#bc ofc NOW I'm awake
pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
On Melancholy Hill by the Gorillaz for the song thing?
Hmmm... I'm thinkin' this is actually 2 characters, and I'm not entirely--no I'm a liar. This is Nakoa to Svea.
I blame the 'let's set out to sea' line. xD
It's another WIP I never talk about and has approximately 0 words! xD All I've got for a premise is 'fantasy world. pirates. mermaids?'
Nakoa is the master gunner and Svea is the ship's doctor/surgeon. I only somewhat recently decided the two are closer to each other than they are to others on the ship. Nakoa met Svea while the ship was docked ... an indeterminate amount of time ago ... and brought her on board every time they met afterward until Svea actually joined their ranks.
...Are you here with me?/Just looking out on the day/Of another dream
...I'm sure there are other lyrics that with a little more thought I could figure out/come up with ways they connect to these two but. It's mostly vibes. Very, very idealized pirate life out on the sea, and the only other characters that have anything close to a similar relationship (right now, so much character/plot/everything development is needed for this project yet) are the captain & the first mate & this song doesn't actually have the right vibes for them, I think.
>.> Solid chance Nakoa/Svea is gonna wind up a romantic thing now, though. xP
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altruistic-meme · 3 months
i want to get started on the Full Hands List but i am waiting on my apartment people for scheduled maintenance and i don't really want to start until they leave but i also have no idea what time they'll make it to my apartment so we're just playing the waiting game now
#at my old apartment i was one of the first to get the maintenance bc my apartment number was just higher on the list#so it was usually around 10-11am#but im much further down now and idk how long it'll take#this isn't my FIRST TIME having the preventative maintenance in this apartment but the last times i just went to bed and got woken up#when they knocked#bc i was still on nights and i had no idea how long it'd be and didnt want to stay awake#and i did NOT check the time when they finally arrived#i just let them in and waited until they left so i could go back to sleep lmao#so#we'll see ig#I'm also splitting this into 3 days instead of don't all 3 seasons at once ill do a season a day#largely bc of time in general and how it's like. 12 hours of show.#and im be starting late today bc of *gestures at post*#but also it's going to be LONGER cus i have to pause every time hands shown up so i can note the timestamp#which ofc makes the whole process much. MUCH longer as seen with s3's preliminary run lmao#ough#I'm talking so much jdfjjsjd#also just my attebtion span is NOT great and i need to actually be WATCHING THE SCREEN THE WHOLE ENTIRE TIME#and can't be checking my phone or anything#cus ill miss shots!!!!#i missed at least 2 on my og s1+s2 list and im sure i missed others#i also have to decide how to count the montages#cus there'll be like 2 shots of hands immediately one after the other in the montages#sigh#......... I'll probably count them separately. just for accurate numbers.#which ofc means that ALL of my bonus aren't QUITE right rn cuts ik i lumped montages together#lmao#oh this will be so much fun#shh ac#young royals
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zukkaoru · 11 months
achievement unlocked: blew my nose so hard it gave me a nosebleed??
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coulsonlives · 5 months
My friend swears by cbti and says it fixed her onset/maintenance insomnia, because unlike what the doctor pushed on her, her only real problem apparently was bad sleep hygeine that she didn't even realize she was tanking. And ngl, I kinda wanna try it, because this bitch is sick of taking pills that don't even work and just leave me hung the fuck over lol
My sleep hygeine is honestly kinda shit, looking at it. I do use the computer and my phone right before bed and I spend hours awake once I do get into bed. Which probably doesn't help the association pavlov thing lol. So things could use a hard reset I think
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lolexjpg · 11 months
too much today. i think i will take zzquil and go to bed before 7. perfect for waking up in time for fp1
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witchwhaat · 1 year
so wtf happened when i was asleep 👁👄👁
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realisticjupiter · 2 months
haihaii!! your profile has been like.... THERAPY to me bc the aib fixation is back AND ITS STRONG ESPECIALLY TOWARDS CHISHIYA 💔💔💔 i love the way u write as well !!
so with this could i request a touch starved chishiya... like a chishiya that needs readers attention so bad but is too embarrassed to downright tell them "I WANT CUDDLES" or smth... still he does everything in his power to get readers attention atp the only thing left is to just BEG
also could i be 🎶 anon ? i picture myself being very active here from now on... have a nice day!!
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Summary: Chishiya can't sleep without you.
Genre: Fluffy
Pairing: Chishiya x gn!reader
Warnings: None! :)
Word count: 784
a/n: Aghhhh i hope this is okay!!!!! That is actually so sweet of you, I'm so glad you've liked my account!!!<3 And ofc you can claim an emoji, hello 🎶!!
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Chishiya tried everything to get you into bed with him. He tried seducing you, gaslighting you, and of course his manipulation tactics didn't work either.
All you were focused on was trying to fix the phone from last night's game. It was still on, so you thought it would be easier to get into before it powered off.
Every time he'd call your name, you'd brush him off. Mostly because he always used a certain tone of voice you've become far too familiar with when he tries to get what he wants.
All he wanted to do was kneel at your feet to tell you exactly what he wanted. To tell you he just wanted you to hold him, to tell you all he needed was your attention.
But he couldn't. He never has been able to ask for help, or ask for anything without feeling vulnerable for that matter. He was closed off, that's what people knew about him; that he didn't show those types of emotions in fear of being belittled.
Chishiya could feel his eyelids getting heavy and his eyes burning from keeping them open, but he knew no matter how hard he would toss and turn; he wouldn't be able to sleep without you.
It was pathetic, he'd admit that. It was a loop he found himself getting stuck into, and found there was no way out of it. He hid it pretty well, though. Through late nights where you'd fall asleep alone and wake up to him beside you. You truly had no idea he struggled so much.
He was so tired. He'd do anything if you'd just stop and sleep already.
And he found his last option, the one thing he dreaded the most.
"Y/n?" Chishiya whispered, his voice husky as he climbed out of bed and walked towards you with slow steps.
"What?" You hummed in response, never peeling your eyes away from the task at hand.
"Please," He spoke underneath his breath in an almost incoherent whisper as he stopped to stand beside the chair you sat in.
"I don't know what you want, Chishiya. No one is keeping you awake." You sighed, watching from the corner of your eye as he stood by your side, rubbing his eyes with his palms.
"You're keeping me awake." He murmured, watching your hands as they played around with the device's motherboard.
"How?" You said in defeat, finally turning your attention to him. You looked up at him with your hands thrown in your lap, clearly waiting for his response.
He let out a huff as he looked around the room; avoiding eye contact. When he finally looked at you, his eyes were soft and glassed over.
His next sentence was incoherent.
"Chishiya. Speak up, please." Your words were soft as you stood up from your seat, placing your hands on his upper arms.
"I can't sleep without you." He finally spoke, his words finally registering in your mind.
When he realized you had finally heard him, he felt like he could say anything. And with his new found confidence he continued to speak.
"Why is it so hard to ask you to touch me?" He breathed, letting his head fall onto your shoulder.
You smiled at his soft demeanour. You knew how hard it must've been for him to admit something so close to himself, especially since it was about you. You've found a new side of Chishiya you haven't seen before.
You brought a hand to comb through his hair as the other scratched up and down his bare back, "I'm sorry, Chishiya. I should've just read your mind." You whispered against his shoulder as you held him close to your body.
Your words were an obvious tease, trying to humor the situation at hand. Which did make Chishiya snicker.
"You should have. You've always been able to." He muttered, wrapping his arms lazily around you.
You smiled warmly as he spoke, pulling away to drag his hand towards the bed. You climbed in with him closely behind you. He waited for you to get comfortable, before he joined you under the covers to tangle his limbs with yours.
"I'm proud of you, Chishiya." Your sultry breath hit his forehead as you mumbled against his skin.
He stared down at the way your bodies fit together, processing your words with a smile he knew you couldn't see.
"Now go to sleep, 'm here." You spoke once more into his skin, kissing his forehead and massaging your fingers into his scalp.
His cold fingers danced around your bare skin, trying to bring himself impossibly closer to you before his body fell limp into a night's sleep.
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reposts and comments are appreciated <3
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rimunagenius · 2 months
It Was Doomed From The Start
ʚ pairing: Kate Martin x Roommate!reader
ʚ word count: 3.1k words
ʚ warnings: RPF!! , stalking, harassment, angst, self reflection (this topic scares me…don’t judge), fluff ofc bc it’s Kate
ʚ rimunagenius speaks: i know the title looks scary, but i promise, it’s nothing bad with Kate and reader. I wouldn’t write angst for them for this story not yet atleast I also wanted to introduce what Kate has reader under in her phone and i’ve also been thinking about adding one shots about how Kate and reader came up with the nicknames for eachother or little one shots of them before or during the events written about in the series (stuff that didn’t make it to the fic)…if i do they’ll be on the series masterlist but let me know if you’d like to see that!! anyways…here’s the long awaited part three!
Part 3
| Series Masterlist |
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"C'mon, it's time to get up, sleeping beauty." There was no beauty in how you were currently knocked out in Kate's bed. Your hair is all over your face and pillow; with parts sticking up due to the lack of hairstyle before going to sleep.
You had your mouth slightly open, quietly breathing through it. You needed this sleep. You usually slept way more appealing but this—this was your well-needed catch up on weeks' worth of rest. "Y/n...y/n. C'mon. We have to get ready." Kate leaned over the bed, a hand on your hip, softly attempting to shake you awake. A string of muffled and incoherent curse words left your mouth as you pulled the comforter over your head.
Curling in on yourself to make yourself small and generate more heat. It was a pretty cold morning in Iowa City. "I don't wanna." You whined under the blanket. Eliciting a small giggle from the blonde, she crawled into the bed, almost spooning you before speaking to you softly.
"Well we have to, sunshine. We have classes, and if you still want to eat breakfast, I suggest you get up now." She flipped the comforter off your head, rubbing her hand up and down your arm. "C'mon, let's go." She gave your arm light taps before she then gripped it and started to pull you out of her bed.
"We should not have stayed up so late last night. It's your fault. I blame you.” You pointed in her face, your hair everywhere and eyes closed, preventing her from taking you seriously. “You kept doing that thing you do with your mouth." You mumbled as you now were standing right infront of your roommate, eyes looking up at her, your mascara under your eyes.
"Sorry I was having a good time. From what I remember you didn't want me to stop." She looked at you, wiping some of the mascara fall out away, giving you a bright smile before walking you towards the bathroom.
"Kate, we were drinking and you know that trick is only funny when we're both under the influence. If you would've stopped messing around, we could've finished both movies at a decent hour. I literally fell asleep in your bed and halfway through the movie." You say as you look at her through the mirror, narrowing your eyes before cleaning your mascara and whatever makeup you had on.
She raised her arms in defense, "I mean, what can I say? I'm the life of the party, baby." She said before placing herself on the counter. "Oh, and I already made waffles and yours are on the counter." She sat and watched your do your whole routine, her legs swinging a little every now and then.
"Yes?" You looked at her as you placed a refreshed coat of mascara on your lashes. You could see her staring. She's been doing that a lot lately. It made you feel warm inside and you wouldn’t lie and say you haven’t been doing it more recently also.
"Nothing. Just watching you." She smiled softly as she watched you do your makeup. A small blush casting over both your cheeks. You both knew what it was.
"Okay, creep." You side eyed her before giving her your best smile, just to prove you were being playful.
"Haha. Funny." Kate mocked you, lightly kicking her foot against the side of your thigh.
"Kate? Can you do me a favor?" You looked at your best friend, her blue eyes immediately meeting yours. She nodded her head quickly, eyes trained in yours immediately trying to read your face for anything wrong.
"Yeah, of course. Is everything okay?" She picked up on your nervous look. You sighed, looking down.
"Nick’s still weirding me out, so I wanted to know if you could walk back here to come get me after your class and take me to my next one? I just don't want to be on campus alone with him being around." You looked nervous, almost as if you had a feeling she'd say no. Of course Kate didn't, though. You still haven’t told her about not even going to report him in the first place.
"Yeah, for sure. I can do that. I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"
"Yeah. Okay, thank you. It's just for this class and my next two and then Hannah can take me to practice later." You watched Kate's face soften.
"Y/n, you know i'd take you to every class. It's not an inconvenience. Whatever you need, I got you." She hugged you before saying a small goodbye and watched you walk inside your class while she waited outside.
You went inside and sat down, your phone pinging with a new message.
bear <3
be safe, ily.❤️
'bear <3 loved "ilym😘"' 
The class went smoothly, you walked outside to see Kate standing, waiting for you. She must have left class sooner to be here on time to not make you wait. God, you were so grateful for this girl.
She walked you to every class before you had anatomy. So far, Nick hasn't spotted you, and you felt a wave of relief wash over you. You didn’t want to put it past him to find you, but for right now, you were taking the win. As you finally made it to anatomy, Juliana had been waiting outside.
You and Kate had been laughing about something she said when you looked over and saw Juliana watching you both, a smile on her face. "Oh, Kate. This is my friend Juliana, the one who's helping me with the girlfriend thing." You introduced your two friends, them shaking one another's hands.
"Hi, I'm Kate. Nice to meet you." Kate greeted, a friendly smile on her face.
"Oh, I know who your are. Y/n has said so many great things about you. You're almost all she talks about in here." Your face immediately grew red. You hadn't realized you talked about Kate so much. Did you really?
Kate looked down at you and smiled. A small blush rising to her cheeks. "Does she now?" She asked teasingly.
"Yeah, she's always going on about how such a great friend you are. How good you are to her. Makes me jealous." She jokingly added, before chatting Kate up some more. You didn't know what it was but something about Juliana being overly excited about talking to Kate, Kate being engaged in the conversation, was something that made a pit grow in your stomach.
You had no idea why two of your friends talking gave you a sense of jealously. It was frankly ridiculous. Shaking the totally absurd assumptions of this otherwise normal interaction out of your head, you looked down at your phone. A new notification from a random account on instagram.
The picture less profile, what seemed to be a randomly generated username had sent you a message. Clicking the message, you immediately felt a ball in your throat form. Suddenly your knees felt like they would give up and the world would swallow you whole from right where you were standing.
maybe you should make her leave…
this won’t be good for you.
she’s not good for you.
make her leave.
it won’t be good for her either.
You looked around, trying to find who had sent it. They had to have been talking about Kate. You knew who it was, just thing to find him to justify that you weren’t absolutely going crazy and imagining this whole thing.
“Hey, you okay?” Kate looked at you, her eyes scanning every inch of your flushed face, her worry growing by the second.
“Yeah, I’m totally fine. I’m just going to walk into class.” You swalllowed before you looked around once more, suddenly seeing him. Lurking at a nearby a table, hat on, just staring right at you. He was sitting a healthy distance away, but watching your every move. Watching Kate. You couldn’t take this.
You hadn’t realized you had been staring, Kate followed your stare and saw him too. Juliana wrapping her arm around your shoulder, kissing the top of your head. You instantly regretted not being able to sell that you were unbothered, due to Kate starting to walk over to Nick.
“Kate! Don’t. I don’t need you talking to him.” You grabbed her arm, and pleaded with her.
“He’s obviously making you very uncomfortable. I thought you told someone about him already. What did he even say?” You did not have the heart to tell her that you let this man harass you for weeks just because you didn’t want to have any conflict. It wasn’t the best decision but it saved a lot of people trouble and you didn’t want to be inconvenience with this stupid thing. You could handle it. You could handle him.
“Kate, I was going to I swear. But I just forgot. You going up to him and telling him off isn’t going to make it better. Trust me. I do not want him to harass or hurt you too. ” You were getting super overwhelmed. Your eyes burning, your vision going blurry, eyes watering.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Juliana said, rubbing her arms up and down your arms. She didn’t have the first clue of what to do other than report this. She just didn’t want to do it without your permission. It was wrong, but it wasn’t her place.
“Hey, can you give us a moment?” Kate asked her. Juliana nodded and walked inside the class but not without staring Nick down before doing so.
“Hey, look. I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to get all riled up over this. But you do need to tell someone, baby.” Her face dropped and immediately started turning red. She should’ve caught herself. It just slipped. You hadn’t noticed because you were avoiding looking anywhere and seeing him.
You hadn’t picked up on the name. Trying to focus on what she was actually saying instead of thinking of all the ways Nick could harm Kate. What did he mean by ‘it won’t be good for her either’ ? All you could think about was her safety.
“I’m sorry, what?” You looked up at Kate, your brows furrowing. Suddenly feeling the biggest migraine come on.
Kate’s face relaxed, sighing before grabbing your face. “I was just saying that we should go report him, and i’ll take you home. I’ll tell coach we caught something and don’t want to get the team sick. We—I just need to get you out of here. Okay? Can you do that for me?” Her eyes stared into yours, wordlessly pleading with you to choose your safety over thinking you’re a burden to someone else.
You nodded, looking behind her to see that Nick had left. He was gone. That’s when you felt a hand grab yours, fingers interlocking. Kate. Immediately you felt more relaxed, more safe. At home. No one could hurt you when you were with the people you loved and cared for. Who cared for you. The team, your friends, were your home. Kate was your home. Your anchor.
Nothing could hurt you, and you were going to do it together. Sending a quick text to Juliana, letting her know the situation, you and Kate started walking to the deans office. Kate sat with you, held your hand, and made sure you were comfortable while telling the dean everything Nick had done to you and said he’d do over the course of the two and a half years you had been here.
It was extensive. It started off so small that you didn’t notice that he slowly integrated into your life. He was obsessed with you. Stalking you. You didn’t realize until it was too late—til it got bad. You and Kate had found out he was a transfer, changing his whole major and career plan to follow yours. He had been to 6 different universities in the last 3 years due to ‘personal’ issues.
Turns out every formal complaint had been waived and disproven. You weren’t the only woman he’s done this to. It was crazy to think that of the many women, the countless evidence of severe mental disorders and psychotic behavior and harassment, he was still allowed into many other universities, was able to appeal the accusations and allowed to leave it behind him.
Kate was in better words, fuming. Her and the dean had gone at it, you trying to mediate before the dean resulted to benching her for her last season. You guys had been in the deans office for about 2 hours. Leaving just in time to send a text to Coach Bluder that you’d both be in absence at practice today.
You two had been walking, still hand in hand, back to your guys’ apartment. “Kate are you sure you want to miss practice today?” You looked at her, eyes still a little bloodshot from the crying you had done. “I can totally just go home alone and say I just didn’t feel good. I’m not on the team, you are.” She still looked upset and very irritated at the situation. She hasn’t said much since you both left. The second you spoke, her face softened. You tended to do that a lot; you changed her mood. Her mood affects yours and yours hers. And only you two could fix it for the other.
“And leave you alone? On campus where a crazy guy is stalking you and making you feel uncomfortable and unsafe? No way. I’d miss as many practices as you needed me to.” She smiled at you, squeezing your hand, before letting it go, and settling for wrapping her arm around your shoulders.
“Thank you, Kate. Seriously. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” You leaned your head on her, arriving at your apartment.
“Of course. Anything for my favorite girl.” She kissed the top of your head, smiling to herself. She was grateful to have you in her life, she needed you just as much, probably more, than you needed her.
You both helped and healed things in eachother more over the last two and a half years of knowing eachother than anyone had for you both in your guys’ entire lives. “You didn’t do anything to deserve me, you know? Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you. Someone as kind, beautiful, smart, loving, caring, and gorgeous as you. Oh, did i mention you were pretty?” Kate laughed, her cheeks growing pinker by the second.
“Okay, Kate.” You laughed as she unlocked the front door, letting you walk in first. “Thank you. I appreciate you, and I feel the absolute same about you. Any girl who gets you, is the luckiest girl alive.” You smiled at her as you sat the on the couch, her in the kitchen grabbing you both water.
She smiled at you, before you turned to turn the TV on. When you looked away, her smile faltered. You looked at the tv, thinking about what she said. What you had said. You both cared for eachother so deeply. You couldn’t possibly be catching feelings for Kate. Was what you said too obvious…? You had known her for a long time, she was your best friend. That could ruin everything.
Could it? I mean, Kate thought about it over and over, watching your from the kitchen. The way your lips curled slightly when you watched the same reruns of your favorite shows. The way you always sat in the same spot on the couch, next to hers, leaving the perfect amount of room for her but also not enough so that you guys would be touching.
It was hard for the both of you to think this way about the person you have shared a space with for so long. Your roommate. Your best friend. You both needed to figure this out. But it was hard. You couldn’t possibly harbour feelings for the one person you both told yourself not to when this arrangement came to be.
Maybe that should’ve been the first sign. The sign that this living situation was doomed from the moment it was thought into existence; it was doomed from the start. How could you possibly set that boundary, silently in your guys’ head, that you guys couldn’t catch feelings. It would only have meant that you both could’ve seen this coming. I mean, neither one of you turned a blind eye to the other being attractive. Let alone, being eachothers type.
Kate brought you both the waters. Setting them down on the coffee table infront of you. Sitting down in her spot, next to you. You leaned your head on her shoulder almost instantly. Whether you had feelings for her or not, the comfort Kate had brought you was something you couldn’t describe. The need to have the feeling of Kate next to you seemingly growing worse with the feelings.
The familiarity was something you haven’t known since back home. So you essentially chased the feeling whenever you could have it. “Thank you for being there for me, Kate. I mean, truly. I already said it, but thank you.” Snuggling a little closer, bring one knee to your chest.
“Anytime, you know that. I’d do anything for you,” Her voice grew quieter at the end of her sentence. She meant it. “Besides, you’d be completely lost without me, sunshine. You need me.” She smiled when you landed a soft playful smack across her chest. She reached her arm over your shoulders, making you more comfortable.
“You’re right, I do.” You laughed before turning your attention to the TV. You both watched TV the rest of the night, deciding that you’d worry about the Nick thing more tomorrow. The dean telling you that it’d be handled very soon and quickly as possible. So, it was tomorrows problem.
As you both watched TV, you both thought over the fact you may be inlove with your best friend. It may be real and you’d both have to find a way to either move on or deal with it.
And fast.
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ssailormoonn · 3 months
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NSFW Alphabet | Naruto Uzumaki
WC; 2.4k+┊MDNI!┊TW; Breeding, fab!fem!reader, praise + many more
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ A = Aftercare
Naruto would want you to feel as good as possible after sex. He would be pulling your body close to his, placing soft and delicate kisses over your neck and face. If you still had the energy to stay awake, he'd hold your bridal style and take you into the bathroom asking you if you want to take a shower or a bath (bsfr you'd have to pick bath bc ur legs are wobbly from Naruto pounding you🫶) Naruto would put scented oils and salts into that bath because he knows that's what you like even though he doesn't know the purpose of them. If his love is too tired to move anywhere, he'll dampen a washcloth with warm water and soothe your entire body with it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ B = Body Part (Himself and You)
(Himself) I'm like 100% sure that Naruto loves his abs and his body size, the way his body towers over yours is just something that gets that man going fr. Absolutely goes feral when you drag your nails/ fingers down his chest when making out or when you're riding him. Naruto loves the way chills go down his spine every time you do that.
(His favourite about you) He loves all of you but if he had to pick one (or two...) it def has to be your thighs and your lovely titties. Naruto just loves it when he eats you out and your thighs close tightly around his head, only for him to push your quivering legs out. He absolutely loves ur boobs. Aftercare? nuzzling his head in between your titties. During sex? sucking on your titties. Any time of the day? touching ur titties.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ C = Cum (Anything to do with it)
I headcanon that Naruto would be too scared to cum inside you when you two ditch the condom, cumming on your boobs or thighs (bc that's his favourite spot ofc) But guys here me out, he's got a whole fox in him, doesn't he? Sometimes Naruto can't help but cum inside your gushing cunt, Naruto would be a whole whimpering and moaning mess just begging you to let him cum inside you
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ D = Dirty Secret
Simple, cockwarming him as he does his duties as Hokage. Nothing more, nothing less. And Oh my Goodness he would tease you and edge you on. Telling you, "I'll let you come after I finish this email." But he never lets you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ E = Experience
If both of you were inexperienced virgins, Naruto would somehow be less experienced than you. It would all start off with makeout sessions, whether it be on the couch in bed or wherever the hell it may be. It would then lead to both Naruto and your hands touching each other, slowly having your hands exploring each other as breathy moans escape both of your two's mouth
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ F = Favourite position
I have three positions that I personally think Naruto would be doing. Straight away, 18-year-old Naruto would finally be of age and be such a big golden retriever during sex, He'd want to hold you close and see your pretty face under him in Missionary. Naruto would be pounding you, your gummy walls clenching around him while he stims your soaked pussy, having your nails dig into his back.
Now, The Last Naruto or Naruto in his early 20s would love Doggy, idk why but I just feel like he'd need that authority to rearrange your guts from behind. Seeing your face buried in the pillow letting out moans and your dainty hands scrambling at the sheets, trying to get away. Naruto loves to grab your waist and hips in this position, seeing the difference in size just gets him going, seeing his pretty little darling so small compared to his buff and tall physic just makes him rutt his hips into you faster. OMG don't get me started on when he leans forward, his tone chest pressing against the small of your back 😵‍💫
My personal favourite is Hokage Naruto, late 20s or early 30s. Hear me out, Prone Bone guys. He'd have you laying on your stomach with a small pillow under your lower abdomen, just so Naruto can pound you at the right angle. His knees would be pushing your legs apart as they tremble at each thrust he makes. Placing hot, wet kisses on the back of your neck and the side of your face, his hands holding yours above your head, leaving you helpless as he pounds into you. Naruto loves feeling you tremble underneath him, each shudders getting direct contact with his chest. Being goofy in this moment goes out the window, he's whispering praises in your ear, telling you to take each and all of his loads into your tight walls. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ G = Goofy
I'm gonna say he'd make a joke here and there to make the tension less tension, ykwim, but oh lord, there are sometimes when all this man wants to do is pound your insides and that's all he needs to do. If you guys are having more of a slow and sensual moment he'd say a couple of things to make you let out a soft laugh and blow raspberries agasint your skin.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ H = Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes)
He is pretty well groomed and only grooms it if you want him to do so, his hair is slightly darker than his natural blonde hair and has a little bit of a trail leading down. Naruto hates to admit it, but he loves when your hands are pressed firmly down against his skin and then you drag your hands down over the trail 🫣
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ I = Intimacy
This man is so intimate, that Naruto would be having his way with you but still making sure that his pretty lady is still having the time of her life. He makes sure to do everything right in that moment, doing everything he knows that you like, praise and everything.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ J = Jack off
Def jacks off to you. Gets off on the thought of you fingering urself moaning abt how much you need him when he isn't be able to see you at that time.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ K = Kink
Okay, guys like I mentioned before 🫣 Praise and breeding. I know that Naruto has a whole fox inside him so that must influence some things about his behaviour, right? Getting possessive urges over his lady, wanting to fill you up and see your stomach swell with his children, just gets him going. The poor man can't help it when you're clenching his shaft so tight, your technically just asking to be filled. Naruto would plug it up with his fingers and just keep his dick nuzzled up into your pussy so none of it leaks out 🫶
And praise, both praise for him and you, girl. Imagine this golden retriever eating you out or thrusting into you so lovingly, how could you not praise this man? "Doin' so well f'me," and "Making me feel so good,", "So pretty," You tell him this and Naruto just looses it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ L = Location
Is more into secluded spaces and indoor spaces, he loves taking you to bed because he knows how much room you two have to have fun in. Wouldn't say no to doing it on the couch or the kitchen or table counter. Wants to fuck you love this desk in the Hokages office, cfi 🤷‍♀️
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ M = Motivation
Literally anything 😭 You could be cooking and he'd wanna fuck you over the counter. Naruto's Libdo is so high, well he does have a fox in him- a whole animal spirit- they get into ruts don't they? Imaging Kurama's rut influencing Naruto's actions towards you 😵‍💫 gonna fill you up with come for days
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ N = NO
NC and degrading. I don't think my pretty boy would want to be degraded ever, considering his childhood when everyone was putting him down. Naruto would probably get flashbacks, the poor baby. Especially getting degraded during sex? BIG NO. Sex is supposed to make someone feel good and he always focuses on your pleasure, so if degrading words came out of your mouth.. lets just say Naruto would be pouting about it. 
Non-consensual would be a no for him unless it was previously established, like somnophilia, but I doubt that Naruto would do that anyway. He loves it when you are awake to he can hear all the pretty noises leaving your mouth clearly and feel your hands helplessly grip at his back and arms, and the eye contact makes him go feral. So, in conclusion, he prefers consensual sex so its more of a romantic and better experience for both of you 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ O = Oral
I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind, he loves getting his head squished between a pair of soft and plushy thighs but I'm sure that Naruto would be leaning to more of the receiver side. Naruto loves to see your mouth and plump lips struggle to take his whole length into his mouth, he just loves the sensation he gets from the acts you give him. Naruto lets out deep groans while his fingers intertwine into your hair, encouraging you to continue. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ P = Pace
He'd be into more slow and romantic sex but there are times when he just wants to fully pound and rearrange your insides, wants to feel those sticky walls clamp down on him as his thrusts get deeper inside of you. As Naruto got older I think he'd prefer slightly rougher sex because of the stress but that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy going all slow for his lady.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Q = Quickie
He doesn't particularly go for a quickie but with his Hokage duties he kinda has to, you know. He much prefers taking his time with you, making you feel good, and making sure you are all filled with him over many rounds of sensual fucking, making sure he is able to leave his mark.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ R = Risk
In the Hokages office is probably the biggest risk he is going to take when having sex with you, adrenaline just runs through his body at the thought of getting caught by someone but he knows that will never happen.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ S = Staminay
Naruto has a lot of stamina, a lot of it. The amount of Chakra he possesses could make him last for days but he knows that his pretty darling needs breaks and rests during sex. Naruto would slowly eat you out whenever you needed a break or slowly fingering your clamping walls if you needed a breather. 
The average time frame he'd usually go for is probably 30 minutes or shorter depending on how tired his pretty gf is. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ T = Toys
He isn't again them because he would rather you get pleasure from his dick so that you'd have no choice but to be all needy for him when he's away on missions or not being able to come home in time for doing Hokage duties. If you two do have toys, he'd keep them away from you while he's away so you can get all clingy when he gets back
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ U = Unfair
He isn't too unfair but he just loves to tease you when you're writhing in pleasure underneath him. Naruto teasing you if what he's doing to your body is too much or if you can't take it is something he loves to do because when you don't give a verbal answer he stops his movement and waits until you regain your composure once again. But other than that he is pretty much a service dom.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ V = Volume
At the start of the relationship, he was quick loud, he leat out whimpers and moans at any advance you' 'd take to his body but as you two grew older his whimpers and moans turned more into groans of pleasure. His voice deepened as he got older hence the groans but there are still times when you're making him feel so good he can not keep down the pleasure your creating for him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ W = Wild or tame
Really depends on his mood, to be honest. If he is in a bad mood or not but I'd say he is usually tame to a certain extent, he doesn't like to see his darling in to much pain from fucking. Naruto knows how much you handle so hw won't ever pass those limits unless you verbally tell him that before you start to have sex (he knows how lost you can get within the moment)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ X = X-ray
Looking at that X-ray he definitely sits above average on length,  so above 6 inches, keep in mind that Naruto is quite tall, six foot, right? and he is quite a buff man as well so he definitely isn't lacking in girth either, the right length to pleasure anyone and because he is so big, it just makes everything so tight for him, Naruto can't handle it.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Y = Yearning
Would want to have you all the time, he is like a 'recovering' addict, even after he he restrains himself from having sex with you all the time. He just loves filling you with his cum because he just loves watching it seep out of you. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Z = ZzzzZzz
Naruto either has no energy or has so much energy he could do a whole marathon, with no in-between. He would either fall on top of you after sex in exhaustion or he would pick you up and help you get cleaned up. I feel that Naruto just loves your titties too much to actually leave them yk. Loves snuggling close to you as he falls asleep, he wants to make sure you know that you're loved either way
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dustofthedailylife · 11 months
i hope you dont mind a question/me ranting bc i desperately need to keep my mess of a mind busyyyyyyyy
what do you think hsr boys' music tastes are (specifically Dan Heng since we all know how i am for that man)? he'd probably listen to the more romantic side of classical music, or just super soft music in general imo
Ooooh I love this question! I included pretty much all of the HSR men.
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For Dan Heng, I immediately thought of Lo-Fi music. He likes to have some background noise while working but nothing that would disturbs his thoughts. So Lo-Fi music is the perfect fit for that. The dreamlike and calm sounds are the perfect atmospheric sounds for concentrated work.
I can see Jing Yuan being an Alternative Rock guy. It's music that keeps him awake when he needs it and the songs are just so catchy. I have this picture in my head of him just making breakfast (topless ofc) and singing My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy while scrambling eggs.
Blade listens to Metalcore. And he does so with the most straight face ever. Just some quality screams paired with some good vocals definitely get his blood pumping and he can pour his bottled-up emotions fully into the music.
Luka is also a Metalcore/Metal guy. He just seems tough and like someone who loves training. Nothing gives you quite as much of an energy kick like some good heavy guitar riffs and vocals.
Welt without a doubt listens to J/K-Pop. Now, hear me out here! You probably think I'm insane, because you look at him and think "classic". But this man was an animator who has created anime and likes everything surrounding the anime/manga culture. Definitely a J/K-Pop man.
Gepard likes Pop music. Just whatever just comes on the radio that you can casually jam to and gets stuck in your head. He'd find himself humming or quietly singing the songs he likes most every now and then when he's spacing out (incredibly embarrassing to him if anyone hears him). I think he's secretly a Swiftie.
I think Sampo would listen to EDM. Just something energetic with a melodic hook and not too many lyrics that you can groove to. The drops are exhilarating and he is someone who loves the thrill - this applies to his taste in music as well.
Luocha... now he's one I cannot really tell. I think he kind of listens to a bit of everything. Whatever is on he listens to. A mysterious man with a mysterious taste in music.
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libraryraccoon · 5 months
If I was at NRC as a normal student (not Yuu)
If I was in the NRC, i will be a Ignihyde Student (bc the official test tell me I was a Ignihyde student), the extrovert or ambivert of Ignihyde.
Aka the Ignihyde student hated by all the other Ignihyde student :DD
I will try to adopt Ortho.
Raccoon : Sign just here.
Ortho : isn't it a adopt pap-
Raccoon : shhh, you don't need to know or say what it is. Sign just. :)
Idia seeing me trying to adopt legally his little (dead and robot) brother : What the fuck-
I will be here for the Overblots.
But not for help, oh no no !
Ace : What is it ?
Raccoon : pop corn.
Deuce : Why are you eating pop corn when there is an overblot in front of you ?!
Raccoon : because it's better to watch with pop corn ? I thought everyone know that.
I would be absent from sports class. Vargas met me once in the corridors but that's it. I would never have shown up to this (torture) class.
I'm pretty sure Vargas won't even know I exist.
Vargas : Raccoon ? We have someone here who have that name ?
Jack : it's maybe the raccon that is in the trash at the back of the school ?
Ace : Oh yeah, I have seen that little guy once. But why he will be on the call list ?
(They are talking about a real raccoon, not me-)
I will doxx people for money. It's said.
Hey, I need to make money you know ? And I don't have a Leona for that like Ruggie-
Oh yeah because Ruggie will be my best friend here.
(We are the NRC cleaners, Crowley pays us to do all the cleaning)
I have seen a post saying that some beastmens and faes are awake the night and go see each others, even if I will be a human, I will join them.
Like that I will meet (and have informations) on a lot of beastmens and faes.
(Me ? Later blackmail them about this ? Please, be realistic, I care about my life ! But for a little money....)
I will be the only Ignihyde student AND human that will be at that "night party" (we will call it like that), and it's because I was invite by Ruggie (bestfriends benefits).
Now, for some of my hc as Ignihyde students, I headcanon that all the Ignihyde student have one time by months a party on a game with all the dorm.
And during that party, they do a lot of challenges. And that leads to some Drama and rivalry.
I'm pretty sure it's at that party that we decided who will be the Housewarden and Vice Housewarden.
The Housewarden being the 1st and vice the 2nd.
And some others things :
•I will be the NRC therapist.
I'm a good listener and I give good advices.
Pretty sure Crowley tried to hire me after finding out.
That mean I will be the therapist of all the overblotter (oh look ! I have now a lot of ennemies because I talk bad about their family/what they think-).
I would use the excuse of being a school therapist to avoid doing sports. At least I have an excuse and I won't have repercussions for (skipping) being absent from sports class.
Bye bye Vargas ! Seeing you one time in the corridors was enough for me !
•I probably would have made a contract with Azul and I would have taken Ruggie to do one too (well, that's if he and I are in first year at the same time).
Why ? For money ofc.
We will work for the Mostro Lounge only for the money.
•I will avoid the Leech (well, try to avoid them).
They scared me.
How people can not have scare of them is a question without answer for me.
•I will be hate of Vil and Riddle (even if we don't count the therapist part).
I have a bad memory, i don't care about my physic.
I can easily forget the rules, so Riddle will hate me for forget all the Queen rules but also all the NRC rules in general.
And I can literally go shopping in unicorn pajamas. Vil worst nightmare.
•Rook 🤝🏻 Me : watching people.
Nothing else to say here. It explain all by itself.
•Unexpected friendship : Me & Idia & Rook.
Every Sunday evening at the end of the week we would meet up at the Pomefiore or Ignihyde dorm and tell each other all the NRC gossip. We would have tea, cookies, popcorn and hot chocolate, and lots of gossip to be told.
Nobody in the NRC know how much we know or how we know it. They don't want to know.
•My magic.
I will have an healing magic or a anti-magic. That's all.
I don't need more magic than those two.
•I will try to adopt Grim.
Maybe Yuu too. I just want to adopt them + Ortho because they deserved all the love.
I will have a gun.
I love gun.
•Knowing too much.
If I go at NRC, even with magic, with all I know of the game and the theories ? Man, I will be the more suspicious of the all NRC, more than Rook !
I will say things like that :
Raccoon : Man, you really is an overblotter now that I see you that often !
Crowley : ??? How do you know-
Raccoon : you're dad, Levan, is Crowley. Good chance bro, we're not together in that shit-
Malleus : The fuck child of men-
Raccoon : what that feel like to be a general ?
Lilia : kid, why that question and how do you know ? I don't remember saying it to you-
Raccoon : when will you accept that you are Silver, Sebek and Malleus parental figure ?
Lilia : ... i'm not-
Raccoon : wait- we are before Malleus overblot, so that mean you are still in the denial right now.
Lilia : by the great sevens.. WHAT THE FUCH RACCOON ?!-
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Me, Idia and Rook the Sunday.
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pupyuj · 8 months
[cw: smut, catgirl!liz, fingering, thigh riding, somnophilia, dom!reader whattt, top!liz for like half a second]
you've heard of user pupyuj now wait for user kittyliz 😭😭 my babycakes i was so obsessed with her during eleven and love dive eras 😩💞💞 there's some fluff cuz she just makes me soft inside, yk??? ☹️
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your super sweet kitty gf who you are just so horribly in love with :((( jiwon's so adorable.. so shy and there wasn't a moment in the day where you aren't falling deeper in love with her 😩😩 but god, it's her cuteness that makes it so hard for you to stay in the right state of mind while being around her 😵‍💫
having her sleep on your lap one day :((( her head resting peacefully on your thigh, watching as her chest rises up and down and her kitty ears twitching every now and then ☹️💔 she was cute even in her sleep, what with her constant tossing and turning, and soft groans every time she did so, the random murmurs that leaves her mouth, and the way she would giggle bcs she was dreaming?? silly kitty,,, there you were trying so hard to concentrate on your book but jiwon was making it so hard 😣
brushing some of her hair away from her face and leaning down to kiss her forehead softly,, smiling in satisfaction when she giggled again,, but despite your efforts to stop yourself, your hand starts trailing down jiwon's body until you were touching jiwon's went cunt... you knew she wouldn't like being fucked without her knowledge—as in she liked to watch you while you fucked her—but that just added to the thrill of it all... 😵‍💫 gently rubbing jiwon's clit through the wet fabric of her panties, nearly moaning at the feeling of her wetness,, gosh you could breathe and jiwon would be drenched so you really shouldn't be surprised that she was horny for you even in her sleep!
two of your fingers going inside her so very smoothly,,, you felt her tense up, but she wasn't awake yet,, her eyebrows were furrowed, but her body wasn't rejecting your touch at all... so you keep going! fingering her gently so as not to shock her awake, nearly moaning at the feeling of her pussy clenching around your digits,, "mmh.." jiwon moaning so softly and ugh she looked even cuter wearing your hoodie :((( leaning down and kissing her again, "such a good girl even while you're sleeping..." you whispered,,, jiwon stirring awake when you increase your speed :((( it takes her a minute to process what was going on before her face just heats up djdbfjdkck 🫠🫠
"m-mommy, w-w-what are y—ahhn..! ahh..."
jiwon clutching your shirt once she starts feeling you everywhere :((( her trying so hard to resist completely submitting but you fucked her too good 😩😩 before she knew it, she had closed her thighs around your wrist and started bucking her hips into your hand, panting and whimpering like the desperate slut she rlly is 😵‍💫 her tail twirling about while you fuck herrr and her kitty ears so cute curling down and springing up every now and then.. and god, her gasps and her moans are so lovely to hear that you were slowly but surely drenching your own underwear,,,
"you've got mommy all wet, darling... you'll help me out, won't you?" AND OFC KITTY!JIWON HAS AN ORAL FIXATION so hearing these words made her eyes snap open bcs she was such a sucker for praises... and she knew she does a good job making you feel good with her mouth!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫 "but i'm gonna make you come first, 'kay?" you kissed her again,, ignoring her whines and continuing to pump in and out of her cunt 🫠
"r-right there, mommy...! feels so good... mmm.." one arm around your neck, pulling you into her as her moans get higher and louder,, she was sooo close,,, you knew it from the way tears have filled up her eyes, the way her little claws latched onto the back of your neck,, and jiwonie cums with a squeak, hiding her face on your neck as she did so,, panting and shaking after she was all done,, mmfkhdksj putting your other arm around her and making her sit up, her face all red from being fucked so well :(((
"baby, you really do come so much." you teased as you showed her your hand, drenched with her juices hehekssldjkc the cutie covering her red face while you licked your fingers clean but she looked anyway!! and ugh she was getting wet all over again bcs you stared at right at her while you sucked on your fingers,, 😵‍💫
okok but like what if you just fuck her that entire day??? maybe she was looking particularly cute, perhaps bcs she was wearing nothing but your hoodie and a cute pair of panties,, you couldn't stop touching her!! jiwonie cooking up a cute lil snack for the both of you after all that so she's busy in the kitchen,, and you're just watching from the living room couch with a dumb, lovesick smile on your face,, her tails just looked so good swinging from side to side bcs she was excited to be making good food GOD SHE'S ADORABLE???
hugging her from behind and it's cute at first!! cute, until you start kissing her neck and until your hands roam all over her body,, your cold hands making contact with jiwonie's sensitive nipples,, making her mewl,, "focus, jiwon-ah." you were telling her but she literally can'tttt :((( jiwon trying so hard not to moan out loud while you played with her tits, her hands were shaking and god even her ears 😭 suddenly pulling yourself away from her as soon as she started grinding her ass against your groin, merely smirking at her whines before settling yourself back down on the couch omfg you're such a tease,, leaving your kitty hot and bothered like that <//3
nevertheless! jiwon finishes cooking and joins you on the couch,, except that you made her sit on your lap while she fed you,, cuddling up with you while the two of you ate and watched some show on the screen,, finding yourself leaning onto your gf's chest while she caressed your hair :(( she's so sweet, asking about your week and stuff, kissing you softly from time to time guys i need to date her—
"you'll have a better week ahead, mommy. i'm sure of it." jiwon says, cupping your face in her hands and giving you little kisses all over your face 🥰🥰 but ugh, you're a sick woman so all you were thinking about was fucking her senseless while she smiled sweetly at you,,, mmfmgkhsk making her turn to the tv screen under the guise of wanting to focus on the show but really that was just an excuse to sneak your thigh in between her own and pressing it against her pussy,,
but jiwon doesn't even really realize what you were doing! all her attention was on the show, but she was also slowly rocking her hips back and forth on your thigh, leaving a small trail on her slick on your exposed skin,,, all jiwon knew was that she felt sososo good, and she couldn't stop moving her hips since the feeling of her clit rubbing against you was too good to let go of :((( it wasn't until she was a few minutes into riding you that she finally realized what she had been doing,, "a-ah, i'm sorry—"
"keep going. you're close, aren't you?"
you didn't have to tell her twice!! jiwonie continues on,, moaning and whining as she pushed herself closer to her climax,, but she never learned to get off without your help :(( "m-m-mommy, please touch me... i c-can't..." she was sayinggg :((( and who were you to say no to your baby?!! akhdjhfdjh grabbing her hips and pressing her down harder on your thigh, increasing her pace,, "mommyy..." she was whining :(( so desperate to come that she takes your hands herself and slides them inside her hoodie, making you touch her boobs,, and ofc you do that too!!
"good girl... good girl," you were saying in her ear as her hips stuttered,, her long tail wrapping around your arm as she got closer and closer,, "come, and maybe i'll fill you up with my strap right after," you said, and you knew this would encourage jiwon to try harder,, "you'd want that, wouldn't you? wan' mommy's cock inside you?"
"yes, yes, y-yes, please...! a-ahhn.. mommy..." jiwon holding onto your arms so tightly as she came :((( making a mess of her panties again as well as your thighs,, "s-sorry.." jiwonie would say after she has seen how soaked your thighs had become 😭 but ofc you were okay with it!! and plus, jiwon had a million ways to make it up to you for always making you clean up after her 😈 and that's exactly what you made her do, by forcing her on her knees in front of you and lick her own cum off your thighs,, her sharp eyes looking up at you softly while her tongue slowly trailed up on your lap to your inner thighs,, one claw tugging at the waistband of your shorts and the other slowly opening up your legs wider,,,
"mommy... you said you'd let me help you out, right??"
and what your cute lil kitty gf wants, she gets 😵‍💫😵‍💫💕
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some-beans · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to request dormleaders with a reader like Millie from helluva boss?
yes 100% yes but god i'm bad at answering these fast 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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✎...pairing: twst dorm leaders x millie!reader ✎...themes: hints to murder, mentions of blood, reader is fem with she/her in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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ngl a little freaked out
given your horns and tail, and the vague/slightly tad bits of what your line of work is, it's safe to say riddle was very weary of you
but, i suppose that lessens up when he sees you respecting the queen of hearts' rules
lowkey loves that fact you fit in with the red aesthetic tho
also loves when you easily whip Ace and Deuce into shape
riddle feels surprisingly comfortable with you after the overblot incident due to the fact you simply held onto him and allowed him to cry, and get it out of his system
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he laps up ALL the love and affection you give him
such a smug bastard [ affectionate ]
also kind of "he asked for pickles" but it's more that he's just lazy
definitely respects the shit out of tho
girlboss over here
is so impressed when he witnessed you take down, like, 15 of his housemates like it was riding a bike
did i mention cuddles??
cuz you are now his fav pillow
yeah nah, you're not moving until he's awake
well, i mean, you can cuz not gonna stop you, but ready to then deal with a grumpy lion later on
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flustered yet intrigued
you said you did some bodyguard work and know how to deal with problematic customers??
. . . do you need a job??
but in all seriousness, very much becomes your malewife
man legit folds at any and all affection you give him, big and small
very surprised when you help him get more contracts for him and he swoons lowkey
something to do with the fact you're from hell or something
he didn't really pay attention cuz azul's brain had crashed from the smile you sent him
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oh our sweet sunshine baby
you honestly end up taking over jamil's job at this point
jamil cried tears of joy over this
you can easily calm kalim down and divert his attention back on track
and easily dispose of any hitmen *ahem*
he definitely buys jewellery to decorate your horns
you casually mentioned your, uh, job once, and let's say kalim is grateful that he's on your good side
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you're like a slightly more violent cheerier version of rook in a sense
but also somehow less intense too??
ugh whatever
your bright red skin does intrigue him
and your makeup is quite impressive
. . .
what do you mean you have naturally smooth skin?? had no acne too??
vil may kind of reprehend you for your country accent, but quickly shuts the fuck up from the wicked glare you give him
epel snickered to himself when say that happen
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you are intense
but in a good way??
you have successfully bamboozled idia shroud
it confuses
he has heard of imps before bc duh ofc he has
he's watched too many manga and shit to not know what those are
you two very much give "he asked for pickles" and "girlboss + malewife" vibes
gets spooked when you don't bat an eye to the gore when watching horror series with him
may have prayed once or twice
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at first, he mistook you for another dragon fae cuz of ya horns and got really fuckin excited
tho lowkey sad once you explained you're actually an imp from hell
still jazzed about the horns and tail tho
loves to share stories and whatnot
. . . kinda concerned when you mentioned a job that left your leg in a bear trap
malleus may have almost asked to . . . talk to your boss
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adaptacy · 6 months
If you are taking requests, I have a pairing that I do not ever see enough of: Gale x Durge. Specifically resisting the urge type Durge. Starved for content as I am, I’d be happy with whatever is written about the two. But I’d love something involving Durge nearly killing their lover or the reveal of Durge being one of the orchestrators of the Absolute plot. In game, those scenes feel far too underdeveloped.
Durge playthrough spoilers blow the cut (Shadow-cursed lands, Last Light Inn stuff. No act 3 spoilers)
so, I haven't gotten to that far into my durge playthru but I did get to the part where you try and kill your lover and to nobody's surprise that happened to be Gale!! i was actually kinda terrified that he was going to die bcs, in my defense, I did try to kill Isobel but Marcus or whatever-his-name-was got the last blow on her first and I was devastated that Gale was gonna have to pay the price for my low damage roll. in the end ofc it was worth it cause he tied my durge up and, I mean, who's gonna complain abt that??
ANYWAYS point is, yes, I agree, I wish that scene was more fleshed out too and I am more than happy to oblige and build on the scene that we were given! Also fun fact, I hadn't actually confirmed the relationship with Gale when this scene happened but the night directly after I tried to kill him he showed me his... 'tower'. And given how horny he gets watching tav/durge beat ppl up in the shadow cursed lands, i do not think that was a coincidence LMAO
No Sceleritas here cause I'm just gonna get to the good part :D — also durge here is gonna be sorta resisting the urge, but has more or less been allowing it to fester, just not embracing it.
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Gorgeous was an understatement.
Busy days — waking hours occupied by wars, sight filled only with the flashes of spells and showers of blood — were all you knew. Nights were barely any break. Smiles were more common at camp, but given the near complete lack of smiles outside of camp, it wasn't saying much. There wasn't much time to be at camp, as the original mission to rid yourselves of the tadpoles grew messier and messier with every passing battle, and each matter was more pressing than the last.
You didn't mind, really. While you were just as eager to get the incubating creature out of your head as the rest of your group, each new quest and mission brought along with it the promise of bloodshed. Adrenaline. Victory. A momentary but exorbitantly satisfying quenching of your thirst for violence. A thirst you first found unsettling and terrifyingly unfamiliar.
When you first found yourself gazing down at the bloodied body of a stranger, dreaming of the torturous pain they must have felt when they met their fate, you were disgusted. Couldn't believe where your thoughts had wandered.
You'd fought it. Refrained from telling the others for fear of being ridiculed, or losing their trust, or scaring them. For a while, you'd fought it. But scarlet liquids, screams of terror, and slaughter had become your routine.
And gorgeous was an understatement.
Peace. Security. Naivete.
One knee bent, the other lazily stretched out, the bedroll barely containing the length of his body. One hand under his head, the other by his side. His eyes were closed, the soft hazel only ever plagued by a buried longing was hidden from you now. His hair spread over one arm and on the thin straw pillow beneath his head, more messy than he'd ever let it be seen while he was awake.
His right cheekbone had a bruise on it from where he'd hit himself with the butt of his staff while swinging it, and you recalled finding time to chuckle at his mistake in the middle of the battle. Being a few feet away, he'd heard it, and couldn't help but look over at you, his cheeks red from more than the blunt force, his mouth pulled back in an embarrassed smile. The moment of shame had earned him a punch to the side from his opponent moments before Astarion managed to stick them with his own blade, saving Gale from a worse fate.
Even down here, far from the surface, it was warm enough — perhaps from the fire that burned a mere two, maybe three, feet away — for Gale to concede and discard his shirt, resting more comfortably in a pair of indigo pants.
He had been honest about his appetites. His cravings. He was hardly hesitant about revealing that part of himself to you — fortunately, he was plenty aware of the consequences that would be wrought upon you, and the rest of the group, should he risk being unable to consume artifacts if he kept his secret.
Even Astarion, who's affliction was much closer to your own, was honest about his needs. It took a lot longer, and you're not sure how things would have gone over had you not woken up the night he planned to feast on you, but his admission did occur.
You were aware of the risks of your secret. You always yearned for more, even when you were positively drenched in crimson, when you'd been messy enough in your strikes that bathing in the river the following evening caused the water around you to be tainted a diluted red. Everything was temporary. Even the satisfaction derived from fights that left your weapon with such thick clumps of gore that Gale had to hold the shaft while you scrubbed away, as if the fight itself hadn't been taxing enough on your exhausted body.
Yet they all remained unaware. Some picked up on it better than others; Lae'zel's compliments, however shallow they often were, had picked up in frequency as you allowed your hunger to get the best of you, undoubtedly giving you some heartless upper hand against the foes forced to face off against your party. Karlach found you delightful, affectionately doting over you as you imitated her own battle-induced rages, though she didn't quite pick up on your lingering stares or mild smirks when your appetite had been satisfied.
Gale was the closest to discovering the truth. Unsurprising, given your mutual favoritism for one another. When you'd butchered Alfira, you'd been quick to blame wolves. Shadowheart, immediately discomforted at the mention, believed you without a second thought. Lae'zel had jumped to blame the Tiefling's lack of defense. Astarion seemed unbothered at best. The others were too busy mourning the bard's early demise to ask questions.
But he'd found you later, kneeling by the river, just before bed. 'A devastating misfortune she suffered. A sweet, innocent soul. Misfortune is perhaps the only apt term for the loss. Terribly curious, it is — To be so savagely slaughtered by beasts that aren't even native to these woods.'
You remembered freezing, fear flashing in a quick rush across your vision, knowing his eyes were on you, studying your reaction. He was so close. You'd agreed — 'an unfortunate fate indeed' — and he'd said goodnight.
Never again was it brought up. Never again was it questioned.
And gorgeous was an understatement.
That was, perhaps, the worst misfortune of all. He had such undying curiosity about the world, and yet that curiosity never reached you, or your intentions, or your past. Too trusting.
The camp was quiet. Crackling flames, distant whispers from the shadows hanging just beyond the light's reach, and his soft, patterned, blissful breathing. His chest rose and fell, so helplessly gentle.
His staff leaned up against a rock several feet away, alongside with everyone's weapons, save for Astarion, who preferred to keep his daggers close. Today had been no different from the rest; the battles had been taxing, only seeming to increase in difficulty the further you wandered into the shadows. He'd given it his all today, and it had been worth it, as you'd managed yet another day without losing any member of your party. As he'd explained it, the more of the weave he manipulated, the weaker his spells got — at least until he was able to rest.
He lay before you, undoubtedly sapped by the day's events. Defenseless.
And gorgeous was an understatement.
Three bruises. One on his cheekbone, one persistent discoloration that sat in the middle of the dark mark of the orb, and one on his side where he'd been assaulted by the undead in his moment of distraction. In a blink, your fingers grace the bruise on his side, and they tingle. Being fresh, the blemishes swirl a deep purple into his light skin, nearly matching the tint of his pants.
Purple was his best color, wasn't it?
The twitch of your fingertips sends a pulse through your body, and you taste an itch in the back of your throat. The tadpole squirms, you can feel its short wriggle behind your eye, but its control falters. Some other sensation warms your body, easing you into a malleable, thinning consciousness, and your gaze trails slowly, drunkenly, over his torso.
Three bruises. Clear, stuck to his skin like the stars he so fondly recalls. So far from the view of the sky, and yet you find a constellation still. Another blink, and your right leg has crossed over his waist. However forgotten your past is, it grants you a waking dream, as vivid as reality; Gale Dekarios, laying under you much like he was now, his pretty face littered with prettier bruises that dot all the way down to his shoulders, his neck red and swollen, branded by the picturesque imprint of hands.
Your hands.
And gorgeous is an understatement.
It's distinct. The pulse of his arteries, teasing the gift of blood beneath his skin, purring under your fingers as they push, your thumbs hitched underneath his jaw, pressuring the veins. Your own heart is thumping, encouraging your desires, urging you to indulge.
You've tasted vindication like this before. When you awoke to the spectacle of Alfira's maimed corpse, there was serenity like nothing you knew possible. It came underlined by pride, your work preciously appalling, and you relished the piece, the art macabre and perfect.
The sweeter the canvas, the finer the design.
Gale was nothing if not sweet.
"My — Hardly the sight I was expecting to wake to."
Another blink, and his bruises are gone, save for the contusion on his cheek. Absent are the inscriptions of your hands on his neck, and his hazel eyes are revealed to you once more. Though you don't remember moving it, your hand presses against the black circle on his chest, palm pining for his throat.
You're unable to move. Unable to control yourself. Unable to win back your own consciousness. Gale props himself up on his elbows. His heart rate has picked up, and yet you don't sense fear. The curiosity in his eyes is familiar. The quirk in his left eyebrow and the smirk playing on the corner of his mouth is not.
"I do assume you meant to wake me, eventually. No harm," he says, gaze narrowing, and your lack of a response makes him huff out a chuckle, or at least part of one, as it only lasts a beat. Your eyes are pinned to his throat, reaching to find the comfort of your imagination's lens again, but your dream has been interrupted. At last, your eyes meet his, and it's the hazel that causes the tadpole to squirm again, awakening your senses once more. Gale moves one of his hands to rest on your waist, and his head recoils ever so slightly. "You look uncomfortable. What's wrong?" He asks, and you're able to sense a less pleasant curiosity, but it's still free of fearful influence.
"I'm going to kill you. You have to stop me."
His eyes widen, and still, there is no fear. He doesn't believe you. "A rather twisted joke... Not one I find particularly humorous. Albeit, humor is subjective, although–"
"I killed Alfira. You're next. No time – you have to stop me," you huff, and your confession brings on a raging headache, unlike any pain you've ever felt before. You lean forward, teeth grit as you groan, and Gale squeezes your hip for a moment. Though the reverberations in your head are overwhelming at the least, you finally catch a hint of fear from the wizard, and you're thankful for it. At least a part of you is, though the beast that brings on your headache is only bubbling to a rage, furious that you would dare turn against your thoughts. You've not committed a betrayal against your own conscience, but instead, betrayed your destiny, refusing some urge that is larger than yourself.
With what little remaining control you have, you push yourself off of him, and he's quick to rise to his feet. Your eyes squeeze closed, fighting the unwelcome entity with the rest of your energy, though given your excursions earlier in the day, that energy is quickly dwindling. Your knees press to the dirt, the heels of your palms pressing to your temples as you keel over, an aggressive, roaring nausea plaguing your senses, soon joined by an even more violent malignity that rips into your control as though it means to test you.
You want him dead.
A wonderful bath his blood would provide — A marvelous crack his bones would sing — A remarkable terror he could feel. He will suffer.
There's a firm squeeze on your arms as they're yanked behind your back, and you writhe, fighting your cravings as they fight your containment. The hold is followed by a burning scrape on your wrists as they are hastily, and uncomfortably tightly, bound by rope. Your head swings, but Gale manages to pull back in time, his reflex causing his grip to falter, and you fall to your side, rolling towards his bedroll.
He frowns, eyebrows pinched inward and he kneels in place, a few paces away, reading the situation and assessing just how much of a threat you pose. Gale glances at where Shadowheart and Karlach lie, still miraculously sleeping soundly despite the struggle occurring no more than two yards from where they reside. His attention returns to you. "Easy. Should you retain any control, I merely request that you refrain from indulging in... whatever your intentions may have been. Greedy as it may be, an explanation certainly wouldn't hurt."
There's a command, conjuring as a sensation rather than a verbal declaration, and it rings through your entire body. You're unable to decipher the apparition's ambition, but your muscles act nonetheless. It fights — you fight — against the rope, and there's a flare of savage discontent when you're unable to free yourself. "You're better off as my prey! You will suffer a purgatory worse than any of the hells could manage," you bark, and your words are not your own. The control he speaks of is entirely silenced, leaving you an unwilling vessel, forced to submit to the will of your past.
"Not the answer I would have preferred, but an answer nonetheless. Yelling will only stir the others from their slumber, and I predict they won't be as understanding as yours truly. You should consider taking up a quieter tone," he advises, and you growl, forcing rashes into your wrists as you wage a war on your binds.
"I will spill your blood before this night is through!" You yell again, and Karlach shifts where she sleeps, stirring a flash of worry in his expression. "Wake them! I'll slaughter them all the same!"
Gale cringes, conflicted for only a moment before he overcomes his internal argument, and he quickly rushes to your side. You bite at him with a rabid ferocity, and he sits behind you, pulling your body closer to his own, even as you squirm and fight him. Shadowheart mumbles, bordering on the edge of lucidity, and Gale curses out a whispered "Godsdamn it." He huffs, irritated just as much as he is scared, and his palm presses to your mouth, his thumb keeping your jaw shut — or at least trying to keep it shut — as your head is pulled against his shoulder.
You mumble, fervently antagonizing him, your muffled words being split up only by the subtle flinching of your jaw as you attempt to bite at his hand, all to no avail. His grasp is tight, nearly rough, keeping you as restrained as possible, and he watches Karlach and Shadowheart with apprehensive dread, his focus painfully split between concern for you and fear of you.
Gale looks down at you, his expression firm and yet, against all odds and expectations, somehow understanding, even if it is incredibly mild. "I've seen you tear apart the most ferocious of beasts. Foes that would make Bhaal himself tremble. You always prevail. You must defeat this — whatever it is." He nods, but his encouragement is not what you want to hear; you thirst for his terror, you thirst for his pleading, you want to see him tremble. His tone softens, and he squeezes your jaw, almost tenderly. "I'm right here. No blood will be shed tonight. Fight to your heart's content; I will not give in. You cannot give in, either."
Your heart is all that remains of your better judgement, and it aches at his promise, though the guilt and appreciation is quickly whisked away by your burning rage, your need for violence. You persist, as does he, correcting your every shift, no matter how exhausted he grows. Certainly the most stern you've ever seen him — more disciplined than you knew he could be, but you have little room in your mind to process that. You despise the way that he cares, the fact that he is just gentle enough not to injure you as he restricts you, the understanding in his expression, the near nurturing tone he takes on.
Yet it's the affection that eventually subsides your bloodlust, willing it to retire, however angry it remains. Angry at the loss, angry at the incompetence, angry at the devotion. Devotion to the wrong subject. Gale wins, ultimately — and by some affiliation, so too do you. A temporary victory, you're well-aware, but even if it isn't permanent, your body becomes your own, your thoughts and feelings along with it.
Exhaustion is the first burden you bear upon your return, and Gale is hesitant to ease his grasp on you, but he takes the risk, and you can't muster the energy to move away from him. Your head pangs with a narrow pain, manifesting as a faint ringing in your ears, and your wrists sear with sharp bites from the fraying rope. His hand releases your mouth, shifting quickly to your shoulder as your torso threatens to fall over, your buried rancor having completely wasted away the last of your energy.
Gale sighs, his own muscles easing up as he inches backwards, allowing you to lean more comfortably, and with a bit more stability, against his chest. One of his arms stays displayed over your abdomen, quite possibly still a little worried you might lash out again, and you didn't blame him for exercising caution. You lean into him, mostly because you lack the energy to do much else, but also because you want him to understand that you are beyond appreciative. "I'm sorry," you mumble, your voice hoarse and barely above a whisper — barely audible at all, really.
"I know. You're okay. Rest now, you'll certainly require some form of rejuvenation if we intend on defeating Ketheric and... Well, repressing whatever it is that you find yourself cursed with. And I assure you, I do so unquestionably intend on assisting you with your affliction. After all, I'm quite fond of my vitals, and I've no interest in seeing them spilled." Gale's tone is almost lighthearted, but genuine still.
His arm releases you, and he guides you to rest your head in his lap, allowing you to experience a little more comfort. Your eyes close, and you fear sleep — you know the possible horrors you could cause when you're left defenseless against your bloodlust — but you feel it taking you nonetheless. Gale doesn't untie you, not yet anyways, and it provides the slightest of reassurances. Worst case scenario, you know that, should the urge take advantage of your rest, Gale will expect it this time.
"Perhaps a poor time for confessions," he begins, his hand brushing stray hairs from your face, "But I must admit, the notion of you becoming lost to that rage is not a concept I'm anywhere near comfortable with. Keeping my heart beating is one motivation, and a strong one at that — but I hope you understand that keeping you safe is also immensely important to me. In all honesty, I'm... not sure what I'd do without you. I worry enough witnessing your engagement in the violent affairs we do so often find ourselves tangling with." Gale pauses, and clears his throat, shifting nervously. "Apologies, pay me no mind — A little shaken up, I fear my feelings may be getting the best of me. Rest. We'll reconvene come morning."
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isa-ghost · 4 months
Btw I've made a new tag "AMFMN things" for all things related to the fic. Be it actual chapters, The Writing Process(tm), asks, shitposts, etc. It'll all be under there.
Bc I'm sliding this into some main tags just in case, here's a,, recap of what the fuck I'm talking about, I guess:
Was making qPhil headcanons bc blorbo brainrot go brrrrr
Made some about Ender King possessed Phil
Got an ask about how Phil's closest friends would save him from EK
For some reason that altered my brain chemistry so hard that I started plotting a fic despite never ever writing any fanfic in my life
Fic is called Awake Me From My Nightmare (AMFMN). I have 7½ chapters planned and atm I'm toying with the idea of 12+ total at of the time of posting this. Aw yeah baby, longfic. Drawing out the angst. 😎
It'll be posted on ao3, visible to everyone so you don't need an acc to read it or leave kudos/comments, etc!! :]
Gonna post chapters with links to the fic ofc, but might still also post the actual chapters on Tumblr (pls answer the poll at the bottom if you don't mind!)
Decided to stir some hype outside my friend groups that know abt it by posting a Plot Summary. Holy fuck unexpected amount of reception to it (thanks btw ;-; <3)
I started writing chapter 1 yesterday!! :D
To keep up my motivation for it, I'm always down 24/7 to get asks about it!! It's been generating new ideas for me and I love love LOVE dropping crumbs while I create stuff in general.
And, as I am the queen of it, I keep shitposting about writing & the fic itself too.
So in order to keep all that in one concise place I'm making a blog tag #AMFMN things to keep all that in one convenient place
So uh yeah. Hi. I've been writing OC stuff for 12+ years but now bc of unexpected events, I'm finally writing a fandom fic.
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okay well fuck you bbg you WILL have atleast ONE quill request in ur inbox and i stand by that
i had a small quick dream its not rlly descriptive so you can let ur imagination go insane for this one but i think it was me n peter baking it was so cute basically just a fic where reader and peter are baking like a cake? a cookie? a cupcake? SMTHN CUTE BAHSHSJ but theyre also dancing around the kitchen and maybe SLIGHTLY making out while the stuff is baking and then they eat it together 😋😋
very silly very adorbs and I hope u can do it soon! have a great week/end <33
hi bbg hi!! omg ofc, always have space for quill😌 so jelly, wish I got dreams of him like you do :( this is so cute. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 I made brownies today bc of you🫶
peter quill x female reader
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word count: 497
warnings: none just fluff
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You and Peter had just finished a small movie marathon on the couch when the idea of baking crossed your mind. You roll over to face your boyfriend sleeping peacefully behind you, snuggled into your back.
You felt cruel about the idea of waking him up -he just looked cute and peaceful- but the thought of fresh baked goods deemed more significant, so you gently prod him awake.
"Peter... Peter, baby," you whisper, softly waking him with a kiss on the forehead. 
"What? What? You okay?" Peter replies, looking over you with sleepy, squinted eyes. "How long was I asleep?" 
"Probably thirty minutes," you smile, kissing his cheek. "Now that you're awake... I really, really, really want brownies."
He abruptly sits up, slightly perky at the thought. "I could destroy a tray of brownies right now."
"Good, me too," you grin, standing up and pulling Quill to his feet, dragging him through the living room. 
You and Peter move around the kitchen to collect all the ingredients, fetching everything from their designated cabinet space and filling the counter.
You work together as a team- like you're sharing one mind, swiftly moving around the kitchen to Peter's playlist. You take turns to do the 'fun parts', one of you whisking while the other measures, swapping after adding each ingredient. 
After a little while, everything came together, and it was time to bake. Peter held the bowl at an angle while you scooped the brownie batter into the tray, scraping the edges with the spatula before quickly sneaking a taste. 
Quill notices and dramatically inhales, eyes wide with agape mouth, watching you. "You can't do that—that's not fair,"
"Just checking that it wasn't poisonous, babe. I'm being a good girlfriend," you shrug, scraping the bowl once more before guiding it up to Peter, waving it in front of him as if to tempt him. "It's safe to eat now. It's all good."
"Well, ain't you just so thoughtful," he grins, leaning over to kiss your lips, tasting the batter from you before snatching the utensil from your grasp.
Your smile widens, watching his sweet features mirror yours, almost lightening up as you look at each other. You shift your gaze away first, kissing him once more before parting- placing the tray in the oven. 
You begin to put everything away while Peter 'cleans' the bowl, clearing the residual batter and licking it clean when you turn around- thinking you hadn't noticed. But you did, the small patch of brown on the corner of his mouth a clear giveaway. 
"Got a little something," you tease, pointing to his lips. 
"Come lick it off me," he grins, stalking forward.
"Behave," you playfully dismiss, wiping it with your thumb and licking the crumb of batter. 
And as you waited for your goods to cook, you and Peter danced around the small kitchen- your hands in his larger ones as he guided you with little, shuffle-like steps, slowly swaying to the music.
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
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