#extraordinary closet
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Walk-In St Louis a sizable, elegant women's walk-in closet with a dark wood floor.
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gtfoimrocking · 1 year
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St Louis Walk-In Closet An illustration of a medium-sized, traditional women's carpeted walk-in closet.
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gillianthecat · 5 months
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Also, the boys of Light On Me are wearing the same school shirts with the checked* lining inside the collar that the boys of Extraordinary You did, so that's another point in their favor. Lee Jae Wook looked sexy with his unbuttoned, and I don't know if we'll get Shin Woo to expose his neck, but even the hint of pattern is cute.
(Is this kind of shirt like, a thing for private school uniforms in South Korea? Or is Light On Me just recycling costumes from old shows?)
*I don't think checked is quite the right name for this type of pattern but I can't think of the right one. Is it multicolored gingham?
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astraystayyh · 6 months
minho x gn!reader. hurt/comfort. reader used to feel lonely but not anymore with minho. for u my @rachalixie <333
it is a regular sunday afternoon, filled with all the chores you procrastinated for the end of the week. you're halfway through a batch of fresh laundry, when your eyes find Minho- he's fiddling with a pair of your pink socks, completely engrossed in a trashy sitcom playing on your TV. a bowl of fruit sits between you two, one he meticulously peeled because he knows you don't like the fruits' skin.
your hands go limp as you observe minho, who places your socks down before blindly grabbing one of your t-shirts. he carefully folds it in half, smoothing away its creases because he knows you like perfectly folded clothes, neat and tidy.
a lump materializes in your throat as minho quietly chuckles at the TV, your mind not on the sitcom but on the man folding laundry beside you.
in that moment, a sudden light penetrates the shadowed parts of your mind, ones you've left uncharted for too long, fearing what you'll find hiding in their darkness. instead, you discover a flourishing garden, watered by minho's attentions everytime he's near.
the realization dawns on you suddenly, yet gently, like an unexpected kiss gracing your forehead, a hand grabbing your own when you least anticipate it— you haven't felt lonely in so long.
you couldn't feel lonely on a sunday morning when minho woke with you, willingly giving up on sleep so you could make breakfast together. you couldn't feel lonely when he propped his chin on your shoulder as you scrambled the eggs on the stove, his cold hands sneaking underneath your shirt, a gentle kiss on your neck to compensate his chilling touch.
loneliesss couldn't loom in the supermarket's aisles when minho pushed the cart near you, whining when you didn't give him attention for too long. you couldn't feel lonely as minho helped you pack up the groceries into your car, before caging you against the door, planting a short, but fervent kiss on your lips.
loneliness doesn't cast its shadows on your home when minho helped you clean it, washing the dishes as you diligently swept every counter. you couldn't feel lonely when he suddenly pulled your hand before waltzing around to the soft hums escaping his lips.
loneliness is a stranger when minho folds your laundry, some pieces of his clothing sneaking into your closet. you aren't lonely when minho lives with you, throughout your extraordinary days and your most mundane, boring ones.
a sniffle leaves your lips before you can stop it, and minho's head snaps instinctively to yours, worry drawn onto his face as he furiously racks over your figure. you don't even know where the tears are coming from, but they are streaming furiously down your cheeks, showing no sign of stopping soon.
"baby," he calls out tentatively, putting the fruit bowl on the table and moving closer to you. "what's wrong?" he asks and you straddle his lap, burying your face onto the crook of his neck instead of replying.
you aren't lonely when minho pats your back, rubbing soothing motions on it from the crown of your hair down the end of your spine. you aren't lonely because minho spoke to your loneliness, gently, patiently, until he finally convinced it to desert your bones.
"i love you," you whisper against his skin and he pulls you slightly away, his hands tenderly cradling your face. "i love you. what happened?"
"it's silly and stupid," you mumble, looking down at his lap. he gently hooks a finger beneath your chin, urging you to look at him.
"nothing that makes you cry is stupid. tell me, hm?"
"you help me fold my socks," you say, lower lip slightly quivering. "and clean the house and get my groceries."
"do you not want me to?" he asks, tilting his head to the side.
"no, no. i just can't believe you'd want to."
"why is that?" he inquires, gently wiping your still cascading tears.
"because those are things i used to do alone. i... i never thought I'd have someone with me, by my side, every day," you pause, tears doubling over at your impending confession. "i never thought that one day i would no longer be lonely."
minho's eyes soften incredibly, the way your heart turns into mush in his hands. he silently brings your head to his chest, your cheek pressed right above his heartbeat, and then he sways from left to right, body pressed tightly to yours.
"i'm here now. it's okay, angel, it's over," he whispers, planting a lingering kiss on the top of your head. you clutch his shirt tightly between your fists, allowing his words to permeate your being. to dust every misguided idea you held about your future.
you won't be lonely when minho loves you.
"you know i want to marry you, right? so i plan on folding your laundry for a long long time. under one rule, though."
"what?" you ask with a small voice.
"you won't cry next time i fold your clothes."
"shut up," you pinch his side playfully and he giggles before tickling you in retaliation. your laughter fills the air, quieting down the sound of your tv and simultaneously, all the ugly thoughts that once occupied your head.
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Hi babygirl!! I’m back yet again 🤭 I’ve got a spicier one for you this time.
Okay so y/n (aka me bc why not) and Rebekah are bffs, talking like usual in her room when y/n one day asks her if she had always been with men only, maybe if she dated women she’d had found love or whatever. Bex says she’s not into women but she has experimented with them before. Elijah and Klaus are in the family room, minding their business when they hear noises. Both brothers have always have a huge ass crush on y/n, Bex knew about it, but they never told her because they didn’t know how to. Rebekah decides to take full advantage of this and fucks y/n, knowing damn well her brothers can hear how loud they are. So from the family room, they follow the noise to Bex’s room & find the two girls scissoring. They watch quietly and jack off but when Klaus moans, both girls hear and quickly turn to the door, catching both brothers redhanded. This obviously leads to a 4some. {kinks: double penetration, voyeurism, breeding, boob play (lots btwn the girls), praise, degradation, choking, and ofc scissoring for the girls}
Ménage à Quatre
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Just a quick little ménage à quatre with Rebekah & the boys...
♡♡ Thanks for the request sweet Aurora! This was so much fun to write & also a bit of a challenge (lots of moving parts haha) ♡♡
5.3k words - Warnings: pure smut, foursome, NO INCEST, girl on girl, fingering, handjobs, oral sex, scissoring, double penetration, voyeurism, choking, lots of praise and a sprinkling of degradation, my Elijah favoritism shining through, Klaus and Elijah being a little rough, Rebekah likes to watch...
PS: This is unofficially extra-extra-extra-extraordinary ~lol
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Rebekah's room was always your favorite place in the Mikaelson compound. It was feminine and elegant, and had beautiful pieces of furniture. Whenever you would go to your best friend's bedroom, you couldn't help but admire the view; and the woman.
She was beautiful with her long blonde hair and stunning features, not to mention that gorgeous accent of hers. You had always harbored a bit of a crush, but kept it to yourself, afraid to ruin the friendship.
As always, you were both sitting on her bed, legs crossed and telling each other the latest gossip. And today, you found yourself telling Rebekah about a recent fling and hook-up.
Rebekah was listening intently as she rummaged through her closet, tossing you some clothes she wanted you to try. You always felt a little shy getting undressed in front of her but you got more comfortable over time.
You pulled on a vintage pleated mini skirt from the early 2000s, it didn't even cover your buttcheeks. 
You gave Rebekah a spin while giggling, "How do I look?"
She laughs, her eyes gazing over your body appreciatively. "Sexy, as always."
You blush under her gaze and pull off your top, rummaging through the pile of clothes to find a new shirt.
"Try this on," Rebekah suggests, holding up a lacy red push up bra.
"Sure," you reply with a shrug, taking off your own plain white one and throwing it across the room.
As you put on the new bra, Rebekah took the opportunity to admire your half naked figure. You bite your lip, feeling the tension building in the room.
You sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard, her eyes followed you closely. Your skin felt hot under her gaze and your heart beat faster in your chest.
"I have a question for you, love," she says softly, looking down at her fingernails casually, acting as if nothing happened.
"What is it?"
"Elijah and Klaus are both quite taken with you. I've heard them talk about you before," Rebekah replies. Her voice is low and her eyes dark, she looks up at you from beneath her eyelashes. "Did you know that?"
"Really? I don't know…" You can't stop your eyes from widening in surprise. "But they've never said anything to me…”
"Is it so hard to believe they are attracted to you? You're beautiful. Sexy. Any man would be lucky to have you."
Your entire body feels hot under her gaze and you're unable to form a sentence. But to your luck, you don't have to answer her as she speaks again.
"Or maybe," she drawls, slowly starting to crawl towards you on the bed. "You're into women."
You gulp, paralyzed by her hypnotizing gaze. Before you can think of anything witty to say, you're pinned against her pillows, soft fabric squished under your back.
She pushes her knee between your legs, straddling you in the process. You gasp at her boldness, lust taking over your mind. She leans closer, so close that her lips are almost brushing against yours.
"So which one would you choose?" she asks softly, her breath ghosting over your face.
"Choose?" You repeat breathily.
"My brothers. Which one?" she clarifies, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
"I-I" You stop to clear your throat, trying to swallow down the sudden nerves. "Probably Elijah, he seems more gentle than Klaus," you mumble.
Rebekah chuckles, enjoying the effect she is having on you. "He would be thrilled to hear you say that. But," she stops, bringing her lips next to your ear. "I was hoping you'd choose me," she whispers.
It takes everything in your body not to moan when her soft lips move over the sensitive skin on your neck.
Her hands slide up your body before cupping your breasts through the lacy bra. She kneads your flesh firmly before pulling the cups down. Your breasts spill out, nipples pebbling under her ravenous stare.
"I didn't realize it was an option," you breathe.
Rebekah grins at you, eyes flashing dangerously before dipping her head.
"It's always been an option," she husks.
Her attention shifts to your exposed tits, nipples pink and puffy from her touch. She gives them a little smack, knocking the breath out of you.
Her actions instantly cause a throbbing between your thighs as you subconsciously try to close them.
Without warning, she leans down and swipes her tongue along one nipple. Her saliva leaves a cool coating over your skin as she works her way across your chest to give the same treatment to your other tit.
She hums softly against your skin before she bites down lightly, causing your body to arch up towards her, a breathy sigh leaving your lips.
You close your eyes, savoring the sensation of her touch. You want to touch her too, feel her soft skin beneath your fingertips, hear her delicate moans in your ear.
Your hands slowly slide up her thighs, teasing the exposed skin. She doesn't stop you as your hands travel higher and higher, crawling up the slope of her stomach.
She takes your wrists and guides your arms over your head, pinning them against the headboard with one hand, biting her lip in concentration. Her stare is intense, dark and arousing, lust and hunger burning brightly in her eyes.
"Not so fast," she murmurs, kissing the side of your mouth, then quickly withdrawing. "This is all about you,”
Her free hand dips underneath your skirt, reaching the damp fabric of your panties, and pushes it aside. She grins as her finger runs up and down your slit, teasing and prodding your entrance, you let out a soft moan, arching into her touch.
Her lips attach to the skin on your neck, suckling at the tender flesh. She grazes her teeth across the fluttering pulse point, causing goosebumps to erupt all over your body.
You tried to stifle your moans, suddenly becoming aware of your surroundings. There was a possibility others in the house could also hear you. Klaus and Elijah were only just downstairs, and with their vampire hearing they could definitely pick up on your moans, even through the closed door. And that thought, of them listening in on you and Rebekah having sex, turned you on even more.
Rebekah grinned, as if she was reading your mind. She removed her hand from between your legs and moved back a little on the bed, grabbing your skirt and pulling it off before pulling off her down clothes. You feel the cold air hit your now bare pussy as she tosses her garments onto the floor.
"Come here," she said softly, grabbing your hips and pulling you under her.
She pressed her chest to yours, the soft skin of her breasts brushing against your own. Your nipples brushed against hers and you both moaned softly. The two of you gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before capturing her lips.
Her tongue pushed in roughly, exploring every inch of your mouth. You reciprocated eagerly, humming against her lips and gripping her waist to pull her closer.
Rebekah slides her hand down your body and between your legs, and begins to slowly stroke your clit. You arch your back, moaning loudly. She chuckles and slowly pushes a finger inside of you, then another.
She thrusts her fingers in and out of your dripping cunt, curling them in just the right way to make you squirm.
"You're so wet, darling," she coos, licking her lips. "Tell me what you want."
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Elijah was sitting in the courtyard, book in his lap, enjoying one of the rare moments he had to himself. Klaus was sketching something, and the silence was comfortable.
But their moment of peace was interrupted by the sounds of giggling coming from upstairs.
"Sounds like someone is having a good time," the hybrid muttered.
"Yes, I suppose so," Elijah agreed, trying not to listen to the noises.
They are both a little jealous of Rebekah's bond with you, she seemed to have a connection with you that they couldn't achieve. And while they were both aware that the two of you were just friends, sometimes it was hard not to feel left out.
"Maybe we should go see what's going on," Klaus suggested, glancing at his brother.
"No, leave them be, they are probably just trying on clothes again," Elijah replied, trying to focus on his book. He wasn't actually sure what the girls were up to, but he didn't want to disturb them.
Suddenly there's a loud moan, followed by a giggle, and the brothers are unable to ignore it anymore.
They both looked at eachother then got up, heading for the stairs. They could hear the girls whispering and laughing, the sounds getting louder as they reached the door.
Klaus stopped Elijah before he walked in, pressing his index finger to his lips and listening.
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You were flushed and trembling, Rebekah between your legs, teasing your pussy with her tongue.
"Fuck," you gasp, grabbing her hair and pulling her closer.
Rebekah loved this, having you at her mercy. You were so hot and responsive, and she couldn't get enough. She could hear her brothers downstairs, questioning what the two of you were doing and she decided to put on a show. 
Torture them a little.
Your breathing grew faster as you bucked your hips, riding her face as she kept sucking your clit, your pleasure climbing higher and higher, the tension building in your core.
"Bekah, I'm gonna-"
She pulled back and looked up at you, her smirk the most mischievous you've ever seen.
"Don't come yet, beautiful," she coaxed you, grinning wickedly. "I have one more thing to show you,"
She grins and leans forward, her breasts pressed against yours, she gently positions one of your legs over hers, pulling your bodies flush against each other. She kisses you softly, her hands tangling in your hair, pulling a little before breaking the kiss.
She takes her hands and intertwines them with yours as she starts moving her hips slowly, gently sliding her wet pussy against yours. You gasp at the feeling and move your hips, trying to match her rhythm.
Your eyes close and your head falls back. Rebekah looks down at you, smiling proudly at the effect she has on you.
"Just like that," she whispers. "Feel me move against you..."
You looked down at the sight of your pussies grinding together, and groaned, biting your lip. It was so erotic, and you can't get enough. The way her clit brushes against yours, sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
The bed creaked beneath you as you moved faster, trying to chase the high that's just out of reach. It was too much, the pleasure building deep within your belly, your muscles clenching tight. Just when you are about to reach your peak you hear a noise coming from the hallway and you freeze.
Both of you look towards the door, waiting for it to open, and sure enough, the knob turns, revealing the intruders. Klaus and Elijah, of course.
"Looks like we have company, love," Rebekah teased, continuing to grind on you.
They both looked a little caught, as if they didn't expect the door to be unlocked. They stepped in sheepishly, the both of them looking over the two of you, their eyes darkening.
"Hello brothers, it seems we have a new toy to play with," Rebekah stated, eyeing them intensely, her smile full of mischief. "Would you like that darling? To be shared between the three of us?"
You let out a soft moan as Rebekah moves her body in a particular way that has your eyes rolling back into your head. When you speak, you almost sound like you are begging, desperate for their touch.
"Yes," you breathe.
You watched Elijah and Klaus eagerly undress, their eyes still lingering on the two of you, hunger evident in their gaze.
"Look at how you're blushing," Klaus teases, chuckling and moving closer to the bed.
"Such a pretty little thing," Elijah agreed, his lips turning up in a knowing smile.
Rebekah continued to move her hips against yours. "I know," she moaned, running a hand through your hair. "You really are beautiful."
You moan louder as Klaus begins running his hands over your exposed body. Elijah soon joins him, moving to your other side, fingers tracing the outline of your lips. He pushes the tips of his fingers into your mouth and you immediately suck them, eyes fluttering shut. You moan around his fingers, pulling them deeper inside.
Rebekah groans, watching you swirl your tongue around his skin, the wetness gathering between your thighs growing, and you whine, rutting against her to create some friction.
"How desperate," Rebekah smirked, slowing down her movements so that the friction isn't enough to satisfy you.
Elijah removes his fingers and moves to kiss you, his tongue exploring your mouth, hungrily tasting you. Klaus touches your breasts, squeezing and playing with your sensitive nipples. You moan into the kiss, arching your back to rub your skin against his calloused fingers.
You are trapped between the three of them, completely at the mercy of their hands and mouths and you’d never been more turned on.
"I want to see her cum," Klaus murmurs, nipping your earlobe, making you shudder.
Rebekah increases the pace, grinding her clit into yours over and over. You mewl in pleasure, bucking your hips, begging for more. You look up and notice that Elijah has already started stroking his cock, his eyes fixed on you.
"I bet her pussy feels incredible, don't you think?" Klaus asks Elijah huskily, pinching your nipple between two fingers and pulling on it.
You yelp from the overload of sensations, your whole body convulsing. You can't hear what Elijah says because Rebekah reaches between your legs and circles her index finger around your swollen clit, pushing you over the edge.
Your pussy contracts, clamping down around nothing, convulsing against Rebekah's thumb. She sucks in a ragged breath, her hips spasming and rocking back and forth, your hips moving together. Your clit brushes against hers and you let out an embarrassing noise of surprise, coming at the same time as her.
Rebekah collapsed, sweaty and shaking. She buried her face in your neck, mumbling your name over and over, her body still pulsating with the aftershocks of her orgasm.
She pulls back, her blonde hair cascading around her shoulders. She smiles down at you and leans in for another kiss, this time it's slow and gentle, filled with affection.
"You look so beautiful when you come," she whispers against your lips, pressing another soft peck on the side of your mouth. "I think I'll let my brothers have a turn with you now," she gently nips at your skin, tickling you, making you giggle.
Then she moves from the bed and sits on the armchair across the room, watching with dark eyes. Her legs spread as she watches the show, hand finding her clit and rubbing it slowly.
Elijah guides you to lay on your side facing him, while Klaus presses himself to your back, their strong hands gliding along your curves. Elijah wastes no time and leans down to kiss you, pulling your tongue between his lips and sucking it.
Klaus bites down on the skin of your neck, leaving hickeys along the area from your collarbone to the junction of your neck.
Their hands wander over your curves. Elijah's hand cups your breasts, toying with the hard peaks. "Such a pretty little slut." His voice is low, and he smirks at the way your body reacts to his words.
You can feel Klaus' hard member pressing against your back, along with Elijah's length pressed against your front.
You palm Elijah's cock through his boxers, stroking him in slow strokes, loving the way he feels and smells. His dark eyes watch you with adoration as he gives a gentle thrust into your hand.
"Do you like that?" You ask, your voice soft as you continue to pump him, occasionally bringing your hand higher up his shaft and teasing his sensitive head.
He nods eagerly, his fingers tangling into your hair, pressing his hips into you with more urgency. You can feel the veins on his cock pulsate under your touch as his breathing becomes erratic and shallow.
Klaus turns you so you are lying on your back between them, your free hand reaching for his cock, mimicking what you are doing to Elijah.
The feeling of having their cocks in your hands at the same time drives you crazy, you love being surrounded by them. They start kissing your neck and shoulder blades, leaving little marks of their own. You feel them getting harder and harder as they rut into your hands.
The heat between the three of you begins to rise, moans, gasps and whispered praises filling the air. They tease your breasts, letting their fingers and lips roam your body, softly caressing your nipples.
Rebekah groans at the sight and starts rubbing her clit faster, her breath catching as she watches you from across the room. You turn your head slightly, your eyes meeting hers, and you bite your lip, your hand speeding up, stroking them faster.
Elijah's hand wanders lower, touching your inner thigh and his mouth is pressing lightly on your neck and jaw.
"Fuck, just like that darling," he breathes, slowly circling your clit with the pad of his finger, pulling a small gasp from your lips, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation.
"You like that?" Klaus whispers into your ear, biting on your lobe as he does.
You look towards him and lean over, capturing his lips and teasing him with your tongue, keeping up the movements of your hands on their cocks. He takes control easily, taking charge and deepening the kiss.
"Why don't you come sit on my lap," Klaus murmurs against your lips, brushing back the strands of hair away from your face, smiling down at you with affection.
You let go of them and let yourself be maneuvered so that you were straddling him, the tip of his thick shaft pressing against your entrance, teasing your soaked pussy.
Before you can slide onto his cock, his thumb brushes against your slit and gently taps your swollen clit, causing bolts of pleasure to pass through you, you suck in a gasp and start riding his finger, feeling tiny pleasure sparks shooting through your body.
Your nails dig into his shoulders, and he grabs your hips roughly pushing you down onto his cock, causing you to moan as the pleasure of being filled so deep hits you. You lift your hips and his cock slides out a little bit, before you push yourself back down on him. You move slowly, adjusting to his large size. The way your muscles tighten around him makes him groan in pleasure.
Klaus smiled wickedly, his hand coming down to smack your ass, making you yelp and fall forward, burying your head into the crook of his neck.
Rebekah rubbed her clit as she watched you bounce on Klaus' cock, her chest heaving and a desperate expression on her beautiful features.
"Ride him properly now, he's not a particularly patient man," she teased.
Klaus chuckled and smacked you again, harder this time, his other hand wrapping around your throat. You positioned your legs on either side of his and started really moving. Rolling your hips, clenching, using his thighs to your advantage. Each time you pushed yourself down you clenched hard, dragging a long low groan from his parted lips.
"Such a perfect little whore," Klaus grunted as you picked up your pace. His grip tightened around your neck and his other hand squeezed your breasts, twisting your nipples roughly. Your rhythm grew messy, your hips moving in earnest, searching for friction.
Rebekah couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene, watching you fall apart in Klaus' lap had her chasing her high too.
Elijah gazed fondly at the two of you, moving behind you and licking along your back, grabbing your cheeks in his large hands and massaging them before smacking them harshly. You whined loudly, gripping Klaus' forearms tightly, both men chuckled at your responses.
Klaus slowed your movements as Elijah pressed his chest against your back, you could feel the warmth radiating from his body, his muscular arms wrapping around you. He wrapped one hand around your body and traced small circles across your clit. You gasped and ground against him, desperate for more friction, he ignored your frantic pleading, holding your trembling thighs steady, growling commands in your ear telling you to settle down.
Elijah's hands moved over your hips then between your ass cheeks and slowly circled the edges of your tight hole.
"Have you ever had two men take you at once?" he purred, your blush deepened, and you shook your head.
"Well then we have so much to teach you," Rebekah cheered, spreading her legs further apart.
Elijah leaned back and spread your cheeks further, teasing the hole and coaxing a litany of pleads from your pretty mouth. Your hole was tight and sensitive, only the tip of Elijah's middle finger slowly inserted inside, pushing against your walls to the first knuckle. Klaus's hand tightened around your throat, his eyes glued to your face. Elijah applied more pressure, before he began to move his finger slowly in and out of your ass.
"Shit, Elijah," you groaned, the sensation making you squeeze around Klaus' cock.
With Klaus's grip on you, there was very little range of movement and Elijah smirked at your efforts, removing his finger altogether for a moment.
You weren't sure if you were relieved or frustrated by this.
You let out a shaky gasp as his fingers circled the tense ring of muscle once again, your nails digging into Klaus's shoulders harder when you felt a second finger at your entrance, the slight burn adding to the never-ending list of sensations flooding your mind.
"Relax, sweetheart, take a deep breath." Elijah said softly, kissing the side of your neck and letting his breath fan over the sensitive skin.
You couldn't stop yourself from trembling as Klaus and Elijah shared a chuckle at your eagerness.
"Do you like the thought of having two cocks inside you?" Klaus said, letting go of your throat and twining his fingers into your hair instead. "Of being stuffed full, stretched to your limit, our little whore?”
You could practically feel Rebekah rolling her eyes and grinning.
"Aren't you glad you indulged Rebekah now." Klaus pressed his mouth to your cheekbone, nuzzling the skin until your eyelashes fluttered. "Can't get enough, can you love? So greedy."
"Y-yes," you stutter, feeling Elijah's cock brush against your hole.
Rebekah made a pleased noise at your shaky answer, but didn't make any indication to interrupt, instead just slowly circling her clit, watching with rapt attention.
"Tell them what you want, darling," Rebekah asked quietly.
You turned and stared into her blue eyes and Rebekah breathed out heavily at your desperate gaze. "I want you to put both your cocks in me, I...want to be stuffed full, please," you rambled breathily, shutting your eyes and gasping out when your reward for those begging words was Elijah slowly easing his cock into your ass.
Your back arched slightly and you let out a loud moan, Elijah wrapped an arm around you, the other on your hip, gently urging you to move.
"Good girl, I'll go slow." Elijah's voice sent a shiver of want through you as he continued pressing in more of his thick length with an agonizing pace that left you begging and gasping.
"If only Elijah could see your pretty little face." Klaus chuckled, slowly thrusting up as his brother eventually bottomed out with a low groan, slowly shifting inside you so as not to hurt you.
After a moment, Elijah guided you with small rocks of his hips, kissing your neck and running his hand through your hair and cupping your chin. You sigh into a kiss, and with a few slow experimental pumps of his hips, the painful stretching turned into waves of pleasure.
"Oh, she likes it," Klaus laughed deeply, using his hands to roll your hips into Elijah's, guiding your hips with the upthrusts of his own.
You were completely overwhelmed as you let Klaus guide your hips. You moaned softly with each movement from either side. You had never been filled so deep. You could feel your climax rapidly approaching and all at once you wanted nothing more than both their cum buried deep inside of you.
The two of them used their combined strengths to pound you at a faster, harsher pace.
"S - shit. Fuck." Your hands started roaming your own body; touching every part of you they couldn't while on the search for release, you pinched your nipples and Klaus dipped his fingers to your clit, furiously strumming the bud in rough circles.
All three of them watched you squirming in pure ecstasy and grunting as their pleasure crashed. The heat was growing intense, leaving you weak and desperate. They didn't stop as your walls began to tighten, continuing at their hurried pace until you finally fell over the edge, taking them with you.
For a moment, everything went hazy as they filled you with their cum, their moans echoed in the room and they caught your shaking body, murmuring praise and reassurances until you regained your ability to think.
Elijah pulled out of you and Klaus caressed your thighs with his hands, his thumb rubbing circles across your skin. He kisses you gently on your forehead and moves you off his lap, laying you down on the bed.
Rebekah laid down beside you, kissing your cheeks and making you giggle. She looked gorgeous, gently biting at her lip as she admired your blissed out expression. You wanted to make her feel good, since she'd been so left out in this adventure.
You pushed her gently on to her back, kissing her neck and lips. You move down her body, licking and biting and tugging. She threads her fingers into your hair and you shuffle between her legs, sucking on her nipples and swirling them with the tip of your tongue. She moans and bucks her hips.
"Thank you for being so patient Becca," you smirk and wink, sending a flush of color rushing through her pretty face.
Using both of your hands, you raise her left thigh higher onto your shoulder as you lick between her soft pussy lips. You glance back towards Rebekah's brothers, expecting one of them to take advantage of your inviting posture.
Elijah steps forwards and bends over you, kissing your ass cheeks before easing his cock into your pussy, moving with slow, lazy thrusts. His hands roam your ass, murmuring praise and making you blush.
Rebekah groans softly, and that is all the encouragement you need to start focusing your attention on her clit, slurping messily, loving the sounds you are pulling from her. You ease two fingers into her heat, curling your fingers as you thrust and swirl them inside her, drawing out more and more of the erotic symphony she makes.
You can tell she is close by the way her legs are trembling. You pull your mouth away from her core to let out a sharp cry as Elijah picks up the speed. You quickly re-attach your mouth to her pussy and fuck her fast and hard with your fingers. The rapid pressure of your fingers against her g-spot has Rebekah grabbing at your hair and trying to hold your mouth firmly to her clit as she falls apart, squeezing your head with her thighs.
She pulls you back by the hair and lets out a contented sigh, softly moaning as your fingers continue moving deep inside her.
Rebekah giggled at the look on your face, watching you being slowly fucked by Elijah, she could tell you were desperate for more.
"You love to torture her, don't you Elijah," Rebekah hissed, feeling the soft bites your teeth delivered to her tender skin. "You want her to beg for more, don't you?"
"She can hardly beg with your thighs clamped around her head," Elijah chuckled.
You moaned as Elijah's hand tangled into your hair, pulling you up so your face was pulled away from Rebekah's pussy, her wetness covered your lips and chin.
Klaus was watching the scene, stroking himself, smirking as you gasped when Elijah took complete control.
"You are ours," Elijah growled, nipping at your neck. "And we are going to show you just how much we love having our little play thing around."
His lips traced along your pulse-point before nipping his teeth across your flesh, leaving red and purplish bite marks as he went.
Klaus and Rebekah moved closer, both of them sitting up on their knees in front of you. You reached out to Rebekah, your fingers moving back between her legs. Her eyes fluttered closed, her breath catching in her throat. Your fingers found her clit and gently circled it.
Her hips jerked towards your hand as you continued to grind your ass back on Elijah's cock.
You took Klaus in your other hand and stroked his length, the four of you moving in sync, your hands, lips, hips and tongue working in tandem to tease and pleasure them.
There were so many different sensations and you were trembling from the intensity of it all. You had no control over anything, and yet you had complete power over the sensations they were all receiving. 
It was filthy, scandalous, but it felt so good.
Elijah sank his cock deeper into you and his mouth trailed kisses along the back of your neck. Klaus, Rebekah and you were panting and moaning, each of you edging closer to climax.
Rebekah came first, she threw her head back and moaned loudly, her body tensed, her muscles clenching around your fingers. You watched as she rode your hand, her cunt pulsing and you moaned with delight as her thighs tightened.
Klaus was next, and he grunted as he came, spilling into your hand. His eyes were glazed over and he grinned lazily.
Elijah picked up the pace, his thrusts growing faster and harder as he approached his own climax. "Going to fill your delicious little pussy up," he growled, his grip on your hips tightening.
He buried his cock inside you and came, causing you to buck and whimper. You felt his release fill you and you couldn't help but groan.
"Such a pretty little thing, so good for us," Klaus whispered as he stroked your hair. Watching your eyebrows arch as you came on Elijah's cock. Rebekah cooed in the background, smiling with pride.
All thoughts evaporated as the sweet tension took over and you let go, moaning long and low as your climax hit.
Elijah pulled out of you, letting you fall forward into Klaus' arms. Elijah smacked your ass, loving the way the light burn added to your fading high.
You giggled softly as Klaus laid you down on top of him, while Elijah and Rebekah snuggled up on either side of you.
All thoughts dissolved with the warm afterglow, and the loving caresses on your heated skin. You buried your face into Klaus's chest, Rebekah massaging your scalp, Elijah gently rubbing circles across your lower back.
"I think she's the best one yet," Rebekah yawned, her cheeks still red.
"Definitely," Klaus replied, closing his eyes.
Elijah murmured softly in agreement, breathing deeply through his nose. The brothers were quickly fading to sleep.
"You guys do this often?" You chuckled, listening to their hearts thump as they calmed down.
"Only occasionally," Elijah admitted sleepily, kissing the top of your head. "For special occasions with special people,"
You smiled contently, pleased with yourself and the three immortals surrounding you.
"So are you saying I'm special?" You teased, giggling at their groans.
"Yes darling, extraordinarily so," Rebekah sighed happily, nuzzling into your shoulder. "Please, don't leave."
"Ever." Klaus and Elijah grumbled.
"Never ever." You sighed contently, drifting off to sleep in the warm embrace of three, perfect lovers.
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circusinthewalls · 27 days
(CW: Discussions of deep depression.) [Masterlist]
Depression's a bitch. Always finding a way to halt you in your tracks, bringing you to an abrupt, crumbling stop. Simon can tell it's starting up again. You manage to perform most of your daily necessities, but he doesn't miss the way you practically drag through them.
You eat slower, eat less. Your showers have been taking longer. Laundry doesn't get put in the wash til you're struggling to find clean clothes, fatigue pants mismatched with an undershirt, or something of the sort.
He can't place the root cause of it, but he's smart enough to not let you continue sinking deeper into it. At least if he can, that is. Stubborn thing you are.
You're a little caught off guard when he comes knocking on the door to your room one night, and even more so when he pushes past you, letting himself in. Before you can even open your mouth to question him, you've been thrown over his shoulder. He turns back the way he came, ignoring your questions and muttered pleas to be put down.
"Settin' you straight," he says when you eventually give up.
That's the only explanation you get until you've entered the showers. You recognize the room by the tile and lift your head a bit. Odd. What're the lights already on for? Should be off long by now at this hour.
Just as you begin to get a feel for your surroundings, you're lifted off Simon's shoulder and set down on what you can only assume is the edge of the sinks. You're a little too disoriented by the sudden movement to tell straight away.
"You gonna be good for me, yeah?" he queries, and you can feel his hands slide up your thighs as he moves to stand between them.
Confusion knits your brows.
"Didn't do anything," you object.
His fingers twitch, grip tightening by a fraction. You try to ignore the way it makes your cheeks heat up.
"Not what I asked."
His tone brooks no argument. Clearly, whatever it is he wants, he'll be having none of your little complaints tonight. You concede and give a tentative nod. Judging by the look in his eye, you can only assume he's pleased with the change of attitude.
He reaches behind you, retrieving.. a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. Both are new. Not particularly extraordinary, flimsy things that come standard issued in this line of work, but he doesn't know where you keep your toiletries and frankly couldn't be bothered to look. Grabbing these from the locker room storage closet was easier.
You glance over your shoulder to watch him wet the toothbrush, then glob the paste on it's multicolored bristles. When he brings it around infront of you his other hand is already reaching up to grip your jaw, though it stops short.
"Open your mouth."
You hesitate, glancing between him and the toothbrush. Hell, if he wanted you to brush your teeth you didn't understand why he couldn't let you do it yourself. He fixes you with a look, and you slowly do as you're told. He wrenches a thumb gently into your mouth, cocking it up to get you to open wider.
Your cheeks flush brighter, the faintest whine escaping once he starts brushing your teeth.
"Shh, there ya go," he soothes. "Just be good for me. You're doin' so well already."
Once it comes to brushing your tongue he has the tip pinched between his fingers. The whole thing feels strangely intimate, especially when he accidentally dips the toothbrush back too far and makes you gag. He curses under his breath, muttering a hushed 'sorry' as he finishes up.
He continues on with his little whispers of how good you're being, reassuring you every chance he gets. Unfortunately, it's getting you more and more worked up by the second.
When all is said and done your breath is coming out in soft pants, your face and gut burning with feelings you didn't expect to arise from such an exchange. Shit.
Part two, perhaps? Maybe as a little treat. Keep an eye out for it. Feel free to ask to be tagged if you're interested. <3
Edit: Part two is [here]!
Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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lilacsbeeswax · 6 months
Pairing: Theodore Nott x Reader
Warnings: Panic Attack, Party, Underage Drinking, Petnames, Unedited
Notes: First Theodore fic kinda nervous
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“God that exam was awful! If these bloody staircases didn’t move I’d be passed out in my bed right now!” I complained stomping up the polished stone stairs. The staircase room was buzzing with people trying to get to dorms and house common rooms since the last exam hour just ended.
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Hermione comforted, “I’m sure you did better than Ron.”
“When do I not do better than Ron? A rat could do better than Ron!” I complained loudly.
A loud, “Hey!” Resounded from behind us as well as a boyish laugh. “It’s not funny Harry! She’s callin’ me daft!” Ron exclaimed.
“Well, she not wrong,” Ginny added.
“Alright guys let’s not pile on. I’m sure Ron did just fine.” I said sarcastically raising my eyebrows as we reached the common room portrait.
We continued our slow journey loosing people along the way to their dorms. By the time Hermione and I reached our dorm room I was exhausted.
“That Theodore Nott guy was staring at you again,” Hermione said passively as she sifted through her pockets for her key.
I chuckled nervously, Theodore and I had been dating for awhile, but I had told none of my friends. “Okay?”
“All you have to say is okay?” She asks incredulously as she opens the wooden door to our slightly messy dorm. “Either he’s incredibly creepy or he’s into you!”
“And either way we both know he’s a dick head.” I run and jump into my plush bed, Hermione followed suit into her own bed.
“But you have to admit,” she pauses with a giggle, “he’s quite hot with all of his brooding anger.”
I rub my temple with my thumb and forefinger. “If you want him that badly you can have him yourself!” I dramatically throw my arms back onto the mattress.
“Oh please! You think I have time to deal with all of that Slytherin drama?”
“And I do?”
“Doesn’t matter, Ginny insists that we go to this party tonight in the Slytherin common room, so you better wake up and prepare yourself for the night if your life!” She stands up and starts rummaging around her trunk.
“A party? Are you bloody serious Hermione? Who are you?”
“I am someone who has worked her self to the bone the entire semester to get perfect grades on the exams that are finally finished! It’s time to have a little fun, don’t you think?” She pulls out a low key yet fashionable outfit and lays it out on her bed. “Now, we have about 3 hours until the party, so take a 30 minute nap and then we are getting to work my friend!”
I’m not sure what Hermione had thought when Ginny said we had to come to this party. Everything about the event is placed on her bad list. There has to be at least 200 people in attendance, so it’s loud and hot, people are drinking and making out, and dancing to the slightly too loud music. To talk you have to yell at the top of your lungs for gods sake!
The already dimly lit common room had become extraordinary dark, so I had lost Hermione and Ginny in about 5 minutes. I sifted through the crowd trying to find someone that I knew but everything is so overwhelming. The people, the music, the darkness, the smell, the heat, everything’s pushing through my brain so fast I can hardly breathe.
What can I taste? Nothing.
What can I smell? Fire whiskey, body odor, and cologne.
What can I touch? What can I feel? People way to many people trying to push me out of the way as I try desperately to find a wall or a closet or anything safe from the numerous people.
I make it to an unoccupied chair in the corner, maybe I can take a moment to breathe. Tears stream down my face but I can’t find the strength to care.
Count your fingers, take a deep breath. In, out. Think about Theo. His charming smile, his sweet words, his voice, his smell… wait his smell…
I’m shocked out of my thoughts by Theodore.
“Hey, sweetheart you’re okay.” He soothed me like a child it was barely audible with the loud yells of people and the music. “Come on.”
He grabs my hand and moves through the crowd with ease. I feel a sort of power radiate off of us, I never realized Theo is as respected as he is.
He leads me all the way to his dorm where it’s much quieter. When we walk into the emerald green room he asks, “Is this better?
“Much,” I sigh. The tears have stopped but my heart beat runs strong and I’m still incredibly shaky. I sit down on his bed bring my knees to my chin. “God, why did I let Ginny and Hermione bring me here? I hope they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they’re just fine,” he sits down next to me and places his hand on my knee, rubbing it gently with his thumb. “And I’m not god, but I think you wanted to have a little fun with your friends.”
“Yeah, but I should’ve known that I’d do this.”
“That wasn’t your fault, you know that right?”
“It was though, I don’t know why I can’t just have fun without being dramatic.”
“That wasn’t dramatic, that was traumatic and you couldn’t help it. It’s just the way your body reacts to stress.” He removes his hand from my knee and sits against his head board. He holds his arms out and says, “Now, come here.”
I crawl towards him and let him wrap me in a warm embrace. “Thank you Theo,” I mumble, attempting to get even closer to him.
“Always my love.”
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whatlovelybones-if · 1 year
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⚠️ CONTENT WARNINGS: insinuation of child abuse ⚠️
create your friendly neighbourhood killer surgeon.
meet a characters that plays a huge role in the MCs life.
live through a childhood filled with sinister figure(s).
meet a new friend and lose them.
get a glimpse of what has shaped the surgeon’s past.
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⚠️ CONTENT WARNINGS: murder, violence, gore & body horror ⚠️
a missing report. a murder. a youngblood cop. surely nothing can go wrong, right?
settle into your quite extraordinary life in helmsford.
deal with a pesky voice in your head.
meet vivienne, the kind psychiatrist, who wants nothing but to help you. it’s for you to decide how you feel about that.
what are you hiding, doctor?
what will you do when someone stumbles on the skeletons you hide in your closet, or should i say, basement.
A/N: a reminder that i have quite a lot of issues to fix in this update so i appreciate all the feedback i’ll get. they will all get fixed and major changes will be implemented with the update of chapter 2, including adding trans options, tattoo options and the touch-averse option.
fair warning that the graphic contents of this story will get worse, the prologue and chapter one were just the tip of the iceberg. if you get easily disturbed by these scenes, i’ll start implementing the auto-skip option from the next update to avoid the gruesome scenes.
acknowledgements: special thanks to fish (any pronouns) for helping me immensely with the coding aspect and @nikkefort (they/them) for providing a great design to all my imaginations. i have huge respect for coders cause i can’t do it properly even if my life depended on it. without these two superstars, this game would take years to complete so a huge shoutout to them!
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simmervlogs · 1 month
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Hello Simmers, come on in to the Bayside Bliss . A coastal 4 bedroom family residence in Brindleton Bay
Bayside Bliss is a waterfront Paradise with Sweeping Views. Surrounded by ten acres of reserves providing total privacy, the serene and elegant house sits on a bluff with commanding vistas of Cavalier Cove. The home's impressive two-story entry opens to the family living room. A wall of glass doors leads to the outdoor terrace, a pool, lush garden , showers as well as outdoor dinning and kitchen. The home is quipped with multiple spaces for a gardening room as well as a painter's studio. the downstairs also has a private access point to a studio equipped with a bathroom and kitchen. The main house includes a gourmet kitchen and pantry as well as a half bathroom . At the second floor, you are greeted to a open hallway and balcony leading to the three bedrooms, laundry room and bathroom. The expansive primary suite has beautiful views of the water and includes a sitting area with a fireplace, a large balcony and a two walk-in closets. Master European craftsmanship and luxury finishes are evident throughout the house in the hardwood floors, custom cabinetry, paneling, six French antique stone mantles and state-of-the-art lighting, sound, and security. This is a rare opportunity to own a completely private, extraordinary waterfront estate.
Please note almost everything is CC and the items were not created by me! Laundry day (Washing machine, dryer, hamper) Seasons (flower arranging station) required for function.
Please do support and directly download from all the creators mentioned! I have attached the CC folders too for convenience.
Do check out my Tiktok, live almost everyday building!
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Please move  Tray files (Tray files folder) to your Tray folder (enable bb.moveobjects on).
Gallery ID-  SimmerVlogs (Enable CC)
TikTok- simmervlogs
Note-  I have placed this down in Brindleton Bay 40X404 lot
Thank you once again to all CC creators!
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phoenixblaze1412 · 7 months
Hi!!!! can I get a fluff oneshot with Akademiya Dottore/Zandik and a shy gn reader where ur both outcasts and like eachother a lot, and one day when ur both out researching together he tries his luck at at flirting with reader (he sucks at it) - 🐓
Warning: Zandik is adorkable.
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That was all the other Dasturs of your class would call you due to your shy nature. Even the sages started to doubt your abilities as a scholar due to your meek and timid self. They would always tell you that no scholar as shy as you should continue studying in the Akademiya. For them, being shy is an insignificant personality that doesn't deserve attention or praise.
You let out a sigh, another day in the Akademiya, another day to get outcasted by the Dasturs and the sages. Still you kept going, ignoring the insults and proceeding with your studies. You weren't the only one in this situation. Your friend Zandik also received the same treatment from the Akademiya but that didn't stop him from his research.
You really liked Zandik ever since you met him during one of your classes. You had to swallow your own nervousness just to approach and talk to him, you didn't believe in the rumors about him being a weird one. He was rude to you at first but he slowly began to accept your presence and considered you as an acquaintance friend. Others would call you both as 'the weirdo and the mute', the outcast duo.
What you didn't know is that Zandik liked you as well. Your knowledge and intellect fascinates him and he finds your shy and timid nature to be adorable too. There's not a single day that goes by where you don't come up in his thoughts.
Zandik decided to invite you for a field research, using the excuse of needing to find another ruin guard for research purposes just to be able to spend time with you.
You both walked south of Vimara Village, the presence of each other bringing you both comfort. You looked around the area in search of a ruin guard, Zandik on the other hand was too busy trying to come up with something to say to you. You saw a pair of rishboland tigers passing by, you watched in awe at how the tigers interacted with one another. Zandik watched as you looked at the rishboland tigers, liking the way your eyes lit up from seeing the creatures of nature itself. Without a second thought, Zandik cleared his throat and said something that came to his mind.
“If we were ever cats, I'd spend all of my nine lives with you.”
You stared at Zandik in surprise, the male looking back at you with wide eyes, even shocked at himself for saying such a thing to you.
“Wait no, I mean I would never donate my organs to others but I would always give you my heart.”
Zandik could only mentally facepalm at himself for what he said as he felt his face flush red. He would want nothing more than run away from you and hide in his closet. Embarrassing himself in front of the person he likes was not on the scenarios he thought of last night. He swore it sounded much better when he was only thinking about it.
Oh, Archons you were looking at him as if he had grown two heads. Your doe-like eyes staring at his reddened face. Zandik gulped down his nervousness before facing your figure and looking at you.
"(y/n), as you can see from my failure of trying to flirt with you, what I'm trying to say is.. I like you."
Your eyes widened in surprise as Zandik held your hand in his, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
"I was wondering if I can ask you out on a date, to make it official. You can say no if you don't reciprocate my feelings. Someone as extraordinary as you shouldn't even be hanging out with an outcast like me."
What Zandik didn't expect was you leaning in close to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. You let out a small giggle as you watched him erupt into a blushing mess, him letting go of your hand just to hide his red face.
"I like you too, Zandik. You can take me out on a date."
You were confused when Zandik's flushed face started to scowl at you. He grabbed your arm before pulling you close to him, your body pressed up against his. You let out a small squeak as you stared at the male, not knowing what to do.
"Aren't you a sly little bunny? Kissing me on the cheek just to get me caught off guard. I thought you were just a shy little scholar. Seems like there's more to you than meets the eye.. but I'm not one to back down."
You were about to ask what Zandik meant when he suddenly held your chin between his fingers before pressing his lips against yours. You squeaked out in surprise before kissing back, not caring if anyone sees either of you in this situation.
An unlikely pair of outcasts. But they love each other nonetheless. And nothing in Teyvat can ever separate them from each other.
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The Lipless Man: From the casebook of Akechi Kogoro
Translated by Alexis J Brown
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[His] thirst for revenge had been inhuman. He was either insane or pure evil. A vampire that fed on fear. How could any harbour such hatred, no matter how badly they felt wronged? Tsunekawa, and even Akechi, recoiled at his speech, which sounded like a curse reverberating from the bowels of hell.
People can bear any horror, no matter how terrifying, as long as it remains in sight. But when something dematerialises before their eyes, like white breath on a frosty day, panic can take hold in an instant.
‘I’ve a funny feeling you’ve both been pulling my leg,’ the Inspector said, strolling in the direction of the temple gate. ‘Both of us?’ Akechi asked, smiling in his customary way. ‘You and the lipless man.’ ‘Ha! What an extraordinary idea!’ ‘It’s like the two of you are playing your own peculiar game. Every hunch you’ve had has been miraculously spot on. And as for the ghoul, somehow he knew it would be you who’d dig up that coffin. He predicted as much in his letter. How could that be, unless you’d both planned it in advance?’ It was not obvious whether the Inspector was joking or not. He looked at Akechi with an unnatural smirk on his lips. ‘Maybe we’re the same person. Like in one of Maurice LeBlanc’s Lupin stories. By day, I’m an amateur detective, by night, a murderous fiend. What a set-up!’ Akechi laughed, long and loud, and eventually Tsunekawa had to join in. ‘Speaking of works of fiction,’ the Inspector said at last, ‘This case has had its own cast of bohemian characters. Artists, writers, and the lipless man himself.’ ‘That may well be intentional. Great criminals have fantastical ambitions...'
There is a dark side to life. An evil lurking in the shadows. Whatever horrors envisaged by the most demonic poet, they're nothing to what takes place in reality.
For hardcore Edogawa Ranpo fans:
One character in this story appears to be loosely based on Edogawa Ranpo himself! Sonoda Kokkō, a writer of detective fiction, is described in the novel as follows:
It appeared Sonoda Kokkō had written bizarre short stories for a select audience with a taste for his brand of grotesque nonsense. He’d produced one piece of fiction a year, often surprising his editors who’d completely forgotten about him. Nobody had known where he lived or what he looked like; not anyone at the magazine that published his fiction, and certainly not the general public. His manuscripts were never sent from the same post office twice, and his fee had always gone back to whatever post office that had been. His landlord and neighbours hadn’t even been aware he was a writer. He’d no friends, and had always kept his doors and windows locked whether he was in or out. All anyone knew about him was that he’d been a loner. ‘The property we searched was in a very desolate part of Ikebukuro. A small detached house. When we looked inside, it was like wandering around a haunted mansion. There were skeletons hanging in the closets, dolls heads, wet with red ink, left on all the tables, and coloured woodblock prints of the most bloodcurdling scenes plastered on every wall. I’m sure you get the picture.’ ‘Fascinating,’ Akechi nodded keenly. ‘His shelves were filled with books on criminology, criminal history, and true crime stories. In the drawers of his desk were pages and pages of unfinished manuscripts...
At one point in The Lipless Man, a story written by Sonoda Kokkō is referenced and used to discover the hiding place of the book's villain. I won't spoil the surprise entirely, but the short story by Sonoda Kokkō is remarkably similar to a famous story written by Edogawa Ranpo!
The Lipless Man was published in 1930, and four years later Edogawa Ranpo moved to a home in Ikebukuro where he lived for the next 31 years. The building where he lived is now The Edogawa Rampo Memorial Center for Popular Culture Studies (The Edogawa Rampo Residence). You can find learn more at their website: https://english.rikkyo.ac.jp/research/research_institutes/rampo.html
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spideysgeorg · 10 months
Ok we’re doing some Hobie hcs bc we need some good food around here. Tw for past abuse, sexual abuse (not on him), mentioned pet death, foster care, dystopian themes, drug use
Hobie is technically a missing person. He escaped from an abusive foster home when he was 12 and was unhoused for most of his adolescence.
He does actually own the crappy boat he lives in, only because it was given to him by an older unhoused friend who had gotten it on the cheap and had been trying to convert it into a permanent home but sadly died before it was fully finished. Hobie finished the conversion himself and has lived there since, largely undetected except by the select few people he wants to be able to find him.
He loves children and animals and is extremely good with them. He never baby talks to actual babies/little kids but hand him a kitten and he gets all mushy lol
He doesn’t eat meat because despite very much enjoying killing fascists, the PM’s smashed head looked like mince and he thinks about it all the time. He has absolutely no trouble shedding blood and guts but a bloody steak will make him straight up gag. He eats fish tho
His boat has a clan of “feral” cats that wait around on the deck for him to come home bc he feeds them even if he doesn’t have enough for himself. It’s a little bit dangerous to always have a NYAAAAAA alarm any time the cats hear him web sling in but he refuses to shoo them away. They aren’t technically his cats but when one of them dies he has to hide how torn up he is about it (because cats are smaller and more innocent and more trusting and more free than he can ever be)
He struggled with opiate addiction from a severe depression he went through during the period of time when he stopped being Spider-Man. He got clean and has stayed away from pills since (he won’t even take paracetamol) but smokes weed he grows himself in a closet to curb persisting urges. Also cigarettes. He tries not to overdo it with booze either but isn’t always successful. (If you don’t know about him having the Sam Raimi Spider-Man 2 quitting canon event, it’s in the web of life and destiny scene where all of them are looking at their respective canon events)
Hobie is extremely compassionate and it affects the way he does his work as Spider-Man. He allows certain things to happen that other Spideys wouldn’t and he’s vocally in opposition to the other Spideys’ brutalization of people committing crimes of desperation. He believes that crimes like theft are a symptom of a greater societal disease. He’ll interject in instances of violent robbery or mugging and things like that but only to ensure that the victims are safe, then determine the root cause of the attack and try to offer the perpetrator some direction. Sometimes the cause is hunger, addiction, or another unmet need. Hobie is much more willing to help them with that than have them thrown in prison. He doesn’t do that with rapists though, he kills those on sight. 🖤
Hobie has trained himself to look casual even though he’s always struggling with hyper-vigilance. He knows he doesn’t even need to keep that close attention on everything—that’s what spider senses are for—but he still takes note of all exits in a building, takes the seat against the wall, and analyzes the body language of everybody he sees for potential danger.
He’s also very emotionally intelligent. While he doesn’t show strong emotions outside of his Spider-Man persona very often, if ever, he can read everybody else’s without them even knowing and act accordingly. Sometimes he does this to prevent conflict, and other times he does it to cause conflict lol
He hasn’t cried in years but doesn’t consider that to be a “win” because sometimes he needs to cry to vent the extraordinary pressure of his place in the world and just can’t. His music is essential to keep him from completely spiraling since he has no other form of release.
He’s all for sexual liberation and consensual parties doing whatever they want. However, he doesn’t do casual sex himself. He needs to really bond with someone before he even wants to get intimate like that with anyone. This can be a problem because despite having quite a large social circle, he feels emotionally isolated in the same way that Gwen does, scared to bring anyone too close for fear of getting them killed.
His attraction and gender expression are pretty up in the air, though he doesn’t identify as trans and keeps he/him pronouns. His stance is that all that shit about gender norms was made up a long time ago and forced on everybody else and he’ll be damned if he lives out somebody else’s plan for his life.
Hobie is a singer in the same sense that cereal is technically a soup. He’s lucky his guitar skills are crazy bc his vocal range is really limited. Punk music works out for him like that—he doesn’t have to actually sing well for it to sound good. He actually likes all kinds of music but punk is the one he’s most comfortable actually performing.
He takes extremely good care of his hair and makes most of his body care/cosmetics himself because the cosmetics industry is indescribably evil. If he HAS to buy product, he only gets from black owned sources. Otherwise he mostly steals drug store lipstick and nail polish or calls dibs when his friends do their bi yearly dumping of their crusty purses and all the half-crushed expired makeup falls out with the crumbs and loose aspirin tablets lmao
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bunnyhugs77 · 8 months
Love's Swing and A Miss
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Content (subject to change): head of operations! jungkook, emotional attachments, oc is a tad entitled, unlabelled fwb, suggestive themes, jungkook is the main character, heartbreak, vaping, mentions of boarding school, mommy issues, insecurities, indecisive oc, gaslighting, guitarist! Jk, they have a special spot :( love at first sight? implied that oc is a woman of colour, no toxic masculinity here!!, sexual themes, gardener! Jin and hospitality! Namjoon support group, ft jimin, jealousy, oc is thicc, sneaky links,
Other Content: multiple smut scenes, switch! jk, making out, overstimulation, jk cries? switch! reader, slight brat! oc, size kink, sm praise, body worship, jk is so pussy whipped, possessive oc, minor spanking, missionary, closet sex, skinny dipping, oc is bold, penetrative sex, soft dom! jk, protected and unprotected sex (wrapt it b4 u tap it), oral sex (f! and m! receiving), begging, hickeys, hair pulling, doggy style, almost getting caught :)
Under the golden midday sun, the golf course sprawled out before Jungkook in a picturesque panorama of lush green fairways and shimmering ponds. It was an ordinary day on the links, with golfers in their crisp attire moving about, but something extraordinary was about to unfold.
As Jungkook concentrated on his task at hand, the rhythmic clinking of golf balls echoed around him. He'd been working at the Hamilton Hills Country Club for quite some time now, but today was different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it until he heard the distant hum of a golf cart approaching.
Turning towards the sound, his eyes widened, and time seemed to slow. There, gliding gracefully on the golf cart, was the sexiest, most stunning woman he'd ever seen. Her sun-kissed skin gleamed like polished bronze beneath the vibrant rays. Her long, buoyant curls caught the sunlight, casting a radiant halo around her.
She was a vision of elegance and allure, her attire a perfect blend of sporty and sophisticated. As she rode beside her father, who was concentrated on the path ahead, she exuded an air of effortless confidence.
Jungkook's heart quickened, and an unfamiliar warmth washed over him. The golf ball fell forgotten from his palm as he watched her, mesmerized. The world around him blurred, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like it was just him and this captivating woman.
He couldn't tear his gaze away, captivated not only by her beauty but by the grace with which she moved. It was as if she held the secrets of the summer in her very being. The very smile she flashed his way before passing him left him intoxicated.
As their eyes briefly met, a rush of emotions coursed through Jungkook. It was a mixture of awe, admiration, and a tinge of nervousness. He felt like he'd stumbled upon a hidden treasure on this ordinary golf course.
In that brief, stolen moment, as she glided past him, Jungkook's world had shifted. The memory of that encounter would linger in his mind, setting the stage for a story he could never have predicted, a story that would change his life forever.
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bengiyo · 11 months
Be My Favorite: The Evils of Queer Surveillance
I’ve had a chance to calm down a bit, but I need to get this off my soul immediately. Kawi’s mom is engaged in a set of extremely vile and evil acts that we unfortunately have a long history with. In revealing Pisaeng’s relationship with his mother today, this show forces us to reconsider what we know of Pisaeng’s history, and forces us to question the presumptions of safety in our own communities.
Before we get into this, I will be describing her actions as evil. I do not want to contribute to a limited view of the character as inherently evil. I believe this woman is doing what she thinks is best for herself and her son. It’s important that we not fall into fundamentalist reads based in predeterministic assumptions about people’s behaviors. She is engaged in acts that are reprehensible. She likely believes she’s doing them for good reasons, and may have accepted the balance of harm and good on her own.
Normally I would take screenshots and borrow gifs to break up a post like this to make it more digestible, but I’m too upset to take all of that time. I’ll leave the writing about Pisaeng’s personal journey and the romance writing to others this week.
She Manipulated Her Son into the Closet
Pisaeng’s mother uses her positive positioning with her queer employees and lip service to queer issues to appear as an ally. She used that goodwill to convince her son that it would be best for his own reputation to be quiet about his sexuality and to keep her informed about any moves he made in that regard. Pisaeng has already seen through this, but it wasn’t until Kawi confronted him with the reality that he was hiding himself that he felt the need to push himself out more.
This is now the third time Gawin has played a character like this. All of Gawin’s genre characters know who they are and are choosing not to be out because of the inconvenience that others’ perceptions of them bring. It is absolutely heartbreaking to me that Pisaeng was not discovering his queerness in his attraction to Kawi. He was rejecting his closeted programming because of his friendship with Kawi.
It makes me so sad that Pisaeng seems tired and uncomfortable around his mother. He knows the way she operates. She colors right inside of the lines with every action she takes. He gives her a knowing look as she asks seemingly-innocent questions of Kawi. She gives a knowing look when he redirects Kawi into finishing his breakfast. She plays offended when she insinuates that he violated their agreement of being out without informing her.
I hate everything about this, and it only gets worse because she’s weaponized his own community against him.
She is Using Queer People to Spy on Her Son
Some of you may not know about The Lavender Scare or have a strong grasp on the history of law enforcement using members of a community to spy on their own people, but it’s literally how they planned the operation to assassinate Fred Hampton and other leaders. Gay communities were vulnerable to infiltration because when cops threatened enforcement of sodomy laws on white men, they turned on their own communities to avoid losing access to the privileges of whiteness. I say this plainly to show that these tactics are easily transferrable to any marginalized group when its members are isolated.
Pisaeng’s mother reminds Pisaeng that his private life does not belong to him, and that she has already turned his own community against him. She commands extraordinary wealth, which she has leveraged on her queer employees to report when her son is spotted in queer places. She seemed surprised that she was not aware of Kawi, and implies by the comment on his “unique name” that she will absolutely know who he is shortly. Pisaeng feels the threat of all of this, and steers Kawi out of there, but it’s made abundantly clear that he is not safe in queer spaces. Worse, his presence in queer spaces brings the surveillance of the ruling class down upon them immediately. In so many ways she’s made him a threat to his own community.
What’s especially sad about this is that his mother becomes an immediate wedge between Max and Pisaeng. She signals in public in ways that engender support of the queer community. Pisaeng has clearly grown to like Max, and seems to want to build a friendship with him. However, even a queer as apparently-put-together as Max can be fooled by his mom. Pisaeng doesn’t seem mad or disappointed about this; he seems resigned.
Where the Hell Do We Go from Here?
I have no idea. GMMTV went here a little bit with Not Me, and in a different direction with The Eclipse, but I wasn’t expecting them to come for queer-friendly-signaling members of the wealth class. I think they’re walking a careful line by highlighting her political ambitions but not making her a politician already. The insidiousness of the control scheme his mom has deployed against him is legitimately horrifying to me, because she crushed the spirit of her queer son right as he blossomed. I also lived in the closet, but I crushed my own spirit for them.
I know this is a BL, so we’re going to be caught up in the romance and whether or now we like Krist and Gawin together, but please don’t forget about the queerness underpinning these kinds of stories. It is abjectly evil to weaponize members of a community against each other. What is being done to Kawi and the people around him is evil. This cannot stand. She must be stopped.
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youryurigoddess · 2 days
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Frame 826 from the Every Frame Against the Wall project organized by @gomensframes.
I like the post-S2 vision of Crowley as a demonic disaster puppy as much as everyone else — depression napping in a nest made of Aziraphale’s clothes on the floor of his walk-in closet, surrounded by the remains of the extraordinary amounts of alcohol consumed there as well as the fleeting physical traces of the angelic existence he so desperately longs for.
But, no matter how appealing this scenario sounds, Crowley is an optimist. He would wait. After a while, he would start reaching out in the most ridiculous ways. And, with the truth behind Aziraphale’s sacrifice finally made apparent to him, he would storm into Heaven himself to give his angel a stern talking to and an overdue lift home. Maybe a picnic, or a dinner at the Ritz. Maybe both.
This imaginary confrontation was my very first attempt at both digital painting and participating in such a huge collective effort, and I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to try both at the same time.
Please make sure to watch the full video and support all of the other 500+ artists who made it possible!
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caitlynmeow · 3 months
Alcina probably loves to show pictures of her daughters to guests (daughter's partners, friends, colleagues) each time they visit and doesn't realise that most of them are super embarrasing for the daughters who are just petrified
But she's just so proud you know
anon please, Alcina has a huge ass portrait of her daughters right at the entrance of the castle. Literally, any visitor is greeted with that as soon as they enter, she's so proud and loving of her babies.
Alcina is certainly that mother who not only talks about her daughters unprompted but also has pictures because we all know this is the kind of mom that she is.
Some castle hallways are lined with pictures of the three daughters during various stages in their lives. She also has albums for each daughter with tons of pictures. They do go over these pictures when they're alone because it's what they do as a family. But close acquaintances and significant others are totally going to see those pictures.
If any significant other is a frequent visitor to the castle coughcass'futurewifecough then they must have seen many of those pictures because yes, Alcina is very proud and she will lay it out to the partner that her daughter is extraordinary and very adorable while she's doing literally anything.
Cassandra and Daniela are mortified for sure, and they're very vocal about it and they try to hide the key to the closet where the family photo albums are kept. (spoiler: they never succeed but they are known for trying multiple times)
Alcina is just so proud of them and wants to the whole world to know how amazing her daughters are.
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