#getting mad at her for taking a picture without my permission
abysslll · 1 year
experiencing ✨hostility✨ in the car this fine morning
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savannahsdeath · 10 months
Hiii, so I wanna request an ellie x reader where they are like fake dating but then one night they're out at a bar and some guys are messing with/bothering (basically harrasing) reader and Ellie BEATS them up. Like bad lol. Then reader gets mad at Ellie, insisting she could've "handled it herself" but then ellie ends up accidentally saying she's in love with reader hence why she got so protective
i cant stop thinking about this omg.
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! mention of alcohol, catcalling, sa and just creepy guys overall, blood, fighting
writers note: writing this took my blood sweat n tears and im not sure wether it was worth it or not
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while you and ellie had been close and even affectionate with one another, the nature of your relationship had always been that of simple friends. holding hands, sitting on her lap, or other romantic gestures seemed natural and casual between the two of you without any thought to anything more. however, you were both acutely aware that everyone believed you were romantically involved and you knew that was one reason you were still single.
when you were in ellie's room you began to notice little things. she had framed pictures of the two of you together, notes and sketches she had made about you, and a diary full of your name. dina and jesse kept teasing you about it, but 'isn't it what friends do?'
and, god, how oblivious you were.
one day, you took her out to a local bar, feeling the need to just drink and forget about everything for one night.
as you walked into the pub, you couldn't help but notice all the heads that turned to watch as you passed. it was like something in the air compelled you to turn to look at her. a familiar feeling of warmth ran through you and you instinctively reached out to take her hand. ellie giggled at your gesture, but didn't let go and you continued through the crowd which got already bored with your appearance.
it was just a normal night, the drinks making you a little tipsy and loosening your tongue, but everything was going just fine.
you saw a group of boys your age suspiciously eyeing you and ellie, their gaze mostly focused on you and your clothes.
well, that's true, you didn't put your everyday clothes on, but you had a good humour and felt like dressing up... actually, who am i trying to lie to? you wanted to look good for your friend.
she didn't notice the boys, but you did. your eyes met with the one in the leather jacket, and he looked away quickly. his group turned back to their beers, but you couldn't stop thinking about the way he glanced over at you.
the situation made you a little uncomfortable, but you played it cool and ignored the boys, turning your attention back to ellie. she was in her element, chatting away in a loud and lively fashion, her hands flying to emphasize whatever story she was telling. you couldn't help but let out a laugh as you took in the scene.
things were going just fine until one of the boys approached you. "hey, gorgeous." he said, in a voice that was trying just a little too hard to sound casual. "can we buy you a drink?"
ellie frowned, her gaze flickering between you and him. "she's not alone."
the boy tried again, undeterred. "i wasn't talking to you." he scoffed, his voice dripping with condescension as he turned to ellie, pointing you with his chin. "who wears a dress like that if they're not looking for a good time?"
ellie looked shocked for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. she leaned towards the boy, keeping her voice low. "this dress looks like it's worth more than you make in a month. now, leave us alone."
the boy laughed, turning his attention back to you, seemingly oblivious to the warning. "why don't you take off the dress and let us see what's underneath?"
you watched ellie open her mouth to answer for you again but you cut her off with a shake of your head and quiet 'let it go'. she looked at you, her mouth half open, as if she was waiting for your permission before starting her response. she rolled her eyes at you, but said nothing.
the boy seemed frustrated that his insult was met with no reaction. he jabbed his finger at you. "or maybe you're just a dyke?"
at that, ellie's eyes flew open. "the fuck did you just say?" she hissed, clenching her fists to the point her nails were digging into her palm.
you gripped her wrist, trying to pull her away. "ellie, come on–"
as things were just starting to escalate, a bartender rushed over, looking agitated. "hey, hey! none of that in here!" he pointed at him. "you, out now!"
the boy scoffed, as did his friends, but obediently left. you could hear him muttering complaints under his breath, but his voice faded away into the background din of the bar.
you kept close to ellie as the boys were led out.
ellie was still fuming, taking a few deep breaths. she looked up at you with daggers in her eyes. "why did you stop me? he deserved more than that." after a little pause she added; "no one will disrespect you like that. and no one can disrespect you when they're unconscious."
you weren't sure whether to be amused or horrified at her comment. "and how exactly were you planning on achieving that?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
ellie smirked, taking your hand in hers. "you don't need to know. just know that i was prepared if things had gotten out of hand."
that answer did little to ease your skepticism. "you know you can't go around knocking people out like a character in a movie, right?"
ellie raised her eyebrows, staring at you with a challenging expression. "sure i can," she grinned, "if the situation calls for it.
"ellie," you said, "be serious." but ellie's confidence was charming, and you couldn't help but crack a little smile. "alright," you added. "just... try to keep your cool next time, alright?"
she nodded, squeezing your hand. "promise. no knocking heads unless i absolutely have to."
you decided to leave the bar shortly after, not in the mood to socialise anymore. she told you to wait outside as she, obviously, paid for the both of you.
the atmosphere outside wasn't so cozy - not only because it was cold and windy, but you also saw those boys there, smoking and laughing. you thought about going back inside but they didn't seem to notice you - well, not at first.
one of the boys spotted you and instantly smiled. he nudged his friend and said something you couldn't quite make out. the two of them laughed and started approaching you. "hey," the first one said, "is your little girlfriend taking too long in there? we could take you home and warm you up."
the thought of people thinking ellie is your girlfriend seemed funny but not new to you, so you ignored it.
you rolled your eyes at their comment, but kept your expression neutral. "no, thanks, but you might want to work on your pickup lines. 'warm you up?' really?"
the two boys exchanged a look and laughed. their friend said "oh, she's feisty. we like that."
you felt your stomach drop. ellie was still inside the bar and you had no clue how long she might be. not too long, you hoped. i mean, how long can paying for a few drinks take?
as if on cue, ellie opened the door and came out. she stopped dead in her tracks as she noticed the two boys who'd just been hitting on you.
she took a moment to take in the situation, then rolled her eyes and scoffed. you were relieved to see she was wearing a smirk that told you she was ready for whatever was coming.
the two boys stared at ellie, eyes darting from her to you and back again.
"oh, hey ellie." you exhaled, putting on your best fake smile. "good timing. we were just about to–"
ellie didn't give you the chance to finish. "sorry i took so long." her tone was friendly, but it was obvious she was trying to claim you as her territory. all three boys watched her in silence.
"can i help you, boys?" ellie said sweetly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. she put her arms around your waist, which only amplified her already mocking tone.
the boys watched her with leering eyes. the tall blonde one put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "we were just saying how pretty your friend is." he paused, raising an eyebrow. "she sure looks... hm, how do i describe it? slutty?"
at that, ellie's demeanor changed, and her previous smile faded. her look was cold as ice, and she clenched her fists again.
'this is getting out of hand'
"hey," the tall blonde said, "i bet there's something better under that dress." he pointed at you.
"yeah, there's a fucking gun." you hissed.
he didn't seem to take you seriously, as he should - you were in fact completely unarmed. the only weapon you had was... well, ellie. "we'd like to personally test that theory."
ellie's knuckles turned white. "i'm here with her."
"look, you can watch from a distance." the blonde laughed. "but me and my friends here are going to have a good time with a girl like this, whether she wants it or not."
you felt yourself flush with embarrassment. "oh, uh, no. we're just leaving." you said, grabbing ellie's wrist and trying to pull her away.
ellie wasn't having any of it. "go to the car and wait for me there." she whispered, tossing the keys to you.
"you're crazy." you whispered under your breath.
"just do it," ellie hissed. "i can handle them, and i don't want you getting involved."
'like i'm not involved already.'
it was impossible to argue against that last point, and you reluctantly followed her instructions.
you were surprised they didn't try to stop you but you realised they probably know what's going to happen.
as you opened the car door and got in, you watched the situation from the safety of the passenger's seat. the boys had surrounded ellie, one with his hand on her arm and the others laughing and pointing at you. you couldn't hear them but you guessed what they talked about. they were just little shadows in your eyes now, you barely could tell which one's ellie.
from your vantage point, you watched ellie and the three boys facing off. she spoke in a quiet, measured voice that you weren't sure you wanted to hear the contents of.
suddenly, you saw the blonde reach towards her. that was enough for her.
she slapped his hand away, and in a swift motion, kicked him in the groin. he let out a, silent for you, cry of pain and sank to the ground, while the others were still recovering from the surprise. ellie turned to them and and soon they were all on the ground. the blow knocked the last boy out cold. ellie quickly turned to the blonde, who was now sitting up and holding his injured part. without a word, ellie approached him and kneed between his legs just as he was about to stand up.
the boy groaned, dropping back to the ground. ellie reached down and grabbed him by the shirt. she hauled him back up, and raised her fist again. you turned away, not wanting to look at the scene and uncomfortably shifted in the passenger seat, hoping it'll be over soon.
she took her time. you didn't know what could they possibly say to piss her off that much but you didn't want to.
she approached the car and got in, not saying a word to you.
you didn't say a word either, you just watched her cautiously driving. your anger started to grow - at the boys, at the whole situation, even at ellie. what she did was just reckless, one of them could be armed... or have really good skills. plus, they barely touched you and the comments didn't really get to you anyway.
you let out a frustrated sigh and turned to her. "why did you have to make such a big deal out of nothing? i could have handled it just fine on my own."
ellie didn't look at you or even acknowledge your words. she kept driving, her attention focused on the road.
you weren't sure what to think, but it frustrated you that she was acting like this. 'why can't she just drop the tough girl act and admit she overreacted?'
you tried again. "ellie, come on, i know you were just trying to help, but–" you sighed. "just ignore me, i guess."
you turned to look out the window in annoyance, but then ellie spoke suddenly, her tone deadly serious. "you know i was right to do what i did."
you whipped your head around to look at her in surprise. "what do you mean?"
ellie looked straight ahead as she kept driving. "those guys would have taken advantage of you," she said quietly, "like it or not."
her words hit you like a ton of bricks. you sat in silence for a moment, trying to process what she said.
"but that's ridiculous," you frowned, "i wouldn't have let anything happen."
ellie shot you a look. "you really think you're the one in control of the situation? sweetheart, you have no idea. as soon as you let them talk to you, it was out of your hands."
you mockingly laughed. "oh, so i can't handle them but you can? what am i, a deer surrounded by lions?"
ellie sighed, shaking her head. "god, you're infuriating," she said, keeping her eyes on the road. "yeah, actually, you are like a deer surrounded by lions – completely oblivious to how predatory these men are."
she cast a sharp and serious glance at you, making you flinch.
"i can handle myself." you repeated, with growing annoyance. after a moment, you added; "why the fuck would you do that? you should mind your own business."
"i make it my business to look after my friends." ellie answered, still not looking at you.
you felt your blood boil, but you forced yourself to remain calm. "i don't want you to look after me, ellie. you are my friend, not my babysitter."
"oh, i'm sorry!" she shrugged, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "i thought friends protect each other!"
you scoffed at her last comment. "how exactly was i in danger?" you asked. "they barely even touched me!"
she sighed again, this time with irritation. "jesus, you were really lucky, alright? i get that you feel like your ego's been hurt by all this, and i'm sorry. but if i hadn't stepped in, you could have been hurt. maybe the situation wouldn't have escalated to violence, but i wasn't taking any chances." she looked at you, her expression softened and she seemed truly concerned. "do you understand?"
you huffed but your tone calmed down a little. "that was my problem, not yours."
"fine, it was your problem," ellie rolled her eyes. "just don't get mad at me for looking out for you."
"i'm not mad." you said, your tone turning defensive. "i'm annoyed you think i'm incapable of looking after myself."
her eyes fixed on you, cold and sharp. "you're lucky i was there."
she parked the car in front of your house, where she was supposed to sleep this night. at least, you planned it like that. now you'd prefer to be alone. you let her in anyway, hoping to talk about what happened in better circumstances.
as soon as you came in, you took some ice bags and went back to ellie. her knuckles were bloody red and swollen, even though she didn't seem to be hurt. she looked up and took the bag from your hand, but her expression was still stern.
"thanks." she said in a raspy monotone, holding it to her hands.
you cleared your throat awkwardly, hoping that the ice would help ease the situation. "ellie, i just want to say i appreciate what you did, but–"
she sighed and shook her head. "don't start."
"well, i was going to." you said, unable to hide your irritation. "you overreacted. i don't need your help. it was my problem to deal with."
ellie stayed silent for a moment, as if contemplating what you just said. "i might have overreacted," she admitted, "but i still don't regret what i did."
you sighed and threw your hands up in frustration. "we're just going around in circles here. why can't you understand that i can handle myself? i don't need you. i didn't ask for your help. i don't understand why you just have to get all protective over me."
ellie sighed, dropping the ice bag to her side. her voice was still calm, but with a hint of anger. "i was trying to look out for you. i was trying to do something nice, and you just keep yelling at me for it."
you felt your confusion growing even more. "but- why?"
she shook her head in disbelief. "because i love you."
the air seemed to suck out of your lungs when she said that. her words were unexpected, and you wanted to know if you heard her right. "what did you say?"
ellie chuckled and nodded, her expression almost teasing but still nervous and even a little aggresive. "i said i love you, of course."
you couldn't reply, too stunned to speak. you just stared at her, feeling the familiar heat on your cheeks rise.
she clicked her tongue at your obliviousness. "that's why i'm so protective. that's why i couldn't just ignore how they talked to you."
you just blinked, still unable to process what she said.
ellie must have sensed your confusion, because she continued. "i'm not your babysitter, alright? you're a big girl. you can take care of yourself– but that's not what i meant." she took your hand in hers. "i'm worried about you because i love you."
the realization of what she'd said suddenly hit you like a train, and you felt your heart race. for what felt like an eternity, you just stared at her, still not believing what you were hearing.
ellie just smiled, a little bit embarrassed, as if she hadn't just made one of the most profound declarations of love imaginable.
"so," she said quietly, "can you forgive me now?"
her tone was so innocent, so sincere, that it seemed almost cruel to keep arguing with her. it seemed cruel that you ever did.
in the end, you nodded. "yeah, i can."
that was all it took for ellie's expression to light up.
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eunoiaastralwings · 26 days
Fragments of Blue
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featuring Bucky x reader
fandom mcu- pre catcw
a/n based on my idea here - here part one (can be read alone too - I think LMAO).
warnings running away ? - idk if there was anything else tell me otherwise
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You were simply lying on the on the couch bored when he came in again – with presuming a packet of bread in his hands.
You momentarily looked over the man that was once the deadly assassin – the one who had been assigned to bring you back to your father and his Hydra, every time you tried to escape or occasionally protect you.
He was always so anxious and nervous now – now you saw the real man being the Winter Soldier, trapped underneath Hydra’s torture who was finally free.
But the world didn’t see it like that however – the world still saw him as a murder and a true weapon of evil and you could almost see he saw himself like that too now.
Like he was signing the picture the outside world painted him as.
You always wondered why he came back for you – you were Alexander Pierce’s daughter after all. You were once even called as Hydra’s daughter by your father’s men.
But unlike your father you didn't want to be part of Hydra – but you were forced to know Hydra, including the Winter Soldier.
Little did you know, the blue-eyed man before you remembered as the Winter Soldier, he told to watch over you and made sure you didn't escape from Hydra like you tried countless times.
It was like you were something constant – something different than the usual assassinations he was tasked with.
You father was dead – yet you weren’t sure how to feel about that, he was your only family after all – though he did put Hydra above you.
Once the man was freed from the mind control and for whatever reason he had broken into your father’s house helped her escape and went on the run together.
You had known the moment he stepped in – he wasn’t Blue anymore.
He was the man behind those blue eyes again – still he seemed to be refusing to tell you his real name.
“So. . . you going to tell me your real name or do I keep calling you, Blue?” She asked – as he places the packet of bread on the small table in tiny rundown apartment you were sharing.
You had hated always calling him Soldat or the Winter Soldier, like your father and Hydra did - so you always stuck with calling him Blue, because of his blue eyes. He didn’t remember his own name - and no one would tell him or you either. . .and you wanted to make him feel just a little human. . .
He looked up giving you a once over – as if still debating inside him whether to trust you or not.
To be honest the only reason you were was because of him anyways.
You were almost certain he was going to brush you off again.
But then you heard a small mutter.
“Bucky. . .”
You disguised yourself the best you could, wearing one of Bucky’s baseball caps – as you looked around the market stalls, trying to follow him.
You were always annoying him – that’s for sure. He had specifically instructed you to stay at the apartment but you clearly hadn't.
“Y/N you shouldn't be here. You’re not supposed to be out without my permission.”
He sounds annoyed.
“I deserve to at least see the sun, Bucky!”
You scowled at his behavior.
“I get it. . . But we can't let anyone find the either of us!”
He sighs.
“The only reason you’re not in the base is because it's me babysitting you.”
He mutters.
“You’re not babysi-“
You tripped over something because of your vintage heeled boots as you tried to follow – needing to hold onto Bucky in case you fell face flat on the ground.
You sighed – knowing he was gonna be mad.
“I told you not to wear those heels!”
He glared – now mad with you.
“Oh, I’m sorry – I didn’t exactly get to stop by at home to grab shoes before going on the run!”
You answered sarcastically.
“Don’t talk back to me. I’m only looking out for you. You really need to take more precautions!”
He warned.
You knew he was mad.
“I cannot go bare feet!”
You still stubbornly scowled –  knowing what he was picking at how you failed to escape multiple times during their time in Hydra and how he as the Winter Soldier always dragged her back kicking and screaming.
“Well, at the light’s still there, princess!
He grumbles and grabs you by the wrist. He pulls her along with a grumpy looking glare.
“We don’t have time for this. I have to keep you safe!”
He mutters, that was something he always said – but Bucky himself didn’t know why he was keeping you safe.
He didn’t know he came running to you – when he was freed from the mind control.
But here you were now.
You simply rolled your eyes and followed him to a farmers’ market.
He glances over at you.
“Why can’t you just listen to me for a change!”
Bucky sounded exhausted and anxious – he walks fast with you still holding your hand and you were trying to keep up with his pace.
Once again – stubborn as ever you didn't answer. The farmers’ market was large, with lots of stands and stalls, some selling fruit, spices/herbs, meat, or vegetables, others selling handmade crafts.
You easily got distracted with handmade crafts and toys.
Bucky looked – noticing how you got easily distracted, he just sighs an tries to not get annoyed.
He notices as your eyes were filled wonder, even glancing at your hair too.
You seem to have a soft, sweet face with the eyes of an angel.
“Why cant you just stay focused for once Y/N. . .”
He said – being a hypocrite as he found himself, getting distracted by you.
Before his eyes dart around nervously as they search for any threats. He seems on edge – always looking around as he looks for Hydra members or even agents.
He then went over to the fruit vendors – still keeping a close eye on you while spoke in Romanian trying buy a few plums for you and him.
You then picked up a little wooden carved wolf smiling at it as Bucky looks at the fruits.
Bucky glares at you – you smile and your beauty makes him stop and stare for a few moments.
“Y/N, put that down. We don't have time for that.”
He said – now coming back over to you.
“I told you we're on the run and we can’t risk letting the enemy find either of us.”
He whispers – now close enough only you could hear him.
You sighed, a small pout on your lips as you put back the carved wolf.
Then spots a grumpy unhappy looking plushie bear.
“Oh look! It's you!”
You said – picking up the blue grumpy looking plushie bear.
“Put that down you brat! We don’t have time for this!”
He looks at you – there was a look of annoyance and frustration.
Bucky was also nervous as he looks for any signs of a threat – and he glances at the plushie.
He thinks of it as a waste of time.
“I’m buying it!”
You said to Bucky.
“No, you aren't. Put it down. It’s a waste of good money!”
He tries to reach for the plushie to take it from you.
“It’s not wasting if I love it!”
You said – cradling it protectively close.
“It is also wasting since we’re on the run and it’s not the time for toys!”
He seems annoyed as he tries and snatch the plushie bear away from her.
 “Ooo, ok blue bear, I’m gonna call you Bucky!"
You hugged the plushie bear.
“Stop it you brat! You are so annoying!”
Bucky said annoyed – but he thinks you looked adorable.
Though it made him roll his eyes – when she insisted call a plushie by his name.
You just held it protectively close.
“Give it to me!”
Bucky tried to forcefully take it from you.
You held it protectively – “no!”
You scowled.
Bucky tried to take the plushie away, he grabs the plushie’s arm as he tries to force it away from you as you tried to protect it.
 “Give it here kid!”
“I’m 25, not a kid!”
You argued – though it seemed hilarious right now.
“You are acting like one.”
He glares at you – still holding onto the plushie’s arm as he refuses to give it to you.
You said again.
It was then Bucky spots a few familiar looking agents up ahead behind her.
Bucky seems to pause – then glances again over at the agents, who are still unaware of their presence.
He looks back at you.
“We need to get out of here!”
He tries to move you in a direction, but you were still holding onto the stupid plushie.
You frowned looking behind yourself – your eyes widened and she froze seeing the familiar Hydra general blending in with the crowd in casual clothes as he and his men were seemingly looking for them.
Bucky grabs the plushie, tossing it aside – then grabs your hand and pulls you in a different direction.
He is now trying to act fast as he leads you away from the general and agents. He seems to be on edge as he eyes dart back and forth quickly trying to find a safe place.
You looked around then at Bucky – if the acted casual too blending in with the crowd, they wouldn’t be spotted.
"Blue, put your arm around me and pretend to laugh at something I said!"
You say seeing more agents – the former nickname you had for him slipping out in the mist of the situation.
Bucky has an annoyed look on his face – but he still decides to follow your plan for the moment – seeing how it made sense.
So he puts his arm around you and pretend to laugh at something you said.
“Heh. . .Heh, Heh heheh. . . Very funny. . .”
He said – and you almost had to stop from laughing out loudly yourself at how horrible that sounded.
So you simply rolled her eyes amused – seemingly their role-playing worked as the agents paid them no attention and walked past without noticing either of them.
“You need to work for on your acting skills though!”
You said – once they passed.
“I’m not an actor. I'm a super soldier, princess. . .”
He mutters – annoyed by your comment as he seems to be on edge – always looking around nervously.
“We’re still not safe. . .”
You rolled your eyes again at his former words – “anyways let’s go!”
Bucky was still seemingly on edge as he follows you.
He keeps looking behind him to see if they are still being followed.
His blue eyes were darting around nervously.
You had almost tripped onto the escalators – again because of your heeled boots.
Bucky scowling seeing almost trip again – but he still tries not to yell at you as he glares and sighs, shaking his head.
“You really need to get some new shoes, doll. . .”
He keeps his eyes darting around as he follows you.
You were going to answer – but her eyes widened as you saw a few agents taking the opposite side of the escalator – but you were crowded in you and couldn't move.
Bucky stops and freezes as he spots them too.
“Crap. . . We have to go.”
He tries pull you away in a different direction – his eyes dart around nervously as he looks for any escape routes.
The escalators were too close – you’d be spotted.
You looked around then suddenly said to Bucky – “kiss me!”
Bucky pauses and his eyes dart to you as he looks at you in disbelief.
He blinks in surprise.
He says confused – nervous, an unsure of what to do.
He says, seeming a bit skeptical of your plan.
“Physical displays of affection make people uncomfortable!”
You said blurt out – knowing the agents will look away seeing a couple kiss.
Bucky still seems unsure of it but he looks at you with the most serious expression.
He sighs and thinks about it for a second as he makes a hard decision.
“. . . Okay. . .”
He says as he slowly leans towards you to kiss you – he still has a annoyed look on his face but tries to relax.
He kisses you softly and he sighs.
He still feels annoyed about your plan – but he seems a bit relieved that they didn't get caught by the agents as he looks at you.
He’s still not sure if he likes you or not– j but he still seems to really enjoy the kiss.
You both then slowly pull away the moment the agents were out of sight.
But stops kissing you – the look of annoyance reappearing.
“You’re crazy.”
He sighs and rubs his face – “. . .I can’t believe I kissed you. . .”
“Oh please, it’s not I like just kissed Richard Madden or something!”
You grumbled sarcastically – as you reached the floor.
He looked at you with the same serious expression – but it quickly changes into a pissed off expression.
“. . .What? Richard, who?”
Bucky sounds agitated as he looks at you.
He’s not only annoyed by what you said – but the kiss. He tries to put the kiss out of his mind.
“Richard Madden. . .? The British actor. . .?” You said “You know the guy who played in Bodyguard or even prince charming in the live action Cinderella!”
“I don't care about no British actor we just kissed!”
He scoffs as he glances away angrily.
“. . .And?”
You ask – raising an eyebrow.
Bucky was shocked by your response as he looks at you in disbelief.
“You’re. . . You’re not embarrassed?”
He asks.
“Well. . . yes. . . but hey, it got us out of there!”
You said.
“. . .Right.”
He grumbles looks away as is pissed. He rubs his face in annoyance again and he just tries to forget about it.
You ask – seeing the annoyed grumpy expression on his face.
“Nothing. . . Nothing at all. Just shut up and stop talking about Ricker Maddened.”
He grumbles – getting you both back out into streets again.
“Richard Madden.”
You corrected him.
“And – I don’t care.”
He grumbles under his breath.
You just rolled your eyes as he quickly pulled you back into the apartment – that kiss continuously replaying his mind. . .
He’d be lying if he said – the warmth of your lips against his didn’t feel good or made his heart race. . .
Perhaps, there was a reason why he came for you. . .
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tagging everyone who was interested in the first part ( One more part then the story will be finished ):
@kiekiekiki @ijustneedpopcorn @geminigengar @batsyforyou </3
And yes - I used references from catws xD
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rillils · 3 months
do you ever think abt how we couldve seen more of nomad steve
ohhh we were robbed, honey, in so many ways! imagine what we could have had!
- more footage of this man, luscious lovechild of hercules and adonis, most glorious chunk of deliciousness, sexy teddy bear man, the mane of a lion and the eyes of a puppy, mr Dirtied Up Good™, holy shield straps of sex, elected man with the sluttiest forearms of 2018 through 2024
- more of this Steve, who ain't playing dancing monkey for anyone anymore, who ain't asking for permission and/or forgiveness from anybody, who isn't taking anybody's shit, he just wants to fight for what he feels is right and he's not going to apologize for that, thank you very much
- his developing friendship with both Sam and Nat! them fighting like a unit! trusting each other, leaning on each other! learning more about each other! actually getting to know Steve, and his fun side, and his darker side, and his brooding side, and his silly side, and nagging him when they know he needs help but he's just too damn stubborn to ask for it
- the three of them trying to comfort each other, each in their own (sometimes clumsy/awkward) way when a mission goes wrong, learning random words from random languages from one another (especially swear words they might have picked up in their respective times abroad lol), watching old sitcoms in their downtime, laughing together, hell even crying together, sharing too little space for too long, complaining about each other's unwashed socks, and still falling asleep on top of each other
- the few times Sam got to call his parents from a safe location. can you imagine Steve talking on the phone with Mrs Wilson? scared at first that she'll tear him a new one for putting her son in so much danger and dragging him away from home? but her knowing all too well that nobody's ever been able to make Sam do something he didn't want to do, that this was his own decision? and she's not actually mad at Steve, she just wants to make sure that "all of you kids are alright"? can you imagine Steve holding back tears the first time he hears a mother's voice talking to him, reminding him to be careful, to stay safe, after so long without it? do you think I'm crying???? I AM
- actually EVERY SINGLE KIND OF INTERACTION WITH BUCKY, even when he's not there. Steve gazing longingly at a picture of Bucky, either physical or digital, that he makes sure to keep on him at all times. taking it out when he's lying awake at night, and everything's quiet except for Sam's snoring and the muffled sounds from the streets, and Steve thinks he saw Nat's eyes watching him in the dimness, but neither of them are going to say anything. he's just sitting in the dark, picture in hand, twirling some secret worry around in his head and missing Bucky so much it hurts. and those times (although he tries to keep these to a minimum) when he just can't help himself: he sneaks out of the room and calls Bucky, just to hear his voice. to listen to Bucky speak softly to him, his voice a little rough from sleep, but always so warm, so sweet for him. and Steve just leans his head back against the wall, and closes his eyes, and imagines he's curled up into Bucky's side, his head resting on Bucky's shoulder, with Bucky's fingers carding through his hair, and it's only then that he finds a little peace again
- all the videocalls with Bucky! the playful banter!! them arguing like an old married couple one moment, and exchanging the most besotted looks the next! Nat and Sam having to put up with all of their old-men-in-love shenanigans, and Steve never hearing the end of it lol
- Steve!! literally bounding out of the quinjet like an excited puppy when they visit his husband Bucky in Wakanda!!! overjoyed and not even bothering to hide it anymore after like the second or third time, 'cause everybody knows by now anyway!!
- all of them actually getting to rest for a while, and Steve enjoying his impromptu honeymoon with Bucky, savoring each day like it's both the first and the last of their life together, love sparkling in his eyes, happier than he's ever been before, finally free, ironically, now that he's an outlaw and a fugitive, and finding utmost delight in that knowledge
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hcaeh · 4 months
perv!nct thoughts that have been running through my head for the past few days 🫣
cws : pervy nct obvi, pantie stealing, unknown picture taking, using readers nudes to get off, clothing stealing, watching reader without her knowing, consensual somno, public sex, people watch / hear them, just smutty stuff in general!!
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perv!jaemin who finds it so arousing when he catches you masturbating and moaning his name, of course he won’t disturb you. not when you look so pretty squirming under your own touch. but it’s really turning him on! hearing the way you moan “jaemin” under your breath is only driving him crazy. the way your body moves with every touch, the way your eyes roll back and your legs closing together so tightly. he can’t help but pull out his phone and start recording you, he knows it’s wrong but god, you just look so good. when you reach your climax, jaemin feels himself cum in his pants untouched. just watching you feel good, (while moaning his name), made him so needy. but poor baby groaned just a little bit too loud. making you turn to him, catching him phone in hand, and that little cum spot on his sweat pants.
perv!jaehyun who loves to take your tank tops, especially the ones with frills and a bow in the middle. he doesn’t know why he does it, but he can’t help it! whenever you leave for work, he goes into your closet and gets the prettiest tank top you own. he usually smells it, to get a good whiff of you while jacking off. but when he’s really needy, he’ll use it to get off. the way the soft fabric feels on his tip, the way your scent just rubs off of it makes him so, so horny. he feels himself reaching his climax, fucking his fist faster feeling the fabric wrap around him. once he comes, he can’t help but moan your name while he does. a soft, “yn..fuckkk” comes out. once he’s done, he’ll be an asshole and leave the cum stained tanktop on your counter, giving you and idea of who could’ve done it.
perv!chenle who HATES when you go to parties without him. who do you think you are going out in that tight, ass hugging dress? makes him so mad that his baby is probably gonna get grinded on. so, he takes it upon himself to find wherever you’re going and follow you. you know he does it every time you go out, but you never know how it’s going to end up. most of the time, it ends up with him dragging you home and fucking you senseless, or he fucks you right there in front of everyone. if you’re being honest with yourself, you prefer when he fucks you in front of everyone. seeing everyone go blank, the bulge growing in the other men pants, watching girls have to leave legs basically squeezing together. loves when you cry out his name in front of everyone, probably will be getting some more at home!!
perv!yuta who gets home from work late, drained as hell. just wanting to be with his girl, who’s mostly always asleep when he gets home. he usually just releases stress once he’s home: in many ways. either by jerking off to watching the two of yours porn films, cuddling up next to you in bed and grinding against your ass, and his favorite; using your mouth. since you’ve been aware of his late schedule you gave him full permission to use you in anyway while you’re asleep. he’s not that much into fucking you while you sleep, or fingering you (that’s for when you’re stressed!!), but he loves, loves, loves…using your sleepy body for his own pleasure. arriving home late is his most favorite thing to do, as soon as he gets into your shared apartment he rushes to your room. seeing you so comfortably curled up in his hoodie, hugging a pillow between your arms and legs. doesn’t take long before he’s pulling his pants and boxers down, cupping your face in his hands. “so fucking pretty…” he growls softly rubbing the tip of his cock on your mouth. you groan in response, slightly shuffling in your place but he holds you still. he’s getting impatient now, he softly presses his red tip against your lips, slightly shoving himself in. as soon as he feels the wetness from your tongue touch his tip; he’s lost in the feeling. quickly pushing all of himself into your mouth, groaning sharp curses under his breath. your eyes slightly flutter open after feeling him so suddenly at the back of your throat. he doesn’t quite notice this, instead he holds your chin, fucking your face harshly. you flatter your eyelids at him, tiredly grabbing under his cock to squeeze his balls. “shit princess..sorry for waking you…” slurred words and groans leave his mouth, “just..needed you..’s badly..fuck-” poor baby couldn’t even get his words out before cumming into your mouth. cute! >_<
that’s it for this one..took me forever to even think of these 4. BYE .. hope u guys enjoy this (posting a p2 w: just wayv!!)
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Say it again 18+
*A/n~ this fic has been going round my head all day. I'm exhausted but I just can't rest until I've written it. I'm going to edit it in the morning tho. Prompt list has been posted for you guys too feel free to request anything I absolutely adore hearing from you all*
Warnings~ dom Larissa sub reader, mommy k!nk, safewords, strap on, f!ngering, praise k!nk, degradaing k!nk, oral & just smutty goodness
Prompt- new to your relationship reader and Larissa start to explore just how far they can take things. (Start will be based off my life tw for abuses -sexual kind and non- )
Joining Nevermore Academy to teach English language was one of your best decisions yet ranking in the top spot. The school saved you. Going through a rough break up it gave you a safe haven. A new focus that helped get you through. The staff are lovely but one particular lady caught your eye. Just so happens the stunning gorgeous goddess is your boss. How does anyone get any work done around her? It's impossible to focus when she's such a pretty picture in front of you. You formed attentive friendship with your boss. First rule of dating... no coworkers.
Months passed and you and Larissa explored your relationship at a pace that felt good for you both. Your dates were always so thoughtful and planned perfectly, she dotes on you, and listened to your wants and needs. As well as being the exact definition of your ideal women. You couldn't believe you got to call this goddess yours. And you hadn't even slept together so she went out with you because she wanted to not just for sex.
Your relationship with Larissa seas so different from the previous one with Alexis. She wouldn't give a toss about you, never tried to get to know you or anything and the had the audacity to take something from you that you didn't want to give. She didn't care if you consented. She wanted. She got. No matter if you said yes or no or awake or asleep she didn't care. So when you nervously suggested to wait before making love you'd expected Larissa to go mad. Instead she didn't, she wrapped you in her arms and just held you. No matter how badly the older women wanted you she would not take without permission. The thought made her own stomach turn.
So you can imagine the little shocked sound Larissa made as she accidentally choked on her wine. "Can we uh talk about likes and um not likes" you mumbled embarrassed, eyes towards the ground.
"Um yes ? Would you like to start?" She offered and was received with a negative.
(Guys here might get a little sexual abuse tw? It's based on a personal experience the least I'll want to do is trigger anyone with my past. I very much am y/n in this so please if anyone has anything like this reach out. It took me three years but I'm now doing okay and you deserve to be treated right)
"Okay darling so I'll start with some things I like okay? So I prefer being more dominant. I like to focus on you but I'm not against receiving. I would prefer to wear the strap but if you wanted to I'm sure we could sort that out later. I like to give my partner a safe word. So they can use it not only in the bedroom when they want to end the session but this could work in public depending on the word. Um I don't mind toys at all... I think that's all" she explained every bit so clearly.
Can my safe word be dove? " you murmured. The word being a nickname you had been called pretty much all your life. You continued "I haven't...I don't know what I'm doing either. But that's okay because that's how you learn. I um I know there's probably um pain involved?" You questioned the fear seeping through your words.
"Dove.. that works darling. So it's discreet enough you could even use it in public to show me you wish to leave an environment or situation if you wanted to. Whenever I hear that word from you I'll try my best to make you feel comfortable." She promised causing a small smile to grace your lips. She really and truly loves you it's plain to see.  "Baby? What do you mean by pain? " her tone heading caution here.
"I um well dominant people hurt their submissives? That's what she always said. It's normal? And if I say no you can still take whatever because your a dominant person?" You trailed off. You really hated your lack of knowledge here. As a teacher your thirst for knowledge was never quenched, so to have this massive gap was slightly embarrassing. Alexis had been a very rough period of your life, one in which you faced many difficulties and lost everyone in your life. Larissa knew of the relationship but none of the details. Truly isolated. No one knew the true extent of what you went through, partly because you still didn't quite understand the extent of it yourself. But if your loves crestfallen expression was anything to go by then you'd assume Larissa was starting to work everything out.
"Oh y/n. No darling that's not quite right. A dominant still needs consent love. It's a mutual agreement between both parties that have limits. So someone might adore being praised where as the other may prefer to be um put down while having some fun. Some people like to be hurt, others don't. Some like to be restrained and others don't it makes them panicky which then takes the enjoyment from such a special act. Do you understand love?" She gathered your hands in hers seeing the tears threatening to fall from your eyes, "I promise y/n when the time comes I'll never do anything you don't want. I like to check in with my partner. All I'll ever want to do is make you feel good my love" her reassuring words wrapping around you like a blanket.
"What do you like?" You whispered out almost inaudibly. "Me? Hmm well I like myself a lot of praise, I like to praise my partner let them know how good they are for me. I'm also not against using degradation with some limits and this is if and only if they enjoy so. I own some restraints and toys but would never use them unless specifically asked for" she trailed off carefully examining your reaction. So far so good. You didn't look frightened or in need to stop the conversation. "My love is there anything I said you don't want?" She queried. You sat in deep thought, her thumbs caressing the tops of your hands. "Um I don't think so? That all sounds rather enjoyable I think. I would like to try." You mumbled a bright red flush adorning your cheeks at the admission. "Okay my love, is there anything else you want to ask?" In which you shook your head just processing the new information. You moved to settle back against your girlfriend in a comfortable silence.
(End of the tw?)
What Larissa was describing sounded rather enjoyable and nothing like what you were thinking. Actually what you were being told made the whole idea rather desirable? You trusted Larissa explicitly and she would never hurt you intentionally that much was clear. Maybe you could give it a try? After all you'd been together now for a while and maybe just maybe you were ready for the next step? Larissa had promised to wait as long as you needed. And true to her word Larissa never made any advances or made you feel any kind of pressure. "Honey? Can we um I think I god this is rather hard..." your embarrassment causing the words to get lost in your throat. "I can we try?" You managed lamely gaze fixed to the flames of fire dancing in front of you.
"Are you sure y/n? You don't have to just because we had this conversation." She murmured into your hair wanting you to know it was not a requirement. "I want to... I want you and to make you feel good. Show me. Please?" You whimpered out in a response. The words reassuring the older women this was a mutual want. You turned around to see her darkened lust filled eyes in the soft glow from the fire. Absolutely stunning. Her lips sought out yours in a sweet yet desire filled kiss. Hands finding purchase on your cheek and the back of your neck, holding you to her. Your hands slipping round her neck in an attempt to get closer. You shifted so you were now sat on her lap, enjoying the kiss she was gladly offering. Her lips trailed your neck up to your ear nipping the lobe before trailing down to find your pulse point. She nipped there lightly revealing in the little gasp you made only spurring her on to repeat the action a little harder. Again the moan was a bit louder in response to her action. You could feel her lips curling upwards against your skin, she was rather pleased at how responsive you were to her simple acts. "Larissa, please" you whined the desire you felt for her now burning like a raging river. Months of wanting her but not having the confidence to do so hitting you like a freight rain.
"Okay my darling, bedroom?" She murmured against your neck not wanting to stop her assault of kisses there. The sounds you were making, simply too addicting for her to ever want to stop. With a quick nod, you were carried to your lovers room and gently laid on the bed. "Darling? Still okay?" She queried in which you nodded too distracted by the way you were feeling for words. "Words angel" she reminded you. "Please" you whimpered under her gaze. With enough consent Larissa stated to remove your clothing one by one pressing light kisses over the new exposed skin. An act you were not use to but was most certainly not unwelcome. Once fully bare for her you started to squirm under her lustful gaze. The power dynamic of you being exposed while your lover looked full composed still in her clothing, riled you up even more. God you needed her.
An inpatient whine filled the room causing Larissa to smirk. "Aw my poor baby, do you need something darling?" She taunted very carefully here not knowing if you'd respond well. To her relief you rolled your eyes and whined at her, "you know I need you please." God you were sexy when you begged her. Making a mental note to try and achieve more begging later Larissa decided to tell you what she planned to do to you and see what you'd like. Her plan was vague but sounded absolutely delightful so you made no adjustments. Kisses were being trailed over your stomach as her hands palmed your breasts. Everything felt so good. And then her mouth found your aching core. A delicious cry of pure pleasure tore through you when you felt her tongue at your soaked cunt. Her movements slow, maddeningly slow as she explored and savoured every moment. Your moans were now falling freely as you brought your hands to her hair. You needed more. This sensation like no other, your lover certainly knew what she was doing. Your first dance with pleasure was brought on by her sucking and licking at your bundle of nerves. Never really feeling anything like this meant your control of the climax was none existent as you fell from the edge. Moans tearing through you as your thighs tightened around her head instinctively trying to hold her there. Only when you came down panting did Larissa move, your mixture of arousal and cum coating her face.  "Want to taste darling?" She purred causing more arousal to rush straight to your core.
You brought her lips to yours moaning at the unfamiliar taste of yourself mixed with her. The kiss became needy and your hands began tugging at her clothing. "Off" you half growled and half moaned against her lips. She chuckled at the needy mess you now were and complied with the request. "So beautiful" you murmured, unable to tear your gaze from her. "Darling are we still okay?" The consistency of her checking in was so adorable and p you and you loved it. You felt so safe and well she'd given you your first orgasm and you'd be lying if you said you didn't want more. "Yes god please I want more"
Only then did she settle between your thighs once more. This time her fingers trailed ever so lightly on your thighs, creating idle patterns. Never quite reaching where you wanted her. Your hips bucked up on their own accord startling you slightly. "Aw is my good girl needy?" She husked at you sensing the confusion you felt at the action. "Mmm please" begging her seemed to get you what you wanted. And all sense of embarrassment fled your mind. It was just you and your lover.
Gently, you felt her long slender finger pushing into your heat. A groan forced its way from your lips. Not registering the volume or really caring. You were absolutely dripping for her. And she added another knowing you could manage if she was carful. Once your body adjusted to the intrusion the pleasure became overwhelming. The need to move almost painful. Sensing your impatience Larissa started to slowly thrust her fingers in and out curling them slightly. God did she have a map of where to touch you? Your second orgasm of the night fast approaching under her skilled hands.  Your moans tangled with her statements of praise and the sounds your slickness filled the room. You desperately began to chase the high. Recognising the feeling from before and wanting it even more. It was the feeling of her talented tongue on your clit that threw you violently over the edge. Your vision blurring as you swore you saw stars. After bringing you back down to earth she crawled up your body once more. You looked absolutely delightful, laid spread, and well and truly fucked and stated.
"You-you never had anything?" You tried to get out and steady your breathing. "I want to please you. Please" you whimpered. "Well darling, what do you think of trying the strap?" She tried cautiously only to be met by a grin on your face as a sparkle in your eyes at the suggestion. "Please" was all she needed to jump into action. Despite this being the first time you'd been touched by your girlfriend, your girlfriend spent many nights with her own hand or her vibrator bringing herself to pleasure with this thought. Taking you with her strap, hearing your delicious moans tumble from you uncontrollably as you took her like a good girl. The thought enough to make her drool.
Soon enough a red strap sat between her strong thighs, your gaze refusing to leave that sight. Commuting it to memory. "Are you sure my darling?" You were transfixed at the sight and she was misinterpreting that for fear. After all she knew this was a new experience for you. "Please Rissa I want to" you reassured her and moved your legs to be more open in a obvious request.
The sensation nothing like anything you could remember. The burning pain at the intrusion nothing like that of her fingers just previous. Tears sprang to your eyes and then you felt her hand clutching yours, her head dropping to your neck peppering kisses there. "You're doing so good darling. I know it hurts, such a good girl for me hmm?" Slowly the pain subsided and an unmatched level of pleasure began to course through you. The sensation eliciting a pleasure filled groan. "Fuck please mommy-" wait? What? Mommy? Did you just call her mommy?
"Oh my darling girl, you want mommy to help you?" She then pulled out gently only to thrust back in setting a steady pace. "Oh fuck god mommy please" starting to become extremely sensitive all you could do is whine and mewl at her thrusts. Both approaching the fall together. And that's how you fell. Together. Screaming out your lovers name as she fell beside you. Only pulling out from your heat once she was sure you had ridden out your pleasure. A slither of pain hit you at the action causing a little pained whimper. "Oh darling I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Water? Snacks ? Bath? Cuddles?" Her list seemed to flow endlessly."
"I um what?" You muttered dumbly, your limbs heavy exhaustion quickly creeping over you. "Aftercare darling. Have you never?" She trailed off the question obvious. In which the answer was no. "Cuddles please" you whimpered, your emotions were heightened which caused tears to finally fall. "Oh baby, come here." She gathered you up in her arms and laid back with you snuggled up to her chest. "Mommy has you baby" she murmured into your hair which caused a slight giggle. "You didn't mind that? I didn't even know it escaped." You explained and she chuckled at your reaction. " darling you can call me whatever you wish and it was very hot" she clarified and you mentally settled on mommy, after all it was the first thought that came to you as she was taking care of you. Before sleep claimed you you managed to whisper out "nobody could love me like you do."
Larissa laid there with you snuggled up to her, basking in the after glow of the night. It was an absolute perfect night and she couldn't wait for many more nights with you. After all you were proving to be quite the interesting pretty thing to play with. She wondered how far she could eventually push you. The thought causing her to smirk as sleep claimed her.
Word count~ 3043
*A/n~ I was listening to a song called zero which Inspired y/n's last line the lyrics are
"Do you know there ain't nobody, ain't nobody that make it hot like me."
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It's a story in the universe of run of my au's gears and rot, The basic idea is the robot kid theory is true William built a robot Evan and a robot Elizabeth then realized how weird it was and shoved them in the murdered clown basement. Then the events of sister location happen Mike is about to get himself Scooped Evan intervenes but Mike still suffers serious internal bleeding since the scooper grazes him, he then "dies" from. Now the 2 are off on a quest to find William in hopes of freeing the Spirits.
Sorry the summary took so long, This is my submission for the first days prompts Nightmares/fun! I'll get into it now! Anyway I hope you don't mind but @and-stir-the-stars :3
It was cold. It was dark and it was quiet except for the sounds of Father's footsteps. The Others make no noise. Father would be mad if they did. Evan was waiting for the sound of his father's footsteps, Because that meant his father, the most wonderful man in the world, was coming to say hello! He double triple checked to make sure his illusion discs were on his father didn't like it when they weren't!
He couldn't help but vibrate with excitement as the door swung open. “Well I see they've made you quite at home…” His father kneeled down, Evan waiting for permission to hug  stared at his father's wonderful face. “You can talk now if you'd like” Evan could barely help himself he jumped up and down excitedly he could talk. This was going to be the most fun visit In the entire world! 
“Well it's been a while since I've seen you but the nice nice technicians put me in this nice nice room and put me in this clown outfit which I don't really like but They said you like it so that made it a lot better also I got to play with the fun fox and we drew fun pictures you want to see them!!?” Evan could feel his voice box overheating with how fast he said the words it had been so long since he got to talk to his father. There was so much to talk about that this was going to be so wonderful.
“I thought they would have fixed that by now…”His father muttered as he surveyed the room as well as looking Evan up and down. Evan's room was amazing. He had his very own blankets and two pillows that he had stacked up in the corner to make a little cozy Nook, where he could read his Two books! 
Other than that the room was empty if he ignored the corner where he had put the bear. His father had told him he was supposed to love the bear but he didn't. He hated the bear. Evan pretended to like it when his father was around like now he picked up the bear and snuggled it close trying not to gag touching it.
His father looked over all of it, seemingly bored. “Where did you get the blankets and the books.. Don't remember giving you those”. Evan excitedly ran over deciding he had hugged the bear for long enough. He picked up one of the books and proudly presented it to his father. “Ballora Got it from a nice kid at a party, and she said I was a nice kid, so she gave it to me!”
His father didn't say anything for a moment before running his fingers through Evan's hair. “Evan remember we don't take things from the animatronics, Especially not things with blood on them!” His father gently took the book from Evan's hand. Evan wanted to grab the book back but his father was right.
“After all, we don't want your Nice clown outfit or Fredbear getting dirty?” His father said haphazardly throwing the book out the door. One of the technicians would pick it up and throw it out. This is what his father wanted so Evan knew it must be right 
“Know why I visited today, Evan?” His father said changing the subject but Evan didn't even notice because his wonderful, amazing, kind father was beaming down at him. Evans' eyes Glowed with excitement. “Is Lizzie coming back? Because I missed her a lot and so did everyone else and I have all these nice drawings to show her!!! I've also been sad without her here so please say she's coming back!” Evan tried to make a frown like in his book but he couldn't.
His father stopped and the smile disappeared from his face. “ She was bad, remember? And you were bad too when you took the book and when you took the blankets and the pillows? You were also bad when you dropped Fredbear, you're supposed to love Fredbear, remember he's your favorite?”  
Evan looked down. “I miss Lizzie... I know you're so wonderful but could you please give her back, what she did that was so bad?” His father looked down at Evan, his loving wonderful father.
“Pick up the bear. It's your job Evan you are supposed to be my son and my son loves that bear..You wouldn't want to let me down after all the hard work I've done to keep you safe do you?” His father looked down at him coldly. Even shrunk away, his father was right he was being so selfish. But something in him, something wrong, told him to push harder.
He wanted Elizabeth back so much… He tried to not think of her like father told him but he couldn't.. He missed the way she used to sing him lullabies and tell him wonderful stories. “Where did she go? What did she do wrong? please Daddy please bring her back..” He quickly wrapped his arms around his father's legs holding as tight as he could without hurting him.
“Don't touch me…” He felt himself being pushed then falling. Evan landed on the ground, He felt one of his face plates click open with the impact. The illusion was broken.
“Just like she wasn't Elizabeth you'll never be him… You're just cheap metal and Spare circuit boards..The disc doesn't make you look like my son… And you can't even pick up a stupid bear when you're supposed to.” His father's voice was cold 
“You know those blankets in books are probably covered in agony, you know what I could do with that? and you selfishly hoarded it all for yourself..” His father's voice was filled with such.. Evan's programming wouldn't let him say the emotion in his father words, since his father was wonderful and wasn't capable of hating him 
“I'm sorry…” Evan got to his feet, his father was so right. Why did he ask more questions? What was wrong with him and why was he so broken? He thought this visit would be nice but he had ruined it..
He picked up the bear as his father stared at him and hugged it close to his chest. Evan could feel himself beginning to shake, which didn't make any sense because his father loved him and everything was happy and perfect!
“Remember Evan sorry isn't good enough you don't do it in the first place…” Evan crumpled to the ground in pain as the shock ricocheted through him.
His father loved Evan so so much 
“I don't know why you're doing all these things. You are not programmed too, you're supposed to sit here till I need you..” More lightning harder this time 
Father loved him with all of his heart 
“But of course I shouldn't be surprised I'm such a brilliant inventor of course I made you… alive” 
Evan's father loved him so so much
all Evan's father could do was love 
Evan turned to the side trying to find a position that would make the horrible electricity hurt less.
The mangled remnants of his sister's face stared back at him.
Evan could barely move, the pain was too intense. His sister's face plates were broken hanging open at wrong angles, her endoskeleton once made of beautiful curved metal was rusted, And her eyes always glowing that bright calming green were now dark black.
All he could do was stare there at his sister's broken form as the lightning continued to surge.
“But of course not all of my genius rubbed off on you. You don't understand anything really… After all, you think you're a child.. You're a machine built to kill and sit there when I want you to. Nothing else.. Never to be human, you'll never even have that half life the others have, you will always be an unthinking uncaring sack of metal”
His father loved him 
The pain was getting worse 
Evan just wanted to crawl away from everything to bury his head in his blankets and pillows and books and cr-
He looked around the room frantically. The lightning was gone, it had only been a dream. But he could still feel his body buzzing. He slowly lifted his upper body up off the bed, The familiar noise of metal scraping against metal comforted him slightly. Which didn't make any sense. His dream had been mostly wonderful! His father had been there and his father loved him.
Evan was in the same place he was last night, cozy in the hotel room's bed. It was just a nightmare. And there quietly sketching on the bed next to his was his brother. Having his brother Michael here was almost as good as having his father. Just like his father Michael was wonderful and loving! The only downside was that Michael was sick and no matter what Evan did he never got better. 
But that was not a worry right now. The real worry was why Evan felt so scared.. He knew the feeling of being scared was a bad feeling his father had told him that before but he couldn't help it. It made him want to clutch his foxy plush Tighter and run over to Michael. And deep down it made him not want to love his father which was equally as scary as the fear itself.
After what felt like a couple minutes Michael looked up from his sketch and startled. Evan didn't understand why Michael startled so much. His father had been startled sometimes when the illusion was broken, but Michael was startled all the time. If the illusion discs were off he startled and if they were on he startled more
“Ev You're awake I'm sorry! I'm just.. I'm sorry” Michael got off of the bed and then just kind of stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.
Evan tilted his head making his ever-present smile wider. He liked the way that Michael stumbled over his words.It made his sentences like a roller coaster, or what Michael had told Evan roller coasters were like.
“Oh Christ you're shaking! A-are you okay??? Do I need to do something??? What do I need to do!?” Michael had noticed Evan was shaking. He kind of looked around the room as if someone would tell him what he was supposed to be doing. That scared Evan more his father didn't like it when he shook, what would Michael think?
“Nothing! just a dream! Oh it was so wonderful father was there and I was back in my old room but before Dad removed the blankets and pillow! And it wasn't exactly a dream it was more of a memory.. it turned into a dream at the end because Elizabeth's body wasn't there in Memory…. Then it got scary and there were a lot of electric shocks, it hurt but it's okay because Dad loves me…?” Evan spoke quickly trying to get the words out he didn't like thinking about the dream but hopefully it would make Michael not be so startled
“One of those nights huh…” Michael sat next to Evan on the bed. Evans stayed quiet just looking at his brother tracing the green Swirls and potholes that littering his skin. 
“Am I alive?” Evan hated how scared he was, how he couldn't stop shaking, How the question sounded so wrong and yet so true as it vibrated through his metal head 
Michael sat there thinking for a moment before saying. “You're not alive in the same way I'm n-not I don't know how to…” Michael paused again, looking uncomfortable with the subject matter “We're not alive in the same way Dad was alive-or is alive-” Evan couldn't parse through the amount of spite, hope and every emotion in between loaded in that or is still alive
“-and that's good because Dad was a dic-Garbage bag who treated us both like garbage..”
“Father's wonderful and he loves me” Evan said the words without thinking but they were true his father loved him.
“Funny I forget you're a robot sometimes..” Michael gave a small smile and a small chuckle.
Evan didn't understand what him being a robot had to do with this but nodded.
“You know what, let's have some fun tonight!” Evan looked confused slowly getting out of bed as Michael got up and ripped the sheets off of his own bed. “How about we spend the rest of the night in a nice and cozy pillow fort?!” Michael's smile faltered “ If you're not too tired..”
Evans' eyes lit up with joy. A pillow fort, a real pillow fort! With real blankets and pillows not stained with blood… Yes of course he was grateful for the room that William had given him and he didn't deserve the pillows or blankets. But a real pillow fort was just so wonderful 
Michael continued to stand there, the blankets and pillows from the bed still held awkwardly in his greenish arms. 
“Only if foxy is allowed in.” Evan held foxy close. Evan liked foxy a lot more than the bear.. Foxy was a cool pirate and Foxy didn't make him feel scared.
“Of course Foxy's allowed in and Dad isn't!” Michael added on noticing Evan's look of confusion "Yeah I know he's not here but when we're in the blanket fort, you don't have to talk about how wonderful he is… he's not here so you don't need to do that anymore..”
Evan nodded, that it made sense it was still hard to wrap his head around a place where his dad wouldn't be allowed but it seemed nice.
He quickly wrapped his arms around Michael's leg, hugging it tightly. “Hey don't do that little guy I'm going to need your strong arms for the Blanket fort!” Evan smiled nodding seriously before ripping all the bed sheets off of his bed and helping Michael With building the beginnings of their fort….
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sevlawless · 1 year
okay so the n route has been bothering me ever since i played it and i needed to air my frustrations out as a way to cope i suppose
for reference my main detective who i use for n is felicity, but sometimes i also use arabella to test out some options i wouldn't normally pick and just to see how the romance works with a detective that isn't exactly that compatible with n. so when i first played, i used felicity and then later on when i was doing a deep dive into the romance and the plot, i was using arabella just to see if certain things held up yk! and lord how i wish it did LMFAO
just a little disclaimer that this is all just my opinion and i'm willing to listen to other points of view about this! and i do not mean any of what i say as a dig or to be hateful toward n, they are my favorite li in twc and the fact that i love their romance and their character so much is probably most if not all of the reason why their route in book 3 was so weird to me, and why i make the critiques that i do.
under the cut because this is a doozy and also book 3 spoilers
first of all the main thing in the demo chapters is that n gets mad if you try and fight the trappers bc they are so scared of losing you and like i GUESS i get it but this is literally our life now you're just gonna have to get used to it. and this wouldn't have even been an big issue for me if it was properly addressed! when i played using arabella i tried being mad, i tried staying mad, and it kept getting swept under the rug by the plot. like are we seriously not going to talk about this??? at all?????? and it seems very ooc for n NOT to say anything about it when you get a moment alone because why would they not address it, ESPECIALLY if your mc was still upset over it. AND ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE IN A RELATIONSHIP LIKE- these things need to be discussed in order to grow as a couple and there needs to be healthy communication or else this is not going to work. like you're telling me we were living with unit bravo for WEEKS and this shit just never got brought up again?
this also ties into my next gripe- n's backstory. so, if you snooped in the demo they won't tell you anything, which okay. mc shouldn't have done that, sure, but n doesn't even give a reason as to why they're upset by that. obviously you can be like "well i think anyone would be upset if you delved into their past without their knowledge or permission" but YOU ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS PERSON WHY IS THERE NO COMMUNICATION OF FEELINGS. i would have appreciated that scene a hell of a lot more if n sat you down and was like "i'm upset that you did this, here's why," but all they do is get sad and then that's it. when i played as arabella i had her snoop AND get upset over the argument during the trapper fight, and n said something along the lines of "i know sometimes we regret doing things" as a reference to snooping AND the argument which??? just does NOT hold up at all and had me irritated as hell.
if you didn't snoop in the demo, n takes you to their room and shows you a picture of their family and talks about them and how his brother joined the navy and didn't come back (their brother was killed by vampires) and that's why they decided to join the navy, as a way to try and figure out what actually happened. this scene started off great, but it's cut short way too quickly because n drops the photo and the frame breaks. and then they basically just shoo you out. there's really not any option to comfort them, and the option that is there is not good enough. and it's not that n had to tell us EVERYTHING in that one scene, but it's more so the fact that it NEVER gets brought up again. your mc can't take a moment to bring it up and n sure as hell doesn't say anything else about it. which is so ?????? im sorry you supposedly love this person (im saying this for both mc and n) and yet neither of you address it again??? it makes no sense at all.
onto the research/combat scene… i've done the combat scene once so i can't really speak on that as much as the research one so. most of the research scene is fine aside from the fact if you're not in a relationship (which i did for one playthrough with felicity) n brings up bobby if you dated them which felt so bizarre but anyways. the option to realize you love n… i would love this IF the option where you tell n you love them actually mattered. LMFAO if you tell n you love them they literally just stare at you and then the sex scene pops up. like are you kidding me??? n would not just leave you hanging like that even if it was just to say that they don't feel that way yet. and the sex scene itself is… fine i suppose but it doesn't feel as intimate as it should be. there's little to no dialogue and it just feels so weird to read. like why would neither of you be saying anything?? not to mention the fact that you're literally OUTSIDE of the warehouse where any of ub could see you at any point it just feels wrong to have sex at that point at least in my opinion. and the talk after feels so short and weird i feel like both the detective and n would have more to say. and that moment is quickly brushed away by the plot.
i guess the next plot line is whether u told tina or verda or nobody about the supernatural. going into book 3 this was probably what i looked forward to the most and ofc it barely delivered. i liked seeing tina and n interact but that quickly turned sour for me, not because tina started rightfully bringing up how much mc has been through, but because n really does not do anything with that pov being voiced to them, which is so fucking ooc it pains me. when they go to talk to mc after their conversation there's no discussion just "i wanted to see you" okay but WHY did you? i would have taken a li pov of what tina relayed to them literally anything! and it's just another thing that gets swept under the rug because of the stupid ass plot.
another thing about the dinner that gets lost in the plot of book 3: tina/verda bringing up your li possibly drinking your blood and mc can react a number of different ways and i wish it had been talked about more than just in that moment 😭
the only scene that i genuinely enjoyed in all of n's route was after that building caves in on mc and you're back at the warehouse traumatized and bruised and defeated. n runs you a bath and if you pick that option helps you out of your clothes and then helps you settle into bed. i wish there had been more discussion of anything in that scene but mc was so out of it i was okay with no talking. and then redacted petname <3 the other thing i was most looking forward to! one thing i did dislike about this scene though was that we didn't really get a glimpse on how n was feeling yk usually mishka offers the li's pov on a scene and not having that made that moment not feel as rounded out.
the pool scene… first of all why did n get this one. like it would have made sense for m, hell even a! and again the scene felt so shallow and then the option to have sex. you're telling me your first time with n can be on a fucking pool table???? that is so not their vibe AT ALL and it feels so weird to even have that there. it was unnecessary as well as the other opportunity to have sex and i feel like mishka just put them in there as like fan service when who (in my opinion) genuinely wants this if they romance n and have them as their main route. i had hoped the first time n and mc have the opportunity to have sex it would be a more intimate setting because that's more fitting for them and my nate mc, felicity. but nope! and then the scene gets cut short because n has to go on patrol??? and again the sex scene itself … neither of them feel personable it's like a "one size fits all" type of approach and that just does not work if this is supposed to be interactive fiction where we create a personality for our mc's that cannot fit this specific mold mishka wants to put everyone in.
being invited to what might as well just be a fucking slave trade (i have many thoughts about this auction plotline as well but for now im discussing n's route) had me so confused because why would mishka even do that and then n's comment about the stationary? i need you to be fucking for real. the scene before you leave for the mission with n just felt so weird like we get it n is protective of mc but at this point it just felt like a hinderance which sucks because one of the things i love most about n is their deep care for mc and they just sounded like a broken record and it annoyed me so bad.
after all that, the scene when you come back and n is in tears confessing their love for mc i wanted to enjoy it i really did and i just could not upon replaying because it feels so unbelievably hollow. we have not discussed anything pertaining our relationship and when there are things that need to be discussed they are so underwhelming it's hard to even care. there are a handful of things n and mc both need to work on in order for this relationship to work and the fact that they're not being addressed makes it difficult for me to enjoy anything about this route. you can't even tell n you love them back for fuck's sake like hello.
a theme that i did not think was going to be as prominent as it was in this book but n contemplating mc turning into a vampire and AGAIN there wasn't ever really a discussion about this between mc and n and i feel like this will come to a head as the books progress but i don't think it fit into book 3 considering so many other things were being thrown at us.
all in all i truly desperately wanted to enjoy book 3 and enjoy being with n but i cannot when there are so many things ignored, sidelined, or just completely forgotten in order to push the plot forward.
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You're Not My Papa, Mr. Hunt! 2
Sam and Reader share some father-child bonding time while they're still in toddler form
You sat behind the counter of the shop, a smaller version of Sam’s hat on your head while you colored. It was getting close to the end of the day, so you didn’t have as much of his attention as you wanted. This didn’t worry you, however, because just being in the same room was enough to make you happy. You just kept coloring, occasionally eating some of the snacks he had set down for you.
The final customer left, Sam waved them out the door with his usual smile. He then turned to you and crouched down. “How’s my little helper doing?” He asked. You looked up at him and showed him your picture. He gasped, placing a hand on his chest proudly. “Is that me, little imp?” Beaming, you pointed at each of the characters in your drawing. “Uh-huh! Is you and Bea and the others!” The ghosts behind Sam glided across the walls, making excited noises and comments. Bea, the one who saved you from Rook, laughed in amusement by your caregiver’s side. 
“Oh I didn’t realize how much I missed children. Although, I must admit it’s strange. Are we sure when they’ll be back to their appropriate age?” She asked. Sam looked over at her. “No, but it shouldn’t last too much longer. Let’s just enjoy little imp’s company while we can.” He said in response. The ghost nodded back, sinking back into the floor. 
You and Sam spent the rest of the evening cleaning up the shop for closing, making sure you got plenty of food at dinner, and watching him do little card tricks. He told you about little trinkets he had found, and stories about when he was in school. “And then, my personal favorite memory from when I was a student here, was when-” “SAM!” Crewel and Crowley’s voices called from the door. He walked over and opened the door with you by his side, looking at the duo curiously. “Divus, Headmage, anything I can help you with?” Crewel held his hand out, a small vial glowing in the dim light. “Have them drink this before they go to bed, it’ll speed up the growth process. Make sure they drink all of it.” Sam took the vial from the man, putting it in his pocket. 
The argumentative duo looked at you, resulting in you backing up and clutching your hat. “No up, thanks.” You politely said. “I can’t be mad at such an adorable child, it’s no wonder Hunt was after them!” Crowley sobbed, turning around to walk away. Crewel stayed behind for a few seconds. “You’ve been excused from class, take tomorrow to rest, puppy. But don’t expect me to do this often.” He said before leaving the Mystery Shop. Sam sighed and picked you up. “Well, it’s getting close to that time, little imp. We have time for one more thing before it's back to Ramshackle.” 
“Finish the story, Papa!” You said happily. Sam chuckled before walking back to the counter. “Alright, where was I? Ah, that’s right. When I was a first year, a friend and I were practicing magic after school, without permission mind you. Well, I accidentally got him stuck in the wall, and couldn’t get him out! He was screaming so loud, I was surprised Professor Trein didn’t come to see what was going on. So to try and keep him quiet, I walked to the other room where his head was, raised my magic pen… And turned his hair pink. Professor Trein had to come help in the end, but his hair was pink for a week afterwards!” 
You squealed and laughed in Sam’s arms upon hearing the end, your father figure laughing along with you. Once you had managed to contain your laughter, Sam started walking out the door. The sun had started to set, the sky being painted with an orange glow. The campus was mostly vacant, except for a few students that were out for a walk here and there. They watched as you and Sam passed, murmuring to each other about what they had just witnessed. Sam walked you up the stairs of the Ramshackle dorm, the ghosts opening the door since his hands were full. He carried you to your room to see your door was already open, realizing Grim was back in your shared space and snoring loudly.
“Alright, little imp, let’s get you in bed.” Sam stated quietly as he sat you down on your bed, taking your hat and placing it on the nightstand. You yawned, settling under your covers while he pulled out the vial. You took the vial from him and looked away in disgust. “Smells really bad, Papa.” You grimaced, closing your eyes and drinking the potion. You coughed after swallowing the foul tasting liquid, and Sam brought you some water to get the taste out of your mouth. “Want me to stay here, or will you be fine if I left Bea with you?” He asked, setting the empty glass down. You yawned again and laid back. “I okay, Papa. Night.”
After you said that, you were asleep, sighing deeply and snoring under the covers.  “Goodnight, my little imp.” He whispered, giving you a gloved pat on the head. Despite you saying you would be okay, he couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet. Instead, Sam sat by your bed for a few minutes before heading back to his shop for the night.
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boyfietxts · 1 year
coming home after a long vacation - txt beomgyu
a/n: I hope you enjoy. I haven't written in a fat minute so yeah :)
beomgyu x f!reader (idk I don't use pronouns after often but maybe words that imply a certain gender?)
you and beomgyu have been together for about a year now and in that time, you had never once been the one to go far away. he was the one leaving for tours and you'd stay behind in the city to do school work and occasionally watch any pets they left behind (soobin trusts you so much and always prefers to leave his son odi with you. bless him he's so cute). anyways, the point is that you had been talking with some of your cousins and they had coaxed you to come back to your hometown for your week of spring break. once you told beomgyu what you wanted to do, he tried to play it off like it was all okay but inside, he was sad that you were leaving. He knew he couldn't really say no because he knew how much you missed your cousins and you're an adult, you can make your own plans without anyones permission. He told you to have fun and he made sure to send you off with some of his clothes and some gifts for your family. he always tried his best to appeal to your family and create a connection with them and they loved him for all the effort he put in, even if it was from a whole different country. he's so cute, when you packed your luggage, he snuck in his favorite sweater and a little tube of her cologne so you would remember him. he knows you won't be gone for very long but he still has a fear in the back of his mind that you'll forget about him and move on. assure him you're only his and he'll be the happiest little clam.
the day he leave, he has a driver take the both of you to the airport so that he could see you off. he hugs you and holds your hand the whole way to the airport. baby boy wishes he could go but he knew he had a lot of work to do for their upcoming tour. when your gate opens, he frowns and gives you a hug and a kiss. "please go and come back safely, loser." he smiled and tried to mask how sad he felt. you can see through him because you know how he is. he tries to hide his emotions. give him a hug and assure him you'll be right back before he knows it. maybe even leave something behind for him at home like a teddy bear with your perfume sprayed. he finally lets you go and lets you get to your flight. he waits until you're in and then leaves. he gets in the van and a few tears slip while he's getting back home. the boys try their best to support him but they know it'll be hard. They get him playing some video games and he feels a little bit better.
omg he is always texting you. it can be anything from a cute 'I miss you' or a picture of huening kai doing a handstand. he knows you miss him but also the boys so he tries to keep you updated on them as well. he pouts when you ask for odi updates and soobin texts you to tell you that he was acting like a baby with a pout and his arms crossed over his chest. oh my god when he finds your teddy that you left behind, he is gushing and holding it all over the dorm. he brings it to the table when they eat, places it in his lap when he's playing a game at night, etc... it's always with him. the boys find it so endearing that he cares about something you gave him so much. they try to take it from him and he gets mad. taehyun took it from him in the middle of the night and the next morning, beomgyu was worried because thought he lost it. when he sees the bear in taehyuns bed, he finds him and wrestles him. he apologizes and just says it's because he misses you a lot.
when you finally come back home, beomie is at the airport waiting for you with a sign he and the boys decorated and a pretty bouquet of your favorite flowers (or cookies, do they make cookie bouquets because I want one). once he gets a glimpse of you, he's smiling like an idiot and waiting for you to get to him. he hugs you so tight and frowns when the bouquet gets a little crashed because he was too excited. "sorry." he smiles and hands it to you anyways. he shows you the sign and it was 'welcome back' with a bunch of messages written all over it from the boys. when you finally see them again, they beg you to never leave again. they playfully exaggerate how sad and upset beomgyu was and you're there to comfort him and glare at the boys.
safe to say, you don't wanna go anywhere anytime soon.
(hope you liked it ! box is open for suggestions/requests !!)
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Dallas Winston x single mom! Reader (part 3)
The next morning you woke up to Ally tapping your shoulder, you look over to see a grumpy Dallas sitting on the floor with makeup on his face and your daughter with a makeup brush in her hand.
“Isn’t he pretty mama?”
You let out a loud laugh
“Yeah- hahaha! Yeah.. really pretty.” You said, laughing so hard even though you just woke up.
Dallas sat there, hiding his face from you, embarrassed.
But then you became serious
“Ally, what have I told you about touching my makeup without permission?”
She looked down at her purple shoes.
“Sorry mama..”
You handed her a wipe and kissed her forehead.
“It’s okay. Now go clean up what you did to Dally and apologize.”
She looked at him with tears in her eyes.
She kissed his cheek and looked down, wiping her tears.
“Sorry dal-dal.. I was just trying to be silly.” She said in between sobs
His face softened and he hugged her
“Hey, don’t cry, doll. It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.”
She smiled and started wiping his face with the baby wipe that you gave her.
After she as done, she sat next to Dallas and grabbed her little backpack.
She pulled out a camera.
You looked up from the book that Ponyboy let you borrow.
“Yes, love?”
She held up the camera and smiled.
“I found the camera that you lost!”
You smiled and said “that’s neat.”
“Can I take some pictures?” She said with hope in her voice.
You shrugged your shoulders, not minding.
She walked around the house taking pictures of the boys.
She looked at you and took a picture of you. When the picture developed, she ran to Dallas, holding the picture in one hand and the camera in the other.
“Dal-dal! Isn’t she pretty?” She hollered.
He smiled at the picture.
“Yeah. She’s very beautiful.” He said, smiling at her.
You blushed and hid your face behind your book.
He took the camera and sat next to you, putting his arm around you.
He took a picture of the two of you and smiled at the picture when it developed.
“Ew! Dallas throw that one away! I look weird in that one!” You said, trying to grab the picture from his grasp.
He looked at you like you were crazy. Because he thought you looked beautiful.
“What?! No! It’s cute!”
You blushed more.
“Mama! Your face is red!” Your daughter pointed out
“Let’s play photography!” Your daughter hollered. She loves to use her outside voice.
“Ughh fineee.” You said, even though you love how creative she can get when she takes pictures.
“Okay! You and Dallas sit on the couch. Dallas…hm” she instructed, trying to think.
“Put one arm around her shoulder and put the other on her leg.”
He looked at you, making sure it was okay to put his hand there, which you nodded.
“Perfect! Now mama, hold his hand that’s over your shoulder.”
He looked at you and laughed
“Yeah mama, hold my hand.” He joked
You did so, blushing.
And she took the picture
She gave the pose a good look before making a face.
“That was cute but It’s missing something and I don’t know what.”
She gasped and ran towards y’all, taking control by moving y’all’s limbs around.
She turned your head towards Dallas and turned his head towards you.
He had a look in his eyes when he looked at you.
He smiled and so did you.
If this picture got around the house, the boys would have thought Cupid shot the both of you
“Awww! Y’all are so cute!” She said, looking at the picture with a proud smile.
She ran to show the boys before you could argue.
You blushed so hard you thought you would match a tomato.
Dallas laughed. He seemed to enjoy this game.
Two-bit ran in there as soon as she showed him the picture.
“Whoo! What’s goin on in here?” He said teasingly.
You pulled away from Dallas.
“N-nothing. We were just playing a game.”
He laughed
“Well that certainly isn’t a game you should play in front of a four year old.” He joked, trying to keep his laughter in.
You and Dallas turned red
“Nah, man. It wasn’t like that.” Dallas said
He nodded
“I know. I was just pullin on your leg” he said as he left the room.
Once he left the room, Dallas put his arm back around you again.
This confused you.
Your daughter came back in the living room and giggled at you two.
“You guys are so cute! Dallas..you should get with my mom so you can be my new dad. Y’all would be perfect.”
She was a smart little fucker.
“Maybe” he replied and she squealed, hopping up and down.
She ran around the house screaming happily.
You hit his chest.
“Why would you say that?!”
He looked at you
“What’s the matter? You don’t think we would be cute together?” He said with a smirk, pinching your already red tinted cheeks.
You blushed more at his comment and laid back against the couch.
“…shut up.”
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exist without permission
yet another internet cat that got to sit on a motorcycle has died, when will the madness stop. wrote some self-indulgent canon x oc i'm not going to put in the tag. hella honestly, it's not very good or very ic, but it did get me to focus my brain on something. könig x oc, sfw, 1.2k words
König loves rats. He has loved them since he was a kid, growing up in a rotten shithole in the part of Schladming where tourists didn’t fucking dare to go. 
His girlfriend bought him two for his thirty-fourth birthday–a bonded pair of two fat boys, because males were the more affectionate sex in the species, one a little hooded fellow with a black mask of fur that rides down to his white shoulders and body, and a fat ball of black fur. 
Rivka had led him into his rental’s second bathroom with a grim face like she was going to show him a body she’d dismembered and needed help disposing (and, being the foolish, loving fuck he is, he was already trying to scrape up different darkweb solvent solutions he’d found over the years to dissolve everything down to bonemeal–even though she would’ve known better). 
“You have to be quiet, no sudden noises,” she’d warned him, and the little smile trying to tug at the corner of her thin mouth—revealing a slice of her sharp, silvery teeth—clued him in. She was excited. And there, in the bottom of the tub, was a spare bath towel, a bowl of water, and an overturned cardboard pet carrier. On the far side, facing the opposite wall, were two whiskered noses, stacked on top of one another.
König’s heart stopped beating so suddenly, he really thought it was some fatal shit. He’d spent most of the rest of the afternoon on the bathroom floor, cramped between tub and toilet, talking quietly to the young rats. Just dangling his hand near them, brushing his fingers over their soft, sleek backs, letting them get used to his voice, until they began to approach him. When they gripped the band of his watch, and then the cuff of his long sleeve to climb up his arm and explore, he let them.
He took a picture of them taking turns running the length of his thigh to his bent knee, and texted it to Rivka as she set up their big fucking enclosure in the spare room that served as his office. 
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Eventually, the rats navigate their way into the hood of his sweatshirt with shocking ease, and nibble the ends of his hair until they fall asleep. König doesn’t cry about it, but he weathers a sick-and-warm tantrum of awe that fills his gut and rises up his throat as if to kill him by bodily shock. 
He loves rats. 
And they love him.
When it’s time for Milf and Dilf to eat, they have to be separated, or they will beat the blind fuck out of one another. König has no idea where the behavior came from, and the breeder Rivka bought them from refused to answer calls after the fact. They show no aggression otherwise, so loving and dependent upon each other that a separation of an hour causes them to worry and sicken. It is simply at feeding time. 
They’re largely free range rats, allowed to roam the house at liberty all day, and König only has to click his tongue to summon them from where they are playing, but it’s rare that he even has to. The little darling shits are so intelligent that they understand their schedule, and at 2000 he and the boys will more often than not end up going to the kitchen at the same time, the two of them darting between his feet. They race ahead, stop, look back to check on him, and race again.
They eat better than he normally would, if he didn’t cook for Rivka. Fancy rat food, a bisl of yogurt, kale. Sometimes, raspberries, if the fucking things don’t mold on him before he can even shove them in the fridge. They love sugar, but sugar will kill them. 
Where König is too weak to deny him things that drip death into his body sweet-slow, the rats are helpless, and don’t know better, and can’t control themselves. He has to withhold for them. 
Because they are small, because their eyes are so wet and kind. Because they want him and need him and depend upon him to take care of them. 
Because he loves them.
And because they love him. 
He scoops Dilf into his hoodie pocket, and Milf into his hood. He carries them to find Rivka—who is lying in the big bed on her side, with her legs crossed, buried in a smutty book delivered vis-a-vis Kindle screen—and hands off Milf and his bowl. She clicks her eyes up, and pushes into his hip with the ball of her foot. “Hi kultsi.”
“I’m taking Dilf with me to my computer,” he says. He stands. He waits. 
It takes a second, but he can tell when the thought clicks in her head, like the slide of a bolt-action driving another bullet home. She folds her arm behind her head, disappearing the entire Kindle behind her back, and frowns her apology. “I’m not playing Sims tonight. My mods are all broken after the horse ranch expansion, so I just left my laptop on your shelf. But I’ll come watch you dick around, if you don’t mind.”
His expression snits slightly, but he forces it to smooth. Of course, he doesn’t fucking mind. What he fucking minds is not being near her, even if they aren’t talking or doing anything. He really fucking minds it when they’re both home and he doesn’t have her in his line of sight for longer than twenty minutes.
But Rivka minds it, too, and they always come to find each other when that minute mark draws near. 
He runs his hand up her ankle to squeeze her toned, tattooed calf, and nods when he’s taken too long to respond as he chews apart his thoughts, her scope-glass eyes training on his face. “Sounds good. Just going to fuck around in Satisfactory for a while.”
“You and those fucking Swede games, Lee,” she grunts under her breath, shaking her head and turning back to her reading. Can frog march the Special Jaeger out of Finland, etc. 
A smirk cuts across his warped mouth, and he bends down to kiss her shin. He leaves when he sees the corner of her mouth twitch again. 
Dilf sits on his desk, going mad on his dinner, pausing only to wipe both paws over his face like a prayer to get yogurt off his fur. At one point he holds a little piece of kale in a small fist while he does it, and König about dies. 
Maybe fifteen minutes later, Milf rides in on Rivka’s shoulder, looking sleepy. She pulls up her desk chair and kicks over the old milk crate she uses as an ottoman, setting herself up to König’s left. Once she’s settled, Milf stirs, standing on hind legs, sniffing the air, and Rivka automatically puts a hand on König’s thigh, creating a ramp for Milf to run down to reunite with Dilf. 
And König settles in. His girlfriend reads something condemnably filthy next to him, glancing at his screen, and his rats sleep in a warm pile on his lap. 
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Padmé Amidala x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2022! Requested by @ghostofskywalker​ :) Hope you like it Tori!
Fandom: Star Wars
Prompt: "Are you serious?"
Summary: Padmé's been absolutely running herself into the ground with work in the Senate, trying to make the galaxy a better place. After a particularly challenging bill finally gets passed, Y/N decides it's time for Padmé, their girlfriend, to take a much needed break.
Word Count: 1,230
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I crept towards the bedroom door, keeping my footsteps as soft as possible to avoid detection. Slowly, I pushed the door open to find Padmé still fast asleep in our bed. I grinned to myself and carefully set down the breakfast tray in my hands on the bedside table.
Padmé and I had been friends for a long time, and recently, we'd officially started dating (although the people around us would say we'd been unofficially dating for an annoyingly long time). She'd recently gotten a bill passed in the senate after almost killing herself from overworking and sleep depravation, so I'd convinced her to finally come with me and take a much needed vacation on Naboo.
We'd gone to bed early last night, and Padmé had absolutely slept like the dead. Fourteen hours of uninterrupted sleep later and we were here, with breakfast in bed as a bribe to keep her from being too mad that I was about to wake her up.
"Good morning!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, belly-flopping onto Padmé as I did. She immediately groaned and scowled, then grabbed a pillow to try to cover her face. I managed to wrestle it away from her. "Come on babe, it's time to enjoy the day! You've been asleep for fourteen hours, it feels like any longer might not be good for you getting to sleep tonight."
"Y/N, you know I love you dearly, but I am going to kill you," she grumbled, throwing an arm over her eyes in place of the pillow. I just smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
"I love you dearly, too. Now come on, we have fun things to do today! Eat the breakfast I made for you, get dressed, and meet me in the living room in an hour."
Padmé groaned, but I could tell I'd woken her up enough that I didn't need to worry about her passing out again. Still, I flung the curtains open on my way out for good measure, then went to get ready myself for the day.
Padmé met me in the living room as planned an hour after I'd woken her up, and despite moving a bit like a zombie, she still smiled and took my hand as we headed out the door together.
We'd come to one of her favorite spots on the planet to visit, right next to a gorgeous lake. I'd made a picnic this morning while Padmé slept, and we enjoyed it by the edge of the water while basking in the warming sun. Once we'd finished a leisurely lunch, I surprised Padmé with a large inflatable floaty that I'd seen people using to relax on one of the worlds we'd visited for a diplomatic mission.
Padmé and I floated out to the middle of the lake on our floaty, my arm around her and her head resting on my chest. I kicked at the water with my feet to push us away from the shore, and then it was just us, laying on the calm surface of the water. The sun warmed our skin as a light breeze kept it from being too hot. Padmé and I were together, with no senate meetings or galactic emergencies to deal with.
We were in heaven.
We stayed like that for a long time, relaxing and enjoying spending an afternoon together like a normal couple, and not one embroiled in intergalactic politics. I absently ran my hands through her hair as she traced patterns on my stomach, the picture of peace and tranquility and love.
"This is what I want," Padmé murmured after a stretch of comfortable silence.
"Me too," I mumbled in agreement. I'd give almost anything to be able to stay like this with Padmé, safe and happy together.
"No, I mean... I want this, for everyone. For the galaxy. Moments like this, peace and happiness like this... it reminds me why I do what I do. So other people across the galaxy can have this. A relationship like we do, love like we do, safety and security and happiness like we do. I want to create a world where people can expect to live like this."
"I know you do. And that goal is one of my favorite things about you, you absolutely incredible woman. But just remember to take care of yourself every now and then too, okay? You can't save the galaxy if you completely run yourself into the ground."
Padmé sighed, and I knew she didn't like to recognize that she had limits. But after a minute, she nodded a few times.
"You're right. I wish I didn't need to stop, even for a minute, but... I do. So thank you for taking care of me, and reminding me to take care of myself when I forget."
I wrapped my arm a little tighter around her and kissed her head, and the two of us stayed like that for a few moments, taking comfort in each other and the peace we got to enjoy in the midst of fighting for it. Then, I smiled to myself, an idea popping into my head.
I gave an exaggerated sigh, then started rolling onto my side and towards Padmé. Before she could figure out what was happening, it was too late for her to stop me. She shrieked, and then we were both off the floaty and in the water.
I popped back up above the surface with a grin on my face to find Padmé dripping wet and scowling at me. I just smiled wider.
"Are you serious?" she demanded. I just laughed.
"C'mon Pads! Have a little fun! Relaxing great, but laying around on the floaty all day's just boring!"
Padmé glared back at me for a few moments, arms crossed, then sighed dramatically and let her hands drop to her sides in the water.
"Fine. I guess you're right, swimming around a little could be fun. And anyway, I think-"
She cut off mid-sentence as she swept her arms across the top of the water, kicking up an insane spray directed right at me. I'd been so focused on listening to her words that I hadn't seen the trick coming, and the wall of water hit me like a truck.
I spluttered for a few moments, staring at Padmé in shock. She grinned back at me, clearly proud of herself, and a devious smile slowly crept onto my own face.
"Oh, Pads. You have no idea what you just started."
"Bring it on."
We shared mischievous smiles, and then I dove towards her, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her under the water with me. We were both cackling when we popped back up, and Padmé wasted no time returning fire with some splashing of her own. We shrieked and screamed and laughed as we played in the lake, enjoying time together with none of the usual stressors on our mind.
There were plenty of things waiting for us to deal with when we left Naboo. But for now, we were two normal, everyday people in love, enjoying every second we could get together.
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xx-just-c-xx · 7 months
Thai dancer ghost!Yuu or Ratri!Yuu
I never saw anyone did this so here I am, do this for Halloween day
•Ratri!Yuu is first Thai and second is already dead
•And the things is... that nobody thought that Ratri!Yuu is dead
•why? well Ratri!Yuu can bleeds and ghosts in school can not
•So they all thought Ratri!Yuu is human
•They thought all wrong—
•How did they found out
•It all happened when before Halloween week 3 days
•Ratri!Yuu wants to find a reason for her to wear Thai tradition clothes well specific Thai dancer costume
•Being friend with Cater did get a lot of info about Halloween
•So Ratri!Yuu think of a little game for everyone in NRC to play
•In the next 2 days
•All over the school have a lot of mannequin that is wearing Thai dancer costume
•"Why there is a lot of mannequin?" Ace said
•"Yeah.." Deuce said
•"For a little game I have planned"
•ADeuce scream like a school girl
•So finally that Ratri!Yuu told everyone
•The game is that everyone in NRC(yes even the stuff as well) will have wooden stick but the housewarden and vice-housewarden will have a special knife too
•"Child of man? why do we need this wooden stick and this knife that only housewarden and vice-housewarden have?" Malleus ask
•"Oh Hornton that knife, it a holy knife and why you all need it, it because I'll teleport to one of the mannequin and you need the wooden stick to stab the mannequin and then use the holy knife to cut mannequin to not let me teleport and take your /life/"
•"W-what" Idia said
•"You can teleport?" Riddle said
•"Of course I can teleport Riddle-san"
•"What are you?" Azul said
•"I'm a ghost, did all of you never know"
•"Well you can bleeds and ghost can not bleeds!!" Ace said
•"That is the most stupidity reason I have heard in my life as a ghost and when I was human"
•(Because it is)
•Now time skip to the first day of Halloween
•First who have lost their /life/ is Cater, Leona and Sebek
•Well Cater want take pictures of Ratri!Yuu teleport and forgot what to do next, Leona somehow lost the wooden stick and Sebek was surprised the way Ratri!Yuu teleport it make him shock
•Halloween week want on it was great until...
•The unruly visitors come...
•Oh boyyyyyyyyyyyy
•Ratri!Yuu was mad at the one of the visitors if Malleus wasn't there
•Blood will happen
•Why Ratri!Yuu was so mad?
•Well one of the visitors take one of costume off from mannequin and try on
•Without asking Ratri!Yuu permission
•"ไอ้คนไร้มารยาทไม่รู้จักกาลเทศะเอาชุดคนอื่นมาใช้โดยไม่ขออนุญาต ไอ้เฮี้ย—" and more thai curse words that I couldn't think more
•Ortho translate it, well here the translate ↓
•"You bratless person who doesn't know the tact and uses other people's clothes without asking permission, you bastard—"
•Haha- when Ortho translate by saying it out loud Idia was in surprised that he had to shut down Ortho before he said more curse words
•And now it that time the Revenge, well not by killing the visitors, no no no by putting some shows..
•First that the students told all the visitors that "Be careful today, the spirit of the dancer is not happy so please you have to stay with the NRC student for your safety, please do not go alone without any NRC student"
•Let the show begins
(I will only do some dorm not all because I don't think some other dorm would need Ratri!Yuu to help)
•After the act of Heartslabyul end the unruly visitors trying to escape but saw one of the mannequin
•"What a beautiful dress" One of the unruly visitors said and going forward the mannequin
•Then they heard music that's so unfamiliar to them
•The mannequin slowly turning into a female wearing the dress that the mannequin have
•"Oh my~ I didn't think I'll found some human~" then Ratri!Yuu's face slowly have blood dripping down
•All the unruly visitors was so afraid that they all run away as soon as they have saw Ratri!Yuu
•"Hahahaha the face looks ridiculous" Ratri!Yuu said "Well time to go next one"
•This happens when the unruly visitors cannot move and Jack had walking pass them
•Music appear, it the same song
•Mist appear and then Ratri!Yuu slowly walking towards the unruly visitors
•"You human can sometime be stupid, it's time come to for your human life— Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh"
•It's someone from Savanaclaw who is behind Ratri!Yuu it seems that he stab Ratri!Yuu with the holy knife(That Leona give because he is /dead/)
•After Ratri!Yuu got stab she slowly turned into a mannequin
•"Oh that work?" The Savanaclaw student said and act like he just saw the unruly visitors "Didn't everyone said all visitors need to be with one of the NRC student"
•After the unruly visitors finally can move again all of them run away
•Ruggie and Leona laugh
•"That was a great show that our Freshman did and so as Ratri!Yuu" Leona said
•This happens in the middle of Azul and Jade's act
•The light was flashing, music appear
•"Oh? a human as a mummy? today is really interesting~"
•Azul know what will happen to him
•Ratri!Yuu slowly walking towards Azul and /kill/ him ("this is a payback Azul-san" Ratri!Yuu think to herself)
•The unruly visitors saw what happens, they was so scare
•Ratri!Yuu look at all the unruly visitors directly with killing eyes
•All of them ran away from the workshop
•"Hahahahahaha" Ratri!Yuu and Jade laugh so hard
•Azul slowly stand up with blood all his body
•"I hate you all" Azul said
Finally when it come to the end
•when all the unruly visitors is in front of the gate of NRC they heard that song again, they look back now is shock seeing Ratri!Yuu slowly coming closer to them
•They scream so loud
•"Why you all leaving, we were having so much fun today~"
•All of the unruly visitors quickly running away leaving the NRC
•Ace come out and laughing
•"You didn't have to go that far Ratri!Yuu" Jack said after coming out from hiding
•"Jack~ look at their face so scared of me like I'm gonna killing them for real~"
•"Well one of the act you did /kill/ Ashengrotto-senpai" Deuce said after coming out from hiding as well
•"It was a payback what he did to me"
•"You mean when Azul-senpai eat your fried chicken?" Epel said coming out as well
•"It my fried chicken that Azul ate"
Hope that anyone who reading this have a great halloween so let me say ones more time
🎃Happy Halloween everyone🎃
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qumiiiquinnquin · 5 months
is it bad to not want your parents and/or relatives to put your picture online? even those from when you were very small, even a baby? i do not mean this as feeling embarrassed by it, but more scared that my face from throughout my entire life is being put on the net.
both my parents do it, most of my family does it. it was on facebook, so mostly other relatives or family friends, or just friends of individual relatives, would see it. but on facebook you can find profiles of literally anyone, and total strangers can find your stuff.
i remember i asked my mom to please take those pictures down in my freshman year because i really didnt want those pictures of me out there without my consent. my mom did it but got mad at me, and later started doing it again, which also frustrated my sibling and they have since been asking her multiple times to stop.
im a bit of a hypocrite i suppose, since i have shared my own face with others. but that i was willing to do. nobody put it out there without my permission, i gave myself my permission. i feel like im overreacting though, since mostly family and friends saw what was on facebook, and the likelihood a stranger would see it was probably minimal. but it can end up in image searches in google, possibly get reposted elsewhere by someone else without my mom knowing, etc. which makes it a bit dangerous for me to do it myself too.
i rather keep my face mostly confidential, or at the very least not have my life on display without my permission on the internet. i really rather she would just ask, and accept no.
is any of this valid or understandable?
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hournites · 2 years
The JSA Doesn’t Date
Spoilers for Stargirl 3x05
When it becomes clear that Courtney will not show up for lunch, Rick moodily twists at the stem of his apple until it snaps off. Soon after, Yolanda promptly grabs her bag and leaves too. Cindy left soon after.  
Beth finishes her meal, sneaking not so subtle looks of concern at him the whole time. He holds in his irritation, knowing a lecture was coming sooner than later.
She sets her container aside and remarks, “I want to ask you a question but you need to promise not to get mad at me.” 
Rick quirks a brow at her. “Since when do I get mad at you?” 
“Well, you might be this time. So please hear me out before interrupting if you get upset.” 
He senses the tone in her voice and drops his apple altogether. “Fine.” He turns around to face her with just a hint of a smirk. “What’s your controversial question?” 
Beth hesitates, slipping her goggles outside of their leather sleeve. “Do you mind if I wear these?” 
“You want to analyze my answer?” Rick asks, voice surprised. 
“If I have your permission, it might be helpful.” 
Rick stares at her. “What the hell could you possibly be asking me that you need those for?” 
Beth shrugs a shoulder, not giving him a direct response. “So can I?” 
Rick scoffs, whether in amusement or disbelief, he’s not sure. “Sure.” 
Beth removes her glasses, blinking fast at the blurry world around her until she can fix her goggles over her face. “There.”
She shoots him a timid smile as she touches a button on the side of the goggles, rebooting her settings. Rick can’t help smiling back. “So my question is...” 
“My question is...” She stops and sighs, pressing her hands into the edge of the round table. “It’s about Cameron Mahkent.” 
“Great.” His light curiosity immediately sours. “Of course it is.” 
Her eyes dart behind the green tint with the smallest of furrowed brows. Rick isn’t sure what she’s reading, but it’s probably the way he already knows this conversation is going to suck. He can picture her mood readings now: 
Rick Tyler - Mood Analysis: Irritated the hell out.
Rick Tyler - Mood Analysis: Exasperated that he’s tolerating this shit for you. 
Rick Tyler - Mood Analysis: Disgruntled that he won’t break promises if they’re made with Beth Chapel 
Rick Tyler - Mood Analysis: Pointedly every emotion but mad. 
“It’s just that,” she starts. “I understand why you dislike him. I don’t agree with it, but I understand it.” 
“Do you?” 
She nods. “But you’re so mad at Courtney for dating him...” 
Rick frowns, crossing his arms. “It’s not just me. Yolanda-”
“Yolanda’s known for a while, apparently. And I’m not asking her.” 
“What’s your question?” Rick snaps. 
“Rick, do you like her?”
His absolute startlement renders him into a complete silence. His hazel-eyed gaze wide, his mouth parted open. Rick’s hand drops to his lap. 
“Do you have a crush on Courtney?” 
“You think I have a crush on Courtney?” 
“That’s what Cameron thinks,” Beth tells him. “And I’ve been suspecting it, I guess, too. And if you do, Rick. It’s not fair that you’re taking your jealousy out on him. It’s not helping the situation.” 
“I...don’t have a crush on Courtney.” 
It’s Beth’s turn to be shocked. “You’re not lying.” 
“Because I don’t have a crush on Courtney,” Rick repeated firmly, a bit offended. 
Beth stares down at the table. “Oh.” 
Rick twists away in his chair, he almost laughs. “I can’t believe you thought...She’s like a sister to me.” He stares at the cheesy school posters taped to the cafeteria walls until they go fuzzy. “That jerk has always been emotional and she’s all starry-eyed. This shit is going to get her hurt. The JSA doesn’t date.” 
Beth lifts the goggles to her hairline. “We don’t?” 
“Beth.” He glances her side-ways, confused how she’s never figured this out. “We can’t.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“How can any of us ever actually have a proper relationship with anyone else without telling that person about the JSA?” 
“That’s so...” Beth frowns at him. Clearly she’s never considered this. 
“I’m serious.” 
“I know you are.” 
“Think about it. Courtney’s lying to the creep every time she sees him. That she’s Stargirl. That his dad was Icicle. That she knows how he died. That she’s going to have to flake him, no matter how much she likes him, because her number one priority, has to be us and the team. Not some guy.” 
“Rick, that’s mean. We’re still in high school. We should be able to have somewhat normal lives.” 
“We’re not normal though,” Rick argues. “My entire childhood turned out to be a lie and nobody told me about that until you. I spent every year pretending I was someone that I wasn’t, and I never got to know why. Getting left out in the dark like that? I’d never do that to a girl. It’s hell.” 
Beth doesn’t say anything for a while until she mutters under her breath, a mimicked and unimpressed; “The JSA doesn’t date,” with finger quotes. “That’s a stupid rule.” She raised her voice, meeting his eyes. “What if I want a boyfriend?” 
The blood in Rick’s veins ran cold. “You?” 
“Or are you going to police how I should date too?” 
“But you don’t want to date.” 
“I don’t?” Beth starts packing up her lunch and puts her real glasses back on. “You make a lot of assumptions.” 
Rick’s now fully turning his body around to face her as she furiously wipes her knife and fork with a wet wipe. “Do you have a crush on somebody?” 
“Why would I tell you?” She sniffs, refusing to meet his eye. “So you can go all big brother on me too?” 
His mouth twists. “I thought you said you understood why I don’t like Cameron.” It’s then that he realizes Beth never said no. Rick pushes down the way his stomach drops, focusing instead on his concern at the way her voice wavered, sounding like she wanted to cry. “Wait, so you do like someone?” 
Beth stands. “I thought I did. But now it sounds like you’d yell at someone over me if I was in her position, and I don’t like that.” 
“No, I’m good.” She hauled her bag over her shoulders. “I have a test to study for.” 
“Hey!” Rick stands, abandoning his paper lunch bag to follow after her. This entire conversation is moving too fast for Rick to keep up. It’s bad enough that Courtney is so angry with him, but he can’t take Beth shunning him out too. “Hey...Why are you so upset? Who’s this guy?” 
Beth swings around and steels her jaw, stopping in the middle of the blue locker-lined hallway. Her brown eyes sharp and frustrated. “It’s you, Rick! I really like you.” 
The grip on his school bag loosens, it drops to the floor with a thud. “What?” 
“But maybe you’re right.” Beth shakes her head, and Rick doesn’t know what to do, rooted still in shock as he watches new heartbreak streak across her face. “Maybe you think I’m also naive.” 
“Beth, no,” he says softly, his mind racing. “I didn’t mean...”  
“Yes, you did. You believed that. The JSA doesn’t date,” Beth replies curtly, turning on her heel to leave Rick behind as the bell rings. 
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