#but if she didn’t eat she’d be too tired to walk home after so.. grin and bear it I suppose
myname-isnia · 9 months
My friend and I had history club today so my friend’s little sister stayed with the after school program until we were done, and before we started my friend was trying to get her to settle down and eat her lunch which eventually evolved into her just saying her name over and over again so she’d look up from the minecraft video she was watching like:
“Kitty. Kit. Katie. Katyusha. Katya”
And Katya kept ignoring her so eventually my friend got annoyed and pulled out the
It worked. In fact so well that even I was ready to go eat those soggy noodles despite my name and patronymic being nothing close to Yekaterina Dmitrievna
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luveline · 3 months
What about if in Eddie and Roan, Eddie and Reader' are both occupied with wedding stuff or smth else and they left Roan with either Wayne or Steve and Robin, and it's just fluffy fluff about them being the best uncles/grandpa ever?
Roan wraps her arms around his neck. “Why can’t I come?” 
Her dad has pretty much always felt like an extension of her. He’s dad. So when she doesn’t get to go places with him that aren't work or school, it doesn’t make sense. She’d care less if Uncle Wayne wasn’t too tired for a slumber party, because her Uncle Wayne is the best uncle ever. 
“Baby,” Eddie says, in that soft sweet voice that means she’s being let down easy, “you can’t come because it’s a lot to do in one day, okay?” He encourages her face back. He’s on his knees to be her height, but he’s still taller. “I know you want to come, but it won’t be any fun at all. We have to go argue with people all day. Y/N’s gonna put on her scary mommy pants and I’m gonna have to back her up because she’s my girl.” 
Roan just looks at him. Eddie grins. 
“Okay, but will you bring me something?” she asks in a whisper. 
You laugh where you’re standing in the doorway behind him. 
“What do you want?” he asks. 
She leans in to whisper in his ear. When she pulls away, he’s squaring his expression into something quite fierce. She’s confident she’ll have what she asks for as soon as he’s home. 
You and Eddie kiss her goodbye, hands quick to intertwine as you walk down the driveway, though you take your hand back to wave at her with both hands when you realise she’s waiting on the porch for you to go. 
Steve holds her shoulder. “Should we go back inside?” 
Roan tips her head back. “Steve…” 
“What, babe?” 
“Can we get ice cream?” 
He holds her gaze. “Maybe. Depends.” 
“On what?” 
“We have dinner first, and you have to eat two vegetables. Because last time your dad said I’m terrible at looking after you.” 
“You’re not terrible,” Roan says, shaking her head vehemently. 
Roan offers him her arms and he picks her up. When she was a baby Steve and Robin used to call her Princess Ro on account of her never being put down, but that was usually because she’d been traded from arm to arm rather than her being demanding. She was demanding, of course, she was a baby. 
“Thank you, Roan. I know I’m not terrible, your dad just loves giving me a hard time.” 
“He does that to me too.” 
“He does not,” Steve chastises, “your dad is a great dad. Just don’t tell him I said that.” 
“Me and dad don’t have secrets,” she says. 
“I know, that’s why he’s a good dad.” Steve sighs forlornly. “Ew. Let’s be less sincere from now on. What movie do you wanna watch?” 
“You have The Little Mermaid?” 
Obviously Steve has The Little Mermaid. He plops Roan down on the couch and she balls herself up tightly. Steve thinks she might be a bit grouchy today, but it’s hard to say yet. He tries to nip it in the bud before it can start, wrapping her in the blanket she likes with the soft ends and cutting her a boat load of apples for peanut butter. “Thanks, Uncle Steve,” she says, stretching her legs out over his thigh. Steve squeezes one of her feet until she grumbles and pulls it away. “I forgot you do that.” 
Steve laughs loudly. “Do what, babe?” 
“You’re like dad. You aga-vate.” 
“I do, huh?” he asks, patting her leg. “Sorry. Just teasing.” 
“Mom says teasing is okay if it doesn’t hurt your feelings.” 
“Did I hurt your feelings?” 
“You hurt my foot.” 
“I’m sorry,” he says, laughing, because he knows it didn’t hurt too much. 
“It’s okay. I don’t want feet, I want a fish tail.” 
“You do not,” Steve says, squeezing under her knee. She grumbles more and kicks at him, a few of her apple slices sliding off of her plate and onto the blanket. She doesn’t notice. 
Robin lets herself in not long after. She’s in sweatpants with her hair up, arms laden with soda and bags of chips. “Hey, Ro,” she says. Even when Roan was a baby, Robin has talked to her like she’s an adult. “You look comfortable. Did you miss me?” 
Roan seems to have missed Robin lots —Robin sits down and within twenty minutes has Roan snuggled under her arm, another twenty and she’s giggling sleepily at the murderous chef trying to cook the Little Mermaid’s crab friend. 
Steve and Robin are best friends, and great watchers, though it’s much easier to look after a kid when you’re allowed to spoil them. They feed Roan chips and soda (though they aren’t animals, the soda is limited to one small cup, and the chips are before a dinner that includes three different vegetables), and they let her jump on the couch and climb up on the kitchen counter to play with the soap dispenser. 
Pick up time comes and passes. Roan sits kicking her feet on the kitchen table, her coat unzippered and her wellies hitting the chair. “Are they late?” she asks. 
Steve offers her a slice of orange. “Yeah, babe, it looks like it.” 
“Are they gonna never come back?” 
“Of course they’re coming back,” Robin says, “your dad has no personality outside of you. He needs you to be happy.” 
Roan smiles to herself. “Yes,” she agrees, taking a bite of her orange. 
Steve kneels in front of her and pulls the two sides of her jacket together. “Your teeth are orange.” 
Roan accidentally drops the orange rind out of her teeth. It rolls down her legs and hits him in the shirt, leaving a greeny tinged stain on his blue polo. “Oh, I’m sorry.” 
“That’s okay,” he says, zipping her coat to the collar and brushing her hair back away from her sticky cheeks gently, “I’ll just charge your dad extra.” 
“You’re the best, Uncle Steve,” Roan decides. 
He strokes her hair behind her ears. “You are the best, Roan. My favourite Munson ever.” 
Her eyes light with joy. “Really?” 
“Really truly.” 
“That’s a bit controversial,” Robin says, clipping Roan’s backpack shut to house what was left of her chips. 
“I don’t like Eddie and Wayne doesn’t tell me good job when I wash my hands.” Steve shrugs. “No competition.” 
The phone rings. When Robin picks up, she says that it’s Eddie, and Eddie needs to talk to Steve, who, after a short conversation, passes the phone to Roan. 
“Hey, baby! Sorry we’re not there, we went to the wrong place for mom’s hair stuff and it was a disaster, we won’t be home for another hour, I’m sorry. Are you really mad?” 
“I'm not really mad.” 
“I’m bringing you a present, remember? So can you keep being a good girl for Uncle Steve? No shouting?” 
Roan decides this is alright. Eddie tells her he loves her about six times and Roan hands the phone back up because she can’t reach the receiver, letting Steve hang up. She frowns at the floor, her head hanging, dark hair curling in front of her eyes.
“How about we make use of your shoes and coat and go get that ice cream I promised?” he suggests. “Anything you want. You did eat all your vegetables.” 
Robin rolls her eyes. Roan slouches sadly into his legs, the beginnings of a smile on her lips when she looks up at him and asks, “Hot fudge?” 
“As much hot fudge as you want,” he promises. 
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rise-my-angel · 2 years
Matching Insecurity
Tumblr media
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Female Reader
Length: 7.8k words
Warnings: angst, angst with a happy ending, fluff, mild smut, implied smut, teasing, masterbation
Notes: Takes place after the movie but isnt integral to the plot of this story
Was it really worth it? Having the wool pulled out from over your eyes worth the coziness of the job? You were surprised honestly to get the call that you had been hired, even thought it was just a low level position it was still in the cities most secure building with the largest of names attached to it. You had applied to a nondescript secretary job, only to show up for your first day to find out it was part secretary work, and part personal assistant work to one specific boss. 
The illusion though? Was gone totally the more weeks that passed. The media and online view of the Heroics was one of grandiose importance, larger than life people with attitudes superior to the citizens they protect, only to realize that most times, it was basically just a fancy office. At least where you worked. Your boss, the biggest name of them all mostly worked out of a cozy office and if you didn’t know any better, you’d never have guessed he was famous. 
Finding out you would work almost exclusively for Marcus Moreno on your first day almost sent you into a panic attack just out of shock. 
You later were informed that extensive checks on you were done to ensure you were a good fit and that’s why little description was given, so they could learn about you without your personal bias. But you were quiet, polite, and way too hard of a worker for what you were being paid, and so they placed you with the head of the Heroics. 
Marcus was, so strangely normal. So far you never saw him in anything that wasn’t casually business, and the weapons on his office wall looked more like expensive decoration than an integral part of his power. Always busy with mountains of work, phone calls that had him sharing exasperated looks whenever you walked in on one of them, and late nights where he pestered you to go home already. Saying you didn’t need to stay and work longer, on the days he did. 
He mostly stayed late the days his daughter Missy came in after school for junior training. She was always amusing. She’d plop her arms dramatically onto your desk in exhaustion only to lift up with her palm up against her cheek and ask you things. What did you like to eat, do you live alone, what did you like to do outside of work as she compared them to what she and her dad’s answers would be. 
“You’re lucky you can bake, my dad and I always try but we always end up just wishing we had someone else there to help us.” There was a twinkly in her eye that said more than what she was letting on, but you chalked it up to her being surrounded constantly by Heroics or ones in training that talking to another normal person probably was a nice break for her. 
Marcus finally came out of his office, leather jacket in his hand as he and Missy shared a hug. “Everything go well this time?” His voice was so comfortingly deep you caught yourself thinking. 
Missy nodded, “Sort of, at least I got her to agree to give me her water when she gets too upset finally.” Marcus chuckled and smoothed out the top of her hair in a soothing manner. “I’m just glad its leftovers night, I’m way too tired to do anything.” 
Marcus leaned down to press a kiss to the top of her head, “You say that as if it’ll get you out of doing the dishes.” He shared a playful grin at her mock glare. She turned to you and waved her arm out to point at him.
“You see what I have to put up with?” Marcus flicked her hair, causing her to nudge his hand away from her in jest as she pretended she wasn’t going to laugh. 
You raised your eyebrows and leaned on your arms resting on top of the desk and squinted slightly, whispering as if in secret. “Bring him a coffee with a little more sugar then he normally takes, the extra sweetness calms him right down.” 
While you and Missy shared a little laugh, Marcus’s eyes flickered to look at you a little closer. He hadn’t realized you did that, but the pieces started to get put together. On his bad days, or just frustrated moments you tended to bring him something sweeter then normal, or innocently suggest you take up a task that normally would add an extra hour onto his workload. Little things he never once actually asked of you. All it did, was add more fuel to the ever growing emotions he was having more and more trouble keeping at bay.
He couldn’t help but watch you whispering with his daughter, and have his mind flash back to the comments she always ended up making on the drive home, how much she weirdly pushed him on certain things. He had to pull himself out of it as Missy called for him. “Are we ready to go?” 
He shook the thoughts away one more. You were just good at your job, and generous just out of who you were as a person. It had nothing to do with him, and he already knew he’d have to distract Missy in the car from trying to bring it up again. He’d ultimately think about it again later tonight, but in a far more inappropriate way that he was starting to feel more and more guilty about the better it felt when you were at the forefront of his mind
Marcus nodded, grabbing her bag to carry himself, and leaned in to you pointing at the jacket hanging on the hook in the corner. “That goes for you too, it’s Friday you shouldn’t be wasting your evening when you’ve been here all day.” 
Giving in, you nodded and stood up, stretching your arms up a bit to shake out the stiffness not noticing any eyes on you. “I’m not a big Friday night’s plan with other people kind of girl-” you hesitated just slightly when Marcus’s eyes narrowed at you. To you, you saw what looked like disappointment in a lack of social life, not realizing it was anything drawn from his heart. “Fine, I’ll do..something. I promise, sir.” 
Marcus stood unmoving for a moment you didn’t quite get. You wondered if the look he was giving you was just analyzing what a boring assistant he was realizing you were. Getting your stuff ready to leave, you hadn’t noticed Marcus and Missy quietly talking still at your desk until you turned around with your bag. Raising your eyebrows, Marcus waves his hand for you to follow. 
Oh. They waited for you to join them as they left? You spent the elevator ride trying not to listen to their conversation, but the deep bass of his voice seemed to echo in the tiny space. Marcus again made the same wave when you tried to stand back so they could leave first, instead forcing you out in step with them. 
Your brain focused on the click of your shoes against the lobby floor as you all stepped outside. The chilly air felt both stinging and refreshing on your face. The later seasons always blew in a crisp kind of air that felt somehow fresher than the heavy summertime, your less then thick coat however disagreed with your assessment of the temperature. The conversation next to you catching your attention enough to stay before you decided to try and slip away quietly. 
“He kept talking about something something self promotion? I mean I’ve never even been on those sites, where would I even start?” Missy was standing, arms flinging out in exasperation as Marcus leaned down to actually zip her coat up with a flat expression to Missy’s bemused one. Always complaining about getting cold too easily but too lazy to do anything about it, it clearly was a common occurrence but drove Marcus’s protective instinct nuts. 
Staying bent down to her level, he sighed, looking at the floor before giving her an earnest look. “I don’t like it. Call me old fashioned dad I know,” Marcus placed a comforting hand on her upper arm. “but that kind of attention at your age is too much for you to handle alone. You’ll have too many eyes always ready to judge you.” 
Missy scrunched her face as she thought it over, before her body sagged in a shrug, “I don’t even know how he posts that often, how much could Miracle Guy of all people have that much to say?” 
Your breathy laugh caught their attention, Marcus standing back up straight as he looked at you while Missy turned. “You want to know his secret?” Missy furrowed her brows with a tilt of her head in curiosity. “He just gets people like me to post for him, he knows he’s not that creative.” 
While Missy laughed at how typical that was for him, Marcus’s look was far more uncertain. That scrutinizing look once more, “He hired you to post for him?” 
His train of thought wasn’t anywhere near yours. You shrugged, half not looking at him. “No he just kind of dumped his passwords on me and just requested to make him look good. It’s fun, he’s not exactly hard to figure out.” 
You really didn’t see the issue with it, it hadn’t crossed your mind. Technically he was also your superior just giving you another task. Realizing you should have brought gloves, you shove your hands into your pockets and take a few steps downwards, away from the direction of the auto shuttle leading to the secure parking lot. Marcus called your name just before you got away. “You aren’t going this way?” 
You felt a little sheepish as he nodded his head in a backwards motion. Your hands clenched and unclenched in a sudden insecurity. “Uh, no..just thought I’d stretch my legs today.” 
Marcus almost took a step towards you but seemed to restrain himself. “It’s late though, we can take you home no problem.” 
In your chest you felt another pang of insecurity, but brushed it off casually with a smile and shake of your head. “No please, don’t go out of your way it’s fine.” Your legs were asking you to just leave but Marcus’s almost concerned expression pinned you where you were almost by force. If you were thinking clearer, you might have remembered the metal buckles on your shoes that suddenly felt heavier than normal.
“It’s late and it’s freezing, really neither of us mind the detour.” 
This time Missy was the one who interjected. “Do you normally walk home?” Oh god her expression matched her fathers perfectly. The last thing you needed was the Moreno duo trying to break your defences down and going out of their way to help you. 
You stammered a bit, caught off guard as to why they seemed to care. “Just sometimes..most of the time..” By most of the time you meant every day, but you didn’t feel as if that's the answer they wanted to hear. Marcus’s face grew more tense with every word and you weren’t sure you wanted to hear what he was thinking. “I should go, I uh, I’ll see you...have a good weekend.” 
You didn’t turn back as you walked away. Taking the long path to the smaller security gate on the complete opposite side of the lawn than your path home was. If you looked just to the side you could see the shuttle to the parking lot pass, and you instantly bent your head down to stare at the sidewalk below you. 
It was embarrassing. That Marcus Moreno, leader of the Heroics with his nice tech filled car and his surprisingly humble sized but still gorgeous house finding out his assistant doesn’t even have a car. At least not driving you home meant you spared yourself the further humiliation of him seeing the run down apartment building you lived in. The outside usually with a few loud, drunk or high smokers making a racket, and the chipped paint and lack of any effort look of the buildings outside. 
You didn’t hate it, not even the muffled yelling usually heard through the narrow halls. Tinged in an ugly yellow and orange from the light bulbs partially exposed from their lamp encasement. The building wasn’t nice and you didn’t feel inclined to get to know anyone else living here, but stepping into your own apartment at least relaxed you. It felt lived in and cozy, took a lot of effort to get it like that but the rent was as cheap as you could find and afford so moving wasn’t on your list. 
Turns out you lied. To be fair, you did pace around mindlessly to come up with anything fun to do. Even scrolling through yelp to see if anything struck your fancy, but going to a restaurant alone felt embarrassing. You didn’t really drink so a bar wasn’t much of an option either. Being new in this city and putting so much into proving your worth as an assistant really left you terrible at making friends. 
It wasn’t until your walk to work on Monday morning that you tried to come up with a convincing fake story so your boss didn’t think you were a complete piece of cardboard. It also struck you why you even cared. He wasn’t just your boss, he was a national hero essentially, helping to run the biggest organization of powered people in the world, what in the world would entice him about you? Deep down you knew why, but admitting what that feeling deep in your heart was would be more difficult than you wanted to deal with.
All morning you had prepared this creative story of a fun, impressive outing with your friends, but by the time you reached your floor, it all became pointless. Instead, you just quietly got settled at your desk without even popping your head into his office to say good morning like usual. Only talking to Marcus when he came to you with work things and just gave short polite answers to anything else. May as well stop daydreaming. 
It wasn’t until you finally went through your personal mail stack when you found a contract along with a paycheck. Marcus’s eyes were bright and endearing behind those glasses that framed his face so nicely when you knocked. 
Walking in somewhat timidly you put the contract facing him on the desk. “I just saw this now, but uh, I’m not sure exactly what it’s for.” Your hands clasped together in front of you as you tried to discreetly twist your fingers around in anxiety. 
Marcus only took one glance at it, before he let out a breathe of a laugh and a smile. “It’s an amendment to your existing contract.” You only furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “I- we added a clause that if you are to have an active role in controlling Miracle Guy’s social media than you should be getting paid extra for it.” 
He held the paper up in the air and tapped at the check paper clipped to it with his fingers. “This is the back payment for what you’ve already done.” He tried to look you in the eye as you approached to take it back, but you were actively avoiding it. So he murmured your name to force you to look at him, “You deserve to get paid for your work, okay? You’re great and you should be rewarded for it.” 
His gaze was penetrating. Something deep swirling behind it that once again felt as if he was putting a puzzle together. Grasping it gently you avoided your hand getting close to his, your sudden realization and subsequent insecurity of being seen as nothing more than an employee was influencing you to be as distant as possible. “Thank you.” 
Marcus tugged it back ever so slightly as he looked at you again, only to let it go just as quick. You only got to the door before he called your name once again. “Your weekend. Did you have a good time?” 
No use in lying he was just being polite. So you shrugged one shoulder as your hand gripped the open door, “Not much going on in my circles.” You couldn’t look at him right now, you felt too much like you were six again. A quiet little girl with a crush on your teacher only this time if you get caught, you won’t get a quiet kind conversation about adults and children aren’t compatible that way, you’re just going to find yourself out of a job. 
You hadn’t sat down for more than 30 seconds before Marcus barrels out his office, flickering his hand to pull the door closed as he was preoccupied putting his jacket on. He leaned onto the front of your desk and it struck you how he had a soft look about him. “I’ll be out for a while, so uhm, please take a long lunch for yourself, no need to worry yourself until I get back, okay?” 
You nodded gently, “Will do, sir.” 
Marcus’s eyes narrowed at the formality, but he tapped at your desk before pushing off and heading directly for the elevator, only catching a glimpse of him suddenly pulling his phone out urgently before the doors shut. 
You were terrible at this, by the time Marcus got back you were so engrossed in a report that your food sat in it’s container, untouched and not even warmed up yet. He approached much more calm than he left, so you didn’t catch his soft footsteps until his large frame shadowed your desk. “You’re back, is everything okay?” 
Marcus looked at you before looking at the container. Letting out a loud sigh and his head tilted to the side in an unreadable irritation. He opened and shut his mouth a few times before relenting. He simply reached over and shut off your monitor. 
You spun in your chair and raised your arms in question, but he only gestured to your food. He didn’t even have to say it, you just let out a deep breathe and grabbed it. Walking past his warm frame, he laid a gently hand on your waist before pulling away as soon as you turned. “Please just sit down and enjoy yourself, stop trying to do everything in one day.” 
Maybe if this wasn’t the day you were plagued with sudden insecurity, you wouldn’t have completely misread his tone. You lowered your gaze and nodded before walking away. Worried thoughts swimming through your head that maybe you were doing too much, and that you weren’t performing up to standards because of it and this was his polite frustration in your work quality. 
Marcus on the other hand has never seen you so downtrodden. Your normally quiet disposition now bordered on shy or uncomfortable. Biting the inside of his cheek, he once again reminded himself of the plan. It might be too abrasive if he did it, he just had to reel in this growing impatience and let Missy play the part she seemed suspiciously eager to do. 
Truth be told, he was out of his depth on this one. He had been on his own for quite a few years now and in that time he had very little interest in anything or anyone besides raising his daughter. When he was told he’d they had hired someone to be his personal assistant and secretary he didn’t expect anything. 
It wasn’t until you walked into the meeting room and Marcus felt that tightening in his stomach that felt foreign at that point. You were so easy to be smitten with, you were quiet, always happy to help or support anyone, you were so incredibly pretty with eyes he would fall into every time you spoke to him. 
He was conflicted though, for more than one reason. First he was your boss and the last thing he wanted was for you to feel taken advantage of, but also his own guilt. Realizing he was starting to emotionally move on from that stage of grief, that he was finally having those feelings again felt strange. Especially when he thought of Missy. 
The one thing that dating again always scared him was the idea that Missy would think he’s trying to replace her mother, or forget about her. She was much younger when they both lost her, and Missy has mostly grown up solely with Marcus. Would introducing someone else interrupt that harmony? The weirdest part really was how much she pushed as soon as she got out of him one day to admit he liked you. 
Thankfully, she had more tact than him in being direct. Coming in after school, Missy came right up to your floor and loudly dropped her bag right beside your desk. Head shooting up, you had a real smile finally at the sight of her arms crossed on the wood with her head fitted neatly into the middle of them. “Is there something I can do for you, miss?” 
You were returned a mischievous grin, pushing up a bit on her palms and tilting her head with wide eyes in a very Marcus manner. “So I’ve heard that restaurant you like is doing pretty well..” 
Raising your eyebrows you put your elbows on the desk, hands tucked under your chin as your eyes narrowed playfully. “Oh? And which one would that be exactly?” You could see the temporary panic as the gears in her head turned. For a brief moment she looked behind you for a second, to quick to turn your own head before she found her answer. 
“That ugly one shoved between the old bookstore and some empty building that somehow always smells like fresh bread.” The cheeky grin was enough to almost make you laugh. You circled in your chair as she came around to the side to see you better. 
“And what per say Missy, are you suggesting I do about it?” 
Her answer was immediate and confident. “You come to dinner with us.” That wasn’t what you expected honestly. As you were taken back, Marcus appeared by you two as he and Missy greeted each other before he turned to you with a soft look. 
“We’d love to have you join us.” Seeing your hesitant look he clarified. “Only if you’re comfortable, but we just thought it’d be nice to take you out, outside of work.” 
Missy leaned into her fathers side in a nudge, “He might feel that way, but I’m certainly not taking no for an answer.” Marcus scolded her quietly with a rush of her name as she stood with no shame. His head leaned down to her suddenly look up at you, and those wide eyes suckered your dumb self back in. 
You inhaled a noticeable breathe, “Only if you guys are sure, you know for me to join-” 
Marcus interrupted before a continued train of thought could doubt you more. “I- we’re absolutely sure.” 
Missy didn’t skip a beat. “Great, we can all go together when my lesson wraps up?” 
Oh absolutely not, you needed time to shake off this gloom over your head that followed you all day. You shook your head with a tight lipped smile. “I uhm, I have a few things at home I have to do first, I can just meet you there it’s not far.” Marcus was about to object but you insisted. “Really, I know when she about wraps up, I’ll just meet you two.” 
Curious doubt was plastered on both Moreno’s faces, but Missy did have to leave and Marcus didn’t want to linger in case you started to feel pressured to go. You left early, but not before a gentle reminder from Marcus of the time, and once again asking if you were sure he couldn’t pick you up. 
Denied again. The reminder of the run down cheapness of your apartment still lingered your feelings of inadequacy. 
It had taken about five shirts tossed carelessly onto your bed before landing on the one you hated the least out of the bunch. It almost felt stupid to try and do yourself up, what point would spending extra time making your hair look pretty, or fussing with what makeup didn’t make you just look like you were trying too hard. A change of clothes you suppose was all that was worth it. 
The walk was cold, the evenings dropping to almost freezing temperatures as soon as it gets dark. Your cheeks stung from the cold and no doubt your eyes looked a little red from walking in the winds path. You were the first to get there, not really a surprise, you had a tendency to get anywhere early. It was though, a thought of if you should wait inside or out. Worrying if you waited inside you’d look impatient or uncaring, you leaned partially against the prick wall, hands shoved into your pockets firmly as your body fidgeted on its own accord trying to keep from getting too cold. 
You heard them before you saw them, a laughing back and forth as they turned a corner. Missy tucked purposely into Marcus’s side no doubt shielding her from the wind. As soon as you were spotted, a concerned look splashed over his features and he rushed in front of you. “Jesus, it’s freezing you didn’t need to wait out here for us like this.” 
You tried laughing it off but his concern remained. “I’m okay, I barley noticed it.” 
In a move you didn’t expect, Marcus almost without thinking reached to gently cup your cheek, his thumb running over the obviously cold skin. “Your body says otherwise.” Oh boy, did he even realize what this combination felt like? Those words coming out of his deep voice mixed with a gentle touch? You felt almost overwhelmed, his large hand was so comfortingly warm on your face, his finger tips rough from so many years leading his team in the field. Your mouth opened slightly with a tiny intake of a gasp, too engrossed in a touch you had never really gotten to give him an answer. 
When you didn’t immediately respond, Marcus pulled his hand away, but did only drop it to your side and slid to your lower back to start moving you to go inside where it’s warm. As you talked briefly to the hostess, you missed Missy and Marcus sharing a look that spoke a language all on it’s own. 
Dinner, was surprisingly normal. There wasn’t any stiff formality or undertones of being at work or with your boss. No it just felt like having dinner with two people you’ve known for a while. There was a strategy at play here, Missy talked and prompted things to smooth out any awkwardness, but always handed the reigns over to her dad and let the two of you get engrossed in whatever you were talking about. 
It was really nice, the anxiety and insecurity fading more and more with every laugh or smile you shared with him, and for a while you got to forget the things that plagued you all day. You both made fun of how big the portions were, than laughed together in success when Missy finally gave in and admitted she needed a take out box for the rest of it after stuffing herself past full. 
Taking off unceremoniously to the washroom, the quiet between you and Marcus matched with the coziness of the booth and dim lighting above felt much more intimate than anything you shared with him at work. He rubbed his hands together for a moment, taking a peek around to see if anyone was watching before turning back to you with a gentle murmur of your name. 
“Listen I, Missy shouldn’t have been the one to ask you here. I wanted to ask you myself, but..I’m just, not used to this anymore.” Your face went from a gentle confusion quickly to a look of pain. Seeing him in such a domestic setting, you realized it was so easy to forget that a giant part of their hearts were missing. 
“Really, it was very sweet of you-both of you. I’m still new so I don’t have many in the friend department, but you’re my boss I didn’t think I should be bothering you with that. You were just asking to be polite, you didn’t have to do any of this.” Your voice was quiet, a bit timid but with an underlining confidence that you knew telling him the truth was the best. 
Marcus put an arm flat across the table almost about to gently grasp your wrist, “Wait that’s not-” 
In a small rushed out sentence you threw your hands out almost defensively, “No it’s fine really, I get it. If I burn myself out, I’m not doing you much good am I?” 
Marcus was quiet. His brown eyes looking deep into yours as he stewed in his thoughts. Your hands had fallen back down, fingers fidgeting against each other much like you did when you were nervous in his office. His gaze finally made a slow path down from your eyes. Not a linger that felt creepy, his eyes barley even focused on anything but staring down at your nervous hands. 
“Marcus, sir, I- I apologize I didn’t mean make things uncomfortable.” 
Marcus’s breath hitched noticeably at being called sir, but for reasons you wouldn’t discover tonight at least. He watched your hands as he slowly murmured to you in a soft, delicate tone. “You always do that.” His hands slid forward a tad on the table, “You finally open up, and I get to see you just as you are until you remind yourself of your job, and you clam right back up like the first day we met.” 
Finally his slow moving hands reached their destination. His fingers hovering so lightly over yours you could almost feel his touch yet not at all. “I didn’t want to ask you out for anything other than wanting to spend time with you.” 
When you didn’t pull away he finally inched the final stretch and let his fingers trace over the skin of your wrist and hand. He was so warm it almost felt like he left a burn of his touch whenever his hand moved to another spot. His sudden raise of his head caught your attention. “I’m sorry about today. I just started overthinking things, and I guess I was...” 
Your eyes trailed away with your voice, you hadn’t noticed your pinky reaching out and like the weight of a feather, traced over Marcus’s own hand. All you could feel was the harshness in your throat at opening up. “I was doubting myself, maybe I was reading into things but we just-” 
“Get along perfectly.” Your eyes met again, yours bordering on a bit of the sting that was typically followed by a feeling of choked up. Marcus’s was more warm this time. Unable to hide your gasp when he finally grasped your hand, just at your fingers as his thumb ran over them. “I haven’t felt anything for someone like this since her mom, I was worried today when you were so distant that I was overstepping. It’s easy to forget you work for me when I just look forward to seeing you everyday.” 
You whispered his name, and it was almost obvious your heart was racing more. “I know it’s complicated, and you don’t talk to anyone else there the way you did me, and I didn’t know if I just fooled myself into seeing something that wasn’t there.” 
“I like you.” His hand gripped yours tighter, unwilling to let go of your softness in that moment as he laid his heart out for you. “You can tell me no or to piss off if you want, but I do like you. A lot. The last thing I want is to scare you off, but if you ever decide your comfortable with it, I want to take you out. Properly like you deserve.” 
Your heart filled up, it was such an odd feeling. This strange new life, and job and a whirlwind of emotions towards Marcus that realizing that this small intimate bubble you two worked in wasn’t just a childish fantasy you made up. You almost jumped when moving to cross your thumb with his only to be interrupted by someone knocking into your table as they passed by without so much as a sorry. 
Your jump knocked yourself out of his hands, but Marcus stayed regardless. His head turning to watch Missy’s incredulous face at the people who had walked by only to realize what she may have walked in on. About to make an excuse to give you more time alone, Marcus beckoned her over with a fake annoyed tone. Yanking her into his side he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, mumbling something in Spanish that you couldn’t quite make out as she responded with a look you could only describe as proud of herself. 
It made you laugh honestly. The tense overload of emotion simmered down back to a domesticity that seemed to very naturally fit all three of you. Finally relenting it was time to leave, Marcus had paid before you got the chance to even get your card out. 
You turned and looked at him with a wide eyed amused look, and he was close enough to feel his breath on your face as he smiled back as he spoke. “You’re not paying even if you’re the one who asks me out next, okay? I was supposed to be treating you.” 
A lightness in your chest filled you up, as you found the courage to smirk back. “If we’re playing by those rules, technically it was Missy who asked me out.” Your voice had lowered to a mocking whispered taunt and if his bemused eyebrow raise was anything to go on, you might be starting to accept he does at the very least enjoy you for you. 
Missy on the other hand had her hands on her hips with a little pout, “I played matchmaker, if anything you should be paying me for my services.” Missing the incredulous look on Marcus’ face you knelt down to her eye level. 
“Instead how about I pay you a free fresh baked dessert of your choice? I know you’re a sucker for soft cookies.” You and Missy both focused on each other, you definitely missed Marcus’s eyes flowing down to your ass before blinking whatever thoughts arose out of his expression and moving to stand beside both of you. 
Her eyes narrowed as she contemplated the bargain. “Only if I get to eat some of the batter before you use it all.” 
Marcus taking advantage of the offer as a hopeful plea of being able to spend more time with you. “La cocina de Morales is fully stocked and open all weekdays and weekends.” Your head looked up to him, before standing to your full height to better see his gentle eyes towards you. “You’re welcome over any day of the week.” 
His tone less joking and sounding much more like an offer had warmth flowing from your heart out into your veins. You intended to answer jokingly, but what came out first was far from it. “You really don’t have to do that, I don’t want to intrude.” 
Marcus took a small step forward, “Never.” 
Both of you noticing more of a crowd starting to enter the lobby, you three quickly made your way back onto the cold streets. Without realizing it, you had begun to walk with them to the parking lot as if you were unwilling to let go of this little world you had finally felt with him. 
It wasn’t until you were standing beside his car, as Missy opened the door to slide inside keeping the door open, asking Marcus if she could turn on the heat. Saying yes, he turned back to you as you looked up to him nervously before starting to fidget in place. “I guess uh, I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
Your face was wide eyed and hesitant, not at all matching the introspective gears turning inside Marcus’s head. “Let me at least drive you home.” His hand finding a home on your upper arm as he leaned closer, your name slipping from his mouth. “Please, it’s freezing out. I’d feel better knowing you can get home safe.” 
“Marcus, I uhm...it’s not that I don’t- I mean I’m just not sure you-” 
Cut off by his hand, somehow still warm despite the cold air, finding a place on your cheek. “You know I don’t look down on you for where you live right? It’s not at all what I would call a safe area but that doesn’t change how I see you.” 
By your confused look, Marcus’s face turned sheepish. “Your address is in your file, I may have taken a look at the place a few weeks ago.” His hand slid from you cheek down to the side of your neck with only his thumb high enough to stroke the skin of your jaw under it. “I overheard you saying once that your neighbors made you uncomfortable but it was the only thing you could afford. I just wanted to know if you were okay or not.” 
Missy at this point had poked her head out of the open door, “You could always come home with us and take advantage of the fireplace?” 
Marcus turned his head saying her name in a warning. Grimacing she relented and got back into the car.  You nodded when he looked back at you with an apology on his lips. “Okay, driving me home doesn’t sound too bad.” 
A relieved smile graced his face, lighting up every handsome feature in an instant. “Good, great. Come on, Missy’s probably cranked the heat enough it’ll be a sauna at his point.” His hand fell to your waist as he turned you and opened the door for you. 
Sure enough it was comically warm in the car. Marcus on the drive commenting how he didn’t understand how Missy could stand having the seat warmers on max for so long. It was a nice drive, but you knew you were being quiet. Not only did he know where you live, but that it wasn’t what you would call a decent area. You felt your stomach whirl at the prospect of being embarrassed once more by your differences, and wanting to feel giddy that he checked it out of worrying for your well being. 
Luckily when you drove up, the outside was mostly empty spare a lone smoker desperately trying to get his lighter to cooperate. Missy turning partially to look at you with a smile, but this time less mischievous and much more small and shy. “I’m really happy you had fun with us tonight.” 
Smiling at her you undid your seat belt and stroked the hair at the top of her head for just a second. “Me too. I’ll see you soon, okay?” 
You weren’t sure of you meant just the days she comes up to her father’s office or if the invite to their house was genuine. Part of you still felt that insecurity of taking a place in their lives that you had no right too. 
“Let me walk you over.” Marcus getting out as you walked side by side, arms brushing against the other. Your head down slightly shaking away the conflict rising inside, as Marcus eyed the rough state of the building with a harder scrutinizing look. He didn’t feel good leaving you in an unsafe area and a less than reliable apartment complex, but he knew his protective feelings towards you needed to be eased in slowly. He didn’t quite think it would scare you off completely, but he also didn’t want to come across  as possessive about where you lived. 
Getting to the front door, you turned to thank him for the evening only to discover he was much closer to you than before. “I had a good time Marcus, really.” 
A more gentle smile graced his features, his palm one again filling your cheek with a thrilling warmth. “Listen, I know me being your boss could complicate somethings, but I need you to still know that I’m not trying to take advantage of you. This isn’t about what you do, it’s just...I’m not used to having feelings for someone again, but I don’t want to go back to pretending they don’t exist for you.” 
Your own hand raised to cover part of his wrist and your hand. “If you want to stop, or take things slow I completely understand. The last thing I want is for you to feel like I’m trying to replace-” 
He stepped in even closer, his lips so close to brushing against yours as he spoke. “You’re not. I promise you, sweetheart. You’re not.” 
Watching his eyes flicker down to your lips, you held your breathe. The need in your heart feeling overwhelming yet unreal. Marcus though, didn’t quite have the same resistance. 
At first his lips just barley brushed over yours, testing how okay you were with him, but as soon as he felt you start to lightly kiss him back it was as if a spark was lit inside of him. His grasp on your cheek held firmer as his other hand grasped at your waist pulling you in slightly. 
His kiss was greedy but his mouth was unbearably soft and addictive. By instinct your hands gravitated to him. One hand sliding barley over his neck and collarbones while the other sat at his waist just keeping you upright against his growing need. 
Marcus lost himself in your lips, his tongue gently teasing at you, giving your bottom lip a nip and taking advantage of the high pitched gasp to slip his tongue into your mouth. You let him dominate the kiss, the only brush you returned was as he explored your own. 
It was only when his grip slipped to your hips, and stopped himself before he pulled them into his own. Taking your time to slow back down to a simmer, Marcus only pulled away after going back for one last small kiss. 
Your eyes shut and chest heaving to catch the breathe he stole from you, Marcus tilted your head up to look him in the eye. “Be safe, please. I’ll pick you up in the morning, okay?” 
Trying to resist you pulled away only to find yourself unable to overpower his strength. “Marcus, it’s okay, you don’t need to go out of your way just for me.” 
Instead of any annoyance he smiled. Leaning in to brush his lips against yours as he spoke. “Quite the opposite. I just need a little extra time alone with you before I have to share your company again.” 
Finally agreeing, he set the time he’d be there. You noting it was earlier then either of you needed to arrive there, you couldn’t help but feel a growing heat at his eyes looking over you. He left one last kiss on your lips. 
He watched you at the door until you disappeared from sight up the stairs. No doubt he was about to hear it from Missy. Whatever inside of him kept flashing back to her mother, it seemed to be buried deeper down inside her. Marcus at first thought it was the feeling of betraying his wife when he no longer could deny how much he liked you.
But now he knew it was something a bit different. It was getting used to feeling alright in finding love again, getting used to the freedom to find happiness again after so many years of pushing it away. Missy might be more complicated, she was young when they lost her and she’s grown up mostly without a mother. That might be something to slowly be unpacked later. For now he felt happy, and so did she and for the Morales duo that was all that mattered right now. 
It wasn’t until after you got out of the shower you saw a text from Marcus. He had never texted you before, only ever called. You bit your lip as you approached, a child like glee as you opened the message. 
“Tell me if it’s too much, but I already started to miss you.” 
It wasn’t too much. Something about him felt different, like he wouldn’t hurt you in ways others had before. So you kept him at ease, not wanting him to think you were apprehensive about it. The insecurity existed, but putting that on him wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Missing me, or just missing my lips?” 
He responded right away, as if at the ready for when you finally opened his first text. “Trust me I miss more than just your lips right now.” 
There was a smile as you typed this out, it was a risk but you could still feel the weight of his tongue sliding over yours and it had kept your body in a state. “So you’re saying I shouldn’t tell you that I only read this right after getting out of the shower?” 
Once again, right away. “Don’t start, baby. I’ll give you what you need, but only if you’re good enough to wait for it.” There certainly was more to this man then his kind look gave away.
You almost fell back onto the couch. How on earth were you supposed to just act like nothings changed tomorrow morning? “Do I get rewarded if behave like a good girl?” 
Marcus’s resolve would shatter the next morning when he sees you. His original plan was to take you out for coffee, but after that message shot straight down to his cock, he wasn’t going to be able to resist the need to feel your lips and your bare skin against his. Luckily you had a boss that wouldn’t care if you were late. 
“You tread carefully, sweetheart. You have no idea what kind of talk that’s going to get you into.” 
“I’m looking forward to finding out, Marcus.” 
“Me too. Now go get some sleep, I want you to feel refreshed when I finally get you all to myself tomorrow morning.” 
If only you knew just how much both of you would take full advantage of being alone together. 
Marcus Moreno was afterall, a constant surprise.
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Mika pushes herself too hard, and the incubi comfort her. This was originally going to be Sam x Mika, but it got away from me. I hope you like it.
Mika opened her phone to the alarm app, which was set to go off in 10 minutes. She groaned and turned it off, rubbing her eyes from the dried tears. 
Mika constantly was under a lot of stress. While she was used to the weight of work and the pressure from her father, recently it had multiplied tenfold.
Her body ached from the lack of sleep, her eyes wouldn’t stop watering, and she could barely think straight. But she had work, so she forced her body out of bed. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, she got dressed, not trusting herself to stay awake in the shower. She wore a light gray sweater and distressed baggy jeans. She decided to put on some concealer to hide the bags under her eyes before walking downstairs, the smell of bacon grabbing her attention.
“Good morning miss, did you sleep well?” James asked, a small smile resting on his lips.
She immediately cleared her mind so that Damien wouldn’t catch her lie. “Yeah, I slept okay. You?” she asked, hoping she sounded convincing enough.
James must have believed her, because after he replied that he’d slept well, he didn’t question her. She made sure to push the relief down, not wanting to alarm Damien. 
Mika looked at the time on her phone and rushed to put on some shoes. Erik approached her, concern etched on his features. “Princess, aren’t you going to eat something?”
She shook her head vigorously, jumping on one foot to get her shoe on. “No, I have work.”
He raised an eyebrow but didn’t push, asking if she’d packed herself some lunch. She couldn’t help but feel slightly nauseated at the idea of eating, but didn’t get the chance to decline when Matthew grinned at her. “I’ll do it.”
She forgot to keep her mind clear, her lack of sleep overwhelming her. “Is everything okay?” Damien asked, walking towards Mika.
“Yeah, I just really need to go.” she said, forcing her mind to be a clear buzz again.
After Matthew gave her some lunch and they’d all wished her a good day, she walked out of the lobby. Truth be told, she was so tired that she hadn’t noticed Sam was absent until she spotted him doing tai chi in the front yard. “Morning.” he said, not stopping his movements.
Mika smiled and waved as she continued to walk towards her car. “Good morning.”
Before she could get to her car, Sam stopped her. “You need a ride? I’m going to the gym so I can drop you off on the way.”
Mika couldn’t help but feel grateful as she was a bit worried about driving with such little sleep. “Yeah, thanks.”
In the car, Mika fought the urge to doze off in the passenger seat of Sam’s truck, which had ridiculously comfortable seats. She noticed him glancing at her, but he didn’t say anything.
As they pulled into the parking lot though, he asked Mika to wait for a minute. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
He seemed to be studying her face, his expression unreadable. “Tell us if you need anything, alright?”
Mika merely smiled, hoping to stop him from worrying about her. “I will.”
“Mmm” Mika groaned, recognizing the silk sheets underneath her. She was in her bed. 
She suddenly shot up, trying to remember when she came home. She was just at work, standing at the cash register. She vaguely remembered her manager asking if she was okay and being told to take lunch.
Mika looked beside the bed, not expecting Sam to be sitting in a chair, half glaring at her. “You fainted at work.”
She nodded and looked at her bedsheets. “Who brought me home?”
“I did. Since when am I your emergency contact?” He asked, making Mika blush.
She shrugged, dodging the question as she rubbed her face. “How long have I been out?”
Sam scoffed. “4 hours.”
Mika shot up out of bed, but as soon as she did, she lost balance. Sam caught her before she could actually fall, sitting her back down. “Chill, Doofus. You need to stop stressing out so much.”
She furrowed her brows. “I’m fine, I just need to eat something.”
Almost on cue, Damien and the others walked in, carrying a plate of food in one hand and a glass of water in the other. “Rest.” He said, placing the cup and plate on her bedside table.
“I-” Mika went to protest, but James surprisingly interrupted her.
“Mika,” he said, using her real name to show his seriousness. “I understand your need to do everything you can, but you are pushing yourself too hard to function. Don’t worry about going to work right now.”
She was pretty sure they’d used their incubus powers to get her time off but couldn’t focus on that long as hot tears definitely ran down her cheeks. They cared so much, what had she done to deserve them?
Matthew moved to sit beside her. “Hey, it’ll all be okay. Wanna watch a movie?” He asked, hugging her tightly when she nodded. 
After she ate, the group all settled to watch a movie in the living room. They rested on a pallet they made on the floor, Mika’s head on Mattew’s lap while her legs rested on Erik’s, who rubbed her feet. Damien sat behind her, lightly holding her hand. Sam laid down as well, his head on her stomach, him and James both rushing to get anything she needed. She began to feel the pull of sleep, no longer paying attention to the movie.
“Thank you, guys.” She mumbled, letting sleep consume her before she could hear a response.
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spice-and-fire · 10 months
eat, flederprey, love ❀ fang & meera
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TIMING: Months ago LOCATION: Bigfeet’s Adventureland PARTIES: Meera @the-haunteang and Fang @ronin-for-hire SUMMARY: Meera hires Fang to help her rescue a friend from "vampires." CONTENT WARNING: None
After she received a private message hiring her to deal with vampires in Bigfeet’s Adventureland, Fang immediately set out to finish the job as soon as possible, bringing with her her usual hunting gear that was mostly comprised of her oni facemask and her trusty katana. But she had never been to the place before, so she had to take her time, consulting the directions her landlady, Sara Fukuhara, had so charitably shared with her. 
When she arrived at the place, she immediately took to the shadows, lurking as she searched for any sign of a vampire or two. The damned monsters were often as elusive as they were dangerous, so when she noticed someone else in the area, she immediately tagged them as possible prey. Or possible bait. Fang grinned as she watched the woman walking around, hoping her quarry would soon reveal itself to her. Then she can cut its head clean off of its shoulders and get paid. Easy.
Meera didn’t want to be there. She didn’t want to be anywhere close to “vampires” or whatever went bumping in the night. She already had plenty on her plate at home, what with her ghostly ancestors randomly showing up to scream and whine at her. At least that’s what she thinks they’re doing. Most of the time, they were incoherent, hard to understand, and all they ever were were annoying distractions. Years ago, she’d be afraid of them. These days, though, they’ve become badly timed jumpscares.
“Tariq!” Meera whisper-yelled under her breath. She wanted to be heard, but only by the employee she was trying to find, not by the so-called “vampires” that were supposedly flying around. This was the last place Tariq was according to her sister, who also informed their employer of the fanged menaces in question. Khadija wanted to go look for him herself but the girl was too sickly to go anywhere, especially at night, so Meera had to play the responsible boss. 
“Where’s that handler person thing? It’s been like over an hour? Are they even going to come? Goodness, why did I even message them instead of the cops?! I must be losing my mind!”
Fang stalked the woman, lurking behind the shadows she used as veils to keep herself hidden. Either she was just a normal idiot or she was playing the part of a normal idiot to draw her in, making the slayer reveal herself before she transforms into a more formidable version of herself. Like those damned vampires. Smart, Fang thought. Classic bait and switch. Or classic bait and trap. Whatever worked. 
Slowly, silently, Fang crept up on the woman. She discreetly unsheathed her katana, about to slice the other woman’s head off, or at least checking if the nearby slight movement would alert its supernatural senses, when she heard it complain about…a bunch of normal idiot stuff. Fuck, Fang heaved a sigh as she sheathed her katana again. Neither of those actions revealed her to the woman, so the slayer instead poked her on the shoulder. “Hey,” she calmly stated. “You the one who hired me to handle the vampires?”
Meera screamed. Like her life depended on it. Like she was about to die. Like everything inside of her needed to come out through her mouth. Even as she stared at the newly arrived woman in the face with her eyes wide in horror, she still screamed, arms crossed over her chest, as if that would be any defense, as if that was enough protection. When she finally tired herself out, she began to pant. When she was finally tired of panting, she took a moment to catch her breath.
Hands on her knees, she raised a finger, gesturing for the other woman to wait as she tried her best to regain her composure quickly. If the other woman wanted her dead, she would’ve done so in the first few times she started screaming. Maybe that would have spared her from looking like a fool right then and there. Certainly would’ve spared her from the makeshift asthma attack. “O-okay… Y-you’re the vampire hunter?” Meera looked over the woman from head to toe. She didn’t look like a vampire hunter. “Are you sure?” What would an actual vampire hunter even look like?
“You okay?” Fang raised an eyebrow. She had to ask. If she died right then and there, out of shock, then she might not get paid. There wasn’t anything more than that from the slayer. This was all about her rent money, not some strange woman’s stranger health. Screaming like that in a place like this? She should be thankful Fang wasn’t an actual monster. Otherwise, she might’ve screamed her last. “Yeah, I’m the…slayer.”
When she asked if she was sure, Fang took a step back, taking offense to that statement. It reminded her of the early days of her training in Japan, when the other students of her late mentor questioned her as well. The old man had brought her in after none of her surviving relatives wanted to take her back. She wasn’t experienced in killing monsters, sure, barely even athletic, but getting an “are you sure” from the other students made her worried about her own survival. If the master would throw her back, out into the streets, she would die. She needed to be sure. 
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Fang squinted at the woman, annoyed at her very animated actions. Heaving a sigh, she shook her head and stowed her katana, keeping her voice low and deep, just in case this woman could not keep a secret, which she seemed like it, to be fair. With all that screaming and doubting. “Are you sure there are vampires here? And you have the money to pay me?” That last bit was just petty revenge.
“I’m fine,” Meera finally managed to calm herself down fully. She was still a little suspicious about the other woman, though. Well, maybe somewhat suspicious of things about her. After all, she was supposedly a monster hunter or whatever but she wasn’t asking for much and she was advertising it online like one of those scammers on that list website. What was it called? Ah, phooey! “Slayer? That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
Meera was quick to realize she had done or said something to offend the girl with the sword but wasn’t quite sure what. Maybe it was just her? Maybe she was just that off-putting after having spent so many years not socializing, afraid to accidentally scare new friendships when a ghost related to her inevitably popped up. But then the woman questioned her finances, and to someone who wasn’t sure she was doing her dead relatives proud business-wise, it was an insult of the highest order. “Y-yes, I’m sure! I have the money, how dare you?! Why would I hire you if I didn’t? Let’s just find my friend, okay? He might be in trouble right now.” 
Fang simply rolled her eyes. She did not have time for the woman’s side comments. She did not even come up with that name. In Japan, they were called something else. She had been calling herself that something else before she found out what the local hunters were calling themselves, and since she was stuck here for the time being, she felt it more appropriate to adopt the local terminology than stick with the name from Japan. Either way, it wasn’t even the point of all this. “What does your friend look like? Do you have a photo on you?”
Fang tried her best to focus on the business part of this interaction. She didn’t want to get stuck out there with the frantic woman any longer. As long as the client had the money, she’d bear with them until the transaction was over. Fang’s clientele wasn’t really as great as far as clienteles go. Most of them were annoying, privileged, or even just plain lazy. But they good money, and Fang needed that good money. “You can pay half now and then half later,” she stated without a tone but extended her hand for the dough. All business.
At the questions, Meera immediately scrambled to retrieve her phone from her purse. Once she had gotten it out, she showed it to the other girl while still browsing for a photo of Tariq, accidentally showing her random and blurry selfies that she had taken, mostly with the ghosts of her dead relatives but unless she had the sight, the slayer-for-hire might not be able to see them and would just think these photos were terribly shot selfies. “He’s…a bit on the short side, but he’s really nice and kind and does everything at the shop.”
“Oh, well, okay,” Meera gave the other woman her phone as she once again scrambled to retrieve something else from her purse, this time half of the promised payment. It was a regular deal, come to think of it. Half now so if it was a useless errand, at least the hired hand wouldn’t feel as ripped-off. Maybe she’ll tuck that idea somewhere in her mind’s purse. “Should I come along? I feel like I should come along in case you forget his face. I’m Meera, by the way.”
Fang took her time staring at the photo supplied to her by her employer. She tried her best to memorize the guy’s face, but to be honest, who else would be dumb enough to be there? Let her rephrase that thought: Who else, that wasn’t the three of them, would be dumb enough to be there? At least Fang could defend herself against the vampires. This…Meera? Fang had major doubts she could even defend herself from a four-year-old kid. “All right, then,” she heaved a deep sigh, turning her attention to the area at large. “I’ll take it from here.”
When Meera suggested she come along, Fang almost burst out laughing. No offense to the woman but she did just get scared easily, and she does strike Fang as someone who was rather better off watching things unfold on the side than risk herself for something she had no idea what to do. Not a lot of people knew what to do in situations like this. All the vampire fiction they consume from the mainstream media? Not as useful as actual experience in fighting actual vampires. “Oh…no, you should just get back to your car and wait for me to bring him back. Or drive back home and wait for me there. Where exactly do you stay? Scratch that: Where would you like me to bring your friend once I rescue him? You do have a car, right?”
“Oh, uhm, okay?” Meera wasn’t quite sure how to take that response from the so-called slayer. The first part, she was okay with. Of course she was going to take it from there. After all, that was her job, and Meera trusted her as a professional to be able to do her job better than the medium could only imagine. Her almost laughing at her, though? That was a little unnecessary. Also her doubting that she had a car. Of course, she had a car. How would she had gotten there if she didn’t have a car? “I do… I guess, you could bring him to my car? It’s the only one at the curb right now.”
Meera turned toward the curb, where her car was. It was hard to see clearly from where they stood, so she wasn’t even sure if the other girl would believe her, but it didn’t really matter, did it? She wasn’t going to just wait in her car. She was going to do her part and bring Tariq home. No matter the cost. She owed it to him, and Khadija, and herself. She wasn’t going to just play the innocent civilian in this scene. Also, wouldn’t it be much safer to go with the slayer than be alone in her car? “Do vampires also need to be invited inside a car to attack someone? Because I feel like I’d be much safer next to you.”
“Got it,” Fang nodded at her employer before turning her full attention toward the greater area of Bigfeet’s Adventureland where Meera’s friend should be, Fang’s target. “Bring him to your car. At the curb.” Those were the only things she needed to hear. It was a simple job for a decent amount of money. Nothing more, nothing else. The rest, the experienced slayer would be suited enough to handle all by herself. Just slice and dice some vampires. Easy peasy electric sushi. 
But then her employer had a great point. An annoying point but it did make a lot of sense. She’d definitely be much safer with Fang than alone in her car at the curb, especially if there were more than enough vampires to distract her while they fly away with her cash cow, especially with how Meera seemed panicked and inexperienced with vampires, though to be fair, an ordinary citizen should not have to be burdened with such experience. 
With a groan and with a sigh, Fang relented, shaking her head. “All right, but stay close,” she almost growled as she tightened her grip on the hilt of her katana and slowly proceeded forward. “Do you know how to defend yourself at least?”
“Defend myself?” Meera psh’d at Fang, in complete disbelief that she would even ask such a question. Of course she could defend herself. Anyone can defend themselves. Right? Heaving a sigh at her own uncertain thoughts, she scrambled to find something in her purse, showing it to Fang once she had it in her hands. It was pepper spray. “Of course I can defend myself!” 
At the time, Meera was defiantly proud at the revelation that she had pepper spray in her purse. If she had had enough time to think it through, however, she’d question how effectively pepper spray can actually defend her against these vampires. But she didn’t have the time or more precisely the luxury of time to do all that and more. Instead, she immediately followed Fang’s lead, skulking behind her, pepper spray at the ready. 
“So, uhm, how long have you been a, uhh, vampire hunter?” Probably not the best time to make small talk but Meera was scared, and sometimes when she’s scared, she talks a lot. She was also extremely close to Fang’s back, only inches from holding the latter’s sleeve to make sure she wouldn’t get lost in the park like a lost child. Or lamb sent to slaughter. Either way felt appropriate.
This was most definitely not the time for small talk. Fang and her stubborn client were slowly making their way inside the park, bodies hunched and closer to the ground to try and be stealthy about it, which the talking wouldn’t help. What it would help, though, was maybe calm Meera down. Fang was often oblivious to such things, but the woman was very transparent. It didn’t take her long to realize her attempt at small talk was a cry for help. Sort of. 
“Ever since my parents died,” Fang whispered back, not realizing she was unloading a brief version of her traumatic backstory to a complete and total stranger. “We were on holiday in another country when our car crashed because of a monster. I survived and was taken in by a local slayer who trained me to fight monsters in the dark. I’ve hunted more creatures than just your vampires. Less talkative and egotistical creatures.” That last part was a lie. Most of the monsters she’d encounter before had their fair share of egotistical moments. It was just easier to continue the stereotype unfortunately.
Meera blinked. Not just once, not just twice, but more times than she’d have cared to count. Or liked to care. Or thought she could in a span of seconds. The vampire hunter had just unloaded her tragic backstory to her, and she wasn’t quite sure what to say back. She didn’t even expect her to respond, if not just shush her like people always did. Was that a good thing? Was the unexpected response better? It was starting to seem that it wasn’t. It just made her feel a bit uncomfortable, if not embarrassed and awkwardly scrambling for an appropriate response. 
“Oh, no,” Meera gulped. “That’s so…sad.” In retrospect, maybe she should’ve just kept her mouth shut, but it was still better than just going ‘there, there’ like she was the other woman’s mother and the other woman was her child. That…just didn’t fit well, not even as an image in her head. Unexpectedly, Meera blurted out loud when she found a figure seated in one of the currently abandoned carts of a roller coaster ride: “Tariq!” Unbeknownst to the inexperienced Meera, it was a trap laid out by the things that were watching them in the dark. But Meera didn’t care. Not for her own safety. All she cared about was finding her friend. “Tariq! It’s me, Meera! Are you all right?”
What. The actual. Fuck?! Fang would’ve screamed at her client if she could afford blowing her own cover, revealing her currently safe position. The woman knew there were vampires all over the place. The woman had been scared of them from the get-go. The woman should’ve been less of an idiot and smarter at how she should have gone about this. But Fang also knew that emotions, especially the ones that gave you relief after worrying too much, often clouded someone’s judgment. Despite the danger they had put herself in, the woman was probably just extremely happy to see her friend still alive and kicking, the complete opposite of the worst that could have happened to him. She couldn’t say the same for her now.
From the corner of her eye, Fang noticed something move toward Meera. It came from the shadows. A hunter. Not a hunter like her but a vampiric hunter. A creature born of night and hunger. An abomination created by evil. Fang immediately swung into action, grabbing her katana by its handle, and swiftly slashing at it as she lunged out of her hiding spot, catching the damned thing by its…wing? The creature squirmed and squealed on the ground, and only then did Fang realize something confusing, the reason why she only sensed it when it started moving in the darkness, not before. “This isn’t a vampire,” she frowned, before turning around to look for others like it. One was fine. A swarm? That would be a mistake. “It’s…not alone.”
Meera screamed. As soon as something tried to fly toward her, she let out the loudest, most frightened scream she could muster. Her hands also flew but only over her head, as if that was enough defense from whatever the heck the monster was. When she could steal a glimpse at it, she realized the slayer was right: It was not a vampire. Or wasn’t it? It didn’t look like a traditional vampire, neither broodingly hot nor pasty white ancient. It did look vampiric, something with wings but not an actual lower half of a body. “What the heck is that thing?!”
Gulping, Meera threw her hand over Tariq who was unconscious on the cart that was part of the entire roller coaster thing. “Tariq? Tariq, wake up! It’s me, Meera! You’ll be all right! I found you! We’ll get out of here soon. I found a vampire hunter. She’ll keep us safe,” she tried her best to wake Tariq up but he was unresponsive, only groaning in turn. At least he wasn’t missing any limb, though there was a bit of blood around his neck. Meera gulped again, hoping that didn’t mean what she thought it meant. She then turned to Fang, alarmed at her final statement and furious at the same time. “What do you mean it’s not alone?! You can take out the rest, right? RIGHT?!” 
Right. Fang took a deep breath, closing her eyes. She took a moment to concentrate, searching for her, what her late mentor liked to call, center. It was always something she believed in wholeheartedly. Even before her parents’ tragedy, their upbringing already allowed for something akin to it that she would readily believe. 
Faith, in her culture at least, was not the same thing in essence to the kind of faith this part of the world liked to believe in. There was no singular god to save them all, even though that didn’t mean there was no place for such a being. Rather, everything had godly essence, which when corrupted turned into the monsters she hunted. Faith was not just bound to religion as well. Faith could be found everywhere, and at this moment, faith was Fang and her swordsmanship.
Without the expected battle cry, Fang slashed at the first flederprey that tried to attack, opening her eyes at the same time her steel rendered its wings unusable. Two more came at them, two more were disposed of. When a larger swarm came flying toward them, the slayer clenched her jaw. Without looking at the civilians behind them, she offered them a quick warning: “Head down. Stay down.” The Fanged Oni then began slashing at the oncoming cloud of death, wincing as some of them survived her retaliation, as some of those survivors even managed to scratch and bite her skin. Stupid beasts driven by hunger, deprived of intellect. It did not take long for Fang’s blood to poison those that tried to consume it, bubbling like scalding oil from within. 
As the swarm of bat-like vampire things or whatever the things were began to launch their ambush, Meera could do nothing else but defend the unconscious Tariq with her body. She looked around fervently, trying her best not to get surprised by one of them, even though she was already surprised and could not even fight them. Still, she persisted, gulping and sweating, as she put her body on the line to protect her friend. 
Catching a glimpse of the vampire slayer slashing the monsters on her own, Meera almost ran to her defense but realized she would only be a burden to the obviously experienced expert. Besides, Tariq needed her more. When the warning was given, her eyes widened in horror. The swarm she thought was frightening enough? It was a mere scouting party composed of fewer than five creatures. The actual swarm was like a blanket of darkness, the many wings combining with their screeches, a symphony of terror.
Meera froze in fear, just standing there, as Fang dealt with what she could, using her sword to take down as many as possible. The few that survived her defense rushed toward Meera and Tariq, the latter’s body less viable as a target with the way it was slumping in the cart, almost fallen to the floor, but as the medium closed her eyes, bracing herself for the pain that was inevitable, a ghostly figure appeared before the swarm could even touch her, screaming as it pushed her down on the ground. The swarm flew past her and Tariq, screeching as they fled.
Fang took a deep breath, bracing herself for the second fly-by. She never expected a single brush with monsters. All her life, she was thought to expect that they’d attack over and over again, until they were put down. It was their instinct to kill and hunt and eat, as it was their instinct to kill and protect and survive. But lo and behold, much to her shock, the swarm never returned, instead fleeing the area. Why? Was it because of her? Or was it because of something else? 
Catching a glimpse of Meera down on the ground, Fang rushed to her side, checking if she was all right. Most people would expect that she was being kind or nice or even human, but the fact of the matter was, if Meera died, she wouldn’t get paid the rest of her fee. Survival trumped anything else, at least for someone like Fang. “You okay? We should get out of here before they come back, though I don’t think they will. At least not for a while. That your friend? I’ll need help dragging him back to your car.”
At the sound of Fang’s voice, as well as her suddenly startling presence beside her, Meera instinctively opened her eyes, wide in fear and concern. The medium didn’t even think twice. With zero hesitation, she got herself up, off the ground, and hurriedly grabbed Tariq. The slayer-for-hire had the best point: They needed to get out of there. As soon as they could. Before the swarm could come back and take their fill of them, of their blood or whatever those monsters liked to gobble-gobble like deranged turkeys. “This is him! My car’s at the parking lot. It’s the only one there.”
Together with Fang, Meera lifted Tariq and dragged him along, his arm over her shoulders, the rest of his body slumping over her every other step. The medium was not a woman of action. This was all new to her, so she struggled whenever she could, almost stumbling here and there, stepping over her feet every other second. Meera breathed fast and hard, as if in a race, and a race it was, a race to their safety. In her head, she could hear those wings flapping fast behind them. Was the swarm back for seconds? Meera huffed and puffed, forcing her feet to be faster. They were so close to her car. They were almost there. Just a few more…
Fang did his best to help Meera with Tariq, though she kept her other arm free just in case she needed to take out her sword and start slashing the flederprey that would think they should keep fighting. And there was a few, around three of the creatures that tried to attack them again, swoop down at the three to give them cuts and bruises for souvenir. 
Fang fended them off with her katana, but despite her many wild slashes, only one or two actually made contact with her unlucky targets. She glared at them to boot, and when the trio neared the parking lot, the creatures must have decided it was no longer worth it and flew away, back to their swarm.
With a groan, Fang dumped Tariq in the back seat of the car while grabbing at Meera and pushing her toward the driver’s seat, a gesture that should have told her to start her damned vehicle. As soon as she deposited the friend safely in the car, Fang herself took the passenger’s seat next to Meera and heaved a sigh of relief once the doors were closed. 
“Go, go, go!” The flederprey swarm didn’t come back for them, at least they weren’t around visibly, but Fang didn’t want to take that chance. She wanted them to get the hell out of there as soon as possible, her job done. Some other local hunter would take care of that mess. All she was getting paid for was to get the friend out. Easy peasy… “...lemon squeezy.”
Fang didn’t have to tell Meera twice. As soon as all the doors were secured, all three of them in her car, the inexperienced medium put the pedal to the metal. With an adrenaline-fueled, but totally not appropriate battlecry. More like a scream, but in her head it was a battlecry, less scared and more courageous. “YEAH! So long, you gross bloodsuckers! Suck on these—” she cut herself off when she realized she was losing it. “…vampires looked weird, didn’t they?” 
“Should we go to the hospital? I don’t think Tariq is wounded. I think he’d be better off at the tea shop,” Meera kept her eyes on the road, even as she tried to steal glimpses of her fallen friend. He didn’t have any wounds on him. At least as far as she could have seen in all that night. Still, he wasn’t wet anywhere, so even if he had wounds, they’d probably be closed already. Unless… “Is he going to turn into one of those things? Also, is this how you spend your nights? That’s messed up!”
The road back to the tea shop was long, at least longer than she’d like, but at least it was quiet. Well, with the exception of Meera struggling to make small talk as a way to calm herself as well as everyone else in her car, nothing else stirred. Thankfully not bat wings in the dead of the night. She’ll probably have to sleep early for the next few days. Then again, she had ghosts at home, so they’ll probably keep the vampires away, right? One of them even pushed her to safety. At least that’s what it looked like. Ghosts wouldn’t kill her, right? Especially not her ghosts relatives. “Should I drive you somewhere later or are you going to call an Uber back home? Where do you live anyway?”
Fang ignored the semi-personal questions the woman threw her way, not wanting to share intimate information that could get her in trouble. She simply mumbled that she would get off where her employer lived, which she assumed was the tea shop she mentioned. Get off the car, for anyone out there currently thinking green. Save the environment, right? “No, he won’t,” the slayer growled. “No bite marks on him…strangely.”
Did the flederprey not like his scent? Did they think he wasn’t fresh enough of a prey, suitable enough of nourishment for them? Do they even think? Fang had more questions than answers and she scowled at that fact. Those weren’t even vampires. At least not yet. Not as far as she knew. And how she spent her nights was not the woman’s business, though Fang realized she was most likely just saying things to calm herself down. She’s seen it before. Won’t be the last.
Finally, they arrived at some sort of family business at Gaitlin Fields. Best Exotic Tea? Fang raised an eyebrow at that statement. The woman did not look like an expert at tea or anything really, but tonight was filled with surprises. Quickly, she helped her with her friend, carrying him with her inside before dumping him on the nearest couch. Fang immediately searched him for bite marks and found nothing grievous. Just as she had assumed. She heaved another sigh, almost disappointed. 
“Where’s my remaining pay?” Fang growled again. Once she had it, she’d get out of the woman’s hair. The job was done. The deal was over. She needed a shower herself and some much-needed rest. “You and your friend should stay out of that place until the flederprey are gone.”
Meera heaved a sigh of relief when Fang confirmed that Tariq would not suffer any detrimental changes to himself and his well-being. Between the two of them, or maybe even among the three of them, the hunter-for-hire was the sole expert on all things vampires, so Meera had no choice but to accept her prognosis. Not that she had any reason to think otherwise, too. Meera had zero basic knowledge on vampires, most of what she knew were from movies and books, and what had just happened to them at that place was not from movies and books. 
“We’re here,” Meera nodded as she drove into the makeshift parking lot of Best Exotic Tea, barely enough space for five vehicles, but it was the best she’s got. Hurriedly, she parked her car, and with Fang’s help, managed to drag the still unconscious Tariq inside the tea shop and onto a couch where he could rest up. She looked him over one final time, concern all over her face, and frowned at his condition. At least Fang did another check on his body to fully ensure her earlier statement. “He’s going to be fine,” Meera muttered, not to convince Fang but mostly to convince herself. “He’s going to be just fine.”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Meera scrambled to locate her purse, and the remaining amount that the woman had definitely earned tonight. “Don’t worry… None of us will ever go back to that place ever again.” Once she found it all, she immediately surrendered the money to Fang with an awkward smile, before immediately growing concerned as soon as the slayer began to leave the premises. “The fleder… Those things will be gone soon, right? I mean, I’m not just worried about me and my friends, but also about the other people that might get lost there or left behind or whatever?”
Fang was already on her way out when Meera asked her one last question. In her head, she wanted to just get on out of their, pretend she didn’t hear it, but the concern in her voice, well… Damn it. She just couldn’t walk out on the woman like that, like this. Something about Meera, something inside of Fang, melted, as if the former was a bright sun and the latter was a frozen wasteland that needed to thaw. 
With a deep sigh, Fang turned her head to look back at Meera, mustering her warmest smile, which wasn’t as warm as everyone else would be able to do. It was like a toddler’s attempt: Half friendly, half annoyed. It was the thought that counts, though, right? 
“Sure,” the slayer tried to reassure her employer as best as she could, considering Fang didn’t even believe the same. “Those things won’t stay there forever. Sooner or later, another hunter’s going to clean that place up, chase them out of there. That or they’ll get a brain, realize that they’ve been found, that that place wouldn’t make for a safe nest anymore, so they’ll just leave, fly away and never return.”
Another sigh. “But you have my number,” she nodded at the woman, hoping the concern on her face would dissipate soon. She looked better without them. Meera was annoying but her heart was in the right place. The world needed her smile. Or something like that. Fang heaved a final sigh before walking out of there. Staying a second longer might break her solitary mystique. “Call me if you need anything, Meera.”
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frenchiefitzhere · 2 years
Servin' up Greer family fluff! WE GOT FLUFF HERE! COME GETCHA FLUFF! (This is a little minific. Not even 1000 words!) Read here or read on Ao3
That’s how she felt.
Which was unfortunate.
Because the cover band was actually pretty good.
Marie had hardly left the house in months. Not since they moved back to their hometown on the east coast. Between raising a little one, getting the house ready, and starting up her healing lessons again with a private tutor, she had no time to just relax.
Colm had picked up on that. That’s what this little family outing was all about.
“When’s the last time you heard me suggest going to a concert, baby? Come on, let’s go! You don’t even have to get dressed up,” Colm had dragged her out of the kitchen. “Put the knife down! We’ll pick something up for dinner. We’ll eat it there at the beach. A picnic. Come on.”
“But what are we gonna do with Milo?”
“He’s comin’ too! Aren’t ya, Partner?” Colm asked as a three-year-old Milo came running into his waiting arms.
“Yeah, Ma! Pop said I get to stay up late if I go!”
“Oh, did he now?” Marie pursed her lips and glared playfully at her mate.
He shrugged back at her with a grin. “It’s a family outing!”
And indeed it was. They had picked up some deli sandwiches on the way to the city park that was hosting the concert. Marie carried the folding chairs, which was slightly easier than carrying Milo those days, given that he tended to talk with his hands as much as his mother, so Colm had quite a time of it trying to balance himself while walking on the sand toward the bandshell listening to Milo’s very animated story about the snapping turtle he had seen on the sidewalk earlier that day.
Marie quickly discovered what the big draw was after they had listened to about five songs.
“You didn’t tell me this was a Pretenders cover band. Do they even do any other music, Colm Greer?” she teased.
“I plead the fifth…”
“Pop. What’s ‘plead the fifth’ mean?”
“It means Ma’s right, Little Man. Finish ya dinner.”
When they were all done eating, Marie gathered up the papers from the food and found a garbage can, then collapsed back into the beach chair. There was a low hum of chatter around them from the other concert-goers, but it was a generally calm night given the throwback music and the gently crashing waves on the beach behind the pavilion where the band was playing. She started to doze off.
Except that she was cold. 
Any other time she’d found herself outside with a chill and no jacket, she’d just shift. But she was in mixed company. Aura-less citizens of their small coastal town all around them.
Marie shivered. She frowned and found herself starting to tense in the middle of her back. Why did we have to come here? I just wanted to stay home and rest. I’ve been so busy lately. I love spending time with Milo, and the house is almost the way I want it, and it’s been so fun getting to work with Ira on healing stuff, but…
I’m just so tired. I should have stayed home and–
Colm’s lips were on her forehead. Marie raised her eyes to meet his and found him leaning carefully down on the flimsy arms of the beach chair over her where he had just placed his jacket like a blanket.
She snuggled it up to her chin. It still had the warmth from his body on it.
“But what are you gonna—?”
“Me? I got my little heat lamp right here,” he said, wrapping a drowsy Milo in the one fleece blanket they had brought with them. Milo collapsed onto Colm’s shoulder, his little legs dangling below under the blanket. Marie smiled at the sight of his tiny toddler feet in his tiny, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sandals. He just had to wear those after the snapping turtle thing today, didn’t he? she smirked.
Colm stood just to her side, rocking their son back and forth as the band announced they’d be performing their last song of the night. He tapped Marie gently on the arm with the back of his hand and said softly, “You wanna bet which one it is?”
“I dunno…” she mumbled, already half asleep, chin drooping onto her chest.
When Marie stirred, she heard a gentle voice singing, but it wasn’t coming through the speakers.
“Take me in, into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you.”
She turned. Colm. Colm Greer. Her mate. The man she had married years ago. The man who only seemed to like about five artists in the history of music. 
That man was singing. 
In public.
Marie was mesmerized as she saw Colm’s lips softly whispering the lyrics into their son’s ears. 
It was a song that meant a lot to both of them. He had played it for her on nights when she was blue and lonely and held her until the Pretenders did their magic. She had popped the cassette into the tape deck of the car when he was in a foul mood to watch him perk up slightly on the opening line, “Oh, why you look so sad?,” and Marie would, of course, sing along dramatically with the car stereo until her mate was smiling like a fool.
But now, he was passing their song onto their son.
Marie tugged the collar of his jacket over her smile before he could notice her looking, deciding it was her own little secret that she just fell head-over-heels in love with Colm Greer once more.
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backtothestart02 · 1 year
We Met on a Train - 8/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Updated! After ages! I hope you enjoy, but I encourage you to do a re-read if you haven't in a while. I def had to before updating. You can read starting from chapter 1 here. Enjoy!
Chapter 8 -
Barry volunteered him and Iris to go first, which made Iris a touch nervous until he assured her he would be the one acting out whatever was on the card, and she could guess.
“No worries,” he told her. “We got this.”
He winked just before looking at the card, and it sent delicious shivers down her spine. She wondered if she’d ever get used to the way he looked at her and suspected she wouldn’t, which was dangerous but also absolutely thrilling.
He cleared his throat and held up one finger.
“One word,” Iris determined and nodded for him to continue.
Next Barry craned his neck and moved slowly across the front of the room, pretending to eat something from an invisible food source in front of him.
Iris squinted, trying to think.
Barry immediately stopped acting and grinned wildly.
“You got it! One point for us.”
He wrote a tally for them on the easel off to the side and pulled Iris up to her feet to give her a quick kiss, making her cheeks burn since they weren’t the only ones in the room. Henry and Nora shared a knowing look at the spectacle. Joe was still watching them curiously, and Wally rolled his eyes.
“All right, lovebirds, our turn next.”
And so the game continued for another half hour until Joe and Wally’s team and Barry and Iris’ team were neck and neck with 10 points each. Iris had chosen to be the final show of the evening and proved how in sync she and Barry were by getting him to guess in seconds.
“Ah! We win!”
“Aww, man!” Wally complained, but Barry and Iris were too enamored with each other – Barry having swept her up in his arms and spun her around twice – to notice anyone else’s reactions.
“Well, this has been fun,” Joe tried, but Barry was quick to cut in.
“Oh, the night’s not over yet.”
Joe frowned. “It’s not?”
“We have movie trivia next!”
“We do?” Wally frowned.
“Yep. And we have to watch a couple movies while we play, to get some free points in there, obviously.”
“I don’t think-” Joe tried again.
“Oh, Dad, come on, please?” Iris begged, pouting, but he didn’t appear to be swayed.
His face was hard, and Barry was making no effort to convince Iris to go home with her family, so Nora took the lead on this one.
“You know, we have a guest bedroom, Joe. I’d be happy to make it comfortable for Iris. Barry can always drive her home in the morning.” She turned to the hopeful couple. “After pancakes.”
Joe seemed hesitant, then finally,
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely!” Nora assured him. “Besides, Henry and I are getting a little tired already, and I’d hate to put poor Barry out and not play with him. Having Iris here will give him a playmate, of sorts.”
“Where is Barry sleeping?” he asked, his voice going deep.
“Dad,” Iris scolded, but Nora brushed that aside with a laugh.
“We haven’t changed his room since he went away to school years ago. I’m sure that room will suit him just fine.”
Joe heaved a heavy sigh but nodded, resigned to the inevitable.
“All right.”
Nora turned to Barry and Iris and shot them a wink, which made Iris look at Barry curiously. He only grinned and murmured something under his breath that she couldn’t catch.
“I’ll get your coats,” Henry offered, moving around the small crowd to get to the coat closet in the foyer.
“Thank you again so much for coming,” Nora said. “It really was past time we got together, and I think we should make it an annual thing.”
Joe eased up on his suspicions to turn on the niceties.
“We should.” He gave a polite smile. “Hopefully my whole family can come next year and not just the three of us.”
Wally winced, imagining his mom and Cecile in the same space for a whole evening.
“Maybe not the whole family,” he muttered.
Everyone else seemed to ignore that comment.
“Here are your coats.” Henry handed them over. “I’ll walk you out.”
“Thank you,” Joe said, then turned to look at Iris. “First thing in the morning, Iris.”
“After pancakes!” Barry blurted with a grin, and Iris sheepishly looked down before at both of the men in her vicinity.
“After pancakes, Dad.”
He nodded.
“All right.”
Iris called to her brother to say goodbye, but he just halfheartedly waved without turning around. A couple minutes later, Henry and Nora returned to say they’d be getting ready for bed and cleaning up a bit, but that the two were welcome to stay up as late as they liked before going to bed, and that it was their call which room they wanted to stay in together.
“I can help you clean up, Nora,” Iris offered when she saw her heading towards the kitchen.
“Nonsense.” She waved her off. “You’re a guest in our house tonight, not a maid. Have fun, you two, and we’ll see you in the morning.”
Iris pouted, but Barry was quick to reel her in and get her comfortable on one of the living room couches.
“So, what movie are we thinking?” He pulled out a few from under the TV area and tossed them to her. “Personally, I’m partial to It’s a Wonderful Life, but I’m open to the other two as well.”
“These are all Christmas movies,” she pointed out.
“You are correct.” He grinned, as he brought out the movie trivia game from the nearby closet.
“Well, is the game only for Christmas movies?” she asked, one eyebrow quirked.
He lifted the game up and pointed to the corner where it said Christmas Edition, which made her laugh.
“Oh, I see.”
She reigned in her continuing giggles.
“Well, by all means, pop in It’s a Wonderful Life. I haven’t seen that in ages.”
“Really?” Barry asked, surprised. “We watch it every year.”
Iris shook her head as she snuggled into the blanket he’d draped over her.
“We usually opt for something sillier and Santa related.”
“Well then, you’re long overdue.”
He took the movie from her and popped it into the DVD player, pressing play and turning back around.
“You want to just watch for a while and then play in the second half?”
“I’d love that,” she said and scooted up, so he could slide in behind her.
With his warmth on her back and the blanket over both of them, Iris felt cozy and at home, which was a feeling she hadn’t felt often in years, even in her own home.
“This is nice, Barry. Thank you for  keeping me all to yourself.”
He chuckled and inhaled the scent of her hair before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“It just wouldn’t be Christmas Eve Eve without you in my arms, Iris.”
She smiled and tried to focus on the movie, but some part of her nagged what next Christmas would look like if their families really did get together again like this, and the two of them were no longer ‘together’.
Halfway through the movie, Barry fell asleep.
Iris could tell it by the way his breathing evened out, not how he snored, which was not at all surprisingly. Henry and Nora had long ago gone to bed, and so Iris took it upon herself to turn off the TV and DVD player, as well as tuck the game back away where it had been. She was going to leave Barry tucked away on the couch while she went up to the guest bedroom, but he opened one eye just as she was draping the blanket over his feet, struggling to get it up to his shoulders too.
“It’s a struggle, isn’t it?” He smirked.
“You’re awake!”
“And long. So, so long.”
He grabbed her around the waist, making her squeal as he flipped her over and pinned her to the couch. She was about to protest when he kissed her long and deep, and she lost herself in that kiss. She was practically delirious when he finally gave her room to breathe.
“You are a good kisser,” she admitted, twirling her fingers in his hair before scraping her nails against his scalp.
Barry closed his eyes and hummed softly.
“Ohh, you like it when I do that, huh?” she teased.
He opened his eyes again and smiled.
“Oh, yeah. Feels nice.” He paused, before a devious look crossed his face. “Do you like when I do this?”
He started to lower his lips toward the crook of her neck, and Iris knew that way bode trouble. She braced her hands on his chest, making him frown but only for a heartbeat as he waited for her explanation.
“Not in your parents’ house. Not with them just upstairs.”
“I think you underestimate how hard my parents’ sleep.”
“Even so. My dad already has a tainted image of you from this afternoon. Let’s not taint your parents’ image of me too.”
“I’ll win him over.”
He swooped down and kissed her cheek.
“But your point is taken. Shall we go to bed?”
He stood up and pulled her to her feet.
“What am I going to wear though?”
“I was thinking…one of my old college t-shirts. Do you mind? I just have to grab it from my bedroom.” Iris opened her mouth to protest, so Barry continued. “And if you’re worried about warmth, don’t be. My mom keeps a comforter and two additional blankets in the guest room. Plus, you’ve got me. You’d be surprised how fast body heat can warm someone up.”
Her eyes twinkled.
“I’m sure you’ll remind me if I forget.”
He grinned again and took her hand.
“Come on, I’ll show you the way.”
As quietly as they could, they took the stairs, stopping in his old bedroom, which Iris cooed over, for a shirt for her and him. Then they made their way to the end of the hall on the left where the guest bedroom was located.
“This is nice,” Iris said, her eyes bulging a bit at how huge the bed was. “If it was just you and me in this house, I’d take advantage of how huge this bed is. Damn.”
He chuckled and tossed her the shirt he’d selected for her to wear.
“My parents should both be downstairs when we wake up tomorrow. Maybe we can get down to business…quietly.”
He only smirked in response to her tone and started to change into his pajamas for the night. Iris turned away from him so as not to tempt him when she shed her sparkly shirt and bra beneath, but he was watching her the whole time and couldn’t help himself.
“I’ve seen it before, Iris. You don’t have to hide from me.”
Iris snickered and finished undressing, not looking at him until she had the t-shirt on and her holiday wear set on a little wicker table near the door.
“I’m not hiding. I’m preventing you from doing something you’ll regret.”
He came to her, then lifted her up onto the bed where she quickly scrambled to the pillows and got under the covers. He chuckled and went under them too.
“I don’t regret a single thing I’ve done with you, Iris.”
“Not even getting banned from your childhood skating rink?”
He sighed lightly.
“As you can tell, it’s not one of my favorite hobbies. I only regret that you’re banned from there too.”
“Oh, I’m not. My dad talked to the guy and apparently, I’m off the ban list.”
A smile that looked like heaven spread across Barry’s face.
“Well then, I stand by my word. I don’t regret a thing.”
He brushed the hair away from her face and leaned down to kiss her. Iris didn’t realize until it was too late that he had tangled their legs beneath the covers and was pressing her body against his growing erection.
She broke free, but her body didn’t move.
“Barry, what did I say?”
He shrugged innocently.
“Did you really expect me not to even make a try for it? I mean, look at you.”
She gave him a stern look.
“Save it for the morning, hornball.”
She patted his face and turned the other way.
“The morning? For sure?”
“No more questions or I’ll change my mind.”
He chuckled and reached for the lamp string, dousing the room in moonlight in an instant.
“Yes, ma’am.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Make All The Cookies
Batmom x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Edited and titled changed! Enjoy! -Thorne
The manor was quiet as he walked through it, making his way to the bedroom from the cave. His sons had gone off to bed in the earlier hours after they’d gotten home from patrol, his wife kissing his cheek and going off to bed as well, too tired to deal with whatever he was still working on—Bruce could tell she was overworked by the way she had tiredly told him goodnight and wandered up the stairs, leaning on her eldest sons the entire time.
He rolled his shoulders as he reached the stairs to the second floor, and as he put his foot on the first one, he stilled his movement, the sound of metal clanging together coming from down the hall in the kitchen. He frowned, mind shooting out different scenarios of who could be in the kitchen. One of the boys getting up for a snack? Alfred preparing something for breakfast the night before?
Unsure of which one it was, and he turned, feet carrying him to the breakfast room. The closer he got, the more sounds he could hear, and he wondered what exactly was happening inside. He turned the corner, expecting to see one of his sons raiding the fridge of all the sweets or fruits, but was greeted by the sight of his wife stirring something in a bowl, leaning against the island whilst humming some song she’d heard on the radio.
A small smile graced his lips as he watched her pick up a bag of chocolate chips and pour a handful into her mouth before she tipped the bag and poured them into the bowl. She went back to mixing, still oblivious to him until he stepped inside and up behind her. “What are you doing up so late, sweetheart?”
She spun around with a sharp curse, one hand clutching the bowl to her chest, the other pointing the spatula at him. As she realized who she was staring at, she heaved a sigh, setting down the bowl and tossing the spatula in it. “Jesus Bruce, you scared the shit out of me.”
He grinned and wrapped an arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Sorry (Y/N), wasn’t my intention to.” She hummed at him absentmindedly, pulling the pan towards her and starting the process of rolling the cookie dough. Bruce shifted, wrapping his other arm around her waist, his chest pressed to her back. “You never answered my question.”
(Y/N) rolled a ball of dough between her hands. “Couldn’t sleep.”
“Is something bothering you?” Bruce asked, pressing his lips to her shoulder.
She shrugged, placing the dough on the cookie sheet before grabbing more. “It’s not important dear…just work stuff.”
“If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.” He shifted, nuzzling her neck and quipping, “And if it’s work stuff, it involves Wayne Enterprises…what’s going on?”
(Y/N)’s hands stilled, and after a moment, she leaned back into his chest, her head dropping to rest back against his shoulder. “I’ve got three board meeting before this weekend, I have a meeting about the modeling line on Saturday, I’ve got a meeting with Damian’s teacher about a kid he’s been arguing with all week, and to top it off—”
She pointed at the refrigerator and griped, “Some turd-nugget used the rest of the salted butter and I had to use unsalted for the cookies.” She gestured to the bowl. “You don’t put unsalted butter in cookies! You use salted because it gives more flavor! How am I supposed to make my famous chocolate chip cookies without the correct ingredients?”
Bruce observed her for a moment before shifting an arm, picking up a ball of cookie dough and popping it into his mouth, much to (Y/N)’s irritation. He chewed and swallowed, then shrugged. “Tastes fine to me. Can’t even tell the difference.”
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes at him and picked up the spatula, pointing in his direction. “You do that again and I’m gonna smack the shit out of your hand, clear?”
Bruce smiled at her and wrapped his arm back around her waist. “So, why don’t you just let Lucius handle the board meetings sweetheart?”
She scoffed, hands rolling another ball. “And dump more work onto him than he already handles? No, I need to do my part too.” She jutted her chin out to a glass across the island. “Hand me my water, please.” Bruce obliged, picking her water glass up and handing it to her; she took a sip before setting it down and telling him, “Wash you hands and help me roll the rest of these cookies, please.” He nodded, moving to the sink and rinsing his hands before walking back over.
They worked in silence, and before they knew it, (Y/N) was popping the cookie pan in the oven and setting the timer. They rested against the kitchen island, (Y/N) resting her head on his arm. She watched the oven for a moment, then sighed, “I can’t believe my immediate reaction to stress is to bake cookies.”
Bruce snorted at her. “At least you don’t stress clean like Jason does.” (Y/N) nodded in agreement, shifting and burying her face in his chest, feeling his arms rest across her back. Bruce leaned down, lips brushing just beside her ear. “You don’t have to take on the world, sweetheart…it’s okay to take a moment for yourself.”
She nodded against his chest, turning her head so that she could see him. “I don’t really want to do the meetings this week.”
“Then call Lucius and ask him to cover for you, and I’ll handle the modeling agency and Damian’s teacher…sound good?”
(Y/N) nodded, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. “What about my cookies?”
Bruce chuckled lowly. “I’m afraid that ship’s already sailed, sweetheart.” Before she could respond, the timer beeped and Bruce said, “Speaking of ship, looks like it’s found a harbor.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, pulling away and putting on an oven-mitt, opening the oven and pulling out the pan. She set it on a trivet and pulled the mitt off, tossing it aside and moving back into Bruce’s arms. “I need to make more cookies…I’m still stressed.”
Bruce hummed, reaching up and massaging her shoulders. “How about we stress eat these cookies you just baked?” He tipped his head back and asked, “Does that sound like a better idea?”
Whatever response she had was cut off as four boys stumbled into the kitchen. “We smell cookies.”
Bruce and (Y/N) looked over to see Dick and Jason standing there, Tim and Damian wrapped around their backs; (Y/N) huffed a laugh at the sight. “They just came out of the oven, so they’re still hot.”
Jason stepped forward, leaning over and plucking one from the pan and holding it up. “Hot or not, they’re cookies…we’ll take ‘em.” He waved the cookie. “Oi, Timberly.” He glanced back and sighed, shaking his shoulders. “Timmy, wake up, I’ve got a cookie for you.”
Tim stuck out a hand, sleepily responding, “Gimme.” Jason handed it to him, and he held it, head dropping back against his shoulder. Dick laughed and picked two up, handing one to Damian, keeping the other for himself. The two parents watched their sons descend on the freshly baked cookies, smiles on their faces.
Jason looked up from his and said, “These are good, mom.”
The others, save Tim who’d fallen back asleep, nodded, and (Y/N) smiled at them. “Thank you, baby.”
Footsteps came from down the hallway, and they all turned to see Alfred stepping in the kitchen. He gestured to the kitchen and the family eating cookies. “What on earth has happened to my kitchen! And are you eating before breakfast!”
No one said a word, too afraid to until (Y/N) stepped forward, pointing at the others. “Alfred, I woke up and came in here and they were eating cookies. I told them that you would be angry if you came in here, but they didn’t listen.” The others gave shouts.
“That’s not true!”
“You’re the one who made the cookies, (Y/N).”
She turned to her husband, a smirk on her face. “No, I’m not. I only use salted butter in my cookies.” (Y/N) plucked the empty butter box from the counter. “Whoever made these, used unsalted butter.” Bruce’s face morphed in shock and she turned back to Alfred. “I think it’s safe to say that you can handle their punishments, Alfie?”
He nodded, crossing his arms across his chest. “Of course, Missus Wayne.” He glared at the others. “I can certainly handle it.”
(Y/N) smiled as she grabbed one of the cookies, pressing her lips to Bruce’s cheek and whispering, “Thank you for handling my affairs, husband. You’re such a dear.”
He glared as she pulled away and hissed, “And you’re a witch. A temptress of a witch whom I love, but a witch nonetheless.”
(Y/N) winked as she backed out of the kitchen. “Goodnight boys! Have fun cleaning up the kitchen!”
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a-libra-writes · 3 years
How the Peaky Blinders React To You Being a Jazz Singer
In This Preference, You’ll Be Singing To: Tommy Shelby, Arthur Shelby, John Shelby, Ada Shelby, Polly Grey, Michael Grey, Esme Shelby, Alfie Solomons, Lizzie Stark, Isaiah Jesus, Luca Changretta, Aberama Gold
True to his reputation, he’d be interested in you right away, and that would inevitably grow to infatuation. Tommy would come to see you towards the end of your shift, when most of the customers are passed out and you’re sweetly crooning in a room of smoke and spilled drinks. He’s ready to drive you home, ignoring any questions about why he’s awake in the wee hours of the morning. Don’t be surprised if your club is suddenly bought by the Shelby company, especially if your boss wasn't treating you well. Tommy claims it was just a good business decision, since you’re popular and the club is close to their territory, but you know him well by this point. You’ll be well protected by guards and he often visits during your rehearsals, always looking tired and a bit lonely. Tommy's clearly relaxed by your singing, though maybe encouraging his advances isn't for the best.
No surprise, he takes a liking to you right away when you’re hired at his club. When you’re performing, he gets distracted, especially when you’re croning a love song in the wee hours to a bunch of drunk, passed-out patrons. In the corner of your eye, you’d notice Arthur looking at you like you’re hanging the moon. He’d die if you smiled at him during that. He’s incredibly protective of any weirdos trying to catcall you or grab you while you’re singing; he’ll grab them by the collar and throw them to the street or just bash their faces outright. The thing is, Arthur quickly learns your everyday personality is much different than your stage persona … and it makes him nervous to talk to you when you’re not working. You being so close and personal, not distant from the stage, makes him far more bashful.
The club you ended up at was always a favorite of his, and it was made even better by your singing. Eventually he stopped bringing his rowdy men around because their hollering and whistling began to piss him off - though he laughed his ass off when you threw a drink at one and continued your song. When it’s much later in the evening he’ll visit, since it brings John some peace, especially after a hard night of following Tommy’s orders. He’s too embarrassed to approach you at first, though it’d be easier if you worked for a Shelby club. He’d have an excuse to talk to you, for one. His crush would be painfully obvious, though he’s far more comfortable when he meets you outside the club. Conversation and jokes come more naturally.
You two met by chance outside of work, and tonight she was finally coming to see you sing. That's when her little attraction turned into a full-blown crush. While Ada isn't big into jazz clubs, she's into you, so she'll visit several nights a week. Once you both are close, she insists you stop by her place after work, when the sun is just coming up. She gets up to let you in and brews you some hot tea to soothe your throat before you both fall asleep in bed. When you finally agreed to work at a Shelby club, Ada wanted it extra protected. She's ready to raise hell with her brothers if they think about starting something stupid at the club you work at.
While Polly enjoys visiting the club you perform at, she warns you about the job in general. There are plenty of entitled men that could harass you, not to mention all the idiot drunks and brawls. Before long, you’ll be employed at a Shelby club to get some “proper” protection… though Polly will still ask you to carry a knife or a gun. Her protectiveness aside, she likes to tease about what you're wearing for the night, especially if you've a habit of getting ready at her place. When you're performing she likes to give you winks and knowing looks in the hopes you'll get flustered. If she’s had several drinks, she’ll whistle.
He’s not the type who likes to be smitten with people right away, so he’ll swing between trying to impress you and trying to distance and be aloof. Michael finds your performances relaxing, even if the other club guests ruin it with their noise and loud drinking. Because he wants to avoid that crowd, he shows up early during rehearsals or very late in the evening, when you’re about to quit for the night. Even before you both are an item, Michael is protective and might hire an extra bodyguard for you. He waves off your concern by insisting all Shelby club employees are kept this safe (they aren’t, and he gets jealous of the guard anyway). Michael’s feelings are so obvious to you, but he’s too proud to admit it, even when he’s driving you home and buying you flowers and leaving nice gifts in your dressing room.
She doesn’t understand why you put up with that noisy, smokey club, with all those men that stare and try to make a move the second you step off stage. She prefers when you both sing together, outside in the sunshine or under the stars. When you come home after a long night of singing, she wakes up early and gets you in a nice bath or snuggled in bed. She’ll keep the house dark through the day so you can sleep. Esme understands you need to sing to eat, but you shouldn’t work your pretty voice until it’s hoarse!
He doesn’t visit these kinds of jazz clubs that often; it’s not Alfie’s scene, but he closed a deal in one of them. You were singing that night, and it was the only pleasant part of the evening. So he sent flowers. The next time you received flowers, it was because his men and Sabini's tore up half the club in a brawl. The third time he figured he should deliver them personally, and that's when he walked you home, too. Afterward you suddenly had a job offer in Alfie's part of town, and sometimes you'd spot him while you rehearsed. Alfie only flirts and chats when you approach him first. He doesn't want you to feel indebted or intimidated, especially since your singing really does relax him.
As much as Lizize loves to hear you sing, she worries about the weird men you might encounter in the club. She urges you to carry a weapon when you’re going home, or she just walks you home herself. She enjoys helping you with make-up and dressing before a show, it feels sweet and personal, and keeps her mind off any unpleasant men that might bother you in a few hours. It’s not just that they annoy her and make her worry for your safety; she gets pangs of antsy jealousy when they’re all staring and drooling after you. She’d never tell you that, though. When you come home in the wee hours of the morning, Lizzie wakes up just to give you a hug and an exhausted good morning before falling back asleep.
Isaiah stumbled into the club you sing at by accident, and he wouldn’t call it love at first sight… But he does swing by nearly every other night to watch you perform. You’d start to recognize his grin and starry eyes, and even during slow nights, Isaiah would be there. He’s had some trouble with your boss because he’s quick to cause trouble with the drunks that try to harass you, but eventually you two got to talking. Isaiah was the one to talk you into joining a Shelby club because it’s safer and you’d be paid better… and he’d get to see you more. He’s pretty embarrassed by his friends teasing about his crush, but he’s undoubtedly smitten by you.
He was a huge flirt from the start. You didn’t even work at one of his clubs, he was invited there as an exclusive guest by some New York politician, but his attention was taken right away. After a second visit, he sends a fancy bouquet. After the fifth, it’s a gold bracelet with some diamonds. Luca likes the ego boost of you looking his way and recognizing him in the crowd, and eventually he’d invite you to work for one of his clubs - especially once the one you’re at gets involved in a gang brawl. Word spreads quick that anyone making a ruckus while you sing is getting thrown out… and any idiot that tries to approach you after the show is getting a hand or nose broken. He will melt if you sing in Italian or Spanish.
He’s not a regular visitor to these fancy, noisy clubs, but Aberama will make an exception for you. He loves your voice, though he much prefers hearing you hum to yourself as you get ready for the evening’s set. It’s probably for the best he doesn’t watch you sing too much, because the moment a drunk catcalls you or tries to get on the stage, he’s got them in a chokehold and politely suggesting they leave. But no matter what, if Aberama isn’t working, he walks or drives you home, no matter the hour you’re finished with work. If you work at a Shelby club and there’s some drunk or brawl that causes you trouble, he’ll absolutely give Tommy grief about it.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
If you're looking for Bucky requests, may I perhaps request something to do with Dad!Bucky? Like maybe he's surprised on how much his kid (I always see him with a daughter but that's just me) grabs onto his metal hand when they're walking or just gravitates towards it more than his flesh hand and he's always throwing major heart eyes whenever the child does this. 🥺
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A/N: Dad!Bucky? Please I’m so heckin’ soft right now - no one touch me 🥺
Pairing: n/a
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Daddy!" Bucky was pulled back into reality as he looked up from the ground. A small flock of pigeons had gathered around him as he fed them some seed. They were cooing and chirping happily at him and in some ways had become steadfast friends over the years. But when he looked up and found his daughter grinning and waving at him, his entire heart melted, "daddy! Come and catch me!"
Sofia displayed a gap-toothed grin,  her dark curls windswept and blue eyes wide and excited. She was his little clone in almost every single way. You'd told him that since the day she was born and, almost as if you had a sixth sense, you'd insisted that she would cling to him like glue. You'd been right. Very right.
He couldn’t help but grin as he watched her running around, attempting to catch some butterflies as Falcon, the beloved family dog, followed closely behind. You’d had him since before she was born and they were thick as thieves.  Quickly pulling out his phone, he made sure to snap a few photos of them to send to you before getting up and chasing after her. He was on solo-father duties today as you had a few things for work you had to attend to that day.
Of all the things in the world Bucky thought he would ever have, a family of his own was never one of them.
But as he ran after his daughter, making quick work of catching up to her little legs, and swooped her up in his arms, a wave of peace and calm washed over him. She squealed in delight as she tried to squirm out of his arms, Falcon barking happily at the two of them.
“I’ve got you, little monster,” he peppered gentle kisses over her face as she giggled and attempted to wrap her small arms around his neck, “so easily defeated, little one. One day you’ll be strong enough to fight me off.”
“I don’t want to, daddy,” she insisted as she snuggled against his chest, “I like when you hold me. Besides, my legs are getting tired.”
A lump welled up in his throat at her little declaration; in some ways he wished that Sofia would stay this young and carefree forever. But in others, he couldn’t wait for her to grow up and reach different milestones that he could help her grow through. He still struggled, here and there, with the idea that he was actually good and hoped in some ways that raising her would give him the chance to prove to the world he could do good. Perhaps it would prove it more to himself than anyone else, but that was beside the point. He just wanted to be a good father, just as he worked to be a good husband.
He already was - the best ever - you had consistently told him such. Nothing you’d ever done that had shown him otherwise. It was something he still found to be a miracle at times.
“That’s what happens when you’re a shrimp,” he laughed softly as he kissed the top of her head, “one day, you’ll be tall and running over me. But that’s a long time from now - want to get ice cream before we go home?”
“Yes,” she grinned and looked at him with wide, ocean blue eyes, “mommy said no ice cream though...she said I had too much when I went to Uncle Sam’s the other day.”
“Mommy isn’t here right now,” he put a finger up to his lips and whispered softly, “it’ll be our little secret, okay?”
“I thought secrets were bad, daddy!”
“Only when they hurt other people,” he slowly set her back down and smoothed out her wild curls, “we don’t keep important secrets to ourselves and we don’t do anything to hurt others, yes?”
“Exactly - and us getting ice cream doesn’t hurt anyone,” he reminded her as the little girl nodded eagerly, “we’ll make sure to brush your teeth extra well and then we’ll bring some home for mommy too. She can’t be mad then, right?”
“She loves ice cream too,” Sofia insisted as Bucky laughed, “we can all get ice cream! Falcon too!”
“Maybe not Falcon,” Bucky into his jacket pocket and fished out Falcon’s leash before clipping it onto his collar, “he can’t eat the same food as us, baby. But we can stop and get him a special treat too at the pet store. We can do that first, get our ice cream, and walk home. Mommy should be back by then too.”
“Okay daddy,” as soon as he straightened back up, he held out his hand to her, expecting that she’d gravitate towards the warmth and gentleness his normal hand offered her. Instead, she reached for the black and gold vibranium of his left side and clung onto it without reservation. She held onto him as tightly as possible, giving him an expectant look with a happy smile.
In some ways, he shouldn’t have been surprised at all. She’d never, even as a baby or toddler, had shown any fear or hesitation when it came to his vibranium arm. When she was tiny, even smaller than she was now, she didn’t understand the difference. She just knew that daddy has a different arm, but she’s never questioned it or made any sort of situation out of it. Even when people would stare, whether they knew of his past or not, Sofia was never phased. In turn, it gave Bucky the confidence not to care either.
You’d started the process of slowly helping to get him comfortable with being who he was, not hiding from the world, and the small girl had aided as well. These days he was able to go out without fear or worry about how he looked. He wasn’t anyone or anything he was just...Bucky. Bucky the husband, Bucky the father, occasionally Bucky the sidekick to Capitan America. And it felt good. For once in his long life, he was just a normal man.
And frankly, that was all he had ever wanted. What a thought - the man that had been through hell and back, several times, and all he wanted was a quiet and peaceful life. It had been a long time coming, but now that he had it, he didn’t plan on ever letting it go.
“Daddy?” Sofia asked softly as she started walking and noticed he wasn’t coming, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he promised softly. Bucky squeezed her hand gently before taking a step forward with her and Falcon quickly matching his stride, “Sofia?”
“How come you never ask about my arm?” if he didn’t ask, curiosity would kill the cat. Typical Bucky Barnes, he knew you would say, asking a mere child for an explanation of something much more complex than anyone of her age would understand.
“Your arm?” her little brows knitted together as she looked up and gave him a confused look.
“You have to have noticed it’s different,” he shrugged as they walked out of the park, “it’s metal - vibranium - no one else has one like it.”
“That’s okay, daddy,” she stopped and quickly turned his hand over in hers, tracing over the palm gently, “it’s pretty. And it’s okay to be different! Mommy always says that and you do too. It doesn’t matter what anyone looks like, as long as they have good hearts. Right? If you’re kind and nice, nothing else matters!”
“Yes,” he felt himself getting choked up again as she started to race along the sidewalk, attempting to pull him with her. Sage wisdom from a five-year-old, “you’re absolutely right. I love you, little monster.”
“I know! I love you too, daddy,” she grinned, “now hurry up before they run out of all the good ice cream!”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Marvel Taglist (add yourself to a taglist here!)
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eternally-writing · 3 years
helping hands | jjk
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genre: fluff and angst
rating: G (no swearing or sexual content)
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: parent!au, idol!au, husband!au, one-shot
word count: 3k
warnings: none
synopsis: Parenting in general? Hard. Parenting while your husband Jungkook is away on tour? Extra hard.
special thank you to @justasparkwritings for beta reading this and @moccahobi for helping me with the title!
banner by me!
It had been 2 weeks since Jungkook had left on tour. You would think that after being in the industry for 10 years he would have a little more leniency with his schedule, but even after the birth of your little girl, Jungkook couldn’t seem to get out of a 3 week tour around Japan and Korea.
It seemed like the Earth was weeping with you today as the rain battered against your window while you made what seemed like your 15th cup of coffee for the day. Your daughter Gidae was for once not crying - and you were eternally grateful since it gave you time to change out of your puke-covered shirt and close your eyes for 5 seconds... as if that was any replacement for the lack of sleep you’ve encountered.
All your friends whose husbands were busy idols or businessmen gave you the advice that “everything falls into place over time when you’re parenting on your own”. That it just magically happened. You’re not sure what memo you missed, or if there’s some book you forgot to read, or if worst of all, you lacked some parental intuition that everyone else possessed. Jungkook had left 13 days ago, and nothing had fallen into place.
Between Gidae being up all night every night, the pile of puke covered laundry sitting in a pile in the corner of your room, the dirty dishes in the sink that had accumulated to the point that you were eating your microwave meals with plastic cutlery, you definitely felt like a failure.
And probably the worst part of it all was that Jungkook wasn’t here to help you. This wasn’t the first time Jungkook left on tour while you two have been together, but it was the first time he had left you since Gidae had been born. The first time he had left you, a first time mother, alone with your child for an extended period of time. The first time you needed help and couldn’t ask him for it.
As if on command, while you were bracing yourself on the counter in exhaustion, your phone began to ring.
Incoming call: hubby kook ♡
As you pressed “accept call”, you could immediately heard the hustle and bustle of the backstage crowd. Too tired to be the first to say hello, you waited to see how long it would take for him to realize you were on the other line.
“Hey Y/N, just checking in before the show! How are things?” cheered Jungkook.
You could imagine what Jungkook looked like as he talked to you: already dressed in his first stage outfit, a makeup artist blotting away at the nervous sweat on his forehead, him grinning ear to ear with his hyungs and bursting with excitement for performing.
On a normal day, if you had maybe actually gotten some sleep or eaten at least one meal that didn’t come out of your freezer in the past week, you probably could have mustered a convincing “good! How’s the show going?” But you were on your last straw, and it was already giving way.
“Bad Jungkook. It’s bad. I haven’t slept at all for as long as I can remember. I have no clean clothes or clean dishes, I haven’t showered since you left so I smell like a pungent mixture of puke, sweat, and god knows what else, and Gidae misses you and won’t stop crying.So yes, it’s horrible without you here.”
You knew that wasn’t what Jungkook expected to hear,the sharp intake of breath on his side serving as a telltale sign you had caught him off guard.
“Baby I-, I’m sorry, I had no idea.”
You couldn’t stop your voice from cracking as you continued. Your chest was tightening, feelings bubbling over.
“It’s -“ you paused to take a breath. “It’s really hard without you Jungkook. Really really hard.”
Jungkook tried his best to piece together the words over the phone, but you could already hear the speakers in the background calling for Jungkook to head to his position for the start of the show.
“Y/N I-“
“You have to go Jungkook, I know. Bye.”
You didn’t give him a second to recuperate as you ended the call.
No parenting book ever provided you with advice on this. The loneliness, helplessness, and frustration you were feeling right now. Crumpling down to the kitchen floor, you felt like the world was collapsing around you as you sobbed.
As if on cue, Gidae’s cries joined yours from the other room.
You woke up slouched in a rocking chair in the nursery, with your hand reaching down to touch your daughter’s in her crib. She seemed to show you some leniency by sleeping more than 2 hours at a time, but unsure of how much free time she’d give you, you figured you might as well get a head start of the day since you felt like you were miserably falling behind already.
While mixing some formula in your kitchen, you heard a knock on your front door. The only people who ever came over were the boys and a couple of your friends, and you definitely weren’t expecting any visitors at 8am.
Frying pan clutched in your hand (safety first, right?), you creaked open your door to see a small woman standing in front of you.
With a cheery smile painting her face, the lady began to speak.
“Mrs. Jeon, I’m Seokjin-ssi’s nanny. I’ve been sent here today to take care of Gidae. Here’s a note from Mr. Jeon.”
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You couldn’t help the smile that decorated your face after reading it. After so many years together, Jungkook still managed to surprise you. Taking in that there was now a woman in your house who was basically Supernanny here to help you, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.
When Jungkook said that you were going to be pampered today, he sure meant it. By a “car” being outside, he actually meant a glorious Porsche with a driver and all your favorite snacks tucked in the backseat. He had booked an entire spa day just for you to get whatever treatments you needed without having to deal with the hustle and bustle of anyone else being around. Simply being in an environment that didn’t always sound like crying and children’s TV shows felt like heaven. A schedule had been waiting when you arrived, including a built in “nap” (multiple hours is just sleep, right?) in one of their private suits and lunch with none other than your best friend. It was the best surprise, and the girl talk you shared was exactly what you needed. Of course the mom guilt crept in, but whenever it did you reminded yourself of Jungkook’s words - you needed this, and only once you take care of yourself will you really be able to take care of your daughter.
You weren’t sure if it was because of the hydrating face mask or the 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep that you were able to get, but you walked into your house with a new pep in your step thanks to the relaxing day that Jungkook planned for you.
Welcomed by Ms. Yeong wearing an apron and bustling around your kitchen, you smelled freshly baked cookies (chocolate chip, your favorite too) and were thrilled at the sight of a clean house in front of you.
Wiping her hands on her apron, she began to speak with that signature smile.
“I’ve cooked dinner for you tonight and also have meals for the next 3 days in the fridge. The dishes are all done and your laundry should all be folded in your drawers. Gidae just had some milk and is now watching some Cocomelon.She woke up from her nap around 3 hours ago.”
In your excitement you couldn’t help giving her the biggest hug, squeezing her tightly. Slowly, Ms.Yeong began to pat your back, unclear about whether this hug was really for you or for her.
“I’m just doing my job Mrs. Jeon.”
You pulled away to look sincerely into her eyes.
“You are seriously a lifesaver Ms.Yeong, I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
After patting your back again, it was her turn to be sincere.
“You’re a good mother, Mrs. Jeon. I know it may not feel like it sometimes, but you really are. Gidae is lucky to have you as a mom.”
Tears began to prick at your eyes, but unlike yesterday, these were happy tears. With all the failures that you had felt in the past two weeks, it meant everything to hear those words from someone, to get some confirmation that you weren’t completely messing things up.
Unable to make any words come out of your mouth, all you could do was nod in appreciation at what she was able to do for you today. Your eyes glimmering with unshed tears said all the words that Ms.Yeong needed to hear.
As she walked out the door, you made a mental note to message Seokjin and thank him for finding the angel on Earth who saved you today.
Picking up your daughter from her crib, you cooed and brought her to you. Settling into your rocking chair, you cradled her gently in her arms.
“Mommy missed you today, babygirl, and I know you miss daddy.”
At the mention of the word “daddy” you could see your daughter perk up, looking around and trying to find said male.
All you could do is kiss her forehead. “I miss your daddy too. He’s really amazing, yknow.”
“Amazing, really? I may have said handsome, or sexy, or...”
Your head whipped around to the source of the sound.
And there he was, in the flesh. Jeon Jungkook, the man you had been waiting to see for days on end, was standing right at the door.
“Hi my love,” he said with his silly grin.
Your heart felt like it was bursting as you saw him there, and you couldn’t help but start sobbing your heart out (and I mean ugly sobbing). You felt a waterfall of emotions seeing Jungkook so close.
“Hey hey hey, what’s with this crying? I came home because I didn’t want you to be crying anymore baby.”
Walking over to you, he crouched in front of your chair and started to wipe your tears. Cupping your face in his hands, he pressed his forehead against you.
“I missed you Y/N. I missed you so much.”
You were still reeling from Jungkook’s presence.
“You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed about this Kook. I feel like I’m dreaming.”
Jungkook pressed a short kiss on your lips.
“Well believe it, I’m here for real babe,” he said sentimentally as he peppered your face with kisses.
Picking your daughter out of your grasp, Jungkook lifted Gidae into his hold, lifting her slightly into the air first to make her giggle. Putting on his best stern dad voice, he began his lecture.
“And you little miss, what is this I hear about you causing trouble for your mom?” Questioned Jungkook.
You smiled through your tears as you watched Jungkook go into “dad mode”.
“Before I left you promised you’d be a good girl, but I think good girls don’t cry all through the night and they definitely don’t make a mess with their toys or throw up all over their mommy.”
As Jungkook raised an eyebrow, your daughter looked at him, slightly apologetic, eyes shifting down to the floor, as if she could understand a word of what he said.
“But most of all Gidae, I missed you a whole lot. Your daddy missed you a whole lot.”
You felt like your heart could burst at the way Jungkook looked at your daughter. Even though he might be miles away when he works, you know that he doesn’t love you or your daughter any less.
“I’ll let you put her back to bed, daddy. It is my day off after all, right?” You joked with a chuckle.
Picking up your hand and kissing your palm, Jungkook grinned in agreement.
“Of course my love, go wash up and I’ll see you in bed.”
After reading A Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Princess & the Pea, and Rainbow Fish, Gidae was beginning to yawn in Jungkook’s arms. It seemed that it wasn’t just Jungkook who was reluctant to let their father-daughter time come to an end, as Gidae was still fighting to keep her eyes open, and always kept one tiny fist clutched onto the middle of Jungkook’s shirt, as if she was worried he could disappear at any moment.
Wondering what was taking them so long, you peeked your head back in the doorway to watch Jungkook look at your daughter like she was the one who put the stars in the sky. Not wanting to interrupt, you stayed as silent as possible as you watched them together.
“Now I’m gonna say something very important Gidae, and you need to listen very very carefully to me.”
Bringing her up to eye level, Jungkook looked at your daughter sincerely as he continued.
“Sometimes daddy isn’t here and it’s just you and mommy, but I want you to know that daddy loves you and mommy so much, and you’re always gonna be daddy’s little girl, even if I’m not here with you. And I miss you always, so so much. Daddy loves you.”
You could see the tears start to stream down Jungkook’s face, and as much as you wanted to run to him and wipe his tears, just as he did hours earlier, you knew that this moment wasn’t for you. This was for Jungkook and Gidae, and you were sure that he was going to remember this forever.
“You know what would make me so happy Gidae? If you could say the word daddy. Come on - “da” “da”. You can do it!”
He started to bounce her on his lap, exaggerating his mouth movements so much that you were worried that he would accidentally pop his jaw out. His ministrations continued on fruitlessly, with Gidae still staring at him with big doe eyes (a trait she inherited from Jungkook, of course).
Unable to hide your presence any longer, you had to help Jungkook out. “You were only gone for 2 weeks, Kook. She’s still only 6 months old, it’s going to be a little while before she says any words.”
Jungkook shook his head in disbelief. It seemed that Gidae had finally succumbed to sleep in his arms, and he stared down at her again.
“Look at how big she is Y/N, she’s grown so much just in the little while I’ve been gone.”
He looked at you with tears shimmering in his doe eyes yet again.
“Seriously, next time I leave on a tour and come back she’s going to be walking and talking or something.” joked Jungkook as he lightly wiped his tears.
You hugged Jungkook from behind, pressing a kiss to his shoulder before resting your head on it.
“Wherever you are though babe, I’m gonna take photos and videos of all of it so you won’t miss a second of it.”
Jungkook stayed silent as he simply enjoyed having his small family together again.
“You were right earlier you know, on the phone.”
“Hmm?” You hummed in response, unsure of what he was getting at.
“This isn’t working - me leaving isn’t working. I’m not 15 years old anymore, when I could just drop everything and travel the world; I have the two most precious girls in the world with me now, and I need to take care of them.”
Putting his hand in yours, you sincerely looked him in the eye.
“We’re always going to be proud of you Koo, and you know I love watching you do what you love. This may be the hard part, once she gets a little older we could start travelling with you or you could fly back too. Whatever comes our way, we’ll handle it together.”
Jungkook kissed you passionately, hoping his lips could convey what he couldn’t seem to put into words. He repeated your words back to you.
“Whatever comes our way, we’ll handle it together.”
As if Mother Nature was on your side, the rain stopped, leaving the smell of new beginnings wafting in through your window.
If you liked what you read please interact/follow! Thank you for reading♡ - Emily
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marauderundercover · 3 years
The Strings that Bind Us: Chapter One
Marinette Dupain Cheng was tired. She’d fought the same villain for fifteen years. She’d been a hero longer than she’d been just Marinette. It was exhausting. And she was ready for a break. Two years after unmasking Hawkmoth, Paris was finally healed enough for her to move on. To leave.
Which was why she was currently putting fairy lights and pumpkins on the balcony of her new apartment in Gotham. It was quiet, and lonely, but at least she didn’t have the weight of a city on her back anymore. She hums as she places the last pumpkin. Perfect. Glancing across the city, she lets out a sigh. Here she was, in an entirely new city, no connections and no one to talk to when she needed to just talk. But it was worth it, the memories of everything in Paris still too fresh. It still hurt too much. Deciding it’s not too early to go to sleep, she walks back inside. She’s just closed the door when a loud crash from outside has her tensing. She peeks behind the curtain, frowning at the figure on her balcony. She opens the door.
“Uh, hello.” She greets the strangely dressed man. If what she’d read had been correct, this was Batman. Gotham’s resident hero, or vigilante as the papers called him. He probably wasn’t here to fight her, but you can never be too careful.
“My apologies.” He says, his voice gruff. Her eyes narrow at the way he favors his left side.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” She asks suddenly, her face instantly heating up as the words tumble out without her permission.
“I’m not-” He starts, but she shakes her head.
“I insist. You are out trying to protect citizens, are you not? The least I can do is offer you a coffee.” She says, turning and walking back inside. She doesn’t turn to see if he follows, but she does hear footsteps behind her. She figures he could walk silently, if he really wanted to. After all, even though he’d been around for eight or so years, few had ever seen Batman. She hums, moving around the kitchen and starting up her small coffee pot and grabbing a few of the leftover pastries from earlier. Placing the pastries on a plate, she pulls down two cups before turning to the vigilante in her kitchen.
“How do you take your coffee?” She asks, and she swears his lips twitch slightly.
“Just black.” He says, and she grins.
“Thank goodness. One of my friends in Paris refuses to drink coffee unless it’s half cream and sugar.” She says, trying to keep the conversation light. After all, what do you say to a random vigilante? It was different when Chat Noir, or Adrien, visited her back in collège. He didn’t start doing that until after she’d helped with Evillustrator, which helped it to not be awkward. Like it currently was with her and Batman. God, why did she even invite him in? She turns and almost sighs in relief when she sees the coffee is done. Quickly filling up both cups, she passes one to Batman and then pushes the plate of pastries towards him.
“I own the cafe downstairs.” She says as an explanation when she sees his lips purse. He nods and grabs a croissant, taking a hesitant bite out of it.
“Thank you.” He says, and she just smiles. She may not want to be a hero again, but maybe it would be okay to be friends with a hero again.
The bell over the door notifying her of another customer makes Marinette stick her head out from the back.
“Hello! Welcome to La Petite Tasse, I’ll be with you in just a minute.” She calls, not catching the response before she’s back in the kitchen, pulling a fresh batch of croissants out of the oven. She slides the tray onto the cooling rack before tugging off the oven mitts and rushing out to the front.
“I am so sorry about that, most of my workers are also students so they have class right now. What can I get you?” She rambles, freezing when she looks up into the most attractive blue eyes she’s ever seen. The man just smiles at her, and she swears her knees go weak.
“That’s fine. Could I have... a large black coffee and a croissant?” The man asks, glancing up at the menu before looking back at her. She nods and smiles, cursing the way her cheeks heat up. Sure, this was quite literally the most attractive man she’d ever seen in person, but she was not going to fall for a pretty face. Nope. Totally not. She turns and grabs a cup, filling it up before rushing to the back to grab one of the fresh croissants. After all, they were better warm.
“That’ll be three dollars and twenty seven cents.” She says, passing the man his order. He grins and passes her a twenty.
“Keep the change.” He says with a grin before he turns and walks out. She blinks, slightly confused, but takes the change and puts it into the tip jar. That was weird, she thinks, but she doesn’t think too much into it. It’s not like she’d ever see him again.
She had been wrong, and she was completely okay with it. The man came in almost every day for two weeks before she worked up the courage to introduce herself and ask his name. He’d seemed shocked, but had introduced himself as Bruce. And after two weeks, she was happy to say that Gotham had started to feel a little lighter, that she was a little happier in this dark city. The bell above the door chimes, but she keeps working on filling the macarons since Mack was manning the counter.
“Listen kid, open the register and I won’t shoot your fucking brains out.” A voice says. Oh hell no. She drops the piping back and picks up her rolling pin. Peeking out, she breathes a sigh of relief when she sees it’s only one guy, not an entire group. She tosses her rolling pin lightly before catching it, familiarizing herself with it as a projectile before she actually uses it. She watches as Mack’s hands shake, obviously panicked. Letting out a steadying breath, Marinette aims and manages to hit the man in the head with the rolling pin. He drops instantly, the gun clattering to the floor. She rushes out and grabs a couple zip ties from under the counter, walking over and cuffing the man’s hands behind his back before dragging him towards the handrail and attaching him to it. She glares at the man before she remembers Mack and gasps. She rushes over, frantically checking over the girl to make sure she’s okay.
“Mama M, I’m fine. I promise.” She says, though her voice shakes. Marinette breathes a sigh of relief before crushing the girl in a hug.
“I am so sorry, Mack, so, so sorry.” She apologizes, holding the girl close. She can feel the girl shake slightly, her shirt getting wet as the girl cries. Marinette just coos softly, whispering reassuring words to her. She barely hears the bell signaling a customer ring.
“What the hell happened?” A familiar voice asks. She glances over at Bruce and grimaces.
“Attempted robbery. Would you mind calling the police?” She asks, nodding towards the landline. He blinks, standing frozen as he stares at the tied up man in the corner. “Bruce!” She calls, his attention snapping to her. She nods towards the phone again and he nods, walking over to make the call.
After the police take their statements, Marinette sends Mack home with the tips from the day, despite the girl’s protests.
“Sweetheart, you were just held at gunpoint. I’m not gonna let you stay here. Go home, eat some junk food and watch something funny. I’ll see you on Monday.” Marinette says, giving the girl another quick hug before watching her leave. She turns to Bruce, who had been kind enough to stay, and winces. “You’re not gonna get in trouble with your boss, are you?” She asks. He just grins.
“I was actually off today, don’t worry about me.” He says, his smile falling as he looks her over. “Are you okay?” He asks. She lets out a shaky breath before nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. I was more worried about Mack, honestly. I was in the back, but I couldn’t just stay there. Not knowing she was in danger.” She says, her arms wrapped around herself as she tries to stay calm. It was the first time she’d had an actual gun aimed at someone she cares about.
“You were quite the hero today.” He says softly, and she snorts, shaking her head.
“No, Bruce, I wasn’t. I did what anyone else would’ve done.” She says, waving him off dismissively.
“Only you would actually believe that there are still people good enough to act like that.” He says softly. She blushes and clears her throat.
“Well, did you want your regular?” She asks, moving to go back behind the counter. He frowns.
“Mari, you aren’t seriously going to open the cafe back up today, are you?” He asks and she frowns.
“Why wouldn’t I?” She asks.
“Because your store was just attacked!” He exclaims, and she snorts.
“If my parent’s bakery in Paris closed every time there was an attack, they would’ve gone out of business.” She says flippantly. He frowns, and she worries she’s said something wrong, when his face suddenly twists back up into a smile.
“Spend the day with me.” He says and she blinks in surprise.
“I had set out to ask you on a date when I came in today, but the whole attempted robbery stopped me. I know you want to just get back to work, but what if you spent the day with me instead?” He offers. She stares at him, wide eyed, before a wide smile forms on her face.
“I thought you’d never ask.” She says. It’d be fine to have the cafe closed for a day.
Event tag list: @maribat-october-rarepairs
Permanent tag list: @stainedglassm​ @kittenmywaythrulife @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth @unoriginalmess
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deidearly · 3 years
Shikamaru Relationship Headcanons
Back with another relationship headcanons of Shikamaru, this time! I had fun writing these, so, please enjoy! X. 
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He’s the type of person that would think every kind of activities that require efforts are a drag. The concept of ‘dating’, obviously, falls in the “what a drag” category— but dating you, however, is something he’d gladly do.
Hear me out, despite being very chill on the outside, Shikamaru is pretty much an overthinker. For example, he’d try to look uninterested on your first date. Would totally throw any outfit that he found comfortable. But in his mind, he’s DESPERATELY trying to figure you out, like
“DOES Y/N HATE MY OUTFIT” , “Why is she frowning— DOES SHE HATE EATING HERE” , “Man, wouldn’t it be a drag if she actually hated me”
A lot of “Hey, can you come over?” dates.
For relationship advices, he listens more to Choji’s than Ino’s.
“Listen, Shikamaru. The most important thing is your gestures. You have to show Y/N that you’re actually a fine gentleman—“ , “Just give her your last piece of meat then I bet she’d love you forever.” you can already guess which one is Ino and which one is Choji, right?
So, the first time he had shogi date in his mind, he was REALLY overthinking it. He thought, you’d hate playing shogi together since it’s boring and it’s considered an old person game. But to his surprise, you LIKE it.
At first, of course, you were very bad it. Shikamaru beat you mercilessly— and would laugh hysterically about you losing.
But you started to understand how the game works and you’d eventually came up with a lot of strategies in your mind. So, one day, during your “can you come over” dates— you suggested, “Hey, why don’t we play Shogi?”
Shikamaru really didn’t see what’s coming
It was a tight match
Shikaku was watching
You left the Naras SPEECHLESS for MINUTES
Shikaku’s eyes were widened— he spent his years losing to Shikamaru. But today, as you grinned widely, Shikamaru sat in defeat. The younger Nara stayed calm, examining his pawns. On the contrary, the older Nara bursted into laughter, hitting his son’s shoulder repeatedly. “Y/N! You actually beat Shikamaru!”
Shikamaru’s mad on the outside but internally he’s like, “WIFEY.”
Seriously, don’t feel bad. For him, you’re a God-sent now that you beat him in Shogi. He’s planning a wedding in his mind.
Now let’s talk about touches. He’s not a big fan of PDA, because for him, it makes people uncomfortable. But he’s SO amazing with words— he’s a big flirt and there are so many aggressive sexual tensions between the two of you and THAT’S WHAT MAKES PEOPLE UNCOMFORTABLE ACTUALLY
“Do you think you can paralyze him with your shadow jutsu, Shikamaru?” , “Seriously, Y/N? If I could strangle you last night then I’m pretty sure I can now—“ , “(Ino, stressed out in a battlefield) GUYS COME ON NOT NOW HE HAS A BLADE.”
His favorite way to spend some time with you is obviously by taking a nap together, especially after a tiring missions. He’d take off his vest and throw himself on the bed. You’d stand near his bed and he’d go, “Come.” inviting you to sleep next to him.
He loves it when you’re curled up next to him inside a blanket— skins touching. He’d bury his head in your hair and play with your hair lazily until he’s asleep.
NEVER WAKES HIM UP because he has the prettiest face when he’s asleep like he looks so peaceful
Please, kiss him right after he wakes up. He just gained a lot of energy and it’s the best time to earn what you deserve!
“Y/N, how long have you been awake?” he whispered while rubbing his eye when he saw your back— sitting on the edge of the bed. Without saying anything, you crawled to him, leaning in for a kiss. Just when your lips touched, his hands began to travel down to your waist, pulling your weight closer to him. His fingers traced your skin as he deepened your kiss. “Excited much?” you broke the silence, “I thought you’re the one who’s excited.” he smirked.
Besides taking a nap together, he really likes having an interesting discussions with you. Please ask him about his opinions, theories, or basically anything! He’d spend hours explaining things and end up lost in his own thoughts but I swear it’s worth it because he’s so passionate talking about the things he’s interested in!
Would be very flustered at the end (but would try to hide it) because he’d think you’re bored
“Ah, sorry, Y/N.—“ , “*heart eyes* NO, PLEASE, CONTINUE.”
As much as he loves having discussions with you, he hates having to argue with you, though.
Arguing, especially with you, definitely falls in the “what a drag” category, too. He’s a determined guy— and so with his principles. So, when the both of you are being stubborn, he’d definitely leave you mid-argument, bidding his farewell.
Something like, “You know what, Y/N? This has been quite a drag. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
But boy will be in a full emo mode later at night
Would stare at the ceiling for hours. Pretending to play Shogi with someone. All these to distract himself as he’s trying to cool himself down.
You wouldn’t believe it, but he’d totally walk to your place at night and wait outside your window for some time but then decided to come back home. He knows that he was being a little like a jerk by leaving you in a middle of the conversation.
He’d come first thing in the morning to make up with you.
“Shikamaru, what are you doing?” , “I brought breakfast.”
It would be a little awkward at first, eating breakfast together after a heated argument with no settlement. But he’d be the one to apologize, and he’d be the type to apologize with no “but”s. He’s very nice like that.
All he ever wants to do is cloud-gazing with you, tbh. 
Even though he appears to be a cool person, he’s quite sensitive especially when he’s frustrated. When he’s unable to solve things, when there’s no way out.
It’s very heart-breaking to see him cry, actually. His body would shake, heavy sobs, gritted teeth. It’s painful. 
It happened one time when he found out you had been seriously injured after a mission.
You were together assigned for a mission with the other crews, and he was the one who came up with the battle plan. He trusted you with your power, so he put you with the strongest opponent as well. Unfortunately, he miscalculated your opponent who, apparently, got so much surprise attacks under his sleeve— leaving you defeated.
He blamed it on himself.
He stayed with you every day when you’re hospitalized. Looking at your bruises face triggered every fibers in his body. His head hurt— and tears started to heavily poured from his eyes.
You wake up to the sound of Shikamaru crying, his head was buried on the bedsheet. You could actually tell how he was in agony by the way his body trembled. “Shikamaru.” you called weakly— but it surprised him. His eyes were swollen red, runny nose, and his cheeks wet from his tears. “I’m okay—“ , “It’s my fault, Y/N. I didn’t—“ , “I’m okay.” you repeated yourself.
And from that moment onwards, he swears to try his best to protect you from any sort of harm. He also promised himself to come back home, he doesn’t want to keep you alone for a long time— because deep down you both know that home is to be by each other’s side.
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two -
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Genre: angst/hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: alcohol, drunkenness, cheating, **
** There is a moment where a character is drunk, and someone makes moves on them, character is too drunk to realize it’s not who they thought it was. Groping and making out, no penetration; character doesn’t consider is SA. I apologize if it is offensive.
Ya better hurry up, or we’re gonna be late!” Mammon was pulling you by the hand down the hallway to your first class of the day.
“I wasn’t the one who overslept because they kept saying “just lay with me for 5 more minutes.”“ You said, giving your best impression of him.
You’d become best friends rather quickly after your arrival in the Devildom, practically becoming attached at the hip instantly. It didn’t take long for that light, warm feeling to invade your heart. Now you’d been dating for a few months and had become even more inseparable.
“Details, details!” He responded, laughing.
The two of you came barreling through the door with only seconds to spare before the bell rang; hand-in-hand, laughing like fools.
You took your seats across the room from each other, being the professors current punishment for Mammon talking to you during class.
As you sat down you felt eyes on you and looked up.
A few succubi were not so casually looking at you and whispering.
It wasn’t uncommon though. I mean, you are a human in the Devildom. You also live with the 7 rulers of the underworld. You’d gotten quite used to people whispering about you. You decided to ignore them, and pay attention to class. Whatever they were whispering about was surely nothing you hadn’t already heard circulating throughout the gossip mill.
Throughout the day, you noticed the same group of succubi whispering and giving you looks. They even giggled a couple times. You tried your best to keep your cool, but it had been going on all day and it was really getting under your skin.
What is so damn funny? You thought to yourself.
The final bell rang and you couldn’t be happier. Now you got to put the day behind you and go home with Mammon. Tonight is movie night. Cuddling and eating junk food is just what you need after a day like today.
You rushed to the usual spot where you meet Mammon. Seeing his face would definitely make you feel better right now, but he wasn’t there yet. 
He must have gotten hung up in class or something.
You leaned against the wall, pulled out your D.D.D. and started surfing Deviltube to pass the time. You were so engrossed in your video that you barely noticed that same group of succubi walk past.
Until they made sure you noticed them, that is.
One girl bumped into you on purpose, sending your D.D.D. to the concrete, via crash-landing.
“Stupid human.” She sneered.
You rolled your eyes and bent down to pick up your D.D.D. It’s nothing you haven’t heard, quite a bit actually, since coming to the Devildom. She’d have to try a lot harder than that.
When you stood back up, the succubus in question was standing in front of you, arms crossed with a smug grin.
“Do you think you’re special?” She asked, looking you up and down. You didn’t respond and resumed your scrolling through Deviltube. Ignoring her made her mad.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
Excuse me? 
“I don’t think MY relationship is any of your concern.” You said sweetly, slapping on your best fake smile. You looked around them, desperate to see Mammon walking up, but he wasn’t there.
Where is he? 
She was practically laughing in your face. 
“He made me feel special too.” Her words, full of venom as they left her lips, triggered something in your brain.
Flashbacks of your first day in the Devildom came rushing back. Specifically what Satan had said after Mammon made his grand entrance.
“Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They’re left without a Grimm to their name.”
The memory made your chest feel heavy. 
Could that pertain to people as well? They said a pure soul is like a shiny gem. What if..
“Everything he’s said to you, he probably already said to me.” She spat.
Your head was spinning, a knot forming in your throat. Her earlier words replaying in your mind.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
What if..? No.. He wouldn’t do that...would he?
You quickly got so lost in thought as anxiety started to take root, plaguing you with ‘what ifs’ and hypotheticals, that you almost didn’t notice when someone stepped between you and the succubus. Putting a hand on either side of your face, he tilted your head up to look at him. Irises the color of tropical waters, instantly melt away your anxiety, calming the angry sea inside you.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered with a smile. His voice was soft, but you could see the anger in his eyes. He slung an arm around your shoulders and turned to start walking toward the House of Lamentation.
“We weren’t done talking.” She said vindictively.
“Don’t ya have anythin’ better to do?” Mammon snarled, glaring at the succubus.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving with her friends.
By the immense tension you could feel between them, you could tell that they had indeed been together at some point.
The walk home was quiet, which left you with ample time for your thoughts to run wild. 
Did she know him like you do? His little habits and his favorite things? 
Did she stick up for him when his brothers were dogging on him? Or afterward when he was down, did she try her best to drown out their hateful words with affirmations of love?
Did she play with his hair while he laid on her stomach, arms wrapped tight around her middle after he loved her? Hold her in his lap as he rubbed soothing circles on her back when she was sad? Whisper sweet nothings to her when he thought she was asleep?
...Did he love her?
“Whoa! Did ya see that, MC?!”
The two of you were curled up on the couch in Mammon’s room, watching a movie on his projector, just like you did every week.
Did they do movie night?
It shouldn’t be bothering you. Of course he’s had other partners. He’s been alive for thousands of years.
And you’ve had other partners. So what? No biggie. That wasn’t the issue.
The thought of him saying the same things, doing the same things with someone else...loving someone else, is what bothered you. It hurt to think that maybe you really weren’t that special; another weak, insignificant human, just like all the rest.
But the things she said kept playing on a loop in your head.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
“He made me feel special too.”
Could she be right?
“Babe, are ya okay?” He had paused the movie and was now staring at you expectantly.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I’m fine.” He saw through it quickly.
“Ya know, you’re not good at lyin’. What’s wrong? If ya don’t like the movie we can watch someth-”
“That girl earlier, at RAD? Is she your ex?” You didn’t want to bring it up, but you had to know before your thoughts could torment you further.
His face fell and he sighed heavily. “I was wonderin’ when you were gonna say somethin’..”
You remained quiet, watching his face, waiting for him to begin talking.
“We were together a long, long, time ago. Nothin’ serious. I broke it off when I realized she was only around for what she could get outta me. She didn’t take it too well.” He explained, his expression turning sour. “She had a different story, huh?”
“She didn’t say much really, except once you get tired of me you’ll move onto the next one. That I’m nothing special because everything you say to me you’ve probably said to her.” You said, keeping your eyes down as you fidget with the hem on your shirt.
He started laughing.
Your head snapped up, looking at him in shock.
“What’s so funny, Mammon?” You asked, getting a little irritated by his reaction. He stopped laughing when he looked at you and realized you were serious.
“Ya don’t actually believe her, do ya?” He scoffed, getting offended.
“No? I don’t know..” You replied, not meeting his gaze. Of course you wanted to believe him, but you already felt like you weren’t good enough for him, and that succubi’s words just watered the seeds of insecurity in your brain and helped them flourish.
You had always been the opposite of his brothers. You always believed Mammon, even when everyone else was against him. You were always on his side. Ready to stick up for him no matter what. To hear you now, was like a slap in the face.
Mammon’s face distorted in pain. And anger.
“What? Whaddya mean ya don’t know?” His voice was soft, “Ya don’t trust me?” He asked, meeting your gaze.
“Mammon, that’s-”
He shook his head. “No, I get it. A few bitter words from some random demon and now my words mean nothin’. “ He jumped up from the couch, making a beeline for the door.
“What about the last few months, huh? After all the time we spent together you think I’d do somethin’ like that to ya?” His voice cracked on the last sentence. He paused; hand on the knob as he stared at the door. You heard a small sniffle as his other hand came up to angrily wipe his face.
“I thought ya knew me better than anyone.” His voice was barely audible, but you could hear the hurt. He felt betrayed.
And with that he left, slamming the door behind him.
When he didn’t come back after an hour and wouldn’t answer your calls, you grabbed a few things and headed to your room. You still felt uneasy about the whole “his ex confronting you” thing and after what had just happened, you just wanted to be alone. 
Your bed seemed huge and your room felt odd. It’s not like you didn’t spend time in there anymore, you just didn’t usually do so alone. The silence was deafening.
I shouldn't have doubted him. He used to try and hide his feelings, although he was bad at it. But since we got together, he doesn’t hide how he feels about us to anyone.
You thought of all the times his cheeks had flushed scarlet when you caught him staring at you. How he sits and endures scary movies because they’re your favorite. The way he will randomly bring you your favorite snacks or other little gifts because he was thinking about you. Relentlessly tickling you just to hear your bright, uninhibited laughter. That even in his sleep, he has to be constantly touching some part of you, or he gets restless. 
You slowly drifted off to sleep, with tears staining your cheeks.
“Have you seen Mammon?” 
He never came looking for you last night and he wasn’t at breakfast. He even skipped RAD.
Asmo shook his head, “Not since yesterday. Did something happen?”
You decided to fill him in with all the details. He is the Avatar of Lust after all, so surely he could give you some advice regarding love.
He gasped dramatically, “No she didn’t! What a tart!”
“I know I shouldn’t have doubted him. He’s never given me a reason to, but I don’t know. She just got in my head, I guess. Poked at some insecurities.” You explained. “I haven’t seen him since he stormed off.”
“He won’t pout for long, he never does.”
“It’s more than just pouting. I hurt him just like everyone else. He feels betrayed.” You said, voice small.
You just wanted to pepper his face with kisses and profusely apologize for ever doubting him. Why did you ever let some random succubus get to you like that? To make your trust for Mammon falter, even slightly. Did you honestly believe he would toss you aside after he got what he could out of you? Really? 
Satan said it too though, in the beginning. That when you’re with him you find yourself drowning in gifts and the like, but once he outgrows you, you’re left with nothing. That’s the Greed.
You refuse to accept it though.
You know Mammon, better than anyone. He has changed so much since you came here. He’s not the same demon he used to be. He is more than just his sin.
“When he is ready, he’ll come back. He always does.” Asmo said, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm smile.
“Now, let’s go and change! You are depressing me and it’s ruining my skin. We are going out tonight!” He was practically vibrating with excitement. You, not so much.
“Ugh, no way Asmo. I’m not in a party mood.”
“Nonsense! It’s exactly what you need. We will have some drinks and dance and you’ll feel better. You’ll see.”
You relented, knowing that once Asmo got his mind set on something like this, there was no getting out of it. Maybe a few drinks really would make you feel better.
“Trouble in paradise?” She said, motioning to the drink in his hand.
His clothes were dishevelled, his hair mussed, eyes red-rimmed and puffy. He looked like he’d been through the wringer. Felt like it too. He’d been in the private lounge at the club for a little while now, nursing drink after drink, attempting to drown his sorrows.
“Go away.” He growled, turning his attention back to his drink.
“Is that anyway to greet an old friend?” She asked innocently.
“Nah, but it is a good way to greet a snake.”
“Ouch.” She put a hand over her heart, feigning hurt feelings.
“Haven’t ya caused enough problems? Leave me alone.”
She scoffed, plopping down onto the couch next to him.  “Oh, come on Mammon. You’re this hung up over a human?”
“Don’t talk about MC.” He snarled. In one big gulp, he swallowed the remainder of his drink. No matter what kind of situation the two of you were in, he wouldn’t let someone, anyone, say anything cross about you. At all.
“Oh, come on. You can’t seriously say you don’t miss being with me. A demon.” She leaned in close, her lips next to his ear, “Not nearly as fragile as a human. You can be as rough as you want..” She purred.
He jumped up from where he’d been sitting, attempting to get away from the succubus. “Get the fuc- Whoa.” He slurred, staggering slightly before quickly sitting back down, head lolling back to rest on the back of the couch. His vision was pretty blurry; the room spinning. He closed his eyes, hoping it’d help. 
Even in his deeply inebriated state, you were all that was on his mind. The feel of your hand running through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. The warmth of your body pressed against his, your lips; soft and delicate like rose petals, leaving small kisses across his face before finally meeting his lips. The bubbly sound of your laughter, beautiful like music. The way your eyes shine every time you see him, even if he only left your side for a tiny moment. 
After the fight you had and leaving the way he did, and now being away from you a whole day, not hearing your voice, feeling your touch, he was ready to go crazy. And although he did sneak back into the house after he was sure everyone was asleep, and slept in the backseat of his car so no one would find him, it wasn’t the same as sleeping next to you. He missed you.
But, it was more than that. He felt so incredibly stupid for reacting the way he had. If he were in your situation, and felt how you did, he would’ve had questions too. You love him, and all you wanted was a little reassurance that he in fact does love you. Man, does he love you. More than he’s ever loved anyone or anything.
With the attention span of a tuna sandwich, mixed with the levels of alcohol in his system, and being so deep in his thoughts of you, he hadn’t noticed the sudden shift of weight in his lap.
One hand found its way to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. The other hand resting on his chest, slowly moving down his stomach, intently feeling every muscle. His mouth opened slightly, a breathy sigh escaping. He had missed you so much, your touch lighting his skin ablaze, craving you more and more.
Your hand moved lower, earnestly caressing his growing stiffness. Your lips crashed into his suddenly; hungrily, your tongue brushing his bottom lip. His hands moved up your thighs before firmly gripping your hips, grinding you against him.
Small alarm bells were going off in his head, something didn’t seem right. You didn’t giggle like you always do when he grabs your hips. Your kisses seemed sloppier than usual too.
He tried opening his eyes, blinking lazily several times. The room was still swirling around in his drunkenness, making it nearly impossible to focus.
Your hand moved to his pants, undoing the button and zipper. He removed a hand from your hip and grabbed your wrist, but didn’t attempt to move your hand from his swollen boxers. As he was about to break the kiss and suggest heading home and picking up with this make up where you left off, he heard a voice nearby.
“What the hell?!” They shrieked. 
“Mammon..?” You barely choked out.
That was your voice. He’d recognize it anywhere; the musical sound gently floating into his ears as it always did. But you sounded like you were crying..
And it didn’t come from the figure straddling his lap. How is that possible? He’s been making out with you, getting pretty heated actually, for the last several minutes.
He broke the kiss with you, confusedly turning to his left and blinking several times until his surroundings started to come into focus.
There you stood in the doorway of the private lounge with Asmo next to you, your eyes wide as s tears streamed down your cheeks, gaping at him in horror.
The alarm bells that had been going off, the red flags popping up trying to warn him that something wasn’t quite right, were about to become very clear.
- part two coming soon! -
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Hey hey! Could I request the reader overworks themselves and is all tired and stiff but refused to slepe adn keeps pushing so scara steps in and forces them to sleep and relax, like gives them a good massage then helps them sleep?
Anon I loved this prompt!! It was the first thing I did when I woke up, before I even brushed my teeth
pairing: Scaramouche x gn!reader
tw: u may just die of fluff
wc: 1,447
Scaramouche dropped the folder into the box before heading out. He hated working late but what was he to do if the Tsaritsa wanted it before he left. Most of the time she gave a deadline but sometimes she’d want it sooner and that’s fine. He wasn’t incompetent; he could do his work on time. Regardless, he was finished and he couldn’t wait to see you. He passes by your office whenever he leaves simply because he knew you left before him and he always wanted to make sure you didn’t leave anything behind. He hated coming back because you left something, so now he always checked. But something was different this time.
As it was late, nearly everyone had gone home. There were maybe two or three people other than himself that were unfortunately working late, but why was your office lit? He knocked, just to be sure, and pushed the door open. You lay on your desk asleep, drool pooling on your paperwork. He clicked his tongue and shook his head, walking over to your desk to straighten it up. You woke to his stirring, the sound of pens being dropped into your ceramic mug, and stretched up with a groan. “Shit,” you curse, looking at your damp papers. “I didn’t want to fall asleep.”
Scaramouche walked around to you and scooted your chair out, grabbing your hand delicately and guiding you up to your feet. “It can wait for tomorrow,” he said with his usual scowl. “Let’s go home and rest.”
The pressure on your shoulders to pump out more work didn’t go unnoticed by him. He watched you carefully as you sleepily slid into your shared home office and dropped the heavy folder of paperwork on the desk. He rested his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Why don’t you just do that later? It’s my turn to make dinner, so sit down and eat.”
You flipped open the first packet of information and immediately the words began to scramble and jump, making your head sting. “My case manager wants it all done by the end of the week,” you grumbled, massaging your temple. “I haven’t even finished the first set of material he gave me, and he gave me some more today.”
Scaramouche rolled his eyes as he pulled back, crossing his arms. “I hate that mother fucker,” he spat. “I oughta say a thing or two to him.”
“Please don’t,” you sigh. “The last thing I want is for him to take out his frustration on me more than he already has.”
“Fine,” Scaramouche said, turning to leave the room. “But you stop when I’m done cooking. And you don’t touch it again for the night.”
You give him a thumbs up before the door closes behind you.
Scaramouche was intentional with the dinner he made. When he cooked he liked to make healthy foods; it was all that he made when it was just him. But this time he wanted to make something that would put you to sleep on a full tummy. He didn’t need to go get you, as the smell pulled you out on your own. “That smells good,” you sauntered in, peering over his shoulder to look at the pot. “Give me a lot. I didn’t eat lunch today.”
Scaramouche chuckled as he spooned the curry onto your plate. “Of course, baby.”
You took your plate and sat down at the table, your utensils and napkins already there. He came around after a moment with his own plate, setting it on the table before disappearing back into the kitchen for drinks. You ate spoonful after spoonful of Scaramouche’s delicious cooking, your body warm with love and the unmistakable feeling of drowsiness washing over you.
You lean back into your chair when Scaramouche takes your plate to toss in the sink. “That was so good baby, thank you.”
He smiled, undoing his apron to hang on the wall. “You’re welcome, baby.”
“I can wash the dishes in a bit, I’m just so tired.”
Your boyfriend walked up and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll do it later. Just go lay down, I’ll join you in the bedroom in a bit.”
You wobble over to your room, being so unbelievably tired. This was the most exhausted you’ve ever been. You were always home first, where you could cook for him or clean the house or go grocery shopping for dinner. But this week you hadn’t been able to get any work done, so you started leaving later, while still getting home with enough time to prepare for Scaramouche. But that wasn’t enough either.
You hated working at home because you know how irritated both you and him get when there’s work to be done at home, and the last thing you wanted was to not get anything done. You stayed the latest you could tonight and you would’ve stayed longer if your boyfriend hadn’t woken you up.
Stripping of your clothes and throwing yourself into bed, the softness of the mattress was already enough to put you to sleep. Scaramouche walked in not too long after, crawling into bed next to you. He leaned over you, kissing the backs of your shoulders, hands reaching up to squeeze the muscle there. “Mmn,” you groan at his touch. “You don’t have to, sweetie.”
He continues with his kisses and squeezes. “I want to, though,” he says against your skin. “My baby’s been working so hard lately. You deserve it.”
He gets all the way up, straddling your bottom as he works his hands into your back. His touch is firm, but not too rough, and he’s kneading out the knots in your neck. His touch kind of tickles, his coarse hands scratching at your soft back.
Then he goes down your spine, gently working out the cracks in each vertebrae as he goes down, smoothing out the muscles that hold you up all day. As badly as you wanted to enjoy the massage, you can’t fight the sleep that takes over under his touch.
For the first time ever, you’re the one who wakes up after him. You jolt awake, realizing you’ve slept longer than normal, and you hurry to the bathroom to get ready. You had another long day ahead of you, and you were already up to a late start. Scaramouche’s side of the bed was already cold and made, and you were a little upset that he didn’t bother to wake you up knowing you had so much to do.
You shimmy into whatever clean clothes you had and throw the bedroom door open and run to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. But breakfast had already been made, and Scaramouche was putting up the last of the dishes. “I was just about to wake you,” he said calmly. “Sit and eat while it’s still hot.”
You brush past him and kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks baby, but I’m just gonna take some fruit and go. I need to get started on my work.”
Scaramouche dries his hands with a rag and flips it over his shoulder, jutting his thumb over to the table. “Don’t worry about it, I did it last night.”
You peek from behind the fridge. “You what?!”
“Yeah, while you were sleeping last night. It’s fine, just sit down and eat please.”
Your eyes sting as the tears approached, and you cried tears of happiness. You were so stressed about getting all of this done, and yet your amazing boyfriend managed to do it all in one night. “T-Thank you S-Scara!!! How did you d-do all of it?!”
He let out a laugh and pulled you close to him, cradling you with an arm around your waist and a hand on your chin. “I’ve been doing paperwork all of my life, sweet thing.” He kissed you and thumbed at the tears on your cheeks. “Now please, eat with me.”
You stuffed your face with rice and grinned. “I hope he doesn’t give me anything more to do,” you spoke through your food. “But if he does, I’ll do it all by myself.”
Scaramouche sipped his tea and looked at you from over the rim. “I sure hope he doesn’t either,” he chuckled, knowing very well that a passive-aggressive note with his stamp right in the middle of the page had just so happened to slip inside your folder. And if “Don’t dump your bullshit reports on your colleagues just because your dick is too small and face too ugly for Signora to notice you,” doesn’t work, then termination would do just fine.
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marvelous-harry · 3 years
what about flossie reader and harry’s night/ morning routine with y/n being bratty! just a suggestion. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Harry turned off the alarm with a groan before rolling over and cuddling up to Florence. He opened his eyes, squinting as he looked over at you. You were sprawled out on the other side of the bed, forcing Florence and Harry close together.
"What time is it?" Florence asked sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.
"It's just gone eight," Harry's voice was raspy, deep and he sounded very tired.
"Fuck, I'm tired," Flo yawned as put her hand around him and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Why did we set an alarm?"
"Cause of me. I have a few meetings I need to go to today, the first one at 10. You can go back to sleep if you want, cuddle the octopus that's sprawled out behind your back," he chuckled.
Florence lifted her head up and turned to look at you. "Correct me if I'm wrong but she was between us when we went to bed right?" she smiled as she turned back. "and I'm awake now so might as well get up,"
"She was in the middle, yeah. She's very squirmy even in her sleep," Harry grinned. "Get breakfast going and then try waking her to see if she wants some?"
Florence nodded. "Yeah. I really want a full breakfast too. Sausage, beans, eggs. The whole shebang,"
"Sounds good. I need a wee first though," Harry said, pressing a quick kiss to Flossie's cheek before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.
Rolling over to the edge of the bed, Florence grabbed her robe and put it on before grabbing Harry's as well, holding it out to him when they passed each other. "I'll get started," he said as he tied the robe around him and headed downstairs.
With the sausages, bacon, and the beans almost done, Florence grabbed a pan to cook the eggs in. "Can you go wake her up? It's pretty much ready," Flo said as she glanced over at Harry who was just finishing setting the table.
"Sure," he smiled and headed upstairs. Sitting down on the bed, he stroked his fingers over your cheek. "Love, Flo has made breakfast," he said softly and quietly.
Waking up slowly, I opened my eyes to look at him before closing them again. Grabbing his hand, I pushed it down towards my crotch. "Play," I whispered as I spread my legs.
"Not now, babe. Flossie has made breakfast and I have meetings all day after. Do you want to come eat with us? It's a full English," Harry said as he pulled his hand back up.
"Nooo, no meetings! Thought you were staying home today," I complained and looked up at him. "You said you were," I pouted.
"That's tomorrow. Today I have meetings. Come eat with us, please?" Harry asked with a little smile.
Whining as I stretched, I looked at him for a few seconds before nodding. "Okay but you have to promise you'll be home tomorrow and you have to get me chocolate when you're out," I told him seriously.
"I promise I'll be home tomorrow and you can go buy your own chocolate cause that's not how we ask people for something," Harry said and stood up.
"But Harry," I whined as I kicked the blankets off me and stood up.
"No whining, please. Go to the bathroom and come downstairs after," he ushered me towards the bathroom door.
"Don't go down without me," I said as I rushed into the bathroom to have a wee. Quickly washing my hands, I grabbed my robe and came back into the bedroom. "Harry!" I shouted when I couldn't see him.
"Harry," I whined, stomping down the stairs. "I told you to wait for me!" I walked up to him and looked at him very upset.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you but please lose the tone and remember what I said about asking people nicely for what you want," Harry reminded me as he put his coffee cup down on the table.
"Aright, take a seat, please," Florence said as she started bringing the hot pots and pans over.
"What do you want to drink, baby?" Harry asked me as he pulled my chair out for me.
I sat down while rubbing my eyes. "I want hot chocolate," I replied.
"Try again, please," Harry said putting emphasis on the please as he pushed the chair in and pulled out his own.
Shifting in my chair, I shook my head and turned away.
"Harry, please help yourself to some food. You, with me now," Florence's voice going from sweet to stern as she spoke to us.
Pushing the chair back, I glared at her as she pulled me out of the kitchen, pulled out the wooden shoehorn we had in the hallway, and dragged me into the living room.
"I don't want a spanking! It hurts a lot with that," I said quickly and put my hands over my bum to protect it.
"You deserve it! You've been up for all of 10 minutes and I'm already to put you in time out and give you a good spanking. Why are you upset?" she asked looking at me seriously.
"I thought Harry was going to stay home with us today but he's not," I started to whine but I could see her fingers holding on tighter to the wooden shoehorn so I stopped.
"Is that mine or Harry's fault?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
"No," I whispered.
"Then why you taking it out on us?" she asked.
"Cause I'm upset. Frustrated, sad. And tired," I mumbled before biting down on my lip. "I wanted to spend the day with you and him,"
"It's okay to be all those things but we're not going to be rude and a brat because of it. You have a choice to make now. Continue being a brat, end up in time out and a spanking or you can go apologize to Harry, find your manners, and be a good girl," Florence explained. "Which are you going to choose?"
I glanced quickly at the shoehorn before deciding. "Be a good girl," I told her.
"Good, go on," she replied and pointed to the kitchen.
Hurrying out of swatting reach, I walked over to Harry and poked him in the shoulder gently. "Harry?"
Harry put his coffee down and looked up at me. "Yes, baby?"
"I'm sorry I was rude and a brat. I was just excited for spending the day with you both," I apologized, biting my lip when I finished talking.
"Apology accepted. I'll be home later for dinner and then I'll be home all of tomorrow. You feeling a little better now?" he asked.
I nodded. "Yeah," I replied quietly.
"Good. Have a seat and serve yourself some food," he smiled and gave my back a little rub.
Florence nodded happily from where she'd been stood watching us and put the shoehorn down on the kitchen counter. "Darling, what would you like to drink?"
"A hot chocolate, please," I gave her a little smile and she gave me one back.
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