#cooper barnes x reader
hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
Could you do a romantic x reader oneshot on Captain Man ❤️ From- Henry Danger (Where a beautiful Fashion Designer in training (from: "Storybrooke, Maine") has a encounter with Captain Man at The John Hancock Center in Swellview where she accidentally gets trapped in a elevator with him, where Captain Man quickly starts to fall in love with her and flirts with her a bit during their time being trapped until Kid Danger comes and saves them, the reader secretly starts to find Captain Man very attractive as they shared a long passionate kiss until later on they were caught making out by Kid Danger after he and Schwoz got the elevator working)
(The reader is a vegetarian, she loves reading, designing clothes, she's attracted to masked men, she loves kickboxing and blue orchids, her favorite color is blue, she's claustrophobic, In Storybrooke her old job was working as a waitress at Granny's Diner, she loves animals)
(The reader doesn't who Ray Manchester and doesn't know that he's captain man, she was hoping to find a job in Swellview)
Stuck || Ray Manchester/Captain Man x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • ray manchester masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: oneshot where you, an aspiring-fashion-designer, get trapped in an elevator with captain man on your way to a job interview
word count: 3.5k
warnings: none it’s literally just flirting
a/n: ok I actually love this idea so so much and I hope I did it justice for you. this request was so detailed so thank you babes <3 enjoy!! 💌🎀💋
You clutched your portfolio tighter as you stepped off of the bus and into the warm, spring air. You still hadn’t gotten used to the weather here in Swellview. Compared to your hometown of Storybrooke and the cold Maine temperatures this was practically a sauna. 
     Pulling at your skirt, you turned your gaze upwards toward the towering building in front of you. John Hancock Center, read the giant block letters on the building’s front, Quality Fashion Since 1909.  
     You breathed in a sigh. This was your chance. And you weren’t going to become a famous fashion designer by standing outside on the sidewalk for hours. Walking into the establishment, you tried to give yourself a quick pep talk 
     Ok, you told yourself, this is what I’m here for. I will get this job. I’m going to walk in there and show them my designs and what’s the worst that could happen? I don’t get the job, have to move back to Maine, tell my parents they were right all along, and go back to waiting tables at Granny’s Diner…
     Ok, so the pep talk wasn’t working. You looked down again at the paper in your hand. Floor 14, Suite B: 11:30am. You still had plenty of time—you were almost an hour early—but you just wanted to make sure you didn’t blow this. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself at your over-preparedness. You figured you could probably just sit in the lobby while you waited and go over your designs and play out the interview in your head. 
    Seeing no seats available in the packed building filled with well-dressed employees, you decided to try your luck upstairs—there had to be a waiting area or at least a chair on the 14th floor, right? 
    Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you headed towards the elevator. Seeing a mirror, you studied yourself in it for a moment.
    I look like a fashion designer, don’t I? You asked yourself. You looked from your (y/e/c) eyes and your (y/h/c) hair to the outfit you had spent hours last night stying in various shades of your favorite blues and realized you did. You’d worked like heck to get here and whatever happened in this interview wouldn’t change that. 
    Feeling significantly more calm than you had mere minutes ago, you stepped on to the elevator. You were just beginning to open the bag clutched beneath your arm when you paused as you realized alarms were going off in what sounded like the distance. It was hard to tell from the muffled elevator. Suddenly the elevator stopped—on the 6th floor according to the lit-up buttons near the doors. 
    Without warning the doors burst open, shoved apart with inhuman strength, and someone stepped into the small elevator. 
    Captain Man. 
     You recognized him instantly. Who wouldn’t? Apart from his infamous red-and-blue superhero suit, it also had something to do with the fact that he was one of the biggest celebrities in Swellview, rivaled only by his sidekick Kid Danger. Something you had to get used to when you moved here not even 4 months ago. 
    Personally you didn’t quite understand the idolization people had for them. I mean sure, they’d saved a lot of people over the years, or so you’d heard. But other cities survived without superheroes, didn’t they? 
    However, as Captain Man stepped into the elevator, you couldn’t argue that the man was an imposing figure—and attractive. 
     “You go around the back, Kid. I’m getting on the elevator” he shouted into his wristwatch.
     “Why can’t I take the elevator and you climb 18 flights of stairs?” you heard what must have been Kid Danger’s reply over the communication device. 
     “Just do it!” the superhero argued back.
      He stepped all the way into the elevator, not seeming to notice that another person was in it, and began pushing the button for the top floor repeatedly.
     You took a step backwards. 
    “I don’t think that’s going to make it go any faster,” you commented.
    “Look lady, I think I know what I’m d—” he turned around finally looking at you and stopped abruptly. “Hello there, I’m Captain Man, maybe you’ve heard of me?” He smirked as he sauntered over to you, “And you are?”
     “Well (Y/n), what’s a beautiful woman like yourself doing at the John Hancock Center?”
     You couldn’t help but smile at the superhero. You’d heard he was a flirt. Guess the rumors were true. “I’m here for a job interview. I’m a fashion designer. Or, I will be, if this interview goes well.”
      “No way! I’m somewhat of a fashion designer myself. I did design this,” he gestured to his Captain Man suit with pride. You chuckled as he began posing, showing different elements of his superhero suit. 
     “Stay focused, man!” Kid Danger’s voice startled you again. 
     “Don’t you have stairs to climb?” Captain Man yelled into his watch as he scowled and headed back towards the front of the elevator. 
     “What exactly is going on?” You asked as you tried to understand what was happening. 
     Captain Man turned to look at you. “Just your average burglary, nothing I can’t handle, beautiful.” He winked at you, and you found yourself blushing. You shook it off. 
     “And you’re pushing the button to every floor, because? I do have a job interview to get to.”
     He paused as if to consider this when a rumbling sound and the building shaking as if victim to an earthquake interrupted his train of thought. You clutched your portfolio tighter. 
     “What was that?”
     “I’m sure it was nothing,” he waved his hand in the air “Don’t worry, I have everything under contr—”
     The place shook harder and this time even Captain Man himself seemed vaguely worried. 
     “Kid? Situation?”  He asked his watch.
     “I think Minyak is on the roof and he’s somehow weakening the structure of the building,” came his reply, “I’m going to—” His voice was cut off by a loud bang and then nothing happened.
     Silence filled the elevator. 
     “Kid? KID?” When no response came, Captain Man rushed to push the button for the top floor again.
     “Dr. Minyak?! You said this was a ‘simple burglary’!” You shouted over the noise of—whatever was going on up on the roof—as you watched the lights on the buttons move along the wall while the elevator went up and up. From what you had heard, Dr. Minyak was one of Swellview’s most notorious criminals. You sighed and glanced at your watch. Luckily you were early to your interview.
     “It was a simple burglary! Dr. Minyak came here to steal all the designs for the Swellview Fashion Show this weekend so he could win once and for all—or something like that.” He shrugged.
     You tilted your head to the side, “Minyak? Fashion show?”
     “I don’t know, something about a childhood dream and a lost career in fashion…” He rolled his eyes. “But that doesn’t explain why he’s on the roof and why—”
     A loud bang filled your ears followed by a sound like metal scraping metal and the elevator stopped moving abruptly. Captain Man tried opening the doors, but they wouldn’t budge. 
     “Aw sweet beans and rice! Minyak jammed the elevator!” Captain man slammed his fist into the elevator wall. “I should’ve just taken the stairs!”
     You gulped
     You had never exactly been a fan of elevators, I mean sure they saved you having to walk multiple flights of stairs. But you didn’t exactly love the idea of being in a small metal box suspended between floors of a tall building. And being extremely claustrophobic didn’t exactly help. 
     The superhero began pushing the emergency call button over and over until with a snap! it popped off. 
     “Oops,” he muttered sheepishly. “Great, now I’ll have to call Schwoz, if I can get a signal, and meanwhile Minyak is getting away again and Kid Danger could be in trouble—”
     He kept talking but you weren’t paying attention. 
     Stuck. Trapped. 
     You sucked in a long, deep breath. The air in the elevator suddenly seemed warmer and you pulled at the collar of your shirt. Was the elevator getting smaller or was it just you?
     “Alright Schwoz, just get here as soon as you can.” Captain Man hung up the phone and turned to you, “Help is on the way, so we should be outta here in about—(Y/n)?”
     He took in your panicked expression and your arms clutching the railing as your knuckles turned white, your back now firmly pressed to the wall. 
     “(Y/n), are you ok?” 
     “Oh I’m great. No, other than being suspended who-knows-how-many feet in the air with no escape, I’m doing just fine,” you snapped.
     “Hey, it’s ok, I have someone coming who’s going to get us out of here. Shouldn’t be more than,” he hesitated, “an hour?”
     “An hour?” You were definitely going to be late to this job interview.
     “Look, I’m doing the best I can, alright? And for now, how are you with small spaces?”
     “We don’t exactly get along,” you said, “We are going to get out of here, aren’t we?”
     “Trust me,” he put a hand on your arm gently, “nothing bad’s going to happen to you.” As if you punctuate this remark, the elevator shook, sending chills down your spine.
     “Do you mind!” Captain Man yelled up at the roof of the elevator. “Anyways, don’t worry, I promise we’ll be rescued in plenty of time for you to get to your interview.”
     You certainly hoped so. You couldn’t miss this opportunity. Captain man leaned on the wall across from you and sighed. He was silent for a moment, and then—
     “So, fashion designer, huh? I mean, what’s your story? How’d you decide that’s what you wanted to do?” He said 
     “What’s my story?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
     “Well I figure if we’re going to be trapped in here, might as well get to know each other,” he shrugged, “And it’ll take your mind off the whole walls-closing-in thing.”
     You rolled your eyes at him but you couldn’t help but smile. 
     “Alright,” you started, taking a deep breath. It couldn’t hurt to pass the time talking to the superhero in front of you. “Well, I’ve always wanted to design fashion, ever since I was a little girl. I grew up in Storybrooke, Maine and, well, there weren’t exactly a lot of opportunities presenting themselves in the fashion industry, so I came to Swellview.”
     “Of course, my parents don’t exactly approve of me throwing away my schooling and ‘stable career’ to take a chance at fashion. But they gave me 6 months to come out here and pursue my dream before I’m cut off completely. Or I’ll have to go back to Maine, back to college, and beg my boss at Granny’s Diner to let me back on, which won’t exactly be easy given the way I left, proclaiming my success before it even happened.”
     “I’ve been to exactly 9 interviews, so,” you gestured around you, “here I am. Tenth times the charm!”
     You instinctively clutched your portfolio closer as you thought back to the day you left your hometown and decided to take a risk for a future you wanted to have. You remembered the nervous feeling mixed with excitement and adrenaline as you got on the plane headed for Swellview. You didn’t regret it, not in the slightest. It only made you remember how important this interview was, a determined look setting on your face.
     Captain Man watched you intently as you told him your life story. You couldn’t believe how easy it was to just tell him everything. Everything that had been worrying you for the past few months. The knot in your chest began to loosen. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t, leaving the elevator silent save for the distant sirens you assumed had something to do with Dr. Minyak.
   You crossed your arms, “Well, what about you? Why’d you decide you wanted the superhero gig? I assume you weren’t born in a mask and spandex.”
    He chuckled, “Well, first of all there’s the fact I get stuck in elevators with gorgeous women during my job…”
     You smiled and tried to ignore the blush once again heating your cheeks. 
     “And also, I get to save people. I mean, Kid Danger and I have kept this city safe from a lot of dangerous people. I guess I just really care about the citizens of Swellview and protecting them. Honestly, I don’t know what all of you would do without me,” he smiled haughtily, laughter in his eyes. 
     You rolled your eyes, smiling back at him, “Oh I don’t know, I think we’d be all right.”
     “Not a fan of superheroes?” He feigned offense.
     “I just think people can handle themselves, without superheroes saving them all the time,” you answered truthfully.
     “Maybe you just haven’t been saved by the right superhero,” he challenged with a smirk. 
     “You call this saving me?”’ You asked playfully.
    “In due time,” he said, “Right now, I’m entertaining you aren’t I? Bet you aren’t thinking about being trapped in a tiny elevator anymore.”
     “I wasn’t.” 
     You couldn’t deny it though, you were enjoying his company. You had forgotten about your current situation. Or if not forgotten, at least became more calm. You took a deep breath and shifted your designs to the other side of your body. Captain Man followed the movement with his eyes. 
     “Hey, what’s in the bag?” He asked, indicating the pack containing all of your designs. 
     You instinctively put your arm over it, “Oh, this? iIt’s nothing, just some of my designs,” you shrugged. 
     “Mind if I take a look?” He reached out an arm and reluctantly you handed it over to him. What did you have to lose? 
     Captain Man took the bag from you and slid to the ground to examine your sketches and drawings. You sat down with him chewing your thumbnail nervously. You’d never really shown anyone your ideas before, other than possible employers and that hadn’t exactly worked out too well. 
    You glanced up at Captain Man self-consciously. He had now taken out multiple of your designs and was flipping through them, his eyebrows raised. You chastised yourself for being this anxious to hear his opinion. Your confidence didn’t depend on what he thought of your designs…did it?
     “Wow, (Y/n), these are…” He looked up at you, awe on his face, “If these people don’t give you a job they’re out of their minds!” 
    You gave him an embarrassed smile, your face warm. It meant a lot to you to hear him—anyone—say that. He handed you your deigns back, his gloved hand brushing yours as he did so. 
     You looked up at him and he met your eyes, but you couldn’t quite read his expression as his eyes bore into yours. 
    Bang! Bang! Bang! 
    You were both startled by a pounding on the elevator door. Your heart in your chest, you sprung up and Captain Man man jumped in front of you, his arm across your body as he shielded you from whatever was on the other side of the door. 
     “Hello?” Captain Man called
     “Yes?” The voice called back
     Captain Man’s expression broke into relief as he shook his head smiling, “Schwoz!” He lifted the arm that had been across your body and rested his hand on his hip. 
     So this must be the man who the superhero was calling before! You almost laughed; you were saved! Even as you rejoiced, you couldn’t help but feel…not disappointed, but you weren’t quite as relieved as you thought you’d be. You’d been enjoying your time with Captain Man.
     “So can you get us out of here?” He asked. 
     “Hmm…hopefully. The system’s really jammed,” Schwoz said, “I’m going to need to go and get some equipment. Is anyone in there with you?”
     Captain Man looked over at you. “Just one smokin’ hot fashion designer,” he winked and you crossed your arms teasingly. 
     “Ooh can I see?” Came Schwoz’s reply.
     “Kinda trapped in here, remember?” Captain Man rolled his eyes.
    “Oh, right,” he said sheepishly with a nervous chuckle, “well, I’m going to go now. I’ll be right back.”
   “Schwoz no, don’t leave!” Captain Man banged on the door. No reply came back. “Dang it Schwoz!” 
     You sighed. So close, you thought. You only hoped the strange man was, in fact, coming right back. You glanced at your watch. You still had almost half-an-hour before you’d be officially late to your interview. There was still time. However, you found yourself caring less and less about your appointment. You scolded yourself for thinking it, but you were almost glad to have a little more time with Captain Man before you’d go your separate ways. You couldn’t deny you enjoyed his company—and even his flirting.
    You glanced at him and found him watching you intently. He stepped towards you.
     “So, we’re almost out of here,” you said to break the silence. 
     He nodded. “You say that like it’s a good thing,” he said playfully. 
     “I bet you say that to all the girls you’re trapped with,” you shot back.  
     Captain Man laughed, “Not all of them, just the ones I really like.” 
     He took another step towards you.
     “You get trapped in elevators with a lot of women, do you?” 
     “Just the one,” he admitted, “but I’m thinking about doing it more often.”
     You were close to him now. Really close. You studied his features; the teasing smile on his face, the way his mask fit around his cheekbones, his eyes—they really were a beautiful blue, you thought—and finally his lips.
     “Why?” You breathed.
     “So I can do this.” He leaned towards you and suddenly his lips were on yours. Captain Man was kissing you. 
     And you were kissing him back. One of his hands went to your hair, the other pressed firmly against your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck tightly, his chest pressed against you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You couldn't believe how little you cared about your interview. And then you couldn't think of anything else but the man in front of you. 
     Vaguely you registered hearing a loud noise, but you ignored it. Neither of you noticed as the elevator doors were pushed open and two figures rushed in.
     “Captain man you’re ok, I—My eyes, oh, my eyes are burning!” A voice exclaimed.
      “Woah, I see what you mean, she is hot,” another voice said
     Upon hearing the voices, you broke apart quickly. A short man with a tool belt and a teenager who could only be Kid Danger, his clothes covered in scorch marks and dust, stood in front of you. The latter was running his hands over his face, pretending to clean his eyes. 
     You glanced at them sheepishly. Captain Man ran a hand through his hair.
     “Go on,” said the man who must have been Schwoz with a mischievous grin, “pretend we’re not even here.”
     “Well, guess we didn’t need to get the elevator running, looks like you were having a great time!” Kid Danger scowled at Captain Man but you could tell he was relieved see his friend safe. 
     Captain Man turned towards his sidekick and Schwoz. “Anyways,” he said, “I’m glad you’re ok, Kid. And thanks to both of you for getting us out of here.”
     “It was easy work really,” Schwoz joked.
     A short silence filled the room. As if remembering you were there, the superhero quickly introduced you. “Oh guys, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is my assistant Schwoz—”
     “—my coworker Schwoz, and you probably know my sidekick, Kid Danger.”
     You guys greeted each other awkwardly until Kid Danger checked his watch and said, “Alright, we better get out of here. Minyak’s still on the run and he’s not going to capture himself. We wouldn’t really be superheroes if we just let him go.” 
     Captain Man turned to you. “Speaking of which, you still feel the same way about superheroes?” He smirked
     “I might be revising my opinion,” you smiled
      “Well, good luck with your interview (Y/n). And, hey, if you’re ever need some more design inspiration, you know, for when you’re world famous, I hear Junk N’ Stuff might be a good place to look,” he winked at you and you were still contemplating what exactly he meant by that when he leaned down and kissed you gently.
     “Bye (Y/n).”
     And with that the superhero and his friends were gone, rushing down the hallway to look for a super villain and bring justice to this city. You smiled to yourself scarcely believing the events of the day.
     “Bye Captain Man.”
     You stepped off the elevator and onto the floor, checking your watch and slinging your bag over your shoulder as you started to head towards your interview. Except this time, you thought to yourself, you’d take the stairs. 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed y’all!! i had so much fun writing this and I hope someone else has fun with it. i literally love ray and so i’m over the moon that he’s got a lil internet community 🤭 thank you to the anon who requested this <3
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inknopewetrust · 1 month
BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM [he’s a fictional character that doesn’t exist]
IM HAVING HIS BABY [no I’m not because he’s a fictional character]
630 notes · View notes
literaryavenger · 4 months
Happy Birthday
Summary: It's your birthday and the only person who doesn't seem to be excited about it is you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death. Angst. Fluff. Language probably. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.5K
A/N: This story was completely self-indulgent, but I hope someone out there likes it!
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You’ve always been very reluctant to celebrate your birthday.
You haven’t had a birthday party since you were 12. The following year your mom died a couple of days before and neither you nor your family were in the mood to celebrate anything.
It wasn’t by any means unexpected, she had been sick for a few years, but it still hit you hard.
You were the youngest and were far too young when she first got sick to really understand everything going on.
You were 8 and all you really remember is watching your mom get more and more sick until eventually there was nothing more the doctors could do.
Her death hit you hard and you closed yourself off, never talking about it or even crying after the day of her funeral. To this day you’ve still never cried, in front of others or even by yourself.
You started exercising to channel all your energy, refusing to do anything more like the therapy your family suggested. 
When you were 15 you discovered SHIELD and decided you wanted to help others, so you signed up for the SHIELD Academy, working your hardest and pushing yourself to your very limit.
You ended up being not only the youngest cadet ever, but the youngest to actually graduate and then the youngest recruit at SHIELD at only 16 years old.
Natasha was very impressed when she heard about you and took a liking to you, convincing Fury to make you part of her team during her missions and teaching you everything she knows.
That’s how you ended up in the Avengers Initiative, not that you felt you didn’t deserve it since you know how hard you worked and everything you gave up to work towards this achievement. 
The team themselves were initially skeptical since you were barely 18 during the battle of New York, but they were quickly proven wrong when they saw how well you handled yourself against the Chitauri. 
You were devastated when SHIELD fell, but carried on as an Avenger, battling Ultron and then moving to the Compound with the team.
You met the actual Bucky for the first time when you were 22, during the whole Civil War thing with Baron Zemo. Like Natasha, you were on Tony’s team, fighting mostly Pietro, but the conflict eventually ended. 
It took Tony some time to get over the whole “Bucky killing his parents while brainwashed” thing, but, as he likes to say, he can’t call himself a genius without admitting that Bucky didn’t have much of a choice. 
Thanks to Tony’s help Shuri was able to find a solution to Bucky’s brainwashing faster than she would’ve alone, meaning Bucky didn’t have to go back into cryo and was pretty quickly cleared to join the team, about a year after the airport battle in Leipzig.
You were warmly accepted by everybody and, the more the team grew the more you felt at home with these people.
And now you wish you could burn down the whole compound because, somehow, Tony convinced you to have a birthday party for the first time in 13 years because, in his words, 'you only turn 25 once'.
Good news is you managed to make him limit the guest list to the team and other people close to you like Maria Hill and Fury. Bad news is you’re still gonna be the center of attention, which you hate.
You couldn’t stop Tony from making everyone dress up for the party, and you couldn’t stop the team from getting you gifts even though you insisted all you wanted was everyone together and to have fun with them since for the longest time nobody ever even knew when your birthday was. 
What you didn’t realize was that the only person more worried than you about your gifts was Bucky.
Since he joined the team the two of you have gotten close, starting with his first training with the team where he very loudly told Steve about his disbelief that someone as young and small as you could actually be an asset to the team.
You quickly put him in his place by taking him down after less than two minutes of sparring, taking full advantage of his underestimating you because he “didn’t want to hurt a pretty little thing like you.”
Admittedly he was impressed and wasn’t shy about letting you know that, while the rest of the team snickered at his initial shock when you pinned him down.
You became friends after that, not as close as you’d like but friends nonetheless.
If you were honest with yourself you’ve been harboring a little crush on the supersoldier, but he’s never shown any interest so you resigned yourself to just being his friend.
Something that you did come to treasure, though, is your and Bucky’s late night talks.
It started with you walking in on him in the kitchen on a late night where you couldn’t sleep, nothing new to you, but the two of you barely talked other than acknowledging each other.
You took a bottle of water and left.
A couple of days later you ran into him again and you stood there in silence while you made yourself a cup of tea and then left for your room.
A few days later again he was just sitting there and said nothing as you made your tea, except this time you put a cup in front of him and silently took a seat next to him at the counter.
Two nights later when you arrived at the kitchen he was already there with a cup of tea in front of him and one in front of the seat next to him.
You didn’t want to assume it was for you, but you took a chance when you noticed it was the cup you always used, a blue mug with Stitch on it that says “Let’s get weird”. Your favorite in fact.
You hesitantly sat down next to him and, without you having to ask or without even looking at you, he told you that the nights you stay up late because you can’t sleep you tend to be more quiet during the team dinners and while you hang out afterwards.
You didn’t say anything in return and just sat there, trying not to overthink how much he seemed to watch you.
But the more nights you spent like that, the more you two talked and you gathered quickly that Bucky is a very observant person, nothing more.
You loved the time you spent together after dark where you’d talk about everything and anything, but come morning it was almost as if it never happened, which you came to accept.
It weirdly made the nights you spent talking even more special, which was almost every night.
But back to the present, you’re currently getting ready with Natasha and Wanda, who know much more than you about hair and makeup and are always happy to help you out with getting ready for Stark parties. 
You put on the black cocktail dress with rhinestones all over the corset and a slit down the left side, then the three of you make your way to the party room and you take a deep breath before entering.
Everyone is already there, all dressed up in fancy clothes as they all shout “Happy Birthday”.
You laugh and say hi to everybody while they all take turns hugging you, there’s not too many people but everyone important to you is there.
Even Laura and Clint’s kids are there, which you consider a second family at this point, since Laura always did treat you like a daughter.
You hate to admit that it's a nice party.
Knowing you, everyone makes an effort to not put you too much at the center of attention and you just go around talking to your friends like every other party.
Eventually time comes for the cake and, the moment you kind of dreaded, opening the gifts.
Since it's the first birthday you allowed the team to celebrate everyone decided to go all in for your gifts, which you picked up on from the very first gift you open.
Pietro got you a first edition of “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” which is your all time favorite book, Wanda and Maria got you a leather jacket and an amazing pair of boots that you knew were expensive because you were all out shopping together when you came across them.
Steve got you a gold heart-shaped locker with a picture of the team inside it, Natasha got you a charm bracelet with a little charm to represent everyone on the team, and Sam got you a cute necklace with your birth stone on it.
When you open Fury’s gift you start laughing since it's a gun, a SIG SAUER P226 to be precise, which is very Fury.
“It was my first gun when I joined SHIELD.” He says with a smile and you smile back, knowing how much thought he put into this gift.
You open Clint’s gift next, a bow and arrow that he already taught you how to use, and Laura got you a pair of diamond earrings.
Your heart melts when you open Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel’s gifts, respectively a friendship bracelet, an Avengers action figure of yourself and a Stitch plushie.
The three of them hug you tightly as you say thank you and now you only have two gifts left, Tony’s and Bucky’s, and they’re both little boxes. 
You open Tony’s next, thinking it’s some fancy necklace or earring but you frown when you see a car key.
“Is this the key to your car?” you ask Tony, knowing full well you’re holding the key to an Audi R8 Spyder, the car Tony’s let you borrow so many times you’re now wondering if he’s gifting you his spare set of keys.
“No.” He says casually “It’s the key to your car.”
You’re even more confused and simply stare at him with your mouth gaped, not really processing the information.
“Y-you… You got me a car?!” You almost yell out of shock and everyone else starts laughing at your antics when you start basically jumping up and down and hugging Tony, squealing like a little girl.
“Well, come on, let’s go see it!” Tony says enthusiastically after you’ve calmed down, and you get up, just as enthusiastic, but are stopped by Steve’s voice.
“Wait, wait. You have one gift left.” He says, picking up the small box and giving it to you. “It’s from Bucky.”
You were so pumped up by the car, you almost forgot about it and completely miss the mischievous look Steve gives Bucky and the murderous glare Bucky gives back.
You also miss Bucky starting to protest before you open his gift, but he instantly shuts up when he sees your face falling the second you open it.
It’s a small necklace with a blue rose in it, it really looks like something you’d give a little girl more than a 25 year old woman.
You look at it for a minute, running your finger on it before you raise your head and look at Bucky.
The whole room goes silent as they all watch you worriedly, everyone noticing immediately that tears are streaming down your face.
Nobody understands what’s happening and nobody knows how to react or what to do, it’s like they’re all frozen by the sight of you being vulnerable for the first time ever. 
Meanwhile Bucky’s heart is beating so loud he’s sure everyone around him can hear it, and he feels himself starting to panic at the thought of having ruined your birthday with that stupid gift.
Everybody else got you expensive gifts and all he did was get you a small, cheap necklace that reminded him of a story you briefly talked about once on one of your late night talks about a necklace you had as a kid.
He saw it at the mall while looking for a gift for you, remembering the sweet smile you had on your face when you mentioned it and the fleeting sad look he thought he saw when you told him you lost it when you were 12.
He was really proud of himself for that gift, but the more he saw the other gifts you got the more he regretted his choice, especially after Tony gave you a fucking car.
And now you were crying, not saying anything while just looking at him.
He doesn’t know what to expect from you at the moment, nobody does, he thinks you might yell, throw his gift back at him, tell him how much you hate it and him.
But you surprise everyone by throwing your arms around Bucky’s neck, hugging him tightly while crying into his shoulder.
You honestly forgot telling Bucky about that story and certainly didn’t expect him to remember it, especially since you always got the feeling that he didn’t care about your talks as much as you.
You just assumed that come morning he deleted everything you told him to make room for more important things, and you didn’t blame him.
But he didn’t.
What you didn’t tell him about the necklace is that your mom gave it to you because blue roses were her favorite, you had that necklace since you were born but you somehow lost it the day of her funeral.
That day you lost the two most important things in your life and cried yourself to sleep, and that was the last time you allowed yourself to be weak and cry.
Until today.
Bucky hesitantly wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back hoping to get you to calm down. He looks around at the rest of the team, panicking a little and not knowing what to do.
Everyone else is as clueless as he is, never having seen you in such a state before.
Bucky starts apologizing, his heart breaking at the sight of you crying, and he feels horrible that it’s because of him.
You shake your head quickly and pull away a little to look at him, wanting to reassure him you’re not sad or angry but incredibly happy, but words refuse to come. You take a deep breath to calm yourself and finally manage to speak.
“Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” It’s quiet, but it’s something, and it’s enough to make Bucky let out a breath of relief at knowing you don’t hate him or his gift.
He brings you back in for another tight hug, almost forgetting about everyone else in the room as you hug him back without hesitation.
You’re honestly not even embarrassed at crying, all you care about at the moment is Bucky, his arms around you while he lets you bury your face in his neck, like you’ve been wanting to do for years now.
“Happy birthday, doll.” He whispers in your ear and, for the first time in 13 years, you really feel like it is.
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1 Masterlist
Status: Complete!
Synopsis: Captain Man never thought he'd grow old. For years, he fought to keep Swellview safe from monsters and villains, but one day, he realised he couldn't do it forever. Enter Henry Hart, a thirteen-year-old boy needing an after-school job, but he never expected an indestructible superhero to hire him as his sidekick.
Now, they blow bubbles and fight crime with (y/n), Ray's best friend of many years, keeping them in check. He swears he's not in love with her, but Henry doesn't buy it. Will they ever confess?
This story is mature in places with adult themes and language. It uses she/her pronouns for a female reader, but anyone is free to read and enjoy :)
Main masterlist
Episode 1: The Danger Begins Pt.1
Episode 2: The Danger Begins Pt.2
Episode 3: Mo' Danger, Mo' Problems 
Episode 4: The Secret Gets Out 
Episode 5: Tears of the Jolly Beetle 
Episode 6: Substitute Teacher 
Episode 7: Jasper Danger 
Episode 8: The Space Rock 
Episode 9: Birthday Girl Down 
Episode 10: Too Much Game 
Episode 11: Henry the Man-Beast 
Episode 12: Invisible Brad 
Episode 13: Spoiler Alert 
Episode 14: Let's Make a Steal 
Episode 15: Super Volcano 
Episode 16: My Phony Valentine 
Episode 17: Caved In 
Episode 18: Elevator Kiss 
Episode 19: Man of the House 
Episode 20: Dream Busters 
Episode 21: Kid Grounded 
Episode 22: Captain Jerk 
Episode 23: The Bucket Trap 
Episode 24: Henry & the Bad Girl Pt. 1 
Episode 25: Henry & the Bad Girl Pt. 2 
Episode 26: Jasper's Real Girlfriend 
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iminlovewithwomen · 1 year
Love Muffin
Warnings: fluff, confessions, thats basically it
Summary: A tainted muffin causes your friendship between Henry to falter, but could something else grow?
guys this is a long one + it's been sitting in my drafts for like 3 months
You were standing in the middle of Junk n' Stuff, crawling your fingers into the mouth of your bestfriend, Henry. Let me explain.
A few hours earlier, Ray met a woman named Gwen who he claims "immediately fell in love with her". Which was weird, because Ray hasn't ever had a girlfriend who he ever fell in love with.
The thing is they are already getting married on the same day they met.
But you and the gang, consisting of Henry, Charlotte, Jasper, and Schwoz, couldn't figure out how he "fell in love" with her so quickly.
She had to have done something to him.
So, Schwoz hooked up a machine to his head to see how they met. As you saw on the machine, Gwen gave him a muffin for him to eat and kissed him.
Charlotte, being the intelligent queen she is, figured out that she gave him a tainted muffin which made him fall in love with her.
Jasper came down a few minutes later listening to music, when he was supposed to be upstairs with Henry and Gwen in Junk 'N Stuff.
Henry and Gwen.
She must have been giving him muffins too.
You, Charlotte, and Jasper all ran up to the store to stop her from giving the muffins to him.
And that brings us to the present.
"Henry, stop!" "You can't eat that muffin!" We all cried out.
"Why can't I eat the muffin?!"
"Let him eat the muffin!"
Apparently, Gwen and I were pulling on his arms too hard, causing him to fall back and soon enough a vase bonked him on the head.
"Henry!" We all screamed, worried about our bestfriend.
"Y/N, you know mouth to mouth resuscitation! Help him!"
"Wait, what?!" You quickly got pushed down to his level to give him mouth to mouth.
"I need to kiss him!" Gwen tried to pull you away.
"Get away from me! I'm his bestfriend!"
The thing is, you didn't want to do it because you have a crush on Henry. You had a MAJOR crush on him, and you have since you both got this job.
Obviously you know that you'll never date him, but sometimes he gives you mixed signals. Like winking at you, complimenting you often, etc. It's the little things that keep you going.
As you looked at his face, you inhaled a deep breath and connected your lips together. You gave him mouth to mouth and pulled your faces away from eachother.
He woke up and you sighed in relief. Thank god that worked, you wouldn't know what to do if he hadn't woken up.
"Hey, Hen." You waved at him. "You doing okay?"
"I-I...I think I'm in love with you."
"What's up?" You pushed your neck out farther and raised your eyebrows in confusion.
Oh, God.
How could you have been so stupid?
The muffin.
Gwen kissed Ray after he ate the muffin, and it made him fall in love with her.
Henry is in love with you.
You stood up and put your hands on your head in despair, what are you going to do?
Henry followed you everywhere you went in the room, and even tried to hug you. You tried to push him off but his hugs felt nice. You felt comfortable in his arms. But you quickly realized this is just the muffin talking, he doesn't actually love you.
You frowned at the thought. God, why does love have to be so complicated?
Ray walked in the store, a dopey smile on his face.
"I was just dreaming about the first time we met." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Could you please make all of these people leave so we can be alone?" She gave him doe eyes, making him cave in and push us out of the store. Unfortunately, Henry was still all over me. Which, honestly, I couldn't complain about. I've never gotten this much affection from Henry.
You walked up to Henry's front porch, trying to open the door when Henry pushed you against the door while hugging you.
"Jesus, Henry! Get off of me for a second." You untie your sweatshirt from around your waist and throw it to him so he can smell it. He has a smile on his face while watching your actions. It's like everything you do is angelic to him.
You open the door to be greeted by Henry's living room, the scent of vanilla filling your nose.
You sit on the couch, Henry following right after you like a lost puppy. He stands there, giving you a tiny signal saying that he wants to lie next to you.
You sighed and lifted your arm up, Henry gasping on how you let him cuddle up next to you.
As Charlotte walked into the room after a tiny conversation with Schwoz on how he can't come in, she asks, "What is going on here?"
"Just tryna give the boy what he wants." You replied, trying to hide the fact you wanted him to sit near you.
"Tell me why Gwen would use tainted muffins to make Ray fall in love with her."
"Cuz, think about it, if Captain Man and Kid Danger are so in love that they can't fight crime, they can't stop Gwen from doing whatever evil things she wants to do!"
"Well, thank goodness Girl Danger is here to help. And I'm not eating any muffins anytime soon, or any from Gwen..." You trail off, feeling the sensation of Henry's hands on your shoulders.
"Oh that feels...really good." You throw your head back in pleasure while Charlotte gives you "the look".
You clear your throat and say, "I'm gonna head to the bathroom, be right back." Obviously, Henry follows after you. "Alone." His smile drops but after a few seconds, he still follows.
You're right next to the door when he pins you against the wall. "Henry, what are you doing?!" You gasp.
"Oh c'mon, Y/N/N, I know you like me." Henry replies. Your jaw drops and you pretend like you've never ever had a crush on him. "What?" You scoff. "I do not have a crush on you."
"Y/N, Charlotte told me a few months ago. I'm surprised I never saw the signs."
You look down to the floor, scared for him to reject you. He uses his hand to lift up your head by your jaw and kisses you.
You pull away from his sweet, sweet lips. You pushed him away from your body which felt amazing next to his.
"Henry, this is just the muffin talking, you don't actually like me."
"I know it may seem like this is the muffin saying stuff, but it's true. I do like you."
"Let me think about it, Hen." You stuttered. "Now can I go to the bathroom?"
"Yes, oh, yes, sorry." He exclaims. You walk in and see him still following you.
*Time skip*
A little recap. Piper came downstairs, in need of her "Girly Curly" that apparently you broke.
She grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped off a little bit of your hair. You felt hurt by her actions, which Henry could see by the look on your face.
"Don't touch my Y/N." He said in a stern voice, but Piper didn't listen. She started to fight you, but as you were fighting her, you caught a glimpse of Henry on the floor. He was spazzing, jerking, everything a person with a seizure would do.
We all came to the conclusion that when Piper hurt you, it made Henry angry, which drove out his feelings of love.
You and the gang were currently in the Man Cave, planning to get Henry to fight Ray. You realized at Henry's house, if we could get Ray angry, it would drive out his feelings of love too.
When we saw Ray, Henry went on this rant about how Gwen was going to see this man more attractive than Ray named Rob Banks. Eventually, Ray got angry enough to throw Henry across the room. Me, Jasper, and Charlotte rushed over to ask if he was okay. Clearly he wasn't, but we wanted to be supportive friends.
Ray's feelings were soon gone after he started spazzing in the middle of the room. We talked with Ray to see if he was okay, and he was, so we came up with a plan to catch Gwen.
Long story short, he pulled off Gwen's ponytail and she blackmailed us into letting her get away.
"So, we all learned a lesson here, didn't we?" Schwoz said. We all looked at him in confusion as to what he was saying.
"Anger is stronger than love." Jasper claimed out of the blue, and we all nodded and agreed with him.
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supercap2319 · 7 months
Being surrounded by five people in Avengers' tower was something that Y/N hadn't expected. He had been battling Kang with the others, when Kang tried to escape to the future. Y/N had followed him and ended up getting sucked into the portal.
He flew to Avengers' tower to see if anyone could help him and tell him what happened, but he didn't expect people to take up residency inside the tower. Especially when the blonde in purple spandex had an arrow notched at his chest.
"Listen, I don't know who you guys are, but I do know you came to the wrong place to take over. Get out now, and I might not have to kick your asses." Y/N warned.
"Wrong. This place belongs to the Young Avengers. You're the one who's trespassing, pal." Arrow guy said.
Y/N took a long look at them. The girl was wearing an Ironman suit like Tony's. The blonde had Steve's shield. The guy who looked like Bucky had a knife in his hand. And the other blonde, who looked like a golden retriever, was wearing purple spandex pants.
"Young Avengers? You guys are seriously messed up in the head. This is where the Avengers live. And you're making a big mistake."
"I don't think so." Golden retriever guy started to grow bigger and turned green as he looked similar to the Hulk. He let out a roar. The girl hovered over him, repulsors ready. "Stand down. Finally warning."
"Oh, this is gonna be fun." Y/N smiled as he moved the arrow away from him and moved as he ran and slammed the Hulk imposter through several walls of the tower as the others followed him.
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yandereaffections · 1 year
YA’s Multi OC Posts Masterlist
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not all of them but what i managed to gather up
Extra details about my OCs
Songs associated with the character
their favorite Flowers and snacks
Throwing household items at them when they return home in a attempt to escape
Fostering kids with S/o
Terminally ill reader
Meeting S/os racist parents TW
Kidnapped S/o who loves them for how they are
OCs that would threaten to kill themselves in dire situations
How much they prep before kidnapping S/o
S/o that writes fanfic for their favorite character
Most to least likely to smack S/os ass
Shy S/o quickly pecking them on the cheek
All going after the same S/o
S/os already w/ someone more dangerous than them
Kidnapped S/o saying theyll kill them when they escape
Oc’s dating age range, what theyd do if S/o was outside of that range
Seeing a picture of S/o from a party with two men being too close with them
"I'd threaten to fight you, but I'd lose that fight. Or any fight"
Drugging kidnapped S/o to calm them down HC
How they'd react to a S/o who's not going to date till after college
Each OC as a seasonal fall thing
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S/o getting stuck under furniture 
Waking up to you sucking/eating them off/out 
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domxmarvel · 5 days
5 year celebration-B characters
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Round Two Of The Artist’s Claims Are Up!
We have 91 exciting stories looking for artists to claim them. In round two, you can claim three separate fics to make art for (just fill out the form three times with three unique user IDs if you want three stories). Stories are on a first come, first serve basis so hurry up and get a story while you can!
Updated List of Stories | Claim Form For Round Two
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inkedbybarnes · 2 months
well and perfect
bucky barnes x fem!reader
summary: bucky has a surprise for your birthday.
words: 2.3k
warnings: 18+ minors dni. a lotta fluff, but what's new... mentions of insecurity and anxiety if you blink, bucky being a sweetheart that i wish existed, slighteeest hint of implied smut if you blink, usage of petnames such as baby, doll, and sweetheart, lowercase writing.
a request from the lovely @brnesblogposts. happiest 21st birthday to you! i am sorry it took quite long, so i hope i am not late. i tried to write it in a way that would keep it general but sweet, since i don't know much about the reader celebrating and wanted to cater for more people. i hope you like this one and that you have the best birthday ever. thank you for requesting! 🩷
dividers by @cafekitsune!
comments, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated! thank you. ♡
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“where are you taking me, james?”
only a few specks of light peeked through the piece of cloth that bucky had over your eyes. his argument was that it will keep you and your curiosity away from figuring out his so-called surprise for your birthday.
“it wouldn't be much of a surprise if i answer you, doll.” he chuckled, his fingers brushing your thigh briefly as he drove to this mysterious location.
“but is it really necessary to have me blindfolded?" you complained, tempted to take a peek. “i wanna see you. this isn't fair.”
“nah uh, you're trying to be all cute for me and it's not going to work this time. we're almost there. be patient,” he said, his hand now finding its way up to yours. “keep it on and i swear it'll be worth it. at least, i hope it will.”
you sensed his doubts and worries right away, feeling bad for pressuring him when all he did was make you feel special since you woke up this morning. from bringing you the breakfast in bed of your dreams to showering you with gifts you forgot you mentioned but he completely remembered. oh, and don't forget the cake... the perfect cake you've been drooling over for months!
you assume that you've already been to the place or know the way to it, hence why he had to keep you entirely clueless during the entire ride. not wanting to make him even more nervous, you decided to give up.
“okay, okay. i'll be good and cooperate, i promise.” you squeezed his hand, carefully leaning toward his side to give him a kiss on the cheek, which was a brave decision considering that you were literally blindfolded. “buuut, am i allowed to sing your ears off until we get there?”
“when were you never allowed?” his hand left yours for a moment to turn on the radio, connecting his phone to its bluetooth feature (he thanked technology for that one) and letting the playlist you made play through the speakers. “i know you're bored. so, sing away, sweetheart.”
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the car stopped and probably along with your heart. you knew that this was it. you were finally here, wherever here was, and excitement was an understatement. however, you stayed calm and waited for bucky's confirmation first before reacting.
“i can basically hear your insides shouting,” bucky said as you hear the car door opening. “we're here, baby.”
“can i take it off now?” you asked quickly. “please, please?”
the car door opened at your side, the rough yet warm chuckle of bucky letting you know he was right beside you. “alright, take 'em off.”
not waiting for another second, you grabbed the cloth away from your eyes and scanned the area. although it took you a few minutes to figure it out, you knew where you were.
“oh my god, we're in brooklyn?” you asked with a gasp, but even more excited now that you were in one of bucky's favourite places in the world.
“yeah, is that okay? i knew you wanted me to give you a better tour around brooklyn, so here it is.” he pressed his fingers into his nape, worried that you might find the entire idea out of place or unfitting for the occasion. “i would've thrown you a party like the team suggested, but i don't.. i don't know how that works yet. i'm not really good at whatever people do for celebrations these days, so i wanted to show you the way i knew it back then but i'm suddenly not sure if you'd like it.”
you could basically hear your heart break as he tried to explain. it hasn't been that long since he had been away from wakanda and pardoned by the government, so he hasn't fully adjusted with the changes that the current generation had. while bucky never paid attention in terms of fitting in, he wanted to fit in your life. little does he know that nobody else could be a better fit.
“no. stop that, bucky. look at me.” you hopped off the car, closing the distance between the two of you. “does it look like i'm sad? disappointed? anything relatively negative?" he shook his head. “exactly, because i'm so excited for what you have planned. you barely even started and i feel like i already won the lottery. so stop worrying, please?”
“i just don't want you to think that i'm being selfish. it's your birthday, you know? it should be about you, but here i am taking you to a place where i grew up in and has nothing to do with you,” he said, his anxiety and insecurity taking over. “but i really thought about this and i.. i just want you to be a part of all of me, even if we were basically from different times. i want you to know that if we were to meet back then, i'd fall for you the same way if not harder, and this is exactly how i'd show you.”
timeless love and devotion.
that was his gift and he thought he was being selfish.
and if it was possible to burst, you probably would've. he didn't even realise how priceless his gift was compared to anything you could've asked for, and yet he felt like he was failing you.
“i love you. so, so much. you know that, right?” you reassured him first, and when he nodded you continued. “i would've enjoyed a party, sure. anything from you would be perfect for me, but a party would most likely just give me a few days of happiness, maybe a memorable memory too, but this.. what you're giving me will last me a lifetime. you don't understand how big this is for me and here you are thinking that you're failing me.”
“i'm not?” he asked, lost in the battle he had within his mind.
“short answer? you basically made me fall in love with you again.”
“really?" his eyes twinkled, as if he was a child being complimented for his scribbles.
you let out a giggle before answering. “yes, now can we start my birthday tour? you made me wait all day, barnes.”
“well, that's no good. can't have my birthday girl waiting," he said, finally smiling. “this way, gorgeous.”
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you spent the entire day visiting his favourite spots. although most of them were already replaced with something else, he still made sure to tell you the stories behind them and how they mattered to him, as well as a few playful scenarios he made that included you and young bucky if you were in the 40s.
he then took you to a restaurant he found fancy and expensive back then, telling you that he remembered saying to himself that he'd only bring a special girl to the restaurant and make her feel special. not being able to help it, you asked if he ever brought a girl there back then.
you were the first one, and he knew you were his last.
on your way to the movie theatre, he didn't forget to show you the alley where he'd always find steve in trouble. you both even took a picture in it to show the team, especially steve, when you get home.
“i feel like a teenager again.”
bucky sat beside you at one of the oldest theatres in brooklyn, the same one bucky used to visit back in the 40s, to watch a movie you've been wanting to see. it was a surprise that it was still up and running, but with its history now being connected to the famous steve rogers and bucky barnes, it was easily a tourist spot.
“you're 107 years old, james. i think you're quite past that stage already.” you reminded him which earned you a sharp glance and a pout.
“what i mean is, this is exactly how i imagined i'd take you out back then. you know, asking you to dinner, going to the theatre to watch a movie we'd completely ignore because i'll be too busy distracting you—”
“distracting me, huh?” you asked, even more intrigued. “how exactly would you distract me? what if i'm really interested in the movie?”
“did i really say that? god, i'm even recklessly acting like a teenager as well.” you watched his cheeks turn into a shade of pink. you raised a brow, prompting him to explain further. “it's dark and we're really close. after all the time and tension we've spent before coming here, i would be desperate to kiss you.”
“james buchanan barnes!” you gasped, a fake and exaggerated one. “those are some bad thoughts you're having, and i thought you were a gentleman.”
“i am, i am!” he exclaimed, failing to hear the playful tone to your words. “i wouldn't even do anything beyond holding someone's hands back then. my ma would put me in a cage if i did anything reckless," he said, shaking his head with a smile at the memory of his mom. “but i played this scenario a thousand times in my head already ever since i met you. i just know you would've made me crazy for you, and you still do.”
you looked into his cool blue eyes, getting lost in them in silence while imagining what your life could've been with him back in the 40s. would've it been different? would've it lasted? would've it been a possibility? is that what he hoped he had?
“you got quiet.” he noticed. “what's going inside that pretty head?”
“well, i'm honoured.” he grinned. “tell me about it.”
“i'm just thinking about how it would've been like back then,” you answered. “i kinda wish we met sooner. i think that's what you have wanted instead.”
“you're all that i ever wanted. not the time, not the place, but the person,” he said, kissing your fingers before linking yours and his together. “we may not have met earlier, but i was meant to end up with you. i probably had to go through everything.. that happened, because there was something amazing waiting for me in the end.”
“oh, bucky. don't say that. you deserved none of that. you don't have to go through anything to have me.”
“but it's true, you made it all worth it,” he shrugged. “if i had to go through all of that nightmare again, i would do it in a heartbeat if i'll wake up to this reality.”
“god, you make it impossible for me not to cry.” you sniffed, feeling the dam break at his words. “thank you. not just for this day, but for everything. i wish i could do more to let you know that i love you so much.”
“i love you even more. you're already doing more than i deserve, baby.” he kissed your tears away, then your forehead. “don't cry, that wasn't my plan for your birthday.”
“it's your fault for being so fucking perfect.” you hit his chest softly. “now i am never letting you go.”
“i already made the same decision the moment you told me your name. now, come here.” he pulled you into a hug, letting you cry in his embrace until you notice the silence around you. you looked around and noticed the empty theatre, as well as the rolling credits on the big screen.
“we watched nothing from the movie! they all left!”
“okay, i am definitely guilty for that one. i did say i was going to distract you. i promise to get us another ticket tomorrow and have no distractions.” he laughed, standing up to his feet and offering his hand to you. “let's go? i booked us a room, and i heard their room service is amazing.”
you took his hand and smoothed out your clothes. “something tells me the room service comes exactly from you.”
“oh, i don't know...” he had a sinister smile on his face as you both walked out of the theatre. “you gotta try to find out.”
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you walked hand in hand to the hotel, liking the idea of enjoying the night sky of brooklyn than taking a cab, especially if the hotel wasn't that far away.
all was well and perfect until you felt a cold drop of water land on your cheek.
“wait, is that...” before you could finish your sentence, a downpour suddenly erupted, instantly wetting you both.
“it's raining!” you exclaimed, finding the situation amusing than a way to dampen your mood, remembering how much you adored the rain and the idea of being underneath it with someone you love. “you know, i actually dreamt of being—”
bucky suddenly pulled you close, kissing you under the rain. through your soaked clothes and the raindrops that trickled down your face, he can feel your warm and soft lips pressed against his. it was a perfect moment as the rain continued to pour down, leaving you both soaked, but content.
“wow,” you whispered after. “it was always in my bucket list to get kissed under the rain.”
“i know, i remember.”
your heart skipped a beat. “you remember everything, don't you?”
“everything about you, i do.” he wiped the streaks of rain around your eyes, then down to your lips. “are you happy?”
“so, so happy. you have no idea," you answered, sighing in contentment while your body was pressed against his. “i'm at a point where i feel like none of this is real.”
“believe it, because you have to get used to it.” he smiled, leaning for another kiss. “happy birthday, sweetheart.”
all was indeed well and perfect.
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if you have any requests for bucky, send them my way! 💌
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dreamwritesimagines · 5 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [4] - Spark
A.N: Here’s the new chapter my loves! ❤️ I hope you’ll like it, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤️
Summary: A quiet night on the rooftop holds new promises.
Word Count: 3500
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“I’m not saying my best friend in the entire world betrayed me, but I’m kind of tempted to change her name into Brutus in my contacts.”
“Just because she cancelled on this dinner you mentioned?”
“It’s a tradition at this point,” you said, leaning back on the couch. “Us and the Barnes family get together every two months, we’ve started it way before my mom passed away. I get that it’s the bachelorette party of her friend’s sister, but still!”
Dr. Cooper smiled calmly.
“Are you nervous because Bucky is going to be there?”
Your head shot up and you forced a nonchalant laugh.
“Bucky doesn’t make me nervous,” you said, the words coming out of your mouth in a rush and she raised her brows.
“Doesn’t he?”
“He annoys me,” you pointed out. “There’s a difference.”
“I can see that,” she said. “And why does he annoy you?”
Your eyes snapped up at hers and you shifted your weight on the couch.
“We have history.”
She hummed. “What kind of history?”
You nibbled on your lip, your stomach doing a flip at the memory but you pushed it to the back of your mind, rolling your shoulders back.
“Let’s change the subject.”
She thought for a moment, then put aside her notebook to with a sigh.
“Y/N,” she said. “We’ve been having these therapy sessions for three months now, am I correct?”
“Yes,” you said. “Sarah Wilson recommended you, she’s a good friend of mine.”
“And you were seeing Dr. Phillips before?”
“No offense to Dr. Phillips but I don’t think we were a good match.”
She nodded.
“That can happen,” she said. “But I just need to make sure you understand that if these therapy sessions are going to work, you will have to step out of your comfort zone sometimes.”
“Oh, therapy isn’t in my comfort zone,” you said with a wave of your hand. “You’d think it would be, after years and years of experience but…”
“I’m aware this is not what you want to hear but for us to make progress, you will have to be open with me,” she said. “Instead of changing the subject all the time.”
You smiled. “I don’t think me being completely open with you is in your best interest.”
“Why not?”
“Just a hunch,” you stated, your voice completely flat and she hummed.
“How about this?” she said. “Perhaps you could just try sharing something small with me. I’m not saying you have to share every single thing if you’re not comfortable with it, but…maybe something that happened recently and how you reacted to it?”
For some reason, “Someone tried to shoot me a week ago” didn’t feel like it was a great conversation starter so you leaned back, looking up at the ceiling to come up with something.
“I’ve recently found myself in sort of an… unideal situation,” you ended up saying and she nodded her head.
“That’s a wonderful start,” she said. “Can you elaborate?”
“Someone acted very rude towards me the other night when I was having dinner with a friend from college,” you said. “And I was annoyed at how inconsiderate it was to pull that shit when I was in the middle of something. Like what, you couldn’t wait an hour or so to do this on my way back home?”
“How did you react when it happened?”
“I didn’t get to react much because Bucky placed himself in that situation as well.”
“He was there?”
“Passing by,” you spat, “Anyway, he got involved and the situation was resolved pretty fast.”
“In disagreements like these,” she said. “It’s incredibly important that we make our stance and boundaries clear.”
You pursed your lips. “I don’t disagree.”
“So this inconsiderate person you speak of, would you say they know how you feel about the issue?”
You repressed a smile, then leaned back, crossing your legs.
“I think so,” you said. “I expressed very clearly how I felt about the issue and now, well…I’m very certain that they won’t do it again.”
Normally you didn’t mind these dinners mainly because you and Becca would have a lot of fun once the dinner was over. George and Winnifred had always been nice to you and Winnifred had more than once said you were family, seeing that you and Becca were inseparable even when you were little.
And you were hoping Bucky would be busy the whole night so you wouldn’t have to spend the night delivering snarks back and forth.
Ian sipped his wine while you texted Becca under the table, complaining about how she should have been there for the hundredth time since the morning before you lifted your glances from the phone.
“Becca gives her regards, everyone.”
“Oh thank you sweetheart,” your father said. “Will she not be joining us then?”
“There’s apparently her friend’s bachelorette party?” Winnifred asked, turning to you as if she wanted to be sure and you nodded.
“Her friend’s sister’s bachelorette,” you said helpfully and George smiled slightly.
“And when will we see your bachelorette, sweetheart?”
“Not soon I hope,” your father said with a chuckle and you waved a hand in the air.
“Definitely not soon,” you said and Ian played with his fork.
“I don’t know,” he said with a scoff. “You keep dating civilians, one of them will ask you to marry them sooner or later.”
Your head snapped up and a silence fell upon the table. George and Winnifred exchanged glances and your father raised his brows.
You narrowed your eyes. “Ian doesn’t know what he’s talking about as always.”
“Oh is that right?”
“Our Y/N is a very beautiful girl,” Winnifred said as if trying to de-escalate the situation. “Civilian or not, I’m not surprised many people are interested.”
You offered her a thankful smile and turned to your father.
“I’m not dating civilians,” you assured him. “Or anyone right now.”
“But you know the rules,” your father said. “Any civilian you decide to date has to go through the background check.”
“With good reason,” George pointed out before taking his fork to his mouth and you hummed.
“Yeah yeah, I remember the whole speech.”
“Bucky and Becca got that speech as well.”
“They apparently needed it,” Winnifred said. “I mean do you remember Bucky’s ex girlfriend? Dot?”
That familiar bitterness of jealousy churned your stomach and you pursed your lips, then reached out for your wine glass.
“Were you here around that time sweetheart?” George asked you. “Or were you still away for college?”
The music was booming through the club as you walked back to the bar from the bathroom with Becca, and you looked around for your date as Becca motioned at the bartender, then turned her head when Steve touched her shoulder.
“Hi there.”
“Hey!” Becca kissed him on the cheek and you smiled at him.
“Hi Steve,” you said, taking your cocktail from the bartender. “Um, did you see my date anywhere?”
Steve shot you an apologetic smile. “I told him not to do it.”
Becca sucked on the straw of the cocktail, raising her brows and you frowned.
Your jaw clenched and you gritted your teeth, putting your drink down.
“Where is he?”
“I just want to remind you that Sam has just bought this club, so he’d be pretty angry if you shot my brother tonight.” Becca pointed out, leaning sideways to Steve’s arm and Steve nodded his head.
“Wouldn’t look good for the club.”
“Where is he, Steve?”
Steve pointed upstairs. “VIP.”
You whirled around on your heels and stomped your way up the cantilever stairs, anger rushing through you. You made your way past his and Sam’s bodyguards by the door, then slammed the door open to step inside. Bucky was talking to Sam as you walked in while a gorgeous girl resting her head on his shoulder and Sam hissed in a breath.
“Uh oh,” he said. “Told you not to do it.”
“Hi Sam.”
“Hi Y/N.”
The girl lifted her head from Bucky’s shoulder as Bucky sat up straighter, and had the nerve to smile at you.
“Hi Charm.”
“Where is my date, Bucky?”
“I think he said he had something to do,” Bucky said, stealing a look at Sam. “Something urgent, right Sam? That’s what we heard.”
“Oh you’re not dragging me into this.”
“I’m sorry, who is this?” the girl asked and Bucky cleared his throat, then motioned between you and her.
“Y/N, this is Dot; my girlfriend.”
Your eyes snapped up to his, that familiar bitterness climbing up your throat but you managed to keep your expression flat.
“Dot, this is Y/N. She’s uh…she’s Becca’s best friend.”
Sam tilted his head to shoot Bucky a look of disbelief.
“You’ve just intimidated Becca’s best friend’s date into leaving the club?” Dot asked, confusion laced in her tone and Sam cleared his throat.
“They grew up together,” he explained to her. “Bucky tends to get overprotective of Y/N, kind of an old habit there.”
 Dot pressed a hand on her chest.
“Aw that’s sweet!” she said. “So she’s like a sister to you, Bucky?”
Sam raised his brows as if trying to keep a straight face, then he shook his head slightly while you glared at Bucky.
“Well—” Bucky started but you cut him off.
“What did you say to him?”
“Nothing,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Just a warning. Don’t blame me if you keep dating people who are easily intimidated.”
“Who I date is none of your business.”
“You are Becca’s best friend so it makes it my business—also, you call that dancing?” he asked you. “He was feeling you up, he should be glad he walked out of here with his junk still attached to his body.”
You ran a hand over your face, then turned to Dot.
“Listen, I don’t even know you but you seem nice enough,” you said. “You probably deserve better than an asshole who thinks his dick is made of gold. You could do much better.”
With that, you walked out of the room and slammed the door behind you.
“No, they got together after I returned to the city,” you said. “Like a month after my graduation. I was here, she was pretty nice.”
“I didn’t like her,” Winnifred said and you let out a small laugh.
“And when was the last time you liked anyone he or Becca brought home?”
“When was the last time either of them brought someone I could like?” Winnifred asked back and you held up your hands with a grin, gesturing surrender.
“Daddy is the same,” you said. “But don’t worry, just in case things get serious with a partner, me and Becca came up with a great plan years ago.”
“What is it?”
“We’ll get everyone drunk,” you pointed out, coaxing chuckles out of them. “Should make things easier, at least for the first dinner.”
 After dinner, you had excused yourself to go up to the swimming pool on the rooftop, so that you could enjoy the night. After their weekend house, this one was the one you liked the most among Barnes residences; it had such a lovely view of the night sky. You sipped your wine and leaned back on the lounge chair, heaving a sigh and keeping your eyes on the stars.
Becca was still partying with her friends so you were just going to enjoy some peace and quiet until it was time to go home. You loved spending time with George and Winnifred, that wasn’t the problem, but this evening you really weren’t in the mood for Ian’s bullshit. You knew very well that he knew about your date with Ethan, and though he hadn’t told your father yet, you were sure it wasn’t from the goodness in his heart.
Not that he or your father had anything to worry about. You had made sure that Ethan got a background check as your father wanted with all the civilians you dated, back at college and right before you decided to meet again two weeks back, you had done the same. It was safe, whether they approved him or not.
The sound of the door opening made you turn your head and as soon as your eyes fell upon Bucky stepping to the roof, you let out a groan.
“I thought you were busy.”
“I was,” he said, approaching you with a glass of whiskey in his hand before he sat down on the lounge chair beside yours and you stole a look at him.
“You missed dinner.”
“Mm hm. Sorry about that.”
“You never miss dinner.”
“Yeah well, wasn’t exactly my choice,” he said, making you turn a little so that you can look at him better.
“Overtime at the office,” he joked and you tilted your head.
“Nothing we can’t handle.”
“Does my father know?”
“He does,” he said as your phone vibrated on the small table beside you, making you check the screen.
From: Ethan
My coworkers dragged me to this café and I think you’d like it.
You smiled slightly and typed back your reply.
Well, the only way to be sure is if you invite me there the next time.
It didn’t even take him five seconds to reply back;
Lunch tomorrow?
You typed in a “Yes” and sent it, then turned the phone in your hand while Bucky lit a cigarette.
“Is that the civilian?”
“Ugh, not you too!” you whined with a grimace. “Everyone already gave me the third degree at dinner, you’d think I’m going to elope at any time.”
He shot you a light hearted glare. “They’re just worried about you sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that—and also, you’ve dated one hundred civilians, I don’t see anyone giving you speeches,” you grumbled. “It’s so hypocritical, not to mention medieval.”
Bucky chuckled, then sipped his drink.
“I don’t know why everyone keeps acting like the possibility of me ending up with a civilian would be a disaster.”
“Because it would be.”
“No, you know what the disaster would be?” you asked him. “Me ending up with someone from the business.”
“Oh come on—”
“Pop out a few babies, pretend I don’t know about his mistresses and go to pilates for the rest of my life,” you mused. “Dream life right there.”
“It doesn’t have to be like that and you know that,” Bucky said. “Only an idiot would cheat on you, and in case it has escaped your notice, idiots don’t live long in this line of work.”
You suppressed a smile threatening to warm your face, and instead rolled your eyes at him.
“Not worth the effort,” you said as you downed your wine, then held out your glass in his direction. The corners of his mouth twitched upwards but he still grabbed the wine bottle on the floor to fill your glass.
“Thank you.”
“As the princess wishes,” he said and you heaved a sigh, then leaned back again to look up at the sky.
“What’s going on with the business?” you asked. “Are you and Stark still on bad terms?”
“We’re playing nice,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Common interests for once.”
“I’ll pop the champagne,” you deadpanned. “He looks pretty busy; he and my father have a meeting next week as well.”
“Will Ian be there?”
You heaved a sigh. “I’d assume so.”
Bucky ran a hand over his face, then turned to you.
“Your father is not serious, is he?” he asked you. “He’s not actually going to name Ian as his successor?”
That familiar bitter taste burned your mouth but you pursed your lips together, then slipped a little on the lounge chair.
“Why are you asking me?” you asked. “Go ask him that.”
“I’m not going to do business with Ian, Charm.” Bucky told you. “If your father retires and names him the successor, that’s it.”
Your jaw dropped as you gawked at him.
“You cannot be serious,” you said. “Just because you don’t like him—”
“It’s not just that,” Bucky said. “Stark and I hate each other’s guts, but I still know he’s not going to break the truce or stab me in the back. Ian, on the other hand…”
“Ian is insufferable,” you said. “Trust me I’d know, I live with the guy. But breaking the truce is a death sentence, and he’s not an idiot.”
“I don’t trust him,” Bucky said. “Neither does Steve, or Sam.”
You massaged your temples with your fingertips. “Don’t put me in a position where I have to speak well of Ian.”
“You couldn't speak well of him if you tried,” he insisted before he took a sip of his whiskey. “Listen, I get why your father made the decision he made after your mother, but that was then. You can’t tell me you’re okay with this.”
You bit inside your cheek, swirling the wine in your glass.
“He promised it to me, Bucky,” you said through your teeth, your gaze fixed on your wine. “All those years ago. I was playing with dolls in the car and and my father pointed outside and told me that part of the city would belong to me when I grew up. So no, of course I’m not okay with the possibility of Ian being the successor.”
“Then take over.”
A small laugh climbed up your throat and you nodded at his whiskey glass. “How many of those have you had?”
“You know me better than that, I’m completely sober,” he said. “Why wouldn’t you take over?”
“Don’t you remember what went down in Massachusetts years ago?” you asked. “That family fight for the crown? They almost brought the whole city down with them, alliances got fucked, so many people died...”
“That was very different, there was no truce there.”
You clicked your tongue. “Still. It would devastate my father if I started a war in the family.”
“Ian is going to burn your father’s empire down,” Bucky told you, his piercing blue eyes locked in yours, making your heart skip a beat. “You think it won’t devastate him to watch that? If you want to be the next leader—”
“Of course I want it,” you cut him off, your whole body tense. “What I want changes nothing here.”
“My father made sure I stayed out of the business since my mom,” you said. “Which was good strategy on his part, I admit. Ian on the other hand has many friends in the business and they’re completely loyal to him. He would not just hand that position to me, not when he thinks my father will name him as the successor instead of me.”
“He has his men, so what?” he asked you. “Compared to the support you would have if you wanted the crown? You have more allies than Ian.”
You blinked a couple of times, a small glimmer of hope warming your chest before you cleared your throat.
“There’s the code,” you muttered. “It’s family business. No one outside the family can get involved in the decision of who the next leader should be.”
A small smile pulled at his lips and for the thousandth time you couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was, but then you frowned down at your wine glass and put it on the small table, rolling your shoulders back.
Yeah. Enough wine for the night.
“But a powerful ally in the family would make everything much easier, wouldn’t it?” he asked and you scoffed a laugh.
“My hypothetical rise to power?” you asked. “Obviously. But either way, it’d be an uphill battle. What with the city and family and everything…”
“It doesn’t have to be,” he said without pulling his gaze off you and you felt your cheeks burn under his intense stare, but managed to keep your expression completely nonchalant.
“Not at all.”
“And how’s that?”
Bucky swallowed thickly and downed his whiskey in one go before straightening his back. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was nervous but of course that was nonsense; Bucky was too arrogant to be nervous.
“Come on,” you taunted him. “Humor me, golden heir.”
“Well,” he said after a pause, turning his empty glass in his hand. “You have a point. You would have to get most of Ian’s supporters within the family, you would have to persuade your father, and considering Ian will not want to hand you the crown, that whole process would not go very peacefully. Me, Steve and Sam already support you, but the rest of the families could take some time and effort to convince. I guess some bloodshed in the city would be inevitable as well, it’d be a huge change, considering your father’s influence and power…”
You hummed. “Or?”
A smile curled his lips upwards and he took a deep breath.
“Or,” he said. “You could marry me.”
Chapter 5
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Catch the queen
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yandere!king OC x fem reader
Summary: you're fleeing the evil king and hide in the village, hoping to blend in before you can run away for real. Edmund loses his mind and decides to lure you out with fire.
Warnings: yandere, arson, knives, harassment, drunk men, isolation, behading, corpses, a bit of Stockholm symdrome, hints of abuse, name calling
Word count: 4k.
Edmund’s arms are like suffocating cages. Everytime his hands touch you, you lose the ability to breathe. His kisses feel like fire and burn your skin every time they press against you. You can’t take it anymore. You don’t want to be his pretty doll. 
You have nothing planned, but you know that you need to be quiet and run the fastest you possibly can. 
Quietly, you get out of his arms. They’re difficult to bend off of you, but finally, they loosen up. You’re careful not to step on any creaky floor planks as you try to dress yourself. Covering yourself in a dark blue cloak and your body in a warm dress is normally a hard task, but near impossible now that you have to look over your shoulder and try to make your trembling hands cooperate. You grab your dagger, a gift from Edmund. He wants you to be able to protect yourself if he’s ever away from you. 
Edmund twists and turns in bed. He never stays still unless he holds you in his arms. You have to get out of here before he realizes that you're no longer in his embrace. Guards are walking through the mighty corridors, but you do your best to avoid them all and sink into dark corners when they pass by. Heart beating loudly in your ears. A part of you regrets ever trying to leave. They’ll notice you soon enough and then you’ll have to get down on your bare knees and beg forgiveness from Edmund. He’ll revel in it and you can’t stand seeing that satisfied smirk on his face when he once again gets what he wants. 
Finally. Finally, you manage to leave the castle. A fresh breeze hits your face. WIthout looking back, you run. But where? The forest is deep and dangerous at night. Thieves hide where to get away from the royal knights. If they noticed you, you'd be their hostage. Edmund would get you back to every price and you'd be right back where you started. You have to blend in to get away. You have to go to the village. 
It’s late at night and you doubt that anyone is up to help you. No lights are shining in the windows and all doors are locked. The streets are as empty as the grave. You pull the cloak closer to your body. What should you do? It’s not safe to be out on the countryside roads during the night. You can’t leave the village in the middle of the night and even if you do, the chances of your legs giving up before you reach another is too big to take. 
You run through the dark alleyways, looking for somewhere to spend the night. Tomorrow morning when the sun rises, you’ll move on. It’s dangerous to stay in the same kingdom as Edmund. He’ll find you too quickly. 
You find a barn where you decide to spend the night. Carefully, you lay down in the hay and grass, making yourself comfortable. You shiver at the cold air and hug yourself to keep yourself warm. It takes an hour until you finally fall asleep. 
Drunken male voices wake you up a while later. 
“Oh, look at this”, one slurs. “A woman. Let’s have some fun.”
You freeze and reach for the dagger Edmund’s given you, ready to go to attack. 
“What’s a pretty lady doing here?” another one asks, sounding just as drunk. He hiccups. “Did we get a blessing? Oh, we’re so lucky.”
You hurry up from your hiding place and try to make a run for it, but the two men grab you. 
“Don’t leave yet”, they purr drunkenly. “We’re not done yet.”
You breathe out in stress and give the men deadly glares. Something clears up in their dull eyes. 
“Holy shit, it’s the queen!” one of them gasps. 
They’ll have to let you go now, you think. 
“We’re really lucky then”, the other one says. 
You sigh and squeeze your eyes shut. Quickly, you kick the man in front of you and stab the one behind you with your dagger, leaving it behind. The two of them grunt and fall down on the dirty floor. You run for your life out of the barn and into the dark village. The men run behind you and you know that you have to get away before they find you again. You duck into someone’s backyard and hide behind a bush. The two men run past you. You gulp. Is this how things will be from now on? You sniffle and hide your face in your cloak’s sleeve. 
“Why are you crying?” a tiny voice asks. 
You look up and see a little boy hugging a teddy bear. He’s standing in front of you. You hadn’t seen him, he blends into the night air. 
“I’m scared” you whisper and force a smile. “Do you live here?”
The boy nods.
“I’m sorry for trespassing. I needed to hide from those bad men who followed me.”
“Are you really the queen?”
“Why aren’t you in the castle?”
You wipe your tears carefully. 
“I’m playing hide and seek with the king”, you whisper. “I can’t let him find me or he’ll win.”
“I can help you!”
You smile slightly and caress the little boy’s cheek. 
“I can’t let you get involved”, you sniffle. “The king is a sore loser, he’ll be mad if someone helps me. He’ll think I’m cheating.”
In more ways than one. 
“I’m not a sore loser!” the boy smiles. 
“That’s good”, you say. “Edmund could learn from you.”
“I want to be king one day!”
“I think you should be one. You seem like a smart king.”
“Leon, who are you talking to?” a female voice asks from the back door. “You should be sleeping!”
“Mom, mom! The queen is here!”
“Leon, don’t lie-”
You stand up and the woman gasps. She’s wearing a brown, cheap dress with her head in a messy bun. 
“Y-Your majesty!” she stutters and bows. “Leon, go inside.”
The little boy runs past his mother and leaves you with his mother. The woman hurries over to you. 
“Your majesty, why are you here?” she asks. “Are you alright?”
“I’m … I’m hiding”, you whisper. “I have to get away from here.”
“Do you need anything? Can I get you something? Are you hungry?”
You can feel your stomach rumble slightly and nod shyly. The woman smiles and nods at the back door. 
“Come here, I’ll get you something to eat.”
You follow the woman into the little house and into an even smaller kitchen. She walks over to the stove and starts to prepare something that smells like childhood. In a few minutes she places a bowl of hot porridge on the table in front of you. You take a spoonful.
“I apologize if it’s bad”, she says nervously. “I know that you’re used to high class dishes.”
“No, I like it. It reminds me of my mothers cooking. I miss that.”
Leon runs over to the table. You pet his hair with a smile. The woman sends him to bed. 
“Why are you up?” you ask the mother. “It’s late …”
“I know”, she sighs sadly. “But I get so worried when my husband is out and about. I can’t go to sleep before he’s home. It seems to disrupt Leon too. He insists on staying up with me, but I’d rather not have him see his father’s state.”
“How old is he?”
“He’s adorable.”
“My queen, can you tell me why you’re out hiding? Has something happened?” She shakes her head. “Forgive me for asking. I shouldn’t.”
“It’s okay. It’s just … some things. All you need to know is that I have to get away from here.”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know, I’m not sure yet. Away from here. I can’t go to my parents either. I don’t know where I should go. But I’ll figure it out. In time.”
“Stay here for the night. We’ll figure something out tomorrow.”
“Thank you, you’re too kind.”
Despite the woman’s kindness, you have a hard time falling asleep. What will Edmund think when he wakes up? What will he do?
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The bed feels oddly cold for the both of you to be here. He feels around after you, but can’t feel another body. Quickly, he opens his eyes and looks around. Where are you?
“Y/N?” he asks. “Where are you?”
No answer. He gets up from the bed quicker than a cat getting scared. 
“Y/N, answer me!” he says, growing nervous. “Don’t hide!”
When he doesn’t get an answer again, he freezes. You haven’t escaped, have you? He’d like to think that you know better. Edmund barges up from his bed and out into the mighty corridors. He shouts at the guards to collect the knights and prepare his horse. He’ll find you. And if you refuse to show, or if someone is hiding you … they'll feel his wrath. His plan will make sure you never dare to go against him like this ever again. 
With no trace and no idea where you could be hiding, they decide to do the most practical thing in this situation. They ride into the village, gaining all of the people's attention.The king stops his horse right by his secretary’s and looks over the crowd that has gathered to see what has made the king come down to them. You’re none of the spectators. The king’s secretary holds up a piece of paper and a megaphone-looking thing in front of his face to make sure that everyone will hear him. 
“Tonight, the queen ran away from the castle!” the secretary says loudly. “We suspect that she is hiding among you somewhere and that one of you is shielding her. If you don’t give her back in an hour, we will burn this village to the ground in our hunt for his wife. Now the king would like to say a few words.”
He backs away, letting Edmund take the spotlight.
"Y/N, you better come out!" Edmund shouts with a gaze running among the crowd. “Don't be stupid and sacrifice so many innocent lives just because you are afraid! You don't have to be afraid, my queen! I will never hurt you! You can trust me! We belong together and it’s about time you accept that!” He turns to his secretary and lowers his voice. “I’m going to kill the one hiding her from me.”
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You can’t hear him, you have no idea of what he’s planning. You’re sleeping soundly in the bed you’ve gotten. When you wake up, it’s too late.
“Wait, what’s going on?” you ask as you see people run past the window.
You can see a layer of thick, black smoke covering the sky. A flame is spreading among the houses. 
“We have to leave!” the woman shouts and picks up Leon in her arms. “Your majesty, come with us, we’ll shield you!”
You follow her out into the chaos. People are screaming and crying and running for their lives. You get pushed left to right as the big crowd flees. Heat is hitting you in the face in an uncomfortable manner. It’s hard to breathe. 
“Knights!” Leon gasps in awe. “And the king!”
You freeze and turn around, seeing the royal horses. You can glimpse Edward on his white lady. Without a second doubt, you move closer into the overpacked crowd. You look around, seeing the two men from yesterday. 
“There’s the whore!” they shout. 
You look at the little boy in his mothers arms and gulp. 
“I have to go”, you say quickly to them and caress Leon’s head. “I’ll find you later. Now you have to hurry!”
“Are you sure, your majesty?” the mother asks. 
You nod and give them a push in the other direction. “Hurry!”
They leave. You start to run in another direction before the men can catch up to you. You run into a less packed alleyway. They corner you against a burning wall.
“You fucking bitch”, one of them hisses and presses your dagger against your neck. “You don’t shove your knife into me and think you can get away with it! I don’t care who the fuck you are, I’ll make sure you never dare to try to do this again!”
“This fire is your fault, you fucking bitch”, the other growls. “You’ve ruined our entire livelihood! You’re so fucking selfish.”
You kick the man in front of you between his legs and run. The other man trips over his friend, giving you a bit of an advantage. You end up on an empty street. You stop when you see the white horse a few meters in front of you. You want to run, but the mere sight of him makes you paralyzed.
“W-What have you done?” you gasp. “Look around!”
“I had to get you to show yourself one way or another”, he says calmly. “No one told me where you were. I gave them an hour to give you to me or I’d burn down their little village.” He shrugs. “Yet they didn’t … so all of this are the consequences of trying to hide you from me. It’s not my fault the peasants disobeyed me.”
Tears start to run down your cheeks. Is all of this your fault? If only you had known about his idiotic idea, you could have stopped it. 
Edmund jumps down from his horse and opens his arms. 
“Come here, my love”, he says softly. “You have nowhere to run. Why don’t you just do yourself a favor and return to me?  You can’t hide from me in the end. Be a good girl, alright?”
“I’m scared, Edmund”, you admit through your sobs. You’re not sure what you’re more afraid of — him or the men following you.
“I know, my love, I know.” He gulps. “Come into my arms. I’ll protect you. I’ll make sure that everything will be okay, alright?”
You hesitate. It’s so tempting to run into his arms and let him take control again. These have been a couple of terrifying hours and you don’t want them to continue. You want a roof over your head again and the safety of having your necessities met again. Staying out on the street won’t be safe.
“It won’t matter where you go, I’ll always find you”, Edmund continues. “Your righteous place is with me. You have to understand that. We married — you belong to me by law. You can’t just run away from me like this. Come here, my queen, let me hold you.”
An immense exhaustion creeps into your body. You’ve been in survival mode for hours by now, your fight is over, you can’t win against Edmund. You look around. If you stay here any longer, you’ll start to burn and people will get even more hurt. All of this is your fault. Everyone will blame you for this. You won’t be safe here. All you want is to relax and have someone else take care of everything … but Edmund’s not a good person. If you go back, he’ll punish you. But maybe that’s better than having an entire village after you, wanting you dead for burning down their houses? You look over to Edmund, at his soft, loving eyes. You run over to him, into his strong arms. He wraps his arms around you tightly and you sob into his shoulder. If everyone hates you for the fire … you know that he will still be on your side. He’ll always be by your side.
“Don’t cry, my love, it hurts me so”, he whispers into your ear and holds you tightly. “Everything will be okay now.” He pulls back, cups your cheeks frantically and gives your lips a desperate kiss. He presses his own against yours, moving faster than you can keep up with. “Fuck, I always feel like a drunken man when I’m with you.”
Speaking of drunken men, your fan club is back. You look over your shoulder with a small whimper. However, you’re not as scared anymore. Not when you have the king’s strong arms wrapped around you. Edmund notices something. 
“Y/N, why do they have your dagger?” he asks suspiciously as his grip on you tightens. 
You press yourself close to him without thinking and he clenches his jaw before tightening his arms around you in a protective manner. 
“Don’t worry, my dear”, he says coldly. “I’ll kill them for touching you.”
He pulls out his sword as his knights ride over. 
“Make sure Y/N doesn’t leave”, he says and gives you to the closest knight. “I’m going to take care of these men.”
Edmund runs after the two men with his sword raised. The knight who holds you helps you up on Edmund’s horse. 
“Your majesty”, he says. “We need to move out of here before the fire traps us. I’ll lead your horse.”
You hug the white horse’s neck as the knights lead you through the destroyed village, out of the danger zone. You can’t watch it. 
Edmund’s soon back. The two men are in chains and led by some knights. Edmund holds your dagger in his hands before placing it together with his sword. 
“Are you hurt, my love?” he asks worriedly and stands by the horse. “You have a mark on your throat. Did they try to hurt you?”
You nod slowly. Edmund turns to the two men with his own fire burning in his eyes. 
“How fucking dare you think that you could touch my wife?!” he growls and slaps one of them as hard as he can. “You fucking left a mark on my wife!”
He spits at their feet before walking back to his horse and jumps up in front of you. He forces your hands to hug his waist. You rest your cheek on his back to hide your crying face. Edmund caresses your intertwined hands over his stomach and rides over to his knights.
“Don’t cry, my dear”, he whispers softly over his shoulder. “You’re safe now.” He turns to his knights and his voice goes cold. “I got what I came for. Let’s go back.”
“What about the village, your majesty?” a knight asks. 
“Pour some water on it.”
Without saying anything more, the king rides away. He holds one of his hands over yours to comfort your sobs. He lifts one of your hands to his lips and gives it kisses. 
“You’ve must been so scared among all of those horrible, horrible people”, he says over his shoulder. “Don’t worry though, Y/N, you’re never going out into the real world again. Never again, you hear me?”
You nod against his shoulder. You’re not sure that the people would even want you back into their village after this. 
He stops the horse out on the castle’s front yard and helps you down by your waist. Some maids run out to meet you and Edmund hesitates giving you to them. 
“Give her a bath”, he demands. “I can only imagine all the fleas and bacterias she has gotten. She smells like smoke. When she’s done, take her into our chamber and make sure she stays there. I’ll talk to her later.”
He gives you to the maids who pull you inside the castle and gives you the hottest bath you’ve ever encountered. You’re sure your skin is melting off. They dress you in the finest of silk and lead you to your shared chamber. You sit down in the bed, waiting for Edmund to come back. He enters the room thirty minutes later.
“I’m not going to let you off the hook”, he says and pulls up his sleeves. 
“I won’t run away again, Edmund, I promise”, you whine in fear. “Please-”
“Shh, darling, I don’t think you have the right to shout at me. Not after the hell you’ve put me through. You should be happy that I don’t behead you together with the two dogs who thought they could touch what's mine!” He runs his veiny hand through his dark hair. “I’m going to give you two punishments. One, watch the beheading-”
“I refuse-”
“Shut up, Y/N. Two, you are going to spend three days in the tower with me.”
The tower is like the dungeons just without the rats and prisoners. You gulps.
“You’re going to learn how much of the things you have here is thanks to me, my love”, Edmund says. “Every piece of clothing you own, every day you spend under my roof, every bite of food you get … is thanks to me. When I’m not there, you have nothing and you get chased by disgusting men like those two in the dungeons. After our little vacation to the tower, you’ll understand. Get up, we have a beheading to watch.”
He pulls you with him to the balcony with a cramping hold. The two men are put on display out on the castle’s front yard and they’re facing you. Edmund stands beside you like a stone. 
“Please don’t!” one of the men shouts in desperation. “Please, we’re sorry!”
“Sorry, my ass”, you mutter. 
Edmund chuckles and kisses your temple. 
“Your majesty, please, you met my son!” one of them shouts. “Leon!”
You frown, feelings suddenly shifting. Leon …
“Please, don’t deprive him of a father!”
“Edmund …”, you whisper sadly. 
“He was going to deprive me of a wife”, Edmund answers coldly. “He’s going to die.”
“But he has a son, Edmund! I know he’s an asshole, but-”
“Do you want him to set an example for his son, hm? Do you want him to treat his wife the way he treated you?”
You think of the nice lady who helped you and her adorable little son. You’ve given them enough problems. If you let this man go back to them … 
“You’re right”, you whisper firmly. “Kill them.”
“That’s my girl.”
Edmund shouts for the guards to end the men's pathetic lives. You watch with hate in your eyes. Leon and his mother will never hurt again and they’ll not be able to harass any more girls in the village. 
“Now we don’t have to worry about them anymore, my dear”, Edmund says when the corpses get pulled off the ground. “Let’s go to the tower now.”
“So you can indoctrinate me?” you mutter sarcastically. 
He pulls you by the arm with him through the castle’s mighty corridors. He walks behind you up the spiral stone stairs to the tower’s little room. If you stop or slow down, he gives you a small push. 
“Move those little legs for me, pretty”, he encourages you. “We’re not there yet.”
“But there’s so many stairs”, you complain.
“You ran all the way down to the village with those legs, you can walk a couple of stairs.”
You reach the rounded room in what feels like an hour. You sink down into a sitting position on the old, wooden floor. Edmund chuckles at you. 
“You need to grow some muscles, my dear”, he says and then frowns. “Or don’t. The weaker you are, the less I have to worry about you running away again.”
You look around in the room, noticing that it’s completely empty. 
“As you can see”, Edmund says and closes the wooden plugs over the window. “There is nothing here. If you want to be comfortable and not sit on the floor, you’ll have to sit in my lap. If you want food, you’ll have to ask me so I can get it for you and if you’re cold, you’ll have to cuddle up to me. Any questions?”
You’re about to give him a sassy remark, but hold back. It won’t end well for you if you do. 
“Good girl”, Edmund smirks and sneaks his arms around your waist. “Now let’s enjoy each other's company, hm?”
This will be the death of you.
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leviathanleva · 22 days
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem Reader [DARK FIC]
Description: Cooper Howard was not a kind man, he cared for nobody, but himself. Then he found you, a lost little dove, barefoot and crying, torn dress and big innocent eyes staring at him like he was a hero. He knew you’d be a burden, he knew you couldn’t survive in the wasteland, he was doing you a favor.
But he couldn’t pull the fucking trigger...
[5.7k words]
Chapter 8 "The Lie"
It’s been a journey.
Parched and starved, you’d been dragging your feet over the desolate wasteland deep into the night. The promise of a guesthouse only a mile or two away keeping your spirits up and your soreness to a minimum. Your head was still fuzzy with the trauma, as expected after taking such a brutal blow.
A pale coat of dust covers your boots, the blood has ceased oozing and now clings to your hair and skin like haunting war paint.
Cooper hadn’t said a peep about what had happened earlier, didn’t complain about you keeping his hand hostage either, just let you soak his glove in sweat while indulging in chain-smoking.
The lights coming from the inn are a beacon in the darkness, they slice through the shadow of the night, beckoning you with whispers of a bed and a full night of sleep. An exasperated sigh leaves you when you finally see it.
It was once a farmhouse. Large three-story mansion built of wood and reinforced by steel sheets only after the apocalypse. There’s a barn to the side, presumably turned into storage, a handful of soil beds from which vegetables are sprouting, a small herd of brahmin lay huddled in a corner, under a flimsy tin roof, sleeping in the remnants of a stable. A large rusty gate hugged by a sturdy fence, electric too once you were close enough to hear the distinct buzz. The generator rumbles behind a locked door in the ground, the basement if your speculations are correct.
It’s a fine establishment by today’s standards, well-known for offering respite for travelers because it was plopped in the middle of nowhere.
Regardless of the newfound relief, your pace stays the same, too achy and drained to rush towards the finish line. It’s a slow and agonizing walk, feels like an eternity, but as you climb the front porch steps you crack a smile. Your hand is promptly released and you take your usual place behind the ghoul, the medical folder still pinched under your armpit and looking like an old pancake.
The rich yellow hues shining through the dirty windows illuminate the creaky wooden boards beneath your shoes, the old benches on either end of the porch, and the large urns hosting a blooming tato plant each. There’s a mud-caked mat at the entrance and you can scarcely make out a “welcome” sign beneath all the grime.
Cooper spares you a glance over his shoulder, heavy-lidded eyes and husky tone indicating he’s just as exhausted as you.
“Don’ wander. No talkin’ t’ strangers.”
“Got it.” you nod, suppress the urge to hold onto his coat, and follow after him through the door.
You’re flooded with cigar smoke and the smell of spirit. Methodical chatter hangs in the air, mixing with the fluent jazz from the jukebox, random paintings are strewn across the walls, hiding the peeling wallpaper, some of the hanging lights are intact, some are missing their glass domes. Simple wooden chairs and circular tables, mostly vacant aside from a few rugged personas stuffed in the darker crooks of the establishment.
You take in everything under lowered lashes and caved-in shoulders.
It’s a cozy place, an oasis nestled along the road, a lovely little safehouse that welcomes any who have the caps.
The bar looks out of place, it’s too new and polished compared to everything else, dark oak shining under the soft glare of the old lightbulbs. A plethora of bottles are on display behind it, most of their labels scratched out or simply missing.
“Where’s Monique?” Cooper rests a palm against the counter and cocks his head to the female ghoul absentmindedly wiping at a glass with a stained rag.
“Holy Moly…”
You’re awestruck at the sight. She’s the second ghoul you’d ever seen and a woman at that. Despite the decomposition, she’s still retained her feminine features, one could even call her exotically beautiful. Donned in a full-body apron, a turquoise polo peaks under it; her eyes are sunken but lively, however the veiny red sclera makes you cringe. It just looks damn painful.
“Nice to see you too, Cooper.” she barks a laugh, her voice – distorted by radiation, but still cheery and friendly. “She went to bed so I took over. What’ll it be?”
“Got any rooms left?”
You’ve decided to focus on the hand-drawn menu hoisted above the liquor cabinet, scrunching your nose at the radroach skewers and cricket potato stew. There isn’t much that would suit your pallet, especially not the yao guai jerky. What even is a yao guai? Another overgrown bug?
The drinks have more variety than the food, even though most are alcohol. There’s still just plain water, specified as ‘mostly rad free’, then there’s tato and cactus juice. The options aren’t mouth-watering, but the drawings next to the headers are cute, some of them are even colored in.
“Got two, lucky for you.” she pauses then and the friendliness on her gaunt face gives way to confusion. She leans to the side as you step out of Cooper’s shadow to get a better view of the menu, her mouth shrinks out of its prickly smirk. “Oh, hello.” her curiosity quickly blossoms into sweet glee as she stares you down with startling warmth, then tosses the bounty hunter a passing comment. “Made a new friend, I see.”
You stiffen as the realization of her attention on you sinks in. Rolling your eyes to her, you find her beaming and you can’t help but return her welcoming smile with an awkward one. You fix your slouched posture, straighten up because first impressions are important, and give a polite nod.
“Mitzi, good to meet you. And you are?” she’s all giddy grins and wavy hands, finding you as a good treat after a long time of only having gruff wastelanders as customers. And you’re more than happy to humor her, she matches your character perfectly and you feel her filling up your energy levels instantly.
Your lips part as you fully intend to reciprocate her brightened mood.
“I’m – ”
“–An annoyance.” a dismissive scoff, one which has you shoot Cooper a nasty look. He’s indifferent, doesn’t bat an eye at you, instead nudges his chin at the untouched bourbon bottle. “I’ll take that one, room too, don’ care which one.”
Mitzie turns to reach for the bottle and sets it down next to the bounty hunter before sifting through the ledger hidden behind the counter. Keeping the privacy of her customers comes as a nice surprise. She mumbles something soft, supposedly checking the available rooms, then looks up at you.
“Shower or nah?”
“Excus – ” you blurt, then stop and suppress the need to ask for elaboration. “Shower.”
If she was alluding to the possibility of taking a proper bath, you’d cry. After months of rubbing soap into your sweat and using saliva to wash out toothpaste, you felt disgusting. Dirt had accumulated in places you didn’t even know existed and all of this excluded the greasy mess your hair had become. At times, you wanted to crawl out of your skin with how crusty you were.
And the stench was a whole other story you fought valiantly to ignore.
“Gotcha.” she hums and stuffs her hand into a jar before pulling out a large, rusted key and handing it to Cooper. “Master bedroom, second floor to the left.” her baby blues dart back to you. “Just so you know, showers cost extra.”
You hear the disgruntled groan and your expression sours.
Of all the things he dismissed to save up on caps, basic hygiene was one which you fiercely disagreed with. You’d already had this conversation multiple times, him walking around smelling like a dumpster fire with no regard for how that made him look was unacceptable. His clothes needed washing, he needed washing, and you’d scrub him clean if you didn’t know he’d stab you if you so much as tried to bring your soap bar anywhere near him. Both of you were in dire need of a proper bath. You’d work him into the idea, you’d already succeeded once when you were less acquainted.
With a sigh, you blindly pat the side of your backpack in search of the pocket holding your caps.
“How much?”
“Thirty per shower.” she answers simply, then perks up to holler at a behemoth of a man waving her over from the back of the bar. “I’ll be right there!”
“Deal.” you chirp and point at the menu. “And a cup of brahmin bone broth, please and thank you.”
“Right away.” Mitzi graces you with another cheeky smile before rushing past the counter and through a door to the kitchen.
You’re close enough for the smell of roasting meat and herbs to waft into your nose, your stomach twists with hunger and gargles in protest. You clear your throat in embarrassment, the jazz music does a wonderful job of disguising the ugly toon. A clatter of pots comes from behind the kitchen door followed by a meager slur of curses that has you hoping your order wasn’t the cause.
After gathering enough caps, you extend your arm to leave them next to the register. Your attempt is shot down by a sharp slap to the knuckles, you glance up at Cooper and prepare to debate why you should be allowed to wash up and spend the money for it. He snuffs out your bubbling protests with a stern look and a dismissive flick of his wrist.
Mitzi reappears shortly after with a tray in hand.
“Here you are.” she lays down a steaming tin can in front of you and scoots to the register, which is mostly used for decoration. “You want the total or separate tabs?” she scribbles down each of your amounts and lifts her eyes to Cooper.
“Total.” he gruffs out and litters the free space on the bar with scoops of caps fished out from his bandolier.
You have to bite down on your bottom lip to prevent a grin and tuck away your money. He definitely knew how to turn your legs to pudding and tie your tongue into submission. Sadly now that meant you couldn’t complain for at least a week.
“Hundred-fifty. Oh!” the waitress sloppily wraps a rag around your drink and squeezes it in place. “Here. I tend to forget smooth-skins have more delicate hands.” she winks at you and proceeds to gather up the payment, combing through it with a long bony finger and counting. “We’ll get to know each other another time.”
Once she was sure of the amount, Mitzi stuffs it all in the hefty pickle jar labeled ‘earnings’, then sealed it shut and stored it somewhere around her feet. She’s back to polishing shot glasses, gives both of you a ginger smile and nudges her head towards the staircase to the right of the counter.
“Enjoy your stay.”
You take the broth and let your fingers soak in the warmth as you follow behind Cooper with bated breath and a spring to your step.
A bed and a shower, you were being spoiled tonight. The covers and sheets are probably old, the room itself is most likely slowly rotting away and covered in grime and dust, but it’s heaven compared to sleeping on the ground with one eye open due to threats skulking about. The last time you’d managed to get a full night of sleep was back in Tillburry, and just the thought of being undisturbed had you going through a plethora of pleasant jitters.
You give the greasy drink, your dinner, a good sniff while climbing to the second floor.
It’s not an aroma that makes you salivate, but you’ve missed the luxury of warm food and the herbs do well at overpowering the stench of boiled beef. Even under the weak light in the corridor, you can tell it’s fatty enough to keep you sated for a while, it’ll have to do. The can is used as a cup for hot drinks, the broth came from elsewhere, either that or you were scammed into eating dog food judging by the peeling-off sticker of a poodle.
You thump over a long red carpet rolled out on the floor, squint at the hacked cough coming from one of the rooms, and then stop a foot away from the ghoul.
He jams the key in and after a deft click, the door creaks open.
Your refuge for the night isn’t as bad as you’d imagined. The bedding is mostly white minus a few stains, the wallpaper is torn a tad, but intact and it’s all relatively clean, there’s even a few trinkets lying about to bring more life. A wall clock is hung above the curved sofa next to the window, it’s not working but it is a nice touch. There’s a night lamp on one of the nightstands, a wide drawer, an ashtray on the table along with two more chairs in case there were more than two bodies in the room. There’s even a deck of cards next to the crystal alcohol glasses.
You watch Cooper set down the bourbon and slouch against the couch with a long exhale before shrugging off his hat and coat and letting his eyes shut for a moment.
“Darn hell, what a day…”
Safety is painted in his mannerisms, you smile adoringly at him and shut the door behind you.
True to her word, there indeed was a bathroom. You switch the lights on and peek inside. The tiles are cracked or missing, it’s old but clean and there’s a bottle of Rad-X among the diluted shampoo bottles. Lovely!
You hear a ripple and whirl your head to see the ghoul lighting a cigarette. His feet are perched up on the table and crossed, his bandolier thrown over the backrest of the sofa, he takes a long drag and strains to push open the window.
“You know Mitzi?” you ask and shed your backpack with a delighted moan before kneeling to zip it open. With your trusty Vaseline and a tiny vodka bottle in your free hand, you join him on the couch, sitting on the opposite end to give him as much space as possible.
“Hm? Sure I do, met some years ago.” he twists to partially face you and pinches the smoke between his lips before grabbing for the bourbon. “Thought you’d wash up first thing. Changed yer mind?”
You chuckle at that and dab the vodka into your palm before rubbing it between your fingers. It’s a mundane little habit you picked up since you learned vodka specifically was almost pure spirit nowadays. Considering the unthinkable things you touched on the hour, from blood to dirt and worse, and without a sink to wash your hands, you needed this at least before eating.
“I’ll shower later. Wanna take a breather first.” you cradle the broth to your chest and take another good whiff before sighing. “Plus, I’d like to drink this before it goes cold.”
“Hope you know tha’ ain’t all brahmin, Darlin’.”
“Let me stay ignorant, please.” you mumble before taking a long sip.
Cooper cackles but decides not to ruin your dinner. You watch him pour a glass of bourbon for himself, mull, and then pour a second one before setting it next to you.
“Mm?” you give him a crooked look, frown with scrunched eyebrows.
“Heavy broth goes good with booze.” he gestures for you to take the offer with a keen smirk. “ ‘Bout time we pop your cherry anyway.”
“Gosh, don’t call it that!” you hiss through a flustered face, but take the glass and ignore his mocking grin.
The jukebox can still be heard from the main floor, it calms your apprehension and you twirl in your spot to open the window fully, looking to the sky for further comfort. You’re intentionally stalling as you swish the bourbon around, elbows rested on the windowsill and gaze lifted to the cluster of stars. A chilly breeze caresses your bare shoulders and you shudder.
“Thought you’d get bored gawkin’ at nothing by now.” The ghoul spits, watching you like a hawk because he refuses to miss your first time trying alcohol. You wish he wasn’t, it adds unnecessary expectations and you’re unaware of how exactly you’re supposed to react. By the smell alone, you’re guessing it won’t taste pleasant.
“I’ll never get tired of the sky.” you muse out loud with an unreadable expression, then face him briefly. “Has it changed over the years?”
You don’t know how old he is, he’s refused to disclose that with you, but from the subtle hints in the past, it’s been longer than the average person. You wish he’s looser, that he trusts you enough to share more about who he is and where he comes from. He seems to know almost everyone you’ve crossed paths with, could work with any weapon and traversed the wasteland without a compass or map and still know exactly where he’s going.
“ ‘Sides the radstorms, not much.” he rolls his tongue over a mouthful of bourbon, then audibly swallows and scowls. He raises his glass towards you, waiting for you to mimic him. “ ‘Nough stallin’ ya pansy, it ain’t poison. Drink.”
Your nose is already wrinkled at the idea, but you oblige him by lifting the drink to your lips. Holding your breath you take a tiny sip and your skin explodes in goosebumps before the fire registers on your tongue. Your taste buds feel defiled, the foulness makes your eyes pop open and you spit before the urge to gag crawls too high up your throat.
First impression: No.
“Ugh…Ew!” a hand clasps over your mouth, obscuring both disbelief at the fact you’d spat straight against the window and pain at the utter nastiness of the flavor. You take the rag wrapped around your now lukewarm broth and wipe off the evidence with urgency. “How do you like this stuff? It’s awful!”
He’s cracking up a storm on the other end of the sofa, having burst into such an abrupt fit that half his drink was running down his vest. You sneer through a glare, hoping he catches your translucent reflection in the glass and feels at least a drop of remorse for your misfortune.
“Glad to make you laugh.”
He tries to say something, a snippy remark most likely, but his gullet is too dry and nothing comes out when his mouth parts. He washes down the hoarseness with another swig of alcohol and tries again.
“You’re doin’ it all wrong.” he’s all up in your beginner technique, even though you weren’t open to be taught how to become a proper alcoholic. Nasty habit that, but he’s given you no choice. “Gotta let it rest on yer tongue, enjoy the taste ‘n go slow.” he can see you sulking even with your back turned to him, can practically smell the discomfort and annoyance emanating from you.
He tones down the decibels when you refuse to face him. Unlike you, Cooper finds the concept of convincing you that drinking is a fun pastime activity strangely thrilling. That, and he’s a horrid old man who selfishly craves to claim all your first experiences, no matter what they are. It’s a vile desire and he’s aware, but the longer you exist in his presence the further his obsessive protectiveness develops. He chalked it up to you being dumb and defenseless, it was natural to become possessive of you and want to keep you safe.
He’d be caught dead before he let some mangy bastard touch you before him or be present for your first cigarette. And he’d take this revelation to the grave because he was too prideful to admit to his urges. This was for your protection, better him, a person you trusted, than anyone else.
“Come ‘ere.” he takes off his gloves and extends a hand to you, beckoning you in the softest way he can muster. “I’ll teach ya.”
You look back at him and the angry frustration simmers down to mild irritation when you notice he’s reaching for you. Tasting that nightmarish poison again makes you queasy, you don’t want to and you’re fussy, but falter for him once more with the intent of giving it another go and then never again.
He’s paid for your dinner, bed, and shower, it’s only fair to entertain his stupid ideas. That doesn’t mean you’re going to smile through the whole thing though, no, you’ll grimace until the end.
He shifts until his feet are firmly planted on the floor as you round the table.
“One last time.”
“Last time.” he repeats through a haggard breath and as soon as your fingers dip into his open palm he spreads his legs farther apart to accommodate a plan you were blissfully unaware of. “Promise, Sweet pea…”
He coaxes you closer, tugging on your hand until you’re standing between his legs, radiating confusion. Guilt prickles his heart, you don’t deserve to be manipulated into succumbing to his perverse advances. It wasn’t even a good lie. Teaching you how to enjoy bourbon…a load of horse shit, but what were the odds that you’d so pliantly let him desecrate you once the concussion and fatigue didn’t stand in the way of clear thinking?
You were vulnerable now and he was a fiend for taking advantage. He’d deal with the consequences later.
The concentration carving his expression is hidden under the guise of darkness as he gently lures you down until you’re hesitantly sitting on his thigh. An arm coils around your waist to keep you in place, you’re face to face and the ringing in your ears increases, completely deafening the music from downstairs. Blunt fingers melt into your supple flesh, deliberately massaging away the prolonged day. You’d had it rough today, poor little thing, you needed some good kneading.
He’d give it to you. Whatever the hell you wanted, you’d have it.
Rotten man. Defiler.
He shakes the thoughts away and feeds on the sugary lavender hints beneath the sweat clinging to your body.
You’re engulfed in warmth and finally, you can put a name to the ever-present musk he carries around – bourbon and cigarettes; the smell of home. Your hands are resting in your lap, pinching at your dress in a nervous tick as you fight to keep eye contact. Inexplicable tension writhes in the air, it chokes you with sadistic glee.
Cooper’s studying your features as they twist, searching for something specific in the involuntary muscle twitches.
“You don’ like it, you call quits. Got it?” he speaks softly, but with authority, already taking another sip and letting it rest in his mouth.
You’re no less lost than you were two minutes ago, left to wonder what he means because your glass is on the other side of the table. But now he’s mute with alcohol and unable to elaborate verbally so you simply nod in understanding.
“Got it.”
No cheeky smirks or mischief is dancing in his eyes. He’s the most serious you’ve ever seen him, it’s nerve-wracking, you’re left to blindly follow his guidance and you trust him, but anticipation has no boundaries. The bedroom turns stuffy and his once welcomed heat is forming sweat on your forehead and pinching at random nerves throughout your body.
He glides a hand to the back of your neck, holds it with solemn tenderness. You make a pathetic noise when he leans you back until you’re cradled in the safety of his arms without leverage, hovering above the sofa as he watches over you with a mellow look.
“Tha’s it…steady, Pretty girl.”
You’re rigid and hesitant in his embrace, don’t know what to do except give in and let him work you like a puppet. It’s humiliating, you want to be an active participant, give him what he wants without him having to hold your hand, but you can’t. The only soothing thought that comes to mind is that he’s a dominant man, he probably doesn’t mind.
Probably even likes it like this.
“This okay, Sweetheart?”
You barely register he’s asked a question, the gravel in his voice seizes your breath.
The ghoul is languid and gentle when he leans forward, taking his time, but you notice the twitch in his fingers, the hidden urgency behind the façade he’s adopted to not scare you away. But he’s still a rugged man, you can tell by the callouses on his palms and the leathery skin on his face as it rubs against yours.
It’s a peck at first, makes you tingle all over. He barely brushes his chapped lips against yours, testing the waters, and dulling your awareness with patience before he shatters and ruins your innocence. But you’re too enticing for your own good. You don’t startle; cling to his vest instead and shiver with a milky moan and his resolve cracks.
With a ravenous snarl, he squishes you against his chest when you offer no protests and the hands that held you are now clutching. He kisses you with a bruising need, changing into a brutish oaf as his tenderness fades. Your mouth opens in a gasp and he lets the bourbon seep past his teeth and ravage your taste buds. The flavor is the last thing on your mind as he devours you whole, a few droplets escape from the corner of your lips and trail down your jaw until they soak into your hairline. Starved of everything soft and sweet, he gorges and palps, litters you with clumsy bruises because he’s forgotten how to handle someone such as you.
He tilts his head to one side and his tongue glides past your teeth to twirl around yours, forcing you to open wide. His eyes are hidden behind squeezed lids, leaving him purposefully blind to your current expression. He didn’t want to see rejection, didn’t want to know if you were disgusted but too fearful to pull away. All he needed was just one moment of indulgence disguised as him teaching you to drink. Let him feast upon you for a bit and he will never touch you again afterward, he swears it.
It’s just to show you how to enjoy a good glass of alcohol.
But you weren’t stupid, you already knew this was all a charade. It’s agonizing when you wrap your arms around his shoulders and clutch at his back. You’re klutzy in your love, a shaking mess as you try to match his pace, but this is too new and with an absent mind, instinct can only tell you so much. Still, you fill his cavernous maw with high-tuned chirps of affection and you’re so pleased despite the uncertainty, you’re aching for him, you’re just as starved if not more.
Cooper wasn’t prepared for reciprocation, it leaves him boneless and barely holding you both steady.
You let your eyes close as well and guzzle down the remainder of the booze from his mouth. A strained growl reverberates in his throat as he cuts down the urge to buck into you. Too soon, not yet. He’s taken enough from you for one night.
You suck in a breath as your knees turn to jelly. Your thighs are quaking; he presses one hand against them to soothe you and earns a muffled mewl. It’s raw lightning, sparking over your skin and making your clothes feel so damn constricting. You’re clawing at your tights, scratching at his sleeves, turned feral with lust and lilting pleas in his chewed-up ear.
A clash of teeth and jerking tongues, muffled sounds of indulged wants and thinned nerves.
He’s intoxicating, gruff to the bone and you avidly drink in everything he offers.
“Greedy little thing…” he rasps over deep breaths once he’s pulled away enough to take in your possum-like state. “So how’d you like the bourbon?”
A dull ache forms in your core at his sweet derogatory coo. You bite the side of your cheek to stifle the vulgar rattle trying to escape the confines of your heaving chest.
He lifts you into a proper sitting position and readjusts your dress back over your legs because he’s a gentleman tonight.
You’re a mixture of labored inhalations and sputtered words, struggling to descend to normalcy and proper manners. It takes you a moment to find your voice, you speak before thinking, high on a newfound addiction – him and his taste and his smell and everything that had to do with him. The knots in your stomach ease, but you’re still absently fiddling with the straps of his vest while trying to regain composure.
“Can we…” you shrink as his heavy gaze makes your throat tighten, lower your eyes in bashfulness but your insides burn and you need that fire sated. It’s his fault you’re like this, him and his sinful vulgarities. “Can you show me again?”
He croons a laugh and bloats with pride, doesn’t even care to take a shot before he latches onto you again.
“Needy girl…So pretty f’ me.”
You’re the one with the lingering hands now, sigh in relief when he violates your mouth again as if being apart had been torture. Nimble fingers intrude on his spine, slipping beneath the loose collar of his shirt and mapping out the marred flesh like it’s a piece of art. He shudders in your hold, mouths something that gets lost among the vocal sloppiness emitting from your feverish kisses.
You’re too eager at the mixed saliva dribbling down your chin, too delighted when he pauses to lick it off and keep you partly decent as he suffocates on his passion. You cage him between your thighs like it’s only natural, nestle down on him because he’s your new throne and he shoves a hand between your bodies to adjust his straining erection before you find out how desperate he is. You’re too spread and willing, unaware of the debauchery your actions hint towards.
He’s a man gone wild beneath you, boiling and unchained and drinking in your wanton display. A blank canvas for you to paint whatever you wished on as you submit to cravings he’d unraveled. He was a perverse bastard, stole your first kiss and hadn’t even made it proper, but there was nothing right in this world anyway. You returned his advances, you were happy, the rest be damned.
You leave his scalding tongue and nipping teeth to pepper his bony face with butterfly pecks. He’s a silent enjoyer, lets you drown him now that you were unleashed, with a ghost of a smile and lazy blinks, mild and content. Time slips past in a blur until you’re finally satisfied, having pruned and memorized every inch of his face.
You’re studying his features while cupping his jaw when the haze fades and you register just how many lines you’d crossed. His hardness digs into your thigh and you wince because you’d climbed him like a mountain, sat on him like he was just a chair and not someone you held dear. You’d taken advantage of his docile form, oblivious to the fact that this was what he’d hoped for from the start. You’d treated him like a tool to cater to your horniness without ever considering how much strain you’d put on him.
Maybe you weren’t as smart as he’d thought. No, that wasn’t it. You trusted him too much. Took his every word as fact.
Your heart is pounding and the trembling returns with twice the vigor as your serene smile dies.
“Oh my God…Jeez! I’m so sorry. Wait! I– ” you blabber while prying away with clumsy movements. You’re sure you’re about to have a heart attack and die on the spot.
What have you done?!
Why didn’t he stop you? Why did he look so high when you’d forced yourself on him without even asking for his consent? All he’d done was try to ease you into drinking and you’d thrown yourself at him like a…
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t even ask you…Why didn’t you say – Sorry. I’m – ”
“Whoaw there, Cowgirl.” he springs to action, forced out of his delightful trance by the utter horror written in your eyes. He grips you before you manage to stand, coercing you in a bear hug. Opposite to your shaken state, he rounds up your skittishness with honeyed words and caring touches. “Easy now, Sweetness. All’s fine, easy…easy.”
He stuffs you in the crook of his neck as you sputter more apologies, nuzzles his cheek in your hair and coos. You’re inconsolable for a time, badmouthing yourself because you knew no better and it’s heartwrenching because it’s his fault for taking advantage of your trust. He rocks you into silence while chuckling, criminally unapologetic.
“Now if I didn’ want any o‘ this I would’a kicked you off long time ago. ‘S okay, Sweet pea, all’s fine.” he palms himself until you can’t feel the incessant poke anymore, the scowls at his meager self-control. “Damn thing got a mind of i’s own.”
You hum in response, whiney and weak. He snorts at your deflated mood, to think his boner would be the cause of worry is comical. He lets a jab slip to bait you out of the cesspool of self-bludgeoning you’d thrown yourself in. He could be truthful and lay out the entire farce before you, but that came with the change you’d never let him near you again. Cooper isn’t a good man, nor a truthful man and what you didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you.
“Now quit yer mopin’, you’re ruinin’ m’ shirt.”
It does the trick. You stiffen against him and choke because how dare he.
“Asshole!” you recoil and land a weak fist against his shoulder. “You’re the one always ruining everything. I’m thinking about your comfort and your consent and trying to be nice and all you ever do is mock me. Awful man! You don’t even use the toothbrush I gave you. And you’re horrible company too.”
He’s laughing for the countless time that night, catches your wrist, then your other one, stifling your tantrum. A grin peeks beneath your stern glare, his high spirits are too contagious, and you wrestle against his unweaving hold without much zest.
 “Too bad.” he gives you one good jerk and you faceplant into his neck, then rests his chin against the top of your head and you can hear the cocky smirk forming. “Is either me or the wasteland, Darlin’, and the wasteland don’ give no kisses, trust me.”
Chapter 9 >>>
🌼 Daisy Masterlist 🌼
Tag list: @bountydroid @windierhades @ultimatreality @gruffle1 @v3lv3tf0x
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rookthorne · 1 year
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐆𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐆𝐨
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There had never been a real need for you to visit your local mechanic. Your car was sturdy and stubborn, taking hit, after hit, after hit, and you just rolled with the punches. Until you landed in a tough spot — stuck on the side of the road, conveniently close to Barnes Classics Restoration. 
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✯ Mechanic!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ✯ 2.5k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ✯ Fluff, flirting to the extreme, Bucky is a show off
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ✯ Well, this was self-indulgent to the max, sue me.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ✯ Flower by Moby ✯ Break My Baby by KALEO
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✯ @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate June-iverse 𝗖𝟮 — Mechanic AU — Masterlist
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𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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The first splutter and clunk of your engine set you on edge, but with how fast you lost power it was even more concerning – you were stuck, in a car that refused to cooperate for the few blocks it would take to get to the closest mechanic: Barnes Classics Restoration.
“Come on, please,” you begged, clutching the steering wheel like a lifeline. “Just get me there!”
The garage came into view not a moment later, and your car – as ever loyal and hardy as it was, choked and gave up the ghost. “No! God,” you groaned. Your phone came free from the cradle with a pull and you shoved it into your bag. “Just what I needed today, fucking hell.”
Your shoes, a beaten-up pair of Chucks, scuffed the crumbling surface of the road as you walked towards the garage where classic cars were parked on the side of the road – panels and chrome shone under the midday sun and you marvelled at the sight. You weren’t one for cars – having gotten the cheapest and safest option to get you from point A to point B – but the sheer power that seemed to just roll off from the parked vehicles gave you a small pep to your step. 
It was nothing compared to what you felt when you strode up the path towards the open doors of the garage. 
A couple of men were milling about, grease stained but no less attractive. What caught your eye, however, was the broad back of a tall man slumped in the engine bay of a car, his back covered in a red Henley that rippled with every movement of his shoulders. When he moved his arms into the light, you could see the dark intricate tattoos gracing his muscled and veiny forearms, and when his head appeared from the shadows of the popped hood, you couldn’t help the small, quiet gasp that left you. 
The man’s hair was long, almost to his shoulders and he had a scowl etched on his face while he spoke to the blond man next to him. You clutched your bag to your side and took a few steps closer – you needed the help after all, regardless of how drop dead gorgeous or intimidating the man was. 
They paid you no mind as you neared, clearly too engrossed in their conversation to pay attention to a potential customer – you couldn’t tell if you were grateful or disappointed with that fact. 
“Excuse me, I was wondering-” You tried, but stopped when they both looked at you suddenly. The man wearing the red Henley nodded at the blond before gesturing into the garage, and the blond strode off into the garage, tool and rag in hand. 
It was hard to find the words to pinpoint what you were feeling as the full attention of the Adonis- man focused wholly on you. Stormy grey eyes searched your face and he quirked a brow in question. “How can I help you?”
Oh, his voice. You prayed that your thoughts didn’t flicker across your face at the low timbre and downright sinful tone. 
“My car,” you gestured over your shoulder and the man glanced up and nodded once. “It, um–kicked the bucket, you could say, while I was making my way to you. I was headed home but I kind of can’t now. Can you take a look?”
You watched while the man looked over his shoulder, his stance changing from professional and aloof to open, welcoming. It was a relief. “Stevie!”
“Yeah?” A voice called out of the garage, and a mop of blond hair suddenly appeared from under a car. It was the man he was talking to. 
“Watch my shit, I’ll be back.” The man turned back to you and smiled, holding out his hand to shake. “I’m Bucky.” His calluses were rough against your skin and you smiled back, offering your name. 
Bucky gestured towards your car, and you took the lead. “So,” you began, looking over at him, taking just a second to appreciate the way the sun casted its rays down on his brown hair, and the beautiful tattoos that were visible under his rolled-up sleeves. “You’re the owner of the garage?”
“That I am, doll,” Bucky smiled, meeting your gaze. You hastened to look straight ahead; eyes only slightly wide at the endearment. Get it together! “Your car,” Bucky continued, staring ahead with narrowed eyes towards your sorry heap of machinery. “Can you tell me what happened?”
“Uh–I’m not sure, it was fine the other day and then this,” you offered, watching as Bucky came to a stop at the hood and gestured for you to pop it. The sound that it made forced a deep wince to warp your expression. “That was doing that when I bought it.”
Bucky only chuckled while he pushed the hood up and secured it, and you did all you could to not stare at his arms as he did so. Oh, your friend would have your head on a platter if you did nothing, you swore on it. 
The sounds of Bucky tinkering around the engine of your car filled the silence and you watched, entranced with the way he worked his hands and his strength to manipulate the many, many parts you couldn’t even begin to understand. 
It took a second to realise that he had started speaking, because when you looked up, he was staring right at you with a sly smirk. “You alright, sweetheart?”
“Fine,” you squeaked, and Bucky laughed. The bastard, you cursed.
“As I was saying – this should be an easy fix, though it is a lengthy one.” Bucky stood and brushed his hands on his dark jeans. “Do you have a way of getting home?”
“I can get a cab, hang on,” you said, digging in your bag but Bucky held up a hand to stop you, and you froze. 
“Let me take you home,” Bucky said simply, as if there wasn’t a flock of butterflies in your stomach and your mind wasn’t on cloud nine from such a simple offer. “That way while I work on your car, I know you’ll be safe. I can come get you in the morning, too.”
Silence followed his offer while the connection to your brain and mouth caught up, you felt foolish for standing there opening and closing your mouth like a damn fish out of water. Bucky took your silence as rejection, and your heart seized at the small frown on his pretty lips. “You don’t have to, but let me walk you back, you can call a cab from the off-”
“No, no, I-” you interrupted. Your hands were trembling and you willed them to be still. “I would appreciate that, a lot.”
A blinding smile brightened Bucky’s expression and his nose scrunched. You sighed quietly, the sound covered by the creak and groan of the hood slamming down. What had you gotten yourself into?
You couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit giddy on the short walk back to the garage. Bucky, the gentleman, had continued to insist on driving you home so he knew you would be safe – and not only that, he had moved closer to you as you walked, his shoulder brushing yours occasionally while you two shared a comfortable silence. 
“Where do you live, doll?” Bucky asked as he stepped into the office. He pulled down a jacket and a set of nondescript keys. You offered your address and he nodded, gesturing out another door. “C’mon.”
Stevie, the blond from before caught Bucky’s attention and saluted, but Bucky waved him off while rolling his eyes. “Ignore that punk, I do.”
“Is he your friend?” You asked, falling into step beside Bucky while he led you into a small car park – it must have been for the employees only because cars in varying states of restoration filled the spaces. 
“Unfortunately,” Bucky mused, chuckling. He stopped and gestured in front of him and you glanced at the car, then did a double take, your mouth falling wide open in shock. Your reaction must have sparked something because Bucky just grinned widely, a flicker of pride in his bright eyes. 
“This is your car?”
“Yeah, it’s mine,” Bucky answered, and he placed a hand on your lower back to urge you towards the passenger seat. 
You dug your heels in and he turned to look at you, a brow raised while that grin made your heart flutter. “It’s the car from that movie, isn’t it?”
Bucky laughed, and you found you would do anything to hear that sound again. “It isn’t the car, no, but I restored her from the ground up.” You stepped closer and placed your hand over the sloped arch of the fastback Mustang, in awe of the sleek shape and the pepper grey paint, accented by black racing stripes. Bucky brushed past you and opened the passenger door to reveal a neat leather interior. “Hop in, sweetheart. I can take you for a spin before I take you home.”
Starstruck, you walked forward and took Bucky’s offered hand while he winked. “Madame,” he said, his tone low and husky. 
The interior of the car was just as beautiful as the outside – leather and chrome accents shone under the sun and you looked to the shifter, a singular white circle surrounded a red button, the words GO BABY GO etched into the finish, and you grinned. You shuffled in your seat and strapped the harness over your body as the driver’s door opened. “Bucky, this is exactly like Eleanor, I swear.”
“You are seriously one of the few people that have made that connection,” Bucky hummed, shuffling until he was comfortable, and then he strapped himself in. “Makes me all the more happy that I’m taking you home.”
“What?” You floundered, staring at him wide-eyed, your surprise a catalyst to his laughter.
“What?” Bucky repeated, shrugging. “Gotta take a pretty dame home so she’s safe, don’t I?”
“Oh my god,” you muttered, gripping the belts of the harness in shock. He was flirting – Bucky was flirting.
The keys in Bucky’s hand jingled and turned in the ignition, and the Mustang roared to life, the vibrations rattling your bones. “Alright, you ready, sweetheart?”
You stared at Bucky and he just smirked back, completely unabashed. “You are insane,” you pointed out. “You are absolutely insane.”
“Not the worst I’ve been called, doll, c’mon,” Bucky pouted, grabbing the shifter and jostling it. “I wanna take a pretty girl for a spin, you gonna let me?”
Heaven above, you were gonna melt into the leather seat if he kept staring at you like that. “Fuck it, take me for a spin, Bucky.”
“Hell yeah,” Bucky breathed, and he pumped the clutch as he put the Mustang in reverse. The engine purred with the low speed and you watched as Bucky turned the wheel with one hand, and the other shocked the shit out of you by coming to rest on your thigh. A noise of surprise left you and Bucky looked over at you sharply. “Too much?”
A sudden burst of courage flooded you and you shook your head. “Never enough,” you grinned, and Bucky laughed. You watched the garage pass by slowly and the sound of the engine echoed around the small driveway, the rumble and timbre still rattling your bones. 
“Oh, hang on,” Bucky said suddenly, and the Mustang stopped just outside the front roller doors. You watched in the side mirror as Bucky’s employees gathered and pulled out their phones and pointed them towards the car. The opening notes of a song started and you gasped, gripping the belts across your chest. “What?” Bucky grinned, gripping the wheel and your thigh simultaneously. “I have to show off to the classics, don’t I?”
“Oh my god!” You cried, grinning like a fool. 
Bring Sally up, and bring Sally down, lift and squat, gotta tear the ground.
The engine revved, lowered to a purr, revved again, and Bucky put his boot to the floor. The following symphony was priceless; the engine roared like a beast and the back end dipped, and before you knew it, a cloud of smoke engulfed the back of the Mustang. You heard Bucky’s feet on the pedals and the shifter clunking as Bucky tore through the gears, but only barely – blood was pumping through you and muting all sensation except for the exhilarating feeling of losing control. 
Somehow, you had reached the end of the road in the blink of an eye and you gasped for breath, working through the scorching adrenaline in your veins. The engine settled to a low purr once again and you felt Bucky looking at you, his grin manic and bleeding arrogance. “You with me, doll?”
“I’m with you,” you rushed, returning his grin. “Take me home, handsome.” The prideful gleam in Bucky’s eyes gave you no cause to regret the slip of your tongue, and you settled into the seat for the drive home, heart still racing. Words escaped you for the entire drive, but the smile never left your face, nor Bucky’s. 
Before long, Bucky pulled up out the front of your house, and he killed the engine with a happy sigh. “Here we are,” he said, looking at you with such a frightening softness, as though he was already fond of you – like his flirting wasn’t just a game. “Let me walk you in.”
“Okay,” you agreed shakily, and Bucky reached over to unclip your harness before he stood from the car and stretched, groaning as he stretched. Blessedly, his shirt rode up and you caught a peek of the tattoos on his lower stomach.
Taking a deep breath, you walked towards the front door of your home and Bucky followed you, and that giddy feeling returned in earnest. “I had fun, I-” You hesitated, then plunged on. “I don’t know how to thank you, Bucky. I know it was such short notice and-”
“Come get a drink with me,” Bucky interrupted, voice soft but confident. “Whatever it is you drink, and I’ll consider it all repaid,” he said, finishing with a wink. “What d’you say, doll?”
You nodded hastily, not even ashamed of the eagerness. You dug in your bag and pulled out your phone to unlock it before passing it to Bucky. “Here, give me your number, and you can text me in the morning.” 
“Or tonight?” Bucky questioned, taking your phone with a cheeky smirk.
You ignored how your stomach leapt at his words, instead you smirked back. “I dunno, handsome,” you began. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed but his smirk grew, almost predatory. “Alright, sweetheart,” he said, handing back your phone. “I best get back and get back to work if I want to be free tonight, I’ve got a pretty dame to talk to, after all.”
You stood on the step by your front door and watched him walk back to his Mustang, firing it up and blowing you a kiss before he tore down the road, the roar of the engine still audible even a few streets away. Curiosity gripped you like a vice and you unlocked your phone, only for his contact to be the first thing you see. 
“Damn,” you muttered, shaking your head and grinning happily while your fingers hovered over the keyboard to text him. “I’m so doomed.”
And doomed you were.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Just reread Room with a View and I loved it the second time just as much as the first. Just wanted to tell you ❤️. I've always wondered where/how Bucky and Steve find their assistant? And does she know that she's signing up for from the beginning? If you're feeling inspired, I'd love a drabble. If not, any fragmented thoughts?
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Fringe Benefit
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader x Steve Rogers
summary: Steve and Bucky wanted to start looking for an assistant right after their visit to Ari, but unexpected business complications limited their time to organize a search. Luckily, the opportunity presented itself to them on a silver platter… You presented yourself, begging to squeeze in a ten minutes meeting in their busy schedule
warnings: dark Steve Rogers dark Bucky Barnes; dub-con; manipulation; forced orgasm; blowjob; deepthroating; power imbalance; explicit sexual situations; praise kink; breeding kink;
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You came to their building - a forefront to businesses that you know are more illegal and dangerous than exclusive properties they deal with - five times, before a stuffy desk clerk written down your name in the calendar.
A small window for a very short meeting, possibly a dismissal, two weeks in the waiting.
You were patient, but in this case time was sensitive. Because money was sensitive.
A part of you wanted to drop it, not clean your younger brother's messes once again. Sense of responsibility made you cave in. As well awareness that if Noah can't pay his debts the sharks would turn your way to settle it, anyway.
You preferred to get ahead of things. Maybe your readiness to cooperate and a solid plan you've made would help you save life.
Barnes and Rogers were businessmen. Lethal mob bosses, but that was a sort of business too. And you knew how to deal with difficult clients as well demanding bosses.
So you poised yourself in calm, controlled demeanor as you sat down on a leather chair in front of a huge desk, holding your head high as two pairs of blue eyes settled on you.
Those eyes were more lively than you expected. Instead of sleazy, older men you thought you'd see, stinking of cigars, with greasy stains on their chins; you faced two men in their prime.
Handsome, to express it chastely. Fucking hot, if you'd describe them to your friends.
In their late thirties, maybe early forties; one with neatly trimmed beard, the other with some scruff. Perfectly tailored suits on lean, muscled bodies. They both had blue eyes; one an icy shade that cut through you, the other the depths of ocean that swallowed you whole.
They were watchful. Assessing your every gesture and tick.
Predators in vigil.
It's been a long while since anyone studied you so intensely. It made you feel uneasy, but also sent a hot wave through your bloodstream.
For a second you dropped your gaze to the folder you held on your lap, your hands gently clasped over it. Somehow you managed not to shiver.
You lifted your head up, meeting their gazes evenly. You weren't dumb enough to throw them an open challenge, but you hoped to look confident.
You wanted to introduce yourself, but Mr Rogers was faster, greeting you in a way that suggested they already knew a lot about you. More than just your first and last name. Probably did a background check on you. For the meeting purposes, you assumed.
After taking an encouraging breath, you began presenting your idea for a solution regarding your brother's debt.
All summed up and divided into regular payments, with extra interest included of course. And a big deposit right away, all your savings ready to give to them.
"You're very thorough." Mr Barnes commented, taking the folder from you when you pushed it forward, but not opening it.
"Indeed, she is." Mr Rogers nodded, rubbing his lip in thought. "A dedicated, hardworking girl, aren't you, doll?"
You frowned at the sweet, condescending nickname. You considered reminding him you had a name, but letting it go was a small price for leaving this meeting victorious.
"It's a good proposition," Rogers continued, "but has a few disadvantages. The main one is that there's a small chance your brother finds a job with decent salary to match yours, so you can pay us in the time you promise."
"Shitty brother at that," joined Barnes, "to burden his sister with this kind of debt. You sure want to take it up on yourself?"
He didn't sound as if he was only mocking Noah. No, there was an undertone of displeasure and annoyance, like he truly couldn't imagine causing a sister any grief or trouble.
"Me not taking it won't change the fact it falls on me anyway if Noah fails to deliver."
You weren't naive to think their wrath would skip Noah's family, if he failed. Or that you could go to the police with it. You were quite sure they had many high-ups on their payroll.
Rogers and Barnes exchanged looks. Something passed between them, though you weren't sure what they debated on silently.
"Since you have the spine and honor to come to us on your own and propose something actually smart," Rogers opened a drawer and pulled out a printed document, "we want to give you a counter-offer."
"Which is?" You narrowed your eyes as he slid papers across the desk towards you.
"As it happens, we have an open spot for a personal assistant. For us." Barnes smiled. It was as charming, as lethal.
"Long hours, including after hours if we wish. But we'd pay you double what you earn now. Also provide paid vacation and sick days, medical care. Bonuses of various kinds." Rogers' smooth voice tempted to trust their offer.
"That- that makes no sense." You shook your head, trying (and failing) to take your eyes away from his.
"You'd be paying me and I would be paying it back to you as compensation for my brother's debt. Your own money returning to you. Where's the gain?"
"Oh, doll," Barnes licked his lips as he leaned forward, "we will reap many benefits from your service."
"Benefits?" You swallowed hard, trying not to react impulsively to the implication behind his words.
Your mind instantly flashed with sinful images; indecent demands and harassment that should outrage you.
But then you reminded yourself that these men probably had stunning girlfriends, or even had a different beauty in their beds every weekend. They could afford the most exclusive escorts, if they wanted to. They wouldn't hire an assistant just to fuck her dumb.
Instead, you thought of all the other ways businessmen and businesswomen benefited from having a personal assistant. You vaguely remembered that from the time you worked as one right after college - not only assisting in the business area, but picking up laundry, buying coffee, buying gifts for girlfriends because they forgot to.
"Yes." Rogers smiled for the first time. "We'll make certain what you do for us is worth every penny of your brother's debt."
They allowed you twenty four hours to think on their offer.
Considering what you would gain, not only in your own payment, but with their proposed salary your brother's debt could be payed much much sooner, lifting the heavy burden from your shoulders.
Money wise, it was a gift like a star from the sky.
You feared participating in the other side of their business, but you told yourself they wouldn't take a meager assistant to a crime scene.
Though maybe you'll have to wash the blood off their shirts. That you could do, you supposed.
So you agreed.
In the first few days your work passed just as you predicted - long hours of trotting between their office and various places they sent you on errands.
But you were a quick learner and memorized their coffee and snack choices after three days; as well the fact Mr Barnes liked to sit in the armchair after a tougher negotiation and listen to music, and Mr Rogers went to the old boxing gym that was rarely frequented by anyone.
You ordered lunch for them if they were in the office. Twice they came back from whatever business they've been dealing with in the field, with pastries for you. Which was thoughtful and sweet, you thought.
Yes, the work was tiring and sometimes hectic (keeping up with their long strides proved to be a little difficult for you), but not as awful or blood-filled as you feared at first.
It was after about two weeks when you entered their office, pen and pad in hand, ready to take more requests for the rest of the day.
"Anything particular for lunch that you wish?" You asked, walking right into the center of the room.
You smiled - not only a false, practiced grimace, but their handsome faces and the crinkles in the corners of their eyes when they smiled in return always made you content.
Focused on Mr Barnes leaning against the desk watching you like a hawk, you didn't notice Mr Rogers closing the door behind you and locking it.
"As a matter of fact, I've been craving something for many days now." Barnes said, curling a finger at you and motioning for you to step closer.
You felt a rush of heat wash over you. His words, spoken in that low, seductive voice, and his beckoning weren't that subtle.
"Um," you bit your lip, feeling your cheeks flush. But you made little steps forward. "I- I can order anything you wish, Mr Barnes."
"No," he chuckled and suddenly grabbed you by the hips, pulling you close. "We will be ordering. Anything we wish."
"That's inappropriate, sir." You laughed nervously and tried to step away, though your resistance wasn't as fierce as it should.
"If you consider that inappropriate," Rogers' voice resounded in your ear as he slid behind you, caging you between the two of them-
"I wonder what you'll think of all the things we're going to do to you."
"S-sir," you trembled as Barnes traced your lips with his finger, as Rogers' tongue flicked your earlobe. "You shouldn't- I shouldn't-"
You shouldn't want it.
A part of you didn't, the scared part that feared awful things being done to you. Those two men killed without blinking, they made people disappear and suffer. They could break you.
The rest of you roused with thrill and anticipation. Your skin pebbling with goosebumps where their hands started roaming.
"You can use our first names, doll. And may I remind you of paragraph seven, point five of our contract." Rogers whispered, rolling the fabric of your pencil skirt up.
"Assistant will also fulfill requests and see to the well being of employers in matters regarding health and body."
"But-" a gasp interrupted your own words when Steve sucked on your earlobe at the same time that Bucky slid a finger past your lips.
"And our bodies really need your assistance right now." Bucky chuckled, slowly pulling his finger from your mouth.
He replaced it with his own lips. Soft, but demanding. A kiss that went deeper and rougher than you ever experienced before.
Then Steve's mouth was on your neck, licking and biting. And they both chuckled when you made a helpless sound as they began pulling your panties down your legs.
Everything was a haze of sensations and chaos of adrenaline buzzing through you. The world slipped from your grasp, as did your control over yourself. Your body was pliant in their hold. You wouldn't stand a chance even if you tried to fight them off, they were much stronger. Bigger. Dangerous.
And for some insane reason it made you wetter.
They pushed you onto your knees. Cold floor harsh under your knees, pressed suit pants and shiny shoes appearing in your vision.
Steve forced your legs to part wider and slipped his hand up your thigh, right over to your slick folds. He had his other hand weaved into your hair, holding a fistful in a strong grip.
Bucky's fingers were in your hair, too. Only slightly gentler in their hold.
They both moved your head back and forth over Bucky's cock.
"For someone who says they shouldn't do it, you enjoy it a lot, doll." Steve laughed cruelly, pushing two fingers into you.
Your whine resonated on Bucky's dick, a pleasant groan falling from his lips at the sensation.
Your hands clawed at Bucky's thighs, nails scratching his skin, but he didn't seem to mind it.
"And you look like you're loving every second of it, too." He patted your cheek.
Your started tearing up - from gagging every time Bucky pushed deeper and deeper into your mouth, and from the growing tension Steve's ministrations provoked.
His fingers inside you curled and his thumb rubbed merciless circles over your clit, pushing you steadily toward the precipice.
"That's it," Steve rasped in your ear. "You're going to cum with a cock down your throat."
Your moan sounded gargled as you choked on Bucky's dick when the head of it bumped the back of your throat. Tears streamed down your cheeks, smudging your make up.
"You'll learn to love it, dollface." Bucky cooed at you, pushing right back in after giving you a second to catch your breath.
"Learn to associate having our cocks in your mouth with ultimate pleasure." Steve mouthed on your shoulder, his fingers never ceasing in their torment.
And he was driving you towards climax expertly.
Your sounds pitched higher, your body shaking as you felt tension coiling in your belly. Steve kept urging you on, murmuring dark, filthy promises of breaking you.
Bucky slowed his movements, but each time he drove his hips into your face, forcing his cock down your throat.
He withdrew partly, keeping his dick on your tongue as he held your head in place, when Steve growled - "She's gonna cum now."
You don't know if it was his command, or maybe you really were right on the edge, but you shattered right after he spoke those words. A loud, pitiful keen, partially muffled by the dick in your mouth; tears falling freely.
Your body seized, but Steve quickly let go of your hair and wrapped a strong arm around you, holding you to him. His fingers were still buried in your soaked cunt, thumb giving your pulsing clit some reprieve.
Your head throbbed with white noise, your lungs burned. Everything slowly settled down, your consciousness falling back into your body.
Before you had a chance to calm down fully, Steve's thumb on your clit started moving again. In wicked eights this time.
"N-no-" your weak objection was cut short by a cock pushing back into your throat.
Bucky gripped the sides of your head harsher, pushing his hips forward. He forced you to swallow him to the root, his balls slapping your chin.
He didn't withdraw fully now, only rocked against your face, keeping himself at the back of your mouth. Each push forced strings of saliva to dribble out of your lips and down your chin, smearing on his sack.
Steve set a different rhythm on your clit now, somehow managing to arouse it all anew.
One of your hands tried to blindly grab his wrist when he thrust a third finger inside you.
"Take it, doll." He ordered, moving his digits ruthlessly despite your attempts to stop him.
"It's only three fingers. My cock will stretch you wider when I take your tight cunt."
You didn't know if Bucky finished first and that's what set you off again, soundlessly screaming as he spilled down your throat; or if Steve pushed you over the edge and your helpless, choking sounds made Bucky burst.
He groaned loudly, rutting his hips against your face as he came. Then withdrew slightly, keeping his still spurting cock on your tongue.
His icy gaze turned warmer as he watched you from above, admiring your ruined state and the pool of white cum sliding down the back of your tongue.
Steve pulled his fingers out of your sopping pussy at the same time that Bucky finally eased out of your mouth completely. The squelching sound of your cunt flushed you with embarrassment.
"Kiss the tip," Bucky's voice was soft, but you knew it was an order nonetheless.
You hesitated only a second, mostly due to tiredness. Steve slapped your puffed pussy in reprimand, causing you to squeak and lean forward instantly, placing a kiss on the head of Bucky's softening cock.
"Good girl." Their praise made your head swim. Or maybe it was the post-orgasmic exhaustion.
"You're perfect." Steve kissed your temple.
He was surprisingly gentle as he helped you up. Your legs slightly wobbled as you straightened and Steve quickly slipped an arm under your knees, picking you up bridal style.
You snuggled to him as he moved around the room. You heard some shuffling, items being moved away.
Then you were being lowered down, cool, solid surface beneath your back. A sound of chair being moved and a telling jangle of buckle belt being undone.
Steve's face appeared above you as you blinked your eyes open. He tapped your cheek a few times, rousing you back to consciousness.
Someone's hands moved up your legs - Bucky, you realized. He spread your thighs open, his hot breath puffing over your swollen, wet folds.
Steve gripped under your chin and forced you to tilt your head back.
"Ask me to fuck your mouth." His fingers wrapped around your throat.
He didn't clench them; his hold merely a reminder of who was in charge, and how easily he could hurt you.
"P-please, Steve, fuck my mouth." Your voice cracked.
You weren't sure there was enough air in your lugs left to survive another cock down your throat.
"More." Steve demanded. "I know you can beg prettily, doll."
Bucky nipped on the sensitive skin of your folds, making you yelp.
Seemed one would always punish you, if you didn't obey the other one.
"Please!" You babbled. "Please, Steve, feed me your cock. Fuck my mouth and fill my belly with your cum."
"Oh, we will." There was a dark undertone to Steve's chuckle as he guided the tip of his dick toward your parted lips. "We'll fill your belly plenty, little doll."
You thought he meant coming down your throat.
He did. But he also meant more.
Soon you'd find out.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Explosion of Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.6k
Warnings: stepping on a mine, thinking you're gonna die, thinking the love of your life is gonna die, angst, fluff at the end
Summary: Fury has you and the team going through a minefield to look for lost data the Soviets left behind. Your scanners pick up most of the mines, but luck has it that you step on the most dangerous one of all.
Squares Filled: explosion (2020) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: I realize that landmines explode as soon as someone makes contact with them, HOWEVER, this is my story and it's fiction so I get to make the rules and I say only when the pressure is relieved do they explode like in the movies.
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Miles of wasteland stand before you, acres of land that are charred from the explosions that happened between the Soviets and US Intelligence. The Soviets stole data with the intention of selling it to assassins and killers, so Fury tasked your team to go collect that stolen data. When the Soviets knew the Us was closing in on them, they scattered the data across acres knowing it would take them forever to try and retrieve it.
You’re about to step foot onto the charred land when Bucky stops you.
“Look at this.” He points to a sign a few yards away. “This is a minefield. Be careful. I don’t really wanna clean bits and pieces of the team.”
“Should we turn back?” you ask. “We only have technology scanners for the area. We can grab mine scanners.”
“No, we’re already here. Just be careful. Our scanners should be able to detect them.”
“Easy for you to say. You can fly,” you joke with Tony.
The land is so large that you have to split up on your own. Tony’s right, the scanners you have are able to detect most of the mines. Some of them are hidden so you’re not going to touch those areas if you don’t know if there is a landmine or not. Everyone is connected with earpieces so you can communicate if something is wrong, so you’re just listening to the casual conversation some are having as if you’re taking a walk in the park instead of through a deadly minefield.
“Are you and Laura finally taking that vacation you’ve been talking about?” Natasha asks.
“Yeah. Cooper is old enough to watch the other two. I was thinking of taking her up north.”
“I think she’d like that.”
You scan the ground as you walk slowly and find one of the boxes buried containing data. You kneel and dig the box up before plugging your flash drive into the data box. Once it’s done downloading, you take it out and continue to search for other data boxes. Your scanner is picking up most of the landmines but there is one patch of land that is coming up blank.
Stupid you walks right over it thinking it’s safe. You step onto fresh soil and hear something click from below you. You pause and look down to see what you stepped on. It’s buried underneath the ground but you can definitely feel something under your foot. Since this place is so big, there is no one around you to help you. No one knows you’ve stepped on one. No one knows you need help.
Your first instinct is to run like hell and hope you can survive, but you’ll only have a second before the mine goes off. Tears start rolling down your cheeks at the thought of dying. You’re still young, you still want to see the world, get married to the love of your life, and live life to the fullest with him by your side.
“Hey, guys?” you sniffle and wipe your tears even though more fall. “I’m in trouble here.”
“What’s going on?” Bucky asks in concern.
“I stepped on a mine.” Everyone becomes alert. Your body shakes in fear and your voice cracks under the pressure. “What do I do?”
“I’m on my way. Don’t move,” Bucky says. Only Bucky comes to your aid because he doesn’t want to put anyone else at risk of stepping on a mine. Bucky can see just how terrified you are when he gets to you. “Doll, you’re gonna be okay. Don’t worry, I got you.”
“I don’t want to die,” you cry.
“You’re not gonna die. I promise I won’t let that happen. Take some deep breaths for me, Doll.” The first and second ones are shaky but the third and fourth ones are much smoother. “Good girl. You’re doing great. Keep doing that. I’m gonna dig the mine out so I can see what we’re dealing with. This won’t explode. I’m just digging around it.”
“Okay,” you sigh shakily.
Bucky gets on his knees and uses his knife to dig out the soil around the mine. Tony, Rhodey, and Sam fly over to see how bad the situation is while the rest of the Avengers make their way back to the start of the minefield.
“What’s going on here? What do you see?” Sam asks Bucky.
Bucky digs out enough soil to see exactly the kind of mind you stepped on.
“It’s a bounding mine.”
“Shit,” Sam sighs.
“What does that mean?” you panic.
“Don’t bullshit me, Bucky. What does that mean?”
“It’s a more deadly mine than the others. It shoots the main propeller about four feet into the air, and metal shards fly out of it over the span of six hundred feet. It’s very deadly.”
“Can you disable it?” Steve asks over comm.
“Oh, God,” you cry and cover your mouth. You take two deep breaths to calm yourself down. “Bucky, get the hell out of here.”
“Like hell, I’m leaving you.”
“Bucky, please,” you whimper and take his hand. He stands to his full height in front of you. “I don’t want to die but I don’t want you to die more. You need to get out of here. There’s no use for this mine to take both of us out. Tony, get him the hell out of here.”
Tony is about to take Bucky when your boyfriend holds up a hand to stop him.
“Wait. Can I at least get a kiss goodbye?”
Instead of giving him a verbal answer, you pull him close and kiss him like it’s gonna be your last. He slides his hand into your hair and grips it gently so he can control the kiss. He kisses you in a way that makes your head dizzy. The kind of kiss that makes you forget about everything but the feel of his lips.
If he’s gonna kiss you one more time, may as well make it memorable. You pull away from him and open your eyes to study the shade of blue in his. You expect him to pull away and leave your side but you frown when he doesn’t. You look down to see him standing on top of the mine and you are free. He must have switched positions with you while kissing you.
“No, what did you do?” you gasp.
“I promised you I wouldn’t let you die.”
“No, I’m not letting you do this!”
“Tony, get her out of here.”
As soon as Tony’s hands are on you, you’re fighting him.
“No! Bucky!” Tony grips you tightly and flies off with you in his arms. The image of Bucky gets smaller and smaller until you can’t see him anymore. As soon as Tony sets you down, you’re running toward Bucky. Steve jumps into action and practically tackles you to the ground. “No! Let me go! Please! Bucky!!!”
“Y/N, stop fighting.”
“No! You gotta let me go. I have to be with him!” Suddenly, an explosion happens and you sob loudly. “NO! Bucky!!”
You fall to the ground in a fit of sobs at the loss of your boyfriend. Steve’s arms are still wrapped around your body to prevent you from going after him. As soon as one explosion happened, another one followed suit, and another one, and another one. The air is covered with thick smoke that is very hard to see through so you’re not sure if Bucky is even alive.
Everyone is silent for their fallen friend. The only thing that can be heard is your heartbreaking sobs.
“Look, I see something,” Clint points out something in the smoke.
You look up and see something emerging from the smoke. Once the smoke clears, you can see Bucky walking toward the group with his vibranium arm in his flesh hand.
“Did you really think I was gonna let a mine take me from my girl?” he coughs.
The spikes on his body open to welcome his arm and he locks it into place. He whips his arm around to make sure it’s on properly, and you scramble out of Steve’s arms. You run into Bucky’s arms and cry against his chest. You’re too overwhelmed to say anything but hug, kiss, and embrace him. When you’ve calmed down, you pull away from him and slap him in the chest.
“Never do that again!”
“I had no choice. I knew I could have survived but you wouldn’t have.”
“You could have at least told me that!”
“I didn’t know if it was gonna work or not,” he says quietly.
Everyone got what they needed from the minefield, so you head back to the Compound. You haven’t said one word to Bucky after leaving the minefield, and he hates when you give him the silent treatment.
“Doll, please talk to me,” he begs. He follows you into your shared bedroom, and you quickly head into the bathroom. Before he can join you, you close the door and lock it so he can’t get in. Of course, he can get in with his metal arm but he’s respecting your privacy. “I’m sorry, but I had to save your life.” He rests his forehead on the door and he can hear you crying softly inside. “Y/N, please come out.”
You don’t. He sits on the floor right outside the bathroom door and waits for you to come out. He sits there for hours waiting patiently for you to come out of the bathroom. When you do, you take a seat next to him on the floor.
“What we have is a partnership, Bucky.” You look into his eyes. “Your life isn’t fully yours anymore. You have my heart in your hand so if you die, then so will I.”
“The same thing goes for you, Doll.”
“If you would have told me what you wanted to do, I would have been more likely to go along with it. You have to be better at communicating. I will do the same.”
“Okay, you got it. Do you want to watch movies for the rest of the night?”
“Yes,” you smile.
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