#desi Uncle au
yeastinfectionvale · 8 days
vale desi uncle shady pharmacist au?? very appealing, it compels me (i would read the fuck out of it)
Here's the thing. I did have a fic planned out that very much was a desification of the VR46 academy but I stopped writing it when I realised only three people would get the premise and maybe me and one other would understand the setting so I scrapped it 😭😭😭
But it was going to be Vale running both a mechanic and a pharmacy in Liaquat Market, (boo i know their are no pharmacys inside the market but shush) how he can afford two shops nobody knows (his dad used to play cricket with Altaf Bhai so he now never pays tax 😭). Marc sells cloth from a shop adjacent to his, layering the cloth on himself to show the ladies what they could look like.
Cele is a chai wala, running through the market (and getting lost). Pecco works in the pharmacy with Vale while Luca manages it. Bez works at the mechanic shop while Franky manages it. Vale himself? He's sitting in the cloth shop drinking chai.
Diggia sells shoes and Enea is the one throwing boxes down from the ceiling hole.
Vale also owns a rickshaw but doesn't drive it anymore after the incident (he hit so many potholes he sent a woman into labour, not a bad thing she was 40 weeks but his back seat never felt clean again).
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thelarriefics · 8 days
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SUMMER FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find fics that take place in the summer, or have summer scenes. (Part I)
📖 On The Horizon by FitzAndLarry (261k)
Drunk, loose, and excited on the first night of his two-week-long cruise, Doctor Harry Styles finds himself with a little extra company on what has turned out to be a lonely experience. Louis, the pilot who helped fly him across the Atlantic, is the object of his fling. Thus begins an adventure filled with laughter, sun, and trauma rearing its ugly head. Deadline on their companionship, the pair commit to enjoying their time - and Harry, the screw-up he is, can't help but lose himself in the fantasy.
📖 love is a word, you gave it a name by @larrydoinglaundry (158k)
After two decades in brutal show business, Louis Tomlinson is trying to restore his tranquility of mind in the peace of Northern Europe where the sun barely sets, Maria's bar is always open, and young Harry has an irresistible spark in his eyes.
📖 blue moon by @aquietlarrie (152k)
or the self indulgent 50’s au where i wanted a safe space to explore the culture, history, and sexuality of being gay in a time when it was extremely difficult to do so. includes, lots of questionable dancing, healing your inner child, and one heck of an emotional ride.
📖 a cycle of recycled revenge by @broken-beaks (103k)
Or: The one where Harry likes to infuriate Louis almost as much as he enjoys straddling his lap.
📖 gloominess of summer days by @adoremelikeasunflower19 (90k)
Following a devastating and unexpected split, Harry finds himself rewarded by the mysterious ways of Faith in the form of an inheritance of his Uncle’s house in a distant country Wolveheuls. Dismissing his initial scepticism, he chooses to seize the opportunity. He starts a journey of self-discovery, relearning the meaning of loving and being loved, moving on from the painful past, and making his place within the eccentric small-town community. Between his efforts, his path crosses with Louis Tomlinson, a town native, known for his ridiculous number of jobs, incomparable wit, and profound adoration for the cottage lifestyle.
📖 Summer's in the air and baby, heaven's in your eyes by @starryhaze28 (82k)
or a 70s tennis au filled with skirts, pet names and intrigue
📖 your memory over me by @shimmeringevil (64k)
The worst heartbreak of Louis’ life walks right back into it when his parents invite their family friends on an all-expenses-paid trip for their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Facing a past that he tried to bury long ago, Louis learns that some people have a way of sticking with you even when they’re gone.
📖 hope your life leads you back to my door by wildestdreams (56k)
Harry Styles set out to be a doctor; a steady career and a good living is all a young person could ask for. What he hadn't set out to do was to spend his summer holiday on a trekking trip in Spain with a group of people he barely knew. And he certainly didn’t plan on having his heart stolen by Louis Tomlinson, class clown, and secret crush, in such a way that he feared he might never find it again. ft. cheesy chat-up lines, a big desi wedding, falling in love, and growing up.
📖 A Golden Goal by a_momentwitme (55k)
"Even they, as free as you think they are, don't always get to love like this, in the true meaning of the word, of the feeling. Not some diluted version that some settle with for their entire lifetime. I mean love in its purest form, which still grows every day despite the problems, barriers and annoying habits you discover in your partner. A love that refills your heart after you pour it out or makes you go on during your worst days, knowing that your best is expecting you at home."
📖 where the tide takes you, i will follow by @pinkcords (53k)
Louis lives in Gloucester and Harry tries to find a way to stay.
📖 sent by the sun by @givesuethemoon (51k)
In 1970s Los Angeles, Harry is a groupie who aches to feel alive. Louis is the lead singer of a rock band who aches to know him.
📖 Suddenly Last Summer by @disgruntledkittenface (44k)
Louis is bored, rich and lonely. He has no reason to expect that this summer in the Hamptons with his friends will be different from any other – until he meets Harry. Suddenly he has someone who listens to him and cares about what he thinks. Someone who really sees him. But their happily ever after is forever marred by an incident at a party during Labor Day weekend, and Louis is left with a choice to make.
📖 Awake Dear Heart, Awake by She_bear (35k)
Cute, fun, sexy and at times emotional AU where Harry and Louis meet as strangers on holiday in Greece and find themselves stuck on a remote beach together. An initial misunderstanding gets them off to a bad start. Both at a turbulent point in their lives, they are forced to confront their internal struggles and of course each other.
📖 He Still Takes My Breath Away by @parmahamlarrie (32k)
 the one where Harry is a lifeguard and Louis is the head of recreation. And, sometimes, you just need a little push to realize what was right in front of you the whole time.
📖 Bitter Ends Turn Sweet by @allwaswell16 (30k)
It had been four years since Harry first heard the song his ex wrote about him and far longer since they broke up. He forgave Louis long ago, and now his life was focused on his career, his family, and especially his son, Max. But Louis was back in Chicago, after all this time, and he’s not an easy man to ignore. Or a songfic inspired by the song Chicago
📖 Dancing With Masks by @softfonds (18k)
With awards season coming up and new films on the way for both of them, Harry and Louis' managers decide it's time for them to date for publicity. They don't mind, given that they are best friends and have known each other for ages. Besides, after years of sexual tension built into a fake relationship for press, what could possibly go wrong?
📖 Come on in, the water's fine by @greenblueish (9k)
or, the one where Louis is set on enjoying his last summer jobbing abroad as tourist entertainer and it only gets better when a mysterious hotel guest with overly expensive sunglasses keeps coming back for his drink recommendations.
📖 Black Leather, Blue Lace by @insightfulinsomniac (8k)
aka: a pwp in which new soulmates farmer!Louis and city girl!Harry are filthy exhibitionists.
📖 Near You Now by @beyondxmeasure (8k)
When a leaky bathroom sink turns into a minor flood, Harry has to act fast. So, he thinks of the closest (and most unlikely) way to find home repair help… Grindr. The last thing he expects from this quick fix is to find anything long-term.
📖 now i'm tracin' all my steps to you by @alwaysxlarrie (5k)
Of all the things Harry was prepared for this summer, Louis Tomlinson and his wonderful, wonderful scent isn't one of them. It probably shouldn't be as shocking as it is that it makes Harry want to nest. There's only one slight problem -- Harry and nesting aren't exactly on familiar terms. At all. This does not stop Harry from borrowing ("borrowing") Louis' things all throughout summer, though. Oops?
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themotherofblood · 2 years
Legendary Lovers
Tywin Lannister x Reader
Tears of gold AU
A/N: I am a desi writer, so I was really excited to use some elements of my culture. My culture has a rich war ritual and wanted to include a scene of jauhar. I will still make it as suicide even though it is something much more than that’s
TW: birth, blood, murder. Mentions of suicide.
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The news of Stannis Baratheon approaching King’s Landing spread out pretty quickly. More women were seen at the godswood praying for their husbands and intendeds, their sons and brothers, their fathers and wardens. While the men were away sharpening their swords, acing their aims, preparing their horses.
Lady Y/N Lannister spent most her time in her gardens. Looking out to the shore that would either bring forth a victory, or would end her life. Her hands occupied with the golden and red silks of her house, sewing a banner together for her husband. It was tradition derived from her culture, the lady of the house would sew a banner for the men at war, the banner that held the prayers of the families under the sigil. She remembered her mother sewing one during the days of rebellion. She also remembers her mother ordering for a giant pyre to be built. Should the city fall, the women of the house would not be taken but instead die with their honour in the fire.
When you were married, with you came twenty women from your city. Women that very much followed the traditions of your home, who had reached out to you about the pyres as the news of war spread. You however needed permission from your husband, you knew he wouldn’t take this well but as a woman. This was owed, he vowed to protect your honour and this is how he would do it even in his death. This is how he would protect his children. What you were asking of him becoming even more imperative, since the tales of what was done to Ellia Martel were all too familiar.
A fortnight ago, Lord Varys had crept up to your garden. Nearly scaring the life out of you as he called out your name. He presented you with a message, an unopened, sealed message which made you look up to him in confusion. All correspondences go through your husband, Vary’s simply said nothing and urged you to read. The letter came from Dorne, from your uncle’s lover; Ellaria Sand.
“The Sand Snakes await you by east shore in a fortnight, no more Dornish blood on pale hands.”
You read it over again, there was a chance that you could leave, but you weren’t a hostage. You were the wife of Tywin Lannister and you were going to die on the same ground as him, should he fall. You crumpled the parchment and handed it back to Varys. It was answer enough, you were staying in King’s Landing.
You’d sat at the dine, awaiting your husband. You’d requested to eat alone today. Just the two of you,and the King for goodness allowed it. Though if Tywin wanted to eat alone there was so stopping him. You sat out of breath after journeying back to your chamber, pressing a cool glass of water to your sweaty neck.
“You do realize the Maesters do not tell you to not walk around for entertainment.” Your husband’s voice called out from behind you. His hand leaning down to your bump and pressing a kiss to your temple before sitting down on his seat. Servants poured in to set up your table, as each item was placed you tried not to look displeased as most food this days made you sick. Tywin pushed forward the fruit bowl to you, the cool texture of melons were the only thing you could eat.
Tywin didn’t want to say it but he was terrified for you and his children. You could birth in two fortnights or three, and now he didn’t even know if the Lannisters would survive one. He watched as you bit into the watermelon, a small hum leaving you as you savoured the red fruit. “How is the banner coming along?” He asked. His wife told him of this tradition, and he would do everything possible to bring that banner back to his wife after the war.
“Nearly done, husband.” You said sipping out of your water cup. “Just a few more stitches.” You took a deep breath, not sure of how to wage the conversation you wanted to have with him. “Husband.” You paused making him look at you
“We have another war tradition. Jahaur.” You stated looking at the fruit bowl in front of you. “Should the city fall, I need your permission… to let go.” He looked at your confused, not quite understanding what you meant. “The women, we’d rather burn in a fire then be taken by Stannis, I would not impose this on the other women but my ladies and I request the flame of you, my lord.” You looked at him sternly, a look Tywin himself mastered to often hide any emotion he felt. His brows were scrunched tightly as he took in what you had just said
You facade cracked through however, a slight gloss in you eyes as you pleaded you husband to allow your death. Tywin knew that even Stannis’s army wasn’t devoid of the treacheries that men imposed on women. He couldn’t bare the thought of those men touching you. He too thought of Ellia Martell and how her child was cut out of her. He simply gave you a tight nod as approval. You looked to you maid who stood at the corner of the room, her eyes too glossed over. You nodded at her as she scurried off to make preparations. Both of you sat in silence, opting to move to lay on the couch. His hand gently rubbing your bump as you looked out to the night sky.
Days before the siege, you’d found Cersei in the royal gardens, with her youngest Tommen. He overjoyed when he saw you. His little feet running over to you before falling into a wobbly bow. “My lady.” The boy called out
“My prince.” You smiled back and lifted the boy as best you could. “Aren’t you getting bigger.” You spoke to him as you walked to his mother. Cersei never liked you, she thought it betrayed the memory of her mother, she didn’t trust you because you weren’t a Lannister.
“Your grace.” You bowed before handing her Tommen. She gave your her practiced tight lipped smile.
“I’m surprised you haven’t run yet.” She spoke as she patted the seat next to you, to sit.
“This is my home, why would I?” Cersei scoffed at that. Watching Tommen run about the garden as she looked to your belly.
“You love him?” She said almost as if she was trying to believe it herself. She looked at you for answer but you said nothing. She sported a look you couldn’t quite decipher, it was maybe of sympathy or pity. Maybe she thought you were pathetic, willing to die for a man who would never truly be yours. You let your gaze go back to Tommen, you wondered what Stannis would do to these children. You thought of what he would do to you.
That night Tywin found you in bed, wide awake staring at the canopy. The sheer curtains drawn and within it your silhouette laid perfectly still, the gentle rise and fall of your chest and the movement of your hand on your belly. He’d sworn he wouldn’t share such intimacy with anyone other than Joanna. A small part of him, as wars raged on, wished that a pierce right through his heart would send him to his beloved. Though that was a fool’s wishful thinking, to even believe he would go to the same place as his first wife. With Stannis’s army about to rain down on them in a few hours, he didn’t seem to care. He looked at you laying there, and if he could let your care consume him. He’d happily die on your marital bed. He watched as you became aware of his presence, extending your arm out and wiggling your fingers at him.
“Come to bed. Husband.” Your soft voice called out to him, his feet carried him like a siren’s song towards you, already stripped into his tunic. There you laid in a sleep dress, the white shinning like stars against your skin and while in other circumstances Tywin would have you screaming his name for looking like that. There was melancholy in the air, he saw the small frown on your face, the little shake in your fingers. You were scared and so was he. The gods had blessed him with yet another chance and here he laid as within mere hours you might be taken away from him.
He shuffled in, facing you as you moved your head to look at him. His large palm found yours that rested on your bump. “My wife, promise me” He huffs against your shoulder. “No matter what happens tomorrow, you will wait till the very end.” He didn’t need to elaborate what he meant. He wanted you to wait until Stannis was at the Red Keep to enter the pyre. A tear felt past your eye, as you looked upward to the ceiling again.
“I promise.” You smiled sadly at him. A small purr erupted a Lion jumped on the bed to lay in between the little space between you and you husband. Hearing him purr made your frown grow and bottom lip quiver, you closed your eyes to compose yourself. “Do you think they will hurt him?” You voice broke halfway.
“This is why we don’t name things, wife.” Your husband whispered as if speaking any louder would make this room ignite. His knuckles rubbing the feline’s snout. You were crying, not inconsolable, or breaking down. It was grief, anguish just silently pouring out of you. Tywin’s heart would give out from not showing it. He too felt the way you did. “Sleep, my wife.” You felt his touch lull you to sleep. In that limbo between coniousness and sleep, you could swear you heard the faintest humming from him. You couldn’t quite decipher the song but he was humming for sure.
The next morning was chaos, the court in shambles as women sewed gold in the hems of their dresses, more women showed up at the pyre. Arrows being accounted for, soldiers being head counted. Common folk being urged into the insides of the abandoned dragon pit, which now held food, clothing and milk for children. You and your husband on the other hand were wrapped in each other’s arms. Both unwilling to let go, your back to his as his arms engulfed you back into the sheets. Waiting and dreading for the knocks of your servants which rest assured came.
next chapter
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oklotea · 6 days
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GRAHESH GLITCH is a middle aged desi immigrant, who runs a struggling hardware store, with his long time business partner, ULYSSES "LEE" DISCOLLI.
Short-tempered. Divorced. Exhausted. Grahesh is trying to mend his strained relationship with his daughter, TALA GLITCH. But as the years go by, Tala wonders if it's even worth it. They both do.
No matter though, because Grahesh's life gets turned upside down as he finds himself being the sole individual who just might have a chance to save all of existence, against a dark, all-knowing, all-seeing entity.
Have you watched everything everywhere all at once? WATCH IT. YOU'LL THANK ME LATER.
So this is one of the most outlandish go jetters au concepts on paper. Everything everywhere all at once...... And go jetters....... And the main character is glitch.
But you see it's actually genius and I don't think I've ever been so happy with an original au in my LIFE.
So here are a few of the reasons I created this au concept. And a few things I hope to achieve with it.
One aspect of glitch's character that I obsessively think about, is the fact that he may as well be the only Glitch who hasn't made like, a huge accomplishment of some sort. And despite glitch being proud of where he comes from, who his family is and their legacy..... They might not be proud of him back.
With this AU, and it's really grounded in reality setup, and with, making Glitch asian, I really hope to be able to explore that deeply-engrained, hard to escape disappointment, that comes with not making your family proud. For not living up to their expectations, and how to confront it, after living with that overwhelming disappointment your whole life. Because, glitch is at least in his late 40s. He has had to push aside all of his true feelings about himself, and his entire life of disappointment after disappointment, again and again; for the sake of getting his taxes done. For the sake of keeping him, his daughter, and his business partner afloat. He's just too scatterbrained and busy to unpack all that.
Another thing about this AU, is that even though here, Glitch and Ubercorn, or should I say Grahesh and Lee, meet through very different circumstances, and are living in very different conditions, they are both still inherently their canon characters, only just.... Put through the wringer known as LATE STAGE CAPITALISM ahem. Real world problems y'know?
SPEAKING OF THESE TWO OHHHRGGDGHHHHHHHH I'm about to ruin them. There are certain details I haven't really worked out ENTIRELY but know I'm about to do so much character exploration with these two and what they mean to each other (putting them through the wringer)
Also putting Tala through the real world problems wringer. Just to see what would happen. And adding a blaring disconnect between her and her father for shits and giggles
No but there IS a reason! Something very obvious about canon tala, is that despite what people say about her uncle, what her family hypothetically says about him, she continues to look up to him, and find him, and stay close to him. But with uhhhh eeaao!tala, she's had to live through all of Grahesh's failures, and mistakes. She's seen this guy in his entire ugly existence. How he constantly bursts out in sudden anger at the people around him, how he almost never has a proper plan, and consistently makes stupid mistakes. How no matter how hard he tries, he could never say the right words to her. Maybe a long time ago, she used to look up to him, but unfortunately, not anymore. Tala is in her early 20s in this au.
Even though it's sad, a hypothetical that I would LOVE to explore with this AU is... What would a hopeless Tala look like? A Tala who's lived long enough to completely lose her spark. Who can't see her father fondly anymore. Who has found herself completely drowning in disappointment. Just like her father.
Idk this is just a really self indulgent au and it makes me happy thinking about the art I could make for it :333
Also. Spoiler alert for the movie: I wanna see Tala be an omnipotent, destructive, multidimensional, nihilistic, weird girl who desperately wants to be understood by her father I NEED IT LIKE OXYGEN
I'll probably be making more concept sketches for this au so, be sure to look out for it!!!! :DD tell me what you think about it but only the good parts I don't need any criticism rn
Thank god orange, green, and purple are a color triad.
Uberglitch family is real
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
Random hilarious idea: jegulus my big fat greek wedding au. Except it's my big fat pure blood wedding. Let's pretend in this au the Black family is just snobby and a little crazy, but not like in the books, and James, he's an only child, BUT in this au in his family he has tons of cousins, aunts, uncles, and two sets of grandparents, and two great grandmothers that are still alive(and make lots of passive aggressive comments to James mother and how they only had one child really late in life). Also his family is an old desi family that goes back generations. So we have these two very old magic pure blood families that both have their own traditions and way of doing things clashing and driving each other crazy. They each wants this wedding to go a certain way. Meanwhile Jegulus just wants get married and be together. But they both care too much about their own families to just up and ditch and elope(especially for Regulus considering his parents guilt tripped him into not eloping like Sirius did). And this whole idea is hilarious and interesting and romantic. And just exploring the two different wizarding cultures (the Black's a French family and the Potter's a family from India)
Hilarious ideas for this au
Regulus crazy cousin Bellatrix
James family always trying to feed people.
Regulus parents especially his mother.
Andromeda being sympathic because the family was really snobby and crazy about her marrying Ted(Andromeda is still part of the family)
Sirius having eloped with Remus to avoid the Black family drama.
Sirius being the best man and also brother to the groom.
James family is nice, but make a lot of passive aggressive comments about his parents only having one child.
Narcissa and being the wedding planner while pregnant with Draco.
The marauders era gang is all here and is causing hilarious shenanigans.
Marlene and Dorcas getting together during the wedding basically just like how Monica and Chandler did during that episode of Friends.
James was the one to propose and it was cute.
Regulus can't swim and almost drowns during the wedding preparations(Don worry James saved him).
Sirius and Remus being so happy the eloped.
Regulus mother is warning onto its self.
Honeymoon Greece.
James and Sirius get stuck somewhere right before the wedding and starts and have to rush back.
Narcissa water breaks during all this. Regulus has to deliver the baby.
Regulus and James to get married in the end and it's beautiful.
@@silence-between-seconds @achillvs @sophsicle @drownedghostie
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Tattooed On Your Palms Is My Love (Bucky Barnes - One Shot)
Summary: Bucky and you attend the mehendi (henna) ceremony of a friend, this was to be purely self indulgent as I attended a wedding recently and applied mehendi (henna) and this was supposed to me a cute one shot but Bucky requested the smut. (i had no control)(none at all). Written on my phone.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Plus Sized! Desi! Reader (Modern AU)
Warnings: fluff, smut, Bucky dotes over the reader, food feeding, oral (fem receiving), body worship, mentions of male receiving oral. minors dni.
Word Count: 3184
Masterlist || AO3
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Bucky Barnes knew desi weddings were much different than other weddings. Now being surrounded by thumping music and vibrance he just understood how much more celebratory the wedding could be.
The sun was shining bright but the tent set up gave it a pink glow, portable fans and air-conditioning were a boon.
He nurses his drink, gingerly taking a sip of the cocktail concoction by the namesake of the bride and groom.
Bucky feels his smile return when he spots you through the crowd making your way back to him.
“Bucky, come along, I want you to meet Naina’s aunt and uncle, they always snuck me the best sweets during their visits back home.” You explain grasping his hand, and also fumbling with your dupatta (scarf).
“Doll,” Bucky stops you, grabbing the dupatta and placing it across your shoulder where it was,
“Better?” He wonders still unsure if he put it the right way, the design was too intricate to know for sure.
“Let you in on a secret?” You gaze up into his bright blue eyes, his heart and yours ignite with love.
“I never know either so I keep moving it. If someone corrects me I just go ‘Oh, thank you so much.’” You giggle making Bucky laugh.
“Well then I’ll keep reminding you to move it. Now where are the sweet suppliers?” Bucky grasps your hand again letting you lead the way.
Naina the bride, her uncle and aunt stand next to your parents who smile as the pair of you approach.
“Ah there they are!” Your mother smiles.
“Hello, Sir, Ma’am,” Bucky offers a warm smile, your mom tuts, running a hand over his head affectionately.
“You are family, James, none of this Sir, Ma’am thing.”
He smiles at your mom’s words.
“Now, now, I prefer Sir.” Your dad teases, Bucky only pales for a moment before catching on and giving a nervous laugh.
“Dad, please don’t scare my boyfriend.” You look up at Bucky offering him three squeezes by your hand. He smiles, squeezing back thrice.
“Yes, this is chocolate uncle and chocolate aunty.” You introduce and Bucky’s eyebrow furrows in confusion as the elders laugh.
“Chocolate?” Bucky knew about the sweets but this name threw him off.
The woman shakes her head still laughing, “She calls us that from childhood and honestly anything else never feels right.” She runs a hand over your head.
“Truly, always so respectful never demanded for chocolates even one time we pretended to forget just to see her reaction, she never changed her behaviour or threw a tantrum.” The uncle says endearingly.
“She is always that way, never looking out to gain anything, no matter what she puts her heart toward; always the best.” Bucky presses a kiss to your forehead, this was almost the tenth one since kissing on the mouth had been prohibited by you so he kept finding acceptable loopholes.
Though he really wanted to piss off some of the ‘judgemental aunties’.
The four of them smile endearingly at the two of you.
Naina comes up, “Would you look at that, the cutest couple has finally arrived— wait why are you hands empty?” She gasps.
Bucky worriedly looks down at your hands, you are holding your purse and phone?
“Henna.” You explain and he nods, you told him about it customary at weddings.
“Go on, I’ll wait here with your mum and dad.” He urges you onward.
“I also need to apply it.” Your mum hands her things to your dad. He smiles at his wife endearingly.
“Will you?” You begin to ask but he grabs your bag and phone, smiling down at you.
“I read up about it, takes a while to dry. I’ll come around in a while if you’re almost done I’ll head to the buffet keep a plate ready for us.”
“Bucky, you are literally perfect.” Naina sighs longingly.
“Aren’t you getting married?” You shove her lightly.
“Yes but Rahul isn’t here to on dote after me.” She pouts.
You shake your head, turning back to Bucky you grasp his arms and lean up to place a kiss to his cheek.
“Yes, yes, we know the sweetheart James Barnes is yours.” Naina rolls her eyes at you.
As Bucky blushes you wink at him before your mum and you follow the bride to the henna area.
“Lets find a table?” Your dad suggests and everyone follows him.
Bucky then notices in the buffet area quite a few husbands or significant others are feeding their partners food.
“They are doing a last minute love attempt.” Chocolate Aunty says, shaking her head.
“Oh come on now.” You dad rolls his eyes and her husband shakes his head.
“What do you mean?” Bucky pulls out the chair for her before sitting down.
“Well they say the darker the colour of the henna post the drying and removal the deeper love your significant other holds for you.” She explains, Bucky nods.
“What about unmarried people?” The question earns him a side eye from your dad.
“It is the father’s love.” He gives Bucky a playful glare making Chocolate uncle laugh.
“Oh come on now, it is the to be husband’s love, deeper or more the love darker the colour.” The aunt explains smiling at her husband. Who holds her hand to his lips kissing her knuckles.
For a minute Bucky panics trying to locate you amongst the crowd, when he finds your heart warming gaze. He knows that deep colour of the henna cannot encompass the love he holds for you.
You raise your right hand to show him the design he smiles getting up and moving toward you with his phone out.
“What are you doing?” You curiously eye his determination, the tip of his tongue poking out.
“Trying to get my next lock screen background.” He says with a satisfied smile.
“Why not home screen? Cause thats never changing.” He reminds you offended at the mere suggestion.
“That is intricate work.” He looks at the Henna design.
“Mmhmm, I used to love it when i was younger.”
“All done.” The lady announces.
“Thank you.” You say carefully standing with your hands up to avoid ruining the work. Bucky grabs your dupatta, and fixes your dress.
“Thank you, baby.” You kiss his cheek, before leaving Bucky turns to the henna artist giving her a smile and a thank you.
Bucky looks towards your mum who is still to complete her other hand she gestures for the two of you to continue onward.
So that is when you find yourself after Bucky makes sure to have two full plates from the buffet. The conversation flows easily between the two of you as food is eaten and fed. A small feeling of guilt creeps up your chest.
“You know I can just wait for the henna to dry and eat right?” You say as he prepares the next bite of food.
“Not on my watch, baby.” Bucky brings the spoon close, “Besides not the first time I’ve fed you.” His blue eyes twinkle with mirth and that smirk makes your stomach tighten.
“Bucky.” You chastise.
“What? I’m talking about the time we shared ice cream, what did you think?” He takes his own bite of food.
“Come closer,” You say, he leans in, “I was thinking about that time when you fed me when I was on my knees wearing that pretty black—,” Bucky sputters and leans away drinking water to calm down.
You lean back grinning.
“You little minx.” He narrows his eyes and you shrug innocently.
“Just you wait.” Bucky brings his hand upto your face, his thumb brushes over your bottom lip.
Your lips part, he feels your slow exhale against his thumb.
“Right here, Doll? Are you getting needy for me? You know you can’t touch me.” He teases pulling away, sucking on his thumb maintaining eye contact with you.
You feel your thighs clench under your lehenga.
Bucky has a knowing smirk on his face.
“Now come on eat your dessert then I will have mine.”
“Bucky—,” Though the promise of his words is much more delicious, “Take me home.” You say surprising him and yourself.
“You sure? They have gulab jamun.” Bucky adds you shake your head.
“Want only you.” You say.
“Alright Doll. Let us go and say our goodbyes and then we can leave.” He grabs the empty plates and your bag.
“Leaving so soon?” Your mum looks sad when you tell her.
“We’ll see you at the reception and for Sunday dinner mum.” You kiss her cheek to the best of both your henna clad hand abilities.
“Also I think I’ve gotten the recipe for biryani down so prepare to have your minds blown.” Bucky grins your dad pats his back.
“I’ll hold you to that, son.” He gives him another pat on his back and you both head to meet Naina again.
“Oh no.” Naina warns right before you even tell her anything.
“Listen I don’t care how horny you guys are—,”
Bucky’s eye go wide, “We’re not—,”
“Oh please the amount of 18+ texts this woman has sent me about you in this black Kurta and the way your hand keeps inching close to her ass—,”
You almost cover her mouth with your henna covered hand.
Bucky stops you, “Tell me about the texts.”
You cannot believe this man.
“Right, just fold up your sleeves and—,” Naina begins,
“I’m going back to my parents this is unbelievable.” You turn to head away when a tug stops you.
“Oi! Get the camera!” Naina screams, you turn to face Bucky and your dupatta is caught in the cufflink of the sleeve on his left hand.
“Well, looks like you cannot get away from me.” You want to wipe the smug grin off of his face.
He begins pulling your dupatta effectively making you come closer to him.
Bucky grins, leaning down uncaring of what anyone will say and his soft lips press against yours. His free hand moves to your waist pulling you closer.
His cologne fills your senses, the kiss holds so much of love and longing the way his tongue moves against yours you have half a mind to not grab his arms.
Bucky pulls away, “Now that is something for the aunties to talk about.”
You bite your lips as your cheeks warm his thumb draws intricate pattern that you can feel despite the layer of clothing that cover your back.
“Know what just for that magical moment free pass to go home.” Naina fake wipes her eyes.
“I’ll see you at the reception.” You tell her, she gives you a hug and Bucky a wave.
You briefly catch her miming at him to roll up his sleeves.
Bucky laughs, pulling you closer as you walk back to the car.
The feeling of relief feels even greater taking off your heels as you step in behind Bucky entering the apartment you share with him.
“Ah, ah.” Bucky chastises as you head to grab a water bottle.
“It is dry—,”
“I’m taking care of you, Doll.” He brings back the water in a glass with a straw, you smile at him before drinking up.
“Good now head to the bedroom I’ll be there in a second.” He opens the door for you, you can hear him rummaging in the second room where your dresser is her returns with your make up remover and reusable wipes.
He sets everything down on the desk in the bedroom, Bucky moves behind you, undoing the clasp of the necklace his lips trail over your neck. Warmth blooms within you as his teeth tug over your earlobe when he removes the earring. He places the jewellery next to the items her brought in.
You notice he has in fact rolled up his sleeves when he brings his hand from the back under your chin to look up at him so that he can kiss you. You giggle and he smiles.
“You look really, really good.” You whisper, Bucky smiles, thumb tracing over your kiss bitten lips.
“I’m holding the rarest beauty in my arms.” He whispers, turning you as his lips trace over your temples then cheek then jaw and he leaves small bites over the neckline of your blouse.
“So fucking gorgeous.” He licks a stripe over your exposed sternum.
Your hands ache to touch him.
“Bucky.” Your voice comes out in a breathy whisper.
“Let me take care of you.” His hands undo the buttons on the blouse, the material loosens around your body.
Bucky’s large hands slowly take off the material his warm hands leave burning trails on the exposed skin, the blouse comes off, he’s careful not to spoil cloth the now flaking henna.
You preen under his intense gaze, Bucky drinks you in the way your skin looks as he cups your breast through your strapless bra, his lips latch onto your skin, as he undoes the clasp.
Your nipples are hardened for him, he takes one in his mouth and rolls the other between his thumb and forefinger.
You moan, your clit aches when he twists and pulls your nipple.
“Bucky, please.”
He only hums as he switches between the nipples biting down on the other as he rolls and tugs.
You almost bring your hands to his hair.
“Ah, ah, Doll, you touch me and I stop.” He warns, looking up at you. Only a rim of azure remains in his lust blown eyes.
You rest them back at your sides.
“Good girl.” He trails his lips over your abdomen and sides, his hands leave no part of your soft skin unattended.
“So beautiful, such pretty sounds, all for me. Going to have a taste.” His voice has dropped octaves washing over your skin, igniting every part of you with need.
You whimper at his words.
Your lehenga falls to your feet, he is on his knees, hands grab your hips squeezing.
Bucky guides you out from the fabric, moving it away.
“Soaked through your panties, this all for me Doll? All this sweetness for me to devour?” Bucky blows over the dampened material sending a shiver through you.
All you can think of is his lips around your clit and his fingers—
His scruff brushes over the inside of your thighs.
“Answer me, Doll.”
“All for you, Bucky please, need, need you.” You moan wanton, as he bites into your flesh, marking you with a love bite over your thigh.
He grabs the edges of your panties, pulling them down your legs,
“Look at her, weeping for me.” He brushes his nose along your thigh, you feel your slick drip over your folds more at his actions.
His fingers trace over your folds, “Look at her glistening.” He brings his fingers to his lips. He moans around his fingers.
“Going to have a taste now, sit with your legs spread.”
You follow, Bucky settles down at the edge, taking your legs over his shoulder, you watch as his tongue licks over his bottom lip.
“Bucky, please—,” you cry out as he sucks hard over your clit, his tongue laps at your entrance.
Your hips arch and you tighten your legs over his shoulders.
He teases your entrance with two fingers before pushing them in, you fall back on the bed; tears prick at your eyes as he moves his fingers over the spot that has your arching off of the bed.
Bucky moves his tongue in languid circles over your clit.
“Bucky, Bucky,” you cry out, willing yourself to not touch him.
He reaches up with his right hand, grabbing your nipple.
You cry out as your orgasm takes over, he doesn’t stop, adding a third finger as the coil begins tightening in your stomach.
“You thought I’d be done so soon?” He sounds amused through the blood rushing in your ears.
Bucky flicks his thumb over your clit, you jolt at the sensation.
“You know the rule, Doll, I eat till I’m full.” He smirks observing the muscles in your abdomen flex as he brushes over the spongy spot in sync with your clit.
“Come on, I know you can give me how many I ask of you.”
“Look at you, clenching around my fingers, going to fill you up so good.” Bucky promises with a kiss to your clit, bringing you to the edge once more.
His tongue licks over the juices that coat his lips.
“Taste yourself baby, so fucking good for me.”
His index finger traces your lip your follow it with your tongue, then suck his fingers clean.
Bucky leans over pressing his lips against yours, you moan feeling his length against you as the material brushes over at your sensitive cunt.
“You’re going to give me two more.”
“Bucky,” you hiss as he tugs on your nipples again, the overstimulation setting in.
“Won’t you? Look at her already dripping for me to taste more.” Bucky smiles at your cunt your stomach tightening.
“Need to touch you.” You beg hating not being able to hold onto him.
“I will let you.” He promises, easing three fingers into you, your arch upward to meet his thrusts the bedsheet covered in the little pieces of henna falling at your grabbing.
“Such a good girl for me.” You don’t know how is he coaxing yet another orgasm from your, you only know how to say his name and whimper out for more of him.
And Bucky gives you everything you need from him.
The next morning you wake up before Bucky quietly slipping out of bed, you go to the bathroom.
The henna comes off easily, most of it on the floor of the bedroom, your cunt throbs at the thought of Bucky.
“Calm it.” You whisper.
You gasp at the deep colour, never has it been this dark for you before.
“Bucky! Bucky!” You squeal, he rushes into the bathroom with sleep ridden eyes.
“Are you okay?” He looks over your form worried.
You hold up your hands to show him.
“Uh, Doll what am I supposed to find my name?” He scratches the back of his head.
“No! That tradition is for the bridge and groom, look at the deep colour! It does not come this dark for me ever!” You grin at him with adoration, wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him.
You pull away slightly, “I know that the tradition doesn’t quantify your love for me and I know you love me alot but I just this, ever since childhood, I’ve always…” you trail off.
Bucky brushes your hair back, his free hand tracing the pattern.
“I know baby, I can understand this holds significance for you, I love you. I’m glad it is this dark, I can be calm now.” He says.
“Calm?” You look at him.
“Yeah well, all the other partners are worrying about the colour intensity and here mine is as deep as it can be, tattooed onto your palms.” Bucky kisses your hands.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
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wolfstarlibrarian · 3 years
HELLO I was jw what were your favourite fics featuring POC Marauders without the shitty stereotyping 💜
Also thank you librarian for your content. Honestly this is the top tier rec blog in the fandom due to your amazing taste.
Well THIS is a great ask! It’s nice to see fans looking for authentic diversity in fics as opposed to tokenism. Just about all of these fics have been listed on various library lists, but hopefully people enjoying seeing them listed somewhere convenient. Also, this is just a VERY SMALL selection of fics featuring Remus or Sirius as POC, so if you’re looking for more of a certain representation, just send an ask!
Also, a note to authors looking to include representation (other than their own ethnicity) in their next fic: make sure that you read first hand experiences from multiple sources, research with advocacy groups, and THEN try reach out to a peer who can potentially beta/do a sensitivity read for you. It's important that we all try and learn as much as possible on our own before asking our peers to work as our educators. ❤️
POC Wolfstar
Black James & Cuban Sirius
Be My Baby by @remus-john-lupin It’s the summer of 1963, and 18 year old Remus Lupin discovers dance, love, and even himself. (A very romantic and very gay Dirty Dancing AU.)
Latino Remus
Forget-Me-Not by @halictus-writer
For someone who just woke up with amnesia and a bad concussion, Remus Lupin isn't too dispirited. He'll get through it with the help of his friends, taking it one day at a time, as Sirius says. The only (other) problem? There's something important that he's forgetting.
Retrial by phoenixgal
Remus Lupin, host of the popular podcast Retrial, decides to focus on the case of Sirius Black, a man convicted of murdering his high school best friend, for his upcoming season. Remus has gotten too close to his subjects in the past, so he promises himself that won't happen this time.
Desi Sirius
Young Hearts Intertwined by @goodboylupin
There’s a special kind of magic to a wartime wedding.
Latino Remus & Desi Sirius
A Lucky Mishap by softiejace Of course this would be just Remus’ luck - the library printer breaking when the deadline for his term paper is coming up. And to top it off, the pretty boy he’s been running into all week is there to witness his moment of misery… but maybe he can turn things around?
Sephardic Jewish Remus
Candles in the Darkness by @miraxb
In the winter of seventh year, James, Sirius, and Remus are all carrying their own burdens and fears for the growing darkness in their world. Together, they find comfort and light at the Hanukkah celebration in the Lupin household.
Half Syrian Remus
I Tried Writing Your Name In The Rain, But It Never Came, So I Used The Sun Instead by @prefectmoony
Don’t get Remus wrong. He loves his friends, he does! Loves them to the moon and back in fact. They’re his people, his favorite part of everyday, his found family. He’d do anything for them. But the thing is that doesn’t take away from the very simple fact that his friends are fucking ridiculous. Remus knows this, has known it for five years now. But it doesn’t stop him from startling awake on the morning of his sixteenth birthday surprised by the sound of fireworks exploding in their dormitory and a raucous chorus of “Happy birthday Moony!” being shouted into his ear with jaunty gusto.
Chinese Sirius
got a fascination (with your presentation) by @alifeincoffeespoons
When Remus thought of Oxford as a child, he envisioned turrets, laughter, and an unnameable, unforgettable magic. He did not envision vomiting his breakfast all over himself while standing in the halls of St. Catherine’s College.
Cut Your Bangs by @notmycatsname
"There’s something about him that catches Sirius’s eye. His voice is a little whiny, almost off-key. Sirius has heard it time and time again in the bands that Lily plays through their speakers at their apartment but it sounds more genuine, almost heart breaking, through his voice. Remus’s voice."
Black Remus, Desi Sirius & James
Palo Alto by NachoDiablo
Modern AU set in Silicon Valley. It's easy for Sirius to ignore his mixed-up feelings while he's got Remus all to himself, but when Remus starts dating again, Sirius is forced to figure things out before Remus moves on for good. Or before James and Peter strangle them both.
Japanese Remus and Taiwanese Sirius
kavaluan (means white lily here) by @claudiafekete 1926, Taiwan. Japanese empire's prized colony. Remus needed an interpreter. Sirius volunteered.
Philippino Sirius
Problems with Narrative Structure and the Rules of Manly Engagement [+Podfic] by @xinasvoice
"There were easily six hundred people living in the Paramount building in downtown San Francisco. That was a lot of neighbors to get to know, but it only took a single day of living there for Sirius to notice Remus."
Latino Remus & Japanese-American!Sirius
Discards by @picascribit​ When 21-year-old assistant librarian Sirius spots a cute hipster college student at the Seattle Public Library, he just needs to figure out a subtle way of determining whether he’s into guys. But Remus’s life is more complicated than Sirius knows.
Native American Sirius
Grimsfall by @remus-john-lupin
There is a legend in the old city of Grimsfall that a large, black creature used to emerge from the forest at night, and anyone who met its gaze would be driven to madness before the thing dragged them into the depths of hell.
Mexican Remus & Sirius
A Whole Queer County Fair by @bigblackdogfic Two queer Mexican kids talking, having sex, and feeling their feelings in Arizona.
Indigenous Australian Remus
Among The Gumtrees by WolfstarGarden Sirius inherits his uncle's farm, but finding the right farmhand isn't as simple as he'd hoped: Sirius just couldn’t help but wonder if fantasising about his straight farm assistant was maybe one boundary breach too far. On the other hand, perhaps Remus shouldn’t suck on the end of his pen while lost in thought.
South American Remus
The Delegate by @wanderingbandurria
It’s 1921, and Sirius Black is a sailor that wants to prove himself as a political agitator. He sets foot in a lost, forgotten port in South America, where he’s supposed to help with the local organization of syndicalists. He’s not expecting to meet a brown-eyed man who is there to help put his words into Spanish. A man that’s really not interested in anything but doing his job. Nothing more.
Thai Sirius
Whatever Words I Say -orphaned fic
When Remus Lupin is hired to control the antics of famous lead singer of the Marauders, Sirius Black, he knows he has his work cut out for him. Sirius is contrary and has absolutely no chill, and loves pissing off the press. Remus feels up to the challenge, but he certainly does not expect to fall head over heels in love from the moment he meets the charismatic singer.
Something Beautiful -orphaned fic When Remus Lupin’s ex talks him into a drunken tattoo mistake, he goes to his friend and co-worker Lily for help. Luckily her husand’s best mate is a tattoo artist who can help with the cover up. Unfortunately for Remus, the tattoo in in a rather compromising area, and he’ll have to get over his embarrassment. Luckily for him, Sirius Black is just the man for the job.
So many fics and yet so many more to go! As always, feel free to reblog with your own recs!
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aynanasstuff · 3 years
Wilsons' Residence// Sam Wilson x Desi!Reader AU
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pic cred: pinterest
Summary: The Wilsons are home! Sam Wilson is a devoted family man: a great father and a loving husband. Oh, he's also Captain America. Other than that, well, this little family is just like any other!
This is going to be a series of drabbles and one shots for Sam Wilson and his little family. Requests open!
The Wedding (they get married!)
Safe (Post mission worries about his kids)
Cookout (cookout cuteness with dad!Sam)
Jealous, Wilson? (adorable jealous!Sam)
Yeh toh hona hi tha (fighting over whose music taste is better)
Desi Comfort Food (teaching your kids how to make pav bhaji)
For you (the kids find something that makes them think of their parents)
A Kiss At Midnight (a new year's kiss with Sam)
Lock the Damn Door (18+, bucky walks in on you and sam sheeeeeshhh)
Best Thing I've Heard (fluffy fluff, Sam's hopped up on meds and asks you to marry him)
Date Night (fluffffff, Uncle Bucky watches Paul and Riley while Sam takes you out on a date)
A Whole Lotta Love (fluffff, dad!Sam and father's day)
Mama and Evil Eye (fluffff, stuff you do to protect your fam from nazar)
more coming soon....
Main Masterlist
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lebrookestore · 3 years
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dainty dupattas
p: ten lee x reader || t: desi!au, mentions of things specific to desis, fluff || w: food, reader is implied to be desi, so this au is not completely inclusive but rather for all my fellow desis<3 || wc: 0.6k
taglist: @danishmiilk  @radiorenjun @channoticedmeuwu @chicksung @jenosslut @mrkcore @intokook @kkakkdugi​ @sungchanscult​ @sakurasangcl​ @rouiyan​ @kiri-ah​ @kariskwn​ @019127​ @imdamnconfused​ @armysantiny​ @subhyuck​ @aprilpari​ + @hyuckefi @navyhyuck
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“What about this one?”
You lifted up the gorgeous maroon coloured dupatta, to show it to your boyfriend. It had gold trim with matching gold details that gave of an air of royalty one couldn’t quite explain.
He looked over and above the screen of his phone, a small smile making its way onto his crimson lips. His eyes met yours, which were sparkling in anticipation, and a clear testament to the fact that you loved this one from among all the ones you had looked at this afternoon.
“It goes perfectly with the lehenga I have,” you said, hoping he would like it too. Picking out what to wear to a wedding had always been, and would always be an event. In all honestly, it was a little odd to be out and about, shopping for just a dupatta, but you had lost the one that went along with the outfit you were to wear, which was how you landed in this position in the first place.
Weddings were also an event, you absolutely had to look your best since you would be surrounded by your family, some you were familiar with and those aunties who met you once when you were about three and were expected to remember. In order to receive their ashirvaad, you’d had to look stunning.
Then you’d meet cousins you didn’t even know existed up until that point, and it didn’t matter how many weddings you had attended, there would always be a new one for you at each one. At this point, Ten didn’t even get jealous when a new guy introduced himself to you, he was probably your cousin.
And yes, he had gotten jealous on several occasions, but he would refuse to admit it. 
“It’s lovely,” Ten said, eyes carefully following your every move as he got to his feet. He was always one to give you his full attention, and while it was sometimes pretty intimidating, you generally enjoyed it. “You’ll look pretty anyways.”
Heat rushed to your face as you rolled your eyes in an attempt to cover up your flustered state. He tended to affect you rather easily, which was rather unfair when you thought about it.
“I think you’d look pretty even if it was a neon pink,” he looked amused now, fingers finding yours as he pulled you closer to him. “Are we done now? Can we leave?”
You glared weakly at him, walking back into the dingy changing room and slipping on your sandals. “You just want to get out here, don’t you?”
“I would like to remind you that you are very pretty and I love you!” A cheeky smile was what you were met with when you walked out of the changing room and you shook your head, playfully hitting his arm as you nodded, walking to the check out counter. 
“So what are you wearing this time?” You asked as you paid for your item of clothing and he hummed.
“The same thing as the last time.”
You wondered how many aunties and uncles were judging him for not putting any effort into his outfit, but it didn’t matter. Everybody loved Ten, and he’d manage to weasel his way out of it and get their blessings.
“Or,” you said, smirking slightly, “You could wear one of my ghararas.” 
“Can I use the pretty dupatta?” He struck an exaggerated pose right there in public and you shushed him in embarrassment, which some something he clearly didn’t have. Pressing your lips together to avoid bursting into laughter, you took the bag from the cashier who gave your boyfriend an odd look.
“We’ll see.”
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a/n: this is a little different to what i usually write, and its also a drabble!! feedback would be appreciated<3
© lebrookestore, all rights reserved
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yeastinfectionvale · 2 months
How would Bezz fare in Islamabad?
Okay prefacing this by saying I lived in Islamabad, but am not Islamabadi. I am a Karachi girlie, so I may come off as super fucking bias.
Following this post by the lovely Cate as a slight guide, we know that Bezz needs to be near the sea (or any body of water) or he will perish /j.
Islamabad only has one large body of water and you can't swim in Rawal Dam (you can go on a speed boat and go karting [edit: on the circuit nearby] or on any of the rides otherwise I don't recommend Rawal as a spot to visit). He would be crossing the toll bridge out of Islamabad and to Taxila area to go to Khanpur dam (where you can swim, go on jet skis and its a good vibe).
Also Islamabad has its inner divisions. The capital is divided into square box areas named sectors and they are numbered from 6-15.
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I don't see him in Meerabadi (land that was established as a settlement before it was incorporated into G-12) or any of the sectors 15-9. F-7, yeah its a good open food court so it's a maybe but Bezz might be spotted in an E-sector, in the blue-zone/in Safa Gold Mall (F-7) or Centaurus Mall (F-8).
But lets not lie to ourselves, he's a Karachi guy. Put him in Defense or Clifton. He'd be biking down Sharah-e-faisal coming from Malir back to Seaview. He's at French Beach on the weekends, YoYo Honey Singh playing from the coaster the academy guys rented. He has a red sting in hand and life is good.
He is not a mountains guy, Islamabad would drive him back down to Karachi.
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song-tam · 3 years
South Indian!Biana Having A Half Sari Function
A/N: Let me self project with cultural headcanons thank you very much... even though I don’t remember much from my own function from years ago agh—for the record, basically what a half sari function is a South Indian tradition for females after they get their first menstrual cycle to have this big momentous event where they wear a half sari and people bless them. According to tradition, they’ll wear half saris to all formal functions afterward, until their wedding, where they wear a full sari for the first time.
Anyway in this AU the Neverseen don’t exist
And they are ~human~
Biana was thirteen years old when they hosted the half sari function
And she was excited
She’d gone to plenty of her family member’s half sari function (shh let’s pretend all the vackers are south indian okay)
Because finally it was her turn
The days leading up to her half sari function were hectic
Biana went to an insane amount of dress fittings
She also had to take a bunch of pictures
Those were all pretty boring, for the most part
Getting henna done was actually pretty fun, though
The henna covered her hands and forearms
She also got it done on her feet
Waiting for it to dry was a pain, though, since she couldn’t really move
And also she had to fight the urge not to peel it off
She’d gotten her cousins to get henna done with her so at least she had a distraction
Getting makeup done was also a long time of sitting still
AND THEN she had to fit into another lehnga for the first part of the ceremony
Finally, when the second part of the ceremony began, Biana could fit into her actual half sari
But of course there had to be a lot of pictures
Like... a LOT of pictures
Even more than when she was just in her lehnga during the first half
Everyone had to line up and take pictures and then bless her
The whole situation would be taking hours, she was told
Fitz kept cackling at Biana’s scowl
He still had to be in a lot of photos as her brother
There were a lot of family pictures involved
But for the most part it was Biana and the guests
After all the elders and the adults blessed her would Biana be taking photos with her friends
Keefe would not stop posing
He did all the faces and acted like he was on Project Runway
Marella basically did the same thing
Sophie mostly hid in the photos
Dex just. grinned.
Tam and Stina looked like they wanted to be anywhere else apart from all the people but at least they gave Biana their best wishes
Linh was very very excited about the whole thing
Wylie was the only one who was actually normal
Eventually Fitz pulled them all away to go eat
The buffet had all the food
Biana had wanted to try all her favorite dishes *cough* gobi manchurian *cough*
But no
She still had pictures to take :/
Fitz promised to have the chefs save some of the food for her
He’d been to plenty of half sari functions and he knew how fast the food ran out
Tbh Keefe were the ones eating most of the food
He was having a field day at the buffet
Not that his white people taste buds could actually handle that much spice lmao
His tongues were on fire after a single taste of REAL chili chicken
“Keefe, we lowered the spice levels accordingly for you.”
Fitzy had the chefs make Keefe mild *cough* bland *cough* dishes when they were cooking another round
Marella went and got henna done
She ended up roping Sophie into it
“It’s so pretty and Biana told us both to go talk to the henna artist.”
”But I want to try the gulab jamun—”
”Not now!”
Linh was the one who ate all the gulab jamun by the time their henna dried
Stina ended up having beef against Gossipy Desi Aunties
They started being all judgy and then Stina absolutely threw hands
Gossipy Desi Aunties left early (much to Della and Fitz’s delight)
Stina is now an honorary Vacker
Wylie somehow ended up at a table with the Tired Indian Uncles
They were discussing cricket
Wylie had never watched a cricket match but acted like he knew what they were talking about
All in all the situation was very awkward for him
He asked Fitz later why the Tired Indian Uncles were so... well, tired
Fitz didn’’t really have an answer
”Desi uncles are just like that, who knows why.”
(also for the record, in ~brown culture~ we’re just supposed to call adults “uncle” and “auntie” idk why—)
Tam and Dex went off and did A Thing for Biana
And by that it meant that they went searching to go find something that worked as an adequate present since they didn’t realize they had to bring her one
(even though actually presents weren’t really necessary, that was only something the adults did—)
They ended up building her a tower out of plastic forks
Biana still keeps it in her room to this day
She did not get to try her gobi manchurian, for the record
Because of all the photos she had to keep taking
She did end up getting to eat some of the jalebi that Fitzy and the chefs saved for her though
And she had pretty henna to show for her half sari function
So for the record it was half okay
Though she was very happy when she could finally change out of the half sari because as pretty as it was the jewelry was really weighing down on her
Biana took a nice long nap afterwards
With Linh’s cat Princess Purryfins for company
Taglist: @the-whispers-of-moonlight @only-one-right-path @raiinyrxse @completekeefitztrash @cvey @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @neo-neo-neo @enbies-and-felonies @theobliviouswhale @real-smooth @dreaminq-out-loud @sunset-telepath @fire-sapphics @an-absolute-travesty @turquoise-skyyyy @steppingonshatteredglass @stardustanddaffodils
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luyous · 3 years
Unsavoury Family Reunions (and the Aftermath)
this is for a request by @friendly-neighbourhood-desi <3 in return for doing a bunch of art requests (thank you ❤️❤️❤️) they requested for indchuran set in the ancients elementary/secondary/bros for life au by @mysticalmusicwhispers and me! so here it is. 
names: yao (china), xinyan (nyo!china), aditya (india), roshan (iran)
(other) beginning notes: xinyan is yao’s aunt, but he calls her jiejie because they have a very small age gap and because they both got used to it. a-yao is yao’s nickname here because that’s a thing - older relatives just add an a (阿) to the last character of someone’s name or repeat it twice to form a nickname. cw in end notes for death + murder mention, nothing happens in the fic (which is indulgent fluff/comedy) but the context behind a reference yao makes is explained  
on ao3
“A-Yao.” purrs one of his aunts sweetly, halfway through jiaozi wrapping, “Is it true that you got full marks on the LSAT first try?”
Of course, because I’m smarter than at least half of the people here, Yao sighs, before cutting off that train of thought. He adjusted his facial expression into a polite smile. “Oh, yes, but it was mostly just luck. And it’s been quite a while since I took it. The curriculum’s definitely more difficult by now," - it really wasn't, the brats had it easier and easier every year - so I had it easy. It was really nothing that good.”
Her smile stretches. “Wow! That’s really very good. So impressive! Unlike my useless daughter, who’s such a lazy good-for-nothing. Yunzhang! Do you hear that? Learn more from your cousin, okay! Stop gaming all the time! Then your grades might actually go up!" The girl in question goes tense, mouth flattening into a sullen line, shoulders hunching in over the table. Her hands, holding a piece of flattened dumpling dough, clench in it like she’s looking for somewhere to hide. Worse still is the look his guma is giving him - Yao can feel her boring holes into his skull. Her jealousy is a palpable thing, as present in the room as the smell of the garlic chives they are using for the dumplings. He moves quickly to demur, to pass his results off as nothing and avoid whatever she would throw at him, but she speaks before he can.
“A-Yao, you’re almost twenty-seven. Will you be bringing someone home soon? A-Xuan is the same age and he was already married last year, you know!”
Oh, for the love of -. Keep smiling. Keep smiling. “Ah, I’ve been seeing someone for a few months. I didn’t bring her here because the relationship is still very new, after all. I wanted to be sure that we were compatible first.”
Oh? Eyes sharpening around the table. This was a very interesting piece of news! Yao rarely ever mentioned anything about his personal relationships. In fact, he rarely mentioned anything about his life at all, outside of his career! But well! A girlfriend!
“Ah, I see. What is she like? Does she come from a good family?”
“She - she’s very nice. Her parents run a company that she’s helping to run. And she has a degree in engineering.” Yao struggled not to wince. If Aditya and Roshan ever found out that he was transplanting their backgrounds and qualifications onto his “girlfriend", they would mock him for weeks, and he would - though he would never admit it - deserve it. He needed to end this topic quickly.
"Ah, that's good. So - since you’ve started dating, have you discussed any plans with your roommates about their future living arrangements if you go steady with someone? When you marry, your wife might not be amenable to having your friends live with you, you know!”
How did she know about that? Was some relative spying on him? What the fuck? When Yao found out who it was - and he would - he would get his revenge.
"A-Yao, you have roommates? For a house that you own?" His second-oldest uncle in law piped up.
"No, sorry, I think guma might be mistaken. I have tenants. It's a way to earn some passive income." More lies. Aditya and Roshan - who jokingly referred to themselves as his sugar babies, an overdramatic lie -  paid for nothing except their shares of groceries and household bills, but he didn’t want to waste his time defending his decision to let his friends live with him. He was aware that it was stupid and illogical, thank you. "I've discussed future plans of renewing the lease with them, but I'm not doing anything drastic yet as the relationship is very new." He probably needed to do that soon. It would be unrealistic to assume that they would stay in his house forever when they didn’t even own it.
There’s a loud hiss, as the jiaozi on the stove start boiling over. His xiaoshu gets up to refill the water, and puts in the last batch of dumplings. It's only a temporary reprieve.
He needed to get out of here.
I know it's 6:30am there
But you're awake by this time and I need you to call me now so I have an excuse to leave this reunion dinner
Just say that you're from my workplace and there's a very important case I need to work on.
Everyone's cleaning up too so this is the least awkward time for me to slip away.
Save me
Okay ❤️
Give me a few minutes and I'll be right there!! I need to practice
I'm going to be your Rama saving you from the evil Ravana ❤️❤️🥺❤️🥺❤️✨❤️🥺🥺❤️😌😌✨✨🗡🗡❤️❤️
….. Didn't she get rescued by someone else first???
Wow imagine being 1) wrong 2) rude 3) ungrateful
Since I have been so cruelly rejected maybe I should just accept my fate and leave 😔💔
Aditya, if you don't call me, I’ll be executed for familicide. And my spirit will haunt you for the rest of my existence.
Why are you always so violent? Can we not have peace for a while? I was already being calm and gentle yet you have to threaten me this way? 💔💔
But okay okay!! I will call you ❤️
Now say thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
…. Thank you.
His phone vibrates against his leg.
Aditya’s voice, when he opens his mouth to speak, is forcibly gravelly, like he’s scraping away at his lowest register. “Talk law to me, baby. My body is ready.”
What the fuck? Yao opens his mouth to start yelling at him, but quickly snaps his mouth shut. The bastard. He should’ve known Aditya - funny, brilliant, and in possession of a penchant for teasing him - would’ve done something like this, knowing that Yao would have no choice but to act out the lie and look idiotic in the process. He’s going to make him pay for this later.
“Oh, no. That sounds serious. But I’m currently overseas - is it possible for someone else to take this?”
Yao can hear soft, muffled laughter coming from the other end. His ears feel like they’re burning. Shut up, Aditya. Stop it.
He takes a quick glance around the room. People’s attention is being drawn to him; good. He’ll need to make fewer excuses later.
“Oh, I see...well, okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Yao hangs up, sliding the phone back into his pocket. “Sorry,” he says to the room at large, “My workplace has an emergency, and I need to return quickly to deal with it.”
“Oh, no! Can’t you stay for some of the dumplings? They’re really very good - some of the fillings are your favourites!!!” His grandmother asks, a frown creasing her wrinkled face.
I know, Yao thinks miserably, his mouth watering at the thought of biting into those warm, steamy dumplings, the recipe specifically tweaked by his grandmother so that some soup would be present when you bite into it.
“I...well. I don’t think that I’d be able to stay. I need to race to catch a flight out as soon as possible. Maybe just until they finish cooking, so I can take some home?”
“Oh, of course! You’re so skinny - you need to eat more! Come here, come here, let me give you your red packet before you go - ”
“Nainai - there’s no need to - I’m already so old and I’m working, there’s no need to trouble yourself - ”
At long last, Yao is ushered out of the apartment, a chorus of New Year’s greetings behind him that he echoes as he steps out of the flat and puts on his shoes. When he takes the elevator down and steps into the evening light, a blast of cold air hits him, taking him far away from the suffocating warmth back in the apartment. He takes a long, deep inhale of the cool, crisp air, holds it for a while and lets it all out, shoulders slumping, before pulling out his phone.
Jiejie. Why do you never ever come to these reunion dinners. You’re in Beijing! In the same country! Having fun because a good half of the capital has gone back home! Why can’t you just spend a day suffering together with me?
I feel like an abandoned child here.
Also, I got dumplings from nainai, and you didn’t. How does that feel?
Now, to find a hotel….
roommates chat 🥺😌🍑❤️😭✌️🔪👁☺️🍵
good morning! i want attention <3
I am always at your services, my lord 🥺❤️☺️
no not you <3
i was referring to yao
What is it?
anyway i heard that aditya and you were calling at 6:30am
without including me
and aditya also says that you were both being extremely scandalous on the call while dealing with your mean family
am i to become a third wheel </3
Okay. Sure. What kind of attention do you want?
so pliant today!!!
you didn’t even tell me that my texts were “embellishment” or “dramatics” or “outright lies”.....:00000
Would anything I have to say be listened to?
anyway i wanted to video call you sometime today, if you have the time
before 12am there, mind you.
There’s no need to worry about my sleep schedule.
Also, since my body is used to the US timezone, you’re essentially asking for me to sleep at 12pm.
jet lag is a thing and i’ve seen you take afternoon naps before, don’t lie
you know what happened last time you didn’t sleep before one <3
also yes aditya i will comfort you later don’t worry i would never abandon you! i was just teasing ;) <3
How exactly are you going to do the Thing you did if we’re on opposite sides of the world right now?
You recall the amount of physical contact it needed.
Also I won’t let it happen again. If/when you try it I will be very prepared this time.
wow i can’t believe you phrased it like that…that’s so mean you’re never going to marry anyone this way and your relatives will be so disappointed in you :(
also, i could always tell your aunt xinyan who i recall is a medical school graduate about your sleeping schedule your move
...Fine. I’ll sleep before 1am. Happy?
as usual, i can see that we all fear the power of your aunt. she is terrifying
and yes <3 i am happy with your actions what time do you want to call?
9am there?
I’m still checking into a hotel, give me an hour to unpack and disinfect stuff.
:D okay!
see you then
you can rant about how badly the visit went if you like
…. “cruel suitor”???
this was very flattering thank you <3 you are so down bad for me and i love it
do you want to join us in the video call later?
Okay but I also want individual attention from you!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺❤️🥺🥺
Not just sharing you with Yao (derogatory) 😡😡😡😡😡🙄🙄🙄🤢🤢🤢🤬🤬🤬
coming up <3
A loud, buzzing noise comes from the bed. Setting down his chopsticks, Yao leaned over to the bed, grabbed his phone, and pushed the green button up, propping it against the hotel wall.  
Roshan’s face appeared on his screen. Aditya was sitting a little way back, his face turned up into a theatrical pout. Yao’s lips twitched up into a smile.
“Aditya, it’s rude to not say hello to people when they call you, you know.”
Aditya turned his body to the side, back facing the screen. “I’m ignoring you because you so cruelly tried to steal Roshan from me. After I helped you, and we had a passionate tryst, unbothered by the earthly burdens of borders, too.” Roshan put a hand over their mouth, shaking with laughter.
Unbothered, Aditya continued on with a ridiculous, over exaggerated imitation of lamentation on his face, “You were both supposed to be members of my harem - how could you both run off and leave me in the dust like that?”
“This is why I’m stealing Roshan from you.” With his chopsticks, Yao picked up another dumpling and ate it whole.
“YOU-” Aditya was unceremoniously cut off by Roshan. “Aditya! I can’t believe you would say these horrible things. I want to run my own harem. I am not a MEMBER of some other harem. I would never allow myself to only be a member of an organisation and not the boss. For saying such demeaning things, I am rejecting you - if Yao agrees to let me run a harem I would happily go with him instead of lowering myself to be with some weirdo who would consign me to be a member of his harem.”
“Alright. I agree to your terms. Let’s desert Aditya and run off, far away from his tyranny.”
“NO! I can’t believe this. You’re both so cruel, bullying me when I have done nothing wrong. I am leaving this house. I will never speak to either of you again. I won’t pay my share of the water bill - OR the electricity, for that matter! I am leaving, never to return.” With a dramatic flourish, Aditya stood up from the couch and made as if to walk up from the room. Roshan collapsed in a fit of laughter.
When they had all finished laughing, or in Yao’s case rolling his eyes, Roshan reached out for Aditya. “Okay, okay, come back! Let’s tell Yao what souvenirs we want him to get for us like the shopping mule he is. By the way, Yao, are the dumplings that good? You’re practically inhaling them.”
Yao finished chewing before he spoke. On the screen, Aditya appeared again, but this time without the pout. “Yes, they’re very good. My grandmother makes very good dumplings - I’ve tried to recreate them but it just isn’t the same. Or maybe that’s because I’m not as good of a cook as she is. Either way, they were the only reason I hesitated when leaving the reunion dinner.”
“Was it that bad? What happened? Is this a ‘hey Yao have you gotten a girlfriend yet?’ thing?” Aditya asked.
“Yes, it was. It was also a ‘hey Yao why are you living with 2 roommates in a house that you own? Why on earth would you move 2 people in when you don’t have to split rent?’ problem.”
“Oh, shit. What did you say to that?”
“I’m guessing you just said we were tenants, right?”
“Yes. I said that it was a mistake, that I didn’t have roommates but rented some rooms out. I left after that because I panicked - I have no idea how my relatives knew that the two of you are - ”
“Sugar babies?” Aditya’s face lit up with a smirk, eyes creasing. Roshan snorted.
“How long, and often, are you going to make that joke? I’m not, and I refuse to ever be, a 50 year old man with a dying libido, too much money, and an interest in people less than half of my age.”
“Despite all appearances to the contrary.” Roshan murmured. Aditya choked, eyes widening, before bending over halfway in laughter.
“Excuse me? Roshan? Did you just imply - I am going to fucking stab you. Just you wait - once I get back, the first thing I’m doing is throwing my 12-kilogram suitcase at your head. And that’s only what will-”
“I am not sorry. I was only speaking the truth. I will endure the concussion and all other horrors, if only to preserve -”
“We’ll see what you say to that when I go back. Aditya, stop laughing. You started this.”
“I didn’t. I am completely innocent, why would you accuse me of anything? My heart has turned to winter, cold and dark, from these accusations - anyway, are some of your relatives spying on you? Don’t they have anything better to do?”
“It’s probably just a side-hobby for them, since quite a few people live in the same area. It’s like birdwatching. Or gossiping.”
“Your relatives sound as weird as you are. Birds from a feather.”
“...Rude, but I’m self-aware enough to not dispute your point, unlike you. But- ” interrupting Aditya’s protests, Yao continued on, “I think we might need to discuss housing plans a bit more. I know that when we moved in both of you said that you didn’t plan to move out anytime soon which was understandable given that we were in university and there wasn’t any rent, but now - do either of you want to move out?”
Aditya and Roshan exchanged looks. “I’m not planning to move out, the rent and housing rates here are terrible.” Roshan sighed, Aditya humming in assent.
“Oh, that’s good. Great. But if you want to move out or anything it’s completely fine, just tell me in advance first.”
In Aditya’s eyes, there flashed a spark of mischief. He assumed a tragically wounded expression, eyes filling with unshed tears. “Unless you don’t want us anymore….unless, of course, you’re hinting that we should leave or you’ll kick us out….unless you’ve grown tired of us and our friendship has come to an end?” He collapsed dramatically into the cushions. “Roshan, save me! I am so heartbrok-”
“You know that’s not the case,” Yao responded drily as Roshan’s face began to contort. “Stop enabling each other, you drama queens. I’m not going to buy any of the things you wanted if you continue doing this.”
“Like most of the things you buy back won’t be for yourself anyway,”Aditya snorted. “I distinctly recall you saying that you were going to buy yourself 3 kilograms of White Rabbit candy.”
“Yes, but the choice is between you getting nothing and seeing me eat my way through a stack of candy or you getting something and seeing me eat my way through a stack of candy. So. Your move.” Yao decided that this would be an opportune moment to eat another dumpling, so he could look appropriately smug and satisfied as he watched them cease their histrionics.
His chopsticks scraped the empty bottom of the container. Yao looked down, with a flare of surprise. Oh! They were all gone? He curved his bottom lip out in a pout, before -
Oh, shit. I’m still in the call.
He glances up hastily, to see Aditya and Roshan looking at him with seemingly identical smirks.
“Aww, that was so cute,” Aditya coos. “Did you screenshot it?”
“Yes, I did. The rare times where Yao is adorable are to be treasured and loved and remembered. That look of confusion! That pout! It's so cute.”
“You say this like you think he isn’t adorable most of the time. Yao, aren’t you hurt by this? Aren’t you sad that one of your friends doesn’t think that you’re adorable constantly?”
“Stop bullying me.” Yao drops his head onto his folded arms, on the table. He can feel his ears burning and exposed to cool air, unhidden by his ponytail.
“No, the thing is that Yao’s usually adorable in the way a wailing baby is adorable. Or a sewer rat. You get my meaning. But there are times that he actually lives up to the adorableness of things he aspires to be like Hello Kitty-”
“I don’t aspire to be like Hello Kitty.”
“Well then, why do you have 5 plushies of her on your bed?”
“Ooh, he sounds so perverted when you say that-”
“Stop bullying me or you won’t get presents.” Yao pressed his face further into his arms, feeling the sense of cotton fabric from his jumper on his face. His face felt warm all over. No doubt if he raised it it would be completely red, but - whatever. Let them have their fun.
“So cute! Your face is so red-”
“Take a screenshot, take a screenshot-”
Yao sighed and glared into the screen, resigned to his fate of being relegated to a multitude of stickers on WhatsApp and WeChat. Ugh.
“I’m insisting on payment for indulging the two of you this much,” he mumbles, dropping his head onto the table again, over the sounds of Roshan’s laughter and Aditya’s complaining that “Really, why should you be paid for this, it is your duty as our loving friend to - ”.
Yao rolls his eyes, but he can feel himself relax, the pressure at his temples easing as it hasn’t in days. Aditya and Roshan were loud and overdramatic bastards, but - sometimes paradoxically - they could be oddly comforting.  
When Yao wakes up, he realises that he’s still slumped at the hotel desk. His phone reads 1:13AM, and there are a series of notifications appearing rapidly on the screen of his phone.
aww, was this year’s reunion dinner that bad? I’m very happy I didn’t go.
don’t answer me, by the way. you should be asleep right now.
also, I’m visiting your grandmother the day after tomorrow, so your point about dumplings is moot, you spiteful brat :)
You’re happy about abandoning your guardianly duties?
yes. <3
The dinner was so annoying.
In future if you’re having a vacation during this period could you just take me along too? I can’t stand these people.
not for the first three days - not to be harsh, but I want to enjoy some peace and quiet away from everybody.
but after that I can meet up with you. do you want to do this immediately? meet me the day after tomorrow at shanghai after I visit your grandmother?
what exactly happened at the dinner, by the way?
Okay. See you then.
Oh, nothing really. Just that they kept asking whether or not I had a girlfriend. And also they know that Aditya and Roshan are living at my house, which is something that people living in another continent should not know. Someone’s spying on me and it makes me really angry.
welcome to the life of any unattached chinese person over twenty-five.
was this your guma?
would you want me to handle the spying thing, or…?
Yes, it was her. It was so frustrating too - I don’t get why she, and most people, place so much emphasis on the marriage thing
It’s fine, I can deal with the spying thing myself.
Could I rant about the marriage thing more? It’s really annoying.
yes, of course.
but after this you will go to SLEEP, okay? be good.
Okay. I’ll sleep, I’ll sleep.
Anyway. So.
[voice message]
“She was all like, “A-Yao, you’re almost twenty-seven. Will you be bringing someone home soon?” I quoted that verbatim. And then she tried to gloat about Mingxuan’s marriage. First of all. If that house was my home I’d have left as soon as I became an adult. Look at the sort of degenerates it raises. Mingxuan has the brains of a pig and hasn’t even realised what practically everyone knows - that his wife is cheating on him, even as he cheats on her. Additionally, she’s bought so much life insurance for him over the past year. Which is.....very suspect. You should know, you had a true crime phase.”
[voice message]
“And as for dating and marriage - the amount of energy and time dedicated simply isn’t worth it. When I look at the people around me it’s obvious that dating and marriage is an utter waste of time. People waste so much time on awkward dates, spend money on gifts to people who would spend the equivalent of a mayfly’s lifespan in their lives, feel emotional anguish over people they would forget in ten years - it’s so pathetic. So many people who look for marriage are like those desperate gold miners in the 19th century, sifting through mud for that elusive speck of gold. Most people were obviously not very successful.”
[voice message]
“And - who said that marriage had to be the gold standard anyway? Sure, there was the part about children, but isn’t a surrogate or adoption enough? What about close friends? Why was it that despite spending far longer in a person’s life, they immediately faded in importance once this person began dating? If it was a years-long relationship it would be understandable, but I’ve seen people whose relationships were barely four months long spend more time with their partner than with their very closest friends! I would never ever do this - if I ever bothered trying to look for someone to marry, they would have to play second fiddle to Aditya and Roshan for at least a few years. They’ve been my friends for almost two decades, and we’ve lived together for almost one - I would never abandon them. I hoped they won’t either, if they ever wanted romantic partners.”
hm. I see. I do agree with most of this, actually. romantic love is a bit of a scam.
you’re very close with Aditya and Roshan, aren’t you? it’s good to see that you have friends you are this close to.
especially since they’re clearly setting themselves up to be very successful.
Yes. Young me had good taste in friends. I knew to pick these people out and stay close to them when I was 7 years old.
Such a precocious and intelligent child.
you might’ve been a precocious and intelligent child, but you were also an extremely annoying brat.
remember all those detentions you got? and how your detention record tripled once they were friends with you?
You never minded.
still an annoying brat, I see.
respect your elders. especially when they’re lecturing you.
additionally, you’re still not asleep. despite it being 1am in the morning. which makes you even more of an annoying brat - I remember 15-year-old you sleeping at 10pm. what happened to that?
Yao snorted. If jiejie could see his actual sleep schedule, she would throw a fit.
Okay, okay, I’ll go to sleep.
Technically it’s not really that bad that I can’t sleep - my body still thinks it’s 1pm.
I can’t help but notice that you neglect to mention anything about jet lag.
don’t give me the whole “oh but I don’t get jet lag” thing. practically everyone does.
go sleep it off.
Okay, okay.
You should go to sleep too.
But goodnight.
I was just about to, actually.
goodnight! sleep well <3
Yao smiled, and exited the conversation. He clicked on the other notification he’d received.
It led him to the chat with Roshan and Aditya. They had sent a few pictures of him within - his pout, him blushing, and last of all, a picture of him asleep on the table. Roshan had added a text message underneath it, saying “Good night! <3”
Good night. ❤️
- garlic chives are commonly used for dumpling stuffing. the smell is pretty strong but i like it though the taste isn’t really my favourite 
- the soup in dumplings thing (it’s a Very Small amount of soup but!!!! it makes it Very Good) is from my family. yes, this is a flex. 
- the life insurance: (tw: mentions of death, murder) i watched a bunch of true crime videos from weibo (chinese social media) that talked about uxoricide in china and they identified a trend where a lot of men would buy a Lot of life insurance for their wives and then kill them to get the insurance payout. and then if they ended up in court claim it was a crime of passion because that gets you a less severe sentence. whether or not the cousin’s wife is planning to kill him is up to your interpretation (yao just Thinks in a certain way, and he doesn’t like the cousin) 
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wolfstar-in-color · 3 years
July Creator Spotlight: Desicosplay
Hello, lovely people, and welcome to our second creator spotlight!
Each month, we will highlight a different creator in our lovely fandom who features diverse characterizations of Sirius and/or Remus. We will invite you to get to know them better through questions and answers, Fandom Discourse(tm), and a featured prompt created by our guest.
For our second spotlight, we are absolutely honoured to having the presence of @desicosplay, an incredible cosplayer and writer that if you don’t follow, you should do right away. They’ve gifted us with many, many amazing gifsets, a lot of them about Sirius. Below you’ll see a little snippet of the interview and Mastani’s prompt. Under the cut you’ll be able to read the full interview. Don’t forget to share and interact with this post, and if you have anyone you’d like to recommend for a spotlight, shoot us an ask!
“Diversity means celebration. So in fan spaces, that means actively seeking out creators that you might otherwise miss. It means trying out new perspectives, or listening to new perspectives on your favorite characters. It means standing with your peers, being loud in your love and support of them. I’m not saying you have to reblog or comment on everything. Diversity is not just visual, it’s also mental. Diversity needs to be intentional and active, even if that takes place just in your head.”
Mastani’s prompt: Muggle AU! Sirius and Remus at Harry’s sporting event!
Hi! I’m Mastani, she/they/he pronouns, I’m a 1.5/2nd Generation Indian-American, and I cosplay and write fanfiction!
Q: How did you start creating in the fandom? What did you wish to bring into the fandom?
A: Almost five years ago, Laina @ohtheclevernessofme1972 convinced me to join the HPRP community. She and everyone else were so supportive of my desire to bring my culture and background to the Harry Potter characters. Eventually, I also started writing fanfiction again!
Q: What things about s/r as characters or in their relationship inspire you to create around them?
A: I think that they are very complex characters that really demonstrate how external factors affect your life, whether you like it or not. Their relationship, whether platonic, romantic, or anything in-between or outside, is also so fascinating in its potential to evolve. Wolfstar is constantly changing, and all its interpretations are totally feasible to imagine.
Q: What things would you like to highlight about the Wolfstar fandom and your experience in it?
A: My main dips into the fandom are when I cosplay Sirius, and every time, I feel so much love. The fandom is so open to any interpretations of Sirius, and it does wonders to make someone feel accepted.
Q: What type of content do you wish you saw more in the fandom?
A: This is entirely self-indulgent, but Godfather/Uncle!Sirius just make me feel so warm inside. There’s a love inside Sirius that only gets touched upon inside the books. AUs where he gets to interact with Harry as a child or teen outside the pressure of a war are just so calming and warming.
Q: What is your favourite wolfstar fancontent (fic/fanart/gifset/etc) and how does it inspire you?
A: Y’all, I have so many Wolfstar fics saved that are just stunning and several that are comfort fics. I think the biggest takeaway from all of them is the comfort the boys find in each other. All of them are AUs, and I’m inspired to depict my Wolfstar as something kind, gentle, and communicative.
Q: Which of your own identities inform your creative processes? How has that process been for you?
A: All of them! But more specifically, my racial background informs most of my process. My process is… Sporadic, to say the least. However, when I do get struck with an idea, I have to create it almost instantly. One example, Wolfstar-related, is that my Sirius cosplay has long hair, half-up in a bun. I feel like desi!Sirius would celebrate his heritage by growing his hair long, which also is a nice, “screw you,” to societal and familial constraints.
Q: What advice do you have for other content creators with diverse backgrounds in the fandom? What would you say to people that might feel they don’t have the “right” history/experience/characteristics to participate in the creation of content related to Wolfstar?
A: think the best advice for participation I have comes from the iconic Jay @siriussly-serious, Rest in Power. “Go. Get in. Dive in. Fucking head first. Fuck that, cannonball your butt right in there and make a damn splash…” There is no, “right,” history/experience/background. These characters are fictional, but they can reflect our world. Our world is not homogenous. So why should fictional worlds and characters be that way? These stories are ours, and we shape them to be whatever we want them to be. If you want to create, that’s all the prerequisite you need.
Q: How could we build a more diverse fandom?
A: This blog is a great example of how to build a diverse fandom. Celebrating creators with diverse backgrounds and being loudly supportive of them makes us want to stay. Finding communities that celebrate, not just accept, can make a world of difference. So, raise your voice and love on your favorite creators.
Q: What’s your favourite thing to modify in Sirius’s or Remus’s characterizations to bring new perspectives to them?
A: I’m a huge communicator, so improving character communication is something I love to do. I like to create fluff, and this change lets me focus on the gentler parts of Sirius and Remus, or the parts that need some love, e.g. mental health. It also lets me flesh out their senses of humor more, like their dislike of cats (in my headcanons).
Q: What does diversity mean to you? What does that encompass in fanish spaces?
A: Diversity means celebration. So in fan spaces, that means actively seeking out creators that you might otherwise miss. It means trying out new perspectives, or listening to new perspectives on your favorite characters. It means standing with your peers, being loud in your love and support of them. I’m not saying you have to reblog or comment on everything. Diversity is not just visual, it’s also mental. Diversity needs to be intentional and active, even if that takes place just in your head.
Q: What are your ideas about the notions of culture and ethnicity? How do you relate to those notions?
A: I find culture and ethnicity to overlap in many ways, as they both pertain to group characteristics. I’m not an anthropologist, so I don’t know the detailed differences between the two. However, in my quick searches, it feels, to me, that culture is a bit broader and ethnicity is more geographic. So, I’m culturally Indian-American and ethnically Gujarati Indian (Gujarat is the state in India). I find these notions to be helpful when defining and describing my experiences. For example, among desis (and other brown folks), saying I’m generation 1.5/2 tells them that I straddle American/Western and Indian culture. If I tell another Indian that I’m Gujarati, they instantly know the kind of foods I grew up with and the language my parents speak. It’s a streamlined way of explaining my experiences, and as a science brained person, it makes life easier for me.
Q: Is there a page/organization/institution you would recommend for fans to search/read when it comes to learning about diversity?
A: With the tool that is social media, there are so many activists and creators that are willing and able to teach about diversity. On my page, I keep a page titled, “Resources for Justice.” This page has a wide variety of social justice resources on it. Google is great, but you also want to cross-check your sources. However, I feel like the best way to learn is to ask questions. Do so respectfully and ensure the person you’re asking has the energy/time/compensation to answer. Especially if you’ve done some research ahead of time, I find that many folks are willing to have a discussion - but again, check with the person first. Trust is paramount in these conversations.
Q: Is there a project/organization that you want to hype?
A: Oh, I could name so many. However, the ones I want to shout out here are Chrysalis - Gender Identity Matters and Raze Collective. As many of you know, Jay @siriussly-serious passed away recently, and in his name, we’re promoting/donating to these charities. Chrysalis - GIM offers online and in-person mental health support for trans and nonbinary people in his area and Raze Collective supports LGBTQIA+ performers. Ami @ami-acts and a few others (I apologize for not remembering exactly who - I’ll message the mods if I remember/please add on if you know) organized this. Links are below.
Donate to Chrysalis - GIM here.
Donate to Raze Collective here.
Q: Leave us with a quote or work of art that always inspires you
A: Is it too cheesy to say all of our fandom? To be totally honest, that’s who/what inspires me most of all. It’s a work of art, all the people in it make our fandom a work of art!
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mysterioh · 4 years
Tumblr media
 steve rogers
↝ where angels fear to tread
wip | mob!au | updates on AO3 only
previously named the ignorant beauty and the beast of new york.
saturdays mornings are reserved for sleeping in. yours, however, consists of a stupid art assignment and a nosy mobster.
↝ paronomasia 
oneshot | parent!au 
In which Steve tortures his family with dad jokes. 
↝ a surprise for uncle bucky 
oneshot | parent!au
your kids get uncle bucky a sweet gift. 
↝ a love story for rainy days  
oneshot | college!au
steve always finds you standing in the rain with your umbrella. 
“hey before you doze off—can I ask you a quick question?”
“no, don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.” 
“this takes finesse and focus, none of which you have.”
“i can’t stop thinking about you. + why don’t you just kiss me?”
bucky barnes
↝ one more hour
coming soon | getaway driver!au 
bucky becomes a getaway drive for a local gang to earn some extra cash as his wife is pregnant. bucky swears he’ll stop when he’s made enough. but when exactly is enough, enough?
↝ here kitty kitty  
wip | cat hybrid!au| hiatus
you're a cat person. so when you find a kitty hiding in a battered cardboard box in an alleyway you just had to take him home. he needed a place to stay and you wanted a friend. a win-win situation or so you thought. turns out mr. barnaby is actually a two-thousand-year-old cursed soul reaper who's been banished to the land of the living. don't believe me? just add water.
↝ hello neighbor 
wip | single parent!au | hiatus
brooklyn heights’ residential playboy has got his eye set out on the new girl across the hall. she’s got it all. the looks. a killer smile. a pretty laugh. two cute kids……………..wait a second.
↝ saajanji ghar aaye
wip | desi!au | hiatus
after a brisk romance in london, bucky follows you back to your home in upstate new york where the preparations for your marriage to the son of a family friend are well underway. as the inevitable countdown to your wedding begins, bucky remains optimistic in his pursuit of your love and your family’s acceptance.
 ↝ crown jewel 
oneshot | thief!au
james barnes is a notorious jewel thief known for looting the rich while they drink and dance in merriment. during one particular heist, he ends up purloining the rarest jewel of them all; your heart. 
↝ busted 
oneshot | professor!au
nat asks you about a certain contact by the name of “bucky boo bear 🐻💖💕💗” and gets the surprise of a lifetime.
↝ panacea
bucky barnes was a disease. his hands were stained with blood and had a thousand sins burdening his shoulders. it goes without saying he didn’t have a reason to stay. that is until he gets a dose of your infectious smile and healing laughter, a cure-all in the form of a bubbly avenger, did bucky think to himself it might not be so bad to stick around.
↝ ticket to my heart 
oneshot | cop!au
bucky tries to flirt his way out of a speeding ticket. unfortunately for you, it’s working.
↝ body aches & cupcakes 
you and bucky are sore all over and decide to spend a calming, lazy day together, but sam won't stop asking stupid questions.
↝ devil no. 4
oneshot | devil!bucky
In order for the devil to steal his victim’s soul they must sign a contract. This is has never been a problem for Bucky before—until he met you. 
“let’s go to 7Eleven”
“no don’t cry. i hate it when you cry.”
“i’m not fine. i know i said i was but i’m not.” + professor!bucky
“the truth is, i never loved you.” 
“i was doing fine, really, and then you waltz back in like you didn’t break my heart.” + modern!bucky
“is that the best you can do?” + mafia!bucky
“this can’t be real. it all feels like a fever dream.” + mob!bucky
“are you drunk?” 
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all my ask ideas part 1
ok so this is like purely self indulgent so i have a place where the headcanons in the form of asks i sent people are stored, and maybe this will help anyone who needs ideas....
red, white and royal blue: alex/henry “london boy” is THEIR song
hunterxhunter: killugon superhero au
kung fu panda: gen ace lesbian tigress
gen/slight willex non-binary willie hcs [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
gen trans reggie
willex willex but it’s prom....
gen julie’s stress reliever
gen carrie’s ulterior motive.....
gen miscellaneous headcanons [1, 2, 3]
established relationship fluff:
mailee in which mai is a sheltered rich kid (but ty lee loves her)
kainora them babysitting is just 🥺🥺
vaguely canonverse:
gen desi jet rights [1, 2, 3]
gen its about the aang and zuko parenting parallels
senraq because i love them [1, 2, 3, 4]
gen soft mai hours [1, 2, 3]
sukka a fluffy snippet about cooking
pianjeong angst about fat(the butler)’s opinion on their relationship
gen/slight mailee pan demi she/they ty lee [1, 2]
meet cute / aus:
gen modern au where uncle iroh just wants the best for his nephew
yuekitara canon divergence where yue lives
outline: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
little snippets that make me go 🥺 [1, 2, 3]
keefitz winnowing gala headcanons:
the “confession”
a little snippets that makes me go 🥺 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
vaguely canonverse:
marellinh canonverse cheer-ups and detours (a fic because cade is wonderful)
keefitz post canon? they’re in elite levels and fitz dyes his hair pink
keefitz set in canon (pre-relationship)  hurt/comfort really
keefitz pre-canon? ballroom dancing..could be au??
keefitz stargazing can be so romantic
keefex set in canon, just a little relationship fluff where keefe loves his smart bf
gen pre-canon jolie angst--a fic series because lynn is amazing [1, 2]
gen my take on the vackers
gen fitz has long hair confirmed
gen keefe loves braids confirmed
meet cute / aus:
keefitz hollywood/actors au
keefitz waiter/customer after a bad date meet cute
keefitz movie theatre meet cute
keefitz childhood friends, peer-grading au (a fic because lynn is amazing)
keefitz fluffy apple pie au confession for you
keefitz christmas party au
keefitz fake dating au
keefitz fashion and flustered boys
keefitz you should see me in a crown....
keefitz dex, biana, and sophie have a bet...
keefitz sophie and keefe and fitz are a trio we deserve social media au?
keefex getting together (keefe loves the sky and dex loves him)
keefex theyre sappy and everyone is over it
kam our friends tried to set us up.... au
gen kindergarten teacher au
gen equestrian au
gen wings au
gen in which alden is a trash father but the vackers are coping
gen how the kotlc kids text [1, 2]
gen fitz and silveny
established relationship fluff:
keefitz they go the arcade
keefitz marriage proposal
marelliana flower crowns for everyone
continued in part 2.......
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smallcrystals · 3 years
desi flashspruce au where timber works at his uncle's pharmacy store and flash is the son of the family who lives across from his flat and whenever flash needs pharmaceuticals he goes to timber's store and they fall in love <333
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