libraryraccoon · 2 days
I will write all btw, just the one I should write before the other.
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libraryraccoon · 2 days
Hey ! I have a little question : how do you start to draw ? I want to start but idk how-
And, for the digital art, what app to used for it ?
(I'm sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, in fr :
Hey ! J'ai une petite question : comment on commence a dessiner ? J'aimerai commencer mais jsp comment-
Et, pour l'art digital/digital art, quel application utiliser ?)
Bonjour Anon ^^
Bonnes questions! 💗
On va y aller en français parce que, comme disait le Roi de France, "Car tel est notre plaisir" et puis parce que je l’ai déjà expliqué en anglais quelque part dans mon tag #arttechnique donc, pour une fois, la communication se fera en Langage de Grenouille. 🇫🇷
Pour commencer sache que tu as ouvert la boite de Pandore, la réponse va donc être longue. Alors, « comment on commence à dessiner ? ».
1 - Papier/Crayon. C’est loin d’être une plaisanterie, on commence avec un papier et un crayon. Pas besoin d'avoir du matériel sophistiqué et onéreux, j'ai commencé avec le crayon et le carnet à la con de chez Carrefour. De plus, quand tu vois ce que fait Alan Lee avec juste le dit crayon, tu n'as pas besoin de plus. C'est vraiment très bien pour s'exercer/démarrer. Après, si tu veux commencer directement en digital, tu peux le faire bien évidemment soit avec un iPad soit avec un ordinateur et une palette graphique mais très honnêtement, le papier/crayon offre une bonne base
2 - S'y mettre. Ça peut paraitre con comme conseil mais c'est comme à la piscine il va bien falloir rentrer dans l'eau, ne serait-ce que dans le petit bain. C'est bien beau d'avoir du matériel et de se répéter qu'on "va s'y mettre un jour" mais si on repousse l'échéance, ça ne va pas marcher. Il faut se convaincre que Rome ne s'est pas fait en un jour et qu'au début, ça va être tordu et que tu vas dessiner n’importe quoi. La procrastination au nom du perfectionnisme est un mal réel mais arriver à l'occulter est un belle victoire.
Pour ce faire, on commence doucement par gribouiller des choses qu'on aime. Conseil qui sonne sans doute comme une lapalissade absolue mais au début, je dis bien au début, on peut rester dans sa petite zone de confort pour booster la motivation. Tu aimes les chats ? Dessine un chat. Tu aimes les fleurs ? Dessine une pivoine. Tu aimes le ballet ET Emmanuel Macron ? Bref, tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire (on ne kink shame pas, je suis sure qu’il y a des amateurs quelques part). Cependant, petit à petit, il va falloir prendre plus de risques et se forcer un peu à dessiner des choses qu'on n'aime moins pour progresser mais au commencement, il n'y a pas de mal à gribouiller Les Chevaliers du Zodiac, n'importe comment.
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Le Chevalier du Poisson après s’être pris un mur. J'avais 8 ans ok ?
Bon, je mets un « cut » parce que ça ne va pas être gérable.
3 - Suivre des tutos et ne pas avoir peur de l'aspect technique surtout quand on commence à aborder l'anatomie et la perspective. Et c'est là, qu'il va falloir sortir un peu de sa zone de confort pour faire des exercices pour pratiquer les ombres et lumières, la perspective, comprendre les points de fuites, les poses dynamiques. Il y a plein de tutoriels sur YouTube, tu as aussi des bouquins mais je pense qu'une vidéo est plus parlante. C'est vraiment TRÈS utile. Tu as des vidéos comme "apprendre à dessiner" ou "perspective pour débutant", "la théorie des couleurs pour les nuls", etc...C'est là que tu vas voir que pour dessiner un chat, un visage, un bateau il y a des règles pour simplifier une forme, un visage, un corps. Alors oui, c'est chiant de dessiner 12 fois la même main ou la même sphère éclairée différemment mais ça sert. Bref, commencer à dessiner, ça va être commencer à comprendre comment transposer la réalité en « 3D » vers un support « 2D », la feuille ou le canevas Photoshop, peindre ce que l’on voit et non pas ce que l’on croit voir, décomposer les formes, comprendre les couleurs. Une fois encore, ça va prendre du temps, mais ça viendra.
Pareil pour les applis de dessin que tu vas utiliser si tu commences en digital. Si tu ne sais pas faire quelque chose, va suivre des tutos sur Youtube. Il y a aussi des reels sur Instagram qui ne sont pas mal du tout car ils montrent des "trucs" comme des raccourcis clavier ou des façons de modifier les pinceaux (brushes) de Photoshop ou Clip Studio Paint.
4 - S'exercer par gribouiller tout et n'importe quoi, faire des croquis de...cafetière, bouquin, chaussures, prise électrique, la petite cousine, le gros voisin, la dame du pressing. 1) c'est marrant et 2) les défis techniques ne sont pas toujours là où on le croit 3) ces exercices permettent de comprendre ce dont je te parlais plus haut s’agissant de la décomposition des formes ainsi que de la façon dont la lumière frappe les objets.
5 - Utiliser des références. Je ne le dirais jamais assez, utiliser des références n’est pas tricher ! Des illustrateurs confirmés comme Alex Ross ont un studio où ils prennent des photos de leurs assistants, leurs amis, eux-mêmes, pour avoir une base de travail. Si tu veux dessiner un bateaux pirate, va chercher une photo de bateau pirate sur Internet. On n’est pas « un vrai artiste » parce qu’on dessine de tête ou sans gommer. 🙃
6 - Travailler régulièrement pour progresser. Je sais c'est dur de trouver du temps avec le lycée, la fac, le boulot, les transports, la vie de famille, etc...mais le mieux est d'arriver à dessiner un peu régulièrement, ça sera plus efficace que deux heures toutes les deux semaines. Les cours de géo sur les bassins sédimentaires sont faits pour ça. J'AI RIEN DIT.
7 - Ne pas se décourager. Je me répète mais les artistes étant leurs pires critiques, le chemin vers la satisfaction va être long. Tu vas commencer par copier tes artistes préférés et ta tête va exploser car un jour tes dessins vont ressembler à Mucha et le lendemain ça sera à One Piece et le jour suivant Moebius ou un web-comic coréen. C'est encore plus dur pour les artistes débutants aujourd'hui car ils sont confrontés, Tiktok après Tiktok, tableau Pinterest après tableau Pinterest, à un déluge constant d'influences, à une stimulation artistique telle qu'elle en devient inaudible pour un cerveau toujours plus sollicité. Savoir ce qu'on veut, se concentrer, construire son style sans se perdre est, je pense, un des grands défis des artistes débutants en 2024.
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C'était joliment dit. Merci d'avoir suivi Ce soir ou jamais, on se retrouve demain soir.
Il va surtout falloir que tu prennes en compte en tant que débutant que quand tu vas commencer, tes progrès vont être proche de ça :
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Ils ne seront pas linéaires mais, tu progresseras. Un petit "art block" de temps en temps, du découragement, mais surtout beaucoup de joie et de satisfaction quand tu auras dessiné quelque chose qui te tiens à cœur pour la première fois, même si tu détesteras ce même dessin deux mois plus tard, c'est ça être un artiste, félicitations!
8 - Ne pas se comparer à des illustrateurs de folie. Paix à son âme mais si tu vois une vidéo du regretté Kim Jung Gi qui dessinait des fresques entières sans traits de construction, à main levée, tu vas te dire "Mais punaise, pourquoi j'essaie ?". N'y penses pas, fais ta vie, à ton rythme. Pareil avec les gens de ton âge. Ne te compare pas à un mec de 13 ans à Singapour qui dessine déjà comme un artiste confirmé. On s'en fout. C'est une exception, grand bien lui fasse, on l'embrasse, cœur sur lui, mais ce n’est pas toi. Bref, l'inspiration OUI, la comparaison NON.
9 - Prendre des cours de dessins. Être autodidacte et s’entrainer tout seul, c’est bien, mais prendre des cours si on est perdu n’est absolument pas honteux. Il y a des cours municipaux, des ateliers parfois à la mairie, à la médiathèque de ta ville, etc...Alors oui, tu vas dessiner un pot de fleurs et une pomme avec Mamie Geneviève, retraité de la Mairie de Brie-Comte-Robert mais tu vas avoir un prof qui va t'expliquer les bases si tu sens que tu ne vas pas y arriver seul.
Et, pour l'art digital/digital art, quel application utiliser ?
Moi, j'utilise Photoshop mais c'est payant (et assez cher)
Pour commencer, je te recommande d'autres applications bien moins chères comme Krita (gratuite) ou, si tu as un iPad, Procreate. C'est environ 8€ (ça a peut-être augmenté depuis le temps où je l'ai acheté) mais pour tout ce que cette appli peut faire, c'est donné. Moins connue mais également gratuite, Fire Alpaca, très honorable aussi!
Clip Studio Paint est également très bien. Tu peux l'avoir soit avec un système d'achat unique, soit un system de souscription comme tu peux le voir ici.
Voilà ! Bref, il faut s’y mettre, se lancer, dessiner n’importe quoi pour se faire la main, suivre des tutos, parce que la technique c’est important, utiliser des références et ne pas se décourager.
J’espère avoir répondu à ta question et comme disait Marie-Pierre Casey :
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"Je ne ferai pas ça tous les jours!" (même si personne ne m’a demandé de faire aussi long).
Si vous n’avez pas la réf, demandez à vos parents.
Passe un bon dimanche et courage ! On reste motivé !! 💗
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libraryraccoon · 2 days
hi!  I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.
Be blessed 💓🙏🙏💓
            DONATE AND SHARE.
No. <3
Don't ever come to my inbox for asking for money, or in another minors inbox really. <3
(Not being rude- just don't go in people inbox for asking for money. Especially if they are minor.)
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libraryraccoon · 2 days
This moment where a name is stuck in your head and your actual name (and the only one your parents accept) are fighting and you have to choose one bc you can't choose both (we only have one name here)
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libraryraccoon · 4 days
A Raccoon in Twisted Wonderland ?
Gender : Raccoon
Pronouns : Raccoon
Infos : You're a raccoon. A real raccoon. That's it, that's the story. TW : Rook, bad english, english isn't my first language.
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You were a normal raccoon, well normal, you had the power to speak in human language and to be smart.
These were the only powers, the only magic, you had, so imagine your shock when you found yourself at the NRC, the Black Mirror choosing you to be a student.
“BUT I DIDN’T EVEN APPLY ?!” -Raccoon!Reader, when a confused Crowley explained the raccoon situation.
Grim was jealous.
You, a fucking raccoon whose only magic was human language and intelligence, had been chosen but not him ?! Jealousy.
Grim became your rival without being asked, literally trying to be better than you at everything, while you didn't even acknowledge his existence-
You are in Savanaclaw, the only real raccoon there is in Savanaclaw.
When Leona and Ruggie started their plan in Book 2, you knew about it too.
They didn't tell you about it, no, you just had heard everything one day.
"You know this can lead to serious problems ? Like broken limbs ?" -Raccoon!Reader, on Leona's bed.
“Well, the nurse- WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE, FUCKING THIEF ?!” -Leona not having seen you arrive.
He give you money in exchange of your silence.
You are known at the NRC for stealing anything and everything, from money to trash passing by student and teacher files.
You once stole Crowley's file thinking it was Crewel's... You are the only student who knows his age and his true identity (you say nothing in exchange for him turning a blind eye to the illegal things you do).
You didn't know who Malleus was before the NRC, the reason is simple : no one knows anything about magic in your origin little forest. Magic and anything related to it isn't really something animals care about, so you didn't know it before the NRC.
“Oh, child of, uh, raccoon ?” Malleus suggested, confused about what nickname to give you.
"Kits. A raccoon child is a kits." -Raccoon!Reader.
Underrated friendship : Idia & Raccoon!Reader & Ortho.
You were adopted by the Shroud the moment Idia realized that you were not afraid of him and that you saw Ortho as Ortho and not just a robot.
You let them pet you, especially if one of them (most often Idia) is stressed.
You are Idia's support animal and the reason for his occasional attendance at class IRL.
Every class where Idia goes IRL (which is 3 times a month since you've been here) you accompany him and let him caress/pet you.
Imagine the look on all the 3rd years' faces the first time they saw him go to flight class with you that very first time (it was also the first time of all year he go to a class IRL).
Headcanon that you and Rook had some sort of weird alliance that consisted of you giving each other information on all the students.
A scary duo.
Literally the hunter and the supposedly "prey" teaming up was something no one at the NRC expected. Even less that they give each other information about the students.
Crewel is the one who makes your clothes, whether those for classes or those to use in everyday life, because for him it's not because you are a raccoon that you are obliged to have no style.
Lilia 🤝 Raccoon!Reader : playing jokes on students who didn't ask for anything (especially Sebek).
I like to think that Raccoon!Reader would be friends with all the NRC ghosts, and that they would give him free food.
For Overblots where you have to fight, be aware that you will jump on the Overblotter's face each time unexpectedly. No one knows why you do this, not even you. Your only answer is always “instincts”.
And it's not even just with Overblotters, but with everyone who annoys you.
The nurse is fed up with you, that's canon.
The Black Mirror is maybe the only one (with the Shroud brothers) who doesn't regret having you at the NRC.
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libraryraccoon · 5 days
I had a thought.. we all know that Ortho is a robot ? That he, technically, can't die ? Imagine, when Idia dies, he just turns off. He would still be there, unable to leave, stuck in this robot body for eternity, but just turned off. And, years later, he is turns on again by someone who found him.
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libraryraccoon · 5 days
how the pilot of supernatural probably went idk
context: Dean arrived at Stanford to see that Sam's transitioned. He's ftm in my head but you can interpret it however lol
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Yup 100% how it went on the drive to California. i think.
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libraryraccoon · 5 days
I'm trying to learn how to draw
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libraryraccoon · 6 days
I'm trying to learn how to draw
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libraryraccoon · 6 days
When will internet artist remember that tracing is a key part of learning art?? Like obviously don’t trace someone’s work and like sell it for a profit or something like that. But tracing as a whole? Girl I was tracing things under my teachers instruction all through my after school art classes to learn where to shade. They’d have us trace outlines of things and fill them in with all the correct shading and details. They’d have us trace the same thing over and over until we got a feel for where things would go. That’s why light boxes exist, to trace with. Tracing isn’t some big evil art sin, it’s part of learning. Obviously don’t be selling art traced from someone else, THAT would be stealing since you’re making a profit from someone else’s art. But tracing for practice, using a base etc? Literally not an issue at all. I’m begging y’all to take an actual art class and hear it from a teacher yourselves.
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libraryraccoon · 6 days
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libraryraccoon · 8 days
At first I was like "hmmm.. Creator x Reader" as a joke... but bro, i don't think it's a joke anymore-
I may or may not have a draft about a male reader and a gn Creator.
I have read a lot of genshin sagau, and I just want to ask : when a creator x reader ???
The creator just seems so nice in all fanfics ??? I need a fic (gn)creator x (gn or m)reader so bad rn.
Anyway, happy late new year (don't be sick the first day of the new year like me)
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I know that won't happen, but let me stay in delulu
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libraryraccoon · 8 days
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This moment is so funny to me
Tweels finding out that mc and Grim stayed up all night being noisy to annoy Leona into helping, they're probably like damn thats like advanced strats we haven't even done that to Azul
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libraryraccoon · 8 days
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peruere and clervie
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libraryraccoon · 9 days
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Superwholock (+ guests) : Happy Birthday Doctor! - (2024)
"Hey, angel! Why are we even here? It's the fifth time we're celebrating the Doc's birthday this year! Being a time traveler, it doesn't even make sense anymore! He's so old, I'm sure he doesn't even remember how old he is anyway. And there are two of them today? Shall we celebrate this one's birthday too? How does this even WORK?
Can you behave for a minute? We are here because it's fun, because it's a great occasion to be together again, and because he's our FRIEND. We are enjoying ourselves!
Are we? I mean, is he going to regenerate and go PshHhiTt at the same time as the candles? *That* would be entertaining!"
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libraryraccoon · 10 days
Remember who the ennemy is... REMEMBER WHO THE ENNEMY IS-
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Crowley sitting in the manga ☺️🐦‍⬛
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libraryraccoon · 11 days
Hey ! I have a little question : how do we start drawing ? And, if we need tuto, what tuto do you recommend ?
Have a good day !
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Lord almighty, I hope ur ready for the rant of ur life. Buckle up buster bc we are diving headfirst /hj
Ok so first things first, there’s really only one way to start drawing: grab a pencil, get some paper, and just go. Ik, it’s very anticlimactic, but the only way to really get started with it is to just start. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, it doesn’t have to be some big illustration, just start somewhere. You don’t need expensive or fancy supplies, just a pencil and paper are great (or even just ur finger and ur phone if u wanna do digital!!)
Just remember: everyone starts somewhere!! Don’t beat urself up if it doesn’t look how you want it to the first go around. Art is just like any other hobby: you get better the more you practice, the more you get into the groove of it and the more you learn the fundamentals and building blocks of it. You don’t have to draw everyday, but drawing consistently does help.
Now let’s say u got ur paper & pencil, but nothing comes to mind. Here’s a few simple exercises that I personally enjoy as warmups and simple doodles to fill my sketchbooks:
𒊹︎ Shapes !!
- This is one of my favorite warmups bc of how simple it is. Draw spheres, cones, cubes, etc!! (Bonus points if you add a light source and do some shading as well <3)
- this can be rlly good for studying perspective using very simple objects and adding a light source can make it feel a bit more fleshed out. Plus, it’s always good to study how light affects 3d objects so it can be applied to full illustrations and the like later down the line !!
- to add onto that, learning how to draw basic 3d shapes can be very beneficial when moving onto more complex designs and figures, as it can make the area/object appear less flat and more fleshed out if that makes sense !!
Examples :
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𒊹︎ Look at the world around you !!
- find different objects, buildings, etc, and take a picture of them.
- next, using that photo as a reference, try breaking it down into simpler 3d shapes
- Think of these shapes as the building blocks of the figure. They create a general silhouette and portrays the figure in its most simple form. Being able to break down complicated visuals into simpler shapes will make it easier to draw them from scratch !!
Examples :
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𒊹︎ Find reference photos online !!
- Personally, I like sites like Pinterest or Instagram for this, but pls note that these aren’t ur only options !!
- some other sites include: Line of action and QuickPoses !!
- reference photos can be very good for studies, but you don’t rlly learn much if ur just copying off of it. While there isn’t anything wrong with that, I suggest trying to break it down. Try to understand the form in a 3d space. Like I said before, doing that will make it easier to draw from scratch and may even help when trying to draw it from a different angle
- reference photos can also be a very good way to get inspiration!! Whether it be for just one drawing, for a storyline, or for a whole production, if ur stuck on a scene it wouldn’t hurt to look at few refs to get a feel for what ur looking for.
If there’s one thing to remember, just know that you don’t need to follow any tutorials to make art. Hell, u don’t even have to listen to my advice abt art either. There are no rules to art, so take everything I say as suggestion rather than gospel !!
That being said, tutorials are mainly there to help you improve by teaching you various fundamentals and techniques. In other words, to help you make your art look a bit more visually appealing or look like a specific style. There’s not exactly one set list of tutorials that every artist needs to follow, so you kinda just pick and choose depending on what you want to focus on!!
Here’s some tutorials I’ve seen and/or used before :D
𒊹︎ GOOD vs BAD Character Design: Tips & Tricks!
- a classic 🫶🫶, goes over various subjects such as color and shape theory in order to make characters and scenes more memorable. This can be especially useful if u intend to make characters & scenes for animation, but it works for other mediums as well!!
𒊹︎ Basic Color Theory
- pretty self explanatory!! Goes over the basic fundamentals of color theory and how this artist likes to apply it themselves. Color theory can be good to use to ur advantage as it can be used to set the tone of ur art, to show the general time of day, to draw ur attention to specific areas, etc!!
𒊹︎ Anatomy Quick Tips
- this is actually a playlist instead of just one video ^^ each vid is dedicated to different parts of the human body and tips for drawing them!! There are 15 vids total as of today going over stuff like hair, eyes, hands, backs, hips, etc.
If there’s anything I missed or anything anyone would like to add on, feel free to do so !!
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