with her cunt and rub his cock against her entrance, he'd see her clenching her jaw and biting her lip to keep her noises to a minimum. Still, her silence couldn't hide how wet she'd become, or how her chest had started to rise and fall as she panted softly. Hawks rolled her on her back and crawled on top of her, thrusting just the tip into her tight walls.
____ limply tried to throw her hands over her face as she cried out, but Hawks quickly moved them back to lay on either side of her pillow. "I-I'm gonna cum soon," he said with a moan. "Fuck, Angel, I love you so fuckin' much..." He leaned down to kiss her neck and briefly suck on one of her nipples with one hand on her other breast. "Where do you want it, hm? Inside? Or all over you?"
Either way, he was going to love it. He could claim her from the inside and fill her up, or he could cover her with his essence and mark her body as his to keep. Just the thought of it was about to push him over the edge--
"P-please..." A small murmur passed through ____'s lips, her voice thick as she struggled not to cry. "Please s-stop..."
He came with a sharp cry, flooding her cunt with warmth and feverishly rubbing at her stiff clitoris with a few fingers to make her cum around him at the same time. His wings fluttered and shook as his eyes rolled back a little, and when the roaring in his ears mixed with Darling's high-pitched moan had subsided he looked down and saw her covering her face again in shame.
Instead of moving them back again, Hawks sighed lovingly and wrapped his arms around them to pull them against his chest as he cuddled her from behind again. He slowly eased his cock out of her and felt her shiver from the sensation of cum dribbling out of her cunt. He kissed her cheek again and stroked her sides with a dark glint of happiness in his golden eyes.
"I missed hearing your voice, Chickadee."
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brostateexam · 7 months
Miss California updates 11/6
I didn't talk much about the stitches thing yesterday because I was too tired. I've been taking her cone off during meal times because it gets in her way and I let her groom a bit because it's an important cat behavior and she's better at it than I am using just pet wipes to try and keep her fur clean. Previously, she's shown mild interest in her incisions but I just put a hand in to block her access, and if she didn't give up after doing that twice, I put the cone back on. Largely, that's been working to redirect her to other areas that need grooming until there's nothing else she wants to do, then after she gives up her goes I put her cone back on.
Last night, she ate, went to lie down in her bed, and then went straight for her incisions, immediately biting at her stitches with her little stapler remover teeth. Not knowing what else to do and not wanting to mess with her positioning in case I messed up her still healing pelvis, I stuck my finger between her teeth and the wound.
She accidentally bit me, but immediately realized it was my finger and softened her approach. She didn't even break the skin. All in all, it went about as well as it could have, though I'm worried that she got the stitches out of one of her incisions subsequently but the light was too poor and frankly I was too tired to do more than just check and make sure there was no blood or discharge (there wasn't). I texted the e-vet some pictures (at their request) and they didn't respond so hopefully that means stuff is fine?
She seems to have diarrhea, also. So I'll call them about that because I can't tell if this is maybe a side effect of her coming off of buprenorphine or if this is actually something I should be worried about. She seems otherwise fine.
As proof: she escaped her quarters and came to find me in the kitchen, which is on the other side of the house. So she clearly isn't feeling particularly weak or lethargic.
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munsonfamilyband · 1 year
Part 5 of Different Meeting AU
This part is going to be very sappy, enjoy! The boys do imply a little bit more about their sex life so TW for this part: implied sexual content, discussion of torture, mentions of character death
After Steve left the trailer park, he strapped the new bag of Eddie's things to his bike with the food, grabbed his backpack and started biking toward the lake. To stay out of sight he followed the train tracks, then split off from the woods when he reached Holland road. He pulled up to the house and hid his bike around the back, hurrying over to the boat house.
Steve carefully opened the door, peeking his head inside. "Eddie? I'm back, where are you?" At that, Eddie threw the tarp off and nearly ran to pull Steve into a hug. Steve could feel the anxiety thrumming off of Eddie like a physical thing and just held him tighter for a moment before finally pulling back to look him in the eyes. Eddie gave him a small smile, eyes still tight.
"Hey, did you get snacks?"
"Yeah, I grabbed you some clothes too. Went to see the guys, let them know what happened. I saw Wayne too, he was smart enough to hide anything illegal or incriminating before he called the cops this morning, so I have all of your drugs and my clothes from your place. He did leave the handcuffs and condoms though, probably figured they didn’t scream Homosexual too much." Steve quickly spoke up when he saw the almost feral grin on Eddie's face, "and I am glad he did, we do not need to be getting carried away while hiding from the cops." Eddie's grin dropped, practically pouting.
"Not even a little carried away? It’s not like we ever really use the condoms anymore."
"Eddie, we had sex like two days ago. And we don’t exactly have the ability to clean up around here.”
"Tell me about it, that's two whole days." Steve just rolled his eyes, ignoring the warmth he always feels in his chest whenever Eddie shows how much he wants him.
"C'mon, horndog, let's go into the house. We never cleaned up our picnic last weekend so all the blankets and pillows are still out. I brought our book too, so you can read to me tonight." Steve held out his hand, Eddie grabbing it quickly and pressing a kiss to the back of it as the head toward Steve's bike. They grab the bags and head into the house, setting them down on the kitchen table. "The food is in the duffle bag, can you put it away while I talk to Robin and let her know I'm back? I promised I would walkie to tell her." Eddie nodded, pressing a kiss to Steve's shoulder as he passed him to go put the food away.
Steve dug his walkie out of his backpack and tuned into the right channel. "Robin, are you there?"
"Steve! Did you get back to the lake okay?"
"Yeah, I just got back. I stopped by the trailer on the way here and saw Wayne, he had all my stuff packed up from the trailer, along with any incriminating items." Robin snorted through the walkie talkie.
"So he found all of Eddie's drugs and sex toys?"
"No!" Steve paused as he blushed. “We don’t leave that stuff at the trailer.” He only blushed more when Robin’s laugh came through the walkie.
“But he found all the drugs?”
"Shut up, Robs. Yes, Wayne found all of Eddie’s drugs. I just wanted to let you know I got back safe. Now can I get back to my boyfriend?”
"Good. Also, you're welcome, by the way. I managed to keep Dustin from outing you, I figured you would want to tell Nancy yourself." Steve sighed softly, so unbelievably grateful for his best friend.
"Thank you, Robbie. I'll have to find a time to tell he when we all meet up to plan, hopefully soon."
"Yeah, Nance actually was at the trailer park earlier. She said she had gone to investigate and ran into Eddie's uncle, he said something about Victor Creel? She said he was like a crazy murder from the 50s so I think we're planning on going to the library tomorrow to do some research."
"Alright, keep me posted on whatever you learn. I'm starving and I know Eddie must be too, so I'm going to go make us some food. Stay safe, Rob, over and out." Steve listened to her quick goodbye and pushed down the antenna of the walkie, setting it on the table before heading into the kitchen. "You hungry? I know I am." Eddie was sitting on the counter, flipping a butter knife in an attempt to look cool.
"I'm always hungry, and I have definitely missed your food this week." Steve smiled at him and got out the ingredients for quick goulash, knowing it was one of Eddie's favorites.
"I meant to tell you, Wayne wanted me to let you know that he never thought you were guilty." Glancing over at Eddie, Steve could see his shoulders visibly relax. Clearly, that had been weighing heavily on his mind.
"Yeah, he knew you would be worried about him thinking you were like your dad, and he wanted you to know that he never did."
"I love that old man." Steve laughed, leaning his hip against Eddie's knee where he was still sitting on the counter.
"He loves you too." Steve cooked quickly, getting their food together so they could move into the living room to eat. Once their food was in bowl, he and Eddie went into the living room, sitting down on the blankets they left there.
After a few minutes of eating quietly, with only the sounds of the silverware and Eddie’s knee bouncing to fill the silence, Eddie finally spoke up. “So…. Tortured by Russians?” Steve sighed, setting his mostly empty bowl down on the floor. Without commenting first, Steve turned and grabbed the bag with his items in it, pulling it closer. He dig through the front zipper pouch and pulled out a small square box, opened it and pulled out a small blue piece of plastic that he carefully wrapped around his left ear. Steve saw the realization on Eddie’s face when he looked up, Eddie reaching a hand out to gently touch his left ear. “Sugar, why didn’t you say something?”
“I was scared, mostly. With the kids... I'm the one who keeps them safe, I didn't want to give them a reason to think I couldn't do that anymore." Steve looked at his hands as he spoke but was forced to look up when Eddie cupped both of his cheeks in his hands.
"Stevie, they are always going to need you around, it is okay to need help sometimes. So, from now on, you are going to promise that you will wear that hearing aid, understand?" Steve stared at Eddie for a moment before he nodded, placing his hands over Eddie's and just keeping him there. The moment was broken when a sharp pain radiated from behind Steve's left eye and he gasped, dropping Eddie's hands to push his palm into the eye socket in an attempt to stop the pain. "Migraine?"
"Fuck, yeah. Of course I didn't bring my good meds with me, shit it's bad." Steve squeezed his eyes shut to keep out the lights and he heard Eddie stand and walk away. Distantly Steve heard the stairs creak then footsteps on the second floor, before the stairs creaked again and Eddie was sitting in front of him once more.
"These aren't your good ones but I figured some motrin is as good as we can get right now. Here, give me your hand and I'll give you the pills." Keeping his eyes shut, Steve put out one of his hands and felt three pills be placed into it. After he popped them into his mouth, Eddie grabbed his hand and placed a glass of water in it so he could swallow the pills. "Good. Did something set it off? Normally you have a trigger."
"Well I would say I'm pretty stressed today so that would explain it." Eddie huffed a quiet laugh.
"Alright, that's fair. Let's lay down for a bit and once you're feeling a bit better we can keep talking." Steve let himself be guided to laying down and he curled himself against Eddie, using his chest to block out the light. Once the medicine kicked in Steve was able to shift backwards enough to look up at Eddie who was looking right back at him. "Meds doing their job, honey?"
"Yeah, you still want to hear about last summer?" Eddie nodded and Steve sighed, closing a fist around Eddie's shirt and gripping it tight. "Alright, well we told you about how we found out that the Russian's had a base under the mall but we didn't explain how we got into it. We had to drag Erica in, which I still feel so guilty for because she was only 10, and she went through the vents to get into this storage room they had on the loading dock. She opened the doors for us and we all went inside to investigate but the doors shut behind us and locked. Next thing I know the room is dropping because it was actually an elevator. We got stuck in that elevator for hours before some guards came to collect stuff from the room and we got out of there only to have to walk for miles. I think Erica actually knows how far we traveled but I wasn't there when she did the math so I don't know how far it was."
"Wait, Erica just did the math for how long you guys traveled?"
"Yeah, Dustin said she did at least. That's why he calls her a nerd apparently. Anyway, we got to the center of the base and Erica spotted the comms room, I won a fight against a Russian guard and then we found the gate they were opening to the Upside Down. At that point, Dustin and I knew this was really really bad. Then the alarms went off and we all had to run. We got cornered in a supply closet and Rob and I held the door shut so the kids could get into the vents and escape."
"You didn't..."
"I did. I couldn't let them get ahold of Dustin and Erica and Rob wouldn't leave me behind so we got captured. I knew Robin would start talking if she had the chance because she was nervous so I decided... I decided I would just be louder and more annoying so she wouldn't be their main focus. It worked and we got taken to separate rooms where I-" Steve cut off, his throat closing up from the memories of what he experienced in that bunker. "I would rather not go into detail, but, uh, they kept asking who I worked for and I had nothing to say other than the truth which they didn't like. I got knocked out eventually and when I came to I was tied back to back with Robin in a different room. She was yelling about needing a doctor and she said that she thought I might have been dead because she couldn't see me breathing. I'm pretty sure that was the broken ribs though."
"Jesus H Christ, Stevie. They nearly beat you to death."
"After I came to they asked us more questions before deciding that the best thing to do next was to give us some truth serum or something. They grabbed these syringes full of blue stuff and stuck it right in our necks. That's why I'm so spooked by needles now."
"Shit, that- well, that explains so much. sweetheart. I cannot believe you went through that and are still willing to put yourself in more danger."
"Yeah, well, the kids would get involved no matter what, and you're involved now. There was no way I would leave you to deal with this alone. There, um. There is something else. I think now that you know everything, it’s probably a good time to mention it.” Steve tilted his head up so his chin was resting against Eddie’s sternum and felt Eddie push a hand under his shirt to rest against the small of his back, radiating heat and comfort.
“What’s up? I thought I knew everything at this point, do you have another head injury to tell me about?” Steve huffed out a laugh, he could tell Eddie was trying to lighten the mood for both of them. He was so glad that he didn’t have to hide things anymore, even if he was terrified about Eddie being involved in the Upside Down.
“So, uh, I’m pretty sure we mentioned how after Billy beat me up in ‘84 Hopper took me to the hospital, right?”
“Yeah, someone mentioned it.”
“Cool, um, the thing is that wasn’t just it. After-after the hospital figured out my parents weren’t coming, Hop stepped in as uh, he said in loco parentis, but basically he was acting as my parent since I was still 17. He ended up bringing me back to his cabin after they discharged me, the hospital didn’t want me to be alone since it was a grade 3 concussion and I had the cuts on my head from the plate.” He felt Eddie’s hand curl a little tighter around his waist at the mention of the head injury again and Steve pressed a kiss to Eddie’s chest. “I’m glad he stepped up, I didn’t have anyone else. But, after that, I don’t know how it happened, somehow I sort of got absorbed into their little family. El and I got really close and that’s why I’m close with Max, and Hop-“ Steve paused as his throat closed up, it had been so long since he had even talked about Hopper’s death and it still hurt. “He became the first real father figure I had ever had. But then, Starcourt happened and he-“ This time Eddie cut him off, pulling him close so Steve didn’t have to push himself to say it.
“I know, I saw the news. I’m so sorry, princess. I had no idea you were close to him.”
“It wasn’t a long time, just around 8 months but it was enough for me to get attached to both of them. And now-now he’s gone and El’s in California, which is the best place for her but it still hurts. It’s why I was so emotional about Wayne just… accepting me the way he did. Hop had just… it had only been a few weeks and Wayne was so much like him. He’s- Wayne has helped a lot with that healing, he and Hop would have gotten along really well, I think.”
Eddie paused, just holding Steve close and rubbing his back gently. “Yeah, I think you’re right.” He hummed gently before shifting them around so he was pressed up against Steve’s back. “Wayne really loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than me.” Steve just laughed, holding Eddie’s hands in his own. 
“No way, you’re his son, Eds. He does care though which I appreciate.”
They lapse into silence, just holding each other before Steve suddenly snorts a laugh.
“I don’t think Hop would have liked you very much.” Eddie pauses for a moment and then starts laughing. 
“Absolutely not, you’re totally right. I don’t think he would want a drug dealer hanging out with his kid. Much less dating that kid.”
“I saw how he was with Mike, and that was just because he thought Mike was annoying. I think you dodged a bullet, possibly literally.” Eddie just laughed and held Steve closer to him. "Eds?"
"How are you doing? With all of this stuff." He can hear and feel Eddie sigh against the back of his neck and Eddie squeezes Steve's hand.
"Honestly?... Shit, Stevie, I'm scared out of my mind. For me, for you, for Robbie, for those god damn kids. I was prepared to have a spring break full of alone time where we got laughably high and fucked on just about every surface in this house. Now? I'm potentially on the run for murder and there's an evil wizard from another dimension that can possess people and kill them without leaving any evidence. If you hadn't shown up in that boat house, I think I would have gone insane."
"Eddie, it's okay to be terrified, you know? The first time, hell, the second time too, that I did this I thought I was going crazy. I couldn't stand having the lights off and any time I saw a bulb flicker I jumped. Even last time, you know what I did to just be able to sleep. You're allowed to be scared. So you and I are just going to lean on each other and we can make it through this." Steve felt wetness on his neck and knew Eddie had been crying at some point, so he turned around to face him and he pressed a kiss to Eddie's nose. He was smiling but when they were able to see each other's faces Steve saw Eddie frown.
"Is your nose bleeding?" Eddie asked before Steve reached a hand up and wiped under his nose, finding blood on his fingers when he pulled them away.
"That hasn't happened in a while. Don't worry though, sometimes it happens with the headaches."
"Alright, if you're sure." Steve just curled back up against Eddie without further comment as Eddie's hand carded through his hair. "You want me to read a bit before we go to bed."
"Yes please." He felt Eddie twist to grab their book before a kiss was pressed to the top of his head and Eddie started to read.
And that's it for this part. I had the part about Hopper written days ago but I wasn't sure how to work it in until today. I'm obsessed with Accidental Parent Hopper who stumbles into being a father for two kids.
Also, there is a good bit of foreshadowing in this chapter, both from the show and some of my own
@messrs-weasley @y0urnewstepp4r3nt @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @live-the-fangirl-life @nburkhardt @inmoonywetrust @henderdads @vlada-elya @grtwdsmwhr @spectrum-sceptre @madamonsieur-silvrene @abookisproofofmagic @knitsforthetrail @imzadidragonfly @blackholegladiator @maya-custodios-dionach @phantypurple @booksandsience @formacoon @gregre369 @beeing-stuupid @imsociallyanxiousgetoverit
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userholland · 1 year
baby's first christmas
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after five months with your own bundle of joy, it's christmas time! the two of you weren't expecting to splurge so much but it's the morning of december 25th and it's all about the newest holland of the family!
PAIRING: dad!tom holland x mom!reader
GENRE: parenting/domestic au!!!, super fluffy, short sweet to the point
A/N: so happy to keep up with this series and hope its giving such christmas vibes to anyone reading <3 appreciate the support on the first post so hopefully i'll keep up with it!
𑁍 masterlist 𑁍
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Your eyes fluttered open to the sight of delicate snow falling down on the terrace. A smile quickly appeared on your lips, pushing against the bed as you stretch your chest and neck. As you take a deep breath, your hand reached over to the other side of the bed but only grasped the sheets.
You furrowed your eyebrow, then looked at that side of the bed, only seeing the messy and wrinkled down sheet and the full blanket on the floor.
After making up your shared queen bed, you put on your slippers and robe before heading down the hall. Usually, in the morning, you checked on the baby first, but you froze when you saw her curled up in Tom's arms.
"What are you doing up?" You giggled, walking over to his side. You nuzzled your face behind his shoulder as the two of you glanced down at your precious girl, Mia.
"I woke up early and she was crying so, I picked her up and have been scared to put her back down." Tom lowly spoke, rubbing Mia's back as he turned to you and placed a soft kiss on your temple.
"Merry Christmas." You grinned.
"Merry Christmas, babe." He replied, pulling you close to him.
You pouted, "It's like yesterday she was so tiny."
"As if she's not now?" Tom jeered, running his hand over the top of her hair, "She's like the world's smallest thing."
"And it's her first Christmas today. Can you believe it?" You sighed, walking around to the closet. You had already laid out her red overalls and a small white shirt.
You heard Mia babble as she stretched out her arms and legs in Tom's hold, watching her squirm a bit before she opened her small eyes. Tom couldn't help but smile, tickling her tummy and then holding her face.
"Did you already change her diaper?" You asked, walking back with her outfit.
""Fresh and clean. Surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be after we fed her peas and squash last night." He said as he laid her down on the changing table.
"Well at least she finally likes something that not just bananas." You joked, giving him the overalls and shirt before unbuttoning her onesie.
"She gets her pickiness from you." He chuckled.
You smirked, "Well, she knows what she wants."
♡ ♡ ♡
When you both came downstairs, carefully holding Mia to your chest, the Christmas tree was beautifully lit and shining bright with presents wrapped around the bottom. You were in awe of it, already overwhelmed by how Christmas has come so fast.
"Did you add some presents last night?" You asked him as the two of headed toward the couch.
""I didn't want to admit how overboard I went with baby stuff."
"She's not even a year old and already has so much. You're just trying to make her a daddy's girl, aren't you?" You teased.
"No problem with a head start now."
You rolled your eyes, but Mia was on your hip, reaching her arms out when her eyes glimmered at the shiny paper of the presents.
"See," Tom pointed out, "She's already loving me." He smiled, quickly kissing Mia's cheek. It made you so flustered the way he was so affectionate with her, wanting to be involved no matter what occasion.
"Okay, start handing out presents Santa. We got a lot to get through this morning." You said as you carefully sat on the couch with Mia propped up on your lap.
Tom leaned down, reaching behind the tree to grab the first present. You tried to look around him, but then saw the biggest, softest brown teddy bear in his arms.
"I wonder who this is for." He smiled, "I know it wasn't on my list."
You laughed, pointing to the bear as Mia reached out her hands again, "Look at that, Mia. That's all for you."
As Tom sat the bear next to you, Mia's hand grabbed its fluffy nose and pulled it toward her with the little strength she had.
"With that muscle, she'll be bench pressing this." You jeered, making sure she didn't hurt herself.
Tom pulled another present, pretty small but quaint, "Here's for mom." He trailed, kneeling on both knees in front of you.
You pouted, "Oh, you're so great. It's like we have a baby together or something." You sarcastically said before scrunching your nose.
You unwrapped it, pulling off the paper and Mia tried to reach for the shreds as you threw it away. A velvet box revealed itself from the paper and you opened it, stunned to see a beautiful gold bracelet.
As you admired the band further, the three of your names were engraved in it. Your heart melted at the moment, looking in awe at it before Tom offered to put it on your wrist.
The two of you got lost in each other's eyes, adoring one another even more at this moment.
"I love you so much." He whispered, rubbing your knee.
"I love you so much too." You giggled as you tried to hold back tears, but Mia held your bracelet and tried to bring it to her mouth.
"No, no, Mia. Not in your mouth." Tom chuckled, "I actually have a present that's for that."
You smiled, "Maybe she wants one too."
Tom sort out the rest of the presents and you held Mia closer to you, seeing her brighten up when Tom opened her presents for her. She was young, but you knew she was loving it. You hoped that subconsciously she would remember moments like this and the shared warm feelings between the three of you.
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sleepyowlwrites · 6 months
first thing I do after returning home is to clean my room and put away all the books I've acquired in the last couple months. and do laundry, 'cause I need shirts. now dad can stop saying "there's more stuff in here" every time he comes into my room.
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I made space for all my writeblr friends' books to be together, right underneath the most favorites shelf. when my fancy ARMV comes, I'll have to shuffle again, but whatever. I'm finally utilizing this wine crate I've had sitting around. it's hiding my second Cassandra Clare shelf, 'cause yeah there's two of them. The books on the floor are either give away or "I dunno whose these are" and also my bts albums that I don't want anymore. if anybody will pay for cost of shipping, you can have them. I had not intended to recollect the Lunar chronicles, especially since I never finished them the first time, but the covers! are so pretty!
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got my owl prints into frames. if I can remember, I'll link the etsy artist here. somebody comment and remind me. did I really need fancy versions of Howard Pyle's Robin Hood and King Arthur? no, but I wanted them. you can't see the bottom shelf but it's Rick Riordan, Michael Morpurgo, and some misc stuff down there.
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I moved some stuff here, too, so the middle shelf is all fairytale or fantasy stories, and star wars is up with the graphic novels. I got ready player one, a book I was never going to buy, from a discount store this weekend, and it's hanging out with Dune, 'cause I was never gonna buy that either.
the plan is to get shelves that are 84" so they go up one shelf higher than that last one. I have a little step stool so I'll be able to reach the higher shelves, and they'll go across from almost my doorframe and hopefully I will then have enough space. but then I won't because I will keep acquiring books. I could always put some floating shelves on the wall beside the window, every bed. my journals take up a lot of space. they're not like sketchbooks. I can fill those, take pictures of each page, and then throw the sketchbook. but journals I want to keep.
I also need deeper art shelves, but that can wait.
once I'm back on meds and my brain stops being scrambled eggs all of the time, I am going to read these books, and make art, and write stories, and it’s going to be great.
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bees--in-my--bones · 2 years
Beyond the Barricade
Character: Enjolras x f!reader
Summary: All you had ever known was life at the Musain. You worked hard to stay alive and keep your family comfortable, and that's all that you ever needed. But your life's path will be forever altered by a young revolutionary who has his sights set on changing the world.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, slightly suggestive
Word Count: 19,000
A/N: Enjolras x Reader!! I love this guy so hopefully this isn't half bad. It's all one big long part because I didn't really have a good way to break it up, but I had a couple ideas for scenes that didn't make it in, so if this does well maybe I'll write a couple short one shot things.
Also just want to clarify I'm not an expert, I watched the movie and read wiki articles, but I haven't gotten around to reading the book so there's some stuff I'm just kinda extrapolating. Like I'm pretty sure they meet in the back room of the Musain, but they just meet in the upper floor here. And in the final battle there's the Musain as the base of operations and a non named tavern where they keep the bodies and Javert, just for my own storytelling purposes. (Even though I think there's another place in the book or something idk)
Anyway, enjoy!
You scrubbed at the counter until your arm burned, trying your hardest to get the stains out. Despite your best efforts, nothing budged. You sighed and tossed the rag into your bucket of soapy water, moving on to the leftover dishes strewn across the counter top.
The Café Musain would open soon, and your sister had not done the work that your father had asked of her the night before. So now, as usual, the chores fell to you, while your sister was out gallivanting, probably with one of those ridiculous Amis de l'ABC. You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at the mere thought of them. Their revolution had merit, sure, but a fight against the monarchy was hopeless for a bunch of schoolboys. Your father, however, was sympathetic to their cause, so he allowed them to use the upstairs room of the café whenever they pleased.
Your father lumbered through the door, already tired in his old age and having spent the morning arguing with vendors and traders, trying to prevent them from increasing the supply prices yet again. He paused, taking a moment to catch his breath after the long walk and looked around the café. When he saw you behind the counter, he sighed. "Where is your sister? Why is she not helping you?"
You shrugged. "Marie is out and about, I suppose. I can't keep track of all her callers."
Your father pinched his brow. "Okay," he sighed. "Okay."
He made his way over to a table and lowered himself into a chair.
You finished cleaning the glass and filled it with fresh water. Making your way around the bar, you set it down in front of your father.
"Thank you, Y/N," he said softly. He sighed again and leaned back in his chair. "Les Amis de l'ABC are coming tonight. I know your sister usually tends to them, but I want you to do it today. I hate to say this, but she needs to be put in line. I want her to have her fun, but we're struggling here, and if she cannot tend to her duties properly, she doesn't get to do the jobs she likes."
"You're punishing her?"
The nights that Les Amis came to the café, you usually let Marie take care of them. They were a bit too much for you, and you didn't mind working up front while she got to flirt with the students as they planned their revolution. She was not going to be happy about this, and you weren't exactly thrilled either.
"I think it's appropriate discipline," he replied, "until she can manage to balance her work and social life. We are better off than most, but we cannot afford to neglect our work."
"I understand, Papa. I'll talk to her later. "
He laid one of his large hands over yours. "Thank you, Y/N. I'm going up to my room now. I need to go over the books once more before we open."
The big man stood and patted your shoulder gently before exiting the room, leaving you alone in the empty café.
You glanced at the old clock on the wall. You were supposed to open in a matter of minutes, and still no sign of Marie. Usually your father would have come back to help, but you imagined he had fallen asleep in the small apartment upstairs. You decided not to wake him. Your sister and you could manage on your own, provided she showed up, and the old man needed what rest he could get.
You snapped up your head at the door creaking open. In walked Marie, who you hadn't seen since the night before. She rubbed her eyes, all but ignoring you, and grabbed the rag from its bucket, beginning to clean off the counter.
You plucked the rag from her hands, tossing it back in the bucket. When she looked at you in confusion, you sighed.
"It's already done, Marie. I spent the morning doing both of our chores, which I didn't even get to until much later than I should have, because I had to clean up the mess you left last night." You had to admit, you weren't even that upset, just tired.
She tugged at her sleeve and looked away sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I really did think that I would have been back sooner. But my friends and I-"
You waved your hand. "It doesn't matter." You grabbed the broom out of the corner and handed it to her. "Give the floors a once over before we open."
She took the broom without complaint and began sweeping. You sat down at one of the tables, giving your feet a much needed break.
"Les Amis de l'ABC are coming tonight," you told her, watching as she moved about the room.
Instantly she perked up. "You know, I think Courfeyrac has his eye on me."
You leaned forward in your seat, resting your head on your hand. "Shame we'll never find out."
She paused her sweeping. "What do you mean?"
You gestured for her to keep sweeping, which she hesitantly did. "Papa says you aren't allowed to tend to Les Amis until you can show up to work when you're supposed to."
Marie opened the door with a loud sigh and swept out her pile of dust. "I suppose that means you're doing it then."
She moved to sit on the counter with another loud and dramatic sigh. "Fine. Tell Courfeyrac I said hello."
You shifted in your seat to face her. "You aren't upset?"
She shrugged. "I knew that Papa would be fed up sooner or later. I'm just glad the punishment isn't as bad as I thought it would be."
"Why do you do it, Marie, leaving us with all the work? Why don't you care about the family?"
"I do," she protested. "I do care about you. I guess I just find my life difficult to come to terms with. Is this café where I spend the rest of my days?"
You joined her behind the counter as the first few customers began to trickle in. "We do not live in a forgiving world, sister. If you want a stable job and home, then likely so. Unless you manage to find a rich man somewhere willing to marry a barmaid."
Marie let out a short laugh. "That would be the day."
Soon, the café was bustling with the evening business.
Your father entered the room, looking slightly more rested than he had earlier that afternoon. You were glad, he deserved the reprieve.
He approached the bar and motioned for you to come talk to him.
He leaned over to you and lowered his voice. "Our.. guests' meeting is about to begin. Your sister and I will take over out here. Bring a few bottles of wine up, they usually start with those."
With a nod, you gathered up the drinks and glasses and made your way to the private upper room. As you approached you heard a strong voice speaking confidently. "Too long have the people of France lived under the thumbs of dictators. I thank you all for joining me today to fight for a new world, a world reborn."
You slipped into the room, staying in the shadow of the doorframe, meaning to allow the speech to come to a natural pause before interrupting. You didn't get the chance, however, before a voice in the corner cried. "Marie! How nice of you to join us!"
"That's not Marie, you louse, that's her sister!" another voice cried, this one much higher than the first. You glanced down in front of you and your eyes widened.
"Gavroche!" You couldn't help but exclaim, startled to see Eponine's younger brother. "Does your sister know you are here?"
"Yep!" The boy said proudly. "I'd be happy to take that off your hands, milady," he said, reaching for the tray of wine.
You lifted it out of his reach. "I think you're a bit young for me to be giving you this."
A hand rested on the boy's shoulder. "Pardon young Gavroche, he only wishes to be of help."
You looked up and met the eye of the blond man who had been speaking at the front of the room only moments ago. Your breath hitched for a moment at his intense gaze.
"I can take the wine," he added when you said nothing. You blinked away your initial startledness and handed the tray over to him.
"Thank you, Mademoiselle," he said. He leaned closer to you, a conspiratorial look on his face. "We'll likely need another round soon, though, knowing these men."
"Of course, Monsieur. I'll be back soon to check on you all. I'll be up front if you need anything before then."
The rest of the night was spent going back and forth, clearing away a glass or two at a time, doing your best not to draw attention.
At the end of the night, you stood behind the counter, counting the night's earnings as customers began to leave.
Marius approached the counter, as he always did this time of night, after Les Amis had had their fill of drinks and politics and were heading home.
"Good evening, Monsieur Marius," you greeted him.
"Hello, Y/N." He handed you a pouch of coins. "This should cover the tab, along with a little extra as a tip. You did excellent on your first night with us."
His tone was slightly teasing. He knew you would rather stay behind the counter. But you weren't lying when you shrugged and said "I didn't mind it all that much. Work is work, people are people." You counted out the change as he watched, sorting it into neat piles. "They're making you pay again?"
"They all chip in," he said. "They just make me take it up to you. Trying to force me to talk to people, I think" he said with a grin.
You laughed softly and put the money away. "Have a good night, Marius."
"You too, Y/N."
You watched the young man leave the café before turning to get the cleaning supplies out. When your father saw what you were doing, he came over and took the supplies from you. "Marie will take care of the cleaning up after Les Amis de l'ABC are gone from here on out," he told you.
You raised an eyebrow. "You don't think that's harsh?"
"It is. That's precisely the point."
Marie sighed one of her signature sighs as she passed by and took the cleaning supplies from your father, the same way he had taken them from you. "You two go on up to bed then, I'll take care of this."
Your father gave her a little pat. "Good that, Marie," he said, before turning and making his way to his room.
"I think I'll go sit outside for a while," you told her. "It's a nice night."
She shrugged. "I'm not your boss."
Shaking your head, you opened the creaky door and sat on the concrete step leading up to it, leaning your back on one of the pillars that framed the entrance. The city was silent this time of night, and you loved the brief respite from your hectic life. You hadn't been able to enjoy it in a while, though, thanks to Marie and her antics always leaving you with far more work than free time.
No sooner had you relaxed than the door opened once more, spilling warm light from inside on to the dark street.
You jumped to your feet, startled by the sudden intrusion. "I am so sorry, Mademoiselle," said the silhouette at the same time you started splattering muddled apologies, your brain still scrambled from the scare.
The voice gave you pause. You recognized that voice. As the figure stepped away from the door, you realized why. The leader of Les Amis de l'ABC stepped on to the street, concern in his eyes. "Are you all right?" he asked, closing the door behind him.
You nodded as you smoothed down your clothes taking your seat once more. "You startled me is all. I didn't think any patrons were still here."
He shrugged. "I was working on a paper and Marie kicked me out."
"If you need to finish, I'm sure I could-"
"No, no," he interrupted. "Thank you, but I can finish it another night."
"Alright then," you said. "Goodnight, Monsieur."
He gave you a curt nod. "Mademoiselle." Turning on his heel he began to make his way down the street. He only made it a few steps before turning back towards you. "Actually, I do have a question for you. You seem like you actively avoid my little group, but tonight you replaced Marie. Why?"
"Marie was being punished, that is all. Our father told her she could not work with you all because she enjoys it."
"And you don't."
You hesitated, unsure of how to respond. He asked no question, only offered an observation.
"You don't agree with our ideals," he said when you didn't respond. Another observation. He stepped forward, offering you his arm. "Walk with me. Allow me to convince you."
You laughed softly at his boldness. "Is that what you say to all the women?"
A hint of a smile brushed his lips. "Only the pretty ones."
"I don't know," you said, now smiling as well, your teasing tone juxtaposing your objections, "walking off with a strange man at night sounds dangerous."
"What if I promise to protect you?"
You glanced back at the door, light glowing from the crack at the bottom. With a sudden burst of resolve, you pushed yourself off of the stone and took his outstretched arm. "I'm going to hold you to that promise."
"I'd expect nothing less."
The two of you walked side by side in the night. Neither of you spoke for a while, but the silence was comfortable.
"So why do you avoid us?" he asked, finally breaking the quiet.
"I don't avoid you, per say…"
He only raised an eyebrow in response.
You shrugged. "I only think that you are taking great risks to do what you do, and have seen very little reward. It's not something I want a part in."
"The reward will come," he responded. "In time. Even if we are not there to see it."
"In time, perhaps," you said. "But I find it difficult to justify jeopardizing what I have for a world that I will not live to see."
"But what of those who have nothing to jeopardize? People suffer because of tyrants that hoard all of the wealth. France is dying because of the rich who hold the resources captive."
You stayed quiet for a moment after that, pondering. Finally you asked, "Say you're starting to convince me, what can a few schoolboys possibly do?"
"Light the flame of revolution. We won't be fighting the war, merely the first battles. We are not foolish enough to believe that change will come quickly, but if we give it all we have, people will rise when we fall. Then one day the world we long to see will come into fruition."
Again, this gave you pause, as you pondered over the words and their meaning. "Would you mind terribly if I sat in on the next meeting? Of course, I would still do any of the services your group needs."
"That depends," he replied, his tone light. "Would you be sitting in the way that Marie does, or would it be to listen to what we are discussing?"
This made you laugh. No doubt Marie was often a distraction in meetings, with her bubbly personality and her need to make friends with any human being who crossed her path. "I would like to think the latter," you told him.
He smiled. "Then I would be honored that you join us." He slowed and came to a halt. "I believe this is your stop, Mademoiselle."
Sure enough, you had made a full loop around the block without even realizing it, and you were back at the front door of the Café Musain.
"Right," you said, "I'll be seeing you soon, then." You dropped his arm. "Goodnight, Monsieur."
Taking your hand in his, he bent over and pressed a feather light kiss to your knuckles. "Goodnight, Mademoiselle."
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks at his gentle touch.
With a final nod goodbye, you turned toward the door. You had only made it a step when he shouted, "Wait!"
You stopped and turned around to face him, waiting for him to say something more.
“I never learned your name,”
“Y/N,” you called. “And yours?”
“Well then, goodnight Enjolras, and I will see you again soon.”
“Goodnight, Y/N, I look forward to it.”
When you walked in, the chores were complete, the lights were out, and Marie was nowhere to be found. As silently as possible, you made your way up the stairs, past the upper room that held the Amis meeting space, and into the small apartment on the topmost level. Your father's door was shut tight, but you could hear his snores even through the thick oak frame. You cracked the door to your small room and slipped in, trying to avoid waking Marie in the next room over. You quickly slipped on your nightclothes and ducked under the covers, heart still thumping in your chest from the excitement of the night.
"Where were you?"
You jumped up at the sudden noise as Marie's whispered question broke the silence to see your sister looking through a crack in your open door.
Your chest tightened at the question, but you responded hesitantly, "I went on a walk."
"That's not the whole truth," she said, slipping into your room.
"How would you know that?" you hissed in response.
"I saw you walking with someone."
So there was no hiding it then. Not that you had a reason to, it was just a friendly conversation. "Enjolras."
Marie gasped loudly.
"Oh, stop it," she said. "Papa is fast asleep."
She lit the candle on your small nightstand and plopped herself down on your bed with such force you couldn't help but make a soft "oof" sound. "What were you doing with Enjolras?"
You shrugged. "He saw me outside and asked to talk to me about his revolution, so we did, that's all."
"Ugh," said Marie. "Boring. I've never been able to get him to say more than a few words to me though, so clearly something you're doing is working."
Your eyes widened at the implications of her statement. "I'm not doing anything! We were just talking!"
Marie looked disbelievingly at you. "Mhm, sure. You have to admit he's attractive though."
You hid your face beneath the covers, which she promptly yanked down. "I'm going to take that as you agreeing with me," she said.
"Even if I did agree with you," you said, swatting away her hand, "there's nothing to do about it. He's more interested in the revolution, and his family is far wealthier than ours."
"True," she said, "but he has never once tried to recruit me for the cause, even before I started getting a little friendly with some of the boys. And how can you truly think class would matter to him? It's the antithesis of who he is."
"I'm sitting in on the meeting next time."
Marie nodded. "Good. And you'll be waiting for him at the steps again at the end of the night."
"I will?"
"Of course. You must establish a pattern."
Your jaw dropped. "Marie, are you trying to set us up?"
"Yes," she answered shortly. "And it's going to work." She pinched out the candle and left back to her own room without so much as a goodnight.
You thought about Enjolras a lot the next few days. There wasn't even much cohesive thought to it, just his smile, his warm hands, the way the dim street lights shone through his hair.
The rest of Les Amis de l’ABC were regular customers of the café. They were loud and jovial on the nights they had no official meeting, but never had you seen Enjolras on a night that there was no meeting. Now that you were listening, though, you heard the other students speak of him. He preferred to stay home studying and planning than spend his nights out and about.
You replayed the memory of your walk over and over in your mind, for no reason other than the joy it brought you to remember him.
Finally, finally, the day came when Les Amis de l'ABC would meet again above the Café Musain. You hated to admit it, in the fear that you were getting excited over nothing, but your heart buzzed all morning at the thought of seeing him again. The customers began to arrive and you busied yourself in the back doing inventory as your father made the night's meal.
Marie poked her head around the corner. "Y/N, he's- they're here," she corrected herself quickly after seeing your father.
"Thank you, Marie," you said, and gathered up the tray of drinks you had already prepared.
Your father looked up from his task. "Good luck."
Muttering a quick "Thank you," you slipped out the door and made your way upstairs. Like the last time, the meeting had just started by the time you got there. It came to a quick halt as you entered though, as the men realized that drinks had arrived.
You made eye contact with Enjolras from across the room, and you did your best to ignore the butterflies from his intense gaze. He made no move to get to the drinks like the rest of the men did, but you gave him a small smile and he nodded briefly in return.
You spent the majority of the night in the back of the room, listening, save for the time you spent running for drinks and food. The more you listened, the more you found yourself being swayed towards the revolution. The things they spoke of called to mind all of the suffering people you saw around you, even in your small sheltered corner of the world. Who knew how bad it was in the areas of the city even poorer than yours, or rough areas like the docks, where you were forbidden to even go.
Enjolras was a strong leader, confident and well spoken, and it was clear that he was respected by everyone in the room. It made you wonder why a man who already had plenty of people that agreed with him and the ability to sway many more was wasting his time by radicalizing a singular barmaid. Free drinks on the battlefield, maybe.
Like all nights, this one came to an end. You gathered up the dishes and took them out to Marie, who had begun cleaning the kitchen. Les Amis de l'ABC began filing out the door, talking loud and cheerily as they left.
You placed the dishes into the bucket of soapy water, earning a sharp look from Marie.
"Get out there," she said. "He'll be out soon."
You shook your head. "Marie, he's probably already left with everyone else. I know what Papa said about your punishment, but at least let me do the dishes."
Did you want to do the dishes? No. Were you far too nervous to come face to face with Enjolras again, now that Marie had put all these ideas in your head? Absolutely.
Marie quickly moved in front of you, blocking you from the dishes. "He hasn't left yet, I have to kick him out every single time he has one of these meetings."
Giving her a sharp glare, you obliged. As you sat on the stone and leaned against one of the pillars framing the door, you closed your eyes and let out a sigh of contentment. Enjolras or not, you had a sizable appreciation for the peaceful night.
Like before, you were alone in the night, and like before, it didn't last long.
The door creaked open, gentler than it had last time, and light once more flooded the street.
"Ah, Mademoiselle, I was wondering if I would find you out here again."
You stood and turned towards the voice, pleased to see that the small smile on your face matched his own.
"I thought I had given you my name?"
He held up his hands in concession. "My apologies. Y/N, I was wondering if I would see you here again."
"Well, here I am,"
"Here you are indeed."
The moment's silence that followed was far more awkward than any silence had been last time, but he made no move to leave. You cleared your throat. "Working on a paper again?"
He chuckled. "I usually am. Marie is responsible for cleaning again?"
You nodded. "For the foreseeable future."
He nodded, and things were silent again.
It was his turn to clear his throat. "Care to take another walk? You can tell me what you thought of the meeting."
You stepped toward the street, looking back at him. "I thought you'd never ask."
And so you did walk. And again after the next meeting. And again after the next.
You talked of politics at first, but your conversations soon gave way to more personal matters. Talks of opinions, and the future. His favorite color was red. He was in law school. He told you he wanted to help people who couldn't help themselves, but he didn't need to say anything for you to figure that out. He was not warm or welcoming, not on the outside, but his compassion for others was evident in everything that he did.
You noticed that he started coming to the café far more regularly. At least once a week he would sit working silently in the most private corner of the upper room, never ordering, but he would always meet you at the end of the night for your walk.
You found yourself spending all your time thinking of him. He was on your mind in every idle moment. But still, you hesitated to admit why.
You fell into a routine on meeting nights, and no longer felt dread before attending them. On one such night, you were running a bit late. You hurriedly made your way up the stairs, only to be greeted outside the door by a seemingly flustered Enjolras.
He took you by the shoulders and guided you away from the doorframe.
Tucked in the corner of the hallway, he glanced worriedly over his shoulder. "Can Marie work tonight?" he asked.
You shook your head. “It’s just me and Papa tonight, actually. Marie is sick. I actually needed to talk to you about that. It’s why I was late up here and why I won’t be able to stay for the meeting tonight.”
“Let me take the drinks in, then,” he said. “Best that you get back downstairs.”
“Oh, that’s alright. It’ll only take me a moment,” you replied, trying to move past him.
“Y/N, please do not go in there.”
“What is this about, Enjorlas? You’re acting strange.”
“I will tell you later.”
You pushed past him, balancing your tray on one hand. “Or you could let me do my job,” you said, walking to the doorway. He reached out and grabbed your wrist.
“Y/N, please.”
You pulled your hand away and walked into the room. The second you entered, you were greeted with shouts of your name, accompanied by hearty laughter. The men were usually excited to get their drinks, but never this excited.
In the corner, one man grabbed his closest companion tightly. “Y/N, my love!” he cried, gazing into the other man’s eyes. “Nothing can tear us apart!”
The other man clasped his hands together and fluttered his eyelashes while speaking in a high pitched voice, “Oh, Enjolras, run away with me!”
“Enjolras” took “Y/N” into his embrace, the two of them writhing in what you could only assume was an exaggerated passionate kiss, earning plenty more laughs from the rest of the men.
You could do nothing but stare in horror as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. A gentle hand rested on your shoulder, and you looked up at Enjolras, your eyes still wide in shock. “Someone saw us out walking together, and the story spread,” he told you gravely. “I am truly sorry.”
You gently removed his hand from your shoulder, not wanting to give the men any more ideas than they already have, and your shocked expression morphed into a determined one. “You have nothing to apologize for, but these men do.”
You slammed the drink tray on the table, and the harsh sound was enough to gain everyone’s attention. “I don’t know what you all think is happening,” you began, “but I can guarantee that anything happening between Enjorlas and I is none of anyone’s business but our own. But since you must know, he has been teaching me politics so that I can better understand these meetings, which up until now, had been full of men I respected. My father does you all a great service by allowing you to meet here, and by disrespecting me, you disrespect him. Not to mention the disrespect to the man who leads you sorry lot.”
You pushed the drink tray to the center of the table. “Serve yourselves tonight.” Turning on your heel, you stormed out of the room. There was no protest, only deafening silence. You did not look back, remaining steady on your course, but if you had, you would have noticed the small proud smile on Enjolras’ face.
You finished the clean up as fast as you could that night, in the hope that you would still be able to catch Enjolras before he left. To your dismay, you caught a glimpse of him leaving right around his usual time, even without Marie to kick him out. You finished up the rest of your work, feeling quite disappointed, and made your way outside regardless. May as well get some fresh night air if you still could.
To your surprise, you found a familiar figure waiting. Enjolras was silhouetted in the darkness of the street, but there was enough light to see when he outstretched his hand toward you. “Care to join me?” he asked.
Silently, you took his hand, and the pair of you began your usual stroll.
After some silence, he finally spoke. "Like I told you before, one of the boys saw us out walking after the last meeting. The mockery has been nonstop since. You have my sincerest apologies that you had to hear that."
"It's not your fault. We both know it means nothing."
But did it mean nothing? Not if you asked Marie. And maybe, just maybe, there was a small part of you that didn't quite mind what those men were saying.
"Nothing?" asked Enjolras, his voice tight.
You kept your sights straight ahead, unable to look him in the eyes. "I only mean to say that what we do is our business, no one else's."
He seemed to relax almost imperceptibly when you said that, and you couldn't decide if that made you feel better or worse.
Suddenly, you felt a droplet on your skin. Looking up at the sky, you could just make out the edges of the clouds in the inky darkness. You had barely made it a few more steps when the rain sped up, moving quickly from a drizzle to a downpour.
Almost instinctively, Enjolras shrugged off his coat and held it above the two of you, trying to offer the best protection he could from the rain. “This way,” he said, his voice raised slightly to be heard above the sound of droplets hitting the ground. He led you to a shop front with a small outcropping, where the two of you huddled, trying to stay as dry as possible. Despite Enjolras’ best efforts, though, both of you were soaking wet.
“Here,” he said, wrapping his coat around you. “We can wait here for a while until the rain slows down.”
“Oh, I don’t need this,” you tried to protest as you began to take off his coat. “Better that you stay dry, you’ve got a longer route home.”
“I insist,” he replied, pulling the coat around you once more. “I would be abandoning any gentlemanly values I have left if I let you give this back to me. Winter is creeping closer and this rain is freezing.”
You held his gaze for a moment, trying to gauge if you had any chance of convincing him to take it back, but were met only with his intense eyes and sheer determination behind them. Deciding that he really wasn’t going to take the coat back, you pulled it closer around you. He gently pulled his arm around you, and without even thinking about it, you nestled into his side. The soft pitter patter of the rain was peaceful, and you were pretty sure you could have fallen asleep there if you had wanted to.
“Y/N?” Enjolras broke the silence after a while.
“I must confess something to you. I have to admit, I was not… completely bothered by what my men have been saying about us. I do not appreciate their mockery, but… I don’t mind when they talk of us being together.”
You pulled back, looking up at him in shock. “What are you saying?”
Reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from your face, he chose not to respond with words, instead moving his hand to your jawline and drawing you gently into his face, planting a light kiss on your lips. When he pulled away, your face was burning and you were left speechless. His gaze was darker than you had ever seen it before. Seeing the stunned look on your face, he stood and offered you his hand, refusing to meet your eyes again. “I’m sorry,” he said. “That was out of turn. Let’s get you home.”
You wanted to tell him that it wasn’t out of turn, that you felt the same way, but you were paralyzed, overwhelmed by your emotions, so you took his hand and made your way home through the downpour. You moved like a zombie, feelings burning bright on the inside, but unable to articulate any of it outwardly.
Marie was asleep when you got back, and you quickly and silently got into bed, piling a few extra blankets on top to combat the steadily dropping temperatures. As you drifted off to sleep, your thoughts were filled with Enjolras, and you could only hope that he had made it home safely and warmly, and that you hadn't offended him too terribly.
You woke the next day to white flurries outside your window. It was the first snow of the season, and it showed no signs of stopping. As of now, it was only a light dusting, but you were sure that by late afternoon the ground would be covered. Marie was up and about, having recovered from yesterday's sickness, and your father only spent part of the day out of his room, retiring early because of the cold’s poor effect on his old bones. You and Marie spent the evening by the warmth of the kitchen fire, chatting, reading, and working on various projects since no patrons had made their way through the thick snow that blanketed all by now. It grew darker outside and the snow grew higher. Marie had just begun to suggest heading to bead when you heard a knock at the door.
You exchanged worried glances and Marie quickly made her way to the front of the store, with you following close behind. She opened the door and let out a large gasp.
“Enjolras?” she said, clearly taken aback.
“Is Y/N there?”
She stepped aside, allowing him to see you. He rushed forward, gripping your shoulders firmly, as Marie shut the door behind him as fast as she could. He seemed to be completely unaffected by his blue lips or his usually curly hair that was frozen into frizzy chunks.
His gaze was more intense than you had ever seen it, his blue eyes seeming to bore into your very soul. “Y/N, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t go another moment without seeing you again. Last night was all wrong, I know that, but I need you to know how I feel, and I need to say it properly.”
“That can wait,” you replied before he could continue. “We need to get you warmed up right now, before you get sick. I don’t need to explain to my neighbors why a rich boy died of frostbite in my home.”
“Marie,” you said, taking Enjolras’ hand and leading him to the kitchen, “will you grab my blankets from my bed and bring them down here? And see if there's any of Papa's old clothes about? I’m going to heat up some of our leftover dinner.”
Marie gave you a mischievous look, glancing back and forth between you and Enjolras, but for once in her life she kept quiet and did what was asked of her, and she scampered upstairs to get all the extra winter furs she could find.
“Take off every layer that you can without exposing yourself,” you told him. “Marie will bring back a change of clothes, but the wet clothes are going to be what kills you if you don’t get out of them.” He complied silently removing his coat and layer beneath that, leaving him only in a button down undershirt and trousers.
You busied yourself getting him something hot to eat. "Thank the Lord that Marie never cleans up after herself," you muttered to yourself when you noticed that she had left the pot she had used for dinner out above the fire, keeping the small amount of soup still inside of it warm.
The entire time, Enjolras' gaze never left you, waiting for you to relax for a moment before he spoke again. He would have to wait longer, though, because just as you set the soup in front of him, Marie entered the kitchen with a large pile of blankets. She set them down next to the hearth and brushed her hands together. "Well, unless you two need me any longer, I think I'll head up to bed."
"Alright. Thank you, Marie, goodnight," you said.
"Yes, thank you, Marie," Enjolras added.
Marie left, with a wink to you behind Enjolras’ back. Ignoring her goading, you turned toward the hearth, throwing your last log on and stoking the dying flames higher. When at last you were satisfied with your work, you turned to find Enjolras standing, and an empty bowl set on the table.
"Y/N I-"
You shoved a shirt and pants into his hands. "You're soaked to the bone. Change."
"You're avoiding this."
He was always too perceptive, wasn't he? Yes you were avoiding it. It wasn’t as simple as I love you and you love me. There was your status, his status, the work you had to do and the degree he was working towards. The revolution you were fighting.
You started to move past him, out of the kitchen, to give him some privacy. “Obviously. Regardless, you still need to change.” There was no denying that you were avoiding the subject to him- he knew you all too well.
His arm reached out, lightning fast, and he grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. His grip was firm, but not painful. You avoided his gaze, waiting for him to let you go, or say something. “Help me, then.”
You looked up, finally making eye contact. You could see the dare dancing behind his eyes. He knew it would be improper. He also knew you would do anything he asked of you. Without breaking eye contact, he slid his hand down your arm and took your hand, slowly guiding it up to the top button of his shirt. You stood silent and stony faced, weighing your options. Finally caving, you reached up with your other hand and began undoing his shirt, slowly, your fingers brushing lightly against his skin with every button.
“You’re upset,” he said, his voice low.
“You noticed?” The sarcasm dripped from your question.
“I notice everything about you.”
You clenched your jaw as you undid the last button and he shrugged the shirt off of his shoulders. You turned slightly to the side, trying to avoid looking at his bare torso. From noticing the way his skin gleamed in the firelight. From watching the way that the melted snow ran down his body.
“Why did you come here tonight?” you asked.
“I told you. I did not get a chance to tell you how I felt properly. Nor did I give you a chance to respond.”
“At the risk of your life? You could have gotten lost in this storm, and then what? You wander for hours until you freeze to death?”
“You truly think so little of my navigation skills?”
You rolled your eyes. “Say your piece then.”
He stepped towards you, taking your chin in his hand and slowly guiding your face to look at his. “I have never met anyone who makes me as happy as you do. I count down the minutes until our next walk together. I want to be with you as much as possible. Seeing you only once in a while is not enough for me. You are smart, hard-working, and kind, and I want a future with you. I love you, Y/N.”
For all your bravado, your angry facade melted the moment he finished speaking. Your voice was weak, barely above a whisper. “Never did I think I would hear you say those words. I love you too, Enjolras.”
This time, you initiated the kiss. It was far more passionate than the last. Enjolras kept one hand firmly on the side of your face, and snaked the other around your waist, pulling you close to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed him until you couldn’t anymore, finally having to come up for air. You pressed your forehead to his, panting slightly.
The reality of what happened suddenly hit you. You had just kissed Enjolras, who was currently holding you very tightly against his very bare chest. And the air around you was still freezing. Gently, you pushed yourself away from him. “Finish changing,” you told him. “I’ll be right back with more firewood.”
He smiled. You had never seen him smile so brightly. “Come back quickly,'' he whispered as you left.
The cold outside was unbearable, even in the back alley behind the café where you stored the firewood. How had Enjolras made the journey all the way from his school in this? Grabbing a bundle, you rushed back inside, hurrying back to the kitchen and its warmth. When you entered, you found a fully clothed Enjolras curled up in the large pile of blankets on the floor next to the hearth.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, the worry evident on his face. “You’re shivering!”
You raised an eyebrow. “You’re one to talk. I’m glad you have the color back in your cheeks. You had me worried.” You threw more logs on the fire, stoking the flames to a much more considerable size. You set down the poker, but did not get the chase to stand before you were being pulled into a mass of fur and warmth. Before you knew it, you were once again wrapped in Enjolras’ embrace. Surrounded by blankets and his strong arms, you were so warm.
“Please stay,” he said gently.
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving.”
He kissed the top of your head, and you were lulled to sleep by his gentle breathing and the sounds of the crackling flames.
When you woke, Enjolras was still asleep. Judging by the dying flames in the fireplace, it had only been a few hours.
Carefully, you removed yourself from Enjolras’ embrace and out of the pile of blankets. You wanted nothing more than to stay with him, but you would prefer to not have to explain to your father why you were in such a compromising position.
"I wouldn't dream of leaving" you had told him only a little while ago, but you knew he would understand.
Silently, you made your way to your room. Making a stop at Marie’s room, you stole a few of the blankets off of her massive pile and curled up in your bed, drifting back to sleep with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart.
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and pushed yourself out of bed. Marie's door was still shut, and as you walked out of your room, you saw your father's door wide open, with him nowhere inside. You grimaced, hoping that he hadn't been too upset after finding Enjolras.
As you made your way downstairs, you were astonished to hear your father's hearty laughter from the kitchen. Of course, you really shouldn't have been. Your father had always sympathized with Les Amis de l'ABC, and he had no way of knowing what Enjolras had said or done last night. You shivered as you remembered his gentle touch and the way he held you.
Rounding the corner you were greeted by your father and Enjolras, who were talking at one of the tables in the main seating area.
"Good morning chouchou!" your father called. "Enjolras has been telling me of you and Marie's heroics last night."
Enjolras nodded. "It was quite foolish of me to think I could visit Grantaire and make it back to my own home before the worst of the storm hit. I am incredibly grateful I was able to stop here," he said, giving you a pointed look as he subtly filled you in on the story he had told your father.
"I'm just glad you were not stranded out in the storm," you told him, taking a seat at the table.
"You can imagine my surprise when I found him curled up next to our fireplace this morning," your father said. "Speaking of, I should go prepare breakfast. I was a bit distracted after finding Enjolras." He gave you a quick pat on the shoulder and disappeared into the kitchen.
You turned to Enjolras, your voice lowered so your father could not hear. "You lied to him?"
"I didn't know if you wanted him to know or not," he replied. "Should I have told him the truth?"
You thought for a moment, and then shook your head. "Give it a little more time, I think. We're only just figuring it out."
Before he could reply, your father stuck his head out from the kitchen. "Y/N, would you go wake Marie? Breakfast will only be a few minutes."
For a day trapped inside, it flew by surprisingly quickly. Once Marie joined you, your group spent much of the day around the table, talking and exchanging stories. The snow had stopped, but your father insisted that Enjolras stay one night more to give the drifts that covered the streets more time to melt. After several protests, Enjolras agreed.
Your father and Marie had turned in for the night (Marie far too eagerly), leaving you and Enjolras completely alone, just like the night before. You fiddled with the hem of your sleeve, unsure of what to say.
"Alone at last," Enjolras remarked.
"Indeed," you replied, your tone light and teasing. "What to do?"
He smiled fully, a rare sight to see. "I have a few ideas."
He leaned across the table, meeting you halfway, as he captured your lips in a kiss just as passionate as the one from the night before. Slowly, without breaking the kiss, he stood and maneuvered you so that you were sitting on the table, him standing between your legs. You ran your fingers through his silky blond curls, tangling your hands in his hair as you drew him closer to you.
Eventually you had to stop. The short pauses between kisses was not nearly enough to catch your breath.
You broke away, the both of you panting, and you buried your head in Enjolras’ neck.
"I love you," he whispered.
You slowly pulled away, the lightheartedness of the past few moments fading as reality crashing back down on you. "Enjolras, I think we need to talk about that."
His brow furrowed. "I thought you told me you loved me too."
You sighed, unable to meet his eyes. "I do it's just-"
"Go on." His voice was low, gravely serious, but not threatening. You felt safe with him, you always had.
"You are in a completely different class of society than I am. I know you don't care, but that does not change the obstacles that come along with it if we want a future together. And the revolution! How can we truly commit to one another if the most important thing is France?"
When he didn't respond, you raised your eyes to finally meet his and saw that his gaze had softened considerably as had his words when he finally spoke. "We can face those challenges together, when they come. And the revolution is not an obstacle so long as our love for this city binds us together."
You nodded, a silent agreement to his reassurement. He took your face in his hands. "I know you, Y/N, and you know me. Our love for each other is stronger than anything the world can throw our way."
"I'm going to hold you to that," you whispered.
"You had better."
You leaned back into him, planting a kiss on his lips, far gentler than the one before.
"I should probably go up to my own bed," you told him, your voice all too easily betraying your hesitating to leave him.
"Goodnight, chérie," he said, placing a kiss on your brow before he moved to the side, allowing you to hop off the table and walk past him.
You didn't get very far when you felt him grab your hand and spin you around until he was holding you tightly against him once more and pressing one last kiss to your lips.
You broke away and brushed a golden lock of hair away from his eyes. "Goodnight Enjolras, I will see you in the morning."
Enjolras left early the next morning, the snow having melted enough for him to make the journey safely. "A few days' time," he told you, "Then I will be back for a Les Amis de l'ABC meeting."
You helped your father work in the kitchen, preparing for the guests that would surely arrive that afternoon now that the snow had subsided. Marie worked on cleaning tables and floors in the outer rooms.
"So," your father began. "You and Enjolras?"
You froze, your eyes widening at the unexpected comment. "Whatever do you mean, Papa?"
Your father laughed heartily. "You think that I do not notice? You look at that man like he is the greatest thing you have seen, and he looks at you the same way. Not to mention the walks you two have been taking for quite some time now."
You stared in disbelief. "You knew?"
"Of course I knew. You and Marie aren't as secretive as you think you are. I'm happy for you chouchou. Enjolras is a good man, and I can tell he makes you happy."
"Thank you, Papa," you said sheepishly. You scooped up the pile of inventory you had been working on and left the kitchen to take it to the storage, shaking your head and muttering to yourself, "He knew the whole time." Try as you might, though, you couldn't shake the smile from your face.
The rest of the night was largely uneventful. Customers came in, you served them, and they left. You and Marie were cleaning up for the night when a familiar face burst through the door.
"Oh no!" the girl said, looking around at the empty space. "Are you closed already?"
"Never for you, Eponine!" A grin spread across your face at the sight of your old friend. You hurried towards her, pulling her into a hug. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in months, and Gavroche never gives me a straight answer when I ask him!"
"My parents were busted in a scam and we had to flee to the countryside. We've only just returned," she replied, squeezing you tightly.
"And what of Gavroche?" you asked. "He has been here the whole time! Has someone been caring for him?"
She nodded. "There was no time to take Gavroche when we ran, but we knew he would be able to stay with one of Les Amis. He's been staying with Courfeyrac, I believe."
"Oh, Eponine," you said, "I wish you would just come and work here. We could give you an honest living and lodgings, and you would not need to live a life on the run."
"Y/N, you know I couldn't. My father is far too vengeful, and I would never want to put you and your family in danger."
You sighed. "I know Eponine. Just remember our doors are always open. Truly, I am just glad you are back."
“You must catch me up,” she said, suddenly excited as she pulled you down to sit at a table.
“Well,” you began with a smile, “I have made good friends with Les Amis de l’ABC.”
Eponine’s shock was evident. “You? Getting all buddy buddy with the politicians?”
“You know I have never been one for politics, but it is far more than that. It is the very roots of our society that must change.”
Eponine laughed. “You sound like Enjolras!”
You shrugged and looked down sheepishly, a small smile on your face, and Eponine gasped. “What?” she asked.
“Two days ago he told me that he loved me.”
Eponine stared, her mouth agape. She leaned back in her seat, shaking her head silently. “You and Enjolras, of all people. Who would have thought?”
Your time with Enjolras was a blur, filled with joy and passion - for one another and for the revolution.
You went to meetings and rallies, him hardly letting you out of his sight in the crowds. But most importantly, you had continued your nighttime walks, that brief moment of bliss that the two of you could share together, away from the rest of the world.
And you were ever so thankful for those moments, because you had something big planned.
Tonight he stopped in front of the Café Musain, took you in his arms, and kissed you, just as he always did. Spring was in full force, and the warm air danced around you. But instead of going inside, as per usual, you grabbed his hands and pulled him around the back of the building.
“Y/N, what are you-”
“Shh,” you hushed him. “Follow me.” You began to scale the side of the building, the hand and foot holds familiar to you. You hoisted yourself onto the roof, looking down at your lover following, although somewhat slower than you had been. When he was within reach, you grabbed his hand and pulled him up to you, a little too forcefully, causing him to stumble over the ledge and into your arms.
“Fancy meeting you here,” you said quietly, still holding him close. He smiled, something that was becoming rarer and rarer these days, and began to lean in for yet another kiss- not that you ever tired of them- when something gave him pause. He stepped back from you, although he did not drop your hand, and surveyed the roof, eyes wide in astonishment.
“Y/N, what is this?” he asked, gesturing to the scenic roof that Eponine and Marie had helped you prepare earlier that day. A dozen or so candles flickered in the night, illuminating a simple blanket adorned with flowering embroidery. The flowers on the blanket matched the small basket that eponine had brought, filled with a flower arrangement. You pulled him down to sit on the blanket with you and pulled out another basket, this one filled with the food that you had made that morning. Pulling out the contents, you spread them around the two of you. “It’s a picnic,” you told him. “I made it for us. I thought it might be romantic.”
Enjolras smiled again, and it warmed your heart. “It’s amazing Y/N,” he said.
You pushed some food towards him. “Eat,” you said, “I’ll be right back.”
As he ate, you opened the door on the corner of the roof and dropped the ladder. You climbed inside the café and dashed to your room, grabbing a box and quickly running back to the roof. You took your place back on the blanket and handed him the box, slightly fidgety with impatience. “This is for you.”
“Chérie, you know I do not expect gifts. You did not have to-”
You waved your hand, dismissing his protests. “Just open it.”
After one last pointed look towards you, he complied, and opened the box, pulling out the contents with a shocked look on his face. He slowly felt the fabric as he looked up at you. “Y/N, this is beautiful.” You swelled with pride as your hard work was appreciated, watching him admire the red jacket you had made him.
“I worked some shifts at the sewing shop to afford the nicer fabric,” you told him. “And then I spent my evenings working on it. The buttons,” you scooted closer to him to point them out, “are the best part.” You ran your finger over one, and in the candlelight you could see the inscription on the metal. ABC.
“Y/N,” he said softly, wonder in his eyes, “this is amazing.”
“You did say red was your favorite, right?” you asked.
“I did,” he said, shrugging on the jacket. “It’s perfect Y/N.”
“I do not have much to give,” you told him, “but I wanted you to have something to remind you of me.”
“I do not need to be reminded, Y/N, for you are always in my thoughts. But this jacket is now my most prized possession.”
You smiled. “Good. I am glad you like it.”
Time went on, and as it did, political tensions rose. And as political tensions rose, so did Enjolras’ stress. He was more distant, and the more you tried to reach him, the more he withdrew. He was becoming short tempered and irritable, and you did most of the talking on your walks.
Why could you not comfort him like you used to? Was your presence no longer enough?
You waited for him tonight, as you always did after meetings, and when he exited the café, he did not offer you his arm, simply rushed past you.
“Apologies, Y/N,” he called over his shoulder, not breaking stride, “but I have far too much to do. I will try to make time to see you soon, but it may need to wait until the meeting next week.”
Before you could even reply, he was out of earshot, and you were left alone on the stairs of the Café Musain.
The next day, you rose bright and early, a mission on your mind.
Quickly dressing and grabbing a bite to eat, you made your way downstairs, passing by a barely awake Marie
"Where are you off to?" she slurred, still mostly asleep.
You sighed. "To find Enjolras. I should have said something to him sooner, because he's been so stressed lately, but I didn't want to bring it up. But then he skipped our walk last night…"
Marie raised her eyebrows, the fogginess of sleep seemingly disappearing instantaneously. "He skipped your walk? He's never missed one, has he?"
You shook your head. "I'm worried about him, Marie. Only a few weeks ago we were as thick as thieves, but since we've received the news of Lamarque's sickness he's like a completely different man."
She placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You'll find him, Y/N, and you'll help him through this, I know it."
You nodded your thanks and made your way out to the street only to be startled by Gavroche, dashing across the street with some of his friends.
"Gavroche!" You called after him. "Gavroche, I need your help!"
The young boy spun on his heel and sprinted towards you as his friends continued onward. “Whad'ya need, Y/N?”
You crouched down to his level to speak to him. “I need to go to Enjolras’ apartment. Do you know where it is?”
He nodded, but then his brow furrowed. “Haven’t you been seeing him? Why don’t you know where he lives?”
You sighed. “I’ve never had cause to visit him alone in his apartment, but I’m afraid that he sorely needs my company, even if he refuses it. Can you show me the way?”
“Absolutely!” he said, and he stuck out his hand as you stood up. You gave him a stern look, but dropped a few francs in his hand. Lord knows the boy needed it more than you did.
You followed him down the city street, passing through familiar shops and homes, before he finally stopped in front of a small building wedged between two much larger ones. “This is it!” he told you. “I deliver his letters here all the time.”
You ruffled his hair. “Thank you, Gavroche. Do you know if Eponine will be at the meeting next week.”
“That depends,” he said with a laugh. “Will Marius be there?” Before you could respond, he ran back in the direction you came, no doubt meaning to catch up with his friends.
You felt a twinge of pity for Eponine. Her unrequited love towards Marius had been tearing her to pieces, and you could hardly bear to watch her fall to shambles like this.
Take care of Enjolras first, you told yourself, then you can worry about Eponine.
Steeling yourself, you approached the door and gave it a sharp knock. You waited, but no response. Another sharp knock.
“Go away!” called a voice faintly.
No way in hell you were going to do that. Jiggling the handle slightly, you were pleased to find that it was unlocked. The door opened with a quiet creaking and you slipped inside.
You rounded the corner of the main entryway and what you saw made your heart sink. Enjolras was slumped over his desk, his hair a mess, his clothes crumpled, and the entire room in disarray. You stepped forward, and your shoe clinked against a glass left on the ground.
“Get out,” he muttered, sounding groggy.
You pressed forward, approaching him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Enjolras, it’s just me.”
He turned toward you, giving you an appraising look, but he quickly looked back down at his work. “I said get out.”
You raised an eyebrow. His words were slurred, and you could smell the sharp stench of alcohol on his breath. “Enjolras, have you been drinking?” You had barely known him to have a single drink, much less get drunk.
“It does not matter. Now, if you would leave me be, I have matters to attend to. Letters to write, rallies to plan.” He batted your hand away.
Not satisfied with his answer, you snatched the letter he was currently working on out from under him. “Dear Commander,” you began, reading his work aloud.
“Hear the the pleas the cries of the people who we need we need assistance. I beg your well wished and timely response.”
You tossed the letter back on the desk. “Enjolras, this is incomprehensible! You need to take a break. You need rest.”
He leaned back in his chair, placing one hand over his eyes. As the sunlight from the window illuminated the panes of his face, you noticed the thin layer of stubble that covered his usually clean-shaven visage. “There is no time for rest,” he told you. “Every day, Lamarque is nearer to drawing his final breath, and we are running out of time.”
You took his chin in your hand, guiding him to look up at you. “All your efforts will be for naught if you kill yourself in the process. Rest, Enjolras, please. You need sleep just as the rest of us do.”
“Fine,” he sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Fine. I will take a break.”
You kissed his forehead. “Good. Come on now.”
Seeing as there was no bedroom on the first floor, you guided him up to the second floor, and like you had all those weeks ago when he had turned up half frozen on your doorstep, you slowly undressed him, allowing him to feel your hands on his skin at every opportunity as you rid him of his dirty clothes and helped him into a pair of clean nightclothes. He was silent, and kept his eyes closed, but you could feel the tension in his body slowly melt away as you tended to him.
He laid in bed, and you sat on the edge beside him, using a damp washcloth to wipe the sheen of sweat from his face.
“Thank you, my love,” he said quietly as you finished up.
You brushed the side of his face gently with your hand. "I only wish that you would speak to me instead of working yourself to the bone."
"I'm sorry," he said, placing a gentle kiss on the palm of your hand. "You deserve much better than a man like me."
This gave you pause. "What is it then, that you think I deserve?"
"A lover whose focus is on you, not France. You deserve to be happy."
"What did you tell me, when I said nearly the same thing? You are not fighting for France alone, my love, I am fighting with you. Together, always. I am the happiest I have ever been."
You leaned in close, a teasing smile on your face. "Except, of course, when you choose to ignore me instead of telling me what's wrong." You planted a kiss on his lips, feeling his smile against your mouth.
"You're right," he whispered. "You're always right."
And with that, he wrapped one arm around your waist and pulled you down on the sheets next to him. "Please stay," he whispered.
"I wouldn't dream of leaving," you replied.
Together you worked. Together you built a revolution, rushing to tie up as many loose ends as possible before the inevitable: Lamarque's death. Meetings were more frantic, rallies more crowded and more prone to intervention by law enforcement. But you stayed by his side and he stayed by yours.
You rushed through the square, glancing up at a nearby clocktower. Enjolras would be expecting you by now, but no matter, you would watch the rally from the crowds like everyone else did, rather than by his side as usual. You pushed to the front, muttering apologies to deaf ears, as no conversation was comprehensible in the massive crowd.
"Lamarque is the only one who stands for the common folk, the only one in our government who fights the wealthy elite in our name! But he is ill, and fading fast!" you heard Marius' voice ring above the crowd.
You pushed further forward and then there, up on the stage, you saw Enjolras. He looked almost angelic, the sun streaming through his hair, passion written on his features.
"How long do we suffer for their benefit before we take what's ours and cut the fat ones down to size?" your lover cried. "Join us in our rebellion! Join us at the barricades!"
Just then, the police burst in from the opposite side of the square, sending the crowd into a frenzy as they rushed to clear the area. The entire time, the students were shouting to the people to not give in, to meet again the following week in the same place for another rally.
You moved against the crowd struggling to stay upright. People were moving in every direction. Which direction was Lamarque’s home? Which was the police? The world was spinning and you had lost all sense of direction, until by some blessed luck, you ran into Marius. “Marius!” you cried, grabbing his arm. “Where is Enjolras?”
“He’s near, he’ll meet us back at the Musain.”
You followed him through the crowd, and soon the people thinned out, and you saw a flash of red ahead.
“Enjolras!” you cried, rushing forward to reach him. He turned quickly at the sound of your voice, and swept you into his arms as you came towards him, holding you tightly against his chest.
“Y/N,” he said into your hair, “I thought you had not made it to the rally today.”
“I was just late,” you replied, your voice shaking. “After the panic, I could not find you. I feared something had happened to you.”
He rubbed small circles onto your back. “It would take far more than a mob to get rid of me. From here on out, we will travel to rallies together. With tensions rising, it is far too dangerous to go on your own.”
You nodded against his chest, still gripping him tight.
“Come now,” he said, releasing you from his embrace, but grabbing on to your hand instead. “Let us go prepare for tonight’s meeting. We will have much to cover.”
The students were gathered together now, and energy was crackling throughout the room. Throughout France, the people were beginning to rise in protest. Notre Dame, rue-du-Bac, everywhere, they were eager to stand and fight.
“The time to rebel is fast approaching, '' began Enjolras. “The people are stirring, rising up with us for the common good of France. I need you all to stay sharp.” He shot a pointed look at Grantaire, who was chugging from a bottle of wine. “The National Guard outmatches us by far. We need a sign that will unite the people, that will call them to arms.”
“Marius, wake up!” Joly shouted across the room. Marius looked dazed, completely indifferent to the meeting happening around him. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost! What’s gotten into you today?”
“Some wine and say what’s going on?” Grantaire offered.
“A ghost,” Marius mused. “Yes, she was like a ghost. There one moment, gone the next.”
Grantaire laughed, the sound almost barking. “Marius has found himself a girl at long last! I am aghast! Never have I seen him in such a state. Why, it’s better than the opera!”
Your stomach dropped as you thought of Eponine. Did she know of Marius' mystery woman? By some stroke of luck, was it Eponine?
“Marius, now is not the time.” Enjolras said. “Is this what we must fight for now? The right to sit around and talk of women? The right to a night at the opera? This is real life men, not a game for a few young, rich, fools to play. We are coming out of a dark age, my brothers, but there is a red dawn at the end of this black night.”
“You should know how it feels, Enjolras,” Marius protested. “When you see Y/N, are you not struck to the bone in breathless delight? Does she not fill your vision with a burst of light each time you think of her?”
“Yeah, Enjolras,” you said playfully, nudging him slightly. “Do I not do that for you?”
He shot you a sharp look that said “Now is not the time to make light of the situation.”
“What I feel for Y/N is not relevant at the moment, and she knows that as well as I do. If your woman was here, helping with the rebellion, we would not be having this discussion. We all have a higher call now, a larger goal, one far more important than finding solace for our lonely souls. Feel how you must Marius, but you are no longer a child, and we need to be present at these meetings. Our little lives are nothing in comparison to the whole of France.”
“Hear, hear!” you cried, raising your glass at Enjolras’ words.
“Hear, hear!” the men echoed.
“Listen, everybody!” The group turned sharply toward the doorway, where Gavroche stood waiting. “General Lamarque is dead!”
You drew in a sharp breath. You knew it was coming, had known for a while now, but it was still jarring to hear the words aloud.
“Lamarque,” said Enjolras. “The people’s man, fallen at last. His death is the sign we have been awaiting.” He grew more confident as the plan solidified in his mind. “His funeral day will be soon, and there we will gather to honor his name. There will be a crowd there, a massive one, of the people who knew Lamarque to be the last truly good man in our government, and from their candles of grief we will kindle the flames of rebellion. The tomb of Lamarque shall lay the foundations for our barricade, for the freedom of all of France!”
He was met with cheers and jubilant shouting. You silently took his hand in yours, and he looked to you with more hope in his eyes than you had seen in months. “Tomorrow!” he yelled to his men. “Tomorrow we meet again and prepare here. Bring what ammunition and supplies you can find, we will need all you can get!”
The men trickled out, and as the uproar died down, Enjolras muttered to you, “You remember our night on the roof?”
You nodded.
“Could you take me there now?”
You did as he asked, leading him up to the trapdoor in the ceiling that led to the roof, and soon the two of you were alone in the cool night air. As soon as the door was shut, Enjolras pulled you into a kiss, kissing you far more passionately than he had in a while. “We’re close,” he finally said. Another short kiss. “So close.”
You held him tight. “I’m proud of you, Enjolras. You’re changing the world."
"I could not have made it this far without you, ma chérie."
"Then into the new world we ride," you told him. "Together."
You couldn't place the look on his face. Hesitant, maybe?
"I have two things I must ask of you , my love."
"Anything," you replied.
He released you from his embrace and backed away a bit. He reached for something small in his pocket and then took a deep breath before kneeling.
"Y/N, since the day I met you, my world has been brighter, more hopeful. You occupy much of my thoughts, and to be apart from you is the worst fate I could imagine." His eyes, so often your only windows into what he was feeling, were shining with emotion. "You have already done so much for me, but would you do me the greatest honor of all and become my wife?"
Tears welled in your eyes, threatening to fall. All you could do at first was nod, for fear of bursting into sobs, but eventually you were able to croak a small, "Yes."
In an instant, Enjolras was on his feet, kissing your face over and over muttering "Thank you," and "I love you," over and over. He slipped a ring onto your finger, and you held your hand up to examine it. It was a simple band, nothing ornate, but it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
"I will get you a nicer one someday soon," he told you. "I had not planned on doing this tonight, but after the rally this morning, when you clung to me in the streets, I knew that I couldn't wait another day to ask you."
"I don't want a more expensive one," you told him. "It would never mean as much as this does."
He held you close and rested his head against yours. His jaw was tense, almost as if he was in pain.
"Enjolras?" You asked, raising a hand to his face. "Are you alright?"
He inhaled sharply at your touch. "I'm afraid there is one more thing I must ask of you."
"What is it?" you asked, your eyes searching his.
"I need you to take your father and sister and leave the city."
Your blood ran cold. "What?"
"It's far too dangerous here. I cannot- I will not- be the reason you get hurt."
You stepped away from him, disbelief written over your features. "What happened to together Enjolras?" You held up your left hand, now adorned with a ring. "I made a promise to bind myself to you only moments ago, and now you ask me to break that promise?"
"No! I am sick of this, Enjolras. When I agreed to see you, you told me that this revolution was something we would fight together, and now you try and send me away!"
"Y/N, we are fighting together, but I need you to stay away from the actual battle. I could never live with myself if you were hurt."
"What about me? How do you expect me to sit by while you risk yourself? I will arrange for Papa and Marie to leave, but I will not abandon our cause in its hour of need. I will not abandon you."
He held your gaze, the stubborn look in his eye no doubt matching your own.
"Fine," he finally said gruffly. "But if you are going to stay, you have to follow orders, the same as the rest of my men. Regardless of what you think, I need to keep you safe."
"Of course," you nodded. "So long as you don't order me to leave."
"I won't."
You embraced him once more. "I love you, Enjolras."
"I love you too, ma chérie."
Marie and your father were gone. There was some protest about you staying behind, but they saw the way you clung to Enjolras' hand, and had been watching the way you had thrown yourself into revolution work the past few months. They packed up what things they needed and left for an inn on the outskirts of Paris.
The next day was a blur. Preparing was busy work. You organized weaponry and ammunition, you helped deliver messages to other rebel groups across the city, and you kept Enjolras from losing his head.
One day more, and then you would be in the fight of your lives.
The students prepared late into the night, and eventually, there was simply no more that could be done. Most stayed the night, setting up a makeshift camp on the second floor of the Musain. You and Enjolras once again found yourselves on the roof, looking over the city at night, pondering the challenge that tomorrow would bring.
“Are you ready?” you asked him.
“As I’ll ever be.”
Silence once more. The comfortable silence took you back to all those months ago. The time that you had first met, and the walks that ensued. The time that you had spent together, simply enjoying one another’s presence.
“Will you marry me?”
“Unless I’m remembering incorrectly, we’ve already had this conversation. Is the stress getting to you so much that you forget?”
“No,” he said. “Will you marry me tonight? Right now?”
You were taken aback. “Now? That’s a bit soon.”
“We may not have another chance,” he said grimly, and for a moment, the gravity of tomorrow weighed on your mind once more, but you quickly pushed it back. You were as prepared as you could be. You had to keep reminding yourself of that.
“Alright,” you said slowly. “Let’s get married then.”
Soon, Les Amis de l’ABC were gathered in the upper room of the Musain, like so many times before. Unlike usual, however, you were there to celebrate a union, rather than plot the downfall of the monarchy.
Combeferre was chosen to officiate, as he was widely regarded as the second in command of Les Amis. You and Enjolras stood facing each other, hands clasped together.
“We are gathered here on this night to celebrate the union between two of our most core members,” Combeferre began. “Enjolras, you have bravely led us through all our trials, and continue to do so even now. Y/N, you have only been with us a short time, but in that period you have shown tenacity and passion in all that you do. I understand you each have something to say?”
You smiled up at your fiancé. His features were softer than they had been in a while, and his smile was more relaxed. He was less tense, like his stress had all but vanished, if only for a little while. “Enjolras,” you said, completely lost in his eyes, “I have no idea where I would be if not for you. Not only did you show me love, but you opened my eyes to a world beyond my own, and to the possibility of a better future. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing, because as long as I have you, I know that I will be alright. However tomorrow ends, I am grateful that we will be fighting for France hand in hand, as husband and wife.”
Enjolras took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was no doubt one of the biggest challenges he would have to face in the coming days: being emotionally vulnerable in front of his friends. “Y/N, I still cannot place what it was, but the first night you came into our meetings, you left your mark upon my very soul. I have thought of you every day since then, and I could not ask for a better woman to call my wife. You care for me when I don’t deserve it, and remind me again and again that I am stronger than the things holding me back. I love you more than I could ever articulate, and I will never be able to thank you enough for agreeing to marry me."
Combeferre nodded curtly. "Now-"
"Wait!" you said. "Gavroche, it's time."
The young boy dashed up to the front of the room and handed you something.
"Thank you, Gavroche," you said.
"Something for you, something for me?" he asked hopefully, earning a chuckle from yourself and many of the students gathered there.
"After we finish up here," you told him, ruffling his hair. He grinned up at you and ran back to his seat. Turning back to Enjolras, you noticed his look of confusion.
"I really wanted to exchange rings," you began, "so I raided my father's small jewelry collection. He's been saving it in case we ever fell on hard times, but I don’t think he would mind." You opened your hand to reveal your engagement ring and a similar band that you had found. "I think it belonged to my grandfather," you told him as you handed him your ring.
You took his left hand and gingerly slipped the ring onto his finger, and he mimicked your actions with your ring.
"Now," Combeferre started over when you had finished. "Enjolras, do you vow to take Y/N as your wife and cherish her through all times, bad and good, until the end of your days?"
"I do," he said, practicing glowing.
"Y/N, do you vow to take Enjolras as your husband and cherish him through all times, bad and good, until the end of your days?'
You nodded, trying to keep your voice from shaking. "I do."
Combeferre smiled. "Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. Enjolras, you may kiss the bride."
Enjolras’ lips were on yours in an instant, like he had been waiting for this moment the entire time. He dipped you down low, earning quite a few wolf whistles and cheers from the students.
He helped you back upright and there was a smattering of applause from your companions, as well as some very loud sobs from Grantaire.
"Would you be quiet?" Marius asked from next to him, nudging him slightly before snatching the nearly empty bottle of alcohol from his hand.
"I'm sorry" Grantaire half blubbered, half slurred. "Weddings make me emotional."
"So does liquor," Marius muttered.
"You're drunk, Grantaire," your husband said, arm around your waist. "Get to bed. In fact, all of you should get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
The members of Les Amis de l'ABC filed out of the room, off to their respective sleeping spots, when you noticed a slip of a boy with his hat pulled down over his brow trying to leave out the back.
"One moment," you muttered to Enjolras, and you followed the figure out the door. "Eponine," you called after "him." "I know it's you."
She paused, then turned back towards you. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I wanted to be there, but I didn't want to face Marius."
You hugged her. "That's all right 'Ponine. I'm just glad you came. And I'm sorry to hear about Marius. What girl has got him acting like this anyhow?"
She shrugged. "Some rich girl named Cosette. I grew up with her, actually."
"You're far too good for him anyways," you told her. "Any man worth his salt would be lucky to have you."
She tried to smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank you, Y/N. I'll be alright on my own tonight. Go back to your husband."
You hesitated, not wanting to leave her when she so clearly needed a friend.
"Go," she said.
"Well if you're that eager to be rid of me…"
"Congratulations, Y/N," she said, and she was soon out of sight.
You couldn't help but worry for her, but your mood brightened when you found Enjolras waiting for you.
"Come on," you told him. "Let's spend our first night as husband and wife together."
The second the door to your room was shut, his mouth was on yours. You laughed a bit at his eagerness before surrendering yourself to the kiss.
He guided you backwards until the back of your legs hit your bed frame. "Do you trust me?" he asked breathlessly. You nodded.
He lifted you into his arms and laid you down on the bed. He leaned over you, his hair falling around his face like a curtain. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Enjolras."
That night was bliss like you had never felt it. Enjolras was gentle and rough and kind and passionate all at the same time. It seemed like you were there for an eternity. When you held you in his arms at the end of the night, you wished it truly had gone on forever.
“Please stay, Enjolras.”
“I wouldn’t dream of leaving.”
The next morning, you woke to him standing at the foot of your bed, buttoning his red coat. A small grin cracked on his face when he saw you stir. “Good morning, chérie.”
You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, pushing yourself up to a sitting position. “You should have woken me when you got up.”
He bent over and placed a kiss on your brow. “You looked so peaceful, that I just couldn’t disturb you. Do you own a shirt and trousers?”
You nodded. “Somewhere around here.”
“Wear them today then. You may get a few stares at the funeral procession, but I would rather you be wearing something more practical for what follows.”
Groaning at your stiff muscles, you pushed yourself out of bed and began to rifle through the small trunk that held your clothes. You tossed what you needed onto your bed, and Enjolras picked them up.
"Allow me?"
You nodded, and your new husband helped you into the outfit, which was just baggy enough to hide any curves and make you look like a young boy.
"You've never looked so lovely," he said jokingly.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your two cockades from the nightstand and handed one to him. He pinned it on your lapel, and you did the same for him.
"I love you, my beautiful wife.”
You grinned. “I love you too, my beautiful husband.”
You stood at the front of the crowd, watching Lamarque’s funeral procession slowly parade down the street. You held Enjolras’ hand tightly in one hand, and Eponine’s in the other, although a bit more discreetly. You didn’t think she wanted anyone to know that she was there. Quietly, Les Amis started singing. It was a song you had heard many times before, but still gave you chills. You added your voice to the choir.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men
It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again
The surrounding crowd looked around in confusion, but slowly, they started joining in.
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drum
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes
The voices crescendoed, and soon the vast majority of the people were singing.
Will you join in our crusade
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?
Enjolras gave your hand one last brief squeeze before jumping out into the middle of the procession, waving a bright red flag for all of Paris to see.
Then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free!
Following his lead, Les Amis ran for it, crowding the funeral procession, and a few bolder onlookers in the crowd did the same.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men
Somewhere in the confusion, Eponine’s hand slipped from yours.
It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again
You and Les Amis crowded the hearse, climbing up onto its sides as it continued down the street.
When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drum
There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes
Enjolras joined Marius, standing on the top of the hearse. His voice rang out over the crowd.
Will you give all you can give so that our banner may advance?
He leaned over the side, offering a hand to you.
Some will fall and some will live
You took it, and he hoisted you up next to him.
Will you stand up and take your chance?
One arm was around your waist, steadying you and the other was grabbing the hilt of his red flag. You sang at the top of your lungs, and yet you could not hear your own voice over the crowd.
The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France!
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men
It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again
The crowd was following the procession now, the swell of people moving down the streets of Paris.
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drum
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes
The procession came to a halt. Standing before you was the National Guard.
They threatened you, but you didn't think they would do it, not really. Until the shot rang off, and almost as if it was in slow motion, a woman in the crowd fell to the ground. The echoes of the shot rang in your ears as you looked on, stunned.
You looked toward Enjolras, whose features were grim, but determined. “To the barricade!” he cried.
The revolutionaries ran, moving like their life depended on it, which it did. You came to the little square where the Café Musain was and called to the people in the buildings to throw down whatever they could, which they did immediately, all too willing to aid in the downfall of the monarchy. You ran into the Musain, grabbing what chairs and tables you could to toss out onto the street.
You made swift work of the project, and foundations of the barricade were built, blocking you from the National Guard waiting on the other side.
“I need a volunteer!” your husband cried through the frenzy. “Someone who can find out their plan and when they will attack.”
A man that you did not recognize approached. “I will go,” he declared. “I was once a part of the guard, and I know their ways well. I will find out the truth.”
Enjolras nodded. “Thank you for stepping up, citizen.”
In the blink of an eye, the man was gone.
Ejolras dashed to the top of the barricade and planted his red flag there, a symbol of the revolution.
Soon night fell, and the buzzing of the day’s adrenaline was still taking hold. Everyone rushed about doing whatever they could.
“He’s back!” a voice cried, drawing your attention to the barricade.
“Listen friends, I have the information you seek!” the strange man called from outside the barricade. “I have counted their men and overheard their plans. They are strong, and it will be a dangerous fight.”
Enjolras gestured for him to come around the barricade. “Have faith. If you know their plans, we will find a way to overpower him. There is great strength in the people here.”
“You are safe for tonight,” said the man. “They wish to starve you out and weaken your forces before they attack in the morning.”
“Liar!” echoed a young voice. “Good evening, dear Inspector Javert!” It was Gavroche. “This man is no ally, he’s the law!”
Courfeyrac and Grantaire quickly grabbed him. “Throw him in the tavern,” Enjolras directed coldly. “We will let the people decide his fate.”
Javert’s face twisted in anger and he spat at Enjolras’ feet. “Kill me if you wish. You schoolboys know nothing of the world and the laws that bind it. I renounce your people’s court.”
They tried to pull him into the tavern, but he flung the two men off of him.
Enjolras rushed forward as the men struggled to restrain him. Javert rushed to the corner grabbing something-
“Enjolras, watch out!” you cried, as Javert swung a metal bar straight at his head. It missed narrowly. Enjolras wrestled the bar away from him, and swung it down hard, knocking the Inspector out cold.
Suddenly, you noticed the hairs on the back of your neck rising. You weren’t the only one who noticed something off, as the rest of the people gathered began looking around. Realization dawned in Enjolras’ eyes, and the men rushed out of the tavern, grabbing guns as they did.
“They’re coming!” someone yelled
You were in charge of reloading Enjolras’ musket, so you settled in behind him, on the ground below the barricade, as he took aim.
“Who’s there?” shouted the leader of the National Guard.
You clenched your jaw. The time was here.
“French Revolution!” your husband cried.
“Fire!” was the only response he got, soon followed by a volley of gunfire.
Shouting. There was so much shouting. The shouts soon grew louder, and you looked on in horror as you realized why.
They were climbing over the barricade.
You saw Marius grab a barrel of gunpowder and a torch before scurrying up the barricade.
What was he planning?
He reached the top nearly nose to nose with enemy soldiers. One raised his musket.
Oh God, you thought, Oh God, he doesn’t see.
Before you could cry out, before you could move, Eponine lept, seemingly from nowhere, in front of the musket, right as the shot rang out. Her body seemed to fall in slow motion, and you stood paralyzed. You hardly processed Marius’ threats to blow the barricade and the retreat of the National Guard as you ran to Eponine’s side. You took her hand in yours.
“Eponine!” you cried. “Eponine, please be all right.”
“Y/N?” Her voice was shaky.
“Yes, Eponine. Hold on, all right? We’ll get you a doctor.”
“I love you Y/N. You were the best friend I could have asked for.”
“I love you too, Eponine, but don’t talk like that, okay? We’re going to get you fixed up, don’t worry.”
She shook her head, but then you saw her eyes brighten. You turned over her shoulder to see what she was looking at. Marius stood looming over you. You backed away, knowing that she would want him by her side in her final moments.
He knelt down and held her, whispering to her, as her light slowly dimmed. The hot tears in your eyes mixed with the cold rain as your vision blurred.
You saw Gavroche, standing alone, the rain pouring down not masking the silent tears streaming from his eyes as he watched his sister bleed out. You approached him, and gently took his hand into yours. He squeezed so hard that it hurt, but you didn’t say a word.
Eponine went limp and her hand fell from Marius’ face. You stifled back a sob. As he passed you, Enjolras placed a hand on your shoulder, a silent reminder that he was there if you needed him. He and a few of the others gently lifted her body to take it out of the rain.
A while later, you were sitting quietly with Gavroche when Marius approached you. You tried to push down the swell of anger that came when you laid eyes on him. He, who had only noticed Eponine when she killed herself for him,
“Gavroche, can you do something for me?” he asked.
“Anything. Without you, I would have bitten the dust,” the young boy replied.
Marius handed Gavroche a letter and a few francs. “Deliver this for me, would you?”
No sooner had he spoken than Gavroche was off, leaving only you and Marius.
“Was that to Cosette?” Your voice was cold.
He nodded sheepishly, and your face twisted in anger.
“Eponine sacrificed herself for you! Took her own life so that you can live, and all you can think of is your wretched girlfriend? And now you have the gall to ask her brother to deliver your love letter? You didn’t even acknowledge her until she was dying in your arms!”
Enjolras dashed over, alerted by the yelling. “What’s the matter?”
“He doesn’t care,” you sobbed as he pulled you into his arms. “He doesn’t care that Eponine is dead. My best friend is dead.”
“I care,” Marius said quietly, the look on his face grave. “That I can promise you.”
He turned and left, leaving you and Enjolras alone.
You sank to your knees, no longer having the motivation to keep yourself upright, as the sobs racked out of you.
“She didn’t deserve this,” you muttered into his chest as he rubbed small circles on your back. “She didn’t deserve this.”
“No one does,” he said. “That’s why we fight. Why we must keep going, so that Eponine’s death is not in vain.”
You nodded, still sniffling slightly. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said, smoothing your hair. “Her death has shaken us all. Why don’t you go try and get some sleep? I’ll join you shortly, for a little while, but I have things that need to be taken care of.”
“I think I’d like to be alone, just for a bit,” you told him, “but I’ll sleep when you sleep.”
He kissed your brow. “That’s fair. Now go, and I’ll be there soon.”
You had done as Enjolras had said, and you were sitting in your room, staring at your candle as it slowly burnt down. The tears had long since dried, and you were sure you must look a mess.
You jumped to your feet, startled as a series of gunshots went off. You raced downstairs, grabbed a musket, and prayed to God it was loaded. When you stormed into the square, armed and at the ready, the gunfire had died, and Enjolras was closing the tavern doors.
“Enjolras!” you cried, running to his side. “What happened?”
“Enemy marksmen from the roofs,” he said. “We took care of them. And there is another volunteer from the National Guard, but Gavroche has claimed he is trustworthy. He’s taking care of Javert as we speak.” As if to punctuate his sentence, a loud gunshot rang from behind the tavern. And thus ended Javert.
The men were relaxing, leaning against the barricade after a long and difficult day. Enjolras turned to address them. “Courfeyrac, you take the watch. The enemy may attack before light. Keep the faith, all. The people will rise, we are not alone.”
He took your hand, leading you along with him. He approached Marius, who was lost within his work, reinforcing the barricade. “Maruis,” he said, “rest.” Marius’ jaw tightened when he saw you, but he nodded curtly at Enjolras’ command.
Enjolras led you to an outcropping in front of one of the surrounding buildings, and leaned against the wall. The fatigue was evident on his face, but he drew you in and held you close as Grantaire began to sing an old drinking song.
Drink with me to days gone by
To the life that used to be
At the shrine of friendship, never say die
Let the wine of friendship never run dry
Here’s to you
And here’s to me
You could feel the soft rumble of Enjolras’ voice as he joined in. His soft voice was comforting, and you couldn't help but chuckle when he kissed your head as the rest of the men sang
Here’s to pretty girls who went to our heads
And to witty girls who went to our beds
You stayed like that for a while after the song was through, listening to his heartbeat. Despite his relaxed appearance, you could tell how stressed he truly was. He was scared.
“Go on up to bed now,” he told you. “You need to get some rest.”
“That’s the second time you’ve told me to do that,” you said. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Never,” he said. “I just worry about you. And I have far too much to take care of to rest.”
You nearly laughed at that. If anyone should be worried it should be you. He was working himself to the bone, and at this rate, he wouldn’t even survive until the next attack.
“You need to sleep as much as I do,” you told him. “Come to my room with me, just for a few hours, and then we’ll take care of your stuff together, okay?”
He sighed. “You've swayed me, chérie Let’s go get some rest.”
You woke a few hours later to an empty bed. You sighed loudly, but you shouldn’t have been surprised. At the foot of your bed layed Enjolras’ red coat and a note.
I’ve gone to see how the other barricades are faring. I know you would have wanted to come with me, but I promise I will be back soon. Keep my coat safe, chérie. I love you.
You scoffed, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be upset at him. He wanted to keep you safe. You just wished he realized that you wanted to keep him safe as well.
You put on his coat, and were pleased to realize that it smelled like him. You met up with the rest of the men outside.
“Looking sharp,” Grantaire said with a wink, earning a gentle playful slap on the arm.
“How are things looking?” you asked Combeferre.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “The rain has damaged our supply. We’re working to see what we still have, but it’s not looking good.”
A sudden whistle from the top of the barricade drew your attention, and your heart soared as you saw your husband climb over.
Before he could even crest the barricade, Marius ran over to him, “Enjolras, the rain damaged the gunpowder. We’re low on ammunition.”
“We’re the only barricade left,” Enjolras replied, but his eyes were trained on you as he spoke.
“We’re the only ones left.” In a perfect demonstration of his inner character, Enjolras spoke to the crowd as he approached you, wrapping one arm around your waist in a silent greeting. France came first, but he would not forget you because of that. The look he gave you was a silent apology for leaving you alone.
“The people have not stirred,” he announced. “Those who still live in fear have abandoned us, so I will say this. All who wish to leave must do so now.”
The air was thick. Would they stay and risk losing their lives, or leave and risk losing their values?
The silence was broken by one little boy, singing a familiar tune.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the song of angry men?
The people around you joined Gavroche, with hushed tones at first, but then soon at full volume.
It is the music of the people who will not be slaves again
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes
Soon the troops were gathered again, their spirits reinvigorated, but the concern of ammunition was a big one. No one was sure how you were going to keep going on.
“Gavroche!” you heard someone whisper urgently, and looked up to see a few of Les Amis, leaning over the top of the barricade. Your stomach dropped and you climbed over the edge and looked over the side to find Gavroche, holding sacs of gunpowder and taunting enemy forces. A gunshot rang out, narrowly missing the boy.
“Gavroche!” you hissed. “Get back here!”
Your words fell on deaf ears as Gavroche looked up, grinned, and continued onward.
Courfeyrac yelled for him, trying to jump over the barricade, but he was held back. All you could do was watch in horror as one, two, gunshots struck Gavroche down. His lifeless body stared at the sky, his blank eyes devoid of all their usual mischief and playfulness.
Courfeyrac ran out to grab the body, bringing him back and laying him at the base of the barricades. His sobs hit you like a knife. How many more must die?
“Bring him to lay next to Eponine,” you said quietly, and someone, you didn’t see who, obliged.
“You at the barricades!” the leader of the National Guard shouted. “The people of Paris sleep in their beds. No one will come to help in your fight. You are on your own with no chance at all! Why throw your lives away?”
Enjolras took on a new air, ever the leader. “Damn their warnings!” he cried, “And damn their lies. Let us die facing our foes. We can still make them bleed.”
“They will pay for every man!” yelled Courfeyrac, still teary.
“Others will rise when we fall!” your husband shouted, his voice thick with passion. “One day the Earth will be free!”
He grabbed your hand as the men ran to arms, speaking now in a low voice. “You told me not to ask you this, but I must. Please go. This ends in prison or death for all of us if we stay.”
“I’m not leaving you, Enjolras,” you whispered.
He nodded and raised his gun. “To arms, then.”
“Cannons!” came the shout from the other side of the barricade. Your blood curdled, but you held fast. This was judgement day.
“Fire!” cried Enjolras, and a volley of gunshots rained on the National Guard. He tossed his musket down to you and you handed him the new one you were holding, prepped and ready, and began to make quick work of the old one.
Through the screams, the bloodshed, the falling bodies, you did what you were supposed to do. You tuned it out and changed the weaponry. But soon the guard advanced. The bodies were dropping from bayonets instead of muskets, and you were forced to retreat. Those who had previously been sympathetic closed their doors, shutting out the dying students in the streets.
“To the Musain!” you cried, and the straggling survivors followed. There were shouts to barricade the door, but it wouldn’t hold for long. Your group ran to the second floor
Enjolras grabbed your hand. “I know you don’t want this,” he said, speaking hurriedly, “But I don’t care. Go to the storage room on the kitchen and don’t come out, no matter what you hear. I love you.”
“Enjolras, I won’t-”
“Go! I love you!” He was moving away from you, towards the stairs, forcing himself to leave because he knew you wouldn’t leave him.
“I love you too!” you yelled after him, and ignoring the sinking pit in your stomach, did as he asked.
You shut yourself in the tiny room and curled into a ball on the floor. You were surrounded by bottles of your father’s finest liquor and extra cleaning supplies.
You broke the skin on your hand when you bit it to keep from crying at the gunshots outside.
The footsteps and shouts of the National Guard retreated, and there was silence in the Café Musain once more.
You were alone once more.
Your eyes scanned the small room around you, an idea forming. An idea that you knew Enjolras would hate just as much as it would make him proud.
It’s either die here or rot in jail, you thought. There’s no getting out of here without the guards seeing me. May as well make all this effort worth my while.
You grabbed what you needed and threw the supplies in a small satchel. Placing a hand on the doorknob, you steeled yourself, and then stepped outside.
There was a thin haze in the air, most likely smoke from the barricade and musket fire. You slowly crept your way up to the second floor of the building, and stifled a gasp when you saw the bodies of your friends littered on the floor. Grantaire was slumped next to the window, and next to him-
You knew it was true, but you didn’t want to believe it. You slowly leaned over the edge of the windowsill, and felt a pang of horror as you saw Enjolras’ body hanging from it, waving his red banner proudly, even in death. You had no time to process it, before you heard a guardsman cry. “Up there! Someone’s still in the building!”
You sprinted away from the ceiling and up to the top floor. You pulled the trapdoor down and hoisted yourself onto the roof, then quickly scampered down the side of the building, two bottles of brandy clinking in your bag.
You rounded a corner, crouching at the edge of the barricade. You were hidden for now, but you knew that wouldn’t last long. Opening the bottles of alcohol, you stuffed a rag down the neck of each. You kissed the neck of one bottle. “For you, Les Amis de l’ABC.” You kissed the other. “For you, Eponine.” Bringing your hand to your lips, you kissed the band around your finger. “For you, Enjolras.”
With that, you lit each rag with a flint and steel, and raced to the top of the barricade.
“Vive la France!” you cried, so loud that it hurt your throat, and you hurled the two makeshift bombs towards the enemy’s cannons, right into the highest concentration of gunpowder.
If the explosion wasn’t enough to knock you off your feet, the responding volley of gunfire was, and you fell to the ground as the bullets tore through your body.
“Vive la France,” you whispered once more as the darkness enveloped you.
You woke to sharp pain from your core and the sounds of a woman sobbing. You realized suddenly that you were being carried, and as you slowly opened your eyes, you recognized who it was.
“Marie,” you whispered, barely able to get the sound out. Your sister screamed and nearly dropped you.
“Y/N, you were dead!”
“Not yet Marie, but I’m dying. Where did they put Enjolras’ body?”
“You know, then,” she said grimly. “He is in the tavern. I’ll take you.”
“What you did was amazing,” she said as she walked. “Everyone’s talking about it. They’re calling you the Belle of the Barricade.”
You crinkled your nose. “I was never one for semantics.”
Marie laughed, but there was little joy in the sound. “You were very brave, Y/N. Your bravery won’t be forgotten. Why, I’ll tell every patron we have about my daring older sister who took on the National Guard single handedly in a final attack.” She was smiling, but tears were streaming down her face.
She laid you down on the floor next to your husband’s lifeless body. “Marie?” you said softly.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“We were married. The night before the funeral procession, we were married right in the Musain. I want you to know. And Papa.”
She nodded tearfully. “I’ll tell him.”
You raised one hand to Enjolras’ face, so rigid and smooth in death. “I told you, my love,” you whispered to him, “I wouldn’t dream of leaving.”
And with that, the strength ebbed from your body, and all went black a final time.
Light, warm and pure surrounded you. Your eyes opened, and as your vision cleared, a face came into focus.
Enjolras, his face far more peaceful than you had ever seen it. The lines of his face had softened, and he looked for once like a school boy, not a hardened general.
“Enjolras?” you asked. Your brow furrowed. “Where are we?”
“Beyond the barricade,” he replied, offering you his hand.
You took it, and he pulled you towards him. The two of you went forward into the light, into the world you longed to see.
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it, because it was really fun to write.
Also sorry for the fade to black scene, I'm just not a fan of writing smut.
But I appreciate anyone who took the time to read this, and I hope I was able to do Enjolras justice.
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nogenderbee · 6 months
Not sure if requests are open but...
Kanade with a reader who are in a relationship and Kanade finds the cup noodles taste better when reader makes it.
They were when you requested so here we go! And to be honest, I had lots of fun writing this one so hopefully you'll like it too hah ^^
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕟𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Kanade finds noodles tastier when reader does them
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @modyuki @hakulivesformusic
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Kanade was in her room, working on newest song for Nightcord. It was already after 16/4pm and yet, she didn't had her dinner yet. Some may think it's nothing unusual as she often skips meals but this time was different... she promised not only Miss Honami but also her lover to eat properly but she just coudln't find the motivation to reach for that noodle cup knowing she can get the noodles made from heaven in just few minutes...
You on the other hand were just on your way to visit your girlfriend and see how she's doing! Unfortunely because of bad weather, you're few mniutes later than you told her... but let's just hope she won't mind!
You entered her house using spare keys she got for you and made your presence known when you saw no one in the sight, figuring the girl you're looking for must be in her room.
"Hey Kanade! It's just me!"
"I'm in my room! Just give me a minute!"
She probably just got some nice idea and wants to write it down, it happens often to everyone! So you took care of the kitchen, thinking you might need to clean some stuff but it ended up it wasn't much... that's when you began to wonder if she eats properly...
Once the gray haired girl comes out of her room, you immidietly asked her about your doubts after short greeting hug.
"Hey Kanade... just a question... did you ate today?"
"Yes I... ate breakfast..."
"And dinner?"
"Well, I waited for you..."
You only sighed in response, it was truly a sweet gesture of hers but you didn't wanted her to starve just because of you!
"I'll make you something quickly. Do you want anything specific?"
You kind of expected that honestly... you didn't put up any talk about how she should eat healthier tho, at that moment you were just happy she agreed to eat anything and take a break from her work.
Blue eyed girl handed you 2 cups of noodles, you knew she wanted you to eat properly too so you just nodded with a smile and filled them with water as soon as it boiled.
It was a calm moment between you two, when you were just enjoying your meal, sometimes not even talking but none of you really mind. And your girlfriend? She felt like she was eating noodles prepared by God himself! She made sure to watch closely but you never add anything to it... then how do you make it taste to heavinly!?
After you two were done with eating and cleaned up a little, she came up to you to ask you something that seemed like a very serious question to her.
"Y/N, I have a small question... how do you always make noodles taste so good?"
"Huh? What do you mean, K?"
"It's just that... whenever you do it, they taste heavinly but when I do my best to recreate it, it's not the same..."
"Is that why you waited for me with dinner today?"
The girl looked away with very faint blush, only assuring you that your guess was indeed correct. If that's the case, you might as well think of it some more... or maybe you already know the answer? Maybe it is love that counts?
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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