#drama spilled and then it was evening i had to get home my dorm whatever nebulous place of residence and i distinctly temember parking doen
cinnabeat · 1 year
oh my god i just rememebered the insane dream i had last night
#i was uhh enrolled in a new school? transfer student#id i just very vividly remember trying to figure out wherr my homeroom was and trying to find my class list and then a map pdf of the school#but the one i found was the wrong school and a lot of time spent trying to remember the name ofhe school i fucking go to and my mind kept gi#giving me like mashed uo cersions of the hs in my district but i knew in my gut it was wrong like i thi k i was too lucid and couldnt suspen#suspend my disbelief enough lmao but anyways it was fucking huge and in a forest and im not entirely sure it wasnt a boarding school but any#anyways my family went with me bc it was new and/or fancy and they wanted to givr me support and my dad and little brother were eith me and#and there was?? construction going on?? a machine truck tractor thing was making a trench and lava was flowing through it and my little brot#brother went to investigate like the dumbass he is and the lava was flowing and he didnt move out of the way and it like touched his legs#and obviously they got sizzled so we had to take him to the nurse and something something meeting with orincipal and other?? students??#felt like a fucjing anime plot but yeah then the orincipal sent us to find out classes and i spent all fucking day trying to findmy fucking#buklding bc the numbers were weird hionestly felt like a college campus but more woodsy and anyways i walked past this plaza thingy like a b#a bagillion times bc its the main and center area and there was a vig group and the classroom number was 368 or whatever the fuck the 3 is i#is important tho and it was kinesiology ir pe for normal people#and i walked past them and eventually i was like fuck it ill ask and i asked where the class was and the teacher was like right here :) and#i hesitated and i was like just to be clear this is pe and she was like yeah and boom i FINALLY found my class some rules were given and drm#drama spilled and then it was evening i had to get home my dorm whatever nebulous place of residence and i distinctly temember parking doen#down the stair s in the plaza earlier so i went up the stairslike a normal human veing and i wandered around trying to find something and i#i woke up#to be clear it was evening either bc pe/homeroom for the first day took up so much fucking time or i wasted so much fucking time searching#anyways i cannot fucking believe i temembered all that#i have no idea what this could mean#im remembering too many of my dreams lately make it stop#michi tag
0 notes
jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
The 4 Times Luke Got Sick + The 1 Time He Got Julie Sick
Pairing: Julie x Alive!Luke (college AU)
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: light swearing, non-fatal illness
Summary: Luke was always getting sick. It was probably the worst things about being roommates with him, Julie decided. That, and when they’d first moved into their dorm Freshman year of college he’d tried to hit on all her friends. It seemed like every year the poor guy went through at least one serious bout of illness that Julie would have to practically nurse him back to health from.
A/N: I got 2 anon requests for sick!Juke this week, one for a College Roommates AU where Luke constantly gets sick and Julie takes care of him and another where they’re friends and neighbors but have crushes on each other that don’t come to light until they both get sick together feat. Mothering Rose. I decided to combine them since they had a similar theme, I hope that’s alright! As per usual, let me know what you think and send me a message if you’d like to be added to my taglist! Also, I am taking requests right now so feel free to send those in!
1 - Freshman Year
“Juuuulie,” Luke called from his bedroom.
“Whaaaat?” Julie called back from her own room, making no attempt to get up from her bed.
“Can you come here so we can stop yelling?” He whined and she rolled her eyes but rolled out of her bed unceremoniously.
Given the coed nature of the dorms, they were each provided a small separate bedroom connected with a combined living room space that currently could use a good vacuuming, she noted as she walked through it before pausing at Luke’s door. It was only about three months into the semester and while Luke and Julie had become fast friends through their love of music, she hadn’t really been in his room before.
She raised her fist to give a hesitant knock, not really sure what the protocol was.
“You can come in,” he laughed but for the first time in their conversation, Julie noticed that his voice seemed a little off.
When she stepped into the room she immediately knew why. Luke lay in bed, slightly propped up by his pillow. She immediately noticed how red his face and nose, in particular, looked and the pile of used tissues next to the bed.
“Woah, dude, are you sick?” Julie exclaimed, immediately taking a step back in an attempted to put as much distance between herself and the sick boy as possible.
“Yeah,” he croaked sheepishly, “Sorry, I guess I should’ve warned you.”
“Ya think?” She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest but smirking to let him know she wasn’t that mad about it. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Um, yeah, actually. I was gonna ask if you could run down to the market and get me some chicken noodle soup?”
Julie nodded, happy to be able to help her sick friend.
“Sure! Is there any medication I can pick up from the pharmacy for you or anything?” She offered but he shook his head, pulling open the top drawer of his bedside table revealing that it was full of various medicines.
“I, uh, came prepared,” he said with a self-deprecating chuckle. “My immune system is pretty shit.”
Julie nodded.
“I better get you that soup then, huh?” She said kindly, starting to feel awkward lingering in the doorway.
“My wallet is in my jacket pocket,” Luke offered, pointing to the coat hanging in his closet.
Julie nodded in silent thanks as she pocketed the piece of leather, closing the door on her way out. Despite the sunshine, it was a short but chilly walk to the campus market, which was fortunately only a couple of blocks away from their residence hall. She located the soup fairly quickly but stopped to look through the tea options, grabbing a box of peppermint and chamomile tea bags. The check-out process was fast and she was back in her dorm only a few minutes later.
Before even taking off her coat or slipping off her shoes, she put the soup in the microwave and started up her electric kettle. While she was waiting she then busied herself with hanging up her coat in her own closet and leaving her shoes in their designated spot by the door.
“What are you doing out there, Molina?” Luke groaned from his room when the kettle started whistling.
She quickly switched it off, bustling around the designated “kitchen” area of their dorm for a mug to start steeping the peppermint tea. No sooner than she placed the teabag into the mug had the microwaved beeped, signaling that the soup was ready. Bowl in one hand and mug in the other, Julie pushed the door open with her shoulder, slowly stepping into the room in an attempt not to spill either of the hot liquids in her hands.
She gingerly set the mug on a cleared space on Luke’s desk before handing him the chicken noodle soup.
“What’s that?” He asked, gesturing to the mug with his spoon before eating some of the soup.
“It’s peppermint tea,” she answered factually. “My mom always makes it for me when I’m sick, it supposed to help with congestion and should soothe your throat.”
“You’re the best, Molina,” Luke said graciously, slurping another mouthful of soup.
“Damn right I am!” Julie laughed, “Let me know if you need anything else, I’ll be in my room.”
2 - Sophomore Year
Julie wasn’t entirely sure why she hadn’t anticipated this. Maybe she’d hoped that all the elderberry and echinacea tea she’d made him drink last year had actually helped his immune system, but nope. November had rolled around and with it, cold season and cold season meant that Luke would undoubtedly get sick. He wasn’t lying, his immune system really was shit. This year was worse though. While last year it had been a series of bad colds, this year it was the flu.
She’d found out when he’d vomited in the middle of a rehearsal with the band they’d formed at the end of the previous year with two other guys they’d met in one of their music classes.
She’d been keeping an eye on him all day as he’d been shivering a lot and seemed especially pale but she had figured the boy knew his immune system better than anyone else and would say something if he was feeling sick. Obviously not.
“Oh my gosh, Luke! Are you okay?” She gasped, rushing over to rub his back soothingly as he bent over the trash can in the spare music room they’d occupied for rehearsal.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, waving her off as he stood back up with the intention of picking his guitar back up.
However, Julie stopped him, placing her hand against his forehead with a frown.
“You have a fever.” She said disapprovingly and he sighed.
“It’s fine Molina, we gotta practice.”
“Nuh-uh.” She insisted sternly, sticking out an arm to hold him in place. “You are not gonna get the rest of us sick. I’m driving you to the campus health center and then we’re going home.”
Luke huffed and rolled his eyes but relented, moving to slide his electric into its case and grab his jacket.
“Whatever you say, boss.”
“We’ll see you guys later,” Julie sent Alex and Reggie an exasperated smile before following the boy out.  
The campus health center confirmed Julie’s suspicions, it was the flu. They picked up his prescription medicine at the campus pharmacy next door before heading back to their shared dorm.
“Will you make me soup?” Luke pleaded as Julie made sure he was settled comfortably in his bed, his lip stuck out in an irrefutable pout. “And Mama Molina’s special tea?”
Julie smiled at the nickname which Luke had coined last year as Julie often referenced her mother when taking care of the seemingly constantly sick boy. The name had stuck and then been made official when the guys had visited her over the summer break and Luke had accidentally called her mother it. Rose Molina fell in love with it instantly and now Luke, Alex, and Reggie all exclusively referred to her as such.
“Of course,” she said, rolling her eyes lightly. There was nothing special about Mama Molina’s tea, it was just a cup of peppermint tea with a little bit of honey but it had seemed to work wonders for Luke last year and he much preferred it to the cocktail of cough syrup and sinus pills he’d normally take.
As she delivered the steaming soup and tea, Julie prayed that her superior immune system and flu shot would keep her safe from contracting her roommate’s illness while she took care of him. Still, she tried her best to keep her distance while keeping an eye on him.
She started him on a new Netflix series in an attempt to keep him from going stir crazy in the dorm while she was in class. She picked up all his missing work and made sure he had plenty of soup and tea (peppermint in the daytime to clear up congestion and soothe his cough, and chamomile in the evening to help him sleep).
“You’re too good for me, Molina.” He said sleepily as she tucked him into bed one night.
“I know,” she responded with a smirk, patting his cheek lightly before leaving, turning off the light as she went.
3 - Junior Year
Luke’s annual illness came later the next year. All November and December Julie was on high alert, ready at a moment’s notice to grab a can of chicken noodle soup from their cupboards and start up the kettle, but the moment never came. They’d finally moved out of the dorms this year, now living in an off-campus apartment with Alex and Reggie, which meant they had more room for Julie to store her supply of soup and tea and she had two backup caregivers.
When the new year rolled around and Luke still hadn’t shown any signs of getting sick, Julie had remarked,
“Maybe you’ve finally built up your immune system enough.”
The next week Luke was calling for her from his room across the hall.
It was the flu again but this time it was easier.
Julie, Alex, and Reggie took turns taking care of their sick roommate while the others were in classes, though everyone agreed that Julie had to be in charge of the tea. Despite Julie’s insistence that it was easy to make, Alex and Reggie refused after their first attempts had been scorned by Luke who insisted they did it wrong.
“You are such a drama queen,” she’d said, rolling her eyes at the boy as she delivered the tea.
“You’re the best, Molina.” He’d said as he took a sip, ignoring her comment on his dramatics.
“Shut up and drink your tea.” Julie laughed, brushing off the compliment as she turned on Netflix, taking a seat on the other side of the living room.
4 - Senior Year
After what all their friends had insisted was years of tension and pining, Luke and Julie got together just in time for Luke to catch pneumonia. It was the worst virus Luke had caught yet and Julie was silently glad that their relationship was new enough that they hadn’t kissed yet. Judging by Luke’s state, she hoped she never got pneumonia.
He had a fever for the first few days and Julie, Alex, and Reggie did their best to keep their distance, only coming into his room to deliver soup, tea, water, and medicine. Once the fever had disappeared, Luke was allowed to rejoin the rest, though only from a distance. The four roommates spending the afternoons in the living room together to keep the boy company as he laid on the couch. Still, even with the fever gone Luke spent the next week and a half nearly hacking up his lungs every time he coughed and with stabbing chest pains.
“You’re not eating your soup,” Julie noticed one afternoon as she did her homework on the opposite side of the living room, Alex and Reggie both in class.
“I’m not hungry,” Luke whined, pushing the bowl farther away on the coffee table.
Julie frowned, getting up from her armchair to perch across from him on the coffee table, picking up the bowl.
“Babe, you’ve gotta eat,” Julie said pointedly and Luke frowned at the term of endearment, knowing she was using it to convince him to do what she said. “The doctor said you’d have a loss of appetite, but you need to eat.”
“C’mon, open up,” she instructed, holding out a spoonful of soup.
Luke huffed, glaring at his girlfriend but opening his mouth anyway, allowing her to spoon-feed him.
“Wow, I did not think Luke could get any needier,” Reggie remarked as he stepped into the apartment, Alex coming in behind him.
“Don’t get used to that,” he added, “Cause I will not feed you while Julie’s in class.”
Julie laughed, ruffling her boyfriend’s hair affectionately before feeding him another spoonful.
“I don’t deserve you, Molina,” he said affectionately between bites.
“Don’t you forget it, Patterson,” she smiled.
+ 1 Year Later
After graduation in May, Julie and the Phantoms released their first full album and began their first tour in the fall thanks to the large following they’d accrued through their posts on YouTube since sophomore year and the success of their album. They’d had been touring for a couple of months before they finally took a break, just in time for Christmas.
Alex, Reggie, and Julie had all made plans to spend the break with their families, Reggie staying with his older sister and their family and Alex and Julie with their respective parents. However, Luke’s parents had found themselves on a business trip out of the country which is how the boy ended up spending his first Christmas at the Molina’s. Ray and Rose had been more than happy to have the boy stay with them when Julie explained the situation, though Ray had insisted on a strict policy of the two never being alone in the same room before Rose reminded him that Julie and Luke had been living together for five years and were grown adults.
The Molinas and Luke had a lovely Christmas together but when Julie woke up two days later she wished they had instituted her dad’s No Alone Time policy. She groggily made her way to the kitchen, rifling through the pantry for the peppermint tea to soothe her sore throat and hopefully clear up her sinuses. Before she could get very far though, her mom walked into the kitchen, immediately catching on to what she was doing. Julie rarely reached for tea on her own, hot chocolate being her hot beverage of preference, so Rose knew something must be up when she found her daughter rifling through the tea shelf.
“Go lay on the couch, Niña,” she insisted, ushering her daughter out of the kitchen, “I’ll take care of this.”
Julie did as she said, finding her favorite blanket from the basket in the corner and cuddling up on the couch. Her mom came in a few minutes later with her favorite mug in hand, setting it down on the coffee table in front of Julie.
“Don’t burn yourself, it’s hot,” Rose warned, placing a soft kiss on the top of her daughter’s head and patting her shoulder gently before returning to the kitchen to start on breakfast for the family.
It was only a couple of minutes later that Luke stumbled down the stairs calling her name.
“Juuuulie?” he pouted as he made his way into the living room. “Will you make me some tea?”
Her eyes went wide with the realization of how she’d gotten sick as she clutched her own mug of tea in her hands.
“So this is your fault,” she gasped, voice thick due to the congestion.
“What?” Luke asked, tilting his head in confusion, the fogginess in his brain from having just woken up and being sick preventing him from connecting the dots quickly.
“You got me sick.” She accused, narrowing her eyes at her boyfriend who’s eyes widened in response.
“Oh my gosh, seriously?” He asked, concern immediately filling his voice. “I’m sorry Jules.”
“I haven’t gotten sick in over four years and all it takes is one germy kiss from you,” she whined and Luke barked out a laugh before wincing at the pain it caused his throat.
“Well, the good news is we can recover together,” he said, plopping down on the couch and snuggling into her side.
“Luke, honey, do you need a blanket?” Rose asked as she returned to the living room, another cup of tea in hand, the woman obviously having overheard them from the kitchen. Luke nodded sheepishly and Rose smiled, setting the tea down in front of him and crossing the room to grab a blanket.
“Thank you, Mama Molina,” he said graciously, wrapping himself in the fleece material and picking up his tea.
“Anything to get the two of you better before you have to go back on tour,” she said, patting both their shoulders lovingly before going back to her cooking.
Julie groaned at the reminder. They were supposed to start back on the road in a week, but with Luke’s track record of illnesses, there was no knowing how long either of them would be sick this time.
Fortunately, thanks to a diet of Rose’s homemade chicken noodle soup and tea remedy as well as medication, Julie and Luke were feeling better in a couple of days.
“I’d always known, but now I really see where you got your nursing skills from,” Luke remarked on the first morning he’d woken up able to breathe through his nose.
Julie grinned.
“You sure are lucky to have the Molina women in your life,” she teased.
“Damn right.” He nodded sincerely.
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell
153 notes · View notes
bubbyleh · 4 years
like real people do
It's not often that Dr. Bubby finds himself at a loss for knowledge.
As the perfect scientist, he has basically all the information he would ever need inside of Black Mesa. He knew the purpose of every lab, all the equations they used, a complete layout of the Black Mesa facility... It had all been programmed into his mind sometime during his development, though files from that time were something Bubby was explicitly denied access to.
So, for the first few years of his life, Bubby was incredibly well-versed in all things Black Mesa. As time went on, he picked up things about the outside world. At first it was small things, like a song or a location. But completely by chance, a scientist turned the corner from the break room too fast and ran directly into Bubby, spilling his soda all over him.
"What the hell!?" Bubby had fumed, staring down as his drenched shirt. "Watch where you're going!"
"Oh, goodness! I do apologize for that!" the other scientist stammered. "Let me go get you some napkins!"
Looking up, Bubby was struck by the man before him. He was nowhere near as tall as Bubby (who was?), but there was obvious muscle under his lab coat, and those eyes... they looked so kind. Though he didn't realize it at the time, Bubby would look back and realize the thing he felt was attraction.
He was back in the break room before Bubby could react, but true to his word, he did bring napkins with him on his return.
That was how Bubby met Dr. Coomer.
Coomer had offered to front the quarter Bubby would need for the washing machine in the Black Mesa dorms, which Bubby took as an opportunity to have all of his clothes laundered at no cost to himself. Coomer had laughed at this, and Bubby couldn't explain the surging feeling in his chest when he did. He also couldn't explain why he kept talking to Coomer, regaling him with stories that made him seem intelligent! Bubby sat on one of the unused washing machines, which Coomer was leaning onto. They only realized the passing time when the machine beeped, signalling that Bubby’s clothes were clean.
At that point, Bubby's heart had dropped. He shoved his clothes into a dryer, started it, and left with only a flimsy excuse.
They weren't happy about that one. But Coomer and Bubby kept finding excuses to skip out on work to hang with each other, so eventually they were made lab partners.
Coomer would never hesitate to share information about the surface with Bubby. During their early mornings, while they drank their coffee, Coomer would recite verbatim (as best Bubby could tell) the happenings in his favorite movies and television shows. He liked following along to the dramas Coomer would tell him about, to the point where he could hold his own in a discussion without ever having seen an episode.
It was, after all, its own form of knowledge. And like all knowledge, Bubby reveled in it.
Which is why, fifty-some odd years later, Bubby is completely out of his depth.
Bubby’s been out—free, he’s been free—for a week. Sure, he wasn’t expecting his first experience in the real world to be at Chuck E. Cheese’s, but he wasn’t complaining. Because there was something so normal about eating subpar pizza at your friend’s birthday party, Bubby was fine enough that it wasn’t “special” in any way.
But sitting across from Dr. Coomer, Bubby realized something.
They’d been together for the better part of four decades, and they had never even been on a real date before.
Which Bubby thinks is justified, all things considered! It’s not like he was allowed to leave Black Mesa property, and underground research facilities aren’t exactly known for their nice eateries. What were they supposed to do, just ask the administration if their super secret lab-grown power man could leave for a night only because he wanted to have dinner somewhere?! That would just be asking for the tube.
It’s not like they didn’t make do, though! There had been quite a few occasions where, during a late night, Coomer had snuck down a bottle of wine for the two of them to share. Bubby would push down the stinging shame he felt every time, because Coomer deserved someone he could go out with. But for some unimaginable reason, he had chosen Bubby.
So, a week after their escape from Black Mesa, Bubby does research. He finds as much media as he can about dates, mostly coming back with romcoms. He read articles and blogs online about how to have the perfect first date. A lot of these guidelines seem to make assumptions about how well people on dates knew each other. But, well, if it’s what you’re supposed to do…
It takes about two days of doing nothing but binging romcoms, but eventually Bubby decides that his notes are satisfactory. He’s managed to narrow down what he calls the Expected Questions, or, the questions that are apparently required on a date. And Coomer has to know about them, because, hello? He’s been through this all before. The man’s been married before, Jesus.
And then there’s Bubby. He’s gonna mess this all up, isn’t he?
The thought of that almost makes him snap his note-taking pencil.
Around hour forty-three, Coomer pops his head into the room Bubby has tentatively claimed as his study (he’s not used to being able to claim rooms, let alone ones as frivolous as a study). He looks worried.
“Bubby, dear,” Coomer says, his tone wavering a little. “I’m all for the advancement of scientific research, or whatever it is you’re doing.” Right. Coomer can’t know what’s going on in here. “But, perhaps you would like to come down and eat? It’s almost time for lunch.”
Oh. Lunch. And food in general. That thing people need to eat in order to live. Bubby hasn’t eaten since around hour thirty-one, when he snuck some yogurt from their kitchen. Yeah, he could eat.
“Uh, okay. Sure,” Bubby stands, trying to ignore the dizzy feeling. He’s not used to having so much free time, apparently, since he’s forgetting to eat.
Which, hey, another thing. It seems a little stupid, but Bubby thinks their whole relationship is going in the wrong order. Like, they haven’t even been on an actual first date yet, but they’re already living together? But in another sense, they’ve been together for thirty-six years, and they’re only now moving in with each other? In all the romcoms Bubby just watched, there wasn’t anything remotely close to that.
So maybe they’re doomed already?
It’s something Bubby thinks about while he eats the wonderful grilled cheese that Coomer prepared for him. Seeing the way that Coomer looks at him, though, smiling brighter than the sun felt the first time Bubby ever stepped foot outside… Well, Bubby can’t help but want to try anyway.
It takes three more days for Bubby to work up the courage to actually ask Coomer to go out. Which is the dumbest thing ever, but hey! This is a big deal for him!
They’re spread out on the couch watching Rocky II, which was Coomer’s suggestion. Bubby is honestly sick of watching movies, but he’s not about to admit to what he was getting up to during his over forty-hour research binge. Besides, he gets to lay down in Coomer’s lap, which is nice.
This is another example of their relationship being completely out of order, but Bubby chooses not to think about it.
“You know what I was thinking?” Bubby asks during a lull in the action.
Coomer gives him a wry smile. “When aren’t you thinking, professor? I swear, that head of yours must go a mile a minute.”
“Doctor,” Bubby corrects automatically. “But really.”
“Okay then, Professor Bubby,” Coomer chuckles to himself. “What were you thinking?”
“I don’t know who Professor Bubby is, but Doctor Bubby was thinking we should go out to dinner sometime. Like somewhere fancy.”
Coomer hums. “You know, I was thinking the same thing. I've always wished we could go someplace nice together.”
"Well, they do say great minds think alike," Bubby smirks.
"But fools rarely differ," Coomer presses a kiss to Bubby's forehead. "You make me feel like a lovesick fool, did you know that?"
"You old sap!" Bubby laughs at Coomer. But he pulls him down to kiss him anyway.
Coomer catches Bubby staring at himself in the mirror just before they head out. It's the suit, really. It made sense to buy, after all, going to an upscale restaurant kind of requires one. But actually wearing it, is…
It's jarring. It's like everything he never thought he'd be.
"Are you alright, Bubby?" Coomer asks him. "You know I don't care if you dress nice tonight. You could wear one of your turtlenecks if you'd like."
Bubby shakes his head. "Harold, I absolutely love this suit."
Bubby does certain things to prepare for their date. Nothing too drastic, no. He's not going to have, like, Tommy or someone feed him lines from an earpiece or anything like that. No, all Bubby does is script out everything he's going to say for the entire date. God, it's such a simple and ordinary thing to do! Okay!?
So they sit across from one another, at a candlelit table next to a window. It's romantic, more romantic than anything they ever did at Black Mesa. Which isn't saying much, but truly, Bubby can't complain.
"This is a fine establishment, Harold," Bubby notes, keeping on script. "How did you find this place?"
"Well, you see, my dear Bubby," Coomer starts but god, the word "dear" alone is making Bubby want to burn the whole restaurant down as a symbol for his love. "I used the internet! It’s quite a useful tool, don't you think?"
Ah, a question! Luckily, Bubby has accounted for just this situation, and the tactic is not something he’s unfamiliar with. “I’ve found it to be helpful, yes.”
The good old agree card. Works every time.
But! Bubby needs to get back on track. This is a very important date, and Bubby can’t just let himself forget that! Time for the most basic of lines.
“So, Harold,” Bubby finds himself saying after they’ve ordered. “How was your day?”
Nice. Good. Perfect. Amazingly spectacular.
Coomer laughs. “We were both home all day, Bubby. You tell me!”
Right shit damn it a garbage fire.
“Fuck,” Bubby says before he can stop himself. And when he realizes that he let that slip, he lets his head fall into his hands and groans. “I’m fucking this all up, aren’t I?”
“Er, Bubby dear, are you alright?” Bubby feels Coomer grab onto one of his arms. “Is… is this too much for you? Drat, I knew we should have worked up to this. We could go home, if you’d like.”
Bubby’s head shoots up. “No!” he says, forcing the word out as fast as he can. He takes a deep breath, then grabs Coomer’s hand. “No, I’m fine. I want to be here.”
“Then what is it?” Coomer asks, and damn it, he’s not supposed to be worried! Nobody is supposed to be worried for Bubby, not like this! He’s used to the medical kind of worry, where the other party’s concern was more for their career than Bubby himself, always talking about him like he couldn’t hear, ignoring his presence except for when they needed him. But Coomer…
Coomer was never like that. Even when he found out about the tube, and the prototypes, and the medical evals and everything… Coomer still loved him. Which meant the world to Bubby, who, for his whole life, thought himself unlovable. And when Coomer looked at him, he didn’t see something immoral that shouldn’t exist, or something that needs to succeed, lest it be cast out like the others, he just saw Bubby.
Bubby loves him. And he thinks he can afford to be a little less than a genius around Coomer.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Bubby admits, and damn it, why is the world suddenly blurry? He’s wearing his glasses and-
Bubby realizes that he’s crying.
“Sorry, fuck,” Bubby chokes back a sob. Coomer squeezes his hand. He’s talking through his other hand, which is covering his entire lower face. “I’m not… Shit, I didn’t think it would go like this. I don’t know how to do a… date. I wasn’t supposed to do stuff like that, so they never programmed it into my head but… I just want to do normal person things like go on dates with you.”
“Normal?” Coomer remarks, and Bubby can see he’s trying very hard not to laugh.
“Oh no, go ahead,” Bubby still manages to be snarky even while he’s breaking down. “Please make fun of me while I’m crying and being emotionally honest. It really helps.”
“Sorry, sorry!” Coomer at least has the decency to look apologetic. He reaches to hold Bubby’s other hand as well, which he is so graciously allowed. “It’s just… did you think I would be with you if I wanted normal?”
Bubby is taken aback.
“I… suppose you’re right,” Bubby admits, and he can feel the worst of his feelings going away. It feels a little empty now, without it. “I do still want to try this date, though.”
The look Coomer gives Bubby is so wholesome and accepting that Bubby believes for a moment that he’s died and this is the face of an angel. It’s so powerful that he actually manages to forget, if heaven and hell are real, then he definitely isn’t going to heaven.
Coomer is happy to immediately launch into explanation mode. “Well, first things first, for a date, you should begin by talking.”
Bubby can’t help but smile at the man he loves. “Talking,” he repeats.
“Yes,” Coomer nods at him. “Tell me, Bubby. What do you want to talk about tonight?”
It’s in the parking lot after their meal that Bubby comes to his conclusion about dating.
“I don’t see what the big deal about that was!” he rants as he and Coomer get into the car. “We could have done that at home! All the movies and stuff hyped it up.”
Coomer, thankfully, ignores his comment about movies. “Well maybe next time, we can just make some good food at home.”
Bubby rolls his eyes. “And who is going to make all that food? I don’t remember you being a chef, Harold.”
Coomer just beams at him. “We’ll order some takeout! What do you think? Perhaps next time we will order some Chinese food!”
This is the man he’s in love with, and Bubby smiles to himself. Chinese food sounds nice.
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songbirdseung · 3 years
Wishes, come true.
Pairing: Reader X non-idol!JK
Word count: 2.2k
Rating: K+ 
Genre: Angst, Established Relationship
Warnings: the angst hurt, also the hit of reality at the end that this is just a fanfiction
Summary: In a heated argument, words were said. Hurtful wishes that ended up to be true with no unknown way of return. 
A/N: i love you :)))))))) prepare tissues 
Wishes, Come true.
If you had one wish that you could not return, you’ll have to live with it for your whole life, what would it be? Will you ask for endless amounts of money, a happy relationship, or would you ask for someone to vanish from your life?
Considering the state that you and Jungkook were in, you were unsure on what you wanted. Looking through the windows of your car as you drove home, made you reminisce on all the good and bad you have witnessed when you moved to seoul just to be with him. Giving up everything and everyone back home. Your parents warned you that it was a stupid idea, but three years ago you said it was fine and it was what you wanted. But now you realized the honeymoon phase was worn off, long gone. You watched the street lights allow light into the city as the night and darkness was creeping through. It reminded you of how once he was your light, but now it was running out of power and dining everything in your way to a happy life. Jungkook knew you both were unhappy but for whatever reason, he was selfish and did not choose to end the relationship you both shared. Driving while admiring the view was bittersweet, everything reminded you of the bad times. The sky turned dark and rain started to pour, as if the world was in your favor and feeling the same way you were. Everything you have done for Jungkook, up to this point was too much. Skipping classes to attend to his needs, cutting people off to add fire to the fuel of your relationship, lying to others just to keep him staying true and loyal. It was a mess.
Eventually the rain stopped and you finally got out of your car and entered the dark house, the house you could no longer call home. It was silent enough to hear your fast beating heart, nervous that a furious Jungkook will come through the door, ready to finish the argument you walked out on. Looking around the silent house, you found him nowhere to be seen, you looked through his closet, his clothes weren’t there, everything that had to do with you and him was gone. Picture frames, gifts, and shared items they were missing as if they never existed. Not knowing where he went you decided to call him, scrolling through your contacts, his number was not there. Half of your contacts, people you met through Jungkook are gone. You shook it off and went to sleep, assuming he’ll come back to his senses and come back home. 
Meanwhile, Jungkook was back at the dorms, having a blast playing video games with his hyungs. He was laughing and smiling like he never met you. At the house, you were tossing and turning, looking back at your phone, half of your files disappeared, photos, videos, contacts, what was weird was everything that was gone was about Jungkook. Thinking your phone was corrupted you decided to open instagram to DM him. Sure you hated the state you guys were in, but you still loved him. As you scrolled through instagram you started to take notice that the post and feed was the same as it was back in high school, nothing related to your present life. Your profile also led to confusion, you had less posts and followers. You typed up Jungkook’s profile but to your luck, it wasn’t there either. Sleepy, you turned off your phone, wanting to push it for tomorrow. 
Your dreams were even more confusing, it was a collection of memories you had with JUngkook but instead of Jungkook being there it was your family and friends. Things that you would be doing with Jungkook, but he was not there. In the morning, you woke up with a headache. You scanned the room, recognizing your old room back in your home country. “How the-” Nothing was making sense, you walked out the room, as you definitely knew you were at home, Your mom was cooking breakfast with your father. Not noticing your presence, you just watched them being so close and in love with each other. You watched them laugh and hug each other just as if they just started a relationship. Growing up, you grew up with parents that genuinely loved and cared for each other, that is why you looked forward to having a relationship of your own when you grew older. Then you did, you met Jungkook. But the bitter truth came out, the things you saw in TV dramas were not true at all, you soon realized how your parents never showed you their bad side and they hid their arguments. You learned the truth and reality the wrong way, leading you to lose someone you loved. “Good Morning honey” Your mom said from the kitchen, pulling you out of your trance, she told you to sit down and eat breakfast together. You were still confused on what was happening and how did you get here through the night. Throughout the meal your parents striked up the conversation of relationships.
“So when do you plan to get a boyfriend?”
“Don’t rush her, she’s only 22, she has a lot to experience”
“What do you guys mean? Have you already forgotten about my boyfriend, Jungkook?”
You watched their expression go from happy to confused, they asked you multiple questions on who and what you were talking about. Saying they never heard of Jungkook and your so-called relationship with him. For the rest of the day you kept calling your friends, trying to know what the hell was going on, but they did not know anything. You thought it was all a prank but it was definitely not. You sat in your room, dry tears were staining your face while new ones fell down your cheeks, you were lost in this universe not knowing how to fix any of it. You thought of the night you last saw Jungkook, the last argument you have. With you walking out of that door spilling out the bitter words I wish I never met you Jungkook.
Then it all made sense to you, God gave you wanted you wanted even if what you said was said purely out of frustration. The wish you did not want, but now you suffer the consequences. On the other side, Jungkook was meeting up with a woman to go on a date. He was happy and excited. Being the opposite of the person you were. Back in your room, your mom walked in your room with fruits and a box of tissues. 
“I could hear you crying from outside, I’m here to listen to you” You told her everything, although you sounded crazy, she believed you and trusted your words.
After a few weeks of packing, you were now at the airport being dropped off by your family. Just how they did three years ago, instead you leave with a more heaving confused heart. With weeks of planning and thinking you decided to find Jungkook and possibly start over. Hoping everything can go back to normal and you’ll walk up to the night you fought with him but not walking out. Eventually you reached a hotel, not wasting time. You went back to the house you once shared with Jungkook, hoping he was there. You knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds until you heard footsteps. A completely different, unfamiliar person opens the door, a male. “Oh, do I know you?” explaining you were looking for someone, he told you he’s been living here for 3 years now. After apologizing, you left and decided to just go back to the hotel. You received a few glances, I mean, your hair was a mess, you were looking tired, and your outfit was not looking good at the moment. Passing through the city and re-seeing the places you went with Jungkook before. You ended up at the restaurant Jungkook confessed to you. He did it infront of everyone, he got up from his chair earning everyone’s attention. You remember how you hid behind his friends, laughing. You watched Namjoon and Jin trying to bring him down and Hobi apologizing to the other customers in the restaurant. Jungkook just stood there, looking at you, confessing his love to you. Back to reality, you sat at a solo table scanning the room, while remembering the great times you had. Your eyes landed on him, it was him. Unfortunately he was not alone. He was with a beautiful stunning woman who you were now comparing yourself to. Tears were forming in your eyes as you kept staring at him. Without noticing, Jungkook felt a pair of eyes staring at him, now he was the one scanning the room, trying to find the person who was making him uncomfortable. His eyes finally reaching your wet teary ones. He furrowed his brows in confusion, but shrugging it off, he assumed you were in a trance, imagining or maybe just crazy. Although he was feeling so uncomfortable, he excused himself from his date and went over to confront you. “Excuse me?” the tears finally fell as you heard his voice and how he was right in front of you. 
“How do you know my name?”
“I- just guessed?”
“Well, uhm...can you stop staring at me, do I know you?”
“Uhm...well, you do but it is quite complicated”
He was now confused, but interested. Maybe a little scared because maybe you were just trying to kill him or a cult member. Either way, he gave you a number you can call him from and then you can meet up. You thanked the heavens giving you another chance. 
The next day, you met up with him at the same restaurant, but instead of him confessing, it was now your turn. Jungkook was already there waiting for you, minutes after he arrived you walked through the door, being the complete opposite person you were yesterday. Today you did your makeup and hair, put on a cute outfit and met up with him. His eyes widened at your appearance, stunned by your aura. He got up and bowed slightly to greet you. You did not know what approach you were going to go with. Because you did not want to scream and cry in his face pleading him to remember you. You also did not want to lie to him and say you were his classmate and you dated back then. 
“So, are you gonna tell me why you were crying and claiming you know me?”
“Well, it’s really complicated-”
“It’s okay, I have all day”
“Please do not find me crazy when I tell you this?”
“Can’t promise that” He joked, lightening up the mood. Just like how he always did in the beginning to the climax of your relationship. He continues to console you and begging you to tell him, slowly but surely, you told him. He did show any looks of judgement or disguise. He was still ever so understanding. “Let me get this straight, we were dating but you suddenly time travelled?” As crazy as it sounded it was true, Jungkook did not know what to do, he did not believe you but he was kind about it. He continued to explain how he was already in a relationship with someone else and he does not wish to continue to meet up with you. And as you can tell and maybe feel, you were heartbroken. 
You wished to have never met him, you got what you wished for, now you regret it all, upset and now living within a universe you never wanted. Now understanding the phrase be careful what you wish for. Throughout the life you lived, all you wished was to meet someone you can love and cherish, the way your parents did. You wished for Jungkook, and you got him. Thinking all good wishes come true, you took it for granted. Now you’ll have to live life without him. Now you’ll have to go older with someone new but with the memories of Jungkook in your life and the possibilities of what could have been. 
“I’m sorry Jungkook, I’m sorry I wanted your time” It has now been years since you saw Jungkook. He was now married with kids, while you couldn't find anyone new. Haunted by the memories you had with the love of your life. No one could compare, you chose to not waste your time. Your parents were making you go on dates and each one was unsuccessful. Right now, you were back in your hometown, at the rooftop of your house. Looking up at the stars, wishing upon them one last time. 
“Why did you do this to me? I never meant what I said...Jungkook, my jungkook.If you are listening, I’m sorry. I miss you so much, these years I have experienced without you was terrible, it is something I would never choose over you. Now I learned that I should've fought for us and I should have realized what I had. I hope you’ll be happy in her arms. Universe, my last wish is never let anything hurt him...Goodbye Koo”
The End.
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Black, White, Grey (2/3)
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Having Bang Chan as your best friend is great cause he’s literally the best but not so much when you’ve had a crush on him for a majority of the friendship.
w.c: 2.2k
Part 1
“Shoot! I’m going to be late,” I cursed under my breath.
      It’s been a few months since I last saw Chan, they were promoting and I was filming a new drama but with our hectic lives it was nothing new. We usually just occasionally updated each other every now and then either by messaging or the rare phone call. What was new was the urgent message I got from Chan yesterday saying that we needed to talk ASAP. I had a few hours between shoots today so we decided to meet at a coffee shop between our two locations. By the time I got there, Chan was already sitting with two drinks on the table.
“Sorry I’m late, the shoot ran a little longer then it should’ve.”
“It’s fine,” he chuckled, “I got you your usual.”
“Thanks. So what’s up? What’s with the urgency?” I asked as I took a sip of my drink.
“Well you remember Eunhye?”
      I really wish I couldn’t but it’s hard not to when he talks about her… a lot. From what I know they’ve gone on a handful of dates and she is really understanding with the idol stuff. Apparently since she's a university student on the verge of graduating, so she’s pretty busy herself, things have been going well, and he really likes her. The urgency of needing to meet him, him bringing her up, the nervous energy flowing off of him… I didn’t have a good feeling about it. I prepared my heart for the worst and turned on my actress switch as a smile pulled across my lips.
“Yeah what about her?”
“Well… I really like her…”
“What? I didn’t know,” I gasped sarcastically.
“Stop I’m being serious,” he chuckled softly.
“Then just spill it already, it’s just me. I’m not going to judge you.”
“It’s just you’re the first to know so it kinda feels weird saying it out loud… I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. I mean not now but after promotions in a few weeks.”
      Even though on the outside my mouth dropped and my smile grew bigger as a gasp escaped my lips, inside… a heart wrenching scream clawed my chest. Yet another piece of my heart shattered to dust but now was not the time to dwell on myself. At least the next words that fell from my lips were honest, given from what little was left of my heart.
“Oh my god! Chan I’m happy for you. I mean I’ll be honest this will probably be like fighting an uphill battle but you know I’m always the pessimist in these situations. I am 100% happy for you though, you deserve it and your happiness is mine.”
“Thanks for your well wishes and warning,” he rolled his eyes with a laugh before adding, “You’re the best and remember I’ll always return the favor if you have someone you like.”
      How does that work when that someone is you?
“Thanks Chan, believe me I know,” I laugh.
“There isn’t anyone right now right? I know I haven’t really got to check up much on you since I’ve been going on about Eunhye and been busy with promotions…”
“Don’t worry about it, you didn’t miss anything. There’s no one right now.”
“Good but when that happens I better be the first to know,” he joked before he added on a more serious note, “no secrets right?”
“No secrets,” I smiled. No secrets… except for this one.
      I may have gone through this a few times already but like Seungmin said, it still hurts no matter how many times I go through it. We chatted a bit longer before we had to go for our next schedules but not before he planned something so that I could properly meet Eunhye… stupid best friend responsibilities. I know he hoped we got along and that was never the hard part when he got into a relationship. The hard part of it all was having to see her separate the grey areas in our friendship into black and white. When the day came, we met at the theaters to watch the movie Chan and I promised to see together. Our usual of sharing popcorn and a drink, making commentary during the movie, sitting close enough so that our shoulders touched… became a him and her thing with me watching the movie silently, an empty feeling on my sides, eating popcorn from a bucket far too big for myself because ordering a large was a force of habit. I still smiled, laughed, joined the conversation, and played the best friend role like I was supposed to. My mind was just in a haze through it all and although Chan noticed it, my lies blended with the truth. I told him I was tired, I just didn't specify that it was physically from work, emotionally from unrequited feelings and mentally from keeping up my farce. 
      The rest of those two weeks blurred together as the heartbreak set it deeper and deeper as each day passed. I was finally snapped out of my daze when I got messages from Seungmin in Minho in our "feelings" group chat when I was on break during filming. I’m guessing Chan took more time to clearly think about this before he told the boys. Throughout the day we exchanged messages but even though we were all busy, they demanded me to video call them once I was off even if it was at an ungodly hour. I love those two but together they were bossy and a force to be reckoned with. I agreed and didn’t get a message until I had just finished filming my last scene. They were back at the dorm and were reminding me to call. I rolled my eyes before updating them that I had just finished and would be home soon. By the time I had texted them I was home, my foot barely through the door, my phone rang with a face-time notification. I chastised them the moment their faces appeared on screen.
“You know there is this thing called patience right?”
“Well that is reserved for people who keep us updated,” Minho countered.
“Wasn’t my update to tell but okay,” I rolled my eyes but as I noticed the background behind them I dropped my voice, “are you guys in your room?! Don’t you guys share a room? Can you even be on call right now?”
“Well the person in question is sleeping and we aren’t that loud so it’s fine. We’re on the other side of the room.”
“So how are you?” Seungmin interrupted before I could rebut.
“At least someone cares,” I joke.
“Come on, be serious.”
“Okay sorry. You know I don't do "feelings"… Uhm… well… I’m better than the first day I heard the news but that can’t really say much.”
“Used work to fill the void? Have you at least been getting proper rest?”
“Yup. It helps that they are filming a bulk of my scenes right now so my mind stays occupied but sorry Seungmin sleep is not my friend right now.”
“I still can’t believe how dense Chan-hyung is. You’ve been friends for six years and you’ve had a crush on him for five, I’m sorry but how has he not figured it out or at least noticed something?”
      As Minho got annoyed his voice got a bit louder and we all froze as we heard rustling coming from the other side of the room. No one moved for a good few minutes to ensure Chan was still sleeping. When we were sure, Seungmin nudged Minho with his shoulder.
“Hyung, keep it down.”
“My bad! It just sucks that one friend is hurting our other friend and he doesn’t even know,” Minho hissed.
“Awww thanks Minho,” I teased.
“Whatever,” Minho mumbled before adding, “I’m just surprised the feeling lasted this long even after everything.”
“Well you know your leader, it’s kinda hard to get over someone like that. Like have you seen him? His body-”
“Ahhhhh, I don’t want to hear it,” Seungmin whined.
“I mean you’re right but ewwww.”
“I’m kidding,” I chuckled softly, “But on a more serious note… I just… I don’t know why I can’t get over Chan. I mean when I figured out I liked him five years ago it was the thing that I’ve liked him for awhile already before I even realized it and no matter what happens or how many times my heart breaks… that feeling is still there. I mean I, without a doubt, can say that he is my first love. Any guy I find, no matter how much I love him… I don’t think I’ll love him as much as I love Chan… Oh jeez.”
      Before I knew it there were tears streaming down my face as I was explaining. This was the first time I have vocalized just how much Chan meant to me and hearing it aloud just made everything so much worse. I gave a dry chuckle as I tried to furiously wipe away the tears but to no avail. The tears I’ve held back for so long took the chance to fall and I had no control anymore. I started to curse as the tears turned to sobs and the boys tried their best to soothe me through the screen. The rest of the night was filled with the boys comforting me and me finally letting it all out. After the call it felt lighter in my chest but that just gave pain more room to fill and I didn’t know which one was worse. I need to pull myself together or I’ll never be able to make it through dinner with the boys and Eunhye in a few days. It took a bit but the pain somehow subsided to a dull numbness where I could properly pretend to be myself. 
      The day of, I met the boys outside the barbecue restaurant and greeted them happily. Chan said that Eunhye was a bit behind so she’ll meet us inside. While he explained, he casted a nervous glance at me. I tiled my head, mouthing a “what?” in confusion, but he just shook his head and smiled before leading us in. Once we were seated, everyone began to chatter about the menu, arguing and discussing what they wanted to eat. I smiled at the organized chaos, a calming constant in my life. After a few more minutes passed Eunhye came in and greeted everyone. She came over and sat next to me, causing me to move closer to Seungmin and away from my place in front of Chan. Throb. No heart, not in front of Chan. I knew Minho and Seungmin would worriedly look at me but, among the many other strange things he’s been doing tonight, Chan too was anxiously giving me looks. When I finally caught him I raised an eyebrow in question but he quickly turned away, laughing at something Eunhye had said. When the food finally came I took my usual job of manning the grill and Eunhye helped. Out of habit I placed a majority of the meat onto the other members’ plates like I always have, save a few pieces for myself, and moved to Chan’s except Eunhye beat me to it. She giggled as he got flustered by her action… replaced yet again. Our eyes connected and for a second his eyes filled with panic and I just gave him a weird look before turning my attention back to the grill in front of me. Halfway through the meal my phone buzzed and I excused myself and stepped out of the restaurant, moving to a less crowded area to minimize the noise.
“Manager Kim? What's up?”
“Did you check your texts? There’s good news.”
“Huh? I’m at dinner right now, I haven’t had a chance to look at my phone. Give me a sec,” as I pulled up my texts I gave a delighted squeal as I put my phone back to my ear, “No way?! Seriously?!”
“Yup, once we finalize everything on our end, make sure you’re ready to go, got it?”
“Yeah of course. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
      A satisfied sigh left my lips as I held my phone to my chest. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath to enjoy the chilly night air as it filled my lungs. There was a comfort in the cold isolation of outside compared to inside and I basked in it a bit longer. As I turned to head back to the door I saw Chan coming to me.
"Hey is everything alright? You've been out here for awhile."
"Oh yeah, my manager was just updating me on the changes in my schedule. Are you okay though? You've been kinda weird all night."
"Haha yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back in yeah?"
"... Okay."
      I knew it was a lie. There was something bugging him but I won't pry. That's not how we were, it just naturally comes out and if he's holding back there’s a reason. I could never really badger him either when I’m now keeping two big secrets from him…
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adavenhaikyuu · 3 years
If The World Could Stand Still
Painfully familiar green eyes stared at him from across the hall. For a moment, Oikawa felt like he was dreaming, like one of those nightmares that’d leave him waking up in a cold sweat even as he mourned losing them to the daylight. Why was Iwaizumi here? And why did he have to be Oikawa’s new roommate?
“Hi, I’m Daichi,” the words broke him out of the green-eyed spell he’d been under, Iwaizumi looking away.
“Iwaizumi,” he bowed his head in greeting, eyes sliding back to a still frozen Oikawa. Daichi shifted next to him, shoulder gently bumping into his. “Do you two know each other?”
“We’re childhood best-”
“Yeah, we used to live near each other,” Oikawa cut Iwaizumi off, ignoring the frown his words earned. It wasn’t a lie and it’d been too long for them to still consider each other their best friend. Even if Oikawa’s heart ached at the thought.
Pairing: Iwaizumi/Oikawa
Chapters: 1/~
Word Count: 2238
“Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you meet again. And meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.” - Richard Bach
“Yeah, Tooru?”
“Why does the sun have to rise?”
Rain drizzled from a dreary sky, splattering against the foggy window panes. Oikawa’s head lolled against the slightly chilled glass, his eyes flickering open as the last tendrils of sleep slipped away. A fuzzy haze still clouded his mind, the hour-long bus nap not nearly enough to make up for two sleepless nights. He groaned and pushed himself upright, shuffling his feet until they hit the duffle bag on the ground.
It wasn’t like he’d meant to stay up for so long. How could he have known a new hero would move into town? And the bastard had been such a pain too…
Oikawa huffed and pulled out his phone, swiping through the series of texts and social media updates in his notification bar. Clicking on the one from Kuroo, Oikawa leaned his head back against the glass, ignoring the way his ribs ached.
[Kuroo:] Sure ya dont need me to come today? You took a beating last night so I wouldnt mind helping you move your stuff in
[Oikawa:] I know better than to let your mangey paws get on my stuff
[Oikawa:] I lost two hats last time! Two!
[Kuroo:] You said you didnt like them!? I was helping, you cant still be mad
[Oikawa:] I can and am.
Snapping the phone closed, Oikawa let his eyes slip shut. That alley cat was dumber than he looked if he thought Oikawa would fall for that trick again. They’d been partners in crime for too long for it to still work. Besides, it wasn’t like Kuroo had gotten away from their encounter with Anzen, or whatever he was called, injury-free.
The damn bastard had already joined up with another hero when he'd confronted their infamous selves in a jewelry shop, ruining two weeks' worth of planning and leaving them both roughed up. The whole incident was made worse because half his injuries were a result of Oikawa getting distracted by how hot the new hero was. It wasn’t fair!
The bus squealed to a stop, ending any hopes he had of getting more rest. It was a good thing he’d already lost his roommate for the semester so he could crash after getting all his stuff in the dorm. The school had attempted to make him room with someone, something he highly opposed.
Oikawa didn’t want anyone else sharing his space, especially not the rando the university initially tried to stick him with. One text conversation with the guy and Oikawa was convinced he’d only ever used three-in-one shampoo and body wash. That wasn’t the sort of environment Oikawa needed to be living in, it’d be bad for his skin.
Plus having a roommate wasn’t exactly conducive to keeping his nightly escapades a secret.
Convincing his no-longer roommate to request a room switch had been child’s play compared to what he usually convinced people to do. The next two roommates the university had tried to throw at him had been similarly dealt with. Thankfully, they’d stopped trying after the third person requested out within the month since room assignments were sent out.
Oikawa had already sent most of his items to the dorm and he hefted the one duffle bag he’d brought with him as he stood, waiting his turn to exit the bus. Fresh air from the open doors swirled around him, clearing the mild ache in his head as he breathed in the damp wind. Slipping into the aisle, Oikawa held his duffle close and shuffled off the bus.
Rain dripped onto his head and a shiver passed up his spine at the chill. It was far colder than it should be for the end of summer. Looking up, Oikawa narrowed his eyes and breathed out, daring any more rain to fall on his perfectly styled hair.
Naturally, the rain obeyed.
Campus bustled with activity despite the rain. Students huddled under umbrellas with maps while their mom hovered over their shoulders and their dad held the boxes, slowly getting soaked. He grinned at the girls he passed, catching their reddening faces as he threw them a wink and a wave before carrying on toward his dorm. It never hurt to start the fan club early. The suspicious glares from their fathers made it all the funnier. One last bit of family drama before the child and parent parted ways.
Coming to a stop outside his new home, Oikawa fished out his phone. Throwing up a peace sign, he smiled and snapped a photo. It needed a filter, but it’d work for today’s Insta post. Typing up a quick caption, Oikawa posted the photo and re-pocketed his phone as he turned back to the stairs.
A shoulder knocked into him and Oikawa stumbled forward, hissing as it jostled his bruised side but catching himself before he could hit the stairs. The other guy wasn’t so lucky. Books tumbled out of the box he’d been carrying and spilled onto the wet stairs.
“Sorry!” The other guy said, already scrambling to pick up his fallen items. Rain continued to fall on the books, soaking into their pages despite the guy’s best efforts. Crouching down, Oikawa picked up the books nearest him and let the faint breeze dancing around him ruffle the damp pages.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” the guy said, coming to a stop in front of Oikawa. He was kneeling on the wet pavement (wasn’t he worried about his pants?) with his unboxed books filling his arms, not an umbrella in sight. Water dripped off his dark brown hair into his matching brown eyes making him look quite similar to the many dads he’d passed on his way here. Instead of handing the books back, Oikawa took a few more off the precarious pile, earning him a confused look which he repaid with a dazzling smile as he stood.
“Need some help?” he asked as the other guy also got to his feet.
“Yeah, thanks. I’m Daichi,” the guy bobbed his head in greeting, his own smile lighting up his face. Oikawa tilted his head, eyes taking in the rest of the fairly plain-looking guy.
“Thanks, Oikawa, but I can take it from here." He gestured to the books Oikawa was holding. Glancing down at the wet cardboard box on the ground, he raised a brow. He really doubted the guy could handle it all. Well, his mother had always said one good deed would be repaid with another.
"I'm on the top floor anyway, so I can carry them if you want," he shrugged and readjusted the books so they were easier to hold. Daichi's eyes widened.
"That's where I'm going too. Maybe we'll live near each other," Daichi grinned and started up the stairs again in lieu of accepting his offer, Oikawa trailing behind him. A drop of rain hit his shoulder, an icy shiver crawling across his skin. Breathing out, Oikawa let a few more drops of rain fall on his clothes, a warm breeze dancing around him to keep out the chill.
He couldn't exactly walk in completely dry, could he? That’d be suspicious now that someone was paying attention to him. He already regretted offering to help.
The rain still didn't dare touch his hair.
“So what’s your major?” Daichi asked as they entered the lobby and made for the elevator. Pushing the button, Oikawa leaned against the wall and shrugged.
“History, you?” It’d been his best subject in high school, something Kuroo always complained about, and it gave him plenty of time to dedicate to research without people getting suspicious about what he was looking up. Plus, it didn’t require a lot of math classes. Even thinking about that subject made Oikawa shiver.
“Biology, I want to get into Vet school in a few years,” he smiled and Oikawa realized many of the books they were holding had to do with animal anatomy. Maybe he could convince Daichi to get him some medical supplies. That might make getting his jacket wet worth it.
The elevator dinged and slid open, both of them shuffling inside along with three other students, pushing Oikawa to the back corner near the window. He watched as the ground slowly fell away, the elevator bringing them higher and higher. They stopped two times before reaching the seventh floor, Daichi and Oikawa stepping out into their new shared hall.
“What’s your room number?” Oikawa asked. Daichi fumbled for his key, nearly losing several books off the stack.
“Seven-twenty-nine,” He said, reading off the tag attached to the key and straightening out the pile. Oikawa’s eyes widened.
“I’m seven-thirty,” they wouldn’t be suitemates he noticed while walking down the hall, odds and evens were on opposite sides, but they’d still be across-the-way neighbors. What a coincidence.
Their rooms were at the far end of the hall next to the smallest of the three study/recreation rooms on this floor. Oikawa recognized his boxes piled next to the end door on the right. A door that was suspiciously open.
Kuroo wasn’t moving in until tomorrow and he hadn’t told the alley cat his room number. He could have asked someone for help figuring it out but something in his gut told Oikawa it wasn’t Kuroo he could faintly hear moving around in the room.
Had the University really given him another roommate? So much for good karma after helping Daichi.
“Looks like your roommate is already here,” Daichi commented. Oikawa hummed and set the books down next to Daichi’s door. Readjusting the strap of his duffle bag, Oikawa whirled around and came face to face with the absolute last person he’d ever expected to see again.
“What do you mean?”
“Why does the sun have to rise? Why can’t we stay out under the stars forever?”
“Aren’t you afraid of the dark?”
Painfully familiar green eyes stared at him from across the hall. For a moment, Oikawa felt like he was dreaming, like one of those nightmares that’d leave him waking up in a cold sweat even as he mourned losing them to the daylight. Why was Iwaizumi here? And why did he have to be Oikawa’s new roommate?
“Hi, I’m Daichi,” the words broke him out of the green-eyed spell he’d been under, Iwazumi looking away.
“Iwaizumi,” he bowed his head in greeting, eyes sliding back to a still frozen Oikawa. Daichi shifted next to him, shoulder gently bumping into his.
“Do you two know each other?”
“We’re childhood best-”
“Yeah, we used to live near each other,” Oikawa cut Iwaizumi off, ignoring the frown his words caused. It wasn’t a lie and it’d been too long for them to still consider each other their best friend. Even if Oikawa’s heart ached at the thought.
“Ok-ay, well, I’m going to let you two talk. Thanks again for helping with my books,” Daichi smiled at the both of them and escaped inside his room. That’s all Oikawa wanted to do right now.
So much for his plan to catch up on sleep.
Oikawa ignored Iwazumi and picked up one of his boxes, moving past the other boy to enter his new room. It was decent sized, nothing extravagant. Two twin beds sat against opposite walls, dressers situated at their ends and two desks nestled side-by-side between them in front of the double windows. To the left of the door was a closet and to the right, a sink next to the door leading to the bathroom.
Iwaizumi’s things were already scattered on the right side of the room, so Oikawa made his way to the left dresser and set his box and duffle on top. He’d have to reevaluate where to put his gear now that he had a roommate. Especially since he didn’t think Iwazumi would be as easy to run off as the other guys.
Turning around, Oikawa once again found himself face-to-face with Iwaizumi. His heart leaped to his throat. Two boxes of his stuff were in Iwazumi’s arms, something Oikawa tried very hard to not look at. He knew his type and he knew who his type was based on. No reason to torture himself. Brushing past Iwazumi, Oikawa went to pick up the remaining box and bring it inside.
“Too-” Iwaizumi paused at the glare Oikawa sent him, “Oikawa...how’ve you been?” The question came out rushed like it wasn’t what he really wanted to say. Not like Oikawa cared what he wanted to say, his mere presence was enough to bring back the memories he’d buried long ago.
It wasn’t fair. Was this karma for his extracurricular activities? Why couldn’t he separate Iwaizumi from those thoughts? Why did it have to hurt looking at him and remembering everything that’d passed?
“I’ve been great, how about you?” Oikawa said, setting the box next to the sink, a bright and oh so fake smile lighting up his face. The green of Iwaizumi’s eyes dimmed as he easily accepted the lie as truth.
Oikawa didn’t know if he should be relieved or cry.
“You make the nighttime safe, Iwa-chan.”
“But the sun still needs to rise, Tooru, you know that. Why don’t you want it to?”
“It’s not the dark I’m afraid of anymore…”
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workofmark · 5 years
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when your bestfriend only sees you as a friend - mark lee
[a/n: hiii this is my first sort of angst back so i hope it doesn’t suck too much. please let me know what you think of it!] [a/n pt 2: hey fari, remember when you cussed at me in our dms? this ones for you! @zhengtongue]/ master list
We’ve been friends for years, her and I. It was just a typical friendship when it started out. We had the same math class in middle school and the two of us just sort of...clicked. And though I wasn’t worthy of her time, she gave me all of the time in the world.
We continued to be friends all throughout middle school. We hung out often. Her parents even invited me to go with them on a week long trip to a farm that her grandparents’ had owned. That summer, our lips were stained red from strawberries, hair as wild as the wind, doubled over every second of the day with laughter, sleeping with the fireflies, sun kissed, happy. It’s a summer I’ll never forget. A summer neither of us will. A summer that frequents our late night conversations with questions like “Mark, remember when you tried to milk that cow and totally cried?” or “Mark, remember when we swam in the pond all day long and were shriveled up like raisins for days afterwards?” or “Mark, remember when we spent the entire night counting the stars?”
But there’s one question that has never made it into our late night conversations. A question that keeps me up until the crack of dawn.
“YN, remember when I was pushing you on that old tire swing and you stopped, leaned out and kissed me?”
No. She’ll never bring that up again. And I won’t either.
Because that’s what happens when your best friend only sees you a friend.
The summer ends as quickly as ice cream melts on a long day. We enter high school that year. We start to find out more about ourselves that year.
She joins the volleyball team, I join the music club. She goes to all of my recitals, I go to all of her games. We’re each other’s biggest fans. She and I...we’re best friends and everybody knows that.
But we have our own friends too.
I have Haechan from music club, she has Jisoo from volleyball. I have Johnny from forth period, she has Jieqiong from seventh period. I have Jaehyun from the youth center that I play basketball at afterschool and she has...
She has Lee Taeyong.
And I see that way she looks at him.
Lee Taeyong is our student body president - a junior. He’s tall, smart and handsome. He sometimes oversees the music club when our president, Ten, is out. He’s part of the mathletes, a teacher’s favorite, does the morning announcements, best friends with the principal, number one in class rankings from his year, captain of our dance team and volunteers at the animal shelter on the weekend.
His parents must be so proud of him.
That’s why it’s no surprise to see the way her eyes light up when they accidentally crash into each other in the hall, sending her papers flying like some cliché high school drama. I help out too, of course, but all of her attention seems to be on him. I watch her cheeks flush bright pink and the way she stumbles over her words like she always does when she’s nervous. She pushes her hair back behind her ear and apologizes once more.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Taeyong says, smiling gently at her. His persona now is completely different than when he’s on the stage. His eyes are softer, more welcoming. Nothing like the hard glare he gets when he dances. “You’re YN. Right?” I can see her eyes flash with confusion. How does Lee Taeyong know my name? she’s asking herself. He helps her to her feet (while I push myself up off the ground) and says, “You’re friends with Jisoo. She talks about you to me.”
She makes a noise - a squeak almost. “What does she say?”
Taeyong chuckles. “All good things,” he says. “She says that you’re really into movies.”
And that was the first time I lost her.
Her and Taeyong start to date a little over a month after that incident. They’re the talk of the town. She’s known for how well she plays volleyball, she’s known for how kind hearted she is, she’s knows for her intelligence, she’s known for being the perfect match for Taeyong.
I see her less and less. I assure her that it’s okay. I tell her that if I were in a relationship, I would be doing the same thing and would hope she were as understanding as I was. But one too many times, she blows me off for Taeyong and I’m at Johnny’s house, crying over a tub of ice cream.
“Well Mark,” he says, “if you were going to be this heartbroken over her, then you should’ve just asked her out in the first place. You fumbled the ball there, bud. Now there’s nothing left you can do.”
It hurts. I know Johnny is coming from a good place but it still hurts.
It hurts because it’s true. I did fumble the ball. I could’ve asked her out so many times. I could’ve asked why she kissed me that summer so many times. I could’ve done so much but I was so scared of losing my best friend that I decided to just shove my feelings down my throat and let them stop the words from leaving my mouth.
It’s my own fault. And I know that.
But even if I am hurting, I’m still her best friend. I still should help her pick out her outfits for her next date with Taeyong and I should still help her try to find the perfect gift for him for Christmas and I should still be there for her when she lets me. Because even though I may not be her person, she’s still mine.
Yes. She’s still my person.
It’s a little after Taeyong’s graduation when she tells me of their decision.
“We’re breaking up.“ Her eyes are solemn as she says that, kicking the gravel under her feet as she rocks back and forth on the swing at our neighborhood playground. “He’s going to the states to study and doesn’t want me to stay here and wait for him. It’s for the better.”
And just like that, their two years together are down the drain and she’s here with me again.
We spend another summer together that year. This time, we take the long way home. We’re still kids and we’ll be entering our senior year that next year so we decide to spend this summer to our fullest.
“You’re never gonna know what’ll happen next summer. This is the last summer we’re gonna have together before college, Mark. I want to spend it with you.”
Of course the words make me as sad as they do happy. She’s right. Even though we are both applying for the same college, you never do know what will happen after high school ends.
So we spend the entire summer at pools and at the old park we used to play at when we were young. We go bowling and to the movies and blow our allowances on arcade games and photo booths. We spend almost every day together. Our parents don’t see us all day long and come back late at night. They know not to look for us. We always find our way back home.
We always find our way back to each other.
“If it’s meant to be, then it’ll be Mark,” Jungwoo, my next door neighbor, tells me one night after dinner. I had accidentally ranted about my feelings for her after he commented on our framed picture on my nightstand. “Don’t worry too much about it, yeah?”
And then we chow down on snacks and play video games - content.
Because if it’s meant to be, then it’ll be.
And then, before I know it, we’re both on the road, off to college.
College brings stress.
With that, college brings outlets to relieve stress. While college brought me a new guitar and hours in the studio, college brought her Lucas.
Lucas Huang.
He’s a barista at the coffee shop she really seems to like (but now I’m not sure if she liked it for the coffee or because of him).
Lucas is kind, from what my classmate, Jaemin, tells me. He’s a freshman, like us. He’s kind of an airhead but his heart is in the right place. He’s on a basketball scholarship. He comes from a poor family but was blessed with amazing athletic abilities that lead him to receive a full ride to the college we attended. He’s humble. He’s nice.
He makes YN’s heart pound.
They have math class together and he asks her to tutor him.
“But you suck at math,” I laugh as she glares at me over her drink.
“Yeah but Yukhei doesn’t know that,” she snorts.
“Yukhei?” I repeat.
She sighs, as if she’s offended that I didn’t know who the hell Yukhei was. “Lucas,” she grumbles. “Now if you excuse me, I’m late for tutoring.”
“Whatever,” I roll my eyes as she gets up from the table and leaves to the library.
And then it’s like...all she can ever talk about to me is Yukhei. Yukhei this or Yukhei that. Yukhei, Yukhei, Yukhei.
Yukhei who is sooo good at basketball. Yukhei who smells sooo good. Yukhei who is sooo cool. Yukhei who is sooo funny. Yukhei, Yukhei, Yukhei-
“Enough already, dammit!” I snap at her. Maybe I was irritated because I hadn’t slept in two days. Maybe I was annoyed because I had a raging headache from downing coffee after coffee to keep me from falling asleep. Maybe I was hurt because my person was once more, falling for someone who wasn’t me. “I don’t give a damn about Wong Yukhei, YN! And if that’s all you came here to discuss with me then go back to your stupid dorm! I invited you here to make sure you eat! Not to hear about how head over heels you are for that- that- that airhead!”
She huffs, standing up so abruptly that I almost spill my takeout. “I don’t know what your problem is Mark but you had no right to snap at me like that,” she crosses her arms.
“If you knew my problem, you’d understand why I’m acting this way,” I mutter under my breath.
“I’m leaving,” she says, gathering her things from around me just as I notice little raindrops beginning to pelt against the window.
“Hey,” I stop her at the door. “You forgot this.” I throw my umbrella her way and see the way her face softens just a bit.
“Text me when you’re done throwing your fit,” she tells me.
“Don’t count on it,” I reply as I lazily shut the door.
Doyoung, my roommate, laughs as I throw myself down on the bed.
“It truly pains me to watch you, Mark. It truly does,” he says.
“I’m going to sleep. Enjoy your food, hyung. Don’t wake me up until she’s done with her Yukhei phase.”
And I fall asleep.
The next time I wake up, it’s to a body squishing itself between me and the wall. I open my eyes and see a familiar head of hair. I turn to see if Doyoung is home but he isn’t - probably out for the night with his friends like always.
“YN?” I push her hair back. “What’s wrong?”
”I’m an idiot,” she mutters, face flush against my chest. “He has a girlfriend back in China, Mark. A whole ass girlfriend who he’s very loyal to and who he calls all the time and who he loves. And he only told me that after I confessed. What the fuck! I’m a big idiot.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You didn’t know,” I soothe her, sitting up. I reach over and grab the water bottle off the nightstand, thrusting it her way. “If it’s meant to be, then it’ll be.”
She takes a sip after sitting up herself before screwing the cap back on, and leans against the wall. “Yeah. I guess.”
“What?” I know that look. I’ve seen it plenty of times. That look when she wants to say something but isn’t sure if she wants to say it. “YN, just say it.”
“It’s just...what you said to me,” she shrugs.
“What about it?”
“Well,” she says. “What if there’s something that you want, something that you want so badly that you feel like it’s meant to be but in the end, it isn’t? Then what?”
I shrug, too choked up by everything to say anything. It’s suddenly too hot in here and I can’t breathe.
“Like, haven’t you ever liked someone so much and swore you were meant for that person but in the end, you weren’t meant for them?” she asks. I swear she’s doing this on purpose. My palms begin to sweat the more she speaks. “Like...isn’t that just sad? Loving someone who you know wouldn’t ever love you back in that way?”
“Yeah, sucks.” Those are the only words I can manage, my throat too dry for much else. I take the water from her and gulp down half of the bottle in a single take.
“Mark? You okay?” she asks.
“What? Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
I nod. “Yeah, let’s just go to bed. I haven’t slept in days,” I remind her before throwing myself down onto the pillow.
She resumes her previous position of having her head on my chest and plays with one of the strings on my hoodie. If she can feel my heart pounding, she doesn’t mention it. Instead, she sighs and says, “Thanks for this, Mark. You’re gonna make somebody very lucky someday, you know?”
I bite my lip. “YN?” She hums in response. “Can I ask you something?” Her eyes flutter up at me, expectantly waiting for me to continue. “Do you think...do you think that it’s okay for two best friends to date?”
“Like how close is their friendship?” she replies. “Why? Are you in love with Jaemin?” she gasps.
“What?! No! Jaemin is not my best friend, by the way. It’s-“ I stop before I say her name. “Just...tell me.”
“Well,” she begins. “If they’re best friends like that and the feeling is mutual then why not?”
“Best friends like that?”
“Yeah. Like...best friends who have always had heart eyes for each other. Not best friends like us.”
“Like us?” I frown.
“Yeah. We’ve never felt that way about each other! That’s why we’re so close and there’s so much trust. No looking so see if there are other intentions or anything like that. It’s just...you and I. Ride or die. Besties for the resties! Right?”
And she breaks my heart for the millionth time.
“Right,” I reply.
Because even if I see her in that light, even if I love her in that way, even if I want to give her the world, I can’t be selfish enough to tell her that. Not when she’s still in the dark, not when she’s already got her hands full with another person’s adoration.
My best friend will always see me as just her best friend.
But I love her so much that I’d rather have that than not have her at all.
Because that’s what happens when your best friend only sees you a friend.
the end.
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gold-gguk · 5 years
《 thantophobia (n.) 》
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summary ↠ thantophobia (n.) the fear of losing someone you love. the fear you’ve preparing to accept as reality the longer Jungkook has been away. the tour you never thought would end has come to a close and Jungkook is coming home, but months and miles apart have left you both wondering what he’s coming back to.
genre ↠ angssst | idolverse member ↠ jeon jungkook warnings ↠ emotional taxation, yo. word count ↠ 5.3k
moodboard by @jiminspjm || I think this is some of your best work yet, my friend ;) || requested by anon. This is essentially a sequel to a previous Jungkook blurb, lacuna (n.) so get ready for some heightened angst, my dudes.
Just landed. Be home soon. [6:36 pm]
You stare so hard and so long at the boxy text bubbled in grey that your eyes start to lose focus, weighing your sore gaze to where your subdued reply rests. The hours-old read receipt, however, still hanging lifeless underneath your words, only reinforces the weak ache in two thumbs still hovering over digital keys.
Ok. Be safe. [6:40 pm]
Forcing intentional breaths into the bottom of your lungs, you cast your eyes towards the foyer from where you sit fidgeting on the sofa, ears straining to pick up any evidence of the door jostling to open, but none comes in the deep and agonizing quiet you’ve been subjected to for the past couple of hours. 
[9:57 pm] You squint against the stark light of your phone screen when your eyes subconsciously travel back to check how many minutes have passed since the last time you looked. The dim glow humming from the standing lamp nearby that shrouds the rest of the living room makes the curt conversation glaring up at you seem too-bright, it’s luminescence only amplifying the minuscule exchange of words and the tightness of your chest.
He should be home. The airport is hardly a half hour drive from your apartment, and even with the staff most likely dropping the rest of the boys off at the dorms, it still shouldn’t be taking Jungkook this long to get here. Your throat burns upon the next attempt at swallowing, the action, in tandem, a measly effort to rid the ill thoughts that try to pinch and poke the back of your mind. Biting the inside of your cheek, you quickly lock your phone, tossing it to the side of you in favor of the TV remote, the diluted sounds of nighttime television that spill out into the suffocating silence washing you with a momentary relief. Momentary. The more you flip through the various options of distraction, the more you can’t help but recognize how uncanny the scene around you is becoming, looking and feeling more familiar by the second.
The couch, the blanket, the non-realistic happy endings flashing across the screen before you, and that bruised sensation creeping just under the surface of your skin; it’s all nearly identical to the combination you’d found yourself wound into almost 6 months ago, face raw and blotchy and pressed into these couch cushions with the emotion of Jungkook leaving for tour the next morning. Back then, though, the prospect of him walking through the front door had you on edge for very different reasons. It almost hurts to acknowledge the pocket of anxiety rolling around like a bowling ball in the pit of your stomach, but you’d be kidding yourself to try and ignore the incessant feeling like you tried to ignore your feelings the weeks leading up to your collapse. You know it only makes things worse. 
The noise of the television drowns out into the background of your loudening thoughts, little help in distracting you once more as you’re hazily drawn back into the memory of that morning. Images and scenes living half-blurred now sharpen to the most minute detail in a gross effort to reassure you of what you know has already changed.
“Hey, JK! Let’s go, we’re gonna miss the boarding call!” Namjoon had urged, his (fourth) prompt the only thing that seemed to finally stir Jungkook’s arms away from where they wound around you. “We’ll be back before you even know we’re gone, Y/N!” your towering friend attempted to console, taking the time to allow a reassuring and genuine smile to sculpt into the curve of his lips for which you were grateful. You weakly returned the gesture from over Jungkook’s shoulder, unable, though, to force the grin to curl around your sadly drawn eyes. “Give her a kiss for me, Kook, and move your junk!”
The picture becomes more vivid as you recall Namjoon turning to make his way through security, becoming the sixth to a group of huddled boys who stood awaiting their final member on the other side. You remember the way they were all attempting to avoid eye contact with you as their way of allowing you and Jungkook the most “privacy” possible in your goodbye, though you caught their gazes eyeing over you sympathetically more than once before it was all said and done. 
Jungkook had pulled his face from where it’d been hiding in your neck, pulling back as his arms loosened from their ensnarement around your waist by what would be an almost inconceivable fraction on any other day, but on that day it was enough for the distance to be felt in an instant. You ponder a while on the memory of Jungkook’s face when he finally titled his drooped gaze to you, eyes visibly red through the curtain of his inky locks. Despite whatever confident monologues Jungkook had extemporized with comforting whispers and steady hands the night before, the morning of his departure proved to be a role reversal granting you the task to keep some semblance of composure for both your sanities sakes. Surprisingly, however, whether it was ignorant denial or just the dry bed your eyes had become, you found yourself doing a pretty good job of keeping your emotions from going full Super Saiyan on him. 
“Don’t say it.” Jungkook’s dulcet voice laced with a strained timbre echos as clear as if he were right in front of you now. You close your eyes, your breaths feeling heavy as you try desperately to latch onto this moment, longing to remember the crystalline boy with glassy eyes standing in your memory and the way he looked when he longed for you too. 
“Say what? I-” 
“Don’t say goodbye. Don’t make me say it back.” His eyes close, hiding the bloodshot worry that clouds the cotton outskirts of the deep toffee center. The hands that knot together at the small of your back give a squeeze, pulling you forward that fraction of a breath as his head dips once more to hide against you. You hear the troubled rhythm of his inhale and know he’s started crying again which makes your heart agonize in tandem with him. 
“Jungkook...” you try, not trusting your voice to come out right but pushing it past weak lips anyway. 
A soft, stifled sob wets the juncture of your neck and shoulder where the bridge of his nose is pressed, his body stuttering in time to the beat of his emotion. You raise feeble hands from the plane of his back to fit the curve of his head and the round of his shoulders, simply cradling him to you in the last of these fleeting moments you know you won’t be able to savor for a long time. 
“I love you,” you whisper into his hair, fingers treading through the fields of the soft tendrils. You feel him ease against you at the combination of touch and admission, muffled plaining quieting into the fabric of your sweater. “That’s what I was going to say. I love you.”
His breathing calms to a manageable rate, filling his lungs in time to the rake of your fingers. “That’s all?” he hiccups, murmur of a voice like that of a child, laced with traces of hopeful and wide-eyed disbelief. 
“That’s all. No goodbye today,” you affirm, attempting to put some smile in your tone. “Sorry to ruin the drama.” 
The small success of laughter that puffs from Jungkook’s lungs is short lived as he crushes you against him, his arms fully circling the round of your shoulders and head, pressing your face into the comfort of his sanctuary as he draws every last ounce of you into him that he can. “I love you. I love you. I love you so so much.”
You breathe deeply his scent, spending a generous amount of energy on stowing away the smell in the pocket of your memory for when it’s not right under your nose anymore, skin-tinglingly warm and all authentically Jungkook. “I know,” you assure him, a hand wandering off down his spine. “You love me so well.” A knot begins to lump in your throat that you aptly swallow away, pacing carefully through the rest of the words that are getting harder and harder to speak with a placid heart.  “Which is why I’m so happy that you get to go and share that, now, with everyone that supports you so so much. I’m so excited that they get to hold some the love that you give me every day, even if it’s only a glimpse of everything I’ve seen in here.” 
You pressure your lips overtop the place where Jungkook’s heart beats rapidly, feeling the impact through the layers of clothing and skin. 
“I’m so proud of you, Jungkook. Now I want you to go see just many other’s you’ve made proud.” Finally pulling your head from the divot of his chest, you steel your expression with softened eyes and the most stable smile you can manage, every word you utter like nails on the chalkboard of the selfish and anxiety ridden parts of yourself. But no matter how badly your arms ache to begin dropping from his frame, you push yourself back a small step, the chasmic space almost dropping your stomach from your body. 
You rise to your tip-toes, placing a warm palm on Jungkook’s dampened cheek, fingers brushing gently as your lips slot tenderly against his own and press. He leans into you, but you’re gone before the sear in your throat worsens, balling your emotions one last time to squeeze at his palm, if nothing else placated by the mollifying expression Jungkook is relaxing into, though still bleary and worn on the surface. 
“Besides, you heard Namjoon,” you press his hand, fingers kneading over the back, trying to memorize the texture of his silken skin as you shut your mind off and let your mouth run. “You’ll be back before I even know you’re gone.”
But you’re in tears the moment he turns away. 
Your eyes snap back open, a feeling you weren’t expecting to be present resting in the center of your chest: anger. The phone sleeping silently to the left of you makes you angry; how long he’s kept you waiting here without so much as an explanation makes you angry; the man confessing his love too loudly on screen makes you angry; but most of all, the lack of Jungkook makes you angry. 
Gritting your teeth with a newfound resolve, you breathe out a copious amount of the stress riddled air from your lungs in one blow, straightening your bent posture and running your fingers through neatly curled locks until they’re falling haphazardly around your face, but who’s to care anymore? It’s obvious no one that you need to impress is coming home tonight. 
You flick the television off with a satisfying click, sighing relievedly into the silence that previously had you at wits end before rising from your perch, muscles straining as they seek the stretch of relief they’ve so desired. Giving it to them, you turn and pluck the string on the standing lamp, washing the room in a new kind of quiet that somehow sets you more at ease--like the room isn’t in anticipation of anything anymore. 
Your bed calls sweet and low upon your approach down the short hallway past the small kitchen, and you realize for the first time in a while that your mind isn’t burdened with flashes of blurry memories, taunting you from the haze in various rooms as you pass. 
Your apartment is small, but you and Jungkook spent a lot of time here when your relationship began and since. The past 6 months have been random nights of heartache and sadness springing up when you least expect it; the pass of the kitchen always paints the shape of Jungkook throwing a dusting of flour into your face during the cake baking competition he’d wanted to start as a tradition for you two--it ended in a mess that took hours to clean and no cakes; the sweep of the spare room tends to have your mind conjuring illusions of the time Jungkook brought home a stray puppy he’d found wandering a parking lot on the way over and tried to hide it from you for a surprise under the bed in there--you were the one who had to answer the door the next day to a frazzled owner inquiring about said puppy and break the devastating news to Jungkook that he had just run away from him during his walk. You remember often thinking of those days and wondering how things got so far from where they were. 
None of these memories surface now though. Your mind is clearer than it’s been in ages, and it feels freeing yet strange at the same time. 
The sheets are crisp and cool against your body as it slides in between, fresh from when you had washed them and remade the bed earlier in the day in preparation of another body sharing it with you, but you still feel grateful for the sensation against hot skin as your head collides with the pillow, flipping to your side and curling under the comforter. No thoughts come. No inner mantra coaxing you to sleep after an hour of repetition. No tears. It’s just silence and a blank plane stretching for as far as your mind can manage. Sleep comes easily to your weary limbs tonight, eyes falling shut into a dreamless slumber that brings real rest from months of trying to keep it together for him. 
You’re so far into the absent bliss that the sound you’d been waiting all day to hear doesn’t rouse you. The front door slowly jostles open, a stumbling Jungkook, half-falling through the frame in his attempt to be discrete, only creating more noise as he collides with the entry bench that seats your purse and jacket. 
A curse slurs from his lips as he catches himself, the duffle bag hanging on his shoulder dropping to the floor next to your shoes as he manages to kick his own off, hands steadying his lopsided stature against the wall. The sight of your belongings stalls him for a moment, bloodshot eyes staring entranced at the disorganized display in the foyer: your bag, the same one you’ve always carried, worn and tearing in a few places, but you refuse to buy a new one; your scarf, the one Jungkook purchased for you at the start of last winter, just before the two of you began dating. He’d made the excuse while you were both out shopping that you’d catch a cold in just a jacket, but really, the sight of your exposed neck curving down into softly edged collarbones was more than a distraction from what was supposed to be a friendship at the time. 
His gaze halts along the wall on the framed photo of the two of you from New Years, you slung across Jungkook’s lap, arms hooked around his neck with your eyes squeezed shut, laughing at something happening behind the camera, your grin bared wide and raw for the world to see--that grin. He stares at his face in the photo, eyes beaming down at your unaware laughter, lips pressed in a smile against your temple, his own arms cradling you so casually to himself.
For a moment, the dizziness in Jungkook’s head subsides and it’s just you. It’s you struggling to surface at the tips of his fingers again, fighting to recreate the feeling of you in his hands, but just like every other time he’s attempted, he can only imagine it, never feel. Remembering the feeling of you became an elusive memory he started desperately chasing only a month after he’d left--the month you started pulling away, texting less, cutting FaceTimes short, and working more with a plethora of excuses trailing behind; it was the torture of a fraying string without the snap. 
He still isn’t sure what happened with you both, but he’ll be damned to be the one to let you go. He kept reassuring himself that if he could just make it home...things would get better. You’d come back to him, things would be the  way they used to be, and it would all be okay, but the closer he got to coming home, the less he knew how to navigate your distant ocean--the less he knew how to function. 
She’s doing fine without you.
It became the devil on his shoulder: more and more time spent away, less and less communication, and all feeding the monster. Every text he received from you was a whirlwind of fresh air in his hectic schedule allowing him a moment of respite and solace, but they became moments he wasn’t sure if you shared. And he became hesitant to ask the longer you went on behaving as if the miles of distance and time zones of separation didn’t make a difference to you. Should he have been feeling the same confidence in your relationship that you seemed to have? He wasn’t insecure in being away from you, but the shorter exchanges and the less you seemed to have to say about the happenings back home...would confidence be what he would call it? It was all that was on his mind after every show, in between every practice, and before every interview, but all he could do was reflect the reciprocity being delivered and pray he was doing the right thing by not burdening you with it.
Jungkook tears his eyes away from the photo, squinting against the rest of the darkened living room as the swirly feeling in his head creeps back in, shadowed objects warping at odd angles. Whatever was on his mind when he got to the bar with Namjoon and Jimin became a little jumbled on his way out, the only thing he could really hone in on being the image of your face and the familiar route to your apartment, stumbling his way onwards determined to give you a piece of his drunk mind for what happened between you both and also maybe kiss you. 
His body trips around trying to find the unlit hallway that leads to you until he walks into the corner of it, cursing once more while he nurses the knock on his kneecap. Jungkook collides with at least three hung frames along the wall on his way down the hall, hushed expletives aiding blind hands in correcting them which instead just tilts them too far the other direction. Shuffling feet stutter into the wrong room twice before he makes it to the last door on the left, entrance cracked enough for his eyes to catch the edge of the bed and part of a still, sleeping lump stuffed under the covers. 
He pauses, hand hovering against the wood, feeling unsure now that he’s finally standing here. He wonders guiltily how long you’ve been asleep, knowing he kept you waiting all evening, and knowing you, guesses you probably stayed up to wait until the last of your hope for him had vanished. Maybe that was the last straw? If he left now, would there be a text waiting for him in the morning saying it was over? The snap. The thought of it being too close for comfort is what has his hand shoving forward, though, a little harder than he intended, the swing of the door wide until it thuds against the wall. 
He cringes, quickly attempting to reach forward and right the noise when he spots you beginning to stir in your sleep, but his efforts only help his feet get tangled in a stray pile of clothing you never bother to put away (“why put them away when I’m just gonna take them out to wear again?”) and send him falling with a heavy clonk onto the hard wood. 
He knows he’s done it when he hears those soft mewls rousing from the sheets. 
His already racing heart pounds at the sound of your voice, ridden with sleep, shaping the endearment that lets him know he hasn’t totally fucked up. He quickly shoves himself out of your clothes, feeling more idiotic and impossibly nervous than on his way here. Your presence only feet from him makes everything he came here to say and do all fuzzy...except the kissing you part. He still really wants to do that. 
Especially now that his eyes are focusing on your hazy image, curled up on his side of the bed, your bright eyes squinting with sleep and soft locks loosely waved and tossed by the pillow. Your skin is golden in the low light, almost shiny reflected against the moon beams filtering in the parted window nearby, and Jungkook swallows hard, fingertips aching to reach out and feel you despite the better judgement, no matter how small right now, working against him. 
“I see you still leave your clothes out,” is the first thing that slurs slightly from between his stalled lips, gaze raptured and body yearning for you. 
Your expression doesn’t change, slightly sleepy but glazed with unreadable caution as you fully acknowledge that he is standing in your room, present and whole and real. “Why put them away when I’m just--”
“--gonna take them out to wear again?” he quietly finishes for you, mouth twitching in a familiar smile that disappears just as quickly as he reads the thin ice coating the surface of the conversation. 
“...yeah,” you breathe, lungs having a hard time getting enough air to say anything else. Your hands are clenched around the fitted sheet, wrinkling the fresh make in place of where you’d rather have them, but the sting of anger, though diluted, is still swimming in the pit of your stomach, waiting to be addressed.
Jungkook’s eyes are locked on you, widened as if he’s looking at some hallucination; it’s then that you notice the worn hue under his irises and a clouded red hue around them, your own eyes adjusting to the scene. You watch as his hand slowly lifts, almost like he’s not fully aware of the action, and his body lurches slightly in your direction, but even the small attempt at motion has him leaning too far the side, losing his balance momentarily before he catches himself on the edge of the mattress, hand coming dangerously close to where your feet slide under the comforter. 
“You’re drunk,” you observe without opinion to your voice. The shamed look in his eyes when his head rises to meet you before looking away makes your heart jolt in empathy, the wear and tear he sports almost like a physical manifestation of the emotional wear and tear you’ve suppressed. 
There’s a breath of silence while you look at the boy before you, somehow a different form of the same broken Jungkook you’d let go of 6 months ago, the one you promised yourself you wouldn’t burden while he was away, taking it upon yourself to be your own emotional support while he was living the dream, but it seems the past few months have done their own burdening on him. Your expression softens, the anger in your stomach giving way to the hurt that you’ve longed to let go of since he started pulling away from you only three months before his return. 
“Why?” you find your voice filtering into the silence, a hoarseness drawing among your confusion. Jungkook’s face flits up to meet your gaze again, his lost manner seeking clarity amidst your initiation. 
His eyebrows scrunch. “I went with Namjoon and Jimin to the bar downtown when we landed...I know I should’ve just come straight--”
“No,” you cut him off, honestly uncaring for how he’s spent his evening. You’re more concerned with how he’s spent a much larger gap of time. “Why did you stop?”
“Why did we stop?” You continue on, the pulse in your chest quickening. “Why did we stop trying for each other? Why are you here if you don’t care anymore?”
His face morphs into one of offense, as if you’ve just deeply insulted him. “Don’t...don’t care anymore? Why am I here?” Jungkook doesn’t feel so inebriated the more that you speak. “Who said I didn’t care anymore, Y/N?”
The sound of your name pouring from between his lips trips you up, a gasp of air inhaling between yours, but you clench your jaw, determined to hear something from him before you fall apart. “You...you stopped, Jungkook. You stopped talking to me like you used to...you stopped saying ‘I love you’.” Your gaze falls to the edge of the sheets in insecurity as you speak, everything you’ve been wondering for a long while now surfacing at the mercy of your newfound resolution. All the things you couldn’t seem to ask when he was an ocean away all seem so necessary now that he’s back home--now that he’s yours again. You don’t want him to not be yours. 
Your fallen eyes fail to see Jungkook moving from his leant place at the end of the bed, stifling a yelp of surprise when his body falls before you, seating himself on the same edge of the mattress and leaning his weight on the muscled arm he tents over your legs. When your stare shoots back up to his face, your unwavering purpose now wavering, you find his face to have a new sheen of intention, his brow furrowed with thought as he processes your words and his own musing. 
You keep quiet, busying yourself with your anxiously fiddling hands resting in your lap lest you reach out to touch him so close to you as he forms a response. “Y/N, look at me,” he requests, his voice steadier and gentle, sweet like you remember, so you look. His eyes are searching your face, making sure your attentions are his before his lips part again, slow and clear. “I love you.” 
Your heart nearly explodes on the spot, killing you both. It feels like a lifetime since you’ve been reassured of his affections, and to hear it now almost tears you open with relief. 
“I love you,” he repeats once more, leaning forward slightly. “I never stopped loving you. I never stopped trying. I was...confused.”
“What?” You’re aching for him to keep talking. You’re desperate for utter clarity, no matter the conditions. You just want to touch him. You want him to be yours. 
He drops his head for a moment, shaking it like he isn’t sure what to think anymore before rejoining your gaze. “I...you--it’s just that this whole time...” He’s at a loss for words, and you can see him mentally struggling to piece together both sides. Without thinking, your hand slides forward over his larder one, fingers beginning to trace along the veins that protrude just under his supple skin. The feeling of just that is euphoric, lighting up your nerves with a warmth they’ve been deprived of for much too long. You want more. 
“It’s okay, Jungkook. I’m listening. I’m here,” you comfort, not able to look him in the eye just yet and instead just continuing to stroke shapes into his hand until he’s shifting, palm moving to engulf yours like a gentle blanket, fingers slowly--agonizingly so--intertwining as his body slides forward a little more. You can almost smell the full weight of his natural scent, the memory of it long faded and long overdue for a renewal. 
“I thought you didn’t care anymore...or at least didn’t need me anymore,” he speaks softly again, explaining more calmly and collected this time, though his words still surprise you, eyes darting up to him in confusion.
“You thought I didn’t need you?”
“It’s just...you were so sad about me leaving, but it seemed like right after I was gone you--you just weren’t leaning on me for anything.” His words begin to blend together into a cohesive picture, the more he elaborates from his perspective, the more you begin to understand how things started to turn so sour, your hand wanting to pry from Jungkook’s just so you can face-palm yourself with all the regret readily available. 
“You didn’t text me nearly as much or about nearly as much. You cut our FaceTime’s short for whatever reason...I felt like I was missing out on your life and that that was okay--that you were doing fine without me here.”
It clicks.
“Oh my--I’m so sorry, Jungkook,” you heave, your heart heavy and mind reeling as you realize your grave mistake. You toss yourself forward throwing inhibition to the wind as your arms ensnare his neck, pulling him tight against you and reveling the opportunity to reconcile that him being here presents. 
His arms don’t hesitate for even a second to respond, wrapping in their entirety around the breadth of your waist, his face dipping away into your shoulder and making you feel as you did when you were in the airport so long ago, though the dread you felt then is replaced with fervent relief. 
“What are you sorry for, baby?” he wonders breathily against your skin, his lips brushing agonizingly sweet lines down your neck. 
“It was all a misunderstanding,” you reveal, feeling like an idiot just saying it. “All of it, everything, and it’s my fault. I’m so sorry. I made this so much harder on you than it was supposed to be.” 
“What are you talking about? Slow down, Y/N,” he soothes, brushing hands down your spine. “Just breathe.”
You comply. “I thought that you would be burdened, you know, having to focus on me so much while you were away. So I-I tried to handle things on my own as much as possible...god, it all sounds so dumb when I say it now. I don’t know what I was thinking.” You press your head into his hair, hiding your embarrassment and guilt from him, but he only breathes a heavy puff of repose. 
“That was it?”
“Well yeah--but then it got you thinking I was done with us, and you started pulling away too, and I’m sure it was a huge distraction that you didn’t need to focus on at all, and things could’ve been so much smoother so much sooner if I had just talked to you about it, and I--”
The pressure of his cupid’s lips pressing a line up your neck, along your jaw, and finally to the stalled part of your own shuts you up pretty quick. You melt into his hold, nothing more than the simple connection needed to have you falling apart. He seems so calm and relaxed despite what you’ve just told him, and you’re not sure why, but if it means more of this, then you don’t really know if you care.
“I love you,” he says again, and you don’t think you’ll ever tire of hearing it. “I never stopped loving you.” His reminder from earlier sits differently with you now. “And I’ll continue to love you. It’s exactly like you said--a misunderstanding.” He pecks your lips lethargically once more, savoring your taste. “And now that I understand, I just want to love you.”
His words set a pounding heart to rest, your eyes sighing closed as he pulls you into his lap and shifts along the mattress, cradling you over him and allowing you to inhale his presence for all its worth. You’re uncaring of every shitty moment you had to endure for whatever shitty reason leading up to this one because, for some reason, you presume your reunion wouldn’t have been the same--still happy, yes--but you’ve realized a newfound level of affection you have for Jungkook that you don’t think you realized before. A deeper kind of love. The kind that endures. 
aaaaand scene. i seriously can’t write breakup!au’s so here’s this cliche ending. cool? cool. 
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nochanchu · 5 years
more than this
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pairing: park jimin x reader (unnamed oc) genre: college au | romance, not really drama drama but it’s internal, theme of pining, includes alcohol mention and player!jimin wc: 3,101 description: [based on number seven of this prompt list] Jimin struggles to express his feelings—it’s a given for such a frivalous lifestyle—but she makes it so hard and so easy to crave something else, something more. 
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It’s a chance meeting. Nothing more, nothing less.
Jimin knows how this interaction will go. He will talk to her, she will engage him in some witty repertoire, probably flirt back just a teensy bit, then before he can seal the deal, she will shut him out and wrap up her defenses as high as New York’s skyscrapers just to keep herself safe. It’s admirable, endearing actually, that she doesn’t fall into him, that she fires back responses with a curve to her lips and a hand on her hips, because when someone as divine as she gives him the time of day, he can hardly contain himself from returning with a measured grin and hazy eyes filled with interest and a dash of curiosity.
There’s something about her, he has often noted. She doesn’t care about him or his reputation. She doesn’t care for his dyed red hair or his piercings. Hell, she doesn’t comment on any of it, lest he tries to cross the platonic boundary with some teasing suggestions, then she reminds him of his previous flings with a raised brow and a pursed lip. It’s an effective way for him to shut up—something she has prided herself in for the last few months—and it makes him wonder how he has done it. He’s used to Yoongi shutting him up. Sometimes even the jeers of his friend group easily silencing him, but it’s good-natured and sometimes well-deserved. But her? When she shuts him up, he feels like he has done something wrong, like he’s playing with a boundary that can’t be crossed with that method, and yet in all his fucked up experience, he isn’t even sure how he can bridge the gap with just a simple, “Hi, how are you?”
It’s not him. Not anymore. He doesn’t know how to fucking function in normal relationships. What is normal anyway? Is it giving her flowers before a date? Walking up to her doorstep and watching her walk inside? Is he supposed to wait to kiss her or does he just do it because it feels right? When he takes her to the restaurant, is he supposed to open the door for her? How about the car—
He shakes his head at the thought, heaving a long and drawn out sigh along the way. Because he doesn’t fucking know. He has no clue at all. That part of him—the oh-so-romantic side—is long gone, and whatever conception he has left of love is nothing more than phone number exchanges at his frat parties, overnight stays in his bed or theirs and a few dark splotches as a temporary reminder, and the faint recollection of what may have transpired before he is back to step one, if you can even call any of that shit love, that is.
When she sees him, she throws a coy smile in greeting.
Jimin does the same, waiting for her usual jabs.
“This is a first,” she casts an up and down look at him. “No one’s hanging off your arm or sucking on your face.”
There it is, he thinks, feeling a little nauseous at the thought. He hopes he sounds as nonchalant as he thinks he does. “Is that an expectation for me?”
“Isn’t it for all you fuckboys?”
He sighs, a part of him already resigned to the label she has been keen on reminding him of since the two of them first met.
On any normal day, Jimin probably would’ve enjoyed this sort of thing. His own notoriety preceding him well if anyone knew him. Their crowds ran in different circles. Greek life meets org life. Which isn’t much different from one another, if not for the fact that she was the one making shit the Juneteenth happen while he made beer pong, mild hazing, and the frequent stomp performance at Rush Week a thing. It was inevitable for the two of them to meet, and yet it only happened when he found her moving in on his floor as his second year of being an RA.
“I suppose it is,” he replies before a sip of his beer. The bitter taste is without even a hint of the citrus fruits that were promised at the start of the night, though even as the alcohol dissipates into his system, he still feels that bitterness when he realizes that it isn’t the beverage bugging him.
Perhaps he should, instead, say that if this were with anybody else, then he wouldn’t have minded being withered down to a simple fuckboy status. But because this is her—the very active presence in the background of his thoughts with your kind, inquisitive smile and witty quips that get him to flush with laughter—he is bothered at himself than anything else.
She tilts her head at him and asks, “What’s wrong?”
He catches himself before he can ask how she knows something’s up, because he isn’t sure how he would respond. Truthfully, he doesn’t want to admit to the truth that has been bubbling up inside him like Coca-cola fizz, or the result of an extremely bad hangover. The aftermath is far from pretty, jarring even if she hasn’t suspected anything from him.
“Nothin—” Her glare stops him.
“You’re terrible at bullshitting, Jimin. I hope you know that.”
“I’m just tired,” he says, hoping to convince her (and himself), but he would take anyone’s belief right now. He would arguably appreciate one of his idiotic frat brothers coming over to steal him away, so he won’t have to face this reality.
“Let’s go then.”
“What?” he blurts out, unsure if he heard her correctly. 
She grabs onto his arm before he can say another word, already taking a few steps before tripping over herself. He reacts quickly, of course. Her own body now leaning against him as he navigates her both out of the too-warm house and into the cool, crisp air outside. It swarms them both and whisks away the smell of sweat and booze as they both walk down the street toward the dormitories. He almost can’t believe she isn’t pulling away. In fact, he almost goes into shock when she actually gravitates back to him when he tries to create distance between them.
“Stay here. I might trip and die if you keep leaving me,” she says with a small frown.
Jimin swears it’s actually a pout, but her pouting is an image he never thought he would live to see. Because while they both often talked casually, the space she puts between them is intentional. By disallowing him the privy of seeing her in any other aspect but surface, it is to make sure he knows that she has no intentions of falling for his charms and becoming one of his many fling casualties. He has long since accepted this, conditioning himself to the quips and the distance if only to remain in her life. It’s kind of pathetic. He never would’ve thought he would be like this with someone, walking on eggshells and still hoping to have a moment longer with them, but she makes it easy for someone like him.
“Are you sure you want me walking you home? I thought you didn’t trust fuckboys like me.” He doesn’t mean to sound so self-deprecating, but he figures he can pass off his behavior as being tipsy whenever she confronts him about it.
But she surprises him yet again when she doesn’t. Instead she shrugs with a sway as each steps on the blemished gravel makes a steady path harder.
“You’re my RA. Shouldn’t I trust you?” There’s a twinge of sarcasm laced between her words, but he knows the semblance of truth is still there. Even if he has to squint to see it.
“Well, true...” When she stumbles into his bicep, a realization strikes him as quickly as her cheek does and he has to make sure to be extra careful when walking with her. He’s dense as hell, so he has to ask to make sure. “Hey, are you drunk?” 
“No!” She tries to tell him with a straight face, but a peal of laughter escapes past her lips, making his heart beat out of pace and into some sputtering wreck. “Yeah, okay. A little.”
Of course, she’s drunk. 
Considering she has never really let him stand this close to her (something he has respected), it should’ve clicked before, what with her stumbling out of the house and clinging onto him like a lifeline. Normal circumstances would’ve put them at a whole meter distance instead of this millimeter one. Nor would he have an opportunity to walk with her unless it happened by chance. And, he doesn’t mind at all, really walking with her is its own bonus to keeping her safe.
Jimin’s only concern right now is getting her back to her dorm, away from the danger that lurks on dark, empty streets, from the copious amounts of booze offered at every corner of his frat house, and most of all, his brothers either lurking about to spill his dreaded secret or just to flirt to get a response out of him (though it would’ve also been out of their own prerogatives as well). He hates to think that there’s some need to stake claim to her, because he just can’t see that with her, or anyone really. He’s never been that territorial kind of guy, as raunchous as his reputation precedes him, things just happen. Perhaps there’s a game of hard-to-get, but too much hard isn’t his forté, nor is too easy either. He likes the middle ground, where there’s a push-and-pull, an equilibrium of sorts that can subdue and enthrall him all the same; where he’s more himself than just bits and pieces conjured at times that necessitate certain him’s; where as shitty as he feels, he can still somehow feel better, even in situations where he is simply walking back home. He likes, well, her.
It’s such a stupid thought when he reiterates to himself that she isn’t just anybody to him, because no fucking shit she isn’t just anybody. To anyone at all. She’s a godsend, a damn gift, a person that—if he ever had to guts to say—makes him want to connect, to finally bridge a gap with someone that hasn’t been his friend for more than five years, because he loves his friends. They’re the best people in his life. But her? She holds down her own tier, effortlessly.
He realizes they’re both almost back at the dorm, her room, to be very exact. He’s disappointed at not having been able to talk to her, but he blames his mouth’s current inability to open and create sound. He wishes to brave that jump and just let her hear what his heart wants him to finally say. But when he looks at her underneath the bright fluorescent lights, he suddenly finds any and all words caught and jumbled in his throat like a bad traffic jam on a three-day weekend. He just can’t stop looking at her. Like really looking at her. It isn’t her constant rejection that bugs him, or even her at all, it’s what he knows she sees that really gets to him.
“What?” They both seem to say, breaking away the faintest of tension in the air. He laughs and so does she.
The more he urges himself to speak, the less he feels brave enough to do so. Even though a part of him wants to hear the truth so he can finally get over this, another doesn’t want to. That part would rather live in the suspense and hope for reciprocation.
“You look like you want to say something,” she points out. Her gaze flickers over his visage with careful consideration, though it looks more adorable with the small pout adorning her lips. He can’t say this is the first time he’s seen her like this, but that memory is faint and fading in favor of this new one. Whether it’s good or bad makes him even more nervous. “Jimin, spit it out.”
“I—” He pauses. “You’re still drunk right?”
She snorts, giving a nod as she leans against your door. “That can’t fade in a ten-minute walk, J. Why?”
“Okay, good… I wanna ask you something then.”
“Is it another pick-up line? Because, c’mon now, those are getting old. At this point, they’ve become keep away sirens like ‘wee-woo, fuckboy alert! Wee-woo!’” He can’t tell if she’s joking. He wants to say yes, but the joviality in her eyes barely matches the fatigue in her tone, and the reality of rejection seems to sink in more than ever.
“No, not that,” he says in a small whisper.
“What then?” She tilts her head, either out of curiosity or increasing sleepiness.
For obvious reasons, he expects the words to refuse to come. His courage dissipating alongside them. He doesn’t want to face reality with her, he prefers the comfort of the usual, he likes her jabs and their banters, he likes being this close without being too close, and even though he hates the unknown, he likes not knowing whether she likes him back or not.
“I’d been planning on saying this for a while, but…” He shakes his head, instead he says, “It’s nothing. Have a good night, okay?”  
She blinks, unsure of what to make of the sudden change probably. “Are you sure?”
He nods. “I’ll just wait until you get in, and I’ll leave you be for the rest of the night.”
She softly says okay, fumbling with her keys but managing.
Jimin watches as she gets inside, he swears she pauses and it looks like she has more to say but seems to decide against it, and instead an exchange of small waves passes between them before she shuts the door.
He can suddenly breathe properly then.
Maybe next time.
Next time finds its way to him the following morning.
She sent him a text just to see if Jimin was awake and she came knocking not too long afterwards. The know is a simple beat, one of which she came up with for the sole purpose of having someone to corroborate a potential alibi with, not that any of the other RAs have ever cared. But it was something Jimin and she shared, and it was something he was grateful for nonetheless.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, just as she did last night but this time sober.
He opens his mouth before shutting it immediately, falling prey to the hard stare she gives him.
“No bullshitting, Jimin.”
He steps aside to let her in. She takes perch on his desk, while he remains leaning against the now shut door. His nerves are bubbling back up again, but there is no escape this time.
“I know there’s something on your mind. You were so… quiet last night, even brooding you has more to say than you did last night, so as your friend, someone that knows you were running away from something—I have no idea what—please talk to me. You sounded like you had something to say, but you didn’t and I’m both curious and concerned to hear it.”
“Can you be honest about something with me?” he asks softly. He sits on his unmade bed and meets her eyes. Despite how much he would love to read into the fact that she caught on to how odd he was acting, he chalks that up to her being the observant person that she is, not a testament to feelings she probably isn’t harboring for him.
She nods.
“Am I just a fuckboy to you? It sounds ridiculous aloud, but with all the jabs you throw my way, it makes me wonder if that’s the only way you see me. I get it, I definitely deserve it. My reputation and all that precedes me. But it’s hard when I hope you might see me otherwise… I guess, if that makes any sense.”
He says all this with a wandering eye, the bulletin board with photos of his friends and family looking a lot less intimidating to even the awfully patterned carpet. 
“See you otherwise…” she repeats, catching his attention with clearing her throat. “Jimin, do you want to know how I really feel about you?”
“Yeah, of course.”
She smiles a little. “I think you’re a great guy. Surprise, surprise right? I mean why else would I hang around you? You’re funny and sweet for the most part, and what you did last night stuck with me well into the night, because if I thought you were just like any other fuckboy on this campus, I would’ve accepted a walk home from any one of my other friends willing to do it. I wouldn’t have asked what was bothering you, in fact I was hoping you’d tell me on the walk, but Jimin, you didn’t try to make a move on me like any other asshole who would’ve when I was drunk, and besides that… I feel very fond of you.”
Jimin is speechless. The shroud of uncertainty lifting like clouds parting to make way for the sun. He can’t help but break out into a large grin.
“Does that clarify a few things?”
“It does. Thank you,” he says, running a hand through his hair. “Holy shit.”
“Who knew you were so shy?”
He wants to scoff, but he can’t and they both know it. “I’m sorry, I’m shit at this kind of thing. I don’t know how to do the fairy tale kind of love. I thought I could once upon a time, but you know how that went—poorly—and here I am, struggling and trying. Even if this wasn’t an ideal confession, I want you to know that I feel very fond of you too, by the way.”
“None of this has to be fairy tale perfect, or well, Disney fairytale perfect. It can be Brothers Grimm perfect, sans all the death and gore. I don’t mind that you’re learning. I am too, alright? We can learn to get something right together. That sound good?”
“It sounds Disney fairytale perfect,” he says, and she snorts.
“Good, because I think Disney fairytale perfect entails that we deserve some non-dining commons breakfast food. Me, especially for coming here despite having been drunk last night.”
“How does breakfast at Black Bear Diner sound?”
“It’s a date, you ready?”
“With you, of course.”
He grabs his keys and shucks on a sweatshirt from his closet, her soon following suit, as they have the first of many dates.  
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NOW~~G-Dragon Pt.13
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Genre:Angst/SMUT Rated:NSFW Pairing: GD X Reader wordcount:3,740 Masterlist DISCLAIMER!:remember this is just an edit of an original book called after by anna todd i do not own this book!
When Jiyong finally breaks our kiss, he sits on my bed and I join him.
We’re quiet for a few minutes, so I begin to feel nervous, like there is some way I should be behaving now that we are . . . more, but I have no clue what way that is.
“What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” he asks.
“Nothing, just studying,” I say.
“Cool.” He clicks his tongue onto the roof of his mouth. He seems nervous, too, and I am glad it isn’t just me.
“Come here.” Jiyong beckons me and opens his arms.
The moment I sit on his lap, the door opens and he groans.Hyuna, Tristan, and Nate all pour in and then stare at us as I climb off Jiyong and sit on the other side of the bed.
“So are you guys like fuck buddies now?” Nate says plainly.
“No! We aren’t!” I squeak. I don’t know what I should tell them, so I just wait for Jiyong to say something. He stays quiet as Tristan and Nate begin to talk to him about the party last night.
“It seems I didn’t miss much,” Jiyong says to them, and Nate shrugs.
“Until Chaerin gave us a strip show; she got completely naked, you should have been there,” Nate replies. I cringe and look toward Hyuna, who is staring at Tristan, probably hoping he isn’t going to comment on Chaerin being naked.
Jiyong smiles. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
I gasp, then try to conceal it as a cough. He did not just say that.
His face falls, seeming to understand what he just did.
Maybe this was a terrible idea; it is already sort of awkward, and now that everyone is in the room it’s magnified. Why didn’t he tell them we were dating? Are we dating? I don’t really understand, myself. I thought after his confession that we were, but we never actually said it. Maybe we don’t need to? This uncertainty is already driving me crazy; the entire time I have been with Hoseok I have never had to worry about his feelings for me. I never had to deal with ex-friends with benefits—I am the only girl Hoseok has ever kissed in his life, and honestly I like it that way. I wish Jiyong had never done anything with another girl, or at least had done things with fewer of them.
“We’re going bowling after I change. Do you want to come?” Hyuna asks and I shake my head.
“I have to catch up on my studying. I have barely gotten any done this weekend,” I tell her and look away as the memories of this weekend flood through my mind.
“You should come, it will be fun,” Jiyong says, but I shake my head. I really need to stay in, and I was sort of hoping he would stay with me. Hyuna steps into the closet and returns a few minutes later with different clothes on.
“Ready, guys? You’re sure you don’t want to come?” she asks me.
I nod. “I’m sure.”
They all get up to leave, and Jiyong gives me a wave and a small smile before exiting the room. I’m disappointed with Jiyong’s goodbye, and hope that he’d made these plans before this weekend together and the drama today.
But what did I expect? For him to rush over and kiss me, tell me he would miss me? I laugh at the thought. I don’t know if anything will even change between Jiyong and me besides us actively trying to avoid one another. I am too used to how things are with Hoseok, so I have no idea how this is going to be, and I hate not having control over every situation.
After an hour of studying and attempting to take a nap, I grab my phone to text Jiyong. Wait, I don’t even have his number. I had never thought about it before; we have never talked on the phone or texted before. We never needed to; we couldn’t stand each other. This is going to be more complicated than I thought.
I call my mother to catch up with her, and mostly to see if Hoseok has told her what happened yet. He would be arriving back home soon from the two-hour drive, and I am sure he won’t waste any time telling her everything. She answers with a simple hello, so I know she has no clue yet. I tell her about my failed attempt to get a car, and the possible internship with Vance. Of course, she reminds me that I have been at college over a month and I still haven’t found a car. I roll my eyes and let her continue to ramble on about what she has been doing the last week. My phone lights up while I am listening to her. I place her on speakerphone and read the text.
You should have come with us, with me, the message reads. My heart swells; it’s Jiyong .
Pretending to listen to my mother, I mumble “Hmm . . . oh . . .” a few times while I text him back.
You should have stayed, I send. I stare at the screen, waiting for him to reply.
I am coming to pick you up, he replies after what seems like forever.
What? No, I don’t want to go bowling, you’re already there. Just stay.
I already left. Be ready. Boy, he’s demanding, even through text messages.
My mother is still talking and I have no idea what about. I stopped listening once Jiyong texted me. “Mom, I will call you back,” I interrupt.
“Why?” she asks with surprise and disdain.
“I . . . um . . . well, I spilled coffee on my notes. I gotta go.”
I hang up and hastily go into the closet, pulling Jiyong’s pajamas off and grabbing my new jeans and a plain purple top. I brush out my hair, which looks decent considering it hasn’t been washed. I check the time and go down to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and when I return Jiyong is waiting on my bed.
“Where were you?” he asks.
“Brushing my teeth,” I tell him and put my toiletry bag away.
“Ready?” He stands up and walks toward me. I half expect him to hug me, but he doesn’t. He just moves to the door.
I nod and grab my purse and phone.
When we get to his car, he keeps the radio down as he drives. I really don’t want to go to the bowling alley. I hate bowling, but I want to spend time with him. I don’t like how codependent I already feel.
“How long do you think we will be there?” I ask after a few minutes of silence.
“I don’t know . . . why?” He looks sideways at me.
“I don’t know . . . I don’t really care for bowling.”
“It won’t be too bad. Everyone’s there,” he assures me. I hope everyone doesn’t include part-time ho Chaerin.
“I guess,” I mumble and look out the window.
“You don’t want to go?” His voice is quiet.
“Not really, that’s why I said no the first time.” I laugh a little nonlaugh.
“Let’s go somewhere else, then?”
“Where?” I am irritated with him, but I’m not sure why.
“My house,” he suggests and I smile and nod. His smile grows, showing the dimples that I have grown so fond of. “My house it is, then.” He reaches over and puts his hand on my thigh. My skin warms, and I put my hand over his.
Fifteen minutes later we are pulling up to the large fraternity house. I haven’t been here since Jiyong and I fought and I walked back to the dorms. As he leads me up the stairs, none of the guys bothers to look twice at us; they must be used to seeing Jiyong bring a girl home. My stomach pings at the thought. I need to stop thinking this way, because it’s going to drive me insane and there is nothing I can do to change it.
“Here we are,” Jiyong says and unlocks his door. I follow him inside and he turns the light on, kicking his boots off his feet and onto the floor. He moves over to his bed and pats the spot next to him.
As I walk toward him, my curiosity gets the best of me. “Was Chearin there? At the bowling alley?” I look out his window as I ask him.
“Yeah, of course she was,” he answers casually. “Why?”
I sit down on the soft bed and Jiyong pulls me by my ankles closer to him. I laugh and slide closer, my back flat against the bed, putting my knees up and my feet on the other side of his legs.
“I was just wondering . . .” I tell him and he grins.
“She is always going to be around; she’s a part of our group.”
I know it’s silly of me to be this jealous of her, but she just bothers me. She acts like she likes me, when I know she doesn’t, and I know she likes Jiyong . Now that we are . . . whatever we are, I don’t want her near him.
“You aren’t like worried that I will fuck her, are you?”
I swat his arm at his use of words. I love the way dirty words sound coming off his lips, but not when she’s involved.
“No, well, I . . . maybe. I just know you have before, and I don’t want you to again,” I say. I am sure he is going to mock my jealousy, so I turn my head sideways.
His hand goes to my knee and he squeezes gently. “I wouldn’t do that . . . not now. Don’t worry about her, okay?” His words are gentle, and I believe him.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone about us?” I know I should just shut my mouth, but it has been bothering me.
“I don’t know . . . I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to. Besides, what we do is our business. Not theirs,” he explains. His answer is much better than what was going through my mind.
“I guess you’re right. I thought maybe you were embarrassed or something?” I say and he laughs.
“Why would I possibly be embarrassed by you? Look at you.” His eyes darken and he moves his hand to my stomach. His fingers tug up my shirt and he draws circles on my bare skin with his digits. Goose bumps raise my skin and he smiles.
“I love the way your body responds to me,” he breathes. I know what is coming next, and I can’t wait.
Jiyong ’s fingers trail farther up my shirt, causing my breath to quicken. A smile creeps onto his beautiful face as he becomes aware.
“One touch and you’re already panting,” his raspy voice whispers. He leans over, moving my feet off his lap so that he can bring his mouth to my neck. His tongue makes a flat stripe down my neck and I quiver. My fingers thread into his Hair and I tug as he nips at my skin. One of his hands slides down in between my legs but I grab his wrist to stop him.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Nothing . . . I just thought that I would do something for you this time?”
I look away, but his fingers cup my chin so I am forced to make eye contact with him. He tries to hide his smirk, but I catch him.
“And what would you like to do for me?”
“Well . . . I thought I could, you know, what you said the other day?” I don’t know why I am so shy with words when Jiyong says anything and everything he is thinking, but the words “blow job” are not in my vocabulary.
“You want to suck my cock?” he asks, clearly surprised.
I am officially horrified. Yet somehow turned on. “Um . . . yeah. I mean if you want me to?” I hope as our relationship progresses I will be able to say these things to him. I would love to be comfortable enough with Jiyong to be able to feel that sort of bravery, to tell him exactly what I want to do to him.
“Of course I want you to. I’ve wanted your lips around me since I first saw you.” I’m oddly flattered by his crude remark, but then he asks, “Are you sure, though? Have you ever . . . even seen a dick before?”
I’m sure he knows the answer to that; maybe he’s just trying to get me to say it?
“Of course I have. Not a real one, but pictures, and I once walked in on the neighbor watching a naughty movie,” I tell him and he stifles a laugh. “Stop laughing at me, Jiyong,” I warn him.
“I’m not, baby, I’m sorry. It’s just I have never met anyone who has such little experience. It’s a good thing, though, I swear. Sometimes your innocence just throws me off a bit. But with that being said, it’s a huge turn-on that I am the only one who has ever made you come, yourself included.” He doesn’t laugh this time, which makes me feel better.
“Okay . . . so let’s get started.”
He smiles and runs his thumb along my cheek. “So sassy, I like it,” he says and stands up.
“Where are you going?” I ask him and he smiles.
“Nowhere, I am just taking my pants off.”
“I wanted to do that,” I say with a pout and he chuckles and tugs his pants back up.
“Here ya go, babe.” He puts his hands on his hips.
I smile and move forward, pulling his pants down. Should I pull down his boxers, too? Jiyong takes a step back and puts his heels against his bed before sitting down. I drop to my knees in front of him and he takes a deep breath.
“Come closer, babe.”
I scoot closer and place my hands on his bent knees.
“Are you okay?” he asks carefully.
I nod and he pulls me up by my elbows.
“Let’s just kiss for a minute, okay?” he suggests and pulls me on top of him.
I have to admit I’m relieved. I still want to do this, I just need a minute to process, and kissing will make me more comfortable. He kisses me, slowly at first, but within seconds the electricity builds and takes over me. I grip his arms hard under my fingertips and rock back and forth on his lap. The bulge in his thin boxers grows and I tug gently on his hair. I wish I would have worn a skirt so I could lift it up and feel him against me . . . I’m shocked by my own thoughts as I reach down and palm him through his boxers.
“Fuck, Y/N. If you keep doing that, I will come in my boxers again,” he moans and I stop, climbing off him. I move to get on my knees again.
“Take your jeans off,” he instructs, and I nod before unbuttoning them and sliding them down my legs. Feeling brave, I pull my shirt over my head and toss it aside. Jiyong takes his lip between his teeth as I move back down in front of him. My fingers grip the waistband of his boxers and tug as he lifts off the bed enough for me to pull them down.
I can feel my eyes widen and hear my own gasp as Jiyong’s manhood comes into view. Wow, it’s big. Much bigger than I expected. How am I going to even get it into my mouth?
I stare for a few seconds until I reach out and touch it with my index finger. Jiyong chuckles as it moves slightly but bounces right back.
“How . . . I mean . . . what should I do first?” I stutter. I am intimidated by the size of him, but I want to do this.
“I’ll show you. Here . . . wrap your fingers like last time . . .”
My fingers go around him and I wiggle them a little. The skin covering him is much softer than I expected. I know I’m poking it and examining it like a science project, but this is so new to me, it almost feels like one.
I grip it lightly and move my hand up and down slowly. “Like this?” I ask, and Jiyong nods, his chest rising and falling.
“Now . . . just put your mouth around it. Not all of it, well, if you can . . . but just put as much as you can.”
I take a deep breath and lean down. Opening my mouth, I take him in, only about halfway. He hisses and his hands move to my shoulders. I pull back slightly and taste something salty. Is that come already? The taste goes away and I move my head up and down. Some instinct that I wasn’t aware of tells me to move my tongue up and down his shaft as I move.
“Holy fuck. Yeah, like that,” Jiyong groans and I repeat the action. His grip on my shoulders tightens, and his hips rock upward to meet my mouth. I push myself farther, taking almost all of him in, and look up at him. His eyes are rolled to the back of his head and he looks heavenly. The lean muscle underneath his tattooed skin is pulling, making the script across his ribs move slowly. I turn my focus back to sucking and move a little faster.
“Use your hand on . . . on the rest . . .” he gasps and I oblige. My hand moves up and down on the bottom of him as my mouth works the top. I suck my cheeks in and he groans again.
“Fuck . . . fuck. Y/N. I am . . . I am so close,” he says, straining. “If you don’t want it in your mouth . . . then . . . you . . . have to stop.”
I look up at him, keeping him in my mouth. I love the way he is losing control because of me.
“Shit . . . keep looking . . . at me.” His body tenses as he watches me. I bat my eyelashes, giving the full effect. Hardin curses my name repeatedly, beautifully, and I feel a slight jerk in my mouth and a warm, salty liquid shoots down my throat in short spurts. I gag and pull back. It didn’t taste as bad as I thought it would, but it definitely doesn’t taste good. His hands move from my shoulders to my cheeks.
He’s out of breath and dazed. “How . . . was it?”
I climb off my knees and sit next to him on the bed. His arms wrap around me and he lays his head on my shoulder. “I thought it was nice,” I say, and he laughs.
“It was fun, sort of. To see you that way. And it didn’t taste as bad as I thought,” I confess. I should be embarrassed that I just admitted to liking it, but I’m not. “How was it for you?” I ask nervously.
“I was so very pleasantly surprised—the best head I have ever gotten.”
I blush at his words. “Sure it was.” I laugh. I appreciate him trying to make me feel better about my lack of experience.
“No, really. The way you are so . . . pure, it does something to me. And fuck, when you looked up at me—”
“Okay! Okay!” I cut him off and wave my hand at him. I don’t want to relive every detail of my first time doing this. He chuckles and gently pushes me back against the mattress.
“Now let me make you feel as good as you did me,” he growls in my ear and sucks the skin on my neck. His fingers hook into my panties and tug them down. “Do you want my finger or my tongue?” he whispers seductively.
“Both,” I answer and he smiles.
“As you wish.” He dips his head down. I whimper and tug at his hair again. I do that a lot to him, but he seems to like it. My back arches off the bed, and within minutes I’m in a completely euphoric state, calling Jiyong’s name as I come undone.
AFTER MY BREATHING SLOWS, I sit up and bring my fingers to trace the dark ink on his chest. He watches me carefully but doesn’t stop me. He stays quiet as he lies down next to me, letting me enjoy my sedated state.
“No one has ever touched me this way,” he says, and I swallow all the questions I want to ask him. Instead of interrogating him, I give him a small smile and a quick kiss on his chest.
“Stay with me tonight?” he asks and I shake my head.
“I can’t; tomorrow is Monday and we have classes.” I want to stay with him but not on a Sunday.
His look is soft. “Please.”
“I don’t have any clothes to wear tomorrow.”
“Wear those; please stay with me. Just one night. I promise you will make it to your classes on time.”
“I don’t know . . .”
“I will even make sure you get there fifteen minutes early and have enough time to stop by the coffeehouse and meet Tae,” he says and my lips part.
“How do you know I do that?”
“I watch you . . . I mean not all the time. But I notice you more than you think,” he tells me and my heart swells. I’m falling for him, hard and fast.
“I’ll stay,” I tell him but hold my hand up to continue. “On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“Come back to Literature,” I ask, and he raises his eyebrow.
I smile at his simple answer and he pulls me closer to his chest.
i know that’s a short edit but don’t worry i will edit another part tomorrow as well! let me know your thoughts in the ask box! do you think their relationship will last long? at least without the dramabigbang
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
husband! Mingyu
anon requested: "Can you do a husband mingyu? Love your blog!"
can you say perfect housewife husband material
the guy cooks
changes light bulbs
he can do it all
probably wakes up earlier than you in the morning to make eggs, bacon, pancakes, anything you want or can imagine for breakfast
and brews coffee amazingly too
and sits there with his cup of coffee at the dinner table sipping the brew, wearing a large cardigan
and when you wake up to the blissful scent of food and coffee
and walk out to the dining room
he gets up still wearing pajamas, his cardigan, and fluffy bunny slippers
towering tall but still hecka cute dad look
and gives you a hug and a kiss on the forehead with a "Morning, beautiful"
lots of playing with your hair
you'll both be sitting on the couch watching a drama or movie
and he'll braid your hair without even looking
and it'll turn out amazing
but he was staring at the tv screen the whole time
never have to ask him to clean anything
does laundry and cleans dishes
always leaves the toilet seat down because you asked him to
if he has the time,
he’ll pack you your lunch for work everyday
healthy and nutritious meal always
getting you this cute arse lunchbag and leaving a note in there like, 
“make sure you eat every last bite wifey <3″
oml and you're pretty much his taste tester
he’ll come up with all sorts of things, random doing weird food combinations
sitting at the table, you’ll sit and wait for mingyu to bring out the food
“Mingyu what is this”
“sshh that doesn’t matter just try it!!” he says sitting next to you
looks at you with wide puppy eyes as you put the spoon in your mouth
“its alright,” you say casually, even though in your mind it was mother effing delicious 
like how does he do it
“just alright?” he asks his eyes getting a tiny bit sad, “i swear i tried it and it was so good!”
you hide the smile coming out quickly and lean over to press a kiss to his cheek
“just kidding~” you say leaning back and grinning 
he’ll grab a spoon and give you a giant spoonful
“too much” you try to say through the food
“what? you want more?” he was teasing you
and gets hit with a pair of chopsticks
he's really playful when it’s time to be playful
like you’ll be standing in your shared bathroom brushing your teeth and he’ll come in and start doing some weird dances looking at you through the mirror
and like the smooth person you are, you choke on your toothpaste for a minute
and he’ll be laughing and just patting your back
“i hate you” you say with foam around your mouth
he wraps his arms around your waist snuggling his head into your hair
“why are you mean to me like this,” he pouts
“okay baby i’m sorry do you need me too tuck you in?” you tease 
as soon as you look at his facial expression, you knew you should’ve thought about your words a little better
“you could do something else besides tucking me in,” his smirk slowly getting more prominent
“kim mingyu go away” you swat at him
“i’ll be waiting for you Mrs. Kim~” 
he's serious when it’s time to be serious
one day you’ll come home like really stressed our from work
and just drop your purse or bag on the ground let yourself sink into the couch
while just staring at the ceiling,
you can see and feel Mingyu settle next to you, wrapping his arms around you
“tell me about your day?” he asks softly, almost whisper like
everything just spills out letting all the stress and anger out
with Mingyu listening, comforting, and giving his own advice
and he’ll cook you dinner after, or order your favorite take out
just whatever you want
totally just cuddling on the couch and stuffing your faces
and oh my god
there’s not enough words to describe the boys
you guys still get calls from the boys who are staying at the dorm 
because the dorm is like a place all the guys can rest at after practice
meaning they want food
and Mingyu for sure rather cook for you 
not because of the number difference or anything
“noona we want our housewife Mingyu back”
you’ll just look at Mingyu, who’s sitting next to you, and start cracking up with him
“Seungkwan, me and MIngyu both work so no housewives here”
“FINE. OKAY. then how much you want for us to get you to come over because I won’t live through any more Hansol ramen.”
you guys are just like, to be lazy or to not be lazy
Mingyu still as sweet as always so he caves sometimes
and you guys go over and the first thing that happens in Chan shoving bags of ramen in front of you guys like
“hyung if you don’t do this you’ll have to pay your part in the fire fees okay”
pretty much you guys are just dancing in the kitchen together
unwrapping ramyun packages
he tells you to sit down and just wait until he’s done
so you sit at the counter and watch him cook with your head resting on your hand
which he knows because you're pretty much staring blatantly
so he does little things to try to ‘impress you’ 
even though he obviously doesn’t need too because you guys are married
but whatever gotta keep it interesting ;)
and when Mingyu’s serving the ramyun he’ll give you the most
which gets all the boys triggered lol
and Mingyu just shrugs like, “I gotta keep my baby healthy” 
everyone's just like ...
you're like ‘wait’
“YOU'RE HAVING A KID?” Seokmin screams
and then it’s chaos from there
Mingyu’s just like ????
“HEY STOP NO WE ARE NOT HAVING A KID” you yell over them, shaking your head
“you gotta be careful with what you say Ming,” you laugh 
he scratches his head sheepishly, “whoops”
yup just as clumsy as always
ooh and he always makes sure there’s date nights
they’re not spontaneous or anything because Mingyu likes too plan
except he also doesn’t really like to tell you anything either
but you read him really well so when you get some texts at work, even more than normal,
‘how’s your day going bb?’ and ‘i love you have a nice day <3′
you know something's up
as soon as you walk through the door he’s there, ready and grinning
“get ready we’re going on a date!!” 
you break out into a smile and laugh, “dress attire?”
“hmm fancy” he says wiggling his eyebrows
he’ll walk you out and open the door like the gentleman he is, setting the vibe
and you’ll giggle at this Mingyu, date MIngyu that you haven’t seen in a minute
Mingyu’s a romantic so he’ll take you guys out to your favorite restaurant, maybe watch a film or musical, whatever you're into
and then drive out to a park or river maybe, and just enjoy some fresh air and have talks
unlike the fun and exciting dates you guys had while dating, married dates are more relaxed and comfortable
but of course there’s still the fun and exciting moments too ;)
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101scenes · 7 years
Wanna One Ong Seong Woo - Lovebirds Pt.1
✽ suggested by: anon
✽ featuring: ong seongwoo
✽ genre: fluff
✽ word count: 1,657 words
✽ summary: you took the offer reluctantly. it’s not like he liked me anyway. time seemed to drag on as you sat on your bed, staring at the beautiful party dress that your roommate has kindly lent you. you had no other choice.
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yes it is another school au, i just cant stOP MYSELF IM SORRY-
dragging your two luggage ok i searched this up luggage was already a collective noun so “luggages” isn’t a word bye, you finally reached the door of the common room to your new found dorm.
your high school seemed to be a bit different from others, as they had you stay in dorms instead of returning home everyday
i suppose its like a boarding school, where they make you learn to be independent from a young age
they make students move into dorms once they reach junior year, and would stay until they graduated
anyways you were a junior
and you were assigned to a dorm
you were told that your shared dorm was on the 5th floor, contained 4 rooms, with 3 people sharing each room
there was also a kitchen, dining and living area for each story (lets call that the common area)
as the seniors of the previous year had graduated, 6 new spots were freed on the 5th floor, allowing 6 new juniors of the present year to take over their spots
while the juniors of last year get promoted to seniors, but they remain in their dorms
ok enough with the backstory
once you arrived on the 5th floor, you caught a glimpse of the entire 5th floor, where it was stylishly decorated
it had a giant common room area, with a gigantic sofa, accompanied by the flat screen TV hung on the wall
the place was also adorn with many different plants
which was nice
before you could peep around anymore, a door of one of the rooms suddenly opened, revealing a cute boy wearing a shirt and shorts, clearly not completely awoken yet
you could see by his fresh bedhead and his eyes halfway opened
you didn’t really know what to do, but you assumed he was a senior
he stretched, yawned
and out of the blue he screamed “dAAANIEEELLL”
which literally scared the living soul out of you
you were frozen on the spot
like a deer caught in the headlights
after hearing no response, he rubbed his eyes, you assumed he was about to try to look for this “daniel” person
once his eyes were completely open, he made eye contact with you, a random girl in the dorm in a red beanie staring right back at him in horror
he had to rub his eyes once more to make sure that his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him (shocked at your beauty or your presence? we will never know..)
his sudden realization of shock slowly turned into a dorky smile
he rubbed his hair in embarrassment, his ears turning slightly red
you in turn, could not control your emotions
dAmn he cute before and after
your messy thought made you slightly embarrassed yourself
wtf y/n?? why are you thinking these things you JUST met him. you haven’t even introduced yourself yet-
“ahaaa.. well that’s a horrible first impression..” he said, looking around sheepishly
his face turned bright, as if he made some kind of scientific discovery that could potentially change the world
he ran behind his room door closing it, only to open it 4 seconds later
when he swung open the door once again, he posed daringly, which made you smile widely
wtf he’s so confident
he was clearly amused by your reaction, and continued to make you laugh more
“my name is oNG seong woo, pleasure to meet you. and you are?”
he reached for your hand as kissed it
which made you flutter inside
like why girl you just met him
just as he looked up to meet eye contact with you, still holding your hand, you were about to introduce yourself before the lift door opens up, revealing 2 seniors, and with them was 2 other juniors
the blonde senior strode out of the lift and begins to tease seongwoo
“hey hey, ong, flirting with the junior already man? you look a mess,”
seongwoo, realising he was still grabbing onto your hand, quickly lets go and let it drop
you weren’t too pleased with that tho
“daniel! i was looking for you honey~”
seongwoo begins to lay his hands and head on daniel’s shoulder, making a cute face at him
which made everyone very amused and laugh
“ong, go wash up,” the blonde guy, who you assumed to be daniel, said, rolling his eyes
“ok ok..” seongwoo said, before reluctantly dragging his feet away back into his room
once his door slammed close, the lift dinged and the doors opened again
3 more juniors flooded into the room, accompanied by 3 more seniors
“ah, now that everyone’s here, lets go to the common room so we can introduce ourselves and settle in okay?”
once everyone chose a seat and made themselves comfortable, you came to a conclusion there was an influx of males in the house
there were 4 male seniors, 2 female seniors, and another 2 male juniors and 4 female juniors (adding seongwoo who was currently getting ready)
all the seniors decided to introduce themselves first
the seniors was jaehwan, daniel, minhyun, jiwon and chaeyoung
before jiwon could even ask where seongwoo was, you heard a door open, and fast-paced footsteps behind you
you got the shock of your life when seongwoo playfully crashed into the sofa, climbing on the headrest behind you
this allowed to have a whiff of his recently sprayed cologne, or was it just his shampoo? either way, it made you melt
“what did i miss?” he asked in a joyful tone
chaeyoung rolled her eyes
“your turn to introduce yourself,”
“ah! ok ok. i’m ong seongwoo, your trusty dorm leader! i take attendance every curfew, don’t try to sneak out,” he says, making a sneaky face
this made everyone laugh a little, but somehow it made you laugh way more than you should
everyone didn’t seem to notice, except seongwoo, who was seated behind you, looking super satisfied, as if he has done his job
introductions continue, and you find out the juniors names were daehwi, jinyoung, nayoung, chaeseol, and taeyun
after the introductions, you all were split up into your dorms, 6 girls sharing 2 rooms, and 6 boys sharing 2 rooms
the numbers were evened up, and you all quickly settled into your rooms
it was orientation day, so no classes were held
soon enough, it was night time already
after you 12 ate your dinner cooked by jiwon, chaeyoung and minhyun, you all had your first movie night
everyone was gathered in the common room
each person brought their own blanket, stuffed toy or whatever they wanted
you all started watching comedy movies
jiwon was cuddling up next to minhyun (she has such an obvious crush on him, and he does too but they refuse to say anything about it)
chaeyoung was laughing her ass off at the movie with jaehwan, daehwi and seongwoo
daniel was talking to nayoung and taeyun
while you stayed beside chaeseol and jinyoung
chaeseol and jinyoung were literally drifting off to sleep already
so you sat in silence watching the movie and snuggling up in your comfortable blanket
however, you couldn’t help to look at seongwoo every few seconds
all he did was burst out laughing with the other 3 every few minutes, why am i so interested in just watching him laugh?
but, his smile and how his eyes crease upwards whenever he does makes you smile as well
you couldn’t really accept the fact that he was your crush, so you would ignore these feelings
after the movie ended, the lights brightened up again
chaeyoung daehwi jaehwan and seongwoo all stood up to stretch
looking around, you saw everyone else sleeping
chaeyoung began walking around, waking everyone up to return to their rooms to have a good night sleep before tomorrows official school day
while jaehwan, daehwi and chaeyoung begin rolling people and pushing people back, you continued sitting on the sofa and layed your head back, letting your eyes rest
you couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous for school tomorrow
not to mention that you feel extremely homesick
it wasn’t like your dorm mates were unbearable, but it was more like you really miss your mom, dad and younger brother
you let out a sigh
once the common room has reduced to nothing but silence, you opened back your eyes, only to see seongwoo sitting beside you, staring at you
you got scared a bit
then your face immediately turned red
why was he staring at me??? omg thats so unglamourous im so-
“nervous huh?”
you turned your head to face him
he had a concerned look plastered on his face
“y-yeah, i kind of miss my family back home,” you said, looking back up to the ceiling, trying to cover up the fact that your face was still burning
“i totally understand, i was nervous last year too. but you’ll get used to it,”
you nodded your head, staying silent
“if you need anything, come look for me ok? as i said, i am your trusty dorm leader,” he says, before smiling and tilting his head to one side
those are the only words you manage to spill out of your mouth
“alright, it’s getting late. see you tomorrow morning, y/n.”
he stood up from his spot, and you sat back up
“good night, seongwoo,”
he now stood behind the couch where you sat, and ruffled your hair
you could literally hear his little smile before walking away
you were obviously shocked and a bit caught off guard, resulting in your ears turning red
what am i doing??? you don’t like him. it’s only the first day..
you got up and walked over to your room and got ready for bed
once you lied down on your bed, you slowly felt yourself drift off to sleep, into the next official day of living with seongwoo that awaits you..
✽ ok maybe i got a BIT carried away
✽ ill be writing part 2 soon! stay tuned for the drama- i mean scenario
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thatishogwash · 7 years
The Ugly Sweater
Summary: Kuroo gets nervous before his first date with Sawamura.
No warnings.
AN: I'm going to do a 13 Days of Halloween (Fall or October) type of writing, trying to beat this writers block.  So if you have any pairs or prompts feel free to shout them at me!
Kuroo stood leaning against a pillar as he watched the various trains pull up to the blinking lights, stopping and spilling forth commuters before moving on their way again.  He watched as tourists and those not use to the Tokyo area stepped onto the solid ground almost as if in a daze, glancing left and right before shuffling out of the way as those just trying to go about their normal routine moved past them.  Some people were already bundled up tightly while others didn’t seem to get the message that it was well into October already.
Kuroo was wishing he had gone for a little more comfort than style because his fingers were feeling the cold.  He couldn’t help it.  He was nervous and he couldn’t remember the last time he had actually planned out an outfit then promptly tossed it aside to try on what seemed like every article of clothing he had only to find it all left wanting.  He had thought he had a sort of casual sense of style but he couldn’t wear any of it, not a single thing.
It was ridiculous really.  This fluttering nervous feeling, the sense that time was moving at a snail's pace and yet everyone around him was flying by.
Kuroo had known Sawamura for years.  Sawamura had seen Kuroo in his school kit, in sweatpants and overly large sweaters.  There had even been that one horrendous night when Sawamura had found Kuroo sprawled on the bathroom floor, someone’s bathroom floor and covered in his own sick.  That was a night Kuroo was particularly glad he didn’t remember much of.
But on the other hand it was Sawamura, who Kuroo had known for years.  The same Sawamura with the soft eyes and wide shoulders.  The Sawamura who hid his craftiness underneath layers of stalwart country boy attitude.
The Sawamura who had asked Kuroo out on a date only a week prior, stating he would be in Tokyo visiting with Sugawara and oh hey, do you want to catch that new superhero movie?  Maybe get something to eat afterwards.  My treat.
And Kuroo had laughed into his phone as he shuffled through his microbiology notes, had jokingly asked Are you asking me out Sa-wa-mu-ra?When Sawamura had replied that if he was, would it change Kuroo’s answer Kuroo’s brain had stopped.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t realize he flirted with Sawamura, and yes, he had noticed that sometimes it seemed like Sawamura didn’t completely hate him and maybe, just maybe, he flirted back with Kuroo sometimes too.  They had exchanged numbers after their first practice match, had really started texting each other on a regular basis after the training camp, and had somehow become pretty good friends in college despite the fact that they were separated by about five hours.
Up until rather recently Kuroo would have spent a typical Friday night hopping from party to party, or party to bar.  He had dated around but nothing had stuck.  Within the past year he found himself spending more time in his dorm, having skype calls with an old Karasuno captain while they watched whatever one of them had picked for that night.  Sometimes it was Spanish soap operas, other times Korean dramas, and even a few true crime shows managed to slip themselves in there.  More often than not Kuroo would find himself drifting to sleep under the glow of his laptop and listening to Sawamura’s deep, warm chuckle.
Kuroo had even spent last Christmas with Sawamura and his family after he learned Kuroo would be home alone for the holiday since his mother was going on a cruise with her two sisters.  Kuroo had been planning enjoying the mostly empty dorms and finally having the kitchen, which the whole building shared, to himself.  He could take hours to do his laundry and no one would take his clean clothes and put them on the dirty dryer top.  But Sawamura had demanded he come to Miyagi, and Kuroo hadn’t met a person yet who would say no to Sawamura Daichi when he put his mind to something.
So go to Miyagi Kuroo went.  He spent the holiday with the Sawamura’s, a huge family whose shenanigans put a certain understanding about why Sawamura Daichi had so easily been able to control his trouble maker of a team with such ease.
Kuroo could admit that he liked seeing Sawamura right in the morning, ruffled from sleep and blearily looking for food.  Kuroo liked a lot of things about Sawamura actually but he had thought it had been an unrequited crush.  That had been fine with him.  Friendships were rare and to be treasured, Kuroo would never despair that he couldn’t hold Sawamura’s hand or kiss him when he was able to text him daily, to get snapchats of him and Iwaizumi at the gym or practice, to receive care packages simply because Sawamura had heard a catch in Kuroo’s throat when they talked the previous night.
Kuroo pulled at the bottom of his shirt, wondering if he should have gone with something with a bit more color.  Why was everything he owned black?  When did he become that person?
Though it was very likely that Sawamura would show up in sweats and a hoodie.  Not that it didn’t look good on him but it was his usual wardrobe.
Kuroo looked up when he heard another oncoming train, the train that should be holding Sawamura who had asked him, Kuroo Tetsurou, out on a date.
When Sawamura stepped off the train Kuroo’s first thought was he definitely was not wearing sweats and a hoodie.  It was just jeans, a sweater, and some white converse but Sawamura looked good.  It had to be the sweater, Kuroo thought, it was the only logical explanation.  It was a dark orange, green, and yellow.  Simple fall colors that should have clashed in an ugly way but seemed to warm up Sawamura’s deep skin tone.
Sawamura was looking around before he spotted Kuroo still leaning against the pillar, a smile warming up his sometimes far too serious face as he made his way through the crowd towards Kuroo.
“Hey.”  Sawamura greeted, his tone even.  Kuroo couldn’t tell if the redness in his cheeks was from the cold or because Kuroo couldn’t seem to stop staring.
“Nice sweater.”  What the hell!  What the ever loving hell was that Kuroo?  Sawamura glanced down at the sweater, running a hand over the soft looking fabric before looking up at Kuroo with a quirked eyebrow.
“Really?”  Sawamura asked before a grin slowly carved itself into his handsome features.  “You bought this for me for my birthday.”  Kuroo let out an indignant squawk as he looked over the sweater, which now that he was looking at it up close and not taking in the full picture of Sawamura Daichi in the sweater, he did feel like it was familiar.
“I sent you ugly sweaters!”  Kuroo cried in mock outrage.  “It’s got to be your shoulders.  Or your shoulder to hip ratio.  It’s ridiculous.”
“Well, this was a nice experiment but I’m going to go back to Suga’s and we can just pretend this never happened.”  Sawamura motioned behind him to the trains before taking a step away from Kuroo, who let out a real cry as he leaned forward to grab a handful of that traitorous sweater.
“I’m sorry.”  Though he really wasn’t and it was clear that Sawamura had no plans to go anywhere else.
“No, this is about how I pictured it going.”  Sawamura let out another grin as he stepped forward.  “Your fingers are freezing.”
“I know, they are like icicles, I’ve lost all feeling you’ll have to help me.”  Kuroo then got a brilliant idea.
“Kuroo I swear if you-” Sawamura let out an indignant sound as Kuroo pushed his fingers underneath that lovely sweater to press against Sawamura’s warm skin.  “Unbelievable.”
“You said something about a superhero movie?”  Kuroo reminded him.
“Now it’s a horror movie, and you’re paying for the popcorn.”  Sawamura grumbled.  His cheeks were red but he wasn’t forcing Kuroo away from him, which Kuroo counted as a win.
“Mean Sawamura.”  Kuroo wasn’t good with horror, he hardly could stand the true crime shows Sawamura sometimes wheedled into their weekly movie night.  Kuroo let his fingers fall away from Sawamura, he had regained some feeling back in them and he knew when he was pushing Sawamura too far.  “Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were getting into.”  Kuroo reminded him as they began walking together towards the cinema.  Kuroo casually, or as casually as he could which meant it wasn’t casual at all, reached down to take hold of Sawamura’s hand.  His fingers weren’t as long as Kuroo’s but his palm was wide and warm, their fingers slotting together nicely.
“I claim temporary insanity.”  Sawamura grumbled, but there was a smile playing at the edge of his lips.
“Claim denied!  Case thrown out of court!  Order!”  Kuroo shouted until Sawamura pulled on their entwined hands, shushing him through his laughter.  “You are sentenced to a lifetime of me.”
“I’ll take the jail time.”  Sawamura deadpanned but when they got to the cinema Sawamura paid for the popcorn and they ended up seeing the new superhero movie.
Right before the previews Kuroo managed to get them in a picture together, claiming that he needed to send it to all their friends to prove that this was happening but mostly he just wanted a picture of Sawamura in that fall colored sweater, the one Kuroo had bought for him for his birthday nearly a year ago.  The one Sawamura had purposely worn to please Kuroo.
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Okay, so I haven’t been able to get this post by @voltron-messenger out of my head for the past few days, so to get out of my writing slump, I wrote my own adaptation of it...
“What do you mean Lance is ‘missing?’” Keith emphasized his confusion with air quotes. Clearly that had to be an exaggeration. The blue paladin had been moping around the castle just a couple of hours ago.
Keith himself had finished training early to spend time with the brunet. He thought he’d made the offer to join him in the training room pretty clear in his text, (everyone knew that the way to Keith’s heart was through sparring), but when Lance failed to show up, he figured he should probably compromise and search for him.
He’d just entered the bridge to find all of the remaining residents of the castle huddled around Coran’s station, where he was frantically typing at the controls. The large hologram of their quadrant of the universe was up, and the gorgeous man seemed to be running a scan, the individual planets and nebulas flying by.
“How many more sectors do we have to scan?” Shiro asked worriedly.
Keith was just about to announce his arrival, maybe ask for one of Hunk’s Quick-Fire Recaps™, when Allura answered, “It’s hard to be sure, Shiro. While his isn’t the fastest lion, it can still cover some ground. His sonar could also mask our sensors if he really doesn’t want to be found.”
She turned to the other paladins then, a hard expression on her face. “Whatever you do, don’t tell Keith that Lance is missing!”
His heart skipped a beat at the words, a lump forming in his throat. She must have misspoken. Maybe she meant to say, ‘Don’t tell Keith that Lance’s lion is missing, because then they’ll start fighting and honestly we get enough of that on a daily basis!’
Unfortunately, Pidge’s words confirmed his terror. “It’s kind of too late for that, Princess.”
The other members of the team turned to him with varying degrees of shock and sympathy on their faces. Allura bit her lip and avoided his gaze anxiously. “How much of that did you hear?”
Keith inhaled deeply in an attempt to keep his voice even. “What do you mean Lance is ‘missing?’ Is this some kind of lame joke?”
Hunk and Pidge exchanged anxious looks as Shiro approached the red paladin, his human hand outstretched toward Keith’s shoulder. “Keith…”
Keith practically leaped back, batting the hand away. “Don’t ‘Keith’ me! What the quiznak is going on here?”
“Didn’t you notice? We’ve been texting Lance for hours in the group chat and he isn’t responding.”
“It seems our dear blue paladin was feeling down and took his lion out for a ride,” Coran supplied, still concentrated on his console. “I have his departure logged here about five hours ago. He seems to have turned his tracking off, so I’d wager he just wanted some alone time.”
Keith shook his head, rushing to the Altean’s side. “No, Lance’s idea of ‘alone time’ is giving himself a two hour mani-pedi followed by a homemade facial mask in his room.”
“That’s true,” Hunk agreed with a nostalgic smile. “Sometimes, back at the Garrison, he’d mix an extra mask for me and chase me around our dorm until he got it on.”
“Right! And I know for a fact that he hasn’t done that in a few weeks because I can usually smell the tonics from my room, so that can’t be the reason.”
“Then what’s your theory, Keith?” Allura asked curiously.
“I think…” The words died in his throat as reality sank in. Lance didn’t like to show it, but he was incredibly sensitive. He came from a big family, so he was probably used to hiding his emotions; running away might have been a defense mechanism for him as a kid. “Shit!”
It was his fault! It was all his fault! He shouldn’t have chosen training over him! He should’ve rushed to Lance’s room and popped a DVD into the player and texted Hunk to bring snacks and curled a blanket around them and –
– and what? Lance didn’t seem to see him that way. The blue paladin might’ve been open to the cuddles in the moment, but nothing would’ve sprung from them.
He still needed it, his subconscious reminded him. Even if he doesn’t return your feelings, he still needs your love and support.
“He needs someone!” Keith didn’t know where the bold declaration had come from, but he didn’t stop there. “He really shouldn’t be alone right now. He’s probably in a lot of pain, and having Blue with him isn’t going to be enough!”
Allura pushed Coran to the side and began typing intensely at the projected keyboard. Altean coding flew across the screen too rapidly for anyone to pick up on. The console suddenly lit up, a corresponding section on the holographic map blinking.
“There!” Allura shouted exuberantly, pointing at the spot, which appeared to be one of many moons orbiting a large planet.
“I’m going for him!” Keith declared adamantly. “I have the fastest lion, and no offense Shiro, but I’m probably the best pilot, and Hunk I know you’re his best friend, but it just needs to be me–”
“Keith!” Shiro’s voice boomed commandingly. His expression softened when he locked eyes with the frantic red paladin. “Go bring our sharpshooter home.”
“I’ll send the coordinates to Red,” Allura agreed.
“And!” Keith turned to leave, but was stopped by Shiro’s voice again. “Make sure that you tell him.”
“Yeah, it’s about time!” Pidge grumbled teasingly. “I��m getting tired of watching you two dance around each other.”
Hunk came up behind him and draped an arm around his shoulders. “Trust me, man, he needs to hear it. Now go!”
Not needing to be told twice, Keith dove into his pod.
Lance, I know you’re ignoring everyone’s messages in the group chat, but hear me out…
We really didn’t mean to hurt you… We were just caught up in our own stuff and we got a little selfish, yknow?
We need you and care about you.
Still no response. Ugh, why did he have to fall for such a drama queen?
Was he really about to do this? There was no guarantee that he’d even get a response.
Red’s reassurance in his head moved his fingers across his phone before he could even think about what he was typing.
I need you. That’s why I’m on my way to bring you back.
Keith clenched the controls tighter to avoid banging his head into the dashboard. Of course Lance would make light of his near-confession! What did he expec-
… you found me?
Keith tuned Red’s victory gloat out to compose a response.
Yeah, Allura tracked Blue.
Knowing that he still had a way to go, he added,
Are you okay?
Fortunately for his heart, the response was quicker this time.
i’m fine. just go back to the castle. you’re just coming because you feel guilty and i don’t want that.
“Damn it Lance!” Keith felt his heart sink. How had he neglected to notice the hurt that the other had been sporting?
I’m not going back without you. And I DO feel guilty, but only because I treated you like shit and you don’t deserve that at ALL.
The typing bubble disappeared for a moment, as if Lance was rethinking his response. When it came in, Keith’s heart nearly shattered at the words.
seriously keith just give it up, ok?
“The fuck I will!”
Absolutely not.
why??? you didn’t give a shit about me earlier so why now?
The words spilled into the textbox before he could mull them over in his head. His mind and rationality took a backseat to his heart, and fuck it all he was throwing caution to the wind.
Lance, I always care about you… I was so stupid earlier. I wasn’t thinking… None of us were.
You deserve the entire world and I wish I could give it to you…
A few agonizing minutes passed without a response. Keith had taken the autopilot back from Red, if only to distract himself from the throbbing in his chest and the bile wanting to rise from the prospect of being rejected. Finally, the typing bubble came back, and Keith rushed to switch the controls back to Red before the answer came in.
… come find me and you can
Well that was awfully vague and anticlimactic. Keith reread the words over and over as he tried to dissect their meaning.
When the underlying innuendo finally hit him, he nearly fell out of his seat. Holy shit, was Lance saying what he thought he might be saying? He had to be sure.
What do you mean?
The planet finally came into view, a large gas planet reminiscent of Jupiter. He directed Red to scan the moons for Lance and Blue.
i mean, like… agh this is awkward
That did nothing to clear anything up.
There was no sign of them on any of the moons on this side of the planet, so he steered Red in closer. As he did, he felt his phone vibrate with two more messages.
i’ve liked you for a really long time
if you care enough to come find me right now, fair warning: i’ll probably interpret that as you liking me back
Holy shit was this really happening???
“Red, can you pinch me? I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming right now.” His seat suddenly burned his thighs. “Geez, girl, it’s just an expression!”
A blue dot appeared on his screen, highlighting a large crater that resembled a lake. It made sense that Lance and Blue had chosen a location related to their element.
As he directed Red in the direction of the dot, he typed back a reply.
Well, that’s good because that would be a correct interpretation…
Lance’s response was immediate.
… for real?
Keith smiled bittersweetly. If Lance said anything else even remotely self-depreciating, he was going to smother him in affection. Then again, he was probably going to do that anyway…
Red and I just landed.
Tell me exactly where you are and I’ll prove to you how “for real” I am
He managed to spot the blue lion as they came in for a landing, pulling up right beside them. He could feel Red relax upon being reunited with Blue, the thought of their lions together bringing a smile to the paladin’s face. His phone lit up as they came to a stop.
… yes sir :)
He leaped out of his seat as soon as Red was settled, petting the console affectionately before racing out onto the planet. Lance was already waiting for him beneath Blue, a shy smile on his face.
“You really came for me,” he whispered when Keith was close enough.
“Of course I did,” the red paladin whispered back. He cupped the brunet’s face with his hands, fingers playing with the curls at the back of his neck. He could feel the other’s pulse, certain that his heart was beating just as erratically.
Lance leaned into the touch, his smile softening. His hands settled at Keith’s hips, the touch almost hesitant. It seemed fairly uncharacteristic of the usually flirtatious brunet, but Keith found that that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. If anything, it indicated that he wasn’t just another one of Lance’s conquests, and that thought alone made him want to jump the paladin right then and there.
“So…” Lance laughed uneasily. “Are you gonna own up to your promise, or keep me in suspense?” It was hard to miss the blush that spread from his nose to the tips of his ears.
Keith raised a brow, a sly grin on his face. “Is the great Lance McClain nervous about a kiss?”
“Wh-What?” Lance scoffed dramatically. “No way! I’m just wondering if you’re man enough to kiss me! I’ve heard that guys with mullets–”
Keith rolled his eyes and pulled him forward, pressing their lips together gingerly. When Lance’s eyes shut, he added more pressure, coaxing a slight moan from the taller teen.
He parted from the other’s lips slowly, smiling when he felt Lance trying to follow. Triumphantly, he leveled a cocky smirk at the other. “What were you saying about guys with mullets?”
Lance groaned. “Shut up and kiss me again!”
The sensation was indescribable. The best he could compare it to, at the risk of sounding cliché, would be a chemical reaction, like fire and ice colliding. The resulting steam consumed everything around it, and the two were so lost in the moment that they almost missed Shiro’s phone call.
Keith broke the kiss reluctantly to answer, trying to ignore Lance’s whine. He put the call on speaker so that the other could hear. “What?!”
“By your annoyed tone, I assume you’ve found him,” Shiro mused, the snickers of Pidge and Hunk filling the background.
“Did you call to get a rise out of me?” Keith grumbled.
“No, I just wanted to make sure that you were both okay.”
“Don’t worry, Space Dad, we’re fine,” Lance chimed.
“Great. It’s good to hear your voice, Lance. When you two get back, Terrible Movie Night™ can commence. Apparently, there’s one that I missed called ‘Sharknado?’”
Keith’s sour attitude was dismissed by Lance’s giddy fist pump. He was honestly too adorable for this universe.
“Do we have a curfew to adhere to?” Keith asked before Lance could speak.
Pidge wolf-whistled in the background as a bit of interference crossed the line. Hunk’s voice suddenly boomed at them, “TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED!”
“Just don’t defile your lions!” Allura called teasingly.
The called ended just like that, leaving the two paladins blushing like ripe tomatoes. Lance was the first to recover, clearing his throat. Keith managed to regain his composure after that, pocketing his phone.
“Race you to Red!”
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vicioushyperbolizer · 7 years
YO nurseydex "nice. great. perfect. fuck this." or holsom "quit it or ill bite"
Yolio, my friend.I realized the other day that I am the shittiest in the world at writing ransom, so nurseydex it is. 
Dex was not having a good day. At all.In fact, it was decidedly bad.
Theworst part was that there wasn’t anything especially horrible thathappened. It was just a unch of small things, all at once. First heforgot his bio lab in his dorm, after he spent all night working onit, and the TA wouldn’t accept it late. The strap of his bag broke,and yeah, he’d been using the same one since his junior year in highschool, but he had budgeted to buy a new one next month.
Inan effort to make his day a little brighter, Dex decided to stop atAnnie’s and splurge on himself. Bitty got him hooked on their stupidhazelnut mochas, but he rarely spent the money on himself. He barelygot a sip before he spilled it all over shoes.
So,yeah, everything sucked. None of it was life-shattering bad, though,which just pissed him off more.The only thing he had to look forwardto was the fresh lemon bars that he knew Bitty had set aside for him.And maybe, just a little bit, he was looking forward to the Haus,too.
Hewasn’t sure when it happened, but sometime between his first semesterand his third, Dex started thinking about the Haus as home. It wasnothing like his actual home, back in Maine. His house was alwaysquiet and pristine.
TheHaus, though. It was always loud and messy, full of people and theweird combination of fresh pie and microwave corndogs. Some part ofit reminded him of life before Michael signed his enlistment papers(and his death warrant). A little bit of that tension he’d feltbuilding between her shoulder blades for years eased when he walkedinto the Haus.
Yeah,the day sucked, but he had that, at least. The only bad thing aboutthe Haus was the Nursey seemed to love being there just as much asDex, and what he could put his finger on exactly was when he fellhead over heels in love with Nursey.  After a grueling practice onemorning, they changed, like usual, in the locker room. But for thefirst time, Nursey noticed the small tattoo Dex had tucked under hisbicep. He got this overjoyed look on his face, more excited than Dexhad ever seen him look before, and that was it. That was the momentwhen Dex realized he was in love.
Dexhated it. He didn’t want to fall in love. He wanted to go to school,graduate as soon as humanly possible, and make as much money ashumanly possible. No feelings, no drama. Hockey was his backup plan,and that’s it. No time for love, or dating, or feelings of any kind.
Amongother things, it messed with his game, which means messing with hisplan B. Every time he looked at Nursey, he got stupid flutteryfeeling, which made him angry, which made him lash out. Lashing outruined any sort of friendship they had, which made him even angrier.And that, all of that, translated to how they played together on theice.
Usually,he could hide the stupid hurricane of emotions he felt whenever hesaw Nursey, but he was having a bad day. He wanted the weird peacethe Haus gave him and he wanted lemon bars, and nothing else.
Dexespecially didn’t want to watch Nursey flirting with his stupid peerreview partner. So, when he walked into the Haus and saw just that,he couldn’t help his outburst.
“Nice.Great. Perfect. Fuck this,” and walked out.
Thefucking lemon bars could wait. They could barely make up for hisalready shitty day, let alone make up for all of the shitty things hewould feel having to sit through a forced conversation with Nursey.
Hebarely made it four houses down frat row when he heard steps runningafter him. Dex didnt have to look back to know that is was Nursey. Hedidn’t bother to slow down.
“Dex,hold up. Dex, wait.” A warm hand clapped on his shoulder, just thisside of too hard. “Dude, fucking stop.”
Dexstopped with a sigh. He turned, and seeing Nursey’s stupid facedidn’t do anything to help. His stomach swooped and it made him awhole new level of angry.
“Whatdo you want, Nursey?”
“Iwant to know what the fuck your problem is.” There was a look inthose green eyes that Dex had never seen before.
Somethingin Dex broke. Any somewhat reasonable answer was a lie. It wasn’tanything that contributed to his bad day that was the problem. Itwasn’t even the bad day. It was everything, all at once. It was allhis stupid feelings. That was the real answer, the answer he was sickof not giving.
“What’swrong with me is that my socks are sticking to my shoes, since Ispent money I don’t have on a coffee I spilled straight away. Myproblem is that I needed my bag to last until next month and I brokeit today. My problem is that my dick lab TA refused to take my reportlate, so the highest I can get in the class onw is an 89.
“Myproblem, Nursey, is that every time I walk into the Haus and see youflirting with whatever his name is, I don’t know if I’m more mad athim for being your type or at myself because I’m not. And my problemis that more and more I don’t know if I want to punch your stupidlybeautiful face or kiss it.”
Henoticed that Nursey’s hand was still on his shoulder. Some timeduring his incredibly ill-timed speech, he had taken severalhalf-steps forward and was now well into Nursey’s personal space. Dexcouldn’t help but look at Nursey’s face. He expected anger or maybethat same odd expression from earlier, but the small smile was asurprise.
Dexfelt Nursey’s hand slide carefully down his arm, slipping solidly intohis own. “You think my face is beautiful?”
Justlike that, the day was forgotten. All the crap fell away and it wasjust stupid chirps and cute smiles and a warm hand. “Shut up, youknow you’re cute.”
“Oh,no. You can’t downgrade me from beautiful to cute like that.”
Dextook another small step forward, close enough that their shirtsbrushed against each other. “Fine, you’re beautiful. Now, can Ikiss you while I still feel like it?”
Hegot a small nod.
Thekiss wasn’t spectacular. It wasn’t fireworks. Dex’s shoes stillsquelched and his shoulder was sore, but it was exactly what hewanted. And it was perfectly them.
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the-doll-house-xo · 7 years
Yay for this new blog! Wishing y'all the best! ahh 😍 Can I pls request Jackson Wang jealous smut? Thank you lovelies xx
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Jacksonsnoona435- Did you see Jackson and ___ together? They were so cute ^^Got7ornever- Woah can they go out already? I bet Jaebum is mad Jackson got to ___ First kekeCookielover804- I hope ___ realizes how lucky she is. Our Jackson is such a sweetheart
“Wow I can’t believe they actually think we’re a couple” You chuckled as your body laid across the living room couch in got7’s new dorm. Scrolling through the comments underneath the new picture Jackson had posted of the two of you wearing matching black hoodies and army pants while sharing a large banana spilt dessert, you were surprised how many fans thought you and the idol were dating.
“I told you to change before we went out. But ‘no, this outfit made my butt look good Jackson’ so now look where that got us.” Jackson’s voice came from below as he sat crossed legged on the floor as his back rested against the leg of the sofa. Looking up at you with his adorable smile, he wasted no time in taking the phone away from your hands and looked at the comments. “Jackson oppa is so cool…No wonder ___ is in love with him’. Well I can’t argue with that I am pretty awesome.” His once cheeky grin turned cocky as he winked up at you only to earn a pillow thrown in his face.
“Oh please, clearly you’re the one in love with me. I mean…look at these abs” You playfully lifted up your shirt to reveal no abs what so ever, just a soft stomach which was slightly fuller due to the meal you two had not too long ago.
“Oh yes…very sexy indeed.” The brunette rolled his eyes before the sudden vibration of your phone in his hands made him turn his attention to it.
{New Message: Alex]: I can’t wait to see you tonight ;-)
[New Message: Alex]: You looked so pretty yesterday in class. Ah I couldn’t concentrate
“So you’re going out with Alex again huh? What is this? The fifth date?” Jackson questioned while getting up from the floor. Handing out the phone to you, you couldn’t contain the blush rising to your cheeks as you typed out a quick reply to Alex.
“Yeah, I think he might ask to finally be my boyfriend. I’m really nervous for tonight. I hope everything goes well.” You called out from the couch as you could hear the idol moving around the kitchen most likely getting something to drink. Once you saw him walk back into the room with two bottles of water, you took one from his hand with a thankful smile and sat up straight.
“Are you sure you even like the guy? I mean it’s only the fifth date anything can happen. Plus I heard he’s a huge flirt around campus.” Jackson spoke out as he made himself comfortable on the couch beside you. Making you move on the cushions so he could rest his head in your lap, you were quick to push him away to hear a small groan leave his mouth. “Oh come on, I’m only telling you the truth!”
“Whatever Jackson. I’m not going to sit here and listen to you talk crap about a guy, who I happen to like very much by the way, and you hardly even know. So you know what. I’ll just leave early and get ready for my date. I’ll see you later.” You replied while getting up from the couch to grab your things.
You could hear the brunette calling out your name from behind but his words prior had turned your mood. Closing the door harder than expected, the idol was now left by himself.
[Later that night]
[New Message to: Jackson
[Text]: He already had a girlfriend. She showed up at the restaurant!
[Text]: I’m so embarrassed right now…I’m coming over. I just need someone to talk to.
“The little piece of shi-“
“Jackson, please. I just want to forget the whole thing happened. He wasn’t worth it anyways.” You mumbled as your stared down at your bare feet tapping against the rug in Jackson’s room. The moment you walked into the restaurant and saw Alex with his girlfriend should have been your signal to leave. But you were too foolish and walked up to the two. Alex knew he was caught red handed but his girlfriend was oblivious to the fact of you and him have been seeing each other for a few weeks.
Not one to cause drama in a public setting, you sat down with the two for a few minutes, using the excuse of dropping off notes to the boy so he wouldn’t have to explain to his girlfriend why he was meeting up with another girl at such a late hour. The act you put on was so good, his girl even gave you her phone number. Now, Shannon, has a permanent place in your contact list.
“I can’t believe you actually stayed that long. I swear, Y/N, you’re too nice sometimes.” Jackson caught off your train of thoughts as he wrapped an arm around you. Pulling you into his warm chest as he made you two lay down on his bed. The simple act alone wasn’t anything sexual. You and Jackson had been known to be two people who loved physical contact. Even with your friends from middle school, they gave you the nickname Koala because you always gave the best hugs.
Wrapping your arms around him, your head buried into the crook of his neck as you allowed two small tears to spill down your face. “I just feel so stupid. Why do I always end up with these types of guys. There must be something wrong with me.”
“No. Don’t say that. You’re perfect just the way you are. Sure, the guys you date are shitty. But that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It’s them that has the issue.” Jackson’s breath danced against your shoulder as you felt his fingers tenderly running through your curled hair.
“You’re only saying that because you’re my best friend.” Your voice came out a soft whisper as you focused on the other’s gentle touches. Hearing something that sounded like an annoyed grunt coming from Jackson, you pulled back a little to look up and see his eyebrows pulled together as he seemed to be staring down at you in deep thought. “Jackson?”
“Do you think I only say these things because you’re my best friend? Really ____. Do you honestly think that’s the only reason?” He questioned as the hand stroking the ends of your hair traveled higher to the back of your neck as his index finger brushed against your skin.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You lied. You both knew it was a lie by the way your voice cracked the moment you felt his palm press down lightly as he gripped your neck to make you stare into his eyes.
“You know…” Jackson’s voice turned low and husky as his eyes stayed yours as he pulled you closer to his body. Using his free hand to hold onto your waist, a small smile was given as he watched your leg move to lay against his side. “I always get so jealous when I see you going out with these guys. How lucky they are to be in your presence and they don’t even know it.” He confessed as both of you began to breath harder and nothing but a simple change it position had happened.
“So… you’re jealous?” You bit down on your lower lip to conceal your grin. Everyone knew you had a crush on Jackson the moment you met him three years ago. Working for your father’s gym and training young adults over the summer. You would have never suspected Jackson Wang who was a rookie idol at the time to walk into the gym. One thing lead to another and the two of you ended up meeting once a month for workouts. Those workouts soon turned into hang outs with turned into you constantly staying at Got7’s dorm whenever the group wasn’t promoting. The two of you created a bond that was stronger than any friendship you’ve ever had.
A low chuckle left the young man’s lips as his tongue slipped out to tease you. “Me? Jealous?!…Of course, I was jealous. It should have been me taking you out of dates and treat you like the queen you are.  But with work, I knew it wasn’t right for me to confess and have you waiting here all the time while I’m overseas. I just couldn’t picture us being in a relationship where I’m never home to see you. You don’t deserve that. You should be with someone who has the time to spoil you and be there 24/7.” Jackson finally let the secret he’s been holding in for nearly two years spill as his grip around your waist tightened as though he was scared you were going to leave him. “I just want to see you happy. Even if that means it’s not with me.”
Watching as the brunette closed his eyes; waiting to hear your rejection. He inhaled deeply and let out a shaky breath as he felt you small hand cup his cheek.
“Jackson…Look at me.” You said his name softly and smiled when you saw his brown orbs again. Allowing your thumb to stroke over the rough stubble against his cheek. You loved seeing his bare face when he went without shaving for a few days. He may call them flaws but to you, it made him even more handsome. “Do you really think I wouldn’t be happy with you? I don’t care you have to travel all the time. Your job is very important and you’re doing what you love. As long as you’re happy that’s all I care about. So if that means I’ll only be seeing you a couple times a month once you guys start promoting again, I’m completely fine with that. I’ve liked you since they first day we meant, stupid.” You playfully flicked the idol’s forehead only to have him grab your wrist and flip the two of you over as he laid on top of you.
“So you like me too huh?” The confident smirk he had earlier that day made its appearance once again as you could feel Jackson’s heart beating. Wasting no time to claim your lips for a heated kiss. The desperation the two of you felt for those two and a half years had finally been released.
The night everything happened so fast. Clothes were thrown places neither of you cared about as your soft whimpers and his deep grunts filled the room. Exchanging meaningful ‘I love yous’ and ‘Let’s just stay like this a little longer.’ You were surprised none of the guys had walked in to see what was happening between the two of you.
“I love you so much,” Jackson whispered against your lips as his hips worked to hit deep within your walls. Making your legs wrap tightly around his waist, the sweat began to roll down the side of his face as he felt his release building up. Rough kisses were given to your mouth down to your collar bones as the brunette made sure to leave his mark in several places along your chest. You were his now and the scratch lines you left on his back proved he was yours.
“Come for me baby. I want you to come first.” He grunted as his pace quickened. Leaning back to reach his hand down to play with your clit. The teasing of his thumb brushing against the sensitive bud made your toes curl in ecstasy.
“You’re almost there….Come for me”
“Fuck!” You hissed as your essence dripped down your thighs. Weak arms moving to wrap around the other’s shoulders. You held on tightly to him as your sensitive walls squeezed around his dick. Encouraging him to finish as well.
Hearing your love give his last grunt as you felt him suddenly pull out to coat your thighs with his own release. Both of you then collapsed on the bed and stared up at the ceiling.  Everything had changed now. Now longer were you two best friends. Instead, you were lovers. Or were you that already? The question was one both of you knew the moment Jackson turned on the bed too wipe away the sweat on your cheek and smiled
“So I guess this means we’re together now?”
“I guess so.”
“See, and you said my fans were crazy.” The brunette chuckled and held you close to his chest, only to receive a soft slap on the arm.
“Yeah, whatever…just don’t get cocky.”
“Um…it’s a little too late for that don’t you think, baby~”  
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