#actually such a simp for him not gonna lie
hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
Could you do a romantic x reader oneshot on Captain Man ❤️ From- Henry Danger (Where a beautiful Fashion Designer in training (from: "Storybrooke, Maine") has a encounter with Captain Man at The John Hancock Center in Swellview where she accidentally gets trapped in a elevator with him, where Captain Man quickly starts to fall in love with her and flirts with her a bit during their time being trapped until Kid Danger comes and saves them, the reader secretly starts to find Captain Man very attractive as they shared a long passionate kiss until later on they were caught making out by Kid Danger after he and Schwoz got the elevator working)
(The reader is a vegetarian, she loves reading, designing clothes, she's attracted to masked men, she loves kickboxing and blue orchids, her favorite color is blue, she's claustrophobic, In Storybrooke her old job was working as a waitress at Granny's Diner, she loves animals)
(The reader doesn't who Ray Manchester and doesn't know that he's captain man, she was hoping to find a job in Swellview)
Stuck || Ray Manchester/Captain Man x reader
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • ray manchester masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
summary: oneshot where you, an aspiring-fashion-designer, get trapped in an elevator with captain man on your way to a job interview
word count: 3.5k
warnings: none it’s literally just flirting
a/n: ok I actually love this idea so so much and I hope I did it justice for you. this request was so detailed so thank you babes <3 enjoy!! 💌🎀💋
You clutched your portfolio tighter as you stepped off of the bus and into the warm, spring air. You still hadn’t gotten used to the weather here in Swellview. Compared to your hometown of Storybrooke and the cold Maine temperatures this was practically a sauna. 
     Pulling at your skirt, you turned your gaze upwards toward the towering building in front of you. John Hancock Center, read the giant block letters on the building’s front, Quality Fashion Since 1909.  
     You breathed in a sigh. This was your chance. And you weren’t going to become a famous fashion designer by standing outside on the sidewalk for hours. Walking into the establishment, you tried to give yourself a quick pep talk 
     Ok, you told yourself, this is what I’m here for. I will get this job. I’m going to walk in there and show them my designs and what’s the worst that could happen? I don’t get the job, have to move back to Maine, tell my parents they were right all along, and go back to waiting tables at Granny’s Diner…
     Ok, so the pep talk wasn’t working. You looked down again at the paper in your hand. Floor 14, Suite B: 11:30am. You still had plenty of time—you were almost an hour early—but you just wanted to make sure you didn’t blow this. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself at your over-preparedness. You figured you could probably just sit in the lobby while you waited and go over your designs and play out the interview in your head. 
    Seeing no seats available in the packed building filled with well-dressed employees, you decided to try your luck upstairs—there had to be a waiting area or at least a chair on the 14th floor, right? 
    Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you headed towards the elevator. Seeing a mirror, you studied yourself in it for a moment.
    I look like a fashion designer, don’t I? You asked yourself. You looked from your (y/e/c) eyes and your (y/h/c) hair to the outfit you had spent hours last night stying in various shades of your favorite blues and realized you did. You’d worked like heck to get here and whatever happened in this interview wouldn’t change that. 
    Feeling significantly more calm than you had mere minutes ago, you stepped on to the elevator. You were just beginning to open the bag clutched beneath your arm when you paused as you realized alarms were going off in what sounded like the distance. It was hard to tell from the muffled elevator. Suddenly the elevator stopped—on the 6th floor according to the lit-up buttons near the doors. 
    Without warning the doors burst open, shoved apart with inhuman strength, and someone stepped into the small elevator. 
    Captain Man. 
     You recognized him instantly. Who wouldn’t? Apart from his infamous red-and-blue superhero suit, it also had something to do with the fact that he was one of the biggest celebrities in Swellview, rivaled only by his sidekick Kid Danger. Something you had to get used to when you moved here not even 4 months ago. 
    Personally you didn’t quite understand the idolization people had for them. I mean sure, they’d saved a lot of people over the years, or so you’d heard. But other cities survived without superheroes, didn’t they? 
    However, as Captain Man stepped into the elevator, you couldn’t argue that the man was an imposing figure—and attractive. 
     “You go around the back, Kid. I’m getting on the elevator” he shouted into his wristwatch.
     “Why can’t I take the elevator and you climb 18 flights of stairs?” you heard what must have been Kid Danger’s reply over the communication device. 
     “Just do it!” the superhero argued back.
      He stepped all the way into the elevator, not seeming to notice that another person was in it, and began pushing the button for the top floor repeatedly.
     You took a step backwards. 
    “I don’t think that’s going to make it go any faster,” you commented.
    “Look lady, I think I know what I’m d—” he turned around finally looking at you and stopped abruptly. “Hello there, I’m Captain Man, maybe you’ve heard of me?” He smirked as he sauntered over to you, “And you are?”
     “Well (Y/n), what’s a beautiful woman like yourself doing at the John Hancock Center?”
     You couldn’t help but smile at the superhero. You’d heard he was a flirt. Guess the rumors were true. “I’m here for a job interview. I’m a fashion designer. Or, I will be, if this interview goes well.”
      “No way! I’m somewhat of a fashion designer myself. I did design this,” he gestured to his Captain Man suit with pride. You chuckled as he began posing, showing different elements of his superhero suit. 
     “Stay focused, man!” Kid Danger’s voice startled you again. 
     “Don’t you have stairs to climb?” Captain Man yelled into his watch as he scowled and headed back towards the front of the elevator. 
     “What exactly is going on?” You asked as you tried to understand what was happening. 
     Captain Man turned to look at you. “Just your average burglary, nothing I can’t handle, beautiful.” He winked at you, and you found yourself blushing. You shook it off. 
     “And you’re pushing the button to every floor, because? I do have a job interview to get to.”
     He paused as if to consider this when a rumbling sound and the building shaking as if victim to an earthquake interrupted his train of thought. You clutched your portfolio tighter. 
     “What was that?”
     “I’m sure it was nothing,” he waved his hand in the air “Don’t worry, I have everything under contr—”
     The place shook harder and this time even Captain Man himself seemed vaguely worried. 
     “Kid? Situation?”  He asked his watch.
     “I think Minyak is on the roof and he’s somehow weakening the structure of the building,” came his reply, “I’m going to—” His voice was cut off by a loud bang and then nothing happened.
     Silence filled the elevator. 
     “Kid? KID?” When no response came, Captain Man rushed to push the button for the top floor again.
     “Dr. Minyak?! You said this was a ‘simple burglary’!” You shouted over the noise of—whatever was going on up on the roof—as you watched the lights on the buttons move along the wall while the elevator went up and up. From what you had heard, Dr. Minyak was one of Swellview’s most notorious criminals. You sighed and glanced at your watch. Luckily you were early to your interview.
     “It was a simple burglary! Dr. Minyak came here to steal all the designs for the Swellview Fashion Show this weekend so he could win once and for all—or something like that.” He shrugged.
     You tilted your head to the side, “Minyak? Fashion show?”
     “I don’t know, something about a childhood dream and a lost career in fashion…” He rolled his eyes. “But that doesn’t explain why he’s on the roof and why—”
     A loud bang filled your ears followed by a sound like metal scraping metal and the elevator stopped moving abruptly. Captain Man tried opening the doors, but they wouldn’t budge. 
     “Aw sweet beans and rice! Minyak jammed the elevator!” Captain man slammed his fist into the elevator wall. “I should’ve just taken the stairs!”
     You gulped
     You had never exactly been a fan of elevators, I mean sure they saved you having to walk multiple flights of stairs. But you didn’t exactly love the idea of being in a small metal box suspended between floors of a tall building. And being extremely claustrophobic didn’t exactly help. 
     The superhero began pushing the emergency call button over and over until with a snap! it popped off. 
     “Oops,” he muttered sheepishly. “Great, now I’ll have to call Schwoz, if I can get a signal, and meanwhile Minyak is getting away again and Kid Danger could be in trouble—”
     He kept talking but you weren’t paying attention. 
     Stuck. Trapped. 
     You sucked in a long, deep breath. The air in the elevator suddenly seemed warmer and you pulled at the collar of your shirt. Was the elevator getting smaller or was it just you?
     “Alright Schwoz, just get here as soon as you can.” Captain Man hung up the phone and turned to you, “Help is on the way, so we should be outta here in about—(Y/n)?”
     He took in your panicked expression and your arms clutching the railing as your knuckles turned white, your back now firmly pressed to the wall. 
     “(Y/n), are you ok?” 
     “Oh I’m great. No, other than being suspended who-knows-how-many feet in the air with no escape, I’m doing just fine,” you snapped.
     “Hey, it’s ok, I have someone coming who’s going to get us out of here. Shouldn’t be more than,” he hesitated, “an hour?”
     “An hour?” You were definitely going to be late to this job interview.
     “Look, I’m doing the best I can, alright? And for now, how are you with small spaces?”
     “We don’t exactly get along,” you said, “We are going to get out of here, aren’t we?”
     “Trust me,” he put a hand on your arm gently, “nothing bad’s going to happen to you.” As if you punctuate this remark, the elevator shook, sending chills down your spine.
     “Do you mind!” Captain Man yelled up at the roof of the elevator. “Anyways, don’t worry, I promise we’ll be rescued in plenty of time for you to get to your interview.”
     You certainly hoped so. You couldn’t miss this opportunity. Captain man leaned on the wall across from you and sighed. He was silent for a moment, and then—
     “So, fashion designer, huh? I mean, what’s your story? How’d you decide that’s what you wanted to do?” He said 
     “What’s my story?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
     “Well I figure if we’re going to be trapped in here, might as well get to know each other,” he shrugged, “And it’ll take your mind off the whole walls-closing-in thing.”
     You rolled your eyes at him but you couldn’t help but smile. 
     “Alright,” you started, taking a deep breath. It couldn’t hurt to pass the time talking to the superhero in front of you. “Well, I’ve always wanted to design fashion, ever since I was a little girl. I grew up in Storybrooke, Maine and, well, there weren’t exactly a lot of opportunities presenting themselves in the fashion industry, so I came to Swellview.”
     “Of course, my parents don’t exactly approve of me throwing away my schooling and ‘stable career’ to take a chance at fashion. But they gave me 6 months to come out here and pursue my dream before I’m cut off completely. Or I’ll have to go back to Maine, back to college, and beg my boss at Granny’s Diner to let me back on, which won’t exactly be easy given the way I left, proclaiming my success before it even happened.”
     “I’ve been to exactly 9 interviews, so,” you gestured around you, “here I am. Tenth times the charm!”
     You instinctively clutched your portfolio closer as you thought back to the day you left your hometown and decided to take a risk for a future you wanted to have. You remembered the nervous feeling mixed with excitement and adrenaline as you got on the plane headed for Swellview. You didn’t regret it, not in the slightest. It only made you remember how important this interview was, a determined look setting on your face.
     Captain Man watched you intently as you told him your life story. You couldn’t believe how easy it was to just tell him everything. Everything that had been worrying you for the past few months. The knot in your chest began to loosen. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t, leaving the elevator silent save for the distant sirens you assumed had something to do with Dr. Minyak.
   You crossed your arms, “Well, what about you? Why’d you decide you wanted the superhero gig? I assume you weren’t born in a mask and spandex.”
    He chuckled, “Well, first of all there’s the fact I get stuck in elevators with gorgeous women during my job…”
     You smiled and tried to ignore the blush once again heating your cheeks. 
     “And also, I get to save people. I mean, Kid Danger and I have kept this city safe from a lot of dangerous people. I guess I just really care about the citizens of Swellview and protecting them. Honestly, I don’t know what all of you would do without me,” he smiled haughtily, laughter in his eyes. 
     You rolled your eyes, smiling back at him, “Oh I don’t know, I think we’d be all right.”
     “Not a fan of superheroes?” He feigned offense.
     “I just think people can handle themselves, without superheroes saving them all the time,” you answered truthfully.
     “Maybe you just haven’t been saved by the right superhero,” he challenged with a smirk. 
     “You call this saving me?”’ You asked playfully.
    “In due time,” he said, “Right now, I’m entertaining you aren’t I? Bet you aren’t thinking about being trapped in a tiny elevator anymore.”
     “I wasn’t.” 
     You couldn’t deny it though, you were enjoying his company. You had forgotten about your current situation. Or if not forgotten, at least became more calm. You took a deep breath and shifted your designs to the other side of your body. Captain Man followed the movement with his eyes. 
     “Hey, what’s in the bag?” He asked, indicating the pack containing all of your designs. 
     You instinctively put your arm over it, “Oh, this? iIt’s nothing, just some of my designs,” you shrugged. 
     “Mind if I take a look?” He reached out an arm and reluctantly you handed it over to him. What did you have to lose? 
     Captain Man took the bag from you and slid to the ground to examine your sketches and drawings. You sat down with him chewing your thumbnail nervously. You’d never really shown anyone your ideas before, other than possible employers and that hadn’t exactly worked out too well. 
    You glanced up at Captain Man self-consciously. He had now taken out multiple of your designs and was flipping through them, his eyebrows raised. You chastised yourself for being this anxious to hear his opinion. Your confidence didn’t depend on what he thought of your designs…did it?
     “Wow, (Y/n), these are…” He looked up at you, awe on his face, “If these people don’t give you a job they’re out of their minds!” 
    You gave him an embarrassed smile, your face warm. It meant a lot to you to hear him—anyone—say that. He handed you your deigns back, his gloved hand brushing yours as he did so. 
     You looked up at him and he met your eyes, but you couldn’t quite read his expression as his eyes bore into yours. 
    Bang! Bang! Bang! 
    You were both startled by a pounding on the elevator door. Your heart in your chest, you sprung up and Captain Man man jumped in front of you, his arm across your body as he shielded you from whatever was on the other side of the door. 
     “Hello?” Captain Man called
     “Yes?” The voice called back
     Captain Man’s expression broke into relief as he shook his head smiling, “Schwoz!” He lifted the arm that had been across your body and rested his hand on his hip. 
     So this must be the man who the superhero was calling before! You almost laughed; you were saved! Even as you rejoiced, you couldn’t help but feel…not disappointed, but you weren’t quite as relieved as you thought you’d be. You’d been enjoying your time with Captain Man.
     “So can you get us out of here?” He asked. 
     “Hmm…hopefully. The system’s really jammed,” Schwoz said, “I’m going to need to go and get some equipment. Is anyone in there with you?”
     Captain Man looked over at you. “Just one smokin’ hot fashion designer,” he winked and you crossed your arms teasingly. 
     “Ooh can I see?” Came Schwoz’s reply.
     “Kinda trapped in here, remember?” Captain Man rolled his eyes.
    “Oh, right,” he said sheepishly with a nervous chuckle, “well, I’m going to go now. I’ll be right back.”
   “Schwoz no, don’t leave!” Captain Man banged on the door. No reply came back. “Dang it Schwoz!” 
     You sighed. So close, you thought. You only hoped the strange man was, in fact, coming right back. You glanced at your watch. You still had almost half-an-hour before you’d be officially late to your interview. There was still time. However, you found yourself caring less and less about your appointment. You scolded yourself for thinking it, but you were almost glad to have a little more time with Captain Man before you’d go your separate ways. You couldn’t deny you enjoyed his company—and even his flirting.
    You glanced at him and found him watching you intently. He stepped towards you.
     “So, we’re almost out of here,” you said to break the silence. 
     He nodded. “You say that like it’s a good thing,” he said playfully. 
     “I bet you say that to all the girls you’re trapped with,” you shot back.  
     Captain Man laughed, “Not all of them, just the ones I really like.” 
     He took another step towards you.
     “You get trapped in elevators with a lot of women, do you?” 
     “Just the one,” he admitted, “but I’m thinking about doing it more often.”
     You were close to him now. Really close. You studied his features; the teasing smile on his face, the way his mask fit around his cheekbones, his eyes—they really were a beautiful blue, you thought—and finally his lips.
     “Why?” You breathed.
     “So I can do this.” He leaned towards you and suddenly his lips were on yours. Captain Man was kissing you. 
     And you were kissing him back. One of his hands went to your hair, the other pressed firmly against your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck tightly, his chest pressed against you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You couldn't believe how little you cared about your interview. And then you couldn't think of anything else but the man in front of you. 
     Vaguely you registered hearing a loud noise, but you ignored it. Neither of you noticed as the elevator doors were pushed open and two figures rushed in.
     “Captain man you’re ok, I—My eyes, oh, my eyes are burning!” A voice exclaimed.
      “Woah, I see what you mean, she is hot,” another voice said
     Upon hearing the voices, you broke apart quickly. A short man with a tool belt and a teenager who could only be Kid Danger, his clothes covered in scorch marks and dust, stood in front of you. The latter was running his hands over his face, pretending to clean his eyes. 
     You glanced at them sheepishly. Captain Man ran a hand through his hair.
     “Go on,” said the man who must have been Schwoz with a mischievous grin, “pretend we’re not even here.”
     “Well, guess we didn’t need to get the elevator running, looks like you were having a great time!” Kid Danger scowled at Captain Man but you could tell he was relieved see his friend safe. 
     Captain Man turned towards his sidekick and Schwoz. “Anyways,” he said, “I’m glad you’re ok, Kid. And thanks to both of you for getting us out of here.”
     “It was easy work really,” Schwoz joked.
     A short silence filled the room. As if remembering you were there, the superhero quickly introduced you. “Oh guys, this is (Y/n). (Y/n), this is my assistant Schwoz—”
     “—my coworker Schwoz, and you probably know my sidekick, Kid Danger.”
     You guys greeted each other awkwardly until Kid Danger checked his watch and said, “Alright, we better get out of here. Minyak’s still on the run and he’s not going to capture himself. We wouldn’t really be superheroes if we just let him go.” 
     Captain Man turned to you. “Speaking of which, you still feel the same way about superheroes?” He smirked
     “I might be revising my opinion,” you smiled
      “Well, good luck with your interview (Y/n). And, hey, if you’re ever need some more design inspiration, you know, for when you’re world famous, I hear Junk N’ Stuff might be a good place to look,” he winked at you and you were still contemplating what exactly he meant by that when he leaned down and kissed you gently.
     “Bye (Y/n).”
     And with that the superhero and his friends were gone, rushing down the hallway to look for a super villain and bring justice to this city. You smiled to yourself scarcely believing the events of the day.
     “Bye Captain Man.”
     You stepped off the elevator and onto the floor, checking your watch and slinging your bag over your shoulder as you started to head towards your interview. Except this time, you thought to yourself, you’d take the stairs. 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed y’all!! i had so much fun writing this and I hope someone else has fun with it. i literally love ray and so i’m over the moon that he’s got a lil internet community 🤭 thank you to the anon who requested this <3
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sovereignjojoz · 1 year
how they carry you/you them (ultimate edition)
Pairings: Jonathan x reader, dio…x reader?Joseph x reader, Ceaser x reader, jotaro x reader, polenarff x reader, Avdol x reader, josuke x reader, Rohan x reader.
Warnings: weird, partial fluff, partial crack, idk, dio?, tired at Rohan’s.
Notes - for all the love on the Bucci gang edition!<3
Jonathan Joestar
Gotta be Bridal style
The og gentleman
Very traditional
He just loves to carry you he would carry you always if he could.
He’ll probably spin you around too, he’s just so sweet!
Carrying him
I mean if you insist!
It’s quite unusual in Victorian society so he’s a bit befuddled.
But if it pleases you then go ahead!
Dio Brando…
He’s just gonna be a manhandler.
He’s not sweet or nice, none of that lovey dovey stuff he’s gonna do what he wants.
He’ll carry you, drag you, whatever, he fr doesn’t care.
Not very romantic.
Carries you however he wants even if it’s never been heard of.
Kinda possessive, he might squeeze you tight if others look at you.
Honestly bad overall, but you dio simps probably don’t care, that’s why you like him after all! (Affectionate)🥰
Carrying him
He expects this, don’t be daft.
And he’s not gonna make it easy.
He might even make u carry him on a throne, after all he’s dio and it’s what he deserves.🤷🏽‍♀️
Joseph Joestar
To put it simply, he’s a troll.
Every time he carries you, he’ll pick you up bridal style and secure you in his arms, and only once you’ve wrapped your arms around his neck or have gotten comfortable he’ll either a) pretend to drop you (if he’s feeling kinder) or b) actually drop you.
Then he’ll laugh rambunctiously.
“C’mon babe, ya fall for it every time and it gets funnier every t-“
“ ouch my ear! ‘m sorry!”
Seems like the kinda guy who likes to carry you whilst doing squats or other gym activities just to show off his strength, he especially loves it if it gets a ride out of you.
Overall annoying
Will not put you down.
Likes to make you squirm by carrying you with one arm and touching/tickling your feet like the weirdo he is.
Kinda touchy.
So so annoying.
Will definitely show off in front of Caeser
Carrying him
Never offer
He gets even more annoying.
As soon as you've picked him up, he'll make himself as heavy as he can and literally drop all his weight on you just so you struggle.
And he's so audacious and sassy.
He'll taunt you with comments like, "oh, is that struggling I see, huh? You insisted on carrying me so chop chop."
He even snaps his fingers at you.
Just drop him.
Caeser Zeppelli
Hm, ever the charmer isn’t he?
You just know he absolutely loves carrying his s/o.
It’s obvious knowledge that he has a notorious history of being a playboy, and because of his experience with women, he knows what women like, what little gestures make them blush, how they prefer to be held etc.
So he’s going to put the knowledge he’s accumulated on you, he wants to make you swoon.
He somehow manages to always gets the timing right too, he will literally sweep you off your feet like Prince Charming.
He’ll probably want to kiss you too and like pull you really close to his chest.
He definitely wants a s/o who gets easily flustered when he carries them! No matter if you cover your face, blush, squirm he doesn’t care, he wants that reaction!
“Caeser put me down!” You whisper-shouted, trying and failing to push him away, you were literally in front of Lisa Lisa!
He kissed your neck chastely, “why Cara? I quite like you in my arms.”
Likes to show off in front of Joseph.
Carrying him
He’ll blush out of surprise.
It’s feels so foreign to him, he’s not quite sure if he likes it!
He’ll definitely be more vulnerable to getting flustered!
Overall, he prefers to do the flustering and carrying.
Kujo Jotaro
Listen, I’m not even going to lie, you’re probably going to have to jump/floor him to get him to carry you…
Or you’re going to have to annoy him 24/7 so he considers it, just so he can get you to finally shut up.
“Jojo, Jojo, Jojo, please! I really really love you jojo! And you would do the same if you love meee-!”
Literally knocks you off of your feet.
Might just leave you on the floor.
Or he’ll hold you for one second, the drop you (heart eyes).
Jump on his back and you’ll get a piggy back for like 5 seconds or something before he pushes you off.
Small bonus! Part 4 jotaro! (+ jolyne)
Becomes more open to carrying you.
Still would rather not but if you insist fine.
He’ll brashly pick you up, stand still and hold you bridal style.
Baby Jolyne will make grabby hands and he’ll pick her up with one hand and carry you and her both.
Carries both you and baby Jolyne like sacs of potatoes.
Will put baby Jolyne on his shoulders.
Carrying him
Don’t try it, he’s got good reflexes, you might get knocked out.
He’ll probably wobble around because he doesn’t get carried.
Hates it.
Jean-Pierre Polnareff
My babygirl.
He’s such a romantic.
He just wants to pamper you and spoil you by making you not have to do anything ever, including walking!
“Ma Cherie! Please, don’t dirty your beautiful shoes in that puddle, allow me.”
Loves the feel of you close to him.
Wants you to jump on him, in his arms, any place any time.
Lil bit touchy.
He’ll speak to you in French too even if you can’t understand it (especially if you can’t) just to make you swoon more.
Sometimes he’ll carry you and dance just because.
Just lifts you when he’s extremely happy.
Give him affection!
Carrying him
If you love it he loves it.
He doesn’t care he just wants you to be happy.
Surprised at your strength though!
And he becomes very blushy too.
You gotta be practical with him.
He won’t refuse but he certainly won’t endorse it unless you both have privacy, he’s not a fan of pda unlike others on here (cough Caeser, Joseph and Polenarff).
He’ll carry you if you’re injured though, and he’ll be so tender, making sure not to hurt you.
In terms of carrying you, he prefers the more romantic side of things such as carrying you to bed.
Although if you want to be silly and like do challenges he may indulge you once or twice even though he may not be so fond of such things.
One thing is though you absolutely cannot get caught by Joseph! He wouldn’t be able to handle the teasing!
Carrying him
The first time you attempt it, he’ll definitely grip you tightly out of surprise.
“Oh my!”
The look of pure shock on his face is so cute.
He might ask you to put him down after a while though.
He may let you carry him once or twice more.
The best Jojo Higashkiata Josuke
Similar to Mista, he LOVES to carry you in any way he can.
Like he’ll tackle you in order to carry you, in fact a lot of the time him carrying you stems from you and him play fighting.
His favourite way to carry you is putting you on his shoulder and doing whatever he wants, like he might even put you on his shoulder then go about having a normal conversation with okuyasu???
I can’t get this out of my head but I envision running at you at max speed and just picking you up, putting you on his shoulder and continuing running.
And the reason varies like sometimes it’s valid like kira will be in the vicinity and other times it’s so random.
“Oh shi- [name]! We have to go we’re gonna be late to meet my mom at the dentists.”
Carrying him
Again you’ll probably struggle.
And he’ll laugh at you and tease you.
Maybe even take a picture.
This is the time for him to relax, y’know?
He’s shameless too, like he’ll call okuyasu whilst you struggle and be like “you got this babe, anyway…”
If Rohan ever sees this is just another reason on the list of why he doesn’t like Josuke.
Kishibe Rohan
He doesn’t have time for such trivial things, he’s got to work on things such as his manga.
This is something that idiot Josuke would do, not him.
But then he remembers that you’re his s/o and this will make you really happy, so he sighs and closes his sketchbook and indulges you.
Keeps it short and sweet.
When he puts you down they’ll be a couple of lingering touches.
Throw your arms around his neck, and kiss him, and tell him how much you love him then he’ll indulge you more.
Carrying him
Absolutely not, will jump out of your hold immediately and scowl.
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derangedanomaly · 3 months
If. If you're comfortable with it maybe you can make it a lil spicy. if you catch my drift... *wink wink. TEEHEE. And maybe add a little wholesomeness too 🤔
Ooh, now that's an interesting scenario 😏
WARNING: Suggestive, Fluffy, Heavy flirting, kinda a Dom!reader, mentions of cannibalism, NSFW parts
This dude will be ALL OVER YOU. He loves dominant people. (Lmao)
He will be like a closeted simp, actually.
He's going to deny any attraction towards you. Like, no, he wasn't staring at your behind. The hell you mean?
He loves laying his hand on your hip/s. It's just so squishy and nice in his hand- it's like they were meant to be held by him!
He'd give up anything just to hear you sing.
You're pretty powerful, not gonna lie- you can literally command Nightmare anything and he'd do it in a heartbeat.
Won't admit it, but you've got him wrapped around your little finger-
He's probably gonna rub it in Dream's face once you two get together.
He likes looking at your cleavage a lot. He can't help but start to get a little lot excited every time you bend over to either grab something, or simply just to give him a tease. But he's too much of a "gentleman/asshole" to ever acknowledge it, or admit it. But the tent in his pants tell a different story...
He won't let it be known by anyone, but he THRIVES and DROOLS whenever you dominate him in bed.
Speaking of drooling, you will catch him looking at your ass while drooling a lot... He's so thirsty istg.
Please please PLEASE call him "boss" in bed.. he gets off from that.
"What do you see in that guy?" <- probably Dust. "He makes me laugh."
Killer will literally whistle anytime you walk by.
He's so swayed by you, it's really silly.
Loves your voice, and would do anything just to hear you say his name.
He's the one that whimpers, source; trust me bro.
You are, in his "charming" words: "So sexy that it should be criminal."
He gets REALLY creative once he realizes he has a thing for your voice ... Like- A NEW KINK SUDDENLY DEVELOPS.
Keeps asking you to call him all sorts of things, just so he could hear it in your sultry voice. "Daddy, master, an idiot.." whichever you'll like the best to call him, he'll like it! Just cause it's you who's saying it.
He likes roleplaying with you, and not only cause you look really gorgeous while playing your role! There's actually a specific roleplay he likes to do with you. You're a victim and he's the criminal/kidnapper.
You thought Nightmare was horny? Nah dude, this man's is THE DEFINITION OF DOWN BAD.
He begs, so so much.
He has a love-hate relationship with pleasure denying... Don't get it twisted now, he loves how much control you have over him, and it has him shaking knowing that he's so bend by your words, but he just HATES how he can't... finish. Oh he wants to so bad..
While Killer and Nightmare love dominant people, Dust is actually a switch. He likes himself some Dom mommy, but sometimes, he likes to be the daddy, if you know what I mean ;)
But Dust is probably more respectful towards you than Killer and Nightmare.. what can I say? He proudly respects woman!
Would avoid actually looking at your cleavage and your ass, just so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable in his presence. (Omg, the MURDERER?! More respectful than drunkards at the bars?? That's crazy dude..)
He loves to hear you sing your sweet little tunes. He's so in love with YOUR PERSONALITY.
I definitely think that Dust values personality over looks, so that's pretty much what's going on.
He loves your sassiness, as he's pretty sassy himself, so that's that.
If you really want an honest opinion on something, go to Dust. He's probably the most reliable one here.
Dust tries his hardest to not let his mind travel to the more suggestive ideas, whenever he sees you, but boy... after you give him the permission to be more bold with you- oh-ho... let's just say... That he's gonna get much- more suggestive. Unless you don't want him to, then he'll immediately stop and apologize.
Loves your thighs, if he could, he would suffocate in-between your thighs, and he'd die a happy man.
He loves when you moan out his name- makes him feel good that he's making you this vocal.
Overall, I feel like he would rather focus on your pleasure than his own, he loves to make you feel good.
Horror never really pays attention to how people look like, what he does pay attention to though, is how certain people smell.. listen, he's not a dog, he can just tell if the people are good to eat, or if he should eat them. It overall gives him a good idea of how the person could taste. Good smell=tasty meat, Bad smell=yucky.
So what do you think he does the first time he sees you? He sniffs you.. and you smell......... really delicious...but this smell actually really confuses Horror, because you don't smell like food to him, but rather as something much more...steamy.
While Dust, Killer and Nightmare are the one that falls first, it's actually the other way around with Horror. You fall first.
You're literally gushing about his strength while he's ripping someone's head off of their body, only with his hands.
Horror is the tallest out of all the Bad Sanses (and Star Sanses), so you look like a flea next to him. Which in turn makes you flustered.
Horror likes your voice too, he could fall asleep to it...oh, how much would he love to hear your screams...
Finds your sassiness cute.
Horror is actually so clueless when he does something suggestive to you... He's not innocent, he just never takes it into account.
You start to get really hot and bothered by Horror, so you start to get a little risky with him... Teasing him. You do all sorts of things, bend over, press your chest on his belly, suggestively suck a popsicle, and safe to say... It drives him crazy.
He loves biting, so he'll often pepper you with love bites all over you. (Ouch. His teeth are really sharp, so good luck with that.)
He's just so..big. Wait, no, that's an understatement, he's ginormous. You'll have to really prepare yourself if you want to get down in the sheets with him. He WILL break you. (Not on purpose though)
While Killer whimpers, Horror growls.
He loves tasting you. It basically became his favorite meal. (You can choose whether you'd like for him to continue this routine of eating you out, or if you'd like for him to stop. He will stop. Another one that drank the "woman respecting juice".)
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s0uls1sters-inc · 3 months
Headcanons (or a fic) of Adam having the most insanely obvious crush on a seraphim!reader and being just an absolute simp?
Adam x seraphim!gn!Reader
This is actually my first time writing head canons so sorry if its bad 
Adam would totally be the type of guy to boldly flirt with you whenever he sees you  trying to always get your attention 
He would leave presents at your office and always had some funny message like “For the first man in the world thee fucking adam” you would always get a little giggle out of it
Sometimes he likes to follow you around heaven to try to talk to you even when your busy
If he sees you he drops everything he is doing and makes his way towards you 
He loves to toy with your wings because he finds them so pretty and big not gonna lie sometimes he gets a little jealous 
Talking with someone? Nope he gets jealous so quickly because its not him he just wants you all to himself
He denys that he likes you but its so obvious with all the things he does to get your attention
Lute constantly hears him talking about you the whole day it gets on her nerves
Lute totally forced him to make the first move because she was tried of hearing him rant about how perfect you are
Sorry for how short this was i had just woken up but i wanted to get this out for you maybe i might create a fanfiction of these too<3 ant wats i love youuuu- onyx
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sibsteria · 2 years
hello, can you do headcanons of klaus mikaelson being a simp for you? 💘
yes of course, lovely!
Warnings: large fluff, a bit smutty, soft!klaus, protective!Mikaelsons
Summary: Klaus Mikaelson is the malewife simp of the century(ies)
not proofread, don’t kill me 😭🫶
the first time he met you, he studied you, up and down, I feel as if it would be at a Mikaelson ball, or maybe the Mystic Grill
I mean, eyes roaming
so our man just felt he had to introduce himself
he presents his hand out for you to shake
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before, I know I would have remember a face like yours.”
“Oh, wow, you’re charming.”
He gives an amused smile, a soft chuckle
“I prefer the name Klaus Mikaelson, please tell me what name could possibly match such a person of beauty?”
I feel as if he wouldn’t assert his name as Niklaus right off the bat ygm besties
he is leaving you blushing though
you’re probably a vamp so congrats, he’s got eternal dibs!
definitely lays a gentle kiss to your hand when you tell him your name
“I suppose I’ll be seeing you.” he lingers in your presence before slowly walking away
you’re just- astounded, who gave him the right to be so alluring?
I ain’t gonna lie to you, he went home that night and stalked for your information
he knows where you live, your next of kin, the bar you frequent
so an accidental bumpings into are already in his workings
“Ah, hello love, what a surprise!”
he’d buy you all your drinks, making sure to keep any eye on them if you left the bar for a moment if you’re human (you probs aren’t)
you would spend the whole night together
just chatting and swapping anecdotes
he charms you with poems, jewellery and just spending time getting to know you as if he didn’t know everything already
he will flaunt his money around
“I should take you to dinner, tell me love, do you enjoy pasta?”
if your answer is yes then well than enjoy your authentic italian dish! the flight wasn’t even too long
you had both fallen off the cliff, smitten for one another
when you’re dating he absolutely follows wherever you go
but you know better
and you don’t mind, he’s always looking out for you
long parting kisses
I’m talking tongue, with his hand tangled in your hair
ass slaps as you walk away, making you present a shy smile
when your more comfortable around each other, you don’t hesitate to do it back
a faux shock face from the hybrid
“well, love, I never listed you as the kinky type. I do say, I’m quite impressed.”
get ready for marks
he litters you in hickeys, even if they might fade by the end of the day
he’s going to try
if you’re human he’ll have you wear a vial of his blood around your neck
for emergencies
and a fun conversation for anyone who comes on to you
if he’s in a heated argument discussion with someone, his face will immediately soften when you walk through the door
“hello, love.” a passion induced coma hoods his eyes
will try to protect you from violence and danger but he does know you can handle yourself
“Klaus, I can snap a neck like a motherfucker-”
“I know, darling, but why do that when I can do it for you?”
hours of cuddles
just you in his arms, with his nose nuzzled into you
he’s a softy, really
you get along with his family, it’s a given
Rebekah is literally you’re sister from another mister
shopping sprees with her unlimited credit card
knowing each other’s styles
“How did you know?” She pouts as you hand her a pair of heels that she had been eying up
she’s just overjoyed she actually had a true friend that she can trust
someone she can rely on
you are inseparable
and Klaus is absolutely jealous
“may I please have my girlfriend back, dear sister?” an edge to his tone
“if you must, you annoying rat bastard.”
but you love them
Elijah is eternally grateful for your calmness
and your ability to tame the beast
“I must say, you impress me, Miss L/n.”
you’re utterly baffled
Elijah is not an easy man to impress
but your besties anyway, now 🙄🤚
you often pick up ties that you think would suit him
he smiles and shakes his head
“I do hope you insist on keeping her around, Niklaus.” he uses a low whisper to his brother.
“I don’t assume I’m ever letting her go.”
whilst you have managed to wrap him around your little finger
he won’t hesitate to rip someone’s throat out for touching you
say you’re at a bar
he left for a moment to answer a call, his mistake
he comes back, you’re face filled with discomfort and annoyance as this poor man would not stop verbally harassing you
but that was not enough of an action for you to snap his neck yourself
but as he’s walking towards the bar, he watches as the stranger lets his hand trail down your back until he reaches your-
Klaus has already sped towards him
grabbing his hair and tearing out his throat
his chin, neck and chest are dripping with blood
your surprised at the lack of screams around you, coming to the conclusion that he must have compelled the drinkers to not bat an eye at supernatural goings-on
“are you kidding-”
“sweetheart, don’t get angry-”
“I just got blood stains from last week out of that shirt!”
he pauses his spiel, a blushing smile across his face
you weren’t repulsed by the violent display he’d put on
“have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“on occasion.” you roll your eyes, pulling him in for kiss
the blood coats around your lips but you don’t mind
“I love you too, Nik.”
that was the first time you used such an intimate nickname
and he loved it
hearing such words fall from your mouth
you both get blood drunk nightly
but refusing to feed on kids, because you have some morals
and you push Klaus to erase after eating because why draw attention to himself, he already has a healthy crowd of enemies
and that is where Elijah expresses gratitude
if you ever get kidnapped on that one occasion you were caught off guard
be ready, the cavalry are coming
a crowd of angry originals, breaking down walls and tearing out hearts
“shit! I didn’t know she had all of ‘em at her beck and call-” one of your kidnappers scream, as he watches his cronies drop to the floor
“mate, I advice you shut your mouth, in fact- I’ll do it for you-” queue Kol punching his head from his shoulders, it rolls nicely onto the floor in a pool of blood
they had you on a vervain drip
“oh, love, I’m so sorry.” Klaus is by your side, ripping out the tubes, hugging you close
Kol is your annoying little brother, but mostly a sweetheart to you
you two tend to sneak out together, infiltrating house parties
“if Nik finds us, he’ll kill you!” you scream over the music
“he can try, darling!” he howls with laughter, a bottle of his chosen alcohol spilling down his throat
he does find you
“why in the world, did you think I wouldn’t notice you leaving my side?” he caresses your cheek
“don’t torture him, we just wanted a bit of fun.” you whisper, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth
“I suppose you’re right, I have faith in his protection, he loves you like family.” begrudgingly letting Kol off the hook
he has fucked you on every surface in his home
“not on the dinner table, Nik-” Beks
“I eat off that counter, pests.” Kol
“Is it a rule that you have to infect every piece of furniture in our home?” Elijah
*noises of disgust* Finn
*eye roll* Freya
still counting how many public displays he can get away with
he has tied your ex to a chair and made him watch as he gave you orgasm after orgasm
I mean, he murdered him afterwards, so-
“was there any need?”
in his mind, you’re already together forever
he lets you be in possession of one of his daggers, just in case his family give you any problems
“you know I won’t need to use it-”
“just humour me, keep it safe.”
it’s never boring
y’all he’s in love 😻
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yjhzies · 2 months
“Unreal.” — Hong Joshua
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#ver. – seungcheol
Genre: fluff, fluff and fluff! (slightly crack) Warning: use of corny pick up lines, simp bf Pairings: joshua x gn!reader(?), f!reader Word count : 0.4k
[💿] : Butterflies by Straykids
★ note · kind of similar to the seungcheol's straight out of dreams one so let's consider it as shua ver. (ALSO PLS SEND ME UR SVT SCENARIOS BCZ IM REALLY RUNNING OUT OF THEM 😿🤞)
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Yes, you and Joshua have been dating for five years now. Yes, you still give him butterflies. Oh, this man is so in love with you that he can drop everything else and be with you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In order to spend the rest of the day with you, he even ends practice with the members early. Not to mention that he has hundreds of dates scheduled, so you get to choose where you want to go. The beach? oh well, guess what? He does not give a damn if it is nighttime; you are still going to the beach, even if it's just for a stroll. A dinner date in a fancy restaurant? All set, he already reserved a table at the city's most elegant restaurant.
Even the bare minimum from you puts him on cloud nine. What did he do to deserve you? God, he gets butterflies just looking at your face. Even when you just adjust his collar before heading out to dinner, give him a quick glance to make sure he is comfortable, or even just smile at him, he is o.v.e.r.j.o.y.e.d.
When he arrives home and finds you cooking food, he literally melts. He can't wait for the day you actually become his life partner. and all he wants when he gets home from a hard day at work is your comforting kisses.
He gets butterflies whenever he sees you wearing beautiful outfits on a date. You are so stunningly beautiful, it drives him insane. In a matter of seconds, all it takes is one glance at him from you to make his cheeks as red as a tomato.
And to be honest, it's the same for you. Two love birds ready to die for each other? Perfect. It's like Romeo and Juliet, but in real life. He simps for you, and you simp for him. No, actually, he simps wayyy more than you.
If he could describe how you make him feel through a song, it would undoubtedly be 'Butterflies' by Straykids.
"Baby you got me feeling butterflies, butterflies, 'cause you're my only butterfly, butterfly." You cannot tell me this is not how he feels when he looks at you.
Pick-up lines like "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" may seem corny to some, but Shua finds them to be kinda real. He says it half-jokingly, but he also kind of means it. Not gonna lie, did it actually hurt when you fell from heaven? It's a genuine question because you are too good to be true, it's quite literally.
"Baby, can I ask you something?"
"Hm? Go on."
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
And, well, the silliest conversation happens. Though Shua finds these lines corny, he does have a thought about it because you are just unreal to him. You're perfect.
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yeonzzzn · 28 days
simping over celebrities that attend met gala just to get jay jealous☺️😮‍💨
oh sweet god 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
like imagine both you and jay are in cute ass matching outfits. and you’re wearing the dress jay loves oh so much. one where it perfectly lifts your breasts and exposes your back and hugs your hips. jay would be fighting all the other males off.
but you love the attention, crave it actually. mostly when stray kids show up on the red carpet and you start hella simping for them. giving the eight boys major heart eyes and having to wave yourself off and oh man it’s making jay PISSED.
he would be wrapping his arms around you and glaring at the other men, his jaw locked tight and getting so possessive. jay 100% would get so heated at seeing you gawk at other men he’ll drag you to the nearest bathroom/empty room to take out his jealously…
jay would bend you over the nearest object and bunch your dress up above your hips, “wanna act like a fucking slut? huh? trying to make me all jealous?” jay would drop his slacks and boxers to the floor, moving your panties to the side and start teasing your entrance with his tip, “gonna act like a slut, I’ll fuck you like one.”
you couldn’t even lie or try to get yourself out of this one, you loved this attention he was giving. loved how fast and hard he fucked into your cunt all in the name of releasing the tension of his jealously, being so relentless until he was filling your cunt whole with his cum, loving how it drips out your fuckhole and slides down your thigh, leaving him a panting mess.
maybe you should make him jealous for often.
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theholypeanut · 6 months
♪ To All The Girls You Loved Before ♪
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Cw: gn!reader, Otoya slander, Otoya being a lovesick simp, Blood, mentioning of hooking up (not with reader), aged up characters (university), fluff?? kinda?? Mostly comedy I’d say, using words like whore or slut, but I promise it’s not serious I love Otoya, mentioning of STDs (guys why this cw gets weirder and weirder), Otoya is suggested to be bi here
1,3k words (I’m shocked too)
Birthday Fic for Otoya Eita!!
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Otoya Eita was a whore. 
Everyone knew it - at least everyone at the university, in the football club, gym, probably within a 50 kilometers radius from the dorms as well, including supermarkets, flower shops, game arcades, and even the cinema workers (oh they probably knew the best, seeing him every week taking another girl on the same romantic comedy).
Well, it was not a secret, and it was neither something that made you hate or despise him. You had no opinion about him until you met him. 
And you met for the first time in the book shop, when you were looking into a new book by Yoko Ogawa.
Someone next to you dropped their book.
„Ouch, sorry” you heard a deep male voice. „I just accidentally dropped my modern feministic literature. My bad.” He picked up Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay from the floor. This scene was so ridiculous and obnoxious, you couldn’t hold the laughter. 
„Did you literally pick the closest book with the word feminist in it?” You asked amused. He cleared his throat. „No, I’m a big fan of…” he took a quick peak at the cover. „…Roxane Gay”
You smirked and raised your eyebrow. „Ooh really? How did you like Five Guys; My Story of the Polygamist Hexagon?” Eita didn’t even blink. „Actually this one is my favorite” he said with absolutely no shame in his voice. You rolled your eyes with a smile. „It’s not a real book, dumbass. I made it up.” 
Otoya was so used to interactions like this, that he didn’t feel offended at all. „Well sounds like a great read, maybe you should write something like this” he said, putting the book back on the shelf. „However if we start dating I don’t know if I want to have a… polygamist hexagon. Well, at least not with five guys”. He sent you a wink.
You looked at him with a mix of disbelief and amusement. „You are really something else, Otoya” you said, with a smile. „But I’m not gonna lie, that was probably the funniest and the dumbest conversation I had recently. Thanks” And you left him in between the shelves. 
In the beginning, Otoya was planning to just woo you into going on a date with him because you seemed cute. But that was the moment when he fell hard - this bright smile, laughter… He knew his pickup line was awful but you were not really mean to him. You didn’t look at him with disgust. Even more: He never saw the most gorgeous human being with such a beautiful laugh and right now he was dedicated to getting to know you. 
He started to come to the bookshop every single day - he was not obsessed enough to skip trainings (because he was not ready for Yukimiya to kick his ass) but even the elderly lady at the counter started to cheer up for him. 
„You know, young gentleman” she said one evening, seeing him looking in between the shelves. „They are a student at the university close by, I assume they are in their second year since they were buying some textbooks recently” she gave him a hint. The next day Otoya gave her a bouquet of the prettiest flowers he could afford. He was dedicated to finding you. If you knew who he was, then you probably study together. Or did he date your friend? Multiple friends? He hoped not your sibling or mom because that for sure would make things complicated when he will finally propose. 
Yes, this Otoya Eita, a town slut, was already preparing his wedding vows after one interaction. 
„I have no idea what’s their name” he whined to Karasu during the break. „They were the most beautiful person I ever saw…” 
„You say that about every second hook up, Eita” Karasu answered a little annoyed. It's been a week since he started making his failed love life everyone’s problem. Not like he wasn’t whining before, but usually it was after he cheated on a girl and she got angry, not before he even asked anyone out. „Also Jesus, why are you so fixated on the Feminist Book Stranger? You usually take rejection so lightly, I’m surprised to see you so…” 
„Pathetic?” Chigiri suggested, as he was drinking water nearby.
„Pitiful?” Yukimiya added. 
„…Lovesick” Karasu ended. Otoya signed dramatically. „You will be so jealous on my wedding, you will see”
„Well, I don’t think so” Chigiri said after taking another sip of water. „If they know your name, I assume they probably also know your dating history”
He knew. Otoya was well aware of his reputation, but till now he never really cared. Because he never expected to actually fall in love with someone, and even more he never was anxious that his soulmate might find him disgusting and pathetic. 
„At least check yourself for STDs before trying to get into your future spouse’s pants” Reo added after listening to the whole conversation. „I don’t think chlamydia is the best way gift you can give them on the first date.”
Otoya took a mental note that even if he felt a little offended, this was not the worst advice. 
And fate brought you together again, no later than the next day. 
You had an important essay due today and spent every possible moment studying and writing it. You kind of regret you had no time to read for fun anymore, only to drown under the amount of literature you had to read for your university lectures and tests, but there was no other way. There was one particular book you needed to borrow to finally end this monstrosity you’ve been creating, and then you are free… at least until the next essay. You took the turn to the university library. 
„You know, I think I achieved a new low” you heard a feminine voice. „I was looking for a fast hook up and even Otoya ghosted me. This one hurts. I think it's time for therapy or some shit, because if even him…” 
You smirked. Who knows if there are therapists in this city, who get another crying college girl or guy in their chair and can thank Otoya Eita for bringing in more than 20% of their revenue? 
You didn’t want to get caught eavesdropping, so you fast went to the door out of the building, the library was just minutes away. You pushed the door outside with a lot of force… and heard a bang. 
„FUUUUCK” you heard someone swearing right in front of you. It was almost as loud as the laughter that was accompanying it. „Right into your nose dude!” You heard the amused voice. You panicked. „Oh my god, I’m so so sorry” You slide through the door to the poor victim who was not other than… Otoya Eita. He froze for a second, considering if he just died and gone to heaven, that he heard your voice again. He looked up at your face, but his vision was still blurry. 
You took out the tissue from your bag. His nose was bleeding, so you gently pressed the tissue to his face. „Shit, do you have a concussion?” You asked panicked. Karasu stood next to you. „Just ask him something” he suggested, still amused by the situation. You thought for a second. „What's the capital of Malta?” The dark-haired guy looked at you both surprised and amused. „Okay but maybe ask him something he knows”
„I'm fine guys” they heard the weak voice. He looked at Karasu angrily. „Don't you dare flirt with the love of my life!” 
You looked at him confused, then looked at Karasu. „Yeah I think he has a concussion, maybe we should take him to the hospital.” 
Otoya’s nose stopped bleeding and his head was no longer spinning. Somehow you looked even more beautiful than the first time he saw you.
„How about you take me out for dinner, as an apology?” He sent Karasu „the” look. Tabito rolled his eyes in answer. „I’ll leave you two lovebirds here to flirt” he said and started walking away. You were too stunned to speak. You turned back to white haired guy still too confused with what is happening to digest his offer.
„Wait, are you serious right now?”
He smirked.
„So, how about tonight?”
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There is gonna be part 2, this is a promise and a threat at the same time, because I had so much fun writing this crack fic
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choism · 9 months
hiiii beloved !!! i haven't made a request in a few months, pls don't judge me if i'm rusty
i'm in woozi brain rot (i damn him for going live yesterday) and so my question to you is: how do you think woozi would act if he had an s/o who's fawning over him (without stepping over any boundaries ofc)? just like suddenly being very touchy, and when asked why they just respond with a compliment. I LOVE COCKY WOOZI. this could be turned smutty if you feel like it (bc i won't lie, i want to suck him dry), but it's really up to you !
ily !!!! i hope you enjoy writing this <33
Oh this is SO gonna be a headcanon! I hope this was okay and sorry it took so long my beloved </3
Warnings: smut headcanons after the cut
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I feel like at first he would be so stiff
Very much confused as to what's happening, not sure if he is imagining it or not
"Wow baby you look like you've been working out more" "Uh yeah I've increased my hours at the gym"
Kinda dumb and oblivious
But then he finally gets it
After months of you being more flirtatious and touchy it just CLICKS
He would be in the middle of eating with his members and his dumbass would gasp
Coups is like "Hello? You good?"
Jihoon is just like "No I'm not good, I haven't been paying enough attention to my partner"
When in reality he has he's just such a simp for you that's how he interpets it
Would run home to smother you but in the most jihoon way possible
Laughing as loud as he can at your jokes and being kind of girly lmao
Then when you ask why he is being so weird he answers with another question instead of actually answering
"well why are you so touchy lately?"
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"because I want to fuck you you idiot!"
this dummy just sits there in shock, cant even comprehend you want him in that way even though y'all have been dating forever
He just let's out an "Oh" before smashing his mouth onto yours
he is better at actions rather than words (even though he clearly doesn't understand your actions)
that's definitely the first night y'all fuck, and you give him the best head he has ever gotten hsi entire life
and y'all would go at it again in the morning
and the day after
and the day after
and so on
because you are two idiots in love and cannot get enough of each other
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© Choism 2023. do not repost or translate.
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spinji · 7 months
Imma be honest, I have no idea where people are coming from sympathizing with All For One.
I get the simps, you guys are gonna twist things for your meow meow all you want. More power to you.
But the narrative wastes no time showing us that AFO's greed and desire to control is INSTINCTUAL. He stole nutrients from Yoichi in the womb, stole his mother's quirk, and (arguably) stole her life. This was long before he'd be developed enough to make a conscious choice.
"But AFO is the one telling us this so of course he might lie" No???? We don't have any characters that could relay this information to us so the narration is just neutral omniscient dialog to explain what's happening, referring to AFO in the third person. This isn't diagetic narration.
Do you honestly think AFO, losing his goddamn mind in the middle of a fight, would turn to Bakugou like "so my mother was a prostitute-". The last page is the only one explicitly from AFO's point of view and that has a very obvious change in perspective. So no, I don't think All For One is telling us the story of how he was almost eaten by rats. We can absolutely take this at face value.
There are more complicated implications about the world building in this chapter, like how the actually recorded first quirk was flashy but harmless to set up a nice and happy origin of meta abilities despite that not being true. It puts AFO in a tight position as well because well he grew up in a hellscape with no parents and learned how to survive on his own right? So it's okay that he killed all those anti-quirk people right?
What about Yoichi?
Yoichi grew up in identical conditions to AFO, just as starved, just as unloved, just as alone. But Yoichi also grew up kind. He had empathy and hope, not wanting innocent people to get hurt. You can't inherently blame their circumstances when AFO has been a dickhead since birth and yet his twin, in the same scenario, did not. The difference? AFO had power and a compulsive need to control.
Yoichi would not have felt the need to run away, willingly, with Kudou if this was meant to be AFO's tragedy. Tenko's family ran to him, Touya's family thought they lost him, AFO's ran away from him.
AFO is blinded by ego and an all consuming sense of control. He is very much meant to be the embodiment of these things, monolithic as a threat. And his pursuit after One for All has been both a power grab and a desire to have complete control over his brother again in the form of suppressing his vestige.
Remember how Himiko actively chose not to live by a villain name? Because she didn't see herself as a criminal?
This is All For One's origin story and we still only know his villain name.
Do you really think that's not intentional?
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a-random-weeb · 8 months
BSD men x reader sick headcannons
im sick as well as my friend so fml I'm writing this
Warnings: le sick, this is kind of self indulgent in a way but at the same time your sick so... you have the right while your sick.
Autre warnings: this is my first fic, it's probably gonna suck ;-;
also soup is the food of the gods in this for some reason
•he bursts out laughing at first, making fun of you (in a friendly way)
•Once he's done with his laughing fit, he does (try to) take care of you
•ok he's not the worst at taking care of people, but I feel like the worst part would be him making fun of you
•he won't let you go to work/school (if you're a student like in highschool pretend you're older), just because he's laughing at you, doesn't mean he doesn't care.
•he'd cuddle you, then end up getting sick, then you take care if him and cuddle him, then you get sick and so on until one of you realizes you can't cuddle (aka you, and he complains. This is the same for Nikolai)
•he pisses you off, but he loves you
"how did you get sick?!" He laughs as he hands you a bowl of soup, as you lie in the silky sheets of your shared bed with the worst cold of your life. You shoot him a glare as you take the soup in your shaking hands, making sure not to drop it.
"I already told you, my coworker got me sick!" You begin to eat your soup, frustrated and pissed. He plants a kiss on your forehead
"I'll call your work and tell them you're taking the day off!" He skips to the other room. You lie there, thankful for your lovely boyfriend.
(I don't simp for dazai so it was hard to write for him. This is my first fanfic EVER, be quiet. I only put dazai at the top for a friend.)
•He's easy to anger, so when you get sick, he knows you probably did something stupid to get yourself sick.
•Unlike Dazai, he's a good cook, but still he makes you soup, and angrily holds it out to you.
•he takes care of you, but acts angry the whole time. I say acts, but he really is angry, but he also cares about you. But is still angry.
•he's not Bakugou level angry, he's still calm(ish)
•he does verbally abuse you the whole time though.
•But it's not actually abuse. I feel like he just calls you dumbass and idiot.
•he's very forceful with everything he does ("eat! Or I'll force feed you!") ←(this is my fav head cannon for him, he would)
•He cuddles you, but somehow this man does not get sick, until he does, then you take care of him, but he doesn't let you touch him while taking care of him so the same thing that happened with dazai doesn't happen with you. There will be no cycle.
•He also buys you a lot of expensive medicine
•you piss him off, but so does everything
"You idiot! How the hell did you get yourself sick?!" He hands the bowl soup to you.
"I was playing in the rain with a cat." You give him an innocent look as he shoots you a glare.
"Why?! You knew it would get you sick!"
"but... there was puddles... and a cat who liked water..."
Chuuya facepalms. "Seriously?!" He sighs, calming himself down. He sits next to you on the bed as you eat your soup. He's rich, and I feel like you begged him to buy a tv for he bedroom. You guys watch my hero academia. Even though I said he cuddles you while sick, I don't think he'd actually unless you cling to him, then he'll let you sometimes. But he just sits on the other side of the bed as you watch anime together, and pass out in eachothers presence.
(I cringed at this one, it wasn't as good as I hoped. I made him a tiny bit ooc too ;-; idk I feel like it's good for a first time.)
✧.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆✧˖°.✧˖°.✧˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆°.✧˖°.✧˖°..𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆
•He's nicer than the rest of them
•He's the only decently normal one of the boys.
•he makes you soup and blah blah blah
•He doesn't cuddle you, he has common sense
•You don't want to get him sick either, so....
•He buys you medicine, he knows the best kinds
(I couldn't think of a scenario. Sorry)
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
•Has no idea what to do
•He thinks you're gonna die so he makes this whole dramatic speech
•All you have is a common cold 😭
•after he figures out you're not gonna die, he asks what he can do
•He goes to the store to buy you medicine
•He doesn't know what else to do
•you tell him it's fine and all you need is a few days off of work
•He feels too bad, so he goes on one of those weird websites
•Next thing you know he comes in a skateboard and circling around you, chanting these weird, demonic words 😭
•"Wa bubu shaaaaaa qut epeu turu!"
"Aku wth are you doing?!"
"Curing your sick"
𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡✧˖°~∆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡✧˖°~∆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓍢ִ໋
I too lazy to write for anyone else, this is a quick drabble and my first fanfic. I hope you liked it!
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dilucqwq · 1 year
aaaa another diluc simp <3 can I request some general dating headcanons for him pls? I just know he'd be a total sweetheart as a boyfriend ;-;
ofc <33333 i love this man sm he’s adorable
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Diluc Dating Headcannons
A/N this is my first time actually doing this bc i’ve been on and off of tumblr bc of school so plz excuse any mistakes!
This man is emotionally constipated I literally can’t lie
Ofc then there is beautiful amazing radiant stunning y/n who steps into his life one day ✨✨
Probably doesn’t catch feelings right away, you’ll have to develop a friendship with him first
After that bro falls so hard for you
Like, where were you in his life before??? When did you get so damn attractive in his eyes???
He’s a demisexual
He’ll want to confess but he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship he built with you
Due to the encouragement of his friends (or peer pressuring of Kaeya and Venti) he’ll eventually confess
(i have this personal headcannon that it was on Windblume bc i find that so romantic)
When y’all start dating he’ll be super protective (bc he’s made enemies and doesn’t want them to target you)
He’ll try his best not to be overbearing tho
He still does worry a lot and will need reassurance that you will be fine
Very shy about PDA, however will interlock pinkies while walking out in public
As the relationship develops he will start to hold hands and even hug/kiss you in public (if you’re comfortable with it)
Visit him while he’s working in the tavern! He’s gonna have this grumpy face while working when he’s stressed (especially with Kaeya and Venti around) but when you walk in all tension melts away
Thinks you are an angel sent from the heavens
At home, he will want cuddles from you, he needs to de-stress after a long day
Will do his best to have dinner with you every night, and he tries to let you know if he can’t make it
Never forgets important dates. Birthday? Breakfast in bed with his schedule cleared out so y’all can spend the whole day together. Anniversary? Flowers next to your bed stand and a romantic dinner later while watching the sun set
Speaking of breakfast in bed, this man can COOK (have you seen his specialty dish? I’d eat that man’s meat 😋 )
On special occasions like those, he will want to cook, it makes it seem so special <3
Doesn’t get jealous easily except with Kaeya
Will try to communicate about this (or any issues) but this man hasn’t really had any social interaction since his father died
He’s trying bc he doesn’t want you to be upset at him and believes that y’all can talk it out
plz be patient with him :(
If you do get along with Kaeya, he will do his best to mend his relationship (My ragbros heart </3)
Whispers “I love you” into your ear in the mornings
Says it sparringly, however, so when he does say it, it feels all the more special
Will always check up you when he can
Always gives you small trinkets that reminds him of you
Never throws out any gifts you give him (you found a cecilia flower you gave him pressed in between the pages of his notebook)
Does his best to always make you smile bc he doesn’t want to see you cry
Overall he’s such a sweetheart 12/10 would recommend <333
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derangedanomaly · 2 months
How would the boys react to reader being a skellie bunny?
Kinda like this.
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But female and all
Decided to do the star sanses too, since you didn't specify which characters you want.
WARNING: Suggestive
He'd probably feel really conflicted, and confused lmao.
He's so into you, but wouldn't want you to know. He's not exactly the loving type...
Finds your whole persona weird... he's never seen a skeleton bunny before, and it looks... strange?
He'd just watch in complete silence as your ears just hop on your head along with your steps. He wonders how you'd feel if he pulled them... (Take it suggestively or not 🤷‍♀️)
He feeds you carrots. And if he could, he would keep you in a cage. Caged like an animal on loose.
He'll actually start to think you look cute, after getting used to your look.
He'll still be a little shit though. No one can change him. 🤷‍♀️ (But you COULD make him worse...lmao.)
Would find you pretty cute to be honest.
He wants to squeeze the ever living shit out of you.
His head will be filled with.... obscene thoughts, whenever you walk in the room..
He's also never seen a skeleton bunny, so he'd just ask a ton of questions.
Like, do you have powers similar to him? Do you have a similar appetite to Horror? Ooh, can you summon a gaster blaster??
So many questions.
Usually, he's not one for caring this much when it comes to new species of monsters, but he just finds you so interesting actually.
He'll 100% want to touch your ears. And you'll have to let him. There's just no other way.
Normally, Dust would be pretty surprised, and immediately start writing your species down with excitement, but....he already knows the type of monster you are.
He doesn't seem fazed at all when seeing you. In fact, he already knows almost everything about your species.
He tries to connect with you through this fact. (But not gonna lie, it's a little creepy that he knows so much without you telling him....)
He tries to be respectful at all times...but you make it too hard sometimes.
He's also not spared from inpure thoughts about you.
He probably really likes the way your ears bounce with every step..
He's just munching on his food while silently watching the bunny tail twitch ever so slightly..
He doesn't EVER want to appear to you like he's some uncontrollable horn dog that can't keep his hands to himself. (That's Killer's job)
He probably has the best self control over ALL of them. (Yes...even Dream and Swap)
He just has a problem of drooling sometimes too much..
But Horror will actually find you pretty cool. You're a bunny AND a skeleton!! He's never seen that before.
He 100% carries you on his shoulders. He loves it!
You're so soft and fluffy, and he wants to pet you SO bad, but he'll be too scared to hurt you, to actually touch you.
Yeah, you'd have to reassure him.
Much like his brother, he'll also treat you like an ACTUAL bunny. (But it's more innocent)
He just doesn't know much about your species. So he'll be probably pretty confused.
Also isn't spared from inpure thoughts.
Keeps scolding himself whenever he has a...not so PG thoughts about you. He's supposed to be the guardian of positivity dammit!
Tries to actually distract himself to stop thinking like that. Even goes that far to actually try to avoid you. Surely if he doesn't see you, he won't think about you! (He's oh so wrong)
Give a small hello to him as you pass, after not seeing him the whole day, and he'll already be on his knees before you.
On the other hand, he'll find your whole species interesting.
Will also ask a ton of questions. (After he gets a lil bit over his simp phase)
He'd be soooo flirty. He doesn't want to lose his shot.
He snickers whenever your ears bounce on top of your head, or if your tail twitches. Finds it incredibly cute.
Ironically, Ink's flirting is probably worse than Killer's. He stares at you a lot.
He'll want to touch your ears SO BAD.
It's gonna get to the point where he'll get obsessed with touching your ears.
You'll probably find many drawings scattered around. Of you. Yes, that's right. He'll draw you all the time.
Sometimes, he will jokingly feed you carrots. He'll have a blast making fun of you. (Please, I beg you, PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE)
Admires Horror for not giving in to his thoughts. Swap is that ONE person that is secretly a little horny.
Also likes your fluffiness. Seriously wants to cuddle up to you.
Will also carry you around.
Lmao, Error will be so dumbfounded when Swap visits him with you on his shoulders.
Occasionally asks you questions about your species.
He doesn't want to insult you somehow, so he'll probably NOT give you carrots, unless you ask for it.
He giggles whenever your tail twitches. (Don't ask him why he's staring at your ass)
He's gonna scold himself so hard for actually objectifying you like this. The guilt will probably make him actually admit to looking at you like this. (The only that was brave enough to admit to to you)
A/N: How the hell did this turn into a SIMP post? 💀 I apologize if this is not what you wanted, my mind just drifted off to other places while writing this.
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walmarttrashbag · 8 months
Yandere Mikey Headcanons
Mike Wheeler x Y/n
Requested by: Anonymous!
Your sweet piece of shit is def obsessed with you.
Such a soft little tooth-rotting fluff bunny around you, you can't handle the fluff. Such a lovely little baby, and he'd definitely be one in the sheets if you give him a nice lil chance.
He's a nice kid, sure, but you're so fucking sick of him killing the boys you talk to. No talking Mike out of brutally killing the boys who have even a little relationship.
You have to yell at him when he angrily hovers around them. Mike would get scared and hover away because he's a sub like that. Lovely little baby
Of course lovey dovey boy's gonna back off! If it gets him closer to you, than no shit he's gonna back off!
Mike, being the obsessed little D&D weirdo he is, he even made you your own lil character... And maybe even a shrine.
"Y/n! I promise you, Vecna got to them! I didn't do anything!" Mike would say while hiding his bloody knives from you.
Secretly simps over you. Like... You don't know how many pictures he's snapped of you using his camera, and once the pictures developed, he jerks off the night away, and ruins the pics with his glossy cum.
He kills too many people to get close to you, he's simping over you too hard.
You fucking hate it so damn much! But he'll never let it go. He'll win you, even if it means sharpening knives and get slicing... Or eventually kidnapping you.
Such a sweet little baby around you. Always trying to hold your hand, or compliment you, or gifting random but adorable shit to you. Such a lovely little boy.
Always jumping onto the trends you're currently in, which come on... He can't pull off neon, and his hair is too bowl-cutty and mushroom-like to do anything with.
Always laughing at the jokes you're laughing at-
Poor beautiful boy is too obsessed. You're getting too annoyed when your new friend (Who's a boy) suddenly dies because of him. Michael Wheeler is such a fluffy boy around you but in the dark... Well... You know...
Trying to sit next to you all the time. You've kind of just let it happen so your friends don't get killed.
Won't let go of the Vecna lie. Won't let you see the shrine in fear of rejection, even though you've been knowing it's there, and once again, you've let it happen.
You get his cock rock-hard so bad. It's so painful to try to wait it out after Hawkins High School to jerk off to the thought of you riding his pretty dick. He's taken some panties of yours too...
Remember: Mike has killed like 5+ boys over you. He's been doing it since late Elementary, because let's be honest... He's a freak for you.
He'd slaughter any crush of yours and lie about it, and he's actually gotten away with it a few times. "Uhhhh, he moved away! But I heard he's already got a girlfriend, so it wasn't the best choice anyways."
Mike's always gonna be the one to let you cry on his shoulder. He wants the other hoes to stay away because he can only be obsessed with one Y/n, and that Y/n will always be you!
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
Scarabia Romantic Headcanons
Not even gonna lie; writing these headcanons just makes me simp over characters I have never simped for. So hope you enjoy this! Kalim is a cutie, and Jamil is just yum.
Disclaimer: All characters in this series is aged up. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. Beta read by Grammarly and it’s trying its best.
Heartslabyul | Savanaclaw | Octavinelle | Scarabia (You're Here) | Pomefiore | Ignihyde | Diasomnia
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Romantic Headcanons
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is going to be another one who doesn’t realize he likes you for a while. For him, however, it’s not for lack of knowledge in the subject. He loves all of his friends and acts overly familiar with everyone in general. He’s simply more of a slow-burn kinda guy, where it’s going to take a lot of these interactions before his heart begins to skip beats for you. It’s nothing against you; he just needs to be close to someone before being capable of forming a romantic attachment.
Once he does realize he’s fallen for you, he won’t be wasting any time. He’ll go ahead and let you know, probably asking Jamil to prepare a fancy dinner and then taking you on a carpet ride afterward in order to confess. It’ll be romantic, sure, but the hopeful look in his eyes is enough to melt even the coldest hearts. Kalim already knows this, so when you say yes, he’s just overjoyed, and you’ll have to tell him to start directing the carpet again because he will lose focus and start crashing.
At first, it’s almost like nothing changes once you two start going out. He was always grabbing your arms and hands anyway before he even knew he liked you. Inviting you out, getting you presents. It’s what he does for all his friends. So it’ll be a bit hard for you to determine if he was actually serious when he confessed when he doesn’t change a single thing about how he acts around you.
Bring it up to him, and he’s going to laugh before grabbing your cheeks and pulling you in for a kiss. “Is that all? Why didn’t you say anything sooner? Jamil said I shouldn’t overwhelm you at the start, but if that’s what you want.” Be prepared for daily dates. Even if it’s a short one in the cafeteria. Jamil will be cooking for the both of you at this point (since Kalim refuses to let you eat normal cafeteria food while he eats gourmet meals from Jamil. You two have to be matching in your foods).
He’s also going to be having you as the honored guest at every party he throws. Just be sure to remind him to tone it down if you don’t want to be riding out on an elephant to the party where everyone is staring at you. You thought it was a joke when Kalim first suggested it until Jamil cornered you later and informed you he was very serious and you should let him know that you wouldn’t appreciate such an entrance. Unless you do, then you do you.
He likes his time spent with you but expects to be around other people constantly. He’s too social to be in his room all day; near late afternoon, he will happily go back to his room with you, sitting down and just talking about the day. He could listen to your voice for hours, even if they’re the most mundane stories. Still, during the day, just expect to be dragged around campus and greet just about everyone he remotely knows.
You’re going to be bombarded with gifts whether you like them or not. Kalim wants his lover to be pampered with the best things life has to offer, after all. He’s been to Ramshackle, and it’s not hard for him to tell that you’ve been struggling financially, judging by how all the furniture is beaten up. At first, it’ll be accessories or even stuffed animals. Grim adores it because Kalim will throw in the fanciest tuna money can buy and stock a shelf in your fridge for you.
After a while, he’s going to realize you might need more practical stuff. Sure having gold jewelry looks nice, but when you live in a hovel, it’s hard to feel luxurious. So he’s going to slowly be buying furniture to replace the old stuff. You are more than welcome to tell Kalim to tone it down, not everyone is good with always receiving presents (especially expensive ones), but he’s going to insist you let him do this. You make him happy just by being around him, after all, so he wants you to feel comfortable.
Kalim has always been the type of guy to grab your hand out of nowhere and lock his fingers with yours, even before you had a relationship, and that won’t be stopping anytime soon. He doesn’t even realize it half the time when he’s doing cute couple things with you. He just wants to be as close to you as possible. Leaving you with kisses all over your face is another thing he is totally unashamed to do. Give him a quick kiss on the lips if you want him to stop. He’ll go red, then laugh, telling you how cute he thinks that is.
Lots of sleepovers. Kalim really does enjoy being near you, and since night is the only time it’s just you two (not even Jamil will bother), he cherishes it. So he’s going to insist you spend the night with him, even keeping pajamas and extra uniforms in your size in his closet for when you agree. You’ll be under the covers with him like two little kids, talking and laughing until you’re falling asleep. Kalim is also a cuddler and will move in his sleep until he’s wrapped around you in the most awkward ways. Don’t be surprised when you wake up and he accidentally has a knee jabbing into your back.
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Jamil Viper
Your relationship with Jamil is going to be one of the rockiest starts, in all honesty. After the whole overblot incident, he wants nothing to do with you. He still sees you as the one who ruined his plans, and he doesn’t take that lightly. Never mind the fact that he’s just a little bit grateful to you and your friends after helping bring him back from that state. He’s still going to see you as a nuisance for a while.
Jamil will slowly start to warm up to you over time. It’s hard to avoid you when Kalim seems so attached and is always inviting you over for parties. Go out of your way every time and offer help for Jamil. He’ll be suspicious at first and don’t even think about helping with anything that has to do with food. He trusts you as far as he can throw you, but that applies to everyone. If you want to help clean up, he won’t mind. As long as things go back where they belong, you’re more than welcome to help him with the aftermath of parties.
The more you help, the more he’ll grow to like you. He is stressed beyond belief with everything he has to do. Taking care of the dorm and Kalim, basically running the basketball club, there’s a lot on his plate. He’s going to find himself making more and more time for you, though, and even making extra food for you to take home to your dorm as thanks for helping him out. It’s going to take some time before those feelings blossom, so patience is a virtue.
Once he does realize it, though, he finds himself more relaxed in your presence and seeking you out more and more. He’ll even offer assistance when it comes to school work, as long as you don’t yap to other people exactly why your grades have skyrocketed. Your relationship is going to develop gradually until it’s just at the point where you two are seen as dating. That’s when he’s going to ask if you want to go steady with him (yes, he might even state it just like that).
He’s a very attentive boyfriend; having been watching over someone his entire life, it’s not hard for him to tell you exactly what you’re needing. Returning the favor is always appreciated but not expected from him. He makes you something to eat for lunch, then maybe bring a home-cooked meal or something from the Mostro Lounge (if you can’t cook) for dinner. He helps you with some homework, and maybe you help tutor some of the Scarabia students later on with what he taught you. He will be thank you and possibly planning on marrying you if you help get rid of 90% of his workload.
Jamil will make time for you through his busy schedule. At first, Kalim is going to be interrupting often, not realizing Jamil has his own life, but if you just text Kalim informing him you’re on a date, he’ll suddenly leave you guys alone for the rest of the day. As long as there’s something he can eat in the kitchen that won’t poison him, he’s happy. On days when he’s swamped and can’t really spend much time with you, he gets annoyed very easily. Maybe come over and help him cook by cutting things up and handing them to him. Go shopping with him, and make his mundane chore fun by being with him.
He’s going to become just as protective over you as he is of Kalim. If he thinks something or someone is suspicious, he’ll be on high guard. Advising you to perhaps not interact with that jittery freshman with shifty eyes. It’s absolutely not jealousy. He has nothing to worry about in that regard; he’s just worried that maybe someone would do something to you, distracting him, so they can get to Kalim. It’s all totally reasonable.
Be prepared to have Kalim gushing over you. He’s happy that Jamil found someone to make him happy, which means you guys now have to be best friends. Dates with the three of you will be more common. Sometimes it might even feel like you have two boyfriends, but Jamil shuts down the idea when you joke around with just the two of you. Still, Jamil doesn’t mind going places with you and Kalim. It means he gets to watch over his two responsibilities at the same time and not have to worry about the other.
Ramshackle might become his new sanctuary. It’s dusty and gross, and the furniture smells like mildew, but there are no expectations for him. When things get too much, he might show up at your doorstep to relax a bit. He probably won’t be spending the night, too worried about Kalim burning the dorm down in that situation, but he’ll be there for a few hours. It’s also the time he can be more affectionate towards you. PDA isn’t something he partakes in at all. Even walking to class, he normally won’t hold your hand, deciding you two would stand out too much. In the safety of Ramshackle, though? No expectations. No onlookers. He can just be with you.
He’s going to love it if you partake in his hobbies. Do you want to learn to dance? Say no more; he’s going to show you the beginner moves and make sure you don’t get injured (just don’t practice without him, he’ll worry about you snapping your neck doing a headstand). Do you want to come to his basketball games and practice? He’s going to show off a little more than usual, but don’t voice it. He swears he’s just taking practice seriously, but Floyd and Ace will notice the difference and tease him. If you help him clean up after games and practice, expect him to steal you away and leave you breathless with kisses in the closet. He’s hyped up from that adrenaline and feeling on top of the world still.
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artzychic27 · 8 months
Hello. I ❤️ your blog especially your science kids. May I see where one of them calls Marinette out like how Quagmire does it. Sorry for the awkwardness. This is my first time typing to somebody. 😊😊
Yes, honey! Yes! I have been waiting for this!
Simon, my favorite Irish tech geek, take the stand!
Marinette: Well, you don't need to look for somebody new. I'll hang out with you guys.
Marc: Yeah, you know, I don't think that's gonna work out, Marinette, 'cause of the whole Simon thing.
Marinette: What Simon thing?
Marc: Oh, you know, just that he hates you.
Marinette: Simon hates me?
Marc: Hates you.
Marinette: I... I don't get it. Why... why wouldn't Simon like me?
Marc: Because he thinks you're annoying. Like people who never shut up about their pets.
Marinette: Hey, Simon, what a coincidence. You and me just runnin' into each other. How, how ya doin'?
Simon: Fine.
Marinette: So… *Noticed Simon’s aunt at the checkout* Is that your mom? She’s beautiful.
Simon: That's my aunt, Marinette. My mother is dead to me, as is my father, and I hope they rot in their prison cells.
Marinette: Oh, God. I'm... I'm really sorry.
Simon: I got cousin who beat her husband. Wanna ask me about her, too?
Alya: Hey, what are you getting all dressed up for?
Marinette: I'm treating Simon to a night out.
Alix: Really? I thought he hated you. How'd you convince him to go?
Marinette: I tricked him. Sent him a phony card. He thinks he's going on a romantic date with Denise.
Myléne: But instead, you're going to show up.
Marinette: You got it.
Rose: Yikes.
Juleka: That's a recipe for disappointment.
Marinette: I'll bet you got... how do those things work?
Simon: What? My music videos? How does a music video work?
Marinette: Yeah.
Simon: … You want me to sit here and explain to you how a music video works?
Marinette: I don't know. Yeah.
Simon: You want to maybe just go?
Marinette: Simon, come on, I'm really trying hard here.
Simon: Who asked you to try hard?
Marinette: Nobody, but all... I'm trying to establish a friendship with you. All I've done is try to be nice to you, and you still don't like me. How can you not like me?!
Simon: … Okay. I'll tell you…. You are the worst person I know. You simped after Adrien while you were dating Luka and while Adrien was dating Kagami. The guy was writing you a song, gave you his favorite guitar pick, gave you free therapy, and that was how you repaid him? And to add insult to injury, you rubbed your love for Adrien right in his face. And you're so insensitive. You basically tried to kick Luka out of Kitty Section and make Adrien the lead guitarist? What the fuck? And what really bothers me, is you pretend you're this perfect girl who can do no wrong when all you are is a hypocrite, liar, and a word that’d make the Priest blush. Yeah, I lie; who hasn’t? At least I come clean about it in the end. I don't go on about how I hate liars and then stalk Lila trying to lie her way into Adrien’s pants, and then brag about how I’m some perfect angel trying to look out for everyone. You’re not a perfect angel. You’re a spoiled little, manipulative brat. You use those stupid dough eyes, tears, and sob stories about how much you love Adrien to get people to go along with your stupid plans. God, you make me sick! And you only delude yourself by thinking you're the greatest thing since slice bread, when you’re honestly just as bad as Chloé and Lila. Actually, you know, I should have known Denise didn't write me that note. Yeah, they actually have the guts to say things to my face without stammering like you do around Adrien when you’ve known the guy for almost a year! And I think what I hate most about you is your hypocrisy when it comes to Adrien’s love life, how he "deserves better," how Chloé is a spoiled brat only after Adrien for his looks, how Kagami is too controlling. Well, what have you done to prove that you’re not like them? I’ve only heard you obsess over his looks and “perfection.” Never heard you once talk about interests that Gabriel doesn’t force on him. You wanna get to know the guy? Talk to him! And, by the way, knowing Lila is a liar doesn't make you Jesus Christ. Yeah, I know about the Lila situation! And I don’t care! You wanna basically ruin your relationships with your friends by screaming in their faces, “Lila’s a liar!! Believe me, because I’m better than her!” Go ahead! Who the hell are you to act as if though you were in the right? Your impulsiveness in trying to expose her got you expelled, which isn't nearly as bad as how you treated your parents! Did you ever pay them back for what was meant to be a family trip to Shanghai? But you know what? I could forgive all of that, all of it… If you weren't such a bore. That's the worst of it, Marinette. You're just a sad, pathetic bore… *Sighs* Well, see ya, Marinette. Thanks for the fucking steak. *Leaves*
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