#daydreaming about people and what our lives could be like together
butch-errant · 7 months
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 months
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requested by: anonymous request: Any chance you could do some long distance pining? Like, one person has a crush on the other but they only know each other through online stuff and feel hopeless that they could ever be together
Feel free to use and reblog!
spending hours daydreaming about the other
the hours of long distance talks/chats create much deeper connections than with people they see every day
'let me tell you about my greatest fears and darkest childhood traumas while we both lay in our comfy beds many miles apart'
not sharing a single aspect of their daily lives, they consider how the other would react to this aspect or that aspect if they were with them for the day
*oh, [person B] would love how silly that cute dog looks! I have to tell them later!*
the other knows everything about your home/home town/the people you meet every day because you told them about every smallest detail
they're connecting mostly about shared thoughts and sentiments because that is what best translates over large distances
ordering the same food so that they can eat together and pretend they're on a real date
"Describe to me exactly where you're at, how you are. I want to feel like I'm right there with you."
"You're the only one who truly gets me."
"Imagine how unstoppable we were if the universe put us on the same spot on earth. We'd be too powerful, that's why we have to suffer this separation. It's only for the best of the others."
"Ugh, it just sucks that I can't hug you right now! I need to be in your arms."
"I hate that I can't promise you it'll get better. I don't know if there is ever a way for us to get over this long distance issue."
"I know you even though I never met you, and I don't think I can say that about anyone else. I don't know anyone, and no ones knows me. Only you. You know me."
"I've got a surprise. I'm coming over." "You're lying. I know you can't come over." "But what if I can?"
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which sour and salt could be so sweet when jungkook’s existence reminds you that there is still good in the world.
> fluff, a pinch of angst, suggestive / wc: 3.1k
> warnings: mention of the doctor bc oc missed their period >:(, allusion to s/x, making out, jungkook doing pull ups must be a warning for the faint hearted like me
note: we’re going through the seasons?! partly inspired by #that live and jungkook for calvin klein <3 we’ve all seen those pictures right… right… i hope the onlyswan prophecy continues with this drabble i need to see jungkook do pull ups at the beach <3 + reblogs & feedback are always appreciated :D
jungkook is a sunkissed daydream and a shirtless adonis. his tender hands are on your bare thighs, keeping himself steady on the light brown sand while you sit still and look pretty on a log.
“baby, are you pregnant?”
when a man spits out this question, it usually sounds a little bit something like an anxious and insensitive ‘you’re not pregnant, are you?’ your starry-eyed boyfriend is asking you in a calm tone, joking for the most part, yet genuine wonder is painted on his face as if you’re just supposed to tell him what day of the week it is.
you stare at him with a blank expression, silent for a moment as the fierce waves crash on the shore, finding it difficult to take him seriously. “i don’t know. did you break a condom?”
he breaks eye-contact to space out, pursing his lips as he pretends to be immersed in deep thought.
“uhh, not to my knowledge.”
“then i’m not.” you shrug your shoulders with a cheeky grin, scrunching your nose. “will you steal some mangoes for me now, please?”
“is my baby craving for them that bad?” he coos at you softly, inching closer to press a kiss on your lips. “no but why do you always ask me to steal mangoes for you?”
“what do you mean ‘always’? this is only the second time.” you scoff, offended by the accusation, shoving him lightly but he quickly takes a hold of your arms to save himself from falling.
he chuckles lightheartedly, recounting the first time you visited his hometown and you took a walk around his neighborhood together. you looked at the mango tree with so much longing, and he had so much love for you, it was untameable.
nothing much has changed.
except for the color of the mangoes, perhaps. they were yellow back then, ripe and soft. you ripped off the fragile skin with your bare hands as you devoured the nectar-filled fruit, and the both of you came home to his parents’ house sticky and satiated like little kids who played under the sun from noon to afternoon. today, they’re green and plump, and truthfully, his mouth is watering for a taste.
“you know, since the tree is directly infront of our villa-” he tilts his head to the side, briefly looking at your temporary private residence. “it’s technically ours, so it’s not stealing.”
your eyes are glitter with mischief, and they communicate without words before you burst into a fit of revitalizing giggles, filling your empty tummy with a childlike joy.
for a while before jungkook, you’d forgotten people are kind. you chose to live for yourself, and yourself only, because you thought that if you lose sight of your plans for the future because of a impetuous slip within the thrill of temptation, you would also lose the essence of your being that you’re actively fighting so hard to get a good grasp of. you’re in a never-ending, excruciating process of picking apart your identity; detaching yourself from what you learned in the past to make room for growth; and swallowing bitter pills of hard-taught lessons. but when you’re in a relationship, every decision goes through a filter, a need for an answer to the question of how would this make my partner feel?
your friends still ask from time to time, what it is about jungkook that made you bend this principle and compromise your plans when those were the reasons you impulsively ended relationships in the past.
you’d forgotten people are kind.
jungkook is messy. he always leaves behind a fragment of his heart, and you shake your head and you pick up each one to stuff it in the shallow pocket of your understanding of love… until the weight of them destroyed said pocket, and all of a sudden, you have awoken. he opened your eyes to the underlying implication of that filter, how having something sacred to protect is also what makes life more worth living after all.
more than two hours ago, at seven in the morning, he held back your hair while you emptied your guts in the toilet bowl. a week ago, he held your hand in the doctor’s waiting room and didn’t let go until your name was called. that same night, you sulked about the doctor concluding that the reason you didn’t get your period last month was stress again and he teared up when you said i eat well, and i exercise regularly. but in the end it’s all useless because stress is messing up my body and i can’t control it. what do i do? the next day, he cheerfully asked you if you wanted to go see the ocean with him. right now, he’s hanging on a thick branch of a tree, enthusiastically doing pull ups while you peel the raw mangoes he picked out for you.
the familiar sounds of moans and grunts convince you to move the log you’re sitting on, abandoning the view of the majestic blue sky kissing the sparkling ocean in favor of facing your gorgeous boyfriend. he moves on to doing hanging knee tucks, pulling his knees to his chest and gradually increasing his speed and range of motion after gathering enough leverage.
“ah, this is tiring!” his yell ripples across the near-empty beach. he squeezes his eyes shut, laughing through the pain that hurts so good.
you set aside the paring knife on the plain white porcelain plate, dipping a piece of mango in the hill of salt before taking a bite (you played rock-paper-scissors to decide who would call the front desk for salt and you won after jungkook said he lost because his rock was made of paper). this, it’s just what you needed to cure the lethargy that’s been eating away at you. the combination of sour and salty explodes in your taste buds, remedying your awful loss of taste and appetite.
you shudder in sheer delight, smiling sweetly at the man brazenly showcasing his strength infront of you. “i like this a lot. i can feel my stress melting away… like ice cream under the sun.”
“i’m happy you’re enjoying yourself while i-” he cuts off his sentence, letting himself fall on the sand before jumping again to adjust his grip on the rough wood. once again, he hauls his legs upward repeatedly, reaching higher and higher each time. he releases loud huffs of air, grunting raspily with every exertion of force.
you stifle a scandalous gasp when his knees touch his wrists, covering your mouth as you grind the food with your teeth. okay, you know damn well he is flexible and a human-shaped vessel of physical strength, but you mostly witness their irrefutable testaments during intense moments of love and lust… the blissful memories can be kind of hazy.
he heaves a deep sigh, taking a rest as he hangs motionless on the branch. picture-perfect, center-frame for your adoring eyes to feast upon. his honey skin is glazed with a fine sheen of sweat, further accentuating the well-defined muscles of his torso. you only get a tease of his v-line. it hides beneath the exposed white band of his calvin klein underwear peeking above his black swimming shorts. his stomach rises and falls with each breath, and you can’t help but to marvel at his abs with appreciation. beautifully prominent, sculpted not too much. you love that when you touch them, you still feel the tenderness of his flesh, so rawly and so uniquely jungkook.
“you like what you see?” he grins when your eyes meet, winking at you flirtatiously.
“i do.” you sheepishly admit, scrunching your nose before putting another slice of mango on top of your tongue. “keep going. i want to see more.”
“more? you want more?! aish- so demanding.” he complains, thick satoori accent dripping from his voice but still, he gives you more.
you giggle in satisfaction, closely observing the flexing of his muscles and the veins along his arms popping out. one must think you’re used to his tattoos by now, but you’re definitely not. you just learn how to act unaffected, like you can’t write a book of poems about how his body art never seizes to bring you in absolute awe. his eyebrows knit as he pulls himself up, face crumpling with the amount of force and strength he utilizes with every manuever. it’s a seductive scene, but then the dimples on his cheeks make fondness bloom in your heart.
for the love of god, it’s not compromising your plans, but making jungkook a part of your plans. you no longer fantasize about a perfect life. you just want to keep waking up somewhere safe— to be here, standing on the tips of your toes, planting a delicate kiss on the mole at the lower right side of his ribcage. your lips have made one too many sharp mistakes, but they ghost over his skin and he laughs. laughs so joyfully, a majestic string of musical notes from his mouth no other instrument on earth can recreate. it’s a good mistake, the best mistake you could ever possibly make.
“here, drink.“ you offer him a bottle of cold water.
“i’m so tired. oh, fuck-” he does one final pull up before letting go, deliberately falling on the sand and bumping against your feet when he rolls over.
he sits up, warm body vibrating with giggles as he looks up at you.
“did you pack a first aid kit?“
you put a hand over your hip, raising an eyebrow. “what happened now?”
“my hands-” he stares at his palms, sand coating half of the area, before showing them to you. “they sting like hell! seriously!” his little lisp slips out as he rants.
”then why did you keep going?!” you exclaim, grabbing his tattooed wrist to assess the damage. there’s no blood in sight, but his skin has turned a very bright shade of red.
“because it was fun.” he simply answers, and you can’t argue with that.
of course you brought a first aid kit. it’s a necessity, especially when you’re on vacation with your gym bunny boyfriend, apparently. while you grab the ointment in the bedroom, jungkook decides to clean himself up under the outdoor shower situated in a corner beside the swimming pool.
“what’s wrong with this? why are they going at the same time?” he scratches his head in confusion, looking up at the spraying shower head and down at the gushing faucet. he fiddles with the handle in hopes of fixing his problematic water consumption, unintentionally pushing it up higher as he does so. this causes the water pressure to become stronger, sending thin needles to crash down and pierce his fragile skin.
“aw shit-” he reflexively runs away from the rude attack of the silver device. “yah, you punk! what did i to you, huh?! how dare you-”
he clicks his tongue in irritation, resting his hands on his hips. after glaring one more time, he extends his tattooed arm to push the handle all the way down, turning it off. he proceeds to experiment, tilting it to the left, which turns on the faucet only, and then to the right for the shower.
he laughs sarcastically at his discovery, going back under the water. “ahhh, was i the stupid one?”
“i missed you!” he declares loudly as soon as you step out of the sliding door.
“me too, babe.” you hum as you walk towards him, standing a considerable distance from the shower.
he wipes his face with his hands to unblur his vision before pushing back his wet hair, droplets of water endlessly rushing down his body.
“why are you so far?” he protests. “come here.”
“but i already took a shower.”
“so what? you’ll get wet again when we ride the jet ski later.”
you pout at him. “i told you i’m scared.”
“i’d be jack if i have to, i won’t let you drown! don’t you trust your boyfriend, hm?” he attempts to persuade you again after failing last night, knowing well that you’d enjoy yourself only if you overcome your fear of the deep waters. “it will be fun, i promise.”
“ugh, fine. only because you promised.” you weakly succumb to his wishes, setting down the small jar of ointment on the ground.
he happily pulls you in for an embrace, burying his face in the crook of your neck while your arms wrap around his waist. the only barrier between your chests is the thin and small fabric of your red bikini, thoroughly soaked by the cold water combatting the rising heat of the approaching noon. you can feel the rough grains of sand that were washed away from his skin under the soles of your feet, contrasting the feather-light kisses being scattered on your neck. and this feels so utterly liberating, you refuse for it to end, allowing yourself to be hastily pinned against the wall when his supple lips meet yours.
he cups the back of your head and his long and slender fingers dig into your hair, protecting you from accidentally hitting the hard cement. the small thoughtful gesture makes you smile into the kiss. he is not real, he can’t be. if this is a dream, you’re begging the sun to never rise. his gentle hands slowly travel down the expanse of your back, until they reach your hips, teasingly tugging past the side straps of your bikini bottoms before kneading the soft flesh of your ass. he swallows the strangled whine that escapes you, slipping his tongue past your parted lips. he’s addicted to how your body language speaks to him when you get intimate, how you lovingly caress his face and his arms, slow and sensual, but then unconsciously dig your nails to mark crescent moons on his skin when you begin getting lost in your combined passion.
he wants this. he wants you. he wants to spend the rest of his life kissing you and wringing the water from your hair.
you’ve deserted the log to comfortably sit cross-legged with jungkook on the lounge chair, under the shade of the brown umbrella rooted in the soil.
“mhmmm! it’s so delicious!” jungkook carefully dips the slice of mango in the salt once more, wary of the ointment from his hand smearing on the food, before muching on it eagerly. “so crunchy!”
you pause from tending to his left hand, looking at the plate between the two of you to learn that he is nearly finished with the second mango. you only have one left.
“damn!” he dramatically curses with his eyes squeezed shut, punching the salt air. without context, a stranger would probably guess that he tragically lost a bet or remembered an embarrassing memory from highschool. but really, he’s just enjoying some pretty good food. this is the fourth time in the past five minutes that he precisely did the same thing, and yes, you’ve been counting.
“is it that yummy?” you chuckle, extremely endeared and contented when he looks this excited around food. he is the only person in the world who can make you say i’m full just by watching you eat and mean it.
“it was your idea!” he bobs his head while energetically rocking from side to side, cheeks round and full as he chews. “i haven’t eaten something new in a long time. i love it… i should give the resort five stars for my review. just for this. i’ll say i’ll come back again for the mango tree.”
“or i don’t know, we can just plant one ourselves.” you propose before lightly blowing on his inflamed palm.
“but, baby, that would take years!” he interjects. “we need to buy another house, one with a backyard, and wait at least five years for it to grow. i’ll be thirty-two by then. are you hearing that?!”
the disgusted look on his face elicits a burst of amused laughter from you, stomach hurting with a reason miles better than earlier’s. he winces at the thought of entering his 30’s in the very near future. it feels odd to think about, but it’s a little less daunting with the tree added to the picture.
he picks up the final slice on the plate, smothering it with a thin layer of salt before devouring it entirely. he whimpers, high-pitched and wide-eyed, clasping his hand over his mouth before the other one you’re holding slips away from the solace of your care. he free falls from the chair, limply collapsing on the sand. and just like that, he’s covered in them again, from his damp hair down to his wiggly toes.
you move closer to look at him, dangling your legs on the edge. “darling, you’re still alive, aren’t you?”
he spreads out his limbs like a starfish, dreamily peering into the vast cloudy sky. “oh? i think this is exactly what it means to be alive.”
beyond his words, it’s the way he said them. without shyness, without qualms, without pondering. it makes him sound purely sincere, his mellifluous voice gracefully echoing louder than the nihilistic thoughts in your head, and you believe him.
he abruptly sits up, crawling on his knees to reach you. “baby! it’s too good! i want more!” he cries out, feigning desperate sobs as he hugs your legs. “i want more. let’s eat the third one, please.”
“fuck, okay. calm down. we’ll have it.” you cackle, stroking his hair while he rests his head on your lap.
you drag the plate to your side, slicing the last mango with practiced precision and skill. he, then, closes his eyes and bathes in your presence, his warm breath fanning you. it’s peacefully silent for a while, only the sounds of the knife dragging across the fruit and the waves chasing each other to the edge of the sea can be heard. that is until your boyfriend grows bored. he puckers his lips to brush against your soft skin, insatiable, climbing higher and higher until he’s peppering your inner thigh with kisses.
tingling sensations inevitably spark in your lower region, and you click your tongue to rebuke him. “jungkook, behave. i might cut myself if you keep that up.”
his lips curve into a naughty smirk, shifting a bit further down. “sorry.”
“do you want to get sunburnt? get back up here, on the chair.” you bounce your legs to shake him off, but your efforts prove to be fruitless.
he groans, stubbornly holding on to you tighter. “no, i don’t want to.”
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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xxspringmelodyxx · 4 months
Gojo Satoru x F!Reader (Angst)
You have unfortunately found yourself falling in love with the one man you shouldn’t have. The one man who told you himself that love was a curse. You knew he would never be able to love…and if he did, it would be with Utahime. Those two were spending a lot more time together than usual, and that was a tell-tale sign that they would soon become a thing….or at least, that’s what you thought.
Warnings: None
Word count: 6.3k
I looked up at Toru, watching his eyes sparkle as he continued to talk about his crazy day. I was too dazed by his eyes, feeling my heart race just a bit from seeing the gorgeous blue hue they had. They were especially pretty when he was talking about something he was passionate about, just like now. I could quite literally stare into his eyes forever.
That was shortly lived, however, as the sound of a door opening came from behind me, though I ignored it. Toru, unfortunately, did not. Not even a few seconds passed before he looked away, his eyes catching something…or someone else. My eyes followed his and saw our good friend, Utahime. I looked back at him and saw that he was staring at her with what looked like infatuation. I felt a tight pain in my chest as he continued to stare at her. What I would do to get him to look at me like that. The thought of it made my heart flutter a bit, quickly snapping back to normal as I realized I was daydreaming again.
I looked up at him once more and saw that his body was tensed up as well. Was he…nervous? I had never seen him like this before, well at least not towards people. Without realizing it, my body involuntarily tensed up as well. I won’t lie, I felt a little hurt that he would look at her anytime she showed up, completely ignoring me.
For the past three months, whenever Toru and I were alone together, she would just come in and ruin the moment. If she wasn’t your friend, you would hate her with all your being…
I looked away from Toru once I realized I had completely lost him. My posture started to slouch a bit as I started to grab my things to get ready to leave. All I needed to do was make an excuse and, voila, Ill be out of their hair.
While I was thinking of how I could get out of this situation, Utahime looked back at you two and rolled her eyes at him, looking at you. Her face brightened up a bit as she walked closer to you two. At this point, Toru had already stopped talking about his day, subtly fidgeting with his sleeve as she came closer.
“Hey N/n! Satoru.” She said as she sat down next to me, placing her arm around you to give you a slight hug. Not wanting to be rude, you gave her one back.
No matter what feelings you had for Toru, you knew it wasn’t her fault that she caught the attention of the white haired boy. After all, she was a good and true friend to you.
“Hey ‘Hime.” You said, trying to hide the sadness behind your voice. Unbeknownst to you, the two caught it with ease.
“Are you okay?” She asked, unsure of where this sudden sadness came from.
“Yeah, I’m good. Just a little tired.” You lied, making the both of them confused.
“Well, that stinks! Because I was hoping that you would come to the park with me later tonight with Satoru, Shoko, Geto, and I. We were all planning to hang out for a bit since it’s been a while since we last hung out.” She said, hoping you would say yes to going.
“Didn’t we all hang out last week?” I asked, making her pout.
“Yes, but it was fun! We need to do it again! Human communication is good for the mind and the body. We could even play baseball, your favorite sport!” She said with her hands clasped together. I rolled my eyes playfully, smirking a bit.
“Last time I remember, Baseball is your favorite sport. Besides, I think I am a bit tired out.” You said, making Toru and Utahime look at each other with concern.
“W-We could just come over and hang out with you!” Toru suggested, but you shook your head.
“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I just need a little…alone time for myself.” You said, still feeling hurt from the whole Toru situation. Gosh, you knew it was a horrible idea to fall for him. He even said it himself that love is the greatest curse…so why the hell is he falling in love with Utahime! Sometimes you just wish everyone would just go away and maybe…just maybe your feelings would eventually disappear as well.
Oh how you wish you could just go back to the times where all you felt for Toru were platonic feelings. At least then you would have probably felt more energized and happy. But now, you are stuck with stupid feelings for a stupid guy.
“Oh come on, N/n! Just stay for thirty minutes with us! I’ll even make the boys carry you if you need it. Please!” Utahime begged, holding your hands in hers, hoping you would say yes.
You looked up at her eyes and saw how desperate they were. You sighed, wishing you could just say no…but you’d feel bad if you did. She’s doing those stupid puppy dog eyes on you, too.
“Fine, but only thirty minutes. No more.” I said, making her smile widen.
“Good! That’s all we need!” She spoke, looking towards Toru now.
There that awful feeling was again. The feeling that made your stomach churn and your heart break little by little. The feeling that made your throat stiffen up, making it feel as though you were swallowing nails.
“Listen, it was really nice talking to you two…but something just came up and I need to go.” I said, packing my things and quickly standing up to get out of there. However, Toru and Utahime both stood up and tried to follow you.
“Wait, is it something bad? Do you need our help?” Utahime asked once more.
I waved them both off, trying to rush to the door so they wouldn’t ask any more questions.
“don’t worry about it. Just got a call about an important thing I need to attend to.” I said, lying straight through my teeth. I cringed a bit at my poor excuse, but I needed to get out of there fast before the two of them started ogling eyes at each other.
“Are you sure?” Toru asked, quickly noticing that you were lying.
“Positive. See you both tonight.” You said, finally getting out of the building you three were in and rapidly walking towards your car. You buckled up and left the area, going right back to your apartment.
“Ow! What the hell was that for!” Satoru hissed at Utahime for slapping him on the shoulder.
“What is wrong with you, you idiot! You were supposed to ask her to go with you!” She yelled at him.
“I know…but….I got nervous.”
“Yeah, no shit Sherlock! By the way, way to ignore her after I came in.” She glared at the boy.
“It’s not my fault! I couldn’t just keep looking into her eyes! Her bright, beautiful, gorgeous looking, eye catching-“
“Yeah we get it Romeo. You get nervous looking into her eyes, causing you to look anywhere but at her. But you looked like a total dick when you did that! You need to learn to keep eye contact with her! And DON’T look at other women when talking to her, then getting distracted! How the hell did you think that was okay?!” She said back to him.
“I don’t look at other women! I just looked at you because you came barging in yet again!” He yelled back
“Because you sent the signal that you need help! You have done this for the past three months and we have gotten nowhere! I swear this is the longest and most borish way of asking a girl to be your girlfriend! I’ve seen teenagers more efficient in asking out their crush!”
“Yeah, well they don’t understand the risk that will come if the other person doesn’t accept. They don’t have to worry about losing a lifetime relationship just because someone caught feelings!” He said back to her, placing his hands over his face as he tried to calm down.
“I just wish it didn’t have to be so hard to ask her.” He mumbled into his hands. Utahime placed her hand on his shoulder, scooting closer to him, and trying to soothe him.
“Listen, I know it’s nerve wracking, but you can do this. You are Satoru Gojo! Deemed the strongest of them all! And you’re going to let something like this trouble you?” She asked
“But this is Y/n we are talking about, Utahime. I…I love her. Literally everything about her is the embodiment of perfection. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her personality. Everything. What if she doesn’t reciprocate the same feelings as I do? What will happen then? I don’t want to risk our relationship we already have going if it means I would lose her for good.”
“If you don’t try, you will regret it later on in your life and it will come back to haunt you every day if you don’t. If you do try, then at least you know you did everything you could.” She said, smiling softly at the stressed out man sitting in front of her.
Satoru stayed silent after what she said, taking her words into consideration.
He was terrified to say the least. What if you didn’t respond too well to his confession? What if you only see him as a friend…or worse, a brother? What if your guys’ relationship that you already had would be gone forever?
He rubbed his face in frustration, hating this rare feeling. Never in his life did he think he would actually fall in love with someone, let alone his lifelong best friend.
But then, Utahime’s words replayed in his head over and over again.
What if he never asked you? Would he truly be filled with regret? Sure his friendship with you would be fine…but would he be fine many years down the line when he sees you with another man that wasn’t him? Would he be fine with never knowing what could have been if he did ask? What would happen if you did accept?
Suddenly, he feels his heart race as his body starts to tingle at the thought of you accepting. That would make his whole world complete.
He still thinks to the day he realized he caught feelings for you. He and you were walking alone together down a street, just enjoying each other's company. You treated him like he was a regular human being, rather than this untouchable and other worldly being. You made him feel happy. You made him feel safe and… loved.
He remembered looking down at you as you smiled happily, talking about a memory from your guys’ childhood. He remembered how the golden sun rays hit your face perfectly, lighting your entire body up. You truly looked like an angel.
He remembers your scent that day. A warm and sensual scent that would drive anyone crazy, including him. The short and simple dress you wore, elegantly swaying in the opposite direction as it hit your thighs.
Everything about that day was beyond compare. That was when it hit him that he, the strongest sorcerer in the world, had captured feelings for you. He tried his best to deny it for several, long months. But as each day passed by, he noticed his want for you grew even stronger. He would catch himself staring at your hands, wondering what they would feel like to hold. He would constantly stare at your eyes, getting lost in them every time you spoke because they would sparkle. He would stare at your lips without you noticing, wondering what they would feel like on his. He watched as your hair blew softly in the wind, wondering what it would feel like as he played with it. Not a single day passed by where he didn’t think about you. And after almost a good two and a half years, he realized that he couldn’t deny his feelings about you anymore.
That’s when he reached out to Utahime about it because you and her were good friends as well. He wanted to get advice from her about how to ask you out. She was ecstatic to say the least, and agreed on making a plan to help you two get together. And so, three months later, here they were, still trying to figure out how to get you and him alone so that he could muster up the confidence to finally confess and ask you out.
“You are right, Utahime.”
“As usual.” She said
“And tonight could be perfect! All I need to do is get her alone-“
“Somewhere near a large fountain…maybe a tree on a hill! The lake even!” She interjected
“But how will I ask her? How should I confess to her? Should I just straight up tell her, ‘hey I am madly in love with you, so please go out with me.’?” He asked, making Utahime place a finger on her mouth, signaling to him that she was thinking.
“How about you practice with me? That way, we can go over what you should say, and what you shouldn’t say.” She suggested, making Satoru shrug.
“It’s worth a shot. I want to make this perfect for her.” He said, making Utahime smile.
“Then lets go over it. First things first, you’ll want to ease your way into your confession. Talk about something you two will remember.” She said.
Soon, the two of them worked little by little, revising when needed, and worked on making the best speech of all time.
However, little did they know that this would absolutely destroy their future plans.
As they were speaking, a certain someone came back to grab her phone as she left it due to her hurry to leave
As I was driving back to my apartment, I realized I didn’t have my phone. Sighing with frustration, I stopped my car as I realized I had left it back with Toru and Utahime.
“Damn it!” I spoke quietly under my breath.
I took another turn and headed back to the building I just left.
As I drove there, I was praying silently that those two would have already left. I was still hurting from the two of them, so I knew it would be hard for me to see them there.
I took one more turn and parked right in front of the building.
I got out of my car and looked up a bit to see both Toru’s and Utahime’s vehicles there.
“Great. This is just great.” I said, looking up to the sky. I noticed the weather was quickly changing, seeing the once light blue sky being quickly replaced with gray clouds that looked ready to release a monsoon.
I had better hurry up. Last thing I need now is an outdoor shower.
I picked up my pace a bit and made it towards the main entrance to the building. However, just as I was about to open it up, I heard Toru and Utahime talking.
Quietly, I placed my ear up against the door, eavesdropping in on what they were saying. However, I wished at that moment, that I never did.
“I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. Every day when I think of you, my heart melts and I get this weird feeling in my stomach.” I heard Toru say.
My eyes widened a bit as I felt the pit of my stomach drop.
“There isn’t a passing day where I don’t think about you. Not a single one. I honestly wish I told you all of this sooner so that we could have spent more time together as one rather than two.”
Second by second, I felt my heart slowly crack with each sentence he spoke to Utahime.
It was until he said four final words that really broke everything.
“Will you be mine?” He finished
That’s when your entire world fell apart. Tears that were pooling in your eyes began to fall involuntarily. Your breathing became uneven as you replayed his words in your head. He finally did it. He finally asked Utahime out to be his love….his one and only.
Silent sobs began to escape your mouth, and you knew you needed to leave. You forgot all about your phone, too hurt to remember.
You got in your car, started the engine, and quickly drove off to your place.
You knew it wasn’t possible. You just knew it. But a part of you had silently hoped that maybe it was all a trick in your mind. A part of you had hoped that maybe…just maybe…he had the same feelings as you did. But now, it was obvious that it was all just in your head. How could he ever love a girl like you when someone like Utahime exists? She must be perfect in his eyes. Pure beauty.
Tears kept falling down your eyes as you got closer and closer to your apartment.
Once you did make it to your place, you quickly ran in, noticing the rain beginning to start.
You went inside and threw your stuff on the couch and walked to your bedroom, shutting the door and sliding down it as sobs continued to come out of your mouth. You were absolutely heartbroken and you didn’t know what to do about it. Your cursed energy became uncontrollable and your plants started to wilt. Whenever a teardrop fell to the ground a small plant would uproot itself from deep underground, only for it to wilt once it reached you.
It was all over. There was no chance left for you. And you had to deal with that…all alone.
“Together as one rather than two?” Utahime said with a grimace.
“W-Well, yeah. Isn’t it smart?” Satoru said with a proud smirk.
“It sounds cheesy as hell.” She said, deadpanned, irking Satoru.
“Oh yeah! Well why don’t you-“ Satoru started, but stopped once he realized your phone was still here.
“Hm?” He spoke, picking up your phone.
“Shit, she must’ve left it here by accident.”
“Wow, you’re a sorcerer and a detective. You really have it all don’t you.” Utahime said, making Satoru glare at her a bit.
“Why don’t you go to her place and give it to her. It would be a good way for you to talk to her a bit before we all go out tonight.” She suggested.
“Hm…not a bad idea. Who knew you had the capacity in your brain to make smart suggestions.” He said, making her smack him
“Whose the one helping you out right now because you’re too terrified to do this all alone!” She spoke, making Toru smirk a bit before standing up.
“Well, I suppose I should head over to her place now before it gets too late. Maybe Ill go get some snacks and I can give them to her as an apology for ignoring her today. I still can’t believe I did that.” He said, mentally cursing himself for doing that to you.
“Well then you had better make a move on buddy. She doesn't have all year.” Utahime said, shooing him away to go and talk to you.
“Alright, alright. I’m leaving. I can tell when I am not wanted. At least my sweet Y/n will want me…I hope.” He said, his body stiffening up.
Utahime took notice of this and smiled, walking up to the poor guy. She placed her hand on his shoulder once more and encourage him.
“You will be fine, Satoru. Now go. It’s already pouring rain, so hurry it up.” She said, pushing him outside.
“Thank you again, Utahime. For helping me out with all of this. I won’t forget it.” He said, walking back to his car.
Now, time to go buy you a bunch of stuff!
A good hour had passed and you were still on the ground. Though you were not crying anymore. You just stared at your dead plants with an empty look. Suddenly, your puppy and kitten came in to cuddle up to you. They took notice that something was wrong with you.
You chuckle a bit when your puppy, Tico, licks your face.
Your kitten, Mochi, purred as she wrapped her tail around your arm. They both cuddled up to you, making sure to show you that they care about you. They felt so warm and soft, it almost made you fall asleep.
However, you felt dirty and gross, plus you also knew that a shower would help you a bit. So you got up and went to take a shower.
You started running the water, discarding your clothes into the hamper. You felt the warm water and got in, easing into the water as it splashed onto your skin.
You took a good while in the shower, thinking about your feelings, hoping they would wash away with the water and down into the drain.
Tears started to form in your eyes once again, threatening to spill out. It hurt so much. It hurt so much to the point where you didn’t want to go anywhere for a long time. All you wanted to do was stay home, watch TV, and eat.
Maybe you just tell everyone you fell ill so you don’t have to go out. So you don’t have to watch Utahime and Toru be all lovey dovey in front of you. The thought of it made you sick to your stomach.
Why did you have to fall in love with him? Why?!
You were so caught up in your mind that you didn’t even notice tears were falling down your face like a waterfall.
Maybe Toru was right after all…maybe love is the biggest curse in the world.
“Wow, that’s a lot of food you got there. What’s the occasion?” The cashier asked behind the counter, taking notice of the cart full of sweets, savory foods, and…some flowers.
“Oh well, they are for a special someone.” Toru said, a very faint blush evident on his face.
“Oh? A lover perhaps?” She asked, taking each item and placing them nicely in a bag.
“I hope…” He said under his breath. His hands gripped tightly onto your phone, getting more and more anxious with every minute that passed by. Thoughts were screaming in his head about how you would never feel the same way as he did. He did his very best to get rid of those thoughts, trying to give himself a pep talk. He was the strongest sorcerer of all time. Anyone would want him….anyone….right?
Once he paid the amount that was due, he quickly left and got in his car. He started it up and drove to your place, thinking about what he would talk to you about.
You put on some comfy sweat pants and a tank top, going to the living room and turning something on. Though, you didn’t pay attention to it at all as you were still too lost in your own mind. Your eyes were swollen from crying, your nose was red, and your cheeks were tearstained.
You sat on your couch as you ate some cereal, desperately trying to remove Toru from your head.
You noticed that every single plant in and outside of your place were all wilted, but you didn’t care at the moment. You could fix them anytime you please if you wanted, so for right now, you didn’t tend to them.
It was so dark and gloomy in your house, especially with the rain that was practically pouring right now.
You were about thirty minutes into the show you were watching, still not fully attentive of it, but still catching up on some bits of it. Mochi and Tico were lying on top of your legs, keeping you warm and cozy.
You placed another spoonful of cereal in your mouth, when all of a sudden, your doorbell rang. Mochi and Tico ran off, going towards the door with excitement.
Confused, you placed your cereal down and paused the movie you were watching. You got up and went to the door, not realizing you were going to regret it in a few seconds.
There, standing out drenched from the rain, was the last man you wanted to see right now. He was holding bags of stuff, and your phone.
I drove into Y/n’s parking lot, parking my car and sitting there in silence. My heart was racing as I thought about her once again. My hands were wrapped tightly around the steering wheel to the point where my knuckles were bright white.
I looked up at her place and noticed something was wrong. All of her plants were extremely wilted, barely holding onto what life they had left of them.
I started to grow concerned as Y/n would never let something like this happen. I quickly grabbed everything in the car and walked up to her door. My hair was drenched from being outside for too long, but thankfully, my coat kept the rest of me dry.
I rang the doorbell, starting to grow anxious again. Within a few minutes, the door finally opened and there…she stood…
I looked down at her and saw that she was a wreck. Her eyes were red and swollen. Her face had tear stains on them…was she crying?
Suddenly, his concern grew more and more as he caught a glimpse of her. What the hell happened that caused you to look like this?
Whatever the case, he was going to make you feel better. He couldn’t stand seeing you like this. It broke his heart seeing you in such a distressed state.
“Y/n…what happened?” He asked with genuine concern.
“Y/n, what happened?” He asked me, making my heart wrench from his voice. This was the last thing I needed.
“N-Nothing, please just…go away.” I said, trying to shut the door. However, Toru blocked it from shutting with his shoe, pushing the door open.
“What do you mean it’s nothing? Did someone do this to you? Did someone hurt you?” He asked, starting to grow frustrated.
You hurt me
I thought, as he asked his questions.
“No. Now just please leave me alone. I don’t want you over.” I said, growing equally frustrated at his stubbornness.
He wasn’t letting go though, not after seeing you like this. He cared far too much about you to just leave you be.
“Y/n. You are going to tell me what is going on, right now. I am not leaving until you do so.” He said sternly.
“Damn it, why are you so stubborn! Just go, Gojo!” You yelled pushing against the door.
His eyes softened, looking down at you with hurt as he realized you called him Gojo instead of the usual Toru.
He didn’t want to admit it, but that stung when you said that.
Were you mad at him? Did he do something?
“Y/n…I…please just tell me what is going on.” He said, pushing past his feelings so that he could figure out yours.
“If I tell you, it will ruin everything. Besides, it doesn't matter anyways…just go back to Utahime.” You said with a bit of bitterness on your tongue.
That caught him off guard.
“Utahime?” He asked, confusion hitting him hard.
“Yes, I heard everything Gojo. Everything. I heard your confession to her at the building. How you told her that not a second goes by where you don’t think of her. And if that is the case, why the hell are you even here? Shouldn’t you be spending time with the love of your life?” You asked, the plants around you starting to grow once again, a little too much though.
That was when it hit Satoru. You caught him practicing with Utahime. Fuck!
He looked down at you frantically and dropped everything in his hands, forcing the door open and grabbing you.
“Let me go!” You said, struggling to escape his grip.
“Y/n stop.” He started, but tears started to fall down your face and it broke him. It wasn’t someone else who hurt you, it was him. And all because of a huge misunderstanding.
“Y/n would you stop for once and just listen to me!” He yelled, making you stop and stare up at him, your eyes full of water. If it wasn’t for the situation you two were in right now, he would grab you and kiss you to make you stop.
“What could you possibly have to say?” You asked, your voice breaking a bit.
“Y/n…that conversation you heard…it wasn’t what you think.” He started, making it your turn to be confused.
“That conversation…I was…I was practicing with Utahime. It wasn’t meant for her.” He said, making you calm down a bit and actually listen to him.
“Then if not for her…then for who?” You asked. You weren’t sure if you wanted to hear. If he said someone else’s name, you would officially break.
Before you could say anything else, you heard Toru sigh. His grip on your arms relaxed, and he let you go.
He suddenly became extremely fidgety with you, and you swore you could see a faint blush spread across his face. His eyes were now looking anywhere but at you.
“Y/n…that speech…it was actually made for…” He started, his breathing becoming more rapid from his nerves.
“Well….for you.” he said softly, still averting his eyes from your shocked gaze.
“W-What?” You asked, making sure you weren’t hearing things.
“It was for you, Y/n. I was just practicing it with Utahime because I wanted it to be perfect for you tonight when we all went out. You see, Utahime has been helping me try and confess everything to you for the past three months. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize it would be so hard confessing something like that to you. Every time I got nervous, I would send her a signal to help me out…but it always ended with you leaving.” He said, making your eyes widen at his confession.
“Y/n, I…I love you. A lot. Everyday I wish that you could be with me in my arms. I want to be the first thing you see every morning and the last thing you see at night. I want to hug you, touch you, kiss you, talk to you, and more. Everything about you is just so beautiful. Your eyes, your smile, your voice, all of it. I get nervous just thinking about you and I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I tried to reject my feelings for you, but no matter how hard I tried, my feelings for you just came back stronger than ever. I was just so scared of losing you because I wasn’t sure if you’d like me back the same way.” he said, making your heart instantly repair from his words.
“But just say if this is all one sided and I will let it go. If I can’t have you romantically, I still wish to have you as a friend. I don’t want to sour our relationship we already have going.” He said, this time looking deep into your eyes. It all processed in your head too quickly, resulting in even more tears coming out of your eyes.
He took that as a bad sign however and sighed, feeling his heart break.
“I understand, I will just head out then. I don’t want to make this more awkward for the both of us.” He said, defeated.
However, just as he started to turn around and walk out. You ran towards him and hugged him, making you both fall to the ground.
“You never even let me say anything, you big idiot!” You said with tears still falling down your face. Quickly, all the plants and flowers in and outside of your place started to bloom like crazy.
“W-What?” He asked, still shocked from the sudden movement.
“I love you too!” You blurted out, making his eyes widen a bit and his heart race.
“Y-You…do?” He asked, completely in disbelief.
“Yes. I have loved you for so long. Almost three years. I just didn’t tell you because I thought you didn’t want to love someone. Also, I thought you had a thing for Utahime.” You said, making him sit up with you in his lap.
“Every time you would talk to me, I noticed how my heart would pick up its pace. I noticed how often I would stare into your gorgeous eyes and get lost in them. I noticed how often I would stare at your lips, just hoping that one day, they would get to touch mine. That was when I realized I had truly fallen for you. The one man who told me himself that love was the greatest curse of all time.” You said, making him chuckle sheepishly.
“I can’t believe I said that, especially now that I understand what it feels like.” He said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close.
Both of your faces heated up from the close contact. You could feel each other's breath on your lips as you came closer and closer.
“You said you wished for the day where my lips met yours?” He asked, making you look away from embarrassment, but you still nodded.
He chuckled and took your chin in his hand, making you face him.
“Don’t hide your pretty face from me, Y/n. I’m about to make your wish come true.” He said, finally closing the gap between the two of you.
It was at that moment where you felt as if everything around you didn’t exist. As if it were just you two alone in an empty space. You felt sparks as you felt his lips on yours, your heart was racing so fast you thought it was going to explode. He felt much the same. This was a moment he had been fantasizing about for ages. And it finally came true for the both of you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in closer to you, kissing him deeper.
After a few more seconds, you both released the kiss and stared at each other's eyes.
Suddenly, a vine from one of your plants wrapped around his arm, catching both of our attention. You gasped a bit from the overgrowth, barely able to see past your living room due to the crazy outburst of plants.
Toru chuckled a bit as you threw a mini fit at them, putting them back to normal.
Toru looked at you once more with a smile, rubbing small circles on your hips.
He kissed your cheeks, your eyes, the corners of your lips, and finally, your lips once again.
“I am sorry I made you cry this much. Had I known it would have done this to you, I would have confessed much earlier.” He said apologetically.
“Don’t apologize. You didn’t know. Besides, that doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is that we have each other now…” You said with your bright smile that he loves and adores.
“So…does this mean we are official now?” He asked, making you smile at him, playing with his hair.
“Why don’t you kiss me again and find out.” You said, making him smirk a bit. He grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you into him, kissing you again with just as much love and passion as before.
“I love you, Y/n. I love you so much.” He said as he placed his forehead on mine.
I smiled, feeling butterflies in my stomach.
“And I love you, my Toru. More than you can imagine.” You replied, making his heart skip a beat once you said he was your Toru.
Suddenly, you both got a text from the group asking where you two were.
Toru replied and said that you two had a change of plans and decided to hang out together…alone.
Everyone in the group said some kind and sweet things…and some not so safe for work type of things.
Either way, you two ignored them and went back to each other.
“So what’s in the bags?” You asked, making him pick you up in his arms. A small squeak escaped your mouth as you felt his hands grip onto you.
“I bought a bunch of snacks for us to eat. They were supposed to be a little gift for you, but since you and I are going to be spending the night together, I figure it would be fun if we watched some movies and cuddled.” He said, making you chuckle at the amount of food he got.
“We are going to have the best time ever.” You said pulling him to the couch with you.
You two cuddled up together, turned on a movie and spent the rest of the night together. It was honestly one of the best nights that you both have had in a long time.
Toru kissed your head and whispered in your ear once more,
“I love you~”
You smiled again and turned your head to kiss him on the lips.
“And I love you~”
After that, you both slowly started to fall asleep in each other's arms, keeping each other warm and cozy.
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captainjacklyn · 5 months
We all know of Genshin Impact's Sagau, right? I mean come on, I sure do considering the number of posts I like about it and the number of times I've had maladaptive daydreams about the whole isekai happening to me-
But we won't focus on that, what if we imagine that the reader, the almighty primordial is literally a god. They're not a random human from our world, they're the embodiment of all both non-living and living. They come from the same realm, basically giant coming together of all fields of the universe. Boom, Primordial.
How the game introduces them to us is through the eyes of the traveler (whichever twin I genuinely don't give a fuck who it is, just one of the very hardworking blondes somebody please get them a cookie) who was chosen to be their vessel by the Primordial themself. The thing is, the entirety of Teyvat worship this deity but they have no idea what they look like. HOWEVER! Aether/Lumine does know because whenever they look up at the sky, the fuck do they see? YOU-
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My meme btw.
We got a little sidetracked there but that's okay, what I mean to say is yeah, they're exactly what the people of Teyvat believe them to be. A whole ass god that just...stands as the definition of everything.
Moving on, you're not the only big primordial.
You have..
You have..
Just four or so, maybe three minimum. Whatever you think is best, but basically they are a fragment of your being who were originally created as realms exactly like Teyvat. You could picture it as Earth, but then the Primordial descended upon that planet and then everyone went to war, Earth exploded and giant god baby made an appearance. HOORAY-
Part 2 is here, have fun.
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softlysunrays · 20 days
━━ me, you & tea
pairing : bsf!ellie williams x reader
dayana's talk : based on a conversation I had with one of my friend and this is what exactly i want in my life, js me, cats, tea & my lover. also, can you tell I love tea lol
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You and Ellie have been friends ever since the two of you were twelve, both of you were in the same class and that is where your friendship begins. 
It has become a tradition to have sleepovers at each other's houses, and this time it's at your house. The two of you had a blast, staying up late playing video games, watching movies, and gossiping.
Ellie is familiar with your morning routine by now, from waking up and checking the phone, to lying in bed for a few minutes, making tea, and enjoying the sunshine, to making breakfast if you feel like it.
As the sun begins to peek through the blinds, Ellie wakes up to the sound of a teapot whistling in the kitchen. She stretches and yawns before making her way to the kitchen, where she sees you brewing a cup of tea. 
The soft glow from the sun kisses your skin, and Ellie can't help but think how stunning her friend is. Ellie takes a seat at the kitchen table and watches as you pour yourself a cup of tea. 
"Do you want one?" you asked her, already knowing she would say no.
But not this time.
Ellie doesn't know why but she felt like trying one of your teas this morning for some reason.
"Yeah, sure, why not" Ellie answered, leaving you dumbfounded.
"You want tea?" you asked her again, just to make sure.
"Yeah, I do want one. Wanted to see the hype of it cause you like it so much" she said as she kept petting one of your pet. 
"How come you wanna try it today?" 
You asked as you placed another mug for Ellie.
"I don't know, just felt like it," Ellie said as she leaned against the wall, watching you pour the hot water to brew the tea.
The scene in front of her felt familiar as if it had always been this way. Your hair was tied up messily, and the steam coming out from the hot tea. 
The sun was shining through the window, and she could hear the birds chirping outside.
And in that moment, Ellie realized how much she loved you. She wanted to spend every day with her, doing everything together. And so, she blurted out, "I want to live with you forever one day."
The exact same words she said to you a few years ago.
You blushed and smiled, "Let's do that somewhere in the future, yeah?"
The tea had finished brewing, and you brought it over to Ellie. She took the mug from you and thanked you.
Both of you walked to the living room and sat on the couch with a cup of your favourite tea, enjoying the soothing sounds of the morning. Ellie took a sip of her tea and let out a content sigh. "This tea is really good," she said, smiling at you.
You smiled back at her. "I'm glad you like it. I make it a little differently than most people, but I think it tastes better this way."
Ellie looked at you with a curious look. "What's your secret?"
You chuckled. "I add a little more sugar than most people. Don't tell anyone though, it's our little secret."
Ellie grinned and nodded, taking another sip of her tea.
Because you know how much she dislikes drinks that taste bitter.
You sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the peacefulness of the morning. The tea was hot and comforting, and the room was filled with a sense of warmth and serenity. 
At this moment, the feeling of nostalgia hits you because this is what you always wanted. 
You always wanted to have a life where you could sit with someone you love and just enjoy the warm tea you made or maybe coffee with your pets or maybe kids wandering around the house as the two of you just enjoying the slow soft morning. 
Ellie knew this, you've told her about this before when the two of you were still teenagers and Ellie thought that was nice how you knew what you wanted in your life. 
It is nice, you thought to yourself.
You find yourself daydreaming about a future with your best friend in it, in a romantic way which is something you shouldn't do. 
You were lost in thought, sipping your tea and enjoying the warm, comforting atmosphere. You looked over at Ellie, smiling as she leaned back on the couch, enjoying her tea.
"Hey, do you know what this reminds me of?" she asked, her eyes meeting yours.
Your soft voice replied to her with a "What".
"That, this is how you described how you wanted your future to be back when we were teens and honestly, I want it to be me" she confessed.
"Really? I want it to be you too" you replied, feeling your heart swell with happiness.
"And I meant what I said back there, in the kitchen and a few years ago," Ellie admitted as she looked over at you. You couldn't believe that this moment was real.
You never thought that something as simple as a cup of tea could bring back so many memories. You remembered how you used to daydream about this life when you were younger. Now, you were living the life you had always dreamed of, with the person you loved the most.
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that neil is a zionist and therefore dont buy his games, doesnt matter remastered or not !!!
before you leave, have you DONATE TO PALESTINE today? ITS FREE TOO !!
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phoenixblaze1412 · 7 months
Childhood friends AU with Dottore. Like comparing how he acted as a child towards the reader and how he acts towards the reader now.
Alright anon^^
Dottore = Zandik^^
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During the time when both you and Zandik were children. You were the one that has to approach him first.
The other kids in your hometown didn't even like either of you. With you being interested in the wonders and changes of the world meanwhile Zandik being the one to find the wonders and make the changes happen.
In short, you two were pretty much bullied and made fun of.
So to be able to approach Zandik and befriend him would take a lot of time and patience. Like trying to tame a lion.
Zandik was always rude to you. He would give you the cold shoulder and even insult your intellect. But that didn't stop you from smiling and talking to him. Even after the various insults he tossed your way, he was still surprised to see hanging around him.
Then the night happened where Zandik got chased away by the villagers.
You immediately followed the tracks and found him hiding inside a hollow tree, all covered in scrapes and bruises.
At first, Zandik was afraid you were going to rat him out and hand him over to the people wanting him dead but was instead surprised when you sat beside him and cleaned his wounds with the bandages, cloths and water you hid in your bag.
"You're not going to take me back to the village..?"
"Why would I? I think they're the monsters if you ask me."
After patching him up with the best of your abilities, you stood up and held out your hand towards him.
"Wanna run away together? I don't want to live in a village where people would hurt someone because he views the world differently than them."
You didn't expect Zandik to cling onto your stomach and hug you tight. You could hear the soft sniffles and whimpers he let out and it made your heart break into pieces. You could only hug him back and comfort him.
You two were mere children. And children who knows they aren't accepted into something they thought they were part of would leave. That's what you and Zandik did. You both left without turning back, leaving without any regret.
For Zandik however, something changed about his view towards you.
You became his light, the one who led him out of the darkness of the cruelty of the world.
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"Daydreaming again? Tsk, tsk, what am I going to do with you, love."
You flinched when Zandik, now known as Dottore, flicked your forehead with a grin.
"I wasn't daydreaming, I was just thinking back to the time when we ran away as kids."
"If you want to reminisce about our time together as children then you can take Kappa with you. He's oddly clingy towards you."
Zandik wrapped his arms around your waist, his mask hitting against your shoulder as he nuzzled into your neck.
"I don't see a problem with it. Aren't you that clingy back when we were kids? You wouldn't even let go of my hand whenever I was looking at the sleeping rishboland tigers."
You heard Zandik mutter under his breath as he trailed soft kisses down your neck and towards your collarbone.
"Yes, yes.. but I wasn't the one who turned on the ruin golem and got spun around the control room."
You let out a huff as you recalled the memory of you spinning inside the control room when you accidentally turned on the ruin golem you and Zandik found during your time at the Akademiya. Zandik had to carry you back to your shared home since you couldn't even walk properly.
"You should be lucky I'm married to you."
"Oh? And why is that?"
"I would have told Pantalone about all the embarrassing things you did when you were just a child."
You were surprised when Zandik picked you up and placed you over his shoulder. You heard him mumble something under his breath before he began to walk to your shared bedroom in the palace. Curiosity getting the best of you, you turned your head to your husband and poked his cheek.
"Zandik? What are you mumbling about?"
You yelped when Zandik leaned towards your thigh and bit down on your soft flesh.
"Children this.. children that. How about I give you children so you have something to busy yourself with, darling."
"Don't be a tease, Zandik..."
"Who says I was teasing, dearest?"
You had to cover your reddened face from the other harbingers' gaze as they watched Dottore carry you to your bedroom. Meanwhile Dottore held a grin on his face as he thought about the various things he would do to make you scream his name throughout the palace.
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vividwritinglove · 1 year
my forever valentine
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long time no see - life has been crazy lately. BUT I will continue the PG story for sure! Don’t worry!
For now let’s give our sweet Charlie Boy some love ♥️ since it’s Valentine’s Day! Enjoy 😉
pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
warnings: none
word count: 2.9k
You've known him for a long time. You would call yourself old friends, but the last time the two of you met in person was several years ago. You've always had a thing for him. In your childhood days you were inseparable and even as teenagers you were in the same clique of friends. He was your first big crush and even now you still find him extremely attractive.
The contact broke off as you moved away from Monaco with your parents. You only contacted each other on a few social media channels now and then. But when his racing career took off, there was radio silence between him and you. And that was fine, because you were also investing your time in education and aiming for a successful future as a gallerist after graduating with a degree in art history.
The last time you saw him in person was at his father's funeral, but you didn't say a word to each other. Which was somehow understandable. Still, you felt the need to be there for him. You are proud of him, how he dealt with it and continues to hold on to his dream to become world champion. You think back to those nights on the balcony of your childhood bedroom, looking down on the harbor of Monaco and talking about your dreams. For Charles, there was only this one and it's even more wonderful that he's closer to it than ever. You casually follow his career. However, you never made it to a Grand Prix in your hometown.
Maybe this year it would change. Because you've moved back. To his and your little hometown. You know he lives here, but you didn't expect to see him so soon after your arrival. You’ve been invited to a dinner with some old girlfriends. Afterwards you stay for some drinks and have a catch up. And between all theses people, the loud voices and the laughter, your gazes cross. He sits a few tables away and has his eyes fixed on you. He looks at you in disbelief and his eyes widen with each passing second. Almost simultaneously you rise, walking towards each other like magnets attracting each other. With each step, his smile widens until you are standing directly in front of him.
"Y/N," he says softly, his hand brushing your upper arm. His voice is like a melody in your ears. You've missed it some how. Your eyes are on his lips, watching them say your name. The next moment he hugs you, tightly. You feel the longing and warmth in this gesture. Your arms close around his middle and your hands move over his upper back. You feel his muscles, he has become much broader. Understandable, just the daily workouts he is completing. However, his scent is beguiling to you. With pleasure you close your eyes and pull him in. Your cheek touches his jaw and you snuggle up to him. Familiarity.
"You're back!" he says softly again as you pull away from each other. You nod tentatively, still smiling. His presence makes you feel embarrassed, and you feel like you're a teenager again. Only now do you realize Charles has always been so much more to you, than just a friend. Yet you never felt he would feel the same way about you. You have no idea, how much he actually did.
You could have looked at each other for hours. But quickly the hustle and bustle of the restaurant around you, brings you back from this daydream. "Shall we go to the bar?" you suggest, as a waiter pushes past you, barely able to understand your own words. Charles nods happily and escorts you to the counter. You order 2 espresso martinis and you're pushed to the bar, close together, by the crush of other restaurant patrons. Not that you mind.
You have some catching up to do and recount what has happened to you over the past few years. You feel comfortable around each other. It's been a long time since you've felt this secure with a man. Charles is not just any man, he is a confidant. As you talk and laugh with each other, you touch. Several times. More and more often. Until his hand lingers on your hip. You feel the warmth his body radiates. His scent is constantly in your nose.
"God, I missed talking to you." sighs Charles, after you empty another drink and he orders another round for both of you.
"How good that we'll get to do this more often, if you like..." you murmur as you put the martini glass to your lips and sip it. Charles smiles mischievously and takes a sip of his drink as well. You linger at the bar for a while until one of your friends approaches you to say goodbye. You've completely lost track of time, and yet you have to get up early tomorrow to prepare the gallery you've recently started working for, because of a new vernissage.
"Do you really have to go already?" Charles prods, pulling a slight pout.
"I have to! I don't want to get fired after my first week!" You laugh, resting your hand on his chest. He nods in understanding and his gaze moves to your hand. He likes this gesture. In general, he likes that you are so bluntly close to him. Your eyes meet and the colors of his bright eyes burn into your memory.
"When will I see you again?"
"I hope very soon..." you say with a smile and kiss him goodbye on the cheek. He looks after you. For a long time.
You had no idea how soon you would meet again. You are directing the workers from the gallery, who are about to hang one of the last large paintings for the upcoming opening, as a warm breath on your neck gives you goosebumps.
Startled, you turn around, "Charles?!".
You hug him gustily with joy, and somewhat irritated by your enthusiasm, he has to grin and hugs you tightly back.
"What are you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious?" he asks, smiling a forbidden cheeky smile, "and by the way, this is the 6th gallery I've visited today to find you."
"Well, your search was successful." you smile at him and adjust the collar of his jacket, your fingers grazing the delicate skin on his neck and immediately giving him chills.
"Madame? Is the painting hanging good like that?"
You release yourself from Charles arms and turn to your colleagues, "Oh yes, perfect! Thank you so much!".
"Which artist is this?" asks Charles with interest, examining the painting.
"Come on, I'll give you a little private tour."
You stroll through the exhibition and you tell a short anecdote about each piece with full passion. Charles watches you with a smile on his lips. Your enthusiasm is contagious. You have this special eye for aesthetics and that's what Charles likes so much about you.
When you arrive in the room with the artist's photographs, he holds you back by your arm, "Do you still take photographs?"
"Remember when you used to accompany me on karting weekends? And always taking snapshots?"
"Oh God, with that little digital camera, in that awful garish pink color."
You both have to laugh and his hand travels down your arm, to your palm. His fingers slide in between yours and your bodies getting very close to each other, “Any plans for tonight?".
"Not until now!". You would love to close the distance to him, preferably with a kiss. However, that wouldn't make the best image for your new employer to catch you making out at your workplace with Monaco's golden boy.
"I'll pick you up tonight after work." suggests Charles and you nod tentatively, "Thank you for the tour. I'll return the favor."
Your work day couldn't have gone by any faster. You grab your small bag and wait for Charles in front of the old historic entrance to the gallery. He arrives a few minutes later in a beautiful black Ferrari. You are amazed, of course you knew he was driving a Ferrari, but the black car with the white and red stripe was quite something. Just the sound of this car attracted so much attention and made almost all the heads in your radius turn towards it.
The windows were down and Charles had sunglasses on. As you step closer to his car, you notice the sounds of Coldplay, his favorite band. Charles looks over at you. His grin grows wider with each step you take closer. The car is well-known in Monaco. Everyone knows who drives this car, so it's not uncommon for passersby to pull out their cell phones and take pictures. You open the door and drop into the black leather seat.
You smile at each other. Long. A comforting warm feeling spreads through you. It's nice to spend time with Charles.
"Are you hungry?" he asks you, after confidently steering the car back onto the road.
"I'm starving!"
"Say no more!"
After a few minutes, Charles stops in front of some small brasseries and quickly jumps out of the car. You know this place. You know it too well. In your childhood and youth you came here very often with friends and your families. You haven't been here for 10 years and nothing has changed. You know exactly what he would order and a short time later Charles comes back, jogging out of the brasserie with an order to go.
You accept the bag with thanks and immediately the familiar scent hits your nose. You can't wait any longer and open the plastic container. Steak with fries and the world famous sauce. You can't help but grin broadly. It was your absolute favorite dish as a kid. You take a french fry and bite into it with relish. You close your eyes and let your body sink further into the comfortable leather seat of the Ferrari.
"It tastes so incredibly good!" you h sigh and Charles continues to grin. Over and over he looks at you. You offer him a fry as well, and he's only too happy to eat out of your hand.
You arrive at a cliff ledge and have an insanely beautiful view over the old town and the harbor. The sun is just setting and now you're sharing the large steak and fries.
"Would you ever have thought?" you look to Charles and pick up another piece of meat with a fork, "The two of us with our favorite dish in a Ferrari."
"It's a shame we didn't do this earlier." Charles admits and you hand him the fork so he can eat some of the meat as well.
"Better late than never!" you remain optimistic, watching as the sun turns the sea in a beautiful orange.
"I've missed it here so much..." you sigh after the sun has set and below you the city and harbor is now aglow with their lights.
"Actually, hardly anything has changed. We've all stayed the same." grins Charles, eyeing you. You rest your head on your folded forearms, which you had placed on his dashboard earlier to take an even closer look at your hometown at night. You've always been a very special girl to him, so brash and fearless that it was almost intimidating. Even as a teenager he admired your strong confidence and carefree nature. You know what you want and how to get it. And that doesn't seem to have changed until today.
Outwardly you have changed. You have grown up and become very feminine. Beautiful and natural. One thing has remained that he has always loved about you: Your freckles.
"What shall we do next?" You ask him after a while and Charles feels caught staring at you for too long.
"Whatever you want."
"I want to see your apartment!"
This answer surprises him, but your smile makes him agree immediately.
The drive to his apartment building doesn't take long. With some effort, Charles parks his expensive sports car in the narrow and old underground garage.
"Next time, I'll park." you laugh as you climb out of the car, trying not to put a dent in the passenger door, "Ace on the track, but your parking skills leave a lot to be desired."
"You can't be good at everything." he grins cheekily and you join in with your laughter.
Once inside his apartment, it’s more noticeable that it's not a new building. In terms of furnishings, it's modern, but the cut of the apartment is very typical of buildings from the 90s. As you enter the living area, you immediately notice the piano.
"You play?" you call out to Charles, who just went to the kitchen to pour you both a glass of wine.
"A little."
"Since when?"
"More or less taught myself during lockdown." he says casually, handing you one of the wine glasses, as he comes back to you.
"You're kidding me!" you say, almost horrified,m and take the glass from him.
Charles sets his glass down on the piano, sits down on the small piano bench and opens the keyboard lid. He starts playing and you look over his shoulder enthusiastically. His long fingers wander gracefully over the black and white keys. You smile. After all these years, Charles can still surprise you.
He finishes the piano piece and turns to you a little with a soft smile on his lips. You put your glass down and clap your hands euphorically, "That was amazing!".
"Thank you." he says a little sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck nervously with the flat of his hand. Your eyes continue to wander from him through his apartment. Next to a large bookshelf, you notice trophies and helmets. You walk up to them and look at them more closely. Charles remains seated on the bench and watches you as you stroll through his apartment. He has to swallow hard and starts getting slightly nervous. He knows what questions you are about to ask. He knows you to well.
"Who made these paintings?" you ask as you finish inspecting the trophies.
Charles clears his throat, "My ex painted them."
You give him a brief, yet definite look and then turn back to the 3 paintings hanging above his sofa, "She has talent."
You continue your tour and now all the feminine decorations catch your eye.
"From the ex?" you point to an empty beige vase with gold appliqués sitting on a shelf.
Charles just nods and rises from the piano bench.
"Let me guess! From the ex too?" you ask, now pointing to the roses that form the word LOVE on his piano lid. Again he nods and buries his hands in his front pants pockets.
You draw in air sharply through your teeth, "I hate to say it, but this place is just screaming her .".
"I know..." he sighs and is afraid to kill the mood, “Come. I'll show you something."
You walk to the elevator and Charles puts a key in the keyhole below all the floor buttons. He turns it over and presses the button that says PH.
After a short ride, the elevator door opens and there is now a small hallway in front of you. Again he uses the keys and unlocks the gray apartment door. In front of you a large and empty room with a beautiful dark parquet floor and a wide window front, giving you the best view over the old town and the harbor.
"The renovations were just completed last week. I have first right of refusal until next friday, but I am not sure if I should buy the apartment though..." explains Charles as you step further into the large room.
"Are you kidding me? You're still considering?" you ask in shock, "This is the perfect place for your piano. It would show off perfectly here and when you play you would have this view."
You back up your statements with wild gestures and continue walking around the apartment.
"Here the dining area, right next to the open kitchen and in this corner a bar cart would look great. Maybe a neon sign on this wall..."
Charles trots after you, grinning at each of your decorating ideas.
"Charles if you don't buy this place, I will!" you say as you finish the tour through the whole apartment and stand back with him in the entryway, "Might have to borrow some money from you..."
"I'll sign the purchase agreement."
"A very good decision!" you smile at him and only now you realize how close you are standing towards each other. You are gone in his amazing eyes and Charles also fixes your gaze.
Slowly he comes steadily closer to you, soon you feel his warm breath on cupids bow and his hands on your hips. You have to swallow hard and open your mouth slightly. First the tips of your noses touch gently, shortly after you feel his soft lips on yours. Your hands travel up his upper arms to his neck and intertwine there.
As a teenager, you had dreamed of kissing him so many times. What would you have given for Charles to be your first kiss?
The stubble of his beard tickles your chin as you intensify the kiss. Shortly after, you feel his tongue in your mouth. Time stands still for you. You would never want to kiss anyone else again. Your crush on Charles has been rekindled and has never burned like it has before. Not in your wildest dreams, did you think Charles felt the same way you did. As corny and childish as it may sound, you had butterflies in your stomach and felt like you were 15 again.
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shortpplfedup · 7 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 12
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And that's all she wrote friends! And how she wrote it was...weird? The show definitely pulled some punches at the end there, trying to thread a needle and ending instead in a kind of wishy-washy damp squib. The couples landed up right, but in the wrong way? Guu mai chorp. But these hoes still need their final sorting. Nick led the pack going into the finale, will he end up on top at the end? Only the mains this week in my final rankings, but first...
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Then…can I be your friend too?
I'm sorry I can't hear y'all over my screams at the MESS Minx Mix looks set to cause. That man is too pretty to be allowed in public. I WANT IT JOJO, I WANT IT NOW!
🔻🔻🔻Z∞. Boeing (8)
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I just happen to want something strong tonight.
In the end, Boeing is just a lonelyboy like all the rest of them, which is fine, but he also just...disappears after the Ray/Mew Voltron vanquishes him and he gets a consolation makeout from Boston, which is not. Anyway, Mond is a good actor, also he's hot and got to kiss a bunch of boys, so winning.
Top tier show sidepieces: Yo, Plug, Summer, Freddie Mercury 2, Sand's Mom, Ray's Dad, Daddy Dan, April, Mew's Moms (barely)
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These characters were mostly on the side of the angels, and I thank them for their service.
Bottom bitches: Cheum, Atom, Gap
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Yeah they apologised, but fuck em.
Onto our main six!
🔺1. Boston (2)
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I'm friendless.
In the end, Boston's at the top of my mains pile, because MY MANS DESERVED BETTER. Not in terms of Nick, I think that actually ended the absolute best way: Boston made his case, Nick made his decision, and they parted more or less as friends (and I loved absolutely every conversation those two had in this episode). No I mean in terms of his shitty friends, especially MEW. Cheum at least apologised, even if perfunctorily, and he apologised for sleeping with Atom (yeah, he really shouldn't have done that). He and Ray let the water wash under their particular bridge, and seem set to be cool. They never really had much in the way of beef to be fair. But Mew...actually you know what, good. Some people you don't need to be friends with, especially people who are gonna judge you and try to make you feel shitty about yourself. The narrative leaves Boston literally alone at the end though, legit the last time we see him is sitting on the curb with tears in his eyes as Nick walks away. Thanks, I hate it. I hope New York is better to Boston, and I hope he continues to learn and grow and tackle those impulse control problems.
🔻2. Nick (1)
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You should go back to living a fun and sassy life that you prefer instead of trying to please a daydreaming guy like me.
YOU COULD HAVE ACCEPTED THE GODDAMN PHOTO NICKYBOY. I mean I get why not, but justice for my mans. Anyway, Nick's legit my second fave main here, as he grapples with the in-your-face realities of Boston's separation of love and sex, and decides he can't handle it. And that's good, that he loves Boston enough not to judge him, and loves himself enough not to put himself through something he knows he doesn't want. Every single choice and every conversation these two have had since Nick apologised has been nothing less than stellar, and that's because Nick took accountability and chose honesty. Well done baby boy.
🔺3. Sand (5)
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You're right. When I love someone, I become a dog. But at least my owner loves me.
Pathetic to the very end, consistency thy name is Sand. He could have at least thrown his bussy into that threesome, but nooooooo, he got jealous IN TWO DIRECTIONS AT ONCE 🤣. He's fine with both boys slangin the dick his way, but calls a halt when they leave him out? Sir that's when you stand back and admire. Sand's pick-me ass ain't never gonna be my absolute fave, but his self-awareness and humiliation kink work together to be kind of endearing in a guileless sort of way, and at least he's learned to take the money if he's going to accept the ownership. It's sweet in a weird kink way. Also, his and Nick's loser friendship pushes him several points higher up the scale. There's growth and acceptance there, and he's 21 so I'll let him have it.
🔺4. Ray (7)
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You still love him so I dragged him here for you. But I wanted to join just a little.
Well when he's not drunk night and day Ray's still a rich asshole, but he's a ton more fun. I love that he knows the kids at community service don't like him🤣. I spot rehab therapy working on him a bit. That threesome set up was WILD, and I personally had a good time with it, but it's probably best that it led to talking rather than fucking. Ray's got a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go, but at least he treats Boston like a human being (I AM SO BITTER AND I'M NOT GETTING OVER IT). He's never gonna clock Mew's shittiness (BITTERNESS ACCELERATING) but you win some, you lose some. By the way sir, don't listen to Sand, he absolutely will be your sugar baby if you beg a little.
🔻5. Top (4)
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Because I have you, everything is fine.
Top's smugness was the single most genuine thing about him, so I actually quite enjoyed watching him be a smug motherfucker this ep as he gets everything he thinks he wants. You know what I enjoyed more though? Watching his soul leave his body when Minx!Mix walked into the hostel and laser-targeted Mew. Mew putting Top through hell is legit my favourite flavour of their weird little fucked up relationship, and I'm sorry I won't get to see Mew eventually fall for Mix (you KNOW he wants to top somebody, YOU KNOW IT) and Top cry about it while he screws a bellboy in a service closet.
🔹6. Mew (6)
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Are you about to say "But you're my last, Mew"? If so, I'm going to go puke in the bathroom.
OK, that line was funny, but jeez what a prig. What a sanctimonious nag. What a judgy little hypocrite. In his own conception he 'won' but Mew's the biggest loser in my heart. No he didn't have to forgive Boston, but come on, he could've kept it cute OR kept it moving full speed instead of the fake nicey nicey only to stick the knife in after. It's good that he walks away from Boston in the end, because with friends like Mew you don't need enemies. He makes Ray worse. And he and Cheum form the feedback loop from hell. Bookie sold the fuck out of this character, I have nothing but praise for him, but Mew is the living worst. I won't mention the character he reminds me most of in all of fiction, but if you're a certain age and you think about it a little, you can probably guess.
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sawturn77 · 5 months
𝑶𝑪𝑬𝑨𝑵 𝑬𝒀𝑬𝑺 (𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝒎𝒆𝒈𝒖𝒎𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
01: swore i’ve seen you before.
january 1st, 2018.
it was rather cold that day.
the ice rink was already cold, but warmer than it was outside. my skates glided against the empty rink; the sound filled my mind and i started to daydream. i felt pretty absentminded recently. i don’t know why. i wasn’t think about anything important. sometimes i’d think about the future, then the past, then about black fluffy dogs. white ones too. oh, maybe i should ask sugu if we can get one. maybe two. three would be nice. satoru could pay for them. my skates start to screech loudly, and i hit my head on a wall.
“ouch!” I exclaimed, falling flat on my butt. was that wall always there?? okay, im being over dramatic, but that really hurt. i lay there on the cold floor, defeated. the lights are too bright. way too bright. my forehead ached from impact, as well as my tush. As i lay there sulking, i hear a familiar chime of the door opening. i turn my head towards the entrance. it was yuji and nobara. i immediately sit up, determined not to make myself look helpless in front of them. “Yuji! Nobara! aha, what a surprise!” I smile at them. nobara, on the other hand, looked disappointed. she sighed. “what the hell are you doing on the floor?”
“i fell..”
yuji stifled a laugh and nobara just sighed. “well, whatever. isn’t it about time you head home?” she pulled out her phone, showing the clock on the lock screen. it was already 6:00. “you’re right..wait, but why are you here?” “you forgot?” yuji queried. a pregnant silence enveloped us as i tried to think of what i may have forgotten. her expression only got harsher by the second, but i could remember anything…whoops? “uh..could..could you remind me?” nobara’s groan filled my ears as i lightly chuckled, hoping to ease her frustration. “we’re spending new years eve together at your house, remember?” oh, now i remembered. “oh yeah! i totally remembered! i was just trying to see if you did! aha!aha..” nobara’s frown didn’t make me feel any better about forgetting. “okay…well, hurry up and pack up, y/n. the next subway is leaving at 6:20.” i nodded as yuji helped me up. i got off the rink and put my regular shoes on.
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the three of us got to the subway on time. we sat down, talking about iceskating, karate, dogs, and whatnot. our conversations always seemed never ending. nobara was a student whos grades up were just a tad bit below average all the time. yuji on the other hand, only made a ‘c’ every other month. he was apart of the karate club at jujutsu high, one of the best members, if i remember correctly. me on the other hand, there were some ‘b’s on my report card occasionally, but i mostly kept my grades up. i didn’t join any clubs, since i always visit the ice rink after school.
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once we got to my house, we take off our shoes and our coats, leaving them at the front door. i drop the bag with my ice skates as well. “i’m home!” i call out. Satoru peaks his head around the corner and my face immediately drops to a frown. i was only exaggerating my dislike for him to irritate him. “ugh, you again.” i stick my tongue out at him as he gasps. “rude! respect your elders!” The aroma of delicious food fills my nose. nobara and yuji practically start drooling. “food!” they exclaimed like starved people. they ran into the kitchen to greet my brother, while i headed to the living room. “i’ll be so happy the day you stop hogging my brother from me.” i whisper harshly at satoru. he only chuckles, his large hand ruffling my hair. “aww, youre still so mean? i thought i wouldve grown on you when i bought that entire ice rink for you as a christmas present.” i slap his hand away. “you had a few days of glory. thats it.” satoru’s gaze shifted to the figure that sat on the couch. i didnt even notice them! “oh, i almost forgot! megumi, come here!” wait, megumi? that name sounded awfully familiar. was he the extra guest suguru was talking about? the male turned from his phone towards me and satoru. my body immediately tensed. it was exactly who i thought it was!! megumi approached the two of us, and my body was starting to get hot. this..this was the megumi i grew up with? for context, me and megumi had been tight like a knot from the age 8-12 ever since he started living with satoru. we had lost contact since then, i guess we just grew out of each other. but now, im sure he grew out of me, literally! he was standing about 7 inches taller than me, and his eyes! his gorgeous eyes…!
“y/n, it’s your dear old friend, megumi!” well, this was awkward, and satoru made it impossibly worse!! megumi looked at me, as if i was dressed up and pretending to be his mother. i awkwardly chuckled, holding out my hand. “i-it’s been a while! such a pleasure to see you again, megumi.” i smiled sweetly. “you too.” he said as he shook my hand. he shook my hand! god, kill me now! it was hard not to just blow up right then and there. satoru wiggled his eyebrows at me with a shit-eating grin. what a bastard.
an: happy new years everyone!! i hope you guys started the year off great. winter break ends soon and i have to go back to school on the third (cries as a junior) so yeah. i will post every week, i can promise that. so, look forward to the series! im working my masterlist links so pls be patient! p.s i havent proof read this and i made a lot of changes so if theres something wrong pls lemme know!
TAGLIST: @kasumitenbaz (OPEN)
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meetmyothersouls · 11 months
Back to u 4 tonight ?
I have worked my ass off on this so I really hope you guys love it!
Back To You
Jonah Hauer-King x reader
Warnings: memory loss, being drunk, throwing up, not proof read
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Chapter 4
Jonah's POV
I sit in the library, leaning against my desk. I'm lost in thought, many of them. One of which is the information Jorge just threw at me. I scoff out loud even though no one is around to hear it. The idea of him taking y/n from me is so disgusting to me, it makes me sick to my stomach. I let him walk away unscathed only because I don't want y/n's new opinion of me to turn into a negative one.
Y/n. Then my thoughts go to her. I'm suddenly overwhelmed with a mixture of sadness, longing and love for her. I want our old life back so badly it hurts. I look around the library. It was her favorite room. One, because of all the books. I used to joke that she loved the books in this room more than me. Two, because of all the times we made love in here. I believe there's not one surface left untouched by-
A soft tap on the door brings me out of my daydream. I stand up straight, no longer leaning on my desk. It's Haven.
"Sorry, I was just looking for y/n."
"She's not with you?" I ask, immediately worried.
"No...I thought she was with you."
"Shit," I mutter under my breath. "Well, she's gotta be somewhere in the house. She doesn't know how to get anywhere else," I say, mostly to calm myself down.
Haven and I make our way down the hall, she's not too familiar with the layout of our house either, so she checks the downstairs amongst the guests Val invited, while I check the other two floors of our house. I wait and save my panic for when I'm totally out of sight. I check her room first, then the nursery; the two rooms I know y/n has seen with her own eyes. When those turn up empty, I scour the rest of the house. By the end of my search, I'm flying down the stairs and practically knock Haven over when I reach the bottom floor.
"No luck?" I ask breathless.
"No, but someone mentioned they saw her heading out with Val. Any thoughts on where they could be?"
I groan out loud, "I have an idea or two."
Y/n's POV
I'm downing my fifth shot, Val, Jorge, and several other people I don't know are chanting my name. I've never been much of a drinker, but according to Val, her and I go out and have drinks all the time. She shows me my favorite shots and drinks that we used to get together all the time and, to my surprise, I really like them. I apparently, lean towards the fruity ones with pineapple and strawberry purees. The shots are very bitter and nasty, but they burn going down which I kind of like.
"Okayyyy," I half yell/half slur. "Okay! I think I'm done."
Jorge and Val are talking, deep in conversation with one another and all of a sudden everyone is way too fucking close to me. The room is spinning and my heart is racing. It's too hot, my clothes are too tight, and I'm in England. I run out of the pub and the cool, now almost evening air hits me.
"I'mjustgonnagoonawalk," I call out to Val as the door to the pub swings shut. I wave to her as I turn the corner. I have no idea where I'm going and it's clear to me in my mind, but it doesn't stop me from walking on. The last...how many days has it been? Has been a whirlwind of emotions and information. I'm married, I was pregnant, I live in England and write for an apparently very prestigious magazine according to Val. For some reason the married thing and the pregnant thing have me laughing. I poke at my stomach. It's a little flabby and the tiniest bit sore, it's evident that something was there. That's when I notice that I'm not even wearing a wedding ring. I immediately feel kind of bad because of it. Jonah really is a nice guy and he clearly cares about me. And...I mean...he's very easy on the eyes. He's got the prettiest slightly curly hair, the bluest eyes I've ever seen. His skin is like this permanent sun kissed color that just occurs naturally. I start to wonder what his hands would feel like on my body and I'm reminded about how he grabbed the small of my back on the stairs today. I giggle out loud and have to grab a streetlamp post to steady myself. I look up and I laugh even harder, because I see him walking right toward me. I point to him and wave. Then he sees me, and he starts running. I'm almost on my knees by the time he gets to me. Jonah grabs me and pulls me against him.
"Thank god," he says breathlessly.
"You are real!" I giggle.
"Wot?" I imitate his adorable British accent.
"My god, y/n are you drunk?!"
"Yes, Jonah, it appears thatIam. Val and Jorge introduced me to some verygood drinks."
"Mhmm. Jorge." I start to walk and Jonah follows. I feel a bit better about walking now, since he at least knows where we're going.
"He didn't...try anything did he?"
"Y/n, I'm serious."
"Me too. I wouldn't have let him anyway. You're way hotter than he is." I'm a few steps ahead of him and I start to cross the street.
"Whoa!" Jonah yells as he pulls my wrist. My back is against him now and I'm very aware of how his body feels pressed up against mine. I make an effort to press harder against him, and if he notices he doesn't let on, but I wish he did. "Y/n, you can't just walk into oncoming traffic, Darling."
"Darling?" I look up at him, but he's looking forward, his eyes focused on the crosswalk, but he's got the slightest smile on his face.
Jonah's hand is resting on my lower abdomen, holding me protectively. It gives me a flutter in my stomach that I'd normally try to push away, but don't have the mental capacity to right now. He waits for the cross walk to change and when it does, he moves his hand. That's when I grab it and run across the street. We bump into a couple that's walking our direction and I accidentally knock the woman's coffee out of her hands.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry!" Jonah calls over his shoulder as I pull him along.
I'm doubled over in laughter as we make it to the sidewalk while Jonah stands next to me, his hands on his hips in disbelief. His mouth hangs open adorably, as he looks at me like he's seeing me for the first time. Then he's laughing. Hard. It's the happiest I've seen him look since I woke up in that hospital room a few weeks ago.
"You're really a piece of work, you know that?" Jonah says.
"Oooooh, is that a park? Come on!" I take off again, dodging couples and dog walkers and people on mopeds and bikes. Then, I'm on grass it's slightly damp and I feel it through my canvas shoes. It reminds me of the parks in New York. In the distance there's a pond with a fountain in the middle and several swans swimming against a sunset. It looks like a painting.
Jonah finally catches up, his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. "Where is everyone?" I ask.
"There's not a lot of people here."
"Ah, yes. They're all at home, most likely."
I'm so focused on the scenery in front of me I don't even look at Jonah. "But it's so beautiful."
"Yes. You are."
Jonah's staring right at me when I whip my head around. He clears his throat and looks off into the distance. "Yes it is. You know it's funny you came here."
"Why's that?"
"Well," Jonah says, as he begins to walk, "this is where you like to come when you need inspiration for writing. Sometimes I'll find you here laid out on a blanket with a book or a laptop. One time, ahh maybe two years ago, I couldn't find you anywhere. You left your cell at home, I checked every bookstore in London and you were nowhere to be found. I was about to call the police, when I drove past the park and saw a tiiiiny figure way out in the middle of the field."
"Was it me?"
"Mhm. It was. You came out here to read and guess what you did?"
"You fell asleep!"
"No way!"
"Yes! You had me worried sick," Jonah laughs. He's still looking out into the distance like he can see the memory in the skyline. And suddenly I feel terrible. I feel dizzy and lightheaded and sick to my stomach. Maybe it's all the alcohol or maybe it's because he clearly loves me so much and I can't recall all those feelings myself.
"You okay?" Jonah asks when he finally looks at me.
"Y-yeah, just need to sit down."
Jonah grabs my hand and leads me to one of the park benches. We sit down and my nausea calms down slightly.
"I'm sorry." I turn to face him and my breath hitches in my throat. His face is close to mine, much like when we were on the staircase today. He's so beautiful up close I just want to touch his face.
"What for?" Jonah whispers.
"For not being what I was before."
"You're still my y/n, memories or not. You're mine and I'm yours."
"But...but how could you still like me the same knowing I don't have the memories you do or..."
"Y/n, you are my wife. I love you. I'm sorry if that overwhelms you. You don't have to say it. I know you don't love me. Why would you? You don't know me. But I've got a month to make you fall in love with me again and I'll do whatever it takes to make that happen. And even if you never love me again," he swallows hard, and I can feel his breath on my lips as he sighs. His face is so close to mine. He licks his lips and I can't help but lean in. I press my lips against his. He kisses me back softly then pulls away, just as I expect him to.
"Y/n, I'm sorry I just...I want you to be in the right state of mind before I kiss you and-"
Jonah doesn't finish his sentence before I'm throwing up on the ground in front of us.
"Your shoes!"
"It's okay, don't worry about them," Jonah says as he's pulling my hair back. I throw up again and again until my vision goes out and I lose everything around me.
I wake up and it's daylight, but it must be early. I'm wearing new clothes, which is just and oversized t-shirt, and my shoes are off. I'm in the same bed that I slept in the night before. The room is filled with that early morning bluish hue. It's making the room feel cozy and soft and cool.
I sit up in the bed, still no memories...other than kissing Jonah, him rejecting me and then throwing up all over his shoes. I groan and run my hand down my face just as the bathroom door opens and Jonah walks out wearing only a towel around his waist, his hair and body are wet from the shower he must have just taken.
And suddenly I'm filled with even more regret than before.
Tags: @danielabetancourth @luna2034 @wandamaximoffbae @twinkledinkleg-blog @anonyymoouussssss @nonsensical-nonsence @paramorelvrr @thedonswife13 @miniemonie2001 @jonahhauer-kingg
✨ If you want to be added to my Jonah taglist or I missed you on the tag list please comment here!✨
82 notes · View notes
sixofpomegranates · 2 years
Okay I loved the Eddie Munson one shot! Do you think that maybe we can get one with a metalhead reader too? Maybe angst cuz she thinks Eddie's into Chrissy the cheerleader but hes really into her..?
I love the cheerleader trope.. But I'm a metalhead and I can't really relate to it 😅
Love you and your work! Keep it up sweetheart 💕
☠︎ 𝙳𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 ☠︎ -𝙴.𝙼.
⚡︎{Eddie’s Masterlist}{Requests/Feedback}{Guidlines}⚡︎
A/N: !Body, Ethnicity & Skin color Neutral! Hehehe that's my first Eddie Smut.
CW: Fluff, Angst/Comfort, Smut 18+ | !Best Friends to Lovers Trope! | Mentions of Bullying/Friends with Benefits//Underage Drinking/Eddie's Parents(abuse/neglect), Hippy Parents (y/n), Talk about PMS/Period, Drugs & selling & use of (Weed), Pining/Childhood Crush, Heartache/Crying, Fighting, massive insecure jealousy, Smut ~ Penetrative Sex (semi-public, unprotected, creampie)
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*picture does not describe the looks of the reader*
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Eddie Munson is my best friend. We became friends shortly after my parents and I returned to America when I was six. Until then, we'd lived in an ashram in India.
My parents raised me quite unconventional—as children in the ashram were raised. I was free to do as I wanted but was always told that I have to be ready to accept the consequences as they come. I grew up knowing right from wrong, social norms, and how to listen to my own gut rather than peer pressure.
My parents let me listen to the music I like and dress how I see fit. I like rock and metal music. I dress mostly in black, like my make-up heavy, and go to parties or get drunk and high with Eddie on the weekends.
There is no sneaking out, no lies, no fights about rules. Though most parents disagree with their method, my mother can always tell you exactly where I am, who I am with, and what I am doing. How many mothers of an eighteen-year-old can say that about themselves?
My parents also like Eddie, which is a rare one for him. When he still lived with his parents, we were neighbors, and for two weeks, he lived in my closet and under my bed – right after his mother had died, and his father started using him as a punching bag and scapegoat.
When my parents found out, they were mad. Not because I hid Eddie, making his father believe he was kidnapped, though. They were mad because I didn't tell them right away, so they could've helped earlier. They were proud of me for protecting my friend.
After talking to Eddie's father and child services, he officially lived with us for a week until his uncle Wayne took him in. That made visiting each other a longer trip with our bikes, but Eddie finally stopped being covered in bruises, and that was worth it.
Eddie is my best friend. Today, we're still as inseparable as we were when he lived under my bed at twelfth years old.
We listen to music, get high together, play Dungeons and Dragons, taught ourselves to play guitar, and when he bought Sweetheart, I bought Baby.
Eddie is my best friend.
He was my first friend and my first kiss.
He was my first love. The one love I'll never get over.
He was my first.
When I was a freshman, we'd started experimenting with each other. That was also the same year Eddie had fallen head over heels for Chrissy, and she had fallen for Jason Carver. So for him, it was obviously just two best friends fooling around, but for me...
I'd love him to love me, but I am just his friend. So I took him in all the ways he was willing to let me have him.
By now, there are no secret make-out sessions anymore, no petting. We only ever slept once with each other, losing our virginity to the other, and after that, we never did anything or spoke about it ever again.
As the years went on, Eddie collected more and more experience with all sorts of people, while I never did something in that regard again. I still spend my nights fantasizing about my best friend and the days I spend daydreaming in my classes.
I could just move on and sleep with somebody else, but that wouldn't change that I am in love with Eddie... So, where's the point?
As I walk down the hallway to my next class, I notice Chrissy Cunningham putting a little pink note into Eddie's locker, the bell rings, and I have to hurry to my seat, but what I saw nags me for the entire hour.
She never talks to Eddie. What does she want from him?
I quickly feel myself becoming irritated by the preppy cheerleader, although I know she's a nice person. She has a boyfriend. Why is she coming after Eddie all of a sudden? I need to know what's in that note.
The second the bell excuses us, I dash out of the room and to Eddie's locker. We know each other's combinations, so that's no issue for me. I search through his stuff but can't find the little note I am so sure Chrissy put in here.
"What are we looking for?" a voice whispers into my ear, and I jump, almost having a heart attack.
"Jesus. Fuck, Eddie," I exclaim, while he can't help but laugh loudly.
"Sorry, Sweetheart," he chuckles, putting some books into his locker, and taking out his lunchbox. "So, what were you looking for?"
I shrug, and he chuckles, pulling out a folded pink paper from his pocket. "Were you looking for that?" I try grabbing the paper, but he is quicker in pulling it away. "Now, aren't you just nosey today?"
"What- What did she write?" He raises his brows, amused, "Oh, so you know who this is from?"
Usually, I am not visibly jealous and am thick-skinned when it comes to Eddie and other women, but Chrissy managed to get under my skin. She is friendly and sweet; she looks like an angel, is popular...
Between sixteen and seventeen, Eddie was head over heels for her, and as much as he deserves to be happy, the thought of them together makes me want to vomit.
She is literally the only woman that ever left a deep mark on him, showing him that being himself could drive who he wanted most away from him. If they became a couple, it would be game over for me.
Chrissy would be Eddie's forever.
"Just tell me what Chrissy wrote," I demand, and he nods at my aggravation. "Okay, you little hellfire. Jeez."
With his lunchbox in his hand, he walks outside to the parking lot with me. "She wanted to meet me at my usual spot in the woods."
She wants to meet him alone... In private. My eyes snap at him, and I almost trip over my own feet. "What? Why?" He shrugs, "I assume the usual."
"Cunningham doesn't do drugs," I say, internally freaking out about all the reasons she could want to meet him alone in the woods.
The worst being to confess her feelings for him, to make a move. I am not stupid; she and Jason aren't doing well at the moment. They're not the happy preppy couple they were a few months ago.
"We don't know that," Eddie gives back, relaxed.
As we pass his van, I grab his wrist, and we stop walking. I don't know what to say, so I just say, "Please don't go meet her."
He starts frowning. "It's just business, Sweetheart."
"Can- Can you take me home?" I ask, thinking of what I can do to make him stay. I feel sick to my stomach at the thought of what could happen if he meets with her.
His hand reaches up, brushing my hot cheek and resting on my forehead, checking my temperature. "Sure, you can nap in the van until I'm back."
"No, no, please now."
Practically throwing his lunchbox aside, he cradles my face in his hands and studies my pupils. "Did- did you take something from my lunchbox? I know I gave you free excess, and we agreed years ago to only smoke pot, but if that's the reason and you're not feeling good, you need to tell me."
"I didn't take anything," I answer, unable to force down my hysteria. "Just please, please, please don't meet Chrissy."
Eddie lets go of me; his face drowned in worry. "[y/n], What is going on?"
"Nothing!" I almost yell, feeling tears in my eyes. "Just please let us go home."
I try taking his hand and pulling him to the van, but he refuses. "Eddie, please," I beg, but to no use.
"You're acting so strange today... What is going on? You're never like this," he tells me, pretty face pulled into a frown.
"Like what?" I ask, and Eddie tries to force a smile on his lips. "Irrational. You're normally the cool and collected one of us. I'm the nutjob."
"I just don't want you to meet her." "Then give me a reason why not," Eddie says before asking, "Did she or her friends do or say something mean to you?"
His body tenses up in the same way it did years ago when getting into a fistfight with me. A boy had harrassed me all summer for the way I dress and then tried groping my butt. Eddie had lost it, becoming highly protective over me.
I shake my head, jealousy pouring out of me in the most toxic way I've ever experienced. "No, but- but she's stupid and preppy, and- and-"
Eddie interrupts me, shocked, "Hey, she's still a person." I ignore his interruption, repeating, "Don't go."
"You're acting so hysterical right now..." Looking around, he steps a little closer, asking me quietly, "Are- Are you on your period? Is that it? Are you in pain? Do you need something? I have some pads and tampons in the van."
As an upset sigh leaves me and I try to contain the tears stinging in my eyes, he continues, "I- I also have some spare clothes for you. I should've thought of that earlier, but you're wearing black; nobody saw anything, Sweetheart."
"I'm not on my fucking period, Munson. I- I don't want you to go because I don't like her," I groan desperately, but Eddie shakes his head. "That's not true. You don't mind Chrissy."
No, I said she's nice because you're head over heels for her and don't like me critiquing miss perfect.
"You don't know who I like and don't like," I hiss. "Our twelfth years of friendship say differently," Eddie says calmly. "Ten minutes, okay?"
I follow the few steps he takes after him. "No. Fuck, no," I exclaim, trying to stay in control over a situation out of my control. "If you go now, I won't talk to you again."
Eddie looks at me in disbelief, "You're kidding?" as I don't answer, he says hurt, "I'm not letting you manipulate me like that."
Stubbornly, I shake my head. "No. Chrissy or me."
"I'm not playing that game, [y/n]," the metalhead tells me sternly. "Whatever's going on right now, you better have calmed down when I'm back."
"You're still going to meet her?" I ask, and as he shrugs, I shrug as well. "Kay," I say, starting to walk away.
It was stupid to think I'd have a chance against perfect, sweet, lovable Chrissy.
"Where are you going?" Eddie calls after me. "Home," I bite out between jealous, heartbroken tears.
"Come back. I'll drive you." I turn around, look at him shortly, and scoff, "Go drive Chrissy home."
Before he can say another word, I put on my headphones, turn up the volume of my walkman, and go home.
Now today wasn't a toxic masterpiece delivered by me at all. After a shower and faceplanting into my bed, I realized that I maybe overreacted a little.
To be fair, it fucking kills me to think of Eddie being with the girl he has longed for, for years now. He's sweet and loving. Once he loves you, he'll never let go of you. He's as fucking loyal as a dog.
And if he ends up with Chrissy, it'll always be them. I'll have to face the reality of never being more to Eddie than his best friend and watch him be happy with somebody else.
I start crying again. The last time my heart hurt this badly had been after our first time when he decided to let us become friends without benefits again and dated this metalhead chick that looked like she came straight from one of his magazines.
I cannot hold up with a woman with professional stylists that make her look like a metalhead's wet dream.
I cannot hold up with preppy, perfect Chrissy Cunningham.
Those are the women he wants. I'm simply not it.
"Hey, Sweetheart," Eddie suddenly coos, sitting down next to me on my Black Sabbath sheets.
I hadn't noticed him coming in, but he also roams my home as though it is his own. "Go away," I mumble, trying to wipe my tears away without him seeing.
He sighs, making himself comfortable and simply pulling me into his lap. "What's going on, [y/n]?" "Nothing," I whimper, losing all self-respect as I bury my face in his chest and inhale his scent.
"You picked a fight with me," he says, still confused about my irrational behavior but also holding me tight since it worries him. "We don't fight."
That's true; we don't. Never have had any reason to. Sometimes we bicker, but I know I shot way over the target today.
"What did Chrissy want?" I ask as his thumb dries my tears, and he rocks us back and forth a little.
"You won't believe it, but it was drugs," he chuckles, and I physically relax in his arms.
I overreacted. There is no reality I have to face, and we could still happen in my fantasy. Chrissy isn't going to take Eddie away from me.
"Nothing else?" I ask, able to look at him without crying.
He shakes his head. "Nope. But she is definitely not as sweet and innocent as she pretends to be," he chuckles. "She wants the hard stuff, so we're meeting after the game tonight, and I'll take her back to my place to get high."
I feel dizzy from the verbal whiplash I just received. Within a second, I sit on the other side of my bed, looking at Eddie and exclaiming, "What?"
Looking at me confused, he answered,  "That's where my stash is, and she has nobody to watch her, so I offered-"
I shake my head, interrupting him. "Go." "What?" "Get out of my room," I repeat, feeling anxiety starting to make me sick.
Situation already forced me to be realistic today as Eddie chose her instead of me, as I forced him to. There will never be anything between us. Eddie will be himself around Chrissy when they're alone, she'll see how sweet and amazing he is, and I'll be fucked.
"Sweetheart-" The nickname burns in my lungs as he'll never mean it the way I want him to. "Don't call me that. Go away, and fucking leave me alone," I cry, wrapping my arms around myself.
Eddie nods, getting up from my bed. "Okay... I- I'm gonna pick you up later for the campaign." I crawl up to my pillows, rolling into a ball. "I'm not going."
He looks at me, confused. "What? But- But the cult of Vecna and-" Hugging one of my pillows, I whimper, "I don't care. Just invite Chrissy."
Eddie walks to my bedroom door, holding the doorknob as he says, "But I don't want her there; I want you. Look, I- I don't know what I did, or what Chrissy did... But please don't be mad at me."
The sadness in his voice hurts me. It isn't his fault that I love him, and his feelings lie elsewhere. But I'm in pain, pain I caused myself, and the cure can only ever come to me in a fever dream.
As Eddie leaves, I begin crying again. I will ruin everything between us if I continue like this. I don't even like the person I was today. I don't tear other women down; I don't use Eddie's affection for me as a bargaining chip...
When my mother comes home from the meditation class she gives once a week, she finds me crying in my bedroom. As I said, there are no secrets between us, so I bawl my eyes out and tell her about today.
"Honey, I hate telling you this, but if loving Eddie turns you into a person you don't like or even recognize... maybe it's better to come clean about your feelings and, if necessary, let him go," she sighs
"Don't wanna lose him," I say as she begins massaging my neck, stiff from all the anxiety I felt today.
"I think it's better to risk and lose him than end up losing yourself and hating what remains of you."
I don't answer because I hate that she's right. Despite my metalhead appearance and all the cliches associated with it, I am balanced. I am friendly, calm, and rarely angry.
Today I was somebody I don't want to be. I don't want my feelings for Eddie turning me into this person forever.
Maybe it is better to let him go...
I wait outside the school until the Hellfire Club meeting ends. When everyone except Eddie has left, I walk into the drama class's prop room that doubles as the Hellfire Club's room.
"Hi," I say gently, staying at the door and watching Eddie clean up. We usually do it together and then go for fast food.
Eddie turns to me and, although surprised, also answers with a soft voice, "Hey."
I came up with a plan at home, and though I feel like every bone in my body is getting broken, I have to follow through with it.
I'll confess my feelings. I will take Eddie's answer of how he only ever saw me as his friend, and then I'll leave this friendship in the past.
There is no logical reason to continue hurting myself and Eddie with my aching heart.
"How did it go?" I ask, stepping closer and helping collect his notes. He smiles sweetly, "They defeated Vecna. Wish you would've been there. It was so cool."
"I'm sorry for today. I- I wasn't..." "What was the reason?" he interrupts me. "I- I just want to understand what freaked you out so much."
"I- I- It's... I don't know," I chicken out, unable to finally bite the bullet and speak up.
Like he can see my internal struggle, Eddie lifts one of his dice. "You know what that is?" "A D20," I reply, looking at the twenty-sided ember-colored dice in his hand.
He shakes his head. "Uh-uh. It's a dice of truth. If I roll it and it shows any number over 10... You'll have to tell me the truth."
As I shake my head, too scared of the dice forcing me to speak, he changes his offer, "Everything above 15. That's a 75% chance we'll just forget today and move on like nothing happened."
"That was some quick math for someone hating it so much," I giggle, hiding that this is the ideal way for me to chicken out. "Okay."
"Do you want me to roll it?" Eddie asks, and I nod.
I don't believe in destiny. I do believe in karma due to my parents, but destiny is bullshit. Yet, the dice lands on twenty.
Only a 25% chance, and the 20 still looks at me, laughing triumphantly.
Eddie grins at that, the boyish grin I've always been so smitten with. He leans against the desk, crossing his arms and waiting for my answer.
For the truth of why I was acting so strange today.
"I- I just don't understand why you want to be with Chrissy when..." I bite my lip, taking a deep breath. "When I'm right here?"
His brown puppy eyes become wider, his smile fading. I continue to speak since I know that if I don't do it now, I never will.
"I love you, always have, and you just see me as a friend." My throat tightens, and tears run down my cheek as I exclaim, upset, "That- That just fucking hurts, okay?"
"Is that why you never dated anyone after we had sex?" he asks, frowning. I nod. "I just wanted you, but you didn't want me anymore."
At that, Eddie closes the distance between us. "Sweetheart, that wasn't the reason I stopped being with you," he says, cupping my cheeks and wiping away my tears. "Not at all."
My embarrassingly hot cheeks burn under his cool rings. "Then- Then why did you stop- Why did we stop...?"
He shakes his head. "You don't want to know..." "Yes, I do," I insist.
For a moment, he looks at me as though I am a piece of art and all of his damnation at once. His hands never leave my face, but he slowly backs me against the table.
"Nosey, nosey, little thing," he lectures me, a grin parting his lips. "Now listen here, when I was sixteen, I had a small little crush on Chrissy. Nothing more. And after you and I had sex, I never even looked at her again..."
The metalhead chuckles darkly, self-deprecating almost. "That night, my little hellfire, you fucking cursed me, put me under your spell," he says, pressing himself against me, so my body is trapped between him and the table. "You made me fall in love with you... so much."
His cheeks are tinted in soft pink, our breathing hangs heavily between us, and there is a slight stutter of nervousness in his voice. "I- I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I just- just decided to never act on any of those feelings again."
A sigh sounding more like a soft moan, escapes me. "I wish you would've," I tell him, and he raises his brows. "Yeah?" he asks tauntingly, and I nod, making him chuckle, "Me too."
Eddies face comes closer, replacing one of his hands as it moves to my waist. I can feel his lips against my skin, his warm breath tickling me and making me lose sanity.
"P-Please..." I whimper, unsure what else to say but willing to say whatever he wants as long as it makes him stay this close.
"You know," he whispers, "All I could think of whenever I fucked somebody over the years were those little whimpers and moans of yours."
His low voice has me become a puddle in his hands. I feel myself becoming desperate for his touch as he confesses to me, "They haunted me, Sweetheart. It was like I needed to imagine them to even come."
All these years, it nagged on me that I would never be one of the women he dated or slept with, never be what he wanted, but Eddie had to think of me when he was with them.
He presses his pelvis against me, letting me feel the erection hiding in his ripped jeans. My hips jolt up, moving against him in a search for friction.
"You need it that badly, baby?" he chuckles, and I nod, breathing out his name like a prayer.
Eddie helps me onto the desk, spreading my legs and stepping between them. As he does this, a cool breeze creeps under my black skirt; I am so wet I have already soaked through my panties and tights.
The hand he'd placed on my waist moves down to my butt, harshly groping it and moving me to the edge of the table. There he begins to grind his clothes hard-on against me, giving me the friction I was looking for.
"More," I demand greedily, moving myself against him. "Please, please."
Eddie grins, the hand on my cheek leading me to his lips. I sigh into the kiss, which is so soft that it takes me back to our very first kiss. Like it did years ago, his hand is shaking.
Mine move up, wrapping around his neck. I hear Eddie chuckle into the kiss, his tongue licking against my bottom lips, asking for access I am more than willing to grant him.
There is no chance I'll ever let him go. It would be like giving away my ability to breathe.
Our kiss becomes sloppy, wild, and unhinged. Both his hands now groping my butt harshly as we hump against each other like the horny teenagers we once were.
A loud moan of mine lets Eddie pull away and ask, "That feel good?"
I nod, grabbing his Hellfire Club shirt and pulling it out of his jeans. "Please, please fuck me, Eddie," I beg, brain short-circuiting as my hand comes in contact with his happy trail.
He steps back, unbuckling his pants. "Your wish is my command," he tells me in a British accent he learned for one of his campaigns' characters.
My eyes don't shy away from starting at his throbbing cock as he pulls down his jeans and boxers. "Fuck," he cusses as I reach out, pumping his length, head falling back for a second.
Grabbing the thin fabric of my tights, Eddie gives them a harsh tug, ripping them at my center. He pulls my panties aside, replacing my hand with his own, and guiding the tip of his cock along my dripping pussy.
I feel him plus against me, whining noises leaving me as he enters me with one solid thrust. "There we go," he mutters pleased as he bottoms out inside me.
Wrapping my legs around his waist, we giggle almost stupidly before kissing. Eddie thrusts himself slowly into me, moving as gently as possible to have me grow accustomed to his cock.
"Please, don't stop. Feels so good," I whimper, having him pick up the pace while clenching his jaw. "Shit, I know, baby."
I am on cloud nine as he pounds into me, crying his name out loud and not caring who might hear it. Then Eddie pushes me onto my back, dice piercing my back, the pain adding to my pleasure while he loses himself in my pussy.
Animalist growls escape him; he throws his head back, exposing the delicious vein poking out there under his skin.
I reach out for it, but Eddie grabs my wrists with one of his hands, holding them above my head. I arch my back while his nails dig into my wrists and the soft skin of my butt.
It's ethereal. The pain and the pleasure dance together to the sound of the table scratching against the floor beneath it.
I feel myself tighten around his cock, the pressure inside me evolving to something more addicting than any drug we ever tried together. "I- I'm gonna- please," I whimper, not caring for the tears running down my face.
"So close for me," Eddie praises. "Shit, you're so hot like that, spread out on the desk, only for me. Only for me to see, to love... Only for me to fuck."
His words make me clench around him. "Eddie, I-" I whimper instead of finishing my cries, the lewd wet sounds of our doing clouding my mind.
He nods, eyes looking at me softly. His hips stutter for a second before he continues the brutal rhythmical assault on my pussy. "Show me, show me how good I make you feel. Come," he encourages me firmly. "Come, baby."
Suddenly, the coil inside me snaps. My legs shake violently as I come around Eddie, my eyes rolling into the back of my head before closing entirely.
His hips stutter again, thrust harder into me while losing all of their rhythm. "Fuck. Shit, shit, shit-" he curses, interrupting himself with a groan, hot cum, claiming me as his from the inside.
Letting go of my wrists, Eddie drops to his elbows. We're panting heavily, and I involuntarily clench around him as he begins to kiss my neck.
"You're still on the pill, right?" he asks softly, his eyes fixed on mine as I open them. I nod, both is us giggling, still drunk from our orgasm high.
Eddie is the first one to collect himself. He gets up and tucks himself away before pulling my panties back into place.
After helping me to sit up, he gives me space and takes a couple of steps back. I get off the desk, legs feeling like jello.
"Can- can you hold me?" I ask carefully, not knowing where we now stand. He smiles, nodding and taking my hands. "Of course, come here."
Eddie walks us to his thrown, sitting down in it and pulling me into his lap, arms wrapping around me. I feel safe as he holds me, kissing the top of my head. This for eternity would still be too short.
"Did you mean it?" I ask, propping myself up against his chest and looking into these beautiful chocolate brown eyes I love so much.
It's a leap of faith I have to take as I know that I can no longer be his friend, especially not after this.
He nods, a lopsided smile forming on his kissable lips. "I meant everything I said. I love you."
My soul almost exits my body. I feel like I could cry from joy. I waited forever to hear these words from my best friend, and now I know they sound more beautiful than imagination has made me believe.
"Did you mean it?" Eddie asks me back, insecure. I begin smiling. "I love you too."
He brings our lips together, kissing me gently. Every bit of insecurity has left my body. Let him spend time with Chrissy if he wants, and let her get high while he watches over her.
Eddie loves deeply—always has. That's why he always hoped for something in the long-term, retreating to affairs without feelings as he couldn't find it. If he says he loves me, I'll never have to fear as though he loves forever.
As he pulls away, his eyes sparkle like never before. Giddily he asks, "I- I'm right to assume that we're- we're..." I continue his sentence, giggling, "Boyfriend and girlfriend? Bonnie and Clyde?"
"King and Queen of Hellfire Club," he states proudly, looking over the mess we made on the table.
"You wanna roll the dice to check?" I ask cheekily, and he nods, letting me turn around in his lap, grab the ember-colored D20 from before, and roll it.
"Sixteen," Eddie sighs, relieved, and I giggle. "That was so close." He shrugs. "Still counts, though."
Kissing down my cheek, jaw, and neck, he asks, "You wanna come with me when I give Chrissy her stuff? Afterward, we can take a long hot shower and spend the night cuddling."
I grab the dice again, announcing, "Four." I shrug apologetically. "Eh. Sorry. Dice said no."
Eddie promptly loses his smile. "Don't listen to the dice; it's a liar," he asserts dramatically, tossing the D20 across the table. "I'm the Dungeon Master; what I say goes."
I giggle, his stern gaze almost breaking. Pressing another kiss on his dramatic pout, I say, "Well, if that's the case, let's pack our stuff and go home."
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livsoulsecrets · 6 months
1989 (Taylor’s version) songs as BL/GL Characters - Part 1
Welcome to New York - Chris and Amm (Friendzone 2)
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When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors
Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer
Everybody here was someone else before
And you can want who you want
Boys and boys and girls and girls
[…] Like any great love, it keeps you guessing
Like any real love, it's ever-changing
Like any true love, it drives you crazy
But you know you wouldn't change anything, anything, anything
Blank Space - Sand and Ray (Only Friends)
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Saw you there and I thought "Oh, my God, look at that face, you look like my next mistake, love’s a game, wanna play?"
[…] Ain't it funny? Rumors fly and I know you heard about me
So hey, let's be friends, I'm dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand, I can make the bad guys good for a weekend
So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain
[…] 'Cause we're young, and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far, it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space, baby, and I'll write your name
Cherry lips, crystal skies, I could show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies, you’re the King, baby, I'm your Queen
[…] Wait, the worst is yet to come, oh, no
Screaming, crying, perfect storms, I can make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns, keep you second guessing like “Oh, my God, who is [he]?"
I get drunk on jealousy, but you'll come back each time you leave
'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Style - Prapai and Sky (Love in the air)
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And I should just tell you to leave 'cause I
Know exactly where it leads, but I
Watch us go 'round and 'round each time
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
[…] Just take me home
Out of the woods - Akk and Ayan (The Eclipse)
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When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up you were looking at me
[…] Are we out of the woods yet?
All you had to do was stay - Kim and Chay (Kinnporsche the series)
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Here you are now, calling me up, but I don't know what to say
I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made
People like you always want back the love they pushed aside
But people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye
Hey, all you had to do was stay
Had me in the palm of your hand
Then why'd you have to go and lock me out when I let you in?
I wish you would - Nim and Mollie (The Warp Effect)
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I wish you would come back
Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did
I wish you knew that I’d never forget you as long as I'd live
And I wish you were right here, right now
It's all good, I wish you would
I wish we could go back
And remember what we were fighting for
Wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore
Bad blood - Todd and Black (Not me)
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Cause baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
[…] So take a look what you've done
Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times, you and I
[…] Now we've got problems and I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
Wildest Dreams - Tharn and Phaya (The Sign)
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Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams
How you get the girl - Mon and Sam (Gap the series)
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Say it's been a long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want […]
And then you say, I want you for worse or for better
I would wait for ever and ever
Broke your heart, I'll put it back together
I would wait for ever and ever
And that's how it works
That's how you get the girl
This Love - Pat and Pran (Bad Buddy)
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Your kiss, my cheek
I watched you leave
Your smile, my ghost
I fell to my knees
When you're young, you just run
But you come back to what you need
This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me
This love left a permanent mark
This love is glowing in the dark
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xxkylarthelonerxx · 5 months
Do u have any favourite games or manga :?
this is going to be a long post... i don't even think anyone will care to read it, but whatever... i don't care.
games -
i've been getting into osu! recently again. maybe i'll post some of my scores here. i think i'm pretty good.
overwatch, fortnite, etc have been fun on and off, but i can never get that invested. i don't really like playing with people online anyway, it just reminds me how much everyone sucks in general.
i like rpgs and stuff because i can show off my achievements to my darling easily in those usually. final fantasy, persona, whatever. visual novels are fun too, but i've gotten more picky with those lately...
and i like to practice games that couples usually play, like minecraft and stardew valley, just so that i can impress my darling with my skills once they do come live with me!
also any h-game where u can customize the characters are great. for obvious reasons... who wouldn't want to get off to their darling instead of some randos?? i've had fun with ai shoujo and honeyselect, but even with how much customization there is in those two, it's not like the character ends up looking that much like them... but even a semblence of similarity is better than nothing, though!
i guess i would try any game once though. let me know if anyone has any suggestions of things to play.
manga -
listing all of my favorites would take a while. i've been into manga for a long time, it's basically all i read.
i mean, i've liked naruto since i was a kid, the characters are so cool. dattebayo!! i think i would be part of the uchiha clan if i isekai'd into that world.
death note is one of my favorites too! i tried making my own death note a while back but it didn't work (not sure why), so i just use it as a sketchbook now. maybe i'll try again later. what i wouldn't give for a real one though...
uhh... i love anything with male yanderes that i can relate to also, or at least stalkers/slashers. tonari no seki no hen na senpai is fun to space out to and imagine myself in the guy's place, just as long as i can imagine the protag as my love, of course. that could be us if we worked in an office together... though i don't really get why the protagonist was so scared of that guy? obviously that would be different in our case...
i'll also always pick up any random romance manga if it has a love interest or protag that looks like my darling. it's nice since i can just imagine myself as any black-haired anime protag. and then i can daydream about doing fun things with my love!!
kind of related too. my pfp is from killer in love, which i picked up just because i thought i could relate to this character after seeing him around, but for some reason he ended up being like an antagonist? that was a really random choice... i wish i could rewrite it to make him get with the protagonist, i really don't know why they made him out to be so weird... so i guess i don't recommend that one. but it's just an example.
... oh yeah, and tokyo ghoul is another long-term favorite of mine. so cool.
honestly i need to make a myanimelist account at some point so you all can see how much i've read/watched, cause i'm sure it's way more than most of you.
...but that's it for this post. bye.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
hey there. i'm just 19 years old and been trying to find my way around things. i've been feeling really terrible lately. my situation's a bit messy.
i have a habit of comparing myself to my peers a lot. not to mention i have some addictions i must get rid of, like spending my time daydreaming a lot, which really affects my schedule. my mother would compare me to my peers when i was really little, and i think it grew on me, and now i'm starting to realize it as i grow up that it's stuck to me.
i couldn't do well with the university exam, so i'm taking a gap year to retake it next year. i feel like a failure sometimes. there were so many things i could have done as a high-schooler, but i just wasted my time. i succeeded in some stuff, yes, but i don't feel like i'm ready to be an adult yet. i feel like i should be knowledgable more, i feel like i know less than i should, and it's killing me inside.
i'm sorry if it's just ranting, but that's about my situation. your account is full of useful information and encouragement, do you have any previous posts/suggestions that you could give me? thank you in advance. i hope you have a nice day.
Hi angel,
At 19, it's normal to feel uncertain and overwhelmed. Remember, you're still figuring things out, and it's okay to take your time. 19 was one of my favorite ages, for no particular reason other than it was fun and I felt like an adult. I certainly had nothing together. My parents would have loved a lot of things for me at that age. Married to the boyfriend I had at the time because it was a huge sin to them based on their religious views, which in retrospect would have been a huge mistake.
Comparing yourself to others is common, but try to focus on your own journey. We normally compare ourselves because we don't have a set plan for our lives with clear goals and intentions. I am sure your mom means well, and its normal for parents to have the same expectations for all of their kids, even though they are literally different people. But everyone has their own path, and what matters most is your progress, not how you measure up to others. You cant let yourself feel bad for meeting anyone else's expectations.
I always tell people to not compare someone else's highlights to your life because life has its ups and downs, and you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. We all have different lives, different qualities. Maybe what took someone else x amount of time and effort to accomplish, is something that is a strength to you and you can accomplish it in half the time, when you are ready.
All you can do for yourself is really focus on you, learn, prepare. Train your brain into processing things faster so you can evolve faster as a person in your brain.
If you know you have some negative habits you want to work on, like daydreaming, you can start taking action and maybe setting small goals to manage your time better. Focus on the things you want to improve about yourself instead of feeling bad about yourself for it. You already know the problem. Maybe working on these issues opens your mind and your live to different opportunities. We have to learn to overcome obstacles, not just physical but mental. This creates a ripple effect not only with our thought process, but our physical actions and in turn attract different realities and opportunities.
You are an individual. You are unique and special. Comparing yourself or living up to someone else's standards for YOUR LIFE when they don't have your strengths or brain, or potential is doing a huge disservice to you. We cant abandon our strengths, we need to discover them. When we abandon them, we are basically abandoning ourself and who we could be for the sake of someone else.
Taking a gap year to retake the university exam is a smart choice. It doesn't mean you're a failure; it's a chance to improve. It is actually great that you recognize that you want to be better. Most people take a gap year anyway. Who says you can't? Why would it make a negative impact on your future? That is simply NOT TRUE <3
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Codextober Day 7: Ghost
Somewhere in the Gray, there was a group of Assassins. They all sat around together. It was therapy for them. The Assassins of the past would talk and they would mourn what they had lost. They would tell the stories of their ghosts.
Ezio often told the story of his family's massacre. He talked about how it felt to lose Federico, Giovanni, and Petruccio. "My brother, Petruccio, was so young. He was just a boy. Federico wasn't much older. He was only a few years older than I was. He was a young man with so much ahead of him. My father just inducted him into the Brotherhood. I still remember their faces! I remember that even though they knew death was coming, none of them screamed. The closest thing to screams was my father spitting curses. He used his last words to declare that he knew vengeance would come and that the Auditore family would not die with them, but that we would live on and get justice."
Ratonhnhaké:ton would often share his story of his village. You tell about the night of the fire. He would talk about how scared he was and about the last moments with his mother. "I remember rushing in," he said "I remember trying to find my mother as the building burned and as the trees fell. I remember that last moment with her. I remember seeing her eyes for the last time. I remember her last words. I remember that she wanted me to be safe and that she wanted me to run out of there because, in her last moments, all she could think of was me. All she could think of in her dying moments was taking care of me and knowing that I was safe. That's how she was. She would do anything to protect me. That's why she kept me away from my father. She knew that he would try to make me into a Templar and that he would make me like him. She didn't want me to have that anger in my heart or in my eyes that he had. My father had his own ghosts. He had lost his sister and he had lost my grandfather. Somehow my mother knew that he could not handle another loss."
Arno would often share his stories about the love of his life, Elise de la Serre. He'd talk about how they had first met the day that his father died. He'd talk about how her father adopted him because he saw the boy who had just lost everything and who had no father, no mother, and no home. He'd talk about how he spent his youth running through the streets of Paris with Elise by his side. He'd daydream as he remembered how they always made games and had fun chasing each other. He talked about how as they grew older, him and Elise got closer and closer. He talked about how their love had gone from that of friends to siblings to lovers. He'd reminisce about how he eventually started courting her because he loved her so much. "All we had wanted was a future. All we had wanted was happiness, but that wasn't meant to happen because Elise was the daughter of a Templar and I was the son of Assassins. Because of the war between our two factions, Elise died and I'm left alone again. The Creed is not a permission but a warning. It tells us that we have to be careful because if we get too overconfident or too comfortable, we will lose what matters most to us. For me, it was Elise."
Other Assassins shared the same stories. It was a common trait among their kind. Every Assassin had ghosts. Every assassin had lost someone. Some lost more than others. There were people like Edward who had lost their whole crew, people like Ezio and Arno who had lost their whole family, and then there were others who got lucky and only lost one or two people like the Frye twins.
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