#both options are satisfying and intriguing
dairine-bonnet · 6 months
Well, if first it was supposed that Carth, according to the game writers and cut content, could redeem fem Revan, and after that they died hand in hand at the Star Forge, then here's my ending: Revan (probably, 'grey' Revan) convinces Malak to reject the Dark Side and they escape together on one of the Star Forge's ships before the station is completely destroyed. Nobody is even aware of it, redeemed Revan is considered a hero who died for the Republic/ or otherwise - maybe only a few people know the whole amnesiac Revan's story, and redeemed Bastila is declared the hero who 'defeated' Darth Malak...
P.S. The name of a possible short fic based on the story could be Presumed Dead.
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jisungsdaydreamer · 11 months
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SYNOPSIS When Minho buys a really ugly dress for you, but you don't want to hurt his feelings.
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Pairing: Lee Know x fem!reader Genre: established relationship, fluff Warnings: none :) Word Count: 1.4k
P.S. ♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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“Honey, I got you a surprise!”
You immediately toss aside the book you were reading and practically leap off the couch at the sound of Minho’s voice. You love surprises. Your husband enters the room with a tired look on his face, but nevertheless, he smiles lovingly at you, holding out a cute beige-colored shopping bag to you.
“I stopped by the store after work,” Minho explains, sitting down next to you as he loosens his tie.
You pause while pulling out the sparkly tissue paper at the top of the bag, touched. You know how busy Minho is these days, and the fact that he took time out of his day to get you something made you melt. “Aw, Min. You’re so sweet.”
The tips of Minho’s ears turn pink, like they always did whenever you praise him. “Look inside the bag!”
You tear through the wrapping paper, your fingertips meeting something soft. Intrigued, you pull the mystery item out excitedly, only to realize that it is the absolutely ugliest dress that you have ever set eyes on. For a moment, you just stare at it, surprised in the worst possible way.
“So? What do you think?” 
Minho’s eager voice snaps you out of your mini reverie. You gulp, racking your head for something to say. “Oh! Urm…”
His face falls. “Do you not like it?”
You shake your head vigorously. “No! I’m just so… amazed! You normally never buy clothes for me.”
Minho grins. “I know. But hey, maybe there can be two fashionistas in the family now.”
“Yeah, definitely!” You swallow, hoping he doesn’t see right through you.
Satisfied, he tilts his head towards your bedroom. “You should try it on!”
Defeated, you turn and trudge to your bedroom. Once you’re inside, you quickly pull off your favorite pajamas and change into the dress. Minho enters the room as you step into the mirror, and you truly have to clench your jaw to keep the horrified gasp that nearly escapes you.
The dress is an insult to fashion, if you’re being honest. The geometric pattern sporting an unflattering shade of orange makes you feel like a pumpkin. It looks like a shapeless blob on you, the swaths of fabric pooling unflatteringly at your waist. The knitted design is scratchy on your skin, making it incredibly uncomfortable. And to make everything worse, you catch the number on the price tag, and you want to faint.
Clearing your throat, you glance to your side over at Minho, who gazes wordlessly into the mirror at your reflection. “How do I look?”
He shakes his head softly, genuinely awestruck. “Beautiful. Just beautiful.”
You have an idea or two of what you really think you look like, but you plaster on a fake smile, hoping you’re selling it. “You’re the best husband ever.”
“I saw it in the store, and thought it would look so pretty on you.” Minho beams proudly, and he looks so innocent that you feel your heart break a little in guilt.
“Minho, baby.” You place a hand on his shoulder. “You really didn’t have to.”
He pouts. “But Changbin is hosting dinner tomorrow, and I wanted you to have something nice to wear.”
So what other option do you have than to thank him and give him a little kiss? You would wear that god-awful dress to Chanbin’s party for everyone to see, rather than hurt Minho’s feelings, right? Definitely.
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“Y/N, Minho! Come on in!” Changbin opens the door, welcoming you into his home.
You don’t miss his expression of shock as he lets you in, but ever the gracious host, Changbin smoothly covers it up with a smile and hugs you both. As you and Minho walk into the living room, where all of the guests are mingling over cocktails. You get similar looks from the others, but you glance over at Minho worriedly, hoping he doesn’t notice. Luckily, he doesn’t seem to, joining in on the conversation and laughing at someone’s joke.
You inhale and let yourself relax, searching the crowd for Hyunjin and Jisung, your two good friends. You spy Jisung loitering by the dessert table, discreetly piling brownies into napkins and tucking them into his pockets for later.
“Sneaking extra brownies, are we?” You creep up behind him, making him yelp and nearly drop his brownie. 
“Seriously—” Jisung looks over at you, prepared to shoot a comeback at you when he halts. “What in the world are you wearing?”
You roll your eyes. “A dress, okay? Minho got it for me.”
“Is there something you want to say, Jisung?”
He stuffs the brownie into his mouth to obviously conceal his laughter, but you don’t miss the faint smirk on his face. “Nothing.”
You give up. “Where’s Hyunjin?”
“Late, as usual.” Jisung swallows his brownie before eyeing the mini pizza bagels at the end of the table. “I’ll be right back.”
You turn and look for Minho, finding him chatting with Seungmin. Seungmin finishes refilling his wine glass and exits the kitchen, and Minho takes the chance to slip his arms around your waist, pulling you close.
“Enjoying the party?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You nod, taking a sip of Minho’s drink. “Mhm.”
Minho looks down at you. “I’ll bet you’re getting a lot of compliments on your dress.”
“So many.” You flick an imaginary piece of lint off of said dress. You hate lying to him. 
Minho frowns, noticing how you’re avoiding his eyes, and opens his mouth to say something, but before he can, Hyunjin waltzes in, two hours after the party began.
You take the opportunity to change the subject. “Fashionably late, Hyunjin?”
“Yes, but I can’t say the same for you, Y/N.” Hyunjin bursts into laughter. “Where did you get that dress? It’s actually hideous.”
Usually, you wouldn’t mind such a comment coming from Hyunjin, because this kind of teasing banter was a normal exchange between you both. However, this time, Minho is the one who is responsible for your outfit.
And from the way the smile fades from Minho’s face, he is also listening. “What?”
You glare at Hyunjin. “No, it’s not.”
Hyunjin snickers, still not getting the hint. “You know damn well—”
“Y/N said she loved it.” Minho steps in, looking equal parts confused and upset. “I bought it for her yesterday.”
Hyunjin shuts up at last, finally realizing why you are shooting daggers at him with your eyes. “Ohhh. I was just kidding, Minho. Please don’t murder me.”
With that, Hyunjin quickly bolts out of the kitchen, leaving you and Minho alone. You peek over at Minho, only to see him sadly looking down at the floor. 
“I knew you hated it.” Minho puts his glass in the sink and walks out. With a frustrated groan, you follow after him, only to catch him in a very deep one-way conversation with Jisung, who just chews on his food while watching Minho rapidly ramble about cars. You understand that Minho is mortified and doesn’t want to talk to you, so you go back to Hyunjin, who has wandered into Changbin’s home gym and is messing with the weights. 
For the rest of the evening, there’s this tension you can’t name between you and Minho, and you both don’t exchange any words. When it’s time to leave, you both say goodbye to everyone before getting into your car. For a few minutes, there’s an awkward silence as Minho drives and stares straight ahead, not looking at you even once. Once you arrive at home, Minho parks, and you prepare to get down out of the car, but Minho speaks up. 
“I wish you just told me that you didn’t like the dress. Then I wouldn’t have been so embarrassed,” Minho says softly.
You sigh. “I just didn’t want to hurt your feelings, and you were so excited.”
“You should have been honest.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” 
Minho stays quiet for a moment, and you think he’s still disappointed, but then he looks over at you, a small grin on his face. “I’m sorry too. When you opened it I realized it really was so ugly, but I was too stubborn to admit it.”
You chuckle, relieved. “Maybe leave clothes shopping to me. You’re good at so many other things.”
“I agree. I can’t be too perfect, after all.” Minho winks at you playfully.
With an amused smile, you lean over and kiss your husband. His fashion sense may not be incredible, but you love him just the way he is.
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TAGLIST @hamburgers101 @chansburgah @ajxreads @hash2013 @pixigreen @ana-marais98 @ohish @chizumiyoshi @lilydaisyyy @jetblackbelle @143hyunes
Network: @kflixnet
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©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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memoriesndew · 2 months
hobbies that you can start this new year ft hobby tracker notion template pink
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As we dive into the year, now is the ideal moment to discover new interests that bring us joy, creativity, and personal growth. Whether you want to relax, go on an adventure, or simply broaden your horizons, there is a pastime for you. Here are ten intriguing hobbies to consider for the new year:
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Photography: Using a camera lens, capture the beauty of your surroundings. Whether you enjoy landscape, portrait, or macro photography, there are limitless opportunities for creativity and investigation.
Pilates: is an adaptable and efficient fitness regimen that provides a rewarding pastime option that fits into every schedule. Pilates classes, which emphasize strength, flexibility, and mindfulness, can be brief but effective, relieving stress and boosting overall well-being. In my opinion, pilates truly focuses the body in a soothing but powerful way. Overall, I like it.
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Writing: allows you to express yourself creatively. Whether you're into journaling, fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. Writing is something I really enjoy doing. I've written poetry and begun a novel, but I constantly get sidetracked and fall off course, which is why I built the hobby tracker to help me focus on writing, which is one of my goals for the second quarter of the new year. Writing might be as simple as making cute notes, but it is quite fun and relaxing
DIY crafts: allow you to exhibit your creativity while also decorating your space. From knitting and crocheting to woodworking and painting, crafting is such a productive way to spend your time, and I really enjoy the sense of completing a craft; it feels very satisfying.
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Learning a Musical Instrument: To channel your inner rockstar, learn to play a musical instrument. Mastering a musical instrument, whether it's the guitar, piano, or ukulele, can be both tough and incredibly rewarding, and the music itself is simply lovely.
Cooking or Baking: A lot of people see cooking as a chore but it's so relaxing, in the quiet of your kitchen or better yet with your friends just imagine baking, cleaning up, and eating with the people you love; it all sounds so relaxing and it can really help in the future in the instance you get really good and might even pursue it as a career.
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Nature Walks: Walking not only provides wellness but also allows you to explore amazing landscapes and reconnect with nature. Walking is one of the most therapeutic forms of exercise because it allows you to think and connect with yourself, and it is really peaceful.
Vlogging: For me, vlogging is more of a nostalgic activity because I enjoy going back and seeing my development and what I've been up to, but your vlogs can also be shared with the world via YouTube, TikTok, or any other site. It is a very good approach to capture memories.
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Collecting: collecting merch or just anything you find interesting can be considered a hobby. For example, I want to collect Archie comics because I see a lot of people collecting manga and how it fills their shelves is so cool, I want mine to be Archie comics because I just like them and it connects with my childhood self. You can collect anything really, from toys to albums; it just has to be something you love.
Ice skating: is a thrilling and graceful hobby that offers both physical and mental benefits. Whether you're gliding gracefully across the ice or perfecting your spins and jumps, ice skating provides a fun and rewarding way to stay active and express yourself. i think it is fun
A lot of times we lose track of our hobbies and sometimes they seem too much and overwhelming so here is a futional hobby tracker to keep track of your hobbies and also add anyone you might want to dive into in the future.
You can find it through the link below.
Hobby Tracker - the notion nest 's Ko-fi Shop
that’s all for today bye my dew drops..
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bigbadvoxbox · 4 months
Heyyyy, I saw that lucifer was on your list of characters to write for (Yippee!) and thought I’d drop a request in, would you mind doing a request for a transmasc reader pegging luci? I’m sure he’s an absolute power bottom, thank youuuuu :3
it's like ur in my brain
- Lucifer never expected things to turn out this way. I mean, he had his suspicions with Lilith, but he didn't think he was THIS into it. He almost always topped with Lilith, Eve too, and even though he occasionally had the little thought about reversing the roles, it never intrigued him enough to look into it.
- Til you brought it up.
- Good GOD (pun intended) it was a great decision to listen to you.
- Bro is the loudest, whiniest power bottom ever, encouraging and praising you while he's panting like a bitch.
- Has his legs wrapped around your waist because he likes seeing your face when he gets fucked, and likes it when you can see his.
- Hair pulling, back scratching, biting, the whole deal.
- He fucking LOVES when you peg him, he thinks you're so handsome and just can't get enough of the satisfied smirk on your face when you hit the soft spot in him that has his back arching and his brain turning to mush.
- It would all be started because he accidentally said the wrong phrase or word, accidentally making some sort of sexual innuendo instead of what he thought he was saying, but god he does not regret it one bit when he sees the way you smirk and raise an eyebrow at him.
- He's so kissy and affectionate too, always wants your lips on his while you're fucking wrecking that ass. It's messy and loving and playful.
- He will occasionally fight for dominance, but believe me when I say that it is a fight he does not want to win. You two just end up rolling around on the bed in all sorts of positions, almost playfighting, pinning each other down, pulling each other's hair, but it's all done out of love (and lust), and always ends with you two making out like you're trying to swallow each other hole.
- He loves when you hold his face while you two kiss during sex, it's so close, so loving, and makes him melt under you.
- Fun Fact about Lucifer too
that man KNOWS how to use his tongue. Just thought I'd put this out there.
- He can just be going about his day, with his little rubber ducks and whatnot, and he notices you eyeing him up, before glancing under the bed where the box your strap is kept in is placed. He knows, and suddenly, ughhh what a long day, he's done with work for the day and he's so ready for something nice for some stress relief. If only somebody could help him destress. Maybe a bath? Some snacks? A movie? Getting fucked in the ass until you're both a sweaty mess on his bed? Yeah, that sounds like the best option.
I hope this is good! You got great taste in men! Good day to ya, anon!
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missaccuracy · 5 months
Note: if your choice is the "other" option, please, explain in the comments what it is.
Well, here we are, "Firebending teacher" has won. I have to say, I'd go with that option too. Specifically, I'd like to combine Firebending teacher with General and let me explain why.
"An artist" Azula can be interesting, but what bothers me about this concept and its popularity, is that for the most part, it relies on the notion that Azula didn't enjoy being a great firebender and military tactician in the show, and she did it just for Ozai's approval, therefore it's toxic and Azula should get rid of her father's influence.
I just don't think it's true. Azula was under Ozai's influence, but that doesn't mean she didn't like firebending and commanding. It's important to remember that Azula is a LEADER herself, and removing that part of her character wouldn't be satisfying.
I guess people just link Azula's tactical military abilities to an imperialism, which is something she needs to unlearn. So they headcanon her doing something completely unrelated to it.
But while an imperialism is wrong, there's nothing wrong with having a military mind, because it can be used for good.
It just feels like rewriting her character from a "bad" girl, who canonically enjoyed fighting, scheming and planning, to a "good" girl, who's now enjoying "peaceful" things instead.
The same reason applies to a "therapist", even though it's an intriguing idea.
Azula would be an effective politician, but she would have to work with Zuko in this case. Not that I think they can never repair their relationship, but I just want for both Zuko and Azula to live their own lives, apart from each other, even if there's no bad blood anymore.
I personally believe that the best way to do that is to make Azula a teacher and a commander of an elite firebenders. Sort of what we saw in the comics, but doing it right, when she would teach not only fighting, but also command her warriors. Maybe she would even help her students, being kind of a therapist in the process and giving them her own piece of advice. Maybe in her own free time she would learn some arts, as well.
But everyone's free to have their own opinion. What many people have suggested in the "other" option was also very interesting to read. Thank you for voting and leaving a commentary unser this poll.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
being a cynic comes naturally to scaramouche.
if he had a heart, it'd undoubtedly be hardened by this point in his centuries-long existence. to be made callous is not so bad. it offers certain protections, acts as both a sword and a shield. he's never had reason to regret the towering walls erected around his soul, if anything, his only regret would be that he hadn't done it sooner. he saps the energy from the room upon entering. excited conversations die down into cautious whispers for those who are brave and silence for those who are smart.
he is feared, rightfully so.
it's a wonder, then, that he tames his unruly tongue in your presence.
certainly, he's still disagreeable. petulant, argumentative, always ready to give an opinion you never asked for. compared to how he treats everyone else who has the misfortune of knowing him, though, the difference is stark. for the longest time, scaramouche never dwelled on this out of self-preservation. the door to exploring the deeper reasons behind his behavior isn't locked, yet he acts like it is. he writes it off as begrudging intrigue for as long as he can.
yes, it's to satisfy some mild curiosity that he winds up in your area more often than not. allows himself to sustain wounds he could've easily avoided so that he may experience your healing touch. why he falsely claims he's still recovering so that he might sleep beneath your roof another night. this is a passing fancy that'll lose its glow as every star is fated to. maybe he'll even revel in the reveal that he isn't who he's presented himself to be — you've been granting sanctuary to a harbinger, sharing silly childhood anecdotes with a being who delights in cruelty.
he entertains the thought, finds amusement in it. he'll part his lips, ready to unleash vitriol that'd shatter the illusion he's meticulously maintained, then you'll smile. or laugh. or maybe make a joke that's perhaps the tiniest bit clever. then he'll forget himself, the monster which lives beneath his unblemished skin. he'll lose his appetite for sadism. what you offer tastes far superior, and just when he thought he was averse to sweet flavors, you challenge the notion.
you'd look cute with glassy eyes, a trembling lower lip, and upturned eyebrows. but you almost look like you were the one destined for divinity when your countenance is beaming, enthusiasm carved into every crevice.
it irritates him to no end. if you happen across a pretty flower, you can either pluck it and delight in its beauty until it wilts, or leave it to bloom in peace. why is he opting for the latter? preserving this mirage is more trouble than it's worth. he has to go days without you — weeks even, when dispatched into the abyss — he should just secure you in a fatui stronghold and be done with it. perhaps your petals would wither away, but it's no matter, he'd see to it that you'd blossom again in time.
and still, he leaves you where your roots are spread. it's unlike him. this benevolence, this consideration.
when it comes time to leave, he'll often mull over these thoughts. this could be the time he takes you back. the difference in your strength is laughable, he'd barely need to exert any effort. while he weighs his options on an internal scale, you'll amble over, giving him homemade snacks for the road and a hug. your warmth envelops and washes over him, softer than the first rays of sunlight come dawn. as always, he falters. next time, he'll think. next time for certain. there's no more convincing liar than oneself.
the world made him cynical, but for as long as he can, he wants to prevent it from doing the same to you.
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storm-priestess · 2 years
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(all pictures taken from weheartit)
○ Pile 1 ○
this person challenges you career-wise, as well as regarding your self worth
they will make you question why you let others treat you like shit, most likely at work, school, or in friendships
I'm getting that they give you pep talks, hype you up and remind you that you deserve to be respected and loved
very power couple vibes, albeit not super romantic, there's a lot of affection here
they'll support you through all the late nights stuck at the library or working overtime, cheering you on
this is extremely sweet :')
they like sending you messages when you're apart, letting you know that they're thinking of you <3
I can't get over how powerful this is, they truly help you see your inner light. whether this relationship lasts or not, you'll carry their influence with you forever and will never regret the time you spent with them, if only bc they helped you climb out of a dark space
they really, really care about your well-being, almost forcefully
VERY mulan and li shang vibe, although I get the sense you're a bit more nervous and self critical than mulan was in the movie
they're just so invested in you knowing your worth, it's beautiful
○ Pile 2 ○
whirlwind romance vibe, but I feel like your intentions are a bit mismatched. one of you is more interested in the romance and intrigue of it all, the other just a fun time
this could be on-and-off again, with one of you clinging onto the relationship a bit more emotionally than the other
a tendency to cling onto the other, trying to coerce them into putting more of themselves into the connection
regardless, this is a really fun time you guys have
towards the end things may get a little messy, but alongside the bomb sex the spontaneity permeates the rest of the relationship and you guys genuinely enjoy one another's company
I feel like it starts rather abruptly, and hinges on physical attraction to get the ball rolling. then you start texting, meeting up for casual dates/sex, etc, and then one of you catches a bit more intense feelings… (the other is still invested, just maybe not as… obsessed might be too strong of a word, but you get what I mean)
it does seem a bit unbalanced, but if you're honest about what you want out of the relationship you have a stronger chance of getting it. I do see evidence of effort coming from both sides to keep the relationship going, so hopefully you guys can find a peaceful balance that satisfies both of your needs
○ Pile 3 ○
this feels very different from the first two piles… I think this is more for just one person, or a small group of you. it feels like a personal reading
you're the enigmatic one in your friend group. you do what you want to do and are so charismatic that others follow you (not in a cultish way lol, they just love the fun that you incite. it's very sweet)
you've recently moved on from an ex or a crush that you pursued and their rejection bruised your ego a bit. you've just about recollected the rest of your diminished spark and are setting out anew, possibly determined to focus on yourself from now on
but you're met with a bunch of options… you've gained a lot of romantic attention and people are starting to come forward, or at least flirt a lil bit, shoot their shot, slide into dms, whatever
you're just focusing on your friends for now tho, no intentions of jumping right into a romantic relationship….
but it finds you. you don't even have to try
some of you… may realize things about your sexuality. you're attracted to a wider variety of people. that, and/or one of your close friends starts to look mighty interesting…
this is a deep connection. not just a fling or a gateway into discovering the depth of your sexuality, but a really beautiful pairing that means a lot to both of you
you might be at a party and drunkenly kiss your friend, only to laugh about it and carry on
but it becomes less funny later on
you won't be able to stop thinking about it
either that, or you're just hanging out with your friends and have a realization
regardless, this catches you completely off guard
this is really, really special
there's a lot more under the surface here, but it's not for me to convey. things are meant to unfold naturally from here on out. you also probably won't be able to get anymore information on this from other sources (pacs, youtube vids, etc). it feels a bit like the universe is wiping the dirt off their hands and being like 'there. I told you. figure the rest out yourself.'
take it one day at a time guys <3 everything will work out fine
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writing-wh0re · 9 months
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A/N: Hey Hey!Soo I'm kinda back?
I'm thinking of reopening my requests, starting my inbox fresh and letting new ideas come into play. Might restart my tag list as well, what do we think?
I've recently gotten into Anime and wow, it's an amazing world. I'm thinking of creating a post full of the characters I write for. Plus some of the original characters I write for.
I would love feedback on this Au idea! Would love to explore some Au ideas with other chatacters as well.
Any and all feedback is appriciated, likes are great but reblogs are golden.
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Champagne Kissed Lips
Adult Film Star AU Smut - Minors DNI.
Namani Kento x Fem!Reader x Satoru Gojo
Words: 3,301
Warnings: Smut 18+, Daddy Kink, Oral (Male and Female giving and receiving), Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Intercourse, Threesome, Slight Choking, Explicit Language, Alcohol and mention of smoking.
I hope you enjoy it!!
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University was a drag, class after class, stress after stress, bill after bill. It wasn’t like the movies and it wasn’t something I wouldn’t consider doing again.
I walk through the campus towards my dorm room, hoping my roommate Nova isn’t home as I know her energy will increase my oncoming headache.
“Your home! I have a quick question and want zero judgment from you.” Nova beams, bouncing over to me as I sling my bag onto the chair beside my desk.
“Shoot” I weakly smile, hoping to have silence shortly.
“So as we both know, life is expensive and let's be real, we’re both struggling.”
I giggle slightly, nodding along with Nova, slightly intrigued by where this conversation is going.
“Anyway, I saw Tilly, you know Tilly right? The bright red hair, covered in tattoos with the tongue piercing?”
“Didn’t know she had a tongue piercing but yes I know Tilly, go on.”
“Well, she came into class with a new bag and phone and I’m talking about designer bags.”
I nod along with Nova, slipping off my shoes and looking through my wardrobe for my lounge wear.
“Anyway, I asked how she got these because only last week was she complaining about having to work three jobs to afford to live and oh my god you’re going to flip.”
“Nov, just tell me.”
“Porn, Tilly is getting paid to cum.”
I laugh covering my mouth as I lock eyes with Nova, seeing her seriousness.
“Wait really? Shit, good for her I guess.”
Nova nods as I sit across from her on my bed.
“Which brings me to my no judgment question.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes, we should look into it!”
“Nova, I can’t do porn.”
“Yes you can! You’re so hot, literally all the frat guys want you, you would literally be rolling in it.”
“But you know I don’t want frat guys. I wan-”
“I know, I know, you want a man that knows what he’s doing, someone with experience.” Nova mimics. “There’s a kink for that you know, it’s called a daddy kink.”
I roll my eyes at Nova, laying back on my bed and sighing.
“C’mon, it's good money.”
“Nova, I’m not recording myself for other people’s pleasure.”
“Don’t you need a car? Wouldn’t you like to be debt free? You could move to New York and own a penthouse!”
“Nova, enough.”
“Just know it's an option, I’m going to talk to Tilly about it.”
I nod in response as Nova grabs her stuff and leaves the dorm.
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It had been roughly four months since Nova mentioned the porn industry and never in my life did I consider that I would walk into this world from beyond my phone screen.
Within four months I had worked with numerous adult film stars, many of them satisfying, others only just worth the paycheck.
“Ready?” Nova smiles, her skin tight velvet dress hugging her curves perfectly.
I quickly swipe the red lipstick across my lips, pouting before looking myself up and down. A black see through lace dress, a leg slit high up to my panty line, lace barely covering my boobs, not leaving much to the imagination. Not that the imagination is needed when half if not all of these people at the party have seen me naked.
“Ready.” I smile. “You know, I hate these parties, why do we need monthly parties?” Nova groans, quickly lighting a cigarette as we leave my penthouse, walking through the crisp air of New York.
“Networking, how do you think I became so big so quickly? You’ve gotta promote yourself to the big wigs, make them want you.”
Nova shakes her head, taking a long drag from her cigarette as we round the corner to the hotel, joining the line of other actors.
“I dont want to whore myself out.”
I smirk, looking at Nova as we both laugh.
We’re quickly ushered into the glamorous hotel following behind people into the marvelous ballroom. Floor to ceiling windows of the New York skyline, dimly lit corners with velvet booths. Champagne towers in various spaces, topless wait staff and music blasting through the air. The thump of bass slightly vibrates the windows and glasses.
“Ooo” Nova’s face lights up as the waiter passes us, grabbing two glasses of champagne.
“Cheers to making it out of struggleville.” Nova states, gently tapping her glass against mine.
I quickly tip the lightly bubbling liquid into my mouth, finishing the drink quickly, Nova following suit. Both of us replaced our empty glasses with a refill.
“Holy fuck.” Nova chokes on her drink as I follow her eye line, my mouth becoming dry.
Nanami Kento and Satoru Gojo walk through the crowd, talking with three men both looking fucking mouthwatering.
“They never come to these things, I have never seen these two in person, fuck they’re tall, god fucking damnit, who do I sweet talk to get with them.” Nova rambles beside me as my eyes trail over the pair.
Both men are dressed in full black suits, Nanami has yellow tinted glasses resting on the bridge of his nose and Gojo with black shades tucked into his suit pocket. Both taller in person than expected. Nanami pushes his glasses higher on his nose, my eyes fixated on his hands, god his hands.
“Sorry, uh, I was daydreaming.” Blush slightly creeps up my neck as Nova chuckles.
“I haven’t seen you blush in a while.” “Haven’t been nervous in a while.”
Nova chuckles as she goes wide eyed slightly. Quickly composing herself.
“They’re coming over.”
I look over my shoulder and see the duo walking towards us as I quickly finish my drink, hoping the liquid courage rushes through me.
“Ladies.” Gojo smiles
“Gojo, Nanami.” I smile, feeling Nova nudge my shoulder handing me a fresh glass of champagne. I thank her with my eyes, feeling my skin cover with goosebumps under the eyes of the two men, both of them drinking in my appearance, sharing a look as Nanami pushes his glasses up again.
“I didn’t expect to see you both.” Nova breaks the moments of silence between all of us as Gojo chuckles, grabbing a glass of wine from the various waiters walking around.
“Didn’t think our absence was that noticeable.” Nanami mutters as Nova giggles.
Before Nova can say anything Geto walks up behind her.
“Gentlemen.” Geto nods at them, looking at me “Y/n.” He winks, whispering into Nova’s ear as she quickly nods and gets whisked away.
It feels like the room gets smaller and time slows as the duo in front of me share a look, both of them with a slight smirk on their lips.
“So, what changed your mind in attending?”
“When someone knocks you out of first place, you’ve got to scout the competition.” Gojo smiles, both him and Nanami stepping slightly closer to me, towering over me.
“Oh, can’t handle losing?” I smirk, Gojo licks his lips and Nanami chuckles.
“We don’t like to lose darling.” Nanami whispers, his warm breath fanning my neck, a tingle running down my spine.
“We’d like to offer you something honey.” Gojo whispers, his hand holding my hip. “A night with us, no crew, just us three.”
“Don’t break our hearts baby.” Nanami whispers, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. Gojo’s hand caresses my hip, his warmth seeping through the sheer lace of my dress.
I open my mouth, zero words forming as I nod. Gojo tuts shaking his head.
“We need to hear you agree.”
“Tell us what you think darling.”
Both men seek my approval as I smirk.
“Yes.” I whisper, my eyes flicking between the two of them as both men smirk.
“Gojo.” Nanami states as the white haired man nods, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd, Nanami with his hand on the small of my back helping to guide me.
We make it to the elevator, the three of us standing in silence, a light chatter within the lobby and the distant thump of the bass from the party filling the air.
The elevator tings as the doors open, the three of us piling as the doors slowly close. The second the doors are closed both men push me against the glass window.
“Fuck.” I whisper, Gojo’s lips on my neck as Nanami kisses along my jaw.
Nanami grabs my chin between his thumb and index finger. His eyes lingering on my lips.
“Baby, you won’t be the same after us.”
“I’m counting on it.” I whisper as Nanami smiles, his tongue dragging along his bottom lip before our lips crash against each other. I moan into the kiss, Gojo sucking on my neck, his hand grabbing a handful of my ass.
Nanami pulls away from me as Gojo cups my cheek, bringing our lips together. His tongue fighting against mine, his kiss rougher than Nanami’s.
The elevator dings, both men pulling away from me as my chest rises and falls quickly. My brain is trying to fathom what’s about to happen.
Halfway down the hall, Nanami unzips my dress, his fingers lightly tracing my back as wetness continues to pool between my thighs, my pussy aching.
Gojo unlocks the door as Nanami slips my dress down my arms. The door clicking shut as my dress pools at my heels.
Both men stand and look at me, the only light coming from the city below. My skin feels hot, blush creeping up my neck as their eyes foam up and down my body. My thin G-string barely covered me from their gaze.
“God.” Nanami groans, loosening his tie as Gojo undoes his belt.
I bend down to undo my heels causing Gojo to stop me.
“We want them left on baby girl.”
“We’re sure you paid enough for them.” Nanami states, his jacket being folded neatly and draped over the couch, his body beside me as he trails his fingers up my side. My breath hitches as Gojo walks out of the room.
Before I can question his absence, he walks back into the room, a camera in his hand. Butterflies erupt inside of me as Gojo flicks on a soft warm light, getting the camera at the right angle of the couch right by the city scape.
“We don’t want a crew to be watching us, everyone hearing the sounds you make for us.”
“We want you to forget the camera exists, the bright lights and the sound crew.”
“We want you on our platform, our girl.”
Their words are like honey, smooth and sweet. The butterflies and goosebumps swarming all over me.
“Let me be yours.”
“Music to our ears princess.” Gojo smirks, quickly ridding himself of his clothes, Nanami following suit.
Gojo wraps his hand around my neck, pulling me closer to him as our lips crash together. His hands roam my body, his finger hooks into my G-string and flicks it against my skin. I moan into his mouth, a gasp falls from my lips as Nanami’s hand cups my pussy. A low groan filling the air.
“You’re soaked, fuck Gojo she’s dripping.”
My moans fill the air as Gojo pulls away from me, his piercing blue eyes focusing on Nanami’s hand, watching his fingers rub my swollen clit through my panties.
“Good girl.” Gojo praises, kissing the side of my head. I run my hand down Gojo’s toned chest, softly digging my nails into his skin, causing a low sigh to fall from his lips. I trace his clothed cock, watching him bite his lip before I slip my hand into his boxer briefs. “Fuck Nanami.” I gasp, his fingers slipping past my panties and pinching my clit.
“Lay down baby, let us take care of you.”
I lay on the soft couch, my head on the arm rest as Gojo comes to stand above me, Nanami moves my legs, hooking one over the back of the couch, spreading my pussy for his eyes.
“Perfect, more perfect than the camera could ever capture.”
I blush at Nanami’s words, looking up at Gojo, his cock springing free.
My lips part, shocked by his size.
“You can take it darling.” I open my mouth at Gojo’s words, a smirk on his lips as my tongue traces the tip of his cock.
“Fuck daddy” I moan, looking down at Nanami, his tongue slowly dragging up and down my slit, sucking my clit between licks. Nanami moans against my pussy.
“Keep calling me that.” He whispers before continuing to trace my clit with his tongue.
“Darling.” Gojo whispers, his hand holding under my chin, tilting my head back. “I know Kento is good, but daddy needs attention.”
I nod, using my hand to guide Gojo’s cock into my mouth, pumping whatever I can’t fit. Circling my tongue around his dick, hollowing out my cheeks, his cock falling past my lips with a ‘pop’.
“You’re good at that darling, don’t stop.”
I moan around Gojo’s cock his hand caressing my cheek, soft moans filling the air.
My free hand grips Nanami’s hair, tugging at the strands causing a groan to vibrate against me.
“We should have fucked you sooner.” Nanami whispers, blowing against my warm pussy, my legs shaking with a tingle. My back arches, his fingers slipping inside of me, slowly pumping in and out, curling up inside of me.
“Y/n, god baby you’re tight.”
I smirk at Nanami’s words, popping Gojo’s cock past my lips and pumping him faster.
“All yours, only for you.”
Nanami and Gojo chuckle.
“You’re eager to please us honey.”
I blush at Gojo’s words, watching as he pulls away from me, him and Nanami swapping places.
Nanami leans over me, his lips connecting with mine as I taste myself on his tongue. Both of us moaning into the kiss, his fingers dancing across my collar bone, his hands cupping my boobs.
“God Yes!” I scream, Gojo slipping inside of me, his cock stretching my pussy as Nanami rolls my nipples between his thumb and index finger.
“Fuck honey, no wonder your number one.”
I giggle at Gojo’s words, swiping my tongue around Nanami’s cock, his hand moving from my breast to my throat, softly applying pressure as he thrusts in and out of my throat. My eyes roll backwards, the sounds of our moans filling the air, the scent of sex flowing through the room.
“Good girl, you’re taking us so well.”
“Uh huh” I moan in agreement, Gojo’s thumb brushes against my clit, rubbing in fast circles.
“C’mon baby, daddy wants you to cover his cock.”
“Go on darling, cum for Gojo.”
I drag my nails up Nanami’s chest, his cock thrusting in and out of my mouth, my tongue swirling around him. Gojo rubs my clit faster, his thrusts dragging out of me slowly and thrusting into me harshly.
I dig my nails into Nanami’s abs, his groan filling the air as I hollow out my cheeks around his cock. My back arching and legs slightly shake.
“Just like that baby, that’s a good girl, cum for me.”
Nanami slips past my lips, my scream of pleasure filling the air.
My body jolts, my pussy tightening around Gojo causing him to hiss.
“Just like that baby.” Gojo gently rubs my clit, his thrusts slowing.
“You’re such a good girl for us princess.” Nanami whispers.
I hum in response, blissed out as I feel the couch dip, Gojo and Nanami switching places.
Nanami grabs me by my hips, pulling me up to straddle his waist, his lips connecting with mine. Our tongues swirl against each other, his hands grabbing my ass, spanking each cheek.
I feel Gojo’s hand caress my cheek, my lips pulling away from Nanami’s. I smile up at Gojo, his thumb brushing against my bottom lip dragging it down as my mouth falls open slightly. I take Gojo’s thumb into my mouth, sucking and swirling my tongue as Nanami runs his cock up and down my slit.
My head tilts back, a moan falling from my lips as I gasp at Nanami’s size, his cock stretching my walls, slightly thicker than Gojo.
“God Nanami.”
“Mm, fuck you’re so wet and tight.” Nanami whispers, his teeth pulling on my ear lobe as Gojo holds my chin, his eyes locking with mine as his friend thrusts in and out of me, his hands holding my ass guiding my hips back and forth.
“You take cock so well baby.”
I smirk at Gojo’s words, leaning to the side of Nanami and tracing my tongue along Gojo’s cock.
Gojo’s fingers run through my hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail. Our eyes lock together as I use the rhythm from Nanami to bop my mouth up and down on Gojo.
Nanami wraps his hand around my throat, applying slight pressure causing my eyes to water and a gag to fall around Gojo’s cock.
“Huh, are you cryin’?” Gojo taunts a cocky smirk on his lips.
“Struggling to take both of us?” Nanami grunts.
I moan in protest, feeling completely full and blissed out.
“By the way her pussy is gripping me, I think she likes it.”
“Oh she fucking loves it.” Gojo states, thrusting his cock deeper down my throat as tears prick my eyes.
I pull off Gojo, my chest rising and falling as my nails dig into Nanami’s shoulders.
“God, I’m close.”
Nanami moan’s against my ear, his hand slipping between us as he rubs my clit in fast circles.
My moans fill the air, my hand pumping Gojo’s cock fast, my thumb brushing over the tip of his cock with every second stroke. Gojo runs a hand through his hair, tilting his head back, his loud moans complimenting mine.
“Just like that baby.”
“You feel so good.” Nanami moans, his head resting on the back of the couch, his fingers digging into my hips, his thrusts speeding up.
“I’m cumming!” I moan, my pussy clenching around Nanami, my hand speeding up on Gojo’s cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, don’t stop.”
Gojo’s fingers slip into my hair, his hand pulls my head back causing my mouth to fall open as I stick my tongue out.
“Such a good girl.” Gojo smiles, pumping his cock against my tongue, hot bursts of cum covering my taste buds.
My eyes roll back, feeling Nanami’s cum shoot inside of me, coating my walls as I swallow Gojo’s release.
Gojo leans against the couch, resting on his hands, all of us taking a moment.
Savoring our time together.
I slowly lift myself off Nanami’s cock, both of us wincing at the loss of contact. I sit beside Nanami on the couch, Gojo leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head before walking over to the camera and stopping the video.
“I hope you know we’re making this a monthly thing.”
“Oh really?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at Gojo’s comment.
Nanami’s hand falls to my thigh, running his finger tips up and down, a soft smile on his lips.
“But we won’t film everytime.”
“Mm, I’d love that.”
“Wait.” I quickly stand up, my legs shaky as I search through our clothing, finding my phone and sitting on the couch with Nanami. Gojo smiles, walking over to the two of us standing behind the couch. I aim the camera at the three of us, Gojo’s lips on my neck, Nanami’s hand around my throat as his lips whisper against my ear.
“Show off.”
I smirk, taking a quick picture and showing the two of them. I quickly uploaded the photo to my instagram and twitter with the caption.
‘Champagne never tasted so good.’
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Maybe I can ask you nsfw alphabet for modern Alcina?)
A/N: I've had an idea for a longer modern! Alcina fic w/ an exotic dancer reader and am hoping to have the time to do it !! So unfortunately I focused only on letters A, E, I, O and U.
Modern! Alcina Dimitrescu NSFW alphabet
CW: NSFW, gender neutral reader power imbalance, oral, sub/dom complex, modern! Alcina dimitrescu
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
Alcinas domineering, attentive nature doesn’t just extend to when she's pleasuring you in, or outside of the office. She’s very keen on aftercare-- in order to keep you well preserved and in good health, she prioritizes keeping your mental and physical state decent, especially if she’s been particularly sadistic. After you both catch your breath from an evening of intense action, she'll push your face in between her plush breasts, enveloping you in her arms. Her fingers come up to brush your hair, nails slightly tickling your scalp as her hands go down to rub your back. She'll whisper sweet nothings about how good of a pet you are, her chest slowly rising and falling with each slowing breath. If you were to have been punished, She’ll rub away the stinging pain of the crescent marks her nails left on your skin, along with the numbing spots on your bottom. She expects you to hold her in return, pushing your knee in between her legs and wrapping your arms around her side. Her aftercare is the embodiment of warmth, her body being a plush pillow she forces you against, scolding you if she still feels you haven’t learned your lesson.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
The woman has a list of lovers that attest to her experience; she’s had flings and fiance's over the years that show how giving she can be, but not without a price. If you're inexperienced, she can't help but give a sly grin, promising that she’ll be a doting teacher. However giving her such an advantage will always backfire one way or another for you, as she can’t help but tease -- it's just too easy for her, she can’t help it. If you know your way around however, she’d enjoy testing you and seeing how much you can handle, interested in pushing you to your limits. She’ll hold you to high expectations however, so its best not to gloat too much. She’d lay back, resting her hand under her chin and opening her legs with a quirked eyebrow. Since you know so much, she’s intrigued to see how well you can manage to satisfy her.
I = Intimacy, how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect 
A complete romantic, though she'll never admit it. From rose petals on the bed to praising you with her passionate tongue, she loves a good romantic evening. She enjoys the candlelight dinners with you, drinking sweet wine with your sweeter lips to devour, but the dessert that comes afterward is even more rewarding. Though, these kinds of events are rare if you dare to push her buttons, expending beyond the rules she sets in place. Dare to try and leave without her permission? to deny or disobey her? She won't hesitate to strip away the softness of silk sheets and the warmth of her lips, only to leave you with the cold of her fingertips and the bite of her teeth. The intimacy is what really brings out her gentle dom side, the raspy whispers of how she wants to see you cum, how delicious you feel, how good you’re being. 
O = Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc. 
Oral can be a high reward, and an agonizing punishment. It starts out quite pleasant for the first few orgasms Alcina pulls out of you, but that bliss easily shreds into overstimulated terror, where escape isn't an option. You cannot get this woman away from using her mouth to satisfy you into oblivion. It can be pure ecstacy, with her hands around your hips, wet kisses up your thighs as she keeps her eyes glued on your face. To say shes a pro doesn’t do her mouth justice. By the time you think she’d tire out, she’s got her mouth pressed up against you for another round, lifting your hips from the bed to get even deeper. Alcina quite likes her own fair share of receiving oral as well, faceriding being her go-to. It's a complete turn on to watch her darling writhe beneath her, arms wrapped around her thighs as their desperate tongue clings to her. To hear the sound of skin on skin, saccharine lips  attached onto her clit like it's your lifeline. 
U = Unfair, how much they like to tease 
Alcina has definitely got a side of flirtation that shows when its deserving, especially if she finds you utterly embarrassed or needy. It's so adorable to see you hide your face in shame when you react to her touch, how you beg her to stop teasing you. If you reveal how desperate you are, how you ache for her whether it's from the haze of alcohol or unresolved libido, she'll let out a light chuckle and slip her hands down to your hips like honey. Slowly as she inches to your crotch, but she barely gives enough to satisfy. Alcina loves to edge with every light touch of her fingertips and the way she slowly unbuttons her shirt. Denying you of your orgasm each agonizing time, she'll reduce you to a shivering, begging fool, like putty in her hands-- and she can't help but get off on it.
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idrellegames · 1 year
Not an ask. But thank you so much for the aspec representation in Wayfarer. It's so refreshing to see an alloaro character like Veyer that is canonically alloaro and isn't the character archetype that sleeps around a lot and you just hope that they are around but then they eventually gets "fixed" by love. Anyways thanks for being awesome.
I so very rarely see alloaro characters handled with respect in fiction since it's so easy to boil their traits down to "noncomittal person who sleeps around until the right person comes around and fixes them". It's the flip same of the same coin as romantic asexuals, where the character gets boiled down to "inexperienced person who has never had sex until the right person comes around and fixes them."
Sexual attraction and romantic attraction are so often tied together as a single experience. And it is this way for many people, but not for everyone. Just speaking generally as an ace person, my experience is that aromanticism and asexuality are more palatable for non-acespec folks when they're treated as something that goes hand in hand. But being aroace isn't the only way to be aromantic or asexual - there's a huge variety of way people experience attraction and calling treating romantic and sexual attraction as the same thing is a disservice to everyone (even for allosexuals whose sexual orientation may not match up with their romantic one!).
Within the context of storytelling - at least in western writing - there's a narrative demand to meet certain expectations otherwise the trajectory may fall flat and be seen as unfulfilling. A committed relationship that includes both romance and sex is typically the desired end goal with fictional relationships (look at any romantic comedy, even going back to Shakespeare - Shakespearen comedies always end with a wedding). You can also look to the prevalence of the OTP in fandom - there's a desire to see your favourite characters get together in a specific way and to have that relationship come to fruition. And it is quite fun! I don't mean this as a knock against it - I enjoy OTPs myself, I love romance in fiction so much. I love a satisfying romance arc. Most of my OCs for video games have relationships and its a focal part of their character development.
But this does mean that aromantic and asexual people often sit on the sidelines because they don't fit perfectly into that type of story structure. So it can be very difficult to include them. They blur the lines of the format. They make it a little messy. They don't match the expectation.
I think with aromantic characters, too, both writers and audiences don't know what to do with them. There's always this lingering sense of disappointment that romance is off the table, that their arc isn't going to culminate in a committed relationship. Even in the world of IF and gaming, we don't have terminology to classify aromantic characters who can have some kind of relationship with the player character because the terminology is Romance Option (RO) or Love Interest (LI). Wayfarer's character roster is evidence of how much of a stumbling block this is - Aeran and Veyer are included on it as "romances", even though they aren't in the traditional sense (Aeran falls into the "conditional" label, Veyer is in the "tryst" one, but neither of them are technically "romances" in the traditional sense).
As for Veyer themself, they aren't interested in romance. They are in their 60s, they've been around the block a few times, they know what they do and do not want. They know what their life is like and what they can and cannot commit to due to outside factors. They may be smitten with people they find interesting or intriguing, but romance or long-term commitment isn't a part of that.
This doesn't mean that they can't be compassionate or genuinely care about their partners or enjoy their company, they're just going about it in a different way.
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transparencyboo · 9 months
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I recently played through Mystic Ark (1995) each night before bed during the last week or so. I initially saw a promotion for the game next to Terranigma (a longtime favorite) in a Famitsu magazine earlier this year, and got mesmerized by its Labyrinth-esque cover artwork in particular. I immediately knew I had to play whatever this was.
So I took the slowburn approach by first going through The 7th Saga and Brain Lord, two previous games by developers Produce. While not remotely essential for this venture, they still gave me some neat context and groundwork for the game's roots. I think they ultimately helped me appreciate this game all the more.
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In Mystic Ark you wake up alone on a desolate eerie island and need to travel to different worlds in search of the titular arks to grow stronger and regain your freedom. These worlds act as self-contained stories with distinct vibes, genres and presentation. It's a delightfully novel idea for a game to take an anthology approach, and I wish more games would attempt this because it's highly effective in keeping up intrigue and wonder. Every time you depart for the next world is a big mystery and you usually need a moment to piece together what each new tale is gonna be about.
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For example, the first world is a light hearted tale about war and conflict told through two rivalling factions of pirate cats. The game sees you meandering in back-and-forth fetch quests to support both sides' advances towards the same goal, it has a lot of cheeky humor about this and presents itself in a very cute and endearing fashion.
Another story has you enter a mysteriously abandoned world devoid of even monsters, only populated by a few orphaned children who play in a ghost town by day and then go home to a mansion run by a suspicious nun. As you go along with their antics and babysit them out of dangerous situations, the situation only keeps getting stranger.
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One world in particular locks you inside a horror story without your party members, as you work your way through a labyrinthine haunted house by solving puzzles interspersed by ominous scribbles by a paranoid previous resident. The atmosphere hangs heavy and the suspension has you on needles, it's a lovely showcase of Mystic Ark's core concept that it effectively pulls these twists and turns without ever feeling jarring.
One aspect I enjoyed in particular was the semi-point and click flavour in your interactions with the world. Many points will pull up an extra menu with a nice picture of what you're looking at and various options of how to fiddle and prod at it. Supposedly the 1999 Playstation sequel Mystic Ark: Maboroshi Gekijo leaned even further into this, and I'm not at all surprised. Would love to play it whenever someone decides to translate it or I get good enough at Japanese. Whichever one comes first.
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Mystic Ark is a gorgeous and rich experience that continuously rewards the player for sticking with it. Even though the individual tales all have satisfying conclusion, the game still maintains a lot of mystery by keeping the finer points untold. You rarely get the full picture and that only helps to make you keep wondering. The ending to the game itself is as vague as it begins, and allows for many different interpretations. My take is that the game, through its anthology structure, tells us about the many little worlds we can find all around us, the stories that reside in anything. The worlds are entered by interacting with regular objects like a ship model, a painting or a storybook, and recurringly we must return to the island to gather figurines of lost actors in the stories to progress. I think Mystic Ark emphasises the player's power as a sort of story teller, fiddling with the plots in interesting ways, to build a genuine interest. At the end we are seemingly encouraged to take this depiction of narratives and inspiration to go out into our own world and find our own stories to tell.
It's a mesmerizing all-timer and for sure a new favorite of mine. /Kiki
(Extra note: The game was only released in Japan, so I played a fan translation. There are two of them and after some comparison I went with the one by Dynamic Design because it felt a bit more vibrant and inspired in its word choices. Your preference may differ though and they both seem to be good.)
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xaeyrnofnbe · 11 months
if u still want ppl to ask u about jrwi characters,,,,, can u yell to me about chip I wanna hear about my boy. idm if its like. headcanons or just generally what u think of him or whatever
!!!!! he’s human. he’s SO human. but he’s not human in a human way. he wields his humanity like an otherworldly creature. like something not human. he loves and cares so fully and wholly that what would have been just a sneaky, tricky rogue, is instead a hero, with power and love to share and give.
and thus i think it’s REALLY interesting to think about a story in which he ISNT human. i’m a very big fan of nonhuman entities that are, at their core, driven by their humanity, and i love playing around with chip as something like that.
there are fun things scattered throughout his story in riptide to go off of in this way. the options i have had floating around in my head are these (this is a very incomplete list and new ideas are always welcome)
chip has always mirrored the people around him, and i find that very intriguing. a very interesting way to push that idea further is to make him a changeling, molding himself into his own perceptions of the people he admires/has admired. arlin, reuben, jay, gillion, there are a lot of possibilities. and his more recent canonical forging of his own identity, can be extended with him coming to terms with his changeling identity, and revealing his true face and name to his friends.
i also really love when characters fall easily into certain vague roles. in this case, gillion as the moon, jay as the sun. pretty straightforward. right? but then, by that basis, where does chip fall? in one version of this, he’s the earth. metaphorically speaking, as the story takes place on mana. but he’s earth. solid ground. grounding his friends, holding them together and keeping them from rising too high as to forget what they’re here for. gillion, the chosen one, jay, forseen rising to greatness, and chip. i will now remind you that he knows celestial, the language of spirits and the gods. now why the hell does he know that? every other language he knows, he knows for an easily explainable reason. except celestial. and so, in this idea, i think he wasn’t born in the usual way. we never find out who his parents are, so who’s to say they’re human? perhaps, with gillion so aligned with lunadeyis (or however her name is spelled,) and jay aligned with aster, he is a middle point. a bridge. not chosen by either, but created by both to keep gill and jay’s feet on the ground, to bring them together and push them forward, motivate them, and comfort them when they might split apart. a god-born “human” with an unassuming demeanor but with great connection to fire, and the ability to motivate and empower one person, or hundreds.
this one has the same base inspiration as the second, chip knowing celestial and therefore having something UP with him, and chip being the third to gillion and jay’s very thematically satisfying space theme. but this time taking it in the opposite direction. gillion, the moon, jay, the sun, and chip? the stars. fiery, burning balls of light and fire and hope. in this version, he may look human, but just below his skin is power far greater than in canon. for he is one of two things: an aasimar, a child of a human and a celestial being, or a celestial, an angel, himself. this actually lines up very well with dnd as it stands, as his inexplicable fire magic can be explained by either being, or being connected to, an angel. and i’m just saying, in dnd there is such thing as a firemane angel. no idea what that thing is supposed to do story-wise, but i quite like angels, and chip has fire, so……….. think about it. cool, right?
ALSO. i’m literally always open to asks about my thoughts on things. i’ll never be bothered, i have a constant itch to talk about stuff and a little directional nudge is always appreciated.
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onenettvchannel · 3 months
FLASH REPORT: An Epic Conclusion of 'Wakfu' Season 4 finale unveils the last 3 new episodes on both French streaming platforms, including PH's first Internet Simulcast [#K5NewsFMExclusive]
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ROUBAIX, FRANCE -- Recently in the early morning in Paris, the final three (3) new episodes of 'Wakfu' were aired last Friday on March 15th, 2024 at 12mn (France local time). These episodes presented an enthralling mix of excitement and drama, captivating audiences with their compelling storyline. The seamless continuation of the epic journey of the show's main characters, such as Yugo the Eliatrope, Amalia Sheran Sharm, Tristepin de Percedal, Evangelyne, Ruel Stroud, and many others, kept fans eagerly anticipating each new developments of the show.
An exclusive finale airing as Dumaguete very own 'OneNETtv Channel' premiered the last episodes to be broadcasted online Thursday night in the United States of America (U.S.A.) at 7pm Eastern / 6pm Central / 7am in Dumaguete and Manila (Friday), coinciding with the back-to-back weekly releases of 'Okoo' and Ankama Launcher at the same time slot. The series concluded with its final episode airing early in the weekend for streaming in France.
In the 11th episode "Ensemble", presents the group with a set of new challenges as they come together to overcome obstacles in Sadida Kingdom. The highlight of the episode gets an intense battle sequence where the group must utilize their abilities and unity to vanquish a formidable foe. While the 12th episode titled "Armand", the focus shifts to a new character named 'Nora' who brings a sense of mystery and intrigue to the story. Her daugther's backstory (Ms. Armand Sheran Sharm) reveals to shed light on their motivations and struggles. The said episode ends on a devastated cliffhanger, following after the epic battle, leaving viewers in France eager to see what will happen next.
And on the series finale via Episode #13 titled "Consecration", which is the final episode of the 4th Season, is packed with severely intense action and emotional moments. The main characters are forced to make difficult choices as they confront their Necro's enemies and face their destinies. Yet, peace will never return to the 'World of 12' until the invasion of the Wakfu eaters has been thwarted. The finale delivers a satisfying conclusion to the season, tying up loose ends and leaving the audience with a sense of closure in a marriage scene.
DWFH-FM 97.7mhz's "K5 News FM: Dumaguete" can reveal the exclusive story that 'Yugo the Eliatrope' is now a full-grown man, and is legal to get married with 'Amalia Sheran Sharm' immediately after this tragic war with 'Necros' at the end of Episode #13. Kissing scene after the bottom teleporation in 'Sadida Kingdom' may be considered as a canon couple, under a shipping name 'YuMalia'.
Throughout its extensive run for 4 seasons, these three (3) episodes of 'Wakfu' have taken fans like you in an unforgettable journey filled with excitement and heartfelt moments. The growth and development of these fictional main characters have been expertly portrayed, leaving a lasting impact to showcase audience around the globe. This French animated series has managed to captivate viewers worldwide, thanks to its exceptional blend of fantasy and adventure, making it an absolute must-watch for the targeted demographic.
It is worth to note that after the final 4th season happened in the series finale, it will soon be potentially moved into a weekly French webtoon comics later in the late-April to mid-year of 2024.
Comic dubs from the international fan-parody made voice actors and actresses is optional, if they can secure for international licensing in the future.
FULL DISCLOSURE: The now-growned Yugo Sharm the Eliatrope and Amalia Sheran Sharm are both part ways as Ankama News correspondents for OneNETnews until 2026 and/or 2029. The canon couple of 'YuMalia' will be retired for news gathering on us, several years after the animation taping of the final 4th Season of Wakfu. Mabuhay ang bag-ong kasal ug madamo po salamat, mga ka-Bandera!
SCREENGRAB COURTESY: Ankama Animations & Okoo via France 4 LIVE VIDEO
-- OneNETnews Team
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xamaxenta · 11 months
Keep forgetting to ask about it, but this week you've mentioned Marco's phoenix in a very predatory sense. Where the mythical bird is cruel and uses the false flames and gentle, healing aura to trick prey into getting close. Which is a delightful take on what's usually an owo fire bird that sings so beautifully the sun itself fell in love (thus giving the Phoenix the fire that rebirths it, at least according so some versions of the mythos that I personally love, cause in those versions the Phoenix was a very dull looking bird before with only song to compliment it... Which if you know anything about birds says that it was likely a female before--hmmm interesting ideas are interesting)
But anyway! Onto the topic! It made me wonder if, in this context, the Phoenix even has like, a mating drive or if it's all possessive and the mating but comes from the human bits. Which meeeaaaannnss that the Phoenix might just eat some prey by setting itself on fire to consume it completely which, I mean, if you think esoteric sounding sex is cool opens up a whole new world where Ace single handedly satisfies the the hunting drive of the Phoenix and Marco's libido while teasing the hunger part of the Phoenix in a very intriguing cycle.
You tend to view the animalistic phoenix as possessive so a pretty morsel it can play at consuming while uh... Consuming in a much different way, would be very attractive as a potential mate. (Which, I mean, I'm not pretending like I, too, don't find it a very sexy idea)
RIP their bed tho, they might have to take it somewhere less flammable. Maybe on a beach and end up in a smooth glass nest from the heat of the flames. If not straight up in the heart of a forest fire, idk, it's VERY dangerous to be near them if they decided to go at it like this tho.
Lol, Ace asking for wild forest fire phoenix sex by gathering bundles of incense like myrrh and dropping them in Marco's lap with a massive grin. He's such a damn menace istg lmao
Im speechless idk what to say, everyone has such amazing ideas and thoughts about the phoenix and im really happy my posts about it being so much more ferocious and uncanny were so inspiring
This particular part is the part i fuck with the most
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Like its really romantic too that Ace does fulfill all of the Phoenixs needs both physically mentally spiritually and stuff because hes fire itself and ive always loved the whole feeding and taking and being greedy during an intimate act like sex and stuff (its the monster fucker in me im sorry)
Needing to connect intimately that isnt so flammable is such a comedic concept too like they had to trial and error and god idk which is more beautiful, Ace laying in a kaleidoscope of beach glass that theyve made together, haloed by shards of light and prisms
Or within the heart of a forest fire wild, beautiful, dangerous and free both options would fully have the Phoenix and Marco committing their heart to Ace 🥰
Ace may be afraid initially but after realising theyre not here to devour him like THAT he opens up more to the phoenix (to its delight)
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jones-friend · 4 months
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This is about as far as I’ll get.
Im a big fan of Final Fantasy. I grew up with X and IV, I branched out to V and VI, am working through VII, and have XIII downloaded. I did not enjoy XV and I was excited when I heard XVI was good.
And it is! Theres a LOT to love about this game. It plays smart in a number of ways. The soundtrack is phenomenal. The combat system mid game is up to some great stuff. Its the only media I’ve encountered that adopts GOT elements while successfully retaining its identity.
I love how summons are godlike entities that deliver big kaiju fights. They give you a great sense of scale by having the first feel slow and clunky, by making you fight Ifrit on foot, working their way up so when you fight Titan you get an amazing feel for scale.
The game also adopts GOT style intrigue without abandoning what makes FF a FF game. The game opens with a red wedding style sacking of a major house with implications for the rest of the game, but it does it within what a Final Fantasy game would do. And the game has loads of lore tools to help you stay keyed into the plot. Its great. The pacing is also excellent, each chapter ramps up from small town sidequests to giant kaiju battles, then deescalates to give the eikon fights space.
Combat is flashy and fun with lots of combos you can chain across powers. I ended up using a lot of counter abilities and had such a good time in every 1v1 battle. Battles are also showy in satisfying ways despite being a bit spammy.
The OST is also a powerhouse good LORD. Its an alltimer, Heart of Stone and Find the Flame clapping absolute cheeks out here. I cannot recommend the ost highly enough.
Theres a few minor issues I was able to look past. Weapon crafting/upgrading is largely uninteresting. You just upgrade for better number. Theres no real resource management or choices being made. I would rather be awarded weapons like KH2 keyblades. Sidequests smartly delve into the fine details of the world but are largely a waste of space, padding out the runtime and delaying the better parts of the game. But largely these were just tedious, not bad.
My beef with this game is the camera. Its 2024, we’ve had 3D games for 30 years, and there’s a $70 price tag on this game. Absolutely unacceptable that I cannot access meaningful accessibility controls that would alleviate the issue.
I’ve played lots of games in 3D with fast cameras. I’ve played all of Elden Ring, MGRR, Bayonetta, every Halo game, both Wolfenstein games, I’ve only been made motion sick by Generation Zero, Saturnalia. I’m not prone to motion sickness in games, and outside Saturnalia where its cropped up I’ve been able to use accessibility settings to negate it.
Pressing O to block and counter is great but the camera whips around violently for each of the three follow up attacks. I’ve looked through threads and implemented everything I can with what options the game offers and it has not saved the experience for me.
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Man. I was so excited for this one. And I was having a great time with what I played. Im just over 50% through and I’m gonna have to call it here. It made me physically sick over the weekend and I’m still feeling bad.
I beg you 🅱️lease fix the camera. A game on this scale should be better than this. I literally cannot play your game in this state.
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Back To Krypton - Chapter 20
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Lena slips onto the bed beside Kara, her hands fidgeting with the loose threads of the sheets. “I think it’s time we are both fully honest with each other and we discuss our options.”
“I agree.”
Kara slides her hand over Lena’s forearm, snaking it around until their arms are entwined. “Then I think it’s about time I fully acknowledge my feelings because I love you, Lena.”
Lena shifts, her knees turning inward on the bed to look at Kara. “And I think that it’s become really quite obvious that I love you too, even if I have been avoiding telling you that.”
Kara breaks into a beaming smile. “I kind of suspected that my feelings were mutual but I never fully let myself believe it so despite our circumstances and the problems we’re going to face, I am really happy to hear that.”
Lena’s brow softens. “Of course I feel the same, how could I not? You’re everything.”
Kara’s cheeks flush a cherry red and she instinctively ducks her head.
They bask in the moment for a minute, leaning into each other, arms tightened around each other’s and faces close before Kara locks her eyes on Lena’s shining orbs. “Can I kiss you?”
“I’ve spent every minute of our time on this planet trying to resist kissing you to try not to ruin the mission.”
“Is that a yes?” Kara whispers, face gravitating closer to Lena’s by the second.
Lena closes the distance, tentatively pressing her lips against Kara’s with a light pressure. She can barely believe that she is actually kissing her, that she is finally feeling the sensation of Kara’s soft lips pressing eagerly against her own, begging her for more but not daring to demand it.
Each pull of their lips conveys their desire to bring the other closer, to keep their faces, their bodies and their souls as close as possible.
Lena tangles her fingers into Kara’s hair, the tips pressing against Kara’s head just behind her ear. “Holy fuck.” She whimpers out between kisses.
“Definitely holy fuck.” Kara agrees, pressing right back into the kisses that are growing in intensity by the second.
Kara’s hands wind into Lena’s shirt, dragging her closer and trying to press herself forward even further, trying to blend her own body with Lena’s. In response, Lena’s hands move to cup Kara’s face but upon her thumbs mindlessly brushing against her cheekbones she unintentionally catches the bruising around Kara’s eye.
She flinches back with a wince. “Ow.”
“I’m sorry, are you ok?” Lena’s eyebrows press inward, concerned and startled out of her focus that was on Kara’s lips.
She takes in the look on Kara’s face that has now settled from a pained pinch to a more relaxed look. Her pupils are blown wide and her lips are swollen from the pressure of their frantic kisses. The swelling has gotten a little worse and the bruising contrasts her skin in the most intriguing way, she wants to stare at her forever.
“Never better.” Kara goes to lean in again but Lena very gently presses against her shoulder to stop her.
With a shake of her head, Lena explains why she’s hitting the brakes. “We’re meant to be talking.”
“I think we’ve found a better way to communicate.” Kara tries, leaning against Lena’s hand to see if she’s going to give in and let her close again. She gets her answer when Lena’s arm holds firm, keeping her close enough to satisfy their need to be with each other but far enough away that their faces aren’t about to become one again.
Lena has to admit that she is a little enamoured by Kara’s charming desire to kiss her again but they really do need to talk, even if she was trying to put it off before. “We can test that communication method later when we aren’t about to do a jailbreak.”
Kara pouts with a cute little huff but nods nonetheless, knowing in her right mind that they do need to talk and get everything straightened out before they sneak out of here and make their getaway and with the way their kissing was going, they would probably end up with Astra walking in on them dry humping like a pair of horny teens and be so traumatised that it would affect the space-time continuum.
“First we need to make a decision on what we are going to do about our mutual feelings.” Lena declares.
“I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“Are we going to date now? Try and build our relationship as more than friends? Or we could wait until after the mission and we’re back on Earth and try and build our relationship there, or we could just ignore it altogether if you would prefer?” Lena offers a few options.
Kara’s eyes are wide, her brain catching up but not liking the majority of the options that Lena is offering but understanding where each of them is coming from. “I know what the sensible choice is but I don’t want to do this the sensible way.”
Lena flits her gaze between Kara’s eyes, even if one is almost swollen shut. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing, darling?”
“When you call me that, it can only be a good thing because I don’t think there is anything bad about us being together no matter what that would look like. We just have to hold each other accountable to make sure that we aren’t losing sight of the mission and the safety of our family.”
Lena’s face softens and her body relaxes, her muscles softening when she wasn’t even aware that she was tensing before. “I think that’s an excellent idea so let’s do it.”
“When you say it…” Kara trails off, unsure exactly what Lena means and waiting with bated breath for her to clarify, praying that she means what she thinks she means.
“I mean that we should let our relationship evolve and I wouldn’t be opposed to calling you my girlfriend instead of just best friend.”Lena’s smile awkwardly shifts to one side, her nerves getting the better of her as she admits what she has been wanting for a while now.
Kara can’t contain her smile the same way you can’t contain the sun, it’s glowing brighter than anything that Lena has ever seen before. “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
That is enough conversation for Lena, she’s more than happy with that progression and is now more than willing to settle for their new form of communication. She leans into Kara’s space and once again takes Kara’s lips with her own. They have some time to kill before they leave anyway.
Alex is not at all happy to see the state of Kara’s face and it takes one of Lena’s strongest glares and a few hushed words from Kelly to get her to back off the edge of a complete rampage.
“I know it’s bad but right now we need to get as far away from here as possible and complete the mission.” Lena positions herself in front of Kara, watching Alex glower as she traces her eyes over the bruises on Kara.
With a stiff nod they all fall into silence, waiting down just outside of the accommodation where Astra left them after sneaking them out with a few whispered threats that if they get caught, she’s only protecting herself and Kara.
The wind is whistling through the trees and the way the branches creak from the force of it puts them all on edge, the noise crackling through their bones and setting their nerves alight.
A whisper cuts through the tension-thick atmosphere. “Are you all ready to go?”
Astra gestures for a middle ages blonde woman to bring forward a modified pod. The lights are out and she is moving slowly to keep the sound to a minimum.
Nia and Alex double-check that they have all the packs while Kelly balances a sleeping Esme on her hip. Kara and Lena load each pack into the pod as they are handed them and once they are all inside, they help the others in.
Astra steps forward before they can get inside themselves. “I have some things for you.”
Kara and Lena share a surprised look and step forward for Astra to show them what she has. From behind her sweeping cloak that she is wearing to fight off the sharp winds she pulls out the sword. “Take care of this Kara. You are of the In-Ze bloodline, not just that of the house of El, don’t forget that. Do us proud little one.”
“I will,” Kara promises, reaching around the offered sword to launch herself into Astra’s arms, embracing her aunt for all she’s worth. Only once she pulls back does she take the sword.
Astra changes her focus to Lena next and hands her something without a word, letting her figure out for herself what she’s getting. She looks down at the items pressed into her palm with a smile. There sits the remote to their Kelex and Kara’s spy beacon.
“Take your little friend with you, he is in the pod waiting for you, and I think you should take the beacon for now, as the woman that my niece is courting, I can trust you to take care of it.”
“How did you know that Kara and I agreed to be together?”
Astra just smiles at her knowingly and pulls her into a brief hug, whispering into her ear when she’s held to her chest. “I can see the joy in your eyes. I welcome you into the house of In-Ze, Lena.”
Lena mumbles back to her. “Thank you, I’ll use the beacon to let you know when we’re approaching Kandor.”
They pull back and head to the pod. Lena climbs in first, seeing that the others crammed themselves into the back with the packs, leaving space in front with their driver for herself and Kara. Kelex is laid flat in the footwell of the front, a bag of food resting just beside him so she has to carefully position her feet so she doesn’t stand on him. 
Kara climbs in after her, taking her hand as she settles into her seat.
“Be safe and do not ask my friend any questions, it is to ensure her safety and I hope you understand. Good luck.” Astra bids them farewell and waves them goodbye as the pod eases them through the trees until they are far enough away to pick up the pace a little bit.
Kara keeps facing forward, not wanting to give the others any more of a view of her injuries than she needs to, it will just agitate them and make her feel self-conscious. Lena does periodically check up on them though, seeing Alex crammed between Kelly and Nia with Esme asleep across Kelly and Alex’s laps, blissfully unaware of what is happening around her.
“Chins up everyone, we’re getting back on track,” Lena whispers to the group, giving Kara’s hand a squeeze as she does.
Kara appreciates it and squeezes her hand right back to show that she does but doesn’t look at her, just stares out of the window, keeping track of where they are. She notes their path, noticing the landmarks that they passed before, the stream, the slope they slid down, and the trees they hid in.
They go quite a bit further than that, further than she thought they would go. They never made it all that far in their journey because of everything that happened so finally making some ground eases the stress of the mission on them.
They are going to be pretty close to being right on schedule for where they should be, give or take a day or two. It’s pretty perfect really.
The pod slows to a stop in a dried-up ravine, tall walls of mud and rocks surrounding them on either side leaving them with a long path that they are forced to follow.
“Mizhrosh.” Astra’s friend directs them as she lowers the pod to the ground so they can get out.
“She’s telling us to move forward.” Kara lets the group know as they climb out of the pod and dump their packs in a pile to be distributed to the right people.
The moment they are all out of the pod along with Kelex and all of their stuff the woman is gone, leaving behind a cloud of dust from the speed of her takeoff.
“Well, she was chatty.” Nia comments, digging through the packs to find her own, grabbing the flashlight from the nearest one to see which is which.
Kara shakes her head, taking her pack off her when Nia holds it out to her, passing them out as she searches for hers. “She’s protecting herself. We can’t blame her for that.”
“And we should follow her lead and protect ourselves., Alex adds, cradling a still-sleeping Esme in her arms while Kelly shoulders their packs.
Lena brings Kelex back to life and uses him to carry the bag of food just how they designed him to. She’s actually pretty glad they get to keep him, despite him just being a remote-controlled robot to carry their food and the odd pack, he’s sort of grown on her.
“Nowhere to go but forward.” Kara reminds them once everyone has their packs and is ready to go. “We may as well walk until we find somewhere to hole up for a few hours and then keep going. My aunt told us that it isn’t safe to stick to one spot for long.”
“Let’s go then, the sooner we head off, the sooner we find somewhere to stay for a few hours so we can rest and I can check over Kara’s injuries.” Alex hits her with a piercing look, letting her know that she doesn’t have a choice in the matter.
Kara turns towards Lena, silently begging her for help but Lena just shakes her head. “Don’t look at  me, I’m with Alex on this one, we need to get you checked out.”
Kara’s defeated sigh is lost in the wind, the ravine’s shape directing the flow right towards them.
Their footsteps crunch, the ground beneath them cracked and dry, seemingly unaffected by the recent downpour of rain they got trapped in a few days ago. The constant sound of it isn’t pleasant but it does serve as a good reminder to them that they are moving forward and they are getting one step closer to getting off this planet and finding their way home.
A couple of hours of slow trudging and Lena and Kara walking side by side in front of Alex and Esme to block the vicious wind from attacking their sleeping niece go by in a tired blur, their bodies taking them forward but their minds drifting off to a million different places.
Nia spots a massive rock right ahead on one side of the ravine, blocking a good portion of the wind and leaving a decent-sized dent in the side of the ravine wall that will be perfect for them to set up camp until morning. They probably have at least three hours until sunrise and they can spare another couple on top of that.
“Let’s stop here, this is probably the best place we will find tonight.” Nia decides, slinging her pack off her shoulders and starting on her tent.
Kara and Lena help Kelly with hers so they can get Esme inside before they start on their own but thankfully their tents are nice and easy to put up and take down, it’s almost as though a genius came up with them…oh wait, she did.
Esme is put to bed and Alex climbs into Kara and Lena’s tent with them. “Let me see, Kara.”
“It’s not the worst I’ve had, not by a long shot. I can tell that it’s mostly just bruising and I don’t think there are any fractures or breaks. Astra already checked me out as well so if you can make this fast that would be preferred. I’m exhausted. We all are.” Kara murmurs out, too tired to put up a fight but not willing to sit here for hours while Alex checks every inch of her skin to make sure she’s not dying when it’s obvious that she’ll be fine.
Alex nods slightly but kneels in front of her. “Ok, I’ll just check your face tonight and then we can go over anything else in the morning.”
Lena is actually pretty surprised by the interaction, she thought Kara would be the one giving in, not Kara.
“It’s mostly just bad bruising and swelling. It should have been iced right after it happened but obviously wasn’t. It will heal fine but it will be slower than usual because of the lack of care you received right after. Be honest with me before I go though, is anything else hurting you?”
Kara answers honestly. “My back aches but that’s just bruising too, I can feel it but it’s just a dull feeling, no sharp pains and it’s only at a two out of ten if I was to scale it, so not too bad.”
Alex fishes out some pills for her. “Here, this is Ibuprofen so it will help with the pain so you can sleep and it’s an anti-inflammatory.”
“Thanks, Alex.” Kara takes the pills and downs them with a gulp of water.
Alex takes one last quick look at her before bidding them both goodnight and leaving them to lie down and press themselves as close to each other as they can.
“Tomorrow will be better,” Lena mumbles into Kara’s hair, snaking her arm around Kara’s waist to hold her near and share the heat between them but still being mindful of Kara’s injuries.
“I know it will. Goodnight, girlfriend.” Kar replies, a sleepy smile creeping onto her face.
“Goodnight, dork.”
Read Back To Krypton on Ao3 here!
Read several more chapters early here!
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