#and you may experience side effects but that’s fine-
gessshoku · 2 years
I forgot to share these- Ok so!
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This shawty came from a pair of nightmares I had, I may incorporate her into my Cursed Gods AU for how cursed granny would look like @bloo-the-dragon *wink wink nudge nudge* But yeah that would be her size compared to me (according to the dream)
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This one was a study on monsters and trying to do more simple colorful backgrounds to spice up sketches. The character belongs to Deranged Fruitcake on Instagram!! They’re super duper cool what even was the reason they followed me But they’re super funny and they inspired me to draw more buff bodies and their humor is starting to rub off on me more hNnGgg. Their humor and drawings are suggestive so if thats not your cup of tea then explore with caution-
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These last three are for my digital media project me and another student are doing! We already took the class last year, for some reason the school decided to put us in there again even though we passed. The teacher didn’t want to give us the same work because that’d be boring so she gave us this project for the whole year instead!! Best and favorite class rn. There is more I have related to this but I want to draw more landscapes heheheheh
I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the drawings because my brain wants to explode yall with info that I can share without giving spoilers
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schattenhonig · 1 month
The A in LGBTQIA+ doesn't stand for aspec because they're not repressed!
(please read the disclaimer at the end of this post)
Ummm, excuse me? Would you mind telling me what your definition of repression is, then?
Because I feel repressed when a doctor asks me about my sex life, and if I say I have none, it gets marked down as a symptom without being asked if I suffer from it.
I feel repressed when my gyn tells me I can't get a hysterectomy yet despite losing so much blood on every period that I need to take iron supplements all the time, because I could change my mind about not wanting children (which is a whole other post, I know, but it's most likely linked to sex).
I feel repressed if I can't use dating apps or platforms because my sexuality doesn't even exist there, and the one time I tried, I got called names because I didn't want to meet for because it was clear where this date would go, despite my explicit "what I'm looking for".
I feel repressed when I think about how recently a paragraph was finally abolished in my country that considered sex a vital part of a marriage, basically entitling the spouses to having sex with their partner (both gender neutral, because entitling people to having sex with somebody else by law is wrong. It's basically a rape permission).
I feel repressed when I can't watch any film or show without it being about love and/or sex, no matter if it fits the narrative and furthers the plot.
I feel repressed when I plot my own stories and automatically put a romantic couple in there as main characters, even though I have no idea why this would be important for the plot. Not even my own stories, my own thoughts are mine.
I felt repressed when I was asked accusingly in a relationship if I wasn't missing something before I even knew asexuality as a spectrum was a thing, and having to lie about this being a side effect of my medication instead of genuinely not feeling attracted to someone in this way.
I feel repressed when I can't tell people I'm not sexually attracted to them because they will take this personally no matter how well I explain myself.
I feel repressed when everywhere I look there's advertising relying on naked skin, suggestive posing and objectification. Why are expensive cars still presented by women considered beautiful and tempting? It's not like that's necessary to convince people of spending so much money on a thing that gets you from A to B. Couches with women in smart dresses and high heels. That's not what a normal person looks like on a couch. But the worst is a truck in the town where I live: it's from a small fruit and vegetable stand, so whenever I see it, it comes from the warehouse, delivering groceries. On it is a woman clad in very little, presenting fruit. I'm sorry, but why? Does a misogynistic picture convince you of the necessity to avoid scurvy?
I feel repressed when I tell people and get the answer "you just haven't found the right person yet", because there are two possible assumptions from that point: I'm either not trying hard enough (so it's basically my own fault) or something about me is not right, appalling even (which circles back to I'm not trying hard enough or frames me as a victim of my genetics, upbringing or circumstances to be pitied).
Do not tell me how I feel. Do not try to tell me everything is fine and I shouldn't complain or ask for acknowledgement if everywhere I look, I'm reminded of how odd, how weird and how not normal I am. How much it inconveniences you to even acknowledge my existence, let alone respect any of my traits, views and choices.
And while I can only write from my own asexual point of view, I wrote this with all kinds of flavours of aspec in mind, so I'm explicitly including aromantics, aroace people and every shade of the spectrum in this. Not all my examples may apply to you, but I hope you can find something to relate to.
ETA: please feel free to add your own experiences of repression!
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soapoet · 8 months
What are you like as a spouse?
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requested by anon.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Stay with me by Anson Seabra
As a spouse you are a little territorial. You trust your partner, but everybody else is under your careful scrutiny. You very easily pinpoint weeds in your garden, and pull them out root and stem swiftly. Your spouse can rely on you to be on the look out for all sorts of dangers, big or small. Security is of great importance to you, both regarding your relationship and your loved ones, and yourself. Perhaps less so yourself, as you seem to have an instinct to protect which sometimes overrules your own safety. You could relate to the knight archetype to some extent, the concept of serving and protecting. There is an intensity to your love that is like a fine wine, and simply intoxicating to your partner. You're akin a guard dog; out in public you are an intimidating presence ready to bark and bite should need arise, but behind closed doors your service is paid for in tender love and care and you melt when your partner dotes on you. And your spouse adores this duality in you, dominance and submission merged into one.
You're observant, and pay careful attention to your partner's wants and needs, and this lends itself to both an intuitive understanding and awareness of your partner's feelings and the shifts that occur, and makes you a great gift-giver too. You're also a great example of the "girlfriend effect" (regardless of gender) because you encourage your partner's authentic self expression and help them daringly try new things, style wise but also in general. It is safe for your partner to take leaps of faith in career and other matters that may come with risks, because you stand watch and are always there to catch them should they fall. It's possible that you're a late bloomer, or have a series of tumultuous relationships before finding your person, which leads you to take things slowly, desire clarity, and develop effective communication skills to avoid misunderstandings with your spouse. You have a deep need for emotional support and reassurance, so your spouse is somebody who you can truly trust and feel the ground sturdy and secure beneath your feet in their presence, and find shelter and comfort in their arms when you need it.
For some, the term spouse is used loosely, as formal marriage may not be of interest to you if you have any qualms regarding tradition, or simply prefer the intimacy of privacy. Some could opt for court house marriage with a lowkey get together with loved ones at a later date, and others none, and simply commit as life partners without legalities or traditions taken into consideration. If marriage does occur, it's likely to happen later once career matters are stable.
If you and your partner have children, you are your child's biggest cheerleader and encourage any interests of theirs, fuel their passions and show up to their activities to support them. Strong likelihood of children who are outcasts of some sort, deemed strange by their peers, bullied, could be neurodivergent, queer, or otherwise experience difficulties growing up, which you are uniquely equipped to handle and care for. Some in this group may simply decide to have no children of their own, or consider fostering as an alternative, but could otherwise deal with children, especially the unfortunate, in their community or on a larger scale in society.
Additional details: oddly specific spotify playlists, swords and daggers, rpgs, tarot, history, psychology, the moon, moths, wolves, pirates, red or purple lips, cherries, citrus fruits, birthday dinner, makeovers (self or room idk??), emails, documents, nintendo, tattoos, kuromi, donuts, fairs or theme parks, escape rooms, the nightmare before christmas, wednesday and the addams family, fate: the winx saga, euphoria, purple, chai, scorpio/aries/aquarius/gemini, saturn/mars/moon/lilith, april/march/november/december.
Shufflemancy: This side of paradise by Coyote theory
As a spouse you are a breeze. A gentle caress of the sea blowing through your spouse's hair on the beach. You're a little bit of an old romantic, and may have an affinity with the classics or period dramas. You enjoy simplicity and peace, breaking bread at the kitchen table and quality time simply spent in the vicinity of your dear. Merely cooking together can be an adventure, as can the clean-up. You're attentive and try to be both a good friend and lover to your spouse. Resting your head on their lap and enjoying the silence, the act of nesting behind closed doors appeals to you, but you're partial to little getaways too just the two of you, slipping away somewhere near or far to see what you may find and get up to.
Physical closeness is important to you, but it is not possessive, suffocating, or clingy, but gentle and warm like a shelter from the storm. Your marriage is airy and light, and even the ceremony that got you to this point may be very cozy and intimate, invites sparce and spaces dimly lit. It's a very solitary life that you lead, with little socialising outside your little bubble. Contact seems restricted to only family and a couple of long-time friends and little else. You could even choose to live in the countryside or farther from the hustle and bustle of lively cities.
Should you have children, you are a very involved parent, as is your spouse. Messes are happy accidents and you emphasise comfort and peace in your child, and encourage them to make good friends, and you may very well come to consider your children's friends bonus children who can trust you as safe adults when they have nowhere else to turn to. Neither of you are very hard on your children, and do not mind if they don't succeed at everything so long as they try and have direction all within themselves. You're forgiving and patient, both with your spouse and children. You would do particularly well raising a child of the opposite sex, masculines doing well at raising feminines and vice versa.
You may take longer to feel ready to date in general, or due to circumstances or personal issues have a delay in romance, but once you do stumble upon love, commitment is sure and stable and long-lasting. Many are likely to marry their first love or first serious partner, and others could experience the classic friends to lovers arc that slowly blossoms but then remains in bloom forever if cared for.
Additional details: paper planes, strategy and simulation games, chess, archeology, history, cartography, geography, museums, genealogy, family events (dinners, birthdays, weddings, baby showers, funerals), babysitting, cats and mice, twitch, youtube, memes, news, acoustic guitar, green, lotus flowers, blankets, sweet tea, conventions, comics, anime, cartoons, arts and crafts, sticks and stones, seaside, countryside, camping, hiking, road signs, numbers, dirt roads, pine trees, virgo/aquarius/cancer/libra, mars/sun/neptune/ascendant, january/march/july/september.
Shufflemancy: Somebody to you by BANNERS
As a spouse you are quite the little ray of sunshine, but also the sudden gust of winds of change. You are collaborative, and may serve as either the artist or the muse. Both, perhaps, as there is inspiration being exchanged between you and your spouse like sparkling water shared between two cups, clear and fizzy, as sharp as it is delightful and refreshing. You're enthusiastic and cheer your spouse on, loud and proud, supporting them in their trials and assure they have your arms to run into when they return with their accolades and treasures. You may easily get flustered, and try to avenge your spouse by attempts to charm and woo them in return, even if just to wipe the smug smile off their face as their bask in the glory of making your little heart flutter.
You may be a little needy, or quick to feel discouraged, but you're just as easily brought back to your feet with kind and reassuring words and helpful hands. You try your best to make yourself useful even in situations that are new to you, especially if your partner could use the help. You're able to laugh at yourself, but also communicate when the stumble actually hurt so that your spouse can kiss it all better. Regardless of your age, you will retain a youthful air about you, which will keep things interesting as you always find new adventures and things to share.
If you have children, you'll let them grow in whichever direction they best find the sun and rain to bloom in their time and their way. You love your freedom, and want to bestow it upon your child too, who will grow up to be very close with you and consider you a great friend and trusted confidante with whom they may share all their joys and sorrows without judgement. Some of you may not have children and instead raise fur babies, travel the world with your spouse, or create an alternative kind of family of misfits and kindred spirits amongst your peers.
You are very bubbly and sociable, and eagerly introduce your partner to your friends and make merry with theirs. You could really rejoice in the merging of your individual friend groups for the sake of building a community to call home. You enjoy exchaning favours, and have the mindset and desire of managing tasks between both you and your spouse and your community so that different strengths get utilised to combat defeat should somebody have to face big challenges they're not equipped to handle. So, though you may be called chaotic from time to time, you're still a good taskmaster and collaborator, who does not keep score, and manage your spouse and groups of people well even though things aren't colour coded and organised from A to Z.
Additional details: daydreaming, dream journals, streaming, paperwork, paint, coffee stains, red and blue, strawberries, avocado, live chat, chopsticks, van or camper or truck, packages, identity crisis, illness/medicine, learning, waiting, theatre, pets, money, siblings or cousins, slurpees, sushi, suburbs, small towns, interviews, phone calls, sneakers, broken windows, kpop and jpop, manga or manhwa, lore, toys, polar bears or bears in general, empty playgrounds, twitter/x, instagram, lost and found, wooden trinkets, herbs. capricorn/sagittarius/leo/pisces, jupiter/venus/uranus/vesta/chiron, march/june/august/october.
Shufflemancy: Dandelions by Ruth B.
As a spouse you seem to be a jack of all trades, the scales of justice perfectly balanced. Your diligence and the ease at which you tackle tasks, the perseverance you show despite life's challenges, and how you always get back up again when you get knocked down, all makes you a wonderful partner. You are goal-oriented, but know when to slow down and relax. You push your partner to chase their dreams, but know not to push too hard and when to offer up comfort and quiet reassurance instead.
You may have a little bit of a saviour complex, as you pride yourself in both your ability to help and your emotional intelligence. You are patient, and know that in life there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all, and you're uniquely able and willing to find missing pieces of puzzles so that everybody finds what works for them, and will be a healing presence to your spouse especially. Your spouse finds you to be a rock, but let's not kid ourselves and pretend you don't melt like butter when they pull you close and tell you to relax, and lull you to sleep with a heartbeat and fingers running through your hair. Your spouse is well aware of how hard you work and how heavy the burdens on your shoulders sometimes become, and insist that you are no Atlas, at least not in the sanctuary you call home where you may rest and recharge.
Should you have children together, you may settle into traditional or otherwise clearly defined roles and assure neither of you take on too much and both get to be involved in the life of your children to an equal extent. You're likely the problem solver and the one to help with the homework, and deeply encourage active and social pursuits to ensure your children grow up healthy and experience relationships with people of all walks of life. With the combination of you and your spouse, your children are likely to grow up gentle but quick to defend the underdogs and fight injustice. Assuring your children have access to options and opportunities as well as a safety net to fall back on should it be needed is something you will both make sure of. Note that this is the only group I have no alternatives for and sense no absence of children, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you really do not want children, take double or triple the precautions.
You may enjoy home improvement or possibly have either you or your spouse working from home. You delegate responsibilities fairly and make consistent efforts to show your spouse your care and affection, especially through acts of service and the kindest of words when they are at their lowest. Though you are responsible and often do things by the book, there is a little streak of mischief and wanderlust that I sense, which keeps things interesting, making you a balance between homebody and explorer. You may have great banter with your spouse and frequently tease each other.
Additional details: car rides, crying, nerves, vhs tapes, siblings, young people, writing and rewriting, praise, headbands, flannels, glasses, family issues, guardian angels, cleaning, mermaids, rodents, deer, letters, arguments, flowers, office (work or the show idk), radio station, static, noise, real estate, architecture, mushrooms, pickles, salads, sleepless nights, muscle pain (or strain), sleepless nights, sleeping on the couch, glasses, hair cuts, lilies and elderflowers, soap, hugs and hand holding, patience, reluctance, overcoming fear, hearing music from another room, virgo/cancer/capricorn/aquarius, pluto/sun/venus/juno/union, june/august/october/november.
Shufflemancy: Slow dancing by Aly & AJ
As a spouse you like to be in charge, or wear the pants, so to speak. Somebody has to tell the waiter your spouse asked for no pickles, right? Though you have a dominant energy about you, you are very nurturing and full of love and care and can be surprisingly sensitive emotionally. You like to stay on top of things and have things to do, places to be, and you could serve as something of a secretary in your relationship. Your spouse can always rely on you to know what to do and to get the Christmas cards sent out on time. You have a taste for the finer things in life and enjoy indulging in these together with your spouse. You likely introduce your spouse to many new things, be it music, literature, politics, foods, or some lifestyle and habits you maintain.
You revel in the quality time spent with your spouse, though you're independent and encouraging of them living their life separate from yours too whilst you engage with your own endeavours. You are secure and loyal, and give your spouse no reason to doubt your commitment and you speak as highly of them as they of you, so shenanigans and misfortunes stay at bay. You may have only few but close friends, but keep them for life and they enjoy the company of your spouse. You may frequently host dinner parties or other intimate get togethers in your home with the few privileged to know the two of you.
As a parent you would raise well-mannered and good children, to whom you would teach many of your own talents and push them to hone and master their own abilities and take both their interests and responsibilities seriously. You have a close bond with children even if you do not have them, which for many may be the case, and you could instead together with your partner be very involved with the children of your friends or family and serve as godparents or the cool aunts/uncles. You may still teach these children valuable lessons and be an important adult figure in their lives, and possibly lend your talents to teach them new skills.
You may also work with your spouse, be it through a mutual or related field, literally sharing the same workplace, or by joining up to start a business together or works as collaborators on separate passion projects. You're highly encouraging of them and push them to pursue their goals and even wildest dreams because with you in their corner there aren't many places in the world they couldn't go.
Additional details: co-op games, cookbooks, bullet journals, weddings, calendars and memos, perfect timing, awkwardness, dogs and canines in general, horses, rapunzel, children, phone calls, electric guitars, drums, men and fathers, streetlights, stalking, power outages, doctor's appointments, pedagogy or social work, education/school, stage fright, long distance travel, reunions, road trips, ice cream, spicy food, alcohol, orange and pink, pearls, grapefruits and blood oranges, hot chocolate, lgbt+, anxiety or depression, archery, sleepovers, libra/taurus/leo/cancer, mars/mercury/pluto/descendant, april/may/october/december.
Shufflemancy: Comethru by Jeremy Zucker
As a spouse you are a natural in many ways, even, or especially if, you worry that you aren't. To your spouse you are a very nurturing and compassionate, gentle lover, who is intuitive and always seems to know the right words that they need to hear or the moment to hug them from behind and press your head against their tense and tired back. You dedicate yourself to being a source of light to your spouse, and tend to be quite romantic, albeit you get shy and blush even decades into the marriage when they return the sentiment. You learn quickly to express boundaries and communicate your needs to your partner if that has been a struggle in your past as they make a big effort to make sure you make your voice heard. You carefully consider their feelings, as they consider yours. You could as a couple have an almost telepathic connection, an inherent understanding and the blue print of each other's soul, knowing each twitch and micro-expression to know when the other requires assistance or wishes to leave a situation, etc.
You may find the role of a homemaker ideal, though you aren't without your own ambitions and occupational ideals. You could for a time be a stay-at-home spouse, or parent, but simultaneously engage with your own projects and end up working from home. You really make home feel like home, and your spouse finds relief and peace every time they return home. You have an eye for aesthetics and a way to make any space feel cozy, inviting, warm, and comfortable. Even though you are more of a homebody and like the solitude, your friends may rejoice in their visits and feel at home in your house and you could occasionally agree to host bigger holidays in your home, because really, nobody does Christmas like you do.
You are very clever and learn quickly, and your curiosity takes you on quite a few adventures in just one afternoon, and you enthusiastically share these wonders with your spouse and coax out their own adventurous and speculative side. You could spend hours talking and never seem to run out of things to speak of, but also find comfort in enjoying the silence. You're affectionate and like to be close to your partner, but eventually slip away as your mind begins to wander and take you in different directions. You have a youthful and ever-curious energy that your spouse delights in.
As a parent you would truly dedicate yourself to parenthood and rejoice in even the little steps and achievements of your little ones. You are doting, but not a doormat and find that your children trust and respect you without being told or taught to. You encourage your children to think for themselves because you value logic as much as feelings. Good reasoning skills and the ability to judge things on a case by case basis is something you will instill in your children. Your children are likely to grow up very independent and just the right balance of kind and clever to be an asset to society. Both you and your spouse share a deep distaste for the state of the world and are dedicated to raising children who know wrong from right and don't blindly follow anyone or anything and have the wires between head and heart connected. You and your spouse may both do a lot to improve your community and work to eventually leave the world better than how you found it.
Additional details: tears, keys, incoming text messages, psychiatry, therapy, home, teaching or writing, good luck, headaches, cramps, horror movies, haunted side of youtube/tiktok, conspiracy theories, stim toys, minecraft, rabbits, birds, cats, hoodies, grey and blue, energy drinks, vitamin water, winning, brownies, pancakes, soup, winnie the pooh, lion king, 2000s cartoons/music, fuzzy socks, beaded curtains or string lights, green or hazel eyes, candles, intuition, dust, sleet or snow, cold/grey/dreary weather, iron and vitamin d deficiency, water colours, astrology, vanilla or coconut scent, bubble baths, gemini/cancer/virgo/scorpio/libra, jupiter/neptune/moon/lunar nodes, february/may/june/october.
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The Hashira’s Favourite Hugs
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Happy Valentines day everyone! Enjoy some lovin from your favourite Hashira ^^
Requests and asks are still open :)
Word count: 4k~
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Mitsuri Kanroji
Prepare to be swept off your feet (literally)
Approaching our very own love Hashira and requesting a hug will be met with the same excitement no matter what
“Huh? Do you want a hug? Of course! Come here sweetie, let me hold you for a bit!”
She will be SO HAPPY if you asked ^^
Mitsuri may squeeze you a little, but never too much
Her goal is to get you as close to her as possible, no gap spared between you two
She’s honestly one of the best huggers here
Depending on your height, she’ll either prop her chin on either your head or shoulder
She’s a little warm from her flustering, but still enthusiastic nonetheless
If your head is tucked away, she’ll focus on swaying you both side to side in a rocking motion
Almost as if you two were dancing
But if you face is out in the open, Mitsuri will not waste a second before peppering your entire face in kisses
She tries her best to make you feel loved
Mitsuri absolutely adores hugs so she’ll never turn you down
She likes cooing about how much she loves you while the two of you hold each other
“Oh you make my heart skip a beat! I love you so much!!!”
Compliments will not be held back here, Mitsuri will go above and beyond
But even the love Hashira has a favourite hug
Mitsuri was once gone for more than a week on some business that she had to attend to
You missed her terribly, and you grew more worried as time passed by
While lounging in your shared bedroom, you heard the door open and close as your love cheered “Honey, I’m home!”
You sprinted across the house, found Mitsuri and leapt into her arms, yours pulling her in by her neck
Seizing momentum while she had it, Mitsuri spun the two of you around while you were still in the air
But when the two of you had spun enough and she tried to put you down, she realized that your legs were around her waist
You were almost clinging onto her like a koala, and something inside of her melted
She was internally squealing at how affectionate you were :)
Mitsuri’s favourite hugs are ones where she can use her strength, often by lifting you up into her arms
“Sweetie it’s late, let me carry you to bed, okay?”
It just makes her feel strong and cherished
Would absolutely carry you around like this all the time if you let her
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Obanai Iguro
He acts like he hates them
Do not underestimate him and the complete unadulterated adoration he has for you and the few people he lets near his heart
Obanai is just not used to that kind of thing, and it really stresses him out
If you asked him for a hug he would just shoot you a critical stare before groaning out an "Ughhh, fine. Come here"
You would be doing all the work here
Even if you have both your arms wrapped around him, your head resting on his shoulder, he still won't move
Obanai is really stiff about it
If you're lucky, he'll MAYBE pat your back unenthusiastically
Truth be told, Obanai doesn't let people touch him often so he wouldn't have much experience in it by far
Now if you ASKED him what is favourite hug is, he would say the side squeeze he gives you in public
Obanai can get overprotective easily, but he doesn't like showing it
He rarely misunderstands when someone is just being nice or affectionate in a platonic manner and when someone is actually hitting on you
If he sees someone making moves on you or just making you uncomfortable in general, he will glide over there and put his hand in your back pocket
Effectively pulling you into a very tense side hug
Obanai wouldn't say anything, but his main line of protection is his very judgmental look at his target
He wants you to believe that he's tough and all, that guarding you from danger is his greatest joy
But Obanai is really soft
His actual favourite hugs are what he refers to as "Sweater Time"
If you have larger sweaters than he does, he will pull the bottom hem of it up for a minute and pull it over his head
If he's taller than you then he just tucks you underneath the hem of his
Basically the two of you are wearing the same, spacious sweater
He's close enough that just fitting into it doesn't make you feel like you need to wrap your arms around him
But Obanai might pull you in if he just really needs your touch
He absolutely loves holding your face and resting his forehead on yours, absentmindedly tracing your jaw
Takes the opportunity to look into your eyes but Obanai doesn’t hold eye contact for long
So very warm :)
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Tengen Uzui
You’re in for a ride, that’s for sure
If you ask Tengen for a hug, he’s gonna be so snarky about it
He’ll make you confirm it like 5 times
“Hmm? You want a hug from the God of Festivals? Ahhh, of course, anyone would want to be in my arms! Come closer and claim you prize from yours truly~”
Tengen will motion you towards him, hinting to put your arms around him
Most of the time he’ll tease you about it, but sometimes Tengen will just flash a smile and pull you in
He’s pretty strong so his hugs are pretty tight by default
You can smell a hint of the cologne he uses, which is never too strong in the first place
Loves pressing you in by the small of your back, he can’t explain why though
Tengen’s hands just gravitate there, no lower or higher
Even when you two are already hugging, Tengen will not be able to resist teasing you
He is RELENTLESS about it too
Even if Tengen gets annoying with how affectionate you can be, he doesn't really mean it
Because every now and then, he just needs you there with him for a bit
It doesn't happen often but Tengen does have nights where he just can't sleep
You wouldn't know if its stress, repetitive thoughts or nightmares simply because he refuses to tell you
When he just lies there in the early hours of the morning, he'll carefully drag whoever is nearest towards him
This particular instance, you barely stirred awake as Tengen lifted your body to lie atop of his
Sensing your arousal from slumber, Tengen already hushes you back to sleep
"It's okay baby," he coos. "Just needed you a little closer. Get some rest"
If you happen to stay awake, he'll continue his attempts to get you to fall asleep again as he would honestly prefer for you to stay asleep when he's like this
Because when Tengen feels the worst of himself haunt his thoughts with all the memories and pain that he carries everywhere, nothing soothes him more than you pulling him closer whilst dreaming
This unconscious "I love you" of yours never fails to bring a sad smile and a few tears of love rolling down his cheeks
Pulls you even closer as he feels joy spread throughout his chest like fireworks
Yes, this is his favourite, and he will reward your efforts with forehead kisses and gently stroking your spine
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Either he has rabies or he just snarled at you
“Why the fuck are your arms like that? Are you looking for a fight?”
If you ask Sanemi for a hug, expect some backlash
See, all you wanted was some affection and somehow he's looking at you like you have two heads or something
"No you jerk, I just want a hug..."
Sanemi is pretty circumstantial with hugs, but he's not like Obanai where he's hiding how soft he really is
In reality, he would prefer that you got a hug from someone else
"Isn't it Mitsuri's day off? She should be in the garden at Shinobu's place"
Due to his workaholic nature, Sanemi doesn't think that he would be the best person for when you want affection
And its not because he hates affection nor does he find you annoying
Sanemi just think that because he's sweaty, covered in a bit of blood and is exhausted beyond belief, that maybe someone else's hug may bring more comfort than he could
But if there's no one else around...
"Mitsuri took a trip to a resort in the mountains, and you're already here"
With a roll of his eyes, Sanemi will acquiesce
"Get over here, you dork"
I will advise you however, that hug will not last more than three seconds
He will be firm in the hug, and maybe he'll give you a few pats on the back, but that's all you're getting
"There, now no more distractions. I've got some unfinished buisness..."
He will immediately turn away and go back to whatever he was doing
Honestly, he's trying to hide how (minorly) flustered he is by your sudden request for affection, but it's not surprising enough for him to let up a little on his unspoken self-consciousness
No, that would take at least a decade of attempts to make any progress
Just take his huffiness with a bit of grace; Sanemi just isn't the best person to go to when you want a hug
But if you come to him with tears dribbling down your cheeks, and a pained expression on your face
If you come to him with opened arms and a few sobs choked in your throat
If you push aside your dignity to allow Sanemi to see you at your worst, and a look in your eyes that shows that he's the only one who can alleviate the pain
"I've got you, I'm not going anywhere. I've got you"
He won't hesitate to immediately pull you in
There's something in the way you hold onto him that makes him believe that maybe, just maybe, he's not as bad as he thought
Hugs like these are his favourite, when he can push out his insecurities and hug you just for the sake of hugging you
Yeah, he's no good for hugging you when you want it
But he's perfect at it when you need it
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Shinobu Kocho
She’s kinda iffy with them, but she does have her own preferences
If you approach Shinobu and you ask for a hug, she’ll open her arms to you and motion you toward her
“Oh my, my dear do you need a hug? No need to worry Angel, I’m right here”
She’s definitely shorter than you so she’ll normally press her face into your chest while the two of you embrace
Shinobu likes listening to your heartbeat, and sometimes seizes the opportunity to check your health
Usually she does it because she finds it soothing
Other times, Shinobu just worries even if she knows she has no reason to
Believe it or not but she doesn’t like being held
Shinobu will never breathe a word of it, especially if you’re really affectionate
Would never ask you to stop, she just wouldn’t go out of her way to ask you to hold her
You would think after learning this that Shinobu just doesn’t like physical affection
While cooking some dinner for the two of you, your mind will start to wander about Shinobu
She spends so much time studying medicine that you hardly saw her all day today
You missed her dearly
But then you feel two arms snake around your waist, and someone pressing into your back
The smell of wisteria and rubbing alcohol wafting around you
Yes, it’s true that Shinobu doesn’t like being held
But she LOVES holding you close
In bed she’s the big spoon, she hangs onto you when you share showers, her arms will wrap around your neck when she checks up on you working at your desk
But right now?
You cooking and talking about your day, while she hums along?
Feeling you relax into her touch as she hops up on her toes to press her forehead into your neck?
Yes, this is Shinobu’s favourite
There is no place she would rather be
Shinobu is the type of person where she just loves existing in the same space as you, but with her chest pressed against your back
Overall, back hugs enthusiast
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Kyojuro Rengoku
Look me in my eyes and tell me that he isn’t the best hugger here
If you ask Kyojuro for a hug, he would be so honoured to give you one
“But of course my love! Please allow me to give you a proper embrace!”
He’s so soft and warm you could melt away
Depending on how you are when you asked, he will either ask you about your day or stay very quiet for you
Our sunshine boy can brighten even the stormiest days
Kyojuro’s very versatile with affection, so if he knows you have a preference he will heed to it at once
Head scratches, back rubs, shoulder pats, you name it
He’ll do it all for you
If it’s possible in the moment, he will give you a loving kiss on the forehead
With how affectionate Kyojuro is, you would think maybe he doesn’t have a favourite hug but that’s not true
“My love! I have finished my project, sit down with me so I may share it with you!”
You had just came back from the kitchen with two cups of tea, setting them on the coffee table
Kyojuro sat on the floor with his legs crossed, arms open and motioning you towards him
Initially you were confused with how close you stood near him, but Kyojuro still hurriedly motioned you towards him
He softly held onto your hips, turning you away from him, and pulled you down so you sat on the floor with him
You were basically sitting in Kyojuro’s lap
He had one arm around your waist, using the other hand to pull the box he was working on for the past couple weeks across the table towards the both of you
It was a time capsule of various items and mementos of time spent with you and his friends
Although the two of you were reminiscing on the memories made , Kyojuro’s focus lied in how comfortable you were to hold in his lap
He fantasizes of turning you around to face him so he could be all romantic and look into your eyes
But yes, Kyojuro’s favourite hugs are the ones where you are seated in his lap
If you want to hug him as well, Kyojuro will spin you around so you can cuddle all you’d like :)
Big or small, he can handle you no problem
Don’t ever worry about being too heavy ^^
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Giyu Tomioka
Also iffy but for different reasons
To be completely honest Giyu has no idea what he’s doing
And he doesn’t know if he should tell you
The last thing he would want is to come off as unapproachable (even if he’s aware that most of his peers don’t like him)
If you ask Giyu for a hug, he’ll just nod and open his arms slightly
When you close in on the hug though, his arms aren’t even touching you
They just stay there… hovering…
Good grief help this man
“Giyu, what are you doing…” “Hugging you?” He mumbled
There’s no way around it, you have to show him how it’s done
“Let me show you Giyu, put your arms like this-“
He’s still learning so please be patient with him
Even after you two practice a couple times, he’s still awkward about it
Very light grip on his end, he feels like if he were to actually put pressure in his hugging it might disturb you somehow
Like what if he's hugging too tight? What if you want to escape his hold earlier than you thought??? What if he's doing this wrong?????
After you two have hugged in a couple other ways, he starts developing preferences
For an example, he likes draping his arms on your shoulders in a way that they fall down your back
Giyu feels like he’s not bothering you too much this way, and it’s natural enough for him to not overthink it
His first natural instinct isn’t usually physical affection, and Giyu wouldn’t even be able to firmly place what his favourite hug would be due to his lack of experience
But one time you greeted him after he came back from a particularly rough mission
Idk he was just standing in the middle of his yard looking lost and worn out
You tried to talk to him but he was unresponsive, so you just pulled him in
His arms still rested at his sides but from the way that his chin rested on your shoulder, you couldn't have seen it but there was a twinkle in his eye
When you pulled away with a smile and bade him goodbye, you genuinely restored something in him
This is Giyu's favourite hug; ones where you just hold him close without an expectation that he has to reciprocate something
Next time you saw him seated at his desk and writing in his journal you noticed it
You almost missed it but it was most definitely there
A tiny smile was on his face as he printed his thoughts onto the paper
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Gyomei Himejima
You wouldn’t notice right away, but he’s actually awkward with hugs
This gentle giant is so huge and you’re so small in comparison he doesn’t know what to do
So if you ask Gyomei for a hug, you're gonna have to be more specific
"You want a hug? Of course. May you please elaborate on your preferences?"
Boundaries are very important to Gyomei
He would prefer if you could have a discussion before you need a hug where you list the things you are and are not okay with when it comes to touch
But if neither of you have had that discussion, just describe what you need from this specific case and that'll suffice for Gyomei
Once that's done, Gyomei will only then allow you to wrap your arms around him
The most common tendencies he tends to gravitate to is petting your head and rubbing your back gently
I will warn you that unless you specify that you don't like getting picked up, Gyomei may unintentionally lift you off the ground by a couple inches
Honestly, he forgot how huge he is and he thought you were taller
If you want to return some level of affection to Gyomei, I would suggest singing some praises for him or making generally happy noises :)
He particularly likes it if you coo a small "Dawwwwwww" or let out a pleased hum, it just pulls a wide grin out of him
When you two eventually pull away, he will without a doubt rustle your hair or pat your head
"Are you feeling better? I'm always here for you, remember that"
His biggest priority whilst showing you affection is ensuring that he leaves you in a better state than he found you
Be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, Gyomei will always be ready to take care of you
Even if he's oddly stiff about it
You see, Gyomei is hyperaware of his size and it sometimes conflicts with his confidence in coming off as passive and kind
It's really hard to be perceived as non-threatening when you're 7'2 and one of the strongest Hashira
So he tries to establish boundaries with you not just to respect you and ensure he's not crossing any lines, but also to make him feel safe and comfortable in being affectionate with you
I will add however, Gyomei doesn't have any physical boundaries with you (except killing another living thing without full disclosure)
So imagine his surprise when you ask if you can try lifting him
"You can certainly try- ouf!"
He was interrupted with your efforts to pick him up
Regardless if you manage to get him an inch off the ground, your determination still has him flustered
Gyomei finds your strength and playfulness endearing, letting a soft chuckle at your smaller stature trying to lift his gigantic self
But he'll heartily tell you to put him down before you start to over exert yourself
Gyomei will hold onto you for a little longer in thanks though :)
Because Gyomei's favourite hugs are the ones that make him feel small and cared for, rather than large and nurturing
He appreciates how you remind him of that side of him
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Muichiro Tokito (Platonic)
Muichiro needs a good measure of caution if you're going to be affectionate with him
Initially most people would think that it's because you would have to try a couple times to get his attention with the amount of times that he spaces out
But honestly, if you hug him without warning he gets scared
If you ever did pull him into your arms whilst his mind was elsewhere, you can see Muichiro start to panic
He won't say anything about it, just standing very very still
But Muichiro is visibly uncomfortable
I mean think about it, imagine how startling it could be if you were just minding your own business and out of nowhere, someone's in your personal bubble
It makes Muichiro feel like he missed out on something important :/
His shoulders will be shaking as he looks around the person who's hugging him, trying to gauge what kind of situation he's in and what would be the appropriate reaction
Muichiro doesn't really like hugs in general so I wouldn't recommend hugging him in the first place
If anything, Muichiro feels bad because everyone just assumes that because he's a kid that he likes hugs and being coddled
So if you ask him for a hug, he'll politely turn you down
"A hug? Sorry, I'm not a hugger..."
He really doesn't mean it maliciously so please don't hold any hard feelings about it
It's only a personal boundary, he just hopes that you'll respect it
If you want to be affectionate with him, then I would suggest handshakes :)
But I will also raise that there may be a time where Muichiro may want to give you a hug
It's usually when someone accomplishes some kind of feat, and Muichiro just feels really proud of them
So his favourite hugs are the ones that he initiates (usually out of pride)
Muichiro will always do it with his arms wrapped around your waist and pressing his face into your middle
Hugging him back isn't his favourite, but now would be a great opportunity for head pats ^^
Muichiro loves those
Overall you just need to be patient and understanding with Muichiro, and just trust that he will come to you
And you know what, if you really need that hug then Muichiro will at least go out of his way to cheer you up
It just might not be the way that you would expect
꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚ ꒷꒦˚︶︶꒦꒷︶꒷꒦˚
Let me know if I should do this prompt for the Demons too!
Reminder to read the rules before submitting any asks or requests ^^
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updownlately · 8 months
no, you don’t have to hide (the things you feel inside, i feel too)
| leah williamson x reader | hurt/comfort | 1.3k | a/n: heard 'lonely eyes' by lauv for the first time today and i got obsessed. whipped up a tiny little h/c fic based on the song! if you want the full effect of the fic (imo) listen to the song as you read! (it's linked above :)) sorry for slightly depressing content, im in a mood.... but anyways, happy reading!
"i don’t mean to be rude there’s things in myself that i see in you lonely eyes she had those lonely eyes i only know ‘cause i have them too lonely eyes no, you don’t have to hide the things you feel inside, i feel too ‘cause i’m lonely just like you ‘cause i’m lonely just like you"
“Had you not moved your arm a few seconds ago, I swear I would’ve called an ambulance or something…”
The words came from the blonde stood above you, her voice teasing yet cautious, softly testing the waters as she took in your sprawled out state in the middle of the training field.
It was much, much past the time practice had ended, Leah’s rehab session what brought her to stay after, to be there to notice your crumpled form on the pitch. 
You, who was still in your training gear, a light hoodie on you however, limbs sprawled out save for your left arm, which was haphazardly slung across your face, hiding your eyes. 
Your hum of response barely audible, had the midfielder’s eyebrows furrowing in worry, head tilting to the side as she crouched down beside you.
“Hey, you okay?”
The gentle words caused you to smile wryly, bloodshot eyes hidden underneath the protective cover of the crook of your arm as you did your best to make your voice sound normal.
Clearing your throat as nonchalantly as possible, you took a deep breath before speaking out. 
“Yeah….why wouldn’t I be?”
Sighing at how you were clearly not okay, the tear tracks on your cheeks very much visible in the setting rays of the sun, Leah shook her head to herself. 
You were stubborn- she very much knew it from having had the privilege of playing with you for the better part of the past season, and if there was one thing she definitively learned about you, it was that you hesitated to show any excess emotions, much rather choosing to let out whatever it may be on the pitch.
Right now though? Right now you looked utterly exhausted, the lack of games clearly taking its toll on you. 
Stretching her neck, Leah decided to take her chances at getting through to you, at least enough so that whatever it was you were feeling right now disappeared, her only goal at the moment to make you feel better. 
Gently tossing her water bottle a few feet away from where the pair of you were, Leah took a seat beside you, leaving a considerable gap so as to not make you uncomfortable.
Legs extended out as she stretched them, the blonde watched as your chest rose unevenly, almost as if she could hear each shaky breath as it escaped you, you still hellbent on trying to claim you were doing alright. 
“You can tell me you’re fine but it doesn’t mean I have to believe it…”
The words were hushed, just whispered quietly enough to stay between you two, even though no one else was around to hear it. 
The blonde eyed you warily though, her eyes scanning your face as she saw you register the words. 
Watching keenly, she saw you clench your jaw impossibly tight, shoulders tensing, you swallowing hard at the words as your breathing stilled for a second until you realized how you had frozen and quickly picked it back up again. 
“You might be doing a good job of hiding it, at least from the others, but- and I don’t mean to be rude- but there’s things in myself that I see in you…and those things aren’t fun, at least in my experience.”
You didn’t realize it, but you found yourself nodding subconsciously at the words, a part of you relieved that your mind wasn’t the only one this messy. 
Seeing the way your head moved had the Gunner beside you smiling slightly, glad to see your walls crumbling ever so slightly. 
Pausing to see if you would say anything, Leah patiently waited, head turning as she gazed around at the scenery around you two, bathing in the calmness of Mother Nature as she gave you a minute or so to collect yourself. 
So caught up in watching a baby bird as it shakily flew from one branch of a tree to another, Leah was pleasantly jolted out of her reverie by your faint voice, your words lowly mumbled, as your arm came to move down from your eyes, revealing your bloodshot eyes to Leah, your gaze not meeting hers one bit as you looked up into the pinking sky above.
“It- it sometimes gets loud, y’know?”
Your hesitant tone, coupled with the tired words and red eyes had the skipper’s heart quietly breaking, well aware of what you were referring to.
Staying silent to urge you to continue, the blonde leaned back on her elbows, humming near soundlessly, 
“The voices up there, they just don’t stop. I wish they did so bad, but they don’t…”
A bubble of comfort took over the both of you at the words, the breeze blowing between as you basked in the freeing relief of being understood.
It just so happened that the blonde unfortunately knew exactly what you were referring to- the little voice, sometimes voices, that never stopped. Reminding you of each mistake in a game, each misspoke or awkward pause in your conversations. Voices that held the weight of the fans’ emotions, their expectations, their disappointment, each and every criticism ever uttered into existence, all meshed into a voice that followed her everywhere, not a moment of reprieve, as the assault battered her down day by day, no matter how hard she pushed through it. 
Nodding in understanding, breathing deeply as she felt herself feel seen, Leah exhaled softly before speaking.
“I wish I could tell you it gets better, but I can’t promise that…”
Her words hung in the air as you felt another wave of emotions cross you, the sentiment not really what you expected nor wanted to hear at the moment. 
Eyes tearing up at the admission, exhaustive frustration seeping into your bones, you sunk deeper into the grass beneath you, too afraid of the hurricane of emotions within you to speak up. 
Doing your best to hold it together, you willed the tears to not fall, keeping your eyes open for as long as possible so that they’d dry out faster, hoping the unshed tears would disappear. 
You were almost successful too, nearly getting a grasp on your emotions, before you heard shuffling from the girl beside you, feeling your arms brush as you just barely tilted your head to the side, watching from the corner of your eye as Leah settled down beside you, joining you in laying down.
Feeling her body warmth near you, you took a shuddering breath, the heavy weight of being alone earlier slowly rising from your chest as breathing became a tad bit easier. 
“What I can tell you- no, promise- what I can promise you is that I’ll be here beside you through it all if you’ll have me. We don’t even have to talk if you want. If you want someone to sit beside you when your mind gets a little too loud, your heart a little too heavy? I can do that. You don’t have to do it alone…I rather you not, to be honest.”
Lips turning ever so slightly as you closed your eyes, head nodding microscopically, you took in a deep sigh, flexing your jaw as your lungs loosened, the weight not completely off your chest just yet, but just enough that you believed for a second, for a moment, that maybe things could be alright.
“I think I’d like that…”
And when Leah intertwined your hands together, letting them rest between your bodies as you watched as the pink sky slowly molded into orange and then purple as the sun finally set, you took the chance to look over at her, her eyes meeting yours at the sound of your movement, two pairs of lonely eyes recognizing your shared emotions, any differences pushed aside as you stripped down to nothing but understanding and relief- grateful to find someone just like you, to be there for you. 
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turtlecleric · 3 months
I Know Now
late as usual ~ nsfw, rise!donnie x reader (cw: altered state of mind)
“Yes, Donnie.”
"Tell me again."
You blow out a slow breath, closing your eyes and pushing down the hint of exasperation that's starting to bloom in your chest. He's worried, you remind yourself. Unsure. Hesitant in a way that you simply aren't. You can be patient, for him. 
"It will be disorienting and confusing," you say once more. "I may feel overwhelmed or scared. I may not be able to control my thoughts or actions. I may hate it."
Donnie searches your face, brows furrowed. "And you still want t-"
The movement of his free hand tapping rapidly against his thigh catches your eye. It makes you soften further, seeing how worried he is about this. About you. You step forward to wrap your arms around him, and his own slide around you immediately, making the bottle of pills in his hand rattle as he does. His cheek rests on the top of your head, and you bask in the comfort of his hold for a long moment before leaning back to catch his gaze. Somber, anxious eyes look back at you. 
"I trust you,” you murmur. “I understand the risks. And I still really want to do this. Okay?"
His mouth opens, but he closes it without saying anything. When he opens it again, it's with a firmer, more resolute expression.
"Okay," he says, nodding and pulling away fully from your hug. "Let's get you set up then."
He leads you to the bed nestled in the back corner of the workshop - one that he put together specifically for this. Sturdy, with a mattress that has just the right amount of give, an absurd number of pillows, and the softest blankets and sheets you've ever had the pleasure of running your hands over. The memory of when he'd first shown you the finished product makes you smile. 
It's perfect, Donnie!
Of course it is! I made it to your exact preferences based on the data I've collected over the past few weeks, and - oh, let me show you how the heating function works!
God. You love him so fucking much. 
Settled amongst the pillows now, with him kneeling on the bed beside you, your heart sings thinking about how much work he's put into this. The pills, obviously. The bed. The lectures and pamphlets and reminders that you don't have to do this - despite the fact that you were the one who requested it in the first place. Wanting to experience a taste of what it's like for him, so you can understand better but… also because you're a little selfish. He's told you countless times how much better his season is now that he has you. Alone, it had been miserable. With you… it's something incredible. And he always seems so content during his season - relaxed and satisfied and so goddamn happy. Giddy with it, even. You want to see what that feels like. 
"The effects should last approximately one hour," Donnie says, pulling you from your thoughts. The bottle rattles again when he gingerly shakes a single pill into his hand. "Don't forget that your heart rate will increase, and you'll start to feel really warm. That's normal. Oh, and don’t forget that-”
"Donnie," you call softly, cutting him off. You take the pill from him with one hand and use the other to weave your fingers around his and squeeze. "As long as I'm with you, I'll be fine."
His eyes soften, and the tiny smile on his face bolsters you. Before he has a chance to make you repeat the warnings (again), you reach over to one of the cup holders jutting out from the side of the bed and pick up a water bottle. 
(It's important to stay hydrated, dearest. Ooh! Watch this, there's a hidden cupboard for snacks that raises up when you press-)
The pill goes down easily, and Donnie immediately starts to ramble again. Reminding you of what to expect, of the contingency plans in place should you decide this really isn't for you and you need to stop. You half-listen, smirking when he falters for just a moment as you start to strip. 
You'd thought you might get a bit chilly since he keeps it relatively cold in here, but you're feeling okay even without your clothes. You get comfortable on the bed, lying down and… about to ask how long it will take for… hm.
He's still talking, but you're a little distracted by the way his throat moves as he speaks. The way his tendons stretch and pull when he shifts, when he turns his head, or... the glimpses of his tongue, his teeth, as he talks. 
Wait. Focus. 
You blink up at him. "...Huh?" 
He looks like he can't decide between worry or amusement. It's not an unusual expression to see on his face - you evoke that in him pretty often - but something about it mesmerizes you. 
"How are you feeling?" He says again.
Feeling. How are you. Feeling. 
It's hard to focus when you're staring at him. Looking away feels impossible, but you manage to close your eyes and think. 
You feel... warm. That's right. He said that would happen. You feel… hazy. Like your thoughts have to drag themselves through molasses to make it to the surface. Hungry? No, hungry isn't quite right, but it's... similar. Like a craving. You want. You want. You feel your pulse in your throat, hear the blood rushing in your ears. You miss him. He’s right here, but you miss him. 
When you open your eyes and see him there, you feel yourself relax. His gaze is intense. Heavy. It makes you shiver, goosebumps rising along your arms and legs, and you try to focus. Focus. Try to… 
Why aren’t you touching him? It seems stupid to not be touching him. More than stupid, it feels wrong. You reach out, resting a hand against his plastron, feeling the vibrations there as he speaks.
Wait, what is he saying? You see the movement of his mouth, and you hear the words, but… the meanings slip away like smoke in your hands. Your name is the only thing you recognize, and oh, the way he says your name has you shivering again. Shivering - but you're so warm. The thought makes you smile, but it falls when you suddenly become aware of every inch that separates you from him. You place your other hand on his arm, curling around his bicep, pulling him closer, because he’s so far away. Even when he moves where you pull him, letting you wrap around him and press your face into the crook of his neck, he’s still too far away. 
He says your name again. Quiet and gentle, and you love the sound of it. It echoes in your mind, a layered whisper that soothes something you can’t put a name to. You breathe him in, nuzzling into his neck as the both of you lie down together. Arms around each other, your legs entwined, he’s right here but you need him closer. You need… something. You need…
Hands massage your back. Your shoulders. Someone is moaning and you think it might be you. You want to say something, but you can’t, can’t, can’t - there’s an ache in your chest, a burning in your stomach. Your thighs are sticky. You need- you can feel your cunt throbbing.
A brief moment of clarity. Suddenly you can understand his steady murmuring, can fully remember what's happening and how you got here. 
“-okay, I’m here. I’ll take care of you, okay? You’re safe, I’ve got you.”
You need him. You need him, you need him right now, and you have to tell him. You don’t even care, don’t have the capacity to even be embarrassed by how whiny your voice is when you finally manage to speak. “Donnie. Donnie, please. Please, I need you. Please fuck me, please, Donnie, please, I need-” 
The moment he kisses you, all of your thoughts slip away. There is only him and you and him and you and him but then he pulls away, and it hurts. You miss him. You try to tell him, ask him to come back, but someone is whimpering, and you miss him, and it hurts, and you can’t think. 
You miss him. 
His hands find you again, his lips pressing against your own, and the relief is overwhelming. Your entire body shudders, shaking apart beneath him. You can't differentiate between the touches, his hands and mouth here and there and everywhere, everywhere, everywhere at once. Someone whines again. 
Donnie lies on top of you then, arms pressed between you and the mattress, holding you close against him, and oh. The weight of him, the smell of him, the taste of him - it’s enough to make you go boneless. Something, something - his knee, you think - slides between your legs, pressing against you. You can't help but grind against it as his tongue just barely glides against yours. It’s so warm. Everywhere, everything, warm and good and safe.
You’re trembling, chills running up your spine, lighting sparking along your skin. You’re flying, you think. Weightless, somehow, with only friction and pressure and Donnie Donnie Donnie. He adjusts, his knee moving away, but before you can protest something slips inside of you. His finger, you realize after a few pumps, and it's better, so much better, but it's not enough and you need more more more-
Donnie is whispering something that you don’t understand, but his voice alone is like a balm. Soothing your impatience. Your desperation. You focus on the rumble of it, then on the rub of his jaw against yours, then on the slick circles of his thumb against your clit, then his fingers - two, now - pumping easily in and out of you. Your hips are in constant motion, your arms clawing at his arms, and you can't stop seeking him in every way that you can. Time warps - there is no time, only feeling as you fight to somehow have him closer. 
He lifts himself up, and you miss having his weight press you into the mattress, but then you feel him start to press something bigger inside of you, and fuck yes this is it. His cock - this is what you were craving, what you need more than oxygen itself, and it feels so fucking good. The feeling of him inside you, filling you up, full, so full of him. And then he starts to move and - no, this is what you need. This delicious, wet friction, the feeling of him spearing you open again and again as you pull apart at the seams. There is only him and here and now, and it’s all you've ever wanted and it's yours. 
Are you coming? You can't tell if you are or if it just feels that good to have him pumping into you. You can't seem to think past each thrust, your mind going blank after every... Fuck, are you coming? Or does it just feel that good-
One of his words slips through the mist that's replaced your mind. Mine. It makes your skin spark. You've never felt more safe, more content, more full. It's almost too much. Just the brush of his scales against your skin is enough to overwhelm you, and fuck, fuck, are you coming or does he just feel that good inside of you?
You want to tell him… something. Something. You don't know, couldn't put it into words even if you could manage to control your mouth enough to speak. You might already be speaking. You’re not sure. His voice, though, you are sure about. It's a constant echo in your mind, and you can’t understand the words but at the same time you do. You understand. Safe, pretty, good, mate, mine. Yes, yes, yes. You’re his. Forever. 
Your heart is beating so fast. Your entire body is one big heartbeat, pulsing with every movement he makes. It’s almost scary - would be scary if you didn’t feel so fucking good and so completely, utterly safe. You're an imploding star, a burning, writhing, blissed-out thing that used to be a person and that may not ever be one again. You think you might be okay with that. 
God, are you coming or does it-
That thought is abruptly disintegrated when you do come. Your eyes roll back into your head, waves and waves of shimmering pleasure lighting up every nerve. On and on and on, it doesn’t stop. It doesn’t stop, and you’re sure now. This is you coming, and it isn’t fucking stopping. Someone is crying, and this shouldn’t actually be possible. It shouldn't be possible for a person to feel this way, and it isn’t fucking stopping, holy fuck. The wave swells in a way it never has before, cresting and cresting and cresting, and- oh. You’re crying. That's you. 
breathe, darling. got you, beautiful, mine, doing so good. breathe. that’s it, pretty girl
He’s comforting you, you think. What is there to comfort? There has never been anything that feels as good as this. You’re still coming and he’s still fucking you through it, and thank god, because if he stopped you might actually die. You reach for him, but he's already there. 
mine, mine, mine
You think you might be starting to come down from that insane high. The trembling seems permanent, but you can think a little, can take in more of what he's saying now even though it's a little slurred in your ears. 
“- got you. All mine, so pretty and perfect. Smell so fucking good, taking my cock like you were made for me, like the perfect mate. So good, pretty girl, you're doing so good. I love you so-”
He's happy with you. You're being good. You're good. You're good and safe and warm, and he's here, and this is where he belongs, always. Deep inside of you, fucking you, always, always, with his fingers in your mouth and his teeth in your shoulder. You can't separate pain from pleasure. It's all one swirling, overwhelming cacophony of sensation until you feel him release inside of you, coating your insides with his come, marking you as his in every way - and it does something to your brain. You think you really are talking now, thanking him, maybe, or just- fuck, you can't concentrate, you're so full. 
Part of you mourns, even through the thick haze of your mind, knowing that he will pull out of you soon. But you're surprised to find that he doesn't, that he only needs a few moments before he's hard and pumping into you again. More sweet, incomprehensible words fall on your ears like so many shooting stars, and time continues to warp, and oh, fuck, the wave is cresting again-
When you wake, the first thing you become aware of is the fact that you feel so unbelievably relaxed. The second thing is that Donnie is holding you, stroking your hair and speaking to you softly. 
You take a slow, deep breath, and his words stop, then start again. This time you push through the haze enough to actually listen. 
“You haven't stopped smiling,” he says, his own smile audible in his voice. 
His hand continues to brush through your hair, while the fingers of his other hand tap absent-mindedly against your thigh. It's nice. You bask in the feeling for a moment before you respond. 
“It was like… like you said. The way you feel now, during your season. I just felt really… connected to you. Safe. And happy.” You sigh, snuggling in closer. “And really, really good. I don't know why you were so worried I would hate it.”
His hands stop. Then start again. When he answers, you can't hear the smile anymore. “It's only like that when- when you're with the person you…” 
He trails off, and you wait for him to elaborate. He doesn't. The silence grows heavy. You pull back to look up at him, but he avoids your eyes, his lips thinning and his brows pinching together. You finish his sentence for him. 
“The person you love?”
His throat bobs when he swallows, and his tiny nod makes your chest ache. To think that - even after everything you've been through - he was still unsure. Worried that the pill would not only make you miserable, but also that it would confirm your true feelings. 
Or lack thereof. 
“Donnie,” you start, but he cuts you off with a kiss. Slow, gentle, and intimate. He kisses you until you forget how to breathe, and when he finally pulls away you have to take a few moments to remind yourself of what you were going to say. “You thought I wouldn't-”
“I was wrong to worry,” he says simply, cutting you off once more. “I know that now.”
You consider pushing further, but the pleasant fog that still clings to your mind makes it hard to think. You close your eyes and breathe, trying to focus past the memory of his lips on yours. It’s hard when his hands still trail through your hair. When you open them again, he’s still avoiding your gaze. 
“You know I love you. Right?”
His eyes finally meet your own, and you see something there. Something that’s too big to put a name to but that relaxes your concern nonetheless. He leans toward you to press a quick kiss to your forehead, and when he pulls back his lips have settled back into a soft smile. 
“I know, dearest. I know.” 
tag list: @yorshie @khayalli @thejudiciousneurotic @luckycharms1701 @mxalmighty @thelaundrybitch @justalotoffanfiction
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ariadne-mouse · 14 days
This post discusses addiction & mentions related heavy topics.
The addiction comparison for what Laudna has going on with Delilah is certainly not 1:1. Most obviously, addictive substances & activities IRL are not sentient evil wizards who have found a way to cheat death (that we know of). Put more seriously: in-universe, warlocks exist all over and the relationships they have with their patrons don't necessarily evoke addiction; someone saying they are a warlock does not mean are an addict. But I've seen a couple takes thrown around for why Laudna's connection with Delilah isn't or can't be compared to addiction, and I'd like to examine those briefly.
Let's start with the origin of their entanglement - it's notable, for instance, that Laudna's fusion with Delilah's spirit was not something she chose or was necessarily even conscious of at first; however, equally notable is that not all IRL addiction begins with a person making bad choices to do the addictive thing, such as in the cases of forced drug use in trafficking, painkillers post-surgery, etc.
There is also the point that Laudna would die if Delilah were to be removed, whereas addicts can put aside the object of their addiction. But here there is also grey area: in some cases, unassisted withdrawal from serious substances can in fact kill you. And for another angle, even when it is quit the object of addiction will still exist in the world somewhere; it cannot be completely removed either, and it is the recovering addict's challenge not to engage.
Next is the way feeding Delilah gives Laudna new powers she can use to help the group - and certainly, IRL addiction doesn't give you magical combat abilities! But a substance being abused may indeed provide an effect that the user can leverage to their advantage (stimulants for work productivity, alcohol for relaxation or confidence, etc). Addiction happens because the mind and/or body are getting something in return that feels good, at least in the short term.
I mention these counterpoints not to say it's all a slam dunk, but rather to point out that addiction is a hugely complex issue, both mental and physical, taking many forms. If you want an addiction comparison to apply to Laudna, or not, you can probably find a manifestation of addiction out there that aligns with your argument. Marisha and others of the cast using addiction to describe Laudna's behavior just gives us one (1) possible lens to orient her experience and motivations, and, critically, to envision a way out for her: to fight Delilah with every ounce of willpower she has, to ask for the support of her friends in that effort, and to shove Delilah back into the sub-basement of her brain and keep her there for good. A common adage around addiction is that there is no "curing" it, just the lifelong work of recovery; and similarly, if Delilah can't be fully removed from Laudna, she has been successfully suppressed before and could be again. I think it would be incredibly powerful to see Laudna take that journey! She has agency in her circumstances and she can seize it. Also, she still has responsibility for her actions when they harm those around her; addiction, like trauma, explains but doesn't excuse.
The addiction comparison for Laudna and Delilah seems to have mixed reactions from fandom, and that's fine! If it truly just doesn't resonate with you, fair enough - there are plenty of other valid ways to describe Laudna's behavior and circumstances, and not mutually exclusive with the addiction angle either. We don't have to pick only one way of interpreting what characters do (in fact I advise against it), and as the story evolves our frameworks of interpretation may change too. A lens is just a tool for understanding. But for the handful of folks on the two sides of the polarized reaction coin at the moment - those either overly defensive about the comparison or conversely leaning into it in an ugly, mean way - if you think the word "addict" by itself irrevocably condemns Laudna or deprives her of compassion for her circumstances, perhaps consider mulling over how you view addicts IRL.
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ropesbypatricia · 10 months
Rope Techniques: How I accommodate crepe/thin skin when I tie
I thought I'd drop some techniques I like to use when I'm self-tying or tying another human with thin/crepe skin
What is crepe skin?
"Crepey skin is thin and looks finely wrinkled like crepe paper. It may also sag or feel loose. While crepey skin is similar to common wrinkles in many ways, the condition tends to impact larger areas, and this skin feels noticeably more fragile and thin..."
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What causes crepe skin?
Lots of things included but not limited to: sun damage, aging, rapid weight loss or gain, certain genetic disorders, smoking, alcohol use, and dehydration
How is crepe skin different than non-crepe skin?
It is thinner, less elastic, and more prone to bruise, rip, and damage when under stress, pressure, injury
How do I as a rope top account for my own or another's crepe skin in rope bondage?
I recommend wearing comfortable, form-fitting clothes over the areas of the body I might be tying that have creping. I almost always wear leggings and a camisole or bodysuit when I'm tying myself for practice and development - tying directly over slack skin, especially as a beginner, can be a very tricky and painful experience - I recommend practicing over clothing and then moving to implement your practice onto your exposed flesh if you choose
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Speaking on tender flesh: Running your fingers underneath a rope line which is wrapping crepe skin can be a pretty miserable and pinchy affair as the flesh has a tendency to stay with your finger as you move to clear the lines, and can easily find itself pinched between the ropes and your finger 🥲
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Instead of running my finger under my rope, I gently pull the skin away from any areas where it has become nipped or grabbed up in the rope - a similar technique is useful when working with adipose tissue
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Stay well-hydrated if possible - keep your skin clean, exfoliated and moisturized. I find happy skin plays best with rope, and my skin is happiest these days when I'm hydrated, dry-rubbed, and well-oiled 😌
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I understand that the risk for side effects like bruising, rope marks, rope burns, etc.. is higher in crepe regions than in skin that is more elastic and collagen-rich. I can use what I find to be best practices to minimize risks, but I acknowledge that the base line for the skin's vulnerability to dermal injury is higher to begin with
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If you have any questions you think I can answer or any tips for working with thin skin and rope you'd like to share, please lmk!
Happy roping to you all ❤️➰❤️
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fantasyandshit · 2 months
Something is wrong
type: Oneshot
Pairing:Azriel x reader
"where are you going?"
"Oh, Az!" Yn turns as her wings unfurl- "Im headed to Windhaven to check on things up there for Rhys- When did you get back? I thought you were still in Day?" "I-I returned last night. I'm sorry, you said your going to WindHaven?"
"Because Rhysand asked me to? What's the issue with that?"
The shadowsinger notes the females face contorting into one of confusion, "Well it's just- Myself, Cassian, or Rhys are the ones that usually go up?"
Now the confusion morphs to anger and annoyance as she speaks, "Oh? Am I not capable shadowsinger?"
"No No! It's just that they are dangerous as they are- and well, your a female far more powerful than any of them-who knows what they may try to do to you?" The words fly out of Azriels mouth in a blur.
"Your right, i am more powerful than them-If I must I will fight them-inf act I'll do it in front of the whole of the camp as a lesson." the Illyrian females eight, bright green, siphons flare like green flames licking within the small gem shapes.
"Just-just be careful ok?" Azriel knew he couldn't fight the female-couldn't convince her to stay, and he knew she was very capable, powerful, but deep down he couldn't' help the gut feeling that something was going to go wrong- that she would be hurt.
"Always shadowsinger." She smirked as she dropped backwards off the balcony railing, falling for a moment before her wings flared open and she soared for the mountains- always with the dramatic exit.
As I make my way through the frigid night to the cabin I am staying in I hear footsteps- ten separate sets of them trailing through the snow-following me. I whirl around only to be caught off guard by a punch to the face, I stagger back- quickly kicking my attacker in his kidney. The male lets out a groan, kneeling to the floor before before i kick him again, this time in the face. As I use my power, effectively killing the brute; another male comes up from behind, pulling my head and exposing my neck, just before I'm able to fling him off I feel a needle in the side of my neck. Shit.
I feel my body start to go numb, my knees giving out as the male behind me catches me. I barely get another glimpse before my eyes are rolling back as I go limp in his arms.
"I'm telling you Rhys- its been five days, you said she'd be back in three. There has been no warning of a longer stay and no-"
"Azriel! Stop it! Yn is capable- you know that better than anyone, she will be fine!" A sigh, "If she doesn't come back within two days-we will go after her. ok?"
Knowing he wouldn't win this, Azriel bows his head before stalking out.
The next day the doors to Rhysand's office were thrown open, the Shadowsinger storming in. He knew something was off with yn and he was not going to sit around any longer. He just, he just knew she wasn't ok and the fact no one seemed to care made him blind with rage. He didn't understand this feeling, he'd never been nearly this mad at his family before but he couldn't shake the fire burning underneath his skin.
"Im leaving and you're either coming with me or staying out of my way." Azriel didn't need ti explain, everyone in the room knew what he was talking about- well more like seething like a wild animal, his hair tousled as he glared ahead.
The high lord lets out an exasperated sight, "Az- we talked about this, if sh-"
"No! No! What of it were Mor? What if it where Feyre, or Nesta?"
"That's different-"
"No its fucking. Not. Now are you coming with me or no?"
As he turns to leave the room, Cassian moves to him,p placing a hand on his shoulder as he tries to reason, "Maybe-"
"Let. Me. Go."
"Let him go Cass."
The Illyrian let's his brother go sighing as he does so.
Azriels shadows are in a frenzy as he lands in the camp- hurt- experiments-torture-ten-hurt-help-help!- Help her! Now! Faster!
The male sprints, running faster than he ever has as his shadowsa lead him deep into the woods where one lone cabin stands.
'basement- ten males-she's hurt-save her'
As the door is pushed open a man jumps for Azriel, he waist no time, sending his shadows down the mans eyes and strangles him as he slumps to the floor, the next males ends with a dagger in his head, the one after with a slit throat, choking and spluttering on his own blood, the fifth with shadows circling his body, pooling into the open whiles they find. The next is thrown from the house with Azriel's power, the next just obliterated, the eighth and ninth are thrown into each other, going on conscious before being stabbed in the throat. The final tenth one stands at the top of the stairs, thrown down and ending with a sickening crunch.
Azriel stomps down the stairs, being met with a sight that nearly makes him throw up as he rushes to the female. Yn lays naked and strapped to a cold metal table, her body covered in blood, vomit, piss, and puss that oozes from concerning wounds, her body is also littered in bruises, slices, and what look to be needle injection sights. And her wings, gods her wings were shredded, hooks tethering them to the ground. As he moves to her he notices a journal lying open...
they were using her as a fucking experiment- they had pushed who know what into her body, torturing her slowly.
"Az?" Her usual strong, sassy voice replaced with a weak whimper.
"Hey, hey I'm here." He brushes her hair behind her ear softly, his face softening immediately as he stares at her. she looks tired, so tired.
"You came for me?"
"Yes, I always will. Ok sweet girl, I need to release your wings ok? It's going to hurt."
She says nothing as she stares forward, Azriel grabbing the first hook and ripping it out- a small cry leaves her lips but she's out of energy, screaming far to much these past few days. Azriel moves to the next wing, pulling the second hook out, her wings drooping as he moves to unbind her. He slowly pulls her up and into his arms, cringing at the whimpers and squeaks she releases. "Oh sweetheart. I am so so sorry."
Azriel knows he can't transport her in this condition so he quickly calls for Rhys.
'Rhysand!' his panicked voice rings down to the other males mind
'Azriel? What is it?'
'It's Yn, bring Madja-quick.'
'I'm on my way now.'
"Come here."
The shadowsinger leans his head down- surprised as Yn surges forward ever so slightly, pressing their lips together, molding them to each other like they were made for each other. Before any more can happen, Feyre, Rhysand, Cassian, and Madja appear in the room.
Azriel watches as Yn's chest rises and falls slowly. She'd been out nearly three days now and Azriel couldn't leave her side, nor could he stand to look his family in the eye. They were part of the reason they were in this position right now, why Yn still lay on her bed, deep in sleep.
The next morning Azriel is woken up by a soft voice. "Az?"
"Yn. hey, your awake." The male rushes to her side as he helps her sit up slowly. As the two make eye contact Azriel feels it, and judging by the gasp she lets out, Yn does too."
"Mate?" They speak at the same time. Smiling like two kids in a candy shop as they simply look into each others eyes for a moment. Unable to help himself, Azriel leans in, kissing he mate softly.
Sooooo, hey guys! I felt like writing a feral Az but also wanted some sweetness sooooo here you go. Some of this did get inspired by the lovely work of @afandomangel but it was original work of mine, I've wanted to write feral Az for a while now. I want to leave this saying- Guys PLEASE send in requests, part of the reason I haven't been posting as much is because I a having serious writers block and my inbox has been open-and empty- for...well since In opened it and I needdddddd you guys to send in requests, I write everything and I write for a lotttttttt of fandoms, not just acotar so please please send in requests. Anywt\ay love you guys and I hope you enjoyed
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Start a Fire
Pairing: Gwen Stacy x gn!reader
Summary: Gwen saves you and you help her out in return.
Warnings: nothing besides some probable medical inaccuracies and my writing lmao (no atsv spoilers btw)
Word count: 2k
Notes: idk why everything i write is kinda unserious. this also may not entirely make sense, sorry about that...
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Firsts were a special thing.
Everyone, for better or worse, remembered things like their first kiss, and their first date, and their first heartbreak. Because of the novelty of these events, their importance is inescapable, even to the most unsentimental of people.
This same principle applied to superhero activities—or, at least, it did for Gwen.
She would never forget her first high-speed car chase, or her first armed bank robbery, or her first (incredibly embarrassing) criminal interrogation. So, of course, she was excited when her police radio picked up reports of a burning apartment building over on the west side.
Okay, maybe excited wasn’t the right word since people were in danger and Gwen would never be excited about that, but she was looking forward to checking off another box on the list of ‘classic crime tropes’ she kept in her journal. Burning buildings were a staple in superhero comics, and after nearly nine months on the job, it was about time for her to experience it firsthand.
She zipped in and, after a quick chat with the outside firefighters, began extracting civies from the upper floors while they covered the lower floors. Thankfully, the fire wasn’t terrible. They caught it pretty early and since the apartment building was three blocks away from a fire station, there were firefighters on the scene within ten minutes.
Since the fire started on the first floor, the worst of it was easily at the bottom floors, which the firefighters elected to cover since Gwen had more verticality and speed, but there was still smoke. A lot of it.
Now, Gwen knew a lot about fire safety thanks to her elementary school’s yearly presentations on the subject, but by the ten-minute mark, she was beginning to see that she had vastly underestimated the effects of smoke inhalation.
She didn’t have the respirators that they wore, her only protection against the smoke was the cloth of her mask. And at first, that was enough, but it was starting to get to her now. Luckily, she only had one more person to grab—someone on the top floor, frantically waving out one of the windows.
Hastily, Gwen crawled up toward the window you were leaning out of. The smoke was much thinner up here since the fire was only just spreading a few floors down, and she was very grateful for that. She crept to the side of the window, offering a grin you couldn’t see and a wave.
“Hey!” she greeted, securing an arm around your waist. “Hold on tight. This will be quick, just, uh, close your eyes if you’re afraid of heights.”
Once your arms were looped behind her neck, she webbed a nearby building and swung toward a nearby alley.
She deposited you down first, making sure you were steady on your feet before releasing the web and stumbling toward the nearest wall. A series of hacking coughs forced themselves from her throat, making her lean most of her weight against the wall.
“You okay, Spider-Woman?” The question came from her left and she looked over to see you resting against the same wall as her, staring with a mixture of confusion and concern. Gwen flashed a shaky thumbs-up in an attempt to both placate you and preserve her image.
“Perfectly fine. This is actually my first burning building rescue, so this—” She cut herself off with a particularly painful wheeze then finished with, “This is actually a pretty big moment for me.”
“Uh-huh, well maybe you should sit down for a minute,” you suggested, but her mind was already on her next destination, wherever that may be.
She shook her head at the idea, fighting the nausea that came with the motion. “No, no, I’m good. Feeling great. I’ll, uh, I’ll see you around.”
There was an attempt to raise her arm and shoot a web, but it failed rather miserably. She didn’t think the limb even moved, but the sudden, heavy wave of drowsiness that washed over her made that really hard to care about. A sigh slipped from her mouth, eyes drooping.
“Okay, yeah, maybe I’ll just take a little nap first.” The admission came out mumbled, but Gwen didn’t really notice. Nor did she feel herself pitch forward and slip off the wall entirely as her eyes were already slipping closed.
The world went dark before she could even hit the ground.
When Gwen woke again, the first of two major things she noticed was that she wasn’t in the alley she collapsed in.
In fact, she wasn’t outside at all. Her eyes cracked open and instead of staring into the cloudy afternoon sky, she was looking intently at a ceiling. And instead of laying on hard asphalt, she was resting on something soft—a couch, maybe.
She was in someone’s house, she belatedly realized, and that was when the second thing registered all at once.
Her mask was still on.
And it wasn’t just on, it was still tucked snugly into the neckline of her suit, the way she always kept it to ensure it never rode up. That meant that either someone went to great lengths to put it back in the exact position she liked it, or it was never taken off in the first place. When she saw you sitting in the chaise lounge across from the couch, her suspicions leaned toward the latter.
You hadn’t noticed her wake, eyes glued on the tv to her right, so she took the initiative to speak. It was harder than she expected since her throat was so dry, but after a few swallows, she managed to rasp her question out.
“Uh, where am I, exactly?”
Your eyes flicked to her instantly, and you sat up straighter, leaning forward a bit. “My house. Well, my mom’s house actually. She’s at work, won’t be back for a while. Good thing, too, because she would lose her shit if she saw you passed out on her couch.”
“Not a big fan of vigilantes?” she asked dryly. You chuckled.
“No, she’s not a big fan of her furniture getting dirty.”
“Oh,” Gwen muttered, pushing herself up to sit, “sorry, I can—”
Her sentence was cut short by you standing and gently shoving her to lie back down. “It’s fine, I’ll clean it later. Stay there.”
You watched her and, once you knew she would obey, walked out of her sightline. Gwen listened to your footsteps, noting the way you stopped around fifteen feet away. Then, she tilted her head back to glance at the windows and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the light shining through the thin, drawn curtains. She couldn’t have been out for more than an hour.
Now that her initial question had been answered, she moved on to her secondary. “Did you drag me all the way here by yourself?”
“Well, I was visiting a friend’s apartment earlier, so we were only a few blocks away,” you called from somewhere on the other side of the couch, the faint sound of a refrigerator being opened and closed compounding the statement. “But yes, I did drag you here myself. You’re heavier than you look, by the way.”
Gwen’s eyes narrowed beneath her mask, but she chose to take it as a compliment to her forming musculature.
You returned a few minutes later with a glass of water and a pitcher filled nearly to the brim, setting them both down on the coffee table in front of her. Immediately, she pushed herself to sit up, hiking her mask over her nose and downing the entire glass in a few gulps. In her peripheral, she saw you sit back down and look at the tv again, letting the room lapse into quiet.
Gwen let the silence sit for a bit, then asked, “So, why didn’t you take off my mask? Most people would jump at the chance to figure out my identity.”
“I’m not into invading other people’s privacy,” you said plainly with a light shrug. “Plus, you saved my life. Taking the mask off after that would’ve been a dick move.”
She stayed quiet for a minute, absorbing what you said, then, with genuine sincerity, said, “Thank you.”
You waved it off. “Consider us even. I wouldn’t have made it out without your help, this was the least I could do.”
A nod was the only response she gave. She knew she should probably leave now; she was in a stranger’s house, after all. But you didn’t seem to mind, so she poured herself another glass and settled back on the couch.
Despite the unorthodox situation, the atmosphere remained calm and quiet with occasional thought-provoking questions from you such as “What’s it like being wanted for murder?” and “Why do you wear ballet shoes instead of shoes that will protect your feet in fights?” neither of which she had solid answers for but had fun with anyway.
It was nice. Weird, undoubtedly, but a nice change of pace from the more turbulent and fast-paced interactions she was used to having with people as Spider-Woman. You seemed to be enjoying it too, if the fact that you didn’t kick her out an hour ago was anything to go by.
Time continued to pass, the darkening sky outside the window escaping both of your notice. Her phone buzzed in her pocket a few times while you were talking, but she elected to ignore it. That is until the tranquil air was eventually broken by her phone ringing, the Spider-Woman theme song echoing throughout the room.
“Sorry,” Gwen mumbled, pulling her phone out of her suit pocket. She scanned the screen and her eyes widened. It was her dad. She squinted slightly, confused as to why he was calling already, but then she looked at the time, and her eyes widened. Her dad had been expecting her home over an hour ago.
Panicked, she shot to her feet, narrowly avoiding slamming her shin into the coffee table by the couch. She took one step, then another, testing. Her limbs still felt a bit heavier than usual, but it wasn’t as bad as earlier, and she’d be able to swing home with minimal issues.
“Gotta go?” you asked, eyeing her from your seat.
She sighed, nodded. “Yeah, sorry, just remembered I have somewhere to be.”
You gave an understanding hum and she ventured to the door. Her hands were about to twist the doorknob when an idea suddenly popped into her head. It was a stupid idea, which made it all the more pervasive to her waning self-control. She debated back and forth with herself for all of seven seconds before she spun on her heels.
Gwen cleared her throat and put on a casual tone, praying her voice didn’t crack. “Hey, do you wanna get coffee,” she paused briefly, combing over her schedule in her head, “this Saturday? Y’know, as thanks for all this.”
“I thought we established that we were even,” you said, eyes narrowed.
“Well, I’m unestablishing it. So, coffee?” She rocked back on her heels, watching you ruminate on the offer. 
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, you shrugged. “Who could say no to coffee with a wanted vigilante?”
Remembering that her mask was still pulled up halfway, she restrained the large smile threatening to creep onto her face to a small smirk. “Great, I’ll see you then…" Her sentence came to an abrupt end when she searched for a name and realized you had never given her one. “Uh, I didn’t catch your name?”
You raised a brow. “Are you gonna give me yours?”
She paused, then cocked her head to the side. “Fair enough. Then I’ll see you Saturday, stranger.”
“See you, spidey,” you said with a smile and a two-finger salute, both of which Gwen returned before pulling her mask down and jetting out the door.
She swung across the city with a speed that impressed even her, weaving through buildings and traffic with a racing heart and an immovable smile the whole way to her apartment.
In the end, Gwen wound up being grounded for a month since she was a little too distracted on her swing home to come up with a plausible excuse for her dad, but it wasn’t a problem. She would just sneak out Saturday during her dad’s shift for your coffee (maybe) date, and if she got caught and her punishment got extended, then so be it.
It would totally be worth it.
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hi, if you made it this far, thanks for reading and i hope you have a good day 🥳🫶
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dilfartist · 6 months
May I request a Part 3 for the Leon las plagas fic?? It's just so!!! Exciting!! How reader reacts to the pregnancy? Weird side effects??? Does Leon's aggression turn into more smothering affection? Do the scientists conduct physical tests on reader (how does Leon react to that??? Does he have to be restrained? Is he present?) Her thoughts as shes kept in relative isolation? Does she bond with the baby she's carrying (talking to the bump, playing games)?
Missed - short (pt.3)
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Pairing; Yandere Las Plagas Leon Kennedy x reader
Synopsis; Visiting Leon after your check-up
Reader description; Female/GN
Edited: No, Yes
Word count; 1k
TW; kidnapping, forced pregnancy, SA mentioned.
Notes; {Last part! Also, very sorry if this isn’t a good ending just wanted to post something to get me into writing again.}
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!
“Mrs.(Last name), your breakfast is ready.”
The radiant lights flick on, nearly blinding you despite the dark blanket covering your face, gaining an irked groan from you. It takes an effort to lift yourself, the additional weight in your abdomen making it a laborious act. “What is It?” you utter, voice raspy.
A Nurse enters the room. She hauls in a full tray of food. Providing you with a polite smile, she set the tray on your blanketed lap. “This morning we made you: pancakes, bacon, and eggs; just as you requested yesterday.” You nod showing acknowledgment, returning her polite smile. “After you eat, we’ll start with your check-up. Okay?” you nod once again and she takes her queue to exit.
It’s been four prolonged months since you conceived the baby, or what the scientists declare “experiment 12,”. While your time staying here hasn’t been the best it’s beginning to feel like your new life.
You follow a schedule: first breakfast, then a check-up, maybe a meeting with Leon, and whatever else happens throughout the day.
The food here is okay. Truth be told you wish you could have a burger, maybe even convince one of the workers to stop by a fast food joint. Unfortunately, the scientists prefer for you to eat what they provide and only what they provide. Some day you’ll convince them the baby wants it. Maybe then they’ll get it.
“Let’s get this over with,” you mumble to yourself. You get out of bed and head over to your wardrobe, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a random comfortable shirt. It was nice of them to bring your clothes from home, they were way more comfortable than what they had suggested you wear at first.
“I’m ready,” you call out, knowing they are watching you from the other side of the glass. A doctor enters the room clutching a pen and clipboard. She pushes in a cart of medical supplies, “Hello, Mrs. (last name),” she sings, “How’s you and the baby?” She sits on the chair adjacent to your bed, patting the edge to encourage you to sit as well.
“We’re fine.” you groan, lifting your body up to take a seat beside her on the bed.
“Hm, still no out-of-the-ordinary cravings for pregnancy - no pains?”
“No, still none.” you sighed, looking down at your pregnant ample belly.
Throughout your pregnancy, everything seemed to be normal. You had the same cravings as any other woman, the normal discomforts as other pregnant women- everything appeared expected for a pregnant woman. It provoked worry from both you and the scientists. The normalcy in the pregnancy could lead to an abnormally painful birth or an abnormally formed baby; as hypothesized by the scientists.
You look up to see her documenting the given information on her clipboard. “I’m still allowed to see Leon, right?” you inquire, tone a bit desperate. She glances up from her paper and smiles at you, “Yup! After we’re done, I’ll take you to his chambers.” She clicks her pen and the blue ink tip withdrawals. Putting away the pencil, she pulls out the medical supplies and begins to examine you.
She runs a couple of tests which take about twenty minutes. Then she gets to your belly; gently she touches around the round flesh, her fingertips slightly poking at you not enough to earn your discomfort. You watch as her brows begin to furrow slightly, growing in intensity after every couple of seconds that her hands explore your belly. From your point of view, it’s like she’s checking a fleshy watermelon, gently shaking and poking at it.
After a while of poking and rubbing you like a crystal ball, she holds your stomach for a minute, and her eyes widen slightly. She bends down and lifts your stomach.
“I finally found something anomalous,” she says triumphantly, a smug grin spreading on her face as she perks up at you. You peer down at her, curiously attempting to look at yourself but ultimately failing due to your belly’s size. “What? What is it?”
She stands tall pulling off her blue gloves. “Your stomach is heavier than a normal pregnant woman’s.” She ambles to the trash can by the door and disregards the gloves. “I don’t know why I haven’t noticed it before- maybe this happened overnight or something.” She shrugs.
Now that you consider it, you have noticed other pregnant women don’t find normal tasks as difficult as you do. Well, they obviously do find it hard- you meant from what you’ve been told by the doctors. Usually, women rate their pain as a five or six. You’d rate your pain as a seven or eight in recent days.
Instinctively, you began to caress your stomach. How bad would it hurt during the birth procedure? Wouldn’t the heavier the abdomen mean the heavier the baby? Your eyes widen and suck in a quivering breath. She takes notice of the change in mood, asking what’s the matter. You explain to her your concerns resulting in her chuckling, “There is a possibility of the birth being a bit hard, but I assure you, you’ll be in good hands.”
She leads you out of your room where two security officers are awaiting your arrival. They greet you with a nod of their heads, then continue to look onwards. You’re escorted through the plain white hallways until you finally reach a heavily gated metal door. One of the security guards walks over to put in the code, ensuring his back faces you. The doors open wide and you depart the doctor's side to enter.
Listening closely you can make out the dialogue from taxi driver playing at a medium volume. You shut the door behind you softly.
Leon sits in a wing chair, one leg across the other, slouching back with his head resting on his palm. Leon can usually detect when you’ve entered the room by your scent and the sound of your footsteps, but he was too captivated by the movie. Cute.
You tip-toe over, a mischievous grin spreading across your lips. Resting against the top part of the chair you tap the top of his head. Leon jerks forward slightly, he looks up, ruby eyes meeting yours. It takes him but a moment to realize it's you. He grins at you, “You surprised me.” he comments with a chuckle.
“Really? I thought I gave you a hard attack.” you giggle. You take your seat in the other wing chair pointed toward the television.
Leon smiles softly at you. Good, you think. Leon was starting to show off his emotions more openly now.
After the night you had conceived, Leon avoided you like the plague. His mind was guilted with the knowledge of what he had done to you. The person he swore he’d never hurt. It took weeks for him to look you in the eyes. About a month to finally start talking to you continuously instead of spewing a few words as a response to you. Now he was showing his emotions off after a couple of months.
“How was today's check-up? You did have one today right?” Leon questions, slightly moving his chair in your direction.
“Yeah the baby is still healthy but we found out it's really heavy.”
Leon nods his head taking in the new information. You decide to question him on his time away from you, “what about you? Anything new?”
Leon absentmindedly fiddles with his fingers, he recalls his day in slow-formed sentences, “Well, they finally told me when I’d be able to continue working.” Leon had been wanting to get back to work sometime, he’d been asking every month since his captivity. “They say I’ll start next month.”
You hum, “That’s great, baby.”
“It's good and all,” Leon starts, leaning back in his chair, “but I hope I’m not out when the baby comes.” Leon didn't trust anyone in the building when it came to the baby’s delivery. He wanted to be there not only for your safety but to unsure they wouldn’t try anything.
“We still need to decide the name,” Leon notes.
Leon lets out a small sigh, displaying a small smile. He looks at your stomach, “That reminds me, what about the gender? Do you know it yet? Did they tell you?”
“Oh, yeah! Give me a second.” You abruptly stand, hurrying your way as fast as your swollen feet can go to the door. You tap on the door. Tap, Tap, Tap. The door opens slightly ajar, and the doctor peaks in slightly. “Is everything okay?” her eyes flash worry. “Do you have the paper for the baby’s gender?” her worry dissipates, “Yes.” she slides in a vanilla envelope through the crack.
You close the door and make your way back to Leon. Presenting the vanilla envelope to him, he turns to you quickly, eyes slightly wide. “Should I open it, or you?” you sing, waving it in the air.
Leon focuses on the envelope, lips pursed in thought. His eyes softly turn to you, “Could you, please?”
“Okay.” you oblige, teasing him by moving ever so slowly.
“...what do you think?”
“...is it a boy?”
You grin at him not uttering a single word. Leon isn’t sure if his assumption is correct or not, so he asks for the second option. “Is it a girl?” This time instead of making him guess you nod your head.
A smile crosses Leon's face, but it's different from any other you've seen from him. It’s genuine. It wasn’t like Leon never smiled, just a few minutes ago he was- this was just different. He had a smile you could only capture when the subject of a candid photograph isn’t aware of the camera.
Leon is the first to move, hugging you tightly and slightly rocking your body along with his.
If it weren't for the circumstances of the situation, perhaps you too could find unconditional joy in the moment. Yet you can’t. At the end of the day, this child could tear you to bits. At the end of the day, you could die because of the possible unatural birth. At the end of the day, you could be shot down like an unuseful dog after their experiment is finally birthed.
You know the pleasure you feel in these moments will soon come to a soul-crushing end, so traumatizing you’ll awake in a cold sweat many years later if they have not disposed of you.
For now, you’ll indulge in the normalcy of the situation as much as you can.
For soon that will come to a crushing end.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Have you ever found it worth floating the possibility to probably autistic people and maskers (close friends, family, etc) that they might be autistic?
I have tried it a couple times and it seems to just make people get really defensive and upset with me (which I can handle), but then also people start to hold me at arms length. My intention is to bring us closer together by talking about our shared struggles and how to improve our lives (which was totally fine in the past talking about our shared traits without the autism label), but attaching the possibility of autism to it has the opposite effect. The people I’m around are VERY adhd-affirming, and I see how having that connection over the mutual struggle brings my adhder loved-ones together, and I really crave that type of connection with the people I already love and have so much in common with.
You shouldn't tell someone what you think their identity ought to be, no matter your intentions.
For one, many people who are masking or undiagosed harbor deeply stigmatized views about what Autism even is, and so they will not take the statement as a positive declaration of belonging, but rather an accusation that they have failed to conceal what is most frightening or vulnerable about themselves. Exposing their most hidden side will make them feel very unsafe and judged, even if your intention is the opposite.
Telling someone that you think they might be neurodivergent also suggests that you know them better than they know themselves, which is untrue, and may feel invasive and unwelcome to hear.
Your friend could be the most obviously Autistic to ever Autistic from your point of view, but the choice of how to self-define still falls solely on them. There are many different ways for a person to interpret their experience, and they might arrive at some other word or concept that better does their experience justice from their perspective.
our identities exist to help us make sense of our lives and express who we are to people, on our terms. Most neurodivergent people are absolutely sick of always getting defined from an external point of view. We don't need member of our own community doing that to us further.
If you have benefitted from coming to understand yourself as Autistic, you can and should speak about that openly and positively. That will be enough incentive for anyone else in your life who is neurodivergent to explore the possibility for themselves. If you vibe easily with someone because you share traits in common or seem to naturally understand one another, let that be enough. Tell the person you feel comfortable around them and that spending time with them helps you to accept yourself. That is a much greater compliment than telling someone who they must be.
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impact-theater · 4 months
𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐲𝐞𝐭
Pairing: yandere!Albedo
TW: descriptions of Albedo bug skin, yandere, obsession
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You've been walking through Dragonspine, looking for Albedo. He's been oddly quiet for past few days and haven't visited Mondstadt at all! Not even to check up on Klee or anyone!
─ "Traveler? What are you doing here?" - you heard a familiar voice from behind your back, putting your heart a little at ease
─ "Oh Albedo, here you are! I started to worr-" - you stopped mid sentece after turning around, realizing you may not talk to who you thought you were...
The boy standing in front of you had the same cloth, same hairstyle, same eye type and so on... but his colors... he had the same skin color, though everything besides that was pitch black. His head tilted a bit unnaturally to his left, as he kept casually looking and talking with you, as if everything was fine.
─ "You look a bit shaken. Would you like to rest at my tent? It's not far from here." - he asked you with his usual kind and soft voice
─ "I... I think I'm good..." - you hesitated a bit before continuing what was on your mind - "But you... what... what's happening with you?"
─ "Oh, you must mean my current appearence. It's just... side effect of too many experiments."
You nodded thinking it's just temporary problem of his. He tends to risk a lot with his experiments from time to time after all...
But then you remembered his words.
"If one day I lose control… destroy mondstadt… destroy everything… can I rely on you to stop me?"
─ "Albedo... did you... lost control?" - maybe it wasn't logic question to ask looking at his condition but it'd certainly answer some of your worries, especially if he admits to it willingly
─ "You may see this as so, yes. That's why I need your help."
You wanted to tilt your head in confusion but when looking at him... you decided to stop yourself out of pure fear of becoming like him. Instead, you made sure he knows just by your expression how confused you are.
─ "I might've lost control of myself... but one feeling stayed with me." - his pitch black eyes were digging into your gaze by now - "Most important one... You~"
─ "Me?" - your face only gew more confused
─ "Yes, that's exactly right. I may've lost control of myself but I haven't lost you." - he began his explanation as he took small step towards you - "And I know it because you're the only one who came back to simply check up how I'm doing."
Albedo took another step towards you, making you back away a bit but that only made him furrow your eyebrows.
─ "I'm not loosing you too." - he sped up and swiftly grabbed your wrist - "You're need to stay with me."
Before you knew it, he was dragging you back to his laboratory with no intentions of letting you go so far. What was worse... he still had... different look that honestly scared you a bit...
Did he wanted to make you just like him to make you stay? Or did he had something else planned?
All you knew was that there's no point in trying to run now... his intense gaze combined with his looks was enough to make all your hopes of escaping his grip shatter. But it looks like he's still his soft self!
As long as you're around anyway...
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Author note: finally wrote about some bug!! I wanted to make Albedo first from the very beginning so I'm happy how it turned out :D
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somedaylazysomeday · 2 months
Good Intentions Part Twenty
The Haven gets a new donor, Silco wants a side deal.
Rating: Explicit.
Word Count: 4,900
Warnings: Ongoing references to sex as a form of payment, veiled references to organized crime, arguments, oral sex (fem!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, and blackmail
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You did your best not to squint at the men on the other side of the table. Doing so would only make it look like you were suspicious of them. 
You were suspicious of them, of course, but there was no need to be obvious. 
“My apologies, gentlemen,” you said slowly. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but with all of the opportunities available to you, I don’t understand why you are so interested in helping to fund the Haven.”
“It’s complicated.” Jayce Talis, the most famous Piltover inventor in recent history, rubbed at the space between his heavy brows. 
“I do own and operate a relief organization and facilitate certain healthcare treatments, including minimizing the effects of Shimmer withdrawal,” you pointed out mildly. “Maybe, if you explain it slowly, I can follow along.”
One corner of his mouth curved upward, emphasizing the fullness of his lips. He was famously handsome and infamously unavailable, but that was fine. Your tastes ran in other directions. 
His business partner - a man who was known around the Undercity only as Viktor - crossed his arms, slouching back in his seat. You tried not to judge it as a show of poor manners, especially when he straightened his leg with a wince. It was very likely Viktor just needed to adjust positions. Of course, it was equally likely that he didn’t find you very amusing. 
“Make your point, Jayce,” Viktor muttered. “We have important business to take care of at the lab.”
“Yes, the lab,” Jayce said, adding a nod in your direction. “As you may already know, HexTech is doing well. We have made several important advancements and are set to debut more over the next few years. We own the patents to everything outright, so all profits come to us. Piltover has given us a few dozen grants and investments have flooded in. We have plenty of money to pursue the further development of HexTech.” 
You nodded. It all seemed simple to understand so far.
“There is one particular area where HexTech does not excel: outreach.” Viktor interrupted with an impatient look at his now-pouting business partner. “That is why we reached out to you.” 
“Yes, but is there a particular reason you want to support the Haven rather than any other Undercity outreach?” you pressed. Maybe you were a little paranoid, but your recent experiences with Silco had convinced you that being more discerning was probably a smart move. 
Jayce sat forward slightly. “The Haven’s track record is impressive. Your expense justification reports have all shown remarkably low operating costs, your residents have started to find work with other Undercity businesses, and there’s plenty of buzz about the dent you’ve made in the Shimmer trade in your neighborhood.” 
The blood roared in your ears at that. “That’s an overstatement, of course. Drug use waxes and wanes in neighborhoods over time. It’s just coincidence that Shimmer use decreased when the Haven opened.” 
Jayce furrowed his brows, but Viktor looked like you had finally said something interesting. “I assume that is the line one must repeat vehemently if one wants to avoid the attention of the chem barons.” 
“Chem barons?” Jayce repeated, now frowning harder. “They’re a local legend, a convenient shadow government that the people can blame their problems on.”
“Of course,” you agreed. 
Viktor looked darkly amused. “Nothing more than a legend, certainly.” 
“Yeah…” Jayce said slowly, glancing between you and Viktor. “Anyway, we’ve heard about the decreased drug use and we want to support that as much as possible. You and the Haven seem like the best choice to make that happen.”
“How is your security?” Viktor asked abruptly. 
“We have a small team of guards for the exterior of the building,” you said honestly. It probably wouldn’t help anything if you told them exactly who was paying for that small team of guards. “There is almost no Enforcer presence in the Lanes, so we can’t count on a patrol happening at a crucial time.” 
“I can pull a few strings,” Jayce assured you, totally confident. “I have some connections with the Enforcers. Piltover wants to support new development, especially when it isn’t tied to the drug trade. And they’re not going to find anything better than an anti-Shimmer organization with a proven track record.” 
You nodded in acknowledgement of his point, but looked to Viktor. “And you? Do you also think the Haven is a good match for HexTech’s goals?”
Viktor lifted one shoulder in a halfhearted shrug. “I fail to see what impact your outreach could possibly have on the Undercity. The politics are snarled, the people are desperate, and there is too much money to be made from exploitation.” 
That was a harsh assessment, but it was true. Jayce cleared his throat uncomfortably, but Viktor spoke again before the better-mannered of the pair could offer any reassurances. “That being said, I am… reluctantly impressed by what I have heard of your meetings with Silco. There are few willing to argue with him.” 
You stiffened slightly at Viktor’s mention of Silco. Up to that point, you had both pointedly avoided using his name, as evidenced by the way Jayce was glancing between the two of you. 
“I don’t understand,” Jayce admitted. “Who is Silco?” 
“You will find out,” Viktor said, the statement sounding both threatening and utterly inevitable as he stood. “I must return to the lab. Jayce, I agree with whatever choice you make.” 
You watched as Viktor leaned heavily on the cane and left the building. It was situated at the edge of Piltover, just across the bridge from the Undercity. Jayce had assured you multiple times that, if they were not working on time-sensitive experiments at HexTech, they would have been more than willing to meet you in the Undercity. He may have even been telling the truth. 
Jayce was still half-smiling when he looked back at you. “Who is Silco?” 
You got the impression that he would keep pushing until he got an answer, so you chose your words carefully. “He is a… major player in the Undercity. He wants- well, he says he’s working for the good of the people. That’s up for debate.” 
“But what does he do?” Jayce pressed. 
“He’s an industrialist.” You sat very straight on the edge of your chair - not quite standing, but giving the impression that you were ready to leave. “Speaking of helping the Undercity, I need to get back to the Haven. When you’ve made a decision about your outreach, please let me know.” 
“Easy enough,” Jayce said, standing to offer a hand over the table. “HexTech would like to provide funding for the Haven, to be used in whatever way you think is appropriate.” 
You were giddy with excitement, and it rushed through your veins like adrenaline. Somehow, you managed to keep a straight face long enough to thank Jayce and accept the check he filled out for the Haven. It was generous, which made your heart soar. You would be able to help so many people!
The good news put a spring in your step and you were still bouncing as you climbed the stairs to Silco’s office. Thankfully, no one was around so early in the day - you had serious doubts about your ability to look cranky and irritated right then, but you would have been obliged to put on a performance if there were onlookers. 
“You seem cheerful,” Silco noted as you closed the door behind yourself. 
“So far, so good,” you told him, walking over to his desk. “What’s the plan for today?” 
He ignored your question. “Productive morning, I take it?” 
You peered out through the window. The Last Drop was just barely tall enough for you to catch glimpses of the building projects happening over near the Haven. The mechanic’s shop was well on its way to being completed, the construction crews had broken ground on the second apartment building, and the grocers were taking over an existing building, so they were already in the process of hiring staff. 
As you leaned back, you caught sight of a familiar handprint on the glass and your lower belly tightened with the reminder of how it had gotten there. 
“And how much will HexTech be allotting you?” 
With the casually conversational way Silco asked his question, you didn’t immediately notice that anything was wrong. Your attention was split between the handprint on the window and the ever-increasing needs of your body. At last, awareness filtered through and you froze. 
‘I-” You cleared your throat, giving your best innocent expression as you turned to look at him. “What do you mean?” 
Silco gave an impatient gesture. “Come, pet, we have already discussed that I know all that happens in Zaun.” 
“Nothing happened in Zaun,” you said blandly. 
His answering look was dry. “But a potential alliance between the Haven and HexTech undeniably concerns Zaun and her future. Do me the courtesy of assuming I know of your meeting with the two inventors behind HexTech.”
“Fine,” you agreed, largely because he gave no indication of moving on. “I met with the owners of HexTech.” 
“Thank you,” Silco said, gaze drifting to the window. “And how much has young Talis decided to give the Haven?” 
You paused, uncomfortable with the idea that you needed to place a boundary. You and Silco shouldn’t be close enough to need things like boundaries - the clear divisions between you should have been so obvious as to be implied. “I’m not sharing that information with you.” 
“Why not?” he asked. “If I know the size of their donation, I can exceed it.” 
“I don’t need any more donations at the moment,” you told him. 
Silco’s brows unfurrowed. “Ah, that much? Congratulations. You may rest secure in the knowledge that the sale of your morals has fetched so high a price.” 
You recoiled at the slight before you could stop yourself. A drug lord was going to lecture you about morals? That bothered you. Surely that was the cause of your discomfort. Any other reason would imply that Silco was important enough to you that his opinion mattered. 
“I didn’t have to sacrifice my morals to accept their donation, unlike others the Haven has received in the past,” you told him icily. 
Silco stood abruptly, his chair lurching back with the movement. You held your ground, though it took more effort than you were comfortable with. “My donations served your residents just as well as the ones from HexTech will, and at far more dire a time. Do not act as though I were not there to support you every time you have needed me.” 
You gaped at that. “Because we’re in a deal! Every donation served you just as well as it did me - it increased your leverage over me and the Haven. Convenient, since you need me around for an easy source of sex.” 
He scoffed, looming over you. “Do you truly believe that there are not others who throw themselves at my feet? I receive more offers of easy sex than you would believe possible.” 
“Then why keep me around?” you pressed. 
“Because you are the only one who offers the slightest hint of a challenge!” he snapped, breathing heavily. You had stepped into him rather than away, and he was already so close that your chest and his were nearly touching. You glared at each other from inches away before one or both of you closed the gap separating you.
His mouth was hard and unyielding against yours, disinterested in any hint of refusal. Fortunately, refusing his kiss was the last thing on your mind. The energy of securing the HexTech donation was still crackling through you, and sex was a wonderful outlet. The slight tinge of irritation accompanying it only served to increase the appeal. 
You met him with lips that were already slightly parted, and your tongues were dueling in a moment. Kissing Silco wasn’t entirely unfamiliar to you, but it was still rare enough that you considered it a novel experience. 
Your toes were curling at the slow luxury of his mouth on yours. Silco was rarely in a hurry, even now, when you were apparently taking a break in the middle of a fight. Your interest was only piqued further when he started removing your clothing with rough movements. When he had finished, he pushed you backward as you gasped with shock.
Fortunately, Silco had thought far enough ahead to position you close to his desk. The sensation of your bare ass on the cold surface of the desk was jarring, but you watched Silco eagerly. You were more than willing to brave the temperature difference in order to watch him undress for you. 
To your surprise, Silco lowered himself, fully-dressed, into his throne-like chair. You eyed him, frowning as he took your ankles in his hands. They were placed to either side of his chair, leaving them supported by the arm rests at his sides. It went without saying that your knees were forced open by the position, leaving your core exposed to the air… and to Silco’s gaze.
That mismatched stare was fixed between your legs, studying the most private parts of you as you tried not to squirm. When he reached out to touch your cunt, you felt his fingertips like electric shocks… but he only parted your folds and continued his silent observation. 
Irritation, embarrassment, and need swirled together in you until the pressure pushed words from your mouth. “Silco. What are you doing?” 
“Studying my favorite acquisition,” he replied distantly. Even lost in your own distraction, you could feel the echo of your first time together, in this very situation in this very office, when Silco had said something similar. “And wondering how my pet can be so very unyielding, yet yield so delightfully in other areas.” 
You frowned at him - not that Silco was looking at your face. “Whatever answers you’re looking for, you aren’t going to find them down there.” 
That made him glance upward, a small smile playing around the corner of his mouth. “Perhaps it would be best if you lay back.” 
You complied, though not without rolling your eyes. “If we’re having a repeat of our first session, I hope the sex is more satisfactor- Oh!” 
Without any sort of warning, Silco’s mouth had closed around your clit. You half-lifted back off the surface of his desk, staring down at his face between your legs. You could only hope that your expression was less desperate than you felt, but wicked pleasure filled Silco’s gray-green eye, so you didn’t think that was accurate.
And then he set about making you forget all about expressions and irritations. Silco buried himself between your thighs, teasing you with fingers and lips and tongue and teeth. He nibbled, he stroked, he thrust… He used every hint of weakness he had gathered from you over your time together, recalling every sensation that drove you wild and subjecting you to all of them at once.  
You arched up off the desk so sharply that the muscles in your back and abdomen protested. Your knees tried to close around Silco - either to keep him close or to force him away from you, you weren’t sure which - but his shoulders kept you spread open and subjected to his torment. 
By the time he had pressed three fingers deep inside of you, your body was glistening with sweat. You were panting, your hips trying to both ride him and grind closer to the lips that were wrapped around your clit.
Silco always ate you like he was trying to ruin you for anyone else, but this was more intense than anything you had experienced with him before. You didn’t remember when you had sank your hands into his hair, but it didn’t matter. You were using him only as an anchor; he never moved far enough away for you to need to pull him back. 
At last, he removed himself from you, pulling away almost entirely. The only parts of his body that was touching you were his shoulders, still holding you spread open for him. 
“Silco?” you asked, an edge of desperation clear in your voice. 
“Shh, pet,” he soothed. “I am trying to decide whether you deserve the reward of coming on my tongue.” 
You whined, lifting your hips as if you could convince him to come back. 
“I am less than thrilled by your association with the Piltover business,” Silco admitted slowly. Torturously slowly. “Yet I suppose you may have earned a treat for coming to meet with me anyway. Is that correct?”
You nodded. 
Silco leaned slightly closer. “You would not break our deal over a single donation from another business, would you?” 
You shook your head. 
Silco came even closer then - still not touching you, but near enough that you could feel every exhale on your damp folds. “Does our deal still stand, pet?” 
You nodded, but Silco shook his head. “I need to hear it in that lovely voice. Tell me, darling: does our deal still stand?”  
“Y-yes,” you stammered, the dryness in your throat making it difficult to speak. “Yes!”
“Ahh…” he mused. “How long will it stand?” 
He watched you with a gaze so sharp you understood instinctively that he would only accept a spoken answer. This one was more challenging; he hadn’t told you what he wanted you to say and thinking was difficult when your brain was soaked in hormones and arousal. 
“Until- ah!” Silco had darted a long lick up your folds - not touching anything firmly enough to throw you over the edge, but still startling. And distracting. “As long as I’m in the Undercity.” 
“Our deal will stand as long as you are in the Undercity,” Silco repeated. You nodded and he looked thoughtful. “I suppose I must offer sufficient incentive for you to stay, then.” 
As if the shock of it removed you from the situation, you noted it dispassionately as he parted you a little more, nestled his nose against your clit, and thrust his stiffened tongue up inside of your heat. 
And then the moment of observation passed. You were thrown back into your body just in time for it to go through an earth-shattering orgasm. Your body arced up off the desk again, muscles spasming so hard that you had the vague sense of Silco holding your hips against the surface so you didn’t throw yourself onto the floor. 
But that was a dim knowledge, far in the background of your thoughts - the vast majority of your brain was caught in a stranglehold of pleasure. How could you be expected to lay still when every bit of you was crackling with such intense energy? You had to move. It was not possible to do anything else. 
At last, Silco removed the live current that was his mouth against your core. He had to struggle against the grip you had on his hair. You weren’t really trying to keep him in place, but your muscles had locked down in the aftermath of your orgasm. 
“How do you feel?” he asked conversationally, when he had freed himself from your grip, losing a few strands of hair in the process. 
“Nnn umm…” Nope, those weren’t words. You tried again. “Needum mint.” 
“Take your time,” Silco invited, relaxing back into his chair. He licked his lips, cleaning the shine of you from them with his tongue. Watching the process made your uncomfortably sensitive body tighten, but you couldn’t tear your gaze away. When he had licked everything he could reach, Silco retrieved a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, chin, and cheeks. 
If you were capable of higher thought at the moment, you might have been embarrassed by how much of a mess you had made on Silco’s face. Fortunately, the brain fog was still too dense, and you just watched him vacantly. 
Rather than rush you into another round, Silco snagged a piece of paper from beside your hip. He lifted it and started to read. From the light that filtered through it from the window behind him, you could see that there were schematics of some kind drawn on the page. They were highly detailed, but something about the writing looked young, like it had been done by someone without fully developed fine motor function. 
And then Silco’s fingers wrapped around your ankle and you stopped thinking about anything else. Especially when those fingers began to play idly against your skin, tapping an unfamiliar rhythm on your anklebone. 
“How much more reading do you need to do?” you gritted out at last. 
Silco glanced up at you instantly, eyebrows raised. “I can stop at any time, pet. I was under the impression that you needed a moment to recover.”
“I have recovered.”
“Why did you not tell me immediately?” Silco asked. 
Despite the censurious words, he lazily tucked the schematics into a desk drawer before he stood. In a moment, he had opened the front of his trousers, pushed aside the layers of fabric, and lined himself up with you. 
There was something almost sweet about the fact that Silco was so hard. He had brought you pleasure without being touched in return, and yet his erection hadn’t flagged while he sat quietly reading for minutes. For all that he was a selfish, manipulative bastard, Silco was surprisingly impacted by the way he affected you. 
Any hints of altruism were shoved aside as Silco plunged inside of you. Rather than hesitating or asking if you were ready, he surged powerfully forward until he was seated as deep inside you as he could be. Your hips shifted to accommodate him and your legs trembled against the arms of his chair as you struggled to surface against the pressure of him stretching your walls. 
Silco’s hands were tight on you. One was wrapped around your hips, providing an anchor point as he began to thrust in and out of you. His other hand was firmly on your ass, half-lifting and half-squeezing as he rolled his hips against you. 
That rolling motion made your lips part for air as you stared up at the ceiling. Silco was big enough to fill you, but something about that motion put pressure against your walls in a way that felt almost cyclical. It was like he was fucking a little circle inside of you every time he pushed in, which meant that you got intermittent pressure against your g-spot. It was magical. 
You tried to lift against him, to counter-thrust and speed things up, but Silco wasn’t having it. His grip was firm enough to hold you utterly still, making sure that all you could do was experience the way he was taking you apart for a second time. 
“Silco, please,” you gasped out. “Faster. Harder. Please.” 
“No,” he denied simply. Silco’s hand momentarily released your hip to grab your wrist instead. He tugged it downward until your fingers were brushing the throbbing place between your legs. “If you want your pleasure, you’ll have to take it.” 
You were tempted to deny him and yourself, if only to prove that he wasn’t in charge of you, but the slight graze of your fingertip over your own clit made you squirm. But if you were going to be responsible for your own orgasm, you were damn well going to make sure that Silco helped.
With some effort, you lifted your legs from where they were still resting on the armrests of Silco’s chair. It took only a moment to wrap them around his waist, and when you tightened them, the pull was strong enough to force Silco forward against you. 
When he had bottomed out inside of you, Silco’s grip shifted upward, pressing against the surface of the desk on either side of your hips to support the shift in his center of balance. His eyes widened, startled as you kept him close. You used your newfound freedom to thrust your hips, moving him and out of your core as you strummed at your clit. 
The resulting sensations were enough to take you sailing over the edge again. This orgasm was less abrupt than the last one, but almost more satisfying because your inner muscles had something to lock down around. 
Dimly, you registered that Silco was trying to withdraw from you, but couldn’t escape the grip of your leg muscles. You only understood his reasoning when his body stiffened, face tightening and growing slack as he reached his own peak. 
Silco’s orgasms tended to be subtler than yours, but even his legendary poker face failed him. His expression tightened, then went slack as his body spasmed in a series of explosive surges. He hissed out a curse that sounded like half a prayer, his lips continuing to move long after he had stopped speaking loud enough for you to hear it. 
Slowly, you let the tension seep from your leg muscles. When your feet were dangling toward the floor once more, Silco eased himself out of you. The first spill of your combined mess seeped directly onto the surface of Silco’s desk, but he cleaned it up and caught the next with the same cloth he had used to wipe his face earlier. 
When Silco was seated in his chair once more, you took the cloth and held it in place as you slid down from the desk. Silco smiled wryly. “I never intend to make such a mess, but you are irresistible. Especially when you’ve wrapped me in those lovely legs. If I must be trapped, I will say that I prefer to be trapped in your embrace.” 
“Flatterer,” you accused gently. 
“It is a lovely benefit when the truth is flattering,” he replied, giving you a look you didn’t quite understand… until he added, “Now, pet, tell me how much I should write for the amount of my next donation check.”
You turned toward him with an irritated huff. “Are you still talking about this? I don’t need an extra donation from you, especially not when your motivation is simply to outdo someone you consider a threat.” 
Silco’s lip curled. “I hardly consider those two boys to be a threat.” 
“Then what is your problem with them supporting the Haven?” 
“I dislike the idea of Piltover gaining a foothold here in Zaun,” Silco explained after a moment of thought. “Even if their influence is only over a small outreach. It could hinder the growth of Zaun’s independence.” 
You bit back the irritation that rose at the Haven being referred to as a small outreach. It was a small outreach, of course, but it was so important in your life. It hurt to be reminded that your work was considered minor to other people. 
“Fine,” you said instead of telling him any of that. “What are our options? I’m not telling you how much they donated.”
“Very well,” Silco said tightly. By all appearances, he was displeased with your insistence, but something about the look in his mismatched gaze gave you the distinct impression that he was getting something he had been angling for all day. “If you will not allow me to match HexTech’s donation amount, I would be willing to overlook their involvement in the Haven…” 
“And what will it cost me?”
“I want to be part of the Undercity Innovation Committee.”
It took a beat for you to remember what that was. “Jazper’s group? No. Absolutely not.” 
Silco watched you in silence. His brow creased and it was like watching a far-away storm building into something catastrophic. 
“I have no control over that,” you expanded. “I can’t risk everything I’ve built - I can’t risk the Haven - to argue for you being part of the meetings.” 
“And I would never ask you to,” Silco assured you smoothly. “I have other resources at play. All I need from you is not to argue against me being on the committee.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “So you don’t need me to fight for you? Just don’t tell them not to let you join?” 
It seemed simple. Almost too simple. And yet… it had been a long day. You could use some simplicity. “Fine, I agree to those terms. If someone else brings up the possibility of letting you join the committee, I won’t argue against it.” 
“Perfect.” Silco took the end of your conversation as an opportunity to refasten his clothing, so you started to get dressed as well. 
By the time you had finished, Silco was holding out a slip of paper toward you. You looked from it to his face, unwilling to accept an unknown item from him. He continued to offer it anyway.
“If I understand, your objections were not to me making a donation, but to me trying to make a larger donation than HexTech,” Silco explained. “I do not know how much they donated, but here is my offer.” 
“Silco…” you lamented, arms still folded across your chest. 
He lifted a brow. “If you prefer, I could resume trying to discover the HexTech donation amount…” 
You sighed loudly so there could be no mistaking your irritation as you snatched the check from his hand. You didn’t look at the amount, but the way Silco grinned as you shoved it into your pocket didn’t seem promising.
Author's Note - Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I'll see you next month with another update!
Quick reminder: this story does take a lot of time and effort to write, edit, and format every month. At this point, we're up to roughly a 200-page book. I appreciate the likes that you guys give me, but reblogging my work is the only way new people can find it. I would really appreciate it if you would reblog not only my fics, but any fics you enjoy!
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oneatlatime · 3 months
The Headband
I don't care how dormant a volcano supposedly is. Living in the maw of one would absolutely freak me out.
Zuko out for his nightly constitutional lurking practice.
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I want this snuggy cape.
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No better disguise than a cloud 1.2 metres from the ground. That's where all clouds hand out. Cool puffins though.
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Enemy puffins approve of new fluffy Sokka.
Did Sokka just dive headfirst into rock?
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I do not like this angle. Looks like his head's on backwards.
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This episode is three minutes in and already I'm loving the comic tone.
Wow Katara, with the enthusiasm you're showing for stealing those clothes, they must belong to pirates.
These are some top tier nonsense sound effects. Far too few of those in recent episodes.
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Beat up Sokka quota fulfilled!
Toph has by far the best outfit. Love the gold accents.
We've had two seasons of blatantly blue Katara not being identified by the Fire Nation as a Water Tribe person. I think the necklace can stay.
His headband is an airbender arrow. So much for disguising himself.
I would love it if linguistic drift meant that Aang was going around tossing out slurs completely unaware.
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WHAT is this face
"Just slob is fine." I ADORE characters that are so secure in themselves and in their belief in the decency of others that all attempts at ridicule slide off like water off a duck's back.
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He does it again! "Wow. Are you a bully? This is so exciting! I've always wanted to meet a bully!"
Onji - get better taste in men. Why are you even dating this prick? Did you have any say in becoming his girlfriend? Blink twice if you need help.
These Fire Nation kids are all so mild. Contrast them with Zuko and they might as well be a different species.
What is Hide and Explode?
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Sokka is showing a mastery of slapstick that I haven't seen since The Fortune Teller. Glad to have it back.
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Is this the first time someone has recognised Zuko by his scar? About time.
Was it really necessary to beat up the guard? Seems a bit much. Zuko could have just asked nicely. That usually works for Iroh.
Speaking of: Iroh! Hi Iroh! Didn't think you'd still be alive.
Noodle Ozai. Did Aang get put in preschool by accident?
Those hippies should do a song about Secret Rivers.
Tired of spending three years talking to Zuko without making any progress, Iroh decides to attempt a new technique and deploys the silent treatment. It works just as well as three years of talking.
Colour me completely unsurprised that the Fire Nation has a pledge of Allegiance.
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This school must have some gnarly punishments if questioning the teacher garners this reaction.
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This man's head is alarming.
This man is also surprisingly nice for a fascist agent of the state bent on suppressing personal expression.
Movements? Aang you were showing her MOVEMENTS! GASP! FILTHY!
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I love this fight. It's been a while (maybe back to season 1) since Aang's preferred fighting style was 'Nope'.
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They haven't committed to the bit this hard since Bonzu Pippinpadalopsicopoulous, the Third!
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It's funny how we spent two whole seasons haunted by nothing but threatening shadows of the Fire Lord, and then an episode after his face is finally revealed they turn him into part of the decor. He even gets a noodle version.
Play Spot the Firelord with this episode. I count four.
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Sokka is having way too much fun with this.
Just going to sneak a reference to child labour in there. Gnarly punishments indeed.
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Local Emos Experience Happiness for the First Time; Immediately Implode.
I'm sorry but Mai's cloak has such Santa vibes.
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That is some serious side eye.
"You get to be normal all the time." Aang is pulling no punches today.
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Where did they get this many candles? Actually, where did they get that many matches? They don't even have a Firebender on staff.
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Poor kid is objectively correct. I guarantee your parents don't want you dancing in a cave. It will be good for you though! just don't lick the walls.
No wonder the Fire Nation got rid of dancing. Those moves are awful.
Zuko! "I brought you this food that I know you don't like because I need your help." Buddy. Why.
I could do without the heavy-handed Katara and Aang romance. Also, when exactly did Katara learn advanced gymnastics and choreograph a whole routine with Aang?
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I hate this twerp so much!
That song the band is playing right as the adults bust in is better than the songs featured earlier in the dance montage.
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I love this guy.
i know that the soundtrack probably went from diegetic to non-diegetic as soon as the chase started, but I love the idea that the school band provided theme music for searching for Aang.
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Delightfully eerie. and also very Spartacus.
Actually with the guards starting to dance, it WAS the school band providing a soundtrack for the Aang hunt.
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Is Momo at the reins?
How is this assassin good at keeping secrets and not being followed? He creaks and clanks.
Final Thoughts
I loved this. This type of episode is when Avatar is at its best: heaps of goof, a side helping of heart, subtle and not-so-subtle critiques organically incorporated, tonally contrasting storylines that combine to form a whole greater than its parts, and even one-note characters who are given depth.
Aang was in his element as a normal kid; Sokka was having a great time being super agent / team dad; poor Katara and Toph got like two lines each but still had fun with what they did get. Even Momo got some sight gags.
Aang is so personable. I think it's the combination of great social skills from a good peripatetic upbringing and being a peacetime child.
I think Zuko experienced every possible human emotion this episode. I loved seeing him snark with Mai (those two are way too good together), but his scenes with/revolving around Iroh were confusing and intense. Which is probably how Zuko would describe them too. Seems he's speedrunning his season 1 bad decisions arc.
I'm not fond of this new silent treatment approach from Iroh, but I have to admit that talking to Zuko didn't work for years, so what else is there to try?
I wasn't expecting a Footloose homage and a Spartacus reference in Avatar of all places. But it works. And it works if you don't catch the references too.
I am severely disappointed in Fire Nation fashion. I was expecting gloriously eye-searing red/gold/yellow outfits. I got black/tan/brown with dull red edging. It's probably a visual commentary on what imperialism does to its own people. And the price of dyes. But I was really looking forward to reds and golds! At least I have Toph's outfit.
I loved the liberal use of sound effects in the Gaang's plot. I love comic sound effects on their own, but they really enhanced the contast between Zuko and the Gaang's plots.
There was lots of heavy stuff under the surface this episode, what with the squashing of the self and the discrimination against colonials and the propaganda and the revisionist history and the assassin. But I feel like being silly today, so I'm not going to dig into it. That's one of the great things about this show. Not all, but many episodes are structured so that you can choose your level of engagement and consequent angst.
This episode was funny, and fun. A much-needed palette cleanser after the drudge of the season opener. The last time there was an episode this unapologetically silly was probably Avatar Day. In other words, it's been far too long. Definitely going on my rewatch list.
I really want Zuko's snuggy cape.
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madameminor · 10 months
In More Ways Than One, Part 9 - Bad Batch x F!Reader - Wrecked
Summary: Everything seems perfect the morning after - until Wrecker starts acting strange.
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Tags: 18+ smutty mcsmutterson, porn with plot, basically, all the good stuff
Warnings: Dom drop, aftercare, breeding kink, shiny's being jerks.
Notes: I'm experimenting writing more with less, since sometimes I get too caught up in the words - I may or may not like it. Regardless, please enjoy Wrecker being a sweet boy.
Word Count: 5k+
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 4.5 Part 5 Part 5.5 Part 6 Part 6.5 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 9.5 Part 10
The bliss of a truly rested sleep is really second to none. Waking slowly from the comforting embrace of peace, you feel the necessary rest down to your soul.
That is - until you shift to stretch - and feel the full effects of yesterdays ‘punishments’.
Your stretching squeal becomes a mournful moan as you ache in places you’ve never ached before - and are met with a soft chuckle and a gentle hand on your cheek.
“Mmhmm. The lesson continues,” Crosshair smirks, kissing your nose from where he stands by his bed. You squint open your eyes and pout at him before turning your back to him, showing your disdain for his teasing. He chuckles again and gently spanks you, making you turn to pout at him again as he scoots in behind you. 
“Don’t be like that. It’s your own fault anyway,” he murmurs into your neck, kissing gently as his hand gently rubs over your hip, your thigh. 
“Hmph,” you pout away from him, too sleepy to think of a comeback.
He lightly nips along where Hunter bit you the night before, making you gasp at the light pull of memory. 
“Nnnn Crosshair, don’t get me going this early I’m so SORE.”
He smirks in your ear. “You want to stay here then?”
“Hmph, alright. We’re going to the mess for whatever serves as breakfast out here. You want us to bring you back something?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod in affirmation, eyes still closed, voice sleepy. “Y’s please.”
Another chuckle by your ear. “Its a good thing you’re cute.”
“M’super cute.”
“You are. We’ll be back.”
The rest is like hazy background noise as you drift in the peaceful stream of ‘sleepy’.
“So she is staying?” Tech, quietly.
“Mmhmm.” The sound of a toothpick between teeth. 
“Hmph. Can’t say I’m surprised.” Hunter, smirking. Various armors being put on. Echo’s chuckle, the sound of blasters finding holsters, its all starting to fade as you slip back into-
Hunter’s voice is just above a whisper.
 “Hey Wrecker,” a little louder, trying not to disturb you, but obviously working to get attention. “Come on, we’re headed to the mess. Grub time.”
You don’t hear any movement, just a voice, facing towards a wall - just above a whisper, and very, very guilty.
“U-uh you guys go ahead, I-I’m not really hungry.”
Everything stops.
You’re up and by his bed before you know you’ve thought about it, pulling his shoulder towards you to make him look up, the scanner you whisked from your pack blinking readings as you draw it down his face.
He freezes like a porg in headlights as you finish your scan. You set it down in confusion, hand to his forehead. 
Hunter is just over your shoulder.
“What’s wrong with him?”
You scan again for anything, anything. “His vitals are fine. There’s no fever.”
“None of the side effects from the inoculations mentioned lack of appetite?” Tech muses quietly.
“Even if it did, Wrecker always has an appetite. He defies the odds,” Echo says firmly.
A small spark of worry in your chest has you on your feet. “I’ll take him to the infirmary and do some more tests to see if it’s anything -”
A hand grabs your wrist as you turn to get dressed. You look to where Wrecker waits, his eyes panicked instead of surprised.
“NO, no, I’m fine, really. Just… just not hungry, ok? I don’t need to… uh, go with them to the mess.” He looks down and away from his brothers.
You almost kick yourself.
You turn to the others, “Alright my dears, I’ll take it from here. Out.” You shoo them towards the door, ignoring the fact that you’re giving orders while completely naked.
Hunter raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure-”
“BIP bip bip bip, go. Out. Bring back food for two, please. Don’t hurry back.”
The door whisks closed so fast it almost catches Echo’s kama.
You turn back to Wrecker, sitting on the bed beside him. “They’ve gone, honey.”
He looks over at you, briefly meeting your eyes before looking off to the side- he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. His eyes meet yours again, pleading for help with whatever he needs to say. Your heart melts a bit for him - your gentle giant, in unknown territory. You scoot closer to him, putting your head to his, your hand on his cheek.
“I’m right here, I’m listening. Take your time.”
He sighs in relief, closing his eyes and breathing with you. He wraps his arms around you and rolls onto his side, pulling you over him so you’re the closest to the bulk head. He buries his face in your neck - aw, he’s hiding. You stroke his bald head to soothe him, letting him find the words he needs.
You don’t have to wait long. “Are you….ok?” 
Something in his tone sets off your mental alarm bells.
“I’m wonderful. A little sore, but its a good sore. Why, honey?”
“I didn’t… hurt you, right? You aren’t… mad at me?”
“Oh darling, no,” you say, fully turning to face him, your hand cupping his face. He leans into it, still avoiding your eyes. “No no no. I’m so grateful to you. I loved last night. I feel so lucky that all of you gave to me like that. I’m the happiest woman alive this morning.”
He finally looks up at you, still looking guilty. “Really?” 
“Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes,” you say quietly, smiling. “All the things we did last night were things I’d talked to Crosshair and Hunter about enjoying - I may have seemed like I was upset, but it's what I wanted.”
“So I’m… I’m not a bad person for liking it?”
“No,” you say firmly, still staying quiet so it doesn’t sound like a reprimand. “I like those things being done to me. And you can like doing those things to me because I’m saying yes. If you liked those things and I was screaming my safe word, that would not be ok, but that’s what a safe word is for - to tell you when I’m not ok.”
“I… w’ll, I know that. But I still feel like what I did was wrong. I don’t understand, I liked it at the time, but… I started thinking about it, and now…Whats wrong with me?”
“Nothing, babe, nothing at all. This happens sometimes, and it means you care about me, and you would never hurt me if I asked you to stop. This proves you’re a good person, not a bad one. This happens, a lot of people in your position can feel like this after they do some of what we did last night. It even has a name. It’s called ‘dom drop’.”
“It… it is?” Understanding and relief start to show on his face. You start to breathe again.
He’s relaxing, slowly, but steadily. “Did the others feel like this?”
You trace along his face scar. “I don’t know. They may have at some point, either last night or before, but if this isn’t their first time they probably have ways to care for themselves.” He nods, thinking. You stroke the side of his face, being sure to meet his eyes. “Babe, I’m sorry. There are things to watch out for, and I didn’t think of you in the moment at all. It was your first time, I should have checked in with you. I’m so sorry, and I’ll work to communicate with you so much more, starting right now.”
He looks at you, still hesitant, but nods before burying his head into your shoulder again.
You mentally kick yourself, feeling the gravity of your responsibility settle on you - this is the second time you left him in the dust. If you were going to make this work with all five of them, you needed to up your game - to make sure you took care of those who needed you at those junctures. And Wrecker needed you to pay more attention to guiding him - he was new to all of this.
No use beating yourself up. You didn’t know who would need what before, but now you do.
Time to make it right.
You kiss his head, willing his worries away. “What do you need right now, darling? Snuggles? Kisses? Closeness?” He nods, snuggling closer. You smile, settling into the security of his strength around you.
The silence is peaceful. You feel him breathing, heart slowing. You stroke his head, trailing kisses every few strokes. You feel him relax against you, tension releasing… but there’s still a sadness. Something isn’t quite right yet. You let your mind wander over what past lovers have liked, have asked for in their care.
 “Do you want to hear about what I liked last night?”
He looks up again in surprise - and nods. Good.
You smile, settling into him and the pillow while thinking back. “Hmm…I liked having you in my mouth while the other two were inside me.” He grins. 
You continue. “I liked when you spanked me - it felt so good to have you so big in me and spanking me at the same time. I want to do that again, if you do.” His eyes spark in interest, and you can feel something near your pelvis firm. 
“I like hearing you lose yourself and go hard with me - using me to cum like that. I liked how you didn’t let me cum, but you really wanted to. I always love feeling you cum inside of me, and what you said about wanting to push so far inside of me was SO hot.”
He gets bashful again. Interesting. “Yeah?”
You prop yourself up on one elbow, fingers tracing along his shoulders. “What did you like about last night?”
He swallows. “How hot you looked tied up like that. It was really… kriffing hot.”
You giggle in response. He smiles.
“When you choked on me because Echo fucked you so hard. That felt so good.”
“Oooo, I remember that. The look on your face was very attractive.”
He smiles. “I’m glad the boys made me wait, cause I really wanted to feel you cum, but then watching you cum so hard was really hot.” 
He pauses, then glances away while finding the words, rubbing the back of his neck.
“A-Also, uh… there was…uh… there was a moment where I thought something kind of weird, but it was really hot to think about?”
“OOooo, tell me,” you smile, shifting closer.
He keeps rubbing the back of his head. “It…um…”
He’s so kriffing cute. “I’m listening, darling, I want to hear about all the things that you like.”
He swallows, still not meeting your eyes. “I uh… I wanted to cum so hard in you that you… got pregnant.”
Your core tenses in excitement. Oh, say it isn’t so. “Oh really?”
“Y-yeah…” he looks back at you, words suddenly spilling out in a rush. “I’d never do that, I know you have, like, that thing that stops you from having babies, but the thought just popped into my head and it was really hot at the time and-”
Ooooh the Gods are good. “I think so, too.”
He blinks. “You do? It’s not weird?”
Your smile is coy. “No, it's something a fair amount of people like. Including me, at times.”
He gulps again - you feel the firm grow firmer. His voice sounds mildly strained. “But you can’t have babies right now.”
“That’s true,” you flirt, a finger tracing along his collar bone, “but we can pretend. You can fill me up so full and imagine what I look like when I have your baby growing in me. A cute little wrecking ball.”
Firmer still. You can feel his heart thumping in his chest. “Babe… thats…”
You smile, leaning in closer to him. “Do you want to try now? Want to try and cum in me so hard that you get me pregnant?”
He reflexively grips your hips, where his hand rests, bucking involuntarily. “Kriff yeah…"
His fingers trail down, pulling your leg up over his hip before moving behind your leg to trace over your slit, groaning as his fingers come away wet and sticky.
Your breath catches at the need in his eyes. “See how much I like the idea?”
He groans again, bucking up, fingers eagerly returning to push inside your entrance.
You wince at the sudden intrusion. “Gently, love, You all worked me over really well last night.”
He lightens up immediately. He slides one finger inside your slippery slit, thick and firm, curling against your walls, stroking your g-spot delicately. You clench around him, savoring the feeling of his loving care in your pleasure. He groans as he pulls his finger out again.
“FUCK babe… I’m sliding in so easily.” He pumps again, watching your face fastidiously. “Can you… take another?”
“Yes, oh yes.” Your hips buck, begging for more of him inside of you, thoughts running through your head of what you’re about to do. You start to ride his fingers while he moves inside you, meeting each other with each thrust. You hold behind his neck for support, eyes meeting his, begging him not to stop.
That sets something off in him, moving forward to latch his mouth onto where neck meets shoulder. “Kriff, that’s right mesh’la, ride my fingers. Want you so ready to take my cock. You want it so bad, don’t you?”
You whimper out a cry, riding his fingers as he pumps them into you. “Can’t wait to feel you fill me…”
He involuntarily bucks against your leg. “Fuck I’m going to cum so far into you. Can’t wait to fill you up till you’re leaking, make sure it takes.”
Fuck it’s so hot to hear him say that. “O-One more, Wrecker, I c-can take another.”
He slides in a third finger, finally giving you the same girth as he is, sliding himself down to suck pulses into your clit. 
“WRECker…” Your eyes fall back into your head, your head falls back between your propped arms, and you fuck along him for all your worth, riding the wave of the pleasure cresting from his pulses. 
“Oh babe I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”
“That’s right babe, cum for me, cum for me real good.” 
You feel yourself start to seize, riding his tongue as he pushes you through, eagerly licking up everything you’re releasing like its frickin’ candy.
You’re left panting - but still craving him. You whine a bit, bucking as he pulls his fingers away. You want so much more. You want what he said he’d give you.
Wrecker starts running your slick on his fingers over his hard length, already weeping precum. He bites back a groan, looking down at you with need, with… worry? Aww, the darling is checking in. Your heart swells.
“Babe, can I…”
You reach up to cup his cheek.“Yes, please yes. But kiss me when you push in? I’m afraid I’ll moan too loud…”
He kisses you deeply, sliding in so gently, both of you swallowing the other’s groans. HIs head falls to your chest as he breathes through the moment. 
“So kriffing tight. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight.”
“It's cause I want your cum, babe. I want it so bad.”
He groans, hips stuttering into yours, making you gasp, eyes rolling back.
“Can’t wait to give it to you,” he says, slowly starting to fuck into you. He puts his head to yours, one hand coming up to cup the side of your face. “Fill you up so good with my cum. Want to get you so big for me, kiss your belly, talk to our strong baby while you bounce on my cock. Tell them how beautiful their mom is.”
“Oh Wrecker…”Your voice comes out a moan, unable to think around his giant cock fucking into you.
His head falls to your shoulder, hips moving faster. “NNNnn I’m gonna cum, mesh’la. You ready for me? You ready for me to fill you up?”
You can barely form a thought, but the words just flow out of you. “Yes Wrecker, please. Please. Pump your cum inside me, honey, I want it so bad.”
He grips under your shoulder, holds your thigh against his hip, driving his full length inside your throbbing hole. “KRIFF. Take it then. Take it all. Nnn... NNN.”
He growls a groan as his hips stutter, releasing his seed what seems like an unnatural amount of times deep inside you, using his leverage to push in as far as he can.
He doesn’t stop, even as you feel him start to soften.
He groans. “Fuck, babe. FUCK. I want to keep going so bad, I don’t want to stop I’m still so horny.” 
You’re so on fire with need that you don’t skip a beat.“Then come here, big boy, and let me help you with that.”
He moves up the bed, offering you his slowly softening cock. Karking hell, you’re so hungry and desperate for more, you immediately take him as far as you can with one swift move. He cries out a swear - he’s so sensitive, but he wants it so bad, SO BAD. He fucks your mouth gently, watching his cock disappear down your throat. 
“Fuck, babe. That’s it. Just like that, getting me so hard again. I wanna fill you up more. So much more. Gonna make you cum this time too, so you strangle all my cum out of my cock, fill you up so good.”
You look up at him, watching him take you in, his eyes transfixed where your lips wrap around his cock.
“NNnnn could cum down your throat, fill you up from both ends,” he murmurs, almost to himself. You moan around him at the thought, making his hips stutter with a groan. “You’d like that, huh?”
You purposefully moan a yes, smirking internally as his eyes roll back.
“B-But I wanna make you cum too, feel you cum around my cock. Kriff, fuck I need to feel you cum on my cock.” He pulls out and away, clamping around the base for a moment while he breathes. As you sit up, wiping spit from your mouth, he picks you up and places you so your head is towards the other end of the bed, hooking your legs up with his elbows. He pushes into you hungrily, ravenous to feel you around him again, moaning along with your feverish cry. He starts to slowly fuck into you.
“WRECKer! Oh honey you feel so good.” You bring your hand down to play with your clit. “Wanna cum. Wanna cum while you’re fucking a baby into me.”
His hips speed up, spurred on by your rapturous cries. “That’s right mesh’la. Kriff. Milk me dry. Gonna be so full I put TWO babies in there. Gonna see you get so big. So big cause of me…”
Stars, you can FEEL how aroused he is, he’s so hard, so needy in his thrusts. “I’m so close, Wrecker, I’m so close. Fill me up while I cum for you. Give it to me, please.”
“Whatever you want, babe, anything you want.” His voice is desperate, his eyes feverish with need and arousal. “Fuck I’m gonna cum again. Take it all. Cum for me while you take it all. Kriff, kriff, KRIFF.”
You swear he pushes in so far he’s in your cervix. You feel each spurt of his spend coat your walls, fill your womb, leaving you sated and full, wishing, on some level, that this was real.
Wrecker falls to one elbow, panting, still propping himself up so as not to crush you, still shivering every few seconds as his orgasm racks him anew.
“B…Babe… that was… that was so…”
You put your head to his, your hand to his cheek, panting from the intensity of your orgasm. You feel your breath slow, leaning in and kissing him slowly, sensually, bringing him down on top of you. Your hands rove over his bald head, feeling the smooth skin under your fingertips. You pull back after a moment, laying back to look up at him while your fingers continue along his scar.
“Yeah,” He sighs in relief, head dropping to your shoulder as you giggle. “I’m gonna pull out, ok?”
“Ok.” You gasp a little as he gently pulls out, leaving you emptier than you were - but not by much. He turns towards the bathroom, presumably to get a towel - you gently grab his hand before he can.
“Wait. Don’t you want to see how full I am first?” You can’t help the mischievous smile dancing across your face.
He looks back at you, confused.
“Look,” you smile, laying back along the sheets, spreading your legs, hand trailing down to your lower lips - and parting them.
His widening eyes tell you he’s watching his seed brimming at your entrance, slowly trickling out of you. You clench, partly to emphasize the flow, partly because its so hot, watching him watch you like this.
He gulps, eyes glued to your pussy. “Babe, can I… do somethin’?”
“Yes,” you lilt, pulling your fingers away from your entrance.
He slides his thumb carefully over your slit, gathering some of the slick between your thighs. Eyes alight, he leans over you - and holds his thumb up to your lips. 
You smile at him, propping yourself up on your elbows, and without taking your eyes from his, you take his thumb into your mouth, tasting your combined juices, sucking him clean.
“You’re gonna get me hard again,” he groans, almost reluctantly.
You release his thumb with a smile.
“Good,” you purr, nuzzling against his hand, “because I think you promised to cum down my throat next? ‘Fill me up from both sides’?”
You see the shiver run through him.
“Kriff, babe. You’re gonna be the death of me,” he groans - right before climbing back on to his bed. 
A half hour later finds Wrecker between your thighs with a damp cloth, cleaning up the substantial mess he’s made after cumming twice more. He can’t bring himself to look, he really shouldn’t look, he’ll just get going again - and hes not sure he could take another round before his brothers come back, and they’d been nice enough to leave them alone this long. There would be - he shivers - more chances another time.
Besides, he wanted to hold you after that. 
Throwing the rag toward the end of his bed, he finds you snuggling extra close into his chest, filling him with warmth as he wraps his arms around you. Yeah, this was what he wanted.
“Mmmmm… that was everything.” You look up at him. “How are you, babe? How did you like that?”
“Great,” he grins - before his face falls into uncertainty. “Though I, uh, didn’t expect that to happen, you know…”
“I know, but I just loved the idea soooo much…” you nuzzle against his nose, his grin returning. Kriff, you made him feel like a cadet again, getting his first detonator. “Did that feel like what you needed?”
“Uh…” he thinks for a moment, trying to remember where he started. “Yeah… I think I… I just wanted to know you weren’t mad, or hurt or… somethin’ else. I liked feeling… like feeling close to you.” He (very) lightly squeezes you. “I like this.”
“Then lets do this if we try something intense like we did last night. I’ll make sure to come be close to you, and tell you how happy I am. Yes?”
He kisses the top of your head, feeling a knot unclench in his chest. “Yeah. I like the sound of that.”
He’s silent for a moment, taking it all in, thinking about last night, this morning, just now… comparing it to every other moment of comfort in his life. Were there any?
He looks down to where you’re snuggled against him. “Babe?”
He can feel your answering hum through his chest. “Hm?”
“Thanks… for taking care of me.”
You look up at him with those beautiful eyes and beautiful smile, the greatest gifts of all.
“Of course, honey,” you say quietly, kissing his chin. “It’s my pleasure.”
“Do you ever think about it? Having kids?”
The question seemed to come out of nowhere - you had spent the time waiting for the squad cuddling and talking about what other things you wanted to try together or with the others, making sure to listen for his wants and needs. A comfortable silence followed, each of you breathing in the other, until…
“Sometimes. Not a lot, since there’s no call for it right now, but I’ve thought about it.” You look up at him. “Why? Have you?”
“W’ll. Not, uh… not til now. But I… I really liked the idea of having a kid with you.” He won’t meet your eyes, he’s so bashful. Such a sweetheart. “Never thought of anything other than hanging with my brothers, but the thought was kinda… I dunno, nice.”
You smile up at him and kiss his nose, about to answer - and are suddenly overtaken by a huge yawn, your body relaxing into the warmth surrounding you. 
He grins. “Tired, huh?”
You grimace in embarrassment as you finish your yawn. “Mmm… yes. You aren’t?”
“Naw, too hungry. You go ahead and sleep, mesh’la.” He strokes your head and kisses your crown. “I’ll take care of you.”
You can’t help but smile into his chest, enjoying the warmth blooming in yours, letting your heavy eyelids close. “Wrecker…”
“I’m really happy.” You breathe him in and sigh out relief.
His hands pause midstroke, but his body stays relaxed.
“... me too, babe.” You can hear the beaming smile in his voice. “I’m really happy too.” He continues his stroking, gentle fingers lulling you to sleep…
-until the door slides open.
“Are you two done?”
Crosshair’s slithery voice is as sardonic as ever. You smirk, your eyes staying closed.
You feel a shift next to you as Wrecker twists to whisper over his shoulder. “Shhhh - yup. Feelin’ much better.”
“Good.” Tech’s voice is, of course, matter of fact, even while quiet. “We have brought food. There is a fair amount-”
“AlRIGHT.” Wrecker whispers in joy, jumps up out of bed, doubles back to pull the blankets over you and kiss you on the head, making you giggle, then heads to the table. “I’m STARVING!”
Hunter’s whisper is sharp. “You di’kut, put on some clothes before you eat.”
You slip off into sleep with a smile, listening to your boys doing what they do best, your heart full of gratitude for every single one.
Yours to care for, as long as you have them.
Earlier - The Mess Hall
“So where’s your medic?”
The four batchers look to the end of their table - where two clones with freshly painted armor stand, sneering. 
Tech adjusts his goggles, looking them up and down. “Tending to one of our teammates. He was not feeling well this morning, potentially due to our inoculations yesterday.”
“Why does it matter?” Crosshair’s hiss is sharp, but not quite dangerous. Yet.
The two smirk at each other before looking back to them. 
“Does she happen to be doing that on her back?” asks the one on the left with a mean grin.
All of their heads whip around, Crosshair, Tech, and Hunter tensed. Hunter’s eyes flash in warning. “Care to say that again, trooper?”
The left chuckles. “I think you heard me.”
The right elbows the left, indicating the group with his head. “Probably is. Probably needs it, if she was sniffing around our boys yesterday.” He looks back to the seething squad. “What's the matter? Your squad can’t keep one woman satisfied?”
“That’s enough.”
Echo stands where he is, staring down the other two. In this moment, the others can see his power shine through - this man was an ARC trooper, decorated for his many exemplary missions, a survivor from behind enemy lines, and back out in the field for brothers and Republic. 
And he was irritated.
“I don’t know why you weren’t taught any manners back on Kamino. Maybe you were too distracted by your own insecurities that day.”
The two clones stiffen, slowly bristling- but Echo isn’t done.
“It doesn’t kriffing matter what she does in her private life,” he continues, eyes daring them to interrupt him. “What matters is she’s a trooper, like all of us. She puts her life on the line; fights the same battles we do, without enhanced abilities. She shows up, she works hard, and she cares for a bunch of clones like us, treats us like people,” He punches the table for emphasis, making the regs jump into a defensive stance, “so what else do you really need to know about her?”
The two regs stand, stunned, glancing at each other to think of a comeback- but there isn’t one.
“We all care about her as a member of our squad- so if you’re here to cause her trouble, then we have a problem. Now.” Echo leans forward, hand on the table, his voice getting very low.  “Is there something else you would like to say to us, vode?”
“Oh I think they’ve said enough.” Squad and regs turn to see Captain Case, helmet on, arms crossed. The two reg troopers jump to attention. 
“Mel. Felbourn. Not really showing our battalion in the best light, are ya? I think you owe their medic an apology.” His voice sounds dangerous through the vocoder. “After you finish scrubbing all the public freshers on the ship. Top. To. Bottom.”
“Sir yes sir!” The regs say in unison, stiff as boards.
“Dismissed,” the Captain waves, the two clones hurrying off and away with nary a mumble.
Hunter sits back at the table, turning to face Case. He looks over the Captain with a suspicious gratitude. “You didn’t need to do that.”
They can hear the Captain’s smirk. “I did, actually. They’re my men- and if no one has ‘taught them manners’, well, I’d better start now.”
He takes off his helmet and tucks it under his arm, shaking out his hair a little. “So, did I hear your medic isn’t feeling well?”
“No,” Tech corrects, of course. “Our demolition’s expert was not feeling well, so naturally our medic stayed behind to monitor any potential complications.”
Captain Case winces. “Ah, sorry to hear that. Though I’m not surprised, those inoculations are still new enough. Never know the side effects-”
“Why did you step in?” Crosshair interrupts, voice low and suspicious, glaring over at the reg Captain. “If you’re expecting to get to her through us, you’re wrong.”
Case blinks a few times, then chuckles. “Is that what you think that was?” He shakes his head, saying almost to himself. “You’ve all been hanging around the wrong vode.” 
He looks back up at them, meeting all of their eyes. “Rex and Cody speak highly of you boys, and they don’t do that lightly. Anyone who has earned their respect… well, is definitely worthy of mine.”
He turns to leave. “I’ll leave you to your breakfast. Just know…” he flashes a cheeky grin at them, making eye contact with Hunter. “A girl like that? Make sure to take good care of her.”
Hunter smirks. He supposes he likes this reg after all. 
“You can count on it.”
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