#and the whole time she’s like you killed both my siblings i want you DEAD DIE DIE DIE barely holding back rage and zavala is just like.
planet4546b · 2 years
destiny look me in the eyes. look at me. start redeeming your girlboss villains NOW im not joking.
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rucksackmentality · 6 months
List of the truths shared in Nana Morri's Honesty trial (C3E79):
Imogen: I am genuinely scared to meet my mom again.
Laudna: Deep down inside, both Delilah and I want the shard...Fearne should have it, but I don't know anymore what's my opinion or desires or feelings, or hers.
Imogen: I love Laudna deeply but I'm disgusted at the thought of Delilah looking at us all the time.
Orym: I'm super lonely all the time, especially at night. It doesn’t matter if I'm bunking with one of you guys.
FCG: Sometimes I pity some of you because you have beating hearts and opportunities and you don’t do enough with them...Chetney, you have so much love to give and it doesn't seem like you're interested in anything other than wood! There's people out there who you could love and experiences you could share with someone else, but all you care about is wood!
Orym: I've always kind of laughed it off but I guess I do kind of wonder if Chetney is my dad.
Ashton: I am the reason that the Jiana Hexum robbery went fucking wrong, and the reason why I got thrown out of a fucking window.
Fearne: I feel like we’re very ill-equipped for this job and we're going to fail at saving the world. (Laudna: Honestly that's probably true, I'm right there with you.)
Chetney: While wood may be the superior material to metal, I do fear that, with the dwindling interest in it, that children will find my toys - and thereby myself - obsolete every year I grow older.
FCG: I think it's something buried deep down in my circuitry, but every time I hurt or kill something - it feels really good. It makes me sort of relax a little bit and some of my stress goes away.
Imogen: I know we're supposed to save the gods, but I've tried talking to them my whole life and none of them would ever respond. I think I'm tainted. I dont know if I want to save gods that don't love me.
Laudna: You know we could rip-cord out of [saving the world] at any moment...right? And sometimes I fantasize about it all the time.
Fearne: I sometimes do stuff to you guys while you're sleeping - not weird stuff, I just like to look at you closely...and maybe like, twiddle your hair or braid it. Nothing bad!
Ashton: Whenever it starts to get quiet, I start worrying that one of us - most of us - are going to end up killing another one of us accidentally...I have panicked thinking about when one you kills another one of us.
Orym: I have all the faith in the world in you guys...and I have also spent time thinking of how to neutralize each of you.
FCG: I kinda worry that I put all my eggs in the Changebringer basket and she might betray us all. I had a really weird conversation with her and I think she's just out for herself and she might not really care about me - but what if she does? And I'm saying horrible things?
Imogen: Fearne, I was really disappointed in you for running away from your power. You should take the shard!
Orym: I really miss Dorian, and sometimes I think that's okay, and sometimes I think it isn't.
Ashton: I feel fucking worse that I just fucked up Fearne's life way more than mine and I should've died instead of that happening.
Chetney: I grew up in the Bramblewood outside of Westruun, and when I was a kid, I came back from learning how to make toys and found that my whole family had left. All they left behind were toys. They ran when Errevon the Rimelord was running across the plains, and so I'm kind of afraid of dragons. And I had five siblings - Alabaster, Pepper, Sugarplum, Hermey, and Chad - and I was so mad that they left I never looked for any of them, and now I'm pretty sure they're dead. So I think any family I have is just gonna look for a reason to leave me. That's why I don't get attached to anybody.
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klausysworld · 1 year
A random idea, Klaus is really (murder spree) angry Elijah and Rebecca are trying to talk reader into leaving with them but she tells them no, that she knows Klaus won’t hurt her, they are both in shock as they watch her walk up to Klaus speak to him and he totally calms down.
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Because I love you
As I approached the abattoir i could hear glass breaking, a whole lot of screaming and a very distinctive yell, Klaus. Suddenly Rebekah came rushing out, the door swinging dramatically behind her as she ran towards me
“Y/n he’s gone mad, we need to leave now, come on in the car” she spoke in one breath grabbing onto my sleeve as tugging me along
“What happened? Is he okay?” I asked concerned. Suddenly Elijah appeared next to us covered in blood
“He’s prepared to kill every being in this city if not all of America itself for the best that we go away for a bit- you especially, you’re human” he took my hand and tried to coax me into the car
“No what? What happened? Did someone hurt him?” I question, another crash sounded, another scream.
“Look we just need to get out! It’s not safe when he’s like this!” Rebekah whisper yelled starting the car
“Jesus you two are meant to be a thousand years old, I’m going to see if he’s okay” i started walking back but Elijah was directly infront of me again
“Y/n i beg you to reconsider, he will hurt you” i frowned at him and moved around him
“He won’t lay a hand on me” i nodded to myself walking forward a little more confidently. I heard the car stop and both of their footsteps following behind
“He might drain you-“ Rebekah started
“He won’t” i cut her off
I walked in to see bodies nearly everywhere. I quickly ducked as a whole ass chair flew through the air and smashed into the wall behind me. I blinked a few times at it before making eye contact with an apprehensive Elijah who light shook his head ‘no’
I took a breath and turned back to the direction of pain filled terror. I stepped over and/or around the body parts leading to a fuming Klaus, blood splattered everywhere and a white oak stake in his hand that pointed at a man i had never seen who was crying a river
“Klaus?” I asked softly, his head whipped round to face me, his deathly expression dropping as he lowered his hand
“My love you need to go home” he told me, his adams apple bobbing
“Can you put the stake away…why do you even have it? I thought it was destroyed remember?” I asked stepping closer to which he moved backwards
“They want to kill me, it would seem that they discovered another. They need to pay for the harm they have caused and the lives they have threatened” his words grew harsher with each word, his gaze hardening
“Elijah and Rebekah are afraid, please calm down” i whispered and he growled
“My siblings are weak! They will not stand and defend themselves! Defend me! Or you! These people they threatened you! They will die and i do not care if i have to kill off the entire world to make sure every last pathetic excuse of an enemy is dead”
My lips pulled together in a thin line before i spoke again
“Look at him Niklaus, he’s crying, are you even sure that he was apart of this? There’s a dead old man in the corner, i do doubt an 80 year old human could have charged at you with white oak”
“He was collateral” he mumbled
“I thought you were going to try and limit the collateral” i took a few steps closer
“I can’t, not with this” he uttered
“Please, some of these people have families, they have people they love. Klaus i love you, if someone were to kill you and say it was collateral i would not accept that”
“That is why i need to kill everyone so it just cancels out” he frowned
“You’re making a bigger mess, just give me the stake, you trust me right? I’m going to put it somewhere safe so you can’t get hurt. Then you can stop because nobody can kill you without it” he sighed and looked at the weapon hesitantly
“But they can harm you” he whispered almost incoherently
“Then be with me, just stay with me” i held my hand out to him, he nodded nearly unnoticeably and dropped the stake in my hand.
“Let him go please” I instructed and he let go of the man infronts throat, letting him drop to the ground sobbing
“We’re going to go upstairs, calm down for 10 minutes and then I’m going to help you clean this up”
“We are not doing anything of the sort, you should never have to touch such horrible things” he growled
“This is not something anybody should have to do but you made the mess and you will clear it up and because i love you, and so i will help” i yelled back at him. He fell silent and his eyes dropped
“I’ll do it myself” he murmured
“We will help” Elijah called from behind us, i turned and smiled sadly at him, Rebekah was already lifting a body from the ground. Both looking both shocked, terrified and confused at the same time
“No, I’m afraid this is something he needs to do without you, please just relax, no more drama, take a day off” i took Klaus’s hand and pulled him up the stairs to the bathroom. I filled a bucket with warm water and grabbed a cloth
“There’s not much point in a shower until we’ve gotten rid of everything so ill just wash your face” I muttered seeing him glance to the shower
“Okay” he whispered lifting his head to make it easier to wipe clean
Once finished he looked at me silently for a minute or two
“Are you upset with me” he asked quietly
“No, I’m upset with the situation” I muttered
“You’re disappointed” he whispered
“I just don’t like all the death but i understand why you got angry, you just need to wait a minute and think before you act. Please don’t let me find you like that again, Elijah thought you would hurt me.” I stoked his cheek bones with my thumbs
“Did you…think i would hurt you?” He asked softly
“No, you wouldn’t touch me” I confirmed and he sighed, his head growing heavy in my hands as his eyes closed for a second
“I love you and i…i trust you” he uttered
“I trust you too, and you know that i love you. Now are you ready to grab a sponge for the floors…and walls and furniture and-“
“I got it, ill grab a few sponges” he muttered pushing his forehead to mine
“You know if you do it without complaining ill give you a reward later” i whispered to him
“What kind of reward?” He asked with a smile
“Perhaps you can take out your frustration on me? I may even get on my knees for you if you deserve such treatment” a low growl came from his throat as his arms circled my body
“Then we should really get started”
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she-lovesmovies · 1 year
Sodo × fem!reader
She/her reader
Words count: 2 486
Summary: You have a fight with Sodo and he gives you the silent treatment after that.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst/fluff. She throws up at some point but it's short and not details. She also eat less for a short time so TW for ED.
Notes: English is not my first language so some lines may be grammatically incorrect, + typos, sorry.
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(Pic coming from Pinterest)
"Mountain I don't know what to do. I feel like he doesn't want to talk to me. At first I understood: he's angry, l'm not gonna talk to him, l'm gonna wait. But it's been hours and I really feel like we need to talk about it... "
"Honestly, I personally don't think what you did was that bad. He's just annoyed by anything and everything. You should try to talk to him."
"Ok..? You sighted.
Rain was looking at you, shaking his head no.
But what could you do, really?
You had walked on his guitar and broke two of the buttons. Not just broke in the he could put them back on way, but you had crushed them.
You couldn't even remember how it happened.
But you remembered how Sodo had looked at you.
How the atmosphere of the room had instantly changed. For the long time you had been with Sodo, or hang out with him, you had never felt that.
It was your fault, clearly. You knew your boyfriend was always leaving his things on the floor so you should have been careful.
After your initial shock, you had fall to your knees and tried to put the pieces back. But he had harshly told you to leave the room. You had quickly complied. And he hadn't talk to you since the incident.
You hadn't even had the chance to apologize...
You trusted Rain. But you had to talk to Sodo.
So here you were, in front of his door.
"Sodo ?"
You knocked on the door and opened it. Discreetly walking inside.
He was sitting on the floor, his back to you. His ears and head twitching at the sound of your movements.
His tail was moving violently.
He looked like an animal.
"Sodo ? It's me….. Ijust wanted to say l'm sorry."
"Get out." He growled.
So it was gonna be a hard one.
"Sodo, I'm really sorry, can we talk about this ?"
"What about ? You broke my guitar. I won't be able to play it. That's it. Get out.?
"I'm not getting out until you're looking at me. You're clearly not well and I'm not leaving you like this."
He angrily turned around and looked at you dead in the eyes.
He wasn't wearing his mask so you could see his eyes. And now you knew why they were ghouls. Why people thought of them as demons.
"And why would I want you being the one to help me?"
"Because I'm your girlfriend…..?" You answer quietly, forced to look at the floor under his cold scary gaze.
He laughed sadistically and you knew it had been the wrong thing to say and you were both gonna get hurt now.
" You're just a girl I fuck and hang out with. I could do it with any other siblings or sisters. Do you think you have anything special? Because right now apart from breaking my guitar, you didn't do much around here."
He doesn't mean it.
You knew he didn't mean it.
He is just angry.
He loves you.
You knew he did.
After everything you went through together.
But it still hurt.
"You don't mean it. You're just angry.."
"Just angry? Just angry? I could fucking kill you right now! don't know why i'm not doing it. Probably because my brothers would murder me after that. But trust me I would fucking rip you apart if I could. You're fucking useless in the clergy. Copia is being nice to you because that's who he is. He doesn't care about you. I don't care about it."
"No, you don't mean it..." your lips started shaking.
"I- mean- every-words- I- said." He articulated.
At this point your whole body was trembling.
"Stop fucking trembling. It's pissing me off!" He harshly said before turning back to his broken guitar.
"Sorry." you muttered.
He doesn’t mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
He doesn't mean it.
Both of you didn't say anything for the next two minutes.
It can't end on this.
This conversation can't end like that.
How can I arrange it ?
How can I fix his guitar?
"Sodo, tell me what should I do...?"
You could hear the tears in your own voice.
You knew his guitar was the thing he loved the most in this whole world.
He always had play with this guitar since he stopped being a bassist.
"Fucking leave me alone and don't talk to me again. I don't want to see your face."
You couldn't just stop talking to him.
Or hang out with him.
Did that mean you both were nothing now.
"Are you breaking up with me ?" You ask with a quiet voice.
He didn't answer.
You were in the wrong.
He had every right to not talk. He had asked you to leave him be and you were in the wrong.
So you turned around, defeated, and walked out of the door.
You were in the wrong.
He didn't answer...
4 days had passed since your fight with Sodo.
You both hadn't talk to each other.
You were trying to reach him but he just kept avoiding and ignoring you.
You had heard from Aether that he was in the studio, talking with Copia.
So you ran to them, knowing he couldn't avoid you if he was talking with Copia.
You entered the studio.
Copia glanced at you but Sodo kept talking not acknowledging you or the sound you made.
He probably heard or smell you coming.
The ghoul kept on going on.
Copia looked at you, then Sodo.
"Sodo. Please can we talk ?"
No answer.
“Sodo answer me !” You yelled.
Copia looked at you and opened his mouth to say something to Sodo but the ghoul was faster.
"We can keep this conversation elsewhere if you're distracted Papa."
Copia looked like he didn't know what to do.
The silence grounded itself in the room.
“Please talk to me." You whispered, your voice shaking.
Silence again.
Then Sodo started talking with Copia again, who clearly wasn't listening but just looking at you with pity, extending his hand toward you to reach you.
“My dear maybe if...”
Tears rolled down your face and you whimpered just before running out of the room.
You were embarrassed.
Being treated like that in front of Papa.
Being treated like you were nothing.
Like you were useless and didn't exist.
You arrived to your bedroom and locked yourself into your bedroom.
You ran to your bathroom and toilet.
You started throwing up.
Your mouth and throat were sour because of the vomit.
But the way Sodo treated you had triggered some background traumas you had.
You've been through similar things in middle school.
You had to endure those type of behaviors from people you loved.
And it had leave the child you were, traumatized by some specific things.
You couldn't help the way your body was reacting.
And for the next 3 weeks, you had been throwing up every night.
After your duties. After all the pressure was gone. Your body was letting it all go.
But it hurt you.
Your stomach, your throat, your head was hurting you.
Your whole body was exhausted by throwing up for hours. So after the first week you started eating less to vomit a little less food.
Your body kept trying to vomit something and it hurt, but it wasn't as painful as when you were eating.
You also had sleeping problems because of that. It was not often that you were throwing up in the middle of the night and apart from thinking too hard about everything that was going on, you frequently were woke up by nightmares.
You had learned from Rain that Sodo's guitar had been fixed a week ago. You were glad. But the silent treatment kept going on. And honestly it was almost like you had accept it, it pained you everytime you saw him, but you were getting use to it. It didn't mean you were more happy. Getting use to it didn't arrange anything. You still felt miserable. Wandering in the corridors, doing your tasks like a ghost, you still felt useless.
Right now, you were trying to eat your breakfast. The only meal you had everyday.
Thinking about what you could do today.
You knew how it was gonna go: you were gonna go to your bedroom, lay in your bed, start thinking about Sodo, about your relationship, about everything you did, about how you did the same as when you were young, about your last relationships, about how in the wrong you were. About how apart from the guitar you were just a pain in the ass and uninteresting.
About how you knew Sodo was stubborn but if he really loved you he couldn't avoid you for that long.
About how he had always been right: he was saying the truth and didn't want you.
And you would throw up, and cry. And wish someone was there, but at the same time wished no one would see you like that, and wished to only disappear and die.
"Y/n. I know you want and need some time alone, but we're really worried about you.."
You didn't dare to look at Mountain while eating your cereals.
"He's right, you don't look good." Agreed Swiss.
"So that's why you all decided to sit with me this morning? Then that's really kind of you, for once, to sit with me. But don't worry I'II be able to achieve my duties. So you can tell Copia to stop sending his ghouls because whatever my mood and state I'll do my job. I don't want to get thrown out of the clergy."
You stood up from your chair and took your bowl.
But before you had the chance to walk away, Mountain's tail grabbed your forearm.
"Y/n, you need to talk to him.” Mountain muttered.
You started laughing hysterically.
"He's been giving me the silent treatment for 5 weeks. At this point he just doesn't want me in his life. Plus, last time you told me talk to him and look how greatly it went. It's okay. I fucked up. It was stupid of me to think he cared and loved me. You all don't have to pretend. I’ll just stop annoying everyone."
Cumulus tried to speak:
"Y/n it's not what we-“
You didn't let her finished as you took your forearm back and quickly walked out of the cafeteria.
"We need to do something. Sodo is fucking up all the rehearsals and she clearly is not doing well?”
"I don't care about the fucking rehearsals Aether. She's gonna kill herself if she keeps going on like this." Said Mountain.
"We need to talk some fucking sense in Sodo's ego and brain." Agreed Cirrus.
You were in your room.
In your bed.
Under your white sheets.
Your head below your pillow.
Your head was hurting you so bad.
You didn't know if the pillow was suppose to take the pain away, to cut yourself from the outside world, or just suffocate yourself to die instantly.
The tinnitus in your ears was so loud you didn't hear your door opening.
You groaned. Still deaf from the person entering.
"Y/n, it's me, Sodo."
You were on the verge of passing out.
The bucket for throwing up next to your bed was almost full.
You didn't know why tonight was that bad.
"Talk to me, please?
Sodo thought it was only fair that you were giving him the silent treatment back, after what he did to you. But he couldn't stop himself from getting worried at the sounds leavingg your body.
He rushed to your bed when he clearly heard cries.
He pulled the sheets and you shriek.
You curled on yourself even more than before, as if trying to protect you.
Sodo took in the sigh of you.
You were pale.
Really pale.
It looked like you hadn't eat for days.
He kneeled next to the bed, where your face was now resting and caressed it.
"Y/n open your eyes."
You shook your head and he stood up, just to sit on your bed and tried to pull you up so you were sitting.
You were just limbs and as you sat up, your head fell past his shoulder. Your chin resting on it as your chest was laying on his.
"Sodo." you finally whimpered.
You had recognized him.
"Yeah, it's me darling."
"You're talking to me." She sobs.
And Sodo’s heart couldn’t hold it anymore.
It broke on itself and tears started to well up in his eyes.
And a sudden wave of immense sadness and pain washed over him.
He was overwhelmed by sorrow.
It took him a second to realize it was your pain he was feeling.
His arms encircled you and he hugged you like he had never hug anyone.
"I'm so sorry. l'm so sorry. I was being immature. It was never your fault. For anything. I let my guitar lay around. I was an asshole to get angry at something so stupid. It was just buttons. I didn't mean anything I say. Please believe me. I love you. I love you so much. Please."
You closed your eyes from relief.
Your head was still hurting you like hell therefore the need to vomit was starting to vanish.
But then your mind reminded you of those past 3 weeks.
"Why? Why did you do that to me? For 3 weeks. You're lying. You don't love me.."
You tried to get out of his embrace but you were just too weak.
"I'm sorry. I was angry at myself. And then I thought you would never forgive me. That you were just better without someone so immature. I'm so sorry. I don't want our relationship to get toxic. l'll never do that to you again. I'm so sorry. l've never been more miserable. Please come back."
You cried even harder as you heard Sodo's own cries.
"I don't know. I don't know. I'm so tired Sodo. I love you so much. But right now I'm too tired to think."
"Okay, okay don't worry darling. I brought you some biscuits so you can eat and then we'll just lay down and talk about all this tomorrow. Do you want me to go ?”
"Please. Stay. I need you to hold me."
Sodo nodded. He didn't loose his grip on you as you both laid down on the bed.
He hugged you from behind.
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry. So sorry." He sobs quietly.
"I know Sodo." whispered as your mind drifted into unconsciousness.
The ringing in your ears had stopped.
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duckchu · 7 months
… Hello, I hope it's not rude I'm just looking for drabbles or anything League of Legends since I'm in the mood to read the LoL fandom content after being away for a while…
Coincidentally when I found out about Heartsteel when I was watching anime edits with LoL songs and I was like WTH??! And an idea came up and now I'm hungry for some crackhead and platonic cuteness (For Yone + Yasu) and romance (for othe boys).
So can I please ask for headcannons or drabbles (you can choose which is easier) of the Heartsteel Boys (Kayn, Aphelios, Sett and Ezreal separately) having a crush on F! Reader who is a game streamer and is the little sister of Yone and Yasu who is the living example of Wife Material with an affectionate and bubbly cinnamon roll personality?
She likes to take care of her siblings even though she's the youngest (Yone and Yasu would kill if someone hurt her, good luck running away from them) and spoils them rotten! Are they both always busy and stressed with the whole band and Idol thing?
No problem, she, with her divine culinary skills, cooks their favorites or prepares them a lunch box with nutritious homemade food or brings them some snacks after an exhausting day of recording MVs and songs. (Sometimes she likes to deliver it in person, especially if they are showing hints of extreme exhaustion).
Sore muscles? Nah, her angelic hands know how to work and ease any tension and pain. Do they need a shoulder to vent on? Okay, she's there ready to listen and support her siblings and shower them with comfort and words of affirmation when they're on the verge of burning out.
Trouble sleeping and sleep schedule being a mess? Enjoy her divine voice when she sings and Yone and Yasu are out in seconds for a nice nap (Yasu looks dead when he naps on her lap, if it weren't for his noisy snoring while Yone looks like a cat almost purring when she massage his scalp with her fingers lmao) or a good night's sleep.
Need help with other household tasks? Fear not, she is ready to help! Do any conflicts or fights arise? She is a good mediator! Someone being a brat? Nah, she just needs to look strictly and sternly and that's enough for them to stop being brats and shut up.
But she's also the precious cinnamon roll who is the kind of cinnamon roll who can kick ass if someone is being toxic and mean to her brothers because when she's really mad it's not a pretty sight… (Yone and Yasu are secretly highkey traumatized from the first time she got really mad when they saw her pissed off frown when she threatened to beat up a bully who picked on Yasu when they were younger).
But also her brothers overworking themselves? Nuh-uh! Not when she's watching! She doesn't care if she's the youngest, she'll scold them as if she were the the oldest and they are going to listen to what she wants to say, willing or not!
(My lil brainrot bonus: Here was a time that everyone in True Damage saw Yasu who was kneeling on the floor in front of his little sister for fear of irritating her even more while still being scolded for over an hour for neglecting his health while he was running on energy drinks and fast food and messing with his sleeping schedule, she understands that he is part of a famous band but it doesn't stop her from saying 'I know how important music is to you, but for Heavens' sakes! Don't sacrifice your health Yasu! I don't want to receive the news that you passed out and I have to visit you in a hospital bed!')
Holy...this is a long request but also this was my reaction reading it
I've decided to do headcanons since I feel their easier to showcase all of their personalities (also decided to add platonic K'Sante)
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When he first saw you, he thought you were lame
You came on set to give Yone some food and he noticed how bubbly you were
But then he had a thought
You were kinda cute
So he nabbed some food from Yone
And laughed as you protested
Which got him an elbow between the ribs from you
Next day he was surprised to see you come to the shoot again, this time with food for all of them
Decided he needed you to be his wife
Started flirting with you mercilessly
Yone wasn't pleased
But you looked so cute flustered~
It was only to cover his own embarrassment tho
It's not his fault you're just perfect for him
A cute little thing for him to ruin ~
When he saw you, it was love at first sight
Like heart eyes all that jazz
Yone noticied
But honestly, he prefers him to for example Kayn
How could Phel not fall for you?
You were just perfect
Every time you came by to make sure Yone wasn't overworking himself, you were so sweet to him
Sometimes even bringing by food for him
He always thought he wasn't really the guy to fall in love
But there you were, making him all soft
You were just Yone's little sister, no one to be bothered about
But why did he feel so warm everytime you came over?
And you did often to check up on Yone
And Ezreal always thought you didn't mean much to him
But there he was, head over heels for you
And slowly realising it
And so was everyone else
The way he was stealing glances everytime you were busy with something
If looks could kill, he'd be dead
At least that's what he thought from the way Yone was glaring at him
At the begining, he didn't think much of you
You were just Yone's sister, someone who came over frequently but that was that
Untill he started noticing how you treated everyone
You were really kind, always bringing over something to eat and a shoulder to cry on
How could he not fall in love with you?
Yone's gonna kill him, but it's worth it
He met during an unfortunate situation
It was him finding out Aphelios replaced his protein powder with flour
He was furious
Almost killed Aphelios right in front of you
But you were a great meditator so you managed to make Aphelios live to see another day
And K'Sante gained a person to talk to
Since he's usually the one giving out advice, he has problems with opening up himself
But you were so nice to him and didn't push him at all so it became natural
Especially if you were staying for the night and he happened tobe grabbing a glass of water at the same time as you
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wintersoldiersoul · 7 months
She's Here
Summary: When you lose one of the most important people in your life, Bucky is there to support you
TWS: Death of a loved one (best friend), suicide and depression, grief, angst, fluff, talk about what happens after death
You were at your happiest just sitting on the couch with Bucky. It was a rare occurrence that you both had free time like this so you took full advantage when you did. Your body rested against his with his arms wrapped around you, both of you focused on the movie playing on the tv screen. Bucky’s hand idly played with your hair, running the strands through his fingers in the most comforting way.
Suddenly, your phone rang, breaking you out of the peaceful trance you had been in. It was a random number, so you ignored it. But then it rang again. And again. You answered it, curiosity peaked at who was calling you so many times.
“Y/N?” A female voice said over the line. “It’s Y/B/F/N’s mom.” The woman was clearly crying.
Your heart rate picked up. Why was your best friend’s mother calling you at this hour on a friday night? “Is everything okay?” You said, panic rising in your own voice. Bucky’s eyes were fixed on you as you sat up, suddenly much more alert than you had been.
You went stone cold at the next words. She was dead. Your best friend in the entire world, was dead. She had killed herself. She had lost the battle with depression that you knew she had faced her entire life. 
You hung up the phone a moment later with shaking hands. You stared out into the vast openness off the room, not knowing what to do. 
“Baby?” Bucky whispered. He knew something was wrong.
“She’s dead.” Your voice was barely audible. You couldn’t believe you were saying the words out loud. Just hours ago you had spoken to your best friend on the phone, talking about her upcoming trip to visit you in New York. “Y/B/F/N is dead.” 
“What do you need?” Bucky asked immediately. He wanted to wrap you up and hold you but he also understood if you just needed space. He didn’t wanna startle you.
You looked up at him, mouth open, trying to find words. You had no idea what you needed at this moment.
Your body fell into him as the sobs started to wrack your body. He held you close, like he was afraid you might slip away. “I’m so so sorry,” he whispered.
Bucky was no stranger to losing people that he loved. Sure, it might not have been exactly the same. He had woken up from decades of brainwashing in a brand new world, a world where everyone he loved was dead. But still, he understood the feeling of grief.
He knew how close you and your best friend were. You had grown up together. Had done everything together. You never missed your weekly calls, even if you were busy. You always made the time because she was the most important person in your life, next to Bucky. Losing her was like losing half of yourself.
“I-I don’t know what to do!” You cried, struggling to breathe.
Bucky didn’t let go of you that night, carrying you to bed while you sobbed until he finally got you calm enough to sleep.
Three days later
You stared at your reflection in the mirror. This isn’t real, you thought as you smoothed the black dress on your body. This isn't real. She’s gonna call me any second. 
“Are you ready?” Bucky’s gentle voice said. He sounded so far away. Everything sounded, and felt so far away. This isn’t real. 
You sighed. “No. I don’t think there’s any way for me to be ready for this.”
“Today is gonna be hard, I’m not gonna lie.” He walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your frame from behind, just trying to give you comfort in any way. “But I’ll be there the whole time. I’ll be right next to you.”
You cried when you saw her parents. Her siblings. You cried again when the service started, but pulled yourself together before it was your turn to speak.
“Hi everyone,” you began, voice already shaking. “My name is Y/N. Y/B/F/N was my best friend in the entire world. She was my sister.” Your voice cracked as you spoke and you paused to collect yourself. “It’s impossible to put our friendship into words.” You couldn’t control it anymore as a sob rang out from the depths of your body. Bucky immediately rushed up, prepared to do whatever you needed to help you get through the speech. “I-I can’t,” you whispered so only he could hear it.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he said quietly. He unwrapped himself from you and took your place at the podium. “We became friends on the first day of kindergarten,” Bucky spoke, reading your words for you to the crowd. “The first thing she said to me was that my shoes were ugly and that we had to hang out so that she could pick out new ones for me.” 
You watched from the side as his steady voice recounted your relationship with your best friend. You wished you were stronger. That you could have read the words yourself. But at least Bucky was there to step in when you couldn’t. It was important to you that the things you had written were heard by everyone in that room.
Back at her mother’s house, after the service, you greeted person after person who gave their condolences. It felt like a broken record, sitting there, saying thank you to each and every person who walked through the door. You were exhausted.
“We can go home, baby,” Bucky said, noticing the sad, empty look in your eyes.
You nodded in agreement, suddenly unable to bear another moment of the current setting you were in. 
“I could have done more.” Those were the first words you said when you and Bucky walked into the threshold of your home. “I could have helped her! I could have saved her!”
“Oh angel…” He hugged you, rubbing a comforting hand up and down your back. “You were always there for her. Every single day. You never missed a phone call, never left a text unanswered. She was your world. And she knew that. Trust me, she knew.”
“But what if there was something else I could have done?” You raised your voice, the anger stage of grief beginning to hit. “I should have noticed she wasn’t okay! I- I thought she was better! I thought she was doing better but she wasn’t and I should have known!”
Bucky’s eyes were full of pain. His heart was shattered into so many pieces on your behalf. “Listen to me. You did everything that you could. This is not your fault.”
“I just…” your voice trailed off. “I should have known,” you finished, quietly. “I wish I could tell her how much I love her just one more time. I need her to know.” Hot tears burned down your face.
“She knows. Somewhere, somehow, she knows. She will always know.” 
Later that night, you and Bucky laid in bed. “What do you believe in, when it comes to death?” you asked.
“Honestly? I have no idea,” he said. “I don’t know if I believe in heaven and hell in a traditional sense. But since I don’t know, I chose to believe whatever brings me comfort. I think that people who pass are watching over us, somehow. I like to believe that they can see us and hear us. And that they show themselves to us through the little things. Like a breeze blowing when you think of them. Or even a dream. I think that the dead have their ways of communicating with us.” He stroked your hair as he spoke.
“I like that,” you replied. “I’ve never really known what to believe either. I guess I’ve never really believed in anything. But you’re right. If we don’t know what actually happens, we have to believe in whatever gives comfort.”
“She’s here with you, baby. Somehow, she’s here. And she knows how much you love and miss her.”
You curled up against him. “I don’t know how to live without her,” you said, another round of tears spilling.
“She’s with you, honey. She is.” 
A week later, you and Bucky were on a walk. He tried to get you out of the house as much as possible, terrified that your grief would overtake you and pull you into a darkness that you’d never climb out of. 
“Tell me a story about her,” he said, his hand clutching yours.
“She loved rain,” you laughed lightly. “She was always forcing me to go outside in the rain with her. I don’t know why. But I can’t even tell you how many times we just ran around, getting soaked until we both ended up with colds.”
Bucky smiled at you as you spoke, telling him stories about you and your best friend and how you would stay outside for hours getting drenched.
As you continued, the sky turned gray. Thick, heavy raindrops pounded on the pavement.
“See that?” Bucky said. “She’s here with you. She’ll always be here.”
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kel-lance · 8 days
JJK Mafia Au (JJK x Reader) PART 4
(quick chapter//moving plot)
- TW: Dead dove dont read (DDDR) Minors do not interact (MDNI): SA, Physical Assault, DubCon, NonCon, Mindbreak, Public Humiliation, Breeding, Ownership, Gaslighting, Multiple manipulation, RWORD, PTSD, a lot more toxic sh.
Reader lives in a city where the two biggest gangs keep things line until the third gang showed up. That had nothing to do with you though, until dumb luck just happened to favor you one day. Basically You’re picked up and used by every dangerous criminal within the clans due to some alliances they had to create due to some members messing up the previous alliances. ((Almost everyone’s gonna have a turn 🤗)) ( i have 12 chapters planned out right now meaning after i write those ill still be writing more.)
AN: Sorry for the long update i'm trying not to get evicted bc i was fired a while ago bc of a protest (surprise surprise big companies don't like or care about palestine or other places like it.) but i had to give away my cats and am still struggling i have my socials in my masterpost if you could help if not its okay ily, I hope you like it
After the three took a break from you, Sukuna pushed Yuuji towards you. Todo just follows along, trying to make sure Sukuna doesn't kill Yuuji as they just don't know what Sukuna could be thinking at times like these.
You lay a top the bed, sheets strayed, your hair messy, your whole body sweaty and broken, you entirely were weak, and Yuuji couldn't stop saying sorry to your fucked out face. "Let's see what you got."
You didn't feel anything for a few minutes until Todo broke the silence. "You've got to do something, brother, you know I'll back you up."
Yuuji just continued to stand there. If he were to fight Sukuna with Todo on his back, he wouldn't know who else would fight with them. Todo would lose everything he already has and would blindly die for him, which he would never ask for. But if he were to go through with fucking you again for Sukuna's enjoyment, Todo would also have to add himself into the situation. This double edged sword was going to stab him either way, but which would hurt you less?
"Don't take too long..." The leader made motion that he was going to start walking towards you two. "NO." Yuuji covered you on the bed, staring off back at his older brother. Todo comes behind Yuuji, putting a hand on his shoulder before giving him a look, and sighing understandingly as he stripped off his shirt.
Todo and Yuuji's was almost awfully awkward at first. They just felt bad, not being able to tell if you were even conscious anymore and continuing to do to you what they were doing.
Really they weren’t allowed to stop until Sukuna was satisfied. Until Yuuji was sobbing, begging him to give you and everyone else a rest. He was asking what would it take to stop this?
The older brother taunts, “Maybe we’ll keep her til she births one of our children, or multiple if she can create sufficient and strong offspring. I don’t know, Yuuji, should I start a farm because of you? I heard the Zenin clan is somewhat similar…”
“Please, please, Sukuna what do you want?” He was breathless. “This has to stop, you can’t-.”
He stops his younger brother, “I have, I did, and I can continue this for as long as you both live. I think that may be the conclusion I’ll come to, don’t you think it would be fun to be an uncle?” His big hands caress your stomach, feigning tenderness to his soon to be child or “sibling’s” child.
- You go back to your room where you stay in for a week.
- A random night, someone breaks in and tries to kidnap you and you didn’t know who it was, obviously you weren’t going with them without an explanation.
-That caused you to fight back as your dealing with everything so far, you were getting pissed being treated like a doll. The person who broke in gets captured, just before he says “Yuuji’s waiting outside, trust me.”
- Sukuna's family come in trying to make sense of the situation and the others had captured the mystery guy
- That's not before he throws you to two female ninjas. They secure you quickly and run back to their master Toji.
- their clan/gang is super powerful, the twins you can guess are Maki and Mai, and Sukuna (the new head of one of the three big families that control the large part of the area, the head of the Kamo gang) had just kidnapped their son, even if he did happen to barge in.
- Megumi’s been friends w Yuuji since they were kids but they never shared that.
- they met bc they were fighting bc yuuji was taught to fight ppl who give them looks (Sukuna wanted him to protect the family name no matter what, and megumi just had that face… and when they realized that they were part of the other side they had to come to extremes before realizing they were different from their families.
- they knocked each other out senseless and somehow one was still alive, megumi sat with yuuji while he regained consciousness and they started to talk more. Battered and bloodied but Yuuji finding the humor in it while Megumi thinks enough to like his character and realizes he’s just a big strong idiot.
- Maki and Mai are close, as sisters should be and they both have their loves (nobara and momo) and we all have to go team up with the gojo clan in order to make sure this trade off is safe and megumi and yuuji aren’t dead
- because now yuuji is with you at the toji clan too, it was supposed to be just you getting captured and then yuuji leaves to live his own life but now he’s in front of toji saying it was his fault that megumi’s now with his brother (sukuna)
- Yuuji explains that he and his son were friends since childhood, he says everything and everyone's on edge bc toji does what he wants, whenever, whatever, really anything for money.
- He says he knows he doesn’t have money, but the only thing he does have was something they both risked their lives for, so toji gets curious and wants to try you out.
- Toji fucks you senseless, making you think the train ran on you were more merciful. He was trying every hole, every position, just dressing you up and doing whatever he could with you, you were actually at your limit with him, enough to bring you back enough to start fighting again. You were getting sick of it, actually you think you were getting sick.
His inconsideration was on par with Sukuna's, though Sukuna cared more about his new objects while Toji wants them to know their place and to leave when he tells them to. He had to know why they would do all that for you//how did you survive so long in that clan he just has to see how durable you are and he’s LOVING IT.
- He asks you what you’ve been through and you don’t respond so he hits you again and again but you don’t cry so he does it AGAIN and you flinch enough to stop him, and start taking off his pants. His only response was "e’s like "Oh so they already trained you."
- You suck his dick and he pulls you up to kiss him, by your neck and places you on his dick and fucks you in the air, using gravity to its full advantage, that was the start of it all before the days of relentless attention and use, you were more sore than any of them have put you in. The hitting, cuts, just the amount of violence he's integrated into your sessions felt like training again, but worse.
- He’s wondering if he could keep you as his slut but remembered that it would be stupid to start a war when his kid couldn’t keep it in his pants. He blames Megumi for having a cold heart compared to his father's icy one.
- Toji makes up his mind to help and plans to betray/kill the sukuna clan when they get megumi back bc he doesn’t care but doesn’t say that.
-He plans a meeting with the other clan the top three have been fighting over the position of this location for years and now and ofc they’re all on edge.
- Gojo comes to the meeting with his clan, they’re not worried bc they know some of their clan can befriend some of the others involved. No ones been dead so they have some sort of unspoken treaty to leave each other alone but they never asked much from the other ever.
- Gojo settles down with his group, smug and tired bc everyone needs them to fix other peoples' problems for them. The community relied on the Gojo Clan to protect them when they also work with the Kamo and Zenin gangs, the people outside are just as gullible. He sits down and asks what could big ol Toji need from him,
- “It’s Megumi”
- Gojo drops his smile. Their other unspoken alliance was when Megumi was beaten up at a really young age bc of his status and itadori happened to be there too (same elementary school). Gojo beats the fuck out of the people who targeted the kids/second to heir the clans, and left, but Megumi finds him and asks why would he help them.
- Gojo said he can’t have his competition get angry, his people are at stake. (referencing to the shifting power in-between the gangs that they didn't know about yet, and that his person was leaving his clan to join the other, he didn't know why he was doing anything anymore at that point but he couldn't let more powerless powerful children get hated on.) Megumi says thank you and takes Itadori back near his gang before disappearing back to his clan.
- Gojo actually has been in contact with his friend who's joined the other clan. That's how he knows what's usually going on with them to keep them rangled up and behaving as much as they could to not cause trouble or cause attention to groups like theirs.
Gojo and Geto were very young when they met, and since their lives were everything but normal, they were given the chance to take in more young bodies to add to their clan. They raised them together, but geto left.
Gojo begged for days for him to reconsider, they day he left he was inconsolable, especially since he took the twins too. Geto couldn't separate the girls, but he could separate himself from Gojo, in his head it's to help Gojo in the future because of the power he'll have.
Gojo didn't care about that, he didn't want help he just wanted Geto. That was all he needed, he had decided. He could have ruled the world and done it confidently if he had Geto by his side, but things don't go through when you're young, and now you're about to catch as many years he hadn't been able to get out.
- He's not nice at all when you're under his care. With Geto leaving at a critical age in learning, his feelings had been all over the place. He was completely disordered, his goals and morals and everything went awry, with the years he couldn't get himself out of the timestamp of when he knew happiness.
- So he asks you about Geto, his best friend, the only one that could make him feel real again. The one person who didn't do things for him because of his name and status, and yet left with the excuse of protecting Gojo from future evil. It was enough to drive the strongest insane.
- He asks you everything by torture, not too physical that anyone can see. WHen trading you back you should at least look and act like you're in the same condition, if not better than what you were when they traded you off. Just anything that Toji didn't already give you, Gojo would have mindless enjoyment from digging his fingers into the fatter parts of your belly, legs, and forearms.
- He’s only doing this to see Geto again. He just wants to pass the time until he can finally feel good again. He's strong, he's smart, he's beautiful, when would life be good to him instead of him making everyone else's lives better just by being there. It made him coky, it made him secretly weak willed to his own desires, so his processing was different than most.
- He asks u what he looked like and everything about him while fucking you. it was the closest he’s got rn. "I don't know's" made him reel back more, his strikes becoming almost boneshaking and shattering. He was making Toji seem gentle. Now that something he cares about is just a memory away, he just couldn't stop himself.
-You were so close to him, even if you never spoke to him, even if you never saw him in the maybe month you were staying at the Pink haired clan. But his aura seemed to have darkened when you mentioned twins. There were just so many either of you could have known but it just seemed to rile him up more. Seriously you would need a doctor and healing time after this. You couldn't let that happen again.
-There was nothing else to take from it, it was a hell you would only wish for the person already committing it. It made you miss the tenderness of Sukuna and the warmth of Toji, it didn't matter what they did or how you got there, anything sounded better than Gojo being without his favorite things. And you were barely part of it.
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demonslayedher · 5 months
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Things that ran through my mind while watching this episode: --Ufotable says "jump" and FujiTV says "how high?" Likewise, they say "we want more run time" and FujiTV says "take it, it's yours." It seems odd that an episode in which the battle is already over would require extra run time, but I think a lot of the magic in of the KnY anime adaptation (particularly since Mugen Ressha) is that Ufotable lets the emotional scenes really open up and take the space they need to, uh... breathe.
--That means giving the voice actors lots of space on the emotional scenes to build up realistic crying and give pauses. Daki's crying always hits me hardest, but Gyutaro's narration and the way he talks to the samurai he kills, also excellent. And then you have Inosuke at the very end of the episode being Not Okay. --Suma, you are a treasure
--Backing up a bit, I love how Ufotable also reads being the panels. Like that "you saved me, Nezuko?" sure as help can mean "you eliminated the last of an Upper Moon's attack with her fire?" why not. And it is such Kimetsu Logic to not tell us Nezuko can eliminate demon poison until after she's saved the night, but it also makes perfect sense.
--After all the sting of losing Rengoku, losing Uzui was dangled in front of us, and the fact that we get to keep him makes this victory over an Upper Moon all the more victorious and sweet. Oyakata-sama's moment of feel on emotion at the end of the episode, a very different state than we've ever seen him, really shows how momentous this is too.
--But also, if he had died there, it truly would have been one of the most horrific deaths of the series, because he'd have done so with the very flamboyant knowledge of having missed his chance to say any last words because his wives were being so themselves. And he is just there just feeling numbness take over his tongue, knowing he lost his chance. I love that look on his face as it hits him that this is really how he's stuck going, and the rocks hitting is still peak comedy.
--I mentioned in the last episode just how fast this whole battle was, and I think this provides very interesting insight about Iguro in a couple ways. First, there is the possibility that a crow went seeking Iguro's help the moment it say a Corp member fighting an Upper Moon (Tanjiro fighting Daki, who could still be mistaken for an Upper Moon at the time), but the crow still needed time to get to wherever Iguro was. Iguro probably started running as soon as he heard, but the battle really was over too fast for him to help. The other possibility is that as soon as Uzui told Tanjiro and Inosuke to leave, he reached out to Iguro for help, which would imply both A) humility and B) perhaps aside from proximity, he chose Iguro as the best choice of a Pillar to help him with this mission, whether based on the merits of Snake Breath or his trust in Iguro. Either way, Iguro already knew Tanjiro was involved--perhaps Uzui mentioned it (in which case, Iguro would had thought Tanjiro left as ordered), or the crow specifically told him, "Kamado Tanjiro is going head to head against an Upper Moon," in which case he of course assumed Tanjiro was already dead.
--This is actually a great moment of characterization for Iguro, who sees no personal value in living except to fight demons, as he does not seem himself deserving of love. That gives him no way to understand how Uzui would dare to prioritize a loving married life.
--Of course, the course of this episode is the Shabana sibling back story, and I think it's one of the demon backstories with layers of irony most seamlessly worked into the events of the plot. Besides the Kamado sibling foil, you've got Gyutaro calling Tanjiro names, Daki telling Zenitsu that only the beautiful have power, Daki getting set on fire by Nezuko, Daki offering to pluck out and eat Tanjiro's left eye and having Gyutaro's left eye on her forehead, snow on the night they became demons and snow on the night of the promise they are strongest together, memories of snow while facing the fires of hell, choosing the darkness over the light, Gyutaro starting with a horrid existence by finding Ume's birth changed all that and his outlook totally improved, and just when he thinks things are going to really get better they get horrifically worse, and he changes his tune to saying that never had anything good in the first place and no matter how many times he's reborn he'll always rue those who had things good for them. Ume was the good change in his fortune. That makes it hurt all the more when he yells at her that his life would had been easier without her, and that this rejection continues into the afterlife when he tries to cut ties for her own sake.
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parkersbliss · 2 years
Peach | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x gn!reader
wc; 1.4K
warnings: violence, cursing, evil ben being mean
synopsis: Another attempt to save the world, and another timeline messed up… how do you and Five get out of this one?
a/n: obviously idk if that’s how this scene will play out but it’s my best guess! only a few more days!
requests: CLOSED
prompts: 028: “Hey, hey, hey, I’m right here.” 046: “Tell me you want this too.”
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list
“Shit,” Five breathed out.
You stood next to him, the same feeling washing over you.
“What is with the cube?” You whispered.
“No fucking clue,” Came Five’s reply.
Klaus rubs his eyes, taking a step forward. “Is that Ben?”
Ben looks Klaus up and down, frowning. “Who the hell are you, losers?”
Klaus slaps a hand over his heart. “Wow, he just got meaner.”
“There wasn’t a mean bone in his body, to begin with,” Viktor interjects.
Ben rolls his eyes at that, turning back to his siblings. They walk down the stairs and you want to barf at the sight of their stupid little uniforms.
“Listen, why don’t we all have a nice level-headed conversation about this, hm?” Luther asks. “Hi, I’m Luther.”
Ben smiles at him. “Hi, I’m I don’t give a shit and get out.”
You try to stifle your laugh at Luther’s failed attempt to converse with these people. Their distaste for you was obvious.
“If we kill you, do we get our Ben back?” Diego inquires.
Five lets out a groan next to you as Ben snaps his eyes towards him. “What the hell did you just say?”
“I feel like now is a good time to run,” Klaus suggests.
“Yup,” Allison agrees.
Five puts a hand to your back, pushing you out of the room. “Run!”
Five’s hand moves from your back to your hand as he jumps you both further down the hallway.
“So he replaced you guys?” You asked, following Five and taking a sharp right turn.
“Guess so. Can’t blame him after what he saw.”
“They’re so much… meaner,” You said as Five turns down another corridor.
It’s here Allison and Luther come running down, meeting you in the middle with one of the Sparrow academy members pursuing them. Suddenly, she cracks her back, and birds start flying towards you.
“Birds?” You shriek, scrambling after Allison and watching Five slam the door in the bird's face.
“Whose superpower are birds?” You pant, gesturing outside the door.
Allison shakes her head. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.”
At the sound of footsteps down the hall, you take off running again, losing both Allison and Luther. Five stops at a dead-end, cursing before jumping with you to the second floor.
Of course, someone else is already there, and Five slowly turns around to meet them. She has dark hair and green eyes. Honestly, she weirdly resembled Five.
“So, can I ask what your powers are before we engage in an exchange of fists?” You asked.
She just scoffs at you, and you nod your head. “Yeah, okay, at least I was polite.”
Five steps in front of you, concealing you from view as he eyes her up and down.
“What are you, their mascot?” She taunts Five.
He blinks behind her, throwing a punch across her face and smiling when falls to the floor. “More like their ringer.”
She narrows her eyes at Five, and out of nowhere, spits a black venom at him.
“What the fuck!” You exclaim, running to his side. “Did you just spit at him?”
She only blows a kiss at you in response. You turn back to Five only to find him in a trance. He stands still, staring into nothing and eyes glossed over.
“What did you do to him?” You hiss.
She just shrugs before spitting at you.
In response, you conjure a shield and easily deflect it. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you to floss?”
You dissipate your shield before sweeping your arms and enveloping the whole area in shadows. You can see her clearly. She’s spinning around in circles blindly. You chuckle before approaching her and punching her straight in the nose. She stumbles back, hand reaching out to find you, but you vanish into another part of the darkness. This time, you're behind her, and you kick the back of her legs to make her fold.
Again, she reaches out for you, and you vanish. She shouts in frustration, and you clear the shadows, stopping right in front of her. A blade vaporizes in your hands, and when she sees you, you kick her in the face.
She falls back to the floor, holding her face, blood dripping. You throw the blade right by her neck, letting it barely skim her before it vaporizes into nothing. You conjure two more in your hands and grin down at her.
“Reverse it,” You seethe, gripping your shadow dagger tighter.
But before anything happens, something grabs onto your leg and drags you towards the stairs. Your back crashes against the metal railings looking over the living room, and you groan. The girl spits at you again, but you’re quick enough to vanish and hide in Five’s shadow.
She stomps her foot in annoyance before running down the stairs towards Ben. Once she’s gone, you reappear in front of Five and shake his shoulders.
“Five?” You whisper.
No response. You snap your fingers in front of his face, still calling his name but nothing. He’s shaking in your grasp, eyes screwed shut.
“Five!” You shout.
Still nothing. You begin to panic, seeing he’s in obvious pain. Your eyes fall to the black venom on his forehead, and you frown. With one hand, you push back his hair, and with the other, you hover over the black goo. You use your shadow to fuel little claws that pick up the venom and throw it elsewhere in the room. As soon as it’s removed from Five, he collapses. You try your best to catch him, but you both end up on the ground in a mess.
He’s crying, and you try your best to calm him, feeling your heart break.
“Hey, Hey, Hey, I’m right here,” You whisper against his skin, hugging him close as he clings to your jacket. “It’s not real, whatever she did. It’s gone. You’re okay.”
You glance around, still clinging to the boy, and note that you need to get out of here. In a flash, you use the shadows to teleport right outside the academy.
“Five?” You called softly. “Hey.”
He continues to hiccup, breathes still ragged, and you wonder what happened to him. You’ve never seen Five like this. He was in complete distress, and you weren’t sure how to calm him down. Normally, he’s the one calming you down.
You cup his face in your hands, locking eyes with him. “Five!”
He just shakes his head, and you let out a sigh. She really fucked with his head, and you were so going to enjoy taking her down later.
You press your forehead to his, trying to get him to understand that it’s just you. There was no trick, no illusion.
He sniffles, eyes meeting yours, and his breathing starts to calm a little. Your hand finds his, intertwining them as he continues to calm down.
“It’s okay,” You assure. “It’s just me, Five.”
His eyebrows knit together in confusion. His eyes trace your face before one cups your cheek, eyes flickering towards your lips. “Tell me you want this too.”
You’re confused at the sudden phrase, given the boy was just in tears earlier, but you give in anyway. Your lips meet his halfway, and he tastes like bitter coffee and tears. You don’t mind, of course. In fact, you could get drunk on it. You squeeze his hand before pulling back.
“It’s you,” He breathes out.
“I only said that like five times,” You said with a light laugh. “But you had to kiss me to determine that?”
“Peach,” He replied. “You’re always using the same peach chapstick since we met. It’s such a small detail that can only apply to real life. If you were an illusion… you wouldn’t taste like peach because no one else knows that.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, your cheeks burning from what he said.
“And maybe because I wanted to kiss you.”
“There it is,” You tease.
Five rolls his eyes before standing up and taking you with him, given your hands were still intertwined.
“What did she do to you, Five?”
He just clicks his tongue. “Doesn’t matter. What does matter is we might just have to save the world again.”
“Third time is a charm,” You said with a grin. “Now, c’mon, we need a plan to take down that lack of personal hygiene bitch.”
“So that’s what you named her?”
“Wanna hear the others?”
Five smiles, leading you away from the sparrow academy. “List them all, darling.”
— END —
🏷 Five Taglist: @clearbasementvoid
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citrus-soju · 3 months
I already talked about it in this post, but I want to share all of my thoughts properly.
The Metal Masked Assassin (I'll refer to him as MMA) was an incredibly unlucky person when you think about it. His mother passed away right after he was born. It's assumed she either died of blood loss due to birth complications, or she might have even been murdered, due to her baby being born with albinism.
We don't know anything about his father's whereabouts, if he's alive or dead, if he would take his children in if he knew. Either way, he's not in the picture. But unluckily, MMA was "left a brother".
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Logically, we can put together that MMA's brother was older than him. We don't know for sure how many years the two siblings were apart, though. Judging by the picture of them as teens, their age difference doesn't appear to be too great. Of course, MMA might simply be tall, even as a teenager, and looking older than he really is.
There's also a possibility that, while both of them are depicted as teenagers in this picture, Agent 216 was actually already an adult while MMA was still young. It would make more sense for authorities to leave an infant in the care of a relative who's over at least 16 years old than leaving two young children completely on their own.
We can only speculate about their childhood years, honestly, since there is not much known at all. They could have been adopted by a distant relative, placed in a foster family, given up for adoption... But one thing is for sure, just from looking at these pictures - Even as teenagers, they were already prone to violence, and already hiding their faces.
Perhaps they got by thanks to armed robberies, perhaps they were already training to be assassins at this age. Personally, I'm voting for the first option, just because their clothes appear to be in a bad condition, holes and all, which is not the case in the image depicting them as adults. Their weapon of choice is also quite different; the bat and axe being more commonly used for self protection or work, and the machete/knife looking much more professional.
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But now to the part I've been wanting to talk about.
Let's start with what we know about Agent 216. According to General Crozier, he is a "trained killer". That means, someone, or some kind of organization, must have taken him under their wing and taught him the art of being an assassin at some point. At least as a teenager. It's never specified where the two assassins got their education from. But however and wherever they spent their youth; Agent 216 was most likely the more skilled assassin, considering he's the one the General confides in and claims to be "perfect".
Ah yes, General Crozier. At least as an adult, Agent 216 must have some sort of connection to the US Military, or at least General Crozier directly, since it's him who personally hires him, and then informs MMA about his death later. No other tribunal members are present, nor are they aware that he was hired to kill, not just to spy.
What I find really interesting is that Agent 216 has a tattoo of the FalconBack Project logo on his left arm. Whatever that means. It makes me wonder if he and Crozier have some kind of connection outside of the deal, and if the assassination attempt on Dethklok was more of a personal favor to the General instead of a one time deal. Whatever connection they have was apparently meaningful enough for Agent 216 to get involved in a top secret project led by Salacia himself - but not his younger brother.
This raises a whole bunch of questions, but that's for another day and another post.
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So where is MMA in all this? Where was he in all this?
While MMA is a violent person and seemingly has a passion for murder, what stood out to me is that he is never actually seen involved in any assassination related jobs that don't directly involve avenging his dead brother in a way - besides that one time where he's introduced. The people he fixates on besides Dethklok themselves are Klokateers and Charles Ofdensen, in particular. Perhaps that can simply be blamed on MMA's lack of screen time, but I would leave it up to Brendon Small to consider any small detail.
MMA appears to be as goal driven and determined as he is violent, with only a single goal in mind throughout the entire series - avenging Agent 216, regardless of what it may cost. He's willing to dispose of anyone who gets in his way, including his allies (Magnus).
What I'm thinking is... what if he wasn't even a blade for hire before the death of his brother? What if the only reason why Crozier was able to "hire" him was because of his promise for revenge? What if Agent 216 was the "actual" assassin among them, while MMA was more or less a sick and dependent child who simply got caught up in the situation?
This sounds farfetched but hear me out.
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Regardless of how they grew up, regardless of what led up to this point; MMA's older brother was clearly very dear to him. So dear, in fact, that avenging him consumed every bit of space on his mind. While MMA willingly recruited people to assist him in his cause, for the most part, he used people who felt wronged by Dethklok for his own gain. Instead of viewing them as likeminded individuals, he saw them as underlings. Even Magnus, who did most of the "negotiating" during DSR, treated Toki's wounds and fed him, was just a puppet to MMA in the end. Once Magnus didn't cooperate with him anymore (claiming that the death of Ishnifus "wasn't part of his plan"), MMA didn't hesitate to show who's the REAL mastermind behind it all ("this was never your plan").
Throughout the series, we definitely saw that MMA has a tendency to use people for his benefit, and discard them once they're no longer useful to him, without any consideration for their feelings, or even their lives. We also learn that he's not much of a "talker" and much rather a "do-er". He leaves all the talking to Magnus, who dramatically goes off to Toki and Abigail about his reasoning, while MMA is in the background only thinking about revenge and his brother.
He seems to do very poorly with things not going his way. He doesn't listen to instructions from Crozier. He refuses to let Magnus berate him. Like a child, he no longer wants to play the game if it's not by his rules.
This is acquired behavior. Which means, somebody taught him that this is the way to go through live. Most likely - his older brother.
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While he clearly holds a lot of admiration for Agent 216, it makes me wonder. The contrast between how much he looks up to his brother and how much he looks down on other human beings is stark. It's almost like he looks up to his brother like he's some kind of God leading him on his path, even displaying his body during the torture of Toki and Abigail. He MIGHT just be a crazy dude with a lust for blood who saw an excuse to kill and torture. He MIGHT just be very obsessed with the only person he has a real connection with.
Or perhaps, his brother isn't the good person he views him as.
I believe Agent 216 might have always made MMA feel inferior to him, knowingly or not. Being labeled the "perfect" assassin, the older brother who was kind enough to raise an abandoned baby, the one fending for them. Plus, with MMA having some visible physical deformities, he most likely was the "better looking" one, too.
Perhaps the reason why MMA isn't seen assassinating anyone for other reasons than revenge is that his brother simply took the spotlight. In the best case, Agent 216 merely wanted to protect MMA from this kind of lifestyle, both because he's his little brother who he cared for, as well as considering Albinism comes with a long list of potential health issues, depending on the exact diagnosis. Examples are vision problems, ranging from nystagmus (rapid uncontrollable eye movements) to legal blindness, sensitivity to (sun)light in both eyes and skin, a weaker immune system, a higher risk of infections, premature aging, etc.
Or perhaps all these things were a lot of excuses for Agent 216 to treat his little brother harshly and cast him into the shadows.
Tidbits that made me put this together in my mind would be, for example, the fact that MMA is covered in scars, while Agent 216 is not. Strange, considering that his targets are mostly seen tied up, hanging from hooks or otherwise immobilized. And somehow, all these scars look the same. They all look as if they were inflicted by... a machete perhaps.
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In early concept art, MMA is shown with what appears to be burn marks. They almost look as if they were deliberately inflicted on him. The spotting doesn't exactly appear like he got caught in a fire, much rather that they came from separate instances.
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And one more thing, which might just be an observation I made that you might disagree with. But as someone who worked with both abused and disabled children in the past... I recognize some of his patterns and behaviors.
Looking up to the one person caring for him without even a second thought. Enduring great pain for their sake. HAPPILY doing so. Not being great at dealing with instructions. Not handling it well when someone disagrees with him or even scolds him. Letting the "adult Magnus" do the talking for him in difficult situations. Struggling to relate to people, perhaps even due to low emotional intelligence, or simply not understanding that people have feelings. Not CARING if they have feelings, possibly. Using people for his benefit, then discarding them like dolls he's done playing with once they're not useful anymore.
All acquired behaviors somebody taught him in his life.
Considering his condition, harsh upbringing and visible deformities, it wouldn't surprise me if he was a younger age mentally. His behavior is almost childlike in ways. The way he phrases things, too. Revengencers, instead of Revengers. The fact that he has these scars, yet his brother didn't have a single one on him.
This might be a reach. A big reach. But what if Agent 216 had him completely wrapped around his finger. All like "I had to endure so much for your sake, so I have a right to take my anger out on you", and perhaps followed up by an "I do this because I love you and because that's the only way you learn". I can see him making MMA feel inferior, for his appearance, for needing food, medication, comfort. Guilty for "killing" their mother. For being a burden. How dare he want love. Isn't it enough that he puts his life on the line for him every day? What is love? Baby don't hurt me
To me, he's a lost, disabled person stuck in a trauma bond with his brother until the end.
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Something I love about Tomura is how defiant he has always been. From day one, that was not a kid made to obey society norms, that was not a child the hero society could have tamed, that is not the type of personality that would have easily bent.
He was 5 years old and running from home 'cause he wanted to be a hero and he'd be a hero against his parents wishes, if necessary. He was asking his mother directly "why does my dad hate me?" and if it isn't why I love kids, when they cut straight to the bone, when they ask what adults wouldn't ask because they'd rather dance around it than admit the big problem. Tenko was 5 years old, the type of child would get rejected all the time but still he wouldn't give up on his desire to make friends, the type of kid that wouldn't cave in to the pressure of his peers. He had a rebellious sister, as rebellious as him, who would lie to her father saying that she wanted to be a housewife to make him happy and then go sneak on his office to find his secrets, the grandmother he never talks about, and she'd go fetch her little sibling to inspire him, to tell Tenko she was there with him, they could do it together, become heroes, escape that house, their dad.
And when things go to hell, when AFO finds him, when Tenko gets groomed and manipulated and lost his family, his memories, his identity and he's replaced by a version AFO created, Tomura does not give up control, not fully. A problem child, you would called it.
Tomura then decides to kill whoever hurts him. He is mentally unstable, doesn't know who he is even, he is dealing with enough trauma to nuke a town and that without counting that Tomura's primary caretakers are A) the greatest abuser and villain the bnha world has ever faced, B) a mad scientist that wants to turn Tomura into a zombie, C) the most functional zombie the mad scientist could create. He is isolated, brainwashed, tortured with the hands of his dead family all over his body to remind him of his pain and made him unable to escape his agony and mourning... The whole pack and yet Tomura rebelled.
A part of him, pieces of Tenko that keep leaking to his new identity, made Tomura different from the idea AFO had for him. Tomura rebelled against the heroes, against the system, against society itself, against the future and past and present of those beliefs. Tomura rebelled against other villains and refused to bow down to them. He criticized them openly and when he made his own group, Tomura acted totally different from the rest of villains. He was not just ordering around or ignoring them or faking affection to manipulate them. He never lied to them, told them more than what they wanted to hear at times, gave them free reign to act and trusted their judgement, never punished them for the decisions they took, Tomura respected them all, treated them like equals, listened to what they had to say, adapted to their desires, protected them and avenged them and fought for them and inspired them.
And when AFO possessed them, he fought AFO too. 15 years of abuse and emotional manipulation and grooming and brainwashing and none of that could stop Tenko's heart for its rebellious nature. When Mirio suggested he was sad 'cause he had no friends, Tomura corrected him passionately. He had friends. When the pro-heroes suggested he was naive, he tried to explain it again. To every person doubting his resolve and his purpose, he answered the same. Through the whole manga, he keeps fighting against people invalidating him, refusing to listen, refusing to accept, refussing to become what they want him to be.
That's the deepest parallel with Izuku, the kid who went against All Might himself when the hero told him he could not be like the rest. The concept of both Deku and Tomura determined to prove the people who doubt them wrong, the fact that they keep pushing against all odds, their resilience and determination and how they believe in themselves even if no one else, not even their parents, do it.
I really, really, reeeaaally wish Tenko would get his happy ending after all of these. To be so persistent you survive the worst anyone can suffer and come out on the other side still wanting to be a hero, it is something that I'll never get tired of watching.
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sofia-d-asb · 7 months
I absolutely love Arcadie - played many times (but still have some routes to do as I keep doing the same things over and over again). I do have a question if you have time to answer it. On my latest play through I noticed Stanislas' letter to Ariana. If Ariana HAD surrendered to him, along with the main character - would they have been allowed to live (like he says) or would he, or Kalltland have killed them?
I am simplifying Stanislas's motivations a bit below, otherwise this would turn into a novel in its own right.
Stanislas sends that letter because he knows Ariana would never surrender.
The letter accomplishes a couple of different things:
for his followers: proof they are not mindless killers
for himself: a way for him to not feel as bad about the whole thing, in a 'Look, I gave them a chance to surrender they were never going to take anyway, not my fault I have to kill them both now' kind of way
It is also a way of goading her into attacking before she can amass too many reinforcements (he mentions the dead parents' bodies on purpose, and the peaceful MC to drive a wedge between the two siblings).
If, by some miracle, Ariana had actually surrendered, that would have gone so much against Stanislas's expectations that he might actually have spared them both. Though I could see it going the other way, if he feels that there is the smallest chance of Ariana changing her mind down the line.
Kalltland would want both Ariana and the MC dead in any case.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Can I request yandere Michael Afton with Henry daughter that was protected by platknic yandere lefty?
Sure! Lefty is Charlotte in this, so Lefty is referred to as (She/her).
Yandere! Michael Afton with Henry's Daughter! Darling protected by Lefty
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic (Michael)/Platonic (Lefty) - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Overprotective behavior, Rivalry implied, Violence, Jealousy, Violence, She/Her Lefty, Trauma/Trauma bonding, Michael is a corpse, Death, Attempted murder, Forced companionship.
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Alright, you were the sister of Charlotte.
You, Charlotte, and Henry were originally an okay family.
However, William ruined your life.
William killed your sister and your father became obsessed with revenge.
So, honestly, you and Michael already have similarities.
Dead siblings… horrible dads… life ruined by William…
You'd get along.
You probably both met due to Henry, too.
Henry assigned you to help Michael with luring the animatronics into one place to end this.
Which, of course, allows you to meet Michael.
It's weird and slightly nauseating for you though due to Michael's… state.
He's a corpse that tries to hide that fact with too much cologne, makeup, and a strange bear mask.
The way he talks is raspy, too.
This is where the story takes place.
You work with Michael and you soon lure Lefty/The Puppet into your Pizzeria.
You no doubt know what Michael is even when he tries to hide it.
Despite this you still strike up conversation about your past and how the job is going.
Michael probably begins to have a soft spot towards you due to your shared trauma.
You're more closely linked than you think, y'know?
This makes Michael begin to see you not just as a coworker… but a friend, maybe even more.
Although he probably tries to hide such feelings due to what he's become.
So while you “bond” with Michael through your shared past and the job, there's someone lurking in the darkness.
Lefty, who in this concept is indeed possessed compared to my other ones, remembers you.
To be more specific, Charlotte remembers you as her sister.
She still hates Michael… but not you.
She remembers you in a good light.
You and her father were no doubt devastated about her death.
I also think Charlotte has missed you since she's died.
What she doesn't enjoy is the fact Michael is with you.
Charlotte, who I will now call Lefty, associates Michael with William.
She wants him dead.
Even more so with him so close to you.
The sight of Michael trying to bond with you more than her, or the possibility that you can get hurt, sends her into a rage.
So while Lefty tries to kill Michael, she is actively doing it to try and protect you
She doesn't want you falling prey to a similar fate to her.
She still cares for you too much for that.
I can see the dynamic of this being Michael trying to protect you from Lefty, with Lefty trying to protect you from Michael.
It's like a game of tug o'war between you.
Michael assumes since Lefty is after him, Lefty will kill you too.
Meanwhile Lefty thinks Michael will hurt you like William did to her.
You have a hard time trusting either of them.
Michael seems to have a strange fascination with you due to shared trauma while Lefty keeps trying to isolate you. 
You're caught in the middle.
They both probably mean well, but you don't trust it.
You also might not know Lefty's true identity.
Which only concerns you more when the black bear keeps trying to get close to you.
The rivalry between the two only makes this whole job harder.
During the day you work with Michael to gain money.
During the night you end up tracking Lefty.
Lefty would probably tell you her identity once she has a chance, which shocks you.
Yet Michael wouldn't take it well for a few reasons.
One, Lefty may be your sister but she's still trying to kill him.
Two, Michael wants all of your attention on him.
The fighting no doubt continues right up until Henry's plan hits its end.
Michael keeps trying to keep you in the office with him while Lefty/Charlotte is trying to coax you to stay with her.
Lefty knows of the dangers in this pizzeria.
Michael does too.
So, it's just a decision of who will protect you each night.
Does your choice even matter in the end?
You'll probably all burn by the end of this.
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el-huddpudd · 6 months
It's the [honesty] climb
FCG, "I enjoy eating silver more than copper."
Imogen, "I am genuinely scared to meet my mom again."
Laudna, "Deep down inside, both Delilah and I kind of want the shard.
Imogen, "I love Laudna deeply. But I'm disgusted at the thought of Delilah looking at us all the time."
Orym, "I'm super lonely all the time, especially at night. Doesn't matter if I'm bunking with one of you guys."
FCG, "Sometimes I pity some of you because you have beating hearts and opportunities and you don't do enough with them."
Orym, "I've always laughed it off but I guess I do kind of wonder if Chetney is my dad."
Ashton, "I am the reason that the Jiana Hexum job went fucking wrong and the reason why I got thrown out of a fucking window."
Fearne, "I feel like we're very ill equipped to do this job and we're gonna to fail at saving the world."
Chetney, "While wood may be the superior material to metal I do fear that with the dwindling interest in it that children will find my toys and thereby myself obsolete every year that I grow older."
FCG, "So I think it's something buried deep down in my circuitry, but every time I hurt or kill something, I feel really good. It makes me sort of relax a little bit and some of my stress goes away."
Imogen, "I know we're supposed to save the gods but I've tried talking to them my whole life and none of them will ever respond. I think I'm tainted. I don't know if I want to save gods that don't love me."
Laudna, "You know we could all ripcord out of this at any moment, right? And I don't mean this scavenger hunt, I mean saving the world, right? Sometimes I fantasize about it all the time."
Fearne, "I sometimes I do stuff to you guys while you're sleeping. Not weird stuff. I just like to look at you closely."
Ashton, "Anytime it's too quiet, I start worrying one of us or most of going to end up killing another one of us, accidentally." (Orym, very gently.)
Orym, "I have all the faith in the world you guys, all of you. And I have also spent time thinking how to neutralize each of you."
FCG, "I kind of worry that I put all my eggs in the Changebringer basket and she might betray us all. I had a really weird conversation with her and I think she's just out for herself and she might not care about me at all."
Imogen, "Fearne, I was really disappointed in you for running away from your power. You should take the shard."
Orym, "I really miss Dorian and sometimes I think that's okay and sometimes I think it isn't."
Ashton, "I feel fucking worse that I just fucked up Fearne's life way more than mine and I should've died instead of that happening."
Chetney, "I grew up in the Bramblewood outside of Westeruun and when I was a kid, I came back from learning how to make toys and found that my whole family had left. All they left behind were toys. And they ran when the Errevon the Rimelord was running across the plains so I'm kind of afraid of dragons. I had five siblings: Alabaster, Pepper, Sugarplum, Hermey, and Chad. And I was so mad that they left I never looked for any of them and now I'm pretty sure they're dead. So I think any family I have is just gonna look for a reason to leave me, that's why I won't get attached to anybody."
Chetney 2, Laudna 2, FCG 4, Fearne 2, Imogen 4, Orym 4, Ashton 3
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a-french-coconut · 23 days
Drew Tanaka (part 1)
I've already posted some extracts but I wanted to keep writing the fic here (:
A first punch leaves the mirror shattered and her fist bloodied.
There’s a traitor. 
An another one sends flying all the beauty products standing on the shelves of Cabin 10’s bathroom. 
“-Oh my gods, honey, are you crying ? What happened ? 
-Charlie is— oh Drew I… it’s all my fault but he told me he—
-Silena, what happened to Beckendorf ? 
-HE’S DEAD DREW ! He… he blew himself up to sabotage Luke’s armies because someone told him they were coming ! Oh no, hum, forget I said anything sweetheart, okay ? The counsellors are supposed to keep it secret ‘cause we wouldn’t want to cause a panic right ? Hey, Drew ? Are you listening to me ? You can’t tell anyone about this you hear me ?” 
A third punch lands on the wall, bruising severely Drew’s knuckles but the pain is better than what’s she’s been feeling since Silena slipped up. 
There’s a traitor, there’s a fucking traitor who wants them all dead, they killed Beckendorf, they probably killed Lee and Castor and they will kill everyone else if Drew doesn’t find who it is. 
There’s a scorching inferno in her heart. She never suspected she could hate someone she doesn’t know with such passion (oh buy you know them don’t you ? Odds are the traitor already talked with you, laughed with you, trained with you.).
Before she can break her hand landing a fourth punch, someone knock on the door and ask if everything is all right. 
“No” she wants to snarl back, “we are all going to die because of some heartless monster !” 
Instead she just responds with a sharp “everything’s fine, coming out is a few minutes. Can’t a girl finish her makeup in peace for gods’ sake ?”. She hears an offended huff and she knows she’s alone again. 
No matter what other people think, Drew Tanaka is nor heartless nor a bitch. She might lack some basic empathy skills but last time she checks, she’s not responsible for everyone’s feelings just because she’s the daughter of the goddess of Love. Plus, Silena is empathic enough for the both of them. Except that she’s been a mess of tears and chocolate for the last two days and just like that, pure white-hot rage burns from her heart to her veins, a firestorm blazing in her blood and igniting her whole body aflame. 
Drew cares about Silena. She’s the one who welcomed her with a warm smile and chocolate gifted by her father. She’s the one laughed with as she told her stories about Sasha and the one who held her after she saw his headless body on the ground during the Battle of the Labyrinth. She’s the one she yelled at for thinking herself above the Rite of Passage and continuing dating Charles Beckendorf when Drew had to break the heart of his best friend only for him to die two weeks later. Silena is the sister Drew loves and adores, all resentment and bitterness melted away by those blue eyes and kind smile. That means that the bastard who got her boyfriend’s sister killed is going to pay for what he did. 
For Drew is the daughter of Aphrodite Areia, the warlike goddess. 
Every monster and demigod who dare venture in the Midtown Tunnel is shot down by Drew and her siblings. Her arms ache from stringing her bow far too many times and the occasional stab for those getting a little too closer. Love is as compassionate as it is merciless and Drew has no qualms in slitting an enemy’s throat (they will join the other ghosts in her nightmares), not when she hears Silena’s mourning cries in her ears. She wonders where her older sister is right now. The girl disappeared hours ago, going back to Camp to convince Clarisse to come fight with them. She’s sure her sister managed to convince her, the stubborn daughter of war loves Silena as much as she does. She is proven right when she hears whispers of the girl warrior dragging a drakon behind her (she does not know of the blue-eyed girl whose face has been deformed by acid, a silver charm bracelet found on her arm).
The moon slowly bows to the sun as she disappears and the sky turns a bright summer blue. The fight is over for now, the only moment of peace found in death because no one would dare attack when each side recovers their friends and siblings’ corpses from the battleground (not when they could be the next body lying on the ground), ensuring them proper funeral rites. 
part 2 posted !
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rose-thorn · 10 months
tma!sanders sides au bc i’ve been brainrotting over this for the past several days
(@wobblystrawberry helped a lot with this [hiiii])
- The Corruption
- the bastard that made me start this whole thing (wanted to make The Stinky Trash Bastard Man, Stinky Trash Bastard Man Squared and it sorta just went from there)
- known as The Duke of The Crawling Rot
- raided the magnus institute with Jane Prentiss (where he meets Logan, they probably start dating sometime in the AU) (both Remus and Prentiss wore raggedy red dresses and Roman got pissy about Remus stealing his color)
- dating Janus and living with him + Annabelle Cane (more on her later)
- The Desolation
- known as The Prince of Total Desolation/The Prince of Devastation
- was The Lightless Flame’s attempt to salvage the idea of having a Messiah and all the work that was put into that (a failed attempt at that)
- a lot of “he hurts everyone close to him because of the intensity of his love for them (“also he can’t touch anyone without burning them alive)” going on with him
- him and Jude Perry are lesbian/gay hostility (also Jude pretty much HATES Roman because he’s quite literally the “replacement” for the woman she loved) but sometimes have their moments of coexistence
- him and Virgil have something going on but it isn’t clear to anyone (including me) what exactly it is
speaking of…
- The Dark
- it was close between The Dark and The End but ultimately I went for The Dark
- ascended to Avatar-hood earliest out of everyone else (at like something between 14-17 idk)
- much more on the human-ish end of the spectrum (main thing is his eyes, i’ll drop the design soon i promise)
- Janus (who’ll i get to next) was like a mentor/older sibling figure for him, and tried to get him to become an avatar of The Web (is still trying to do so) which is why 1) Virgil is still closely tied to spiders, and 2) mostly why Virgil Does Not Like Janus
- Virgil still has a pet tarantula that Janus had given him, he’s tried to muster up the will to kill her or get rid of her more times than he can count now, to cut off his ties with The Web, but he just can’t bring himself to do it
- him and gerry (who i’ve decided doesn’t die in this au and instead becomes a fully realized Beholding Avatar) are close friends and most of their interactions go something like:
“You fell in love with the fucking personification of insanity and lies" "big talk for a guy with a crush on the biggest bitch of a fancy dumpster fire" "fuck you" "fuck you" "so you're trying to tell me you didn't name yourself after gerard way?" "i didnt" "bullshit, i bet you heard 'mama' and immediately took his name" (gerry’s trans in this, i make the rules)
- Virgil used to be friends with Julia Montauk before someone got jealous and tipped her off that Virgil’s an avatar (they get less toxic later i promise okay?)
- also he’s sorta friends with oliver banks, they have these “oh hey, it’s you” acquaintances and sometimes sit down to catch up like:
“how’s it going with your vast boyfriend? (mike crew)” “oh yeah a Hunter cop shot him he had to pretend to be dead while Buried for a bit but he’s doing better now, tea?” “how’s your bf in the red?” “my what.” “y’know the Lightless Flame’s Messiah 2.0?” “MOTHERFUCKING ROMAN??”
- The Web
- okay yes The Spiral is literally the fear of deception, and yes Janus is literally called “Deceit” but this fits him better imo
- he/she Janus because fuck it
- as i said, tried to get Virgil to become a Web Avatar, still trying, how well this is working out for her is up for debate
- he is pulling all the strings possible to keep Virgil far away from The People’s Church of The Divine Host as possible (whether this is out of genuine care and fear for how being in a literal cult would affect Virgil’s wellbeing or a want to keep Virgil’s connection to The Dark as possible… that’s also up for debate)
- has severe scarring on the entire right side of her face, how did that happen? basically, Mary Keay wanted to test to make sure the Leitner skin book was real, so she hired janus (who also brought Virgil, and that’s how gerry and Virgil met) to help with that, long story short, she then backstabbed him and tried to skin him alive. janus got away but let’s just say she’s pretty damn lucky Virgil was there to get him to a hospital
- dating Remus (and eventually Logan) and lives with Remus + Annabelle Cane
- Speaking of Annabelle Cane, one day while Remus and Janus were just cuddling on the couch, Annabelle just walked in, said “We’re a colony now”, and set up in the spare bedroom s5 style and Janus + Remus were just like “oh-kay?” and went on with their day
- if you’ve ever seen that one “passive aggressive roommate” song on youtube, that’s Janus and Annabelle. both are the passive aggressive roommate.
- spider limbs from his back as well as the several hands thing because why the hell not, it works
- The Eye
- mainly the being judged/having your secrets exposed aspects (because in sander sides he is literally the judge over thomas’ morality, his job is to watch over thomas’ actions and tell him whether or not he’s a good person)
- certain people make eye contact with with him and Know that he Knows all the bad things they’ve done, and feel the compulsion to spill their guts, once they start, they cannot stop no matter how hard they try
- after the fact, his victims find a teddy bear sitting on their bed that always seems to be Watching them no matter where they go
- works at The Magnus Institute, where he meets Logan, who, during his transition to becoming an avatar, was one of his biggest supports, since he was going through the same thing, they start dating after a while, and by the time of the Prentiss + Remus attack, they’re engaged (they both fully ascend only a few months after their wedding)
- [insert patton having a moral crisis because he doesn’t want to be a monster that feeds off of people’s fear but he has to and part of him likes it wow this is reminding me of a certain other Beholding Avatar]
- idk how it happens but he still becomes a father figure for Virgil somehow, i’ll figure out specifics eventually
- The Vast
- while i absolutely love Beholding!Logan hear me out. the fear of insignificance works so well here.
- he started working at The Magnus Institute a year or two before Patton (and five or six years before the Prentiss + Remus attack)
- i cannot overstate how everyone in the au thinks he’s Beholding: Jon thinks he’s Beholding, Gertrude thought he was Beholding, Gerry, who canonically has an ability to tell if people are marked by an avatar and who, for the purposes of this au is an avatar of The Eye, thinks he’s Beholding, motherfucking Elias/Jonah thinks he’s Beholding, Virgil, Janus, Annabelle, everyone thinks he’s Beholding EXCEPT Remus, who just knows for some reason (at one point when Patton and Logan got engaged Remus was like “damn patton you’re so committed to the eye, wouldn’t have figured you’d marry a vast avatar.” “a what”)
- to be fair, he was like 0.5 seconds away from becoming an Eye Avatar then BOOM BITCH VAST JUMPSCARE (The Eye is immensely bitter) and is partially Eye-aligned
- when Patton and Logan started dating, Logan just kinda assumed that Patton knew he was a Vast avatar
- after Patton learns, the convo goes something like “but- you work with the institute? how are you an avatar of the vast?” “i still need to eat, patton, and rent in central london is not cheap.”“huh.”
- Logan has a tie that Patton got him after learning he was a Vast avatar, the tie has a blue sky that fades into a deeper blue at the top, has some clouds and birds scattered around, and has a colorful sunset at the bottom, he wore that to their wedding and every day after
- there is healthy communication between all parties when Logan starts dating Remus and Janus as well
- probably levitates elias/jonah over the edge of a building for threatening/traumatizing Patton at some point, Elias had no clue that Logan was a Vast avatar until that moment (self-made blind spot, like the one he had around Martin being a threat)
- Jon and Logan would be friends. they just would.
- Logan’s probably the one who convinces Virgil to go to therapy
that’s most of what i have right now, i will probably continue to talk about these bastards + post the designs
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