#autistic ace
gendernull · 2 months
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autistic ace, autistic aroace, and autistic aro flags!
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ace-culture-is · 2 years
Autistic ace culture is feeling bad about headcanoning an autistic coded character as ace bcus the fandom often infantilise them for being autistic coded but u aren't headcanoning them as ace bcus they're autistic, it's bcus ur ace and find them relatable.
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pridebicons · 2 months
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autistic ace fizzarolli pride icons
requested by anon
like/rb if using + credit
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pridewishes · 8 months
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250x250 || combo autistic || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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eternaspacic · 1 year
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autistic pride flags!
in order they are:
lesbian - gay - bi
transhet - ace - aro
trans - nb - genderfluid
please credit me if you use!
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Autistic aroace genderqueer writer culture is making all your characters aroace nd/autistic and/or genderqueer/trans. Whether by accident or not, they all end up that way lol.
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aegolexic · 2 years
I hate how difficult it is for me to fit in to any community because I always seem to be in some weird intersection that I can’t not talk about. Like I just cannot think about or explain my queerness without my autism and my mental health disorders.
And while I don’t exactly have many contacts with other autistic people, I am way more secure in it. With everything regarding queer identities I just feel like I if I say something/ allude to something, then people simply ignore it because I am autistic and have problems with social interactions, anxiety and depression, which seems to be enough to “explain away” everything else (especially being aspec). And in queer communities I’m still quite afraid of doing/saying/interpreting things wrong and with every question I always end up at a point where I don’t know if a label really fits or if it is for other reasons. Which shouldn’t matter so much, but it keeps me from really being part of anything.
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jax-likes-snax · 10 months
I hate how oddly sexualized breasts are, and how oddly sexualized bedrooms are, and I hate how anything not inherently sexual gets sexualized, it was hot outside and me and my boyfriend were watching his friend repair his truck at my house and I had a shirt off and only my binder on since yk it was hot out, and the other guys also had their shirts off and it was considered fine, but when me and my boyfriend went to go relax in the ac in my room I changed from my binder to a sports bra cause my ribs hurt and kept a shirt off cause I was still sweating a lot and really hot, and my mom came in complaining about how I need to wear a shirt and how it's weird to wear only a bra in a bedroom with your significant other even though she knows I'm ace and she thinks it's weird since he isn't ace and I have breasts and bedrooms are sexualized, why is it okay to not have a shirt as one assigned gender and not the other, why are certain environments more sexualized than others, it makes no sense especially since we weren't doing anything sexual, neither me nor him made it weird, but my mom was making a huge deal out of having tits in a bedroom
maybe it's cause I'm autistic or maybe cause I'm asexual but I think the oversexualization of literally everything is weird
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I don't doubt Hobie and Gwen were planned as trans from their concept art i mean they literally looked like this
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glitchedcosmos · 4 months
One thing about me and my mutuals is we will be on a spectrum autistic?, aromantic?, asexual?, gender?, you name it were on it you’ll find me on every goddam spectrum
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theradicalace · 2 years
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i don’t know why my brain works this way
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your-gay-grandma · 3 months
i want to see something based on conversations with friends recently…….
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aegolexic · 2 years
I might just call myself aegosocial for now.
I’m basically a recluse in my mind, filling social needs (and I’d include sexual, romantic, platonic etc in this) through reading stories and experiencing emotions through characters and music while actual social situations either repulse me or push me into being very much not myself.
This is probably more about being autistic than about queer identities but I’m getting to a point where I don’t care about that anymore.
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doctorsiren · 4 months
I would love to see more dadworth and dadnix, especially to Apollo and Athena
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very important ask methinks
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mizzyislost · 2 months
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aromantic flag colorpicked from chilchuck. btw. if you even cared.
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thetisming · 3 months
"wow you must be so focused on school without crushes" incorrect! instead i am thinking about my special interest.
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