#but sometimes i wish they didn't need to put in effort
modernvetherature · 2 years
the experience of having parents who genuinely are Good and who try really hard to understand you and the world you live in and your needs but there is such a disconnect between your world and theirs that it’s hard and sometimes you wish it was easy 
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mysacredmuse · 4 months
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soft bf! aventurine headcanons <3 written with gender neutral reader in mind. fluff ! :) there is a small angsty part, but ends up fluffy ehe
let me know if you want more of this, a different character or a different (nsfw) version :3
dividers by @/cafekitsune :)
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spoils you rotten. No matter how many times you tell him that it's absolutely unecessary, he insists. He wants you to have everything you want and everything you could possibly need. Pays attention to everything you say and follows every gaze of yours, keeping mental notes of what gift to give you next. At times, he makes gifts by himself. For example, writing 100 reasons why he loves you on pieces of paper that are in your favorite color(s) and putting them in a cute little box that he painted with his own hand. It may not be the best work, but you can truly see the effort <3 + he gets you flowers all the time !!!!!!!
kisseskisseskisses. As soon as he sees you - your face is plastered in countless kisses. He doesn't care if you are in public or not, he will always show you how much he loves you and give you affection. He loves kissing your hands, knuckles, your wrists. He has a habit of kissing the fingertip of your index finger and gently lifting it to your lips, pressing it softly. He also does it to his own fingertip at the times and pressing it on your lips. It's usually when the two of you are alone, simple way of sharing intimacy :3
touchy, feely, touchy, feely. His hands always find a way to be on your body. Either by holding your hand all the time, simply placing it on your lower back or resting it on your thigh when both of you are seated somewhere. If he can, he loves playing with your hair. In any case, he loves just softly running his fingertips on the back of your head.
loves to dance with you as well :3 it doesn't matter if you can't dance, he just loves to sway round and round with you, keeping your body close to his <3
gets you a matching earring <3 (with a clip, in case your ears aren't pierced) + matching rings <3
sometimes, he lets you pick his outfit. But, most of the time, he likes sending you photos and requesting your opinion about his outfit. As soon as you praise him or compliment him you will receive a message that contains 🥰 x 100
sometimes, he wonders are you ashamed of him. He is aware of the opinions of other people as well as the tattoo on his neck. He never hides it, but as soon as the two of you begin to date, he begins to wonder should he cover it up or keep this relationship a secret in case you wish to not "humiliate" yourself. As soon as you reassure him, telling him that you want this relationship to be public and that he could never bring you shame - he lights up. He was looking for the sun for so long and he finally found it in you. He will make sure to always remind you of that and express endless gratitude for being the way you are :)
I mentioned this before, but he is the type to kneel in front of you, gently hugging your legs as he kisses your thighs. It's a form of stress relief for him. Enjoying your skin being so close to him and you being his safe space <3
always leaves notes. If he is going somewhere, you will know either by a text message or by a hand-written note. He always adds a sweet message too - how much he loves you and how he will be thinking of you the entire time <3
loves when you read to him. He didn't exactly learn to write and read for some time (no jokes pls), nor had someone treat him as a child when he was one, therefore he finds you reading to him to be the epitome of safety and warmth as it gives his inner child great comfort :)
loves kids and is great with them! Anytime you go somewhere and for some reason or the other, a child approaches - he will make sure to make it an enjoyable time for them. Either by playing with them, treating them an ice cream or any other snacks or simply listening to their little rambles. He firmly believes that children deserve respect and a good treatment therefore he will always provide his best efforts to keep them happy even if it's for only 5 minutes :)
constantly praises you <3 He compliments everything about you and has genuine interest in anything that may be interesting to you. "If you like it - I love it!" is his main mantra. You will always be heard, always be taken seriously and always complimented and encouraged to be who you are and do what you love to do :)
he is an excellent listener. He may not always have the advice or the solution, but he will always listen to you and comfort you in his own ways. As I mentioned above - you will always be heard by him, no matter the topic at hand :)
he loves to sleep on your lap. It truly gives him so much comfort and warmth <3
he is always proud of you and very open about it. He proudly introduces you as his partner, he loves to switch topics that you enjoy so you can speak more if you'd so like. If you are more introverted, don't fret - he will do all the talk and manage all the conversations. He will also try to get yall home early, so you can recharge and rest <3
on that note, keeps your photos as his phone background. Even shows it to everyone, praises you to them and says that even when he is losing, he is actually the winner because he always goes home to you, his biggest supporter and his own sunshine which makes him the happiest and the luckiest man to ever be alive <3
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manmuncher777 · 10 months
How You Deserve | JOHN PRICE
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words - 5k
warnings - smut, unprotected, p in v, fingering, oral fem!recieving, slight degradation, cheating?
a/n: huge thankyou so much to @sky-is-the-limit for allowing me to use her idea, it's helped kickstart my writing again on a fresh account. I do plan on writing more, definitely. I am just a very slow paced writer. But I put a lot of effort into this and hope it lived up to what you imagined. This is the idea she had.
Apartment 138 b 
Your apartment. 139 b was John's. 
He told you to call him John when you first met, and you couldn’t think of another name since. You had lived there for just under 5 months now and seeing your neighbour every now and then was a blessing. 
God the man was attractive, you always loved an older man, and my god does he pull it off well. When you first met he offered to help you move the rest of your things, and who were you to decline such an offer, watching his muscles flex and he picked up boxes. He even told you to call if you had an issue - giving you his number for ‘emergencies’. The little graze of his hand against your made you wonder if you could use it for more than that. 
And of course you did call, one day when your sink wouldn’t stop dripping. you knew just the man to call, and when he came over you made sure to take great care of him.
You may have spent the afternoon cleaning your whole apartment before getting dressed up, but not to the point where it would have been noticeable. Just enough that you hoped you might catch his attention.
“Thank you so much once again John” you said as you moved about your kitchen, past the man under your sink. Your eyes not being able to resist travelling over that part of his exposed torso as he was under you sink. His shirt riding up with every movement of his arms, just enough to tease you. You bit your lip at the sight.
“sweetheart, you don’t have to thank me so much, it’s fine honestly. I'm happy to help, gets me out of the house” he joked, tinkering about with all sorts of tools, you leaned over the counter, watching as his forearms flexed with each twist of the wrench.
Fuck... those pet names he gave you always left you fangirling. He made you blush like a little school girl.
“wow, and here’s me thinking you had a wild night life”
he chuckles as you can’t help but smile at the sound, god even his laugh was sexy, and you wish you could see the smile on his face.
“Not me, the wildest I get is staying up past 10 on a weekday.”
“I'm shocked, I thought you would be a man of the night, getting up to all kinds of mischief, bringing women home and going down to the pub.” You fake shock, secretly you were just doing this to find out more about him. Find out if he had a girlfriend that was lucky enough to have him.
“Nope” he laughed once more “no wild women of the night for me”
‘awh dammit, that’s my chance blown then”
“well I do believe in second chances love." he says after a moments silence. He gets up from under the sink, standing with you counter top in between you both. His aftershave wafting towards you with his movements, drawing you in.
"lucky me then..." You say just above a whisper as you stare up at the man in front of you. God.
What you wouldn't do to jump over the counter and drag him to bed with you, wrapping your arms over his broad shoulders and dragging your hands over his muscular back. You felt jealous of your sink pipes for a second, realising that they got to feel his hands and you didn't.
But sadly he bid you a good night, letting you know he was just a call away if you needed help with anything. You watched after him as he walked out of your door and into his own.
You planned on breaking lots of stuff around the house to get him back round.
You saw him all the time, you would sometimes go out and plan to arrive the same time that he did, you soon figured out he was some kind of military man, and watching him walk by you in his uniform was a sight to behold, you would 'accidentally' drop your keys in order to prolong the time you could see him. You would exchange pleasantries and smiles whenever you saw each other, but you always noticed his stare lingering on you, and you never minded. To be fair, you practically undressed the man with your eyes whenever he returned home in his uniform. The sound of his boots against the stairs up your complex would leave you skin tingling.
In the mornings when he was due to leave for work you would be outside if your house in skimpy nightwear, getting your mail and wishing him a good day at work.
He was convinced that he actually had a better day at work on those mornings that he saw you. God he wouldn't even let you out of the apartment looking like that, he would keep you wrapped up in his arms in bed, risking being late to work for a few more minutes. He had to practically force himself to keep walking past and not stand and stare. But you were so sweet, practically inviting him in.
You were also so pleasant to him, he remembers having to correct you every time you called him 'Mr Price' and act like it didnt turn him on. You always dressed so nicely whenever he was round, wearing tops with necklines that complimented your breasts, or tight fitting skirts. And the smell of your perfume whenever he some over is almost intoxicating, its as if you sprayed some right before he came through the door (you did).
He was tempted to break something each time he was round so he had another reason to come back, he liked having you fawn over him. Asking him about his job, making him tea, giving him cookies to take back with him. And the way you would look up at him and rub his arm as he told you to call him if there was any thing you needed. And as he looked down at you, his mind couldnt help but wander.
Holding your stare he wondered if you would keep the same eye contact with him whilst you were sucking his cock, or he imagined if those pretty eyes would screw shut if he was eating you pussy. He had to shake himself out of it, walking away with lusty eyes and pants that felt significantly tighter than before.
Now you did have a boyfriend. kind of. a weird relationship with a guy you met a few months ago, he was a friend of a friend. You didn’t mind him, he filled the void and while you felt bad that it wasn’t a true relationship, you knew he felt a similar way. You could see his eyes wander and he’s always been rather secretive. A few times you have suspected cheating, but honestly couldn’t bother yourself with the drama. You didnt love him, and he didnt love you. simple. He served a purpose, or he did. He's started to not do so well in serving that purpose recently.
So there you lay, wishing you had spent the evening calling John over to fix the shower, instead you had your boyfriend rather aggressively trying to rub your clit, and failing rather miserably.
He had never been great at sex, but as of recently you kept having to question why you would invite him round, he never got better.
"you like that? yeah? you like my huge cock. It's big right?" okay. overstatement.
He thrust in and out of you hard and fast, clearly focused on chasing his own pleasure, his average - not huge - cock was not doing much for you. "so big inside you huh?" he questioned again, his rubbing not slowing down, neither his thrusts. You let out a lacklustre moan, hoping the quiz about the size of his penis would stop. You tried to be in the moment, but it wasn't really working. He had you in missionary, he wasn't even looking at you and to be honest, you were almost bored. He wasn't here for you, he was here for himself.
It left you questioning why you even let him come over "a bit to the left" you tried to ask him, guiding his hand with your own, but he wasn't really interested. Hardly paying attention. a few seconds later his thumb moving back to where it was before. no where near you clit.
"oh fuck- gonna cum" he splutters out, pushing all his weight onto you
God why didnt you call John. Of course he was on your mind right now.
Suddenly you felt embarrassed, he could probably hear this absolute shit show. You had days where you could hear his tv through your shared wall, and you realised he could probably hear this.
That embarrassment was soon replaced with another feeling when you got a little idea in your head.
"oh FUCK" you let out a nearly pornographic moan that even had your boyfriend snapping his head to look at you. You were fully aware that your bedroom wall was the shared wall between you and John.
"that feel good, feel it deep inside you?" oh god you were encouraging him. You just hoped John could hear this, because otherwise you would be boosting your boyfriends ego for no reason.
"soo good, fuck yes. right there. oh my god" you kept on, moaning loader and louder, practically squealing and screaming. "Sooo big!" God you actually had to try not to laugh at yourself.
This clearly excited your boyfriend as his thrusts sped up even more, a few seconds later and he was cumming with a load noise. You of course pretended you had cum too, putting on your best performance yet.
"oh fuck, yes yes yes gonna cum, OH, oh fuck" you squealed. Having to slap your hand over you mouth to stop a laugh following. John couldnt have not heard that. In fact you think the whole apartment building heard it.
Your boyfriend practically crushing you under you weight now, feeling rather proud of himself. He then leaves nothing but a few minutes later, of course. Not bothering to check on you. God you really needed to break up with him.
After cleaning yourself up and getting into some comfy clothes you decided you needed some fresh air, to try and get the captain out of your mind. You swear the say he told that he was a captain you almost exploded, got to love an authority figure as well. He just kept getting better and better.
As you lean on the railing just outside your front door, you heard movement from you neighbour, and as if it was a sign from the universe to tell you that he would forever be stuck in your mind, John comes out. Rather hurriedly zipping up his coat and locking his door.
"in a rush?" you ask as you watch him, a small smile on your face as you watch him freeze at your voice. As he turns to you, you can see his pink tinted face, as you hope its because of your little act earlier.
"uh, yeah, just needed some things" he says, clearing his throat as he glances at you, not looking at you for more than a few seconds before looking away.
"hmm, have fun" you nod at him, and he rushes off. You almost giggle to yourself as you made him squirm. Your hoping that your little plan worked.
And you think it did, Johns stares at you in the hallways became more intense, and when you did get him round to fix the shower, its as if he didnt want to leave, always finding new ways to continue a conversation or different things he needed to fix. You could basically feel the tension when you two got close. You wanted him, badly.
Just to make him squirm even more, you wanted to make him snap. You needed him to react, to do something, so you tried you little boyfriend trick once more. Calling over you disappointing boyfriend, who clearly enjoyed himself more than you, and then faking it louder than before. Something truly turned you on about the fact he could hear. And minutes after it finished you boyfriend left again.
You were prancing about your apartment, rather pleased with yourself once more. I mean, maybe not pleased as you just had incredibly shit sex, but it was worth it you hoped. After a quick shower to wash the evening disappointment off of you, you chucked on some panties and an oversized shit, preparing to wrap yourself up and watch a movie of some kind. Your wet hair tickling your back as you reached to grab some fluffy socks. Then without warning your whole apartment goes dark, you body jumps slightly as you search for your drawers, finding the flashlight you keep. Great just what you needed after trying to make a bad night good.
You rush about you apartment lighting some candles in each room, but you didnt have many.
This is an emergency, you thought to yourself.
Seeing as you didnt have your phone on you, it made sense to go and knock on his door, it was the evening, but not late enough for him to be asleep. You rush to your own door, opening only to find the man you were just about to go and get. huh, maybe you summoned him or something.
"John, I was just about to come get you, is your power out as well, what did you need?" you ask, curious as to why this huge man was standing outside your door, basically blocking and of the night sky from being seen behind him.
"I'm here to finish what that stupid little boy you fuck around with cant" He says, and you can feel your insides flip at his deep voice.
"Mr price-" You start, shocked to see the burly man practically oozing with lust, his heavy breathing and unbreaking stare made you feel timid as your legs turn to jelly, taking a few steps back.
"John." he corrects, stepping forward into you dimly lit apartment "Every fucking time I see his car pull up, I have to stop myself from beating the living shit out of him. How could a man not spoil something as precious as you" He says, his huge hands now gripping at your waist, you go to speak but he cuts you off. "and don't even try and lie, I know your faking it. I know you haven't cum a single time you've been with him, but still you want to tease me, you know exactly what you've been doing to me you fucking minx"
You don't even know what to say, you've been caught red handed. You lean into his grasp on your waist, his hands feeling even better than you could have imagined.
"not so noisy now love are you?" he coos at you, he can see you resolve slowly failing as you become putty in his hands "how about this? I give us what we both want and treat you like you deserve." A small smirk resides on his face as he watches your eyes light up.
He was cocky, but you loved it.
"yes John please, I'm sorry." You practically whine at the man as he quickly shuts your door behind him, the loss of his hands feels like a sin, but soon he grabbing you by the hand and taking you to your bedroom, you chuckle internally at the fact he knows his way around you apartment so easily.
"oh no darling, I'm sorry. I should've seen what a desperate slut you were sooner." He's whispering in your ear at this point, telling you filthy things, getting you as desperate for him as he's been for you. Gently placing you down on the bed before positioning himself between you legs, kissing at your thighs "Poor thing, you've been begging for it for months now, how cruel am I for not giving it to you"
Honestly you don't know how to react. Your brain has gone to mush while this gorgeous man is muttering filth to you and he's about to eat you out, but his stare is full of innocence. Those gorgeous eyes not breaking eye contact with you, even as he kisses you over your panties. You try your best not to cry out at the sight, but that is just a promise of what is to come
"let me show you what you've been missing out on, please?" there's that fake innocence again, it may seem like he's asking you to be sure, but he already knows your answer. He just wants to hear you say it.
"Please John, I want it so bad, want you." you beg him. I t felt good to finally tell him, all of that tension finally being released. And all you saw was the cocky smirk on his face again before he was removing your panties.
"shit sweetheart, Your practically soaked and I haven't even touched you yet. Did he ever do this for you?" John asked, running a finger through you soaked folds, to be honest you didnt even know you could get this wet before the sex even started. You shook your head, of course he didn't, he never thought to be that generous.
"dickhead" you could hear price mutter to himself as he continued to tease your dripping hole with his fingers. "what a waste" Without warning he then plunges two fingers deep inside of your, letting out a low groan at how wet you are.
You couldnt help but break the shared eye contact with him as your hands gripped as you bedsheets and your eyes screwed shut. Finally you were getting what you had been deprived of for so long. His fingers starting pumping in and out of you slowly, building a consistent pace. This time, instead of forced the moans you were so used to the moan let out was completely involuntary and you hands fisted as your sheets. John cant help but let out a small chuckle at the noises you make when he finally gets his hand on you.
"shh, that's it sweetheart, just relax f'me" he rumbled as his other hand finds it way to stroking you thigh, trying to calm your tense state. Your eyes snapped open, trying to get a glimpse of John. Each thrust of his fingers sending you mind further and further into mush. Your hips chasing his ever move, bucking with every brush against your g-spot.
He looked heavenly, his face gently lighted by the candles in the room, his hair slightly out of place while his eyes focus themselves on you completely. His hands flexing with every movement he makes.
Never taking his eyes off you, he leans down, finally tasting you. His tongue licking gently stripes, collecting your wetness.
He moans at the taste, something oh so satisfying about finally getting his mouth on you. Like his dreams come true.
His thick fingers worked magic inside you as their movements never faltered. His tongue increasing in its assault of your clit, running over the bundle of nerves over and over leaving you twitching and writhing beneath him. You could already feel you orgasm approaching yet he had hardly gotten started yet. "fuck, so good" you whimpered out, and you saw the pleased look he had on his face. Your body twisted and writhed on your bed, not used to the intense pleasure you were feeling as this man carefully and skilfully worked on your pussy.
"I know, I know. Being so good for me." he whispered, and even that drew another moan out of you. It was almost overwhelming, you hadn't had someone care for your pleasure solely before, and it almost seemed as if John was getting off on it by the quite groans he was letting out himself. Waves of pleasure flowing over you, and you wouldn.t mind being drowned in this feeling as you slip further into the lust.
Your hands released their iron grip that they held on the sheets and found their way to his hair, tugging at the dark roots. This seemed only to encourage the man lapping at your cunt. He was devoted for sure. The feeling of your hands gripping his hair, letting him know that he was doing his job right.
He could sense you were already nearing your climax, he could feel you tightening around his fingers, practically sucking him back in every time he threatened to leave. His tongue sucking your clit, focusing its movements, and that mixed with an added finger and some verbal encouragement, your orgasm grew ever closer. Every breathy moan as whimper was a signal to john that he was doing a job well done, he watched your face eagerly, watching to see what had an affect on you, trying to see what you liked the most. He wanted it just as much as you did. A desperate plea for release clear within you both
"come on darling, give it to me. Good girl." he spoke lowly, watching as you tried to force you eyes open, yet failing as your orgasm took over. You stomach tightening as his fingers carefully rode you through. You could be certain you weren't faking any of those moans as you basically sung his name like a prayer. "John, fuck, fuck-oh my god". Your legs tightened around his hand as you felt like every nerve in your body was on fire. You had finally received the pleasure you had been wishing for and it left your eyes burning with tears, tears of pleasure of course.
"There you go sweetheart, you did so well f'me" He whispers as he kisses up your body, his hands tracing over your skin as if he were trying to memorise every inch of it. He almost seemed angry that your shirt served as another layer between you both as he ridded you of both his and yours, throwing them somewhere in your room. You were too far gone to notice. You chest still heaving up and down as you came down from you climax. "Thank you" was the only thing you could mutter to him and he kissed up your chest and neck, before finally kissing you on the lips. You both moaning at the sensation, at something that had been long awaited. You had found their way to the back of his neck as he kissed you hard, his lips almost punishing yours as his tongue entered your mouth. You allowed yourself to be claimed by him, having no desire for any kind of power, you were his for him to do with as he pleased.
"can you take a bit more for me sweetheart? Got to have my cock inside you” he groans lowly in your ear, the noise practically ungodly. You whine, you cant tell if its at the loss of the contact of his lips or his filthy mouth. Or maybe its the huge hand now making its way to your breasts, playing with your nipples ever so gently, making it harder for you to form words.
"oh don't tell me I've lost you already love? First time being fucked properly and your already gone." He coos at you, smirking to himself. He is rather proud of the effect he's having on you, it had gone far better than he expected. Although your previous boyfriend didnt really leave much he had to live up to.
"please John, fuck me. I need it so bad, need your cock." Your whole body was practically screaming out for more. Your mind only being able to focus on one thing as your eyes trace over the man in front of you. The buzz of your previous orgasm still on your skin leaving you craving another. You couldnt help but be selfish as this man was offering himself to you so generously.
"oh you need it darling? well in that case..." he trails off, pulling your legs open, wide enough for him to fit in between as he lines himself up at your entrance, slowly teasing you, dragging his red tip through your folds. He had enough composure to tease himself also by doing this, being almost painfully hard. You couldnt help but watch intently, almost being mesmerised by the lewd act.
He couldn't take it anymore. H e needed to be inside you, he craved it. All those times he had imagined you bent over your kitchen counter, or him dragging you back to his room to have his way with you finally coming true.
Slowly, he pressed himself inside of you, inch by inch. He wanted you to feel him, all of him. And he certainly was big. A joint moan released by the both as you as he sinks himself inside of you fully, and he stays unmoving for a moment, basking in the closeness you now both shared.
You were absolutely fucked. You couldnt keep it together. You were so full, finally so satisfied that you couldnt even think straight, all your mind was focusing on was how you stretched so well around him. It was taking everything for you not to start moving your hips or crying out for him, trying to keep your restraint as you felt practically euphoric. You felt like you had been lit on fire, your skin feeling alive with every breath he took, the slight movement inside of you.
Finally after what seemed like centuries John moves. His forehead dropping down to rest on yours as he tries to ease a slow pace, practically torturing himself.
"Holy fuck- so perfect. You feel so fucking perfect f'me sweetheart" he groans out from above you, his whole body encasing yours as his hips speed up pace.
Your hands find his back, clawing at the skin as you lay with you mouth open in a silent scream of pleasure. Your eyes fluttering shut as you try to focus on how good you are feeling right now. That is until a firm hand grasps you jaw, not enough to hurt but enough to make your eyes open.
"You keep your eyes on me, don't you dare look away. Want you to watch me as I ruin you." he whispers to you. He wouldn't be surprised if you didnt understand what he said, you were a whimpering mess. He had just asked one of the hardest things for you to do. You had to watch this man fuck the shit out of you, it was almost too much to handle.
His deep groans echoing in your room, partnered with your moans.
What you don't realise is seeing you in this way, so vulnerable is his favourite part. The sparkle in you glossed over eyes as you cant help but be trained on him, the smudged mascara framing them perfectly. You glistening with either your spit or his, either way it turns him on. You spread out so innocently before him, for him to be the one to make you feel so good, and not be able to fake it even if you tried.
his hips were punishing, every thrust now pulling a moan out of you, music to his ears he thought as he smirked down at you. how cute he thought, watching you struggle not to close your eyes an scrunch them shut at the pleasure
"Too much for you sweetheart?" he questioned mockingly, receiving only a cry in response. You clench around him, never wanting him to leave your walls. He definitely didnt want to leave them either.
His hands coming down to brace your hips, stilling you wriggling as he pounds into you, harder and faster, he wants you to be able to feel him afterwards. He doesn't want there to ever be someone that can make you feel as good as him. You clench again, and again and John ca tell your close.
"Gonna come for me again love? Come on, on my cock, there's a good girl" Jesus this man knew exactly what to say to have you screaming for him. One of his hands releasing the bruising grip it kept on you hips to rub at your puffy clit.
With your moans and the way you fit him so perfectly, He couldn't see himself lasting much longer either, his main mission is to have you cumming before him.
"come on darlin, need it. Come all over my cock" Whispering in your ear with that gorgeous voice of his as his thumb fingers rub tight circles on your clit and his huge cock is practically splitting you open has you tumbling over the edge.
"John, oh my fucking god." Every muscle in your body tensed as he made you cum once again. God it was so good, like a coil that had finally been released. At last you had finally been satisfied. Your legs wrapping around his back, trapping him in as his hips still hammered into you, leaving you shaking from sensitivity. Like a madman possessed he chased his own orgasm, watching where you both connected intently as you soaked him completely with your release.
"Fuck sweetheart, gonna ruin this perfect little pussy" He moans, his hips now faltering in their pace, stuttering as his orgasm comes close. Your overstimulated body now quivering as you do you best to clench round the man, wanting to bring him the same pleasure that he just gave you.
"please John, i want it so bad" you whisper to him, and that sends him over the edge, spilling himself inside of you, thrusting his cu deep inside of you, continuing until he couldn't anymore. His hips stilling as he finishes, before gently pulling out of you. His eyes unmoving as he watches himself seeping out of you used hole. He wanted this moment imprinted on his brain
You lay there on the bed, completely fucked out and unmoving as he goes to grab a washcloth. It saddens him slightly to clear away this mark he had left in you. But he does it either way, gently cleaning you both off.
He soon settles next to you, a content sigh leaving his mouth. "So, who was better me or your ex?" he asks, a stupid question with an obvious answer. Laughing as you slap him playfully on the arm
"Oh my ex for sure"
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keen-li · 4 months
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A/n: just a little quickie
Military au
I brought you some of your favourite cookies I made" you smile warmly at the man in uniform infront of you. You stretch out the little bag showing him how much effort you put into bagging the goods.
And as he opens the contents of the bag, he admires the effort you also put into making it. You didn't have to, he told you this before, but you did and he appreciates it still . He knows it's one of your ways of showing him you care and love him. Plus you wouldn't listen even if he told you.
Back home you and him always made these little cookies with weired faces on them. "The weirder the face the sweeter they are" you'd say smiling like a child as you drew onto a cookie.
He'd just stare at you and admire the energy you put into it.
"I think that's very true considering how sweet you are" he says wrapping his arms around you to trap you from moving. When what he said registers you gasp
"Hey!!!" You yell and try to move in his grip but fail. He finds it amusing, cause you can't do anything and he has you trapped, that's why he did it so he can hear you whine and complain.
"Are you saying I have a weird face?" You whine energy wearing out. Jungkook let's out a chuckle and your face scrunches up in faux anger.
"Not really..." he starts "but sometimes" he moves he's head around as if pondering on times when he thought your face was weird.  Of course he doesn't think your face is weird, he loves your face; loves to place many tiny kisses on it and loves watching your expressions change according to what your thinking. You also know that he doesn't think your face is weird, you just play along cause you know that's how you tease each other.
You elbow hum lightly and his wall falters and you're set free. You immediately turn to start placing tiny (unharmful) slaps on his chest.
"Sometimes when huh?" You egg on and you continue to slap his chest, his very hard chest that's not affected by your weak blows.
"Like now" He says through your hits and at his words you throw a heavier slap that echos in your quiet shared apartment.
You pause fearing you've crossed a boundary. Yes he's your boyfriend and you've been together a while but  you're still kind of afraid of crossing boundaries,  especially the ones you are unaware of. Jungkook notices the little pout on your face and knows what you're thinking,  he doesn't know how many times he's going to tell that there's no blow that you can hit him with that's gonna hurt him, unless you kick him in the nuts.
"Hey that's all you've got?" He acts mockingly trying to lighten the mood, and with the scoff you let out he knows you know that he doesn't mind.
"I outta take you to the gym, your punches are kinda disappointing" you chuckle at him as you turn back to your cookies.
"i don't need the gym, I walk enough stairs and carry enough files at work" your wrist rolls as you draw your weird faces.
"And how do those things help with you learning to throw a good punch" he wraps his arms around your waist and closes the space between. Your stomach does a little flip as you feel his closeness, it feels like the first time everytime he does that. You hope he never stops.
"I don't need to learn to throw a punch..." you bend a little to get the right angle for the face you're making and as you do you brush against jungkook and he can't help but groan.
"...I have you" he can hear the smile and confidence in your voice. He's happy that you find confidence and safety in him, but he's not always gonna be around and those moments make him sick. Sometimes he wishes he could become a diety so that he can watch over you and protect you, but its not a fairytale and he knows he can't always be around. He always tries to make you understand that but you always take it as a joke. He doesn't know this but you do understand him and where he's coming from but you're just avoiding the reality of things.
"I won't always be around" his voice softens as he breath brushes past your neck and his head is quite heavy on your shoulder.
"Oh yeah? And where are you gonna go?" You say wanting to bring up the topic you've both been avoiding but needs to be had.
"The military?" You finish for him knowing he's not gonna say it.  You chuckle at the little sigh he lets out.
Your bodies disconnect and you regret bringing it up,the cold of the apartment finally getting to you. You know he isn't mad, its just hard to have serious conversations when your ass keeps brushing past his growing hard-on.
 He goes to stand on the opposite side of the island sighing as if ready to have the conversation. Your demeanour becomes a little more serious and your face falls as you hope you don't cry. You're the one who brought it up anyways,  but it's good, you need to face this.
"Do you think you'll be okay" his soft voice airs out.
You sigh and hope your tears don't fall and salten the cookies. You don't have an answer for him, you've never had the answer to that question. You can only hope.
"I hope I'll be okay" your voice fades out quite early at the end.
Jungkook knows its gonna be hard for the both of you. Sometimes he wishes he'd met you after he'd already served but that's not possible. He's glad he met you before though, gives him a reason to complete the service, come back home and now actually start life with you; like proposing. He wanted to propose to you before he left but he's mother told him he should do it after and he agrees. Proposing to you before he leaves feels like he's tying you to him and making and forcing you wait for him. He doesn't want to make you feel obligated to wait for him.
"You can move on you know" you roll your eyes once you hear him, you hated when he said stupid things and he often did when he got sentimental.
"Jungkook please" you chuckle "move on?"
You lift your eyes and they meet his doe ones, he should really hear how silly he sounds.
"Yeah, I don't want to make you feel tied to me. You you can move on find some dude who's already done his service and start the life you want" even though it leaves a burning bitter taste on his tongue and heart, he says it anyways. He doesn't even mean a single word, if he could he'd take you with him or he wouldn't even go.
You don't even react to him, knowing he's just spewing nonsense.
"And you'd be okay with that me starting a life with someone else?"
No.  Of course not. He'd rip the dude's head off once he found him.
"If it's what you want" you can hear the lies through his tone and demeanour.  You know jungkook wouldn't want that, he hates the idea and you know it would kill him cause it kills you too.
"You're acting like you're going away forever" you force a smile, it isn't forever but even a day away from him feels like eternity, what more him being away for months?
You hear him release a chuckle.
"Plus I've given you 4 years of my life, why would I throw that away. Its not like when you leave I'll stop loving you. Yeah I will miss you, yes I will cry but its not gonna hurt so bad that'd I'd want to move on or find someone else"
He listens to you and is happy you feel like that cause he does too, he could honestly just propose to you now but he'll still do it after.
"Babyy" he coos. He stands and walks up to you, immediately turning you around and capturing your cheeks with his palms. It's the first time he's heard how you feel about it, but in all honesty it's the first time you've just talked about it. There's still more to talk about but today's a good start.
"I'm going to miss you soooo much" he places a peck on your lips and you place your hands on his waist.
"I'll think about you everyday, I'll go through everyday knowing I'm a day closer to coming back to you. I'll do this so I can come back to you an we can make all the weird faced cookies of yours"
He kisses you softly again. You just lean into his kiss.
"Promise me something jungkook" your lips are only millimetres from his.
"Yeah baby"
"Don't think about me too much okay" you stroke his sides more to comfort yourself,those tears you've been holding are making their way. Jungkook holds you tighter noticing.
"I can't do that. I don't like lying"
And the flood gates open. This is gonna be harder than you thought.
The smell of the sweet cookies makes jungkook smile and he's already blushed cheek blush more. He pulls one out.
He let's out a laugh.
"Kept the weird faces huh?" he smiles and takes a bite, tastes like comfort and everything's he's been missing.
"Why would I change them. Told you the weirder the sweeter" you speak happiness in your tone cause you've finally gotten to see him. You grab a cookie from the bag and take a bite aswell. After having a couple more he rolls up the bags and packs it.
"I should hide these before someone else wants some" you chuckle at his words. Jungkook isn't the most generous when it comes to the things you make for him and he's not afraid to admit that.
"Not even one?" You mock.
"Nope. They can go tell their girlfriends to do that." He adjusts his uniform that you've been admiring him in. "But most of the guys don't have girlfriends so that's a shame for them" you both laugh.
"How's your friend jimin." You ask suddenly remembering him. Jungkook's surprised you remember him but again how can you forget the person you made you two start dating.
"He's okay. Been kicking his ass in training though" he pats himself on the shoulder with his tone.
"Take it easy on him,"  you try an bargain for jimin.
"There's no time for nursery care here baby" he stretches his hand out for you to take it and you do.
"Want me to show you my room?" He says pulling you towards a building.  He feels your hesitation and turns to you with a lifted brow.
"Am I even allowed there?" You bite your inner cheek.
"Yeah I can get permission if you want though."
You'd prefer he gets permission first you don't need him in trouble. And so you nod which hums to.
You start walk to jungkook's superior's office.
"Did I tell you how strong your hand feels" you say admiring the veins on his hands and the way he holds your hand for dear life.
"Is it?" He squeezes your hand slightly.
"Yep, gonna put them to work when you get back home" you rejoice swinging his arm.
"Is working ever gonna end for me?"  He whines.
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a-aexotic · 1 year
Could you do soft Rafe being in love and having a secret relationship with someone opposite him like she’s so sweet and shy. She’s a kook but she’s friends with the pogues. Maybe some fluff and implied smut and he’s giving her aftercare? And also he’s just admiring her and being totally obsessed with her. Reader is blushing when he compliments her and tells her how much he is in love. How she understands him and is always there for him at his worst times.
I got carried away. Sorry 😭
ren's notes hi! ofc i can, omggg and don't worry ab it, the more descriptive, the better! i hope u enjoy! i love rafe's buzzcut sm
pairing. rafe cameron x fem!reader requested? yes no
warnings. fluff!, lowkey childhood enemies to lovers??, secret relationship, ooc rafe/sarah, a mention of a fight with ward, a few kisses and illusions to smut
summary. you've always lived next to the cameron's, what happens when you start getting closer to the older cameron?
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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The Camerons have lived across the street from you for as long as you could remember. Morning brunches, summer yacht parties and Christmas's were always spent at the other's house. Ward was your father's best friend since they were children and they wanted you and Rafe to be the same.
But, time and time again, forcing your children to be friends proves to be not the best idea. Rafe started to dislike your presence more and more each time.
You weren't the problem. His father was. He would always compare you to him. "Why can't you be more like Y/N?" He'd heard this all his life so it was only natural that he'd start to dislike you despite the absolute angel you were.
You never held anything he said against him. You knew how complex his relationship with Ward was and you knew it wasn't his fault he didn't like you.
Rafe tried to hate you, he really did. But he just couldn't. You were the most caring person he'd ever. He'd only ever treated you with disrespect and unkindness but you still looked out for him.
Rafe was a softie at heart; so he started to like you more than a friend. And after you both shared a small kiss under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve at the L/N's, you started to date.
In secret, of course. Rafe didn't want to give his father the satisfaction of knowing he set you both up.
You and Rafe's relationship was only known by your best friend, Kie and his sisters and best friend, Wheezie, Sarah and Topper. Topper wasn't mean to find out, it just slipped from Sarah. They were all sworn to secrecy.
Rafe was delicate with you, always. He loved how caring you were and he always made sure to be just as caring with you as you were him.
You and Rafe sat at the beach, talking. This was how you two spent your nights; outside, in the back of his pickup truck watching the waves and the bright stars.
"I kind like how no one knows about us." You confessed with a small giggle as he nodded, putting his arm around you and pulling you close to him.
"Yeah, me too. It makes it more intimate." Rafe whispered as you both stared out to the ocean. "But sometimes, I want to make sure everyone knows you're mine."
"Me, too." You replied. It was mostly Rafe's wish to keep it private, it's best for both of you. He didn't want the island to have more to gossip about, he felt like it would be less of a strain on your relationship. He knew his father would make it difficult as well.
Rafe's relationship with his father was the one thing you and Rafe argue about. You think he should make more of effort to be nicer and he just wants to cut him off.
You considered yourself pretty close with Ward until Rafe's 18th birthday. You made it your mission to make sure everything was in place and perfect for Rafe. And it was perfect until Ward decided he needed to have a talk with Rafe.
This talk turned into a big fight almost immediately and Ward essentially had ruined Rafe's birthday and your hard work. You'd been with Rafe for about 2 months at that point, and you've known Rafe your entire life and you'd never seen him so distressed and angry.
He was in your room after the party and he was silent. He wasn't crying or screaming in anger - he was just silently laying in your bed. Your heart broke in two seeing Rafe so defeated. He was so strong (both mentally and physically), that's one of the reasons you admired him so much. But tonight, his will to fix his relationship with his father broke.
You had just taken a shower to give Rafe some space and you came back to see Rafe still hadn't moved from his spot. His father's words always had an effect on him, more than he wanted. He wanted to hate Ward but he truly couldn't - all he ever wanted was his validation.
You walked up to Rafe and embraced him tightly, quietly. You stayed like that for a couple minutes, Rafe basking in your presence. He moved his head upwards so he could look at you.
He couldn't help but break a small smile as he examined your gorgeous face. He was grateful that you were his - just his. That he had one person in this entire world who loved him for him, not for anything else.
"Thank you." Rafe whispered.
Your expression changed to a confused one. "For what?"
"Everything, baby." He paused. "The party, the cake, the effort you put in... and for loving me regardless of what everyone says about me."
You put your hand on his face, rubbing it slightly, comfortably. "None of it matters. I'm going to love no matter what they say because they don't know you like I do, okay?"
He hadn't heard anyone say that before. He's never been loved unconditionally since his mother and it felt so good to be loved again. He leaned up to kiss you.
It was a hard but passionate kiss. He pulled you in closer by the waist, then put his hands on your face to deepen the kiss. You pulled away from the kiss and you put your forehead on his, taking a few breathes.
You and Rafe locked eyes and he put his fingers in your hair, pulling you in for another kiss. He pulled away and looked deep in your eyes. "I wanna show you..." he paused. "How grateful I am, for you."
You nodded and he kissed you again, moving backwards into the bed so that you could get on the bed with him. He laid you down and you began to kiss again, this time with more fervor and desire than before.
That entire night Rafe was showing you how much he loved you. He loved being inside of you; he loved how close you were and that how it felt like there was no one else in the world but you two. He didn't do it for pleasure, that part was just a plus. The idea of combining with you in such a sensitive and soft way made Rafe love you even more, if that was even possible.
When you were done, Rafe wouldn't let you move. You were tired from not only the previous activities, but that entire day. Rafe got up to go get you water and after that, you both laid in comfortable silence.
You laid your head on his chest as you both drifted into a calm state of sleep.
"I love you." Rafe said for what seemed like the millionth time that night. You brought your hands to his, holding them.
"I love you, too."
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 7 months
Back to me 🖤
Leon S. Kennedy x reader
A/N: a lil Leon lovey dovey piece. I cannot express how much I love him and I would give him the world if I could. Enjoy!
~Fi 🐝
Warnings: LEON APPRECIATION. so much fluff, kinda angsty, but nothing bad :), back kisses <3 much needed comfort for our favorite agent.
Word count: 1.5k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Clouds. That's what your bed felt like. Your sheets felt like laying on the softest and most delicate rose petals. A warm and fuzzy feeling bloomed in your chest, slowly and gently crawling all the way to your cheeks. Your lips were stretched into an adoring smile. It was all because of him, no doubt.
Leon had returned from a mission, a week ago by now, and you just couldn't stop looking at him. Admiring the view, if you will. Hunnigan and yourself had planned your asses off trying to get him a month off of work. He needed a break, in all honesty. Not that he would ever admit that, let alone ask for one. Apparently, he didn't notice how the bags under his eyes would darken, how his movements became sluggish and clumsy or how he would shoot awake from nightmares every other night.
Maybe he did notice, and he just ignored it. Hoped to wish it all away, think it out if existence if he tried hard enough. He didn't know his limits. You'd think someone in his field would, but he didn't. But you noticed. And it broke your heart every single time to see him become a shell of the man you loved. All because he never took a break, in fear of seeming weak. Utter nonsense.
So, you'd arranged for him to not be bothered by work. Not a text, a call, whatever it was, it was put on hold for now. He needed some time for himself. For you. It wasn't healthy, being in a constant state of fear, stress and adrenaline. A constant state of survival. He didn't need to do that when he was with you.
You wished he would quit that damn job of his, sometimes. It was eating at him, breaking from the inside out, albeit so slowly he had yet to notice. You would have that talk with him another time, for now this was all you could do. And you would do it gladly. Pamper and spoil him to his hearts content. Although it was more to yours, truly.
You watched him move from the bathroom, just having gotten ready for bed, to the dresser in your shared bedroom. His pajama pants sat so nicely on his hips, hugging his thighs and ass perfectly. Your gaze wandered farther upwards, to his exposed back.
He was rummaging through a drawer for one of his shirts, you'd stolen a plethora of them but always made sure to return them to their rightful place. You watched as the muscles in his back flexed and tensed in various ways as he dug around for the piece of clothing.
"What're you looking for, Baby?" You called softly from your place on the bed. His rummaging didn't stop as he leaned further into the drawer. "My Linkin Park shirt.." he mumbled. You could practically hear the way his brows were scrunched together and the slight frown that sat on his lips. "Bottom left corner."
He stopped, but then followed your instructions and, sure enough, with one reach of his hand he had found what he was looking for. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He felt the fabric, it was soft. It didn't feel like it was freshly washed, though.
You'd probably worn it a couple of times before he came home. He liked it when you did that. The shirts wouldn't be as stiff and scratchy, they'd be soft on his skin, accompanied by your smell. Your perfume, your shampoo, your body wash, he loved it. It comforted him, made him feel safe.
Leon sat down on the edge of the bed, shirt in hand. Your eyes fell to his bare back again. He was so incredibly beautiful, what a shame he didn't know it. A butterfly can't see its own pretty wings, after all. You crawled over the bed, settling behind him on your knees. His head was slightly leaned forward, he was probably checking his phone. Another habit you'd yet to somehow get out of him. Checking his phone for texts or calls from work in precisely timed intervals didn't really help your cause of trying to get him out if his work life for once.
You watched the relaxed muscles in his back, the soft and perfect skin being decorated by a multitude of moles and faint scars. Reaching out, you gently ran your fingertips across them. They told so many stories, his stories, and you loved each and every one. Leon sighed as he lightly leaned into your touch. Your hands moved along his shoulder blades, over the back of his neck, down his shoulders and across his upper arms before they settled on his waist. "I love your back.." you muttered, starting to place gentle kisses everywhere you could. He stiffened for just a second before fully melting into you.
The grip on his phone loosened, slipping out of his hand and clattering to the floor. "I love every scar, every mole, all of it." You continued between kisses. You trailed your declarations of love upwards, all the way to his neck before peppering kisses over the skin there, too. Leon sighed and let his head tip to one side, giving you even more of a canvas to paint your work of art on.
Your hands now snaked from his waist to his stomach, wrapping your arms around him. "I love you." You whispered with a final kiss, pressing your face between his shoulder blades. "I love you too, sweetheart." He replied softly, caressing your hands that were splayed on his stomach. "You gonna let me put my shirt on?" He asked, an amused tone to his voice. You let out a displeased grumble, tightening your grip on him. "Fine.." you mumbled, quickly placing some more kisses on his back before pulling away.
The chaste touches of your soft lips made a shiver run down his spine. It felt so good to finally be back with you. And three more weeks of this? God, how did he even get a whole month off? He was excited to spend so much time with you. The first week, you had spent in bed all day, ordering take out when needed and cuddling. The second week, you'd meet some family and friends, maybe go on a cute date or two. The third week would be spent in a luxurious hotel by the beach.
He couldn't wait for that. It's been God knows how long since he'd been to the beach. The last week, you'd spend in bed all day, again, enjoying each other's company and warm embrace. He really could get used to this.
Leon pulled the shirt over his head, to your dismay, covering his sculpted body. You scooched back on the bed, laying down so he could rest on your chest. "C'mon, Lee." You smiled at him softly, motioning for him to join you in the paradise that was your soft pillows.
He didn't decline, of course, and promptly crawled over to you before laying on top of you. It was the perfect position for the two of you. Leon could use your plush boobs as his personal pillow, breathing in your scent while also holding you.
You, on the other hand, had the comfort of his weight on top of you and you had free access to his back, caressing and gently tracing patters on it as you pleased. He let out a content sigh once he'd settled in, perfectly fitting on top of you.
You pressed a kiss to his blonde locks, gently running your fingers through them before they found their way back to his back. "What was that supposed to be?" He muttered against your chest. A soft chuckle left you. "Your good night kiss, love."
"That won't do." Leon grunted, getting up on his elbows to place a loving kiss on your lips. You sighed into the kiss, gently grabbing his face. He pulled away and smiled at you drowsily, adding, "That's better." before moving back to his former place on your chest. "Okay, good." You replied softly, smiling down at him as you, too, could feel sleep getting to you.
"I love you so much, Baby." He slurred, nuzzling closer to your warm body. "I love you so much too, Honey." You sighed, relaxing against him. Would you wake up like this? Probably not. The pair of you were quite the turners at night. You'd probably change from this position to one on your sides, your arms wrapped around eachother while your face was pressed into his back, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing.
Leon would probably pull you into his arms at one point in the night. You would wake up with your arms wrapped around one another, facing eachother, lips almost touching as his warm breath fanned over your face. He would pull you from your slumber with hungry kisses, pressing his lips wherever they could reach. Every bit of exposed skin would get the gentle touch of his lips as he trailed them down your body.
Looks like it would be a breakfast in bed kind of day.
I just want to love him :(
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sehodreams · 6 months
your headcanon of each riize mmbrs kinks?
Sorry it took so long, I think I wrote too much hahahaha
Riize kinks
TW: idk man, everything seems safe to me but my mind is kinda weird so better read each kink next to the name
Shotaro - anal play, hair pulling
Okay, he's a bit of a soft guy, but that doesn't mean he's not a bit twisted. He likes the usual stuff, a missionary guy and gives his fair share of head. However, of course there had to be something, he dies for anal stuff, and even if you tell him no, sometimes you'll feel his finger playing with that little place when you're too into the moment, and you kinda like it to be honest, so after much begging from him you decide to accept, and oh god, why did you have to accept, now he's too into doggy style and loves to pull your hair and watch his dick fuck that little place, with you ass jiggling every thrust.
Oh, and let's not talk about rimming, after a few weeks he's gonna beg you to let him do that too, fingering your pussy to distract you from his tongue touching that spot.
Sungchan - Size kink, strength kink, breath play
So Sungchan is a big guy, he knows it, everyone knows it, and you kinda liked him for that, he being bigger made you feel protected and safe, who would've thought you would need someone to protect you from him.
He loves being rude with you, and you too of course, you love how he makes you feel small, moving you around as if you weighted nothing, carrying you around, tossing you to the bed without any real effort, or fucking you to the wall, you in the air trying to not fall with your arms around his neck.
Also, choking, god, he loves to see how he can hold your throat with his big hand, making sure you can't breath when you're about to cum.
It was normal for you to find purple and green spots the next day, even in places you had no idea he touched, you could see his marks everywhere, your throat, your legs, hips, even on your tits, you would have to spent a lot more money on makeup because of him and the strength he didn't notice he used on you, or well, at least he says that.
Eunseok - daddy kink, breading kink, pet names
Eunseok likes to control everything, including you, and you like him to control you too, you like to feel someone takes care of you and how important you're for him.
He loves to drive you everywhere, and to buy you anything you need, making sure you always had what you needed and more, rent? Coffee? Clothes? You had his credit card for something. In bed, however, he liked to punish you, he wanted you to beg for him, for you to call him daddy, because he was your daddy, right honey?
He loves to call you pretty names, baby, princess, bunny, you were his everything, but in bed he had to make sure he wasn't spoiling you too much, and like everything in life, you had to earn him, his dick was your prize only if you were a good girl, if you didn't do like he told you that day, why would you think you should cum? You can't, just like he said, he loves you, and he had to do what he had to do for you, he can't let his pretty baby go around acting out without consequences.
And you're his princess, but he loves the way his cum drips out of your used pussy, how pretty you look crying, begging him to put a baby inside you, "oh, so you want a baby? Oh honey, of course you'll have a baby", he just loves to make your wishes come true, so prepare yourself to be filled until you can't anymore.
Seunghan - dumbification, dacryphilia, corruption kink
He's a good guy, everyone thinks he's a sensible and kind boy, always smiling around and giving a hand when needed, that is what made you fall for him, how kind he was to everyone without exceptions.
When you gave him the green light to have sex, he was the most gentle first time you could ever think of, making sure you were always comfortable, telling you how pretty you are and how happy he was to be your first time.
And he was, until he wasn't gentle anymore. It started slowly, making you do more and more, because he was right, you needed to learn how to suck cock, it was the most common think between couples, and of course not being able to breath with the tip of his dick on your throat was normal, you just had to get used to it!
He would make you cum and cum until you cried, or he would push you to the edge but not to the end, he was sorry he didn't noticed you didn't cum, but you just had to try again, and of course, you had to try and try until you cried, begging him to finally let you cum. He just loved to see how desperate you cried, begging to stop or to not stop, but begging at the end.
You were his pretty girl, and of course he had to take care of you, so he would find any possible way to satisfy you, he would make you addicted to orgasms, you calling him embarrassed because you needed him was his favorite thing in the world, and you needed him so bad, how could you not if at the end of every session you couldn't think of anything else? Nothing else mattered if you were together, he fucking you until you couldn't talk, until you were just a bunch of moans and tears and you came so hard you ended passing out the whole night.
He was the best boyfriend!
Sohee - overstimulation, cum play
I think Sohee is tired of being called cute, he doesn't want to be cute, he wants to be handsome and to be strong enough to take care of you, or at least to ruin you.
He's addicted to overstimulating you, making you cum and cum until you have to beg him to stop and the sheets are so wet he has to change them. He loves being messy, using toys to make you cum at least three times, it gives him the feeling he can't have when he's around other people, in bed with you he's not cute at all, he's the one who thinks you're cute, sensitive and crying of pleasure. It's not that he likes to be a dom, he just doesn't like being seen as adorable, and he doesn't make you beg to recieve his attention, nor does he punish you, he lives to pleasure you, he just likes to pleasure you a bit too much.
He also likes to leave traces in your body, cumming over your pussy and smearing it around, or maybe on your tummy, on your tits? Better let him cum everywhere, he likes to see you covered with his cum, he loves when you open your mouth after he cums too, full of his semen, and when you drink it and show him your clean tongue after? You totally deserve a couple more orgasms.
Wonbin - somnophilia, mommy kink
He doesn't sleep that much but he actually loves sleeping, and he also loves having sex, so if you were to wake him up with your mouth on his cock or bouncing over his dick he would fucking thank you, he just loves being used by you so much, and if you're doing the work and letting him enjoy it half asleep he's even happier.
He also likes to see you sleep, when he comes back after practice really late at night and you're just there, beautifully sleeping on one side of his bed, he just wants to fuck you like that, and he does, he pulls down your shorts/pants or he pushes your panties to the side, and he doesn't need to prepare you, he knows you'll easily take him, so he fucks you while you sleep, and when you're waking up he gives you a sweet kiss telling you he almost finishes and you can sleep again.
On the other hand, he also has a bit of mommy kink, there'll be times in which he just wants to beg and be used by you, he wants you to tell him what to do to make you happy, because that'd make him happy. Also loves every time you tell him he's such a good boy for you, your good boy, he deserves a prize right? So can you sit on his face please? Or can he cum inside you? Pretty please?
Anton - drunk sex, oral sex, squirting and pissing kink
He was so shy most of the time, it took you so long for him to finally open to you, and when he got old enough to drink with you he wanted to do it all the time. Listening to some draft songs he had on his computer while drinking was his favorite kind of afternoon with you.
It quickly became a making out session most of the time, too hot because of the alcohol you had drank, both eager and humping each other like crazy, trying to feel as much pleasure as possible. The alcohol really helped him to lose up one time, maybe too much, he practically begged you to sit on his face, and you were to drunk to feel ashamed, so you did it, you took off your panties and sat on his face with your skirt on. He couldn't see anything but did his best to eat you out, desperately licking your sex, bumping his nose to your clit, dying for you to cum on his face. When you did, cumming harder than ever, asfixiating him for a couple seconds until you could move out of his face, when you saw the poor boy's face his mouth was glistening from your juices. You both laughed softly and he moved to kiss you like that, you tasting your own flavor. His hand caressed your legs and then he slipped two fingers inside you, preparing you for his dick, like he usually did every time you fucked. However, he never expected that to happen, you both were so into the moment that when that liquid came out of you with force, he noticed something was different when his hand was dripping to the floor, when you both looked down to the mess you had made, he became obsessed and did everything he could to repeat it again and again, leaving the floor and his bed sheets with wet spots.
He easily became addicted to that feeling, the control he had over your body to make you squirt was everything for him, and he specially liked to do it drunk because you were more relaxed and it was easier to make the kind of mess he liked to clean. Also, that liking for squirting would easily turn into a pissing kink, he liked to make you endure short times of you wanting to piss so he could finger you and see the mess you'd make, or in the shower he would beg you to piss in front of him, he just loves that relieved look on your face and every liquid that comes out of your pussy.
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mochinomnoms · 5 months
This is a very specific thing I said to my friends so if they follow your blog then they would know who I am but the whole thing of buy one get two free deal came from something that is common in my country where in local bazaars they sell these showering kits that came with shampoo, conditioner and a bottle of liquid soap my mind clearly infected with twst could only think about the octotrio being one of these packages Azul is the soap, and the twins are the shampoo and conditioner and the three of the products are wrapped with tape so you are forced to get the three which is oddly cute to me but onto the main thing!
Came up with another octotrio polycule idea since yuu represents a shrimp in Floyd's weird lenses of seeing the world sometimes if done intentionally or not you tend to clean up the twins or patch them up even fixing up their (poorly put on) uniform Jade got dirt in his face when he was in a mountain trip? Come here you careless eel and wipe out the dirt then you can talk about your new findings BUT WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST
Floyd decided to do parkour or maybe he just dumped a whole smoothie on himself because he was hot and used the drink to cool off and there you go, disinfect the wounds or scratches and putting silly cute band-aids (one time he got mad that his favorite design was out and you placed a mushroom design band aid since he still needed one, remind yourself to go stack up with the band-aids before Jade goes and sniffles about his dear brother using his favorite band-aids)
I am thinking that since the twins are a bit much more affectionate or aren't as busy as Azul is, you are doing one of your "Nurse/cleaner shirmp" (Floyd gave them the name) on one of the tweels and you guys were in Azul's office so he sighs trying to get attention he wishes that he also got his own nurse/cleaner shirmp affections if he doesn't say it out loud he can and will break his pen/ink flask and oh no! His gloves are completely ruined!! Clearly coaxing you into helping him with the mess or when he does voice his wishes about it when you two/three are present the tweels are quick to tease him about it "I thought that octopuses didn't go to cleaner shrimp stations?" or "Would you be able to provide protection in exchange? I thought that octopuses weren't predators" Okay that was rude, it is on. Of course that he can protect the shrimpy and if octopuses didn't go to cleaner shirmp stations then he would change that! Overall silliness and sweetness (They are having a discussion about planning to surprise you with a visit to the coral sea and going to visit their parents!!) they might turn almost anything into a friendly/loving competition and you are trapped in them but they are still so sweet and caring for you and each other 10/10 definitely a unique dynamic but awesome either way
(the same anon forcing their brain to fabricate more octotrio polycule ideas)
I think Floyd takes the most delight in seeing you care for them like an actual shrimp. He thinks it's endearing and will definitely make efforts to get dirty or mildly hurt so that you'll attend to him.
The other two have their own nicknames for you: Jade calls you and Azul My Pearl/Darling while Azul calls you Angelfish and the twins Dear(s).
It's Azul's way of showing affection, as he is quite reserved with his affections, at least until you're all in private. He does envy the liberal affections that the twins have with you, Floyd in particular doesn't care much about what others think, and Jade generally is more reserved than his brother, but will still give you chaste kisses when saying hello/goodbye. Azul, at most, will hold hands and maybe tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ears, something he often does during quiet moments.
It may be silly, but he gets a little jealous at seeing y'all share PDA when he's still getting used to the new dynamic. So he's coaxing you to come help him clean up! Look at his hands, they're absolutely stained with ink! Won't you please help him clean up Angelfish? 🥺
It backfires as the twins also take the opportunity to “care” for Azul. Instead of letting you fuss over him quickly, they decide that this is a sign that he's much too tired to continue working, look at the mess he made! It's time to close his office early and cuddle pile in his bedroom!! Jade's making the extra effort to run a bath in the absurdly large tub in Azul's private bathroom, while Floyd is running around collecting pillows and blankets to make a nest/fort. You do your do diligence and help Jade tend to him, causing him to get more and more flustered.
The night ends with the twins teasing the silly little octopus for wanting some tending from the shrimp. They're complaining that he never asks for affection like that from them!!! Eels can be gentle too, we promise Azul~
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
i’m thinking about kaveh first dropping off his kid in ghandarva ville. he did a good job explaining to them that he’ll be back before they know it and that he’ll alway be there for them. before he leaves he feels little hands clutching onto his leg as they just whisper “you promise you’re gonna come back? you won’t leave me, right? you promise you won’t leave me?”
i'll be back.
summary. kaveh finds the strength to leave his child in gandharva ville.
trigger & content warnings. fear of abandonment, references to kaveh's backstory.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. comfort, soft angst. adoptive dad!kaveh & child!reader. 0.9k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. wow you just woke up today and chose gentle violence huh anon /LH i love soft angst. hard angst? yeah, it definitely hurts, but soft angst like this? idk. it hits different sometimes!!!
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kaveh did not want to resort to this. he didn't.
the architect truly, sincerely had tried his very best to think of any alternate solutions—maybe he could convince alhaitham to give [name] a chance? no, caring for a child he impulsively decided to pick up off the streets isn't his roommate's responsibility and it really never would be unless the scribe himself decided to take it on, but some people have spontaneous changes of heart! why would alhaitham be any different?
(unfortunately, said man was not going to budge anytime soon. a child would disrupt the comfortable life he had put so much effort into building. kaveh had no choice but to accept that fact. well, really, he knew from the beginning! he was just hoping alhaitham might change.)
in the end, he managed to come up with nothing. he could not think of a single good or attainable option that would allow him to keep them. as much as he hated to admit it, only alhaitham's solution was a viable and reasonable one.
so, here he is, standing in front of tighnari's home in gandharva ville motionlessly with his child held securely in his arms. there were no words in any language that kaveh knew of that could describe what he was feeling. he wordlessly rubs soothing circles on their back.
the silence is impossibly loud.
tighnari does not rush him. he does not so much as even think of complaining. he simply waits quietly with collei at his side, the girl bouncing on her heels slightly in a nervous fidget. she wants to be a good caretaker to [name]; tighnari knows the prospect alone of having to care for them is making her nervous.
kaveh's slightly wavering voice finally breaks the silence:
"you know why i have to leave you here, right?"
they nod quietly, little hands clenched in fists raising up to rub at their watery eyes with their palms—they hope it looks like they're tired and not like they're about to cry, which they are. they hope he doesn't know they're about to cry. they hope he just thinks they're tired from the long journey. they hope he doesn't know the truth.
kaveh knows, of course.
he doesn't say anything about it, though, and only tries to swallow back his own emotions. he tries his best to repress the nauseous feeling stirring in his gut. he tries his best to repress the crawling of his skin. he tries his best to repress the thoughts that this is so impossibly wrong, so impossibly cruel of him.
he hasn't known this child for long, but...
he felt like he was abandoning them.
he felt like he was abandoning his flesh and blood.
absentmindedly, kaveh wondered if this was how his mother felt when she left to fontaine. he hopes not. this feeling is vile. he wouldn't wish it upon his worst enemy.
"and you also know that i'm going to come back all the time to see you, right? and i'm always going to be here if you need me?"
their voice cracks slightly. "yeah."
it's not at all that kaveh doesn't trust tighnari and collei; he does, and he knows they'll take good care of [name], but... still. he wants to be the one taking care of them. he wants to keep them.
he can't.
kaveh then kneels down, and their heart sinks in to the pit of their stomach, despite the fact that they already knew this was inevitably going to happen. just as they dreaded, he sets them down onto their own two feet.
they're reluctant to release their tiny grip from his shirt, but they do so regardless of their hesitance. a slight whimper rises in their throat when kaveh's warmth is gone from them.
kaveh hasn't ever really had to comfort children before.
he's... not sure what to do from here, quite frankly, so he does the first thing that comes to mind.
he leans forward, pressing the smallest, most hesitant of kisses to the crown of their head.
then, he stands up.
he doesn't get very far before one of their little hands is clutching his pant leg, and he inhales sharply, turning back to face them. "[name]..."
kaveh cuts himself off.
their eyes are wide, glittering with the sheen of unshed tears, and their bottom lip is split and cracked—they've either been picking at it or biting it, kaveh notes. how did he not notice before?
in their moment of sadness and stress, their accent peeks through a bit more heavily. it's in a shaky voice on the brink of breaking that they ask, "you promise you're gonna come back, right? you won't leave me, will you?"
kaveh earnestly believes he might cry about this when he gets home. oh well. alhaitham will simply have to deal with it.
for now, though, he doesn't cry. he can't.
the architect kneels back down to their height, wiping away the single tear that slid down their cheek with his calloused fingertips. "of course."
"you— you're not gonna leave me, right? you're not leaving me?"
"no. never. i promise, okay?" he whispers. "i'm here, okay? i'm always here if you need me. you just need to tell tighnari. he'll tell me you asked for me and i'll come back here. anytime."
kaveh briefly wonders if he'll regret making such a promise—his clients may suffer if they ask for him at a bad time—but then again...
he can't really say he ever will, not with the way they look at him with such vulnerable trust.
he can't regret it when they're putting their damaged trust into his hands.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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reallyromealone · 6 months
Vampire knight chapter 3
Warnings: sakamakis are in this now, omegaverse , reader doesn't feel safe a few times, it's a whole thing
(name) woke with a headache, whenever he went more Omegan he was always tired and dizzy but he wasn't hungry, far from it actually.
Looking around he recognized the room as Kanames, everything perfectly placed and polished.
Stretching (name) moved to slip out of bed only for a pair of arms to keep him on the bed and turned to see Kaname asleep shirtless "are you present with us again?" Kanames voice gravelly and low and (name) tilted his head slightly before booking Kanames nose "I want cake..." (Name) said simply and paid no mind to how Kaname was acting after all, all the alphas in the night class treated him like this.
He had weird friends.
"You dropped this, thankfully it wasn't damaged" Kaname sat up and reached around (name) to the bedside table and practically held him in his arms as he showed him the forgotten bite collar "if you want to interact with humans you need to keep it on" Kaname instructs and (name) nodded and went to put it on but Kaname was faster, gently moving so he could fasten it around, the collar expensive and sturdy.
"(Name), are you excited for the club?" Ichigo asked the Omega who looked excited in his own (name) way, a sparkle in his eye and a small smile, nodding as he drank his psuedo-blood and some food, (name) was very interested in human food further than sweets these days.
"You must keep your grades up if you wish to continue, Kain will accompany you" (name) nodded and the smell of a happy Omega filled the room.
Toga was surprised (name) was actually awake during class even if he looked like he was ready to pass out, scribbling things on his notebook.
(Name) was excited as he went to the culinary club with Kain, the Alpha holding him close, hand resting comfortably at the small of the omegas back "(name)! Great to see you! Glad you're feeling better!" The president said and (name) nodded in return as the club members noticed Kain him "I have to accompany him" Kain said simply as he sat down in a corner, pulling out a book.
Kain was amused at how much fun was having, the Omega was expressionless but he knew the tells of when he was happy and the omega always got excited about human things.
And being around other omegas would be good for him, the Omega population at the school much higher due to it being recogized as an Omega safe place, most public schools segregating omegas but Cross Academy made a point to include omegas in all functions and classes.
Though he wasn't impressed with the Alpha who was blatantly flirting with (name), the sleepy vamp learning to make a cake and the human alpha was "helping" him and showing the Omega pictures of his pets on his phone "yeah back home I hace two dogs!" Another student spoke up "did you have pets (name)?" The Alpha asked and (name) shook his head, vampires didn't really have pets after all.
"Maybe one day I could show you mine?" The human said and (name) didn't reply as the cake finished cooling off "time to decorate!" Another member said happily.
Kain watched (name) try and decorate a cake and honestly? It was ugly as hell but the effort was adorable.
(Name) wandered towards his pack mate, a plate with a slice of cake sitting on it and Kain normally didn't care for human food, accepted it and took a bite "it's good" he said simply and (name) seemed pleased at the answer and accepted the forkful of cake from Kain, an indirect kiss not missed by the humans.
After the club ended Kain was ready to walk (name) back to the dorms as the Omega held cake for the others, Kain watching (name) drool over it.
"Hey!" A voice called out and the human alpha waved them down as he lightly jogged to them and Kain gave a slight glare at the human "I was wondering if possible you would want to go out on a date sometime?" (Name) looked confused at this, vampiric culture never used these terms "why would we stand on a date?"
Kain kept a straight face but found the confusion adorable but sadly so did the human "I mean like going out to dinner together"
"Oh... But I just had cake?"
"Then how about this weekend?"
"He can't" Kain shut this down immediately and the Alpha glared "what? You two together?"
Kain fucking wished.
"He already has pre arranged plans"
The Alpha deflated but didn't give up "maybe I could get your number?"
(Name) was confused, did he mean his student number?
Kain led (name) away and the Alpha reached to grab (name) who in turn grabbed his wrist, the Omega having a blank expression on his face before seeming to snap out and look at his hands "please don't touch me" he said unsure what to do as Kain walked him back to the night dorms.
(Name) let Kain scent him, a form of comfort as the Omega was rather uncomfortable with the interaction that had just transpired, the cake slightly smushed in the container.
"Exchange students?" Toga asked his mate who nodded, Cross hesitant as he spoke "new night class students, all brothers..." Toga could feel a headache bloom at these new students, he didn't even like the current night class.
"Well we're going to have to inform the current bloodsuckers"
(Name) watched everyone eat the cake curiously, the cake was honestly very very sweet but they are it because they didn't want to be sad about something he made.
"Are the day students treating you well?" Ichigo asked (name) who perked up "I learned to bake cookies and cakes... Tomorrow they want to teach me how to make Taiyaki and possibly rice balls..." (Name) said, clearly excited as he explained his day, Kain already informing Kaname about the incident.
(Name)s clear happiness was the only thing keeping him from pulling him from the club.
Maybe he would have to pay the club a visit with (name)...
(Name) managed to get his homework done with the help of the others and returned to his nest, a few of his pack mates clothes in hand for comfort.
"My my~ what a quant place" a voice rang from down stairs and (name) didn't understand why the voice filled him with an ice cold fear but he no longer felt safe as he closed the closet door.
He frankly wasn't interested in who was downstairs.
Shu closed his eyes as he smelt the air.
"He's here"
The others also smelt the air and Laito grinned and went to stop forward but was stopped by kaname who looked less than impressed "I can assure you whatever you're looking for isn't here"
"Our Omega is here, kindly remove yourself from us retrieving him" Reiji hissed out and the night class realized who they were talking about (name), the night class instantly getting extremely protective of their pack Omega.
"Ah! I see you all met!" Cross said with Toga who was armed and ready for anything to happen "students these will be your new night class dorm mates!"
Cross could feel the tension as he continued "and I did explain with your father but I will remind you gentlemen that biting any student will lead to immediate expulsion" And possibly getting shot but Cross had to keep it professional of course, didn't need anymore tension as the vampires death stared each other "is there an issue"
"Not at all" both parties said stiffly, this was vampire shit... They didn't need hunters getting in the way.
Besides the night class could protect their Omega fine.
Cross showed the newest...guests their rooms and explained some things "this is the heat room, since (name) is the only Omega in the night class it's primarily for him, there is a rut room on the other side of the building, during heats and ruts there will be security to make sure no one harasses students during a delicate time"
"Saturday's are a half day and Sundays are a full day off, after classes on Saturday you may dress in casual clothes that follow the dress code"
Cross explained things before leaving "and fighting will lead to suspension, we have ways of finding out"
When they were alone again, the Sakamakis realized one of the new vampires were missing "where's the short blond one" Subaru grunted out but the night class was quiet "I believe we have matters to discuss" Kaname changed the subject and the sakamakis looked at him hesitantly, they knew who he was and he knew who they were.
On levels they were equal.
"(Name)?" Aido said softly as (name) opened the door by just a crack to see his friend and let him in his nest "you smelt the new people" he asked and (name) snuggled into him "they smell... Wrong.." (name) couldn't figure it out, why they freaked him out so much... But he wanted to avoid them at all costs.
"They brought a human with them, Cross made her stay in the day class as to avoid any problems" (name) listened carefully as he clung to him "lord kaname is talking to him, you don't have to worry about a thing" he could smell distress from the Omega who just closed his eyes and let the blond talk.
(Name) stood with kaname today, the day students screaming as they saw the new students who enjoyed the attention "you will sit with me today, am I clear?" Kaname instructs the Omega who nodded quietly, ignoring the stares from his new classmates who stared at him in a way that made him wanna borrow zeros gun.
He especially tried to ignore the Omega girls stare, venom clear in her eyes as she looked at him with distain, Despite Yui being in the day class technically, she was on paper a night class student.
Clearly she was also used to being the only Omega as well.
Yui didn't like /her/ alphas paying attention to this omega, so what that she was human? She was way cuter than him!
The sakamaki brothers tried getting to (name) throughout class, kaname tried to keep (name) away from them as much as possible and even indulged his little whims to make sure he didn't stray off.
It was mid day when (name) woke, thirsty as he held his tablets in his hand as everyone else slept.
Or so he thought.
There was the blond, sleeping on the couch with headphones in...Shu he thought his name was... He was just getting a drink in and out.
Carefully he filled a glass and dropped a tablet "those things taste like shit" Shu spoke out lowly from behind (name) "you smell good..." He rumbled out his voice sleepy and calm as he tried to go near the omegas neck.
(Name) felt anxiety rush through him, a feeling he wasn't used to as he pushed the Alpha away violently, Shu in turn stared coldly "behave Omega" he said with venom in his tone, (name) hissing back "what's going on?" (Name) rushed to ichigo as rukia comforted him "attacking omegas is forbidden" kaname said coldly and Shuu glared at him "we were talking, nothing more" Shuu looked at (name) in a way that made him sick, he didn't like not feeling in a place he once felt safe in.
"(Name)?" Cross was confused as he saw the Omega with a pillow and blanket "I no longer wish to be in the night dorms, could I seek refuge here?" (Name) held a bag of candy as bribery and cross sighed.
"Come in"
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moralesluvr · 1 year
hey gabrielle! i was just wondering if you could kindly write a fluff alphabet for miles morales (e-1610)? thank you so much!!
fluff alphabet ft. boyf!miles morales
♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x black!fem!reader ♡ summary: fluff alphabet!! ♡ warnings: none! just fluff ♡ a/n: thanks for your request!! ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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A - ACTIVITES (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?)
♡ miles loves spending time do the simplistic things, as long as you're there and he can bask in your presence. he enjoys the subtle intimate moments like going grocery shopping together or ordering food and eating it in either of your rooms at night.
♡ if you have errands to run, he loves to tag along! he'll sit with at the table when you're getting your nails done, or he'll follow behind you whenever you have to go grab something from the store. he especially loves when you both get home from being out all day so that you can cuddle at night
B - BYE BYE (what do they do when they have to say bye to their s/o? how are they feeling?)
♡ as much as he wishes he could stay with you forever, sometimes patrol calls in the most annoying times-- which calls for very quick goodbyes. he always has to have his lips on you somwhere, whether it's your forehead or lips or cheeks (sometimes even your fingers or hands if he doesn't have time) he has to kiss you goodbye and tell you that he loves you. he definitely gets sad when he has to go :(
C - CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle? what's it like to cuddle with them?)
♡ miles morales loves to cuddle man, it's crazy. he's coming home from a mission most times and you're already waiting with your arms stretched out wide. he always likes for you to be the little spoon, but sometimes, if he's in a mood, he'll lay on your chest with hand underneath your shirt, resting on your tummy or your cleavage while he tells you about his day :(( cute bby
D - DATES (what is it like to go on a date with them?)
♡ miles isn't really one for the big fancy dates that require him to wear anything but jordan's. he's the more laid back type-- he thinks it's much more romantic to take you to a rooftop picnic date at night rather then some steakhouse. it's just more intimate !!
E - EQUAL (how much effort do they put into the relationship?)
♡ he def puts his all into your relationship, but it takes time for him to get there. he didn't want to bombard you with these protective feelings he had at first glance, but once you guys were in an established relationship, he definitely upped his game.
F - FIGHT (what is it like when they get into fights with their s/o?)
♡ miles literally hates fighting with you. it’s usually about him sneaking around or being unsafe when he’s on patrol, but other times, it’s about more serious topics. he never raises his voice but he has a bad habit of just ghosting you to get some time to think to himself. however, he’s always in the same spot, and you go there to see him and finally talk to him. he always tells you, “i’m sorry, hermosa. i just needed time to think.”
♡ he’s so grateful for you. and he definitely shows it to you. he’s always telling you how much he loves you, how grateful he is to have you in his life. he’s constantly showing you off to his friends/family like “look, isn’t she so perfect? yeah, i love her.”
♡ he’s always holding you somehow. whether it’s your hand, or he’s cuddling you in his arms— he has to be touching you. sometimes he opts for holding your arm when you go places that you’re more comfortable in than he is.
I - IMPRESSION (first impressions?)
♡ your first impression of him was that he was endearing, but in an awkward sort of a way. you had your own set of nerdy interests that you were more than comfortable talking about to him, and he was always piggybacking off of your statements and discussing them with you.
♡ his first impression of you was that you were way too good for him. you were gorgeous and well spoken, as well as just overall a sweet person. you guys had your own banter though, and he loved how comfortable he could be around you.
♡ ngl this boy can get jealous sometimes. at first he really tries not to, but after witnessing you get hit on one too many times, he’s definitely not going for that again. anyone who even thinks about trying to get with you will be shut down immediately and he has no shame.
♡ miles is a damn good kisser— believe me when i say that. it took a second for him to learn because he’s never kissed anyone, but he’s a fast learner 100%. his hand placements are always on your waist or cheeks, but sometimes his hand trickles up your shirt when you’re kissing.
♡ it took him quite a while to say ‘i love you’ mainly because he didn’t want to scare you. he took you on a rooftop for a picnic date and while you were watching the stars, he whispered that he loved you. you whipped your head around and stared at him in disbelief because at first you didn’t believe him. he was scared that you were gonna leave him, but when you whispered it back and kissed him, he knew he had made no mistake.
♡ when he was little he always dreamed of having a wife, but now that you’re in his life, he’s definitely solid in that choice. he’s always daydreaming of marrying you and starting a family somewhere nice. he waits until you bring up the topic first though, and when you do, he tells you that he knows that he loves you in every universe. and in those universes, you’re together forever.
♡ BONUS — M IS FOR MUSIC. he def listens to j. cole, denzel curry, bryson tiller, drake, etc etc. he lives for 90s r&b and soul, as well as really sensual spanish music.
♡ he definitely calls you babe, baby, and sweetheart. he’s a little sappy, but you always find it cute when he calls you nicknames. sometimes he’ll try to be annoying and call you stink or pookie, but you know it’s all jokes.
“i love you, baby.”
“are you okay, sweetheart?”
“you’re so cute, stinka(butt).”
♡ it lowkey took him a sec for him to open up. and by a sec, i mean a literal second. after being in a relationship with you he just felt the need to pour everything out because he values honesty. he tells you about his problems and you tell him yours.
P - PUPPY LOVE (what are they like during the early stages of the relationship?)
♡ it’s like he’s avoiding stepping on eggshells. he tries his hardest not to make you uncomfortable or say something wrong because he’d literally go insane if you left because of something he did. but he’s very loving and he always makes sure that you’re okay.
♡ if he wants to, he can be extremely quiet. he usually is if he’s upset or frustrated because he knows that opening his mouth could result in something he regrets. he’s also super quiet if you’re talking because he’s always listening to you sk intensively.
♡ he loves to relax with you by baking or listening to music together. you could be in bed after he’s had a long mission, and he’s got you in his arms while humming the lyrics and just enjoying your presence. he’ll make treats with you if you’re baking and somehow flour always ends up on both of your faces. (he also def wears a spiderman apron)
♡ he did NOT tell you he was spider-man, but he confirmed it. you had suspected it was him because you always caught him disappearing every once and a while, plus, he wasn’t very good at hiding it. i mean, he is a clumsy teenage boy— but when you asked him about it, he couldn’t even lie to you. he just straight up told you yes, and then you laughed together.
T - TALK (do they talk a lot? does their s/o talk more?)
♡ he talks a lot sometimes, if he’s talking about something that he really likes or take interest in. but majority of the time, he wants to hear you talk instead. he’s def a big listener when it comes to you!!
U - UPSET (how do they treat their s/o when they’re upset?)
♡ he consoles you and gives u a ton of kisses. if it’s something he caused, he’ll just hold you without saying anything because sometimes the guilt is too much. but if it’s something that was out of his control, he’ll ask you if you want to talk about it, and then he’ll kiss your forehead and tell you everything’s gonna be okay, and that he’s got you.
V - VALENTINE (what do they get their s/o on holidays?)
♡ for christmas and your birthday, he always opts for whatever you want. he’s willing to break his back to get you things that you like, it’s just ‘cause he loves you.
♡ for your anniversary or valentine’s day, that’s when he gets more sentimental stuff like framed pictures of you or expensive jewelry. he loves watching you open the gifts and have a big smile on your face knowing that he caused it :(
♡ miles secretly loves when you play with his hair. he probably won’t admit it to you until you touch it while he’s in your lap, and then he’s praying and hoping that you don’t stop. when you see his eyes fluttering closed and his mouth slightly agape, you know to keep going.
X - XOXO (what’s their love language)
♡ physical touch + words of affirmation 100%. bonus points if you like the same music as him because i bet he won’t shut up about his favs, discussing discographies with you or sharing earbuds while you’re together. he loves to cuddle with you, he gets a spark with just a simple touch. and he loves to hear you tell him that he’s doing things right or that he looks good, idk, it just makes him feel like he’s a good bf to u :((
Y - YEARNING (what do they do when they’re missing their s/o?)
♡ he def looks at pics of you or you guys together if he can’t be with you. if he misses you and it’s bad, sometimes he’ll literally tear up because he loves you and he just wants to see you. if you’re available, he’s definitely facetiming you and telling you repeatedly how much he misses you. like he says it 24/7. he’s very irritating.
“baby, i miss y-“
“miles oh my gosh.”
Z - ZILCH (what is a definite no in the relationship?)
♡ he cannot and will not ever do anything with asking you first. from the most mundane to the highest of extremes— if he hasn’t asked he ain’t doin it. he’s a big consent king and no matter what it is, if you’re not giving a definite answer or he hasn’t asked you first, it’s just not happening. at all.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻
thank u for reading!!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee // @liliummz // @starhrtz // @daisydark // @randomhoex // @solanawrld // @whore4hobie // @tanakaslastbraincell // @simp4miguell // @nyrovi3 // @my3tumbles // @aziulsworld // @enchantingfoxsparkles // @mancerseedu // @cafehyunji // @personofyou // @mcdvsr // @kopiivie // @ellatienesuscosas // @venuswash3re // @calliarlerte // @pr0wlerpunk // @tzuyuzzs // @wisepoetrycheesecake // @clearskiiiess // @d3atht3hek1d
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑��𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ✎: @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10 // @adoree-kaelynn // @mhadnirb // @mmst4rz // @iris-theflower // @fleurrieerecs // @kenlani // @kala2022 // @ilyless // @milesmolasses // @laylasbunbunny // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @bl00dsuccker
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dogwithrabies · 1 year
【★】 cws: none! sub!scara, gn reader but described as afab. slight dacryphilia igl
【☆】 the spacing looks kinda wonky augh, anyway! it's my first time actually writing something serious, so enjoy!
word count: 4.5k
Why does it have to be me?
You mentally curse Aether while taking another step forward. After all the adventures you two shared, he bailed out when Nahida asked him to accompany The Wanderer on his little solo mission. Not only that, but he also suggested your name, something along the lines of “(name) seems to be more fitting for this job than me”. They didn't even give you a notice. The news of your impromptu trip came at the last second, leaving you with only a few hours to prepare, both mentally and physically.
You’re momentarily dragged out of your thoughts as you feel your foot slip, quickly putting your hands forward and catching yourself. It takes you a second to compose yourself and keep on hiking, while your companion just looks at you with an expression of irritation and floats by you.
He insisted on taking a shortcut, cutting right through deep vegetation and saving up time. That is if you can fly. Now, he stands on top of the hill, looking down on you as you stagger to keep up.
Slowly sinking back into your thoughts, you wonder… maybe Aether saw right through your annoyed façade, scowling every time you were faced with Kunikuzushi. Sure, he was rude and sometimes unbearable- but he had such a pretty face. And pretty eyes. And soft lips.
His hair also looked so soft, you wonder how it would feel to run your hand through it, slowly combing it. Maybe even pulling and tugging on it- alas, thinking of him, your thoughts always sway in a different direction.
The wanderer folds his arms over his chest. “This place seems adequate for resting. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve already arrived at the destination. Fragile humans, always needing to rest after even a small effort.” Another not-so-subtle quip aimed at you. You stopped listening as soon as he started listing the other ways you “slowed him down”, focusing on setting up camp instead. You wished he could just shut up. Forever. But his voice sounds so heavenly, if only he wasn’t such a pain in the ass.
Unbeknownst to you, his eyes fall on your back, following your movements.
He can’t help it, really.
He’s always found himself strangely attracted to you. His gaze follows your hands as they pull and tug while setting up the tent, silently wishing they could do the same to him. He still doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but he was relieved when he found out Nahida choose you to accompany him. Even during previous interactions he has always secretly hoped to have your attention on him, throwing insults at you, enjoying every single glare you throw at him.
The thought of liking someone, especially if that someone is you , irks him. He has never needed anyone. Getting close to people (to humans, no less), is just asking to get betrayed again. He has seen it over and over again, relationships falling apart over the stupidest reasons, cheating and lies and whatnot. The aftermath is even more pathetic, fake sympathy when both parties are on “good terms” or the sadness of a heartbreak.
Despite finding himself starting over, leaving his life as The Balladeer behind, old habits die hard.
So he finds himself in an internal conflict between wanting you and hating you. The latter more often.
The sound of the tent opening grabs his attention- “are you coming inside or not?” you say, your head poking outside while holding the zipper down. Sighing, he takes off his hat and sits down next to you, crossed legs and staring off in the distance. He hates how soft your voice sounds when you’re not busy arguing with him. Soft breaths and defeated sighs as you pull the blanket over you both, covering his legs.
Once again, he finds his gaze falling on you, your back is facing him and your chest is heaving up and down as you breathe. He has half a mind to reach out and touch your hair, but he holds back, you’re still awake. Maybe he could wait until you fall asleep to silently satiate his wish, but the fear of getting caught is stronger. So he sinks under the blankets and settles for simply watching you sleep.
The Wanderer stirs awake, breathing softly as his eyes try to focus.
No light filters through the tent, assuming it’s still nighttime, he lays his head back on the pillow, but when trying to roll on his back, he feels his arm catch on something. That’s when he takes notice of the warm sensation of your body against his. And his arm on your waist, holding you tightly. A bit too tightly, you slightly stir in your sleep and can feel you press against him while your back arches.
He feels himself stiffening, a warm sensation down there, taking notice of how his shorts feel too tight and the tent too small. He removes his arm from your hips and tries to pull the other one from under your back, but to his utter dismay you turn, now facing him, luckily still sleeping.
Not so luckily, your arm is draped on his chest and your leg rests in between his, dangerously close to his semi-hard cock.
Sighing in defeat, his free arm on his forehead covering his eyes, he tries to fall asleep once again.
He doesn’t really need to sleep, physically speaking he does not get tired. During his fatui days, he was used to spending weeks awake on missions. It’s more for his sanity, the calm of the night allows him to organize his thoughts while resting his body. And Nahida would nag him to no end if she found out he was, once again, not sleeping in order to finish his work for her faster.
Trying not to focus on how tightly you’re holding him (or how close your leg is to where he wants you the most) holding him hostage against you, he tries distracting himself, hoping his erection dies down with his will to fight your grip.
Being the first one to wake up, quickly taking conscience of your current position, you panic slightly. You’ve never been this close to him, not that he would let you, he had such an aversion for touch, always keeping his distance.
But right now, his visage is relaxed, his usual scowl nowhere in sight, he looks beautiful.
Slowly moving your arm you reach out for his hair, slowly tucking some loose strands behind his ear, just to get a better look at his face. His eyes are closed, with that red eyeliner of his perfectly contouring his eye shape. Your eyes fall lower, his lips, rosy pink and so inviting. Sitting up and removing yourself completely from him, pulling the blanket off yourself, you turn once again.
But you’re not granted the chance to admire him more, his eyes slowly flutter awake, locking on you.
“Morning,” you murmur, voice still a bit raspy.
He doesn’t spare you a single glance, as he sits up, putting his outer layers and hat on and exiting the tent.
Oh wow, his bad attitude starts in the morning? Deciding to pay him no mind, you quickly collect your belongings and put the tent away.
“Do I not deserve a “good morning?” he hears you say sarcastically.
But he’s not listening. His mind is busy replaying the events from last night, and now, your gentle hand as you moved his hair out of his face. He’s thankful he can stand impossibly still, but he wishes he could have seen your face in that moment. What was your expression? Were you looking at him with adoration or simple curiosity toward his mechanical body? So many questions in his mind, he doesn’t even hear your steps as you stand next to him.
“Are you ignoring me?” - he huffs, interrupting you “Do you ever stop talking? It’s early morning and I don’t feel like entertaining your useless chatter.”
Just what’s the deal with him now? He starts walking away from you quickly. It takes a minute to catch up, knowing he’s going to be extra bothersome today.
This time, you are walking on a clear path, one that is actually shown on the map (unlike his shortcut), but that does not mean it’s any safer. On the contrary, the road is full of fungi, which you had to take care of- courtesy of Kunikuzushi, who apparently prefers watching you struggle instead of helping.
Today was going to be a long day.
Hearing the cool drizzling of a nearby river, you both decide to stop for a quick break.
Dropping your bag under a tree you make your way to the riverside, cooling your hands in the water, then splashing some on your face, a relieving break from the heat.
As the splashing stops, you can see the reflection of Kunikuzushi staring back at you.
Quietly whispering “hi” to try and break the tension gets you no answer from him. So you sit in silence for a few minutes before you rise on your feet, facing him, your faces a bit too close for comfort. He was standing awfully close to you, almost banging your head on the edge of his hat, he still doesn’t say a word.
“what’s deal with you today?” your tone sounding a bit irritated. You could put up with the banter, that was the norm between you two, silence just sounds wrong.
He turns on his feet, trying to put distance between you, but you quickly grab his hand stopping him from leaving. Now he’s angry, “let me go.” he spat, trying to remove himself from your grip.
“Why are you ignoring me?”
“I said let me go!” He uses his other hand to try and free himself, sometimes you forget he’s not human, but his strong grip instantly reminds you. You’re sure that’s gonna leave a mark.
He yanks your arm with an unexpected amount of strength and you lose your balance, toppling forward into his chest, taking the both of you for a fall on the ground.
Flinching as you land on top of him, you look up at him and now he looks pissed. His hands hitch towards you, but you’re faster, pinning them at his sides.
“Get. Off. Me.” he growls.
“Just answer me first,” huffing and still holding his arms down. You’re sitting in between his legs, looking at him from above, his hair disheveled and his cheeks such a cute shade of red. He could free himself from your grip at any moment, but for some reason, he’s choosing to put up a false scenario of struggling to move your arms. He stills when he notices how intensely your eyes are boring through him, he feels himself shrinking under you.
“where did all the bark in you go? giving up already?” you taunt. you just had to ruin the moment. Slowly closing the gap between your bodies, you stare at him more intently, and he swears he saw your eyes flickering between his and his lips. You remove one hand from his arm and repeat the same motion as this morning, moving his hair out of his eyes and sliding them behind his ears.
He’s so beautiful even when he’s angry, you conclude.
But by his reaction, you guess you said that out loud too. He uses his, now free, arm to grab you by the collar of your shirt and drag you closer to his face, your chests now pressed together. He slams your faces together in an attempt to kiss you, it’s messy and it’s inexperienced, teeth clanking together and all. It’s cute.
Pulling away almost instantly you glare at him, “Is this why you’ve been so pissy all morning? You just wanted a kiss?” shifting from the current position to straddling his hips.
“No, that’s not it.” you say as you feel something poking your thigh, his face a darker shade of red, “you want more.”
He moves his hips, trying to get away from the pressure but accidentally ends up brushing his hard-on further on your thigh. “That’s not true.” he winces at his own tone, it sounded winded and not as angry as he wanted.
“Liar.” your hand slides down the side of his face, now gripping his chin forcing him to keep eye contact. “At least your body is honest.” you taunt with newfound confidence. “But if that’s what you reaaally want-” “No!” he interrupts you, stopping your movements before you could even begin lifting yourself off him. “No? so you do want me.”
He looks away again, too ashamed to keep eye contact with you. “Who would’ve known, this bratty personality of yours was just you being a whore all this time.” “N-no, I’m not…!” whatever fight he had left in him disappeared as you slowly grind your hips on his erection.
You lean forward “Just say it. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.”
“Need I remind you… y-you’re the one grinding on me like a whore?” he tries to regain some decency.
“How cute. ” you cut in before he can get another word in and reconnect your lips together, gentler this time. He instantly melts into it, his hand sneaking in your hair to push your faces together even further. He whimpers in the kiss when he feels you pressing harder on his dick. Oh, he was so cute to play with, you couldn’t wait to ruin him.
Moving your hand from his face, you drag your nails on his chest, making him gasp, taking advantage of that to shove your tongue in his mouth. He licks the inside of your mouth with a tinge of desperation, his fingers pushing your head harder. Biting his lips, you break away from the kiss, panting, and a trail of saliva connecting your mouths.
“Swallow.” you say, holding his mouth open as a glob of saliva rolls off your tongue and into his.
He winces slightly but does as you say. “Good boy,” and he prays you don’t feel him twitching in his pants at the nickname. But you do, and meet his gaze with a knowing smirk.
He feels your weight pulling off from him, a look of panic in his eyes thinking you were going to leave him there, but suddenly he feels himself getting dragged up and onto your lap.
Now above you, he feels a bit of control, but that’s short-lived, the moment he feels your lips on his neck he turns into putty in your hands. Biting and licking, leaving marks that he can’t cover. Your hands slide slower, on his sides and pulling on his bow until it comes undone. You give one harsh bite and he moans, his face now nuzzled between your neck and shoulder, trying to mask his noises. Cute.
With the bow now off, you have more access to his sides, dragging your hands on his skin-tight body suit. Your touch sends shivers down his sides, the body suit doing little to nothing to numb your touch, it’s like he’s not wearing anything.
Interrupting the assault on his neck, you look in between your bodies, at his shorts. There’s a little wet spot forming at the tip, and you can see it twitching. “Can I?” you ask, pulling him from his hair to make him look at you in the eyes. He nods quickly and fails to cover the moan that escapes him as you cup his bulge. He is uncharacteristically warm all over, but especially down there.
Tugging at the sides of his shorts, he gets the memo and lifts himself up, just enough for you to slide them mid-tight. As you pull his body suit to the side, freeing his erection, he is suddenly very aware of the fact that you are, in fact, still outside, just a few meters away from the main path.
But that thought quickly gets pushed to the back of his mind as he feels your hands on him. He shivers, your gentle fingers go over his slit, gathering pre cum and sliding it all over his shaft.
His arms drape around your neck as he hides his face on you again, slowly and not so subtly taking in your smell. He is so sensitive , feeling every movement of your soft hand as you slowly jerk him off.
“F-fuck, move faster,” he speaks, muffled and hushed near your ear.
“What’s the magic word?” you continue, agonizingly slow.
Really? You’re pulling this on him now?
“...Please?” he says, even more hushed now.
Satisfied for now, you speed up your movements, alternating between sliding your tight fist over his shaft to rubbing his tip. You hear him moaning and whimpering, all muffled by your shoulder. That simply won’t do.
Your hand comes off him, pushing his back to the ground. He looks at you confused, already missing your touch on him. But then you pull his shorts completely off, spreading his legs enough for you to shimmer in between them. Pushing himself up, he looks down at you. You grab his hands and slowly move them to your head.
Grabbing his legs and dragging him closer to you, you leave a trail of kisses along his tight, stopping to leave a few bites and sucking to leave a mark before moving on to the other one. Everywhere your mouth goes it's followed by a series of dark bruises and bite marks.
He shudders as you place one kiss on his tip, before licking the precum that’s leaking out. The grip on your head tightens as your tongue darts out giving small kitten licks.
Fed up by the teasing, he pushes you forward, managing to sink in half his length before you gag. You try to push back, but his grip holds you in place. You stare at him, angry eyes meeting his. Looking down at you, he smirks before pushing your head further, your nose touching his pelvis, effectively burying himself to the hilt.
His chest heaving heavily, your warm mouth engulfs him fully, and before he’s prepared he feels your mouth bobbing up and down his length, tongue swirling and licking a prominent vein on his cock.
“F-fuck, that’s good…” he moans, unable to muffle it as both his hands are busy on your head.
His stomach churls, watching as you work hard to get him off. He jolts when he feels you pinch the inside of his thigh, twitching in your mouth as he feels his climax approaching.
“ ‘m close…” he musters out in between moans, his grip tightening on your hair. His hips move forward, slowly at first, but he speeds up, now actively fucking your throat.
He doesn’t even notice you stopped moving your head, letting him use your mouth however he pleases.
“I’m gonna-... hah! F-fuck I’m gonna cum”, his moans are now just a series of hushed “ah’s” making your heart flutter. He’s so cute when he’s desperate.
You have half a mind to edge him and make him fight for his release, but you want to see him cum. You want to see how his face crunches in pleasure. You want to be the reason he finds himself breathless.
He thrusts in you one last time before releasing, thighs clenching around your head. Warm spurts of cum shoot down your throat as you struggle to swallow it all. He holds your head in place, no intent of letting go until he feels his body go limp.
He falls with his back laying on the ground with a soft thud. Taking your mouth off his softening cock you climb on top of his body, Kissing him, he grimaces at the bitter taste of his own release. Your hands still roaming his body, one pinching his nipples through the body suit while the other reaches down in between his legs.
“ hah… mh! wait, I just finished-” he whimpers while closing his legs on your hand.
“Who said I was done with you? I haven’t gotten my fill yet.” you free your hand, getting up and rucking your pants down, and you take off your underwear too.
Kunikuzushi’s eyes immediately fall down, staring at your leaking cunt. He wants it in his mouth. He wants to be inside you, he feels his cock twitch as it starts to harden once again.
You straddle his hips, this time, sitting on his dick, slowly grinding your core on it. His hands grab your waist, dragging you closer to himself, his face looks so soft, his lips so biteable. You kiss him once again, caressing one side of his face. His fingers dig into your hips with need, you can feel him now fully hard against your thigh.
He lets out a small gasp as you grab him in your palm, aligning him with your hole.
“w-wait…” he gets cut off as you slowly sink on him. His head falls back as he lets out a guttural moan, you feel heavenly. Your insides are warm and your walls flutter around him, sending shivers down his spine.
His face is crunched up, not in pain… he just looks like he’s concentrating really hard, with fingers still gripping your sides, he looks at you with lidded eyes.
Locking eyes with him, your hips move forward. It’s the smallest movement, but it sends his head spinning in pleasure, biting his lips and trying to hold back his moans. It’s when you start bouncing on him with a rhythm that he totally loses control. Moaning with no shame, his hands now have a messy grip on whatever they can hold of you.
He looks like a mess, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, his eyes are unfocused and there’s a bit of drool on the side of his mouth. Your hand slowly moves to his neck, you’re aware he doesn’t need to breathe, but squeezing his throat gets a reaction out of him anyway.
“That’s right… only I can make you feel like this,” he moans, interrupting you. “Only I can make you feel this good. Got that?”, he nods, his eyes closed shut.
Leaning down to leave more marks on his neck, you hear him whimpering right in your ears. It only spurs you on, riding him faster while he squirms and writes under you.
He doesn’t speak this time, but you can tell he’s already close. You are too, his cute little noises only fueling the fire in the pit of your stomach.
Biting on his neck, he gasps, back arching off the ground while he holds you tighter than ever. You look at how his expression changes, eyes closed with tears prickling at the sides, and then you feel him twitch and a warm sensation flood your insides. It takes him a moment, his arms slide down your sides while he catches his breath. But the moment is short-lived, you start riding him again, his eyes shoot open as he grabs you trying to stop you.
He opens his mouth to speak, but you stop him, shoving two fingers in it. “Suck.” It’s an order, he swirls his tongue around them while sucking. He’s still so sensitive, having just finished. “mhhfm! I- ah- I can’t-” he tries speaking, but you shush him shoving your fingers in deeper making him gag.
Now tears are actively streaming down his face. God, he looks so ruined. Marks all over his neck and thighs, his body suit can partially cover some of them but the rest will be visible. He will be walking around Sumeru and everyone will know that he is yours. Only you can see him like this, only you can fuck him till he cries.
You slam harder on his cock, feeling his come from his previous orgasm leak down his shaft and onto his thighs. The noises coming from the both of you are obscene. Anyone passing by could hear you, the thought makes you clench on him. Feeling your orgasm approaching, you take your fingers out of his mouth and trap him in a kiss.
Your walls tighten around him, and moaning in his mouth you reach your climax.
Still breathing heavily, you grab his face turning it towards you, tears are still sliding down his face. You place a kiss on the corner of his eye, licking one tear away.
“You… made me swallow your spit,” he says between pants, after a minute of silence. His mind is no longer foggy, he cringes at how high his voice got when he was moaning just a few minutes ago.
“And you enjoyed it,” you say while pushing yourself up, you let his limp cock slip out of you. Leaving his lap to reach for your clothes, you can feel him boring holes in your back.
Does he want to say something…? You offer him a hand to pull him up, which he silently grabs. Pulling his shorts up and helping him redress, he looks at you with rosy cheeks and a slight pout. There are so many thoughts swirling in his head. What was it you said about him being yours…? Did you mean it? It irritated him how you seemed to move on so quickly after fucking his literal brains out.
“You know,” you begin talking, “you are much more submissive than I thought-”
“Fuck off! It’s all your fault. You make me feel all weird all the time.” he snaps back.
“Oh? Don’t tell me I'm giving you butterflies-” he slaps his hand on your mouth, “shut it.”
“and quit licking my hand it’s not gonna make me let go.”
He hears you mumble something and removes his hand. “Okay, okay. I’m not gonna make fun of you. But just so you know, I don’t do one night stands, you’re stuck with me now” You grab his face and drag it closer to you, and when he doesn’t fight back you bring your lips together once again. This one is soft, no longer spurred on by lust and need. When you break the kiss he looks at you with something akin to adoration in his eyes.
“you’re so cute. cute. cute. cute.” you repeat while peppering his whole face with kisses. He groans but lets you do as you please, a defeated look in his eyes as he hears you giggle while kissing him one final time on the lips.
While you keep nuzzling his neck, he looks up at the sky taking notice of how the sun has begun setting, sighing. He guesses Nahida will just have to wait more for her mission to get completed. But at least he has you now to keep him company.
Nahida would be happy to know he’s finally making connections with humans.
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spamgyu · 7 months
Always // oneshot
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DESCRIPTION: Sometimes, one man's burden is everything another man has ever wished for.
PAIRING: Mingyu x Reader / Hoshi x Reader
GENRE: Angst (Fluff if you squint really hard)
Time was the greatest enemy of most couples.
Time apart.
Time together.
After four years of being together, time had allowed them to grow apart instead of growing together. It was inevitable for a person to grow and become a better version of who they were before; including those in relationships. It takes a couple with a strong understanding of one another's wants and needs to be able to survive this constant change; both needing to be able to see eye to eye as time goes.
They allowed their time together to slowly pull them apart.
He never noticed it. No, he was far too oblivious and too busy with his own world to see that time has done far too much damage in their relationship.
She watched the boy she once planned a future with, drift away from her. He no longer made an effort to keep their relationship alive. He used to be such a romantic; planning dates at least once a week despite their busy schedules, showing up at her door with ingredients of her favorite meals and flowers in hand, staying up all night to study with her – despite studying for two different majors.
He had become someone she no longer recognized.
She wanted to be upset with him, but love was a strange thing.
In her eyes, he could do no wrong. Constantly making excuses for each time she was left hanging and disappointed by his lack of efforts.
"What's his excuse this time?" Their mutual friend asked, taking her by surprise. Everyone around her saw her boyfriend's shortcomings, some urging her to break it off to end the constant disappointments.
Pulling her headphones off her head, she greeted him with a soft smile – it was more than enough confirmation for him to know that her boyfriend, his best friend, had forgotten the two's plans to study for the upcoming midterms.
"Want some company?" He didn't wait for her response, taking a seat across from her.
"Thank you."
"Always." He winked playfully, digging in his back pack to pull out two cans of energy drinks and a bag of sour gummy worms.
"Your choice in snacks scares me." She laughed.
He rolled his eyes, opening both cans and placing one in front of her – earning a thank you from the girl. She had always hated opening cans herself, claiming that it hurt her nails each time she tried to do it herself.
"So, where's Mingyu?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.
Y/n shrugged. He hadn't replied to her text letting her know that she had arrived at the library two hours ago. Hell, he had yet to open the message.
Hoshi gave her a look before quickly changing his expression before she could catch the sour look on his face.
He loved his friend, having known him since freshman year, but god was he a fucking idiot.
Hoshi knew not everyone was perfect; especially not Mingyu who was the smartest in their business department. A man who seemed to be able to juggle being a part of the frat board and being a student athlete.
No definitely not even him. He had everything, a supportive girlfriend, a loving family, the brain, even the looks. He just didn't seem to have the right priorities in line.
Though, if anyone were to ask Mingyu, having school as a top priority was the best choice. And y/n was right there to defend him as well.
Even if it meant putting his relationship on the line.
How hard is it to be a business major anyways?
"Okay, I give up. If I don't know it now, I won't know it tomorrow." Y/n exasperated, putting her head down on the table.
The two had managed to put in two and half hours of studying, with a few minor distractions from Hoshi who swore it was for comedic break – that way they wouldn't go mad from all the reading they needed to have done.
"Thank god." Hoshi slammed his laptop shut. "Let's get dinner."
"Mingyu and I made plans." She frowned in apology.
Half way through Hoshi and y/n impromptu study session, Mingyu had finally responded to her text: apologizing for forgetting that they were meant to meet at the library to study for the upcoming midterms. He claimed he had accidentally double booked her with Seungcheol and Wonwoo.
Y/n couldn't help but forgive him, knowing that it was far better studying with those who were taking the same tests as him and accepted his efforts to make it up by taking her out to a quick bite after her own study session with her friend.
Little did he know, it was his friend Hoshi.
Not that this was information he needed to know.
"Ah." He nodded.
"Tomorrow?" Y/n offered.
"If you're buying." He laughed.
"I'll use my free swipe at the dining hall just for you." She joked as she continued to pack up her belongings.
"You're so kind."
"Hey fucker– Y/n hey." Hoshi walked through the front door of the shared home he and his frat brothers resided in, expecting to be greeted by his housemates who were typically sitting in the living room; screaming at the television over whichever video game they decided to brain rot away with. Instead, he was greeted by y/n who had made herself at the empty home, laying on the couch as she scrolled away on her phone.
Most of the guys' partners were very much welcomed at their home, each having their own set copy of keys. Not that it was needed, considering half of the time the front door was unlocked.
So much for campus safety.
"Mingyu's at an event today."
"Oh." She sat up in her position. "I– thought–"
Hoshi watched as she attempted to hide the wave of disappointment flash across her face, masking it with a quick smile.
"I guess that frees my Saturday, then." She forced out a laugh.
He felt pity for the girl, knowing that his friend must have forgotten to notify her that a few of the boys from the frat board had a mandatory chapter event they had to attend in another city. Again.
"He should be back soon, you can hang around." He offered.
She shook her head. "I– I'll probably just head home. Been here for a few hours."
Of course she has.
"No, come on. I just bought stuff for dinner, just stay." He motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen.
"I mean, I can't say no to a free meal." She trailed behind him. "Lemme know how I can help."
"I'm making katsu curry. Cut some carrots and potatoes, yeah?"
"Yes, chef!" Y/n saluted, heading straight to the fridge to pull out the ingredients.
"I finished The Bear, by the way!" Hoshi beamed proudly. She had previously recommended the show to him a few months back after he had complained that there were no good shows on the streaming services. He was sold after he allowed her to ramble on and on about how she believed Carm and Sydney were the perfect platonic soulmates; going as far as sending him a few clips she found on Tiktok.
"How'd you like it?"
"I think Carm loves Sydney but he doesn't quite know it yet." He hummed, whisking the egg batter.
"No, no." Y/n shook her head. "They just have a great understanding of each other. She gets him, you know? She knows who he is outside of what his family knows of him. She doesn't see him as this ball of anger or trauma. She sees him as a person."
"Exactly. Claire only knows his past, but she doesn't fully understand Carm's deepest thoughts and the man he became after he left Chicago. Sydney on the other hand, knows his wants and needs in the present and future. Not to mention, when he was having a panic attack, it was only the thought of Sydney that could calm him down." 
Y/n threw her head back and laughed. "I didn't know you went in full character analysis."
"It's a good show!" Hoshi cried. "You did this to me!"
"I'm still defending the platonic soulmate trope. A guy and girl can be friends without any romantic feelings."
"They can." He nodded. "Just not Carm and Sydney."
"You're insufferable."
"Just wait until season three, I'm going to be getting the last laugh."
"Yeah, we'll see about that." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Am I cutting this right?"
Hoshi walked over to her, taking the knife from her hands. "For someone who spent two days binge watching a show about chefs, you're ass in the kitchen."
He proceeded to show her the proper sizing of the vegetables before handing her back the utensil. "Cut them all the same size, dummy."
"Watch it," She shook the knife at him. "I'll pull a Carm and have a mental break down right here."
In the midst of the laughter, while the two busied themselves with prepping the dish – the sound of indistinct voices flooded the once quiet home. 
Y/n looked at the direction of the sound, knowing that in just seconds, the group would appear in the room. 
"Babe, hey, what are you doing here?" Mingyu asked, with Wonwoo and Seungcheol not too far behind. 
Y/n smiled, stopping what she was doing to meet him halfway, leaning into his touch as he placed a kiss on her head. "I came earlier, thinking you were home."
"Were you waiting long?" 
"Not really, Hoshi kept me company." She smiled, looking over at Hoshi who had continued to bread the last piece of pork loin – sending over a tightlipped smile and peace sign to the couple. 
"Got enough for us?" Mingyu chuckled, eyeing the dish the two had been preparing. 
It was raining.
No, it was pouring rain.
She was completely drenched; the dress she had spent nearly half an hour steaming clinging onto her body, her make up practically washed away from the downpour. 
He had promised her a nice dinner to celebrate her new internship, claiming that he would pick her up from her apartment. 
One hour turned to two and she figured he had forgotten yet again, opting to walk over to his place that was no more than a ten minute walk from hers, to remind him of their plans.
She should have known that the overcast that was persistent throughout the day would mean that some precipitation would roll through. Halfway through her journey, the slight drizzle turned into larger droplets of water. 
There was no going back. She was nearly there. She could simply dry off and opt for a dinner and movie at home once she reached his place.
She could see his place in the distance. Just a few more steps.
Lost in her own thoughts, the once downpour that beat down on her stopped – looking up at the source of the sudden shade that covered her. 
"I've been yelling at you to get in the car for the past minute." 
It was Hoshi.
He had been on his way back from work when he had seen a girl walking slowly in the rain that can almost be classified as a storm.
Who would be walking in this weather?
As he approached the figure, he realized that it was y/n; completely lost in her own thoughts. Again. 
Pulling off to the side, he rolled down the window to call out for her but it was no use. The sound of the water hitting the ground and cars zooming past drowned out his voice. 
Quickly hopping out of his car, he shrugged off his jacket; using it as a makeshift umbrella to cover both their heads. "You know Uber and Lyft exist right?"
"I know, I thought spending $5 was stupid for such a short distance." She let out a laugh. 
"Come on." He guided her to the passenger seat, letting out a frustrated sigh once the door was shut. 
"Before you say anything, I'm already drenched and I'm on my first day of my period." Y/n said, beating him to the punch once he had entered the car.
He wasn't one to bad mouth Mingyu, knowing that no matter what he said, y/n would have some sort of reason to defend her poor excuse of a boyfriend. But this was the last straw. 
He didn't care if he was his best friend. 
Mingyu may have been a great guy, a great friend, but he was a terrible terrible boyfriend.
"Can I at least say that he's a fucking shitbag and I hope he fails tomorrow's quiz?" Hoshi grumbled, reaching back to grab a hoodie he had left in the back seat – handing it to her.
"No." She slipped her head through the warm oversize article of clothing, taking in his lingering scent. 
"Y/n, you're kidding right?" He deadpanned. 
"I know what you're going to say, okay." Y/n put her arms around herself, stopping herself from shivering. "I'll talk to him."
She never did talk to him.
Not because she didn't want to. She was fully ready to barge into his room, ready to finally lay it all on him. But of course, he wasn't home and Hoshi had no choice but to bring the girl back to her apartment. 
He was angry. 
No he was beyond that. Hoshi was seething. 
If he hadn't made prior plans with Woozi to hit up the gym after work, he would have gladly stayed behind and kept y/n company. But unlike Mingyu, he stuck by his word. Whether this was with someone he was romantically seeing or his friends.
Hoshi was persistent in being loyal to the people he cared most.
Not that this was something Mingyu knew how to do. 
"You're fucking kidding me." Hoshi huffed as he wiped away the sweat that dripped from his forehead; watching as Mingyu and Seungcheol stroll into the school's gym – the two laughing at god knows what.
"Where the hell were you?" He wasted no time getting to the point, his voice catching the attention of others who were also preoccupied with their own gym equipment. 
"Whoa there, hi?" Mingyu took a step back, letting out a nervous laugh. He had only seen Hoshi worked up once, and it was during last year's chapter meeting when a pledge complained about the rules they had set for the incoming freshmen and pledges. 
This particular pledge had been getting under everyone's skin at the time, nitpicking at almost everything that was being said at the meeting. Hoshi wasn't known to be the patient one in the group, but he wasn't one to snap at strangers either  – taking their group by surprise when he got up from his seat to yell at the poor kid. 
"What excuse did you give y/n this time? Had practice? Studying? You forgot?"
"Hey, keep your voice down, dude." Seungcheol placed a hand on Hoshi's chest, gently pushing him back and away from Mingyu – very aware of the eyes that were now on them. 
"What– shit." A wave of realization hit Mingyu, his eyes widening in shock. "Damn it!"
Hoshi shook his head, scoffing at his friend. "You're a shit excuse for a boyfriend."
Now it was Mingyu's turn to be annoyed. Not that Hoshi was wrong. He was a horrible boyfriend; he just hadn't realized it yet.
"My bad, let me just take advice from someone who hasn't had a girlfriend in three years." Mingyu side stepped to avoid Seungcheol, getting closer to Hoshi who showed no signs of backing away.
"I don't need a girlfriend to know you treat yours like she's fucking trash. Everyone knows it. We all talk shit about you behind your back, telling her to break up with you."
"Why? So you can finally get the chance. I don't think so." 
Hoshi narrowed his eyes, feeling his fists ball up at his sides. 
"You don't think I know about your little crush?" Mingyu smirked, knowing that he was getting inside his head. "We also talk about you. We all know you like y/n."
"Guys, come on." Seungcheol stepped in between the two. 
"Punch me. I know you want to." Mingyu egged on.
Hoshi shook his head, not giving into his friend. Opting to walk away – knowing that if he did decide to punch him, he might not be able to hold back from landing a few more. 
All it took was one call and he was at her doorstep, a bottle of wine and her favorite take out from the campus' local Thai Food restaurant in hand; ready to clean up whatever mess Mingyu had made. Something he seemed to be doing quite often. 
"We had a fight." She sniffled on the other line. 
Hoshi didn't care if he had laundry he had to fold. He had more important things to tend to. 
"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked, pouring himself another glass. 
Hoshi allowed for her to enjoy her dinner, not wanting to pry until she had some food in her system and time to process whatever it was that she and Mingyu disagreed over. 
"It was going fine, but– I don't know, I brought up wanting him to put more of an effort and he just snapped. He said sometimes, it feels more like a chore to be with me."
Hoshi began coughing, nearly spitting out the drink in his mouth. "I'm sorry, he said what?"
"He was probably just angry, you know how he gets when he's angry." Y/n shook her head, swirling the drink in her glass – watching the bubbles form. 
"You know he just told you that he thinks you're more of a chore than a girlfriend, right?" He said slowly, almost as if he too was attempting to comprehend what Mingyu told her. 
"I know I just– I love him, Hosh." Y/n let out a defeated sigh. "You don't think I know how stupid it is to continuously try to make something work with someone who clearly doesn't want things to work out?"
"Good, because I genuinely thought you were deranged for not seeing it." 
She couldn't help but let out a laugh at his dry humor. Despite the heartache and disappointment she was currently feeling, she was always grateful for Hoshi's ability to add humor into their serious conversations. 
"I think I might be." Y/n sighed, standing from the couch. "Want water?"
"And some gummy worms." Hoshi followed behind, rummaging through her pantry.
"You ate my last bag last week."
"Deranged and broke. Nice."
"I'm going through something here, please be nice." Y/n pouted.
Hoshi watched as she poured the two of them a glass of water, leaning against the counter. He couldn't help but stare at her, something he seemed to allow himself more often than before. 
If his friend didn't want to cherish and care for the girl that was right in front of him, why can't he? 
"I know you love him, but I don't think that's enough of a reason to stay with him."
Y/n looked over at him, a puzzled look on her face. This was the first time she's seen him this serious. In all the years she had known him, she had always seen him as her friend who provided her comfort through humor – making her smile when her days seemed to be nothing but gray skies.
In this case, it was almost every day.
"You know, you can love someone and not be with them." He continued, taking a step closer to her. "Be with someone who's willing to love you the way you love them."
He was right.
In the past year since she had been with Mingyu, she had been the only one pulling the weight in their relationship. She had been the one to make an effort to reach out, plan dates, show up to all his games, and bring him dinner when he needed to pull all-nighters for upcoming tests.
Love had a funny thing of blinding people. Everyone around her saw that she had been suffering, constantly making excuses for the mistreatment she had been receiving from the man she swore she would marry when the right time came.
He was busy.
He has a game.
His frat had an event.
Because she knew he hadn't always been like this, for the first three years of being together he made sure not a day went by without him making her feel his love for her. They were simply going through a rough patch.
"Be with me."
She felt her whole world come to a complete stop once the words left his lips. Y/n's girl friends had joked about Hoshi possibly having feelings for her. She thought it was simply them poking fun at the fact that they had been spending far more time with each other than she did with Mingyu – arguing that Hoshi was simply just a friend, just as she was friends with Jeonghan and Minghao.
"I– I've liked you since freshman year." Hoshi swallowed. There was no turning back now. He had laid out all his cards and he was going to go all in. "From the moment Jeonghan introduced you into the group– you– I wanted to do something about it but Mingyu got to you first and I–"
He was stuttering over his words, unable to put his thoughts into one comprehendible sentence. "I kept my distance, and I was doing so well– but he fucked up and I can't stand back and watch him continuously break the heart that I know I would have held so carefully if I wasn't so fucking scared three years ago."
Y/n could hear her heart beating in her ears as she tried to process his sudden confession. She wanted to say something, she really did but she had become confused – because a part of her was happy to hear him say these words.
Somehow, over the time she had spent with him, all while her boyfriend was far too busy pre-occupied with his own life, she had grown to see Hoshi in another light. He was no longer just her friend who she called when no one else was available, happily obliging to her requests to accompany her to the grocery store, stay up late to finish the homework she had put off until the last minute, or simply watch movies at her apartment .
He had become a part of her daily life, getting excited each time she saw his name appear on her phone and looking forward to any time they made plans to hang out.
Y/n had unintentionally fell for her boyfriend's best friend – a sudden wave of guilt washing over her.
"I- we can't. You know we can't." She felt her heart sink to the pit of her stomach at her realization.
This can't happen. Especially not with him.
He shook his head. "I'm not asking for anything right now. Look– I'm sorry for putting you in a tough spot, I've stuck around this long and I am willing to stick around however long I need to."
"I'm sorry." Y/n hung her head. No matter how much Mingyu has fucked up, she couldn't help but hold on to the hope that he would go back to the same person she had originally fallen for.
Maybe it was love or maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome.
"Hey, hey– fuck." Hoshi pulled her into a hug. He had done this many times, but somehow this time felt different. He felt her melt into his arms, pulling her tighter when he heard a muffled sniffle against his chest. "Sorry I– I'm here. As a friend or whatever you need me to be. I don't care, I'm here."
"Always?" Y/n she looked up at him, apologetically. She knew she couldn't give him what he wanted – not right now, at least.
"Always." He nodded.
«« [an] aha........... ummm yeah we love pain here HAHAHAHAHAHHA
tag list: @leah-rose03 @yoonzinuhh
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hello-nichya-here · 6 months
i hate that the general public has the ideia that sandor only sees sansa as a "little sister" and has a stronger bond with arya… got did irreparable damage to society
I get far less mad at the "He's closer to Arya" thing when the people saying it are honest about refering solely to show as that's the only version of the story they've consumed. What I cannot stand is the people that only watched the show and then try to use it as evidence to claim Sandor was closer to Arya IN THE BOOKS THEY'VE NEVER EVEN FUCKING READ!
Buddy, in the books he beat, threatened and insulted her every other paragraph. He HAD moments of campassion towards her, and Arya did take notice and retribute it sometimes, but their dynamic is overwhelmingly negative and toxic. They're not friends, he doesn't see her as someone dear to him, and Arya was 110% justified in leaving him to die - something Sandor himself acknowledges.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe has good in him, and that he will BECOME a good person, as that's clearly what's being set up, but for 90% of the story he is an absolute bastard, even when actively trying to be nice to the Stark girls - and he has ALWAYS put way more effort to be gentler towards Sansa than he ever did to anyone else on Earth, Arya very much included.
He talks about her all the time, makes his romantic/sexual interest in her very clear, and cries on his "death" about how he failed to protect her. More importantly, while he DID threaten Sansa when offering to rescue her, he was in the middle of a PTSD episode, and all it took for him to breakdown crying and leave her alone was her singing a song about mercy. He never bonded with Arya on that level or ever got even close to respecting her wish to not be around him like he did with Sansa.
And let's not forget why Sansa sang to him: because Sandor demanded a LOVE SONG about the fool-turned-knight that rescued the pretty girl and then became her lover. He wants to be Sansa's hero and wants her to LOVE him. He almost kissed her during that whole mess, and George R.R. Martin has Sansa misremember the event to include an actual kiss, because Sansa was, in his own words, "correcting" that moment - not by ignoring all the awful parts of it mind you, but by making Fantasy!Sandor act on his obvious attraction to her, because the fact that he didn't was more important in her head than him literally threatening her life.
In case that last bit didn't make obvious: the book was not subtle about Sandor NOT thinking of Sansa as his "little sister", but as the object of his lust/love AND the poor, innocent maiden that is waiting for a true knight to rescue her and safely take her back to her family's castle - and despite her not being reckless enough to run off with such an unstable man, Sansa DOES have feelings for him too. Hell, even the show wasn't always unwilling to go there, as they do have some moments that scream "there's something there"
I REALLY need to make a whole separate post on how GOT completely destroyed Sansa and Arya (plus Sandor) as characters, and how their dynamics with "The Hound" were all wrong since Dumb & Dumber clearly didn't get that they were not supposed to side with Sandor's "everyone is awful, so all awful things are justified" mentality.
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Hello, as your requests are open I would like to ask Jamil something, something cute maybe, Jamil with a boyfriend or girlfriend, who likes to shower him with love and affection and spoiling Jamil
Characters: Jamil slight mention of Kalim
CW: none 🌷
Reader is specified as Yuu but Yuu is not specified as ramshackle prefect. GN! Reader
A/N: I am the No.1 Jamil apologist and his defender when I saw this ask I ascended like that one scene in Shrek with Pinocchio. Jamily Willy is one of my favorite characters and I can yap about him SO MUCH.
He deserves all of the love in the world
If you liked reading this likes and reblogs are always appreciated <3
When Jamil first started having feelings for Yuu he would def be in denial. He already has to babysit- deal with Kalim on the daily; he didn't want to have more to deal with. However whenever he did things for Yuu they always felt willingly like he wanted to do it so when Yuu had asked him out of course he said yes he was in love. He probably didn’t expect that Yuu would constantly be spoiling him with love and affection.
For example he could do something for Yuu and Yuu would give 10x back. He could give something as simply as food and Yuu would give Jamil his favorite foods and spoil him with love and affection. Jamil isn’t always free for physical touch so simply having Yuu either on a phone call or just simply helping him out with whatever tasks he has he values deeply he is a constantly busy man and Yuu helping him makes his day.
Jamil probably gets not really Jealous, but more insecure when you hang out a lot with Kalim. Yuu can always tell when he does so when they have time Yuu will smother him with kisses and words of reassurance that they would never leave him for Kalim. Jamil would rather sign a deal with Azul before doing PDA in public/in front of Kalim so all of this is in private, or where no one can see. 
If you also haven’t noticed Jamil has gorgeous GORGEOUS hair. LIke his hair takes time. (Probably wears a bonnet to bed or has silk pillowcases) He would melt in Yuu’s hands if they did his haircare routine that takes a lot of time and effort and him being able to relax while his beloved just runs their fingers through his hair makes him feel at ease. From him always being taught that he is less important to Kalim and he is a mere servant (Jamil is more than that sob) He def loves it when you spoil him, but he also loves spoiling Yuu as well. Yuu makes him feel loved and he wants to be selfish just this once and keep Yuu to himself.
“Albi can you hand me those spices?” Jamil asked as Yuu grabbed them and handed them to him. Yuu had offered Jamil to cook to spend time with their beloved boyfriend. Kalim stopped by every now and then to talk to Yuu, but was ushered away as they were cooking.
“Is the quality good?” A Scarabia student came over for Jamil to quality check the food prepped. Jamil nodded and told the student where to put the food and went back to cooking what he was making. 
Yuu watched Jamil as he checked the quality of the food from others while also cooking the food he was currently working on. 
After the food was all done and prepped ready to eat Jamil enjoyed the way his beloved’s face lit up as they ate the food. He loved that they enjoyed his food whenever their face lit up and complemented how good it was he loved all of it.
When it got to wind down before bed Jamil got out of the shower and Yuu offered to give a shoulder massage to Jamil.
“You work so hard dear you need to relax sometime.” Yuu spoke as they rubbed a particular spot on his shoulders. They were very tense from him constantly working.
“I wish I could Hayati. Being with you is relaxing enough.” He spoke 
Yuu rubbed out specific knots on his shoulders as he talked. Yuu was always there to listen to him and he loved that.
“I love you.” Yuu pressed a kissed to Jamil’s forehead
“I love you Albi.” Jamil had spoke to Yuu
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Nother idea: 8 years later, Tommy & Carol apologizing to Steve for their behavior. & for immediately abandoning him when they knew he needed them most.
But Steve has people now who have shown him love, family, true friendship. And while he forgives them its not the same. He doesn't trust them. He is thriving without them.
But Carol realizes that the reason it isn't the same is bc Steve genuinely believes that they don't mean their apology. So she & Tommy actually discuss it and find a way to clear up any misunderstanding & ensure he knows they mean their apology. It works, it takes time & effort but they are once again his friends.
MY LOVE!!! STEVE REALIZING HE'S LOVED AND DOESN'T NEED HIS SHITTY EX FRIENDS CREW STAND UP!!!! I had the opportunity to really give Steve his shining moment and yell at them, but I decided that Steve would just be kind of over it, like they aren't really worth yelling at. Steve didn't do all this personal growth just to let them back in so easily, but luckily he isn't the only one who changed. You know I had to involve Eddie, of course! - Mickala ❤️
It was too fucking early on a Saturday morning to be woken up by the buzzer of his apartment.
Whoever it was was lucky that Eddie had to go into work today or he would be committing murder at their door.
He glanced at the clock on the microwave, 10:47, okay, so not that early.
They’d had a late night, okay?
If he had a limp to show what they were up to, that was his business.
“You can leave the package in the box, I’ll grab it soon!” Steve said into the mic, hoping it was just a delivery.
“Steve? Is that you?”
He recognized the voice, though he wished he didn’t.
Eight years was a long time to go without talking to someone who used to be your best friend, but when you’d been best friends for so long, certain things couldn’t be forgotten.
“Uh yeah, man. I’m here with Carol. We actually were hoping to talk to you?”
He looked down at his almost naked body, only Eddie’s boxers covering him.
He buzzed them in, not giving them any clue where he was so they would take their time getting to his door. He had to throw on clothes, brush his hair, and try to look like he hadn’t just been asleep.
He rushed to the bedroom, throwing on the first pair of jeans he saw and a t-shirt from the floor. He heard voices down the hall as he was heading to the bathroom, his hands shaking with nerves as he tried to rush to brush through his hair.
“It can’t be that Munson, though, right? Even Steve wasn’t a fan of him in school.”
Steve grimaced at Carol’s voice.
Technically, Eddie worked a half shift when he had to work Saturdays, which meant unless they were only stopping by for a few minutes, he would probably be home while they were still here.
Tommy had always hated Eddie. No one could really figure out why. Sure, a lot of people said nasty things about and to Eddie in high school, but no one else really put their hands on him the way Tommy did.
Eddie joked it must have been because he liked him, but Steve thought maybe he just had a lot of displaced anger.
At least that’s what he thought when he became a counselor and understood a lot of psychology behind why people did things.
Eddie laughed and said, “don’t overthink it, some people are just bullies.”
But Steve liked to think maybe Tommy was more complicated than that, liked to explain away his worst qualities so it made it easier to accept that he was once best friends with him.
Eddie laughed about that too, and said, “kids are stupid, and sometimes we find friends in people who make us feel better about ourselves, but you grew up.”
Steve shook his head, not wanting to think more about it.
He opened the front door, the ghosts of his past standing there, hardly aged, hardly any different at all.
“Come in, guys. Um. Sorry, I wasn’t really expecting anyone.”
They all awkwardly laughed as Tommy and Carol made their way inside.
The apartment was small, cheap rent kept them there so they could save up to buy a house outside of town in the next few years, maybe work on starting a family if they could.
They’d talked about it over the last couple of years, once Steve was settled in his job at the school, once Eddie got promoted to general manager at the shop, they’d save for a few years, have a decent down payment, start looking for a house with three or four bedrooms. Start looking into adopting. Maybe get a cat.
But to do that, their apartment was cozy, as Eddie liked to say. One bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen and living room area all one room, a tiny storage closet. They didn’t even have their own washer and dryer, which reminded Steve that he had to take their laundry downstairs and get it started soon.
Tommy and Carol looked around, but hid any emotion on their faces.
He gestured for them to have a seat on the couch, which was a hand-me-down from Wayne when they moved in. It was “too much” for his space when Eddie moved out.
They sat, though they didn’t look very comfortable.
Steve sat in the rocking chair Eddie bought, the first thing he bought for their “eventual home”, but didn’t rock as he took them in.
He originally didn’t see any proof of them aging, but now that he was looking closer, he could see Tommy’s already-receding hairline, Carol’s wrinkled by her eyes, both of them just a little softer in the face and stomach.
They looked incredibly human like this, like they weren’t some high school king and queen who only cared about how they look and what parties they could go to every weekend.
It helped Steve relax a bit.
“Not to be rude, but uh, how did you guys find me?” Steve asked, not sure he even really cared.
“We moved here to Chicago about six months ago, Tommy’s gonna run his dad’s office here starting next year, so he wanted to ease into it. I started job searching a few weeks ago for a teaching position and I noticed you worked at the school I interviewed at. We looked you up and decided we wanted to come talk,” Carol always was a bit of a rambler, always annoyed Steve when she started in on something that really didn’t matter much.
Carol nudged Tommy, who had been staring wide-eyed at Steve since he sat down.
He cleared his throat and nodded.
“We actually came here to make things right. We were best friends for years, and then one bad thing happened and we weren’t anymore. I know I fucked up with everything. We shouldn’t have treated Nancy like that, or you like that, and we’re hoping you could maybe accept our apology.”
Steve stared at them.
“We were kids. We did stupid shit. We’ve all grown. I mean, look at you! Your own apartment in the big city!”
As if he had been waiting for a cue, Eddie walked in the front door, his oil-covered coveralls already coming off. Steve made the rule after he came home one day to see oil stains on the bed sheets where Eddie had fallen asleep after working from open to close: coveralls come off as soon as he’s in the door and they go straight to the laundry room.
“Jesus, sweetheart, this is the last Saturday I cover in the shop. At least until I hire some competent mechanics. I think I did most of the work all morning. And after doing most of the work last night, I-”
“Eds! We have company!” Steve rushed out, his face bright red at what Eddie was implying.
It’s not that he really cared about what Tommy and Carol thought; Once they realized Eddie lived here, it wouldn’t be difficult to come to the conclusion that they shared a one bedroom apartment because they were together. He didn’t even care if Tommy and Carol were disgusted by him for it.
But he’d be damned if Eddie felt uncomfortable in his own home, especially if they started saying shit to him reminiscent of their high school days.
He watched Eddie turn around, recognize the people on the couch, and turn to Steve with a questioning look.
“Tommy, Carol, you remember Eddie,” Steve said, not breaking eye contact with Eddie.
They were having an entire conversation with their eyes, Steve begging Eddie to just go get cleaned up, Eddie begging Steve to explain what was going on.
Tommy’s eyes narrowed as he looked between them, Carol’s eyes stayed pointed at Eddie.
“The one and only!” Eddie said, his voice pitching just a bit higher, naturally going to his over the top self to protect himself from whatever they would say.
Steve loved every version of Eddie: the performer on stage, the performer with friends, the soft version of himself that only Steve got to see, the protective version that would fight the world to make sure his loved ones were safe.
He was lucky to have every part of Eddie, even the parts that may not always be the best.
But his least favorite thing was seeing Eddie go into this mode, the one that kept him safe during school, when kids were mean, adults were mean, life was hard.
He didn’t want that for Eddie anymore.
“You guys…live together?” Tommy asked, looking back to Steve for confirmation.
Steve rolled his eyes. Tommy apparently didn’t gain any intelligence over the years.
“Yes. We’re together.”
From the look on Eddie’s face, he hadn’t expected Steve to say that.
That was fair; it took Steve nearly a year just to come out to anyone who wasn’t Robin, scared that somehow everyone would hate him, hate Eddie, hate them together.
But it went perfectly, and Steve rode the high a bit too much. He came out to his parents a few months after, and that went quite a lot less than perfectly.
He was lucky he didn’t have more head trauma from it, actually.
So he kept it quiet, didn’t come out to any new friends he met in college, even after one of them came out to him. Didn’t come out to coworkers while he worked at a cafe throughout college to pay the bills. Didn’t even come out to the bartender at their favorite bar despite the rainbow flag that was hidden behind the bar in silent support.
It was only recently that he started to feel comfortable being more open, and only in the city, only select areas where he knew they wouldn’t end up hurt.
Eddie was patient, maybe more than he deserved.
So saying it outright to the two people who suspected and bullied Eddie for being gay in high school, despite it not even being confirmed then, clearly threw Eddie for a loop.
“Oh, like…”
“Yes, exactly like that.”
Steve crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for any response that would give him permission to kick them out of his apartment, their apartment.
But he saw Carol nudge Tommy again, pasting a smile on her face. It wasn’t completely natural, but it also didn’t seem fake.
“That’s nice, Steve. Have you been together a while?”
“Since ‘86.”
“Wow! Since the quakes!”
Steve nodded.
“Steve, can you help me with something in the kitchen for a second?” Eddie asked, his voice unreadable.
Steve hated it, hated that all of a sudden he couldn’t get a grasp of what Eddie was feeling.
It had been so long since he’d experienced this.
And a small part of him blamed Tommy and Carol.
He got up, wordlessly following Eddie into the kitchen area that wasn’t even separated from the living room.
“Not that I don’t love that you’re comfortable telling them, but um. What’s. What’s happening currently?” Eddie whispered as he tried to appear busy, grabbing a glass from the cabinet to fill with water.
“They came to apologize to me. For high school.”
When he said it out loud, it sounded a bit ridiculous.
“And are you accepting it?”
“I don’t think so. I think they’re only doing it to help themselves feel better. I’m not interested in whatever game they’re playing.”
Eddie looked over Steve’s shoulder at the pair sitting on the couch.
“Need me to get rid of them? Just say so, sweetheart. I’ll kick them both to the curb.”
Steve leaned in and kissed him quickly on the lips, smiling as he pulled away.
“I got it, baby. Get cleaned up so I can hug you.”
“Just hug?”
Steve laughed as he walked back towards his spot.
“Or more!”
He focused back on Tommy and Carol, who were graciously pretending that they didn’t hear the conversation that happened less than 20 feet from them.
“So, we were wondering if you wanted to meet up for dinner, catch up? You could bring Eddie, of course!”
Of course, she said. Like they didn’t outwardly despise Eddie eight years ago. Like they were perfectly fine with him now, and fine with Steve, and fine with them.
“I think we’ll pass. Good luck to you guys in Chicago, though.”
He ignored the pang of guilt when he saw Carol’s face fall and Tommy’s eyes darted to where Eddie was closing the bedroom door and back to Steve.
“Oh. Um. Well, it would be our treat, if you’re worried about money.”
“I wasn’t.”
Tommy and Carol hadn’t expected to be shut down like this, but Steve knew he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t accept their apologies, and he wouldn’t expect Eddie to suddenly be friendly to people who tormented him for years.
“Okay. Well. I guess we’ll go, then.”
“Thanks for stopping by.”
He stood as they stood, walked them out the door, then closed and locked it behind them.
Steve made it to the bedroom before he felt the tears spring to his eyes.
Eddie was in the bathroom showering, so he hoped he could get it out quickly. He didn’t want Eddie to worry.
But unfortunately, once a few tears fell, it seemed like they wouldn’t stop.
He got back in bed, burying his face in the pillow so he could hopefully pretend to be asleep, but didn’t quite manage it before Eddie was walking back into the room.
He got in bed and silently pulled Steve against his chest, running his hands up and down his back to soothe him, not trying to use any comforting words.
“I don’t know why I’m upset about a stupid fake apology from people I don’t care about.”
“Stevie, it’s okay to be upset. They were your friends for a long time, and you still have a lot of hurt leftover from them.”
“I just wish things had been different then.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
Eddie kissed the top of his head, and as they lay there together, Steve realized this hurt would never quite go away.
“T, I don’t think he believed us,” Carol said from the passenger seat.
“I can’t believe Steve’s with Eddie. Of all the people,” Tommy replied, not even acknowledging Carol’s words.
“They seem good together.”
“I guess.”
Carol knew Tommy had a crush on Steve in high school, they’d talked about it years ago when she found an old picture of Steve with a heart drawn on the back while they were moving the first time around.
She’d been caught off guard, but understood, and was fine with it when he explained it was definitely in the past.
And it was.
But a part of him was wondering how long Steve had realized he liked guys, and what might have happened if he’d just been brave enough to do something about his feelings before things went to shit.
He loved Carol, was happy to be married to her, and wouldn’t want Steve now, but still. The what-ifs plagued his mind on the drive back to their home.
“Are you jealous of Eddie?”
Carol sounded hesitant to ask, like she wasn’t sure which answer she would prefer because she knew either way, Tommy would be upset she asked at all.
“No. I’m not jealous. Steve and I would never have worked out.”
Which may not have been a great answer for his wife, but it was the truth, and they were always honest with each other if nothing else.
“Since I got the job at the school, maybe I’ll have more chances to convince him we meant it.”
Carol was good. Deep down she had always been good. But Tommy always managed to drag her down when they were young, convinced her she needed to be a mean girl to fit in with their group, kept it up through most of college before they finally realized life was better if you just weren’t awful to people.
“Yeah, maybe.”
So, a month later, when school started up, Carol began the task of showing Steve that they were truly sorry.
She would often leave notes in his mailbox in the office, usually just a “have a great day!” with a smiley face, or “let me know if you want to catch up over lunch!”
He never responded, but she knew he got them.
Tommy had issues with his car and took it to the shop Eddie worked at, nodding along to what he said and admitted he didn’t really know much about cars so he trusted Eddie to fix it.
It was entirely professional, but a small part of Tommy was satisfied when Eddie gave him a genuine smile.
“Is it weird that they keep trying?” Steve asked one night while they were lying in bed.
“I don’t think it’s weird. I think maybe they just mean it.”
Steve pondered it.
Yeah, they must mean it. The old Tommy and Carol would have given up after he sent them out of their apartment the first time.
“Would you wanna go to dinner with them? Just give them a chance? It’s okay if you don’t want to. You don’t have to forgive them.”
Eddie leaned in to kiss Steve’s slowly, softly.
“If you want to, then I want to support you. We’re all different now. Maybe we can look at who they are now instead of who they were, as long as they can look at who we are and respect us.”
“Yeah.” Steve kissed Eddie’s cheek. “Yeah.”
Steve left a note for Carol the following Monday: “Dinner at ours? Friday at 7. Bring a red wine and beer.”
She wrote back that same day with a bunch of smiley faces and a response that they would be there.
When Friday came, Steve was nervous.
He’d planned to leave work right when school got out instead of leaving at five so he could make sure everything was clean and the food would be ready on time.
Eddie promised to be home by six in case he needed help.
And when six arrived, Eddie walked through the door with flowers and a smile, and Steve relaxed.
Nothing would go wrong.
Even if something did, they would be in it together, and they would support each other.
They didn’t have to do this alone like they did all those years ago.
It became a thing: dinner every Friday evening, sometimes at Steve and Eddie’s, sometimes at Tommy and Carol’s, sometimes at a new restaurant in the city.
The first few dinners were stilted, full of apologies and awkward catch-ups.
Then it got easier.
They got closer.
Eddie and Tommy actually became closer than Steve and Tommy ever were. Eddie showed him how to change his own oil so he could “stop bothering him at work just so he could look at his sexy coveralls.” Tommy rolled his eyes, but was grateful to learn.
Carol and Steve would often bake dessert together, catching up on school gossip, the latest who was dating who always entertaining them just as it did when they were in high school.
There were still the occasional moments where Steve thought about how much they hurt him, and Eddie thought about how they might be teasing him behind his back.
But it was rare, and they usually talked themselves out of it.
They were the first people to find out when Carol was pregnant, and the first people to learn it was twins. Carol and Tommy were the first (okay, first after Robin) people to find out when their offer on a house was accepted.
Tommy ended up cutting ties with his father when he found out that Steve and Eddie were together and threatened to cut him off. Tommy had a degree, and now had years of experience under his belt, and wasn’t worried about finding another job, one where he knew he earned his position because of his work and not being the boss’ son.
And when Steve and Eddie were able to finally adopt a little girl in 2002, Tommy and Carol were at the courthouse taking pictures of the new family, their own kids already best friends with her.
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