#anyway we are really seriously done doodling
shirozora-draws · 2 years
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... so anyway, I'm a lying liar who lies about not drawing for the rest of the month. If I say I'm gonna "doodle something real quick and then write", grab my access to Clip Studio Paint and all my tablets, and run.
One is a sketch/color test based on a scene in the staircase fic and inspired heavily by Eyvind Earle's work for Disney's Sleeping Beauty. The other is me feeling a bit spicy and also letting my brain build up on a sliver of an idea. But it's mostly me feeling a little bit spicy, as a treat.
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robo-milky · 25 days
“Hey, Carrots!
No need to look so offended, I’m not here to cause any trouble, you know~. No favors to ask of either. It’s your special day, isn’t it? It is! So I came by to give you a present.
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…Yeah, okay, it’s not really much, but it’s a gift nonetheless. Coupon for a special pop for the birthday girl~. You have a favorite flavor or something? I’ll try making it into a pop for you. A dozen for free! I’m real kind, I know.
Oh, and before I forgot. You know Ashi, don’t you? Poor girl couldn’t make it today, so she asked me to hand you a gift bag in her stead. Proves my trustworthiness, doesn’t it? Heh.
No need to worry, I didn’t peek at it… Hold some higher standards for me, would you?”
Niko hands over the bag. It’s a cute, pink, petite bag with cat decorations on it. It holds some resemblance to the feline holding it herself.
Grabbing what’s inside, there’s a little drawing with a note attached. It’s written with words and symbols that seem impossible to verbalize, but somehow it’s easy to imagine a certain brunette bringing life to them…
Clochey! HBD fam!~ Super bummed I couldn’t make it, but I hope this prezzie has enough of my energy baked into it that it feels like I’m there! LMK ASAP ☆
I wanted to send you a cute lil’ message ‘cuz I’m real thankful for us being friends, YK? Even tho we aren’t super buddy buddy, I still totally enjoy your company. Eppy tells me enough about you that it basically feels like I’m hanging with you myself!
Anyway~ I wanted to gift smth more personalized for you, so I drew up a little drawing! It’s kinda like a postcard, but I tried putting one of your fave things on it ♡ I hope you enjoy!~
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We should SO get talkin’ again soonsies! Wishin you a happy birthday and many more with a certain huntsman <3
Sincerely, Ashi ♪
Cloche hears a chuckle after she’s done reading the note.
“Wow, Carrots, your face is a little red… Wonder what Ashi stirred up for you to get you, the cold clawed kitty to get lookin’ like that. Well, privacy is privacy. Guess that’s my cue to leave.
Here’s hoping you catch a break from all the trouble around campus, hm? Enjoy your day~.”
HAPPY BDAY CHRIS!!!!!!! I HOPE YOUR DAY AND WEEK AND TBH MONTH IS SO BANGER. ITS SO DESERVED!!!!!!! 🫶 it’s been SO nice being your moot for like?? WHAT??? TWO YEARS OR SMTH??? TIME IS SO CRAZY. it’s been such a treat being able to interact n talk w you since the beginning!!! I GET SUPER HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS <333 HBD again and I hope life treats you well!!!!! 🙏 blessing your pulls and turning them into pomepulls……….. tehepero
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash] *them referring to our dear freshmen
Okay first of all… ASHIIIIIII YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME I SWEAR !!! THE FACT THAT YOU SENT THIS SO EARLY??!?! THE INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING! I JUST LOVE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT SO NATURALLY- Fr, Niko just waltzing into Ramshackle then dipping- aND THE GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ROOKLOCHE ART- LITERALLY SCREAMING OVER THE POSE AND DETAILS- YOU SERIOUSLY OUT DID YOURSELF FOR THIS ONE! Rook carrying her and Cloche grabbing on to him to get closer- SAVANACLAW ROOK MY BELOVED- Muscle man frrrr- Ashi really caught on to the cat maid’s staring during Chapter 7 huh. AND THE DOODLES ON RHE SIDES ARE TOO CUTE- 😩
Epel yapping on about Cloche and totally not suspiciously asking Ashi about her roommate- Ashi internally sweating bullets when Epel doesn’t realize that everything he describes is the cat maid making up excuses to avoid him-
Also take this… Cloche walking up to Niko days later and asking for a bone marrow pop, and it takes Niko a few seconds to realize it was a joke 😭😭 Slow burn friendship trust-
Really, it’s so wild that it’s been 2 years- So glad to have you here and to celebrate with you again !! I think you really blessed my pome pulls with this one- seriously- man came on the 30th pull twice- Ilyyyyy If makes me super happy to see you in my notifs as well and may we continue to interact in the future!
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genericpuff · 10 months
Can’t wait for someone to make a copy of RS’s coveted “signature” stamp and just buy a few dozen books, stamp them, and sell them as “autographed” at a huge markup, and goofballs will buy them all.
I mean seriously, that stamp will be incredibly easy to copy if it’s not already been copied, it’s the polar opposite of exclusive or personal. Why anyone would pay $20 for that is beyond me but it proves that RS is a shrewd business person by any means necessary and will be richer than I ever will be. No wonder Hades is her idol.
No joke, there are pictures of Rachel using the stamp at SDCC and-
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That stamp is literally just a standard one that you could order through any custom manufacturer. It's not a roller in any way, there's no unique cut they're working off of, it's just a round press stamp.
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And it shows because this is the quality of the actual ink when it's on the paper-
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Basically low grade printer ink on glossy paper. It's not gonna last at all, and it turned out exactly how I was expecting - there's too much solid color with too thin empty areas so the ink is bleeding into what's supposed to be 'white' (we deal with the same concepts in tattooing so I knew this was gonna happen as soon as I saw the stamp design).
Anyways so that's my long-winded way of saying that I took the stamp that was on Rachel's IG from her promotional posts, desaturated it, added a tone curve layer to adjust the sharpness/clarity, and threw it into VistaPrint. Just for science, and because I'm an asshole trying to prove a point.
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Would literally only cost me $20-$30 for the stamp after shipping.
Now for obvious reasons I'm not saying anyone SHOULD do this, like... I'm showing you this for science but really, don't go making counterfeits because of this LOL This is really just to demonstrate how easy it would be for anyone to make a convincing replica, which is the unfortunate drawback to using stamps as your "signature" - and with a very low quality printer shop stamp to boot - because it makes it pretty easy to copy. Not to mention showing off the stamp design beforehand through social media means that people (like me, oop-) can rip it out of your image posts and reverse engineer it into something that can be uploaded and purchased. I get she wanted to make sure that people knew what they were getting, it would have been a HUGE piss off to go see her for a signature just to find out she was doing a stamp, but like... these are the risks that come with stamps.
Don't get me wrong, you can just as easily forge a signature, but it's a little harder to nail someone's personal signature vs. a stamp and you can usually find ways to make it more unique (like what Junji Ito did by giving out little doodles on each signature). It also doesn't help that that stamp is made so cheaply that a poorly done replica would probably be on the same level of quality as the authentic one. And of course she added insult to injury by deciding to sell ACTUAL HAND-SIGNED BOOKS WITH ONLY ONE BOOK THAT HAS ONE CRAPPY DOODLE INSIDE AT ONLY ONE SPECIFIC BOOKSTORE A WEEK AFTER SDCC WAS OVER THAT YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU'RE GONNA HAVE AN EXTRA COPY OF A BOOK YOU ALREADY OWN-
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sigh This isn't an uncommon thing to do, it's not unique to Rachel, but it gives me grifting gacha vibes and it feels like such a fuck you to the people who travelled all the way out to SDCC and paid for the ticket prices just to get a shitty printer ink stamp and then find out a week later after they've undoubtedly gone home that one bookstore in San Diego actually has hand-signed copies. I've seen Youtubers pull this kind of shit with vinyl printings and Youtooz figures and it's equally tacky.
If she had done it either with handwritten signatures or at the VERY least a better quality stamp design and higher quality ink, then yeah, it would be harder to make it seem legit for anyone who's not privy to creating things like lino cuts or using roller ink and thus make it a much more valuable collector's item. But the books at SDCC were literally made with a stamp that anyone can replicate for $20 and then the hand-signed ones were offered at only one bookstore after Rachel had already flown home. It feels so impersonal and cold to the audience that has supported her through all the bullshit she's pulled in the last year.
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kittenninja14 · 4 months
Hii KN!!
I have a question. Can you describe the evolution of the way you drew Zane?
ps. ur Zane is so cute!
Hello, my mysterious friend!! <333
Thank you for asking that brilliant question.
First of all, thank you soo much!! I'm glad you think my Zane is cute!! <33
As for the "evolution" here it is:
The first time I drew Zane, I drew him like this:
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Yeah.... nowhere close to the Zane I now draw, lol.
Tbh, I nvr really liked how I drew him here. To me, he just didn't feel real(?). I dunno if that's the right word, lol. He looks more like a rectangle than a human.
But all in all, I just wasn't satisfied with the results. For this fanart, I just needed to draw Zane so I did my best in this art.
The second time I drew Zane was-- welllllll, I honestly love drawing Zane, he kinda is my fav character to draw (his hair is soooo easy, lol) But I started doodling Zane here and there in class.
I do not recommend doodling in class. Be responsible and work on ur classwork, lol.
I don't have all my doodles but here is one
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As u can see Zane is starting to get more shape here, lol.
He's starting to look more human (is that the right word?) than a rectangle, lol.
The third time I drew him was for a fanart from Shogun: Becoming by @nickelwick
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(sry about the bad quality)
Now this was a completely different art style in coloring/drawing but with all that aside-- you can see a major shift in style when it comes to drawing Zane.
(now in retrospect the eyes could use a little improvement)
Anyways, I wanted to draw Zane with a different look. From the time between the first drawing and the second, I was tweaking/improving my art style.
The fourth time was for my screenshot redraw:
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Honestly, here, you can see a huge change.
I would say that the fanart for Shogun: Becoming seriously inspired me when I drew this.
I think the tip I can give you when it comes to drawing characters is to first try to find an art style that you are comfortable with drawing.
In my case, if you scroll wayyyyy down in my DeviantArt account, you can see that the first couple of artworks are all done in different styles--I was in the "experimenting" stage.
In all honesty, I believe that all artists out there--no matter how good their art is--can improve. There is always room for improvement and betterment (dunno if that's a word, lol).
So when it came to Zane (and my art style as well) I started experimenting.
Then after I was done with experimenting, I started improving my art.
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Here is the fifth time I drew Zane.
This pic is actually the "foundation" of all of my Zane pics. The colors, expressions, and clothes were all done bc I experimented.
It took time--a lot of time-- to get this drawing done.
But that's how we all start, lol.
The sixth time, I drew the og Zane.
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He was quite a challenge, lol. Perhaps it was the color pallet or the fact that I was rushing to get this done for Ninjago's 13 anniversary, but he honestly could use an improvement, lolll.
Now I can do A LOT of pics to show the "evolution" but imma just use the latest art.
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This pic took like 10 mins (at most) to draw. Compared to the fifth time which took hours.
Drawing Zane has honestly become my fav pass-time, ngl.
I would say to all the artists out there-- just relax. Ur art doesn't have to be purr-fect. No one starts out as a professional. (unless u have some cool powers that make u draw perfectly)
Be patient with yourself.
Everyone can draw. But it just takes time, practice, and perseverance.
So don't give up. If I had given up on drawing Zane after the first pic, then I would have never drawn this cutie pie, lol.
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Anyways, I hope this answers your question!! I honestly had a lot of fun with this "evolution" post. Feel free to ask me more about the other ninjas. But ngl, I think Zane is the only character (as of rn) that I feel the most comfortable with and has the most development, lol.
Byeeee!! Cya next time!!! <3333
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nedseii · 6 months
Hello, your drawings are really beautiful. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a few questions.
1. Which program do you use and recommend for drawing?
2. Are there any tips you can share for drawing?
3. How do your drawings look so smooth? (I use Ibispaint and the drawings do not look smooth at all.)
4. Do you have any advice to get to a better level in drawing?
Hi!! Hope you're doing well Anon! And sorry for replying late :'(
Here we gooooo:
I changed the way I work since the last ask I received (I had to because my tablet started acting weird again and my hand would end up hurting by the end TwT)
1/ The program I use is Sai 2! And when I want to add filters/textures, I copy and paste the drawing to CSP and modify it there! The noise filter I use comes with this brush set on CSP 👇
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As for the program I'd recommend, it would definitely be Procreate! A friend of mine sometimes lends me her Ipad so that I can draw stuff for her and it's always the best experience ever! (far better than CSP and Sai methinks) That's why I'm saving money rn in order to get an Ipad too and finally be done with this old tablet of mine :') (it's a Wacom Intuos CTH-480 if you're wondering)
2/ Here's how I basically draw (I hope this helps!!)
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3/ It's cuz I always turn the stabilizer on 15 when I do the lineart >:)
I turn it to 0 when I sketch tho'!
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4/ Idk if this is helpful but here's how I improved:
When I started taking drawing seriously I first began by improving on how I draw faces! I would look up my favorite artists' stuff and try to understand how they drew theirs >:) I first would copy their art and then try to replicate it without looking and see if I remembered and understood how they went about it! I then started to combine everything I liked from each until I reached a result I really liked :')
The only downside to this is that I didn't study anatomy AT ALL so I started all over again using the same method but with full bodies, and after I felt like I learned how to draw very basic poses I started looking up references on Pinterest and try to replicate them into basic shapes! And that leads us to today lmao
Keep in mind that I still use references to this day! They're very important!! For example, I used Gwendoline Christie as a reference for my recent Robb X)
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And here's some examples of my old embarrassing doodles:
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ANYWAYS, remember that the most important thing of all is to have fun Anon! I hope this was helpful!! And I'm wishing you the best for your art journey :') NEVER GIVE UP!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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buttersmama · 1 year
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Kang taehyun x male reader
Summary: y/n decorating taehyun's cast and him adoring y/n.
Tw: none, absolute fluff
Wc: 2.5k+
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Taehyun was sitting on the couch with a thick cast and a very annoying boyfriend who was nagging him about how careful he should've been. Sighing he brought the boy in a hug saying a cute 'i missed you and this is the first thing you do when we're together?'
Y/n's heart melted at the action, then apologized for his behavior stating he was just worried about his lover. He pulled taehyun tighter against him burring his head into his hyunnie's neck.
Oh how he missed his lover's touch, his lover's scent, and the warmth he brought with him, y/n had always wondered how taehyun would always be so cozy and home-like.
Plopping a small kiss on the spot where his lips met taehyun's neck, y/n detached himself from his darling.
"What do you wanna do now?" Y/n asked taehyun.
"Maybe watch a movie or something? I really don't know. What does my y/n want to do tho?" He asked with a shit eating grin on his face as y/n flushed at the sudden affection.
His taehyun wasn't the one who'd often flirt and tease, y/n had always been doing all the flirting and teasing so when taehyun suddenly calls him 'my y/n' his heart flips and butterflies crowd his stomach.
"Yah! Stop it"
"Why? You never stop teasing me"
"That's different"
"How so?"
Y/n mutters a small 'because!' not having a definite answer. Taehyun chuckles silently while clutching his stomach.
"But seriously what do you wanna do babe?" Taehyun repeated his question.
Y/n let out a 'hum' thinking.
"Oh! How bout i decorate your cast?" Y/n suggested glancing at the dull white cast. Taehyun thought about it for a while thinking about how his team members would tease the shit out of him, irritated at the thought, he looked at y/n to reject his idea but reluctantly agreed on seeing literal stars in y/n's eyes.
Y/n beamed at him and went to his room after placing a quick peck alongside an adorable thank you. Taehyun sometimes still wonders how they managed to get together.
Y/n came back rushing with different colored pens and rhinestones and sat beside his lover and lifted his injured leg slowly, and settled on his lap, urging tae to rest his back against the handrest.
Y/n started with the rhinestones first arranging them and making an intricate pattern on the bottom side, then he took the colored pens and drew some small doodles like lil taehyun and y/n on a date, their cat (Mr. Baekyu) and wrote a tiny 'taehyun's mine' with mini hearts all over.
Taehyun on the other hand sat still and adored his boyfriend with a big grin and small eyes.
Y/n soon ran out of space to fill and looked at his darling.
"Yeah i guess, there's no space left anyway"
"Can we cuddle before i leave?"
"Ofcourse! Sorry for making you sit here bored"
"I wasn't bored at all though"
"How come?"
"My secret" taehyun replied. Y/n urged him to answer but he kept quiet and went to
y/n's bedroom ignoring his playful questions.
Taehyun lay down first and waited for his lover to join him. Before long, y/n was already snuggled behind his boyfriend with arms wrapped around his waist.
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Abrupt ending ik but i had nothing to write after this.
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leafdragon16 · 1 year
Sketchbook Friday #21
Alternate Title: Return of the Old Hyperfixation
This post contains BATDR spoilers! If you haven’t played the game and have somehow managed to avoid spoilers so far, 1) congrats, and 2) DO NOT CLICK ON THE READMORE.
If the readmore is not there, I apologize in advance. Tumblr has been glitching it out of my draft
BATDR dragged me kicking and screaming back into this fandom by my ankles lmao
But seriously, I got to play it around a week after it came out AND IT WAS SO GOOD even on the old home computer that’s laggy as hell
Also, sorry for the quality of the doodles. Some of them are old and the pencil has smeared/faded
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Since I loved her character ever since she was revealed, I had a lot of expectations for the game and it blew me out of the water. HER VA DID AN AMAZING JOB AND AUGH SHE’S JUST SO PERFECT AISHDJAHSJAJHSJS
Her hair is my worst enemy when it comes to drawing though lmao
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This technically doesn’t count since it wasn’t made in a sketchbook, but here’s a digital doodle of Audrey! I tried something different with my artstyle with her nose and I think it looks pretty good! Oh, and her hair actually looks good in this lol
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The Ink Demon was super well done! I kind of wish we had gotten to see more of him or that he would have been free-roam like in BATIM chapter 3, but I understand that that probably would have caused a lot of bugs. AND THEY GAVE HIM A VOICE SOOO
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Case in point about the proportions thing :|
Gotta love the sibling rivalry we got in BATDR lmao
Don’t you hate it when you accidentally shock your brother and he spends the rest of the game trying to eat you alive
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This might be controversial but I actually really liked the Keepers! They were really creepy but also kind of funny
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Larger version of the doodle in the corner
Also, I am going to start watermarking my work because someone has been stealing it and uploading it to Pinterest without my permission or credit ✌️
Anyways, that’s all I have!
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mageofcolors · 1 year
tell me about your ocs :)
OKAY i have a bunch of OCs but here i'm gonna share about my main Portal World guys bc i love them
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(art by @meadowmood !!!)
This is the Portal Quartet (later known as the Portal Quintet once TaeTae joins but i'll talk about that later)
SO basically, to summarize, Portal World is a world I created when I was 11, and the main idea is that it's a world that welcomes everyone, especially those that have been wronged by their canon. It has portals tk many many different worlds in a tower at the center of the world, known as the Portal Tower.
That being said, since it was a world I made from scratch, I needed to give it some gods, right? as one does. So I created these 4 (then teenagers, bc i was a teenager too) to create the world in more detail for me. (at the time they all had made up japanese names bc i was really into anime but that's changed. they were also all boys at the time bc i was a little bitty egg at the time. they're also all in a band bc it's cool. anyway)
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT in thr picture are:
Salfae, Reyna, Yunamu, and Zem Ulaek.
So, Ima talk about them in order of creation!
Salfae (often called either Sal or Fae, Xe/Xem pronouns) is the god if spring. Xe is in charge of feeding the local community by running a large farm and a market (called the April Shmapril Market, bc we take things sooo seriously here). Xe is the second youngest of the quintet (only older than TaeTae, xe just turned 26 y/o as of Jan 21st), even though xe was created first. Xir element is earth!! Xe likes growing and taking care of plants a lot, as well as playing the flute, and reading. Xe was also mute since xe was created which is cool, good job little me on that one. Xe is kind and calm most of the time, doesn't express a lot of emotion. Xe is QPPs with Yunamu.
Yunamu (usually referred to as Yu, or lovingly as NamuNamu, he/him pronouns) is the god of the summer!! He is in charge of creating the land of the world for the people to explore and live in! He is one year older than Sal (he's turning 27 in november!). His element is water! He enjoys adventuring and exploring, as well as collecting rocks. He also plays the drums in the band! He likes to keep to himself usually though. He gets overwhelmed easily and will shut down if that happens. He is QPPs with Sal.
Zem Ulaek (Usually known as Z.O, they/them pronouns) is the god of the winter! They are in charge of the arts in the world! They just turned 28 in December, being two years old than Yu. Their element is air!!! They really enjoy music, especially playing the guitar and bass guitar! They are best friends with Reyna and actually have a big crush on her. They get easily annoyed and angry but they always mean well.
Reyna (usually known as Rey, she/her pronouns) is the god of the summer! She is in charge of building and technology! She created the Portal Bracelets, which let residents travel between locations more easily with portals! She is 28 (will be turning 29 in August). Her element is fire!! She really loves dumb jokes and memes. She will quote them all the time (much to Z.O's (affectionate) annoyance). As mentioned before, she is Z.O's best friend. She also plays the guitar!
Thaeul (usually known as TaeTae, Tae/Taem/Taer or She/Her pronouns) doesn't have a season like the other 4 do but she was added last to the Portal now-Quintet. She is in charge of emotions, friendship, and identity/individuality! Tae will be turning 23 in August of this year! Taer element is energy/aether! Tae really likes being loud and proud, music, and dancing. She is basically everyone's beloved friend. Tae plays the piano!
here's some more art of all of them:
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this is the only drawing ive ever done of taetae and i dont even have any confirmation that this was her. but i think it was
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some doodles
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quartet with the original designs... this art is from like. middle school.??
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the very first drawing i did of sal! i think xir design stayed the closest to the original with all of them!
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some old design rey doodles bc she was always the funnest to draw
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this one was a commission of sal and yu, drawn by @squibbish !!!
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this one was a commission of rey and z.o drawn by @alexis-royce !!!
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erisgregory · 2 years
Prompt “I can never get tired of you”
Thank you nonny for this prompt!!
This Is The First Day Of My Life
Michael waited down the street for Alex’s dad to drive away before slipping into the back and into the little shed. It was much warmer than sleeping in the back of his truck, which he really appreciated, but also it just felt nice to have a bed again. 
At his foster home, he had a pallet on the floor in the back room with no privacy. And when his foster dad got drunk he liked to kick Michael awake and make all kinds of demands on him like cooking and cleaning, things that either didn’t need to be done right then or didn’t even need to be done at all. So Michael wasn’t going back there if he could avoid it. As long as his foster dad still got to collect his monthly check and Michael still showed up at school there was no one to ask questions. Soon enough he’d age out of the system anyway.
When he’d taken Alex’s guitar it had only been to get Alex to talk to him, it hadn’t been for any other reason. Certainly, he couldn’t have guessed Alex would offer him a place to crash. It was such a nice gesture that in the beginning, Michael hadn’t trusted it, but Alex had assured him that not everyone had an agenda and that really seemed to be the case.
Now, he was coming in to find granola bars and juice boxes and cans of soda with sticky notes on them that just had a little smile doodled on them and Michael was so touched the first time he almost cried. Nobody did stuff like that for him. Nobody thought twice about him, to be honest. There was no one he relied on, not even Max and Isobel. They thought everything was okay for him because everything was okay for them. He liked it that way too. He didn’t want their pity. But coming from Alex, it just didn’t feel like pity. It felt like camaraderie.
This particular evening, after his shift at the junkyard, when he slipped in, there was a stick of jerky too with the granola bar and the soda. He’d managed to have dinner with Sanders, but Sanders ate dinner at five and he’d get hungry again sometime before bed. He ran his fingers over the little smiley face and sat down.
Michael pulled out his homework, which was too easy. He almost skipped it, but he needed to get into a good college if he ever wanted his life to be different, so he hunkered down and did it, boring as it was. He was just finishing up his physics when there was a noise at the door.
Alex came in looking sheepish. “Sorry, didn't mean to intrude or anything, but the temps are supposed to drop tonight so I wanted to bring an extra couple of blankets in case you needed them.”
Michael focused on putting away his books so he could find his voice. “Thanks.” He said quietly.
And then because he just couldn’t help it he added, “You’re probably tired of me.”
“What? I can never get tired of you.” Alex said, and then he looked mildly embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck. “I just mean, you’re welcome here as long as you want or need to be here.” He took a seat on the bed next to Michael and sighed.
“Seriously, thanks,” Michael said, wanting to diffuse the tension at least a little.
Alex shrugged a shoulder. “You’re welcome. Has it been okay, out here?” 
“Yeah, and I appreciate these too.” Michael held up one of the notes and Alex’s cheeks went slightly red.
“I keep a lot of stuff like that around since we don’t really do family dinner around here,” Alex admitted. “Some of my brothers do what they call cooking, but it’s best avoided if at all possible.”
He chuckled, but Michael could tell it was a source of disappointment or maybe just frustration.
“Well, I guess I’ll leave you alone,” Alex said and he moved to go, but Michael put a hand on his wrist to stop him.
He pulled it back quickly, but smiled and shrugged at Alex. “You don’t have to unless you need to.”
Alex shook his head no and they sat smiling at each other for a little too long to feel just friendly. Micheal was too nervous to commit to it though. Alex looked like he wanted to kiss Michael, and frankly, Michael wanted that kiss, but it meant things would change and as much as he knew he would like those changes, he was afraid of what would happen when he inevitably messed things up. 
It wasn’t even the bed or the shed or the snacks either. He liked having Alex as a friend, as a person who actually saw him and liked who he was. He didn’t want anything from Michael, he just enjoyed his company and genuinely wanted to help. Was taking a chance on whatever it was between them worth messing all of that up? Maybe it was.
Michael was scared, but Alex was smiling at him so softly, so openly, and not for the first time either. The first time, Michael had shied away, but now he didn’t think he was going to.
He leaned toward Alex, just a little, and Alex leaned back and it was like a live wire between them crackling with electricity. So much so that they might get hurt, but Michael was throwing caution to the wind. He’d never liked anyone the way he liked Alex.
Michael wasn’t sure later who’d reached first, but he had his hands on Alex’s jaw and Alex’s hands were on his wrists as though both of them were holding the other in place and then they were kissing. Softly at first. Hesitantly. Michael shivered from the force of it though, the power that seemed to come with it. It felt like a living thing.
Alex tipped his head to the side and their lips slotted together just so and for a moment nothing else in the whole world or whole universe mattered to Michael. Only they existed. Only their kiss.
When they broke apart, Alex leaned his forehead against Michael’s with a soft little laugh that curled itself around Michael’s heart, and Michael knew that whatever happened from here on out was worth it. It was worth any risk to be with Alex.
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mendely · 2 years
Not to be a downer on main but I gotta get things off my chest. This post is going to be long and rambly and clumsily written to the nth degree, so please bear with me just a moment.
For one, I really don't feel like I fit in with the Snape fan crowd. I'm not interested in discussing the book meta (HP series' writing decisions leave me dissatisfied), I'm not a fan of the Snape design in the books, I fuck right off as soon as I get a remote whiff of Snape vs Marauders discourse (seriously, please stop arguing about this. Touch some grass). I don't even find him that sexy either; Alan Rickman radiates charm and charisma, but to me it instead makes Snape appealing in an aesthetic manner. It goes without saying I'm also very much anti-JK Rowling, both politically and artistically. We all know she's a virulent, egotistical bigot. I genuinely don't enjoy what she's done with the character, and personally, Alan Rickman did a lot of heavy lifting to make Snape endearing.
In short my interest in the character lies solely in the actor and the character design from the films. I prefer to draw him differently from most fanart, rounder and softer and heavier to match the actor's physique, rather than being lanky and pointy like a Disney villain as he was depicted in the books. I'm not immune to cool goth uncle Alan Rickman with the tousled hair and swishy robes, so I lifted that entire look for one of my character designs. Plus it gives me the chance to draw something I like without having to invoke the name of the TERF or her bloated wizard franchise. Snape fandom hasn't noticed, but it's not like most of them will enjoy what they'd see anyway, since the character's resemblance to Snape is limited to being Alan Rickman with long hair and black robes and none of the traits that most Snape fandom loves him for.
I really don't know where this rant is going. I guess these are all the reasons why I feel hesitant about posting more Snape content or interacting much with fandom really. He is wildly out of character in most of my doodles of him and at this rate I might as well just stop calling him Snape and start calling him my OC (a step I've already gotten to).
Sorry if this was incoherent
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daisywords · 1 year
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I posted 1,703 times in 2022
That's 1,350 more posts than 2021!
382 posts created (22%)
1,321 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,208 of my posts in 2022
Only 29% of my posts had no tags
#art - 221 posts
#second chance wip - 90 posts
#other's writing - 86 posts
#ask game - 59 posts
#other's wip - 42 posts
#boost - 36 posts
#my art - 33 posts
#my writing - 23 posts
#other's art - 19 posts
#writing process - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have one black turtleneck and it looks sooooo good on me literally it's like my first date outfit but also i cannot wear it for that long
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kk just finished A Conspiracy of Kings
Sophos my beloved
the boy is back <3
I just loved Sophos as a narrator! His voice really came through ugh he's just so honest
the shifts between first person to omniscient were interesting I don't think I've ever seen it done in quite that way
bunny :)
"If my affections weren't otherwise engaged" oof
love how the middle section is just King of Attolia pt 2
"that Sophos held Gen's heart in his hand" + "He would have given Eugenides his heart on a toothpick, if asked" ok cool cool
we still stan Eddis Helen
I want to know more about Sophos's sisters they seem cool
uM did he just—yes he did ok he went there
"You shot the ambassador?" my Lord Attolis you gave me the gun
It's all just about how they all love each other but it's so much more complicated than that, except that in the end it isn't
Wow this book is so...heartfelt idk
Sophos my beloved
and here's the complementary doodle of Eddis and our boy Sophos ofc
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140 notes - Posted March 14, 2022
Ok so read The King of Attolia yesterday and wow ok
Costis is one of those characters that's just some guy but like. he's my guy
Also I love his friendship with Aris? just like aww look they're friends
just because no one ever sees the king visit the queen doesn't mean he's not you idiots did you forget everything you ever knew about the guy?
I feel like the narrative distance between the reader and Gen has to get further and further away lest we know what he is up to
What did Relius actually do wrong? was kinda confused there tbh
I guess Gen being mortally wounded is just a staple for this series like jeez give the guy a break
And yup there we go
Costis the whole time like "get a room" except they have a room he's just. also there
Aww Sejanus and Dite really did love each other <3
Also Sophos is missing??? Someone better go find him right now
This book was just straight character dynamics and I was riveted
I feel like Megan Whalen Turner Understands Something About Intimacy
This book is so incredibly spicy you guys
ok anyway here's the king and queen themselves and of course our boy Costis
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156 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
minimum page counts really coming for those of us who are concise
332 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
can't believe it's 2022 and we still have posts around about not overusing "said" like seriously? Imagine if I made a list of words to use instead of "and." wouldn't that be stupid?
1,162 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Conlanging for cheaters
quick tips for creating fantasy language(s) that look believable if you squint
Pick a few rules about what letter/sound combinations can and cannot exist (or are common/uncommon). For example, in English, "sp" or "st" can begin a word, but in Spanish they can't. The "ng" sound (or the voiced velar nasal if you want to get technical), can't appear at the beginning of a syllable in English, but it can in at least of third of languages around the world. English allows for consonant clusters (more than one consonant together without a vowel), but some languages, such as Hawaiian, don't. Picking a few distinctive rules that are different from English or the language you are writing in, and sticking to them, will yield a lot better results than just keysmashing.
Assign meaning to a few suffixes, prefixes, or roots. A simple and useful example of this is making up a particle that means -land or -city or -town, and tacking it onto your appropriate place names. You could also have a particle with a similar meaning to the "er/or one we have in English, such as in "baker," "singer," or "operator," and then incorporate it in your fantasy titles or professions. It's like an Easter egg for careful readers to figure out, and it will make your language/world feel more cohesive.
Focus on places and names. You usually don't need to write full sentences/paragraphs in your conlang. What you might want to do with it is name things. The flavor of your language will seep in from the background, with the added benefit of giving readers some hints on background lore. For example, you could have a conlang that corresponds to a certain group of people, and a character with a corresponding name could then be coded as being from that group without having to specify. A human-inhabited city with an elven-sounding name might imply that it was previously inhabited by elves.
You don't have to know what everything means. Unless you are Linguistics Georg R. R. Tolkien, you probably don't want to (and shouldn't!) actually make up a whole language. So stick some letters together (following your linguistic rules, of course) and save fretting over grammar and definitions for the important stuff.
(Bonus) This isn't technically conlanging, but it can be fun to make up an idiom or two for your fantasy culture (just in English or whatevs) and sprinkle that in a few times. The right made-up idiom can allude to much larger cultural elements without you having to actually explain it.
Congrats! You now have a conlang you can dust over your wip like an appropriate amount of glitter. Conlangs can be intimidating, just because there's so much you can do, but that doesn't mean you have to do it all. So yeah anyway here's what I would recommend; hope y'all have fun :D
5,598 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pink-genius · 2 years
I Live
((It is currently 1:30AM as I write this. Let's see what happens.))
(( (Don’t worry that was the night before last, I slept, I’m fine lol) ))
((I miss this. I miss my girl. I have a lot of ideas, but I haven't been good at implementing them, and I've come to a conclusion.))
((I think it's the art))
((When I started this blog, I was using it as a way to draw more. But I wasn't always satisfied with what I made to answer asks. Even in my last return, the icon solution I came up with...didn't feel right.))
((I don't want to give up on the art. I really do want to draw more. I think for now, my solution will be to start doodling some poses and try to put together a collection of little images to answer asks with. I already have an idea to do this, thankfully, so fingers crossed!))
((There will definitely be less of an art focus once I return. Writing is what I'm most comfortable with, and it's what I feel I need to tell the story I want to tell. Because I waaant to tell it. Oh my gosh you have no idea.))
((In general, I'm trying to take back the projects I've left behind, and I feel like this is a relatively easy one to start with. It's nothing overly complicated, and I'm going to work very hard to keep it that way.))
((...Starting by cleaning up my notes. Why am I so bad at organizing those. Seriously, every single project. A mess.))
((Anyway, once I finish the drawing I'm currently working on, I'm going to do my best to get some stock images done. I want my pink girl back. So, so bad.))
((I have to say this way too much, and I want to fix that, but for now: Thank you all, as always, for your patience and understanding in my multiple hiatuses. (Are we at 3 now? I think we're at 3 now.) I'm going to tell this story, dammit, and provide lots of fun little side answers along with it!))
(( (Although looking back at some early answers...might be a couple that need retconned...I guess we'll find out.) ))
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p-an-cakes · 8 months
Meet Simon and Charlie! I believe they made their first appearance in my doodles from Math class.
Anyways they are sock puppets! They don’t have arms or legs but they float and talk. Magic✨
I actually accidentally made them!😅
During Computers I was doodling (that class is literally just break time it’s so chill and the teacher too) but I accidentally messed up the doodle. And it was pen so I couldn’t erase and start over. I was pretty sad about it to be honest but whatever. I talked to my friend (also big shout out to him!) and we were just talking and he mentioned something about a sock.
And then boom! I got the idea to make the messed up drawing a sock! So that’s what I did. And that was how Simon (Striped one) was born! I was proud but he looked so lonely and I decided to give him a friend. And then Charlie (the one with out stripes) came into the mix! :)
I love these two so much!❤️
I actually came up with Charlie’s name first. I named him in Computers when I first made them. I honestly don’t know why I chose Charlie out of all of the names possible. I guess he gives me Charlie vibes. I don’t really know to be honest. 😅
I came up with Simon’s name like 2 days after they were made. During that time I needed a name but I couldn’t think of anything. But I was reading a book during that time and so saw the name Simon. And Simon and Charlie just sounded right. And that’s the story behind his name.😁
Anyways these two are like my children! I will love them and protect them! Anyways here is a bit of info about them, like actual personality traits and stuff!
Simon - The striped one
Age: Unknown
Species: Sock Puppet
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Single
Simon is the more serious one or the one that takes things more seriously. He doesn’t like to mess around much and prefers to get things done first before actually going to do something fun. He seems rude but is actually nice! (Maybe not that nice but he is kinder if you get to know him better,) Simon cares for Charlie that’s why he always scolding him because Charlie isn’t the brightest and almost himself killed a few times…
Charlie’s Opinion: “Simon is nice! I don’t get why people say he is being mean to me all the time… I think it’s stupid, Simon does care he helps and makes sure I don’t die! Yippee!”
Simon - Not the striped one
Age: Unknown
Species: Sock Puppet
Gender: Male
Relationship Status: Single (Has ex GF)
Charlie is more of a not so serious… he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed either… Charlie messes around a lot earning a scolding or lecture from Simon. But Charlie isn’t rude or mean actually he is a social butterfly! Charlie likes to dress up for fun, he doesn’t like to sit still and acts more like a child than anything other. Charlie gets himself in dangerous situations because he is clueless of people’s true intentions b it that’s why he likes having Simon around. Charlie actually dated someone but they broke up because it wasn’t working out, (really his gf was controlling his whole life) but thanks to Simon he is doing good!
Simon’s opinion: “He is loud, stupid, and childish. But he is kind I guess.”
(First drawing of them💫)
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thegamingmonk · 2 years
Mirabel's 16th Birthday Headcanons!
I forced myself to get this done by today because our girl Mirabel deserves nothing but the best birthday she could ever ask for!
The family didn't give her a quince? Get the hell outta here, they love her to bits and of course they did. So now the 16th is just as big and fun.
Seriously though, I'm just not a fan of that headcanon/idea. Mirabel had ALL her birthdays celebrated just like the other grandkids did. I imagine her 15th was nice and beautiful and she made a wonderful dress for herself. Listen, we get enough angst in this fandom as is-
So anyways! Mirabel woke up that morning to all her niblings giggling away in her room and then getting a dog-pile group hug right out of her sleep. Not the worst way to wake up.
Casita has taken upon itself to decorate her door for the occasion and even have her silhouette on the front door glow for the day.
Everybody is practically fighting over Mirabel to see who gives her their gift first: compromise was youngest to oldest.
Antonio is first! With his learned art abilities from coloring with Bruno, the kid made Mirabel a page-filled drawing with doodles of the two of them, animals, and the rest of the family; he even got his animals to sign the back of it with their own paw prints (thus explained why Parce and Chispi was tracking paint paw prints throughout Casita). This first gift nearly made Mirabel cry and she nearly didn’t let Antonio go from the hug she gave him. She immediately pinned the picture to her bedroom wall with the other drawings up there.
Camilo missed the days where he and Mirabel wore matching clothes so he asked Pepa to help him sew a matching rauna for Mirabel. They knew a decent amount just from hanging around Mirabel but wasn’t confident enough in their abilities. The rauna came out similar to Camilo’s except with a teal & blue color scheme and butterfly patterns laced through. Mirabel nearly squeezed the life out of Camilo when she got it and wore it the rest of the day.
Luisa, Dolores, and Isabela took Mirabel out on a picnic on the hills to give her their gifts. Isabela’s gift was a field of a variety of flowers and plants for her sister to see when they got there; she also gave her a mini cactus in a pot (Mirabel named it and makes it little sewn hats now). Poor Luisa’s been racking her brain on what to do for Mirabel since all she really knows is acts of service, but she finally decided on making a beautiful little bracelet for her hermana; Mirabel nearly had to tackle her to the ground to reassure her that she absolutely LOVES the gift. Dolores is a rock kid and therefore has an eye for differing rock shapes, so she came across one that was shaped like Casita in her eyes and painted it like so for Mirabel as a decorated palette. Mirabel gushed on how much it looks like Casita and placed it right in her window stall for the light to shine on.
The handcrafted gifts comes from the grandkids wanting to return the love for Mirabel since she’s always making things for the family her ownself.
Julieta puts it upon herself to make Mirabel her birthday cake, but this time, Bruno wants to join in on it as well (he was never the best with coming up with birthday gifts so at least he can help with one). It was a joint effort of Julieta making the cake, Bruno decorating the cake, and convincing Pepa that “No, you can’t help. We love you but no kitchen fires on Mirabel’s birthday” (she was offended but knew they weren’t wrong). It was revealed at the end of dinner where Mirabel gave them both a giant, grateful hug. She's actually pretty impressed by Bruno's hand in this, but of course he brushes it off. Julieta wouldn't let that slide and neither did Mirabel.
Pepa already instinctively had a rainbow over the Casita throughout the whole day, but she still had a present in mind for her sobrina. She had been the one to teach Mirabel how to sew and so she’ll be the one to continue helping that skill grow. A visit to her favorite textile shop and a dump of pesos all came together with her gift of new fabrics and crafting materials (even a lovely made basket to put them all in). Needless to say, Mirabel was surprised by the amount in this gift and it took her back to her first few days of sewing with her tia. Rather than the other way around, Mirabel had the breath nearly squeezed out of her by Pepa (and a cloud may have formed because they grow up so fast).
Félix, Agustín, and Mariano (yes he wanted to join in on this) all had to figure out what to do for Mirabel since they were the giftless quartet and that’s a group title of utmost importance! They had club meetings and everything. Together, they all pitched in to buy Mirabel a brand new sewing machine (Agustín nearly dropped it which gave Mariano and Félix heart attacks). Mariano had led Mirabel to where they hid the sewing machine and revealed it with a "Surprise!". She's not crying, no she's not, she swears it. A group hug was shared between the four and Agustín had brought over their brooms for their traditional giftless "All for one and one for all!" Broom salute! (That's a deleted scene thing, for reference).
Alma ended up being the last person to spend time with Mirabel, but this is because she wanted to pull the young Madrigal aside; she had something to show her. One of the very few times, if not the first, that Mirabel has been in Alma's room and the gift that was in store was nothing like what she expected. Sitting on Alma's bed, the monarch shared with Mirabel some of Pedro's old writing: something she treasures and shows very few people. Their time was spent with Abuela telling Mirabel stories of Pedro, the writing she loved from him, and how much Mirabel reminds her of him. It was in that moment that Mirabel felt closer to Abuela than she has in nearly 11 years; and now she knew more about Abuelo Pedro than she once did.
Not my best work and may be a bit rushed, but I simply had to get something out for the birthday girl on her big day!! Happy birthday Mirabel! We love you!
(also let me know if I got something wrong cultural wise, I tried to be as basic as possible with birthday headcanons)
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ttuesday · 3 years
my i trouble u for some soft headcannons for the VDL boys?? 🥺 🥺 ur writing is amazing and always cheers me up 💕 💕
Arthur’s very comfortable around you so sometimes when he’s sat next to you and doodling in his journal, he’ll start to sing to himself.
If you compliment his voice, he starts blushing and stutters over his words but he’s grateful for your praise.
One of Arthur’s favourite things is when you and him are both cuddling in bed and he tells you about his day. Usually he just rambles about something while ye fall asleep but it always relaxes him and it makes him feel like a normal person and not an outlaw.
Dutch loves dancing with you. One night when ye were both in Saint Denis after a job, Dutch heard the trumpet player preforming. He asked if you’d dance with him. The street was quiet and it was as if it was just the two of you and the music.
Dutch never understands how you could ever feel insecure or self-conscious. While you sit on his bed, Dutch kneels in front of you and listens intensely as you vent. Afterwards he holds your hand and tells you every little thing he loves about you.
When you both wake up in the morning, Dutch likes to lazily give you some kisses before getting up to face the day.
One of Charles’s favourite things to do is kiss up your body. He starts at your leg, goes up your thigh, your torso, your chest and then your neck before finally reaching your lips. As he kisses along you, he mutters compliments about how amazing you are.
If you ever fall asleep by the campfire, Charles will carefully pick you up and carry you to bed. 
Charles is so goddamn protective over you. Literally all you have to do is point at someone and Charles will throw them into Flat Iron Lake and go make sure you’re ok. 
Micah absolutely HATES when people go at his things… but you’re the exception to that rule. If you’re sitting down at the campfire or helping Pearson cook the stew, Micah normally comes over and puts his hat on your head.
It’s his way of ‘subtly flirting’ and he encourages you to wear his hat, telling you it suits you and that it makes you look like a real outlaw.
Micah can get emotional when he’s drunk but it’s the one time he truly tells you how much you mean to him. He knows he’s lucky to have met you and no matter what, he wants you by his side forever.
We all know John isn’t the best at art but he loves practising his drawing skills but sketching pictures of you. Sure, most of his drawings look like Jack’s done them but it’s the thought that counts... right?
John loves relaxing with you. In the evening, he sits down under a tree with you and watches life go by. It’s very simple but it’s comforting. 
John isn’t a fan of people going at his hair but he doesn’t mind it when you run your fingers through his hair. He’s even let you put a small plait into his hair once.
Bill purposely leaves his shirts lying around in the hopes that you’ll wear them. The sight of you in his shirt makes his heart soft and another part of his body very hard.
Bill never really had the time for baths but now that he’s dating you he makes sure to schedule in times to have a bath. Of course you’ll be in the bath too.
When he’s had a few drinks, Bill usually gets tired very fast so there has been a few times where he’s fallen asleep with his head resting on your lap.
Whenever you feel sad, Javier will try everything to cheer you up. He’ll sing to you, make some jokes, give you hugs and tell you funny stories about robberies he messed up in the past.
Javier was determined to help you learn the guitar when you first joined the gang. Yeah, he was using it as a way to spend more time with you and you didn’t learn much about the guitar but Javier still sees it as being a success.
If you ever get hurt, Javier prides himself on becoming Doctor Escuella and bandaging you up. Even if you just accidentally cut your finger while playing five finger fillet, Javier will take it seriously and take good care of you.
Sean loves to play fight with you. He brags about how amazing his fighting skills are and that he could show you a thing or two to help improve your skills. But of course he always lets you win.
You don’t need a blanket when you’re dating Sean. This man will literally sleep on top of you to keep you warm. I mean, he adores cuddling so he’ll fall asleep on you anyways but he says he does it to keep you warm.
He has tried to serenade you before. Sean paid Javier a few dollars to play the guitar while he loudly sang to you but Sean had to stop when Miss Grimshaw started yelling at him for being so noisy.
Hosea absolutely adores soft kisses, especially when you’re both around camp and he sneakily gives you a quick kiss when no one’s looking.
Hosea has learned that patience is truly a virtue so whenever you’re stress or having a bad day, he knows it’s best to wait until you’re ready to vent instead of asking you a million questions about what’s wrong.
If you ever have any problems, all you need to do is tell Hosea. He gives you a small hug and reassures you that everything will be ok. And by the next morning, Hosea has somehow worked out your problem for you.
When you can’t sleep, Lenny goes and gets you a blanket and your favourite book. He wraps the blanket around you both and reads to you until you finally drift off.
If he goes on a job away from camp and Lenny knows he’ll be away for a few days then he makes sure to leave little notes around camp for you to find. The majority of the notes are Lenny reminding you that he loves or a inside joke only you would understand.
Every morning Lenny goes and gets you tea/ coffee (whichever one you prefer, or maybe water if you’d prefer that).
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
Modern!Eren Jeager Relationship Headcannons
Modern!Eren Jeager x reader
a/n: I love this little shithead. These are just some headcannons of how I think it would be being in a relationship with modern!eren. Just to clarify, the characters are always aged up and in unversity if it’s a modern!au unless otherwise stated!! Please enjoy and feel free to come in my inbox and share your Himbo!Eren thoughts😩
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Ok, for starters, Himbo Eren Supremacy!
Eren might not be the uhm smartest, he’s kind of a big cuddly idiot, and he is big and respects women -> Himbo!Eren
Being with Eren means having a box full of ridiculous hand made gifts from Eren that he insists on you keeping for sentimental reasons, no matter how senseless they are
They’re usually really stupid and cheesy letters he writes on a torn piece of notebook paper while he’s in class when it’s especially boring him
They’re not even coherent thoughts on the paper sometimes
“Hi :) I’m sitting here feeling like I’m going to pass out from how boring this class is, and we’re supposed to be taking notes but I think I’ll just copy them from you or Mikasa later though hahahaha don’t! Tell Arma Armin! He’ll just yell at me :( unless I tell him I like his new haircut maybe which i actually do by the way it’s funny my hairs long now and his is short 1. Oreos 2. Milk 3. Shampoo 4. Hand sanitzer sorry I need this stuff and I would forget if i didn’t write it down. I bet you look really pretty right now :) in my head I’m kissing you teehee”
And every other part of the paper that isn’t filled up with his rambling is stick figure doodles of you two kissing and holding hands and one of him and jean arm wrestling but don’t ask him about it, he lost in his head this time so he’s gonna work out more later sdfnarfn
You have hair ties littered all over your place it’s ridiculous
You find them literally everywhere - probably cause he likes to fling them across the room and see how far he can get them when he takes them out of his hair, he will be stealing most of yours if you use them
He love love loves when you run your hands through his hair and massage his scalp after he takes his ponytail out
He almost immediately lays face down in your lap and groans while he moves around to get comfortable
If you don’t immediately start he’ll just look up at you with a little pout and move one of your hands to his hair and raise his eyebrows at you, waiting for you to pamper him
Loves being pampered and will definitely let you do his nails just to feel your soft hands on his - and cause he likes the way you always rub lotion into them after
Very touchy boy, I HC his love language being Physical Touch, hence how bad he loves being pampered
He loves when he comes out of the shower and comes to lay down with you, all sore from practice - it’s Eren, we know he play’s SOME kind of sport - and your hands start working all the knots out of his back and neck, working their way to the top of his shoulders and squeezing while they drag down his biceps all the way to his hands
Kiss his knuckles and he WILL melt
He never feels more loved than when you’re taking care of him like that, and let’s be honest you don’t mind running your hands over his toned body either
He loves pampering you as much as he loves receiving it, too
Loves rubbing your legs while he lays between them with his head resting on your midsection
His hands are rough due to years of abuse from playing sports, and they feel so good when he’s squeezing the muscles in your calf life that
Sometimes if you’re feeling sore, he’ll help you stretch your legs out
He’ll be sitting back on his knees by your feet, your legs spread in front of him. He grabs your left leg by your calf while he inches forward to lean above and bring your leg up with him, stretching your knee to your ear. The hand that’s not locked on your calf is resting by your head with his face mere inches from yours, his hair tickling your cheeks. You’re like that for a few moments before he leans in and ghosts his lips over yours, abruptly shifting up and kissing your nose instead. “Other leg!” jackass
He would love giving you back massages too oh god, and I mean like proper back rubs.
He’d have you laid out on your bed while hes straddling your from behind and pressing his fingers deep into the sore tissue there - sometimes you fall asleep and drool a little and he finds it so cute
He just loves loving up on you, period
On another note, he wouldn’t just steal your hair ties if you had any, he’d steal everything LMAO
Your hand lotion? He pockets it cause it just smells so good and always had his hands feeling soft whenever you let him use some. And why would he go and buy it if you have some?
Firm believer that y’all share everything
He’s stolen lotion, gum, socks that barely fit him, chapstick, lip scrub, pens, highlighters, literally anything.
And once you start to notice he’s all, “What? We’re in a relationship, partners are supposed to share everything. I mean, you steal my hoodies!”
“Eren, you give those to me cause you said it makes our relationship more ‘official.’”
“Ok, well that’s beside the point. All I’m saying is I don’t see the big deal. You’re more than welcome to take any of my stuff you like!”
Which is a nice thought except for the fact everything he has at this point just seems like more shit he’s stolen from you
More on his hoodies, he goes absolutely bananas seeing you wear his hoodie
He seriously gets so giddy and feels like his hearts gonna explode
He always smiles all big and wraps his arms around and lifts you into the air - it does not matter how big you are he’s going to do it
“Hiiii cutie.” He always says this and then buries his face into the crook of your neck and places sweet kisses there. Then he stands up straight and pulls the hood onto your face and tightens the strings, making it all scrunch up, sadly no he doesn’t care if your hair is done or if you wear glasses, he will do it regardless
One time you were a little grumpy with him from playing games with “the boys” for too long and neglecting you of some attention, so to apologize he just brought you a hoodie with some of his cologne sprayed on it -i just know he smells great- and put it on you and held you and pressed just so many kisses to your face and said sorry over and over again until you were giggling and gave in
He loves when you sit in his room with him while he plays games on his pc with his buddies definitely a PC gamer cmon
However, he will get more embarrassed than frustrated if you hear Jean teasing him cause he’s lowkey trying hard to impress you akfergirgu
“D’ya see that babe? I got first place with the highest kill count and the least amount of respawns 😏”
“Yeah I did Eren, that’s awesome buddy.”
He’d just smile and spin back around in his chair feeling all prideful pls protect him
If you join in teasing him he WILL pout after and you WILL have to make him a grilled cheese as your form of an apology
He will eat it in silence, look at you and try not to smile and just roll over and sigh SO loud
“I guess I can forgive you.”
Please he’s such a brat, but he’s your brat
he’s such an idiot and I jus wanna hug from him and to wear his stupid hoodies 😪 I hope y’all enjoyed! Feel free to browse my blog or pop into my inbox! Love u cutie
taglist: @plutowrites
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